Fair-faced Concrete

March 25, 2018 | Author: ec02160 | Category: Plywood, Concrete, Manmade Materials, Industries, Engineering



Build on formwork expertiseFair-faced concrete with Doka 1 1 / 2 0 1 0 e n - G B Concrete in its – visibly – finest form www.doka.com 2 Brochure, 2010 edition © Copyright by Doka Industrie GmbH A-3300 Amstetten We reserve the right to make alterations in the interests of technical progress. Important notice Always observe all industrial safety regulations and other safety rules applying to the application and utilisation of our products in the country and/or region in which you are operating. The illustrations and site photos in this brochure sometimes show the situation during formwork assembly and/or in situations outside Doka’s direct control. For this reason, they may not always be complete from the safety point of view. It could be dangerous to combine our formwork equipment with other manufacturers’. If you intend to combine different systems, please contact Doka for advice first. Konzernzentrale Doka GmbH Josef Umdasch Platz 1 3300 Amstetten Österreich Tel. +43 (0)7472 605-0 Fax +43 (0)7472 64430 E-Mail: [email protected] www.doka.com 3 Contents Solving individual requirements Page 4 Concrete in its – visibly – finest form Page 6 Formwork systems and their attributes Page 24 Doka Services Page 32 Residential construction – reference builds Page 40 Building and industrial construction – reference builds Page 46 Sporting facilities and cultural edifices – reference builds Page 66 Transportation infrastructure – reference builds Page 78 Reference list Page 88 Doka Organisation Page 90 4 Solving individual requirements with global consulting capability and “hands-on” engineering expertise Doka helps you decide on a suitable construction method and determine which is the right system for you – and for your success on the site. Custom-tailored, versatile, and thus efficient. Doka’s modular systems, based on its decades-long experience of hugely diverse construction tasks in many different countries, means that it can deliver the right solution for the entire spectrum of architecture. Doka has the biggest and most flexible range of offerings on the market – anywhere in the world. What all Doka systems have in common is this: The very highest standard of safety, combined with extremely high cost effectiveness and easy, safe handling. Doka knows what demands are made, and with its sys- tem and project-specific formworks it can always offer the ideal equipment. More and more complex structures are typical of the architecture of our times. Worldwide. Doka technicians work closely with the client’s planners to put together the most suitable solutions in terms of concrete technology, formwork engineering, concrete placement and compaction. These solutions are exactly tailored to each individual situation and to the requirements of the structure. 5 Formwork expertise you can trust More know-how for your project The task of finding the optimum formwork solution for a structure begins as early as in the tendering phase. For the eventual profitability of a construction project, this is often a make-or-break decision. From a very early stage, Doka experts start inputting their wide-ranging knowledge and the experience amassed during innumerable projects, and so can perform an invaluable service for you here. In this way, we successfully accompany you all the way through your construction project. The formwork system used will have a significant bearing on the success of a construction project. To help users with the selection, planning and deployment of its formwork systems, Doka offers a very wide range of services. These provide greater certainty regarding the costs of on-site form- ing operations – which definitely makes site managers’ and foremen’s jobs a lot easier. 6 7 Concrete in its – visibly – finest form 8 Architect’s requirements Concrete faces that are subject to special requirements regarding appearance (see DIN 18217) – in short, “archi- tectural surfaces” – are generally referred to as “fair-faced concrete”. The description of fair-faced concrete is not always entirely clear-cut, and various different definitions are given for it in the normative literature. Essentially, fair- faced concrete is a part of the structure that is intended to remain on view after completion. Fair-faced concrete structures tend to be modern, “one-of-a-kind” exemplars where a free and creative approach has been taken with regard to the shapes and surfaces. The requirements made by the client and its architect(s) will tend to include the following: a) Emphasising the uniqueness of the structure. In this respect, in-situ concrete offers a certain degree of archi- tectural freedom. b) Ensuring that the structure is functionally appropriate and can be utilised in the manner intended c) Having free scope to choose the desired surface design (in terms of grid patterns, joints and surface texture) d) Supporting the development of advanced, unique structures with the creative freedom to shape both forms and perspectives When it comes to planning a project, functionality and optimum space utilisation are decisively important – but so too are the surfaces, and the visual impact that these surfaces have. The focus is thus on the appearance that the architect wishes to impart to the concrete surfaces (the “architect’s wishes”). If the architect’s ideas are to be put into effect success- fully, the fair-faced concrete team will need to have discussed all the issues involved very thoroughly. Having clearly defined responsibilities in the fair-faced concrete process is a key component making for successful im- plementation. Fair-faced concrete means teamwork! This reference brochure is intended to help bring about a clear formulation of the architect’s objectives. Fair-faced concrete TEAM Architect “The Destination” – description by defining the categories of fair- faced concrete Description of the fair-faced concrete surfaces Doka reference brochure Doka “Practical Information” brochure Environ- mental parameters Influence on fair- faced concrete surfaces “The Way” – descrip- tion of the choice of means, of suppliers, of personnel Carrying out the works Concrete placement Concrete Responsibility Task Requirement Form-facing Release agent Supplier Tender Appraisal 9 Standards and guidelines Standards and guidelines help those who are putting the project out to tender to define it properly first, and then help the contractors to actually erect the structure. If the “fair-faced concrete surface result” is not to be left to chance, and if misunderstandings between client and con- ÖVBB Fair-Faced Concrete Guideline “Formed concrete surfaces” available from “Österreichische Vereinigung für Beton- und Bautechnik” (Austrian Society for Concrete and Construction Technology, November 2009) DBV Code of Practice “Fair-faced concrete” available from “Deutsche Beton- und Bautechnik- Verein E.V.” (German Concrete and Construction Technology Association, Bundesverband der deut- schen Zementindustrie e.V. (German Cement Industry Association), August 2008 ÖNORM B2211 Concrete and reinforced concrete works – The Standard governing works contracts (June 2009) tractors are to be avoided, there will need to be unambigu- ous and practicable descriptions (wordings for invitations to tender, sketches, photos) for these “concrete surfaces remaining permanently on view”. SIA 118/262 General Conditions for Concrete Construction, 2004 edition GSV recommendations (GSV = German Quality Protection Association for Concrete Formwork) “Concrete surfaces with special appearance require- ments” (06/2005) Code of Practice for Rented Formwork (01/06) “Quality criteria for rental formwork” guidelines (04/03) Technik des Sichtbetons (“The technology of fair-faced concrete”) Peck, Bose & Bosold (2007) Normative literature relating to fair-faced concrete 10 Description of the fair-faced concrete surfaces – surface design As well as with the colour of the concrete, the archi- tect can realise his or her ideas by structuring and texturing the concrete surfaces and by stipulating certain design details. The table at left gives an overview of the various options, which will be described in more detail below. Dimensions of building elements Construction joints Joints between formwork elements/panels Joint between form-ply sheets Form-tie pattern Structuring the concrete surface Texture of the concrete surface Edges Form-tie point Closing off tie-holes Design of suspension points Design details Surface design options open to the planner Form-facing, formwork systems and their attributes B A 11 Structuring of the concrete surface Before starting your forming preparations for tackling dif- ficult fair-faced concrete surfaces, you should address the following points: • valid (i.e. approved) planning documents, preferably in digital form • wherever possible, building shell plans (showing only the load-bearing walls and floor-slabs) • establishing exactly which surfaces are to be executed in fair-faced concrete • defning the formwork pattern on the basis of the tender documents • agreeing the elevation plans with layouts and sections (interruptions in the architectural surfaces due to adjacent walls and floor-slabs) • taking account of fxtures which may affect the architec- tural surfaces (lighting, tubes etc. ...) • deciding upon the construction joints, in liaison with the structural designer • conducting discussions with all the parties involved in the construction project and in producing the visually exposed surfaces • working out which of the surface-quality specifcations will require a lot of extra work, and which only a little • deciding what measures need to be taken to protect fn- ished fair-faced concrete building elements during subse- quent construction operations Example: Stairwell elevation A) Horizontal construc- tion joint B) Vertical joint between formwork elements or panels a a a b A A B 12 Joints Walls In formwork-engineering terms, there are several different ways of creating the joints that are required by the planner and the structural designer, and/or that are necessary from the workflow point of view. • Joint between form-ply sheets: Joints where the sheets of one formwork element abut • Joints between formwork elements or panels: Joints between individual formwork ele- ments or panels • Construction joints: Joints between the individual casting sections which are necessary for construction-sequence or statical reasons These different types of joint each leave a different imprint in the concrete. Particular at- tention must be paid to construction joints, and to how these are dealt with in fair-faced concrete surfaces. The following points will need to be discussed with the planner and structural designer regarding the location and arrangement of construction joints: Will the corners and wall junctions have to be formed as one single casting section, or can the walls be broken down into separate sections? Left: Wall without corner configuration Right: Subsequent wall junction A) Reinforcement connection B) Triangular ledge a... length of concreting section b... overall length of fair-faced concrete wall A B C D A B A E C D D A A C D D B A A C D D B 13 Floor-slabs • Will it be possible to have reinforcement connections in the slab, meaning that you can choose where to locate the construction joints, or will the individual structure members have to be “poured-in-one”? • Is it acceptable for the end face of the foor-slab to remain visible through the construc- tion joints? • If the end face of the slab is not intended to be visible, the construction joint can be made at either the bottom or top edge of the slab. • What is the maximum length of wall that may be poured in one casting section? • Where will construction joints be needed, and where in the architectural surface will they be possible? A) View of surface of wall B) Triangular ledge C) Floor-slab D) Wall E) View of end face of slab A) View of surface of wall B) Triangular ledge C) Floor-slab D) Wall A) Reinforcement connection B) View of surface of wall C) Floor-slab D) Wall 14 Texture of the concrete surface The formwork is an important instrument for shaping and designing concrete surfaces. It is the formwork that im- parts the final shape to the concrete. The point of paying timely attention to the question of which formwork, form- ply and concrete to choose (“timely” meaning before the project is put out to tender) is to make matters clearer for all parties involved. Such measures may also make it possible to utilise rental formwork. However, the main influence on the appearance of the concrete surface is the concrete itself, and how it is utilised, and the release- agent that is chosen. The following overview (source: ÖVBB Guideline “Formed concrete surfaces”, November 2009) points out the inter- relation between the surface of the form-facing and the surface appearance of the concrete, and possible effects. 1) Wood is a natural material in which – initially – the wood sugar content is unevenly distributed. To prevent dust formation and colour-shade differ- ences the first few times a sheet is used, pre-treat it with cement slurry or by using it first on less important building components. In dry weather, strongly absorbent types of form-ply intended for forming fair-faced concrete must be pre-moistened before pouring. 2) Allowance must be made for shape deviation caused by boards shrinking and swelling. 3) The absorbency of form-ply types 1 to 5 changes depending on the water saturation and the number of times the sheet has been re-used. 4) The non-absorbent properties of form-ply types 6 to 9 remain unchanged. 5) Excess release-agent must be squeegeed or wiped off. ++ highly suitable + suitable 0 preliminary trials needed – unsuitable Legend for table (at right) 15 S e r i a l n ° T y p e o f f o r m - f a c i n g E f f e c t s o n t h e c o n c r e t e s u r f a c e C o r r e s p o n d s t o t e x t u r e a s p e r T a b l e 5 / 5 / 2 P e t r o l e u m - b a s e d o r v e g e t a b l e - o i l b a s e d ( s o l v e n t - f r e e ) + a d d i t i v e s P e t r o l e u m - b a s e d , s o l v e n t - b o r n e + a d d i t i v e s H i g h - v i s c o s i t y v e g e t a b l e o i l s w i t h o u t a d d i t i v e s H i g h - v i s c o s i t y m i n e r a l o i l s w i t h o u t a d d i t i v e s ( f o r m o i l ) R e l e a s e - a g e n t e m u l s i o n s ( p e t r o l e u m a n d v e g e t a b l e - o i l b a s e d ) W a x - b a s e d r e l e a s e - a g e n t s S t r o n g l y a b s o r b e n t 1 ) , 3 ) 1 Sheets made of de- rived timber product, e.g. chipboard; uncoat- ed veneer plywood Slightly rough, matt, dark concrete surface T1 ++ – + + 0 0 2a 2) Boards, rough-cut Rough, dark concrete surface; lighter after repeated re-use; risk of wood fibres in the concrete T1 ++ – + + – – 2b 2) Boards, planed Smooth, matt con- crete surface; visible pattern; lighter con- crete than with 2a T1 ++ – + + – – 2c 2) Boards, profiled Matt concrete surface, colour shade like 2b, tight board joins T3 ++ – + + – – S l i g h t l y a b s o r b e n t 3 ) , 5 ) 3 3-ply sheets Coniferous wood, sanded, surface-treat- ed, to ÖNORM B 3023 Smooth, matt con- crete surface; slight wood-grain pattern; dark colour shade, lighter after repeated re-use T1 ++ – + + + 0 4 3-ply sheets Coniferous wood, brushed or sand- blasted, sealed Bright concrete sur- face, bold wood-grain pattern T3 + + – – ++ 0 5 Veneer plywood synthetic resin coated Smooth, bright concrete surface T2 + + – – ++ 0 N o t a b s o r b e n t 4 ) , 5 ) 6 Solid plastic sheets, plastic composite constructions Smooth, bright concrete surface T2 + ++ – – ++ 0 7 Forming tubes made of plastic or plastic- coated cardboard Smooth, bright, lustrous concrete surface T2 No release-agent must be used 8 Formliners Finely to heavily struc- tured, bright concrete surface, joints must be individually sealed T3 0 0 – – ++ 0 9 Steel sheet Smooth, bright con- crete surface, risk of rust marks T2 + ++ – – ++ 0 16 Form-facing The form-facing is the part of the formwork with which the visual effect of the fair-faced concrete surface (i.e. its texture and tint) can be influenced. These two factors can be changed by using different types of form-facing. The form-facings are outlined below in categories ranging from strongly absorbent (boards) to non-absorbent (plastic, steel etc. Boards, rough-cut Boards, planed Features: • rough, board-type surface structure with dark- coloured concrete • lighter after several repeat uses • very strong absorbency • hardly any pores on the architectural surface • knots, resin pockets, etc. cause varying absorption behaviour. • wood sugar sometimes prevents concrete hardening • dust formation on the surface • wood fbres may be left behind on the surface Features: • smooth surface with pronounced wood structure • dark-coloured concrete – lighter after several repeat uses • low pore formation • knots, resin pockets, etc. cause varying absorption behaviour. • wood sugar sometimes prevents concrete hardening • dust formation on the surface Surface of board Surface of board Concrete surface Concrete surface 17 Formwork sheet 3-SO Features: • ply sheet (spruce) made of crosswise glue-bonded timbers • low proneness to cracking, due to the thinner face layers • glue-coated surface • boilproof, alkali-proof, water and weathering- resistant glue-bonding • slight board-type surface structure (depending on timber moisture content) • used on wall and foor-slab formwork • consistently high timber quality • smooth concrete faces • even concrete surface, of uniform appearance • slightly absorbent surface (= low pore formation) Formats: • widths: 50 cm and 100 cm • lengths: 100 cm to 600 cm, in 50 cm increments • thicknesses: 21 mm and 27 mm Surface of sheet Surface of sheet Concrete surface Concrete surface Features (in addition to those of 3-SO 21mm and 27mm): • brushed surface • extra varnish sealant on one side • board-like character created by recessed grooves (results in ribbed finish) • very low absorbency • high numbers of repeat uses can be achieved • normal pore formation • light-coloured concrete Formats: • widths: 50 cm and 100 cm • lengths: 250 cm, 300 cm, 400 cm, 500 cm and 600 cm • thicknesses: 21 mm and 27 mm Texture sheet 3-SO 18 Dokaplex formwork sheet Features: • crosswise glue-bonded birch plywood • identically phenolic resin-coated on both sides • used in wall and foor-slab formwork • sheet for smooth fair-faced concrete surfaces • cut edge is sealed • low absorbency • structureless (smooth) surface • normal pore formation • light-coloured concrete Note: • high numbers of repeat uses are possible, espe- cially when the sheet is screwed on from the rear • sheets of thickness 18 mm and above can be screwed on from rear • 4 mm and 9 mm thick sheets are fastened with nails, staples or screws on the side facing the con- crete • the 4 mm thick sheets need more nailing, to pre- vent rippling • When concreting with plywood sheets, variations in timber moisture content may cause slight rippling on the face layer. • Rippling may be caused by damage to the surface coating. For this reason, treat the sheet with great care - avoid hammer-blows, scratches etc. - when using these sheets for floor-slabs, only use vibrators that have had rubber caps fitted to them Formats: • Thickness 4 mm: 300 x 150 cm • Thickness 9 mm: 250 x 150 cm, 300 x 150 cm • Thickness 18 mm: 250 x 150 cm, 300 x 150 cm • Thickness 21 mm: 250 x 125 cm, 250 x 150 cm, 300 x 150 cm Surface of sheet Concrete surface 19 Xlife sheet Features: • crosswise glue-bonded birch plywood • force-orientated glue-bonding lines • front (concrete-facing side) and rear covered with plastic skin • non-absorbent surface • sheet for smooth concrete surfaces • high numbers of repeat uses • screwed onto panel from rear • normal pore formation • light-coloured concrete • is only used in Framax Xlife, Alu-Framax Xlife, Frami Xlife and Column formwork KS Xlife • available as loose sheets Formats: • widths: 145 cm • lengths: 265 cm, 325 cm • thicknesses: 21 mm Surface of sheet (rear / side facing concrete) Concrete surface 20 Formwork systems and their attributes When the fair-faced concrete surfaces are being planned and put out to tender, the choice of formwork system is crucial, for both economic and technical reasons. The choice made here decides whether system formwork (framed or timber-beam formwork) can be used for the structure, or whether project-specific custom solutions will be required. Impact of the formwork on the surface appearance: In general, three groups of formwork are differentiated; these may be used both for walls (straight/curved walls, columns) and for floor-slabs: • system-based framed formwork • system-based timber-beam formwork • custom timber-beam formwork The high usage intensity, flexible handling, short forming- times, rapid delivery times and rentability of pre-assembled framed and timber-beam formworks make them extremely cost-effective. The big advantage of project-specific custom solutions is their complete adaptation to the geometry and surface of the structure to be formed. Factory pre-assembly of the formwork elements permits short forming-times, but requires longer lead-times for the design, planning and as- sembly work, as well as calling for very special care in transit. More on this from Page 24 onward. 21 Edges Corners and edges are usually not cast with sharp edges, because these can easily be damaged when the formwork is struck, and in everyday use. Any triangular ledges used in the casting of fair-faced con- crete must be suitable for the type of form-ply being used, in order to prevent colour differences caused by different absorption behaviours: • With Framax Xlife / Alu-Framax Xlife framed formwork, PVC triangular ledges (chamfers) should be used (i.e. a non-absorbent triangular ledge with a non-absorbent form-ply) Design details • Timber triangular ledges should be used on formwork faced with with 3-ply sheets or boards (i.e. an absorbent triangular ledge with an absorbent form-ply) To achieve clean sharp-edged corners, the formwork must be sealed by other means than triangular ledges, in order to prevent seepage of fine-grained mortar. Sharp-edged cor- ners can best be achieved with Large-area formwork Top 50. 22 Form-tie point Closing off the form-tie point Fair-faced concrete universal cone 22mm The Fair-faced concrete uni- versal cone 22mm consists of a Universal cone 22mm to which a Sealing disc 43 has already been stuck. The Fair-faced concrete universal cone 22mm prevents fine- grained mortar seeping out due to minor inaccuracies or where form-ties are placed at a slight angle. Fair-faced concrete plug 22mm (concrete) Fibre-concrete cone for sealing the finished form- tie point once this has been prepared with the Fair- faced concrete universal cone 22mm or the Universal cone 22mm. Fair-faced concrete plug 22mm (plastic) Plastic cone for sealing the finished form-tie point once this has been prepared with the Fair-faced concrete universal cone 22mm or the Universal cone 22mm. 23 Costing calculations The aim here is to obtain certainty regarding the likely formwork costs. In principle, it may be said that it is the architectural ideas which decide. Factors influencing the formwork costs: • formwork rental, formwork planning, joints, edges and sealings • purchasing form-facing, assembly and dismantling, storage and care • other purchased components, transport and handling, corrective maintenance of formwork Results and appraisal When areas of fair-faced concrete are given acceptance inspection and appraisal, the main emphasis is placed on evaluating the overall impression of a structure or part of a structure when viewed from a reasonable distance. To the extent permitted by the limitations that are typical of the type of construction and the type of materials used, the visible surfaces should achieve a harmonious overall appearance. Any chance irregularities are technology- specific and are characteristic of fair-faced concrete. Figures given in % Framax Xlife framed formwork* FF20 wall formwork Top 50 custom timber-beam formwork Rental costs per m² for 1 month 65 % 45 % 35 % Formwork operations scheduling 5 % 5 % 40 % Freight costs 5 % 10 % 10 % Reconditioning Service guarantee (cleaning & repair) 25 % 15 % 10 % Assembly / dismantling – 25 % 95 % Form-facing (large-format) – 50 % 60 % Total one-off costs for a 1-month on-site assignment 100 % 150 % 250 % By way of example, the table below compares the relative costs of using various different wall formwork systems, e.g. for straight walls in a building-construction project. * standard rented formwork with no changes of form-facing The higher the desired quality, the higher the equipment costs and the time outlays. Reference builds Discover a selection of the many fair-faced concrete projects that have been carried out using Doka formwork – from Page 41 onwards, or at www.doka.com/ffc . More information, such as wordings for invitations to tender, may be found at www.doka.com under “Know-how”. 24 25 Formwork systems and their attributes A 135 90 60 45 30 240 5 7 , 5 1 5 5 1 1 5 1 3 5 2 7 0 3 3 0 54 54 132 26 Framed formwork Framax Xlife Very cost-effective, thanks to high number of re-use cycles • pre-fabricated framed formwork panels • defned panel widths and heights • faced with Xlife sheet • frame imprints in the concrete • form-ply screwed on from the rear (no marks left in the concrete from form-ply fixing screws or nails) • neat horizontal and vertical joint pattern • tidy, fxed tie-hole pattern • fexible, as panels can be com- bined (15 cm increments) • panels can be combined both horizontally and vertically Framax Xlife is the framed formwork system that uses only a very few different panel formats to achieve a consist- ent 15 cm increment-grid, no matter whether the panels are stood upright or on their sides. All the connectors and accessories fit seamlessly into this grid – making for fast forming-times and high efficiency. The advantages for you Frame imprint: W=18 mm, D=1.5 mm Form-tie point with framed formwork A) Form-tie locations 27 Large-area formwork Top 50 The large-area formwork for all shapes and loads • timber-beam formwork pre-assembled on project- specific basis • choice of form-facings (e.g. for smooth fair-faced concrete, wood structure, etc.) • no frame imprints • for every shape of structure • adaptable to different formwork pressures • free choice of form-tie and joint patterns (within statically permitted limits) The advantages for you Large-area formwork Top 50 is a customisable “construction kit” formwork system designed to accomplish many very diverse types of task. The shape, size, tie-hole pattern and form-facing of the elements can be adapted to suit any re- quirement. By using extra items from the Doka standard range, wider tie spacing can be achieved than with conventional formwork systems. 2.00 m 0.50 m 0.75 m 1.00 m 28 Wall formwork FF20 The site-ready timber-beam formwork with a system-grid The advantages for you • no frame imprints • pre-assembled formwork ele- ments • defned panel widths and heights • tie-hole pattern dictated by the system; horizontally variable • beam assemblies for attaching variable form-facings are possible Thanks to its ready-assembled standard elements, Wall formwork FF20 combines the advantages of timber-beam formwork (no frame imprints) with the grid-related advantages of a framed formwork system. Element widths: Element heights: A) Form-tie locations * only in Germany 29 Doka Xtra, Dokaflex 1-2-4 The fast, versatile hand-set system The advantages for you • for shoring heights of up to 7.50 m • infll zones dealt with by telescoping the beams, in the system • no frame imprints • easy to adapt to walls and columns • any type of form-facing can be used • when Dokadur panels are used, a slight frame imprint is visible on the concrete These value-for-money, high-speed systems have a pre-defined stripping sequence which boosts efficiency and evens out the site crew’s workload. Any type of form-facing can be used, enabling all architectural wishes regarding the con- crete surface to be met. Note: When formwork sheets are used that have been subjected to different degrees of usage, colour differences may occur on the concrete, brought about by the sheets’ different absorp- tion behaviour. 30 Dokamatic tables, Dokaflex tables The unbeatably fast tableforms that adapt perfectly to any slab • 4 standard formats with an underlying “grid” logic: 2.50 x 4.00 m / 2.50 x 5.00 m / 2.00 x 4.00 m 2.00 x 5.00 m / custom formats possible • Tableforms faced with ‘3-S plus’ formwork sheets, 21 or 27 mm. For Germany, tableforms faced with plywood sheets are also available. • Where fexibility in the choice of form-facing is required, the Dokamatic table grille is available. • Pre-defned table grid • No frame imprints The advantages for you Fast forming of large areas of slab can be so easy, and so safe. With Dokamatic tables, fitting standard functional components couldn’t be simpler. And this system’s adaptability to widely differing requirements on the site is another factor making it so safe and unbeatably fast. Note: When formwork sheets are used that have been subjected to different degrees of usage, colour differences may occur on the concrete, brought about by the sheets’ different absorp- tion behaviour. 31 The formwork catalogue Formwork-technology pathbreakers. The entire spectrum of Doka products and services is presented in a clear and well- structured way on the 516 pages of the formwork catalogue. This gives you a great overview of the Doka company, its services and its formwork systems. 32 33 Doka Services 1 2 3 34 Doka Services Support in every phase of the project Every project is unique. Nevertheless, there is one thing that all construction projects have in common – and that is a basic structure with five phases. Doka’s consulting, planning and ancillary services help you achieve effective imple- mentation of your formwork assignment using our formwork products – in every one of these phases. Project development phase Tendering phase Operations scheduling phase Taking well-founded decisions thanks to professional advice and consulting Find the ideal surface design and precisely define the overall param- eters with the aid of • help with the bid invitation • in-depth analysis of the initial situation • objective evaluation of the plan- ning, execution, and time-risks Optimising the preliminary work with Doka as an experienced part- ner on fair-faced concrete projects Draw up winning bids that take full account of the fair-faced concrete specifications, by • basing them on realistic guide- line prices • making the right choice of form- work system • having the right time and cost- calculation basis Right formwork, right time, right place thanks to professionally planned formwork concepts Plan realistically right from the outset, thanks to • detailed offers • determination of the commis- sioning quantities • co-ordination of lead-times and handover deadlines • taking full account of the fair- faced concrete specifications 4 5 35 Execution of (shell) construction work Completion of (shell) construction Optimum resource utilisation with assistance from the Doka Formwork Experts Workflow optimisation, thanks to • thorough utilisation planning • project technicians who have huge experience with fair-faced concrete • appropriate transport logistics • on-site support Seeing things through to a positive conclusion with professional support Doka Services are a byword for transparency and efficiency here, offering • jointly handled return of rented formwork • professional dismantling • effcient cleaning and recondi- tioning using special equipment A selection of Doka’s services is presented on the following pages. Your Doka adviser will be pleased to give you comprehen- sive information on all the services that Doka offers. The optimum solution for your fair-faced concrete project “Spot-on” goal-fulfilment Professional advice, consulting and project oversight by Doka Formwork Experts lead to the fair-faced concrete specifications being properly fulfilled, and thus to satisfied clients, architects and contractors. Cost savings and time gains Selecting the right formwork sys- tems, and using them according to plan, is the foundation for busi- ness success. Transparency Because our services and costs are completely transparent, there is no need for improvisation during the project – and no unpleasant surprises at the end of it. Reduced close-out costs Our professional advice on the selection, quality and correct use of the equipment helps you avoid damage, minimise wear-and-tear and reduce subsequent finishing- work on the concrete surface. 36 Information builds confidence Doka’s broad range of information offerings will give you an overview of all the many possibilities of the product and service portfolio, and of reference projects covering all fields of formwork engineering. You’ll receive informa- tion on the technically correct way to describe fair-faced concrete, as well as in-depth information on how to make the best use of Doka formwork systems in practice. Doka fair-faced concrete seminars The “Doka Professional” fair-faced concrete seminar provides not just formwork know-how but also informa- tion on topics like release-agents and concrete science that are relevant to fair-faced concreting. As well as these courses, Doka naturally also has comprehensive con- tinuing training offerings covering all fields of formwork technology. Reference builds Come and see what Doka formwork systems are capable of, and the concrete surfaces they achieve – in action at the site or by viewing the completed structure. Profit from the op- portunity of sharing views and experience onsite with Doka formwork specialists, the lead contractor and a representa- tive of the project owners. Project support With its tailor-made advisory services, Doka can help you to optimise your workflows in every phase of your project – to boost the success of your fair-faced concrete project. Doka project support comprises: • detailed identifcation of customer requirements, and especially of the requirements regarding fair-faced con- crete surfaces • advice and consulting on all business, technical and logistical issues regarding the formwork operations More profitability and certainty from better knowledge • accurate documentation and properly trained staff give you greater peace of mind • peace of mind from knowing that your planning is based on up-to-date information and tried-and- tested systems • you beneft from our state-of-the-art technical knowledge • the success that comes from working with capable partners Project development phase 37 Selecting the formwork system The choice of formwork solution has a crucial influence on the fair-faced concrete result as well as on the profitability of your project. On the basis of the project requirements and the fair-faced concrete specifications, a detailed formwork concept is drawn up. Compliance with the required dead- lines, quality and costs takes top priority here. Doka Engineering Benefit from the high capability of the Doka Formwork Experts right from the very beginning of your project. Their technical preparations communicate all of the knowledge needed for a successful project, and include technical sup- port such as quantity surveys or calculations to determine the commissioning quantities. Profit from thorough, accurate planning • accurate, detailed planning provides certainty regarding costings • enjoy the certainty of high equipment availability and flexible materials-scheduling • proft from deploying inspected, top-quality formwork equipment • time-savings due to the co-ordinated, transparent workflows • time-savings due to the optimised logistics concepts for the site Tender drawings and project structural analysis The Doka formwork concept, complete with details of the underlying assumptions and stipulated boundary conditions, is presented in tender drawings – as the basis for your plan- ning! It goes without saying that every formwork solution that we plan undergoes statical analysis to ensure its stabil- ity and fitness for purpose. And user safety is given equally great emphasis, of course. Presentation of the formwork concept Doka specialists provide detailed explanations of our bid, with an in-depth presentation of the services that it includes and how these influence the concreting results. This precise and accurate information saves you valuable time. Tendering phase – opera- tions scheduling phase 38 Formwork Instructors The Doka Formwork Instructor is a specially trained and experienced practitioner who explains to your crew how to use the formwork effectively and safely. As well as the Formwork Instructors, Doka offers many other onsite services such as onsite formwork erection and consult- ing by fair-faced concrete experts. Especially when tough specifications are made regarding the concrete finish, it is more important than ever to ensure that the forming opera- tions are performed correctly and without any makeshift improvisations. Formwork utilisation plans Thorough, accurate planning is the basis for fast, safe forming operations. Doka planning is carried out on an engineering basis in accordance with the applicable Standards and rules. To simplify implementation, Doka can draw up bills of materials which will give you a good overview of all the products and services. If you wish, Doka experts will be pleased to draw up cycle plans for you, so that you can make optimised use of the required quantity of formwork, and also elevation plans showing the spacing of form-ties and the joint grid. Structure modelling To give you a better visualisation of complex geometries, Doka technicians can model the structure for you. “Ready-to-Use” service Doka system formwork covers wide areas of formwork applications. The special requirements of fair-faced con- crete projects often call for special measures, however. This is where the Doka “Ready-to-Use” Service comes in, “tailor-making” custom formwork units for you. Each such custom formwork is very precisely crafted to ensure accurate assembly on the site. Higher efficiency and profitability by getting the formwork-planning right • faster forming progress from precision planning and optimised formwork utilisation • site team’s motivation boosted by working with well-functioning formwork solutions • safety enhanced by detailed planning • image-boost from working on complex structures 3D planning Modern structure geometries call for modern planning methods and expert knowledge. Doka technicians will de- velop 3D-models for you as the basis for your formwork. Execution of (shell) construction work 39 Cleaning Accumulated dirt is removed from the formwork using special equipment and industrialised procedures so as to fulfil the Doka quality standards. Depending on the degree of soiling and the product, the cleaning operation will comprise both wet cleaning, mechanical cleaning and special cleaning. Reconditioning Service Doka rental formwork and client-owned Doka equipment is cleaned and overhauled here, to Doka quality standards, by the Doka Reconditioning Service. This lengthens its serv- ice life and means that on your next forming assignment, you can be sure of having perfectly functioning formwork equipment – always a precondition for top-quality concreting results. You benefit on completion of (shell) construction, too • puts you on an upward success curve, as we jointly locate optimisation potential for future projects • no worries, thanks to our fair, transparent procedures • our professional disassembly service reduces close-out costs • shorter rental duration, which cuts your costs • outsourcing the cleaning work saves you time and resources Completion of (shell) construction Dismantling by “Ready-to-Use” service Formwork units are dismantled in the Doka Ready-to-Use Service centres, client-owned equipment is sorted and any non-reusable formwork equipment can be disposed of prop- erly on request. In this way, you can concentrate fully on your own core competences. Final review meeting Doka joins with the client to analyse the finished project with regard to its technical planning and execution, the project realisation and the “bottom-line” of the project in terms of pricing, equipment commissioning quantities, logistics and the quality of the processes. This helps both parties to locate any optimisation potential for future projects that we work on together. 40 41 Residential construction – reference builds Model housing development in Hadersdorf, Vienna, House n° 6 Page 42 Detached home in Petrisberg Page 43 Han Bit terraced housing Page 44 Detached home in Vienna Page 45 42 Model housing development in Hadersdorf, Vienna, House n° 6 Location Vienna, Austria Contractors Strabag, Vienna Architects Roger Diener, Basle (CH) Formwork Wall formwork FF20 Form-facing Texture sheet 3-SO Special feature Textured formwork sheets on FF20 formwork (screwed on from rear), form-tie points and suspension points for platforms in defined grid pattern The architecture firm of Krischanitz was behind this model housing development, consisting of 10 apartment buildings on an 8000 m² plot on the outskirts of Vienna. 9 noted architects from Austria, Germany and Switzerland were each invited to design one of the buildings. All the buildings were required to be constructed solely from concrete, to demonstrate the huge variety of shapes and forms that are possible with this material. 43 Detached home in Petrisberg Location Trier, Germany Contractors Josef Schmitz GmbH, Grosslittgen Architects Denzer & Poensgen, Cologne Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Film-coated multi-ply formwork sheet Special feature Stipulated joint and form-tie pattern Together with the client, the architecture firm of Denzer & Poensgen from Cologne here devised a striking spatial and residential concept: With around 470 m² of resi- dential space on 3 levels, the building – which is almost entirely in fair- faced concrete – alludes to the legacy of Roman building culture which may be found throughout the historic city of Trier. Its clearly organised design features paths, patios, passageways, indoor and outdoor spaces, with the re- sult that living in this house is a truly unique experience. A microcosm of a small ancient town, in fact: closed to the outside, and then gradually opening itself to residents and visitors alike as one moves inwards, culmi- nating in an architecturally styled atrium with a water basin as an oasis of green at the heart of the building. 44 Han Bit terraced housing Location Zurich, Switzerland Contractors Toneatti AG, Jona Architects Burkhalter Sumi Architekten, Zurich Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Timber planks The “Han Bit” terraced housing development in Herrliberg comprises three separate homes. All the facade surfaces are in fair-faced concrete. For the fair-faced concrete formwork, rough-cut planks were mounted on pre-assembled timber-beam formwork elements. The architect specified that these planks had to be replaced after every single pouring cycle. 45 Detached home in Vienna Location Vienna, Austria Contractors Habau, Vienna Architects Zechner & Zechner ZT, Vienna; Architect Monika Breu Formwork Framax framed formwork Form-facing Dokaplex formwork sheet Special feature Framax grid as specified by architect A house in an exposed hillside situation on the outskirts of Vienna: The grounds are terraced by three long retaining walls which the structure appears to hover above. The house itself is made up of 3 separate zones: the plinth, the ground- floor plateau and the “box”. Two retaining walls running in parallel with the hillside merge with the basement and the terrace to form a stone plinth as part of the modelled terrain. On this pla- teau is the living-room, with a semi-openplan kitchen. The room-high glazed areas on the southern and northern sides set the boundaries of the interior, although in visual terms the living-room extends out to encompass the entire area of the plateau. This offers unobstructed views out onto the surround- ing countryside and the hills of the Vienna Woods. 46 Photo: Martin Gfrerer, Trecolore Architects 47 Building and industrial construction – reference builds Building for BTV bank and assorted investors, Telfs Page 48 Main railway station, Innsbruck Page 49 Pharmacy, Ebenthal Page 50 Office building in Hall-West Page 51 Premises for Smart Letter u. Services Versand GmbH Page 52 Schuhhaus Görtz footwear emporium Page 53 Domhotel Page 54 Bâtiment Administratif Axento Page 55 Blumenstrasse Administration Building Page 56 E.ON administration building Page 57 Modezentrum Osthafen, Labels II Page 58 Parking deck at Biberach District Clinic Page 59 Centre National de L’Audiovisuel (CNA) Page 60 Isar-Amper clinic Page 61 Vision on State Page 62 New multipurpose building Page 63 Torre de Control Page 64 GÉV HUNIBER Graphisoft Page 65 48 Building for BTV bank and assorted investors, Telfs Location Telfs, Austria Contractors Bodner Kufstein Architects Noldin & Noldin Architekten Formwork Framed formwork Framax Xlife, Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Dokaplex formwork sheet With its extensive fair-faced concrete surfaces, this new branch building for Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg is a new architectural landmark right in the centre of Telfs. One third of the floor-space was built for the bank branch, and the other two thirds for public bodies and private companies. 49 Main railway station, Innsbruck Location Innsbruck, Austria Contractors Alpine Mayreder, Kematen Architects Riegler Riewe, Graz Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Dokaplex formwork sheet Special feature Columns and walings with no construction joints; dyed fair- faced concrete; SCC; concrete poured via filler neck in the formwork Identical colouration throughout; exact, sharp concrete edges; dimen- sional accuracy to within millimetres; no tie-holes to be visible in the concrete, and a stipulated joint-mark pattern – these were the tough specifications for Inns- bruck’s new main rail station, perfectly fulfilled using form- work from Doka. 50 Pharmacy, Ebenthal The main elements of this building are its 2 curved reinforced-concrete beams, which give it the necessary statical stability and its ex- traordinary appearance. The reinforced-concrete beams are 26 m long and 9 m high, Location Ebenthal, Austria Contractors OVEN Bau, Carinthia Architects Trecolore Architects (Architekturbüro Dorn Ziviltechniker GmbH, Annenheim) Formwork Framax framed formwork, Circular formwork H20 Form-facing Film-coated multi-ply formwork sheet Special feature Concrete ring was cast on its side and then lifted into the upright via pivot joints and each weigh around 131 tonnes. Because of these massive dimensions, they were cast using a special proc- ess. The reinforced-con- crete beams were poured flat on the ground, on their sides, connected to the foundations by articulated steel joints. After curing, the r.-c. beams were lifted into position by mobile cranes and the articu- lated joints were welded together and then embed- ded in concrete. Photo: Martin Gfrerer, Trecolore Architects 51 Office building in Hall-West Location Hall-in-Tirol, Austria Contractors Fröschl, Hall-in-Tirol Architects Martin Kinzner, Hall-in-Tirol Formwork Framax framed formwork Form-facing 3-SO formwork sheet Special feature Designed with accentuated joints, special platform for outside formwork, concrete dyed an anthracite shade Situated at a busy cross- roads, this four-storey structure was designed in dark grey fair-faced concrete. It includes a car- park, business premises and offices on approx. 8000 m 2 of floor-space. The use of Doka 3-SO three-ply sheets mounted on Framax Xlife led to the horizontally orientated appearance pattern of the fair-faced concrete facade. In order to match the tie- hole pattern to the format of the 3-SO sheets, timber closures were fitted between the panels to allow more flexible spacing of the form- ties. Around the windows, the construction joints were emphasised with trapezoidal strips. 52 Premises for Smart Letter u. Services Versand GmbH The defining design ele- ments of this building are the two 60m long and 10m high fair-faced concrete walls that enclose its eastern and western sides. Location Innsbruck, Austria Contractors Universale Innsbruck Architects Malojer, DI Kohler, Innsbruck Formwork Framed formwork Framax Xlife Form-facing Xlife sheet Special feature Platform suspension points incorporated in tie-hole pattern The architect specified that the form-tie and joint pattern was to be kept as uniform as possible across the entire area of these walls. To meet this specification, only one single size of panel (Framax Xlife 240x330) was used in the forming operations. For the second wall casting section, the form-tie points of the first casting section were used as the suspen- sion points for the platform. This enabled the formwork pattern to be retained in this area as well. The fair-faced concrete team was a model of successful co-operation, enabling superb results to be achieved. 53 Schuhhaus Görtz footwear emporium Location Hanover, Germany Contractors Wilhelm Wallbrecht GmbH & Co KG, Hanover Architects BLOCHER BLOCHER Partners, Stuttgart Formwork Wall formwork FF20 elements, some of them faced; timber components for large box-outs Form-facing Dokaplex formwork sheet; film- coated multi-ply formwork sheet Special feature Due to the tight radii, the rounded inside corners were executed with bent plywood and paintwork. Costing around ten mil- lion euros, the revamped and newly built six-storey Görtz shoe-shop and fashion store stands out for its fascinating interplay of architectural shapes. One of its distinctive fea- tures is the load-bearing, rhombus-patterned CIP concrete construction beside the escalator. Consisting of three X-shaped crosses on each storey, this construction elbows across in the hori- zontal at fourth-floor ceiling height to act as the sup- porting construction for the overhead roof glazing of the escalator-well. Photo: Blocher Blocher Partners 54 Domhotel As well as by its location and amenities, the hotel is characterised by modern architecture and contempo- Location Linz, Austria Contractors Strabag Linz Architects Hohensinn Architektur, Graz Formwork Framed formwork Framax Xlife Form-facing Dokaplex formwork sheet Special feature Building inclines in two directions; facade consists of columns and downstand beams only; exterior walls in CIP concrete with no visible form-tie holes. rary design which blend in harmoniously with the adja- cent cathedral precinct. Four storeys plus one roof storey high, the facades incline inwards as the building rises, so as to fit in with the roofscape of the adjoin- ing baroque buildings. The strictly composed fa- cade structure harmonises with the neo-gothic propor- tions of the Mariendom cathedral. The modern, aesthetically appealing yet inviting interior fittings ex- ude a sense of hospitality, ease and comfort. 55 Bâtiment Administratif Axento Location Kirchberg, Luxembourg Contractors Tralux Architects Arlette Schneiders Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Dokamatic table Form-facing Film-coated multi-ply formwork sheet Special feature Fair-faced concrete-facade consisting of three vertical casting sections, each 10 m high The extraordinary de- sign by the Luxembourg architecture firm Arlette Schneiders Architectes provides for two asym- metrically nested cubes, with a shopping arcade on the ground floor. Stairways in two five-storey high halls lead up to the floors arranged in an L-shape around the inside cube. The technically demanding fair- faced concrete surfaces of the facades were cast against the load-bearing prefabricat- ed members in three vertical sections. 56 Blumenstrasse Administration Building The two-leaf concrete facade of this six-storey administra- tion building in the centre of Munich was constructed in red fair-faced concrete and Location Munich, Germany Contractors Dechant Hoch- und Ing.bau GmbH&Co.KG, Weismain Architects Meck Architekten, Munich Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Film-coated multi-ply formwork sheet Special feature Non-tied façade formwork on special platforms, coloured concrete merges seamlessly with the red brick facade of the next- door building. The specified sharp edges and invisible form-tie points called for a working platform without any suspension points on the exterior facade. 57 E.ON administration building Location Zolling, Germany Contractors Porr Deutschland, Murnau Branch Architects Boesel Benkert Hohberg Architekten, Munich Formwork Framed formwork Framax Xlife, Dokamatic tables Form-facing Xlife sheet Special feature Diagonally inclined building with haunched soffits On a very cramped site at E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH’s Zolling power station stands this energy-effi- cient new administration building. Nearly 13 m tall, this compact structure is built mainly in fair-faced concrete and has a south-facing slant to make better use of natural daylight. This 26° slant on the southern side means that the side walls are trapezoidal in shape, and that the facades overhang on the southern side and have a rearward inclination on the north side. The walls and soffits in the centrally located entrance concourse, in the fire station housed in the west wing, and in the 3.30 m high typical storeys, are all executed in “Class 3 fair-faced concrete” as defined in the DBV Code of Practice. 58 Modezentrum Osthafen, Labels II Berlin is trying to recapture its glory days as a capital of fashion. In one such project, the young Swiss architectural practice of HHF Architekten, pupils of Herzog & de Meu- ron, designed a new building with an extraordinary green facade for the city’s Stralauer Allee fashion cluster. The fair-faced concrete window arches are meant to be reminiscent of curtains, and have 18 different shapes. For these, Doka supplied tailor- made elements of Large-area formwork Top 50 faced with profiled timber formers. To form the walls themselves, in category SB 2 fair-faced Location Berlin, Germany Contractors Ingenierbau-Gesellschaft mbH, Berlin Architects HHF Architekten, Basle Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Wall formwork FF20 Dokamatic table Form-facing FF20 formwork sheeting Special feature Walls executed in Class SB 2 fair-faced concrete. Parabolic window arches criss-cross the facade and the building as a whole, and so also characterise the formwork solution concrete, 1180 m² of Wall formwork FF20 were used. From the ground floor up- wards, the 1380 m² floor- slabs were formed using Dokamatic tables. 59 Parking deck at Biberach District Clinic Location Biberach, Germany Contractors Grüner & Mühlschlegel, Biberach Architects Planungsbüro Anselment, Möller & Partner GmbH, Karlsruhe Formwork Custom tableforms, Top 50 system Form-facing Dokaplex formwork sheet Special feature Constantly varying longitudinal and transverse gradients; all formwork-sets pre-assembled by the Doka Ready-to-Use Service The system developed by engineering consultants Anselment makes it pos- sible to build basement car-parks, multi-storey car parks and car-parking decks with plenty of use- able space that is unob- structed by columns. The complex shaping of the coffered haunch plates, consisting of longitudinal and transversal haunches, makes very high demands indeed of the formwork- makers. The parking deck at the District Clinic in Biberach was built on top of an existing car-parking area and merges with the contours of a hill. Every slab span and every haunch becomes narrower in the longitudinal direction, and the column cross-sec- tions decrease from 1.30 m to 1.20 m. As the downhill gradient of each casting sec- tion increased from 0.40% to 5.15%, every single formwork element had its own separate longitudinal and transverse gradient. In each case, the shape of the skewed ply- wood face was dictated by precision-cut profiled timber formers mounted on Doka- matic table grilles. 60 Centre National de L’Audiovisuel (CNA) Designed by architect Paul Bretz, this cube-shaped, 68 m x 68 m two/three-storey new building houses the Luxem- Location Luxembourg Contractors CDC Construction, Luxembourg Architects Paul Bretz Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Dokaplex formwork sheet Special feature Plastic tubing used to protect the projecting reinforcement against rust bourg motion-picture collec- tion of the Centre National de L’Audiovisuel (CNA) and stands out for its 24,300 m² of high-quality fair-faced concrete walls. 61 Isar-Amper clinic Location Taufkirchen, Germany Contractors Josef Hübl, Velden Architects Joachim Ganz, Berlin Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Film-coated multi-ply formwork sheet Special feature Fair-faced concrete-facade with pre-defined grid for form-ties and joints between formwork sheets On the approx. 150 m x 70 m extension of the forensic department of this specialist hospital for psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatic medi- cine, several sections of wall had to be built in fair-faced concrete with a defined sheet and form-tie pattern. Due to the pour-heights of up to 7.00 m and more, all the formwork was designed for a high (90 kN/m²) fresh- concrete pressure. 62 Vision on State The Vision on State is a 21-storey residential building in Chicago. The storeys were constructed in a 6-day cycle. The stairwell core was built Location Chicago, USA Contractors Concrete Structures of the Mid-West Architects Pappageorge Haymes Ltd Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Film-coated multi-ply formwork sheet and plastic reveals with Climbing formwork MF240. The columns were formed with Large-area formwork Top 50 and Framed formwork Frami. 63 New multipurpose building Location Sotto il monte Giovanni XXIII, Italy Contractors Edil Scavil Architects Antonio Gonella Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing 3-SO formwork sheets Special feature SCC, timber imprint on concrete This multipurpose build- ing in fair-faced concrete was built by the architect Antonio Gonella and by the JV of Edilscavil srl, Costruzioni Edilcar di Albano S.A. and I.M.I di Piantoni Enzo. The build- ing has a long, travertine- clad colonnade along its main facade and was built entirely from self-compacting concrete. To save on labour costs, the Large-area form- work Top 50 was supplied to the site ready-assembled. The form-tie grid stipulated by the architect creates an aesthetic pattern in the fair- faced concrete walls of the interior rooms. 64 Torre de Control The control tower of San- tiago de Compostela Airport was built in white fair-faced concrete. To be sure of Location Santiago de Compostela, Spain Contractors Dragados Architects GOP Oficina de proyectos / GHESA Ingeniería y Tecnología Formwork Doka large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Dokaplex formwork sheet Special feature White concrete, rust- protected reinforcements achieving optimum results, contractors Dragados poured trial walls beforehand. The control tower rises from a star-shaped groundplan, with intersecting walls of different heights. The form-tie pattern for the walls was also prescribed by the architect. The platform which cantilev- ers out at a height of over 40 m was safely shored with the aid of Doka load- bearing towers d2. Based on Large-area formwork Top 50, the formwork solution adapted perfectly to the shapes of the tower and came equipped with safe working platforms. 65 GÉV HUNIBER Graphisoft This architectural award winning building was created using Large-area formwork Top 50. The Location Budapest, Hungary Contractors Gév-Huniber Kft. Architects TEN Építész Műterem Bt. Formwork Framed formwork Framax Xlife, Large-area formwork Top 50 Circular formwork H20 Form-facing Film-coated multi-ply formwork sheet, 3-SO formwork sheets many “windows” in the fair- faced concrete walls serve as a design element and were constructed with the aid of box-outs nailed onto the formwork elements. 66 67 Sporting facilities and cultural edifices – reference builds Museum Liaunig Page 68 Sölden Cemetery Page 69 Red Rock National Conservation Area Page 70 Bergen-Belsen Memorial Page 71 Ferry Porsche Congress Centre Page 72 Church community centre for Christengemeinschaft in Bayern Page 73 Phaeno Science Centre, Wolfsburg Page 74 Pinakothek der Moderne (art gallery) Page 75 Seebad Kaltern / Lido di Caldaro lakeside bathing centre Page 76 Hajós Alfréd swimming pool Page 77 68 Museum Liaunig The concept for the Liaunig private museum comprises 4 strikingly distinctive building members. It encompasses a 600 m² viewable storage area, the 160 m long main exhibition corridor, the 500 m² room for graphics and a separate room (approx. 350 m²) for the gold collec- tion. The main focus of the formwork planning work was on the “fair-faced concrete tunnel” with its length of 160 m. For this, the timber- beam formwork elements were hung from a reposi- tionable construction. This made it possible to travel the 10.40 m long and over 7 m high “formwork curtains” relatively easily from one casting section to the next. Location Neuhaus, Austria Contractors Strabag, Carinthia Architects querkraft - architekten zt gmbh, Vienna Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Dokaplex formwork sheet Special feature SCC concrete for 7m high walls, travelling unit Photo: Lisa Rastl, querkraft 69 Sölden Cemetery Location Sölden, Austria Contractors Auer, Umhausen; Hilti & Jehle, Ried Architects Rainer Raimund, Innsbruck Formwork Framax framed formwork, Wall formwork FF20 Form-facing Dokaplex formwork sheet Special feature Wall with 30° rearward inclination; up to 7 m high Using Doka formwork, contractors Hilti & Jehle achieved superb fair-faced concrete on this project to remodel the church forecourt and extend the cemetery in the Austrian town of Sölden. Planned by architect Raimund Rainer and commissioned by the local authority, the project was implemented to the client’s complete satisfaction. The limited space avail- able in the centre of the town and the high quality specifications laid down by the client presented a major challenge to the planning architect and the contractors, and to Doka as the formwork supplier. In view of the stringent qual- ity specifications, this project called for close collaboration between the architect (Rain- er), the construction super- visor of the municipality of Sölden, the contractors Hilti & Jehle (Ried), the Rödlach structural design office (Telfs) and the formwork special- ist Doka, in order to achieve optimum concreting results. In this connection it was par- ticularly important to define a concrete appearance – with uniform spacing of the joints and form-ties – that not only fulfilled the aesthetic de- mands but also took account of formwork-technology practicalities. 70 Red Rock National Conservation Area The Red Rock Canyon is drawing ever larger crowds, and this has made it neces- sary to build a dedicated visitor centre. On this project, a jumble of red fair-faced concrete elements catches the eye. Location Near Las Vegas, USA Contractors Armada Construction Architects Line and Space Architects Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 with profiled timber formers Form-facing Film-coated multi-ply formwork sheet Special feature Red dyed fair-faced concrete Eleven fair-faced concrete walls, all of different heights, are nested inside one another. The surfaces and edges are at a different angle on every single wall. The wall heights range here from approx. 2.75 m to 5.80 m. The result is an architec- tural masterpiece that blends brilliantly into its surroundings yet is an unmissable eye-catcher for the over one million visitors who flock here every year. 71 Bergen-Belsen Memorial Location Bergen-Belsen, Germany Contractors Wilhelm Wallbrecht GmbH & Co KG, Hanover Architects KSP Engel und Zimmermann Architekten, Braunschweig Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing 3-SO formwork sheet In the Lüneburg Heath dis- trict north-east of Hanover lies the Bergen-Belsen Memorial. Now, 65 years after the concentration camp was liberated, the Memorial is being extended – with an elongated and gently slop- ing documentation centre constructed almost entirely of fair-faced concrete on both inside and out. The ideas and planning work for this exhibition building were supplied by architects KSP Engel und Zimmermann of Braunschweig. They make very deliberate and con- scious use of concrete as a powerful design element in its own right. The result is a 195 m long, 18 m wide and up to 12 m high two-storey fair-faced concrete struc- ture with a good 1500 m² of exhibition space and archive rooms. The roof area runs nearly horizontally, while the floor rises by around 2.0 m over the entire length. 72 Ferry Porsche Congress Centre The Ferry Porsche Congress Centre is a multifunctional event venue belonging to the municipality of Zell am See-Kaprun that can be used for many different types of public function. In the basement levels, Framax Xlife extra-large pan- els 2.40 x 3.30 m were used, and Framax Xlife panels for the stairwells. From the ground floor up, the site crew cast all the walls using FF20 elements. Location Zell am See, Austria Contractors HV Bau GmbH Architects Perler&Scheurer Architekten BDA (with Jens Giesecke Architekten) Formwork Framed formwork Framax Xlife, Large-area formwork Top 50 Wall formwork FF20 Form-facing Dokaplex formwork sheet 73 Church centre for Christengemeinschaft in Bayern Location Munich, Germany Contractors Wittkopf Bauunternehmen GmbH, Inchenhofen Architects bpr architektur und design, Stuttgart Formwork Framed formwork Framax Xlife Form-facing Film-coated multi-ply formwork sheet Special feature Fair-faced concrete entrance porch cast separately as a pre- cast member The oval entrance porch of the new church commu- nity centre for the “Chris- tengemeinschaft in Bay- ern” in the Munich suburb of Pasing undulates in and out at the front before meeting in a pointed tip at the apex. The only extra treatment given to the fair-faced concrete-surface was a varnish coating. Framed formwork Framax Xlife served as the sup- porting construction here. Profiled timber formers were used for adaptation to the shape of structure, with multi-ply formwork sheets being used as the form-ply. 74 Phaeno Science Centre, Wolfsburg With its extraordinary geometry and the required fair-faced concrete quality, the Phaeno Science Centre Location Wolfsburg, Germany Contractors E. Heitkamp Architects Zaha Hadid Ltd & Mayer Bährle Freie Architekten BDA Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Tongue-and-groove boards Special feature SCC, structure geometry breaks wholly new ground in terms of formwork usage. The construction material used also sets a new bench- mark: The building was mainly cast with SCC – self-compacting concrete. 75 Pinakothek der Moderne (art gallery) Location Munich, Germany Contractors Alpine Bau Deutschland AG, Eching Architects Stephan Braunfels Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Film-coated multi-ply formwork sheet Special feature Accentuated (ribbed) joints With around 15,000 m² of exhibition space, Ger- many’s biggest museum of modern art opens itself towards the city-centre as a light and airy conserva- tory on the south side of the building, while the northern side offers an unobstructed view of the older “Alte” and “Neue” Pinakothek galler- ies. The fair-faced concrete facade was constructed as a thin-walled facing in CIP concrete with a defined 5.6 m x 2.6 m joint grid, projecting horizontal and vertical ribs and sharp edges. 76 Seebad Kaltern / Lido di Caldaro lakeside bathing centre The South Tyrolean town of Kaltern is home to a most unusual structure: an open- air pool built as a monolithic CIP concrete block, right on the lakefront. The sun-deck “hovers” on six idiosyn- Location Kaltern, South Tyrol (Italy) Contractors Zimmerhofer, Campo Tures Architects Ernst J. Fuchs, Vienna the next ENTERprise – architects Formwork Custom formworks with supporting construction Form-facing 3-SO formwork sheets Special feature Complicated structure geometry cratically shaped supporting cores, with the swimming pool sunk into the middle of it. Stringent fair-faced con- crete specifications, complex geometries and non-tied sup- porting cores – these were among the challenges which the various Doka formwork systems had to address. Doka 3-SO three-ply sheets also stand out for their very great dimensional stability and high numbers of re-use cycles. At the Kaltern lido, their natural wood structure is being deliberately used as an architectural design element. 77 Hajós Alfréd swimming pool Location Budapest, Hungary Contractors KÉSZ Kft & 31. ÁÉCS Architects Építész Stúdió Kft. Formwork Framed formwork Framax Xlife, Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Xlife sheet, film-coated multi-ply formwork sheet The use of Large-area formwork Top 50 made it possible to produce a neat formwork and tie-hole pattern on the visually exposed surfaces. On nar- rower sections of wall, the form-ties were located outside the concrete. On wider sections of wall, the form-tie points were ar- ranged in such a way that they fit in seamlessly with the overall concept. 78 79 Transportation infrastructure – reference builds Hungerburg Funicular, River Inn Bridge Page 80 Suburban railway at Taxham, nr. Salzburg Page 81 City Tunnel, Leipzig, Bayerischer Bahnhof station Page 82 Retaining wall, Winkeln Page 83 Bridge over Stuttgart-Ulm railway line, BW 1 Page 84 Viaduc de Verrières Page 85 Mill Road Overbridge Page 86 Estakáda Sluncová Page 87 80 Hungerburg Funicular, River Inn Bridge Innsbruck’s new Hungerburg Funicular makes it possible to take a ride directly from the city centre all the way up to 2200 m above sea level. Two existing gondola cable- ways were renovated and adapted, and linked to the city centre by a new funicular railway. A central architec- tural challenge of this project was the diagonal crossing of the River Inn in the heart of Innsbruck. The steel con- struction of the bridge is carried on cables hung from two 33 m tall pylons. The Location Innsbruck, Austria Contractors Strabag AG, Innsbruck Architects Zaha Hadid Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Tongue-and-groove boards Special feature Each formwork used once only (unique to each casting section); same number and distribution of boards from bottom to top, despite taper pylons are inclined against the direction of pull and have a curved cross-section which varies across the entire height of each pylon. For each height-section, the Doka “Ready-to-Use” Service sup- plied separate tailor-made shaping-timber boxes. The overall formwork con- cept was rounded off by an ingenious system for the working platform in each of the height-sections. 81 Suburban railway at Taxham Location Taxham, nr. Salzburg, Austria Contractors Alpine Mayreder, Salzburg Architects Planning consortium of Werner Consult - Bernhard + Partner, BM Ing. Stoik, Ing. Büro Wölfle, Arch.Fally-Halle 1, Vienna Formwork Wall formwork FF20 Form-facing Dokaplex formwork sheet The equipment used here included Wall formwork FF20 and a pre-assembled steel-waling construction. The exact shape adapta- tion was achieved using shaping-timber boxes pre- assembled by the “Ready- to-Use” service. A particular challenge here was the com- plex geometry in the “kink” on the spherical surface, with its relatively tight radii. The surface of the pier was sand- blasted to give the concrete a matt appearance. 82 City Tunnel, Leipzig, Bayerischer Bahnhof station Location Leipzig, Germany Contractors “ARGE City-Tunnel Leipzig Los B” consortium Architects Peter Kulka, Dresden Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Film-coated multi-ply formwork sheet Special feature Integration of bracing struts having both an architectural and a structural function The City Tunnel is a twin- tube railway tunnel linking Leipzig’s main railway station to the Bayerischer Bahnhof station. The 197 m long Bay- erischer Bahnhof itself has 11.30 m high fair-faced con- crete walls. The suspension points for the climbing form- work are integrated into the form-tie pattern and given a similar appearance to the form-tie points. The bracing struts for the stairwells are placed crossways across the overhead space. Daylighting is provided by a large central opening in the roof of the station. 83 Location St. Gallen, Switzerland Contractors ARGE Winkeln consortium Architects Wepf Ingenieure, Flawil Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Texture sheet 3-SO A new motorway junction at St. Gallen-Winkeln also involved the construction of 1770 m of retaining wall. The contracting JV of ARGE Winkeln carried out the concreting works for this structure using 10 sets of Large-area formwork Top 50. Each of these sets of formwork was 8.1 m long. Some extremely attractive concrete results were achieved. The forms were faced with Doka 3-SO textured formwork sheets. Despite the large number of casting sections, these delivered superb concrete surfaces. Retaining wall, Winkeln 84 Bridge over Stuttgart-Ulm railway line, BW 1 This overpass taking a district road across the busy Munich- Stuttgart railway line stands out for its cantilevered para- pets, which have a board- type surface structure with Location Stuttgart, Germany Construction firm Baresel GmbH, Ulm Architects Brandolini+Seitz Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50, Heavy-duty supporting system SL-1 Form-facing Tongue-and-groove boards Special feature Bridge-edge forming wagon used on both sides simultaneously a distinctive geometry. The large width of the sidewalk kerbs made it impossible to use a standard overslung edge-kerb forming wagon here. Also, the very limited clearance between the bridge and the overhead contact line meant that a standard underslung edge- kerb forming wagon could not be used either. Instead, a custom solution based on Doka’s steel-composite- bridge system had to be devised. 85 Viaduc de Verrières The 5 piers of this motor- way viaduct near Verrières are characterised by their unusual geometrical shape. While the three shorter piers rise in a uniformly tapering conical shape, the two larger ones grow out of a 40 m high parabolic shaft. This parabolic pro- file is visually accentuated by its projecting haunch. Location Midi-Pyrénées, France Contractors Spie Batignolles - Sogea - Dodin Sud - Razel – VB Architects André Mascarelli Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Dokaplex formwork sheet 86 Mill Road Overbridge For this bridge superstruc- ture, Doka planned and fabricated 4 sets of special mushroom-head formwork. Location Ireland Contractors Sisk Contractors Architects Murray O’Laoire Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing Maritime-pine sheets Special feature Double-curved mushroom head; pre-assembled by the Doka “Ready-to-Use” Service The formwork boxes were made from profiled timber formers and faced with maritime-pine sheets. To en- sure optimum concreting results, the form-facing was also sealed. 87 Estakáda Sluncová Location Czech Republic Contractors Skanska DS Architects Doc. ing. arch. Patrik Kotas Formwork Large-area formwork Top 50 Form-facing 3-SO formwork sheet This two-track railway viaduct into the centre of Prague required a custom architectural solution. A project-specific Top 50 large-area formwork was used for the elliptical piers. 88 Reference list Residential construction Detached family home, Lenzburg Switzerland Detached home in Petrisberg Germany Detached home in Vienna Austria Hadersdorf model housing development Austria Han Bit terraced housing Switzerland Lagergasse building Austria Building and industrial construction Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Austria Bâtiment Administratif Axento Luxembourg Blumenstrasse Administration Building Germany “BMW Welt”, Munich Germany Bodega de Protos Spain Builder’s yard, Bregenz Austria Building for BTV bank & others, Telfs Austria Casualty hospital, Linz Austria This reference list contains a selection of the many fair-faced concrete projects that have been successfully completed using Doka systems. Centre National de L’Audiovisuel (CNA) Luxembourg Cheese cellar, Lingenau Austria Dog handling school, Allschwil Switzerland Domhotel, Linz Austria E.ON administration building Germany Europark II Austria GÉV Huniber Graphisoft Hungary Inn Side Hotel Germany Innsbruck main station Austria Isar-Amper clinic, Taufkirchen Germany Johanneum remedial pedagogy centre Switzerland Laguardia wine-cellar Spain “Landtag” (parliament) Building, Vaduz Liechtenstein Lapidarium, Graz Austria Lycée Marie Curie de Versailles France Mariatal Special School Austria Modezentrum Osthafen, Labels II Germany Multipurpose building in Sotto il monte Giovanni XXIII Italy 89 Office building in Hall-West Austria Parking deck at Biberach District Clinic Germany Pharmacy, Ebenthal Austria River Elbe Harbour, Brunsbüttel Germany Schuhhaus Görtz footwear emporium Germany Smart Letter und Services Versand GmbH Austria Torre de Control Spain Umdasch InfoCenter Austria Vision on State USA Wista laboratory building Germany Sporting facilities and cultural edifices Bergen-Belsen Memorial Germany Church community centre for Christengemeinschaft in Bayern Germany Church, Rieselfeld Germany Edifício Transparente Portugal Ferry Porsche Congress Centre Austria Hajós Alfréd swimming pool Hungary Labuch observation tower Austria Lentos art museum, Linz Austria Loisium wine gallery Austria Marie Louise Lüders Haus (office building) Germany Meditation grove, Schwarzl retreat centre Austria Museum am Mönchsberg Austria Museum Liaunig Austria Phaeno Science Centre, Wolfsburg Germany Pinakothek der Moderne (art gallery) Germany Red Rock National Conservation Area USA Seebad Kaltern / Lido di Caldaro lakeside bathing centre Italy Sölden Cemetery Austria Sports facility in Hard Austria Wasserhaus St. Arbogast Austria Transportation infrastructure Bridge BW1 over Stuttgart-Ulm railway Germany City Tunnel, Leipzig, Bayerischer Bahnhof station Germany Estakáda Sluncová Czech Republic Haselbachtal Bridge Germany Hungerburg Funicular, River Inn Bridge Austria Leuketal Viaduct Germany Mill Road Overbridge Ireland Noise abatement wall on A4 Germany Nové spojení Praha Czech Republic PA Turnpike over Susquehanna River USA Retaining wall, Winkeln Switzerland Seidewitztal Bridge Germany Suburban railway at Taxham, nr. Salzburg Austria Viaduc de Verrières France 90 Doka. Near to you, worldwide 91 There are more than 150 sales and logistics locations around the world where you can obtain the full spectrum of Doka products and services. That means speedy and prompt availability of the quantities of formwork you need - whether for purchase or rental - coupled with first-rate consulting and problem-solving capability. Thanks to the international networking of our locations, you can call upon our comprehensive formwork know-how any time, anywhere. www.doka.com A r t i c l e n ° 9 3 1 1 7 7 0 0 2
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