ENG_Training Material MagiCAD for AutoCAD_Ventilation 2013.4

May 3, 2018 | Author: Barabas Thief | Category: Duct (Flow), Cartesian Coordinate System, Computer File, Auto Cad, Technology



Basic training materialMagiCAD Ventilation for AutoCAD Based on MagiCAD 2013.4 on AutoCAD 2 (89) CONFIDENTIAL © Progman Oy 2014 All rights reserved. Educational material can be accessed only by students and faculty at degree-granting or certificate-granting educational institutions, solely for educational purposes but does not include commercial or for-profit instructional or other purposes, and only at and from locations that are not operated for commercial or for-profit purposes. Reproduction and modification of this material, in whole or in part, is a violation of copyright law without a prior written consent of the copyright holder of the material. For request for permission to reproduce or distribute this material please contact: Progman Oy Nortamonkatu 1 26100 Rauma Finland Tel. +358 2 8387 6000 Email: [email protected] www.magicad.com Progman Oy, Nortamonkatu 1, 26100 Rauma, Finland | Tel. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] © Progman Oy 2014 3 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Contents: BEFORE YOU START...................................................................................................................................................... 5 1. GETTING STARTED ................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 MagiCAD HP&V Ribbons ............................................................................................................................................ 6 1.2 Connect project .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Exercise 1: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9 2. SOME BASIC FUNCTIONS WHEN DRAWING VENTILATION ................................................................................................ 10 2.1 Design options .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Duct and duct details ............................................................................................................................................... 11 Exercise 2: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13 2.3 Devices and components ......................................................................................................................................... 14 2.4 Dampers, noise reducers etc. ................................................................................................................................... 15 2.5 Status for components ............................................................................................................................................. 16 2.6 Draw components in the “flow”............................................................................................................................... 17 Exercise 3: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18 3. FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES WHEN EDITING ................................................................................................................. 19 3.1 Editing functions ...................................................................................................................................................... 19 3.2 Change properties for the drawn objects, duct dimensions, duct series etc. .......................................................... 20 Exercise 4: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21 4. CONNECT SYSTEMS – ON OR BETWEEN PLANS ............................................................................................................. 22 4.1 “Connection nodes” – flow connections .................................................................................................................. 22 4.2 Set the flow and pressure drop directly at the duct end.......................................................................................... 24 Exercise 5: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 25 5. ADDING TEXT – AND CREATING YOUR OWN FORMAT..................................................................................................... 26 5.1 Text functions ........................................................................................................................................................... 26 5.2 Text format............................................................................................................................................................... 27 5.3 Automatic text ......................................................................................................................................................... 28 5.4 Free text ................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Exercise 6: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 30 6. PRESENTATION, COLLISION CHECK AND SECTIONS. ........................................................................................................ 31 6.1 Presentation modes - 1D, 2D, 3D ............................................................................................................................. 31 6.2 Settings for combined plotting, auto hide, displaying Xref etc. ............................................................................... 32 6.3 Updatable Sections .................................................................................................................................................. 33 6.4 Static sections .......................................................................................................................................................... 35 6.5 “Hard” or “soft” collisions ........................................................................................................................................ 36 Exercise 7: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 37 7. ALLOW THE SOFTWARE TO HELP YOU – USE SIZING SUPPORT .......................................................................................... 38 7.1 Calculations .............................................................................................................................................................. 38 Exercise 8: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 40 7.2 Calculation aids ........................................................................................................................................................ 42 Exercise 9: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 44 8. ADVANCED PROJECT PRODUCTION ORDER. ................................................................................................................. 45 8.1 Use Drawing Template File (*.dwt). ......................................................................................................................... 45 8.2 Set up projects with different heights ...................................................................................................................... 47 Exercise 10: .................................................................................................................................................................... 49 9. PROJECT SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................................. 50 9.1 Layers, line types and colours .................................................................................................................................. 50 9.2 System structure and its data................................................................................................................................... 53 9.3 Select devices and products ..................................................................................................................................... 55 9.4 Supplement with additional information ................................................................................................................. 56 Exercise 11: .................................................................................................................................................................... 57 9.5 Settings for automatic void provisions ..................................................................................................................... 58 9.6 Status ....................................................................................................................................................................... 60 9.7 Running index........................................................................................................................................................... 62 9.8 Free text templates .................................................................................................................................................. 64 9.9 Add line types in MagiCAD line file (*.lin) ................................................................................................................ 65 Exercise 12: .................................................................................................................................................................... 66 10. PROJECT PLANNING AIDS ....................................................................................................................................... 67 10.1 Definitions, ventilation output ............................................................................................................................... 67 www.magicad.com Progman Oy, Nortamonkatu 1, 26100 Rauma, Finland | Tel. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] © Progman Oy 2014 4 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 10.2 Show selected objects ............................................................................................................................................ 69 10.3 Explode MagiCAD objects ...................................................................................................................................... 69 10.4 Simplify the drawing in a specific place in your model .......................................................................................... 69 10.5 Change colour in the A drawing ............................................................................................................................. 70 10.6 Indicate MagiCAD data for the AutoCAD object .................................................................................................... 71 11. PROJECT COOPERATION ........................................................................................................................................ 73 11.1 Settings for cooperation......................................................................................................................................... 73 12. EXPORT FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 75 12.1 Use Property set manager...................................................................................................................................... 75 12.2 Property sets and IFC classification references ...................................................................................................... 77 12.3 Create/edit an IFC classification reference ............................................................................................................ 79 12.4 Create/Edit Navisworks property set ..................................................................................................................... 80 12.5 IFC export ............................................................................................................................................................... 81 12.6 Navisworks export .................................................................................................................................................. 82 12.7 BCF, BIM Collaboration Format Manager .............................................................................................................. 83 Exercise 13: .................................................................................................................................................................... 84 13. PLUGINS ............................................................................................................................................................ 85 13.1 How to handle plugins and updates to MagiCAD. .................................................................................................. 85 13.2 Swegon plugin as an example of how a plugin can work. ...................................................................................... 86 14. SOME FINAL ADVICE ............................................................................................................................................. 88 14.1 Remember:............................................................................................................................................................. 88 www.magicad.com Progman Oy, Nortamonkatu 1, 26100 Rauma, Finland | Tel. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] © Progman Oy 2014 the Xref disappears during sizing as MagiCAD purges this layer each time sizing occurs. as this prevents certain functions from working.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. 5 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Before you start Special Layers Magi_0 – a layer created by MagiCAD and used internally by the software. Connected to AutoCAD’s zero (0) layer. e.com Progman Oy. 26100 Rauma. If this happens. www. Check that any Xrefs are not saved in this layer. Defpoints – an AutoCAD layer that is not plotted. e. Note: Used by MagiCAD’s active 2D. although it is visible during plotting. Magi_garbage – a layer used by MagiCAD. Finland | Tel. Nortamonkatu 1.magicad. so-called “part property lines”.g.g. for so-called “dragging” of objects etc. Magi_0 may not be locked. for temporary output. 6 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 1. Documentation tool – Labelling. www. Ventilation tool – Draw ducts. Change presentation mode. Tool – Change object properties. Calculation tool – Bill of materials. Getting started 1. Import. void provisions. revision clouds. create sections. Editing tool – Make changes in the system. system input data. MagiCAD’s own ribbons panels are used in addition to the standard AutoCAD and Windows commands. search for updates.1 MagiCAD HP&V Ribbons When working with the software. etc. etc. e. hide.magicad. converts general ducts to actual products and vice versa. flow arrows etc.com Progman Oy.g. component. copy branches. sizing. colours. etc. delete components. 26100 Rauma. etc. export. General – Manage project information. Finland | Tel. Nortamonkatu 1. noise calculations. connection nodes. serial numbers. devices. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. etc. display selected objects. balancing.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. The project manager for MagiCAD can now be started using the Project button Then select – New. allocate a name to the project and select the desired location of the project files and the project template (*.. Finland | Tel. 26100 Rauma. You can find the file on the desktop in the MagiCAD_Utbildning\V\V57 folder.fi © Progman Oy 2014 .dwg model file using the OPEN command.epj).2 Connect project Open the V57-PO11..magicad.. www. 7 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 1. Nortamonkatu 1.com Progman Oy. 26100 Rauma.com Progman Oy. www. and to indicate the direction of the x axis. This must be represents. such as how many storey plans and how they are positioned in relation to one another. Create plan 2 Use the OPEN command to open the V57-P021. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Z indicates the position of MagiCAD’s floor level. right click to edit or copy the plan.dwg model file in the same folder as plan 1. by right clicking on the name Plan 3 and selecting the Delete option. Click on the Project button. As we will not use Plan 3. 8 (89) CONFIDENTIAL The project manager now opens. The data that can be found here comes from the template selected when the project was created. Don’t forget to save the files. Specify Install storey origin and Active storey as above. positioned directly below and to the left of the building.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . Nortamonkatu 1. Press Active storey MagiCAD’s reference coordinates to define which plan can be entered in the model via the relevant model Install storey origin.magicad. this can be deleted under Storeys. and is where project settings are managed. NOTE: Don’t forget to show the direction of the coordinate system’s x-axis. select the existing project and click on the Select button. Finland | Tel. Select the row you want to change. You are now ready to start drawing. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Nortamonkatu 1. 9 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Exercise 1: – Set up your own project containing two storey plans.magicad. www.fi © Progman Oy 2014 .com Progman Oy. 26100 Rauma. Finland | Tel. a duct range that from the pointer.magicad. The dialogue is floating so it can be displayed while you draw in order to quickly and easily change settings. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Using Alignment. be automatically products. you can select Using Product selection. ducts and flexible ducts. Or choose Smart and the software will try and find a suitable angle by beginning with 90 degrees and working downwards. positioned 50 mm contains the correct outside a wall.com Progman Oy. Smart uses standard angles wherever possible. Indicate type of “Routing” depending on the connection point situation. The bottom section can be Select duct series. insulation series and locked or swapped duct dimension (RECT). Select slip joints on your rectangular ducts. You will. need to select select whether the duct is drawn offset existing ducts.1 Design options The first time you start drawing. or by using the T and Enter key combination on the keyboard. size. www. Nortamonkatu 1. Horizontal extra offset allows you to Existing for how long these need however. 26100 Rauma. forks/clip- ons to be used. Finland | Tel. and general. in the duct rectangular ducts should be locked for New for new connected using system instead of dimensioning. e. specify the angle you want to use to connect to the main duct. This dialogue is used to preinstall types of bends and forks and indicates how the so-called “Route Wizard” should function. to be. Direct uses the direct route.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . products. Height difference in branch. Select the project settings and the type of bends. hidden/displayed using the button. 10 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 2. You can toggle between Smart and Direct when drawing by right clicking and selecting mode in the menu.g. the Design option dialogue appears on all drawings. can be height and side adjusted and status of the whether devices will select to draw with real whether the width or height of duct to draw. select how the ducts Select the Here. regardless of angle. Some basic functions when drawing ventilation 2. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. hatches. Select system for the ducts to draw.com Progman Oy. Also indicate the height at which you want to draw Copy settings from ducts that have already been drawn. or right click and select from the menu that appears. Nortamonkatu 1. the top or bottom with one command “C” – switches to “connect” mode “A” – indicates the angle you want to draw “Z” – makes it possible to draw on the Z-axis “O” – actives the option dialogue “R” – Used “B” – Deletes the current straight stretch and to connect in duct details closest bend/t-piece such as in a rectangular bend “P” – Plugs the duct ends. 11 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 2.magicad. “N” – gives you the option to position flow connection points and flow connections “S” – allows you to join two ducts with a non-standard duct section. 26100 Rauma.2 Duct and duct details Start drawing the ducts from any starting point. Select whether the height needs to be indicated relative to the floor or based on absolute coordinates for the ducts to be drawn. “T” – Toggles between Smart and Direct routing. in the ducts while “D” – Position devices in the duct ends you draw www. Finland | Tel. Show the relevant system. such as height. size and insulation. silencers etc. Always check the command line to see which options are available. Use any AutoCAD tracking/snap functions to identify the start point. Use capital The command line: letters and Enter. “K” – Connects ducts directly at the duct ends “M” – position dampers.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . “L” – positions inspection or with standard parts. duct material. size and “E” – gives you the option to create vertical ducts with nodes at height level. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Drag the duct to the required position here. When selecting the middle + handle. this may be because DYN (dynamic input) is activated.com Progman Oy.magicad. 26100 Rauma. This is done using the “Fork” option. Click on the duct end again to fill with several ducts. Click the + handle to start drawing. The + handle is displayed as a bold plus sign when the object is selected. Right click  and select the Fork option. it is possible to select a position to start drawing from. Next time you click on the duct end. 12 (89) CONFIDENTIAL When you have drawn a duct and will then continue drawing ducts. depending on whether AutoCAD is set to display icons or not. Draw Duct. This may appear in one of two ways. The handle (create similar) is used to create a copy of the selected object. Nortamonkatu 1. www. If you cannot use these handles. Connect several ducts directly at the duct ends. Finland | Tel. the dialogue will appear as below. Try and press the F12 function key or click on the button to toggle function (on/off) under the command line. The handle (move part) is used to move the selected object. The handle size and colour can be set under the selection tab in AutoCAD’s Options dialogue. an option is available allowing you to select an object and begin drawing from the “+” handle that pops up. You have now have created the option to connect several ducts to the duct ends.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . change properties and try out different options that we have looked at. Nortamonkatu 1. 26100 Rauma. www.magicad.fi © Progman Oy 2014 .com Progman Oy. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. 13 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Exercise 2: Draw ducts. Finland | Tel. This option is found on the command line or reached via a right click. Nortamonkatu 1.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . How you manage to meet the noise requirements and pressure drop your system demands. select device type and size.magicad.com Progman Oy. Use “swap” and/or “direction” to maintain the correct direction of the device. 14 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 2. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Select the type of device to be selected. check dimensions and diagram. www. Finland | Tel. Indicate the flow and size of the device. You can check the measurements work for your system solution here. Right click on the device to either select Properties to check the diagram and measurement information or add more devices using “Select product to project…”. Position the device in free space or directly at the duct end. 26100 Rauma. Tip! AutoCAD’s “rotate3d” can also be used if necessary.3 Devices and components Indicate air flow. “Grille direction is used to rotate the sprinkler on the device. Devices with adjustable collars can be adjusted by adapting the measurement under “Collar length”. Nortamonkatu 1. 26100 Rauma. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. air coolers. air heaters etc. 15 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 2. use move. www. dimension changes. these components are positioned directly in the duct system.. and move the required duct section. Tip! If you want eccentric transitions or similar. Right click in the box to see the damper properties via the Properties option and select new dampers for your project using the Select products to project option. are automatically entered by the software depending on the measurements and connection point dimensions between components. dampers.4 Dampers. noise reducers etc.com Progman Oy. silencers. In order to change the length of the transitions – use MagiCAD’s change properties – reduction length. Any transitions.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . With fire dampers.magicad. Right click in the box to see the silencer properties via the Properties and select new silencers for your project using the Select products to project option. Finland | Tel. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Finland | Tel. For dampers.magicad. 2. www. silencers and other components. Tip! Add.5 Status for components You can select Status directly when fixing your devices and fans. “New” for new and “Existing” for existing. Nortamonkatu 1. the status is changed using “change properties” and selecting status.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 26100 Rauma. Right click in the box to see the product properties via the Properties… option and select new products for your project using the Select products to project… option. remove or change status definitions under Project Variable sets and Status. 16 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Right click in the box to see the fan properties via the Properties… and select new fans for your project using the Select products to project… option.com Progman Oy. Always check the command line to see which options are available. select the required product and click on OK and the damper is drawn in the duct. Type in capital letters and Enter. there is an option to draw dampers.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . www. Select Component in order to be able to select between the products available under the respective component group in your project. Select Flow dampers. devices. Finland | Tel. or right click and select from the menu that opens.com Progman Oy. 26100 Rauma. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Nortamonkatu 1.6 Draw components in the “flow” While drawing ducts.magicad. 17 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 2. inspection panels and other components in the “flow”. for example. Finland | Tel. Nortamonkatu 1.com Progman Oy. Use “z” on the command line. 10–15 mins then try and draw devices.g.magicad. dampers and silencers and other functions that we have looked at. then “read”/collect height levels from other duct objects to simplify height changes. according to the picture below. e. with crossings or level changes.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 26100 Rauma. Then select the angle you want the duct to have in the height change. 18 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Exercise 3: Draw “freely” for approx. Ask! Then continue drawing in devices and ducts. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. www. g. options may be expanded.g. Branch Erase – Deletes branches. Crossing allows you to change the height of a duct between two points. however. for delimiting isolation. changes e. Find & Replace.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . series. copying and deleting. y or z axis. eccentric cones. Branch Copy – Copies branches. In individual cases. manufacturer. trim. Move Parts – moves the pipe system on the x. the software will automatically switch off handling of the command. Split allows you to “cut” a duct. If an “unpermitted” command is used. 19 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 3. Functions and features when editing 3. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. e. e. Nortamonkatu 1. etc. 3D rotate allows you to rotate a component that you have inserted in a duct.g. in other cases.magicad. all AutoCAD’s functions can be used to copy.g. Side Movement – moves the duct system to the side. invert. Part Erase – deletes selected components on the z axis. user codes. dampers. Equalize Branch Directions – turns the front t-pipes and forks in the same direction. it is important to know that the software handles these situations. Joint part – is used to add sleeves or technical break points. 26100 Rauma. rotate. in order to facilitate situations where AutoCAD’s own functions are not effective. www. Even more special functions have been developed.1 Editing functions As a rule. e. MagiCAD’s Change properties allow you to change almost anything. cut and paste etc. Finland | Tel. the function may be limited.com Progman Oy. Finland | Tel. 20 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 3.2 Change properties for the drawn objects.magicad. Nortamonkatu 1. For example. you can change system without needing to select and click on each part that makes up the system. Use these functions to go back and edit what you have drawn. for example. Note! Capital letters carry out the required operation.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 26100 Rauma. look further down and check the command line. position fire insulation on your ducts.com Progman Oy. Remember that you have something called extended selection. Type “Y”. duct dimensions. duct series etc. change system in the places you have forgotten to set the correct system. www. This is where. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Everything included in the system is then selected. 26100 Rauma. branch copy. Nortamonkatu 1. change colour line types. 21 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Exercise 4: Change duct diameters.com Progman Oy. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected]. Try to move the duct system on the x. stretch and test functions and ask! www. Finland | Tel.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . y and z axis. insulate retrospectively. move parts. Remember the extended selection! Use the copy. These flow connections then transfer data for sizing. 22 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 4. balancing and other calculations. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] “Connection nodes” – flow connections In order to connect the different duct systems between storey plans. Draw ducts. 26100 Rauma. can be used. right click and select connection node. the so- called “connection nodes”. create bends upwards or downwards. An exportable flow connection is then created. flow connections.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . Finland | Tel. www. Nortamonkatu 1. Indicate the destination direction if you want to create a flow connection upwards or downwards.magicad. or if required within a plan. which is needed in order to export the flow and pressure between your different models. Connect systems – on or between plans 4.com Progman Oy. Change direction. The flow connections that have been created for the plan below will now be displayed on your drawing. Indicate whether you want to search for flow connections in a limited area. Click on OK! This is where you can add model files to the model file list. Indicate whether you want to search in all systems or in one specific system. Select the drawing you want to import from. Indicate which system group(s) you want to search for flow connections from. so that these can then be selected for searching flow connections from.magicad. Remember to draw a section of duct before bending it. 23 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Use Connect Node to tell the software which drawings you want to connect using the connection nodes you have already created. Nortamonkatu 1. or whether you want to search the entire drawing regardless of plan dimensions.com Progman Oy. Finland | Tel. www. This is to allow space for the dimensions of your bend.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. 26100 Rauma. 24 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 4.2 Set the flow and pressure drop directly at the duct end In certain cases, it may be necessary to set the flow and pressure drop directly above the duct end. This is done using the Connection node option and selecting None. It is also possible to create connection nodes using the “This” option. This means that flow and pressure in the duct end are exported to another duct end in the drawing. Then use the This option under Destination Drawing to ensure that both ends that need connecting have a connection node and that they have the same ID number. This can be useful if several storeys are all shown in the same model. www.magicad.com Progman Oy, Nortamonkatu 1, 26100 Rauma, Finland | Tel. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] © Progman Oy 2014 25 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Exercise 5: Draw in flow connections on plan 1, connect and carry on drawing in the system on plan 2. Draw in flow connections to plan 2. Connect the flow connections to carry on drawing on the next plan. www.magicad.com Progman Oy, Nortamonkatu 1, 26100 Rauma, Finland | Tel. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] © Progman Oy 2014 26 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 5. Adding text – and creating your own format 5.1 Text functions Text is updated automatically using MagiCAD’s text function. If the information is changed, the text is also changed. In order to obtain the required text format, you can select the information you want, and how you want it to be presented. Select Dimension Texts point to any object that needs text, position the text or check the command line or right click for options. The command line “M” – allows a break point before the text is inserted. “P” – adds another object in the text group, used e.g. for room text. “F” – activates the dialogue box for editing format “B” – positions relevant texts next to each other “O” – crosses out the relevant text “U” – underlines the relevant text www.magicad.com Progman Oy, Nortamonkatu 1, 26100 Rauma, Finland | Tel. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] © Progman Oy 2014 27 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 5.2 Text format Press , right click or check the command line, select format in order to activate the format dialogue. First select the main group, then the object group for which the format needs to be created/new, changed/edit, removed/delete or activated/set active. Handling of the text format is also possible via the project management. The active text format has a small * before the name. Press Edit to edit the existing format. New to create new formats. Give a short description of the format, select the properties you want to include, in the order in which you want them to be presented, and whether there are any consistencies between, e.g. l/s, Pa -/ and similar. Select whether you want a reference line, and to which object. Indicate whether the reference line symbol is to be used. Target line (snipped at end), arrow or dot. Select whether you want a base line, and for which object. Add a constant. e.g. l/s www.magicad.com Progman Oy, Nortamonkatu 1, 26100 Rauma, Finland | Tel. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] © Progman Oy 2014 Finland | Tel.3 Automatic text In the same way as you text “intelligently” using Dimension text. Nortamonkatu 1.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . select the text format you want on your drawing. The direction the text flag must have in relation to the object with text. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. www. Text is added to the entire area you select in one go. How much the flag needs moving in relation to the object with text. In order to set where your text flags should appear in relation to your installations. Select the area to add text. This adapts how often text is added with dimension changes. Then use the project manager to go to the same format dialogue as when you created your text format.com Progman Oy. Select Automatic Dimension Texts . you can use Automatic Dimension text. 26100 Rauma. length for labelled ducts.magicad. as well as min. This function allows you to “avoid” clicking on each object. 28 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 5. com Progman Oy. including crossing out and underlining text. you do not need intelligence in the object in order to be able to label it. etc. i. Select Type Free Text.4 Free text You can also type freely in MagiCAD.magicad. Position the text on the drawing to reach the “system” and “format” options. adjustment. double click on the text or select . 29 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 5. There is an option to define free texts for quick access under Project Management/Texts for free text. 26100 Rauma. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. The system will add system variables to the layer. Select the settings on the text flag lines. Finland | Tel.e. www.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . so that you can separate layers of free text. Nortamonkatu 1. enter the text height and text style and what you want the text to contain. When you want to edit your Free Text. select the required text and make the changes you want. check the command line or right click. 26100 Rauma.magicad. www. Remember to also use Change Properties. 30 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Exercise 6: Add text to what you have drawn. create. edit and change text format. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] © Progman Oy 2014 . Finland | Tel. Nortamonkatu 1.com Progman Oy. Finland | Tel. Settings for arrows (open ends). collision check and sections. How your duct details and final product are displayed. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Select whether you want slip joints to appear on rectangular ducts.com Progman Oy.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 3D Different presentation modes can be selected depending on how you want to see/plot your installations. If you have defined symbols for devices. 26100 Rauma. Presentation.1D. Nortamonkatu 1. Hide settings. Settings for how the text should be displayed in different views. drawing areas and section boxes. 31 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 6. And indicate the application options.magicad. How hidden lines should be displayed. Select how you want to show your insulated ducts. Save/load “standard” settings. Current viewport or all viewports in the file. 6. www. select here whether you want these or 3D geometry to be used during 1D or 2D presentation. Wiring model or actual ducts.1 Presentation modes . 2D. NOTE Only used in the drawing definition file. You can reset all colours and/or line types for combined plotting. the hide function will be active for viewports which have the Auto hide function selected in the viewport preferences.com Progman Oy. 26100 Rauma. Use Restore settings to return to the settings in the project. www. switch the Auto hide function on and off. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. When the drawing is saved. you will have much less to work to have a similar appearance to the model in with in the different dialogues.2 Settings for combined plotting. If you deselect any if you have drawing definition files and want them irrelevant systems. You can also switch the “Auto hide” function on and off here. Nortamonkatu 1. Good for combined plotting. Finland | Tel. You can reset colours or line types for all installations here. relation to hide etc. select which systems are active in the relevant drawing and select whether to display Xrefs saved in the model space using the Drawing preferences dialogue box. 32 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 6. Good projects using a lot of systems. Good if you have large with Xrefs as they are saved in model space. auto hide. for example.fi © Progman Oy 2014 .magicad. displaying Xref etc. This is where you can select which systems are Indicate here whether you want to display drawings active in the drawing. and the correct dimensions. Check the command line. You can indicate a You can select how you reference coordinate for want your object to be your section so that you shown. o Left click for any further points.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 26100 Rauma.com Progman Oy. Procedure: • Left click to indicate the first point. • Right click/Enter after the final point means that you can now indicate the direction. which text style you want to use and how your arrows will appear graphically here. You can also decide between the heights for the section and how deep the section should be. Tell the software where your sections will be. • If you have ticked Define ref. have a handle to pull to make it easier to position over a drawn A section.magicad. Decide what you want the section to be called. the software can automatically create sections. Do this using Define Section. 33 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 6.3 Updatable Sections By drawing your own installations and systems with heights. point this will now be selected. Nortamonkatu 1. www. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. The section is now defined. • Left click to indicate the second point. click on the location for positioning your first arrow and the direction your section will have. Finland | Tel. you have Update Section .fi © Progman Oy 2014 . +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. 26100 Rauma.magicad. The idea is that all jobs will be carried out directly in your model. In order for this to work. Press to update one or more (select required sections) or all sections (option A). You can include A model. You section has now been created. 34 (89) CONFIDENTIAL • You have now defined where in your model your section will be created. Nortamonkatu 1. Tip! Use external references to create so-called combined models. position it somewhere outside the model. Then click on the section marking surrounding the section to be created. E model and external references by ticking them. therefore do not draw partially in your plan drawing and partly in the section. Press Create Section. In this way your combined model will be updated when you update the sections in your model. Enter what will be included in your section. www. Finland | Tel. in other words do NOT create wblock and copy between models.com Progman Oy. When you change your plan drawing. and you can also create sections that only include specific.magicad. selected details. Remember that this section is static and cannot be updated. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Finland | Tel. www. this action must be repeated.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . Indicate the first camera point. Nortamonkatu 1.4 Static sections Press Quick Section. then position your section outside the model. the advantage with this is that you can mark different locations in your plan drawing.com Progman Oy. 26100 Rauma. Select what is to be included in the section. 35 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 6. then the second . magicad. 36 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 6. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Adjust the tolerances according to how you want the software to collision check your design. Can be good to use as a basis for the void provision drawing. Excludes collisions in voids plotted using Provision for Voids.com Progman Oy.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 26100 Rauma.5 “Hard” or “soft” collisions Collision control your installations and use external references to ensure that the different disciplines do not collide with what you have drawn. Nortamonkatu 1. Remember that you can also check using external references. Save your collisions against the A documentation. www. Finland | Tel. com Progman Oy. 37 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Exercise 7: Change presentation via Viewport preferences and Change properties. www. Finland | Tel.fi © Progman Oy 2014 .magicad. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Nortamonkatu 1. label and update the sections. Run the collision check. create sections. 26100 Rauma. fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 26100 Rauma. Balancing – calculates dimensioned devices. not. Allow the software to help you – use sizing support 7. Flow summation – summarises the flow from the furthest device to the open end of the selected system. Sizing – calculates the necessary dimensions according to the selected criteria. Can be used regardless of whether sizing or balancing is carried out. www. Using these inputs and the flow data the software can now perform a number of calculations. then sizes up or down and redraws the ducts with the correct dimensions. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] Progman Oy. then checks whether it is possible to adjust to the required flow with the selected products. NOTE: Balancing of the required system must be carried out before noise and flow data can be calculated for the relevant system! Sound calculation of route – calculates the Route examination – shows calculation noise to the displayed device and shows workings for the displayed device. Nortamonkatu 1. the software will mark the components that do not fulfil the specified criteria with a cross. Finland | Tel. shown in complete calculation workings. You can set how comprehensive your calculation workings are via Output options. 38 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 7. If not. This is this with complete calculation workings. and whether you want to create calculation workings between branches. Bill of Materials – removing groupings.1 Calculations When you initially built up your system you also decided all calculation conditions. You can also select whether you want to see the flow route to the dimensioned devices here. In other Complete sound calculation – presents noise words. whether bends should be included or data in the form of output on the drawing. unless they are locked. the object with the last cross or the object following the last cross is the one with the error. Finland | Tel. 39 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Standard warnings and error messages during calculations: Parts out of flowroute: The system is not linked to any options. 26100 Rauma. so there are two or more open ends. Mark with crosses. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] Progman Oy. Last cross means the cross furthest from the fan in the flow direction. Dampers are missing from the design or the dampers that do exist do not provide sufficient suppression. www. System is not in Balance: the system is not in balance. Nortamonkatu 1.fi © Progman Oy 2014 .magicad. which can be caused by several factors. Use “Part Properties” to read specific data about a certain part of your design. Finland | Tel.magicad. You can also double click on the object. Nortamonkatu 1. dimensioned to 100 – then test the different calculation aids that exist. 40 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Exercise 8: Draw devices and ducts according to the picture below. Use the “?” question mark to see data for the different objects by pointing to them. 26100 Rauma.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] Progman Oy. www. Using the buttons at the bottom. “Part properties” for a duct are shown on the left.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . www.magicad. adjust the distance between sprinklers and collar length directly. 41 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Information visible in Part properties varies depending on which object is selected.com Progman Oy. Nortamonkatu 1. and see the measurements and flow diagram for the device. insulation and height. Finland | Tel. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. duct series. 26100 Rauma. We can see the information on a supply air terminal here. you can directly change duct size. Use the button at the very bottom to change the size. selected objects or within a selected system. Finland | Tel. Select the system group in which you want to make the change. www. This button allows you to select what you want to replace it with by marking the object on the drawing. 26100 Rauma. dampers and more. 42 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 7. Indicate here how you select your objects for searching and replacing. This button allows you to select what you want to replace by marking the object on the drawing. Select the system type you want to replace. devices. Select what you want to replace it with.2 Calculation aids Using the Find & Replace function it is possible to search for and replace components in your system such as duct material. Select what you want to replace. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] © Progman Oy 2014 . The entire drawing. Nortamonkatu 1.com Progman Oy.magicad. The texts will be placed in the magi_garbage layer and can therefore be easily deleted using the Clear Garbage Layer function. for example. 26100 Rauma. length for ducts/pipes to receive text flags and text height. Select the system group in which you want to make the change. Select whether you want to add text to the ducts/pipes or other object types. the flow. www. Finland | Tel.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . speed or height etc. Only ducts/pipes that are longer than the specified length will receive a text flag. Select what data you want to write on the drawing. . +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] Progman Oy. Select all systems or a specific system. 43 (89) CONFIDENTIAL The Part Property Line function allows you to print required data on your object in order to gain an overview of.magicad. Indicate the min. Nortamonkatu 1. Nortamonkatu 1. ducts or dampers. recalculate and see what happens. 26100 Rauma. Print the result using Part Property Line. use Find And Replace to change devices.magicad. 44 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Exercise 9: Take 10–15 minutes. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Ask! www.fi © Progman Oy 2014 .com Progman Oy. Finland | Tel. dwg file). i. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. 26100 Rauma.dwt).dwt files in the same folder. the file used as a basis for the Drawing template file (*. When you are happy with your (*.e.dwt files to obtain prepared settings in relation to plot settings.dwg to *.magicad. name boxes.dwt format. Advanced project production order. Enter the search path to the folder in which the *. Finland | Tel. It can be beneficial to use *.dwg) as a basis for your dwt file. drawing frames.dwt). resave as . 45 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 8.dwt format here. 8. www.dwt files are saved in the Options dialogue under the files tab and Drawing Template File Location. Use a Drawing file (*.com Progman Oy. Change from *. lt scale etc.1 Use Drawing Template File (*. Nortamonkatu 1.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . A good tip is to save your *. 46 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Once this is done. Nortamonkatu 1. Finland | Tel.fi © Progman Oy 2014 .dwt files are saved will automatically open when you select File New. the file in which the *. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] Progman Oy.magicad. www. 26100 Rauma. the model drawings are separated.2 Set up projects with different heights In the event that different ceiling heights exist within the same plan. For everything to appear on one model.dwg drawing for each ceiling height. This storey will be divided across two models with two different ceiling heights. we are adding a storey to our project. part 1 as the active storey (storey plan). connecting “Xref” and connecting to a project. 26100 Rauma. nodes are used in order to bind. duct/pipe systems between these drawings. Nortamonkatu 1.e.magicad. 4 m and 6 m. www.g. one for each ceiling height. In this example. Begin by creating a model. a *. Finland | Tel. e. V57-P031. 47 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 8. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Select Plan 3. the different v-models are “reffed” to a combined model. Plan 3 has two different ceiling heights. Note that the x-coordinate for storey origin is added in different places for each drawing area.fi © Progman Oy 2014 .com Progman Oy. Add two drawing areas to the project. i. giving it a name. Use the connection nodes to link ducts/pipes between the drawings.e. Nortamonkatu 1. the duct system is shown in different files due to the difference in height. storey. to be able to search for connection points from here.g. 48 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Use Save As to add the next drawing. Finland | Tel. 26100 Rauma. part 2. the drawing for Plan 3.com Progman Oy. i. Check that the setting point for storey origin is Ensure you switch to the correct active positioned in the correct location. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] © Progman Oy 2014 . call it V57-P032. The connection nodes used to link the system with different ceiling heights on the same plan are these four. Do not forget to add the drawing to the Model drawings list. www. e.magicad. Since there is a difference in ceiling height on plan 3. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Nortamonkatu 1. 26100 Rauma.magicad.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . Draw ducts from Plan 2 up to Plan 3 and between the models on plan 3. 49 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Exercise 10: Set up the project in the way we described earlier. Finland | Tel. www.com Progman Oy. Use the connection nodes to link the duct system between the different models. e. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. then right click on the required setting to edit and select the option depending on what you want to do. Project settings 9. www. line types and colours In the project you created your project data is defined as a layer structure. Select the required item and its settings will be displayed in the right-hand panel.magicad. 50 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 9.com Progman Oy.g. Nortamonkatu 1. You will see a tree structure in the left-hand panel. We will now look at how the project settings are handled and how they affect what you draw. Double click to edit. 26100 Rauma. colour settings.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . Finland | Tel. This includes the common items and anything that is discipline-specific. for Ventilation (Ducts). Here. The template you selected provides the basis for your project. you select the object group you want to change. line types and so on.1 Layers. Double click on a setting to go directly to the editing mode. you first need to define the separate layers. Finland | Tel. 51 (89) CONFIDENTIAL The settings can be made separately for 1D. Click on the respective tab. 2D and 3D. 26100 Rauma. Tick Use multiple layers for object as above. enter the layer name for the different parts making up an object. and press Default layer settings. boundaries and details. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. If you want to use colours By layer instead of By system. Nortamonkatu 1. where applicable. Here you can see and edit the layer name for the object. line type and colour for the different parts making up an object. www. Select the required line type and colour for the central line.com Progman Oy.fi © Progman Oy 2014 .magicad. In the dialogue that opens. Note that the “font” selected in AutoCAD’s “Text style” command determines the appearance of the text.magicad. Text settings such as “Style name” determining which text style should be used. indicate line type and colour for hidden lines/details. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Finland | Tel. 26100 Rauma. and the text height should be entered here.com Progman Oy. Nortamonkatu 1.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . enter the height of the drawing section and line type for the relevant height. 52 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Under “Linetypes”. www. 2 System structure and its data Build your system with individual data and conditions for each individual system. 26100 Rauma.com Progman Oy.magicad. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. 53 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 9. Select the required system to edit/change. Nortamonkatu 1. www.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . Finland | Tel. copy or create a new system from scratch. Select systems. over duct objects in the system. min. Nortamonkatu 1. pressure system type (supply air. 54 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Indicate the system code (UserCode) system name. drop over dampers and devices and extract air).fi © Progman Oy 2014 . Balance to the driving pressure or specified fan pressure. Finland | Tel. SV2. SV3). Indicate which calculations will be Indicate internal noise in the system. noise from the fan to the duct system.magicad. system colour and any layer variables warning level for high pressure drops (SV1. www. outdoor air. exhaust air. In other used in the system. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] Progman Oy. words. 26100 Rauma. Select the sizing criteria. Either locally from your own computer/network or from MagiCAD Product Channel via the Internet. 26100 Rauma. Right click! You can search for products using different criteria under the Search tab. www. Select the product group for which you want to select products here. Finland | Tel.com Progman Oy. under the Settings tab. You can set whether your database is located locally or in the cloud etc. Use the Up and Down keys to sort the products into the order in which you want them to be presented when they are selected for positioning on the drawing. Select the products you want to work with in the relevant project here. for example. Supply air devices.3 Select devices and products Select devices and products for the project. dampers or noise reduction. When you have selected your product. 55 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 9. Nortamonkatu 1. click on Select and enter the user code.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected]. Edit or create new insulating series. 56 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 9. sizing methods. 26100 Rauma.magicad.4 Supplement with additional information Check/define own insulator series.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . duct series. right click. Finland | Tel. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Repeat the procedure to define sizing criteria and duct series/dimensions. Nortamonkatu 1. etc.com Progman Oy. www. check and test to ensure you understand their functions. Ask! www. Finland | Tel. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Nortamonkatu 1. 26100 Rauma.magicad. try.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 57 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Exercise 11: Take 10–15 minutes to familiarise yourself with the dialogues in the project tools.com Progman Oy. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. sewer. Nortamonkatu 1.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . The minimum distance between voids can also be defined (h3). the void can be “tagged” with the discipline to which it belongs. If the voids are any closer together they will be combined.magicad. sprinkler.com Progman Oy. www. pipe. When you create void provision drawings. Finland | Tel. 58 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 9.5 Settings for automatic void provisions There are separate “free measurement” settings for rectangular (h1) and circular (h2) void provisions. 26100 Rauma. electricity or free text using the Note field. Ventilation. It is possible to define a lower limit for void sizes so that voids are not created that are too small (minimum equivalent diameter for void). You can also define that circular voids from a certain diameter will become rectangular voids (maximum diameter for circular void). Indicate the rounding value for void provisions. Voids that are dependent on Ducts will appear on one layer. Dimension text for making voids can be added in the same way as other text. manually or automatically. and voids for pipes on another layer. Finland | Tel.e. which indicates an Owner value for the void.magicad.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 59 (89) CONFIDENTIAL If you want to separate void provisions on different layers. i. you can use the layer-variable VV. www. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Nortamonkatu 1. 26100 Rauma.com Progman Oy. www. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. 60 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 9. contour lines and details. Indicate whether objects with this status will be grouped or dimensioned by the software. Either by system group or the same for all system groups. Nortamonkatu 1. Indicate whether all system groups will have the same or different settings in relation to colours and line types.magicad.6 Status Indicate Name (textable).fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 26100 Rauma. Description and layer variable (VV).com Progman Oy. Finland | Tel. Indicate line type and colour for the central line. com Progman Oy. www. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. components such as dampers and noise reducers inherit the status from the duct in which they are positioned. 26100 Rauma. Finland | Tel. 61 (89) CONFIDENTIAL The status is selected when you draw your gadgets via the options dialogue. Use Change property to change the status of your gadgets via the property group All.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . Nortamonkatu 1.magicad. necessary. Nortamonkatu 1. 62 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 9. 26100 Rauma.com Progman Oy. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] Running index Right click on the required format and select what you want to do Edit. Finland | Tel.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . Delete. Text formats. Name: Textable Text groups consist of Name and Description: Description description. which are used to group First number: lowest number in the series. quantity of 0s placed before the number.magicad. Copy or Paste. Deselect this if you want unique numbers for all objects in this format. www. Insert. Select whether you want to handle Enter: Text formats or Text groups. The name can also be Number of digits: minimum number of digits in the series used as a variable. Text group: Selected if you want the format to be sorted under a Text group. Select Allow the same index in different systems if you want to be able to use the same number for objects located in different systems. Delete the serial number from the selected object using Remove Running Index www. used to sort texts. 63 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Use the Insert Running Index function to apply the serial number to the selected object. And. whether it is permitted to You can edit the serial use the same number in number using the Edit different systems. Indicate how you want to edit the series.com Progman Oy. Indicate which text group you want to add text from. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] © Progman Oy 2014 . Nortamonkatu 1. entered. Selection not required. Select the series you want to edit. Indicate how the first Indicate which text (serial number in the series is number) you want to write. Finland | Tel.magicad. Filter serial number series. 26100 Rauma. Can also be written out. button. Also indicate the first number in the series. Click on Text for free text. 64 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 9.com Progman Oy. Enter: Name: Name of the text template. which will not affect the template. you can also edit the text. Finland | Tel. www. Then select whether you want a reference line and what you want it to look like. Height: The text height for text in the template. Delete. 26100 Rauma. Nortamonkatu 1. Text: Type the text that should form the template.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Style: The text style the template uses. Insert.8 Free text templates Right click on the required template and select what you want to do Edit.magicad. Copy or Paste. Select the Free text command to use these text templates Select the required template. lin line file and copy the line types you want to add to MagiCAD’s *. Nortamonkatu 1. Finland | Tel.9 Add line types in MagiCAD line file (*. Copy the line types you copied from AutoCAD into the MagiCAD *. 65 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 9. you can use them in MagiCAD.lin file you are using for your project.lin line files. This is done using the Notepad application in Windows.magicad.lin) If you have any lines types that do not exist in MagiCAD. ACAD. you can define your own or copy from any line file. Open the ACAD. Once these are in the project’s line file. e.lin files.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . www. 26100 Rauma.g.com Progman Oy. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Conclude by labelling void provisions. Finally. Nortamonkatu 1. Finland | Tel. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. www. Define the different Free text templates and use them.fi © Progman Oy 2014 .com Progman Oy.magicad. Use Running index. Define different statuses and use them to draw and change the status of objects already drawn. 26100 Rauma. add one or several line types and use them to draw. 66 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Exercise 12: Create a void provision drawing using the automatic void provision function as well as the manual function. Running index – used to add serial numbers to objects in the drawing. if one has been entered. {SV3}. calculated from the 0 level on the plan.1 Definitions. 26100 Rauma. pst – static pressure so far in the system (Pa) ptot – total pressure so far in the system (Pa). National code – indicates the value entered under National code. {SV2}. Open ends – labels open ends on the drawing. Finland | Tel. Connection node ID – ID number for connection node. follows the manufacturer’s scale. Flow (m3/h) – air flow in ducts or components (m3/h). Description – gives a description of the components. System user code – indicates the system to which the component belongs. Lock status – shows whether the object is locked or not. Object ID – indicates the value entered under Object ID. contrary to P1–15. Connection node ID+destination – ID number and the direction to which the connection node is tied Connection size – gives the size of the components. Nortamonkatu 1. dptot (Pa) – total pressure drop over the relevant object (Pa). P1->P15 – Product variables 1–15 that can be indicated manually and written out Product variable– can be changed in the layer name using the layer variable {PV}. Flow (l/s) – air flow in ducts or components (l/s). calculated from the 0 level on the plan. ventilation output Bottom of part – lower edge duct. Damperpos – damper position of the relevant damper. calculated from the 0 level on the plan. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Center of part – duct centre. the system’s user code.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . www. cannot be changed but text can be added. 67 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 10. Status name indicates the status of the object in the drawing. SV1->SV3 – System variable that can be used in the layer name with {SV1}. Product Code – indicates the product code.magicad. Bottom of part (with insulation) – lower edge duct insulation. Project planning aids 10.com Progman Oy. LpA red 10m² sab – Noise level is stated in dB(A) and applies for spaces with a noise absorption area equivalent to 10 m². Consecutive index – serial number given to the components in the drawing. By writing out the connection dimensions for the locked object. Insulation + thickness – insulator series + insulation thickness. calculated from the 0 level on the plan. calculated from the 0 level on the plan.com Progman Oy. Velocity – velocity in the component (m/s) www. Top of part (with insulation) – upper edge duct insulation. if this has been entered. UserVar 1–4 – used to see uservar info. 26100 Rauma. Usercode – indicates which identification the user has given a specific component. 68 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Top of part – duct top. Finland | Tel. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Nortamonkatu 1.magicad.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 2 Show selected objects In order to facilitate 3D work in difficult moments. Nortamonkatu 1. or rather. indicate the direction for viewing your model. enter magiexp in the command line. Reinstate the references with the “reload” command in the same dialogue.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 10. Other Installations will disappear temporarily until they are reinstated using End Parts Isolation. Tip! Disconnect the Xrefs temporarily using the “unload” command in the “external reference dialogue”. In order to reset. The MagiCAD objects will then be transformed into an AutoCAD block.3 Explode MagiCAD objects In order to explode your MagiCAD objects. particularly if you are drawing in side view. This function also cuts any A drawings in 3D. This is because the intelligence in the objects disappears permanently. Click on Side View  Select the areas in which you want to apply special draw. This is why Side View exists. use End Side View.4 Simplify the drawing in a specific place in your model The drawing is sometimes very full of installations. you can chose to work solely with specific. It is therefore also difficult to differentiate what is what. run AutoCAD explode. for example. 10. 69 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 10. www. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. In order to transform the block to lines. Select Isolate Parts to only show selected objects – select the objects with which you want to work. Note! make a copy of drawings before running the magiexp command. from the side using AutoCAD’s view command and make any changes from there. selected objects – and then observe the object. Finland | Tel.com Progman Oy. You can use this to cut out and rotate using only one command. it is not possible to recreate the intelligence once you have run the magiexp command.magicad. 26100 Rauma. magicad.com Progman Oy.5 Change colour in the A drawing Drawing Cleaning Utility exists to allow easy handling of the A model.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 70 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 10. 26100 Rauma. www. You can run Purge and Audit. Finland | Tel. Nortamonkatu 1. This lets you change colour on all or parts of your A model. Change text styles and scale line types. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. objects and Xrefs. Nortamonkatu 1.6 Indicate MagiCAD data for the AutoCAD object Using the Set MagiCAD data to AutoCAD object function you can specify MagiCAD data to AutoCAD object such as lines and blocks. User code and Product code. Indicate whether the gadget will be included in Bill of Materials. 71 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 10.magicad. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Also dependent on the status settings. Indicate any status. for example. Finland | Tel. Indicate whether the gadget will be converted to a MagiCAD object or not. 26100 Rauma.com Progman Oy. If you want to see any connection points. these fields are mandatory. If this is selected you can define the connection points on the objects as well as including it in IFC and Navis exports.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . Indicate Part type. others are voluntary. System type. www. System. select the Show connection points option. Select the type of connection point at the connection point(s) you want to create on your object. 26100 Rauma. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Lock the pressure over the connection point if required. This is done by right clicking in this field and selecting the required type in the pop-up dialogue. Finland | Tel. connection point dimensions and position in the bottom area. In the Connection points fields. www. When this is selected. system and any system type for the connection point. Indicate flow and pressure drop for the connection point reference point. Nortamonkatu 1. You can also delete connection points using the Delete option. 72 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Indicate System group. you can define form. select the connection points you want to define.com Progman Oy.magicad.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 1 Settings for cooperation The software uses certain AutoCAD settings and files in a specific way. Settings for how ARX applications need to be loaded. www.magicad. How so-called proxy objects need to be displayed if the application is not loaded/present. type proxyshow in the command line. In order to save the proxy graphics so that they can be displayed on a workstation without the application present.com Progman Oy. Check the following under the relevant profile with the recipient of your drawing files. 73 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 11.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 26100 Rauma. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. value “1” for on and “0” for off. the proxygraphics variable should be at 1 in your DIN drawing. which is good to recognise. If you want to switch proxy graphics on and off in AutoCAD LT. under the “Open and Save” tab in the option dialogue. Finland | Tel. Nortamonkatu 1. Project cooperation 11. fi © Progman Oy 2014 . This enabler makes it possible for anyone who does not have MagiCAD to open your files. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected]/Delivery/Download/GetProductList?subMenuId=26 your colleagues can download MagiCAD Object Enabler free of charge. etc. MagiCAD Object Enabler requires AutoCAD or any of its verticals not AutoCAD LT. Finland | Tel.progman. www. Nortamonkatu 1. 74 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Via the website: https://delivery. 26100 Rauma. review them.magicad. delete your installations. move.com Progman Oy. .com Progman Oy. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. which is the configuration file for the property set export function. This is done using the Modify the user settings and Advanced . Finland | Tel..fi © Progman Oy 2014 .1 Use Property set manager You first need to indicate the search path to the MagiCADSettings.xml file. www. Nortamonkatu 1.magicad. Export functions 12. 75 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 12. 26100 Rauma. www. Add a new configuration. The different configurations can then be used for IFC and Navisworks exports. The manager is started using the Property Set Manager button. configuration here. Select between IFC export and Navisworks export. You can select which property sets (defined in Create a copy of the property sets tab) need to be included in the the selected configuration. Finland | Tel. and opening the following dialogue.com Progman Oy.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 26100 Rauma. Import configurations from another xml file. Nortamonkatu 1. You start by creating the necessary property sets and then the configurations that consist of one or several property sets. Delete selected configuration.magicad. Toggle between configurations and Property sets. You will then see the Property sets Select discipline: HPV that exist in the selected configuration here. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. 76 (89) CONFIDENTIAL You can create your own IFC and Navisworks property sets in “Property set manager”. All configurations and property sets will be imported. Right click menu Edit selected configuration. Nortamonkatu 1. Right click menu Create new Property set. 26100 Rauma. Create a copy of the selected Delete property set. Edit selected property set. property set. Create new IFC classification reference. Only the property sets you select will be exported.2 Property sets and IFC classification references You can create property sets or IFC classification references for the different disciplines in MagiCAD for export to IFC or Navisworks under the “Property sets” tab.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . www. Finland | Tel. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. 77 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 12.magicad.com Progman Oy. tick the tick box. 78 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Select whether your property set will apply for instance or type.com Progman Oy. Select the part types for which your property set will apply by ticking the box next to the name. Nortamonkatu 1. Finland | Tel. You can select all by ticking the box next to All part types. user code) as the property source. 26100 Rauma. If you want to indicate a constant. www. Indicate a name for your property. e. Give a name to your property set. Select property type from the list of IFC data. The columns can be sorted by clicking the heading and you can select several at the same time by using shift-click or ctrl-click. . Right click menu Create new property/Edit property.g.magicad. Select a source (a MagiCAD property. +358 2 8387 6000 | [email protected] © Progman Oy 2014 . You can select all by ticking the box next to All part types. Select a source (a MagiCAD property. source and reference to standard/classification system.com Progman Oy. The columns can be sorted by clicking the heading and you can select several at the same time by using shift-click or ctrl-click.g. Right click menu.3 Create/edit an IFC classification reference Creating or editing a classification reference is done in a similar way as for property sets.magicad. e. tick the tick box. Indicate a name for your classification reference. If you want to indicate a constant. 26100 Rauma. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. version. user code) as the property source. 79 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 12. Name. www.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . An IFC Classification reference can only have the name and item reference of its property source. Nortamonkatu 1. Select the IFC type for which your classification reference will apply. Finland | Tel. fi © Progman Oy 2014 . Select a MagiCAD property that will be shown in the property set for the selected parts.com Progman Oy. you decide which properties you want to export to Navisworks. The columns can be sorted by clicking the heading and you can select several at the same time by using shift-click or ctrl- click. Indicate a name here. Right click menu. Create a new property/Edit property. 26100 Rauma. 80 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 12. Finland | Tel. Property sets are selected in a similar way to selecting IFC property sets. Nortamonkatu 1. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Select the parts to which your property set will apply.magicad. www. You can select all by ticking the box next to All part types.4 Create/Edit Navisworks property set In Navisworks property sets. com Progman Oy. 81 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 12. You can save your settings and then select from among your saved settings here. Select whether to export to a new IFC file or add data to an existing one. Select whether to use property Select whether you want to use “extruded segments” sets or not during the export.magicad. www. Select which coordinate system will be used for the export.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 26100 Rauma. Select the file(s) to be exported here. Nortamonkatu 1. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. click the IFC Export button. if so. which. Indicate the folder for IFC files. or which IFC files it will result in. Finland | Tel.5 IFC export In order to export data to an IFC file. and (only with HPV) or not. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. but NWCOUT must be entered in 2012 to create NWC files. 82 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 12. Navisworks 2012 does not support exports to NWD format.6 Navisworks export When exporting to Navisworks you can select whether you want to export using property sets or not. 26100 Rauma. Nortamonkatu 1. In order to create Navisworks exports.com Progman Oy. Tick the box if you only want to export MagiCAD drawings and not include any external references. Select whether to export to a new IFC file or add data to an existing one. www. Select whether to use property sets or not during the export.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . Finland | Tel.magicad. you need to install the Navisworks export plugin in AutoCAD. fi © Progman Oy 2014 . Your colleague can then find the place in their file and comment and send a response. button and save any information in a file that you can send to your colleague.. which you can import... +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Finally. 83 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 12.7 BCF.com Progman Oy.. Then select the view that belongs to your topic using the Select objects and Capture view .. BIM Collaboration Format Manager Information can be exchanged between project participants simply and including references to positions in the drawings using BCF. buttons Add your comments by right clicking in the Comments panel and selecting the Add comment. Finland | Tel. 26100 Rauma.. Nortamonkatu 1. www. option. and thus continue the process indefinitely.magicad. Begin by adding a Topic by right clicking in the panel and selecting the Add topic.. click the Export. option.. fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 84 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Exercise 13: Look at the Property sets Manager.com Progman Oy. Nortamonkatu 1.magicad. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. 26100 Rauma. Create an IFC export. www. Create a BCF export. Finland | Tel. The same options exist for the different groups. In the plugins list.com Progman Oy. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Select here whether you want to search for and download all updated databases. Finland | Tel.1 How to handle plugins and updates to MagiCAD. 85 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 13. select the folder in which to save the file. click on the required Download button.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . click OK and the file will be downloaded. You can create settings for what to search for in terms of update types using the Settings button. Unzip the downloaded zip file and run the installation by double clicking the file you have just unzipped. Check for Updates Select what you want to do with the individual databases or symbol files. Plugins 13. Nortamonkatu 1. 26100 Rauma.magicad. www. com Progman Oy. www. create your selections/settings. Finland | Tel.2 Swegon plugin as an example of how a plugin can work.magicad.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . 26100 Rauma. click the export button and position the unit on your drawing. Swegon Plugin for Pro Unit Log in. 86 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 13. Nortamonkatu 1. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. magicad. the system to which the unit will belong. And the system to which relevant unit connection points will belong. www.com Progman Oy. If there is only one system in the relevant type. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. 26100 Rauma. Nortamonkatu 1.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . Finland | Tel. then you have no choice. 87 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Indicate installation height. Normal value = 20. Email: support@progman. 26100 Rauma. Text can be rescaled using change properties – Dimtext – scale dimtext height. you can change system using the change properties – system. Some final advice 14. +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman. Finland | Tel.fi www.magicad. you can set the extent of the range yourself. Do not assume that something is not working.com Progman Oy.1 Remember: If you are adding components to the “wrong” system. If you think that the search range is too large or too small. Nortamonkatu 1. 88 (89) CONFIDENTIAL 14.fi © Progman Oy 2014 . phone support and ask! Phone for MagiCAD support: +358 2 8387 6022. If you are in any doubt. under the relevant properties group. ....................................................................................................... ......................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................magicad............................................................................................................................................................................... 26100 Rauma..................................................................................................................................... +358 2 8387 6000 | mail@progman.............................................................fi © Progman Oy 2014 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ..................... ................................................................................................... 89 (89) CONFIDENTIAL Comments: ......................................................................... Finland | Tel............................................................................................................................................................... www.. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................ ... Nortamonkatu 1......com Progman Oy......... ........................................................ ............................................................... .................................................................................... .....................
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