Estimating energy, protein & fluid requirements for adult clinical conditions

March 29, 2018 | Author: Retno Ayu Hapsari | Category: Biology, Earth & Life Sciences, Nutrition, Determinants Of Health, Wellness



Methods in Human Nutritional Assessment Estimating Daily Energy Requirements A.Prediction of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Predictive equations of BMR (kcal/day) based on body weight (in kilograms) (kg = lbs/2.205) Age (years) 0–2 3.0–9 10.0–17 18.0–29 30.0–59.9 60 & Older Males 60.9(Wt) – 54 27.7(Wt) + 495 17.5(Wt) + 651 15.3(Wt) + 679 11.6(Wt) + 879 13.5(Wt) + 487 Females 61.0(Wt) – 51 22.5(Wt) + 499 12.2(Wt) + 746 14.7(Wt) + 496 8.7(Wt) + 829 10.5(Wt) + 596 B. For Adults (>= 18 years): Multiply BMR by daily physical activity level (PAL): Total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) = (PAL)(BMR) General ranges of PALs for different lifestyles: Physical Activity Levels (PAL) Sex Males Females “Survival” 1.4 1.4 Light 1.55 1.56 Moderate 1.78 1.64 Heavy 2.10 1.82 C. Reproductive costs (Adults): 1. Pregnancy = +285 kcal/day (added to total daily energy expenditure) 2. Lactation = +500 kcal/day (added to total daily energy expenditure) 0–11.65 1.9 7.9 14.0–15.9 4.0–10.0–7.9 12.0–12.0–2.0–5.0–3.9 8. Children 10 – 17 years: TEE = (PAL)(BMR) Age (years) Males Females Energy constant (kcal/kg body weight) <1.0–4.57 1.9 1.62 1.62 1.72 1.0–6.67 1.9 15.0–9.9 103 104 104 99 95 92 88 83 77 72 PAL 10.52 103 108 102 95 92 88 83 76 69 62 .0–1.9 17.65 1.0–8.0–14.9 3.D.0–13. Estimating Energy Requirements for children and Adolescents (< 18 years).9 11.69 1.76 1.9 9.52 1.0 1.54 1.0–16. 1.9 13.9 16.60 1. Children < 10 years: TEE = (Energy constant)(Wt) 2.9 2.60 1.9 5.60 1.9 6.0–17.58 1. 9 years 5.0–13.9 years 3. 724.5 g/day.9 years 12.Estimating Recommended Protein Intake Levels (grams/day) A. Pregnancy: +6.9 years 18.9 years 14. Reproductive costs: 1.0–2.0–8.0 g/day Sources: FAO/WHO/UNU (1985) Protein and Energy Requirements. WPT James & EC Schofield (1990) Human Energy Requirements.9 months 9. Oxford University Press. Geneva: WHO . 1.0–15.0 g/day 2.90 0.9 months 6.0–1. Basic Needs: Age Recommended protein intake (g/kg/day) Combined sexes <3.9 years 2.00 1. no.00 0.9 months 1. WHO Technical Report Series.0–4.85 1.95 0.0–6.0 months 3.9 years 16.0+ years B.80 2.65 1.0–9.90 0.80 0.80 .0–11.9 years Males 10.0–11.0–17.00 0.0–5.00 Femalesa 1.20 1.9 years 7.95 0.10 1.50 1.20 1.15 1. Lactation: <6 months: +17.00 1. 6+ months: +13. walking slowly (~1.8 Heavy Very Heavy VERY VERY Heavy 10.sweeping.0 5. cooking food More intense houshold chores -. carrying a load.0 1. playing football.2 1. standing quietly Washing. laundry. walking down stairs Walking on level @3-3.6 Moderate 2. Running/jogging.5 mph) on a level surface (w/ no load) Light household chores. . washing dishes.5 mph. cutting sugar cane. kcal/day) is determined as: TEE = (PAL)(BMR) Source: James & Schofield (1990) Human Energy Requirements. cycling Running (rapidly). dressing.1 2.7 Examples Sleep Sitting quietly Visiting/talking.Estimating Daily Energy Expenditure from Time Allocation Data A. walking uphill (~2. Oxford University Press.1 6. Calculate daily Physical Activity Level (PAL) by summing PARs for all daily activities: PAL = {Σ PARi(Ti)}/24 where: PARi = Physical Activity Ratio of each activity “i” Ti = Time spent (hours) in each activity “i” C.4 1. Total energy expenditure (TEE.8 3.. Pulling a rickshaw (~400 lb load)! B.5 mph). Assign energy costs to individual daily activities Energy costs assigned as a “multiple of BMR”: Physical Activity Ratio (PAR) Physical Activity Ratio (PAR) = (Energy Cost per task)/(Basal Energy Costs) Physical Activity Ratios (PAR) for Different Work levels Activity Level Basal Light PAR 1. watching TV.. calisthenics. 3(60) + 679 = 1597 kcal/day 2.0 2.2) Standing (1.5 7.7(60) + 496 = 1378 kcal/day BMRmale = 15.58 x 1378 = 2177 kcal/day TDEEmale = 1.58 3.1) Mod work (2.0 2.4) Light-Moderate Activity (2.0 1. BMRfemale = 14.0) Sitting (1.5 5.0 PAR x Time 8.1) TOTAL Time (hrs) 8.1 10.55 37. Activity Diary: Activity Category (PAR) Sleep (1.85 Daily Physical Activity Level (PAL) = {Σ PARi(Ti)}/24 PAL = 37.58 x 1597 = 2523 kcal/day .5 6.2 2.5 24. weight (60 kg) & activity level 1.8) Heavy Exercise (5.Example: Estimating Energy Needs from Activity Recall Man & Woman: Same age (20 yr).85/24 = 1.5 7.5 0. TDEE = PAL x BMR TDEEfemale = 1.
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