Epithermal. Franco Pirajno 2011

March 27, 2018 | Author: AdhyAl-Ammarie | Category: Rock (Geology), Igneous Rock, Minerals, Granite, Magma



Ore Geology Reviews 43 (2011) 203–216Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Ore Geology Reviews journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/oregeorev Porphyry Cu–Au–Mo–epithermal Ag–Pb–Zn–distal hydrothermal Au deposits in the Dexing area, Jiangxi province, East China—A linked ore system Jingwen Mao a,⁎, Jiandong Zhang a, c, Franco Pirajno a, b, Daizo Ishiyama c, Huimin Su d, Chunli Guo a, Yuchuan Chen a a MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment, Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China Geological Survey of Western Australia, 100 Plain Street, East Perth, WA 6004, Australia Center for Geo-environmental Science, Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita University, Japan d China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100029, Beijing, China b c a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 19 May 2010 Received in revised form 2 August 2011 Accepted 13 August 2011 Available online 27 August 2011 Keywords: Porphyry Cu–Au–Mo deposits Epithermal Cu–Ag–Au–Zn–Pb deposit Shear zone-hosted gold deposit Mesozoic Dexing area East China a b s t r a c t Based on previous studies and detailed field investigations of the Dexing porphyry copper deposit, the Yinshan Ag-Pb-Zn deposit and the Jinshan shear zone – hosted gold deposit in the Dele Jurassic volcanic basin, in the northeastern Jiangxi province, East China, we propose that the three deposits share spatial, temporal and genetic relationships and belong to the same metallogenic system. Dexing is a typical porphyry Cu–Au– Mo deposit in which both ore-forming fluid and metals are derived from the granite porphyry. The Yinshan deposit consists of a porphyry copper ore located in the cupola of a quartz porphyry stock, in the lower part, and Ag–Pb–Zn ore veins in the upper part. The hydrothermal fluids were mainly derived from the magma in the early stages of the mineralizing event and became mixed with meteoric waters in the late stages. Its ore metals are magma-derived. Both the Jinshan base metal veins and the Hamashi, Dongjie and Naikeng quartz vein-type gold deposit are hosted by brittle–ductile structures, which are distal in relation to the porphyry intrusions and were formed by mixed magmatic fluids and meteoric water, whereas the gold was mainly leached from the country rocks (Mesoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group phyllite and schist). The deposits show a distinct spatial arrangement from porphyry Cu, to epithermal Ag–Pb–Zn and distal Au. We suggest a porphyry–epithermal–distal vein ore system model for this group of genetically related mineral deposits. They were formed in a back-arc setting in a Middle Jurassic active continental margin, with magmas derived from the subducted slab. © 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. 1. Introduction The Dele Mesozoic volcanic basin in the northern Jiangxin province, Southeastern China (Fig. 1) hosts three significant ore deposits: the Dexing porphyry Cu–Au–Mo deposit; the Yinshan Ag–Pb–Zn vein deposit; and the Jinshan shear zone-hosted gold deposit. Mining of these deposits began in the Sui and Tang Dynasties (605–908 A.D.) for Dexing and Yinshan, and in the Song Dynasty (960–1279 A.D.) for Jinshan. Extensive geological surveying and mineral exploration were conducted in the Dexing and Yinshan areas by the Jiangxi Bureau of Geology, Mineral Resources, Exploration and Development from the 1950s to the 1970s and in the Jinshan area by the Jiangxi Bureau of Nonferrous Geology and Mineral Resources in the 1980s. By 2000, the Dexing porphyry Cu–Au–Mo deposit, which consists of three orebodies (Tongchang, Fujiawu and Zhushahong) was reported to contain the following measured reserves: 5.2 Mt Cu at 0.45%, 128,000 t Mo at 0.01%, 215 t Au at ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 86 10 68327333; fax: + 86 10 68327142. E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Mao). 0169-1368/$ – see front matter © 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2011.08.005 0.19 g/t, 1279 t Ag (Tongchang); 2.57 Mt Cu at 0.5%, 168,000 t Mo at 0.03% (Fujiawu) and 600,000 t Cu at 0.42% (Zhushahong) (Qian et al., 1996). The Yinshan epithermal Ag–Pb–Zn vein deposit has measured reserves of 2600 t Ag at 196 g/t, 382,886 t Pb at 1.75%, 418,201 t Zn at 1.91%, and 858,803 t Cu at 0.53%, and 114 t Au at 0.62 g/t. The Jinshan shear zone gold deposit has Au reserve of 300 tat 6 g/t. Previous and ongoing research addresses the geology and geochemistry of these deposits. The geochemical work encompassed stable isotope studies and fluid inclusions, radiometric dating of ores and host rocks (e.g., Fan and Li, 1992; Li et al., 1994, 1997; Wang et al., 1999; Wei, 1985). Zhu et al. (1983) and Ye (1987) provided comprehensive summaries of the geology, geochemistry and prospecting techniques for the Dexing porphyry Cu–Au–Mo and the Yinshan epithermal Ag–Cu–Zn–Pb deposits. However, the essential features and characteristics of these deposits have not been described in English language journals. Rui et al. (2005) first introduced the Dexing porphyry Cu–Au–Mo deposits in an English language publication, based on data contributed by Zhu et al. (1983). Li and Sasaki (2007), Zhang et al. (2007) and Li et al. (2010) conducted fluid inclusion studies on the Dexing, Yinshan and Jinshan deposits. Lu et al. (2005), Wang et al. (2006) and Li et al. (2007b) 2007a. separated by Qinzhou–Hangzhou fault zone (Fig.9–2. 2). Sinian (Neoproterozoic) to Ordovician metasandstone and slate occur in the Nanling region.(2010)). Wang and Mo. 2). / Ore Geology Reviews 43 (2011) 203–216 Fig. comprehensive reviews of the available geology. the Lower Cambrian Hetang Formation. This is considered to be a Neoproterozoic suture zone. Greentree and Li. Geological setting South China consists of the Yangtze Craton in the northwest and the Cathaysia Block in the southeast. 2008. Cheng. The upper subgroup is composed of gray–green turbidite and basaltic lavas developed in a 1371 Ma active continent marginal depression setting (Jiangxi Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources.6–3. Since these three different deposits occur within a small area. The basement of the Yangtze Craton consists of Archean to Proterozoic rocks exposed in the Kangdian shield in the western margin. the Lower Jurassic Linshan and Ehuling Formations and the Cretaceous Shixi Formation (Fig. Neoproterozoic rocks outcrop in the southeast of the area and overlie the Mesoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group along a sheared contact (Fig. 1995). 1989. 1984). 2. 2007. The Mesoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group has extensive outcrops. 1984... 1) in which the eastern part is well-known as the Jiangshan– Shaoxing (simplified as Jiangshao) fault zone or shear zone (Pirajno and Bagas. 1993). as well as Cretaceous red-bed sandstones. occur in a series of NE-trending rift basins (Cheng. 1993). volcaniclastic rocks. we attempt to focus on the question of a genetic link between the three deposits and propose a new model. The lower subgroup comprises abyssal facies siltstone and mudstone intercalated with volcaniclastic rocks. which may aid further prospecting for new deposits or extensions of the existing ones. Jiangxi Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. central portion of the Cathaysian Block. along which the two tectonic units amalgamated at ~1. on the southern margin of the Yangtze Craton.. Jurassic clastic rocks intercalated with volcanic rocks. 1994. 2006).9 Ga (Chen and Jahn. 50 km north of the Jiangshan–Shaoxing Neoproterozoic fault zone.8 Ga and Hf model ages of 2. a possible genetic link between them needs to be considered. 2002). Phanerozoic cover in the Yangtze Craton comprises Cambrian to Early Triassic carbonates intercalated with clastic rocks. based on detailed field investigations and. Mao et al. the Neoproterozoic Dengshan Group. 2002. reported on dating of molybdenite (Re–Os). 2000. 1998. Ye et al. 2007c. 1994. the Jiangnan shield in the southern margin and the Dahongshan areas in the north margin (e. overlain by Devonian to Permian carbonate rocks.. The stratigraphic sequence in the Dexing area consists of the Mesoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group.. mica (Ar–Ar). geochemistry and exploration work.5 Ga (Zheng et al. Shui. 1988. 2005). Zhou and Zhu.204 J. 1515 Ma (Liu et al.1 Ga to 0. Zircons from Early Paleozoic lamproite diatremes in the Dahongshan area give U–Pb ages of 2. 1. and consists of a lower greenschist facies of sandstone. the Dayaoshan uplift between the Guangdong and Guangxi provinces and the western Hainan Island uplift. 2007b. accounting for about 70% of the total area. Li et al.g. The Cathaysia Block has a Proterozoic basement in the Wuyishan uplift in the east. intercalated with basaltic lavas. In this paper. It can be further divided into an upper subgroup and a lower subgroup.. The Dexing ore cluster (or Dexing area) is located in the Jiangnan shield. characterized by a flysch setting that is suggested to have developed in a marginal depression of a stable continent at ca. They are composed of terrestrial volcaniclastic and clastic rocks of paralic . and Jurassic to Cretaceous clastic rocks intercalated with volcanic rocks. and zircon (U– Pb) for both Dexing and Yinshan. Qiu et al. Simplified geology of Cathaysian Block and the distribution of the granitoid-related Cu–Au–Ag–Pb–Zn ore deposits along the Shihang (or Qinzhou–Hangzhou) rift belt and adjacent areas (modified from Guo et al. 2) and is hosted in the Tongchang. northeastern Jiangxi Province (modified from Zhu et al. These granitic porphyries occur as small stocks and lie at the intersections of NWW-trending and NE-trending faults (Fig. the Fujiawu granodiorite porphyry has a outcrop area of 0. 3. Sketch map of geology and the distribution of granitoid-related Cu–Au–Ag polymetallic deposits in the Dele Mesozoic basin (or Dexing area). comprising from bottom upwards. 3. hornblende rhyolite. and Middle Jurassic dacitic–rhyolitic volcanic rocks and associated subvolcanic rocks. tuffaceous phyllite and meta-sedimentary tuff of the Mesoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group.1. northeastern Jiangxi deep fault (or Maoqiao ophiolite shear zone) in the southeast and Sizhoumiao anticlinoria in the center constitute the dominating structural features of the studied area (Fig. Li and Sasaki. 2. The country rocks intruded by the granodiorite porphyries are sericitic phyllite. 3). which developed along the Miaoqiao ophiolite ductile shear zone (Xu and Qiao. Host rocks for the mineralization are both Mesoproterozoic metamorphic rocks and Lower Jurassic volcanic rocks.06 km2. The Cretaceous red-bed sandstone of the Shixi Formation occurs in the NE-trending rift basins in the south of the area. 1989. Zhou and Zhao. and the Zhushahong granodiorite porphyry occurs as a group of dykes. . 2004) in the southwest and southeast.. The Jinshan shear zone. Dexing porphyry Cu ore system The Dexing porphyry copper system lies in the northeastern part of the Dele ore district (Fig. Geology and geochemistry of the deposits 3.7 km2. basic volcanics and ophiolite fragments dated at 929–1160 Ma. / Ore Geology Reviews 43 (2011) 203–216 205 Fig. in which the largest dykes has an outcrop area of ca. Lower Cambrian carbonate rocks of the Hetang Formation occur in the southeastern corner of the Dexing area and are overlain by Sinian clastic rocks (Fig. 2). Rocks in the area mainly consists of Neoproterozoic marine facies volcaniclastic (dacitic) clastic rocks. Granitoids The Tongchang granodiorite porphyry has a surface outcrop area of ca. conglomerate. 1). 0. The Bashiyuan–Tongchang and Jiangguang–Fujiawu sub-parallel ductile shear zones are developed between the Le'anjiang and northeastern Jiangxi deep fault zone.2 km2.(1983) and Li and Sasaki(2007)).. dacitic agglomerate and dacitic lava. rhyolitic agglomerate breccias. 0.1. Zhushahong. consisting of several groups of sub-parallel EW-trending brittle–ductile shear zones. occur as subordinate structures between Bashiyuan–Tongchang and Jiangguang–Fujiawu ductile shear zones. the major host for the Jinshan gold deposit. such as quartz porphyry. 1991). Mao et al. 1983). and Fujiawu granitic porphyries and surrounding county rocks (Zhu et al.1. Each porphyry stock exhibits a pipe-like shape plunging to NW (Fig. 2). swamp facies (the Dengshan Group). Wang et al. and the Ehuling Formation. The NE-trending Le'anjiang deep fault zone in the northwest. The lower Jurassic units can be divided into clastic rocks of alluvial flat and lake swampy facies of the Linshan Formation in the lower part. dacitic porphyry (183 Ma.J. 2007) and granodiorite porphyry (171 Ma. and a date of 171± 3 Ma using the SHRIMP zircon U–Pb method (Wang et al. amphibole (7–10%) and biotite (3– 7%). apatite. titanite. K-feldspar (14–17%).. quartz (16–23%).7 ~ 17.05–0.84). Zhu et al. chalcopyrite and molybdenite (Rui et al. (1983) reported the initial strontium isotopic value (Isr) of 0. Plans and sections of the Zhuashahong.. . hornblende and biotite. 1983). Zhu et al. pre-mineralization aplite. mineralized granodiorite (major phase) and post-mineralization quartz diorite.% SiO2. pyrite. 1.. tabular K-feldspar (1–5 mm) and quartz (1–3 mm). Zhu et al. ~15 wt. Granodiorite porphyries are characterized by 62–63 wt.9 ~ 216.0 ppm. 0. Mao et al. and Fujiawu in the Dexing porphyry Cu–Au–Mo ore district.. Accessory minerals in these rocks include magnetite. low high field strength elements (HFSE) and HREE depletion (ΣREE = 24. amphibole (8–10%) and biotite (4–7%).94–2. (2004) described granodiorite and quartz diorite porphyries in the Dexing area.07 wt. Accessory minerals are magnetite.2 ppm.5– 2 mm) and biotite (0. HREE = 2. quartz (19–21%).% K2O..7043. quartz (18–23%).5–4 mm in length. The Fujiawu intrusive rocks comprise plagioclase (43–55%). La/Yb= 8 ~ 44).(1983) and Rui et al. 1984. Zhu et al. 3. the Tongchang intrusive rocks consist of plagioclase (46–52%). apatite. 2004).. Tongchang. Magnetite is the dominant accessory phase. and rare ilmenite.3 mm grain size) texture and consists of hypidiomorphic oligoclase (An16–20). The rockforming and accessory mineral contents of the different intrusive rocks in the Dexing area show only small variations. and zircon (Rui et al. 1984.33–0. Northeastern Jiangxi (modified from Zhu et al.5–3 mm). 1983). and zircon (Rui et al. 1984. titanite.2 ~ 206.% Al2O3. Their accessory minerals are magnetite. Zhu et al. apatite. K-feldspar (13–18%). enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and LREE. Other phenocryst minerals are idiomorphic–hypidiomorphic hornblende (0. K-feldspar (13– 16%). zircon. Wang et al. For example. and xenomorphic quartz and K-feldspar. (1983) recognized five magmatic phases: three phases of granodiorite porphyry (major part) and two phases of diorite porphyry (supplementary part).. LREE = 22. They are characterized by idiomorphic phenocrysts of andesine (An30–45). low K2O/(Na2O + K2O) (0.or fine-granular (0. amphibole (7–11%) and biotite (2–9%). 1983).206 J. / Ore Geology Reviews 43 (2011) 203–216 Fig. The matrix has a micro. which exhibit weak normal zoning.(2005)). ilmenite is absent in the Dexing granitic porphyries.3 ppm. Li and Sasaki (2007) further suggested three stages of emplacement. The Zhushahong intrusive rocks are composed of plagioclase (47–52%). Based on the thermometric measurements of fluid inclusions and stable isotope systematics Li and Sasaki (2007) suggested that the temperatures of mineralization of D veins are between 115 and 430 °C.4 ± 1. NE-. seligmannite and matildite. The Tongchang orebody is the largest of the three. and 3) meteoric water. where Ag–Pb– Zn mineralization occurs as veins. 8. and lesser molybdenite. but these are not present at Tongchang and Zhushahong. indicating that hydrothermal fluids of the late alteration stages are predominantly magmatic.1.2. During the first cycle rhyolitic dacite and rhyolite erupted along fractures.2. Jiulongshangtian (simplified as Jiuqu) Xishan. Country rocks The host rocks for the Yinshan orebodies are Middle Jurassic volcanic– subvolcanic rocks (porphyry) of the Ehuling Formation and phyllite and tuffaceous phyllite of the Mesoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group. The hydrothermal fluids responsible for muscovite in the D vein have an isotopic composition (δ18Ovalues = 3. There is weak K-feldspar and biotite alteration in the Fujiawu. 4. aikinite. and disseminated ores. arsenopyrite. Yinshan. Cu–Au–Mo mineralization is developed at the endoand exo-contact zone. 5 in Yinshan area. pyrrhotite. whereas δ34S for chalcopyrite in H vein ranges from 4 to 5‰.8 to −6. Orebodies and mineral assemblages The Yinshan deposit can be divided into five ore sections and twelve ore belts. δ18Owater = 5. 2002) indicate that there are three types of hydrothermal fluids: 1) magmatic. Gangue .2‰ and 6. possibly indicating that the hydrothermal fluids carrying the ore-forming metals from the interior of the porphyry to the discharge zone along the contacts with country rocks. 2004). indicating that the mineralization event occurred in the Middle Jurassic. Primary fluid inclusions in the D vein include liquid-rich. sphalerite. that connect with the porphyry system below (Fig. 4) dated at 181 ± 3 Ma by SHRIMP zircon U–Pb method (Li et al. Carbon and oxygen isotope values for hydrothermal calcite in H veins are −4. In the first two.5‰ to 9. a connate fluid that circulates through the magmatic system at low fluid rock ratios also would end up with the same isotopic signature. 3.711).3.. 11 porphyry) (Ye. Alteration and mineralization Rui et al. whereas the Zhushahong orebody comprises several smaller en-echelon ore zones (Rui et al. 1 to 15 m wide and extend to depths of 200 to 600 m (rarely to 1050 m). the ore veins show nearly E–W-trends with steep dips either to the N or S. No.1. comprising dacite and dacitic porphyries (Fig. measuring 400 m by 700 m. siderite. Structures The major structures in the Yinshan deposit area are the Yinshan NE-plunging anticline and faults that controlled volcanic activity and the formation of explosive breccias pipes. in the northern part of the mine area.8‰. digenite. chlorite and anhydrite. Mao et al. and NNW-trending faults hosts the mineralization (Ye. bravoite. cubanite. Three discontinuous cycles of felsic. selenium. at the intersections of approximately EW-trending structures and NE-trending structures in the northeastern and eastern parts of the deposit area..6 to 5. form classic stockworks. 12 in the Xishan section. and minor pyragyrite. / Ore Geology Reviews 43 (2011) 203–216 3. (2002) also explained that strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr)i values increase gradually from the interior of a porphyry body towards the contact with country rocks (0.. with subordinate NW. hydromuscovite (illite). The second cycle of magmatic rocks. galena. and exhibit cylindrical shapes concentrated around the granodiorite porphyries. whereas in the Yinshan section they strike NW with steep dips to the SW or SE. sphalerite. chlorite–(epidote)–sericite.and NNE-strikes. 7 and No. Orebodies and ore components The orebodies of all of three deposits.J. felsic–intermediate and intermediate magmatic activities have been identified in the Yinshan area. as well as small scale N–S faults.. Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of different altered rocks in the Tongchang (Jin et al.1. The gangue minerals are mainly quartz. The third cycle of magmatic activity is characterized by only a small amount of andesitic lava confined to the volcanic edifice of Xishan in the west of the deposit area (No. 4) from south to north. 2005). 3. The above data indicate that the ore-forming fluids of the Dexing porphyry copper ore system are derived from the exsolution of fluids from the cooling magma. 2005. tellurium and cobalt also can be recovered as by-products in addition to copper. overprinted on both granodiorite and the country rocks. are mainly distributed in Xishan and surrounding areas. Felsic and felsic–intermediate magmatic activities began with pyroclastic eruptions. with a NW–SE-strike 2. tennantite and bornite.2. 3. Major faults trend NNE. exhibiting equidistant right-lateral distribution along the NE-trending hanging wall (NW side) of the Yinshan anticline axis (Li. and Beishan (Fig. (3) sulfide–quartz veins (D vein). The D veins are the most important for the mineralization in the Dexing porphyry deposit. molybdenum and gold. similar to that of typical magmatic fluids (δD = −80‰ to −40‰. as suggested by Ohmoto (1986) and Sheppard (1986). 9 and No. Jiuqu and Yinshan. hosted by phyllite of the Mesoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group at the margin of the volcanic basin in the Qiulongshangtian-Beishan area. The mineralization is spatially. siegenite. No.5‰). 1987). bismuthinite. with main orebodies (about two thirds) in the country rocks (exo-contact zone) (Rui et al. 3. 3). However. Magmatic fluids play a predominant role in the ore-forming process. 1983) (Fig. 3. rhenium. No.2. 11 in the Jiuqu section. The Fujiawu orebody has a round shape with a diameter of 100 m and an inner barren core diameter of 800 m. 5). and (4) carbonate– sulfate–oxide veins (H vein).705→ 0. (1984. Silver. comprising Nanshan.54 km length and an inner barren core.2. suggesting a magmatic origin for sulfur. δDvalues = −49 to −46‰). 3. The δ34S of pyrite in the D vein ranges from −0. at a corresponding pressure range of 20–400× 105 Pa. there are no evidences to prove a connate fluid kept in the phyllite of the Mesoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group. millerite.8–18. Theoretically.. respectively. No. No. 4). 4). 1987). in the Nanshan section. Subvolcanic quartz porphyries were emplaced as EW-trending dykes or small porphyries (Fig. No. 2005) is consistent with the granodiorite age of 171 ± 3 Ma (Wang et al. The O. Both the Tongchang and Fujiawu orebodies are about 1000 m deep. 2005) recognized three alteration zones: quartz– sericite. It is ovalshaped at the surface. 10 in the Beishan area. to lava extrusion and ending with subvolcanic intrusions. Li and Sasaki (2007) recognized four types of vein systems as follows: (1) granular quartz–K-feldspar– sulfide or K-feldspar veins (A vein).. 2) deep-seated non-magmatic. and minor chalcocite. sulfur.4‰. Yinshan Ag–Pb–Zn–Cu deposits Yinshan Ag–Pb–Zn–Cu deposit is a volcanic–subvolcanic hydrothermal deposit or porphyry–epithermal deposit. The sulfides in the ores are mainly pyrite and chalcopyrite. The dominant ore belts are No. Jin et al. a small amount of pyrite and arsenopyrite..2. vapor-rich and halite-bearing ones. chlorargyrite native silver and a number of Pb–Ag–Sb-sulphosalts.and NWW-trending splays. temporally and genetically related to the Middle Jurassic volcanic and/or subvolcanic quartz porphyry. The major ore minerals are galena. The Pb–Zn–Ag ore veins occur in Beishan. Zhu et al.8 Ma (Lu et al. NE and NNW. with steep dips to the NS or NNW. 1994). These ore veins are 300 and 600 m long. and chlorite–epidote–illite surrounding the granodiorite porphyry outwards and upwards. The quartz porphyry associated with the ores was emplaced at intersections of the NE-trending and the E–W-trending faults. 207 The Re–Os molybdenite age of 170. and No. (2) quartz–molybdenite–chalcopyrite veins (B vein). Each of the belts comprises about ten ore veins.3.1 to 3‰. 2007b). carrollite. A series of NNE-. the host rocks for the ore-related porphyries. 2. gersdorffite. Volcanism in this stage started along fractures and ended as calderas in Xishan (Fig. The ore veins in the Xishan section show NE. veinlets and disseminated Cu–Au ores hosted by quartz porphyries and andesitic volcanic rocks.4± 1. There is an apparent mineralization zonation with the Cu–Au–S in the center and Ag–Pb–Zn at the outer margin (modified from Ye(1987). there are also stringer veins. to the explosive breccia pipes nearby. Therefore. Yang et al. Zhang et al. Ye (1987) recognized alteration zoning of sericitization. (2007) recognized four stages. and type III halitebearing inclusions within the H2O–NaCl system. (1997) obtained δ18O values of fluids from 6.2. They are: type I vapor-rich. sericitized and chloritized (carbonate) phyllite zone →chloritized and carbonated phyllite zone→carbonated and chloritized pyroclastic rocks zone. Pirajno. Textural characteristics indicative of boiling are commonly seen in the Yinshan deposit. 2005. tennantite. With continued crystallization saline fluids were then exsolved from the crystallizing magmas. quartz. type II liquid-rich (accounting for N90% of total). 4. Apart from these large Ag–Pb–Zn ore veins.208 J. Plan of the Yinshan porphry Cu–Au vein-type Ag–Pb–Zn deposit in the Dele Mesozoic basin. (1996) proposed that the isotopic compositions of the late mineralization fluids related to galena and .6 to 9. kaolinite. The mineralization also shows a metal zoning of Cu→Cu– Pb–Zn→Pb–Zn→Pb (Ag) from the dacitic porphyry outwards.5‰ and δD values of inclusion fluids from −48 to −34‰ with calculated temperatures from 390 °C to 270 °C. Surrounding the quartz porphyry in the Jiuqu and Xishan sections. minerals include sericite. 6). Mao et al. sericitization– carbonation and chloritization–carbonation. and sphalerite. chalcopyrite. and recognized that three major types of fluids were involved in the ore-forming process. surrounding the quartz porphyry or dacitic porphyry. Zhang et al. dickite. The early fluids exsolved from such silicate melts (represented by type I inclusions) have a very low salinity due to the low pressure conditions. These alteration and metal zoning are similar to those in the classic porphyry Cu systems (Seedorff et al. calcite and kaolinite. (2007) carried out systematic fluid inclusion studies in the Yinshan district area. 2) pyrite–quartz. barite. dolomite and chalcedony (Ye. Collapse of the overpressured system through explosion and accompanied by introduction of meteoric water resulted in the generation of low to moderate salinity fluid inclusions. Li et al. gangue mineralogy is dominated by quartz. 2007c)). galena. 3) pyrite– chalcopyrite–quartz. and associated metal zoning of Cu. Pb. sericite.. In past 2 years a new orebody with Cu reserve of 200.(2007a. from early to late: 1) barren quartz. Under high pressure conditions (N900 bar) high-salinity fluids were trapped. with stringer veins.000 t was explored at depth within the Jiuqu section. 2007b. Such a dilute hot fluid is considered responsible for the development of early barren and possibly some pyrite-bearing quartz veins.4 Ma and a late age of 175. then along the south and north contacts.2 Ma. chlorite. resulting in an early age of 178. (2004) proposed a similar zoning. and Li et al. 2009). Zhang et al. the latter two mineralization stages are mainly dominated by vapor–liquid inclusions. tetrahedrite. The larger Cu–Au orebodies exhibit tabular shapes. where pyrite–chalcopyrite assemblages occur along the shear zone (Fig. Mineralization and alteration Ye (1987) reported the presence of two mineralization episodes: 1) early Cu-pyrite stage.2±1. enargite. / Ore Geology Reviews 43 (2011) 203–216 Fig. Pb–Zn. stockworks and disseminated ores. fluorite. 1987).4. and 2) late Pb–Zn–Ag stage. characterized by (from the dacitic porphyry outwards): (weak) sericitized dacite porphyry zone→pyritic and sericitized dacite porphyry zone and phyllite zone→pyritic. Cu–Au orebodies are present in the altered porphyry in the roof pendants. illite. (2007b) applied muscovite 40Ar/39Ar methods to obtain ages for these two mineralization stages. Cu–Pb–Zn. Major ore minerals are pyrite. chlorite. After detailed investigation Zhang et al. 3. and 4) pyrite–sphalerite±galena–quartz. locally with coexisting high-salinity and low to moderate salinity fluid inclusions indicating boiling. linking the regional NE-trending strike-slip shear zone along the margins of the deposit area.J.4 (Wei. The Au grade is irregular. hematite. chalcopyrite and galena. Mao et al. Structures The Jinshan brittle–ductile shear zone is composed of several parallel deformation bands at scales ranging from 0. 2).3. sphalerite. pyritization.5‰ and δDH2O =−70‰). calcite.3. 5. pyrite and ankerite) and in quartz veins. including Huaqiao and Bashiyuan (Fig. albitization. is hosted in the Jinshan brittle–ductile E–W. N and NE. and NE-trending shear zone. subordinate sericite. locally enclosing lenses of undeformed rocks. Fig.2. ankerite and chlorite. arsenopyrite. The country rocks in the Jinshan mine area are Mesoproterozoic metamorphic rocks.2 m to 16 m. tabular and lenticular and parallel to the main shear plane (C foliation). averaging 3. Gangue minerals are quartz. Pyrite is the most important gold-bearing mineral host. averaging 6 g/t. Section through the Yinshan ore deposit showing the mineralization zoning with Cu–Au–S in the depth and Ag–Pb–Zn upward (after Ni(2010)). 3. The ore displays a structure of orientation arrangement mainly consisting of quartz. 3. including mainly pyrite. and are confined within the quartz–pyrite–ankerite alteration zone at the center of the Jinshan shear zones (Fig.1. subordinate magnetite. Yinshan ore deposit. 1995).3. They have thicknesses ranging from 1. The fluid inclusion characteristics of the Yinshan deposit area are typical of porphyry Cu polymetallic deposits. galena and tetrahedrite. 7). 3. which are similar to those in the Dexing porphyry Cu deposit area.5 m.3. located about 3–4 km SW of Dexing. Gold mineralization occurs in altered rocks (silica.6–969. Native gold has a fineness of 953. having dip angles of 5° to 35°NW.3. The fine-grained and xenomorphic native gold occurs as disseminations or as micro-veinlets hosted in pyrite and quartz coexisting with chalcopyrite. Mineralization and alteration Alteration of country rock in the Jinshan gold deposit is expressed as silicification. Photograph showing the porphyry Cu–Au ore taken in the adit in the Jiuqu mine. Ore mineral assemblages are simple. sericitization. are characteristics of meteoric waters (δ18OH2O = 0. Jinshan Au deposits The Jinshan gold deposit. sericite and pyrite. 3. protomylonite and ultramylonite. chloritization and . Orebodies and mineral assemblages The gold orebodies in the Jinshan mine are layer-like. with the single highest value of 1687 g/t. which also hosts other gold deposits. / Ore Geology Reviews 43 (2011) 203–216 209 Fig. albite.1 m to 650 m in width that consist of mylonite. 6. and (3) chlorite–calcite–sericite. 2005) has been shown to contain a similar element association as the Dexing porphyry deposit. According to the characteristics of fluid inclusions.1. porphyry Cu–Au deposits are quite rare.3 to 14. Small-scale auriferous quartz vein-type gold mineralization is also developed along a steep strike-slip brittle–ductile shear zones. 100 m. Wei. These differences in the element associations of porphyry systems can be related to tectonic setting and its implications to the composition of the magmatic system. Li et al. Rebagliati and Payne. with trapping temperatures of quartz fluid inclusions ranging from 250 °C to 215 °C. Section through the Jinshan shear zone-hosted gold deposit. (2009) suggest that the ore-forming fluids are mainly crustally-derived. Zhang and Tan (1998) suggested that mineralization in the Jinshan gold deposit is related to a granitic intrusion at depth. consisting of a chlorite–calcite zone. He/Ar isotopic systematics investigated by Li et al. Zou (1993). 2000). Fan and Li (1992) divided the mineralization into three stages. Porphyry copper–epithermal Ag–Pb–Zn–distal hydrothermal Au deposits: a new mineral system Porphyry mineral systems are usually divided into porphyry Cu–Au and porphyry Cu–Mo. pyrite and arsenopyrite. Li et al. Recently. In the southwest Pacific islands arcs there are many porphyry Cu–Au deposits and these are usually associated with epithermal Au and/or Au–Ag deposits. Fig.and low-temperature fluids. Fan and Li (1992) reported a large number of universally small fluid inclusions dominated by liquid-dominant or liquid-only fluid inclusions.. Based on the metamorphism and deformation of the rocks and mineral paragenesis.210 J. Zhang and Tan (1998) recognized four types of fluid inclusions: (1) gas–liquid brine inclusions. (2009) suggested that mineralization in the Hamashi gold deposit can be divided into three (a) quartz–pyrite stage—comprising dominant quartz and a small amount of pyrite and native gold. Wei (1996) recognized a distinct alteration zoning along the Jinshan shear zone. whereas Mo would be mainly from the lower crust. developed on both sides of the first alteration zone with vertical thickness of ca. 2005). Mao et al. and (3) carbonate with homogenization temperatures ranging from 190 °C to 160 °C. / Ore Geology Reviews 43 (2011) 203–216 carbonation. Salinities of 12. (2) pure hydrocarbon inclusions (10–15%). (3) saline daughter mineral-bearing polyphase inclusions (~1%). Zhang and Tan. 4. 1996). other quartz vein-type gold deposit include Hamashi. siderite and ankerite. arsenopyrite. chalcopyrite. but generally less than 50 m. Wall rock hydrothermal alteration consists of silicification accompanied by arsenopyrite and pyrite. metamorphic water and meteoric water (Liu et al. a quartz–sericite– dolomite zone and a quartz–pyrite–ankerite zone. 2010... (2007a. . 2010) proposed that alteration patterns can be divided into three zones from the center of the shear zone outward. and finally mixtures of magmatic water. Dongjia and Naikeng—also within a NE-trending shear zone. the Pebble porphyry Cu–Au–Mo deposit in southwest Alaska (Kelley et al. Along the western South American continental margin and in the southwestern part of the United States of America and the northwestern part of Mexico Cu–Mo porphyry deposits are dominant (Cooke et al. Apart from the three large deposits mentioned above. Lang et al. 1994). occurring around the main shear zone with the highest strain and a vertical thickness of several meters to tens of meters. and containing the highest gold grades. 1992. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic systematics have led researchers to propose several different and contradictory sources of ore-forming fluids such as mixtures of magmatic and meteoric waters (Fan and Li.. to the northeast of the Yinshan deposit and southwest of the Zhushahong (Fig.. making up 80–85% of the total. minor galena and sphalerite). with homogenization temperatures ranging from 225 °C to 190 °C. 2). (2007a)).5 wt. Li et al. Fan and Li (1992).. The altered wall rocks have low grade gold on both sides of the auriferous quartz veins. 2009. 1990. (2) quartz–sericite–ankerite. 2008). Ore minerals are native gold. (2) quartz–sulfide. with small amounts of galena and sphalerite. gangue minerals comprise quartz. mixtures of metamorphic and meteoric water (Ji et al.. reflecting the relationship of the gold orebodies to the mylonitic rocks (modified from Wei(1996). Zhang and Tan (1998) proposed that high contents of organic matter in ore-forming fluids are important for gold transportation and precipitation. Yang et al. Copper could be derived from the mantle (including remelting of subducted slab and mantle or basaltic underplates). calcite and sericite. 7. 2007a. but with involvement of a small amount of mantle fluids. and (c) carbonate–sulfide or sulfate–sulfide stage—consisting of abundant calcite. as well as liquid CO2-bearing three-phase inclusions (b1%). as follows: (1) quartz–albite–ankerite–pyrite. both silicification and pyritization are closely associated with gold mineralization. metamorphic waters (Li et al. (b) sulfide stage—characterized by massive sulfide (pyrite. 1998). 2008. but most porphyry deposits in China are porphyry Cu–Mo and Cu–Mo–Au deposits. from the margin to the center of the shear zone. occurring in the outermost parts of the shear zone but not extending beyond it.% NaCl were determined for medium. Discussion and conclusions 4. mixture of magmatic and metamorphic water (Huang and Yang. and (4) pure CO2 inclusions. and then determined the fluid inclusion characteristics of each: (1) quartz– pyrite. Following a comparative study of available geochemical data and Sr/Nd isotopic systematics. we propose that the NE-trending strike-slip shear zones throughout the Dexing area were initiated in the Neoproterozoic and were subsequently reactivated several times. However. The Yinshan Ag–Pb–Zn deposit in Northeastern Jiangxi province is genetically related to the Mesozoic volcanic–subvolcanic rocks. the age of 717 ± 6 Ma and 838 Ma coincide with the period of convergence of the Yangtze Craton and Cathaysia block. H2O. Although there are four different opinions about the source of the ore-forming fluids responsible for the Jinshan gold deposit. (1998). immiscibility of brine and gas (phase separation).9 ± 1. 2005) and laterally to base metal (Cu–Pb–Zn) vein systems (Pirajno. 2009). the age data are nevertheless consistent with important tectonic events in the geological history of South China.7 Ma are not concordant with the convergence between the North China Craton and South China Block. The 406 ± 25 Ma age is associated with uplift of the Cathaysia Block. HF. SiO2 vs.. / Ore Geology Reviews 43 (2011) 203–216 Porphyry Cu–Au deposits are associated with low-K. suggesting that they originated from enriched mantle with some mixing with upper crustal material (Fig. Through field investigations and the examination of existing data. Mao et al.. Ye. (1984) and Pei et al. whereas those of the Dexing deposits plot in the field of high-K calcalkaline granitoids (Fig. is conducive to extensive convective circulation of magmatic fluids and meteoric water and the precipitation of ore. Except for the ages above. (2007a) pointed out that the formation of the Jinshan gold deposit is mainly associated with Proterozoic metamorphic fluids. and vein-like Ag– Pb–Zn deposits. Due to the limitation of these dating techniques. 2004). the principal difference is that they are either related to Neoproterozoic metamorphism or to Middle Jurassic granitic magmatism. All these contribute to the formation of significant mineralization. (2008b) used the same method to date the auriferous quartz vein. and has high concentration of volatiles (i.9± 1. (1998) proposed that when 35–60% of phenocrysts crystallized from the magma in a shallow chamber. yielding 161±6 Ma. Wang et al. from the Metaliferi Mts. we can safely assume that the granodiorite in the Dexing area and the andesitic volcanic–subvolcanic rocks in the Yinshan area are part of the same magmatic event. (2004).J. and reference therein). Mao et al. depressurization. In outlining a genetic model. and a K/Ar age of 269.. Since the Dexing porphyry and Yinshan porphyry Cu–Au–epithermal Ag–Pb–Zn deposits occur within a small area and share the same Middle Jurassic age it can be reasonably assumed that they belong to the same mineralizing system (Chen et al.7 Ma for illite in the auriferous quartz veins.. (2008a) reported a Rb–Sr isochron age of 838 Ma for pyrite from the quartz ore vein.5±2.1–55 wt. . Zhang (1994) also applied the whole rock Rb–Sr method to date ultramylonite and quartz veins and obtained an age of 717 ±6 Ma. In fact. This implies that the Jinshan is either an orogenic gold or intrusion-related gold deposit. one can observe the coexistence of a porphyry copper deposit developed in the lower part of the volcanic edifice. (1983). almost all calc-alkaline granitoids related to porphyry (or porphyry–skarn) Cu deposits have been argued to be adakitic rocks (Zhang et al. Le et al. 8). Secondly. Mao et al. (2000). respectively. these porphyry deposits are also associated with epithermal Au–Ag deposits.9 Ma to 161 ± 6 Ma are consistent with the Late Jurassic magmatism and related Dexing and Yinshan porphyry–epithermal mineralization. for example. The igneous rocks of the Yinshan deposit plot in the fields of both high-K calc-alkaline granitoids and shoshonite.9± 1. At temperatures of 650 °C to 750 °C and salinities of 0. the nature and composition of this fluid has two remarkable implications for the deposition of mineralization. 8. and P2O5) as well as ore-forming metals. 2009. possibly overprinted by Mesozoic magmatic fluids. 2008). its large volume triggers formation of a stockwork fracture system in the roof pendants of the porphyry intrusion which. (1999) obtained a Rb–Sr isochron age of 406±25 Ma from fluid inclusions in quartz vein and shear zone rocks. evolving upward to epithermal systems in andesitic to dacitic volcanic rocks (Seedorff et al. If the denudation of a metallogenic belt is comparatively shallow. These granitoids are derived from a deep source (lower crust).%) diagram for the igneous rocks in the Dexing area. SO2. skarn deposits (if carbonate rocks are present).8 and 269. Dexing is a typical porphyry Cu–Au–Mo deposit. The ages ranging from 167. HCl. Ye et al. Romania (Cook and Ciobanu. In the recent past. (2007a) reported two K/Ar ages of 299. 10). This fluid phase is alkali and silica-rich. possibly reflecting the earliest stages of the formation of the ENE-trending strikeslip fault.. Pei et al. 1987). Igneous rocks from both deposits have similar REE patterns (Fig. similar to deposits in Mexico (Simmons et al. Zhang (1994) dated a whole rock chloritized phyllite by Rb–Sr methods. 1989... For example.. although not accurate. forming a mineral system. water/rock reaction and mixing with meteoric water. the fluids that exsolved from the magma adjusted or changed constantly with temperature decrease.8 Ma from illite in the auriferous mylonite. 1998. the fluids replaced (altered) the porphyry and country rocks. Thus. whereas porphyry Cu–Mo deposits are related to alkali-rich granitoids (Cooke et al.7 Ma and 317. resulting in a hydrothermal alteration that is expressed as spotted biotite and K-feldspar (alkali metasomatism). Li et al.% NaCl equiv. Zhang (2001). Rui et al. with Dexing porphyry Cu– Au–Mo at depth and epithermal Ag–Pb–Zn at shallow levels. the epithermal Ag–Pb–Zn ore veins in the Yinshan mine are connected with the porphyry Cu–Au at depth. it is difficult to verify the reliability of these data. hydrothermal alteration and their zoning from the intrusion outwards (see Pirajno. secondary boiling would lead to exsolution of an independent critical–supercritical magmatic fluid phase. mid-K and high-K calc-alkaline granitoids. The chemical analyzed data are from Zhu et al. We therefore propose that the Dexing porphyry and Yinshan porphyry Cu–Au–epithermal Ag–Pb–Zn deposits belong to the same mineral system. Wu and Liu (1989) obtained a whole rock Rb–Sr isochron age of 168 Ma on illite taken from auriferous siliceous mylonite. in turn. Whether the Jinshan gold deposit is genetically associated with the Dexing porphyry Cu–Au–Mo—Yinshan porphyry—vein Cu–Ag–Au–Mo deposit system remains debatable. As mentioned above. Firstly. The age range between 317. and Wang et al. high level of emplacement and high oxidation degree. K2O (wt. 2005). However. 11). the other evidence (below) all points to a Fig. Liu (1994).. 1977) or crust–mantle syntectic granitoids (or syntexis type) (Xu et al. In the past 30 years a large number of dating attempts have resulted in a variety of different age data. 1982). This is because of the lack of suitable 211 minerals for sufficiently precise dating to reveal the age of mineralization and consequently provide some constraints for a genetic model. More specifically.e. but obtained an age of 379 ± 49 Ma. Li et al.9 ±1.. although the research area is located far from the continent margin. which used to be classified as magnetite-series granitoids (Ishihara. Comparable systems are known. 9) and both have an adakitic signature (Fig. 2001). which are different from metamorphic fluids. during the Late Jurassic. Zhu et al. In both the North China Craton and the South China block. are sufficiently close to those of pyrite from the Dexing porphyry deposit (δ34S=−2. Middle–Late Jurassic age of mineralization. but also are major controlling structures for porphyry Cu–Au and epithermal Ag–Pb–Zn mineralization. 2002c). (2007a) identified three types of orebodies in Jinshan ore district: 1) veins associated with fracture-filling.. shear zones not only control the formation of gold deposits. The fields in the diagrams are from Jahn et al. Sizhoumiao. but also triggered a temperature increase in the whole area. (1990) and Jin et al. 2002) and these rocks are thought to have originally contained more leachable gold. / Ore Geology Reviews 43 (2011) 203–216 Fig. Liu et al. Hua et al. isotopic exchange with the sulfur from the country rocks during ore formation caused an increase of 34S. 1997.000 to 500. (1998). Le et al. Precambrian metamorphic rocks are the most important host rocks for gold mineralization (Hart et al. This suggests that the gold mineralization-related fluids are initially magmatic. 2007. 2003..1 to +6. Le et al. Mao et al.8 to + 3. and then gradually become dominated by meteoric water. 11. Ye et al. and a temperature range from 250 to 350 °C (Goldfarb et al. δD plot. (1999) and Zindler and Hart (1986). and 3) stockwork veins.. (2000). 2). however. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions show a small range of values in the δOH2O vs. εNd(t) vs.. Ling and Liu (2001). Stable isotope Fig. and also hosts disseminated and orientated Cu– Au ores (Fig. 2002b.to high-salinity and are significantly depleted in CO2 (Fan and Li.212 J. which are oblique to the above mentioned regional strike-slip shear zones appeared as extensional (Fig. the question remains whether granite intrusions could induce and maintain a high-heat in a localized area. as has been shown for lode gold systems of the Jiangnan Shield (Mao et al..7‰. REE patterns of igneous rocks from the Dexing area. and Qian and Lu (2005).. (2000). Bashiyuan–Tongchang and Jiangguang–Fujiawu faults in the Dexing area. 2007. increasingly becoming mixed with meteoric water and leaching out gold from the country rocks. and then deposited in a lode system. 9. Ore fluids in the Jinshan gold deposit. 1998). 10. Furthermore. 1983). 2008c. (2004) and Qian and Lu (2005). The nature of the ore-forming fluid system must exclude an orogenictype gold model. Isotopic data are from Zhu et al. Ye (1987). the emplacement of deeply-sourced high-K calc-alkaline granites in the Dexing area not only formed a porphyry Cu–Au–Mu deposit–epithermal-type Ag polymetallic deposit system after strong fractionation. Nie et al. 2009). during multistage emplacement of intrusions over a period of a few million years.8 to −3. Ling and Liu (2001).. a shear zone in the Yinshan mine hosts the epithermal Ag–Pb–Zn ore veins in the open pit. 6) in the quartz porphyry in the underground workings beneath the open pit. are. Wang et al. As the Izanagi plate began to subduct beneath the Eurasian continent at ca. oblique compression from the southeast triggered strike-slip movement on the Anlejiang. (2004). (2005) estimated that the activity of a porphyry ore-forming system can last from 50. medium. the Dexing porphyry Cu–Au–Mo deposit. However. 2005). (1983). 12). of significantly lower temperature. 1992. Seedorff et al.000 years. La/Yb vs. Yb diagram distinguishing the types of the igneous rocks in the Dexing area. 1997. the Jinshan shear zone and its parallel shear zones. leading to a series of convective hydtrothermal cells (Fig. the mineralized structures in Dexing area closely match the Late Jurassic regional tectonic events. as revealed by abundant but small fluid inclusions. 1993. 180 Ma (Dong et al. 2002. Data are from Liu (1994).. systematics suggests the involvement of magmatic fluids. 2002. The magmatic hydrothermal fluids migrated from high potential energy to low potential energy. 2008b.. Zhang and Tan. Thus. The sulfur isotopic values for pyrite in the Jinshan deposit (δ34S=+2. Wang et al. away from the magma chamber. Zhang (2001). Yinshan porphyry Cu–Au-epithermal Ag–Pb–Zn deposit and Jinshan distal hydrothermal gold deposits formed in the Middle Jurassic and are . during which gold is leached out and transported into a new fluid system. Mao et al. Mao and Li.. First. 2008a. However. In the Dexing area. 2) extensional veins. (87Sr/86Sr)i diagram showing the source of the igneous rocks in the Dexing area. Fig. which is available to mineralization. along ancient fractures or shear zones. (2002). Data are from Ye et al. These three types of veins indicate that they are the products of hydrothermal filling and precipitation in an extensional tectonic regime.4‰). Zhu et al. 2002a. Li et al.. For example.to mediumsalinity.. The most prominent features of orogenic-type gold deposits are ore-forming fluids enriched in CO2 and 18O. Zhou et al. Maruyama et al. Zhang et al. This is probably a feature of Precambrian metamorphic rocks that have been subjected to later tectonic–magmatic–thermal events. In summary. These fluids precipitated gold ores within suitable structural host zones upon change in the physico-chemical conditions. Fan and Li.1‰. Mao et al. low. typically characterized by a relative wide range. 1992) and for pyrite in Hamashi gold deposit (δ34S=+2. (1998).. .2. 1) inboard of the South China continental margin. triggering large scale magmatism. K2ON Na2O and A/CNK=0. (D) Their initial (87Sr/86Sr)i =0.. Mao et al. (E).62–1. 2003. and Zn. 12. (B) These granitoids are peraluminous high-K calc-alkaline with 56. δEu=0.. Wang et al. Chen and Jahn. Yongping skarn-type copper. which can be considered as the result of lithospheric extension and crust/mantle interaction. (2007.24%–68. along the Shihang rift valley. Mao et al. Yuanzhuding porphyry Cu–Mo and Dabaoshan porphyry–skarn Cu–Mo deposits (Fig. Qibaoshan and Baoshan porphyry Cu. 1992. (1998) further pointed out that there are a few belts of low TDM and high εNd(t) on the eastern side of the Qinzhou–Hangzhou belt. The deposits in this metallogenic belt along the Qinzhou–Hangzhou rift belt (or Neoproterozoic suture zone) have ages ranging from 180 Ma to 165 Ma (2008a. South China block was part of the Tethyan domain and was strongly influenced by Indosinian orogenesis. Guo et al. (2010) carried out petrological and geochemical studies on these granitic rocks and summarized their characteristics as follows. 2004). 2007c). Xu. 1998. (1996) recognized a low TDM and high εNd(t) belt from Shiwandashan (or Qinzhou City) in Guangxi Province. (2004) and Hou et al. . Yinshan porphyry–epithermal-type silver polymetallic deposit. plagioclase shows zonal textures. (2006) concluded that granodiorite porphyries have adaktic affinities—that is they represent a product of remelting caused by delaminated lower crust. This was followed by the intrusion of Jurassic highly-differentiated I-type granitoids (Li et al. Shu et al. (1983) speculated that it is an intracontinental mineral system. are related to high εNd(t) values. 500 km long 178–173 Ma volcanic belt. This is commonly referred to as the Shihang belt or Qinzhou–Hangzhou belt and is presumed to be a Mesozoic rift zone. 2002. containing W-Sn ore deposits along NE-trending faults in South China. (1982). as well as forming a large granite province. These granitoids may be derived from the upwelling mantle. to the northeastern Guangxi Province. and are spatially.8% SiO2. Recently. Zhao et al. (A) The mafic minerals of these granitic rocks are predominatly hornblende with lesser biotite. whereas the Yongping Middle–Late Jurassic skarn-type Cu-deposit occurs ca. The oreforming elements are Cu. epithermal Ag–Pb–Zn and distal hydrothermal Au deposits in the Dexing area. (2007) inferred that this mineralization is related to post-collision extension.57. 2008c. Wang et al. Zhou et al. From the Middle Jurassic..J. 2003. Wang et al. between the North China and South China plates. (La/Yb)N =4. 2007b..02%– 10.79–1.36. 2007b. which includes the Dexing porphyry Cu–Au–Mo. 2008b..3–1. Metallogenic geodynamic setting In the past 15 years. temporally and genetically associated with high oxidation magnetite-series granodiorite and diorite. 2007a.. Ba. 2003). εNd =−12. 12. through southern Jiangxi Province to the southwest Fujian Province (Chen et al. which produced partial melting of mixed crust–mantle materials (Arnaud et al. The Dexing porphyry copper deposit occurs 50 km north of the Shihang rift zone (Wang et al. 2006). Au. studies on the metallogenic setting for the porphyry Cu– epithermal Ag polymetallic–distal hydrothermal gold deposits in the Dexing area are relatively rare. Li et al. Mao et al. NNE-trending faults and basin-and-range type rift systems. 213 In contrast. a weak negative Eu anomaly. Pb.enrichment of LILE and depletion of Nb–Ta. central Jiangxi Province to Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province. Schematic model of porphyry Cu–Au. 2008c) noted that there is a NE-trending polymetallic metallogenic belt extending for more than 1000 km. South China become part of the Pacific domain and was mainly influenced by Paleo-Pacific plate subduction and associated back-arc extension. In comparison with melts formed by simple Fig. Mao et al. (2004. (2004). as defined by Ishihara (1977) or crust–mantle syntectictype granites. Fe. / Ore Geology Reviews 43 (2011) 203–216 genetically associated with high-K calc-alkaline granitoids. Tao et al. affecting a large area with a width of 1300 km. This was followed by slab break off at 180–155 Ma. extending from southern Hunan Province.. 30 km south of Dexing. (C) Their REE distribution patterns show generally a right inclined smooth curve. Support for this hypothesis comes from the ca. associated with intracontinental deep structures. Hunan Province. K-feldspar is mostly microcline. rhyolite and a small amount of andesite). 4. studies of the metallogenic and geodynamic processes in South China have made important progress. eastwards from the regional Qinzhou–Hangzhou fault zone is a large W-Sn metallogenic province. and the magnetite content is larger than that of ilmenite.. Shuikoushan hydrothermal vein Pb–Zn. Mo. They are thus different from classic porphyry Cu and porphyry Cu–epithermal Au–Ag deposit systems. tholeiitic basalt. as schematically illustrated in Fig. Lengshuikeng epithermal-type Ag–Pb–Zn. although Zhu et al. 1992. 2006). The belt includes bimodal volcanic rocks (alkali basalt. Li and Li (2007) proposed that South China experienced flat subduction during 250–190 Ma.55% (K2O+Na2O). Tongshan porphyry copper. Ag.722376. Sr and Ti. lowTDM of high-K calc-alkaline series rocks. as defined by Xu et al... Shu and Wang (2006) proposed that before the Middle Jurassic. Gilder et al. 2008) indicated that Nanling in the center of the Cathysian block and adjacent northeastern areas. Thompson.705028–0. 1999. characterized by EW-trending faults and folds.80.07. Li et al. 1998. 1998 and Hong et al. Dongxiang hydrothermal copper. 1996. inferred to be related to a Middle–Late Jurassic slab window event. 4.. They may represent a new ore system. 2007. Mao et al.43–29. 407–450. 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