EX2016 Capstone Level3 Instructions

March 26, 2018 | Author: robert marley | Category: Computing And Information Technology, Software, Business



SIMnet 2016: Excel 2016 Capstone Project Level 3Excel 2016 Capstone Project EX-3 Working with Sales Data In this project, you will work with sales data from Top’t Corn, a popcorn company with an online store, multiple food trucks, and two retail stores. You will begin by copying the sales data for one of the retail stores from another workbook. Next, you will insert a new worksheet and enter sales data for the four food truck locations, formatting the data, and calculating totals. You will create a pie chart to represent the total units sold by location and a column chart to represent sales by popcorn type. You will format the charts, and then set up the worksheet for printing. Next, you help Top’t Corn calculate payments for a loan and decide whether or not the purchase is a good idea. Working with the daily sales data for one of the brick-and-mortar stores, you will apply conditional formatting to find the top 10 sales dates. You will also calculate the sales for each date, and the average, minimum, and maximum sales. You will use Goal Seek to find the appropriate price to reach a higher daily average sales goal. Finally, you will work with their online sales data to format it as an Excel table and apply sorting and filtering. You will create a PivotTable and a PivotChart from a copy of the online sales data to summarize the sales. Skills needed to complete this project:  Open a workbook  Change the print margins  Copy a worksheet to another workbook  Scale a worksheet for printing  Close a workbook  Change the color of a worksheet tab  Insert a worksheet  Apply a column width  Name a worksheet  Calculate a loan payment with PMT  Move a worksheet  Enter a simple formula using multiplication  Enter text  Enter a simple formula using subtraction  Enter numbers  Add cell borders  Edit text  Create a formula referencing cells in another  Autofit a column worksheet  Apply a cell style  Enter an AVERAGE function  Add cell shading  Use the IF function  Change font color  Apply date formats  Merge and center text across cells  Apply Top Ten conditional formatting  Apply bold formatting  Use an absolute reference in a formula  Apply number formatting  Name a range of cells  Enter a SUM function  Use a named range in a formula  Copy formula using AutoFill  Use the MIN function in a formula  Insert a pie chart  Use the MAX function in a formula  Change the chart title  Wrap text  Hide the chart legend  Analyze data with Goal Seek  Show chart data labels  Convert data into a table  Move a chart  Apply a table Quick Style  Insert a column chart  Use the table Total row  Switch the row/column in a column chart  Sort data in a table  Apply a chart Quick Style  Filter data in a table  Preview how a worksheet will look when printed  Create a PivotTable  Change worksheet orientation  Create a PivotChart 1|P age Last Modified: 8/2/2016 d. c. e. verify that you are working in the capstone project that you downloaded and not the OldTownSales workbook that you downloaded from the Resources link. Open the Excel file OldTownSales. start file click the Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the worksheet so you can modify it. Bold cells B3:E3. Download 3. Enter the text and sales data as shown in Figure 1. Make sure to extract the file after downloading the resources zipped folder. Accent 6 fill color to cell A1. Insert a new worksheet and rename it: TruckSales 5. Before continuing. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. move the TruckSales worksheet so it appears first in the workbook. Download Resources Figure 1 7. Format the data as follows: a. 2|P age Last Modified: 8/2/2016 . Apply the Title cell style to cell A1. Step 1 Download 1. Apply the Brown. be sure to check the Create a copy check box and select your capstone project Excel file from the Move selected sheets to book drop-down list. b. Apply the White. a. 4. AutoFit columns A:E. Close the OldTownSales workbook when you have successfully copied the OldTownStore worksheet to the capstone workbook. Check your work carefully. Merge and center the worksheet title across cells A1:E1. d. Apply the Accounting Number Format with 0 digits after the decimal to cells B4:E6. 6. Merge and center cells B2:E2. Copy the OldTownStore worksheet from the OldTownSales workbook (downloaded from the Resources Resources link) to the capstone project. Apply the Heading 1 cell style to cell B2. 2. g. Make the correct selection to ensure the copied worksheet will appear after the TysonsStore worksheet in your capstone workbook. If necessary. Copy the worksheet OldTownStore. f. h. If the workbook opens in Protected View. and save it. In the Move or Copy dialog. Open the start file EX2016-Capstone-Level3 workbook. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor. i.SIMnet 2016: Excel 2016 Capstone Project Level 3 Note: Download the resource file needed for this project from the Resources link. Background 1 font color to cell A1. b. c. Visit the SIMnet Instant Help for step-by-step instructions. Change the chart title to: August Sales by Popcorn Type b. Accent 4. Apply the Style 7 chart Quick Style. d. c. 9. d. 11. Enter a SUM function in cell B7 to calculate the total of cells B4:B6. a. Change the color of the worksheet tab to Teal. c. b. 13. Insert a pie chart (2-D Pie) to show the total sales for the month by location. Note: You must complete this step correctly in order to receive points for completing the next step. Each location should be represented by a data series and the popcorn types should be listed along the x axis. Do not include the totals. Insert a new worksheet between the TruckSales sheet and the OnlineSales sheets. and then apply print settings to print the worksheet on a single page. Figure 2 3|P age Last Modified: 8/2/2016 . Display the chart data labels using the Data Callout option. Insert a clustered column chart (2-D Column) to show the sales for each type of popcorn for each location. Calculate the monthly loan payments and total cost of the loan. b. Each piece of the pie should represent the total sales for a single location. Modify the pie chart as follows: a. Name the new worksheet: Loan c. Enter the word Total in cell A7. Change the chart title to: August Sales by Location b. 12. b. deselect it before previewing the worksheet. c. 10. Move the chart so it appears below the sales data. Calculate total sales for each of the truck locations.SIMnet 2016: Excel 2016 Capstone Project Level 3 8. Modify the column chart as follows: a. Preview the worksheet again when you are finished to check your work. Change the printing scale so all columns will print on a single page. If necessary. Top’t Corn is considering a new truck purchase. d. Hint: If you have one of the charts selected. Check your work carefully. a. Note: You must complete this step correctly in order to receive points for completing the next step. Change the margins to the preset narrow option. Hide the chart legend. Check your work carefully. a. c. Apply the Total cell style to cells A7:E7. move the chart so it is next to the pie chart and the top of the charts are aligned. 14. Use AutoFill to copy the formula to cells C7:E7. Change the orientation so the page is wider than it is tall. Enter the loan terms as shown in Figure 2. Preview how the worksheet will look when printed. 17. enter a formula to calculate the daily total in dollars. Wrap the text in cell J7. Select cells A2:A32. Display two digits after the decimal. In cell B7. Hint: Use cells B7:E7 from the TruckSales worksheet as the function argument. type: Average sales o. type: Total payments j. Select cells B2:D32 and use conditional formatting to apply a green fill with dark green text to the top 10 values. g. Apply borders using the Thick Outside Borders option around cells A5:B7. 15. b. Use an absolute reference where appropriate and copy the formula to cells G3:G32. AutoFit column A. p. In cell A6. k. In cell B9. In cell K5. Display no if it is not. Set the width of column B to 16. Display Pass if it is not. e. m. Apply the Currency number format to cell B9. Use cell references. Display yes if the value in the Daily Total ($) column is greater than or equal to the daily sales goal. In cell A7. The PivotData worksheet should be the last worksheet in the workbook. 4|P age Last Modified: 8/2/2016 . n.SIMnet 2016: Excel 2016 Capstone Project Level 3 e. and apply the Short Date date format. g. Display two digits after the decimal. Use an absolute reference where appropriate and copy the formula to cells F3:F32. Apply the Currency number format to cell B1. Accept the solution found by Goal Seek. i. Enter a formula using the PMT function in cell B5. In cell K3. i. Use cell references. In cell A9. Complete the following steps in the TysonsStore worksheet: a.the original price of the truck). enter a formula using the named range DailySales to calculate the average daily sales in dollars. In cell B10. c. enter a formula using the IF function to determine whether the daily sales goal in cell K2 was met. j. enter a formula to calculate the total interest paid over the life of the loan (the total payments . type: Interest paid l. In cell G2. Be sure to use a negative value for the Pv argument. Make a copy of the OnlineSales worksheet and name it PivotData . Go to the OnlineSales worksheet and format the sales data as a table using the table style Table Style Light 2. enter a formula using the named range DailySales to find the lowest daily sales in dollars. Multiply the value in the Daily Total (# Sold) column by the current price per box in cell K1. In cell F2.800 in cell K7. d. enter a formula using the IF function to display Buy it! if the monthly payment for the truck loan is less than the average sales per month for the current trucks. f. Find the top ten sales items for the month. f. In cell B6. enter a formula to calculate the average sales per month for the truck locations. In cell A10. Use Goal Seek to find the new price per box (cell K8) to reach a new daily sales goal of $1. enter a formula to calculate the total paid over the life of the loan (the monthly payment amount * the number of payments). h. q. type: Buy new truck? r. 16. enter a formula using the named range DailySales to find the highest daily sales in dollars. h. Create a named range DailySales for cells F2:F32. In cell K4. Create a PivotTable using the data in cells A3:D120 from the data in the PivotData worksheet. 21. 19. 24. Use a pie chart to represent the total quantity for each item. Grade my Project 5|P age Last Modified: 8/2/2016 . Upload and save your project file. Use values from the Item column as the rows and the sum of values in the Quantity column as the values.SIMnet 2016: Excel 2016 Capstone Project Level 3 18. move the PivotChart to the right of the PivotTable so it does not cover the data. If necessary. b. Insert a PivotChart on the PivotTable worksheet. The PivotTable should appear on its own worksheet. Name the PivotTable worksheet: PivotTable It should be located to the left of the PivotData worksheet. Remove the count from the State column. 20. Save and close the workbook. a. Sort the data alphabetically by values in the Item column. Step 2 Upload & 25. Filter the table to show only rows where the value in the State column is DC. Submit project for grading. 22. Display the total for the Quantity column. Save Step 3 26. 23. Display the table Total row.
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