fabrication technology



Fabrication TechnologyCourse Code: 3361905 GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT COURSE CURRICULUM COURSE TITLE: FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY (COURSE CODE 3361905) Diploma Programme in which this course is offered Semester offered Mechanical Engineering in which Sixth 1. RATIONALE. This course focuses on fabrication of different machine parts and process equipment used in various engineering application. This course would help students to learn application of different tools, equipment & machineries used in fabrication of process equipment and various fabrication works in deferent engineering application. This course also tries to develop safety consciousness in students for fabrication work. Students also become conversant with related manufacturing codes & standards of process equipment e.g. ASME, TEMA, BIS - 2825, BS - 5500. This also provides opportunity for hands on practice for student to develop skills and to understand basic technical requirement for process equipment fabrication. This course thus provides necessary knowledge and skills required in fabrication industry, and hence it is a key course for mechanical engineers. 2. COMPETENCY. The course content should be taught and implemented with the aim to develop required skills in the students so that they are able to acquire following competency.  Plan and supervise fabrication of different process equipment using appropriate methods, various fabrication standards, codes and safety norms. 3. COURSE OUTCOMES (COs). The theory should be taught and practical should be carried out in such a manner that students are able to acquire different learning outcomes in cognitive, psychomotor and affective domain to demonstrate following course outcomes. i. Interpret the fabrication drawings and plan the fabrication processes requirements and calculate the materials requirements. ii. Develop welding documents like WPS, WPQ, SWP and WTP. iii. Suggest steps for erection, installation and commissioning of fabricated equipment. iv. Follow safety norms during fabrication process. 4. TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME. Examination Scheme Total Teaching Scheme Credits (In Hours) Theory Marks Practical Marks (L+T+P) L T P C ESE PA ESE PA 3 0 2 5 70 30 20 30 Total Marks 150 Legends: L-Lecture; T – Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice; P -Practical; C – Credit, ESE -End Semester Examination; PA - Progressive Assessment. GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State 1 3.1 Need and scope of fabrication technology in industries. edge preparation and applications of weld .5 Introduction to ASME section IX Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) and Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ). List the factors affecting weldability. Interpret different terms of code.Fabrication Technology 5. 2. sketch. EN.1 Equipment/machines used for edge preparation. Compare different power sources. 3a. welding general nomenclature. 2c.3 Types.2 Weldability-concept. 3. List national and international level third party agencies. method and applications. DIN. 2a. ASTM. plug. groove.2 Preheating and inter-pass: need. 1. features. Explain importance of weldability. 2e. 2d. Piping isometric. Types of weld edge preparation 2. Explain procedure for weld edge preparation.6 Need and application areas of different codes used in fabrication industries remaining ASME sections. Develop WPS. applications and selection criteria. Interpret manufacturing/ welding drawings.4 Welding documents . parts list and quantity. 2. WTP and SWP documents. BIS. fillet. TEMA. 1. Types of joint butt. Prepare bill of materials. ii. welding supplementary symbols. Gujarat State 2 . 1. meaning.4 List of national and international fabrication industries and third party inspection agencies. their working & features. IS. JIS. abbreviations used for welding processes and welding position. EJMA. corner. iii. definition and factors affecting it and its importance. 2. limitations. 1c. Unit – III GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Major Learning Outcomes (in cognitive domain) 1a.Weld Test Plan (WTP) and Shop Weld Plan (SWP). 2b.3 Power source-classification. Course Code: 3361905 COURSE CONTENT DETAILS Unit Unit – I Introduction Unit – II Drawing Interpretation. Topics and Sub-topics 1. Use equipment/ machineries for edge preparation. lap. 2. tee and edge. welding symbols as per IS: 696-1972.1 Welding location of elements. 2. Welding / fabrication. 1b. Process and instrumentation. 1d. advantages. WPQ.2 Interpretation and method to work out bill of material for following types of drawings: i. AWS.square butt. i. Plate edge bending and rolling. method and applications. 3. Reference line marking by dumpy level. xii.11 Need. Plate cutting by gas and plasma arc with automation. Topics and Sub-topics 3. iii.Fabrication Technology Unit Fabrication Processes and Safety. Circularity measurement by swing arm method.3 Post heating-need.4 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)need. 3g. Select preheating. Ultrasonic welding. 3. Explain various fabrication procedures. Set different arc welding parameters. Calculate Ovality. 3f. iii.6 Arc welding parameters-setting criteria: i. Identify fabrication stages for equipment to be fabricated. Profile checking by template.7 Advance welding methods and their applications. Current. Weld edge preparation. Heat exchanger. Voltage. x. Offset rectification by wedge. 3. iv. 3. shell plate orientation and arc length. GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Course Code: 3361905 Major Learning Outcomes (in cognitive domain) 3b. v. Laser beam welding. 3d. 3c. Ovality measurement of shell and it’s rectification by spiders. post heating and PWHT method. ii. Friction stir welding. Marking procedures of shell and dish end. Gujarat State 3 . applications and selection criteria. Electron beam welding. 3. iv. ii.9 Process equipment fabrication procedures: i.5 Methods of relieving thermal stresses. Electrical power/communication transmission tower. 3h. v. Shell alignment by string and laser beams. xi. Strip cladding and overlay 3. Orientation marking on shell for nozzles.10 Fabrication steps/stages of: i. ii. Explain different methods of relieving thermal stresses. ix. Welding feed. Explain advance welding methods and welding automation. vii. 3e. Pressure vessel. iv. Welding speed. iii. viii. precautions and safety norms during welding and fabrication process. iii. 3.8 Welding automation. methods. Describe safety norms to be followed during fabrication activities. vi. 3. 3i. Arc length. ii. installation and commissioning of various fabricated equipment. definition.1 Common weld defects. Explain surface preparation. 4. causes. Magnetic Particle Testing. Identify factors affecting weld quality. Radiography Testing. 4c. Erection and Commissioning. compressive test. impact test. 5. 4.2 Thermal distortion-concept.1 Surface preparation methods. 4.7 Types. hardness test. importance and affecting factors 4. 6.4 Weld quality-concept. and Leak test by soap water and helium gas. their causes and remedies. meaning. effect and types.2 Surface finishing methods.6 Stages of inspection. Describe steps for erection. Gujarat State 4 . Finishing and Coating Methods.) 4.3 Methods and equipments used to control thermal distortion. meaning. 5. 6. Explain testing and inspection procedures. methods of testing and importance of Non Destructive Testing (NDT).4 Installation and commissioning procedures for plant machineries and fabricated equipment.9 Special types of test like Hydro test.(tensile test. GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Course Code: 3361905 Major Learning Outcomes (in cognitive domain) 4a.5 Introduction to inspection and testing. bend test.Fabrication Technology Unit Unit – IV Inspection and Testing. Pneumatic test. Unit – VI Installation.1 Erection steps for common fabrication structure. 5a. 4. 6. 6. Ultrasonic Testing. roller and spray applications. installation and commissioning for given equipment. sand blasting and ball blasting. 4.3 Erection steps for piping.2 Erection steps for equipment to be fabricated. 6c. Suggest steps for erection. finishing and coating method. ( Liquid penetrate testing.8 Types. 4b. 6c. Topics and Sub-topics 4. methods of testing and importance of destructive testing (DT).3 Surface colour coating by brush. Unit – V Surface preparation. brushing and grinding. 5. Eddy Current Testing) 4. definition. Distinguish weld defects and thermal distortion. 1 II Practical Exercises (outcomes in Psychomotor Domain) Interpretation of fabrication drawing: GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Approx.II (Up to 2. Hours. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION TABLE WITH HOURS AND MARKS (THEORY) Unit Unit Title Teaching Distribution of Theory Marks No. A= Apply and above levels (Bloom’s revised taxonomy) Notes: a) This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. if these practical/exercises are completed appropriately. The actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table. Faculty should refer to that common list and should ensure that students also acquire outcomes in affective domain which are required for overall achievement of Programme Outcomes/Course Outcomes. unit numbers I.III and V are to be considered. 8 5 5 4 14 IV Inspection and Testing. Unit No. 4 6 0 0 6 II Drawing Interpretation 14 9 5 6 20 III Fabrication Processes and Safety. Following is the list of practical exercises for guidance. c) Ask the questions from each topic as per marks weightage. SUGGESTED LIST OF EXERCISES/PRACTICALS. Required 04 Gujarat State 5 . The practical/exercises should be properly designed and implemented with an attempt to develop different types of skills (outcomes in psychomotor and affective domain) so that students are able to acquire the competencies/programme outcomes. Hours R U A Total Level Level Level Marks I Introduction. Finishing and 4 0 8 0 8 Coating Methods VI Installation. Numerical questions are to be asked only if it is specified. However. b) If mid-sem test is part of continuous evaluation.Fabrication Technology Course Code: 3361905 6. Thus over all development of Programme Outcomes (as given in a common list at the beginning of curriculum document for this programme) would be assured. Erection and 4 0 3 5 8 Commissioning. Total 42 27 24 19 70 Legends: R = Remember U= Understand. Optional questions must be asked from the same topic. they would also lead to development of certain outcomes in affective domain which would in turn lead to development of Course Outcomes related to affective domain. Sr. No.3 only). Note: Here only outcomes in psychomotor domain are listed as practical/exercises. 8 7 3 4 14 V Surface Preparation. 7. dish end plate and pipe and flange sizes for nozzle (as applicable). vii. xii.). Orientation marking of nozzle on shell and dish end. Prepare bill of materials. Food processing vessels. iv. Prepare WPS and WPQ: Prepare one WPS (Welding Procedure Specification) and one WPQ (Welder Performance Qualification) based on given variables and data. part material. Total no. EOT crane structure. Complex job as mini project work: Fabricate one complex job by using welding processes in group of 4 to 6 students. For piping isometrics drawings : Students would calculate i. reducers for loop etc. ii. water. Start-end point co-ordinates. Total no. Pipe length and size required for loop. Heat exchanger. sign boards. v. iii. iv. b. For fabrication / welding drawing: Students would: i. xi. Weld joints in inch-dia. etc. grills. gas. of elbows. Model fabrication transmission tower. vi. Model fabrication of industrial shade. etc. Calculate shell plate size. iii. radiator. Total no. Piping for transferring oil. Other equivalent structure assigned by teacher. T joints. from the following suggested areas. x.Fabrication Technology 2 3 III I to V Course Code: 3361905 Teacher will issue one fabrication drawing and one piping drawing for interpretation. ii. i. Domestic applications (car shades. a. iv. Bridge structure. of joints required for loop. gate. iii. vii. Erection in inch-meter. raw material size and quantity). Frames/truss. of supports required for loop. viii. Condenser. This includes followings: GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 2 Hrs 18 Hrs Gujarat State 6 . vi. if applicable. (Parts name. v. Name the item which has been drawn and given for interpretation. v. Model of ship. ii. Tabulate welding / fabrication symbols used with interpretation of each. ix. it may not be necessary to exactly follow the time table slots. students are to be assessed for competencies achieved. b. if applicable. List the steps followed to prepare plans. e. a. It must be hand written / hand drawn by student only. 8. Write conclusion with interpretation. d. Presentation including photographs/video of actual work being carried out. SUGGESTED LIST OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES: SR. For this option. c. Prepare SWP and WTP: Prepare one Shop Weld Plan (SWP) and one Weld Test Plan (WTP) for typical pressure vessel job. Sketch the path tested. Prepare plans. Sketch the job. 4 V 5 VI 2 Hrs 2 Hrs 28 Hrs Notes: a.Fabrication Technology Course Code: 3361905 Sketches. Liquid penetrate testing: a. Selection of welding process and process parameters. Write specification of test liquid. Attach photograph. b. It is also required to get each exercise recorded in logbook. List steps followed. PA component of practical marks is dependent on continuous and timely evaluation and submission of exercises. f. Bill of material. b. Steps to fabricate. Term work report must not include any photocopy/ies. c. c.NO. b. h. checked and duly dated signed by teacher. Demonstrate liquid penetrate testing of weldment. Total Hours a. f. List of consumables used with specifications and quantity. c. GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 ACTIVITY Gujarat State 7 . d. They should be given experience/part of experience to perform. Mini project and presentation topic/area has to be assigned to the group of specified students in the beginning of the term by batch teacher. e. printed manual/pages. This can be on continuous base also). d. (Option of flexi time based work can also be practiced. Pre and/or post weld heat treatment processes used. i. Method employed for weld edge preparation. For practical ESE part. litho. etc. g. WPS and WPQ. It is compulsory to prepare log book of exercises. ii.Fabrication Technology i. demonstration. Submit assignment given by subject teacher. actual demonstration.O. 9. R.P Parmar. R. 10. i. movies. SUGGESTED LEARNING RESOURCES. erection and commissioning activities ongoing..No. erection and commissioning.S. Strategies Lecture on fabrication technology and it’s uses. industrial visits. Publication Dhanpat Rai Publications. A) List of Books: S. iii. Nadkarni. New Delhi 1st edition Advani oerlikon. iv. finishing and coating activity. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (if any). Unit Unit Name Introduction to Fabrication i. ii. vi. Title of Book Welding technology.K. Use drawings from various fabrication industries related to equipment fabrication. No. structural fabrication. movies. Welding engineering and technology. v. Saxena. iii. Use video/animations available on internet related to various fabrication processes. Asthana. piping isometrics etc. and industrial visits. and explain to students.V. I Technology. V Surface preparation. II Drawing interpretation. Modern arc welding Technology. erecting and commissioning procedures for equipments and visit industry site where actual installation. Sr. finishing and coating methods. New Delhi . New Delhi – 3rd edition Gujarat State 8 . industrial visits.B.22nd Edition Khanna Publishers. S. Mumbai – 6th edition Somaiya Publishers. Use various inspection and testing related presentations from various websites. III Fabrication processes and safety. Use charts and posters to show the surface preparation. ii. Show operational manuals for installation. demonstration. movies. Course Code: 3361905 Visit fabrication industry and prepare report on equipment/machineries specification. industrial visits. Structural steel fabrication and erection GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Author Khanna. problem faced in operating equipment/machineries and safety precautions. iv. IV Inspection and testing. VI Installation. S. com x.com iv. plate thickness capacity up to 10mm. i.Bhuj. DC output 115 volts. 2. Acetylene and oxygen gas cylinder.com xii.themanufacturinginstitute. 1.com 11. 3. Various nozzle tip set (2 to 6 mm).careersinwelding. Cutting torch with back fire arrester. 3. Output wattage (1 to 5 kW). Three high rolling machine with 0.edu ii.230 volts. ii. www.org viii.engineeringtoolbox. C) List of Software/Learning Websites.weldingdesign. Gas cutting set. R.N. 2. 2.com vi.  Prof. 2.aws. G.C. K. 1.com ix.org iii.5 meter length with max.com v. Pressure regulator and gas flow measuring device.NO. 1. i. GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State 9 . iii. Metal cutting science and production technology B) Course Code: 3361905 Jain.org vii. 1. COURSE CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Faculty Members from Polytechnics. www. 3-phase induction motor with 5kW capacity. www.Fabrication Technology v.osu.twi-global.asnt. New Delhi 4th edition List of Major Equipment/ Instrument with Broad Specifications: SR. 3. 50 Hz. 4. https://www.asme.engineering. AC input 440 volts. Welding power source rectifier. www. 3 ph. D. Resource with brief specification. Agrawal L.adorweldingacademy. www.org xi.vlab. Khanna Publishers. Katariya.. http:///www. www. 4. www. www. www.P. www.Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering. Portable Plate rolling machine.weldingalloys. Suitable reduction gear box. b. Professor.Institute. M.Fabrication Technology Course Code: 3361905  Prof.  Prof. Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering. Jain. 1 QUESTION R U UNIT A Answer ANY seven from following. Associate Professor. ii. D. i. v. Shree V & K Patel Institute of Engineering.Principal. c. 5 III III 5 OR b. ix.Patel. 7 IV OR a. GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 7 3 4 IV IV II Gujarat State 10 . iii. 5 II OR a.  Dr. Department of Mechanical Engineering.  Dr. 3 a. 2 MARKS DISTRIBUTION 14 I II II II IV IV V V VI VI 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 a.: Mehsana. Paper setter may opt for other marks distribution pattern maintaining distribution of marks as per specification table) Q. Bhavnagar. x. L. vi. Bhogayata. Kadi.NO. Vandana Somkuwar. 4 a. viii. 5 4 II II 4 II OR c. b.K.P. SUGGESTED QUESTION PAPER FORMAT (This is for reference only and is in suggestive form. b. 5 II II 5 OR b. iv. Sir B. P. Coordinator and Faculty Members from NITTTR Bhopal. c. K. 5 III OR a. Dist. c. Department of Mechanical Engineering. SUB Q. vii.NO. 5 4 III III 4 III OR c. GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Course Code: 3361905 5 5 4 V VI I Gujarat State 11 . c.Fabrication Technology 5 a. b.
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