EPM 5 8 Best Prac and Tasks Catalog Feb2014



NextGen® Enterprise PracticeManagement (EPM) Best Practices Guide and Tasks Catalog Version 5.8 Copyright © 1994-2013 NextGen Healthcare Information Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. NextGen is a registered trademark and service mark of NextGen Healthcare Information Systems, Inc. Notice: Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft, SQL Server, Windows, Windows Vista, Internet Explorer, Office, Word, Excel and Outlook are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Although a Microsoft trademark may appear in certain images within this document, Microsoft Corporation is not responsible for warranty support on the NextGen® software products. In as much as possible, default procedures in this guide were developed using the most current Microsoft operating system and most current Microsoft server operating system. When required, procedures in this guide were developed based on the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system and/or Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008, unless otherwise noted. Screenshots in this document were primarily developed using the Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 systems. Note: Other Windows operating systems that support this product may work differently. All other names and marks are the property of their respective owners. The examples contained within this publication are strictly present to show functionality of the software and are not intended to be guidelines for medical decisions or clinical approaches. Although we have exercised great care in creating this publication, NextGen Healthcare Information Systems, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions that may appear in this publication and reserves the right to change this publication at any time without notice. Although NextGen Healthcare provides accurate documentation at the time of publication, it cannot guarantee going forward that websites links to third-party vendors listed in this document do not become obsolete. NextGen Healthcare is not responsible for the contents of any such linked sites or any link contained in a link site, or any changes or updates to such sites. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by NextGen Healthcare of the site and is solely being provided to you as a convenience. Use of any such linked web site is at the user’s own risk. Notice: The following are all registered trademarks or trademarks of NextGen Healthcare Information Systems, Inc.: NextGen® Ambulatory EHR NextGen® EHR Connect NextGen® Optical Management NextGen® Appointment Scheduling NextGen Financial Insight™ NextGen® Patient Portal NextGen® Billing Service Management NextGen™ HIE NextGen® Practice Management NextGen® CHC Reporting Module NextGen® HQM NextGen® Real Time Services NextGen® Dashboard NextGen® KBM NextGen® Remote Patient Chart Synchronization NextGen® Document Management NextGen® Mobile NextPen™ The following terms may be used interchangeably throughout this document: NextGen Ambulatory EHR and NextGen EHR NextGen Practice Management and NextGen EPM NextGen Optical Management and NextGen Optik NextGen Document Management and NextGen ICS NextGen Patient Portal and NextMD NextGen Remote Patient Chart Synchronization and NextGen PatientSync NextGen CHS and NextGen HIE Address comments concerning this document to: [email protected], Web site: http://www.nextgen.com . 8 01/02/2014 1.Document Revision History App Version Date Document Version 5.8 01/29/2014 Draft 3 .8 01/08/2014 Draft 3 5.0 Draft 5.8 01/06/2014 Draft 2 5. This page is intentionally left blank. . ................................................................................................................................................. 11 Operations ............................................ Page 3 of 72 ...........................EPM Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Contents About this Guide 7 Purpose ................................................................................................................. 13 Practice Preferences ....................................................................... 19 Practice specific Parameters in Tasks ......................................................... 7 Assumptions ..................................................................... 17 The Worklog Manager real time column display.................................................................................................................................. 18 Task Value................................................................ 10 Recommended Security Settings for Management Staff .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 General Information 9 System Setup for Tasks/Worklog Functionality 10 Security Settings ............. 17 Do not refresh Worklog after updating tasks ... 10 Modules .............. 11 Modules .............................................................................................................................. 19 Options tab ................................ 18 Source Type...................................................... 19 Auto Creation Tab ........................................................................................................................ Rendering and Payer/Fin Class Tabs .............................................. 21 Auto Completion Tab .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Customizing the Worklog Display .. 10 Operations ............. 24 Appointment Task Options ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 File Maintenance Settings ....................................................................... 23 Creating Tasks 24 Manually Assigning Tasks on Demand ................................................................................... 20 Auto Create Location......... 14 Set Required Fields ................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Task Completion Reasons ............. 15 Task Workgroups ................................................................................................................................................. 15 Task Approval Profiles...................................................................................................... 10 Recommended Security Settings for Non-Management Staff ........................................................ 24 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only........................................................ 22 Auto Worker Tab ..................................................... 17 Configuring Task Types ...................................................... Do Not Distribute................................................................................................................................................................... 11 *Controlling the Transferring of Tasks ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 User Preferences ................................................................................................................................. 12 Enterprise Preferences ........ 14 Set Automatic Options ........... 7 Audience..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Set access to Yes on all of the following: ............................................ ................................................... 35 Statement Indicator Turned Off – Chart level ...................................... 33 Accounts Receivable Follow Up Tasks .................. 25 Appointment Tasks ...................................................................................... 40 Creating Account Alerts ............................................................................................................................................................ 24 Chart Task Options..................................................................................................................................................... 25 Encounter Tasks ................................................. 40 Creating Chart Alerts ............................................................................................... 39 Accounts Receivable Report Information ............................................... 34 Patient Credit Balances .......... 43 Task Details Report ................... 31 Auto-Worker Option: None ... 26 Invoice Task Options ...Contents Account Task Options ............ 43 Reports ................................................................... 35 Statement Indicator Turned Off – Encounter level .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 38 Follow Up Unpaid Invoices ................ 25 Chart Tasks ........................................... 30 New Patient Information .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 40 Moving Unpaid Primary Insurance Balances to Next Responsibility........................................... 28 Worklog Filters ........................................... 33 Appointment Report Information .................................................... 24 Invoice Task Options ...................................................... 29 “Best Practice” Task Examples 30 Front Office Tasks ........................................................................................................................................................... 24 Encounter Task Options .......................................................................... 31 Waiting List Patients ................................................................................................ Do Not Distribute............................................................................................................ 26 Worklog 27 Worklog Manager Display ........................................................... 02/18/2014 ............................................................ 43 Task Analysis Report ............................................. 42 Monitoring Tasks and User Productivity .......... 41 Small Balance Write Offs ............................................................. 34 Statement Indicator Turned Off – Account level ................................................................................................................... 30 Obtain Authorization/Referral........................................................................ 25 User Task Options ................................. 25 Account Tasks .......................................................... 37 Follow Up All Outstanding Insurance Balances .............................. 35 Patients Not Making Acceptable Payments ....................... 34 Insurance Credit Balances ....................... 32 Appointment Reschedule List (“Bump List”) ............................... 32 Appointment Scheduled for Non-Participating Provider ................................................................................................. 37 Budget Has Become Pre-Listed ............................ 44 Page 4 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only...................................................... 39 Setting up Auto Worker Options ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Large Patient Balances ............................................................................................................................................................................ 41 Moving Unpaid Secondary Insurance Balances to Next Responsible Party ......................................................................................................................................................... 25 Assigning Tasks from Reports ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................... 55 Appointment Task Options ............................................... 58 Encounter Task Options .............. 61 Invoice Task Options ............................................ 67 User Task Options ..................................................................................................................... 68 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only....................................................................................... 45 Appendix A – Task Configuration Options 46 Account Task Actions ................................................................ 55 Chart Task Options............................EPM Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Task Approval Report ................................................................................................. 67 Transaction Task Options............... Page 5 of 72 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Do Not Distribute.. 46 Appointment Waitlist Task Options ................................................................................................ Page 6 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. 02/18/2014 .Contents This page is intentionally left blank. Do Not Distribute. can be edited to fit the specific needs of your organization. Audience This guide is intended for use by all NextGen® EPM application clients. Page 7 of 72 .x CHAPTER 1 About this Guide Purpose This guide was developed to provide information on how to configure and use the Task/Worklog feature in the NextGen® EPM system. numbers. etc. dollar amounts. The “Best Practices” section in this guide is designed to share information about how other NextGen® customers have utilized this functionality to meet the specific business needs of their organization. and intended to be somewhat generic. Assumptions This guide assumes that the user meets or exceeds the following: Working knowledge of NextGen® EPM application Basic understanding of tasking Basic computer skills 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. examples. These are to be used as guidelines. Many of the set up options described here can be customized to meet the unique needs of an organization. Do Not Distribute.NextGen Product User Guide. Setup of tasks that include or require entry of dates. The flexibility within the Task configuration is designed to adapt to the business rules and policies of each organization. Version x. . From appointment scheduling to accounts receivable follow up. For a complete overview of the tasking functionality. Page 9 of 72 . Using the Task reporting capabilities. please refer to the NextGen® EPM User Guide. tasks can be used to automate workflow in a typical medical office. 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog CHAPTER 2 General Information The NextGen® Tasks/Worklog manager is a powerful tool that can be used to automatically or manually assign and complete specific tasks. employee productivity and workload can be monitored and evaluated. Do Not Distribute. Delete. These settings are made at the User Group level in System Administrator. Add. Update.System Setup for Tasks/Worklog Functionality CHAPTER 3 System Setup for Tasks/Worklog Functionality Security Settings Security settings control user access to tasks and associated task functionality. Recommended Security Settings for Management Staff Modules Assign rights for View. and Print to all of the following:  File Maintenance > Master Lists (Task Completion Reasons and Task Subgroupings)  File Maintenance > Approval Profile  File Maintenance > Task Types  File Maintenance > Task Workgroups  Tasks Operations Set access to Yes on all of the following:  Advisor  Tasks  Tasks  Allow EHR Task Generation from EPM  Allow Encounter Void Task Deletion  Allow Transaction Approval Task Deletion  Allow User Task Approval for Other Users  Modify Task Type  Tasks Auto Create Discontinue  Task Instruction Modification  Task Manager  Task Reports  Task Subgroupings  Task Transfer  Task Update Page 10 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. 02/18/2014 . Do Not Distribute. The user can transfer tasks to any other User or any Task Workgroup. Print  Tasks = View. Do Not Distribute. *Controlling the Transferring of Tasks The ability to transfer tasks is controlled by using the Secured Transfer to option in the Task Type setup and the Task Manager Security option.*See the note below on “Controlling the Transferring of Tasks”  Task Reports = No  Task Transfer = Yes  Task Update = No NOTE: All other Task related security under Operations should be set to no. Operations Set access for each item as noted below. 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Update NOTE: All other Task related security under Modules should be removed. Add. Page 11 of 72 . Print  File Maintenance > Task Workgroups = View. If the Task Manager Security option is not assigned to anyone in the practice. The Task Manager Security option in System Administrator does the following: Task Manager = Yes . Task Manager = No . Tasks cannot be transferred between users except as designated in the Secured Transfer To option on the Task Type. Any users or Task Workgroups entered in this field will always be available as options when a user is transferring a task.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Recommended Security Settings for Non-Management Staff Modules Set access for each item as noted below:  File Maintenance > Task Types = View.The user can transfer tasks only to Task Managers or to those Users/Work Groups designated in the “Secured Transfer to” field within the Task Type setup.  Advisor  Tasks = Yes  Tasks = Yes  Allow EHR Task Generation from EPM = Yes (if EPM users will be tasking EHR users)  Tasks Auto Create Discontinue = Yes  Task Instruction Modification = No  Task Manager . The Secured Transfer To option in the Task Type allows the designation of specific users or Task Workgroups as those allowed to receive this task from other users. Page 12 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Do Not Distribute.General* (see note below)  Advisor  Tasks tab *This setup is not required unless you are currently using or plan to use the Default User Preference setup.System Setup for Tasks/Worklog Functionality File Maintenance Settings File Maintenance > Master Files > System > EPM > Enterprises > Preferences > General tab  Task Subgrouping 1 & 2 Captions  Create Tasks during Claim Edits  Create Tasks during the Billing Process File Maintenance > Master Files > System > EPM > Practices > Preferences  Alerts tab  Tasks tab File Maintenance > Master Files > Practice > EPM  Task Approval Profile  Task Workgroups File Maintenance > Master Lists  Task Completion Reasons  Task Subgroupings User Preferences EPM > Admin > User Preferences > General  Advisor  Tasks tab File Maintenance > Master Files > Practice > EPM > Default User Prefs . 02/18/2014 . Do Not Distribute. Subgroupings allow users to categorize tasks. Choices that will display for users in a drop down pick-list in the Subgroup field will need to be created the Master Lists table. and reporting on tasks. searching for. The captions will display to users when in a Task in EPM.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Enterprise Preferences File Maintenance > Master Files > System > EPM > Enterprises > Preferences > General tab The options defined here are unique to the enterprise in which they are created. Task Subgrouping pick-list items created in Master Lists become available in the following areas:  File Maintenance > Task Types  EPM > Worklog Manager  EPM > Add/Edit Task  EPM > Task Reports NOTE: Additional setup required in File Maintenance Master Lists. Page 13 of 72 . 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. This is covered in the Master Lists section of this document. Categories can help users in managing. Enter captions for one or both of the ‘Task Subgrouping’ fields. These fields can be set as “Required” in Practice Preferences under Tasks. These requirements will apply to all tasks for the practice. Do Not Distribute.   To display account alerts when opening a task select Account Alerts > Task To display chart alerts when opening a task. Field Name Require Completed By Require Completion Date Require Completion Reason Page 14 of 72 NextGen® Recommended Setting √ √ Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Field Name Subject Details Status Priority Assigned To Start Date Follow Up Date Expiration Date Task Subgrouping 1 Task Subgrouping 2 NextGen® Recommended Setting √ √ √ √ √ The following is a list of fields that can be set as Required Fields under the section “When Status is Completed.System Setup for Tasks/Worklog Functionality Practice Preferences File Maintenance > Master Files > System > EPM > Practices > Preferences > Alerts The options defined here are unique to the practice in which they are created. 02/18/2014 . select Chart Alerts > Task Set Required Fields File Maintenance > Master Files > System > EPM > Practices > Preferences >Tasks The following is a list of fields that can be set under the section “Required Fields”.” These requirements will apply to all tasks for the practice when the task has been changed to a status of completed. It also defines the order in which the approvers fall within the approval queue. Tasks with transactions entered with a source of ‘Account’. Account/Budget/Invoice transactions will be routed for approval to the user(s) defined in the default Task Approval Profile that is linked in Practice Preferences > Tasks Tab. This profile must include ALL Locations. Therefore.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Set Automatic Options The following is a list of options that can be set as defaults and restrictions under “When Status is Completed. ‘Budget’ or ‘Invoice’ do not have a Location that can be used to determine the routing. Option Name Default Completed By with Current User Default Completion Date with Current Date Do Not Allow Past Completion Dates Do not Allow Modification of Completion Date NextGen® Recommended Setting √ √ √ √ Task Approval Profiles File Maintenance > Master Files > Practice > EPM >Task Approval Profile A Task Approval Profile defines Users by Location that will be responsible to approve tasks that have met criteria specified in an auto-create Task Type. 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Page 15 of 72 . Users within a profile can be notified via Outlook email when a task that needs their approval reaches their queue.” These requirements will apply to all tasks for the practice when the task has been changed to a status of completed. Do Not Distribute. NOTE: Tasks with transactions entered with a source of ‘Encounter’ will be routed for approval to the user(s) defined in the Task Approval Profile that is linked to the Task Type based on the Location from the Encounter. Users should be aware that at least one completion reason is required before tasks are set up to complete automatically.System Setup for Tasks/Worklog Functionality Task Workgroups File Maintenance > Master Files > System > Practice > EPM > Task Workgroups Tasks can be assigned to one user or to a group of users. Task Completion Reasons File Maintenance > Master Lists > Task Completion Reasons The following is the list of standard reasons available in the NGProd database received at install. Task Workgroups allow users to be grouped together to assign EPM tasks. The list below gives some examples of common workgroups:       Commercial Claim Follow Up Team Medicare Claim Follow Up Team Medicaid Claim Follow Up Team Referral/Authorization Coordinators Charge Entry Staff Denial Follow Up Staff Note: Some clients report that it is easier to manage Task Workgroups than to change individual tasks when they encounter employee turnover. Do Not Distribute. Task Workgroups can contain only one user or multiple users and can be assigned to one or more tasks.                  Page 16 of 72 Adjustment Made Appointment Rescheduled Budget Plan Disabled Budget Plan Enabled Claim Refiled Completed Automatically (System) Completed Manually (User) Encounter Rebilled Error Corrected Insurance Contacted Not Completed In Time Patient Contacted Payment Received Referral / Authorization Entered Referral / Authorization Obtained Refund Requested / Processed Statement Indicator Turned Off Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. 02/18/2014 . Selecting this option will allow the user to continue working down the list without having to wait for the list to refresh after every update. This will expedite using the Worklog and allow the user to retain their place in the list once a task is completed. 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Users are able to set the following preferences:  Highlight My Task In – user can select from 6 colors  Sort My Task By – user can select 1 of 8 Task Manager column headers  Ascending or Descending Order options available  Do not refresh worklog after updating tasks  Worklog Manager real time column display Do not refresh Worklog after updating tasks The “Do not refresh worklog after updating tasks” option will act as the default setting when using the Worklog.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Customizing the Worklog Display EPM > Admin > Preferences > User > General > Tasks tab Users are able to customize how Worklog information displays their tasks by selecting the desired options on the task tab in User preferences. it would not be necessary to select the appointment date column. The real time columns will be indicated on the worklog with clock icons. For example. if the user will not be working on appointment tasks. It is recommended that each user select only the columns that contain data needed for that employee. Do Not Distribute. The Worklog Manager real time column display “The Worklog Manager real time column display” options allow each user to determine which real time data columns to return when using the worklog. The list is refreshed manually at any time by selecting the “Find” option. Page 17 of 72 . the Task Value and Source Type fields are shared among all Practices within an Enterprise. NOTE: For a complete list of all the Auto Creation. Auto Completion. see Appendix A. 02/18/2014 . New Task Types can be added. All other information and configuration options are unique to the Practice in which they are created. and Auto Worker configurations.          Page 18 of 72 Account (Employer and Patient Accounts) Appointment Appointment Request Appointment Waitlist Chart Encounter Invoice Transaction User Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. This information displays in the Practice Parameters section of the Task Type window. The name of the task. where it is used and viewed within the NextGen®. Do Not Distribute.System Setup for Tasks/Worklog Functionality Configuring Task Types File Maintenance > Master Files > System > EPM >Task Types In addition to Tasks pre-installed in File Maintenance and received on your install. and what data will be available for the task. Source Type Source Type determines the configuration options for the task. EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Task Value Task Value is used to determine the relative weight of a task. Can be used for productivity measurement and reporting. Practice specific Parameters in Tasks The following are practice parameters tabs. The options available are unique to the practice in which they are created. Options tab The Options Tab allows users to set the following task options: 02/18/2014  Generate System Alert: creates an alert when accessing the patient that has this task assigned.  Default Priority: High, Low, Normal  Default Assigned To: Used to determine whom the task will be assigned to when it is manually created or created through claims edits. The assignment of manually created tasks can be overridden at the time of task creation. If this field is left blank, it will require the user to select a user or Task Workgroup when the task is created.  Secured Transfer To: Limits the users and Task Workgroups available when transferring a Task. If the user has the Task Manager security, this limitation will not apply.  Supervisor’s Task Instructions: Enter instructions specific to this task that will assist the user in its completion.  Discontinue future auto creation of this task type: Once a task is marked completed, this option prevents additional tasks of the same type from being automatically created for the specific source.  Workable Task: Selecting this option determines which tasks display during the Check-In and Check-out Autoflow process. Only those tasks that are Not Started or In Progress will display during autoflow. Additional option in Practice Preferences > AutoFlow allows the practice to “gray out” the autoflow button and require the user to complete the tasks listed in order to continue.  Initiate Task in EHR: Allows EHR users to create and sent Tasks to EPM Users. Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Do Not Distribute. Page 19 of 72 System Setup for Tasks/Worklog Functionality NOTE: Tasks created in EHR for EPM are only tracked in EPM once it is sent. E.g. if created in EHR and sent to EPM, this task will now be tracked in EPM only and is not viewable in EHR. Auto Creation Tab Once a Source Type is selected, the auto creation options unique to that Source Type can be accessed for editing. Right clicking on the Task action will display the option to “open” the task for defining the Auto Create parameters. Tasks can be automatically created if the criteria defined on this tab are met. Tasks will not be recreated if there is an existing open task for the source and task type.  Default Assigned to for all selected actions: Task Workgroups or individual Users selected here are assigned automatically to any tasks automatically created from the action(s) selected unless otherwise specified in the Override assigned to field.  Exclude encounter status for applicable auto create actions (Account Source type ONLY): Drop down list includes; Bad Debt, Billed, History, Rebill and Billed  Exclude encounter in budget status for applicable auto create actions: (Account Source type ONLY)  Activate: It is necessary to place a green check next to any and all actions users would like to activate for automatic creation of this task.  Action: The actions listed are hard coded by the system and contingent on the Source Type selected. Each Source Type has a different set of associated options. To configure the specifics of the action, users right-click on the action and select Open. A dialogue box displays.  Auto-Creation actions are considered “OR” conditions. In other words, if users select more than one of these options a task will automatically be created if the source meets either of these conditions – it does not have to meet all the conditions selected, just any one of them. Page 20 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Do Not Distribute. 02/18/2014 EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog  Override assigned to: Task Workgroups or individual Users selected here will be automatically assigned any tasks that are created from this specific action.  Processed: Tasks using auto-create function have two options: Nightly or immediately. The tasks that say “nightly” will create when the Task Update process is run, either automatically during a nightly SQL job, or manually from within the NextGen® EPM application from the File > Processes > Task Update menu option. The exceptions are tasks that use counters (e.g. dates greater than “x”). They will not update during the manual process until the date criteria is satisfied. Auto Create Location, Rendering and Payer/Fin Class Tabs Once a Source Type is selected additional Auto Create setup options will become available; the Auto Create Location; Rendering; Payer/Fin Class options are unique to the Source Type and available as follows:     Appointment - Auto Create Location, Auto Create Rendering Appointment Waitlist - Auto Create Location, Auto Create Rendering Encounter - Auto Create Location, Auto Create Rendering, Auto Create Payer/Fin Class Transaction - Auto Create Location, Auto Create Rendering, Auto Create Payer/Fin Class This option does not apply to Account, Appointment Request, Chart, Invoice, and User tasks. Where applicable, these options allow one method to be defined that is used in automatically assigning tasks to a Task Workgroup or individual user. Once data is entered into one of the available tabs, the other tabs will be no longer accessible. To enter data: 1. Select a Location, Rendering, Payer or Financial Class 2. Select a User or Task Workgroup. 3. Use the blue arrow to move the User/Task Workgroup into the “Selected” area. One or more Users/Task Workgroups can be added per Location, Rendering, Payer or Financial Class. Any Locations, Renderings, Payers or Financial Classes left blank will use the “Default Assigned To” selection on the Auto Creation tab. 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Do Not Distribute. Page 21 of 72 either automatically during a nightly SQL job.  Override completion reason: Completion Reasons selected here will be used on any tasks that are completed from this specific action. These actions are “OR” conditions. The exceptions are tasks that use counters (e. 02/18/2014 . Do Not Distribute. the Auto Completion options unique to that Source Type will be available for selection. Satisfying any one of the selected parameters will complete the task. Page 22 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only.g. A dialogue box displays to enter the parameters.  Action: The actions listed here are hard coded by the system and contingent on the Source Type selected.  Activate: It is necessary to place a green check next to any and all actions that users would like to activate for automatic completion of this task.System Setup for Tasks/Worklog Functionality Auto Completion Tab Once a Source Type is selected. users right-click the action to activate it and select Open.  Processed: Tasks using auto-create function have two options: Nightly or immediately. They will not update during the manual process until the date criteria is satisfied. The tasks that say “nightly” will create when the Task Update process is run.  Default Completion Reason for all selected actions: The Completion Reason selected will be used on any tasks that are automatically completed from the action(s) selected unless otherwise specified in the Override completion reason field. Each Source Type has a different set of associated options. dates greater than “x”). To configure the specifics of the action. or manually from within the NextGen® EPM application from the File > Processes > Task Update menu option. To configure the specifics of the action.  Action: Actions listed here are hard coded by the system and contingent on the Source Type selected. the Auto Worker options unique to that Source Type will be available for selection. Each Auto Worker action has specific Auto Create actions designed to work with that Auto Worker feature. Select Auto Create Actions. Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Do Not Distribute. Each Source Type has a different set of associated options. To determine the appropriate Auto Creation action choices: 1. A dialogue box displays. At least one Auto Create action must be activated before the Auto Worker action can be configured. 02/18/2014  Activate: It is necessary to place a green check next to any and all actions users would like to activate for automatic completion of this task. users right-click the action to activate it and select Open. Right-click the Auto Worker action 2. Page 23 of 72 . This highlights all available Auto Creation actions that apply to this selection in blue on the Auto Creation tab.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Auto Worker Tab Once a Source Type is selected. From the Transaction Entry screen (with a source of Encounter). Manually Assigning Tasks on Demand Tasks can be added one at a time. From the Charge Posting screen (in Encounter mode). Select the Notes tab 2. Budget. or Invoice). right-click and select New Page 24 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. 02/18/2014 . select the Tasks folder. select the New Task icon 3. select the Clinical History/Notes tab 2.Creating Tasks CHAPTER 5 Creating Tasks Tasks are created manually. Rright-click the appointment and select Work Tasks 2. Right-click the encounter and select Tasks 2. select the New Task icon Chart Task Options In the patient chart: 1. right-click in the Tasks section and select New Account Task Options From the Account Profile: 1. Select the Tasks folder. Do Not Distribute. Within the Transaction Entry screen (with a source of Account. right-click and select New 3. Open an appointment and select the Task/Prov tab. when a specific issue is identified for tracking and/or follow up. or automatically by the NextGen® EPM application. The options to create them depend upon the Source Type of the task. select the New Task icon Encounter Task Options From the Patient Chart or Encounter Look up screen 1. on an “as needed” basis. Appointment Task Options From the Appointment Book or Appointment List: 1. Do Not Distribute. Memorized version of these same reports can be used in conjunction with the setup of Jobs in Background Business Processor (BBP) to create tasks during non-office hours. Appointment Tasks   Reports > Scheduling > Appointment Listing Reports > Scheduling > Kept Appointments w/no Charges Account Tasks    Reports > General > Statements Reports > Accounts Receivable > Budget Reports Reports > Accounts Receivable > Collections > Account Summary Chart Tasks    02/18/2014 Reports > General > Patient Chart Demographics Reports > General > Patient Chart Demographics with Providers Reports > General > Patient Recall Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Select the Notes tab. Page 25 of 72 .EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Invoice Task Options From the Account Profile (Employer account): 1. Within the Charge Entry screen (in Invoice mode). select the New Task icon User Task Options From the Tasks menu. select Create Task Assigning Tasks from Reports Tasks are manually created in bulk from reports using the “Assign Task” icon. NOTE: Tasks can also be created in bulk from EHR reports using the “Assign Task” icon. Only Tasks with a source type of Chart are available for selection. right-click and select New 2. select the Tasks folder. Do Not Distribute.Creating Tasks Encounter Tasks            Reports > General > Claim Requests Reports > General > Patient Insurance Listing Reports > Accounts Receivable > Aging Analysis Reports > Accounts Receivable > Billed Encounters Reports > Accounts Receivable > Unbilled Encounter Reports > Accounts Receivable > Collections > Insurance Aging Analysis Reports > Accounts Receivable > Collections > Insurance Detail Reports > Accounts Receivable > Collections > Insurance Summary Reports > Accounts Receivable > Collections > Collections FollowUp Reports > Daily > Charges Reports > Daily > Encounters Invoice Task Options      Reports > Accounts Receivable > Aging Analysis Reports > Accounts Receivable > Collections > Insurance Aging Analysis Reports > Accounts Receivable > Collections > Insurance Detail Reports > Accounts Receivable > Collections > Insurance Summary Reports > Daily > Charges Page 26 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. 02/18/2014 . Do Not Distribute. it appears in the user’s Worklog. Users access their Worklog from any of the following locations:    02/18/2014 The Worklog Icon on the main toolbar The Tasks section of the Advisor screen The Open Task indicator on the bottom status bar Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Page 27 of 72 .EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog CHAPTER 6 Worklog Once a task is created and assigned. Data in the Worklog Manager is ordered by clicking on the column name. For example. to list tasks by account balance. To put the information in descending order (highest balance first). Do Not Distribute. 02/18/2014 .Worklog Worklog Manager Display The Worklog Manager window is used to look up tasks based on the search criteria entered. This puts the column in ascending order. Page 28 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. click the “Acct Bal” column heading. right-click on the blue area of the top toolbar and select the “Reset desktop settings” options. which will automatically bring up all tasks assigned to the user (or to a workgroup to which the user belongs) that have a status of “In Progress” or “Not Started”. NOTE: This option resets all column settings within the NextGen® EPM application. To reset the column order. To begin. the user should select “My Tasks”. The columns can be re-arranged by dragging and dropping them into place and will remain in this order unless manually reset. click the column heading again. The window is designed to allow users to configure the columns in the order that provides the most clear and pertinent data. 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Multiple conditions can be configured to ensure users are working on the highest priority items. Page 29 of 72 . Do Not Distribute.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Worklog Filters The Advanced tab allows additional filtering capability to prioritize the tasks. “Best Practice” Task Examples CHAPTER 7 “Best Practice” Task Examples Front Office Tasks The following are some examples of tasks that can be automatically or manually assigned to assist the front office staff in following up on specific action items. If the authorization/referral is needed for specific events only. Obtain Authorization/Referral Purpose: An appointment is made but there is not an authorization/referral on file for this service. The staff would manually create this task to the patient’s appointment. Training for the setup and usage of RTS is provided separately. 02/18/2014 . Do Not Distribute. Source Type: Appointment Auto-Create Option: Auto create options are available for clients who have purchased RTS. It can be automatically assigned when building the Task Type or manually assigned when created. the following options can be used:   Event <Unknown> is schedule Event <Unknown> is scheduled at Location <Unknown> Auto-Complete Options:    Appointment cancelled Appointment deleted Patient expired Auto-Worker Option: None Page 30 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. To use this feature. The "Minimum Lead Time to Generate a Waitlist Worklog Task” feature allows the user to set the amount of time (in minutes) required as advanced notice to schedule an appointment from the wait list.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog New Patient Information Purpose: When an appointment is made for a new patient a task can automatically be created and directed to the appropriate staff for action. it must be enabled in Practice Preference > Wait List tab. performing a pre-registration. The auto-create action should contain all Event types that represent new patients in your organization. This could include setting up a new chart. Do Not Distribute. Page 31 of 72 . Source Type: Appointment Auto-Create Option:  Event <New Patient> is scheduled Auto-Complete Options:    Appointment cancelled Appointment deleted Patient expired Auto-Worker Option: None Waiting List Patients Purpose: To utilize the Waitlist functionality that automatically queues patients that are waiting for an earlier appointment. or sending the patient practice information. NOTE: Tracking provider participation in insurance plans requires a Contract Library be created and attached to the Payer Master File > Practice Tab > Libraries subtab. Do Not Distribute. No fee schedule is required to use this feature.“Best Practice” Task Examples Source Type: Appointment Waitlist Auto-Create Options:   Waitlist batch update to match potential candidates to open appointment slots Waitlist matches open slot Auto-Complete Options:     Waitlist completed successfully Waitlist modified or deleted Waitlist no longer has open slot available Waitlist no longer matches open slot due to another appointment being booked Auto-Worker Option: None Appointment Scheduled for Non-Participating Provider Purpose: Identify patients who have an appointment scheduled with a provider that does not participate in their insurance. Page 32 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. 02/18/2014 . EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Source Type: Appointment Auto-Create Option:   Rendering does not participate in primary insurance plan Rendering does not participate in primary insurance plan at location <Unknown> Auto-Complete Options:   Appointment cancelled Appointment deleted Auto-Worker Option: None Appointment Reschedule List (“Bump List”) Purpose: Identify patients who need to have their appointments rescheduled due to a change in the appointment schedule. select the Assign Tasks icon. all patients who have a patient balance greater than $x. Once the report is created. Do Not Distribute. Page 33 of 72 . Source Type: Appointment Auto-Create Option: None Auto-Complete Options:    Appointment cancelled Appointment deleted Patient expired Auto-Worker Option: None 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Auto-Complete Options:    Appointment cancelled Appointment deleted Appointment kept/checked in Auto-Worker Option: None Appointment Report Information Purpose: Isolate information using a customized appointment listing report and task only those items. Source Type: Appointment Auto-Create Option:  Appointment no longer matches the resource’s template due to a template exception.xx that have an appointment for tomorrow (using Filter 2 options). Some examples include: all patients who had a no show or cancelled appointment for the previous week (using Filter 1 options). Patient Credit Balances Purpose: Identify patient accounts with an overall credit balance in patient responsibility.“Best Practice” Task Examples Accounts Receivable Follow Up Tasks These tasks can be automatically created to identify patient balances and third party for follow up or other action.99 & -0. Source Type: Encounter Auto-Create Option: Encounter is greater than <X> days old from <___> and 3rd party balance is between <-9999. regardless of where the outstanding credit resides. BCBS. 02/18/2014 . this task will still create because Medicare was in the primary position and the balance meets the criteria. By selecting all financial classes in the COB1 position.99 & -0.01 > Auto-Complete Options:  Account balance of $0.01 > for <Fin Class= All financial classes except patient pay> where fin class/payer is <COB 1> and encounter status in <Billed. Rebilled> Auto-Complete Options:   Encounter reaches History status Third party of balance of $0. if Medicare is primary and the credit balance is outstanding to the secondary payer.00 Auto-Worker Option: None Insurance Credit Balances Purpose: Identify encounters with a credit balance outstanding to a third party payer. any third party balance will be captured.00 Auto-Worker Option: None Page 34 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Do Not Distribute. For example. Source Type: Account Auto-Create Option:  Guarantor balance is between <-9999. Page 35 of 72 . Do Not Distribute. Source Type: Account Auto-Create Option: Print statements indicator turned off for more than <_> days Auto-Complete Options:  Print statements indicator turned on Auto-Worker Option: None Statement Indicator Turned Off – Chart level Purpose: Identify patient charts with than have had the statement indicator turned off. These patients would not be receiving a statement for that encounter. Source Type: Chart Auto-Create Option: Print statements indicator turned off for more than <_> days Auto-Complete Options:  Print statements indicator turned on Auto-Worker Option: None Statement Indicator Turned Off – Encounter level Purpose: Identify patient encounters with than have had the statement indicator turned off.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Statement Indicator Turned Off – Account level Purpose: Identify patient accounts with than have had the statement indicator turned off. These patients would not be receiving a statement for any encounters on that chart. Source Type: Encounter Auto-Create Option: Print statements indicator turned off for more than <_> days Auto-Complete Options:  Print statements indicator turned on Auto-Worker Option: None 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. These patients would not be receiving a statement for any of the encounters attached to the account. 02/18/2014 . they will have a statement counter of “4”. For example. Page 36 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. NOTE: The acceptable payment criteria is entered in Practice Preferences > Statements. every time the patient receives a statement. if a patient receives four statements without making an acceptable payment.“Best Practice” Task Examples Patients Not Making Acceptable Payments Purpose: Identify patient accounts where the patient has not made an acceptable payment in a certain time period. it will be automatically reset to “0”. Setting this parameter activates the “Statement Counter” feature on the patient account. the statement counter will add one number to the counter. Once this parameter is defined. If the patient makes an acceptable payment. Do Not Distribute. 00 Auto-Worker Option: None Budget Has Become Pre-Listed Purpose: To notify the staff that an account on a Budget plan is delinquent and has become pre-listed for Bad Debt. NOTE: The “date of patient responsibility” is automatically assigned to each encounter when there is no longer an outstanding insurance balance. Source Type: Account Auto-Create Option:  Account is greater than <0 <enter AR Days> days old from <Date of Patient Responsibility>and guarantor balance is greater than <$0.00 (enter amount) > Auto-Complete Options:  Account balance of $0.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Source Type: Account Auto-Create Option:  Account statement counter is greater than <3> Auto-Complete Options:   Account balance of $0. For example.00 (acceptable payment amount) > posted Auto-Worker Option: None Large Patient Balances Purpose: Identify accounts with large patient balances.00 Patient payment greater than <$0. Source Type: Account Auto-Create Option:  Budget has become prelisted Auto-Complete Options:  Account balance of $0. the “date of patient responsibility” would be the date the insurance balance was paid in full and only the patient responsibility amount remained.00 Auto-Worker Option: None 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. This task is automatically created if any encounter on the account meets the aging criteria. if the patient had an unpaid co-pay balance and an insurance balance. Do Not Distribute. Page 37 of 72 . If selecting that option. Do Not Distribute.99> for <Financial Class = all selections except Patient Pay> is <COB = 1> and encounter status is <Billed>. Source Type: Encounter Auto-Create Option:  Encounter is greater than <45> days old from <Last Bill Date> and 3rd party balance is between <$5.” to identify unpaid claims. it is important to remember that the COB designation within the task only relates to the financial class selected within the parameter. 02/18/2014 .999.00> and <$99. not the current outstanding balance. Auto-Complete Options:    Clean claim created Encounter reaches History status Third party balance of $0.. The task would automatically re-create again in 45 days if the balance parameter was not satisfied at that time.00 NOTE: Selecting this option automatically complete the task if the encounter is rebilled. It is also possible to use the auto create options “No third party payment received. Location and Financial Class tabs.“Best Practice” Task Examples Follow Up All Outstanding Insurance Balances Purpose: Identifies all outstanding insurance balances greater than a certain period. NOTE: Optionally.. COB2 and COB3 balances using these parameters. These tasks look at the claim create date and any associated transactions posted for that insurance company. These are automatically assigned to different staff members by using the auto create by Rendering. separate tasks can be used to identify COB1. Auto-Worker Option: None Page 38 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Page 39 of 72 . Do Not Distribute. Source Type: Encounter Auto-Create Option: None Auto-Complete Options:  Encounter reaches History status Auto-Worker Option: None Source Type: Account Auto-Create Option: None Auto-Complete Options:  Account Balance $0.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Follow Up Unpaid Invoices Purpose: Identify all outstanding invoices that match the configuration criteria.00 Auto-Worker Option: None 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Some examples include: One specific service item that is not being paid by many insurance carriers. Once the report is created. select the Assign Tasks icon. Auto-Complete Options:  Invoice reaches History status Auto-Worker Option: None Accounts Receivable Report Information Purpose: Isolate information using a customized accounts receivable report and task only those items.00>. Source Type: Invoice Auto-Create Option:  Invoice is greater than <45> days old from <Last Bill Date> and balance is greater than <$5. all outstanding balances for one specific insurance company for one specific provider. then marked completed by the Auto Worker. Both cannot be defined.” expiration date 00/00/00. description “Do not release any information Without Reviewing Privacy Notice Restrictions First. description “Do not make appointment until patient speaks with financial counselor” **NOTE** When setting up this task. expiration date 00/00/00. Auto-Complete Options:  None – if auto complete options are selected.“Best Practice” Task Examples Setting up Auto Worker Options There are multiple pre-configured options that automatically perform specific functions. If auto complete options are selected. Auto-Worker Alert options will be unavailable Auto-Worker Option: Create a chart alert with subject “Privacy Notice Restrictions. Creating Chart Alerts Purpose: Identifies all patients with that have privacy notice restrictions by putting an alert on their chart. Auto-Worker Alert options will be unavailable. Creating Account Alerts Purpose: Identifies all patients with a large balance and put an alert on their account to have them speak with someone in the patient collections department.00 (acceptable amount) >. 02/18/2014 . Source Type: Chart Auto-Create Option: Privacy Notice reason set to “Signed With Restrictions” Auto-Complete Options: None.” Page 40 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Source Type: Account Auto-Create Option:  Account is greater than < 45 (or other acceptable number> days old from <Date of Patient Responsibility> and balance is greater than <$0. the user can define “either” an Auto-Complete option OR Auto-Worker option. Do Not Distribute. The task is created and put into the patient’s chart. Auto-Worker Option: Create account alert with subject “Patient Needs to Speak with Financial Counselor”. The following are some examples of how these are used by other NextGen® customers to automate their processes. Moving Unpaid Secondary Insurance Balances to Next Responsible Party Purpose: Identifies all unpaid Secondary claims that should have the balance moved to next responsible party. this task can be created to include ALL financial classes that apply. one for each financial class. this task can be created to include ALL financial classes that apply.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Moving Unpaid Primary Insurance Balances to Next Responsibility Purpose: Identifies all unpaid claims that should have the balance moved to patient responsibility. additional Tasks can be created. If the days are different. If the payment received days is the same for multiple financial classes. This can be used for primary or secondary claims in accordance with the business rules of the organization. If the days are different. Source Type: Encounter Auto-Create Option: No third party payment received for <45> days since the claim process date for <Financial Class = <Commercial> where <Financial class = COB2>. If the payment received days is the same for multiple financial classes. Page 41 of 72 . Do Not Distribute. Auto-Worker Option: Move balance from “COB1” to “Next Responsible Party” Secondary Claims: Source Type: Encounter Auto-Create Option: No third party payment received for <45> days since the last third party payment received and third party balance is greater than <$1. Auto-Worker Option: Move balance from “COB2” to “Next Responsible Party” Secondary Claims: Source Type: Encounter Auto-Create Option: No third party payment received for <45> days since the last third party payment received and third party balance is greater than <$1. Primary Claims: Source Type: Encounter Auto-Create Option: No third party payment received for <45> days since the claim process date for <Financial Class = <Commercial> where <Financial class = COB1>. 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. NOTE: The example above was created for Commercial payers only.00> for <Financial Class = Noncontracted Commercial> where <Financial class = COB2>. NOTE: The example above was created for Commercial payers only. additional Tasks can be created for each financial class.00> for <Financial Class = Noncontracted Commercial> where <Financial class = COB2>. These options automatically create a transaction batch that must be reviewed and posted by the staff. 02/18/2014 . Auto-Worker Option: Small balance write-off using transaction code <Small Balance write-off> PATIENT AND INSURANCE BALANCES: Source Type: Encounter Auto-Create Option: Encounter is greater than <45> days old from <Last Bill Date> and the total balance is less than <5.“Best Practice” Task Examples Small Balance Write Offs Purpose: Identifies small balances available for review and write off. Do Not Distribute. PATIENT BALANCES ONLY: Source Type: Encounter Auto-Create Option:  Encounter is greater than <45> days old from <Date of Patient Responsibility> and the patient balance is less than <5.Ins> for 3rd party balance Page 42 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only.00> for <Financial class = Patient Pay.00> for <Financial class = Commercial. transaction code <Small Balance write-off . Patient Pay> is <COB=1> and encounter status is <Billed>. Blue Cross. Auto-Worker Option: Small balance write-off using transaction code <Small Balance write-off> for patient balance. Self-Pay> is <COB=1> and encounter status is <Billed>. Task Analysis Report Purpose: Provides an overview of all tasks and the current status of those tasks. Do Not Distribute. Page 43 of 72 .EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Monitoring Tasks and User Productivity Reports There are there reports designed to review the task allocation and assist in monitoring staff accountability. Also can be used to ensure that workload is evenly distributed among staff. Reports> Tasks > Task Analysis Columns: Select all columns except ST (Source Type abbreviation) Customize Report Header/Footer (optional): can be edited to display a user defined Title/Header Sorting: Group by User Name 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. this could be grouped by Task Type to review the activity of a specific task. Group by Status Desc. Page 44 of 72 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Cmp Dt Assigned to: Select the employees to review Sorting: Group by Assigned to. Do Not Distribute. Type Desc. 02/18/2014 . Reports> Tasks > Task Details Columns: Source Nbr. Start Dt. Fup Dt. Status Desc. Optionally.“Best Practice” Task Examples Task Details Report Purpose: Identify specific details about a task and/or user. Name. Assigned to. Due Dt. Appt Amt. App Dt 1-5. The report has columns that provide specific information related the progress of approvals. App Age 1-5. Source Nbr. Create Age. by Due Date.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Task Approval Report Purpose: To track and audit tasks that require one or more approvals. App Sts1-5. Do Not Distribute. Customize Report Header/Footer (optional): can be edited to display a user defined Title/Header Sorting: Group by Tran Code NOTE: Optional sort option examples: by Approver (App User 1-5). Page 45 of 72 . Reports> Tasks > Task Approval Columns: Loc Name. Modify Age NOTE: The above columns are also available on the Task Details Report. Name. 02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. App User1-5. effective date: 0 days from today. Pre-list all encounters on the account for bad debt under agency code: <select agency>. Do Not Distribute.Appendix A – Task Configuration Options CHAPTER 8 Appendix A – Task Configuration Options Account Task Actions The following is a list of the Auto-Create actions available for Tasks with the source type “Account”. Auto-Creation Actions Account is greater than ___ days old from <date option> and guarantor balance is between $___ and $____        Auto-Completion Actions Account balance of $0. the Auto-Complete actions that might be used with them. Send collection letter in next run <Y/N>. and bad debt status: <select status>. Move all encounters to the guarantor responsibility. Move all encounter balances to the guarantor responsibility <Y/N> Notes Ages from the most current encounter attached to the account Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. and bad debt status: <select status>. Send collection letter in next run <Y/N> Add collection letter of <select letter> to the account. Pre-list all encounters on the account for bad debt under agency code <select agency>. effective date: <# of days> from today. and the available Auto-worker actions. 02/18/2014 .00 Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Auto-Worker Actions    Page 46 of 72 Add collection letter of <select letter> to the account. Send collection letter in next run <Y/N> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . Page 47 of 72 . description <alert description> Ages from the most current encounter attached to the account Add collection letter of <select letter> to the account. Send collection letter in next run <Y/N> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >.99 and -0.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Auto-Creation Actions Account is greater than ___ days old from <date option> and guarantor balance is greater than $_____        Account is greater than ___ days old from <date option> and third party balance between $_____ and $_____         Account is greater than ___ days old from <date option> and third party balance is greater than $_____         02/18/2014 Auto-Completion Actions Account balance of $0.00 Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Third party balance less than $___ Total balance less than $___ Auto-Worker Actions        Notes Add collection letter of <select letter> to the account. description <alert description> Create account alert This can be used for credit balances (between 9999. description <alert description> Ages from the most current encounter attached to the account Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Send collection letter in next run <Y/N> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Do Not Distribute.00 Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Account balance of $0.00 Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Third party balance less than $___ Total balance less than $___ Account balance of $0.01) Add collection letter of <select letter> to the account. Appendix A – Task Configuration Options Auto-Creation Actions Account is greater than ___ days old from <date option> and total balance is greater than $_____        Account statement counter is equal to ( X ) and guarantor balance is between $___ and $ ___        Auto-Completion Actions Account balance of $0. Pre-list all encounters on the account for bad debt under agency code <select agency>. expiration date <__/__/__> .00 Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Account balance of $0. Send collection letter in next run <Y/N> Add collection letter of <select letter> to the account. Move all encounter balances to the guarantor responsibility <Y/N>  Identifies accounts that have “X” number of statements without making an adequate payment (as defined in Practice Preferences > Statements Tab)  “Patient payments” are defined as payments with the source type of Account. Move all encounters to the guarantor responsibility. description <alert description>  Combines both insurance and patient responsibility and identifies accounts that meets the defined parameters  Ages from the most current encounter attached to the account Add collection letter of <select letter> to the account. Send collection letter in next run <Y/N> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Send collection letter in next run <Y/N>. effective date: <# of days> from today. effective date: 0 days from today.00 Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Auto-Worker Actions      Page 48 of 72 Notes Add collection letter of <select letter> to the account. and bad debt status: <select status>. and bad debt status: <select status>. Pre-list all encounters on the account for bad debt under agency code: <select agency>. 02/18/2014 . Do Not Distribute. and bad debt status: <select status>. Move all encounter balances to the guarantor responsibility <Y/N> Notes  Identifies accounts that have “X” number of statements without making an adequate payment (as defined in Practice Preferences > Statements Tab)  “Patient payments” are defined as payments with the source type of Account. Move all encounters to the guarantor responsibility. Pre-list all encounters on the account for bad debt under agency code <select agency>. effective date: 0 days from today. and bad debt status: <select status>. Pre-list all encounters on the account for bad debt under agency code: <select agency>.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Auto-Creation Actions Account statement counter is greater than (_X_)     Account statement counter is greater than (_X_) guarantor balance is greater than $_____        Auto-Completion Actions Account balance of $0. Identifies accounts that have “X” number of statements without making an adequate payment (as defined in Practice Preferences > Statements Tab)   “Patient payments” are defined as payments with the source type of Account. description <alert description> Add collection letter of <select letter> to the account. Send collection letter in next run <Y/N>. expiration date <__/__/__> . Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Page 49 of 72 . Do Not Distribute.00 Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Account balance of $0. Send collection letter in next run <Y/N> Add collection letter of <select letter> to the account.00 Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Auto-Worker Actions     02/18/2014 Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. effective date: <# of days> from today. 00 Budget payment posted Budget plan modified Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Account balance of $0.00 Budget has become pre-listed Budget plan modified Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Auto-Worker Actions Notes Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Do Not Distribute. expiration date <__/__/__> .00 Budget has become pre-listed Budget payment posted Budget plan modified Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Account balance of $0. 02/18/2014 .Appendix A – Task Configuration Options Auto-Creation Actions Budget has become delinquent           Budget has become prelisted          Budget must be reestablished – payment amount is now too low          Page 50 of 72 Auto-Completion Actions Account balance of $0. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> No Auto-Worker options available References the required minimum in Practice Preferences > Budget tab Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. description <alert description> Identifies delinquent budget accounts  Identifies budgets that are pre-listed for Bad Debt  Bad debt pre-list all encounters in budget using collection agency <select agency> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . Page 51 of 72 . description <alert description> Identifies budget payments that were not made Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. description <alert description> Identifies budget plans that have been changed by a user. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description>   Identifies accounts that have had a Demand Encounter Letter printed “Patient payments” are defined as payments with the source type of Account. expiration date <__/__/__> . Do Not Distribute. Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Auto-Creation Actions Budget payment missed           Budget plan modified          Collection letter printed      02/18/2014 Auto-Completion Actions Account balance of $0.00 Budget has become pre-listed Budget payment posted Budget plan modified Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Account balance of $0.00 Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Auto-Worker Actions Notes Create account alert with subject < alert subject >.00 Budget has become pre-listed Budget payment posted Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Account balance of $0. Do Not Distribute.00 Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Total balance less than $___ Auto-Worker Actions Notes Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. description <alert description> Identifies accounts with patient balance and no insurance balances. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> This can be used for credit balances (between 9999. expiration date <__/__/__> .Appendix A – Task Configuration Options Auto-Creation Actions Guarantor balance between $____ and $____        Guarantor balance between $____ and $____.00 Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Account balance of $0. description <alert description> Identifies accounts with a patient responsibility that meets the parameters. 02/18/2014 . third party balance of $0.00 Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Third party balance less than $___ Total balance less than $___ Account balance of $0. description <alert description> Not intended to identify credit balances. expiration date <__/__/__> .99 and -0.00 Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___<enter amt> Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Account balance of $0.01) Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. expiration date <__/__/__> .00         Guarantor balance greater than $____        Guarantor balance less than $____     Page 52 of 72 Auto-Completion Actions Account balance of $0.  Ages from the most current encounter attached to the account Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Send collection letter in next run <Y/N> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. third party balance of $_____         Guarantor responsibility is greater than ___ days old from <date option> & guarantor balance is greater than $____        02/18/2014 Auto-Completion Actions Account balance of $0. expiration date <__/__/__> . Add collection letter of <select letter> to the account. Add collection letter of <select letter> to the account.00 Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Third party balance less than $___ Total balance less than $___ Account balance of $0.00. Send collection letter in next run <Y/N> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Page 53 of 72 . expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Identifies accounts with both a patient AND an insurance balance that meet the defined parameters.99 and -0. description <alert description>  The date of patient responsibility is added to an encounter when all insurance balances are $0.00 Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Auto-Worker Actions       Notes Add collection letter of <select letter> to the account. Do Not Distribute. Send collection letter in next run <Y/N> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Auto-Creation Actions Guarantor responsibility is greater than _____ days old from <date option> & guarantor balance between $_____ & $_______        Guarantor responsibility is greater than _____ days old from <date option> & guarantor balance between $_____ & $_____. description <alert description> This can be used for credit balances (between 9999.01).00 Collection letter printed Form template of <select form> printed Guarantor balance less than $___ Patient payment greater than $___ posted Patient payment posted Total balance less than $___ Account balance of $0. expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> .Appendix A – Task Configuration Options Auto-Creation Actions Minimum budget payment not met Minimum budget payment too low for account balance Print statement indicator turned off for more than ___ days Third party balance greater than $_____ Auto-Completion Actions  Account balance of $0. Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. description <alert description> Not intended to identify credit balances. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >.00 Total balance is less than $___ Auto-Worker Actions Notes Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Do Not Distribute. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Identifies accounts that have not made the minimum budget payment.00 Guarantor balance less than $___ Third party balance less than $___ Total balance less than $___ Account balance of $0. expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . 02/18/2014 . description <alert description> Identifies Perpetual budgets accounts where the balance increased and the budget payment amount does not satisfy the required minimum defined in Practice Preferences > Budget tab Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. description <alert description> Identifies accounts that are not receiving a statement because the statement indicator is turned off on the account. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Create account alert with subject < alert subject >.00  Budget has become pre-listed  Budget payment posted  Budget plan modified  Guarantor balance less than $___  Patient payment greater than $___ posted  Patient payment posted  Total balance less than $___  Account balance of $0.00 Total balance is less than $___ Account balance of $0. expiration date <__/__/__> . Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only.00  Budget has become pre-listed  Budget plan modified  Guarantor balance less than $___  Patient payment greater than $___ posted  Patient payment posted  Total balance less than $___ Print statement indicator turned on     Third party balance less than $_____   Total balance greater than $_____   Total balance less than $_____   Page 54 of 72 Account balance of $0.00 Total balance less than $___ Account balance of $0. Not intended to identify credit balances. expiration date <__/__/__> . along with the Auto-Complete actions that might commonly be used in conjunction with them. or manually from within the EPM application from the File > Processes > Scheduling update menu option. Auto-Creation Actions Waitlist batch update to match potential candidates to open appointment slots Auto-Completion Actions     Waitlist matches open slot     Auto-Worker Actions Waitlist completed successfully Waitlist modified or deleted Waitlist no longer has open slot available Waitlist no longer matches open appointment slot due to another appointment being booked N/A Waitlist completed successfully Waitlist modified or deleted Waitlist no longer has open slot available Waitlist no longer matches open appointment slot due to another appointment being booked N/A Notes Identifies any open appointment slots that match the waitlist when the Scheduling Update process is run. along with the Auto-Complete actions that might be used in conjunction with them. Auto-Creation Actions An eligibility check is needed because it is <__> day(s) until the appointment and no eligibility check has been performed in the last <__> day(s) An eligibility check resulted in a response status of <_____> Auto-Completion Actions           02/18/2014 Auto-Worker Actions Appointment cancelled Appointment cancelled at _______ location Appointment deleted Patient Expired Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. description <alert description> Appointment cancelled Appointment cancelled at _______ location Appointment deleted Appointment kept/checked in Form Template of <select form> printed Patient Expired Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Identifies any appointment slots that become available that match the waitlist (e. and the available Auto-worker actions. Page 55 of 72 . expiration date <__/__/__> .g. either automatically during a nightly SQL job. Appointment Task Options The following is a list of the Auto-Create options available for the source type “Appointment”. another appointment is cancelled and a matching slot becomes available). as well as the and Auto-worker actions that are available for that function.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Appointment Waitlist Task Options The following is a list of the Auto-Create actions available for Tasks the source type “Appointment Waitlist”. Do Not Distribute. description <alert description> Notes: Used with Real-time Transaction Server Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . 02/18/2014 .Appendix A – Task Configuration Options Auto-Creation Actions Appointment from NextMD has been scheduled Auto-Completion Actions      Appointment no longer matches the resource’s template due to a template exception      Appointment rescheduled    Event <select event> is scheduled       Event <select event> is scheduled at location <select location>      First appointment in a recurring series     Guarantor balance greater than $____     Last appointment in a recurring series    Linked appointment rescheduled Page 56 of 72 Appointment cancelled Appointment cancelled at _______ location Appointment deleted Appointment kept/checked in Form Template of <select form> printed Patient Expired Appointment cancelled Appointment cancelled at _______ location Appointment deleted Appointment kept/checked in Patient Expired Appointment cancelled Appointment cancelled at _______ location Appointment deleted Patient Expired Appointment cancelled Appointment cancelled at _______ location Appointment deleted Form template of ________ printed Patient Expired Appointment cancelled Appointment cancelled at _______ location Appointment deleted Form template of ________ printed Patient Expired Appointment cancelled Appointment cancelled at _______ location Appointment deleted Appointment cancelled Appointment cancelled at _______ location Appointment deleted Appointment kept/checked in Appointment cancelled Appointment cancelled at _______ location Appointment deleted Auto-Worker Actions Notes: No Auto-Worker options available NextMD/Patient Portal is a separate purchase. Only tasks the task to appointment that is actually rescheduled. expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . Do Not Distribute. it tasks the final appointment. Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Training on setup and usage provided in a separate training session. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Identifies appointments that need to be rescheduled when a Template Exception is made for a Resource Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. not all linked appointments. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> When an appointment is made “recurring”. description <alert description> When an appointment is made “recurring”. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. it tasks the original appointment Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . It does not consider secondary insurances or any insurances tied to relationships. It does not consider secondary insurances or any insurances tied to relationships. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Auto-Creation Actions Auto-Completion Actions Auto-Worker Actions Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Page 57 of 72 . description <alert description> Notes: Looks at the first insurance in the patient’s demographic record. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Looks at the first insurance in the patient’s demographic record. expiration date <__/__/__> . Do Not Distribute. description <alert description> No referring physician    Appointment cancelled Appointment deleted Patient Expired No referring physician for event <select event> at location < select location>  Appointment cancelled at <Location> Appointment deleted Patient Expired Rendering does not participate in primary insurance plan       Rendering does not participate in primary insurance plan at location <select location>     02/18/2014 Appointment cancelled Appointment deleted Form template of ________ printed Patient Expired Appointment cancelled at <Location> Appointment deleted Form template of ________ printed Patient Expired Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Auto-Completion Actions Auto-Worker Actions _____ days prior to appointment date Auto-Creation Actions    Appointment cancelled Appointment deleted Patient Expired Appointment cancelled    Appointment deleted Patient Expired Patient status of ________ assigned Appointment cancelled at location <select location(s)>    Appointment deleted Patient Expired Patient status of ________ assigned Appointment created   Appointment cancelled Appointment canceled at location <select location(s)> Appointment deleted Patient Expired Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. *same as above Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. 02/18/2014 . the task will not create again the next time the patient now shows. Chart Tasks can also be automatically created from Recall Plans. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. along with the Auto-Complete actions that might be used in conjunction with them. expiration date <__/__/__> . Do Not Distribute. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . regardless of any letters or label printing. and the available Auto-worker actions. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Notes Tasks future appointments only This task will create on any no show appointment. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description>   Appointment deleted Appointment no shows     Appointment cancelled Appointment deleted Patient Expired Patient status of ________ assigned Appointment no shows at location <select location>  Appointment cancelled at location <select location(s)> Appointment deleted Patient Expired Patient status of ________ assigned Appointment cancelled Appointment deleted Patient Expired    Appointment rescheduled Page 58 of 72    Create account alert with subject < alert subject >.Appendix A – Task Configuration Options Chart Task Options The following is a list of the Auto-Create actions available for Tasks with the source type “Chart”. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. If the “Discontinue future auto-creation of this task type” option is selected. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. The recall tasks create immediately when you update dates on the recall plan (File-Print – Forms) screen. description <alert description> No Auto Worker Actions available Notes Used with ICS to identify documents posted to a patient’s chart Used with ICS to identify documents which require signature. Document was not seen before being recalled from Patient Portal. Document type of ___________ is signed. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Eligibility inquiry rejected with a rejection code of ________    Appointment cancelled Appointment deleted Patient Expired Event <select event(s)> is scheduled at location <select location(s)>. expiration date <__/__/__> . Training on setup and usage provided in a separate training session. Used with RTS Patient Portal is a separate purchase. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Page 59 of 72 . Patient expired No Auto Worker Actions available Patient expired No Auto Worker Actions available Document type of __________ is posted Document type of ___________ is signed. Document type of ___________ is signed. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Encounter deleted 02/18/2014 Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Auto-Creation Actions Auto-Completion Actions Auto-Worker Actions Authorizations with less than <enter # of enc> encounters remaining for <enter financial class or payer> <select financial classes or payers> Authorizations with less than <enter # of units> units remaining for <enter financial class or payer> <select financial classes or payers> Change of Address Update file has an invalid forwarding address record. expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . <___> days prior to appointment date Future appointments scheduled past expiration date of eligibility    Appointment cancelled at <Location> Appointment deleted Patient Expired    Appointment cancelled Appointment deleted Patient Expired Future appointments scheduled past expiration date of referral    Appointment cancelled Appointment deleted Patient Expired ICS Document sent to Patient Portal refilled and recalled from Patient Portal account. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Do Not Distribute. Document type of __________ is posted and document type requires a signature. Appendix A – Task Configuration Options Auto-Creation Actions Auto-Completion Actions ICS Document sent to Patient Portal refilled and recalled from Patient Portal account. Patient Portal is a separate purchase. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . Training on setup and usage provided in a separate training session. No Auto Worker Actions available Patient Portal is a separate purchase. Document was seen before being recalled from Patient Portal. Print statements indicator turned off for more than __ days Print statements indicator turned on Privacy Notice Reason set to <________> Referral inquiry rejected with a rejection code of <________> Page 60 of 72 Privacy notice reason set to ________ Auto-Worker Actions Notes No Auto Worker Actions available Patient Portal is a separate purchase. description <alert description> Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. expiration date <__/__/__> . ICS Document sent to Patient Portal was manually recalled. Document was viewed before being recalled. Patient Status of ________ assigned Document type of ___________ is signed. Task creates immediately when the specified status is attached to a patient. Training on setup and usage provided in a separate training session. expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . ICS Document sent to Patient Portal was manually recalled. Training on setup and usage provided in a separate training session. Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Do Not Distribute. Document was not viewed before being recalled. 02/18/2014 . description <alert description> Identifies charts that have the Print Statements indicator turned off (Patient Chart > Patient Information Tab > Chart Details subtab). Page 61 of 72 .00 Third party payment greater than $____ posted Encounter reaches history status Third party balance of $0. expiration date <__/__/__> . along with the Auto-Complete actions that might be used in conjunction with them. expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Encounter Task Options The following is a list of the Auto-Create actions available for Tasks with the source type “Encounter”. and the available Auto-worker actions.00 Third party payment greater than $____ posted Encounter reaches history status Third party balance of $0. Encounter tasks can also be automatically created from the Claim Edit Library. description <alert description> Used with 227 Claim status imports Used with 227 Claim status imports Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >.00 Third party payment greater than $____ posted Encounter reaches history status Third party balance of $0. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . Do Not Distribute. description <alert description>           <Reason Code/Subgrouping> of <___> is used on a posted transaction payment    Claim status received with category code of _____    Claim status received with message of _____    02/18/2014 Notes Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Auto-Completion Actions Auto-Worker Actions <Reason Code/Subgrouping> of <___> is used in conjunction with SIM <___> and <fin class/payer(s)> is <COB selection> <Reason Code/Subgrouping> of <___> is used in conjunction with SIM <___> and modifier <___> Auto-Creation Action  Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. description <alert description> <Reason Code/Subgrouping> of <___> is used in conjunction with SIM <___> and modifier <___> and <fin class/payer(s)> is <COB selection> <Reason Code/Subgrouping> of <___> is used on a posted payment  Encounter reaches history status Third party balance of $0.00 Third party payment greater than $____ posted Encounter reaches history status Third party balance of $0. The task is assigned to the claim edit library and will create a task based on the criteria selected in Enterprise Preferences. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . Note: System generated edits and contract edits will not create tasks.00 Third party payment greater than $____ posted Clean claim created Encounter reaches History status Third party payment posted Clean claim created Encounter reaches History status Third party payment posted Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. It does not consider the financial class of the outstanding balance. It does not consider the financial class of the outstanding balance.01) Identifies encounters with a primary insurance balance that meets the defined parameters. This can be used for insurance credit balances (between 9999.00  Create account alert with subject < alert subject >.00 Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. This can be used for insurance credit balances (between 9999. expiration date <__/__/__> . Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. description <alert description>    Encounter is greater than ____ days old from <date option> and COB1 balance is between $____ and $____ for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class/payer is <COB Selection> and encounter status in ____    Clean claim created Encounter reaches History status Third party balance of $0.99 and -0.99 and -0.01) The fin class parameter ONLY affects the COB position defined. expiration date <__/__/__> . The COB selection relates specifically to the financial class (es) selected. expiration date <__/__/__> . expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description>  Encounter is greater than ___ days old from <date rd option> and 3 party balance is between $____ and $____ for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class/payer is <COB Selection> and encounter status in <__>      Clean claim created Encounter reaches History status Third party payment posted Clean claim created Encounter reaches History status Third party balance of $0. 02/18/2014 . description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> The fin class parameter ONLY affects the COB position defined. Do Not Distribute.00 Third party payment greater than $_____ posted Third party payment posted Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. description <alert description>    Encounter is greater than ___ days old from <date option> and COB1 balance is less than $____ for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class/payer is <COB Selection> and encounter status in ____ Page 62 of 72    Encounter reaches History status Form template of _____ printed Third party balance of $0.00 Third party payment greater than $_____ posted Third party payment posted Notes Used with 227 Claim status imports    Encounter is greater than ___ days old from <date rd option> and 3 party balance is less than $____ for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class/payer is <COB Selection> and encounter status in ____      Clean claim created Encounter reaches History status Third party balance of $0. The COB selection relates specifically to the financial class(es) selected.Appendix A – Task Configuration Options Auto-Creation Action Claim status received with status code of ____ Auto-Completion Actions Auto-Worker Actions   Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. The COB selection relates specifically to the financial class(es) selected.99 and -0.01) Not intended to identify credit balances. This can be used for primary insurance credit balances (between -9999. 01) Create account alert with subject < alert subject >.00 Identifies encounters with a secondary insurance balance that meets the defined parameters.99 and -0. description <alert description>    Encounter is greater than ___ days old from <date option> and COB3 balance is less than $____ for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class/payer is <COB Selection> and encounter status in <__> 02/18/2014   Encounter reaches History status Third party balance of $0. This can be used for secondary insurance credit balances (between -9999.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Auto-Creation Action Encounter is greater than ____ days old from <date option> and COB2 balance is between $____ and $____ for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class/payer is <COB Selection> and encounter status in <____> Auto-Completion Actions Auto-Worker Actions   Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> .99 and -0.00 Notes    Encounter is greater than <__> days old from <date option> and COB2 balance is less than $____ for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class/payer is <COB Selection> and encounter status in <___> Encounter is greater than < __ > days old from <date option> and COB3 balance is between $____ and $____ for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class/payer is <COB Selection> and encounter status in <__>       Encounter reaches History status Form template of _____ printed Third party balance of $0.00 Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. The COB selection relates specifically to the financial class (es) selected. expiration date <__/__/__> . Do Not Distribute. description <alert description> Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. description <alert description>  Clean claim created Encounter reaches History status Third party balance of $0.00 Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. description <alert description>  Clean claim created Encounter reaches History status Third party balance of $0. expiration date <__/__/__> . Identifies encounters with a tertiary insurance balance that meets the defined parameters. expiration date <__/__/__> . The COB selection relates specifically to the financial class (es) selected.01) Not intended to identify credit balances. Page 63 of 72 . This can be used for tertiary insurance credit balances (between -9999. expiration date <__/__/__> .01) The COB selection relates specifically to the financial class (es) selected.Appendix A – Task Configuration Options Auto-Completion Actions Auto-Worker Actions Encounter is greater than _____ days old from <date option> and patient balance is less than $___ for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class/payer is <COB Selection> and encounter status is ____ Auto-Creation Action   Encounter is greater than _____ days old from <date option> and patient balance is between $___ and $___ for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class/payer is  <COB Selection> and encounter status is ____  Encounter is greater than _____ days old from <date option> and total balance is greater than $___ for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class/payer is <COB Selection> and encounter status is <_>  Page 64 of 72  Encounter reaches History status Form template of _____ printed Encounter reaches Bad Debt status  Encounter reaches History status  Form template of _____ printed Patient payment greater than $_____ posted. expiration date <__/__/__> . Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. description <alert description>  Pre-list encounter for bad debt under agency code <select agency>. and bad debt status: <select status>  Small balance write off using <transaction code selection> for patient balance  Small balance write off using <transaction code selection> for patient balance.99 and -0. and bad debt status: <select status>  Small balance write off using <transaction code selection> for patient balance Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. transaction code <trans code> rd for 3 party balance  Add collection letter of <____> to the encounter  Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. eftv <date>. description <alert description>  Pre-list encounter for bad debt under agency code <select agency>. eftv <date>.  Encounter reaches History status Form template of _____ printed Add collection letter of <____> to the encounter  Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Notes Not intended to identify credit balances. Do Not Distribute. 02/18/2014 .   Patient payment s must be posted with a Source type of Encounter to satisfy the auto-complete requirement This can be used to identify patient credit balances (between 9999. If a partial payment has been made on the encounter. Will identify encounters prelisted in the future. Will identify encounters put on hold in the future. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. It does not task any encounters that were already on hold when the task was created. Identifies encounters were a claim was processed and a third party payment has not been posted against that claim. this task will not create. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. It does not task encounters that were pre-listed before the task was created. Do Not Distribute. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >.    02/18/2014 Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description>  Small balance write off using <transaction code selection> for patient balance.    Encounter pre-listed   Encounter reaches History status Form template of _____ printed Encounter reaches History status Form template of <_____> printed Encounter reaches History status Form template of <_____> printed Encounter reaches bad debt status Incoming interface message using agent <___> Insurance verification is greater than <_> days old No third party payment received for <__> days since claim process date for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class/payer is <COB Selection>     Encounter reaches History status Third party balance of $0. expiration date <__/__/__> . description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . <transaction code rd selection> for 3 party balance.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Auto-Completion Actions Auto-Worker Actions Encounter is greater than _____ days old from <date option> and total balance is less than $___ for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class/payer is <COB Selection> and encounter status is <_> Auto-Creation Action   Encounter is put on hold Encounter reaches History status Encounter is put on hold. Page 65 of 72 . It does not task encounters that were pre-listed before the task was created. Will identify encounters prelisted in the future.00 Third party payment greater than <$___> posted Third party payment posted Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . just the claim process date. It does not task the encounters that are already in bad debt Based on the Verification Date in the encounter insurance section of the patient chart. Will identify encounters put in bad debt in the future. description <alert description>  Move balance from <COB selection> to <COB selection> Notes Not intended to identify credit balances. This does not look at the current balance. description <alert description>  Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . 00 Third party payment greater than $_____ posted Third party payment posted Encounter reaches Bad Debt status Encounter reaches History status Print statements indicator turned on Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . *This creates a task and automatically completes it so it is available in the patient history Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. expiration date <__/__/__> . <SIM Dept selection> where a contract is setup and the CPT 4 does not exist in the contract. or insurance balances where a partial payment was made. <SIM dept selection> where a contract is setup and the CPT 4 does not exist in the contract. description <alert description> Move balance from <COB selection> to <COB selection>. description <alert description> Notes  Identifies encounters were a claim was processed and a third party payment was made. expiration date <__/__/__> . <SIM Dept selection> where a contract is setup and the CPT 4 does not exist in the contract. description <alert description> Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Print statements indicator turned off for more than ___ days     Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. description <alert description>    Page 66 of 72 Encounter reaches History status Third party balance of $0. <rendering selection>. Do Not Distribute. Payment received for <rendering selection>. Payment received for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class payer is <COB Selection>. expiration date <__/__/__> . 02/18/2014 . expiration date <__/__/__> .Appendix A – Task Configuration Options Auto-Completion Actions Auto-Worker Actions No third party payment received for _____ days since the last third party payment received and third party balance is greater than $____ for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class is <COB Selection> Auto-Creation Action   Payment received but not for the contractual allowed amount Form template of _____ printed Payment received for <fin class/payer selection> where fin class payer is <COB Selection>.  Could be used to identify secondary insurance balances where the primary has already paid. description <alert description> Identifies encounters not receiving a statement because the Print Statement Indicator is turned off. but there is still an outstanding insurance balance. expiration date <__/__/__> . Use the Contract Library for the allowed amount. Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. description <alert description> Transaction Task Options The following is a list of the Auto-Create actions available for Tasks with the source type “Transaction”. carve out the transaction to a separate batch <Y/N>. An Outlook email is sent to Mark Manager. Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. Do Not Distribute. for billing status <enc status> . notifying him that there is a transaction that needs his approval. place batch on hold <Y/N>. the first approver in the Task Approval Profile for the encounter’s location. and the available Auto-worker actions. along with the Auto-Complete actions that might be used in conjunction with them. notifying him that there is a transaction that needs his approval. Auto-Creation Action Auto-Completion Actions Approval needed for adjustment amounts from <$__> and <$__>. Page 67 of 72 . for transaction codes <include/exclude> <select trans codes>. Denied transaction was resubmitted for approval. for transaction codes <include/exclude> <select trans codes>. and the available Auto-worker actions. the first approver in the Task Approval Profile for the encounter’s location. expiration date <__/__/__> .  Amount on transaction requiring approval was changed. place batch on hold <Y/N>. for billing status <enc status> . A Transaction Approval task is auto-created and routed to the first approver in the Task Approval Profile based on the encounter Location.EPM Worklog Best Practice Guide and Task Catalog Invoice Task Options The following is a list of the Auto-Create actions available for Tasks with the source type “Invoice”. An Outlook email is sent to Mark Manager.  Approval needed for payment amounts from <$__> and <$__>.  02/18/2014       Auto-Worker Actions Notes Amount on transaction requiring approval was changed. along with the Auto-Complete actions that might be used in conjunction with them. suppress patient statement when pending approval <Y/N>. Transaction Approval completed Transaction requiring approval was deleted. Auto-Creation Action Invoice is greater than ____days old from <date selection> and balance is greater than $_____ Auto-Completion Actions Invoice reaches history status Auto-Worker Actions Notes Create account alert with subject < alert subject >. Transaction Approval completed Transaction requiring approval was deleted    A Transaction Approval task is auto-created and routed to the first approver in the Task Approval Profile based on the encounter Location. Denied transaction was resubmitted for approval. carve out the transaction to a separate batch <Y/N>. suppress patient statement when pending approval <Y/N>. Do Not Distribute. for billing status <enc status> . place batch on hold <Y/N>. Denied transaction was resubmitted for approval. An Outlook email is sent to Mark Manager. suppress patient statement when pending approval <Y/N>. notifying him that there is a transaction that needs his approval. Certain Document Types can be selected to automatically create a task when documents are scanned through ICS. User Task Options User tasks can be automatically created from the Image Control System (ICS). for transaction codes <include/exclude> <select trans codes>. Auto-Completion Actions     Auto-Worker Actions Notes  Amount on transaction requiring approval was changed. Confidential – Proprietary Information – For Use By Authorized NextGen Healthcare Clients Only. carve out the transaction to a separate batch <Y/N>. Transaction Approval completed Transaction requiring approval was deleted  A Transaction Approval task is auto-created and routed to the first approver in the Task Approval Profile based on the encounter Location. 02/18/2014 .Appendix A – Task Configuration Options Auto-Creation Action Approval needed for refund amounts from <$__> and <$__>. Auto-Creation Action A 997 file has been rejected Fee Ticket Document Type of <_____> is posted Page 68 of 72 Auto-Completion Actions Auto-Worker Actions Notes This task is designed to automatically create when a batch of fee tickets are scanned into the ICS system and are ready for charge posting. the first approver in the Task Approval Profile for the encounter’s location.
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