Farmakologi Klinik

March 19, 2018 | Author: agniajolanda | Category: Pharmacokinetics, Therapy, Medical Treatments, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medicinal Chemistry



FARMAKOLOGIKLINIK Rahmatini Bagian Farmakologi & Terapi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas DEFINISI WHO ( 1988) Disiplin dalam bidang kedokteran berdasarkan prinsip ilmiah, menyatukan keahlian farmakologi & keahlian klinik dengan tujuan meningkatkan manfaat & keamanan obat KONSEP RESEPTOR OBAT EFEK OBAT + - KOMPLEK O+R KADAR OBAT DALAM PLASMA/SERUM . Rasional . Aman .TUJUAN FARMAKOLOGI KLINIK Terapi Efektif. Cost F.RATIONAL DRUG USE Ratio Benefit – Risk .Kinetika F Dinamika F Ekonomi . PHARMACOLOGICAL ASPECTS IN CLINICAL PRACTICE Pharmacokinetic Pharmacodynamic How drugs act The dynamics of drug conc. in the body * Absorption / bioavailability * Distribution * Biotransformation * Excretion . THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING (TDM) . Provide useful information about the adequacy of the dosage regimen or the likehood toxicity .Measuring the plasma drug conc. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) Ph dynamic Ph kinetic Druginteraction • Measuring/ interpreting plasma drug conc. • Therapeutic response • Side effects • Toxic effects . (mg/l) 40 30 Drug toxicity 20 Therapeutic level 10 m. relationship Drug conc.Time-drug conc.e.c Low therapy 1 2 Time (hour) 3 4 . Difficulty in ditinguishing between the effects of a disease and the toxic effects of a drug 4. in plasma . Drugs for prevention/ therapy of life threatening diseases or life saving drugs 3.Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) 1. Potent drugs  drug amount is very small 5. Drugs that show variability of drug conc. Narrow margin of safety drugs 2. Factors that modify drug plasma concentration for a given dose • Drug formulation • Drug interaction • Environmental factors • Genetic variation • Renal and hepatic function . To see whether there is therapeutic response 2. To assess drug toxicity 3. To assess compliance .Reasons for monitoring drug treatment 1. Examples of difficulty in ditinguishing between the effects of a disease and the toxic effects of a drug 1.Heart Failure Nausea / anorexia / arrythmias 2. Digoxin toxicity Congest. Gentamycin toxicity Gram (–) septicaemia Renal damage . Pharmacokinetic parameters Cmax (peak) Half life AUC 24 Time Cmin (trough) .Drugs.plasma conc. (mg/l) First order elimination of a drug (t ½ : 2 hours) 20 10 The plasma conc. falls by half each half-life t ½ t ½ 5 2.5 2 Hours t ½ 4 6 .Visualisation of half-life Drug conc. Clinical application of half life (t½) * Designing drug dosage regimen * Determining time to reach steady state drug level which show clinical effect * Determining time to reach the drug level which have no clinical effect anymore . OBAT INDEK TERAPI LEBAR BATAS DOSIS TERAPI DAN DOSIS TOKSIK CUKUP LEBAR RELATIF LEBIH AMAN CONTOH: PARASETAMOL AMOKSISILIN ASETOSAL dll . CONSIDERATION Ph’kinetic Ph’dynamic Ph’economic RATIONAL & GOOD CLINICAL THERAPY . TUGAS CONTOH OBAT INDEK TERAPI LEBAR & SEMPIT FAKTOR –FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI RESPON PENDERITA TERHADAP OBAT . Alhamdulillah  .
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