ET7102-Microcontroller Based System Design.pdf



Valliammai Engineering College Department of EIEVALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE S.R.M. Nagar Kattankulathur-603203 Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering M.E Control and Instrumentation Question Bank SUBJECT CODE / NAME: ET7102 MICROCONTROLLER BASED SYSTEM DESIGN BRANCH : M.E. (C&I) YEAR / SEM : I / I __________________________________________________________________ UNIT-I 8051 ARCHITECTURE PART-A 1. What are the functions of the bits PSW.3 & PSW.4? (BTL-1) 2. Find the value of the PSW register after the execution of the instructions. (BTL-3) MOV A, #95 ADD A, #120 3. Assess the use of SFR in 8051. (BTL-5) 4. List all the SFRs involved in 8051. (BTL-1) 5. What are the addressing modes supported by 8051? (BTL-1) 6. Propose one instruction each using the following addressing modes. (BTL-6) Immediate Register Register indirect Direct 7. List out the instructions set available in 8051. (BTL-1) 8. Produce the result of these instructions in 8051 micro controller? (BTL-6) SETB 86H CLR 87H SETB 92H SETB 0A7H 9. Determine the Value to be loaded in TCON register to start Timer0 & (BTL-5) Timer1 10. How is the TMOD register modified to make each of the timers operate (BTL-1) as counters?. 11. Outline the role of TCON register. (BTL-2) ET 7102 Microcontroller based system Design Prepared by K.R.Ganesh AP/EIE Page 1 Ganesh AP/EIE Page 2 . 4. (7)(BTL-2) ii) Enumerate the uses of TMOD and TCON registers of 8051. In detail. i)Give the pin details of 8051 and list the features of it. i) Explain the operations of mode-1. explain the features (13)(BTL-4) available in 8051. Along with neat sketch of its functional block diagram. mode-2 and counter function of timer. (6)(BTL-1) ET 7102 Microcontroller based system Design Prepared by K. Examine which port in micro controller is bit addressable. (BTL-4) 16. (7)(BTL-1) ii)Illustrate how interrupt can be controlled in 8051. (6)(BTL-2) 5.Valliammai Engineering College Department of EIE 12. (BTL-2) PART-B 1. (7)(BTL-5) ii) Briefly discuss about the serial communication in 8051 microcontroller. If the crystal frequency is 22MHz. (BTL-5) 15. 2. Discuss about how does 8051 differentiate internal and external memory. Explain about the instructions set of 8051 with suitable examples. Explain the various addressing modes for accessing memory with (13)(BTL-5) illustrations. (BTL-2) 14. Write the application of PCON register.R. 18. Evaluate what will be the baud rate of (BTL-5) TH1=-3 TH1=-12 with SMOD= 0 & SMOD=1. (BTL-2) 17. (6)(BTL-2) 3. What is meant by the term ISR? (BTL-1) 13. Prioritize the interrupts of 8051. Also list its special function Registers. i)With neat diagram Write how interrupts are handled by 8051 with (7)(BTL-6) application example. (6)(BTL-1) ii)Discuss the role of timers in counting external event using 8051 (7)(BTL2) microcontroller in detail. What is the use of IP register? (BTL-1) 20. (13)(BTL-4) 6. 8. i)Describe the role of PCON register of 8051. ii) Compare JMP & CALL instruction available in 8051. For the SCON register. (BTL-3) 19. (6)(BTL-3) 7. summarize the interrupts of 8051. i) Discuss about external hardware interrupt in 8051. explain the function of the 8 bit. Design the memory interfacing circuit for the system keeping both the memory spaces separately ET 7102 Microcontroller based system Design Prepared by K. (13)(BTL-3) PART-C 1. explain the structure of parallel port P0 in 8051 in detail. 4.Take any popular DAC (15)(BTL-4) chip of your choice. (5)(BTL-1) ii)Explain the operation carried out when the following instructions are (8)(BTL-2) executed by 8051 (i) MOV 33H. Explain meaning of each signal . (6)(BTL-6) 12. 2.Ganesh AP/EIE Page 3 . There is a motor which generates an active low transition on each (15)(BTL-5) revolution. (6)(BTL-4) 11. #80H (iii)MOVX A. R0 (ii) MOV@R1. An 8051 based system requires 20 KB external program memory and (15)(BTL-4) 15KB of external data memory. i) Discuss in detail about memory organization in 8051 with a neat diagram.@R1 (iv) DJNZ R6. Design the interface for an 8 bit DAC to the 8051. (7)(BTL-2) ii)Differentiate various modes of serial communication in 8051. Sketch the pin details of 8051 and explain in detail. i) Compare and contrast different modes of timers in 8051. With neat diagram.Also (15)(BTL-5) indicate when a signal is input and when output? What are the signals multiplexed at the port P0? What are the signals multiplexed at the port P3. L1 where L1 is a Label 13.R. 10. 3. (13)(BTL-2) 14. Show the signals at the 8051 pins. i) Compare and contrast different modes of timers in 8051 (7)(BTL-2) ii) Explain the function of IP and IE registers of Microcontroller 8051.Valliammai Engineering College Department of EIE 9. Explain how will you use 8051 timer to find the rpm in brief. (7)(BTL-2) ii) Design interfacing circuit to interface I/O devices with Microcontroller (6)(BTL-6) 8051. i) Examine the organization of data memory in 8051 in detail. 8. Assume (BTL-3) XTAL=20MHz.A 1.R4 2. Under what conditions are the TI and RI bits raised? (BTL-1) 10. Mention the importance of RTOs for real time applications. What is the error in the following code? (BTL-3) MOV P1.#1FH ADD A.R. Write a program to add two sixteen bit numbers. (BTL-4) 18. (BTL-1) 13. and store the result in the next two locations. (BTL-1) 12. What is IP register in 8051? (BTL-1) 17. Explain PUSH and POP instruction (BTL-2) 15. Find the content of register A after the execution of the following code. 9. Discuss the significance of baud rate.R4 20. What is the result of the following code & where it is kept? (BTL-1) MOV R4. 7. (BTL-2) PART-B ET 7102 Microcontroller based system Design Prepared by K.4 . (BTL-6) 4. MOV A. Write a program to multiply two numbers stored in RAM locations 35H and (BTL-3) 36H. CY flags.Ganesh AP/EIE Page 4 .#99H CPL A 3. Write a program to generate a square of 10KHz using Timer 1.Write a program to output 00 on (BTL-3) port1 if SW=0 and output FFH on port1if SW=1.#3CH MOV R4. What is the role of watchdog timer? (BTL-1) 19.#66H ANL A.Valliammai Engineering College Department of EIE UNIT-II 8051 PROGRAMMING PART. Examine the contents of the accumulator after the execution of the (BTL-4) following program segments.#25H MOV A. Add 25H and 70H and find the contents of AC. A switch SW is connected to pin P1. State the significance of RTOS. Define task. Outline the function of SBUF register? (BTL-1) 11. (BTL-2) 14. Explain the instruction MUL available in 8051. Give the format of IE register. (BTL-2) 16.#0FH CPL P1 6. (BTL-3) CLR A ORA A. (BTL-3) 5. while creating a time delay of (3) 200ms. i)Write a program to bring in a byte of data serially one bit at a time via P1. i) Discuss in detail about the two different RTOS for 8051. ii)Distinguish types of JUMP & CALL instruction of 8051 with example. 12. (7)(BTL-6) ii) Assume that 5 BCD data items are stored in RAM locations starting at (6)(BTL-6) 40H.3. 13. ii) Describe the implementation of digital thermometer using RTOS. Describe mode-2 operation in serial data COM of 8051 with an assembly (13)(BTL-1) language program. PART-C ET 7102 Microcontroller based system Design Prepared by K. ii) Explain the interrupt structure of 8051 micro controller and how (6)(BTL-2) interrupts are prioritized. (7)(BTL-6) 6. 2.1 stop bit. Analyze the importance of the interface operations of RTOS lite along with (13)(BTL-4) its explanation. (i)Write 8051 ALP to arrange ten 8-bit data in the internal RAM stored as an (7)(BTL-6) array from the address50H in descending order. (6)(BTL-4) 8.Write a program to find sum of all the numbers. i)Write an assembly language program in 8051 to generate a delay of 10ms. (6) (BTL-2) ii) Write a program in 8051 to transfer the message HELLO serially at 9600 (7)(BTL-6) baud.8 bit data. (3) 5. 7.Valliammai Engineering College Department of EIE 1.0 (BTL-6) ii)Write a program to toggle the bits of P1. This square wave is sent to (7)(BTL-6) a receiver connected in serial form to the 8051.0592MHz. (6)(BTL-1) 11.4 by (13)(BTL-6) using timer1 overflow interrupt. 4. Analyze the importance of the interface operations of RTOS lite along with (13)(BTL-4) its explanation. (ii)Write an ALP for the conversion of analog signal into a digital value (6)(BTL-6) through successive approximation technique. i) Write 8051 assembly language program to read data from P1 when (7)(BTL-6) negative edge triggered at INT0 & supply the data to P2 by masking the upper 4 bits.R. 3. ii) Write a program in 8051 to implement the function D=B2-4*A*C. 10.Ganesh AP/EIE Page 5 . Discuss in detail about Interrupt facility and its programming technique (13)(BTL-2) using RTOS.Write an assembly language program that performs the above task.2. Write 8051 ALP to generate a square wave of 400Hz in port pinP1. i) Explain the interrupt programming available in 8051 micro controller in (7)(BTL-3) brief. 9.Assume crystal frequency to be 11. i) Write an assembly language program for 8051 to transfer letter “A” (7)(BTL-6) serially at 4800baud rate continuously. i) A square wave is being generated at pin P1. What value should be loaded into timer register so as to have a time delay of (13)(BTL-3) 5 ms? Write a program to create a pulse width of 5 ms on pin P2. (7) iii)Write a program to get a value from P1 & send the square of its value to P2 continuously. Assume all other required details. 14. Write an assembly language program for BCD to binary conversion using PIC. (BTL-5) 6. (BTL-3) 9.0=1 If on Comparing (15)(BTL-6) SBUF and R2 they are not equal and delay of 400 ms if equal 4. Differentiate indirect and bit direct addressing mode of PIC. (BTL-3) 13. Mention the few features of Harvard architecture. explain the architecture of PIC micro controller. 17. 2. Write a program to send 50 output pulses at P2. Write the benefits of having RISC architecture. Using the instruction of PIC micro controller convert BCD to hex. Discuss in detail about the function of various port pin of PIC micro (13)(BTL-2) controller. Draw the instruction pipe line & mention its significance. With a neat diagram. ET 7102 Microcontroller based system Design Prepared by K. Write any four instructions of PIC microcontroller and state in a line the (BTL-1) operation performed. Classify the addressing modes of PIC micro controller.A 1. What are the features of MP-LAB integrated development environment? (BTL-1) 12. Consider Port -0 lines connected to the switches at employees Table and port-1 to interface seven segment display. (BTL-2) 3. 3. Use three ports to output HRS. What type of architecture is there in PIC micro controller? (BTL-1) 5. UNIT-III PIC MICROCONTROLLER PART. What are modes of operation of timers in PIC micro controller? (BTL-1) 7. What are the groups of instruction set in PIC micro controller? (BTL-1) 2. 8.Valliammai Engineering College Department of EIE 1. Point out the role of I/O port of PIC. Develop a program for the complete system. (BTL-4) PART-B 1. (BTL-6) 20. (13)(BTL-3) 2. Summarize the functions of I/O port in PIC micro controller. Demonstrate the importance of RTOS for real time application. Write one example for immediate & direct addressing mode in PIC micro (BTL-3) controller. (BTL-4) 4.R. (BTL-4) 14. (BTL-3) 11. Write a C18 program to set bit RB0 and send it to RC7 after inverting it. MIN and SEC in BCD. Write a program for a delay of 1s for the port P2. The employees of the office call customers by pressing a switch on their table which increments and display the number in seven segments display. (BTL-1) 15. (BTL-4) 10.Vary the duration of (15)(BTL-6) pulse using NOP.Ganesh AP/EIE Page 6 .0. How will you toggle all the bits of Port A continuously using C18 program? (BTL-1) 18. How do you make a port as I/P & O/P port in PIC micro controller? (BTL-1) 16. An office of public service serves the customers in the sequence of their (15)(BTL-6) arrival. Point out the role of watch dog timer in PIC micro controller. (BTL-6) 19. Write a program for time of the day clock using 8051 software (15)(BTL-6) timer/counter. ii). and display the (15)(BTL-6) binary count on Port-B and Port-D continuously.)Compare the different addressing modes of PIC micro controller. With a program explain the concept of (13)(BTL-3) (i)Data conversion (ii)Data serialization PART-C 1.Assume that PORT-B has 10001001 binary as input. 14. (13)(BTL-3) 13. Write a program to (a) get the data “hello.Assembly language programming. Discuss briefly how serial interfacing is accomplished in PIC.Write a program to read the data.List and explain the hardware features of timer 1 in PIC16F877 with (6)(BTL-1) neat diagram.Valliammai Engineering College Department of EIE 3. Write a program to find y where y=x2+2x+5 and x is between 0 and 9. my fellow world citizens” from (15)(BTL-6) program ROM .R. Explain the interrupt structure of PIC16F877 indicating all the registers (13)(BTL-3) associated with the interrupts. In detail give an account on (BTL-1) ( i)Timer programming (6) (ii)RAM/ROM allocation in PIC (7) 12.Ganesh AP/EIE Page 7 . UNIT-IVPERIPHERAL OF PIC MICROCONTROLLER ET 7102 Microcontroller based system Design Prepared by K. programming. Explain in detail the instruction set of PIC microcontroller. structure and assembler (13)(BTL-6) directives of PIC. and save the result if the input is packed BCD of 00-0x99. convert it to (15)(BTL-6) ASCII. i) Write a program in PIC micro controller to multiplying ‘N’ byte (7)(BTL-6) numbers. Also (13)(BTL-4) explain how to interface it with PIC. (7)(BTL-4) ii)Explain in detail about the memory organization of PIC (6)(BTL-2) microcontroller. set the initial count to 20000.and (c)test the checksum byte for any data Error 3. i. ii) With suitable example illustrate how any one of the built of PIC is (6)(BTL-3) useful. With neat sketch explain the flash type ADC and its applications. Elaborate on the objectives. 8. (7)(BTL-6) 9. Program Timer-1 to be an event counter . Explain in detail. (13)(BTL-2) 7.(b)calculate the checksum byte . Write a program to get an 8 bit binary number from PORT-B. 4. 4. 6.Use 16 bit mode. i). (15)(BTL-6) 2. convert to ASCII and displays it in a micro controller. 11. 5. how analog interfacing with PIC can be accomplished (13)(BTL-3) using the digital I/O functions of PIC. (i)Write a note on programming PIC microcontroller using C (7)(BTL-1) (ii) Describe the role of MPLAB in PIC programming (7)(BTL-1) 10. (BTL-3) 6. With sketches. Analyze Why flash memory is mostly preferred than other memory? (BTL-4) 10. Illustrate the use of CCP module. Illustrate how is analog signal is converted into digital signal using PIC. (6) 8. 4. Discover the features of CCP module. Sketch the pins/signals used for Sensor interfacing (BTL-5) PART-B 1. (BTL-5) 13. synchronization and interfacing with (13)(BTL-5) simple output devices. (BTL-4) 8. (BTL-2) 19. Brief about flash memory. Classify the timer modes in PIC. (BTL-1) 12. (i) Write a detailed note on the FLASH & EEPROM memories. Determine the function of I/O ports in PIC. (BTL-1) 17. show the PIC interfacing with peripherals that includes (13)(BTL-2) ADCs. (BTL-4) 18. 7. List the features of USART. (i)Discuss in detail about serial I/O port expansion available in PIC (6)(BTL-2) (ii)Illustrate with suitable example. (BTL-2) 2. (i) Examine the function of ADC0804 chip.R. (7) 9. (BTL-2) 9. Summarize the special functions of PORTA. Analyze the various functions of Internal and External interrupts of (13)(BTL-4) PIC18 in detail 5. Explain I/O port addressing. What is C Compiler? (BTL-1) 16. capture and PWM module 1 & 2 of PIC (13)(BTL-5) ET 7102 Microcontroller based system Design Prepared by K. (BTL-3) 20. Elaborate on (BTL-6) (i)sensor interfacing (7) (ii) Flash memory (6) 3. Draw the bit pattern for configuring the USART. how I2C communication is carried (7) out using PIC. (BTL-5) 15. Differentiate flash memory & EEPROM. What are interrupts available in PIC micro controller? (BTL-1) 4. Elaborate the main function of I2C interface. Draw and explain compare. (BTL-2) 3.A 1. Which port will support for external interrupt in PIC? (BTL-1) 5.Ganesh AP/EIE Page 8 . Justify the role of watch Dog timer in PIC microcontroller. Draw the instruction pipeline and mention its significance.Valliammai Engineering College Department of EIE PART. What is key debouncing? (BTL-1) 11. 6. (BTL-6) 7. Discuss in detail about the following: (BTL-2) (i)DAC (3) (ii)Timers (5) (iii)Interrupt (5) 2. (BTL-3) 14. (7)(BTL-1) 2 (ii) Write a detailed note on I C bus. (6)(BTL-4) (ii)Write a short notes on ADC interfacing in PIC micro controller. timers and sensors. Identify the pins/signals used for ADC interfacing. Briefly explain the sensor interfacing using PIC micro controller. Draw and explain the architecture of on chip ADC of PIC micro (13)(BTL-5) controller in detail and write a suitable assembly language program for configuring the ADC. UNIT-V SYSTEM DESIGN – CASE STUDY PART. 11. How do control signal are applied from the microcontroller For the H.Explain the UART in PIC micro controller. (BTL-1) bridge connected to a motor. Determine the pulse width of positive going pulse to RC2/CCP1 pin of (13) (BTL-5) P1 micro controller. (i). (6) 12. (BTL-6) 8. (BTL-6) 5. (BTL-2) 2. (BTL-6) 9. 4. (BTL-4) 7.535μs and longer than 300μs. Write a program to read and display the temperature in both assembly and (15)(BTL-6) C. 10. (7)(BTL-2) (ii).R. What are the aspects taken into account while keyboard is integrated? (BTL-1) 3. Assume that OSC=4MHz and that the pulse width is less than 65. PART-C 1. Design an Interfacing circuit to interface DAC0808 with PIC (13)(BTL-6) microcontroller and draw necessary schematic diagram.1. 14. Construct a DC motor control using PWM. Give the initialization to be done while programming for LCD display. 2. Elaborate the resolution of a converter. Use (15)(BTL-6) timer3 to create Delay.Ganesh AP/EIE Page 9 . (BTL-2) 11. Write a C18 program to create frequency of 2500 Hz on pin Port-B. 13.Valliammai Engineering College Department of EIE micro controller with their associative register. Program the PIC microcontroller to monitor a switch. (BTL-1) 10. 4. and (b)Reads the data from Flash and places it in PORTB one byte at a time. Write a program to (a) write a message to flash memory starting at (15)(BTL-6) location 400H. which is connected (15)(BTL-6) to pin RD7 and send two messages to the serial port continuously when SW=0 send YES and SW=1 send YES. Propose various methods of key debouncing. Briefly explain the I2C interfacing using PIC microcontroller. 3. consider LM 34 temperature sensor.A 1. How frequency is measured using microcontroller? (BTL-2) ET 7102 Microcontroller based system Design Prepared by K. Write an assembly language program for the given specification using PIC instruction set. Compare LCD and LED display. What is meant by data acquisition system? (BTL-1) 6. Assume suitable components needed. List out the signals used in keypad interfacing. Give the gate signals for converters. Give the (13)(BTL-2) special function register involved & the corresponding waveform. (7)(BTL-2) 13. 6. (ii)Explain about PWM pulse generation using micro controller.R. (i) Draw and discuss a scheme for micro controller based standalone data (6) (BTL-2) acquisition system. Analyze how the speed of the motor is controlled if interfaced with a (13)(BTL-4) microcontroller. Explain how the gate signals (assume the switch is SCR or MOSFET) are (13)(BTL-4) generated for half bridge single phase converter. Interface a 4X4 hexadecimal keyboard with 8051 and program it to find the (13)(BTL-5) key number that is pressed in the keyboard and send the ASCII code of that key number to parallel port2 of 8051. 9. 4. Describe the following: (7)(BTL-1) (i)PIC microcontroller enabled motor control.Ganesh AP/EIE Page 10 . List the control signals for controlling AC appliances. With necessary diagram. 11. Identify the control signals for controlling DC appliances. Draw and discuss a case study scheme for microcontroller based (13)(BTL-2) multichannel data acquisition system. Mention the importance of Gate signals in interfacing a converter/inverter. (BTL-1) 13. (BTL-4) 16.Valliammai Engineering College Department of EIE 12. 8. 12. (BTL-5) PART-B 1. 7. Elaborate the following briefly: (BTL-3) (i) LCD display Interface (7) (ii)Keypad interface (6) 2. Draw the block diagram for time measurement using microcontroller. Explain the speed control of DC motor using PIC micro controller with (13)(BTL-3) suitable diagram. (i)Describe in detail about motor control using microcontroller. (i)With a neat flow chart. (7)(BTL-1) (ii)Explain the controlling of AC and DC appliances using microcontroller. (6) (BTL-1) (ii)Data Acquisition systems. (13)(BTL-2) Write an assembly language program for realizing temperature control for thermometer using PIC data acquisition system. Justify the need of controlling signals. Give the gate signals for inverters. (6)(BTL-6) (ii)With neat flowchart Write a program for micro controller to generate (7)(BTL-6) control signal for converter. ET 7102 Microcontroller based system Design Prepared by K. With a neat diagram. (BTL-1) 17. Give various blocks of Data acquisition system. Draw and explain the PIC micro controller based data acquisition system. (BTL-1) 14. (BTL-1) 15. explain how a keyboard is interfaced with 8051 and (13)(BTL-1) match an 8051 assembly language program for keyboard scanning. Perform a Case study for controlling home appliances using PIC (13)(BTL-3) microcontroller in home automation Environment. Explain the case study of generation of gating (13)(BTL-1) signals for a single phase half controlled rectifier used to control speed of a DC Motor using any one microcontroller. Analyze the importance of counter in frequency measurement. (6)(BTL-1) 3. List the features of Data acquisition system. (BTL-2) 18. write a program for keyboard interfacing for 8051. (BTL-1) 20. 5. (BTL-3) 19. 10. 14. 3. With detailed schematic design a traffic light control system using (15)(BTL-6) microcontroller 8051/ PIC Microcontroller.R. Present a case study of a washing machine control also give necessary flow (15)(BTL-5) chart and schematic. ET 7102 Microcontroller based system Design Prepared by K. Present a case study of design of water level monitoring system using (15)(BTL-5) microcontroller which monitors the water level in mining area and switches a pump to evacuate water when level reaches a particular level and raises alarm when the rate of rise of level is very high.Ganesh AP/EIE Page 11 . 4. 2. Design an interface to interface real time clock IC with microcontroller and (15)(BTL-6) discuss the challenges involved in the design.Valliammai Engineering College Department of EIE PART-C 1.
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