Explosion Protection

March 17, 2018 | Author: Sanjay Gore | Category: Combustion, Explosion, Electromagnetic Radiation, Insulator (Electricity), Electricity



12 Professional know-how and products to protect your plant against Explosions, Overpressure and Vacuum Conditions Single layer explosion panel for sterile applications Triple-section bursting discs for special requirements Single layer explosion panels for low requirements Flameless venting REMBE® central and manufacturing in Brilon / Hochsauerland FACT BO X Headquarter: Brilon / Hochsauerland (Foundation: 1973) Europe Technology, Innovation, Quality, Fast Response, Service Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Food & Beverage, Power, Pulp & Paper and more Consulting for plant safety and process optimisation, insurance cover, financing, maintenance ISO 9001: 2008, ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1, KTA 1401, GOST PPC00-14869 (Russia), Promatomnadzor 05-119-2006 (Belarus) China Man. Licence (CML), KOSHA (South Korea), NFPA, ATEX BVS03 / ZQS / E210, PED, CSA No. of Employees: 90 Market Leader in: Leadership thru: Industries served: Isolation of pipelines / Decoupling Services: Combined safety system for conveyor systems Manufacturing in: Accordance with / Meeting the following Codes: Explosion suppression 600 (3"-24") Non-return explosion valve fast installation self-monitoring fail-safe easy and quick maintenance passive system 16 17 ElevatorEX® II Explosion safety system for transportation systems and drag conveyors ideal for high bucket elevators certified safety system universally suitable for different bucket elevator sizes 18 19 Q-Bic® Isolation of big pipes by means of dry powder suppression in large scale equipment safe interlock redundant sensor 20 .3 Intelligent Prevention of Explosion Damages with… ERO Sterile explosion venting at low to middle vacuum and fluctuating working pressures Additional information about defined functions and benefits 100% efficiency for food and aseptic applications (FDA-approved) USDA compliant 7 ODU ODV High performance explosion venting at high to absolute vacuum and fluctuating working pressures maintenance-free perfect opening characteristics longest lifetime function dispersion of burst element and vacuum support layer 8 EDP Explosion venting at low to middle vacuum and fluctuating working pressures Explosion venting at low vacuum domed high vacuum sturdiness perfect venting efficiency sanitary installation easy and quick mounting EX-GO-VENT 9 Q-Rohr®-3 Indoor explosion venting with flame absorber and dust retainer Explosion venting with flame absorber Q-Box II no vent ducts no access to outside passive system maintenance-free pressure and noise absorbing 10 – 15 EXKOP® II EXKOP® MINI Q-Flap / Q-Flap Plus ® ® Quench valve with electronic controller DN 80 . . running gases Chemical reaction And not to forget: the human factor which turns all potential ignition sources into effective ones. EN 1127-1): • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hot surfaces Flames Sparks from electrical equipment Electrical equipment and lights Stray currents from electrical equipment Electrostatic discharge sparks Lightning strikes Electromagnetic fields in frequencies from 9kHz up to 300GHz Electromagnetic radiation in frequencies from 300GHz up to 3 x 106 GHz and of different wavelengths from 1000µm up to 0. shock wave.1 µm (optical spectral range) Ionizing Radiation Ultrasonic Adiabatic compression.4 E X P L O S I O N P E N TA G O N Combustible dust Dispersition of dust particles Cofinement of dust clud Ignition Oxygen Potential Ignition Sources which can carry enough Energy to start an Explosion (acc. etc. 200° C (75 K) below auto ignition temperature (e.) Avoid rubbing. Constructional explosion protection Limit the dangerous consequences of an explosion: • • • • Explosion-resistant design (explosion-pressure-resistant or explosion-pressureshock resistant) Explosion venting Explosion suppression Explosion isolation. by handling a coarse product Limit concentration of combustible material used Use sealed plants to prevent dust releases and deposits inside buildings or outside Use dust extraction systems to control the extent of a dust cloud Implement good Housekeeping (regular cleaning plan) –> see also point 3 Minimize flat surfaces. self-heating. broken bearings. choice of materials. Note: fines are often produced e. good housekeeping Adequate maintenance Permit-to-work system for welding. cleaning plans.earthing measures – effective bonding) Spark detection and extinguishing Consider all other ignition sources (e. etc. friction. lightning) 2. g. Building precautions • • • • Isolation of buildings and equipment to prevent transmission of fires and explosion Fire zones. separation distance. clearly marked Hazardous Zones (Ex) / Explosion protection document Sealed and tight piping and conveying systems Smooth surfaces and easy-to-clean floors. Organizational measures • • • • Comprehensive operator education and training Operator instructions. decoupling (prevention of explosion propagation) 3. avoid tramp metal) Use a permit-to-work system to control hot-work (welding.5 In 4 steps to a safer process… 1. ledges to prevent dust deposits Use an inert gas blanketing where useful and economic Avoid effective ignition sources • • • • • • • Limit surface temperatures below 2/3 of minimum ignition temperature or approx. cutting. Explosion prevention Avoid the occurrence of an explosion • • • • • • • • Replace combustible materials by non-combustible materials Avoid materials with a fine particle size. easy access to elevated plant areas . contact of rotating parts (limit rotational speed.) Prohibit smoking and open fire in general Install appropriate electrical and non-electrical equipment Avoid electrostatic charge generation (choice of materials . g.g. hot-work and electrical operations (authorized persons only) 4. contaminated product or adverse publicity requires consideration. Therefore a constructive and efficient explosion protection regime is required and essential. Removal of Oxygen is feasible but can only be achieved through vary expensive processing. Not forgetting of course. must be avoided. Removal of the fuel is impossible as this is what is being produced by the process in the plant that we are considering protecting. PROFITABILITY The protection solution has to be economical to implement. 3. SAFETY People and machine must be insured of an explosion protected environment. a REMBE® ALLIANCE company and refer to 'Grounding Systems'. As a result of modern production technologies and increased production capacities.6 Primary Explosion Protection Provides only a Limited Safety Special attention is required when eliminating all possible potential sources of ignition such as. Enormous Economic Damage… An explosion is defined as 'A rapid increase in volume and release of energy in an extreme manner’. Frictional heat. Most common reactions are of flammable gases. International guidelines including NFPA 68. . the human factor. Additionally. Welding equipment etc. through constructive and effective directives. usually accompanied with the generation of high temperatures and the release of gases. due to false triggering. A break in daily operations. the economic risk to the company due to plant shutdown. vapors and cracked dusts . RELIABILITY The protected facility has to re main permanently and optimally available for production. Mechanical or Electrically produced 'sparks'. ALL OF THESE REQUIREMENTS ARE MET BY REMBE® EXPLOSION SAFETY SYSTEMS. the more severe the explosion will be. An explosion creates a 'shock wave'. operate and maintain. Manufacturing processes which create organic or chemical dust caused by faster machines. The security limits here are also rapidly reached and the risk of a dust explosion cannot be excluded. ATEX 95 (valid for manufacturers of machines and plants) or ATEX 137 (valid for operating companies) require companies to consider the consequences of a dust explosion to injured workers and damaged production plants. The finer the dust particle.together with ambient oxygen. an explosion is a threat companies confront daily. NOTE* Contact KERSTING GMBH SAMPLING + GROUNDING. THREE BASIC REQUIREMENTS HAVE TO BE CONSIDERED IN A MODERN EXPLOSION PROTECTION SOLUTION: 1. Electrostatic charges (See note* below). 69. automatic conveying systems and air cleaning equipment increase the risk of a dust explosion. 2. Due to the seemingly endless sources for potential ignitions it is not hard to imagine the difficulty in eliminating them all. enabling the user to save space and money by optimising the installed venting area. The patented design (Pat. The process is sealed by the complete smooth and homogenous stainless steel membrane of the ERO. Working condition Application Silo Filter Sanitär Standard Burst Pressure (mbar g) @ 22 °C Lowest Possible Burst Tolerance (in %) Design Type 100 15 singlelayer ERO 100 10 triplesection ODU 100 10 triplesection ODV 100 15 singlelayer EDP 100 15 singlelayer EX-GO-VENT qualified partly qualified unqualified p = pressure t = time ERO Pat. pulsating or vacuum pressure. Silo protection with ERO panels in the food industry . guaranteeing 100% efficiency. For use in corrosive atmosphere or in case of extreme working conditions. EP 07 73 393 ERO Sanitary Bursting Panels are manufactured for utilisation in Food & Beverage and Pharmaceutical processing equipment that has to be protected against pressure as well as dynamic explosion pressure rise.g. frequent changing.7 EXPLOSION PANELS OVERVIEW Why choose REMBE® REMBE® offer optimal explosion panel constructions for all applications and working conditions. EP 07 73 393) allows robust construction in combination with low response pressures. REMBE® offer the applicable explosion panel. Transfer the many benefits of REMBE® Bursting Panels into substantial savings of time and money resulting in increased profitability.. REMBE® Bursting Panels are non-fragmenting and have ideal opening characteristics which leads to lower reduced pressure (Pred). e. The REMBE® ERO is the only sanitary Explosion Panel with USDA approval.-No. REMBE® Bursting Panels distinguish themselves by extremely precise bursting pressures.-No. 5 x 33.3 178.2 586 x 1893 23.4 915 x 1118 36. ODV's are applied to working pressures up to 80 % of the specified burst pressure (80 % operating ratio).025 0.1 x 36.2 36.1 x 36.2 22.0 13. distinguishing themselves by their sturdy construction and reliability.5 248.0 x 18. Min.0 1054 1131 1240 1302 1379 1472 1503 1534 1612 1705 1751 2046 2077 2635 50 100 200 0.0 542.8 x 23.5 x 24.0 992.3 12.3 x 23.5 604.5 217. Breaking points are made by CNC controlled laser micro-cutting machines.4 x 39.1 x 64.5 519. mm inch 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1250 1300 1400 2" 2.7 111.36 300 0.3 775.7 x 24.1 x 74.4 19. Min.36 500 100 All dimensions are nominal * Valid for ODV only Higher vacuum resistance on request All dimensions are nominal * Valid for ODV only Higher vacuum resistance on request .0 10. Eff.05 0.0 x 12.0 403.0 x 24.4 x 24.0 434.0 527.4 x 24.7 12. The burst pressure is determined by the burst element with integrated breaking points and its sealing part.4 23.73 1000 0.0 x 28.9 x 22.8 0.6 12.3 186.0 22.6 x 25.4 x 32. This enables the highest possible precision thereby guaranteeing the required burst pressure within tolerance.2 x 75.5 83.5 13200 750 x 1900 29.0 x 35.0 x 78.2 x 24.4 9.4 18.0 713.5 1147 1387 1550 1813 1937 2325 barg psig mm WC 17 25 35 60 80 125 245 400 600 750 1000 1430 1660 2150 2500 3500 4200 4600 5900 7400 8950 10000 11700 12500 15000 457 x 1500 18.6 x 31.0 728.5 500 540 720 785 1000 1000 1100 1150 1150 1200 1300 1300 1400 1450 1500 1600 1800 2400 2600 2600 2800 2900 3200 3300 3300 3350 3400 3400 3500 3700 3900 4400 4700 4750 5000 5900 6000 6200 6400 6800 7300 8000 8400 8900 9500 9700 9900 77.1 x 24.2 x 49. Vacuum Venting Venting Bursting Bursting ResisArea Area Pressure Pressure tance* cm2 sq inch barg psig mm WC 130 x 500 229 x 305 150 x 600 305 x 305 205 x 610 270 x 465 340 x 385 314 x 424 305 x 457 247 x 610 340 x 440 400 x 400 410 x 410 404 x 420 305 x 610 354 x 580 440 x 605 490 x 590 470 x 610 500 x 620 386 x 920 570 x 620 590 x 620 600 x 600 605 x 605 610 x 610 575 x 645 620 x 620 0.5 10400 920 x 1254 36.7 155.5 736.0 224.3 13.0 403. Min.4 24.3 333.90 absolute 457 x 890 653 x 653 600 x 800 710 x 710 620 x 820 586 x 920 750 x 840 800 x 800 0.1 x 16.0 170.1 15.0 62.2 x 36.5 930.1 x 64.2 457 x 2000 18. Eff.0 449.0 961.5 28.6 121.8 232.7 x 25.0 93.1 1.6 x 23.9 x 23.5 573.4 38.2 x 36.4 23.3 0. The triple section ODV Bursting Disc/Panel is mainly used for applications with low or middle burst pressures.0 221.6 23.1 x 19.5 496.7 586 x 1630 23. They have been successfully protecting a variety of industrial plants for more than 38 years.2 x 40.0 13.035 0.0 25.0 645 x 1130 25.0 x 44.3 x 23.70 4.7 x 15.45 5.94 FSA 04 ATEX 1538 X Wood chip plant protected by ODVs DN / NPS / burst values of round triple section bursting discs: Eff.5 x 31.05 0.5 682.0 116.0 201.8 5.0 19.4 x 15.5 178.6 0.2 11300 740 x 1893 29.4 15.0 279.2 29.0 155.8 13400 920 x 1920 36.5 840 x 920 920 x 920 0.2 18.0 5.3 15.6 x 18.73 5000 3000 1000 33.4 x 44.4 x 17.5" 3" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 28" 30" 32" 36" 40" 44" 48" 50" 52" 56" sq inch 2.1 610 x 1118 24.2 12.1 31.0 372.5 12.7 16.5 511.025 0.4 11000 740 x 1630 29.35 2.5 201.5 651.3 527.0 x 44.1 1.6 3.8 EXPLOSION VENTING WITH TRIPLE-SECTION BURSTING DISCS/PANELS ODU / ODV DN / NPS / burst values of rectangular triple-section bursting discs: venting size mm venting size inch Eff. Vacuum NPS Venting Venting Bursting Bursting ResisArea Area Pressure Pressure tance* cm 2 DN The domed triple-section bursting discs/ panels developed by REMBE® have a proven pedigree.5 x 74.2 1000 x 1000 39.1 x 74.8 19.0 x 24.0 9.6 257.6 x 15.60 8.8 24.0 914.5 542. Min.0 8.51 500 800 0.45 2000 345 x 405 13.4 x 16.2 155.0 x 59.2 387.9 x 16.0 x 12.0 1020 x 1020 40.8 17.6 17000 0.7 x 24.2 11.0 511.7 9.7 23.0 914.0 24.3 23. The Domed construction provides high stability up to a pressure ratio of 80 %.provides easy and quick mounting EX-GO-VENT The EX-GO-VENT incorporating bionic structures guarantees an extraordinary stability in order to suit most standard applications. EP 07 73 393) are integrated within the mounting frame. mounting is directly made onto even walls or roundshaped equipment. Usually the EDP is mounted directly onto a Wall.and trapezium explosion panel . Typically. NL EX-GO-VENT rectangular. e.g. filters. Unlike other manufacturers options the EXGO-VENT is NOT torque dependent during installation. No. Sterility and cleaning is simplified (SIP/CIP Cleaning).9 SINGLE LAYER EXPLOSION VENTS EDP The Single Layer EDP explosion panel is recommended for protection against fluctuating or cyclic working pressures. silos. Silo with EDP explosion panels in the wood-processing industry EDP single layer explosion panel . The Domed construction also greatly reduces contamination. EX-GO-VENT explosion panels on filter system: Holtrop & Jansma. etc.. cyclones. The rated breaking points (Pat. Installation of the EDP Vent Frame is uncomplicated and is NOT torque dependent. Copies and imitations present an unnecessary safety risk! Thermographic records of a simple vented dust explosion . DE 38 22 012 U. patent pending …PROTECTS AGAINST POTENTIAL CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE. unlimited life-span. The consistent demand from our customers is the need for a protection system where the flame and dust distribution can be limited to a point where the system can be kept indoors. zero maintenance. The Q-Rohr®-3 explosion protection system is a proven reliable product.S. it has been recorded that when using a Q-Rohr®-3 there is a huge reduction in temperatures generated. The Q-Rohr®-3 has been proven to meet all of these demands. It has been designed and engineered following extensive research and development culminating in the most innovative and efficient flameless venting product on the world market today.-No. In a thermo graphical investigation of a dust explosion. The Q-Rohr®-3 has been designed with customer driven criteria such as.10 INDOOR EXPLOSION VENTING… Q-Rohr®-3 Pat. huge reduction in the generated temperatures and effective dust retention. SAFETY ADVICE Only the original construction of the Conventional explosion venting with a bursting disc 1 2 3 Q-Rohr®-3 guarantees the full effectiveness in the event of a dust explosion. DE 38 22 012 U. patent pending The REMBE® Q-Rohr®-3: The latest generation of Indoor explosion vents from the inventors of ‘flameless venting’ guarantees indoor venting WITHOUT any flame and dust propagation.and FM approved is maintenance-free.-No.11 …WITH FLAME ABSORBER AND DUST RETAINER Q-Rohr®-3 Pat. Further. the Q-Rohr® -3. ATEX.S. this time using a Q-Rohr®-3. a ROI will be noticed within only a few weeks. that means only a very low pressure and minimal noise 1 2 3 . therefore no flames or dust Advice Your benefits at a glance no further necessity of expensive vent ducts full protection of environment optimised production processes no access to outside No heat development outside the Q-Rohr®-3. Certified by: IBExU04ATEX2028 X Stainless steel riveted design allows to absorb pressure shock Reusable flame arrester made of a special stainless steel mesh filter Stainless steel dust filter with specially developed pressure absorbing coils Integrated REMBE® rupture disc with signal unit and gasket Q-Ro h Monitoring unit in cabled IP-65 housing -3 in si z e s 8" t o 32 " r® An identical situation. negating operational costs and thereby offering the most economical solution while ensuring optimum processes maintaining efficient production. After investing in the Q-Rohr®-3. 6 25.6 27. patent pending Rupture pressure (PStat) Pred Max.5 29.1 bar g to 1. W Connecting flange with mounting holes [amount n and diameter d] Bursting disc max. ci -v spe r KSt ar x m g o fo 0 b n pt 5 ati ≥ 3 Oper res u F) ° u 12 rat pe (1. KSt-value Operating temperature DN* Type NPS (in) Q-Rohr -3 .6 31.9 33.5 BC-Ø* mm 243 355 443 544 646 752 854 inch 9.32 * see below · Further connections. technical drawings on request – see Q-Box for rectangular connections A cial Spe s for r ns filte plosio ex rid gas d hyb on an ures t mix quest! re DN BC Ø WR Ø max.5 11 13 13 13 13 13 Ø d* inch 0.7 mm 410 500 600 700 810 910 1010 max.6 13.4 29.12 Q-Rohr®-3 .5 25. the pressure rise and increased noise level associated with free vented explosions are massively reduced to negligible levels.7 WR-Ø* mm 268 390 500 600 700 800 900 inch 10.7 23.9 35.2 19.7 27.51 0.6 mm 8.28 ® Q-Rohr®-3 .4 21. W* inch 16.24 Q-Rohr -3 .8 37. Flame gases with temperatures higher than 500° C (2.7 23. After an explosion event the Q-Rohr®-3 is reusable immediately after cleaning and replacement of the REMBE® Bursting Disc assembly. Dust retention is guaranteed by the mesh filter ensuring that no burnt or unburnt dust particles pass through the Q-Rohr®-3 assembly. It consists of an integrated REMBE® Bursting disc which vents the explosion wave in a controlled manner within the Q-Rohr®-3 assembly.4 19.7 21. .6 °F 0.20 Q-Rohr®-3 .33 0.6 31.1 bar g @ 22° C / 71.3 bar g 250 bar x m/s -10 °C to +230 °C / 14 °F to 446 °F max. Explosion protection at milling hopper in breweries An optional fireproof cover keeps the outside clean.16 Q-Rohr®-3 .12 s er off tion We solu es u l l a a /s. tem00 °C eque r 6 on PROVEN SAFETY FOR EQUIPMENT IN ANY LOCATION Q-Rohr®-3 Pat.-No.1 st. the Q-Rohr® is ready for use again. DE 38 22 012 U.51 8 12 16 20 20 28 28 n* weight kg 25 30 48 60 125 195 240 lbs 55 66 106 132 276 430 529 200 / 8" 300 /12" 400 /16" 500 /20" 600 /24" 700 /28" 800 /32" Q-Rohr®-3 .7 17.51 0.6 15.5 35.8 ® 0.43 0. The Q-Rohr®-3 system is the only indoor explosion device that meets the NFPA codes and is approved in accordance with EU regulations (ATEX). H After cleaning the flame arrester and exchanging the bursting disc.732° F) are cooled down to less than 90° C (195° F) via energy transfer within the specially developed stainless steel mesh filter inlet.6 33.9 17. This reduces the expanding gas volume as it extinguishes the flame.51 0. H* mm 600 600 900 900 1400 1900 2200 inch 236 236 354 354 551 784 866 mm 350 450 550 650 760 860 960 A* inch 13. Additionally.8 39.51 0.S. 13 TYPICAL APPLICATION OF EXPLOSION VENTING Q-Rohr®-3 Pat. patent pending Q-Rohr® installed in a milk powder factory Q-Rohr® for protection of a cocoa roasting plant Q-Rohr® installed in a sugar refinery Explosion protection of a filter-cyclone combination in the fast food industry The Q-Rohr® protects the suction system at an aircraft manufacturer.-No.S. DE 38 22 012 U. Q-Rohr® installed in a recycling plant . Rectangular connections of the Q-Box II complement the dimensions of the standard Bursting panels thus allowing retrofitting of Q-Box II for existing installations. The Q-Box II providing low pressure resistance.S. x II o B Q. patent pending The Q-Box II flame-reduced explosion vent can be used to great effect either outdoors or indoors. When used indoors it dispenses with the headaches of positioning complex. cumbersome and expensive vent ducting.two d in dar n a st zes si …fireproof sanitary covers are also available Q-Box duo in action Q-Box safeguarding a Filterhousing . effectively eliminates flame and heat emissions thereby allowing easy indoor installation and positioning of relevant machinery. Available in two standard sizes Q-Box II offers the best possible solution and the perfect safety system for indoor devices such as elevators when compared to often poorly designed and inefficient venting ducts.14 EXPLOSION VENTING WITH FLAME ABSORBER Q-Box II U. also in aseptic. 305 x 610 mm 12 x 24 in 500 197 35 77 586 x 920 mm 23.S. . patent pending Technical Data Q-Box II Type Height mm inch kg lbs approx.1 bar g @ 22° C / 71. Rupture pressure (PStat) Pred: max.15 …FOR INDOOR AND OUTDOOR APPLICATIONS Q-Box II U.further sizes on request.5 bar g up to 200 bar x m/s -30° C + 180° C / -22° F to 356° F Layers of SST flame arrester mesh enabling dust retention effectiveness Q-Box on the foot of an elevator Connection case for operational and alarm displays Q-Box application in the food industry Explosion venting with the Q-Box II.2 x 36. no escaping flames Advice Your benefits at a glance optimised production processes safe transport routes easy and quick installation The basis of development for the Q-Box II: Heat flow and dispersal analysis as the rupture disc membrane opens into the Q-Box.2 in 780 307 95 209 Weight All dimensions are nominal .6° F up to 0. KSt-value Operating temperature Integrated REMBE®-rupture disc with signaling and flange seals. sanitary and sterile designs 0. 16 EXPLOSION-.and flame front isolation. The use of the system is simple and works acc. pressure or temperature sensors. Quenchventil (QV II) FSA04ATEX1537X Bewährte Entkopplung von Rohrleitungen mit EXKOP®II Advice Diameter DN 80 (3") to DN 250 (10") DN 80 (3") to DN 250 (10") Further sizes on request Quenchseal natural rubber natural rubber Quality abrasion resistent food quality Your benefits at a glance failsafe quick reset reinforcements not necessary bi-directional function EXKOP® MINI The EXKOP® MINI has especially been developed for applications with 1-2 pinch valves.) can be combined with two QV II valves. In case of explosion the plant personnel can reset the EXKOP® system quickly and easily after inspection. EP 05 59 968 complete system is failsafe due to an integrated pressure storage tank and selfmonitoring controller. braces or bases. to the „one button easy handling” philosophy. Plant downtime is reduced to a minimum. The valve is triggered by 100 % reliable signal from the maintenance-free triplesection Bursting disc. spark. The Pat. e. As usual all events are observed by a ring storage memory.-No. EXKOP® MINI installed in the adhesive processing / plastic-compounds industries . spark detectors. Q-Rohr®. The compact design makes it possible to install the system at any site independently of the building-in position. etc. the Q-Rohr® -3 or by IR-. SPARK AND FLAME FRONT ISOLATION… EXKOP® II The EXKOP® system provides safe and economic and easy explosion-. Compared with the immense mass acceleration of knife gate valves during closing operation the space-saving quench valve does not require any special supporting structure. Two separate inputs (Bursting panels. g. The pinch valves protect interconnected equipment by high speed closure of a fast acting rubber hose. In case of an explosion the Q-Flap® closes due to the pressure front spreading within the ductwork. chemical and pharmaceutical timber varnish glas fibre blating Applications dust collectors air separators mills filter systems. Q-Flap® Plus installed in a food application . Q-Flap is applicable for reduced pressure (Pred) up to 0.25 psi). e. Personnel working at capturing points or downstream system parts are protected against the explosion effects. Additionally the Q-Flap® Plus offers a wear-and-tear sensor that monitors the abrasion that could possibly occur on the stainless steel flap.17 …OF PIPELINES Q-Flap® / Q-Flap® Plus With the non-return explosion valve series Q-Flap® explosions in nearly all industrial sectorscan effectively be isolated. The Q-Flap® is the only valve that allows easy maintenance as a result of the service opening Downstream explosion isolation in industries. KST-Value = 300 bar x m/s). The flap damping element prevents the flap to open shortly after an explosion due the appearing low pressure. The Q-Flap® is also equipped with an integrated clogging sensor that indicates any kind of product accumulation underneath the seats which ensures safe closing of the flap. g. Extensive research and testing under real explosion conditions enabled approval of the Q-Flap® for St 1 or St 2 (max.5 bar (7. The Q-Flap® is certified as a protective system acc. etc. The passive non-return Q-Flap® protects horizontal aspiration lines with a flow velocity between 15-30 m/s. to EU guideline 94/9/EG (ATEX 95) and approved for decoupling explosions of organic and inorganic dusts. The explosion flame and the pressure cannot strike back the ductwork. Critical components on the elevator’s foot and head are protected by maintenance-free relief devices such as Q-Box II or bursting discs. Extinguishing barriers are activated within milliseconds at precise fixed points. Infrared detectors sense possible ingress of flame into the elevator shafts. drag conveyors and transportation systems distinguishes itself by combining a variety of different proven features. The ElevatorEX® II is the only globally certified protection system for conveyor systems. IR-Detector and Q-Box II IR-Detector Q-Box II . Advice Your benefits at a glance ideal for high elevators certified protection system easy retrofitting maximum protection with minimum investment Q-Bic® exthinguishing bottle Effective and cost saving: Combined safety system consisting of Q-Bic®.18 EXPLOSION PROTECTION FOR CONVEYOR SYSTEMS ElevatorEX® II The refined protection system of the ElevatorEX® II for bucket elevators. Plant downtime is minimised while maximising protection of the conveyer from disastrous dust explosion consequences with the minimum of investment. feed openings or discharge chutes. patent pending Explosion venting on the elevator’s foot and head . IR-Detector Q-Box II U.19 Q-Bic® An infrared detector activates the extinguishing bottle.S. The explosion is inerted. Advice Your benefits at a glance proven technology safe and cost-efficient isolation of big pipes > DN 300 (12”) and rectangular shafts detection via bursting disc or optionally via a redundant detector Explosion suppression system a big hopper Q-Bic® twin solution Q-Bic® on a top of an Elevator Protection of pipes and vessels Q-Bic® in a large pipe .20 EXPLOSION SUPPRESSION SYSTEM OPTIMISED FOR INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS Q-Bic® The Q-Bic® system is suitable for indoor applications where the explosion cannot be discharged to the outside atmosphere. The dry powder extracts the heat. As the explosion is limited consequential losses are reduced to a minimum. Combustions are identified and immediately suppressed due to the prompt blowing out of dry powder in the endangered area. It extinguishes the explosion at the point of ignition. SSL fibre optic signalling unit If the optic fibre cracks due to the movement of the Bursting panel the light stream of this waveguide is interrupted. Sizing / Selection REMBE® provide support in ensuring correct product selection for any given installation/ location. silicone. KOSHA. ASME VIII DIV 1. Triple-section-bursting disc incl. CSA.21 ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS Signalling Actuation of Bursting discs and explosion panels can be detected by utilising a signaling cable. Only closed-cell elastomer with reflecting high efficient coating is used. The Signalling cable is a well proven reliable method. The REMBE® quality management system also complies with NFPA. The insulation is permanently connected to the disc/panel and is of ultra light weight. Inspections. It has no impact or adverse effect on the functionality and burst rating of the relieving device. is intrinsically safe and operates on a simple Open-Closed principle (normally closed). Additionally REMBE® are happy to support you with sizing your required effective venting area. Typ BIRD The BIRD Signalling unit is offered for existing Bursting disc or explosion panel installations that do not have a Signalling device installed. the closed circuit is interrupted due to the cable break. External Insulation When specified REMBE® Bursting discs/ panels are manufactured with a weatherproof insulation. ensuring fit for purpose. No moveable parts remain. -50 -58 -40 -40 -148 °F max. Gaskets Following gasket qualities (see table) are available as accessories: Gasket Qualities EPDM black EPDM white Silicone Klingersil Temperature in °C °F min. g. The Signalling device is ultra low current. When the disc/panel actuates. Different standard types are available: Typ SK / RSK / SR The Signalling cable is installed at the breaking point of the disc/panel. Each individual batch (lot) is manufactured and tested in compliance with the requirements of prEN14797. API and ASME VIII. NFPA 68. trouble-free and cost effective ownership of Bursting disc and explosion panel products. etc. Certifications. When the disc/panel actuates the element breaks (fragments) and the closed circuit is interrupted. Calculations are made in accordance with VDI guideline 3673. ATEX . EPDM are available. signalling unit SK BIRD (Burst Indicator REMBE® Design) ideal for retrofitting Insulation / Gaskets / Services Assembly Accessories If required assembly kits comprising of frames with corresponding bolts and nuts are available in Galvanized Steel or Stainless Steel. . Guidelines All REMBE® Bursting discs/Panels are certified in accordance with ATEX 94/9 EG and NFPA. No additional assembly is required. -40 -40 -100 FDA approved materials for sterile applications.1. China CML. The downstream optoelectrical converter immediately provides an electrical signal which can also be used for electronic data processing. KTA 1401. Further gasket qualities on request. A ceramic bar incorporating electrical conductors is mounted in the flow direction downstream of the disc/panel. The SSL fibre optic signalling unit is aluminium coated and heat resistant up to 500° C (932° F). EN 14491. 150 302 120 180 400 248 356 752 °C Individual test certificates in accordance with EN 10204-3. e. Also ask for an explosion consultant from REMBE® to help specifying the perfect solution concept. are supplied as a standard. ESA. ESMG. Since 2009 at REMBE® LTD Michael [email protected] Unique experience in applications combined with technical know-how: For more than 38 years our highly qualified team of experts gives you the safety when planning and carrying out your explosion protection concept. 4.A.fi T: +358 10 666 23 45 After having visited the production line at your company our specialists will work out an appropriate tailor-made concept acc. RosGORTECHNADZOR and ABNT. Inc.us T: + 1 (704) 716 7022 .uk T: +44 (0) 153 652 44 48 Since 2009 at REMBE® OY Pasi Ponsi Managing Director Helsinki/Finnland pasi. michael. Charlotte. Helen Sztarkman Sales Manager New Markets Charlotte.co. NC / U. Active cooperation in international standardisation committees and boards We continuously introduce our knowledge and innovative ideas into European and international boards. If you intend to invest in the safety of your plant our experts will advise you. REMBE® engineering relishes an excellent reputation worldwide. NC / U. Technical Seminars We offer basic and detailed training in pressure and safety protections systems including live demonstrations for up to 200 participants at a suitably insured site of a clients choice. peter.K. Field Sales Engineer London / U.S. Bradshaw U. Optimised process safety leading to big cost savings Since 2009 at REMBE® OY Jukka Sorsa Technical Sales Helsinki/Finnland [email protected]@rembe.sorsa@rembe. Gerd Mayer President REMBE®. to your requirements. 3. VDI.K. On site consultation Since 2010 at REMBE® LTD Peter C.co. INDEX.A. Inc. WJI. Inc. gerd. MacClancy Managing Director London / [email protected]@rembe.fi T: +358 10 666 23 48 .22 INTELLIGENT AND COST-SAVING EXPLOSION PROTECTION CONCEPTS Since 2006 at REMBE®.uk T: +44 (0) 207 630 03 64 Your benefits at a glance: 1.us T: +1 (704) 716 7022 .fi T: +358 10 666 23 47 You reduce your insurance payments by implementing a comprehensive safety concept. such as CEN. 2. VDMA.K. Since 2009 at REMBE® OY Jukka Ahlberg Technical Sales Helsinki/Finnland jukka.S.macclancy@rembe. helen. NFPA.0 Since 2009 at REMBE®. 301 Since 2007 at KERSTING Since 2007 at KERSTING Sabrina Bangert Sales Assistant Sampling / Electrostatic Grounding [email protected] Klaus Meichle Technical Sales Explosion Protection [email protected] Since 2009 at REMBE® Dirk Jörgens Sales Director Middle East / Africa [email protected] T: +49 (0) 29 61 / 74 05 .de T: +49 (0) 29 61 / 74 05 .303 Since 2006 at REMBE® FIBRE FORCE GMBH Uwe Steiger Managing Director uwe.de T: +49 (0) 29 61 / 74 05 [email protected] T: +49 (0) 29 61 / 74 05 [email protected]@[email protected] Since 2007 at REMBE® Since 2005 at REMBE® Sarah Toremans Sales Assistant Explosion Protection Department sarah.de T: +49 (0) 29 61 / 74 05 .23 Orhan Karagöz International Sales Manager orhan.de T: +49 (0) 29 61 / 74 05 .118 Since 2010 at REMBE® Chonthicha Karagöz Area Sales Executive Asia Pacific chonthicha.bangert@kersting-sg. o n te ro ck bo basi osion p ation a lant pro l p p m r g ex info t-savin se call copy s ea onal o l c P and 0 or pers our 1 74 05 de y r fo 29 6 be.351 as ien dge wle tection ut effic ction.350 on tag Pen ion los Exp Since 2009 at REMBE® FIBRE FORCE GMBH Max Egen Technical Sales max.toremans@rembe. T 0 es@rem sal f ty t ou e l k ec ri o o B y + S ives you t of dust l tg et bjec usefu s a SafThis booklteo the suw l el t 6 .110 Since 1990 at REMBE® Since 1994 at REMBE® Roland Bunse Manager Explosion Protection Department / Produktmanager roland.111 Since 2001 at REMBE® Eugenia Nickel Business Development Manager Eastern Europe eugenia.116 Since 2009 at REMBE® Peter Zabel General Manager REMBE® Representative Office Singapore peter.de T: +49 (0) 29 61 / 74 05 .de T: +49 (0) 29 61 / 74 05 .de T: +49 (0) 29 61 / 74 05 .de T: +49 (0) 29 61 / 74 05 .de T: +49 (0) 29 61 / 74 05 [email protected] T: +49 (0) 29 61 / 74 05 .com T: +65 624 602 053 Since 1981 at REMBE® Georg Vonnahme Senior Sales Engineer / Manager Replacement Business [email protected]@rembe.302 Since 2010 at KERSTING Burkhard Hansmann Sales Engineer Sampling / Electrostatic Grounding burkhard.114 Felix Obermeyer Sales and Business Development Manager [email protected] T: +49 (0) 29 61 / 74 05 .karagoez@rembe. de The copyright of all contents in this catalogue with its design. All copies made of this catalogue are legally prohibited.rembe.de www. . REMBE® does not accept responsibility for any mistakes or technical changes which may occur due to progress in research and development.All rights reserved · ars nova · GBP-EPD-09093/1-2010-04-12-Valid from 2010-04-18-4. all rights reserved. REMBE® reserves the right to change or update any information in this catalogue without notice.74 05 . It is the sole responsibility of the operator to ensure that all REMBE® products are correctly used. text.5 07 14 sales@rembe. REMBE® will not accept any responsibility for mistakes that occur in the production or in the use of this catalogue.0 F + 49 (0) 29 61 .000 Distributor: Gallbergweg 21 59929 Brilon / Germany T + 49 (0) 29 61 . photos and graphics is owned by REMBE® GmbH SAFETY + CONTROL (except where otherwise stated).REMBE® .
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