Envision Runtime Administration
Runtime AdministrationReissued Manual as of March 10, 2010 This is a new edition of the Runtime Administration manual for Release 4.7/4.8. This edition replaces the previous edition dated November 25, 2009, and is updated for the following software updates: SU48558.63-485 Move Tool Forms to UT SU48809.93-485 Envision 2010 Spring Bundle The Primary Changes Made Section Form Reference Pages 303 Changes Made With the release of Colleague Studio, the replacement for Envision Toolkit, Datatel has established the following end-of-life dates for the Envision Toolkit. • End of Programming Support: 12/31/2009 • End of Full Tech Support: 03/31/2010 • End of Limited Tech Support: 06/30/2010 Therefore, the following twenty Envision Toolkit forms were migrated to Envision Runtime (UT). These forms provide administrative, not development, functions and therefore are not replaced by functionality in Colleague Studio. These forms are listed in mnemonic order: • 304 • 305 • 306 • 307 • 310 • 312 • 314 • 316 • 318 • 322 • 324 • 326 • 328 • 331 • 357 • 359 • 367 • 411 • Action Checked Out Studio Object (ACSO) • Refresh RFSPECS (BTRR) • Computed Column Library Dply (CCLD) • Computed Columns Not Deployed (CCND) • Custom Scanner Report (CCSR) • Custom Declaration (CDEC) • Custom Packaging Detail (CDED) • Custom Declaration Objects (CDOB) • Custom Development in Progress (CDPI) • Custom Package Import/Export (CPIE) • Custom Release Package Build (CPKG) • Custom Release Package Build (CPKP) • Custom Package Rebuild Detail (CPKR) • Custom Code Scanner (CUSC) • Migrate Computed Columns (MGCC) • Other Technical Documentation (ODOC) • Proc Gen to Screen Proc Conv (PTSC) • Studio Object Status Inquiry (SOSI) Section Form Reference (cont’d) Pages • 413 • 414 Changes Made • Studio WorkGroup Definition (SWGD) • Studio WorkGroup Inquiry (SWGI) Documentation was added for the new form CC Reset for SQL Server (CCRS) The Mag Tape Option Defaults (MTOD) form was obsoleted. Form Reference Form Reference 308 – Envision® Runtime Administration Release 4.7/4.8 March 10, 2010 For last-minute updates and additional information about this manual, see AnswerNet page 2103.81. Runtime Administration © 2010 Datatel, Inc. All Rights Reserved The information in this document is confidential and proprietary to and considered a trade secret of Datatel, Inc., and shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written authorization of Datatel, Inc. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Colleague and ActiveCampus are registered trademarks of Datatel, Inc. ActiveAlumni and ActiveAdmissions are trademarks of Datatel, Inc. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Datatel, Inc. 4375 Fair Lakes Court Fairfax, VA 22033 (703) 968-9000 (800) DATATEL www.datatel.com Table of Contents 17 19 19 19 20 Overview About This Manual In This Chapter Who Should Read This Manual? How This Manual is Organized 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 28 29 30 30 30 31 32 32 32 Basic Envision Concepts What is Envision? Structure of Envision Envision Tool Kit Envision Runtime Envision Forms Form Layout Header Block Data Area LookUp Area Types of Envision Forms Menus Process Forms Detail Forms Envision Fields Basic Concepts What is a Window? Terminology Types of Windows Vertical Windows Horizontal Windows Processing Windows General Purpose Forms Change Peripheral Defaults Sort/Break Criteria 33 33 35 35 35 36 36 Runtime Features and Terminology Features Terminology Application Application Trees Tree Reads Module Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 5 Table of Contents 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 Process Forms Batch Programs Procedures Operator Device Peripheral Security 43 43 47 48 48 50 Envision File Overview Envision Application Files Trans-Application Files Shared and Protected Files Shared Files Protected Files 51 53 55 55 55 56 57 57 57 57 58 58 59 59 59 59 60 60 60 61 61 61 Setup Introduction to Setup Defining System Parameters In This Chapter Using the Envision Parameters Edit (EPED) Form MIO Indexing Mode (Envision 4.7 Only) Oracle I/O Off (Envision 4.7 Only) Disable Full OCI (Envision 4.7 Only) SQL Select Off (Envision 4.7 Only) Read Cache Size (Envision 4.7 Only) Read Cache Log State (Envision 4.7 Only) Clear Cache Off (Envision 4.7 Only) Execute Log On Numeric Precision Subscription Enabled Inbound EDX TX Enabled Use Passive FTP Windows Clients Error Stamping MIO Level Check Disable UT Debug String DMI Print Server IP/Port (Envision 4.7 Only) 6 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. Table of Contents 63 63 63 64 64 65 Defining Validation Codes In This Chapter Code Files Code Tables Maintaining VAL Codes Disabling Valcode Tables 67 67 67 68 70 73 Editing UNIX_CONTROL Records In This Chapter Form Used Editing a UNIX_CONTROL Record Noteworthy Fields on the UCRE Form Procedure for Editing a UNIX_CONTROL Record 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 78 78 79 Printing Understanding Levels of Printing Operating System Database Management System Software LPTR SETPTR Application Software Change Peripheral Defaults Form Defining Printers to Envision for Windows NT and Windows 2003/2008 For All Printers Defined On The Same Local Server as Colleague For a Network Print Server 83 83 84 84 86 87 87 88 89 91 94 95 95 98 Using the Envision Process Handler What is the Envision Process Handler? Submitting a Task to the Envision Process Handler Submitting a Batch Process or Report Submitting a VOC Paragraph Viewing and Editing Task Schedules The System Administrator’s Role Setting Up the Process Handler and Managing Queues The Process Handler Setup (PHSU) Form The Process Queue Management (PRQM) Form The Reset Process Queue Handler (RSPH) Form Managing Processes The Outstanding Processes (OPRM) Form The Process Scheduling (PHTS) Form Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 7 Table of Contents 100 102 104 105 108 110 The Process Scheduling (PRSC) Form The My Processes (MYPR) Form Working with Process Status File Records The Process Status Report (PSTR) Form The Process Status File Purge (PSFP) Form Using Inquiry Forms 113 113 113 113 114 115 115 116 116 118 118 Customizing an Application Features Header Blocks Resolution Forms To Change a Resolution Form Adding/Changing Envision Menus Creating a New Menu in the Same Application as the Model Creating a New Menu Creating a Menu Based on a Model in a Higher Application STANDARD.FORMS (Release 17.0 only) Modifying a Program in STANDARD.FORMS 121 121 122 123 123 126 127 129 Grouping Screens Chaining Screens Security and Chaining Application Hierarchy and Chaining Function Keys and Chaining Components of a Screen Chain Definition Procedure for Chaining Screens Procedure for Reporting on Chained Screens 131 133 133 133 134 134 135 137 Security Security Overview Introduction Logging In UNIX Windows 2003/2008 For All Platforms Logging Off 139 139 139 Operating System Security Setting Up Login IDs and Passwords for Users Setting Up Users in UNIX 8 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. Table of Contents 140 140 141 141 141 142 142 143 143 143 143 145 Operating System Security in UniData Accessing the Database Management System Complete Restriction Guidelines for Complete Restriction Limited Restriction Guidelines for Limited Restriction Using the Sequential File BROWSE Shell (UTFB) Process HOLD File Security Public file security (PB) Private file security (PR) Shared file security (SH) Output Security Groups 147 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 155 157 158 158 159 161 162 Application Security Types of Security Security Classes Restricting User Access on the Security Class Definition (SCD) Form Restricting User Access for Detail Forms Guidelines for Defining Security Classes for an Application Procedure for Creating Security Classes Operator Definition Creating/Deleting Operator Definition Records Procedure for Creating an Operator Definition Record Procedure for Deleting an Operator Definition Record Using the PRCS.CTL Security Inquiry (PCSI) Form Process Security Classes Field Security Classes Using the Process Security Summary (PSCS) Form Noteworthy Fields on the PSCS Form Procedure for Using the Process Security Summary Report 165 165 165 165 166 166 167 168 169 169 Record and Field Security Security Layers Record Security User Characteristics Evaluation by Envision Runtime Guidelines for Specifying Record Security Defining Record Security User Characteristics Keywords Constants Function Expressions Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 9 INDEX.Table of Contents 169 171 175 175 177 Previously Defined Parameter Definitions Record Security Definitions Field Security Defining Field Security Updating and Maintaining Security 179 179 179 180 180 181 181 182 183 183 184 185 186 Encrypting Colleague Data In This Chapter Before You Begin Understanding Colleague Encryption Encryption Algorithm and Encryption Key Key Concepts Form Used File Used Defining Colleague Encryption Noteworthy Fields on the UTEP Form Procedure for Changing an Encryption Parameter Troubleshooting Troubleshooting a Failed Encryption Process 187 189 189 189 190 190 190 191 191 Maintenance Maintenance Introduction Scheduling System Maintenance Saves Consolidation of Job Histories Purges Disk Maintenance Sample Daily Schedule Notes 193 193 194 195 196 197 200 201 201 203 206 Using File and Index Analysis Utilities In This Chapter Using WEEKLY.UDT. .UDT.ANALYSIS (WUIA) Understanding the WUIA Utility Examples of Running the WUIA Utility Results of Running a Physical Check on Index Files 10 Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.ANALYSIS (WUFA) Output Items from the WUFA Utility Workflow for Using the WUFA Utility Running the WUFA Utility Excluding Files from Analysis Using WEEKLY. Inc.FILE. March 10. Inc.Table of Contents 209 212 213 Results of Running a Logical Check on Index Files Recommendations When Running the WUIA Utility Setting up Paragraphs for the WUIA Utility 215 216 217 219 220 220 221 222 223 223 226 234 Envision File Services Add/Change Tracking Record Link Management Record Deletion Transaction Logging Requesting Transaction Logging History Logging File Indexing Datatel Defined Indexes User Defined Indexing Converting Files to Database Indexing When File Conversion Is Complete 237 237 238 238 239 239 240 Envision Runtime Reports Procedure Rules Documentation Lookup Resolution Specifications Record Security Specifications Batch Error Report Job Statistics Report Audit Trail Report 241 241 242 242 243 244 244 245 245 246 Purging Files Data Files Background System Files Batch Status Transaction Logging Database Management Files Database Management System Files Naming Conventions HOLD PH SAVEDLISTS 247 249 249 250 Troubleshooting Introduction to Troubleshooting Recovery Guidelines Troubleshooting Envision-Based Software Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. 11 . March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Exit. HE. Exit) SD (Show Demanded) ET (Elapsed Time) Programmer-Specified Services Accessing GRDS On-demand Diagnostics Using the UTDB Form Research the Debug String Specify UT Process Debug Activation (UTDB) Parameters Run the Debugged Form GRDS and UTDB: Do They Interact? 12 Runtime Administration. Entry.Table of Contents 253 253 257 Problems in Envision Applications System Setup or Security Issues Runtime Error Messages 261 261 262 263 264 264 264 265 265 265 266 267 267 268 268 270 279 280 280 281 281 281 282 283 283 284 285 286 288 288 289 291 292 Envision Diagnostics In This Chapter Overview of the GRDS System System Integrity Checking Envision On-demand Diagnostic Systems Advantages of Using the GRDS System Auto-generated Logging Services Self-Diagnostic Services Log Saved to Disk Easy to Use. . AX & AD (Process Argument Services: Entry. Inc. & HX (Hook Services: Sequence. Efficient. Difference) PE & PX (Process Entry & Process Exit) CC (Call Chain) GS (GEN Stamp) NK (Next Key) NS & KS (Number Selected & Keys Selected) HS. and Consistent On-demand Diagnostics Using GRDS Sample GRDS Log Part 1: Runtime Environment Information Part 2: Services Requested Part 3: Diagnostic Text How to Read a GRDS Log Automatically Generated Services AE. ACCESS. Inc.Table of Contents 293 295 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 Appendices System Setup Worksheets Worksheet for Device Definition (SDD) Worksheet for System Operator Definition (SOD) Worksheet for Security Classes Worksheet for Function Keys (SKB1) Worksheet for Cursor Keys (SKB2) Worksheet for Graphic Characters Worksheet For Special Purpose Characters 303 304 305 306 307 308 310 312 314 316 318 319 320 322 324 326 328 330 331 333 333 335 336 337 338 339 340 342 343 345 348 Form Reference Action Checked Out Studio Object (ACSO) Refresh RFSPECS (BTRR) Computed Column Library Dply (CCLD) Computed Columns Not Deployed (CCND) CC Reset for SQL Server (CCRS) Custom Scanner Report (CCSR) Custom Declaration (CDEC) Custom Packaging Detail (CDED) Custom Declaration Objects (CDOB) Custom Development in Progress (CDPI) Chain Usage Report (CHUS) Change Peripheral Defaults (CPDE) Custom Package Import/Export (CPIE) Custom Release Package Build (CPKG) Custom Release Package Build (CPKP) Custom Package Rebuild Detail (CPKR) Create Printer Control Record (CPRC) Custom Code Scanner (CUSC) Dictionary Date Convert (DDCV) Running the Process in Background Mode Define Field History (DHST) Difference Engine (DIFF) Edit Record (EDRC) Overview of Security for the EDRC Form Technical Details about the XS.RIGHTS Subroutine Field History Detail (FHDT) GUI Function Button (GUIF) International Parameters (INTL) Procedure Specification (JDEF) Procedure Step Detail (JDET) Runtime Administration.RECORD. 13 . 2010 © 2010 Datatel.GET. March 10. CTL Security Inquiry (PCSI) Peripheral Option Defaults (PDEF) PDF Defaults (PDFD) PDF Retrieval (PDFR) Point to Full Release Copy (PRTF) Proc Gen to Screen Proc Conv (PTSC) Rebuild Field History (RBFD) Rebuild File History (RBFH) Record Security: List Specs (RPRT) Define Key Functions (RS2) Rec Sec User Characteristics (RSUC) Security Parameter Values (RSV) Record Security: Test Specs (RTST) Security Class Definition (SCD) Field Security Definition (SCDF) Record Security Setup (SCDR) Operator Security Report (SCOR) Process Security Report (SCPR) Screen Chaining Specification (SCSP) Device Definition (SDD) Computer Access Strategies Assigning Devices on a Switch-based System Assigning Devices on a Port-based System Combining Features of Switch-Based and Port-Based Systems Device Security Define Terminal Keyboard (SKB) Defining a Keyboard Define Function Keys (SKB1) Define Cursor Keys (SKB2) Savedlist Creation (SLCR) Savedlist Edit Contents (SLED) Menu Definition (SMD) Defining a New Menu 14 Runtime Administration. March 10.Table of Contents 350 350 350 352 354 356 357 358 359 360 362 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 374 375 376 379 381 383 384 385 388 388 389 389 389 389 392 392 394 397 399 400 401 401 Procedure Rules Documentation (JPRT) Specifying Output Options Running the Process in Background Mode Procedure List Specification (JSEL) Procedure Sort Specification (JSRT) LKUP: Resolution Specs (LPRT) Migrate Computed Columns (MGCC) Migrate IS-Type Subroutines (MGIS) Other Technical Documentation (ODOC) PRCS. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . Table of Contents 401 402 402 404 407 409 411 412 413 414 415 417 419 420 422 424 425 426 426 428 430 432 433 435 436 438 439 439 440 441 442 444 446 448 449 452 453 456 458 460 461 463 464 Adding a Process to a Menu Removing a Process from a Menu Adding a Custom Program to a Menu Process Control Maintenance (SMD2) Network Definition (SND) Operator Definition (SOD) Studio Object Status Inquiry (SOSI) Speed Entry Text Definition (SPDE) Studio WorkGroup Definition (SWGD) Studio WorkGroup Inquiry (SWGI) User Help Maintenance (UHLP) Update Main Remote Accounts (UMRA) Report on New/Obsolete Files (UNFP) Remote Account New Files (UNFR) Overwritten & Deleted Records (UODR) Remote Account Report (URRA) Batch Error Report (UTBE) Multiple File Indexing (UTBA) Oracle Clients File Indexing (UTBI) File Creation Type Defaults (UTCD) File Creation (UTCF) UT Process Debug Activation (UTDB) Edit Comments (UTED) BROWSE File Authorization (UTFA) Sequential File BROWSE Shell (UTFB) Functions Commands Job Statistics Purge (UTJP) Job Statistics Report (UTJR) User File Information (UTMF) User File Index Specification (UTMI) Transaction Log Specification (UTML) Record Security Specification (UTMR) Remote Account Specifications (UTRA) LookUp Resolution Specs (UTRD) File Resolution Defaults (UTRE) File Resolve Graphic Display (UTRG) LookUp Resolution Options (UTRO) ReRun a Procedure (UTRR) User FileSuite Information (UTSF) Set Printer Characteristics (UTSP) TXLOG Purge (UTTP) Runtime Administration. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. 15 . 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Table of Contents 465 466 468 470 471 473 476 478 Modify Appl VOC Files (UTVF) Modify Appl VOC Misc. . March 10. Inc. Items (UTVM) Modify Appl VOC Programs (UTVP) Audit Trail Report (UTXL) Update User Remote Accounts (UURA) Validation Codes (VAL) View Batch Process Status (VBS) View Single Batch Job Step (VBSD) 481 Index 16 Runtime Administration. Runtime Administration Overview . . Runtime Administration. Who Should Read This Manual? Runtime Administration provides system administrators with an accurate and up-to-date document to use as a reference tool while installing and operating Datatel application software. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The directory.Overview About This Manual In This Chapter This chapter of Runtime Administration provides the background knowledge that you need to fully understand how the software works. as well as to those who have worked with Colleague for longer periods of time. An overview of conventions for cataloging programs and definitions of the control files is provided. March 10. The manual is intended to be useful to the new system administrator. Because the manual contains sensitive information that affects the performance of Colleague modules. Specific Envision terminology is defined and an introduction to the software development tools and documentation is presented. Inc. 19 . account and file structure is also explained. the material contained here should not be made available to the average user of those modules. Overview. and defining Validation Codes and Address default sequences. A chapter on runtime reporting is provided. Troubleshooting. the Overview summarizes the software and the tools used to develop each module. A chapter on common Envision problems and solutions is also provided. record link management. Contains chapters on setting up your terminals. Security. Inc. . tracking file activity and indexing. procedures for limiting access to the database management system and application software are provided. It also explains printer setup and gives guidelines for customizing your system and writing conversion programs. Maintenance. 20 Runtime Administration. Appendices. Contains an overview of operating system. The section ends with an explanation of Cataloging and the Colleague Control files. An overview of the account structure and Colleague file structure is provided. Below is a list of the parts and a summary of each. Contains chapters explaining the Envision Concepts and terminology.Overview: About This Manual How This Manual is Organized Runtime Administration is organized to take you through the normal process of operating the software. In addition. March 10. Contains an explanation of Envision file services including tracking records. Setup. record deletion. Contain system setup worksheets and form reference information. In addition. In addition. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. database management system and application software security. Contains guidelines for troubleshooting MSP.and Envision-based software. system parameters. guidelines for loading releases and maintaining your system are provided. The section ends with a chapter on system utilities. The same basic concepts form the foundation for all applications throughout the system. Structure of Envision Envision consists of two components: Envision Tool Kit (ETK) Envision Runtime (UT) Runtime Administration. Inc. installation. All programs generated by a specific CASE tool have a standard user interface. They are easier to support because the CASE tool automates the production of prompts. For instance. Envision consists of a set of tools. all applications perform their functions through menus for selecting functions and data forms for entering or retrieving the data required for the functions. CASE tool programs are easier to maintain because the generated code is already debugged. the CASE tool automatically cross-references to data elements and pre-coded routines. The fact that menu selection and navigation are standard makes it easier to learn the application. The use of a central data dictionary saves computer resources. each of which performs a specific function or set of functions. In addition. help messages. There are many advantages to developing applications with a CASE tool.Overview Basic Envision Concepts What is Envision? Envision is one of a category of computer programs referred to as computeraided software engineering (CASE) tools. March 10. implementation. design. CASE tools are programs that automate the development. Please read and become familiar with this information before you begin using Envision. and documentation. and maintenance of computer applications. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 21 . This chapter explains the basic concepts underlying all Envision applications. The two main components of ETK are the Painter and the Process Generator. Other ETK processes are listed below: Painter Support Batch Process Support Procedure Generator Data Element Definition Applications Documentation Envision Runtime Envision Runtime (UT) is the executable code needed to run an application. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Some UT processes include the following: Validation code table definition Device and keyboard definition Operator and security definition Menu definition Peripheral option defaults LookUp resolution specifications View batch status Query-by-Example procedure generator BROWSE shell Remote account specification Field and table definition 22 Runtime Administration.Overview: Basic Envision Concepts Envision Tool Kit The Envision Tool Kit (ETK) is the software used to create Envision-based applications. and the Process Generator generates the code for the application. based on the parameters specified during its design. March 10. . UT contains the System Administration setup forms that establish the operating environment for an application. In addition to the code generated by the Process Generator. The Painter is used to design application forms. Inc. from which you select the processes you want to perform. The fields in the header block display information about the application and process with which you are working. Inc. Runtime Administration. or set of menus.Envision Forms Envision Forms All Envision processes are performed by entering data on Envision forms. Each function listed on the main Envision menu has its own corresponding menu. 23 . each process has its own form or set of forms for displaying or entering information. Figure 1 on page 24 shows header information for a form in the Envision Tool Kit. Form Layout In general. March 10. Similarly. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. an Envision form contains the following areas: Header block Data area LookUp area Header Block The header block is the set of fields at the top of the form. LookUp Area Many Envision input or inquiry forms have a LookUp area. The contents of the data area differ according to the form with which you are working. When you enter the information. Fields in the data area are described in the individual form description chapters. Inc. such as Cancel. The LookUp area also contains options. If you select the online help from any data entry field on the form. Finish. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . March 10.Overview: Basic Envision Concepts Figure 1: Sample Form with Header Block Data Area The data area is the middle part of the form. Envision extracts associated data from the database and displays it in the header block or the data area. 24 Runtime Administration. The LookUp area prompts you for a specific piece of information. and Help. the system displays information on the purpose of the field. Numbered sequentially from 30 to 39. Reporting. When you select a process from the menus. Numbered sequentially from 40 to 49. A detail form can be either a form for entering data related to the field or an inquiry form that displays additional information related to the field. and each process is associated with one or more forms used to run the process. the items are either stacked in the center of the form or grouped into quadrants and sequentially numbered according to process type. There are four different types of processes in Envision. Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The four process types and their numbering schemes are as follows: Maintenance. for the most part. or enter the process mnemonic. Inc. the items on that menu are numbered sequentially. When only one type of process is shown on a menu.Envision Forms Types of Envision Forms Creating an application with Envision consists. The following sections describe each of these form types in more detail and explain how to use them in Envision. Some process forms contain fields that are preceded by an asterisk (*). Online help provides both process and field help messages. of using a collection of forms and menus to specify parameters for the application. beginning with the number 1. In Envision. Numbered sequentially from 10 to 19. Detailing from one of these fields displays either a detail form or a text editing form. Inquiry. Processing. 25 . March 10. each item on a menu is called a process. Numbered sequentially from 20 to 29. Menus A menu is an organized list of Envision functions. When two or more types are available. Envision displays the form associated with that process. Envision uses the following types of forms: Menus Process forms Detail forms Online help Envision Menus display a list of Envision processes. Usually a numbered field is a field for which you can enter or change data. The data area of a process form has spaces of specified length. Detail Forms Some fields on a process form are preceded by an asterisk (*). 2010 © 2010 Datatel. These fields are detail fields. the system displays a form for the default text editor so that you can enter text or program code to customize an Envision process. . and the asterisk indicates that you can access another form. 26 Runtime Administration. There is an exception: display-only window fields are numbered to provide viewing access to the data in the window. from the detail field. or modify additional information associated with the field from which you accessed the detail form. In some detail fields. enter. called a detail form. Each major field is labeled to identify the data in that field. where data is displayed or entered. The fields on a process form may or may not be preceded by a number. You can find additional information about detail forms and how to use them in the Guide to User Interfaces. called fields. March 10. see “Basic Concepts” on page 28. For more information on windows.Overview: Basic Envision Concepts Process Forms You perform an Envision function from an Envision process form. Inc. You can use Envision detail forms to view. Inquiry Field. A data element may appear on one process form as an inquiry field and on another process form as a standard field. 27 . is a field containing data that cannot be accessed or changed from the process form on which it appears. Although inquiry fields appear on the form. Runtime Administration. also called a display-only field. Phantom Field. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. A standard field is a normal full-process data entry field whose contents can be entered or modified. Phantom fields often appear as prompt fields just below the body of the form. March 10. you do not need to see the data in these input fields. Such fields usually prompt for a record ID or other key for the main record that the process needs. Phantom fields do not appear on any area of the form. you position the cursor on an inquiry field to access the field. Usually. An inquiry field. Inc. Inquiry fields display data that can be used to determine other data that you need to enter or change.Envision Fields Envision Fields Envision uses the following field types: Standard Field. These fields are input fields where the program loads variables and data that the process needs. such as an address and phone number. This kind of window is called a multi-valued window. Consider a field called Schools Attended. Inc. A window with a list of single values is called a single-valued window. and a group of other values associated with the controller. Envision numbers each value or set of related values. and we refer to the fields in a window as multivalued fields. or a single set of data elements. Windows can appear on both process and detail forms. . you would see information about only one value for a data element – that is. An example of a multi-valued window is a window containing a list of names where each name is accompanied by other information. called a controller. If the form shows the Schools Attended field as a single-valued field. only one of the many schools that the applicant attended. which might be used in the Colleague system to display information about an applicant. A window can contain either of the following: A list of single values. In Envision. What is a Window? A window is a field in which you can enter or display more than one instance of a single data element. and you can retrieve information using special window movement keys and commands. You could also scroll vertically or horizontally through all entries in the list. Each value set consists of a basic value. Windows make it possible to display more information on a single form than is possible with a single-valued field. we refer to the data elements as values. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The applicant may have attended more than one school before applying to a college.Overview: Basic Envision Concepts Basic Concepts Many Envision application forms display information or accept data entry through fields called window fields. If the form shows the Schools Attended information as a multi-valued field. A list of value sets. An example of a single-valued window is a window that contains a list of names only. 28 Runtime Administration. March 10. then you could view all information about each school on a single line of a window. A common data structure in Envision. and so on. the professor can define a subset of records that he wants to view. Controller-on-the-fly. If each window page consists of three window groups. This value determines the names used for window variables and subroutines. the controller is always the first (left-most) data element in the sequence of window elements. Envision stores only the controller key. this feature provides an on-screen query process. page 2 displays groups 4 through 6. there is no theoretical limit to the number of values that can be in a list. page 1 displays groups 1 through 3. • Associated field. A window group appears on only one page. Based on the controller key. Inc. The first (left-most) value in a window. The controller characteristics apply to all of the associated fields within the window. A list of data values that cannot be modified and are displayed as a single entity. not the associated field values. that is. March 10. Envision accesses and displays the values for these associated fields whenever you run the process. Regardless of how you select a window group. Using the controller-on-the-fly feature.Basic Concepts Terminology The following defines some of the terminology surrounding windows: List. A numbered set of data items appearing on one line of a window. A feature that lets you define the set of controllers to view in a window. A set of related data values maintained as a group. the window controller is the field containing those keys. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. A multi-valued set of data values. A list provides storage for and maintenance of many values for a single data element. In effect. When a window contains more than a single data element (that is. The window the professor is paging through shows records for all the students he teaches. In windows containing keys to secondary files. For instance. The list structure is the basis for the following Envision database usage types: • List field. a professor may want to view the grades for a subset of the students he teaches. The list data structure is openended. groups are maintained across lists. when the window consists of parallel lists or associated multi-values). which then permits modifications to the records instead of just reporting on them. 29 . as part of the window. Page. The set of groups that are displayed at one time. its Runtime Administration. Window Group. The values of other window elements are determined by the value entered into the window controller. however. • Q-select field. Window Controller. The window controller is the key field for the window. but he may only want to look at records for students in a particular course or course section. • Block field. A list of record keys that point to additional information in another file. When the cursor is in a window. The total number of entries and the line number of the cursor appear on the right side of the status line: Value n of m. beginning with the controller (the left-most value) and continuing to the last associated value before proceeding to the next set of values.Overview: Basic Envision Concepts position within the page is constant. March 10. like code validation fields. A heading that identifies a window. A horizontal window usually has only one value per group. A descriptive title identifying a data element on the form. The last page may contain fewer groups. A distinct data item within a window. Horizontal windows are less common than vertical windows and are usually used for shorter fields. Vertical Windows Vertical windows scroll up and down. Horizontal Windows Horizontal windows scroll left and right. Window Element. A line of information displayed at the bottom of the form to help you use windows. Types of Windows Envision has two types of windows: Vertical windows and Horizontal windows. either for a single field or for a window with multiple elements per line. Where n is the cursor location line and m is the total number of entries in the window. Data Field Group. A vertical window may have one or many values in a group. when the form design does not permit a vertical window. Envision processes individual fields in the window in sequence. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Field Label. Window Label. A single-line window that does not scroll. followed by the field label to indicate the location of the cursor. Inc. Status Line. the status line displays either Controller or Element. . Each page except the last page has a constant number of groups. 30 Runtime Administration. controller.controller.INDX.controller. WNDW. Inc. Envision also uses two variables when processing windows: WNDW.controller. Runs when you insert a window group.controller.INIT. a master list.WNDW. VS. Determines the next data element to be processed. Contains the value from the list of the current window iteration (WNDW. Contains all values defined for the data element. Determines the current group number.DEL. WNDW. WNDW.INDX).DSPLY. For each list in a window.COL. Initializes all variables used to process values in the windows. V. 31 .controller.Basic Concepts Processing Windows Each window on an Envision form has a corresponding set of internal subroutines for processing the window. Runs when you delete a window group.controller.fieldname. or taken from.fieldname. CALC. The names of the subroutines indicate their functions with respect to the window controller: WNDW.LNE.controller. March 10. WNDW. Runtime Administration. Indicates that the lists within a window have been added to.MOVEMENT. Determines the current display line.INS. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. assigned by Envision. Calculates the current group number and specifies which group appears on the current page. Envision keeps track of two variables: VL.fieldname. Sort/Break Criteria Use the Change Sort Specification form to change the order in which a list of values is sorted. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Overview: Basic Envision Concepts General Purpose Forms In addition to the application-specific menus. process forms. and detail forms. Envision also provides some forms that you may use from any application: Change Peripheral Defaults form View Reports on the Terminal Using BROWSE form Additional Selection Criteria form Sort/Break Criteria form Process Submission form Run a Batch Process form Run a Report form Change Peripheral Defaults The Change Peripheral Defaults form displays options for specifying processing parameters and the destination of the report (either printed to hardcopy or displayed on the form). The options on the Change Peripheral Defaults form reflect the specific options that your operating system supports. Inc. This form automatically appears during a procedure if you are able to alter the default sort sequence. 32 Runtime Administration. You cannot access this form directly from a menu. . Recovery. A complete security system is included in Envision Runtime. In addition to the code generated by the Process Generator. The System Administrator may define security at the process. UT contains the System Administration setup forms that establish the operating environment for an application. 33 . Security. This greatly simplifies implementation and training procedures. A transaction logging process for each file is selectable by the System Administrator. Tools. The actual programs only deal with a “virtual” terminal. This security can define whether the login ID has create. In addition to the old and new value. Runtime Administration.Overview Runtime Features and Terminology Features Envision Runtime (UT) contains the executable code needed to run an application. by a direct access mnemonic. March 10. Reports can be generated from the log that displays the information that must be recovered. One important feature of the security system is that only those processes that the login ID is authorized to perform appear on the form. Of course. This capability can also be used as a training tool to ensure that the operators are entering the data correctly. update. or read-only capabilities. One particularly useful feature is a terminal definition file that allows the user to set up files for any unique terminals being used on the system. Envision Runtime allows the designer to establish whether processes are called by a numeric menu selection. The terminal file is completely external to the application software routines so that the software is completely adaptable to the installed terminal environment. Envision Runtime provides an optional recovery/security feature called transaction logging. and operator ID are captured. selection by mnemonic has implications on system performance because it provides much faster access to the desired data by the terminal user. Several tools aid the implementation of software systems. Inc. date. the time. If a system failure occurs and database recovery is required. Some of the features include the following: Direct Access. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Before and after values of the data elements in a file are logged to a transaction file. or by both. record and field level. Using both allows the novice user to begin with selfexplanatory menu selections and proceed to direct access mnemonics with more experience. updates can be made to the database by reentering data that is missing. Set of programs which centrally manage disk I/O and disk files. customized menus and ad-hoc database queries. Envision Procedure Generator. Takes predefined process steps to define a series of database environment commands to fulfill the desired function. Envision Runtime’s utility programs are the core to the execution of an Envision-based application. These standard Envision forms help the user define new terminal types. The transaction commit capability allows a set of updates within a program to be treated as one. 34 Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Provides the user with specific messages concerning erroneous entries. This also sets the stage for more comprehensive recovery procedures. Envision Error Processor. operator characteristics. Each Envision process narrows the range of potential loss of data by grouping disk I/O into a single burst. Instead of each update being treated individually. Samples of the functions provided by these utilities include: Envision Menu Processor. Inc. These utility programs provide a seamless environment in which a user encounters familiar form displays and can navigate within the application using familiar key strokes. March 10. . providing the user with an on-line reference manual. Displays both one-line help messages and windows of help text. Transaction commit mitigates the possibility of an incomplete system update during a computer or disk failure by concentrating all the record updates into a single burst of disk writes. Controls the listing of options available to a user and the security access a user has to a selected process. Form processes allow users to enter system parameters and characteristics through user friendly interactive prompts. the set of updates are treated as a group. Envision Manage Input/Output (MIO) Suite. Every Envision-based application has the same “look and feel” because the Envision Runtime utility application drives every one of them. Envision Help Processor. Utilities. The utilities centralize the reading from and writing to disk.Overview: Runtime Features and Terminology Form Processes. The Runtime application is comprised of both interactive form processes and on-demand utility programs. the UT application. Every other Envisionbased application is subordinate to. Application Trees Envision uses application trees to provide a hierarchical relationship among applications. The purpose of this section is to present some of the more fundamental concepts key to Envision. or is farther down the tree than. 35 . can maintain their modularity and integrity since common characteristics can be defined in an application which appears further up in the tree structure. Inc.Terminology Terminology Envision is a sophisticated and comprehensive application development environment and. These programs allow users to maintain and display information stored in the database associated with the grouping of programs. Runtime Administration. therefore. Application An application is a set of programs which are grouped together to meet the needs of a functional area. At the root of every application tree is the Runtime application. Colleague Finance (CF) is an application. UT. The UT application encompasses the most fundamental characteristics required by every other Envision-based application. Any subordinate application can “look up” the tree to use any characteristic defined further up the tree. For example. as such. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. but such a definition requires redundant storage and maintenance. Functional areas. Two applications that have characteristics in common. The characteristics could be defined in more than one application. Others are terms coined specifically for Envision. however. Some of the terms presented in this section are standard industry terms. has a vocabulary all its own. sometimes have fundamental characteristics in common. The modularity of the application structure does not provide for the sharing of these characteristics directly across applications. The programs and the elements in the database share certain characteristics specific to the functional area. and the General Ledger (GL) and Budget Management (BU) are modules that reside in CF. there is at least one base module and many optional modules. A tree read searches from the subordinate application up the tree through each higher application for the requested characteristic. Module A module in Envision is a subset of programs within an application which are more closely related within the functional area. A base module is a module on 36 Runtime Administration. Tree Reads When a requested characteristic does not reside in a given application. being unable to modify the definition. These common characteristics are defined in an application to which both applications are subordinate. at which time the user may add the new characteristic to the subordinate application. If the characteristic is not found in any of the higher applications. date of birth. so that when Envision performs a tree read for that characteristic. social security number and so on.Overview: Runtime Features and Terminology Example: Consider a fund raising. For each application. where permitted. Envision provides the flexibility to redefine characteristics as circumstances dictate. Each application contains common characteristics: a person’s name. While all programs share characteristics within the functional area. if permitted. Datatel considers each module within an application as a separately deliverable part of the application. and a demographics application. the demographics application. If Envision finds the characteristic in a higher application. while human resources has programs for hiring new employees. address. Inc. Tree reads provide another benefit: shared characteristics may take on a special meaning in a subordinate application. . March 10. the subordinate application be able to only use the definition. the UT application. Each application has characteristics specific to its own functional area. While this feature seems to negate the benefit of unique characteristic definitions. You may redefine a characteristic in a subordinate application. Fund raising has programs for maintenance of donation information. a human resources. Envision performs what are called tree reads. Each application in the tree is searched until Envision finds the characteristic or until it reaches the base of the tree. Envision informs the requesting program. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Each subordinate application can use the definitions common to each that reside in one place. it finds the customized definition in the subordinate application. some programs are more tightly coupled and therefore can be segmented even further. There are three kinds of processes in Envision: Forms Batch Programs Procedures Runtime Administration. UT. or another menu. The Budget module requires the base General Ledger module to be present. resulting in the creation of a program. The function may be interactive maintenance of several data elements. The Envision Menu Processor is itself a process. An example of this dependence is the Colleague Finance Budget Management module. 37 .Terminology which the other modules in the application are dependent. however. This utility program from the Runtime application. but the base module must be present in order for an optional module to run. The compiled version of these programs can be run by the end user through the Envision Menu Processor. which will present to the user another list of choices. Inc. Budget cannot run without General Ledger. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. displays to the user a list of processes from which the user can select. A process is defined through the Envision Tool Kit. The Menu Processor is run each time an Envisionbased application is initialized and remains active until the user leaves the application. can run without Budget. General Ledger. printing values stored in the database to a line printer. A base module can function without an optional module. Process An Envision process provides a function or service within a functional area. Each process on the menu can be a program which provides a certain function. or modification of data elements run without user interaction. The base module for an application is always included with the delivery of that application. . yet still provide the end user with options and features to customize the report. The current record must be released before the user can process another record. which may have associated secondary records. Sophisticated front-end forms allow the analyst to control the flexibility and appearance of a report. they usually do not stand alone as executable processes from a menu. While some batch programs work on only one record. The user then processes the information presented. 38 Runtime Administration. The typical batch structure allows the program to perform the same functions on selected records. Envision provides fourth-generation (4GL) programming statements which allow the processing of many records in exactly the same way. there are four basic kinds of Envision forms: Menus Processes Detail Form Online Help Each type of form displays a given amount of information on the user’s form. As described in the previous chapter. Envision Reports are defined as read-only batch programs which display the data the user specifies in the way he specifies. Envision forms process single records at a time. Batch programs are usually incorporated into Envision Procedures. March 10. Inc. A special case of a batch program is an Envision Report. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Batch Programs Envision Batch Programs are non-interactive looping programs that work from lists of records.Overview: Runtime Features and Terminology Forms Envision form processes are interactive programs that solicit user input by displaying information on a form and accepting information from a terminal keyboard. Since batch programs usually work on selected groups of records. there is one primary record. or may reside in an application higher up the tree. Jobs. Envision uses his login ID as part of the unique key which records the results of the procedure. Operator The term operator in Envision is synonymous with user: any person who uses an Envision-based application. Any person attempting to use an application for which he has no operator definition is logged off the system. Each operator must have a valid operator definition in order to use an application. The following are the types of steps valid in an Envision Procedure: User Forms.Terminology Procedures An Envision Procedure is a predefined sequence of steps which provide a specific function. March 10. Batch and form processes. The definition may reside in the application the operator is using. When a user runs a procedure in background mode. The operator definition controls the access the user has to the processes in the application and other characteristics unique to the operator. This ID is also used for identifying when the user adds or changes a record in the database. List specifications. Each operator is identified by his login ID. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. Procedures allow the analyst to “link” together distinct processes with pre-defined Runtime forms. Features such as conditional branching and database statement inclusion allow the analyst to tailor the execution of the procedure to the options and parameters specified by the user. programs. and any other procedure step that is not a user form or list step. 39 . such as the operator’s Envision password and initial application menu. Runtime Administration. Each step in a procedure must be defined before it can be included as a step. Create SSELECT or SELECT commands within a procedure to create a list of records based on user input entered from a form. Form processes used within a procedure to elicit option and parameter information from an end user. Width. the top margin. These definitions include security restrictions for users of the device and passwords associated with the device. Peripheral definitions include line printers. The display characteristics define how Envision displays graphics characters and video attributes on the user’s terminal form. Copies. Some spooler systems allow you to specify a location at which printed output will be processed. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The number of copies of the output to produce. The number of lines left blank at the bottom of the output. Peripheral A peripheral in Envision is a destination for output from procedures. Mode. Each unique combination of display characteristics and keyboard mappings has a unique device definition. The total of the output length. A description that is used in LookUp resolutions. 40 Runtime Administration. and the bottom margin is the number of lines for the printed page. Length. and procedure definition reports. The peripheral mode determines the default target output device for the peripheral definition. this name becomes the record ID for the output. Inc. Some procedures allow the end user to alter the definition of the peripheral for that execution. . For printed output. this name appears on the banner page. For output target from the HOLD file. Each peripheral definition includes the following characteristics: Description. The number of lines left blank at the top of the output. terminals and magnetic tape drives. Keyboard mappings associate the character strings generated by keys on the user’s terminal keyboard with special Envision functions. Form Name. March 10. procedure specifications. Location. Top Margin.Overview: Runtime Features and Terminology Device A device in Envision is a terminal. The device definitions are shared among all Envision-based applications. The spooler system of your host computer may allow form names that prevent the printing of documents unless a special form is loaded in the output device. Banner. An integer that controls the end-of-line processing for output to the peripheral. An output length is the number of lines reserved for printing output from a batch program or a report. Bottom Margin. If the user fails to pass the security test. 2. Other Options. By deferring execution. Envision Runtime allows the user to process the record as defined by the security criteria. Menu and Process Security are controlled via security classes. records. the Menu Processor prevents the execution of the menu or mnemonic associated with that mnemonic. Since only files defined in Envision can have record security definitions.Terminology Defer Time. If the user has access to the requested record or list of records. The Menu Processor does not display mnemonics for which the user has no access. Other printer options may be specified to further control the production of the output. Security Envision Security allows the system administrator to define and control which processes. Envision Runtime compares these characteristics against the security criteria for a requested record or list of records. The Envision Runtime Menu Processor controls the user’s access to menus and processes according to his security classes. Inc. all Envision processes honor record security. Even if the user knows a mnemonic for which he has no access. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Each operator is assigned a security class and each security class defines the menu and process mnemonics available to users in that class. you can reduce the load on your host computer at peak usage times and increase the load at low-usage times. Record Security is an optional Envision file service provided only for files defined through the Envision Tool Kit. access to the record is denied. and fields users may and may not access. Each user has a set of predefined characteristics. Record Security allows the system administrator to restrict the access to certain records in selected files based on selection-like criteria. 41 . Envision Security controls user access using three layers of security definitions: 1. Non-Envision files are not allowed to have record security definitions. Defining a print time is useful for long reports or batch programs. Runtime Administration. Non-Envision files are not allowed to have record security definitions. Inc. . Field Security allows the system administrator to selectively control access to the data stored in certain data elements no matter how those elements are used in an Envision process. all Envision processes honor record security. Field security uses the same security class definitions as do Menu and Process Security. Field Security is an optional Envision file service provided only for files defined through the Envision Tool Kit. The class restrictions for field security provide several options which tailor the user’s access to data to the needs of both the user and the system administrator. 42 Runtime Administration.Overview: Runtime Features and Terminology 3. Since only files defined in Envision can have record security definitions. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. VALCODES* appl. These required files are called Envision files. Each application has its own suite of files called application files.PRCS.GEN* appl.HELP* appl.FILE.ERROR* appl.OPERS* appl. March 10.Overview Envision File Overview Envision Application Files Every Envision-based application requires certain files in order to run the processes of the application.CDD appl.SPECS* appl.SOURCE appl.LONG* appl.PRCS.INSERTS appl.PPROCESS* appl. where appl is the mnemonic for the application.DEF appl. Inc.PRCS.SUBROUTINES appl. Listed below is a sample of the application files in the suite: appl.VOC Note: Each filename is prefixed by appl.OBJ appl.HELP.PARMS* appl. Runtime Administration.CTL* appl.DOC appl. Each Envision-based application on your system has this suite of files defined. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.SECLASS* appl.ENV* appl.PRINTERS* appl. This suite of files stores the information pertinent to the application.MENU* appl. 43 . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. the data element’s position in the file.ENV. appl. appl. The Envision Code Generator in the Envision Tool Kit uses these definitions. along with the definitions from FILE.DEF files. Envision Runtime continues to traverse the application tree until it finds the requested record. These tables control what fields are processed on a form and where the data for the fields appears on the form.DEF to create programs. Each data element defined for the application has a record in the CDD. The ENV file is populated each time a form process is generated. Stores standard application error messages that are shared among Envision processes. The application tree is stored in the appl. March 10.ERROR.CTL file. appl. to create programs. . Form-specific field help records are keyed by a concatenation of the process name and the data element name. Stores handwritten technical documentation on selected topics for the application. Inc. Stores the Runtime definition of an Envision form process. Envision Runtime first searches the current application file for a requested record. appl. Following is a description of each of the application files: appl. and a list of processes that use the data element. If the record is not found in the current application file.Overview: Envision File Overview File names above with an asterisk (*) indicate those files that are subject to tree reads.DOC. Tree reads allow Envision Runtime to search through the envision hierarchy for a requested record. Stores the one-line help messages end users see when they access help.SPECS and PRCS. There are three kinds of help messages: • process help • general field help • form-specific field help Process help records are keyed by the process name for which they are used. Stores the definitions of files created with the Envision Tool Kit. Each standard error message has a unique key which is the concatenation of the module in which the error message was first used and a sequential number. appl.SPECS.HELP. Envision Runtime searches the next application in the application tree for the requested record.CDD. General field help records are keyed by the data element which they document. The Envision Code Generator uses these definitions. The HELP file is populated via the Process/Help Message Definition (HLP) form and may be modified by end users. although modifications of help messages are overwritten when subsequent Envision- 44 Runtime Administration. Each table is keyed with the process name that uses it. or until it reaches the UT application. along with those from the CDD and PRCS. and cannot be modified by end users. The ERROR file is populated via the Error Message Definition (EMSG) form and may be modified by end users.FILE. Stores the records of the Central Data Dictionary. These definitions provide the physical mapping between the Central Data Dictionary and actual storage. General field help records also contain database information such as the file for the data elements. The HELP. Process records are keyed by the mnemonic for the process.INSERTS. and to determine the program to run when the process is selected by an end user. and may be modified by end users.PRCS. appl. appl. The Envision Tool Kit records are the real source code for Envision processes. initial application menu. Menu records included with the delivery of an application should not be modified. Stores the menu definition records which control the appearance of menus for the application. appl.Envision Application Files based applications are loaded. The PRCS.OBJ. appl. 45 . New process control records may be added by end users. March 10. The OPERS file is populated via the System Operator Definition (SOD) form and is defined entirely by your site. appl. MENU records also contain the menu’s title. Stores the procedural step statistics for the application. Inc. and Envision password are among the parameters stored in each OPERS record.CTL. These blocks are called insert modules. These object code records are what Envision Runtime uses to run the processes of the application. although modifications of help messages are overwritten when subsequent Envision-based applications are loaded. Stores the definition for each process in the application. and are used to determine in which menu quadrant the process is displayed on a menu. Stores the definition of each user who has access to the application.DEF. appl. Stores the help text which end users see after pressing the [RETURN] key when viewing the short help message. Stores application level parameters such as resolution form definitions and Easy Screen definitions. and contain the lines of text which make up the long help messages. to define process security. appl. In addition to a list of processes and menus which appear when the menu is run.PRCS. Each procedure run has a record in this file.PPROCESS.LONG records are keyed in the same way that the HELP records are. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Stores the compiled version of all generated programs. but new menu records may be added by end users. The MENU file is populated via the System Menu Definition (SMD) form.CTL file is populated via the System Menu Definition (SMD) form.PARMS. Runtime Administration. The Envision Code Generator uses these process definitions. The HELP.LONG.HELP.OPERS. Operator security. Stores the control records for each process and file in the application. Do not modify process control records included with the delivery of an application. File records are keyed by the file’s name and define the fields that Envision Runtime knows about for the file.MENU. Stores the blocks of code that are shared among the programs in the application.LONG file is populated via the Process/Help Message Definition (HLP) form. appl. appl. SPECS files. while other tables are restricted from modification. Stores the information necessary to update the current account and any associated REMOTE accounts. appl. These definitions are lists of processes that the end users are allowed to access.PRCS.GEN record has a list of the steps that make up the procedure. Stores the validation and translation tables for coded data elements.OBJ file.PRINTERS. Stores details of either a procedure definition or a list specification. appl. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Stores the source and object code for all nongenerated programs and subroutines. which is stored in the appl. Inc. 46 Runtime Administration. For procedure definitions. to create programs. The system administrator controls the security classes defined for each work-flow of users of the application. March 10. End users can modify some tables. and break criteria. Stores the source code for all the generated programs and insert modules for the application. In addition to line printers and other hardcopy devices. appl. The Envision Code Generator uses the data base compiler to generate the executable object code. the appl. These records are populated via the Procedure List Specification (PGLS in ETK) form. Do not modify peripheral definition records included with the delivery of an application. the PRINTERS file stores records for magnetic tape output devices. appl. their descriptions and any special processing associated with each code value.SECLASS. Stores the peripheral definitions for the application.VOC.GEN.SUBROUTINES. New peripheral definition records may be added. sort. See the documentation for a each application to determine if you can modify a specific VALCODE table. The PRINTERS file is populated via the Peripheral Definition (PDEF) form in the Runtime application (UT).VALCODES.PRCS. Stores the security class definitions for the application. The SECLASS file is populated via the Security Class Definition (SCD) form of the Runtime application. as well as defining other parameters that control the options available to end users when the procedure is run. . To add new procedures. Each table contains codes. These records are populated via the Procedure Definition (PGDF in ETK and JDEF in Runtime) forms. For list specifications. use the Screen Procedure Specs (SPSP) form. appl. Written to RFSPECS for use at runtime. Procedure definition records included with the delivery of an application should not be modified. the appl. and new records should not be added.SOURCE.PRCS.Overview: Envision File Overview along with definitions from the CDD and FILE.GEN record contains specifications such as selection. appl. appl. These definitions control the appearance and destination of the output for batch programs and reports. called trans-application files. UFSPECS. See page 35 for a more detailed discussion on applications and application structures. Stores information about each application defined on a development account. record link management (see page 217). They are used by Colleague to map each field belonging to a file to the column in SQL Server or Oracle. The parameters specified in the UFSPECS file are Runtime Administration. RFSPECS also stores information that the System Administrator specifies for a file. SYSDEFS. Stores the definitions of terminals. and date and time stamping information.CTL is where the application tree for each application is stored. Among these global parameters are the display and keyboard tables used in device definitions and the network definition for your system. or the file and DICT in UniData. The UFSPECS or user file specifications file stores the userdefined parameters which control how Envision processes records when they are written to files. and how those applications interact.Envision Application Files Trans-Application Files In addition to the suite of application files. In addition to informational parameters such as the name and purpose of an application. a device password which must be specified when an end user attempts to use the device. in addition to specifying the display and keyboard tables to use for a particular terminal.CTL. including transaction logging (see page 220) and user-specified indexing. These Datatel-defined parameters include indexing algorithms (see page 222). March 10. Inc. DEVICES.CTL DEVICES RFSPECS STRATEGIES SYSDEFS UFSPECS A description of each follows: APPL. including the last end user to use the device. Parameters which affect every Envision-based application are stored in files shared by all applications. Stores many different kinds of global parameter records. 47 . STRATEGIES. every Envision-based application requires trans-application files. The files shared among applications. APPL. All files have a STRATEGIES record. are listed below: APPL. An application tree provides the hierarchy of an application structure and how information is shared among the applications in the tree. and record add/change tracking (see page 216). These definitions. RFSPECS. also specify global security classes which restrict end users using this device definition. The Runtime file specifications file stores the parameters which control how Envision processes records when they are written to files. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Shared Files Shared files are Envision files that Datatel provides some or none of the records and you as the user control the contents of the file. do not change existing records. Shared and Protected Files An Envision file. but redefined to add further restrictions at a lower-level application. A security class may be defined at a higher-level application. but in an application several layers higher in the application tree. For example. are controlled completely by you. such as TASKLIST and ENVISION. March 10. Though you may add records to these files. Transaction logging and user-specified indexing are two of the parameters defined in UFSPECS and written to RFSPECS at runtime. . consider the trans-application file SYSDEFS. A device definition exists regardless of application. you can create your own menu records to customize your Envisionbased application. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Datatel provides certain records which should not be changed. falls into two categories: shared and protected.Overview: Envision File Overview encoded and written to the associated RFSPECS record for the file in question. whether application or trans-application. Below is a list of the shared files. the system administrator. Inc. While Datatel provides default menu records which are refreshed for each release.PARAMETERS. Another example of a shared file is the application file MENU. The trans-application files and tree-read application files have the greatest impact on the set-up procedures defined in this chapter. not in the current application. such as display tables and default keyboard tables. An operator record may exist. Other records in SYSDEFS. Do not change records provided by Datatel in the files marked with an asterisk (*). 48 Runtime Administration. CT* DEVICES* REMOTES RFSPECS* SYSDEFS* UFSPECS* Runtime Administration. 49 . Inc.Envision Application Files Shared Application Files ERROR* MENU* OPERS PARMS* PPROCESS PRCS. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.CTL* PRCS.GEN* PRINTERS* QBEDEF SECLASS VALCODES* VOC* Shared Trans-application Files APPL. we strongly recommend you do not change any records in these files without first consulting Datatel. Do not change the records in the following protected Envision files: CDD DOC ENV FILE. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.SPECS HELP HELP.Overview: Envision File Overview Protected Files Protected file is the final category of Envision files. the records in each file will be replaced when a new release is loaded and installed. Note: While you may be able to change the values stored in the records of these files. Inc. .DEF SOURCE SUBROUTINES Since these files are stored as a part of an Envision release.LONG INSERTS OBJ PRCS. 50 Runtime Administration. March 10. Protected files contain records that affect the execution and generation of an Envision-based application. Runtime Administration Setup . . defining terminal tables for users. Worksheets to assist with some of the setup tasks can be found in “System Setup Worksheets” beginning on page 295. Procedures for printing and directing Colleague print jobs are also outlined. and setting up the User Interface. guidelines for optional custom tasks are provided. Runtime Administration. conversion guidelines are provided for sites writing their own conversions and sites contracting Datatel to write the conversions. Finally. Inc. In addition. setting up terminal parameters. March 10. as well as instructions for running a job in background mode. creating custom terminal tables. which includes defining your type of system to Envision.Setup Introduction to Setup This section defines tasks that must be accomplished before the Colleague software can run at your site. 53 . Complete instructions for setting up user interfaces are outlined. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Setup: Introduction to Setup 54 Runtime Administration. March 10. Inc. . Setup Defining System Parameters In This Chapter This chapter contains detailed information about the Envision Parameters Edit (EPED) process. Figure 2: Envision Parameters Edit (EPED) Form (Envision 4. March 10. Using the Envision Parameters Edit (EPED) Form Use the Envision Parameters Edit (EPED) form shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3 on page 56. Since most of the options can have very wide ranging effects. 55 . Inc.8) Envision 4. and data logging options.8 only Runtime Administration. Discussion of parameter records pertaining to the modules within an application may be found in the application administration guides. some undesirable. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. These include the type of indexing to use. use extreme caution when making changes from the defaults. to control various system-wide options of Envision. whether various performance enhancing features are active. Setup: Defining System Parameters Figure 3: Envision Parameters Edit (EPED) Form (Envision 4. options 0. all indices must be rebuilt. mode 3 requires a data storage file for each index.(OBSOLETE) Original database indexing 1 .(OBSOLETE) Enhanced original Envision file based indexing 3 .Either database or Envision file based indexing. All the indexing specs must be defined in a way that works with the selected option. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 56 Runtime Administration. Also.7 Only) Control the type of record indexing used by Envision.7) Envision 4.Current database indexing 5 . after changing this flag. . however.Current Envision file based indexing 4 . Here is a description of each option: 0 .(OBSOLETE) Original Envision file based indexing 2 .7 only MIO Indexing Mode (Envision 4. and mode 4 requires a storage field for subroutine-based indices. determined file-by-file Note that changing between modes 3 and 4 is only part of the reindexing process. using either UTBI or UTBA. March 10. Inc. in order to function properly. This value can be a number from 0 to 5. 1 and 2 are obsolete and should never be used. For example. enter Yes in the SQL Select Off field. Read Cache Size (Envision 4. the value defaults to 100. If no read cache size is specified. enter Yes in the Oracle I/O Off field. Note: The Disable Full OCI flag is active only in Oracle environments. If problems occur with full record logic. The larger the value. Envision attempts to satisfy I/O requests via direct SQL statements for those processes that are generated with support for such operations. March 10. Note: The Oracle I/O Off flag is valid only in Oracle environments Disable Full OCI (Envision 4. that can be stored in the cache before old entries must be removed. Inc. If you do not want to use this optimization. up to 999.In This Chapter Oracle I/O Off (Envision 4. you can enter Yes here to use SQLator I/O instead of OCI full record I/O. This mapping can dramatically decrease the time required for such operations. The default for this field is “No”.7 Only) In an Oracle environment.7 Only) In an Oracle environment. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 57 . execution of UniData-type SELECT commands is mapped to equivalent SQL selects.7 Only) In an Oracle environment.7 Only) Enter in the Read Cache Size field the maximum number of records. the Runtime Administration. If you do not want to use this optimization. SQL Select Off (Envision 4. Note: The SQL Select Off flag is valid only in Oracle environments. MIO does full record I/O using custom OCI SQL I/ O instead of relying on SQLator. The default for this field is “No”. The default for this field is “No”. Clear Cache Off (Envision 4. 58 Runtime Administration. enter 0 in the Read Cache Size field.instance. along with statistics on the number of times the record was read from cache instead of the number of times it was read from disk. when returning to the primary key prompt on a form. To disable read caching. Note: When the cache is prevented from clearing. This log contains information on each record read. March 10. The cache is cleared whenever the MIO process level is zero. where instance is a counter that is advanced each time the cache is cleared. . we do not recommend using the Clear Cache Off option. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. for instance. Enter Yes in the Clear Cache Off field to obtain additional acceleration by preventing the cache from clearing.READ. a desirable change made in one session may not benefit another session until the user logs out and logs in again. For this reason.7 Only) The MIO read cache accelerates I/O by storing frequently accessed read-only data in a memory cache. Enter Yes or -1 to generate a record of the format userid. This setting is primarily intended for diagnostic purposes and is not recommended for general use. not including records that are locked for update. However.Setup: Defining System Parameters better the caching performance. Enter 1 to generate a record of the format userid.7 Only) The Read Cache Log State field gives you the option of tracking the performance of the Envision read cache by generating a record in the HOLD file. Inc. The default for this field is “No”. where userid is the login ID of a specific session.CACHE.CACHE. and more overhead is required to maintain the cache. Read Cache Log State (Envision 4. or around major record processing loops in batch processes. larger values take up more resources in each session.READ. Enter No—the default value—if you do not want to log read caching. For example. Inbound EDX TX Enabled Enter Yes to allow DMI_DISPATCH to accept EDX transactions from DMI. 59 . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. enter Yes to use EDX to import grades into Colleague that were entered in e-learning software. where userid is the user ID of the person running the process.9999 is not rounded. .99999 is rounded to 1. are performed through a central MIO routine. however. Enter Yes in the Execute Log On field to enable the user to record a log of each unique operation. Numeric Precision Enter in the Numeric Precision field the maximum number of decimal digits (significant digits) to be used in numeric value calculations against variables. if you enter 4. For more information about CampusCruiser. Datatel recommends keeping the Envision default of 9. For example. Note: The system default is 4. Runtime Administration. S_MIO_EXECUTE.0. Inc. such as record SELECTS. then . Envision overrides it with a default of 9 (the maximum supported).EXECUTE. Subscription Enabled Enter Yes in the Subscription Enabled field to enable DMI transaction transmission. The default for this field is “No”.In This Chapter Execute Log On All executions of shell commands from within Envision programs. see Using the CampusCruiser Interface. Note: Datatel recommends modifying this field only if specific application software requires it. Records of the form userid. however. The default for this field is “No”.LOG are maintained in the HOLD file. Windows Clients The standard Windows FTP client does not support passive FTP. If you use Windows. Error Stamping Enter Yes in the Error Stamping field if you want each program that references a specific error message to be logged within that error record.Setup: Defining System Parameters If you enter “No”. This field is normally set to “No” because the error file is a shared resource at runtime and is likely to be in an area of the system that is intended to be read-only. Use Passive FTP Enter No or leave this field blank if you do not want to use passive FTP. Inc. This can help track usage patterns for specific error messages. You have a Windows FTP client on your server that supports passive FTP. To make passive FTP fully functional with Windows. 60 Runtime Administration. This allows the client to initiate both the data port and command port connections to the server. and returns an error message. then DMI_DISPATCH does not accept EDX transactions from DMI. use the settings in the publisher software. Set this field to “Yes” if your institution needs passive FTP to successfully run ExpressLoad and other Envision processes that use FTP. . Setting this field to Y forces Envision processes that perform FTP (such as ExpressLoad) to include the “passive” keyword in its script. Not all FTP clients support passive FTP (standard Windows software does not yet support passive FTP). Note: This field enables or disables EDX transmittals from all publishers. set this field to “Yes” only if both of the following are true: You need passive FTP to run Envision FTP. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. If you want to enable or disable transmittals from one publisher. March 10. you must first install third-party FTP client software on your server. This helps to catch potential data corruption as early as possible. If you have such a routine and want to avoid the forced logout that occurs on a mismatch. however. enter the names of the routines in the MIO Level Check Disable field. enter it in the UT Debug String field. the debug string is empty at the beginning of each session. thus. it will be loaded in every session in the current account. no debug string is entered in the UT Debug String field on the EPED form. though rare.In This Chapter MIO Level Check Disable Error checking logic generated into all processes verifies that the MIO process level is the same coming out of a routine as it is going in. DMI Print Server IP/Port (Envision 4. In Release 18. UT Debug String If you want to preload a value into the UT Debug String for every session. for a routine to produce a legitimate mismatch. It is possible. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.7 Only) Enter the IP address and port number for the Windows print server on which DMI is installed.0. Note: The DMI Print Server IP/Port fields are used in Envision 4. You can use the UT Process Debug Activation (UTDB) form to set the debug string manually for the current session only. Inc. The debug string controls the turning on of debug code in various processes.you can set up a DMI listener with a print server role as described in Implementing Stylesheet Printing available on the Datatel Web site. Runtime Administration. Normally. March 10. If you enter a value in the UT Debug String field on the EPED form. 61 .7 only. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. Inc.Setup: Defining System Parameters 62 Runtime Administration. March 10. The first field in each record is the name of the dormitory corresponding to the coded key. Runtime Administration. The remaining fields in a record can be used to store any information pertinent to the code. would have a separate form process within the application to maintain the records in the code file. 63 . Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The first field in each record contains the description of the code.Setup Defining Validation Codes In This Chapter Validation codes are used in Envision to: Limit the valid responses a user has for data entry Make standard the values for certain data elements Provide consistent values and descriptions of those values on forms and in reports Allow for special processing for certain values of codes Envision supports two types of validation codes: Code files Code tables Code Files Code files are used when. one code for each dormitory. A code file is specific to an Envision-based application and. Other pertinent information stored in a DORMS record might be total capacity and whether the dorm is co-ed. therefore. the file DORMS contains records keyed by a code. you need to store more information. For example. in addition to the description of the code. VALCODES. Usually. These tables require no special processing or special instructions on how to fill in the special processing fields are included with the load instructions for the application. the release installation process will provide the default table. For example. Valcode tables are stored in the application file VALCODES and are subject to tree reads. Unless you have specific instructions telling you how to fill in the special processing fields. which you should not modify. require custom values specific for each customer. Validation code tables are maintained. are stored in the application file appl. have special processing codes for certain code values. these tables cannot be modified by the user. and W. SOUTH. Each code has associated with it four parameters: The description of the code The minimum character string needed to identify the code Two special processing parameters With each application. leave these two window elements blank. Processes within the application are dependent on these processing codes and the tables are therefore defined by Datatel. the minimum entry strings might be N. through the Validation Code Maintenance (VAL) form. Tables defined and maintained by Datatel are restored each time a release is installed. Inc. Each table can contain any number of codes. If a given validation table or valcode table is missing for an application. S. run the VAL form.Setup: Defining Validation Codes Code Tables Code tables. on the other hand. however. 64 Runtime Administration. Maintaining VAL Codes To define validation codes for an application. The minimum entry string is the fewest number of characters the user must enter in order for Envision Runtime to recognize that string as a code. March 10. EAST and WEST). . Tables that you define and maintain are not overwritten by the release installation. the tables. Enter the code in the first field in each window group along with its description and minimum entry string. if you have four codes defined in your table (NORTH. Each code can have one minimum entry string. where appl is the mnemonic for the application. Datatel delivers the validation tables required for that application. regardless of the application. In some cases. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Most validation code tables. and each minimum entry string must be unique. E. which are stored in a multi-valued list. be sure to specify the zeroes in the maximum code length. users can enter anything for the value of the data element that uses the table.Code Tables Next enter the maximum code size. March 10. the user will not be able to enter that code since it is 5 characters. The advantage of zero filling is that all numeric codes are the same length. the maximum code length. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. if a code in the table is NORTH and the maximum code length is 3. For example. Disabling Valcode Tables To disable a validation table. Note: The maximum code length must be as long as the longest code defined in the table. When Envision Runtime encounters a table with just an asterisk. 65 . The maximum code length is usually used in conjunction with the zero fill numbers flag. enter an asterisk (*) as the first code and delete the rest of the fields and codes from the table. If you wish to zero fill numeric codes in this table. The zero fill flag determines if numeric codes in this table are front padded with zeroes. Inc. Runtime Administration. The user can enter fewer characters but cannot enter more characters than the maximum. This determines how many characters a user can enter when a data element on a form uses this validation code table. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. . March 10.Setup: Defining Validation Codes 66 Runtime Administration. Setup Editing UNIX_CONTROL Records In This Chapter This chapter describes how to modify your UNIX_CONTROL record in the SYSDEFS file. The UCRE form eliminates the need to update the UNIX_CONTROL record from the command line. Table 1 lists the topics covered in this chapter. March 10. Table 1: Topics in This Chapter Topic Form Used Editing a UNIX_CONTROL Record Procedure for Editing a UNIX_CONTROL Record 67 68 73 Page Form Used Table 2 lists and describes the form used in this chapter. use the UNIX_CONTROL Record Editing (UCRE) form. To do this. Runtime Administration. Inc. Table 2: Form Used in This Chapter Form UNIX_CONTROL Record Editing (UCRE) Purpose View or update a UNIX_CONTROL record in the SYSDEFS file. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 67 . If you modify the UNIX_CONTROL record. . Inc. Note: If you are on a Windows server. SUN. The available templates are: UNIX_CONTROL_AIX UNIX_CONTROL_HP UNIX_CONTROL_SUN UNIX_CONTROL_LINUX Although the UNIX_CONTROL record has 25 fields. you must log out of Colleague for the changes to take effect. The UCRE process detects what operating system you have. If your server's operating system is not AIX. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. and then displays the values from the appropriate template for the UNIX_CONTROL record for your reference. This form gives you access to these six fields. only six of those fields may need custom modification. 68 Runtime Administration. HP. and the template values for the UNIX_CONTROL record will be blank. you will see a message that no template was found. or LINUX. March 10. you cannot access this form.Setup: Editing UNIX_CONTROL Records Editing a UNIX_CONTROL Record Use the UNIX_CONTROL Record Editing (UCRE) form to view or update your UNIX_CONTROL record in the SYSDEFS file. 69 . March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Editing a UNIX_CONTROL Record Figure 4: UNIX_CONTROL Record Editing (UCRE) Form Runtime Administration. Inc. this field would contain the string “HP”. Inc. Template Value for NOMESSAGE Option This field displays the template value for your UNIX_CONTROL record. March 10. Entering “Yes” assigns a value of 1 to field 20 in the UNIX_CONTROL record. This field references field 13 in the UNIX_CONTROL record. enter No. NOMESSAGE Option If you want to suppress confirmation messages. entering “No” assigns a value of 0. For example. if the source for the UNIX_CONTROL record is the UNIX_CONTROL_HP template record. otherwise. Template Value for Host Type This field displays the template value for your UNIX_CONTROL record. Enter Yes if you want the system to issue confirmation messages when output is sent to the printer. .Setup: Editing UNIX_CONTROL Records Noteworthy Fields on the UCRE Form The fields described in this section are important for viewing or updating a UNIX_CONTROL record. Host Type This field allows you to view or update the value for the host type (suffix) of the source template record for the UNIX_CONTROL record. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. This field is used for documentation purposes only. this field allows you to enable Envision print routines to add the NOMESSAGE option to SETPTR commands. 70 Runtime Administration. The name of the subroutine you enter will be validated.Editing a UNIX_CONTROL Record Printer Subroutine This field allows you to view or update the name of the printer subroutine that identifies a routine to extract printer and form information. You can use LookUp to view a list of available subroutines. a job name. The routine must return two arguments in the calling list: – The list of valid printers. Inc. then you need to enter S_QPRINT_PRINT_INFO or S_USAM_PRINT_INFO. Template Value for Printer Subroutine This field displays the template value for your UNIX_CONTROL record. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. This field references field 7 in the UNIX_CONTROL record. – The list of valid forms. This field references field 6 in the UNIX_CONTROL record. queue name. In addition to several platform-specific versions. The name of the subroutine you enter will be validated. LINUX or AIX). You can use LookUp to view a list of available subroutines. This name will usually be similar to the following: S_platform _PRINT_INFO where platform describes the type of UNIX (for example. and a version that supports third-party QBATCH. 71 . Batch Subroutine This field allows you to view or update the name of the batch subroutine that identifies a routine to submit a job to a batch queue for later execution. March 10. Runtime Administration. Currently. there is also a generic UNIX version. start time. Note: If you are using QPRINT/USAM. Template Value for Batch Subroutine This field displays the template value for your UNIX_CONTROL record. and priority are used. Template Value for Phantom Processes Command This field displays the template value for your UNIX_CONTROL record. Command for Retrieving Phantom Processes This field allows you to view or update the UNIX command string that will be executed in a UniBasic program. . Inc. A typical definition for a BSD implementation of UNIX is: ps -aux | fgrep PHANTOM | fgrep -v fgrep | tr -s ' ' '\011' | cut -f2 | sort This references field 10 in UNIX_CONTROL. Template Value for Terminal Characteristics Cmd This field displays the template value for your UNIX_CONTROL record.UDT. and remap or turn off the erase and kill commands. This field references field 4 in the UNIX_CONTROL record.GET. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. instead of UDT. trimmed string of UNIX process IDs (PIDs) — one for each instance of UniData that is running a phantom process.PROCESSES. This relies on the fact that UniData distinguishes phantom processes from interactive processes by using a command line argument of PHANTOM when starting the udt process. The command returns a sorted. except that the search finds the keyword PHANTOM. A typical definition for a System V implementation of UNIX is: ps -aef | fgrep PHANTOM | fgrep -v fgrep | tr -s ' ' '\011' | cut -f3 | sort This is similar to the command string for UNIX. This command must set to half-duplex mode at a minimum.Setup: Editing UNIX_CONTROL Records Command for Defining Terminal Characteristics This field allows you to view or update the UniData command needed to set the terminal characteristics before entering the Envision environment. March 10. 72 Runtime Administration. Refer to online help for more information.Editing a UNIX_CONTROL Record Procedure for Editing a UNIX_CONTROL Record Step 1. Runtime Administration. 73 . Step 2. From the Envision Runtime (UT) application. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Save and exit from the UCRE form. March 10. Step 3. View or update the UNIX_CONTROL record. access the UNIX_CONTROL Record Editing (UCRE) form. Inc. Setup: Editing UNIX_CONTROL Records 74 Runtime Administration. . March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. See your operating system documentation for information on the lpr command and printer definitions. See the following sections. March 10.Setup Printing Understanding Levels of Printing There are three levels of printing to understand in order to print your output in your application software. 75 . “Database Management System Software” immediately below. Inc. Database Management System Software LPTR The LPTR keyword appended to the end of a query language sentence sends a query report to the printer. Runtime Administration. and “Application Software” on page 76 for additional information. The levels are: Operating System Database Management System Software Application Software Operating System Refer to your operating system documentation for information about configuring the printing on your operating system. In UNIX the report will print at the default printer lp0. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. add a defer time. you can specify the number of copies to print.Setup: Printing SETPTR You can change the destination of the printer by issuing a SETPTR command.. Otherwise all output will be queued without a printer destination and will go the system printer. The SETPTR option that allows you to change the printer destination is the FORM option. We recommend that you enter the SETPTR command in the LOGIN paragraphs of your user remote accounts to direct output from the query language to the desired printer. A default form name displays on the form and the user can accept it or change it. the margins. the user accepts the options and chooses to change the form name and mode. the defaults return the next time the report is run. or until a user logs off the system. terminal or tape. The syntax of the command is: :SETPTR . . March 10. page lengths.. All reports with formname will print at the printer with the corresponding name. the banner page. but most importantly the printer destination. The SETPTR command allows you to define the characteristics of your print job.. Note: A SETPTR command remains in effect until another SETPTR command is run. The mode determines if the output is sent to the printer. 76 Runtime Administration... For example. If you change the defaults. the user can change the number of copies.FORM formname In UniData. or until a user ends the current UniData session. Typically. Inc. formname is synonymous with the printer name in the printcap file. and designate a mode. In addition. Application Software Change Peripheral Defaults Form Envision-based software uses the Change Peripheral Defaults form to direct its output. It allows the user to change the form name. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Usually.Understanding Levels of Printing The defaults that display on the Change Peripheral Defaults form can be changed permanently through the Peripheral Default (PDEF) form in Runtime. The other characteristics such as page widths and lengths should not be changed. 77 . the user changes just the default form name. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. Figure 5: Example Peripheral Default Form (PDEF) Form Runtime Administration. Note: You must exit the account completely and log back into it in order to reset common with the new print routine. 78 Runtime Administration. depending on how printers are defined in Windows NT or Windows 2003/2008. add the printer routine name to the first field of the OS_CONTROL record in the SYSDEFS file. March 10. see “For a Network Print Server” beginning on page 79. If all printers are defined on the same local server as Colleague. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. place S_NT_PRINT_INFO in field 1 of the OS_CONTROL record in the SYSDEFS file. as shown below: AE SYSDEFS OS_CONTROL 1: S_NT_PRINT_INFO This routine reads the Registry on the Windows NT or Windows 2000/2003 server and recognizes any printers that have been defined to the server. There are two options for printing routines.Setup: Printing Defining Printers to Envision for Windows NT and Windows 2003/2008 The procedure for defining a printer to Envision in Windows NT or Windows 2003/2008 is different from the procedure for UNIX. . If you are using a network print server. see “For All Printers Defined On The Same Local Server as Colleague” immediately below. For All Printers Defined On The Same Local Server as Colleague If all printers are defined on the same local server as Colleague. To identify the printer handling routine to be used. March 10. and then put the real path to the printer in the Special Processing 1 field. Printers defined to Envision using UNC need not be defined to the local NT server.PRINTERS valcode file in UT.VALCODES table called VALID. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc.PRINTERS valcode table as in Figure 6 on page 80. you must place S_VALCODES_PRINT_INFO in field 1 of the OS_CONTROL record in the SYSDEFS file. In the example. To accomplish this when the S_VALCODES_PRINT_INFO routine is being used. 79 . Runtime Administration. You will probably want to put a familiar printer name in the code field on the VAL form. you must take great care in the construction of the entries in the VALID. and must be added. You can specify printers in the valcode table using the UNC format (\\servername\printername) in order to make any printer on the network accessible. When using the S_VALCODES_PRINT_INFO routine as the printer control program. and its UNC path is \\pdc\hpfirst. the familiar printer name is hpfirst.Defining Printers to Envision for Windows NT and Windows 2003/2008 For a Network Print Server If you are using a network print server. The VALID.PRINTERS to determine the valid system printers.PRINTERS table is not delivered with the software. enter information on the VAL form in the VALID. as shown below: AE SYSDEFS OS_CONTROL 1: S_VALCODES_PRINT_INFO This routine uses a UT. INSERTS) will use the information you have entered in the Special Processing field. exactly you entered it in the Code field. you must exit and re-access the UniData account. This can result in an error message if the value in the Code field is entered in a peripheral selection screen when the value in the Min Entry field does not match it. Note: For the settings in the VALID. Enter the UNC path to the printer in the Special Processing field. If the Code field and the Min Entry field do not match exactly.PRINTERS Valcode Table Complete the entry in the VALID. March 10. Make certain that the contents of the Code field and the Min Entry field are identical in order to ensure that the print routines that handle printer validation (I_PRINTERS_CONVERT in UT. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . Inc. Enter optional descriptive information in the Description field. the value from the Min Entry field is used in any SETPTR command and on the printer selection screen presented during batch processing. 80 Runtime Administration.Setup: Printing Figure 6: Defining a Printer in the VALID. In addition. you must exit and re-access the account in order to reset common with the new print routine when the OS_CONTROL record has been updated. Enter the familiar name of the printer in the Min Entry field.PRINTERS table as follows: Enter the familiar name of the printer in the Code field.PRINTERS valcode table to take effect. March 10. Inc.Defining Printers to Envision for Windows NT and Windows 2003/2008 For more information about the S_VALCODES_PRINT_INFO routine. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.1569. Refer to AnswerNet page 733 for a technical over view of EasySpooler. 81 . see AnswerNet pages 196. Runtime Administration.848 and 215. .Setup: Printing 82 Runtime Administration. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. maintaining.Setup Using the Envision Process Handler What is the Envision Process Handler? The Envision Process Handler resides in the UT module and provides the means for storing. Stored sentences and paragraphs can also be run as background tasks. March 10. It is available with Colleague Release 17 or higher. Figure 7: Envision Process Handler Menu Runtime Administration. 83 . Inc. scheduling. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. and running processes that have been selected to run in background mode. The Process Handler menu is shown in Figure 7. Setup: Using the Envision Process Handler Submitting a Task to the Envision Process Handler Users can submit tasks—including batch processes. the Process Submission form is displayed. . This form allows the user to specify whether the task should run in background mode and. whether it should run immediately or be submitted to the Envision Process Handler. Figure 8: Example Process Submission Form 84 Runtime Administration. as shown in Figure 8. Submitting a Batch Process or Report When a user submits a batch process or report to Envision. reports and VOC paragraphs—to the Envision Process Handler for background processing. if so. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. Step 1. 85 . including a date to stop automatic scheduling. for the task. The Background Execution Type field is enabled for input. the task runs immediately. this is the same form that will appear after any Envision form that runs a procedure which allows execution in phantom mode. In the Background Execution Type field: If the user selects I(mmediate Execution). If the user selects E(nvision Process Handler). Note that it “inherits” the mnemonic from its calling procedure. the task is submitted to the Envision Process Handler. Step 3. Inc.Submitting a Task to the Envision Process Handler Note: Although PSFP is displayed at the top of the form. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. the task will run in background mode. If the user enters “Yes” in the Execute in Background Mode field. the user can specify the date and time of the first run and schedule subsequent runs. if any. When the Envision Process Handler is selected. Runtime Administration. March 10. Step 2. enables users to submit a custom paragraph to the Process Handler. Note: For information about defining Process Handler queues. March 10. Enter the names of one or more custom paragraphs in the Process Paragraph Names fields. If no queue is specified. 86 Runtime Administration. Select a Process Handler queue for each paragraph in the Queue field. . shown in Figure 9.Setup: Using the Envision Process Handler Submitting a VOC Paragraph The Custom Paragraph Entry (CPAE) form. Step 2. Figure 9: Custom Paragraph Entry (CPAE) Form Step 1. Inc. the DEFAULT queue is automatically selected. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. see “The Process Handler Setup (PHSU) Form” beginning on page 89. stop. Runtime Administration.Submitting a Task to the Envision Process Handler Step 3. Inc. and reset processing queues. Modify the queue assignment and scheduling of any task that has been submitted to the Process Handler. The remaining fields allow you to specify the date that the process should be run next and to schedule subsequent runs. shown in Figure 9 on page 86. shown in Figure 19 on page 103. You may also want to allow end users access to the Process Handler inquiry forms (see “Using Inquiry Forms” beginning on page 110). and/or user IDs to queues. Viewing and Editing Task Schedules Access the My Processes (MYPR) maintenance form to view and schedule all processes submitted under the currently logged in user ID. and the My Processes (MYPR) form. you can manage queues and tasks in the Process Handler as follows: Define processing queues. Specify how many tasks are allowed to run concurrently on a queue. Assign specific security classes. Purge records from the Process Status file. if any. security class characteristics. for the task. 87 . see “The My Processes (MYPR) Form” beginning on page 102. end users have access only to the Custom Paragraph Entry (CPAE) form. suspend. Note: Datatel recommends that only the System Administrator have the necessary permissions to maintain the Process Handler. including a date to stop automatic scheduling. The System Administrator’s Role As System Administrator. Typically. Generate reports of completed processes from the Process Status file. Start. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. For more information. Note: When a queue is stopped. to set the maximum number of concurrent tasks per queue either globally or individually. to stop all running queues and reset the Process Handler. described in “The Reset Process Queue Handler (RSPH) Form” beginning on page 94. described in “The Process Handler Setup (PHSU) Form” beginning on page 89. . No new tasks are started. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. described in “The Process Queue Management (PRQM) Form” beginning on page 91. and/or user IDs to specific queues. and to schedule times when specific running queues are to be suspended. 88 Runtime Administration.Setup: Using the Envision Process Handler Setting Up the Process Handler and Managing Queues Three forms enable you to set up and manipulate Process Handler queues: Use the Process Handler Setup (PHSU) maintenance form. all currently processing tasks continue to run to completion. March 10. Use the Process Queue Management (PRQM) processing form. security class characteristics. to start and stop Process Handler queues either globally or individually. to identify the available process queues and to assign security classes. Use the Reset Process Queue Handler (RSPH) processing form. shown in Figure 10. it is assigned to a queue. If you do not specify a queue for a task. Inc.Setting Up the Process Handler and Managing Queues The Process Handler Setup (PHSU) Form The Process Handler Setup (PHSU) maintenance form. You can add or edit queue names in these fields. To assign a security class or security class characteristic to a specific queue. security class characteristics. and user IDs to specific queues. March 10. 89 . Step 1. Whenever a task is submitted to the Envision Process Handler. is used to identify the available process queues and to assign security classes. Runtime Administration. enter the name of the security class or characteristic in the Security Class Queues Class field. the Process Handler automatically selects the DEFAULT queue. Step 2. Figure 10: Example Process Handler Setup (PHSU) Form The Processing Queue Names fields display the available queues. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. In the Security Class Queues Queue field. . The Queue field is validated against the list of available queues in the Processing Queue Names fields. Step 4. enter one of the queue names shown in the Processing Queue Names fields. the task is associated to the assigned queue for the user ID without regard to security classes. Whenever you submit a Batch or Report to the Process Handler. To assign a user ID directly to a specific queue regardless of the user’s associated security classes. enter the user ID in the User Specific Queues User ID field. the task is associated to the queue that corresponds to the security class associated with the user ID.Setup: Using the Envision Process Handler Step 3. 90 Runtime Administration. Note: Queue assignment by security class is overridden by the direct assignment of a queue to a specific user ID in the User Specific Queues User ID and Queue fields. enter one of the queue names shown in the Processing Queue Names fields. In the User Specific Queues Queue field. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. the first one is used to assign the queue. If there is more than one security class associated with the user ID. Inc. The Security class Queues Queue field is validated against the list of available queues in the Processing Queue Names fields. Whenever this user submits a Batch or Report to the Process Handler. March 10. The COMO ID associated with the Process Handler. If for any reason it fails to execute or is prematurely aborted. the queue statuses stored in Envision may be out of sync. and then waits until one of the tasks is completed before starting a new task. Runtime Administration. if needed. you must use the Reset Process Handler (RSPH) process to reinitialize the records used in processing. Inc. the Process Handler will stop submitting tasks to the queue at that time. 91 . PID. You can also specify suspend start and end times if you want the Process Handler to stop submitting tasks between certain times. Each process queue runs tasks in the order in which they appear in the Outstanding Process listing (see “The Outstanding Processes (OPRM) Form” beginning on page 95). The queue accepts tasks up to the Maximum Processes per queue. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. the PID is displayed that originally created the COMO file. See AnswerNet Support Solution page 6154 for information on troubleshooting with COMO files. The header of the PRQM form displays the following two fields: Process Handler COMO ID. March 10. the PRQM process will populate the Expired Scheduled Processes window with any processes that are beyond their stop (expire) date.Setting Up the Process Handler and Managing Queues The Process Queue Management (PRQM) Form Use the Process Queue Management (PRQM) processing form. When starting any inactive queues on this form. shown in Figure 11 on page 92. This means that they may show as “Running” when they are no longer active. Process Handler processing is executed in the background. The Process Handler COMO ID is displayed so that its record in the _PH_ directory file can be analyzed. If you enter stop dates and times. If the Process Handler is unexpectedly stopped. until you reset the Process Handler by using the RSPH form. to start and stop Process Handler queues. Note: Because only one instance of the Process Handler processor can run at a time. You must enter an action for the Process Handler to take for each expired scheduled process. Also. The operating system process ID for the Process Handler. the system regards the Process Handler as still running and will not allow you to restart it. but which were never invoked due to an inactive queue. it automatically populates the Start Date/time. This maximum is enforced on each queue. Inc. Stop Date/time. complete the fields in the upper portion of the PRQM form. and Maximum Processes fields for all the queues in the lower portion of the PRQM form. 92 Runtime Administration. Note: When data is entered in the global fields. March 10. Enter the date and time to start all queues in the Start All Queues on [date] at [time] fields. . To specify global settings that apply to all queues.Setup: Using the Envision Process Handler Figure 11: Example Process Queue Management (PRQM) Form Step 1. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Enter the maximum number of concurrent tasks for all queues in the Max for All Queues field. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. They must be set for individual queues. Runtime Administration. 93 . The following actions are available: Run One Last Time. Inc. enter values in the Suspend Start and Suspend End Time fields. Note: If no number is entered in the Maximum Processes field for a queue. March 10. These are processes with a stop date that has expired. but which were never started due to an inactive queue.Setting Up the Process Handler and Managing Queues Step 2. In the Action field. To specify settings for an individual queue. Step 3. Enter the maximum number of concurrent tasks for the queue in the Maximum Processes field. Enter the date and time to stop the queue in the Stop Date/time fields. Use this action to run the expired process one last time. select an action to perform on the expired process. Cancel. Note: You cannot set suspend start and suspend end times globally. Use this action to cancel the expired process. To have the processor stop submitting tasks to the queue for a specified period of time. The Process Paragraph Name field displays the names of scheduled processes that have expired. This means that the queue waits for each task to be completed before accepting another task. complete the fields for that queue in the lower portion of the PRQM form. the default maximum is 1. Enter the date and time to start the queue in the Start Date/time fields. Note: If you want to view the same data that is shown on the RSPH form without the option of resetting the Process Handler. use the Reset Process Handler (RSPH) form to re-initialize the records. . use the Running Processes (RPRI) inquiry form. Enter Yes in the Do you want to reset all Processing Queues field to reset the Process Handler. Inc. Figure 12: Example Reset Process Handler (RSPH) Form The active queues and running tasks are displayed in informational fields. Until the Process Handler is reset. see “Using Inquiry Forms” beginning on page 110. to stop all queue processing and to reset the Process Handler. For more information about inquiry forms. 94 Runtime Administration. and the Process Handler is reset. Enter No or leave the field blank if you do not want to reset the Process Handler. Only one instance of the Process Handler can run at a time. All tasks that are currently running will continue to completion.Setup: Using the Envision Process Handler The Reset Process Queue Handler (RSPH) Form If the Process Handler does not run or prematurely terminates. no new tasks are started. the system does not allow you to restart it. Use the Reset Process Queue Handler (RSPH) processing form. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. shown in Figure 12. described in “The Process Scheduling (PRSC) Form” beginning on page 100 The Outstanding Processes (OPRM) Form The Outstanding Processes (OPRM) maintenance form. described in “The My Processes (MYPR) Form” beginning on page 102 The Process Scheduling (PRSC) maintenance form. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Managing Processes Managing Processes Three forms allow you to schedule tasks: The Outstanding Processes (OPRM) maintenance form. You can also edit individual process schedules by detailing from the OPRM form to the Process Scheduling (PHTS) form. Inc. shown in Figure 13. Figure 13: Example Outstanding Processes (OPRM) Form Runtime Administration. March 10. 95 . described in “The Outstanding Processes (OPRM) Form” beginning on page 95 The My Processes (MYPR) maintenance form. enables you to manipulate queues and reorder tasks within queues. as shown in Figure 14 on page 97. and Yes is displayed in the Sched field for the process on the OPRM form. March 10. The processes run in the order shown on the list. Note: A process that runs repeatedly is termed scheduled. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Submit Date and Submit Time fields are informational. You can change the queue assignment of a process by selecting the desired queue in the Queue field. In order for a task to be eligible to run. Use the Move Process From Position/to Position fields to reorder the processes in the list. Step 3. Note: To view the data that is displayed on the OPRM form without the option of editing it. the Process Handler moves to the next task. . see “Using Inquiry Forms” beginning on page 110. use the Outstanding Processes (OPRI) inquiry form. 96 Runtime Administration.Setup: Using the Envision Process Handler The Process Paragraph Name. and No is displayed in the Sched field for the process on the OPRM form. You must detail to the Process Scheduling (PHTS) form to edit individual process schedules. Inc. the following conditions must be met: Step 1. and cannot be edited on the OPRM form. Sched. A once-only process is termed unscheduled. The current date and time must be later than or equal to the next run scheduled date and time. subject to eligibility conditions. If a task is ineligible to run for any reason. The specified queue must contain fewer than the maximum allowed number of concurrent processes. The specified queue must be running. For more information about inquiry forms. Step 2. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. Inc. 97 .Managing Processes To edit the scheduling of a task shown on the OPRM form. detail from the selected task to the Process Scheduling (PHTS) form. as shown in Figure 14. Figure 14: Outstanding Processes (OPRM) Form Detailed to Process Scheduling (PHTS) Form Runtime Administration. or the Process Scheduling (PRSC) form. A once-only process is termed unscheduled. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. you can leave the remaining fields blank. Inc. the My Processes (MYPR) form. Use the Schedule Process to Run Next on fields to set the date and time you want a task to run. Figure 15: Example Process Scheduling (PHTS) Form Step 1. as shown in Figure 15. . If the task is to run only once. and “No” is displayed in the Sched field for the process on the OPRM form. 98 Runtime Administration.Setup: Using the Envision Process Handler The Process Scheduling (PHTS) Form You can detail to the Process Scheduling (PHTS) form. March 10. from the Outstanding Processes (OPRM) form. Managing Processes Step 2. To schedule repeated runs, complete the remaining fields as follows: Schedule Process to Run Every/From. This field has three parts: • In the first field, enter the interval. This number is used with the second field, frequency. For example, to have a process repeat bi-weekly, enter 2 in this field, and then select Week in the second field. • In the second field, enter a frequency. The process will be scheduled to run at specific intervals for specific seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months. • In the third field, enter the next scheduled occurrence of this job. Use this field only if the frequency is set to Second, Minute, or Hour. This field determines whether the interval and frequency (such as 30 seconds, or 8 minutes, or 5 hours) is added to the start time/date or from the end time/ date of the previous run. Technical Tip: To immediately restart a scheduled job, enter 10 as the interval, the frequency as Seconds, and then set the job to start after the previous run has ended. Enter Yes in the Schedule Process on Weekdays Only field to restrict the runs to weekdays, or enter No to allow runs on Saturdays and Sundays. Enter a time, using military (24-hour) format, or A and P to specify AM and PM, for the runs to begin. Use this field only if the frequency is set to Second, Minute, or Hour. If you want scheduling to end on a specific date, enter the date in the Stop Automatically Scheduling Process on field. A process that runs repeatedly is termed scheduled, and “Yes” is displayed in the Sched field for the process on the OPRM form. The Process Paragraph displays the generated paragraph saved in VOC that was created by the original run of the process. This paragraph will be rerun according to the schedule you enter. It is not editable. If you plan to schedule jobs through the Process Handler to repeat continuously, such as every x number of seconds after the end of the previous job, the process handler queues that may be used for those jobs should be set up on the Process Queue Management (PRQM) form with the Maximum Processes column set to a value greater than 1. This is needed because you don't want the continuously repeating job to tie up the entire queue, preventing any other repeat jobs from getting invoked through that queue. If the Process Handler stops abruptly or prematurely, such as by the Listener getting stopped and restarted or the database getting stopped and restarted, then the Process Handler will have to be reset on the Reset Process Queue Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 99 Setup: Using the Envision Process Handler Handler (RSPH) form and restarted on the PRQM form. And you will again have to make sure to set the Maximum Processes column to a value greater than 1. The Process Scheduling (PRSC) Form The Process Scheduling (PRSC) maintenance form, shown in Figure 16, displays only scheduled processes, such as processes that are set to run more than once. Figure 16: Example Process Scheduling (PRSC) Form The Date, Time, Int, Frequency and Weekday fields are informational, and cannot be edited on the PRSC form. You must detail to the Process Scheduling (PHTS) form to edit individual process schedules. 100 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. Managing Processes To edit the scheduling of a task shown on the PRSC form, detail from the selected task to the Process Scheduling (PHTS) form, as shown in Figure 17. Figure 17: Process Scheduling (PRSC) Form Detailed to Process Scheduling (PHTS) Form For information about using the PHTS form to edit a process schedule, see “The Process Scheduling (PHTS) Form” beginning on page 98. Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 101 Setup: Using the Envision Process Handler The My Processes (MYPR) Form The My Processes (MYPR) maintenance form, as shown in Figure 18, is typically available to end users, allowing them to view and schedule the processes that they have submitted under the currently logged in user ID. To edit a process schedule, detail to the Process Scheduling (PHTS) form, as shown in Figure 19 on page 103. Figure 18: Example My Processes (MYPR) Form All processes for the user ID, both scheduled and unscheduled, are shown on the MYPR form. When an unscheduled process runs to completion, its entry is removed from the MYPR form. See the note on page 96 for the definitions of scheduled and unscheduled processes. The fields on the MYPR form are informational, and cannot be edited. To edit individual process schedules, you must detail from the Mnemonic field to the Process Scheduling (PHTS) form. 102 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. Managing Processes To edit the scheduling of a task shown on the MYPR form, detail from the selected task to the Process Scheduling (PHTS) form, as shown in Figure 19. Figure 19: My Processes (MYPR) Form Detailed to Process Scheduling (PHTS) Form For information about using the PHTS form to edit a process schedule, see “The Process Scheduling (PHTS) Form” beginning on page 98. Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 103 Setup: Using the Envision Process Handler Working with Process Status File Records Two forms enable you to work with the records in the Process Status file: Use the Process Status Report (PSTR) reporting form, described in “The Process Status Report (PSTR) Form” beginning on page 105, to generate a report showing completed processes. Use the Process Status File Purge (PSFP) processing form, described in “The Process Status File Purge (PSFP) Form” beginning on page 108, to purge records from the Process Status file. 104 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. Working with Process Status File Records The Process Status Report (PSTR) Form The Process Status Report (PSTR) reporting form, shown in Figure 20, enables you to generate a report from the Process Status file listing all processes completed through the Envision Process Handler. Selection criteria may be limited by start date, end date, User ID, mnemonic, and any additional criteria you select. This form also allows you to generate a report for just the most recent runs of all processes scheduled for the Envision Process Handler. When you choose this option, the start and end date fields are inquiry only. Figure 20: Process Status Report (PSTR) Form Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 105 Setup: Using the Envision Process Handler Step 1. In the Start Date field, enter the start date for selecting processes. Processes are shown on this report only if they began on or after this start date. However, a process may have been run one time, or may have been repeated through the Envision Process Handler. If a process had repeated runs, this report will show only those instances that began on or after this start date. Note: This field is a display only field if you set the Report Only Most Recent Run field to "Yes." Step 2. In the End Date field, enter an end date for selecting processes. Processes are shown on this report only if they completed before or on this end date. However, a process may have been run one time, or may have been repeated through the Envision Process Handler. If a process had repeated runs, this report will show only those instances that completed before or on this end date. Note: This field is a display only field if you set the Report Only Most Recent Run field to "Yes." Note: If the Start Date field is left blank, all records in the Process Status file with start dates up to the date specified in the End Date field are included in the report, subject to your selection criteria. If the End Date field is left blank, all records in the Process Status file with start dates on or after the date specified in the Start Date field are included in the report, subject to selection criteria. If both fields are left blank, all records in the Process Status file are included in the report, subject to your selection criteria. Step 3. In the User IDs field, enter User IDs for selecting processes. The User IDs you enter will limit selection to only those processes that were submitted by these User IDs. Step 4. In the Mnemonics field, enter the mnemonics for selecting processes. The mnemonics you enter will limit selection to only those processes that were executed from these mnemonics. Step 5. In the Report Only Most Recent Run field, enter Yes to report only the most recent run of repeat processes. 106 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. Working with Process Status File Records A process may have been run one time, or may have been repeated through the Envision Process Handler. If a process had repeated runs and this field is set to “Yes,” this report will show only the most recent run of each process. Processes that were run only once will also be displayed on the report, provided they satisfy any criteria based on User ID, mnemonic, and additional selection criteria. If you enter “Yes” in this field, the Start Date and End Date fields will be inquiry only. Step 6. Do you want to limit the selection of processes by specifying additional selection criteria? Yes. Enter Yes in the Additional Selection Criteria field. The Additional Selection Criteria form is displayed, as shown in Figure 21. Use the Add’l Connective, Field Name, Relation and Parameter/Value fields to select additional criteria. No. Enter No in the Additional Selection Criteria field. The Additional Selection Criteria form is not displayed, and all records in the specified date range are included in the report. Figure 21: Process Status Report (PSTR) Addl Selection Criteria Form Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 107 Setup: Using the Envision Process Handler Step 7. Update to the Process Submission form, as shown in Figure 8 on page 84, and specify how you want the report to be printed or displayed. The Process Status File Purge (PSFP) Form The Process Status File Purge (PSFP) processing form, shown in Figure 22, enables you to purge selected records from the PHANTOM.STATUS and PHANTOM.STATUS.DTL files. The PSFP form also purges any COMO files in the _PH_ directory created for the selected process runs. Figure 22: Process Status File Purge (PSFP) Form Step 1. In the Start Date field, enter the start date from which to purge records. Only processes run through the Envision Process Handler that started on or after this date will be selected. 108 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. Working with Process Status File Records Step 2. In the End Date field, enter the end date from which to purge records. Only processes run through the Envision Process Handler that ended before or on this date will be selected. Note: If the Start Date field is left blank, all records with start dates up to the date specified in the End Date field are purged, subject to your selection criteria. If the End Date field is left blank, all records with start dates on or after the date specified in the Start Date field are purged, subject to your selection criteria. If both fields are left blank, all records are purged, subject to your selection criteria. Step 3. In the User IDs field, enter the User IDs associated with the records to be purged. Only those records submitted by these User IDs will be purged. Step 4. In the Mnemonics field, enter the mnemonics to be purged. Only those records executed from these mnemonics will be purged. Step 5. Do you want to limit the selection of records by specifying additional selection criteria? Yes. Enter Yes in the Additional Selection Criteria field. The Additional Selection Criteria form is displayed, as shown in Figure 21 on page 107. Use the Add’l Connective, Field Name, Relation and Parameter/Value fields to select additional criteria. No. Enter No in the Additional Selection Criteria field. The Additional Selection Criteria form is not displayed, and all records in the specified date range are purged from the Process Status file. Step 6. Update to the Process Submission form, as shown in Figure 8 on page 84, and specify how you want the PSFP process to be run. Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 109 Figure 23: Example Outstanding Processes (OPRI) Form Note: Use the Outstanding Processes (OPRM) form if you want to edit the data shown in the OPRI form. 110 Runtime Administration. See “The Outstanding Processes (OPRM) Form” beginning on page 95 for more information. . Use the Outstanding Processes (OPRI) inquiry form. Inc. to view the available queues and their assigned tasks without the option of editing the data. as shown in Figure 23. March 10.Setup: Using the Envision Process Handler Using Inquiry Forms Two inquiry forms are available in the Process Handler. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Runtime Administration. For more information. Figure 24: Example Running Processes (RPRI) Form Note: Use the Reset Process Queue Handler (RSPH) form if you want to reset the active queues. Inc.Using Inquiry Forms Use the Running Processes (RPRI) inquiry form. 111 . as shown in Figure 24. March 10. to view the active queues and running processes without the option of resetting the queues. see “The Reset Process Queue Handler (RSPH) Form” beginning on page 94. .Setup: Using the Envision Process Handler 112 Runtime Administration. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. Inc. Resolution Forms A resolution form is a form that displays a list of all available items from which you may select one or one of the items with which to work. the header blocks can be changed within each application and must be set up for the Correspondence Control module since a standard is not provided. The fields in the header block display information about the application and process with which you are working.. See the application administration guides for details. Header Blocks In Envision-based software. 113 .FORMS directory file is no longer supported in Release 18. you have the option to customize several aspects of your software and system.Setup Customizing an Application Features As a part of your setup procedures.0.. March 10. Many Envision-based applications use resolution forms. Procedures are provided for customizing the following: Header Blocks Resolution Forms Envision Menus Standard Forms Note: The STANDARD. To change a header block.]] in response to the Menu ID LookUp prompt on the Menu Definition Runtime Administration. Standard header blocks are provided for Runtime and each Envision application. the header block is the set of fields at the top of the form. however. if you enter [[. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The Runtime header blocks cannot be changed. Enter the Header Block Definition (PHD) form. enter the application. Specific options are provided within the form. For example. above the double horizontal line. enter the LKUP: Resolution Specs (LPRT) from the application that you would like a report on. Step 2. Envision displays a list of all available Menu IDs. To Change a Resolution Form Step 1. March 10. Step 3. It may also display certain characteristics about the records.Setup: Customizing an Application (SMD) form. . At the Resolution LookUp prompt. To assist you in entering the remaining information. 114 Runtime Administration. See “LKUP: Resolution Specs (LPRT)” on page 356. you may want to get a hard copy of the dictionary of the primary file: LIST DICT primaryfile LPTR Step 4. detail on Set Defaults and Resolution Specifications. Enter the application. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. enter the primary file that the LookUp process uses. To obtain a list of all of the resolution specifications that Datatel provides. To add the new specifications. for further information. We provide a default characteristics which you can change by application. Enter the LookUp Resolution Specs (UTRD) form. Inc. Since the MENU file is a shared file. Add any valid process mnemonics or menu mnemonics to your new menu or delete existing mnemonics to customize the menu for your site. create new menus using the delivered menus as models. March 10. To prevent losing your customized menus at each release installation. 2. you may change the menus delivered with your application or you can create new ones. Creating a New Menu in the Same Application as the Model 1. new.Adding/Changing Envision Menus Adding/Changing Envision Menus The Envision Menu Processor uses menu definitions stored in the application file MENU to generate menu forms. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. a menu form displays a description of the process as well as allowing the user to enter a number instead of the mnemonic. Run the command: COPY FROM appl. of course. Do not use a mnemonic defined for any Envision-based application or a custom mnemonic already created at your site. Runtime Administration. will not affect the menus you have created. The release installation.menu is the mnemonic for the model menu and new.MENU model. While a process can be run from any menu prompt using the process’ mnemonic. If you prefix your new menu mnemonic with the letter “X”. When copying the new menu record. Enter the application appl and run the Menu Definition (SMD) form.menu is the mnemonic for the menu you are creating. 115 .menu where appl is the mnemonic for the application. As system administrator. model. any changes you make to a Datatel-defined menu will be overwritten the next time you install a release. These forms display to the user the options available on the menu. 3. Remember that no Envision application delivered from Datatel will ever have a mnemonic which begins with the letter “X”. you can be sure that the mnemonic does not duplicate any Datatel-defined Envision mnemonic. remember to choose a unique mnemonic for the new menu. including both the mnemonic of the process and a description.menu. The simplest way to create a new menu is to copy the menu you wish to use as a model. 116 Runtime Administration. Creating a Menu Based on a Model in a Higher Application Step 1. Valid process mnemonics are those mnemonics for which a Process Control (PRCS. Since the application file MENU is subject to tree reads. sub. Envision Runtime finds and uses the definition for the menu in the subordinate application.MENU TO subappl.menu is the menu you wish to customize and new. Run the SMD form and enter a unique mnemonic for the new menu. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.CTL) record is defined. Step 3. Remember that mnemonics cannot exceed four characters in length. Define process control records for procedures.menu where appl is the higher application in the application tree.CTL stores all the mnemonics which are executable by the Envision Menu Processor. Run the following command: COPY FROM appl. You can add new PRCS. Add valid process mnemonics to the menu. as well as other records used by Envision Runtime. model. The Envision Tool Kit is required to define your own custom applications. Enter the application for which you are defining the menu. Inc. new.Setup: Customizing an Application Creating a New Menu Step 1. Step 2. reports and Easy Screens so that these processes can be run from a menu. March 10.menu.appl is the subordinate application. . The application file PRCS.CTL records from the SMD form.MENU model. You can prevent the loss of custom menus from a Datateldefined application by creating your own custom menus in your subordinate application. You can also redefine a menu from a higher application in a subordinate application. or you can use the Process Control Maintenance (PCM) form.menu is the mnemonics for the new menu you are creating. 117 . Enter the application sub. Because you are defining the custom menu in your own subordinate application. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Add any valid process mnemonics or menu mnemonics to your new menu or delete existing mnemonics to customize the menu for your site. the new mnemonics for the menu can be the same as the model.appl and run the SMD form.Adding/Changing Envision Menus Step 2. Inc. Step 3. March 10. Just remember that calls to Response Line will be much easier if you define unique mnemonics and avoid redefining mnemonics used in Datatel-defined application. Runtime Administration. This gives you a choice on some of the forms programs and allows you to change them even if you have not leased source code.FORMS is no longer supported in Release 18.INSERTS file holds the COMMON variables that are used throughout Colleague programs. Modifying a Program in STANDARD.FORMS gives you a list of the programs you can modify. How to program is not covered.SOURCE programname.SOURCE.0.FORMS to CUSTOM. LIST STANDARD. If you wish to make changes to a program in STANDARD. Inc.FORMS. .SOURCE programname If the program has the suffix -VER2 or .STD then change the name of the program to the Colleague standard name. Copy the program from STANDARD. identify the program that you wish to change.SOURCE programname 118 Runtime Administration.INSERTS file! :edit CUSTOM.FORMS programs. Never modify the SOURCE. You should investigate the SOURCE. You will make the actual changes to the program once it is in CUSTOM. :CNAME CUSTOM.0 only) STANDARD. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Step 1.standardname Step 2.FORMS (Release 17. make the changes. :COPY FROM STANDARD.SOURCE.FORMS Following is the procedure for changing STANDARD.Setup: Customizing an Application STANDARD.FORMS is a directory file that contains the source code and form images for programs you can modify. March 10. The source code has no prefix.INSERTS that are inserted into the print routine. The SOURCE. Determine the program that you want to change. Note: STANDARD. and then test the program in your test account before you make the changes in your live account.FORMS TO CUSTOM. These will be prefaced by the $INSERT command. Make the appropriate modifications. FORMS (Release 17.FORMS TO FORM.SOURCE programname Step 5.IMAGES. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. :BASIC module. :COPY FROM CUSTOM. the program should be cataloged locally until it is thoroughly tested.SOURCE or application. then catalog the program. :CATALOG module.STANDARD.IMAGES form_image Runtime Administration.SOURCE file.SOURCE TO module. :edit VOC programname If line 1 is a V for verb.SOURCE programname Step 4.SOURCE programname Step 6. In UniData. Compile the program. Inc. March 10. :COPY FROM STANDARD. Copy the modified program to the module. catalog the program.0 only) Step 3. Determine if the program requires a catalog VOC record. If so. If there is a form image. copy it to FORM. 119 . Setup: Customizing an Application 120 Runtime Administration. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. . Runtime Administration. You may not include procedure front-end screens. Not all Datatel screens function properly in a screen chain. those screens are automatically displayed before the user can completely finish with the chain. These are covered in more detail in the remainder of this chapter. Chains are application-specific. You may specify a subroutine to be run after the user has finished with a chain. You may chain only true screens. or other chains in a chain. batch processes. You may include up to 16 screens in a chain. The user’s work is saved only after the users finishes with the entire chain. When the user enters the chain mnemonic. You can make individual screens within a chain required. Datatel advises against using this feature. If the user bypasses required screens while working within a chain. 121 . You assign a unique mnemonic to each chain you define. March 10. and you may add this mnemonic to any menu. that is. Inc.Setup Grouping Screens Chaining Screens You can group. you define them from within the application in which you want them used and in which the screens you want to include are accessible. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Each screen in a chain is displayed with the same screen title and mnemonic that would be displayed if the screen were accessed directly from the menu prompt. procedures. the first screen in the chain is displayed. or chain. that is. batch processes never appear on menus. In general. you can recognize Envision procedures by the fact that they are usually listed on menus in the Processing or Reporting quadrants. In general. individual screens used for data entry or inquiry. The following are the key concepts related to screen chains. that is. the user’s work is not saved as the user moves from screen to screen within the chain. Envision screens to handle a specific workflow. in the normal way. Otherwise. the security rights specified for the chain take precedence. When the user finished the Name and Address Maintenance form. You can. the following all prompt the user for a person ID: Name and Address Maintenance (NAE) Relation Information (REL) Emergency Information (EMER) If you were to chain these screens in the order shown above. therefore. It is important to ensure that you limit access to the Screen Chaining Specification (SCSP) form. To restrict access to the SCSP form. Security and Chaining All screens within a chain take on the security rights specified for the chain. in the Core System. someone could use the SCSP form to add an otherwise inaccessible screen to an accessible chain. prompting the user for a person ID. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. which includes screens that are usually restricted to the system administrator. 122 Runtime Administration. For example.Setup: Grouping Screens All screens within a chain take on the security rights specified for the chain. the Relation Information form would be displayed for the same person with no further prompting. when the chain was accessed and the Name and Address Maintenance form was displayed. The most seamless chain of screens is one where each screen would otherwise prompt the user for the same thing. the Person LookUp prompt would be displayed. . unless you change your security class definitions to prevent this. Datatel has included it in the privileged list in the ADMIN security class in UT. chain screens that are totally unrelated. and when the user finished the Relation Information form. then the appropriate prompts are displayed when each screen is displayed. Inc. in the Demographics module. The screens you include in a chain continue to be accessible individually. If the security rights you specify for a screen differ from the security rights you specify for a chain to which that screen belongs. If you chain screens that would otherwise prompt the user for different things. the Emergency Information form would be displayed for the same person without further prompting. if a chain is defined in the Human Resources System. Runtime Administration. If you go back while the first screen in the chain is displayed. the system responds with a beep. Function Keys and Chaining To support movement among chained screens. Inc. it is not visible in the Financial System. JUMP Displays a mini-menu of all screens in the chain. Only screens that are otherwise visible to an application—that is. BACK Displays the previous screen in the chain. in the Core System). Like operator records and security classes. those within and above the application in the hierarchy—may be included in a chain. Chains defined in peer applications. such as the Human Resources System and the Financial System. use the following three function keys: Table 3: Movement Function Keys Function FWD Function Description Displays the next screen in the chain. from which you can select the screen you want to display. that is. are visible to applications lower in the hierarchy. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. are not visible in both.Chaining Screens Application Hierarchy and Chaining You define screen chains from within the application in which you want them used. If you go forward while the last screen in the chain is displayed. the system responds as if you had Finished. 123 . chains that are defined at the top of the application hierarchy (for example. If you cancel the second time. The behavior of all other existing function keys remains unchanged. . cancel to discard all changes in chain RETURN to redisplay the current screen with the original data or cancel to discard all changes made on all screens in the chain. it may be easier to move around within a chain using the screen movement keys. some of the existing function keys work a little differently for chained screens. return to confirm or cancel to abort. When you press Direct ACCESS. the following prompt is displayed: Field JUMP to make changes. the first screen in the chain is redisplayed and you are prompted for a new record ID. If the current screen has a LookUp prompt. you must respond to the prompt before pressing this key. Once you have accessed a chain. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The following prompt is then displayed: Enter mnemonic of process to run or cancel.Setup: Grouping Screens As shown in Table 4. Direct ACCESS Invokes another screen from the current screen without returning to the menu. the following prompt is displayed: Field JUMP to make changes. you may access only screens within that chain. Table 4: Existing Function Keys and Chained Screens Function CANCEL Function Description Cancels changes made to the current record. your work on the current screen is discarded and you are asked to further confirm the cancellation: RETURN to continue. When you cancel. 124 Runtime Administration. See Table 3 on page 123 for further information on screen movement keys. March 10. although they perform essentially the same functions they always have. You cannot jump out of a chain using Direct ACCESS. If you cancel this time. To save any changes you might have made and continue. cancel to discard changes to this screen only Field JUMP to return to the screen without cancelling or cancel if you do no want to save the work you have done on the current screen. press Enter. Although you can move from screen to screen within a chain using Direct ACCESS. If the chain includes required screens and if you FINISH before you have displayed the required screens. When you FINISH. Runtime Administration. Field JUMP to return to the screen without cancelling. RETURN to confirm. each required screen is displayed before you return to the menu. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. cancel to abort this screen. RETURN to save your work and return to the first screen in the chain. Field JUMP to return to the screen without cancelling. the following prompt is displayed: Field JUMP to make changes. you are returned to the menu from which you accessed the screen you were on when you pressed Direct ACCESS. redisplays the first screen in the chain. When you EXIT. FINISH Exits from the current screen and returns you to the menu from which the chain was accessed. the following prompt is displayed: Field JUMP to make changes. RETURN to confirm. Field JUMP to return to the screen without updating. If the chain includes required screens and if you EXIT before you have displayed the required screens. CANCEL to abort this screen. each required screen is displayed before you return to the menu or the direct access screen. you are returned to the screen you were on when you pressed Direct ACCESS. March 10. or CANCEL if you do no want to save the work you have done on the current screen.Chaining Screens Table 4: Existing Function Keys and Chained Screens (cont’d) Function EXIT Function Description Exits from the current screen and returns you to the menu from which the chain was accessed. If you used Direct ACCESS to access the chain. 125 . each required screen is displayed before you return to the first screen in the chain. If the chain includes required screens and if you UPDATE before you have displayed the required screens. UPDATE Exits from the current record. RETURN to save your work and return to the menu or direct access screen. When you UPDATE. If you used Direct ACCESS to access the chain. Inc. the following prompt is displayed: Field JUMP to make changes. or CANCEL if you do no want to save the work you have done on the current screen. or CANCEL if you do no want to save the work you have done on the current screen. and prompts for a new record ID. CANCEL to abort this screen. RETURN to confirm. RETURN to save your work and exit to the menu. The description is displayed next to the mnemonic on any menus to which you add the chain. March 10. If the chain has short help. When the user Returns after viewing the short help. . The user can display this message by typing the chain mnemonic at a menu prompt and accessing Process Help. Table 5: Fields on the Screen Chaining Specification (SCSP) Form Field Description Short Help Message Long Help Text Usage Describes the group of screens. Required/ Optional Optional Optional Optional 126 Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Provides a longer message describing the chain. Inc. the long help is displayed immediately after the user accessing Process Help. Figure 25: Example Screen Chaining Specification (SCSP) Form Use Table 5 to guide you in completing this form. the short help message is displayed first.Setup: Grouping Screens Components of a Screen Chain Definition Use the Screen Chaining Specification (SCSP) form to define a group of screens in a way that mimics the flow of screens in Colleague processes. the long help is displayed. If the chain does not have short help. The user can display this message by typing the chain mnemonic at a menu prompt and accessing Process Help. Provides a one-line message further describing the chain. 127 . that is. Inc. Access the application in which you wish to define the chain. or other chains in a chain. You may chain only true screens. Enter the chain mnemonic at the Chain Process LookUp prompt. The default is No. Choose a mnemonic for the chain. March 10. You may not include procedure front-end screens. See Table 4 on page 124 for a description of what happens when there are required screens in a chain. Required/ Optional Required Require Optional Post-Commit Subroutine Optional Procedure for Chaining Screens Follow these steps to define a new screen chain and make it available to your users: Step 1. individual screens used for data entry or inquiry. In general. The application’s main menu is displayed. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. batch processes never appear on menus. Specifies the name of the subroutine that will be run after the user has confirmed that her work should be saved. The specified subroutine is run after all error checks are done and the records used in the chain have been written to disk. Determines whether the user must display the screen before finishing with the chain.Enter (A) to add or RETURN to reenter Runtime Administration. The following prompt is displayed: Record not found -. Step 3. Enter SCSP at the menu prompt. batch processes.Procedure for Chaining Screens Table 5: Fields on the Screen Chaining Specification (SCSP) Form (cont’d) Field Mnemonic Usage Lists the mnemonics of the screens in the chain in the order in which they will be displayed. You may include up to 16 screens in a chain. Step 4. procedures. you can recognize Envision procedures by the fact that they are usually listed on menus in the Processing or Reporting quadrants. Step 2. If you create a new security class. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Step 6. .Setup: Grouping Screens Step 5.” Step 8. then add that security class to the appropriate users’ operator records. The cursor moves to the Description field. If you created a new security class. See the documentation for the Operator Definition (SOD) form for information on defining operator records. Continue with Step 8 if your security classes are set up as “Do Only These. using the field definitions in Table 5 on page 126 as a guideline. See the documentation for the Security Class Definition (SCD) form for information on defining security classes. Inc. Complete this form. March 10. Create a new security class containing the chain mnemonic or add the chain mnemonic to an existing security class. Step 7. the chain is accessible to your users as soon as you complete the update of the security class definition. Notice that the code entered at the LookUp prompt is displayed in the header. Enter A at the prompt. FINISH to save your work and return to the menu. then the chain is accessible to your users after you have added that security class to their operator records. The screen chain is immediately accessible to users unless you are using “Do Only These” security. See “Security and Chaining” on page 122 for a discussion of special security issues with respect to screen chains. If you added the chain to an existing security class. 128 Runtime Administration. The Process Submission form is displayed. 7. Enter C in the Report by Chains or by screens field. You wish to list all of the screens in an application that belong to a chain along with the chains to which they belong. Enter S in the Report by Chains or by screens field. The Chain Usage Report is displayed. Enter CHUS at the menu prompt. 5. 129 . The Change Peripheral Defaults form is displayed. The application’s main menu is displayed. 8. 4. FINISH and RETURN. Runtime Administration. March 10. FINISH and RETURN to run the report. Inc.Procedure for Reporting on Chained Screens Procedure for Reporting on Chained Screens Follow these steps to report on screen chains: 1. Complete the Change Peripheral Defaults form as desired. You wish to list all of the chains defined in an application along with the screens that belong to those chains. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Complete the Process Submission form as desired. 2. The report is sent to the peripheral device you specified on the Change Peripheral Defaults form. Access the application on which you wish to report. 3. RETURN twice. 6. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . March 10.Setup: Grouping Screens 130 Runtime Administration. Inc. Runtime Administration Security . . In detail. with an emphasis on the Database Management System and Application Software. Logging In When logging into the system. and procedures for creating user remote accounts. Full information for establishing process. and field security is also provided. Worksheets to assist with the security setup are in “System Setup Worksheets” beginning on page 295. Inc. a user passes through the operating system. the user goes through the following steps: Runtime Administration. securing the DBMS.Security Security Overview Introduction The Security section of Runtime Administration contains the information you need to secure Colleague programs. There are three levels of security on the system: Operating System Database Management System Application Software Your application software combines the three levels. record. to create a secure system for your site. March 10. to the data base management system. Presented in the chapters are guidelines for operating system security. files. 133 . and to the application software. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. and data from unauthorized access. Security: Security Overview UNIX Step 1. . March 10. The . . the system looks for a LOGIN paragraph in the VOC file. When you precede a command with exec. Windows 2003/2008 Step 1. Step 2.cshrc is run first and then the .login and .profile is run. For the UniData user. Step 3. The Operating system login ID and password are validated. On entering UniData at the user remote account. it tells the system to run only this process.cshrc.INIT. Step 3. Upon entering UniData at the user remote account. Step 2. the system looks for a LOGIN paragraph in the VOC file.login file.cshrc files must be present in your home directory. The exec command is used with the udt command to prevent users from entering UNIX upon logging out of UniData. he has no other processes to run and is logged off of the system. When the user leaves UniData. or prompted for the path of the account you wish to access. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. ALERT! The . are run if you are executing the C SHELL. If you are executing the BOURNE SHELL then. Inc. In your home directory. For the UniData user. . the paragraph must contain ENV.login and . depending on the way you are set up in UniData. The Operating system login ID and password are validated. the paragraph must 134 Runtime Administration. There are many uses for these files for a user that has access to UNIX. You can customize the paragraph to bring up the application menu. the following files. the files are used to move the user to their user remote account and to invoke UniData with the “exec” command. For an application software user. You are directed to the UniData account you last accessed. it becomes active. If an OPERS record is not found. Envision informs you that you are not a valid user and runs LO. that list becomes the global list of processes to which you have access. If any of the security classes defined has a “Do Only These” list. If none of the security classes defined for the operator or the device has a “Do Only These” list. Once the Device is established. you are prompted for it. Envision looks for an OPERS record keyed by your login ID in each application in your application tree. you currently have access to every process in the current application and every process in the applications above the current one in the application tree. Envision Runtime starts with the “Do Only These” lists of processes. Step 2. the outermost layers of Envision Security become active. To determine the application processes to which you have access. If a security class is associated with it. and the union of the several “Do Only These” lists become the global access list for you.INIT. You can customize the paragraph to bring up the application menu. In that record. The rest of Envision Runtime Security becomes active when you enter the application. Each device may potentially have a password and security class associated with it. You must correctly enter this password or Envision Runtime runs LO. Envision Runtime prompts you for your Envision password. Step 3. 135 . Technical Tip: Device Security Classes are ignored for Switch-based systems. If more than one security class has a “Do Only These” list. Runtime Administration. March 10. Step 5. Envision Runtime examines all of the security classes defined for you.Logging In contain ENV. If a password is active. Step 4. If your OPERS record is found. the lists are combined. For All Platforms Step 1. Envision Runtime uses the user definition supplied by that record. Inc. taking into consideration both device and operator security classes. an additional Envision password may be defined. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Envision Runtime then examines the “Never Do These” lists for each security class. Once the global access list has been defined. your access to that record is limited according to the record security specification. These characteristics are used to evaluate selection criteria defined for a file. . Envision Runtime then uses the main menu from the current application as the initial application process. make the initial process the main application menu by specifying your initial process is an asterisk (*).Security: Security Overview Step 6. however. you must have at least one of the privileged classes. Inc. the lists are combined. March 10. and the processes in the union are flagged as inquiry processes. Step 9. If more than one of your security classes has an “Inquiry Only” list. then the lists are combined. Envision Runtime also sets up your record security characteristics. Values for specific fields within a file are compared to selected user characteristics to determine whether a user has access to a record from the file. Step 8. Envision Runtime checks to determine if any of the processes in the global access list is defined as privileged in another class. 136 Runtime Administration. If a privileged process is defined as privileged in more than one class. Next. You can. Step 7. The SOD form allows you to define the initial application process to run. this initial process should come from the UT application. Envision Runtime then determines the process you can run first. Envision Runtime flags those processes listed in the “Inquiry Only” list so that you may view but not add to or alter the data maintained in that process. and each process in the union of the lists is removed from the global access list. you must have the privileged class defined for him or the privileged process is removed from the global access list. Since your OPERS record comes from UT. If a process is privileged. Step 10. These processes are removed from the global access list. the user ADMIN is presented with the main menu for the application XCF. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Finally. If more than one security class has a “Never Do These” list of processes. In this case. If your characteristics do not match the specified value in the record. March 10. Inc. 137 . the system looks for the paragraph LOGOUT and runs it if it exists. Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Logging Off Logging Off When the user logs off. Security: Security Overview 138 Runtime Administration. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. March 10. setting up new user accounts and setting up remote accounts are closely related. In general. In UNIX. you have two security areas to address: Setting Up Login IDs and Passwords for Users Setting Rights on Directories and Files Setting Up Login IDs and Passwords for Users Refer to the documentation for your operating system for full details on adding users to your host system. Setting Up Users in UNIX In the UNIX operating system. use the adduser utility to set up user attributes. These utilities provide methods for adding. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Each operating system provides different utilities for setting up IDs and passwords for users. Runtime Administration. A login ID and password are required to gain access to the host system. deleting. and modifying users’ login IDs and other user attributes. March 10. 139 . these utilities establish the following information about each user: Login Id Password Initial attach point (home directory) Operating system security rights Command environment attributes Note: You must be logged in to your host system as the system administrator to use these utilities.Security Operating System Security Within the operating system. Accessing the Database Management System Every site must decide whether to allow end users access to the database management system. in combination with Colleague’s setup procedures. Usually. this means setting user authorization files on the master file directory (MFD) and user file directory (UFD) levels and allowing those rights to default to subsequent files and subdirectories. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Security: Operating System Security Operating System Security in UniData UniData’s security. . Several levels of security exist within the database management and application software that restrict what end users can do. March 10. There are basically three levels of restriction that a site can choose for each of its users: Complete restriction to the database management system Limited restriction to the database management system Access to the database management system Degrees of restriction exist within each of the above. Inc. 140 Runtime Administration. adequately covers most security needs. Datatel recommends that you devise an uncomplicated and straightforward user authorization file setup. Log the user directory into this account. there are two processes that allow this: Sequential File BROWSE Shell (UTFB) process Query Builder (User Interface) If neither one of these options will work for your user. you may want to consider limiting this method since it could potentially create a multitude of accounts requiring maintenance. Step 3. you could create a separate user remote account for the end user to log in to. When the user logs in. Within the application software. Create a user remote account. enter the application or the module from which the user will perform the user’s job. EX allows access to the DBMS level. March 10. Enter LO as the last line in the paragraph to prevent the user from entering the DBMS level. Guidelines for Complete Restriction Step 1. Runtime Administration. This account would contain only the Query language commands necessary to perform the user’s job function and the limited files that you want the user to access with the query language. Limited Restriction Limited restriction to the database management system allows a user to enter the application software that is applicable to the user’s job and some level of access to the Query language. However. Step 2. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. Assign a security class to a user that allows the user to run LO but not EX. only the menu options that the user is allowed to access appear on the user’s menu. In the login paragraph of the remote account.Complete Restriction Complete Restriction Complete restriction from the database management system allows a user to enter the application software that is applicable to the user’s job. 141 . Use discretion in deciding the files the user can access and never allow the user access to a source code directory. Inc. Using the Sequential File BROWSE Shell (UTFB) Process The UTFB process allows users to view data records in a file directory. 142 Runtime Administration. 80-character window into a record. Step 2. These might include: Command logs Documentation directories Word processing directories Vocabulary (VOC) records If you do not define any directories. Locate a file directory to browse. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . The key field contains a field value that uniquely identifies a record. In the BROWSE process. the LookUp prompt allows you to enter a value that matches the key field value of a record in your database. To add Browse: Step 1.Security: Operating System Security Guidelines for Limited Restriction Follow “Guidelines for Complete Restriction” beginning on page 141 for Complete Restriction. In most data screens. Define the directories that the user is allowed to access through the BROWSE File Authorization (UTFA) process in UT. which contains generated reports. the user will be able to access the HOLD directory only. The default system file is the Printer Hold File. Assign the user a security class that contains the mnemonic UTFB. Technical Tip: BROWSE has a delete capability and allows a user to delete records from the directory. the screen acts as a 22-line. this translates to granting global write access to these directories. Shared file security means that the output can be viewed only by members of a pre-approved group. You must specify the group name. Private file security (PR) Private file security sends the output to a subdirectory using the User ID of the person creating the output. Shared file security (SH) Shared file security sends the output to a subdirectory.8 allows you to select the security you want to associate with your file output. Envision 4. Public file security means that the output can be viewed by anyone. March 10. transfer.) Runtime Administration. only using the default security associated with the person creating the output. Public file security (PB) Public file security sends the output to the HOLD file.SHARED. whose name is the same as the group name. This subdirectory is located in a SHARED subdirectory within the HOLD file.PRIVATE. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. On UNIX and Linux servers.Limited Restriction HOLD File Security In Release 18. Inc. where groupname is the name of the group. this equates to granting the SYSTEM user full access to these directories (because DMI runs as a service). where userid is the ID of the person who creates the output. A VOC pointer is also created named HOLD. On Windows servers.0. Locate a file directory to browse.groupname. The default system file is the Printer Hold File. A VOC pointer is also created named HOLD. See also “Output Security Groups” beginning on page 145. This subdirectory is located in a PRIVATE subdirectory within the HOLD file. (Read access remains the same. Note: In order to write. Private file security means that the output can be viewed only by the person who creates the output.userid. 143 . and delete PDF files for report processes. permissions on private and shared _HOLD_ directories allow access to the DMI listener. The default is the Printer Hold File. the LookUp prompt allows you to enter a value that matches the key field value of a record in your database.8 only Step 1. Step 2.Security: Operating System Security Note: This version of the UTFB form (including Security Type) is available in Release 18. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.8 only. Select the security to associate with your file output. In most data screens. 144 Runtime Administration. Use the Directory File Name LookUp to locate an existing file directory to browse. Inc.0 for Envision 4. Figure 26: Sample Sequential File BROWSE Shell (UTFB) Form Envision 4. Locate existing items that exist in the file directory to browse. . Public file security (PB) Private file security (PR) Shared file security (SH) Step 3. Limited Restriction Step 4. Enter a browse file option: S - Spool the item to the line printer (132x60). B - Browse the item at your terminal. D - Delete the item from the file. You may enter one, two, or all three options: BS - Browse the item and then spool it to the line printer. SD - Spool the item and then delete it from the file. BSD - Browse the item, spool it, and then delete it from the file. Output Security Groups When you are creating output to a hold file, as selected on the Change Peripheral Defaults (CPDE) process, you can specify a group type security. This type of security limits access to the document to only those accounts that are members of the group. The name of the group will also be used in constructing the path to the HOLD file subdirectory that contains the output files. The path will consist of a subdirectory called SHARED within the HOLD file containing a further subdirectory by the name of the group (containing the actual secured output files). In addition, a VOC pointer named HOLD.SHARED.groupname will be created, where groupname is the name of the group. Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 145 Security: Operating System Security Figure 27: Sample Output Security Groups (OSGD) Form Provide a key indentifier for the hold shared security groups. This key will be used for LookUp in places where shared hold security must be specified. Associated with this identifier is a description, and also the operating specific equivalent that will be issued to secure any files that are created using this group. 146 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. Security Application Security Types of Security Envision Runtime security is based on the premise that what the end user sees is what the user is allowed to use. Any menu, process, record or field for which an end user has no security is never available as an option for that user while in the Envision environment. Security in Envision is defined in three layers: Process Security Record Security Field Security Process Security is based on security classes. Security classes assign groups of users security rights for specified menus and processes. Before allowing users to run an Envision-based application, define the security classes for your system so that the work-flow for each user can be controlled. Each person that is to access the application must have an operator definition record or OPERS record. The security class is then assigned to the individual through the OPERS record. Operator definition is covered in the next chapter. Record and Field security allow you to secure certain records and even certain fields from a user. Record and Field Security are covered in the last two chapters of this section. Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 147 Security: Application Security Security Classes Security classes are structured after the work-flows of the application users. For example, data entry clerks are allowed to use processes that allow data entry. Office managers have a wider set of responsibilities and therefore have fewer restrictions. There are also certain processes which only you as system administrator should be able to run. Remember to consider the Envision application structure when defining your security classes. At the top of every application’s application tree is the Runtime application (UT). When examining the system files, Envision Runtime first checks the current application’s system files for the record requested. If the record is not found, Envision Runtime begins to traverse the application tree, searching each subsequent set of system files for the requested record. If Envision finds the requested record in an application higher in the tree, it will use the data from that record. Envision continues to traverse the application tree until it reaches the UT application. If the requested record is not found after examining the UT application, then the record does not exist in the current application’s tree structure. Example: Consider the following application tree: at the base of the application tree is the current application, a user defined application called XCF. This application is defined as a subordinate application to the Datatel application CF. Completing the application tree are the Datatel application CORE and the Runtime application UT. One of the system files for which Envision uses in tree reads is the security class definition file called appl.SECLASS, where appl is the mnemonic for an application. Consider, then, a security class called ADMIN. As system administrator, you have access to the Envision Runtime application (UT). Since UT is an application with associated forms and files, you can run UT just like any other application. In the Envision application structure, the UT application is at the top of every other application’s tree. What this structure means to you is that, for all Envision files, Envision Runtime will examine the UT system files if the requested record is not found in lower applications of the application tree. As system administrator, therefore, you can define one OPERS record, for example, which will be used by all applications that do not have an OPERS record with the same key. 148 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. Security Classes Restricting User Access on the Security Class Definition (SCD) Form The Security Class Definition (SCD) form allows you to define security classes based on the work-flows of your application’s end users. The four categories of processes provide four different ways of restricting user access. Do Only These. The Do Only These category limits the end user’s access to the application to the finite list of menus and processes included in this list. When combining security classes, the Do Only These list from each class is combined into one list. If a Do Only These list exists, this list of processes and menus becomes the global access list for the user. If the user has not defined Do Only These lists, the user’s global access list is every process in the current application and every application above it in the application tree. Never Do These. The Never Do These category allows you to prevent end users from accessing a finite list of processes and menus. If an end user can have access to all but a few processes, it is easier to define which processes the user cannot access rather than list the numerous processes which the user can access. Each process or menu listed in the Never Do These list is removed from the end user’s global access list, thereby preventing user access to that process or menu. If the end user has more than one security class, the Never Do These lists are combined and the menus and processes in the union of these lists are removed from the user’s global access list. If the user does not have Never Do These lists defined, the user has access to all menus and processes left after determining the global access list defined by the Only Do These category. Inquiry Only. The Inquiry Only category allows you to let users in the security class access the processes listed, but these users may only view the data maintained on these forms; they may neither add nor modify this data. Processes defined as Inquiry Only for a security class remain in a user’s global access list, but are flagged so that Envision Runtime will prevent any changes. If the user has more than one security class, the Inquiry Only list for each class is combined and processes in the resulting list are marked as inquiry in the global access list. Privileged. The Privileged category allows you to restrict access to a finite list of processes and menus so that only members of certain security classes can access them. If a user is not a member of a security class for a Privileged process or menu, that user may not access that process or menu. If the Privileged process or menu is not in the user’s current global access list, the user may not access that process or menu. If a process or menu is defined as Privileged in more than one security class, a user need only be a member of one of those classes to potentially have access to that process or menu. Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 149 Security: Application Security Restricting User Access for Detail Forms It is important to note that if a form in a list allows detailing to other forms, the UI and WebAdvisor interfaces act differently in how they handle these detail forms. Detail Forms in UI In UI, when users detail from one form to another, they have the same access rights to the detail form that they had on the form from which they detailed. For example, if the user is currently in a form to which the user has only inquiry-only rights, then all detail forms are also inquiry-only for the user. If you want to change the security level when a user details, access rights to any detail forms must be explicitly defined for the user. For example, the following user has only one security class assigned, and it has the following setup: DO.ONLY.THESE: NAE This user has full access rights to the Name and Address Entry (NAE) form and to all forms to which the user can detail, either directly or indirectly. The user could detail from the NAE form to the BIO form, and from there to the Foreign Person Information (FINF) form, and have full access rights (be able to change data) on any of those three forms. However, if the security class were set up as follows: DO.ONLY.THESE: NAE INQUIRY ONLY: BIO Then when the user details from the NAE form to the BIO form, the user has inquiry-only access. If the user then details from the BIO form to the FINF form, the user is restricted to inquiry-only rights. Note: See AnswerNet document 5166.75 for an issue when users have “Inquiry Only” access to a PERSON-based detail form, and the user selects “A” to add from a Resolution screen. Unless the user cancels at this point, a bogus PERSON record is created when the user saves. Detail Forms in WebAdvisor WebAdvisor works differently. In WebAdvisor, each time a user details, the access rights are evaluated independently of where the user came from. There is no concept of inheriting access rights from another form. For WebAdvisor forms, each form should be explicitly referenced in a security class. 150 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. Security Classes Guidelines for Defining Security Classes for an Application For each work-flow you have defined for your application users, create a security class. Keep the security classes simple. Envision security is a simple concept to grasp if the classes you define are remain simple. In the following discussion, menus as well as processes can be listed on the Security Class Definition (SCD) form. The use of the word process implies menus as well. Note: Note that restricting the access of a user to a menu does not restrict each process on that menu; you must restrict each process as well. On SCD, you can limit the range of processes that a class of users can run (Do Only These), you can restrict a class of users from executing a list of processes (Never Do These), you can restrict a class of users from modifying the data for a list of processes (Inquiry Only), or you can restrict a list of processes to only one class (Privileged). At the initialization of the application, Envision Runtime builds a list of the processes to which a user has access. This list begins as a list of all processes defined for the application. Envision Runtime then compares the global list to the list of Do Only These processes. If this restricted list is defined, it becomes the global list of processes to which the user has access. If this restricted list is not defined, the user still has access to all application processes. Envision Runtime then removes any processes in the Never Do These process list from the global list. If the restricted list is not defined, the global list remains as is. Any processes defined in the Inquiry Only process list are left in the global list, but are flagged so that this class of users may not modify data maintained on the processes in the inquiry list. Finally, Envision Runtime verifies that each process in the current global list is not defined as a Privileged process in another class. Privileged processes are removed from the user’s list. If a user is in a class that has access to a privileged process, that process will remain in the global list. If the process is privileged in more than one class, the user must be a member of at least one class for which the process is privileged in order to have access to the process. The final list of processes defines those processes that a user may access. This global list remains in effect until the user logs off of the system or until the user leaves the database environment. Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 151 Security: Application Security Use the worksheet included in “System Setup Worksheets” beginning on page 295 to define the processes that each class of users may access. Check the list of processes for an application in the user documentation for that application. Also use the list of Runtime mnemonics included in the Appendices. The work-flows of each class of users determine the processes each class needs to run. Be sure that every work-flow of every possible user of the application is defined by a security class. Also be sure that each work-flow has one and only one class so that you need not worry about the ramifications of combining security classes. Procedure for Creating Security Classes Step 1. With the department manager, determine the classifications for your end users by job function. For example, data entry, managerial, or computer center staff. Step 2. Complete the security class worksheet in “System Setup Worksheets” beginning on page 295. Step 3. To add a new security class, enter the Security Class Definition (SCD) form from UT. Fill in the appropriate fields according to your worksheet. Step 4. Add the security class to the appropriate opers records through SOD. Remember, you can assign the same security class to several opers records. 152 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. Operator Definition Operator Definition Each person that is to access an application must have an Operator Definition record. The record is stored in the application file OPERS. Each application has its own OPERS file. The ID of the opers record should correspond to the login ID of the person. If a login ID is shared, then the opers record will also be shared. We recommend that each person have their own login ID. The application file OPERS is subject to tree reads. Every operator does not need an OPERS record in each application to which the operator has access. If Envision Runtime does not find an operator definition in the current application’s OPERS file then it will read the OPERS file in each of the applications in the current tree. If an OPERS record is not found after traversing the tree, then the operator is assumed to be unauthorized and is logged out. The main information that is associated with an operator record is: User ID (must be the same as the login ID) Envision Password Security Classes Initial mnemonic to run when the operator enters the application Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 153 first define security classes in each application using the Security Class Definition (SCD) form. . Inc. Use the Operator Definition (SOD) form to define operator records for all individuals who are allowed access to Envision-based applications.Security: Application Security Creating/Deleting Operator Definition Records You may define operator records from within any application in the hierarchy. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Datatel recommends that you define all operator records from within Runtime (UT). Before you define operator records. Figure 28: Example Operator Definition (SOD) Form 154 Runtime Administration. This makes it easier for you to keep track of your operator definitions and reduces the likelihood of users having problems accessing certain applications. Step 2. Procedure for Deleting an Operator Definition Record Step 1.Creating/Deleting Operator Definition Records Procedure for Creating an Operator Definition Record Step 1. The OPERS record ID must be the same as the operating system login ID. Step 3. Test the record. Complete the Worksheet in “System Setup Worksheets” beginning on page 295. Determine the application OPERS file that the obsolete operator definition resides in. March 10. Step 4. Run the application. To add a new OPERS record. Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Step 2. enter the system Operator Definition (SOD) form in UT. Inc. Create a unique OPERS record for each user. Define the following fields: User ID Name (required) Initial menu Envision Password Password Expiration Date Security Classes Maximum Login Retries Step 5. Log the user in to the system and access the application software. 155 . Press [RETURN] at the final prompt to delete the operator definition from the application’s OPERS file. Step 7. Step 5. Enter the ID of the obsolete operator definition. Envision Runtime prompts you to press the [RECORD DELETE] key a second time to confirm. . Make sure to remove the user’s login privileges at the operating system level to ensure the user can no longer access your system. 156 Runtime Administration. Press the [RECORD DELETE] key. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Step 4. Run the Envision Runtime System Operator Definition (SOD) form. March 10. Inc. Step 6.Security: Application Security Step 3. If a security class restricts a process. Figure 29: PRCS. End users can only run the processes that their security classes allow. or permitted inquiry-only access to a process or a field.CTL Security Inquiry (PCSI) form. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Runtime Administration. March 10. shown in Figure 29.CTL Security Inquiry (PCSI) Form Using the PRCS.Using the PRCS.CTL Security Inquiry (PCSI) Form The PRCS. 157 .CTL Security Inquiry (PCSI) Form Use the PCSI form to inquire about the security classes that currently affect the selected process. This inquiry form allows you to verify at a glance which security classes are denied access. Inc. permitted access. end users in that class are unable to run or even see the process on a menu. is a useful tool for security troubleshooting. but cannot change it. Inc. March 10. Field Security Classes The Secure Fields fields show the list of fields in the selected process that have some form of field security. Users belonging to any class in this list can view the data. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The No Change field shows the security classes that are not permitted to change the contents of the selected field. The Inquiry Only fields show the list of security classes that may only use the process in inquiry mode. If a user does not belong to one of the listed classes. The Denial field shows the security classes which are not permitted to view or edit the contents of the selected field. The No Delete field shows the security classes that are not permitted to delete the selected field. 158 Runtime Administration. The Access Only fields show the list of security classes that have exclusive (privileged) rights to use the process. . Note: An empty list implies all classes.Security: Application Security Process Security Classes The Denial fields show the list of classes which are not permitted to use the process. The Inquiry field shows the security classes that have read-only access to the selected field. the user cannot run the process. The Access field shows the security classes that have read/write access to the selected field. Users in these classes can view the contents of the selected field. but cannot change it. Technical Tip: This list is derived from the application’s SECLASS file. Runtime Administration. Figure 30: Process Security Summary (PSCS) Form This report contains the following sections: Section 1: Security Classes Referencing the Process Lists all the security classes that reference this process. 159 . Inc. March 10. and identifies the manner in which they reference it.Using the Process Security Summary (PSCS) Form Using the Process Security Summary (PSCS) Form Use the Process Security Summary (PSCS) form to generate a security-related report for a process you specify. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. or in hook code of a demanded CDD element).Menus on which this process appears. and to what other forms does it allow access?). from where can this process be accessed. this section lists all the security classes associated with the users. Inc. Subsection 2: Forms FROM . This includes all forms that are either directly or indirectly accessible. which may also be accessed via CRJ011).Security: Application Security Section 2: Process Access Points Lists all the Access Points related to the process (that is. Note: If you are reporting on a procedure that may be accessed by both its mnemonic and its procedure name (such as CSRP in ST. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Full access. etc. starting from the primary form. Inquiry only. and it may be that the conditions that allow it to be executed will never occur. March 10. Note: The list of forms shown in the Forms FROM and Forms TO subsections may be larger than is possible at your institution. Another possibility is that the conditions that allow it to execute may depend on environment parameters (For example. or how your system parameters are set up). it may depend on the list of modules your institution has licensed.) for the process being reported on. and displays the type of access the users have (No access. 160 Runtime Administration. Subsection 3: Forms TO . then an additional Section is produced for the CRJ011 procedure access. This contains several subsections: Subsection 1: MENUS .Forms that this process can detail to. the call statement may be in a block of code shared by many forms (for example. For example.Forms that detail to this process. Section 3: User Access Rights If you specify that you want to see access rights for certain users. . and the conditions that allow it to execute might occur only in some of those forms. in an insert file. This is true because a call to a detail form is often executed conditionally. prefix the mnemonic with “. To specify a mnemonic. to specify CORE's Name and Address Entry (NAE) form. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Selected Users. Runtime Administration.Using the Process Security Summary (PSCS) Form Noteworthy Fields on the PSCS Form The fields described in this section are important for generating a securityrelated report for a process you specify. 161 . specify a form or procedure for which information is wanted. use this field to limit the report to show access rights for only those users you specify. Displays access rights for all users with access. Users with Access. Displays access rights for only the users you specify. enter one of the following: . You can also select No Users to exclude the “User Access Rights” section from the report. March 10. select one of the following options if you want to include a “User Access Rights” section on the report: All Users. Inc. You can specify it as either a mnemonic or a process ID. Displays access rights for all users.M ”. Process In the Process field. User If the “Show User Access Rights for” field has been set to Selected Users.M NAE DMSU22 Show User Access Rights for In the “Show User Access Rights for” field. For example. skip to Step 5. In the “Show User Access Rights for” field. continue with Step 4. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Access the PSCS form. Step 2. Step 4. If you choose Selected Users. select the option for this report. . 162 Runtime Administration. Inc. enter the form or procedure for which you want information. Save from the PSCS form. In the Process field. specify the users for whom you want to access rights to be displayed on this report. otherwise. Step 3. In the User field.Security: Application Security Procedure for Using the Process Security Summary Report Step 1. Step 5. . Subsection 2: Forms FROM (forms that can detail to CSRP) Appln Form -----..CSRP BLOCK.: Procedure --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1: Security Classes Referencing the Process --------------------------------------------------Appln -----ST ST ST ST Class -------------------ALLOW. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.CRJ011 ALLOW...: CSRP / CRJ011 Process. Inc..-------------------------------------------------------------------------< none > Access Points. March 10..Cash Receipts Access Points.-------------------------------------------------------------------------ST CR ..: CRJ011 Application: ST Type.CSRP Usage ----------------------------------------------------Do Only These Do Only These Never Do These Never Do These July 02 2009 Page 2 Process Security Summary Report Procedure CSRP (Cash Receipt Print) ================================================================================= Section 2: Process Access Points -------------------------------Access Points..Using the Process Security Summary (PSCS) Form Example of the Process Security Summary Report July 02 2009 Page 1 Process Security Summary Report Procedure CSRP (Cash Receipt Print) ================================================================================= Mnemonic. Subsection 3: Forms TO (forms that CSRP can detail to) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------< none > Runtime Administration. 163 .. Subsection 1: MENUS (Menus on which CSRP appears) Appln Menu -----..CRJ011 BLOCK.. . GL. Full access > ADMIN.ADMIN. ADMIN.. BUDADMIN.. Inc.--------------------------------.. FA.. HR. FA..ADMIN.. HR.ADMIN..ADMIN...1.. > AP..ADMIN..--------------------------------.. ADMIN.ADMIN.. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel... PC.--------------------------------------------F GUEST1 ..ADMIN.ADMIN 164 Runtime Administration. PC.PU... March 10.. > AP.PU.ADMIN July 02 2009 Page 4 Process Security Summary Report Procedure CSRP (Cash Receipt Print) ================================================================================= Section 4: User Access Rights for CRJ011 ---------------------------------------User Access Rights / Security Classes ...GUEST 1 .1.Security: Application Security July 02 2009 Page 3 Process Security Summary Report Procedure CSRP (Cash Receipt Print) ================================================================================= Section 3: User Access Rights for CSRP -------------------------------------User Access Rights / Security Classes . Full access > ADMIN.GUEST 1 ..--------------------------------------------F GUEST1 ..ADMIN..ADMIN...ADMIN.. BUDADMIN. GL.. Within the records that you wish to secure.Security Record and Field Security Security Layers Record and field security are two additional layers of security available in Envision-based software.CODE. March 10. which contains information about each user who can login to the system.CODE value. Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 165 . The algorithm requires: File name The field in that file to retrieve The key to use when reading a record from the file. a file called EMPLOYEES has a field called POSITION. In the USERS file is a list of position codes that the user is allowed to view on an employment information form. You can then define user characteristics which evaluate to the user’s accessible employment codes. This field contains a value from a finite set of position codes. For example. They add a layer of complexity to your system so it is best to keep the setup as simple as possible. there is usually a value or values which either uniquely define the record or place the record in a selected subset that includes records with the same value or values. Inc. User Characteristics Record Security in Envision is based on defining user characteristics. Record Security Envision Runtime’s Record Security allows you to limit the access to a class of records in a file. where each subset of records has the same POSITION. Processes that are programmed in Envision are currently the only processes that use record and field security. This field can be used to break the records in the file into subsets. Each USERS record is keyed by the user’s login ID. Each user characteristics is named and has associated with it an algorithm for determining a value. Example: If you have a non-Envision file called USERS. POS2 A Envision Runtime compares the characteristic values in ACCESS. Step 1. If each of the record security criteria are true. For example. A record security definition is comprised of selection-like criteria. For example. Envision Runtime assigns these values to the ACCESS. Inc.Security: Record and Field Security Evaluation by Envision Runtime Envision Runtime evaluates each of the user characteristics defined when a user enters an Envision-based application. the user ADMIN logs in and enters the Envision-based application “XCF”. the user does not have access to the record.POS1.POS4 is “AIDE”. 166 Runtime Administration.CODE EQ ACCESS. The system administrator has defined four user characteristics: ACCESS. In the USERS file are four fields. . These four fields contain “MGT”. Use field and/or process security to keep users from seeing sensitive data if possible. ACCESS. “STAFF” and “AIDE”. the EMPLOYEES file has the following record security definition: WITH POSITION.POS2.POS4. ACCESS.POS2 against the data stored in the POSITION. assuming no other record security criteria are defined. “CLERK”. Keep the number of records you secure to a minimum. They provide better Runtime performance and are easier to understand and troubleshoot. March 10.POS2 is “CLERK”.CODE field. This evaluation provides Envision Runtime a list of user characteristic names and their associated values. respectively. Whenever a user tries to access a record in a file for which there is a record security definition. keep the definition of record security simple. access to the record. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.POS3 is “STAFF”.POS characteristics in order: ACCESS. and ACCESS.POS1 A OR POSITION. Guidelines for Specifying Record Security As with all Envision security. ACCESS. If either of the record security criteria is false. Envision Runtime evaluates the definition against the characteristics values to determine if the user can have access to the requested record. the user has “A”. each of which contains a position code for which the user may access EMPLOYEE records.CODE EQ ACCESS.POS1 and in ACCESS. or “All”.POS3 AND ACCESS. ACCESS.POS1 is “MGT”. This form also allows you to see the values Envision Runtime would use for you. you can add an additional level of security to this file by securing it from the operating system so that users may use or view the data in the file but cannot change it. identify the field or fields that can be used to classify records in the secured file into groups. 167 . Inc. As system administrator. Step 5. Envision-based files also have fields identifying the operator who created the record and the operator who last changed the record. if possible. Defining Record Security User Characteristics Use the Record Security User Characteristics (RSUC) form to define characteristics for each user. These fields are also good choices for the security criteria comparison field. Changes to user characteristics do not take effect until Envision is reinitialized. Usually status fields or code fields make the best candidates. Store the values for the user characteristics in one file. Step 7. Changes to record security definitions do not take effect until Envision is reinitialized. Step 4. For those cases that warrant or require record security. Step 3. The first step to define Envision Runtime Record Security is to determine where the data about each user is stored. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The highest access calculated for a single record request is the access the user gets. Runtime Administration. the current user. let’s see how you would specify the user characteristics from the previous example. The RSUC form requires a file and a record key in order to extract data for a user characteristic. Envision Runtime performs a security selection before the user even knows about the records available. remember that the criteria are evaluated one at a time for single record access and are concatenated when accessing more than one record. As an example. Secured files can use fields from a co-file (the selection file) as the security criteria comparison field. When more than one record is accessed. Step 6. When specifying more than one security criteria for a security definition.Record Security Step 2. March 10. enter the name of the non-Envision file “USERS”. The menu or process the user runs upon entering current application TERMINAL. Inc. @: DEVICE.NAME. If you are using a non-Envision file. March 10. Keywords Following is a list of the valid keywords recognized for parameter definition key derivations. you may specify either the field name or the attribute number. For the current example. The next two fields in the window are used to specify which field in the file contains the data we need. The current application STARTUP. A previously defined Parameter Definition name. The last field in the window determines how the key for reading the record is derived. but does not need to be a file defined using Envision.NAME. A function expression 4. or attribute number. you must specify the attribute number. the other for the field’s position in the file. A constant 3. . The user’s login ID APPL. The name can be whatever meaningful string you want. For the current example. enter “ACCESS.POS1”. This file must be defined as a file in the VOC file.PROCESS. Whether the current user is terminal user (1) or a background process (0) 168 Runtime Administration. The next field in the window is the file from which to read the specified record. Return through the field name prompt and enter “1” at the attribute number prompt. Begin by naming the user characteristic. There are four options for specifying the key derivation: 1. For the current example. The user’s current device type USERID. One prompts for the field name. since Envision does not know what fields are in the file. A keyword 2.Security: Record and Field Security The first field on the RSUC form is a window field in which you enter the definition for each user characteristic. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Each keyword must be prefixed with an at-sign. If you are using an Envision-based file.USER. 169 . the same for each user on the system. by definition. Assuming that the other ACCESS. The valid Key Derivation Functions are: Concatenation. detail at a blank line at the end of the list of the User Record Security Characteristic Definitions to run the Key Derivation Function form. it is best to use a keyword. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Record Security Constants Constants are enclosed in either double or single quotation marks and are evaluated literally.POS values are stored in consecutive fields in a USERS record. Inc. Concatenate two definitions separated by a delimiter Field Extraction. Prompts for this form vary depending on the Key Derivation Function you choose. March 10. Runtime Administration. For the current example. enter [[@USERID]] to request the current operator’s login ID as the key to the file for the first user characteristic. Function Expressions In order to enter or modify a Function Expression. Choose a part of a multi-part key using a delimiter to determine which part Substring Extraction. the other three user characteristics would differ only by the attribute numbers entered. For the current example. Specify the start character and string length for the substring Previously Defined Parameter Definitions You can use any parameter definition name already defined in specifying a key derivation or alone as a key. Envision Runtime will evaluate this characteristic to the value in Field 1 of the record keyed by the operator’s login ID from the file USERS. To begin the user characteristic specification. Record Security characteristics defined with constant key derivations are. March 10. however. the file USERS contains special records that allow different access codes when a user enters different applications.Security: Record and Field Security In the current example. The key derivation in this cause would concatenate @USERID with @CURRENT. need only have delimiters between values. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Envision Runtime recognizes the following list separators: Value Marks Single Quotation Marks Double Quotation Marks If you use either of the quotation marks as value delimiters. Similar modifications to either keywords or previously defined user characteristics allow you to link user characteristics together to form complex and intricate chains of records and characteristic values. You may define user characteristics that evaluate to more than one value. each value separated by a value mark. the list of values must also begin and end with the same quotation marks. 170 Runtime Administration. For example. that Envision Runtime must evaluate these chains. Note: Remember that changes or additions to the current user characteristics do not take effect until a user re-initializes the Envision environment. Multi-valued lists. Remember. These special records are keyed by the concatenation of the user’s login ID and the application he has entered. A user can re-initialize the Envision environment by: Leaving the database environment entirely and returning Logging off the system and starting the login procedure over again Returning to the database environment prompt and executing the Envision initialization program ENVINIT. APPLICATION with an asterisk (*). These values would be stored as a separated list. at the expense of Runtime performance. More complicated user characteristics use Key Derivation Functions to generate more complex record keys. each field in a USERS record contains a single code. Inc. that is. keyed by the employee’s ID. the highest access to a record is all access. All access. For example. Inquiry access. The default for this field is the secured file. while different. the highest access to a record is inquiry. For inquiry forms. a user who has all access to a record can change data on a maintenance form and view data on a report. you wish to secure a file called PAYROLL. where the user can add. enter “EMPLOYEES” as the select file on the UTMR form. procedures and Query-by-Example. is related. but records in each file are keyed the same and the data in each file. The field which determines whether a user can view the data stored in the PAYROLL file is the field POSITION. For maintenance forms. specify a Record Security Definition on the Record Security Specification (UTMR) form. For example. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The user may view data in the record for the process from which he requests the record. 2. March 10. Inc. The user has the highest access available for the process from which he requests the record. delete and view any data on the form. The user is denied access to the record for any purpose for the process from which he requests the record. No access. A user has no access to a record when he fails to have inquiry access or all access. There are three levels of access a user may have: 1. If the criteria are such that a user has neither all nor inquiry access. A user who has inquiry access can only view data on both a maintenance form and a report.Record Security Record Security Definitions Record Security Definitions are selection-like statements that determine if a user can have access to a requested record.CODE in the EMPLOYEES file. where the user can only view the data. UTMR allows you to base record security on either data in the current record or data in a record from a co-file. The first field on the UTMR form allows you to specify a co-file to use in comparing the values in the record to the values of the user characteristics. 3. modify. the user has no access to the requested record. 171 . reports. Runtime Administration. A co-file is a file that contains data different from the current file. which contains payroll information for employees. To tell Envision Runtime to use the field POSITION.CODE in the EMPLOYEES file when checking the user’s access to a record in the PAYROLL file. For each file containing records you wish to secure. There are three valid connectives: WITH . . a report. For access to more than one record (for example. a comparison field.or WITH As you can see. a resolution form or a selection). The connectives are used to concatenate the criteria into a single select statement.and WITH OR . Envision Runtime uses the security criteria to narrow the range of records before any other selection takes place. March 10. the other “A”. 172 Runtime Administration. For example.CODE”. four criteria are defined.and WITH AND . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Envision Runtime evaluates all the criteria. Inc. a comparison operator. two of which are true for the current record. a comparison value and the resulting access. The user will have “All” access to the record since “A” access is higher than “I” access. the WITH connective is an implied “and WITH”. The highest access code for that criteria that are true determines the user’s access to the record. Each criteria has a connective.Security: Record and Field Security The next field on UTMR is a window field for the specification of the security criteria for this definition. For single record access from a form process. Returning to the UTMR form. This pre-selection of records prevents the user from even knowing about records for which he has no access. Each of the security criteria is used in building the security select statement. One has an access code of “I”. the connective for your security criteria is “WITH” and the field name is “POSITION. the second field in the window is the name of a field in the selection file. The name of any valid field from the file you have specified as the selection file is a valid entry for this field. For the example stated above. The value stored in the comparison field against the comparison value using the comparison operator. Here is a list of the valid comparison operators for this field: NE Not Equal EQ Equal LT Less Than EQ Equal LE Less than Equal GE Greater than Equal EQ Equal GT Greater Than LE Less than Equal GT Greater Than GE Greater than Equal LE Less than Equal GT Greater Than LT Less Than GE Greater than Equal LT Less Than GT Greater Than NE Not Equal LT Less Than NOT Not Equal The next field in the window is for the comparison value. If he passes the test. the same test is used for all users. Inc. Keywords begin with an asterisk. yielding either true or false. 173 . All users will have access to the same records and will be denied access for the same records. The comparison value has three valid formats: A user characteristic defined on RSUC A keyword A constant enclosed in quotation marks Your entry here is validated. constants begin with quotation marks. he does not have access to the record. Anything else is considered a user characteristic and is validated against the list of user characteristics defined on RSUC. If you specify constants in the comparison value field.POS1” in comparison value field to compare POSITION codes with the value of ACCESS. Continuing the above example. Runtime Administration. If a user fails the test.Record Security The next field in the window is where you enter the comparison operator for the security criteria. enter “ACCESS. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. he has the access specified. March 10.POS for the current user. The final field on the UTMR form is a “Yes” / “No” field prompting if you wish to activate the security definition. You list all of your criteria and leave them turned off if you wish to do some research. A user does not have access to a record if he does not have either “all” nor “inquiry” access. “A” for all access or “I” for inquiry access. A user can re-initialize the Envision environment by: Leaving the database environment entirely and returning Logging off the system and starting the login procedure over again Returning to the database environment prompt and executing the Envision initialization program ENVINIT. 174 Runtime Administration. Until you enter “Yes” in this last field.Security: Record and Field Security The final field in the window is for the access code the user gets when he passes the security criteria. There are only two valid entries. record security for the current secured file is disabled. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Note: Remember that changes or additions to the current record security definition do not take effect until a user re-initializes the Envision environment. March 10. . but procedures. Inc. If you are using an existing security class. Field Security class definitions are stored in the appl. Only data elements delivered with an Envision-based application can be secured by Envision Runtime. Field Security works not only with form processes.SECLASS file just as other security class definitions are. March 10. run the Field Security Definition (SCDF) form. Runtime Administration. 175 . the previously entered description displays in this window. Envision Runtime merges Process Security and Field Security so that the user has the most restrictive access to the data in the field possible. is secured so that the user is denied access. You may use an already-defined security class from the Security Class Definition (SCD) form or you may create a new security class. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. a user is a member of a security class that restricts a form process to “Inquiry Only” access. Defining Field Security To define Field Security for Envision Runtime. For example. however. enter free-form text documenting the use and restriction of the new security class. Since “Inquiry Only” is more restrictive than “Privileged”. If you are creating a new security class. Envision Runtime merges the two classes so that the user has “Inquiry Only” access to the data in the field. The user is also a member of a class that restricts a field to “Privileged” (see below). A field on the form. The first field on the SCDF form prompts you for a security class. Envision Runtime displays asterisks (*) in place of the data so that the user cannot even see the data for which he is denied access. reports and Query-by-Example (QBE) also obey field security definitions. Another example has a user executing a form for which he does not have process security restrictions. Field Security is simply another attribute of a security class. Enter the name of the security class with which you wish to work or use the LookUp Processor to retrieve a name.Field Security Field Security Envision Runtime Field Security allows you to control the access that certain classes of users can have to the data stored in specified fields. The second field on SCDF is a text window where you can describe the security class you entered in the last field. A new security class you define on the SCDF form may be assigned to operator definitions and device definitions. Privileged Inquiry. or use the LookUp Processor to retrieve the name. cannot add new data As mentioned before. Remember than.Inquiry Only. you must specify a code defining the restriction. March 10. User must be a member of this class to have any access to the data in the field PI .Privileged Access. For each field you restrict. since the Field Security definitions are stored in the Application file SECLASS.Security: Record and Field Security The third field on SCDF allows you to detail to the Security Class Definition (SCD) form. cannot add new data D . 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Privileged Modify. cannot modify PM . Field Security is honored by all Envision-based processes in the application. 176 Runtime Administration. cannot modify data M . Envision Runtime checks the current application and all applications in the current application tree for security class definitions.Modify Data Only. User must be a member of this class to be able to view the data in the field. Enter the name of the field or fields you want to restrict. User in this class can only modify the data in the field. . Users in this class can only view the data in the field. The next field on SCDF is a window field where you specify the fields for the security class and the restrictions on those fields for users in the class. User must be a member of this class to be able to modify the data in the field. can only view. Inc. Users in this class do not have access to the data in the field I . Below is the list of valid restriction codes: P .Denied Access. as well as when exporting (or checking custom code in) via Colleague Studio for UI form processes. and Colleague Studio have been enhanced to keep mnemonic. field and record security. In addition. March 10. any existing security class that may already have the old and/or new mnemonic will immediately be updated by the mnemonic change. Technical Tip: You must run the Build Application Security (BSEC) process to rebuild all Envision security for an entire application if any of the following conditions arise: – Mnemonics or field changes are made outside Envision and Colleague Studio. or a security class is changed on the Security Class Definition (SCD). Also. field. and then rebuilds it. This means that any new software being installed will immediately be aligned with the environment’s defined Envision security. if a developer adds a field (such as SSN) to a UI form. Field Security Definition (SCDF).Updating and Maintaining Security Updating and Maintaining Security The Envision Release system. – Envision object code is installed outside the Envision Release System. web form processes. or Record Security Setup (SCDR) forms. These changes are monitored on the Screen Process Definition (SCRN). 177 . or a form or reporting process is either installed or generated. and Screen Global Parameters (SGP) toolkit forms. External Global Parameters (EGP). and record security up-to-date as soon as a mnemonic is changed. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. If you add or change a mnemonic on a UI or web form. the Envision Toolkit. one security class at a time. or report process. Inc. – Immediately after a new Colleague environment is built (see Installation Procedures for Colleague R18). as the BSEC process clears the security information. Runtime Administration. the Release System will track each modified UI/web/report process definition record installed and update its corresponding mnemonic. Batch Global Parameters (BGP). the field security for the new process will updated to reflect the existing field security. or on a process flagged as a report. web form. then when the process is generated (and the field is added to the newly generated process). and report processes. as software updates are installed into an environment (either Datatel-delivered updates or custom software update packages). This should be done on a quiet system. and the field is secured by an existing field security definition. Security: Record and Field Security 178 Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . Inc. March 10. Runtime Administration.15. Table 6 lists the topics covered in this chapter. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 179 . Reference The encryption schemes used by Colleague are not available in earlier UniData versions. March 10. Table 6: Topics in this Chapter Topic Before You Begin Understanding Colleague Encryption Defining Colleague Encryption Troubleshooting Page 179 180 183 185 Before You Begin Table 7 lists the actions that must be complete before you can continue with the procedures in this chapter. Table 7: Before You Begin Action Live on UniData 6. AnswerNet document 16990.Security Encrypting Colleague Data In This Chapter This chapter provides information on the encryption capabilities available for Colleague processes.1 or higher. Load software updates for Colleague encryption. For example. March 10.Security: Encrypting Colleague Data Understanding Colleague Encryption In cryptography.009. Both publications expound upon the UniData documentation and the encryption schemes supported by UniData. because proper decryption cannot occur without both the encryption algorithm and the encryption key. UniBasic Extensions.821. 128-bit encryption is 309. and Internet Cryptography by Richard E. the greater the number of potential patterns can be created. which is 128-bit strength (a 128-bit key).068.056 times stronger than 40-bit encryption. see the UniData manual. Colleague has several encryption schemes available from which you can choose. Determining which encryption scheme to use will depend on your institution’s particular needs. interested readers may refer to the following publications: Applied Cryptography by Bruce Schneier. The “special knowledge” includes which encryption algorithm is used and what encryption key was used to encrypt the data. particularly the “Encrypting Data” section. You may have to meet certain minimum requirements for encryption in order to process credit card transactions.345. thus making it harder to break the code and descramble the contents. Inc. which is 40-bit strength (a 40-bit key). encryption is the process of obscuring information to make it unreadable without special knowledge. for example. Smith. Encryption Algorithm and Encryption Key An encryption algorithm is a formula used to turn ordinary data into a secret code.781. Either piece of information is useless without the other. 180 Runtime Administration. Roughly speaking. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The larger the key (the more bits).485.1 and later. two encryption algorithms available in Colleague are R2-40CBC. .724. sometimes referred to as ciphertext. An encryption scheme is comprised of the encryption algorithm and the encryption key. and R2-CBC. For more information about the encryption scheme choices. These encryption schemes are determined by the encryption schemes supported in UniData 6. Technical Tip: Due to the amount of terminology and dense concepts regarding cryptography. Each algorithm uses a string of bits known as an encryption key to perform the translation from regular data to encrypted data. The process cycles through all of the fields listed in the Encrypted Fields Registry table. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Because you are manipulating data into an encrypted format. 181 .Understanding Colleague Encryption Key Concepts There are several key concepts of which you need to be aware when implementing Colleague encryption: “Quiet” system. Back up your database. if something goes wrong the data most likely would be unrecoverable. Inc. If queries are made to the database for elements that are currently being encrypted. a batch re-encryption process is immediately started after saving from the UT Encryption (UTEP) form. your users will encounter runtime errors and you will corrupt your database. Change your encryption scheme only during a period of no database activity. as well as when changing your encryption scheme. converting them from the previous encryption scheme to the new encryption scheme. If you change either the encryption scheme or the encryption key. Encryption process runs immediately. Table 8: Form Used to Implement Colleague Encryption Form UT Encryption (UTEP) Purpose Define the encryption scheme used to encrypt predefined CDD elements. March 10. Runtime Administration. Form Used Table 8 lists the form used in this section and a description of the form. It is very important to back up your database before implementing encryption. Table 9: File Used with Colleague Encryption File EDPARMS Description Stores data from the UTEP form. including encryption scheme and encryption status information.Security: Encrypting Colleague Data File Used Table 9 lists the primary file used with Colleague encryption. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 182 Runtime Administration. March 10. . Figure 31: The UT Encryption (UTEP) Form Noteworthy Fields on the UTEP Form The fields described in this section are particularly important for using Colleague encryption. See online help for information about other fields on this form. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Use the UTEP form to change encryption parameters and to start the encryption process. March 10. Inc. Runtime Administration. The “Status” Field Note: The “Status” field refers to the large. unnamed informational field at the top of the UTEP form. 183 . available from the UT application.Defining Colleague Encryption Defining Colleague Encryption Figure 31 shows an example of the UT Encryption (UTEP) form. see “Troubleshooting” on page 185 for more information. and provides additional instructions and warnings. This status means the re-encryption process is not running. If you believe that the status of ACTIVE is erroneous because the batch process aborted. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. you must make sure your database is not currently in use. The Encrypted Elements Registry Field The data elements listed in the Encrypted Elements Registry field are the elements that the system will update whenever you change your encryption scheme. Skip to Step 5. It indicates whether the system believes that the batch re-encryption process is running. Step 3. Do you want to change the encryption scheme? Yes. 184 Runtime Administration. ALERT! Before changing the encryption scheme or key. No. Changing the encryption algorithm will also change the encryption key. and the entire form will be inquiry-only. In the Encryption Algorithm field. Procedure for Changing an Encryption Parameter Use this procedure to change the encryption scheme or encryption key. the status will show ACTIVE. Access the UT Encryption (UTEP) form. Inc. Step 2.Security: Encrypting Colleague Data The “Status” field is a single block of inquiry-only status information. Step 1. Back up your database. Under normal circumstances. the status will show INACTIVE. Failure to do so can result in database corruption. If the encryption process appears to be running. choose the encryption algorithm you want to use. Step 5.PROGRESS field of the EDPARMS parameter record. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. This allows the UTEP form to recognize that the encryption process aborted.THROWN. Runtime Administration.CONV. The batch encryption process starts as soon as you save from the UTEP form. then it will write ABORTED into the EDPARMS. Troubleshooting The UT Encryption (UTEP) form is designed with a “must run perfectly” philosophy. Figure 32: Example of the UTEP Form with an ABORTED Status If the encryption process aborts in any other way. Before starting to process data records. If you want to change the encryption key. Everything about the record must be correct before the process starts. If anything unusual is detected. the process throws an error and then ends. If the encryption process aborts gracefully (it is able to detect a problem. enter Yes in the Reset Key field.ERRORS file. then the system administrator will have to edit the parameter record and change that field to ABORTED in order to be able to get the process to continue. You are finished with this procedure. Save from the UTEP form.IN. and enables the process to attempt a graceful restart when the UTEP form is saved. The error is logged to the UT.Troubleshooting Step 4. Save from the UTEP form. Errors are also logged if the encryption process encounters anything wrong while processing. Inc. the UTEP process does extensive validations of the EDPARMS parameter record. and shut down). throw the error. 185 . Step 6. THROWN. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 186 Runtime Administration. After the problem is fixed.ERRORS file) but did not abort cleanly. The encryption process will resume from where it stopped. and then correct that problem.IN. and will invoke the encryption process to resume when you save from the UTEP form. edit the value of the EDPARMS.THROWN. the UTEP form will believe that the process is still running.THROWN. Inc.CONV. Refer to the error in the UT. and will return the current status as ACTIVE. Restarting the encryption process when the UTEP form believes it is currently running (the UTEP form displays a status of ACTIVE but the encryption process has thrown an error and aborted) is a bit more tricky. you must first determine what the problem is. If the encryption process has thrown an error (logged to the UT. . ALERT! Datatel strongly recommends contacting the Solution Center for assistance to restart the encryption process when it does not abort cleanly.ERRORS file). The encryption process aborted cleanly and will resume from where it stopped after the UTEP form is saved. fix the problem (refer to the error in the UT.ERRORS file to determine the problem. In order to restart the encryption process when the UTEP form believes it is still running.Security: Encrypting Colleague Data Troubleshooting a Failed Encryption Process An aborted encryption process can leave the UTEP form in two states: ABORTED. and then simply save from the UTEP form. If the UTEP form displays the encryption status as ABORTED. This will cause the UTEP form to recognize that the encryption process has aborted. ACTIVE.PROGRESS field to ABORTED. March 10. Runtime Administration Maintenance . . This recommendation. Save just the files and directories that have changed since the last full save. There are two types of saves: Full backups. Below is an example of how one site handles their maintenance activities. The example site recommends that you perform a full save everyday on your partition that contains Colleague data files. however. Save everything in a requested partition or directory whether it has changed since the last save or not. Guidelines for purging files and handling duplicate records is provided along with the purpose of the utility programs and directions for running. Runtime Administration. A sample schedule is provided for system maintenance along with DBMS tasks. See your operating system documentation for information on performing saves. machine and tape resources.Maintenance Maintenance Introduction This chapter covers the overall maintenance tasks that you must perform for a Colleague site. Policies for upgrading releases and the background information for Colleague release loads are outlined. March 10. The maintenance activities include: Saves Consolidation of job histories Purges Disk maintenance Saves Saves or backups should be performed daily. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Scheduling System Maintenance Scheduling system maintenance is a challenge and differs from site to site. Incremental backups. depends on your manpower. Inc. 189 . This allows you to easily recover an account without having to restore your full save and then overlaying it with each incremental save performed since. Inc.xxx”. You may wish to keep them in a consolidated file for future reference.. “PERM. you run these after a full backup. 190 Runtime Administration. Purges Reports run to the HOLD file. Any savedlist or command stack that hasn’t been modified for a month is deleted. SAVEDLISTS generated by programs or users. Disk Maintenance Each operating system provides disk maintenance utilities that you should perform according to your vendor’s recommendations. and temporary files accumulate over time and use additional disk space. See Chapter Purging Files in this manual for additional information. The example site uses the following guidelines and naming conventions in deciding which files to purge: The HOLD file is archived daily and all records in it are deleted. in one file for future reference. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. and then deletes the original form the PH directory. March 10. unless it is named. The example site collects all of the como files from its directories and appends them together.” are deleted. command stacks. Batch or background mode processes in Colleague and the data base management system create these files in the PH file of the current directory. These files take up considerable disk space over time and should be deleted. Temporary files beginning with “T$. . Purge these files periodically. with headers..Maintenance: Maintenance Introduction Consolidation of Job Histories Many programs create job histories or como files to record events during execution to disk. Typically. 4. Table 10: Sample Daily Schedule Sample Daily Maintenance Schedule Time and Task performed Days 3:00 am Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Incremental save Incremental save Incremental save Incremental save Incremental save Full save 5:45 am Job history Job history Job history Job history Job history Job history 6:00 am Purge Purge Purge Purge Purge Disk maintenance Notes 1. This ensures that files are saved to tape before deletion. It is very important you run the processes in the order listed and only if the previous process completed successfully. Inc. Runtime Administration. Be sure to perform the save before running the disk maintenance utilities. Perform the full save and disk maintenance at any convenient time on the weekend. 2. 3. or submitted daily to a batch queue by an operator. 191 .Sample Daily Schedule Sample Daily Schedule Below is the example site’s daily schedule. Do not allow users should not be on the system while these processes are running. Run each process early in the morning on the day indicated before allowing users on the system. These processes may be run interactively in the foreground by an operator with a como file on. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. or in the background with a batch monitor with cyclic features such as Batchmaster. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. .Maintenance: Maintenance Introduction 192 Runtime Administration. March 10. Table 11: Topics in This Chapter Topic Using WEEKLY. There are two utilities that are external UT programs to Envision that can help you to maintain your system: WEEKLY.ANALYSIS (WUFA) Using WEEKLY. the WUIA utility will set up a delete.FILE. the WUFA utility will set up a resize for the file.ANALYSIS (WUIA) Although these utilities are most beneficial to institutions using UniData. create. Similarly. March 10. institutions using SQL Server or Oracle should also run the utilities.FILE.ANALYSIS (WUIA) 194 201 Page Runtime Administration.UDT.INDEX.UDT. UT. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Table 11 lists the topics covered in this chapter.ERRORS is an application server file that contains errors programatically invoked when an unusual and/or fatal event occurs. For example.THROWN. Inc. If this file grows too large. There are some application server files that always reside in UniData that should be analyzed regularly through these utilities. 193 .UDT. and rebuild of the indexes for that file.Maintenance Using File and Index Analysis Utilities In This Chapter This chapter provides information about file and index analysis utilities for UniData.INDEX.ANALYSIS (WUFA) WEEKLY.UDT. if indexing on that file is corrupted for any reason. 194 Runtime Administration. On completion. Datatel recommends that you try not to resize too many files at once.ANALYSIS (WUFA) The WEEKLY. Builds a report paragraph with suggested update parameters. Creates saved lists of either invalid VOC records that point to invalid files or VOC records that could not be opened. Analyzes those file statistics and makes recommendations about the block size and modulo for each file in an environment. Estimates the disk space savings or cost that will result if you run the resize paragraph. The report will be sorted in order of the condition of the files. then in descending order of “average bytes per group. March 10. Builds a resize paragraph to automate file system maintenance. as any file being resized will be unusable until the resize is complete.FILE. then those files that have groups in level-two overflow.Maintenance: Using File and Index Analysis Utilities Using WEEKLY. . The state of your file system can have a significant impact on system performance. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.” If a file is sized too small.FILE.UDT. including the size of the file. Gathers file statistics for all hashed files in an environment. and how much memory you allocate to the command for memory resizing (memresize command). it will typically have a very large “average bytes per group. The WUFA utility performs the following functions: Checks for damaged files. Inc.UDT. The resize paragraph is in the same order as the report. Many factors determine how long a resize will take. and is used to analyze your data files for overflows and potential resizing. These recommendations are written to a paragraph to automate file system maintenance. You should modify this paragraph to include only those files that you want to resize.ANALYSIS (WUFA) utility assists in monitoring and maintaining the condition of your file system so that you can optimize your UniData database. especially if a file is sized too small. how poorly sized the file currently is.” The WUFA utility will also create a resize paragraph to simplify the task of correctly sizing your files. a file analysis report will be output to the default printer. You can run this paragraph after the WUFA utility finishes running. Damaged files will be listed first. Further. you will begin to see which files tend to change in size as they will migrate to the top of both the file statistics report and the resize paragraph. 195 . when trying to analyze SPOUSE (a logical view of PERSON).FILES. a number of files may need to be resized. only those files that have changed significantly in size since the last resize will be included in the paragraph.VOC. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. This file is cleared and repopulated every time that you run the WUFA utility.FILES saved list will be populated with both SPOUSE and PERSON. The first time that you run the WUFA utility.FILES.RPT. For example. BAD.RESIZE.ANALYSIS (WUFA) Output Items from the WUFA Utility When you run the WUFA utility. A saved list of files that could not be opened using their existing VOC pointer. you can use the statistics in this file. This report paragraph is run on completion of the utility. Runtime Administration.FILE. DATATEL.VOC. This file contains all of the file statistics for all hashed files in the environment where the WUFA utility is run. If you want to use your own formula to calculate the correct modulo/block size. then the BAD. if the VOC entry for SPOUSE is correct. but the VOC entry for PERSON is either missing or incorrect. This list is provided for your convenience in cleaning up your VOC file. the following five output items are created: UDT_GUIDE.VOC. Inc. After subsequent scans. after running this utility several times.FILES. UDT_GUIDE. This paragraph will only resize those files that require resizing.IN. but could not be opened with their physical name. A saved list of logical view files that could be opened with their logical name. This report may be used as an example for any other reports that you might want to build from the UDT_GUIDE file. BAD.UDT.Using WEEKLY. This could be due to a bad physical VOC entry. March 10. or it could be due to a missing VOC entry for the physical file. as most files are overflow free. unless you perform a massive conversion. there is minimal level-one overflow.FILES. Fewer files process during the resize. execute the following statement to find out the largest file that may need to be resized. When they do. :LIST UDT_GUIDE BY. In this case. Before you run the resize paragraph.FILES that was created on a Thursday night and run it on Friday night. Some of the benefits of running the WUFA utility on a weekly basis are: Fewer files go into overflow each week.RESIZE. allowing resizing to run quickly. the WUFA utility should also be run in the Local Product Repository (LPR) as UniData files should be checked for damage and overflow there.DAMAGED GT " " Note: See AnswerNet Document 156. you might want to modify the DATATEL.Maintenance: Using File and Index Analysis Utilities Workflow for Using the WUFA Utility Datatel recommends that you run the WUFA utility weekly.SUP If you notice that a static file is approaching 2GB. . For example. Inc. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.RESIZE. you should convert the file to dynamic since static files have a 2GB size limit. Datatel recommends leaving your files static as much as possible as they are easier to tune.992 for more information on whether to use static or dynamic UniData files in Colleague. Note: For Colleague R18 on UniData. Improved performance of file operations. or simply execute the following statement to check for any damaged files: :LIST UDT_GUIDE FILE_NAME DATATEL.DSND SIZE FILE_NAME SIZE ID.SUP WITH DATATEL. and then review the report in the morning. so that it has the entire weekend to process.19 for information on how to fix damaged files. No severe level-one or level-two overflows should occur.DAMAGED ID. You may want to consider running the WUFA utility overnight. The WUFA utility also creates the paragraph DATATEL. after backups are completed. run the WUFA utility immediately after the conversion. 196 Runtime Administration. Note: See AnswerNet document 147. ' 0005: WEEKLY. March 10.. as a background process. then even if its current contents are small. by executing the following command: :PHANTOM WEEKLY.MAINT 0003: DATE 0004: SELECT VOC WITH F1 LIKE ‘F.ANALYSIS To achieve this.FILE. 197 .ANALYSIS command: -AD -ED The –AD option allows a decrease in file size.’ AND F2 UNLIKE '@UDTHOME.FILE.UDT. Running the WUFA utility on the files specified on that form will always set up a MEMRESIZE statement in DATATEL.FILES. The default behavior does not allow a decrease in size of a file. The –ED option allows you to override that default behavior and exclude analysis of dictionaries of each file. The –AD option allows you to override that default behavior and allow a decrease in file size. you can create the following paragraph: :AE VOC FILE.RESIZE.FILE. Inc.ANALYSIS 0006: DATE 0007: COMO OFF The following two arguments can be appended to the WEEKLY.UDT..Using WEEKLY. based on the modulo and block size specified on the WAFM form for each file. For example. The default behavior is to analyze dictionaries of each file included. Runtime Administration. when analyzing PERSON. The reasoning for this is that if a file grew large enough to warrant its current size (such as a temporary work file).ANALYSIS (WUFA) Running the WUFA Utility Datatel recommends that you run the WUFA utility overnight. the dictionary D_PERSON will also be analyzed. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.MAINT 0001: PA 0002: COMO ON FILE. The –ED option allows you to exclude dictionaries of each file from analysis..UDT. the file may grow large again and cause overflow problems (if resized based on its current contents). Note: Files listed on the WebAdvisor File Maintenance (WAFM) form are not affected by this option..FILE.UDT. DATATEL. The resize paragraph.FILES will turn on a COMO file called O_DATATEL. This causes fewer writes to disk. performance can be significantly enhanced.FILES. You should then modify the resize paragraph to include only those files that you actually want to resize. all users must log out of the system and the environment’s DMI listeners must be stopped.FILES DATATEL.MAINT When the WUFA utility has completed.MAINT To monitor its progress by scanning the COMO file.RESIZE. 198 Runtime Administration. The memresize command uses a memory buffer and writes to disk only when the buffer is full.RESIZE.FILES paragraph. enter the following at the colon prompt: :DATATEL. If your system experiences a power failure or any other problem while it is in the middle of resizing a file. which is faster than the ECL RESIZE command.FILES paragraph.FILES. ALERT! Before running the resize paragraph. . The only recourse if this happens is to restore the file from backup. they do not account for overflow groups. They will also be inserted into the resize paragraph DATATEL.RESIZE. thus. you should review the file analysis report and the recommended block sizes and modulos. enter the following: :PHANTOM FILE.RESIZE. enter the following: :AE _PH_ O_FILE.RESIZE.RESIZE. Inc. March 10. you can restart the DMI listeners.FILES when it is executed so that you can monitor its progress. ALERT! You must have a complete backup of your system before running the resize paragraph.FILES or :PHANTOM DATATEL. They should give you a reasonable estimate of how much disk space you will need or get back after running the DATATEL. the file can be left in an incomplete or broken state.Maintenance: Using File and Index Analysis Utilities To run the WUFA utility as a background process. has been set up to use the UniData memresize command. After running the DATATEL. The disk space estimates are only approximations. Disk space estimates will be displayed when the WUFA utility is finished. To run the resize paragraph.RESIZE. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.RESIZE. Runtime Administration. this is the /tmp directory in UNIX or \temp in Windows. you must have enough disk space within the partition where the temporary copy of the file will be created.ANALYSIS (WUFA) Note: In order to run the memresize command. For dynamic files. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.UDT. 199 . For static files.FILE. You can override this default by setting the TMP environment variable.Using WEEKLY. this is the same partition as the file being resized. Inc. March 10. Inc.FILES.EXCLUDE The VOC file will always be excluded. March 10. . as it must be resized from the operating system level (that is.LIST RESIZE. whether or not it is specifically included in the RESIZE.RESIZE.RESIZE.EXCLUDE saved list. The excluded files will be flagged in the analysis report by prefixing the file name with a '*'. Any file name found in this list by the WUFA utility will be analyzed. and then resize the file manually.FILES paragraph to see what the recommended block size and modulo would be. :EDIT.EXCLUDE.1437 for how to resize the VOC file. Note: See AnswerNet Document 107. It is very important for performance to keep the VOC file sized properly. 200 Runtime Administration.Maintenance: Using File and Index Analysis Utilities Excluding Files from Analysis You can maintain a list of files to be skipped by adding the name of each file to a SAVEDLISTS record called RESIZE. outside of the UniData environment). You can look for any excluded file in the DATATEL. but will not be included in the resize paragraph DATATEL. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. However.ANALYSIS (WUIA) to execute UniData’s guide_ndx command in order to analyze index files. or on all files. Inc. If you use the UTBA process. it can be run on an active system. then enter one of the following in the Indexing Function field: B (Create & Build All) M (Create & Build Missing) You will run the WUIA utility at the colon prompt or in a VOC paragraph. any problems or corruption found with the indexing is reported. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The WUIA process will determine if each of the files has any UniData indexing associated with it. the default mode of the WUIA utility runs the following command on each file analyzed: guide_ndx -x 1. Because the WUIA process does not clean up index files. You can also enter the following: WEEKLY.INDEX.INDEX.Using WEEKLY.UDT. you should run the resulting paragraphs and the UTBA process only on a quiet system.ANALYSIS -L Runtime Administration.UDT. 201 .INDEX.UDT. The WUIA utility creates paragraphs and saved lists that you can use to clean up index files. ALL <file name> In this command. you enter a saved list (created by the WUIA utility) to rebuild indexing for the files. If cleanup is necessary.INDEX. When you enter WEEKLY.ANALYSIS at the colon prompt or in a VOC paragraph. If so.ANALYSIS (WUIA) Using WEEKLY.ANALYSIS (WUIA) You can use the utility WEEKLY.UDT. you can either use a paragraph alone.UDT.INDEX. the “1” triggers physical checking of the index file. or combine a paragraph with the Multiple File Indexing (UTBA) process. Understanding the WUIA Utility The WUIA utility can be run with an active list of files you have selected. and rebuilding of all indexes for the file. or PERSON Checking index 'SSN' logically.CUSTOM. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Whenever text appears in that report..LIS record file with output such as shown in the following examples: PERSON Checking index 'SSN' physically. excluding the file name and the “Checking. Inc. the final statement shown will indicate whether or not any problem index files were found.CUSTOM.FLD' physically.... Checking index 'D01. and will then set up the deleting... Using the WUIA utility to run guide_ndx on each file will populate a GUIDE_XERROR... The index has not been built yet. the “2” triggers logical checking of the index file. 202 Runtime Administration. Checking index 'AARS' physically... Checking index 'AARS' logically... .” phrase.CUSTOM...FLD' logically...FLD is not built or deleted. by issuing this command: guide_ndx -x 2. the WUIA utility detects a problem with at least one index for the file. Checking index 'D01. One of the following statements will be displayed: No problem index files found. Saving list of problem index files in SAVEDLISTS. <list of non-null indexed fields> <file name> In this command. When you run this utility. March 10.Maintenance: Using File and Index Analysis Utilities This triggers logical checking of the index file for any non-null indexed fields... recreating. Index D01. SPECS "PERSON" The following displays: 1 record selected to list 0. : Runtime Administration.UDT. version '03/04/2008' Analyzing indexing for PERSON. > Step 2. No problem index files found for this physical check. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.UDT.FILE.. To run the WUIA utility for the PERSON file for physical checking. enter the following at the colon prompt: MIOSEL CORE.ANALYSIS (WUIA) Examples of Running the WUIA Utility Three examples of running the WUIA utility are shown below.INDEX.. To run a logical check.ANALYSIS The following displays: Running physical check only. Enter the following: WEEKLY.Using WEEKLY. Example 1 Step 1. March 10. Inc. use option '-L' Weekly UniData Index Analysis utility. 203 .INDEX. Inc.ANALYSIS -L The following displays: Running logical check only.UDT.Maintenance: Using File and Index Analysis Utilities Example 2 Step 1. No problem index files found for this logical check. : 204 Runtime Administration.FILE. > Step 2.. March 10.SPECS "PERSON" The following displays: 1 record selected to list 0.. Enter the following: WEEKLY. version '03/04/2008' Analyzing indexing for PERSON. enter the following at the colon prompt: MIOSEL CORE.INDEX. Empty index files will be skipped. . To run the WUIA utility for the PERSON file for logical checking. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Weekly UniData Index Analysis utility. UDT... <> Analyzing indexing for privilege. use option '-L' Weekly UniData Index Analysis utility. enter the following at the colon prompt: WEEKLY.INDEX.ANALYSIS (WUIA) Example 3 Step 1.Using WEEKLY.INDEX.FILES.. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. To run a logical check. Inc. March 10.IN.FILES' Analyzing indexing for ACAD. version '03/04/2008' Selecting all physical files in account. Saving list of problem index files in SAVEDLISTS 'PHYS.UDT.ANALYSIS The following displays: Running physical check only. Saving list of bad file pointers in SAVEDLISTS 'PHYS.LEVELS. 205 .BAD.INDEX.BAD..CREDENTIALS. please wait..BAD.. Analyzing indexing for ACAD.VOC.. To run the WUIA utility for all files for physical checking.FILES'. : Runtime Administration.VOC' Saving list of bad VOC pointers in SAVEDLISTS 'PHYS.. LIS and GUIDE_XERROR.INDEX. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. and will contain a list of files with indexing issues. Output Item 1: PHYS.PHYS.FILES. On the UTBA form. You then run the Multiple File Indexing (UTBA) process using the saved list in Output Item 2 to rebuild indexing for the files.FILES Record in SAVEDLISTS This saved list is created only if problems are found. March 10. . you can run this paragraph to clear out each file’s indexing. so that if the output item exists after a run.Maintenance: Using File and Index Analysis Utilities Results of Running a Physical Check on Index Files When you run the WUIA utility in default mode to run a physical check on index files.PHYS.FILES Paragraph in VOC This paragraph is created if you are not in a Local Product Repository (LPR) environment.DEL. If the saved list in Output Item 2 was created.STATS.PREV. Note: Running this utility deletes any custom indexes created for the files in the paragraph.AND.ERRORS in _HOLD_ This report is created and concatenates the results of the GUIDE_XSTATS. Output Item 3: DATATEL.BAD. there are six possible output items. they are not recreated and rebuilt by the UTBA process.DEL. the paragraph will contain a series of DELETE.LIS reports from the guide_ndx execution for each file processed. When problem indexes are found. it was created by the most recent run. If the saved list was not created. Inc.IDX. enter one of the following options in the Indexing Function field: B (Create & Build All) M (Create & Build Missing) Each run of the utility will save the previous run’s output paragraph as DATATEL.INDEX statements for the files in the saved list. If the custom indexes are not defined to Envision specifications.IDX. the paragraph will contain a display statement indicating there were no problem indexes.IDX. 206 Runtime Administration. Each of these items is cleared at the start of the utility. Output Item 2: PHYS. Output Item 5: PHYS.INDEX statements for the files in the saved list.PREV. Note: Running this utility will initially delete any custom indexes created for the files in the paragraph. you do not need to then run the UTBA process. Inc.Using WEEKLY. Each run of the utility will save the previous run’s output paragraph as DATATEL. However. and BUILD. so the UTBA process is not available).FILES. and therefore may not be complete (from an RFSPECS.IDX.RBD.IN. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 207 . March 10.FILES Paragraph in VOC This paragraph is always created. this saved list contains a list of files that could not be opened using their existing VOC pointer.PHYS.PHYS. it will then recreate and rebuild any indexes that existed for each file when the WUIA utility was run. but any indexes that are deleted by the paragraph will be recreated by the paragraph. (which do not have Colleague or Envision.RBD.UDT. the content depends on the following: If the saved list in Output Item 2 was created.VOC record in SAVEDLISTS If created. In either case. If the saved list was not created. however.IDX.FILES.BAD. UTBI/UTBA perspective).DEL.INDEX. Runtime Administration. the paragraph will contain a display statement indicating there were no problem indexes. the paragraph will contain a series of DELETE.DEL. This paragraph can be used in LPR environments. Running the paragraph clears out each file’s indexing and recreates and rebuilds it.INDEX. For apphome environments.ANALYSIS (WUIA) Output Item 4: DATATEL. This list is provided for your convenience in cleaning up your VOC file. this can be used instead of the paragraph in Output Item 3 and the UTBA process.INDEX. CREATE. The list is not driven from RFSPECS. or it could be due to a missing VOC entry for the physical file.FILES record in SAVEDLISTS If created. if the VOC entry for SPOUSE is correct. but could not be opened with their physical name. but the VOC entry for PERSON is either missing or incorrect. March 10. when trying to analyze SPOUSE (a logical view of PERSON).VOC. 208 Runtime Administration.Maintenance: Using File and Index Analysis Utilities Output Item 6: PHYS. For example. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. then the saved list will be populated with both SPOUSE and PERSON. this saved list contains a list of logical view files that could be opened with their logical name.BAD. . This could be due to a bad physical VOC entry. Inc. FILES Record in SAVEDLISTS This saved list is created only if problems are found.FILES Paragraph in VOC This paragraph is created if you are not in an LPR environment.DEL.INDEX statements for the files in the saved list.UDT. On the UTBA form. so that if the output item exists after a run. Output Item 1: LOGI. and will contain a list of files with indexing issues.INDEX. Inc.AND.ERRORS in _HOLD_ This report is created when you run a logical check on index files. 209 . If the saved list in Output Item 2 was created. Output Item 2: LOGI.LIS and GUIDE_XERROR.BAD. Output Item 3: DATATEL. Each of these items is cleared at the start of the utility.LOGI. When problem indexes are found.LIS reports from the guide_ndx execution for each file processed. You then run the Multiple File Indexing (UTBA) process using the saved list in Output Item 2 to rebuild indexing for the files. there are six possible output items. the paragraph will contain a series of DELETE. If the saved list was not created.ANALYSIS (WUIA) Results of Running a Logical Check on Index Files When you run the WUIA utility with the optional logical check on index files (by adding -L). Runtime Administration. you can run this paragraph to clear out each file’s indexing.INDEX.PREV. the paragraph will contain a display statement indicating there were no problem indexes. It concatenates the results of the GUIDE_XSTATS.Using WEEKLY. it was created by the most recent run. March 10.IDX. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.LOGI.STATS. enter one of the following options in the Indexing Function field: B (Create & Build All) M (Create & Build Missing) Each run of the utility will save the previous run’s output paragraph as DATATEL.DEL.FILES.IDX.IDX. (which do not have Colleague or Envision. If the saved list was not created. March 10. However.INDEX. UTBI/UTBA perspective). the content depends on the following: If the saved list in Output Item 2 was created. they are not recreated and rebuilt by the UTBA process. and BUILD. and therefore may not be complete (from an RFSPECS. you do not need to then run the UTBA process. it will then recreate and rebuild any indexes that existed for each file when the WUIA utility was run. the paragraph will contain a display statement indicating there were no problem indexes.FILES Paragraph in VOC This paragraph is always created.IDX.IDX. If the custom indexes are not defined to Envision specifications.INDEX.DEL. In either case.LOGI. For apphome environments. Running the paragraph clears out each file's indexing and recreates and rebuilds it. Output Item 5: LOGI. This paragraph can be used in LPR environments. CREATE.RBD. This list is provided for your convenience in cleaning up your VOC file.LOGI. however.DEL. so the UTBA process is not available). Note: Running this utility will initially delete any custom indexes created for the files in the paragraph.Maintenance: Using File and Index Analysis Utilities Note: Running this utility deletes any custom indexes created for the files in the paragraph.IN. Inc.VOC Record in SAVEDLISTS If created. but any indexes that are deleted by the paragraph will be recreated by the paragraph. . Each run of the utility will save the previous run’s output paragraph as DATATEL.RBD. The list is not driven from RFSPECS.BAD.INDEX statements for the files in the saved list.PREV. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.FILES. this can be used instead of the paragraph in Output Item 3 and the UTBA process. Output Item 4: DATATEL. this saved list contains a list of files that could not be opened using their existing VOC pointer.FILES. 210 Runtime Administration. the paragraph will contain a series of DELETE. INDEX.VOC. March 10. this saved list contains a list of logical view files that could be opened with their logical name. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. For example. or it could be due to a missing VOC entry for the physical file. when trying to analyze SPOUSE (a logical view of PERSON).BAD. then the saved list will be populated with both SPOUSE and PERSON. 211 . This could be due to a bad physical VOC entry. Inc.FILES Record in SAVEDLISTS If created. but the VOC entry for PERSON is either missing or incorrect.UDT.Using WEEKLY. if the VOC entry for SPOUSE is correct. Runtime Administration.ANALYSIS (WUIA) Output Item 6: LOGI. but could not be opened with their physical name. DEL. So the two runs of the utility should be performed sequentially. .IDX.RBD. two separate runs of the WUIA utility must be executed. The reason for this is that both physical and logical checking rely on the interim results UniData provides in GUIDE_XSTATS.DEL.IDX. Results from one session would likely skew the other session.DEL.IDX. the following paragraphs created by the utility should be run only on a quiet system: DATATEL.FILES DATATEL.INDEX. either manually or through a paragraph.FILES DATATEL.RBD. However.FILES DATATEL. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.DEL.IDX.UDT.ANALYSIS in one session. This means you should not enter WEEKLY.LIS and GUIDE_XERROR.ANALYSIS -L in another session. Also.INDEX.LOGI. Running on an Active versus a Quiet System The WUIA utility can be run on an active system.PHYS.LOGI.PHYS. use a quiet system if you run the UTBA process with the Indexing Function field set to B or M. 212 Runtime Administration. How to Run Both Physical and Logical Checking If you want to do both physical and logical checking. March 10.FILES Also. while running WEEKLY.LIS for each execution of the guide_ndx command. Inc. you should run only one session using the WUIA utility at a time.Maintenance: Using File and Index Analysis Utilities Recommendations When Running the WUIA Utility Datatel makes the following recommendations for using the WUIA utility.UDT. PHYS. run the UTBA process with the Indexing Function field set to “B” or “M” for that saved list. run the UTBA process with the Indexing Function field set to “B” or “M” for that saved list.DEL.ANALYSIS -L 0007: DATATEL.DELETE.UDT.DEL.FILES 0008: COMO OFF After you execute this paragraph: If the saved list PHYS.LOGI.FILES exists.LOGI.RBD. March 10.LOGI.IDX.ANALYSIS 0005: DATATEL.DELETE. Inc.PHYS.RBD.DEL.DELETE.FILES and DATATEL.UDT.ANALYSIS (WUIA) Setting up Paragraphs for the WUIA Utility You may want to set up paragraphs to execute regular runs of the WUIA process and its cleanup paragraphs.INDEX.FILES paragraphs simply recreate and rebuild the indexes that previously existed. Runtime Administration.REBUILD 0001: PA 0002: COMO ON WUIA.INDEX.DELETE.ONLY 0003: DATE 0004: WEEKLY.UDT.DEL. Although the WUIA utility may be run on an active system.IDX. So you may want to use a paragraph like the following in an apphome environment: :AE VOC WUIA.FILES 0008: COMO OFF However.UDT. the cleanup paragraphs and the UTBA process must be run on a quiet system.FILES exists.IDX.IDX. The following is an example VOC paragraph that can be created and used in an LPR or in an apphome environment: :AE VOC WUIA.INDEX. If the saved list LOGI.INDEX.BAD.IDX.Using WEEKLY.BAD.ANALYSIS 0005: DATATEL.DEL. remember that the DATATEL. 213 .REBUILD 0003: DATE 0004: WEEKLY.RBD.ANALYSIS -L 0007: DATATEL.DEL.INDEX. This means that any paragraphs you set up should also be run on a quiet system.FILES 0006: WEEKLY.ONLY 0001: PA 0002: COMO ON WUIA.PHYS.IDX.INDEX. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.FILES 0006: WEEKLY.UDT. They do not recreate and rebuild the indexes specified in Envision.RBD.INDEX. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. Inc. .Maintenance: Using File and Index Analysis Utilities 214 Runtime Administration. The automatic file services include: Add/Change Tracking for records Record Link Management Record Deletion Tracking File Activity Indexing Runtime Administration. These specifications are defined through the Envision Tool Kit and are not modifiable by the end users.Maintenance Envision File Services Envision Runtime automatically provides certain services for files in the application’s database. 215 . While these services occur at runtime. each service is defined by the analyst who created the specification for the files and the data elements within those files. March 10. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. If any of the above fields are not defined for a file.ADD.ADDOPR • filename. Any time a new part record is added to the PARTS file. Inc.CHANGE. For almost every Envision file.Maintenance: Envision File Services Add/Change Tracking Add/Change Tracking for records in a file occurs automatically and is completely transparent to the user.OPERATOR Note: For Oracle support where shorter names are required with a maximum of 28 characters. The date stamping fields must be defined through the Envision Tool Kit in order for Envision Runtime to recognize them. if the PARTS file also has the fields PARTS.CHANGE.DATA and PARTS. the corresponding data is automatically maintained. For example. The existence of the changed data fields in the dictionary of a file does not automatically ensure date stamping.CHGOPR If these fields are present in the dictionary of a file accessed by an Envision process.DATE filename. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Envision Runtime automatically stamps the record with the date that it was changed on and the operator who changed it.OPERATOR. any time a record in the PARTS file is modified.OPERATOR.CHANGE. Date stamping information is not maintained and this level of tracking is ignored.ADDDATE • filename. March 10. .CHANGE. 216 Runtime Administration. Datatel now also allows: • filename.ADD.ADD.OPERATOR filename. there are four fields defined which Envision Runtime uses to track additions and changes: filename. consider a file PARTS with the fields PARTS. Envision Runtime does not maintain the data for that field. Envision Runtime date stamps the record with the date the record was added and the operator who added it.DATE and PARTS.ADD.CHGDATE • filename. Similarly. You may not add or remove this tracking from a particular file.DATE filename. has a multi-valued return link to the address file. The relationships between records in the database fall into four categories: One-to-one (person to spouse) One-to-many (employer to employees) Many-to-one (person to political party) Many-to-many (children to parents) The management of these record links is performed automatically by Envision Runtime each time a record is updated. therefore. the return link being the residents of the address. Single-valued pointer fields are called X-pointers and multi-valued pointer fields are called Q-pointers. Record links play an important part in maintaining the integrity of your database. therefore. These fields store the keys to other records either in the same file or in other files. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The person record. A person’s demographic record. Record link specifications. March 10. The specifications for record link management are encoded in the Runtime File Specifications file RFSPECS for the file in which a pointer field resides. 217 . Pointer fields can either be single or multivalued. Runtime Administration. cannot be modified by the end user. which allows you to select a list of record IDs from a field within a record. may contain a list of IDs to records in an address file. these links are called return links. The address record additionally may have a list of person IDs for those people who live or work at the address. Many people have more than one address. The link defined for a person’s spouse has a return link of the spouse’s spouse. Since the relationship “spouse” is a reciprocal relationship. The X in X-pointer refers to a field that is a cross-reference (xref) to another record. The fields which store record IDs are named pointer fields and the record IDs stored in these fields are named record links. Example of an X-pointer is a person’s spouse. the spouse’s demographic record in turn contains a link to the original person’s demographic record. The Spouse field in one person’s demographic record contains an ID for the demographic record of the person’s spouse. The record link specifications are defined by the analyst(s) who creates the structure of the database. Example of a Q-pointer is a person’s address. The Q in Q-pointer originated from the original PICK programming term Qselect.Record Link Management Record Link Management Some fields within the database files of your application do not store data. therefore. Inc. When a record contains a link to another record which in turn has a link to the original. The date two people are married on is not stored in each of their demographic records: one relation record provides the logical location. The specifications for record link management are stored in the Central Data Dictionary (CDD) for the application and therefore become part of any program definition. that file is called a relation file. Specifications about relation files are also stored in the CDD. March 10. if appropriate. A relation file is keyed by a combination of the IDs of the related entities. These specifications are encoded into the RFSPECS file for use at runtime. The generated and compiled program uses Envision Runtime file management to retrieve the relation record and modify the data stored. . the data stored for the date a person was hired by a company and the person’s telephone extension at the company are valid only when you consider the person and the company at the same time. The relationships between entities in the database usually implies that certain information is true only when the two entities are considered at the same time. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 218 Runtime Administration.Maintenance: Envision File Services Envision Runtime ensures that the integrity of these record links in maintained and does not rely on either the programmer who defines a new form process or the end user of that form. For example. The relationship between entities in the database and the relation record associated to the entities is defined through the Envision Tool Kit and therefore cannot be changed by the end user. When data about the relationship between two entities is stored. so that the data is stored only once. Inc. This relational structure ensures that data is stored only once. automatically becoming part of a program definition and ensuring the proper retrieval and maintenance of a relation record. the user presses the RECORD DELETE function key. If the user presses the RECORD DELETE function key a second time. 219 . Envision Runtime prompts the user to make sure he really means it. March 10. You can not add or remove the delete ability from the screen processes.Record Deletion Record Deletion Record Deletion occurs on the Envision screen processes for which deleting records is allowed. Inc. For those screens that allow record deletion. The ability to delete records is defined through the Envision Tool Kit when the screen process is defined. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Runtime Administration. Envision Runtime removes the record from the file. For files that contain sensitive data. Envision Runtime writes both the old and new version of the changes in the record. only the values for the fields that change are written to the log file in order to conserve disk space. 220 Runtime Administration. Envision Runtime checks to see if transaction logging has been requested for that file. Step 2. Inc. Indicate the date to which you wish to track file activity. only Envision-based software meets this criteria. Enter if you wish to change the status from on to off or off to on. If you have requested transaction logging. For a changed or deleted field. Enter the filename. March 10. Step 4. Run the Transaction Log Specification (UTML) form. purge it using the TXLOG Purge (UTTP) form. In addition. additions of and deletions of records in a specified file. Whenever a record is written back to disk. Once the transaction logging information has served its purpose. Step 3. . The file must have a corresponding UFSPECS record. If a record is deleted or added. The current status of the file displays. Envision Runtime tracks the date and time of the change and the operator who made the change. the entire record is written to the log file. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. comes at the cost of disk I/O performance and disk space requirements. this tracking allows an additional layer of security and provides a mechanism for recovering from mistakes and disasters. Currently.Maintenance: Envision File Services Transaction Logging With the Transaction Logging function. Requesting Transaction Logging Step 1. while providing additional security and peace of mind. Requesting transaction logging. Envision Runtime allows you to track changes to. described in “Rebuild Field History (RBFD)” beginning on page 368. use the Field History Detail (FHDT) form. use the Rebuild Field History (RBFD) form. described in “Field History Detail (FHDT)” beginning on page 340. To view an earlier version of a record from field history. To view an earlier version of a record from a history value. Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 221 . use the Define Field History (DHST) form. described in “Define Field History (DHST)” beginning on page 335. March 10. Note: You can only view data in inquiry mode. Inc. To view a record in a file as of a certain date. To track changes made by users to the values in specific fields in a file. described in “Rebuild File History (RBFH)” beginning on page 369. use the Rebuild File History (RBFH) form. History logging does not allow you to change records or restore them to earlier versions.History Logging History Logging History logging enables you to use field and file history to track changes and view records as they existed at an earlier time. rather than Envision. as shown in Figure 33. Figure 33: System File Administration Menu 222 Runtime Administration. to store and maintain index values.0. The indexing processes are found in the System File Administration menu. . March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. There are several advantages to database indexing: Database queries can take advantage of Envision-defined indexes Calculated indexes are stored as data rather than derived Database indexing is more efficient and more robust. Inc.Maintenance: Envision File Services File Indexing Prior to using Colleague 18. you will have converted all files to database indexing. Database indexing enables you to define indexes to Envision while using the indexing capabilities of your database. 7 only The Constructing File Name field indicates the file for which you want to define indexing. Enter the name of the file Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. This form stores the indexing definitions you enter in the user file specifications file UFSPECS. Index records are created in the specified target file for each index definition associated with the file. This enables you to use the index in read-only mode. If you want to use an index that is defined and maintained through another file. you can enter the name of the file in this field. Each time the indexing definitions for a file are stored in UFSPECS. but those defined by Datatel cannot be modified. Envision Runtime “compiles” these specifications into runtime file specifications stored in the runtime specifications file RFSPECS. as shown in Figure 34. You may add your own definitions. Figure 34: Example User File Index Specification (UTMI) Form Envision 4. 223 . You are not able to change these delivered definitions. run the User File Index Specification (UTMI) form. Inc.File Indexing Datatel Defined Indexes Certain files for applications are delivered by Datatel. User Defined Indexing To define your own indexing for selected files. Envision Runtime uses these compiled versions of the indexing definitions whenever a record for that file is written to disk. 224 Runtime Administration.) The default algorithm for determining the indexing key is simply to use the value of the data element. you must list here all elements that are referenced by that subroutine in order to give the subroutine access to the fields and ensure correct index updating.NAME and MIDDLE. Envision Runtime uses the new value to calculate the index record key.filename. This default indexing key is usually insufficient and unwieldy. This file must already have a valid UFSPECS record defined. PERSON. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10.NAME is the only data element and. whenever the name for an organization changes. Enter in the Index Association Data Elements fields the data elements that comprise the indexing association. The file designated to store the indexing records must be a valid file defined in the VOC. each value in the returned list must be separated by a field mark (@FM). If more than one data element triggers indexing. . enter the name of each data element on a separate line. Whenever any of these fields changes. the name of the file in which index IDs are to be stored in the Target File for Index Records field. where filename is the name of the file for which Envision Runtime performs the indexing.NAME. a file called ORGANIZATIONS is indexed by the field ORG. An indexing association is a field or list of fields which. Inc. trigger indexing. If a change to the value in only one data element triggers indexing. The subroutine must have one argument: a list of values. When you specify more than one field in the indexing association. The Subroutine to Calculate Index Keys field allows you to specify the name of a subroutine which can be used to transform the value or values passed into a more efficient and concise indexing key. use the subroutine that you designate in this field. By convention. Note: By default. (This field is used in Envision 4. this file is usually called INDEX. Note: If you are using a subroutine. FIRST. the default algorithm concatenates the values in the data elements together. when changed. It should return the string or strings of characters to use as indexing record keys. To concatenate fields. A change to the value stored in any of the fields in the association causes Envision Runtime to recalculate the index value and update the corresponding index record. Another file.7 only. each field in the association is used as a key for a record in the target file. If the subroutine returns more than one indexing key. Enter. or use LookUp to retrieve.Maintenance: Envision File Services or use LookUp to retrieve its name. enter the name of that data element as the only member of the indexing association. For example. is indexed by LAST. ORG. For this indexing association in ORGANIZATIONS.NAME.NAME. Envision Runtime compares the new values and the old values to calculate the index record key. The Index Key Subroutine determines which field to use as the key..e. specify the designated numeric field in the Alternate Storage File Position field. If Envision uses a field other than the record key to index a record. enter the name of the field in the main file that is designated for storage of intermediate index values. i. null values are not used. Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. In the Primary File Storage Field Name field. If you enter “No” or leave the field blank. enter Yes in the Delete this Index Association field. the calculated result from the associated subroutine that is defined for the index. If you designated an alternate storage file for intermediate index values. Enter the name(s) of the data field(s) to store in the index record in the Data Elements to Store in Index fields. March 10. Inc. 225 . Enter No or leave the field blank to retain the association. this field specifies which field of the current record to store as the key for this record in the index file. Note: The default entry for a Data Elements to Store in Index field is the key to the record in the primary file.File Indexing Enter Yes in the Index Null Keys field if you want null values to be used in indexing. If you want to delete this index association. as shown in Figure 35. Manually select a group of files to convert. . March 10.Maintenance: Envision File Services Converting Files to Database Indexing Perform the following steps to convert a group of files or an entire application to database indexing. the selected files are converted. enter a manual list of files to process in the Rebuild File List fields. Step 1. 226 Runtime Administration. If you want to do one of the following: Convert the files in a saved list. Inc. The information in this file is generated from the appl. including indexing.SPECS file in the Tool Kit. and from UFSPECS on the runtime side. on each application. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. leave all fields blank. When you update from the BRRR form. enter a saved list name that contains the file names you want to convert in the Rebuild Saved List field. Run the Batch Runtime RFSPECS Refresh (BRRR) utility. You can specify one of three ways to define which files to process. Convert all files in the current application.FILE. Figure 35: Batch Runtime RFSPECS Refresh (BRRR) Form The BRRR form contains information on various functions that need to be performed on a file when writes occur. and to specify the storage fields for values created by subroutines. Runtime Administration. No. Inc. Enter the name of a saved list in the Report Limit List field. Note: If you have not created custom indexes. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. If you have created custom Envision indexes that use a subroutine to calculate index keys. March 10. shown in Figure 36. you must run the Index Storage Field Report (ISFR). skip to step 5 on page 231. to identify the indexes that need additional storage fields. 227 .File Indexing Step 2. Leave the Report Limit List field blank. Figure 36: Index Storage Field Report (ISFR) Form Do you want to run the report for every file in the application? Yes. . Figure 37: Example Missing Index Storage Fields Report 228 Runtime Administration. Inc. as shown in Figure 37. Update to generate the Missing Index Storage Fields Report. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Maintenance: Envision File Services Step 3. This enables you to use the index in read-only mode. use the subroutine that you designate in Runtime Administration. you must list here all elements that are referenced by that subroutine in order to give the subroutine access to the fields and ensure correct index updating. Note: If you are using a subroutine. For detailed general information about the UTMI form. 229 .7 only If you want to use an index that is defined and maintained through another file. shown in Figure 38. Figure 38: Example User File Index Specification (UTMI) Form Envision 4. see “User Defined Indexing” beginning on page 223. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.File Indexing Step 4. Enter the name of the file in which index IDs are to be stored in the Target File for Index Records field. to define the additional storage fields. (Envision 4. Inc. Use the User File Index Specification (UTMI) form. March 10. enter the names of fields that activate Envision indexing when they change. enter the name of a subroutine used for indexing.7 only) In the Subroutine to calculate Index Keys field. you can enter the name of the file in the Constructing File Name field. By default. each field in the association is used as a key for a record in the target file. In the Index Association Data Elements fields. To concatenate fields. The Primary File Storage Field Name field is a required field if you use a subroutine for indexing. the calculated result from the associated subroutine that is defined for the index. specify the designated numeric field in the Alternate Storage File Position field.. The default entry for a Data Elements to Store in Index field is the key to the record in the primary file. null values are not used. i. March 10.Maintenance: Envision File Services this field. If you have designated an alternate storage file for intermediate index values. enter Yes in the Delete this Index Association field. If you want to delete this index association. If you have indexed a field that is indexed by Envision. If you use UniData and have already created database indexes. 230 Runtime Administration. In the Primary File Storage Field Name field.e. this field specifies which field of the current record to store as the key for this record in the index file. . Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. enter the name of the field in the main file that is designated for storage of intermediate index values. the name of the index may change. Enter Yes in the Index Null Keys field if you want null values to be used in indexing. The Index Key Subroutine determines which field to use as the key. If you enter “No” or leave the field blank. but this should have no effect on processing or the use of the index. If Envision uses a field other than the record key to index a record. Enter the name of the data fields to be stored in the index record in the Data Elements to Store in Index fields. Enter No or leave the field blank to retain the association. there is no need to modify them. March 10. For information about the other fields on the EPED form.cfm. to specify your current indexing mode.7) Envision 4.you can set up a DMI listener with a print server role as described in Implementing Stylesheet Printing available on the Datatel web site at: http://www. Note: The DMI Print Server IP/Port fields are used in Envision 4. Inc. If any problems arise with a database indexed file. Access the Envision Parameters Edit (EPED) form. shown in Figure 39.datatel. Figure 39: Envision Parameters Edit (EPED) Form (Envision 4. 231 .com/support/documentation/colleague/ collr18doc. When all files in the application have been successfully converted to database indexing. When conversion is complete.7 only Enter 5 in the MIO Indexing Mode field to set the mode to a combination of Envision and database indexing. In Release 18. you can revert to Envision indexing for that file.File Indexing Step 5. you can select 4 to change to exclusively database indexing. set the MIO Indexing Mode to 4.0. Runtime Administration. Note: Datatel recommends choosing 5 (combined Envision and database indexing) during the conversion period. see “Using the Envision Parameters Edit (EPED) Form” beginning on page 55.7 only. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The Indexing Type field displays the type of indexing to use with the file that you specified (used in Envision 4.7 Complete the File Indexing (UTBI) form as follows: In the File field. to index multiple files. or the Multiple File Indexing (UTBA) form. . enter the name of a file for which indexing needs to be maintained.7 only). Technical Tip: If your account is set up for Envision/Database Indexing. Figure 40: File Indexing (UTBI) Form Envision 4. March 10. you can change the default target type by using the dropdown list. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. shown in Figure 40. to index your files individually. 232 Runtime Administration. Inc. shown in Figure 41 on page 233.Maintenance: Envision File Services Step 6. You cannot make this change with any other type of accountwide indexing. Use the File Indexing (UTBI) form. and then run it again in each main account linked to the install account. enter an optional saved list of files for indexing. In the Indexes to Maintain fields.CTL from Envision indexing to database indexing. as shown in Figure 41. when converting EXPL. use the Multiple File Indexing (UTBA) form. If computed index columns are calculated. You can also use these fields to enter any index associations that you accidentally removed. For example. 233 . Runtime Administration. only records in this saved list are updated. Figure 41: Multiple File Indexing (UTBA) Form Step 7. select the indexing function that you want to run. March 10. are shared between your install account and your main accounts. such as Express Load files. ALERT! Some files. When converting these files from Envision indexing to database indexing. you will need to run UTBI on the file in the install account and again in each main account to make sure all accounts can access the file correctly. run UTBI in the install account. In the Saved List Name field. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. To maintain indexes on multiple files. Inc. In the Saved List Name field. delete all indexes that you do not want to maintain. enter a saved list of files for indexing.PATCH.File Indexing In the Indexing Function field. Figure 42: Delete Obsolete Index Files (DOIF) Form 234 Runtime Administration. you cannot revert files to Envision indexing. select the type of indexing function that you want to run. Once the Envision index files have been purged. to switch the indexing mode parameter for the application to 4 (exclusively database indexing). Step 1. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . as shown in Figure 42. March 10. Note: Datatel recommends retaining the Envision index files until you are confident that there are no problems with any of the converted files. you can use the Delete Obsolete Index Files (DOIF) form. shown in Figure 39 on page 231. Step 2. When File Conversion Is Complete Complete the following steps after all files have been converted to database indexing. When all files have been successfully converted to database indexing. to purge the Envision index files. In the Indexing Function field. Inc. Use the Envision Parameters Edit (EPED) form.Maintenance: Envision File Services Step 8. File Indexing If you want to do one of the following: Delete the Envision index files in a saved list. Delete all Envision index files in the current application. the selected index files are deleted. March 10. leave all fields blank. enter a saved list name that contains the file names you want to delete in the Delete Saved List field. Runtime Administration. 235 . enter a manual list of files to delete in the Delete File List fields. When you update from the DOIF form. Manually select a group of Envision index files to delete. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. .Maintenance: Envision File Services 236 Runtime Administration. March 10. For reports. a brief description of the report and its fields precedes the technical listing of the procedure definition for the report. This procedure class determines the menu quadrant the Menu Processor places the procedure’s mnemonic. The securable flag determines if users in the field can modify Datatel-defined procedure. Each step has a mnemonic and can optionally have a label and a description. Runtime Administration. remember that values that appear in square brackets ([]) are variable. “User Screens” show the name of the screen and the process name. The bottom section of the report shows each step defined for the procedure. The description is free-form text. March 10. including the following: How procedures are defined What results did a given procedure produce when run For each report documented. “IF” and “STMT” steps show the detailed information for the analyst-defined special statement. which are evaluated based on user entries at runtime. The JRPT report also lists the date/operator stamp for when the procedure was added and when it was last changed. Procedure steps that are “jobs” have listed the mnemonic and the calling interface to the Procedure Generator. Procedure Rules Documentation The Procedure Rules Documentation (JPRT) report lists the specifications for an Envision procedure. 237 . While reviewing the technical listings. The seven Runtime reports documented in this section allow you to retrieve valuable information. The first section of the report describes global information for the procedure. “List” specifications show the criteria for generating the list. the procedure class is “P” for “Process”. The phantom allowed flag determines if the procedure is executable as a background process. including sort and select options and any branching on error. Inc. the procedure class is always “R” for “Report”. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Maintenance Envision Runtime Reports A number of reports and documentation features are included with Envision Runtime and therefore are available to every Envision-based application. for procedures that are not reports. 238 Runtime Administration. . The value shown in square brackets ([]) is the access a user who meets that criteria has to a requested record: “I” is for “Inquiry” and “A” is for “All”. The first section of the report shows the description of the resolution definition and the file on which the template is operating. March 10. Each component part has displayed the character that represents it in the block image. the length and justification of the part and the definition for what displays in that part. Record Security Specifications The Record Security: List Specs (RPRT) report lists the record security definitions for a particular file. The second part of the report shows the current definition of record security on the selected file. Each letter in the display block corresponds to a letter in the part listing. These display blocks show the user information to aid his choice of a record ID. The last section of the report shows how a block of resolution data would appear. The first part of this report shows the file for which you are securing records and whether the security definition is currently enforced.Maintenance: Envision Runtime Reports Lookup Resolution Specifications The Lookup Resolution Specifications (LPRT) report lists the definitions for a resolution screen called when the LookUp Processor finds more than one record ID match to a user’s input. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. the line of the block on which it appears. Inc. This section also shows the key transformation subroutine if one has been specified. This first part also shows who last changed the security definition and when it was changed. This definition includes the record security criteria shown here as a select statement. the column of that line in which it appears. The second section of the report describes each component part of a display block. This display block also shows the template text for the resolution screen. still in progress [[F]] for finished [[C]] for canceled by the user The third report block column shows the accumulated totals for the procedure. Inc. 239 . Runtime Administration. if applicable. Next. Each step in an executed procedure will have its own report block. The last column shows the start time and duration for the procedure step.Batch Error Report Batch Error Report The Batch Error Report (UTBE) details the step-by-step results of selected procedures. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. The next section shows the results of each step for the procedure. The second column describes what the procedure step was doing and what the status of the step is. The first section of this report shows information concerning the overall procedure. A step can have one of the following statuses: [[S]] for started. any error messages from the procedure steps are shown. The first column of information on this report shows the particular job statistics record used to generate the report. The second column of this report shows which step the report block is describing. This column also shows the description of the error. Job Statistics Report The Job Statistics Report (UTJR) lists all the information available about executed procedure. Finally. UTJR shows the actual paragraph created by the Procedure Generator to run the procedure. UTXL shows the new values for the fields that changed. enter the date on which the transaction occurred. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Changed. Each report block this report shows one transaction for a record in the logged file. additions and deletions for a file based on the records stored in the file’s transaction log file. as well as all the fields which are affected by the transactions. Deleted) are shown in the first column of each report. The three transaction types (Added. Inc. The next column shows the time the transaction occurred and the operator for the transactions. Finally. .Maintenance: Envision Runtime Reports Audit Trail Report The Audit Trail Report (UTXL) lists the changes. The next column shows the record in the logged file affected by the transactions as well as the original values for the fields that changed. March 10. 240 Runtime Administration. The frequency of use for each file varies from site to site. Condensing programs allow you to consolidate history information in its own file. and condensing programs are provided within the modules of your application software. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. You can still access the demographic information. You should review the following files on a periodic basis: Data files updated by the application software Background system files Database management files Data Files Purging. therefore. This chapter describes the types of files to purge and provides procedures to remove records from several frequently used files. Runtime Administration. Archiving programs allow you to move your data to a set of archiving files to allow more space in your working files. 241 . occurs at different time intervals for each system administrator. Purging programs remove the data from your system and often allow you to dump the data to tape. archiving. See the user documentation for your modules for details on the programs provided within that module.Maintenance Purging Files To ensure that your system runs at peak performance. The purging of these files. you should remove obsolete records from heavily used files. The removal of obsolete records is called purging. March 10. You can even specify no selection criteria to completely clear the job statistics file. As with most Envision procedures.Maintenance: Purging Files Background System Files The following processes store data about a process in background system files as your users run programs. These statistics are stored in the file appl. UTJP. March 10. the first step is to provide the Procedure Generator with the values for its runtime parameters. The detail to which you specify the records to delete is entirely up to you. Batch Status Transaction Logging Batch Status Use the Job Statistics Purge (UTJP) procedure to purge data that is automatically collected and stored when an end user runs a procedure. You can specify a date range if the records you want to delete fall in a period of unusually high activity.PPROCESS. run the Job Statistics Purge procedure. The purge process clears the file of the selected data. 242 Runtime Administration. Several options allow you to selectively delete a finite number of records. run the application for which you wish to purge the PPROCESS file. your important procedures are run at night and the statistics records you wish to delete are all from daytime jobs. the start and end times of the procedure. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. as well as detailed statistics for each step in the procedure. This data is used not only to track the current status of a procedure while it is still running. where appl is the mnemonic for the current application. You can specify a time range if. You can select to purge records for a list of selected users or for a list of particular procedure mnemonics. To delete obsolete statistics records. but is also used to generate the Job Statistics Report (UTJR). For the Job Statistics Purge procedure the front-end screen is used to gather the values of the parameters. Inc. for instance. From the main menu of the application. The job statistics include the date the procedure was run. the records the procedure processed. You can selectively delete records by specifying selection criteria. The data includes the operator’s login ID and the date and time the transaction was created. Inc. You delete records: Within a specific date range or time range For specified users or records By type. Envision stores transaction data in the log file TX_filename. This purge process clears the transaction log file of the records you select. including old and new values for changed transactions The batch program which performs the actual deletion of the selected records automatically generates a report of the records it has purged from the selected transaction log file. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. This report is run before the purging is done. 243 .Background System Files A final option on this front-end screen allows you to generate a detailed report of the records deleted from the job statistics file. If you specify no selection criteria. when run. The purging batch program. First select the file for which you would like to purge transaction log records. Transaction Logging Use the TXLOG Purge (UTTP) procedure to purge data that is automatically collected and stored for a file that has the transaction logging feature enabled. the procedure removes all of the records from the selected transaction log file. You can cancel out of the procedure before the records are deleted if you do not want to purge the selected record. Transaction data includes all records added. changed. The TXLOG Purge procedure begins with a front-end screen which allows you to select specific transaction records for deletion from the transaction logging file. automatically prints a report of the records it has deleted. where filename is the name of the file for which you are logging transactions. Runtime Administration. or deleted within the file. March 10. therefore. The SAVEDLISTS file stores the lists of IDs whenever the report or procedure requires the generation of a list. The PH file stores the record of procedure execution whenever a procedure is run as a background process. The time it takes to do backups is also affected by the size of these directories. Inc. While Envision Runtime does not provide specific screen or batch processes to aid you in removing records from these files. 244 Runtime Administration. the following sections describe the procedures you can follow to remove records from these files. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. It is important. that you periodically clean out the obsolete records from these files. .Maintenance: Purging Files Database Management Files Three database files are used by Envision Runtime whenever a procedure is run: HOLD PH SAVEDLISTS The HOLD file is the target file for any report or other procedure output which the user selected to view at his terminal. Database Management System Files Naming Conventions UniData and SQL Server _HOLD_ _PH_ SAVEDLISTS These files can affect the performance of your system if they become too large. Step 2. sorting by ID. Some records in this file are keyed by the date and time the user sent report output to the HOLD file.LIST HOLD. March 10. In the database environment.Database Management Files HOLD The HOLD file is the database file in which Envision Runtime writes report output for processing by the BROWSE utility.LIST 2. Save this list to the SAVEDLISTS file. sorting by ID. Inc. In order to purge the HOLD file: 1. retrieve the list you just modified and delete the records from the HOLD file: :GET. file the list back into SAVEDLISTS. :SSELECT HOLD :SAVE. PH The PH file stores the record of all processes run in background mode. Save this list to the SAVEDLISTS file.LIST Runtime Administration. select the HOLD file. In the database environment.LIST HOLD. :SSELECT PH :SAVE. When the list contains only those records you wish to remove from the HOLD file. Each record in the PH file has a multi-part key: The ID of the VOC record run in background mode The internal representation of the time the process was run The internal representation of the date on which the process was run In order to purge the PH file: Step 1. 3. Other records in the HOLD file have IDs that are strings the users entered. 245 . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Determine the HOLD file records that you want to save. select the PH file. Answer [[Y]] to this prompt.LIST :DELETE HOLD The system prompts you to make sure you wish to delete records from the file using a select list. Remove the line containing the name of the record that you want to save from the list. Edit the list you just created. In the database environment.LIST PH. When the list contains only those records you wish to remove from the SAVEDLISTS file. Step 3. Edit the list you just created. select the SAVEDLISTS file. For each record that you want to save. In order to purge the SAVEDLISTS file: Step 1. In the database environment.LIST :DELETE SAVEDLISTS The system prompts you to make sure you want to delete records from the file using a select list.LIST :DELETE PH The system prompts you to make sure you want to delete records from the file using a select list. sorting by ID. retrieve the list you just modified and delete the records from the PH file: Step 5. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Save this list to the SAVEDLISTS file. Answer [Y] to this prompt. Envision Runtime also uses the SAVEDLISTS file to temporarily store lists of record IDs for use in procedures. remove the line containing the name of the record from the list. file the list. When the list contains only those records you wish to remove from the PH file.LIST Step 2. March 10. In the database environment. Retrieve the list you just modified and delete the records from the SAVEDLISTS file: :GET. 246 Runtime Administration.LIST command.LIST SAVEDLISTS.Maintenance: Purging Files Step 3. Answer [Y] to this prompt. :GET.LIST PH. Step 4. :SSELECT SAVEDLISTS :SAVE. Edit the list you just created. SAVEDLISTS The SAVEDLISTS file stores any created list a user has saved using the SAVE. Determine the SAVEDLISTS file records you want to save. . Inc. file the list back into SAVEDLISTS. remove the line containing the name of the record that you want to save from the list. Determine the PH file records you want to save.LIST SAVEDLISTS. Runtime Administration Troubleshooting . . secure the cables to the floor. however. must be done from the user remote account that initiated the process. Because the user remote account does not have the vocabulary to do the setup for the recovery. The actual recovery. you should consider disabling [BREAK]. Keep terminal cables out of the way. Recovery Guidelines Occasionally application programs are interrupted because: A user breaks out of a program or turns off a terminal. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. There has been a power failure. March 10. you should take precautions to guard against some of these interruptions. or The system has halted. The final chapter outlines common problems and their corresponding solution. The system has forced a logout of a terminal. In fact. Train users not to turn terminals off during a process and not to break out of programs.Troubleshooting Introduction to Troubleshooting The Troubleshooting section of Runtime Administration provides information you need to understand how to troubleshoot the software. 249 . Inc. As system administrator. Runtime Administration. this must be done from the main remote account. and if necessary. Step 1. 250 Runtime Administration. When the program has successfully completed. the time remaining. the VOC paragraph is deleted. These steps may include programs. This paragraph is written to the VOC and to the JOBSTATS files with the key of mnemonic_loginID_time_date. Step 5. When you run a program. the status in VBS changes from a blank to “started”. At this point. you have the appropriate information to call Response Line to assist in recovery. Or you may be able to start the process where it left off. the program builds a paragraph containing the steps that the program will follow. As each step of the paragraph is run. Step 2. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. and the number of errors. the status changes to “finished”. If you choose to restart the process from the beginning. March 10. You may be able to restart the process from the beginning depending on the implications of the completed steps. When the step is complete. Below are these steps and the utilities that allow you to view the status of each step. you can determine the step that the program stopped on by looking at the VBS form. Detail to View Single Batch Job Step (VBSD) to view additional details for each step including the last record read. The completed steps remain in the JOBSTATS file and may be reviewed for errors in VBS. You can view the paragraph from the View Batch Process Status (VBS) form. the elapsed time. In either case. and select statements. . the Rerun a Procedure (UTRR) form allows you to either start the process from the beginning or recreate the VOC paragraph with the process steps. subroutines. VBS shows the number of records processed and remaining. Inc.Troubleshooting: Introduction to Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Envision-Based Software In order to troubleshoot an interrupted program. In addition. Step 3. Step 4. If the program is interrupted. you may do so within UTRR. it is helpful to understand the steps that a program follows during execution. Troubleshooting Envision-Based Software If you want to restart the process where the process left off. You can then run the paragraph and it will pick up with the next step. Inc. choose the option to recreate the VOC record. March 10. You may then edit the VOC record and delete the steps from the paragraph that successfully completed. in UTRR. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Runtime Administration. 251 . . Inc.Troubleshooting: Introduction to Troubleshooting 252 Runtime Administration. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 253 . Problem statements are shown in italics and causes are underlined. Inc. Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10.Troubleshooting Problems in Envision Applications System Setup or Security Issues This chapter lists some commonly encountered problems. followed by the cause of the problem and its solution. Go to the display table field and use the LookUp Processor to select a valid display table. My terminal display is all messed up when I enter an application. run SND and determine the DEVICES type from the user’s line number. 254 Runtime Administration. Troubleshooting: Problems in Envision Applications Cause Invalid or missing OPERS record. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. use the user’s login ID as the DEVICES type. Run SDD from any application for the device definition in question. Solution Check the user’s OPERS record. Check the user’s DEVICE record. March 10. with their causes and solutions Table 12: Problems With System Setup or Security Problem I get logged out when I try to enter an application. Run SDD from any application for the device definition in question. Go to the display table field and use the LookUp Processor to select a valid display table. . Enter the application and run SOD. Missing or invalid display table defined in the DEVICES record. run SND and determine the DEVICES type from the user’s line number. You may need to define the desired keyboard table.Table 12 lists common problems with system setup or security. Start with the application the user is trying to run. For port-based systems. use the user’s login ID as the DEVICES type. Missing or invalid keyboard table defined in the DEVICES record. If the user should only access the current application. For port-based systems. create a new OPERS record through SOD. Inc. For switch-based systems. For switch-based systems. Make sure the Name field has data entered. If the user’s OPERS record is not in the current application. determine if the OPERS record is in an application higher up in the tree. The function keys on my keyboard don’t do what the template says they are supposed to. Check the user’s DEVICE record. Solution Check the spelling of the entered mnemonic. Initial application mnemonic is a screen process. The security class assigned for field security. Re-initialize Envision. A mnemonic does not show up on the menu. make sure the operator definition includes the security class for the secured mnemonic. I can’t enter data into a field on a screen. Then check the user’s security classes on SOD. If the user has a specific operator definition for the current application. enter the correct spelling. If spelled incorrectly. System Setup or Security Issues I made changes to (Record Security User Characteristics. If the user does not have an operator definition for the current application. Check the Field Security definition for the field in question on SCDF. The Runtime Menu Processor does not show mnemonics for which a user has no security rights. If the user should have access to more than one process. Make sure the initial menu mnemonic for the user is a menu. 255 Cause Invalid mnemonic or insufficient security rights. add the proper security class for the secured field. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. check the initial menu mnemonic on SOD. Record Security Criteria. A user can re-initialize the Envision environment by: • leaving the database environment entirely and returning • logging off the system and starting the login procedure over again • returning to the database environment prompt and executing the Envision initialization program ENVINIT. When I run another process. . all I see are asterisks. If the user should have access to the process. either add a specific operator definition for the current application or check the operator definition for the next higher application in the tree. or Data doesn’t show for a field. If the user should have access to the data in the field. not a menu. When I enter an application. Insufficient Field Security Rights. Changes to some Runtime screens do not take effect until Envision is re-initialized. Runtime Administration. check the operator definition in the next higher application. the changes don’t show up. Inc. see the solution to the last problem. If the user has insufficient security rights for a mnemonic.Table 12: Problems With System Setup or Security (cont’d) Problem My terminal just beeps when I enter a mnemonic at a menu prompt. Insufficient security right for the mnemonic. If the user is supposed to have access to the process. If the user does not have an operator definition for the current application. check the user’s security class for the current application on SOD. a screen runs and then I exit from the application without seeing a menu. March 10. Transaction Logging). check if the user is supposed to use that process and check the security class definition on SCD for the secured mnemonic. 256 Runtime Administration. Troubleshooting: Problems in Envision Applications Cause Envision has “timed out” the terminal. Inc. Solution The operator definition has a lapsed time specified. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The user must re-enter his Envision password defined on SOD. I tried to view the COMO record using BROWSE and I was blown out. To prevent a user from BROWSEing a COMO file. You must re-initialize Envision. I had a COMO running while executing a screen. . A user can re-initialize the Envision environment by: • leaving the database environment entirely and returning • logging off the system and starting the login procedure over again • returning to the database environment prompt and executing the Envision initialization program ENVINIT. The BROWSE utility cannot process terminal display characters. you may consider removing the &UFD& directory file from the BROWSE file authorization list on UTFA.Table 12: Problems With System Setup or Security (cont’d) Problem I left my terminal for a while and now the system prompts me for a password. March 10. call Datatel. “FATAL security fault: Missing Renewal Code Record” “SYSTEM DATE current. Since the stored last login date is based on the current system date. The date stored as the last login date precedes the system date on your computer. Inc. DEVICES. the system date on your computer is incorrect. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Runtime Error Messages . RFSPECS or UFSPECS).Runtime Error Messages Table 13 lists common Envision initialization error messages with their causes and solutions. call Datatel if the VOC record for the file seems in order. 257 Cause One of the following transapplication files is missing: • SYSDEFS • DEVICES • VOC • SAVEDLISTS • REFSPECS • UPSPECS • UFD • HOLD • PH Solution Check the VOC file definitions for each file ENVINIT cannot open. make sure you are attached to a valid database account in which an Envision-based application has been installed. There may have been a problem with your last release installation or VOC pointers may be damaged. If the bad file is an Envision file (SYSDEFS. If the VOC file is the bad file. Table 13: Envision Initialization Error Messages Message “FATAL: bad. Reset the system date for your computer. If the bad file is a database file (one with “&” in its name). create the file on your account. The renewal codes control what Envision modules you can run. Call Datatel.file is not present” Runtime Administration. There may have been a problem with your last release installation or VOC pointers may be damaged. If the message persists.date precedes previous login date” “Envision not initialized” Missing or invalid renewal codes detected. March 10. Check the VOC pointer for the SYSDEFS file. “Unauthorized access to secured terminal. module not operable. Solution Call Datatel immediately. Troubleshooting: Problems in Envision Applications Cause The current date is past the date defined as the expiration date for the specified module. There may have been a problem with your last release installation or VOC pointers may be damaged.” Envision cannot read the TASKLIST record in the SYSDEFS file. Damaged or missing renewal code record. 258 Runtime Administration. Call Datatel immediately.” Incorrect password entered for a secured terminal. If this record is damaged or missing. There may have been a problem with your last release installation or you may need to install a new release. call Datatel. enter the correct spelling. If the password was misspelled. Check the device definition on the Device Definition (SDD) form and make sure the device password is correct. Call Datatel immediately. There may have been a problem with your last release installation or you may need to install a new release. The date on which your software lease expires has passed. call Datatel immediately. .” “Warning: Lease to module expired date (n days grace)” “Please contact Datatel” “FATAL security fault: Bad Customer Number in Renewal Code Record“ “FATAL: Network definitions not present. It should be pointing to the current release account.Table 13: Envision Initialization Error Messages (cont’d) Message “Lease for module expired date. If the password is not misspelled. Inc. If both the SYSDEFS VOC record and the TASKLIST record in SYSDEFS are in order. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. There may have been a problem with your last release installation or VOC pointers may be damaged. The renewal codes control what Envision modules you can run. you may think the password is one thing while Envision thinks it is another. CTL* • PRCS. determine if the OPERS record is in an application higher up in the tree. Runtime Error Messages . Be sure the Name field has data. See your system administrator.” Missing or invalid OPERS record. If there is no data in the field. the OPERS record is invalid. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Table 14: Application Initialization Error Messages Message “Missing file: appl.LONG* • INSERTS • MENU* • OBJ • OPERS* • PARMS* • PPROCESS* • PRCS. create a new OPERS record through SOD. If the user should only access the current application. Check the user’s OPERS record. Enter the application and run the SOD form. If the user’s OPERS record is not in the current application. Start with the application the user is trying to run.bad.” “Session not established. Inc.” Runtime Administration.SPECS* • HELP* • HELP.Table 14 lists common application initialization error messages with their causes and solutions.DEF • PRCS. 259 Cause Missing or invalid application file. Solution Check the VOC pointers for each of the application files for the current application (an asterisk (*) means is subject to tree reads): • CDD • DOC • ENV* • ERROR* • FILE.GEN* • PRINTERS* • QBEDEF* • SECLASS* • SOURCE • SUBROUTINES • VALCODES* • VOC “Improperly set up user: login.applfile All base application files must be present. March 10. check if the user is supposed to use that process and check the security class definition on SCD for the secured mnemonic. If the user has typed in what he thought was the correct password. See your security administrator“ The user’s access to the application is near its end. check the Envision password on the SOD form. If the password was misspelled. do nothing: the user will be unable to enter the application on or after that date. make sure the operator definition includes the security class for the secured mnemonic. See your system administrator“ 260 Runtime Administration. “Access to appl has been denied” Invalid operator definition or incorrect Envision password. Solution Check the spelling of the entered mnemonic. If the user has insufficient security rights for a mnemonic. If the user has a specific operator definition for the current application. Troubleshooting: Problems in Envision Applications Cause Mnemonic defined for the initial menu mnemonic on SOD is invalid. either add a specific operator definition for the current application or check the operator definition for the next higher application in the tree. March 10. If this message appears with another message. “WARNING: Your password expires on date. If the user should continue to have access to the application. the user has entered an incorrect Envision password. change the password expiration date on the SOD form. If this message appears alone. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.menu.Table 14: Application Initialization Error Messages (cont’d) Message “Invalid startup menu of bad. If the user does not have an operator definition for the current application. see above for the other message. “Password expired on date” The user’s password has expired. delete the user’s operator definition. If spelled incorrectly. enter the correct spelling. . If the user’s access to the application should end on the date specified. If the user should have access to the process. Inc. check the password expiration date on the SOD form. If the user’s need to access your system has ended. If the user should still have access to the application in question. check the user’s security class for the current application on the SOD form. have the user type in the correct password. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. Inc. Table 15 lists the topics covered in this chapter. 261 . Table 15: Topics in this Chapter Topic Overview of the GRDS System System Integrity Checking Envision On-demand Diagnostic Systems On-demand Diagnostics Using GRDS Automatically Generated Services Programmer-Specified Services Accessing GRDS On-demand Diagnostics Using the UTDB Form GRDS and UTDB: Do They Interact? 262 263 264 266 279 285 286 288 292 Page Runtime Administration.Troubleshooting Envision Diagnostics In This Chapter This chapter provides information that helps explain and demonstrate the various diagnostic systems available in Envision. Diagnostic Logging. this functionality employs: The following EBSL statements: SHOWA and SHOWC The following forms: • Turn GRDS Logging On (GRS1) • Turn GRDS Logging Off (GRS0) • GRDS Services Set (GRSS) • GRDS Service Detail (GRSD) • Process Group Definition (PRGR) • Monitor tail end of OS file (TAIL) 262 Runtime Administration. This is an on-demand feature. . This enables logging of runtime diagnostic output. this functionality employs: The following Envision-Based Software Language (EBSL) statements: CONFIRM and THROW_ERROR. System Integrity Checking. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Among other things. Inc. The following forms: • Set Session Confirm Level (SSCL) • Thrown Errors – List (TELI) • Thrown Errors – Detail (TEDT) • Thrown Errors – Purge (TEPU) 2. development. This functionality runs continuously and does not require anyone to manually activate it. This enables the system to continually perform integrity checks as it runs. or troubleshooting.Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics Overview of the GRDS System The Generated Runtime Diagnostic Services (GRDS) system encompasses two different runtime functionalities: 1. It must be manually turned on and off by a developer or support staff whenever they need such information for training. Among other things. CONFIRM. Inc.System Integrity Checking System Integrity Checking The GRDS system facilitates the embedding of self-diagnostic code into Envision processes.CONFIRM.) Datatel highly recommends that the level be set to the highest number in every test and development environment.CONFIRM. without affecting other users. (The display is suppressed when running in background mode or in WebAdvisor). The Set Session Confirm Level (SSCL) form can be used to do this. (Deleting the command from the LOGIN paragraph is equivalent to setting the level to 0. The errors are logged to the UT. they can increase or decrease this for a given environment. 263 . and displays and logs an error if the test fails. March 10. Runtime Administration.LEVEL 0 for the least amount of checking.LEVEL 2 for the greatest amount of checking. It is also possible to temporarily change the level for just the login session.THROWN.LEVEL" statement to the LOGIN paragraph. This code tests for required (expected) conditions and values.ERRORS file can be examined by using the Thrown Errors – List (TELI) form and purged with the Thrown Errors – Purge (TEPU) form. System administrators have control over the amount of system resources that the system devotes to self-diagnosis.ERRORS file. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. See the statements CONFIRM and THROW_ERROR in the Envision Basic Commands Reference manual for more information on how developers add integrity checks to their processes. By adding a "SET. These types of errors are usually an indication of either a bug or data corruption. The online help for the SSCL form provides more information. The contents of the UT.THROWN. and use SET. System administrators should use SET. By requesting any numeric GRDS service. There is no need to use the UTDB form for non-WebAdvisor debugging. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. but it is important to understand that the GRDS system is backward compatible with the UTDB process. 264 Runtime Administration. the GRDS system is significantly more powerful and easier to use. however. The GRDS system is designed to make it easier and quicker to debug and analyze Envision-generated processes. . Among these are automatically generated (thus universally available) services. The Generated Runtime Diagnostic Services (GRDS) is a subsystem of Envision that uses the generator to embed diagnostic code into processes. improved system for debugging Envision. Both systems can help you determine possible sources of problems.Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics Envision On-demand Diagnostic Systems There are two on-demand diagnostic systems for Envision: the Generated Runtime Diagnostic Services (GRDS) system and the older UT Process Debug Activation (UTDB) form. the GRDS system is the newer. For more information see “Automatically Generated Services” on page 279. all diagnostic codes that predate the GRDS system will also be triggered. Inc. Although you can still use the UTDB form to help you determine possible sources of problems. You can also still use the UT Process Debug Activation (UTDB) form to trigger diagnostic code that predates the GRDS system. Advantages of Using the GRDS System Auto-generated Logging Services GRDS provides services that are not available using the UTDB form. or similar terminology.DEBUG in the UTDB process. For more information. GRDS collects an entire session’s diagnostics into a single chronological view. cross-process picture of the entire session. Because GRDS is generated code. You (or someone at another work station) can view the diagnostics in real time in a separate window. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. and Consistent GRDS diagnostics do not interfere with (corrupt or hide) your currently displayed screen. Easy to Use. GRDS enforces using the process ID as the trigger string. because the generator takes over as much of the work as possible. see “System Integrity Checking” on page 263. one piece of information at a time.Envision On-demand Diagnostic Systems Self-Diagnostic Services GRDS supports Triggered Assertion Checking. or transmit the log via e-mail. and then disappears. It is easier to embed additional diagnostics into your processes using GRDS. Runtime Administration. Log Saved to Disk The UTDB process does not save its diagnostics. See “Automatically Generated Services” on page 279 and “Programmer-Specified Services” on page 285. and often true even when it is active. For example. then X is the process for which you request services without exception. 265 . The log file is written to disk. The IT industry also refers to this concept as “Embedded Self-diagnostics”. GRDS is implemented the same way in all processes. You cannot easily collect the diagnostics into a seamless. “Enforced Design by Contract”. Inc. March 10. Efficient. which allows you to review the log later. To access GRDS diagnostics for process X. various inserts and macros have been developed to initialize DATATEL. The text is displayed. it provides more consistency. For more information. The code generated for GRDS tends to be more efficient than what was handcoded for the UTDB form. and into a log file. see the “Sample GRDS Log” beginning on page 267. This is true when debugging is inactive. • You can see a list of available service codes by accessing validation code GRDS. • The generator creates most of this code. March 10.Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics On-demand Diagnostics Using GRDS The main components of the Generated Runtime Diagnostic Services (GRDS) system are: Dormant blocks of code embedded in Envision-generated source code files. Inc. • These blocks of code provide GRDS “services. each associated with its own service code. • You specify the service(s) you want to activate for each process or collections of processes. Many types of diagnostic services are available. However. A trigger mechanism for requesting GRDS services.” • Each block of code is wrapped in a conditional statement that allows it to execute only when its related service code is requested for a process. GRDS allows you to create additional service code blocks manually. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. You can request these services using the Runtime Analytic Services ON (GRS1) form.SERVICES on the Validation Codes (VAL) form. Figure 43: View Service Codes on VAL 266 Runtime Administration. Envision-Based Software Language (EBSL) statements that allow you to manually add GRDS service code blocks to a process with minimal effort. . or specific processes..... GRDS log services can be classified into two types: automatically generated and programmer-specified... They are universally available for every Envision-generated process except external (EGP) processes. Log ID.. the GRDS system introduces two keywords that make this easy to do: SHOWA and SHOWC.: Windows NT UniData. “Automatically Generated Services” beginning on page 279 are those that are automatically embedded into a process by the generator....OPTIONS ON: 41 U_UDT_SERVER ON 46 U_UNFLUSHDATA ON 88 U_CALLC_CDECL ON Runtime Administration.: jgv Server. Sample GRDS Log This section explains the features of a GRDS log. “Programmer-Specified Services” beginning on page 285 are available only if you have added supporting code to a process.. These services produce diagnostic text at runtime. selected groups of processes.: SAMPLE Started. You do not need to do anything in order for these services to be available. Part 1: Runtime Environment Information The top of a GRDS log shows runtime environment information..... 267 ..1 Build: (5150) UDT..: SDW2K3APP Environment: D:\dev\etk48dev OS.. You can request services for all processes..: 00:04:16 Aug 23 2006 User..: 6.. Although these services require you to embed code into a process.. 2010 © 2010 Datatel... as shown in the following example. Inc.On-demand Diagnostics Using GRDS GRDS allows you to activate a specified set of diagnostic services.. See the Envision Basic Commands Reference manual for more information.. All of the text is collected in chronological order into a single log file.. March 10.. PX.INIT@52 2=MENU.BASE.CC.PROCESS.1 / 02:08:00 Aug 22 2006 / SDW2K3APP / jgv / etk48grds 2_3_4| ks} No active select lists 2_3_4| ae} Arg 1: PROCESS.CHECK. See “How to Read a GRDS Log” on page 270 for more information about the diagnostic text portion of the log.SD 2) S.CWSTATE has 2 fields 2_3_4| ae} <1> =1 2_3_4| ae} <2> =1 2_3_4| ae} -------------<>------------- 268 Runtime Administration.GS.INIT@52 2=MENU.KS.25) 2_3_4| ae} (1.20) has 2 fields 2_3_4| ae} <2> =1 2_3_4| ae} (1.INIT@1710 3=MENU_PRCSR@1814 4=ACCEPT_DATA@15 2_3_4| gs} GEN V4.INIT@1710 3=MENU_PRCSR@15 2_3| gs} GEN V4.8) =10 2_3_4| ae} (1.HS.PRMPT =1 2_3_4| ae} Arg 4: V.INIT @1710) 2_3| cc} 1=UT.8.AD.Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics Part 2: Services Requested The next section shows what was requested.INIT / 3) S.ET.1 / 02:08:38 Aug 22 2006 / SDW2K3APP / jgv / etk48grds 2_3| ks} No active select lists 2_3| ae} Arg 1: MENU.LINE has 2 fields 2_3_4| ae} Arg 5: AR.PE. March 10.1) =MENU_PRCSR 2_3_4| ae} (1. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.AE.SET record used: SAMPLE --------------------------------------------------------------Service Requests ================ 1) * / 1. or press FINISH 2_3_4| ae} Arg 6: R.9) =10 2_3_4| ae} (1. .HX.CWVAR: MAT(50.DEBUG.21) =Enter Mnemonic or Selection Number. --------------------------------------------------------------GRAS.MENU = 2_3| ae} -------------<>------------2_3_\ 2_3_4| pe} * ACCEPT_DATA (from MENU_PRCSR @1814) 2_3_4| cc} 1=UT.REQUEST. Inc.ID =UT 2_3_4| ae} Arg 2: AR.10) =20 2_3_4| ae} (1.NK.LEVEL / --------------------------------------------------------------- Part 3: Diagnostic Text The snippets below are selected segments of a single log file.VWVAR: MAT(25) 2_3_4| ae} (1) =1 2_3_4| ae} (12) =0010001111111011110011 2_3_4| ae} Arg 3: MAX. 2_\ 2_3| pe} * MENU_PRCSR (from MENU.HE.7) =10 2_3_4| ae} (1.8.ID =UT 2_3| ae} Arg 2: POP. A1 GUSV.FILE.A2.STRING has 10 fields: <1> =THIS <2> =IS <3> =A} 2 {TEST} 3 {OF} <4> =MULTI-FIELD <5> =SHOWA <6> =WITH <7> =3rd <8> =fld <9> =having <10> =3values 2_3| hs} -->Enter FLD_ENTRY hook of F5 (GUS.+200 trailing spaces! @542: SHOWA $TABLE(GUSV..INIT@2045 3=S_GUS@1916 4=ACCEPT_DATA@15 2_3_4| gs} GEN V4. 2_3_4| 2_3_4| .FILE..A1... 1} 1} 1} 1} 1} 1} 1} 1} 1} 1} 1} @60: X.GUSV.CWVAR: MAT(50.FILE..On-demand Diagnostics Using GRDS 2_3_4| ad} Arg 2: AR. 269 ..25) 2_3_4| ad} AR. 2_3| 2_3| 1} 1} 1} 1} 1} 1} 2} @123: XTEST1 =THIS HAS~A CONTROL CHARACTER IN IT !Contains non-printing characters! @124: XTEST2 =This has 200 trailing blanks<.Leave FLD_ENTRY hook of F5 (GUS. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| ..1 / 02:08:00 Aug 22 2006 / SDW2K3APP / jgv / etk48grds 2_3_4| ks} No active select lists 2_3_4| ae} Arg 1: PROCESS.ID =S_GUS .VWVAR: MAT(25) 2_3_4| ad} (2) =XGUS 2_3_4| ad} (12) =001000111111101111001100100011111110111100111011110111000000 2_3_4| ad} (16) =0 2_3_4| ad} Arg 5: AR.A3 ======= ======= ======= 1) F G H 2) I J K -------------------------------------------------------------Closing GRDS session log "SAMPLE" at 00:04:31 Aug 23 2006 Runtime Administration.ID) 2_3_\ 2_3_4| pe} * ACCEPT_DATA (from S_GUS @1916) 2_3_4| cc} 1=UT.ID) 2_3| hx} <.CWVAR: <no change> 2_3_4| ks} No active select lists 2_3_4| et} ACTUAL=2063 CPU=16 (milliseconds) 2_3_/ px} * RETURN to MENU_PRCSR @1814 (from ACCEPT_DATA) 2_3| ad} <no change> 2_3| ks} No active select lists 2_3| et} ACTUAL=2078 CPU=16 (milliseconds) .INIT@52 2=MENU.A2 GUSV.A3) GUSV.GUSV. Inc....TEST.8.ID) 2_3| hs} -->Enter FLD_ACCEPT hook of F5 (GUS. 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| . VWVAR: MAT(25) Process Entry The process entry (pe) line is always preceded by a blank line. In the example above. A "/" indicates that the call chain is getting smaller. This is a series of integers that represents the current call chain. Service Code Next.VWVAR: MAT(25) Outliner After the chain prefix is either a "\". "/" or "|" A "\" indicates that the call chain is getting larger. the service code that caused that line to be logged. Each integer stands for one process currently active in the chain. it shows that ACCEPT_DATA was called from line 1814 of process MENU_PRCSR. a right brace "}". 270 Runtime Administration. March 10. To reduce the size of the log (and because it never changes). 2010 © 2010 Datatel. there is usually a space. 2_3| ks} No active select lists 2_3_\ 2_3_4| pe} * ACCEPT_DATA (from MENU_PRCSR @1814) A process entry line shows the ID of the process starting up. Inc.Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics How to Read a GRDS Log Chain Prefix Every line begins with the call chain prefix. . This makes it easier to locate where a process started up. 2_3_4| ad} Arg 2: AR. process 1 is omitted. and how it was invoked. and the diagnostic text. 2_3_4| ad} Arg 2: AR. INIT@1710 3=MENU_PRCSR@15 Arguments Process arguments are shown with the abbreviation "Arg". In the following example.CWSTATE has 10 fields <6> =Bob Runtime Administration. MENU. In the example below. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.INIT to finish.PRMPT and its value is "1". 271 . it shows ACCEPT_DATA terminating and MENU_PRCSR resuming at line 1814.INIT@52 2=MENU. at which time it will resume at line 52.On-demand Diagnostics Using GRDS Process Exit A process exit (px) line shows a process terminating. 2_3_4| ae} 2_3_4| ae} Arg 6: R. and shows where the returned-to process resumes. 2_3_4| ae} Arg 3: MAX.INIT is waiting for MENU. the third and last piece of the call chain.CWSTATE has a value of "Bob". In the example below. the process’ third argument’s name is MAX. at which time it will resume at line 1710. it shows: Currently at line 15 of MENU_PRCSR. 2_3| cc} 1=UT. 2_/ px} * RETURN to MENU_PRCSR @1814 (from ACCEPT_DATA) Call Chain Service A line produced by the call chain (cc) service maps each of the integers in the line’s prefix to a process ID. Inc. March 10. UT.PRMPT =1 Field Counters Field counters are shown inside angle brackets. The following two lines show that field 6 of R.INIT is waiting for MENU_PRCSR to finish. In the following example.VWVAR(1) and AR. and that the third cell contains the value “MD”: 2_3_4| ae} 2_3_4| ae} Arg 2: AR.VWVAR.CWSTATE were null. the first five fields of R.VWVAR(2) are both null because they were skipped (cell number 3 was the first one shown) Null Value A null value is shown with nothing after the equal sign.Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics Null Fields Fields with no data are skipped (to minimize log size).VWVAR: MAT(25) (3) =MD Null Matrix Cells In order to minimize the size of the log. because field 6 was the first field shown. that it is a one-dimensional matrix of 25 cells. it is evident that there are three leading spaces: 2_3| ae} Arg2: POP. AR. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The following two lines show that the process’ second argument is AR. March 10. In the previous example. as are cell indexes. Matrix Dimensions Matrix dimensions are shown in parentheses. 2_3| ae} Arg2: POP.MENU = Leading Spaces The presence of leading spaces can be seen following the equal sign. matrix cells with no data are skipped. . In the previous example.MENU = CSEG ^^^ 272 Runtime Administration. Inc. but null (empty) fields are not shown.BASE.10) =20 (1. 2_3_4| ae} 2_3_4| ae} 2_3_4| ad} ARG 1: A.4).1) =MENU_PRCSR (1.8) =10 (1. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.CWVAR(1.LINE has 2 fields Arg 5: AR. 273 .6). and a "Y"). but their presence is indicated: 2_3_4| 2} @124) XTEST2 =This has 200 trailing blanks<. or press FINISH Arg 6: R.20) has 2 fields <2> =1 (1.20) has no data. a field mark. Some of the many things that can be determined from the following example are: Neither of the two fields in the fourth argument have data. (1.25) (1.CWSTATE has 2 fields <1> =X <2> =Y AE/AD separator The last line produced by the "ae" (Arguments at Entry) service is a line of dashes. The field count is given. This serves to visually separate it from lines produced by the "ad" (Argument Differences) service.CWVAR: MAT(50.CWVAR(1. (1. (1.. Argument 6 contains three characters (an "X".TYPECODE =C2 -------------<>------------ARG 1: A..9) =10 (1. Inc.TYPECODE = Runtime Administration.7).On-demand Diagnostics Using GRDS Trailing Spaces Trailing blanks are not printed. AR.+200 trailing spaces! Strings with Embedded Field Marks A string (simple variable or individual matrix cell) that contains field marks is identified as a multi-field entity. 2_3_4| 2_3_4| 2_3_4| 2_3_4| 2_3_4| 2_3_4| 2_3_4| 2_3_4| 2_3_4| 2_3_4| 2_3_4| 2_3_4| 2_3_4| ae} ae} ae} ae} ae} ae} ae} ae} ae} ae} ae} ae} ae} Arg 4: V.2) is null (as are (1.3).5) =10 (1. The first field of AR.21) =Enter Mnemonic or Selection Number. March 10. In the example below. but multiple values of the same field are shown on the same line.FILE. Inc..STRING has 10 fields <1> =THIS <2> =IS <3> =A} 2 {TEST} 3 {OF} ^ ^^^^ ^^ Screen Hooks Screen hook startups and shutdowns are shown with arrows: "-->Enter . The example below shows a diagnostic line that was produced by line 60 of the process. "<-Leave .Leave FLD_ENTRY hook of F5 (GUS.ID) -->Enter FLD_ACCEPT hook of F5 (GUS..ID) 274 Runtime Administration.FILE.STRING has 10 fields Multi-valued Data Fields are shown one per line.. March 10.Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics Current Location Lines produced by SHOWA or SHOWC log their current location (the line number in the generated source). the third field of X.ID) <. hook" indicates a screen hook finishing. 2_3| hs} 2_3| hx} 2_3| hs} -->Enter FLD_ENTRY hook of F5 (GUS.. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.STRING contains three values: The first is "A" The second is "TEST" The third is "OF" 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| 1} 1} 1} 1} @60: X.FILE.TEST. 2_3| 1} @60: X.TEST. .TEST. hook" indicates a screen hook starting. The net result was that it behaved as if $TABLE(GUSV. 275 .A2.On-demand Diagnostics Using GRDS Control Characters Non-printing characters are replaced by the tilde character.A2 and GUSV.A1) And the system logged the following: 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| 2_3| 1} 1} 1} 1} 1} @542: SHOWA $TABLE(GUSV. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.A2.A1 was part of a subfile that also contained GUSV.GUSV. and a warning is issued: 2_3_4| 1} @123: XTEST1 =THIS HAS~A CONTROL CHARACTER IN IT !Contains non-printing characters! ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $TABLE The effect of the $TABLE function of the SHOWA statement is shown below.GUSV. Runtime Administration.A1. March 10.A3 ======= ======= ======= 1) F G H 2) I J K The system added GUSV.A2 GUSV.A1. Inc.A1 GUSV.A2 and GUSV.A3. The developer specified the following: SHOWA $TABLE(GUSV.A3) GUSV.GUSV.A3) had been specified.A3.GUSV. because it knew that GUSV. Inc.DATA: --> JGV. March 10.Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics Context Markers In order to provide points of references in the log. <*_3| !!} =================================================================== *_3| 2_3_\ pe} * S.. 2_3_\ 2_3_/ px} * RETURN to MENU_PRCSR @1732 (from S_MIO_READ) *_3| *_3| !!} ================================================================ *_3| !!} MNEMONIC: UT-SOD *_3| !!} ================================================================ *_3| 2_/ px} * RETURN to MENU.." was entered into the SOD form’s LookUp prompt.GET. . the system will add Context Markers whenever you select a mnemonic or enter data.RESOLUTN (from UTOPRS @3072) 276 Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.. 2_3_/ px} * RETURN to UTOPRS @2990 (from S_MIO_READ) *_3| *_3| !!} =================================================================== *_3| !!} INPUT.INIT @2094 (from MENU_PRCSR) The context marker below shows that "JGV. It shows that the SOD mnemonic was selected at this point. The lines shown below that start with "*" are a context marker.. These context markers are designed to stand out in the log. .GET.RESOLUTN @145 (from S_MIO_READ) 2_3_/ --} * RETURN to UTOPRS @12 (from S.GET. Inc..INIT@1981 3=UTOPRS@3072 .LKUP.PARSE (from S.INIT@49 2=MENU. PX S_MIO_READ / PE.. 9=S_MIO_READ 2_3_4_5_6_7_8_/ px} * RETURN to S_MIO_SEL @784 (from S_MIO_READ) 2_3_4_5_6_7_/ --} * RETURN to S_MIO_EXECUTE @473 (from S_MIO_SEL) 2_3_4_5_6_/ --} * RETURN to S.PARSE @154 (from S. 412. 404. CC. 7=S_MIO_READ . 277 ..) You might end up with something like the following (line numbers 397-417 added for instructional purposes): 397] 398] 399] 400] 401.SEL. 414. Runtime Administration. it inserts extra lines as needed in order to provide context to the diagnostic text being logged.SELECT. 402.INIT@49 2=MENU.SELECT.INPT.ID.INPT.PARSE @565) 2_3_4_5_6_\ 2_3_4_5_6_7| pe} * S_MIO_READ (from UTRESO @21) 2_3_4_5_6_7| cc} 1=UT..RESOLUTN) 2_3_\ ++} * S.SELECT.LKUP.On-demand Diagnostics Using GRDS Gap Detection When the system detects a gap in the call chain.LISTS @594 (from S_MIO_EXECUTE) 2_3_4_5_/ --} * RETURN to S. 403.INIT@1981 3=UTOPRS@3072 . PX (The PE. CC.GET.ID.LISTS (from S. Note that the only service lines you actually requested were the ones marked with a square bracket. and PX services for processes UTOPRS and S_MIO_READ only.SELECT. For example. 405. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.LKUP....ID.ID. suppose you had requested just the following: UTOPRS / PE. March 10.ID.. 413.LKUP (from UTOPRS @3072) 2_3_4_\ ++} * S.LKUP @335) 2_3_4_5_\ ++} * S.INIT@1981 3=UTOPRS@3072 .LISTS) 2_3_4_5_\ ++} * UTRESO (from S.INIT@49 2=MENU. CC.LKUP. 2_3_4_\ 2_3_4_5| pe} * S_MIO_READ (from S. The rest were filled in by the system when it detected gaps. 407] 408] 409] 410] 411. 406..ID.RESOLUTN @145) 2_3_4_5| cc} 1=UT. 5=S_MIO_READ 2_3_4_/ px} * RETURN to S.PARSE @154) 2_3_4_5_6_\ ++} * S_MIO_EXECUTE (from S.SEL.LISTS @594) 2_3_4_5_6_7_\ ++} * S_MIO_SEL (from S_MIO_EXECUTE @473) 2_3_4_5_6_7_8_\ 2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9| pe} * S_MIO_READ (from S_MIO_SEL @784) 2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9| cc} 1=UT. 415] 416] 417] . after logging line 400 (RETURN to S. the next line it needed to log was the startup of S_MIO_READ by S_MIO_SEL. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics For example. . Inc. The system detected a gap in the call chain. so it filled in that gap with "--}" and "++}" lines.GET.RESOLUTN). This allows you to see how you got from one process to the next. 278 Runtime Administration. KV. NUMBER SELECTED: Log size of select lists active at process start. Inc.. KEYS SELECTED: List keys in select list active at process start. You do not need to do anything in order for these services to be available.Automatically Generated Services Automatically Generated Services An automatically generated service is embedded into a process by the generator. Runtime Administration.. ELAPSED TIME: Log actual and CPU milliseconds.. HOOK EXIT: Log that a screen hook is done. ARGUMENT DIFFERENCES: Like AX. In Mid-Process NK HE HX HS SD NEXT KEY: Log each key value as it is processed by FOR_. CALL CHAIN: Log how process was invoked (show full call chain). Table 16: Automatically Generated Services Code Description At Process Entry PE NS KS CC GS AE PROCESS ENTRY: Log the ID of the process as it starts up. SHOW DEMANDED: Show V. VL. KEYS SELECTED: (Behaves like NS at process exit) ARGUMENTS at EXIT: Log final value of process arguments. GEN STAMP: Log last GEN date/time/version/who. but log only changed arguments. vars when change detected. and KEY. Table 16 lists automatically generated services by the code used to trigger them. ARGUMENTS at ENTRY: Log initial value of process arguments. PROCESS EXIT: Log process ending. HOOK ENTRY: Log and identify screen hooks starting up... 2010 © 2010 Datatel.. At Process Exit NS KS AX AD ET PX NUMBER SELECTED: Log size of select lists active at process start. HOOK SEQUENCE: Log order in which screen hooks are (or would be) executed. They are universally available for every Envision-generated process except external (EGP) processes. March 10. 279 .SELECTED.. Note that AE. AE shows them at the start of the process. Difference) These services show the value of the process arguments. depending on whether or not AE was also requested. . In that case. but not AE. Exit. This is done to avoid showing redundant information: Requesting all three results in only AE and AD being honored. Inc. then logs a line showing: The ID of the process. AX. you can add those "undefined to Envision" arguments to be logged whenever the AE service is requested (similarly for AX and AD). AX & AD (Process Argument Services: Entry. March 10. Often a process will pass data in or out via COMMON rather than arguments defined to Envision. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. results in only AD being honored. Requesting AX and AD. By allowing "@AE" as part of the syntax of the SHOWA statement. PE & PX (Process Entry & Process Exit) The PE service increases the logs indentation level. and AD can also be associated with the SHOWA or SHOWC statements. requesting the "AE" (Arguments at Entry) service for that process will show you an incomplete picture of the data flowing in and out of that routine. If both AX and AD are requested. AD does the same as AX.Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics AE. The current line number of the parent process. AX shows them at the end of the process. then only one is honored. 280 Runtime Administration. The ID of the process that invoked it (its parent process). but shows only those that were changed by the process. The fact that it is starting up. immediately after the key is obtained from the active select list.. The fact that it is ending. first logging a line showing: The ID of the process.Automatically Generated Services The PX service decreases the logs indentation level. The current line number of the parent process (line number where execution resumes). With each iteration of the loop. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 281 . Inc. The ID of the process to which control is being returned (its parent process).... Runtime Administration. GS (GEN Stamp) The GS service logs a line showing information about the last time the process was generated: Date Time Who (Login ID of user) Account name Server name NK (Next Key) The NK service provides diagnostics for processes that use the "FOR_. SELECTED. its value is logged to the GRDS buffer and the buffer is forced to flush (even if not yet full). complete with process IDs and line numbers. CC (Call Chain) The CC service logs a single line showing the complete call chain. March 10." syntax. If there are more than 75 keys active then.Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics The NK service is useful in determining the cause of a process abort. KS behaves differently at process entry than at process exit: • At process exit. • At process entry it logs not only the key count. and the name of the savedlist is provided in the log. NS and KS behave the same. only KS is done at process exit). neither NS nor KS add anything to the log. the default list). Because it forces the GRDS buffer to flush to disk (to the log file).) At process exit. If none of UniData’s ten possible active select lists (numbered 0-9) are active. but also the actual keys themselves (but only for list #0. only KS is done. KS provides only a count of the number of active keys – it does not log the actual keys themselves. the value of the key is written to the log before the system reads the record. KS behaves exactly like NS (if both are requested. March 10. then NS behaves the same way at process entry and process exit. then at process entry. only KS is done. If both were requested. NS & KS (Number Selected & Keys Selected) At process exit. determining which key was being processed at the time of the abort is just a matter of looking at the last line of the log." (If both were requested. If at least one of the select lists is active. . For lists 1-9. If the process aborts. both NS and KS log the same message "No active select lists. 282 Runtime Administration. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. It logs the count of keys active in each of the ten lists that are active. the keys are copied to a savedlist. in the interest of keeping the log from becoming too large. after READ and after return from CALL_SCREEN and CALL_SUBR). and logs their value whenever they have been changed.DATA They differ only in when they execute: HE (Hook Entry).DATA • Output Edit hook: OUTPUT. Exit) All three hook services will log at least one line of text per screen hook. SD (Show Demanded) The SD service checks the value of all V. When the hook has ended (but only if the hook had any code specification for it). Hook Name Point of processing (is hook about to start or just ended?) Field name and number (if a field hook) Window row (if field hook and field is a window) Value of active variable (only for the three hooks listed below) • Input Source hook: INPUT. In both form and batch processes. and . VL. The same context information is shown by all three services.. The HS service is useful when you are not certain of what the order of hook processing is within an Envision form. KV..DATA • Input Edit hook: EDITED. They provide context information (“now at this hook”). HS (Hook Sequence) is like a combination of both HE and HS.Automatically Generated Services HS. KEY. HX (Hook eXit). HE. Inc. When the hook is about to start (but only if the hook has any code specification for it). the check is performed after records are parsed (that is.. It differs from HE and HX in that it provides these context lines even if there is no code specification for the hook.. Entry. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Runtime Administration. 283 . It makes the timing and sequence of the hooks clear. logging both a "hook X is starting" line and a "hook X has ended" line.MODE variables for all demanded files and fields.ADD. In form processes the check is also performed at the start and end of every process and field hook. March 10. & HX (Hook Services: Sequence. It therefore overrides the other two services (the others are ignored if HS is requested). 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. ET (Elapsed Time) This provides a line indicating how many milliseconds the process took. 284 Runtime Administration. try combining the HS and SD services). The actual value behind a field (as opposed to the displayed value). The value of additional (non-displayed) demand fields. such as system parameters. The service also helps clarify when these variables are assigned (for a form process. Inc. .Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics One use for this service is to reveal invisible data (process data not shown on screen): The value of phantom fields. A through Z) produce diagnostic text only if you manually added either SHOWA or SHOWC statements to your process. 3. 7. Inc. 4. March 10. 5. See the Envision Basic Commands Reference manual for more information. 9. The numeric codes are cumulative. 2. Services A through Z are independent of one other. Requesting one automatically requests all lower-numbered services as well. The services that use one-character codes (1. 6. 8. They are not cumulative.Programmer-Specified Services Programmer-Specified Services Programmer-specified services are available only if you added supporting code to your process. Table 17: Programmer-specified Services Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A through Z Description Show manually added level 1 diagnostics Show manually added diagnostics Levels 1-2 Show manually added diagnostics Levels 1-3 Show manually added diagnostics Levels 1-4 Show manually added diagnostics Levels 1-5 Show manually added diagnostics Levels 1-6 Show manually added diagnostics Levels 1-7 Show manually added diagnostics Levels 1-8 Show manually added diagnostics Levels 1-9 Show manually added diagnostics for only the letter selected The GRDS system keywords SHOWA and SHOWC allow you to easily embed code into processes as required by these manual services. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Runtime Administration. 285 . Turn GRDS Logging On (GRS1) The GRS1 form allows you to turn GRDS logging on. Turn GRDS Logging Off (GRS0) The GRS0 form allows you to turn GRDS logging off. 286 Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics Accessing GRDS Access the Envision Diagnostic Tools (EDT) menu in UT under the System User (SU) menu. GRDS Services Set (GRSS) The GRSS form allows you to define named sets of service requests. March 10. Inc. Figure 44: Envision Diagnostic Tools Menu Set Session Confirm Level (SSCL) The SSCL form allows you to set the session CONFIRM level. . THROWN. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Runtime Administration.ERRORS file.Accessing GRDS Monitor tail end of OS file (TAIL) The TAIL form mimics UNIX's tail command in that it allows you to monitor an OS-level file as it grows.THROWN. These groups can then be referenced on the GRDS service request forms (GRSS and its detail form GRSD) to quickly request the same set of services for a collection of processes. The TAIL form can be used by person A to monitor person B’s GRDS diagnostic log. Thrown Errors – Purge (TEPU) The TEPU form allows you to purge entries from the UT.ERRORS file. Inc. Thrown Errors – List (TELI) The TELI form displays a list of entries in the UT.ERRORS file. Process Group Definition (PRGR) The PRGR form allows you to define named groups of Envision process IDs. 287 .THROWN. Thrown Errors – Detail (TEDT) The TEDT form displays all information about one specific entry in the UT. It does so in a platform-independent way. March 10. 3. Envision displays these messages whenever you run the program in debug mode.DEBUG THEN XL. Run the Envision program you want to debug.LEVEL. Activating debug mode for a process consists of the following steps: 1.ID XL. 2.DEBUG. .MSG<-1> = "v. Programmers also create debug messages within the code. The debug string is a unique name that identifies the program for the Envision debug processing. Research the name of the debug string embedded in the program. Enter the debug string on the UTDB form. programmers embed a debug string (usually a process ID or form mnemonic) in the code of that program.id =":V.last. Example IF DATATEL. The first step in using the UTDB form to debug a process is to examine the code to determine this name.DEBUG. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics On-demand Diagnostics Using the UTDB Form This section describes how to use the UT Process Debug Activation (UTDB) form. March 10.DEBUG and DATATEL. Programmers generally place Envision debug messages within a statement that checks the value of the special variables DATATEL. v.MSG<-1> = "entering special process.NAME $INSERT I_DEBUG END 288 Runtime Administration. Inc.LAST.name =":V.DEBUG. Research the Debug String To make it possible for a program to run in debug mode. On-demand Diagnostics Using the UTDB Form Specify UT Process Debug Activation (UTDB) Parameters To turn on the Envision debug mode for a process. Information about debugging WebAdvisor processes is available in WebAdvisor documentation and online help for the UTDB form. Figure 45: UT Process Debug Activation (UTDB) Form Step 1. The entire string is reset to Null. The fields in the lower part of the form are used to debug WebAdvisor processes. enter the process’s unique debug name into the appropriate fields on the UTDB form. To quickly remove all current debug strings for UI Desktop/web. The information you enter on this form is appended to special variable UT. 289 . Technical Tip: Use the fields in the upper part of this form for debugging UI Desktop/web processes.DEBUG. or until you use the Clear String fields to clear the debug string. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. enter Y in the Clear String field. The process continues to run in Envision debug mode for as long as you are logged into the current session. Inc.STRING. Runtime Administration. This field does not clear the WebAdvisor debug strings. Use the UTDB form shown in Figure 45 to activate debug mode. March 10. 1 showing the least amount of information. The default read cache size is taken from the Read Cache Size field on the Envision Parameters Edit (EPED) form (for Envision 4. Step 7. you begin to receive MIO debug messages. you may want to see only certain levels of output. When you enter text.READ. Step 6. which are keyed by SenderControlID*counter*SecurityToken*[processID].READ. then 100 is used as the default. and accessing a form that runs MIO functions. Enter Y to turn on MIO (Main Input/Output) debugging. saving from this form. If your read cache size is a negative number. MIO logs all read requests into the HOLD file under a key name of USERID. the Debug String field is updated.7). Spaces in the text are ignored by the debug string. .SCREEN. Note: You can also remove a string that already exists in the Debug String field by entering that string in the Modify String field Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. (If no value exists on the EPED form. WebAdvisor debug mode remains active as long as the fields on this form contain data. Inc. After entering Y. 290 Runtime Administration. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. and the number of physical reads that occurred. A record is written to the HOLD file. which is named USERID.CACHE (where USERID is an upper case version of your login name). As it runs. Enter Y to clear the read cache log that is generated when read-cache logging is on. You may add multiple debug strings. Enter a process debug name for the process that you want to debug in the Modify String field. You can set the level of debug information from 1 to 99. Envision defaults to 1.CACHE.) Enter zero to turn the cache off.Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics Step 2.DEBUG files. The log file notes each file and record read. Enter the name of the process and ID of the WebAdvisor user you want to debug. and 99 showing the most. (where USERID is an upper case version of your login id). For processes with a large amount of debug information. Enter a negative number to turn a read log to on. Override the default cache size for this session by entering a number between -1000 and 1000. debug messages are written to the WWW. along with the number of times a cache hit occurred. the process runs in Envision debug mode. Envision debug mode displays the messages entered by the programmers to help you determine possible sources of problems with the software or data.SCREEN. 291 . 2010 © 2010 Datatel.DEBUG file that were written during WebAdvisor debugging. March 10.On-demand Diagnostics Using the UTDB Form Refer to the WebAdvisor Debug Information (WADB) form to view a report of records in the WWW. Run the Debugged Form When you enter a process’s debug name on the UTDB form. Runtime Administration. and then run the process needing debugging. Inc. you had also gone to the UTDB form. Just pretend that debug string actually was a process ID and request a numeric service for that "process". and saved out of the UTDB form. Both types of diagnostics will be collected in the same log. . but you can ignore the warning – it will still add the string to UTDB's system common variable. March 10.Troubleshooting: Envision Diagnostics GRDS and UTDB: Do They Interact? The GRDS system was designed to be backward compatible with the UTDB form. Whenever you use the GRS1 form to request any of the numeric services for a process. Therefore it is possible to use GRDS to trigger both old-style (UTDBstyle) diagnostics and diagnostics generated from the SHOWA and SHOWC commands. Everything can be done from within the GRS1 form (and its detail form GRSS). the system automatically adds that process’ “ID” to the same system common variable that the UTDB form maintains. the system behaves as if. Inc. The GRSS form will warn you that it is not a valid process ID. entered the process ID into the “debug string” field. It is not necessary to visit both the UTDB and GRS1 forms to do this. in addition to entering the GRS1/ GRSS forms. In other words. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 292 Runtime Administration. Note: If a legacy process uses something other than its process ID for its debug string. you can still use the GRS1 form to trigger those oldstyle diagnostics. Runtime Administration Appendices . . Appendices System Setup Worksheets Worksheet for Device Definition (SDD) Device Name Display Table Keyboard Runtime Administration. 295 . Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. March 10. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Appendices: System Setup Worksheets Worksheet for System Operator Definition (SOD) Application: Login ID Initial Menu Security Class(es) Envision Password Password Expiration Date 296 Runtime Administration. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. Inc. 297 .Worksheet for Security Classes Worksheet for Security Classes Do Only These Class Name: Never Do These Inquiry Only Privileged Runtime Administration. . March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc.Appendices: System Setup Worksheets Worksheet for Function Keys (SKB1) Keyboard Name: Envision Function Next Field Previous Field Jump to Field Next Group Previous Group Jump to Group Go to First Group Go to Last Group Scroll toward 1st Scroll toward last Scroll to Page # Insert new Group Next Element Previous Element Exit Finish Update Cancel Delete Record Detail Direct Access Process Help Field Help Function Key Help Refresh Screen Key Assignment ASCII Sequence for the Function Key 298 Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 299 .Worksheet for Cursor Keys (SKB2) Worksheet for Cursor Keys (SKB2) Keyboard Name Envision Function Escape Start Function Start Attention Characters Cursor HOME Cursor UP Cursor RIGHT Cursor DOWN Cursor LEFT TAB Cursor Backspace Delete Character Insert Character Erase to Line’s End Erase Whole Line RETURN of ENTER Delete Item/Line In-line Edit Toggle Key Assignment ASCII Sequence for the Cursor Key Runtime Administration. Inc. March 10. Appendices: System Setup Worksheets Worksheet for Graphic Characters Graphic Abbreviation TT LLB ULB URB LT LRB VL NB C RT HL LB DHL BT DVL DB Display Type Name Character Set to Graphic Display Graphic Description Line Character Top T Lower Left Brace Upper Left Brace Upper Right Brace Left T Lower Right Brace Vertical Line Normal Block Cross Right T Horizontal Line Light Block Double Horizontal Line Bottom T Double Vertical Line Dark Block 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Decimal Equivalent of Graphic Line Decimal 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 300 Runtime Administration. . Inc. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. Enter a [[2]] for line attributes. Enter a [[1]] for character attributes. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10.REV Hidden Video attributes occupying a space Type of fill characters Upper case prompts Character Description Graphic Mode Start: the character sequence that will turn on the graphic display. 301 . Enter a [[0]] for all lookup prompts to appear as upper and lower case. Enter a [[0]] if attributes occupy a space. Graphic Mode End: the character sequence that will turn off the graphic display.Worksheet For Special Purpose Characters Worksheet For Special Purpose Characters Display Type Name: Character Abbreviation ST EN NORMAL REVERSE DIM UNDERSCORE BLINK DIM. Enter a [[1]] to convert all template and lookup prompts to uppercase. Normal: the normal video intensity Reverse video Dim video: less intense than normal Underscore Character Blinking video display Reverse video that is dim Enter a [[1]] for hidden video attributes. Enter a [[0]] to divide menus into one or two columns Special Purpose Character Definition Line Character 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Menu Display 44 Runtime Administration. Enter a [[1]] to group menus in to the four quadrants. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Appendices: System Setup Worksheets 302 Runtime Administration. Inc. March 10. a query language table that lists the file and data element names you use to create your own query reports.Appendices Form Reference This appendix provides a reference for all of the forms in Envision Runtime. which describes the general purpose of the form A sample form For data entry and inquiry forms. The table provides information about the field and file names to use when you create queries to retrieve data shown or entered on a form. Runtime Administration. Inc. The forms are presented in alphabetical order by mnemonic. For each form. March 10. the following is provided: A process overview. 303 . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. a Colleague Studio user would shelve or cancel the checkout of their own checked out resources from within Colleague Studio. Inc. the ACSO form allows an authorized user to perform those actions from Envision when the Colleague Studio user who checked out the resource is not available. March 10. Figure 46: Action Checked Out Studio Obj (ACSO) Form 304 Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . However. Normally. The ACSO form should be highly secured.Appendices: Form Reference Action Checked Out Studio Object (ACSO) Use the Action Checked Out Studio Obj (ACSO) form to shelve or cancel the checkout of a resource that is currently checked out in Colleague Studio. RFSPECS (runtime file specs) contains information on various functions that need to be performed on a file when writes occur. A manual list of files to process. All files in the current application (leave both fields blank). 305 . indexing. A saved list name that contains the file names. Inc. This information includes such things as date/operator stamping. This information in the file is generated from the appl.FILE. You can specify one of three ways to define which files to process: 1. and history logging (among others).SPECS file and from UFSPECS. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 2.FILE. 3.SPECS.Refresh RFSPECS (BTRR) Refresh RFSPECS (BTRR) Use the Refresh RFSPECS (BTRR) form to rebuild RFSPECS information from the current appl. This process allows batch rebuilds of the former. Figure 47: Refresh RFSPECS (BTRR) Form Runtime Administration. March 10. Figure 48: Computed Column Library Dply (CCLD) Form 306 Runtime Administration. March 10. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc.Appendices: Form Reference Computed Column Library Dply (CCLD) Use the Computed Column Library Dply (CCLD) form to deploy the computed column library of functions to Oracle or SQL Server (depending on your database) to support computed column usage in Colleague. the type (Computed Column. If a computed column is displayed that you want to make available on the database. and then attempt to generate it. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. or Multi-part Key). 307 . and the application where the item is defined. Inc. Figure 49: Computed Columns Not Deployed (CCND) Form Runtime Administration. IS-type subroutine. This inquiry-only form displays information about computed columns in their environment: the name of the computed column item. March 10. The CCND form allows you to determine whether a particular computed column should be available for database query.Computed Columns Not Deployed (CCND) Computed Columns Not Deployed (CCND) Use the Computed Columns Not Deployed (CCND) form to view all computed column components that are not currently deployed to the database. ensure that the Skip database generation checkbox is not checked in Colleague Studio. Also. When you save from this form. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. enter Y in the Remove and Redeploy Computed Column Objects field to: Remove all C# computed column support objects from the SQL Server database. This field will display the path information specified on the Computed Column Parameters form in SA Valet. For a SQL Server environment only. To run this process. Inc.Appendices: Form Reference CC Reset for SQL Server (CCRS) ALERT! Datatel suggests that you make a backup of your environment before running this process. use the CC Reset for SQL Server (CCRS) form to recreate all computed column functions. Start a re-deploy of the Datatelx and Colleague assemblies. You can review the CCRS report at the end of this process for any errors or warnings that were generated. verify the path to the C# compiler on the application server. Click OK to continue and recreate all computed column functions. all users must be logged out of this environment. 308 Runtime Administration. Next. or click Cancel. Recreate all computed column functions in the SQL Server database. you see a warning message that reminds you that all users should be logged out of the environment and that a backup of the environment should be made. . 309 .CC Reset for SQL Server (CCRS) Figure 50: CC Reset for SQL Server (CCRS) Form Runtime Administration. March 10. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. then the CCSR process will report only on those twenty processes. 310 Runtime Administration.RESULTS file corresponds to a process that was scanned. This file contains the problems found during the CUSC process on all custom processes scanned.WRITE and their location.CODE. For example. Inc. The CCSR report provides the following categories of information: Processes that are compatible for columnar I/O. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Each record in the SCAN. Whereas the CUSC process scans selected or specific processes from within the application. if the CUSC process scanned only twenty processes from within an application. R-dots and their location in the code. .Appendices: Form Reference Custom Scanner Report (CCSR) Use the Custom Scanner Report (CCSR) process to produce a report with the results of the Custom Code Scanner (CUSC) process. The CCSR process will populate the SCAN. see its process help. Note: Before you run the CCSR process.RESULTS file. Direct calls to @MIO. you must first run the CUSC process. depending on the selection criteria. UniData I/O in the code (flat reads and writes). March 10. Number of processes that call each specific process being scanned. or a subset of those twenty. the CCSR process reports on only those particular scanned processes (and not all processes from within the application). Whether processes are classified as Pre-Process Code or Pre-Process Subroutine.READ and @MIO.CODE. For information about the Custom Code Scanner (CUSC) process. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Custom Scanner Report (CCSR) Figure 51: Custom Scanner Report (CCSR) Form Runtime Administration. Inc. 311 . March 10. If items on your custom declaration are already checked out on another custom declaration in this environment. records in any files that you specify in the Records From File group. Remove the conflicting items from the other custom declaration. Run the CPKG process to deliver the other custom declaration. and menus. as well as individual items that can be derived from these. you can use the Custom Release Package Build (CPKG) form to create custom release packages. After you declare and check out custom items. and all processes. Before checking items out. files. you can specify only one process or file. the File Specifications group. You must check out a custom declaration before using it on the CPKG form. The error prevents you from proceeding until you take one of the following steps: Drop the conflicting items off of this custom declaration. March 10. Items include Envision processes. The CPKG process builds the custom release package while also checking in the custom declaration. If the Action field is set to CO (Save Custom Declaration and Check Out Items). For example. you may choose to continue with parallel development. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. files. the CDEC process verifies that an item is not already checked out on another custom declaration in this or a sister environment (other application environments connected to the same local product repository as this application environment). a warning is displayed. or you can specify an entire list of processes. and menus that you specify. files. Datatel recommends that you take one of the preceding steps. and menus. Cancel the check out of the other custom declaration. This list contains the computed columns. You can specify any combination of item types. a list of all derived items is built in the File/Record window. The information you enter using this process is stored in a record in the MOVEINFO file. an error is displayed. . If items on your custom declaration are already checked out on another custom declaration in a sister environment. Inc. each item is marked for custom development in the product repository. available when you detail to the Custom Packaging Detail (CDED) form.Appendices: Form Reference Custom Declaration (CDEC) Use the Custom Declaration (CDEC) form to define items in the current application that you want to declare as customized. 312 Runtime Administration. As you specify the items you want to declare. However. This list is built by scanning the pieces you specified and identifying all associated items. March 10.Custom Declaration (CDEC) Figure 52: Custom Declaration (CDEC) Form Runtime Administration. 313 . Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. entries are automatically added to this list for each piece specified in the Entities and ELF Spec Processes window. and Menus windows. you can use the Include field to choose whether to prevent an item from being released. For further details. 314 Runtime Administration. In addition. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. you can choose whether to maintain this link by using the Auto field. entries are automatically added to this list for each piece specified in the Computed Columns. . March 10. Inc. Processes. However. File Specifications. When populated from Colleague Studio custom code management. A link is maintained automatically between each piece and the items derived from it.Appendices: Form Reference Custom Packaging Detail (CDED) Use the Custom Packaging Detail (CDED) form to view or modify an expanded list of items declared as custom. Records From File. this form is inquiry only. see field help. When populated from the Custom Declaration Objects (CDOB) form. When populated from the Custom Declaration (CDEC) form. The codes in the Auto field also specify how items will be handled on a rescan. March 10. 315 .Custom Packaging Detail (CDED) Figure 53: Custom Packaging Detail (CDED) Form Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. However.Appendices: Form Reference Custom Declaration Objects (CDOB) Use the Custom Declaration Objects (CDOB) form to define objects in the current application that you want to declare as customized. the CDOB process verifies that an item is not already checked out on another custom declaration in this or a sister environment (another environment associated with the same local product repository). you must access the CDOB form from the application where the MOVEINFO record was created. you can use the Custom Release Package Build (CPKG) form to create custom release packages. a warning is displayed. Rules and ELF processes are always created in the CORE application. The CPKG process builds the custom release package while also checking in the custom declaration. See the online help for the Entity field for details. The information you enter using this process is stored in a record in the MOVEINFO file. You must check out a custom declaration from the CDOB form before using it on the CPKG form. The error prevents you from proceeding until you take one of the following steps: Drop the conflicting items off of this custom declaration. . 316 Runtime Administration. you may choose to continue with parallel development. Note that this record can only hold items from the application currently being worked on. Inc. Before checking items out. To make changes to an existing MOVEINFO record. March 10. Remove the conflicting items from the other custom declaration. Datatel recommends that you take one of the preceding steps. After you declare and check out custom items. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. If items on your custom declaration are already checked out on another custom declaration in a sister environment. an error is displayed. Only objects that cannot be maintained in Colleague Studio can be specified on this form. each item is marked for custom development in the product repository. Run the CPKG process to deliver the other custom declaration. If you set the Action field to CO (Save Custom Declaration and Check Out Items). Cancel the check out of the other custom declaration. If items on your custom declaration are already checked out on another custom declaration in this environment. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 317 . Inc.Custom Declaration Objects (CDOB) Figure 54: Custom Declaration Objects (CDOB) Form Runtime Administration. March 10. The CDPI form identifies all custom declarations that are checked out for development from the local product repository. Figure 55: Custom Development in Progress (CDPI) 318 Runtime Administration. The CDPI form displays all Colleague Studio objects that are currently Checked out. March 10. Active custom declarations from the current application environment are displayed in the top window. or Ready for build. Shelved. as well as any sister environments (other application environments connected to the same local product repository as this application environment). . The bottom window on the CDPI form displays any active custom declarations from sister environments. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. You can detail to the Custom Declaration (CDEC) form (and then to the Custom Packaging Detail [CDED] form) to view all items on the custom declaration and their details.Appendices: Form Reference Custom Development in Progress (CDPI) Use the Custom Development in Progress (CDPI) form to display all active custom declarations from the current application environment. March 10. This report lists each screen found in any chain that is defined in the application in which you are working and shows the chains in which each is included.Chain Usage Report (CHUS) Chain Usage Report (CHUS) Use the Chain Usage Report (CHUS) form to obtain reports on screen chains and the screens they contain. 319 . These reports can help you administer security for screen chains. The following are the chain usage reports: Screen Usage by Chain. Chain Usage by Screen. This report lists each chain defined in the application in which you are working and shows which screens are included in each. Screen chains are defined on the Screen Chaining Specification (SCSP) form. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Figure 56: Sample Chain Usage Report (CHUS) Form Runtime Administration. Inc. with wide open security. You may change the peripheral device to be used (from a printer to the HOLD file for example). unless the procedure step uses a Query Language that checks these parameters before execution or the program checks and reacts to this change. This last option is not useful. March 10. secured so only the file creator can see it. By answering “Yes” to the peripheral modify specification. PR Private. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Only members of the group can see the output. The record will be put into a subdirectory by the name of the group. . in the HOLD file itself. the Analyst designing this procedure has given you the option to modify the default settings of the peripheral device needed for a procedure step during each generation of this procedure. Inc. 320 Runtime Administration. assigned to a group that one or more people are put into. and then the group can be entered on this form. or even the width of the form. in a subdirectory of the HOLD file keyed by the user name. change the number of copies produced. besides the name of the record specified via the banner option. For output to the HOLD file. SH Shared. Groups have to be predefined on the OSGD form. you are able to specify the output security of the created record: PB Public.Appendices: Form Reference Change Peripheral Defaults (CPDE) The Change Peripheral Defaults (CPDE) form allows you to modify the peripheral settings specified by the Analyst for this execution of the procedure. March 10.Change Peripheral Defaults (CPDE) Figure 57: Sample Change Peripheral Defaults (CPDE) Form Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 321 . Inc. . If your institution uses Oracle or SQL Server. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. you must have full access to all directories in the LPR UniData environment. A different type of database from the source. If you are using another type of database from the source.Appendices: Form Reference Custom Package Import/Export (CPIE) The Custom Package Import/Export (CPIE) form allows you to either import custom release packages into your Local Product Repository from an outside source or export custom release packages from your Local Product Repository for the purpose of sharing them with other institutions. For a custom release package containing computed columns. the computed columns will deploy automatically to the target database if you are using: The same type of database as the source. you may need to generate the computed columns manually after importing and installing custom release packages. If your institution uses UniData. 322 Runtime Administration. and you successfully generated the source computed columns for alternate databases using the Batch Generation (BNGN) form. you must have administrative privileges in the LPR database to import a custom release package. Inc. and also across platforms. Package import and export is valid across environments on different databases. March 10.Custom Package Import/Export (CPIE) Figure 58: Custom Package Import/Export (CPIE) Form Runtime Administration. 323 . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. Enter "Yes" in the Execute Build field to build the release package and to publish to your local product repository. Inc. the Custom Package Rebuild Detail (CPKR) form appears where you can: Specify whether or not to include previously Built Colleague Studio objects in the rebuild. regardless of the application that is currently opened. you can view: Built Objects That May be Added. View Colleague Studio objects that will be excluded from the rebuild. A list of Colleague Studio objects that were previously Built in one of the WorkGroups. March 10. View newly added Colleague Studio objects that will be included in the rebuild. New Objects on this Build. .Appendices: Form Reference Custom Release Package Build (CPKG) Use the Custom Release Package Build (CPKG) process to create a custom release package. A list of Colleague Studio objects that are Ready for Build in one of the WorkGroups that were not on a previous build of this same custom release package. Note: You can run the CPKG process for any Colleague application. you can install to other application environments. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. When you save the CPKG form with the Execute Build field set to “Yes” and the WorkGroups window populated. After the build is in the product repository. Objects Excluded Due to Status. 324 Runtime Administration. You can use this process to maintain the contents and attributes of a release package. A list of Colleague Studio objects that are Checked Out or Shelved in one of the WorkGroups. If any of these lists contain Colleague Studio objects. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10.Custom Release Package Build (CPKG) Figure 59: Custom Release Package Build (CPKG) Form Runtime Administration. Inc. 325 . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. .Newly created or updated MOVEINFO records are saved only if you enter “Yes” in the Update Mode field. This process also updates MOVEINFO records for objects that have undergone parallel or subsequent development in this environment. An object on the custom release package has never been modified through Colleague Studio in this environment. This process is necessary when: A custom release package includes objects that were maintained through Colleague Studio and it was built in a different environment originally. a message will direct you to run the custom release package through the CPKP process first. If you attempt to rebuild using the Custom Release Package Build (CPKG) form while in this state. updated.Appendices: Form Reference Custom Release Package Build (CPKP) Use the Custom Release Package Build (CPKP) form to prepare a custom release package for rebuild in this environment. The CPKP process also produces a report of the MOVEINFO records created. Inc. March 10. or left unchanged. 326 Runtime Administration. This process creates missing MOVEINFO records for objects in a release package where MOVEINFO records are missing because original development or a build was performed elsewhere. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 327 . March 10.Custom Release Package Build (CPKP) Figure 60: Custom Release Package Build (CPKP) Form Runtime Administration. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. but was not newly changed after the build. A list of Colleague Studio objects that are Checked Out or Shelved in one of the WorkGroups. This information includes the following: Built Objects That May be Added. Inc. New Objects on this Build. March 10. When saving from the Custom Release Package Build (CPKG) form. A list of Colleague Studio objects that are Ready for Build in one of the WorkGroups that were not on a previous build of this same custom release package. A list of Colleague Studio objects that were previously Built in one of the WorkGroups. You can use this form to automatically include these objects on a rebuild.Appendices: Form Reference Custom Package Rebuild Detail (CPKR) Use the Custom Package Rebuild Detail (CPKR) form to specify which previously Built Colleague Studio objects to include on a custom release package rebuild. If a Colleague Studio object was included on a previous build of this custom release package. Included on the rebuild because they were newly added to the custom release package. 328 Runtime Administration. the CPKR form appears if there is any data to display on the form. Objects Excluded Due to Status. You can also use this form to view Colleague Studio objects that will be: Excluded on the rebuild due to their status (either Checked out or Shelved). then it is still in a Built state. Custom Package Rebuild Detail (CPKR) Figure 61: Custom Package Rebuild Detail (CPKR) Form Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. 329 . March 10. Figure 62: Sample Create Printer Control Record (CPRC) Form 330 Runtime Administration.848. you need to create a UT valcode called VALID. Note: If you run on a networked print server. The printer control record is configured based on the machine on which you installed Colleague and whether your print server is local or networked.PRINTERS valcode in Answernet document 196.Appendices: Form Reference Create Printer Control Record (CPRC) Use the Create Printer Control Record (CPRP) form to create printer control records in the SYSDEFS file to enable printing Colleague Envision reports. You can find detailed steps to set up the VALID. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. This valcode contains the printer names that your institution uses. Inc. .PRINTERS after running this process. It is easy to understand why this is not a best practice: multiple tables need to be opened in order to get all the information. Primarily. Direct calls to @MIO. last name.RECORD and @MIO. Custom code that uses flat reads and writes will not work in SQL Server or Oracle databases in R18. Scanning your custom code before you actually migrate to R18 lets you plan the time and resources necessary to modify your code.VOUCHERS or R. 331 . March 10. calls to @MIO. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.RECORD and @MIO.PERSON that contain the entire record for which they are named. READV. You will increase performance of your code by modifying it to comply with columnar I/O. the entire record is read.RECORD. These are variables such as R. and it is possible and likely that only a few elements are really needed.READ.Custom Code Scanner (CUSC) Custom Code Scanner (CUSC) Use the Custom Code Scanner (CUSC) process to scan your custom code before migrating from R17 to R18. You should replace them with EBSL or. They will also not work in R18 in a UniData database with distributed deployment. The CUSC process looks for the following items in your custom code's specifications (appl. Pre-Process Code and Subroutines. @MIO.WRITE. Inc. You should to change them to use Envision as noted for R-dots above.WRITE.DEF.READ. with a few exceptions as noted below. more specifically. R. WRITEV. . However. and a few others. UDT IO . You can also choose to scan non-Envision processes by specifying a directory name that contains non-Envision code in the Directory for Non-Envision Code field. WRITE. and so on): The use of R-dots. Whenever one of these two calls is used.RECORD.PRCS. You should change these R-dots to use standard Envision Vdots. OPEN. but these processes cannot be flagged to use columnar I/O. the CUSC process identifies custom code that has non-columnar I/ O issues. if not possible. For instance. However.PERSON will have a person’s first name. respectively.INSERTS. Runtime Administration. code with such issues will still function in any database in Release 18 and higher. you must decide if the performance benefits are greater than the cost of changing some of the code."Flat" reads and writes. You should change them to Main and Subroutine types. R18 will still work with R-dots. and all other fields from the PERSON file. birth date. These include calls to READ. Routines that are specified as PreProcess Code or Pre-Process Subroutines (on the Batch Global Parameters [BGP] form) cannot use Columnar I/O. it will populate the SCAN. This file will contain all the problems for the processes being scanned. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Appendices: Form Reference When the CUSC process has completed its scan. Inc. Figure 63: Custom Code Scanner (CUSC) Form 332 Runtime Administration. use the Custom Code Scanner Report (CCSR) process.CODE. March 10. To produce a report for the problems found. .RESULTS file. one record per process. enter C in the Execute in Background Mode field to capture a record of the processing in a COMO (command output) file. After processing is complete. The output is captured in a record in the PH file under the job statistics ID that is displayed on the Process Submission form. For example. the Process Submission form is displayed.VOC file with a type of “F” (for File) are examined. if you specify the Core System (CORE) as the application you wish to update.VOC) are examined. Runtime Administration. Any dictionary items for any of those files that contain ICONV (Input Conversion) or OCONV (Output Conversion) statements in the LOC (Location or Formula) field or that have a date conversion in the CONV (Conversion) field are examined and updated as appropriate. prefaced by “O_”. for example. You should complete the International Parameters form before you use this form. however. Since processing can occur fairly quickly. you may wish to obtain a printout of this information. Running the Process in Background Mode After you complete the Dictionary Date Convert form. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. you will see the list of files that are examined along with the dictionary items that are updated for each file as processing occurs. If you choose to run this process in the foreground (that is. then all of the records in the CORE. you enter “No” in the Execute in Background Mode field). O_DDCV_EJR_40741_9733. and any dictionary items in any of those files that have an ICONV or OCONV in the LOC field or a date format in the CONV field are updated. To obtain such a printout.Dictionary Date Convert (DDCV) Dictionary Date Convert (DDCV) Use the Dictionary Date Convert (DDCV) form to change the data dictionary formats for date fields so that they are consistent with the date formats specified on the International Parameters (INTL) form. all of the files listed in the application’s VOC file (appl. March 10. Once you specify the application. Inc. exit and spool the COMO file to the printer. 333 . Dictionaries are updated on an application-by-application basis. . Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Appendices: Form Reference Figure 64: Sample Dictionary Date Convert (DDCV) Form 334 Runtime Administration. March 10. Inc. Figure 65: Sample Define Field History (DHST) Form Runtime Administration.HIST. you may be able to delete fields that a progammer has added to the list on the FLDH form. March 10. Using the DHST form. Changes are logged at runtime and are stored in the file. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.HIST files. depending on whether the programmer allowed deletions. Using the Envision Tool Kit.Define Field History (DHST) Define Field History (DHST) Use the Define Field History (DHST) form when you want to track changes that users make to the values in specific fields in a file. 335 .LOG file and the file. programmers can also specify fields to be tracked using the Field History (FLDH) form. Note: The FLDH form is available only through the Envision Tool Kit. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Appendices: Form Reference Difference Engine (DIFF) Figure 66: Sample Difference Engine (DIFF) Form 336 Runtime Administration. Inc. . March 10. Use the Edit Record (EDRC) form to enter an existing file name from which you can then choose a record you want to edit. Figure 67: Edit Record (EDRC) Form Runtime Administration. You can also delete a record. The EDRC form allows a user to edit and delete any record in a file. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. you can use a text editor window to make your changes.Edit Record (EDRC) Edit Record (EDRC) ALERT! Datatel strongly recommends that you secure this form using the subroutine shown below. 337 . If you detail on the record. March 10. Inc. suppose the user's security class setup grants the user inquiry-only access to the EDRC form. The user will still have just inquiry-only access to the record. the subroutine must determine the current user’s access rights to the requested record: Full access Modify-only access Inquiry-only access No access Table 18: Information Passed into the Subroutine Current record information: • The name of the file • The ID of the record Current user information: • Login ID • PERSON ID • List of ORG.RIGHTS subroutine will not grant the user greater access rights than given to the user by security on the EDRC form itself. modify.ACCESS. If the user has either full or inquiry-only access rights.GET.RECORD. which can be used to define precise security controls over the EDRC form.RECORD. A user can be granted either full access. or delete any record.GET. the system will call the XS. the user is prompted for the file name and ID of the record to be edited. . or no access. 338 Runtime Administration.GET. the user has the right to create. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.RIGHTS subroutine grants the user full access. Based on the information passed into the subroutine (see Table 18).ACCESS.ACCESS. you can create a subroutine named XS.RIGHTS subroutine.RECORD. March 10. for a particular record the XS.RIGHTS in an environment. then when a user specifies a file name and a record ID.Appendices: Form Reference Overview of Security for the EDRC Form Access to the EDRC form can be controlled using the standard Envision Security class setup to determine whether or not the user has access rights to the EDRC form. If a user is given full access to the form.RECORD. For example.ACCESS.ROLEs associated with the user • List of security classes associated with the user Note: The XS.GET. If you create this subroutine. inquiry only. However. However. modify. • Field 1: An @VM-delimited list of the user’s ORG. • Code “V” (View-only). The subroutine must: Be a regular SUBROUTINE-type process. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. you must create it as follows. which you must use as follows: 1. • Code “M” (Modify). Argument 4: Input only. Argument 5: Input only. • Null. 6. 5. If this is a new record (see Argument 3). cannot look at the data).RECORD. Can view and modify the data.ROLEs. argument 6 must return one of the following to specify this user’s access rights to the record. Passes in the file name specified at the EDRC file name LookUp. • Field 2: An @VM-delimited list of the user’s SECLASSes. • Code “A” (All). Two lists are passed in.ACCESS. 3. No access rights (that is. Argument 2: Input only. 4. Can view the data (but not modify or delete). 339 . March 10. • A true value means that it already exists. • Field 1: The current user’s PERSON ID. The first list is separated from the second by a field mark (@FM).ACCESS.GET. but cannot delete the record. Argument 1: Input only. Inc. • Field 2: The current user’s login ID. • A false value means it will be created (if this subroutine grants the user the right to do so – see Argument 6).Edit Record (EDRC) Technical Details about the XS. Argument 6: Output only. 2. The two strings are separated (delimited) by a field mark (@FM).RIGHTS subroutine in an environment. Argument 3: Input only. Must pass back information that defines this user’s access rights.RIGHTS Subroutine If you create the XS. Can view. Define exactly 6 arguments. and delete the data (full access). Passes in the record ID specified at the EDRC record ID LookUp.RECORD. Runtime Administration.GET. then argument 6 must return a boolean flag: • A true value (1) means the user is allowed to create it. Passes in a Boolean flag that indicates whether the record already exists. • A false value (0) means the user is not allowed to create it. Passes in two strings that identify the current user. If the record already exists. Passes in other lists of information about the user to determine the rights the user should be given. You can detail down to the field history level in order to view the value that a particular field had on a specific date and the value that it was changed to on that date. You cannot use it to change a record or revert it to an earlier state. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Appendices: Form Reference Field History Detail (FHDT) Detail to the Field History Detail (FHDT) form from the Rebuild File History (RBFD) form when you want to use field history to view a record as it existed at an earlier time. March 10. Figure 68: Sample Field History Detail (FHDT) Form The FHDT form is inquiry-only. . Inc. 340 Runtime Administration. March 10.LOG HIST.VALUES Runtime Administration.FIELD.NAME HL. 341 . Inc.CHG.LOG HIST.Field History Detail (FHDT) Table 19: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Field History Detail (FHDT) Form Where Field History Detail (FHDT) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Field Date Time Operator Reason Old Values New Values HIST HIST.LOG HIST HIST HIST.NEW.TIME HL. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.LOG HIST.REASON HIST.DATE HL.CHGOPR HL.VALUES HIST.OLD. COLS GUIF. .FUNCTION GUI.FUNCTION GUI.FUNCTION GUI.MODE GUIF.Appendices: Form Reference GUI Function Button (GUIF) Figure 69: Sample GUI Function Button (GUIF) Form Table 20: Query Lang Retrieval Help for GUI Function Button (GUIF) Form Where GUI Function Button (GUIF) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field GUI Function Button Template GUI Function Button Rows GUI Function Button columns GUI Function Button Mode GUI Function Button Command GUI Function Button Text GUI.FUNCTION GUI. March 10.ROWS GUIF.FUNCTION GUI.ID GUIF. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc.BUTTON 342 Runtime Administration.FUNCTION GUIF.COMMAND GUIF. March 10. 343 .FORMAT command. use the Dictionary Date Convert (DDCV) form to change your data dictionary formats for date fields to reflect the date formats you indicate on this form. Inc. Note: The format for dates used in query report headings (the “D” option) is independently controlled by the database management system’s DATE.International Parameters (INTL) International Parameters (INTL) Use the International Parameters (INTL) form to specify the country whose spelling and wording alternatives you wish to use and to modify the date format that is used on Envision-based and Classic Colleague forms and reports. This will ensure that query reports also display dates in the chosen format. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Figure 70: Sample International Parameters (INTL) Form Runtime Administration. After you complete the International Parameters form. LONG.PARMS INTL.COUNTRY HOST. March 10.SHORT.MONTH HOST. .FORMAT HOST.DATE.FORMAT HOST.PAD HOST.LONG.PARMS INTL.PARMS INTL.DATE.PAD HOST.LONG.DATE.SHORT. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.PARMS INTL.DELIMITER HOST.PARMS INTL.PARMS INTL.DATE.LONG.PARMS INTL.Appendices: Form Reference Table 21: Query Lang Retrieval Help for International Parameters (INTL) Form Where International Parameters (INTL) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Country Code Short Date Format Short Date Pad Date Delimiter Long Date Format Long Date Pad Long Month Long Year INTL.DATE. Inc.PARMS HOST.YEAR 344 Runtime Administration. list specifications. Envision uses batch processes to create reports and to provide special processing needs. Based on this input. STMT processes provide a way to insert a database command into the procedure. Job step types are assigned to Batch. and all other processes. but a procedure can accept arguments and prompt for input from an end user. commands. jobs. and field level. Inc. A procedure definition includes the procedure name. and modules for inclusion. These forms are used to specify options and to collect data and selection criteria from an end user. Envision checks each end user’s right to access data at the menu level. Note: A procedure consists of three types of steps: user forms. class. End users may direct output data to a printer or other peripheral device. IF. User form step types are assigned to form processes that ask end users how to run the procedure. Envision checks each step to make sure it is a valid process or form before it can be used within the procedure. and list specifications. record level. End users indicate which steps of the procedure to run and which data to select for processing. purpose. status. Most of the parameters that govern a procedure are defined using other Envision forms. Envision only produces output for end users that are within their security rights. Envision creates and runs commands stored as a paragraph in the command language of your host computer. The procedure runs these processes if they are part of the execution path. Envision uses branching logic. When an end user runs a procedure. which determines the next step of the procedure from the results of previous steps. 345 . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. STMT. Each step of a procedure must already exist before it can be used within a procedure. March 10. The steps consist of processes. User forms and batch processes must be generated by the Process Generator (GEN) in the Envision Tool Kit before Envision can use them at runtime.Procedure Specification (JDEF) Procedure Specification (JDEF) Use the Procedure Specifications (JDEF) form to modify an existing procedure or to create a new one. IF processes provide conditional statements to direct the execution path. Runtime Administration. They may also transfer data to a form process or batch program. Envision can build the procedure differently each time end users run it. and conditional branching. Note: A procedure is made up of steps listed in sequential order. DEF file that adds an additional level of security to the procedure. GOTO statements within a step can direct the procedure to a process that contains the specified label. Each time an end user runs a procedure. 346 Runtime Administration. This third record is the only difference between the two ways that Envision generates procedures. analysts set the option of whether to allow modifications to the procedure during runtime.GEN record and a PRCS. Procedures created from within an application generate two records. Labels can also affect the direction of the procedure. March 10. you can modify some procedures when you need additional functionality for a particular application. All functions and features operate identically. When a procedure is created in the Envision Tool Kit.CTL record. a PRCS. Envision creates a new paragraph to run for that procedure. and there are no limitations to the types of procedures that Envision can generate. However. If you create a procedure from the Envision Tool Kit for an application. A list specification creates a SSELECT command within a procedure to produce a list of records based on the end user’s input entered from a user form. Envision generates a third record in the PRCS. Inc. this input directs the procedure to the next appropriate step to run.Appendices: Form Reference List specification step types are either included within the application or are created using the Procedure List Specification (JSEL) form. When a procedure runs a form process that asks for end user input. Envision includes in the paragraph only those steps that are within the execution path. Envision runs the steps of the procedure in sequential order. you or your end users usually can not modify it from the Envision Runtime application. If a procedure is created through the Envision Tool Kit. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . GEN PRCS.MNEMONIC PROCESS.GEN PRCS.Procedure Specification (JDEF) Figure 71: Sample Procedure Specification (JDEF) Form Table 22: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Procedure Specification (JDEF) Form Where Procedure Specification (JDEF) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Procedure ID LookUp Description Menu Class Remember Responses? Procedure Securable? Executable as a Phantom? Prcs Name Label Device Default Modify PRCS. Inc.DESCRIPTION PROCESS.OUTPUT. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.GEN PRCS. March 10.CLASS JS.DEFAULT JS.USPARAMS PGEN.PHANTOM.FLAG JS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.GEN PRCS.ALLOWED JS.SECURE.MODIFY Runtime Administration.OUTPUT.CTL PRCS.IGNORE.GEN PRCS.GEN PROCESS.GEN PRCS.GEN PRCS.DEVICE JS.LABEL JS. 347 .OUTPUT.MNEMONIC JS. Inc. Peripheral device. March 10. Arguments. Used for conditional branching within the procedure. This label runs a step that resets the workstation and printers to the settings that existed before you ran the procedure.Appendices: Form Reference Procedure Step Detail (JDET) Use the Procedure Step Detail (JDET) form to enter operating specifications for each procedure step. 348 Runtime Administration. The procedure can issue GETLIST and SAVEDLIST commands using the list name(s) provided. Used to direct processing to run another step after the current one. Enter a default device. The specifications require that you enter a valid list name. Used to pass variable or constant arguments from one procedure step to another. Envision evaluates them as an expression at runtime. Envision uses a label associated with a particular step as the target for a branching operation by another step. If the condition is false. The step type that you assign on this form indicates whether the step is a user form. . If the condition is true. end users may be able to change this default. Envision directs the procedure to the step associated with the label specified. Enter the pieces of the statement into separate fields. or a job. Lists. Used to call an existing list into use or to save a list to disk. There is one special label generated automatically for all procedures: the END. based on a conditional value. Used to specify a device for accepting and displaying any output that this step may produce. This form automatically appears when you enter a procedure step ID in field 6 of the Procedure Specification (JDEF) form. The step type determines how Envision runs the procedure at runtime. a list. Use procedure arguments just as you would use batch or form process arguments. IF commands. The types of specifications and commands include the following: Step labels. depending on the requirements of the procedure. the procedure continues with the next sequential step.PROCESS label. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc.DESCRIPTION Runtime Administration. 349 .CTL PROCESS. March 10.Procedure Step Detail (JDET) Figure 72: Sample Procedure Step Detail (JDET) Form Table 23: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Procedure Step Detail (JDET) Form Where Procedure Step Detail (JDET) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Procedure Description PRCS. and whether a background process is allowed. . Use that form to select a destination for the output. To print documentation for a selected subset of procedures. The resulting documentation provides procedure definition information and procedure generation information. modules. Specifying Output Options When you complete the entries on the first form. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. the Change Peripheral Defaults form appears. all of the procedure steps. process class. You can direct output to any of the following: Printer Hold file for browsing at a terminal Tape (not available on all platforms) Serial line or MPC printer (not available on all platforms) Running the Process in Background Mode The last form displayed when you run this process is the Process Submission form. and execution type. enter A at the first selection prompt. Inc. Use this form to identify the names of procedures for which you want documentation printed. March 10. The procedure generation information includes items such as the procedure class.Appendices: Form Reference Procedure Rules Documentation (JPRT) The Procedure Rules Documentation (PGDP) procedure provides you with current documentation for any or all procedures defined for this application. Use the Process Submission form to specify whether you want to run the process in background mode. whether it can be modified in the field. whether the procedure can be secured. The procedure definition information includes items such as the mnemonic. If you want to access documentation for all procedures for the application. enter a list of procedure names. process status. 350 Runtime Administration. Procedure Rules Documentation (JPRT) Figure 73: Sample Procedure Rules Documentation (JPRT) Form Runtime Administration. Inc. 351 . March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. end users may have the option of altering the selection. sort. At runtime. Depending on the list specifications you enter. You can also use JSEL to establish the selection and sort criteria. This form is the only Envision Runtime process needed to define a list used within a procedure. A list specification is a convenient way to identify specific groups of records needed when a procedure is running. . The field names that you use for the selection criteria must be part of the specified file. Use the JSEL form to specify a file and the selection criteria for selecting records.Appendices: Form Reference Procedure List Specification (JSEL) Use the Procedure List Specification (JSEL) form to define the fundamental parameters for a new list process. and break criteria. Envision evaluates the selection criteria. Inc. and stores them in the list. Figure 74: Sample Procedure List Specification (JSEL) Form 352 Runtime Administration. March 10. You can also use the JSEL form to specify the sort and break criteria. selects the records. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. SELECT.FILEVAR PROCESS.GEN PRCS.GEN PRCS.SORT.FIELD LS.CTL PRCS.SORT.SAVING.SELECT.FIELD LS.SELECT.SELECT.GEN PRCS.MNEMONIC LS.GEN PRCS.GEN PRCS. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc.GEN PRCS.GEN PRCS.Procedure List Specification (JSEL) Table 24: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Procedure List Specification (JSEL) Form Where Procedure List Specification (JSEL) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Procedure List LookUp Dictionary Name R/T File Variable List Description Connective Field Name Relation Value Saving Field Name Option Modify Runtime Criteria? Sort Field Name Sort Sequence Break PRCS.FLAG LS.GEN PRCS.FLAG Runtime Administration.SELECT.GEN PRCS.SAVING.ORDER LS.CONNECTIVE LS.OTHER. March 10.VALUE LS.OPTION LS.CTL PRCS.FNAME LS.GEN PROCESS.OPCODE LS.DESCRIPTION LS.GEN PRCS.REL. 353 .GEN PRCS.FIELD LS.BREAK. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The list of available sort fields identifies the set of fields that end users can use to specify the list at runtime. March 10. You can access this form by detailing in field 7 of the Procedure List Specification (JSEL) form. Figure 75: Sample Procedure Sort Specification (JSRT) Form 354 Runtime Administration. Inc. The available break fields and the default criteria are subsets of this list. You can also use the JSRT form to make certain fields mandatory for inclusion in the sort and break sequence for the list and to specify whether end users can modify the default criteria at runtime.Appendices: Form Reference Procedure Sort Specification (JSRT) Use the Procedure Sort Specification (JSRT) form to define the list of possible sort and break fields and the default criteria. Only fields entered in the available sort fields list can be used to define the available break fields and the default criteria. FIELDS LS. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.GEN PROCESS.BREAK.ORDER LS. 355 .REQUIRED LS.SORT.GEN PRCS.Procedure Sort Specification (JSRT) Table 25: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Procedure Sort Specification (JSRT) Form Where Procedure Sort Specification (JSRT) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Procedure List LookUp [List Step Description] Dictionary Name Available Sort Fields Required Available Break Fields Required Modify Runtime Criteria? Sort Field Name Sort Sequence Break PRCS.FLAG Runtime Administration.SORT.MNEMONIC PROCESS.FIELDS LS.SORT.FNAME LS.REQUIRED LS.MODIFY LS.BREAKABLE.SORTABLE.GEN PRCS.GEN PRCS.SORT.GEN PRCS. Inc.CTL PRCS.DESCRIPTION LS.GEN PRCS.GEN PRCS.CTL PRCS.FIELD LS.GEN PRCS.GEN PRCS.BREAK. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. For more information about the LookUp Resolution Specs (UTRD) form. Inc. Figure 76: Sample LKUP: Resolution Specs (LPRT) Form 356 Runtime Administration. .Appendices: Form Reference LKUP: Resolution Specs (LPRT) Use the LKUP: Resolution Specifications (LPRT) procedure to create current documentation for any or all LookUp Resolution forms defined in this application. You can create these specifications through the LookUp Resolution Specs (UTRD) form. refer to “LookUp Resolution Specs (UTRD)” beginning on page 452. Use this form to specify the LookUp Resolution forms in this application for which you want to create documentation. March 10. Migrate Computed Columns (MGCC) Migrate Computed Columns (MGCC) Use the Migrate Computed Columns (MGCC) form to perform the following steps for migration: Convert your computed columns to the new R18 computed column language. ST.FIELDS file in R17.8 only. Create a record in the CC.0 for Envision 4. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.ITEMS file for each computed column. etc.) Run this process from each application (CORE. Inc. Figure 77: Migrate Computed Columns (MGCC) Form Runtime Administration. March 10.CDD file. ALERT! This form is available in Release 18. 357 . (Some computed columns may have existed only in the RT. Move all computed columns into the appl.) in which you have custom computed columns. in preparation for later migration steps. Figure 78: Sample Migrate IS-Type Subroutines (MGIS) Form 358 Runtime Administration. You only need to run this process one time. This process does the following: Creates a record in the CC. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.ITEMS file for each computed column subroutine. ALERT! This form is available in Release 18. from the Envision Tool Kit for any application. Inc.8 only.Appendices: Form Reference Migrate IS-Type Subroutines (MGIS) Use this process to convert your computed column subroutines so they can be used in R18. Assigns the computed column subroutines to the USER bundle.0 for Envision 4. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. or documentation of a complex algorithm or calculation.Other Technical Documentation (ODOC) Other Technical Documentation (ODOC) Use the Other Technical Documentation (ODOC) form to create or maintain miscellaneous technical documentation related to your process. 359 . This may include overview. or test plan documentation. workflow. Inc. Figure 79: Other Technical Documentation (ODOC) Form Runtime Administration. March 10. CTL Security Inquiry (PCSI) Form 360 Runtime Administration.CTL Security Inquiry (PCSI) Use this form to inquire about the security classes that currently affect this process.Appendices: Form Reference PRCS. Inc. March 10. Figure 80: Sample PRCS. An end user can only run the processes that his security class allows. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . end users in that class cannot see that process on a menu or run it. If a security class restricts a process. LIST ACCESS.FLD.CTL PRCS.FLD.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.DENIAL.FLAG PROCESS.FLD.CLASSES PRCS.ONLY.CLASS.DENIAL.LIST PROCESS.CTL PRCS.ONLY.CLASSES Runtime Administration.SECURE.CTL Security Inquiry (PCSI) Table 26: Query Lang Retrieval Help for PRCS. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.CLASSES PRCS.FIELDS PRCS.CTL PRCS.NODELETE.CTL PRCS.CLASS.CTL Security Inquiry (PCSI) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Process Control Securable Denial Classes Access Only Classes Inquiry Only Classes Process Secure Fields Denial Field Classes Access Field Classes Inquiry Field Classes No Change Field Classes No Delete Field Classes PRCS.CTL Security Inquiry (PCSI) Form Where PRCS.CLASSES PRCS.LIST INQUIRY.CTL PRCS.FLD.FLD.CLASSES PRCS.ACCESS.CTL PROCESS.SECURABLE.NOCHANGE.PRCS.CTL PRCS.CLASS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS. 361 .MNEMONIC PRCS. March 10.INQUIRY. For added security when you choose either Hold/Browse File Output or PDF Output (in the Output Device field). The following options are available: Enter PB (public) if you want the output file to be written to the public hold directory. PDEF lets you customize printer defaults for standard reports that do not give you the option of making these types of changes at runtime. March 10. Enter PR (private) if you want the output file to be written to your own private hold directory. it uses these definitions to generate peripheral assignment. then enter the group name into the security group field. and current setting commands. Figure 81: Sample Peripheral Option Defaults (PDEF) Form 362 Runtime Administration. Inc. you can use PDEF to define output to asynchronous lines and dedicated printers. In addition to defining system printer devices. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. unassignment. When Envision generates a procedure. .Appendices: Form Reference Peripheral Option Defaults (PDEF) Use the Peripheral Option Defaults (PDEF) form to define a peripheral specification for Envision procedures. Enter SH (shared) if you want the output file to be written to a group hold directory. you can specify the storage location of the output file. NAME PTR.COPIES PTR.Peripheral Option Defaults (PDEF) Table 27: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Peripheral Option Defaults (PDEF) Form Where Peripheral Option Defaults (PDEF) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Peripheral ID LookUp Description Width Length Top Margin Bottom Margin Route Output to Banner Copies Form Name Location Defer Time Other Options PRINTERS PRINTERS PRINTERS PRINTERS PRINTERS PRINTERS PRINTERS PRINTERS PRINTERS PRINTERS PRINTERS PRINTERS PRINTERS PRINTERS.OPTIONS Runtime Administration.MODE PTR.BANNER PTR. Inc.BMARGIN PTR.DEFER PTR.WIDTH PTR.ID PTR.DESCRIPTION PTR.LOCATION PTR. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.TMARGIN PTR.FORM. March 10. 363 .LENGTH PTR. Figure 82: Sample PDF Defaults (PDFD) Form 364 Runtime Administration.Appendices: Form Reference PDF Defaults (PDFD) Use the PDF Defaults (PDFD) form to define parameters for Colleague report processes that create PDF output. define the default maximum number of pages for a particular PDF file. To avoid this. This will separate PDF output into multiple files to decrease the size of the PDF file stored in memory during creation. set the Max Pages per PDF field accordingly. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . Specify the DMI listener with the application role to handle the PDF file creation. you can define a separate application listener in the PDF Application Listener field to which PDF requests can be routed. Also. ALERT! PDF files up to 100.000 pages are supported. in order to lessen the memory usage of your Colleague environment's application listener. the more memory is consumed for the DMI listener you specify in the PDF Application Listener field. March 10.000 pages. Datatel recommends a memory size of at least one gigabyte for the PDF application listener if a report process will produce a single PDF file with 100. the larger the PDF file. Inc. However. As an alternative. When browsing. the UI Web Admin Parameters (UWPR) form must be filled in to transfer the files to your computer.PDF Retrieval (PDFR) PDF Retrieval (PDFR) Use the PDF Retrieval (PDFR) form to view or delete PDF files in either the private or shared HOLD directories. The data transfer performance is affected by the settings on the UI Administration Parameters (UIPR) form. 365 . which can result in slower performance for large PDF files. the default telnet data transfer is used. Figure 83: Sample PDF Retrieval (PDFR) Form Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. When browsing files using any interface other than UI desktop. If FTP is enabled for the environment. then file transfers will be faster. Note: Shared HOLD directories are defined using the Output Security Groups (OSGD) form and are accessible only by a specific operating system group of users. Otherwise. The PDF files stored in these directories are created from Colleague report processes capable of producing PDF output. the PDF files will be downloaded to your computer and displayed automatically. Inc. March 10. Figure 84: Sample Point to Full Release Copy (PRTF) Form 366 Runtime Administration. Inc.8 because of changes to the Envision architecture. and that there is no activity in any of the remote accounts that point to the full install. The PRTF process copies all information on the point release to the full release this account is designed to combine with. Note: The Point to Full Release Copy (PRTF) form is not used for Envision 4. March 10. It is strongly recommended that a full install is backed up before performing this step. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Appendices: Form Reference Point to Full Release Copy (PRTF) Once you have tested a point release and are ready to make it available to your live account then you should run the Point to Full Release Copy (PRTF) process. . then that code will be displayed for your viewing. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc.Proc Gen to Screen Proc Conv (PTSC) Proc Gen to Screen Proc Conv (PTSC) Use the Proc Gen to Screen Proc Conv (PTSC) form to select an existing procedure that has been defined through the Procedure Specification (JDEF) form and related forms. The form that you specify will have its dedicated hook for procedures filled (and possibly replaced) by generated hook code that is derived from the old-style procedure generator specifications. If you are running this process with a target form that already has hook code in it for form procedures. 367 . Make sure that you want to proceed to replace the existing code. The procedure specifications for the procedure will be generated into hook code that is put into the target form you specify. March 10. Figure 85: Proc Gen to Screen Proc Conv (PTSC) Form Runtime Administration. 368 Runtime Administration. Inc. You cannot use it to change a record or revert it to an earlier state.Appendices: Form Reference Rebuild Field History (RBFD) Detail to the Rebuild Field History (RBFD) form from the Rebuild File History (RBFH) form when you want to view a record as it previously existed from a history value. Figure 86: Sample Rebuild Field History (RBFD) Form Note: The RBFD form is inquiry-only. You can detail to this form in order to view the actual values for a specific field. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . ID. since there is no history stored.LOG by HL.FIELD.HIST. you will not be able to retrieve the history for that file. Note: If you do not have field history set up for a file. Inc. Envision then retrieves the contents of that record as of the specified date.HIST. The RBFH form is inquiry-only. Define the fields whose history you want to track using the Define Field History (DHST) form. March 10.LIST Runtime Administration.LOG file by HL. To retrieve the history. 369 .Rebuild File History (RBFH) Rebuild File History (RBFH) Use the Rebuild File History (RBFH) form to view a record in a file as it previously existed on a certain date.ID.CTL PROCESS. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. using the field history.RECORD. You can improve the performance of this select if you index file.RECORD. Envision selects the file. You cannot use it to change a record or revert it to an earlier state Figure 87: Sample Rebuild File History (RBFH) Form Table 28: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Rebuild File History (RBFH) Form Where Rebuild File History (RBFH) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Field PRCS. This form provides a way to create selection criteria for identifying the files for which you want information printed. see page “Record Security Specification (UTMR)” beginning on page 448. You can create these specifications through the Record Security Specification (UTMR) process. You can print the record security specifications for a subset of the stored data. March 10. Figure 88: Sample Record Security: List Specs (RPRT) Form 370 Runtime Administration. Inc.Appendices: Form Reference Record Security: List Specs (RPRT) Use the Record Security: List Specifications (RPRT) report to get a list of all the record-level security specifications set up for the selected files. . For more information about the Record Security Specification (UTMR) form. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Define Key Functions (RS2) Define Key Functions (RS2) Use the Define Key Functions (RS2) form to define or modify key derivation functions. ALERT! You cannot access this form from the RSUC form if the key derivation is not a function. March 10. Figure 89: Sample Define Key Functions (RS2) Form Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. This form is only accessed by detailing from field 1 on the Record Security User Characteristics (RSUC) form. Inc. 371 . There are two ways to initialize Envision Run. The end user’s current device type USERID. The fields define where and how to set up a group of end user parameters that Envision evaluates when an end user enters an application. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.time: Exit the database management system and reenter it. The current application STARTUP. 372 Runtime Administration. . If you change existing characteristics or add new characteristics. The end user’s login ID APPL.PROCESS. the end user must reinitialize Envision Runtime before those changes or additions take effect. The following list of valid keywords defined in RSUC can be used in UTMR: DEVICE.NAME. March 10. The menu or process that the end user first accesses when entering the current application TERMINAL. or Run the program ENVINIT (by entering ENVINIT) from the database management system prompt.USER. Inc.NAME.Appendices: Form Reference Rec Sec User Characteristics (RSUC) Use the Record Security User Characteristics (RSUC) form to define values against which to test an end user’s access to records defined in the Record Security Specification (UTMR) form. Whether the current end user is a terminal end user (1) or a background process (0) You can also view these keywords and values for the current end user when you detail at field 2 on the RSUC form. Rec Sec User Characteristics (RSUC) Figure 90: Sample Rec Sec User Characteristics (RSUC) Form Table 29: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Rec Sec User Characteristics (RSUC) Form Where Rec Sec User Characteristics (RSUC) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Parameter Name Source File Field Name Number Key Derivation RSPARAMS RSPARAMS RSPARAMS RSPARAMS RSPARAMS RS.FILE RS.NAME RS.NAME RS.ATTR.PARMS.ATTR RS.PARMS.PARMS. March 10.KEY. Inc.PARMS. 373 . 2010 © 2010 Datatel.DEF.DERIV Runtime Administration.PARMS. . Figure 91: Sample Security Parameter Values (RSV) Form 374 Runtime Administration. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc.Appendices: Form Reference Security Parameter Values (RSV) Use the Security Parameter Values (RSV) form to do the following: View the parameters and characteristics evaluated for the current end user View the predefined keywords of the record security characteristics You may only access this form by detailing from field 2 on the Record Security User Characteristics (RSUC) form. Figure 92: Sample Record Security: Test Specs (RTST) Form Runtime Administration. possibly for debugging purposes. March 10. It will also optionally display the internal compiled format of the select criteria as well.Record Security: Test Specs (RTST) Record Security: Test Specs (RTST) Record security as defined on the UTMR forms controls access to file records based on one or more select criteria. 375 . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. This report produces a listing of all the criteria that are defined for a specific file. Inc. 376 Runtime Administration. To create security classes. End users automatically have rights to all processes except those listed in this window (and any listed as privileged in another class. Inquiry Only. Remember that EX takes end users out of Envision and places them at the database management system level. Envision merges the security settings of each class. Inc. The classes identify the processes available to the end users on your system within an application. Be sure to include all process/menu mnemonics. For switchbased systems. which means you can assign security by operator or by device. enter process or menu mnemonics in one or more of the following windows. End users not assigned to this class cannot access these items unless they are assigned as privileged in another class. Four windows are available on the SCD form for establishing the appropriate security. and EX (Exit) or LO (Logoff) if you want these end users to have access to these options. the foundation of the process-level security system. end users in that class cannot see that process on a menu or run it. End users in this security class never have access to the items listed in this window. They cannot change. Envision assigns security classes according to a terminal’s port number. 3.Appendices: Form Reference Security Class Definition (SCD) Use the Security Class Definition (SCD) form to establish security classes. as appropriate: 1. You can identify the same item as privileged in more than one security class. End users in this security class may only view field data for the processes listed in this window. Do Only These. See the description of each window for an explanation of how Envision merges the settings for multiple security classes. or add field data for these processes. Never Do These. An end user can only run the processes that his security class allows. Privileged. Envision assigns security according to an end user’s login ID. End users in this security class have access only to the items listed in this window. A security class ID code identifies each security class. For information on how detail forms function for the items you list. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 2. delete. Remember that end users can have access to more than one security class. End users in this security class have exclusive rights to the items listed in this window. Device security works only with port-based systems. Use the Operator Definition (SOD) and Device Definition (SDD) forms to define operator and device records. You can assign this code to operator and device records. see “Restricting User Access for Detail Forms” on page 150. 4. . see below). If so. If a security class restricts a process. For port-based systems. March 10. March 10. 377 . you can only list mnemonics in these windows that you have already marked as ones that are subject to process-level security checks using the Menu Definition (SMD) form. Figure 93: Sample Security Class Definition (SCD) Form Runtime Administration.Security Class Definition (SCD) Also remember that when you define security classes. For more information about Operator Definition (SOD). refer to page 401. For more information about the Menu Definition (SMD) form. See page 388 for details on the Device Definition (SDD) form. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. You cannot apply process-level security to a mnemonic that does not already appear on a menu or to a mnemonic that is not subject to process-level security checks. Inc. refer to page 409. LIST PROHIBITED. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.EXCEPT.DESCRIPTION LIMITED.PROCESS.ACCESS.ONLY.TO.LIST INQUIRY.LIST DENY.CLASS 378 Runtime Administration. .TIMEOUT SYS.CLASS.CLASS.MENU. Inc.PROCESS.ID SECLASS. March 10.TO.Appendices: Form Reference Table 30: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Security Class Definition (SCD) Form Where Security Class Definition (SCD) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Security Class ID Menu Timeout Description Do Only These Never Do These Inquiry Only Privileged SECLASS SECLASS SECLASS SECLASS SECLASS SECLASS SECLASS SYS.PROCESS. Field Security Definition (SCDF) Field Security Definition (SCDF) Use the Field Security Definition (SCDF) form to define field-level security for data elements in the current application. Inc. Field-level security can be separate from process-level security. Figure 94: Sample Field Security Definition (SCDF) Form Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. You can define a new security class or use an existing class as defined on the Security Class Definition (SCD) form. Field-level security allows you to secure data elements across entire files. March 10. they see only asterisks in that field. you can define a security class for those end users in the Payroll Office that gives them exclusive access to the salary field. regardless of the Envision form they use. or they can be used together. 379 . if you want only the end users in the payroll office to see salary figures. If any other users attempt to access data from that field. For example. ELEMENT. Inc.ID SYS.CLASS.ELEMENTS CLASS.LEVEL 380 Runtime Administration.Appendices: Form Reference Table 31: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Field Security Definition (SCDF) Form Where Field Security Definition (SCDF) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Security Class ID Description Field to be Secured Security Level SECLASS SECLASS SECLASS SECLASS SYS. . March 10.SECURED.DESCRIPTION CLASS.CLASS. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.SECURITY. 381 . Use the security parameters form within an application or module to define the security keys for that application or module. SCDR works only with the General Ledger (GL) module. End users without the appropriate security keys in their security class(es) cannot access those records. March 10. The security keys control access to specific records within an application. You should define security classes and the application’s security keys before using SCDR to assign those keys to specific security classes. Figure 95: Sample Record Security Setup (SCDR) Form Runtime Administration. Inc.Record Security Setup (SCDR) Record Security Setup (SCDR) Use the Record Security Setup (SCDR) form to assign the security keys used in an application or a module to one or more security classes defined on the Security Class Definition (SCD) form. For example. use the General Ledger Account Parameters (GLAP) form to define the security keys for General Ledger. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. ID SYS. March 10. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel.DESCRIPTION CLASS. Inc.CHARACTERISTICS SECLASS.CLASS.EXCEPTIONS 382 Runtime Administration.RECSEC.CLASS.Appendices: Form Reference Table 32: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Record Security Setup (SCDR) Form Where Record Security Setup (SCDR) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Security Class ID Description Characteristics Record Security Exception Processes SECLASS SECLASS SECLASS SECLASS SYS. Operator Security Report (SCOR) Operator Security Report (SCOR) The Operator Security Report will report on the secured processes that each selected operator may access. Inc. The scope of the report may be narrowed by selecting specific modules and/or applications that processes may belong to. or all operators may be selected (this is the default). 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. Operators may be selected individually. 383 . Figure 96: Sample Operator Security Report (SCOR) Form Runtime Administration. March 10. Inc. or may be selected by the applications and/or modules to which they belong.Appendices: Form Reference Process Security Report (SCPR) The Process Security Report will report on the Operators who have access to any given process. Figure 97: Sample Process Security Report (SCPR) Form 384 Runtime Administration. Processes may be specified individually. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. If you chain screens that would otherwise prompt the user for different things. is then available to users in the Core System and to users in the Financial System and its peer applications. the following forms all prompt the user for a person ID: Name and Address Maintenance (NAE) Relation Information (REL) Emergency Information (EMER) Suppose you chained these screens in the order shown above. you can include only screens that are in the Core System or in Runtime. When a user accessed the chain. then the appropriate prompts are displayed when each screen is displayed. When the user finished from the Relation Information form. You can chain screens that are totally unrelated. For example. You can define a screen chain from within any application. if you define a screen chain in the Core System. Inc. 385 . one after the other. The screens you include in a chain must be accessible from the application in which you are working or from an application above it in the hierarchy. the Emergency Information form would be displayed for the same person with no further prompt. the Name and Address Maintenance form would be displayed. The most seamless chain of screens is one where each screen would otherwise prompt the user for the same thing. and the user would be prompted to enter a person ID. For example.Screen Chaining Specification (SCSP) Screen Chaining Specification (SCSP) Use the Screen Chaining Specification (SCSP) form to group otherwise independent screens together so that they are presented to the user as a set. in the Demographics module in the Core System. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. once defined. The chain itself will be available to users of the application in which it is defined as well as to users of applications that are below it in the hierarchy. Runtime Administration. the Relation Information form would be displayed for the same person with no further prompt. When the user finished the Name and Address Maintenance form. That same chain. In addition. . some of the existing function keys work differently for chained screens.Appendices: Form Reference All screens within a chain take on the security rights specified for the chain. There are three function keys available to support movement among chained screens: Screen FWD. the chain’s security rights take precedence. Screen BACK. Otherwise. These reports can help you administer security for screen chains. Figure 98: Sample Screen Chaining Specification (SCSP) Form 386 Runtime Administration. Use the Chain Usage Report (CHUS) to obtain reports on chains and the screens they contain. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. ALERT! It is important to ensure that access to the Form Chaining Specification form is limited. March 10. and Screen JUMP. See “Grouping Screens” beginning on page 121for further information on this topic. If the security rights you specify for a screen differ from the security rights you specify for a chain to which that screen belongs. someone could use the Screen Chaining Specification form to add an otherwise inaccessible screen to an accessible chain. Inc. HELP.GROUP.REQUIRED Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc.CTL PRCS.DESCRIPTION PROCESS.COMMIT SHORT.GROUP.GROUP.CTL PRCS. 387 . March 10.CTL SHRTHELP PRCS.GROUP.Screen Chaining Specification (SCSP) Table 33: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Screen Chaining Specification (SCSP) Form Where Form Chaining Specification (SCSP) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Chain Process LookUp Description PROCESS.CTL PROCESS.POST.POST.FORMS PROCESS.MESSAGE PROCESS.CTL PRCS.CO MMIT Short Help Mnemonic Require PRCS.MNEMONIC PROCESS. you only need to have one device record for your system. end users get the same port from the same device every time they log on. regardless of the number of Envision-based applications. Inc. printers. regardless of the port assigned by the switch. For these systems. regardless of their login IDs. Envision assigns devices according to the end user’s operating system login ID to ensure that the end user always has the same device definition. March 10. and other devices used for all Envision-based applications on your system. the end user logs on to a different port for each session. On port-based systems. On this form.Appendices: Form Reference Device Definition (SDD) Use the Device Definition (SDD) form to identify the terminals. you can specify the following device characteristics: Device-level password Keyboard definition Display definition Default security classes for the device Computer Access Strategies Access to most computer systems follows one of two strategies: Switch-based system Port-based system A switch-based computer system has an external switching computer or an external network computer that assigns the first available port to an end user trying to access the computer. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. This ensures that the Envision display and keyboard tables are compatible with the hardware associated with the device. Because all applications share the DEVICES file. Currently. 388 Runtime Administration. as specified on the Network Definition (SND) form. Envision assigns devices according to the port number of the device. this form lets you identify only terminal devices (displays and keyboards). Usually. On a port-based computer system. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. and display tables. Assigning Devices on a Port-based System The device ID for a port-based device relates to the type of device attached to the port and any special characteristics of its location. Inc. assign security classes to each individual end user instead of to a terminal. An end user has the same device definition regardless of the port assigned by the switch. Runtime Administration. For example. define a separate device record for that terminal (for example. The portdefinition window on the Network Definition (SND) form lets you assign a hard port for a switch-based system. use WYSE50 as the device ID. Each end user can have distinct passwords. Assign security classes to device records only for port-based devices. If you want to add additional security to a specific terminal on a specific port. Combining Features of Switch-Based and PortBased Systems If your computer is a switch-based system with certain ports hard-wired. to define a device record for a generic Wyse 50 terminal. You can then secure specific terminals from running certain processes.Device Definition (SDD) Assigning Devices on a Switch-based System Device IDs for a switch-based system correspond to end users’ login IDs— one device record for each end user. keyboard tables. For that port alone. regardless of the operator. 389 . Envision assigns device characteristics just as it would if the whole system were port-based. you can combine the features of both device assignment methods. You can assign the hard-wired ports on your computer to specific device definitions that are active for any end user logging into that port. These device definitions can be shared among several ports. Define only one device record for generic terminal types. Device Security You can assign process-level security--in the form of security classes--to each device. March 10. SYSADM). If you are using switch-based devices. refer to page 407. you must define it in all applications using that device. refer to page 376. that end user must log out and log back into the system before the changes take effect. the system ignores the security classes defined in the device record.Appendices: Form Reference Remember that all applications share the same device definitions. . Technical Tip: For switch-based devices. Use the Security Class Definition (SCD) form to define security classes. so if you assign a security class to a device. March 10. For more information on defining the access method for your computer. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. For more information on defining security classes. Figure 99: Sample Device Definition (SDD) Form 390 Runtime Administration. Inc. When you make changes to an end user’s device definition. DEVICE.LAST.USER Runtime Administration.DEVICE.LAST.CLASSES SYS. March 10.DEVICE.DEVICE.BASE.LAST.LINE SYS. 391 .DEVICE.DEVICE.TIME SYS.DEVICE.SPECS SYS.Device Definition (SDD) Table 34: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Device Definition (SDD) Form Where Device Definition (SDD) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Device ID Security Classes Display type Keyboard type Device Password Max Attempts Location Sessions since [Number of sessions] Most recent session on at using line by operator DEVICES DEVICES DEVICES DEVICES DEVICES DEVICES DEVICES DEVICES DEVICES DEVICES DEVICES DEVICES DEVICES SYS.KEYBOARD.DATE SYS.SESSION.TRIES SYS.SESSION.LOGIN.LOCATION SYS.DEVICE.COUNT.ID SYS.DATE SYS. Inc.DEVICE.DEVICE. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.PASSWORD SYS.DEVICE.TYPE SYS.COUNT SYS.DEVICE. When you have established the keyboard layout. When you define a keyboard. you must then assign it to one or more devices through the Device Definition (SDD) form. A terminal table for each terminal keyboard consists of a list of Envision function keys and editing keys and the corresponding values sent by the terminal when end users press the associated keys. decide on the keyboard layout. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. you can use the Ctrl and Esc key sequences. . Usually. create a template to match the key sequence for the terminal. First. 392 Runtime Administration. consult the reference documentation for the terminal to find out the command sequence that each key sends when pressed. If the terminal does not have function keys. Defining a Keyboard If a terminal table is not available for one or more of your terminals. March 10. the keyboard’s function keys and editing keys perform the Envision functions. Use this information to define the terminal table through the SKB forms. use the SKB forms to create one. After defining the table.Appendices: Form Reference Define Terminal Keyboard (SKB) Use the Define Terminal Keyboard (SKB) form to create and edit tables for terminal keyboards. however. Determine which function key or key sequence on the terminal keyboard you want to use to perform each Envision function. Inc. 393 .TERMINAL KBD. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc.ID KBD.DESCRIPTION KBD.Define Terminal Keyboard (SKB) Figure 100: Sample Define Terminal Keyboard (SKB) Form Table 35: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Define Terminal Keyboard (SKB) Form Where Define Terminal Keyboard (SKB) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Keyboard Definition ID Terminal Description Layout Style KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYBOARD. March 10.LAYOUT.TARGET.STYLE Runtime Administration. prefix each Envision key definition on this form with FKY. most terminals prefix. March 10. ESC is normally defined on SKB2 as CTL [ . For each Envision function. 394 Runtime Administration. while non-ANSI terminals may send commands through function key sequences. If the terminal sends commands using escape sequences and you specify the special sequence using SKB2. or start. FKY is normally defined on SKB2 as CTL A. Since this special sequence is usually the same for most keys. When end users press a key to perform a function. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . ANSI terminals send commands to the host computer using escape sequences. the command for the function by sending a special sequence to let the host computer know that the next sequence it receives corresponds to a function. prefix each Envision key definition on this form with ESC.Appendices: Form Reference Define Function Keys (SKB1) Use the Define Function Keys (SKB1) form to define which key sequence on the terminal keyboard you want to use to perform each Envision function. you may choose to specify this special sequence on the Define Cursor Keys (SKB2) form. Envision then automatically prefixes each command with this special sequence for every Envision function. If the terminal sends commands through function key sequences and you specify the special sequence using SKB2. you must include this special sequence as part of the key sequence. END KBD.WINDOW. Inc.PAGE.PAGE.FWD KBD. March 10.PAGE.JUMP KBD.BACK KBD.BACK KBD.WINDOW. 395 . 2010 © 2010 Datatel.WINDOW.PAGE.PAGE.INSERT Runtime Administration.FWD KBD.Define Function Keys (SKB1) Figure 101: Sample Define Function Keys (SKB1) Form Table 36: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Define Function Keys (SKB1) Form Where Define Function Keys (SKB1) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Keyboard Definition ID Next Field Previous Field Jump to Field # Next Group Previous Group Jump to Group # Go to First Group Go to Last Group Scroll toward 1st Scroll toward last Scroll to Page # Insert New Group KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYBOARD.ID KBD.WINDOW.BACK KBD.FIELD.HOME KBD.JUMP KBD.JUMP KBD.FIELD.FWD KBD.FIELD. FIELD.UPDATE KBD.RECORD.JUMP KBD.HELP KBD. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.FINISH KBD.DIRECT. March 10.FORM 396 Runtime Administration.CANCEL KBD.FORM.DELETE KBD. . Inc.DETAIL KBD.PROCESS.REFRESH.FUNCTION.ACCESS KBD.HELP KBD.BACK KBD.Appendices: Form Reference Table 36: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Define Function Keys (SKB1) Form (cont’d) Where Define Function Keys (SKB1) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Next Element Previous Element Exit Finish Update Cancel Delete Record Detail Direct Access Form Fwd Form Back Form Jump Process Help Field Help Function Key Help Refresh Form KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KBD.ELEMENT.FWD KBD.ELEMENT.EXIT KBD.FWD KBD.BACK KBD.HELP KBD.FORM.FORM. Inc. March 10. Figure 102: Sample Define Cursor Keys (SKB2) Form Runtime Administration.Define Cursor Keys (SKB2) Define Cursor Keys (SKB2) Use the Define Cursor Keys (SKB2) form to define the cursor and editing keys for the Envision line editing features. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 397 . Appendices: Form Reference Table 37: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Define Cursor Keys (SKB2) Form Where Define Cursor Keys (SKB2) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Keyboard Definition ID [ASCII Sequence] [ASCII Sequence] Attention Characters Cursor HOME Cursor UP Cursor RIGHT Cursor DOWN Cursor LEFT TAB Cursor Backspace Delete Character Insert Character Erase to Line’s End Erase Whole Line <ENTER> or <RETURN> Delete item/Line In-line Edit Toggle KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYDEFS KEYBOARD.ID KBD.ESCAPE KBD.FUNCTION.START KBD.DWT.CHARS KBD.HOME KBD.CURSOR.UP KBD.CURSOR.RIGHT KBD.CURSOR.DOWN KBD.CURSOR.LEFT KBD.TAB KBD.BACKSPACE KBD.CHARACTER.DELETE KBD.CHARACTER.INSERT KBD.ERASE.END.OF.LINE KBD.ERASE.LINE KBD.RETURN KBD.FIELD.DELETE KBD.EDIT.TOGGLE 398 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. Savedlist Creation (SLCR) Savedlist Creation (SLCR) Use the Savedlist Creation (SLCR) form to create a saved list that you can subsequently use with various functions in Colleague and Envision. The data entered on the SLCR form constitute a saved list specification record. When this record is executed, the results are stored in a saved list. If your native database is SQL-based, then you may specify the record selection criteria using either UniQuery or SQL syntax. If your native database is UniData, then only UniQuery syntax is allowed. The saved list is created when you save from this form. If you do not want to run the query and create the saved list, then you must cancel from this form. ALERT! This form is available in Release 18.0 for Envision 4.8 only. Figure 103: Sample Savedlist Creation (SLCR) Form Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 399 Appendices: Form Reference Savedlist Edit Contents (SLED) Use the Savedlist Edit Contents (SLED) form to edit the contents of a saved list. You can access this form directly from the menu or from the Savedlist Creation (SLCR) form. When you access this form from the menu, you are prompted for the ID of the saved list record that you want to modify. When you enter the name of an existing saved list, the current contents of that saved list are loaded into the form. You can then modify the information as needed. When you finish out of the form, the new contents are saved. When you access this form from the SLCR form, Colleague displays the records selected by the select list you entered on that form. When you enter the name of an existing saved list, the current contents of that saved list are loaded into the form. You can modify the form as needed. When you finish out of the form, the new contents are saved into the saved list record using the name specified on the SLCR form. If you do not want to save the results of the select statement, cancel out of the form. ALERT! This form is available in Release 18.0 for Envision 4.8 only. Figure 104: Sample Savedlist Edit Contents (SLED) Form 400 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. Menu Definition (SMD) Menu Definition (SMD) Use the Menu Definition (SMD) form to customize existing menus and to create new ones. You can add any process to any menu, as long as the process and the menu are both in the same application. The same processes can appear on more than one menu. You may also delete any process from any menu. Note: You should not modify the standard menus that are provided with your Datatel software, because they may be overwritten with future releases. To included Datatel processes on a menu, either create your own menus and add Datatel processes to them, or use security classes to restrict the processes to which a group of users has access. Defining a New Menu When you define a new menu, you must first select a mnemonic for the menu. This mnemonic is the same mnemonic that end users enter to access the menu. To prevent your new menu from being overwritten during a subsequent release of the software, the letter "X" should be the first letter of your mnemonic. Datatel guarantees that a menu or process mnemonic shipped with a general release will never begin with the letter "X." When you decide on the mnemonic, enter it at the LookUp prompt on the SMD form. Then give the menu a title. Finally, specify the processes that should appear on the menu. After creating a new menu, you should add its mnemonic to another menu using SMD. Remember that end users can enter any mnemonic from any menu provided they have the appropriate security rights. Adding a Process to a Menu To add a process to an existing menu, enter the mnemonic for the menu at the LookUp prompt on the SMD form. To add an existing process, enter it in the window in field 3. To add a new process, position the cursor in the window in field 3 and detail to access the Process Control Maintenance (SMD2) form. Enter the new process on the SMD2 form rather than entering it from SMD. Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 401 Appendices: Form Reference Removing a Process from a Menu To keep a process from displaying on a menu, you should restrict its use through the Security Class Definition (SCD) form rather than deleting it through the SMD form. Datatel recommends that you change the default menu setup only after a great deal of planning. You should leave the original setup intact and create new menus that reflect any changes. By defining a new menu containing your changes, you preserve its contents from one release to another. If you need to remove a process from a menu, enter the mnemonic for the menu at the LookUp prompt on the SMD form. At the window in field 3, position the cursor on the item that you want to delete and press DEL twice. Adding a Custom Program to a Menu To add a custom program to a menu, follow the steps below: Decide on a mnemonic for your custom program. Remember to begin your mnemonic with the letter "X" to prevent it from being overwritten with a future software release. Using the editor, create a paragraph VOC entry named mnemonic for your custom program, as follows: 001: PA 002: RESET.TERM 003: CUSTOM.PROGRAM.NAME Line three of the entry should be the name of your custom program. The RESET.TERM command makes sure that your cursor and backspace keys work properly. Use SMD to add your custom program mnemonic’s VOC entry to a menu as a database management system query language statement (type I). See page 376 for details on the Security Class Definition (SCD) form. 402 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. Menu Definition (SMD) Figure 105: Sample Menu Definition (SMD) Form Table 38: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Menu Definition (SMD) Form To retrieve data from Menu ID Menu Title Menu Split Modules Item Description Type Process Name Securable Group Where Menu Definition (SMD) Data Is Stored use this file and this field MENU MENU MENU MENU MENU PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL MENU.MNEMONIC MENU.TITLE MENU.SPLIT MENU.MODULES MENU.MEMBERS PROCESS.DESCRIPTION PROCESS.EXECUTION.TYPE PROCESS.TO.EXECUTE PRCS.SECURABLE.FLAG PROCESS.CLASS Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 403 Appendices: Form Reference Process Control Maintenance (SMD2) Use the Process Control Maintenance (SMD2) form to view all of the information stored in an application’s PRCS.CTL file about a process or procedure. Every Envision-based application has its own Process Control file (application.PRCS.CTL). You should maintain the information shown on this form using either the Menu Definition (SMD) form or forms available in the Envision Tool Kit. Records in the PRCS.CTL file do the following: Define the mnemonic for a process Determine the action to take when an end user enters that mnemonic Control how the process appears on a menu Provide various cross-references to other files Records in this file are keyed in one of the following ways: 1. Processes that end users can run from a menu are keyed by their menu mnemonics. These records also have cross-reference records keyed by the process name. 2. Procedures that end users can run from a menu are keyed by their mnemonics. 3. Processes and procedures that end users can only run from other processes or from procedures are keyed by their process names. These records have no cross-reference records and no mnemonics. 4. VOC records are keyed by the name of the VOC item. Note: You should NOT modify the process control records provided with your application. If you need to modify them, consult with Datatel before doing so. Release procedures overwrite any changed records with the default version when you load a new release of Datatel software. If you use field-level security, you may also use this form to view the fields that are secured in a particular file. If so, the files are keyed by the name of the file. 404 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. Process Control Maintenance (SMD2) Figure 106: Sample Process Control Maintenance (SMD2) Form Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. 405 Appendices: Form Reference Table 39: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Process Control Maintenance (SMD2) Form Where Process Control Maintenance (SMD2) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Process Control LookUp Description Mnemonic Cross-Reference Executed Process Execute Type Class Process Securable Included on Menu(s) Module List Field List Process Support Forms Documentation Intro List Documentation Appendices Menu Tree(s) PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PRCS.CTL PROCESS.MNEMONIC PROCESS.DESCRIPTION PROCESS.DIRECT.ACCESS.NAME PROCESS.TO.EXECUTE PROCESS.EXECUTION.TYPE PROCESS.CLASS PRCS.SECURABLE.FLAG MENUS.USING.THIS.PROCESS PRCS.CTL.MODULES PROCESS.FIELD.LIST TEMP.DOC.FORM.LIST PRCS.INTRO.LIST PRCS.APPENDIX.LIST PRCS.MENU.TREE 406 Runtime Administration, March 10, 2010 © 2010 Datatel, Inc. To assign each device to its correct port. Device IDs are defined on the Device Definition (SDD) form. and all information about the device applies to each port number with that device ID.Network Definition (SND) Network Definition (SND) Use the Network Definition (SND) form to assign a device ID to the appropriate port. Therefore. Identifying the terminal and keyboard type is critical to properly defining function keys and ensuring accurate form display. 407 . The device ID identifies the terminal and keyboard type used for the port. an optional password associated with the device. any special security class(es) authorizing access to the system. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Figure 107: Sample Network Definition (SND) Form Runtime Administration. Inc. Technical Tip: Use this process only with host systems that are portdependent or host systems that run on a network. you need a listing or diagram of your setup. and notes about the location(s) of the device. each device ID must be correctly defined for the corresponding port. More than one port number can have the same device ID. March 10. RECSEC.DEVICE.TYPE NETDEFS.BASE.PORT 408 Runtime Administration. Inc.PORTS NETDEFS. .HARD. March 10.STATE NETDEFS.SECURITY NETDEFS. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.SYSTEM.Appendices: Form Reference Table 40: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Network Definition (SND) Form Where Network Definition (SND) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Data Switch Terminal Routing? Disable Device Security? Default Record Security? Device Name Hard-Wired NETDEFS NETDEFS NETDEFS NETDEFS NETDEFS NETDEFS. you should first define your security classes in each application (Security Class Definition [SCD] form). Figure 108: Sample Operator Definition (SOD) Form Runtime Administration. Inc. however.Operator Definition (SOD) Operator Definition (SOD) Use the Operator Definition (SOD) form to define operator records for all individuals who are allowed access to Envision-based applications. Datatel strongly recommends that you define all operator records from within Runtime (UT). You may define operator records from within any application in the hierarchy. Maintaining all operator records at the UT level makes it easier for you to keep track of your operator definitions and reduces the likelihood of users having problems accessing certain applications. Before you define your operator records. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 409 . March 10. USED 410 Runtime Administration.LOGIN.EDITOR SYS.USER. . March 10.USER.USER.DATE SYS.CLASSES SYS.PW.DATE SYS.DEVICE.USER.USER.ID SYS. Inc.PASSWORD SYS.RETRIES SYS.USER.USER.TIME SYS.USER.NAME SYS.USER.COUNT SYS.LAST.EDITOR Sessions Since Date [Number of sessions] Most Recent Session On at using device OPERS OPERS OPERS OPERS OPERS OPERS OPERS OPERS OPERS OPERS OPERS OPERS SYS.EXPIRATION.PROCESS SYS.USER.MAX.PASSWORD.USER.USER.Appendices: Form Reference Table 41: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Operator Definition (SOD) Form Where Operator Definition (SOD) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field User ID Name Envision Password Password Expiration Date Security Classes Initial Menu Maximum Login Retries SYS.BASE.LAST.SESSION. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.STARTUP.SESSION.LAST.DATE SYS.COUNT. Figure 109: Studio Object Status Inquiry (SOSI) Form Runtime Administration. You can access this form directly. 411 . March 10. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Studio Object Status Inquiry (SOSI) Studio Object Status Inquiry (SOSI) Use the Studio Object Status Inquiry (SOSI) form to view the status history of a Colleague Studio object. or by detailing from the Status field on the Studio WorkGroup Inquiry (SWGI) form. ID SYS.SPEED.USER.NAME OPERATOR. Figure 110: Sample Speed Entry Text Definition (SPDE) Form Table 42: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Speed Entry Text Definition (SPDE) Form Where Speed Entry Text Definition (SPDE) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field User ID Name Char Entry Text OPERS OPERS OPERS OPERS SYS. March 10. Inc.SPEED.DIAL OPERATOR. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . Envision allows you to associated a single character to a long string. This string can then be entered by activating speed dial and typing the single character where needed.Appendices: Form Reference Speed Entry Text Definition (SPDE) In order to speed up entry of repetitive strings.TEXT 412 Runtime Administration.USER. your work must be done within a workgroup to manage your custom changes. Inc. you are prompted for a workgroup on the Colleague Local Repository Provider form. 413 . The workgroup and custom features help you to package your custom changes properly so they can be moved from one environment to another. Record delete is available from the SWGD form to remove unnecessary workgroups that were created in Colleague Studio. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Studio WorkGroup Definition (SWGD) Studio WorkGroup Definition (SWGD) If you use Colleague Studio to customize Colleague applications or to create new objects. Use the Studio WorkGroup Definition (SWGD) form to maintain workgroups. March 10. You can only delete a workgroup that does not contain any Colleague Studio objects whose current status for that workgroup is: "C"hecked out "S"helved "R"eady for build Figure 111: Studio WorkGroup Definition (SWGD) Form Runtime Administration. when you create a new Colleague Studio project against this environment. The list of available workgroups in the Use existing workgroup field includes all that have an Inactive Flag set to "N" or null. In Colleague Studio. You can also access information about these objects from within Colleague Studio. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. The SWGI form makes this information accessible when you are working with Colleague Studio objects in UI – for example. March 10.Appendices: Form Reference Studio WorkGroup Inquiry (SWGI) Use the Studio WorkGroup Inquiry (SWGI) form to view information about all objects assigned to a Colleague Studio workgroup. when building a release package on the CPKG form. Figure 112: Studio WorkGroup Inquiry (SWGI) Form 414 Runtime Administration. . You can access this form directly. or by detailing from the WorkGroups field on the Custom Release Package Build (CPKG) form. processes and menus have runtime help messages shipped with them. This information is entered during development on the HLP form when in the Envision Toolkit. In addition. In some cases it may be desirable to changed the stock help information as shipped to something else desired at runtime. Figure 113: Sample User Help Maintenance (UHLP) Form Runtime Administration.User Help Maintenance (UHLP) User Help Maintenance (UHLP) All standard Envision CDD elements. Inc. This form allows the modification of any short and long help that is stored in the currently running application HELP and HELP. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10.LONG files. 415 . such as the field help tied to a field on one or more forms. information is provided on how to use a particular help message. ADD.Appendices: Form Reference Table 43: Query Lang Retrieval Help for User Help Maintenance (UHLP) Form Where User Help Maintenance (UHLP) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field SHORT.CHANGE.DATE SHRTHELP. Inc.FILE HELP. March 10.LIST HELP.DATE SHRTHELP.ADD.VALIDATION.HELP.TABLE SHRTHELP.OPERATOR SHRTHELP.DATA.OPERAT OR Process Alternate Dict Short Help SHRTHELP SHRTHELP SHRTHELP SHRTHELP SHRTHELP SHRTHELP SHRTHELP SHRTHELP SHRTHELP SHRTHELP SHRTHELP SHRTHELP SHRTHELP SHORT.HELP. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.DICTIONARY.ALTERNATE.DATE SHRTHELP.MESSAGE 416 Runtime Administration.PROCESS.POINTER.ID HELP.ADD.FIELD.ADD.DATE SHRTHELP.OPERATOR SHRTHELP.FILE.CHANGE. .CHANGE.HELP.ID Dictionary Xref Data File Name Field Number Pointer File Validation Type SHRTHELP.OPERATOR HELP.NAME HELP.XREF HELP.DICT SHORT.CHANGE.NUMBER HELP. 417 . This process is primarily intended for updating an existing main account where the volume of new files from a release are small and easy to review file by file. Using UNFR. March 10. processing can proceed and new files can be created as requested. Because main accounts typically have their own copy of most data files. refer to page 471. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Runtime Administration. the volume of new files make it reasonable to accept the normal default paths for new files.8 because of changes to the Envision architecture. Once the paths are as desired. Like the Update User Remote Accounts (UURA) process. For more information about the Remote Account New Files (UNFR) form.8 because of changes to the Envision architecture.Update Main Remote Accounts (UMRA) Update Main Remote Accounts (UMRA) Use the Update Main Remote Accounts (UMRA) form to bring a main account up to the same release level as another account. Note: The UURA and UNFR forms are not used for Envision 4. refer to page 420. You can manage the fine tuning of data distribution at a later date. it is possible to override the default paths derived via rules given in the account’s REMOTES record. UMRA updates an account’s VOC to point to programs and files associated with the new release. For more information about the Update User Remote Accounts (UURA) form. When creating a new main account for Colleague. Inc. Note: The Update Main Remote Accounts (UMRA) form is not used for Envision 4. UURA provides a step that logs any new files to be created and optionally suspends creation of those files until the paths to where those files are to be created have been reviewed and accepted via the Remote Account New Files (UNFR) form. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10.Appendices: Form Reference Figure 114: Sample Update Main Remote Accounts (UMRA) Form 418 Runtime Administration. Inc. . Figure 115: Sample Report on New/Obsolete Files (UNFP) Form Runtime Administration. This report will produce an output matching what is visible on the UNFR form. 419 . These files may be reviewed on the Remote Account New Files (UNFR) form after the scan. March 10. Inc.Report on New/Obsolete Files (UNFP) Report on New/Obsolete Files (UNFP) You can run the UMRA process with the option to detect new and obsolete files. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.8 because of changes to the Envision architecture. Note: The Remote Account New Files (UNFR) form is not used for Envision 4. you may update them through the Update User Remote Accounts (UURA) form. UURA does not produce a list of new files that you may view with this form. 420 Runtime Administration. March 10. If you request UMRA to compile a list of any new files that the account will receive as it is updated.Appendices: Form Reference Remote Account New Files (UNFR) Use the Remote Account New Files (UNFR) form to review any new files that an account will receive when it is updated to a new release level. then you may review that list using this form.8 because of changes to the Envision architecture. Envision creates the files along the paths specified. the UNFR form appears before Envision creates any files and updates the account in question. Note: The Remote Account New Files (UNFR) form is not used for Envision 4. If the field for accepting the paths for the new files is not marked Yes. For more information about the Update Main Remote Accounts (UMRA) form. When you continue or rerun UMRA and have marked the field Yes.8 because of changes to the Envision architecture. you would use the Update Main Remote Accounts (UMRA) to update a Main account to a new release level. you can override the paths by entering the desired path in the field provided. then Envision has not yet created the files. As long as the files have not yet been created. Generally. . Because User remotes do not generally have local copies of true application files. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. When you run UMRA and request to review this list. Note: The UMRA and UURA forms are not used for Envision 4. refer to page 417. Remote Account New Files (UNFR) Figure 116: Sample Remote Account New Files (UNFR) Form Table 44: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Remote Account New Files (UNFR) Form Where Remote Account New Files (UNFR) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Account LookUp [Account Description] [Account Type] Account Path New File Name New File Path Obsolete Local Files for DELETION Delete Exception Accept Paths as Presented REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTE. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.EXCEPTIONS REMOTE.ACCEPTANCE Runtime Administration.FILENAMES REMOTE.FILEPATHS REMOTE. Inc.NEW.NEWFILE.ID REMOTE.NEW. 421 .PATH REMOTE. March 10.NAME REMOTE.DELETED.FILES REMOTE.TYPE REMOTE.DELETED. 8 because of changes to the Envision architecture. You may modify the contents of these select lists to fit the needs of your institution. To overwrite or delete your own records in User accounts during an update. March 10. The information in this report shows the names of the active lists and their contents.LIST to add them to the lists.LIST command.Appendices: Form Reference Overwritten & Deleted Records (UODR) Use the Overwritten & Deleted Records (UODR) form to produce a report that shows the lists of records that will be overwritten or deleted when you update an account to a new release level. A series of select lists controls which records to delete or replace. . The contents of these lists represent default modifications for updating the account. 422 Runtime Administration. certain obsolete records are targeted for deletion or replacement. these select lists are delivered as part of the release package. you can decide which records to add to or subtract from these lists to fit your institution’s needs. You may edit these lists to modify their contents and thus control which records are overwritten or deleted. Two select lists exist for each file or dictionary: one for deletion and one for replacement (overwriting). 2010 © 2010 Datatel. use EDIT. Inc. When you update a Main account to a new release level. Note: The Overwritten & Deleted Records (UODR) form is not used for Envision 4. remove them from the appropriate list using the EDIT. After using UODR to produce a report showing the names and default contents of these select lists. To protect items from deletion or replacement. March 10. 423 . 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Overwritten & Deleted Records (UODR) Figure 117: Sample Overwritten & Deleted Records (UODR) Form Runtime Administration. Inc. March 10. . You may use this report to review the structure of the various accounts defined to Envision. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Use the Remote Account Report (URRA) form to produce a report that lists information about your remote account definitions. and Release accounts only). you may produce a report for any type of account: Main User Release File Template image The information provided in the report includes the directory path to an account. Figure 118: Sample Remote Account Report (URRA) Form 424 Runtime Administration. and other any other accounts that this account references. User. the modules it can access (Main. With URRA.Appendices: Form Reference Remote Account Report (URRA) Note: The Remote Account Report (URRA) form is not used for Envision 4. Inc.8 because of changes to the Envision architecture. You can view these error messages while the batch job is running. When Envision runs a batch job. This information includes statistics. Envision stores these statistics in the file appl. UTBE gives you the option of producing printed copies of this information for one or more batch runs. This form provides a way to create selection criteria for identifying the records you want printed.PPROCESS. Figure 119: Sample Batch Error Report (UTBE) Form Runtime Administration.Batch Error Report (UTBE) Batch Error Report (UTBE) Use the Batch Error Report (UTBE) form to print information that Envision automatically collects and stores for a file when it runs a batch process. This report prints only the information that you select. Inc. each step in the batch may produce one or more errors. 425 . If you need this information about a batch job but did not receive a report. use UTBE to print the needed information. Not all batch jobs automatically print this report. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. or use the VBS form to view them after the job runs. where appl is the mnemonic of the current application. and all records that it could not process. errors. You can print the Batch Error Report for a subset of the stored data. it will include a list of any index structures that may have been deleted. March 10. a second bar graph displays whenever a calculation of computed index columns occurs. 426 Runtime Administration. or built for each file. the file must already have indexing parameters and specifications defined on either: The File Index Definition (FIDX) form in the Envision Tool Kit The User File Index Specification (UTMI) form (the runtime equivalent of FIDX) As the UTBA process maintains the indexes of each selected file. Before you run the UTBA process for a file. the supporting indexes are created. a bar graph displays. created.Appendices: Form Reference Multiple File Indexing (UTBA) Use the Multiple File Indexing (UTBA) form to create and build index structures and to calculate computed index columns for multiple files. If the primary key and unique key are missing. UTBA generates a report that lists all executed file indexing operations for each file processed. . the UTBA process verifies that the primary key (PK_filename) and unique key (UQ_filename) constraints are also defined using indexes. At the end of the process. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. For example. Oracle Clients In addition to the alternate key (IX_fieldname) indexes. This ensures that the records are unique and the performance of the database is optimal. Inc. Additionally. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 427 . Inc.Multiple File Indexing (UTBA) Figure 120: Sample Multiple File Indexing (UTBA) Form Runtime Administration. March 10. March 10. If the primary key and unique key constraints are missing. .Appendices: Form Reference File Indexing (UTBI) Use the File Indexing (UTBI) form to create and build index structures for a file and/or calculate any computed index columns of a file. If a calculation of computed index columns occurs. This ensures that the records are unique and that database performance is optimized. created. For more information about the User File Index Specification (UTMI) form.In addition to the alternate key (IX_fieldname) indexes. Step 2 represents the building of index structures in Unidata accounts. it will include a list of any index structures that may have been deleted. or built. UTBI generates a report at the end of the process. their supporting indexes are created. 428 Runtime Administration. the UTBI process verifies that the primary key (PK_filename) and unique key (UQ_filename) constraints are also defined using indexes. Inc. Technical Tip: Oracle Clients -. which lists all of the executed file indexing operations. the file must already have indexing parameters and specifications defined on either: The File Index Definition (FIDX) form in the Envision Tool Kit The User File Index Specification (UTMI) form (the runtime equivalent of FIDX) A 2-step bar graph displays as UTBI maintains indexes. For example. Before you run the UTBI process for a file. refer to page 444. it is represented during the second step with a secondary bar graph. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Step 1 represents the creation of index structures in Unidata accounts or the creation and build of index structures in Oracle accounts. 429 . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10.File Indexing (UTBI) Figure 121: Sample File Indexing (UTBI) Form Envision 4. Inc.7 only Runtime Administration. For more information about file types. If the data on this form is also incomplete. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. The information is keyed by the type of file. the file creation routines default to hard-coded values. When you use a process that creates files and the information supplied is incomplete. Inc.Appendices: Form Reference File Creation Type Defaults (UTCD) Use the File Creation Type Defaults (UTCD) form to set up default parameters to use when creating files. See each field description for these hard-coded default values. March 10. . Envision uses the default settings that you specify here to fill in any missing pieces. see the on-line documentation for your operating system. Figure 122: Sample File Creation Type Defaults (UTCD) Form 430 Runtime Administration. and you can specify defaults to use for items such as the modulo or hash type. 431 .UNIDATA.MODULO FILEDFLT.TYPE FILEDFLT.HASH FILEDFLT.GRPSIZE Unidata Account Group Activate Dynamic FILEDFLT FILEDFLT FILEDFLT FILEDFLT FILEDFLT FILEDFLT FILEDFLT.ACTIVATE. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.GRPSIZE FILEDFLT. March 10.GROUP FILEDFLT.File Creation Type Defaults (UTCD) Table 45: Query Lang Retrieval Help for File Creation Type Defaults (UTCD) Form Where File Creation Type Defaults (UTCD) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field File Type Hashing Modulo FILEDFLT. Inc.DYNAMIC Runtime Administration. Figure 123: Sample File Creation (UTCF) Form Table 46: Query Lang Retrieval Help for File Creation (UTCF) Form To retrieve data from Where File Creation (UTCF) Data Is Stored use this file and this field UFSPECS UFSPECS.ID User File Specifications LookUp 432 Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . and then the file will be created for you. you may use this form to entered information such as file name and target path. Inc. March 10.Appendices: Form Reference File Creation (UTCF) To create a file when in the Envision runtime environment. LEVEL.DB.MSG<X.DEBUG THEN X.ID IF DATATEL.CTR> = "v. 2.debug To turn on the Envision debug mode for a process. Runtime Administration. Run the Envision program you want to debug.CTR + 1 XL. 433 .CTR = X.name =":V.level ge 5 $INSERT I_DEBUG END .DEBUG.STRING. March 10. Programmers also create debug messages within the code. or until you use the Clear String fields to clear the debug string.DEBUG. To make it possible for a program to run in debug mode. Inc.DEBUG.LEVEL GE 5 THEN X.id = ":V.CTR> = "entering special process. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.DB. programmers generally place Envision debug messages within a statement that checks for a value greater than zero in the special variables DATATEL. Enter the debug string on the UTDB form.DB.DEBUG. Research the name of the debug string embedded in the program.DB.UT Process Debug Activation (UTDB) UT Process Debug Activation (UTDB) Use the UT Process Debug Activation (UTDB) form to activate or deactivate Envision debugging mode in a process. v.DB.LAST. 3. The information you enter on this form is appended to special variable UT.DEBUG and DATATEL. The debug string is a unique name that identifies the program for the Envision debug processing.CTR = X.* datatel. Envision displays these messages whenever you run the program in debug mode.* datatel. Example IF DATATEL.debug.NAME END .MSG<X. The process continues to run in Envision debug mode for as long as you are logged into the current session.CTR + 1 XL. programmers embed a debug string (usually a process ID or form mnemonic) in the code of that program. To determine whether Envision debug mode is active. Activating debug mode for a process consists of the following steps: 1.DB. you enter the process's unique debug name into the appropriate fields on this form.DEBUG.last. . March 10. Use the fields in the lower part of the form to debug WebAdvisor processes. enter the name of the process and the ID of the WebAdvisor user you want to debug. which are keyed by SenderControlID*counter*SecurityToken*[processID]. debug messages are written to the WWW. Refer to the WebAdvisor Debug Information (WADB) form to view a report of records in the WWW. As it runs.DEBUG file that were written during WebAdvisor debugging. For WebAdvisor debugging. WebAdvisor debug mode remains active as long as the fields on this form contain data. and then run the process needing debugging.DEBUG files. WebAdvisor processes follow the same concepts as Envision debug mode in UI. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Envision Debug mode displays the messages entered by the programmers to help you determine possible sources of problems with the software or data.SCREEN.SCREEN. However.8 434 Runtime Administration. Figure 124: Sample UT Process Debug Activation (UTDB) Form Envision 4. the process runs in Envision debug mode. Use the fields in the upper part of this form for debugging UI processes. Inc.Appendices: Form Reference When you enter a process’s debug name on the UTDB form. Therefore. when you access this form from the Vendor Maintenance form. For example. this form is accessible only as a detail form. Because. Note: Regardless of the context in which you access this form. its title might be “Fixed Asset Disposal Comments. its title changes to reflect the context in which you are working. March 10. on the other hand. you would do so to maintain comments about the vendor. If. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.” and when you access this form from the Fixed Asset Disposal Maint form. The type of comments you view or enter is defined by the context in which you are working. you would do so to maintain comments on the disposal of a particular asset. if you accessed this form from the Vendor Maintenance (VEND) form in the Accounts Payable or Purchasing modules. its title might be “Vendor Comments.Edit Comments (UTED) Edit Comments (UTED) Use this form to view or maintain free-form comments. you do access this form in a variety of contexts. Inc.” Figure 125: Sample Edit Comments (UTED) Form Runtime Administration. however. 435 . You will never actually see this form’s formal title (Edit Comments). Instead. you accessed this form from the Fixed Asset Disposal Maintenance (FXDM) form in the Fixed Assets module. its mnemonic is always UTED. Inc. the only directory that end users can BROWSE is the HOLD directory. therefore. Figure 126: Sample Browse File Authorization (UTFA) Form 436 Runtime Administration. . do not allow them to access any directories that contain source code. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. If you do not list any directories on this form. End users might want to BROWSE some of the following directories: Command logs Documentation directories Word processing directories Vocabulary (VOC) records It is possible for end users to delete the directories they access with BROWSE.Appendices: Form Reference BROWSE File Authorization (UTFA) Use the BROWSE File Authorization (UTFA) form to enter the names of all directories that end users are allowed to access using the BROWSE utility. March 10. which contains generated reports. End users can BROWSE only those directories that you specify by name on this form. Inc.AUTH. March 10. 437 .BROWSE File Authorization (UTFA) Table 47: Query Lang Retrieval Help for BROWSE File Authorization (UTFA) Form Where BROWSE File Authorization (UTFA) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Authorized Directory File Name UTFBLIST UTFB.LIST Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.FILE. the screen acts as a 22-line. Inc. Each page of a directory item is 150 characters wide and 66 lines long.0 for Envision 4. In the BROWSE process.Appendices: Form Reference Sequential File BROWSE Shell (UTFB) Use the Sequential File BROWSE Shell (UTFB) process to view items in a file directory. March 10. Figure 127: Sample Sequential File BROWSE Shell (UTFB) Form 438 Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Note: This version of the form (containing Security Type) is available in Release 18. 80character window into a record. .8 only. Use the BROWSE functions and commands to position your BROWSE window over part of the directory item. Moves the BROWSE window to the left 70 columns Rnnn. Moves the BROWSE window to the left nnn columns L. Moves up 22 lines or to the top of the current page CLEAR or REFRESH. or FINISH. Moves the BROWSE window to the right 70 columns Unnn. Moves to page nnn @(c.Turns to the next page Window FWD. Moves the BROWSE window up 22 lines or to the top of the page Dnnn.Sequential File BROWSE Shell (UTFB) The BROWSE functions and commands are as follows: Functions Window Page UP. line x on the current page. Runtime Administration. Shows this Help information CANCEL. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Backs up one page (goes from page 3 to page 2) Window Page DOWN. Moves the BROWSE window down nnn lines or to the bottom of the page D. Stops Browsing. 439 . Moves the BROWSE window to the right nnn columns R. EXIT.x). Moves the BROWSE window down 22 lines or to the bottom of the page P. Moves the BROWSE window so that the upper left corner is positioned at column c. March 10. Commands Lnnn. Moves the BROWSE window up nnn lines or to the top of the page U. Moves down 22 lines or to the bottom of the current page Window BACK. Moves to the next page PD. Inc. Repaints the current form Process HELP. Moves up (prior) one page Pnnn. Moves down (next) one page PU. and status for each process that the procedure runs.PPROCESS. It also includes the start time.Appendices: Form Reference Job Statistics Purge (UTJP) Use the Job Statistics Purge (UTJP) procedure to purge data that Envision automatically collects and stores when an end user runs a procedure.8 only 440 Runtime Administration. . Figure 128: Sample Job Statistics Purge (UTJP) Form Envision 4. This purge process clears the file of the selected data. You can purge either all or only a subset of the statistical data stored for a procedure. where appl is the mnemonic for the current application. March 10. The Job Statistics User form provides a way to create selection criteria for identifying the statistics that you want to purge. These data include the operator’s login ID and the date and time the procedure was run. stop time. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Envision stores these statistics in the file appl. Inc. and all records added. Inc. or deleted for any files accessed during the process. These data include the operator name.PPROCESS file. You can create the selection criteria for identifying the statistics that you want to print. Envision prints all records in the appl.PPROCESS. changed. where appl is the mnemonic of the current application. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 441 . This report prints the selected data for review or documentation. If you leave the selection options blank. You may run the Job Statistics Report for a subset of the stored data. date and time the procedure was run.Job Statistics Report (UTJR) Job Statistics Report (UTJR) Use the Job Statistics Report (UTJR) form to print data that Envision automatically collects and stores when an end user runs a procedure. Envision stores these statistics in the file appl. Figure 129: Sample Job Statistics Report (UTJR) Form Runtime Administration. March 10. see the file structure and file maintenance sections of the reference guide for your operating system. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Appendices: Form Reference User File Information (UTMF) Use the User File Information (UTMF) inquiry form to view system and account information about a specific file as identified to the operating system and database management software. For more information about file types. Inc. Information includes characteristics of this file’s data and dictionary segments. Figure 130: Sample User File Information (UTMF) Form 442 Runtime Administration. March 10. . MODULES UT.VOC UT.OPERATOR Runtime Administration.VOC. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.DESCRIPTION UT.DATE UT.User File Information (UTMF) Table 48: Query Lang Retrieval Help for User File Information (UTMF) Form Where User File Information (UTMF) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field File Name LookUp Description Accessed by Module(s) Account Access List Changed Date Operator UT.XREF UT.CHANGE.RELEASE. 443 .VOC.VOC.VOC UT.VOC UT.CHANGE.REMOTE.VOC. March 10.VOC UT.ID UT.VOC.VOC UT. Inc.VOC.VOC UT. Inc. UTMI is the runtime equivalent of FIDX. By default.7 only). you can specify which field you want to store as the key for these specifications. Indexing speeds up some file operations. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. These index specifications work in addition to the indexing that the application designer defined through the File Index Definition (FIDX) form in the Envision Tool Kit. Envision stores these index specifications as records in an index file (in Envision 4. March 10. . You can also specify any key algorithm that you want to use to generate index keys in the index file. this field is the ID of the primary file. For more information about the File Indexing (UTBI) form. Note: After using the UTMI process to specify indexing. For example. such as selecting all records in a file whose field(s) match certain value(s). using LookUp on a file containing only indexed fields is much faster than using it on a file containing unindexed fields. In addition to specifying which fields in the primary file you want to index.Appendices: Form Reference User File Index Specification (UTMI) Use the User File Index Specification (UTMI) form to define lists of field associations by which to index a file. refer to page 428. use the File Indexing (UTBI) form to build the indexing information for any currently existing data in the file. 444 Runtime Administration. 445 .User File Index Specification (UTMI) Figure 131: Sample User File Index Definition (UTMI) Form Table 49: Query Lang Retrieval Help for User File Index Specification (UTMI) Form Where User File Index Specification (UTMI) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field User File Specifications LookUp UFSPECS UFSPECS. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10.ID Runtime Administration. March 10. The transaction log file for a given file is named TXLOG_filename.Appendices: Form Reference Transaction Log Specification (UTML) Use the Transaction Log Specification (UTML) form to activate or deactivate transaction logging for a specific file. Envision creates this file in the same directory as the file that is being logged. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. . You can activate transaction logging for a specific period of time by indicating the date to automatically turn the logging feature off. Figure 132: Sample Transaction Log Specification (UTML) Form 446 Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.TX. 447 .TX.LOG.LOG.TIME UFSPECS.DATE UFSPECS.OPER UFSPECS.LOG.TX.LOG.EXP.Transaction Log Specification (UTML) Table 50: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Transaction Log Specification (UTML) Form Where Transaction Log Specification (UTML) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field User File Specifications LookUp Date to stop Transaction Logging Date Time Operator Action UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS.DATE UFSPECS.ACTION Runtime Administration. March 10.LOG.ID UFSPECS. Inc.TX.TX. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. When end users run an application. they must re-initialize Envision Runtime before the additions or changes take effect. Envision evaluates their parameter definitions set up in the Record Security User Characteristics (RSUC) form. or Enter ENVINIT at the database management system prompt. refer to page 372.Appendices: Form Reference Record Security Specification (UTMR) Use the Record Security Specification (UTMR) form to specify the criteria that define access security for records within a specific file. March 10. Inc. If you add new record security criteria or change existing criteria for end users. Figure 133: Sample Record Security Specification (UTMR) Form 448 Runtime Administration. There are two ways to initialize Envision Runtime: Leave the database management system and reenter it. Envision evaluates the criteria specified on this form during runtime against an end user’s security cha6acteristics to determine if he has access to a certain record for reporting or maintenance. For more information about the Record Security User Characteristics (RSUC) form. . FIELD UFSPECS. Inc.FILENAME UFSPECS.OPER UFSPECS.RS.SEL.ID UFSPECS. The Key IDs of records in the REMOTES file should be the same as their corresponding account names.CONNECTIVE UFSPECS. Runtime Administration.RS. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Note: The Remote Account Specifications (UTRA) form is not used for Envision 4.RS.RS.RCD.CHG. 449 .REL.RS.VALUE UFSPECS.DATE UFSPECS.ACCESS.8 because of changes to the Envision architecture.SEL.Remote Account Specifications (UTRA) Table 51: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Record Security Specification (UTMR) Form Where Record Security Specification (UTMR) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field FileName LookUp Last Changed Date Last Changed By Select FileName Connective Field Name Relation Conditional Value Access Class Enforce current security definition? UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS.RS.RS.CHG.SECURITY Remote Account Specifications (UTRA) Use the Remote Account Specifications (UTRA) form to maintain the REMOTES file. Each record also contains the full path name that explicitly defines the physical location of the VOC for the remote account it describes.RS. Each record in the REMOTES file contains descriptive information about a particular remote account. March 10.OPCODE UFSPECS.TYPE UFSPECS. . Inc.Appendices: Form Reference Figure 134: Sample Remote Account Specifications (UTRA) Form 450 Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. March 10. MAIN.FILING. March 10.Remote Account Specifications (UTRA) Table 52: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Remote Account Specifications (UTRA) Form Where Remote Account Specifications (UTRA) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Account LookUp Account Type Account Description Drive Name For VOC Full Path For VOC Parent VOC Application Modules User Release Global Default DATA Filing Area Default SYSTEM Filing Area REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTES REMOTE. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.MODULE.REL REMOTE.CATALOG.DRIVE REMOTE.OVERRIDE REMOTE.LIST REMOTE.AREA Runtime Administration.AREA REMOTE.DFLT.ID REMOTE.TYPE REMOTE.TYPE REMOTE.LIST REMOTE. 451 . Inc.NAME REMOTE.SYSTEM.VERSION.PATH REMOTE.APPL.REMOTE.FILING.LIST REMOTE. Use the LookUp Resolution form to specify the content and layout of a resolution form. the changes must be compiled. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. resolution details such as the line and column numbers. and conversion. Inc. March 10. maximum lines for the resolution block. In essence. justification. The resolution page allows users to search through a list of records and choose one or more. as needed. resolution title. Figure 135: Sample LookUp Resolution Specs (UTRD) Form Displays the login ID of the person who most recently changed this resolution form. length. When you create new specifications or modify existing ones. Use the LookUp Resolution Specifications (UTRD) form to maintain a LookUp Resolution specification by entering or editing details such as the name of the resolution file.Appendices: Form Reference LookUp Resolution Specs (UTRD) A resolution form is where the results of a LookUp are displayed when more than one record in a selected file meets specified selection criteria. you will supply all of the basic details required to maintain a resolution specification definition. 452 Runtime Administration. ADDED RESOLUTN. If you specify abbreviations here.BLK. March 10. Envision lets you refer to those fields by their abbreviations when using LookUp.CONV RESOLUTN. Runtime Administration.ADDED. Inc.ID RESOLUTN.CHANGED. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.BLK. 453 .COL RESOLUTN.SUBR RESOLUTN.FNAME RESOLUTN.LGTH RESOLUTN.KEY.File Resolution Defaults (UTRE) Table 53: Query Lang Retrieval Help for LookUp Resolution Specs (UTRD) Form Where LookUp Resolution Specs (UTRD) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Resolution LookUp Resolution File Maximum Lines Description Key Subroutine Line Column Length Justification Block Definition Conversion [Character ID] Block Header Added [on] Added [by] Changed [on] Changed [by] RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN.LINE RESOLUTN.CHANGED RESOLUTN.MAX.DATA RESOLUTN.BY File Resolution Defaults (UTRE) Use the File Resolution Defaults (UTRE) form to specify abbreviations to use in place of dictionary item names.BY RESOLUTN.BLK.JST RESOLUTN.DESCRIPTION RESOLUTN.LINES RESOLUTN.ID RESOLUTN. You may also use this form to define the default sort order for the resolution form.HEADER RESOLUTN. March 10. Inc.Appendices: Form Reference Figure 136: Sample File Resolution Defaults (UTRE) Form 454 Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . MNEMONIC RESOLUTN.BY RESOLUTN. Inc.CHANGED RESOLUTN.DICT.DESCRIPTION RESOLUTN.BY RESOLUTN.CHANGED. March 10.SORT.ADDED.ITEMS RESOLUTN. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.File Resolution Defaults (UTRE) Table 54: Query Lang Retrieval Help for File Resolution Defaults (UTRE) Form Where File Resolution Defaults (UTRE) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Resolution LookUp Resolution File Maximum Lines Description Added [on] Added [by] Changed [on] Changed [by] Only Allow Table Items Item Dictionary Name Sort Field Sort Order RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN.ADDED RESOLUTN.ID RESOLUTN. 455 .SORT.MAX.NAME RESOLUTN.LIMIT.LINES RESOLUTN.DICT.FNAME RESOLUTN.ORDER Runtime Administration.FIELD RESOLUTN. This form also lets you review the current format and placement of the display attributes. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. you should also include headings for each field on the UTRD form.Appendices: Form Reference File Resolve Graphic Display (UTRG) Use the File Resolve Graphic Display (UTRG) form to specify both the main and column headings that appear when Envision evaluates and displays this resolution. March 10. especially in the client/server environment. . Figure 137: Sample File Resolve Graphic Display (UTRG) Form 456 Runtime Administration. For a more accurate definition of headings. DESCRIPTION RESOLUTN. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc.ADDED.ADDED RESOLUTN.File Resolve Graphic Display (UTRG) Table 55: Query Lang Retrieval Help for File Resolve Graphic Display (UTRG) Form Where File Resolve Graphic Display (UTRG) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Resolution LookUp Resolution File Maximum Lines Description Added [on] Added [by] Changed [on] Changed [by] Resolution Title [Heading] RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN.FNAME RESOLUTN.CHANGED.MAX.BY RESOLUTN. March 10.BY RESOLUTN.HEADING Runtime Administration.CHANGED RESOLUTN.TITLE RESOLUTN.ID RESOLUTN.LINES RESOLUTN. 457 . March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . Use the File Resolve Graphic Display (UTRG) detail form to change the appearance of the resolution data on the resolution form. Figure 138: Sample LookUp Resolution Options (UTRO) Form 458 Runtime Administration. Inc.Appendices: Form Reference LookUp Resolution Options (UTRO) Use the LookUp Resolution Options (UTRO) form to control miscellaneous resolution form options that affect the form’s operation. but not its appearance. These options include controlling when Envision invokes the resolution form and what an end user’s options are at that time. refer to page 456. For more information about the File Resolve Graphic Display (UTRG) form. CHANGED RESOLUTN. 459 .LIST.FNAME RESOLUTN.LookUp Resolution Options (UTRO) Table 56: Query Lang Retrieval Help for LookUp Resolution Options (UTRO) Form Where LookUp Resolution Options (UTRO) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Resolution LookUp Added [on] Added [by] Changed [on] Changed [by] Resolution File Maximum Lines Description Single Hit Requires Resolution Key List Conversion Subroutine Issue a Warning on File Selects Resolution Form Suppress/Override New Key Message RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN RESOLUTN. March 10.FORM RESOLUTN.PROMPT RESOLUTN.CHANGED.BY RESOLUTN.SUPPRESS.LINES RESOLUTN.SELECT. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.SINGLE.ADDED RESOLUTN.MSG Runtime Administration.FILE.HIT RESOLUTN. Inc.NEW.DESCRIPTION RESOLUTN.ADDED.MAX.ID RESOLUTN.BY RESOLUTN.SUBR RESOLUTN. You may then choose to run the procedure again. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Appendices: Form Reference ReRun a Procedure (UTRR) Use the Rerun a Procedure (UTRR) form to retrieve a previously run procedure. March 10. When you retrieve a previously run procedure. you can examine the actual statements that Envision created to run it. Inc. Figure 139: Sample ReRun a Procedure (UTRR) Form 460 Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. None of this information may be changed here. it is only for display. After supplying a file name you will be presented with information describing such information as file type and modulo as well as physical path to both the data and dictionary portions of the file. Inc. March 10. Figure 140: Sample User FileSuite Information (UTSF) Form Runtime Administration. 461 .User FileSuite Information (UTSF) User FileSuite Information (UTSF) To display some basic information about a data and dictionary file as viewed through the current account VOC file use this form. SUITE.NAME UFSPECS. .ID UFSPECS.FLAG UFSPECS.TS.Appendices: Form Reference Table 57: Query Lang Retrieval Help for User FileSuite Information (UTSF) Form Where User FileSuite Information (UTSF) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field User File Specifications LookUp Physical File Description Physical Dictionary Name UFSPECS.ID.DATE CHANGE.ID UFSPECS.ID.LIST CHANGE. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.LIST Changed On Changed By UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS UFSPECS.TEMPLATE.TS.OPERATOR 462 Runtime Administration.FLAG Template ID UFSPECS. March 10.DICT. Inc.SUITE.DESCRIPTION UFSPECS. Inc.Set Printer Characteristics (UTSP) Set Printer Characteristics (UTSP) Use the Set Printer Characteristics (UTSP) form to modify the characteristics of the printer that is associated with your Envision session. It supplies all of the SETPTR command services without having to leave the Envision environment. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Figure 141: Sample Set Printer Characteristics (UTSP) Form Runtime Administration. March 10. 463 . . These data include the operator’s login ID and the date and time the transaction was created. changed. You can specify selection criteria for identifying the statistics that you want to purge. This purge process clears the transaction log file of the selected data. or deleted within the file. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Use the Transaction Log Specification (UTML) form to turn transaction logging on and off. For more information about the Transaction Log Specification (UTML) form. Figure 142: Sample TXLOG Purge (UTTP) Form 464 Runtime Administration. Envision purges all records in the selected file. refer to page 446. Inc. Transaction data include all records added. March 10. Use this form to purge logged transactions on a subset of the stored data.Appendices: Form Reference TXLOG Purge (UTTP) Use the TXLOG Purge (UTTP) procedure to purge data that is automatically collected and stored for a file that has transaction logging turned on. Envision stores transaction data in the log file TX_filename. If you leave the selection options blank. Note: The UMRA and UURA forms are not used for Envision 4. March 10. Each file contains enough information to build file pointers in remote accounts and create files in new accounts when required.Modify Appl VOC Files (UTVF) Modify Appl VOC Files (UTVF) Use the Modify Application VOC Files (UTVF) form to identify characteristics associated with all files in the current application. You only need to use this form if you want the Update Main Remote Accounts (UMRA) or Update User Remote Accounts (UURA) processes to update files that are specific to your institution along with Datatel files during the remote account update process. UMRA and UURA automatically update Datatel files for a new release. Figure 143: Sample Modify Appl VOC Files (UTVF) Form Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. 465 . Normally.8 because of changes to the Envision architecture. .MODULO UT.MODULES UT. 466 Runtime Administration. verbs that are not programs X.NAMES UT.SYNONYM.Appendices: Form Reference Table 58: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Modify Appl VOC Files (UTVF) Form Where Modify Appl VOC Files (UTVF) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Application VOC Key Alias File Names Affected Modules Number Action Purpose Data Create Area Data Create Modulo Dict Create Area Dict Create Modulo UT.VOC.VOC.REMOTE UT. A miscellaneous VOC item is any valid VOC item that is not a program or a file.CREATE.VOC.ID UT.VOC UT.VOC.VOC UT. paragraphs S.VOC.CREATE.FILE.MODULO Modify Appl VOC Misc.DICT.VOC. user VOC items Use the Modify Application VOC Programs (UTVP) form to modify program VOC items.RELEASE UT.VOC UT.REMOTE UT.DICT.VOC UT. keywords M. March 10.VOC UT.VOC UT.VOC.RELEASE.VOC. For more information about the Modify Application VOC Programs (UTVP) form. sentences V. The record is used to write data to the VOC file on remote accounts or new accounts.VOC UT.VOC UT. menus PA.RELEASE.ACTION UT. Valid miscellaneous VOC items include the following types: K. Use the Modify Application VOC Files (UTVF) form to modify file VOC items.VOC.VOC UT.FILE. Items (UTVM) The Modify Application VOC Miscellaneous Items (UTVM) form lets you enter information about a miscellaneous VOC entry used within an application. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc.VOC. refer to page 468.VOC UT.DESCRIPTION UT. Items (UTVM) Form Where Modify Appl VOC Misc.ACTION UT.OVERWRITE UT.DESCRIPTION UT.Modify Appl VOC Misc.VOC.VOC UT.MODULES UT.TYPE UT.VOC. Figure 144: Sample Modify Appl VOC Misc.VOC. refer to page 465.VOC UT. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.VOC.ID UT.VOC.VOC UT.RELEASE UT. Items (UTVM) For more information about the Modify Application VOC Files (UTVF) form. Inc.VOC UT.VOC UT.VOC UT.IMAGE Runtime Administration. March 10.VOC.RELEASE.VOC UT.VOC. 467 .VOC UT.VOC. Items (UTVM) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Application VOC Key Purpose Affected Modules Number Action Overwrite VOC Item VOC Image Type VOC Record Image UT.RELEASE.IMAGE. Items (UTVM) Form Table 59: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Modify Appl VOC Misc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Appendices: Form Reference Modify Appl VOC Programs (UTVP) Use the Modify Application VOC Programs (UTVP) form to identify any custom programs not included with a Datatel release that you would like to include in automatic updates of remotes from this account. . The records are used to build the appropriate VOC entries on remote accounts and new accounts. Figure 145: Sample Modify Appl VOC Programs (UTVP) Form 468 Runtime Administration. Inc. March 10. VOC.RELEASE. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.VOC.VOC UT.VOC UT.VOC UT.VOC UT.OVERRIDE Runtime Administration.NAMES UT.VOC UT.VOC. March 10.CATALOG UT.NAME UT.CATSTEM.PROGRAM.RELEASE.ACTION UT.VOC UT.VOC UT.VOC UT.SYNONYM. Inc.MODULES UT. 469 .VOC.VOC.FILE.VOC UT.VOC.VOC.VOC.Modify Appl VOC Programs (UTVP) Table 60: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Modify Appl VOC Programs (UTVP) Form Where Modify Appl VOC Programs (UTVP) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Application VOC Key Purpose Affected Modules Number Action Alias Program Name Source File Name Catalog Disposition Catalog Override Stem UT.ID UT.VOC.RELEASE UT.DESCRIPTION UT. or deleted within the file. Inc. while UTXL prints transaction data. changed. Envision stores transaction data in the file TX_filename. For more information about the TXLOG Purge (UTTP) form. . March 10. 470 Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. These data include the operator’s login ID and the date and time the transaction was created. The only difference between the two forms is that UTTP purges transaction data. Transactions include all records added. refer to page 464.Appendices: Form Reference Audit Trail Report (UTXL) Use the Audit Trail Report (UTXL) procedure to print data automatically collected and stored for a file that has transaction logging turned on. Use the Transaction Log Specification (UTML) form to turn transaction logging on and off. This print process prints the transaction log file for the selected data. Note: This form is identical to the TXLOG Purge (UTTP) form. UURA does not make a list of new and obsolete files for you to review. the path to the VOC of a User account that you want to update 2. the source (Release) REMOTES record containing the release in question 3. you can use UMRA. UMRA may be used to update User accounts as well. All records are updated in a single run suitable for background mode processing. Unlike the Update Main Remote Accounts (UMRA) form. Note: The Update User Remote Accounts (UURA) form is not used for Envision 4. If this is a problem. the path to system and data filing areas (if used) UURA accepts any User account REMOTES definitions and updates them in the order presented on this form. It uses the default paths for a given remote account on the assumption that you have few. use the Remote Account Specifications (UTRA) form. The REMOTES records used in the remote update process define four things: 1.Update User Remote Accounts (UURA) Update User Remote Accounts (UURA) Use the Update User Remote Accounts (UURA) form to specify User remote accounts that you want to update to a particular release level. Runtime Administration. 471 . On the UURA form. you may enter a list of one or more REMOTES record IDs for updating. While intended for Main accounts. you can enter a list of one or more IDs of REMOTES records for updating. application and module names to include in the update 4. User remote accounts are accounts that point to a Main account for data and point indirectly to the same versions of programs to which the Main account points. Inc. March 10. On the Update User Remote Accounts (UURA) form. You cannot update Main accounts from UURA. if any.8 because of changes to the Envision architecture. To define REMOTES records. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. refer to page 449. For more information about the Remote Account Specifications (UTRA) form. new local files with nonstandard paths. Inc.Appendices: Form Reference Figure 146: Sample Update User Remote Accounts (UURA) Form 472 Runtime Administration. March 10. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . If you are allowed to update a validation code table. The file appl. Envision uses the descriptions on this form as standard descriptions for all data fields that reference the associated validation tables. Each table consists of a set of validation codes. To disable a validation table. 473 . Validation tables list the entries that are valid for a specific field. Inc. Each table has a unique key. March 10. Validation tables also serve as translation tables. their corresponding descriptions. You can disable some validation tables so that end users may enter anything. along with a short description for each entry. Some validation table files for an application contain tables that you can customize to meet your institution’s unique needs. one validation table can be used to validate many data elements. and other processing parameters. However. Runtime Administration. Envision displays an error message. you can use this form to modify your codes. Envision uses validation tables to ensure data integrity by limiting entries for certain fields to the codes defined in the table. Translation tables provide standard descriptions for validated data fields. based on the name of the data element with which it is used. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. If an end user attempts to enter a code that does not match any of the codes in the validation table for the field. enter three asterisks (***) as the first code in the code field and delete all of the remaining codes.VALCODES contains all of the validation tables for an application.Validation Codes (VAL) Validation Codes (VAL) Use the Validation Code Maintenance (VAL) form to view or modify any validation table for a specific application. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Inc. March 10.Appendices: Form Reference Figure 147: Sample Validation Codes (VAL) Form 474 Runtime Administration. . CODE.OPERATOR VALCODES.ZERO.CHANGE.LENGTH VAL.ADD.ACTION.INTERNAL.DATE VALCODES.INPUT. Inc.CHANGE.REPRESENTATION VAL.Validation Codes (VAL) Table 61: Query Lang Retrieval Help for Validation Codes (VAL) Form To retrieve data from Validation Code ID Created On Created By Changed On Changed By Code Description Min Entry Special Action Code 1 Special Action Code 2 Purpose Maximum Code Size Zero Fill Numbers (Y/N) Where Validation Codes (VAL) Data Is Stored use this file and this field VALCODES VALCODES VALCODES VALCODES VALCODES VALCODES VALCODES VALCODES VALCODES VALCODES VALCODES VALCODES VALCODES VALCODE.MINIMUM.ID VALCODES.OPERATOR VAL. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.ADD.PURPOSE VAL.1 VAL.STRING VAL.ACTION.CODE. 475 .2 VAL. March 10.CODE VAL.EXTERNAL.FILL Runtime Administration.CODE.DATE VALCODES. the time remaining. Envision separates each part of this key with an underline character (_). You may also use it to view the status of a completed batch process. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. and the number of errors. followed by the time and date that the end user selected the mnemonic.Appendices: Form Reference View Batch Process Status (VBS) Use the View Batch Process Status (VBS) form to monitor a batch process run from another port. . Figure 148: Sample View Batch Process Status (VBS) Form 476 Runtime Administration. March 10. the elapsed time. The detail form also shows you the last record read. the number of records processed and remaining. Envision keys a batch process by concatenating the process mnemonic with the end user’s login ID. You can review the error text and additional details for each stage of the job on the View Single Batch Job Step (VBSD) form. The form shows each stage of the job. Inc. PROCESSED STEP.STATUS RECORDS.STEP. March 10.ERROR.COUNT Runtime Administration.NAMES STEP.View Batch Process Status (VBS) Table 62: Query Lang Retrieval Help for View Batch Process Status (VBS) Form Where View Batch Process Status (VBS) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Job Start Time Process Status Records Done Errors JOBSTATS JOBSTATS JOBSTATS JOBSTATS JOBSTATS JOB. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.TIME JOB. Inc. 477 .START. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Figure 149: Sample View Single Batch Job Step (VBSD) Form 478 Runtime Administration. It gives information on any errors that occurred on that job step. Inc. Detail from a specific job step in VBS to view the VBSD form.Appendices: Form Reference View Single Batch Job Step (VBSD) The View Single Batch Job Step (VBSD) form is an extension of the View Batch Status (VBS) form. and you can access it only as a detail form from the VBS form. VBSD is an inquiry-only form. March 10. . PROCESSED STEP.END.View Single Batch Job Step (VBSD) Table 63: Query Lang Retrieval Help for View Single Batch Job Step (VBSD) Form Where View Single Batch Job Step (VBSD) Data Is Stored To retrieve data from use this file and this field Process ID Status Last ID Read Error Count Total Records to Process Already Processed Time Started Time Elapsed JOBSTATS JOBSTATS JOBSTATS JOBSTATS JOBSTATS JOBSTATS JOBSTATS JOBSTATS JOB.STATUS STEP.TIME STEP. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.PROCESS RECORDS. Inc.TO. 479 .MOST.NAMES STEP.STEP.COUNT RECORDS.KEY STEP. March 10.ERROR.START.RECENT.TIME Runtime Administration. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Appendices: Form Reference 480 Runtime Administration. . Inc. March 10. Inc.PARAMETERS System Parameters 55 ACSO form 304 Action Checked Out Studio Obj (ACSO) form 304 appl.Index From this index you can click on any entry to access the information about the topic. March 10. 481 . A ACCOUNT. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.PPROCESS file 440 Application hierarchy and screen chains 123 Audit Trail Report (UTXL) form 470 Automatically generated services 279 Colleague modules Defining parameter records for 55 Computed Column Library Dply (CCLD) form 306 Computed Columns Not Deployed (CCND) form 307 Concepts 21 CONFIRM level 263 CPAE form 86 CPDE form 320 CPIE form 322 CPKG form 324 CPKP form 326 CPKR form 328 CPRP form 330 Create Printer Control Record (CPRP) form 330 CUSC form 331 Custom Code Scanner (CUSC) form 331 Custom Declaration (CDEC) form 312 Custom Declaration Objects (CDOB) form 316 Custom Development in Progress (CDPI) form 318 Custom Package Import/Export (CPIE) form 322 Custom Package Rebuild Detail (CPKR) form 328 Custom Packaging Detail (CDED) form 314 Custom Paragraph Entry (CPAE) form 86 Custom Release Package Build (CPKG) form 324 Custom Release Package Build (CPKP) form 326 Custom Scanner Report (CCSR) form 310 B Batch Error Report (UTBE) form 425 Batch Runtime RFSPECS Refresh (BRRR) form 226 BROWSE File Authorization (UTFA) form 436 BRRR form 226 BSEC form 177 BTRR form 305 Build Application Security (BSEC) form 177 C CC Reset for SQL Server (CCRS) form 308 CCLD form 306 CCND form 307 CCRS form 308 CCSR form 310 CDEC form 312 CDED form 314 CDOB form 316 CDPI form 318 Chain Usage Report (CHUS) 129 Chain Usage Report (CHUS) form 319 Change Peripheral Defaults (CPDE) form 320 CHUS form 319 D DDCV form 333 Define Cursor Keys (SKB2) form 397 Define Field History (DHST) form 335 Define Function Keys (SKB1) form 394 Define Key Functions (RS2) form 371 Define Terminal Keyboard (SKB) form 392 Runtime Administration. Items (UTVM) 466 Modify Appl VOC Programs (UTVP) 468 482 Runtime Administration. 231 External Global Parameters (EGP) 337 F FHDF form 340 FHDT form 340 Field History Detail (FHDT) form 340 Field Label 30 Field Security Definition (SCDF) form 379 File Creation (UTCF) form 432 File Creation Type Defaults (UTCD) form 430 File indexing 222 database 226 when conversion is complete 234 File Resolution Defaults (UTRE) form 453 File Resolve Graphic Display (UTRG) form 456 Files ACCOUNT. March 10.THROWN. Datatel software Action Checked Out Studio Obj (ACSO) 304 Audit Trail Report (UTXL) 470 Batch Error Report (UTBE) 425 Batch Runtime RFSPECS Refresh (BRRR) 226 Forms. 231 EPED form 55. Inc. 231 Field History Detail (FHDT) 340 Field Security Definition (SCDF) 379 File Creation (UTCF) 432 File Creation Type Defaults (UTCD) 430 File Resolution Defaults (UTRE) 453 File Resolve Graphic Display (UTRG) 456 GUI Function Button (GUIF) 342 International Parameters (INTL) 343 Job Statistics Purge (UTJP) 440 Job Statistics Report (UTJR) 441 LKUP Resolution Specs (LPRT) 356 LookUp Resolution Options (UTRO) 458 LookUp Resolution Specs (UTRD) 452 Menu Definition (SMD) 401 Migrate Computed Columns (MGCC) 357 Migrate IS-Type Subroutines (MGIS) 358 Modify Appl VOC Files (UTVF) 465 Modify Appl VOC Misc. Window 30 Envision Parameters Edit (EPED) form 55.Index Delete Obsolete Index Files (DOIF) form 234 Device Definition (SDD) form 388 DHST form 335 Dictionary Date Convert (DDCV) form 333 DIFF form 336 Difference Engine (DIFF) form 336 DOIF form 234 E Edit Comments (UTED) form 435 Edit Record (EDRC) form 337 EDRC form 337 EGP (External Global Parameters) 337 Element.ERRORS 263 Forms.PARAMETERS 55 appl. . 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Datatel software (cont’d) BROWSE File Authorization (UTFA) 436 Build Application Security (BSEC) 177 CC Reset for SQL Server (CCRS) 308 Chain Usage Report (CHUS) 319 Change Peripheral Defaults (CPDE) 320 Computed Column Library Dply (CCLD) 306 Computed Columns Not Deployed (CCND) 307 Create Printer Control Record (CPRP) 330 Custom Code Scanner (CUSC) 331 Custom Declaration (CDEC) 312 Custom Declaration Objects (CDOB) 316 Custom Development in Progress (CDPI) 318 Custom Package Import/Export (CPIE) 322 Custom Package Rebuild Detail (CPKR) 328 Custom Packaging Detail (CDED) 314 Custom Paragraph Entry (CPAE) 86 Custom Release Package Build (CPKG) 324 Custom Release Package Build (CPKP) 326 Custom Scanner Report (CCSR) 310 Define Cursor Keys (SKB2) 397 Define Field History (DHST) 335 Define Function Keys (SKB1) 394 Define Key Functions (RS2) 371 Define Terminal Keyboard (SKB) 392 Delete Obsolete Index Files (DOIF) 234 Device Definition (SDD) 388 Dictionary Date Convert (DDCV) 333 Difference Engine (DIFF) 336 Edit Comments (UTED) 435 Edit Record (EDRC) 337 Envision Parameters Edit (EPED) 55.PPROCESS 440 converting static to dynamic 196 resizing 194 SYSDEFS 67 UT. Window 29 GUI Function Button (GUIF) form 342 GUIF form 342 H History logging 221 I Index Storage Field Report (ISFR) 227 International Parameters (INTL) form 343 INTL form 343 ISFR report 227 Runtime Administration. Datatel software (cont’d) Multiple File Indexing (UTBA) 233. 426 My Processes (MYPR) 102 Network Definition (SND) 407 Operator Definition (SOD) 409 Operator Security Report (SCOR) 383 Other Technical Documentation (ODOC) 359 Output Security Groups (OSGD) 146 Outstanding Processes (OPRM) 95 Outstanding Processes Inquiry (OPRI) 110 Overwritten & Deleted Records (UODR) 422 PDF Defaults (PDFD) 364 PDF Retrieval (PDFR) 365 Peripheral Option Defaults (PDEF) 362 Point to Full Release Copy (PRTF) 366 PRCS. 483 . 433 Validation Codes (VAL) 473 View Batch Process Status (VBS) 476 View Single Batch Job Step (VBSD) 478 Function keys and screen chains 123 G Generated Runtime Diagnostic Services (GRDS) system 262 GRDS log 267 how to read 270 GRDS system advantages 264 log 267 on-demand diagnostics 266 overview 262 Group. 2010 © 2010 Datatel.Index Forms. 385 Security Class Definition (SCD) 376 Security Parameter Values (RSV) 374 Forms. March 10.CTL Security Inquiry (PCSI) 360 Proc Gen to Screen Proc Conv (PTSC) 367 Procedure List Specification (JSEL) 352 Procedure Rules Documentation (JPRT) 350 Procedure Rules Documentation (PGDP) 350 Procedure Sort Specification (JSRT) 354 Procedure Specification (JDEF) 345 Procedure Specifications (JDEF) 345 Procedure Step Detail (JDET) 348 Process Control Maintenance (SMD2) 404 Process Handler Setup (PHSU) 89 Process Queue Management (PRQM) 91 Process Scheduling (PHTS) 97. 444 User File Information (UTMF) 442 User FileSuite Information (UTSF) 461 User Help Maintenance (UHLP) 415 UT Process Debug Activation (UTDB) 264. 98 Process Scheduling (PRSC) 100 Process Security Report (SCPR) 384 Process Security Summary (PSCS) 159 Process Status File Purge (PSFP) 108 Rebuild Field History (RBFD) 368 Rebuild File History (RBFH) 369 Rebuild File Indexing (UTBI) 428 Rec Sec User Characteristics (RSUC) 372 Record Security List Specs (RPRT) 370 Record Security Setup (SCDR) 381 Record Security Specification (UTMR) 448 Record Security Test Specs (RTST) 375 Refresh RFSPECS (BTRR) 305 Remote Account New Files (UNFR) 420 Remote Account Report (URRA) 424 Remote Account Specifications (UTRA) 449 Report on New/Obsolete Files (UNFP) 419 ReRun a Procedure (UTRR) 460 Reset Process Queue Handler (RSPH) 94 Running Processes (RPRI) 111 Screen Chaining Specification (SCSP) 126. Inc. 288. Datatel software (cont’d) Sequential File BROWSE Shell (UTFB) 438 Set Printer Characteristics (UTSP) 463 Speed Entry Text Definition (SPDE) 412 Studio Object Status Inquiry (SOSI) 411 Studio WorkGroup Definition (SWGD) 413 Studio WorkGroup Inquiry (SWGI) 414 Transaction Log Specification (UTML) 446 TXLOG Purge (UTTP) 464 UNIX_CONTROL Record Editing (UCRE) 67 Update Main Remote Accounts (UMRA) 417 Update User Remote Accounts (UURA) 471 User File Index Specification (UTMI) 229. Inc. March 10. Field 30 Label.CTL Security Inquiry (PCSI) form 360 Proc Gen to Screen Proc Conv (PTSC) form 367 Procedure Dictionary Date Convert (DDCV) 333 Job Statistics Purge (UTJP) 440 Multiple File Indexing (UTBA) 426 Point to Full Release Copy (PRTF) 366 Rebuild File Indexing (UTBI) 428 TXLOG Purge (UTTP) 464 Update Main Remote Accounts (UMRA) 417 Update User Remote Accounts (UURA) 471 Procedure List Specification (JSEL) form 352 Procedure Rules Documentation (JPRT) form 350 Procedure Rules Documentation (PGDP) form 350 Procedure Sort Specification (JSRT) form 354 Procedure Specification (JDEF) form 345 Procedure Specifications (JDEF) form 345 Procedure Step Detail (JDET) form 348 Process 23 Process Control Maintenance (SMD2) form 404 L Label.Index J JDEF form 345 JDET form 348 Job Statistics Purge (UTJP) form 440 Job Statistics Report (UTJR) form 441 JPRT form 350 JSEL form 352 JSRT form 354 Output Security Groups (OSGD) form 146 Outstanding Processes (OPRM) form 95 Outstanding Processes Inquiry (OPRI) form 110 Overwritten & Deleted Records (UODR) form 422 P PCSI form 360 PDEF form 362 PDF Defaults (PDFD) form 364 PDF Retrieval (PDFR) form 365 PDFD form 364 PDFR form 365 Peripheral Option Defaults (PDEF) form 362 PGDP form 350 Phantom processor description 83 PHSU form 89 PHTS form 97. . 98 Point to Full Release Copy (PRTF) form 366 PRCS. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. Items (UTVM) form 466 Modify Appl VOC Programs (UTVP) form 468 Multiple File Indexing (UTBA) form 233. 426 My Processes (MYPR) form 102 MYPR form 102 N Network Definition (SND) form 407 O ODOC form 359 Operator Definition (SOD) form 409 Operator Security Report (SCOR) form 383 OPRI form 110 OPRM form 95 OSGD form 146 Other Technical Documentation (ODOC) form 359 484 Runtime Administration. Window 30 LKUP Resolution Specs (LPRT) form 356 LookUp Resolution Options (UTRO) form 458 LookUp Resolution Specs (UTRD) form 452 LPRT form 356 M Menu Definition (SMD) form 401 MGCC form 357 MGIS form 358 Migrate Computed Columns (MGCC) form 357 Migrate IS-Type Subroutines (MGIS) form 358 Modify Appl VOC Files (UTVF) form 465 Modify Appl VOC Misc. 485 .Index Process handler 83 inquiry forms 110 managing processes 95 managing queues 88 process status file records 104 setting up 88 submitting a task 84 batch process or report 84 VOC paragraph 86 system administrator 87 task schedules 87 Process Handler Setup (PHSU) form 89 Process Queue Management (PRQM) form 91 Process Scheduling (PHTS) form 97. Inc. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 196 RPRI form 111 RPRT form 370 RS2 form 371 RSPH form 94 RSUC form 372 RSV form 374 RTST form 375 Running Processes (RPRI) form 111 R RBFD form 368 RBFH form 369 Rebuild Field History (RBFD) form 368 Rebuild File History (RBFH) form 369 Rebuild File Indexing (UTBI) form 428 Rec Sec User Characteristics (RSUC) form 372 Record Security List Specs (RPRT) form 370 Record Security Setup (SCDR) form 381 Record Security Specification (UTMR) form 448 Record Security Test Specs (RTST) form 375 Recovery general guidelines 249 general procedures 249 Refresh RFSPECS (BTRR) form 305 Remote Account New Files (UNFR) form 420 S SCD form 376 SCDF form 379 SCDR form 381 SCOR form 383 SCPR form 384 Screen External Global Parameters (EGP) 337 Runtime Administration. 98 Process Scheduling (PRSC) form 100 Process Security Report (SCPR) form 384 Process Security Summary (PSCS) form 159 Process Status File Purge (PSFP) form 108 Process Status Report (PSTR) 105 PRQM form 91 PRSC form 100 PRTF form 366 PSCS form 159 PSFP form 108 PSTR report 105 PTSC form 367 Remote Account Report (URRA) form 424 Remote Account Specifications (UTRA) form 449 Remote accounts recovery procedures 249 Report Audit Trail Report (UTXL) 470 Batch Error Report (UTBE) 425 Chain Usage Report (CHUS) 129 Difference Engine (DIFF) 336 Index Storage Field Report (ISFR) 227 Job Statistics Report (UTJR) 441 LKUP Resolution Specs (LPRT) 356 Operator Security Report (SCOR) 383 Overwritten & Deleted Records (UODR) 422 Procedure Rules Documentation (JPRT) 350 Process Security Report (SCPR) 384 Process Security Summary (PSCS) 159 Process Status Report (PSTR) 105 Record Security List Specs (RPRT) 370 Record Security Test Specs (RTST) 375 Remote Account Report (URRA) 424 Report on New/Obsolete Files (UNFP) 419 Sequential File BROWSE Shell (UTFB) 438 Report on New/Obsolete Files (UNFP) form 419 ReRun a Procedure (UTRR) form 460 Reset Process Queue Handler (RSPH) form 94 Resizing files 194. March 10. 433 UT.ERRORS file 263 UTBA form 233. 444 UTML form 446 UTMR form 448 UTRA form 449 UTRD form 452 UTRE form 453 UTRG form 456 UTRO form 458 UTRR form 460 UTSF form 461 UTSP form 463 T Transaction Log Specification (UTML) form 446 TXLOG Purge (UTTP) form 464 U UCRE form 67 UHLP form 415 486 Runtime Administration. March 10. 288. 288.THROWN.Index Screen Chaining Specification (SCSP) form 126. . 426 UTBE form 425 UTBI form 428 UTCD form 430 UTCF form 432 UTDB form 264. converting to dynamic 196 Status line 30 Studio Object Status Inquiry (SOSI) form 411 Studio WorkGroup Definition (SWGD) form 413 Studio WorkGroup Inquiry (SWGI) form 414 SWGD form 413 SWGI form 414 SYSDEFS file 67 UMRA form 417 UNFP form 419 UNFR form 420 UNIX_CONTROL Record Editing (UCRE) form 67 UODR form 422 Update Main Remote Accounts (UMRA) form 417 Update User Remote Accounts (UURA) form 471 URRA form 424 User File Index Specification (UTMI) form 229. 444 User File Information (UTMF) form 442 User FileSuite Information (UTSF) form 461 User Help Maintenance (UHLP) form 415 UT Process Debug Activation (UTDB) form 264. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 433 UTED form 435 UTFA form 436 UTFB form 438 UTJP form 440 UTJR form 441 UTMF form 442 UTMI form 229. 385 Screen chains application hierarchy 123 function keys 123 procedure for defining 127 procedure for reporting on 129 security 122 SCSP form 126. Inc. 385 SDD form 388 Security and screen chains 122 Security Class Definition (SCD) form 376 Security Parameter Values (RSV) form 374 Sequential File BROWSE Shell (UTFB) form 438 Set Printer Characteristics (UTSP) form 463 SKB form 392 SKB1 form 394 SKB2 form 397 SMD form 401 SMD2 form 404 SND form 407 SOD form 409 SOSI form 411 SPDE form 412 Speed Entry Text Definition (SPDE) form 412 Static files. 201 output items of logical check 209 output items of physical check 206 recommendations 212 setting up paragraphs 213 understanding 201 Window Element 30 Window Group 29 Window Label 30 WUFA utility 193 benefits 196 excluding files 200 functions 194 output items 195 resizing files 194. 487 .Index UTTP form 464 UTVF form 465 UTVM form 466 UTVP form 468 UTXL form 470 UURA form 471 WUIA utility 193. Inc.INDEX.ANALYSIS (WUIA) utility 193. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. 196 workflow 196 WEEKLY. March 10.UDT.UDT.ANALYSIS (WUFA) utility 193 benefits 196 excluding files 200 functions 194 output items 195 resizing files 194.FILE. 196 workflow 196 Runtime Administration. 201 output items of logical check 209 output items of physical check 206 recommendations 212 setting up paragraphs 213 understanding 201 V VAL form 473 Validation Codes (VAL) form 473 VBS form 476 VBSD form 478 View Batch Process Status (VBS) form 476 View Single Batch Job Step (VBSD) form 478 W WEEKLY. 2010 © 2010 Datatel. . Inc. March 10.Index 488 Runtime Administration.
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