ESCO - Safety Cabinet (User, Service Manual)
ESCO - Safety Cabinet (User, Service Manual)
March 17, 2018 | Author: Dodik E. Prasetyo | Category:
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Esco Controlled Environmentonment room Laboratory and Cleanroom Equipment Solutions /4'"/4*#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUTt"OJNBM$POUBJONFOU8PSLTUBUJPOTt'VNF)PPETt$MFBO#FODIFT NFOU8PSLTUBUJPOTt'VNF)PPETt$MFBO#FODIFT Class ll, Type A2 Biological Safety Cabinets User and Service Manual Thank you for purchasing this Esco Biological Safety Cabinet. Please read this manual thoroughly to familiarize yourself with the many unique features and exciting innovations we have built into your new equipment. Esco provides many other resources at our website, www.escoglobal.com, to complement this manual and help you enjoy many years of productive and safe use of your Esco products. User And Service Manual For Technical Service, contact North America Esco Technologies, Inc. 5VSOQJLF%SJWF 6OJUTt)BUCPSP 1" 64" 5PMM'SFF64"BOE$BOBEB&4$0 5FMt'BY VTFTDPHMPCBMDPNtVTB!FTDPHMPCBMDPN Rest of World Esco Micro Pte. Ltd. $IBOHJ4PVUI4USFFUt4JOHBQPSF 5FMt'BY. XXXFTDPHMPCBMDPNtNBJM!FTDPHMPCBMDPN US $ 50.00 "EEJUJPOBMNBOVBMTDBO CFQVSDIBTFEUISPVHI ZPVS&TDP%JTUSJCVUPS Esco LA2 User & Service Manual (Version 4) Released 28 July 2008 Class ll. Type A2 Biological Safety Cabinets .00 Europe € 40. Esco makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy of the information contained in this manual. Ltd. The contents and the product described in this manual (including any appendix. All rights reserved. In no event shall Esco be held liable for any damages. Sentinel™ and Labculture® are registered trademarks of Esco. direct or consequential. “Material in this manual is provided for informational purposes only. Esco reserves the right to make periodic minor design changes without obligation to notify any person or entity of such change. arising out of or related to the use of this manual. addendum. attachment or inclusion).” $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .COPYRIGHT INFORMATION © Copyright 2008 Esco Micro Pte. are subject to change without notice. The information contained in this manual and the accompanying product is copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Esco. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 2....... Basic Product Information .....................................................................................................................2 2.......................................2 Concept of Diferent Sash Window States.........................................20 3.............................................................................................................................4 Cabinet Plumbing .....................................................................................22 ........................................................................... Limitation Of Liability ...................................................................1 1................ v Introduction .................... vii 2......................3 Drain Valve Installation ................. European Union Directive on WEEE and RoHS .3 Starting The Cabinet .............1 Quick view ................................... 3 2..................................................................................4 Working In The Cabinet ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.........................12 2................... Operating Your Cabinet............ Safety Warning ................. Products Covered ................................................................................................................................................Table of Contents : i Table of Contents Warranty Terms and Conditions ...........................................2 Exhaust Collar Installation ......JUT 2..........17 3................5 Connecting The Cabinet.. viii 4................................................................ xi About Esco Biological Safety Cabinets .........................15 %JTDMBJNFS 3...........................................................................................14 $POOFDUJOHUIF%SBJO7BMWF $POOFDUJOHUIF&MFDUSJDBM4VQQMZ $POOFDUJOHUIF4FSWJDF'JYUVSF T $POOFDUJOHUPBO&YIBVTU4ZTUFN 4BGFUZBOE8BSOJOH-BCFMT 1SFMJNJOBSZ$MFBOJOH 2......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... vii 1..........................6 Performance Validation / Certification ................................................19 3...5 Working Ergonomics ..1 SentinelTM Control System Overview ..........................................................................................................................................17 3..................................................................................................................................... ix Declaration Of Conformity ......................................................... xiii User Section 1........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 4FMFDUJOHUIF*OTUBMMBUJPO-PDBUJPO 5IFGPMMPXJOHSFRVJSFNFOUTTIPVMECFUBLFOJOUPBDDPVOU 1SFQBSJOH'PS*OTUBMMBUJPO 4VQQPSU3FRVJSFNFOUT &YIBVTU3FRVJSFNFOUT &MFDUSJDBM3FRVJSFNFOUT 4FSWJDF-JOF3FRVJSFNFOUT 0QUJPOBM3FUSPmU....................................................................19 3...................................................................2 Airflow pattern ........................................................... Symbols.......................................................11 2................................................................................. viii 5............................................................................................................................... Installation ................................................................... vii 3....................................................1 Pre-requisites ........... 40 1............... 35 Log Record......................................................................1 Certification Flowchart........................................................BJOUFOBODF...............2 Airflow Adjustment ..........6 Replacement of Filters..............................................................................................49 4FUUJOH$BCJOFUUP.....................................................................................................................................PEF BOE'JOBM$IFDLJOH 1........................ Maintaining Your Cabinet .........52 1.................. 39 1...................................................................................................................................................25 4FUUJOHT $MPDL 5JNFSBOE6OJUT 4FU$MPDL 5JNF 8BSN6Q5JNFS 1PTU1VSHF5JNFS 675JNFS &915JNFS "JS7FMPDJUZ6OJU4FMFDUJPO 5FNQFSBUVSF6OJU4FMFDUJPO 29 $BMJCSBUJPO 29 "ENJOJTUSBUPS"DDFTTBOE1JO /FX"ENJO1*/ /FX'BO1*/ "'..................................53 1...............41 1.........PEF ...........................6 Cleaning And Shutting Down The Cabinet .....................................................................................................................................................................................................7 Menu Options .57 $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .............................ii : Table of Contents 3...................................9 Replacement of Sash Glass ...........................................................5 Calibration of Sentinel™ Control .......................55 1............................PEF /PSNBM.................................40 1.........................................23 3..42 1.................... Re-Certification And Maintenance By Service Personnel ................36 Service Section 1..........................................................56 1..POJUPS 3FTFU#MPXFS)PVS..................PEF 49 4FOTPS$POTUBOU5FNQFSBUVSF4FOTPS"DUJWBUJPO 8BSNJOH6QUIF4QFFE$POUSPM $BMJCSBUJOHUIF*OnPX'BJM4FU1PJOU $BMJCSBUJOHUIF*OnPX/PNJOBM4FU1PJOU $BMJCSBUJOHUIF%PXOnPX/PNJOBM4FU1PJOU EPXOnPXWFMPDJUZ 4FUUJOH$BCJOFUCBDLUP/PSNBM....10 Replacement of Flourescent Lamp and UV Lamp ....................................................................................FUFS 3FTFU67)PVS.............................8 Replacement of Airflow Sensor ..................................................FUFS 3FTFU%FGBVMU 4FUUJOHUIF.................................................................................3 Damper Adjustment ..................................4 Unit Re-certification ...................BJOUFOBODF.........PEF 4.............................7 Replacement of Blower................................................................................................................................................................................ .............. 113 Replacement Parts List (Motorized Window) ............................................... 125 ..............................99 3.....1 LA2 Engineering Details ................................................. 50/60 Hz Variant (LA2-_A1/3-M) ...................................... 65 2.. 50/60 Hz Variant (LA2-_L1/3-M) ...... AC....................................93 3........105 3........................................101 3................................................................................................................. AC...........230 V Cabinets Technical Specification Summary .........2 LA2 (A-Series) ....................................107 3............57 8BSOJOHPO'PSNBMJO&YQPTVSF $PNNPO-JTUPG&RVJQNFOU6TFE "QQSPQSJBUF1SPUFDUJWF$MPUIJOH $PNNPO"QQBSBUVT $PNNPO1SFQBSBUPSZ4UFQT %FDPOUBNJOBUJPO1SPDFTT 'PSNBMEFIZEF"NNPOJB$PNCJOBUJPO 1BSBGPSNBMEFIZEF"NNPOJVN#JDBSCPOBUF$PNCJOBUJPO $PNQMFUJPO4UFQT 7BMJEBUJPOPG%FDPOUBNJOBUJPO1SPDFEVSF 0QUJPOBM 2............................................................................................................................................. AC..4 LA2 (L-Series) Technical Specification Summary .....................................2 Operation Mode Summary .....109 3............................... 50/60 Hz Variant (LA2-_A1/3) ...9 Electrical Schematic Drawing For 110-130V............................. AC........................................ Product Specification .8 Electrical Schematic Drawing For 220-240V..........97 3...............115 V Cabinets Technical Specification Summary ............................ Further Information and Reference Materials . 95 3....103 3..98 3...........65 )BSEXBSF5SPVCMFTIPPUJOH 4PGUXBSF5SPVCMFTIPPUJOH 2...................................... Log Record ....................Table of Contents : iii 1. 50/60 Hz Variant (LA2-_L1/3) .........3 LA2 (A-Series) ....................................................................................................................................6 Electrical Schematic Drawing For 220-240V......................5 Electrical Schematic Drawing For 220-240V....................................................................................................................10 Environmental and Electrical Requirements ......... 60 Hz Variant (LA2-_A2) .......................................1 Hardware and Software Troubleshooting ...............................123 B.....................11 Decontamination Procedure.......................................................................................................................................... 117 Appendix A... AC........................................................7 Electrical Schematic Drawing For 220-240V....... Troubleshooting...........95 3.....................111 Replacement Parts List (Standard) .......................... $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . at our option. FOR PRODUCTS NOT BEING AVAILABLE FOR USE. carbon. you must file a claim directly with the freight carrier. INCLUDING. CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES. If your product was damaged in transit.escoglobal. This limited warranty covers parts only. or components not supplied by Esco Damage by fire. Esco’s limited warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship. and that all defective parts shall be returned. ULPA. . The customer agrees that in relation to these products purchased through Esco. ESCO’S LIABILITY WILL BE NO MORE THAN THE AMOUNT YOU PAID FOR THE PRODUCT THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF A CLAIM.com/warranty or complete the warranty registration form included with each product. pre-filters) and fluorescent / UV bulbs Factory installed. WILL APPLY AFTER THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD HAS EXPIRED. THIS IS THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT FOR WHICH ESCO IS RESPONSIBLE. INDIRECT. floods. and not transportation/ insurance charges.Warranty Terms and Conditions : v WARRANTY TERMS AND CONDITIONS Esco warrants that this equipment will perform according to specifications for 3 years from the date of purchase. or acts of God Customer modifications to the product √ Consumables such as filters (HEPA. abuse. provided if proven to the satisfaction of Esco that these parts were defective at the time of being sold. Esco’s liability under this limited warranty shall be. WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This limited warranty does not cover: √ Freight or installation (inside delivery handling) damage. Esco encourages all users to register their equipment online at www. ANY LIABILITY FOR THIRD-PARTY CLAIMS AGAINST YOU FOR DAMAGES. properly identified with a Return Authorization. NO WARRANTIES. improper operating environmental conditions Servicing not authorized by Esco Usage that is not in accordance with product instructions Failure to follow the product instructions Failure to perform preventive maintenance Problems caused by using accessories. our limited warranty shall not apply and the original manufacturer’s warranty shall be the sole warranty in respect of these products. OR FOR LOST WORK. customer specified equipment or accessories are warranted only to the extent guaranteed by the original manufacturer. WITHOUT LIMITATION. parts. ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES FOR THE PRODUCT. √ Products with missing or defaced serial numbers √ Products for which Esco has not received payment √ Problems that result from: ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ External causes such as accident. misuse. ESCO DOES NOT ACCEPT LIABILITY BEYOND THE REMEDIES PROVIDED FOR IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY OR FOR SPECIAL. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMITED IN TIME TO THE TERM OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. The customer shall utilise that warranty for the support of such products and in any event not look to Esco for such warranty support. to repair or replace any defective parts of the equipment. problems with electrical power. Warranty Service Contacts Toll-Free USA and Canada 888-375-ESCO Singapore: +65 6542 0833 Global Email Helpdesk:
[email protected]
/ to talk to a Live Support Representative Distributors are encouraged to visit the Distributor Intranet for self-help materials. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .escoglobal. Policy updated on 30th Jan 2007 (This limited warranty policy does not apply to products purchased before 30th Jan 2007).vi : Warranty Terms and Conditions These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore. Technical Support.com Visit http://www. the operator should be wearing a full body positive pressure isolation suit. 2. t 5IJTDBCJOFUJTTVJUBCMFGPSBHFOUTDMBTTJmFEVOEFSCJPMPHJDBMTBGFUZMFWFMT BOE t 'PSVTFPGCJPMPHJDBMTBGFUZMFWFMBHFOUTJOUIFDBCJOFU UIFBHFOUTTIPVMECFQMBDFEJOBOFHBUJWFQSFTTVSFBSFB Please note that while doing so. The A . Electrical Nominal Size 0. 7 "$ )[ -"- -"- -"- -"- 7 "$ )[ -"-. injury to operating personnel. understand and follow the instructions given in this documentation may result in damage to the unit. -"-. 2. Besides that. Failure to read. PRODUCTS COVERED This manual is applicable and specific to the following Esco products. 1Ø) are designed to comply with the European EN 12469 requirements. -"".8 meters (6’) 7 "$ )[ -"" -"" -"" -"" 7 "$ )[ -"". Note: 1. t 5IFCJPMPHJDBMTZNCPM TIPXOBMPOHTJEF POUIFGSPOUQBOFMPGUIFDBCJOFUJOEJDBUFTUIFQSFTFODFPG biological substances that pose a threat to human health. AC. -"-. t 5IFVTFPGBOZIB[BSEPVTNBUFSJBMJOUIFDBCJOFUNVTUCFNPOJUPSFECZBOJOEVTUSJBMIZHJFOJTU TBGFUZPGmDFSPS some other suitably qualified individual. 50Hz. -"-. . SAFETY WARNING t Anyone working with. 1Ø) are designed to comply with the European EN 12469 requirements. -"". -"". -"". 7 "$ )[ -"- -"- -"- -"- 7 "$ )[ -"-. -"-. -"". t &YQMPTJWFPSJOnBNNBCMFTVCTUBODFTTIPVMEOFWFSCFVTFEJOUIFDBCJOFUVOMFTTBRVBMJmFETBGFUZQSPGFTTJPOBMIBT evaluated the risk involved.9 meters (3’) 1. on or around this equipment should read this manual. 7 "$ )[ -"" -"" -"" -"" 7 "$ )[ -"". 7 "$ )[ -"" -"" -"" -"" 7 "$ )[ -"". 50Hz. t *GDIFNJDBM SBEJPMPHJDBMPSPUIFSOPONJDSPCJPMPHJDBMIB[BSETBSFCFJOHVTFEJOUIFDBCJOFU BEEJUJPOBMQSPUFDUJWF measures should be taken. the operation should be monitored by a suitably trained individual. AC. The L . and / or poor equipment performance. t"OZJOUFSOBMBEKVTUNFOU NPEJmDBUJPOPSNBJOUFOBODFUPUIJTFRVJQNFOUNVTUCFVOEFSUBLFOCZRVBMJmFETFSWJDF personnel. -"-.Series (LA2-_L1) (220-240V. -"-.2 meters (4’) 1. -"".5 meters (5’) 1. -"". -"". -"".Introduction : vii INTRODUCTION 1.Series (LA2-_A1) (220-240V. e.viii : Introduction t 5IJTDBCJOFUTIPVMEOPUCFVTFEXJUIDZUPUPYJDTVCTUBODFTVOMFTTJUIBTCFFOEFUFSNJOFEUIBUUIFmMUFSDBOCF safely changed. Please note that this cabinet has been classified as “fixed industrial equipment” and hence the WEEE directive is not applicable to its disposal. Familiarization and compliance with any such regulation are the sole responsibility of the users of the cabinet. indicating that at the time of disposing of the product. EUROPEAN UNION DIRECTIVE ON WEEE AND RoHS The European Union has issued two directives: t %JSFDUJWF&$PO8BTUF&MFDUSJDBMBOE&MFDUSPOJD&RVJQNFOU 8&&& The objective of the WEEE directive is to promote “… the reuse. distributors and consumers…” and hence this directive refers to the disposal of this cabinet within the EU.g. You may. A “wheelie bin” sticker (shown alongside) has to be paste on all products covered by this directive. producers. 3. Instead. 4. still contact your local Esco distributor who can arrange for collection and recycling of this cabinet for a reasonable fee. it should not be grouped together with general unsorted municipal waste. please note that this cabinet falls under category 9 (monitoring and control instruments) and is therefore exempted from requirement to comply with the provisions of this directive. Esco’s liability is limited with respect to user compliance with such regulations. at the time of disposing this cabinet. distributors of electrical and electronic equipment should be responsible for the collection and scrapping of the products they have sold. recycling and other forms of recovery of such wastes (WEEE) so as to reduce the disposal of waste besides improving the environmental performance of all operators involved in the life cycle of electrical and electronic equipment. NB: Cytotoxic substances cannot be inactivated by conventional formaldehyde decontamination t #FGPSF ZPV QSPDFFE ZPV TIPVME UIPSPVHIMZ VOEFSTUBOE UIF JOTUBMMBUJPO QSPDFEVSFT BOE UBLF OPUF PG UIF environmental/electrical requirements of the cabinet t *OUIJTNBOVBM JNQPSUBOUTBGFUZSFMBUFEQPJOUTXJMMCFNBSLFEXJUIUIJTTZNCPM t *GUIFFRVJQNFOUJTVTFEJOBNBOOFSOPUTQFDJmFECZUIJTNBOVBM UIFQSPUFDUJPOQSPWJEFECZUIJTFRVJQNFOUNBZ be impaired. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The disposal and / or emission of substances used in connection with this cabinet may be governed by various local regulations. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . t %JSFDUJWF&$PO3FTUSJDUJPOPOUIFVTFPG)B[BSEPVT4VCTUBODFT 3P)4 With respect to the directive on RoHS. They are provided to help you identify important operational. &MFDUSJDBM)B[BSE%BOHFSPGFMFDUSJDTIPDL 5VSO 0GG "OE %JTDPOOFDU 'SPN . safety.BJO 4VQQMZ #FGPSF 1SPDFFEJOH %P OPU QFSGPSN UIJT PQFSBUJPO XIJMF UIF VOJU JT PQFSBUJPOBM The Biohazard SymbolPOUIFGSPOUQBOFMPGUIFDBCJOFUJOEJDBUFTUIFQSFTFODFPGCJPMPHJDBMTVCTUBODFTUIBUQPTFBUISFBU UPIVNBOIFBMUI Important Information: 3FBE BOE VOEFSTUBOE CFGPSF QSPDFFEJOH *NQPSUBOU TBGFUZ SFMBUFE QPJOUT XJMM CF NBSLFE XJUI UIJTTZNCPM Approved Service Engineer Only:0QFSBUJPOUPCFQFSGPSNFEPOMZCZBQQSPWFEFOHJOFFS . maintenance or conformance issues.Introduction : ix 5. SYMBOLS Information in this manual may be prefaced with the following symbols. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . LA2-5L_-M . 50 Hz cabinets .LA2-5A_-M .LA2-4A_-M . LA2-4L_-M .LA2-6L_) (LA2-3L_-M . based at Esco Micro Pte Ltd 21 Changi South Street 1 Singapore 486777 Tel: +65 65420833 Fax: +65 65426920 declare on our sole responsibility that the product: Equipment Model : Biological Safety Cabinet : Labculture Class II (LA2-3A_. LA2-4L_.%FDMBSBUJPOPG$POGPSNJUZ : xi Declaration of Conformity * In accordance with EN 45014:1998 We.LA2-5A_. AC.LA2-6A_-M) (LA2-3L_.LA2-4A_.LA2-5L_.LA2-6A_) (LA2-3A_-M . Lim Lay Yew Chief Executive Officer * Applicable only to 220-240V. A list of these parties and their necessary contact information is available on request from Esco.LA2-6L_-M ) in accordance with the following directives: t&&$ 5IF-PX7PMUBHF%JSFDUJWFBOEJUTBNFOEJOHEJSFDUJWFT t&&$ 5IF&MFDUSPNBHOFUJD$PNQBUJCJMJUZ%JSFDUJWF and its amending directives has been designed to comply with the requirements of the following Harmonized Standard: t-PX7PMUBHF t&.$ t%FTJHO Performance Criteria &/ &/ $MBTT# &/ $MBTT**#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFU More information may be obtained from Esco’s authorized distributors located within the EU. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . you should understand the scope and application of these standards. MAJOR INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS International standards play an important role in harmonization and ensuring that cabinets meet established industry guidelines for safety and performance. At Esco. Consequently. The following tables detail some common international standards: 5IFEJGGFSFOUOPNFODMBUVSFVTFECZWBSJPVTTUBOEBSETBOEUIFJOnPXSFRVJSFNFOU Standard origin The standard nomenclature Minimum inflow requirement (m/s) NSF / ANSI 49 64"$MBTT**5ZQF" NSF / ANSI 49 64"$MBTT**5ZQF" +*4.FBMBOE /PUFT 5IF"4JTUIF"VTUSBMJBOTUBOEBSEGPSCJPMPHJDBMTBGFUZDBCJOFUSZ*UIBTBMTPMBSHFMZCFFO "QQMJFTUP$PWFST BEPQUFEBTBOBUJPOBMTUBOEBSEJOOFBSCZ/FX. We believe this will help you choose the cabinet that is most suitable for your specific needs. clinical. Its basic function is to protect the operator and the environment from biological hazards that would otherwise pose a threat to human life during microbiological work. microbiological and industrial laboratories.FBMBOE*UBQQMJFTUPCPUI$MBTT*BOE$MBTT**DBCJ Class I biological safety cabinets OFUSZXJUIBGPDVTPODBCJOFUDPOTUSVDUJPO EFTJHOBOEQFSGPSNBODF"VTUSBMJBOTUBOEBSEDBCJOFUT Class II biological safety cabinets JODPSQPSBUFUXJOCMPXFSTBOEBSFMBSHFMZEJGGFSFOUGSPN&VSPQFBOBOE"NFSJDBOiUZQFwNPEFMT . we encourage customers to learn more about the functions and operating principles of the biological safety cabinets available in the market today.About Esco Biological Safety Cabinets : xiii ABOUT ESCO BIOLOGICAL SAFETY CABINETS Biological safety cabinet plays a significant role in many pharmaceutical. +BQBO$MBTT**5ZQF"# 5ZQF" 5ZQF# &/ &VSPQFBO6OJPO$MBTT** "4 "VTUSBMJB$MBTT** 5PQBTTBJSCBSSJFSUFTU #JPTBGFUZ-FWFM #4- Lethality Medium Cure Example 1 Safe -JRVJE Yes #BDJMMVT4VCUJMJT 2 4PNF -JRVJE 4PNF )*7 3 4FSJPVT "JSCPSOF 4PNF TBC 4 &YUSFNF "JSCPSOF None &CPMB Name / Number NSF / ANSI 49 Governing Body /PUFT 4UBOEBSEIBTCFFOXJEFMZBEPQUFEOPUPOMZJOUIF6OJUFE4UBUFTCVUBMTPBSPVOEUIFXPSME Name / Number &/ Governing Body *OUFSOBUJPOBM0SHBOJ[BUJPOGPS4UBOEBSEJ[BUJPO IUUQXXXJTPPSH /PUFT 5IF&VSPQFBO/PSNJTUIFMBUFTUJOUFSOBUJPOBMTUBOEBSEEFWFMPQFEBTBEJSFDUDPOTFRVFODF PGUIF&VSPQFBO6OJPOTIBSNPOJ[BUJPOFGGPSUT*USFQMBDFTQSFWJPVTTUBOEBSETTVDIBTUIF(FSNBO TUBOEBSE%*/ UIF#SJUJTITUBOEBSE#4BOEUIF'SFODITUBOEBSE/'95IF&/ IBTCFFOBEPQUFEPGmDJBMMZBTBOBUJPOBMTUBOEBSEJOBMMNFNCFSOBUJPOTPGUIF&6 Name / Number "4 Referenced 5IF/BUJPOBM4BOJUBUJPO'PVOEBUJPO /4' *OUFSOBUJPOBM IUUQXXXOTGPSH Governing Body 4UBOEBSET"VTUSBMJB IUUQXXXTUBOEBSETDPNBV 64(MPCBM "QQMJFTUP$PWFST Class II biological safety cabinets Referenced &6(MPCBM "QQMJFTUP$PWFST Class I biological safety cabinets Class II biological safety cabinets Class III biological safety cabinets Referenced "VTUSBMJB/FX. we have many documents available at www. Here you will find the most up-to-date information in far more detail than is possible to include in this manual.PTU&VSPQFBO +BQBOFTF BOE"VTUSBMJBO$MBTT**DBCJOFUTIBWFBJSnPXSFDJSDVMBUJPOBOEFYIBVTUSBUJPTTJNJMBSUP$MBTT**5ZQF"DBCJOFU BMPOHXJUIUIFOFHBUJWFQSFTTVSFJTPMBUFEQMFOVNPQFSBUJOHJOUIFTBNFQSJODJQMFBTUIF/4'$MBTT**5ZQF" CVUXJUIMPXFSJOnPX WFMPDJUZSFRVJSFNFOU II B1 1SPE uct Recirc. Inflow Velocity t #BTJDEFTJHOBOEGFBUVSFTFU t 6OmMUFSFE SPPN BJS nPXT JOUP UIF DBCJOFU QBTTFT UISPVHI UIF XPSL[POF BOE UIFO UISPVHI B mMUSBUJPO TZTUFN USBQQJOH BJSCPSOF DPOUBNJOBOUT$MFBO EFDPOUBNJOBUFEBJSJTFYIBVTUFEGSPNUIFDBCJOFU t 5IFTDPQFBOEBQQMJDBUJPOPG$MBTT*DBCJOFUTJTMJNJUFEBOEJUJTMBSHFMZDPOTJEFSFEPCTPMFUF II A1 1SPUFDUJPO Offered ¸ ¸ 11B 1w8( 0% /FHBUJWF QSFTTVSF *OTJEFSPPN )BSE%VDU t t t t t t t $MBTT***DBCJOFUTBSFVTVBMMZPGXFMEFENFUBMDPOTUSVDUJPOBOEBSFEFTJHOFEUPCFHBTUJHIU 8PSLJTQFSGPSNFEUISPVHIHMPWFQPSUTJOUIFGSPOUPGUIFDBCJOFU %VSJOHSPVUJOFPQFSBUJPO OFHBUJWFQSFTTVSFSFMBUJWFUPUIFBNCJFOUFOWJSPONFOUJTNBJOUBJOFEXJUIJOUIFDBCJOFU $MBTT***DBCJOFUTQSPWJEFTQSPEVDUQSPUFDUJPOBOEQSFWFOUDSPTTDPOUBNJOBUJPOPGTBNQMFT &YIBVTUBJSJTVTVBMMZ)&1"mMUFSFEBOEJODJOFSBUFE"MUFSOBUJWFMZ EPVCMF)&1"mMUSBUJPOXJUIUXPmMUFSTJOTFSJFTNBZCFVUJMJ[FE $MBTT***DBCJOFUTVTVBMMZFYIBVTUBJSCBDLUPUIFMBCPSBUPSZ BJSNBZBMTPCFFYIBVTUFEUPUIFFYUFSOBMFOWJSPONFOU 8IFO B EFEJDBUFE EVDUXPSL TZTUFN JT FNQMPZFE UIFZ BSF TVJUBCMF GPS XPSLJOH XJUI UPYJD DIFNJDBMT BT BO BEKVODU UP NJDSPCJPMPHJDBM QSPDFTTFT t "MM$MBTT***CJPMPHJDBMTBGFUZDBCJOFUTBSFTVJUBCMFGPSXPSLXJUINJDSPCJPMPHJDBMBHFOUTBTTJHOFEUPCJPMPHJDBMTBGFUZMFWFMT BOE 5IFZBSFGSFRVFOUMZTQFDJmFEGPSXPSLJOWPMWJOHUIFNPTUMFUIBMCJPMPHJDBMIB[BSET FURTHER INFORMATION For further information on the topics discussed above.escoglobal. Class II biological safety cabinets POMZBQQMJFTUP$MBTT**CJPMPHJDBMTBGFUZDBCJOFUT BIOLOGICAL SAFETY CABINET SUMMARY TABLE OF FEATURES Class 5ZQF Biosafety Level I NTGQN 0% 0VUTJEFBJS -BCSPPN *OTJEFSPPN)BSE%VDU ¸ ¸ NTGQN 0VUTJEFBJS -BCSPPN *OTJEFSPPN5IJNCMF%VDU ¸ ¸ NTGQN /FHBUJWFQSFTTVSF *OTJEFSPPN5IJNCMF%VDU ¸ ¸ NTGQN /FHBUJWFQSFTTVSF )BSEEVDUPOMZ ¸ ¸ NTGQN 0% /FHBUJWFQSFTTVSF )BSEEVDUPOMZ t 5ZQF#DBCJOFUTFYIBVTUBMMJOnPXBOEEPXOnPXBJSBGUFS)&1"mMUSBUJPOUPUIFFYUFSOBMFOWJSPONFOU t 5ZQF#DBCJOFUTBSFTVJUBCMFGPSXPSLXJUIUPYJDDIFNJDBMTVTFEBTBOBEKVODUUPNJDSPCJPMPHJDBMQSPDFTTFT t 5ZQF#DBCJOFUTNBZCFDPOTJEFSFEUPCFUIFTBGFTUPGBMM$MBTT**CJPMPHJDBMTBGFUZDBCJOFUTJOUIFTFOTFUIBUUIFUPUBMFYIBVTUGFBUVSF BDUTBTBGBJMTBGFBHBJOTUEPXOnPXBOEPSFYIBVTU)&1"mMUSBUJPONBMGVODUJPO)PXFWFS UIFDBCJOFUSFRVJSFTBTUBCMFCVJMEJOHFYIBVTU TZTUFNUIBUJTQSFDJTFMZUVOFEUPUIFDBCJOFUBJSnPXSFRVJSFNFOUT III ˚ t 5ZQF#DBCJOFUTBMTPIBWFBEFEJDBUFEFYIBVTUGFBUVSFGPSXPSLEPOFJOTJEFUIFDBCJOFUUPXBSETUIFCBDL t 5PYJDDIFNJDBMTTIPVMEPOMZCFVTFEJGUIFZEPOPUJOUFSGFSFXJUIXPSLXIFOSFDJSDVMBUFEJOUIFEPXOnPX t 5ZQF#DBCJOFUTIBWFMBSHFMZCFFOSFQMBDFECZ5ZQF# UIFZBSFOPXHFOFSBMMZDPOTJEFSFEPCTPMFUF II B2 ¸ Contaminated 1MFOVN4VSSPVOEFE Exhaust Alternatives By t /FHBUJWFQSFTTVSFTVSSPVOETUIFQPTJUJWFMZQSFTTVSJ[FEDPOUBNJOBUFEQMFOVNQSPWJEJOHBEEFEQSPUFDUJPOJOUIFDBTFPGBMFBLJOUIF QPTJUJWFMZQSFTTVSJ[FEQMFOVN t .xiv : About Esco Biological Safety Cabinets Name / Number Governing Body +*4. Referenced +BQBOFTF*OEVTUSJBM4UBOEBSET$PNNJUUFF IUUQXXXKJTDHPKQFOH Japan /PUFT "QQMJFTUP$PWFST 5IF+*4.XBTEFSJWFEGSPNUIF/4' BOEVTFEPOMZJO+BQBO+VTUMJLF/4' +*4. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .com. Exhaust Air Air t 3PPNBJSFOUFSTUIFDBCJOFUUISPVHIBGSPOUJOMFUHSJMMFBOEJTmMUFSFECFGPSFFOUFSJOHUIFXPSL[POF DPOUBNJOBUFEBJSJTQBTTFTUISPVHIBmMUSBUJPOTZTUFN USBQQJOHBJSCPSOFDPOUBNJOBOUT$MFBO EFDPOUBNJOBUFEBJSJTSFDJSDVMBUFEUISPVHIUIFXPSL[POFPSFYIBVTUFEGSPNUIFDBCJOFU t 5ZQF"DBCJOFUTIBWFBQPTJUJWFMZQSFTTVSJ[FEQMFOVNCPSEFSJOHUIFBNCJFOUFOWJSPONFOU t 5ZQF"JTOPXMBSHFMZDPOTJEFSFEPCTPMFUF II A2 Operator Min. USER SECTION . $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . Service fixtures (offset for easier reach) 7. . shatterproof sash is easier to clean. Raised armrest maintains safety by preventing blockage 5. and angled down for easy access by the operator.6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFSt#BTJD1SPEVDU*OGPSNBUJPO : 1 CHAPTER 1 BASIC PRODUCT INFORMATION 1. Optional support stand (with leveling feet shown. Optional Exhaust Collar for Thimble-ducting 2. Universal electrical outlet 6. 3. 4. Frameless. Esco Sentinel microprocessor supervises all cabinet functions. other types and options are available). The control panel is located on the center of the cabinet. Interior work area formed from a single piece of stainless steel with large radius corners to simplify cleaning. 8. offers larger.1 QUICK VIEW 1 7 6 2 5 3 4 8 1. unobstructed viewing area. t "JS SFUVSOT UP UIF DPNNPO BJS QMFOVN XIFSF UIF FYIBVTU GPS LA2-_A_/ LA2-_A_-M GPS LA2-_L_/ LA2-_L_-M BOESFDJSDVMBUJPOQSPDFTTGPSLA2-_A_/ LA2-_A_-M GPSLA2-_L_/ LA2-_L_-M) is continued. t "QQSPYJNBUFMZGPSLA2-_A_/ LA2-_A_-M GPSLA2-_L_/ LA2-_L_-M) of the air in the common plenum is FYIBVTUFEUISPVHIUIF6-1"mMUFSUPUIFSPPN5IFSFNBJOJOHGPSLA2-_A_/ LA2-_A_-M GPSLA2-_L_/ LA2-_L_-M) of the air is passed through the downflow ULPA filter and into the work area as a vertical laminar flow air stream bathing the work surface in clean air.2 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFSt#BTJD1SPEVDU*OGPSNBUJPO Class II cabinets provide product. and prevents work surface emissions from escaping the work zone. A small portion of the ULPA filtered downflow enters the intake perforations at the side capture zones at a higher velocity. t 5IF VOJGPSN OPOUVSCVMFOU BJS TUSFBN QSPUFDUT BHBJOTU DSPTT DPOUBNJOBUJPO XJUIJO BOE UISPVHIPVU UIF work area. They are suitable for general microbiological work with agents classified under biological safety levels 1.com). The inflow does not mix with the clean air within the cabinet work zone. (For more details please refer to www. 2 or 3. operator and environmental protection.2.escoglobal. t "DPNCJOBUJPOPGJOnPXBOEEPXOnPXBJSTUSFBNTGPSNTBOBJSCBSSJFSUIBUQSFWFOUTDPOUBNJOBUFESPPNBJSGSPN entering the work zone. Inflow air travels through a return path toward the common air plenum (blower plenum) at the top of the cabinet.filtered air Unfiltered / potentially contaminated air Room air / inflow air t "NCJFOUBJSJTQVMMFEUISPVHIUIFQFSGPSBUJPOTMPDBUFEUPXBSETUIFXPSL[POFGSPOUUPQSFWFOUDPOUBNJOBUJPOPG the work surface and work product. t /FBSUIFXPSLTVSGBDF UIFEPXOnPXBJSTUSFBNTQMJUTXJUIBQPSUJPONPWJOHUPXBSEUIFGSPOUBJSHSJMMF BOEUIF remainder moving to the rear air grille. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . AIRFLOW PATTERN Side capture zones Dynamic air barrier. 1. inflow and forward-directed downflow air converge ULPA . Cabinets should never be sited in line with a doorway.1 Selecting the Installation Location Location impacts the nature and extent of external airflow disturbances. thereby impairing the protection offered by the cabinet to both the operator and the samples placed inside it. an openable window. The position of a safety cabinet should satisfy the spatial requirements (e. A specialist engineer should be consulted on correct positioning of the cabinet prior to installation. vents. Room air supply diffusers should not be within 1. It also provides an obstacle which could adversely affect airflow across the cabinet face. but where diffusers have to be placed in close proximity to a safety cabinet. Fig. are taken into account and any risk of disturbance noted and mitigated before installation. As can be seen in the graph.g. lighting and convenience of access) of the operator and people working nearby. If the cabinet is installed on a bench top.1. Please note that the cabinet should not be placed close to another cabinet.5 metres (5’) of the front aperture. extractors. There should not be an open space between the leading edge of the cabinet and the front of the bench as this may create turbulence in front of the aperture. a person walking by or for that matter being exposed to an air-conditioning outlet. it should be located as far away as possible from the above-mentioned sources of airflow disturbance and in an orientation which optimally shields the cabinet’s internal airflow from all external airflow disturbances. the leading edge should slightly overhang or be flush with the edge of the bench top. or adjacent to a thoroughfare.1 PRE-REQUISITES 2. Care should be taken to ensure that possible disturbances to airflow such as room air diffusers. All these things can therefore affect the proper functioning of a biological safety cabinet. their discharge velocities and the force air handling rates will need to be low. . 1 Relative air velocities of airflow disturbances 5IFGPMMPXJOHSFRVJSFNFOUTTIPVMECFUBLFOJOUPBDDPVOU a. vision. Poor siting of a cabinet can adversely affect performance.6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStInstallation : 3 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION 2. d. c. your cabinet’s internal airflow velocity is relatively small compared to the airflow disturbances potentially caused by the opening of a door. fans. When installing the cabinet. b. etc. which may affect performance of the cabinet. If there are large numbers of cabinets in a laboratory this recommendation may be difficult to comply with. e. 4 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStInstallation : "OZQFEFTUSJBOUSBGm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mUUFEXJUI BJSUSBOTGFSHSJMMT PQFSBUPSQSPUFDUJPOGBDUPSUFTUJOHNBZCFDBSSJFEPVU UPEFUFSNJOFTVJUBCMFSFEVDFEDMFBSBODF B S C N GU B S C B S C 4BGFUZ DBCJOFUT TIPVME OPU CF JOTUBMMFE JO QPTJUJPOT XIFSF UIFSF JT B MJLFMJIPPE PG JOUFSGFSFODF GSPN PUIFS MBCPSBUPSZ FRVJQNFOU 5IF EJTUBODF GSPN UIF BQFSUVSF UP UIF BQFSUVSF PG BO PQQPTJOH DBCJOFU GVNF DVQCPBSE FUD TIPVME CF JO FYDFTT PG NFUSFT GPS TBGF PQFSBUJPO N GU COLUMN DN GU "TXJUIXBMMT BOZMBSHFPCTUSVDUJPOTVDIBTBQJMMBSPSDPMVNOQSPKFDUJOH CFZPOEUIFQMBOFPGUIFGSPOUBQFSUVSFTIPVMEOPUCFXJUIJODN PGUIFTJEFTPGUIFDBCJOFU B S C $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStInstallation : 5 :PVTIPVMEOPUQPTJUJPOUIFDBCJOFUJOBMPDBUJPOXIFSFUIFSFJTBOPQQPTJOH XBMM PSPUIFSPCTUSVDUJPOMJLFMZUPBGGFDUBJSnPX XJUIJONFUSFT PGUIF GSPOUBQFSUVSF B S C N GU B S C #&/$) 5IF EJTUBODF CFUXFFO UIF BQFSUVSF PG UIF DBCJOFU BOE UIF GSPOU PG B CFODI PQQPTJUF TIPVME OPU CF MFTT UIBO NFUSFT $POUBJONFOU QFSGPSNBODF NBZOPUCFBGGFDUFEJGUIJTEJTUBODFJTSFEVDFE UPBMMPXUIFPQFSBUPSUPVTF UIF CFODI XIJMTU XPSLJOH JO UIF DBCJOFU GPS JOTUBODF :PV TIPVME NFBTVSF BOZTVDIFGGFDUTVTJOHSFMFWBOUPQFSBUPSQSPUFDUJPOGBDUPSUFTUTUPEFUFSNJOF TBGFUZMJNJUT N GU "WPJEQPTJUJPOJOHBCFODIBUSJHIUBOHMFTUPUIFDBCJOFU8IJMTUUIJTNBZSFEVDF USBGmDJOGSPOUPGUIFDBCJOFU BOZPUIFSQFSTPOXPSLJOHBUUIFCFODIJTMJLFMZ UPEJTUVSCBJSnPXDMPTFUPUIFDBCJOFU B S C #&/$) "QSPKFDUJOHCFODIXJMMIFMQNJOJNJ[FUSBGmDJOGSPOUPGUIFDBCJOFUBOEBOZPOF XPSLJOHBUUIFCFODIJTVOMJLFMZUPIBWFBTJHOJmDBOUFGGFDUPOUIFBJSnPXBT MPOHBTUIFGSPOUPGUIFCFODIJTTJUVBUFEBUMFBTUNFUSF GSPNUIFTJEFPG UIFDBCJOFU B S C N GU #&/$) . 1. Preparing For Installation 4VQQPSU3FRVJSFNFOUT Esco provides a number of support stand options. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . Some modifications to the work surface may be necessary. It is recommended that the installation of the support stand be carried out by qualified personnel (contact your Esco Distributor for assistance). The use of non-leveling feet Esco support stand will nullify the third party certification (NSF or TÜV) that the cabinet may have. Esco can not guarantee cabinet’s resistance against tipping and hence the user would be solely responsible for ensuring that the cabinet is securely fastened to third party stand or table.5m long. adjust the legs to achieve a level work surface. If the cabinet is not installed on Esco’s optional support stand. The power cable is located on the right hand side of the cabinet and the cord is 2. First level from left to right and then from front to back. these are summarized below. because only Esco leveling feet support stand was used during certification. for proper exhaust filter leak scanning purposes.2. If the distance is less than 30 cm (1’).6 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStInstallation 2. A clearance of at least 30 cm (1’) is recommended between the highest point of the cabinet and the ceiling. The work surface should be smooth. t 'JYFEIFJHIU t 5FMFTDPQJOHIFJHIU t *OmOJUFMZBEKVTUBCMFDSBEMFTUBOE Esco support stand with leveling feet is recommended for biological safety cabinets. Two persons would be needed for assembling the support stand as it is quite heavy. Ensure that the outlet is rated accordingly. the airflow alarm system may need re-calibration. While installing the cabinet onto an existing work surface. &MFDUSJDBM3FRVJSFNFOUT The cabinet should be connected to its own dedicated power outlet(s). Esco offers an optional Exhaust Collar for ThimbleDucting. In fact. When preparing the installation site try to ensure the outlet is located to the right of the cabinet for ease of access. a minimum clearance of 50 cm (1’8’’) is recommended. The power rating for each model is shown in Section 3. If you intend to connect your cabinet to an external exhaust system. ensure that the structure can safely support the combined weight of the cabinet and any related equipment. Should the cabinet be relocated after the initial installation. The NSF approved leg levelers provide a maximum of 50mm (2”) adjustment.10. using a level placed in the centre of the work tray. take all the necessary precautions as the cabinet is very heavy. Environmental and Electrical Requirements in the Product Specification Section. &YIBVTU3FRVJSFNFOUT The exhaust filter area is especially susceptible to disruptive air currents or air drafts. After installation of the cabinet on the support stand with leveling feet. nonporous and resistant to those disinfectants and chemicals. Installation requirements and instructions are provided with the Exhaust Collar. to which the cabinet is regularly exposed. 2.com for more information. Please refer to the manual that accompanies the kit for installation instructions.3 Optional Retrofit Kits Full instructions for optional retrofit kits are included with the kit.JDSPTDPQFWJFXJOHEFWJDF.6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStInstallation : 7 4FSWJDF-JOF3FRVJSFNFOUT All service lines should be installed by a suitably qualified and certified engineer. should the need arises. You should check with your local service installer as to whether there is a need to install pressure regulators to reduce the line pressure. Service line attachments should be equipped with an emergency shut off valve that can be accessed quickly and with ease. state and government regulations. Make allowance for the positioning of service lines when planning the installation site to ensure ease of access to emergency shut off valves. Safety warning: Avoid UV exposure to eyes and skin. t &SHPOPNJDGPPUSFTU"OHMFE IFMQTNBJOUBJOQSPQFSQPTUVSF"EKVTUBCMFIFJHIU"OUJTLJE DPBUJOH DIFNJDBMSFTJTUBOUmOJTI t *7#BS XJUIIPPLT4UBJOMFTTTUFFMDPOTUSVDUJPO"WBJMBCMFGPSBMMTUBOEBSEDBCJOFUT t . Ensure the sash is fully closed before UV lamp is switched ON. ambient air temperature and microbial species in he work zone. escoglobal. Following is a list of retrofit kits available for this unit. Your cabinet can accommodate service fixtures on the left or right hand side of the cabinet.1. you may also want to visit www. t 17$BSNSFTU$IFNJDBMMZUSFBUFE JNQSPWFTPQFSBUPSDPNGPSU FBTZUPDMFBONN w TUBOEBSETJ[F t &SHPOPNJD MBC DIBJS -BCPSBUPSZ HSBEF DPOTUSVDUJPO NFFUT $MBTT DMFBOMJOFTT BMDPIPM SFTJTUBOU17$NBUFSJBMT"EKVTUBCMFNN ww $BCJOFU"DDFTTPSJFT t (FSNJDJEBM67MBNQ$POUSPMMFECZBVUPNBUJD67MBNQUJNFSUISPVHI4FOUJOFMNJDSPQSPDFT TPSDPOUSPMQBOFM&NJTTJPOPGOBOPNFUFSTGPSNPTUFGmDJFOUEFDPOUBNJOBUJPO-BNQ JT QPTJUJPOFE BXBZ GSPN PQFSBUPST MJOFPGTJHIU GPS TBGFUZ BOE QSPQFS FYQPTVSF UP JOUFSJPS TVSGBDFTNote: UV lamp intensity reduces over time and its effectiveness is subject to factors such as relative humidity in the cabinet. Accessories and Options &TDPPGGFSTBWBSJFUZPGPQUJPOTBOEBDDFTTPSJFTUPNFFUMPDBMBQQMJDBUJPOT$POUBDU&TDPPSZPVSMPDBMTBMFTSFQSFTFOUBUJWFGPS PSEFSJOHJOGPSNBUJPO "DDFTTPSZ0QUJPO &MFDUSJDBM0VUMFUTBOE 6UJMJUZ'JUUJOHT Description t &MFDUSJDBMPVUMFU HSPVOEGBVMU /PSUI"NFSJDBt&MFDUSJDBMPVUMFU &VSPQF8PSMEXJEF t 1FUDPDL BJS HBT WBDVVN /PSUI"NFSJDB "NFSJDBO TUZMF&VSPQF8PSMEXJEFTUZMF%*/ %*/ %*/ t 'JYFEIFJHIU BWBJMBCMFNN w PSNN w NN w 8JUIMFWFMJOHGFFU 8JUIDBTUFST t "EKVTUBCMFIFJHIU IZESBVMJDSBOHFGSPNNNUPNN wUPw 8JUIMFWFMJOHGFFU 8JUIDBTUFST 4VQQPSU4UBOET t 5FMFTDPQJOHIFJHIUTUBOEGPSMFWFMJOHGFFU OPNJOBMSBOHFNNPSNN wPSw t 5FMFTDPQJOHIFJHIUTUBOEGPSDBTUFST OPNJOBMSBOHFNNPSNN wPSw "EKVTUBCMFJONN w JODSFNFOUT t $SBEMFTUBOE FMFDUSJDBMIZESBVMJD JOmOJUFMZBEKVTUBCMF XJUIDBTUFST&MFWBUFTUPTFBUJOHPS TUBOEJOHXPSLTVSGBDFIFJHIU8IFOMPXFSFEQFSNJUTNPWFNFOUUISPVHITUBOEBSEEPPS XBZNote: Increases exterior dimensions.PVOUJOHBOEWJFXJOHQPVDIJOUFHSBUFEJOUPTBTI'BDUPSZJO TUBMMFETQFDJGZXIFOPSEFSJOH . in accordance with all applicable local. For new cabinet with the staggered damper. chemical vapor is removed from the area above the exhaust ULPA filter to outside environment. 2 Sliding damper removed 2. that also passing through the slots on bottom part Note: If the cabinet is already equipped with staggered damper. 3 Secure bottom part with thumb screw first. For older cabinet with the old style damper. so please proceed to next section about exhaust collar installation. if the vapor is exhausted into the lab. please contact Esco or your local distributor for a retrofit kit. The exhaust collar shall be used in conjunction with staggered exhaust damper. 4 Secure the top part with thumb screw. 1 Remove the damper thumb screws Fig.2 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStInstallation EXHAUST COLLAR INSTALLATION Note : Please check which type of damper that you have. Below is the instruction to install the collar and staggered damper: 1.8 2. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . there is no need to change it. then put the top part Fig. By using an exhaust system. Install the staggered exhaust damper as follows (Figures 3 and 4): Fig. please proceed to install the exhaust collar below. Thimble exhaust collar / exhaust transition is used when a Class II Type A2 biosafety cabinet is intended to be used for handling trace amount of chemical vapor that is potentially harmful to the user. The procedure above only applies if the cabinet is equipped with sliding damper. Remove the thumbscrews and lift the sliding damper (Figures 1 and 2): Fig. 5 Overall view of damper. and 10): Fig. with slots only in front and back Fig.5” (38 mm). Please ensure that the space around airflow sensor box is covered by the damper (Figures 5 and 6): Fig. that enables adjustment of sensor box position 4. 9. replace the sensor box L-bracket with this slotted L-bracket. Measure and record the damper opening length. Balance the cabinet inflow and downflow. 8 Exhaust collar. 9 The collar must have 45° Air guide . Install the exhaust collar (Figures 8. Do this before installing the exhaust collar. covering entire top area Fig. 7 If the sensor box hits the damper.6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStInstallation : 9 3. by adjusting the damper opening. when the slots from top and bottom plates align together. 6 The larger cutout gives room for the temperature sensor cable Fig. Maximum possible opening length is 1. so it’s easier to adjust the damper opening. 5. placed with vertical orientation pointing down (Figure 12). with the center of the sensor placed using the following grid: %JTUBODFGSPNPVUFSQPJOUTUPXBMMT DN JODIFT %JTUBODFCFUXFFOPOFQPJOUUP BOPUIFS õDN JODIFT Fig. 11 Smoke should be drawn rapidly into the slots. Measure the airflow coming into the exhaust collar inlets using thermo-anemometer. Connect the exhaust collar with the exhaust duct. Mark the grid using pen and masking tape directly on the exhaust collar $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . Adjust the exhaust fan suction to be strong enough so that the smoke from the smoke tube can rapidly goes into the slots throughout their length. especially on the slot portion near the airflow sensor box (Figure 11) Fig. then turn on the cabinet fan and the exhaust fan.10 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStInstallation Fig. 7. with the center of the white tip at the center of the slot height. 10 The airflow sensor cable should go through the cable slot on the exhaust collar 6. 12 Thermo-anemometer is placed vertically. especially on the area near the airflow sensor box 8. the airflow sensor requires re-calibration.6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStInstallation : 11 The approximate minimum collar slot air velocity and external fan negative pressure required for some cabinets: No Cabinet 'SPOU4MPU #BDL4MPU 1SFTTVSFSFRVJSFE -" NT GQN NT GQN 1B i8( 2 -" NT GQN NT GQN 1B i8( -" NT GQN NT GQN 1B i8( Note that the values above are minimum required inflow velocity. but if the velocity is too high. 9.3 DRAIN VALVE INSTALLATION . Having slightly greater velocity than the table above will increase containment. the downflow velocity may be weakened. Re-calibrate the airflow sensor. 2. Because the airflow velocity through the sensor box is different after the staggered damper and exhaust collar were installed. All LA2 cabinets sent to North America/Taiwan (LA2-_A2) have pre-installed plumbing. Customers are only required to connect their ½” Copper Tube to the connectors at the bottom side of the cabinet. The components of the plumbs are as followed: SF-2U American Fixture (40mm thread length) EQR/LB-SF-L2900-40 90 Degree 3/8”-3/8” Elbow EQR/MEELBOW-90 Male Connector 3/8”-1/2” EQR/ME-PIPE-4 Copper Tube Bulkhead Union EQR/MEUNION 3/8 2.12 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStInstallation 2. The way that the pipes installed onto the cabinets are as followed: detail 1 $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .4 CABINET PLUMBING 1. 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStInstallation : 13 3. Open the front panel and keep it at fully open position b. by loosening the countersunk screws (A) from the side of the cabinet. detail 3 A detail 2 A c. Open the front profile cover on the side where the plumbing is. In order to replace. following steps need to be followed: a. or install a plumbing system. repair. Unscrew 3 countersunk screws that connect the profile base to the side dress panel (B) and screws that connect the module to the dress panel at the back (C) C B B detail 2 C B . in accordance with all applicable local. Lift the dress panel slightly up (around 15 mm). Connecting the cabinet to service lines must be performed by a suitably qualified and certified engineer. Please refer to the instructions provided to install your retrofit kits. each connection should be tested and certified by the installation engineer. Ensure connection is tight and loctite/seal tape is being used to prevent leakage. Where applicable. Make sure the cable connector is seated firmly in the socket. 2.14 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStInstallation d.5. then pull the dress panel out to make the fixtures provision exposed. If the fixtures have been provided for site installation there will be full instructions provided with them.5 CONNECTING THE CABINET 2. Test the connections based on Esco pre-installed piping standard of 80 psi. and check whether there is leakage or not.5.3 Connecting the Service Fixture(s) If you have purchased service fixtures for your cabinet these will either have been factory installed or provided in a package located inside the work tray when you unpacked the cabinet.5. Connections to service lines may be subject to the provision of pressure regulators and should always have an emergency shut off valve installed within easy reach of the cabinet operator. f. Place back the side dress panel and reverse steps a to d to complete the installation. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .1 Connecting the Drain Valve Connect the drain valve using the supplied PTFE tape and ensure it is turned to the off position. state and government regulations. 2. Replace/ Repair/ Install the plumbing while it is open. e. 2.2 Connecting the Electrical Supply Connect the supplied electrical cord to the input on the top of the cabinet. 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStInstallation : 15 2. Esco recommends that these tests be performed by a suitably qualified technician. Please refer to escoglobal. China . India.5 Safety and Warning Labels The two biohazard decals included with this manual should be fixed to the door leading to your biohazard laboratory.6 Preliminary Cleaning Wipe the interior and exterior of the cabinet with water or a mild household detergent. Singapore t &TDPPGGFSTmFMEDFSUJmDBUJPOTFSWJDFTEJSFDUMZ$POUBDUUIFMPDBM&TDPPGmDF Other Countries t $POUBDU&TDPPSMPDBMEJTUSJCVUPS .com to locate a local Esco Certified Partner.6. It is recommended that this validation and certification be performed only by a qualified technician who is familiar with the methods and procedures for certifying biological safety cabinets. Middle East/North Africa. REFERENCES FOR QUALIFIED CERTIFIERS North America t /4' IUUQXXXOTGPSH$FSUJmFE#JPTBGFUZ$FSUJmFS t &TDP XXXVTFTDPHMPCBMDPN t *"'$"NFNCFSDFSUJGZJOHDPNQBOZ XXXJBGDBDPNMJTUWJFX UK. familiar with both the methods and procedures for certification and your Esco product. The testing methods and equipment needed for carrying out the tests are specified on the test report accompanying your cabinet. Regular field certification is important to ensure factory standards are maintained. cabinet performance must be validated and certified to factory standards. Full installation instructions are provided with the exhaust collar. Malaysia. Please refer to the instructions provided with the collar.1 Disclaimer The performance and safety of all Esco cabinets are rigorously evaluated at our factory. 2."/$&7"-*%"5*0/$&35*'*$"5*0/ After having installed the cabinet but before starting to use it. 2.4 Connecting to an Exhaust System If you intend connecting the cabinet to an external exhaust system you will need an optional thimble (non air-tight) exhaust collar. 1&3'03. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet : 17 CHAPTER 3 OPERATING YOUR CABINET Proper operating practices are essential to achieve effective performance and protection. A properly functioning, certified cabinet alone is not sufficient. This chapter provides information on operating procedures and recommended work practices to help users achieve the best performance and protection. 3.1 SENTINEL™ CONTROL SYSTEM OVERVIEW .FOV#VUUPO 4FUPS.VUF 6Q %PXO #VUUPO #VUUPO #VUUPO -JHIU *OEJDBUPS Fan *OEJDBUPS 'BO#VUUPO -JHIU#VUUPO 4PDLFU#VUUPO 4PDLFU 67 67 *OEJDBUPS #VUUPO *OEJDBUPS 1. Fan Button t 5VSOTPOBOEPGGUIFGBO 2. Light Button t 5VSOTPOBOEPGGUIFMJHIU t -JHIUHPFTPOBVUPNBUJDBMMZXIFOTBTIJTBUUIFPQFSBUJOHQPTJUJPO 3&"%:TUBUF t -JHIUHPFTPGGBVUPNBUJDBMMZXIFOTBTIJTBU4"4)"-"3.TUBUF 3. Socket Button t 5VSOTPOBOEPGGUIFFMFDUSJDBMTPDLFU SFUSPmULJU t &MFDUSJDBMPVUMFUDBOCFDPOUSPMMFEGVMMZJOBOZTBTIQPTJUJPO5IFNBYJNVNSBUJOHPGBMMUIFPVUMFUTJOUIFDBCJOFUJT"*O case of overloading, the fuse F4 on relay board will trip. Contact Esco for replacement fuse. 40$,&50/ Fig. 13a Screen confirms electrical outlet is on 40$,&50'' Fig. 13b Screen confirms electrical outlet is off 18 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet 4. UV Button t 5VSOTPOBOEPGGUIF67MBNQ PQUJPOBMSFUSPmULJU t 67MBNQDBOPOMZCFBDUJWBUFEXIFOUIFTBTIXJOEPXJTGVMMZDMPTFE4JODFUIFTBTIJTDBQBCMFPGmMUFSJOH67SBZT users are protected from the harmful UV rays. Avoid UV exposure to eyes and skin. Ensure the sash is fully closed before UV lamp is switched ON. Hazardous UV-C can be present internally. UV interlock should not be defeated at all times. 5. Up and Down Button 'PS-"$BCJOFUTXJUI4UBOEBSE /PONPUPSJ[FE 8JOEPX Up and Down Button is used : t 5PNPWFVQXBSETBOEEPXOXBSETUIFNFOVPQUJPOT t 5PJODSFBTFBOEEFDSFBTFDPSSFTQPOEJOHWBMVFJOTJEFPOFPGUIFNFOVPQUJPOT t 5PTUBSU TUPQBOESFTFUUJNFS t )BOEIFMETUPQDMPDLJTOPUBMMPXFEUPCFCSPVHIUJOUPUIFXPSLJOHTQBDF BTJUNJHIUCFBTPVSDFPGDPOUBNJOBUJPO For this purpose, TIMER is provided and functions as a stop clock only in READY state. It is displayed in HH:MM:SS format. Airflow velocity is monitored during timer mode. t 6TFSDBOTUBSUCZQSFTTJOH61BSSPXCVUUPOBOEJUXJMMTUBSUDPVOUJOH1SFTTJOH61CVUUPOBHBJOXJMMTUPQUIFUJNFS User can then press UP button again to resume the timer. During this time, pressing DOWN button will take the user out of the timer mode, and “Timer Reset” message is displayed. Fig. 14a Screen display when timer is running 5JNFS3FTFU Fig. 14b Screen display after timer is reset 'PS-"$BCJOFUTXJUI.PUPSJ[FE8JOEPX Up and Down Button is used : t 5PDPOUSPM NPWFVQBOEEPXO UIFXJOEPX t 5PNPWFVQXBSETBOEEPXOXBSETUIFNFOVPQUJPOT t 5PJODSFBTFBOEEFDSFBTFDPSSFTQPOEJOHWBMVFJOTJEFPOFPGUIFNFOVPQUJPOT 6. Set or Mute Button t 5PDIPPTFUIFNFOVPSTVCNFOVDVSSFOUMZEJTQMBZFEPOUIF-$%TDSFFO t 5PQSPDFFEUPUIFOFYUTUFQPSTFRVFODFJOTJEFPOFPGUIFNFOVPQUJPOT t 5PNVUFUIFBMBSNTPVOE POMZJOGVMMZPQFOTUBUFEVSJOHOPSNBMNPEF 7. Menu Button t 5PFOUFSBOEFYJUGSPNUIFNFOVPQUJPOT t 5PHPCBDLUPUIFQSFWJPVTMFWFMPGUIFNFOVPQUJPOT $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual back wall. The alarm will be activated whenever the sash window is moved from the normal operating height. Gloves should be pulled over the knitted wrists of the gown instead of wearing them inside.7 for detailed explanations of each menu options. Double gloving may be necessary for higher risk work.2 Put on a clean laboratory coat with long-sleeves. Please kindly refer to Section 3. When the sash window is fully opened. A solid front-back closing lab gown provides better protection to personal clothing than a traditional lab coat. Even if the cabinet is left unattended.4 Fully open the sash window.2 CONCEPT OF DIFFERENT SASH WINDOW STATES 1. 5.3 Adjust the seating position for optimal operator comfort. The sash window also provides a protective barrier in case the UV lamp is used. side walls.1 Wash hands thoroughly using germicidal soap.3.3. The sash window should be fully closed when the cabinet is not in use. the alarm sound may be muted by pressing MUTE Button but. 3.3. 3. The sash window may be opened to its maximum position for the purpose of loading / unloading of materials / apparatus into the cabinet. . If a higher degree of risk is involved then you should consider using a disposable gown. It is recommended to use a height adjustable stool. 3. unless during loading or unloading of materials / apparatus into the cabinet. Refer to Section 3. This helps keep the work zone interior clean. will be automatically sounded again after 5 minutes to remind the user that it is not safe to work in the cabinet and the light will be turned on to facilitate cleaning. 4.3.3 STARTING THE CABINET 3.5 on ergonomics for further information. 3. drain pan BOEJOUFSOBMTVSGBDFPGUIFXJOEPXVTJOHFUIBOPM PSTPNFPUIFSEJTJOGFDUBOUEFQFOEJOHPONBUFSJBMTVTFE in the cabinet). Surface-decontaminate the UV lamp and electrical outlets as well.6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet : 19 t 5PBDDFTTNBJOUFOBODFNPEFGSPN&33. Wear gloves for hand protection. Alarm is disabled when you enter menu options Before operating the cabinet. please ensure that you have set the Admin PIN (0009 by default) and Fan PIN (0001 by default). The sash window should always be in the normal operating height at all times when the cabinet is in use. 2. but the blower is on. The Admin PIN has higher priority and can be used to control the fan (override the Fan PIN) too. Thoroughly surface-decontaminate the work surface. 3. the light will automatically be turned on as a signal to the user. Please contact Esco should you forget your ADMIN PIN.48*5$)BOE"*3'"*-FSSPSDPOEJUJPO Some of the menu options allow the user to customize the cabinet for better working experience. 3. Do not use any disinfectant containing chlorine-based substances as this may cause corrosion to the stainless steel surfaces. the sash window should never be moved from the normal operating height. Whenever the sash window is moved to the correct height from a higher or lower position. etc. thereby possibly impairing the containment capabilities of the cabinet. Do not use vertical pipette discard canisters on the floor outside the cabinet. 3. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . Segregating the clean items from the contaminated ones in this way provides very good protection from cross-contamination. start working from the side of the cabinet where clean items/apparatus have been arranged and then move towards the sides where the contaminated/hazardous ones have been arranged.4. While loading the materials or apparatus in the cabinet. an electrical incinerator is recommended.5 Surface-decontaminate all apparatus / items before loading them into the work zone.20 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet 3. adjust the sash to its normal operating height and allow the blower to run for another 3 minutes in order to purge work zone of contaminants that entered the work zone when the blower was off.3 The safe working area of the cabinet is the center flat portion of the tray that has no perforations. 3. If the alarm indicator light blinks and the alarm sound at the same time. they should be arranged in such a way that the movement of contaminated items over the clean ones is minimized. 3.3.1 Ensure that the sash is at normal operating height (READY state) before starting any experiment. 3. 15 Safe work area on LA2-A & LA2-L Single Piece Work surface 3. Do not mouth-pipette.4.3 of User Section below.3.4.at least 150mm (6 inches) behind the front air intake grille. Thereafter you may refer to the troubleshooting section of this manual (Service Section. The use of bunsen burner inside the work zone is not recommended. Fig.4.4.4. Use horizontal pipette discard pans containing some suitable disinfectant inside the biohazard safety cabinet. closing and opening of doors. discontinue work immediately and properly shutdown the cabinet (Refer to Section 3. Chapter 2). Such a practice would complement the technique of segregation of clean and dirty items/apparatus inside the cabinet that has been discussed in Section 3.6 Place all the apparatus / items on the safe working area as indicated on Section 3. 3.4.2 Make sure that the front and back air grilles are not being obstructed by your arms or any other objects. Discard empty tubes and bottles into collection bags placed inside the cabinet immediately after use.4.7 After all the apparatus / items have been arranged. This can be achieved by placing the clean items on say the left side of the cabinet and the contaminated ones on the right side.4 WORKING IN THE CABINET 3.3. Hold open tubes and bottles as vertically as possible to avoid spillage. 3.) since these external airflow disturbances may adversely affect the cabinet’s internal airflow.6 for details on shutdown procedure). 3. Biohazard collection bags should be placed inside the cabinet.8 Minimize room activity (personnel movements. Work with one specimen at a time and recap each specimen before moving to the next one.5 in your endeavor to contain cross-contamination.3. 3. 3.6 Use convenient pipetting aids.7 If streaking loops are to be sterilized to prevent cross-contamination of biological materials.5 Work as far inside the cabinet as possible .4 As far as possible.3. In case of contaminated spillage. blenders or sonicators towards the back of the cabinet. Autoclave all contaminated accessories (including gloves. Allow the cabinet to purge contaminants that might have been left behind in the work zone for several minutes.12 Drain the disinfectant from the base of the cabinet into some suitable container and autoclave.11 Flood the top work surface tray and the drain pan below the work surface with a disinfectant and wait for 10 to 15 minutes.13 Place aerosol-generating instruments (if any) as far inside the cabinet as possible.4. This is a safety feature to prevent unauthorized personnel from shutting down the cabinet.15 Hold lids / covers over dishes / sample plates in order to prevent the downward air from impinging on the samples. Stop other work while any of this equipment (if used) is in operation. 3. Decontamination (using formaldehyde) may be necessary if a spillage has possibly contaminated the inaccessible surfaces of the cabinet. move your hands in and out of the work zone opening slowly and in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the work zone opening. and sponge). NB: FAN PIN or ADMIN PIN would be needed for this. 3. 3. Therefore operating the burner on the right side would not affect the cabinet airflow monitoring system.4.4.18 When the sash is fully closed. vegetative bacteria and non-encysted amoeba.9 Work in the cabinet in a slow and controlled manner.8 Surface-decontaminate before removing any potentially contaminated items from inside the cabinet.4.4. state and local safety regulations by an authorized and approved installation engineer. Make sure that you surface decontaminate before removing arms from the cabinet. . 3.16 Place air turbulence generating equipment (if any) such as centrifuges.10 A disinfectant detergent is very well-suited for the cabinet because of its detergent-like properties. However.4. fungi. when installed in the work zone. Rapid movement of arms in a sweeping motion may disrupt the air barrier. 3. 3.4. the blower should be turned off to prevent overheating.4. While putting items inside / removing items from the work zone. Remove excess disinfectant from the tray and drain pan by wiping with a sponge or cloth soaked in some decontaminant. In Esco cabinets. After the spillage has been cleaned. cloth. if the use of a Bunsen burner is approved by a safety officer. 3. 3. 3.17 If a vacuum line is present.14 Clean items / materials should be at least 150 mm away from aerosol generating instruments / objects to minimize the chances for cross contamination. use absorbent pads or towels to cover the spill and then soak it with 10% bleach. the airflow sensor. Bunsen burner flames can disrupt the laminar airflow and will contribute to heat build up within the cabinet. thereby allowing contaminants to escape out of the cabinet. 3. protect the building vacuum system from biohazards by placing a cartridge filter between the vacuum trap and the source valve in the cabinet.4. Generally a 1% solution of an iodophor decontaminant (Wescodyne or equivalent) is effective against most viruses.4. is mounted on the left side.4. it should be operated on the right side of the work zone. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes before cleaning the spill and the area (and equipments) surrounding it using a suitable disinfectant. discard your outer gloves and start using a new pair. All gas installations must be carried out in accordance with current national.6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet : 21 Use of Bunsen burners within Esco biosafety cabinets is entirely at your own risk and Esco accepts no responsibility or liability for their use. 3. This is important because extraneous organic substances often interfere with the reaction between microorganisms and the active agent of the decontaminant. 3. 3.5 WORKING ERGONOMICS On most occasions.5.5. 3.2. 3.1 The physiological energy cost and fatigue involved in sitting are relatively less 3.8 The cabinet’s noise emission has been tested and found to be in compliance with EN 12469. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . 3.2. you would most likely be operating the cabinet in sitting rather than standing posture. Keep the lower back comfortably supported by your chair.5.1 Always ensure that your legs have enough legroom. Exercise regularly 3.5.FFQZPVSHMBTTFTDMFBO 3.2.22 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet 3.2 Sitting posture provides the body with a stable support However. Adjust the chair or use a pillow behind your back whenever necessary.5.5 Observe the following precautions with respect to your eyes: t (JWFZPVSFZFTGSFRVFOUCSFBLT1FSJPEJDBMMZMPPLBXBZGSPNUIFXPSLBSFBBOEGPDVTBUBEJTUBOUQPJOU t . ISO 4871 and NSF / ANSI 49 which is important to ensure health and comfort for the operator. There are some obvious advantages of the sitting posture: 3.3 You should place your feet flat on the floor or on a footrest.2.5.4 You should keep varying your sitting position throughout the day at regular intervals so that you are never in the same posture for too long. sitting position has some drawbacks too: t 5IFXPSLJOHBSFBBWBJMBCMFJTGBJSMZMJNJUFE t 5IFSFJTBQPUFOUJBMSJTLPGCFJOHDPOTUSBJOFEJOUIFTBNFQPTUVSFGPSBMPOHUJNF t 4JUUJOHQPTUVSFJTPOFPGUIFNPTUTUSFTTGVMQPTUVSFTGPSPOFTCBDL Therefore you should pay careful attention to the following guidelines in order to achieve comfortable and healthy working conditions: 3.9 Ergonomics accessories available with Esco include: t "SNSFTUQBEEJOH t -BCDIBJS t 'PPUSFTU Please contact your local distributor or Esco for more information. Arrange the items/apparatus frequently used in your work in such a way that you can minimize the physical strain involved in handling them. Don’t dangle your feet and compress your thighs. 1.7 Leave the blower on for 3 minutes in order to purge airborne contamination from the work zone. After that. NB: Airflow studies have shown that once the fan has been switched off. (default postpurge cycle time is 0 minute. Seal the biohazard bags and dispose them off properly. UV timer is disabled by default. air from the cabinet may escape due to the thermal currents from inside the cabinet.6. provided double gloving was employed by the operator).8 Set the UV timer to 60 minutes or as the lab protocol dictates to decontaminate the interior of the cabinet. the residue must be immediately wiped off by using cloth and OPODPSSPEJOHEJTJOGFDUBOU TVDIBT*TPQSPQZM"MDPIPM *1" 1FSJPEJDBMMZDMFBOCFIJOEUIFTBTIXJOEPXUPP For this you will have to unscrew the sash window track by unfastening the bolts at both ends of the sash track.2 Biohazard waste should be discarded into biohazard bags (including the outer gloves. 3.3) 3.refer to Section 3. inner back wall and drain pan using water and some mild antibacterial detergent. It is not recommended to leave the UV lamp ON overnight as it may shorten the lamp’s lifespan.6 CLEANING AND SHUTTING DOWN THE CABINET 3. the UV lamp should be replaced once a year in order to maintain its effectiveness.7. The cabinet door should be closed fully before activating the UV lamp. The user of UV lamp in biological safety cabinets has been explicitly discouraged in all major international standards and recommendations. lift the sash window. side walls. So if you choose to turn off the cabinet.1 As far as possible.6.6. Any disinfectant containing chlorine-based substances may corrode the steel used in the cabinet. Ultraviolet light should not be relied upon as the sole decontaminating agent. 3. Make sure that there are no traces of detergent left. Eyes and skin should not be exposed to direct ultraviolet light. biohazard waste should be autoclaved. you need to carefully adhere to the following guidelines so as NOT to compromise safety and containment during shutdown.1. it is recommended that the cabinet be operated continuously in order to achieve optimal containment and cleanliness. By and large. Please refer to Section 3. 3. 3. All Esco cabinet blower systems are rated and have been tested for continuous operation.6. Check the UV interlock regularly for correct operation. 8JQFUIFXPSLTVSGBDF TJEFXBMMT CBDLXBMMBOEESBJOQBOBHBJOXJUI*TPQSPQZM"MDPIPM *1" PSBOZ other disinfecting agents listed on the next page. Disinfecting Agents t 'PSTUBJOMFTTTUFFMTVSGBDFT BMMDPNNPOEJTJOGFDUJOHBHFOUTFYDFQUDIMPSJOFCBTFEPOFTBSFTVJUBCMF t 'PSQPXEFSDPBUFETVSGBDFT BMMDPNNPOEJTJOGFDUJOHBHFOUTBSFTVJUBCMF)PXFWFS UIFDBCJOFUIBTCFFOTQFDJmDBMMZ evaluated for use with the following: .6.9 Remove the laboratory coat and thoroughly wash your hands using germicidal soap.6.4 Thoroughly wipe the work surface.4 for information on setting the UV timer.6.6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet : 23 3. The UV lamps used in Esco cabinets have a lifespan of 8000 hours. this setting can be changed though . 4VSGBDFEFDPOUBNJOBUFBMMUIFJUFNTBQQBSBUVTVTJOH*TPQSPQZM"MDPIPM *1" CFGPSFSFNPWJOHUIFNGSPNUIF DBCJOFU*1"JTOPUSFDPNNFOEFECFDBVTFJUXJMMFWBQPSBUFUPPGBTUCFGPSFIBWJOHTVGmDJFOUDPOUBDUUJNF It is recommended that the fan be left ON during this period.5 Wipe off the detergent using water. 3.7. If necessary. So if such disinfectant is used. Chlorine %JPYJEF Chlorine Iodophor Alcohol 1IFOPMJD Quaternary Ammonium Compounds %FDPOUBNJOBOU Gluteraldehyde 1FSPYJEF 1FSBDFUJD acid/ Acetic acid Classification 4UFSJMBOU 4UFSJMBOU 4UFSJMBOU )JHI-FWFM *OUFSNFEJBUF *OUFSNFEJBUF *OUFSNFEJBUF -PX-FWFM $PODFOUSBUJPO 2% QQN $POUBDUUJNF NJO 4UBCJMJUZXFFL + + + + + Parameters for use: + Agents: #BDUFSJBM&OEPTQPSFT + + + /BLFE7JSVTFT + + + + +/.ZDPCBDUFSJVN + + + + + + + 7FHFUBUJWF#BDUFSJB + + + + + + + + &OWFMPQFE7JSVTFT + + + + + + + + + + + +/- + + + + +/- + + + +/- Characteristics: *OBDUJWBUFECZ0SHBOJDT 3FTJEVBM + $PSSPTJWF + 'MBNNBCMF + + + 4LJO*SSJUBOU + + + + + + &ZF*SSJUBOU + + + + + + + 3FTQJSBUPSZ*SSJUBOU + + + + + + +/- 5PYJD + + + + + + + + +/- + + +/- + +/- + + +/- Use in BSCs: 3PVUJOF4VSGBDF%FDPO #JPIB[BSEPVT4QJMM (1) Protected from light and air (2) Results vary depending on the virus $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual + .24 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet t t t t t t t t t /IZESPDIMPSJDBDJE /TPEJVNIZESPYJEF RVBUFSOBSZBNNPOJVNDPNQPVOE GPSNBMEFIZEF QQNIZQPDIMPSJUF JPEPQIPS QIFOPM FUIZMBMDPIPM %FQFOEJOHPOUIFDPOUBNJOBOUJOWPMWFEBUUIFUJNFPGPQFSBUJOHUIFDBCJOFU UIFSFBSFWBSJPVTPUIFSUZQFTPG disinfecting agents that may be used. . +/. +/. Table below outlines the effectiveness of various disinfecting agents against the different types of contaminants. For more information please refer to Chapter 1. SET TIME WARM UP POST PURGE SETTINGS UV TIMER EXP TIMER VELOCITY UNIT TEMP UNIT SET CONSTANT CALIBRATION ZERO SENSOR CALIB SENSOR MENU NEW ADMIN PIN NEW FAN PIN A/F MONITOR ADMIN RESET B/H/M RESET UV/H/M RESET DEFAULT NORMAL SET MODE MAINTENANCE This feature is not present in cabinets with motorized window . which will restrict unauthorized access to the menu.7. The user is strongly advised to exit from the menu options after making any changes in order to prevent unauthorized access to the menu. Please refer to Section 3.11 of Service Section. The default ADMIN PIN from the factory is 0009.7 MENU OPTIONS When you are entering menu options. typically only before filter / blower replacement. keeping in mind the nature of the pathogens used: t "UUIFUJNFPGNPWJOHSFMPDBUJOHUIFDBCJOFU t "UUIFUJNFPGDIBOHJOHUIFUZQFPGXPSLCFJOHDBSSJFEPVUJOUIFDBCJOFU t #FGPSFBDDFTTJOHDPOUBNJOBUFEBSFBTGPSTFSWJDJOH GPSFYBNQMFmMUFSSFQMBDFNFOU Note: Formaldehyde Decontamination Decontamination may frequently be carried out by means of formaldehyde fumigation. it is highly recommended that the user set the ADMIN PIN. the alarm will sound to indicate that the microprocessor is not monitoring the operation of the cabinet and as such will not give airflow alarms.1 for further details.3. Therefore. No further warnings will be given. Press UP or DOWN button to move through the menu options. Please refer to the following diagram for complete reference to all menu options available. 3. the user should ensure that the cabinet has been properly decontaminated.6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet : 25 In any of the following eventualities. 61 4&5 GPS TFDPOETBOEUIFOSFUVSOUPUIF4&55*/(4NFOV SET 00 Minutes WARM UP SET $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . before the fan is fully functioning.26 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet 4FUUJOHT $MPDL 5JNFS BOE6OJUT Press SET to enter the SETTINGS menu.&4&5GPSTFDPOETBOEUIFOSFUVSOUPUIF 4&55*/(4NFOV Set 24 Hour Clock HH:MM Format: 00:00 TIME SET 8BSN6Q5JNFS There will be a period of warm-up. and the control system are stabilized. This is to ensure that the sensors. Use the UP and DOWN button to move through the available options.FOV SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 2 6TJOH UIF 61%08/ CVUUPOT TFMFDU 4&5 5*.61GSPNUIFNFOVBOE QSFTT4&5UPTFUUIFXBSNVQUJNF SET SET TIME WARM UP POST PURGE UV TIMER EXP TIMER VELOCITY UNIT TEMP UNIT 3 5IFTDSFFOXJMMTIPXUIFOVNCFSPGNJOVUFTGPSUIFXBSNVQUJNFS 6TFUIF61%08/CVUUPOTUPTFMFDUUIFWBMVFZPVXBOU SET 00 Minutes 4 1SFTT 4&5 UP NPWF PO 5IF EJTQMBZ XJMM TIPX 8"3. The default setting is 3 minutes and user can set it up to 15 minutes. 4FU$MPDL 5JNF Users can set the time by increasing/decreasing the hour and minute values.FOV SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 2 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU8"3. Press MENU to go back to the previous level. Step Action 1SFTT %JTQMBZ4IPXT 1 6TJOH UIF 61%08/ CVUUPOT TFMFDU 4&55*/(4 GSPN UIF NFOV BOE QSFTT4&5UPFOUFSUIF4FUUJOHT. as well as purging the work zone of contaminants. The correct time will be maintained even after the unit is turned off.JOVUFTXJMMnBTI VTFUIF61%08/CVUUPOTUPTFMFDUUIFDPSSFDU NJOVUFTBOEQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET Set 24 Hour Clock HH:MM Format: 00:00 5 5IFEJTQMBZXJMMTIPX5*. the fan.& GSPN UIF NFOV BOE QSFTT4&5UPTFUUIFUJNF SET SET TIME WARM UP POST PURGE UV TIMER EXP TIMER VELOCITY UNIT TEMP UNIT 3 5IF)PVSXJMMnBTI VTFUIF61%08/CVUUPOTUPTFMFDUUIFDPSSFDU IPVSBOEQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET Set 24 Hour Clock HH:MM Format: 00:00 4 5IF. Step Action 1SFTT %JTQMBZ4IPXT 1 6TJOH UIF 61%08/ CVUUPOT TFMFDU 4&55*/(4 GSPN UIF NFOV BOE QSFTT4&5UPFOUFSUIF4FUUJOHT. UV light. it is recommended to purge the cabinet by leaving the fan on for around 3 minutes after the work is complete. has to be switched off manually. Step Action 1SFTT %JTQMBZ4IPXT 1 6TJOH UIF 61%08/ CVUUPOT TFMFDU 4&55*/(4 GSPN UIF NFOV BOE QSFTT4&5UPFOUFSUIF4FUUJOHT. The UV TIMER can be set up to 18 hours.JOVUFTXJMMnBTI VTFUIF61%08/CVUUPOTUPTFMFDUUIFDPSSFDU NJOVUFTBOEQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET Set 24 Hour Clock HH:MM Format: 00:00 5 5IFEJTQMBZXJMMTIPX675*. UV TIMER can be used. Step Action 1SFTT %JTQMBZ4IPXT 1 6TJOH UIF 61%08/ CVUUPOT TFMFDU 4&55*/(4 GSPN UIF NFOV BOE QSFTT4&5UPFOUFSUIF4FUUJOHT. Setting it to zero minute will disable this feature. This feature is to ensure that all residual contaminants are purged from the work zone. this feature is disabled. The default setting is zero minute and user can set it from zero minute to 15 minutes. However. By default. there will be a period of post-purge.&3GSPNUIFNFOVBOE QSFTT4&5UPTFUUIF67UJNFS SET SET TIME WARM UP POST PURGE UV TIMER EXP TIMER VELOCITY UNIT TEMP UNIT 3 5IF)PVSXJMMnBTI VTFUIF61%08/CVUUPOTUPTFMFDUUIFDPSSFDU IPVSBOEQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET Set 24 Hour Clock HH:MM Format: 00:00 4 5IF.FOV SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 2 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU1045163(&GSPNUIFNFOVBOE QSFTT4&5UPTFUUIFQPTUQVSHFUJNF SET SET TIME WARM UP POST PURGE UV TIMER EXP TIMER VELOCITY UNIT TEMP UNIT 3 5IFTDSFFOXJMMTIPXUIFOVNCFSPGNJOVUFTGPSUIF1PTU1VSHFUJNFS 6TFUIF61%08/CVUUPOTUPTFMFDUUIFWBMVFZPVXBOU SET 00 Minutes 4 1SFTT4&5UPNPWFPO 5IFEJTQMBZXJMMTIPX1045163(&4&5GPSTFDPOETBOEUIFOSFUVSO UPUIF4&55*/(4NFOV SET 00 Minutes POSTPURGE SET 675JNFS To switch off the UV light automatically after a fixed period.6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet : 27 1PTU1VSHF5JNFS After the user switches off the fan. then.&34&5GPSTFDPOETBOEUIFOSFUVSOUP UIF4&55*/(4NFOV Set 24 Hour Clock HH:MM Format: 00:00 UV TIMER SET .FOV SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 2 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU675*. &3GSPNUIFNFOVBOE QSFTT4&5UPTFUUIFFYQFSJNFOUUJNFS SET SET TIME WARM UP POST PURGE UV TIMER EXP TIMER VELOCITY UNIT TEMP UNIT 3 5IF)PVSXJMMnBTI VTFUIF61%08/CVUUPOTUPTFMFDUUIFDPSSFDU IPVSBOEQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET Set 24 Hour Clock HH:MM:SS Format: 00:00:00 4 5IF.&34&5GPSTFDPOETBOEUIFOSFUVSO UPUIF4&55*/(4NFOV Set 24 Hour Clock HH:MM:SS Format:00:00:00 EXP TIMER SET "JS7FMPDJUZ6OJU4FMFDUJPO Using this option.FOV SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 2 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU&915*. airflow measurement is displayed in the selected unit. EXP TIMER can be used.FOV SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 2 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU7&-0$*5:6/*5GSPNUIFNFOV BOEQSFTT4&5UPTFMFDUUIFEJTQMBZVOJUTGPSBJSWFMPDJUZ SET SET TIME WARM UP POST PURGE UV TIMER EXP TIMER VELOCITY UNIT TEMP UNIT 3 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDUGSPNUIFBWBJMBCMFPQUJPOTBOE UIFO QSFTT 4&5 UP SFDPSE ZPVS DIPJDF BOE SFUVSO UP UIF 4&55*/(4 NFOV SET $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual fpm m/s . Step Action 1SFTT %JTQMBZ4IPXT 1 6TJOH UIF 61%08/ CVUUPOT TFMFDU 4&55*/(4 GSPN UIF NFOV BOE QSFTT4&5UPFOUFSUIF4FUUJOHT. It basically serves as a countdown timer.28 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet &915JNFS Note: This feature is absent for cabinets with motorized window To monitor the timing for critical experiments. When the fan is running and also during the calibration process. You can set the EXP TIMER to any time period between “00:00:00” and “17:59:59” (HH:MM:SS format). you can select the unit in which air velocity is measured and displayed. You can choose between meter per second (m/s) and feet per minute (fpm).JOVUFTXJMMnBTI VTFUIF61%08/CVUUPOTUPTFMFDUUIFDPSSFDU NJOVUFTBOEQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET Set 24 Hour Clock HH:MM:SS Format: 00:00:00 5 5IF 4FDPOET XJMM nBTI VTF UIF 61%08/ CVUUPOT UP TFMFDU UIF DPSSFDUTFDPOETBOEQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET Set 24 Hour Clock HH:MM:SS Format: 00:00:00 6 5IFEJTQMBZXJMMTIPX&915*. Step Action 1SFTT %JTQMBZ4IPXT 1 6TJOH UIF 61%08/ CVUUPOT TFMFDU 4&55*/(4 GSPN UIF NFOV BOE QSFTT4&5UPFOUFSUIF4FUUJOHT. You can choose between Celsius and Fahrenheit. Please refer to Microprocessor Calibration Section of the Test Report for details on how to use this feature. Step Action 1SFTT %JTQMBZ4IPXT 1 6TJOH UIF 61%08/ CVUUPOT TFMFDU 4&55*/(4 GSPN UIF NFOV BOE QSFTT4&5UPFOUFSUIF4FUUJOHT. . you can select the unit in which temperature is measured and displayed.FSP4FOTPS This option is to let the controller record the specific sensor output voltage and correspond it to 0 m/s or 0 fpm. please refer to Microprocessor Calibration Section of the Test Report.16/*5GSPNUIFNFOVBOE QSFTT4&5UPTFMFDUUIFEJTQMBZVOJUTGPSDBCJOFUUFNQFSBUVSF SET SET TIME WARM UP POST PURGE UV TIMER EXP TIMER VELOCITY UNIT TEMP UNIT 3 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDUGSPNUIFBWBJMBCMFPQUJPOTBOE UIFO QSFTT 4&5 UP SFDPSE ZPVS DIPJDF BOE SFUVSO UP UIF 4&55*/(4 NFOV SET Celsius Fahrenheit 3. t $BMJCSBUJPONVTUCFQFSGPSNFECZRVBMJmFEQFSTPOOFM t $BMJCSBUJPOTIPVMECFEPOFXIFOUIFBJSnPXBMBSNBDDVSBDZJTTVTQFDUFEBOEBUMFBTUPODFBZFBS . There will be three points to be calibrated.7. and downflow nominal point.2 Calibration The calibration must be done in maintenance mode.&/6UPHPCBDLUPUIFQSFWJPVTMFWFM 4FU$POTUBOU Every sensor manufactured by Esco has a specific Sensor Constant which is used for temperature compensation performed by the temperature sensor. t 1SFTT. Details of this option can be found in Microprocessor Calibration Section of the Test Report. $BMJC4FOTPS This option allows proper calibration and operation of the airflow sensor alarm.6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet : 29 5FNQFSBUVSF6OJU4FMFDUJPO Using this option. inflow nominal point. The exhaust temperature is displayed in the selected unit. t 1SFTT 4&5 UP FOUFS UIF $"-*#3"5*0/ NFOV 6TF UIF 61 BOE %08/ CVUUPO UP NPWF UISPVHI UIF BWBJMBCMF options. namely inflow fail point.FOV SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 2 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU5&. For more information. It will also prevent unauthorized shutdown of the cabinet when continuous operation is required. FAN PIN is also needed to disable the alarm when the sash is fully raised and cleaning needs to be performed.BJOUFOBODF.*/ NFOV Admin Pin: XXXX Format: 1234 CONFIRM PIN /FX'BO1*/ FAN PIN restricts access to fan control. /FX"ENJO1*/ ADMIN PIN restricts access to MENU functions. Note that continuous operation is recommended for better safety.48*5$)BOE"*3'"*-&SSPSDPOEJUJPO5IFEFGBVMU PIN is 0009. It is recommended that the FAN PIN be issued only to personnel authorized to use the cabinet. User must enter four-digit PIN before switching fan on or off. like calibration. Please follow the following steps to set a new ADMIN PIN: Step Action 1SFTT %JTQMBZ4IPXT 1 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU"%. Use the UP and DOWN button to move through the available options. As such. Setting the PIN to 0000 will disable this feature. Press MENU to go back to the previous level.*/1*/GSPNUIFNFOV BOEQSFTT4&5UPTFUBOFXBENJOJTUSBUPSQBTTXPSE SET NEW ADMIN PIN NEW FAN PIN A/F MONITOR RESET B/H/M RESET UV/H/M RESET DEFAULT 3 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDUUIFmSTUEJHJUPGUIF1*/OVNCFS BOEUIFOQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET Admin Pin: XXXX Format: 1 4 6TJOH UIF 61%08/ CVUUPOT TFMFDU UIF TFDPOE EJHJU PG UIF 1*/ OVNCFSBOEUIFOQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET Admin Pin: XXXX Format: 12 5 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDUUIFUIJSEEJHJUPGUIF1*/OVNCFS BOEUIFOQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET Admin Pin: XXXX Format: 123 6 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDUUIFMBTUEJHJUPGUIF1*/OVNCFS BOEUIFOQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET Admin Pin: XXXX Format: 1234 7 5IFEJTQMBZXJMMTIPX$0/'*3.*/GSPNUIFNFOVBOEQSFTT 4&5UPFOUFSUIF"ENJO.*/1*/DBOBMTPCFVTFEUPTXJUDIUP. Admin PIN has higher priority and can be used to control the fan (override FanPIN).1*/BOEUIFOSFUVSOUPUIF"%. User must enter four digit PIN before accessing MENU. "%.3 Administrator Access and Pin Press SET to enter the ADMIN menu.FOV SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 2 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU/&8"%.30 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet 3. Setting PIN to 0000 will disable this feature. The default PIN is 0001.PEFGSPN&33. Please follow the following steps to set a new FAN PIN: $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .7. it can restrict access to operating the cabinet by unauthorized personnel. including service functions. Step Action 1SFTT %JTQMBZ4IPXT 1 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU"%.*/.FOV SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 2 6TJOH UIF 61%08/ CVUUPOT TFMFDU "' .*/GSPNUIFNFOVBOEQSFTT 4&5UPFOUFSUIF"ENJO.*/GSPNUIFNFOVBOEQSFTT 4&5UPFOUFSUIF"ENJO.POJUPS Whenever the air velocity falls below the fail point.FOV SET DISABLE ENABLE . This option is used to enable/ disable alarm.1*/BOEUIFOSFUVSOUPUIF"%.6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet : 31 Step Action 1SFTT %JTQMBZ4IPXT 1 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU"%.FOV SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 2 6TJOH UIF 61%08/ CVUUPOT TFMFDU /&8 '"/ 1*/ GSPN UIF NFOV BOEQSFTT4&5UPTFUBOFXGBOQBTTXPSE SET NEW ADMIN PIN NEW FAN PIN A/F MONITOR RESET B/H/M RESET UV/H/M RESET DEFAULT 3 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDUUIFmSTUEJHJUPGUIF1*/OVNCFS BOEUIFOQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET Fan Pin: XXXX Format: 1 4 6TJOH UIF 61%08/ CVUUPOT TFMFDU UIF TFDPOE EJHJU PG UIF 1*/ OVNCFSBOEUIFOQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET Fan Pin: XXXX Format: 12 5 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDUUIFUIJSEEJHJUPGUIF1*/OVNCFS BOEUIFOQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET Fan Pin: XXXX Format: 123 6 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDUUIFMBTUEJHJUPGUIF1*/OVNCFS BOEUIFOQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET Fan Pin: XXXX Format: 1234 7 5IFEJTQMBZXJMMTIPX$0/'*3. the air fail alarm will be triggered.0/*503 GSPN UIF NFOV BOE QSFTT 4&5 UP FOBCMF PS EJTBCMF UIF BJSnPX NPOJUPS BDUJWBUFT EFBDUJWBUFTBMBSNT SET NEW ADMIN PIN NEW FAN PIN A/F MONITOR RESET B/H/M RESET UV/H/M RESET DEFAULT 3 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDUZPVSDIPJDFGSPNUIFNFOVBOE QSFTT4&5CVUUPOUPSFUVSOUPUIF"%.*/ NFOV Fan Pin: XXXX Format: 1234 CONFIRM PIN "'. FUFS This option is used to reset the blower hour meter. Maximum counter is set at 9999 hours. including filter change.FOV SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 2 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU3&4&567). Step Action 1SFTT %JTQMBZ4IPXT 1 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU"%. The counter value can be checked while in maintenance mode.&/6UPFYJUUP UIFQSFWJPVTTDSFFO Read Manual Press SET SET or MENU NEW ADMIN PIN NEW FAN PIN A/F MONITOR RESET B/H/M RESET UV/H/M RESET DEFAULT 3FTFU67)PVS. The value can also provide some help in setting up maintenance schedule.*/GSPNUIFNFOVBOEQSFTT 4&5UPFOUFSUIF"ENJO. The UV hour meter indicates how long the UV lamp has been used.FUFS This option is used to reset the UV hour meter.32 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet 3FTFU#MPXFS)PVS.*/GSPNUIFNFOVBOEQSFTT 4&5UPFOUFSUIF"ENJO. The counter value can be checked while in maintenance mode.GSPNUIFNFOVBOE QSFTT4&5UPSFTFUUIFCMPXFSIPVSNFUFS SET NEW ADMIN PIN NEW FAN PIN A/F MONITOR RESET B/H/M RESET UV/H/M RESET DEFAULT 3 5IF TDSFFO QSPNQUT ZPV XJUI B XBSOJOH UP NBLF TVSF UIBU ZPV VOEFSTUBOEUIJTQSPDFTT 4 1SFTTUIF4&5CVUUPOUPDPOmSNUIBUZPVXBOUUPSFTFUUIFNFUFS*G ZPVEPOPUXBOUUPSFTFUUIFNFUFSZPVDBOQSFTT.FOV SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 2 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU3&4&5#).&/6UPFYJUUP UIFQSFWJPVTTDSFFO $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual Read Manual Press SET SET or MENU NEW ADMIN PIN NEW FAN PIN A/F MONITOR RESET B/H/M RESET UV/H/M RESET DEFAULT .GSPNUIFNFOV BOEQSFTT4&5UPSFTFUUIF67IPVSNFUFS SET NEW ADMIN PIN NEW FAN PIN A/F MONITOR RESET B/H/M RESET UV/H/M RESET DEFAULT 3 5IF TDSFFO QSPNQUT ZPV XJUI B XBSOJOH UP NBLF TVSF UIBU ZPV VOEFSTUBOEUIJTQSPDFTT 4 1SFTTUIF4&5CVUUPOUPDPOmSNUIBUZPVXBOUUPSFTFUUIFNFUFS*G ZPVEPOPUXBOUUPSFTFUUIFNFUFSZPVDBOQSFTT. Maximum counter is set at 9999 hours. Please reset the UV hour meter after each UV replacement. The blower hour meter indicates how long the blower has been in operation. Step Action 1SFTT %JTQMBZ4IPXT 1 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU"%. UV TIMER (0 minute). ADMIN PIN (0009) and FAN PIN (0001).*/GSPNUIFNFOVBOEQSFTT 4&5UPFOUFSUIF"ENJO.6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet : 33 3FTFU%FGBVMU User can reset the default setting by choosing this option.FOV SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 2 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU3&4&5%&'"6-5GSPNUIFNFOV BOEQSFTT4&5UPSFTFUWBMVFTUPUIFJSEFGBVMUWBMVFT SET NEW ADMIN PIN NEW FAN PIN A/F MONITOR RESET B/H/M RESET UV/H/M RESET DEFAULT 3 5IF TDSFFO QSPNQUT ZPV XJUI B XBSOJOH UP NBLF TVSF UIBU ZPV VOEFSTUBOEUIJTQSPDFTT 4 1SFTTUIF4&5CVUUPOUPDPOmSNUIBUZPVXBOUUPSFTFUUIFWBMVFTUP UIFJSEFGBVMUT*GZPVEPOPUXBOUUPSFTFUUIFWBMVFTZPVDBOQSFTT . The features being reset are WARM-UP period (3 minutes). Decontamination 4. The hour meters cannot be reset either.7.BJOUFOBODF. . Calibration/ Performance validation 2.&/6UPFYJUUPUIFQSFWJPVTTDSFFO Read Manual Press SET SET or MENU NEW ADMIN PIN NEW FAN PIN A/F MONITOR RESET B/H/M RESET UV/H/M RESET DEFAULT 3. Checking of input/output diagnostics . TEMP UNIT (Celsius).4 Setting the Mode /PSNBM. this mode will be activated by default. Note that the calibration settings cannot be reset as it may cause the cabinet to operate in an unsafe manner. Filter scanning 3.PEF The maintenance mode can be used for the following purposes: 1. Every time the cabinet is restarted.PEF This is the default operation mode. Step Action 1SFTT %JTQMBZ4IPXT 1 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU"%. POST-PURGE period (0 minute). VELOCITY UNIT (m/s). Step Action 1SFTT %JTQMBZ4IPXT 1 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDU4&5.0%&GSPNUIFNFOVBOE QSFTT4&5UPTFUUIFPQFSBUJOHNPEFPGUIFDBCJOFU SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 2 6TJOHUIF61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDUZPVSDIPJDFPGPQFSBUJOHNPEF GSPN UIF NFOV BOE UIFO QSFTT 4&5 UP DPOmSN BOE SFUVSO UP UIF QSFWJPVTNFOV SET Normal Maintenance $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .34 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStOperating Your Cabinet Please refer to Microprocessor Calibration Section of the Test Report for more details. This mode should only be used during maintenance by qualified personnel. examine the paper catch at the base of the back wall for obstructions. Thoroughly wipe the drain pan using a disinfectant appropriate for the work being conducted in your lab. make sure that no parts of your body except your hands go inside the cabinet. inner back walls and all other surfaces in the interior of the cabinet using a disinfectant appropriate for the work being conducted in your lab. LEDS will assume normal state and the LCD screen will show the system status. Cabinet power-up alarm verification. the LCD screen will show PLS CHECK PANEL. %FTDSJQUJPOPG5BTLUP1FSGPSN Maintenance to be carried out every %BZ 4VSGBDFEFDPOUBNJOBUFUIFXPSL[POF ¸ $BCJOFUQPXFSVQBMBSNWFSJmDBUJPO ¸ 8FFL 5IPSPVHIMZTVSGBDFEFDPOUBNJOBUFUIFESBJOQBO ¸ $IFDLUIFQBQFSDBUDIGPSSFUBJOFENBUFSJBMT ¸ . Check the paper catch for retained materials.POUI $MFBOUIFFYUFSJPSTVSGBDFTPGUIFDBCJOFU ¸ $IFDLBMMTFSWJDFmYUVSFT XIFSFQSFTFOU GPSQSPQFSPQFSBUJPO ¸ 2VBSUFS *OTQFDUUIFDBCJOFUGPSBOZQIZTJDBMBCOPSNBMJUJFTPSNBMGVODUJPO ¸ $MFBOVQTUBJOMFTTTUFFMTVSGBDFTXJUI. When the cabinet is powered up. If using a commercial preparation. Upon correct initialization the alarms will silence. Remove any retained materials. If using BDPNNFSDJBMQSFQBSBUJPO JUJTIFMQGVMUPGPMMPXVQZPVSXJQFXJUIBFUIBOPMSJOTF&UIBOPMDBOIFMQUIF disinfectant to evaporate cleanly. Thoroughly surface-decontaminate the drain pan. 3. Do not use any disinfectant containing chlorine-based substances as it may corrode the steel used in the cabinet resulting in irreparable damage to the cabinet’s structure. Surface decontaminate the work zone. it is IFMQGVMUPGPMMPXVQZPVSXJQFXJUIBFUIBOPMSJOTF&UIBOPMDBOIFMQUIFEJTJOGFDUBOUUPFWBQPSBUFDMFBOMZ Do not use any disinfectant containing chlorine-based substances as it may corrode the steel used in the cabinet resulting in irreparable damage to the cabinet’s structure. We strongly recommend that you follow the maintenance schedule suggested hereunder in order to obtain optimal performance from your Esco cabinet. Thoroughly wipe the work surface. 4.6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStMaintaining Your Cabinet : 35 CHAPTER 4 MAINTAINING YOUR CABINET Proper and timely maintenance is crucial for trouble free functioning of any device and your Esco cabinet is no exception to this rule. Please refer to the user section for details of appropriate disinfecting agents. Whilst the work tray is out of the cabinet. Please refer to the user section for details of appropriate disinfecting agents. ¸ :FBS 3FDFSUJmDBUJPO ¸ $IBOHF67-BNQ XIFSFQSFTFOU ¸ $IBOHFUIFnVPSFTDFOUMBNQT :FBST ¸ 1. side walls. This state should last 6 seconds while the system initializes. all LEDS on the Sentinel control panel will be illuminated and the alarm will sound. Surface decontamination should be carried out for the UV lights and electrical outlet as well.&. While cleaning the interior of the cabinet. 2. . The engineer will test downflow and inflow velocities. LOG RECORD It is good practice (and in some cases regulatory requirement) to maintain a log of all maintenance work carried out on your cabinet. Check all service fixtures (where present) for proper operation. slide it in to the socket and when fully inserted. There are two or four fluorescent lamps in the cabinet. Replace the power clips at the ends of the new bulbs and ensure they are firmly seated. Inspect the cabinet for any physical abnormalities or malfunction. Close the panel. Clean the exterior surfaces of the cabinet. 6. Change the fluorescent lamps. In such cases. $IBOHF67MBNQ XIFSFQSFTFOU To remove the old lamp. turn the bulb 90 degrees to lock into position. Surface decontamination should be performed after changing the UV bulb. For removing stubborn stains or spots on the stainless steel surface. Use a polyurethane cloth or sponge for washing. 7. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . Observe local. clean the exterior surfaces of the cabinet. To insert the new lamp. make sure that you wash the steel surface immediately afterwards with clean water and some liquid detergent.&. 16 Side view . Raise the front cover and locate the bulbs. make use of MEK (Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone). reconnect the cabinet to the electrical supply and test the bulbs for proper operation. they are located behind the blue panel at the top of the sash. www.Paper catch location 5. 9. Using a damp cloth. Check both fluorescent tubes (and UV light if present) to ensure that they are functioning properly and replace the bulbs if necessary. airflow patterns. state and national regulations as to when you need to get your service lines and fixtures certified. Remove the bulbs from the mounting clips and replace with new ones.com. Re-certification All biological safety cabinets must be re-certified annually by a certified engineer. 11. Esco has an example Maintenance Log available for download from the resources section of our website.36 : 6TFS4FDUJPO$IBQUFStMaintaining Your Cabinet Fig. Before changing the fluorescent bulbs. turn the tube 90 degrees and slide it out from the bracket. $MFBOVQ4UBJOMFTT4UFFM4VSGBDFTXJUI. particularly the front and top of the cabinet in order to remove the dust accumulated there. Remove the power clips at the ends of the bulbs by gently pulling whilst holding the bulb steady. the filter and perform a cabinet leak test to ensure that the BSC is working properly. Regularly cleaning the stainless steel surface can help you retain the attractive factory finish.escoglobal. ensure that the cabinet is powered down and disconnected from the electrical supply. SERVICE SECTION . $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . when: a. when: a. the cabinet must be decontaminated). Filters are scan-tested to ensure they do not leak c. UV lamp replacement . Esco offers training courses to equip service providers with the latest skills. The cause of the airflow alarm cannot be determined b. information and tools to successfully maintain and service Esco products. Re-certification indicates the displayed airflow deviates by >0. . - Filter replacement. For more information on the nearest training course. - Airflow alarm calibration. Maintenance and service should be carried out by trained personnel.02m/s (4fpm) from actual measured velocities. At least once a year During recertification: a. After filter or blower replacement d. - Routine maintenance also includes: a. or as specified. Fluorescent lamp(s) replacement . Filter leaks which cannot be repaired are found during scan-testing (Before filter replacement. adjustments are made as part of the certification process before final values are recorded.(Only for products with airflow velocity displays) - Decontamination before filter or fan replacement. please contact Esco. Biological safety cabinets generally require: - Re-certification.typically once every 2 years. Suitable references include information in the User Section of this Manual or brochures which may be downloaded from the Esco website. - Fan replacement (typically rare) if failure occurs.typically once every 1 year. The cabinet is re-located b. The filters are clogged and the fan(s) are already adjusted to maximum setting b. If airflow velocities are found to be off setpoint.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . b.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM : 39 CHAPTER 1 RE-CERTIFICATION AND MAINTENANCE BY SERVICE PERSONNEL Esco products generally provide years of trouble-free operation however like all equipment they require maintenance and service. Cabinet airflow velocities and flow patterns are verified against the manufacturer’s specifications and relevant international standards b. Operator comfort tests may be performed d. when: a. Service providers should familiarize themselves with the basic operating principles of products before working on them. Cabinet performance is suspected c. BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM 1.1 CERTIFICATION FLOWCHART Decontamination Filter Leak Test Motor Voltage Checking Inflow Velocity Downflow Velocity Microprocessor re-calibration (As needed) Smoke Pattern Noise Level Vibration Pressure (Soap Bubble) Test For new cabinets / commissioning For used / contaminated cabinets Mandatory Optional Note: Motor Voltage Checking is only done for new cabinets / commissioning 1.40 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and .2 AIRFLOW ADJUSTMENT Copy of Test Report Remove the screws using the black screwdriver provided Front Panel Engineering Access Electronics Panel Remove the Thumb Screw by Hand Speed controller CAUTION! Gas spring will swing the front panel upwards Work Surface $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual Light Personnel Protection Test (KI Method) . The damper needs to be adjusted when the downflow velocity does not meet the accepted criteria (3. Loosen the thumbscrew(s) to slide the damper left or right to increase or reduce the downflow velocity. Plug the multimeter probes to the Motor Voltage Sampling Port. Adjust the speed controller by turning on the knob. For 230V cabinet.35 m/s and 6’ unit : 0.18 Speed controller of 115V cabinets. Adjust the airflow by adjusting the speed controller.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM : 41 The speed controller is located in the electronics panel which is accessed by raising the front engineering access panel at the top of the front of the cabinet and then opening the drop-down cover by removing the two screws on the front left and right sides of the cover. Knob Hole to which the screwdriver is inserted Fig.3 DAMPER ADJUSTMENT The damper is used to balance the downflow velocity and exhaust velocity.33 m/s). Open the damper opening if the downflow velocity is too high. The speed controller is different for 230V and 115V cabinets. For 115V cabinets.4. use a yellow screwdriver provided to adjust the speed controller. Damper Thumbscrew .5’ unit:0. 1.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . close the damper opening if the downflow velocity is too low. use the knob provided to adjust the speed controller. 17 Speed controller of 230V cabinets Adjust the speed controller using a screwdriver Fig. Use the multimeter to take the voltage air velocity reading. 4 UNIT RE-CERTIFICATION Steps to perform certification: 1FSGPSNUIF)&1"'JMUFS1"0-FBL5FTU Acceptance criteria / testing procedures have been adopted in accordance with the requirements of the: t /4'"/4*4UBOEBSE 4FDUJPOBOE"OOFY"4FDUJPO t &VSPQFBO4UBOEBSE&/ 4FDUJPOTBOE"OOFY% t *&4531$$i3FDPNNFOEFE1SBDUJDFGPS)&1"BOE6-1"'JMUFS-FBL5FTUTw Challenge the downflow (supply) and exhaust filters with PAO aerosol of fixed concentration. Distribute the aerosol evenly throughout the supply (positive) cabinet plenum.BYJNVNQBSUJDMFQFOFUSBUJPOPGGPSCPUImMUFSTOPmMUFSTMFBLTQSFTFOU $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . Using aerosol photometer. LA2-4A_ LA2-4A_-M LA2-5A_ LA2-5A_-M -""@ -""@. LA2-4L_ LA2-4L_-M LA2-5L_ LA2-5L_-M -"-@ -"-@.42 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . Use the following table to assess the filter performance: 1"0$0/$&/53"5*0/ DOWNFLOW FILTER Leaks detected in media /4'SFRVJSFTHMJUFS CVUHMJUFSJTSFDPNNFOEFE ______µg/liter EXHAUST FILTER 6QTUSFBNDPODFOUSBUJPODBMDVMBUJWF NFUIPE Yes / No Leaks detected in media Yes / No Leaks detected in gasket Yes / No Leaks detected in gasket Yes / No Particle penetration _________% Particle penetration _________% Y/ 5PUBM"JSnPX$GN Notes: t "MXBZTDIFDLCBDLHSPVOEBFSPTPMDPODFOUSBUJPOJOSPPN. and scan for the presence of leaks.BLFTVSFJUTOPUUPPIJHI t $IFDLUIFVQTUSFBNBFSPTPMDPODFOUSBUJPOBHBJOBGUFSUIFUFTUJTDPNQMFUFEUPFOTVSFTBNFWBMVF t 8IFOTXJUDIJOHCFUXFFOVQTUSFBNDMFBSEPXOTUSFBN MFUQIPUPNFUFSQVSHFGPSBNJOVUF t 'PSmFMEUFTUJOHUPBWPJEBDDFTTJOHDPOUBNJOBUFETBNQMJOHUVCF VTFDBMDVMBUJWFNFUIPEBCPWF t 5IFBQQSPYJNBUFUPUBMBJSnPXJTTIPXOJOUBCMFCFMPX /OVNCFSPG-BTLJOOP[[MFPQFOFE Cabinet 5PUBM"JSnPX DGN Cabinet 5PUBM"JSnPX DGN -""@ -""@.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM 1. "DDFQUBODF. monitor aerosol penetration downstream of both filters. *OnPXWFMPDJUZNVTUCFXJUIJO.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM : 43 $IFDLUIF*OnPX7FMPDJUZ Determine the inflow velocity using a Direct Inflow Measurement (DIM) method.1 Direct Inflow Measurement (DIM) Method below for more details. Refer to 2.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . 8JEUI NGU 4BTI)FJHIU NGU Cabinet LA2-4L_ LA2-4L_-M LA2-5L_ LA2-5L_-M -"-@ -"-@. 8JEUI NGU 4BTI)FJHIU NGU Inflow velocity (v) : Vol / A = _______________ (m/s / fpm) "DDFQUBODF 'PS-"@"@-"@"@. Cabinet LA2-4A_ LA2-4A_-M LA2-5A_ LA2-5A_-M -""@ -""@. Take five readings: Inlet Volumetric Flow Rate ((liter/s) / (cfm)) Avg. inflow rate (Vol) : _______________ liter/s = _______________ m3/s / cfm Aperture dimension (A) : Width x Sash height (m2 / ft2) -""@ -""@. *OnPXWFMPDJUZNVTUCFXJUIJO.NT GQN PGNT GQN &TDPT4FUQPJOU 'PS-"@-@-"@-@. The flow hood inlet is attached on the aperture.003 bar (automatically compensated by Flow Hood) Dew Point : 15°C ± 3°C (manually compensated using dew point meter) Based on this ambient condition. the Flow Hood LOCAL DENS reading was calculated to achieve the desired airflow setpoints: Vactualmoist = Pmeasured Pmeasured .Pvapor 7BDUVBMNPJTUBJSnPXDPSSFDUFEGPSIVNJEJUZ EFTJSFEBJSnPXTFUQPJOU x Vdry 1NFBTVSFENFBTVSFEMPDBMQSFTTVSF QFSGPSNFECZ'MPX)PPE 1WBQPSWBQPSQSFTTVSF TFF%PXOnPX7FMPDJUZ5FTUJO5FTU3FQPSU 7ESZBJSnPXDPSSFDUFEGPS-0$"-%&/4 UFNQQSFTTVSF . The condition of Esco ambient-controlled test room: Temperature : 25°C ±3°C (automatically compensated by Flow Hood) Pressure : 1.FUIPE Direct Inflow Measurement (DIM) method utilizes a calibrated Flow Hood that measured the inlet volumetric flow rate on the front aperture at nominal operating speed. The Flow Hood was set at LOCAL DENS to automatically compensate the reading for pressure and temperature. and then the reading was manually compensated for humidity by using a dew point meter. and the rest of the opening area covered by laminated paper and masking tape.FBTVSFNFOU %*. . The inflow velocity is obtained by dividing the volumetric inflow rate measured by Flow Hood by the width and height of the front aperture at the normal operating sash height.NT GQN PGNT GQN &TDPT4FUQPJOU %JSFDU*OnPX.005 bar ± 0. Cabinet $POWFSTJPOGBDUPS -""@ -""@.5 inches) below the sash window lower edge to take the reading at the center of the opening height.com. 2. Take the average of the readings. 8JEUI NNJO %JTUBODFGSPNXBMMT NNJO %JTUBODFBQBSU NNJO Cabinet 3. LA2-4A_ LA2-4A_-M LA2-5A_ LA2-5A_-M -""@ -""@. Mark the probe position on the masking tape Example (units are mm / inches): The window height is 76 mm / 3 inches. which along with gage block. Multiply the average by the conversion factor which converts the velocity reading at 76 mm (3”) constricted the normal window opening. -"-@ -"-@. REMOVE the gage block before taking airflow reading. 1. Hold the arm’s rest by hand when the last capped nut is unscrewed. and the distance is shown in a table below: -""@ -""@. Attach the probe holder to the cabinet by making the magnets on the probe holder bonds to the EG steel part underneath the cabinet. may be obtained by contacting biotech@escoglobal. If the cabinet does not have a conversion factor. Make sure the probe holder touch the front nosing of the cabinet.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM 2. Put the masking tape to cover the small gap between the tray and the cabinet. LA2-4A_ LA2-4A_-M LA2-4L_ LA2-4L_-M LA2-5A_ LA2-5A_-M LA2-5L_ LA2-5L_-M -""@ -""@. Remove the arm’s rest. 4. Adjust the probe height so that the center of the white tip is 38 mm (1. 5. then the height correction factor is applied. Mount the thermo-anemometer on the probe holder.44 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and .2 Secondary Inflow Measurement Method The secondary inflow measurement method uses Esco’s probe holder and gage block. Height Correction Factor is given as: VNominal_Sash_Height = Constricted_Sash_Height_Opening Nominal_Sash_Height_Opening $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual VConstricted_Sash_Height . Put the gage block and lower the sash window until it consistently touches the window height template on the left and right side of the cabinet. clamp the thinnest part of the probe with the holder so as to bring the probe outwards to be inline with the glass inwards to be inline with the glass Acceptance criteria / testing procedures have been adopted in accordance with the requirements of the: t /4'"/4*4UBOEBSE 4FDUJPOBOE"OOFY"4FDUJPO t $BOBEJBO4UBOEBSE$4". clamp the thickest part of the probe with the holder so as to bring the probe If the sash glass is too back.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM : 45 Sash window lower edge Gage block 1SPCFTXIJUFUJQJT 38 mm (1. Adjustments have to be made to the position of the probe. 4FDUJPO t &VSPQFBO4UBOEBSE&/ "OOFY(BOE) .5 inches) from sash window lower edge Masking tape covering the gap between tray and cabinet with marks to indicate probe position Probe holder with magnet attached to bottom of cabinet and touching front nosing of cabinet Recommended ThermoBOFNPNFUFS54* Velocicalc Plus 8384 Note: It is very important that the orientation of the probe with respect to the sash glass has to be correct or the inflow measurement would not be accurate. the sash glass can be too front of the glass.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . If the sash glass is too front. However due to differences in manufacturing tolerances. The probe must be parallel to the sash glass angle and in the same plane as the sash glass. 9 in) above the lower edge of the sash window opening.5 mm (0. with correct orientation (see Probe Orientation note) Cabinet 8JEUI NN -FGUUP3JHIU 'SPOUUP#BDL %JTUBODFGSPNXBMMT NN -""@ -""@.BY%FWJBUJPO @@@@@@@NT GQN @@@@@@@ Note: The Velocity probe must be placed with accuracy within 12.5 inch) from the above grid. The velocity reading is compensated for Temperature. %JTUBODFBQBSU9 NN %JTUBODFGSPNXBMMT NN %JTUBODFBQBSU:NN "DDFQUBODF"WFSBHFEPXOnPXWFMPDJUZNVTUCFXJUIJO. Pressure. and Humidity (Dew Point Temperature). LA2-4A_ LA2-4A_-M LA2-5A_ LA2-5A_-M -""@ -""@. with the UV lamp and IV bar removed.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM $IFDLUIF%PXOnPX7FMPDJUZ Acceptance criteria / testing procedures have been adopted in accordance with the requirements of the t /4'"/4*o4UBOEBSE 4FDUJPOBOE"OOFY"4FDUJPO t &VSPQFBO4UBOEBSE&/ "OOFY(BOE) Take the reading with a calibrated thermo-anemometer on a plane that is 10 cm (3. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Y Y GU6OJU GU6OJU GU6OJU GU6OJU Average : ________ m/s (fpm) . The grid points and results (all dimensions are in mm): %PXOnPX7FMPDJUZ5FTUGPS-"@"@-"@"@.46 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . NT GQN PG&TDPTTFUQPJOU GFFU6OJUNT GQN GFFU6OJUNT GQN "MMJOEJWJEVBMEPXOnPXWFMPDJUZSFBEJOHTNVTUCFXJUIJONT GQN PSXIJDIFWFSJTIJHIFSGSPNUIF average. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . %JTUBODFGSPNXBMMT NN %JTUBODFBQBSU NN %JTUBODFGSPNXBMMT NN %JTUBODFBQBSU NN Cabinet 8JEUI NN -FGUUP3JHIU 'SPOUUP#BDL "DDFQUBODF"WFSBHFEPXOnPXWFMPDJUZNVTUCFXJUIJO.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM : 47 %PXOnPX7FMPDJUZ5FTUGPS-"@-@-"@-@.BY%FWJBUJPO @@@@@@@@@@@NT GQN @@@@@@@@@@@ Note: The velocity probe must be placed with accuracy within 12. 8JEUI GU6OJU Average : ___________ m/s (fpm) . with correct orientation (see Probe Orientation note below) LA2-4L_ LA2-4L_-M LA2-5L_ LA2-5L_-M -"-@ -"-@.5mm (0.5 inch) from the above grid. 1WBQPSWBQPSQSFTTVSF 1BTDBM 1NFBTVSFENFBTVSFEQSFTTVSF NN)H 7ESZWFMPDJUZJOESZBJS NT 7NFBTVSFENFBTVSFEWFMPDJUZ NT 7BDUVBMNPJTUBDUVBMDPSSFDUFEWFMPDJUZ NT .673952 x 10 x T2 + 2.9385 x T + 21.24 .711193 x 10 x T + 1.2.JEEMFBOECBDLSPXUIFQSPCFXBTQPJOUFEUPUIFSJHIUPOUIFSJHIUIBMGPGUIFDBCJOFU BOEJTQPJOUFEUPUIFMFGUPOUIFMFGU half and center of the cabinet In (PWBQPS)=-6096.433502 x In (T) VESZ = VNFBTVSFE x [ VBDUVBMNPJTU = 273 + TNFBTVSFE 273 + 21.NT GQN PGNT GQN &TDPTTFUQPJOU "MMJOEJWJEVBMEPXOnPXWFMPDJUZSFBEJOHTNVTUCFXJUIJONT GQN PSXIJDIFWFSJTIJHIFSGSPN the average. Note: 1SPCF0SJFOUBUJPOXIFOQFSGPSNJOHEPXOnPXUFTU t 'SPOUSPXUIFQSPCFXBTQPJOUFEUPUIFGSPOU t .1 PNFBTVSFEY7ESZ PNFBTVSFE1WBQPS ]x 101325 PNFBTVSFE TNFBTVSFENFBTVSFEUFNQFSBUVSF ¡$ 5EFXQPJOUUFNQFSBUVSF . Observation: Smoke flow should be smooth downward with no dead spots. 4FDUJPO %PXOnPX Spray smoke on work surface center line.8cm (1. and vibration b. left to right. You are recommended to perform the following optional tests as well: a. 5cm (2”) from the sides and along the top of the work area. left to right. Observation: Smoke flow should be downward with no dead air corner or reflux. Observation: There should be no smoke escape from the cabinet. View Screen Retention: Spray smoke 2. 10cm (4”) above sash window lower edge. no billowing or penetration over work surface. 8PSL0QFOJOH&EHF3FUFOUJPO Spray smoke along entire aperture perimeter. Pressure Test (Soap Bubble Test) Esco conducts training courses on the validation and certification of biological safety cabinets. Observation: Smoke flow smooth. Operator comfort tests: light. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . UV intensity test d. Personnel Protection Test (KI Method) e. Sash Wiper Seal: Spray smoke behind sash. Notes: 5IFTBTI8JQFS4FBM5FTUXJMMSFRVJSFUXPQFSTPOTUPQFSGPSNUIFUFTU t 0OFQFSTPOUPJOTFSUIBOEJOUPUIFDBCJOFUBOEFKFDUUIFTNPLF t 0OFQFSTPOUPDIFDLGPSTNPLFFTDBQFGSPNUIFDBCJOFU XJUIUIFGSPOUQBOFMMJGUFE 5. 15cm (6”) above sash lower edge. %PXOnPX%JGGVTFS1FSJNFUFS Spray smoke at 2. no reflux out once drawn in.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM 1FSGPSNUIFBJSnPXTNPLFQBUUFSOTUFTU You will need a suitable visible smoke generator to visualize cabinet airflow patterns (see the Factory Test Report for the generator used in initial factory testing). If you are interested you are most welcome to contact Esco or your nearest Esco distributor.48 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and .5”) outside cabinet. Observation: Smoke flow should be smooth downward with no dead spots or reflux (upward blow). reflux (upward blow) or escape.5cm (1”) behind sash.5cm (1”) underneath the diffuser perimeter (this is a non-NSF test). noise. Electrical safety test c. Acceptance criteria and testing procedure have been adopted from and in accordance with the requirements of the: t /4'"/4*o4UBOEBSE 4FDUJPOBOE"OOFY"4FDUJPO t $BOBEJBO4UBOEBSE$4". 3. 1 Setting Cabinet to Maintenance Mode Before calibration is performed. If the cabinet airflow as measured with independent calibrated instrumentation deviate from acceptable setpoint.&/6CVUUPO5IFTDSFFOXJMMQSPNQUGPSUIFmSTUOVNCFSPG UIFEJHJU1*/ MENU 6TJOH61%08/CVUUPOT TFMFDUUIFmSTUEJHJUPGUIF1*/OVNCFSBOE QSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET 6TJOH61%08/CVUUPOTTFMFDUUIFTFDPOEEJHJUPGUIF1*/OVNCFS BOEQSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET 6TJOH61%08/CVUUPOTTFMFDUUIFUIJSEEJHJUPGUIF1*/OVNCFSBOE QSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET 6TJOH61%08/CVUUPOTTFMFDUUIFMBTUEJHJUPGUIF1*/OVNCFSBOE QSFTT4&5UPNPWFPO SET 6 :PV XJMM OPX CF BCMF UP TFMFDU GSPN UIF BWBJMBCMF NFOV PQUJPOT 6TF61%08/CVUUPOTUPNPWFUPUIF4&5. resulting in a minor discrepancy in calibration. adjust the speed controller.5 CALIBRATION OF SENTINEL™ CONTROL Calibration involves measuring airflow with independent calibrated instrumentation (as the standard reference). Calibration is independent from airflow adjustment which is accomplished via speed controller (refer to Section 1.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . Note: Calibration should only be performed if displayed airflow LCD display differ significantly from measured values.2 in the Service Section of the manual).&/6CVUUPOUPFYJUGSPNUIFNFOV 2 3 4 5 MENU %JTQMBZ4IPXT XXX FORMAT: 0 XXX FORMAT: 0 XXX FORMAT: 00 XXX FORMAT: 000 XXX FORMAT: 0009 . 1. In maintenance mode.BJOUFOBODFwNPEFGSPNUIFNFOV BOE QSFTT 4&5 5IF DBCJOFU JT JO NBJOUFOBODF NPEF XJUI UIF -$% DPOUJOVPVTMZCMJOLJOHBOE EJTQMBZJOHUPJOEJDBUFVOTBGFDPOEJUJPO SET NORMAL MAINTENANCE 8 1SFTTUIF. Step Action 1SFTT 1 1SFTT.5. This is important because the fan voltage will slightly increase if the lights is off. the alarms are disabled.0%&PQUJPO1SFTT4&5 CVUUPO SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 7 6TJOH61%08/CVUUPO TFMFDUi. and establishing a reference between airflow sensors on the cabinet to the standard reference. and no fan warm up/post purge is required. The calibration must be done in maintenance mode. set the cabinet to maintenance mode where the sash window can be lowered without the lights be automatically cut off. PIN is not required every time the MENU or fan button is pressed.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM : 49 1. 45 m/s (90 fpm) (inflow velocity) 1. 4.5.50 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . i4&5/0. 1. Step Action 1SFTT %JTQMBZ4IPXT 1 1SFTT . Wait for 10 minutes to allow the speed controller to warm up.4 Calibrating the Inflow Fail Set Point t For LA2-_A_/ LA2-_A_-M : 0.38 m/s (75 fpm) for LA2-_L_/ LA2-_L_-M).5.3 Warming Up the Speed Control Turn the fan on. 2. The microprocessor takes 3 minutes to record the sensor output voltage.FOV MENU SET SETTINGS CALIBRATION ADMIN SET MODE 2 'SPNUIFNFOV TFMFDU4&5$0/45"/5BOEQSFTT4&5 SET SET CONSTANT 3 5IFEFGBVMUTFOTPSDPOTUBOUJT6TF61%08/CVUUPOTUPDIBOHF UIF TFOTPS DPOTUBOU JO JODSFNFOU PG 1SFTT 4&5 UP TFU UIF TFOTPS DPOTUBOUWBMVF SET CONSTANT 4 1SFTT.&/6 CVUUPO UP FOUFS UIF NBJO NFOV 6TJOH UIF 61%08/ CVUUPOTTFMFDU$"-*#3"5*0/GSPNUIFNFOVBOEQSFTT4&5UPFOUFS UIF$BMJCSBUJPO.38 m/s (75 fpm) (inflow velocity) button until the LCD displays “CALIBRATION”.5. and the warm-up time is 3 minutes. i4&5'"*-15o * wBOEi*NT GQN wBMUFSOBUFMZ -"@-@-"@-@. Press the MENU button. Press the SET button. This sensor constant is used for temperature compensation performed by the temperature sensor.45 m/s (90 fpm) (inflow velocity) t For LA2-_L_ / LA2-_L_-M: 0.5 Calibrating the Inflow Nominal Set Point For LA2-_A_/ LA2-_A_-M: 0. The LCD will show : i4&5'"*-15o * wBOEi*NT GQN wBMUFSOBUFMZ -"@"@-"@"@. Every sensor manufactured by Esco has a specific Sensor Constant written on the sensor sticker. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .Temperature Sensor Activation Note: This step needs to be performed only if the sensor is changed.*/"-15o * wBOEi*NT GQN wBMUFSOBUFMZ -"@-@-"@-@. Once the velocity is achieved press SET.&/6CVUUPOUPFYJUGSPNUIFNFOV MENU 1.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM 1.*/"-15o * wBOEi*NT GQN wBMUFSOBUFMZ -"@"@-"@"@. as shown on the LCD. Use the will display “READ MANUAL” and “PRESS SET”.45 m/s (90 fpm) for LA2-_A_/ LA2-_A_-M (0. Fan will be automatically turned on if it’s originally turned off. Press SET again to begin calibration.2 Sensor Constant . 1. After the above recording is done. Adjust the speed control and measure with meter so that the measured inflow velocity is 0. The LCD 1. 3.5.53 m/s (105 fpm) (inflow velocity) For LA2-_L_/ LA2-_L_-M: 0. the LCD will show: i4&5/0. 45 m/s (90 fpm) for LA2-_A_/ LA2-_A_-M (0. Press SET. 3. multiply by 2. 1.45 m/s (90 fpm) for LA2-_L_/ LA2-_L_-M) and press SET. Check if the displayed inflow velocity is 0.53 m/s (105 fpm) for LA2-_A_/ LA2-_A_-M (0. Press the MENU button twice to exit from the MENU.VEL: 0.5. The displayed nominal inflow should be 105 ± 3 fpm and nominal downflow should be the downflow velocity that was entered in m/s. Press the SET button.35 m/s (69 fpm) for LA2-_A_/LA2-_A_-M (0.35 m/s (69 fpm)” (LA2-_A_/ LA2-_A_-M). Lower the speed control setting to the Inflow Fail Point voltage.“D. Still in MENU mode.30 m/s (60 fpm)” (LA2-_L_/ LA2-_L_-M). which has to be less than 15 sec. 1.38 m/s (75 fpm) for LA2-_L_/ LA2-_L_-M) and the alarm is activated. .VEL: 0. increase the speed control voltage back to the Nominal Set Point. Use the button to change the unit from m/s to fpm. Change the unit back to m/s. Press MENU button.30 m/s (60 fpm) for LA2-_L_/ LA2-_L_-M).6 Calibrating the Downflow Nominal Set Point (downflow velocity) 1. use the or button to change the downflow value. then minus 1 fpm.30 m/s (60 fpm) for LA2-_L_/ LA2-_L_-M) downflow could not be reached. Use the button to get “SETTINGS”.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM : 51 2. Use the button until the LCD displays “RESET DEFAULT”. press the SET button. 6. The LCD will display . Press the SET button. indicating that all the points are already calibrated.35 m/s (69 fpm) for LA2-_A_/ LA2-_A_-M (0. 5. with max fluctuations of ± 2 fpm.02 m/s (4 fpm) and the downflow velocity shown on LCD is the downflow velocity that was entered with fluctuations of ± 0.5. the calibration must be performed again. button until the LCD displays “SET MODE”. Adjust the speed control and measure with meter so that the measured inflow velocity is 0. 4. After the above recording is done do not change the fan speed control setting and the damper opening. Press SET once to select and twice to confirm.“D. The microprocessor takes 3 minutes to record the sensor output voltage. Press SET.45 m/s (90 fpm) for LA2-_L_/ LA2-_L_-M) with max fluctuations of ± 0. The inflow velocity shown on LCD should be 0. If the 0. Press the SET button. and Final Checking 1. Completely block the sensor and record the time response for the alarm.01 m/s (2 fpm). Note: This first step applies only for LA2-_A_/ LA2-_A_-M. If the LCD shows “CALIBRATION ERR”. After that. record the sensor VDC output at the black and yellow cable ports labeled as J1AIN1 on the microprocessor board. If the downflow at nominal inflow setpoint is 0. Use the 2.7 Setting Cabinet back to Normal Mode. the LCD will show “CALIBRATION DONE” and the buzzer confirmation beep. Use the button until the LCD displays “NORMAL”. Press MENU button twice to exit from menu. At Nominal Set Point.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . Now the cabinet is in the normal mode and the LCD stop blinking. . Press MENU twice. Press MENU. 2. use the or button until the LCD displays “ADMIN”. After the above recording is done.53 m/s (105 fpm) for LA2-_A_/ LA2-_A_-M (0. Use the button to get “VELOCITY UNIT”. Remove filter access panel using “+” screw driver. 4. loosen the nut until the frame collapses all the way down along with the exhaust filter 6. To replace filter. Move sash window to the lowest position Note: For LA2-_A_-M / LA2-_L_-M. Using the #13 spanner. 2. Remove cover on positive plenum box 5. Remove the screws from the bottom of blue panel and then lift up the blue panel. Remove exhaust filter by sliding out from front 7. repeat the above mentioned procedure in reverse order WARNING: TWO PERSONS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR CHANGING THE FILTER(S) OF 5 FT AND 6 FT CABINETS The cabinet must undergo re-certification after changing filter.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM 1. Remove the downflow filter by sliding out from the front 9. remove the motorized window straps before moving the sash window to the lowest position. Caution: The front panel is equipped with gas spring which will open the front panel automatically. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . 3. Using a #13 spanner.6 REPLACEMENT OF FILTERS 1. tighten the nut until the positive air plenum box is lifted up and is clear from the downflow filter 8.52 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . should be worn while removing used filters. 4. The new filter should be carefully handled and examined before being fitted. Used filters should be disposed off in accordance with local regulations. the two ULPA filters do not need replacement unless and until the inflow velocity cannot be maintained at the specifications required by the testing report even though the fan has been set to maximum speed. including but not limited to maintenance parts. They should be double bagged and appropriately labelled after being removed from the cabinet. This would minimize the risk to personnel in the event of decontamination not being thorough.ideally consisting of a disposable gown. The use of non-Esco parts and / or parts not supplied directly by Esco or our authorized distributors. gloves. 1. all surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned of silicon and/or adherent gasket material. hair and shoe covers . Take out the blower housing and unscrew the bolts that secure the blower to the blower housing. follow the steps mentioned below: 1.7 REPLACEMENT OF BLOWER To replace the blower. You should dispose off these things after the procedure. 3. spare parts.puncture). their contaminated faces should be taped off using plastic cardboard or some other suitable material. Proper protective attire . face mask. 2. Check the replacement parts list at the end of this manual. shall void all expressed or implied warranties. . 4. Finally you should properly wash your hands. 3. system components and / or system accessories. Before the new filters are installed.11 1. 2. The filters should not be replaced until the entire cabinet has been decontaminated. Please refer to the decontamination procedure in Section 1. Repeat this procedure in reverse order with the new blower to complete the replacement.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . Follow the steps that have been pictorially illustrated in the blower replacement diagram below. Before the filters are removed from the cabinet.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM : 53 Under normal usage and barring any accident (example . They may have to be incinerated as medical waste. replacement parts. It is important that the filters and the gaskets be checked for leaks prior to use. iii. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . Combine the cables that have been siliconed together using silicone.54 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and .BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM 5. Silicon each cable that has been soldered. Please take the following precautions before you install the replacement in order to avoid any possibility of leakage in the cabinet i. ii. Ensure that each cable has been soldered as shown in the picture on the left. as shown in the figure below: Ensure correct distance Ensure correct orientation 6. Push in the new sensor. 3. 5. Airflow sensor is located on top of the cabinet. Fasten the nut and reconnect the airflow sensor cable connector. Mount back the cable onto the sensor housing. please watch the airflow direction . Cut the cable ties to remove the temperature sensor. so that the axes of the sensor holes are parallel to the airflow direction. Make sure that the arrow sticker on the sensor tube is pointing “up” as shown in the figure below. Pull out the old airflow sensor from the sensor housing. Make sure that there is no gap between the housing and the filter as shown below: No gap between the casing and filter When installing the airflow sensor.5cm. Also make sure that the distance between the outer sensor hole and wall of the sensor housing is 5.&/50'"*3'-084&/403 Airflow Sensor Cable ties Temperature Sensor 1.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM : 55 3&1-"$&. 2.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . Start by disconnecting the airflow sensor cable connector. Unfasten the nut connecting the airflow sensor to the sensor housing 4. Disconnect the glass from the wires by loosening the screws on the clips (number eight shape clips). f. j. Open both left and right profile covers. Remove the 2 countersunk screws from the side front profile. Place back the profile covers and secure it. Remove the wood that support the counterbalance at the back to allow counterbalance to move. Replace the glass. g. stacker. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .56 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . as the heavy counterbalance can slip down easily and injure the holder. Do not hold with hand. This will help to ensure that the sash wire is connected to counterbalance evenly. Bring the sash glass to fully closed position that it is resting on the armrest. e. i. c. Remove the screws under the blue panel to open the front panel b.9 REPLACEMENT OF SASH GLASS 3FNPWFTDSFXTGSPNUIFTJEFTPGUIFDBCJOFU 3FNPWFUIFTBTIDPWFS 3VOUIFXJSFUISPVHIUIFIPMFTPOUIFCSBDLFUTIPMEJOHUIFHMBTT BOETFDVSFUIFTUBJOMFTTTUFFMXJSFDMJQCZUJHIUJOHUIFOVU )PPLUIFXJSFBDSPTTUIFSPMMFSTBTTIPXO 3VOUIFXJSFUISPVHIUIFIPMFTPOUIFDPVOUFSXFJHIUBOETFDVSF VTJOHUIFTBNFNFUIPEUPTFDVSFUIFHMBTT 3FJOTUBMMUIFTBTIDPWFS 3FQMBDFNFOUPGCSPLFOTBTIHMBTT a. Make sure that the counterbalance is well supported before disconnecting the wire from the sash glass. Support the counterbalance at the back on its highest position by using a wooden bar. d. Run the wire back to the hole and secure it with the clips. h.Observe the position of where the wire is previously clipped. Move the sash glass to test whether the connection is tight.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM 1. Ensure the clips are perfectly tightened. 11 DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURE "EFDPOUBNJOBUJPOLJUoDPNQMFUFXJUIBMMNBUFSJBMT FRVJQNFOUBOETVQQMJFT CVUFYDMVEJOHDIFNJDBMTXIJDITIPVMECF acquired locally) required for carrying out decontamination of safety cabinets . Caution: The front panel is equipped with a gas spring which will open the front panel automatically.&/50''-603&4$&/5-". 3.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . Take out the old UV lamp by rotating it 90o counter clockwise and pull downward. 2. UV interlock should not be defeated at all times. Check the replacement parts list at the end of this manual. Decontamination should be performed in any of the following eventualities: t #FGPSFSFQMBDJOHUIFFYIBVTUEPXOnPXmMUFSTPSCMPXFS t #FGPSFBDDFTTJOHUIFDPOUBNJOBUFEOFHBUJWFPSQPTJUJWFQMFOVNPGUIFDBCJOFU t *ODBTFPGBOBDDJEFOUBMTQJMMBHFUIBUNJHIUIBWFDPOUBNJOBUFEBOZPGUIFJOBDDFTTJCMFTVSGBDFT t #FGPSFQFSGPSNBODFWBMJEBUJPOBOESFDFSUJmDBUJPO FTQFDJBMMZJGUIFDBCJOFUIBTCFFOVTFEXJUI#JPMPHJDBMTBGFUZ Level 3 or 4 agents t #FGPSFDBCJOFUSFMPDBUJPO Decontamination should only be performed by qualified personnel . 3. 1. Disconnect the electrical connections.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM : 57 3&1-"$&.1 3FQMBDFNFOUPG'MVPSFTDFOU-BNQ 1. Disconnect the old one(s) and replace with the new one(s). Replacement of UV Lamp 1. Install the new UV lamp by pushing it upward and rotating it 90o clockwise to secure the lamp in its socket. The fluorescent lamp(s) is located behind the blue panel.is available from Esco. Unfasten the two screws from the bottom of the blue panel and then lift up the blue panel. Check the replacement parts list at the end of this manual. 4.1"/%67-". Disconnect the electrical connections. Hazardous UV-C can be present internally. 2. 4. OSHA prescribes the following exposure limit for Ammonia: Ammonia STEL: 35 ppm for 15 minutes exposure. full body.draeger.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM 1. Inhalation in large concentration can cause convulsions. External contact can cause irritation to skin.&910463&-&7&- 45&- QQNGPSNJOVUFTFYQPTVSF UJNFTBEBZ NJOJNVNPGNJOVUFTJO between exposures.html Tubes with a measuring range of 0-100 ppm are recommended 3. Disposable surgical/PVC gloves for hand protection $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . Department of Labor: http://www. 1987.1 Warning On Formalin Exposure Decontamination is often performed by means of formaldehyde fumigation or paraformaldehyde de-polymerisation. minimum of 60 minutes in between exposure. formaldehyde exposure limits are as follows: t 4)0355&3. Formalin exposure could have very dangerous implications on your health: 1.11. Personnel should be given adequate training.11. 1995). The following links provide general guidelines on formaldehyde safety: t 3FHVMBUJPOT 4UBOEBSET$'3 'PSNBMEFIZEF 0DDVQBUJPOBM4BGFUZBOE)FBMUI4UBOEBSET 04)" (Occupational Safety and Health Administration). Long term exposure can cause cancer Care should be taken while working with formaldehyde as it can be “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen” (IARC 1982. long-sleeved disposable lab gown 2.S. Inhalation in small concentration can cause coughing. nausea and diarrhoea 3. 4 times a day. Disposable shoe covers 3.3 Appropriate Protective Clothing 1. Device to measure ammonia concentration Dräger®-Tubes and Accuro® pumps have been found to be suitable: Drägerwerk AG (Germany) http://www. Any additional local safety regulations should also be observed. Spore strips (optional) 1.2 Common List Of Equipment Used 1. A solid front-back closing. eyes and mucous membranes 2. coma and even death 4.osha.58 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and .ppm-technology.11. U.gov t 04)"'PSNBMEFIZEF'BDUTIFFU 1%'GPSNBU IUUQXXXPTIBHPW0TI%PDEBUB@(FOFSBM@'BDUTGPSNBMEFIZEF factsheet.com/index. According to OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Administration (USA)].pdf Ammonia is used to neutralize formaldehyde. Device to measure formaldehyde concentration Formaldemeter® 400 has been found to be suitable and can be obtained from: PPM Technology (UK) http://www. 1.com 2. 19 Full-faced mask 1. and socket key (M4 and M5) 1. It is recommended that a safety briefing be conducted for all personnel in the laboratory where the cabinet has been placed before carrying out the procedure.4 Common Apparatus a.5 Common Preparatory Steps 1. You should properly study the ventilation design of the room and should keep appropriate equipment on standby so that formaldehyde can be vented in the event of a leakage. contingency plans should be drawn for possible incidences of breach in the cabinet seal. Beaker Measuring cylinder Tape (3M-3939 is recommended) Air-tight bag that can enclose the entire cabinet (can be ordered from Esco) Measuring tape Biohazard waste bag Hand-drill. One way of doing this would be to connect a flexible hose to a small exhaust fan which can vent the contaminated air into an adjacent fume hood. . Nitrile gloves exhibit higher resistance to formaldehyde and are less likely to cause allergic skin reactions.11.11. No personnel should enter the lab until the procedure is complete and the formaldehyde concentration has been verified to be within safe limits. Fig. Gloves must be worn while handling formalin and ammonia solutions. Prior to starting the procedure. A warning sign should be pasted on the door of the lab to warn all personnel (a suitable label is available from Esco). e. Special care should also be taken in case the air in the laboratory is re-circulated to other parts of the building. f. d. The face shield should be wiped clean with a suitable tissue and water each time after using it. Hence Nitrile gloves are preferred over latex gloves. Access to the laboratory should be restricted during the procedure. a formaldehyde leakage could even necessitate evacuation of other parts of the building. Double gloving should be considered.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM : 59 NB: Gloves should be pulled over the knitted wrists of the gown rather than being worn inside. leading to leakage of formaldehyde into the room. g. Compared to latex gloves. 2. Full-faced mask with a disposable dust and mist respirator.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . 20 Clearly display warning signs on all doors into the lab 3. c. 4. screwdriver. b. Fig. In such a case. If any ductwork is used. mounted on a “tall” 90 cm (35 inches) standing height support stand. 1. It is very important to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations with respect to the above mentioned techniques.60 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . with the body height of 1. The actual volume to be decontaminated must be measured on site. 'PSNBMEFIZEFo"NNPOJB$PNCJOBUJPO $BMDVMBUFUIFBNPVOUPGGPSNBMJO BNNPOJB BOEXBUFSSFRVJSFE XIJDIJTNMFBDI GPSFWFSZDVCJD meter volume to be decontaminated.11. as it varies from one cabinet to another. especially when installed on a 70 cm (28 inches) sitting height support stand.7m (67 inches) and width of 0. the extra volume must also be taken into account for calculating the amount of chemicals that would be needed for carrying out the decontamination. then there is no need to add water.5m GUN 7PMVNF N 2 'PSNBMJO NM "NNPOJB NM 8BUFS NM PQUJPOBM Smaller size cabinets. require less formalin. Paraformaldehyde with ammonium bicarbonate (NH4CO3) being the neutralizer The decontamination processes carried out using these two combinations are slightly different. width and height of the air tight bag that would be used to enclose the cabinet in order to calculate its volume. Measure the length. ammonia.9 m (35 inches). and the corresponding required solution mixture. 8BUFSJTQPVSFEJOUPUIFGPSNBMJOUBOLUPJODSFBTFUIFEFDPOUBNJOBUJPOBSFBIVNJEJUZUPCFBCPWF*GUIFSPPN IVNJEJUZBMSFBEZFYDFFET BOEUIFGPSNBMJOUBOLVTBHFOFFETUPCFPQUJNJ[FEUPEFDPOUBNJOBUFBMBSHFTQBDF such as a small room. The figures on the table above are given for comparative purpose only. Please note that the water shall not be poured into the ammonia tank because it will not assist in the decontamination process.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM 4. They include: t $POOFDUJOHBUFNQPSBSZEVDUUPUIFDBCJOFU XJUIUIFHBTCFJOHSFMFBTFEJOUPBGVNFDVQCPBSE t $POOFDUJOHBUFNQPSBSZEVDUUPUIFFYUFSOBMBUNPTQIFSFVTJOHBUFNQPSBSZGPSNDPOOFDUJPO t 6TJOHUIFFYJTUJOHEVDUDPOOFDUJPOPGUIFDBCJOFUUPFYIBVTUUIFHBT 5IJTJTBQQMJDBCMFPOMZJGUIFDBCJOFUJT itself ducted). a relatively “large size” biological safety cabinet. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . Both these processes are discussed in details.2m 5ft / 1. a proximately as follows: Cabinet Width GUN GUN 4ft / 1. To anticipate a “worst case scenario”. will have the volume enclosed by the air tight bag. and water than the table above.6 Decontamination Process There are two alternative combinations of decontaminants and their corresponding neutralizers that are commonly used: GPSNBMJOTPMVUJPO )$)0 XJUIBNNPOJBTPMVUJPO /)4OH) being the neutralizer 2. There are other ways of cancelling out the effects of formaldehyde / paraformaldehyde than using the above-mentioned neutralizers. 21 Completely enclose the cabinet using a plastic bag and ensure air-tightness inside the enclosure by utilizing tape in all appropriate places.2m 5ft / 1.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM : 61 Please pay special attention to the cables.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . Fig. Below is the approximate time interval to turn on the blower.&wJTmOJTIFE JOGPSNUIFVTFSUPPQFOUIFQMBTUJDCBH1MFBTFCFBXBSFUIBUUIFGPSNBMJO and / or ammonia concentration inside the plastic bag may be above the Short Term Exposure Level (STEL) and full face mask with formalin filter is required when opening the plastic bag. t "MMPXUIFBNNPOJBWBQPSBNJOJNVNOFVUSBMJ[BUJPOUJNFPGIPVSTJOTJEFUIFDBCJOFU /&653"-5*. 22 t "GUFSBQQSPYJNBUFMZ BOEPGUIFGPSNBMJOCFJOHFWBQPSBUFE UVSOPOUIFDBCJOFUCMPXFSGPS minute to circulate the formalin throughout the cabinet. t 5IFBNNPOJBWBQPSJ[FSXJMMBVUPNBUJDBMMZTUBSUBGUFSUIFi$0/5"$55*.& t "GUFSUIFi/&653"-5*. Pay special attention to the power supply cables. Ensure that they are taped properly so that there are no leakages. this is not required. However. and not as important as circulating the formalin.&wJTmOJTIFE*GQPTTJCMF JUTEFTJSBCMFUP circulate the ammonia by turning on the cabinet blower at the same interval as the formalin vaporization.5m GUN 2 NJO NJO NJO NJO NJO t "MMPXUIFGPSNBMJOWBQPSBNJOJNVNDPOUBDUUJNFPGIPVSTJOTJEFUIFDBCJOFU QSFGFSBCMZIPVST CVUPWFSOJHIU is better (CONTACT TIME). Fig. corresponding to the formalin and ammonia table for the “worse case scenario” as previously discussed: Cabinet Width 7PMVNF N #MPXFS0/JOUFSWBM GUN GUN 4ft / 1. . Another heating device is placed on the work tray for the ammonium bicarbonate. Completely enclose the cabinet using a plastic bag and ensure air-tightness inside the enclosure by using tapes at all appropriate places. the ammonium bicarbonate should be restricted from mixing with the air in the cabinet.11.5 – point 4.62 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and .11. Please pay special attention to the cables. Use a hot plate to heat a beaker of water until the desired temperature and humidity are achieved Unless these temperature and humidity conditions are fulfilled. Typically. Pay special attention to the power supply cables. The auto ignition temperature of paraformaldehyde is 3000C (5720F) $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . Fig. Spread the paraformaldehyde evenly over the surface of the heating device 5. Wear appropriate protective clothing (Refer to Section 1. Ensure that they are taped properly so that there are no leakages.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM 1BSBGPSNBMEFIZEFo"NNPOJVN#JDBSCPOBUF$PNCJOBUJPO Additional apparatus needed: t )FBUJOHEFWJDF FHGSZJOHQBO t "MVNJOJVNGPJM Check temperature and humidity. calculate the amount of paraformaldehyde and ammonium bicarbonate needed as follows: * Paraformaldehyde amount (gram): Total volume (m3) x 11gram/m3 * Ammonium bicarbonate amount (gram): Steps to determine the amount of Ammonium Bicarbonate required: a) Determine the stoichiometric amount of ammonium bicarbonate needed to produce the requisite amount of ammonia gas that would neutralize the resulting formaldehyde gas C 5PFOTVSFDPNQMFUJPOPGUIFSFBDUJPO NBLFTVSFUIBUUIFXFJHIUPGBNNPOJVNCJDBSCPOBUFJTHSFBUFSUIBO the weight of the paraformaldehyde used. The temperature inside the cabinet’s work zone should be greater than 210C while the relative humidity should be in between 60% and 85%. 3. formaldehyde is non-penetrative. 23 Completely enclose the cabinet using a plastic bag and ensure airtightness inside the enclosure by utilizing tape in all a propriate places. At this stage. Based on the volume obtained in Section 1. 2.3 above) 4. formaldehyde gas will not be effective. So the cabinet does not have to be pressure tight. Formaldehyde enters living organisms through their cell walls by means of absorption of water 1. Pay special attention to the power supply cables. t 5IFBNNPOJBWBQPSJ[FSXJMMBVUPNBUJDBMMZTUBSUBGUFSUIFi$0/5"$55*. the person performing the decontamination would be able to reach the work zone of the cabinet without having to break the seal. corresponding to the formalin and ammonia table for the “worse case scenario” as previously discussed: Cabinet Width 7PMVNF N #MPXFS0/JOUFSWBM GUN GUN 4ft / 1. t "GUFSBQQSPYJNBUFMZ BOEPGUIFGPSNBMJOCFJOHFWBQPSBUFE UVSOPOUIFDBCJOFUCMPXFSGPSNJOVUF to circulate the formalin throughout the cabinet. t "MMPXUIFBNNPOJBWBQPSBNJOJNVNOFVUSBMJ[BUJPOUJNFPGIPVSTJOTJEFUIFDBCJOFU /&653"-5*.& t "GUFSUIFi/&653"-5*. . The ammonium bicarbonate is placed in a sealed container inside the cabinet.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM : 63 Following are two ways of restricting Ammonium Bicarbonate: Method 1: Spread the ammonium bicarbonate evenly over the surface of the heating device and then cover the device with aluminium foil in such a way that ammonium bicarbonate cannot react with formaldehyde while decontamination is in progress. ammonium bicarbonate is removed from the sealed container and spread evenly over the surface of the heating device.2m 5ft / 1. and not as important as circulating the formalin.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and .&wJTmOJTIFEUIFUJNFXJMMJOGPSNUIFVTFSUPPQFOUIFQMBTUJDCBH1MFBTFCFBXBSFUIBU the formalin and / or ammonia concentration inside the plastic bag may be above the Short Term Exposure Level (STEL) and full face mask with formalin filter is required when opening the plastic bag. Make sure that the deployment of such a removal mechanism doesn’t lead to unsafe levels of formaldehyde escaping out of the plastic bag enclosing the cabinet. Below is the approximate time interval to turn on the blower. Alternatively.5m GUN 2 NJO NJO NJO NJO NJO t "MMPXUIFGPSNBMJOWBQPSBNJOJNVNDPOUBDUUJNFPGIPVSTJOTJEFUIFDBCJOFU QSFGFSBCMZIPVST CVUPWFSOJHIU is better (CONTACT TIME). At the beginning of the neutralization phase. Method 2: Seal the cabinet using a special plastic sheet that has a pair of gloves built into it. The aluminium foil can be placed in such a way that it allows ammonia gas to escape when the device is heated. some provision can be made for removing the aluminium foil remotely at the beginning of the neutralization phase.&wJTmOJTIFE*GQPTTJCMF JUTEFTJSBCMF to circulate the ammonia by turning on the cabinet blower at the same interval as the formalin vaporization. this is not required. Using the built-in gloves. However. The heating device is then switched ON so that ammonia is generated from ammonium bicarbonate. t *GUIFSFJTOPHSPXUIPGCBDUFSJBJOTJEFUIFCSPUI UIFCSPUISFNBJOTDMFBS UIFEFDPOUBNJOBUJPOQSPDFEVSFIBT been successfully verified.64 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStRe-certification and . The filter for the mask must be selected for the appropriate level of formaldehyde exposure. 24 Spore strips on work surface t 3FNPWFBMMUIFTQPSFTUSJQTBOEQMBDFJO5SZQUJDBTFTPZCSPUIBOEJODVCBUFGPSEBZTBUoC.BJOUFOBODF#Z4FSWJDF1FSTPOOFM 1. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . should be worn. a full face gas mask equipped with a formaldehyde canister.7 Completion Steps 2 1 $IFDLUIFBNNPOJBDPO DFOUSBUJPOJOSPPNBJS $IFDLUIFGPSNBMEFIZEFDPODFOUSBUJPOJO SPPNBJSBUUIFFOEPGUIFEFDPOUBNJOBUJPO DZDMF QSJPSUPSFTVNJOHXPSLPOUIFDBCJOFU 3FNPWFEJTQPTBCMFHPXO BOE HMPWFT DBSFGVMMZ BOE XBTIIBOETVTJOHHFSNJ DJEBMTPBQUIPSPVHIMZ During this procedure.11. It must also be replaced SFHVMBSMZGPMMPXJOHUIFNBOVGBDUVSFSTJOTUSVDUJPOT 6 3 4 5 3FNPWF UIF QMBTUJD CBH UIBUFODMPTFEUIFDBCJOFU 3FNPWFBMMUIFBQ QBSBUVTGSPNJOTJEF UIFDBCJOFU $IFDLUIFGPSNBMEFIZEF BOEBNNPOJBDPODFOUSB UJPOJOTJEFUIFDBCJOFU 7BMJEBUJPO0G%FDPOUBNJOBUJPO1SPDFEVSF 0QUJPOBM t 1MBDFTPNF#BDJMMVTTVCUJMJTWBSOJHFSTQPSFTUSJQTJOTJEFUIFDBCJOFUQSJPSUPEFDPOUBNJOBUJPO * work surface/table tray * drain pan * downstream HEPA filter t 1MBDFTJNJMBSTUSJQTPVUTJEFUIFEFDPOUBNJOBUJPOSPPNGPSQPTJUJWFDPOUSPM PQUJPOBM Fig. until the area is determined to be safe. Please study the electrical circuit diagram carefully before you start using this cabinet. Should you have any queries left unanswered here.1 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE TROUBLESHOOTING 2. cabinet should be re-certified at least once in a year (6 months if BSL-3 or 4 agents are used). This cabinet must be certified after installation and re-certified whenever it is moved or its performance is suspected. You can find the electrical diagram inside the electrical panel which in turn is behind the front panel.1 Hardware Troubleshooting 1SPCMFN 1PTTJCMF$BVTF 1PXFS'BJMVSF Corrective Action t $IFDLJGUIFSFJTQPXFSBUUIFXBMMCVJMEJOHTPDLFU t :PV DBO VTF WPMUNFUFS PS UFTU QFO UP DIFDL QPXFS PO UIF XBMM CVJMEJOHTPDLFU Wall socket (Sample of Singapore socket) 1-1 t $IFDLXIFUIFSQPXFSDPSEIBTCFFODPOOFDUFEQSPQFSMZJOUPXBMM CVJMEJOHTPDLFUBOEBMTPJOUPUIFVOJU4PNFDBCJOFUIBTDPSET Cabinet does not start -$% CVUUPO GBO MJHIU 67 BOETPDLFU BSFBMMJOPQFSBUJWF 1PXFSDPSEJTOPUDPOOFDUFE QSPQFSMZPSGBVMUZ t $IFDL XIFUIFS UIF QPXFS DPSE JT HJWJOH QPXFS NFBTVSF UIF "$ WPMUBHF CFUXFFO UIF MJWF BOE UIF OFVUSBM UFSNJOBM PG UIF DPSE CZ VTJOHWPMUNFUFS TFFESBXJOH t *GUIFWPMUBHFJT/05XJUIJO. Electrical hazard. please feel free to contact Esco. Besides that.1. 2.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting : 65 CHAPTER 2 TROUBLESHOOTING This section helps you troubleshoot some of the common problems you might face while operating this cabinet. PGUIFXBMMTPDLFUWPMUBHF SFQMBDF UIFDPSE t *G UIF WPMUBHF JT XJUIJO . PG UIF XBMM TPDLFU WPMUBHF QMFBTF QSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ Electrical cord -*7& 1-2 /&653" . (See drawing 1-4). do not reset the breaker before checking all electrical components and wiring connections. t %PFTUIFDBCJOFUPQFSBUFDPSSFDUMZBGUFSSFTFUUJOHUIFDJSDVJUCSFBLFS *GOPUQSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ Push to reset Circuit breaker (normal condition) Circuit breaker (tripped condition) 1-4 t -JGUVQ UIF GSPOU QBOFM BOE MPDBUF FMFDUSJDBM CPY XJUI SFE NFUBM DPWFS CFIJOEJU Cabinet does not start t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOEFOTVSFDBCJOFUJTQMVHHFEJO -$% CVUUPO GBO t $BSFGVMMZNFBTVSF"$WPMUBHFCFUXFFOBOZ-*7&BOE/&653"-QJO POUIFUFSNJOBMCMPDLJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMCPY TFFESBXJOH MJHIU 67 BOETPDLFU BSFBMMJOPQFSBUJWF t 5IFWPMUBHFTIPVMECF7 "$PS7 "$.66 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting t *G UIFSF JT QPXFS PO XBMM TPDLFU BOE DPSE DIFDL XIFUIFS DJSDVJU CSFBLFSIBTUSJQQFE t 5PBDDFTTUIFDJSDVJUCSFBLFS PQFOUIFGSPOUPGUIFDBCJOFUBOEMPDBUF UIFFMFDUSJDBMQBOFMXJUIUIF3&%DPWFSCFIJOEJU t $JSDVJU CSFBLFS JT MPDBUFE JOTJEF UIJT FMFDUSJDBM QBOFM 4FF ESBXJOH -BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOEPGUIJTTFDUJPOUPmOEDJSDVJUCSFBLFS $JSDVJUCSFBLFSIBTUSJQQFE Note: If circuit breaker has tripped. t 4FFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOEPGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUF DPOOFDUPS"BOEmOEQJOOVNCFSJOHTZTUFNPGUIFDPOOFDUPS *NQSPQFSDPOOFDUJPO t *G UIF WPMUBHF JT PVU PG UIF SBOHF DIFDL DBCMF DPOOFDUJPO BU DPOOFDUPS " QJO BOE GPS -"@" PS DPOOFDUPS " QJO BOE GPS-"@" t "UDPOOFDUPS" DPOmSNUIFWPMUBHFJTDPSSFDU'PS-"@" "$WPMUBHF CFUXFFOQJOBOENVTUCF7 "$. 'PS-"@" "$WPMUBHF CFUXFFOQJOBOENVTUCF7 "$. 4FF5BCMFCFMPX Voltage $POOFDUPS"1JO$POOFDUJPOT 2 7 "$. ¸ ¸ 7 "$. AC / 230V. AC 1-5 Connector A $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . ¸ Ground ¸ Table 1 115V. 14PVUQVUUIFONFBTVSFUIF%$WPMUBHFCFUXFFO3FE QJO BOE8IJUF QJO DBCMFTPOUIF4.14PVUQVU%JTDPOOFDUUIFQJODPOOFDUPSBUUBDIFEUP UIF4.14*UJTJOTJEFUIFFMFDUSJDBMQBOFMBOEDPWFSFECZBTUBJOMFTT TUFFMCPY %FGFDUJWFQPXFSTVQQMZ 4.14 t $IFDLJOH4.1TJEF4FFESBXJOHCFMPX t 5IFWPMUBHFTIPVMECFJOSBOHFPG.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting : 67 t 6OJUNVTUCFUVSOFEPOUPQFSGPSNUIJTUFTU t 4FFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOEPGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUF UIF4. 7%$. 14oDIFDLUFSNJOBMXIFSFUIFDPSEJTDPOOFDUFE5IF JOQVUPG4.14TIPVMECF7 "$.PMEFE DPSEJOUP4. t *GPVUPGSBOHF QMFBTFDIFDLJODPNJOHQPXFSUPUIF4.14. GPS-"@"PS7 "$. 14BOENBJO CPBSE t *GWPMUBHFJTDPSSFDU QSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ Terminal J13 3FE#MVF7%$ MAINBOARD .GPS-"@"*GJOQVUJTDPSSFDUCVUPVUQVUJTOPU UIFO SFQMBDFUIF4.14 Black Green 1-8 t 4FFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOEPGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUF UIFNBJOCPBSEJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMCPY $POOFDUJPOQSPCMFNUPNBJO CPBSE t .FBTVSFUIFJODPNJOHWPMUBHFPOUIF. AC SMPS output Red8IJUF 7.BJO#PBSEBUUFSNJOBM+ /PUFQPMBSJUZ #-6&XJSFDMPTFTUUPFEHFJTOFHBUJWF 4FFESBXJOH CFMPXUPMPDBUFUFSNJOBM+ t 7PMUBHFTIPVMECFCFUXFFOo7%$ t *GWPMUBHFJTPVUPGSBOHF DIFDLDPOOFDUJPOCFUXFFO4.14 SMPS Input 115V.5VDC Cabinet does not start -$% CVUUPO GBO MJHIU 67 BOETPDLFU BSFBMMJOPQFSBUJWF 1 5P Connector Male 2 3 4 5 Red White 4. AC / 230V. BJO #PBSE JT EFGFDUJWF JG UIF . please reconnect all the wires back correctly.BJO #PBSE JODPNJOH TVQQMZ JT CFUXFFOo7%$BOE "MM-&%TPOUIFDPOUSPMQBOFMBSFPGG 5IF-$%JTCMBOL %FGFDUJWFNBJOCPBSE 5IFSFJTOP#V[[FSTPVOE t *GUIFTFDPOEJUJPOTFYJTUSFQMBDFUIFNBJOCPBSE Note: When replacing main board.68 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting t 3FTUBSUUIFDBCJOFUUPUJNFT t 5IF .FBTVSF UIF JODPNJOH WPMUBHF PO UIF 3FMBZ #PBSE BU UFSNJOBM + /PUFQPMBSJUZ #-6&XJSFDMPTFTUUPFEHFJTOFHBUJWF 4FFESBXJOH CFMPXUPMPDBUFUFSNJOBM+ t 7PMUBHFTIPVMECFCFUXFFOo7%$ t *G WPMUBHF JT PVU PG SBOHF DIFDL DPOOFDUJPO CFUXFFO 4. Any wrong wiring may result in damage.14 BOE SFMBZCPBSE t *GWPMUBHFJTDPSSFDU QSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ Terminal J1 3FE#MVF7%$ 1-12 RELAY BOARD $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . t *GUIFTFDPOEJUJPOT%0/05FYJTUQSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ Terminal J13 3FE#MVF7%$ 1-10 MAINBOARD LCD Cabinet does not start -$% CVUUPO GBO MJHIU 67 BOETPDLFU BSFBMMJOPQFSBUJWF 1-11 MEMBRANE LED t 4FFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOEPGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUF UIFSFMBZCPBSEJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMCPY $POOFDUJPOQSPCMFNUPSFMBZ CPBSE t . BJO#PBSEJTPQFSBUJPOBM 'MBU3JCCPODBCMFJTJOTUBMMFEDPSSFDUMZUPSFMBZCPBSEBOENBJOCPBSE BOETIPXTOPQIZTJDBMEBNBHF 3FMBZCPBSEIBTUIFDPSSFDUJODPNJOHWPMUBHF o7%$ $IFDL BMM GVTFT PO SFMBZ CPBSE 5VSO PGG QPXFS SFNPWF GVTFT BOE QIZTJDBMMZJOTQFDUPSDIFDLDPOUJOVJUZ t 5VSOUIFDBCJOFUPO JGUIF'"/ -*()5 40$. 3FE#MVF7%$ Fuse FRC to Main Board t 4XJUDIPOUIF'BOCZQSFTTJOH'BOCVUUPOPODPOUSPMQBOFM t &OUFSUIF'BO1*/OVNCFSJGSFRVJSFE EFGBVMUJT 'BOJT0GG t 5IF-&%GPS'"/TIPVMEJMMVNJOBUFBOEUIF'"/TIPVMETUBSU t *GUIF'"/EPFTOPUXPSL QSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ t *GUIF-&%EPFTOPUJMMVNJOBUF DIFDLDPOOFDUJPOGSPNDPOUSPMQBOFM UPNBJOCPBSEPSSFQMBDFUIFNFNCSBOF Green LED Motor is silent Fan button 2-1 t 4XJUDIPGGUIFDBCJOFU t 0QFOUIFGSPOUQBOFMBOEMPDBUFFMFDUSJDBMCPYCFIJOEJU 'VTF'JTCMPXO t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOETFFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOE PGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUFUIFSFMBZCPBSEJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMCPY t $IFDL'VTF'POSFMBZCPBSE4FFESBXJOHCFMPX t *GGVTF'JTCMPXO BTUFNQPSBSZTPMVUJPO VTF'UPSFQMBDF'5IF GVTF'JTOPUVTFEBOEJTBTQBSFGVTF t *GGVTF'JTPL QSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ .4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting : 69 t &OTVSFUIFGPMMPXJOHBSFDPSSFDU %FGFDUJWFSFMBZCPBSE .&5BOE67DBOOPUCF DPOUSPMMFE SFQMBDFUIF3FMBZ#PBSE Cabinet does not start -$% CVUUPO GBO MJHIU 67 BOETPDLFU BSFBMMJOPQFSBUJWF Note: When replacing relay board. please re-connect all the wires back correctly. Any wrong wiring may result in damage. 70 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting Fuse F1 Fuse F5 2-2 RELAY BOARD t 4XJUDIPGGUIFDBCJOFU t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOETFFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOE PG UIJT TFDUJPO UP MPDBUF UIF NPUPS TQFFE DPOUSPMMFS *U JT BUUBDIFE PO UIFDPWFS 'BVMUZNPUPSTQFFEDPOUSPMMFS t "EEBKVNQFSXJSFCFUXFFOUIFDBCMFTHPJOHUPTQFFEDPOUSPM4FF ESBXJOH BOE5BCMFCFMPX t 4XJUDIPOUIFDBCJOFU t *G UIF GBO PQFSBUFT QSPQFSMZ ZPV DBO DPODMVEF UIBU UIF TQFFE DPOUSPMMFSJTEFGFDUJWFBOEOFFEUPCFSFQMBDFE t *G UIF GBO EPFT OPU PQFSBUF UIF QSPCMFN JT OPU XJUI UIF TQFFE DPOUSPMMFS QSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ Motor is silent 7PMUBHF %SBXJOH 7 "$. 7 "$. Table 2 2-5 $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual 2-4 . Capacitor Motor is silent 7PMUBHF Capacitance 7 "$. Wait for 1-2 minutes and check the capacitor voltage using a voltmeter to ensure the capacitor were discharged (voltage less than 5V.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting : 71 t 4XJUDIUIFVOJUPGG t 4FFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOEPGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUF UIFDBQBDJUPSJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMCPY t 4FFESBXJOHCFMPX EJTDPOOFDUUXPDBCMFTPGDBQBDJUPS t 6TJOH B DBQBDJUBODF NFUFS PS B 7PMUNFUFS TFU UP DBQBDJUBODF NFBTVSFNFOUSFDPSEUIFWBMVFCFUXFFOUXPDBQBDJUPSDBCMFT 'BVMUZDBQBDJUPS t $PSSFDUWBMVFJTTIPXOJO5BCMFCFMPX*GUIFWBMVFJTPVUPGHJWFO SBOHFT SFQMBDFJU t *GUIFDBQBDJUBODFJTXJUIJOUIFHJWFOSBOHFTQSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ Warning: The capacitor may still have some electrical charges if the cabinet was switched on prior doing this checking. AC) prior to disconnecting the capacitor. Disconnect 2 cables from capacitor. .FBTVSFDBQBDJUPST capacitance using multimeter. ç' 7 "$. TIPXTTJHOTPGBSDIJOH CVSOUNBSLT PSUIF/0$BOE /$$DJSDVJUTBSFOPUDPSSFDU SFQMBDFUIFSFMBZ . ç' 5BCMF t 5VSOPGGUIFDBCJOFU t $IFDL-4SFMBZPOUIF3FMBZ#PBSE4FF%SBXJOHCFMPX t .SFMBZ t 8JUIDBCJOFUTUJMMTXJUDIFEPGG DIFDLJGUIFDBCMFTDPOOFDUFEUPUIF SFMBZTPDLFUBSFUJHIU4FFESBXJOHCFMPX t 7JTVBMMZ JOTQFDU UIF SFMBZ GPS CVSOU DPOUBDUT PS nBTL NBSLT PO UIF JOTJEFPGUIFSFMBZDBTF 3FMBZJTUIFPOFXJUIUSBOTQBSFOU SFDUBOHVMBS QMBTUJDDBTF t $IFDL /0 UP $PNNPO BOE /$ UP DPNNPO DPOUBDUT PO SFMBZ .BLFTVSFBMMXJSJOHBOEDPOOFDUJPOTBSFDPSSFDU t 0O UFSNJOBM + DIFDL UIF /0 UP $PNNPO BOE /$ UP $PNNPO DJSDVJUTCZDIFDLJOHDPOUJOVJUZ t *GUIF/0UP$PNNPOBOE/$UP$PNNPODPOUBDUTBSFOPUDPSSFDU SFQMBDFUIF3FMBZ#PBSE t *G UIF /0 UP $PNNPO BOE /$ UP $PNNPO DPOUBDUT BSF DPSSFDU QSPDFFEUPUIFOFYUTUFQ 'BVMUZSFMBZT t $IFDL. 5IFNFUIPEJTTBNFBTGPS-4SFMBZ t *GUIFSFMBZ.SFMBZ TFFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOEPGUIJT TFDUJPOUPMPDBUFUIF. AC relay Check for burnt mark Check connection RELAY BOARD 2-8 t $IFDLUIF'BOGPSPWFSIFBUJOHo5IFNPUPSIBTBOJOCVJMUUIFSNBM DVUPGG "VUPUIFSNBMDVUPGG t 8BJUNJOVUFTXJUIUIF'"/UVSOFEPGGBOEUIFOUSZUPSFTUBSU t *G UIF '"/ SFTUBSUT EFUFSNJOF XIZ UIFSF JT FYDFTTJWF IFBU JO UIFDBCJOFU t *GUIF'"/EPFTOPUSFTUBSUQSPDFFEUPUIFOFYUTUFQ t 5VSOPGGUIFVOJU Motor is silent t $IFDL NPUPS SFTJTUBODF CZ EJTDPOOFDUJOH DPOOFDUPS " PS # PO FMFDUSJDBMCPY4FF5BCMF ESBXJOH BOEESBXJOHCFMPX .72 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting Terminal J2 Check connection C NO NC Relay LS1 230V.PUPSGBJMVSF t 6TFBNVMUJNFUFSUPNFBTVSFUIF%$SFTJTUBODFCFUXFFOGPMMPXJOH QJOPONBMFDPOOFDUPS"PS# t *GNFBTVSFNFOUJTOPUDPSSFDU DIFDLNPUPSDPOEJUJPO t 5PSFQMBDFUIFNPUPS QMFBTFGPMMPXJOTUSVDUJPOXIJDIJTBWBJMBCMFJO UIJTNBOVBMVOEFS4FSWJDF4FDUJPO Voltage 7 "$. 7 "$. FSPPIN 2 -FTTUIBOPINT -FTTUIBOPINT 2 -FTTUIBOPINT 4 .FSPPIN Table 4 $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual %$3FTJTUBODF . 1JO Connector " QJO # QJO -FTTUIBOPINT -FTTUIBOPINT -FTTUIBOPINT . AC cabinet Black Blue Blue Black Brown 1 Thermal Protector 5 4 3 2 Motor is silent Connector B. male side 2-10 Fan connection on 230V. male side Blower Fan connection on 115V. AC cabinet 2-11 t 5VSOPGGUIFDBCJOFU t 0QFOUIFGSPOUQBOFMBOEMPDBUFFMFDUSJDBMCPYCFIJOEJU $POOFDUJPOQSPCMFN t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOETFFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOE PGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUFUIFNBJOCPBSEJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMCPY t $IFDL XIFUIFS -$% '3$ 'MBU 3JCCPO $BCMF IBT CFFO JOTFSUFE QSPQFSMZJOUPJUTTPDLFUPOUIFNBJOCPBSE4FFESBXJOHCFMPX LCD FRC cable #MBOL-$% t 5VSOPOUIFDBCJOFU $POUSBTUQSPCMFN t "EKVTUUIFQPUFOUJPNFUFSPONBJOCPBSECZSPUBUJOHUIFUPQNFUBM QBSUVTJOHnBUTDSFXESJWFSUPBDIJFWFUIFCFTU-$%DPOUSBTU"OUJ DMPDLXJTFEJSFDUJPOXJMMJODSFBTFUIFDPOUSBTU4FFESBXJOH t *GUIF-$%SFNBJOTCMBOL SFQMBDFJU .4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting : 73 Thermal Protector Blue Black Blue Brown Black Brown Blower 10 7 4 1 11 8 5 2 12 9 6 3 Connector A. 74 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting Potentiometer MAIN BOARD t $POOFDUBOFX-$%UPUIF-$%QPSUPONBJOCPBSE SFGFSUPQPTTJCMF DBVTFBCPWFPOIPXUPmOEUIF-$%QPSU #MBOL-$% %FGFDUJWF-$% t *GUIFOFX-$%GVODUJPOTQSPQFSMZ NFBOTUIFPMEPOFJTEFGFDUJWF 3FQMBDFJU5PSFQMBDF-$% OFFEUPVOJOTUBMMUIFnVPSFTDFOUMJHIUBOE JUTNFUBMEFnFDUPSmSTU t *G UIF OFX -$% JT OPU XPSLJOH DIFDL JUT DBCMF PS SFQMBDF UIF NBJOCPBSE LCD FRC cable t 5VSOPGGUIFDBCJOFU t 0QFOUIFGSPOUQBOFMBOEMPDBUFFMFDUSJDBMCPYCFIJOEJU t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOETFFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOE PGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUFUIFNBJOCPBSEJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMCPY t 4FF ESBXJOH BOE FOTVSF '3$ DBCMF HPJOH UP JOUFSGBDF CPBSE JT DPOOFDUFE QSPQFSMZ 5IF USJBOHMF TJHO PO UIF GFNBMF DPOOFDUPS JOEJDBUFT1*/OVNCFS Inoperative buttons $POOFDUJPOQSPCMFN t *OUFSGBDFCPBSEBOENFNCSBOFLFZQBEBSFMPDBUFECFIJOEUIFCMVF QBOFM VOEFSOFBUIUIFMJHIUNFUBMEFnFDUPS t 8JUIUIFDBCJOFUTUJMMUVSOFEPGG VOJOTUBMMUIFnVPSFTDFOUMJHIUBOE NFUBMEFnFDUPSUPBDDFTTUIFJOUFSGBDFCPBSE4FFESBXJOH t 4FF ESBXJOH GPS UIF QSPQFS DPOOFDUJPO CFUXFFO NBJO CPBSE JOUFSGBDFCPBSE BOENFNCSBOFLFZQBE t $IFDL JG UIF HSFFO QMBTUJD DBCMF GSPN UIF NFNCSBOF IBT CFFO JOTFSUFE QSPQFSMZ JOUP UIF JOUFSGBDF CPBSE 'PMMPX ESBXJOH GPS UIFDPSSFDUPSJFOUBUJPOPGDPOOFDUPS $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting : 75 FRC to main board INTERFACE BOARD Green plastic cable MEMBRANE Cable to interface board 4-1 4-2 Inoperative buttons Metal deflector Fluorescent lamp tube Fluorescent lamp holder . 4-4 76 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting Inoperative buttons %FGFDUJWF$BCMFBOEPS*OUFSGBDF #PBSEBOEPSLFZQBE : 77 t 3FQMBDFUIFNPOFCZPOF UPDIFDLXIJDIPOF T BNPOHUIFNJTBSF EFGFDUJWF t 3FQMBDFUIFEFGFDUJWFQBSU T t &OTVSFUIBUUIFSFJTOPFYUFSOBMTPVSDFTPGBJSnPXEJTUVSCBODFMJLFBJS DPOEJUJPOFSWFOU XJOEPXPSJODJEFODFTPGEPPSPQFOJOHPSQFPQMF XBMLJOHGBTUOFBSUIFDBCJOFU &YUFSOBMBJSJOUFSGFSFODF t *GUIFSFJTOPFYUFSOBMBJSJOUFSGFSFODF QSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ t &OTVSFUIBUUIFGSPOUBOECBDLBJSHSJMMFTJOTJEFUIFDBCJOFUBSFOPU CMPDLFEBOEUIBUUIFDBCJOFUJTOPUFYDFTTJWFMZMPBEFE #MPDLFEDBCJOFUHSJMMF t *GUIFSFJTOPCMPDLFEBJSHSJMMF QSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ Back air grilles 5-1 "JSnPX'BJMVSF "*3'"*- BMBSNJT t 5VSOPGGUIFDBCJOFU USJHHFSFE UIJTDPVME t 0QFO FMFDUSJDBM CPY BOE TFF ESBXJOH BOE CFMPX UP MPDBUF NPUPSWPMUBHFTBNQMJOHQPSU t 0QFOUIFGSPOUQBOFMBOEMPDBUFFMFDUSJDBMCPYCFIJOEJU be due to either IBSEXBSFPSTPGUXBSF -PXCVJMEJOHTVQQMZWPMUBHF JGOFXDBCJOFU DIFDLUIJTmSTU t 6TJOHWPMUNFUFS NFBTVSF"$WPMUBHFBUUIFNPUPSWPMUBHFTBNQMJOH QPSUBTEFTDSJCFEJOUIFSFDFSUJmDBUJPOTFDUJPOPGUIJTNBOVBM5IJTJT UPNFBTVSFUIFCMPXFSTTVQQMZWPMUBHF t *G UIF TVQQMZ WPMUBHF JT MPXFS UIBO UIF /PNJOBM 7PMUBHF WBMVF SFDPSEFE JO UFTU SFQPSU BEKVTU UIF TQFFE DPOUSPM UP HFU PVUQVU WPMUBHFUPCMPXFSBTTQFDJmFEJOUIF5FTU3FQPSUo5FTU$POEJUJPOT %PDVNFOUBUJPO4IFFU t *GTVQQMZWPMUBHFJTTBNFBT/PNJOBM7PMUBHF QSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ 5-2 78 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting t 5VSOPGGUIFDBCJOFU t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOETFFESBXJOHBOEUPMPDBUFNPUPS WPMUBHFTBNQMJOHQPSU t 1MVHJOUIFWPMUNFUFSUPUIF.PUPS7PMUBHF4BNQMJOH1PSU t 5VSO UIF 4QFFE $POUSPM UP JODSFBTF UIF CMPXFS WPMUBHF CZ BQQSPYJNBUFMZ7 "$BOEXBJUBCPVUNJOVUFT 'JMUFSMPBEFEPSXSPOHTQFFE DPOUSPMMFSTFUUJOH t .FBTVSFUIFBDUVBMBJSnPXWFMPDJUZVTJOHBOFNPNFUFSPSnPXIPPE JGBDUVBMBJSnPXJTPLCVU-$%TUJMMTIPXT"*3'"*- HPUPOFYUTUFQ *G BDUVBM BJSnPX JT OPU PL QMFBTF BEKVTU NPUPS TQFFE DPOUSPMMFS BDDPSEJOHMZ VOUJM BDUVBM BJSnPX JT PL BGUFS UIJT JG -$% TUJMM TIPXT "*3'"*- HPUPOFYUTUFQ Note: The cabinet must be certified at least annually. t *G UIF CMPXFS JT BMSFBEZ PQFSBUJOH BU NBYJNVN WPMUBHF BOE UIF BJSnPXBMBSNJTTUJMMUSJHHFSFEEVFUPmMUFSMPBEFE JUTUJNFUPDIBOHF UIFmMUFS*OTUSVDUJPOPOIPXUPSFQMBDFUIFmMUFSJTBWBJMBCMFJOUIJT NBOVBMVOEFS4FSWJDF4FDUJPO t *GmMUFSJTOPUMPBEFE QSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ "JSnPX'BJMVSF "*3'"*- BMBSNJT USJHHFSFE UIJTDPVME be due to either IBSEXBSFPSTPGUXBSF 'BVMUZJOBDDVSBUFDBMJCSBUJPO t 3FDBMJCSBUF UIF NJDSPQSPDFTTPS 'PMMPX UIF DBMJCSBUJPO QSPDFEVSF BWBJMBCMFJOUIFGBDUPSZUFTUSFQPSU Warning: To be carried out only by an authorized person. $)&$,*/($"-*#3"5*0/%"5" t "GUFSDBMJCSBUJPOJTEPOF HPUP.&/6 LFZJO1*/JGSFRVJSFE DIPPTF 4&5.0%& DIPPTF."*/5&/"/$& t 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'BJMVSF4FOTPS'BJMVSF4FOTPS.JTBMJHONFOU "%$ %; "%$ *' "%$ */ *G OPU QMFBTF SFEP DBMJCSBUJPO JODPSSFDUTFRVFODF4&5$0/45"/54&5;&30$"-*# %JGGFSFODF CFUXFFO "%$ %; BOE "%$ *' BOE CFUXFFO "%$ *' BOE"%$*/ NVTUCFIJHIFSUIBO*GOPU UIFWFMPDJUZEJTQMBZFE PO-$%XJMMCFVOTUBCMF1MFBTFSFEPUIFDBMJCSBUJPOBOEXBJUGPS NJOVUFTMPOHFSGPSFBDIDBMJCSBUJPOTUFQ*GSFTVMUTUJMMUIFTBNF USZUP TIJGUBJSnPXTFOTPSQPTJUJPOJOPSPVUBCPVUNN UIFSFEPUIF DBMJCSBUJPO +VTU BGUFS DBMJCSBUJPO "%$ "' WBMVF TIPVME CF DMPTF UP "%$ */ WBMVF*GOPU QMFBTFBEKVTUUIFTQFFEDPOUSPMMFSUPNBLFUIFNDMPTFS CZBUMFBTU $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting : 79 t .FBTVSFBOEDIFDLWPMUBHFTUBCJMJUZPGUIFXBMMCVJMEJOHTVQQMZ 'MVDUVBUJOH7PMUBHF t *G UIF CVJMEJOH TVQQMZ WPMUBHF nVDUVBUFT NPSF UIBO UIF TUBUFE UPMFSBODF . DPOOFDUUIFDBCJOFUUPBWPMUBHFTUBCJMJ[FS t *GUIFCVJMEJOHTVQQMZWPMUBHFnVDUVBUJPOJTCFMPX. JTBMJHONFOU "JSnPX'BJMVSF "*3'"*- BMBSNJT USJHHFSFE UIJTDPVME be due to either IBSEXBSFPSTPGUXBSF t 6TJOHNVMUJNFUFS DIFDLUIFTFOTPSTPVUQVUWPMUBHF %$ BUDIBOOFM "*/ . QSPDFFEUP OFYUTUFQ " "JS'MPX4FOTPSGBJMVSFNJTBMJHONFOU t "JSnPXTFOTPSJTMPDBUFEPOUPQPGUIFVOJU BCPWFFYIBVTUmMUFSBOE JOTUBMMFE JOTJEF XIJUF NFUBM CPY 4FF ESBXJOH *U JT B TUBJOMFTT TUFFMUVCFXJUISPVOEIPMFTGBDJOHVQ *NQPSUBOUUPDIFDL &OTVSFUIBUUIFTFOTPSBSFBJTOPUCMPDLFEBUBMMBOEUIBUJUTUISPVHI IPMFTBSFQFSQFOEJDVMBSUPUIFmMUFSTTVSGBDF 4FOTPSJTBUUBDIFEUJHIUMZUPUIFCPY 5IFSFJTOPHBQCFUXFFOTFOTPSCPYBOEmMUFSTVSGBDF 4FOTPSCPYJTJOTUBMMFEUJHIUMZUPUIFDBCJOFU t 5VSOPGGUIFDBCJOFU t 0QFOUIFGSPOUQBOFMBOEMPDBUFFMFDUSJDBMCPYCFIJOEJU t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOETFFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS#BUUIFFOEPGUIJT TFDUJPOUPMPDBUFUIFNBJOCPBSEJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMCPY 4FOTPS'BJMVSF4FOTPS . BOE+ PONBJOCPBSE TFFESBXJOH t 5IF WPMUBHF TIPVME JODSFBTF JG NPUPS WPMUBHF JT JODSFBTFE BOE EFDSFBTFJGNPUPSWPMUBHFJTEFDSFBTFE t *GZPVSPCTFSWBUJPOJTEJGGFSFOU DIFDLTFOTPSDPOOFDUJPOPOUPQPG UIFVOJU TFFESBXJOHCFMPX GPSBOZCBEMPPTFDPOOFDUJPO t *GDPOOFDUJPOJTPLCVUTFOTPSJTTUJMMOPUXPSLJOHQSPQFSMZ SFQMBDFJU t *GBJSnPXTFOTPSJTXPSLJOHQSPQFSMZ QSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ # 5FNQFSBUVSF4FOTPS'BJMVSF t 5FNQFSBUVSF TFOTPS JT MPDBUFE PO UPQ PG UIF VOJU DMPTF UP BJSnPX TFOTPS BOEBUUBDIFEPOUIFXIJUFNFUBMCPY4FFESBXJOH t 6TJOH NVMUJNFUFS DIFDL UIF UFNQFSBUVSF TFOTPST PVUQVU WPMUBHF %$ BUDIBOOFM"*/ BOE+ . PONBJOCPBSE TFFESBXJOH t 7%$TIPVMESFQSFTFOUPOFEFHSFF$FMTJVT'PSFYBNQMF JGPVUQVU JT7%$ JUJOEJDBUFTUFNQFSBUVSFPGEFHSFF$5PMFSBODFPG. EFHSFF$JTBDDFQUBCMF t 3FQMBDFUFNQFSBUVSFTFOTPSJGUIFSFBEJOHJTXSPOH t *GUFNQFSBUVSFTFOTPSJTXPSLJOHQSPQFSMZ QSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ Main board 5-4 5-5 . To be carried out only by an authorized person.PUPS*T4JMFOU'BVMUZ$BQBDJUPS4FDUJPO UP DIFDLUIFDBQBDJUPS BOESFQMBDFJGOFDFTTBSZ Warning: For next step.80 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting t $IFDLUIFNPUPS*GNPUPSJTOPUSVOOJOH SFGFSUPANPUPSJTTJMFOU QSPCMFN . -PPTFNPUPSPSJNQFMMFSXIFFM NPVOUJOH Excessive fan noise t "GUFSEPDPOUBNJOBUJPO PQFOUIFCMPXFSBDDFTTQBOFM TFFESBXJOH BOE DIFDL JG UIF CMPXFS NPVOUJOH CPMUT IBWF CFFO GVMMZ UJHIUFOFE t "MTP DIFDL XIFUIFS UIF NPUPS DBO SPUBUF QSPQFSMZ BOE OPU MPPTF 4FFESBXJOH t *GNPUPSJTQIZTJDBMMZEBNBHFE SFQMBDFJU Blower (Inside) Access Panel LA2-_A_ t .&/6 UIFODIPPTF"%.0/*503 UIFO DIPPTF%*4"#-& 0UIFST Warning: When airflow alarm is disabled. the control system will not generate any alarm when airflow is dropped below fail point.PUPSGBJMVSF t *GNPUPSJTXPSLJOHQSPQFSMZ QSPDFFEUPOFYUTUFQ "JSnPX'BJMVSF "*3'"*- BMBSNJT t 1MFBTF SFGFS UP TPGUXBSF USPVCMFTIPPUJOH TFDUJPO GPS NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO USJHHFSFE UIJTDPVME be due to either IBSEXBSFPSTPGUXBSF t 5IFSF JT BO PQUJPO UP EJTBCMF UIF BJSnPX BMBSN NPOJUPS CZ HPJOH JOUP.PWFUIFTBTIUP3FBEZQPTJUJPO OPSNBMPQFSBUJOHIFJHIU t 3FBEZ QPTJUJPO JT JOEJDBUFE CZ CMBDL EPU NBSL PO UIF SJHIU QSPmMF DPWFS TFFESBXJOH -JHIUBMXBZT0'' 4BTIJO4"4)"-"3. t -JGUVQ UIF GSPOU QBOFM BOE MPDBUF FMFDUSJDBM CPY XJUI SFE NFUBM DPWFS CFIJOEJU t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOETFFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOE PG UIJT TFDUJPO UP MPDBUF UIF TQFFE DPOUSPMMFS JOTJEF FMFDUSJDBM CPY 3FGFSUPESBXJOHBOEBCPWF 3FTPOBODF t *ODSFBTFUIFNPUPSTQFFECZo7 "$$IFDLXIFUIFSUIFOPJTF EJTBQQFBSFE*GOPJTFEJTBQQFBSFE NFBTVSFUIFBDUVBMBJSnPXWFMPDJUZ *GUIFWFMPDJUZJTTUJMMJOUIFBDDFQUBCMFSBOHF LFFQJU*GWFMPDJUZJTPVU PGBDDFQUBCMFSBOHFPSJGOPJTFQFSTJTUT SFQMBDFUIFCMPXFS t 3FGFSUPUIFQSFWJPVT. decontaminate the unit before accessing to blower.PS67TUBUF t 4XJUDI PO UIF MJHIU CZ QSFTTJOH -*()5 CVUUPO PO UIF NFNCSBOF LFZQBE TFFESBXJOH t -JHIUDBOPOMZCF0/BU3FBEZPS'VMMZ0QFOTBTIQPTJUJPO t *G MJHIU DBO OPU CF 0/ XIFO TBTI BU 3FBEZ QPTJUJPO QSPDFFE UP OFYUTUFQ $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .*/ UIFODIPPTF"'. This step must only be done by authorized personnel. 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting : 81 Right profile cover Sash at ready position 'BVMUZnVPSFTDFOUUVCF Light button t 3FQMBDFUIFGBVMUZnVPSFTDFOUUVCF t 'MVPSFTDFOUUVCFJTMPDBUFEJOTJEFUIFCMVFQBOFM TFFESBXJOH CFMPX t 5VSOPGGUIFDBCJOFU t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOETFFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOE PG UIJT TFDUJPO UP MPDBUF UIF nVPSFTDFOU CBMMBTU DPOOFDUPS $ BOE SFMBZCPBSEJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMCPY t 5VSOPOUIFDBCJOFU UIFOUVSOPOUIFMJHIUCZQSFTTJOH-*()5CVUUPO PONFNCSBOFLFZQBE t $IFDL"$WPMUBHFBUCBMMBTUJOQVU CFUXFFOQJO/0PO+UFSNJOBM POSFMBZCPBSEUPOFVUSBM TFFESBXJOHCFMPX 'BVMUZ'MVPSFTDFOUCBMMBTU t *U TIPVME CF 7 "$ . GPS 7 DBCJOFU PS 7 "$ . AC or 115V. AC) $POOFDUPS$ 7PMUBHF 1JOUP 7 "$ Table 5 .GPS7DBCJOFU t *GOPU DIFDLUIF-4SFMBZBOE'GVTF3FGFSUPESBXJOH -JHIUBMXBZT0'' t 5VSOPGGUIFVOJU t %JTDPOOFDUNBMFDPOOFDUPS$POFMFDUSJDBMCPY t 5VSOPOUIFVOJU t 5VSOPOUIFMJHIU UIFODIFDL"$WPMUBHFBUCBMMBTUPVUQVU CFUXFFO GFNBMFDPOOFDUPS$QJOBOE JUTIPVMECFBSPVOE7 "$ 4FF5BCMFCFMPX t 3FQMBDFCBMMBTUJGPVUQVUWPMUBHFJTNVDIMPXFSUIBOUIJTSBOHF Terminal J13 C NO NC Black cable is ballast input (230V. wJOTUFBE QMFBTFPQFOUIFSJHIU QSPmMF DPWFS XIFSF TBTI BMBSN NBSL MPDBUFE CZ VOTDSFXJOH UIF TDSFXT4FFESBXJOHBCPWF 3FBEZNBHOFUJDTXJUDIJTGBVMUZ PSNJTBMJHOFE t 5IFSFBSFNBHOFUJDTXJUDIFTJOTJEFUIFSJHIUQSPmMF4FFESBXJOH CFMPX5IFPOFJOUIFNJEEMFJTGPS3FBEZQPTJUJPO t :PVXJMMmOEBNBHOFUJDTUSJQBUUBDIFEPOUIFHMBTTKVTUCFTJEFUIF NJEEMFTXJUDI t 4IJGUUIFTXJUDIPSNBHOFUQPTJUJPOTPUIFEJTUBODFCFUXFFOUIFNJT CFUXFFONNBTFYQMBJOFEJOESBXJOHCFMPX*GUIFEJTUBODF JTUPPGBS UIFTXJUDINBZOPUCFBCMFUPEFUFDUUIFNBHOFU t *GUIF-$%TUJMMTIPXJOHi4"4)"-"3.w UIFTXJUDINBZCFGBVMUZ QMFBTFSFQMBDFJU PSUIFDPOOFDUJPONBZIBWFQSPCMFN'PSDIFDLJOH PODPOOFDUJPO GPMMPXOFYUTUFQ -JHIUBMXBZT0'' t 5VSOPGGUIFDBCJOFU t 0QFO FMFDUSJDBM CPY BOE TFF ESBXJOH -BZPVU " PS -BZPVU # BU UIF FOEPGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUFUIFSFMBZCPBSE nVPSFTDFOUCBMMBTU BOE DPOOFDUPS$JOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMCPY $POOFDUJPO1SPCMFN t $IFDL GPS BOZ MPPTF PS CBE DPOOFDUJPO CFUXFFO SFMBZ CPBSE nVPSFTDFOUMBNQCBMMBTU BOEGFNBMFDPOOFDUPS$ t 4FF ESBXJOH UP MPDBUF UFSNJOBM + PO SFMBZ CPBSE DIFDL UJHIUOFTTPGDBCMFTDPOOFDUFEUP+ t 'PSDPOOFDUPS$ EJTDPOOFDUUIFNBMFTJEFGSPNFMFDUSJDBMCPY UIFO DIFDLNBMFBOEGFNBMFTJEFGPSBOZCBEDPOOFDUJPO t $IFDLBMTPDPOOFDUJPOPGUIFMBNQIPMEFS TFFESBXJOH Black cable is ballast input (230V. AC) Terminal J13 $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual Fluorescent lamp tube Fluorescent lamp holder .82 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting t .PWF TBTI UP 3FBEZ QPTJUJPO 5IF -$% TIPVME TIPX FJUIFS i'"/ 0''wPSTIPXJOHWFMPDJUZ t *GUIF-$%TIPXJOHi4"4)"-"3. AC or 115V. 0%& JT EJTQMBZFE PO -$% CVU 67 JT OPU PO BGUFS QSFTTJOH 67 CVUUPO QMFBTF SFGFS UP UIF . .BHOFUJD 4XJUDIUSPVCMFTIPPUJOHTFDUJPO 4BTIOPUJO67TUBUF t 4XJUDI PO UIF 67 MBNQ CZ QSFTTJOH UIF 67 CVUUPO TFF ESBXJOH CFMPX t *G 67 .BHOFUJD 4XJUDI USPVCMFTIPPUJOH TFDUJPO 67-JHIUBMXBZT0'' UV button 8-1 'BVMUZ67MJHIU 8-2 t 3FQMBDFUIFGBVMUZ67MJHIUNote: Typical UV light life is 8000 hours.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting : 83 t 5VSOPGGUIFDBCJOFU t 0QFOUIFGSPOUQBOFMBOEMPDBUFFMFDUSJDBMCPYCFIJOEJU t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOETFFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOE PGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUFUIFSFMBZCPBSEJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMCPY t $IFDL SFMBZ -4 BOE GVTF ' PO UIF SFMBZ CPBSE 4FF ESBXJOH CFMPX 'BVMUZSFMBZPSGVTF t *GGVTF'JTCMPXO BTUFNQPSBSZTPMVUJPO VTF'UPSFQMBDF'5IF GVTF'JTOPUVTFEBOEJTBTQBSFGVTF t 0OUFSNJOBM+ DIFDLUIF/0UP$PNNPOBOE/$UP$PNNPO DJSDVJUTCZDIFDLJOHDPOUJOVJUZ t *GUIF/0UP$PNNPOBOE/$UP$PNNPODPOUBDUTBSFOPUDPSSFDU SFQMBDFUIF3FMBZ#PBSE -JHIUBMXBZT0'' C NO Relay LS7 NC Fuse F7 t -PXFS UIF TBTI UP 67 NPEF QPTJUJPO GVMMZ DMPTFE TFF ESBXJOH CFMPX t *G67.0%&JTOPUEJTQMBZFEPOUIF-$% QMFBTFSFGFSUPUIF. 84 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting t 5VSOPGGUIFDBCJOFU t 0QFOUIFGSPOUQBOFMBOEMPDBUFFMFDUSJDBMCPYCFIJOEJU t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOETFFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOE PGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUFUIF67CBMMBTU SFMBZCPBSE BOEDPOOFDUPS #GPS7 "$DBCJOFUPSDPOOFDUPS&GPS7 "$DBCJOFUJOTJEF FMFDUSJDBMCPY t 5VSOPOUIFDBCJOFU UIFOTXJUDIPOUIF67CZQSFTTJOH67CVUUPO PONFNCSBOFLFZQBE t $IFDL "$ WPMUBHF BU 67 CBMMBTU JOQVU CFUXFFO QJO /0 PO + UFSNJOBMPOSFMBZCPBSEUPOFVUSBM TFFESBXJOH 'BVMUZ67CBMMBTU t *UTIPVMECF7 "$. GPS7 "$DBCJOFUPS7 "$ . GPS7 "$DBCJOFU t *GOPU DIFDLUIF-4SFMBZBOE'GVTF3FGFSUPESBXJOH t 5VSOPGGUIFVOJU t %JTDPOOFDUNBMFDPOOFDUPS#PS&POFMFDUSJDBMCPY t 5VSOPOUIFVOJU t 5VSOPOUIF67 UIFODIFDL"$WPMUBHFBUCBMMBTUPVUQVU CFUXFFO GFNBMFDPOOFDUPS#QJOBOEGPS7 "$DBCJOFUPSCFUXFFO GFNBMFDPOOFDUPS&QJOBOEGPS7 "$DBCJOFU JUTIPVMECF BSPVOE7 "$GPS7 "$DBCJOFUPSBSPVOE7 "$ GPS7 "$DBCJOFU4FF5BCMFCFMPX t 3FQMBDFCBMMBTUJGPVUQVUWPMUBHFJTPVUUIJTSBOHF 67-JHIUBMXBZT0'' Cabinet Voltage Connector 1JO UV ballast output 7 "$. B UP 7 "$ 7 "$. PWF TBTI UP 'VMMMZ $MPTFE QPTJUJPO 5IF -$% TIPVME TIPX i67 .0%&BGUFSBEKVTUNFOUCVUZPVBSFTUJMMVOBCMF UP TXJUDI UIF 67 0/ CZ QSFTTJOH 67 CVUUPO 1MFBTF PQFO UIF MFGU QSPmMFDPWFSXIFSFUIFSFJTPOFNBHOFUJDTXJUDIJOTJEFBTTIPXOJO ESBXJOHBCPWF t %P UIF TBNF DIFDLJOH BOE BEKVTUNFOU BT NBHOFUJD TXJUDI PO CPUUPNSJHIU t *G67TUJMMDBOOPUCF0/ UIFTXJUDINBZCFGBVMUZ QMFBTFSFQMBDFJU PSUIFDPOOFDUJPONBZIBWFQSPCMFN'PSDIFDLJOHPODPOOFDUJPO GPMMPXOFYUTUFQ $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .wJOTUFBE QMFBTFPQFOUIFSJHIU QSPmMF DPWFS XIFSF TBTI BMBSN NBSL MPDBUFE CZ VOTDSFXJOH UIF TDSFXT4FFESBXJOHBCPWF t 5IFSFBSFNBHOFUJDTXJUDIFTJOTJEFUIFSJHIUQSPmMF4FFESBXJOH BCPWF5IFCPUUPNPOFJTGPS67. & UP 7 "$ 5BCMF t .0%&w1MFBTFFOTVSFUIBUUIFTBTIJTGVMMZDMPTFE t *GUIF-$%TIPXJOHi4"4)"-"3.w UIFTXJUDINBZCFGBVMUZ QMFBTFSFQMBDFJU PSUIFDPOOFDUJPONBZIBWFQSPCMFN'PSDIFDLJOH PODPOOFDUJPO GPMMPXOFYUTUFQ t *G-$%JTTIPXJOH67.PEFQPTJUJPO t :PVXJMMmOEBNBHOFUJDTUSJQBUUBDIFEPOUIFHMBTTKVTUCFTJEFUIF CPUUPNTXJUDI 67NBHOFUJDTXJUDIJTGBVMUZPS NJTBMJHOFE t 4IJGUUIFTXJUDIPSNBHOFUQPTJUJPOTPUIFEJTUBODFCFUXFFOUIFNJT CFUXFFONNBTFYQMBJOFEJOESBXJOHBCPWF*GUIFEJTUBODF JTUPPGBS UIFTXJUDINBZOPUCFBCMFUPEFUFDUUIFNBHOFU t *GUIF-$%TUJMMTIPXJOHi4"4)"-"3. AC or 115V.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting : 85 t 5VSOPGGUIFDBCJOFU t 0QFOUIFGSPOUQBOFMBOEMPDBUFFMFDUSJDBMCPYCFIJOEJU t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOETFFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOE PGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUFUIFSFMBZCPBSE 67CBMMBTU BOEDPOOFDUPS #GPS7 "$DBCJOFUPSDPOOFDUPS&GPS7 "$DBCJOFUJOTJEF FMFDUSJDBMCPY $POOFDUJPO1SPCMFN t $IFDL GPS BOZ MPPTF PS CBE DPOOFDUJPO CFUXFFO SFMBZ CPBSE 67 MBNQCBMMBTUBOEGFNBMFDPOOFDUPS#PS& t 4FF ESBXJOH UP MPDBUF UFSNJOBM + PO SFMBZ CPBSE DIFDL UJHIUOFTTPGDBCMFTDPOOFDUFEUP+ t 'PSDPOOFDUPS#PS& EJTDPOOFDUUIFNBMFTJEFGSPNFMFDUSJDBMCPY UIFODIFDLNBMFBOEGFNBMFTJEFGPSBOZCBEDPOOFDUJPO t $IFDLBMTPDPOOFDUJPOPGUIF67MBNQIPMEFS TFFESBXJOH Terminal J15 NC UV tube NO C 67-JHIUBMXBZT0'' UV tube holder Black cable is UV ballast (230V. AC) 8-4 t 5VSOPGGUIFDBCJOFU t 0QFOUIFGSPOUQBOFMBOEMPDBUFFMFDUSJDBMCPYCFIJOEJU t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOETFFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOE PGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUFUIFSFMBZCPBSEJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMCPY t $IFDL -4 SFMBZ BOE GVTF ' PO UIF SFMBZ CPBSE 4FF ESBXJOH CFMPX 'BVMUZSFMBZPSGVTF t *GGVTF'JTCMPXO BTUFNQPSBSZTPMVUJPO VTF'UPSFQMBDF'5IF GVTF'JTOPUVTFEBOEJTBTQBSFGVTF t 0OUFSNJOBM+ DIFDLUIF/0UP$PNNPOBOE/$UP$PNNPO DJSDVJUTCZDIFDLJOHDPOUJOVJUZ t *GUIF/0UP$PNNPOBOE/$UP$PNNPODPOUBDUTBSFOPUDPSSFDU SFQMBDFUIF3FMBZ#PBSE NC NO Relay LS8 C Fuse F8 8-5 . 86 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting t 5VSOPGGUIFDBCJOFU t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOETFFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOE PGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUFUIFSFMBZCPBSEBOEDPOOFDUPS#GPS7 "$ DBCJOFUPSDPOOFDUPS&GPS7 "$DBCJOFUJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMCPY t $IFDL GPS BOZ MPPTF PS CBE DPOOFDUJPO CFUXFFO SFMBZ CPBSE BOE GFNBMFDPOOFDUPS#PS& $POOFDUJPOQSPCMFN t 4FFESBXJOHCFMPXUPMPDBUFUFSNJOBM+POSFMBZCPBSE DIFDL UJHIUOFTTPGDBCMFTDPOOFDUFEUP+ t 'PSDPOOFDUPS#PS& EJTDPOOFDUUIFNBMFTJEFGSPNFMFDUSJDBMCPY UIFODIFDLNBMFBOEGFNBMFTJEFGPSBOZCBEDPOOFDUJPO t $IFDL BMTP DPOOFDUJPO PO FMFDUSJDBM TPDLFU JU JT MPDBUFE JOTJEF UIF XPSL[POF TFFESBXJOHCFMPX Electrical outlet &MFDUSJDBM4PDLFU t 5VSOPGGUIFDBCJOFU BMXBZT0'' t 0QFOUIFGSPOUQBOFMBOEMPDBUFFMFDUSJDBMCPYCFIJOEJU t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOETFFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOE PGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUFUIFSFMBZCPBSEJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMCPY t $IFDL -4 SFMBZ BOE GVTF ' PO UIF SFMBZ CPBSE 4FF ESBXJOH CFMPX t *GGVTF'JTCMPXO BTUFNQPSBSZTPMVUJPO VTF'UPSFQMBDF'5IF GVTF'JTOPUVTFEBOEJTBTQBSFGVTF 'BVMUZSFMBZPSGVTF t 0O UFSNJOBM + DIFDL UIF /0 UP $PNNPO BOE /$ UP $PNNPO DJSDVJUTCZDIFDLJOHDPOUJOVJUZ t *GUIF/0UP$PNNPOBOE/$UP$PNNPODPOUBDUTBSFOPUDPSSFDU SFQMBDFUIF3FMBZ#PBSE t *G UIF /0 UP $PNNPO BOE /$ UP $PNNPO DPOUBDUT BSF DPSSFDU QSPDFFEUPUIFOFYUTUFQ Terminal J6 NC NO C Fuse F4 $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual Relay LS4 . %1HMVF -FBLJOHFYIBVTUmMUFS t 5IFQBUDIFEBSFBTIPVMEOPUFYDFFEPGUIFUPUBMmMUFSBSFB t 5IFODIFDLUIFmMUFSGPSMFBLBHFBHBJO t *GUIFmMUFSJTTUJMMMFBLJOH EFDPOUBNJOBUFUIFDBCJOFUBOEDIBOHFUIF FYIBVTUmMUFS t 3FDFSUJGZUIFDBCJOFUBGUFSUIFOFXmMUFSIBTCFFOJOTUBMMFE .4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting : 87 t 4PDLFUJTMPDBUFEJOTJEFUIFXPSL[POF4FFESBXJOH t $IFDL FMFDUSJDBM TPDLFU DPOOFDUJPO 3FGFS UP ESBXJOH BOE CFMPX 'BVMUZFMFDUSJDBMTPDLFU t *GDPOOFDUJPOJTDPSSFDUCVUTPDLFUIBTOPPVUQVU SFQMBDFJU Socket on 230V cabinet Socket on 115V cabinet Screw &MFDUSJDBM4PDLFU BMXBZT0'' Green Terminal Green/Yellow Green/Yellow Blue color Screw Red or Black E N LINE HOT WHITE L Red or Black Blue color Front View (cover opened) Rear View (removed) Contaminated samples Front View (cover opened) Rear View (removed) #MPDLFEBJSHSJMMF t .BLFTVSFUIBUUIFGSPOUBOECBDLBJSHSJMMFTBSFOPUCMPDLFE4FF ESBXJOH -PXBJSnPX t "EKVTUUIFTQFFEDPOUSPM MPDBUFEJOTJEFUIFFMFDUSJDBMQBOFM CFIJOE UIFGSPOUQBOFM BOEPSEBNQFS JGQSFTFOU MPDBUFEPOUPQPGUIF VOJU BCPWFFYIBVTUmMUFS UPHFUUIFPQUJNVNBJSnPXBTTUBUFEJO UIFUFTUSFQPSU -FBLJOHEPXOnPXmMUFS t %FDPOUBNJOBUFUIFDBCJOFUBOEDIBOHFUIFEPXOnPXmMUFS t 3FDFSUJGZUIFDBCJOFUBGUFSUIFOFXmMUFSIBTCFFOJOTUBMMFE t &YIBVTUmMUFSJTMPDBUFEPOUPQPGUIFVOJU t 1BUDIUIFMFBLJOHmMUFSXJUI. 1.&/6UPFYJUNFOV t 1SFTT4&5CVUUPOUPSFBEEJBHOPTUJDNFTTBHF t 1SFTT%08/CVUUPOVOUJMZPVmOECFMPXJOGPSNBUJPO 4XJUDI@ JUJT0/XIFOTBTIJTGVMMZPQFOFE4XJUDI@JTDPOOFDUFEUP QPSU+PONBJOCPBSEJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMQBOFM3FGFSUPESBXJOH-BZPVU "PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOEPGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUFNBJOCPBSE8IFO TXJUDI@JTBDUJWBUFE +XJMMIBWF7%$ 4XJUDI@ JUJT0/XIFOTBTIJTBUOPSNBMPQFSBUJOHIFJHIU4XJUDI@ JTDPOOFDUFEUPQPSU+PONBJOCPBSEJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMQBOFM3FGFSUP ESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOEPGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUFNBJO CPBSE8IFOTXJUDI@JTBDUJWBUFE QPSU%*/BOE+PONBJOCPBSE BSFTIPSUFE ERR.88 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting 2. MSWITCH .&/6CVUUPOBOELFZJO"%.0%&PQUJPO UIFODIPPTF.w UIFNBJOCPBSEJTPL $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .BHOFUJDTXJUDI FT t 5VSOPOUIFVOJU t 0ODPOUSPMQBOFM QSFTT.2 Software Troubleshooting Error Codes Explanation Corrective Action t ."(/&5*$TXJUDIFSSPS 4XJUDI@ JUJT0/XIFOTBTIJTGVMMZDMPTFE4XJUDI@JTDPOOFDUFEUP QPSU+PONBJOCPBSEJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMQBOFM3FGFSUPESBXJOH-BZPVU "PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOEPGUIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUFNBJOCPBSE8IFO TXJUDI@JTBDUJWBUFE QPSU%*/BOE+PONBJOCPBSEBSFTIPSUFE t *GBMM4XJUDIFTBSFPGG UIFTBTIJTJOBQPTJUJPOUIBUXPVMEUSJHHFSUIF TBTIBMBSN t $IFDLUIFBDUVBMTUBUFPGUIFNBHOFUJDTXJUDIFTBOEPCTFSWFUIFJS DPSSFTQPOEJOHTJHOBMTPOUIFNBJOCPBSE SFNPWFUIFTBTIQSPmMFUP BDDFTTUIFNBHOFUJDTXJUDIFT t 5IFNBHOFUJDTXJUDIXPSLJOHQSJODJQMFDBOCFTFFOJOESBXJOH#BOE UBCMFCFMPX t 3FQMBDFBOZGBVMUZTXJUDIFT # $IFDLGPSGBVMUZNBJOCPBSEPG4FOUJOFMDPOUSPM t 5VSOPGGUIFDBCJOFU t 0QFOUIFGSPOUQBOFMBOEMPDBUFFMFDUSJDBMCPYCFIJOEJU t 0QFOFMFDUSJDBMCPYBOETFFESBXJOH-BZPVU"PS-BZPVU#BUUIFFOEPG UIJTTFDUJPOUPMPDBUFUIFNBJOCPBSEJOTJEFFMFDUSJDBMCPY t 3FNPWF UIF DPOOFDUJPO GSPN + %*/ + %*/ BOE + PO NBJOCPBSE t 4XJUDIPOUIFTZTUFN t *GUIF-$%EPFTOPUTIPXi4"4)"-"3.*/QBTTXPSE JGBOZ t $IPPTF4&5."*/5&/"/$& t 1SFTT.BHOFUJDTXJUDIFTBSFMPDBUFEJOTJEFSJHIUQSPmMFDPWFS4FFESBXJOH #CFMPX " $IFDLGPSGBVMUZ.w UIFNBJOCPBSEJTGBVMUZ t *GUIF-$%TIPXi4"4)"-"3. 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting SASH PROFILE COVER OPENED 7.5VDC Switch_0 MAIN BOARD SASH Shorted Switch_1 MAIN BOARD Shorted Switch_2 MAIN BOARD B-1 : 89 . CALIB $POUSPMMFSIBTOPUZFUCFFO DBMJCSBUFE WARNING: Below steps should be carried out only by an authorized person. ALARM is given.BH4XJUDI . ALARM is given.90 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting .MSWITCH detected 5BCMF ERR. Open Open Close Open Cabinet sash is at nominal height.BH4XJUDI 4BTINPWFNFOU SBOHF B-2 Magnetic Switch 1 Magnetic Switch 2 Magnetic Switch 3 Magnetic Switch 4 Description Close Open Open Open Sash is fully opened. ready to use.BHOFU . ALARM can not be muted. t $BMJCSBUFUIFDPOUSPMMFS3FGFSUP$BMJCSBUJPOTFDUJPOGPSEFUBJMT $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . Open Open Open Open SASH is at unsafe state. Rest Conditions ERR.BH4XJUDI .BHOFU 4BTI8JOEPX GSPOUWJFX . ALARM can be muted. Open Close Open Close Sash is fully closed. UV can be operated.BH4XJUDI . 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting Layout A : 91 . 92 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting Layout B $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . not mutable Not Applicable Yes. FAN PIN PURGING time. without WARM UP & PURGING time. FAN PIN required required Light Control Yes Yes Not Applicable Socket Control Yes Yes Not Applicable UV CONTROL Interlocked Interlocked Not Applicable Fan Control Not Applicable . FAN PIN required required No No Not Applicable SASH ALARM Light Control Sash Position Not Applicable Socket Control Yes Yes Not Applicable UV Control Interlocked Interlocked Not Applicable Function Available Normal Mode and Airfail Alarm On Normal Mode and Airfail Alarm Off Maintenance Mode Sash Position Detection Yes Yes Not Applicable Message Displayed “FULLY OPEN” “FULLY OPEN” Not Applicable Not Applicable Current Time Display Alarm FULLY OPEN Yes Yes Yes. not mutable Yes. Alarm if air fails No No Sash Position Detection Yes Yes Not Applicable Message Displayed “SASH ALARM” “SASH ALARM” Not Applicable Current Time Display Yes Yes Not Applicable Alarm Yes. with WARM UP & PURGING time. “FAN ON” displayed Yes If not calibrated. FAN PIN required required Yes Yes Light Control READY Yes. mutable for 5 Yes. FAN PIN PURGING time.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting : 93 2. FAN PIN PURGING time. no PIN required Yes Socket Control Yes Yes Yes UV Control Interlocked Interlocked Interlocked MENU Access Yes. displaying “ERR. ADMIN PIN required Yes. with WARM UP & Yes.2 OPERATION MODE SUMMARY Sash Position Function Available Normal Mode and Airfail Alarm On Normal Mode and Airfail Alarm Off Maintenance Mode Sash Position Detection Yes Yes No Yes. with WARM UP & Fan Control PURGING time. with WARM UP & Yes. with WARM UP & Yes.CALIB” Air Fail checking Yes. ADMIN PIN required Yes. no PIN required Simple Diagnostic Simple Diagnostic Message Message Yes Yes No Pressing Set button Timer Complete Diagnostic Message Current Time Display Yes Yes /P i wEJTQMBZFE Air Velocity Display Yes No. with WARM UP & Fan Control PURGING time. mutable for 5 minutes minutes Not Applicable Yes. 94 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFStTroubleshooting Sash Position Detection UV MODE Yes Yes Not Applicable SWITCH OFF Fan requested Yes Yes Not Applicable Message Displayed “UV MODE” “UV MODE” Not Applicable Fan Control No No Not Applicable Light Control No No Not Applicable Socket Control Yes Yes Not Applicable UV Control Yes Yes Not Applicable $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . angled 9.1 LA2 ENGINEERING DETAILS . Fluorescent lamp 11. IV-Bar Retrofit Kit provision 6. Blower 7. 60 Hz models of 1. Exhaust ULPA filter 2. 1.UV light Retrofit Kit provision for 1.6") 3.2 m and1.2. 4b.5 meter (3’. 10.5 and 1.2 and 1. 5’ & 6’ models . 1.8 meter (6’) models. Esco Sentinel microprocessor control system 14.8 meter / 4’. Electrical outlet Retrofit Kit provision (0. Stainless steel single-piece work tray 5. Downflow ULPA filter.8 m / 4' and 6' is 1640 mm / 64. 4’ & 5’) models. Safety glass sliding sash window 15. UV light Retrofit Kit provision for 0. Stainless steel armrest 12.8 m/4' and 6' is 715 mm/28.one single outlet in workzone) (1.two single outlets in workzone) 8. Removable side panel for plumbing access (Internal height for 110-130V. Drain valve Retrofit Kit provision 13. Electrical / Electronics panel 3.2 m and 1. 60Hz models of 1. Plugged service fixture provisions (2 on each side) 4a."901& /*/( 4a9 4b9 5 9 109 NN 87 1 11 12 NN 6 NN 1.9.9 meter / 3’ model .1") 15 76 NN 14 16 "$$&4 01&/*/4 ( NN 13 (Exterior height for 110-130 V.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFSt1SPEVDU4QFDJmDBUJPO : 95 CHAPTER 3 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 16 NNNNNNNN NNNNNNNN NN 27 3 NN . Single-piece stainless steel back wall and side walls 16. LA2-3A_ / LA2-3L_ NN NN Side View .LA2-4A_ / LA2-4L_ NN NN Top View .LA2-6A_ / LA2-6L_ $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .96 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFSt1SPEVDU4QFDJmDBUJPO 0QUJPOBM&YIBVTU$PMMBS1PTJUJPOTGPS5IJNCMF%VDUJOHGPS-".LA2-5A_ / LA2-5L_ NN NN Top View .All Sizes Top View .PEFMT NN NN NN NN NN Top View . 9 meters ( 3') 1. For unit with motorized window (-M). -"" -"". LA2-5A1 LA2-5A1-M -"" -"". -"" -"". excludes optional stand. Maximum ** * Additional voltages may be available. -"" -"". 0. LA2-4A1 LA2-4A1-M -"" -"". . cabinet power and current consumption will be higher by 115W.."3: General Specifications International Models (Europe. 0.5A. Africa.5 meters ( 5') 1.8 meters ( 6') YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY N2 TRGU N2 TRGU N2 TRGU N2 TRGU Tested Opening NN NN NN NN Working Opening NN NN NN NN NT GQN NT GQN NT GQN NT GQN *OnPX N I DGN N I DGN N I DGN NI DGN %PXOnPX NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN &YIBVTU N I DGN N I DGN N I DGN NI DGN 3FRVJSFE&YIBVTU8JUI 0QUJPOBM5IJNCMF&YIBVTU $PMMBS NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN Average Airflow Velocity Airflow Volume *OnPX %PXOnPX NT GQN NSF / ANSI 49 E#" E#" E#" E#" &/ E#" E#" E#" E#" -VY GPPUDBOEMFT -VY GPPUDBOEMFT -VY GPPUDBOEMFT -VY GPPUDBOEMFT Fluorescent Lamp Intensity &MFDUSPHBMWBOJ[FETUFFMXJUI*TPDJEFPWFOCBLFEFQPYZQPMZFTUFSQPXEFSDPBUJOH Cabinet Construction 7 "$ )[ $BCJOFU1PXFS"NQ 0VUMFU"NQ'VTF 5PUBM"NQ Electrical * BUQBSUJDMFTJ[FCFUXFFOUPNJDSPOT ULPA Filter Typical Efficiency Sound Emission #56)S 7 "$ )[ $BCJOFU1PXFS"NQ 0VUMFU"NQ'VTF 5PUBM"NQ #56)S NN HBVHF -"" LA2-4A1 LA2-5A1 -"" 8" 8" 8" 8" " " " " " " " 9A -"" -"" -"" -"" 8" 8" 8" 8" " " " " " " " 9A Net Weight ** LHMCT LHMCT LHMCT LHMCT Shipping Weight ** LHMCT LHMCT LHMCT LHMCT YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY N DVGU N DVGU N DVGU N DVGU Shipping Dimensions. Latin America / 230 V. 50 & 60 Hz) Nominal Size External Dimensions (W x D x H) Gross Internal Dimensions (W x D x H) Usable Work Area -"" -"". ** Cabinet only.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFSt1SPEVDU4QFDJmDBUJPO : 97 -" "4&3*&4 7$"#*/&545&$)/*$"-41&$*'*$"5*0/46. Maximum (W x D x H) ** Shipping Volume.2 meters ( 4') 1. Asia-Pacific. contact Esco for ordering information. cabinet power and current consumption will be higher by 125W. Standards Compliance Biosafety Cabinets Air Quality 'JMUSBUJPO Electrical Safety /4'"/4* 64" &/ &VSPQF +*4.8 meters ( 6') External Dimensions (W x D x H) YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY Gross Internal Dimensions (W x D x H) YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY N2 TRGU N2 TRGU N2 TRGU N2 TRGU NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN (USA. Maximum ** * Additional voltages may be available.5 meters ( 5') 1. contact Esco for ordering information. For unit with motorized window (-M).9 meters ( 3') 1.115 V CABINETS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SUMMARY General Specifications North America Models -"" -"". Maximum (W x D x H) ** Shipping Volume. LA2-4A2 LA2-4A2-M LA2-5A2 LA2-5A2-M -"" -"". 1A. Canada. 60 Hz) Nominal Size Usable Work Area Tested Opening Working Opening Average Airflow Velocity Airflow Volume *OnPX NT GQN %PXOnPX NT GQN NT GQN NT GQN NT GQN *OnPX NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN %PXOnPX NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN &YIBVTU NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN 3FRVJSFE&YIBVTU8JUI 0QUJPOBM5IJNCMF&YIBVTU $PMMBS NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN GPSQBSUJDMFTJ[FCFUXFFOUPNJDSPOTQFS*&4531$$ ULPA Filter Typical Efficiency Sound Emission NSF / ANSI 49 E#" E#" E#" E#" &/ E#" E#" E#" E#" -VY GPPUDBOEMFT -VY GPPUDBOEMFT -VY GPPUDBOEMFT -VY GPPUDBOEMFT 1FOEJOH Yes Yes Yes Fluorescent Lamp Intensity NSF / ANSI 49 Certified &MFDUSPHBMWBOJ[FETUFFMXJUI*TPDJEFPWFOCBLFEFQPYZQPMZFTUFSQPXEFSDPBUJOH Cabinet Construction Electrical * NN HBVHF NN HBVHF NN HBVHF NN HBVHF 7 "$ )[ -"" LA2-4A2 LA2-5A2 -"" $BCJOFU1PXFS"NQ 8" 8" 8" 8" 0VUMFU"NQ'VTF " " " " 5PUBM"NQ " " " " 2244 Net Weight ** #56)S LHMCT LHMCT LHMCT LHMCT Shipping Weight ** LHMCT LHMCT LHMCT LHMCT YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY N DVGU N DVGU N DVGU N DVGU Shipping Dimensions.98 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFSt1SPEVDU4QFDJmDBUJPO 3. ** Cabinet only.2 meters ( 4') 1.3 LA2 (A-SERIES) . Mexico / 115 V. 0. excludes optional stand. +BQBO 4'%":: $IJOB *40 $MBTT 8PSMEXJEF +*4# $MBTT +BQBO +*4#4 $MBTT +BQBO 64'FE4UE& $MBTT64" &/ ) &VSPQF *&4531$$ 64" *&4531$$ 64" *&4531$$ 64" 6-$" 64" $4" /P $BOBEB &/ &VSPQF *&$ 8PSMEXJEF $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUt . -"- -"-. excludes optional stand. Asia-Pacific. 0.JO YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY 8JUI#BTF4UBOE . LA2-4L1 LA2-4L1-M -"- -"-.5A. -"- -"-. contact Esco for ordering information. 50 & 60 Hz) Nominal Size -"- -"-. 0. Latin America / 230 V.9 meters ( 3') 1.4 LA2 (L-SERIES) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SUMMARY General Specifications International Models (Europe. Africa. -"- -"-. Maximum ** * Additional voltages may be available. . cabinet power and current consumption will be higher by 115W. ** Cabinet only.5 meters ( 5') 1.4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFSt1SPEVDU4QFDJmDBUJPO : 99 3. LA2-5L1 LA2-5L1-M -"- -"-.8 meters ( 6') 8JUIPVU#BTF4UBOE YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY 8JUI#BTF4UBOE . For unit with motorized window (-M).BY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY N2 TRGU N2 TRGU N2 TRGU N2 TRGU Tested Opening NN NN NN NN Working Opening NN NN NN NN External Dimensions (W x D x H) Gross Internal Dimensions (W x D x H) Usable Work Area Average Airflow Velocity Airflow Volume *OnPX %PXOnPX NT GQN NT GQN NT GQN NT GQN NT GQN *OnPX NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN %PXOnPX NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN &YIBVTU N I DGN N I DGN N I DGN NI DGN 3FRVJSFE&YIBVTU8JUI 0QUJPOBM5IJNCMF&YIBVTU $PMMBS NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN NI DGN NSF / ANSI 49 E#" E#" E#" E#" &/ E#" E#" E#" E#" -VY GPPUDBOEMFT -VY GPPUDBOEMFT -VY GPPUDBOEMFT -VY GPPUDBOEMFT Fluorescent Lamp Intensity &MFDUSPHBMWBOJ[FETUFFMXJUI*TPDJEFPWFOCBLFEFQPYZQPMZFTUFSQPXEFSDPBUJOH Cabinet Construction 7 "$ )[ $BCJOFU1PXFS"NQ 0VUMFU"NQ'VTF Electrical * BUQBSUJDMFTJ[FCFUXFFOUPNJDSPOT ULPA Filter Typical Efficiency Sound Emission NN HBVHF -"- LA2-4L1 LA2-5L1 -"- 8" 8" 8" 8" " " " " 5PUBM"NQ " " " 9A #56)S -"- -"- -"- -"- 8" 8" 8" 8" " " " " " " " 9A 7 "$ )[ $BCJOFU1PXFS"NQ 0VUMFU"NQ'VTF 5PUBM"NQ Net Weight ** #56)S LHMCT LHMCT LHMCT LHMCT Shipping Weight ** LHMCT LHMCT LHMCT LHMCT YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY YYNN YY N DVGU N DVGU N DVGU N DVGU Shipping Dimensions.2 meters ( 4') 1. Maximum (W x D x H) ** Shipping Volume. 100 : 4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFSt1SPEVDU4QFDJmDBUJPO Biosafety Cabinets Standards Compliance &/ &VSPQF Air Quality 'JMUSBUJPO Electrical Safety *40 $MBTT 8PSMEXJEF +*4# $MBTT +BQBO +*4#4 $MBTT +BQBO 64'FE4UE& $MBTT64" &/ ) &VSPQF *&4531$$ 64" *&4531$$ 64" *&4531$$ 64" 6-$" 64" $4" /P $BOBEB &/ &VSPQF *&$ 8PSMEXJEF $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . except that occasional conductivity is caused by condensation. it is assumed that only non-conductive pollutants such as dust are present.&/5"-"/%&-&$53*$"-3&26*3&. In Pollution degree 2.&/54 The cabinet has been designed to be used under the following conditions: &OWJSPONFOU3FRVJSFNFOUT US Europe / Asia Relative Humidity 6QUPNFUFST GU Altitude Temperature Australia *OEPPS6TF0OMZ Situation 5FNQFSBUVSFTIPVMECFJOCFUXFFOEFHSFFT$BOEEFHSFFT$ EFH'BOEEFH' Pollution Degree * Pollution degree describes the amount of conductive pollutants present in an operating environment. &MFDUSJDBM3FRVJSFNFOUT Power Rating Power Source Maximum Voltage Fluctuation Installation Category Surge Protection and UPS Leakage Current Voltage dips & short interruptions immunity test US Europe / Asia / Australia 7"$)[ 7"$)[ %FEJDBUFEXJUIVOPCTUSVDUFEBDDFTT .4FSWJDF4FDUJPO$IBQUFSt1SPEVDU4QFDJmDBUJPO : 111 &/7*30/. research laboratories and industrial laboratories. . The expected transient over voltage in CAT II is 2500V for a 230V supply and 1500V for a 120V supply.PGOPNJOBMWPMUBHF PUIFSXJTFJOTUBMMBQPXFSTUBCJMJ[FS $BUFHPSZ** 4USPOHMZSFDPNNFOEFEGPSCFUUFSQSPUFDUJPO "MMFMFDUSJDBMPVUMFUTDPNCJOFETIPVMEOPUFYDFFEN" "UUIFUJNFPGDBSSZJOHPVUUIFA7PMUBHFEJQTTIPSUJOUFSSVQUJPOTJNNVOJUZUFTU nJDLFSTXFSFPCTFSWFEJOUIF nVPSFTDFOUMJHIUXIFOFWFSUIFWPMUBHFEJQTBOETIPSUJOUFSSVQUJPOTXFSFBQQMJFEPOUIF"$NBJOTQPSUPGUIF VOJU5IJTDPOEJUJPOHPUSFDUJmFEBVUPNBUJDBMMZBGUFSUIFUFTU5IFVOJUJTDPOTJEFSFEUPNFFUQFSGPSNBODFDSJUFSJB #JOA7PMUBHFEJQTTIPSUJOUFSSVQUJPOTJNNVOJUZUFTUCBTFEPOUIFBCPWFPCTFSWBUJPO ** Installation category (over voltage category) defines the level of transient over voltage that the instrument is designed to XJUITUBOETBGFMZ*UEFQFOETPOUIFOBUVSFPGFMFDUSJDJUZTVQQMZBOEUIFDBCJOFUTPWFSWPMUBHFQSPUFDUJPONFBOT$"5**JTBDBUFHPSZ used for instruments which can be plugged to a power point which is comparable to the public mains found in facilities such as hospitals. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . ) 41&&%$0/530--&3" -"@" &23&-*/'*5&$1$4-) 41&&%$0/530--&31$4-) &23&-#"- 67#"--"45 &23&-#"- 67#"--"45 &23&-#"- 67#"--"45 -"@""-- &23&-#"-6/75*4 &-&$530/*$#"--"45 -"@" &23&-#"-51*4 &-&$530/*$#"--"45 41&&%$0/530--&3" 41&&%$0/530- UV BALLAST -"""-- -"""-- -"""-- -"" -"" -"" $0. system components and / or system accessories. Units made before Jan 04.0%6-& &1") -"@" &1#4- &-&$53*$"-1"/&-&1#8*5)41&&%$0/530-1$4-) -"@""-- &23&-.3FQMBDFNFOU1BSUT-JTU : 113 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST (STANDARD) The use of non-Esco parts and / or parts not supplied directly by Esco or our authorized distributors.*/"5&%(-"44(- -"""-- &23(- -".&(413*/( ("4413*/(/0 2 &23.$"#*/&5 MODEL ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION QTY MECHANICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS 1 '*-5&3(For units manufactured in Jan 04 onwards.&(413*/( ("4413*/(/0 2 -""""-- 2 4 BLOWER (-"44 4"4)8*/%08 ("4413*/( -""""-- -""""-- -""""-- ELECTRICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS 1 1.*/"5&%(-"44(- -"" &23(- 5&.1&3&%4"'&5:(-"44(- -"" &23(- 5&.1&3&%4"'&5:(-"44(- &23.*/"5&%(-"44(- -"""-- &23(- -". NO *5&. shall void all expressed or implied warranties. including but not limited to spare parts.1&3&%4"'&5:(-"44(- -"" &23(- 5&.1-&5&&-&$53*$"-1"/&-7 "$&1"8*5) -"@""-- BALLAST* .1 1.2 &-&$53*$"-. please contact Esco Singapore with Serial number) -""""-- &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 %08/'-08 &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 &9)"645 &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 %08/'-08 &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 &9)"645 -""""-- &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 %08/'-08 &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 &9)"645 -""""-- &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 %08/'-08 &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 &9)"645 -"@""-- &23&-#-08&3 #-08&3$&/53*'6("-/0 -"@" &23&-#-08&3 #-08&3$&/53*'6("-/0 -"""-- &23(- -". "/%$0/530-4:45&.1 5&.$ */5&3'"$�"3% $4&3*&4*/5&3'"$& 3&7# &23&-.1&3"563&4&/403 -"@""-- &23&-$$"1.$ 3&-":#0"3% $4&3*&4 -"@" &23&-.8 &23&-4"# "*3'-084&/403 &23&-4"5&."*/#0"3%(For units manufactured from May 04 onwards) CIRCUIT BREAKER -"""-- -"""-- -"" -"" -"" $MBTT**#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .63-/65 5&.14 "*3'-084&/403(For units manufactured from July 05 onwards) -"@"""-- -"@"""-- 2.' -"@" &23&-$$"1.&.63-/65 &23&-$#" $*3$6*5#3&".2 -"@""-- &23&-.$ 4.$' .' $##5:1&."3% $4&3*&4%3"'5 "*3'-08"-"3.$ 3&-":#0"3% &23&-'64&'"-7 "26*$.14 '64& */5&3'"$�"3% -$% -"@"""-- 4.4 2 2.050336/$"1"$*503 7 .114 : 3FQMBDFNFOU1BSUT-JTU 1.1&3"563&4&/403 -"@"""-- 4 $"1"$*503 '-603&4$&/556#& -"""- -""" -""""-- 5 UV TUBE -""""-- -""""-- -""""-- 3&-":#0"3% -"@"""-- 2.0%6-&8*5)#"$.14 8*5).$ .-*5 &23&-.#3"/&$-"44**#*0)".&3".4 &23&-.$ */5&3'"$�"3% $4&3*&4 -"@" &23&-."*/#0"3% $4&3*&4 -"@" &23&-. MEMBRANE -"@"""-- 2.&3".1 RELAY* -"@""-- &23&-3&-+297 3&-":7 -"@" &23&-3&-+29" 3&-":7 -"@"""-- &23&-3&-+297% 3&-":7 .$ .5 &23&-.$ $)"3"$5&349-*/&-$%."*/#0"3% 1$"4&/5*/&-$4&3*&4 3&7$ -"@""-- 2.14 8*5).' $##$"1"$*503 &23&-56#'8 '-603&4$&/556#&'5 2 &23&-56#'8 '-603&4$&/556#&'5 2 &23&-56#67'8 6756#&'5 &23&-56#67'8 6756#&'5 &23&-$#" $*3$6*5#3&"."$5*/('"-7'64& -"@""-- &23&-. "(/&5*$99.) 8 MAGNETIC -"@" -"@" : 115 &23&-. 8*5).$#46- .3FQMBDFNFOU1BSUT-JTU . 2) On every order of glass and filters."(/&5*$ . additional nominal fee will be charged on fumigated crate.. Microswitch was replaced then.5:1& Notes: 1) Please indicate Serial Numbers upon ordering the parts to replace.$. ."(/&5*$$0/5"$58*5)6--0(0 &23&-.5)."(/&5*$48*5$)(For units manufactured from Jan 05 onwards. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . 2 &-&$53*$"-.&(413*/( ("4413*/(/0 2 &23. -"@" &1#-". &-&$53*$"-1"/&-7 "$&1"-".&5#3.&5#3.8*5) 41&&%$0/530-1$4-) 41&&%$0/530-"@""-- &23&-.0503 56#6-"3.*/"5&%(-"44(- -"" &23(- 5&.8*5) 41&&%$0/530--&3" &-&$53*$"-1"/&-7 "$&1#-".1 1. including but not limited to spare parts. shall void all expressed or implied warranties.$"#*/&5 MODEL ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION QTY MECHANICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS 1 '*-5&3 -""""-- &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 %08/'-08 &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 &9)"645 &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 %08/'-08 &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 &9)"645 -""""-- &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 %08/'-08 &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 &9)"645 -""""-- &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 %08/'-08 &2341'53 6-1"'*-5&3/0 &9)"645 -"@""-- &23&-#-08&3 #-08&3$&/53*'6("-/0 -"@" &23&-#-08&3 #-08&3$&/53*'6("-/0 -"""-- &23(- -". system components and / or system accessories.05037 -"@" &23.*/"5&%(-"44(- -"""-- &23(- -".&(413*/( ("4413*/(/0 2 -"@""-- &23. NO *5&.*/"5&%(-"44(- -"""-- &23(- -".) 41&&%$0/530--&3" -"@" &23&-*/'*5&$1$4-) 41&&%$0/530--&31$4-) &23&-#"- 67#"--"45 UV BALLAST -""" .0%6-& -"@""-- &1"-".1&3&%4"'&5:(-"44(- -"" &23(- 5&.0503 56#6-"3.3FQMBDFNFOU1BSUT-JTU : 117 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST (MOTORIZED WINDOW) The use of non-Esco parts and / or parts not supplied directly by Esco or our authorized distributors.1&3&%4"'&5:(-"44(- -"" &23(- 5&.1&3&%4"'&5:(-"44(- &23.05037 -""""-- 2 4 BLOWER (-"44 4"4)8*/%08 ("4413*/( -""""-- -""""-- -""""-- 5 TUBULAR MOTOR ELECTRICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS 1 1. 1&3"563&4&/403 -"@""-- &23&-$$"1."*/#0"3% $4&3*&4 &23&-.$ .$ 4.#3"/&$-"44**#*0)".4 RELAY* -"@"""-- 2 2.8 5&.&.1 5&.4 */5&3'"$�"3% -"@"""-- 2."*/#0"3% -"@"""-- 3&-":#0"3% -"@"""-- '64& -"@"""-- 2.$ $)"3"$5&349-*/&-$%.14 -"@"""-- "*3'-084&/403 -"@"""-- 2."3% $4&3*&4%3"'5 &23&-.1 "*3'-08"-"3.$' .$ */5&3'"$�"3% $4&3*&4 &23&-.0%6-&8*5)#"$."/%$0/530MEMBRANE -"@"""-- 2.-*5 &23&-.5 -$% -"@"""-- 4.14 &23&-4"# "*3'-084&/4033FW# &23&-4"5&."$5*/('"-7'64& &23&-.118 : 3FQMBDFNFOU1BSUT-JTU -"""-- -"""-- &23&-#"- 67#"--"45 &23&-#"- 67#"--"45 &23&-#"-6/75*4 &-&$530/*$#"--"45 -"@""-- &23&-3&-+297 3&-":7 -"@" &23&-3&-+29" 3&-":7 &23&-.1&3"563&4&/403 -"@"""-- 4 5 $"1"$*503 '-063&4$&/556#& UV TUBE -""""-- -""""-- -""""-- -""""-- $MBTT**#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual .' $##$"1"$*503 -""""-- &23&-56#'8 '-603&4$&/556#&'5 2 -""""-- &23&-56#'8 '-603&4$&/556#&'5 2 -""""-- &23&-56#'8 '-603&4$&/556#&'5 2 &23&-56#'8 '-603&4$&/556#&'5 2 -""""-- &23&-56#'8 '-603&4$&/556#&'5 4 &23&-56#67'8$ 6756#&'5 &23&-56#67'8$ 6756#&'5 -"""-- -"" -"" -"" -"" BALLAST* 1.' $##5ZQFNPUPSSVODBQBDJUPS 7 NG -"@" &23&-$$"1.$" 3&-":3&-":#0"3% $4&3*&4 &23&-'64&'"-7 "26*$.2 . &3"."(/&5*$48*5$) -"@"""-- 8 MAGNETIC -"@"""-- .63-/65 &23&-.&3".5:1& 2 -"""-- -"" -"" -"" -"" .63-/65 &23&-$# $*3$6*5#3&"..14 8*5)."(/&5*$99.14 8*5)."(/&5*$ .5).3FQMBDFNFOU1BSUT-JTU : 119 CIRCUIT BREAKER -"""-- -"""-- -"""-- &23&-$# $*3$6*5#3&". 8*5)."(/&5*$$0/5"$58*5)6--0(0 4 &23&-.$#46- .$. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . APPENDIX . $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . Fundamentals of Design. British Standards. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology."QQFOEJY"t'VSUIFS*OGPSNBUJPOBOE3FGFSFODF. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology. British Standards. IEST-G-CC1004: Sequential Sampling Plan for Use in Classification of the Particulate Cleanliness of Air in Cleanrooms and Clean Zones. Containment Levels of Microbiology Laboratories. EXHAUST DUCTED CLASS II. International Organization for Standardization. These documents have been selected as pertinent to this product and we would recommend that anyone operating the cabinet familiarize themselves with this information.W. ULTRAVIOLET LAMPS IN LAMINAR FLOW AND BIOLOGICAL SAFETY CABINETS 5. West Sussex. USA. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology. TYPE A2 SAFETY CABINETS FILTRATION TECHNOLOGY Introduction to Contamination Control and Cleanroom Technology. USA.2002.1999. . and Analysis. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology."3%4"'&5:$"#*/&5 2.Y. Weinheim. Development. and Analysis. 2000. Illinois. Performance Criteria for Filter Elements and Filtration Assemblies. USA. KI-DISCUS TEST 4. Localities. Wiley-VCH. 2000. IEST-RP-CC007: Testing ULPA Filters. and Operation. Guidance for Biotechnology Laboratory Operations. 1999. CLEAN AIR TECHNOLOGY ISO 14644: Cleanrooms and Controlled Environments. British Standards. Perspectives on Laboratory Design. Development. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology.1999.2002.. Laboratories for Research. BS EN 13091: Biotechnology. IEST-G-CC1002: Determination of the Concentration of Airborne Ultrafine Particles.2002. J. 2001.BUFSJBMT : 123 APPENDIX A FURTHER INFORMATION AND REFERENCE MATERIALS The following documents are available for download at www. BIOLOGICAL SAFETY LEVELS CLASSIFICATION 3. and Physical Safety Requirements. IEST-G-CC1003: Measurement of Airborne Macro Particles. USA.2002. England. USA. Matt Ramstorp. USA. IEST-RP-CC001: HEPA and ULPA Filters. UK. UK. Richmond. Whyte. Cleanroom Technology. American Biological Safety Association. in the Technical Support area. Anthology of Biological safety I. Illinois. IEST-RP-CC021: Testing HEPA and ULPA Filter Media. 1998. USA. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology. Illinois. IEST-G-CC1001: Counting Airborne Particles for Classification and Monitoring of Cleanrooms and Clean Zones. Illinois.1999.2000. USA. Illinois. Laboratories for Research.1999. BS EN 12128: Biotechnology. Switzerland. Testing. Illinois.1999. */530%6$5*0/50#*0)".escoglobal.com. USA. Wiley. Illinois. Areas of Risk. Illinois. IEST-RP-CC034: HEPA and ULPA Filter Leak Tests. BIOLOGICAL SAFETY BS EN 12741: Biotechnology. Illinois. UK. htm $FOUSFGPS%JTFBTF$POUSPMo0GmDFPG)FBMUIBOE4BGFUZo#JPMPHJDBMTBGFUZJO. British Standards. Equipment. SABS 0226: Installation. American Biological Safety Association. Australia. UK. http://www. USA.cdc. Installation and Use. UK.htm $FOUSFGPS%JTFBTF$POUSPMo1SJNBSZ$POUBJONFOUGPS#JPIB[BSET 5. British Standards. 2000. USA. http://www. Anthology of Biological safety III.escoglobal. http://www.cdc. Illinois. http://www. AS2567: Cytotoxic Drug Safety Cabinets. Application of Principles. WEBSITES 1. J. Japan.org American Biological Safety Association 8. National Sanitation Foundation. Facility Design Consideration. Equipment. USA. BS EN 12298: Biotechnology. Richmond. Australia. 2001. Ltd. 1994. Guidance on Testing Procedures for Leak Tightness. www. UK. British Standards.BUFSJBMT Anthology of Biological safety II.osha. JIS K3800: Class II Biological Safety Cabinets.2: Class II Biological Safety Cabinets. UK. J. British Standards. Michigan. Illinois.Y.gc.htm Controlled Environment Testing Association and Related Links $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . BS EN 12296: Biotechnology.cetainternational. AS2639: Cytotoxic Drug Safety Cabinets.org/links. 2..nsf. National Sanitation Foundation Standard Number 49 for Class II (Laminar Flow) Biohazard Cabinetry. Richmond. AS2647: Biological Safety Cabinets. http://www.124 : "QQFOEJY"t'VSUIFS*OGPSNBUJPOBOE3FGFSFODF.Y.com Esco Micro Pte.1999.gov Occupational Safety and Health Administration. South Africa.cetainternational. Guidance on Testing Procedures for Cleanability.html Health Canada .Laboratory Biological safety Guidelines 4.2000.org and http://www.gov/od/ohs/biosfty/bmbl4/bmbl4toc.1999. BS EN 12297: Biotechnology. 1994. 2002. Guidance on Testing Procedures for Sterilizability. 1998..absa. www. Equipment.ca/hpb/lcdc/biosafty/docs/index.gov/od/ohs/biosfty/bsc/bsc. SAFETY CABINETS BS EN 12469: Biotechnology. Australia. AS2252. 1994. 1998. American Biological Safety Association. Post-Installation Tests and Maintenance of Microbiological Safety Cabinets. Installation and Use.org NSF International 3. http://www.hc-sc. Performance Criteria for Microbiological Safety Cabinet.JDSPCJPMPHJDBMBOE#JPNFEJDBM Laboratories 6. 1994. USA 7. Australia. 1998. recertification. 3. Any decontamination procedure performed by either the user or the technician should be recorded down as well. for example: filter changing. %BUF Event User signature Supervisor signature . This log record should be used by the operator to record any new agents / bacteria / viruses that has been introduced to the cabinet during its operation. problems encountered. Please also record any major maintenance procedure performed by the service technician."QQFOEJY#tLog Record : 125 APPENDIX B LOG RECORD Installed By: Date : _____________________________________________ Cabinet Model: __________________________________ Company: _________________________________________ Serial Number: ___________________________________ Responsible Person: ________________________________ 1. etc. 2. UV lamp replacement. etc. $MBTT** 5ZQF"#JPMPHJDBM4BGFUZ$BCJOFUtUser and Service Manual . . USA 5PMM'SFF64"BOE$BOBEB&4$0t5FM441-9661t'BY441-9660 VTFTDPHMPCBMDPNtusa@escoglobal. PA 19040. Units 15-16tHatboro.&TDP5FDIOPMPHJFT *ODt2940 Turnpike Drive.JDSP1UF-UEt$IBOHJ4PVUI4USFFUt4JOHBQPSF 5FM.com &TDP. t'BY. VBMB-VNQVS . .VNCBJ *OEJB| . XXXFTDPHMPCBMDPNtNBJM!FTDPHMPCBMDPN Esco Global Offices | 4JOHBQPSF| 1IJMBEFMQIJB 64"| -FJEFO 5IF/FUIFSMBOET| 4BMJTCVSZ 6. ES1323_V4_07/08 . Ltd.BMBZTJB| #FJKJOH 4IBOHIBJ(VBOH[IPV $IJOB| . Specifications Subject to Change.BOBNB #BISBJO ©2008 Esco Micro Pte.
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