Evidence Lets Find Words (1)

April 3, 2018 | Author: Yasmin Montoya | Category: Violence, Leisure



Learning activity 3Evidence: Let’s find words! 1. Find the following words in the word search puzzle.  Always.  As.  As quickly as possible.  Immediately.  Eventually.  Later.  Soon.  Then.  Until.  At the age of… P T Y U Q R Y J U N T I L L E R T Y U M S O O N A S D F G H J K Ñ A Y K Ñ K K M R H Y D E G U T T H E M B L J K J L Y J U I E A S A A R E M F E E S A E Ñ A R I S T I Z A B A L I E A T D U O H A T T H E A G E O F A E A T A F E R F I L H Y D E S T U D E Y S L I G Y Y D L A T E R N I R V A N A A E D B A T E S A L I N A S R O L L Ñ N S E V C C T I L A A A R T U O P Q V N A M K L Ñ H L A E N G L I S H O K Y P A M T U A A S Q U I C K L Y A S P O S S I B L E S T A B N I C E L Y O P D P T R H Q P D B U S Z Z R Y U J O L Ñ L S L J L L W H E L L O F A E Z R R A E I O K T M Q G Y U G Y J I A L W A Y S A B A H N A L I J R I C A R D O F E A D C E E Ñ E V E N T U A L L Y G H I B J K I N O G A E I O Y T T E A B N M R K L O N A send the file to your instructor through the platform as follows: 1. Make sure the file is attached. Your jacket is the same color as mine. My mom works like a nurse in the hospital. Write R if the sentence is right. I need to clean out the refrigerator as soon as possible. ____ ___________________________________________________________ b. ____ ___________________________________________________________ c. 4. The fire brigade said that we have to evacuate the building immediate. Remember to check the learning guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities. ___ __________________________________________________________ h. write W if the sentence is wrong. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. _____ ___________________________________________________________ d. The neighbors always were making noise during the night. a. It istinks! _____ ___________________________________________________________ f.2. Click on the title of this evidence. _____ ___________________________________________________________ e. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional). ____ ___________________________________________________________ g. I looked for my bag for almost two hours. Correct the wrong ones. _____ ___________________________________________________________ i. Click Enviar. Mariana wanted always to be a doctor. . Let me turn off my computer and until we can leave the office. know how to develop them and deliver them correctly. Note: This evidence is an individual activity. 3. eventually I found it in a closet. ______ ___________________________________________________________ When you finish your work. We were up then midnight. 2. Criterios de evaluación Intercambia información personal de eventos relevantes en la vida. . vocabulario y contexto requeridos. teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical.
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