Evapco Evaporative Condenser Engineering Manual (1) (1)

March 28, 2018 | Author: rodolfocv92359 | Category: Duct (Flow), Gas Compressor, Ton, Water, Building Engineering



Bulletin 173A-EM® Evaporative Condensers Advanced Technology for the Future, Available Today ENGINEERING MANUAL MORE MODELS–INCREASED CAPACITY International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration 1 The Evaporative Condenser Engineering Manual is designed to allow quick and easy selections of EVAPCO condensers. The manual provides detailed technical information on the ATC, UBC, PMCB, LRC, and LSCB Evaporative Condensers. In addition, this bulletin includes application information on the operation of evaporative condensers, recommended steel support and mechanical specifications. This Engineering Manual contains only the standard catalog models. Alternate plan area horsepower and capacity selections are available in EVAPCO’s Computer Selection Program. Table of Contents Page 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Technical Support Services Page 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evaporative Condenser Applications Page 4 thru 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Selection Procedure and Capacity Data Page 8 thru 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ATC Evaporative Condenser Thermal Performance and Engineering Data Tables Page 15 thru 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UBC Evaporative Condenser Thermal Performance and Engineering Data Tables Page 18 thru 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PMCB Evaporative Condenser Thermal Performance and Engineering Data Tables Page 22 thru 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LRC Evaporative Condenser Thermal Performance and Engineering Data Tables Page 24 thru 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LSCB Evaporative Condenser Thermal Performance and Engineering Data Tables Page 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Structural Steel Support Recommendations Page 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Electric Basin Heater Option/Engineering Data Page 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ATC & UBC Mechanical Specifications Page 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PMCB Mechanical Specifications Page 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LRC Mechanical Specifications Page 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LSCB Mechanical Specifications Technical Support Services 2 EVAPSPEC EVAPWEB EVAPSPEC is a Windows based computer selection program which allows the design engineer to choose EVAPCO models and optimize unit selections. The program allows the engineer to evaluate the equipment’s thermal performance, space and energy requirements. Once the model is selected and optional equipment features are inserted, the engineer may output a complete specification AND a unit drawing from this program. The software is designed to provide the user with maximum flexibility in analyzing the various selection parameters while in a friendly and familiar Windows format. The EVAPSPEC software is available to all consulting engineering offices and design-build contractors. The programs are distributed through the local EVAPCO sales representative or the EVAPCO corporate office in Taneytown, MD. Call EVAPCO’s “EVAPWEB” home page for product information, application assistance, literature and request for quotations @ http://www.evapco.com. With EVAPSPEC and EVAPWEB, equipment selections, written specifications, unit drawing files and EVAPCO on-line information are readily available from the comfort of your own office! Application Design EVAPCO units are heavy-duty construction and designed for long trouble-free operation. Proper equipment selection, installation and maintenance is, however, necessary to ensure good unit performance. Some of the major considerations in the application of a condenser are presented below. For additional information, contact the factory. Structural Steel Support The recommended method or support for EVAPCO condensers is two structural “I” beams located under the outer flanges and running the entire length of the unit. Mounting holes 3/4” in diameter, are located in the bottom channels of the pan section to provide for bolting to the structural steel; refer to certified drawings from the factory for bolt hole locations. Beams should be level to within1/8” in 6’ before setting the unit in place. Do not level the unit by shimming between it and the “I” beams as this will not provide proper longitudinal support. Air Circulation In reviewing the system design and unit location, it is important that proper air circulation be provided. The best location is on an unobstructed roof top or on ground level away from walls and other barriers. Care must be taken when locating condensers in wells or enclosures or next to high walls. The potential for recirculation of hot, moist discharge air back into the fan intake exists. Recirculation raises the wet bulb temperature of the entering air causing the condensing pressure to rise above the design. For these cases, a discharge hood or ductwork should be provided to raise the overall unit height even with the adjacent wall, thereby reducing the chance of recirculation. Good engineering practice dictates that the evaporative condenser’s discharge air not be directed or located close to or in the vicinity of building air intakes. Engineering assistance is available from the factory to identify potential recirculation problems and recommend solutions. For additional information regarding layout of evaporative condensers, see EVAPCO Bulletin entitled “Equipment Layout”. Piping Condenser piping should be designed and installed in accordance with generally accepted engineering practice. All piping should be anchored by properly designed hangers and supports with allowance made for possible expansion and contraction. No external loads should be placed upon condenser connections, nor should any of the pipe supports be anchored to the unit framework. For additional information concerning refrigerant pipe sizing and layout, see EVAPCO Bulletin entitled “Piping Evaporative Condensers” Bulletin 131A. Indoor Installations Centrifugal fan models can be installed indoors where it is desirable to hide the unit or where it is the only location available. Discharge ductwork is required for these installations. Normally it is best to use the room as a plenum for inlet air, but inlet ductwork can be used if required. The design of ductwork should be symmetrical to provide even air distribution across both intake and discharge openings. The static pressure loss imposed by the ductwork must not exceed 1/2”. Care must be taken to provide large access doors in the ductwork for accessibility to the unit fan section, eliminators and water distribution system for normal maintenance. The centrifugal fan condenser can handle the external static of ductwork by using the next larger size fan motor. Units installed with inlet ductwork should also be ordered with the solid bottom panel option. Drawings are available from the factory showing size and location of duct connections. Maintaining the Recirculated Water System The heat rejection in a condenser is accomplished by the evaporation of a portion of the recirculated spray water. As this water evaporates, it leaves behind all of its mineral content and impurities. Therefore, it is important to bleed-off an amount of water equal to that which is evaporated to prevent the build-up of these impurities. If this is not done, the mineral or the acidic nature of the water will continue to increase. This will ultimately result in heavy scaling or a corrosive condition. Bleed-off Each unit supplied with a pump mounted on the side is furnished with a clear bleed line for visual inspection and a valve which, when fully open, will bleed-off the proper amount of water. If the make-up water supplying the unit is relatively free of impurities, it may be possible to cut back the bleed, but the unit must be checked frequently to make sure scale is not forming. Make-up water pressure should be maintained between 20 and 50 psig. Water Treatment In some cases the make-up will be so high in mineral content that a normal bleed-off will not prevent scaling. In this case water treatment will be required and a reputable water treatment company familiar with the local water conditions should be consulted. Any chemical water treatment used must be compatible with the construction of the unit. If acid is used for treatment, it should be accurately metered and the concentration properly controlled. The pH of the water should be maintained between 6.5 and 8.0. Units constructed of galvanized steel operating with circulating water having a pH of 8.3 or higher will require periodic passivation of the galvanized steel to prevent the formation of “white rust”. Batch chemical feeding is not recommended because it does not afford the proper degree of control. If acid cleaning is required extreme caution must be exercised and only inhibited acids recommended for use with galvanized construction should be used. For more information see EVAPCO Bulletin entitled “Maintenance Instructions”. Control of Biological Contamination Water quality should be checked regularly for biological contamination, If biological contamination is detected, a more aggressive water treatment and mechanical cleaning program should be undertaken. The water treatment program should be performed in conjunction with a qualified water treatment company. It is important that all internal surfaces be kept clean of accumulated dirt and sludge. In addition, the drift eliminators should be maintained in good operating condition. Solutions for Sound Sensitive Applications The ATC product line is now available with four (4) equipment options to reduce the overall sound generated from the side or top of the unit. Each option provides various levels of sound reduction and can be used in combination to provide the lowest sound level. Consult EVAPCO’s ES II selection program for unit sound levels. If a detailed analysis or full octave band data sheet is required for your application, please consult your EVAPCO Sales Representative. NOTE: These low sound options may impact the overall installed dimensions and weight of the unit. 3 34 1.03 .37 1.81 . The second and more simple method is based on evaporator tons.500 x 1.61 1. the first is based on the total heat of rejection as described immediately below.69 1. (°F) 50 55 .3 100 105 110 Wet Bulb Temperature.57 2.98 .80 .22 1.22 . 78° W.3° condensing and 78° W.14 1.672.95 .82 1. Note: For screw compressor selections employing water cooled oil cooling.80 3. Heat of Rejection Method (1) Recirculating water from the water sump can be used directly in the oil cooler. temperature and 500 compressor BHP.141.000 BTU/Hr 500 BHP x 2545 = 1.77 .Ammonia (R-717) Heat Rejection Factors Condensing Cond.40 1.09 1.97 .40 1.53 60 62 1.78 3.79 1.93 1.71 2.69 .20 .83 2. The heat of rejection method is applicable to all but centrifugal compressor applications and is normally used for selecting evaporative condensers for use with hermetic compressors and screw compressors. it can be determined by one of the following formulaes: Open Compressors: Heat of Rejection = Evaporator Load (BTU/Hr) + Compressor BHP x 2545 Hermetic Compressors: Heat of Rejection = Evaporator Load (BTU/Hr) + K.85 1. = 1.46 1.73 3.91 .06 .84 2.85 .37 1.62 .29 1.B.10 .83 .97 .50 1.95 1.69 2.00 2.56 .85 1.02 .272.07 1.87 .70 2.58 1.25 1. If the heat of rejection is not known.29 2.B.01 .04 Table 2 .65 1.10 .15 .87 . A separate pump should be employed and the return water should be directed into the water sump at the opposite end from the pump suction.20 .39 1.75 1. Table 1 .21 .22 1.10 . The evaporator ton method is only applicable to systems with open type reciprocating compressors.W.67 1.64 64 66 68 70 72 74 75 76 77 78 80 82 84 86 1.98 2. The heat of rejection method of selection is more accurate and should be used whenever possible.00 .50 1. psig °F 152 166 181 185 197 214 232 4 85 90 95 96.76 .00 1.98 .59 .83 .09 .00 .51 1.45 1. then the oil cooling load should be deducted from the heat of rejection before making the selection.HFC°F 22 134a 156 168 182 196 211 226 95 104 114 124 135 146 85 90 95 100 105 110 Wet Bulb Temperature.50 1. It can also be used for standard open type reciprocating compressors as an alternate to the evaporator ton method.24 1.68 . ammonia refrigerant 96. If the oil cooler is supplied by water from a separate source.03 .02 1.31 1.90 1.25 1.88 .10 . Compressor Input x 3415 For refrigerant injection cooled screw compressors. Specify load and water flow required.00 .69 .71 .672.03 .85 .28 1.16 1.15 .72 1. select a condenser for the total MBH as in the example.63 .71 3.93 . Selection Procedure Two methods of selection are presented.11 .62 .87 .82 .12 1.14 .66 2.325 BTU/Hr or 9142 MBH.31 1. In the heat of rejection method. UBC-630.3° condensing temperature.86 .48 1.87 .13 1.95 .82 4.89 .81 .29 1. PMCB-630 or LSCB-625.57 64 66 68 70 72 74 75 76 77 78 80 82 84 86 1.94 .63 2.34 1.50 2.46 1.73 .21 .79 3.03 .90 . The resultant figure is used to select a unit from Table 3.64 1.47 1.77 3. (°F) 50 55 1.89 1. HCFC.56 1.87 2.63 1.23 .35 1.83 .64 . Selection: Heat of Rejection 450 tons x 12000 = 5.63 1.45 1.08 .75 .44 1.09 .91 .56 1.02 2.12 .500 BTU/Hr Total 6.EXAMPLE Given: 450 ton load.HCFC-22 and HFC-134a Heat Rejection Factors Condensing Pres.74 2.93 .13 .94 1.26 1.30 1.92 .66 . select the condenser in the same manner as shown in the example.64 2.56 1.69 2.17 1.67 .75 .85 .47 2.37 = 9.72 .70 1.82 .12 1. The evaporator ton method is based on the estimated heat of compression. Pres. Temp.80 .98 .76 .98 . a factor for the specified operating conditions (condensing temperature and wet bulb) is obtained from Table 1 or 2 and multiplied times the heat of rejection.39 1.57 1. Unit capacities are given in Table 3 in thousands of BTU/Hr or MBH.94 .25 1.71 .89 1.63 1. (2) The condenser coil can be circuited so that water or a glycol-water mixture for the oil cooler can be cooled in a separate section of the coil.42 1.60 1.88 3.62 1.93 2.24 1.71 1.21 .71 1.07 .53 1. psig Cond. Therefore.55 . The condenser can then function in one of two ways: Refer to the factory for selections on systems with centrifugal compressors.12 1. select a model ATC-639B.54 1.94 .82 1.05 .77 1.37 6.38 1.18 .500 BTU/Hr From Table 2 the capacity factor for 96. Temp.34 1.91 .89 .75 2.36 1.93 .78 1.94 1.400.84 .63 .71 .79 .25 2.59 60 62 1.70 .12 1.78 .01 1.74 .78 . 793 805 11.339 36.981 230 3.596 Model MBH Base PMCB Models Model MBH Base Model MBH Base Model MBH Base 180 2.660 5.788 54.880 6.642 13.197 23.596 690 10.114 9.760 11.234 850 12.760 510 7.337 960 14.058 1.940 3.843 290 4.485 1.290 475 6.215 14.700 460 6.153 235 3.750 385 5.210 26.144 7.646 1435 21.688 7.143 1310 19. Other models exist for special horsepower or layout applications.774 13.141 505 7.965 415 6.219 4.481 11.625 725 10.141 16.675 4.376 15.143 10.954 4.584 11.319 LRC Models LSCB Models Model MBH Base Model MBH Base 25 27 29 35 38 42 48 51 58 65 72 76 84 91 101 108 114 116 128 131 140 155 174 183 188 190 201 211 213 225 227 233 240 246 249 255 269 287 300 321 336 361 379 368 397 426 515 559 617 706 750 853 956 1.528 3.554 12.612 13.749 3.329 25.923 8.439 5.416 26.151 28.646 42.307 5.023 630 9.658 1370 20.615 7.499 3.050 210 3. 5 .507 770 11.462 190 2.391 14.201 12.406 14.865 1485 21.921 485 7.778 985 14.803 15.333 13.261 9.126 670 9.425 3.790 10.292 1030 15.130 1980 29.441 390 5.925 5.377 345 5.426 2.484 4.019 1110 16.630 44.112 13.925 3.323 1.925 1015 14.218 6.675 910 13.116 4.145 1018 14.526 1550 22.983 1260 18.117 1.615 1165 17.534 28.528 3.116 4.056 1320 19.261 3225 47.526 47.820 1710 25.716 12.187 49.888 250 3.870 360 5.860 18.308 3.605 31.072 1655 24.437 11.718 6.163 35.278 415 6.851 1000 14.803 600 8.832 15.830 860 12.822 1575 23.588 1.555 10.424 2370 34.700 15.803 535 7.322 4.793 2.387 26.439 1690 24.247 435 6.394 7.286 800 11.454 5.719 4.600 1630 23.702 1265 18.660 1075 15.099 10.244 560 8.926 2.882 1.764 2.393 9.950 14.112 420 6.644 2500 36.690 2.524 580 8.731 480 7.603 38.962 21.248 1110 16.395 1120 16.673 9.393 200 2.497 1410 20.404 765 11.631 4.745 370 5.083 560 8.745 13.249 3.279 2.188 9.106 350 5.544 1.087 1500 22.163 34.131 3.778 5.217 8.197 890 13.511 9.039 50.455 855 12.429 30.965 490 7.981 11.329 275 4.317 645 9.497 8.095 175 2.876 540 7.157 12.235 1.056 7.953 7.Table 3 .616 3.948 20.101 1105 16.785 1010 14.940 1460 21.727 830 12.437 9.723 33.112 14.720 2.571 185 200 210 225 240 250 280 300 315 335 355 370 385 400 430 450 480 500 515 550 590 625 650 690 720 755 800 805 860 900 960 1000 1030 1100 1180 1250 1310 1380 1440 1510 1610 2.468 1800 26.505 325 4.834 210 3.246 495 7.699 18.087 3.642 540 7.522 730 10.558 2.190 1605 23.051 20.865 2615 38.848 51.099 1395 20.408 450 6. Please consult the factory or EVAPCO Representative for the special situations.875 20.755 23.966 10.375 19.594 240 3.263 950 13.911 40.541 8.834 12.157 13.733 1080 15.151 335 4.201 535 7.263 5.Unit Heat Rejection UBC Models ATC Models Model MBH Base Model MBH Base 50B 65B 80B 90B 105B 120B 135B 150B 165B 187B 199B 221B 238B 253B 269B 280B 294B 305B 325B 358B 371B 398B 423B 442B 457B 473B 486B 503B 523B 539B 559B 578B 581B 601B 620B 630B 639B 642B 647B 666B 682B 687B 706B 713B 725B 746B 747B 755B 778B 781B 805B 827B 830B 854B 865B 869B 892B 895B 907B 926B 935B 949B 967B 979B 980B 1006B 1007B 1046B 1047B 1077B 1078B 1163B 1164B 1203B 1204B 1283B 1284B 1364B 1365B 1425B 1426B 1495B 1496B 1561B 1562B 1616B 1625B 1654B 1655B 1720B 1729B 1783B 1784B 1795B 1805B 1915B 1925B 2002B 2082B 2158B 2256B 2324B 2404B 2490B 2647B 2765B 2900B 3029B 3210B 3336B 3459B 3482B 3591B 3714B 735 956 1.788 14.528 885 13.961 23.168 22.277 1380 20.638 920 13.985 2.230 14.219 5.947 22.762 1915 28.497 6.381 1530 22.378 10.232 2860 42.460 330 4.346 18.888 24.321 6.337 3.338 1.257 20.991 22.096 17.573 775 11.099 11.491 220 3.286 21.719 3.482 1240 18.658 10.660 3.185 52.205 2.058 2.495 260 3.410 4.174 1735 25.410 4.232 1540 22.571 8.066 20.689 1175 17.042 425 6.526 3010 44.834 12.308 3.977 21.284 25.203 2100 30.764 1.676 1.938 2740 40.364 1335 19.087 815 11.170 17.314 24.704 1625 23.464 630 9.667 Note: Table 3 presents only the standard model selections.705 1.954 4.851 6.228 660 9.938 1510 22.391 15.099 11.176 1.849 455 6.481 10.480 440 6.835 9.939 5.513 1060 15.961 1075 15.139 755 11.284 295 4.010 320 4.102 3.582 520 7.350 7.257 705 10.137 1090 16.101 1720 25.273 700 10.569 285 4.317 580 8.111 17.043 935 13.085 8.847 17.261 1770 26.955 3.025 10.225 26.749 2.684 17.298 29.839 375 5.847 585 8. Therefore. UBC-440. factors for the specified operating conditions (suction temperature. and the capacity factor for the suction temperature of +10° F is 1. Table 4 . and any layout or horsepower considerations. The resultant figure is used to select a unit from Table 4.Unit Sizes ATC Models 50B 65B 80B 90B 105B 120B 135B 150B 165B 187B 199B 221B 238B 253B 269B 280B 294B 305B 325B 358B 371B 398B 423B 442B 457B 473B 486B 503B 523B 6 539B 559B 578B 581B 601B 620B 630B 639B 642B 647B 666B 682B 687B 706B 713B 725B 746B 747B 755B 778B 781B 805B 827B 830B 854B 865B 869B 892B 895B 907B 926B 935B 949B 967B 979B 980B 1006B 1007B 1046B 1047B 1077B 1078B 1163B 1164B 1203B 1204B 1283B 1284B 1364B 1365B 1425B 1426B 1495B 1496B 1561B 1562B 1616B 1625B UBC Models 1654B 1655B 1720B 1729B 1783B 1784B 1795B 1805B 1915B 1925B 2002B 2082B 2158B 2256B 2324B 2404B 2490B 2647B 2765B 2900B 3029B 3210B 3336B 3459B 3482B 3591B 3714B 180 200 210 230 260 285 320 345 370 415 420 440 460 485 490 505 520 535 540 560 580 630 670 700 730 765 800 830 860 890 920 1010 1075 1090 1110 1240 1265 1310 1335 1370 1395 1435 1460 1500 1530 1575 1605 1625 1655 1690 1720 1735 1800 1915 1980 2100 2370 2500 2615 2740 2860 3010 3225 PMCB Models 175 190 210 220 235 240 250 275 290 295 325 330 335 350 360 375 385 390 415 425 435 450 455 475 480 495 510 535 540 560 580 585 600 630 645 660 690 705 725 755 770 775 805 815 850 855 885 910 935 950 960 985 1000 1015 1018 1030 1060 1075 1080 1105 1110 1120 1165 1175 1260 1320 1380 1410 1485 1510 1540 1550 1630 1710 1770 LRC Models LSCB Models 25 174 185 650 27 183 200 690 29 188 210 35 190 225 38 201 240 42 211 250 48 213 280 805 51 225 300 860 58 227 315 900 65 233 335 72 240 355 76 246 370 84 249 385 91 255 400 1100 101 269 430 1180 108 287 450 1250 114 300 480 116 321 500 128 336 515 131 361 550 140 379 590 1510 625 1610 155 720 755 800 960 1000 1030 1310 1380 1440 .38.38 X 1.EXAMPLE Given: 300 ton evaporator load. so the corrected capacity required may be determined as: 300 X 1.03. R-717. Selection: The capacity factor from Table 6 for the given condensing and wet bulb conditions is 1. and PMCB-435 or LSCB-430 depending on unit type desired. 40°F suction and 78° wet bulb. with +10° F suction and 76° F wet bulb temperatures. condensing at 95° F. select a model ATC-442B.03 = 426 corrected tons. condensing temperature and wet bulb) are obtained from either Table 5 or 6 and multiplied times the heat load in tons. Evaporator Ton Method In the evaporator ton method. The condenser model in Table 4 is equal to the unit capacity in evaporator tons for HCFC-22 or HFC-134a conditions of 105°F condensing. 97 1.95 .22 1.82 .6 9.03 1.86 .82 1.44 1.93 2.5 11.32 1.83 2.62 .68 .65 1.68 .01 2. (psig) 1.07 1.66 .32 1.30 1.80 211 135 105 .52 1.60 . Other models exist for special horsepower or layout applications.19 1.19 1.31 2.HCFC-22 and HFC-134a Capacity Factors Condensing Pres.78 2.85 .7 23.41 1.33 1.70 .5 84.57 1.36 1.23 1.59 3.64 2. HCFC.8 33.44 1.69 214 105 .63 .23 1. (°F) 50 55 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 75 76 77 78 80 82 84 86 152 85 .4 1.33 197 100 .66 .97 1.21 1.12 1.75 .16 1.35 1.9 18.42 1.14 1.91 .99 Suction Temp.93 1.78 .60 1.5 45.6 3.29 1.75 3.02 2.02 1.95 Note: Table 4 presents only the standard model selections.01 1.66 .17 - - 181 95 .28 1.84 . (psig) -1.89 .11 1.13 1.06 1.82 .26 1.08 1.3 .0 58.90 .84 . Pres. °F -30° -20° -10° 0° +10° +20° +30° +40° Suction Press.70 196 124 100 .55 1.99 1.83 .73 .71 2.93 .68 .0 45.9 68.07 1.8 43.49 2.10 1.71 .87 3.63 .85 .87 .56 .44 1.93 .90 .10 1.56 1.71 .02 1.30 2.95 3. (°F) 50 55 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 75 76 77 78 80 82 84 86 156 95 85 1.01 1.HFC °F 22 134a Wet Bulb Temperature.12 1.57 .52 1.78 .84 .10 1.61 1.40 1.51 1. Please consult the factory or EVAPCO Representative for the special situations.18 1.9 6.38 - - 182 114 95 .59 .55 185 96.78 .43 1.05 -20° -10° -0° +10° +20° +30° +40° +50° HCFC-22 10. psig °F Wet Bulb Temperature.80 .17 1.70 .85 .78 .13 1.65 .66 .46 3.71 .97 1.06 1.96 1.5 24.98 1.64 .77 .52 1. °F Suction Press.94 1.97 0.37 1.02 2.72 .09 1.0 HFC-134a -1.03 1.76 .34 1.79 .07 1.6 Capacity Factor 1.75 .17 2.8 1.05 2.87 .07 1.85 .92 2.05 1.73 1.17 2.0 54.91 .71 1.04 2.07 1.93 .92 .68 1.1 35.12 1.27 232 110 .25 1.16 2.59 - - - - 166 90 .89 .94 .30 2.87 .01 1.00 0.74 .74 .25 1.38 1.80 - - - - 168 104 90 .66 1.83 .93 .16 1. 7 .53 1.89 . Temp.04 1.03 1.62 .97 Capacity Factor Table 6 .00 0.81 1.35 226 146 110 .14 1.0 15.78 .90 .72 .15 1.42 1.59 .81 .75 .79 .88 .06 1.09 1.Table 5 .17 1.97 1.66 .76 .14 1.00 1.22 1.99 Suction Temp.91 2.1 16.73 .72 .61 .Ammonia (R-717) Capacity Factors Condensing Cond.75 .18 2.80 .87 .91 . psig Cond.91 2.80 .93 .31 1.70 .98 1. Temp.33 1.26 3.53 .76 2.46 1.00 1.0 32.23 1.4 26.81 .13 3.24 1.16 1. P.*** ft3 HP GPM Req’d** Size Weight Weights Dimensions Height H Upper U 8' 5-1/4” 5’ 9-3/4” Lower E Coil A Length L 50B 35 3 11.880 9' 8-1/4” 7’ 3/4” 2’ 7-1/2” 34-1/2” 11' 11-3/4” * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a.940 80 11 3/4 135 120 6” 4. 8 .P.230 9' 8-1/4” 7’ 3/4” 2’ 7-1/2” 34-1/2” 5' 11-7/8” 8' 5-1/4” 5’ 9-3/4” 90B 64 (2) 3 21.98 for R-134a.190 75 10 1 200 180 6” 4.950 2’ 7-1/2” 19-1/2” 8' 11-1/2” 105B 74 (2) 3 19.P.) † Heaviest section is the coil section.Engineering Dimensions & Data Models ATC 50B to 165B ACCESS DOOR 22-1/2" U 4 M.760 2..T.180 2. REFRIG.730 95 13 1 200 180 6” 5.610 5.580 3.570 5.300 5.200 8.620 130 18 1-1/2 270 230 8” 6.800 4.3°F condensing.790 9' 3/4” 6’ 5-1/4” 2’ 7-1/2” 27” 5' 11-7/8” 80B 57 5 12. ** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping.540 9' 3/4” 6’ 5-1/4” 2’ 7-1/2” 27” 8' 11-1/2” 120B 85 (2) 3 19.180 9' 8-1/4” 7’ 3/4” 2’ 7-1/2” 34-1/2” 8' 11-1/2” 135B 96 (2) 3 25.620 2.200 3.710 4.510 3. Operating Shipping Operating Section† lbs.330 120 16 1 200 180 6” 6. *** Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717. (12” would normally be sufficient.460 160 22 1-1/2 270 230 8” 7.T. OUT H A ATC 90B to 165B ATC 50B to 80B 5-1/8" 1" M.T.810 5.980 9' 3/4” 5’ 9-3/4” 2’ 7-1/2” 27” 11' 11-3/4” 150B 106 (2) 3 23.400 7.800 6.350 6.950 6.T. REFRIG.900 6. DRAIN 14-1/2" 4' 1/4" L 14-1/2" L Table 7 Engineering Data Fans ATC Model R-717 No.B. Do not use for pre-fabrication.800 2. MAKE-UP 2" M.93 for R-22 and 1. ammonia 96.970 4.100 4.130 50 7 3/4 135 120 6” 3.000 3.520 65 9 3/4 135 120 6” 3.740 4.370 2’ 7-1/2” 19-1/2” 5' 11-7/8” 65B 46 5 12. 40°F suction and 78°F W.100 3.B.P. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.390 4.420 160 22 1-1/2 270 230 8” 7.P.* Tons* HP CFM Refrigerant Spray Pump Remote Pump Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Gallons Conn. IN 4 M. 105°F condensing. 20°F suction and 78°F W. OVERFLOW 1-1/4" E 2" M.840 9' 8-1/4” 7’ 3/4” 2’ 7-1/2” 34-1/2” 11' 11-3/4” 165B 117 (2) 5 25. Multiply by 1.600 2. Dimensions are subject to change.240 8.T. 960 22.290 8.460 30.380 11.P.460 17. 40°F suction and 78°F W.) † Heaviest section is the coil section.T.B.500 47.560 14.300 13. REFRIG.890 17.450 11. 20°F suction and 78°F W.100 98.180 10. ** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping.T.T. Dimensions are subject to change.100 40.780 26.490 19.Models ATC 187B to 755B 21-3/8" ACCESS DOOR 44-1/2" 22-5/8" U (2)4 M.040 13.400 19.060 21.700 84.240 23.T.980 9.P.710 17.440 29.P.P.P.420 33.P.070 9.400 46..700 10.950 7.500 56.940 12.T.200 36.970 16.900 19.*** ft3 HP GPM Req’d** Size Weight Weights 7.680 7. OUT A ATC 187B to 238B H 5-1/8" 2 M.170 19.110 14. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.690 17.500 97.520 22.3°F condensing.520 33.93 for R-22 and 1.550 12. MAKE-UP E 3 M. IN (2)4 M.720 19.600 14.560 30.620 Dimensions Height H Upper U Lower E Coil A Length L 11' 2" 11' 2" 11' 9-1/2" 11’ 9-1/2" 11' 10-1/8" 12' 5-5/8" 13' 1-1/8" 11' 10-1/8" 11' 10-1/8" 12' 5-5/8" 12' 10" 13' 5-1/2" 12' 10" 12' 10" 12' 10" 13' 5-1/2" 13' 5-1/2" 12' 6-1/2" 13' 2" 13' 9-1/2" 13' 2" 13' 9-1/2" 13' 9-1/2" 13' 9-1/2" 7’ 1-7/8” 7’ 1-7/8” 7’ 9-3/8” 7’ 9-3/8” 7’ 6-3/8” 8’ 1-7/8” 8’ 9-3/8” 7’ 6-3/8” 7’ 6-3/8” 8’ 1-7/8” 8’ 1-7/8” 8’ 9-3/8” 8’ 1-7/8” 8’ 1-7/8” 8’ 1-7/8” 8’ 9-3/8” 8’ 9-3/8” 7’ 6-3/8” 8’ 1-7/8” 8’ 9-3/8” 8’ 1-7/8” 8’ 9-3/8” 8’ 9-3/8” 8’ 9-3/8” 4' 1/8" 4' 1/8" 4' 1/8" 4' 1/8" 4' 3-3/4" 4' 3-3/4" 4' 3-3/4" 4' 3-3/4" 4' 3-3/4" 4' 3-3/4" 4' 8-1/8" 4' 8-1/8" 4' 8-1/8" 4' 8-1/8" 4' 8-1/8" 4' 8-1/8" 4' 8-1/8" 5' 1/8" 5' 1/8" 5' 1/8" 5' 1/8" 5' 1/8" 5' 1/8" 5' 1/8" 27” 27” 34-1/2” 34-1/2” 27” 34-1/2” 42” 27” 27” 34-1/2” 34-1/2” 42” 34-1/2” 34-1/2” 34-1/2” 42” 42” 27” 34-1/2” 42” 34-1/2” 42” 42” 42” 8' 5-1/2" 8' 5-1/2" 8' 5-1/2" 8' 5-1/2" 8' 11-1/2" 8' 11-1/2" 8' 11-1/2" 10' 5-1/2" 10' 5-1/2" 10' 5-1/2" 11' 11-3/4" 11' 11-3/4" 13' 11-3/4" 13' 11-3/4" 13' 11-3/4" 13' 11-3/4" 13' 11-3/4" 18' 0" 18' 0" 18' 0" 21' 0" 21' 0" 21' 0" 21' 0" * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a.530 12.050 1.P.98 for R-134a.830 7.T.130 9.000 20.000 63.770 7.800 55.040 14.T.940 17.520 10.440 9.950 14. Multiply by 1. DRAIN 13-7/8" 8' 5-1/2" 17" L L Table 8 Engineering Data Fans ATC Model R-717 No.680 12.P.900 26.920 12.730 10.P.940 14.940 14.190 30.650 6.T.630 25.670 25.470 10. MAKE-UP E 3 M.100 51.530 25.100 108.200 95.690 17.100 100.780 12. OVERFLOW 2 M.720 11.* Tons* HP†† 187B 199B 221B 238B 253B 280B 305B 269B 294B 325B 358B 371B 398B 423B 442B 457B 473B 486B 578B 630B 666B 687B 725B 755B 133 142 157 169 180 199 217 191 209 231 255 263 283 301 313 324 336 345 411 447 473 488 515 536 7-1/2 10 10 15 15 15 20 10 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 25 30 (2)10 (2)15 (2)20 (2)15 (2)15 (2)20 (2)25 CFM 34.640 10.870 16.890 10.000 68.100 48. OVERFLOW 2 M. ammonia 96.020 23.600 Refrigerant Spray Pump Remote Pump Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Gallons Conn.050 1.840 14.880 12.480 10.300 71.160 19.740 9.040 20.000 74.650 27.520 22.800 73.560 22.420 22.000 37.800 53.340 33.750 14.550 11.200 15.T.010 10.200 13.910 14.980 18.050 1. 105°F condensing. REFRIG. (12” would normally be sufficient.580 6.820 8.P. IN (2)4 M. OUT A ATC 253B to 473B H ATC 486B to 755B 5-1/8" 2 M. 9 .500 46. Operating Shipping Operating Section† lbs.110 15. REFRIG.000 22.580 185 185 225 225 210 260 310 245 245 300 345 410 400 400 400 475 475 410 510 610 595 715 715 715 25 25 31 31 29 35 42 33 33 41 47 56 55 55 55 65 65 56 70 83 81 97 97 97 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 340 340 340 340 410 410 410 500 500 500 550 550 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 1. *** Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717.B.T.690 10.290 12.960 22.380 30. Do not use for pre-fabrication.940 19.800 92. DRAIN 13-3/4" 7' 5-7/8" L 19-3/4" 26-3/8" ACCESS DOOR ACCESS DOOR 48-3/4" ACCESS DOOR U (2)4 M.050 220 220 220 220 250 250 250 290 290 290 330 330 380 380 380 380 380 510 510 510 590 590 590 590 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 10" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 9.930 12. REFRIG.860 14. 3°F condensing.200 28.000 37. ammonia 96.T.480 13' 2" 8’ 1-7/8” 5' 1/8" 39-1/4” 11' 11-3/4" 805B 571 (2)25 125.320 34.100 660 (2)10" 31. OVERFLOW 2 M.360 13' 2" 8’ 1-7/8” 5' 1/8" 39-1/4” 11' 11-3/4" 746B 530 (2)20 121. Operating Shipping Operating Section† lbs.P. Multiply by 1.200 760 (2)10" 40. DRAIN 2 M.710 555 76 (2)3 1.800 26.700 29.98 for R-134a.040 31. IN (2)4 M. OUT 26-3/8" 2 M. REFRIG.840 955 130 (2)3 1.980 11. *** Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717.T.93 for R-22 and 1.000 28. 20°F suction and 78°F W.900 33.T.370 9.440 13' 2" 8’ 1-7/8” 5' 1/8" 39-1/4” 11' 11-3/4" 778B 553 (2)25 129.T.020 12. REFRIG.280 34.) † Heaviest section is the coil section.P. MAKE-UP ACCESS DOOR U A ATC 639B to 926B H 5-1/8" E 3 M.T.P. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.710 43.* Tons* HP†† CFM Refrigerant Spray Pump Remote Pump Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Gallons Conn.100 14' 3-1/2" 8’ 9-3/8” 5' 6-1/8" 47-3/4” 13' 11-3/4" * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a.350 690 94 (2)3 1.800 26.100 660 (2)10" 35. MAKE-UP 2 M.060 13' 8" 8’ 1-7/8” 5' 6-1/8" 39-1/4” 13' 11-3/4" 865B 614 (2)25 145.100 660 (2)10" 31.500 33.T.B.P.430 12.000 800 109 (2)3 1.900 11. Dimensions are subject to change.950 12' 6-1/2" 7’ 6-3/8” 5' 1/8" 30-3/4” 11' 11-3/4" 706B 501 (2)15 112.020 14. ** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping.860 11. OVERFLOW 3 M. 105°F condensing.100 660 (2)10" 27.330 690 94 (2)3 1.600 38.990 820 112 (2)3 1.Engineering Dimensions & Data Models ATC 639B to 926B 19-5/8" 19-5/8" ACCESS DOOR 26-3/8" 48-3/4" 48-3/4" (2)4 M.P.P.T.780 11. 40°F suction and 78°F W.980 14. REFRIG..100 13' 8" 8’ 1-7/8” 5' 6-1/8" 39-1/4” 13' 11-3/4" 895B 636 (2)25 140. Do not use for pre-fabrication.200 760 (2)10" 34. REFRIG.500 26.T.T.040 38.200 760 (2)10" 40.980 800 109 (2)3 1.*** ft3 HP GPM Req’d** Size Weight Weights Dimensions Height H Upper U Lower E Coil A Length L 639B 454 (2)15 115.200 34.P.200 760 (2)10" 34.P.060 14' 3-1/2" 8’ 9-3/8” 5' 6-1/8" 47-3/4” 13' 11-3/4" 926B 658 (2)30 147.P.290 690 94 (2)3 1. (12” would normally be sufficient. DRAIN 15-1/2" 17' 4-1/8" L Table 9 Engineering Data Fans ATC Model R-717 No.B.P.860 955 130 (2)3 1. 10 . OUT (2)4 M.010 13' 9-1/2" 8’ 9-3/8” 5' 1/8" 47-3/4” 11' 11-3/4" 830B 589 (2)20 136. IN (2)4 M.100 660 (2)10" 31.T.900 23.750 44. 400 29. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.200 720 12" 27. OUT 5-1/4" E 2 M.950 15' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 6' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 20' 0" 935B 664 50 147.500 21.200 720 12" 35.350 16' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 6' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 18' 0" 869B 617 40 143.400 800 14" 39.630 16.870 41.620 14' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 5' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 11' 11-3/4" 21.93 for R-22 and 1.570 820 112 10 1.220 22.480 690 94 5 900 570 12" 28.510 25.150 690 94 5 900 570 12" CFM Height H Coil A Length L 9’ 7-5/8” 5' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 11' 11-3/4" 21.200 26.560 33. 11 .260 26.3°F condensing.630 820 112 10 1.370 16' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 6' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 20' 0" 967B 687 60 155.190 580 79 5 900 570 12" 601B 427 25 91.320 18.600 34. IN ATC 503B to 967B H A (2)4 M.010 740 101 7-1/2 1.990 500 68 5 800 490 12" 539B 382 30 88.830 21.070 32. Dimensions are subject to change.610 885 121 7-1/2 1.700 30.400 800 14" 34.400 23.990 28.220 690 94 5 900 570 12" 28.250 29.470 41.200 720 12" 27.900 26.420 595 81 5 800 490 12" 581B 413 25 94.000 23. 105°F condensing.300 34.720 25.970 10’ 4-1/8” 5' 8-1/8" 47-3/4” 13' 11-3/4" 16' 0" Upper U Lower E 620B 440 30 95.200 720 12" 31.810 37.760 595 81 7-1/2 1.300 16' 0" 10’ 4-1/8” 5' 8-1/8" 47-3/4” 13' 11-3/4" 642B 456 20 110.P.100 26.800 24. REFRIG.040 16' 0" 10’ 4-1/8” 5' 8-1/8" 47-3/4” 13' 11-3/4" 647B 459 40 103. MAKE-UP 3 M.*** ft3 HP GPM Req’d** Size Weight Weights Dimensions ATC Model R-717 No.200 29.800 19.T.530 15.T.900 18.140 29.650 595 81 7-1/2 1.* Tons* HP 503B 357 20 78.240 15' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 5' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 11' 11-3/4" 24.700 37.200 720 12" 35.T.690 19. 20°F suction and 78°F W. (12” would normally be sufficient.890 15' 1-1/4" 8’ 11-1/8” 6' 2-1/8" 30-3/4” 18' 0" 747B 531 25 114.600 27.P.B.400 33.720 14' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 5' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 11' 11-3/4" 24.040 46.B.730 15' 1-1/4" 8’ 11-1/8” 6' 2-1/8" 30-3/4” 18' 0" 682B 484 25 118.200 720 12" 31.940 500 68 5 800 490 12" 21.000 18.P. DRAIN 26 11' 10" L Table 10 Engineering Data Fans Refrigerant Spray Pump Remote Pump Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Gallons Conn. ** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping..400 32. Operating Shipping Operating Section† lbs.330 23.700 20.680 15' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 6' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 18' 0" 854B 606 40 128.070 37.740 985 134 10 1.200 720 12" 31.150 46.570 14' 9-3/4" 523B 371 25 84.590 23. 40°F suction and 78°F W. REFRIG.670 885 121 7-1/2 1.640 19.570 21.P.Models ATC 503B to 967B 7 35-1/4" ACCESS DOOR 68-1/2" U (2)4 M.790 15' 3-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 5' 8-1/8" 39-1/4” 13' 11-3/4" 27.450 33.100 23.850 985 134 10 1. Do not use for pre-fabrication.400 800 14" 34.000 21.310 15' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 6' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 18' 0" 781B 554 30 122. Multiply by 1.98 for R-134a. ammonia 96.480 15.930 41.660 25.600 595 81 7-1/2 1.800 24.560 25.400 800 14" 39.290 16' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 6' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 18' 0" 892B 633 50 136. *** Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717.110 29.T. OVERFLOW 3 M.890 15' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 6' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 20' 0" 907B 644 50 152.090 500 68 5 800 490 12" 559B 397 30 85.270 740 101 7-1/2 1.400 30.) † Heaviest section is the coil section.200 720 12" 27.500 18.480 16' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 6' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 20' 0" * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a.780 15' 1-1/4" 8’ 11-1/8” 6' 2-1/8" 30-3/4” 18' 0" 713B 506 30 126.900 740 101 7-1/2 1.420 15' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 6' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 18' 0" 827B 587 40 132.T.150 18.140 32.100 24.P.660 25.410 41. 600 68.*** ft3 Weights Spray Pump HP Remote Pump Gallons Conn.B.600 (2)14" 70.400 1.360 13.140 (2)12" 55.3°F condensing.650 1.380 67. (12” would normally be sufficient.Engineering Dimensions & Data Models ATC 949B to 1925B 7 35-1/4" ACCESS DOOR 68-1/2" ACCESS DOOR U (2)4 M.090 985 134 (2)5 1.780 26.480 202 (2)7-1/2 2.400 1.100 54.380 188 (2)5 1.98 for R-134a.270 51.960 17' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 7' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 36' 2-1/2" 1625B 1153 (2)30 262.170 17' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 7' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 40' 2-1/2" 12 * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a.180 161 (2)5 1.430 23.600 980 (2)12" 43.645 224 (2)10 2.700 47.530 19.800 53.260 58.800 1.800 1.155 158 (2)5 1.150 1.620 16' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 7' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 28' 2" 1204B 854 (2)25 182.870 16' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 7' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 36' 2-1/2" 1562B 1109 (2)30 244.270 1.P.510 92. 40°F suction and 78°F W.480 16' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 7' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 40' 2-1/2" 1729B 1227 (2)40 286.220 16.660 74.760 1.93 for R-22 and 1.970 50.200 82.100 59. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.P.070 51.400 59.600 (2)14" 70.090 16' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 7' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 36' 2-1/2" 1655B 1175 (2)40 265.910 23. Operating GPM Req’d** Size Weight Dimensions Height H Upper U Lower E Coil A Length L 949B 674 (2)25 173. ammonia 96.140 (2)12" 49.990 985 134 (2)5 1.670 1.530 55.080 83.600 980 (2)12" 48.400 1. OVERFLOW (2)3 M. DRAIN 26-7/8" 11' 10" 28-7/8" L Table 11 Engineering Data Fans ATC Model R-717 No.630 1.600 (2)14" 69.195 163 (2)7-1/2 2.440 (2)12" 62. OUT A ATC 949B to 1925B H 5-1/4" E (2)2 M.T.600 980 (2)12" 43.480 202 (2)7-1/2 2.690 22.630 19.710 29.440 (2)12" 63.880 74. IN (2)4 M.010 1.T.970 17' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 7' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 28' 2" 1284B 911 (2)20 220.195 163 (2)7-1/2 2.800 1.440 (2)12" 55.T.645 224 (2)10 2.200 15' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 6' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 24' 2" 1078B 765 (2)30 177.020 25.710 16' 1-1/4" 8’ 11-1/8” 7' 2-1/8" 30-3/4” 36' 2-1/2" 1365B 969 (2)25 236.T.440 (2)12" 56.900 1. 20°F suction and 78°F W.600 980 (2)12" 43. REFRIG.660 25.000 37.940 985 134 (2)5 1.840 790 108 (2)5 1.400 1.780 46.100 47.540 25.770 241 (2)7-1/2 2.800 60.900 42.440 (2)12" 63.965 268 (2)10 2. REFRIG.800 36. *** Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717.020 15.400 75.195 163 (2)7-1/2 2.180 65.030 16' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 6' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 24' 2" 1007B 714 (2)20 157.610 16' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 7' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 36' 2-1/2" 1784B 1266 (2)50 273.440 83.P..200 53.900 41.850 1.600 1.680 18.480 202 (2)7-1/2 2. Do not use for pre-fabrication.440 (2)12" 70.400 1.960 83.600 980 (2)12" 38.160 67.540 15' 1-1/4" 8’ 11-1/8” 6' 2-1/8" 30-3/4” 24' 2" 980B 695 (2)15 138.800 1.030 21.645 224 (2)10 2.190 1.220 1.400 1.100 15' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 6' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 24' 2" 1047B 743 (2)25 168.100 48.920 15.030 16' 1-1/4" 8’ 11-1/8” 7' 2-1/8" 30-3/4” 36' 2-1/2" 1496B 1061 (2)25 229. Multiply by 1.570 1.850 19.P.600 (2)14" 79.) † Heaviest section is the coil section.* Tons* HP CFM Refrigerant Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Shipping Operating Section† lbs. MAKE-UP (2)3 M.440 (2)12" 55.B. ** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping.000 37.120 16' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 7' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 40' 2-1/2" 1925B 1367 (2)60 310.400 61.850 18.T.810 16' 1-1/4" 8’ 11-1/8” 7' 2-1/8" 30-3/4” 36' 2-1/2" 1426B 1012 (2)30 252.P.060 67.310 1.800 1. Dimensions are subject to change.400 15' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 6' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 24' 2" 1164B 826 (2)25 187. .000 16' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 7' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 40' 2-1/2" 1805B 1281 (2)50 304.000 47. 105°F condensing.400 1.200 32.800 1. 850 1. DRAIN 3 M.600 (2)14" 69.P.P.480 25.900 83.140 (2)12" 56.175 (2)40 265.T.100 68.800 53.070 17' 1-1/4" 8’ 11-1/8” 8' 2-1/8" 30-3/4” 18' 0" 1495B 1.660 16' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 7' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 13' 11-3/4" 1203B 854 (2)25 182. OVERFLOW 3 M.400 1.250 51.800 59. *** Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717.440 (2)12" 71.380 15' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 6' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 11' 11-3/4" 1163B 826 (2)25 187. MAKE-UP E 3 M.B.440 (2)12" 55.240 82.645 224 (2)10 2.100 67.070 21.T.900 15.P.650 17' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 8' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 18' 0" 1783B 1.266 (2)50 273.P. Do not use for pre-fabrication. OUT 2 M. DRAIN L 26" 24' 1-1/8" Table 12 Engineering Data Fans ATC Model R-717 No.900 1.440 (2)12" 62.400 1.800 1.400 1.000 37.600 980 (2)12" 43.109 (2)30 244.010 1.670 1.730 22.530 29. ** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping.300 58.800 1.200 53.570 19.950 50.195 163 (2)7-1/2 2.840 25.750 17' 1-1/4" 8’ 11-1/8” 8' 2-1/8" 30-3/4” 18' 0" 1364B 969 (2)25 236.000 15.600 980 (2)12" 43..Models ATC 979B to 1915B 7 35-1/4" 35-1/4" 68-1/2" ACCESS DOOR 68-1/2" ACCESS DOOR U (2)4 M.760 1.P. REFRIG.200 16.000 47. MAKE-UP A ATC 979B to 1915B H 5-1/4" 2 M.480 202 (2)7-1/2 2.440 (2)12" 55.570 1.*** ft3 Weights 695 (2)15 138.830 18. 40°F suction and 78°F W.940 995 135 (2)5 1.155 158 (2)5 1.400 1. REFRIG. 13 .010 17' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 7' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 13' 11-3/4" 1283B 911 (2)20 220.200 67.630 1.850 17' 1-1/4" 8’ 11-1/8” 8' 2-1/8" 30-3/4” 18' 0" 1425B 1.100 54.940 17' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 8' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 20' 0" 1915B 1.400 1.600 (2)14" 78.480 202 (2)7-1/2 2.000 37.080 15' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 6' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 11' 11-3/4" 1046B 743 (2)25 168.440 (2)12" 63. OVERFLOW 3 M.600 (2)14" 69.T.) † Heaviest section is the coil section.965 268 (2)10 2.P.100 47.900 41.770 241 (2)7-1/2 2.990 995 135 (2)5 1.T.221 (2)40 284.900 59.800 1.380 188 (2)5 1.310 1.140 (2)12" 49.090 995 135 (2)5 1.T. REFRIG.400 1.T.920 74. OUT (2)4 M.800 36.510 55.T.148 (2)30 260.180 15' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 6' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 11' 11-3/4" 1077B 765 (2)30 177.T.185 162 (2)5 1. REFRIG.470 23. Multiply by 1.330 92. Dimensions are subject to change.B.910 17' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 8' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 18' 0" 1561B 1.650 1.700 74.600 1.990 18' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 8' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 20' 0" * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a.800 1. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.480 202 (2)7-1/2 2.645 224 (2)10 2.P. ammonia 96.3°F condensing.061 (2)25 229.900 42.600 980 (2)12" 48.800 1.220 65.130 17' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 8' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 18' 0" 1654B 1.195 163 (2)7-1/2 2.700 47.100 48.010 16' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 6' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 11' 11-3/4" 1006B 714 (2)20 157.050 51.300 59.270 1. IN (2)4 M.400 61.000 18' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 8' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 18' 0" 1616B 1.440 75.T.93 for R-22 and 1.190 1.220 Spray Pump Remote Pump HP Gallons Conn.820 26.150 1. Operating GPM Req’d** Size Weight Dimensions Height H Upper U Lower E Coil A Length L 1.P.890 19.800 1.720 18.T.* Tons* 979B HP CFM Refrigerant Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Shipping Operating Section† lbs.300 17' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 8' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 20' 0" 1720B 1.600 980 (2)12" 43.670 19.P. IN (2)4 M.98 for R-134a.780 83.360 (2)60 309. 105°F condensing.645 224 (2)10 2.P.195 163 (2)7-1/2 2.420 67.950 23.600 (2)14" 69.820 17' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 8' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 20' 0" 1795B 1.012 (2)30 252.360 25. 20°F suction and 78°F W.260 82.440 (2)12" 63.275 (2)50 303. (12” would normally be sufficient.400 1.440 (2)12" 56. 820 19.880 (4)12" 111.190 2. DRAIN (2)3 M.3°F condensing. OUT (2)4 M.965 404 (4)7-1/2 4.400 136.800 2.970 268 (4)5 3.600 3.680 149.420 23.080 18' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 8' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 40' 2-1/2" * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a.880 (4)12" 127.650 (4)30 389.) † Heaviest section is the coil section.640 18' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 8' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 40' 2-1/2" 3714B 2.768 (4)20 433.385 325 (4)7-1/2 4.602 (4)25 370.300 119.93 for R-22 and 1. 20°F suction and 78°F W.T.380 15.059 (4)25 452. 14 . Multiply by 1.600 2.460 102. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation. IN (2)4 M.020 29.850 3.600 2.580 15. MAKE-UP E (2)3 M.315 315 (4)5 3. 105°F condensing. *** Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717.151 (4)30 481.400 120.600 2.260 19.P.965 404 (4)7-1/2 4.260 2.B.980 17' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 8' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 40' 2-1/2" 3591B 2.970 268 (4)5 3.100 130.880 (4)12" 112.T.637 (4)60 608.355 321 (4)5 3.560 17' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 8' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 28' 2" 2324B 1.963 (4)30 496..500 97.700 122.T.120 150.P.440 185.P.Engineering Dimensions & Data Models ATC 2002B to 3714B 7 35-1/4" 35-1/4" 68-1/2" ACCESS DOOR 68-1/2" ACCESS DOOR ACCESS DOOR ACCESS DOOR U (2)4 M.T.500 83. ** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping.990 1.880 185.880 (4)12" 142.600 74.800 2.760 376 (4)5 3.290 448 (4)10 5.930 536 (4)10 5.960 (4)12" 96.279 (4)40 522.280 (4)12" 112.200 (4)14" 139.800 2.200 1.220 2.320 17' 1-1/4" 8’ 11-1/8” 8' 2-1/8" 30-3/4” 36' 2-1/2" 2900B 2.640 18.T.280 (4)12" 99.879 (4)25 466.400 94. REFRIG.180 18' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 8' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 36' 2-1/2" 3336B 2.540 18' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 8' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 28' 2" 2490B 1.707 (4)30 377.290 448 (4)10 5.549 (4)50 578.440 17' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 8' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 36' 2-1/2" 3210B 2.960 18.700 94.200 (4)14" 157.660 102.680 17' 1-1/4" 8’ 11-1/8” 8' 2-1/8" 30-3/4” 36' 2-1/2" 2647B 1. 40°F suction and 78°F W.020 167.940 21.532 (4)25 325.* Tons* HP CFM Refrigerant Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Shipping Operating Section† lbs. Do not use for pre-fabrication.010 2.*** ft3 Weights Spray Pump Remote Pump HP Gallons Conn.P. OVERFLOW (2)3 M.T.460 29.472 (4)50 597.980 112.965 404 (4)7-1/2 4.620 19.680 17' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 8' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 24' 2" 2158B 1. REFRIG.880 (4)12" 126.900 2.960 (4)12" 86.980 117.740 3. REFRIG.000 74.P.360 25.120 26.600 3.670 3.000 108.840 17' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 8' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 28' 2" 2404B 1.385 325 (4)7-1/2 4.940 1.200 (4)14" 139.240 18. (12” would normally be sufficient.800 2. Dimensions are subject to change.T.600 2.421 (4)20 315.120 136.T.315 315 (4)5 3.650 2.98 for R-134a. IN (2)4 M.300 109.800 2.P.540 483 (4)7-1/2 4.456 (4)50 538.740 17' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 8' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 40' 2-1/2" 3482B 2.200 1.500 85. ammonia 96.270 2.368 (4)40 561.320 2. OUT 4 M.960 (4)12" 86.760 2.480 17' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 8' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 24' 2" 2082B 1.160 151.478 (4)25 336.740 18' 6-1/4" 10’ 4-1/8” 8' 2-1/8" 47-3/4” 24' 2" 2256B 1.P.630 3.940 22.930 536 (4)10 5.800 2.600 107.600 3.880 (4)12" 126.480 17' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 8' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 36' 2-1/2" 3459B 2.780 167.P. REFRIG.760 166. DRAIN L 26" 24' 1-1/8" 28-7/8" Table 13 Engineering Data Fans ATC Model R-717 No.200 84.880 17' 1-1/4" 8’ 11-1/8” 8' 2-1/8" 30-3/4” 36' 2-1/2" 2765B 1.200 (4)14" 158.B.T.680 135.380 23. MAKE-UP A ATC 2002B to 3714B H 5-1/4" 4 M.P.260 118.480 135.120 25.600 3.200 1.T.570 3.000 17' 9-3/4" 9’ 7-5/8” 8' 2-1/8" 39-1/4” 36' 2-1/2" 3029B 2. Operating GPM Req’d** Size Weight Dimensions Height H Upper U Lower E Coil A Length L 2002B 1.880 (4)12" 111.800 2.280 (4)12" 99. OVERFLOW (2)3 M.500 95.385 325 (4)7-1/2 4.P.900 136. Do not use for pre-fabrication.830 8. ** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping.510 11. DRAIN 20 7' 10" 20 L L Table 14 Engineering Data Fans UBC Model R-717 No.550 11.730 190 39 5 800 490 12” 18.080 13’ 1-1/8” 8’ 1-1/16” 5’ 1/16” 34-1/2” 18’ 0” 535 379 (2)15 80.900 20. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.090 11’ 9-1/4” 7’ 5-9/16” 4’ 3-11/16” 27” 11’ 11-3/4” 10” 14. 105°F condensing.P.800 13.300 15.* Tons* HP Refrigerant Spray Pump Remote Pump Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Gallons Conn.500 11.720 12.400 18.300 5.T.P.490 6.350 15.940 380 52 3 545 (2)10 Coil A Length L 19-1/2” 8’ 11-1/2” 27” 8’ 11-1/2” 10. *** Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717. OVERFLOW 2 M. 40°F suction and 78°F W.*** ft3 HP GPM Req’d** Size Weight Weights CFM Dimensions Height H Upper U Lower E 180 128 10 40.93 for R-22 and 1.T.380 10. OUT A UBC 180 to 345 H UBC 370 to 535 5-1/8" 2 M.600 27.140 11’ 9-1/4” 7’ 5-9/16” 4’ 3-11/16” 27” 11’ 11-3/4” 340 10” 15. 20°F suction and 78°F W. MAKE-UP E 3 M.500 565 77 5 800 490 12” 25.470 13.960 280 52 5 800 490 12” 20.390 320 43 3 545 345 245 20 52.P.B. (12” would normally be sufficient.860 195 27 2 405 250 8” 10. ammonia 96.P.440 17.500 8.98 for R-134a.590 12’ 5-5/8” 7’ 5-9/16” 5’ 1/16” 27” 18’ 0” 485 344 (2)10 74. 15 .760 150 20 2 405 250 8” 9.000 16.500 7.270 475 65 5 800 490 12” 23.060 11’ 10-1/8” 6’ 10-1/16” 5’ 1/16” 415 294 (2) 7-1/2 73.P.260 42” 11’ 11-3/4” 19-1/2” 18’ 0” 27” 18’ 0” 13’ 1/4” 8’ 8-9/16” 4’ 3-11/16” 370 262 81. Operating Shipping Operating Section† lbs.960 15.T.940 10.060 10.530 12’ 5-5/8” 7’ 5-9/16” 5’ 1/16” 440 312 (2)10 78.900 18.900 14.520 6.000 12. Multiply by 1.060 22.020 280 52 5 800 490 12” 20.570 11’ 9-1/4” 7’ 5-9/16” 4’ 3-11/16” 27” 8’ 11-1/2” 11.T.100 240 33 2 405 250 8” 260 184 10 46. IN (2)4 M.850 17.B.430 8.Models UBC 180 to 535 22" ACCESS DOOR ACCESS DOOR 23" 44-7/8" ACCESS DOOR U (2)4 M.3°F condensing.T.540 11’ 9-1/4” 7’ 5-9/16” 4’ 3-11/16” 11’ 1-3/4” 6’ 10-1/16” 4’ 3-11/16” 210 149 10 38.890 195 27 2 405 250 8” 230 163 10 37.770 12’ 4-3/4” 8’ 1-1/16” 4’ 3-11/16” 34-1/2” 11’ 11-3/4” 340 10” 17.840 260 35 3 545 340 285 202 15 52.350 200 142 7-1/2 36.) † Heaviest section is the coil section.890 260 35 3 545 340 320 227 15 51. REFRIG.830 19. Dimensions are subject to change.500 8.370 24. REFRIG.380 8.480 11.100 9.120 22.500 11.600 16.410 12.560 13’ 8-5/8” 8’ 8-9/16” 5’ 1/16” 42” 18’ 0” * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a.880 12’ 4-3/4” 8’ 1-1/16” 4’ 3-11/16” 34-1/2” 8’ 11-1/2” 10” 14.. 350 23.440 33.100 262.200 79.000 1.960 20.700 122.400 22.140 67.200 22.810 21. Do not use for pre-fabrication.910 25.000 234.050 16.000 120.640 37.900 124.750 27.400 500 500 500 500 500 500 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 1.600 64.840 33.750 42. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.000 80.830 25.500 241.820 63.480 24.3°F condensing..460 16. REFRIG.440 1.300 249.420 50.650 27. IN (2)4 M.485 1.200 165.600 75. REFRIG. DRAIN 11' 10" 24 L 24 Table 15 Engineering Data Fans UBC Model R-717 No.600 1.000 1.880 19.740 16.440 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” 19.980 51.400 84.340 37.800 241.770 75.300 230.T.140 27. OVERFLOW 3 M.T.530 400 400 495 495 590 590 450 450 595 595 595 740 740 740 885 885 805 990 990 1.120 50.600 1.T.200 1.200 1.130 21.440 1.200 1. 20°F suction and 78°F W.000 82.960 28.420 21.160 25.000 125.485 1.080 28.P. (12” would normally be sufficient.P.440 1.670 45. ammonia 96.530 74.600 2.740 58.T.220 27.710 22.300 58.440 13.500 37.130 18.400 2.360 55.000 1.P.250 24.770 1. Operating GPM Req’d** Size Weight 800 800 800 800 800 800 1. Multiply by 1.580 19.185 905 1.T.440 1. OVERFLOW 3 M. OUT 5-1/4" 2 M.P. 40°F suction and 78°F W.000 165.090 74.800 38.960 15.800 257.600 1.100 33.760 21.T.P.440 1.520 33. OUT H A 5-1/4" 2 M.230 25. IN (2)4 M.720 29.550 24.220 15.220 37.200 1.220 33.750 32.P.600 115.260 56.810 13.190 1.440 1.000 128.400 2.) † Heaviest section is the coil section. DRAIN 11' 10" 24 L 6 35-1/4" 68-1/2" ACCESS DOOR U (2)4 M.520 33.200 1.040 42.140 66.720 29.550 39.600 120.P.980 67.020 56.480 37.770 55 55 68 68 81 81 62 62 81 81 81 101 101 101 121 121 109 135 135 161 123 163 163 163 202 202 202 241 241 Spray Pump HP 5 5 5 5 5 5 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7 1/2 (2)5 (2)5 (2)5 (2)5 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 Remote Pump Gallons Conn.770 29.400 2.010 14.700 82.190 1.050 33.T.200 1.600 25.B.98 for R-134a.360 31.060 21. Dimensions are subject to change.880 22.460 59.620 41.400 2.380 74.400 244.400 2.690 18. 105°F condensing.P.900 115.440 1. ** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping.* Tons* 420 460 490 505 520 540 560 580 630 670 700 730 765 800 830 860 890 920 1010 1075 1110 1265 1335 1395 1460 1530 1605 1655 1720 16 298 326 348 358 369 383 397 411 447 475 496 518 543 567 589 610 631 652 716 762 787 897 947 989 1035 1085 1138 1174 1220 HP CFM 15 25 20 25 25 30 25 30 20 25 30 25 30 40 40 50 (2)20 (2)15 (2)25 (2)30 (2)25 (2)20 (2)25 (2)30 (2)25 (2)30 (2)40 (2)40 (2)50 75.540 66.200 1.T.980 19.080 23.880 49.200 1.T.400 2.030 25.000 250.400 165.*** ft3 Weights 16.320 29.200 49.400 29.530 67.370 18.100 131.630 24. REFRIG.500 18.190 1.900 129.700 Refrigerant Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Shipping Operating Section† lbs.250 37.610 18.200 146.485 1.600 56.140 25.350 49.090 22.200 Dimensions Height H Upper U Lower E Coil A Length L 13’ 11-1/8” 13’ 11-1/8” 14’ 7-5/8” 14’ 7-5/8” 15’ 4-1/8” 15’ 4-1/8” 14’ 2-5/8” 14’ 2-5/8” 14’ 11-1/8” 14’ 11-1/8” 14’ 11-1/8” 15’ 7-5/8” 15’ 7-5/8” 15’ 7-5/8” 16’ 4-1/8” 16’ 4-1/8” 14’ 11-1/8” 15’ 7-5/8” 15’ 7-5/8” 16’ 4-1/8” 15’ 2-5/8” 15’ 11-1/8” 15’ 11-1/8” 15’ 11-1/8” 16’ 7-5/8” 16’ 7-5/8” 16’ 7-5/8” 17’ 4-1/8” 17’ 4-1/8” 8’ 11” 8’ 11” 9’ 7-1/2” 9’ 7-1/2” 10’ 4” 10’ 4” 8’ 2-1/2” 8’ 2-1/2” 8’ 11” 8’ 11” 8’ 11” 9’ 7-1/2” 9’ 7-1/2” 9’ 7-1/2” 10’ 4” 10’ 4” 8’ 11” 9’ 7-1/2” 9’ 7-1/2” 10’ 4” 8’ 2-1/2” 8’ 11” 8’ 11” 8’ 11” 9’ 7-1/2” 9’ 7-1/2” 9’ 7-1/2” 10’ 4” 10’ 4” 5’ 1/8” 5’ 1/8” 5’ 1/8” 5’ 1/8” 5’ 1/8” 5’ 1/8” 6’ 1/8” 6’ 1/8” 6’ 1/8” 6’ 1/8” 6’ 1/8” 6’ 1/8” 6’ 1/8” 6’ 1/8” 6’ 1/8” 6’ 1/8” 6’ 1/8” 6’ 1/8” 6’ 1/8” 6’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 47-3/4” 22-1/4” 22-1/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 47-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 22-1/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 47-3/4” 11’ 11-3/4” 11’ 11-3/4” 11’ 11-3/4” 11’ 11-3/4” 11’ 11-3/4” 11’ 11-3/4” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 24’ 2” 24’ 2” 24’ 2” 24’ 2” 36’ 2-1/2” 36’ 2-1/2” 36’ 2-1/2” 36’ 2-1/2” 36’ 2-1/2” 36’ 2-1/2” 36’ 2-1/2” 36’ 2-1/2” 36’ 2-1/2” * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a.900 59.Engineering Dimensions & Data Models UBC 420 to 1720 6 35-1/4" ACCESS DOOR 68-1/2" U (2)4 M.400 2.860 18. REFRIG.330 82.T.360 49.640 44.470 23.B.840 83.940 44.440 13. *** Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717.200 1.P.300 21.000 1. MAKE-UP H A UBC 420 to 860 E 3 M.370 41.080 17. . MAKE-UP ACCESS DOOR UBC 890 to 1720 E 3 M.930 16.490 16.750 27.440 1.93 for R-22 and 1.400 2.290 66.P.970 20.200 1. REFRIG. 40°F suction and 78°F W.880 2.P.700 249.385 2.P.970 2.200 4.190 1.P.720 15.985 1.400 2.900 329.440 1. OUT (2)4 M.020 150.600 490.B.770 1.T.820 111.485 1.800 4.940 100.400 2.400 3.500 18.230 25.010 133.610 1.100 66.530 11.050 117.000 248.P.P.310 49.93 for R-22 and 1.340 100. OVERFLOW 3 M.T.98 for R-134a. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.050 75.T. DRAIN 3 M. DRAIN 3 M.500 260.360 113.200 3. REFRIG.P.800 4.690 16.485 1.810 21.610 18.560 55.630 118.385 2.880 2.440 1. OVERFLOW 3 M.T. IN (2)4 M.890 12.370 2.980 56.560 75.550 99.160 49.T. REFRIG.) † Heaviest section is the coil section.P. 105°F condensing.P.P.260 18.800 4.110 132.500 166. ammonia 96.900 239.190 1.T..500 100.440 1.P.T.250 59.310 117. Multiply by 1.200 3.160 79.700 454.600 457.B.900 484.000 231.T.490 74.980 89.000 445.860 59.980 21.720 905 1.800 4.760 21.000 322.880 22. OVERFLOW 3 M.380 150.590 148. *** Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717.P.880 112.540 89.600 Refrigerant Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Shipping Operating Section† lbs.480 128.420 132.290 82. 20°F suction and 78°F W.* Tons* 1090 1240 1310 1370 1435 1500 1575 1625 1690 1735 1800 1915 1980 2100 2370 2500 2615 2740 2860 3010 3225 773 879 929 972 1018 1064 1117 1152 1199 1230 1277 1358 1404 1489 1681 1773 1855 1943 2028 2135 2287 HP CFM (2)25 (2)20 (2)25 (2)30 (2)25 (2)30 (2)40 (2)40 (2)50 (4)20 (4)15 (4)20 (4)25 (4)30 (4)20 (4)25 (4)30 (4)25 (4)30 (4)40 (4)50 243.580 18.T.060 16.P.P.800 4. IN (2)4 M.560 64. MAKE-UP H A UBC 1735 to 3225 5-1/4" E 3 M.240 Dimensions Height H Upper U Lower E Coil A Length L 15’ 2-5/8” 15’ 11-1/8” 15’ 11-1/8” 15’ 11-1/8” 16’ 7-5/8” 16’ 7-5/8” 16’ 7-5/8” 17’ 4-1/8” 17’ 4-1/8” 17’ 1-1/8” 17’ 9-5/8” 17’ 9-5/8” 17’ 9-5/8” 18’ 6-1/8” 17’ 1-1/8” 17’ 1-1/8” 17’ 1-1/8” 17’ 9-5/8” 17’ 9-5/8” 17’ 9-5/8” 18’ 6-1/8” 8’ 2-1/2” 8’ 11” 8’ 11” 8’ 11” 9’ 7-1/2” 9’ 7-1/2” 9’ 7-1/2” 10’ 4” 10’ 4” 8’ 11” 9’ 7-1/2” 9’ 7-1/2” 9’ 7-1/2” 10’ 4” 8’ 11” 8’ 11” 8’ 11” 9’ 7-1/2” 9’ 7-1/2” 9’ 7-1/2” 10’ 4” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 7’ 1/8” 8’ 2-1/8” 8’ 2-1/8” 8’ 2-1/8” 8’ 2-1/8” 8’ 2-1/8” 8’ 2-1/8” 8’ 2-1/8” 8’ 2-1/8” 8’ 2-1/8” 8’ 2-1/8” 8’ 2-1/8” 8’ 2-1/8” 22-1/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 47-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 18’ 0” 24’ 2” 24’ 2” 24’ 2” 24’ 2” 24’ 2” 36’ 2-1/2” 36’ 2-1/2” 36’ 2-1/2” 36’ 2-1/2” 36’ 2-1/2” 36’ 2-1/2” 36’ 2-1/2” * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a.485 1.380 89. IN (2)4 M.T.440 1.P.T.T. REFRIG.770 1.P.P.250 66.800 83.P.500 66.880 2. REFRIG.440 2.440 1.050 74.110 134.000 2.400 2. Do not use for pre-fabrication.690 75.700 18.T.970 2. DRAIN 26 24' 1-/8" L 6 35-1/4" 35-1/4" 68-1/2" ACCESS DOOR 68-1/2" ACCESS DOOR U (2)4 M.860 100.700 58. MAKE-UP 2 M.000 2.160 67. REFRIG.490 67. Operating GPM Req’d** Size Weight 2. (12” would normally be sufficient.600 256.600 98.440 1.970 14.900 134.170 85.300 230.985 1. OUT 2 M.200 3.T.400 2.3°F condensing.T.340 74.200 3.400 2.190 1.000 2.545 123 163 163 163 202 202 202 241 241 219 271 271 271 323 325 325 325 404 404 404 483 Spray Pump HP (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (4)5 (4)5 (4)5 (4)5 (4)5 (4) 7-1/2 (4) 7-1/2 (4) 7-1/2 (4) 7-1/2 (4) 7-1/2 (4) 7-1/2 (4) 7-1/2 Remote Pump Gallons Conn.970 3.320 49. Dimensions are subject to change.030 111.385 2.400 2.400 90.800 312.000 2.730 75.900 149.700 328. REFRIG. 17 . IN (2)4 M.100 67.850 12.140 16.300 290.220 56.800 4.P.T.230 98.P.320 12.000 239.Models UBC 1090 to 3225 6 35-1/4" 35-1/4" 68-1/2" ACCESS DOOR 68-1/2" U (2)4 M.000 2. OUT 2 M. DRAIN 24' 1-/8" 26 L 26 Table 16 Engineering Data Fans UBC Model R-717 No.440 1.780 63.160 25.000 435.880 2.880 (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (2)12” (4)12” (4)12” (4)12” (4)12” (4)12” (4)12” (4)12” (4)12” (4)12” (4)12” (4)12” (4)12” 51.P.T.985 2. ** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping. MAKE-UP UBC 1090 to 1690 H A 5-1/4" E 3 M. OVERFLOW 3 M.850 76.880 2. MAKE-UP 2 M.T.400 2.940 67.T.790 134.*** ft3 Weights 42. REFRIG.T.500 473. OUT (2)4 M.400 2.800 1.880 2.690 18.440 1.260 58. T.030 10’ 3/4” 3’ 11-5/8” 6’ 1-1/8” 22-1/4” 275 195 7-1/2 & 5 48. 40°F suction and 78°F W.T.300 14.900 11.780 6.770 10.950 6.580 14.160 240 33 2 345 240 8” 11.820 6.790 240 33 3 515 350 10” 13.700 11.000 10.840 360 49 3 515 350 10” 16. (12” would normally be sufficient.780 17. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.630 10. OVERFLOW 6' 3-7/8" 10-3/4" 11' 11-5/8" 15 18' 1/8" NOTE: Make-Up 1” M.130 200 28 2 345 240 8” 11’ 5-3/4” 5’ 4-5/8” 6’ 1-1/8” 39-1/4” 240 170 15 35.300 7.770 5. REFRIG. Do not use for pre-fabrication.890 7.070 12.240 7. OUT H 4-5/8" 1 M.500 11.420 10.T. DRAIN E 2 F.640 5.*** ft3 Weights CFM Spray Pump Remote Pump HP Gallons Conn.410 11’ 5-3/4” 5’ 4-5/8” 6’ 1-1/8” 39-1/4” 375 266 15 & 7-1/2 56.840 360 49 3 515 350 10” 16. ammonia 96. Dimensions are subject to change. on PMCB 175 to 240 Make-Up 1-1/2 M.260 12’ 2-1/4” 6’ 1-1/8” 6’ 1-1/8” 47-3/4” 235 167 15 36.P.200 11’ 5-3/4” 5’ 4-5/8” 6’ 1-1/8” 39-1/4” 335 238 10 & 5 50. MAKE-UP (2)ACCESS DOOR 2 M.110 165 22 2 345 240 8” 9.000 9.280 185 25 3 515 350 10” 12.570 11. *** Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717.600 8. IN A PMCB 175 to 240 U PMCB 250 to 375 4 M.330 7.950 9.P.760 7.900 13..490 9.000 7.570 17.T. 18 .620 9.Engineering Dimensions & Data 31-1/8" Axial Fan Models PMCB 175 to 375 3-1/2" 4 M.300 14.T.500 8.P. ** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping.450 * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a. REFRIG.) † Heaviest section is the coil section. 105°F condensing.500 9.310 300 41 3 515 350 10” 15.490 10’ 9-1/4” 4’ 8-1/8” 6’ 1-1/8” 30-3/4” 295 209 10 & 5 51.150 15.320 11’ 5-3/4” 5’ 4-5/8” 6’ 1-1/8” 39-1/4” 220 156 10 33.310 300 41 3 515 350 10” 15.T.390 12’ 2-1/4” 6’ 1-1/8” 6’ 1-1/8” 47-3/4” 250 177 10 & 5 54.P.490 14.880 12’ 2-1/4” 6’ 1-1/8” 6’ 1-1/8” 47-3/4” 10.93 for R-22 and 1.000 13.P.140 10’ 9-1/4” 4’ 8-1/8” 6’ 1-1/8” 30-3/4” 190 135 10 34.670 12’ 2-1/4” 6’ 1-1/8” 6’ 1-1/8” 47-3/4” 360 255 15 & 7-1/2 57.110 165 22 2 345 240 8” 9.580 10’ 9-1/4” 4’ 8-1/8” 6’ 1-1/8” 30-3/4” 325 230 10 & 5 50.270 10’ 9-1/4” 4’ 8-1/8” 6’ 1-1/8” 30-3/4” 210 149 10 33.B.P. 20°F suction and 78°F W.3°F condensing. Multiply by 1.* Tons* HP Refrigerant Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Shipping Operating Section† lbs.160 240 33 2 345 240 8” 11.130 200 28 2 345 240 8” 10.640 10. Operating GPM Req’d** Size Weight Dimensions Height H Upper U Lower E Coil A 175 124 7-1/2 31.790 240 33 3 515 350 10” 13.360 16.P.T.98 for R-134a.B.160 9. on PMCB 250 to 375 Table 17 Engineering Data Fans PMCB Model R-717 No. 410 14.320 17.000 225.020 12.320 20.050 56.600 18.930 68. DRAIN 3 F.300 32.400 36.640 55.700 59.Axial Fan Models PMCB 290 to 1550 30-3/8" 57" 3-1/2" (2)4 M.320 14.370 1.040 12.800 74.980 Dimensions Height H Upper U Lower E Coil A 12’ 6-1/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 12’ 6 1/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 14’ 7-3/4” 14’ 7-3/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 14’ 7-3/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 14’ 7-3/4” 14’ 7-3/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 14’ 7-3/4” 14’ 7-3/4” 3’ 11-3/4” 4’ 8-1/8” 4’ 8-1/8” 5’ 4-3/4” 4’ 8-1/8” 4’ 8-1/8” 5’ 4-3/4” 5’ 4-3/4” 5’ 4-3/4” 3’ 11-3/4” 5’ 4-3/4” 4’ 8-1/8” 5’ 4-3/4” 5’ 4-3/4” 5’ 4-3/4” 6’ 1-1/4” 6’ 1-1/4” 5’ 4-3/4” 5’ 4-3/4” 6’ 1-1/4” 5’ 4-3/4” 6’ 1-1/4” 6’ 1-1/4” 4’ 8-1/8” 4’ 8-1/8” 4’ 8-1/8” 5’ 4-3/4” 6’ 1-1/4” 6’ 1-1/4” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 22-1/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 22-1/4” 39-1/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 47-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 47-3/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 47-3/4” * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a. 20°F suction and 78°F W.620 1.330 14.620 1.000 142.480 45.060 2. ammonia 96.370 1.470 18.590 29.400 65.830 20. MAKE-UP E (2)ACCESS DOOR 3 M.500 112.040 12.* Tons* HP 290 206 10 330 234 7-1/2 350 248 10 385 273 10 390 277 15 415 294 20 425 301 15 455 323 20 480 340 25 450 319 10 & 5 585 415 10 & 5 630 447 20 & 10 645 457 15 & 7-1/2 690 489 20 & 10 725 514 25 & 15 755 535 25 & 15 775 550 30 & 15 850 603 (2)15 910 645 (2)20 950 674 (2)20 960 681 (2)25 1000 709 (2)25 1030 730 (2)30 1060 752 (2)10 & (2)5 1175 833 (2)15 & (2) 7-1/2 1260 894 (2)20 & (2)10 1380 979 (2)20 & (2)10 1510 1071 (2)25 & (2)15 1550 1100 (2)30 & (2)15 Refrigerant Spray Pump Remote Pump Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Gallons Conn.000 234. 19 .760 45.140 12.370 1.980 31.435 1.P.500 61.760 28.800 73.660 18.880 7. *** Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717. OVERFLOW 17 9' 9-3/4" 11' 11-3/4" 26 PMCB 1550 PMCB 1060 1060 to 1550 PMCB 1030 PMCB 850 850 to 1030 17 18' 1/8" 24' 1" 17 26 36' 2" 21 Table 18 Engineering Data Fans PMCB Model R-717 No.460 36.410 17.520 34.740 36.240 11.960 18.600 18.200 145.090 27.130 22.010 20.P. Dimensions are subject to change.370 26.030 1.070 24.020 10.550 25.060 2.900 69.220 32.98 for R-134a.320 13.400 67.320 13.190 54. REFRIG.040 10.360 48.060 2.030 1.030 1.800 30.840 44.080 48.790 58.240 20.T.700 102.210 24.470 36. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.140 12.460 42.190 14.93 for R-22 and 1.500 61.400 218.940 43.400 153.780 48.060 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 620 850 850 850 850 850 850 1.800 55.060 2.780 32.990 41.620 1.600 228.205 1.200 185.030 1.030 1.500 96.130 30.370 1.990 13.000 150.170 14.460 16.830 30.400 24.320 17.990 12.030 1.500 18. ** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping.300 56.340 16.230 22.T.000 154.530 16.040 11.620 24.240 41. OUT H 4-5/8" 2 M.470 48.P. Do not use for pre-fabrication.800 19.110 22. Operating Shipping Operating Section† lbs.P.370 2.590 41.930 21..600 60. 105°F condensing. Multiply by 1.190 44.770 19.560 20.030 1.870 46. (12” would normally be sufficient.000 66.080 59.320 32.930 33.080 32.750 32.080 42.435 34 44 44 55 44 44 55 55 55 50 82 66 82 82 82 98 98 110 110 131 110 131 131 132 132 132 164 196 196 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 (2)5 (2)5 (2)5 (2)5 (2)5 (2)5 (2)7-1/2 (2)7-1/2 (2)7-1/2 (2)7-1/2 (2)7-1/2 (2)7-1/2 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 685 1.T.000 109.060 2.370 1.990 10.) † Heaviest section is the coil section.620 1.3°F condensing.P.920 42. REFRIG.710 18. IN PMCB 450 to to 775 775 PMCB 450 PMCB 480 PMCB 290 290 to 480 U A (2)4 M.600 36.000 12.130 17.*** ft3 HP GPM Req’d** Size Weight Weights CFM 62.560 17.800 114.020 10.B.020 12.300 114.500 92. 40°F suction and 78°F W.450 34.830 72.620 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 14” 14” 14” 14” 14” 14” 16.T.100 72.000 117.320 15.620 1.180 55.T.600 250 325 325 405 325 325 405 405 405 370 600 485 600 600 600 720 720 810 810 960 810 960 960 970 970 970 1.210 21.700 209.860 21.640 27.500 76.030 1.000 132.960 20.140 11.990 11.810 20.B.260 16. 600 17.200 1.T.800 160.150 24.000 132.650 13.000 86.T.000 79.460 1.P. ammonia 96.000 257.560 19.800 135.000 1.880 68.330 51.400 34.830 25. Dimensions are subject to change.400 2.270 25.020 68.460 1.410 51.090 66.000 236.500 121.650 29.165 890 1.150 21.400 2.000 265.P. MAKE-UP E (2)ACCESS DOOR 3 M. 105°F condensing.380 16.400 2.420 60.650 17. OUT PMCB 435 to 580 PMCB 600 to 885 H 16-5/8" 2 M.380 19.160 25.770 57.020 59.380 16.030 Dimensions Height H Upper U 14’ 2-3/4” 5’ 8-1/4” 14’ 11-1/4” 6’ 4-3/4” 14’ 2-3/4” 5’ 8-1/4” 14’ 2-3/4” 5’ 8-1/4” 14’ 11-1/4” 6’ 4-3/4” 15’ 7-3/4” 7’ 1-1/4” 15’ 7-3/4” 7’ 1-1/4” 15’ 7-3/4” 7’ 1-1/4” 13’ 6-1/4” 4’ 11-3/4” 14’ 2-3/4” 5’ 8-1/4” 14’ 2-3/4” 5’ 8-1/4” 14’ 11-1/4” 6’ 4-3/4” 15’ 7-3/4” 7’ 1-1/4” 14’ 11-1/4” 6’ 4-3/4” 14’ 11-1/4” 6’ 4-3/4” 15’ 7-3/4” 7’ 1-1/4” 14’ 11-1/4” 6’ 4-3/4” 15’ 7-3/4” 7’ 1-1/4” 15’ 7-3/4” 7’ 1-1/4” 13’ 6-1/4” 4’ 11-3/4” 14’ 2-3/4” 5’ 8-1/4” 14’ 2-3/4” 5’ 8-1/4” 14’ 2-3/4” 5’ 8-1/4” 14’ 2-3/4” 5’ 8-1/4” 14’ 11-1/4” 6’ 4-3/4” 14’ 11-1/4” 6’ 4-3/4” 15’ 7-3/4” 7’ 1-1/4” Lower E Coil A 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 8’ 6-1/2” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 47-3/4” 47-3/4” 22-1/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 47-3/4” 22-1/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a.Engineering Dimensions & Data 36-3/4" 68-5/8" Axial Fan Models PMCB 435 to 1770 3-1/2" (2)4 M.730 58.180 14.200 1.000 1.T.270 16.600 17.150 34.420 17.230 34.740 77. Multiply by 1.650 21.455 1.200 1.000 264.690 26.460 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 14” 14” 14” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 20.150 51.420 69. *** Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717.860 22. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.310 38.900 85.010 50.690 23. ** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping.165 1.060 43.460 1.660 15.840 42.660 29.730 29.200 1.460 1.740 17.740 12.740 54 67 54 54 67 79 79 79 61 80 80 99 119 99 99 119 133 159 159 121 160 160 160 160 199 199 237 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 (2)5 (2)5 (2)5 (2)7-1/2 (2)7-1/2 (2)7-1/2 (2)7-1/2 (2)7-1/2 (2)7-1/2 (2)7-1/2 (2)7-1/2 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 1.180 17.100 73.460 1.370 21.880 59.400 84.440 29.670 28.560 38.310 14.200 1.730 50.770 59.530 23.530 25.93 for R-22 and 1.340 60.400 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 1.580 19.530 20.P.98 for R-134a.310 14.650 21.560 22. Operating Shipping Operating Section† lbs.) † Heaviest section is the coil section.B.000 1.750 395 490 395 395 490 580 580 580 445 580 580 730 870 730 730 870 975 1.230 17. (12” would normally be sufficient.200 89. OVERFLOW 17 11' 10-1/2" 11' 11-3/4" 26 PMCB 1015 to 1120 17 18 1/8" PMCB 1110 to 1770 24' 1" 26 17 36' 2" 21 Table 19 Engineering Data Fans PMCB Model R-717 No.200 1.900 87.B. .000 238. DRAIN 3 F.600 1.440 29.030 12.830 30.000 118.280 25.800 128.670 25.840 86.650 45.900 129.T.* Tons* 435 475 495 510 535 540 560 580 600 660 705 770 805 815 855 885 1015 1080 1120 1110 1320 1410 1485 1540 1630 1710 1770 20 HP 309 15 337 15 351 25 362 30 379 25 383 20 397 25 411 30 426 20 & 10 468 15 & 7-1/2 500 20 & 10 546 20 & 10 571 20 & 10 578 25 & 15 606 30 & 15 628 30 & 15 720 (2)20 766 (2)20 794 (2)25 787 (2)15 & (2) 7-1/2 936 (2)15 & (2) 7-1/2 1000 (2)20 & (2)10 1053 (2)25 & (2)15 1092 (2)30 & (2)15 1156 (2)25 & (2)15 1213 (2)30 & (2)15 1255 (2)30 & (2)15 Refrigerant Spray Pump Remote Pump Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Gallons Conn.200 1.520 68.600 1.000 274.P.170 1.800 168.520 77.3°F condensing.400 2.520 38.600 270.530 28.455 1.900 120.380 16. REFRIG.860 37.730 56.120 32.160 19.400 2.200 1.770 51.560 43.000 251.570 34. REFRIG.460 1.740 68.270 22.640 50.600 2.840 77.900 39..000 158.*** ft3 HP GPM Req’d** Size Weight Weights CFM 74.460 1.160 28.810 33.050 50.150 24. Do not use for pre-fabrication.P.210 22.170 1.400 2.070 38. IN U A (2)4 M.890 13.400 2.890 15.900 20.750 25.500 23.170 1.070 22.T.340 69. 20°F suction and 78°F W.050 59.820 33.310 12.860 43.360 42.900 23.180 17. 40°F suction and 78°F W.000 125.170 1. 550 780 106 10 1. Do not use for pre-fabrication.720 970 132 10 1.600 1.720 970 132 10 1.000 14” 50.400 33. Dimensions are subject to change. ** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping..960 46.340 27. OVERFLOW 3 M.T.600 16’ 5-3/4” 7’ 11-1/4” 8’ 6-1/2” 58-3/4” These units are available for ammonia applications only. REFRIG.670 23.520 15’ 7-3/4” 7’ 1-1/4” 8’ 6-1/2” 48-3/4” 1075 762 (2)25 170.600 1. IN (2)4 M.900 1.000 14” 46.240 46. *** Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717.730 51.800 41. OUT A PMCB 935 to 1165 U 16-5/8" H 2 M.600 37. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.660 27.* Tons* HP Refrigerant Spray Pump Remote Pump Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Gallons Conn.910 56.550 780 106 10 1.B.120 15’ 7-3/4” 7’ 1-1/4” 8’ 6-1/2” 48-3/4” 1165 826 (2)30 173.P. (12” would normally be sufficient.P.950 23. 21 .T.600 1. ammonia 96.060 27. 40°F suction and 78°F W.3°F condensing.000 14” 41.600 1.800 37.P.B.130 51.) † Heaviest section is the coil section.000 14” 41.P.T.P.800 15’ 7-3/4” 7’ 1-1/4” 8’ 6-1/2” 48-3/4” 1105 784 (2)30 176.160 158 10 1.600 1.330 14’ 9-3/4” 6’ 3-1/4” 8’ 6-1/2” 38-3/4” 1018 722 (2)20 160. DRAIN 34 11' 10-1/2" M 24' 1" Table 20 Engineering Data Fans PMCB Model R-717 No. MAKE-UP E (2) ACCESS DOOR M 3 F. REFRIG.410 51.050 14’ 9-3/4” 6’ 3-1/4” 8’ 6-1/2” 38-3/4” 985 699 (2)25 174.000 14” 45.T.000 37.Axial Fan Models PMCB 935 to 1165 68-5/8" 36-3/4" 36-3/4" 3-1/2" (2)4 M. Operating Shipping Operating Section† lbs.720 970 132 10 1. * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a.800 32.T. 20°F suction and 78°F W.000 14” 45. 105°F condensing.050 31.*** ft3 HP GPM Req’d** Size Weight Weights CFM Dimensions Height H Upper U Lower E Coil A 935 663 (2)20 162.600 1. 010 17.B.770 4.580 8.630 7.480 4.790 7.420 8.360 4.270 2.820 7.280 3.630 3.93 for R-22 and 1.B.330 6.620 8.770 2.080 38. 20°F suction and 78°F W.130 3.930 3.940 4.290 10.610 3.740 7.270 2.240 27.180 10.680 12.640 3.920 2.210 22 Refrigerant Coil Charge Volume Operating lbs.† ft3 3.040 5.380 5.280 9.270 Height H 6' 7-3/4" 6' 7-3/4" 6' 7-3/4" 6' 7-3/4" 6' 7-3/4" 6' 7-3/4" 6' 7-3/4" 7' 3-1/4" 7' 3-1/4" 7' 10-3/4" 7' 10-3/4" 6' 7-3/4" 6' 7-3/4" 7' 3-1/4" 7' 3-1/4" 7' 10-3/4" 6' 7-3/4" 6' 7-3/4" 6' 7-3/4" 7' 3-1/4" 7' 3-1/4" 7' 3-1/4" 7' 10-3/4" 8' 6-1/4" 7' 4-1/4" 7' 4-1/4" 7' 11-3/4" 7' 11-3/4" 7' 11-3/4" 8' 7-1/4" Dimensions Upper Coil U A 43-1/2" 43-1/2" 43-1/2" 43-1/2" 43-1/2" 43-1/2" 43-1/2" 51" 51" 58-1/2" 58-1/2" 43-1/2" 43-1/2" 51" 51" 58-1/2" 43-1/2" 43-1/2" 43-1/2" 51" 51" 51" 58-1/2" 66" 52" 52" 59-1/2" 59-1/2" 59-1/2" 67" 12" 12" 12" 19-1/2" 19-1/2" 19-1/2" 19-1/2" 27" 27" 34-1/2" 34-1/2" 19-1/2" 19-1/2" 27" 27" 34-1/2" 19-1/2" 19-1/2' 19-1/2" 27" 27" 27" 34-1/2" 42" 27" 27" 34-1/2" 34-1/2" 34-1/2" 42" Length L 10' 1-7/8" 10' 1-7/8" 10' 1-7/8" 10' 1-7/8" 10' 1-7/8" 10' 1-7/8" 10' 1-7/8" 10' 1-7/8" 10' 1-7/8" 10' 1-7/8" 10' 1-7/8" 12' 2-7/8" 12' 2-7/8" 12' 2-7/8" 12' 2-7/8" 12' 2-7/8" 15' 2-1/4" 15' 2-1/4" 15' 2-1/4" 15' 2-1/4" 15' 2-1/4" 15' 2-1/4" 15' 2-1/4" 15' 2-1/4" 18' 2-5/8" 18' 2-5/8" 18' 2-5/8" 18' 2-5/8" 18' 2-5/8" 18' 2-5/8" * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a.980 3.290 3. 40°F suction and 78°F W.030 18.220 9.600 2.290 4.630 5.190 5.000 24.220 36.580 2.890 10..3°F condensing.130 12.260 7.290 3.410 7.220 16.260 9.570 10.610 3.740 27.120 12. ** For dry operation or for external static pressure up to 1/2” use next larger size fan motor.260 8.410 8.390 4.990 4.290 11.430 2.790 5.850 5.580 2.450 24.770 6. ammonia 96.760 2.270 9.860 33.570 7.360 37. (12” would normally be sufficient.160 26.430 2. Operating GPM Req'd*** Size Weight 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 160 160 160 160 160 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 345 345 345 345 345 345 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 120 120 120 120 120 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 240 240 240 240 240 240 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 2.370 15.250 8.370 11.270 8. .120 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 55 55 65 65 65 65 85 85 105 95 95 95 125 125 125 150 180 165 165 200 200 200 240 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 7 7 9 9 9 9 11 11 14 13 13 13 17 17 17 21 25 22 22 28 28 28 33 Spray Pump HP 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Remote Pump Gallons Conn.780 3.770 6.500 3.660 5.150 13.080 12.500 36.650 22. 105°F condensing.400 5. *** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping.980 5.420 6. Dimensions are subject to change. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.080 5.070 11.430 2.900 3.Engineering Dimensions & Data Models LRC 25 to 246 20-1/4 U 4 MPT REFRIG IN LRC 25 to 72 A 4 MPT REFRIG OUT H 5-1/4 2 MPT 1 MPT OVERFLOW MAKE-UP 36-1/4 M 2 MPT DRAIN 3' 4-1/2" L 13-1/8 30-3/8 4 MPT REFRIG IN U LRC 76 to 246 A 4 MPT REFRIG OUT 1 MPT MAKE-UP 2 MPT OVERFLOW ACCESS DOOR H 5-1/4 36-1/4 M 5' 5/8" 2 MPT DRAIN L 13-5/8 Table 21 Engineering Data Fans Weights LRC Model No.330 3.580 8.) † Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717.620 34.110 9.210 8. Multiply by 1.460 6.940 6.690 28.98 for R-134a.590 2.930 8.730 5.340 7.760 2.290 3.120 3.860 7.180 9.830 5.580 2.540 4.* R-717 Tons* HP** CFM Shipping 25 27 29 35 38 42 48 51 58 65 72 76 84 91 101 114 108 116 128 131 140 155 174 183 190 201 213 225 233 246 18 19 21 25 27 30 34 36 41 46 51 54 60 65 72 81 77 82 91 93 99 110 123 130 135 143 151 160 165 174 1 1-1/2 2 1-1/2 2 3 5 3 5 5 7-1/2 5 7-1/2 5 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 10 15 7-1/2 10 15 15 15 20 25 20 25 30 30 6.280 22.250 4.730 18.730 9.250 6.130 8. Do not use for pre-fabrication.270 2. 480 7' 7" 54-3/4" 27" 18' 2-5/8" 25 50.240 10.060 12.380 269 191 25 43.3°F condensing.770 17.470 380 46 3 545 360 10" 15.650 12.620 18. Multiply by 1.920 14.910 8' 10" 69-3/4" 42" 18' 2-5/8" LRC Model No.820 7.190 10.050 20.600 8' 2-1/2" 62-1/4" 34-1/2" 15' 2-1/4" 9.590 8' 2-1/2" 62-1/4" 34-1/2" 15' 2-1/4" 15..390 249 177 30 55.660 320 39 3 545 360 10" 14.970 8. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.790 10.120 7' 7" 54-3/4" 27" 15' 2-1/4" 15.490 195 24 3 545 360 10" 10.460 7' 7" 54-3/4" 27" 18' 2-5/8" 30 54.820 12.970 13.560 10.100 8' 2-1/2" 62-1/4" 34-1/2" 18' 2-5/8" 361 256 40 59.98 for R-134a. (12” would normally be sufficient. *** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping.360 150 211 150 15 37.560 240 170 25 44.† ft3 HP** CFM Shipping 188 133 20 41. 20°F suction and 78°F W.B. 105°F condensing.* R-717 Tons* Refrigerant Coil Charge Volume Operating lbs. 23 .570 255 181 20 40.110 7' 7" 54-3/4" 27" 15' 2-1/4" 195 24 2 405 250 8" 10. ** For dry operation or for external static pressure up to 1/2” use next larger size fan motor.930 6' 11-1/2" 47-1/4" 19-1/2" 18' 2-5/8" 51. 40°F suction and 78°F W.93 for R-22 and 1.060 240 29 2 405 250 8" 11.300 18.640 320 39 3 545 360 10" 14.050 240 29 2 405 250 8" 11.040 255 31 3 545 360 10" 12.) † Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717.900 6' 11-1/2" 47-1/4" 19-1/2" 15' 2-1/4" 24 2 405 250 8" 10. Operating GPM Req'd*** Size Weight 18 2 405 250 8" 8.510 12.950 320 39 3 545 360 10" 14. Do not use for pre-fabrication. Dimensions are subject to change.080 8' 2-1/2" 62-1/4" 34-1/2" 18' 2-5/8" 238 30 53.Models LRC 188 to 379 24-5/8 44-7/8 (2) 4 MPT REFRIG IN U LRC 188 to 379 A (2) 4 MPT REFRIG OUT 3 MPT OVERFLOW 2 MPT MAKE-UP (2) ACCESS DOOR H 5-1/4 36-1/4 M 2 MPT DRAIN L 13-1/2 7' 10" Table 22 Engineering Data Fans Weights HP Remote Pump Gallons Conn.340 15.940 13.830 287 204 25 300 213 321 228 336 Spray Pump Height H Dimensions Upper Coil U A Length L * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a. ammonia 96.020 255 31 3 545 360 10" 12.950 13.090 7' 7" 54-3/4" 27" 15' 2-1/4" 195 24 2 405 250 8" 10.B.160 8.540 195 227 161 20 40.320 18.790 17.390 8' 2-1/2" 62-1/4" 34-1/2" 18' 2-5/8" 379 269 40 57.210 8. 700 13.990 10’ 5-3/4” 64-5/8” 61-1/8” 39-1/4” 18’ 1/8” 370 262 30 57.200 8.400 7.730 7.600 225 160 15 240 170 20 Refrigerant Spray Pump Remote Pump Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Gallons Conn.700 9.870 6.800 9.P. *** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping.000 6.T.240 9’ 9-1/4” 56-1/8” 61-1/8” 30-3/4” 11’ 11-1/2” 34.990 9.310 300 41 3 515 340 8” 15.T. OVERFLOW 15 22" L 5' 5-1/2" Table 23 Engineering Data Fans LSCB Model R-717 No.* Tons* Weights HP CFM Shipping Operating 185 131 10 32.340 9. REFRIG..860 14. 40°F suction and 78°F W.P.040 5.P.190 9.T.840 360 49 3 515 340 8” 16. Multiply by 1.900 7.550 200 142 15 35.300 13. 105°F condensing.Engineering Dimensions & Data Centrifugal Fan Models LSCB 185 to 385 31-1/8" 3-1/2" 4 M. REFRIG.160 240 33 2 345 230 8” 11.670 11.710 10.090 15.910 5. DRAIN 1 M.T.200 9’ 9-1/4” 56-1/8” 61-1/8” 30-3/4” 18’ 1/8” 300 213 20 52.960 9’ 9-1/4” 56-1/8” 61-1/8” 30-3/4” 11’ 11-1/2” 7. †† Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717.440 16. ammonia 96.500 14.770 17.290 16. REFRIG. OUT H 4-5/8" (2)ACCESS DOOR 2 M.3°F condensing.P. IN U LSCB 185 to 250 A 4 M. Do not use for pre-fabrication. IN U LSCB 280 to 385 A 4 M.T.130 200 28 2 345 230 8” 10.500 11.790 240 33 3 515 340 8” 13.750 11.330 9’ 9-1/4” 56-1/8” 61-1/8” 30-3/4” 18’ 1/8” 315 223 25 55.T.B.B.T.700 8.T.†† ft3 HP GPM Req’d** Size Weight Dimensions Height H Upper U Lower E Coil A Length L 9. REFRIG.940 7. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.660 14. OUT H 4-5/8" (2)ACCESS DOOR 2 M.T.98 for R-134a.93 for R-22 and 1. MAKE-UP E 2 F.310 300 41 3 515 340 8” 14.760 5.790 240 33 3 515 340 8” 13.110 165 22 2 345 230 8” 9.140 11’ 2-1/4” 73-1/8” 61-1/8” 47-3/4” 11’ 11-1/2” 280 199 15 47.530 14.P.T.000 11. Operating Section† lbs. OVERFLOW 13 19-1/8" L 5' 5-1/2" 31-1/8" 3-1/2" 4 M.P. Dimensions are subject to change.110 9’ 9-1/4” 56-1/8” 61-1/8” 30-3/4” 11’ 11-1/2” 7. 20°F suction and 78°F W.070 10’ 5-3/4” 64-5/8” 61-1/8” 39-1/4” 11’ 11-1/2” 37.530 7.300 11.530 9’ 9-1/4” 56-1/8” 61-1/8” 30-3/4” 18’ 1/8” 335 238 20 50.130 200 28 2 345 230 8” 10. ** For dry operation or for external static pressure up to 1/2” use next larger size fan motor.700 210 149 20 37.P.P.110 165 22 2 345 230 8” 8.790 10’ 5-3/4” 64-5/8” 61-1/8” 39-1/4” 18’ 1/8” 355 252 25 54. 24 .620 10.400 13.) † Heaviest section is the coil section.200 10’ 5-3/4” 64-5/8” 61-1/8” 39-1/2” 11’ 11-1/2” 250 177 20 36. DRAIN 1-1/2 M.830 10.110 165 22 2 345 230 8” 9.310 300 41 3 515 340 8” 14.790 240 33 3 515 340 8” 13.P.140 10’ 5-3/4” 64-5/8” 61-1/8” 39-1/4” 18’ 1/8” 385 273 30 56.P.510 11’ 2-1/4” 73-1/8” 61-1/8” 47-3/4” 18’ 1/8” * Tons at standard conditions: HCFC-22 and HFC-134a. MAKE-UP E 2 F. (12” would normally be sufficient. 620 30.070 14.960 33.570 30.120 37.060 2. OUT 4-5/8" 2 M.400 30.590 37.T.410 17.220 325 405 405 405 480 480 485 485 485 600 600 600 720 720 650 810 810 810 960 960 970 970 970 970 1.060 2.000 720 511 (2)30 114.300 26.330 27.270 17.98 for R-134a.410 14.400 590 418 (2)20 105.320 17.880 75.†† ft3 15.060 2.000 21.400 1380 979 (4)25 218.070 54.000 805 571 (2)40 121.550 25.040 14.960 18.030 1.400 21. †† Refrigerant charge is shown for R-717.000 625 443 (2)25 111.860 31. OVERFLOW 3 M.240 23.060 2.020 12.110 34.500 1.600 19.990 13.310 34.370 1.340 41.060 410 410 410 410 410 410 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 820 820 820 820 820 820 1.140 11.830 58.200 650 461 (2)20 102.320 15.080 50.060 2.140 12.850 21. Do not use for pre-fabrication. (12” would normally be sufficient.205 1.000 1440 1021 (4)30 228.600 30.590 55.800 860 610 (2)25 133.040 45.510 19.490 61.200 1000 709 (2)40 148.500 1.540 25.360 77.030 1.460 70.770 56.150 23.140 11.900 22.500 480 340 40 75.710 61.320 20.040 12.780 31.T.300 23.200 900 638 (2)30 139.970 62.030 1.500 1.990 12.000 1610 1142 (4)40 243.435 1.370 1.760 49.960 15. 25 .070 34.030 1.320 13.060 2.030 1.510 50.120 17.060 2.070 55.T.610 68.140 46.3° condensing.P.720 29.500 800 567 (2)30 141.150 17.540 42.740 38.400 1310 929 (4)30 230.040 12.910 34.060 41.370 1.500 1.290 35.T.* Tons* HP Weights CFM 400 284 30 70.370 2.240 20.160 45.320 13.T.030 1.940 46.340 19.300 11.610 37.820 43.310 25.020 34.) † Heaviest section is the coil section. Operating GPM Req’d** Size Weight 685 685 685 685 685 685 1.950 27.500 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 14” 14” 14” 14” 14” 14” 14” 14” 18.600 450 319 30 69.400 1030 730 (2)50 154.860 9.800 1180 837 (4)20 210.Centrifugal Fan Models LSCB 400 to 1610 30-3/8" 57" 3-1/2" (2)4 M.200 515 365 50 77.710 61.280 22.640 49. IN (2)4 M.P. Multiply by 1.435 44 55 55 55 66 66 66 66 66 82 82 82 98 98 89 110 110 110 131 131 132 132 132 132 164 164 196 196 Spray Pump HP 5 5 5 5 5 5 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 (2)5 (2)5 (2)5 (2)5 (2)5 (2)5 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 (2) 7-1/2 Remote Pump Gallons Conn. *** Gallons shown is water in suspension in unit and piping. 20° suction and 78° W.B.980 60.570 41.410 14.090 34. REFRIG.540 37.93 for R-22 and 1.480 21.370 1.P.440 45.900 690 489 (2)25 109.000 Refrigerant Operating Coil Heaviest Charge Volume Shipping Operating Section† lbs.000 23.000 1510 1071 (4)30 226.070 14.000 1250 887 (4)25 222.500 1.P.P.660 45. REFRIG.550 29.600 500 355 40 74.240 23. Dimensions are subject to change.520 25.320 17.980 68.200 550 390 (2)15 97.000 755 535 (2)30 113.370 1. Allow for additional water in bottom of remote sump to cover pump suction and strainer during operation.400 1100 780 (4)15 194.110 Dimensions Height H Upper U Lower E Coil A Length L 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 14’ 7-3/4” 14’ 7-3/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 14’ 7-3/4” 14’ 7-3/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 14’ 7-3/4” 14’ 7-3/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 2-3/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 13’ 11-1/4” 14’ 7-3/4” 14’ 7-3/4” 56-1/4” 64-3/4” 64-3/4” 64-3/4” 73-1/4” 73-1/4” 56-1/4” 56-1/4” 56-1/4” 64-3/4” 64-3/4” 64-3/4” 73-1/4” 73-1/4” 56-1/4” 64-3/4” 64-3/4” 64-3/4” 73-1/4” 73-1/4” 56-1/4” 56-1/4” 56-1/4” 56-1/4” 64-3/4” 64-3/4” 73-1/4” 73-1/4” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 102-1/2” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 47-3/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 47-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 47-3/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 30-3/4” 39-1/4” 39-1/4” 47-3/4” 47-3/4” 11’ 11-5/8” 11’ 11-5/8” 11’ 11-5/8” 11’ 11-5/8” 11’ 11-5/8” 11’ 11-5/8” 18’ 1/4” 18’ 1/4” 18’ 1/4” 18’ 1/4” 18’ 1/4” 18’ 1/4” 18’ 1/4” 18’ 1/4” 24’ 3/4” 24’ 3/4” 24’ 3/4” 24’ 3/4” 24’ 3/4” 24’ 3/4” 36’ 2” 36’ 2” 36’ 2” 36’ 2” 36’ 2” 36’ 2” 36’ 2” 36’ 2” * Tons at standard conditions: ammonia 96.380 54.540 25. ** For dry operation or for external static pressure up to 1/2” use next larger size fan motor.970 61.780 28.000 960 681 (2)40 151.960 44.500 1.030 1.900 430 305 25 66. DRAIN 17 L 26 L 9' 9-3/4" LSCB 800 to 1030 17 LSCB 1100 to 1610 L 17 26 L 21 Table 24 Engineering Data Fans LSCB Model R-717 No.205 1.010 10.440 43.320 13.700 20.500 1. MAKE-UP (2)ACCESS DOOR LSCB 400 to 515 U A LSCB 550 to 805 H E 3 F.030 1.610 68. 3/4” in diameter are located in the bottom channels of the pan section to provide for bolting to the structural steel.) Beams should be level to within 1/8” in 6’ before setting the unit in place.Steel Support The recommended support for EVAPCO condensers is structural “I” beams located under the outer flanges and running the entire length of the unit. Mounting holes. (Refer to certified drawings from the factory for bolt hole locations. Plan Views A 3' to 12' WIDE MODELS A 17' to 24' WIDE MODELS End Elevations B ATC DIMENSIONS 4' Wide Models ATC-50B to 165B 90B to 120B 135B to 165B 8-1/2' Wide Models ATC-187B to 238B 253B to 305B 269B to 325B 358B to 371B 398B to 473B 486B to 630B 666B to 755B 17' Wide Models ATC-639B to 805B 830B to 926B 12' Wide Models ATC-503B to 559B 581B to 647B 642B to 892B 869B to 967B 949B to 1078B 1164B to 1204B 1284B to 1784B 1625B to 1925B 24' Wide Models ATC-979B to 1077B 1163B to 1203B 1283B to 1783B 1616B to 1915B 2002B to 2158B 2256B to 2404B 2490B to 3210B 3336B to 3714B 3' to 12' WIDE MODELS 17' to 24' WIDE MODELS LRC DIMENSIONS A 10' 1-7/8" A 12' 2-7/8" 15' 2-1/4" 18' 2-5/8" A 15' 2-1/4" 18' 2-5/8" B 3' 4-1/2" B 5' 5/8" 5' 5/8" 5' 5/8" B 7' 10" 7' 10" LSCB DIMENSIONS 5' Wide Models LSCB-185 to 250 280 to 385 10' Wide Models LSCB-400 to 515 550 to 805 800 to 1030 1100 to 1610 26 A 11' 11-3/4" 18' 1/8" A 11' 11-3/4" 18' 1/8" 24' 1" 36' 2" B 4' 1/4" 4' 1/4" 4' 1/4" B 7' 5-7/8" 8' 5-1/2" 8' 5-1/2" 8' 5-1/2" 8' 5-1/2" 8' 5-1/2" 8' 5-1/2" B 17' 4-1/8" 17' 4-1/8" B 11' 10" 11' 10" 11' 10" 11' 10" 11' 10" 11' 10" 11' 10" 11' 10" B 24' 1-1/8" 24' 1-1/8" 24' 1-1/8" 24' 1-1/8" 24' 1-1/8" 24' 1-1/8" 24' 1-1/8" 24' 1-1/8" UBC DIMENSIONS B 3' Wide Models LRC-25 to 72 5' Wide Models LRC-76 to 114 108 to 183 190 to 246 8' Wide Models LRC-188 to 269 249 to 379 A 5' 11-7/8" 8' 11-1/2" 11' 11-3/4" A 8' 5-1/2" 8' 11-1/2" 10' 5-1/2" 11' 11-3/4" 13' 11-3/4" 18' 0" 21' 0" A 11' 11-3/4" 13' 11-3/4" A 11' 11-3/4" 13' 11-3/4" 18' 0" 20' 0" 24' 2" 28' 2" 36' 2-1/2" 40' 2-1/2" A 11' 11-3/4" 13' 11-3/4" 18' 0" 20' 0" 24' 2" 28' 2" 36' 2-1/2" 40' 2-1/2" B 5' 5-3/8" 5' 5-3/8" B 9' 9-3/4" 9' 9-3/4" 9' 9-3/4" 9' 9-3/4" 8' Wide Models UBC-180 to 230 260 to 345 370 to 535 12' Wide Models UBC-420 to 540 560 to 860 890 to 1075 1110 to 1720 24' Wide Models UBC-1090 to 1690 1735 to 2100 2370 to 3225 A 8' 11-1/2" 11' 11-3/4" 18' 0" A 11' 11-3/4" 18' 0" 24' 2" 36' 2-1/2" A 18' 0" 24' 2" 36' 2-1/2" B 7' 10" 7' 10" 7' 10" B 11' 10" 11' 10" 11' 10" 11' 10" B 24' 1-1/8" 24' 1-1/8" 24' 1-1/8" PMCB DIMENSIONS 5' Wide Models PMCB-175 to 240 250 to 375 10' Wide Models PMCB-290 to 480 450 to 775 850 to 1030 1060 to 1550 12' Wide Models PMCB-435 to 580 600 to 885 1015 to 1120 935 to 1165 1110 to 1770 A 8' 11-1/2" 18' 0" A 11' 11-3/4" 18' 1/8" 24' 1" 36' 2" A 11' 11-3/4" 18' 1/8" 24' 1" 24' 1" 36' 2" B 6' 4" 6' 4" B 9' 9-3/4" 9' 9-3/4" 9' 9-3/4" 9' 9-3/4" B 11' 10-1/2" 11' 10-1/2" 11' 10-1/2" 11' 10-1/2" 11' 10-1/2" . Do not level the unit by shimming between it and the “I” beams as this will not provide proper longitudinal support. They are sized to maintain a +40° F pan water temperature with the fans off and an ambient air temperature of 0°F. They are furnished with a combination thermostat/low water protection device to cycle the heater on when required and to prevent the heater elements from energizing unless they are completely submerged. The heater power contactors and electric wiring are not included as standard. All components are in weather proof enclosures for outdoor use. ATC Heater Sizes UBC Heater Sizes PMCB Heater Sizes Models kW Models kW Models ATC-50B to 165B 3 UBC-180 to 230 6 90B to 120B 4 (2) 4 135B to 165B 5 187B to 238B 6 253B to 305B 7 260 to 345 370 to 535 420 to 540 (2) 6 (2) 6 560 to 860 (2) 8 kW Models PMCB-175 to 240 5 LRC-25 to 72 2 LSCB-185 to 250 4 250 to 375 (2) 4 76 to 114 3 280 to 385 (2) 3 290 to 480 8 108 to 183 4 450 to 775 (2) 6 850 to 1030 (2) 8 1060 to 1550 (2) 12 8 358B to 371B (2) 4 890 to 1075 (4) 6 435 to 580 10 398B to 473B (2) 5 1110 to 1720 (4) 8 600 to 885 (2) 7 486B to 630B (2) 6 1090 to 1690 (4) 8 1015 to 1120 (2) 9 666B to 755B (2) 7 1735 to 2100 (4) 12 935 to 1165 (2) 9 639B to 805B (4) 4 2370 to 3225 (4) 16 1110 to 1770 (2) 15 830B to 926B (4) 5 503B to 559B (2) 6 581B to 647B (2) 7 (2) 9 869B to 967B (2) 10 949B to 1078B (4) 6 1164B to 1204B (4) 7 1284B to 1784B (4) 9 LSCB Heater Sizes Models 269B to 325B 642B to 892B LRC Heater Sizes kW 190 to 246 6 188 to 269 7 249 to 379 9 kW 400 to 515 7 550 to 805 (2) 5 800 to 1030 (2) 7 1100 to 1610 (2) 10 1625B to 1925B (4) 10 979B to 1077B (4) 6 1163B to 1203B (4) 7 1283B to 1783B (4) 9 1616B to 1915B (4) 10 2002B to 2158B (4) 12 2256B to 2404B (4) 15 2490B to 3210B (4) 18 3336B to 3714B (4) 20 27 .Electric Heaters Electric immersion heaters are available factory installed in the basin of the condenser. solid back V-belt type with taper lock bushings designed for 150% of the motor nameplate horsepower. Motor(s) shall be mounted on an adjustable base which allows the motor to swing to the outside of the unit for servicing. Belt adjustment shall be accomplished from the exterior of the unit. independent of the manufacturer. . Fan sheave shall be aluminum alloy construction. _________ horsepower totally enclosed motor(s) shall be furnished suitable for outdoor service on _________ volts. Nozzles shall be threaded into spray header to provide easy removal for maintenance. with 1. as shown on the plans. solid back V-belt type with taper lock bushings designed for 150% of the motor nameplate horsepower. This design shall have been analyzed and certified by a licensed structural engineer. Water Distribution System The system shall provide a water flow rate of 6 GPM over each square foot of unit face area to ensure proper flooding of the coil. Drive The fan shall be mounted on the motor in a direct drive configuration. Belt Drive Models ATC 503B to 3714B and UBC 420 to 3225 Fan Motor _________ horsepower totally enclosed air over ball bearing fan motor(s). type 304 stainless steel strainers. installed vertically at the factory to allow free drainage on shut down.000 hours. Direct Drive Models ATC 50B to 165B Fan Motor _________ horsepower totally enclosed fan cooled fan motor(s). _________ hertz. The louvers shall be mounted in easily removable sections for access to the pan for maintenance. Bearing lube lines shall be extended to the exterior of the unit for easy maintenance.0g horizontal acceleration concurrent with 0. _________ hertz. Axial Propeller Fans Fans shall be heavy duty axial propeller type statically balanced. UBC Seismic/ Windload Specification The equipment shall be designed and manufactured to withstand 1. and _________ phase. supports and bracing to meet the design acceleration levels (wind pressure) shall not be accepted. installed in a closely fitted cowl with venturi air inlet. all panel edges shall be coated with a 95% pure zinc-rich compound for superior protection against corrosion. with 1. Water Recirculation Pump The pump(s) shall be a close-coupled. drain. Drive The fan drive shall be a multigroove. and _________ phase.15 service factor shall be furnished suitable for service on _________ volts. Fan screens shall be galvanized steel mesh and frame. The unit will not be expected to maintain operation during the seismic (high windload) event. and _________ phase. under water. Eliminators The eliminators shall be constructed entirely of inert polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in easily handled sections. Fan and motor sheaves shall be aluminum alloy construction. Motor(s) shall be mounted on an adjustable base which is accessible from the outside of the unit for service. The use of external reinforced anchorage. The coil(s) shall be designed with sloping tubes for free drainage of liquid refrigerant and shall be pneumatically tested at 400 psig. Belt Drive Models ATC 187B to 926B and UBC 180 to 535 Fan Motor _________ horsepower totally enclosed fan cooled motors with 1. Heavy-duty molded nylon ZM spray nozzles with large 1-5/16” diameter opening and internal sludge ring to eliminate clogging. Basin and Casing The basin and casing shall be constructed of G-235 hot-dip galvanized steel for long life and durability. Finish All basin and casing materials shall be constructed of G-235 heavy gauge mill hot-dip galvanized steel.25 service factor shall be furnished suitable for outdoor service on _________ volts. Maximum drift rate shall be less than 0.ATC & UBC Evaporative Condenser Specifications Furnish and install. The louvers shall have a minimum of two changes in air direction to prevent splashout and block direct sunlight. The belt material shall be neoprene reinforced with polyester cord and specifically designed for evaporative condenser service. _________ hertz. A swing away protective cover shall shield the motor and sheave from the weather. Bearings shall be designed for a minimum L-10 life of 75. centrifugal type with mechanical seal. encased in a steel framework and hot-dip galvanized after fabrication as a complete assembly. Louvers The louvers shall be constructed from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). All spray branches shall be removable for cleaning. and brass make-up valve with plastic float. an EVAPCO model _________ induced draft. The fans and the fan sheaves shall be mounted on the shaft with a specially coated bushing to provide maximum corrosion protection. 28 Heat Transfer Coil Condensing coil(s) shall be all prime surface steel.001% of the circulating water rate. and _________ phase. Bearing lube lines shall be extended to the exterior of the unit for easy maintenance. _________ hertz. The eliminator design shall incorporate three changes in air direction to assure complete removal of all entrained moisture from the discharge air stream. The fans and fan sheaves shall be mounted on the shaft with a specially coated bushing to provide maximum corrosion protection. The belt material shall be neoprene reinforced with polyester cord and specifically designed for evaporative condenser service.5g vertical acting through the center of gravity (wind pressure of 125 pounds per square foot applied at the center of pressure).3g horizontal orthogonal and 0. Drive The fan drive shall be multigroove. Standard basin accessories shall include overflow. counterflow evaporative condenser with a condensing capacity of _________ MBH total heat of rejection when operating with _________ refrigerant at ______ °F condensing temperature with a ______ °F design wet bulb temperature. During fabrication. The fans shall be constructed of aluminum alloy blades. Fan Shaft Bearings Fan shaft bearings shall be heavy duty self-aligning ball type with grease fittings extended to the outside of the unit. The spray header shall be constructed of schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride pipe for corrosion resistance.15 service factor shall be furnished suitable for outdoor service on _________ volts. Belt adjustment shall be accomplished from the exterior of the unit. The analysis shall include the principal members and joints of the unit as well as the mounting configuration and hardware. bolted to the fan cowl. Power-Mizer Fan Drives Fans shall be vane-axial type constructed of cast aluminum alloy blades. Nozzles shall be threaded into a spray header to provide easy removal for maintenance. Each unit shall have condensing capacity of _________ BTUH heat rejection. _________ horsepower totally enclosed. as shown on the plans. centrifugal type with mechanical seal. Eliminators The eliminators shall be constructed entirely of PVC that has been specially treated to resist ultra-violet light. Motor(s) shall be mounted on an adjustable base. Standard pan accessories shall include circular access doors. Water Distribution System The system shall provide a water flow rate of 6 GPM over each square foot of the unit face area to ensure proper flooding of the coil. motor shall be furnished suitable for outdoor service on _________ volts. PVC pipe for corrosion resistance. These items shall be located in the dry entering air stream to provide maximum service life and easy maintenaince. Pan and Casing The pan and casing shall be constructed of G-235 hot-dip galvanized steel for long life and durability. Finish All pan and casing materials shall be constructed of G-235 heavy gauge mill hot-dip galvanized steel for maximum protection against corrosion. All spray branches shall be removable and include a threaded end plug for cleaning. They shall be arranged in a two-stage system installed in a closely fitted cowl with venturi air inlet and air stabilizing vanes. _________ hertz. wastewater bleed line with adjustable valve and brass makeup valve. operating with ____________ refrigerant at _____ °F condensing temperature and _____ °F design wet bulb temperature. Heat Transfer Coil The coil(s) shall be all prime surface steel. The pan/fan section shall include fans. They shall have a hooked leaving edge to direct the discharge air away from the fans to minimize recirculation. Drives are to be mounted and aligned at the factory. encased in steel framework with the entire assembly hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. and _________ phase. _________ hertz. the eliminator blades shall be spaced on 1-inch centers and shall incorporate three changes in air direction to assure removal of entrained moisture from the discharge air stream. 29 . and _________ phase. ZM nozzles are threaded into Schedule-40 Polyvinyl Chloride headers equipped with removable end plugs for ease of cleaning. Coil(s) shall be designed with sloping tubes for free drainage of liquid refrigerant and tested to 400 psig air pressure under water. The water shall be distributed over the entire coil surface by heavy-duty molded nylon ZM spray nozzles with large 1-5/16” diameter opening and internal sludge ring to eliminate clogging. stainless steel strainers. The spray header shall be constructed of schedule 40. Fan shaft bearings shall be a heavy-duty self aligning ball type with grease fittings extended to the outside of the unit. During fabrication. motors and drives mounted and aligned at the factory. Water Recirculation Pump The pump(s) shall be a close-coupled. all panel edges shall be coated with 95% pure zinc-rich compound. The fan drive shall be solid backed Power-Band constructed of neoprene with polyester cords designed for 150% of motor nameplate horsepower. with an unsinkable foam filled plastic float.PMCB Evaporative Condenser Specifications Furnish and install. installed vertically at the factory to allow free drainage on shut down. The heat transfer section shall be removable from the pan to provide easy handling and rigging.15 service factor shall be furnished suitable for outdoor service on _________ volts. Assembled in easily handled sections. Fan Motor _________ horsepower totally enclosed fan cooled motor(s) with 1. an EVAPCO model _____________ evaporative condenser. C. Standard cold water basin accessories shall include Type 304 stainless steel overflow.001% of the recirculated water rate. brass make-up valve with unsinkable. . the eliminators shall incorporate three changes in air direction to assure removal of entrained moisture from the discharge airstream. The entire drive system (including fans.E. The water shall be distributed over the entire coil surface by heavy-duty molded nylon ZM spray nozzles with large 1-5/16” diameter opening and internal sludge ring to eliminate clogging.F.LRC Evaporative Condenser Specifications Furnish and install. centrifugal type with a mechanical seal. Pump motor shall be ___ Horsepower T. Casing and Fan Section Eliminators The casing and fan section shall be constructed of G-235 galvanized steel for long life and durability.F.C. The casing and fan section shall be constructed of G-235 heavy gauge mill hot-dip galavanized steel. motors and drives. Cold Water Basin Centrifugal Fans and Drives Fans shall be forwardly curved centrifugal type of hot-dip galvanized steel construction. Fan section shall include fans. The fan shaft shall be supported by heay-duty self-aligning bearings with cast iron housings and lubrication fittings extended to to the outdside of the unit for ease of maintenance.15 service factor and suitable for outdoor installation on ___ volts. Coil(s) shall be designed with sloping tubes for free drainage of liquid and tested to 400 psig air pressure under water. foam filled plastic float and wastewater bleed line with adjustable valve. shafts. ___ hertz. Heat Transfer Coil The coil(s) shall be all prime surafce steel. The system shall provide a water flow rate of not less than 6 GPM over each square foot of unit face area to ensure proper flooding of the coil. The fans shall be factory installed. Mechanical Equipment Warranty The fan motor and drive system shall carry a 5 year warranty from the date of shipment. and ___ phase electrical service. Fan Motor Fan motor(s) shall be ___ Horsepower T. Nozzles shall be threaded into the spray header to provide easy removal for maintenance. as shown on the plans. design suitable for outdoor installation on ___ volts. design with 1. The spray header shall be constructed of schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride pipe for corrosion resistance. ZM nozzles are threaded into Schedule-40 Polyvinyl Chloride headers equipped with removable end plugs for ease of cleaning. Motor(s) shall be mounted on an adjustable base. all panel edges shall be coated with a 95% pure zinc compound. Assembled in easily handled sections. Water Recirculation Pump The pump shall be a close-coupled. anti-vortexing hood. strainers. The complete cold water basin shall be constructed of Type 304 stainless steel for long life and durability. All spray branches shall be removable and include a threaded end plug for cleaning. encased in steel framework with the entire assembly hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. sheaves and belts) shall be located in the dry entering airstream. Each unit shall have condensing capacity of _________ BTUH heat rejection. bearings. The fans shall be mounted on either a solid steel shaft or a hollow steel foam filled shaft with forged bearing journals. fan motors(s) and mechanical equipment supports.E. drain. Drives are mounted and aligned at the factory. The eliminators shall be constructed of inert polyvinyl chloride that has been specially treated to resist UV degredation. motors. an EVAPCO model ____________ evaporative condenser. ___ hertz. During fabrication. 30 Water Distribution System Finish The complete cold water basin shall be constructed of Type 304 stainless steel for maximum corrosion protection. against defects in materials and workmanship including the fan(s). and ___ phase electrical service. The fan drive shall be a V-Belt type with taper lock bushings designed for 150% of the motor nameplate horsepower. statically and dynamically balanced for vibration free operation. operating with ____________ refrigerant at _____ °F condensing temperature and _____ °F design wet bulb temperature. The maximum drift rate shall not exceed 0. sheaves. The fan shaft shall be supported by heavy-duty. encased in steel framework with the entire assembly hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. an EVAPCO model _____________ evaporative condenser.LSCB Evaporative Condenser Specifications Furnish and install. centrifugal type with mechanical seal. Water Distribution System The system shall provide a water flow rate of GPM over each square foot of the unit face area to ensure proper flooding of the coil. _________ hertz. Fan Motor _________ horsepower totally enclosed fan cooled motor(s) with 1. Coil(s) shall be designed with sloping tubes for free drainage of liquid refrigerant and tested to 400 psig air pressure under water. They shall have a hooked leaving edge to direct the discharge air away from the fans to minimize recirculation. The fan drive shall be V-belt type with taper lock bushings designed for 150% of motor nameplate horsepower. The spray header shall be constructed of schedule 40. Assembled in easily handled sections. The heat transfer section shall be removable from the pan to provide easy handling and rigging. and _________ phase. Fans shall be mounted on either a solid steel shaft or a hollow steel shaft with forged bearing journals. _________ horsepower totally enclosed. Water Recirculation Pump The pump(s) shall be a close-coupled. motors and drives mounted and aligned at the factory. The pan/fan section shall include fans. Centrifugal Fan Drives Fans shall be forwardly curved centrifugal type of hot-dip galvanized construction. Finish All pan and casing materials shall be constructed of G-235 heavy gauge mill hot-dip galvanized steel for maximum protection against corrosion. All spray branches shall be removable and include a threaded end plug for cleaning. PVC pipe for corrosion resistance. Pan and Casing The pan and casing shall be constructed of G-235 hot-dip galvanized steel for long life and durability. Each unit shall have condensing capacity of _________ BTUH heat rejection. Nozzles shall be threaded into a spray header to provide easy removal for maintenance. self aligning bearings with cast-iron housings and lubrication fittings for maintenance.15 service factor shall be furnished suitable for outdoor service on _________ volts. operating with ____________ refrigerant at _____ °F condensing temperature and _____ °F design wet bulb temperature. and _________ phase. wastewater bleed line with adjustable valve and brass makeup valve. with an unsinkable foam filled plastic float. _________ hertz. The fans shall be factory installed into the pan-fan section. and statically and dynamically balanced for vibration free operation. These items shall be located in the dry entering air stream to provide maximum service life and easy maintenaince. Heat Transfer Coil The coil(s) shall be all prime surface steel. Motor(s) shall be mounted on an adjustable base. The water shall be distributed over the entire coil surface by heavy-duty molded nylon ZM spray nozzles with large 1-5/16” diameter opening and internal sludge ring to eliminate clogging. all panel edges shall be coated with 95% pure zinc-rich compound. Eliminators The eliminators shall be constructed entirely of PVC that has been specially treated to resist ultra-violet light. the eliminator blades shall be spaced on 1-inch centers and shall incorporate three changes in air direction to assure removal of entrained moisture from the discharge air stream. motor shall be furnished suitable for outdoor service on _________ volts. 31 . Standard pan accessories shall include circular access doors. installed vertically at the factory to allow free drainage on shut down. Drives are to be mounted and aligned at the factory. stainless steel strainers. ZM nozzles are threaded into Schedule-40 Polyvinyl Chloride headers equipped with removable end plugs for ease of cleaning. as shown on the plans. During fabrication. Inc. CA 93637 USA Phone: (559) 673-2207 Fax: (559) 673-2378 E-mail: contact@evapcowest. 5151 Allendale Lane Taneytown. N. MN 55060 Phone: (507) 446-8005 Fax: (507) 446-8239 E-mail: [email protected]. S. MD 21158 USA Phone: (410) 756-2600 Fax: (410) 756-6450 E-mail: marketing@evapco. Yan Qi Industrial Development District Huai Rou County Beijing.it McCormack Coil Company P.Specialists in Heat Transfer Products and Services.europe@evapco. Cairo. Lakeview Blvd.co.O.) Ltd. Australia 2765 Phone: (61)29 627-3332 Fax: (61)29 627-1715 E-mail: sales@aquacoolingtowers. OR 97035 USA Phone: (503) 639-2137 Fax: (503) 639-1800 E-mail: [email protected] Bulletin 173A-EM .V.com EVAPCO Iowa Engineering & Sales Office 1234 Brady Blvd.A. Ltd.EVAPCO products are manufactured worldwide. Inc. Via Dosso 2 23020 Piateda Sondrio Italy Visit EVAPCO’s Website: Air EVAPCO (Ltd.be Sales Office – Germany EVAPCO Europe GmbH Bovert 22 D-40670 Meerbusch.. 23rd Floor Majesty Building 138 Pudong Avenue Shanghai.O. Box 436 Riverstone. China 200120 Phone: (86) 21-5877-3980 Fax: (86) 21-5877-2928 E-mail: [email protected] Aqua-Cool Towers (Pty. Bryan..com Manufacturing Facility 925 Quality Drive Lake View.evapco. Tongeren-Oost 3700 Tongeren.) 92 Asma Fahmi St. Madera.R.S. Heersterveldweg 19 Industriezone. TX 77808 USA Phone: (979) 778-0095 Fax: (979) 778-0030 E-mail: rvs@rvscorp. P..com Asia/Pacific Regional Office EVAPCO China Suite D. Box 1300 Westminster.Code 201901 Phone: (86)21 5680-5298 Fax: (86)21 5680-6642 E-mail: evapcosh@evapcochina. IL 62428 USAi Phone: (217) 923-3431 Fax: (217) 923-3300 E-mail: evapcomw@rr1. ARD El-Golf Heliopolis..com EVAPCO S.eg www.r. Belgium Phone: 32 (0)11-395029 Fax: 32 (0)11-238527 E-mail: evapco. Box 1727 6333 S. Egypt Phone: (202) 291-3610 Fax: (202) 290-0892 E-mail: [email protected] 5M/0204/DGD EVAPCO Manufacturing Locations EVAPCO. MD 21787 USA Phone: (410) 756-2600 Fax: (410) 756-6450 E-mail: [email protected]. Iowa 51450 USA Phone: (712) 657-3223 Fax: (712) 657-3226 EVAPCO Europe.net EVAPCO West 1900 West Almond Ave. China . P. S. 855 Yang Tai Road Bao Shan Area Shanghai.com EVAPCO Europe.com Shanghai Hezhong-EVAPCO Refrigeration Co. Belgium Phone: (32) 12-395029 Fax: (32) 12-238527 E-mail: evapco.za Beijing Hezhong-EVAPCO Refrigeration Equipment Co.l.W.europe@evapco. Ltd.com EVAPCO Europe.O.r. China . Germany Phone: (49) 2159-69560 Fax: (49) 2159-695611 E-mail: sturies@evapco. World Headquarters/ Research and Development Center EVAPCO Facilities EVAPCO.) Ltd. N. Heersterveldweg 19 Industriezone Tongeren-Oost 3700 Tongeren. Via Ciro Menotti 10 20017 Passirana di Rho Milano. N. P.be Refrigeration Valves & Systems 1520 Crosswind Dr. 18 Quality Road Isando 1600 Republic of South Africa Phone: (27)11 392-6630 Fax: (27)11-392-6615 E-mail: evapco@icon. (Pty. P.com EVAPCO Midwest 1723 York Road Greenup. Owatonna. Italy Phone: (39) 02-939-9041 Fax: (39) 02-935-00840 E-mail: [email protected]. Lake Oswego. 34-42 Melbourne St. World Headquarters Research/Development Center EVAPCO.Code 101407 Phone: (86)10 6166-7238 Fax: (86)10 6166-7395 E-mail: [email protected] European Regional Office EVAPCO Europe.net.
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