Ex-India Leave Performa 4444
Ex-India Leave Performa 4444
June 4, 2018 | Author: raman kumar | Category:
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AFFIDAVITI, Dr Jaswant Singh S/o Sh. Sadhu Singh , Assoc. Professor Medicine Deptt. Govt. Medical College, Amritsar do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:1. I have not raised any type of loan from the Govt. 2. That no departmental enquiry or any complaint is pending against me. 3. I have raised loan of NIL from Govt., which is being repaid through installment. If I will not repay the same then the Govt. have the right to recover the same form my gratuity. 4. That I will go abroad after sanction of leave and I will not apply for extension from abroad. 5. That I will not take part in political of work against my country while staying abroad. 6. I will abide be the orders of the Punjab Govt. 7. I will return back on expiry of my leave in time. Dated: Place: - Amritsar DEPONENT VERIFICATION Verified that the contents of my above affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. Dated: Place: - Amritsar DEPONENT Narotam Singh permanent employee of the Punjab Govt. Prof. Accepted for and on behalf of the Governor of Punjab . And whereas the Govt. Medical College. has agreed to issue an no objection certificate to the employee on the surety furnishing a guarantee as is hereinafter contained. which shall at any time be due to the Govt. to be due to it from the employee shall be conclusive evidence against the surety of the amount due and shall be questioned by the surety. Medical College. Whereas Dr. Amritsar. from the employee. to issue him a no objection certificate. and the present holding the post of Senior Resident at Govt. In witness where of the parties hereto have executed this deed on the date of first above written. between Dr Sartaj Singh S/o S. Amritsar in Neurology Department (hereinafter referred to as the surety of the one part and the Governor of Punjab (therein after referred to as the Government of the other part). in enforcement for payment of any money the payment whereof is intended to hereby secured nor shall it be affected by grant of time or any other indulgence by the Govt. resident to (hereinafter referred to as the employee) is at present holding the post of Assoc. The surety and the Govt. hereby mutually agree that the guarantee hereby given shall be continuous guarantee and shall not be affected by the neglect or forbearance of the Govt. And whereas the employee intends to apply for undertaking journey abroad and has requested to the Govt. Witness Surety 1. Now therefore this deed witnesses as follows: In consideration of the Government agreeing to issue a No Objection Certificate in favour of the employee thereby enabling him to apply for NOC for going abroad already the surety does hereby guarantee the payment of all sums of moneys. 2. Govt.SURETY BOND This deed of guarantee is made on this 12th March 2014. to the employee and that any amount certified by the Govt. Jaswant Singh S/o S. Medicine Deptt. Sadhu Singh . 18 eh T[j nkgDh wzBi{o ehsh j'Jh SZ{Nh s/ ysw j'D T[gozs nkgDh fvT[Nh s/ nkgD/ 25-5-2013 s' 18-62013 jK ih jK aih Bjh ih Bjh ih Bjh aih Bjh ih Bjh ih Bjh ih Bjh ih fBZih pZus s' pKv dk . . dZf.a ftuZ ofjzd/ j'J/ n. 10 eh T[.. 5 eh T[j fJ.a ikD bJh B' npi?e.eZuk ns/ fB:[Zesh dh fwsh o?r{bo . dk ./ th wzst bJh ) eoik fbnk j? ik Bjh 11 eh T[.gaoN n?eN nXhB ed/ th fv.shck Bjh d/t/rk .a ftuZ T[.'o.fi. 17 eh T[j ftd/. 14 T[j . ik e'oN ftuZ b'Vhdk sk Bjh ./tk ftuZ eowukoh Bz{ ftd/. wzst bJh ikDk j?.wK g{ok j' u[Zek j? Bjh aih Bjh ih jK ih .a ftuZ ikDk j?.fe.w/s c?e.a ftuZ ike/ SZ{Nh ftuZ tkX/ dh noih Bjh G/i/rk .gzikp gk.w/ bJh ikDk j? ns/ nzdkiB ed' ikDk j? ..aekfJs gVskb sk Bjh ub ojh .woZE nfXekoh s' wzBi{o eokT[D fgS' ckor j'e/ ikt/rk.w/ e'Jh pKv sk Bjh Gfonk.3E.oekoh you/ s' e'Jh N/qfBzr$e'o.c'B Bzpo ns/ Jh w/b 4 fezB/ .fgqz.hgb.a ftuZ ike/ f.z. ehsk j? ik Bjh . B/ . 2nd Avenue APT. Ishpreet Singh Shergill 460. Bzpo.[yfdnkb f.aB . 16 eh T[j ftd/.o 2 gZek.oNhce/N 1 eowukoh dk Bkw.wk jkb/ g[ok Bjh j'fJnk j't/ .ZX/ ik nf.' gVskb eotkT[D T[gozs ns/ . d/ ftoZ[X e'Jh f.oekoh . 12 eh T[j g[fb.a ftuZ f. dk eh gsk j't/rk.nk ikt/ fiZE/ fJj youk g{ok ehsk ikt/rk .ftd/.zx .nj[Zdk ns/ . 13 eh T[j gk.w/ dh SZ{Nh wjkb/yko.ZX/ s'o s/ B'eoh Bjh eo/rk 8 eh T[j gqd/. 9 eh T[.a/ofrb .Ek dk Bkw . B/ .oeko s' . New York-10016 7 eh T[j gqd/.ybkJh nkfd dk gqpzX Bjh eo/rk . nzfwqs.e{No yqhdD$wekB pBkT[D $wz[ows eokT[D bJh gbkN$wekB yqdB bJh (Gkt fe. a.e[nkbhckJhv sk Bjh j'fJnk j?.oekoh w?vehb ekbi. 6 eh T[j nkgDk w[zewb ukoi d/e/ ikt/rk .17-121980 3 fejV/ d/. 15 eh B'eoh ftZu nkT[D . ZX/ ik nf.wkgs eoB bJh gzikp f.Ek d/ w[yh tb' .oNhce/N 1 eowukoh dk Bkw.oeko s' .c'B Bzpo ns/ Jh w/b 4 fezB/ . jK ih jK ih fwsh l j.a ikD bJh B' npi?e. 9 eh T[. 5 eh T[j fJ./tktK .z.w/s c?e.ftd/. dhnK .w/ dh SZ{Nh wjkb/yko. B/ ./tk ftuZ eowukoh Bz{ ftd/. B/ . 20 SZ{Nh .z.a .d/.{os ftuZ i/eo eowukoh ftd/. Bk gofsnk s/ fvT[Nh s/ jkfio Bk j'fJnk ns/ iB nfXekos s'o s/ r?o jkio ofjzdk j? sK T[. .z. wzst bJh ikDk j?.e{No yqhdD$wekB .a ftuZ T[.. 6 eh T[j nkgDk w[zewb ukoi d/e/ ikt/rk .ZX/ s'o s/ B'eoh Bjh eo/rk 8 eh T[j gqd/.gzikp gk.Ek$dcso dk gsk^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .g.wkgs j'D dh .a ftuZ ikDk j?.' gVskb eotkT[D T[gozs ns/ .oekoh .a ikD s/ tkfg. Bzpo.nj[Zdk ns/ .aB .t? .a ftuZ ike/ SZ{Nh ftuZ tkX/ dh noih Bjh G/i/rk . 7 eh T[j gqd/.a ftuZ ike/ f.oekoh you/ s' e'Jh N/qfBzr$e'o.skyo fpB?eko d/ njZ[dk^^^^^^^^^ .fe. ehsk j? ik Bjh .a ftuZ jkfio j't/rk .w/ bJh ikDk j? ns/ nzdkiB ed' ikDk j? . 19 eh T[j nkgDh SZ{Nh dh sBykj Gkos ftuZ jh gqkgs eo/rk . 10 eh T[.ckfo. dk eh gsk j't/rk.eZuk ns/ fB:[Zesh dh fwsh 3 fejV/ d/.tb .woZE nfXekoh s' wzBi{o eokT[D fgS' ckor j'e/ ikt/rk.aN f./tktk (dzd s/ nghb)o{bi 1970 nXhB :'r ekotkJh ehsh ikt/rh .Ek dk Bkw 2 gZek. 19 eh T[j nkgDh SZ{Nh dh sBykj Gkos ftuZ jh gqkgs eo/rk .wk jkb/ g[ok Bjh j'fJnk j't/ .fi. dZf. 20 SZ{Nh ./tktK .e[nkbhckJhv sk Bjh j'fJnk j?.a ftuZ f.z.ckfo. 17 eh T[j ftd/./ th wzst bJh ) eoik fbnk j? ik Bjh 11 eh T[.a ftuZ ofjzd/ j'J/ n.wkgs j'D dh .w/ e'Jh pKv sk Bjh Gfonk.skyo njZ[dk^^^^^^^^^ .wkgs eoB bJh gzikp f.a ftuZ jkfio j't/rk .aekfJs gVskb sk Bjh ub ojh .gaoN n?eN nXhB ed/ th fv./tktk (dzd s/ nghb)o{bi 1970 nXhB :'r ekotkJh ehsh ikt/rh .tb .a ikD s/ tkfg.a APPLICATION TO THE GRANT OF NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE FOR GOING ABROAD .pBkT[D $wz[ows eokT[D bJh gbkN$wekB yqdB bJh (Gkt fe. 12 eh T[j g[fb.t? . 16 eh T[j ftd/.{os ftuZ i/eo eowukoh ftd/. dk . 18 eh T[j nkgDh wzBi{o ehsh j'Jh SZ{Nh s/ ysw j'D T[gozs nkgDh fvT[Nh s/ nkgD/ d/. ik e'oN ftuZ b'Vhdk sk Bjh . Bk gofsnk s/ fvT[Nh s/ jkfio Bk j'fJnk ns/ iB nfXekos s'o s/ r?o jkio ofjzdk j? sK T[.'o.aN f. dhnK .nk ikt/ fiZE/ fJj youk g{ok ehsk ikt/rk . 14 T[j .ybkJh nkfd dk gqpzX Bjh eo/rk .Ek$dcso dk gsk^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .z. d/ ftoZ[X e'Jh f. 15 eh B'eoh ftZu nkT[D .shck Bjh d/t/rk .Ek d/ w[yh tb' . 13 eh T[j gk. fwsh l fpB?eko d/ j.g. Medical College. Name of country to be visited 6. Amritsar. 7. Whether the employee is bonded or not if 2. From Bank met. M. date of joining service Whether there is any complaint/ enquiry against No 4. U. Rs.A. the employee Whether any loan/advance has been taken if so No the declaration to refund the same regular be 5. Govt. New York-10016 abroad state clearly there relationship The source from which funds will be raised by From own savings 10. attached.3E. 9.001-646-260-9764 Email: gogoshergill@yahoo. the employee to meet the expenses abroad Estimate of the expenses involved 11. One Lac. Period of stay abroad 8. Signature _________________________________ Name of the applicant: Dr. 25-5-2013 to 31-5-2013 – Earned Leave 1-6-2013 to 18-6-2013 – Summer vacation Approx. How the foreign exchange requirements will be New York .S. 2nd Avenue APT.1. Particulars and address of relation to be visited Ishpreet Singh Shergill 460. Sukhdyal Singh Shergill Designation : Principal.com APPLICATION TO THE GRANT OF NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE FOR GOING ABROAD . Reasons for visit abroad. bonded for what period Whether the applicant is confirmed No Regular 17-12-1980 temporary/regular or on adhoc basis and 3. for what period Whether the applicant is confirmed temporary/regular or on adhoc basis and date 3. 7. Name of country to be visited 6. the employee Whether any loan/advance has been taken if so the declaration to refund the same regular be 5. Particulars and address of relation to be visited 9. Whether the employee is bonded or not if bonded 2. Reasons for visit abroad. Signature _________________________________ Name of the applicant _______________________ Designation _______________________________ . attached. abroad state clearly there relationship The source from which funds will be raised by 10. Period of stay abroad 8. the employee to meet the expenses abroad Estimate of the expenses involved 11. of joining service Whether there is any complaint/ enquiry against 4. How the foreign exchange requirements will be met.1. Documents Similar To Ex-India Leave Performa 4444Skip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextKafalahPerformance Guarantee under international trade law PGPM-14 Contracts and ContractingDoc Tradusnull16-En-Guiding Principles for Bank GuaranteesSecosa vs Heirs of Francisco11-DRAFT NURFC Guaranty Agreement _4_In the Matter of Grayson-Robinson Stores, Inc., Debtor-Appellant, 321 F.2d 500, 2d Cir. (1963)Credit Digest Castelvi Etc107. L.M. Handicraft v. 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