Fabrication of Heavy Wall Reactors in Crmo v Plates

May 2, 2018 | Author: Dinesh Vaghela | Category: Nondestructive Testing, Welding, Chemistry, Industrial Processes, Industries



DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUMDILLINGER HÜTTE GTS 16-17 September 2009 Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates Giacomo Fossataro (Walter Tosto SpA) Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates Walter Tosto SpA was founded in 1960 by Mr. Walter Tosto 1960 2009 First steps of company activities Nowdays, Company awarded with “INNOVATION PRIZE 2009” by The President Of the Italian Republic G. Napolitano DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates Walter Tosto SpA is located in the central part of Italy with shops in Chieti Scalo and in the port of Ortona DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . HP heat exchangers and Process Columns using the most advanced and sophisticated steels DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates Production range covers the most critical components of a petrochemical plant such as Reactors. Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . 2°C INTERNAL DIAMETER 4500 mm SHELL THICKNESS 150 mm DESIGN CODES ASME VIII div. Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates Case Study: fabrication of a CrMoV reactor REACTOR DATA INTERNAL DESIGN PRESSURE 92 barg DESIGN TEMPERATURE 450°C MINIMUM DESIGN METAL TEMPERATURE -25.1/PED TOTAL WEIGHT 500 MT DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates Courtesy of Axens DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . including both API 934 A and Axens Specification for chemistry limitation (ultra clean steel with very low level of tramp elements) J-factor X-bar Requested <=100 <= 15 Actual Values 42.Heads by plate in SA 542 D Cl 4a .Shell course with catalyst grid support ring by forging in SA 336 Gr F22V -All materials (including consumables) are procured in compliance with the most stringent market requirements. Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates Adopded materials: .14 10 DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 .Shell by plate in SA 542 D Cl 4a . Avg > 162÷174 Avg > NW HV10 217÷221H HV10 198÷205 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 55J J 55J 135÷170J V10 HV10 Y.S. (A.S.S. > SAW (Tandem) 465 345 HOT Tensile at 1/2 thk.S. > Y.5°C V Tr 55 + 3 (V’Tr55- VTr55) DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 .) Avg > 139÷194 Avg > HAZ HV10 188÷216H HV10 192÷204 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 55J J 55J 244÷250J V10 HV10 T.W. [At +454°C] N/mm2 N/mm2 SAW (Tandem) Step CoolingTest at 1/2 thk. > 539 509 SAW (Tandem) HOT Tensile at 1/2 thk. > Min > Min > SAW (Tandem) 415 548÷583 415 497÷513 48J HAZ 48J < 248 HAZ < 248 HAZ at 1/2 thk. WM < 10°C -22.S. Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates Adopted welding process with some test results Tensile Test PWHT Tensile Test PWHT Impact test PWHT Impact test PWHT Hardness Test Hardness Test min max Welding Process min (710°C x 8h) max (710°C x 26h) PWHT min (710°C x PWHT max (710°C (710°C x 8h) (710°C x 26h) [At -30°C] [At -30°C] 8h) x 26h) [At +20°C] [At +20°C] Required Obtaine Required Obtaine Required Obtained Required Obtained Required Obtained Required Obtained Y.S. 585 634 ÷ T.M. [At +454°C] N/mm2 N/mm2 T. 585 Min > Min > SAW (Tandem) ÷ 760 659 ÷ 760 619 ÷ 628 48J NW 48J < 248 NW < 248 NW at 1/2 thk. > 345 442 HOT Tensile at 1/2 thk. [At +454°C] N/mm2 N/mm2 SMAW Step CoolingTest at 1/2 thk.S.S.S.W.M. > 415 552÷591 Y. Avg > 126÷149 Avg > 102÷117 HV10 200÷208H HV10 193÷199 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 55J J 55J J V10 HV10 SMAW Y. > 509 523 SMAW HOT Tensile at 1/2 thk.S. [At +454°C] N/mm2 N/mm2 T.S.) N/mm2 N/mm2 Avg > 189÷211 Avg > 170÷194 HV10 187÷213H HV10 191÷200 N/mm2 N/mm2 55J J 55J J V10 HV10 T. WM < 10°C -27. 585 ÷ T.S. (A.5°C V Tr 55 + 3 (V’Tr55- VTr55) DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . > 415 502÷516 Min > Min > SMAW 48J HAZ 48J HAZ < 248 HAZ < 248 HAZ at 1/2 thk. Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates Adopted welding process with some test results Tensile Test PWHT Tensile Test PWHT Impact test PWHT Impact test PWHT Hardness Test Hardness Test min max Welding Process min (710°C x 8h) max (710°C x 26h) PWHT min (710°C x PWHT max (710°C (710°C x 8h) (710°C x 26h) [At -30°C] [At -30°C] 8h) x 26h) [At +20°C] [At +20°C] Required Obtained Required Obtained Required Obtained Required Obtained Required Obtained Required Obtained Y. 585 ÷ Min > Min > SMAW 760 639 ÷ 660 760 624 ÷ 639 48J NW 48J NW < 248 NW < 248 NW at 1/2 thk. Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates Summary of adopted heat treatments DHT 350°C x 6h ISR 650°C x 6h PWHT 710°C (±5°) x 8h Typical Heat Treatment Sequence A) Longitudinal welds B) Nozzles and heads welds C) Circumferential DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . Quenching & tempering of petals according to mill recommendation .Fit-up and SAW welding followed by ISR .Fit-up and welding of nozzles followed by ISR DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates HEADS FABRICATION .Warm calibration of petals (at 250-300°C) .Machining of circumferential bevel .Hot forming of petals at 950°C . Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates SHELL COURSES FABRICATION .Machining of circumferential bevel .Fit-up & SAW welding of longitudinal seam followed by ISR .Warm rolling of plates (at 350-400°C) .Fit-up and welding of nozzles followed by ISR DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates FABRICATION OF SECTIONS (3 courser or 2 courses + head) .Circumferential fit-up and SAW welding followed by DHT .Weld overlay by double heads ESW process type 347 DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates Automatic system of pre-heat/interpass management DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . ” DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates “Drying and feeding flux system designed and manufactured in-house. Assembly and welding of external & internal appurtenances DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 .Assembly and circular welding of main sections. followed by DHT . Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates REACTOR COMPLETION . TOFD .T. Circumferential MT .FERRITE PT .UT DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . MT .TOFD . MT .MANUAL U.T.PHASED ARRAY Overlay PT – UT .TOFD .MANUAL U.MANUAL U.TOFD .PHASED ARRAY MT – TOFD .T. MT . welding Nozzles welding MT – TOFD .MANUAL U. MT .MANUAL U.T. Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates Main Non Destructive Tests BEFORE PWHT AFTER PWHT AFTER HYDRO TEST Longitudinal welding MT .PHASED ARRAY MT – TOFD .T.TOFD .TOFD .T.MANUAL U. Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates Manual Shear Wave Procedure for Identifying Transverse Reheat Cracks Recommendation Comments Surface Condition Flush Ground of Welded Joint 2 to 4 MHz (focused if necessary Probe Transducer frequency should be 4 MHz for near side examination to achieve adequate resolution at Frequency and 2 MHz for depths greater than 100 mm. . Compare maximum echodynamic evaluation) signal obtained from transverse and parallel directions with the same probe that produced the maximum signal (Figure 4) if the difference is >9 dB. If > 9db minimum amplitude and no Characterization (Hdmax-Hdmin) then classify as planar. maximum depths) Multiple probes are used to “cover” the near and far zones: Probe 70 (primary detection angle).Investigate and Characterize DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . Scanning Both directions along weld Direction Primary objective is to determine if indication is planar and transverse. • Angles and possibly 45 degrees 60 degrees covers about 50-150. Holes at multiple depths and some EDM notches are typically Reference up) included. and • 45 degrees covers the deeper areas. Scanning + 14 dB above reference level Sensitivity Scanning Scanning for transverse flaws or “A-scan”. 1) Greater than 20% DAC - Rejection Reject – Rejected except if classified as another type of defect and Criteria 2) 10-20% DAC passing ASME Code requirements. 60 70 degrees covers about 10-100 mm. • Calibration 3 mm side drilled holes (DAC set. Look for >9 dB difference between the 70 and 60 degree scans Based on EN1713 (except no Flaw (45 and 60 degree for depths greater than 120 mm). the defect can be considered transverse. however this Along ground weld Location terminology is not consistent worldwide. Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT The whole reactor has been treated in furnace with target 710°C +/.5°C.5 mt. During the soaking time the temperature range was between 707°C and 714°C Furnace Dimension 10x11x28. DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . Assembling and welding of bottom nozzles and skirt + local PWHT .NDTs after Hydrotest . blanketing etc.Hydrotest . Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates FINAL ACTIVITIES .NDTs after PWHT .Painting. DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 . cleaning. furnace & skilled personnel to guarantee precise temperature (+/-5°C) DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 .Development of appropriate welding procedures . Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates Conclusion Some of the winning factors for a safe reactor fabrication .Reliable PWHT procedure.ISR furnace located inside the shop .Reliable automatism in preheat/interpass continuous control .“Locked” welding parameters in production and automatic continuous record of them .Intensive training of all involved personnel .Severity in NDTs (Specific training and qualification for the operators) .Special care in consumable management system . Fabrication of heavy wall reactors made in CrMo(V) plates Thank you for your attention DILLINGER PRESSURE VESSEL COLLOQUIUM 16-17 September 2009 .
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