f54 Erp606 Bb Configguide en Xx

March 27, 2018 | Author: ashish_bhalerao | Category: Debits And Credits, Enterprise Resource Planning, Financial Transaction, Business, Economies



EHP6 for SAP ERP6.0 SAP Convergent Charging 3.0 EHP2 for SAP CRM 7.0 Jan 2013 English ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54) Building Block Configuration Guide SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Copyright © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. Please see http://www.sap.com/corporate-en/legal/copyright/index.epx#trademark for additional trademark information and notices. © SAP AG Page 2 of 103 SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Icons Icon Meaning Caution Example Note Recommendation Syntax Typographic Conventions Type Style Description Example text Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options. Cross-references to other documentation. Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables. EXAMPLE TEXT Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Example text Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools. EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as ENTER key. Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. <Example text> Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. © SAP AG F2) or the Page 3 of 103 ................................................ 101 3......................3 Classifying Document Types for Document Splitting...................................................................94 3...........................................................102 3...4 Payments....4 Screen Preparations........ 46 3.....................................................2......27 3...................................................2......................................40 3............1................................... 5 3..........................................7 3.......................1 Security Deposits.........................6 Account Balance Display....................................2............... 87 3..........................................3 Document Assignments and Account Assignments.....7 Returns..............................................................................................................5 1 Purpose.........................37 3..........................101 3...12 Doubtful Items and Individual Value Adjustment...........................1....... 42 3..................................2...........1...............1..............1...........................1 Basic Functions..........................................................................................7 Particular Aspects of Taxation Procedure.3 External Cash Desk..............................................................................101 3...............................10 Write-Offs............................3.2 Defining Valuation Areas.............................. 38 3..........4..........................8 Deferral and Installment Plans........................... 41 3.............................................2............. 5 2 Preparation..............102 3................2...........39 3. 5 3.........................................................................1 Defining Methods for Foreign Currency Valuation..................8 Print Workbench..4........2............................. 41 3......... 38 3................................................1..4..........................................................................................2......................................1................................102 3..........................................9 Correspondence........................................................5 Open Item Management.............................. 89 3....2................1 Defining Document Number Ranges for Entry View........9 Promise to Pay......................................................... 23 3........ 64 3.............................................2 Postings and Documents Basic setting............................2 Business Transactions........................................................................1.......................................................................................................2...................1................................................................84 3...............1.. 79 3...................................................4......10 Checking Management................11 Enhanced Message Management..................................................................................2...................................13 Credit................................................2............................................. 99 3......................2.........................11 Submit to Collection Agency..1....................................... 52 3......................................93 3.................2 Defining Document Types for Entry View................................................................................... 5 3............68 3....SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Contents ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable..................................... 5 2............................................. 5 3 Configuration...3............................2 Cash Journal.......................................................................................103 © SAP AG Page 4 of 103 ...32 3............................................................................16 3..................................................5 Interest Calculation................3 Closing Operations.......................................................4 Defining Posting Specifications for General Ledger Transfer........102 3......1 Prerequisites................................6 Dunning/Collection Management.........................4 Integration General Ledger Accounting...........................1 Provider Contract............................................ On the Change View “Central Settings for Provider Contract”: Overview screen. 2 Preparation 2. see the Building Block Prerequisites Matrix for SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management rapid-deployment solution. This document supplements the existing Customizing documentation in the Implementation Guide (IMG) and provides additional information where required.1 Provider Contract 3.1. If you do not want to configure manually and prefer an automated installation process using BC Sets and other tools. These settings can be divided into three main groups: Prerequisite settings that have to be checked and which were delivered by SAP (as part of the standard delivery) The term Check refers to these prerequisite settings. These settings can be initial or reused from existing SAP ERP layers and are indicated in the text by <your value>. covered either by automation or manual configuration (in the customer namespace).1 Prerequisites Before you start installing this scenario. For more information. choose New Entries and create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 5 of 103 .1 Basic Functions 3. Additional settings that need to be made. The term Create refers to these additional settings in the text.1. 3 Configuration The following section describes the complete settings for this building block. 3. attached to the Step-by-Step Guide. you must install the prerequisite building blocks. refer to the Quick Guide of your SAP rapid-deployment solution that is attached to the SAP Note.1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Provider Contract  Activate Provider Contract 2. Settings defined by the customer (in the customer namespace and customer-specific): The system uses automation to request individual customer settings during the personalization process.1 Activating Provider Contract 1.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable 1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to describe the general configuration steps required to manually set up the configuration within the system landscape that has already been installed using the corresponding installation or configuration guides for installation. You will find this document in the content library. 4. 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQ0500 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Provider Contract  Define Specifications for Derivation of Standard Account Assignment 2. If you are not in the overview screen. For a first time maintenance. Conform the information Field assignment changed.1. Choose Continue (Enter). 11. Choose Assign Fields. 3. save and then adjust the data with Enter. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. create the following settings: Field Name View 1 Company Code 1 2 Profit Center 1 3 Segment 1 4 Std Division 1 5 Business Area 1 7. choose from the menu Goto  Views  Define Views. 8. choose Continue (Enter). On the Maintain Contract: Determine Standard Account Assignment: Overview screen.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Field name User action and values Usage of Provider Contract 1 As First Contract Allowed Contract Accounts Only the contract account of the contract item is allowed 3. choose from the menu Goto  Select keys. On the Define Views window.2 Defining Specifications for Derivation of Standard Account Assignment 1. mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Sales Org. Choose Continue (Enter). Choose Continue (Enter). Channel X Division X Sales Area 1 X Sales Area 2 X 12.1. X Distr. 9. Choose Save. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing. © SAP AG Page 6 of 103 . On the Select Key Fields window. choose Cancel. create the following settings: View Active Text 1 X All Fields 5. 10. 6. On the Maintain Contract: Determine Standard Account Assignment: Overview screen. On the Assign Fields to Views window. code> <your segment> <your division> 14. On the Maintain Contract: Determine Standard Account Assignment: Overview screen.2.1. Choose Save. create the following settings: No From No. choose Continue.1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FPN_VT IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Provider Contract  Define Number Range 2. channel> Division <your division> Sales Area 1 * Sales Area 2 * Compan y Code Segment Std Division <your co. Distr. 3. 3. On the Range Maintenance: Provider Contract screen.2 Postings and Documents Basic setting 3. enter your assigned request then continue. 3.> <your distr.1 Maintaining Central Settings for Posting 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Basic Settings  Maintain Central Settings for Posting 2. 4. On the Maintain Intervals: Provider Contract screen.code> <your segment> <your division> <your co. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.3 Defining Number Range for Provider Contracts 1.1.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 13. channel> <your sales org.1. On the Transport number range intervals window. To Number Ext 02 00000000000000000001 00000000999999999999 X Comment The number range should match with the number range you create in CRM.> <your distr. check or create the following settings: Field name User action and values Collective Bills/Bundles Used X Installment Plans Used X Documents with Repetitions Are Possible X Repetition Groups Permitted X Cash Discount Possible for Payments X Payment Amount Agreement Possible X Invoicing is Active X © SAP AG Page 7 of 103 . choose Change intervals. Channel <your sales org. Choose Save. 5. create the following settings: Sales Org. On the Change View ”Central setting in contract accounts receivable/payable” screen. choose Change intervals.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 3. On the Maintain Intervals: FI-CA documents screen. 3. Agents 10 2560 YK Payment Cheques 11 2560 YL Distributed Revenue 12 2560 YM General 13 2560 YN Charges 14 2560 YO Interests 15 2560 YP Transfer posting 16 2560 © SAP AG Page 8 of 103 .3 Ranges Maintaining Document types and Assign Number 1. life Y1 Charges/Discounts CI 01 X 2560 YA Invoices CI/BIT 01 X 2560 YB Invoices SD 02 X 2560 YC Collective Invoice 03 X 2560 YD Vendor Invoice 04 X 2560 YE Cash Desk 05 2560 YF Ext. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FPN1 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Basic Settings  Maintain Document Number Ranges 2. 3.1. create the following settings: DT Description NR Not Manually Doc.2.1.2 Maintaining Document Number Ranges 1. On the Transport number range intervals window. 5. Cash desk 06 2560 YG Payment lot 07 2560 YH Paym.2. Choose Save. 3. create the number ranges as in the variant file SMBAN_NRIV_B4AM_J01_F54. choose Continue. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: 2. run 08 2560 YI Returns 09 2560 YJ Payment Coll. 4. Choose Save. On the Range Maintenance: FI-CA documents screen. Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Maintain Document Assignments  Document Types  Maintain Document Types and Assign Number Ranges On the Change View “Maintain Document Types”: Overview screen.TXT. On the Change View “FI-CA: Main Transactions”: Overview screen. for example.1. 4. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Maintain Document Assignments  Maintain Main Transactions 2.2. create the following settings: Cty Ta Valid from Tx <your country> Y0 <valid from date> <zero rate. Select the document type and double-click on Maintain Number Ranges for Mass Processing in the left dialog structure. 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Maintain Document Assignments  Define Sales/Purchase Tax Determination 2.2. Choose Save. life 2560 3.1. Choose Save.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration DT Description NR Not Manually YQ PP Balance Transfer 17 2560 YR Reverse postings 18 2560 YT Corrections 20 2560 YU Write off 21 2560 YW Security deposits 23 2560 YY Account maintenance 25 2560 YZ Migration 26 X Doc. On the Change View “Code for Tax Code Determination”: Overview screen.5 Maintaining Main Transactions 1.4 Defining Sales Tax Determination Code 1. 5. On the Change View “Maintain Number Ranges for Mass Processing”: Overview screen. Choose Save. create the following settings: ApArea MTra Description <your application area> Y100 Product 10 © SAP AG Page 9 of 103 . 3.TXT for all the entries 6. assign number ranges for mass processing. applicable to International Customers> <your country> Y1 <valid from date> <for example half rate> <your country> Y2 <valid from date> <full rate applicable to Domestic Customers> <your country> Y9 <valid from date> <rate applicable to Group Customers> 3. see variant file SMBA0_V_TFK003B_B2UL_J0B_F54. On the Change View “FI-CA: Sub-transactions”: Overview screen.0. Choose Save.debit 10 <your application area> Y100 0011 Open receiv.2.1 credits <your application area> Y100 1016 Product 10.1. create the following settings for main transaction Y100: ApArea MTrans STrans Description <your application area> Y100 0010 Open receiv.6 Maintaining Sub-Transactions 1.0.1 debits <your application area> Y100 1011 Product 10.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration ApArea MTra Description <your application area> Y110 Product 11 <your application area> Y120 Product 12 <your application area> Y130 Product 13 <your application area> Y140 Product 14 <your application area> Y150 Product 15 <your application area> Y160 Product 16 <your application area> Y170 Product 17 <your application area> Y180 Product 18 <your application area> Y190 Product 19 <your application area> Y200 Product 20 <your application area> Y210 Product 21 <your application area> Y220 Product 22 <your application area> Y230 Product 23 <your application area> Y240 Product 24 <your application area> Y250 Product 25 <your application area> Y260 Product 26 <your application area> Y270 Product 27 <your application area> Y280 Product 28 <your application area> Y290 Product 29 <your application area> Y700 One-off 70 <your application area> Y710 One-off 71 <your application area> Y720 One-off 72 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Maintain Document Assignments  Maintain SubTransactions 2. 3.0.credit 10 <your application area> Y100 1010 Product 10.1 DR deduct © SAP AG Page 10 of 103 . SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration ApArea MTrans STrans Description <your application area> Y100 1017 Product 10.0.1 CR deduct <your application area> Y100 1020 Product 10.0.2 debits <your application area> Y100 1021 Product 10.0.2 credits <your application area> Y100 1026 Product 10.0.2 DR deduct <your application area> Y100 1027 Product 10.0.2 CR deduct ...... …… …… …… <your application area> Y100 1090 Product 10.0.9 debits <your application area> Y100 1091 Product 10.0.9 credits <your application area> Y100 1096 Product 10.0.9 DR deduc <your application area> Y100 1097 Product 10.0.9 CR deduc <your application area> Y100 1110 Product 10.1.1 debits <your application area> Y100 1111 Product 10.1.1 credits <your application area> Y100 1116 Product 10.1.1 DR deduct <your application area> Y100 1117 Product 10.1.1 CR deduct ...... …… …… …… <your application area> Y100 1910 Product 10.9.1 debits <your application area> Y100 1911 Product 10.9.1 credits <your application area> Y100 1916 Product 10.9.1 DR deduct <your application area> Y100 1917 Product 10.9.1 CR deduct Comment Some entries are not documented in the list and omitted by “……”. Create these entries also by following the sequences. The rule is sub-transaction 0010 and 0011 are for summarization and 4 sub-transactions for each sub-product: debit, credit, DR deduct, CR deduct. 3. Create same entries for other main transactions. See variant file SMBA0_V_TFKTVO_B2VN_J01_F54.TXT for all the entries. 4. Choose Save. Maintaining Sub-Transactions for FICAX 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Maintain Document Assignments  Maintain SubTransactions 2. On the Change View “FI-CA: Sub-transactions”: Overview screen, create the following settings: ApArea MTrans STrans Description <your application area> 0010 0060 Fee for due items in invoicing <your application area> 0025 0020 Carryf. interest on cash dep. <your application area> 6000 0010 Other Credits © SAP AG Page 11 of 103 SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration ApArea MTrans STrans Description <your application area> 6000 0020 Other Receivables <your application area> 6000 0040 New Item After Invoice Clear. 3. Choose Save. Transactions for Company Code and Division For FICAX Environment 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu in FICAX Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Maintain Document Assignments  Maintain Transactions for Non-Ind. Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Define and Parameterize External Transactions 2. On the Change View “External Main Transaction”: Overview screen, select main transaction Y100. 3. In the left dialog structure, double-click on External Subtransaction. 4. On the Change View “External Subtransaction”: Overview screen, select subtransaction 0010. 5. In the left dialog structure, double-click on Line Item Parameters. 6. On the Change View “Line Item Parameters”: Overview screen, create the following settings: Applicat. area Company Code <your application area> <your company code> <your application area> <your company code> Division <your division> Main Trans. Subtran saction Debit/ Credit Transa ct.Text Description Y800 0010 S Debit receiv. deb Open receiv.debit 10 Y800 0010 S Debit receiv. deb Open receiv.debit 10 7. Choose Save. 8. Repeat above steps to create line item parameters for other subtransactions that you created in “ Maintain Sub-Transactions”. The rule is subtransaction xxx0 and xxx7 are with S Debit indicator, xxx1 and xxx6 are with H Credit indicator. See variant file SMBAN_V_TFSCHVTV_B4AK_J0E_F54.TXT for all the entries. 0 Create line parameters for other subtransactions as in variant file SMBAN_V_TFSCHVTV_B4AK_J0E_F54_02.TXT. For TELCO Environment 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu in TELCO Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Maintain Document Assignments  Maintain Transactions Industry-Specific Component Telecommunications  Maintain Transactions for Telephone Bill 2. In the left dialog structure, double-click on Define Main Transactions. © SAP AG Page 12 of 103 SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 3. On the Change View “Define Main Transactions”: Overview screen, select main transaction Y100. 4. In the left dialog structure, double-click on Define Sub-Transactions. 5. On the Change View “Define Sub-Transactions”: Overview screen, select subtransaction 0010. 6. In the left dialog structure, double-click on Maintain Attributes per Company Code and Division. 7. On the Change View “Maintain Attributes per Company Code and Division”: Overview screen, create the following settings: Applicat. area Company Code <your application area> <your company code> <your application area> <your company code> Division <your division> Main Trans. Subtran s. Debit/ Credit Short text Long text Y800 0010 S Debit receiv.d eb Open receiv.debit 10 Y800 0010 S Debit receiv.d eb Open receiv.debit 10 8. Choose Save. 9. Repeat above steps to create line item parameters for other subtransactions that you created in “ Maintain Sub-Transactions”. The rule is subtransaction xxx0 and xxx7 are with S Debit indicator, xxx1 and xxx6 are with H Credit indicator. You can see variant file SMBA4_V_TE305_N_B4ID_J0F_F54.TXT for all the entries. 10. Create line parameters for other subtransactions as in variant file SMBA4_V_TE305_N_B4ID_J0F_F54_02.TXT. Assigning External Transactions (for FICAX only) 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu in FICAX Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Maintain Document Assignments  Maintain Transactions for Non-Ind. Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Assign External Transactions 2. On the Change View “Assignment of External Transactions to Internal Transacti screen, check or create the following settings: A Int. Main Int.Subtrn Main Trans Subtrans. <your application area> 0025 0020 0025 0020 3. Choose Save. Defining Tolerance Groups 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu in FICAX Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Tolerance Groups for Amount Limits  Define Tolerance Groups 2. On the Change View “Tolerance Groups for Users in Contract A/R + A/P”: Overvi screen, choose New Entries and create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 13 of 103 4. 3.1. Choose Save.000 1. create the following settings: CoCodeGrp Dunn. <your co.code> <your currency> 9. Choose Save. bal. YN Additional Receivables General 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu in FICAX Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Additional Receivables  Define Rules for Additional Receivables 2.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Tolerance group Company Code Currency Amount per Doc.999.999. 3. Select the rule and double-click on Rules for Additional Receivables (Attributes) in the left dialog structure.12 Postprocess Sub-Transactions 1.11 Defining Rules for Additional Receivables 1.2.code group> X 5. On the Change View “Rules for Additional Receivables”: Overview screen.000 300 YN10 <your co.code> <your currency> 10. create the following settings: ApArea MTrans STrans AddRecRule <your application area> 0010 0010 YN <your application area> 0010 0020 YN <your application area> 0025 0010 YN <your application area> 0025 0020 YN <your application area> 0040 0010 YN <your application area> 0040 0020 YN <your application area> 0040 0030 YN <your application area> 0040 0040 YN <your application area> 0040 0050 YN © SAP AG Payment Page 14 of 103 .code> <your currency> 1.999 3. Max amt per item YN01 <your co.2. On the Change View “FI-CA: Sub-transactions”: Overview screen.999. On the Change View “Rules for Additional Receivables (Attributes)”: Overview screen. choose New Entries and create the following settings: AddRecRule Descript.000 YN99 <your co.1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu in FICAX Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Additional Receivables  Postprocess Sub-Transactions 2. 2. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu in FICAX Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  © SAP AG Page 15 of 103 . 3. 3. Choose Save. On the Change View “Central Technical Settings for Contract Accounts Rec. check or create the following settings: Field name User action and values Use Shadow Table for Business Partner X Dependency Check for Business Partner Changes X 3. See variant file SMBAN_V_TFK001C_1_B4IK_J01_F54_S. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu in FICAX Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Technical Settings  Activate Performance Improvement for Mass Runs 2. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Define Default Values  Maintain Rules for Reconciliation Key Default Values  Origin Keys with UserDependent Default Values 2.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration ApArea MTrans STrans AddRecRule Payment <your application area> 0070 0010 YN <your application area> 0070 0011 YN <your application area> 0070 0020 YN <your application area> 0070 0021 YN <your application area> 0080 0020 YN <your application area> 0060 0010 X <your application area> 0060 0020 X <your application area> 3000 0020 X 3.1.1.TXT for all the entries. enter the origin keys for which a user-dependent reconciliation key is to be proposed. 3. Choose Save.2.13 Runs Activating Performance Improvement for Mass 1.TXT or SMBAN_V_TFK001C_1_B4IK_J01_F54_T.2.15 Values Maintaining Reconciliation Groups for Default 1.1. 3. Choose Save. On the Change View “Origin with Reconciliation Key for Each User Group”: Over screen.14 Origin Keys with User-Dependent Default Values 1.& Pa screen. choose Continue (Enter). Choose Continue (Enter). Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZG IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings  Define Account Assignments for Down Payments and Charges 2.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Document  Define Default Values  Maintain Rules for Reconciliation Key Default Values  Maintain Reconciliation Groups for Default Values 2. mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Main Trans. On the Change View “User Reconciliation Groups”: Overview screen. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing.3.1 Maintaining the Document Type Specifications for Collective Bills 1. 3. On the Maintain Collective Bill Specifications: Detail scr screen. On the Maintain Account Assignment for Down Payments/Charges: Overview screen.3.1. 3.1.2 Defining Account Assignments for Down Payments and Charges 1. Choose Save. 4. On the Select Key Fields window.1. 3. If you are not in the overview screen.3 Document Assignments and Account Assignments 3. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. X Subtransaction X © SAP AG Page 16 of 103 . 5. choose from the menu Goto  Select keys. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. choose Cancel. For a first time maintenance. enter your assigned request then continue. choose New Entries and create the following settings: User Name Reconc. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQC700 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Maintain Document Assignments  Document Types  Maintain the Document Type Specifications for Collective Bills 2.Grp <all user names> for example O2C 3. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YC 3. Choose Save. 4 Defining Accounts for Down Payment Tax Clearing 1. create the following settings: Company Code Tax code Transaction Tax account <your co. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ8 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings  Automatic G/L Account Determination  Define Accounts for Sales/Purchase Tax 2. mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Company Code X Tax code X Transaction X 7.3. Choose Save. On the Select Key Fields window. 3. 4.1. enter your assigned request then continue. 5. create the following settings: Statistical key Main Trans. Choose Save.1. Choose Continue (Enter).code> <your tax code> <transaction key for tax calculation> <your account> 9. 8. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. Choose Continue (Enter). choose from the menu Goto  Select keys. 6. On the Maintain Account Assignment for Down Payments/Charges: Overview screen.3.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 6. On the Maintain Tax on Sales/Purchases: Overview screen. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing. 3. 3. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. Choose Continue (Enter). the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. Subtransact ion Main Transactn Subtransact ion Restriction A 3000 0010 3000 0020 A G 0010 0010 0010 0020 G 0040 0010 0040 0020 G 0070 0020 0070 0010 G 0070 0021 0070 0011 H 0020 0020 0020 0010 2 8. 7. enter your assigned request then continue. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code © SAP AG FQZ9 Page 17 of 103 . If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. choose Cancel. If you are not in the overview screen.3 Defining Accounts for Sales/Purchase Tax 1. On the Maintain Tax on Sales/Purchases: Overview screen. For a first time maintenance. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. choose Continue (Enter). If you are asked for Chart of Accts. If you are not in the overview screen. deselect Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Company Code Down payt acct Tax code 7. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. ID X © SAP AG Page 18 of 103 . choose Continue (Enter). If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. On the Maintain Tax Clearing (Down Payments): Detail scr screen.5 Defining Accounts for Charges Receivable Revenue 1. For a first time maintenance. 6. choose Cancel.1. mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Company Code X Act determ. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Offset tax acct <your account> 9. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. 4. 6. If you are not in the overview screen. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. Choose Continue (Enter). On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing. choose from the menu Goto  Select keys. Choose Continue (Enter). 8. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZB IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings  Automatic G/L Account Determination  Define Accounts for Charges Receivable Revenue 2. 3. 3. For a first time maintenance. 3. On the Maintain Tax Clearing (Down Payments): Overview screen. On the Maintain Revenue from Charges Receivable: Overview screen. On the Select Key Fields window. enter your assigned request then continue. choose Continue (Enter). 5. choose from the menu Goto  Select keys.3. Choose Save. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. choose Cancel. On the Select Key Fields window. 4. Choose Continue (Enter). 5.SAP Best Practices Guide IMG menu ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings  Automatic G/L Account Determination  Define Accounts for Down Payment Tax Clearing 2. 3. Choose Save.sheet adj. For a first time maintenance.code> Y1 <your account> <your co. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.1.code> Y2 <your account> <your co. On the Maintain Revenue from Charges Receivable: Overview screen. 5.1.code> Y3 <your account> 9. choose Cancel.3. On the Select Key Fields window. enter your assigned request then continue.6 Defining Accounts for Exchange Rate Differences 1. If you are not in the overview screen. 8. Choose Continue (Enter). enter your assigned request then continue. On the Maintain Exchange Rate Differences: Overview screen. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. 4. choose from the menu Goto  Select keys. Choose Continue (Enter). Valuation gains Valuation loss Realized gain Realized loss <your co. 8. 6. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZC IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Define Account Assignments for Automatic © SAP AG Page 19 of 103 . 3. ID G/L Account <your co. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZD IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings  Automatic G/L Account Determination  Define Accounts for Exchange Rate Differences 2. create the following settings: Company Code Act determ.7 Defining Accounts for Cash Discounts and Payment Differences 1. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. choose Continue (Enter). create the following settings: Company Code Receivable s Act Bal. mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Company Code X Receivables Act X 7. 3.code> <your account> <your account> <your account> <your account> <your account> <your account> 9.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 7. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing.3. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. On the Maintain Exchange Rate Differences: Overview screen. Choose Save. Choose Continue (Enter). 4. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Postings  Automatic G/L Account Determination  Define Accounts for Cash Discounts and Payment Differences 2. For a first time maintenance. If you are not in the overview screen. choose from the menu Goto  Select keys. Choose Save. 6. Choose Continue (Enter). On the Select Key Fields window. acct PaytDiffExpAcct PaytDiffRevAcct <your co. Choose Continue (Enter).8 Defining Accounts for Rounding Differences 1. choose Continue (Enter). On the Select Key Fields window.1. mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Company Code X Receivables Act X 7. Choose Continue (Enter). If you are not in the overview screen. 4. choose Continue (Enter). create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 20 of 103 . 3. choose Cancel.3. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing. enter your assigned request then continue. On the Maintain Cash Discount and Payment Differences: Overview screen. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. On the Maintain Rounding Differences: Overview screen. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. choose Cancel. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQC40 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings  Automatic G/L Account Determination  Define Accounts for Rounding Differences 2. 5. 6. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. 8. Choose Continue (Enter). 8. On the Maintain Rounding Differences: Overview screen. mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Company Code X G/L Account X 7. 5. For a first time maintenance. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. create the following settings: Company Code Receivables Act Cash disc. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. choose from the menu Goto  Select keys. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. On the Maintain Cash Discount and Payment Differences: Overview screen. 3. 3.code> <your account> <your account> <your account> <your account> 9. Main Trans.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Company Code G/L Account Revenue Account Expense account Recvble corr. Choose Save.code> <your account> <your account> <your account> <your account> 6000 0040 9. 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZM IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Define Default Values  Define Default Values for Document Entry 2. enter your assigned request then continue. ID Main Trans.TXT for all the entries. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue.1.1.9 Defining Default Values for Document Entry 1. Choose Save. create the following settings: Company Code Division Act determ. Subtrans action <your co. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. G/L Account <your co. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YM Clearing Reason 01 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code in FICAX FSCQS000 Transaction code in TELCO EK81 IMG menu in FICAX Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings  Automatic G/L Account Determination  Define Account Assignment Data Relevant to Main Transaction for FICAX IMG menu in TELCO Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings  Automatic G/L Account Determination  IS-T: Define Acct Assmt Data Relevant to Main Transactions 2. See variant file SMBAN_TFK033D_B4AX_J01_F54.3. 3.10 Defining Account Assignment Data Relevant to Main Transactions 1. 3.3. ID> <main transaction> <your account> 4. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. enter your assigned request then continue. to Main Transactions: Overview screen.code> <blank or your division> <account determ. On the Maintain Acct Assignment Data Rel. On the Maintain Document Posting Specification: Detail scr screen. © SAP AG Page 21 of 103 . If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. Choose Save. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. On the Maintain Acct Assignment Data Rel. choose Cancel.code> <your segment> © SAP AG Page 22 of 103 . to Transactions: Overview screen.1.code> <blank or your division> <account determ. enter your assigned request then continue. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. If you are not in the overview screen. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQ0300 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Maintain Document Assignments  Segments  Define Segments for General Ledger Items 2. 3.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 5. ID Main Trans. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. 5. enter your assigned request then continue. create the following settings: Company Code Segment <your co. Choose Save. 4. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code in FICAX FSCQS001 Transaction code in TELCO EK82 IMG menu in FICAX Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings  Automatic G/L Account Determination  Define Transaction-Relevant Account Assignment Data for FI-CAX IMG menu in TELCO Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings  Automatic G/L Account Determination  IS-T: Define Acct Assignment Data Relevant to Transactions 2. Choose Continue (Enter).3. See variant file SMBAN_TFK033D_B4AV_J01_F54.3. 3. On the Maintain Segment for General Ledger Items: Overview screen. 3.12 Defining Segments for General Ledger Items 1. ID> <main transaction> <subtran saction> <your account> <tax determ. For a first time maintenance. Subtran saction G/L Account Tax Determin ation <your co. code> 4.TXT for all the entries.11 Defining Account Assignment Data Relevant to Transactions 1. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. create the following settings: Company Code Division Act determ. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue.1. 3. 3.code> <your segment> <your division> <your segment> 8. enter your assigned request then continue. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQKPP IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Screen Preparations  Define Screen Variant for List Entry of Business Partner Items 2. 3. If you are not in the overview screen. On the Select Key Fields window. 5. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. enter your assigned request then continue.4.code> <your co. 7. On the Maintain Segment for Business Partner Items: Overview screen.1. choose Cancel. 3. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.3. choose from the menu Goto  Select keys. © SAP AG Page 23 of 103 .SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 5. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing. 4. Choose Save. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQ0301 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Maintain Document Assignments  Segments  Define Segments for Business Partner Items 2.4 Screen Preparations 3. Choose Save.1. Choose Continue (Enter). If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. For a first time maintenance. create the following settings: Company Code Division Segment <your co.1. mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Company Code X Division X 6. choose Continue (Enter). On the Change View “Variants”: Overview screen. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Name YN1 RDS Standard YN2 RDS with Cash Discount/Due Dates YN3 RDS with Locks 3. Select the line layout variant and double-click on Variant Fields in the left dialog structure. Choose Continue (Enter).13 Defining Segments for Business Partner Items 1.1 Defining Screen Variant for List Entry of Business Partner Items 1. On the Maintain Segment for Business Partner Items: Overview screen. 3. On the Change View “Variant Fields”: Overview screen. Choose Save.4.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 4.2 Defining Screen Variant for List Entry of General Ledger Items 1.1. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Cm Field name Length YN1 1 OPUPK 4 YN1 2 GPART 10 YN1 3 BUKRS 4 YN1 4 FAEDN 10 YN1 5 VKONT 12 YN1 6 HVORG 4 YN1 7 TVORG 4 YN1 8 BETRW 18 YN2 10 GPART 10 YN2 12 VKONT 12 YN2 13 BUKRS 4 YN2 16 HVORG 4 YN2 17 TVORG 4 YN2 18 BETRW 18 YN2 20 FAEDN 10 YN2 25 FAEDS 10 YN2 30 SKTPZ 6 YN2 35 KOFIZ 2 YN2 40 SPART 2 YN3 10 OPUPK 4 YN3 15 GPART 10 YN3 20 HVORG 4 YN3 25 TVORG 4 YN3 30 SPZAH 1 YN3 35 BETRW 18 YN3 40 MANSP 1 YN3 45 SPERZ 1 YN3 50 CLRLO 1 5. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQKPK IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Screen Preparations  Define Screen Variant for List Entry of General Ledger Items © SAP AG Page 24 of 103 . Select the line layout variant and double-click on Variant Fields in the left dialog structure.3 Defining Line Layout for Mass Change 1. On the Change View “Variants”: Overview screen. 4.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 2. On the Change View “Variant Fields”: Overview screen. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQKPD IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Screen Preparations  Define Line Layout for Mass Change 2. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Name YN1 RDS Standard 3. 3. 4. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Name YN1 RDS Standard 3.4. Select the line layout variant and double-click on Variant Fields in the left dialog structure.1. On the Change View “Variants”: Overview screen. On the Change View “Variant Fields”: Overview screen. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Cm Field name Length YN1 10 LICON 2 YN1 20 OPBEL 12 YN1 22 OPUPK 4 YN1 23 TVTXT 30 YN1 25 BETRW 18 YN1 30 PYMET 1 YN1 35 SPZAH 1 YN1 40 ICON_LPAY 5 YN1 50 FAEDN 10 © SAP AG Page 25 of 103 . Choose Save. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Cm Field name Length YN1 1 OPUPK 4 YN1 2 BUKRS 4 YN1 3 HKONT 10 YN1 4 GSBER 4 YN1 5 KOSTL 10 YN1 6 BETRW 18 YN1 25 VALUT 10 YN1 30 MWSKZ 2 5. 3. On the Change View “Variant Fields”: Overview screen. Select the line layout variant and double-click on Variant Fields in the left dialog structure. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Cm Field name Length YN1 10 PYMET 1 YN1 15 FAEDN 10 YN1 20 OPTXT 50 5. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Name YN1 RDS Standard 3.1. On the Change View “Variant Fields”: Overview screen.Date S GL Account Amount Curr 3.4 Defining Line Layout for Mass Change in Account Maintenance 1. 3. 4.1. Choose Save.5 Defining Line Layout Variants for Posting Totals 1. 4. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQKPA IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Screen Preparations  Define Line Layout for Mass Change in Account Maintenance 2.4. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQKPS IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  General Ledger Posting Totals  Define Line Layout Variants for Posting Totals 2.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Line Layout Cm Field name Length YN1 55 ORI_BETRW 18 5. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Name Text YN1 Standard Line Layout CoC Post. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Cm Field name Length YN1 1 BUKRS 4 YN1 5 BUDAT 10 YN1 10 SHKZG 1 © SAP AG Page 26 of 103 . On the Change View “Variants”: Overview screen. On the Change View “Variants”: Overview screen. Select the line layout variant and double-click on Variant Fields in the left dialog structure.4. Choose Save. 1 Defining Line Layout Variants for Open Item Processing 1.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Line Layout Cm Field name Length YN1 15 HKONT 10 YN1 20 BETRW 18 YN1 25 WAERS 5 5. On the Change View “Variants”: Overview screen. Choose Save. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Cm Field name Length YN1 5 GPART 10 YN1 10 VKONT 12 YN1 15 OPBEL 12 YN1 20 FAEDN 10 YN1 25 TXTU1 30 © SAP AG Page 27 of 103 . 3. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Name YN1 O2C RDS 3.1.5.Find”: Overview screen.4. 3.1.1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  General Ledger Posting Totals  Select Fields for Search Function 2. 4. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQKPO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Open Item Management  Define Line Layout Variants for Open Item Processing 2. Select the line layout variant and double-click on Variant Fields in the left dialog structure. Choose Save.6 Selectinging Fields for Search Function 1. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Position Filed name 1 BUKRS 2 BUDAT 3 HKONT 4 BETRW 3. On the Change View “Variant Fields”: Overview screen. On the Change View “V_TFK021R: Posting Totals .5 Open Item Management 3. On the Change View “Selection categories for manual payment processing”: Over screen.5. Choose Save. On the Maintain Document Posting Specification: Detail scr screen.area> K Contract Account VKONT <your appl.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 5. Choose Save. 3.area> C Check Number CHECF <your appl.area> O Payment advice note AVKEY <your appl.5. 3.area> B Document OPBEL <your appl.1.area> A Gross amount BETRW <your appl.area> Q Key for a Document Item OPKEY <your appl. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Open Item Management  Specify Selection Categories 2.area> P Payment order PYORD <your appl. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Application Area Selecting. create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 28 of 103 . Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZH IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Open Item Management  Define Default Values for Account Maintenance 2.2 Specifying Selectingion Categories 1. Field name <your appl. Cat.area> Z Payment form number NRZAS External selection criterion RT X X X X X 3.1.area> F Net Due Date FAEDN <your appl.area> R Reference for payment form RFZAS <your appl.3 Defining Default Values for Account Maintenance 1.area> G Business Partner GPART <your appl.area> E Recipient RECPT <your appl. Descript. enter your assigned request then continue. Choose Save. 3. Choose Save. Choose Save. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.1.5.4 Defining Default Values for Automatic Clearing 1. On the Change View “Clearing Variant”: Overview screen.5 Defining Default Values for Resetting Clearing 1. 3. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YY Clearing Reason 15 3. Name Y01 Account Maintenance © SAP AG Page 29 of 103 . Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ05 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Open Item Management  Define Default Values for Automatic Clearing 2.6 Defining Clearing Variants 1. 3.5.1. enter your assigned request then continue. On the Maintain Document Posting Specification: Detail scr screen. enter your assigned request then continue. On the Maintain Default Values for Returns Clearing: Detail scr screen. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YP Clearing Reason 11 3. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Field name User action and values Document Type YY Clearing Reason 08 Create Proposal X 3. choose New Entries and create the following settings: ClVar. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Open Item Management  Clearing Control  Clearing Variants  Define Clearing Variants 2.1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Open Item Management  Define Default Values for Resetting Clearing 2.5. Sort charac t. Name Y02 Automatic Account Maintenance Y03 Invoicing Y04 Promis to Pay Y05 Incoming Payment . 011 010 Y05/33 Y05 5 Summarization groups/line items 017. 017. 010 End of assgmt 010 010 Y05/33 1 010 1 Y05/34 1 5. var. 010.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration ClVar. In the left dialog structure double-click on Clearing Steps.On Account Y99 Migration 3. 019 Y05 34 According to due date (for remaining amount) 017. 3. 018 Y05/33 Y05 33 Installments 017. Clearin g rule Paymt rem. 018 Y05/33 Y05 6 Allow partial clearing for payment on document S01. Y01 1 Check if credit items within a document 018 Y02 10 sorted by due date Y03 10 Invoicing 015 Y04 1 Due Date 001 Y05 1 Total amount Y05 2 Total amount / contract account 015 010 Y05/33 Y05 3 Total amount / business partner / due OIs 011 010 Y05/33 Y05 4 Total amount / contract account / due OIs 015.7 Defining Clearing Categories 1. On the Change View “Clearing Steps”: Overview screen. 4. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Open Item Management  Clearing Control  Define Clearing Categories © SAP AG Page 30 of 103 . Choose Save. 010 010 Y05/33 Y05 7 Sequences 010.1. 010. create the following settings: Clea ring Var. Clear ing Step (Text field) Char.Clearing Y06 Incoming Payment . 018 010.5. Choose Save. 05 Y05 19 Y05 1A Y05 67 Y02 On account NoPyt 3. choose New Entries and create the following settings: ClCat.area> 1D External Postal Order 1 X <your appl. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: © SAP AG Page 31 of 103 . 3.5. Choose Save.8 Defining Clearing Types 1. area Clearing Type Name Usage Incoming Pymts <your appl.1.9 Defining Defaults for Incoming Payments 1. Name YN01 Clearing without tolerance YN02 Clearing by oldest item YN03 Clearing with tolerance 3. 3. Choose Save. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Open Item Management  Clearing Control  Define Clearing Types 2.5. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Applicat.area> 1E External Payment 1 X <your appl. 3. choose New Entries and create the following settings: ClType ClVar.area> 1B External Card Payment 1 X <your appl. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Open Item Management  Clearing Control  Define Specifications for Clearing Types  Define Defaults for Incoming Payments 2.10 Defining Defaults for Account Maintenance 1.area> 1A External Cash Payment 1 X <your appl. On the Change View “Clearing: Clearing Categories”: Overview screen.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 2. On the Change View “Incoming Payment Specifications”: Overview screen.1.area> 1C External Check Payment 1 X <your appl.1.5.area> 67 FCC Payment 1 X 3. On the Change View “Maintain Clearing Type”: Overview screen. 5.6 Account Balance Display 3.11 Defining Defaults for Collective Invoice/Installment Plan/Summarization Group 1.1. Choose Save. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Open Item Management  Clearing Control  Define Specifications for Clearing Types  Define Defaults for Collective Invoice/Installment Plan/Summarization Group 2. 20P Y03 20R Y03 20S Y03 3. On the Change View “General Clearing Variant”: Overview screen. 3.6. Choose Save.1 Defining List Category 1.1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Account Balance Display  Define List Category 2. choose New Entries and create the following settings: ClType ClVar. create the following settings: ClType ClVar.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Open Item Management  Clearing Control  Define Specifications for Clearing Types  Define Defaults for Account Maintenance 2. choose New Entries and create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 32 of 103 . On the Change View “Account balance: List types”: Overview screen. 03 Y02 04 Y02 77 Y02 3. On the Change View “General Clearing Variant”: Overview screen.1. 3. On the Change View “Variants”: Overview screen.plan s Statisti cal Items YNALL All Items/Source items Open items. Non-stat. Select the variant and double-click on Variant Fields in the left dialog structure.TXT.Stat us X X 3. 3. Choose Save. Cleared items. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Account Balance Display  © SAP AG Page 33 of 103 . items Source items All YNOP Open Items Documents/Source items Open items. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQKPM IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Account Balance Display  Define Line Layout Variants for Account Balance 2. Choose Save.1.3 Maintaining Sorting Variants 1. Plan items All YNOPEN Open (also Statistical)/Source items Open items. Cleared items. 4. Cleared items Source items All YNFCC Financial Customer Care/Source items Open items. Non-stat. items Source items All YNAP All Items Documents/Source items Open items.TXT. create the settings as in variant file SMBA0_V_TFK021Z_B39P_J0D_F54. items Source items YNOP+S Open Items Docs/Stat/Source items Open items Source items All YNOP-S-I Open Items Docs/Stat/Inst.2 Defining Line Layout Variants for Account Balance 1. items Inst.6. Non-stat. create the settings as in variant file SMBA0_V_TFK021_B39P_J0C_F54.Plan Items Open items. Cleared items. 3. Non-stat.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration List Type Text Item Selectingion Selectingio n by Install.6. Non-stat. On the Change View “Variant Fields”: Overview screen. items Source items YNAP+S All Items Docs/Stat/Source items Open items. items Source items All Determi ne Pay. 3.1. 5. Non-stat. create the following settings: Calling program Function Line Layout List Type Initial screen Sort Variant SAPLE31B STD 013 SAPLFACB STD 9F1 1 YN1 SAPLFCFC CRPO 013 1 YN1 SAPLFKF1 KONST 013 1 YN1 SAPLFKF1 STDIP 013 1 SAPLFKH0 BARKA 013 SAPLFKH0 STD 013 SAPLFKL9 STD 010 SAPLFKMA DUNND 0D1 SAPLFKN4 KONST 013 SAPLFKN4 STD 013 SAPLFKP1 AUGBL 013 SAPLFKP1 RATPL 013 SAPLFKP1 SAMMR 013 YN1 YNOP+S 1 YN1 3. choose New Entries and create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 34 of 103 . 3.5 Selecting Fields for Search Function 1. On the Change View “Sort Variants”: Overview screen.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Maintain Sorting Variants 2. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Account Balance Display  Define Proposal for Line Layout 2. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Application Sort Variant Long Text Field name Field name Field name SAPLFKL9 YN1 Sort by Posting date BUDAT OPBEL FAEDN SAPLFKL9 YN2 Sort by MT / ST / Document No. Choose Save. On the Change View “Default Values for Line Layout in Account Display”: Overv screen. 3.1.Find”: Overview screen.4 Defining Proposal for Line Layout 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Account Balance Display  Select Fields for Search Function 2.6. Choose Save. HVORG TVOR G OPBEL 3.6.1. On the Change View “V_TFK021R: Account Balance . choose New Entries and create the following settings: Position Filed name 1 OPBEL 2 XBLNR 3 AUGDT 4 AUGBL 5 AUGRD 6 BETRW 7 BETRH 8 BUKRS 9 HVORG 10 TVORG 11 GPART 12 VKONT 13 STAKZ 14 XDUET © SAP AG Page 35 of 103 .6.Select”: Overview screen. Choose Save. 3.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Position Filed name 1 OPBEL 2 XBLNR 3 AUGDT 4 AUGBL 5 AUGRD 6 BETRW 7 BETRH 8 BUKRS 9 HVORG 10 TVORG 11 GPART 12 VKONT 13 STAKZ 14 XDUET 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Account Balance Display  Choose Fields for Selection Function 2. On the Change View “V_TFK021R: Account Balance .1.6 Choosing Fields for Selectingion Function 1. Choose Save.Family 3.8 Defining Account Balance Roles 1.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Position Filed name 15 FINRE 16 BUKRS 17 BLART 3.1. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Appl. Choose Save. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Account Balance Display  Define Account Balance Roles 2. area> MIT Employee <your appl. © SAP AG Page 36 of 103 . choose New Entries and create the following settings: Position Filed name 1 BUDAT 2 TVORG 3 HVORG 4 OPBEL 5 VTREF 6 VKONT 7 GPART 8 BLDAT 9 OPUPK 10 FAEDN 3. 3. Choose Save.6. area CCtr role <your appl.7 Selecting Fields for Sort Function 1.6. On the Change View “Roles in Account Balance Maintenance View”: Overview screen. area> ALL All relations <your appl.Sort”: Overview screen. 3. On the Change View “V_TFK021R: Account Balance . Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Account Balance Display  Select Fields for Sort Function 2. area> BET Company relations <your appl. area> PAR Partner .1. area> CC role nm No Relations <your appl. Types in Write-Offs and Ind. 3. Val. Choose Continue (Enter). 7. 4. Choose Continue (Enter). enter your assigned request then continue. create the following settings: Company Code No Tax Adjustment <your co. for example US1 for US.1.7.1. 3.3 Adj. On the Maintain Tax Adjustment for Write-Off: Overview screen.2 Tax Adjustment for Write-Off 1. choose Cancel. On the Maintain Tax Adjustment for Write-Off: Overview screen. choose Continue (Enter). For a first time maintenance. 1. Adj.7. Choose Save. On the Change View “Maintain Tax Number Categories”: Overview screen. Defining Tax Calc. choose from the menu Goto  Select keys. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing. 5.1. On the Select Key Fields window. create the following settings: Category Duplicate Check <your tax category>.code> 8. Val. Types in Write-Offs and Ind. Choose Save. If you are not in the overview screen.1 Defining Required Tax Number Categories 1. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ04T IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Particular Aspects of Taxation Procedure  Tax Adjustment for Write-Off 2. © SAP AG Page 37 of 103 . mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Company Code X 6.7 ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Particular Aspects of Taxation Procedure 3.7.1. 3. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Particular Aspects of Taxation Procedure  Define Required Tax Number Categories 2. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Particular Aspects of Taxation Procedure  Define Tax Calc.SAP Best Practices Guide 3. DE0 for Germany 1 On 3. check or create the following settings: No From No.8 Print Workbench 3. choose Change intervals. Value Adjustment screen. 3.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 2. On the Range Maintenance: Payment Form Numbers screen. On the Maintain Intervals: Payment Form Numbers screen. create the following settings: CoCd Tax wroff IVA CType <your co. 3. On the Change View “Tax Calculation Types in Write-Offs/Indiv.1 Classes Defining Links between Object Types and Form 1.9 Correspondence 3.1 Checking Number Ranges for Payment Forms 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FPN4 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Correspondence  Check Number Ranges for Payment Forms 2. Choose Save.1.8.code> For example 02 for US For example 02 for US ExTaxWrite Comment Select one appropriate value via F4 help for Tax tax calculation type for write-offs and Individual Value Adjustments. Choose Save. 3.9.1. Consult with your FI consultant for which value to use. To Number 00 000000000001 009999999999 01 010000000000 019999999999 02 020000000000 029999999999 03 030000000000 039999999999 04 040000000000 049999999999 05 050000000000 059999999999 06 060000000000 069999999999 © SAP AG Ext Page 38 of 103 . On the Change View “Table of Links Between Object Types and Form Classes”: Ov screen. 3.1. create the following settings: Area Object Type Sequence Number Description Form Class <your area> BUS4401 1 Business Partner/O2C Bill FICA_INVOICE <your area> CA_CONTACC 1 Contract Account/O2C Bill FICA_INVOICE 3.1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Print Workbench  Print Action Records  Define Links between Object Types and Form Classes 2. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Field name User action and values Company Code <Your company code> © SAP AG Page 39 of 103 . On the Transport number range intervals window. 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Check Management  Define Void Reasons for Checks 2.1.3 Settings for Check Creation 1. To Number 07 070000000000 079999999999 08 080000000000 089999999999 09 090000000000 099999999999 Ext 4.1.10. 5. 3.2 Defining Void Reasons for Checks 1. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Voiding Reason Name of Voiding Reason Lock YN Erroneously Issued X 3. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YK Clearing Reason 11 3. Choose Save.1. choose Continue.1 Defining Document Type for Check Encashment 1. Choose Save. 3. On the Change View “Check: General Settings”: Details screen. On the Maintain Specifications for Check Encashment: Detail scr screen. enter your assigned request then continue. Choose Save. On the Change View “Reasons for Check Voiding”: Overview screen. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQ1036 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Check Management  Define Document Type for Check Encashment 2.1.10 Checking Management 3.10.10.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration No From No. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Check Management  Settings for Check Creation 2. SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Field name User action and values House Bank <Your House Bank> Account ID <Your Account ID> Check: General Settings Numbering Type A Automatic number assignment Applicat.11 Enhanced Message Management 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code EMMA_NR_CASE IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Enhanced Message Management  Specifications for Generating Clarification Cases  Maintain Internal Number Range Intervals for Clarification Cases 2. On the Range Maintenance: Clarification Case screen.11. choose Change intervals. check or create the following settings: No From No.1 Jobs Maintaining Internal Number Range Intervals for 1. Choose Save. On the Transport number range intervals window. On the Transport number range intervals window.1. choose Change intervals. form Rept redeemabilit Nothing to report Report void check Nothing to report 3. choose Continue. 3. On the Maintain Intervals: Clarification Case screen. © SAP AG Page 40 of 103 . 3. 3. On the Maintain Intervals: Job screen.1.11. On the Range Maintenance: Job screen. 5. Choose Save. choose Continue. 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code EMMA_NR_JOB IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Enhanced Message Management  Specifications for Logging  Maintain Internal Number Range Intervals for Jobs 2. To Number 01 1000000000 9999999999 Ext 4. To Number 00 1000000000 9999999999 Ext 4. 5. check or create the following settings: No From No.1. Choose Save.2 Maintaining Internal Number Range Intervals for Clarification Cases 1. On the Maintain Specifications for Clearing Cash Security Deposits: Detail scr screen. 3. Range screen.3 Defining Specifications for Clearing of Cash Security Deposits 1. On the Maintain Intervals: Sec.2.2.1 1.2 Business Transactions 3. choose Continue.range no. 5.1 Security Deposits 3. Choose Save. choose Change intervals. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FPSEC0 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Security Deposits  Define General Parameters for Security Deposits 2. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQSE1 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Security Deposits  Define Specifications for Clearing of Cash Security Deposits 2.1. To Number 00 000000000001 009999999999 Ext 4. Dep. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YW © SAP AG Page 41 of 103 . Choose Save. On the Range Maintenance: Sec. Defining Number Ranges for Security Deposits Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FPSEC0 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Security Deposits  Define Number Ranges for Security Deposits 2. On the Transport number range intervals window. 3.2 Defining General Parameters for Security Deposits 1. No.1.1. No. create the following settings: Field name User action and values No contract X No. 00 Document Type YW Determine start date from payment date X Factory calendar ID <your calendar ID> 3. Range screen. 3.2. Dep. check or create the following settings: No From No.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 3. On the Change View “General setting for security deposits”: Details screen.2. Create the following settings: Field name User action and values Overpayment Possible Online X Display Entry Field for Barcode X Display Cash Desk Clearing Act X Number of Days for Card Pymt Number of Days for Check Pymt Confirm Print X Activate Cash Desk Closing X Display Cumulated X Confirm Print X Enable Posting of Difference for All Pymt Categories X Activate Withdrawal of Credit Card Payments X 5. 0020 Subtransaction 0020 3. On the Change View “Cash Desk: Cash Desk Clearing Accounts”: Overview screen. 3. 3.2 Cash Journal 3. On the Change View “Settings for Cash Desk/Cash Journal”: Details screen.1 Journal Maintaining Specifications for Cash Desk/Cash 1.2.2. select Activate Cash Journal and choose Enter.2 Defining Cash Desk Clearing Accounts 1. On the Determine Work Area: Entry window. enter your assigned request then continue. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Cash Desk/Cash Journal  Define Cash Desk Clearing Accounts 2. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Cash Desk/Cash Journal  Maintain Specifications for Cash Desk/Cash Journal 2. 4. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.2. enter <your application area> and choose Continue (Enter). Choose Save.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Field name User action and values Main Trans. Choose Save. choose New Entries and create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 42 of 103 . 3.2.2. code> CP YE YE <your co.4 Defining Short Account Assignments for Transfer Postings to Cash Desk 1. 3.5 Defining Master Data for Cash Journal 1. choose Cancel. CashDeskClrgAct Short Text <your co. Choose Save.2. Choose Save. cash 3. On the Maintain Cash Journal/Cash Desk – Payment Category Document Type: Over screen. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Cash Desk/Cash Journal  Define Short Account Assignments for Transfer Postings to Cash Desk 2. 3.code> CO YE YE <your co. Document Type CJ DocumentType <your co. create the following settings: Company Code Pymt Cat.code> <your account> <your segment> X 3. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Short AA Description CoCd G/L Account Segment Item YN01 Other payments <your co.2. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up.2. 3.3 Defining Document Type for Payment Category 1.code> * <your account> Clearing int.2. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. enter your assigned request then continue. For a first time maintenance. 3.2. If you are not in the overview screen.code> CH YE YE <your co.code> PO YE YE 4.code> CS YE YE <your co. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQH2 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Cash Desk/Cash Journal  Define Document Type for Payment Category 2.2.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration CoCd Pymt Cat. On the Change View “Short Account Assignment for Transfer Posting”: Overview screen. Choose Save. Choose Continue (Enter). Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable © SAP AG Page 43 of 103 . If you are not in the overview screen. Diffs from Cash Payments 2.6 Defining Default Account Assignments 1./Rev.branch 1 Branch 1 . Choose Continue (Enter). Diffs from Cash Payments 1./Rev.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Cash Desk/Cash Journal  Define Master Data for Cash Journal 2. 3. For a first time maintenance. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Branch Cash Branch office name Cash desk name YN1 Y1 Cash desk 1 .Cash desk 1 YN2 Y2 Cash desk 2 . choose Continue (Enter).7 Cash Journal: Defining Accts for Exp.2. On the Maintain Cash Journal: Specifications for Posting Cash Desh Diffs: Ove screen. 4. 3.code> YN1 Y1 3.2. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. Choose Save. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing. Choose Save.Cash desk 2 YN2 Y1 Cash desk 1 .Cash desk 1 YN1 Y2 Cash desk 2 . If you are asked for Chart of Accts. mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Company Code X 7. On the Change View “Cash Journal Master Data”: Overview screen.Cash desk 2 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Cash Desk/Cash Journal  Define Default Account Assignments 2. On the Select Key Fields window. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQH0 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Cash Desk/Cash Journal  Cash Journal: Define Accts for Exp. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Company Code Branch Cash Desk <your co. © SAP AG Page 44 of 103 . 3. choose Cancel. On the Change View “Default Account Assignment for Cash Desk and Cash Journal screen.2.branch 1 Branch 1 . choose from the menu Goto  Select keys.branch 2 Branch 2 .branch 2 Branch 2 . enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. 5. 6.2. Choose Continue (Enter). On the Maintain Cash Journal: Cash Desk Clrg. If you are not in the overview screen. create the following settings: Company Code Branch CashDeskClrgAct Withdrawal acct Deposit acct <your co. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. 3. Choose Save. On the Maintain Cash Journal: Specifications for Posting Cash Desh Diffs: Ove screen.2. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. On the Change View “Role-Specific Activities for Cash Journal”: Overview screen. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. create the following settings: Company Code Branch Expense account Revenue Account <your co.2. choose Cancel.code> YN2 <your account> <your account> <your account> 5.2.9 Journal Maintaining Role-Specific Activities for Cash 1. 3.code> YN1 <your account> <your account> <your co. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQH1 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Cash Desk/Cash Journal  Cash Journal: Specifications for Posting Cash Desk Deposits and Withdrawals 2. On the Determine Work Area: Entry window.2. enter your assigned request then continue. Deposits.8 Cash Journal: Specifications for Posting Cash Desk Deposits and Withdrawals 1.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 8. Choose Continue (Enter). Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Cash Desk/Cash Journal  Maintain Role-Specific Activities for Cash Journal 2. enter <your application area> and choose Continue (Enter). choose New Entries and create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 45 of 103 . 3. Choose Save. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. 4. enter your assigned request then continue.code> YN1 <your account> <your account> <your account> <your co. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. For a first time maintenance. and Withdrawal Accts: screen. 3.code> YN2 <your account> <your account> 9. 2.2.2 Creating Contract Partner for Agent 1. On the Change View “Define Branches”: Overview screen. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Branch Branch Name Branch Cat YA1 Agent 01 B YA2 Agent 02 B YE1 Extern 01 A YE2 Extern 02 A 3.Cash Desk 01 YA1 Y2 Agent 01 . Determine Cash Desk Content. 3. Choose Save. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  External Cash Desk Services  Define Cash Desk Structure 2. Choose Save. Call Up Cash Desk <activate all options> Special Functions Open All Cash Desks 4.1 Defining Cash Desk Structure 1.3 External Cash Desk 3. 3. Post Deposit Call Up Cash Desk <activate all options> SC <activate all options> Transfer Postings. Select the branch and double-click on Define Cash Desks in the left dialog structure.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Role Cask Desk Edit and Goto Environment NC Change Cash Desk.Cash Desk 02 YA2 Y1 Agent 02 Cashdesk 01 YA2 Y2 Agent 02 Cashdesk 02 YE1 Y1 Branch 01 Cash desk 1 YE1 Y2 Branch 01 Cash desk 2 YE2 Y1 Branch 02 Cash desk 1 YE2 Y2 Branch 02 Cash desk 2 5. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FPP1 SAP ECC menu (for Accounting  Financial Accounting  Contract Accounts © SAP AG Page 46 of 103 . create the following settings: Branch Cash Cash Desk Name YA1 Y1 Agent 01 . 4. On the Change View “Define Cash Desks”: Overview screen.3.3.2. mandatory for US Language EN Comment Choose the expand icons to get more fields. Y2 3. Repeat above steps to create contract partner AGENT02. On the Contract account Create: Initial screen.3. 4. On the Create Organization: Role Contract Partner screen. make the following entries: Field name User action and values Contract Acct A01CASH01 Business Partner AGENT01 Cont. make the following entries: Field name User action and values Cont. 3. make the following entries: Field name User action and values Business Partner AGENT01 Grouping 0002 Name AGENT01 Search Term 1/2 AGENT01 Postal Code/City <Postal Code/City> Country <your country> Region <your region> Tax Jurisdiction <Tax Jurisdiction code>.3 Creating Contract Account for Agent 1. Acct Cat. acct name Cash Desk 01 Agent 01 Acct.2.Relation. 01 Account Holder Tolerance group YN02 Tolerance Company Customers Account determin. 4. On the Contract account Create: General data screen. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code CAA1 SAP ECC menu (for FICAX) Accounting  Financial Accounting  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Master Data  Contract Account  Create SAP ECC menu (for TELCO) Telecommunications  Business Master Data  Contract Account  Create 2. 5. ID Y1 © SAP AG Page 47 of 103 . select Organization then choose Continue (Enter).SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration FICAX) Receivable and Payable  Master Data  Business Partner  Create SAP ECC menu (for TELCO) Telecommunications  Business Master Data  Business Partner  Contract Partner  Create 2. Choose Enter. 3. On the Create Business Partner dialog box. Choose Save. 4 Services Defining Master Data for External Cash Desk 1. Choose Save. ID Branch/Agent Agent ID Branch YA1000000001 Agent 01 AGENT01 YA1 YA2000000001 Agent 02 AGENT02 YA2 YE1000000001 External 01 YE1 YE2000000001 External 02 YE2 3.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Field name User action and values Payment Terms YN01 Account Class BUS Invoicing Cat. create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 48 of 103 . choose New Entries and create the following settings: External Branch ID Name of Ext.2. 4. 6.3. acct name Contact Person A01CASH02 AGENT01 Cash Desk 02 Agent 01 AGENT01 A02CASH01 AGENT02 Cash Desk 01 Agent 02 AGENT02 A02CASH02 AGENT02 Cash Desk 02 Agent 02 AGENT02 3. On the Change View “Assign External ID for Branch/Agent Internal ID”: Overview screen.Variant 0001 Send account information 5. Strategy 01 Contact Person AGENT01 Corresp. YN03 Payments/Taxes tab Company Code Gp <your company code group> Standard CoCode <your company code> Dunning/Correspondence tab Master Data Grp Y2 CA groups SME Coll. Repeat above steps to create following contract accounts with same attributes: Contract Acct Business Partner Cont. On the Change View “Assign External ID for Cash Desks Internal ID”: Overview screen. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  External Cash Desk Services  Define Master Data for External Cash Desk Services 2. Select the external branch ID and double-click on Assign External ID for Cash Desks Internal ID in the left dialog structure. 2.2. enter your assigned request then continue. Choose Continue (Enter).6 Defining Specifications for Agent Postings 1.code> YE2000000001 YE20C000002 External branch 02 Cashdesk 2 Y2 <your co.code> A02CASH 02 YE1000000001 YE10C000001 External branch 01 Cashdesk 1 Y1 <your co. create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 49 of 103 .code> <your account> 5. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. On the Maintain Define Specifications for Agent Posting: Detail scr screen.code> 5. Choose Save. If you are not in the overview screen.code> A01CASH 02 YA2000000001 YA20C000001 Ageng 02 Cashdesk 01 Y1 <your co. 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQH4 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  External Cash Desk Services  Define Cash Desk Clearing Accounts 2. On the Maintain Cash Desk/Cash Journal: Cash Desk Clearing Accounts: Overview screen. choose Cancel.5 Defining Cash Desk Clearing Accounts 1.3.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration External Branch ID Ext. Choose Save. create the following settings: Company Code CashDeskClrgAct <your co. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. 3.code> YE2000000001 YE20C000001 External branch 02 Cashdesk 1 Y1 <your co.3.Cash DeskID Name of Offline CD Cash CoCd Agent Contract Acct YA1000000001 YA10C000001 Ageng 01 Cashdesk 01 Y1 <your co. 3.code> YE1000000001 YE10C000002 External branch 01 Cashdesk 2 Y2 <your co. 4.code> A02CASH 01 YA2000000001 YA20C000002 Ageng 02 Cashdesk 02 Y2 <your co. For a first time maintenance. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQEXC1 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  External Cash Desk Services  Define Specifications for Agent Postings 2.code> A01CASH 01 YA1000000001 YA10C000002 Ageng 01 Cashdesk 02 Y2 <your co. 2. 3. Types for Posting to Framework for Ext. Cash Dks: screen. 3. 3. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. 6000 Subtransaction 0020 3. Choose Save. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. 3. On the Maintain Define Doc. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up.2. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: © SAP AG Page 50 of 103 . If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQEXC2 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  External Cash Desk Services  Define Document Types for Postings for External Cash Desk Services 2.9 Defining Specifications for Agent Commissions 1. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Choose Save. enter your assigned request then continue. 4.2. Choose Continue (Enter).SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Field name User action and values Document Type YF Main Trans.3. Cash Dsks: screen. create the following settings: Company Code Bank clrg acct <your co. On the Maintain Define Clearing Accounts for Payment Lots for Ext. enter your assigned request then continue. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQEXC3 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  External Cash Desk Services  Define Clearing Accounts for Payment Lot for External Cash Desks 2. If you are not in the overview screen. choose Cancel. If you are not in the overview screen. Document Type * YF 4. choose Cancel. enter your assigned request then continue. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue.3. create the following settings: Pymt Cat. For a first time maintenance. For a first time maintenance. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. Choose Save.8 Defining Clearing Accounts for Payment Lot for External Cash Desks 1. Choose Continue (Enter). 3.7 Defining Document Types for Postings for External Cash Desk Services 1.code> <your account> 5.3. 4. Choose Save. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. For a first time maintenance.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Transaction code FQEXC4 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  External Cash Desk Services  Define Specifications for Agent Commissions 2. Choose Save. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. Choose Continue (Enter). Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQEXC7 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  External Cash Desk Services  Make Specifications for Posting Cash Desk Deposits and Withdrawals 2.) Subtran(Cre dit) Document Type <your co.code> <your account> <your account> 5. create the following settings: Company Code Expense account Revenue Account <your co. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. On the Maintain Specifications for Posting Cash Desk Differences: Overview screen. enter your assigned request then continue.2. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQEXC6 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  External Cash Desk Services  Define Accounts for Expense/Revenue from Cash Desk Differences 2.11 Making Specifications for Posting Cash Desk Deposits and Withdrawals 1. create the following settings: Company Code MainTrans (Dr) Subtrans(D ebit) MainTrans( Cr.code> 6000 0020 6000 0010 YF 5. © SAP AG Page 51 of 103 . If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. If you are asked for Chart of Accts.3. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. If you are not in the overview screen. For a first time maintenance.10 Defining Accounts for Expense/Revenue from Cash Desk Differences 1. 3. 3. 4. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.2. choose Cancel. enter your assigned request then continue. On the Maintain Enter Specifications for Agent Commission: Overview screen. Choose Continue (Enter). choose Cancel.3. 3. If you are not in the overview screen. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. 3. Choose Save. Select the line layout variant and double-click on Variant Fields in the left dialog structure. 4.2. On the Maintain Deposit and Withdrawal Accounts: Overview screen. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Cm Field name Length YN1 1 BETRZ 15 YN1 2 SELT1 1 YN1 3 SELW1 16 YN1 4 SELT2 1 YN1 5 SELW2 16 YN1 6 CHCKN 13 YN1 7 CCINS 4 YN1 8 CCNUM 16 YN1 9 DATAB 10 YN1 10 DATBI 10 YN1 11 BANKL 15 YN1 13 KOINH 12 YN1 14 OPBEL 12 YN1 15 POSZA 6 YN2 10 BETRZ 18 © SAP AG Page 52 of 103 . If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQKPZ IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Define Screen Variants for Payment Lot 2. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Name YN1 RDS Bank Transfer YN2 RDS Credit Card Lot YN3 RDS Check Lot 3.4. For a first time maintenance. If you are not in the overview screen.code> <your account> <your account> 5. enter your assigned request then continue. choose Cancel. 4. On the Change View “Variant Fields”: Overview screen. 3. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. On the Change View “Variants”: Overview screen. create the following settings: Company Code Withdrawal acct Deposit acct <your co. Choose Continue (Enter).1 Defining Screen Variants for Payment Lot 1.4 Payments 3.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 3.2. 3.2. B 3. enter your assigned request then continue. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZI IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Define Default Values for Payment Lot 2. Choose Save. K Selection Cat. On the Maintain Default Values for Payment Lot: Detail scr screen.4. G Selection Cat. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YG Clearing Reason 01 Selection Cat.3 Defining Default Values for Check Lot 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: © SAP AG Page 53 of 103 . 3. Choose Save. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.2 Defining Default Values for Payment Lot 1.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Line Layout Cm Field name Length YN2 15 SELT1 1 YN2 20 SELW1 20 YN2 25 CCINS 4 YN2 30 CCNUM 16 YN2 35 KOINH 10 YN2 40 WAERS 3 YN2 45 POSZA 6 YN2 50 OPBEL 12 YN3 5 BETRZ 15 YN3 10 SELT1 1 YN3 15 SELW1 16 YN3 20 CHCKN 13 YN3 25 KOINH 12 YN3 30 WAERS 5 YN3 35 POSZA 6 YN3 40 OPBEL 12 YN3 45 BANKS 3 YN3 50 BANKL 15 YN3 55 BANKN 18 5.4.2. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YG Clearing Reason 01 Selection Cat.2.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Transaction code FQ1031 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Define Default Values for Check Lot 2. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQ1033 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Define Default Values for Credit Card Lots 2. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YG Clearing Reason 01 Selection Cat. K Selection Cat. B 3. K Selection Cat. B 3. 3.4. enter your assigned request then continue. enter your assigned request then continue. On the Maintain Default Values for Payment Order Lot: Detail scr screen.5 Defining Default Values for Payment Order Lots 1. Choose Save.4. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQ1032 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Define Default Values for Payment Order Lots 2. On the Maintain Default Values for Check Lot: Detail scr screen. On the Maintain Default Values for Credit Card Lot: Detail scr screen. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.2. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 54 of 103 . G Selection Cat. G Selection Cat. Choose Save. 3.4 Defining Default Values for Credit Card Lots 1. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. enter your assigned request then continue.code> <account for external cash clearing> <your house bank> <your co. On the Change View “Bank clearing accounts”: Overview screen.2.code> For Ret urn s Vali d chk Val For Car d For Pay tOr d Vali dO LCh k X X X X <your bank account ID> X X X X <your house bank> <your bank account ID> X <account for returns> <your house bank> <your bank account ID> <your co.code> <account for outgoing check payment> <your house bank> <your bank account ID> X X X X X 3.6 Defining Bank Clearing Accounts 1.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Field name User action and values Document Type YG Clearing Reason 01 Selection Cat. P 3.2. 3. 3. choose New Entries and create the following settings: CoCd Bank clrg acct House Bk Acct ID F. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: © SAP AG Page 55 of 103 .code> <account for payment lot> <your co.code> <account for card lot> <your house bank> <your bank account ID> <your co. Choose Save.code> <account for payment order lot> <your house bank> <your bank account ID> <your co.4.4.pay t lot <your co.code> <account for check lot> <your house bank> <your bank account ID> <your co.code> <account for internal cash clearing> <your house bank> <your bank account ID> <your co. Choose Save. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Define Bank Clearing Accounts for Payment Lots 2.7 Defining Clarification Account 1. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing. choose Continue (Enter). For a first time maintenance. On the Maintain Incoming Payment Interim Account: Overview screen. Choose Continue (Enter). choose Cancel. create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 56 of 103 . On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing.8 Defining Clearing Account for Check Deposit 1. 6. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. choose from the menu Goto  Select keys.code> <your account> <your account> 9. For a first time maintenance. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Company Code X Check dep. On the Select Key Fields window. 3. 3. 8. On the Maintain Clearing Account for Incoming Checks: Overview screen. Choose Continue (Enter). the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. acct X 7. 8. Acct <your co. 5. On the Maintain Incoming Payment Interim Account: Overview screen.2. 4. create the following settings: Company Code Bank clrg acct Clarif. On the Maintain Incoming Payment Interim Account: Overview screen. enter your assigned request then continue. If you are not in the overview screen. choose Continue (Enter). Choose Save. If you are not in the overview screen. 3. mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Company Code X Bank clrg acct X 7.4. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZT IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Define Clearing Account for Check Deposit 2.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Transaction code FQZJ IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Define Clarification Account 2. On the Select Key Fields window. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. 5. 4. Choose Continue (Enter). 6. Choose Continue (Enter). If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. choose Cancel. choose from the menu Goto  Select keys. Choose Continue (Enter). If you are not in the overview screen. On the Range Maintenance: FI-CA Repayment Req. 4.10 Checking Number Ranges for Repayment Requests Payments 1. To Number 01 0000000001 9999999999 Ext 4.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Company Code Check dep. 3. screen.paym. create the following settings: Bank clrg acct Refund account Def.2. acct Clearing Acct <your co. On the Transport number range intervals window.code> 5.code> <your account> <your account> 9.9 Defining Specifications for Repayment of Incoming Payments 1. choose Change intervals. enter your assigned request then continue.4. screen.4. Code <your account> <your account> T <your house bank> <your bank account ID> <your co. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. Choose Save. 3.4. choose Continue. 3. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. For a first time maintenance. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZN IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Define Specifications for Repayment of Incoming Payments 2. Choose Save. On the Maintain Repayment of Incoming Payments: Overview screen. check or create the following settings: No From No. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. 3.11 Defining Forms for Check Deposit List 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FPN3 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Check Number Ranges for Repayment Requests 2.2. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  © SAP AG Page 57 of 103 . Choose Save. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. enter your assigned request then continue. method House Bank Account ID Paying Co. 5. 3. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. choose Cancel.2. On the Maintain Intervals: FI-CA Repayment Req. code> RFKKCK01 SapScript FKK_CHECKDEPOS 3. 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQP4 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation  Define Specifications for Paying Company Code © SAP AG Page 58 of 103 . P.4. Choose Save. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQP1 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation  Define Payment Methods 2. On the Display View “Countries”: Overview screen. T Bank Transfer Paym ent order X Required master record specifications Format Docu ment Type Clear ing Reas on Bank details <pymt medium format > YH 01 Bank details. create the following settings: CoCd Program Name Form Type Form <your co.4.13 Defining Specifications for Paying Company Code 1. check or create the following settings: Payment Method Payment method classificat ion Process ing type A Direct Debit for Incoming Pmnts Bank Account B Direct Debit (Payment Order) for Incoming Pmnts Bank Account C Direct debit (Credit Card) for Incoming Pmnts Payment card S Check (outgoing) Check Bank Account Street. select <your country> and doubleclick on Payment Methods in the left dialog structure. IBAN.2. box Bank Account Bank details. IBAN. 3. SWIFT <pymt medium format > YH 01 YH 01 <pymt medium format > YH 02 <pymt medium format > YH 02 4.2.O. Choose Save. On the Change View “Payment Methods”: Overview screen.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments  Define Forms for Check Deposit List 2.12 Defining Payment Methods 1. On the Change View “Maintenance view”: Overview screen. 3. 3. On the Change View “Payment Methods in Company Code”: Overview screen. 4.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 2.4.000 X X X T <your country> 100. For a first time maintenance.01 3. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing. Choose Save. 4. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZL IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation  Define Accounts for Payment Program 2.code> Minimum Amount for Incoming Payment 0.000 X X X B <your country> 100. 5. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. Double-choose Payment Medium Formats in Company Code in the left dialog structure. mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Payment Method X © SAP AG Page 59 of 103 .2. If you are not in the overview screen.000 X S <your country> 100. create the following settings: Payment Method Country Maximum amount Foreign BP allowed Foreign currency allowed Bank abroad allowed A <your country> 100. On the Change View “Company Codes”: Overview screen. choose Continue (Enter). Choose Continue (Enter).000 X X X C <your country> 100. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Format <payment medium format used in payment methods> Form Formatting Type SAPscript <if this field on the screen> Payment advice if info line overflow X Name O2C RDS 7. choose Cancel. choose from the menu Goto  Select keys.14 Defining Accounts for Payment Program 1. On the Select Key Fields window. On the Maintain Payment Program Bank Accounts: Overview screen. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Field name User action and values Paying Company Code <your co. 3. On the Change View “Payment Medium Formats in Company Code”: Overview screen.000 X X X 5. Select the paying company code and double-click on Payment Methods in Company Code in the left dialog structure. 6. SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 6.4. 7. Code House Bank Payment Method Bank subacct <your co. 3. Select the ID and double-click on Bank Selection Values in the left dialog structure. Choose Save. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  © SAP AG Page 60 of 103 . Choose Save. CC Payt Meth. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. create the following settings: ID Resp. On the Maintain Payment Program Bank Accounts: Overview screen. Order YN01 <your co. Currency House Bank Account ID Rank.15 Maintaining Bank Selection 1. 3.code> <your house bank> T <your account> Check Clrg Acct <your account> 8. On the Change View “Bank Selection IDs”: Overview screen.code> A <your currency> <your house bank> <your bank account ID> 2 YN01 <your co. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation  Maintain Bank Selection 2.code> <your house bank> C <your account> <your co.code> <your house bank> S <your account> <your co. enter your assigned request then continue.2.2.4.code> T <your currency> <your house bank> <your bank account ID> 5 5. create the following settings: Paying Co.code> <your house bank> A <your account> <your co.code> B <your currency> <your house bank> <your bank account ID> 3 YN01 <your co.code> C <your currency> <your house bank> <your bank account ID> 4 YN01 <your co. 4.16 Defining Payment Lock Reasons 1.code> S <your currency> <your house bank> <your bank account ID> 6 YN01 <your co. choose New Entries and create the following settings: ID Name YN01 RDS Bank Selection 3.code> <your house bank> B <your account> <your co. On the Change View “Bank Selection Values”: Overview screen. Choose Continue (Enter). 4. 3 4 5 10 16 20 3. On the Maintain Intervals: Payment Orders screen. 3. check or create the following settings: No From No. check or create the following settings: Ind.18 Checking Number Ranges for Payment Orders 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FPN7 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation  Check Number Ranges for Payment Orders 2. On the Range Maintenance: Payment Orders screen.4.2.2. Choose Save. 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation  Select Item Indicator for the Clarification Worklist 2. On the Change View “Payment Lock Reasons”: Overview screen. On the Change View “Item Indicators for Clarification”: Overview screen. choose Change intervals.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation  Define Payment Lock Reasons 2.W orklist X Valid Payment Lock Clarification I Submitted to External Collection Agency 3. To Number 00 0000000001 0999999999 01 1000000000 1999999999 © SAP AG Ext Page 61 of 103 . 3. Choose Save. check or create the following settings: PL Description Period Number A Payment Lock 10 days D 10 B Payment Lock C Clarif.17 Worklist Selecting Item Indicator for the Clarification 1. To Number 02 2000000000 2999999999 03 3000000000 3999999999 04 4000000000 4999999999 05 5000000000 5999999999 06 6000000000 6999999999 07 7000000000 7999999999 08 8000000000 8999999999 09 9000000000 9999999999 Ext 4. On the Range Maintenance: Pymt Specifications screen. On the Transport number range intervals window. Choose Save. choose Change intervals. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FPN10 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation  Define Number Ranges for Payment Specifications 2.4. 3. 3. On the Transport number range intervals window. 5.4. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQKPI IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  © SAP AG Page 62 of 103 . On the Maintain Intervals: Pymt Specifications screen. choose Continue. To Number 00 000000000001 009999999999 01 010000000001 019999999999 02 020000000001 029999999999 03 030000000001 039999999999 04 040000000001 049999999999 05 050000000001 059999999999 06 060000000001 069999999999 07 070000000001 079999999999 08 080000000001 089999999999 09 090000000001 099999999999 Ext 4.20 Defining Screen Variants for Payment Specifications 1. check or create the following settings: No From No. choose Continue.2.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration No From No.19 Defining Number Ranges for Payment Specifications 1. 3. 5.2. Choose Save. 4. If you are not in the overview screen. 3. create the following settings: Card type Card account Clearing account 0001 <your account> <your account> 0002 <your account> <your account> 0003 <your account> <your account> 0004 <your account> <your account> Y001 <your account> <your account> 5.2. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZV IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation  Payment Cards  Define Accounts for Payment Card Institute 2. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Cm Field name Length YN1 10 OPBEL 12 YN1 15 OPUPK 4 YN1 20 GPART 10 YN1 25 VKONT 12 YN1 30 WAERS 5 YN1 35 BETRW 18 YN1 40 ORIWA 5 YN1 45 ORIBT 18 5. Select the line layout variant and double-click on Variant Fields in the left dialog structure. enter your assigned request then continue. On the Change View “Variant Fields”: Overview screen. 4. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Choose Save. 4.21 Defining Accounts for Payment Card Institute 1. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. On the Maintain Payment Cards: Account Assignment: Overview screen.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation  Define Screen Variants for Payment Specifications 2. Choose Save. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Line Layout Name YN1 RDS Payment Specification 3. © SAP AG Page 63 of 103 . For a first time maintenance. Choose Continue (Enter). 3. choose Cancel. On the Change View “Variants”: Overview screen. choose Continue (Enter). For a first time maintenance. If you are not in the overview screen. Choose Save. On the Maintain Payment cards: Clearing invoice document . Choose Continue (Enter).2.2.22 Defining Specifications for Posting Settlement Document 1. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.int.specifications: Ov screen. On the Select Key Fields window. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing.5 Interest Calculation 3.5. 3. © SAP AG Page 64 of 103 . 4. 5. mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Card type X 6.specifications: Ov screen. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Field name User action and values Ref. Choose Continue (Enter). 3. Choose Save. choose Cancel.rate RDS-<currency>. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZX IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Payments  Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation  Payment Cards  Define Specifications for Posting Settlement Document 2. choose from the menu Goto  Select keys. 7. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Interest Calculation  Item Interest Calculation  Define Reference Interest Rates 2.4.2. On the Maintain Payment cards: Clearing invoice document .1 Defining Reference Interest Rates 1.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 3. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. create the following settings: Card type Document Type * YM 8. On the Change View “Define Reference Interest Rates”: Overview screen. for example RDS-USD Long text for example Reference interests USD Description for example Ref USD Date from <from date> Currency <your currency> for example USD 3. enter your assigned request then continue. Scale type Int.Inst. On the Change View “Reference Interest Rate Values”: Over screen.3 Defining Interest Calculation Rules 1.2. On the Change View “Interest calculation rules”: Overview screen. per Day X 2 X 1 X 1 X X 3 1 X X X 3.7% ab. On the Change View “Time-dependent interest terms”: Overview screen. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Interest Calculation  Item Interest Calculation  Define Interest Calculation Rules 2. Rate RDS-<currency>.5% fix 3 YN02 Interests . choose New Entries and create the following settings: Rerence Valid from Int.SAP Best Practices Guide 3. create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 65 of 103 .NB 3 YN04 Staggered amounts 3 YN05 Interests . 6. Select the rule and double-click on Interest Conditions in the left dialog structure. 3.amt Int. create the following settings for each rule: Crcy D/C <your currency> H <your currency> S 5. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Calcul Rule Name Int. 4. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Interest Calculation  Item Interest Calculation  Define Percentage Rates for Reference Interest Rates 2.on tot.2 Rates ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Defining Percentage Rates for Reference Interest 1. method YN01 Interests .calc.5. Select the interest condition and double-click on Time-dependent interest terms in the left dialog structure.5.5%day 3 YN07 Interests .25 3. On the Change View “Interest Conditions”: Overview screen.deposit 3 Interval Monthly IntCal. Choose Save.2. 7% 3 YN06 Interests . for example RDS-USD <from date> 1.5% fix m 3 YN03 Interests . On the Change View “Interest Key Table for FI-CA”: Overview screen.5 Maintaining Amount Limits for Debit/Credit Interest 1. Choose Save. Choose Save.2.amounts YN04 Y5 Interests installments YN05 Y6 Interests 5% fix day calc YN06 Y7 Interests security deposit YN07 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Interest Calculation  Item Interest Calculation  Maintain Amount Limits for © SAP AG Page 66 of 103 . choose New Entries and create the following settings: Interest key Name CalculRule Y1 Interests 5% fix monthly YN01 Y2 Interests 5% fix mon. 3.4 Defining Interest Key 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Interest Calculation  Item Interest Calculation  Define Interest Key 2.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Calcul Rule Currency Debit/Cr edit Valid from Reference Premiu m YN01 <your currency> H <from date> 5 YN01 <your currency> S <from date> 5 YN02 <your currency> H <from date> 5 YN02 <your currency> S <from date> 5 YN03 <your currency> H <from date> RDS-<currency> 7 YN03 <your currency> S <from date> RDS-<currency> 7 YN04 <your currency> H <from date> RDS-<currency> 4 YN04 <your currency> S <from date> RDS-<currency> 4 YN05 <your currency> H <from date> RDS-<currency> 7 YN05 <your currency> S <from date> RDS-<currency> 7 YN06 <your currency> H <from date> 5 YN06 <your currency> S <from date> 5 YN07 <your currency> H <from date> 5 YN07 <your currency> S <from date> 5 7.2. 3.5.full mont YN02 Y3 Interests 7% above NB YN03 Y4 Interests stagg.5. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQI4Z IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Interest Calculation  Item Interest Calculation  Activate Additional Functions for © SAP AG Page 67 of 103 . check or create the following settings: IL Name Int.7 Defining Specifications for Interest Calculation 1. Acct X 3. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YO Statistical key G Doc. choose New Entries and create the following settings: CoCode D/C indic. enter your assigned request then continue.50 3. 3. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.5. per Contr. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQI4 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Interest Calculation  Item Interest Calculation  Define Specifications for Interest Calculation 2.2.code> S <your currency> 0. Choose Save.50 <your co. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Interest Calculation  Item Interest Calculation  Define Interest Lock Reasons 2.5.code> H <your currency> 0. On the Change View “FI-CA: Amount Limit Table for Interest Calculaton”: Over screen. On the Maintain Interest Calculation Specifications: Detail scr screen. On the Change View “Blocking Reasons for Interest Calculation”: Overview screen.2.6 Defining Interest Lock Reasons 1. Currency AmountLimit <your co. 3.5. Choose Save. Lock A Generic interest block 2 Locked for All Types of Interest Calculation D Dispute Block 2 Locked for All Types of Interest Calculation V VIP Block 2 Locked for All Types of Interest Calculation 3.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Debit/Credit Interest 2.2. Choose Save.8 Activating Additional Functions for Interest Calculation 1. 3. 3. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Interest Calculation 2.5. X 3. enter your assigned request then continue. For a first time maintenance. Choose Save. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YO Statistical key G 3. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Cat. Choose Save.1 Defining Charge Categories for Dunning Defining Specifications for the Mass Run 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQI6 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Interest Calculation  Item Interest Calculation  Define Specifications for the Mass Run 2.2 Defining Document Types for Dunning Charge Categories 1. enter your assigned request then continue. On the Change View “Charge Category”: Overview screen. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZY IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Dunning  Define Document Types for Dunning Charge Categories 2.6 Dunning/Collection Management 3. On the Maintain Additional Functions for Interest Calculation: Detail scr screen. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Chrg.2. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Net Int.2. Name YN Collection Charges 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Dunning  Define Charge Categories for Dunning 2. Choose Continue (Enter). © SAP AG Page 68 of 103 . Choose Save. On the Maintain Mass Activity Interest Calculation: Detail scr screen.2. choose Cancel.6. 3. If you are not in the overview screen. 6. create the following settings: Charge Category Document Type YN YN 4. 3. On the Change View “Charges Categories”: Overview screen. choose New Entries and create the following settings: CS Name of Charges Schedule YN Collection Charges 3.2. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Choose Save. © SAP AG Page 69 of 103 . Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Dunning  Configure Charge Schedules for Dunning Procedure 2. Select the charge schedule and double-click on Charges Categories in the left dialog structure. On the Change View “Charges”: Overview screen. create the following settings: Currency Amount limit Creditworthiness <your currency> Minimum charge 5 8. Choose Save. Confirm the information Individual entries cannot be put into the change request with Enter. Choose Save. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YO Statistical key G 3. On the Change View “Charges Schedule”: Overview screen. Cat.3 Configure Charge Schedules for Dunning Procedure 1. On the Maintain Charge Specifications: Overview screen. 3. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Chrg. On the Maintain Interest on Arrears: Specifications: Detail scr screen.6. 6.2. 4.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 3. enter your assigned request then continue.4 Defining Specifications for Interest on Arrears 1. Main Trans Subtrans YN 0010 0010 5. enter your assigned request then continue. 7. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQI8 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Dunning  Define Specifications for Interest on Arrears 2. Select the charge category and double-click on Charges in the left dialog structure. Select the variant and double-click on Assigned Events in the left dialog structure.6. On the Change View “Creditworthiness Weighting by Month”: Overview screen. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Variant Name YN01 Collection history with focus on Dunning Notice YN02 Collection history with Dunning Notice and Payment 3. Event YN01 1 0001 YN01 2 0002 0001 YN01 3 0007 0001 © SAP AG Ctxt Event Page 70 of 103 . Choose Save. No.6 Defining Variants for Collection History 1. 4. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Dunning  Collection History  Define Variants 2. Weighting 1 4 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 2 6 2 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 On the Change View “Collection History: Variants”: Overview screen.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Dunning  Define Time-Dependent Creditworthiness Weightings 2. create the following settings: Variant Seq.5 Defining Time-Dependent Creditworthiness Weightings 1. check or create the following settings: Mon. 3. On the Change View “Assigned Events”: Overview screen. SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Variant Seq. 3.2. Choose Save. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Dunning  Collection History  Make General Settings 2. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Deactiv. On the Change View “General Settings for Collection History”: Details screen. reason Y1 Charge document Interest Doc. X Doc type revers YR 3.7 Making General Settings 1. Event Ctxt Event YN01 4 0006 0001 YN02 1 0001 YN02 2 0002 0001 YN02 3 0005 0001 YN02 4 0004 0001 5. No. enter your assigned request then continue. On the Maintain Specification for Automatic Deactivation of Installment Plan: screen. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Standard Variant YN02 3.2.6. Choose Save. 3.6.6. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ06 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Dunning  Interaction with Other Business Transactions  Specifications for Automatically Deactivating Installment Plans 2. Choose Save.9 Defining Default Values for Contract Account Group and Strategy 1.8 Specifications for Automatically Deactivating Installment Plans 1.2. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQCG IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Dunning  Dunning © SAP AG Page 71 of 103 . If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. 3. For a first time maintenance. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Dunning  Configure Dunning Activities 2.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration by Collection Strategy  Master Data Grouping  Define Default Values for Contract Account Group and Strategy 2. Choose New Entries. Name of Activity AC Function Module Form for correspondence 0003 Creation of Dunning Notice via Correspondence Container 01 FSC_SAMPLE_0350_ CCC FI_CA_DUNNING_S AMPLE_SF For TELCO only: Act. Choose Continue (Enter). On the Change View “Define Dunning Activities”: Overview screen. create the following settings: Master Data Grp Coll. Choose Save.2. choose Cancel. we just need to change the work item categories W1 & W2 as following.10 Configuring Dunning Activities 1. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. If you are not in the overview screen. Choose Save. Name of Activity AC Function Module Form for correspondence T004 Dunning Print via Correspondence Container 01 ISU_DUNNING_PR_C ORR_CONT_0350 IS_U_CA_DUNNING _SF 3. 3.2. we need to create both work item categories. © SAP AG Page 72 of 103 . In FICAX environment. make the following entries. In TELCOM environment . On the Maintain Default Values for Contract Account Group and Strategy: Overview screen. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. 3. Strategy Y1 01 4.6. On the Change View “Maintain Work Item Categories”: Overview screen. 3. enter your assigned request then continue.11 Defining Work Item Categories 1.6. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Dunning  Worklists and Workitems Define Work Item Categories 2. check or create the following settings: For FICAX only: Act. Deadline 02 Own Worklist X Follow-up Entry Enforcement WI Action Profile 3. On the Change View “Archiving Life for Colelction Work Items”: Overview screen. Repeat step 2-4.L W1 Reminder Call 180 W2 Threat to Terminate by Phone Call 180 4. 5. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FPARWLI0 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Dunning  Worklists and Workitems Archiving Define Life for Collection Work Items 2.6. create or change work item category W2 as following: Field name User action and values Category W2 Category Text Threat to Terminate by Phone Call Mandatory Indicator X Processing Type P Personally by Collection Specialist WL Creation Mode A Automatically Process. Choose Save. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. 3. make the following entries: Category Category name Arch. Choose Save.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Field name User action and values Category W1 Category Text Reminder Call Mandatory Indicator Processing Type P Personally by Collection Specialist WL Creation Mode A Automatically Process.2.12 Defining Life for Collection Work Items (For FICAX) 1. Choose New Entries. Deadline Own Worklist X Follow-up Entry Enforcement WI Action Profile 4.obj. © SAP AG Page 73 of 103 . 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OOCR IMG menu Personnel Management  Organizational Management  Transport  Set Up Transport Connection 2. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Dunning  Dunning by Collection Strategy  Define Collection Step 2.2.2 Creating Collection Organization 1.6.6. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code PPOCE SAP ECC menu Tools  Business Workflow  Organizational Plan  Organizational Plan  Organization and Staffing  Create 2. 3. check or create the following settings: Group Sem. Choose Save.14.But in TELCOM environment .1 Switching off Transport Connection 1. © SAP AG Page 74 of 103 . enter the Valid from date then choose Continue (Enter). check the following settings. In the Create root organization object window. 3. we need to create this setting.14. this setting has been done.13 Defining Collection Step 1.2. You can change it back to your default setting after you finish this chapter “Areas of Responsibility for Dunning”. Description TRSP CORR X Transport Switch (X = No Transport) Comment In the automatic installation the transport is switched off for following organization changes. Collection Step Interest key C001 Y1 C002 C003 Y1 C004 Y1 C005 Y1 Charges Schedule + YN YN YN YN C006 3. On the Change View “Collection Step”: Overview screen. abbr. Replace the defaulted interest key and charge schedule with the following values.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration In FICAX environment.2.14 Areas of Responsibility for Dunning 3. Value abbr. Choose Save.6. 3.2. On the Change View “Set up PD Transport Connection”: Overview screen.6. 6. 23. select the infotype Relationships and choose Create infotype. 21. 16. Position the cursor on the organization(O2C FICA Collection Team) and choose Create.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 3. Choose Save. On the Organization and Staffing Create screen. On the Maintain object screen. 5. 18. 11. 19. On the Create Relationships screen. In the Choose Relationship window. Choose Back. select the infotype Relationships and choose Create infotype. Choose Save. create the following settings in the Basic data tab: Field name User action and values Organizational unit (object ID) CollectDept (object name) O2C FICA Colleciton Department 4. Field name User action and values Relationship type/relationship B 007 Type of related object TS Standard task ID of related object 21000274 Choose Enter and Save. Create the following settings in the Basic data tab: Field name User action and values Organizational unit (object ID) CollectTeam (object name) O2C FICA Collection Team 13. Choose Enter and Save. Choose Back. 12. Choose Save. 15. choose Is line supervisor of Organizational unit. On the Maintain object screen. choose Incorporates Position. On the Create Relationships screen. 10. Position the cursor on the organization (O2C FICA Colleciton Department) and choose Create. 14. From the menu choose Goto  Detail object  Enhance object description. 7. From the menu choose Goto  Detail object  Enhance object description. In the Choose Relationship window. create the following settings: 17. From the menu choose Goto  Detail object  Enhance object description. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Relationship type/relationship B 007 Type of related object TS Standard task ID of related object 21000273 8. © SAP AG Page 75 of 103 . 20. 9. Create the following settings in the Basic data tab: Field name User action and values Organizational unit (object ID) CollectSpec (object name) O2C FICA Collection Specialists 22. On the Responsibilities for Rule FICACollDept FI-CA Collections Department screen.Partner Category * Country * Postal Code * Region * to 6. Choose Back. 3. 7.3 Maintaining Department Responsibilities 1. On the Responsibility Change for Rule FICACollDept screen. Select the department CollectDept O2C FICA Colleciton Department created in previous step “Create Collection Organization” and continue. On the Choose Organization unit window choose Continue. 10. On the Maintain object screen. 5.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 24. 8. 9. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FKKCLERK_CM_CUCENTER SAP ECC menu (for FICAX) Accounting  Financial Accounting  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Periodic Processing  For Contract Accounts  Dunning Notice  Areas of Responsibility  Maintain Department Responsibilities SAP ECC menu (for TELCO) Telecommunications  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Periodic Processing  For Contract Accounts  Dunning Notice  Areas of Responsibility  Maintain Department Responsibilities 2. choose Create responsibility. © SAP AG Page 76 of 103 . create the following settings: Field name User action and values Relationship type/relationship B 007 Type of related object TS Standard task ID of related object 21000269 26.6. In the Create responsibility window. select the infotype Relationships and choose Create infotype. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Object abbr. On the Create Relationships screen. 11. On the Responsibilities for Rule FICACollDept FI-CA Collections Department screen. choose Insert agent assignment. create the following settings: Name of Activity * Bus. 3.14.2. Choose Enter. FICACollDept Name O2C FI-CA Collections Department Start date <start from date> End Date <end date> 4. 25. Choose Save. Select Organizational unit and Continue. Choose Enter and Save. SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 12. On the Create Relationship window choose Create. Maintaining Unit Responsibilities 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FKKCLERK_CM_CUUNIT SAP ECC menu (for FICAX) Accounting  Financial Accounting  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Periodic Processing  For Contract Accounts  Dunning Notice  Areas of Responsibility  Maintain Unit Responsibilities SAP ECC menu (for TELCO) Telecommunications  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Periodic Processing  For Contract Accounts  Dunning Notice  Areas of Responsibility  Maintain Unit Responsibilities 2. On the Responsibilities for Rule FICACollUnit FI-CA Collection Unit screen, choose Create responsibility. 3. In the Create responsibility window, create the following settings: Field name User action and values Object abbr. FICACollUnit Name O2C FI-CA Collection Unit Start date <start from date> End Date <end date> 4. Choose Enter. 5. On the Responsibility Change for Rule FICACollUnit screen, create the following settings: Name of Activity * Amount 99999999.00- 99999999.00 Creditworthiness 0000 9999 Company Code * City * Country <your country> Business Partner * Grouping Field * Master Data Type * Master Data Ref. * Last Name * Postal Code * Region * Risk Class * Step * Step Type * Strategy * Time Zone * © SAP AG to Page 77 of 103 SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Name of Bus.Partner Category * Account Category * Currency * Category * to 6. Choose Save. 7. Choose Back. 8. On the Responsibilities for Rule FICACollUnit FI-CA Collection Unit screen, choose Insert agent assignment. 9. Select Organizational unit and Continue. 10. On the Choose Organization unit window choose Continue. 11. Select the unit CollectUnit O2C FICA Collection Team created in previous step “Create Collection Organization” and continue. 12. On the Create Relationship window choose Create. Maintaining Collection Specialist Responsibilities 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FKKCLERK_CM_CUAGENT SAP ECC menu (for FICAX) Accounting  Financial Accounting  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Periodic Processing  For Contract Accounts  Dunning Notice  Areas of Responsibility  Maintain Collection Specialist Responsibilities SAP ECC menu (for TELCO) Telecommunications  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Periodic Processing  For Contract Accounts  Dunning Notice  Areas of Responsibility  Maintain Collection Specialist Responsibilities 2. On the Responsibilities for Rule FICA_FordSB FI-CA Collections Specialist screen, choose Create responsibility. 3. In the Create responsibility window, create the following settings: Field name User action and values Object abbr. FICA_FordSB Name O2C FI-CA Collection Specialist Start date <start from date> End Date <end date> 4. Choose Enter. 5. On the Responsibility Change for Rule FICA_FordSB screen, create the following settings: Name of Amount 1.00 Master Data Type * Master Data Ref. * Business Partner * Step * Currency * © SAP AG to 99999999999.00 Page 78 of 103 SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Name of Work Item Category * to 6. Choose Save. 7. Choose Back. 8. On the Responsibilities for Rule FICA_FordSB FI-CA Collections Specialist screen, choose Insert agent assignment. 9. Select Position and Continue. 10. On the Choose Position window choose Continue. 11. Select the Position O2C FICA Collection Specialists created in previous step “Creating Collection Organization” and continue. 12. On the Create Relationship window choose Create. Activating SICF Service to for BRFplus 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SICF SAP ECC menu Tools  Administration  Administration  Network  HTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance 2. On the Maintain Services screen, choose Execute. 3. On the Maintain Services screen, activate following services. Locate the node by entering Virtual Host and Service Path then choose Apply. Virtual Host Service Path default_host /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/fkk_wdy_brf_trace_display default_host /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/fdt_wd_workbench 3.2.7 Returns Configuring Returns Reasons 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Returns  Configure Returns Reasons 2. On the Change View “Returns Reason”: Overview screen, check or create the following settings: Reason Name Retrn type Histor y CredW. no. Appl. form 01 Bank account overdraft 1 30 10 IS_U_RETURN 02 Wrong Bank Number 1 30 15 IS_U_RETURN 03 No account 1 30 15 IS_U_RETURN 04 No direct debit 1 30 10 IS_U_RETURN 05 Direct debit is no longer performed 1 30 10 IS_U_RETURN 06 Direct debit is cancelled 1 30 10 IS_U_RETURN 07 No Cashing 1 30 10 IS_U_RETURN © SAP AG Voiding Reason Page 79 of 103 Outgoing payments lock Pass charges on. Appl. Calculate graduated chrge Delete incoming paymt mtd 08 <your co. Outgoing payments lock Pass charges on. Outgoing payments lock Pass charges on <your co.code > Incoming paymt lock B duration 10.code > 03 Set Lock Charges Payment Methods Incoming paymt lock B duration 10.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Reason Name Retrn type Histor y CredW.code > Incoming paymt lock B duration 10. Calculate graduated chrge Delete incoming paymt mtd 04 <your co. On the Change View “Returns Activities”: Overview screen. Outgoing payments lock Pass charges on. create the following settings: Re aso n Compa ny Code 01 <your co.code > Incoming paymt lock B duration 10.code > Incoming paymt lock B duration 10.code > YN01 Incoming paymt lock B duration 10.code > 02 <your co. Outgoing payments lock Pass charges on. Calculate graduated chrge Delete incoming paymt mtd 06 <your co. 4. Calculate graduated chrge Delete incoming paymt mtd © SAP AG Tolera nce group Other Activitie s Create correspo ndence Create correspo ndence Page 80 of 103 . Outgoing payments lock Pass charges on. Outgoing payments lock Pass charges on. Select the return reason and double-click on Returns Activities in the left dialog structure. Calculate graduated chrge Delete incoming paymt mtd 07 <your co.code > YN01 Incoming paymt lock B duration 10. Outgoing payments lock Pass charges on. form Voiding Reason 08 Bereavement leave 1 30 10 IS_U_RETURN YN1 Creditcard return 3 30 10 IS_U_RETURN YN2 Check returns 2 30 15 IS_U_RETURN YN3 No Signature on Check 2 30 15 IS_U_RETURN YN4 Check returns (outgoing) 4 30 15 IS_U_RETURN YN 3. no. Calculate graduated chrge Delete incoming paymt mtd YN01 Incoming paymt lock B duration 10. Calculate graduated chrge Delete incoming paymt mtd 05 <your co. code > YN01 Incoming paymt lock C duration 10.2 Assigning Return Reasons to House Banks 1.code> <your house bank> 06 06 © SAP AG Page 81 of 103 . Confirm the information Individual entries cannot be put into the change request with Enter.code> <your house bank> 05 05 <your co. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Returns  Assign Return Reasons to House Banks 2. On the Change View “Returns Charges”: Overview screen. On the Change View “Automatic Charges Determination”: Overview screen.code> <your house bank> 03 03 <your co.code> <your house bank> 01 01 <your co. difference <return reason> <your currency> 20 10. Outgoing payments lock Pass charges on Delete outg.5 8. 3. paymt mtd Other Activitie s Create correspo ndence 5. Calculate graduated chrge Delete incoming paymt mtd YN 1 <your co.code > YN01 Pass charges on Create correspo ndence YN 3 <your co. Choose Save.code > YN 2 <your co. create the following settings: Return reason Currency Max. 9. Double-click on Automatic Charges Determination in the left dialog structure. Outgoing payments lock Pass charges on. create the following settings: Return reason Amount limit Currency Graduated chrge <return reason> 20 <your currency> 7. On the Change View “Assign return reasons”: Overview screen.7. 6.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Re aso n Compa ny Code Tolera nce group Set Lock Charges Payment Methods Incoming paymt lock B duration 10.2. 7. check or create the following settings: CoCd House Bk HB RR <your co.code> <your house bank> 02 02 <your co.code> <your house bank> 04 04 <your co. Double-click on Returns Charges in the left dialog structure.code > YN01 Pass charges on Create correspo ndence YN 4 <your co. code> <your house bank> YN2 YN2 <your co.ac ct 1 Chrg.code> <your account> 5.3 Defining Clarification Accounts for Returns 1.acc t2 01 <your account> <your account> <your account> <your account> <your account> 02 <your account> <your account> <your account> <your account> <your account> 03 <your account> <your account> <your account> <your account> <your account> © SAP AG Page 82 of 103 . create the following settings: Company Code Clarif. 4. Choose Save. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up.acc t2 Chrg. choose Cancel. Choose Save. Acct <your co.acc t1 Chrg. If you are not in the overview screen. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZF IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Returns  Define Charges Accounts for Returns 2. 3. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue.code> <your house bank> 08 08 <your co. For a first time maintenance. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. 3. create the following settings: Return type Bank Clrg Acct Chrg.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration CoCd House Bk HB RR <your co.code> <your house bank> YN3 YN3 <your co.code> <your house bank> YN4 YN4 3. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. 3. 3. choose Cancel.7. On the Maintain Returns Clarification Accounts: Overview screen.exp.2.rev.exp. If you are not in the overview screen. On the Maintain Returns: Overview screen.code> <your house bank> 07 07 <your co. 4. Choose Continue (Enter). If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.2. For a first time maintenance. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQ1041 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Returns  Define Clarification Accounts for Returns 2. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. Choose Continue (Enter).4 Defining Charges Accounts for Returns 1. enter your assigned request then continue.rev.code> <your house bank> YN1 YN1 <your co.7. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YI Clearing Reason 10 Company Code <your co. On the Maintain Returns: Specifications: Detail scr screen.exp. Choose Save.7. Choose Save. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Debit MT 6000 Debit ST 0020 Cred. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.ac ct 1 Chrg. 3.code> Variant SAP01 Selection Cat.7.2.exp. B 3.6 Determining Document Type and Clearing Reason for Returns 1.acc t2 Chrg.acc t1 Chrg.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Return type Bank Clrg Acct Chrg.2. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Choose Save. ST 0010 3.5 Returns Defining Account Assignments for New Items with 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable © SAP AG Page 83 of 103 . enter your assigned request then continue.rev.acc t2 04 <your account> <your account> <your account> <your account> <your account> 5. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZS IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Returns  Determine Document Type and Clearing Reason for Returns 2.2.7. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQ0111 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Returns  Define Account Assignments for New Items with Returns 2.rev. MT 6000 Cred. 3. enter your assigned request then continue. On the Maintain Returns: Main/Sub-Transaction with New Receivables: Detail sc screen. 3.7 Defining Correspondence Form 1. enter your assigned request then continue. code> YN2 0 0 IS_U_RETURN <your co. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.code> 02 0 0 IS_U_RETURN <your co.8.1 Defining Default Values for Installment Plan 1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZQ IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Deferral and Installment Plans  Define Default Values for Installment Plan 2. 3.plan doc.2.8.8 Deferral and Installment Plans 3. enter your assigned request then continue. 3. group <your co.2 Defining Charge Categories for Installment Plan Surcharges 1. Choose Save.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration and Payable  Business Transactions  Returns  Define Correspondence Form 2.code> 01 1 0 <your co.type YP Deactiv.code> 01 0 0 IS_U_RETURN <your co. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Inst.2. Tol.code> 02 2 0 <your co. check or create the following settings: CoCd RR RT Crd. On the Maintain Returns: Specifications: Detail scr screen. On the Change View “IS-U Returns Correspondence Form”: Overview screen.code> YN1 1 0 IS_U_RETURN <your co. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Deferral and © SAP AG Page 84 of 103 .2.code> YN4 0 0 IS_U_RETURN YN01 YN01 Application form IS_U_RETURN IS_U_RETURN 3.code> 01 1 0 IS_U_RETURN <your co. reason 02 Print payt form Display Dialog Interest on Arrears X 3.code> 02 2 0 IS_U_RETURN <your co. Choose Save.code> 02 1 0 IS_U_RETURN <your co.code> 03 2 0 IS_U_RETURN <your co.code> YN1 0 0 IS_U_RETURN <your co. 5 <your currency> 5 © SAP AG Rema ining amt to Page 85 of 103 . Choose Save.4 Defining Installment Plan Type 1. 3. Choose Save. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Deferral and Installment Plans  Define Installment Plan Type 2. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Field name User action and values Charge Category YN Currency <your currency> Amount Lmt 5 Name RDS Charges for Installment Plan Main Trans. 3. CredW. choose New Entries and create the following settings: IP category Instlmt plan cat. On the Change View “Install. YN RDS Payment Schema: Installment Plan 10 2 YN 3. for Inst. Charge Cat. 0010 Subtransaction 0050 Rounding rule Rounding rule 4.8.8.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Installment Plans  Define Charge Categories for Installment Plan Surcharges 2. of Inst mnts Roun ding amou nt Currency Cha rge am oun t YN01 RDS variant 1 . On the Change View “Categories for Installment Plan”: Overview screen.Plan Proposal Cats”: Overview screen. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Inst.2.no. YN 1 3 1 0. Item Int. Confirm the information Individual entries cannot be put into the change request with Enter. Plan Type Name IP categ ory Inst.Plan Surch.2. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Deferral and Installment Plans  Define Categories for Installment Plan 2. 3. On the Change View “Charge Categories for Installment Plan Surcharges”: Over screen.1 Inst. inter val Interv al Type No.3 Defining Categories for Installment Plan 1. 2. Choose Save.6 Inst. on arrears No Int.2.5 Defining Default Values for Installment Plan Charge 1. YN 1 2 3 0. Choose Save. create the following settings: Field name User action and values ChargesDoc.5 <your currency> 5 2 3. of Inst mnts Roun ding amou nt Currency Cha rge am oun t Rema ining amt to YN02 RDS variant 2 . on Arrears Int. enter your assigned request then continue. Type YO Interest key Y5 Only int. YN 1 3 5 0. YN 1 3 12 0.5 Inst.5 <your currency> 5 2 YN05 RDS variant 5 . On the Maintain Installment Plan Interest Specifications: Detail scr screen.Itm © SAP AG X Page 86 of 103 .5 <your currency> 5 2 YN03 RDS variant 3 . Doc. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZZ IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Deferral and Installment Plans  Define Default Values for Interest on Installment Plans 2.8. Plan Type Name IP categ ory Inst. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Int.Charges:DocType YM 3.8. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.6 Plans Defining Default Values for Interest on Installment 1. 3.fm Orig. YN 1 3 6 0.3 Inst. On the Maintain Installment Plan Charges Specification: Detail scr screen. inter val Interv al Type No.type YN Temp.5 <your currency> 5 2 YN04 RDS variant 4 . 3. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZU IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Deferral and Installment Plans  Define Default Values for Installment Plan Charge 2.12 Inst.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Inst. YO 3. enter your assigned request then continue. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Promise to Pay  Define Categories 2. Choose Save. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Basic Functions  Postings and Documents  Document  Maintain Document Assignments  Document Types  Maintain Document Types and Assign Number Ranges 2. On the Change View “Categories for Installment Plan”: Overview screen.Type: Temp.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Field name User action and values Doc. Int. life PC P2P Charges 14 2560 PI P2P Interest 15 2560 3. choose New Entries and create the following settings: DT Description NR Not Manually Doc.9. Choose Save. On the Change View “Categories of Promises to Pay”: Overview screen. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQ05 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Deferral and Installment Plans  Define Deactivation Reasons for Installment Plan 2.2. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Field name User action and values Category YN © SAP AG Page 87 of 103 .9. On the Change View “Maintain Document Types”: Overview screen.8. create the following settings: Deactiv.2.2. 3. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.7 Defining Deactivation Reasons for Installment Plan 1.1 Maintaining Document Types 1. Choose Save.2 Defining Categories 1.2. 3.9 Promise to Pay 3. reason Deactivation reason Y1 Deactivated by Dunning Run Y3 Deactivate Payment Schema IntCreditMemo 3. 3. 5 Pay Defining Specifications for Valuation of Promise to 1. Type for Charge PC Doc.2. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Promise to Pay  Define Specifications for Creation 2. Choose Save. On the Change View “Specifications and Default Values for Promises to Pay”: O screen. 15 3.3 Defining Reasons for Creation 1.2.4 Defining Specifications for Creation 1. check or create the following settings: Reason Name Biller Direct 01 Correspondence with Customer 02 Customer Call X 3. 3. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code © SAP AG SPRO Page 88 of 103 .9. 3. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Promise to Pay  Define Reasons for Creation 2. On the Change View “Reasons for Activating Promise to Pay”: Overview screen.2. Choose Save. check or create the following settings: Use Category Reason 1 YN 01 3 04 02 3. 3. Weight.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Field name User action and values Name 2 weekly payments with charge + interest at end Payment Dates 91 Weekly Number of Dates 2 Doc. Choose Save.9.9. Type for Intrst PI Interest Key Y1 Distribution Rule Interest Calculation Charges Creditworth. To Number Ext 01 000000000001 999999999999 4.10. check or create the following settings: No From No. On the Change View “Valuation of Promises to Pay”: O screen. Choose Save. 3. choose Change intervals. choose New Entries and create the following settings: WoR Name CredW. © SAP AG Page 89 of 103 .6 Editing Number Range for Promise to Pay 1. Y1 Sold to collector 12 Y2 Complaint made By Telephone 6 Y3 Liquidity problems 7 Y4 Bancrupty 10 Y5 Mass write off by timing 7 2 Y6 Mass write of stat.9. 5. 3. On the Maintain Intervals: Promise to Pay screen.code> Tolerance Days 2 Reduction for Days Late 1 Fulfilled with Variances 90 Fulfilled 95 3.2. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Write-Offs  Define Write-Off Reasons 2.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Promise to Pay  Define Specifications for Valuation of Promise to Pay IMG menu 2. 3.1 Defining Write-Off Reasons 1. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FPNP2P IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Promise to Pay  Edit Number Range for Promise to Pay 2. Choose Save. Choose Save. On the Change View “Write-Off Reason”: Overview screen.10 Write-Offs 3. On the Range Maintenance: Promise to Pay screen.2. items 3 2 3. choose Continue. check or create the following settings: Field name User action and values Company Code <your co.no. Val. On the Transport number range intervals window.2. On the Maintain Mass Write-Off: Specifications and Default Values: Detail scr screen. Choose Save. On the Maintain Write-Off: Specifications and Default Values: Detail scr screen. Y3 Defining Automatic G/L Account Determination for Write-Offs 1. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ02 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Write-Offs  Define Specifications and Default Values for Write-Off 2.3 Offs Defining Specs and Default Values for Mass Write- 1. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Check level 02 Currency <your currency> Clearing Reason 14 Document Type YU Dvtn CO Acct Assgts Ret. Inv.2. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. enter your assigned request then continue. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ04 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Write-Offs  Define © SAP AG Page 90 of 103 .10. Choose Save.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 3.10. 3. 3. enter your assigned request then continue. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Check level 02 Currency <your currency> Clearing Reason 04 Document Type YU Dvtn CO Acct Assgts WrOffReas. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ03 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Write-Offs  Define Specs and Default Values for Mass Write-Offs 2.2 Defining Specifications and Default Values for Write-Off 1.Period 4 3. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. On the Maintain Write-Off: Automatic Acct Determination (Not Tax-Relevant): O screen. choose from the menu Goto  Select keys. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing. Choose Save.code> <your account> Y6 <your account> <your account> 9.5 Automatic G/L Account Determination for Writing off Value Adjustments 1. Expense account Revenue Account <your co. 4. 3. 5. 5. enter your assigned request then continue. For a first time maintenance. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. 6. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. mark Used for following key fields: © SAP AG Page 91 of 103 . the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. X 7. 8.code> <your account> Y1 <your account> <your co. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. 6. Choose Continue (Enter).code> <your account> Y2 <your account> <your account> <your co. 3. On the Maintain Write-Off: Automatic Account Determination: Overview screen. choose Cancel. Choose Continue (Enter).code> <your account> Y5 <your account> <your account> <your co. On the Select Key Fields window. choose from the menu Goto  Select keys. If you are not in the overview screen. Choose Continue (Enter). Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ04A IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Write-Offs  Automatic G/L Account Determination for Writing Off Value Adjustments 2.10. On the Maintain Write-Off: Automatic Account Determination: Overview screen.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Automatic G/L Account Determination for Write-Offs 2. mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Company Code X G/L Account X Write-Off Reas. choose Continue (Enter).code> <your account> Y3 <your account> <your account> <your co. If you are not in the overview screen.code> <your account> Y4 <your account> <your account> <your co. For a first time maintenance. 4. 3.2. choose Continue (Enter). create the following settings: Company Code G/L Account Write-Off Reas. choose Cancel. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. On the Select Key Fields window. Choose Save. 3.2.1 Defining Specs for Submission to External Collection Agencies 1. 3.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Key Field Used Company Code X 7. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.10.variant 3.7 Variants Maintaining Age and Amount Grid for Write-Off 1.2. 8. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Write-Offs  Maintain Age and Amount Grid for Write-Off Variants 2. choose New Entries and create the following settings: W/Off Variant Currency Days after due date Sequence Number Meaning Amount W/Off Automat. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Write-Offs  Maintain Write-Off Variants 2.6 Maintaining Write-Off Variants 1. On the Maintain Write-Off: Automatic Acct Determination (Not Tax-Relevant): O screen.10. create the following settings: Company Code Expense account <your co.11 Submit to Collection Agency 3. On the Change View “Write-Off Variants: Age and Amount Grid”: Overview screen. YN01 <your currency> 50 1 After 50 days amounts < 20 20- X YN01 <your currency> 100 1 After 100 days amounts < 100 100- X YN01 <your currency> 360 1 After 360 days amounts < 200 200- X 3. 3. choose New Entries and create the following settings: W/OffVt Meaning YN01 Generic customer indep.11.2.2. Choose Continue (Enter). Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: © SAP AG Page 92 of 103 .code> <your account> 9. Choose Save. On the Change View “Write-Off Variants”: Overview screen. Choose Save. enter your assigned request then continue. enter your assigned request then continue. 0010 Subtransaction 0020 3.11. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. On the Maintain Specifications for Collection Agency Charges: Detail scr screen.2 Charges Defining Specifications for Collection Agency 1. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ21 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Submit to Collection Agency  Define Specifications for Collection Agency Charges 2. 3.Type: Coll. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YN Main Trans. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Submit to Collection Agency  Define Reasons for Receivables Callbacks 2. 3. Choose Save. © SAP AG Page 93 of 103 .3 Defining Reasons for Receivables Callbacks 1. On the Change View “Callback Reason for Items Submitted to Collection Agency” screen. Coll. On the Maintain Submission to Ext. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Pymt Lock Rsn I DunnLockReason Alt.2.2. Choose Save. Agencies: Specs: Detail scr screen. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Callback Reason Callback Reason Y1 Item paid by the customer Y2 Item being transferred to another agency 3. Partner X Doc. enter your assigned request then continue. Choose Save.11.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Transaction code FQZ15 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Submit to Collection Agency  Define Specs for Submission to External Collection Agencies 2. Agy YJ 3. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ16 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Transfers  Define Specifications and Default Values for Transfer 2.2 Defining Transactions for the Transfer of Items and Requests 1. 3. choose Cancel. 3.12.12 Doubtful Items and Individual Value Adjustment 3. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 94 of 103 . If you are not in the overview screen. enter your assigned request then continue.SAP Best Practices Guide 3.2. Choose Save.2. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQU2 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Transfers  Define Transactions for the Transfer of Items and Requests 2.12. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Callback Reason Y1 3. Choose Continue (Enter).1 Transfer Defining Specifications and Default Values for 1. 3. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ22 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Submit to Collection Agency  Define Default Value for Callback Reasons 2. Choose Save. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Currency <your currency> Clearing Reason 03 Document Type YP Only all items X Credit X Transfer DL 3.4 ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Defining Default Value for Callback Reasons 1. For a first time maintenance. enter your assigned request then continue. On the Maintain Transfer Posting: Specifications: Detail scr screen. On the Maintain Transfer Items:Transaction Determination: Overview screen. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up.2.11.2. On the Maintain Collection Agency:Callback Data: Detail scr screen. 12. Choose Continue (Enter). Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ09A IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Deferred Revenue Postings  Maintain Account Determination for Event-Based Deferred Revenue Postings 2.Type X 7.12. 8. create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 95 of 103 . 3. 3. If you are not in the overview screen. 5. choose Cancel.3 Defining Default Values for Reversal 1. 6. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZK IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Reversal  Define Default Values for Reversal 2. mark Used for following key fields: Key Field Used Business Area X Cost/Rev. choose Continue (Enter). choose from the menu Goto  Select keys. On the Information Changing key selection necessitates postprocessing. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. On the Maintain Acct Determination for Event-Based Deferred Revenue Postings: screen. On the Maintain Reverse Document Specifications: Detail scr screen.2. enter your assigned request then continue. Choose Continue (Enter).4 Maintaining Account Determination for EventBased Deferred Revenue Postings 1. Choose Save. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. 3. enter your assigned request then continue. On the Select Key Fields window.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Transfer Reason Main Trans. Subtransaction Debit MT Debit ST 01 * * 1015 0100 4. Choose Save.2. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YR Clearing Reason 05 Voiding Reason Reversal Method Check Archive 3. 4. For a first time maintenance. On the Maintain Acct Determination for Event-Based Deferred Revenue Postings: screen. 3.7 Maintaining Correction Reset Reasons 1. On the Maintain Default Values for Deferred Revenue Postings: Detail scr screen. enter your assigned request then continue. uncheck the orginal default reason and create the following settings: Reason Meaning Default reason Y1 Collection reached VA level Y2 Timeline reached Y3 Danger of losses Y4 Bankrupty anounced X 3.5 Run Maintaining Default Values for Transfer Posting 1. enter your assigned request then continue.Type Delay. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YA 3.2. 3. Choose Save.6 Maintaining Correction Reasons 1. choose New Entries and create the following settings: © SAP AG Page 96 of 103 .code> <your account> * * <your account> 9. On the Change View “Reason for Making as Doubtful/Individual Value Adjustmen screen. 3.12. Choose Save.2.12. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ13 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Doubtful Items and Individual Value Adjustment  Maintain Correction Reasons 2. Choose Save.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration Company Code G/L Account Business Area Cost/Rev. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ14 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Doubtful Items and Individual Value Adjustment  Maintain Correction Reset Reasons 2. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ10 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Deferred Revenue Postings  Maintain Default Values for Transfer Posting Run 2. On the Change View “Define Resetting Reasons”: Overview screen. acct <your co.12. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.rev.2. enter your assigned request then continue. Value Adjustment 1.code> <your account> <your account> <your account> <your account> 5. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue.adj <your co. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ08 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Doubtful Items and Individual Value Adjustment  Maintain Account Determination for Doubtful Item Entries 2.8 Maintaining Account Determination for Doubtful Item Entries 1. choose Cancel. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. enter your assigned request then continue. Choose Save. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ11 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Doubtful Items and Individual Value Adjustment  Maintain Account Determination for Ind. Choose Save. For a first time maintenance. 3. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. If you are not in the overview screen.2. Choose Continue (Enter). On the Maintain Acct Determination: Individual Value Adjustment: Overview screen. Choose Save.9 Maintaining Account Determination for Ind.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration R rsn + Y1 Re-adjustment necessary Y2 New information available Y3 Error 3. 3. Value Adjustment 2.2.code> <your account> <your account> <your account> 5. create the following settings: Company Code G/L AdjAcct:ValAdj. ExpAccValAdj ust RevAcct val. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. Choose Continue (Enter). For a first time maintenance. Acct: Overview screen. 4. 4. 3. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up.12. 3. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. On the Maintain Acct Determination: Doubtful Rec. create the following settings: Company Code G/L DoubtEntryAcct Adjustmnt acct <your co. choose Cancel. © SAP AG Page 97 of 103 . If you are not in the overview screen.12. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. 12.12. after 180 days overd 80 YN02 360 100% Corr. 3. 40 YN01 90 60% Corr. VIP + Goverm. Choose Save. after 90 days overd. Resid. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ17 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Doubtful Items and Individual Value Adjustment  Define Age Grid for Value Adjustment Variants 2. create the following settings: VA variant Days after Meaning Percentage YN01 60 40% Corr.2. 60 © SAP AG Page 98 of 103 . On the Change View “Value Adjustment Variants – Definition of Age Grid”: Over screen.11 Defining Age Grid for Value Adjustment Variants 1. On the Change View “Value Adjustment Variants”: Overview screen. 40 YN02 90 60% Corr. after 90 days overd. after 60 days overd. after 90 days overd. after 90 days overd. 60 YN02 180 80% Corr. 40 YN03 150 60% Corr.after 360 days overd 100 YN02 60 40% Corr. after 60 days overd. 60 YN01 180 80% Corr.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 3. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Vari Meaning Installment Plan Promise to Pay YN01 Static correction Inst + P2P X X YN02 Static correct.2. 40 YN04 90 60% Corr. YN05 Dynamic corr. after 180 days overd 80 YN01 360 100% Corr. after 60 days overd. 3.after 360 days overd 100 YN03 90 40% Corr. YN04 Dynamic corr. after 150 days overd 60 YN03 270 80% Corr. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Doubtful Items and Individual Value Adjustment  Maintain Value Adjustment Variants for Automatic Adjustments 2. Cust. Busin.after 540 days overd 100 YN04 60 40% Corr.10 Maintaining Value Adjustment Variants for Automatic Adjustments 1. Cust. after 270 days overd 80 YN03 540 100% Corr. wo Inst + P2P YN03 Dynamic corr. YN05 90 0% Corr. YN05 180 0% Corr.code> YG 0060 0010 <your currency> 9. 999. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.00- X <your co.00- X <your co. after 60 days overd.2.00- 15.2. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Credit  Define Selection Criteria for Credit Clarification 2. Choose Save.999.code> YA Y100 0011 <your currency> 9. 999. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZ07 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Doubtful Items and Individual Value Adjustment  Maintain Default Values for Transfer Posting Run 2. after 180 days overd YN05 360 0% Corr. On the Change View “Credit Processing: Customizing ID Credit”: Overview screen. enter your assigned request then continue.00- 15.999. 3.00- X <your co.999. 999. Type Main Trans Subtr ans.999.after 360 days overd 100 YN05 60 0% Corr.00- X © SAP AG Page 99 of 103 . Choose Save. 3.999.999. Currency From Amt To Amount Immedi ately <your co.after 360 days overd 3.2. 999.13.999.code> YE 0060 0010 <your currency> 9. choose New Entries and create the following settings: CoCode Doc.999.00- 15.999.code> YH 0060 0010 <your currency> 9.999. On the Maintain Default Values: Receivable Valuation: Detail scr screen. after 180 days overd 80 YN04 360 100% Corr.999.999. after 90 days overd.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration VA variant Days after Meaning Percentage YN04 180 80% Corr.12 Maintaining Default Values for Transfer Posting Run 1. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YT 3.00- 15.1 Defining Selectingion Criteria for Credit Clarification 1.12.13 Credit 3. Choose Save.2. Choose Save. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. 4. For a first time maintenance.13.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 3. 3. Choose Save. enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. Type YP Clearing Doc.Type YP Clearing Doc.2. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQ1320 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Credit  Define Document Types for Credit Clarification 2.3 Closing Operations 3.13. 3. choose Cancel. enter your assigned request then continue. If you are not in the overview screen. Choose Continue (Enter). Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Closing Operations  Foreign Currency Valuation  Define Methods for Foreign Currency Valuation © SAP AG Page 100 of 103 . On the Maintain Repayments from Credit Processing: Overview screen.3 Defining Clearing Account for Transferring Credits 1. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQ1321 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Business Transactions  Credit  Define Clearing Account for Transferring Credits 2.Type YY TransPostg Doc. create the following settings: Country Company Code Paying Co. 3. Type YY Write-Off Doc.code> 5.2 Defining Document Types for Credit Clarification 1.code> <your account> T <your co. Code Refund account Payment Method Company Code <your country> <your co. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. 3. enter your assigned request then continue. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. Type YU 3. create the following settings: Field name User action and values Transfer Doc. On the Maintain Settings for Credit Clarification: Detail scr screen.3. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up.1 Defining Methods for Foreign Currency Valuation 1.code> <your co. Display per BP Strict Lowest per partner from bal.1 Defining Document Number Ranges for Entry View 1.ar ea> YN02 Strict lowest value. Term Meaning Valuation Procedure 01. Debit E/R type E/R type credit Doc Typ e <your appl. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Appl. Area Val. Select the valuation method BILM and double-click on Time-Dependent Attributes in the left dialog structure.ar ea> BILM BilMoG Valuation Method Germany Always Valuate per line item from acct bal. 4. choose New Entries and create the following settings: FY Start From Min. procedu re Listing Rate cat. On the Change View “FI-CA Valuation Areas”: Overview screen. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Closing Operations  Foreign Currency Valuation  Define Valuation Areas 2.area> YNC Customers <your appl.3. M M YM <your appl. On the Change View “Time-Dependent Attributes”: Overview screen. 3. Display per BP Always Valuate per partner from bal. per BP M M YM <your appl. Choose Save. Choose Save. Rem.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 2.area> YNG Group 3. Display per BP Lowest per partner from bal. 3. mthd Name Val. choose New Entries and create the following settings: ApArea Valuation Name <your appl.4 Integration General Ledger Accounting 3.ar ea> YN01 Lowest value. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FBN1 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Financial Accounting Global Settings (New)  Document  Document Number Ranges  Documents in Entry View  Define Document Number Ranges © SAP AG Page 101 of 103 .2 Defining Valuation Areas 1.01. per BP M M YM <your appl. per BP M M YM 3. On the Change View “Valuation Methods”: Overview screen.2010 12 > 1 Year strict lowest value p Strict Lowest Value Principle 5.ar ea> YN03 Always valuate.4. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBA7 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Financial Accounting Global Settings (New)  Document  Document Types  Define Document Types for Entry View 2. check or create the following settings: No Year From No. 3. On the Range Maintenance: Accounting document screen. Choose Save. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  General Ledger Accounting (New)  Business Transactions  Document Splitting  Classify Document Types for Document Splitting 2.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration for Entry View 2.2 Defining Document Types for Entry View 1. On the Change View “Document Types”: Overview screen. On the Change View “Classify FI Document Type for Document Splitting”: Overvi screen.3 Classifying Document Types for Document Splitting 1. 3. Choose Save. Choose Save. On the Transport number range intervals window.4.4. enter <your company code> and choose Change intervals. 3. Variant YN 0000 0001 3. choose Continue. choose New Entries and create the following settings: Field name User action and values Document Type YN Description Contract Account Sum Number range YN G/L account X Inter-company postgs X 3. 5. 3. On the Interval Maintenance: Number Range Object Accounting document.4. Access the transaction using using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FQZE IMG menu Financial Accounting (New)  Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  Integration  General Ledger Accounting  Define Posting Specifications for General Ledger Transfer © SAP AG Page 102 of 103 . create the following settings: Type Transactn. To Number YN 9999 9500000000 9599999999 Ext 4.4 Defining Posting Specifications for General Ledger Transfer 1. Subobje screen. If you are asked for Chart of Accts. © SAP AG Page 103 of 103 . enter <your chart of accounts> then Continue. On the Maintain General Ledger Transfer: Overview screen. 3.PK Document Type Segment <your account> 40 50 YN <your segment> 5. For a first time maintenance. Choose Save. If the Prompt for Customizing request window pops up. the Information Key selection based on all required fields comes up. create the following settings: Transfer acct Debit PK Cred. If you are not in the overview screen.SAP Best Practices Guide ERP: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (F54): Configuration 2. choose Cancel. 4. enter your assigned request then continue. Choose Continue (Enter).
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