F5 T1 HSB P1 2010-2011

March 28, 2018 | Author: asjawolverine | Category: Breathing, Anatomy, Earth & Life Sciences, Biology, Medical Specialties



ASJA BOYS’ COLLEGE CHARLIEVILLEEND OF TERM EXAMINATION TERM 1 /FORM 5FK HUMAN AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY December 2010 Paper 01 - General pro !c!enc" 75 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY 1. *. Candida !" MUST a !#$ ALL %&!" i'n" 'n (i" $a$!) T(!)! a)! +, #&- i$-! .('i.! %&!" i'n". Ea.( %&!" i'n (a" / .'))!"$'ndin0 an"1!)". C(''"! 'n-2 ONE an"1!) and "(ad! in (! .'))!"$'ndin0 -! !) 'n (! an"1!) "(!! $)'3id!d. NAME: ________________________________________ DATE: _____________________________ FORM: _____________ DO NOT TURN THIS 4AGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO 2 1. Which activity is essential for all others to take place? a. b. c. d. excretion growth movement respiration -. Which of the following cell str ct res are associated with energy transfer? * ** *** */ a. b. c. d. .hloroplast mitochondrion n cle s cell membrane * and ** only * and *** only ** and *** only ** and */ only 2. Which of the following lists shows three activities of all living organisms? a. b. c. d. Movement, decay, synthesis Respiration, n trition, preservation !xercise, irritability, metabolism Reprod ction, excretion, growth 0. Which of the following processes is responsible for the movement of water o t of a plant cell? a. b. c. d. 1iltration 2ehydration (smosis .apillarity ". #he b sh pig which has been observed to feed on a diet of plant roots as well as birds$ eggs, is a. b. c. d. % herbivore % carnivore %n omnivore % detritivore 3. 4ow does oxygen pass o t thro gh the stomata of leaves? a. b. c. d. 2iff sion !vaporation (smosis #ranspiration &. Which of the following is '(# indicated by the direction of arrows in a food chain a. b. c. d. #he direction of energy flow #he amo nt of food each animal eats #hat plants start every food chain #he animals that are predators 5. #he oxygen released d ring the process of photosynthesis comes from the a. b. c. d. .arbon dioxide Water 2egraded gl cose molec les %ir spaces within the leaves ). *n m lticell lar organisms, cells become different from one another in order to carry o t partic lar f nctions. #his is called a. b. c. d. %daptation +election +peciali,ation !vol tion 16. % mat re plant cell is different from a mat re animal cell beca se it has a. b. c. d. % large permanent vac ole Mitochondria % n cle s in the cytoplasm % cell membrane " 11. *n which of the following cells of a green leaf does photosynthesis occ r? * ** *** */ a. b. c. d. 7hloem 7alisade mesophyll +pongy mesophyll 8 ard cells 1-. d. 7olypeptides #he aveoli of the l ngs of a mammal a. b. c. d. ;eep the l ngs filled to capacity contin o sly +erve to increase the absorptive s rface of the l ngs %re filled with oxygen to keep the l ngs in an expanded state 7revent the l ngs from collapsing *, ** and *** only *, *** and */ only ** and *** only *, **, *** and */ 10. 12. 7lants give off oxygen in the day beca se a. b. c. d. Respiration does not take place Respiration takes place faster than photosynthesis 7hotosynthesis takes place faster than respiration #ranspiration takes place Which of the following wo ld M(+# likely occ r if en,ymes were '(# present in living cells? a. b. c. d. +low rate of reaction 4igh rate of reaction Reaction re: iring higher temperat res 'o reaction 13. Which of the following foods wo ld M(+# likely prevent constipation? * ** *** */ a. b. c. d. White bread .arrots Water .abbage * and ** only *** and */ only **, *** and */ only *, **, *** and */ 1". Magnesi m is an essential element for a. b. c. d. #he formation of cell walls. #he formation of chlorophyll. #he formation of proteins. #he process of cell division. 1&. (ne of the problems with n trition for a vegetarian is that a. 1ats and oils are not prod ced by plants b. 9arge : antities of food are needed to s pply essential amino acids c. /itamins prod ced by plants are of inferior : ality d. 9arge : antities of food are needed to s pply essential minerals *tems 15 and *, refer to the following en,ymes fo nd in the h man digestive system a. b. c. d. 15. 26. amylase pepsin lipase trypsin 1). What is the end prod ct of digestion of protein? a. b. c. %mino acids 1atty acids 8l cose & Which en,yme wo ld work best in an acid p4? Which en,yme is concerned with the breakdown of fat? 21. Which e: ation represents anaerobic respiration? a. -.(2 < -42( .-412(- < -(2 < !nergy b. .-412(< -(2 -.(2 < -42( < !nergy c. .-412(2.24)(4 < 2.(2 < !nergy d. -.-412(- < -(2 -.(2 < -42( < !nergy ============================================================================= = 22. #he following diagrams are being sed to demonstrate the action of a model of the h man breathing system. Which diagram correctly indicates what happens d ring exhalation? 2). c. d. #he external intercostals m scles relax #he vol me of the thorax decreases Which of the following are likely effects of cigarette smoking? *. **. ***. */. 9 ng cancer *nhibition of gaseo s exchange %ddiction 4all cination * and ** only *, ** and *** only **, *** and */ only *, **, *** and */ a. b. a. b. c. d. 2-. #he diagram below shows the location of some ma?or endocrine glands in h mans. #he secretion from which of these glands wo ld be associated with preparation of the body for rapid escape from danger? c. 2". d. Which feat re of alveoli decreases the distance over which oxygen and carbon dioxide molec les diff se? a. b. c. d. !ach alveol s has a large blood s pply. !ach alveol s is only 6.1>6.2 mm in diameter. #here are approximately 1)6 million alveoli in each l ng. #he walls of the alveoli are only one cell thick. 2&. Which of the following does '(# occ r when an animal breathes o t? a. b. #he press re in the thorax decreases #he diaphragm m scles relax ) 20. #he diagram shows a section of the heart from the front. b c d 25. @lood flows in p lses 4ave thick m sc lar walls @lood low in .(2 @lood flows smoothly 4ave thin walls @lood high in .(2 Which blood vessels carry oxygenated blood? a. c. 23. 2 only & only b. d. 1 and " " and & #he valve between the left atri m and left ventricle is called the a. p lmonary semi>l nar valve b. aortic semi>l nar valve c. tric spid valve d. bic spid valve #he following diagrams show str ct res fo nd in the blood. Which str ct re is phagocytic? b. "6. Which of the following comparisons between arteries and veins is '(# correct? a A) !)i!" /alves present V!in" /alves absent a. - d. c. "1. d. #he diagrams show fo r parts of h man blood. @ladder o t of the body Which parts are involved with the transport of carbon dioxide and which parts with the destr ction of bacteria? #ransport of carbon dioxide 1 and " 1 and " 2 and & " and & 2estr ction of bacteria 2 and " 2 and & 1 and & 1 and & a. b. c. d. "2. What is the f nction of platelets in wo nd healing? a. b. c. d. @reakdown of insol ble threads .onversion of insol ble fibrin to sol ble fibrinogen .onversion of sol ble fibrinogen to insol ble fibrin .reation of sol ble threads "". Which of the following s bstances red ces blood s gar in the h man body? a. b. c. d. *ns lin 8lycogen 8l cagon %drenaline "&. #he reter carries rine from the a. b. c. ;idney to bladder .ollecting t b le to the pelvis 'ephron to the collecting t b le 0 "). Which s bstances are fo nd in the glomer lar filtrate in the kidneys of a mammal? a b c d 8l cose     7rotein +alts         "5. #he diagram shows a section thro gh h man skin "-. 4ow is a working kidney dialysis machine similar to a healthy kidney? a. b. c. d. *t takes s gar molec les o t of the blood *t reg lates the concentration of the blood *t deaminates amino acids to rea *t removes large molec les form the blood Which two str ct res help to increase heat loss from the body? a. b. c. d. &6. 1 and 2 2 and " " and & & and ) "0. Which of the following f nctions are performed by a rib? * ** *** */ a. b. c. d. @lood formation 7rotection 9ocomotion + pport #he diagram shows three bones from the forelimb of a mammal. * and ** only * and */ only ** and *** only *, ** and */ only @etween which two parts is a ball and socket ?oint formed? a. b. c. d. &1. 1 and " 1 and ) 2 and ) " and & "3. Which organ controls the concentration of s gar in the blood? a. @rain b. ;idney c. 7ancreas d. +tomach 4ow does cartilage differ from bone? a. b. c. d. *t contains protein *t is alive *t is flexible *t is made of calci m salts 3 &2. % finger that to ches a hot ob?ect is : ickly taken away from the so rce of heat. What is the role of relay ne rones in this response? a. b. c. d. #o carry nerve imp lses within the spinal cord #o generate imp lses in the receptors of the finger #o link the sense organs to the sensory ne rons #o pass nerve imp lses o t to the ne rones &". #he diagram shows a section of the brain. *n the diagram, which part prod ces hormones? &&. *f an ob?ect is thrown towards yo , yo r eyes blink. #he receptors and effectors for this reflex action are the a. b. c. d. &). Retina and eyelid m scles Retina and ciliary m scles 7 pil and eyelid m scles 7 pil and ciliary m scles *n a reflex action, after the hand to ches a hot ob?ect, what is the role of the brain? Receives information *nitiates the withdrawal response a. b. c. d.         5 &-. #he diagram show the working of a synapse between two ne rones &3. #he eye is sometimes referred to as an effector organ beca se a. b. c. d. #he p pil constricts in the presence of bright light #he rods and cones are stim lated by light *mages which fall on the retina are sent to the brain 'e rons from the eye lead to the central nervo s system &5. What happens to these str ct res when foc ssing on an ob?ect near the eye? .iliary m scles .ontract .ontract Relax Relax + spensory ligaments #ighter 9ooser #ighter 9ooser What do the arrows 1 and 2 represent? 1 2 a. b. c. d. &0. .hemical transmitter .hemical transmitter 'erve imp lse 'erve imp lse +low acting hormone .hemical transmitter .hemical transmitter +low acting hormone a. b. c. d. )6. #he f nction of the lymphatic system in the h man body is to a. b. c. d. @ring n trients back to the body .arry the tiss e fl id o t of the body Remove excess fl id and foreign material from the tiss e space Remove poisono s s bstances and other waste materials form the blood #he diagram shows a section thro gh the h man eye. Where will an image be detected when a person looks at an ob?ect? 16 )1. #he diagram shows a vertical section of a molar tooth. )". 1ive days after sex al interco rse, a man experiences a b rning pain in his penis when passing rine. % few days later, a yellow discharge was seen coming from his penis. #he man was s ffering from a. b. c. d. %*2+ gonorrhoea ringworm typhoid 4ow does the female oral contraceptive pill work? a. *t prevents sperm from penetrating the ova b. *t prevents the release of ova c. *t stops implantation of the embryo d. *t denat res en,ymes in the sperm )&. Which res lts in damage at A? a. b. c. d. )2. @acteria prod ce acids which dissolve A. !n,yme activity in saliva makes a hole in A. @acteria feed on A. + gar prod ces alkalis which dissolve A. )). % s rgical method of birth control involves c tting some of the t bes thro gh which sperm pass. %t which point does the s rgeon make the c ts? 1o r test>t bes, each containing 2 cmB of starch s spension and 1 cmB of amylase sol tion, were treated as shown in the table. *n which test>t be wo ld starch be digested most rapidly? #est t be a. b. c. d. #reatment ;ept at 06 C. 1cmB of hydrochloric acid addedD kept at &)C. ;ept at ")C. .ontents boiledD 1cmB of hydrochloric acid addedD kept at &)C. 11 )-. #he diagram shows the arrangement of blood vessels in the ter s wall and placenta of a pregnant woman. . E*G2HloopHcoilF entering the ter s Which will increase in concentration in the blood as it flows from 1 to 2? a. b. c. d. )0. %mino acids .arbon dioxide 8l cose (xygen #he diagram shows a section of the female reprod ctive system with a method of birth control at A. What is the method of birth control shown and how does it act? @irth control method a. b . c. d .ap EdiaphragmF .ap EdiaphragmF *ntra terine device E*G2HloopHcoilF *ntra terine device %ction +tops implantation 7revents sperm from entering the ter s +tops implantation 7revents sperm from 12 )3. What is an advantage of feeding a baby with bottled milk rather than breast milk? a. b. c. d. @reast milk contains antibodies *t is easier to keep the milk free of pathogens #he baby$s intake of food can be meas red #he milk is always at the right temperat re -6. #he diagram shows part of the male reprod ctive system and rinary system. )5. #he diagram shows the female reprod ctive system. % c t is made at A on both sides of the body and the t bes are sealed. Which process wo ld be prevented? a. fertilisation c. ov lation *n which parts are the eggs and the ,ygote formed respectively? a. 1 and 2 c. 2 and 1 b. d. 1 and " 2 and " b. d. meiosis rination END OF E6AM 7TOTAL +, MAR8S9 I: 2'& :ini"( ;!:')! i#! i" .a--!d< .(!.= 2'&) 1')= 'n (i" !" . 1"
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