European Biax Scraper Literature

March 19, 2018 | Author: Martin Lundeen | Category: Bronze, Metalworking, Materials, Industries, Metals



Electronic Scraper and accessoriesprzedstawicielstwo firm : w Polsce : Biuro Handlowe: 00-238 Warszawa ul. Długa 23/25 II piętro, pok. 210 tel.: 0 22 635 60 10 fax: 0 22 635 60 15 kom.: 0 502 209 516 e-mail : [email protected] Siedziba główna 00-203 Warszawa ul. Bonifraterska 17, Bud. North Gate, 22 p. Type BS 40 BIAX Universal Scraper, heavy-duty model particularly suitable for: º exIreme heavy scrapihg work ih large machihe cohsIrucIioh º sIeel scrapihg work oh guide-beds ahd machihe columhs, ih case o! Iurbihes, Irahsmissiohs ahd ih pump cohsIrucIioh. Order humber: 230 V – 200 040 100 115 V – 200 040 110 Type BL 40 BIAX Universal Scraper, light model particularly suitable for: º heavy scrapihg º sIahdard scrapihg º !he scrapihg º precisioh scrapihg ahd oil-IighI scrapihg. Also suiIable !or doveIail guides ahd prisms ih coh|uhcIioh wiIh special blades. Order humber: 230 V – 200 040 130 115 V – 200 040 140 Accessories at the BS 40 incl. grab hahdle, raIcheI screw at the BL40 hoI ihcl. Order humber: raIcheI screw 201 324 905 grab handle 203 004 748 Summary Scaper 1ypes 2 + 3 + 4 ApplicaIioh 4 + 5 + 6 + 9 OperaIihg IhsIrucIiohs 5 Recommehded value 7 + 8 Scrapihg o! several maIerials 10 Scrapihg 1ools 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 Hahd scraper, Lhgiheers´ blue, Roller 15 Scraper blade ahd grihdihg machihe15 2 Type BL 10 BIAX Universal Scraper, light model particularly suitable for: º plasIic scrapihg º sIahdard scrapihg º !he scrapihg º precisioh scrapihg ahd oil-IighI scrapihg. Also suiIable !or doveIail guides ahd prisms ih coh|uhcIioh wiIh special blades. Order humber: 230 V – 200 040 300 115 V – 200 040 310 ype HM 10 AX Half-moon Pattern Scraper articularly suitable for: crapihg oil-pockeIs or opIically pleasurihg sur!aces. der humber: 230 V – 200 040 330 115 V – 200 040 340 3 Accessories (not incl.) Type DL 40 Order humber Scraping interrupted surfaces Wheh workihg oh moIor blocks, pumps, Iurbihe ahd Irahsmissioh housihgs eIc., Ihe sur!aces are !rsI o! all cleahed, deburred ahd Iheh applied Ihe ehgiheers blue. Ih case o! boreholes ahd Ihreaded holes, Ihe maIerial appears aI Ihe edge o! Ihe hole. 1his burr musI always be removed be!ore ihiIial scrapihg. Ih case o! holes or oIher ihIerrupIiohs, iI is hecessary Io "scrape rouhd" Ihese ahd uhder ho circumsIahce Io "scraper over" Ihem. Ih case o! ihIerrupIiohs by oil grooves, always make sure IhaI a blade wiIh a large cuIIer curvaIure is used. 1his prevehIs Ihe blade !rom hookihg ihIo Ihe oil groove. Ih order Io !aciliIaIe scrapihg, i! possible Ihe oil groove should be milled a!Ier scrapihg. Scraping dovetails and prisms 8ecause o! Iheir poor accessibiliIy by hahd, iI is di!!culI Io scrape Ihe doveIail guides, which !requehIly occur ih machihe Iool producIioh. For Ihis reasoh, ah ahgled prolohged clamp holder was developed !or Ihe scraper 8L 40. 1he blade has a Ihih carbide Iip so IhaI Ihe doveIail cah be scraped up Io Ihe acuIe ahgle. I! Ihe doveIail or prisms guide is easily accessible, a Iool displaced by 90° is recommehded. 1his model does hoI hihder Ihe skilled worker ahd permiIs good visibiliIy o! Ihe workpiece. DoveIail guide may hoI be Ioo sIeeply scraped. Lxperiehce has showh IhaI a scrapihg direcIioh aI 45° Io Ihe guide is Ihe mosI advahIageous. Scraping 4 Scraping The scraping tool – Ihe ih!uehce o! various radii ahdahgles ohIhe scrapihgresulIs 1he IreaImehI o! each workpiece wiIh Ihe scraper begihs wiIh prescapihg or roughihg. Ih Ihis operaIiohs, iI is hoI yeI hecessary Io ehsure small bearihg poihIs. 1here!ore, a blade wiIh a large radius is used ih order Io ehable raIiohal workihg. 8lades wiIh a large radius also have a large e!!ecIive sur!ace wiIh which a wide scrape is obIaihed. Ohly a!Ier several scrapihg over ahd Iouchihg up operaIiohs do more ahd more bearihg poihIs appear. 1he blade radius musI how be smaller ih order Io e!!ecIively IreaI Ihe ihdividual bearihg poihIs. Operation of the scraper The scraper guarantees precision workmanship. Please note the following instructions: Hold Ihe scraper head wiIh your le!I hahd, puI !our !hgers below Ihe leaIher sIrap ahd Ihe Ihumb over iI. 1he righI hahd holds Ihe moIor ahd helps Io guide Ihe scraper. A le!I-hahd should hold Ihe machihe ih reverse. Wheh workihg ih a horizohIal posiIioh, press Ihe scraper agaihsI your hip. 1hereby Ihe power o! recoil (!orce o! reacIioh) will be absorbed. Electronic adjustment o! Ihe sIroke raIe / mih: (only for electronic models) 1he ad|usImehI wheel o! Ihe elecIrohic uhiI is ih Ihe rear. j Stroke adjustment 1he sIroke ad|usImehI is idehIical !or Ihe Iypes 8S 40, 8L 40, 8L 10 ahd DL 40. Slide Ihe scraper shoe Io Ihe !rohI reversal poihI. Ih Ihis posiIioh, Ihe ad|usImehI screw appears oh Ihe uhderside o! Ihe housihg. Use Ihe ehclosed Alleh wrehch SW 6 !or sIroke ad|usImehI. 1urhihg I righI ihcreases Ihe sIroke, Iurhihg Io le!I reduces iI. 1he holes ih Ihe bell help Io posiIioh Ihe ad|usImehI screw correcIl 5 Operation Scraping 2 nd Step: Plane scraping Ih Ihis case, scrapihg is per!ormed parallel Io Ihe opposihg corhers. 1his procedure requires a somewhaI shorIer sIroke (6 mm Io 12 mm) ahd a harrower blade (15 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm). A!Ier Ihe sur!ace has beeh prescraped, Ihe poihI pro|ecIihg !rom Ihe plahe or bearihg accuracy are scraped uhIil a saIis!acIory resulI is obIaihed. 3 rd Step: Finish scraping 1he qualiIy o! Ihe sur!ace Io be scraped ihcreases wiIh Ihe humber o! bearihg poihIs. IhiIially, bearihg poihIs are large ahd exisI ohly ih a small humber. I! Ihe sIroke is reduced (2 mm Io 6 mm) ahd i! 15 mm or 20 mm scrapihg Iools are used, Ihe large bearihg poihIs are scraped o!! provided IhaI ho pressure is applied wheh guidihg Ihe scraper over Ihe sur!ace (iI is hoI hecessary Io raise Ihe scraper). A rhyIhm cah be quickly developed ahd Ihe resulI is IhaI several ahd smaller bearihg poihIs are disIribuIed over Ihe ehIire sur!ace. 1 st Step: Prescraping 1he parI Io be Irimmel has already beeh prepared (precisioh milled, dressed or grouhd).1he !rsI scrapihg sIep creaIes Ihe base. For machihe scrapihg, a blade or scrapihg ihserI (25 mm or 30 mm) wiIh a large cuIIer radius (depehdihg oh Ihe size o! Ihe workpiece) ahd a sIroke o! 12 mm Io 20 mm are choseh. 1he cuIIer o! Ihe scrapihg Iool is placed ohIo Ihe workpiece aI ah ahgle o! approx. 45°. 1he scraper is moved horizohIally across Ihe workpiece aI a speed IhaI allows Ihe sIroke Io |usI overlap. A!Ier scrapihg Ihe compleIe sur!ace, Ihis procedure is repeaIed ohce agaih ahd aI 90° Io Ihe !rsI scrape. Precision scraping, resp. oil-tight scraping 1he maximum humber o! bearihg poihIs (mosIly 24 - 40 per square ihch) resulIs ih Ihe disIribuIioh o! !he ahd exIremely !hes recesses o! 2 - 3 µ. 1hey cause good adhesioh o! Ihe oil !lm ahd Ihus cohsiderable reduce Ihe cohdiIioh o! mixed !ricIioh durihg sIarI-up. 1he depIh o! Ihe oil pockeI is deIermihed by Ihe demahds, which will laIer be placed oh Ihe scraped sur!ace. Large loads require relaIively deep oil pockeIs (approx. 6 - 8 µ) ih order Io guarahIee Ihe per!ecI !ormaIioh o! ah oil !lm eveh a!Ier a lohg period o! operaIioh. Ah oil pockeI depIh o! approx 2 - 4 µ is expediehI !or low loads. 1he deep oil pockeIs are obIaihed by usihg a sprihg-Iempered scraper blade wiIh a small radius. However, !aIIer recesses are obIaihed wiIh a large blade radius. 1he choice o! Ihe scraper cohIacI ahgle is also imporIahI. A large cohIacI ahgle causes deep oil pockeIs, ahd a small cohIacI ahgle causes !aI oil pockeIs. Depehdihg oh Ihe appearahce o! Ihe poihIs, ih precisioh ahd oil-IighI scrapihg Ihese are hahdled more or less ihIehsively, depehdihg oh Iheir bearihg capaciIy. Ih order Io obIaih ah ihIerspersed appearahce, Ihe sur!ace is scraped ih !our direcIiohs each displaced by 90° ahd Ihus paIIerh scrapihg is uhhecessary. Sur!aces scraped Ihis way look like arbiIrarily composed chessboards. Ih ahy case, Ihe same amouhI o! bearihg poihIs will be obIaihed as i! Ihe sur!ace were hahdscraped. 1he correcI sIroke lehgIh (re!er Io Ihe diagram p. 8) as well as Ihe use o! a sprihg- Iempered scraper blade are precohdiIiohs !or Ihis. 6 All about scraping Scrape over all visible marks resulIihg !orm grihdihg, plahihg, millihg. eIc. aI ahgles o! 45°. Large sIroke wiIh 8IAX clamp holder KL 130 ahd 8IAX scrapihg ihserI 25 x 30 mm. Cleah lapped blades ihcrease Ihe smooIhhess o! Ihe scraped sur!ace, simply scrapihg ahd prevehI marks. Scrape over Ihe sur!ace-over operaIioh, alIer Ihe scrapihg direcIioh so IhaI Ihe scrapihg Iool does hoI hook ihIo Ihe recesses o! Ihe precedihg scrapihg-over operaIioh. Uhi!orm lighI aI Ihe workplace wiIhouI shadows is imporIahI. A!Ier scrapihg ahd be!ore spoIIihg, remove alls chips. Ih case o! gray casI iroh, all hard plasIics ahd hoh-!errous maIerials, use carbide-Iipped scrapihg Iools. Ohly scrape over hard sIeel wiIh carbide-Iipped scraper blades or ihserIs wiIh a hegaIive cuIIihg ahgle. 8eIIer removal o! chips is obIaihed by meahs o! a lubricahI. LighIly dye Ihe spoIIihg Iools wiIh Ihe spoIIihg roller. 1he bearihg poihIs cahhoI be seeh ih Iheir Irue size i! Ihe ehgiheers´ blue is Ioo Ihick or uheveh. Remove scrapihg residues wiIh a !he gaih sharpihg sIohe. Wheh spoIIihg, move Ihe spoIIihg ihserI wiIh uhi!orm movemehI ahd wiIhouI pressure over Ihe sur!ace. 1oo much or uheveh pressure resulIs ih ihcorrecI scrapihg. Do hoI move Ihe spoIIihg ihserI Ioo !ar over Ihe corhers, excessive weighI ahd pressure ruih Ihe scrapihg paIIerh. RepeaI Ihe scrapihg procedure uhIil a maximum o! 40% bearihg area is obIaihed ih case o! slidihg sur!aces, ahd up Io 90% bearihg area is obIaihed ih case o! !ahged sur!ace. 1he scrapihg depIhs cah be deIermihed by meahs o! a peak-Io-valley heighI measurihg ihsIrumehI. Sharpeh ih good Iime Ihe blade o! Ihe carbide-Iipped scraper Iool wiIh Ihe 8IAX scraper blade grihdihg ahd lappihg machihe. Ohly sharp scrapihg Iools remove small parIicles ahd lead Io good resulIs wiIh liIIle e!!orI. FrequehIly cleah Ihe spoIIihg ihserI wiIh cleahihg !uid. 1he scrapihg Iime cohsisIs hoI ohly o! scrapihg buI also o!: Roughihg ahd spoIIihg Ihe workpiece. Checkihg Ihe scraped sur!ace !or bearihg poihIs. Measurihg parallelism ahd accuraIe posiIiohihg. Sharpihg Ihe scrapihg Iools. Large sur!ace are easier Io scrape Ihah small, ihIerrupIed sur!ace. DoveIails, prisms guides, recesses ahd verIical sur!ace are di!!culI Io scrape. Machine scraping or manual scraping? 1he advahIages o! machihe scrapihg are evidehI ih pracIice. 1he Iechhical developmehI has surpassed Ihe meIhods o! Ihe pasI ahd cohIribuIed Iowards Ihe elimihaIioh o! pre|udices. Compahies ahd employees have pro!Ied !rom Ihis. 1he hard compeIiIioh oh Ihe marked !orces compahies Io raIiohalalize ahd !orces employees Io do Iheir besI. 1his resulIs ih improved producIs ahd beIIer markeI chahces. Moderh machihes cah solve producIioh problems. 8uI ih Ihis owh way, Ihe skilled worker, Ihe Iraihed scraper, is a!!ecIed. 1here!ore, ways ahd meahs have Io be !ouhd Io elimihaIe di!!culI physical exerIioh, Io proIecI workers´ healIh ahd Io ihcrease e!!ciehcy. 1he worker cah how cohhecI his owh scrapihg rhyIhm wiIh IhaI o! Ihe 8IAX scraper ahd cah shape maximum sur!ace qualiIies wiIhouI e!!orI. 1he 8IAX scraper is Ihe Iechhicallly !ully developed, elecIrohically variable, moderh hahd-held Iool !or easier, quicker ahd beIIer scrapihg. Applications Recommended value 7 Recommended value for applications Scrapihg ihserIs (LxW) Scrapihg blades (W) Sprihgg-mouhIed p scrapi ihg g p blades (W ( xL)) Crey y casI Malleable casI iroh CasI sIeel Heavy y meIal casIihg g SIeel 8rass Cooper p 8rohze PL Polyamide y P1FL PVC LamihaIed plasIic p Hard maIerials 25/ 30 S1 30 30/ 150 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 25/ 35 S1 25 25/ 150 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 25/ 20 S1 20 20/ 150 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x - - 20/ 150 x x - 15 15/ 150 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x P l a s t i c s H e a v y m e t a l C a s t i r o n In special cases. We will advise on the selection of the correct scraper blade. 30/40 S1 - - x x 8 Mounting machine tools Wheh repairihg machihe Iools, iI is ho lohger hecessary Io dismahIle Ihese ih order Io repair clogged up slidihg sur!aces oh a plahihg machihe. As a rule, compacIed maIerial due Io clogged up slidihg sur!aces is exIremely hard. Such areas are cleared wiIh Ihe 8IAX elecIrohic scraper 8S 40. For Ihis purpose, a carbide-Iipped scraper blade or carbide-Iipped ihserI is used ih coh|uhcIioh wiIh Ihe clamp-holder KL 130, Ihe blade wiIh ahd blade radius depehd oh Ihe size o! Ihe workpiece. 1he cuIIihg ahgle is a hegaIive ahgle o! 0 - 5° ih order Io hahdle a large amouhI o! maIerial. 1he clogged up hard sur- !ace is roughehed wiIh a large sIroke. SubsequehIly, Ihe sur!ace is scraped Io Ihe desired degree o! qualiIy wiIh Ihe 8IAX elecIrohic scraper 8L 40 ih coh|uhc- Iioh wiIh a sprihg-Iempered scraper blade. Scraping vertical surfaces 1hahks Io iIs uhlimiIed mobiliIy, Ihe hew 8IAX precisioh scraper is besI suiIed Io scrapihg verIical sur!aces. As Ihe mahual scrapihg o! verIical sur!aces is lihked wiIh physical e!!orI, Ihe e!!orI-savihg operaIioh o! Ihis device is demohsIraIed parIicularly well ih Ihis example. II is obvious IhaI Iime ahd expehse is saved due Io lesser physical sIressihg o! Ihe worker. For verIical scrapihg, Ihe 8IAX scraper is used IogeIher wiIh a pulley, which, Ihahks Io iIs meIhod o! opera- Iioh, makes Ihe scraper almosI weighIless aI ahy heighI, i! properly ad|usIed. II is possible Io per!orm crosswise scrapihg ih boIh upwards ahd dowhwards direcIioh. 1he pully is suspehded aI ah appropriaIe heighI !rom ah available beam o! Ihe hall cohsIrucIioh, oh a derrick or eveh beIIer oh a columh wiIh a swivelihg |ib. 1his should be suspehded ih such a way IhaI, wheh hahgihg !ree- ly, Ihe machihe |usI comes ihIo cohIacI wiIh Ihe sur!ace Io be scraped. 1hahks Io iIs uhlimiIed mobiliIy, Ihe hew 8IAX precisioh scraper is besI suiIed Io scra- pihg verIical sur!aces. As Ihe mahual scrapihg o! verIical sur!aces is lihked wiIh physical e!!orI, Ihe e!!orI-savihg operaIioh o! Ihis device is demohsIraIed par- Iicularly well ih Ihis example. II is obvious IhaI Iime ahd expehse is saved due Io lesser physical sIressihg o! Ihe worker. For verIical scrapihg, Ihe 8IAX scraper is used IogeIher wiIh a pully, which, Ihahks Io iIs meIhod o! operaIioh, makes Ihe scraper almosI weighIless aI ahy heighI, i! properly ad|usIed. II is possible Io per!orm crosswise scrapihg ih boIh upwards ahd dowhwards direcIioh. 1he pully is suspehded aI ah appropriaIe heighI !rom ah available beam o! Ihe hall cohsIrucIioh, oh a derrick or eveh beIIer oh a columh wiIh a swivellihg |ib. 1his should be suspehded ih such a way IhaI, wheh hahgihg !reely, Ihe machihe |usI comes ihIo cohIacI wiIh Ihe sur!ace Io be scraped. Influence of different blade radius and tilt angles on the scrapping result Scrappihg o! machihe casIihg, grey casIihg, brass, brohze ahd hard maIerial will vary as !ollows: Are you lookihg !or 8ig chip removal or small chip removal? LasI case cah be dohe wiIh ah, sIahdard 8IAX blade wiIh ah hegaIive cuIIihg ahgle o! 3,5°, which is sIahdard delivered. As hegaIive Ihe cuIIihg ahgle oh Ihe blade is, as smooIher ahd as less grooves are ih Ihe sur!aces. 1o prepare machihe bodies (grey casI iroh) which are exIremely cohIorIed, Ihe cuIIihg ahgle should be grihded wiIh ah hegaIive CuIIihg ahgle o! 0 - 1°. 1his o!!ers a higher removal o! maIerial." Scraping of Half moon patterns Crihded sur!aces cah be prepared wiIh hal! mooh paIIerhs wiIh Ihe 8IAX Hal! Mooh scraper. Hal! mooh paIIerhs are cohvex areas which keep Ihe oil ahd due Io Ihis Ihey o!!er a permahehI LubricaIioh o! Ihe slidihg sur!ace. 1he permahehI lubricaIioh o! Ihe slidihg sur!ace will be guarahIeed due Io Ihe ih ahd ouI !ow o! Ihe lubricahI. Due Io Ihis cah Ihe Hal! mooh paIIerhs be specially recommehded !or Ihis MaIIer. AddiIiohal are hal! mooh paIIerh prepared sur!aces very impressive. Use: 1he hal! mooh scrapper will be moved ih a lihe over work piece sur!ace. CohsIahI paIIerhs are A resulI o! cohsIahI !eed. Depehdihg oh Ihe wished depIh o! Ihe cohvex areas Ihe IilI ahgle has Io vary. º 8ig IilI ahgel creaIes deeper areas º Small IilI ahgel creaIes lower areas º 8ig blade radius creaIes big hal! mooh paIIerhs º Small blade radius creaIes small hal! mooh paIIerhs Operation scraping 9 Applications Scraping How to scrap gray cast iron? 1his maIerial is predomihahIly used ih Ihe producIioh o! machihe Iools. Ih Ihis case, ohly carbide-Iipped scraper blades ahd carbide ihserIs are suiIable. I! a large amouhI o! maIerial is Io be removed, Iheh scrape wiIh a lohg sIroke ahd a wide blade wiIh a hegaIive cuIIihg ahgle o! 0 - 1°. A!Ier obIaihihg Ihe desired base, you cah begih wiIh !ihishihg. How to scrap wax castin? II is easily Io scrape Ihis Iype o! casI. II may be hecessary Io alIer Ihe cuIIihg ahgle o! Ihe ihserI ih order Io obIaih Ihe desired resulIs. How to scrap steel with a high resistance of more than 700N/mm² ? 1he 8IAX scraper wiIh a sIeel scraper blade or ihserI is predomihahIly used !or sIeel scrapihg. 1he scrapihg meIhod is Ihe same as !or casI sIeel. 1he use o! lubricahI such as, !or example, emulsioh or peIroleum (agehIs cohIaihihg ho grease) improves sur!ace qualiIy. Ih case o! Ihe sIeel scraper ihserI, Ihe cuIIihg ahgle should geherally be 32° ahd, ih case o! a resisIahce o! more Ihah 700 kp / mm 2 , Ihe ihserI radius should be 60 mm. SIeel wiIh ah exIremely high resisIahce cah also be scraped wiIh carbide Iipped-blades. How to scrap cast steel? II is impossible Io say ih advahce wheIher a hegaIive or posiIive ahgle should be used ih Ihis case. A soluIioh Io Ihis quesIioh cah ohly be !ouhd by Iryihg ouI various cuIIihg ahgles. How to scrap non-ferrous metals? 1hese maIerials are maihly used beIweeh slidihg sur!aces, which operaIe uhder ehormous pressures. 1hey are simply scraped wiIh a hegaIive grouhd carbide- Iipped scraper blade or ihserI. 8esI suiIed is Ihe 8IAX precisioh elecIrohic scraper 8L 40 or Ihe 8IAX compressed air scraper DL 40. How to scrap brass and red bronze? 8rass ahd red brohze cah be scraped lighIly. NegaIively grouhd carbide-Iipped scraper blades or ihserIs are used. How to scrap aluminium? We recommehd carbide-Iipped scraper blades ahd ihserIs Io scrape alumihium. WheIher a posiIive or hegaIive cuIIihg ahgle should be used depehds oh Ihe maIerial sIrehgIh. 1he alloy deIermihes Ihe correcI cuIIihg ahgle. A waIer-soluble cuIIihg emulsioh (cohIaihihg ho grease) ehsures a cleah ahd smooIh sur!ace. How to scrap bronze? 8rohze is easy Io scrape. Like ih case o! brass, hegaIively grouhd cuIIers should be used. How to scrap white metal? 1his maIerial is easy Io scrape wiIh Ihe 8IAX precisioh elecIrohic scraper 8L 40 or Ihe 8IAX compressed air scraper DL 40. 1he sIroke raIe musI be ad|usIed Io 700 - 800 sIrokes / mih -1 . 1he cuIIihg ahgle should be a hegaIive ahgle o! 20 - 25° wiIh a large blade or ihserI radius. 1his way, large bearihg poihIs are obIaihed ahd a large bearihg area. Alcohol is well suiIed as lubricahI. 10 Assortment No. 10 Order number: 210 099 710 Assortment No. 20 Order number: 10 098 910 Assortment No. 30 Order number: 210 099 510 Assortment No. 31 Order number: 210 099 500 Assortment No. 40 Order number: 210 098 500 11 Scraper blades BIAX-Clamp holder for scraper inserts ss p r p Funktion Type Order number: Dimensions (L xW): mm SIahdard shorI Iype KL 170 008002791 170x 24 LxIehded !lexible For scrapihg aI poihIs wiIh di!!iculI access ih coh|uhcIioh wiIh scrapihg blades 1urhed !or places o! di!!culI access KL 130 V 007004679 134x 23 KL 130 007004695 135x 23 KL 80 007004696 85x 23 25/ 30 001400207 25x 30 140 - 3,5˚ 25/ 25 001400205 25x 25 90 - 3,5˚ 20/ 25 001400203 25x 20 60 - 3,5˚ 003001639 60x 50 - - 25/ 20 001400219 25x 20 300 - 3,5˚ 25/ 20 001400220 25x 20 300 - 3,5˚ 25/ 30 ST 001400209 25x 30 60 +32˚ 25/ 30 001400221 25x 30 300 - 3,5˚ 30/ 40 ST 001400210 30x 40 60 +32˚ BIAX-Scraper inserts Function Type Order number: Dimensions (L xW): mm Cutter radius: mm Cutting angle: Funktion Type Order number: Dimensions (L xW): mm Cutter radius: mm Cutting angle: Carbide !or prescrapihg ahd !ihished scrapihg Cah be used as grihdihg gauge, !or cohIrol scrapihg blade radius, !or cohIrollihg bearihg poihIs, !or cleahihg parIicles !rom Ihe workpiece HSS- specially !or scrapihg sIeel 12 Scraper blades Standard blades prescraping 20/ 90 60 001400405 40 001400414 90x 20 - 3,5˚ Prescraping 25/ 90 90 001400407 - - 90x 25 - 3,5˚ Prescraping 30/ 90 140 001400409 - - 90x 30 - 3,5˚ Standard blades for narrow guides 15/ 90 60 001400403 20 001400413 90x15 - 3,5˚ dovetail guides for narrow guides 10/ 90 60 001 400 401 - - 90 x10 -3,5° BIAX-Carbide-tipped blades 90mm Function Type Cutter radius: mm Order number: Cutter radius: mm Order number: Dimensions (Wx B) mm Cutting angle: BIAX-Carbide-tipped blades 150 ee mm Function 90° turned blades on enquiry Type Cutter radius: mm Order number: Cutter radius: mm Order number: Dimensions (L xW) : mm Cutting angle: Special blades !or !ihishihg scrapihg, sprihg-mouhIed Iype 20/ 150 60 001401903 40 001401911 150x 20 - 3,5˚ 25/ 150 90 001401904 - - 150x 25 - 3,5˚ 30/ 150 140 001401905 - - 150x 30 - 3,5˚ 15/ 150 60 001401902 20 001401910 150x 15 - 3,5˚ 10/ 150 60 001401901 - - 150x 10 - 3,5˚ 20/ 150 ST 60 001401906 - - 150x 20 +32˚ HSS blade !or scrapihg sIeel 13 Clamp holder and scraper inserts for pattern scraping Type Order number: Dimensions (L xW): mm Cutter radius: mm Cutter angle: Pattern size: Type Order number: Dimensions (L xW): mm R 150 001 400 908 34 x 23 150 - 3,5˚ extra large g R 120 001 400 907 34 x 23 120 - 3,5˚ large R 90 001 400 905 34 x 23 90 - 3,5˚ standard R 60 001 400 902 34 x 23 60 - 3,5˚ small KL 70 007 004 699 75 x 20 Carbide-tipped Standard type - robust design, for pattern scraping for scraping blade inserts BIAX-Clamp holder Funktion BIAX-Half-moon pattern scraper blades HM10 a p p Function Type Order number: Dimensions (L xW) : mm Cutter radius: mm Pattern size: Carbide-tipped Deep oil pockets guarantee the continuous flow of oil without rupturing of the oil film R 150/20 001 400 418 90 x 20 150 g extra large R 120/20 001 400 417 90 x 20 120 g large R 90/20 001 400 416 90 x 20 90 standard R 60/20 001 400 415 90 x 20 60 small BIAX-Scraper inserts for scraper type HM 10 Function 14 Technical Data Order number: 210 098 700 Table swivelling by 200 x 110 mm swivelling by +/- 15° Dimensions: 450 x 250mm Weight: 35kg Motor: 230/400 V - 50 Hz - 2700 min ¯ 1 - 184 W Enclosed accessories Diamond wheel: Ø80 x 10mm Korn D 50 Order number: 001 451 405 Abrasive: 0,5 Liter Order number: 001 950 211 Sharpening stone for diamond wheel: Order number: 001 365 503 BIAX-Scraper accessories Hand scraper for the use of BIAX-Scraper blades Order number: 200 004 201 Dimensions: Länge mm 400 BIAX-Scraper accessories Hand scraper for the use of BIAX-Scraper blades Order number: 200 004 401 Dimensions: Länge mm 445 BIAX-Scraper accessories Tuschierfarbe zum Einfärben von Tuschierwerkzeugen Order number / blue 001 402 201 Order number / red 001402202 BIAX-Scraper blade grinding and lapping machine SKM 80 This machine is used to grind and lap carbide-tipped scraper blades, changing inserts, turning tools, reversible inserts, etc. 1he grihdihg Iable cah be swivelled verIically !or each posiIive ahd hegaIive cuIIihg ahgle grihd. Ah ihIegraIed coolahI pump guarahIees weI grihdihg. 1hahks Io iIs compacI desigh ahd low weighI, Ihe SKM80 is easily IrahsporIable ahd cah be cohhecIed everywhere by meahs o! Ihe 230 / 400 V moIor. BIAX-Scraper accessories Roller for applying engineers´blue on master plates jigs Order number 001 402 302 molton ø x width 35 x 120 mm Order number 001 402 303 rubber ø x width 50 x 150 mm 15 : 0 502 209 516 e-mail : Grzegorz. pok. Bud. . 22 p.Kalynczak@timexsa. 210 Siedziba główna 00-203 Warszawa ul.biax.: 0 22 635 60 10 fax: 0 22 635 60 15 www.timexsa. North Gate.przedstawicielstwo firm : w Polsce : Biuro Handlowe: 00-238 Warszawa www. Długa 23/25 II piętro. Bonifraterska 17. light model particularly suitable for: 230 V – 200 040 130 115 V – 200 040 140 Accessories at the BS 40 incl. heavy-duty model particularly suitable for: 230 V – 200 040 100 115 V – 200 040 110 Type BL 40 BIAX Universal Scraper.Summary 2+3+4 4+5+6+9 5 7+8 10 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 15 15 Type BS 40 BIAX Universal Scraper. at the BL 40 2 grab handle 201 324 905 203 004 748 . light model particularly suitable for: 230 V – 200 040 300 115 V – 200 040 310 ype HM 10 AX Half-moon Pattern Scraper articularly suitable for: 230 V – 200 040 330 115 V – 200 040 340 3 .Type BL 10 BIAX Universal Scraper. ) Scraping Scraping interrupted surfaces Scraping dovetails and prisms 4 .Type DL 40 Accessories (not incl. Please note the following instructions: Electronic adjustment (only for electronic models) Stroke adjustment j 5 .Scraping The scraping tool – Operation of the scraper The scraper guarantees precision workmanship. Operation Scraping 1st Step: Prescraping 2nd Step: Plane scraping 3rd Step: Finish scraping Precision scraping. resp. oil-tight scraping 6 . Applications Recommended value All about scraping Machine scraping or manual scraping? 7 . Recommended value for applications 30 25 20 15 Plastics Heavy metal PVC Cast iron In special cases. We will advise on the selection of the correct scraper blade. 8 . Scraping vertical surfaces Operation scraping Influence of different blade radius and tilt angles on the scrapping result Mounting machine tools Scraping of Half moon patterns 9 . Applications Scraping How to scrap gray cast iron? How to scrap wax castin? How to scrap steel with a high resistance of more than 700 N / mm ² ? 2 How to scrap cast steel? How to scrap non-ferrous metals? How to scrap brass and red bronze? How to scrap aluminium? How to scrap bronze? How to scrap white metal? 10 . Assortment No. 31 Order number: 210 099 500 Assortment No. 20 Order number: 10 098 910 Assortment No. 40 Order number: 210 098 500 11 . 10 Order number: 210 099 710 Assortment No. 30 Order number: 210 099 510 Assortment No. 3.5 ˚ 25 / 30 001 400 207 25 x 30 140 .3.5 ˚ 25 / 20 001 400 219 25 x 20 300 .5 ˚ Funktion Type Order number: Dimensions (L xW): Cutter radius: Cutting angle: mm mm 003 001 639 60 x 50 - 25 / 30 ST 001 400 209 25 x 30 60 + 32 ˚ 30 / 40 ST 001 400 210 30 x 40 60 + 32 ˚ BIAX-Clamp holder for scraper inserts p r p s Funktion Type Order number: Dimensions (L xW): mm KL 80 007 004 696 85 x 23 KL 130 007 004 695 135 x 23 KL 130 V 007 004 679 134 x 23 KL 170 008 002 791 170 x 24 12 .3.5 ˚ 25 / 20 001 400 220 25 x 20 300 .5 ˚ 25 / 25 001 400 205 25 x 25 90 .5 ˚ 25 / 30 001 400 221 25 x 30 300 .3.3.3.Scraper blades BIAX-Scraper inserts Function Type Order number: Dimensions (L xW): Cutter radius: Cutting angle: 20 / 25 001 400 203 mm mm 25 x 20 60 . 3.5 ˚ 20 / 90 60 001 400 405 40 001 400 414 90 x 20 .3.5 ˚ 20 / 150 ST 60 001 401 906 150 x 20 + 32 ˚ mm mm mm 13 .3.5 ˚ BIAX-Carbide-tipped blades 150 mm e Function 90° turned blades on enquiry Type Cutter radius: Order number: Cutter radius: Order number: Dimensions (L xW) : Cutting angle: 10 / 150 60 001 401 901 150 x 10 .5 ˚ 20 / 150 60 001 401903 40 001 401 911 150 x 20 .3.3.5 ˚ 25 / 150 90 001 401 904 150 x 25 .3.Scraper blades BIAX-Carbide-tipped blades 90 mm Function dovetail guides for narrow guides Standard blades for narrow guides Standard blades prescraping Prescraping Prescraping Type Cutter radius: Order number: Cutter radius: Order number: Dimensions (W x B) Cutting angle: mm mm mm 10 / 90 60 001 400 401 90 x10 -3.5 ˚ 15 / 150 60 001 401 902 20 001 401 910 150 x 15 .3.5 ˚ 30 / 90 140 001 400 409 90 x 30 .3.5 ˚ 30 / 150 140 001 401 905 150 x 30 .3.5° 15 / 90 60 001 400 403 20 001 400 413 90 x15 .5 ˚ 25 / 90 90 001 400 407 90 x 25 . 5 ˚ standard R 120 001 400 907 34 x 23 120 .robust design.3.3. for pattern scraping Type Order number: Dimensions (L xW): Cutter radius: Cutter angle: Pattern size: mm mm R 60 001 400 902 34 x 23 60 .5 ˚ extra large g BIAX-Clamp holder Funktion for scraping blade inserts Type Order number: Dimensions (L xW): KL 70 007 004 699 mm 75 x 20 BIAX-Half-moon pa pattern scraper blades HM10 p Function Carbide-tipped Deep oil pockets guarantee the continuous flow of oil without rupturing of the oil film Type Order number: Dimensions (L xW) : Cutter radius: Pattern size: mm mm R 60/20 001 400 415 90 x 20 60 small R 90/20 001 400 416 90 x 20 90 standard R 120/20 001 400 417 90 x 20 120 large g R 150/20 001 400 418 90 x 20 150 extra large g 14 .5 ˚ large R 150 001 400 908 34 x 23 150 .3.Clamp holder and scraper inserts for pattern scraping BIAX-Scraper inserts for scraper type HM 10 Function Carbide-tipped Standard type .3.5 ˚ small R 90 001 400 905 34 x 23 90 . 2700 min¯1 .50 Hz .BIAX-Scraper accessories Hand scraper for the use of BIAX-Scraper blades Order number: 200 004 201 Dimensions: Länge mm 400 BIAX-Scraper accessories Hand scraper for the use of BIAX-Scraper blades Order number: Dimensions: Länge mm 200 004 401 445 BIAX-Scraper accessories Tuschierfarbe zum Einfärben von Tuschierwerkzeugen Order number / blue Order number / red 001 402 201 001 402 202 BIAX-Scraper accessories Roller for applying engineers´blue on master plates jigs Order number 001 402 302 Order number 001 402 303 molton ø x width rubber ø x width 35 x 120 mm 50 x 150 mm BIAX-Scraper blade grinding and lapping machine SKM 80 This machine is used to grind and lap carbide-tipped scraper blades. changing inserts. reversible inserts.15° 450 x 250 mm 35 kg 230/400 V . etc. turning tools.184 W Order number: 210 098 700 Order number: 001 451 405 Order number: 001 950 211 Order number: 001 365 503 15 . Technical Data Table swivelling by 200 x 110 mm Dimensions: Weight: Motor: Enclosed accessories Diamond wheel: Abrasive: Sharpening stone for diamond wheel: Ø 80 x 10 mm Korn D 50 0.5 Liter swivelling by +/.
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