Ethics Notes Srikrishna Panchal

March 25, 2018 | Author: ukesh_kumar | Category: Noble Eightfold Path, Attitude (Psychology), Socrates, Virtue, Emotional Intelligence



Jnana PrabodhiniCompetitive Examinations Centre UPSC - GS 4 : Ethics Notes By Dr. Srikrishna Panchal (IAS) Ethics Systematic study of Human actions from the point of view of their rightfulness or wrongfulness as means for the attainment of ultimate happiness (of society) (Greek word – ethos – character) Moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity, applied to organization, society, profession, individual.  Morality Principles concerning distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior (Moralis – means manner, custom, proper behavior in Greek) Ethics- Rules and regulations, code of conduct, norms - Societal perspective Morality – Deeper level – individual level  Values - Things that are important or valued by someone Doctor – Public Service, Soldier – Patriotism, Gandhiji – non-violence Individual values or organizational values 1. Intrinsic values – Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Temperance, Courage etc End in itself 2. Extrinsic values – Wealth, Physical fitness, Intelligence Sometimes intrinsic or extrinsic values are interchangeable from individual perspective like Positive – Negative, Permanent – Transient.  Beliefs Internal feeling that something is true, even though that belief may be shallow, unproven and irrational. Eg . All Chinese are selfish, All doctors have bad hand-writing, 1) Core beliefs-Thought process 2) Dispositional beliefs-Influenced by society Essence of Ethics Ethics tries to provide answer to these, 1) How to live a good life? 2) Our rights and responsibilities 2) Right and wrong 4) Moral decisions – what is good and bad? What is not Ethics? Morality, Religion (Triple Talaq. Untouchability), Law (British laws, Hitler, S.A. – Apartheid), Culture Ethics Morality 1. Standards, rules, norms by external 1. Principles or habits with respect to sources (society, profession, community) right or wrong conduct 2. External 2. Internal 3. Social obligation 3. Individual belief 4. Within cultural norms 4. Transcends cultural norms JPCEC – Ethics notes - Shrikrishna Panchal Page 1 Conflict between ethics and morality Lawyer – Defending a criminal Doctor – Euthanasia Ethical and Immoral Soldier – Kill someone/ Defend country - Professional Ethics (CDM soldiers refused to shoot) Determinants of Ethics Person Place Time 1. Stage of moral 1. Culture 1. Ancient development (S.A.-Privy, Indian, USA) 2. Childhood 2. Organization (NHRC,IB,RAW) 2. Medieval - Slave 3. Adulthood 3. Profession 3. Pre-modern 4. Family influences 4. Family 4. Modern – War, norms (Respecting guests, Generosity) 5. Peer influences 5. School (Thugs/ Dacoits, Parrots) 6. Life experience 7. Religion (Purushartha - Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha) Some people feel that values keep changing with time and situation, while others strongly believe that there are certain universal and eternal human values. Give your perception in this regard with due justification. (Generosity, Truth, Compassion, Love)   Consequences of Ethics - Individual Level 1) Satisfaction of basic human needs – family, Friendly behavior, marriage 2) Creating credibility- Eg. E. Shreedharan (efficient and honest), Dubey Provides identity to the individual 3) Integration – society 4) Helps in bringing social order, Social harmony  Administration 1) Decision making 2) Reflective judgment- Acceptable by all 3) Grey areas (Rules, code of conduct) 4) Response to dynamic administration and fast changing world 5) Efficient and responsive administration in Diverse situation (Poor, Rich, Able, Disabled, Privileged, underprivileged, Honest, Corrupt) JPCEC – Ethics notes - Shrikrishna Panchal Page 2  Environment 1) Conservation 2) Resource recycling (use of plastic. Religious intolerance 4) Panchasheel of Nehru – non aligned movement  Organizational level 1) Convergence of individual interest with organizational interest 2) Controlling corruption 3) Nepotism 4) Black money 5) Tax evasion 6) Work culture  Social level 1) Eradication of corruption 2) Caste.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 3 . Iran. Regional.  Political Level 1) True Democracy 2) No corruption at higher and middle level 3) Trustee of the people 4) Criminalization of politics 5) Coalition government – Ethical conduct (Indian Situation)  International Level 1) Ethical diplomacy . Genocide.killing elderly people Conserving resources – from Indian perspective 3) Situational – Depends on the context. theft. cheating.No hidden agenda (Iraq. spitting. Doctor – Saving even enemies 4) Professional Ethics Soldier. Intervention. throwing wastes) 3) Pollution control (Public transport) 4) Afforestation 5) Animal rights (protecting animals)  Essence /Intrinsic Properties of Ethics 1) Not sustained in isolation O. Human rights 3) Financial assistance – corrupt regime. N.Protect the country JPCEC – Ethics notes . urination in open. S 2) Part of culture – Arctic – Eskimos . robbery and other crimes. Local. Community identities 3) Compassion 4) Reduction of violence against women. Syria. C. Libya. Religious and communal. African countries) 2) Ethics of War – Collateral damage. Maintained by sense of responsibility. Interrelated –Environmental Ethics Corporate Ethics Not always lead to desirable consequences 1) Dilemmas – Saving only one life. What do the words good. Whether moral values are eternal truths or simply human conventions 3. rather than particular episodes or actions JPCEC – Ethics notes . rule book. Nishkama karma of Bhagavad-Gita. code of conduct and regulations   Dimensions of Ethics 1) Meta Ethics : After or Beyond Addresses question such as ‘What is goodness?’ and ‘how can we tell what is good from what is bad? 1. Saving president’s life /children. Example – Kantion categorical imperative . It stresses the importance of developing good habits of character like – Wisdom. Virtue ethics is concerned with whole of person’s life. It includes the formulation of moral rules that have direct implication for what human actions. Wife – mother Criteria for choosing any one of above category 2) Ethics also relates to interaction with non-Human components Bio-Ethics Environmental Ethics Animal Ethics . 5) Operates at different level Individual Organization Nation IR LDC – Standards Subjective. A right act is the action a virtuous person would do in same circumstances.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 4 . not accountability . Socrates) Stresses the importance of developing good habits of character virtue ethics is persons oriented than action of duty oriented. Origin of ethical principle – Divine or Human 2.Prescribe to act in particular way.Transcend the narrow law. bad. concerned with criteria of what is morally right and wrong.Origin of ethics is justice . Temperance and Justice Oldest of Normative Ethics (Greek philosophers Aristotle. Plato. What moral judgments are universal or relative of one kind or many kinds. Courage. institutions and ways of life should be like. right and wrong means? 4. Prescriptive Ethics . (Sitting above ethics and analyzing various concept of ethics) 2) Normative Ethics : Concerned with criteria of what is morally right and wrong Normative ethics is a branch of ethics. Gandhian ethics a) Virtue Ethics – It focuses on character of the agent instead of formal rules (ethical rules) or consequences of action. Shrikrishna Panchal Page 5 . Truth. regulations and rules. Do the right thing. mean between two extremes Example – courage is a virtue. Faith in Purity) .Nishkama Karma 3) Applied Ethics : a) Bio Ethics b) Business Ethics – CSR c) Military Ethics – collateral damage d) Political Ethics e) Environmental Ethics f) Publication Ethics JPCEC – Ethics notes .Gandhian Ethics (Nonviolence. Avoid them because they are wrong . Don’t do wrong things.Importance – Way to build a good society is to help its members to be good people. c) Deontological ethics (Duty-based) – concerned with what people do not with the consequences of their actions. impartially 3) Courage 4) Temperance Aristotle – Golden means and common virtues Tendency to avoid extreme positions Virtue – moderation. lies between two extremes of cowardice and (fool hardiness) rashness b) Consequentialism (Teleology) It is class of Normative ethics holding that consequences of one’s conduct are the ultimate basis for any judgment about the rightness or wrongness of that conduct. rather than to use laws. Do it because it’s right thing to do. It gives importance to rightness or wrongness of actions themselves as opposes to rightness or wrongness of the consequences of those actions It is based on principles that. Plato Proposed cardinal virtues – 1) Prudence/wisdom 2) Justice – Treat all equally. a) Utilitarianism b) Ethical egoism – Desirable consequences for the individual performing action c) Ethical altruism – end results are favorable to everyone except the agent d) Hedonism – Maximum the pleasure and minimize the pain.Kantian Ethics . of particular issues in private and public life that are matters of moral judgment. wrong .What do people think is right ?  Normative ethics – how should people act? What is the correct action?  Applied ethics – Application of moral knowledge to practical problems  Meta ethics – What is the meaning of ethical terms.Applied ethics is the philosophical examinations. Abortion. commercial surrogacy. from moral standpoint. Animal rights. lore compassion JPCEC – Ethics notes .g. Applications of ethics to our day to day issues e.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 6 . right. Nuclear plants Use philosophical methods to identify the morally correct course of action in various fields of human life 4) Descriptive Ethics : (comparative ethics) Studies people’s belief about morality Describes different ethical theories objectives and compares them  Descriptive ethics. euthanasia. They are also called fundamental virtues and other virtues depend upon them and are therefore subordinate to them. It means that insight into the nature of moral virtues is essential for becoming virtuous. 3) He considers justice as supreme virtue. Plato’s doctrine of cardinal virtues is based on his concept of virtue. (Teleogy is a method to study and direct the actions based on the final purpose or end result of any being or action). 5) Plato hated arts and democracy. 2) We can develop virtue by practicing it. Knowledge. Contribution of Moral thinkers and philosophers from India and the World Philosophy is the study of the principles which underlie all knowledge. morality of society is the same as it is for the individual. Plato gave more importance to practice of virtues rather than preaching / knowing. Aristotle gave emphasis to teleogy in philosophy and politics. According to him. 4) Socrates – philosophy remained totally centered around values. 6) Actions and duty – Morality of doing.  Aristotle 1) Aristotle distinguishes moral virtues from the intellectual virtues. 1) Wisdom 2) Courage 3) Temperance 4) Justice Morally good life can be achieved by following these four cardinal virtues. 7) Virtuous person is not only Good but he also does good acts. Human beings are rational and social animals. Four cardinal virtues. JPCEC – Ethics notes . Socrates considered oral method as most effective method to teach philosophy. 2) Moral character of a person is formed when he does good actions consistently and persistently. while vices are defects of character. 1) Character and conduct of a person are intimately related. 3) Both Socrates and Plato were against democracy.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 7 . instead of moral reasoning. Their ethical significance depends on motives and values to which they are related. Socrates – All men are equal. Socrates had said that virtue is knowledge.Four cardinal virtues have both individual and social significance. . Plato rejected the idea that mere knowledge of virtue is not enough. perseverance by themselves do not make morally good character or man. Dialectic method is a mature method to elicit knowledge. bravery. 4) Virtues denote excellence of human character. Hence doctrine of golden mean is central in Aristotle’s concept of virtues. 2) Sophists at that time used propaganda to gain emotional response from the audience.  Socrates and Plato 1) Plato and Socrates adopted the “Method of dialectic” – Reasoning with Q & A session. 3) Virtue can be cultivated. 5) Virtues – Morality of being. They had degraded the culture of dialogue in Greek. as a skill. Virtues and Good conduct – Virtues are good traits of character & vices are bad traits of character. Socrates’ questioning revealed people’s ignorance & aroused people’s interest in fundamental philosophical questions. Thus. Thus. Happiness or pleasure.Greatest happiness of all except himself / herself. * Ethical altruism . 2) It is form of Ethical Hedonism. Mills) : 1) Happiness is state of mind. Aristotle : 1) Happiness is about living well or doing well. (One classic criticism of utilitarianism is that it is ethics of swine. from a consequentialist stand point.) JPCEC – Ethics notes .The good to be maximized. 3) Each man desires for his own happiness and therefore general happiness is good for all. 4) Moral standard – * Ethical egoism – Greatest happiness of one individual.Happiness of maximum number of people.S. * Utilitarianism . 1) All pleasures are similar and they do not have qualitative differences. 5) Benthem argues that by nature man is selfish and egoistic. Maximum happiness for maximum number.  Justice : 1) Distributive justice. Hedonism – Pleasure is the highest good. * Virtue is a matter of striking a mean between two vices.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 8 . 2) Remedial justice.  Jeremy Benthem : Gross or Quantitative utilitarianism. a morally right action is one that produces good outcome.  Consequentialism : This moral theory holds that the consequences of a particular action form the basis for any valid moral judgement about that action. Utility . or consequence. by being altruistic he satisfies his own desires also. 2) If quantity of pleasure is same there is no qualitative difference between two pleasures.  Utilitarianism : Consequences of the action produce favourable outcomes to everyone. Equitable distribution of wealth and honours. 2) Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness. Excess Mean Deficiency Rashness Courage Cowardice Prodigality Liberality Meanness Buffoonery Wittiness Boorishness Shyness Modesty Shamelessness Boastfulness Truthfulness Understatement  Happiness : Utilitarianism (J. 1) Utilitarianism says that Supreme ideal of life is pleasure – not the individual pleasure but universal happiness. and he can be altruistic only when. 2) True happiness means living as rational being. Fair transactions among members of community. Moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome. and that the ends justify the means. In ethics. but how we make ourselves worthy of happiness. It is a deontological theory. It is variant of old social contract theory. developed through application of reason.  Immanuel Kant 1) Kant’s concept of moral duty is wider. 4) In law. Principle (b) is similar to what is called positive discrimination. a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. 6) Morality is not the doctrine of how we make ourselves happy. a) Each person with equal right with a similar system of liberty for all. Kant was absolutist. inner perfection and god’s will as sources of moral law. 2) Mill believes that intellectual pleasures are better than sensuous pleasures. civic constitution. 3) It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 9 . but always at the same time as an end. Kant says people should follow such rational universal principles without thinking about their emotions or sentiments which usually misguide them. both required and justified as an end in itself. So. He rejects education. b) Social and economic inequalities arrangement. JPCEC – Ethics notes .  John Rawls : 1) Book – Theory of justice. never simply as means. unconditional requirement that asserts its authority in all circumstances. Kant derives universally valid moral rule of action known as the ‘categorical imperative. but on a sense of duty. better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.’ Kant’s aim was to establish a set of absolute moral rules. and require different types of gratification of higher faculties in order to be happy. Kant’s emphasis on abstract laws leads him into extreme positions. 3) From this reasoning. 4) Categorical imperative thus refers to an absolute. There is nothing higher than reason. he believed that people’s actions should be guided by moral laws. 5) All our knowledge begins with the senses. In other words moral rules should follow the principle of reciprocity. He said that man seek satisfaction of higher capacities. He formulated a moral theory grounded in idea of duty. he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so. This ‘ought to’ is called dutifulness. 2) According to Kant. our focus should be on what we ought to do. 5) Kant also stated that always treat humanity. What we wish to do is of no significance. 2) Two fundamental principles of justice necessary for just and morally acceptable society. it is an outcome of an individual’s rational thought. and these moral laws should be universal. 1) Benefit to least advantaged.  John Stuart Mill : 1) Human beings have faculties much more elevated than swine. Kant’s ethics rest on abstract laws or pure principle without regard to results which can follow from rigid adherence to principles. 2) Positions open to all under conditions of fair equality of opportunity. Categorical imperative says that the truly moral or ethical acts are not based on self-interest or greatest utility. 6) Kant traces the origin of moral law to man’s rationality or reason. proceeds then to understanding and ends with reason. 1) Every voluntary action is a desire for one’s own welfare. Rawls calls it the ‘original position. As emphasis is more on result if there is failure to achieve this then it leads to much more agony & dissatisfaction. Nishkama Karma is involvement for the sake of duty. from the present i. we are constantly conscious of desired results and the benefits to the self. 1) Action is superior to inaction. Therefore. We show ourselves to be more resourceful than others. The threat of being caught and punished should function as deterrence to crime. Our concentration thus moves to the end result which is not present but the future. The concept of sacrifice is more at the level of mind. 2) In Sakam Karma. One should keep performing actions. All players in social game would be placed in particular position. 3) Hobbes proposes a strong government with powerful law enforcement and effective system of punishment. It signifies that concern for another’s happiness is a means to one’s own happiness. 2) Psychological egoism asserts that all human action is motivated by selfish-desires’. Karma Yoga : Deals with importance of performing one’s duties in his life. but with a selfless attitude. it rules out the existence of noble and generous actions. Thus.e. Being bothered with what we do in the present instead of being worried about what its outcome will be in future.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 10 . 3) ‘Veil of ignorance’ – Rational choice within a veil of ignorance. 2) She criticizes that altruism corrodes men’s capacity to know their life’s value and they totally become ignorant of reality. ethical egoism is correct moral theory. but with allowance to problems of various disadvantaged groups. One should grow beyond likes and dislikes while performing actions. Man gets bound by his action except if it is a sacrifice. We help others to ensure that others will help us in our bad times.’ Rawls argues that given his assumptions people would prefer liberal societies with freedom and liberties based on equality of opportunities. Charity – It is actually a demonstration of power according to Hobbes.  Nishkama Karma in Bhagwad Gita : 1) It is the act done as a duty without expecting the fruit for self. without any expectations. work thus resulting in dissipation of energy.  Morality of self-interest : Hobbes (Psychological egoism) He maintains that all people act only in ways that improve their own self-interest.   JPCEC – Ethics notes . Sakam karma is involvement in work with an expectation of quick return. She infers that highest value is the organism’s self-preservation. Pity – We pity others because we imagine ourselves in their place. This takes our attention & energies away. Ayn Rand (Ethical egoism) 1) Ethical egoism suggests that we seek our own pleasure completely and as such it is reliable with the happiness goal. He laid great emphasis on law of karma. Other than religious factor. 4) Abstaining from drink and drugs that cloud the mind.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 11 . Even under the grevest provocation he did not show the least anger or hatred and instead conquered everyone by his love and compassion. an alternative to the system of sacrifices. * Four noble truths – 1) The world is full of suffering. 2) His religion was identical with morality and it emphasized purity of thought. 3) Though he did not make a direct attack on caste system. social and economic factors also contributed to rise of these two religious. suffering can be removed.C. 4) This can be done by following eightfold path. Being in state of mindfulness or awareness. The teaching of Upanishads . He was a rationalist who tried to explain things in the light of reason and not on the basis of blind faith. It taught the code of practical ethics and laid down the principle of social equality.Buddhist and Jainism ethics : 1) The religious unrest in India in the 6th century B. 2) The cause of suffering is desire. No exploiting or manipulating or taking advantage of people. what was needed in larger interests of people was a simple. 2) No stealing or not taking that is not – given. This need was fulfilled by teachings of Buddha and Mahavira. 3) If desires are got rid off. short and intelligible way to salvation for all people. Therefore. Mindfulness is central value to be established in one’s life to live harmoniously and ethically. JPCEC – Ethics notes . * Ashtanga Marg (Eightfold Path)- Right view (Knowledge) Wisdom Right will (resolve) Right speech Right actions (Conduct) Morality Right livelihood Right effort Right mindfulness (memory) Concentration Right concentration * Precepts (Rule of personal conduct / Principles) 1) Not killing or causing harm to other living beings. word and deed. Economic improvement of Vaisyas and Kshatriyas had resented domination of priestly class. he was against any social distinctions and threw open his order to all. were highly philosophical in nature and therefore not easily understood by all. Buddhism was move a social than religious revolution. Buddha : 1) Buddha neither accepts god not rejects the existence of god. 2) Such religious teachings should also be in a language known to them. He argued that the condition of man in this life depends upon his own deeds. * Concept of middle path – Avoid extreme forms of austerity and luxury. Therefore. 3) Avoiding sexual misconduct. “For me. 4) Spiritual contentment 5) Path to liberation consist of three jewels (ratna-traya)   Gandhian Ethics – 1) The entire gamut of his philosophical thought is based on two moral cardinal values. removal of untouchability. 2) Right knowledge – Acceptance of theory that there is no god and that the world has been existing without a creator and that all objects possess a soul. He declared that there is no religion higher than truth and righteousness.  Essential features of Jainism : 1) Religious tolerance 2) Ethical purity 3) Harmony between self and one’s environment. He advocated a very holy and ethical code of life. Mahavira rejected the authority of Vedas and objected to vedic rituals. 3) Gandhiji defined religion as a belief in the ordered and moral government of the universe. He even suspended non- cooperation movement in 1921 as he believed that people are not morally qualified to conduct the movement. 2) Gandhian concepts such as. Gandhiji took every aspect of human life only from moral stand point. worms and animals. global peace are having great relevance and significance in modern times. universal love.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 12 . morals. both animate and inanimate have souls and various degree of consciousness. nudity and other forms of self-torture. ethics and religions are convertible terms." 5) Gandhiji advocated some cardinal virtues of life which are essential to lead a moral and pious life. purity of means. 3) Right conduct – Right conduct refers to Mahavira observance of five great vows – Not to injure life  Not to lie  Not to steal Not to acquire property  Not to lead immoral life  Mahavira (Jainism) regards all objects. He expressed his feelings clearly in Harijan. we cease to be religious. value oriented education. satyagraha. classless society. He further opined that if we lose the moral basis. divorced from morality is like ‘sounding brass’ good only for making noise & breaking heads. A moral life without reference to religion is like a house built upon sand. 4) His humanism believes in doing good to others as the way of highest moral life. And religion. They possess life and feel pain when they are injured. namely Truth and Non-violence. non-possession. Similarly the doctrine of ascetism and renunciation was also carried to extreme lengths by practice of starvation. Indian ethics speaks of five virtues : 1) Ahimsa (non violence) 2) Asteya (Non stealing) 3) Satya (Truthfulness) 4) Aparigraha (non-possession) 5) Brahmacharya (Celibacy) Gandhiji added 6) Abhaya (fearlessness) JPCEC – Ethics notes . * Three principles of Jainism (Triratnas – three gems) 1) Right faith – Belief in teachings and wisdom of mahavira. social equality. Even the practice of agriculture was considered sinful as it causes injury to earth.Jainism The term Jainism is derived from the term “Jin” meaning a person who has overpowered his sensual vices and had obtained full control over his worldly desires. word and action of all senses at all times in all places. Real harmony in society lies in Ahimsa but not in Himsa. He described those people as thieves who irrationally acquires more than what they need to survive. patiently and fearlessly everything including life for the sake of good of other people. millions are starved to death for want of sustenance. JPCEC – Ethics notes . He stated that people must reduce their wants. greed. Universal religion :  The study of great religious scriptures helped Gandhiji for attaining religious and moral life. A seeker is ready to sacrifice. These religions exerted much influence on Gandhiji. 3) Asteya (Non-stealing) 1) Asteya means not taking away the property or anything belonging to anybody unless it is given by the person concerned. To him truth is not merely truthfulness in word. He stated that lust. According to him non-violence is law of human nature and race. 4) Aparigraha (Non – Possession) 1) For Gandhiji it means contentment. He identified absolute truth with god. but in thought and deed. An individual who practices Brahmacharya is free from all passion.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 13 . Jainism and Buddhism give more importance to Asteya. 2) Satya (Truthfulness) 1) His life was a series of experiments with truth. a seeker can not seek truth without fearlessness not seek truth without fearlessness moral bravery is highest heroism. infatuation. 5) Brahmachrya (Celibacy) 1) Gandhiji says that Brahmacharya means control in thought. 6) Abhaya (Fearlessness) 1) According to him. One should not harbour any evil thought. anger. pride and falsehood are to be avoided to practice truth. Good derived out of violence is temporary and evil it does is permanent. Rich have a store of things which they do not need.1) Ahimsa – Gandhiji gave a new interpretation to the concept of non-violence. He emphasizes that love and aparigraha go together. Attitudes are the feelings and beliefs that determine the behavior of persons. Predisposition may be caused by affect or cognitive components . social influence and even decision making 3) Behavioral component 1) Refers to tendency or a predisposition to act in a certain evasion Ambivalence attitude – Cognitive dissonance 3) Attitude accessibility 1) Ease with which attitudes can be retrieved from memory 2) How readily available is an attitude about an object. issue or situation 3) More accessible – more predictive of behavior. Smoking.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 14 . Content/ components of attitude 1) Cognitive 1) Refers to beliefs. These three components are interlinked Attitude – Structure CAB’s have dynamic implications for information processing. retrieved and judgment 1) Attitude strength -Ve X Ambivalence Neutral + Ve e. more stable across time . 2) Affect is a common component in attitude change. Capital punishment 2) Affective 1) Refers to feelings or emotions (fear. Attitude Refer to a psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular object with some degree of favour or disfavor. things events. issues. hate linked to an object. pleasure. Death penalty central attitude – often related to important values 2) Attitude ambivalence 1) Meaning that they simultaneously process both positive and negative attitudes toward the object in question 2) Our evaluation are often mixed. Affect may override cognitive components in certain cases. consisting of both positive and negative reactions . Corruption. thought and attributes we associate with an object 2) Opinion or judgment is formed on the basis of available information Snake . Using helmet.Chocolate. sympathy.Traffic police asking for bribe JPCEC – Ethics notes . Preference to boys.g. How messages are processed. persuasion. Object – Includes people.Arranged marriages.  Categories of attitudes Explicit – conscious cognition Implicit – unconscious cognition Explicit/ Conscious 1) Person is aware of his or her attitude 2) Mostly affected by recent or accessible events Implicit / unconscious Derived from past memories deeply rooted in unconscious cognition 1) We do not deliberately think over it. . Gandhiji’s clothes. repression. JPCEC – Ethics notes . Swimming pool – object. Discrimination – Behaviour 1) Prejudice is based on negative stereotypes ( Udta Punjab.behavior relationship may not be strong always 3) Cognitive capacity is low – sleepy 4) Implicit attitude is there More accessibility – more predictable behavior 2) Strength – Strength of attitude determines behaviour 1) Labour reforms – Labour class though small (labour unions) have strong attitude. projection rationalization. Products Behaviour Prediction Theory of reasoned action 1) Accessibility 1) Social influence – have effect on behavior 2) Attitude. Help organize new info 3) Ego defensive : 1) Social reform movement. Banning meat in Mumbai – Jain 3) Extemal influence 1) Social factors influence behavior Freedom struggle (Satyagrah. Marwaries are kanjus.g Maharashtrian are rationalistic Jains arte traders. Violent methods) . Narmada Bachao.Offering seat to old aged person Functions 1) Utilitarian : Rewards. It just comes out from our self without an intention 2) Affection component is strong here 3) Cultural biases have appreciable impact on implicit attitudes .Looking at deity at roadside . Racism. Marathwada drought) 2) Sterotypes can be good or bad e. Protests 4) Behaviour specific attitude 1) Rather than thing/ Object specific many times attitude is behavior specific.Expressed through implicit attitudes.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 15 . 2) Denial. swimming activity – more specific attitude  Prejudice and Discrimination Prejudice – Attitude. Tamils mathematics lover.Positive attitude. Punishment – Negative attitude 2) Knowledge Function : Stereotyping. 3)Shoemaker company – God. 4) Difficult to overcome 4) Value expressive : To express one’s central values. casteism. Army – gender 3) Patriarchy. 2) Odour/ Scent. b) Mass campaigns. Gandhiji 3) Progressive.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 16 .Open defecation .Nepal ISIS.  Determinants of Political attitude Economic status. Marxism. Old cab . religious attitude 2) Political attitude : 1)Left . e.Radical . Not just political inst.Abolition of Sati . Non.Reforms. Begger. Mass hysteria   Attitude Change 1) Attitude Formation 1) Classical conditional 2) Operant conditioning 3) Observation learning 2) Attitude Change 1) Dissonance theory . obedience 7) Authority sometimes overrides your conscience 8) Peer pressure overrides your obedience also 9) Conscience Obedience Peer pressure Environmental factors decides your behavior 10) Hitler. 2) Moderate – Swami Vivekanand. Mass movement. 4) HR Activist. Juvenile home – Send to service in old age homes. c) Advertisement   JPCEC – Ethics notes . 5) Germany/ Japan. 2) Learning theory.Girl education . Socialist.g.  Moral and Political attitude 1) Moral : Deeper conviction . 3) Military personnel -Powerful state. Ambani Age : Youth – radical.Widow remarriage . Private Why important in India? – Change in Attitude .Hospital – Government . Political ideologies – Individual.violence.Capitalist. compliance. 4) Reactionary – Hindu Rashtra.Taliban  Social Influence 1) Attitude change is important in administration 2) Change in behavior on real/perceived pressure from others . 3) ELM. Behavior Change  attitude change 6) Conformity. Vegetarianism.Job – IT company.Vatpornima – following Culture. Old age – Conservative Conception about human nature. Importance – a) IEC in public awareness. Taliban United Kingdom – Conservative will be progressive in India Saudi Arabia – Driving but wear Burkha One attitude may change its spectrum over the period of time 3) Democratic attitude – Democracy as a way of life. social Influence 3) Persuasion 4) Cognitive dissonance – Pakistan-India is aggressive country 5) Self perception. society Disposition – 1) Discipline/Indiscipline. Clerk. Tobacco.Rational . Dowry) 2) Forewarned 1) Forewarned of persuasion attempts 2) Experiences psychology reactance that motivates them to resist such attempt 3) When people do the exact opposite of what they are being persuaded to do – called negative attitude change or boomrang effect Prior to confrontation – Prospect held a weak attitude toward the subject 3) Stockpile.  Persuasion Attempt to change a person’s attitude Who.Person with physical. praise 5) Authority – Parental authority 6) Scarcity – Less accessibility items and opportunities – become more desirable.Direct . well read person may be able to resist it better 4) Defences against influence Tricks  Public and Administrative attitude and Governance in India 1) Perception.Administration’s attitude towards people .Reconciling of public and administration 2) People will respect administration only when it responds to aspirations of people JPCEC – Ethics notes .People who have been exposed to counter arguments have more persuasion resistance (e. Healthy. Whom. opinions and assertions 3) Social proof . cognitive and social resources are more likely to resist persuasion.Administration vis-a vis public .People’s perception in administration .Shrikrishna Panchal Page 17 .Putting emotions .indirect measures  Resisting persuasion 1) Attitude inoculation. Censored subject – more viewership Social norms are group –held beliefs about how members should behave in given context.   Social Influence Six principles of social influence 1) Reciprocity – People give back 2) Consistency – Consistent with their previous actions. What – message. orientation and attitude of public as well as administrators play a significant role in governance of a country .g.source.audience 1) Important criteria that can determine effectiveness of persuasion are – credibility and likeability 2) Best method for persuasion differs from situation to situation Central Vs Peripheral persuasion .By looking at what similar others have done 4) Liking – Physical attractiveness. similarity. Emotional Intelligence Capacity for recognizing our own feeling and those of others.A deep understanding of one’s emotions and drives 2) Self Regulation – Adaptability to changes and control impulses 3) Self motivation – Ability to enjoy challenges and to be passionate toward work 4) Empathy – (Recognizing emotions of others) social awareness skill.supportive communication skills. Two view points about EQ Traditionalist High Performers say that emotions 1) Distract us 1) Motivate us 2) Increase our vulnerability 2) Increase our confidence 3) Cloud our judgment 3) Speed our analysis 4) Inhabit free flow of data 4) Build trust 5) Must be controlled 5) Provide vital feedback 6) Must be managed  Domains of Emotional Intelligence/Composition 1) Self awareness. and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. abilities to influence and inspire.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 18 . for motivating ourselves. the ability to put oneself in another’s shoes 5) Social skills . Value of taking time for self awareness requires abilities 1) To recognize appropriate body cues and emotions 2) To label cues and emotions accurately 3) To stay open to unpleasant as well as pleasant emotions 4) Includes the capacity for experiencing and recognizing multiple and conflicting emotions JPCEC – Ethics notes . Emotional Intelligence is foundation for critical skills  The Development of Emotional Intelligence 1) Early expression of emotions by parents helps learning 2) Early abuse hinders learning 3) Poor ability to read other’s emotions may lead to the development of poor social skills. Emotional Intelligence refers to emotional management skill which provides competence to balance emotions and reason. so as to maximize long term effectiveness and happiness Thinking part (Head) Feeling part (Heart) EQ Why necessary? EQ can lead to healthy relationship and to have the ability to respond to challenges of one’s life and career in positive manner. rising population. Research on married couples .how your self – Perception compares with other’s view about your performance.Greater interpersonal sensitivity .Shrikrishna Panchal Page 19 . When one is sympathetic. unemployment  Emotional Intelligence can help Civil Services 1) To achieve amicable work environment 2) Improvement in behavior and performance of individual workers 3) Improvement in organization performance  Emotional Intelligence at work place Workplace – About people and relationship Using EQ at work place – 1) Recruitment – desirable and high-performance worker 2) Predicting performance – Predict job performance and direct workers to jobs where they are most likely to succeed 3) Negotiation . It implies feeling with a person rather than feeling sorry for a person e.Self Awareness Self Management Social Competence .Greater affiliation  EQ Composition Emotional Intelligence is made up of four core skills What I See What I do Personal Competence . More EQ  Mutual beneficial relationship JPCEC – Ethics notes . provides focus for career development and positive behavioral changes.Social Awareness Relationship Management  Relevance of Emotional Intelligence Civil Services 1) Demand for improved governance 2) Increased awareness of masses 3) Widespread application of information technology 4) Issues get politicized easily and quickly 5) Inadequacy of basic necessities 6) Fast changing social structure and rules 7) Inequality.Being able to empathize and be creative in finding win-win solution 4) Performance management. Developing empathy 1) Empathy one is a feeling different from sympathy. 5) Peer relationship – Networking – using other people.Empathy appears to include matching the physiological changes of other person Developing empathy links to .Greater emotions stability . one implies pity but maintains distance from another person’s feelings.g. 2) Empathy is more of a sense that one can truly understand or imagine the depth another person’s feelings. Independent people are self-reliant in planning and making important decisions  Self Regard The ability to appreciate your perceived positive aspect and possibilities as well as to accept your negative aspect and limitations and still feel good about yourself. It is associated with the capacity to be relaxed and composed and to calmly face difficulties without getting carried away by strong emotions. JPCEC – Ethics notes .  Self Actualization The ability to realize your potential.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 20 . Emotional Intelligence and work Attitude Whether one can be viewed as an effective manager and leader 1) Job satisfaction. contributing and constructive member of your social group (Three things for people in need try to do one thing in this week). This component of EI is manifested by becoming involved in pursuit that lead to a meaningful rich and full life (How many hrs/weeks do you spend at work? With family? With friend? Alone) .Quality time. Hobbies and Interest.  Social Responsibility The ability to demonstrate that you are a cooperative. stand your ground and defend a position  Independence The ability to be self-directed and self controlled in your thinking and actions and to be free of emotional dependency. most for hobby?  Empathy The ability to understand what others might be feeling and thinking It is the ability to view the world through another person’s eyes.High EQ – Positive feeling – Higher satisfaction 2) Organizational commitment – Optimistic individuals – Higher level of commitment 3) Work family conflict – Balance family interference with work 4) Job performance – EI contribute to effective  Self awareness The ability to recognize how you’re feeling and why you are feeling that way and the impact your behavior has on others  Assertiveness The ability to clearly express your thought and feelings.  Stress Tolerance The ability to withstand adverse events and stressful situation without falling apart by actively and positively coping with stress.  Interpersonal Relation The ability to forge and maintain relationships that are mutually beneficial and marked by give and take and a sense of emotional closeness. monitoring and understanding your feelings)  Happiness The ability to feel satisfied with your life. JPCEC – Ethics notes . Impulse control entails a capacity for accepting your aggressive impulse. Impulse Control The ability to resist or delay an impulse. Happiness combines self-satisfaction.  Optimism The ability to look at the brighter side of life and to maintain a positive attitude even in the face of adversity. drive or temptation to act. Happiness is associated with a general feeling of cheerfulness and enthusiasm. It is byproduct and/or barometric indicator of your overall degree of EI and emotional functioning. to enjoy yourself and others and to have close attention to anger or frustration as it begins to build. being composed and controlling aggression.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 21 . ( next week . Optimism assumes a measure of hope in one’s approach to life. general contentment and the ability to enjoy life. hostility and irresponsible behavior. benefits and prerogatives to which citizens should (and should not) be entitled. 3) Principles on which governments and policies should be based. Solving Communal issues Attitude . guiding and informing behavior. public values are those values that provide normative consensus about : 1) The rights.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 22 . team spirit. Aptitude and Foundational values for Civil Service Adherence to high-level public service values can generate substantial public trust and confidence.  Administrator  Aptitude – Good policing. 5) Capacity to build his own strength by building the competence of his organization. 3) Aptitude implies the prediction about the individual’s future performance. Emotion .Tendency to be biased toward particular section. 2) The obligations of citizens to society. Values – are complex personal judgements based on knowledge as well as emotional reaction. correct and fundamental.   JPCEC – Ethics notes .Several values and value orientations can simultaneously exist in society. Values are essential components of organizational culture and instrumental in determining. they are oriented toward outcomes that meet local needs. 2) A good team – worker. 8) A steadily enlarging ability to deal with more problems. Attitude – Has to do with character. 1) Aptitude may be physical or mental.  Values most commonly associated with public service  1) Honesty and integrity 2) Impartiality 3) Respect for the law 4) Diligence 5) Respect for the persons 6) Accountability 7) Effectiveness and Economy 8) Responsiveness  Public Values   In Government. Aptitude – With competence Character is relatively permanent whereas aptitude can be changed and developed. which can also be considered ‘talent’.  Attributes of Good Administrator  1) Capacity to use his institutional resources. Negative attitude towards minority may influence decisions.cognitive assessments that are relatively stable and guide behavior. complex and often contradictory. Public values – Part of overall managerial philosophy. 7) Willingness to assume responsibility. Pleuralism . 4) Avoiding using power or authority for their own sake. 3) A good initiator. All can be equally valid. 2) Clarity over an organisation’s values is essential – for organizational coherence.  Aptitude (Inherent ability)  Component of competency to do a certain kind of work at certain level. 6) A good listener.  Values for Civil Service 1) Public servant’s duties today remain many. the state and one another. 2) It is a present condition that is indicative of individual’s potentialities for future. 1) Placing yourself in that person’s place. 2) It gives rise to active desire to alleviate another’s suffering. desires.) Compassion involves a sense of empathy. 2) It means serving governments of different political parties and general public equally well and in the same spirit. 1) It indicates soundness of moral principles. 3) Ability to empathize is directly dependent on your ability to feel your own feelings and identify them (In order to emphathize with others. 1) Impartiality means acting solely according to merits of case. Therefore. 2) It refers to ability to imagine oneself in another’s place and understand the other’s feelings. honesty and sincerity.  Objectivity Decisions and actions should be based on observable phenomena and should not be influenced by emotions. It does not end with pity.  Equity and Equality  1) Equality is usually taken to mean that everyone should be treated the same (due to fundamental equality of all persons). *** JPCEC – Ethics notes . we need to become aware of what we are actually feeling) Empathy – Recognized as a universal virtue. uprightness. groups can be treated differently in the application of policy or the law. Hiring. biases or personal prejudices. ideas and actions. whereas an Equity approach holds that groups and individuals should be treated according to their particular circumstances and requirements. awarding of contracts. promotions. Sympathy Empathy 1) You are sorry for them. so as to compensate for these obstacles and to produce just or fair outcomes.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 23 .  Sympathy Understanding and Sharing the feelings of others (Especially feelings of sorrow or anguish)  Empathy 1) Understanding and entering into another’s feelings. 4) Political patronage : Refers to awarding of benefits and privileges in exchange for political support. 2) Accountability is necessary to ensure integrity. 2) You don’t specifically understand what 2) Have a good sense of what they feel and they are feeling.  Impartiality  Treatment of different views or opinions equally and fairly.  Integrity  Moral Soundness. 5) Partisanship : Act of supporting a party. Undivided or unbroken completeness. It is considered in almost all major religious traditions as among the greatest of virtues. 3) Public servant should consider the best evidence – based knowledge. person or cause. 2) Implementation of decisions. 6) Political neutrality : 1) Free and frank advice to government impartially. understand their feelings to a degree. according to Equity principle.  Compassion  1) The humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it. the character of uncorrupted virtues. impartiality. 6) Acting as continuity in the administration.  Human Rights – These can be defined as. 2) Perfectionism 1) This philosophy favours promotion of excellence. They act as cornerstone of public policy around the world. 4) Inalienable 5) Equal for everyone and non-discriminatory. Public / Civil Service values and Ethics in public administration 1) Civil services acts as most important tool for governance of our country. public resources should be spent in such a way that best members of society benefit the most from expenditure. 4) Theory of justice . Need of services throughout the country. (Intuition – Instinctive knowing without the use of rational processes) In case of conflicting situation administrator chooses an alternative by intuition. 4) Scope of administrative and managerial capacity of services. Features of Human Rights - 1) Universal (Everywhere applicable) 2) Egalitarian (same for everyone) 3) May exist as natural rights or legal rights. 2) Public Servants play a vital role in sustaining India’s democratic institutions and fostering economic prosperity and social well being. 3) Efficient public service delivery system. responsiveness and accountability. 3) Utilitarianism- Public policy should make maximum good outcomes even at the cost of few worse-off.John Rawls These principles provide ethical framework for determination of public interest. Public servants are expected to maintain standards of professionalism.  Philosophies of Public Interest 1) Intuitionist Philosophy : 1) This philosophy does not provide any guideline for action. It advocated excellence at the expense of social equality. Public servants should build trust and assure public in their decision - making process. 5) Necessity of non-partisanship in case of political instability and uncertainties. This philosophy tries to justify our earlier existing practices. 2) Need of effective coordination between different institutions of governance. inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is human being. Importance of Ethics in Public administration : 1) Effective policy making and regulation. According to this philosophy.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 24 . efficiency. JPCEC – Ethics notes . Elements of framework for Ethical behavior in administration – 1) Acting in public interest. especially when such circumstances give rise to conflict of interest. It advocates. mostly in difficult and important contexts. or produce adverse unplanned consequences in a given situation. Public interest is central to policy decisions and debates.  Egalitarianism (Equalitarianism) This doctrine advocates equality of mankind. 1) Removal of economic inequalities. Many controversies occur because of divergent beliefs about what is right and what is wrong. moral values and beliefs. ‘Right versus Right’ ethical dilemmas. 1) Ethical dilemmas can arise. It desires political and economic and social equality.Shrikrishna Panchal Page 25 .g. economic. cultural or personal upbringing . Promotion to equal opportunity might result in conflicts among values like efficiency. 3) Mechanism for enforcement for ethical codes. merit.  Value conflicts : 1) It occurs when there is disagreement between strong personal beliefs with organizational values.  Ethical Dilemmas : 1) It needs a choice among various principles. 2) Personal self-interest should be secondary to common good in all situations. individual achievement. Public interest refers to general well-being and welfare of people. Many policy decisions thus are in between competing values. 4) Ethical standards are not codified. 2) Codification of ethical norms and practices. 2) Ethical dilemmas mostly arise when specific instructions conflict. JPCEC – Ethics notes . Conjoint Ethical Dilemmas : Arise when decision-maker is exposed to a combination of the above-indicated ethical dilemmas. e. when two equally striking options are justified as ‘right’ in certain situations. 3) People should have same political. 4) Norms for qualifying and disqualifying a public functionary from office. 3) Ethical dilemma arises when one has to choose between ethical values and rules in order to determine the right thing to do. Categories : ‘Personal cost’ ethical dilemmas – Arise from situations in which compliance with ethical conduct results in a significant personal cost. social rights. And there is always disagreements about proper behaviour. 5) Disclosing personal interest to avoid conflict between public interest and personal gain. They arise from situations of two or more conflicting sets of valid ethical values. so there are always chances that dilemma arises. In ethical dilemma right or wrong is not clearly identifiable. 3) Ethical dilemmas are likely to occur when individual tries to choose options among defined sets of principles. 2) The differences may be religious. 2) Decentralisation of power. In case of failure to take decision it reflects indeterminancy and state of confusion. 2) Accountability is important in evaluating ongoing effectiveness of public officials.Rule of law .Integrity (Professional) .Shrikrishna Panchal Page 26 . 3) Accountability ensures that officials are performing to their full potential. 5) Common ethical dilemmas for public servants – 1) Corruption 2) Administrative secrecy 3) Public accountability 4) Policy dilemmas 5) Administrative discretion 6) Information leaks  Accountability : It means official are responsible and answerable for their actions & decisions and there is liability to give satisfactory account of exercise. 4) Accountability is important in good governance.Responsiveness to society 3) Law establishes the minimum standard for morality. . In case of failure there can follow some kind of punishment. 5) Control must not in the least be inhibitive of managerial initiative and risk taking – Qualities which are vital for growth and development. Administration should facilitate access to services and create an enabling environment for sustainable human and social development. provide quality services and increases confidence in government. being responsive. *** JPCEC – Ethics notes . 4) Responsiveness entails that public institutions be responsive to society and pay attention to needs and demands of people. 1) Strength of accountability and transparency is expressed by its efficiencies and effectiveness.Accountability . Resolving ethical dilemma in administration – 1) Ethical dilemma presents a difficult situation with mutually exclusive alternatives and choosing one option means negating other that is equally important. 2) To resolve these dilemma an order of logical reasoning sets is proposed to integrate and rearrange the process to deal with them.
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