Faulu Kenya

March 24, 2018 | Author: Jesse Lord | Category: Microfinance, Loans, Kenya, Banks, Interest



FAULU KENYAFaulu Kenya is a Deposit Taking Micro-Finance Company, registered in Kenya under the Micro-Finance Act which is regulated by the Central Bank of Kenya. Faulu was founded as a programme of Food for the Hungry International (FHI), a Christian relief and development organisation based in Phoenix Arizona in USA and has grown to become an MFI that offers both savings and credit services to millions of Kenyans. FHI recognised that there were unique needs of low-income people in rural and urban areas and that sustainable economic development for the marginalised poor is a priority issue in the developing world. To address these issues, FHI established Faulu Africa Network, a regional micro finance network operating in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. FHI began with a pilot phase of micro enterprise lending in the Mathare slums east of Nairobi in 1992. As the methodologies and systems were defined, it formally became the Faulu Loan Scheme in 1992. Thereafter, in 1993, a commitment was made to expand the programme and major funding availed. Finally in October 1994, Faulu Kenya officially came into being and was registered as a limited liability company in 1999. Valuable support was received in the formative years from USAID, DFID and the European Union. Faulu Kenya is currently a sustainable and profitable micro finance institution. Faulu Kenya has grown tremendously over the last 16 years, with over 90 outlets throughout Kenya. These outlets are currently serving over 250,000 clients. There are now more than 1500 members of staff in the outlets and at the Business Support Center (Head Office). PRODUCTS. CREDIT PRODUCTS: Mkopo Biashara This is a business loan available to people involved in business. It has three levels designed to help you from small beginnings to a bigger operation. You are given a grace period before starting repayment. Mkopo Biashara - Daraja 1 Terms ' Waiting period for first loan eligibility for group members ' 4 weeks. ' One should have attended Loan Orientation Seminar if it is a first loan. ' Saving of the required loan security fund to secure the loan required. ' Group members and Faulu officers business appraisal. ' Group members' guarantee for the customer's loan for group based loans. Benefits ' Easy access requirements. ' Flexible repayment period. ' Quick processing. ' Convenient and affordable. ' Access to refinancing. ' Weekly reports on loan status. Mkopo Biashara - Daraja 2 1 / 11 ' Group members' guarantee for the customer's loan for group based loans. ' Weekly reports on loan status. Mkopo Hisa Purpose ' Faulu Kenya has seen the need among it's clientele to diversify their investments in channels that also diversify their risks. This loan product allows Faulu Kenya clients to buy shares of listed companies as a way of investing their monies for both short and long-term returns. Faulu has identified one such area that clients can easily access. Hence.FAULU KENYA Terms ' Waiting period for first loan eligibility for group members ' 4 weeks. Mkopo Biashara . ' Flexible repayment period. 2 / 11 . ' Access to refinancing. ' Flexible repayment period. ' Access to refinancing. ' One should have attended Loan orientation seminar. Terms ' Waiting period for first loan eligibility for group members ' 4 weeks. ' Group members and Faulu officers business appraisal. ' Group members and Faulu officers business appraisal. ' Convenient and affordable. ' Saving of the required loan security fund to secure the loan required. ' Quick processing. ' Quick processing. ' Group members and Faulu officers' business appraisal. Benefits ' Easy access requirements. Benefits ' Easy access requirements. ' This product's objective is to encourage savings for capital accumulation and getting for clients an alternative income stream. ' Saving of the required loan security fund to secure the loan required. ' One should have attended Loan orientation seminar if it is a first loan. The Nairobi Stock Exchange. ' Convenient and affordable. ' Group members' guarantee for the customer's loan for group based loans. ' Group members' guarantee for the customer's loan for group based loans.Daraja 3 Terms ' One must have serviced a Daraja 2 loan successfully to qualify. ' Weekly reports on loan status. Mkopo Elimu Purpose ' An educational loan product that allows one to meet their children's school fees or their own if they want to pursue further education or training and also purchase books. ' Convenient and flexible disbursement with cheques written directly to institutions. uniforms etc. ' Saving of the required loan security fund to secure the loan required. Mkopo Kilimo Purpose ' A loan product that involves Faulu financing on-farm activities for farmers at their level.FAULU KENYA Benefits ' An avenue for one to acquire savings for capital accumulation and an alternative income stream. ' Convenient and easy access requirements. Benefits ' Convenient. ' The farmers will be able to apply for loans. Terms ' Waiting period for first loan eligibility for group members ' 4 weeks. ' Interest waiver reward for early repayments. ' Group members' guarantee for the customer's loans for group based loans. ' Timely and reliable. ' Group members' guarantee for the customer's loan for group based loans. 3 / 11 . ' Convenient weekly installments. ' Group members and Faulu officer's business appraisal. ' Group members and Faulu officers business appraisal. ' Faulu clients can access the loan even if they have another loan that they are servicing as long as they fulfill the required terms. Benefits ' Meets a variety of educational financial needs over and above fees such as books.season-based disbursements for early preparation and purchase of inputs. ' One should have attended Loan orientation seminar if it is a first loan. ' One should have attended Loan orientation seminar if it is a first loan. ' Saving of the required loan security fund to secure the loan required. ' Interest waiver reward for early payments.you get it when you need it and repayment is based on your harvest cash flows. then repay with the proceeds from their produce at harvest. Terms ' Waiting period for first loan eligibility for group members ' 4 weeks. ' This facility is available to both Faulu and non-Faulu clients. uniforms etc. ' No hidden charges.Customers enjoy interest reduction on subsequent loans. ' Saving of the required loan security fund to secure the loan required. ' Replacement of lost/ destroyed property: Especially for the IDPs. TSC members and employees such as:-. ' Group members and Faulu officers' business appraisal. ' Flexible and convenient weekly installments. Terms ' Waiting period for first loan eligibility for group members ' 4 weeks.g. ' Asset Acquisition. ' Replacement of old assets: This mainly is by those who already have the assets but would like to replace the old with new. Benefits ' Easy accessibility to assets.has an optional grace period for ease of payments on the clients. Terms 4 / 11 . They would take this loan given that they can get the asset as they make payments through the year. ' Group members guarantee for the customer's loan for group based loans. Customer reward. ' One should have attended Loan orientation seminar if it is a first loan. ' Emergency needs. ' Asset Acquisition: Specifically for the economically active poor who would like to build their asset base for the purpose of getting access to larger loans using the assets acquired. Maisha Bora Purpose ' Loan product that facilitates the acquisition of new assets by clients from suppliers country-wide.FAULU KENYA ' Flexibility on repayment terms . ' Business working capital. ' School fees. ' Interest waiver incentive on early repayments. ' It has a refinancing option through a top-up facility for one to take advantage of emerging opportunities. ' Own choice of supplier for assets. ' Business Expansion: e. Imara Loan Purpose Loan product used for various purposes by the civil servants. for landlords who would want to build more rental houses given that the materials are also available under this product. 200 ' Minimum operating balance of Ksh. ' Convenient and affordable.a on balances above Ksh 3. Hazina Plus gives you a pure savings solution to enable you accumulate your savings and achieve your life's aspirations.e Faulu Branches. Benefits ' No collaterals required. Benefits ' Easy account opening ' Affordable and flexible ' 24 hours easy access to your money through multiple service outlets across the country i. ' Top up facility. ' 3 latest pay slips. Mobile phones and appointed agents ' Secure place to save (Licensed by Central Bank of Kenya) ' Premium interest rates on your savings Features ' Account opening balance of Ksh. rent. SAVINGS PRODUCTS Hazina Account:Hazina is an ideal savings account that offers you a great opportunity to save in small amounts for a rainy day.100. ' Minimum of two guarantors in cases where the loan amount is more than Kshs. ' 2 colour passport pictures. emergencies and any other bills in a stress free manner.000 ' Unlimited withdrawals ' Free Daraja card ' 2 free statements annually ' No monthly ledger fees ' No account maintenance fees Hazina Plus We understand that saving for your goals requires hard work and discipline.000. ATMs. ' Flexible repayment period.FAULU KENYA ' One must be a TSC member or a civil servant on permanent basis. original and copy of national ID and employment ID. It is affordable and convenient to operate. medical bills. Benefits ' Easy account opening requirements ' Affordable ' Secure place to save (Licensed by Central Bank of Kenya) 5 / 11 . It also enables you meet your day to day financial obligations such as food expenses. ' Quick processing. 200 ' Competitive interest rates of up to 4% p. a on all balances above Ksh 3. 3867504. 200/' Minimum operating balance of Ksh. 100 Head Office PO BOX 60240-00200 Nairobi Kenya Email : info@faulukenya. Extra withdrawals will attract a fee ' No monthly ledger fees ' No account maintenance fees Lengo Account Lengo enables you to work towards achieving your short and long term goals.a on all balances ' 2 free statements annually on request ' Free Daraja card ' One free withdrawal per quarter. 300 ' Minimum operating balance of Ksh.FAULU KENYA ' Premium interest rates on your savings Features ' Account opening balance of Ksh. 300 ' Minimum savings plan of 3 months and up to a maximum of 10 years ' Minimum monthly deposit of Ksh. 200/' Competitive interest rates of up to 6% p. 3874857 Business Support Centre Ngong Lane. All you have to do is determine your financial target and duration of time over which you will save to achieve your goal.ke 3877290-3/7.Benefits ' Easy to open and maintain ' Competitive interest rates of up to 6% p.000 ' Free transfer from your Hazina account ' Automatic access to a loan facility ' Security for your money ' Check off facility for the salaried ' Guaranteed returns ' Free bankers cheque on maturity Features ' Account opening balance of Ksh. Off Ngong Road P O Box 60240 6 / 11 .co. 3872183/4. 3874857 NAIROBI AREA EAST NAIROBI BURUBURU BURUBURU ARCADE TEL.FAULU KENYA 00200 City Square Nairobi Tel: 3877290 '3 /7. 020 3871894 JOGOO ROAD.KIAWAMBUGU BUILDING TEL: 020 2230357 KISERIAN . 3872183/4.RHINO HOUSE 7 / 11 .NACICO PLAZA TEL. 3867503 Fax: 3867504.BETSY COURT TEL: 020 3871894 KAWANGWARE -FORMER CDF BUILDING TEL.KIMUCHU HOUSE TEL: 020 3871894 KIBERA -FORT JESUS TEL. 020 787972 RONGAI -FORMER NATIONAL BANK BUILDING TEL. 020 3871894 GITHURAI TEL: 6752774 WEST NAIROBI .BERMUDA PLAZA TEL: 020 3871894 CENTRAL AREA KARATINA . 020 3871894 GIKOMBA . 020 3871894 LIMURU . 6752774 NGONG-OROK PLAZA TEL. 020 2230357 CENTRAL NAIROBI -BITHA PLAZA TEL. 061 72398 NYERI .JIWA HOUSE TEL. 044 20071 MERU . 064 31353 MAUA .KONAHAUTHI HOUSE TEL.NGEKA HOUSE TEL.MWALIMU PLAZA TEL.FAULU KENYA TEL.KARU HOUSE TEL. 068 30809 GITHUNGURI .RUMATHI HOUSE TEL. 020 2369824 THIKA .CENTRAL TRADE CENTRE HOUSE TEL. 020 2369826 MURANGA . 061 2030181 KIAMBU . 064 31353 8 / 11 .ABOVE HFCK BANK TEL. 067 21983 KERUGOYA .TALA HOUSE TEL: 020 787972 KITENGELA . 064 31353 NKUBU .MILELE COMPLEX TEL.AMCOK BUILDING TEL.WANJAO HOUSE TEL. 060 31320 NANYUKI . 020 2369826 EASTERN REGION MACHAKOS .BONDENI HOUSE TEL: 044 20071 TALA . 044 20071 KITUI .MAUA METHODIST SYNOD BUILDING TEL. BIDII HOUSE TEL.SAMOEI HOUSE TEL: 054 30044 KAPENGURIA -SIMKO PLAZA TEL.FAULU KENYA CHUKA .WALIA CENTRE TEL. 020 2369827 KAKAMEGA .MBILO BUILDING TEL: 044 20071 WOTE -DOUBLE KEY BUILDING TEL: 044 20071 WESTERN & NORTH RIFT BUNGOMA BUNGOMA TEACHER'S PLAZA TEL. 064 31353 ISIOLO . 054 30044 MOI'S BRIDGE . 068 30809 MATUU . 054 30044 9 / 11 .VICTOR HOUSE TEL. 020 2369827 WEBUYE . 064 31353 EMBU . 067 21983 EMALI .HILLSIDE BUILDING TEL.IRUMA BUILDING TEL. 020 2369827 MUMIAS . 020 2369827 KITALE BRANCH .KHOLERA HOUSE TEL.SAADA BUILDING TEL.SPARKO BUILDING TEL 068 30809 MWEA TEL. 067 21983 MWINGI -OSAVINYA BUILDING TEL. 052 20862 KISUMU -JUBILEE INSURANCE HOUSE TEL.ISAN ARCADE TEL.FAULU KENYA ELDORET EAST & WEST ELDORET .STAGE VIEW BUILDING TEL: 051 721571 ELDAMA RAVIN .06532014 CENTRAL AND SOUTH RIFT NAKURU .JOSTAS BUILDING TEL. 020 2111225 BONDO TEL: 020 2111225 BUSIA TEL.REJAJA HOUSE TEL. 020 2054461 NJABINI TEL. 052 20862 CHEPSEON-CDF BUILDING TEL. 051 2216053 NJORO . 052 20862 LITEIN -TEGUTO PLAZA TEL.GATE HOUSE TEL. 020 2369827 OL KALOU TEL.JAPARA BUILDING TEL. 053 2060482 KAPSABET .MAA TOWERS TEL.KENCOM HOUSE 053 2060482 BOMET . 052 22431 KERICHO . 020 2054461 NAROK . 051 2216053 NAIVASHA . 020 3516867 10 / 11 .KIPSIGIS TEACHERS SACCO TEL. DUBAI PLAZA 2000 TEL.FAULU KENYA MOLO . 041 2492986 CHANGAMWE .JENIPHAT BUILDING 042-20403 KONGOWEA TEL.SAIDI MINI PLAZA TEL.POTTERS HOUSE COMPLEX TEL: 041 2492986 MOMBASA BRANCH-MPC BUILDING TEL: 041 2492986 Bookmark and Share 11 / 11 . 065 32014 MARALAL . 051 721571 OLENGURUONE -BIDII BUILDING TEL. 051 2216053 COAST REGION MALINDI . 065 32014 RUMURUTI TEL. 051 72157 NYAHURURU .GIDDI MART BUILDING TEL: 041 2492986 UKUNDA . 042 20403 MPEKETONI . 041 2492986 VOI OFFICE .LAMU ROAD COMPLEX BUILDING TEL.ARK HOUS TEL: 065 32014 KINAMBA TEL.06532014 KABARNET TEL.KIMWA CENTRE TEL.
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