ETICS Brochure



insulating slabs and reinforcing mesh. The most commonly used insulation boards are based on polystyrene. such as mortars. They reduce the costs of heating and air conditioning and help reduce carbon dioxide emissions.External Thermal lnsulation Composite Systems Given rising energy prices. a key ETICS component. . The slabs are then finished with a base-coat mortar with embedded reinforcing mesh to protect the system against mechanical damage and weathering. Culminal'" methylhydroxyethylcellulose (MHEC) derivatives are modified cellulose ethers that have major influence on the properties of the fresh mortar and Ashland offers a broad range of grades in order to meet the needs of our customers. The grade that performs best in a formulation depends on a the requirements of the building material producers and their customers. There are four key factors which determine the durability and workability of the mortar: Particle size distribution (sieve line design) Cement quality Cellulose ether (CE) Redispersible powder Mortar formulations vary due to the different qualities of aggregates and cements and the local needs of the operatives. An ETICS system includes a number of components. building insulation systems such as ExternalThermal lnsulation Composite Systems (ETICS) are increasingly attractive. Around 50 percent of the energy used for heating buildings is lost through their walls and insulation can cut these losses by as much as B0 percent. An adhesive mortar is used to bond the insulation slabs to the building. Other materials. Ashland produces cellulose ethers. are occasionally used. such as glass or mineral fibers. Our literature on Culminal modified cellulose ethers for ETICS includes bar charts to indicate the water demand. the cement can react and form mineral phases. ln this test. These phases are required to develop the adhesion strength. low-viscosity cellulose e-thers need to be added in larger doses due to their lower water retention. ln lab the water demand factor can be adjusted by determining the spreading value or sag resistance of the mortar. ln our literature. The mortar consistency for the base-coat mortar for reinforcement mesh is usually softer than that for the adhesive mortar. To determine and compare the sag resistance of different ETICS mortar formulations. This contributes to Because of . Nevertheless. the special modification of our Culminal modified cellulose ether grades. Water retention is directly proportional to the dosage of Culminal modified cellulose ether in the mortar. a tile (dimension: 10 x 10 cm. The slip of the tlle.Functional Properties Water demand The water demand of an ETICS mortar refers to the water that has to be added to reach the typical application consistency. Low-viscosity cellulose ethers generally reduce the stickiness and result in a mortar with a creamier consistency. in millimeters. they can be tested to the European Tile Cement Standard EN 1308. The higher the viscosity of the cellulose etheL the better the water retention in the formulation. Sag resistance The standards do not define requirements for the sag resistance of ETICS mortars. a certain sag resistance is necessary to prevent the freshly fixed insulation board slipping and to ensure slip-free embedding of the mesh and leveling the su rface. The second effect of high water retention is a long embedding time and easy levellng of the mortar. together with the use of redispersible powder. is measured after 10 minutes. Howeve. Culminal modified cellulose ethers significantly improve the sag resistance compared with unmodified cellulose ethers. trlals. Water retention Culminal modified cellulose ethers help to minimize water losses due lo absorption by the substrate and evaporation. they determine the performance of a mortar and are important to craftsmen.weight 160 g) is applied to a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheet. As long as the water remalns within the mortar matrix. Workability and stickiness Although workability and stickiness of the fresh mortar are rated subjectively. the sag resistance charts give an indication of the maximum sag resistance compared with other grades of Culminal cellulose ethers. the water demand will be higher compared to unmodified cellulose ethers. The sound velocity.n"'rrrnl. wF=0. Other Ashland products for ETICS mortars All modern. Amylotex starch ethers enable the dry mortar producer to: . the reinforcing mesh cannot be embedded and leveled without causing scratches. the viscosity is reversibly reduced. / f 7 L r-a > @ 900 / I 3 7oo / / / . The degree of modification of the cellulose ethers. It strongly depends on the mortar formulation and is influenced by the following key factors: the Ashland laboratory showed that the thin layer of base-coat mortar loses water very quickly.¿ / r CEM I 42. after which the hydration of the cement stops. h . lmprove the pumpability and cohesiveness of the mortar Embedding time/Open t¡me When a skin forms on the base coat. The curves were measured ultrasonically. Hydrated lime. indicates the strength of the mortar. indicated by the height of the curves. The following figure demonstrates the influence of cement .150/o cE + 2olo redispersible powder./ t / / 32 36 40 44 52 72 Age of mortar.à I Þ c 1100 I I Vl. Tests by determined by the evaporat¡on and film formation speed of the cellulose ether and redispersible powder. When a solution is heated. Skinning is lnfluence of cement qual¡ty on ETICS mortars The milling grade of the cement has a strong influence on the setting time of the mortar and its hardening behavior. Reduce the stickiness .n"' -l- 300 E . lmprovethe sag resistance .22 1700 . polystyrene insulation slabs) .nl.. This normally occurs within two days. high-quality mortars also include other organic additives. which increase the embedding time .5 R CEM I 52. which increases the water demand of the resulting mortar resulting in a longer embedding time and softer mortar consistency TlS-mortar with different cements + 0..s R .Heat resistance The viscosity of Culminal modified cellulose ether solutions depends on the temperature. which reduces it basis and emulsifrers of the redispersible powder (vinylacetate ethylene copolymer is preferred due to its elastic behavior and excellent adhesion to . The embedding time is similarto the open time of tile cements. The chemical quality on the setting and hardening behavior of an ETICS mortar. Low-viscosity cellulose ethers. Ashland offers a range of starch ethers. distributed under the trade name Amylotex" starch ethers.5 R CEM | 32. The heat resistance gives an indication of how much viscosity is lost at an elevated temperature and is proportional to the water retention of the cellulose ether The heat resistance charts in our product data sheets give an indication of the resistance against water retention loss at elevated temperatures. and even more quickly in hot weather. 3. Test proceduresl on thermal insulation products with render¡ng accord¡ng to ETAG 004 ETAG 004 Method 5.3 bond strength adhesive I \ between adhesive and insulation product is spread on insulation product to a thickness of 3 . for the countries which belong to the European Community.External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems with rendering which covers the following topics: tl L \ . Safety in case offire .08 N/mm2or failure occurs in the insulation product instruction b) samples taken from rig after on rig I c) tested on insulation slab hydrothermal cycles c) samples after simulated freeze thaw test as described in paragraph 5. .2 bond stren gth between adhesive and substrate adhesive is spread on concrete slab to a thickness of 3 . El|CS-performance criteria are described in the European Technical Approval Guideline (ETAG) 004 .25 N/mm2 5. Mechanical resistance and stability . Nonetheless.1 bond paragraph on verification method Storage Sample a) panel preparation conditions Values/judgement strength between base coat and insulation product ofthe insulation product faced with the base coat applied in accordance with ETA-applicant's a) stored under the same conditions as the rig b) tested > 0.2 6 a) 28 days in climate chamber b) 28 days in climate chamber a) > 0.1.4. Safety in use .1.25 N/mm'z chamber 5.1. Aspects of durability and serviceability The following table illustrates the ETAG requirements w¡th respect to tensile strength.Regulations for ETICS mortars The requirements strongly depend on national standards so that a general statement is not possible.5 mm a) 28 days in climate chamber b) 28 days in climate chamber see values or failure occurs in + 2 days insulation product a) > 0.1.08 N/mm'z in water + 2 hours drying on air c) 28 days in cl¡mate chamber + 2 days ¡n water + 7 days drying in climate c) > 0. Dry-mortar producers have ro fulfill such requirements in orderto produce a suitable ETICS-system.4. Energy economy and heat retention . health and the environment .1.1.08 N/mm2 in water + 2 hours drying on air c) 28 days in climate chamber + 2 days in water + 7 days drying in climate b)> 003 N/mm'z chamber I The above table is only an c) > 0.08 N/mm'z enract and does not describe the full paragraphs.2.4.5 mm as described + 2 days b) > 0. Hygiene. Protect¡on against noise .1. medium-hiqh modification .1 - 1.1s . Long embedding time Creamy workability Less set retardation than Culminal C 9155 Water demand Sag resistance Water demand 25.medium-high modification Water retention Workability Heat reslstance 5ag resistance Water retentlon Workabllity Heat resistance . Adjusts water demand for faster settìng. Starting formulation Cement CEM I 42. and excellent durability and ìnsulation under a wide variety of climate conditions .2 mm Silica sand. Zn-stearate 02-0. Provides superior adhesion of rnsulating slabs to substrates.02 Waterproofing admixture ca-stearate.) Redispersible powder PVAc.30 0 00s . improves workability.000 mPas . Long embedding time Creamy workability 30. and creates a sustainable mortar coat . crack-free application. . High water retention and cohesiveness lead to smooth application.Ethyl e n e. quartz sand.0. crushed limestone or dolomite 70-73 AE L. High sag resistance and outstanding open time for efficient applicatìon of base coat mortar .000 mPas . . strength and durability .Co p o ly m er Cellulose ether Starch ether if necessary for improved sag res¡stance Aqualon'" ST 2000 starch derivatives / Amylotex 8100 0.Product benefits Ashland's comprehensive range of products includes premium Culminal methylcellulose ethers and Aquapas'" redìspersible powders The primary benefits from these additives are: .0.and wet-mortar formulations Ashland recommends a combination of Culminal MC grades C 9155 and C 9166 with Aquapas RDP N2090 for superior ETICS performance. Universal properties that are highly compatible with a broad range of dry. .5R 25 Sand 0.5 Hydrated lime (optional) For improved workability and accelerated cement hydration 2-4 Culminal MHEC for ETICS mortar Culminal C 9155 MHEC Culminal C9166 MHEC . F. { ßt fr . PA Ptainfietd.I Ashland Aqualon Functional lngredients 1313 North Market Street wilmington. o¡ ¡n lnlPllecJ vr¡rr¿ I ly of ùer(h¡ nt¿brIty or ñtress for ¿ p¿r tlcular PUrpose.:1423 West Orinda. Food. Paints and coatings . f( Distributed BY BRENNTAG SPECIALTIES Southeast I Norcross.P. ân etp¡e5s t. 6th Floor. 7 piso Col. personal care and pharmaceutical . adhesive strength. Our products perform in a variety of applications including tile and adhesive cements. rniornlàtÌon ¿¡d d¿ta pre5ented herein ¿re l)elrevêrl to be ¿cc!r¿le ¡¡d rel ¡llle. renders.1-0111 Fax:525-212-0883 ashland. joint compounds. DE 19894-0001. Saltillo No 19.2436 . bindlng power. 200 Pandan Loop #07-01 Pantech All stâtemenls. . 601. CA 8oo.06100 Mexico City.423. water retention. Ashland Aqualon Functional lngredients segments its businesses to focus on Ashland lndia Pvt.: (800) 345'0447 Fax: (302) 992-7287 About us Ashland Aqualon Functlonal lngredients. 5.: +65 6775 5366 Fax: +65 67769690 Ashland Chemical de México. a commercial unit of Ashland lnc. TX800. The Corporate Centre Nirmal LifeStyles. Mulund (W). f¡lm formation. ¿tr¿nty.A. masonry and mortar cements and self-leveling compounds.8?r. Gas and oil technologies . Condesa C.627.1 Singapore 128388 Tel. Mumbai 400080 Maharashtra. colloid Ashland lndustries Europe GmbH Euro Haus Rheinweg 11 8200 Schaffhausen Switzerland Tel: +41 52 560 55 00 Fax: +41 525605599 stabilization. concrete.: 525-21. de (. is a global leader in the production of products that manage the physical properties of aqueous systems. and emulsifying action. LBS Marg. Ltd. Mexico Tel. conditioning and deposition. Ltd.8i¿o 800. Tel. They provlde functional properties including thickening and rheology control.s..227 7345 Southwest Houston. lndia I the following end markets: el +91 -22-25927 07 4 I 259237 07 I 25923566 Fax: +91-27-25924008 Hercules (hemicals Singapore Pte. etJ)ress or r¡ìplied. for whi(h Ashldrrd ¿nd rts subsLdr¿r es ¿ssur¡e leg¿l resJ)onsìbtlily. gypsum plasters. but are not to l)e l¿ken ¿s a !lu¿r¿ntee.833. or represent¿tron. Thanks to its dedicated sales professionals and extensive distributonhip network. suspend¡ng. Specialtìes markets Ashland is strongly commltted to delivering performance through continuous improvement and consistent focus on innovat¡on. CA 800. Construction . Ashland is always close to its customers globally. ll goo.4. external insulation systems.8142 Northeast Midwest Phitadetphið.V. u.
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