June 9, 2018 | Author: Saevuddin OrTega | Category: Membrane, Water, Liquids, Transparent Materials, Environmental Technology



fa qf r e q uently asked questions. ............................................ 7 Certified according to ISO 9001 / 14001 / EN 15085 / EN 3834 Page 1 of 9 ................................................ pH.................................................... 6 What is Reverse Osmosis? . 3 What about relocation of the units? ........................................................... 5 Raw water and product water quality ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................FAQ ....... 6 What is the product water quality?......... 5 Can the Trunz Water Systems treat brackish water? ......... 5 Are there any chemicals required to treat the water? ..................................................................................... 4 What is the difference between a TWS 100............................................................................................... chlorides and chlorine)? ......... 4 What affects the amount of water produced? .......................................................... 5 Can the Trunz Water Systems remove Arsenic (As)? .............. 6 Can Trunz Water Systems treat grey water?....................................................... 7 What is TDS? ....................... 5 Can the Trunz Water Systems remove salt? ................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Is there any pressure metering within the unit? ................. 4 Water production .............................. 5 How does the automatic backflushing cycle start? .............................................................................................................................................................................. ammonia.................................................................................................. 6 What is an activated carbon filter?.............................. 4 What is the capacity? ................................. 3 How is distribution or storage of product water possible?.... 5 What is the maximum turbidity to treat water with a Trunz Water System?............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 What is brackish water? .................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Filtration Technologies ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 What is the minimum pressure for the Ultrafiltration?.......................................... 5 What is the pressure of the product water? ............................................... sulphates.................................. iron.................. manganese....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Who can benefit from using a Trunz Water System? ........... 4 Do Trunz Water Systems come with warranty?.................................................................................................................................................. 7 What is PPM?....................................................... 6 What is Ultrafiltration? ....Frequently asked questions General Information........................................................... 6 What is the range of ppm in sea water? ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 What are the maximum inlet parameters for the systems (particle size.................................................................................................................................................................................... TWS 200 and TWS 300?.............................................................................................................................................................................. turbidity.......................................................................................................................................... 4 How much water do human need per day? ............................................................................................. 3 What are the units made of? .......................................................... 3 How do the Trunz Water Systems work? . 4 What is the difference between a TSB 001 and TSB 002? ...................... 3 How much do the Trunz Water Systems cost?................................................................................................... 3 What kind of weather conditions can the Trunz Water Systems stand?......................................................................................................................... 3 How reliable are the Trunz Water Systems? ......................................................................................................................................... 3 What makes the Trunz Water Systems unique? ............ 6 How can Trunz Water Systems guarantee safe drinking water? ............................................................................. 5 What kind of chemicals can the Trunz Water Systems remove?............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 What is the minimum pressure for backflushing of the pre-filters? ....................................................................................................... ........................ 8 What does the monitoring option provide? ........................ 9 Do the units require maintenance by skilled person? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 How much power is required to operate the unit? ....................................................... 7 Power supply.................................................... 9 Which filter need replacement? ........... 8 How much power does the wind generator provide?........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 How long does a Trunz Water System last?.................................... 8 How many hours of sun are necessary to operate the Trunz Water Systems with solar power? .............................................................................. Certified according to ISO 9001 / 14001 / EN 15085 / EN 3834 Page 2 of 9 .................................................................................................................. 7 How much water delivers the pump?..................................................................................................................................................... 8 Maintenance........................................................ 7 If we are using seawater.......................... 7 Is it possible to run the Trunz Water Systems with grid power or a generator?.............................................. 9 What kind of maintenance do the Trunz Water Systems require?.... 8 What is the tracking system for?............................................................................................................................................What is grey water?................................................................................................................... how much higher than the water level can the unit be placed and still be within the capabilities of the borehole pump?............................................................... 7 What is the advantage of powering a water treatment unit by solar or wind energy?......................... The buyer of our products is responsible and liable that the Trunz Water Systems products apply to the necessary standards in the country of installation/destination.............. without any guarantee.............. 8 Monitoring / Metering.... 7 Pumping ......................................................................................................................................... 7 What is the maximum depth for water pumping? ................ 9 Version January 2011 Please note: This FAQ document provides general information only............................................................................................................... 8 What if the weather conditions do not allow operation of the unit by renewable energy?................................................................................................................................................................................. the Trunz Water Systems are an affordable solution for water shop concepts. for example in the desert (high air temperature and dust) as well as in the jungle (high humidity). tap. All of the Trunz Water Systems are based on 24 VDC and can be powered by renewable energy. the amount of power supply and additional features. For specific information to maximum air or water temperature please see the different product factsheets or contact us. Further. the price can vary significantly. This is an efficient and low price solution which ensures safe drinking water. How is distribution or storage of product water possible? We recommend installing a tank after the treatment process and deploying the water from this tank to the enduser (household. We have more than 450 units in operation in over 35 countries and they all operate under different conditions. How reliable are the Trunz Water Systems? All of the Trunz Water Systems units are equipped with high quality material and components. However.0.com/Downloads. The units are specially designed and manufactured to work outdoor and under harsh weather conditions. Who can benefit from using a Trunz Water System? Mainly people who are living in remote areas without infrastructure (no water or power service). What kind of weather conditions can the Trunz Water Systems stand? The Trunz Water Systems are built to operate under harsh climate conditions. we provide our units assembled in standardised sea freight containers. please see our drinking water cost overview under http://www. Up to now.html. more than 450 units are installed worldwide and proof the function of the system.General Information What makes the Trunz Water Systems unique?  exceptionally energy efficient  independent thanks to solar and or/wind power  sustainable solution (environmentally friendly & long-lasting)  low operation and maintenance costs  no ongoing fuel costs  compact and complete system = easy to install  automatic back-flushing filters = easy to maintain  high flexibility thanks to modular concept How do the Trunz Water Systems work? The Trunz Water Systems are a compact system to treat contaminated water from almost any water source with well-known and established filtration technologies such as Ultrafiltration or Reverse Osmosis. How much do the Trunz Water Systems cost? Depending on the type of unit. In case the water remains in the storage tank for more than 1 day we recommend installing a UV-lamp at the outlet of the tank. Certified according to ISO 9001 / 14001 / EN 15085 / EN 3834 Page 3 of 9 . What are the units made of? The units are made of anodised aluminium and stainless steel V2A or a powder coated cabinet.trunzwatersystems. water shop). the required amount of water. a protection (a roof or indoor installation) can extend the life time of the unit. In order to get a first impression on the price. for example in city districts or decentralised solutions in remote areas. Further to this.403. We use high quality materials and components in order to ensure operation of the units under harsh conditions. Our units are specially designed to supply the needs for drinking water and preparation of food. TWS 100 (not built anymore). The life time of a unit depends on the local situation and is affected through weather conditions. TBS 200 and TSS 200). we provide detailed information to the different components’ warranty within our quotations. What is the difference between a TSB 001 and TSB 002? Same as above. regular maintenance etc.clean water. What is the difference between a TWS 100. 2 – 5 litres for drinking and food and 20 litres for hygiene . 200 or 300 indicates the generation.What about relocation of the units? Three of our units are specially designed for mobile application (TWS 200. How much water do human need per day? In order to ensure our basic needs. Trunz Water Systems makes a difference between drinking water and water for other purpose such as washing etc. The mobile units come complete and are ready for deployment – no installation or special gear is required. every individual needs approx. The containerised solutions are mobile too – all containers are standard sea freight containers. soft water) TWU 003 1200 l/h TWB 003 1200 l/h TWS 300 1200 l/h TWC 5 m3/h RO-system (brackish water) TBB 002 650 l/h TBS 200 650 l/h TBL 001 500 l/h TBC* 1. The life time of the system can be extended with regular maintenance and when the unit is protected. TWS 300 is the next generation after the TWS 200 resp. Do Trunz Water Systems come with warranty? Yes. Please find below the range Ultrafiltration (UF.5 m3/h RO-system (sea water) TWU 010 60 l/h TSB 002 250 l/h TSS 200 250 l/h TSC* 600 l/h * Container is under construction Certified according to ISO 9001 / 14001 / EN 15085 / EN 3834 Page 4 of 9 . indoor or outdoor application. free from harmful contaminants each and every day. the capacity depends on the type of unit. they can easily be relocated. Water production What is the capacity? Basically. We recommend to install the units on a trailer or a 4-wheel drive in order to be even more flexible. TWS 200 and TWS 300? The number 100. TSB 002. Can the Trunz Water Systems treat brackish water? Yes. TBS 200. However. For more information. TBC). Availability of power affects the daily water production. With the Ultrafiltration-System we can remove particles (no dissolved solids) for example organic contamination such as virus and bacteria up to 99.What affects the amount of water produced? The amount of water which can be treated depends mainly on the following issues: 1) Pump: the units are limited by the feed pump. For more precise information we need a water analysis. we can remove Arsenic with an RO-system (TSS 200. 3) Water quality: depending on the incoming water quality the unit can treat the maximum or less. What is the minimum pressure for backflushing of the pre-filters? Approx. we can treat brackish water with an RO-system (TBS 200. please see our function diagram. Certified according to ISO 9001 / 14001 / EN 15085 / EN 3834 Page 5 of 9 . there are several pressure meters within the unit. Can the Trunz Water Systems remove salt? Yes. TBL 001. RO-system) with a chemical.9999%. With an RO-system for desalination and treatment of brackish water the units are able to treat between 240 – 650 l/h. 4 bar What is the minimum pressure for the Ultrafiltration? Approx. TBL 001. TBC). TBB 002. 2) Type of unit (technology): with an Ultrafiltration membrane for treatment of contaminated soft water the units are able to treat up to 1’000 l/h. we can remove salt with an RO-system (TSS 200. we recommend to clean the membranes (Ultrafiltration. For more precise information we need a water analysis. TWU 010. the water treatment and desalination with the Trunz Water Systems works completely without chemicals. 2 bar What is the pressure of the product water? Approx. Is there any pressure metering within the unit? Yes. TBL 001. for more precise information we need a water analysis. TBC). TBB 002. 3 – 4 bar. Are there any chemicals required to treat the water? No. TBS 200. The level of Arsenic can be reduced significantly. TWU 010. 4) Power availability: in case of bad weather conditions the units require external power supply for further operation. Raw water and product water quality What kind of chemicals can the Trunz Water Systems remove? With the RO-System we have a removing rate for most chemicals up to 98%. TWU 010. TSB 002. How does the automatic backflushing cycle start? It’s a pressure difference measurement that automatically starts the back-flushing. depending on the unit and contamination. TBB 002. TSC. Can the Trunz Water Systems remove Arsenic (As)? Yes. TSC. From time to time. The level of salt can be reduced significantly under the WHO level. iron. pH. we will prepare a solution that removes larger particles before the water enters the unit. turbidity. clean and potable drinking water Can Trunz Water Systems treat grey water? No – not directly. This is the only consumable part within the unit.9999 % free of bacteria. every 2 . How can Trunz Water Systems guarantee safe drinking water? Trunz Water Systems can not guarantee safe drinking water as such. Certified according to ISO 9001 / 14001 / EN 15085 / EN 3834 Page 6 of 9 . What are the maximum inlet parameters for the systems (particle size.9999 % free of virus and bacteria RO-systems: pure. Raw water is filtered under pressure (1 – 5 bar) through a high-technology hollow fibre membrane. What is an activated carbon filter? In combination with our filtration system. water flows from a less concentrated solution through a semipermeable membrane to a more concentrated solution. virus. The filter should be removed on a regular basis. Brackish water is metered with a TDS level which ranges from 1’000 – approx. We provide the technical equipment to treat contaminated water and remove contamination from raw water. In normal osmosis. What is brackish water? Brackish water is either slightly salty or contaminated with dissolved solids and therefore not drinkable for human. bacteria and cysts. Reverse osmosis uses pressure to reverse normal osmotic flow. viruses. approx. manganese.3 month. Ultrafiltration works through a mechanical procedure. Product water is 99. inorganic contamination). Minerals are filtered out. Regular measurement of the product water however remains in the responsibility of the end-user. ammonia. What is the product water quality? Ultrafiltration: 99. pre-treatment is required. This process retains the natural minerals in the source water.04 micron without requiring toxic chemical treatment. Filtration Technologies What is Ultrafiltration? The Ultrafiltration membrane removes organic contaminants. chlorides and chlorine)? Depending on the raw water situation. 15’000 TDS. Reverse osmosis is a water purification process in which water is forced by high pressure through a semipermeable membrane. virus and cysts. What is Reverse Osmosis? The Reverse Osmosis technology removes all contamination such as dissolved solids (salt. the activated carbon filter removes smell and odour from the water. Water flows from a more concentrated solution through a semi-permeable membrane to a less concentrated solution. sulphates. down to a size of 0. bacteria and cysts without requiring toxic chemical treatment.What is the maximum turbidity to treat water with a Trunz Water System? In case of very high turbidity. etc. In case of high turbidity. disaster relief operations etc. we recommend to add a pump protection filter for example in case of muddy rivers. Trunz Water Systems will provide you with a solution to reduce the contamination to a level below the WHO regulations. magnesium. Power supply How much power is required to operate the unit? The power consumption depends on the type of unit.What is the range of ppm in sea water? Sea water ranges between 15’000 and 48’000 ppm of total dissolved solids. Please contact us for further information. hydrogen carbonate. The pump is fitted with a level switch. However. inorganic salts and small amounts of organic matter present in solution in water. We also provide pumps for larger quantities. What is the maximum depth for water pumping? Our standard tubing package includes 20 meter of hose. Dish. All units are operating 24 VDC. and unacceptable greater than 1200 mg/litre. if this is not already integrated. and laundry water comprise 50-80% of residential "waste" water. an additional inverter can be delivered within the unit. Please note that we can provide other solutions for higher altitude or distance to the unit. TDS in water may affect its taste. The principal constituents are usually calcium. If we are using seawater. good (between 300 and 600 mg/litre). other pumping equipment is available. The Trunz Water Systems are not made for treatment of grey water. how much higher than the water level can the unit be placed and still be within the capabilities of the borehole pump? In our standard configuration. shower. sink. Trunz specially designed units for desalination – please see our factsheets. Please ask us for more detailed information. This may be reused for other purposes. The palatability of drinking water has been rated in relation to its TDS level as follows: excellent (less than 300 mg/litre). Certified according to ISO 9001 / 14001 / EN 15085 / EN 3834 Page 7 of 9 . What is TDS? TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS: dissolved solids. 20 m from the level of the raw water source. poor (between 900 and 1200 mg/litre). chloride. is called grey water. sodium. What is PPM? PPM = parts per million is a measurement for water quality or salinity What is grey water? Any water that has been used in the home. please see our factsheets. except water from toilets. the unit should be placed max. Pumping How much water delivers the pump? The pump delivers up to 1’000 litres of water per hour. however. and potassium cations and carbonate. this amount can be decreased if required. fair (between 600 and 900 mg/litre). Is it possible to run the Trunz Water Systems with grid power or a generator? Yes. sulphate. In case of deeper wells or boreholes. and nitrate anions. Trunz Water Systems are exceptionally energy efficient which is a major advantage for operation by renewable energy. How many hours of sun are necessary to operate the Trunz Water Systems with solar power? The radiation and strength of the sun is different at each location. 2kVA. we provide the TSPC (Trunz Solar Power Center) which is equipped with 24 V batteries. In order to secure operation at all times. In case of very good wind conditions. Please check your local sun radiation.      real-time data anywhere and at anytime distant controlling of units provides data/indications to the conditions of the unit easy access by internet login client owned server connection available Certified according to ISO 9001 / 14001 / EN 15085 / EN 3834 Page 8 of 9 . The efficiency of the solar panels can increase by approx. more wind generators can be installed in series to provide even more power. How much power does the wind generator provide? The wind generator has a capacity of max.What is the advantage of powering a water treatment unit by solar or wind energy? There are many advantages to operate the Trunz Water Systems by solar and/or wind power:  The main benefit is the independent operation of the unit in areas without an existing infrastructure or with many breakdowns of the power supply. What if the weather conditions do not allow operation of the unit by renewable energy? We recommend to install back-up batteries to support operation during short-term bad weather conditions. 1’000 W. What is the tracking system for? The tracking system follows the sun in 12 steps during the day. Monitoring / Metering What does the monitoring option provide? The monitoring system provides information to several parameters of the system. approx.  Solar panels and wind generators are long lasting goods that have been field proven. 20 – 30 % when using a tracking system. This allows remote monitoring of the system and gives indications to service or maintenance requirements. For 24 hours operation by solar power only. it is possible to install an emergency generator of approx. 5 hours of direct sun are required.10 hours a day.  Using environmentally friendly solar and/or wind power is an active approach towards climate protection  The use of solar power is often supported by government and financial benefits are granted in many countries. Please note: the power consumption and power supply depends on the type of unit. 8 . In order to operate the units for approx.  No maintenance required. How long does a Trunz Water System last? The Trunz Water Systems are built to last in the long-term. Certified according to ISO 9001 / 14001 / EN 15085 / EN 3834 Page 9 of 9 . We can offer to train your staff at our production site in Switzerland (travel and accommodation costs up to the client) or at the location of installation. the life time of a Trunz Water Systems is depending on a regular and proper maintenance of the unit. Ultrafiltration (UF): All UF-units are automatically back-flushing. We recommend to replace the filter every 2 . All maintenance requirements don’t need engineering level knowledge but a basic technical understanding.3 months. You will find detailed information to the maintenance requirements for each unit in the document “Maintenance of the Trunz Water Systems”. Exchange of filter by hand – no special gear necessary. The units should be observed at least once a week.Maintenance What kind of maintenance do the Trunz Water Systems require? Please see our maintenance overview http://www.403. a membrane protection liquid is necessary. depending on water quality. Do the units require maintenance by skilled person? One of the main benefits of our units is their easy operation and maintenance. cleaning by hand of the mesh filter is recommended.com/Downloads.0. Which filter need replacement? Pre-filtration: Our units are equipped with a pre-filtration system which is automatically back-flushing. From time to time. every two years. RO-system: same as Ultrafiltration Activated carbon filter: Regular replacement is necessary. However.trunzwatersystems.html. Replacement of mesh filter only (not complete set) approx. From time to time a chemical treatment of the membrane is recommended. For longer storage of the unit. Nevertheless. These automatic cleaning cycles are a main benefit of the Trunz Water Systems. regular maintenance service. We experienced that one of the factors for smooth operation of the unit is a regular maintenance/regular observation through a local person who feels responsible for the unit. it is necessary to train local staff in order to secure an ongoing.
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