
March 20, 2018 | Author: Sivakumar Kondaraju | Category: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Tab (Gui), Software, Computing



EPM Add-in for Microsoft Office What's New ■ SAP BusinessObjects EPM solutions, add-­in for MicrosoftOffice 10.0 SP01 2011-­04-­18 Copyright © 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.SAP, R/3, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, PartnerEdge, ByDesign, SAP Business ByDesign, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports, Crystal Decisions, Web Intelligence, Xcelsius, and other Business Objects products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects S.A. in the United States and in other countries. Business Objects is an SAP company.All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary.These materials are subject to change without notice. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. 2011-04-18 Contents Chapter 1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................5 Chapter 2 What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7.5....................................................7 Terminology Changes..............................................................................................................7 User Interface Changes...........................................................................................................7 Moved Features.......................................................................................................................8 EvDREs....................................................................................................................................8 EvDRE Equivalent Features in the EPM add-in..........................................................................8 EV Functions..........................................................................................................................10 New Features........................................................................................................................12 Features in version 7.5 that are not Provided by the EPM add-in............................................14 Precisions on Other Features.................................................................................................14 List of Macros in version 7.5 and macros in version 10..........................................................15 What's New Compared to Analyzer 7.5................................................................................21 Terminology Changes ...........................................................................................................21 User Interface Changes.........................................................................................................21 Enhanced Features.................................................................................................................22 New Features........................................................................................................................23 Limitations.............................................................................................................................25 Report Migration....................................................................................................................25 Help.......................................................................................................................................27 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Chapter 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Chapter 4 Appendix A More Information...................................................................................................................29 3 2011-04-18 Contents 4 2011-04-18 . • SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation. version for the Microsoft platform 10. 5 2011-04-18 .0.0.0 merges and replaces the features offered by: • The Analyzer module of SAP BusinessObjects Extended Analytics 7. The EPM add-in is provided with the following EPM solutions: • SAP BusinessObjects Financial Consolidation 10. Interface for Word and Interface for PowerPoint) of SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation 7.0.5. version for SAP NetWeaver 10. • SAP BusinessObjects Profitability and Cost Management models 10. • The Interface for Office (Interface for Excel.0.5.Introduction Introduction The EPM add-in version 10. • SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation. Introduction 6 2011-04-18 . 1 Terminology Changes Some terms have changed for SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation.5 2. 7 2011-04-18 . You can specify display settings for the bar. • Context.5 What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7.5 Terms in version 10 current view application set application input schedule dynamic hierarchies submit Content Library context environment model input form ownership-based hierarchies save Documents 2.What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7.5 but in a different way. The context can still be displayed inside the pane but can now also be displayed in a dedicated horizontal bar: the EPM Context bar. The following already existing user interface items in version 7. For this reason. You can either place dimensions in the appropriate sections of the pane or drag and drop the dimensions directly into the worksheet.2 User Interface Changes The EPM add-in contains dialog boxes where there were none in version 7.5 have been renewed or enhanced: • New pane.5. meaning that you will be able to perform the same actions as in version 7. You can create reports by using the EPM pane. The following terms that have changed are used in the EPM add-in: Terms in version 7. the add-in offers a completely different interface and way of working. • Actions on journals. Using the EPM add-in. Note: The EvDRE migration is documented in the SAP BusinessObjects EPM Solutions. you create EvDREs. Setting Options You can specify various options for reports in the EPM add-in.5 are available in version 10. you can click a dedicated button from the EPM tab of the Excel ribbon as a shorcut to the Journals view in Consolidation Central. In the EPM add-in 10.What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7.5 2. Defining Formatting Settings You can define all the format settings to be applied to reports in the EPM add-in.4 EvDREs In version 7. the corresponding EPM add-in features are listed for EvDRE items.3 Moved Features The following features that were available in the Interface for Excel in version 7.0 in the Consolidation Central view of the web client of Planning and Consolidation. In the EPM add-in. 2. 2. in the dynamic formatting sheet.1 EvDRE Equivalent Features in the EPM add-in In this section. 8 2011-04-18 . All actions on Journals are performed in the Journals view. add-in for Microsoft Office Help. you create reports. The ownership-based hierarchies are set up in the Ownership Manager view in Consolidation Central. using items such as dialog boxes to achieve the same results. you can then display in a report how the group structure has evolved over time.0. The two main dialog boxes to create and modify a report are the Report Editor and the Member Selector.4. Creating Reports There are different ways of creating reports in the EPM add-in. set options and format the reports in the user interface.5. Options tab of the Report Editor. • Setup of ownership-based hierarchies (new name for "dynamic hierarchies"). Sheet Options. in the following dialog boxes: User Options. EPM pane or Layout tab of the Report Editor RowKeyRange.ColKeyRange CellKeyRange GetOnlyRange ExpansionsRange EvDRE items Equivalent features in EPM add-in Keep Formula on Data option in the Sheet Options or local member to be defined in the Local members tab of the Report Editor. Read-­only Data tab of the Report Editor ExpandIn • • equivalent features for the COL and ROW parameters: EPM pane or Layout tab of the Report Editor equivalent features for the SHEET parameter: Worksheet Generation Dimension MemberSet EPM pane or Layout tab of the Report Editor Member Selector or EPMDimensionOverride function.5 KeysRange EvDRE items Equivalent features in EPM add-in PageKeyRange. entering members directly in a sheet or using the Member Selector SortRange OptionRange EvDRE items Sorting tab of the Report Editor Equivalent features in EPM add-in AutoFitCol Bottom DumpDataCache ExpandOnly GroupExpansion HideColKeys HideRowKeys NoRefresh Auto Fit Column Width option in the Sheet Options and User Options Ranking tab of the Report Editor No longer used by version 10.0 technology. Dynamic selection in the Member Selector Display ownership-based hierarchies in a report.What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7. Display Name options in the Sheet Options Display Name options in the Sheet Options Freeze Data Refresh in the User Options and Report Options 9 2011-04-18 .EPMInsertCellsBeforeAfterBlock function Range Suppress Insert SortRange EvDRE items Equivalent features in EPM add-in Remove Empty Rows and Remove Empty Columns options in the Sheet Op-­ tions or the Options tab of the Report Editor. After. BeforeRange. 0 technology. namely when you migrate EvDREs.5 EV Functions Changes to EV functions available in version 7.5 include the following: • Some function names have changed.0 technology. • Some functions are now features. No longer used by version 10.0 technology. No longer used by version 10. 10 2011-04-18 .5 names still continue to work. 2.5 EvDRE items Equivalent features in EPM add-in NoSend PctInput QueryEngine QueryType QueryViewName ShowComments ShowNullAsZero SortCol SqlOnly SumParent SuppressDataCol SuppressNoData Top FormatRange Freeze Data Save in the Report Options No longer used by version 10.0 technology. You can display and modify the format settings by selecting View Formats from the EPM tab of the Microsoft Office Excel ribbon.What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7. No longer used by version 10. Renamed EV Functions The following functions have been renamed: Note: the version 7. Keep Formula on Data and Show Source Data in Comments in the Sheet Options and the Options tab of the Report Editor Empty Cell Default Value option the Sheet Options and the Options tab of the Report Editor Member Sorting and Grouping feature in the Member Selector Display Only Base Level Data in the Options tab of the Report Editor Calculate Parents in Hierachies option in the Sheet Options and the Options tab of the Report Editor Excluded Members tab in the Options tab of the Report Editor Remove Empty Rows and Remove Empty Columns options in the Sheet op-­ tions and the Options tab of the Report Editor Ranking tab of the Report Editor SuppressDataRow Excluded Members tab in the Options tab of the Report Editor All the format settings are specified in the "dynamic formating sheet" in the EPM add-in. 5 EPM functions in version 10. Therefore. former EvMNU functions are not supported.5 EV functions in version 7. EvPRO EvPRP EvRNG EvRTI EvSND EvSVR EPMMemberProperty EPMDimensionProperty EPMCellRanges EPMRefreshTime EPMSaveData EPMServer 11 2011-04-18 .What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7. and its parameters have changed.0 EvAPD EvAPP EvASD EvAST EvBET EvBNV EvCGP EvCGT EvCOM EvCVW EvDES EvDIM EvDNV EvGET EvGTS EvHNV EvLCK EvMBR EvMNU EPMModelCubeDesc EPMModelCubeID EPMEnvDatabaseDesc EPMEnvDatabaseID EPMComparison EPMBook EPMCommentPartialContext EPMCommentFullContext EPMSaveComment EPMContextMember EPMMemberDesc EPMDimensionType EPMDocumentList EPMRetrieveData EPMScaleData EPMURL EPMWorkStatus EPMSelectMember EPMExecuteAPI Note: The name EvMNU has changed to EPMExecuteAPI. 5 Features in version 10. EvSET Use the Report Editor and the Member Selector to create a report with ranking and sorting features and hierarchical dynamic selection (New Report or Edit Report button in the EPM tab of the ribbon). Save the worksheet or workbook without a refresh (in the EPM tab of the ribbon: Save Data > Save Worksheet Data or Save Workbook Data). EV functions in version 7.0 EvENE. Create a local member with the EPMMEMBER variable ( in the EPM tab of the ribbon: New Report or Edit Report button. Therefore.5 EV functions in version 7.What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7. such as YEAR and MONTH. then Local Members tab). Consequently. 2.5 are now features in the user interface.5 EPM functions in version 10. Create a report with hierarchical dynamic selection and nested dimensions. Enter data in the worksheet and perfom a data save (Save Data button in the EPM tab of the ribbon). EvHOT EvINOP EvLST EvNXP EvPXR EvSEN OsAMT Use Quick Links to access a report from another report (Quick Links button in the EPM tab of the ribbon). not just the Time dimension.5. This function was related to the Insight module in version 7. the "Level" parameter does not support the 7.5 keywords. EvEXP. Create a report and use the Member Selector to select members based on their property values. these EV functions are not supported anymore. EvUSR OsCLD EPMUser EPMDocument EV Functions Turned into Features The EV functions (in the following table) that are available in version 7.0 EvTIM EPMMemberOffset Note: This function can be used for any dimension.6 New Features 12 2011-04-18 . Local Members You can create members mainly for calculations on the current report. you can invert the row and the column axes of a report. Note: In version 7. Data Filtering You can filter data in a report by using the Filtering of the Report Editor. version for SAP NetWeaver.What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7. 13 2011-04-18 . Formatting on Hierarchy Levels Using the dynamic formatting sheet. you can define format settings for the different levels of hierarchies (structural or relative hierarchies). Local members have the same behavior as any other member. but they contain standard Microsoft Office Excel formula or EPM functions. Book Publication: new for Planning and Consolidation. Report Highlight Directly from the EPM pane. version for SAP NetWeaver The Book Publication is available in the EPM add-in for Planning and Consolidation. When a sheet contains several reports. When the Member Recognition is activated. Expand/Collapse in the Page Axis You can perform an expand or a collapse on a member that is part of the column axis. compared to Planning and Consolidation Interface for Office 7. the members are automatically recognized and the Microsoft Office Excel formulas are automatically converted into local members. You can access the Book Publication feature by selecting EPM > Book Publication from the Excel ribbon. it enables you to differentiate reports from one another.5 The following features are new in the EPM add-in version 10. These members are called "local members". Member Recognition You can create a report manually: you can enter dimension members and Microsoft Office Excel formulas directly in a cell of a report.5: Report Creation by Drag and Drop in the Worksheet Using the EPM pane. Switching Axes Directly from the EPM pane. version for the Microsoft platform.5. this feature was only available for Planning and Consolidation. you can highlight the current report.0. you can create reports by dragging and dropping the dimensions directly in the worksheet. by using the "EPMExecuteAPI" function.5 that are not Provided by the EPM add-in The following features that were provided by Planning and Consolidation.0.5.5 2. To consult the list of macros in version 7. see List of Macros in version 7. you can however define the following shortcuts to EPM add-in features: • Execute a macro directly from a worksheet cell. Word and PowerPoint • • Inserting Insight KPI: this feature was related to the Insight module in version 7. Refer to the list of limitations in the appropriate SAP note. If you want to use macros.8 Precisions on Other Features Park and Go This feature no longer exists as one single feature. use the Freeze Data Refresh option. use the Offline mode. version for the Microsoft platform are not available in the EPM add-in: • Custom menus and EvMNU parameters.What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7. In the EPM add-in. Inserting Interface for Excel objects: this is not available in the EPM add-in. you no longer need to embed Excel objects. 2. • Display Business Process Flow actions and execute them from the EPM pane. • • Note: Some features will be delivered in future support packages for version 10. you need to use the new ones. you can still perform the same actions using several different features: • To lock members of the context for the worksheet.5 and the correponding macros in version 10. use the Context Options. Some EV functions are no longer supported.5 and macros in version 10 in this document. add-in for Microsoft Office Help.7 Features in version 7. • To work in the workbook offline. Since Word and PowerPoint objects are directly used in Word and PowerPoint. See EV Functions. version for SAP NetWeaver and/or Planning and Consolidation. • VBA macros: the EPM add-in provides macros. Data save (called "data submit" in version 7.5) is not available in the EPM add-in when using Microsoft Office Word and PowerPoint. • To freeze data refresh. 14 2011-04-18 . but with different names. In the EPM add-in. All new macros are documented in the API section of the SAP BusinessObjects EPM Solutions. DataManagerClearSavedPromptValues VALUE MNU_eDATA_DATADOWNLOAD MNU_eDATA_DATAUPLOAD MNU_eDATA_MANAGESITEPACKAGE MNU_eDATA_NEWCONVERSIONFILE MNU_eDATA_NEWCONVERSIONSHEET DataManagerOpenFileDownloadDialog MNU_eDATA_DATAPREVIEW DataManagerOpenDataPreviewDialog DataManagerOpenFileUploadDialog no equivalent since this is linked to a feature that is now part of the Administration view of Planning and Consolidation. add-in for Microsoft Office Help.5 Macros in version 10 EVGOTOHOMESHEET MNU_eANALYZE_OPENMY use native Excel macro use native Excel macro MNU_eANALYZE_OPENSTAN. Macros in version 7.5 and the correponding macros in version 10.OpenServerReportFolder ARD MNU_eANALYZE_SAVEMY use native Excel macro MNU_eDATA_CLEARPROMPT.9 List of Macros in version 7.DataManagerOpenOrganizePackageDialog AGE 15 2011-04-18 . DataManagerCreateConversionFile DataManagerCreateConversionSheet MNU_eDATA_NEWTRANSFOR.OpenServerReportFolder DARD MNU_eANALYZE_REFRESH Refresh MNU_eANALYZE_REPORTWIZ. This table lists the macros in version 7.5 2.DataManagerCreateNewTransformationSheet MATION MNU_eDATA_OPENCONVER.DataManagerOpenConversionFileDialog SIONFILE MNU_eDATA_OPENTRANSFORMATION DataManagerOpenTransformationFileDialog MNU_eDATA_ORGANIZEPACK.5 and macros in version 10 All new macros are documented in the API section of the SAP BusinessObjects EPM Solutions.What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7. DataManagerValidateServerTransformationFileDialog MATIONWDATA MNU_eDATA_VIEWSTATUS MNU_eJOURNAL_QUERY MNU_eJOURNAL_REPORT DataManagerOpenViewStatusDialog no equivalent since this is linked to a feature that is now part of the Administration view of Planning and Consolidation.5 Macros in version 10 MNU_eDATA_RUNPACKAGE DataManagerOpenRunPackageDialog MNU_eDATA_SAVECONVER.What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7. MNU_ePUBLISH_OPENPUBLI.OpenDistributionTemplate IT MNU_ePUBLISH_OFFLINE_NEW CreateDistributionTemplate 16 2011-04-18 . no equivalent since this is linked to a feature that is now part of the Administration view of Planning and Consolidation.DataManagerValidateTransformationFileDialog FORMATION MNU_eDATA_SAVETRANSFORMATION MNU_eDATA_SELECTPACKAGE DataManagerValidateTransformationFileDialog DataManagerRunPackage MNU_eDATA_TESTTRANSFOR.DataManagerValidateConversionFileDialog SIONFILE MNU_eDATA_SAVEASCONVERSIONFILE DataManagerValidateConversionFileDialog MNU_eDATA_SAVESTRANS.OpenSpecificDocument CATION MNU_ePUBLISH_PUBLISHBOOK_EDIT MNU_ePUBLISH_PUBLISHBOOK_NEW MNU_ePUBLISH_PUBLISHBOOK_SAVE MNU_ePUBLISH_PUBLISHBOOK_SAVEAS MNU_ePUBLISH_PUBLISHBOOK_VALIDATE MNU_ePUBLISH_PUBLISHBOOK_WIZARD OpenBookPublicationTemplate CreateBookPublicationTemplate SaveBookPublicationTemplate SaveAsBookPublicationTemplate ValidateBookPublicationTemplate OpenBookPublicationWizard MNU_ePUBLISH_OFFLINE_ED.5 Macros in version 7. no equivalent since this is linked to a feature that is now part of the NAMICHIERARCHIES Administration view of Planning and Consolidation.What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7.5 Macros in version 7.5 Macros in version 10 MNU_ePUBLISH_OFFLINE_SAVE MNU_ePUBLISH_OFFLINE_SAVEAS MNU_ePUBLISH_OFFLINE_VALIDATE MNU_ePUBLISH_OFFLINE_WIZARD MNU_ESUBMIT_COMMENT MNU_ESUBMIT_COMMENT_AFTER_SENDDATA MNU_eSUBMIT_CURRENT SaveDistributionTemplate SaveAsDistributionTemplate ValidateDistributionTemplate OpenDistributionWizard OpenAddCommentEditor OpenAddCommentEditor SaveAndRefreshWorkbookData and SaveAndRefreshWorksheetData MNU_ESUBMIT_MANAGE_DY. MNU_eSUBMIT_MODIFY MNU_eSUBMIT_OPENMY MNU_eSUBMIT_OPENSTANDARD MNU_eSUBMIT_REFRESH MNU_eSUBMIT_REFSCHEDULE_BOOK_CLEARANDREFRESH MNU_eSUBMIT_REFSCHEDULE_BOOK_NOACTION MNU_eSUBMIT_REFSCHEDULE_BOOK_NOACTION_SHOWRESULT MNU_eSUBMIT_REFSCHEDULE_BOOK_NODIALOG_SHOWRESULT MNU_eSUBMIT_REFSCHEDULE_BOOK_REFRESH MNU_eSUBMIT_REFSCHEDULE_SHEET_CLEARANDREFRESH MNU_eSUBMIT_REFSCHEDULE_SHEET_NOACTION OpenWorkStatusEditor use native Excel macro OpenServerInputFormFolder Refresh SaveAndRefreshWorkbookData SaveWorksheetData SaveWorksheetData SaveWorkbookData SaveAndRefreshWorkbookData SaveAndRefreshWorksheetData SaveWorksheetData 17 2011-04-18 . 18 2011-04-18 .RefreshActiveWorkbook FO MNU_eTOOLS_WBOPTION OpenSheetOptions This table lists the events in version 7.5 Macros in version 7.5 and the correponding events in version 10. Collapse and CollapseMember ExpandMember and Expand MNU_eTOOLS_DRILLTHROUGH DrillThrough and DrillThroughToURL Refresh Refresh OpenDimensionAndMemberSelector OpenServerRootFolder OpenUserOptions GoOffline RefreshActiveWorkbook RefreshSelectedCells SaveToServerRootFolder MNU_eTOOLS_UPDATEAPPIN.What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7.5 Macros in version 10 MNU_eSUBMIT_REFSCHEDULE_SHEET_REFRESH MNU_eSUBMIT_SAVEMY MNU_eSUBMIT_SCHEDULE MNU_ESUBMIT_SENDDATA MNU_ESUBMIT_SENDDATA_AFTER_COMMENT MNU_eSUBMIT_SUBMIT MNU_eTOOLS_CHANGEAPP MNU_eTOOLS_DRILLDOWN MNU_eTOOLS_DRILLDOWN_BACK MNU_eTOOLS_DRILLDOWN_FORWARD MNU_eTOOLS_EXPAND MNU_eTOOLS_EXPANDANDREFRESH MNU_eTOOLS_MEMBERSELECTOR_x MNU_eTOOLS_OPENSTANDARD MNU_eTOOLS_OPTION MNU_eTOOLS_PARKNGO MNU_eTOOLS_REFRESH MNU_ETOOLS_REFRESHRANGE MNU_eTOOLS_SAVESTANDARD SaveAndRefreshWorksheetData use native Excel macro OpenServerInputFormFolder SaveWorkbookData and SaveWorksheetData SaveWorkbookData and SaveWorksheetData SaveWorksheetData SetActiveConnection ExpandMember and Expand Back. 5 Events in version 10 BEFORE_CHANGECVW AFTER_CHANGECVW BEFORE_REFRESH AFTER_REFRESH BEFORE_SEND AFTER_SEND BEFORE_CONTEXTCHANGE AFTER_CONTEXTCHANGE BEFORE_REFRESH AFTER_REFRESH BEFORE_SAVE AFTER_SAVE 19 2011-04-18 .What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7.5 Events in version 7. What's New Compared to Planning and Consolidation 7.5 20 2011-04-18 . You can create reports by using the pane.5 ("context" is the version 10. Terms in version 7.2 User Interface Changes The following user interface items are new compared to Analyzer 7. The context represents the following: • The dimensions that are included in the current cube/model. The context specifies the dimensions and associated members for a specific connection.5 What's New Compared to Analyzer 7.0 term for "current view" in version 7.5).What's New Compared to Analyzer 7. You can either place dimensions in the appropriate sections of the pane or drag and drop the dimensions directly in the worksheet. • EPM Context bar and Context Options.0 compared to Analyzer 7.5 3. The context feature comes from Planning and Consolidation 7.5 Terms in version 10 remove (a member) Report Manager page header row header axis column header axis leaves (members that are not nodes) (publish a file to) InfoView exclude Report Editor page axis row axis column axis base level BI launch pad 3. 21 2011-04-18 .1 Terminology Changes The following terms have changed in the EPM add-in 10.5: Note: some changes are related to term changes in other applications the EPM add-in works with.5: • EPM pane. meaning levels displayed in the reports. Additionally. order dimensions. specify colors. Asymmetric reports You can now create asymmetric reports that are dynamic. choose whether ot not the dimension names should appear. The context is displayed in the dedicated EPM Context bar. and not levels as defined in the structure (use the Relative Levels option).What's New Compared to Analyzer 7. You can select members based on the context members. using the Exclude feature (this feature is called "Remove" in Analyzer 7.5). In the Context Options. you can now print or generate files in PDF format. Specify display settings for the EPM Context bar: hide dimensions. You can launch the publication at any time or you can schedule it. 3. Once you have specifed format settings.5 • The members that are used in the current display of a report (or the saved members in an offline report). for one or more reports and for one or more variable members. the lowest level is displayed in first position (use the Start formatting from the lowest level displayed option). 22 2011-04-18 . You can define format settings for the relative levels. you can now specify which settings of the defined format you want to apply. You can sort and group members based on their property values. you can invert the level order. • Book Printing The Book Printing feature has been enhanced and is now called Book Publication. You can now specify format settings for a property-based member. Member Selector • • • • • You can now select members based on the levels of the hierarchy.3 Enhanced Features The following Analyzer 7. You can now select members based on their property values. or define additional settings. in the Use column of the formatting sheet. you can: • • Lock dimensions for the current sheet or the whole workbook.5 features have been enhanced: Dynamic formatting sheet • • • You can now specify format settings for the page axis. Using a template. Excluded members are now kept. Member offset: you can display a member related to another member by specifying an offset from a given member to retrieve the previous or subsequent member. What's New Compared to Analyzer 7. 23 2011-04-18 . • Using the Retain Members option. • If the row axis contains more than one dimension. whether or not it meets the defined filtering criteria. Performances have been improved. Local connections are . • Planning and Consolidation connections. You can now select more than one dimension in a report axis. These connections can be stored on your machine or another machine on the network. Data Ranking. you can use these connections.0. 3.4 New Features The following features are new in the EPM add-in version 10.5: Report Creation using the Pane You can create reports by using the EPM pane. you can also specify that not only the retained member be displayed in the report but also the block to which the selected member belongs. If you have opened the EPM add-in from the BI launch pad. when a member is displayed in the report because it meets the filtering criteria. • Retain Members and Keep Blocks options both selected: In the case where the row axis contains more than one dimension. using a local or an SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise connection. There are three types of connections: • SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise connections. using the Keep Blocks option. Data Sorting. • You can now sort data by more than one column. Dashboards are now refreshed when the EPM Context is updated. You can either place dimensions in the appropriate sections of the pane or drag and drop the dimensions directly in the worksheet.oqy files. Filtering and Ranking • Data sorting. • Local connections. Data filtering. • You can also sort the data based on the first or the last column. You can now rank the data based on the first or the last column. you can now select one or more specific members that you want to display in the report. These are connections that are stored on the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise platform. compared to Analyzer 7.5 Connection Management You can now create several reports in a worksheet where each report can be connected to a different EPM application. you can specify that the whole block to which it belongs is displayed as well. • • Flash Object Creation using the EPM Connector • • • • The user interface has been changed. When offline. you can use many of the features that are offered in Excel.5 Cell-based formulas: EPM functions The EPM functions are formulas that enable you to retrieve specific information or data and to make a report behave in a certain way. Quick Links You can create quick links in a report to another report contained in another Microsoft Excel workbook. However. You can launch the distribution at any time or you can schedule it. you can insert data. workbooks are generated for one or more reports and for one or more variable members. Workbook Distribution You can make report workbooks available to a set of users by storing the workbooks in a folder or sending them by email. You can select dimension members in the Member Selector dialog box. Additionally. Local Members You can create members mainly for calculations on the current report. 24 2011-04-18 . Worksheet Generation You can automatically generate several reports in several sheets within the current workbook. • Create reports using the Report Editor and the EPM pane. These members are called "local members". a Microsoft Office Word document and a Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation. When you perform a refresh. In Word and PowerPoint. based on an existing report contained in a sheet. You can perform a copy/paste from and to: a Microsoft Office Excel worksheet. EPM add-in in Microsoft Office Word and PowerPoint The EPM add-in installs also for Word and PowerPoint.What's New Compared to Analyzer 7. the formula is not removed if you select the Keep Formula on Data option. namely: • Copy and paste an existing report. Using a template. Note: Excel formulas are now automatically converted into local members instead of custom members. Override Cell Content with Formulas You can enter a formula in a cell that already contains data. you can convert local members into custom members (on a Local or an SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise connection). providing power and flexibility to reports. Offline Mode You can make the current workbook an offline workbook so any user can read it even the users that do not have the EPM add-in installed. This feature enables you to quickly create several worksheets inside a single workbook and saves you from having to create several reports for different dimension members. Word document or PowerPoint presentation. Local members have the same behavior as any other member. a workbook behaves like a standard Microsoft Office Excel workbook. but they contain standard Microsoft Office Excel formula or EPM functions. Note: The report migration is documented in the SAP BusinessObjects EPM Solutions.0.5. Refer to the list of limitations in the appropriate SAP note.What's New Compared to Analyzer 7. add-in for Microsoft Office Help.5 Limitations The up-level alerts feature will be delivered in future support packages for version 10. Dynamic formatting sheets are also migrated. 25 2011-04-18 .5 3.6 Report Migration You can automatically migrate reports created with SAP BusinessObjects Extended Analytics Analyzer 7. 3. 5 26 2011-04-18 .What's New Compared to Analyzer 7. The Help includes a migration section that describes how to migrate: • Reports created with Extended Analytics Analyzer 7. the Help covers all features provided by the add-in in all the EPM applications. this is specified.Help Help As the EPM add-in supports multi-reports on multi-EPM applications. Note: The EPM add-in Help is not included in any of the help sets of the other EPM applications.5. • EvDREs created with Planning and Consolidation 7. When a feature is only supported by certain EPM applications. 27 2011-04-18 .5. Help 28 2011-04-18 . sap.com/releasenotes SAP Help Portal SAP Service Marketplace The SAP Service Marketplace stores certain installation guides.sap. http://service. release notes and Supported Platforms documents.com/cw/community/docupedia Docupedia Docupedia provides additional documentation resources. You can download PDF versions or installable HTML libraries.com/bosap-instguides Release notes: http://service.sap.sdn. To obtain an ID.More Information More Information Information Resource Location SAP BusinessObjects product information http://www.com/ https://www.sdn. https://cw. Certain guides are stored on the SAP Service Marketplace and are not available from the SAP Help Portal. If you are redirected to the SAP Service Marketplace from the SAP Help Portal. and an interactive feedback channel.sap. a collaborative authoring environment. https://boc.com/businessobjects and on the "SAP BusinessObjects Overview" side panel click All Products.sap.com/bosap-support > Documentation • • Installation guides: https://service. Customers with a maintenance agreement have an authorized user ID to access this site.sdn. You can access the most up-to-date documentation covering all SAP BusinessObjects products and their deployment at the SAP Help Portal. use the menu in the navigation pane on the left to locate the category containing the documentation you want to access. contact your customer support representative.sap.com/irj/sdn/businessobjects-sdklibrary Developer resources 29 2011-04-18 .sap.com Navigate to http://help. deployment guides. Contact your customer support representative to obtain an ID. Customers with a maintenance agreement have an authorized user ID to access this site. These guides are listed on the Help Portal accompanied by a link to the SAP Service Marketplace.sap. upgrade and migration guides. sap.sap. http://www. and customized embedding technology.com/bosap-support Online customer support The SAP Support Portal contains information about Customer Support programs and services. To obtain an ID. https://service.com/notes These notes were formerly known as Knowledge Base articles. contact your customer support representative. https://www. connectivity. database design tools. 30 2011-04-18 . Expertise is available in topics such as relational and multidimensional databases. It also has links to a wide range of technical information and downloads.sap.com/irj/scn/forums http://www.sap. we can offer a training package to suit your learning needs and preferred learning style. http://service. Customers with a maintenance agreement have an authorized user ID to access this site.More Information Information Resource Location SAP BusinessObjects articles on the SAP Community Network https://www.com/services/bysubject/businessobjectsconsulting Consulting Consultants can accompany you from the initial analysis stage to the delivery of your deployment project.sap.sap.com/services/education Notes Forums on the SAP Community Network Training From traditional classroom learning to targeted e-learning seminars.sdn.sdn.com/irj/boc/businessobjects-articles These articles were formerly known as technical papers.
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