
March 26, 2018 | Author: Ajay Karthick | Category: Server (Computing), Computer File, Password, Microsoft Windows, Computer Hardware



ExperionVista R301/HS R301 to HS R400 Migration User's Guide January, 2011 Release 400 Document Release Issue Date 400 4.0 January, 2011 Disclaimer This document contains Honeywell proprietary information. Information contained herein is to be used solely for the purpose submitted, and no part of this document or its contents shall be reproduced, published, or disclosed to a third party without the express permission of Honeywell International Sárl.. While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Honeywell disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a purpose and makes no express warranties except as may be stated in its written agreement with and for its customer. In no event is Honeywell liable to anyone for any direct, special, or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this document are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2011 - Honeywell International Sárl. 2 www.honeywell.com Contents About this guide ................................................................................................................. 7 Before you begin ................................................................................................................ 9 Experion system migration .......................................................................................................... 10 Migration applications and tools .................................................................................................. 11 About Experion Migration Storage Node (EMSN) .......................................................... 11 Migration tool ................................................................................................................... 13 Migration Application ...................................................................................................... 13 Migration planning ....................................................................................................................... 14 Develop a migration plan ................................................................................................. 14 Develop a migration timetable ......................................................................................... 14 Review hardware upgrades .............................................................................................. 15 Review software requirements ......................................................................................... 15 EMSN space requirements ............................................................................................... 15 Considerations for Local Windows groups and local user accounts ................................ 16 Migrating other Honeywell products and applications .................................................... 17 Migrating non-Experion third-party applications ............................................................ 18 Getting started with migration ........................................................................................ 19 Migration considerations .............................................................................................................. 20 Considerations for migrating from Experion Vista R301/HS R301 to Experion HS R400 20 Getting the latest software and documentation updates ............................................................... 22 Time synchronization during migration ....................................................................................... 23 Planning time topology during migration ........................................................................ 23 Time check on system before you start migration ........................................................... 23 HMIWeb Display Builder and HMIWeb custom displays ........................................................... 24 Migrating Display Builder displays ................................................................................. 24 Migrating HMIWeb custom displays ............................................................................... 24 Restoring Excel data exchange .................................................................................................... 26 Considerations for canceling the migration ................................................................................. 27 Performing the migration ................................................................................................ 29 Complete the pre-migration tasks ................................................................................................ 30 Creating a disk image of the hard drive ........................................................................... 30 Verifying the Windows mngr account passwords ............................................................ 30 Verifying the latest Experion software updates ................................................................ 31 3 CONTENTS Verifying the communication network ............................................................................. 31 Installing the migration tool on the server ....................................................................... 31 Calculating the disk space ................................................................................................ 32 Recording Windows network configuration settings ....................................................... 33 Acknowledging all system alarms ................................................................................... 33 Disabling file replication before migration ...................................................................... 33 Creating a shared folder on the EMSN ............................................................................ 34 Running the migration tool on the server ......................................................................... 35 Checking the synchronization status ................................................................................ 36 Disabling antivirus software ............................................................................................ 36 Migrating ServerB/non-redundant server .................................................................................... 38 Close Windows applications ............................................................................................ 38 Migrating Experion Vista R301/HS R301 to Experion HS R400 .................................... 38 Reinstalling antivirus software ......................................................................................... 38 Updating custom setup files ............................................................................................. 39 Updating display files ...................................................................................................... 39 Restore Windows network configuration settings ............................................................ 40 Restoring and migrating the server database ................................................................... 40 Updating the Quick Builder database .............................................................................. 42 Migrating Flex Stations ................................................................................................................ 43 Close Windows applications ............................................................................................ 43 Migrating Experion Vista R301/HS R301 to Experion HS R400 .................................... 43 Reinstalling antivirus software ......................................................................................... 43 Restore Windows network configuration settings ............................................................ 44 Considerations after migrating a Flex station .................................................................. 44 Migrating ServerA ....................................................................................................................... 45 Migrating remaining Flex Stations ................................................................................... 45 Close Windows applications ............................................................................................ 45 Migrating Experion Vista R301/HS R301 to Experion HS R400 .................................... 45 Proceeding with migration ............................................................................................... 46 Reinstalling antivirus software ......................................................................................... 46 Setting up time synchronization ....................................................................................... 46 Updating custom setup files ............................................................................................. 46 Restore Windows network configuration settings ............................................................ 47 Checking the server status ................................................................................................ 47 Synchronizing the server databases ................................................................................. 47 Enabling file replication ................................................................................................... 48 Enabling file backup (flbkup.def) .................................................................................... 48 Building the assets and alarm groups ............................................................................... 49 Post migration tasks ..................................................................................................................... 50 Changing the ServerA to primary .................................................................................... 50 Installing the Domain Controller package ....................................................................... 51 4 www.honeywell.com CONTENTS Upgrading a Windows domain controller ........................................................................ 52 Adding a node to a Windows domain .............................................................................. 52 Re-establishing Engineering user groups ........................................................................ 52 Importing the EDS files ................................................................................................... 52 Configuring MLServer Configuration Tool ..................................................................... 53 Troubleshooting Migration .......................................................................................................... 54 Restarting the migration application ................................................................................ 54 Correcting the computer name displayed in Configuration Studio .................................. 54 5 com .honeywell.CONTENTS 6 www. Migration Application A software wizard application which migrates Experion system components to latest release system software. Supervisory Control and SCADA is an Experion application for process control. For setting up an EMSN. this guide provides information and guidance for migrating Experion Vista R301 and Experion HS R301 to Experion HS R400. is used. operating system preferences. Installation application A software application that installs the Experion system software with minimal user interaction. other than the one which is being migrated. It is Data Acquisition (SCADA) designed to interface with serial devices (RS232 and RS485) such as PLCs. which are unique to the subject presented in this guide. ServerA functions as the primary server and ServerB functions as the backup server. Special terms The following are the terms defined in the document. and migrating your current Experion HS system.About this guide The Experion HS R400 migration guide assists you in understanding. ServerA and ServerB The standardized names of the redundant servers. Term Description Base release The release version of Experion that is currently in use before the migration. 7 . planning. Specifically. System migration The migration of Experion control system from one release to a latest release. a node in the same network. and so on) when migrating an Experion platform. Experion Migration Storage A location used to store the data (databases. system Node (EMSN) configuration. honeywell.ABOUT THIS GUIDE 8 Term Description Migration Tool A tool that is used to save the server data before migration.com . www. Before you begin This section provides an introduction to the migration of Experion systems. the migration scenarios and migration plan. Related topics “Experion system migration” on page 10 “Migration applications and tools” on page 11 “Migration planning” on page 14 9 . honeywell. where the control will not be maintained during the migration process for both servers and clients.BEFORE YOU BEGIN Experion system migration Experion system migration is defined as the upgrade of Experion system components. to the new release system software. Migration can also include upgrading the computer's operating system or hardware — such as adding more memory to a server. client. or upgrading to a new computer (platform hardware).com . such as server and client nodes. Server migration is the process of upgrading Experion servers. Experion system migration involves software migration for both servers and the clients. and the software loaded in those systems. 10 www. Experion HS supports only off-process migration. About Experion HS R400 migration Experion HS R400 system software must be installed only on systems installed with Windows 7 Professional Edition (32-bit) English version. Supported migration paths Experion HS R400 supports the following migration: • Experion Vista R301 to Experion HS R400 • Experion HS R301 to Experion HS R400 • Experion HS R310 to Experion HS R400 • Experion HS R311 to Experion HS R400 Attention OS reinstallation is mandatory for all the above mentioned migration paths. There are several options that users can perform to manually work around this problem. About Experion Migration Storage Node (EMSN) The Experion Migration Storage Node (EMSN) is a shared folder which is used to store and retrieve the database and configuration information. • All systems/releases that undergo an Operating System reinstall during migration. • Automating many of the tasks that are performed during a migration. available on the Experion node that is identified for migration. During migration. The EMSN must be set up and located on a node separate from the node to be migrated. the current release operating on the node. You need to calculate and estimate the disk space needed for the EMSN. Resolution information will be lost for both the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path name to the EMSN connection and the security (account/password) information when the following migrations are performed: • All systems/releases that undergo a hardware platform upgrade during migration. • Detecting inconsistencies in system databases and system components that may cause errors during migration. you need to create a shared folder for the EMSN. Special handling for EMSN hosted in a domain environment In some migration scenarios.BEFORE YOU BEGIN Migration applications and tools Various software applications and utilities have been developed specifically to help streamline the system migration process by: • Detecting system conditions prior to a migration that may cause problems or faults once the migration begins. but must be within the same control network or Experion nodes. the EMSN is hosted on a computer that is in a domain and the computer to be migrated is also a member of a domain. You can identify a node and allocate space for the EMSN before you begin the migration. Calculations must be based on the node type that is being migrated. with option 3 being the preferred method: 11 . and the database size. The EMSN must have sufficient disk storage so that the information can be copied to the EMSN from the server or client node to be migrated. • Add this account to the Share and File Permissions on the EMSN.0. If the machine is not local to the system. 2. Use normal UNC. • Enter the account name as <<EMSN Host IP Address>>\Account. a. • Enter password normally. For security (account and password). (Reboot of system is required. create a local account (and password) on the domain system that matches the account used to perform the migration on the node being migrated.1\MigAccount . For example: 192. Add system back into the domain. (both computers operating within the same network). • The account entered should be the Account Name. Define the server UNC path in the following format: \\ESMN Host IP Address\<<EMSN ShareName>> For example: \\192.honeywell. Restart migration by starting Setup. Or. b. Cancel migration. b. and the associated password. you can specify an account on the EMSN by entering EMSNHostName\Account.168. a.exe on the installation media or clicking Install/Migrate link on the Installer page.BEFORE YOU BEGIN 1. (after the hardware platform upgrade and/or Operating System install). and other information into the IP Address configuration of each network card. create a local account (and password) on the domain system that will match the account used to perform the migration on the node being migrated.com . All Cases: A reconnection failure may occur during migration. a. 12 www.0.) d. (TCP/IP properties.1\ESMN b. WINS. • Add this account to the Share and File Permissions on the EMSN. 3.168. If the machine is local to the system. • Enter password normally. Enter the DNS.) c. (computers must communicate across a router). For security (account and password). The tool is available at Server-Client \Server_Migration_Tool folder in the installation media. The migration tool saves the server data before migration. It also allows for hardware and Operating System upgrades during the migration process. groups. and other configuration data. history archives. trends. recipes. The application is run on a server/client to be migrated and safely handles system database and configuration information so that it can be reloaded to the server after the new release system software is installed.BEFORE YOU BEGIN Migration tool Experion Vista R301 and HS R301 migration is performed using the migration tool. custom displays. Migration Application The Migration Application is a software application that coordinates the migration of system software to the latest release for servers and clients. reports. The server data includes the Quick Builder Project. 13 . or in a larger system it may contain many Experion systems. A successful migration requires coordination and cooperation among various departments and plant personnel. 14 Migration Task Estimated Time Overall planning 1–2 days Preparation and backups 8 hours OS reinstallation 4 to 6 hours (each path) www. and the order of the tasks. and also the process which the Experion system controls. and tasks that are essential for a successful system migration. These times can vary significantly based on user experience. you must consider the structure and the size of the control system.com . The estimates are calculated based on a group of 5-10 stations and redundant servers. This section provides information about preliminary planning. While developing a migration plan. and ensure that the migration is successful. Develop a migration timetable Develop a timetable for conducting the migration. database size. Large plants may contain a number of control systems that have many Experion systems located throughout the plant. and the current condition of the system. A plan will also provide information on what to expect in the migration process and will help the plant personnel to be alert. Develop a comprehensive migration plan that addresses the considerations described in the following sections.BEFORE YOU BEGIN Migration planning Preparation for system migration requires careful planning and should begin well in advance. considerations.honeywell. Develop a migration plan It is essential that you develop a migration plan for your control system to minimize any problems which may occur during a migration. A system may contain single Experion system. Estimate the time required for completing each task. Migration time estimates Use the following information as a reference for estimating the time to perform migration. Consider the timing of the various tasks that needs to be performed. the node hardware for both ServerA and ServerB must be identical. although the applications are not saved or migrated forward during migration. For more information on computer software specifications. Verify if the system hardware is supported on the latest release. Review software requirements Review and address the software requirements for the migration. identify which components need to be upgraded or replaced and install these new hardware components before starting the node migration. you must consider the additional disk space needed. If hardware upgrades are necessary. refer to Software Installation User's Guide. • The Base size in is the estimate for the Experion software installed in the server/ client node. Attention If you have redundant servers. Hardware platforms may be configured as Experion servers. installing additional disk drives and upgrading to new network interface cards. The used space is displayed in the dialog box that appears.BEFORE YOU BEGIN Migration Task Estimated Time ServerA and ServerB migration 3–4 hours each Migrate each Flex Station 1–2 hours each Review hardware upgrades Migrating an existing Experion system to new system software may require an upgrade to the hardware platform (computer system) which supports software operation. • To determine Total space (T). • Options (O) include third-party applications. Flex Stations or other client nodes. If you plan to use the same EMSN as storage for other node migrations. EMSN space requirements You can use the following information as a guidance to calculate the EMSN space requirements. minus Experion data and database files stored on the node. Typical upgrades include adding memory cards. Hardware components must be compatible with Experion hardware requirements. Experion HS R400 system software must be installed only on systems installed with Windows 7 Professional Edition (32-bit) English version. right-click Drive C: and click Properties. Space on the EMSN that was used for 15 . Considerations for Local Windows groups and local user accounts CAUTION If a new Operating System is installed or hardware platform is changed. Note that Experion standard local groups.6 Formula: Total Space . if needed. and user-defined security policies (such as access control lists on files and directories) are not saved during the migration. You must capture the specific configurations and settings for these groups and accounts. Custom local user groups and custom local user accounts must be saved or documented in order to restore them after the migration. The R400 Experion standard local groups include the following: 16 • Product Administrators (which replaces Honeywell Administrators from prior releases) • Local Engineers • Local Supervisors • Local Operators www.honeywell.(B +O) = EMSN Server 8 GB + Options 8. user accounts and policies are saved and restored to the system by Experion Migration. so that they can be restored. custom local user accounts.6 GB 3 GB 12.BEFORE YOU BEGIN prior system migrations can be recovered. so that they can be loaded to the migrated system. Table 1: EMSN estimated space Node Type Total space (T) Base size (B) Options (O) Estimated EMSN Space needed T .(Base size + Options) = Estimated EMSN space Options include third-party software and applications installed on the node. Any user specific files/folders and their associated Access Control Lists (ACLs) settings and any user-defined security policies that are not created during the Experion installation must be saved.com .7 Flex Station 9. Identify a system (computer name) in the EMSN file structure that has completed migration and delete all folders and data located under the system name to free up space on the EMSN for future migrations. so on. all the custom local user groups. css files • Digital Video Manager (DVM) — Compatibility with Experion — DVM. 17 . See the Digital Video Manager User Guide for details to migrate DVM client and host components. consider the following before migration: – Check if the new Windows platform used on a migrated Safety Station (the station running Safety Builder — Safety Manager's Safety Station software) is supported by the release of Safety Builder you have installed. For more information refer to the Safety Manager Software Reference or the Release Notes of Safety Manager installed in the system. • Customized system components and display files must be manually saved since they are not migrated and restored in the new release. They are not allowed to be used interactively. During migration. • Process History Database (PHD) • Safety Manager .BEFORE YOU BEGIN • Local Ack View Only Users • Local View Only Users • Local Servers (which in R400 limits the account for use by services/servers only) The Experion standard local account includes the following: • LocalComServer • mngr Attention Both the Experion standard local accounts are used only by services/servers. you may get a message screen that informs you about the software applications (both Honeywell and third-party applications) that will not be migrated forward. Specific considerations for some of these applications when migrating Experion software are described below.If you have Experion systems with Safety Manager. Migrating other Honeywell products and applications The following Honeywell applications could be installed on nodes within an Experion system and are not migrated as part of Experion migration.stb files) – *. Appropriate actions should be taken to preserve these applications and user settings so that they can be restored after migration. For example: – Point detail displays – Customized Faceplates and Customized displays – Custom Station menu configurations (*. If your control system includes non-Experion (third party) applications. Migrating non-Experion third-party applications Most non-Experion applications are not migrated as part of Experion migration. – Check the time synchronization topology used for Safety Manager. Safety Manager and/or Channel link status might report communication failures.BEFORE YOU BEGIN Attention Safety Builder is not recommended on Experion server/station nodes.honeywell. see the Safety Manager Software Reference.com . – If Safety Manager continues to report communication failures after completing the migration. Business applications. – During the migration of Experion servers or stations. • Oil/Movement/Blending. – Before migrating the Experion system. as well as removing and installing instructions for Safety Builder. you must reinstall Safety Builder on your station and restore the Safety Manager application(s). – After migrating your station to the new release. and you must uninstall the Safety Builder software from that station. you must backup the Safety Manager applications loaded on the station you are about to migrate to a new release. www. During server migration you may get a message screen that informs you about the software applications that will not be migrated and that will be deleted from the node. consider a strategy for saving the data and configuration files for the application so that the data and user settings can be restored with the application after Experion migration is completed. Additional considerations should be made such as: • Are the third-party applications currently operating with the Experion system compatible with the new release Operating System requirements? • Are third-party applications interoperable with the new Experion platform software release? • Are there upgrades available for the third-party software? • Should compatibility testing be performed offline to ensure that the applications will operate properly? The following are some examples of third-party software applications: 18 • Antivirus applications are not migrated as part of Experion migration. download the diagnostics on the Safety Station and reset the Safety Manager. Take appropriate steps to save these files and applications. – For details about taking back up and restoring Safety Manager applications. Before you begin the migration. Related topics “Migration considerations” on page 20 “Getting the latest software and documentation updates” on page 22 “Time synchronization during migration” on page 23 “HMIWeb Display Builder and HMIWeb custom displays” on page 24 “Restoring Excel data exchange” on page 26 “Considerations for canceling the migration” on page 27 19 . • You have read the migration planning information for information related to your system and the planned migration. ensure that: • You have read the Experion HS Release Notes which contain the last-minute information that was not included in the standard documents. You must read this document to find out any migration related information that is applicable to the system you are migrating.Getting started with migration This section describes the tasks that you need to perform to start the migration process. Where possible.com . If these definitions are used. local user accounts or local security policies must be recreated after migration. you must read the related topics of interest to determine if the information is relevant to your system or situation. Considerations for migrating from Experion Vista R301/HS R301 to Experion HS R400 Attention The following are some considerations when you are migrating from Experion Vista/ HS R301 to Experion HS R400.honeywell. MasterLogic The MasterLogic interface is now included as standard interface in the controller interface Experion HS R400 installation. the Asset configuration is preserved during the migration. If so. Therefore. 20 Enterprise Model Experion HS R400 has a simplified version of the Enterprise Model. take precautions to backup your data files and follow any required workarounds. Faceplate displays Experion Vista R301 and Experion HS R301 included special faceplates that are used to hide the unused parameters on the point detail displays. The information is arranged by system function or feature and describes conditions where data may be lost through the migration process. Refer to the Experion HS R400 SIUG for details of the supported versions of Microsoft Office. www.GETTING STARTED WITH MIGRATION Migration considerations Attention The following sections contain important information that you should consider before you begin a migration. To use these special faceplates. if precautions are not taken or procedures are not followed. workarounds are provided to help safeguard and restore data. Item Description Microsoft Office The Microsoft Office applications might require upgrade during the migration. the Quick Builder point configuration includes a special entry in the Point Detail Display field that is “sysdtlana_pv”. if your Experion system contains certain configurations of system components or uses these features. they must be changed to new R400 Simplified SCADA display filenames after the migration. Windows user security configuration Any custom local user security groups. Operator security If the Operator accounts are linked to Windows user accounts. you will be prompted to migrate the project file to the new format. Station menus If you have customized the standard station menus... these accounts will not exist after the migration and hence the configuration must be reapplied after the migration. these customizations must be reapplied after the migration. the changes must be reapplied configuration file . the localization settings must be reapplied after the migration. but the SQL event history are lost. save this information prior to the migration. after the migration. If you want to generate the Alarm and Event reports. Allen Bradley RSLinx If RSLinx OEM is used. these changes must be reapplied after the migration. System acronyms If you have customized the standard system acronyms. Custom displays The custom displays are migrated. Station If you have changed the station. but modifications might be required after the migration due to functional changes.ini file.ini Station setup file . it must be reapplied after the migration. Localization If the Experion HS displays have been localized. the RSLinx activation code must be moved to removable media before starting the migration and reinstalled after the migration.GETTING STARTED WITH MIGRATION Item Description Event history The recent online events are retained during the migration. Quick Builder projects When opening an old project file with the new version of Quick Builder.stn The Station 1 configuration settings must be reapplied after the migration. \Station\Default. System displays If you have customized the standard system displays. The new default Station setup file is configured as “static Station 1”. Scan periods If special scan periods are used. the changes must be reapplied after the migration. 21 . \Windows \station. software and documentation updates. 2 Click Login to My Account. To download the latest software and documentation updates 22 1 In your Web browser application.GETTING STARTED WITH MIGRATION Getting the latest software and documentation updates Before installing Experion HS. check the Honeywell Field Solutions Sales & Distribution web site for software and documentation updates. 4 Click Experion HS to access the links that contain the latest notifications.com/Cultures/ en-US/Products/fieldsolutionssalesnet/default.com . www. if any. If you are a new user. The latest software and documentation updates are available in the links under respective releases.honeywell.htm. 3 Click Modular Control Solutions link on the left side. you must register for access to the web site.honeywell. 5 Click Technical Information link. type http://hpsweb. 6 Download the required software updates. Additionally.GETTING STARTED WITH MIGRATION Time synchronization during migration Planning time topology during migration Maintaining the correct time synchronization throughout migration is critical. it may be necessary to reset the time zone settings during some migration scenarios. and the client nodes. if necessary. After migration. check the time zone setting on other servers in the system. Attention Do not change time zone settings during a migration. Time check on system before you start migration Server time and time zone settings must remain consistent during migration. you should establish a time topology that provides reliable time distribution to all the system nodes. However. You need to verify the time zone and set the time (if necessary) after the software upgrade. The system time source should derive its time from a reliable external time source. Experion software includes support for the latest Daylight Savings Time fixes. check the time zone settings on the server and client nodes to ensure that they are the same. but before reestablishing server redundancy. . ensure that the time and time zone settings are the same on both ServerA and ServerB. Before starting migration on a redundant server pair. you must verify whether the current time topology is comprehensive enough to distribute time to all the system nodes during a migration. 23 . If you have a time topology for your system. Otherwise. and make the changes so that all the nodes are set to the same time. and all other nodes. due to recent global time zone adjustments. Change the time settings. Migrating HMIWeb custom displays You must use either HMIWeb Display Builder or the Bulk Display Migration tool to migrate all custom HMIWeb displays (.GETTING STARTED WITH MIGRATION HMIWeb Display Builder and HMIWeb custom displays Attention Systems that use customized (user-defined) displays created in Display Builder (. Once a display file has been updated or saved for a newer release.css files • *.com .htm files) should follow these important considerations. Any custom display files may be stored in a user-defined location and may not be migrated forward. you can specify the display release for the file. For example.dsp files) and/or HMIWeb Display Builder (.dsp file). it cannot be displayed on a Station operating on an older release.htm files Migrating Display Builder displays Custom Displays built using Display Builder (. These files may not be migrated as part of the migration process and need to be reinstalled after migration. you must back up and save the following files before starting migration.honeywell. In Display Builder when you save a display (. You must back up any file that contains user-defined information.dsp files) can be made available on an upgraded Experion Station provided that: • The displays are custom displays • The references to server data in the custom displays are limited to point parameters and data in user tables. This allows you to save the display in an old format which would allow you to use the display file with an older release of Station. Not following these recommendations may result in the loss of customized display files. • Point detail displays • Faceplates • *. Hence you must manually save these files before migration and then restore it after migration.htm files) to the new Experion release. After 24 www. (such as customized displays) before starting the migration. For example. when a display file (created in an older release) is opened using a new release of HMIWeb Display Builder. you can use the Bulk Display Migration tool (bulkdisplaymigrator. the file is automatically converted to the new display format by saving the file in the new format.exe). If you want to update the HMIWeb displays in bulk. 25 .htm files) in Station.GETTING STARTED WITH MIGRATION you migrate a node to the new release. you must use either HMIWeb Display Builder or the Bulk Display Migration tool to migrate the display files before you can display the custom or user-defined HMIWeb displays (. refer to the section “Setting up Microsoft Excel data exchange” in the Supplementary Installation Tasks Guide. (click OK to continue and complete the migration). but you may encounter error dialogs during the migration.honeywell. Excel can be installed after migration of the Experion node. Restoring it during migration requires that you install Excel and set up data exchange on the node after the installation or re-installation of the Operating System and before the upgrade/installation of the new release of Experion is started. For information on restoring Excel data exchange on an Experion node. 26 www.com .GETTING STARTED WITH MIGRATION Restoring Excel data exchange Microsoft Excel (if installed) and Excel data exchange can be restored to an Experion node either during or after migration of the node. GETTING STARTED WITH MIGRATION Considerations for canceling the migration There are no critical points for canceling server/client migration as the control system is not operating. 27 . First you must cancel or abort any applications that are running. then load the disk image to the node. If necessary. If you need to restore any server or client node to the base release. you can use a disk image (saved prior to migration) to restore the node to the base release. restore all the migrated nodes to the base release. com .honeywell.GETTING STARTED WITH MIGRATION 28 www. • All the nodes (servers and stations) must be migrated to the target release before the system is restarted and nodes start communicating again. • When migrating non-redundant server systems. you need to remove the computer from the Windows domain and then add again and reestablish the trust relationship. If you restore ServerB from a disk image and ServerB is part of a domain. Related topics “Complete the pre-migration tasks” on page 30 “Migrating ServerB/non-redundant server” on page 38 “Migrating Flex Stations” on page 43 This chapter describes the tasks that you need to perform to complete the migration of Flex Stations. perform all the migration tasks on the non-redundant server. verify if the migration is successful and then proceed with the migration of rest of the nodes. a disk image can make the process easier. • Ensure you have created a disk image of ServerB before you stop it. “Migrating ServerA” on page 45 “Post migration tasks” on page 50 “Troubleshooting Migration” on page 54 29 . After completing ServerB migration. you must migrate ServerB first.Performing the migration Attention • When migrating redundant server systems. If you want to rollback the migration. 3 Click Allow. To change the Experion Windows account passwords 30 1 Log on as a user with Administrator privileges. 4 Select mngr. Ensure that you perform these tasks in the order in which they are described. For more information on creating backup. you must change the password on each node. The Windows mngr account is used by most Experion services and applications to communicate with each other. This image can be used if you need to restore the node to its original condition. 2 Browse to C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Utilities\pwdutil and double-click PWDUtil.honeywell. www. If you are unable to verify the passwords. For example. Verifying the Windows mngr account passwords Although Windows security prevents you from discovering the password for the Windows mngr account. The User Account Control dialog box appears. refer to the Backup and Restore Guide in the PDF Collection. if the password is changed on the server.exe. This means that the password must be the same: • On all Experion computers • For all services that run under the mngr account Considerations • Passwords must be 8 to 14 characters in length and must contain at least one number and at least one alpha character. Creating a disk image of the hard drive Create a disk image (ghost) of the hard drive for the node that is to be migrated.com .PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Complete the pre-migration tasks This section describes the tasks that you need to perform in preparing the system for migration. you can check whether a password is correct by attempting to log on as mngr using that password. Use the Password utility to change Experion Windows account passwords across the Experion system. applications on client computers will no longer be able to connect to the server because they continue to use the old password. If this is not possible. If there are any active errors or alarms. 8 Click OK. • This procedure must be performed using an account with administrator rights. uses these Windows accounts. other than Experion. history archives and other configuration data. 6 Click Go back and change password. The server data includes the Quick Builder Project. unless another application. you must resolve the faults/errors before starting the migration. Attention If the Password utility warns you that an existing Windows account is no longer required. Considerations • This procedure must be performed on the existing Experion server. recipes. Verify that there are no reported errors or active alarms on devices. in the I/O network (not applicable for eServer). 9 Restart the computer. 7 Click Done. Verifying the latest Experion software updates Ensure that the software updates downloaded from the Honeywell Field Solutions Sales & Distribution web site are of the latest version. Verifying the communication network You must ensure that all the communications networks are intact. reports. the data must be saved to the local hard disk before copying it to a removable media. groups. • The server data must be saved in a computer on the same network as the server. trends. You must enable or reinstall the Experion software updates after migrating to the new release.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION 5 Type the new password in the Password and Confirm Password dialog boxes and then click OK. you must delete these Windows accounts. 31 . Installing the migration tool on the server This procedure uses the Experion migration tool to save the server data so that it can be restored during the system migration. custom displays. or in the supervisory communication networks. Double-click dotnetfx35SP1.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Prerequisites • Experion HS R400 installation media • Install DotNet 3.honeywell. 2 Double-click the Server 3 Follow the instructions on-screen to complete the installation. To install the migration tool 1 Using Windows Explorer navigate to the \Server_Migration_Tool directory. 1. 4 If the estimated size is greater than the free disk space on the server (or the destination computer). navigate to the history archive directory which is normally C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Server\Data\Archive. 2. To calculate the disk space 32 1 Using Windows Explorer. For more information on setting up EMSN.exe. www. Setup the EMSN before starting the migration. 4. by adding 400MB to the size of the history archives. In the Experion Application Software DVD. Follow the instructions on-screen to complete the installation. Calculating the disk space You must calculate the disk space required to support the migration of the node. navigate to \Packages \Microsoft\DotNet3. refer to “Creating a shared folder on the EMSN” on page 34.msi file. Experion Migration Storage Node (EMSN) must be setup according to the calculated space requirement.5 directory. 3. then copy the history archive files to a removable media and delete these files from the server before proceeding further. CD\DVD drive\ Server-Client Migration Tool. 2 Right-click the directory and click Properties . 4 Ensure you clear Launch the program check box before you click Finish. 3 Estimate the free disk space required to save the server data.com . Restart the computer.5 SP1 before proceeding with installation of the migration tool. If there are any critical alarms of failures. To view the system alarms 1 Open Station. Disabling file replication before migration You must disable file replication on the node to be migrated. 4 In addition. The network configuration settings are displayed. You must record the Windows network configuration settings for each node in the system. acknowledge all the system alarms. choose Configure > Configuration Tools. and other settings are not saved during migration and must be restored manually after migration. To disable file replication 1 In Station. DNS. 2 On the display page. the Interface Metric. link speed. record your mapped network drives. click File Replication. 2 Choose View > Alarms The Alarm Summary is displayed. Acknowledging all system alarms Prior to migration. 3 Verify that there are no critical alarms or failures. 33 . To record the Windows network configuration settings 1 Open Command Prompt. 3 Print the contents of the Command Prompt window or record these settings. For Experion nodes on a single or dual Ethernet network.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Recording Windows network configuration settings Experion migration does not save and then migrate all Windows network configuration settings for the node. Resolve any alarms that are critical to your system. 2 Type ipconfig/all and press ENTER. resolve the issue and proceed with migration. 3 Change to the mngr security level. so that they can be restored after the migration. review each custom file replication configuration on the computer which uses custom file replication to send files. do the following: a Click Permissions. This information is required to recreate the Windows network shares on each computer required for file replication before re-enabling the custom file replications after the migration. To connect to this shared folder from another computer. OR • Create a local account on the Windows domain. and then click OK. on the node designated as the EMSN. 5 Close Station. 4 In the Share name box. 5 If you have created a local account on the Windows domain to access this shared folder. 2 Right-click the folder and click Sharing and Security. www. b Click Add to locate the local account created on the Windows domain. Creating a shared folder on the EMSN You must create a shared folder on the Experion Migration Storage Node (EMSN) to store the database and configuration information that can be retrieved during the migration. type the name of the share as Backup. 3 Click Share this folder.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION 4 On the file replication page.com . if they are different from the server's share name and path for the same replication. • The computer name. Attention While reinstalling the OS. clear all the Send check boxes. share name. and path on every computer listed as a specific computer (PC) within those custom file replications. and note the following: • The share name and path used for each custom file replication on each Experion server involved in the migration. The EMSN should be created on another system separate from the node to be migrated but within the same network. you can use one of the following options: • Connect as the Administrator of the node designated as the EMSN.honeywell. and assign full control permissions to the shared folder for this user. To create a shared folder on the EMSN 34 1 Create a folder named Backup. 35 . Click Apply and then OK. Running the migration tool on the server Perform the following procedure to copy the files to the Experion Migration Storage Node (EMSN).PERFORMING THE MIGRATION 6 c In the Group or user names list. d In the Permissions list. 2 Choose Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. Prerequisites All the Honeywell applications must be closed before stopping the Experion server. /unload /y and press Enter. e Click OK. 5 In the list of services. right-click Experion PKS Browser Orchestration service. If there is a network connection listed as drive Z: then select this drive and click OK to disconnect the network drive. 6 Click Stop and then Yes to stop both the browser services. The Migration Tool Phase 1 dialog box displays the size of the data to be backed up to the shared directory. To run the migration tool 1 Open Windows Explorer and choose Tools > Disconnect Network Drive. 3 Type hscserver 4 Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services to display the Services window. 7 Close the Services window. This procedure maps the shared directory as drive Z: the backup process will fail if there is another directory already mapped as drive Z. select the account name that you have added. 11 Enter the destination computer name in the EMSN Machine Name box and the shared directory name (Backup) in the EMSN Share box and click Next. 8 Go to the desktop and double-click the Server Migration Tool icon. The dialog box displays the current sever release. 10 Click Next. click Full Control. 9 Click Next in the Experion PKS Migration Tool dialog box. 2 Change to the mngr security level. 4 Check that the backup server (ServerB) is running and that the servers are synchronized. 14 Using Windows Explorer navigate to C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Migrate\Plug-in\HSCServer directory.txt log file.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION 12 Compare this size with the disk space requirement determined previously and if there is sufficient disk space click Next. repeat this procedure from Step 8. and then click OK. 15 Double-click the servermigrationtool_log. click Exit and check the permissions on the shared (Backup) directory. start ServerB to system running status. 3 Choose View > System Status > Server Redundancy to open the Server Redundancy Status display. The permissions must be set to allow Everybody Full Control.com . Attention There is no indication of the progress during the file copying. The migration tool tests the connection to the shared directory and start the file copy operations. 6 If ServerB is running.honeywell. 5 If ServerB is not running. Wait for the final dialog box to be displayed and then click Exit. Repeat this procedure from Step 8. enter the user name and password for an account that has administrator rights on the destination computer. 36 www. To check the synchronization status 1 Log on to Station running on ServerA. 13 On the Connect to EMSN login dialog box. Disabling antivirus software You must disable any virus protection software and stop all virus protection related services on the system you are migrating. If the log file contains error or failure messages. If this step fails. click Synchronize. however the servers are not synchronized. Checking the synchronization status Ensure that you check the synchronization status before starting the migration. c In the Startup type box. b In the General tab. 2 Click Continue. The Properties dialog box appears. The User Account Control dialog box appears.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION To disable antivirus software 1 Choose Start > Programs > McAfee > VirusScan Console. 4 Clear Prevent McAfee services from being stopped check box. perform the following steps: a Right-click McAfee Framework Service and click Properties. d Click Apply.msc and click OK. 8 Type services. 6 Close the VirusScan Console window. 10 To disable the antivirus software. click Stop. 3 In the VirusScan Console window. Repeat the steps 9a through 9d for McAfee McShield and McAfee Task Manager Services. choose Task > Properties. The Access Protection Properties dialog box appears. 37 . select Disabled. 9 Click Continue. The Services window appears. and then click OK. 7 Choose Start > Run. 5 Click Apply and then click OK. The User Account Control dialog box appears. Close Windows applications You must close all Windows applications before starting migration. Complete the pre-migration tasks to ensure that the Experion system is ready for migration. 3. 38 www. Clean install Experion HS R400 using Experion Application Software DVD.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Migrating ServerB/non-redundant server This chapter describes the tasks that you need to perform to complete the migration of ServerB/non-redundant server. 2.com . you need to reinstall. refer to the section Installing Experion HS Server/Installing Experion HS client software in the Experion HS R400 Software Installation User's Guide. Install Windows 7 Professional Edition (32-bit) English version using the appropriate OS media. Refer to the OEM documentation for more information on installing the OS. and configure the antivirus software. Reinstalling antivirus software After the migration.honeywell. return to this section to proceed with the migration. For installing Experion Experion HS R400. if any. Migrating Experion Vista R301/HS R301 to Experion HS R400 To migrate a node operating with Experion Vista R301/HS R301 to Experion HS R400 you must: 1. Configure the Operating System. Install the antivirus software updates that you have downloaded and saved to a removable media. Refer to the section Preparing for installation in the Experion HS R400 Software Installation User's Guide. Attention After completing Experion HS R400 installation. 4 Click OK. you must update the path to these custom setup files so that they can be accessed when the Station is launched. To update the custom setup files 1 Open Station. these files can be opened and displayed accurately in station. 2 Choose Tools > Options. Once migrated. choose Start > All Programs > Honeywell Experion PKS > Server > HMIWeb Display builder . 4 Edit reference in Menu. Prerequisites The Autosave option must be disabled in HMIWeb Display Builder before you update your display files.htm) and shape (. 5 Close HMIWeb Display Builder.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Updating custom setup files If the system uses custom setup files (*. toolbar and keyboard shortcuts: to display proper reference for currently installed Experion release. clear the Save AutoRecover info every minute check box.sha) files to a new version. 3 Click the Toolbars tab. This section describes the use of the Bulk Display Migration tool to update/migrate custom display (. 3 On the General tab. To disable the Autosave option 1 On the node. 5 Click the Displays tab. 7 Click Save to save the changes and close the dialog box. 2 Choose Station > Connection Properties. Updating display files Migrate the custom display htm files You must run the HMIWeb Bulk Display Migrator tool to the abstract folder or any folder containing custom displays to migrate the displays after migrating the server and client nodes.stn) in Station and you migrate the system to a new release. 6 Edit search reference for the current release. 39 . go to C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Client \HMIWeb Display Builder. you need to manually restore them after performing the migration process.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION To update the display files 1 On the client node.com . Prerequisites • 40 This procedure must be performed after installing the Experion HS R400 server software. The server data includes the custom displays. Restoring and migrating the server database This procedure restores the server data that was saved to the Experion Migration Storage Node (EMSN). recipes. Restore Windows network configuration settings The Windows network configuration settings for the system may have not been saved or restored during migration. “Windows network configuration settings”. 4 Browse to the abstract folder(C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion that contains any custom display (.exe and click Run As Administrator. Refer to the section. history archives and other configuration data. reports. Attention Be sure to enable the autosave option (if desired) after the display files have been updated. back up all directories that contain the display files. www. 3 Re-map the paths to network drives previously configured on the system. trends.htm) files. To restore the Windows network configuration settings 1 Obtain the printout or log of the configuration settings recorded before migration of the server. 2 Enter the configuration values in the appropriate Windows dialog boxes.honeywell. PKS \Client\Abstract) 5 Click Go to run the bulk Display Migration tool on these folders to update the display files. groups. 3 Right—click BulkDisplayMigrator. 2 On the server. Restore and migrate the server database 1 Using Windows Explorer navigate to the C:\Backup\ServerData folder.TSV files from C:\Backup\ . 2 Using Windows Explorer copy the files from C:\Backup\ . 4 Using Windows Explorer copy the . Copying the restored files to the new directories 1 Using Windows Explorer copy the files from C:\Backup\ .. Moving the files from the EMSN to the new server • Copy the shared folder (Backup) in the EMSN to the C:\ drive on the new server. Select Skip for files and directories that already exist. 2 Choose Start > All Programs > Honeywell Experion PKS > Server > Diagnostic Tools > Experion Command Prompt > . /load /y at the command prompt and press Enter. If a file open error is displayed. 41 . the restore failed as the data file was not found at the specified path. \HSCServer \Report to C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Server\Data\Report.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Attention Considerations • If the new system has redundant servers. 3 Type the hscserver 4 Type the following command at the command prompt using the full path name from Step 1 and the \data enclosed in quotes. For example: “C:\Backup\Honeywell Experion PKS\Migrate\ServerName \HSCServer\ServerData\data” sysbld -restore “path\data” -y 5 Review the output in the command window for errors.. Do not copy the MasterLogic controller displays (prefixed ML). \HSCServer \Archive0 to C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Server\Data. \HSCServer \ServerData\OPCIntegrator to C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS \Server\Data\OPCIntegrator. file DATA open error 0209 at Backup open error 0209 path DATA EVFARC initialize error 0209 The file or directory was not found. • This procedure must be performed using an account with administrator rights. For example.. 3 Using Windows Explorer copy the files from C:\Backup\ . These displays are included in the MLDP interface installation. perform this procedure on the primary server. \HSCServer \CustomDisplays1 to C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Client \Abstract.. \HSCServer \ServerData\qdb to C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Server\Data \qdb. PKS \Server\data Updating the Quick Builder database You must open Quick Builder and/or the Quick Builder project to update the database file.honeywell. Attention • When you open Configuration Studio for the first time after migration. Do not click cancel during this migration process and allow the wizard to complete its task. \HSCServer \ServerData\scripts to C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Server \Data\scripts. 42 www.. See the Quick Builder Guide in Knowledge Builder for more information.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION 5 Using Windows Explorer copy the files from C:\Backup\ .. – the Quick Builder migration wizard is launched to migrate the database file. 7 Create ExceptionHistory folder in the C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion directory.com . 6 Using Windows Explorer copy the files from C:\Backup\ . Configure the Operating System. you need to reinstall. 2. if any. Reinstalling antivirus software After the migration. 3. For installing Experion Experion HS R400. refer to the section Installing Experion HS Server/Installing Experion HS client software in the Experion HS R400 Software Installation User's Guide.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Migrating Flex Stations This chapter describes the tasks that you need to perform to complete the migration of Flex Stations. Install Windows 7 Professional Edition (32-bit) English version using the appropriate OS media. Refer to the OEM documentation for more information on installing the OS. Install the antivirus software updates that you have downloaded and saved to a removable media. Clean install Experion HS R400 using Experion Application Software DVD. Attention After completing Experion HS R400 installation. return to this section to proceed with the migration. 43 . Close Windows applications You must close all Windows applications before starting migration. Refer to the section Preparing for installation in the Experion HS R400 Software Installation User's Guide. and configure the antivirus software. Migrating Experion Vista R301/HS R301 to Experion HS R400 To migrate a node operating with Experion Vista R301/HS R301 to Experion HS R400 you must: 1. honeywell.com . if any. • Reapplied any customizations to the standard station menus. 2 Enter the configuration values in the appropriate Windows dialog boxes. • Reapplied the configuration settings of station setup file. do not proceed further with the migration. local user accounts or local security policies. Refer to the section. • Reapplied any customizations to the standard system displays.\Windows\station. 44 • Recreated the custom local user security groups. if any. To restore the Windows network configuration settings 1 Obtain the printout or log of the configuration settings recorded before migration of the server.ini). if any. • Required modifications are made to the custom displays that are migrated.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Restore Windows network configuration settings The Windows network configuration settings for the system may have not been saved or restored during migration. • Reapplied any changes to the station configuration file (. you need to manually restore them after performing the migration process.. Considerations after migrating a Flex station If the migrate Flex Station task cannot be completed successfully. www. Ensure you have completed the following tasks after migrating from Experion Vista R301/HS R301 to Experion HS R400. 3 Re-map the paths to network drives previously configured on the system. • Reapplied any configurations that needs to be applied to the Operator accounts that were linked to Windows user accounts. “Windows network configuration settings”. While migrating the remaining Flex Stations. return to this section to proceed with the migration. and the order in which these tasks must be performed. Refer to the section Preparing for installation in the Experion HS R400 Software Installation User's Guide. Migrating remaining Flex Stations Migrate the remaining Flex Stations before migrating ServerA. the two servers (ServerB and ServerA) are synchronized and operate as redundant servers running on the new release software. Refer to the OEM documentation for more information on installing the OS. Attention After completing Experion HS R400 installation. including all SCADA points. Install Windows 7 Professional Edition (32-bit) English version using the appropriate OS media. Configure the Operating System. Clean install Experion HS R400 using Experion Application Software DVD. The following sections describes the tasks that you need to perform. For installing Experion Experion HS R400. Migrating Experion Vista R301/HS R301 to Experion HS R400 To migrate a node operating with Experion Vista R301/HS R301 to Experion HS R400 you must: 1. ensure that you have moved all the points. 45 . to ServerB. 2. 3. refer to the section Installing Experion HS Server/Installing Experion HS client software in the Experion HS R400 Software Installation User's Guide. Close Windows applications You must close all Windows applications before starting migration.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Migrating ServerA Migrate ServerA only when you are satisfied with the operation of the migrated ServerB and clients. Once ServerA is migrated. 6 Edit search reference for the current release. and configure the antivirus software. Attention Do not proceed further with the migration if the installation of any software on ServerA cannot be completed successfully. see the Software Installation User's Guide. 5 Click the Displays tab. ensure that the installation of all software on ServerA is completed successfully.com .honeywell. Reinstalling antivirus software After the migration. you must update the path to these custom setup files so that they can be accessed when the Station is launched. 7 Click Save to save the changes and close the dialog box. 2 Choose Station > Connection Properties. 3 Click the Toolbars tab. Setting up time synchronization After completing the migration. you need to install Honeywell software updates. Install the antivirus software updates that you have downloaded and saved to a removable media.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Proceeding with migration In the procedures that follow. Before you proceed with these procedures. if any. 4 Edit reference in Menu. toolbar and keyboard shortcuts: to display proper reference for currently installed Experion release. Updating custom setup files If the system uses custom setup files (*. To update the custom setup files 46 1 Open Station.stn) in Station and you migrate the system to a new release. For more information on setting up time synchronization. you need to synchronize the time between the node and the time server. you need to reinstall. www. 47 . 5 On the Server Redundancy Status display on the primary server. you need to manually restore them after performing the migration process. It should now show as backup. 4 Ensure that backup server is started. Checking the server status On ServerA. 2 Enter the configuration values in the appropriate Windows dialog boxes. When the server database on the backup server is identical to the database on the primary server. To restore the Windows network configuration settings 1 Obtain the printout or log of the configuration settings recorded before migration of the server. “Windows network configuration settings”. the LEDs in the Link Status group should change from red to green and indicate the following: 6 • Running • Link n (LINK0n) Click Synchronize to synchronize the servers.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Restore Windows network configuration settings The Windows network configuration settings for the system may have not been saved or restored during migration. To synchronize the server databases 1 Start Experion on the primary server and connect a Station to it. Refer to the section. Synchronizing the server databases Synchronization is the process of copying the Experion server database from the primary server to the backup server. 3 Choose View > System Status > Server Redundancy. the servers are said to be synchronized. The Server Redundancy Status display opens. 2 Change to the mngr security level. ensure that you change the Experion server status to system running. 3 Re-map the paths to network drives previously configured on the system. Synchronization in large systems takes considerable time to complete.def file for the server. Prerequisites You must manually and locally create the appropriate Windows network shares on each source and destination computer before configuring custom replications on the Experion server. The synchronization indicator (the first LED in the Backup Server group) should change from red to green. while the synchronization in small systems takes only up to 10 minutes. open C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion \flbkup.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION The Experion database on the primary server is automatically copied to the backup server. under the General heading. To enable file backups after migration 1 48 On the server.def in a text editor such as Notepad. choose Configure > Configuration Tools. To enable file replication 1 In Station. Enabling file replication This section describes how to enable file replication for the migrated servers/clients. see the ‘Configuring File Replication’ section in the Server and Client Configuration Guide in Knowledge Builder. and the text should change from Not synchronized to Synchronized. Enabling file backup (flbkup.def) This procedure describes how to enable file backups on the server by editing the file flbkup. 4 Close Station. click File Replication.honeywell. After migration you must enable any file backups in the flbkup. The time taken to synchronize depends on the size of your system. www. After migration.def. 2 On the display page. as intended for use in each custom replication. 3 Select all Send check boxes on the file replication page.com PKS\server\Data . you must restore the file replication settings so that file replication is enabled on the nodes. For more information about configuring these Windows network shares. Tip Receive is no longer available at this point. Building the assets and alarm groups Experion HS has a simplified version of the Enterprise Model. Refer to the flbkup. 6 Configure the properties of the asset/alarm group. To build the assets and alarm groups 1 Open Configuration Studio. or In the alarm group model tree. The Enterprise Assets or Alarm Groups dialog box appears. the Asset configuration is preserved during the migration. 3 In the tasks window. 5 Type the name of the asset or alarm group and click OK. (system model. click Enterprise Model. The Assets Builder/Alarm Group Builder dialog box appears. Note that performing this procedure loads the entire system enterprise model. asset model. right-click on the parent for the new alarm group and click Add Alarm Group.def file saved to the remote location before migration and add any user-defined file backups from this file to the new filbkup. 4 In the asset model tree. 4 Close the text editor. and alarm groups) to servers. click Build Assets or Build Alarm Groups.def file. 3 Save the file.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION 2 Review the file and re-apply any backup requests disabled previously by placing an S at the start of the line. 49 . This topic describes how to load the assets and alarm group models located in the Enterprise Model to servers. The new asset/alarm group appears as a child of the parent asset/alarm group. right-click on the parent for the new asset and click Add Asset. 2 In the Configuration Explorer tab of Configuration Studio. honeywell. Ensure that ServerA is running as primary and ServerB as backup. the LEDs must change from red to green and indicate the following: • Backup server is green.com . • Link On (LINKOn) is OK. In the message zone. To check the server states 1 Log on to Station running on ServerA. Click Synchronize to synchronize the servers. 3. 50 www. Click Manual failover. 3 Choose View > System Status > Server Redundancy to open the Server Redundancy Status display. choose View > System Status > Server Redundancy to open the Server Redundancy Status display on the primary Experion server. click Yes. 5. Option Description If ServerA is running as primary Ensure that the servers are synchronized.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Post migration tasks Perform the following tasks to complete the migration of the nodes. 2 Change to the mngr security level. In the Link Status group. and ServerB as backup If ServerB is running as primary 1. From Station. Ensure that the servers are synchronized. 6. Changing the ServerA to primary Ensure that you check the server states after completing migration. and ServerA as backup 2. 4. Perform steps 5 through 9 in the Experion nodes that are added to the domain. an error might occur. (If you start synchronization immediately after the failover. 5 Choose Start > All Programs > Accessories and right-click Command Prompt and click Run as an Administrator. 9 Click OK in the confirmation dialog box and follow the instructions on-screen to complete the configuration.msi. cd C:\Program Files\Honeywell\WkStaSecurity The Command prompt displays the following path: C:\Program Files\Honeywell\WkStaSecurity 8 To link the domain groups. and then Yes to resynchronize the databases.vbs and press Enter. 51 . 3 Select Experion Security Policy in the list of installed programs and click Uninstall. browse to \Packages\dcsecurity folder and doubleclick Honeywell security model – domain controller.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Option Description 7. The Control Panel appears. type LinkDomainGroups. 2 Click Programs and Features. 6 In the UAC. 7 In the Command Prompt. click Continue.) Installing the Domain Controller package To install the domain controller package 1 Insert the Experion installation media in the disk drive of the domain controller node. 4 Click Finish. type the following and press Enter. To remove the domain controller package 1 Choose Start > Control Panel on the domain controller node. 3 Follow the instructions on-screen to proceed with the installation. After a few minutes. The InstallShield Wizard Completed dialog box appears. click Synchronize. 2 Using Windows Explorer. you must upgrade the Windows operating system on that domain controller. Upgrading a Windows domain controller If your Experion system is part of a Windows domain. • Refer to the Experion Software Installation User's guide for more information on adding a node to a Windows domain.microsoft. seehttp://support.325379. or product hardware change) during migration • you have RSLinx installed on your system. visit “http://www.software. 52 www. any customizations made to the GPOs must be recreated once the new domain security package is installed. Importing the EDS files You must import the EDS files. and userdefined security policies.rockwell.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Attention Honeywell-provided Group Policy Objects (GPOs) are over-written when the new domain controller security package is installed. in case • you have performed an Operating System change (install. rather than modifying the Honeywell-provided GPOs. For more information. Re-establishing Engineering user groups If the system has custom local user groups. For more information about the recommended operating system upgrade procedures. Users should create their own GPOs for settings they want to customize. Adding a node to a Windows domain • The procedure to add a node to a Windows domain is applicable only if you want your computer to be assigned to a Windows domain. refer to the section “Considerations for Local Windows groups and local user accounts” on page 16 .honeywell.com”.com/default. Therefore.en-us.aspx?scid=kb.com . For more information. custom local user accounts. and that Windows domain is running an unsupported version of Windows operating system. ensure that local Windows groups and local user accounts are re-established on the migrated Experion nodes. reinstall. This facilitates communication between MLPLC and the Experion server. 53 .PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Configuring MLServer Configuration Tool If you are using MasterLogic channel. The IP address must be configured on the primary server. you must reconfigure the IP address for MLPLC in the MLServer Configuration Tool. perform the following steps to correct the computer name displayed in Configuration Studio. the migration application can be restarted and resumed from the last operation. Attention If you encounter errors while using the migration tool. open the file. The migration application should launch and resume from the last operation completed. You need to restart the migration tool to continue with the migration. After you acknowledge the error.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Troubleshooting Migration Restarting the migration application If you find that migration application must be stopped to correct an error. the system restarts. nothing is lost and migration resumes from the point where it stopped. If you have changed the computer name. To restart the migration application. To correct the computer name 1 Choose Start > All Programs > Honeywell Experion PKS > Server > Diagnostic Tools > Experion Command Prompt.com .honeywell. C:\Out. In most cases. acknowledge the errors. ensure that the computer name is not changed after reinstalling the Operating System. eject the installation media from the disk drive and then re-insert it. 5 Search and replace the old computer name with the new computer name to update the following entries: <BlockName> ComputerName </BlockName> <EntityName> ComputerName </EntityName> <ParamName> NODENAME </ParamName> <ParamValue> “ComputerName” </ParamValue> 54 www. Correcting the computer name displayed in Configuration Studio When performing a migration with Operating System reinstallation.xml –SYSTEM Wait for the command to complete. 2 Change the directory to C:\Program \Run.xml. 3 Type the following command at the Experion Command Prompt: Files\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Server EMBCKBUILDER c:\Out. 4 In Notepad. PERFORMING THE MIGRATION Attention Note: If this node is a part of the redundant pair. 7 Save the file and close Notepad.xml –FORCE Wait for the command to complete. 8 Type the following command in the Experion Command Prompt: EMBUILDER C:\Out. 6 Check the server redundancy setting: <ParamName> REDUNDANT </ParamName> <ParamValue> OFF </ParamValue> This setting must be OFF for a non-redundant server and ON for a redundant server. then the new computer name is its base name without the suffix A or B. 55 . com .honeywell.PERFORMING THE MIGRATION 56 www.
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