
Air and RadiationEPA420-P-04-005 April 2004 NR-005c Median Life, Annual Activity, and Load Factor Values for Nonroad Engine Emissions Modeling EPA420-P-04-005 Revised April 2004 Median Life, Annual Activity, and Load Factor Values for Nonroad Engine Emissions Modeling NR-005c Assessment and Standards Division Office of Transportation and Air Quality U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NOTICE This technical report does not necessarily represent final EPA decisions or positions. It is intended to present technical analysis of issues using data that are currently available. The purpose in the release of such reports is to facilitate the exchange of technical information and to inform the public of technical developments which may form the basis for a final EPA decision, position, or regulatory action. Median Life, Annual Activity, and Load Factor Values for Nonroad Engine Emissions Modeling Report No. NR-005c revised April 2004 Assessment and Standards Division EPA, Office of Transportation and Air Quality Purpose EPA’s NONROAD model computes emission inventories for nonroad engines. This report documents the default input values of median life, annual activity, and load factor for various types of nonroad engines. The model uses annual activity and load factor values to calculate yearly emissions for each engine type. In addition, the model uses activity and load factor, in combination with median life, to calculate the fleet age distributions for each engine type, as it projects future (or past) engine populations. Introduction This report documents the default annual activity, load factor, and median life values. The model uses the following equation to calculate exhaust emissions from nonroad engines. The derivation of default values for equipment population, average rated power, and emission factors are discussed in reports NR-006b, NR-009b, and NR-010c. where Pop Power LF A EF = Engine Population = Average Power (hp) = Load Factor (fraction of available power) = Activity (hrs/yr) = Emission Factor (g/hp-hr) This report also documents the default values for the median life of engines. In the population input files (*.pop) this parameter is expressed in “hours of life at full load.” In developing the age distribution for a given equipment type, the model begins by converting the hours-at-full-load to years at average load, on the basis of average activity and load factor, as defined above and as shown in the equation below. 1 The use of median life in calculating the scrappage and resulting age distribution of each equipment type is explained in report NR-007a, “Calculation of Age Distributions in the Nonroad Model: Growth and Scrappage.” Values Used in NONROAD for Median Life, Annual Activity, and Load Factor This report describes the default estimates for median life, activity, and load factor used as default data in the input files provided with NONROAD. Median Life Engine life varies with engine type and power level. In general, larger engines (i.e., higer rated power and bigger displacement) last longer than smaller ones, and diesel engines last longer than gasoline engines. The NONROAD model uses median (expected) life estimates based primarily on those used in the OFFROAD model, developed by the California Air Resources Board (ARB)(3). These estimates are listed by horsepower class and engine type in Table 1, with horsepower classes defined in Table 2. In certain cases the ARB horsepower ranges were adjusted to match the ranges used in the NONROAD model. The 120 hp dividing point used by ARB was the 100 hp point in NONROAD; the 250 hp point was used as the 300 hp point in NONROAD; and ARB’s 500 hp point was used as the 600 hp dividing point in NONROAD. Additional modifications that EPA made to the ARB median life values for diesel engines, small gasoline engines, and recreational equipment are described below. Table 1. Expected Engine Life in Hours at Full Load (3, 4) Engine Type Diesel HP 1 HP 2 HP 3 2500 2500 200 2500 750 HP 4 4667 -HP 5 4667 -HP 6 4667 -HP 7 7000 -HP 8 7000 -HP 9 7000 -HP 10 --- 2-stroke 150 Gasoline 2 4) HP Class HP 1 HP 2 HP 3 HP 4 HP 5 HP 6 HP 7 HP 8 HP 9 HP 10 Diesel 16 17-25 26-50 51-100 101-175 176-300 301-600 601-750 751+ -2-stroke 3 3-16 16-25 26-50 51-100 101-175 176-250 301-600 601-750 751+ 4-stroke 6 6-16 16-25 26-50 51-100 101-175 176-300 301-600 601-750 751+ In prior draft versions of NONROAD the median life estimates of most equipment (CI and SI ) were based on the values in the 1997 documentation for the ARB OFFROAD model. These are presented in EPA's technical report NR-005a (revised 6/15/1998) and in Table 3 below. For CI these numbers were either 1. or 6. 2.000 hours at full load. depending on rated horsepower. Horsepower Classes for Median Life (3.4-stroke 200 Gasoline CNG/ LPG 200 400 400 750 750 1500 1500 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 Table 2. prepared by Energy and Environmental Analysis (EEA)(3).000. 3 . 4.500.250. population. rather than full load.25 25 .300 300+ Previous NONROAD Median Life 1. CI Median Life Comparison Hp Range 0 .000 Regulatory Useful Life* 3.16 16 . After reviewing the new EEA report. EPA asked EEA for more complete documentation of the values that had been provided to ARB.50 hp range EEA based its estimate of 2500 hours at full load on information from light-duty highway diesels.000 3.500 4. In preparing initial estimates for use in OFFROAD.50 hp engines in half. At EPA's request. since these engines are typically not used in rough duty applications. In reviewing this work.000 hours at full load. and since after accounting for load factors it can yield expected life values less than the regulatory useful life set by EPA for these 4 . EPA determined that it did not make sense to reduce the 7000 hour estimate for offroad applications.59.000 8. EEA had reduced this estimate by 15% to compensate for the "rough-duty" use of off-road engines relative to highway engines.300 hp.000 New NONROAD Median Life 2.000 * The Regulatory Useful Life is considered to represent in-use loads.50 50 .000 6. and median life.667 7.000 8. This yielded the 6.300 hp engines.500 2.250 2. EEA estimated medium duty diesel engine life to be two-thirds that of the heavy-duty engines and applied that to diesel engines in the range of 50 .21 to 0.000 5.Table 3. For engines in the 16 .500 2. EEA supplemented the documentation of their previous work. Since this low estimate was not supported by any data. diesel fuel consumption.500 4. EPA determined that modifications to the median life estimates were appropriate. since when engines are used in off-road applications they are typically derated to compensate for the rougher operating conditions. In researching the issues related to estimation of equipment sales. EPA applied this same factor to the 7000 hour value yielding a median life estimate of 4667 hours at full load for 50 . No adjustments were made by EEA or EPA for off-road use. For engines under 16 hp EEA had somewhat arbitrarily cut the life estimate of the 16 . Information that EEA gathered from highway diesel engine manufacturers suggested an expected life for heavy-duty diesel highway engines of 7. Thus the horsepower rating of the offroad engine may be lower than its highway counterpart. but its expected life would not be lower.000 hour estimate mentioned above for engines over 300 hp. load factors. NONROAD model diesel load factors range from 0. The resulting report is attached as Appendix B (4). yielding the 1250 hour estimate mentioned above.500 2. For use in the NONROAD model.9 268 35.3 286. Table 4. Median Life for the Bulk of Several Small Spark-Ignition Engine Applications Application Lawn Mowers Use Residential Commercial Trimmer/Edger/Cutter Residential Commercial Chainsaws Residential Commercial Power (min. Median life in years from Table 4 was multiplied by hours per year and load factor (described later in the report and given in Table 5) to create the Median Life (Hours at Full Load) entry in Table 4. Because LPG and CNG engines are similar in design to gasoline engines.2 191 Median Life (Years) (5.3 2.3 4. Surveys of engine life by application or engine type are encouraged to improve the estimates shown here.8). The final values for the median life used in NONROAD for these selected applications are shown in Table 4. which is used as input to the NONROAD model.engines. not distinguishing the engine by make or model.8 2 4. EPA decided to use the 2500 hour estimate in NONROAD for all diesel engines from 0 . The values described represent the most comprehensive review available of the engine life associated with engine type and power level. 6) 5. their median life is likely to be similar to the median life of gasoline engines.3 0. Small Spark-Ignition Engines (rated at <25 hp) The median life (the point where 50% of engines have been scrapped) for several applications of nonroad engines have been estimated previously in terms of years of use(5.9 5 . Lower or higher power level engines use the default values from ARB per Tables 1 and 2 above. Individual engine models may have longer or shorter median lives. these estimates were converted from units of years to units of hours using the equation previously shown. rather than have a separate lower life category under 16 hp.50 hp. For this reason and the lack of relevant data to the contrary. Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) engines are primarily four-stroke spark-ignition engines and hence have many similarities with four-stroke gasoline engines. LPG and CNG engines are assumed to have the same median life as gasoline engines in the NONROAD model.) 6 6 3 3 6 6 Median Life (Hours at Full Load) 47.8 39.) 1 1 0 0 0 0 Power (max. They represent median values of engine life. Recreational Equipment The median life values used for snowmobiles.4 830. this median life.000 hours at full load.4 988. The regulatory support document for the final rule provides a detailed description of the most recent median life estimates (21).8 4.8 2. this result was implausible. These estimates were developed for the proposed rulemaking for large spark-ignition and recreational engines (19).8 2.3 2.3 209.3 627 114.4 4.7 12.9 79. it became apparent that when annualized. Since the final rule was just completed in September 2002. Upon review.9 5.21) = 300 years).000 hours/(48 hr/year×0. 6 . changes that have occurred subsequent to the proposal have not been incorporated in this version of the model.4 4. Per Table 1 this meant they were assigned a median life of 3. and offroad motorcycles are given in Table 5.9 5. divided by the product of activity and load factor. all-terrain vehicles (ATVs).9 Tillers Residential Commercial Snowblowers Residential Commercial Commercial Turf Rear Engine Rider Commercial Residential Commercial Lawn and Garden Tractor Residential Commercial Recreational Marine Stern-Drive/Inboard Engines (SD/I) For purposes of median life the previous publicly available version of NONROAD treated gasoline-powered stern-drive and inboard engines the same as spark-ignition engines over 50 hp.Leaf Blower/Vacuum Residential Commercial 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 3 6 6 6 11 11 6 6 25 16 16 25 25 40.3 5.4 609. To address this issue.8 920 4.4 2.7 39. gave an annualized estimate of 300 years (3. NONROAD assumes a median life of 20 years (197 hrs at full load) for all gasoline SD/I engines. Pechan & Associates (8). (PSR). and Offroad Motorcycles Application Snowmobiles All-Terrain Vehicles Offroad Motorcycles Median Life (Hours at Full Load or Miles) 174 hours 20. The activities in the draft NONROAD2004 model for each equipment type are provided in Appendix A. We are unaware of activity estimates specific to LPG and CNG engines.H. These engines are similar to gasoline engines in that they employ spark-ignition.Table 5. we use equipment activity estimates from a 1998 database developed by Power Systems Research.600 miles Median Life (Years) 9 13 9 Equipment Activity Activity represents annual equipment usage expressed in hours of operation (hours/year). Median Life for Snowmobiles. The PSR data represents the most comprehensive review of application-specific activity available to EPA. we assume that their usage rates are similar to those for gasoline engines. older pieces of agricultural or construction equipment might be kept as spares to be used if newer equipment breaks down or if another piece of equipment is needed to complete a task once in awhile. PSR conducts several yearly surveys of equipment owners and determines a mean usage rate for engines by application and fuel type(7). Inc. 7 . EPA has been unable to obtain precise quantifiable data to model this relationship for any type of nonroad equipment. The PSR methodology is described and evaluated in a report produced by E. EPA will continue to look for such data for the development of the nonroad portion of the MOVES Model. Except as noted below. as default input values in NONROAD. an independent research firm. All-Terrain Vehicles.410 miles 21. EPA has encountered some general information indicating that equipment activity declines as the equipment gets older. Because LPG and CNG engines are presumably used in applications where gasoline engines are used. It should be noted that the activity estimates in the NONROAD model do not currently take into account the effect of equipment age on activity. For example. Unfortunately. and many other engines applications that were not included in the data submitted for the rulemaking. tillers. 8 . were derived from data supplied to EPA during the comment period for the regulation of these applications. it is important that any replacement model input data provided by a user would be consistent with this approach. Small (<25 hp) Spark-Ignition Engines The activity for small spark-ignition engines. mainly lawn and garden equipment. and lawn and garden tractors in Table 6 were also derived from the same data supplied to EPA during the comment period for the regulation of small SI engines.Load Factor Rated power is the maximum power level that an engine is designed to produce at its rated speed. For example. PSR load factors were used with the exceptions described below. agricultural. rear engine riders. The load factor is determined from actual and maximum fuel consumption rates for various pieces of equipment. The load factors for lawn mowers.3 (or 30 percent) load factor. Load factor can vary widely for nonroad engines. These alternate values are shown in Table 6 and represent a departure from the PSR values. depending on their usage patterns. and the fuel consumption rate at rated power for each engine in the field. an engine rated at 100 hp would be producing an average of 30 hp over the course of normal operation. As was the case for activity levels. A median fraction of available power is determined for specific applications. PSR calculates the fraction of load from the estimate of hours of usage per year. at a 0. The supporting documentation for those regulations include estimates of activity for a few important applications(5). as well as transient operation. For reference. For applications not shown in Table 6. the fuel consumption per year. LPG and CNG engines are assigned the load factors for gasoline engines. a load factor is developed to indicate the average proportion of rated power used. and operation at rated power for extended periods is rare. Engines typically operate at a variety of speeds and loads. snowblowers. The load factors in the draft NONROAD2004 model for each equipment type are also provided in Appendix A. PSR values were used because the PSR survey includes such categories as construction. the PSR methodology is explained in detail in the Pechan report(8). and the dependence of median life on both of these inputs. Due to the inclusion of engine idle time in the both the load factor and activity inputs of the model. To take into account the effect of operation at idle and partial load conditions. For the draft NONROAD2004 model. commercial. PSR also estimates the load factor from surveys of equipment users. 60 0. and blowers/vacuums are now 0.91 0.94 0.91.94. 0.70 0. In support of a more recent effort to analyze the test cycle currently used for certification of Phase 1 handheld engines. The estimate of 0.Table 6.44 0. manufacturers monitored the in-use operation of a number of chainsaws. respectively (6). trimmers/edgers/brush cutters. 9 .40 0. the load factors for chainsaws. and blowers/vacuums to determine the appropriate weighting of wide open throttle (WOT) and idle operation for certification testing purposes.70 0.44 For the three most populous handheld applications (i.38 0.35 0.e.91 0.38 0. chainsaws.50.94 0.35 0..33 0.33 0. and 0.50 was supplied by manufacturers to the California Air Resource Board in 1990 and is based on manufacturers’ belief that it accurately reflects the typical usage pattern of most portable two-stroke power equipment. trimmers/edgers/brush cutters. Based on this information. Usage and Load Factors for Several Small Spark-Ignition Engine Applications Application Lawn Mowers Use Residential Commercial Trimmer/Edger/Cutter Residential Commercial Chainsaws Residential Commercial Leaf Blower\Vacuum Residential Commercial Tillers Residential Commercial Snowblowers Residential Commercial Commercial Turf Rear Engine Rider Commercial Residential Commercial Lawn and Garden Tractor Residential Commercial Annual Hours 25 406 9 137 13 303 10 282 17 472 8 136 682 36 569 45 721 Load Factor (fraction of power) 0. trimmers/edgers/brush cutters. the previous version of NONROAD assumed a load factor of 0.40 0.70. and blowers/vacuums). 6 34.21 0. and personal watercraft.. and lawn and garden equipment is used both by commercial and residential users. The inboard engines are associated with the PSR category "powerboats. Many of the small spark-ignited engines are used in lawn and garden equipment applications.8 77. The commercial users are grounds keepers for nonresidential. recreational marine engines are divided into three applications. large apartment complexes. Table 7.60. provided by the National Marine Manufacturers Association and individual marine vessel manufacturers (10).For commercial turf equipment. Due to the similarity of engines. 10 . and 42% for personal watercraft) are not currently documented.21 0. inboard. Draft NONROAD2004 continues to use these estimates. the previous load factor of 0.21 Based on other comments. and the PSR estimates of load factor (32% for outboard.3 Load Factor (fraction of power) 0. 38% for inboard.50 was revised to 0. To account for these differences in equipment usage. The April 1999 draft version and subsequent drafts of the model have used activity data collected during the recreational marine rulemaking process. and some single-family homes. the inboard category includes the inboard/outboard sterndrive engines formerly considered as a separate SCC category. based on 1998 PSR data. Commercial equipment therefore has significantly different usage in terms of hours per year and weekday and weekend day than residential equipment. Recreational Marine Activity and Load Factors Recreational Marine Engine/Equipment Type Four-stroke Inboards Two-stroke Outboards Personal Watercraft Activity (hours/year) 47. which are shown in Table 7. outboard. we revised the load factor to reflect the average load for the marine engine certification test cycle (20." The June 1998 draft of the NONROAD model used fuel consumption data to estimate activity for outboard engines (9). separate SCC’s are used to distinguish commercial from residential lawn and garden equipment.7%) . Recreational Marine Engines As described in the technical report on nonroad engine populations (2) . In-use data for load factor arenot available. performed by Southwest Research Institute under sponsorship of the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association (11).500 miles and that for poorer winters.200 miles. the average yearly mileage is approximately 1. To convert the mileage estimates to operating hours. snowmobiles. Therefore. The information available on average speed was collected on instrumented machines during development of an emissions test cycle for snowmobiles. The range of average yearly mileage estimates available to us is 540 to 1. The cycle development work encompassed operation over varied conditions. We believe that this value is reasonable and it is supported by the snowmobile manufacturers per a recent discussion . including moderate and aggressive trail riding. several of the state economic studies indicated that their estimates for mileage were low due to poor snowfall during the winter in which they performed their studies. In estimating operating hoursfor recreational vehicles. These sources presented usage information in terms of average or typical miles ridden per year. the average yearly mileage is approximately 1. (b) consumer-satisfaction survey results from the snowmobile industry.800 miles. we estimate the average yearly activity at 57 hours per year. Therefore.Recreational Equipment In the course of the rulemaking process for recreational equipment and large sparkignition engines. it is difficult to determine what average speed is the most representative. the load factor of 0. a number of sources are available for each vehicle type.34 is derived from data collected during the cycle development project described above (11). Having estimated average speed. and (c) snowmobile enthusiasts’ self-reported usage estimates compiled and provided by the Bluewater Network (an environmental organization).12). we are using an average speed of 23 mph for snowmobile operation. For snowmobiles activity information is available from (a) studies on the economic impact of snowmobile operation in seven states (12-18). and off-road motorcycles) were updated in draft NONROAD2002 (11.. Sled speeds ranged from 14 to 32 mph. Given an average speed of 23 mph and an average mileage of 1. although the bulk of the data falls between 20 and 30 mph. with less than average snowfall. We know that the correct speed is somewhere within this range and that the mode of the estimates fell at the midpoint of the range. all-terrain vehicles. For snowmobiles.300 miles. In fact. we estimate the average yearly travel distance for snowmobiles at 1. 11 . we estimated the average speed for typical snowmobile operation. it is possible to convert the estimated average yearly mileage into yearly operating hours. and operation with single and double riders. off-trail freestyle riding. These estimates fall well within the range of estimates given above .300 miles. lake riding. Because of the large variation in speed estimates. Manufacturers have indicated that for winters with average or above average snowfall. the activity and load factor estimates for recreational equipment (i.e. For a more detailed description of the derivation of this estimate and any minor updates to it. MIC has suggested that method one is the more appropriate estimate because method two may compound any error that exists in the results of each of the three questions. we have revised the activity estimate for allterrain vehicles (ATVs). which are expressed in grams/mile.Based on data that has become available since the publication of the Proposed Rule for control of emissions from recreational engines. which included odometer and hour-meter readings. is presented and described in the docket memorandum Emission Modeling for Recreational Vehicles (EPA420-F-00-051. which ORNL considers to be a This memorandum supplements the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Control of Emissions from Nonroad Large Spark Ignition Engines. Activity expressed in miles/year is consistent with corresponding emission factors for off-road motorcycles. 2000).htm. Docket A-9801). . the prior estimate. Method one is based on the results of a single question that asks the respondent how many miles they rode in the last year.260 miles per year. This study estimated total average fuel usage for off-road motorcycles at 59 gallons/year. (b) how many days during a typical month did the respondent ride?. ATV activity has been re-estimated at 1. Method two is based on the multiplication of the responses from three questions: (a) during how many months of the year did the respondent ride?. Recreational Engines (Marine and Land-based).1 Data sources used to derive the revised estimate include: (a) A phone survey sponsored by Honda in which owners of TRX model utility ATVs were requested to report odometer and hour-meter readings.otaq. (c) a national survey of ATV population and usage sponsored by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (20). For reference. (b) a database of warranty claim information provided by another manufacturer. and (c) how many hours did the respondent ride in a typical day? The estimate from method one is 222 miles per year and that from method two is 1. MIC uses two methods to estimate offroad motorcycle usage from the survey results. which is superseded by the estimate described in this report and referenced Rule documents.570 miles/year. See http://www. Based on these sources. The manufacturers’ survey was performed during the same time period as the CPSC study. The second source of information is a study done in 1994 by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) titled. 1 12 . see the Final Regulatory Support Document: Control of Emissions from Unregulated Nonroad Engines (21). For off-road motorcycles. The first source is information provided by the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC). and (d) a “market panel” survey of ATV usage sponsored by major manufacturers. This value is intended to represent a national annual average. We have concerns with the results of the MIC survey because the values for method one and two are dramatically different. MIC periodically conducts surveys on motorcycle usage. and may be further revised following additional analyses in support of the rulemaking. there are two sources of information on activity or usage rates. employed similar interview methods and obtained very similar results. and Highway Motorcycles (November 20. “Fuel Used for Off-Road Recreation” (22).gov/otaq/recveh. which are based on information obtained from surveys of equipment owners. This estimate may be too high for actual operation off-road.34 Hours per Year ------57 Mileage per Year 1.“medium” estimate. For ATVs and off-road motorcycles. Thus. for these equipment types.0* 0. we have estimated motorcycle activity based on fuel use as estimated by ORNL. as described above. The transient cycle development and engine tests were conducted by Southwest Research Institute under contract to EPA (with some of the cycle development work also co-sponsored by the Engine Manufacturers 13 . load factors are no longer necessary. and fuel economy estimated in-use and on the FTP. effectively removing power output (rated power * load factor) from the equation. Activity and Load Factors for Recreational Vehicles Application ATVs Off-Road Motorcycles Snowmobiles Type 2 & 4-stroke 2 & 4-stroke 2-stroke Load Factor 1. As of this writing. we estimate annual activity at 2. The PSR CI load factors used in previous versions of NONROAD.400 miles per year for two and four-stroke off-road motorcycles. Recent data from California (). since the emission factors are expressed as grams per mile. as tested over the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) . load factors and average rated horsepowers are simply set to 1. so we assume an estimate of 40 mpg.0* 1. Due to uncertainty related to interview methods in the MIC survey. we are using activity estimates from the 1998 PSR database. which the model converts to tons/year. The operating hours. As a result. have been replaced by load factors obtained from actual engine testing over several transient cycles. Compression-Ignition (CI) Equipment For CI equipment.0 in the input file.0. By multiplying the annual average fuel usage by the average fuel economy. we arrive at an estimate of approximately 2. combined with older data collected at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) . Table 8. where units equal g/mile*miles/year = g/year.400 miles per year. emissions are thus calculated on the basis of EF*Act*Population. similar to that used for cars and trucks. and load factors used for recreational vehicles are listed in Table 8. suggest that the average fuel economy for off-road motorcycles is approximately 50 miles per gallon (mpg). this estimate is under review and may be revised to incorporate analyses supporting the final rule covering recreational vehicles. This modification effectively converts the emissions calculation from a power-output basis to a distance-traveled basis.600 ---- * Average rated horsepower is also set at 1.608 1. mileage. rubber-tire loader (LF=0. skid-steer loader. skid-steer loader. rubber-tire loader.” and “steady-state ” (represented by an average of the seven cycles).Association) (23. The load factors for all seven cycles were averaged to obtain a composite 7-cycle average “steady-state” LF (0. arc welder. Seven transient cycles were developed: agricultural tractor. . The low load factor bin includes the remaining cycles: backhoe/loader (LF=0.21). the “low” load factor cycles were averaged to obtain a composite Low LF (0. both “typical transient” and “high transient” versions of the cycles were developed. crawler dozer (LF=0.” “Low. and arc welder (LF=0.59). The seven load factors were further binned into three categories. 24. and arc welder cycles. skid-steer loader (LF=0. the typical versions were used. The high load factor bin includes the following cycles: agricultural tractor (LF=0. The “high” load factor cycles were averaged to obtain a composite High LF (0.58). 14 . and excavator (LF=0. The load factors for the seven transient cycles are given in Table 9. We consider this approach simpler and more defensible.48).23).21). crawler dozer.53). Similarly.78). For the rubber-tire loader. See Table 9. for this work. backhoe loader.43). given the limited number of cycles designed to represent in-use operation for specific equipment types and uncertainty in extrapolating the test data to broader equipment populations. This approach is also consistent with that used to develop the new transient adjustment factors in the model . “High.19). and excavator. 25). 43 Each diesel nonroad equipment type was assigned one of these three composite load factors (Hi LF. we matched nonroad applications with the test cycle that most closely represents the nonroad activity for the application.53 High 0. To apply these load factors.19 Low 0.48 0. Compression-Ignition Load Factors Cycle Agricultural Tractor Crawler Dozer Rubber-tired Loader Excavator Cycle Load Factors 0.78 0. 15 .23 0. or 7-cycle average).59 Assignment Average Backhoe Loader Skid-steer Loader Arc Welder 0. Table 10 lists the diesel nonroad applications used in the NONROAD model and the load factor assignment considered representative of that application.21 0.Table 9. the 7-cycle average load factor was assigned. If steady-state operation is typical of an application. The resulting load factors for each equipment type are provided in Appendix A.58 0.21 7-cycle average --- Steady-state 0. Lo LF. Table 10. Equipment Construction Equipment Rough Terrain Forklifts Construction Equipment Rubber Tire Loaders Construction Equipment Rubber Tire Dozers Construction Equipment Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes Construction Equipment Crawler Dozer Construction Equipment Skid Steer Loaders Construction Equipment Off-Highway Tractors Construction Equipment Dumpers/Tenders Construction Equipment Other Construction Equipment Industrial Equipment Aerial Lifts Industrial Equipment Forklifts Industrial Equipment Sweepers/Scrubbers Industrial Equipment Other General Industrial Equipment Industrial Equipment Other Material Handling Equipment Industrial Equipment AC\Refrigeration Terminal Tractors Lawn & Garden Equipment ALL Lawn & Garden Equipment Lawn mowers (Residential) Lawn & Garden Equipment Lawn mowers (Commercial) Lawn & Garden Equipment Rotary Tillers < 6 HP Lawn & Garden Equipment Rotary Tillers < 6 HP Lawn & Garden Equipment Chain Saws < 6 HP Lawn & Garden Equipment Chain Saws < 6 HP Representative Load Factor Cycle Assignment Backhoe None None None None Backhoe Crawler None None Crawler Crawler Crawler Crawler None Crawler None Excavator Crawler None None Crawler Crawler None RTLoader RTLoader Crawler Backhoe Crawler SSLoader Crawler Backhoe Crawler Backhoe RTLoader None None Backhoe None Crawler None None None None None None None Lo LF Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Lo LF Hi LF Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Hi LF Hi LF Hi LF Hi LF Avg 7-cycle Hi LF Avg 7-cycle Hi LF Hi LF Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Hi LF Hi LF Avg 7-cycle Hi LF Hi LF Hi LF Lo LF Hi LF Lo LF Hi LF Lo LF Hi LF Lo LF Hi LF Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Lo LF Avg 7-cycle Hi LF Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle 16 . CI Load Factor Assignments by Equipment Type SCC 2270001000 2270001020 2270001030 2270001040 2270001050 2270001060 2270002003 2270002006 2270002009 2270002015 2270002018 2270002021 2270002024 2270002027 2270002030 2270002033 2270002036 2270002039 2270002042 2270002045 2270002048 2270002051 2270002054 2270002057 2270002060 2270002063 2270002066 2270002069 2270002072 2270002075 2270002078 2270002081 2270003010 2270003020 2270003030 2270003040 2270003050 2270003060 2270003070 2270004000 2270004010 2270004011 2270004015 2270004016 2270004020 2270004021 Equipment Type Recreational Vehicles All Recreational Vehicles Snowmobiles Recreational Vehicles All Terrain Vehicles Recreational Vehicles Minibikes Recreational Vehicles Golf Carts Recreational Vehicles Speciality Vehicle Carts Construction Equipment Pavers Construction Equipment Tampers/Rammers Construction Equipment Plate Compactors Construction Equipment Rollers Construction Equipment Scrapers Construction Equipment Paving Equipment Construction Equipment Surfacing Equipment Construction Equipment Signal Boards Construction Equipment Trenchers Construction Equipment Bore/Drill Rigs Construction Equipment Excavators Construction Equipment Concrete/Industrial Saws Construction Equipment Cement & Mortar Mixers Construction Equipment Cranes Construction Equipment Graders Construction Equipment Off-highway Trucks Construction Equipment Crushing/Proc. Inboards Representative Load Factor Cycle Assignment None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None AgTractor AgTractor AgTractor AgTractor AgTractor AgTractor AgTractor AgTractor None AgTractor None None None None None None ArcWelder None RTLoader RTLoader RTLoader RTLoader Backhoe None None Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Hi LF Hi LF Hi LF Hi LF Hi LF Hi LF Hi LF Hi LF Avg 7-cycle Hi LF Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Lo LF Avg 7-cycle Hi LF Hi LF Hi LF Hi LF Lo LF Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle 17 . CI Load Factor Assignments by Equipment Type SCC 2270004025 2270004026 2270004030 2270004031 2270004035 2270004036 2270004040 2270004041 2270004045 2270004046 2270004050 2270004051 2270004055 2270004056 2270004060 2270004061 2270004065 2270004066 2270004071 2270004075 2270004076 2270005010 2270005015 2270005020 2270005025 2270005030 2270005035 2270005040 2270005045 2270005050 2270005055 2270005060 2270006000 2270006005 2270006010 2270006015 2270006020 2270006025 2270006030 2270007005 2270007010 2270007015 2270008005 2270009010 2270010010 2282020005 Equipment Type Lawn & Garden Equipment Trimmers/Edgers/Brush Lawn & Garden Equipment Trimmers/Edgers/Brush Lawn & Garden Equipment Leafblowers/Vacuums Lawn & Garden Equipment Leafblowers/Vacuums Lawn & Garden Equipment Snowblowers Lawn & Garden Equipment Snowblowers (Commercial) Lawn & Garden Equipment Rear Engine Riding Mowers Lawn & Garden Equipment Rear Engine Riding Mowers Lawn & Garden Equipment Front Mowers Lawn & Garden Equipment Front Mowers (Commercial) Lawn & Garden Equipment Shredders < 6 HP Lawn & Garden Equipment Shredders < 6 HP Lawn & Garden Equipment Lawn & Garden Tractors Lawn & Garden Equipment Lawn & Garden Tractors Lawn & Garden Equipment Wood Splitters Lawn & Garden Equipment Wood Splitters (Commercial) Lawn & Garden Equipment Chippers/Stump Grinders Lawn & Garden Equipment Chippers/Stump Grinders Lawn & Garden Equipment Commercial Turf Equipment Lawn & Garden Equipment Other Lawn & Garden Lawn & Garden Equipment Other Lawn & Garden Farm Equipment 2-Wheel Tractors Farm Equipment Agricultural Tractors Farm Equipment Combines Farm Equipment Balers Farm Equipment Agricultural Mowers Farm Equipment Sprayers Farm Equipment Tillers > 6 HP Farm Equipment Swathers Farm Equipment Hydro Power Units Farm Equipment Other Agricultural Equipment Farm Equipment Irrigation Sets Light Commercial ALL Light Commercial Generator Sets Light Commercial Pumps Light Commercial Air Compressors Light Commercial Gas Compressors Light Commercial Welders Light Commercial Pressure Washers Logging Equipment Chain Saws > 6 HP Logging Equipment Shredders > 6 HP Logging Equipment Forest Equipment Airport Service Equipment Airport Support Equipment Other Underground Mining Equipment Other Oil Field Equipment Recreational Pleasure Craft.Table 10. 2 St. page ??. E. California Air Resources Board. February. May 2002." Office of Transportation and Air Quality.H. NONROAD Technical Report NR-006b." Office of Transportation and Air Quality. Sailboat Aux. "Documentation of Diesel Engine Life Values Used in the ARB Off-Highway Model. September 2001. Work Assignment No. Inc. "Evaluation of Power Systems Research (PSR) Nonroad Population Data Base. EPA420-R-00-004. "Growth and Scrappage Methodology Report for NONROAD. Office of Transportation and Air Quality. Outboard Railway Maintenance Representative Load Factor Cycle Assignment None None None Backhoe Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Avg 7-cycle Lo LF References (1) U. U. prepared for U. Environmental Protection Agency. 18 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) .. Power Systems Research. PartsLink. Outboards Recreational Pleasure Craft.003/1807. (CARB). 68-D3-0035. Pechan & Associates. Paul. Assessment & Standards Division. Final Regulatory Impact Analysis. EPA. S. NONROAD Technical Report NR-007a." prepared for U. March 1999. Inc. 1997. U. May 2002.09. "Phase 2 Final Rule: Emission Standards for New Nonroad Handheld Spark-Ignition Engines At or Below 19 Kilowatts. 97.S. Regulatory Impact Analysis. "Reference Guide. EPA. S." Energy and Environmental Analysis. U. "Documentation of Input Factors for the New Off-Road Mobile Source Emissions Inventory Model." Unpublished Report. “Phase 2 Emission Standards for New Nonhandheld Engines at or below 19 Kilowatts (kW). Energy and Environmental Analysis.Table 10. MN. Personal Water Craft Recreational Pleasure Craft. III-107. Assessment & Standards Division. September. Table 3-1. EPA Contract No. S." Office of Transportation and Air Quality. March 2000. CI Load Factor Assignments by Equipment Type SCC 2282020010 2282020015 2282020025 2285002015 Equipment Type Recreational Pleasure Craft. Environmental Protection Agency.” Edition 6.” Office of Mobile Sources. Inc. S. S. "Nonroad Engine Population Estimates. EPA. U. EPA420-R-99-003. Environmental Protection Agency.S. 1997. Pechan Report No. Office of Mobile Sources. Reiling. November 13. Wildlife and Parks. Forest Management Division. Bureau of Business and Economic Research. 2000). Tourism Planning and Development Program. Orono. Robert A. January.htm. Nelson. 1998. VT. September 28. NONROAD Technical Report NR-005A. 2 19 . (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) This memorandum supplements the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Control of Emissions from Nonroad Large Spark Ignition Engines.” Memorandum to Public Docket A-98-01. Norman D. Snowmobile Gasoline Usage in Montana. Alan. August. University of New Hampshire. Department of Resource Economics and Development. Johnson State College. “Median Life. 2 Mc Elvany. 1995. EPA420-F-00-051. James T. Charles M. Snowmobiling in Vermont: An Economic Study and Snowmobile User Survey. and Montana Snowmobile Association. Daniel J. “Regulatory Impact Analysis: Control of Air Pollution Emission Standards for New Nonroad Spark-Ignition Marine Engines. Prepared for the New Hampshire Snowmobile Association. “Emission Modeling for Recreational Vehicles. Kezis. 1996. 1998. 2069. Prepared for Vermont Association of Snow Travelers (VAST). Missoula. Lynch. An Assessment of Snowmobiling in Michigan by Snowmobilers with Michigan Trail Permits. Stynes. Prepared for the Maine Snowmobile Association. An Economic Evaluation of Snowmobiling in Maine. Recreational Engines (Marine and Land-based). Assessment of Snowmobiling in New Hampshire "1996:" Summary and Recommendations. Department of Park. Prepared for Montana Department of Fish. Durham. Robertson. Assessment & Modeling Division. ANR-443. June 15. Johnson. University of Maine.otaq. 2000. See http://www. United States Environmental Protection Agency.” Office of Mobile Sources. Annual Activity. 1997.(9) United States Environmental Protection Agency. Michigan State University. Kotchen. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Sylvester. 1996. Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station No. February 10." Office of Air and Radiation. Recreation and Tourism Resources. Prepared for Michigan Department of Natural Resources. and Highway Motorcycles (November 20. June 1996. East Lansing. and Load Factor Values for Nonroad Engine Emissions Joel A. Stephen. Department of Resource Economics and Policy.. University of Montana. Matthew. Amherst. Michael E. Prepared for Snowmobiling Association of Massachusetts. Snowmobiling in New York: An Analysis of Economic Impact and Overview of the Industry in the Empire State." EPA420-R-02-022. United States Environmental Protection Agency. David K. SwRI ???-??? September 1999. ORNL-6794. SwRI 2206-801.” Directorate for Economic Analysis. Starr. “Fuel Used for Off-Highway Recreation” Center for Transportation Analysis. S. Human Dimensions Research Unit. (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) Appendix A 20 ..” Southwest Research Institute. Starr.E. United States Environmental Protection Agency. September 2002. Maryland. March 30. Potsdam. and M. Lundrigan. July. Fritz. March 1998. Department of Natural Resources Conservation University of Massachusetts.” Office of Transportation & Air Quality. Bethesda. April. “Excavator Cycle Development. “Nonroad Engine Emissions Testing.(17) Merwin Rural Services Institute. “Emission Factors for Compression Ignition Nonroad Engines Operated on Number 2 Highway and Nonroad Diesel Fuel.. State University of New York. “Report on 1997 ATV Exposure Survey. Prepared for New York State Snowmobile Association. Recreational Engines (Marine and Land-based).G. Heather. 1999 Assessment of Snowmobiling in Massachusetts. Starr.” Southwest Research Institute. Michael E. “Draft Regulatory Support Document: Control of Emissions from Nonroad Large Spark Ignition Engines. April 1998. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. EPA420-D-01-004. United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. 1994. Inc. and Highway Motorcycles. September 1999. Statistics and Data Analysis Group. 2000. Loomis. SwRI 08-7601-822. September 2001. 1998.” Southwest Research Institute. "Final Regulatory Support Document: Control of Emissions from Unregulated Nonroad Engines. Assessment & Standards Division. 66 0.46 0.54 0.47 0.70 0.71 0.46 0.00 0.Load Factor and Activity Estimates in Draft NONROAD2004 SCC Equipment Description 2260001010 2260001020 2260001030 2260001050 2260001060 2260002003 2260002006 2260002009 2260002012 2260002015 2260002018 2260002021 2260002024 2260002027 2260002030 2260002033 2260002036 2260002039 2260002042 2260002045 2260002048 2260002051 2260002054 2260002057 2260002060 2260002063 2260002066 2260002069 2260002072 2260002075 2260002078 2260002081 2260003010 2260003020 2260003030 2260003040 2260003050 2260003060 2260003070 2260004010 2260004011 2260004015 2260004016 2260004020 2260004021 2260004025 2260004026 2260004030 2260004031 2260004035 2260004036 2260004040 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke Motorcycles: Off-Road Snowmobiles All Terrain Vehicles Golf Carts Specialty Vehicle Carts Asphalt Pavers Tampers/Rammers Plate Compactors Concrete Pavers Rollers Scrapers Paving Equipment Surfacing Equipment Signal Boards Trenchers Bore/Drill Rigs Excavators Concrete/Industrial Saws Cement & Mortar Mixers Cranes Graders Off-highway Trucks Crushing/Proc.58 0.55 0.33 0.53 0.34 1.78 0.00 0.72 0.55 0.55 0.) Load Factor (fraction of power) 1.30 0.71 0.48 0.53 0.46 0.70 0.80 0.79 0.58 0.40 0.62 0.59 0.35 0.35 0.66 0.80 0.94 0.78 0.91 0.59 0.94 0.91 0.70 0.75 0.85 0.33 0. Equipment Rough Terrain Forklifts Rubber Tire Loaders Rubber Tire Dozers Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes Crawler Dozer Skid Steer Loaders Off-Highway Tractors Dumpers/Tenders Other Construction Equipment Aerial Lifts Forklifts Sweepers/Scrubbers Other General Industrial Equipment Other Material Handling Equipment Refrigeration Terminal Tractors Lawn mowers (Residential) Lawn mowers (Commercial) Rotary Tillers < 6 HP (Residential) Rotary Tillers < 6 HP (Commercial) Chain Saws < 6 HP (Residential) Chain Saws < 6 HP (Commercial) Trimmers/Edgers/Brush Cutters Trimmers/Edgers/Brush Cutters Leafblowers/Vacuums (Residential) Leafblowers/Vacuums (Commercial) Snowblowers (Residential) Snowblowers (Commercial) Rear Engine Riding Mowers (Res.41 0.38 Activity (hours/year) 1600* 57 1608* 1080 65 392 160 166 0 621 540 175 488 318 402 107 378 610 84 415 504 450 241 413 512 900 870 700 310 155 127 371 361 1800 516 713 386 605 827 25 406 17 472 13 303 9 137 10 282 8 136 36 21 .64 0.40 0.63 0.49 0.70 0.48 0. 00 0.65 0.56 0.00 0.68 0.44 0.46 0.70 0.52 0.65 0.60 0.68 0.34 1.38 0.55 0.60 0.) Front Mowers (Residential) Front Mowers (Commercial) Shredders < 6 HP (Residential) Shredders < 6 HP (Commercial) Lawn & Garden Tractors (Residential) Lawn & Garden Tractors (Commercial) Wood Splitters (Residential) Wood Splitters (Commercial) Chippers/Stump Grinders (Res.74 0.69 0.80 0.58 0.80 0.55 0.71 0.66 0.62 0.70 0.90 1.78 0.56 0.65 0.62 0.78 0.48 0.55 0.) Commercial Turf Equipment (Res.69 0.44 0.85 0.62 0.70 0.58 0.62 0.70 0.) Chippers/Stump Grinders (Comm.Load Factor and Activity Estimates in Draft NONROAD2004 SCC Equipment Description 2260004041 2260004045 2260004046 2260004050 2260004051 2260004055 2260004056 2260004060 2260004061 2260004065 2260004066 2260004070 2260004071 2260004075 2260004076 2260005010 2260005015 2260005020 2260005025 2260005030 2260005035 2260005040 2260005045 2260005050 2260005055 2260005060 2260006005 2260006010 2260006015 2260006020 2260006025 2260006030 2260007005 2260007010 2260007015 2260007020 2260008005 2260009010 2260010010 2265001010 2265001020 2265001030 2265001050 2265001060 2265002003 2265002006 2265002009 2265002012 2265002015 2265002018 2265002021 2265002024 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke Rear Engine Riding Mowers (Comm.56 0.49 Activity (hours/year) 569 86 86 50 50 45 721 76 76 488 488 682 682 61 61 286 550 125 68 175 80 43 95 450 124 716 115 221 484 6000 408 115 303 50 350 0 681 260 1104 1600 57 1608 1080 65 392 160 166 0 621 540 175 488 22 .85 0.80 0.60 0.80 0.58 0.55 0.59 0.) Commercial Turf Equipment (Comm) Other Lawn & Garden Equipment Other Lawn & Garden Equipment 2-Wheel Tractors Agricultural Tractors Combines Balers Agricultural Mowers Sprayers Tillers > 6 HP Swathers Hydro Power Units Other Agricultural Equipment Irrigation Sets Light Commercial Generator Set Light Commercial Pumps Light Commercial Air Compressors Light Commercial Gas Compressors Light Commercial Welders Light Commercial Pressure Wash Logging Equipment Chain Saws > 6 HP Logging Equipment Shredders > 6 HP Logging Equipment Skidders Logging Equipment Fellers/Bunchers Airport Support Equipment Other Underground Mining Equipment Other Oil Field Equipment Motorcycles: Off-Road Snowmobiles All Terrain Vehicles Golf Carts Specialty Vehicle Carts Asphalt Pavers Tampers/Rammers Plate Compactors Concrete Pavers Rollers Scrapers Paving Equipment Surfacing Equipment Load Factor (fraction of power) 0.69 0. 48 0.40 0.71 0.65 0.60 0.44 0.38 0.41 0.64 0.78 0.80 0.54 0.48 0.75 0.) Commercial Turf Equipment (Comm) Load Factor (fraction of power) 0.59 0.53 0.71 0.78 0.33 0.78 0.33 0.53 0.70 0.85 0.35 0.79 0.69 0.Load Factor and Activity Estimates in Draft NONROAD2004 SCC Equipment Description 2265002027 2265002030 2265002033 2265002036 2265002039 2265002042 2265002045 2265002048 2265002051 2265002054 2265002057 2265002060 2265002063 2265002066 2265002069 2265002072 2265002075 2265002078 2265002081 2265003010 2265003020 2265003030 2265003040 2265003050 2265003060 2265003070 2265004010 2265004011 2265004015 2265004016 2265004020 2265004021 2265004025 2265004026 2265004030 2265004031 2265004035 2265004036 2265004040 2265004041 2265004045 2265004046 2265004050 2265004051 2265004055 2265004056 2265004060 2265004061 2265004065 2265004066 2265004070 2265004071 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke 4-Stroke Signal Boards Trenchers Bore/Drill Rigs Excavators Concrete/Industrial Saws Cement & Mortar Mixers Cranes Graders Off-highway Trucks Crushing/Proc.) Rear Engine Riding Mowers (Comm) Front Mowers (Residential) Front Mowers (Commercial) Shredders < 6 HP (Residential) Shredders < 6 HP (Commercial) Lawn & Garden Tractors (Residential) Lawn & Garden Tractors (Commercial) Wood Splitters (Residential) Wood Splitters (Commercial) Chippers/Stump Grinders (Res.70 0.80 0.63 0.94 0.78 0.40 0.94 0.46 0.44 0.66 0.46 0. Equipment Rough Terrain Forklifts Rubber Tire Loaders Rubber Tire Dozers Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes Crawler Tractors Skid Steer Loaders Off-Highway Tractors Dumpers/Tenders Other Construction Equipment Aerial Lifts Forklifts Sweepers/Scrubbers Other General Industrial Equipment Other Material Handling Equipment Industial AC\Refrigeration Terminal Tractors Lawn mowers (Residential) Lawn mowers (Commercial) Rotary Tillers < 6 HP (Residential) Rotary Tillers < 6 HP (Commercial) Chain Saws < 6 HP (Residential) Chain Saws < 6 HP (Commercial) Trimmers/Edgers/Brush Cutters Trimmers/Edgers/Brush Cutters Leafblowers/Vacuums (Residential) Leafblowers/Vacuums (Commercial) Snowblowers (Residential) Snowblowers (Commercial) Rear Engine Riding Mowers (Res.58 0.80 0.80 0.60 Activity (hours/year) 318 402 107 378 610 84 415 504 450 241 413 512 900 870 700 310 155 127 371 361 1800 516 713 386 605 827 25 406 17 472 13 303 9 137 10 282 8 136 36 569 86 86 50 50 45 721 76 76 488 488 682 682 23 .91 0.91 0.30 0.70 0.47 0.65 0.69 0.) Commercial Turf Equipment (Res.) Chippers/Stump Grinders (Comm.35 0.38 0.72 0. 90 0.59 0.48 0.34 0.62 0.56 0.62 0.62 0.21 0.59 0.59 0.68 0.85 0.80 0.70 0.43 0.43 0.59 0.43 0.52 0.59 0.65 0.70 0. Equipment Diesel Rough Terrain Forklifts Diesel Rubber Tire Loaders Diesel Rubber Tire Dozers Diesel Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes Load Factor (fraction of power) 0.74 0.58 0.43 0.59 0.56 0.68 0.59 0.58 0.43 0.59 0.59 0.56 0.43 0.59 0.71 0.70 0.59 0.59 0.21 Activity (hours/year) 61 61 286 550 125 68 175 80 43 95 450 124 716 115 221 484 6000 408 115 303 50 350 0 681 260 1104 40 0 1150 435 821 460 484 0 760 914 622 561 535 593 466 1092 580 275 990 962 1641 955 662 761 899 1135 24 .43 0.49 0.Load Factor and Activity Estimates in Draft NONROAD2004 SCC Equipment Description 2265004075 2265004076 2265005010 2265005015 2265005020 2265005025 2265005030 2265005035 2265005040 2265005045 2265005050 2265005055 2265005060 2265006005 2265006010 2265006015 2265006020 2265006025 2265006030 2265007005 2265007010 2265007015 2265007020 2265008005 2265009010 2265010010 2270001020 2270001030 2270001050 2270001060 2270002003 2270002006 2270002009 2270002012 2270002015 2270002018 2270002021 2270002024 2270002027 2270002030 2270002033 2270002036 2270002039 2270002042 2270002045 2270002048 2270002051 2270002054 2270002057 2270002060 2270002063 2270002066 4-Stroke Other Lawn & Garden Equipment 4-Stroke Other Lawn & Garden Equipment 4-Stroke 2-Wheel Tractors 4-Stroke Agricultural Tractors 4-Stroke Combines 4-Stroke Balers 4-Stroke Agricultural Mowers 4-Stroke Sprayers 4-Stroke Tillers > 5 HP 4-Stroke Swathers 4-Stroke Hydro Power Units 4-Stroke Other Agricultural Equipment 4-Stroke Irrigation Sets 4-Stroke Light Commercial Generator Sets 4-Stroke Light Commercial Pumps 4-Stroke Light Commercial Air Compressors 4-Stroke Light Commercial Gas Compressors 4-Stroke Light Commercial Welders 4-Stroke Light Commercial Pressure Washers 4-Stroke Logging Equipment Chain Saws > 6 HP 4-Stroke Logging Equipment Shredders > 6 HP 4-Stroke Logging Equipment Skidders 4-Stroke Logging Equipment Fellers/Bunchers 4-Stroke Airport Support Equipment 4-Stroke Other Underground Mining Equipment 4-Stroke Other Oil Field Equipment Diesel Snowmobiles (unused) Diesel All Terrain Vehicles/MC (unused) Diesel Golf Carts (unused) Diesel Specialty Vehicle Carts Diesel Pavers Diesel Tampers/Rammers (unused) Diesel Plate Compactors Diesel Concrete Pavers (unused) Diesel Rollers Diesel Scrapers Diesel Paving Equipment Diesel Surfacing Equipment Diesel Signal Boards Diesel Trenchers Diesel Bore/Drill Rigs Diesel Excavators Diesel Concrete/Industrial Saws Diesel Cement & Mortar Mixers Diesel Cranes Diesel Graders Diesel Off-highway Trucks Diesel Crushing/Proc.59 0.55 0.60 0.85 0.59 0.42 0.69 0.80 0. 43 0.59 0.43 0.) Trimmers/Edgers/Brush Cutters (Comm.43 0.) Rear Engine Riding Mowers (Comm.59 0.59 0.43 0.59 0.43 0.43 0.59 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.Load Factor and Activity Estimates in Draft NONROAD2004 SCC Equipment Description 2270002069 2270002072 2270002075 2270002078 2270002081 2270003010 2270003020 2270003030 2270003040 2270003050 2270003060 2270003070 2270004010 2270004011 2270004015 2270004016 2270004020 2270004021 2270004025 2270004026 2270004030 2270004031 2270004035 2270004036 2270004040 2270004041 2270004045 2270004046 2270004050 2270004051 2270004055 2270004056 2270004060 2270004061 2270004065 2270004066 2270004070 2270004071 2270004075 2270004076 2270005010 2270005015 2270005020 2270005025 2270005030 2270005035 2270005040 2270005045 2270005050 2270005055 2270005060 2270006005 Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Crawler Tractors Skid Steer Loaders Off-Highway Tractors Dumpers/Tenders Other Construction Equipment Aerial Lifts Forklifts Sweepers/Scrubbers Other General Industrial Equipment Other Material Handling Equipment AC\Refrigeration Terminal Tractors Lawn mowers (Residential) Lawn mowers (Commerical) Rotary Tillers < 6 HP (Residential) Rotary Tillers < 6 HP (Commercial) Chain Saws < 6 HP (Residential) Chain Saws < 6 HP (Commercial) Trimmers/Edgers/Brush Cutters (Res.) Commercial Turf Equipment (Comm.59 0.43 0.21 0.43 0.43 0.) Other Lawn & Garden Equipment (Comm.43 0.43 0.21 0.43 0.43 0.) Front Mowers (Residential) Front Mowers (Commercial) Shredders < 6 HP (Residential) Shredders < 6 HP (Commercial) Lawn & Garden Tractors (Residential) Lawn & Garden Tractors (Commercial) Wood Splitters (Residential) Wood Splitters (Commercial) Chippers/Stump Grinders (Residential) Chippers/Stump Grinders (Commercial) Commercial Turf Equipment (Res.59 0.43 0.) Leafblowers/Vacuums (Residential) Leafblowers/Vacuums (Commercial) Snowblowers (Residential) Snowblowers (Commercial) Rear Engine Riding Mowers (Res.43 0.43 0.59 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.59 0.59 0.43 0.) Other Lawn & Garden Equipment (Res.59 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.59 0.43 0.43 0.59 0.59 0.43 0.21 0.21 0.) 2-Wheel Tractors Agricultural Tractors Combines Balers Agricultural Mowers Sprayers Tillers > 6 HP Swathers Hydro Power Units Other Agricultural Equipment Irrigation Sets Light Commercial Generator Sets Load Factor (fraction of power) 0.43 Activity (hours/year) 936 818 855 566 606 384 1700 1220 878 421 1341 1257 320 320 172 172 70 70 60 60 120 120 400 400 480 480 480 480 120 120 544 544 265 265 465 465 1068 1068 433 433 544 475 150 95 363 90 172 110 790 381 749 338 25 . 66 0.40 Activity (hours/year) 403 815 8500 643 145 70 120 1276 0 732 1533 1231 40 1080 65 392 160 166 0 621 540 175 488 318 402 107 378 610 84 415 504 450 241 413 512 900 870 700 310 155 127 371 361 1800 516 713 386 605 827 25 406 17 26 .71 0.41 0.21 0.59 0.55 0.Load Factor and Activity Estimates in Draft NONROAD2004 SCC Equipment Description 2270006010 2270006015 2270006020 2270006025 2270006030 2270007005 2270007010 2270007015 2270007020 2270008005 2270009010 2270010010 2267001020 2267001050 2267001060 2267002003 2267002006 2267002009 2267002012 2267002015 2267002018 2267002021 2267002024 2267002027 2267002030 2267002033 2267002036 2267002039 2267002042 2267002045 2267002048 2267002051 2267002054 2267002057 2267002060 2267002063 2267002066 2267002069 2267002072 2267002075 2267002078 2267002081 2267003010 2267003020 2267003030 2267003040 2267003050 2267003060 2267003070 2267004010 2267004011 2267004015 Diesel Light Commercial Pumps Diesel Light Commercial Air Compressors Diesel Light Commercial Gas Compressors Diesel Light Commercial Welders Diesel Light Commercial Pressure Washer Diesel Logging Equipment Chain Saws > 6 HP Diesel Logging Equipment Shredders > 6 HP Diesel Logging Equip Fell/Bunch/Skidders Diesel Logging Equip Fell/Bunch (unused) Diesel Airport Support Equipment Diesel Other Underground Mining Equipment Diesel Other Oil Field Equipment LPG Snowmobiles LPG Golf Carts LPG Specialty Vehicle Carts LPG Asphalt Pavers LPG Tampers/Rammers LPG Plate Compactors LPG Concrete Pavers LPG Rollers LPG Scrapers LPG Paving Equipment LPG Surfacing Equipment LPG Signal Boards LPG Trenchers LPG Bore/Drill Rigs LPG Excavators LPG Concrete/Industrial Saws LPG Cement & Mortar Mixers LPG Cranes LPG Graders LPG Off-highway Trucks LPG Crushing/Proc.59 0.48 0.70 0.55 0.46 0.79 0.33 0.80 0.47 0.49 0.43 0.48 0.30 0.53 0.43 0.58 0.34 0.58 0.43 0.59 0.46 0.21 0.33 0.75 0.64 0.43 0.54 0.66 0.59 0.62 0.80 0.78 0.85 0.72 0. Equipment LPG Rough Terrain Forklifts LPG Rubber Tire Loaders LPG Rubber Tire Dozers LPG Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes LPG Crawler Tractors LPG Skid Steer Loaders LPG Off-Highway Tractors LPG Dumpers/Tenders LPG Other Construction Equipment LPG Aerial Lifts LPG Forklifts LPG Sweepers/Scrubbers LPG Other General Industrial Equipment LPG Other Material Handling Equipment LPG AC\Refrigeration LPG Terminal Tractors LPG Lawn mowers (Residential) LPG Lawn mowers (Commercial) LPG Rotary Tillers < 6 HP (Residential) Load Factor (fraction of power) 0.55 0.71 0.43 0.70 0.63 0.59 0.59 0.78 0.59 0.46 0.59 0. 69 0.69 0.71 0.70 0.) Leafblowers/Vacuums (Residential) Leafblowers/Vacuums (Commercial) Snowblowers (Residential) Snowblowers (Commercial) Rear Engine Riding Mowers (Residential) Rear Engine Riding Mowers (Commercial) Front Mowers (Residential) Front Mowers (Commercial) Shredders < 6 HP (Residential) Shredders < 6 HP (Commercial) Lawn & Garden Tractors (Residential) Lawn & Garden Tractors (Commercial) Wood Splitters (Residential) Wood Splitters (Commercial) Chippers/Stump Grinders (Residential) Chippers/Stump Grinders (Commercial) Commercial Turf Equipment (Residential) Commercial Turf Equipment (Commercial) Other Lawn & Garden Equipment (Res.68 0.52 0.) Other Lawn & Garden Equipment (Comm.44 0.74 0.58 0.85 0.56 0.56 0.65 0.69 0.80 0.38 0.80 0.38 0.85 0.94 0.35 0.80 0.58 Activity (hours/year) 472 13 303 9 137 10 282 8 136 36 569 86 86 50 50 45 721 76 76 488 488 682 682 61 61 286 550 125 68 175 80 43 95 450 124 716 115 221 484 6000 408 115 303 50 350 0 681 260 1104 40 1080 65 27 .90 0.55 0.70 0.48 0.62 0.70 0.60 0.) Trimmers/Edgers/Brush Cutters (Comm.80 0.78 0.58 0.70 0.44 0.62 0.60 0.70 0.62 0.40 0.Load Factor and Activity Estimates in Draft NONROAD2004 SCC Equipment Description 2267004016 2267004020 2267004021 2267004025 2267004026 2267004030 2267004031 2267004035 2267004036 2267004040 2267004041 2267004045 2267004046 2267004050 2267004051 2267004055 2267004056 2267004060 2267004061 2267004065 2267004066 2267004070 2267004071 2267004075 2267004076 2267005010 2267005015 2267005020 2267005025 2267005030 2267005035 2267005040 2267005045 2267005050 2267005055 2267005060 2267006005 2267006010 2267006015 2267006020 2267006025 2267006030 2267007005 2267007010 2267007015 2267007020 2267008005 2267009010 2267010010 2268001020 2268001050 2268001060 LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG LPG CNG CNG CNG Rotary Tillers < 6 HP (Commercial) Chain Saws < 6 HP (Residential) Chain Saws < 6 HP (Commercial) Trimmers/Edgers/Brush Cutters (Res.68 0.65 0.94 0.46 0.35 0.91 0.78 0.60 0.) 2-Wheel Tractors Agricultural Tractors Combines Balers Agricultural Mowers Sprayers Tillers > 6 HP Swathers Hydro Power Units Other Agricultural Equipment Irrigation Sets Light Commercial Generator Sets Light Commercial Pumps Light Commercial Air Compressors Light Commercial Gas Compressors Light Commercial Welders Light Commercial Pressure Washers Logging Equipment Chain Saws > 6 HP Logging Equipment Shredders > 6 HP Logging Equipment Skidders Logging Equipment Fellers/Bunchers Airport Support Equipment Other Underground Mining Equipment Other Oil Field Equipment Snowmobiles Golf Carts Specialty Vehicle Carts Load Factor (fraction of power) 0.65 0.91 0.56 0.34 0. 79 0.91 0.62 0.85 0.54 0.78 0.59 0.48 0.53 0.66 0.80 0.58 0.46 0.80 0.94 0.70 0.40 0.47 0.55 0.70 0.Load Factor and Activity Estimates in Draft NONROAD2004 SCC Equipment Description 2268002003 2268002006 2268002009 2268002012 2268002015 2268002018 2268002021 2268002024 2268002027 2268002030 2268002033 2268002036 2268002039 2268002042 2268002045 2268002048 2268002051 2268002054 2268002057 2268002060 2268002063 2268002066 2268002069 2268002072 2268002075 2268002078 2268002081 2268003010 2268003020 2268003030 2268003040 2268003050 2268003060 2268003070 2268004010 2268004011 2268004015 2268004016 2268004020 2268004021 2268004025 2268004026 2268004030 2268004031 2268004035 2268004036 2268004040 2268004041 2268004045 2268004046 2268004050 2268004051 CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG CNG Asphalt Pavers Tampers/Rammers Plate Compactors Concrete Pavers Rollers Scrapers Paving Equipment Surfacing Equipment Signal Boards Trenchers Bore/Drill Rigs Excavators Concrete/Industrial Saws Cement & Mortar Mixers Cranes Graders Off-highway Trucks Crushing/Proc.33 0.59 0.38 0.71 0.66 0.94 0.35 0.72 0.33 0.63 0.80 0.70 0.46 0.) Trimmers/Edgers/Brush Cutters (Comm.30 0. Equipment Rough Terrain Forklifts Rubber Tire Loaders Rubber Tire Dozers Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes Crawler Tractors Skid Steer Loaders Off-Highway Tractors Dumpers/Tenders Other Construction Equipment Aerial Lifts Forklifts Sweepers/Scrubbers Other General Industrial Equipment Other Material Handling Equipment AC\Refrigeration Terminal Tractors Lawn mowers (Residential) Lawn mowers (Commercial) Rotary Tillers < 6 HP (Residential) Rotary Tillers < 6 HP (Commercial) Chain Saws < 6 HP (Residential) Chain Saws < 6 HP (Commercial) Trimmers/Edgers/Brush Cutters (Res.41 0.53 0.71 0.64 0.75 0.49 0.38 0.55 0.) Leafblowers/Vacuums (Residential) Leafblowers/Vacuums (Commercial) Snowblowers (Residential) Snowblowers (Commercial) Rear Engine Riding Mowers (Residential) Rear Engine Riding Mowers (Commercial) Front Mowers (Residential) Front Mowers (Commercial) Shredders < 6 HP (Residential) Shredders < 6 HP (Commercial) Load Factor (fraction of power) 0.65 0.91 0.35 0.78 0.70 0.80 Activity (hours/year) 392 160 166 0 621 540 175 488 318 402 107 378 610 84 415 504 450 241 413 512 900 870 700 310 155 127 371 361 1800 516 713 386 605 827 25 406 17 472 13 303 9 137 10 282 8 136 36 569 86 86 50 50 28 .48 0.65 0.40 0.55 0. 69 0.70 0.62 0.74 0.80 0.) CNG Other Lawn & Garden Equipment (Comm.58 0.62 Activity (hours/year) 45 721 76 76 488 488 682 682 61 61 286 550 125 68 175 80 43 95 450 124 716 115 221 484 6000 408 115 303 50 350 0 681 260 1104 34.68 0.60 0.62 0.3 47.21 0.80 0.43 0.62 0.90 0. Outboard (unused) Diesel Railway Maintenance 2-Stroke Gasoline Railway Maintenance 4-Stroke Gasoline Railway Maintenance LPG Railway Maintenance CNG Railway Maintenance Load Factor (fraction of power) 0.71 0.60 0.44 0.85 0.69 0. 29 .70 0.21 0.58 0.62 0.Load Factor and Activity Estimates in Draft NONROAD2004 SCC Equipment Description 2268004055 2268004056 2268004060 2268004061 2268004065 2268004066 2268004070 2268004071 2268004075 2268004076 2268005010 2268005015 2268005020 2268005025 2268005030 2268005035 2268005040 2268005045 2268005050 2268005055 2268005060 2268006005 2268006010 2268006015 2268006020 2268006025 2268006030 2268007005 2268007010 2268007015 2268007020 2268008005 2268009010 2268010010 2282005010 2282005015 2282010005 2282020005 2282020010 2282020025 2285002015 2285003015 2285004015 2285006015 2285008015 CNG Lawn & Garden Tractors (Residential) CNG Lawn & Garden Tractors (Commercial) CNG Wood Splitters (Residential) CNG Wood Splitters (Commercial) CNG Chippers/Stump Grinders (Residential) CNG Chippers/Stump Grinders (Commercial) CNG Commercial Turf Equipment (Residential) CNG Commercial Turf Equipment (Commercial) CNG Other Lawn & Garden Equipment (Res.52 0.69 0.44 0.43 0.78 0.62 0.68 0.) CNG 2-Wheel Tractors CNG Agricultural Tractors CNG Combines CNG Balers CNG Agricultural Mowers CNG Sprayers CNG Tillers > 6 HP CNG Swathers CNG Hydro Power Units CNG Other Agricultural Equipment CNG Irrigation Sets CNG Light Commercial Generator Sets CNG Light Commercial Pumps CNG Light Commercial Air Compressors CNG Light Commercial Gas Compressors CNG Light Commercial Welders CNG Light Commercial Pressure Washers CNG Logging Equipment Chain Saws > 6 HP CNG Logging Equipment Shredders > 6 HP CNG Logging Equipment Skidders CNG Logging Equipment Fellers/Bunchers CNG Airport Support Equipment CNG Other Underground Mining Equipment CNG Other Oil Field Equipment 2-Stroke Outboards 2-Stroke Personal Watercraft 4-Stroke Inboards Diesel Inboards Diesel Outboards Diesel Sailboat Aux.65 0.21 0.56 0.56 0.48 0.56 0.85 0.62 0.43 0.60 0.8 77.78 0.21 0.70 0.55 0.6 200 150 68 943 184 184 184 184 * Activities for off-road motorcycles and all terrain vehicles are in units of miles per year. Appendix B Documentation of the Median Life Values in the California OFFROAD Model 30 . VA 22209 September 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS 31 . INC. 1655 North Fort Myer Drive Suite 600 Arlington. MI EPA Purchase Order: 1A-0462-NASX Prepared by: ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS.DOCUMENTATION OF DIESEL ENGINE LIFE VALUES USED IN THE ARB OFF-HIGHWAY MODEL Prepared for: OFFICE OF MOBILE SOURCES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Ann Arbor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. . . . . . LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 Table 2 PSR Data on Engine Life at Rated Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 9 1 2 3 8 13 14 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUMMARY . . USEFUL LIFE VALUES IN THE MODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EEA ANALYSIS OF THE PSR DATA . 1991 Engine Models by Horsepower Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSR DATA DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1 51-750 HP Diesel Engine Life Spans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX A: LIST OF CONTACTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . based on the fact that engines competing in the marketplace for the same market segment offer competitive durability. Some of the data and inputs in the model are potentially outdated. Given the wide range of engines and equipment available in the offhighway market. and was developed in a period when virtually all information had to be obtained from original sources and very few were available publicly. population and scrappage. engine life in a particular application is inversely proportional to the average load factor. In particular.1. a number of simplifying assumptions had to be made. The model estimates emission inventory from off-highway mobile sources of all types. EEA describes the methodology by which we derived other data that were judged more appropriate for the model. and EEA changed the data based on inputs from industry associations and engine manufacturers. The scrappage model is constructed in a manner that allows useful life for a given equipment type to vary based on the simple formulation that engine life in application “i” is given by: (E n g in e L ife) i = (E n g in e L ife) full lo a d (L o ad F acto r) i Hence. The model’s emissions calculations require tracking of the population of each equipment type/engine combination by vintage. EEA conducted a detailed assessment of PSR populations and sales data provided by comparing these data with data from other sources. population and useful life was Power Systems Research (PSR). EEA developed a model for the California Air Resources Board (ARB). Engines were categorized by fuel type. At this subcategory level. based on new research and testing conducted in the last decade years following its development. In many instances. While the Power Systems Research data was the single largest and most unified source of data. It should be noted that the ARB Off-Highway Model is the first of its kind.versus fourstroke). Second. it should be noted that the single most important source of data for equipment type. This memo first describes the PSR data and specifically identifies areas where our comparison indicated that PSR was likely in potential error. Second. the PSR engine life data appeared to be most incorrect for smaller engines. the population of engines was assumed to be homogeneous. we found PSR data could not be justified. The same engine type can be utilized across a number of equipment types that place different loads on the engine. BACKGROUND In the 1992-1993 time frame. The development of specific engine life estimates for each engine subcategory is described in this memorandum. and engine life at full load is specified within the model. The vintage distribution of any particular type of offhighway equipment and engine type is determined from a scrappage model that requires engine useful life as an input. that has a proprietary database on off-highway equipment sales. horsepower range and engine cycle (two. 33 . At engine life equal to one. Engine life at rated load is determined by a proprietary formula that related life to bore/stroke. fuel type and horsepower range. Nationwide sales are allocated to regions based on survey data and dealer based information. PSR also provide a separate data file on the mean engine life by engine model in hours at rated load. PSR DATA DESCRIPTION Data purchased from PSR included detailed breakouts of California off-highway populations by engine type. Engine life in years for an application is given by: E n gine L ife at R ated H P (h ou rs) L o ad F acto r x U se (h ours/year) Population ≅ Average Sales x engine life (years) For equipment types that have no time trend in sales. The curve is S-shape. In many cases. we obtained a detailed database on life by engine model to allow us to assess the formula. Hence. Scrappage is estimated as a function of vintage and engine mean life. EEA ANALYSIS OF THE PSR DATA 34 . Engine life in a particular application is engine life at rated load divided by the load factor on a typical duty cycle for the application. and at engine life equal to two. Central to the estimates is a non-dimensional survival curve that provides survival rates in percent on the Y-axis against fraction of engine life used. design type and specific output. the engine life value is the point where half of all engine are scrapped. PSR has developed load factors for each application although we have no explicit understanding of how the load factors were developed. 3. The formula itself is proprietary and undocumented. so that the above formula can provide a reasonable estimate of population. PSR obtains sales data from a number of proprietary sources including manufacturers and dealers. survival rate is zero. the survival rate is fifty percent. and starts at one at zero engine life used. Nevertheless.2. The PSR methodology for estimating population is based on sales and scrappage. Population is derived from sales with the formula: P o p u l a t io n = ∑ S a l e si x S u r v i v a l R a t e i i summed over i = 0 to twice the engine life in the application. sales of off –highway equipment have shown no growth trend over a long period. we can estimate population using: We utilized the above formula in several instances to estimate populations from available sales data. In lawn and garden equipment. PSR population data from most non-commercial equipment such as chain saws and lawn mowers were a factor of ten higher than estimates from the industry or estimates based on (sales x useful life). As a result of this comparison. although the Booz-Allen numbers for diesels are not well documented. the gasoline (and LPG)-to-diesel split was very different. although the decline is not large relative the distribution of values within engine HP range. the PSR life estimates were potentially in serious error. (There were only a very small number of such cases. As a result of the population analysis. Finally PSR estimates of populations for construction equipment were much closer to those derived from sales or industry data on populations. only aggregate statistics are provided in this report. These equipment typically use diesel engines over 200 HP. but the margin of difference was not large. PSR totals across all fuel types and horsepower categories were comparable to estimates from industry associations. Briefing charts presented to the ARB documenting all the comparisons have been provided to EPA. Diesel engine equipment populations were significantly over-estimated by PSR (by a factor of three to four). No validation of PSR data could be done for light commercial equipment such as generator sets. all engines in the 25 to 750 HP range have an average life of 10. The differences were in the range of 50 to 150 percent. Equipment in this category utilize diesel engines under 50 HP. However. For industrial equipment. PSR estimates were very low relative to other estimates. snowmobiles and ATVs. PSR’s estimates were more reasonable and comparable to other estimates. and only the key data and major conclusions are presented here. including one obvious typographical error). It appeared that for small diesel engines (less than 50 HP). PSR estimates were higher than those from industry. However. For example.700±1300 hours. These equipment typically are powered by diesel engines in the 25 to 100 HP range. This category also has no diesel powered equipment.A very detailed comparison of PSR population estimates by equipment category was undertaken. while gasoline engine equipment populations were underestimated significantly. ranging from 10 to 30 percent. Similar trends were also found for transport refrigeration units. For commercial equipment. pumps and compressors. the average engine life by HP range declines with increasing horsepower. As shown in Table 1. most lawn and garden equipment are powered by gasoline engines. One study by Booz-Allen Hamilton suggested PSR estimates for diesels were incorrect by more than an order of magnitude. and diesel airport ground support equipment. we requested and obtained the detailed PSR life data by engine model. 35 . Table 1 provides the PSR useful life data after filtering the data for zeroes and blanks. and the level of optimism increased with decreasing HP. For recreational equipment such as motorcycles. we concluded that PSR’s diesel engine life estimates appeared to be optimistic. PSR population data for agricultural tractors (typically in the 50 to 150 HP range) were also significantly higher than estimates from the Agricultural Census and sales based estimates. Due to its proprietary nature. Most naturally aspirated engine are in the upper end of the life range. Two stroke engine. the declining trend as well as the absolute values appeared incorrect. we use investigated the data more thoroughly. The PSR model simply scales the life in exact inverse proportion to the HP rating. 36 . The decline in average useful life with increasing HP in Table 1 is due to the fact that a larger proportion of high HP engines are turbocharged. or turbocharged and aftercooled. However. Within naturally aspirated engines. Since the variation of useful life with HP ranges were larger than the changes to the averages across HP ranges. For example. but is not related to the larger engine size.000 hours for small engines to 18. (A few engines had even higher useful life numbers. Figure 1 shows the distribution of useful life ratings from engines in the 50 to 750 HP range. in concert with their increasing specific output. but it was not clear why). with specific output almost twice the specific output of four-stroke engines. ranging from 12. there was a trend to increasing average useful life with size and horsepower. most of the larger engines are offered in naturally aspirated. a given engine model’s useful life was found to be inversely proportional to its horsepower output. turbocharged and aftercooled models at a variety of HP ratings.Based on our knowledge of engines and their applications. had the lowest useful life values.000 hours for the largest engines. The detailed data showed that engine life appeared to be a stronger function of its aspiration (turbocharged or naturally aspirated) than its displacement or power output. especially for the smaller engines. turbocharged engines in the middle of the range and turbocharged/aftercooled engines in the lower end of the useful life range. 1 – 500 500.070 Standard Deviation 1.404 3.490 8.1 – 120 120.705 2.927 5.968 18.1 – 750 750+ Sample Size 104 88 118 241 106 17 189 36 27 Average* 13.910 3.713 16.038 10.579 4.076 9.TABLE 1 PSR DATA ON ENGINE LIFE AT RATED LOAD (hours) HP Range 2.1 – 15 15.654 Minimum 5.331 11.994 11. 37 .171 20.625 22.986 2.463 4.627 31.464 3.264 Maximum 29.062 23.469 3.315 10.818 * Average across all engine models without sales weighting.847 19.704 12.452 18.1 – 50 50.135 3.463 3.364 11.1 – 25 25.695 2.406 4.178 5.907 2.1 – 250 250.1 – 175 175.029 4. Figure 1 51-750 HP Diesel Engine Life Spans 120 Number of Engines 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 4000 8000 12000 Life (hours) 16000 20000 38 . Detroit Diesel and IH. Second. some specialized engines such as Caterpillar’s 3500 series. Table 2 shows the data for diesel engines above 50 HP. except at the highest horsepower end. and Detroit Diesel’s 53 Series engines. Kubota. we identified popular (high sales) engines within each horsepower category.EEA’s knowledge of engines suggested that the PSR approach was incorrect. as follows. Above 175 HP. In the 50–120 HP market. (The horsepower ranges in the table do not exactly correspond to those in the model. we contacted a subset of the engine manufacturers of these popular engines to obtain their views on engine life. EEA decided to specify the useful life data independently of PSR data. Third. we are generally unaware of any major decrease in life for turbocharged and aftercooled engines in the onhighway segment relative to turbocharged or naturally aspirated engines. since ARB requested some changes in the ranges towards the end of the project). Hence. the four major on-highway diesel engine manufacturers (Cummins. Caterpillar. At these high HP levels. 39 . Isuzu and Toyota) are utilized. The identification of popular engine models by horsepower range was based on data developed under earlier studies for ARB by EEA. over 500 HP. In addition. John Deere is the only the other major domestic engine manufacturer that sells engines directed almost completely to the off-highway market. on-highway medium-heavy duty engines and some naturally aspirated versions of heavy-heavy duty engines dominate sales. we developed engine life based on a combination of manufacturer comments and available data from on-highway engines. two types of engines dominate sales. In industrial tractors and small airport ground support equipment. now Navistar) offer versions of their on-highway products for the offhighway market. Deutz and Perkins are the major import engine brands in the market for engines over 50 HP.1L/cylinder series and the 3200 series. First. DDC’s 149 series and Cummins KT series are available and are not generally sold in the on-highway market. Such engines are typically rated from 30 to 50 HP. the Caterpillar 1. For example. sales are dominated by four-cylinder versions of six-cylinder onhighway medium heavy-duty engines such as the Cummins B and C series. VW. Detroit Diesel’s two-stroke engines do not have the reputation for wearing out twice as fast as other competitive four-stroke engines in truck applications. derated versions of passenger car diesel engines (from manufacturers like Perkins. In the lower horsepower ranges below 50 HP. In addition. In the next higher range of 120 to 175 HP. Sales of engines in the very high HP categories are quite small. a majority of engines are derivatives of heavy-heavy duty on-highway engines. 4. USEFUL LIFE VALUES IN THE MODEL EEA took a three-step approach to determining the correct useful life. In general. 3T/TA 3-53T 4-53T 6-71N 6-359T/TA 6-414T/TA 6-466T/TA D-360T D-466N/T/TA 4D-130N/T 6D-95N/T 6D-105N/T FL913T/TA FL413N/T 6-354N/T 8-540N/T 250 to 500 HP 3306T/TA 3406T/TA 3408T/TA L-10T/TA NTC-855T/TA 6-71T/TA 8-71T/TA 6-92N/T/TA 6-619T/TA 8-955T/TA Over 500 HP 3412T/TA 3408TA All 3500 series KT-19 VT-28 KV-38 8-92T/TA 12-92T/TA All 149 series 6D-125T/TA 6D-140N/T 6D-155N/T FL413T/TA FL513T/TA 6-734T/TA 8-1062T/TA 6D-170T/TA 8V-170T/TA 12V170T/TA N is for naturally aspirated.9 3-53N/T 4-53N 8.4 4B3.9T/TA 6C8.3 6A3. 40 .2L N 3-179N/T 4-239N/T 4-276N/T D-239N/T D-360N 4D-94N/T 4D-95N/T 4D-105N FL912N/T FL913N/T 3-153N/T 4-236N/T 120 to 250 HP 3116T 3208NA 3306NA 6B5.TABLE 2 1991 ENGINE MODELS BY HORSEPOWER CATEGORY Manufacturer Caterpillar Cummins Detroit Diesel Deere IH Komatsu Deutz Perkins 50 to120 HP 3114T 3204NA 3304NA 4A2. T for turbocharged and A for aftercooled. suggesting a load factor of 0.e. While suggesting that there is variation in life with increasing output. and that warranty protection is the same for all engine types. Yanmar.3 All were questions about the: · correctness of the PSR algorithm of scaling life by load factor. but no hard data was provided by manufacturers. mostly highway miles. 41 . Manufacturers suggested that miles could be converted to hours by assuming that most mileage was accumulated at highway speeds of. A typical engine rated HP for the application is 350 HP to 375 HP. Manufacturers also generally agreed that EPA’s original durability finding that medium-heavy duty engines have two-thirds the life of heavy-heavy duty engines was a reasonable estimate.000 to 750. they had not observed any significant change in useful life. They believed it would overestimate life at very light load factors and underestimate life as load factor approached one. however.Small two. Cummins. and Teledyne-Wisconsin are utilized in the 15–40 HP range and are a mix of air cooled and water-cooled engines.or three-cylinder engines from manufacturers such as Kubota. manufacturers also stated that many components are upgraded in turbocharged engines relative to their naturally aspirated counterparts. most manufacturers agreed that engine life (defined as the point when the engine is removed from the truck for a rebuild) for an over-the-road application. · · typical useful life in on-highway applications. For heavy-heavy duty on-road engines. manufacturers agreed that load factor was inversely related to engine life but cautioned that this relationship could not hold over the entire range of load factors from zero to one. Simulation models such as “TCAPE” show that an 80. Information obtained was subjective and experienced based. i. Navistar and Detroit-Diesel.000 miles range. say. In order to develop useful life at rated HP. Engines under 15 HP are also offered by these same manufacturers and are mostly single-cylinder air-cooled diesels. Useful life estimates for engines over 50 HP were based on information from heavy-duty diesel engine manufacturers. Note that this referred to engines from the last decade. a load factor corresponding to 60 MPH operation is required.000 lb. They did not agree. EEA spoke with representatives from Caterpillar. Most of these engines find application is light commercial equipment. as we understand that current engines last up to a million miles. was in the 700.6. They also pointed to the evidence that inspite of increasing specific output in the late-1980s and early 1990s. comparability to useful life in off-highway applications. 60 mph as an average. On PSR’s useful life algorithms. The best bsfc point 3 * contact names are listed in Appendix A. with PSR’s method of derating life at full load inversely with specific output across all aspiration types. and by specific output. It is also known that trucks are geared to operate at close to the best bsfc point at cruising speed.. Onan. GVW truck cruising on a level road at 60 mph requires 210 to 220 HP. 7 x Peak Torque x RPM @ Peak Torque 0. No adjustments were made for offhighway use. Several members commented that the engines were physically similar in design to light-duty automotive diesels. we can derive a life at rated power in hours: Life = = 700. we estimated their life at 4000 hours. Again.usually occurs at 70 percent of peak torque and close to the peak torque RPM which is about 70 percent of rated RPM. Peak torque is usually about 20 percent higher than trque at rated RPM. since these engines are typically not used in rough duty applications. they believed that durability was lower than the value of the larger water cooled multi-cylinder units in the 42 . and we selected 15 percent as an approximate average. This value was used for diesel engines in the 15 to 50 HP range.7 x (RPM)R 0. These suggestions were to reduce the onhighway life by 10 to 20 percent. which was the basis for our estimate of life. Rather.6. Adjusting the on-highway life of 7000 hours by 15 percent provided a useful life rating for off-highway engines of 6000 hours. However.7 x (RPM)R 0. Using the fact that medium duty engines offered twothirds the life of heavy-heavy duty engines. Since: Rated HP = (Torque)R x (RPM)R where subscript R is for rated values. Perkins and VW to obtain information on diesel engine useful life but they had no specific information on hours.000 miles 60 mph 7000 hours x Load Factor Manufacturers had only subjective opinions for the life in off-road use. Diesels in the under 15 HP category are typically small single cylinder air-cooled engines. One manufacturer suggested using information on forklift truck scrappage.1) in typical automotive use. a mileage based estimate leads to very long useful life (>10.2 x (Torque)R 0. From this.7 x 1. Because of the very low load factor (around 0.2 x (Torque)R x 0. we can calculate Peak Torque RPM @ Peak Torque Cruise Point @ = 0 = @ 1. Useful life for smaller engines (under 50 HP) was based on less information.6 x (Torque)R x (RPM)R Hence. EEA contacted representatives from Kubota. but we found that the Industrial Truck Association only has an average life for all fork-lifts (gasoline and diesel). Yanmar. Data from auto-manufacturers show that a typical wide open throttle durability requirement for gasoline four-cylinder engines is about 2500 hours. we utilized the fact that small light duty (passenger car) diesel have durability comparable to gasoline engines of similar displacement.000 hours). and the data was not directly useful. the cruise point calculation also implies a load factor of about 0. and suggested some adjustment factor for “rough-duty” conditions. no specific life figures were obtained from manufacturers. it appeared that PSR overestimates diesel equipment populations. the value appears to be a reasonable estimate. Given that PSR estimates of small diesel populations are over ten times the estimates of other organizations. The ratio of EEA useful life estimates to PSR estimates for each HP category is quite similar to the ratio of equipment population estimates from other sources to PSR’s equipment population estimates. 43 . where engine types in each HP range were matched with on-road counterparts. but recognize that this is not supported by any data.15-50 HP category. It also reflects the fact that it is about ten percent of PSR’s estimate. Data for engines under 50 HP. EEA developed its own estimates by comparison with on-road engines useful life. 5. was unavailable and based largely on subjective comments from the manufacturers. EEA selected 1250 hours as a plausible value. suggesting that EEA useful life estimates are reasonable. however. SUMMARY Based on detailed comparison of populations. with the smallest diesel engine having substantially higher useful life relative to the largest diesels. A detailed examination of their data on engine useful life at rated load showed counterintuitive estimates. with the level of overestimate increasing from the 20 percent range for the largest diesels to over 1000 percent for the smallest diesels. These estimate were traced to assumptions about the relationship of engine life to specific output (HP/liter) that EEA believes are incorrect. APPENDIX A LIST OF CONTACTS Caterpillar Cummins Navistar (IH) Detroit Diesel Kubota Yanmar Perkins VW Don Dowdall Mike Brand Ed Sienecke John Fisher Kevin Kokrda Norman Weir and Kozuhiro Nomura P. Harrison (England) Wolfgang Groth 44 .A.
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