Fact Sheet Merichem
Fact Sheet Merichem
March 20, 2018 | Author: sureshbabu7374 | Category:
Oil Refinery
Liquefied Petroleum Gas
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MericheM Liquid hydrocarbon-TreaTing TechnoLogiesShell Global Solutions (US) Inc. and Merichem Company have formed an alliance to allow Shell Global Solutions to market and license Merichem’s technologies. shell global solutions Selecting the optimum treatment for removing impurities from hydrocarbon streams is a challenging task for any refiner. To help customers access best-in-class solutions, Shell Global Solutions has an alliance with Merichem Company, the leading technology licensor for caustic treating of light and middle distillate hydrocarbons. This allows Shell Global Solutions to offer a series of proven liquid hydrocarbon treating technologies that complement its own technology portfolio. These are designed to remove mercaptans, carbonyl sulphide (COS), hydrogen sulphide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2) and naphthenic acids. The Shell Global Solutions–Merichem offer covers the following technologies: n n n n n n n n THIOleX™; THIOleX COS; ReGen ; ® n n n n n n n n nAPFInInG™; nAPFInInG HiTAn; eXOMeR™; AQuAFInInG™; MeRICOn™; CHlOReX™; AMIneX™; and AMIneX COS. ReGen ulS; MeRICAT™; MeRICAT C; MeRICAT J; MeRICAT II; Merichem has a 70-year track record in the oil and gas business, and has licensed more than 800 process units worldwide. AT A GLANCE customer driver: legislative constraints (permits/licence to operate, fuel specifications); margin improvement (product upgrade, optimised production, efficiency and availability) solution: A suite of technologies to remove H2S, mercaptans, COS and other acidic contaminants from hydrocarbon streams Value delivered: High performance impurity removal; smaller unit footprint and reduced capital and operating expenditures Proof point: More than 800 licensed process units worldwide AbOuT THe TeCHnOlOGy Merichem’s licensed technologies are primarily based on its proprietary, state-of-the-art, non-dispersive FIbeR FIlM® Contactor. A retaining cylinder packed with very fine, proprietary metal fibres, the FIbeR FIlM Contactor has been licensed worldwide to treat problems throughout the hydrocarbon processing industries. The technology achieves non-dispersive-phase contact without the problems inherent in conventional dispersive mixing devices, such as aqueous phase carryover, hydrocarbon losses, lack of turndown ability, long settling times, plugging and flooding. Moreover, because the aqueous phase adheres to the fibres in the FIbeR FIlM Contactor rather than being dispersed into the Merichem also licensed its MeRICOn spent caustic neutralisation technology to treat up to 1. ReGen: Regeneration of rich caustic streams to improve caustic utilisation. and lPG products requiring less than 5ppm sulphur. Samsung Total Petrochemicals Co.000 barrel-per-stream-day hydrocarbon stream at its Izmir refinery. The technology has been licensed to more than 148 units since 1977. in conjunction with salt and clay beds. Shell eastern Petroleum Pte ltd Shell selected Merichem technologies for a revamp project at its refinery in Pulau bukom. Refineria de Cartagena SA (Reficar) Reficar selected Merichem technologies to treat hydrocarbons and spent caustic at its refinery in Cartagena. hydrocarbon phase. .Untreated hydrocarbon Treated hydrocarbon pRoof poINTS Tüpraş Fresh caustic or lean caustic from REGEN® Spent caustic or rich caustic to REGEN® Figure 1: THIOleX technology employs the FIbeR FIlM Contactor as the mass transfer device and utilises caustic as the treating reagent to remove acid gas and mercaptan compounds from liquid and gas hydrocarbon streams. condensate and crude oil streams (Figure 3). Singapore. THIOleX and ReGen technologies are used to treat coker lPG and saturated lPG at the facility. naphtha. Samsung selected Merichem technologies for its heavy-ends by-product upgrade project. Typically. ReGen is used to regenerate the mercaptide-rich caustic that THIOleX purges. ltd. ultra-low sulphur levels can be achieved in the treated product. Ideal applications are high-sulphur coker lPG streams and lPG streams. To date. Colombia. Merichem has granted operating licences to 151 units worldwide. MeRICAT and MeRICAT C: A caustic/catalyst/air mixture removes hydrogen sulphide and sweetens mercaptan compounds in gasoline. disulphide oil (dSO) gravity separation or solvent washing minimises the impact of dSO back-extraction (Figure 2).6 m3/h of spent caustic ahead of the existing wastewater treatment plant. MeRICAT II. returning a lean caustic stream for additional mercaptan removal. butane/ butylene and light catalytically cracked gasoline streams in order to meet product specifications. nAPFInInG. The technology can often treat lPG pre-fractionation in a single train. and AQuAFInInG technologies are being used to help meet jet fuel specifications. AMIneX. THIOleX COS: Caustic/catalyst extraction of acid gas and COS compounds from liquid and gas hydrocarbon streams. It can also be used to revive rich or spent caustic streams emanating from refinery treating units. treat kerosene and jet fuel streams. nAPFInInG. The technology has been licensed for over 220 units since 1980. which yields a lean caustic with minimal dSO backextraction into the lPG. MeRICAT II. carryover is virtually eliminated. Merichem will supply its THIOleX and ReGen technologies to treat propane/propylene.000 barrels-per-stream-day of jet fuel in order to meet internationally accepted jet fuel specifications. and AQuAFInInG technologies. whereas conventional technologies usually require multiple trains post-fractionation. MeRICAT II and AQuAFInInG technologies treat 15. In addition. uncontrollable emulsions are also eliminated because effective phase contact occurs without dispersion. nAPFInInG. ReGen technology was first licensed in 1980. Turkish oil company Tüpraş selected Merichem technologies to treat a 22. ReGen ulS: Regeneration of mercaptide-rich caustic. PROCeSS deSCRIPTIOn THIOleX: Caustic extraction of acid gas and mercaptan compounds from liquid and gas hydrocarbon streams (Figure 1). eXOMeR Coker. ReGen . COS. ReGen ulS. RSH) natural gasoline (H2S. THIOleX. THIOleX. MeRICAT nAPFInInG HiTAn. THIOleX. CO2. RSH) Oil sands heavy oil upgrader Fuel gas (H2S. ReGen. ReGen ulS THIOleX. RSH. MeRICAT II. ReGen. ReGen. MeRICAT J source Gas production field stream (impurities) natural gas (H2S. ReGen AMIneX. MeRICAT upstream applications Oil production field Associated gas (HCl. THIOleX. COS. THIOleX. MeRICAT II. CO2) Saturated lPG (H2S. RSH. THIOleX. ReGen nAPFInInG. RSH) applicable technologies AMIneX. MeRICAT J. MeRICAT source Midstream applications nGl fractionation stream (impurities) natural gas (H2S. RSH) FCC or RCC THIOleX. RSH. RSH. RSH. eXOMeR MeRICAT. ReGen ulS THIOleX. COS) AMIneX. RSH. RSH) applicable technologies AMIneX. CO2) lPG (H2S. nH4. ReGen ulS THIOleX. ReGen ulS AMIneX. RSH) diesel (RCOOH) applicable technologies AMIneX. ReGen nAPFInInG.source Crude distillation unit stream (impurities) Overhead offgas (H2S. COS) Condensate (H2S. COS. RSH. ReGen. ReGen. RSH) Jet fuel/kerosene (RCOOH. RSH) Heavy or full range FCC gasoline (H2S. COS) lSR/HSR naphtha (H2S. COS) butane (H2S. ReGen. MeRICAT. MeRICAT II AMIneX. ReGen. ReGen. THIOleX. MeRICAT J. RSH. nH4Cl) light crude oil (H2S. CO2) lPG (H2S. ReGen. ReGen ulS AMIneX. MeRICAT II. THIOleX. THIOleX. ReGen. ReGen ulS THIOleX. RSH. ReGen AMIneX. AQuAFInInG nAPFInInG HiTAn. nH4Cl) unsaturated lPG (H2S. MeRICAT. ReGen. COS. RCOOH. AQuAFInInG CHlOReX downstream applications Catalytic refomer unstabilised reformate (HCl. RSH. visbreaker or hydrocracker lPG and naphtha (H2S. CO2) Propane (H2S. THIOleX. COS) light FCC gasoline (H2S. COS) AMIneX. THIOleX. AQuAFInInG: Water extraction of soluble organic and inorganic impurities from liquid and gas hydrocarbon streams. Copyright © 2010 Shell Global Solutions International bv. condensate and crude oil streams. The capital expenditure for a grassroots eXOMeR unit is 35–50% of the cost of incremental hydrotreating capacity. AMIneX and AMIneX COS: A special amine removes acid gas and COS compounds from lPG-type and gas streams. Some services may not be available in certain countries or political subdivisions thereof.com/globalsolutions Shell Global Solutions is a network of independent technology companies in the Shell Group.shell. kerosene and gasoline and naphtha streams. HAve yOu COnSIdeRed HOW yOu CAn n Process feedstocks that contain difficult-to-remove impurities Achieve higher levels of impurity removal? Avoid emulsification. these materials do not in any way constitute an offer to provide specific services. diesel.1 mg KOH/g) feeds. The information contained in this material is intended to be general in nature and must not be relied on as specific advice in connection with any decisions you may make. Since then. Figure 3: MeRICAT and MeRICAT C technologies employ the FIbeR FIlM Contactor as the mass transfer device and utilise a caustic/catalyst/air mixture as the treating reagent to remove hydrogen sulphide and sweeten mercaptan compounds in gasoline. recording or information storage and retrieval system. carryover and pressure drop in your mixing vessels? Minimise your use of fresh caustic? n n n All statements regarding Merichem Company. CHlOReX: Alkaline water extraction of inorganic chloride compounds from reformer gas and liquid product streams. the technology offers an on-stream factor between routine turnarounds of 100% and can process high TAn (>0. Merichem has granted operating licences to 75 units worldwide. The technology has been licensed 27 times since 1998. MeRICAT II: A caustic/catalyst/air mixture removes hydrogen sulphide and sweetens mercaptan compounds in jet fuel. its affiliates and their products are based solely on information provided by Merichem Company and have not been independently verified by Shell Global Solutions. MeRICAT II has been licensed to over 43 units since 1986. To date. The technology has been licensed four times since 1991. eXOMeR: A proprietary treating reagent removes the recombinant mercaptans that form in selectively hydrotreated fluidised catalytic cracked gasoline or heavier molecular weight mercaptans from liquid hydrocarbon streams. For more information. or where no useful purpose is served by identifying a particular company. electronic or mechanical including by photocopy. MeRICOn technology was first licensed in 1988. condensate and crude oil streams. and the operating costs per barrel are approximately 60–70% less when compared with hydrotreating. unlike electrostatic precipitators. All rights reserved. CHlOReX designs produce a more readily handled effluent stream compared with the waste material generated by sacrificial solid adsorbent beds.Offgas Air Untreated hydrocarbon Treated hydrocarbon Oxidiser DSO gravity separator Fresh solvent Solvent wash Air Catalyst Coal Catalyst Rich caustic from THIOLEX Lean caustic to THIOLEX Spent caustic Fresh cascaded caustic Spent caustic Fresh caustic Solvent/DSO Sand filter Figure 2: ReGen technology processes regenerable rich caustic streams produced in the refinery. Furthermore. no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means. MeRICAT J: A special solution mixed with air oxidises heavy mercaptans in jet fuel and middle distillate streams without the need for a fixed carbon bed. control odour and adjust acidity. nAPFInInG and nAPFInInG HiTAn: Caustic extraction of naphthenic acid compounds from jet fuel. GS33311110 en(A) . naphtha. MeRICOn: On-site solutions for the processing of spent caustics to reduce their biochemical oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand. nAPFInInG technology was first licensed in 1977. kerosene. The technology produces a neutral brine effluent stream that can be routed to waste-water treating facilities. Merichem has granted operating licences to 27 units worldwide. without permission in writing from Shell Global Solutions International bv. AQuAFInInG technology was first licensed in 1978 and to date has Merichem has granted 90 unit operating licenses worldwide. allowing it to be recycled thereby significantly improving caustic utilisation. returning a lean caustic stream for additional mercaptan removal. please visit our website at www. the expression ‘Shell Global Solutions’ is sometimes used for convenience where reference is made to these companies in general. In this brochure. Typically ReGen is coupled with extractive THIOleX technology to regenerate the mercaptide-rich caustic purged from the THIOleX system. evaporation ponds or waterways. Shell Global Solutions is not liable for any action you may take as a result of you relying on such material or for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of you taking this action.
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