Executive Summary_SWDI Scoreboard_Analysis Per Indicator_PhotoDocs Paombong

June 15, 2018 | Author: obe | Category: Poverty, Poverty & Homelessness, Employment, Economies, Society



I.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Based on the Barangay survey held last 2011, Paombong, has a total population of 59,053 and has 11,615 households properly distributed in 14 barangay namely Binakod, Kapitangan, Malumot, Masukol, Pinalagdan, Poblacion, San Isidro I, San Isidro II, San Jose, San Roque, San Vicente, Santa Cruz, Santo Niño and Santo Rosario. Out of the given number households there are 1,585 identified poor households in the said municipality but during the validation of potential beneficiaries, Paombong come-up with first set, named as set 3 which consist of 434 households then followed by set 6 consist of 805 households with a total number of 1,239 registered clean and active households. The remaining 346 households did not come during community assembly. Others do not have eligible children for monitoring, inclusion error, duplicated, and missing. The agency served the 1,239 households in Paombong. Consist of 80 Male and 1,159 Female Grantees. Majority of Pantawid Pamilya Level of Well-being beneficiaries are classified in level 2 which is equivalent to 699 households that had income and capacities enough only to purchase the basic food needs 7% of each family member. But no excess income for emergency fund and spared savings because most of them are irregular job earners. These 38% families are in need of assistance for LEVEL 1 better employment or extra livelihood LEVEL 2 for additional income. The 93 LEVEL 3 households in level 1 do not have the income or the means (employment and 55% education) to buy the country’s prescribed meal set necessary to sustain a family member on a daily basis. These families need dole out cash assistance as much as they need capacity building for future employment; free access to health care facilities and free education. There are 491 households in level 3 these are provided with basic food needs at the least, are healthy and are educated. They can support the entire family through employment or livelihood and can be considered to be the least among the Pantawid families to be needing assistance from the government and other external parties. Since, the commitment of different stakeholders to the identified gaps on Social Welfare Development Indicators conducted last August 2-4, 2016 at Crown Legacy Hotel, Baguio City the municipality achieved 90.13% accomplishment rating from the target of 2016. Aside from physical factors like different programs and activities to address the gaps, intangible qualities attributed to its success i.e. good communication, coordination, collaboration, proper channeling, and securing that the identified gaps/beneficiaries are the target of such programs and projects. The following are the different activities/programs/project/initiatives to address the gaps; Employment facilitation by PESO, SEA-K by Mayor’s Office, Capital Assistance by SLP, Cash for work, Emergency Relief Assistance, Social Pension, Medical Mission, Supplemental Feeding, Enrollment to partner bank (SAS Bank), Alkansssya, Counseling, Free Birth Registration, Provision of free medicine and check-up, Referral to AICS, Extended Student Grant Program for Poverty Alleviation, Trabahong Lansangan, YOUTH DEVELOPMENT SESSION, LGU – SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM, PESO – ISLA PROJECT, MNAO – PABASA SA NUTRITION, PCSO – MEDICAL ASSISTANCE, Family Development Session, Provision of E-BALDE, Orientation on rights of women and child by PNP NGA’s. The updated scorecard of Paombong shows the target. The LGU will support on notarization thru the help of the Mayor’s Office legal adviser. These are few of the activities conducted last 2016 and most of them are continuously carrying out in the municipality but despite all the efforts. internal officials were able to come up with the accomplishments and results of what was agreed and committed in the Municipal Action Plan. LGU – Capital Assistance for OFW’s 6. Stakeholders and beneficiaries. LGU – Medical Mission (Free Circumcision) 7. CMAT Paombong. MSWDO – Skills Training (Hair Dresser and Beauty Care) 9. The following are the added initiatives of the stakeholders to answer the gaps in SWDI. the internal staff referred and lobbied the expenses for the notarization of documents of the beneficiaries applied for SLP A during the first quarter MAC meeting. new target and accomplishments for 2017 and its percentage with corresponding color to serve as guide to identify the alarming or which indicator/s still needing attention or action. At present. LGU – Provision of starter kits for Tinapa making 11. The color red which is 0% . NGO’s. DILG – BUB projects 3. internal staff in Sustainable Livelihood Program described it challenging to achieve the targets due to the abrupt/sudden changes on the procedures and operation in the unit. previous target. PESO – Mobile Passport Service 2. . It is near to reach the overall target for the year 2017 from the initiatives of LGU. LGU . 1. CALII (NGO) – Skills Training (Baking and Dress making) For the year 2017. the municipality needs additional manpower (municipal link) at Pantawid Office because the previous worker was pulled and augmented in other municipality. To wit. Also. Moreover. accomplishment and variance for 2016. DSWD – SLP Capital Assistance 12. there are 477 variance from the target of 2016 and this will be included to 2017 target. The Yellow which is 51% to 80% of the total gaps being addressed. To wit. Despite the challenges. SAKASIKAB Solo Parent (CSO) – School Supplies Giving 4. Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program in Paombong is now at 83% accomplishment rating from the new target for 2017. The team commits to become more assertive and proactive in lobbying the gaps and variance from 2016 in the municipal action plan (MAP) to the Municipal Advisory Committee (MAC). The Green which is 81% to 100% of the total gaps being addressed.Infrastructure Project (Cash For Work) 5.50% of the total gaps being addressed. MSWDO – Skills Training (Soap Making: Dish washing and Fabric Conditioners) 8. DA – Provision of starter kits for Fisherman of Paombong 10. of 1 HH who are 137 600 737 197 57 275 200 475 170 105 62% unskilled EMPLOYMENT- No. Tenure Status 14 of House and Lot 37 275 312 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% D.No. No. of PP HHs who do not Accom 11 practice proper 399 217 616 616 0 0 0 plished 0 0 100% garbage disposal A. of PP HHs with no access Accom 10 to sanitary toilet 15 120 135 135 0 0 0 plished 0 0 100% facilities C. No of PP HHs meals a day took Accom 8 during the past 7 3 98 101 101 0 0 0 plished 0 0 100% days A.No. 265 88 353 74 0 275 0 275 275 0 100% Proportion of PP HHs with no Insurance Coverage A. of PP HHs health condition Accom 6 in the past six 69 481 550 550 0 0 0 plished 0 0 100% months A.Lighting 15 Facility of the 37 51 88 0 0 10 10 20 10 0 100% House A. No. II. Scoreboard of Municipality of Paombong GAPS 2016 varianc 2016 and and 2016 e 2016 2018 TOTAL NO INDICATOR 2017 2017 VARIANCE PERCENTAGE Level 1 Level 2 Total Target TARGE Target TARGET TARGET Accompl T ishment EMPLOYABLE SKILLS. No. of PP HHs who do not have Accom 5 access to basic 22 345 367 367 0 0 0 plished 0 0 100% health services B. of PP HHs 2 who are 272 447 719 216 113 313 200 513 161 152 51% unemployed INCOME. Of PP HHs functional 16 literacy ages 10 239 43 282 50 0 100 100 200 100 0 100% years or over . of PP HHs with Accom 7 Malnourished 22 28 50 50 0 0 0 plished 0 0 100% Childrem Aged 0-5 years old B. of HH with Income 3 below the 333 192 525 222 120 220 100 320 161 59 73% Poverty Threshold SOCIAL SECURITY AND ACCESS TO FINANCIAL 4 INSTITUTIONS. No. of PP HHs with no access 9 to safe water 17 177 194 0 0 10 10 20 10 0 100% supply B. No. No. No.Construction 12 Materials of the 37 351 388 0 0 10 10 20 9 1 90% roof B. Construction 13 Materials of the 27 335 362 0 0 10 10 20 9 1 90% Outer Walls C. of PP HH members who are not member Accom 20 in at least one 150 188 338 338 0 0 0 plished 0 0 100% legitimate people's organization A. Awareness of Accom 21 the rights of 24 182 206 206 0 0 0 plished 0 0 100% children B. No. of PP family members who are not Accom 18 regularly 31 109 140 140 0 0 0 plished 0 0 100% attending family activities B.No. B. Ability of parents and/or guardians to Accom 19 discern 9 191 200 200 0 0 0 plished 0 0 100% problems in the family and arrive at solutions C. of PP HHs with children 17 aged 3-17 261 181 442 442 187 255 0 255 212 43 83% informa/ informal school A. Awareness of disaster risk Accom 23 reduction and 23 88 111 111 0 0 0 plished 0 0 100% management TOTAL 2491 5034 7525 4324 477 1478 640 2118 1105 373 83% . No. Awareness of Accom 22 gender-based 62 247 309 309 0 0 0 plished 0 0 100% violence C. Employable Skills Percentage of Accomplishments Target 2017 Variance 2017 accomplishments 2017 2017 257 170 87 66. Also.e.e. laundry woman. the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office provided skills training on Soap making. It is noteworthy to acknowledge the effort of LGU to support and extend the Mobile passport service to Paombongeños because 150 pantawid beneficiaries have applied for their passport in lieu of their employment abroad. are the next in line to be extended and prioritize in employment projects. Hair Dresser and Beauty Care for 96 beneficiaries. education. Analysis 1. . care taker. Paombong accomplished 51% or 161 pantawid beneficiaries employed in public and private companies.e. interest and prioritization. lack of opportunity. the agency still encouraged those beneficiaries that are qualified and are willing to undergo technical skills training through referral in the Track 2 programs of Sustainable Livelihood. most mothers tend to stay home to be a plain housewife and no one to take care of their children. 2. newly graduates accepted volunteer works because of “utang na loob” or debt of gratitude to their benefactors/relatives. Despite the presence of different programs/project/activities in the municipality there are factors that hinders the improvement of the well-being of the beneficiaries i. The CALII who referred 5 pantawid graduates in sewing in TESDA to become TESDA instructors which pave way to acquire permanent job and stable income. The area accomplished 66. considered MOA worker – no employee-employer relationship and short term employment opportunity i. Presently. One of these is CALII where they produced the 74 pantawid beneficiaries who passed in NCII last April 2017. the beneficiaries in working age choose to work in a contractual basis in the factories located in the area. motivation. referred and link to PESO – LGU for inclusion to Skills training and free skills training programs of CALII. inside and out of the area. The DPWH which gives priority for 4Ps beneficiaries has extended jobs for 2 pantawid beneficiaries.15% The municipality of Paombong has 257 target beneficiaries for the year 2017 in the indicator of employable skills. The LGU conducted Cash for work program which benefited the 150 beneficiaries waiting to their application abroad. the 154 beneficiaries have their own job. experience and skills. thru the help of PESO. III.15% of the total target which is equivalent to 170 beneficiaries under level 1 and 2 on employable skills. sales lady and etc. did not meet required qualification of the employer i. Employment Percentage of Accomplishments Target 2017 Variance 2017 accomplishments 2017 2017 313 161 152 51% The municipality has a target of 313 beneficiaries to be level up at the end of the year 2017. Reasons like taking care of their children. There are 152 remaining beneficiaries to be referred to these agencies. In consonance with the hindering factors. The area has mushroomed with accredited NGO’s which caters employable skills program. construction worker. SOCIAL SECURITY AND ACCESS TO FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Percentage of Accomplishments Target 2017 Variance 2017 accomplishments 2017 2016 279 279 0 100.) and SSS Alkansssya.00% In terms of Social Security and access to financial institutions. SAFE DRINKING WATER Percentage of Accomplishments Target 2017 Variance 2017 accomplishments 2017 2017 10 10 0 100% In terms of safe drinking water. These beneficiaries learned the importance of drinking safe water from the Family Development Session. ARBA. The beneficiaries learned the importance of securing their retirement in Family Development Session’s topic and Social Preparation’s financial literacy and time management. to open an account in SAS BANK because of its access to financial support and will ensure social security. Apart from employment facilitation. Sta. Kapitangan Cooperative etc. Through the self determination among the beneficiaries. “butchi. Currently. it gave encouragement to install own water meter for a safe and guaranteed daily water supply for daily consumption. Cruz wherein 5 beneficiaries received fishnets and other fishing devices. . puto. Aside from fishing materials. The CMAT Paombong recommended to the beneficiaries of SLP – those who received grants. kakanin” and other income generating activities.e. the LGU of Paombong. the municipality of Paombong accomplished 100% on the target for 2017 which is equivalent to 279 beneficiaries. Income Percentage of Accomplishments Target 2017 Variance 2017 accomplishments 2017 2017 220 161 59 73% For the target of 2017 in the municipality of Paombong. The remaining 59 households are referred in DSWD SLP A and expected to release their checks on the 3rd quarter of 2017. provided materials for “Tinapa making” so as to give new ways or means to have additional income. Others learned to save money thru Bio Intensive Garden and sell products/delicacies i. 4. the area accomplished 73% which is equivalent to 161 beneficiaries who have increased their monthly income above the provincial poverty threshold.e. the DSWD always grant capital assistance for pantawid grantees which currently catered 70 pantawid grantees and still have on-going proposals submitted in the regional office. In addition. 5. the Department of Agriculture provided starter kits for fisherman in coastal areas of Paombong namely Brgy. it was the result of the employment opportunities offered by different stakeholders in the municipality. Paombong accomplished 100% which is equivalent to 10 beneficiaries with now access to safe drinking water.3. Aside from engaging with loans/institutions to the area (i. there are 220 pantawid beneficiaries expected to have increase their monthly income above the provincial poverty threshold. CARD. 29 pantawid children who have stopped their studies due to financial and marital issues. That’s why. . They also saved budget for the construction of roof because they have skills on carpentry/masonry. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS OF THE ROOF Percentage of Accomplishments Target 2017 Variance 2017 accomplishments 2017 2017 10 9 1 90% On the construction materials of the roof. the municipality targeted 10 families to have strong materials of outer walls by the end of 2017. upon validation of pantawid beneficiaries it is found out that 22 households who are identified on no access in lighting facility in the SWDI gaps have access on electricity. they learned the importance of building a strong house through Family Development Session. 7. the target of Paombong for 2017 is 10 beneficiaries. Fortunately. Presently. SCHOOL ENROLMENT/ATTENDANCE OF CHILDREN Percentage of Accomplishments Target 2017 Variance 2017 accomplishments 2017 2017 187 187 0 100% On the child school enrolment and attendance. the municipality accomplished 100% rating which is equivalent to 10 households has access to electricity based on the target of 2017.6. The remaining family still saves to acquire enough money to build their own strong walls. Enthusiastically. 9. the ML and beneficiaries agreed to submit a documentation of the school supplies of their children for upcoming school opening. the municipality accomplished and solved the issue of non- compliance through the help of principals during home visitation and enrollment of out of school to ALS. The area accomplished 90% rating which is equivalent to 9 households. During Family Development Session. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS OF THE OUTER WALLS Percentage of Accomplishments Target 2017 Variance 2017 accomplishments 2017 2017 10 9 1 90% On the construction materials of the outer walls. The remaining family still saves to acquire enough money to buy for their own strong roof. These families was challenged and monitored. the municipality targeted 10 households to have access on electricity. the total accomplishment of 90% or 9 pantawid households built their own outer walls through their own effort and money. LIGTHING FACILITY Percentage of Accomplishments Target 2017 Variance 2017 accomplishments 2017 2017 10 10 0 100% In terms of lighting facility. This accomplishment is through the efforts and eagerness of the family – their determination shows by saving at least 10 pesos per day to their “piggybanks” for almost 2 years which helped to build a strong roof for their house. Paombong has 187 targets for the year 2017. The municipality supports the OSY and unfortunate children by giving school supplies before the opening of classes. 8. massage therapy and housekeeping to Paombongeños and benefited the 133 beneficiaries. IV. Bulacan funded by DSWD and LGU funded the skills training on beauty care. . Employable Skills Skill training on Sewing to 74 Pantawid beneficiaries at Paombong. PHOTO DOCUMENTATION 1. Maryanne P. DSWD Paombong and LGU thru the support of Local Chief Executive Hon.2. Employment JOBS FAIR was held at municipal covered and was attended by 370 Pantawid beneficiaries. Marcos . but 103 were able to meet the requirements and hired by the companies local and abroad this is in coordination of PESO Paombong. beads making. 4. selling of process meats and arts and crafts. Income Aside from the fact that employment is directly perpendicular to income. Social Security Partnership with SASBANK: 74 beneficiaries were enrolled to SAS Bank Paombong to secure their future and save at the same time with minimum balance of 200 pesos.3. the Municipal Link injected segments of Income Generating Project during Family Development Session like wallet making. . Bulacan services . HEALTH CONDITION AND AVAILMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES Renovation of RHU III in Coastal area of Paombong to Inauguration of New RHU I of efficiently and effectively deliver medical and health Paombong.5. ANGE AND MUNICIPAL NUTRITION OFFICER MS. NUTRITION PABASA sa Nutrisyon to all Pantawid Beneficiaries: Simulation of their learnings thru cooking contest which satisfied that taste of our judges DIALOGUE WITH PHIC CLUSTER LEADER MS. ELSIE: re PhilHealth concerns and feeding program for Pantawid beneficiaries. . 2016 at Municipal Compound of Paombong. 42nd Nutrition Month was celebrated last July 29.6. Bulacan and attended by 101 identified undernourished children together with their parents and received a small gift from LGU aside from the 3 months supplemental feeding program. Aside from Brigada Eskwela. the LGU supports the campaign on Solid Waste Management and the MENRO officer joined us during Family Development Session.WATER AND SANITATION The LGU provided Toilet Bowls for 135 Pantawid beneficiaries of Paombong with sessions on how to maintain its cleanliness and sanitation. . . 7. EDUCATION The LGU supported the literacy program for pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries thru giving free school supplies and recognition of graduates from Alternative Learning System of Department of Education wherein 50 students graduated last 2016. responsibilities and commitment on education apart from FDS. ROLE PERFORMANCE The municipal link scheduled a forum to Parents and children to discuss their roles. and DIALOGUE WITH DEPED TEACHERS: DIALOGUE WITH DEPED TEACHERS: Establishing. 8. Noncompliant beneficiaries Planning and fulfilling the commitment with DepEd about the enrollees for Alternative Learning System . 9. During Family Development Session the municipal Link reiterated to the beneficiaries the importance of engaging to different organizations especially those with purpose of servicing to other people. FAMILY AWARENESS Home Visitation. Group Counseling and Family Development Sessions to Pantawid beneficiaries to encourage them to have a quality time for their family and identify their problems before it arises. . the municipality of Paombong celebrated the municipal children’s congress which showcases the child’s multiple intelligence and awarded most charming and talented child and the respective parents are very proud to the performance of their children Family Day Celebration – discussed the rights of the child to Pantawid beneficiaries .One way of the LGU to show its support for Child’s right. . home visitation to disadvantage women and counseling was provided Partnership of LGU Paombong and Meralco: SALBA BOTE was introduced during FDS topic.PNP as RP in FDS topic Gender based violence. Bulacan . Tinagan SLP – PDO II Social Welfare Assistant Glacy N. Santos Ian Mark M. Agbon Municipal Link Team Leader – Paombong Member: Carolina S.Prepared by: Ceprian Oliver M. Santos Social Welfare Officer III District I . David Nea Dela Cruz MRB Municipal Link Reviewed by: Kemabelle Q.
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