Expiratory cassette cleaning wall manual.pdf
Expiratory cassette cleaning wall manual.pdf
March 26, 2018 | Author: matzone | Category:
Infection Control
Sterilization (Microbiology)
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SERVO-i/sDisinfection Washer-Disinfector Wiping and Discarding Rinse Refer to the Cleaning and Maintenance User’s Manual for detailed information. Washer-Disinfector Whenever possible, clean and disinfect the equipment immediately after use. Do not leave foreign particles, such as blood or saliva, to dry on the equipment. 85-95°C (185-203°F) Drying alternatives Shake/Tilt Run the cassette in a SERVO-i/s with a testlung 5-7 times Important! When Servo Duo Guard filter (or equivalent) is used, the only cleaning needed is to wipe the ventilator and removable parts with a soft lint-free cloth moistened in soap & water or detergent-based disinfectant. Note. In case of more contaminated surfaces use ethyl alcohol (70%) or isopropyl alcohol (70%). Avoid contact with electrical contacts. If rinsing before disinfection is not included in the washer disinfector program: Rinse the parts thoroughly in water (<35°C/95°F). Let the water flow through the parts. Important! Rinsing the cassette in water (<35°C/95°F) immediately after use may be a useful alternative to disinfection. Immediate rinsing can remove particles and reduces the risk of cross contamination between patients. Caution! All personnel should be aware of the risk of parts being infected when disassembling and cleaning the ventilator. Position and flow Note. The water pressure in the washer-disinfector should not exceed 1.5 bar. The maximum water flow should not exceed 10 l/min. The water must have free passage through the cassette. Drying cabinet 1 hour maximum 70°C (158°F). 10 min Room air 12-24 hours If available, connect a 22 mm hose to expiratory inlet. Caution! Never dry the cassette by applying high pressure air as you may damage the internal tubing. 0123 © Maquet Critical Care AB 2012. All rights reserved. • MAQUET reserves the right to modify the design and specifications contained herein without prior notice. Order No. 65 15 014 • Printed in Sweden • 1201 • Rev. 09 English • Routine wall cleaning diagram 3.2.0 English GETINGE GROUP is a leading global provider of products and systems that contribute to quality enhancement and cost efficiency within healthcare and life sciences. We operate under the three brands of ArjoHuntleigh, GETINGE and MAQUET. ArjoHuntleigh focuses on patient mobility and wound management solutions. GETINGE provides solutions for infection control within healthcare and contamination prevention within life sciences. MAQUET specializes in solutions, therapies and products for surgical interventions and intensive care connect a 22 mm hose to expiratory inlet. Carefully shake and tilt the cassette. the only cleaning needed is to wipe the ventilator and removable parts with a soft lint-free cloth moistened in soap & water or detergent-based disinfectant. Caution! Never dry the cassette by applying high pressure air as you may damage the internal tubing. 65 15 014 • Printed in Sweden • 1201 • Rev.or isopropyl alcohol 70% Cidex OPA Hexanios G+R. 0123 © Maquet Critical Care AB 2012. at least 5-7 times. Immediate rinsing can remove particles and reduces the risk of cross contamination between patients. MAQUET specializes in solutions. such as blood or saliva. Avoid contact with electrical contacts. Important! Follow the disinfectant manufacturer’s recommendations and instructions. ArjoHuntleigh focuses on patient mobility and wound management solutions. 5-7 times Drying cabinet 10 min Room air Rinse Important! Important! When Servo Duo Guard filter (or equivalent) is used. 1 hour maximum 70°C (158°F). All rights reserved. Important! Rinse the parts thoroughly in water to remove all traces of disinfectant. Disinfectant Rinse Whenever possible. GETINGE and MAQUET.SERVO-i/s Disinfection Manually Wiping and Discarding Refer to the Cleaning and Maintenance User’s Manual for detailed information. Let the water flow through the parts.2. In case of more contaminated surfaces use ethyl alcohol (70%) or isopropyl alcohol (70%). clean and disinfect the equipment immediately after use. Gigazyme Plus or Anioxyde 1000. GETINGE provides solutions for infection control within healthcare and contamination prevention within life sciences. Rinse the parts thoroughly in water (<35°C/95°F). • MAQUET reserves the right to modify the design and specifications contained herein without prior notice. We operate under the three brands of ArjoHuntleigh. Caution! All personnel should be aware of the risk of parts being infected when disassembling and cleaning the ventilator. 12-24 hours If available. 09 English • Routine wall cleaning diagram 3. Order No. Note. Drying alternatives Shake/Tilt Run the cassette in a SERVO-i/s with a testlung Let the parts soak in a disinfectant: Ethyl.0 English GETINGE GROUP is a leading global provider of products and systems that contribute to quality enhancement and cost efficiency within healthcare and life sciences. Do not leave foreign particles. Rinsing the cassette in water (<35°C/95°F) immediately after use may be a useful alternative to disinfection. Let the water flow through the parts. Aniosyme DD1. to dry on the equipment. therapies and products for surgical interventions and intensive care . turn upside down and repeat. Caution! All personnel should be aware of the risk of parts being infected when disassembling and cleaning the ventilator. 65 15 014 • Printed in Sweden • 1201 • Rev. We operate under the three brands of ArjoHuntleigh.SERVO-i/s Sterilization procedure (Note. make sure that no water remains inside the cassette. use validated processes only. If available. therapies and products for surgical interventions and intensive care . to dry on the equipment. such as blood or saliva. GETINGE and MAQUET. • MAQUET reserves the right to modify the design and specifications contained herein without prior notice. Autoclaving reduces the lifetime of the expiratory cassette) Wiping and Discarding Rinse Refer to the Cleaning and Maintenance User’s Manual for detailed information. Do not leave foreign particles. In case of more contaminated surfaces use ethyl alcohol (70%) or isopropyl alcohol (70%). Shake/Tilt 4 min 134°C (273°F) Rinse the cassette in water (<35°C/95°F). clean and disinfect the equipment immediately after use. 09 English • Routine wall cleaning diagram 3. when applied. Sterilization is normally not necessary for the expiratory cassette but. All rights reserved. Instrument parts are typically autoclaved at a temperature of 134°C Drying cabinet 10 min Room air 1 hour 12-24 hours maximum 70°C (158°F). GETINGE provides solutions for infection control within healthcare and contamination prevention within life sciences. Avoid contact with electrical contacts. MAQUET specializes in solutions. connect a 22 mm hose to expiratory inlet. Autoclave Whenever possible. Rubber parts are typically autoclaved at a temperature of 121°C (250°F) for 15 minutes.0 English GETINGE GROUP is a leading global provider of products and systems that contribute to quality enhancement and cost efficiency within healthcare and life sciences. connect a 22 mm hose to expiratory inlet. Note. Let the water flow through the parts 5-7 times Shake/Tilt Important! Before placing the expiratory cassette in an autoclave. If available. Caution! Never dry the cassette by applying high pressure air as you may damage the internal tubing.2. Order No. 0123 © Maquet Critical Care AB 2012. 1 hour 12-24 hours maximum 70°C (158°F). 5-7 times Drying cabinet Room air Run the cassette in a SERVO-i/s with a test lung 15 min 121°C (250°F) Dry Important! Drying alternatives Note. the only cleaning needed is to wipe the ventilator and removable parts with a soft lint-free cloth moistened in soap & water or detergent-based disinfectant. (273°F) for 4-7 minutes. When Servo Duo Guard filter (or equivalent) is used. ArjoHuntleigh focuses on patient mobility and wound management solutions. Hazardous waste (infectious) Wipe off/discard When Servo Duo Guard filter (or equivalent) is used. Note. Order No. to dry on the equipment. MAQUET specializes in solutions. therapies and products for surgical interventions and intensive care .2. such as blood or saliva. In case of more contaminated surfaces use ethyl alcohol (70%) or isopropyl alcohol (70%). Do not leave foreign particles. We operate under the three brands of ArjoHuntleigh. the only cleaning needed is to wipe the ventilator and removable parts with a soft lint-free cloth moistened in soap & water or detergent-based disinfectant. 65 15 014 • Printed in Sweden • 1201 • Rev. All rights reserved. 09 English • Routine wall cleaning diagram 3. • MAQUET reserves the right to modify the design and specifications contained herein without prior notice. Whenever possible. clean and disinfect the equipment immediately after use.0 English GETINGE GROUP is a leading global provider of products and systems that contribute to quality enhancement and cost efficiency within healthcare and life sciences. ArjoHuntleigh focuses on patient mobility and wound management solutions. Avoid contact with electrical contacts Important! Refer to the Cleaning and Maintenance User’s Manual for detailed information. Cleaning procedure when Servo Duo Guard filter is used 0123 © Maquet Critical Care AB 2012. GETINGE and MAQUET. GETINGE provides solutions for infection control within healthcare and contamination prevention within life sciences.SERVO-i/s Hazardous waste (infectious) Caution! All personnel should be aware of the risk of parts being infected when disassembling and cleaning the ventilator.
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