ES64U Taurus electric locomotive

March 17, 2018 | Author: Vuxy Vux | Category: Directory (Computing), Computer File, Simulation, Machines, Mechanical Engineering



Siemens EuroSprinter 64U Taurus series for Train Simulator 2012 manual ver: 1.2 Siemens EuroSprinter 64U Taurus series for Train Simulator 2012 First we want to thank you for your donation. We have worked hard to develop these locomotives for Train Simulator 2012, albeit it s not perfect, like everythin! what made by a human. This is especially true for Train Simulator 2012 itself. The most of the work hours spent to workaround the flaws of the !ame en!ine, as it is possible "#$% scriptin!, tricks on modelin!, etc&. We would ask you, to report any problems related to this pack and ideas, maybe send raw materials "!ood 'uality sounds& you have to improve these locos. We will consider these and if we can we will make up!rades. (f you re readin! this, you re likely !one throu!h the installation procedure. For further identification, please save your transaction details, as you will probably need these to download the updates. Disclaimer This locomotive addon pack is the property of )*+ studio, the redistribution, rental, or copyin!"e,cept backup for yourself& of it is -.T permitted. /ou can use the files"e,cept the 0d model files "!eopcd,& or parts of this pack in freeware content, if you mention where it is came from. %ny distribution of the 1eo2c3, files are not permitted, as these files identify you. /ou are not permitted to reverse en!ineer 1eo2c3, files. /ou can -.T provide these files in repaints packs, however we made the file structure to make repaint installation as easy as it possible "see below&. Usage %fter a successful installation, you can already try the locomotives in the provided scenarios. To make them selectable in new "or old& scenarios, you need to follow the !eneral procedure. /ou will find them in 4n!ines 5 Tenders list with name startin! with ES64 U. . Object set filter . Select HRQ then check Taurus Siemens EuroSprinter 64U Taurus series for Train Simulator 2012 manual ver: 1.2 Cab controls: . off& "key ?& @. %F. 0 off. "key Shift7%& =. to half way it will apply dynamic brake. #ower6 cab li!ht "these also have separate switches on the roof& Secon! image 1. 4mer!ency brake6 67& "key backspace& 2. in 8ruise control you can set the ma. 19always on& 0. )eadli!ht switch6 $pper 16 )eadli!htDdial back7li!ht. 8oolin! switch "09off.< voice when switchin! on or off. reverser is not in neutral&. .Siemens EuroSprinter 64U Taurus series for Train Simulator 2012 manual ver: 1. and * for increase& A. then air brake&. )eadli!ht mode6 "dimmed si!nal li!ht. 8ircuit breaker "on.2 Description of controls: irst image 1. *everser "default keys& C. lon! distance li!ht& "key ) for increase. si!nal li!ht. Throttle "default keys&.& speed settin! 072=0 "key 4 for decrease. 2anto!raph switch "on. 8ruise control "on.imal tractive and brake force B. if there is no power. off& "key 2& >. 8ruise control"%F. off& "you will hear :%F. shift7) for decrease& 10. lower 1 only )eadli!ht 11. %9auto. dimmed lon! distance li!ht. 8enter6 off. 8ab li!ht selector6 $pper6 timetable li!ht. 8ombined train brake "if there is power "panto!raph is upDcircuit breaker is on. %F. 0. center is both. A. only air brake is used.. 29passen!er9medium apply. *elease the brakes if applied 2ush the throttle Using # $%Cruise control& 1. Stationary brake "handbrake& li!ht buttons6 on9off Start proce!ure 1.2 2. T"ir! image: 1. only TS2012 developers can tell why is that&. . start&. /ou need to move it to start position. >. /ou can also chan!e the tar!et speed and the tar!et ma. Fast apply.FFI pushin! remote controlled locomotive confi!uration "red li!ht&I li!ht en!ine confi!uration "headli!ht on front.-. 2anto!raph selector6 from left to ri!ht6not indicated notch panto!raph 0 only 02 variantI only panto!raph 1I %utomatic "always the back panto will bi raised. and 1yS4G&I full headli!ht on both sides "3.Siemens EuroSprinter 64U Taurus series for Train Simulator 2012 manual ver: 1. and then back to bereit to initiate the batteries. Switch the cruise control on with it s switch or Shift7% =. apply. Eeys6 default train brake keys 3ynamic brake lever Eeys6 default dynamic brake keys Wiper switch6 off. 2. Select a locomotive Fove to the cab which you want to use Fove battery switch to ST%*T position.. Fove the throttle lever to 0 2.attery switch "aus9off. and H. (n this case. @. lower is low >. bereit9work or .& lever.. Eeys6 3efault locomotive brake keys 3oor open switch "to open passen!er car doors at stop& Eey6 default door open key )orn tone switch6 upper is hi!h. you will see an oran!e needle on the speedometer which indicates the selected speed 0. release. Set a tar!et speed with the 8ruise speed "%F. 3ue to a bu! in the !ame.4*4(T The battery circuit indicators %. . medium fast #ocomotive"independent& brake. shunt confi!uration&I default6 full headli!ht on one side "determined by the occupied cab&I . the direction is determined by the occupied cab&I only panto!raph 2I both panto!raphs >. and don t touch that control. 0. B. =. reload the scenario. red li!ht at back&I warnin! si!nal "non functional& =.. slow. use the keyboard instead for locomotive brakin!. =. >. @. *9rapid9fast apply 0. then back to . neutral. #i!ht Selector from left to ri!ht6 no icon6 )un!arian shunt li!ht"only on F%G. some !ame sessions the neutral notch is not at neutral but at full apply "it s totally random. 2. 111@. H. Fove the throttle lever to the desired tractive force tar!et "a black needle indicates it on the Tractive9brake force dial&. C. force durin! the cruise control enabled . From upper to lower6 Fast release.rake mode selector6 19frei!ht9slow apply.3 should li!ht up 8heck if the Stationary brake li!ht showin! !reen *aise the panto!raph with the panto!raph switch 8heck if the circuit breaker is enabled. (f you have found other issues that are not related to the standard issues of the !ame en!ine. • black trian!les at the ed!es of push buttons in cab6 the !eopcd.ip. When the speed is below B>. but we implemented the feature for the future. The )un!arian warnin! system and cab si!nallin! fully works on F%G. (f you have better you can send it to our email. Simulation of computer ai!e! control: %s you will probably notice. because of too much noise. *no+n issues #ocomotive brake6 2artially Fi. and not works with F= Toy train interface. and run up speed can be controlled with brake mode". the 1000hJ disappears. then you have B seconds to acknowled!e with ) key. doppler effect. etc. for e. and to prevent sudden forces. since there are very few )un!arian routes for TS2012. because the emer!ency brakin! is handled by the !ame en!ine. it s not realistic. 2ress 8trl7T to start 2. however you probably won t e. warnin! system. /ou should hear a :.. • -ot works in Simple control mode.& can be switched on9off by pressin! 8trl7Shift7% These locomotives support the default 1erman si!nal s 2?. the locomotive not responds directly to your imput "throttle. When the locomotive !ets ne. but still the !ame puts another phantom notch to fast brake position. The solution6 after resettin! from emer!ency brake. 111@ and 1yS4G locomotives. When Sifa !et acivated. • The horn loops are far from perfect. and the B> will stop blinkin!. converter Lust randomly mer!es the verticles if those are close. doesn t e. H. • .t si!nal is not free warnin! "1000hJ&.remsart& switch on the back panel.perience it.2 Train lengt" s'stem 1. #?. the :Sifa< li!ht will lit under the speedometer. and because it was easy. then enable it a!ain.ed at 2C. Kuly now the center notch is not random. or brakes will be applied.ip< sound later which means the last car of your train have reached the activation point. as the !ame sometimes leave out parts from the sound. 8ruise control and others sometimes !et craJy. write us with the steps to reproduce it. • %fter applyin! emer!ency brake. Then you have 20 seconds to lower your speed below B> km9h or brakes will be applied. and the controls are smoothed.runs up the brake force. (arning s'stems Sifa can be switched on9off by pressin! 8trl7Shift7S Si!nal warnin! systems "2?. • Some sounds have low 'uality.Siemens EuroSprinter 64U Taurus series for Train Simulator 2012 manual ver: 1. the system waits for the dynamic brake to be enabled. The run down.ample >00hJ ma!nets don t work. and the 1000hJ li!ht will be lit. etc&. however since it s very incomplete. "don t know what since *S8 not makes any documentations about the !ame en!ine&. -o any workarounds. Same happens in real locomotive to make smooth transitions.B> li!ht will start to blink. %t brake apply. and does somethin!. brakes. switch off the cruise control.ists at all in !ame. T)4. the 2?. T!2c3. That s all. Search for the link to the numberin! dcsv -mportant: later. .. Lust make a dcsv file with 0. somehow "there are various methods to do this&. When you have the T!2c3. For distribution you can include the bin. 8abdvL have )un!arian 3GK cab si!nal display.t step is to make the te. and edit what you want "names at first place.ture..com9user9)r'studio .ample since now you need 1erman numberin! scheme select the file.tures or in 8ab root folder.blo!spot. and convert it to T!2c3.plorer you can dra! the bin file on serJ. (f two obLect names in !ame are identical only the first will appear in scenario editor&. 1o to TS2012 folder9%ssets9)*+9Taurus9*ailGehicles94S@=$2 then select the most suitable company folder "if you want autonumberin!. The te. then copy it s contents to a new repaint which can be converted to T!2c3.0 content&. (f you have done everythin! correctly the new repaint with the name you set in . with serJ. "only the bin file will be read by the !ame&. When you have done with editin! the . to ma4e repainting easier. Kust write some instructions for the user.tures. used by all cabs or paints "specular maps.cept this the models are identical&. but not the 1eo2c3. with 8onvertToT1 command line application found in TS2012 root folder. and it will decompress it&. • • • • • • • • • (e "ope 'ou +ill en5o' t"e locomotives. "if you don t want autonumberin!. ( su!!est *W%cetool to convert Lp!.tures&. you probably won t need to edit them. and correct its path to the new repaint folder.2 .epaint instructions • (f you want to make repaints. Same method works for cab repaints too. make sure it s name is main.tures. should appear in !ame. For +e +ill release an /SD*0 +it" t"e sources of t"e current te1tures in multi la'er formats for 2imp.ture files in 8ommonMte. an! 3"otos"op. bo!ie panto!raph and wiper te. with serJ. !lass te. dummy te.e which can be found in TS2012 root folder "it support dra! and drop. (f you have made a nice and probably popular repaint. and if it s !ood enou!h we will put it to the main pack. dcsv and the T!2c3. the other haven t.Siemens EuroSprinter 64U Taurus series for Train Simulator 2012 manual ver: 1. t"an4 'ou6 E7mail: hr'studiosN!mail.e. %t cab folders there are two 1eo2c3. and of course your name will be mentioned as 8outube: http699www. you need to convert it back to bin. or bmp files to ace file. should be copied and where. send us if you want. e.tension to . soft shadow.. files. folder. it s easy. then overwrite the one in your repaint directory with the new te. so in windows e. are surprisin!ly common te. which file. 3ecompress the file with the bin e.pen the .com (eb: trainsimcontents. pn!. The ne.ture. t!a.
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