3954 1 Dynamic Analysis of Self Supported Steel Chimney as Per Indian Standard

April 2, 2018 | Author: Karthick Sam | Category: Structural Load, Chimney, Wound, Lift (Force), Earthquakes



ANALYSIS OF SELF SUPPORTED STEELCHIMNEY AS PER INDIAN STANDARD A thesis Submitted by Kirtikanta sahoo (210CE2262) In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Technology In Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering) Under The Guidance of Dr. Pradip Sarkar & Dr. A.V Asha Department of Civil Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela Orissa -769008, India May 2012 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROURKELA, ORISSA -769008, INDIA This is to certify that the thesis entitled, “ANALYSIS OF SELF SUPPORTED STEEL CHIMNEY AS PER INDIAN STANDARD” submitted by Kirtikanta Sahoo in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Master of Technology degree in Civil Engineering with specialization in Structural Engineering at the National Institute of Technology Rourkela is an authentic work carried out by her under our supervision and guidance. To the best of our knowledge, the matter embodied in the thesis has not been submitted to any other University/Institute for the award of any degree or diploma. Research Guide Place: Rourkela Date: Dr. Pradip Sarkar Dr. AV Asha Associate Professors Department of Civil Engineering NIT Rourkela ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS   First and foremost, praise and thanks goes to my God for the blessing that has bestowed upon me in all my endeavors. I am deeply indebted to Dr. Pradip Sarkar, Associate Professor of Structural Engineering Division, my advisor and guide, for the motivation, guidance, tutelage and patience throughout the research work. I appreciate his broad range of expertise and attention to detail, as well as the constant encouragement he has given me over the years. There is no need to mention that a big part of this thesis is the result of joint work with him, without which the completion of the work would have been impossible. I am grateful to Prof. N Roy, Head, Department of Civil Engineering for his valuable suggestions during the synopsis meeting and necessary facilities for the research work. I extend my sincere thanks to Dr. Robin Davis P the faculty members of Structural Engineering Division for their helpful comments and encouragement for this work. I am grateful for friendly atmosphere of the Structural Engineering Division and all kind and helpful professors that I have met during my course. I would like thank my parents and sister. Without their love, patience and support, I could not have completed this work. Finally, I wish to thank many friends for the encouragement during these difficult years, especially, Saine Sikta, Snehash, Avadhoot, Haran. Kirtikanta Sahoo i ABSTRACT KEYWORDS: self supporting steel chimney, dynamic wind, vortex shedding, geometry limitations, resonance, stroughal critical velocity Most of the industrial steel chimneys are tall structures with circular cross-sections. Such slender, lightly damped structures are prone to wind-exited vibration. Geometry of a self supporting steel chimney plays an important role in its structural behaviour under lateral dynamic loading. This is because geometry is primarily responsible for the stiffness parameters of the chimney. However, basic dimensions of industrial self supporting steel chimney, such as height, diameter at exit, etc., are generally derived from the associated environmental conditions. To ensure a desired failure mode design code (IS-6533: 1989 Part 2) imposes several criteria on the geometry (top-to-base diameter ratio and height-tobase diameter ratio) of steel chimneys. The objective of the present study is to justify the code criteria with regard to basic dimensions of industrial steel chimney. A total of 66 numbers self supporting steel flared unlined chimneys with different top-to-base diameter ratio and height-to-base diameter ratio were considered for this study. The thickness of the chimney was kept constant for all the cases. Maximum bending moment and stress for all the chimneys were calculated for dynamic wind load as per the procedure given in IS 6533: 1989 (Part 2) using MathCAD software. Also the results were verified with the finite element analysis using commercial software ANSYS. Basic wind speed of 210 km/h ii Maximum base moments and associated steel stresses were plotted as a function of top-to-base diameter ratio and height-to-base diameter ratio. The results obtained from this analysis do not agree with the code criteria.which corresponds to costal Orissa area is considered for these calculations. iii . .........................................6 1..............11 2..5....4................7 1............................................. Along wind effects ....................................................................... ii TABLES OF CONTENTS .................. iv LIST OF FIGURES ..........7 CHAPTER 2 LOAD EFFECTS ON STEEL CHIMNEY 2....3...6......10 2........... Methodology .....................1 1......................................8 2........................................................................................................6 1........2 1.............................................................8 2....................Overview ..................................................…10 2......2.... Static wind effects ............. Seismic effects ............. ......................... ix CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1............2..................................................... Across wind effects ................................................................................................................ Scope of Study .....Literature Review................................................................................... i ABSTRACT ............................................................TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page No...............................................................1................... Objective ... Dynamic wind effects .....................................2......................... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .........................................................................vii ABBREVIATIONS ............ Wind engineering .............................................................. Wind load calculation .................................2.......................................1...............................................1.....................2.......................................................................................................................................................................................... Organization of Thesis .................................................9 2............................................... viii NOTATIONS ..............................................................................4.....1......................................... Overview .............2.............................................................................................15 iv ...................................................................................................12 2...........3.. ...............................6.........................................4...........17 2......19 3.............. Design aspects of steel chimney ...............................20 3.....................3......6.6.. Temperature effects ..........................6..........2..................1.......3...............19 3... Design Inputs .........18 2..........3.............1......................... Other dimensions ... ASME-STS-2000 ......... Design methodology .............6......................... Summary .................................24 3.......2..... Overview .............1........................................22 3...............................................3.....24 3.6...............22 3...............................2 IS 6533(part-1):1989 ...6.................24 3.....................9.................................................7.26 3..............................1..........18 2.5.2.......................................................5.........................................................20 3................. Assumptions .............................................................2........................... Sample design calculations ...........................6.............2...................................... Mechanical aspects ..............28 v ...............................24 3.......1 IS 875(Part-3):1987 ..............................................................4 Load combinations .............................1... Determination of the height of the chimney ..................................................... Loadings and load combinations .......................16 2...................... Shear and moment...................22 3......................3.................................................................2.......................21 3............. Applicable codes for design .......................................2.................5....8.......................................... Response Spectrum method .................................27 3............................................................................................................................................ Horizontal seismic force ..... IS 6533(part-2):1989 ............................................3........................5 Permissible stress ........................................................19 3...........................5......18 CHAPTER 3 DESIGN OF STEEL CHIMNEY 3...................................................23 3.....Load combinations ........................2............................................................3.............. Structural aspects ..................................................................................1....20 3..............2.....................................21 3............................................ ..... Check for seismic force ..........52 4............48 4.48 4.......................... Wind load calculation .........1....................... Conclusions ...6........10................... Results and discussions........ Introduction...........6......................................51 4............7...........................................................................................................47 CHAPTER 4...... Summary and conclusions ......................................................................9.................6..4.......................64 vi ................................................................... Description of the selected chimney .............................................11............3............................64 5..................... Summary ......................................... Calculation of dynamic wind load .6......61 Chapter 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 5.............30 3...................................6................................... Chimney weight .....28 3.... Summary .........................................................2....................................40 3.....................8................................................................................................2............................55 4........... Design for static wind ......... Check for resonance ...... Limitations on chimney geometry .................................5............................................45 3...................................................................................3................................................EFFECTS OF GEOMETRYON THE SELF SUPORTING STEEL CHIMNEY 4.......7..................63 5...................1..7........................................... Effect of inspection manhole on the behaviour of self supporting steel Chimney ............................................ Dynamic wind load as per IS 6533(Part-2)”1989..................6.......3......................................6.........................29 3...37 3...........................................................57 4.................. Scope for future work ...........6........ ..2: Fundamental mode shape of a typical chimney as obtained from finite element analysis .................................................1: Geometrical distribution of selected chimney models ................53 Fig..........................6 Variation of bending stress as a function of geometry ...........1 Fig...........: Top deflection of the chimney without manhole ......4...4: Base moment of the chimney as a function of top to base diameter.....4.................55 Fig..........................2.........................7: Von mises stresses for chimney without manole.....60 Fig.... ..........: Comparision of fundamental mode shape obtained different analysis ..56 Fig..4....................10: Top deflection of the chimney with manhole .............4....................4..............58 Fig.............4......................8...........56 Fig....................................4............1...........1: Self supporting steel chimney .....4......61 vii ....59 Fig..14 Fig............4..............LIST OF FIGURES Title Page No Fig........................................ Von mises stresses for chimney with manole ...............3............12: Mode shape without manhole consideration ..4...54 Fig....51 Fig.............4...............1: Regimes of fluid flow across circular cylinders .....11: Mode shape without manhole consideration ........ ..59 Fig....5 Base moment of the chimney as a function of height to base diameter .9..........................................58 Fig.4....................... ABBREVIATIONS ACI American Concrete Institute ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers CICIND International Committee on Industrial Chimneys DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung IS Indian Standards GLC Ground level concentration MEF Ministry of Environment and Forest viii . NOTATIONS ENGLISH A Area of section normal to wind direction Ah Horizontal acceleration spectrum An Aerodynamic admittance at the structure’s natural frequency C Maximum permissible ground level concentration of pollutant Cd Drag coefficient Cpermissible Maximum permissible ground level concentration pollutants Ct Coefficient depending on slenderness ratio of the structure CT Coefficient depending upon slenderness ratio D Mean diameter at the chimney Dfuel Density of the fuel dm Mass of the chimney Es Modulus of elasticity of material of the structural shell F Fundamental frequency Fd Drag force Fdust= Dimensionless coefficient rate of precipatations fy Yield stress of the steel G Acceleration due to gravity H Height of the structure above the base I Importance factor K1 Probability factor (risk coefficient) ix . height and structure size factor K3 Topography factor M Estimated mass rate of emission of pollutants mk coefficient of pulsation of speed thrust Qsulphur Total quantity of the sulphur quantity Qt Quantity of the gas R Response reduction factor Re Reyonlds number Sa/g Spectral acceleration coefficient Ti The period of ith mode Ūt Mean wind speed at top of a chimney ν Coefficient which takes care of the space V Estimated volume rates of emission of total flue gases Vb Basic wind speed VB Design base shear Vz Design wind speed Wt Total weight of the structure including weight of lining and contents above the base Wfuel Weight of the fuel Z Zone factor x .K2 Terrain. 1: Self-supporting Steel Chimney (ref. Steel chimneys are ideally suited for process work where a short heat-up period and low thermal capacity are . slender and generally with circular cross-sections. steel or masonry. http://www.1 OVERVIEW Chimneys or stacks are very important industrial structures for emission of poisonous gases to a higher elevation such that the gases do not contaminate surrounding atmosphere.comdynam. such as concrete. Different construction materials.CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. steel chimneys are economical for height upto 45m. Also. These structures are tall. Fig. are used to build chimneys. 1 shows a photograph of self-supporting steel chimneys located in an industrial plant. Fig. This section presents a brief report on the literatures reviewed as part of this project. overall height. Two important IS-6533: 1989 recommended geometry limitations for designing self supporting steel chimneys are as follows: i) Minimum outside diameter of the unlined chimney at the top should be one twentieth of the height of the cylindrical portion of the chimney. the basic geometrical parameters of the steel chimney (e. etc. Although a number of literatures are available on the design and analysis of steel chimney there are only two published literature found that deals with the geometrical aspects of steel chimney.6 times the outside diameter of the chimney at top. Standards of International Committee on Industrial Chimneys CICIND 1999 (rev 1). etc. 1. ii) Minimum outside diameter of the unlined flared chimney at the base should be 1.There are many standards available for designing self supporting industrial steel chimneys: Indian Standard IS 6533: 1989 (Part-1 and Part-2).2 LITERATURE REVIEW A literature review is carried out on the design and analysis of steel chimney with special interest on the geometrical limitations. diameter at exit.) are associated with the corresponding environmental conditions. However. On top of that design code (IS-6533: 1989 Part 2) imposes several criteria on the geometry of steel chimneys to ensure a desired failure mode. This is because geometry is primarily responsible for the stiffness parameters of the chimney.. 2   . Present study attempts to justify these limitations imposed by the deign codes through finite element analyses of steel chimneys with various geometrical configurations. Geometry of a self supporting steel chimney plays an important role in its structural behaviour under lateral dynamic loading.g. experimental work to investigate the free vibration response is carried out by using two geophone sensors and experimental results are compared with analytical results. Chmielewski. mechanical dampers can reduce this cross vibrations considerably. The disparities in the codal estimates of across wind moments as well as the load factor specifications are examined in this paper through reliability approach. Gaczek and Kawecki (1996) explained about the cross-wind response of steel chimneys with spoilers. 3-start helical strake system with strakes of pitch 5D is explained in this paper. al. it is reported that the top displacement of a chimney depends on the parameter of excitation. This paper recommends that it is necessary to design for the across wind loading at certain conditions. A model is proposed to calculate maximum displacement of the chimney at top due to cross wind and the results are reported to match closely with the observed maximum top displacement. al. (1996) observed cross vibration on a steel chimney arising out of aerodynamic phenomenon. Ciesielski. et. Ciesielski. Also. 3   . (2005) studied about natural frequencies and natural modes of 250 m highmulti-flue industrial RC chimney with the flexibility of soil. (1992) gives information on vortex excitation response of towers and steel chimney due to cross wind. Flaga and Lipecki (2010) analysed the lateral response of steel and concrete chimneys of circular cross-sections due to vortex excitation. Also. A mathematical model of vortex shedding is proposed for calculating maximum displacement of the chimney at top due to vortex shedding. et.Menon and Rao (1997) reviews the international code procedures to evaluate the across wind response of RC chimneys. This paper used finite element method for analysis. et. This paper shows that specially designed turbulizers. al. The results show that the soil flexibility under the foundation influences the natural modes and natural periods of the chimney by considerable margin. It is shown that the interaction effect between the strouhal frequency and the natural frequency of the chimney should produce a new exciting frequency which is lower than the strouhal frequency. in the both along-wind and across-wind directions. Kareem and Hseih (1986) carried out the reliability analysis of concrete chimneys under wind loading.Galemann and Ruscheweyh (1992) presented the experimental work on measurements of wind induced vibrations of a steel chimney. They also gave importance to climatic 4   . Covariance integration method is used to formulate a special description of fluctuating wind load effects on chimneys. In this paper. is presented according to the probabilistic structural dynamics. Hydraulic automotive shockabsorber to prevent vortex-induced oscillations is also demonstrated in this paper. Kawecki and Zuranski (2007) measured the damping properties of the steel chimney due to cross-wind vibrations and also compared different approaches to the calculation of relative amplitude of vibration at small scruton number. parameters reflecting wind-structure interactions and structural properties. Excessive deflection at the top of the chimney and exceedence of the ultimate moment capacity of the chimney cross-section at any level were taken as failure criterion. The analysis considered cross-wind oscillations of steel stacks of given structural data (such as natural frequencies and log decrements). the aerodynamic admission function has been developed from the vertical coherence of the wind speed as well as from the dynamic response directly. Formulation for wind-induced load effects. These random variables are divided into three categories such as. Load effects and structural resistance parameters are treated as random variables. safety criteria are taken into consideration. Hirsch and Ruscheweyh (1975) also analysed a steel chimney which is collapsed due to windinduced vibrations. wind environment and meteorological data. For the along-wind vibration. et. it is concluded from full-scale experiments that the system damping level can be increased by a factor of up to 3. et. Based on experiments. crack pattern and failure mode. Ogendo. A 3D finite element non-linear analysis is carried out incorporating cracking and crushing phenomena to obtain lateral displacements. Wilson (2003) conducted experimental program to show the earthquake response of tall reinforced concrete chimney. 5   . (1983) presented a theoretical analysis that shows that for a large class of steel chimney designs a resilient damping layer at the base can help to achieve a sufficiently high overall damping level to inhibit significant vortex-induced vibrations.conditions during vibrations. A non-linear dynamic analysis procedure is developed to evaluate the inelastic response of tall concrete chimney subjected to earthquake excitation. They also presented better description of cross-wind vibrations according to the Eurocode and CICIND model code. Chimneys are modelled according to the Vickery-Basu model. Verboom and Koten (2010) shows that the design rules for cross-wind vibrations for steel chimney given by DIN 4133 and CICIND model code can differ by a factor 6 or more in terms of stress. This paper formulates a design rule that computes more accurately the stresses in industrial chimneys due to vortex excitation. (2006) discusses about the seismic behaviour of an unreinforced masonry chimney. Pallares. the results encourage reliance on the development of ductility in reinforced concrete chimneys to prevent the formation of brittle failure modes. al. al. Also. Also the maximum earthquake in terms of peak ground motion that the chimney can withstand is obtained. It is shown that the results obtained from this formulation gives superior results compared to the DIN 4133 or CICIND model code. 1. etc. Soil flexibility is not considered in the present study iii) All chimneys considered here are of single-flue type iv) Uniform thickness is considered over the full height of the chimney. The literature review presented above shows that there are a number of published work on steel and concrete chimneys.3 OBJECTIVES Based on the literature review presented in the previous section the objective of the present study is defined as follows: • Assess the geometry limitations imposed by IS 6533:1989 for designing self supporting steel chimney. 6   . ACI 307. CICIND.Kiran (2001) presented design and analysis of concrete chimney in conformity with various code such as IS 4998. However. v) Only wind load and seismic load are taken into consideration for design of the chimney. It is found that majority of the research papers on chimney are concentrated on its response to vortex shedding. 1. Experimental and theoretical studies are presented on the behaviour of tall chimneys subjected to wind and seismic force.4 SCOPE i) Self-supporting flared steel chimney is considered for the present study ii) Chimneys are considered to be fixed at their support. a very less research effort is found on the geometric limitations of the design code with regard to steel chimneys. • Analyse all the selected chimney models using manual calculations (MathCAD) and finite element analysis (ANSYS). • 1. The design procedure is demonstrated through sample calculations. scope and methodology of the proposed research work are also presented in this chapter. ORGANISATION OF THE THESIS This introductory chapter (Chapter 1) presents the background and motivation behind this study followed by a brief report on the literature survey. It also describe about the nature and effects of each type of load including the calculation of the loads. The objective. Chapter 2 reviews load effects on the steel chimney as per Indian Standard.1.6 Evaluate the analysis results and verify the requirement of the geometrical limitations. • Select various chimney geometry considering and ignoring code (IS 6533:1989) limitations. Chapter 4 presents the effect of geometry on the design of self supporting steel chimney and critically evaluate the geometric limitations imposed by IS 6533:1989.5 METHODOLOGY To achieve the above objective following step-by-step procedures are followed: • Carry out literature study to find out the objectives of the project work. 7   . Chapter 5 presents the summery and conclusion obtained from the present study. Chapter 3 explains the design and analysis of steel chimney as per IS 6533: 1989 (Part 1 & 2). • Understand the design procedure of a self-supporting steel chimney as per Indian Standard IS 6533:1989. wind is considered as major source of loads. 2. Important loads that a steel chimney often experiences are wind loads. Due to this a temperature gradient with respect to ambient temperature outside is developed and hence caused for stresses in the cell.1 OVERVIEW Self supporting steel chimneys experience various loads in vertical and lateral directions. According to code provision quasi-static methods are used for evaluation of this load and recommend amplification of the normalized response of the chimney with a factor that depending on the soil and intensity of earthquake. In majority of the cases flue gases with very high temperature released inside a chimney.CHAPTER 2 LOAD EFFECTS ON STEEL CHIMNEY 2. Wind effects on chimney plays an important role on its safety as steel chimneys are generally very tall structures. imposed loads on the service platforms. This load can be 8   .2 WIND ENGINEERING For self-supporting steel chimney. loads from the attachments. and temperature loads apart from self weight. earthquake loads. This chapter describes the wind load and seismic load effects on self-supporting steel chimney. The circular cross section of the chimney subjects to aerodynamic lift under wind load. This load is normally dynamic in nature. Again seismic load is a major consideration for chimney as it is considered as natural load. Therefore. temperature effects are also important factor to be considered in the steel design of chimney. divided into two components respectively such as.1. is generated due to the following reasons: i) Gusts ii) Vortex shedding iii) Buffeting 2. In this procedure the wind pressure is determined which acts on the face of the chimney as a static wind load. a direct buffeting action is produced. Along Wind Effects Along wind effects are happened by the drag component of the wind force on the chimney. i) Along-wind effect ii) Across -wind effect The wind load exerted at any point on a chimney can be considered as the sum of quasi-static and a dynamic-load component.2. fixed to the ground. But there is a problem that wind does not blow at a fixed rate always. In many codes including IS: 6533: 1989. To estimate such type of loads it is required to model the chimney as a cantilever. equivalent static method is used for estimating these loads. When wind flows on the face of the structure. Then it is amplified using gust factor to calculate the dynamic effects. The dynamic component. which can cause oscillations of a structure. The static-load component is that force which wind will exert if it blows at a mean (time-average) steady speed and which will tend to produce a steady displacement in a structure. For evaluation of along wind loads the chimney is modelled as bluff body with turbulent wind flow. In this model the wind load is acting on the exposed face of the chimney to create predominant moments. 9   . So the corresponding loads should be dynamic in nature. Also CICIND code does not mention this effects and depends on IS 4998 (part 1): 1992 and ACI 307-95. These vortices alternatively forms lift forces and it acts in a direction perpendicular to the incident wind direction. Due to this a negative regions are formed in the wake region behind the chimney. height and structure size factor K3= topography factor 10   . For design of self supporting steel chimney. When the streamlined body causes the oncoming wind flow. But it is mentioned in IS 4998 (part 1): 1992 and ACI 307-95 which is applicable for concrete chimney only. Indian standard remain silent about it. Vz = Vb K1 K 2 K 3 (2. Chimney oscillates in a direct ion perpendicular to the wind flow due to this lift forces. Across wind effects Across wind effect is not fully solved and it is required a considerable research work on it. Generally chimney-like tall structures are considered as bluff body and oppose to a streamlines one.2.2. 2.2. This wake region produces highly turbulent region and forms high speed eddies called vortices.3 WIND LOAD CALCULATION According to IS 875 (part 3):1987 basic wind speed can be calculated. the bluff body causes the wind to separate from the body.1) Where Vz= design wind speed at any height z m/s K1= probability factor (risk coefficient) K2= terrain. These shear forces are assumed to vary sinusoidally along the circumference of the chimney cell. N Cd = Drag coefficient A = area of section normal to wind direction. Also drag force creates along-wind shear forces and bending moments.ρ a . A.U 2 (2. But they are designed for wind loads which are transmitted through the chimney cell. Fd = 12 Cd .4 STATIC WIND EFFECTS A static force called as drag force. Due to this a circumferential bending occurs and it is more significant for larger diameter chimney. shape and aspect ratio of a structure.2) Where Fd = drag force. The distribution of wind pressure depends upon the shape and direction of wind incidence. obstructs an air stream on a bluff body like chimney. m The value of drag coefficient depends on Reyonlds number. (c) Wind load on liners In both single-flue and multi-flue chimneys metal liners are being used but these are not directly contact or exposed to wind. normally the resultant force of along wind is counteracted by shear force s which is induced in the structure. (b) Circumferential bending The radial distribution of wind pressure on horizontal section depends on Re. sq. (a) Drag The drag force on a single stationary bluff body is.2. The magnitude of the force can be estimated by 11   . 5 DYNAMIC-WIND EFFECTS Wind load is a combination of steady and a fluctuating component.ρ a In the above expression (K Ū2) is quassi-static and Ū is the mean velocity. Due to turbulence effect the wind load varies in its magnitude. for small values of ρu Where K = 12 Cd . (a) Gust loading Due to fluctuations wind load is random in nature. This load can be expressed as ( F (t ) = K U + ρu ( 2 ) 2 (2. 12   .4) Where An = aerodynamic admittance at the structure’s natural frequency n. 2. (b) Aerodynamic Effects In wind engineering there is a term called “aerodynamic admittance coefficient” which depends on spatial characteristics of wind turbulence. Hz Ūt = mean wind speed at top of a chimney.considering the liner as a beam of varying moment of inertia.3) ) = K U + 2U ρu . acted upon by a transverse load at the top and deflection is calculated at the top of the cell. A. This coefficient is expressed as. at any frequency. (2. m/s Always this coefficient has to be multiplied with response of a structure due to wind loads because it allows response modification due to spatial wind-turbulence characteristics. Spatial characteristics relates to structure’s response to wind load. maximum response is obtained. When frequency of vortex shedding is close to natural frequency of a chimney (when its motion is near sinusoidal). According to practical design purpose it is divided into two forms. In the expression Cl has the time-average value rms value of the lifting force coefficient with a range of frequencies close to the natural frequency ωo of the structure. ultra-critical (Re >3× 105) and super-critical (3×105 to 3× 106). These vortices cause a pressure drop across the chimney at regular pressure intervals. but magnitude is random. Due to this change in pressure. The exciting force should be taken as. sin (2. such as (i) In sub-critical and ultra-critical Re range The frequency of lift force is regular. a lateral force perpendicular to wind direction is created. It depends on Reyonld’s number which has a range such as sub-critical (Re<3× 105).5) The response of the structure depends on the time-average energy input from the vortex shedding forces. (d) Vortex excitation The alternate shedding of vertices creates a transverse forces called as lift. 13   .(c) Vortex formation When wind flows through a circular cross section like chimney vortices are formed. if period of natural oscillation for the selfsupported chimney exceeds 0.6) According to the (IS-6533 part-2:1989). If we plot power –input density function S’l (St) against non-dimensional frequency St. the design wind load should take into 14   .Re < 5 (Regime of un-separated flow) 50 < Re ≤ 3×105 (Vortex Street changes from laminar to turbulent) 5 ≤ Re < 40 (A fixed pair of vortices in wake) 3×105 < Re < 3.ρ a . 2 Sl = ⎡⎢ 12 . .5×106 (Turbulent transition wake is narrower and disorganised) 40 ≤ Re < 150 (Vortex Street is laminar) 3. then the power spectrum of the lift-force should be expressed as. AU .Sl ' ( St ) ⎣ ⎦ (2. C L 2 ⎤⎥ .5×106 < Re (Re-establishment of turbulent vortex street) Fig. Here structure’s response depends on the power input.25 seconds. 2.1: Regimes of fluid flow across circular cylinders (ii) In super-critical Re range In this range both frequency and magnitude are random in nature. chimney is behaved like a cantilever beam with flexural deformations. For designing earthquake resistant structures. Seismic force is estimated as cyclic in nature for a short period of time.6 SEISMIC EFFECTS Due to seismic action. Analysis is carried out by following one of the methods according to the IS codal provision. For analysis purpose. bending moments. Hence ground motion is the important factor for seismic evaluation. To estimate exact future ground motion and its corresponding response of the structure. 2. When chimney subjected to cyclic loading. it depends on soil-structure interaction.consideration the dynamic effect due to pulsation of thrust caused by the wind velocity in addition to the static wind load. damping etc. 15   . the structure is called critically damped. it is necessary to evaluate the structural response to ground motion and calculate respective shear force. an additional load is acted on the chimney. friction between the particles which construct the structure. When this friction fully dissipates the structural energy during its motion. structural stiffness. It depends on the fundamental period of vibration of the chimney. Response-spectrum method (first mode) 2. yielding of the structural elements decrease the amplitude of motion of a vibrating structure and reduce to normal with corresponding to time. It is considered as vulnerable because chimney is tall and slender structure. friction at the junctions of structural elements. 1. Time-history response analysis. the friction with air. Modal-analysis technique (using response spectrum) 3. Fundamental period Horizontal seismic force Determine design shears and moments The fundamental period of the free vibration is calculated as. III. Therefore the the a conservative estimate of natural time period for this self supported steel chimney will be: Temprical = T 2 16   . 2.6.7) Where Ct = coefficient depending on slenderness ratio of the structure W t= total weight of the structure including weight of lining and contents above the base.                                           T = CT Wt . response spectrum method is used.For chimneys which are less than 90m high called as short chimney. A = area of cross-section at the base of the structural shell h = height of the structure above the base Es= modulus of elasticity of material of the structural shell g= acceleration due to gravity Stiffness of the flared chimney is approximately two times the prismatic chimney. A. II.h Es .1. Response-spectrum method This method consists of three steps such as.g (2. I. 7 SHEAR AND MOMENT Base moment and base shear can be calculated as follows h pdyn = ∫ dpdyn 0 h M dyn = ∫ x × dpdyn 0 As per IS 6533 (Part-2): 1989 Inertia force. Horizontal seismic force The horizontal seismic force (Ah) is to be calculated according to IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002 as follows: ⎡ Z ⎤ ⎡ Sa ⎤ ⎢⎣ 2 ⎥⎦ ⎢ g ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ Ah = R I (2. ξ i= (TiVb ) 1200 is the dynamic coefficient for the ith mode of vibration.6.2. 17   .2.8)  ( ) Where Z= zone factor I= importance factor R= response reduction factor.0 Sa/g= spectral acceleration coefficient for rock and soil sites 2. dm = mass of the chimney for an infinitesimal height dx at height x from the base of the chimney. dPdyn . for ith mode for an infinitesimal height dx at a height x from the base of the chimney is as follows: dPdyn = dm ×ξ i×η i ×ν Where. The ratio shall not be less than 1. Ti = the period of ith mode Vb = basic wind speed in m/s.9 SUMMERY This Chapter presents the effects of wind and seismic load on self-supporting steel chimneys. It also describes briefly the procedures to calculate static wind.8 TEMPERATURE EFFECTS The shell of the chimney should withstand the effects of thermal gradient. dynamic wind and seismic force as per Indian Standard IS 6533 (Part-2):1989. ν = coefficient which takes care of the space 2. 2. 18   . Due to thermal gradient vertical and circumferential stress are developed and this values estimated by the magnitude of the thermal gradient under steady state condition. draft calculations. Thus. broadly it can be said that a stack is sized such that it can be exhaust a given quantity of flue gases at a suitable elevation and with such a velocity that the ground level concentration (GLC) of pollutants. The sizing of stack depends upon many factors. Draft requirements 19   . 3.2.1 OVERVIEW This chapter presents procedures to design self-supported steel chimney as per Indian Standard IS 6533 (Part 1 & 2):1989 through an example calculation. construction maintenance and inspection of steel stacks.2 DESIGN ASPECTS OF STEEL CHIMNEY 3. consideration for dispersion of pollutants into atmosphere and ash disposal. after atmospheric dispersion. while the stack retains structural integrity. while handling a given quantity of flue gases. The chimney is first designed for static wind load and then the design is checked against dynamic wind load. A typical chimney to be located at coastal Odisha for an exit flue discharge of 100000 m3/s is taken for the example.1 Mechanical aspects This part covers design. possible resonance and seismic load. This also includes lining materials. the major factors which influence a stack dimensions are: i. is within the limits prescribed in pollution regulatory standards.CHAPTER 3 DESIGN OF STEEL CHIMNEY 3. 3 APPLICABLE CODES FOR DESIGN 3. 3. Te velocity of the gases III. quantity of dust data above the aggressiveness of gases.3.2 Structural aspects It covers loadings.2. Effective of insulation II. inspection.1 IS 875 (Part-3):1987 Code of practice for design loads other than earthquake for buildings and structures (wind loads). Structural considerations iv. 3. maintenance and painting of both self supporting and guyed steel stacks (with or without lining) and there supporting structures. load combinations.ii. The amount of insulation required to maintain the temperature of flue gases above he acid dew point depends upon I. In order to minimize loss of heat from a stack and to maintain the temperature of the steel shell above the acid due point level external insulations may be fitted. Environmental regulations iii. This Indian standard IS: 875 (Part-3) was adopted by bureau of Indian Standards after the draft 20   . The inlet temperature of the flue gases According to Indian standard code IS: 14164-2008. Compositions of flue gas are specific weight. industrial application and finishings of thermal insulation materials at temperatures above -800 C and up to 7500 C. code of practice deals with the material selection for selection for insulation and method of application. materials of construction. Wind loads to be considered when designing buildings. This part covers a. This includes a. structures and components. Factors to be considered while estimating the design wind speed/pressure. General design aspects covering minimum thickness of shell.2 IS 6533 (Part-1): 1989 Indian standard design and construction of steel stacks-code of practice (Mechanical aspects). rivets and welding b. 3. Estimation of draft losses. This includes a. allowable deflection. Loadings and load combinations c. d.finalized by the structural safety sectional committee had been approved by the civil engineering division council. c.3. lining and cladding. Allowable stresses. b. b. c.3 IS 6533 (Part-2): 1989 This is Indian Standard Code of practice for design and construction of steel chimneys (structural aspect). insulation. Determination of stack height based on pollution norms and dispersion of gases into the atmosphere. General requirements for materials of construction. plates. 3. It gives the basic wind speeds for various locations in India. Material of construction for bolts.3. 21   . determination of dynamic force and checking for resonance. Determination of inside diameter. scope. allowable stresses. welding. b. available draft. inspection. maintenance and protective coatings. Structural design. materials. This includes a. materials. The wind pressure varies with the height.5 DESIGN METHODOLOGY IS:6533 (Part-1 & 2): 1989. linings and coatings.5. Access and safety. diameter. dynamic responses.1 Assumptions 1. 3.inspection procedure and maintenance. location of warning lamps and the flue opening details. grouting. e.ladders. Typical ladder details.4 ASME-STS-1_2000 This standards covers many faces of the steel stack. d. Mechanical design. platforms. f.3. painters trolley.Size selection (Height. IS 875 (Part-3 & 4): 1987. applied loadings. 3. tolerances. heat losses. earthquake responses. It is zero at the ground and increase as the 22   . mathematical expressions. foundation. it outlines the considerations which must be made for the mechanical and structural design.d. prevention of excessive vibrations c. Fabrication and erection. vibration. wind responses. dynamic and seismic loads coming on the structure. types of and standards. Inspection and maintenance. 3. which gives detailed procedure to determine static. size). and IS 1893 (Part-4):2005 will be used as the basis for design. Stack test requirements. Earthquake is not likely to occur simultaneously with maximum wind or maximum flood or maximum sea waves. as it would need time to build up such amplitudes. Wind load b. Therefore resonance of the type as visualized under steady-state sinusoidal excitations will not occur. the joint efficiency for butt welds is assumed to be 0.85. In calculating the allowable stresses both tensile and bending. 4. This is applicable only for manual calculations. 3. The base of the stack is perfectly rigid and the effect of the gussets and stool plate on the deflection and the stresses in the stack is not considered. For the purpose of calculations.2 Loadings and Load Combinations The followings loads are to be estimated while designing the steel chimney a. changing in period and amplitude each lasting for a small duration. it is assumed that the static wind load (projected area multiplied by the wind pressure) is acting at the centre of pressure. 5. suitable arrangement has to be provided to absorb this movement from the duct.height increases.5. 7. Earthquake causes impulsive ground motions. For the purpose of design it is assumed the wind pressure is uniform throughout the height of the structure. There are no additional lateral movements from the duct transferred to the stack. 2. 6. Imposed load 23   . 3. which are complex and irregular in character. Earthquake load c. 6.1 Load combinations As per IS: 6533 (Part 2).333 hr s Chimney is to be located on a level ground Basic wind speed in the site is: v b := 210 The material of construction of chimney should conform to IS 2062:2006 The temperature to which the chimney shell is expected to be exposed is limited to 0 − 200 0 c The chimney site is located on Terrain Category 1 and Seismic Zone III. The supporting soil condition is Medium (Type-II) 3. Determination of the Height of the Chimney (a) Height as per Environment (protection) third amendment rules.3. Design Inputs Burner capacity of the each dryer: Qcapa 3 1 −4 m := 600 = 1.1. the following load causes are to be considered while designing the stack a. Density of the fuel: d fuel := 0. Load case 2 = Dead load + wind load (along Y direction) + Imposed load c.2. Load case 3 = Dead load + Imposed load + earthquake load 3. Load case 1 = Dead load + wind load (along X direction) + Imposed load b.778 hr s m km = 58.6 SAMPLE DESIGN CALCULATIONS 3.667 × 10 hr s Total no of dryer: n := 2 kg l Sulphur content in fuel is 4% of the total fuel weight.9 Estimated volume rates of emission of total flue gases: Vemission := 100000 m3 m3 = 27. weight of the fuel burned: W fuel := Qcapa .5.1. 2002 Considering one dryer will function at a time and the burner will run on its capacity.6.d fuel = 540 kg hr 24   . 328m ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ (b) Height as per IS 6533(Part-1):1989 Coefficient of temperature gradient of atmosphere for horizontal and vertical mixing of plume: Atropical := 280 Estimated mass rate of emission of pollutants: Q SO2 = 12 gm s Dimensionless coefficient of rate of precipitation: Fdust := 2 Maximum permissible ground level concentration pollutant: C permissible := 0. ministry of Environment and Forests: ⎛ ⎜Q SO2 H stack 1 := 14.1m = 43.3 ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ . Atomic weight of SO 2 produced from 32g of sulphur is 64g.Amount of sulphur content in fuel is 4% of the total fuel weight.5 25   mg m3 . Therefore total sulphur quantity burned: Q sulphur := 4%W fuel = 21. Quantity of sulphur dioxide is then equals to total sulphur burned: Q SO2 := 2.2 kg hr Height of stack as per environment (protection) Third Amendment Rules. Therefore the weight of SO 2 produced is double the atomic weight of sulphur burned.6 kg hr 1 mole of sulphur will react with 1 mole of O 2 to form 1 mole of SO 2 : S + O 2 = SO 2 Relative atomic weight of sulphur is 32g and that for oxygen is 16g.Q sulhur = 43.⎜ ⎜ kg ⎜1 ⎝ hr 0. 2002. IS-6533 Part-1:1989: 3 ⎤4 ⎡ ⎞ ⎛ 3 ⎥ ⎢ ⎜Q ⎟ 4 ⎢ Atropical ⎜ SO2 ⎟. Clause 7.474m ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎥ ⎢ ⎟ ⎜C ⎟⎜ ⎥ ⎢ permissible ⎜ V emission ⎟ ⎟.24. . H stack− min = 43.⎜ ⎥ ⎢ 3 mg ⎟ ⎜ m ⎟ ⎜ ⎥ ⎢ 1 1 ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ 3 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ m ⎝ ⎠⎝ s ⎠ Minimum stack height: H stack− min := 30m Height of chimney should be maximum of all the above calculated heights: ( ) Ht stack := max H stack1 .1. min := I S-6533 Part-2:1989) 26   hcy1 20 = 1.6.Estimated volume rates of emission of total flue gases: Vemission m3 m3 := 100000 = 27.⎛⎜ d assumed ⎞⎟ ⎥ ⎢ ⎜ gm ⎟ ⎝ 1m ⎠ ⎥ ⎟ ⎜1 ⎥ ⎢ ⎝ s ⎠ H stack 2 := ⎢ ⎥ .Fdust . clause 7.5m (ref.2.778 hr s Assumed diameter of the chimney at exit: d assumed := 2m Height of stack as per Clause B-1. min := Ht = 15m (ref.1m == 36.328m Height of the chimney considered: Ht := 45m 3. 8.3 Other Dimensions Height of the chimney Ht := 45m Minimum height of the flare: h flare. IS-6533 Part-2: 1989) 3 Consider the height of the flare: h flare := 15m Height of the cylindrical portion of the chimney: hcy1 := Ht − h flare = 30m Minimum outside diameter of unlined chimney at the top: d top.4. H stack 2. 6d top = 3. IS-6533 Part-1:1989) π .556 m3 s Velocity of the flue gas at exit point of chimney: VO 2 := 20 Inside diameter of the chimney: D := m s 4Q = 1.6. clause 6.5. min := 1.881m (ref.capa = 55.m3 Capacity of each exhaust fan: capa := 100000 (ref.4. input data) hr Total no of dryer : n := 2 (ref.VO 2 Consider outside diameter of the chimney at top: d top := 2m Minimum outside diameter of flared chimney at base: d base. therefore. IS 6533(Part-2):1989 (a) Dead load+ Wind load 27   . Load Combinations Reference: clauses 6.Table-1.2m Minimum thickness of the shell: Tmin := d top 500 = 4mm Consider a shell thickness: TtopA := 6mm (>5mm. Table-1. IS-6533 part-2:1989 for non-copper bearing steel and design life 20 years) Ttop := TtopA + Tce + Tci = 14mm 3. compliant) External corrosion allowance Tce := 3mm (ref. IS-6533 part-2:1989 for non-copper bearing steel and design life 20 years) Internal corrosion allowance Tci := 5mm (Ref.2. input data) Quantity of the gas Q := n.2m Consider outside diameter of the chimney at base: d base := 3. Chimney Weight Let hlevel be the distance from the top of chimney to the level considered 28   . f allowTension = 127.6.(b) Dead load + Earthquake load (c) Dead load+ Load due to lining+ Imposed load on service platforms + Wind load (d) Dead load++ Load due to lining+ Imposed load on service platforms+ Earthquake load 3. Clause: 4.6.11) Efficiency of the butt weld: efficiency: = 0.5Mpa Maximum permissible stress in shear: f allowSh := 0. Clause: 6. IS 6553(part2): 1989 as a function of: hlevel = effective height for consideration of buckling D= mean diameter of the chimney at the level considered T=thickness at the level considered Maximum permissible stress in tension: Permissible stress in tension: f allowtension := 0.5.85 Allowable tensile stress: f allowT := efficiency. f y = 100Mpa (For un-stiffen web as per Ref:-IS-800:1984. 3. Permissible Stress The material of construction of chimney should conform to IS 2062:2006 Yield stress of the steel: f y := 250Mpa The minimum permissible stress in compression due to above load combinations for circular chimney with construction material mentioned above is given in table-3.6 f y = 150Mpa (Ref: IS-800: 1984. 5 kN m3 Weight of the (platform+ access ladder+ helical strake+ rain cap + etc) is assumed to be 20% of the self weight of chimney shell.Gi =weight of the part of the chimney above the level considered Ai = area of the steel section at the level considered Mass density of the construction material used for chimney den := 78.0 (ref.1.7. the size class of the structure is considered as Class-B as per clause 5.1.0(ref. IS-873(part-3):1987 As per the input provided.3. Wind Load Calculation Considering general structure with mean probable design life of 50 years k1:=1. and other fittings.2. clause 5. the basic wind speed in the site is: v b := 210 km m = 58. IS-875 Part-3:1987) As the chimney site is located on Terrain category 1 is considered for the wind load calculation as per clauses 5. 29   .333 hr s Wind load on the chimney will be increased due to the presence of platform. IS-875 (Part-3):1987 As the chimney is 45m tall.3.5% of the wind force on the chimney shell is considered in excess to account this. ladder. IS-875 Part-3:1987) As the chimney is to be located on a level ground k3:=1.2. clause 5. 3.3. 652 MPa 30   .832MPa Axial compression stress due to platform etc: f pl1 := 0.13 + ⎥ ⎜ b ⎟⎥ top 2 50m − 30m ⎢⎣ ⎣ 35 m ⎦ ⎝ m ⎠ ⎥⎦ m 2 Ht Moment due to the wind force at base of Part-1(i.3.dtop 2TtopA 4 = 0.dh top .454MPa Z1 Axial compression stress due to self weight of the chimney shell Ht f st1 := ∫ (π d 35 m top (π d .6 ⎢ k1 ⎢1. lateral wind force ⎡ ⎡ ( h − 30m )(1.475kN P1 := ∫ o.13) ⎤ k 3. at 35m height) ⎡ ⎡ ( h − 30m ) .6.713kN M 1 := ∫ o. s ⎞ ⎤ . ⎛ v .2.18 − 1.6 ⎢ k1 ⎢1.25m to 35m.e.TtopA ) = 1. f st1 = 0. ⎛ v .d dh = 54. Part-1 Part-1 is located at a height 35m to 45m from ground. N .d (h − 5m)dh = 546. and 0 to 15m. IS-875 (Part-3):1987. N .18 − 1.den.Ttop ) . s ⎞ ⎤ . Considering K 2 factor in this height range as per table 2.8.13) ⎤ k 3. Design for Static Wind For computing wind loads and design of chimney the total height of the is divided into 4 parts:35m to 45m.366 MPa Maximum tensile stress: f t1 := f mo1 + f st1 + f pl1 = 32. (1.15m to 25m.05M 1 = 30.13 + ⎥ ⎜ b ⎟⎥ top 2 50m − 30m ⎢⎣ ⎣ 35 m ⎦ ⎝ m ⎠ ⎥⎦ m 2 Ht Section modulus (Z) of the tubular chimney section at 35m level Z1 := π .019m3 Bending stress at the extreme fibre of the chimney shell at 35m level: f mol = 1. f c1 < f allowC1 therefore.13) ⎤ k 3. s ⎞ ⎤ .10)⎤ k 3.6 ⎢ k1 ⎢1.6 ⎢k1⎢1..05P1 = 1. N .13 + ⎥ ⎜ b ⎟⎥ top 2 50m − 30m ⎢⎣ ⎣ 30 m ⎦ ⎝ m ⎠ ⎥⎦ m 2 35 m ⎡ ⎡ ( h − 20m )(1. f sh1 < f allowSh Part-2 Part-2 is located at a height 25m to 35m from ground.e.10 + ⎥ ⎜ b m ⎟⎥ m 2 top 30m − 20m ⎦ ⎝ ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎣ 25 m 2 30 m M 2a 31   . at 25m level): P2 := P1 + P2 a + P2b = 106. N .359kN P2 a := ∫ o.13 − 1.⎜⎜ 350 − ⎝ (350 − 300) Maximum shear stress: f sh1 := d top ⎞ ⎟ TtopA ⎟⎠ = 81MPa 1. ⎛ v .d dh = 26.333 Maximum permissible compressive stress at 35m level as per clause 7. at 25m height): ⎡ ⎡ (h − 20m )(.517 MPa π dtop .e. <20) d top hlevel1 := Ht − 35m = 10m d top TtopA = 333.7 of IS 6533(Part-2): 1989 (as per the input the temperature to which the chimney shell is expected to be exposed is limited to 0 − 200 0 c ) ⎛ f allowC1 := 78MPa + (87 − 78)MPa.726kN P2b := ∫ o. N .d (h − 25m)dh := ∫ o.TtopA therefore. s ⎞⎤ . Considering K 2 factor in this height range as per table 2.d dh = 25. IS-875(Part-3):1987.6 ⎢ k1 ⎢1. lateral wind force ⎡ ⎡ ( h − 30m )(1. ⎛ v .⎛ v .56kN Moment due to the wind force at base of Part-2 (i.Maximum permissible stress at 35m level: hlevel1 = 3 (i.e. 1.13 − 1.10 + ⎥ ⎜ b ⎟⎥ top 2 30m − 20m ⎢⎣ ⎣ 25 m ⎦ ⎝ m ⎠ ⎥⎦ m 2 30 m Shear force due to wind force at the base of Part-2 (i..10 ) ⎤ k 3.. s ⎞ ⎤ .18 − 1. f c 2 < f allowC 2 Maximum shear stress: f sh 2 := 1.⎡ ⎡ (h − 30m )(.188MPa Z2 Axial compression stress due to platform etc: f pl 2 := 0.2.18 − 1.226MPa π dtop .13 + ⎥ ⎜ b m ⎟⎥ m 2 top 50m − 30m ⎦ ⎝ ⎠⎦ 2 Ht M 2b := M 2 := (M 2 a + M 2b ) = 1081.dtop 2 . N .188MPa therefore.6⎢⎣k1⎢⎣1. 1.e.T2 A 32   therefore. Table-3.6kN .13)⎤ k 3. IS 6533 Part-2:1989) therefore. s ⎞⎤ .⎛ v . f st 2 = 0..T2 A 4 = 0.721MPa Maximum permissible stress at 25m level: hlevel 2 := Ht − 25m = 20m d top hlevel 2 = 10 (i.d (h − 25m)dh ∫30 m o.589 MPa Maximum tensile stress: f t 2 := f mo 2 = 45. <20) = 250 T2 A d top Maximum permissible compressive stress at 25m level as per clause 7.05. f t 2 < f allowT = 127.m Considering an improved wall thickness for this part: T2 A := TtopA + 2mm = 8mm Therefore overall wall thickness of the shell including the corrosion resistance: T2 := T2 A + Tce + Tci = 0.016m Section modulus (Z) of the tubular chimney section at 25m level: Z 2 := π .7 of IS 6533(Part-2)1989: (The temperature to which the chimney shell is expected to exposed is limited to 0 − 200 0 C ) Corresponding allowable compressive stress: f allowC 2 := 99MPa (ref.025m3 Bending stress at the extreme fibre of the chimney shell at 25m level: f mo 2 := 1.P2 = 2.05M 2 = 45. f sh 2 < f allowSh .5MPa Maximum compressive stress: f c 2 := f mo 2 + f st 2 + f pl 2 = 48. ⎛ v .10 + ⎥ ⎜ b m ⎟ ⎥ m 2 top 30m − 20m ⎦ ⎝ ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎣ 20 m M 3c ⎡ ⎡ (h − 30m )(.031m 3 33   tubular chimney section at 15m level: . 1.6 ⎢k1⎢1. s ⎞ ⎤ . 1.10 − 1. 1.e. Z 2 := Section π . N .10 )⎤ k 3.10 − 1. N . at 15m level): P3 := P2 + P3a + P3b = 155. s ⎞ ⎤ .⎛ v .13 − 1.07 ) ⎤ k 3.Part-3 Part-3 is located at a height 15m to25m from ground.m Considering an improved wall thickness for this part: T3 A := T2 A + 2mm = 10mm Therefore overall wall thickness of the shell including the corrosion resistance: T3 := T3 A + Tce + Tci = 18mm Therefore.d dh = 25. s ⎞⎤ .10 ) ⎤ k 3.13)⎤ k 3.⎛ v . Considering k 2 factor in this height range as per table 2.d (h − 15m)dh := ∫ o.13 + ⎥ ⎜ b m ⎟⎥ m 2 top 50m − 30m ⎦ ⎝ ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎣ 30 m 2 20 m 2 30 m 2 Ht M 3 := (M 3a + M 3b + M 3c ) = 2396kN . s ⎞⎤ ..13 − 1.d (h − 15m)dh := ∫ o.6 ⎢k1⎢1.6 ⎢ k1 ⎢1. N .6 ⎢ k1⎢1.d dh = 24. ⎛ v .18 − 1.6 ⎢ k1 ⎢1. IS-875(Part-3):1987..T3 A 4 modulus (Z) of the = 0. lateral wind force ⎡ ⎡ ( h − 20m )(1.10 + ⎥ ⎜ b ⎟⎥ top 2 30m − 20m 20 m ⎦ ⎝ m ⎠ ⎦⎥ m ⎣⎢ ⎣ 2 25 m ⎡ ⎡ ( h − 15m )(1.e. N . s ⎞⎤ .639kN Moment due to the wind force at base of Part-3 (i. at 15m height): M 3a ⎡ ⎡ (h − 15m )(.d (h − 15m)dh := ∫ o.037kN P3b := ∫ o.d top 2 .07 + ⎥ ⎜ b ⎟⎥ top 2 20m − 15m 15 m ⎦ ⎝ m ⎠ ⎦⎥ m ⎣⎢ ⎣ 2 20 m Shear force due to wind force at the base of Part-3(i.07 + ⎥ ⎜ b m ⎟⎥ m 2 top 20m − 15m ⎦ ⎝ ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎣ 15 m M 3b ⎡ ⎡ (h − 20m )(.07 )⎤ k 3. ⎛ v .043kN P3a := ∫ o. N . .dh + ∫ (πd (π . f sh 3 < f allowSh π dtop .601MPa therefore.Bending stress at the extreme fibre of the chimney shell at 15m level: f mo3 := 1.05.d . IS-875 (Part-3):1987.P3 = 2.(1.den.05M 3 = 80.768MPa 3A Axial compression stress due to platform etc: f pl 3 := 0.den. ⎟⎥ .079MPa therefore.T ). 2 .754 MPa Maximum tensile stress: f t 3 := f mo 3 = 80. ⎥ ⎥ dh⎥ h flare ⎝ m ⎠⎦ m ⎢⎣ ⎢⎣ 0 m ⎣ ⎢⎣ ⎦⎥ ⎥⎦ ⎥⎦ 34   .03)k 3.2. f c 3 < f allowC 3 Maximum shear stress: f sh 3 := 1.den.⎜ vb . Table-3. f st 3 = 0. Considering K 2 factor in this height range as per table 2.5MPa Maximum compressive stress: f c 3 := f mo 3 + f st 3 + f pl 3 = 84.6 ⎢k1.dh 15 m top = 3.T ) 35 m 25 m top top 25 m top .601MPa Maximum permissible stress at 15m level: hlevel 3 := Ht − 15m = 30m d top hlevel 3 = 15 (i.⎢d base − ⎢h.T3 A Part-4 Part-4 is located at a height 0 to 15m from ground. lateral wind force 2 ⎡10 m ⎡ ⎡ (d base − d top )⎤ ⎤ ⎤ s ⎞⎤ N ⎡ ⎛ P4 a := ⎢ ∫ o. <20) = 200 T3 A d top Corresponding allowable compressive stress: f allowC 3 := 112MPa (ref.Ttop ).Ttop ).e. IS 6533 Part-2:1989) therefore.dh + 35 m ∫ (πd . f t 3 < f allowT = 127.079MPa Z3 ∫ (πd Ht f st 3 := top . e. 1.hdh ⎢h.18 − 1.d .10 + ⎥⎦ ⎜⎝ b m ⎟⎠⎥ m 2 top 30m − 20m ⎣ ⎣ ⎦ 20 m M 4e ⎡ ⎡ (h − 30m )(. b base ⎥⎦ ⎝ m ⎠⎥ m 2 15m − 10m h flare ⎣ ⎣ ⎦ ⎢⎣ ⎢⎣ 10 m ⎦⎥ ⎦⎥ 15 m M 4b M 4c ⎡ ⎡ (h − 15m )(.d .13)⎤ k 3.6 ⎢k1.6 ⎢k1⎢1.097m 3 35   .hdh := ∫ o.10)⎤ k 3.07 − 1.hdh := ∫ o. m 2 15m − 10m ⎦ ⎝ ⎠⎦ ⎢⎣10 m ⎣ ⎣ ⎡ ⎡ (d base − d top )⎤ ⎤ ⎤ ⎢d base − ⎢h. 1.07 + ⎥⎦ ⎜⎝ b m ⎟⎠⎥ m 2 top 20m − 15m ⎣ ⎣ ⎦ 15 m M 4d ⎡ ⎡ (h − 20m )(. N .. Section modulus (Z) of the tubular chimney section at base (0m level): Z 4 := π .dh⎥ h flare ⎢⎣ ⎢⎣ ⎦⎥ ⎥⎦ ⎥⎦ Shear force due to wind force at the base of Part-4(i. 2 .⎛ v ..03 + k v d − ⎢ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ⎥.6 ⎢k1⎢1.07 )⎤ k 3. ⎥ ⎥. 1.2 ⎡15 m ⎡ ⎡ ( h − 10m )(1.13 − 1. . m ⎟⎥ . N . ⎟⎥ .d top 2 . s ⎞⎤ .⎛ v . := ∫ o.⎛ v .03) ⎤ ⎛ s ⎞⎤ N P4b := ⎢ ∫ o. at the base of the chimney): P4 := P3 + P4 a + P4b = 241.4kN . s ⎞⎤ .⎢d base − ⎢h.6 ⎢k1⎢1.e.(1.022kN Moment due to the wind force at base of Part-4(i.hdh := ∫ o.03)k 3. s ⎞⎤ . . N .10 − 1. 1.m Considering an improved wall thickness for this part: T4 A := T3 A + 2mm = 12mm Therefore overall wall thickness of the shell including the corrosion resistance: T4 := T4 A + Tce + Tci = 20mm Therefore. at the base of the chimney): 2 ⎡ (d base − d top )⎤ ⎤ ⎡ s ⎞⎤ N ⎡ ⎛ := ∫ o.hdh h flare ⎝ m ⎠⎦ m ⎢⎣ ⎣ ⎢⎣ 0m ⎦⎥ ⎦⎥ 10 m M 4a 2 ⎡ (d base − d top )⎤ ⎤ ⎡ ⎡ ( .03 + ⎥ k 3.6⎢k1⎢1. ⎥ ⎥.T4 A 4 = 0.d .13 + ⎥⎦ ⎜⎝ b m ⎟⎠⎥ m 2 top 50m − 30m ⎣ ⎣ ⎦ 30 m 2 20 m 2 30 m 2 Ht M 4 := (M 4 a + M 4b + M 4 c + M 4 d + M 4e ) = 5327.07 − 1.⎜ vb . .⎜ vb .03) ⎤ ⎛ s ⎞⎤ N ⎡ h − 10m )( 3 .6 ⎢k1⎢1. Table-3. <20) d level 4 d top + d base = 2.925MPa Axial compression stress due to platform etc.dh 0m 3A f st 4 =3.Ttop ) .961MPa Z4 Axial compression stress due to self-weight of chimney at base (0m level): renaming Tt := Ttop = 14 mm Ht f st 4 := ∫ (π d top .⎜⎜ 300 − d base ⎟⎟ T4 A ⎠ ⎝ = 107 MPa (300 − 250) (Ref..den.dh + 25 m (π .Ttop ) .T ) top . f t 4 < f allowT = 127.667 T4 A Corresponding allowable compressive stress: ⎛ f allowC 4 := 99 MPa + ⎞ (99 − 87 )MPa.den.d 25 m ∫ (π d .6m 2 d base = 266.Ttop ) .961 therefore.den. f st 4 = 0.2.5MPa Maximum compressive stress: f c 4 := f mo 4 + f st 4 + f pl 4 = 62.785 MPa Maximum tensile stress: f t 4 := f mo 4 = MPa57.dh + 15 m top 15 m ∫ (π d top .: f pl 4 := 0.671MPa Maximum permissible stress at base (at 0m Level): hlevel 4 := Ht − 0m = 45m Mean diameter for this part: d level 4 := hlevel 4 = 17.dh + 35 m 35 m ∫ (π d top .Ttop ) .Bending stress at the extreme fibre of the chimney shell at base (0m level): f mo 4 := 1. IS 6533 Part-2:1989) therefore.e.05M 4 = 57.308 (i.den. f c 4 < f allowC 4 36   . 593s E s . ladder. f sh 4 < f allowSh 3. 0m db + dt ⎞ .Tt ).8 − 65.181m 2 Radius of gyration of the structural shell at the base section: re := Slenderness ratio: k := 1 ⎛ d base ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ = 1.kN Modulus of elasticity of the material of structural shell: The fundamental Tn := CT .T3 = 0.131m 2⎝ 2 ⎠ Ht = 39. Check for Seismic Force Area of cross section at base of chimney shell: Abase := π .P4 = 2.T4 A therefore.6.dh 2 ⎠ Weight of the platform. E s := 200000MPa clause 14.Ws = 85. IS-1893 Part-4:2005): WT .dh + 25 m 25 mt ∫ and d t := d top (π dtop .den.0 + (73. IS-1893 Part-4:2005) Weight of the chimney shell: renaming Ht Ws := ∫ (π dtop . period of vibration (ref.d base .775 re Coefficient depending upon slenderness ratio: C T := 65.den.kN Total weight of the chimney: WT := Ws + W p = 515.den. Therefore the conservative estimate of natural time period for this chimney will be: Tn _ empirical := 37   Tn = 0.297s 2 .Maximum shear stress: f sh 4 := 1.0)(.932.40 (40 − 35) (ref.1.1 and Table-6.Tt ). clause 14.9.Tt ).dh + 15 m 15 m ⎛ ∫ ⎜⎝ π .g Stiffness of the flared chimney is approximately two times the prismatic chimney. etc. k − 35) = 73.den.05.T4 ⎟.: W p := 2.dh + 35 m 35 m ∫ d b := d base (π dtop .822. Abase .Ht = 0.098MPa π dtop . 2.381s Maximum spectral acceleration value corresponding to the above period (ref.d top .Ttop .den.T2 .h 2 dh (15m − 0m ) ⎥⎦ base Denomin ator := Deno min ator1 + Deno min ator2 + Deno min ator3 + Deno min ator4 38   .den.585kN (this value is less than the base shear obtained from the wind load) Calculation of design moment: Ht Deno min ator1 := ∫ π . table-2.h ⎤ ⎥ .(2.T3 .4.den. Clause 6.T4 .Modal analysis result (STADD-pro): Tmod al := 0.⎜⎜ ⎝ 2 ⎠⎝ g Design horizontal acceleration spectrum value: Ah := ⎛ Rf ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ I ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ = 0.131 (ref. IS 1893 Part-4:2005) (ref. IS 1893 Part-4: 2005 for design basis earthquake) Design base shear: VB := Ah . ⎢ dbase − ⎢⎣ (d − dtop ) .d top . IS 1893 Part-1:2002): S a := 1. IS 1893 Part-4:2005) (ref.3.g ) = 3.10 (ref.h 2 dh 15 m 15 m Deno min ator4 := ∫ 0 ⎡ π . clause 8.5. table-8.5. IS 1893 Part-1:2002 for zone ii) ⎛ Z ⎞ ⎛ Sa ⎜ ⎟.WT = 67. table-9.5.h 2 dh 35 m 35 m Deno min ator2 := ∫ π .4.h 2 dh 25 m 25 m Deno min ator3 := ∫ πd top .5 Response reduction factor: R f := 2 Zone factor: Z := 0.den.g (for all soil types consideration 2% damping) Importance factor for steel stack: I := 1. h 2 .d 15 m 39   Therefore safe .den.(h − 25m)dh top .05M s1 = 9.m 1.05M s 2 = 25.den.966 MPa Therefore safe Moment due to seismic force at the 25m level Ht Numerator2 a := ∫ π .d 25 m M s 2 := Numerator2 a + Numerator2b = 615.(h − 15m)dh top .(h − 25m)dh 35 m 35 m Numerator2b := ∫ π .VB . ( h − 35m ) dh 35 m Deno min ator = 175.den.den.768.h 2 .MPa Z2 f allowC 2 := 99.T2 .d top .den.Ttop .VB .Ttop .258.d top .den.T2 .VB .kN .h 2 .VB .MPa f sc1 := f smo1 + f st1 + f pl1 = 11.d top .MPa Z1 f smo1 := f alloeC1 = 81.h 2 .T3 .36.237 MPa Moment due to seismic force at the 15m level Ht Numerator3a := ∫ π .(h − 15m)dh 35 m 35 m Numerator3b := ∫ π .m Deno min ator f smo 2 := 1.d 25 m 25 m Numerator3c := ∫ π .Moment due to seismic force at the 35m level Ht M s1 := ∫ π .MPa f sc 2 := f smo 2 + f st 2 + f pl 2 = 29.Ttop .VB .h 2 .VB .kN .h 2 .(h − 15m)dh top .704. 05M s 3 = 40.Ttop .h.737 MPa Therefore safe 3.den.T4 .d 15 m 15 m Numerator4 d := ∫ 0m M s 4 := ⎡ π .dh top .25 seconds.dh (15m − 0m ) ⎥⎦ base Numerator4 a + Numerator4b + Numerator4c + Numerator4 d = 2208.M s 3 := Numerator3a + Numerator3b + Numerator3c = 1209.h 2 .05M s 4 = 24.T3 . Calculation of Dynamic Wind Load Fundamental period of vibration or the chimney: Tn _ empirical = 0.027 MPa Z4 f allowC 4 := 107.297 s As the period of natural oscillation for the self-supported chimney exceeds 0.T2 .VB .den.m Deno min ator 1.dh 35 m 35 m Numerator4b := ∫ π .h 2 .659. the design wind load should take into consideration the dynamic effect due to pulsation of thrust 40   .951MPa Therefore safe Moment due to seismic force at the base (0m level) Ht Numerator4 a := ∫ π .den.d top .VB .10.h.6.MPa f sc 4 := f smo 4 + f st 4 + f pl 4 = 28.383kN .h.h 2 .den.h ⎤ ⎥.kN .43MPa Z3 f smo3 := f allowC 3 := 112MPa f sc 3 := f smo 3 + f st 3 + f pl 3 = 44.VB .VB .d 25 m 25 m Numerator4c := ∫ π .m Deno min ator f smo 4 := 1.h 2 . ⎢ dbase − ⎢⎣ (d − dtop ) .h.dh top . 7 (ref. the ordinate.3 + (2. IS-6533 Part-2:1989 for type A location (sea coast): Calculation of deduced acceleration: 2 2 ⎡ d base − d top ⎤ ⎤ ⎡ s ⎞⎤ N ⎡ ⎛ h ⎞ ⎛ N a := ∫ ⎜ ⎟ 0.(ref.⎢k1.992 (0.(1.5 − 1. table-7.03)k 3. IS-6533 Part- 2:1989) Coefficient of dynamic influence corresponding to the above value of dynamic coefficient: E1 := 1.6. clause 8.6)dh h flare ⎦⎥ ⎥⎦ Ht ⎠ ⎝ m ⎠⎦ m ⎢⎣ ⎣ ⎢⎣ 0m ⎝ 10 m 41   .⎜ vb .(0.025 − 0. So. dc1 − 0) = 1. as per table-6.1.029) Assuming the fundamental mode shape of the chimney is represented by second degree parabola whose ordinate at the top of the chimney is unity.⎢d base − ⎢h.vb 1200m = 0. ⎥ ⎥.014 (ref. IS-6533 Part2:1989) Dynamic coefficient for the 1st mode: dc1 := Tn _ empirical .1.IS-6533 Part-2:1989) Coefficient which takes care of the space correlation of wind pulsation speed according to height and vicinity of building structures: v1 = 0.3.0) (ref.caused by the wind velocity in addition to the static wind load. clause 8. y (in m) of the mode shape at a height ‘x (in m)’ from the ground is as follows (where Ht =total height of the chimney in m): ⎛ x ⎞ y=⎜ ⎟ ⎝ Ht ⎠ 2 Coefficient of pulsation of speed thrust. ⎟⎥ . 2 .IS-6533 Part-2:1989 for 45m height and dc1 =0.3)(. table-5.3. Ttop .⎢1. 1. 03 ⎢ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ⎥.dtop .6 − ⎢h.⎢0.07. N .dh ⎛ h ⎞ ⎢ Dd := ∫ ⎜ .736 2 Deno min atorda s 42   . .0. k − 0 . .⎢1.2 2 ⎡ d b − d t ⎤⎤ ⎡ ⎡ ⎡ ( s ⎞⎤ N ⎡ 0.02.48 − 0. Ht ⎠ g 15 m ⎝ 25 m 4 ⎡ ( dbase − dtop ) .kN m factorda := Numeratorda m := 5.⎡0.07.dh Db := ∫ ⎜ ⎟ .55 − 0.⎛ v .05 ( Da + Db + Dc + Dd ) = 6.(h − 10m ) ⎤ h − 10m ). 1.(h − 40m)⎤ dh ⎛ h ⎞ N f := ∫ ⎜ ⎟ 0.6. 1 .π .6.6 − 0.10 + ⎥ ⎜ b m ⎟⎥ m 2 top ⎢ ⎥ Ht ⎠ 30m − 20m 20m ⎦ ⎝ ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎣ 20 m ⎝ 15 m ⎡ ⎡ (h − 30m)(.T3 .10 − 1. Ht ⎠ g 25 m ⎝ 35 m 4 den ⎛ h ⎞ Dc := ∫ ⎜ .d .13 − 1. .⎢⎣1.dh ⎟ .983 .d .⎢k1. 6 .⎛ v . d π − 4 base ⎟ Ht ⎠ (15m − 0m) ⎥ g ⎢⎣ 0m ⎝ ⎦ 15 m s2 Deno min atorda := 1.T2 .dtop . .6.13 + ⎥ ⎜ b m ⎟⎥ m 2 top ⎢ ⎥ 50m − 30m 20m ⎦ ⎝ ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎦ 40 m N e := 2 2 2 2 ⎡ ⎡ (h − 30m)(.13)⎤ k 3.05. 1.07)⎤ k 3.6.05. b b ⎢ ⎥ 2 ∫ ⎢ ⎥⎦ dh ⎥ 10m 15m − 10m ⎦ ⎝ m ⎠⎦ m ⎢⎣ Ht ⎠ ⎣ ⎣ ⎢⎣ h flare ⎥⎦ ⎦⎥ ⎣ 10 m ⎝ 15 m N b := ⎡ ⎡ (h − 15m)(. s ⎞⎤ .⎡0.π . Ht ⎠ g 35 m ⎝ Ht 4 den ⎛ h ⎞ . N .10)⎤ k 3.13)⎤ k 3.⎢⎣k1.04 ⎤ ⎛ ⎛ h ⎞ k v d + 3 .h ⎤⎥ .⎛ v .(h − 20m)⎤ dh ⎛ h ⎞ N d := ∫ ⎜ ⎟ 0. 1 . s ⎞⎤ .⎛ v .18 − 1. s ⎞⎤ .⎢1.⎡0.⎢k1. den .056 KN 4 den ⎛ h ⎞ Da := ∫ ⎜ .π .⎡0.18 − 1.07 + ∫ ⎥ ⎜ b m ⎟⎥ m 2 top ⎢ ⎥ Ht 20m − 15m 10m ⎠ ⎦ ⎝ ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎣ 15 m ⎝ 20 m N c := 2 2 ⎡ ⎡ (h − 20m)(. 1.⎢k1. N .(h − 20m)⎤ dh ⎛ h ⎞ ∫30m ⎜⎝ Ht ⎟⎠ 0.d .T .d .(h − 10m)⎤ dh ⎛ h ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ 0.dtop . N . s ⎞⎤ .dh ⎟ .55 − 0.13 + ⎥ ⎥ ⎜ b m ⎟⎥ m 2 top ⎢ 50m − 30m 20m Ht ⎠ ⎠⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎦ ⎝ ⎣ ⎣ 40 m ⎝ Ht 2 2 Numeratorda := N a + N b + N c + N d + N e + N f = 40. d . ∫35m ⎜⎝ top top g ⎟⎠ 1 ⎢⎢⎜⎝ Ht ⎟⎠ .dtop .783.m Check for stress at 15m level due to dynamic wind force: f dyn _ c 2 := f c 2 + M dyn 2 Z2 = 82.( h − 35m ) . ( h − 25m ) .dh   g ⎠ 25 m ⎝ ⎣⎢⎝ Ht ⎠ ⎦⎥ 35 m ⎡⎛ h ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎛ den ⎞ π .502.v1.kN . .kN ⎣ ⎦ Ht Pdyn1 := ⎡⎛ h ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎛ den ⎞ π .MPa f dyn _ allowC 1 := 1.67 MPa Therefore.533MPa f dyn _ allowC 2 := 1.v1. .dh = 242. factorda ⎥⎥.v1.( h − 25m ) . E .33. f allowC 2 = 131. . . T .732.kN d T E factor ⎢ ⎥ ⎜ ⎟ 2 1 top da ⎜ ⎟ ∫25m ⎝ g ⎠ ⎢⎣⎝ Ht ⎠ ⎥⎦ 35 m Pdyn 2 a := Shear force at the 25m level due to inertia: Pdyn 2 := Pdyn1 + Pdyn 2 a =73.E1.kN ⎣ ⎦ Ht M dyn1 := Check for stress at 35m level due to dynamic wind force: f dyn _ c1 := f c1 + M dyn1 Z1 = 45. . ⎟ . factorda ⎥.73MPa Therefore. f allowC 1 = 107.204. safe Inertia force at 25m level ⎡⎛ h ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎛ den ⎞ π .dh = 44. safe Inertia force at 15m level 43   . factorda ⎥⎥. . .605 kN ⎡⎛ h ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎛ den ⎞ M dyn 2 a := ∫ ⎜ π . T . ∫35m ⎜⎝ top top g ⎟⎠ 1 ⎢⎢⎜⎝ Ht ⎟⎠ .Inertia force at 35m level ⎡⎛ h ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎛ den ⎞ π .T2 .v1. ⎢⎜ ⎟ . d T E ∫35m ⎜⎝ top top g ⎟⎠ 1 ⎢⎢⎜⎝ Ht ⎟⎠ . . .33. .dh = 28.872.v1. d . E .dh ⎣ ⎦ Ht M dyn 2b := Total moment at 25m level due to inertia: M dyn 2 := M dyn 2 a + M dyn 2b = 849. . factorda ⎥⎥. . 321m.T2 . ⎢ dbase − base ⎢ da ⎥ 1 ∫⎜ ⎢ (15m − 0m ) ⎥⎦ 4 g ⎟⎠ 1 ⎢⎣⎜⎝ Ht ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ 0m ⎝ ⎣ 15 m M dyn 4 a := ⎡⎛ h ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎛ den ⎞ M dyn 4b := ∫ ⎜ π . ⎢⎜ ⎟ . safe Inertia force at base (0m level) ⎛ ⎡ ( d − dtop ) .h.dh = 5.E1.T . .dh g ⎠ 25 m ⎝ ⎣⎢⎝ Ht ⎠ ⎦⎥ 35 m 44   .v1. d .dh g ⎠ 25 m ⎝ ⎣⎢⎝ Ht ⎠ ⎦⎥ 35 m ⎡⎛ h ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎛ den ⎞ π . . ⎡⎛ h ⎞2 .33. ⎟ .h. ⎟ .96 MPa Therefore. ( h − 15m ) . d T E factor ⎢ ⎥.T3 .dtop . ⎟ .v .E1. factor ⎤.⎡⎛ h ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎛ den ⎞ π . den ⎞⎟ . ( h − 15m ) .h. .dh g ⎠ 15 m ⎝ ⎣⎢⎝ Ht ⎠ ⎦⎥ 25 m ⎡⎛ h ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎛ den ⎞ M dyn 3b := ∫ ⎜ π .T2 . .783MPa f dyn _ allowC 3 := 1.kN . ( h − 15m ) .h ⎤⎥ . E . factorda ⎥.dh ⎢ ⎥ ⎜ ⎟ top top da 1 ⎜ ⎟ ∫35m ⎝ g ⎠ Ht ⎝ ⎠ ⎣⎢ ⎦⎥ Ht M dyn 3c := Total moment at 15m level due to inertia: M dyn 3 := M dyn 3a + M dyn 3b + M dyn 3c = 1670.v .E1.v1. factor ⎤. .14.dtop .h ⎤⎥ . T .v1. factor .kN ⎜ ⎟ 3 1 top da ⎜ ⎟ ∫ g Ht ⎝ ⎠ ⎠ 15 m ⎝ ⎣⎢ ⎦⎥ 25 m Pdyn 3a := Shear force at the 15m level due to inertia: Pdyn 3 := Pdyn 2 + Pdyn 3a =88.kN ⎜ π .207 kN ⎡⎛ h ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎛ den ⎞ M dyn 3a := ∫ ⎜ π .dtop . factorda ⎥.E . ⎟ .T .dh g ⎠ 15 m ⎝ ⎣⎢⎝ Ht ⎠ ⎦⎥ 25 m ⎡⎛ h ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎛ den ⎞ M dyn 4 c := ∫ ⎜ π .347KN ⎛ ⎡ ( d − dtop ) .v1.76.v1. .kN ⎜ π . f allowC 3 = 148.T3 .E .dtop .E1.v1.602.m Check for stress at 15m level due to dynamic wind force: f dyn _ c 3 := f c 3 + M dyn 3 Z3 = 137. ⎢⎜ ⎟ . factorda ⎥. ⎡⎛ h ⎞2 . ⎢⎜ ⎟ .dh = 14. . factorda ⎥. ⎢ dbase − base ⎢ da ⎥ 1 ∫⎜ ⎢ (15m − 0m ) ⎥⎦ 4 g ⎟⎠ 1 ⎢⎣⎜⎝ Ht ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ 0m ⎝ ⎣ 15 m Pdyn 4 a := Shear force at the base (0m level) due to inertia: Pdyn 4 := Pdyn 3 + Pdyn 4 a =93.dh = 56. den ⎞⎟ . ⎢⎜ ⎟ . 33.(1.11.v1.vb = 65. d . .333 m (considering k2=1.6. f allowC 4 = 142.56 m s m s As the stroughal critical velocity lies within the ranges of resonance limits the chimney should be checked for the resonance: 45   .vd = 21.267 vresonance _ LL := 0. safe 3. E ..dh ⎜ ⎟ top top da 1 ⎜ ⎟ ∫35m ⎝ g ⎠ Ht ⎝ ⎠ ⎣⎢ ⎦⎥ Ht M dyn 4 d := Total moment at 15m level due to inertia: M dyn 4 := M dyn 4 a + M dyn 4b + M dyn 4 c + M dyn 4 d = 3050. IS-6533 Part- 2:1989) Basic wind velocity: vb = 58.8.18. f = 26. clause A-3.12) s Velocity (stroughal critical velocity) range for resonance: vresonance _ UL := 0. T .k 3.⎡⎛ h ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎛ den ⎞ π . factor ⎢ ⎥.297 s 1 s (ref.kN .625 m s Tn _ empirical = 0.12). Check for Resonance Fundamental period of vibration for this chimney: Tmod al = 0.274 Stroughal critical velocity: = 2. .d top .333 m s Design wind velocity: vd := k1.381s Fundamental frequency of the vibration: f := 1 Tmod al vcr := 5.276MPa f dyn _ allowC 4 := 1.h.vd = 52.33.31MPa Therefore.m Check for stress at the base (0m level) due to dynamic wind force: f dyn _ c 4 := f c 4 + M dyn 4 Z4 = 94. 808kN Static transverse moment: M st .15 m := ⎜ ⎟ .05 (ref.m 2 ⎛ π ⎞ Transverse force at resonance: Fres.kN .15m ) 2 = 2406.m ⎝ del ⎠ ⎛ π ⎞ Moment at resonance: M res. at 0m level ) 46   .5.d top .15m + M dyn.125. clause A-5.Fst .7 ) (ref.M st .089.q cr = 30.m ( Design moment due to resonance: M15m := M res. 2 s (ref. clause A-5.15 m := 0.056 Pa m 16.qcr _ stat = 27. ( Ht − 15m ) . IS-6533 Part-2:1989) Static wind load corresponding to the critical pressure: (q cr _ stat := C shape .kN . clause A-5.15m 2 + M st . clause A-5.qcr _ stat = 1.15 m = 1671. safe Check at base (i.MPa Therefore.kN .15 m := M dyn 3 = 1671.d top .15 m := ⎜ ⎟ .15 m := ( Ht − 15m ) .15 m = 1704.kN .139 pa ) (ref.m ⎛M ⎞ Check for stress at 15m level due to resonance: f15m := f st 3 + f pl 3 + ⎜⎜ 15m ⎟⎟ = 81. IS-6533 Part-2:1989) Shape factor of the chimney: (C shape := 0.m ⎝ del ⎠ Dynamic transverse moment: M dyn. IS-6533 Part-2:1989) Check at 15m level: Static transverse force: Fst .kN .Logarithmic decrement of dampening effect for unlined steel chimney: del := 0.MPa ⎝ Z3 ⎠ f allowC 3 = 112.Pa Speed thrust corresponding to critical velocity: qcr := cr 2 = 43.e. IS-6533 Part-2:1989) 2 v . m Dynamic transverse moment: M dyn.kN .0 m + M dyn.0 m ( ) 2 = 211.dh = 62.984kN Static transverse force: Fst . 47   .m ⎝ del ⎠ Dynamic transverse force: Fdyn.0 m = 187.0 m := M dyn 4 = 3050.qcr _ stat + ∫ ⎢ dbase − cr _ stat 2 2 ⎥⎦ 0m ⎢ ⎣ ⎛ π ⎞ Transverse force at resonance: Fres.475. safe SUMMARY This Chapter presents a step by step procedure for designing self supporting Steel chimney though example calculations. dynamic wind force and for possible resonance. Therefore.kN .dtop .0 m := ( Ht − 15m ) .q .m ⎛M ⎞ Check for stress at 15m level due to resonance: f 0 m := f st 4 + f pl 4 + ⎜⎜ 0 m ⎟⎟ = 56. The chimney is first designed for static wind force and then the design is checked for seismic load.0 m ) 2 = 5005kN .dtop + 2 ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ Static transverse moment: M st .kN .347.0 m := Pdyn 4 = 93.h.m ( Ht + 15m) .0 m := ⎜ ⎟ .⎡ h flare . ( dbase + dtop ) ⎤ ⎥ .0 m 2 + Fst .kN . 15 m ⎡ ( dbase − dtop ) .m ⎝ del ⎠ ⎛ π ⎞ Moment at resonance: M res.h ⎥⎤.Fst .m ( Design moment due to resonance: F0 m := Fres.qcr _ stat = 2.kN .kN .388.7.MPa 3.574MPa ⎝ Z4 ⎠ f allowC 4 = 107.0 m = 3920.0 m 2 + M st .0 m := ⎜ ⎟ .M st .m Design moment due to resonance: M 0 m := M res.0 m := ⎢( Ht − h flare ) .0 m + Fdyn. 3 presents the different chimney geometry considered for this study.2 discusses the geometry limitations recommended by IS 6533 (Part 1 & 2): 1989. Basic dimensions of a self supporting steel chimney is generally obtained from the environmental consideration. Other important geometrical considerations are limited by design code IS 6533 (Part 1 & 2): 1989 to obtained preferred mode of failure. As explained in the previous chapter the main loads to be considered during the analysis of chimneys are wind loads and seismic loads in addition to the dead loads.1 INTRODUCTION This Chapter deals with the analysis of steel chimneys. Analysis is carried out through manual calculations using MathCAD as well as finite element analysis using commercial software ANSYS. Also. Section 4. 4.  CHAPTER 4 EFFECT OF GEOMETRY ON THE DESIGN OF SELF SUPPORTING STEEL CHIMNEY 4. This chapter attempts to assess these limitations through analysis of different chimney geometries. a study is carried out to understand the chimney behaviour with inspection manhole at the lower end of the chimney.2 LIMITATIONS ON CHIMNEY GEOMETRY Steel Chimneys are cylindrical in shape for the major portion except at the bottom where the chimney is given a conical flare for better stability and for easy entrance of flue gases. The chimney is idealized as cantilever column with tubular cross section for analysis. Height of the flared portion of the chimney generally varies from one fourth to one third of the total height 48   . Section 4. Last part of this chapter presents the difference of chimney behaviour with and without the inspection manhole. As per notifications of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MEF Notification 2002). Also. height of the chimney and thickness of the chimney shell. Design forces in a chimney are very sensitive to its geometrical parameters such as base and top diameter of the chimney. inside diameter of the chimney shell at top as per IS 6533 (Part 1): 1989 is given by: 49   .3 ⎪ h = max ⎨6m + Tallest Building Height in the location ⎪30m ⎩ Where Q = total SO2 emission from the plant in kg/hr and h = height of the steel chimney in m. Height of steel chimney as per IS-6533 (Part-1): 1989 also a function of environmental condition as follows: 3 ⎡ AMFD ⎤ 4 h=⎢ ⎣ 8CV ⎥⎦ Where A = coefficient of temperature gradient of atmosphere responsible for horizontal and vertical mixing of plume M = estimated mass rate of emission of pollutants in g/s F = dimensionless coefficient of rate of precipitation C = maximum permissible ground level concentration of pollutant in mg/m3 V = estimated volume rates of emission of total flue gases. of India. Height of the chimney obtained from environmental conditions. height of a self supporting steel chimney should be as follows: ⎧14Q 0. Design codes consider two modes of failure to arrive at the thickness of chimney shell: material yielding in tension and compression and local buckling in compression. Govt.  of the chimney. m3/s D = diameter of stack at the exit of the chimney in m. height of the flare. ii) Minimum outside diameter of the unlined flared chimney at the base should be 1. under any circumstances. Qt = Quantity of the gas in m3/s. velocity may be taken as 15 – 20 m/s. With this background this paper attempts to check the basis of design code limitations with regard to the basic dimensions of a self supporting unlined flared steel chimney. 50   .  D= 4Qt πVexit Where D = inside diameter of the chimney at top in m. Because of this IS 6533 (Part 2): 1989 limits the proportions of the basic dimensions from structural engineering considerations as follows: i) Minimum outside diameter of the unlined chimney at the top should be one twentieth of the height of the cylindrical portion of the chimney. A numbers chimneys with different dimensions analysed for dynamic wind load. As per IS 6533 (Part 1): 1989. It is clear that the height of the chimney and diameter of the chimney at top is completely determined from the dispersion requirement of the flue gases in to the atmosphere. However. 30 m/s. the diameter shall be so chosen that velocity of the flue gas at exit point of chimney will not exit. and Vexit = Velocity of the flue gas at exit point of chimney in m/s. Two parameters: (i) top-to-base diameter ratio and (ii) height-to-base diameter ratio were considered for this study.6 times the outside diameter of the chimney at top. e.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE SELECTED CHIMNEYS From the discussions in the previous section it is clear that top-to-base diameter ratio and heightto-base diameter ratio are the two important parameters that define the geometry of a self supporting chimney. The shaded portion in the figure represents the region acceptable by the design code IS 6533 (Part 2): 1989.. Design code limits minimum base diameter as 1. Fig. The thickness and the diameter of flared base of the chimney were kept constant for all the cases.6 times the top diameter of the chimney. In the present study a total of 66 numbers of Chimney were selected with varying top-to-base diameter ratio and height-to-base diameter ratio.  4. minimum top diameter of the chimney should be one twentieth of the height of the cylindrical portion of the chimney. This gives maximum limit of top-to-base diameter ratio as 1 1. i.4. Fig.1: Geometrical distribution of selected chimney models 51   . as per IS 6533 (Part 2): 1989.6 = 0.1 presents the different parameters of the selected chimneys.625 . (2h 3) × (1 20) = h 30 (considering the flare height of the chimney as one third of the total height). Also. 4. 4.625). WT = Total weight of the chimney. CT = Coefficient depending upon slenderness ratio. Stiffness of the flared chimney is generally approximated as two times the prismatic chimney. Fixity at the base of the chimney is assumed for the analysis. Safe bearing capacity of the site soil at a depth 2.6 = 18.25s.75 (for a maximum top-to-base diameter ratio of 0. Es = Modulus of elasticity of the material of structural shell and Abase = Area of cross section at base of chimney shell. Assuming the fundamental mode shape of the chimney is represented by second degree parabola whose 52   .  Therefore the height-to-base diameter ratio as per the code limits to 30 1.4 DYNAMIC WIND LOAD AS PER IS 6533 (PART-2): 1989 IS 6533 (Part-2): 1989 requires design wind load to consider dynamic effect due to pulsation of thrust caused by wind velocity in addition to static wind load when the fundamental period of the chimney is less than 0. top-to-base diameter ratio is one means self-supporting chimney without flare. The chimney models were considered to be located at costal Orissa area with a basic wind speed of 210 km/h. Therefore a conservative estimate of fundamental period for flared chimney considered to be one half the period of given in the previous equation. Fundamental period of the chimney is also determined from finite element software STAAD-Pro and compared with that obtained from the empirical equation. Here. h = total height of the chimney. This figure shows that the selected chimneys cover a wide range of geometry.5m below the ground level is assumed to be 30 t/m2. The fundamental period of vibration for a self supporting chimney can be calculated as per IS-1893 Part-4:20056 as follows: T = CT WT h E s Abase g Where. 4. This figure shows that the empirical equation for fundamental mode shape is closely matching the actual mode shape. the use of this empirical equation in the present study is justified. Therefore. mass and its disposition along chimney height. So. 4.  ordinate at the top of the chimney is unity.2: Fundamental mode shape of a typical chimney as obtained from finite element analysis Fig. Dynamic effect of wind is influenced by a number of factors.3 presents the comparison of the fundamental mode shapes of a typical chimney obtained from empirical equation and Eigen value analysis. fundamental period and mode shape. Fig. 4. ⎛ x⎞ y=⎜ ⎟ ⎝h⎠ 2 This assumption holds good for the type of chimney considered in the present study. Fig. such as. 53   . Values of dynamic components of wind load should be determined for each mode of oscillation of the chimney as a system of inertia forces acting at ‘centre of mass’ location. the ordinate.2 shows the fundamental mode shape of a typical chimney as obtained Eigen value analysis using STAAD-Pro. y (in m) of the mode shape at a height 'x (in m)' from the ground is as follows (where h = total height of the chimney in m). dPdyn . for ith mode for an infinitesimal height dx at a height x from the base of the chimney is as follows: dPdyn = dm ×ξ i×η i ×ν Where dm = mass of the chimney for an infinitesimal height dx at height x from the base of the chimney. ξ i= (TiVb ) 1200 is the dynamic coefficient for the ith mode of vibration.3: Comparison of fundamental mode shape obtained different analysis As per IS 6533 (Part-2): 1989 Inertia force.2 0.  100 Height (% of total Height) 80 60 40 Emp. 4.6 Mode Shape Values 0. Ti = the period of ith mode and Vb = basic wind speed in m/s. For the first mode deduced acceleration can be as follows: 2 ⎛ x⎞ ∫0 ⎜⎝ h ⎟⎠ mk dPst h η1 = 4 ⎛ x⎞ ∫0 ⎜⎝ h ⎟⎠ dm h 54   . Equation Modal Analysis 20 0 0 0. ν = coefficient which takes care of the space correlation of wind pulsation speed. and η i = deduced acceleration in m/s2 for ith mode at height h.8 1 Fig.4 0.   Where. This figure 55   . 4. 4. mk = coefficient of pulsation of speed thrust at a height x from the base of the chimney and dPst = static wind force for an infinitesimal height dx at height x from the base of the chimney. 4.4: Base moment of the chimney as a function of top-to-base diameter ratio Fig.4 presents the bending moment at the base of the chimney for dynamic wind load as a function of top-to-base diameter ratio for different height-to-base diameter ratio.5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 66 selected chimneys with different dimensions as explained in the previous section were analysed for dynamic wind load as per IS 6533 (Part-2): 1989 using MathCAD software to calculate base shear and base moment for each chimney as follows: h Base Shear: Pdyn = ∫ dPdyn 0 h and Base Moment: M dyn = ∫ x × dPdyn 0 Fig. 5: Base moment of the chimney as a function of height-to-base diameter ratio Fig.6: Variation of bending stress as a function of geometry 56   . 4. Fig.  shows that the base moment increases with the increase of top-to-base diameter ratio almost proportionally. 4. the rate of increase in base moment is slightly less for lower value of height-to-base diameter ratio.6% as compared to the maximum stress in chimney without manhole.5 presents the base moment as a function of height-to-base diameter ratio for different topto-base diameter ratio.8 presents the same for chimney with manhole.6 for different height-to-base diameter ratio and top-to-base diameter ratio. i. are analysed using finite element software ANSYS for static wind load. one with the manhole and other without manhole. 4. 4. 4. However. This figure also shows similar results. 57   .6 EFFECT OF INSPECTION MANHOLE ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF SELF SUPPORTING STEEL CHIMNEY Manholes are generally provided at the bottom of the chimney for maintenance and inspection purpose. Maximum bending stresses in the chimney also calculated and presented in Fig. Therefore this study does not support the limitations imposed by IS 6533 (Part-2): 1989 with regard to the selection of basic dimensions of self supporting steel chimneys.. 4. Two chimney models. that base moment increases with the increase of height-to-base diameter ratio. The standard dimension of the manhole is 500mm×800mm according to Indian standard IS 6533 (Part-2):1989.e.7 presents the Von-Mises stress for chimney model without manhole whereas Fig. These results show that the maximum stress in the chimney with manhole is increased 55.  Fig. 4. Fig. These manholes are at generally located at minimum suitable distance from the base of the chimney. There is a sudden increase of the gradient of the base moment curve for height-to-base diameter ratio = 14. a typical chimney model It is clear from these figures that base moment (maximum moment) and the maximum bending stress due to dynamic wind load are continuous function of the geometry (top-to-base diameter ratio and height-to-base diameter ratio).   Fig.7: Von Mises stress for chhimney withoout manholee Fig.8: Voon Mises strress for chim mney with maan hole 58   .4.4. 4.4.  Fig.10: Top T deflectioon of the chim mney with manhole m 59   .9: Topp deflection of the chimnney without manhole Fig.   Figs. 4.9 and 4.10 present p the displacemen d nt response of the two chimneys under u static wind force. Thhese two figu ures show thhat higher deflection d is occurred at the top of the t chimney with manhole as compared d to chimneyy without maanhole. Fig. 4.11 and 4.12 presents the fundamental f l mode shappe of the twoo chimney models. m Chim mney without manhole m is found f to havve higher funndamental frequency fr coompared to the t chimneyy with manhole.. This is because chimneey without manhole m is stiffer than chhimney with manhole. Fig. 4.11: Mode M shape without mannhole considderation 60     Fig g. 4.12: Modde shape connsideration with w hole connsideration 4.7 SUMMARY Y AND CON NCLUSIONS The objeective of thiss chapter wass to check thhe basis of design d code limitations l w regard to with t the basic dim mensions of a self suppoorting unlineed flared steeel chimney.. Two param meters: (i) toop-tobase diam meter ratio and (ii) heiight-to-base diameter raatio were considered c f this studdy. A for numbers chimneys with w differennt dimensions analysedd for dynam mic wind loaad. A total of o 66 numbers self supportting steel flaared unlined chimneys were w analysed for dynam mic wind loadd due to pulsattion of thrusst caused byy wind veloccity. It is foound from thhese analysees that maxiimum moment and the max ximum bendding stress due d to dynam mic wind looad in a selff supporting steel uous functionn of the geom metry (top-tto-base diam meter ratio annd height-to-base chimney are continu m top diameter ratio). Thiss study does not supportt the IS 65333 (Part-2): 19989 criteria for minimum 61     diameter to the height ratio of the chimney and minimum base diameter to the top diameter of the chimney. Last part of this chapter presents the effect of inspection manhole on a self supporting steel chimney. This results show that manhole increases the von-mises stress resultant and top displacement in a chimney. This is because manhole reduces the effective stiffness of a chimney as evident from the modal analysis results. 62   CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 5.1. SUMMARY The main objective of the present study was to explain the importance of geometrical limitations in the design of self supported steel chimney. A detailed literature review is carried out as part of the present study on wind engineering, design and analysis of steel chimney as well as concrete chimney. Estimation of wind effects (along wind & across wind), vortex shedding, vibration analysis, and gust factor are studied. There is no published literature found on the effect of geometry on the design of self supporting steel chimney. Design of a self supporting steel chimney as per IS 6533 (Part-1 and 2): 1989 is discussed through example calculations. A study is carried out to understand the logic behind geometrical limitations given in Indian Standard IS 6533 (Part-1 and 2): 1989. The relation between geometrical parameters and corresponding moments and shear is developed by using MathCAD software. Two parameters: (i) top-to-base diameter ratio and (ii) height-to-base diameter ratio were considered for this study. A numbers chimneys with different dimensions analysed for dynamic wind load. A total of 66 numbers self supporting steel flared unlined chimneys were analysed for dynamic wind load due to pulsation of thrust caused by wind velocity. 63   5. 5. Therefore it is important to consider manhole opening in the analysis and design of self supporting steel chimney. These models are analysed by finite element software ANSYS. This is because manhole reduces the effective stiffness of a chimney as evident from the modal analysis results.2. This study does not support the IS 6533 (Part-2): 1989 criteria for minimum top diameter to the height ratio of the chimney and minimum base diameter to the top diameter of the chimney.3.This study can be further extended to guyed steel chimney as well as concrete chimney. two chimney models one with the manhole and other without manhole are taken into consideration.To explain the effect of inspection manhole on the behaviour of self supporting steel chimney. CONCLUSIONS It is found from these analyses that maximum moment and the maximum bending stress due to dynamic wind load in a self supporting steel chimney are continuous function of the geometry (top-to-base diameter ratio and height-to-base diameter ratio). ii) The present study considers only self supporting steel chimney .   64   . Inspection manhole increases the von-mises stress resultant and top displacement in a self supporting steel chimney. 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