Expending Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Farming in Biofloc System

March 20, 2018 | Author: veliger2009 | Category: Aquaculture, Agriculture, Nature



ASIAN - PACIFIC AQUACULTURE 2011Expending Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Farming in Biofloc System Nyan Taw Kochi, India 17-20 January 2011 Introduction Shrimp farming has become competitive and as such the technology utilized needs to be efficient in all aspects – productivity, quality, sustainability, bio-security and to be in line with market demand. BFT (Biofloc) system is at present highly sought technology for Pacific white shrimp culture due to high efficiency, productivity, sustainability and with lower FCR. The basic system of bio-floc technology was given by Avnimelech (2000, 2005a&b). The system was successfully applied in commercial culture of shrimps by McIntosh (2000a,b & c, 2001), McNeil (2000), Nyan Taw (2005, 2006, 2009), Nyan Taw & Saenphon Ch. (2005); Saenphon Ch. et.al. (2005). BFT in combination with partial harvest was presented at WA 2009 in Veracruz, Mexico and on Potential of BTF at Asia Pacific Aquaculture 2009 in KL by Nyan Taw (2009). Recently, Avnimelech (2009) published a book entitled “Biofloc Technology: A Practical Guide Book” . Very recently Nyan Taw (2010) published an article in GAA on expansion of biofloc technology in white shrimp farms. Studies on raceway nursery and super intensive zero water exchange systems were carried out by Somacha (2002 & 2009). Basic Concept of Biofloc Technology Yoram Avnimelech, 2000, 2005 Figure 1 Data on feed protein utilization • • • • ASP Tilapia ponds (Avnimelech) 45% ASP ShConventional fish, shrimp ponds 20-25% Srimp ponds (McIntosh) 45% Closed shrimp tanks (Velasco) 63% • ASP shrimp ponds, 15N study Michele Burford et al. N consumption 18-29% of total Figure 2 O. 2005) . bacteria. exoskeleton. protest and invertebrates. macroalgae. fecal pellets. vannamie Brown Green & Tilapia) : It is possible that microbial protein has a higher availability than feed protein (Yoram.. (Decamp.The „Biofloc (Floc) FLOC COMMUNITIES AND SIZE 100 µ The biofloc Defined as macroaggregates – diatoms. et al 2002) As Natural Feed (filter feeders – L. remains of dead organisms. 4. 5.over 130 – 150 PL10/m2 High aeration – 28 to 32 HP/ha PWAs Paddle wheel position in ponds HDPE / Concrete lined ponds Grain (pellet) Molasses Expected production 20–25 MT/ha/crop 200 100 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 Feed & grain application and biofloc High aeration High density Dark Vannamei Grain pellet Bioflocs Red Vannamei . 6 7. 2.Basic of BFT in Shrimp Farming 1. 3. High stocking density . Bacterial Floc PWA 15 HP ( 7 x 1HP and 4 x 2HP ) 1 I 2 3 4 NOTE : PWA 1 HP H PWA 2 HP Rope G F E D C B A Siphoning Paddle Wheels position .Pond Operation High Aeration Feeding Vannamei . Sampling Method Measuring procedure 1 liter / 2 places/ 15 cm deep/ between 10-12 am Let it settled for 15-20 minutes Read density of flocs in cone (ml/l) . Grain Pellet and Biofloc 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .Feed . general view at surface Brown biofloc Green biofloc .Control Biofloc Black gill Black biofloc Biofloc. Fuentes y exigencias de C. N. Cadena alimentaria/ M.. nitrificantes. Mauricio Emerenciano ... disuelta Kind courtesy of Mr. manejo y aplicaciones de los sistemas superintensivos en la Acuacultura Diatomeas. Heterotróficas.. etc. “nativas”.... etc Microalgas bacteria Dinámica y intereracción. Fotos: Yoram Avnimelech Bottom-up/top-down.O...Bio-FlocTechnology (BFT): avances.. 6 hectare Pond type Fully HDPE lined Aeration input 48 HP of PWA System Heterotrophic zero water exchange Production 13. vannamei Mexican strain Pond size 1.Belize.500 kg/ha/crop Carrying capacity 550 kg shrimp/HP of PWAs .ponds BELIZE SHRIMP FARM (McIntosh. Central America Biofloc system culture Belize Aqua Ltd – A view Belize Aqua Ltd . 2000b&c) L. Farms Using Bio-floc Technology in Indonesia Medan Bangka Dipasena Bali CPB CP Lampung Anyer East Java . Shrimp Farms in Indonesia where BFT was applied Global Medan CPB Lampung Global Medan Bali . 0 15.29 (number of ponds = 46) TRIAL.02.4 2.04.>12. Biomass 9. M BW 16.0 Number of pond 30.0 3. FCR 1.0 %.07.9 Production range (kg/5000m 2) R&D.905 kg. Biomass 9.5 3.9 8.21 (number of ponds = 131) .05. M BW 16. Trail & Commercial Floc System Production R&D.0 25.5 %.9 10.41 g.09. SR 81.7 %.0 10.0 20.557 kg.0 2.R&D.9 9.Production Performance TD . M BW 16. Biomass 10.06. FCR 1.03. Density 140 pcs/m2 .9 4.0 < 2. Density 100-200 pcs/m2.0 0.54.9 6.9 11. FCR 1. SR 85. SR 87.0 10.56 g.2005 40.9 7.42 (number of ponds = 13) CCP.0 35.082 kg. Density 130 pcs/m2 (standard).08.0. Trial and Company Commercial Ponds Period 2003 .0 5.53.99 g. 86 20.39 17.12 86.35 680* 1.963 38.50 1.615 26.461 19.962 1.60 75.23 17.180 0.52 16 (PW) 27 (PW) 100 5896 m2 2 Bio Floc 18 (PW) 31 (PW) 145 5896 m2 3 5 2.11 102.13 17.00 5940 m2 Final 130 11.14 17.28 Final 1 2 127 108 121 11.455 1.54 18.51 16.484 0.448 1.1 84.41 Final 127 5.219 0.545 26.475 93 75 62 56 53 10.108 999 52 56 50 19.59 1.012 47 21.87 Final 1 2 3 4 5 155 84 99 113 127 134 7.871 2.371 49.61 20.07 80.20 14.95 86.508 22.75 13.86 18.00 1 2 110 124 1.043 47 86 74 61 57 54 21.63 13.13 88.8 680* 551 82.386 24.95 18. et al.849 29.192 924 1.400 2. 2008 .50 1.54 680* 1.56 1.177 50 20.28 11.26 16.52 Final 155 6.400 54 18.124 12.58 1.35 Nyan Taw.910 0.54 Final 130 5.72 560* 720 680* 739 680* 807 Kg/Ha GP 11.560 0.July 2008) Pond/size System 1 Phyto Energy Input ( Pond ) ( Ha ) Density ( M2 ) Harvest Partial Biomas (Kg) 1 DoC 118 434 47 21.027 2.439 0 13.896 1.48 1.500 m2 6 Bio Floc Bio Floc Bio Floc Bio Floc 18 (PW) 30 (PW) 16 (PW) 34 (PW) 9 (PW) 3 (BL) 7 (PW) 3 (BL) 36 (PW) 12 (BL) 28 (PW) 12 (BL) 146 257 280 145 2500 m2 9 (PW) 7 2500 m2 Bio Floc 3 (BL) 36 (PW) 12 (BL) 145 FCR Production Size No/kg MBW (gr) Kg/Pd SR Energy Efficiency -kg/HP Feed (%) Std Capacity Efficiency 1.10 100.092 1.587 2.229 0.460 0.279 47 21.53 1.28 1 2 110 124 892 323 61 57 16.28 4 4704 m2 1 2 3 4 5 85 99 113 127 134 1.18 Final 1 2 131 109 122 10.39 17.016 43 59 55 23.031 6.166 367 51 49 19.324 1.10 680* 655 6.Global Medan Partial Harvest/Biofloc Performance Partial Harvest Performance with Bio Floc Technology (February .33 16. 500 kg 172/m2 121 79 17.89 1.374 kg 18.400/kg Based on report from Suri Tani Pemuka.493 kg 12.61 2.225 kg B2 2.57 1.645 kg C2 600m2 152/m2 135 89 21.533 kg 16.6 7.500m2 152/m2 147 81 24.750 kg Singaraja.700 kg 141/m2 118 77 17.000m2 167/m2 125 85 18.19 1. Indonesia Pond Pond size PL tebar DoC SR % ABW FCR Harvest/pond Harvest/ha B3 2.248 kg 26.45 2.566 kg 18.36 1.52 1.5 1.005 kg 24.51 8. 8 September 2009 Java.58 1.500m2 134/m2 125 84 20.725 kg 28.65 7.232 kg 23.695 kg 22.645 kg 28.55 1.63 6.12 1.304 kg 25. Indonesia using Biofloc Technology Karang Asem. Bali.27 1.3 6.3 1. Suritjo Setio.020 kg Global group demo ponds in Bali on BFT Courtesy of Mr.000m2 167/m2 126 93 18.59 6.15 1. Indonesia (Avnimelech 2009) Pond Pond size PL tebar DoC SR % ABW FCR Harvest/pond Harvest/ha D6 D5 D8 D7 D9 D4 115/m2 113 85 16.42 5.Shrimp Farms at Java & Bali.400 kg 139/m2 108 75 15.18 1.75 6. Indonesia C3 600m2 152/m2 147 91 24.14 1.739 kg 14.37 8.969 kg A3 2. Indonesia Pond Pond size PL tebar DoC SR % ABW FCR Harvest/pond Harvest /ha A2 2.300 kg 115/m2 121 106 15.44 5.39 1.7 1.212 kg B4 2.361 kg . Bali.235 kg C1 600m2 152/m2 147 92 24.08 2 5.214 kg 16.39 1.464 kg B3 2.500m2 152/m2 147 85 24.600m2 129/m2 125 91 20.36 5.000m2 167/m2 91* 62 12.781 kg B1 2.Performance .943 kg 32.018 kg 33.600 kg 176/m2 121 53 20.256 kg 11. Blue Archipelago.4 km offshore . Malaysia Biosecure modular system with BFT Biofloc 250 & 1000 micron screen net Seawater Intake – 2. 31 17.514 16.00 HDPE Dyke 0.77 DOC (days) FCR (x) ADG (gr/day) Avg Harvest tonnage (kg) Production (Kg/Ha) Prod per power input (Kg/Hp) 20 0.8 Ha Biofloc Full HDPE 0.616 22.8 ha HDPE Conven 0.18 0.8 ha HDPE Dyke 2 19 119 PWA Energy (Hp) 14 24 Stocking Density 130 110 83 90 101 111 SR (%) 89.16 9.00 6.00 Blue Archipelago.950 9.35 83.4 ha HDPE Semi-Biofloc 0.78 18.00 4.00 2.4 Ha HDPE Dyke 0.39 1.006 12. Malaysia 20.58 1.4 Ha Semi-Biofloc HDPE Full 0.21 0.00 12.00 5.80 1.Arca Biru Farm Performance HDPE Full and Dyke Lined Pond 25.188 12.00 16.00 Gm 10.8 Ha PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE OF ARCA BIRU FARM Production Parameter No of Ponds System/size/type Biofloc 0.019 643 540 481 20.00 14.00 Metric ton (MT/Ha) Arca Biru Sdn Bhd Shrimp Farm 15.00 18.00 40 50 Density 80 (Dike) 60 70 80 Days Density 110 (Full) 90 100 110 Density 130 Biofloc .16 81.19 MBW (gr) 18.00 8.00 10. First phase of the three phase culture system.Bio-floc in Raceways/Wet Lab Experiments. 5. Nursery–nursed for 1 to 2 weeks then to GO Super-intensive /intensive culture (to market size) Broodstock production – culture to broodstock size (45 – 50 gm). Trials & Growout 1. 3. Broodstock testing– trials for quality of broodstock family lines (two to four months ). 2. 4. . 893 21.16 0.001 FCR Survival rate (%) ADG (g/day) Nyan Taw.al Role of R&D … World Aquaculture 2005 Bali .2 2.0 66 88 0.8 18.2 1.7 Period (days) 57 90 Harvest Biomass (kg) 374 151 Final MBW (g) 13.4 1.9 1.1 Productivity (kg/ha) 51. et.Raceway Technology Biofloc Trials .Nursery & GO Description Stocking Density (pcs/m2) 550 Pond 130 2 2 Initial MBW (g) 4.19 Productivity (kg/m2) 5. Indonesia The raceway system with biofloc is being applied for trials for L.Raceway trials in BFT Global Group Raceways at Anyer. vannamei broodstock family selection. . Wet Laboratory – Trial Tanks Global Group facility at Anyer. Shrimp feed trials using transferred Biofloc Small scale experiments at request Freshwater tolerance experiments Nursery stage experiments . 4. 3. Indonesia 1. 2. 000l outdoor bio-floc lined tanks) UMDI. Mauricio Emerenciano .000l indoor bio-floc lined tanks) Kind courtesy of Mr.Bio-Floc experimental device (twenty-four 40l plastic tanks) Bio-floc control Outdoor (six-teen 20. Sisal UNAM-México Indoor (Six 12. Potential of BFT – PERU Lined and covered Piura .Intensive with freshwater covered Piura -Inside covered pond Grain Tumbes-Extensive with SW Piura Intensive FW Nursery . Potential for BFT – GUATEMALA Lined with high energy input Pasca Shrimp Farm 1 . covered & high energy input Covered ponds Inside covered & lined ponds Covered ponds Inside covered & lined ponds .Potential for BFT – CHINA Lined. 000 20.000 40.000 35.000 5. Indo 2009 Max Record Kg/ha BAB Malaysia 2010 BAB Malaysia 2010 Trial .000 30.000 0 Belize.000 45.000 10.000 25.Development of BFT (Productivity) 50. Indo America 2000 2003-05 2008 Java.000 15. C Lampung Indo Medan. Indo 2008 Commercial Kg/ha N Bali. Bio-security very good (from water) – to date WSSV negative using the system.0 g than normal system FCR low – between 1. 3.Advantages/ Disadvantages Advantages 1. 4. Production (Carrying capacity): 5-10% better than normal system Shrimp size bigger by about 2. 2. High energy input – paddlewheels 28HP/ha.0 to 1. 3. Power failure critical – maximum one hour at any time (better zero hour failure) Full HDPE lined ponds – minimum semi-HDPE lined Technology similar but more advance – need to train technicians .3 (without GP) Production cost lower by around 15-20 %. 6. Disadvantages 1. 4. 2. Zero water exchange – less than 100% exchange for whole culture period. 5. Sergio Nates Dec 2006 . Thank You Nyan Taw .
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