Eurocargo Euro V



to cover ever y possible base . versatility is everything . Designed to gener ate profit. on combined-cycle wor k.050 Nm of torque . whether in city centres. or on the most demanding long-haul jobs.E U R O C A R G O . a string of dif ferent wheelbases a nd 3 types of ca b. 7 power ratings. And with its EEV-a pproved Tector engines . and deliver non-stop productivity. As well as unmistakeable design and a strong char acter.000 va ria nts. That’s why EUROC ARGO is designed to handle whatever you throw at it. EUROC ARGO can be specified in over 11. it’s ready to r ise to new challenges ever y day. With a r ange of 8 g ross weights. remain reliable and offer long ser vice-life . P E R F E C T I N E V E R Y S I T U A T I O N . thanks in par t to instruments positioned directly in front of the driver. 3 . with microfibre upholster y and er gonomics that enhance life on board. It offer s unr ivalled comfor t too. EUROC ARGO combines str uctur al strength with carefully selected technological components and electronic systems from top-flight par tner s. In today ’s consta ntly evolving a nd increasing ly competitive ma rket. to make it more productive than ever. EUROC ARGO offer s the most comprehensive r ange in its class. all in easy reach. 13 tra nsmissions. which it takes in its str ide thanks to its 300 HP and 1. V E R S A T I L I T Y 4 5 . 180 HP 6 cyl.570 mm) MODEL GVW GCW(*) ML75E 6.2-8 t 16...SLEEPER.5 t 32. ML140E and ML150E models. 220 HP GEARBOXES CABS Manual MLC (day) Automated MLL (sleeper) Automatic MLD (double) (**) WHEELBASES 3105-4815 mm (*) Trailer versions not available with automatic transmission.W 11.5 t ML100E [80E-100E] ML120EL [110EL] 3 types of ca b with 2 heights of roof. 180 HP 6 cyl. incredible total of over 11.5 to 19 tonnes) 7 power ratings (from 140 to 300 HP) 13 transmissions (seven manual. 220-250-280 300 HP 6 cyl. 220-250-280 HP 4 cyl. 140-160-180 HP 4 cyl. ML90E. LOW ROOF MLD . And because you can specify each var iant with a choice of suspensions.5. the EUROC ARGO r ange offer s an 8-10 t 11-12 t 18 t 18 t ENGINES 4 cyl. (**) MLD cab available on ML120E.DOUBLE 4X4 WITH 2 ACCESS STEPS for 11.a nd 4-wheel drive 14 wheelbases (from 3105 to 6.5 t 21 t 6 cyl.5-32.DAY. 250-280-300 HP GEARBOXES CABS WHEELBASES Manual MLC (day) 3105-6570 mm Automated MLL (sleeper) Automatic MLD (double) (**) 3690-6570 mm (*) Trailer versions not available with automatic or automated transmission. (**) MLD cab available on ML80E. ML100E and ML120EL models with wheelbase of 3690 or longer. technology and manufactur ing processes.CAB WITH ACCESS STEP for 6. with wheelbase of 3690 or longer. 220 HP 4 cyl.. MLL . Because the EUROC ARGO r ange is the most extensive in its class: 8 g ross vehicle weight va ria nts (from 7. there ’s a EUROCARGO cut out for it. 180 HP 6 cyl. CAB WITH 2 ACCESS STEPS for 12-tonne versions V E R S A T I L I T Y For every job. all with the guar antee of IVECO know-how. LOW ROOF CAB WITH 1 STEP CAB WITH 2 STEPS MLL .24 t 6 cyl..and 15-tonne versions 6 MODEL GVW GCW(*) 18-tonne versions CAB WITH 1 STEP CAB WITH 2 STEPS MLC .SLEEPER. axles and final dr ive r atios. 180 HP 6 cyl.5 t ENGINES 4 cyl. 250-280 HP ENGINES GEARBOXES CABS WHEELBASES Manual MLC (day) MLL (sleeper) 3240-4150 mm 7 .000 per mutations. 220-250 HP ML150E.W 15 t 21 . MEDIUM ROOF MODEL GVW GCW(*) ML140E [120E] 12-14 t 26 t ML160E [150E] ML180E [190EL] 15-15. three automated and three automatic) 2.99 t 18-19 t 26. it’s ready for anything. thanks to the natur al. stress-free handling afforded by its exc eptionally robust str ucture and classleading safety equipment. 5 5 0 m m . 2 6 5 a n d 1 0 . cleaning and ma intena nce services. temper ature-controlled boxes and three-way tipper s for ease of tra nsformation. The r ange includes box vans and c ur tain-sider s for high load ca pacity. while the power and flexibility of its engines ensure high commercial speeds. steer ing angle of 52 degrees and tight tur ning circle (less than 11 metres with a 2790 mm wheelbase). T h e e q u i d i s t a n t h o l e s d r i l l e d i n t h e r a i l s o p t i m i s e t h e t i m e a n d c o s t o f fi t t i n g s u p e r s t r u c t u r e s a n d m a c h i n e r y. EUROC ARGO also offer s an extensive r ange of electroactuated power take-offs with maximum torque deliver y of up to 1.000 Nm. gives it unbeatable dr iveability wherever it goes: in city centres it’s outstandingly agile thanks to its cab width of just 2. fire and rescue conver sions. w i t h o u t c o m p r o m i s i n g t h e c o r r o s i o n t r e a t m e n t of the frame. and sweeper s for refuse collection. 8 .y i e l d . T h e p a r a l l e l ra i l c h a s s i s f ra m e i n h i g h . compact concrete mixer s. high-access platfor ms.s t re n g t h s t e e l i s f r e e f r o m obstr uctions on top and can accommodate body lengths of b e t we e n 4 .V E R S A T I L I T Y EUROCARGO’s ada pta bility to ever y need means you’ll always find the r ight conver sion for your business. lift platfor ms. combined with its structural strength. tanker s and mobile shops for a gility a nd low emissions. for combined-cycle a nd motorway driving it’s stable and secure even in the event of unexpected manoeuvres. on dema nding road surf aces or in extreme climates.10 metres. E U R O C A R G O i s a f i r m f a vo u ri t e w i t h p u bl i c s e c t o r agencies and mu n i c i p a l ser vice contractor s because of i t s a d a p t a b i l i t y t o a w i d e r a n g e o f j o b s . The flexibility of EUROCARGO. 240 to 4. strength knows no limits. EUROC ARGO 4x4 incor por ates a specific ser ies of solutions for protecting its str ucture: steel bumpers. All the differentials are equipped with a manually oper ated locking system to ensure tr action even in especially adver se . EUROC ARGO 4x4 is at home anywhere . low-gr ip conditions.5 WHEELS SINGLE 395/85R20 WHEELS SINGLE 14R20 3240 3690 3915 4150 3240 3690 3915 4150 3240 3690 3915 4150 3240 3690 3915 4150 3240 3690 3915 4150 Ramp breakover angle [degrees] 21 19 Departure angle [degrees] 15 15 18 18 22 20 15 11 17 17 19 19 21 19 17 12 16 16 18 18 22 22 16 11 16 16 21 21 23 23 16 12 17 17 Approach angle [degrees] 28 29 28 31 32 Ground clearance 321 351 337 392 428 Lateral gradient [degrees] 30 28 30 28 26 22 22 17 13 Maximum climbable gradient ON ROAD 41% 38% 38% 33% 31% Maximum climbable gradient OFF ROAD >100% >100% >100% >80% > 74% 473 501 489 542 578 Wading depth up to [mm] DEPARTURE ANGLE RAMP BREAKOVER ANGLE APPROACH ANGLE MAXIMUM CLIMBABLE GRADIENT GROUND CLEARANCE 11 .5 MODEL Wheelbase [mm] WHEELS SINGLE 365/80R20 WHEELS TWIN 10R22. according to conditions (on / off road). which distr ibutes torque between the front and rear axles. EUROC ARGO 4x4 is fitted with a double-reduction rear axle and is available in ver sions with sing le or twin wheels. it has a gross vehicle weight of 11. Available with a day or sleeper cab with low roof. The ZF six-speed manual gearboxes are fitted with a servoshift system for easy gearchanging even in the most demanding wor k conditions. while you can specify either par abo lic or semi-elliptical leaf spr ing suspension.V E R S A T I L I T Y With EUROCARGO 4X4. Per manent four-wheel dr ive is provided by a longitudinal differential. EUROC ARGO 4x4 utilises a 6-cylinder Tector engine in 220 and 250 HP var iants on the 11. Br aking comes cour tesy of simplex dr um br akes on the rear axle and duplex dr ums up front. WHEELS TWIN 10R22. What’s more . Designed for the most demanding off-road wor k.5 tonne ver sion and 250 and 280 HP var iants on the 15 tonne ver sion. you can select a fast or slow distr ibutor r atio. The outstandingly low emissions of the engines and the excellent steer ing angle (from 40° to 48° depending on tyres) enable you to use it on urban constr uction sites too.5 or 15 tonnes and a r ange of wheelbases measur ing from 3. retr actable access steps and a specific radiator gua rd.150 mm. D E S I G N It ’s clea r at first sight that EUROCARGO is a solid. A n d i f yo u ’r e bu y i n g yo u r ve h i c l e fo r o f f r o a d wo r k . A n d s i x r e a r. T h e bu m p e r s a n d mu d g u a r d s a r e a l s o av a i l a bl e i n t h e s a m e c o l o u r a s t h e b o d y. dyna mic .p i e c e s t e e l bu m p e r. a bu m p e r w i t h bu i l t . modern vehicle .i n l i g h t c l u s t e r s ( g r o u p e d t o g e t h e r fo r e a s e o f m a i n t e n a n c e ) a n d a l a r g e s p a c e fo r yo u r c o m p a ny ’s l o g o a b ove t h e I V E C O b a d g e . w i t h a n u n m i s t a ke a bl e s h a p e a n d s t r o n g c h a r a c t e r. G e t t i n g i n a n d o u t o f t h e c a b i s s a fe a n d e a s y. t h a n k s t o t h e la rge ha ndles a n d illuminated non-slip ste ps.v i e w m i r r o r s e n s u r e m a x i mu m v i s i b i l i t y i n all directions.s l i p s t e p s fo r w a s h i n g t h e w i n d s c r e e n . 13 . B o t h s i d e s o f t h e s l e e p e r c a b fe a t u r e r e m o t e e l e c t r i c h a t c h r e l e a s e s t h a t g i ve a c c e s s t o t wo i l l u m i n a t e d s t o r a g e b oxe s w i t h t o t a l c a p a c i t y o f 2 6 0 l i t r e s . T h e f r o n t fe a t u r e s a n imposing g rille e q u i p p e d w i t h n o n . yo u c a n s p e c i f y a o n e . C O M F O R T & E R G O N O M I C S . ergonomics. making it quicker and easier to cross from one side of the cab to the other (essential for urb an wor k). and you’ll see that ever ything is clear. have lar ge stor age pockets. The inter ior door panels. simple and in easy reach. which is oper ated by the dr iver by means of a dash-mounted switch. Climb into a EUROC ARGO cab. all the controls in the steer ing wheel area. and the most frequently used buttons grouped together on the dashboard in the most accessible positions. fuel consumption. The stor age compar tments are made of soft-touch mater ials and located in easily accessible positions in var ious areas of the vehicle . reliability and safety. 16 . The layout of the functions is simple and intuitive . tyre pressure . meanwhile . you can keep a constant eye on all key vehicle and route par ameter s. The power take-offs are managed by an ECU (Expansion Module). The buttons controlling the electr ic windows and mir ror s are located in the ar m-rests built into the door panels. The seats a nd steering wheel a re easy to adjust. and they’re grouped together on just two lever s.C O M F O R T & E R G O N O M I C S For IVECO. The ca b componentry a nd ergonomics are designed to ensure the ideal dr iving position. This too helps optimise productivity. with all the instruments directly in front of the driver. maintenance deadlines. On the instr ument panel. You can oper ate the steer ing column combination-switch controls without taking your hands off the steer ing wheel. such as fuel level. The gear stick is built into the compact. The optional sat-nav system is house d in the middle of the dashboard. tr avelling times and avera ge speed. which incor por ate the automated tr ansmission gear selector. practicality a nd comfort in a sing le packa ge . linear dashboard. human-centred design means offer ing productivity. EUROC ARGO’s seats feature integr al head-restr aints and seat belts. EUROC ARGO is available with 3 different types of cab.). Ever y cab can be fitted with optional air conditioning and a progr ammable heater. High-quality mater ials and finishes give the EUROC ARGO c ab an eleg a ntly practical look. slee per. day (MLC) for distr ibution and shor t-haul wor k or when body length is a pr ior ity. The long-cab ver sion is equipped with 1 or 2 bunks (an extr asize single bunk is available as an option) and can be fitted with a fr idge or insulated cool-box. so that you can quickly get the cab temper ature you want. with low or high roof (MLL) for long-haul wor k and jobs involving over night stops. thanks to the two ceilingmounted spot-lights. etc . Upholstered in either cloth or PVC. On the ver sion with double passenger seat. double (MLD) with room on board for 6 passengers plus driver (ideal for getting wor k crews to constr uction sites. for controlling the lighting and air conditioning. . The sleeping area features an angle-adjustable lamp and a “bed module”. the centr al back-rest can be folded completely flat to provide a table with cup-holder and cubby hole . with optimum air distr ibution. and opening and closing the door s. they ensure the highest levels of strength and pr acticality. windows and skylight. And the excellent sound insulation makes it an ideal environment for wor king and relaxing. The inter ior lighting is ver y pr actical.C O M F O R T & E R G O N O M I C S For maximum quality of life on boa rd on every job. the dr iver-centred cab reduces fatigue and stress. for the vehicle’s car go and fo r the value of your investment. under steer and over steer. its cabs provide effective protection for occupants in the event of an impact. including ASR. All models are fitted with ABS as standard. for minimising slippage on uneven or hazardous surfaces.S A F E T Y The sa fe side of versatility. IVECO has a multiple approach to safety: on the passive safety front. Latest-generation electronic systems also make a major contr ibution to safety. and in ter ms of preventive safety. for controlling stability. safety means a lot of things: safety for the people on board. and ESP. When it comes to commercial vehicles. on the active sa fety front. and you can specify other electronic safety systems as options. . for other road-user s. EUROC ARGO offer s class-leading road-holding and br aking distances. P E R F O R M A N C E 22 23 . which are even 350 40 2800 300 30 1600 (Enhanced 1800 EEV 1200 meet 1400 engines 50 2600 350 400 60 2400 50 650 Nm 180 HP 130 70 2200 400 60 1000 EUROCARGO 450 70 70 40 460 to 1. with TECTOR 6 CYLINDERS 220 HP (160 kW) 180 HP 610 Nm 130 1600 consumption and CO 2 emissions down). hydrocarbons or par ticulate in the exhaust).P E R F O R M A N C E 110 550 100 500 90 80 450 400 60 50 350 40 300 3000 2800 2600 rpm 2400 30 2200 rpm 600 570 Nm 120 2000 300 30 3000 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 Environmentally-Fr iendly Vehicles) standards. 170 680 Nm 400 50 300 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1600 1400 rpm 1200 30 1000 3000 2800 500 70 300 30 600 90 350 40 700 110 400 50 The 6 standard gas cylinder s do not detr act from stor age space .E28 rpm 300 30 2000 TECTOR 6 .E22 600 2800 1300-2100 700 110 2600 1250-2100 610 130 2400 570 2700 700 110 2200 2700 182 900 170 130 2000 177 134 1000 190 700 1600 130 1100 Nm 300 HP 1050 Nm 210 800 1400 TECTOR 4 . 450 2400 engine specifically adapted for CNG and manual (6.E18 30 900 170 1200 1200-2100 3000 530 1000 950 Nm 190 kW 230 150 300 2800 2700 1100 Nm 280 HP 210 150 400 50 2600 1200-2100 2000 160 460 70 TECTOR 6 CYLINDERS 300 HP (220 kW) 800 500 1600 118 2700 90 1800 TECTOR 4 . fewer gear changes.000 km for tr ansmission oil.9-litre with 6 cylinder s) and seven power 90 80 110 100 1800 units with waste-gate . 500 90 80 kW 140 1600 450 550 2000 r atings (from 140 to 300 HP. kW 140 1800 additive) also helps reduce r unning costs (while also keeping fuel TECTOR 4 CYLINDERS 180 HP (134 kW) 1800 SCR technolog y (Selective Catalytic Reduction with AdBlue rpm and deliver a r ange of up to 400 km. TECTOR 4 CYLINDERS 160 HP (118 kW) 1000 their flexibility: with consistently high levels of torque across TECTOR 4 CYLINDERS 140 HP (103 kW) 1000 The secret of EUROCARGO’s Tector engines lies in rpm more str ingent than Euro V.9-litre 600 160 HP 120 1200 EUROC ARGO’s diesel engines are turbochar ged. they ensure fluid progress. TECTOR 6 CYLINDERS 280 HP (205 kW) kW 230 2200 the lowest environmental impact of all the ICE-powered models. TECTOR 6 CYLINDERS 250 HP (185 kW) 1800 The EEV-a pproved CNG ver sion of the EUROC ARGO has rpm 25 . a 200 HP.E16 MAX TORQUE RANGE (rpm) 110 1400 140 MAX TORQUE (Nm) 130 1200 103 MAX POWER ENGINE SPEED (rpm) 150 800 1000 TECTOR 4 . common r ail 550 130 1800 140 HP 110 100 650 Nm kW 140 1200 600 TECTOR 4 CYLINDERS 180 HP (130 kW) 1400 130 120 less engine wear and higher ener gy-efficiency.E18 TECTOR 4 . All 650 Nm kW 140 1400 a wide rev r ange .050 Nm). available in two displacements (a 3.E25 30 400 50 1600 1200-2100 300 1800 680 400 50 500 70 1400 2700 rpm 70 90 1200 217 600 500 1000 160 600 90 3000 TECTOR 6 . 6-cylinder 500 2000 EUROC ARGO is also ava ila ble in a natural g as version 550 90 1000 190 100 1400 300.E14 MAX POWER (kW) (HP) 900 850 Nm 170 ENGINE 1000 250 HP 190 kW 230 1000 210 2400 (with no sulphur. 110 1100 Nm 210 600 1200 inter vals between oil changes of 80. with maximum torque r anging from 500 460 Nm 530 Nm 1600 with 4 cylinder s and a 5.E30 220 299 2500 1050 1250-1850 3000 1250-2100 950 2800 850 2500 2600 2700 279 2400 251 205 2200 185 TECTOR 6 .000 km for engine oil and kW 230 650 Nm 120 1000 The use of SCR helps extend maintenance inter vals too. 800 150 70 60 900 220 HP 130 2600 or automatic tr ansmission.or 9-speed) 80 2200 with gross vehicle weight of 11 to 16 tonnes. 1100 Nm 1250-2100 TECTOR 6 . ML190EL. As well as a wide r ange of tr ansmissions.. ... EUROC ARGO has the answer in the for m of highly flexible engines. ML 60E. ZF 9S-75 TD 770 125 ZF 9S-75 TO 900 125 ZF 9S-1110 1100 190 ZF 6AS700 700 115 ZF 6AS800 850 138 ML 120E...ML180EL. ML 60E... . thus cover ing the entire offer ing of 4x2 vehicles. ZF Eurotronic 6-speed a utomated tra nsmission (with automated gear selection by means of a steer ing column combination-switch) is available on all 4x2 ver sions (from 6 to 19 tonnes) .W & ML150E... for outstanding ease of gear selection and longer l ife of mechanical components. .ML180EL.5... . These gearboxes offer unbeatable comfor t for city use . which minimise the need to change gear. such as on compactor s and “K” ver sions for quar r y and constr uction applications GEARBOX NO. ZF 6S700 700 100 ML 75E. .200 gear changes a day. ..ML190EL. Allison S3000 1261 260 ML 120E... ...R E L I A B I L I T Y Cha nging gea r ca n have a major ef fect on vehicle performa nce a nd f uel consumption. you can see how much stress and ener gy an auto box saves for the dr iver. 6 and 9 speeds) are lighter and have an innovative calibr ated synchronisation system. ML150E. . OF SPEEDS 5 6 ZF Manual 9 ZF Automated (Eurotronic) Allison Automatic 6 5 GEARBOX CODE MAX TRANSMISSIBLE WEIGHT TORQUE (kg) (Nm) AVAILABLE ON MODELS ZF-S542 600 75 ML 75E. ML110E.W ZF 6S1000 1050 136 ML 120E.W ML 80E. Allison a utomatic tra nsmission with torque conver ter is available on the 7.ML180E. . . . and the “shor t” r atios are ideal when you need high levels of tr action...ML160E.ML180EL. ZF 6S800 850 124 ML 120E.ML160E.ML100E..... ML 120E. ZF 6AS1000 1050 150 Allison S1000 780 150 Allison S2500 780 150 ML 80E.. and an increasing r ange of automatic and automated tr ansmissions. where “stop & go” wor k is par fo r the cour se: since urban wor k involves about 18-tonne r ange . EUROC ARGO offer s a wide r ange of final dr ive r atios to suit ever y application: the “long” r atios are ideal for out-of-town wor k at high speeds. The ZF ma nual tra nsmissions (with 5.. the front a nd rea r axles a nd bra king system ensure high relia bility and To ensure long. quar r y and constr uction vehicles. The bra king system is hydro-pneumatic on the 6. at the wheel. the vehicle’s occupants and car go alike . ● ML 110E. which is modulated according to the load on the axles. but lower tare EUROC ARGO is available with pa ra bolic or semi-elliptical 10-tonne r ange and fully pneumatic on the 11. trouble-free service-life . You can select engine-br ake oper ating mode (on acceler ator pedal release or on br ake pedal application) by means of a lever on the r ight of the steer ing 14-tonne ver sions and 4 bellows for the configur ations can be tailored to your specific applications and 15. and constant suspension geometr y regardless of The whole EUROC ARGO r ange is equipped with a standard speed. ●     ML 110EL.. ●     ML 80E. with withstand the stresses gener ated by an unbalanced load or upr ated discs and pads on the 6. 18-tonne ver sions) with ECAS system (Electronically most frequently used routes. vehicle bellows for the 6. ●     ML 150E. Thanks to its H-structure in special steel it can readily All the 4x2 ver sions have disc bra kes on both axles.ML 10-tonne r ange .ML 120 EL. load and type of road surface .. thus ensur ing safety and comfor t in Controlled Air Suspension).to 19-tonne suspension.W & ML 150E. ●          AVAILABLE ON MODEL ML 180E. ● ML 120E. . ● ML 190EL. With the availability of a wide r ange of options.... with the mechanical A technologically advanced br aking system ensures the safety of qualities you’d expect from a heavy vehicle . or semi-a ir or f ull-a ir suspension (with 2 r ange ... sudden change of tr ajector y.. EUROC ARGO consistent perfor mance over time .. It also acts on br aking engine-br ake from the 180 HP ver sions upwards.ML 100E...R E L I A B I L I T Y Developed on the strength of IVECO’s long exper ience in heavy haulage . . ●     ML 160E. uses an outsta nding ly strong fra me .W ● ● Standard  Optional Reinforced parabolic AIR SUSPENSIONS /P (rear only) 4 air springs /FP (front + rear) 2+2 2+4 air springs air springs       . MECHANICAL SUSPENSIONS Parabolic Semielliptical front rear front rear front front rear 2 air springs ML 60E.. pressure . EC AS ensures high levels of comfor t all surface conditions...ML 140E. with unr ivalled professionalism. Our specialist team are available to tailor the r ight financial products for the economic . and IVECO’s extensive geogr aphical cover age . The role of planned maintenance contr acts in the r ange of IVECO Hi-Ser vices has never been more impor tant.S E R V I C E S SPECIALISED TECHNICIANS An extensive . where you can choose the ser vice levels best suited to your size and type of oper ation knowing that the associated costs are fixed and predictable . day or night. Hire Purchase and Oper ating Lease . The IVECO Customer Center co-ordinates all roadside assistance activities from fir st contact to roadside repair. you ca n have all the assista nce you need: thanks to the vast r ange of ser vices tailored to your requirements. which guar antees deliver y of the par t you need within 24 hour s. ORIGIN 100% IVECO The long-ter m excellence of EUROC ARGO’s perfor mance is assured by the use of ORIGIN 100% IVECO or iginal par ts. provides p eace of mind and ongoing confidence in the br and. state-of-the-ar t Or iginal Par ts sourcing and distr ibution system. of fers ta rgeted solutions for the acquisition of IVECO vehicles. 365 days a year. That’s why it has an efficient.S. and will keep you going mile after mile . IVECO wor kshops provide the manufacturer’s quality combined with the skill of technicians who know your vehicle like no-one else . and its accessor ies Easy Scope & Easy Skite guar antee speed and efficiency even for remote assistance (teleser vices). The flexibility of Elements. fiscal and business needs of your company. IVECO knows the value of your time . ELEMENTS The ta ilored service for your vehicle . and specific . r igorous product testing. And with the IVECO Shop line of accessor ies.A. professional network for a consta ntly With EUROCARGO. By calling the Freephone number 0800 590509 within the UK. EUROC ARGO remains totally flexible even at times of need. . anywhere in the wor ld. ASSISTANCE NON-STOP (ANS24) Assista nce when you need it. you can customise your EUROC ARGO to make it unique and even more fuel-efficient. keeping you infor med and ensur ing that your vehicle is back in ser vice as quickly as possible . Finance Lease .Y. IVECO C APITAL financial products include Contr act Hire . which are the fr uit of painstaking selection of mater ials and supplier s. 30 ef ficient vehicle . IVECO Group’s in-house financial ser vices ar m. Specialised diagnostic and repair equipment such as E. you can request ur gent assistance for your vehicle . A dedicated team of 80 oper ator s guar antee an immediate response and r apid solution to any problem by activating the nearest IVECO Ser vice centre . Keeping your vehicle on the road with minimal inter r uptions for maintenance and repair s is our pr ior ity. IVECO CAPITAL services a re ava ila ble from all IVECO dealerships. IVECO CAPITAL IVECO C APITAL. ZF MANUAL AND EUROTRONIC AUTOMATED TRANSMISSIONS OUTSTANDINGLY STRONG FRAME FOR LONG. E SP ALLISON AUTOMATIC .S L IP S TEP S IL L U M INATED S TORAGE B OXES 3 T Y PE S O F C AB ERGONOM IC A L LY P OS ITIONED INS TRU M ENTS CU BBY H O L E S AND S TO R AGE CO MPART ME NT S I N S O FT-TOUCH MAT E R I AL S TECTOR ENGINES SCR TECHNOLOGY EEV-APPROVED CNG POWER NON. PAS S I VE AND PR E VE NT I VE SAF E T Y LATEST-G E NE RATION E L E C TRONIC S YS TE M S ABS AS S TANDAR D ON ALL M OD E LS ASR .11. 584 PO S S IB L E VA RIA N T S 1 3 T R ANSM I SSI ONS 3 T Y PE S O F C AB W I T H 2 RO O F HE I GHTS 1 5 W HE E LB ASE S ACTIV E. 24/7 E L E ME NT S TAI L O R E D AS S I S TANCE PROGRAMMES O R I G I N 100% I V E CO I V E CO C API TAL FI NANCI AL S ERVICES . TROUBLE-FREE SERVICE-LIFE SUSPENSION WITH EC AS  I MPO S I NG G R I L L E  LA RGE HA NDL ES A ND IL LU M INATED.S TOP A S S IS TA NC E . NON. SERVICES 33. EUROC ARGO. COMFORT & ERGONOMICS 20. 34 Take a closer look at the world of IVECO on: www. EUROC ARGO 35. IVECO reserves the right to make changes for any commercial or construction reasons at any time without notice. PERFORMANCE 26. 35 . EUROC ARGO COLOURS All the information and details you might want about the range are available on the IVECO web SAFETY The information and images contained in this catalogue are provided by way of example. DESIGN 15.C O L O U R S 50126 MARANELLO RED 50173 ALPS WHITE 50174 GARLENDA RED 50162 MINERAL GREY 50105 WHITE 50177 ALSACE GREEN 50178 MARRAKESH YELLOW 50179 LION BLUE 50180 CARRARA IVORY 50181 PRAGUE YELLOW 50182 ISTANBUL BLUE 52301 DESERT ORANGE C O N T E N T S 2. RELIABILITY 30. VERSATILITY PERFECT IN EVERY SITUATION 5. C O. 3 5 . I V E C O.VI A P U GLI A.A. .1 0 1 5 6 T U R I N .PU BLIC AT IO N M1 2 7 1 8 2 /B W W W.I TALY .p. U K IVEC O S .
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