May 7, 2018 | Author: Francisco Jose | Category: Plural, Grammatical Number, Noun, Part Of Speech, Adjective



For the user This dictionary is divided into three parts, namely: PART 1 Venda-Afrikaans-English: PART 2: Afrikaans-Venda; PART 3: English-Venda. The alphabetic order is the normal one and does not require further explanation, except in the following instances where use has been made of diacritic symbols to extend the Roman alphabet: The dental symbols d I. n and t preceed the normal d, I, n and t, while the velar li in its turn follows the normal n This implies that words which, for example, commence with d are listed first and separately from words commencing with d. Venda words belonging to the primary two word classes viz nouns and verbs, are left unidentified except for those instances where misunderstanding may arise in which instances nouns are identified by (n) and verb stems by (vb). Otherwise verbs are entered as stems only, preceded by a hyphen to indicate that they are stems with the infinitive prefix u- left out All the secondary word classes are identified in brackets, eg adverbs by (adv); adjectives by (adj), etc. Nouns are entered with the plural prefixes (where they exist) given in brackets, eg mulhu (vha-) from which may be derived that mulhu is a noun with plural iorm.vhalhu. It is therefore also possible to look up plural forms under singular entries by making the simple adjustment of replacing the plural prefix by its regular singular form So a noun like xhaiukana will be looked up under mutukana In those instances where such an adjustment cannot be made mechanically because of sound changes, both singular and plural forms are entered alphabetically. This mainly applies to nouns of classes li-lma- and classes lu-ldzi(n)-. eg gole (makole) wolk ! cloud with a separate plural entry makole cf gole because it is impossible to arrive at the singular form just by replacing ma- with the singular prefix luvhabvu (mbabvu) ribbebeen j rib with a separate plural entry mbabvu cf luvhabvu because in the case of mbabvu the nasal of the class prefix dzi(n)- causes the initial consonant of the stem -vhabvu to be subject to sound change. Instances where the prefix (dzi-) follows on entries need special attention: Here it does not imply that the plural form must necessarily commence with dzi- Although dzi- may be used, it is noimally left out, eg kholomo (dzi-) where kholonw may have both singular and plural meaning (although dzikholomo also is a possible plural form) and the dzi- then only acts as plural marker’ showing to which class the specific noun belongs In such instances the distinction between singular and plural is indicated by the concords which link other words in the utterance to such nouns, eg 149 kholomo yanga i dangani 'my cow is in the kraal' kholomo dzanga dzi dangani 'my cows are in the kraal' Also adjectives which qualify nouns of classes n-ldzi(n)- are subject to similar sound changes. They can therefore not be looked up mechanically and are entered separately, eg -rema (adj) swart j black but then also -thema (adj kl \ cl n-/dzi(n)-) cf -rema The following examples illustrate this clearly: tshimange tshanga tshirema 'my black cat' mmbwa yanga themu 'my black dog' (dzi)mrnbwa dzanga thema 'my black dogs' Nouns which belong to class Win-, may be treated in three different ways: (i) by indicating that the plural is in class mu-, eg vhuriha Ima-), ie with plural muriha (li) by indicating that the plural is the same, eg vhusiku (pi same), ie vhusiku may mean night' or 'nights' (iii) by indicating that the noun has an abstract content, eg vhubva (abstr), ie the abstract concept 'laziness' does not have a singular or plural content. Musical tone which forms an important part of the sound system of Venda, is normally not indicated in this edition. It is not considered to be essential for such a 'pocket' edition and then for the following reasons: Tone marking as it appears in the original edition, must be seen as basic tone only, ie when words are pronounced in isolation purely as lexical items Such tones are liable to drastic changes within context. Because such tone changes are subject to complicated tone rules, it is not necessary to include it in a practical work like this one. The non-Venda speaker will not be able to apply these rules without help from a speaker of the language. Such a person will benefit more by mimicking what he perceives by ear Venda speakers, on the other hand, do not have a problem with the tone of the language Tone is therefore only indicated in those instances where pairs of words are distinguished only by difference in tone, eg Jhoho (dzi-) (hh) kop | head thoho (dzi-) (lit) aap i monkey, ape The three tones high low: falling: are therefore indicated as follows in brackets: 1h) (l) If) There is one orthographic symbol which needs special attention, viz /. Originally this symbol had a single phonetic reference, namely that of a tap sound which is pronounced with the tip of the tongue tapping once against the alveolus as in -lila 'cry' Recently this symbol obtained a second phonetic reference, namely as a lateral continuant, ie like the / in long' of English. This sound occurs in borrowings of recent origin where the original language contains this sound in the word borrowed, eg altmanaka Afr almanak hosijele Afr hostel khalenda Afr kalender Eng aeroplane eropuleni lilha Eng litre 150 however.There is. are obvious. eg poswolboswo — represents the keyword adj adv collect conj cf demonstr eg mtr interr lit n neg obj cone Pi pos poss pred qualif quantit rel sing subj cone tr vb viz adjective adverb collective conjunctive compare (preference is given to this abbreviation because it can be used for both Afrikaans and English) demonstrative for example intransitive interrogative literal noun negative subject concord plural positive possessive predicative qualitative quantitative relative singular subject concord transitive verb namely 151 . no consistency in this and the / may retain its tap sound reference in such borrowings. eg lagane Afr laken Here / has no lateral quality Symbols and abbreviations Most of the symbols and abbreviations used. but the following need mentioning to prevent misunderstanding: to separate Afrikaans and English entries to separate alternative forms. -pfufhifhadza abbreviation khaulo (dzi-). etc. (vb) -rema. ~ in law: mulayo (mi-).A acasia (family o f thorn trees) muunga (mi-) accelerator ekiselereita (dzi-) cf Eng accent tshileme (zwi ). muedza (vha-) adam’s apple gulokulo (ma-) add -engedza. -phetha. -tama admission thanganedzo (dzi ). -vhuelwa. kherefo (dzi-) cf Eng 'care o f. —a meeting: -amba na. -fhedza accomplishment khunyeledzo (dzi-). wa abunomala. -la|a abase -tsitsa. —some more: -engedzedza. -nea/-ita tshipitshi adequate (which is —) -linganaho (vb rel). munyadzea (dzi-) according to u ya nga. -mangadza. haya (ma-) abolish -fhelisa abominable -sa takadziho (vb rel). mu- vuwo/muvoni (mi-) abbreviate -khaula. -tukufhadza abash -shomsa. -nukala abstain -didzima abstinence vhudidzimi (abstr) abundance mudalo (mi-) abundant cf plentiful abuse («) samba (majamba). nga ha. -vhavha. u tevhedza. -hwala abet -kudedza abhor -vhenga abhorrent be ~ -vhifha abide -divhofha (nga milayo). ~ load. nga hune accouchement vhudzadze (abstr) account mbalelano (dzi-). mu- shumo (mi-) actor mutambi (vha-). —oneself -didowedza ache (n) vhutungu (abstr). cf defendant accustom -dowedza. -kumedza (vhuhosi) abdomen thumbu (dzi-) abduct (ahisa (musadzi). phetho abattoir silahapani (ma-) cf Afr ‘slagpale'. -dzula ability vhukont (abstr) abject ( n) munyadziwa (vha-). -remisa acid dungi (ma-) acknowledge -tenda acquire -diwanela. -tamba acting -farelaho (vb rel) action muito (mi-) active -dalaho mafulufulu active voice maambwaita (pi only) activity khakhathi (dzi-). akhaunthu (dzi-) cf Eng accountancy divhambalelano (cl n ) accuse (charge) -vhea mulandu. muhwalo wo kalulaho (mi-) abode vhudzulo (ma-). lu(a (ntha). -dilandula abnormal -si wa mist. -wana acquit cf discharge (vb) acquittal cf discharge (n) act (n) (deed) nyito (dzi-). vhuitwa (abstr). re henefha kha above (on top of) n(ha (adv) abridge -pfufhifhadza abscess (small) tshimota (zwi-). dza abunomala. etc. cf Eng (poss). vhuvhusi (no pi) admire -takalela. intensive form o f —: vhukumakuma absolute pronoun lisala vhukuma (ma-) absolutely quiet (ideoph of being ~ ~ ) hwii!. mawela (pi only). -khwa(hisa accept (receive) -tanganedza acceptable -Janganedzeaho (vb rel) accident (n) khombo (dzi-). (vb) put on —: -kherefa cf Eng 'care o f. (vfe) -edza. -vhifhaho (vb rel) aborigine ngwamwapo (vho-) about nga. -si tsha misi. -sia. khalo (dzi-) accentuate -lemedza. -hwesa mulandu accused muhwelelwa (vha-). (vb) (curse) -sema -vhaisa. -si ha misi. thendelo (dzi-) admit (a charge) -tenda (mulandu). —in play. -imiswa administrate -laula administration ndaulo (dzi ). aback (vb) taken —: -mangadza. (vb) -Iitshedza. tsha abunomala. noo! absorb be ~ed -nwelela. nga vhaho. pfufhifhadzo (dzi-) abdicate -bvula (vhuhosi). -si a misi. ~ in hospi- 153 . -akhamadza. ~ moisture -nwa. (qualif) -nyadzeaho (vb ret) cause to ablactate cf wean ablaze -swa able be ~: -kona abnegate (deny) -landula. (vha-). —to (lengthen) -tuma addendum (appendix) (humetshedzo (dzi-) address (n) diresi (dzi-) cf Afr 'adres’. ~ up (figures): -(anganya. (big) tshitshimbili (zwi-) absence phidza (dzi-) absent (skip a day) -fhidza absolute (real) vhukuma. -akhamadza abate -dztka eg muya wo dztka the wind has (vb) have an —: u welwa nga khombo abated accompany -fhelekedza accomplice muitanae (vha-) accomplish -khunyeledza. (adv) murahu abandon (n) ~ed hut dumba (matumba). -edanaho (vb rel) adjective litaluli (ma-) adjourn -awela. . -tendelana agreeable -takadzaho (vb rel) agreement thendelo (dzi-). muangelo (vha-) cf Eng 154 . (vb) -thusa ailment munvanyavhalo (mi-). -andana. (vb) -korola cfA fr ‘korrel' . -sevha alcohol alikoholi (dzi-) cf Eng alcoholic drink tshikambi (zwi-) alight -tsa all vhothe (cl vha-). dzothe (cl dzin-). vhothe (cl vha-). (warn of thing) -sevha. mbuelo (dzi-) adverb Jidadzisi (ma-) advice ndaela (dzi-) advise -eletshedza. kudwadze (zwi-) aim (n) ndivho (dzi-). (adj) -hulwane cf Ve section fulaimatshini (no pi) adulterer phombwe (dzi-) adultery vhupombwe (abstr) advance (n) mvelaphanda (dzi-). -thukhula amuse -takadza amusement tshitakadzi (zwi-) analyse -sengulusa. othe (cl ma-). late tshitheu (no pi). etc: -Janganedza. amputate -tumula. etc cf quantitative in grammar alliance pfano (dzi-) allow -tendela Almighty Ramaandaothe/Ramanndaothe almost todou (aux vb) eg o todou wa he ~lnearly fell aloe tshikhopha (zwi-) alone ethe (cl mu. (remind) -humbudza adopt (a child) -nwanakisa adopted child muhwanakiswa (vha-) adult (n) muhulwane (vha-). -shandukisa.). vhukavha- tal. (men): -kalaha age group (individual of same —) thanga (dzi-). tshisevhi (zwi-). -vhea mukosi. muambeh (vha-).) alarm (n) mukosi (mi-). tshandukiso (dzi-) also na (connective). —clock: watshi ya u lila (dzi-). (vb) -lalela amend -engedza. Muvhuru (Ma-) cf Afr ‘boer’ after (prep) nga murahu after all itali (conj) eg itali vha sa mu funi —they do not like him afternoon (early —. axennde (dzi-. murole (mi-) agent zhendedzi (ma-) agree -tenda. mudzimu (mi-) ancestral spirit mudzimu (mi ) ancient times tshifhinga tshilalalaia (adv) and na eg munna na musadzi man and wife angel murunwa (vha-). -bvela phanda advanced (which is —) -bvelelaho (vb rel) advantage tshivhuya (zwi-).o f mu-/vha-). (vho-) (enclitic) eg o da-vho he — came altar alitare (dzi-) cf Afr 'allaur' alter -shandukisa although naho (conj). (vb) -ambelcla. -pfana. -khwinisa amiability u funea (infirut) amiable -funeaho (vb rel) among vhukati h a . etc (quantitative) already -no (aux vb) eg ro no fhedza mushumo washu we have —finished our work. piano (dzi-) agricultural department cf department of agri­ culture agricultural lime galaga ya vhulimi (class n-) agricultural officer mulimisi (vha-). -imelela aeroplane eropuleni (dzi ) cf Eng. 4 to 5 o ’clock in —: duvha [i tshi fhefha afterwards ngavhuya (conj). nangwe (conj) altogether tshothe (adv) always nga musi/nga misi amaze cf surprise ambassador muambasada (vha-) cf Eng ambush (n) ndalelo (dzi-). nga murahu (adv) again hafhu (adv) age (n) vhukale (no pi).of mu-/mi-). mualuwa (vha-). during the day) masiari (adv). war — maaladadzha (pi only). phendo (dzi-) ancestor (remote) makhulukuku (vho-). -humbudza advocate (n) muimeleli (vha-). (vb) -isa phanda. ~ to premises: -tendela admonish (give advice) -laya. muofisi wa vhulimi (vha-) agricultural school tshikolo tsha vhulimi (zwi-) agriculture vhulimi (pisame) agricultural science divhavhulimi (cl n-) aid (n) thuso (dzi-).angel admonish air muya (mi-) air brake biriki ya muya (dzi ) air cleaner (-filter) tshisefamuya (zwi-) air-filter tshisefamuya (zwi-) airgun tshigidi tsha zwinoni (zwi ) airmail poswo ya muyani (no pi) airport vhuimafulaimatshini (no pi). if we have —finished . fulaimatshini (dzi-) cf Eng ‘fly-machine1 affair mafhungo (usually in pi. Iwendo lwa muyani (nyendo dza . othe (cl ma-). alteration thembuluso (dzi-). wothe (cl mu. a rail rc no fhedza . (a sentence) -fhenda analysis tsenguluso (dzi-). Tshivhuru (no pi) Afrikaner Mufurukanere (Vha-) cf Afr. (vb) grow old (women): -kegula. ~ of money air-travel Iwendo nga mufhe (nyendo nga mbadelophanda (dzi-). cf sing fhungo) affirm cf emphasize afraid -ofha Africa Afurika Afrikaans Luvhuru (no pi): — language and cul­ ture. dzothe (cl dzi-). -laya. (vb) give the —. maaxende) cfA fr ‘agent'. vhunga/unga asbestos lihevudzi (ma-) ascend ~ mountain: -gonya. ~ on behalf of: -vhudzisela. (vb) -sinyusa angry be/become ~ -sinyuwa. thendelo (dzi-) approve -tendela. divhavhukonesi (cl n-) artery ludivhitha (vhu-) artisan mutsila (vha-) artist muoli (vha-) as sa. domestic tshifuwo (zwi-). li-. hu-. — very early from sleep: -fhinduwa. -khuthadza appeasement phumudzo (dzi-). —suddenly: -dzumbuluwa appearance (act o f appearing) u bvelela (infina) appease -fhembeledza. —towards: -sendelela approaching (following) -daho (vb rel). — vehicle -namela ascension thakhuwo (dzi-) ash milora (sing mulora not common). phembeledzo (dzi-) appendix cf addendum apple apula (ma-) cf Afr ‘appel’ applicant muhumbeli (vha-) application (for post) khumbelo (dzi-). mutangano (mi-) assent (n) thendelo (dzi-). answer!respond with a call: -aravha ant sunzi (ma-). fore— : mukonwo (mi-) armpit gopwa (magopwa/makopwa) army mmbi (dzi-) arouse cf aw aken arrange -vhekanya arrest -fara arrival muswiko (mi-). -dinwa annoyance u dina. -buba arithmetic divhambalo (sing n. miora (variant form): ~-heap: daledale (ma-) ashamed be ~ -shona aside thungo (adv) ask (a question) -vhudzisa. small ~ lusunzi (vhu-) ant-bear (ant-eater) thagalu (dzi-) ant-eater cf ant-bear ant-heap tshiulu (zwiulu) anus tshivhunu (zwi-) anvil betshelo (ma-) any body nnyi na nnyi anywhere huhwe na hunwe ape (n) (monkey) thoho (dzi-). u swika (infinit) arrive -swika. -kwata cf Afr ‘kwaad'. upper ~ tshishas'i„ (zwi ). —form fomo ya khumbelo (dzi-) apply (for post) -humbela. -divhadza. be ~ed: -{huphea. -vhuthana (intr). -kwatisa phukha (dzi-). enrage!make ~: -sinyusa. -khunyelela (mtr) assembly khuvhangano (dzi-). (vb) -fhindula. -themendela apricot apulakoswo (ma-) cf Afr 'appelkoos' April Lambamai apron fasikop (dzi-) cf Afr 'voorskool' Arab (person) Muaraba (Vha-) arable which is -limeaho (vb rel) architect mufhati (vha-) architecture vhufhati (abstr) area (in arithmetic) nyalo (dzi-). u thupha (infind) anoint -dodza anointment tshidolo (zwi-) another (certain) -nwe (adj) (mu-. n-: ihwe. ~ of prey. lu-. -swikisa. small tshipuka (zwi-) animal husbandry vhufuwi (no pi) ankle tshinungo tsha lwayo (zwi-) annihilate -thutha. tshifuiwa (zwi-). ~ from sleep -karuwa. khuthadzo (dzi-). animal wild -teaho (vb rel) approval themendelo (dzi-). request) -humbela. tshijaQama (zwi-). bring someone to his destination -swikisa arrow musevhe (mi-) art vhukonesi (abstr) . (region) vhupo (pi same). -vhutha (tr). (vb) -tenda assimilate -eleledza 155 . (engage­ ment) ndangano (dzi-). -apulaya cf Eng: ~ a rule. ~ for cf request asleep -edela ass mbongola (dzi-). ku-) answer (n) phindulo (dzi-). ndivhadzo (dzi-) announcer mudivhisi (vha-) mudivhadzi (vha-) radio —: muhashi (vha-) annoy -dina. (vb) -edzisa apologize -humbela pfarelo apology pfarelo (dzi-) apostle muapostola (vha-) cf Eng appear -bvelela. ~ a person -divhisa. (vb) make -langana appreciate takalela approach -sendela. tshi-. -ta(a. -tevhelaho (vb rel). donngi (dzi-) cf Eng ‘don­ key’ assault u rwa (infinit) eg mulandu wa u rwa (case of) assault.only) arm tshanda (zwanda). shango (ma-) argue -liana. tshivhidzo (zwi-). — from seat: -takuwa. -kuvhanganya (ir). etc: -shumisa appoint -vhea. khunyeleh (dzi-). fairly large ~ lisunzi (ma-). -thupha. ~ in arithmetic: thekenelo (dzi-). (vb) -rwa assegai pfumo (mafumo/ma-) assemble -kuvhangana (mtr).anger assimilate anger (n) tsinyuwo (dzi-). (beg. -thola appointment (n) (in post) mbeo (dzi-). -phusukanya announce -divhisa. (oncoming) -sendelaho (vb rel) appropriate which is ~: -fanelaho (vb rel). (broadcast) -hasha announcement ndivhiso (dzi-). -hanedzana argument khani (dzi-) arise (wake up) -vuwa. -tshimbilelana assure -kwathisa astonish -mangadza. ku-). nga vhuitatshoga (adv) autumn lutavula (no pi). be ~ed to: -nambatela attachment tshinambatedzwa (zwi-) attack -dia attain -wana. ~ each other: -thu- audible -pfala augment -titilidza August Thangule aunt (father’s sister) makhadzi (vho-). eg wa tshidiitisi automatically nga vhudiitisi (adv). saga (ma-) cf Afr ‘sak’ bake -baga cf Afr 'bak’ bakery bekhari (dzi-) cf Eng bald crown (of head) phanda (dzi-) ball bola (dzi-) cf Eng balloon baloni (ma-) cf Afr 'ballon' banana (tree and fruit) muomva (mi-) band (music) bennde (dzi-) cf Eng bandage bandishi (dzi-) cf Eng. li-. -unga attractive -kungaho (vb rel). lu-. n-/dzin.(mmbi). vha-. mushumeli (vha-) attention (n) tshenzhemo (dzi-). (mother’s sana. ~ maturity: -hula attempt (n) ndingedzo (dzi-). -fhatuwa. (charm) vhunaki (abstr). river — khunzikhunzi (dzi-). small kupfene (zwi-) baby (new born) lushie (vhushie/tshie) bachelor khombe (dzi-) back mutana (mi-) back-bite cf slander backbone (spine) mutodo (mi-) background (of person) siangane (dzi-) backslide -gwinea/-gunea/-gwineha backwards murahu (adv) bacon tshipeke (zwi-) cf Afr ‘spek’ bad (adj) -vhi (mu-. ramilayo (vho-) attract -kokodza. wind ~ tightly around: -pombedza bangle lukunda (vhu-/ma-). hu-. — of gun: lwobo (ndwobo) cf Afr 'loop' barricade (vb) -thivhela 156 . bengele (ma-) cf Eng banish -thatha bank (n) (money) bannga (dzi-) cf Afr ‘bank’. -fhatusa award (n) mpho (dzi-). (vb) -pomba. battle tsanga (dzi-) axle asi (dzi-) cf Afr ‘as’ -edzisa attend (a meeting. elder sister) mmemuhulu (vho-). mi-. -akhamadza astonishment nyakhamadzo (dzi-) astray be led ~ : -xedzwa athlete cf player athletics zwipotso (pi only) cf Eng ‘sports' attach -nambatedza. (vb) be ~: -vhifha badger (rate!) tshisele (zwi-) badness vhuvhi (abstr) baffle cf puzzle bag khedzi (dzi-). (vb) -huvha barrel (container) fagi (ma-) cf A fr 'vaatjie'. (wake up some­ body) -karusa. u huvha (infinit).assist barricade assist (help) -thusa. (vb) -lingedza. ~ o f dog. (vb) -bannga. tshi-. (vb) -fha. -bandisha. -diphositha bank balance masalelabanngani (pi only) Bantu Murema (Vha-) Bantu area ha Vharema (adv) baobab tree muvhuyu (mi-) baptism ndovhedzo (dzi-) baptist mulovhedzi (vha-) baptize (christen) -lovhedza bar bara (dzi-) cf Eng. vhuungi (abstr). -vhulunga. ~ o f soap : mukonde wa tshisibe (mi-) bark (n) ~ o f tree: gwati (makwati). -thogomela. -kunga. -ungaho (vb rel). -nea awful cf ugly awl luunzhi (nunzhi/nyunzhi) axe (hatchet) mbado (dzi-). -fhatuwa awaken -karuwa. thogomelo (dzi-). -sedza attentively (adv) nga thogomelo attorney axennde (dzi-/ma-) cf A fr 'agent'. zwi-. -nakaho (vb rel) attractiveness vhukungi (abstr).late — tshifhefho (zwi-) auxiliary verb (deficient verb) htikedzi (ma-) avenge -lifhedzela aviator (pilot) mutshimbidzafulaimatshim (vha-) avocado liafukhada (ma-) cf Afr ‘avokado’ avoid -tinya await -lindela awake -karuwa. mukwama (mi-). lunako (abstr) baboon pfene (ma-) . (vb) pay -dzhiela tshenzhemo/ nzhele. -farisa. school) -dzhena attendant pheletshedzi (dzi-). -farisana associate with -konana. (mother's younger sister) mmane (vho-) author munwali (vha-) authority cf government automatic tshidiitisi (poss). ma-. vhu-. (vb) -tamba below (underneath) dasi (adv). important) -hulu/-hulwane bed mmbete (mimbete) cf Eng (adj) (mu-. lu-. -dia. so ~lmuch. -fhenya bewitch -lowa/-loya beautiful (good) be — -naka. — of prey: tshibesides nga nndani ha vhanda (zwi-) beat -rwa. -ranga bile ndulu (dzi-). zwiadzwa (pi only) how ~lmuch?: -ngafhani? (adj. bedbug tsikidzi (dzi-) n-/dzin-: khulu/khulwane. -bocla belief cf faith believe (trust) -fulufhela/-fhulufhela. cf -hulu/-hulwane (n-/dzin-: nngafhani?)). (religious connotation) -tenda believer mutendi (vha-) ~ ’s way o f life: tshitendi sun. ie as biglmuch as beg -humbela. (vb) -vhambadza. vhu-. (request) -renda yonder: -ngafhala (adj. -ombedza. benevolence cf humanity —cobs (maize): -pakata beseech -rabeledza. — besiege -govhela (knock) repeatedly: -omba-omba. for concords cf -hulu/-hulwane beehive thango (dzi-) (n-/dzin-: nngafhano)). ie as biglmuch as that: -ngafho (adj. )i-. (with lid) mufaro (mi-). ku-). (make ~ ) -nakisa beyond seli (ha mulambo). tshi-. be born -bebwa. for concords cf vhu a difha beer is nice -hulu/-hulwane (n-/dzin-: nngafha)). bell tsimbi (dzi ) bellow -kuma large ~: tshirundu (zwi-) belly thumbu (dzi-) bat (insectivorous) mulemalema (mi-). for concords c/-hulu/ beget cf bear -hulwane (n-/dzin-: nngafha|a)) begin -thoma. so ~lmuch. -fhulufhedza/-fulufhedza. adult. mboko)o (dzi-) -renganyisa basin sambelo (ma-) bask (in sun or at fire) -ora eg -ora duvha bask in 157 . -ora mulilo bask/warm up at fire (no pi) basket manngi (mimanngi) cf Afr 'mandjie’. -luvheledza beard lulebvu (ndebvu) beside tsini ha beast (cattle kholomo (dzi-). being here belch -zwa. -tanza. ~ be -vha (copulat vb) down -kotama bead nungu (vhulungu) beneath cf below beak (bird) mulomo (mi-) benefactor mutondi (vha-) beans nawa (only in pi dzi-) benefit (n) mbuelo (dzi-).billy-goat barrier barrier luswinga (tswinga) barrow cf wheelbarrow barter (n) thengiselano (dzi-). mi-. (qualif) -funwaho malema (vho-) (vb rel) bath (n) bafu (ma-) cf Eng. bedding malalo (pi only). murahu (ha thavha) beauty lunako (abstr) Bible Bivhih (dzi-) cf Afr 'Bybel’ because (since) ngauri (conj) Biblical studies Divhabivhili (cl n-) become (be) -vha (copulat vb) eg u do vha mudebicycle baisigira (dzi-) cf Eng dedzi he will be a teacher big (large. —fruir. for concords bee notshi (dzi-). ie as bigl beer halwa (mahalwa) (sing class vhu-) eg halwa much as this: -ngafha (adj. sa athu (aux vb) for concords cf -hulu/-hu!wane (n-/dzin-: befriend -ita vhutama nngafho)). —fast on betray -fheja drum. (defeat) -kunda. -kombamisa. ~ (knock) in. be bent -kombama. before phanda (ha). -lidza. ie as biglmuch as here nearby: -ngabeef nama ya kholomo fhano (adj. so young —in comb: zhana (ma-) ~lmuch. eg nail: better khwine eg ndi khwine it is ~ between in ~ vhukati (adv) -ombela. bath-water madi a u )amba stoei battle nndwa (dzi-). zwi-. (vb) bear (of human being) -beba. banngasitulu (dzi-) cf Afr bank. thakho (dzi-). -anwa. govholano (ma-) bend -pida. vha-. -vhuelwa. nyamulebeloved (n) mufunwa (vha-). so beetle goiioho (ma-) ~lmuch. fhasi (adv) bathe cf swim belt bannda (dzi-/ma-) cf Afr ‘band’ bathroom bafurumu (dzi-) cf Eng bench bannga (dzi-) (without back rest) cf Afr bath-soap tshisibe tsha u tamba ‘bank’. tshitundwana (zwi-). -wana (of animals) -dzwala. ma-. nyongwe (dzi-) beginning mathomo (pi only) bilharzia tshifunga (no pi) behave (oneself) -difara bilious -vha na ndulu/nyongwe behaviour vhudifari (abstr) billy-can lulege (ndege) cf Afr 'blik' behind murahu/murau (adv) being u vha (infinit) eg u vha hawe fhano his billy-goat bokoto (ma-). swarm of —s: guma (ma-). ~ drum: -omba. (vb) -vilidza. (vb) -fhufhuma. masakha (pi only). ~ control: ndangambebo (dzi-). lu-. (canoe) gungwa (ma-) body muvhili (mi-) Boer Muvhuru (Ma-). mudiafeisi (vha-) cf Afr ‘vuis' boxing mavili (pi only). ~ trumpet: -lidza. -fhufhumisa blow (wind) -vhudzula. tshi-. -shudufhadza blessed -shudufhadzwaho (vb re!) blessing phathutshedzo (dzi-) blind (n) bofu (ma-). masakha (pi only). -vhora cf Eng born be ~: -bebwa borrow/lend -pamba. mufulatsimbi (vha-) bladder dundelo (ma-) blade razor luare (nyare) blame -vhea mulandu blanket nguvho (dzi-). bai (ma-). vhulangambebo (no pi): date of —/—day duvha la mabebo (ma-).). -pfuredza. zwi-.biltong brand biltong mukoki (mi-). feisi (ma-) cf Afr ‘vuis’. gumbese (ma-) cf Afr ‘kombers' blaze -duga bleach -halulusa (tr). tshipango (zwi-) border (n) mukano (mi-). become — (eg knife): -gomala. tshizwimbo (zwi-). n-/dzin-: thema/ntswu. li-. ~ up -fhufhumisa bolt (n) baudu (dzi-) cf Afr ‘bout’. (vb) -imisa. dust. muhwaba (mi-) bind -vhofha. -ita masakha bordering -kanukanaho (vb rel). tshitshimbili (zwi-). small —: tshitukana (zwi-). (vb) -bora. vhoro (dzi-). ~ out tamp: -dzima. ma-. (vb) -baudela cf Afr 'bout' bomb homo (dzi-) cf Afr 'born' bone shambo (marambo) book bugu (dzi-) cf Eng bookshop vhengele la bugu (mavhengele a . (vb) -vhila. . young of ~ fhondo (ma-) birdlime vhulimbo (pi same) birth mabebo (pi only): ~ certificate: thanziela ya mabebo (dzi-). (qualif) -gomalaho (vb rel).) boot (shoe) butswu (dzi-) cf Eng. vhu-. mugumo (mi-) bow vhura (pi same) bowel lula (vhu-/ma-) bowl tshidongo (zwi-) box (n) bogisi (ma-) cf Eng. I^ivhuru (Ma-) (deroga­ tive connotation) cf Afr Boer’. -vhofha bran mufumbu (mi-) branch davhi (matavhi) brand -swaya. miledzo (pi only). etc: -kombodza. be ~ed: -kombodzala blindness vhupofu (abstr) blink -poidza blister pone (ma ) blockhead cf fool blood malofha (pi only) blood-clot govho (makovho) blossom (n) dzuvha (maluvha). ~ fire with bellows cf forge iron blowlamp pfururedzi (dzi-) blowpipe luvhudzuleh (mbudzuleli) blue (n) lutombo (no pi) eg bugu ya Iutombo a blue book blunt (vb) be u sa fhira ie not to be sharp. — fire: -vhudzedza. as with the sun. -itaho masakha (vb rel) bore (n) boro (dzi-). strong ~ (disparagingly): dukana (ma-) bracelet (bangle) lukunda (vhu-/ma-) braid cf plait brain vhuluvhi (no pi) brake (n) biriki (dzi-) cf Afr 'bnek'. baolodzhi (cl n-) cf Eng bioscope bais(i)kopo (dzi-) cf Eng bird tshinoni (zwi-). Mufurukanere (Ma-) cf Afr ‘Afrikaner’ boil (n) tshimota (zwi-). -bva malofha bless -fhatutshedza. ~ nose: -fumula. bothani (cl n-) cf Eng both vhuvhili ha eg vhuvhili hashu ~ o f us bottle bodelo (ma-) cf Afr ‘bottel' bottle-store vhengele la halwa (mavhengele a . musangwe (mi-) boy mutukana (vha-). vhutswu (abstr) blacksmith mufuli (vha-). -sa fhiriho (vb rel) boa constrictor tharu (dzi-) boat (liner) tshikepe (zwi-) cf Afr 'skip'. -adzima boss vhasa (vho-) cf Afr ‘baas' botany divhamela (cl n-). become ~ed -haluluwa (intr) bleed -tswitswima. (vb) become -swinga. ~ a book: -bainda cf Eng biology divhavhutshilo (cl n ). ku-) Black (person) Murema (Vha-) blacken -swifhadza black-jack mushidzhi (mi-) blackness vhurema (abstr). . —place vhubebwa (pi same): ~ register!register of ~s: redzhista ya mabebo (dzi-) birthday duvha la mabebo (ma ) bitch mmbwa ya tsadzi (dzi-) bite -luma. -gasha. ~ over -fhu­ fhuma. bodelotshitolo (dzi-) cf Eng bottom (n) tshiraho (zwi-) boundary (end) mukano (mi-). -rwa nga vili boxer ramavili (vho-). (vb) — on: -kanukana. -pofula. ~ o f car: butu (dzi-) cf Eng. be bitten by snake: -huvhelwa bitter (sour) -vhavha black -rema/-tswu (adj) (mu-. -funga 1 58 . (vb) (livestock) bursary basari (dzi-) cf Eng -fuwa. bindu (ma-) -kakatika/-kakarika briefcase tshikwama (zwi-).brandy by brandy buranndi (dzi-) cf Eng brave (qualif) -halifhaho (vb rel). (insectsllocusts) -sima burst -balea breeze light lumuya (no pi). ~ 'emmer' rope. -fhtsa. matsina. etc) -ko. buffalo nan (dzi-) -(hukhukanya (tr). ~ arm. ~ up cf rear . -(hukhuwa. (rope. lufhefha (no pi) bury -vhulunga. etc) -(ha(hamula bull mboho (dzi-) breakfast vhurangane (pi same) bullet gulu (dzi-) cf Afr 'koeëi breast 4amu (ma-) bully khunzi (dzi-) breath (n) mufemo (mi-). — with flame -duga breed (n) lushaka (tshakha). muhwe lela (vha-). (vb) -fhihamelwa -kuda(na).bugle (trumpet) lufhalafhala (phalaphala). -pwashekanya bucket bakete (ma-) cf Eng. (vb) -hasha. cf -hafhu in Ve section) briefly nga vhupfufhi. -vundekanya (tr). -thutha. -swi(a brick tshidina (zwi-) cf Afr ‘steen' bus basi/bisi (dzi-) cf Eng. vhufha(i (abstr) Bushman Murwa (Vha-) brickmould foromo (dzi ) cf Afr 'vorm bush-tick tshievhe (zwi-). (dzi-) business bisimusi (dzi-) cf Eng. Eng (glass. pwanyepwanye bride muselwa (vha-) bridegroom mukwasha (vha-). -Jhukhula. muratho (mi-) only). leg. etc) -pwasha. (vb) -fhaja breakable -vhundea. ~ for -femela eg u femela bundle (clothes. (vb) -tsitsinyea breadth vhuphara (pi same) break (arm. buyer murengi (vha-) younger ~ of male: murathu (vha-). etc) butu (maputu) (also buto) ngomu na nnda to ~ in and out. (chalk. etc in brush (n) bulatsho (dzi) cf Eng (vb) -bulatsha cf pieces: -vundekana (intr). etc in pieces: -thukhukana (intr). builder mufhaji (vha-) -konyowa building tshifha(o (zwi-) break down (scaffolding. (forest) daka (mabricklaying vhumeselane (abstr) cf Afr messetaka). —down (demolish): build (n) tshiimo (zwi-). (vb) -konde- female person khaladzi (dzi-). tshivhindi (cl tshi-. brother-in-law (wife's brother) malume (vho-). pot. mutshato (mi-) bustle nyavhanyavha (dzi-). etc) -vunda. abstr) mulamu (vha-). phukha (dzi-) pieces: -pwashekana (intr). ~ glass. slick. (vb) get short o f — bump (n) khudano (dzi-). — of by (with. hone. tshivhumbeo (zwi-) -phunya. (chalk. -pwashea. muhwe (vha-) bread vhurotho (ma-) cf Afr 'brood' bruise (n) tsitsinyeo (dzi-). —in-law mukwasha (vha-). emere (dzi-) cf Afr (tr). ~ stop tshnmabisi brick-kiln honndo (dzi-) cf Afr ’oond’ (zwi-) bricklayer mufhati (vha-) bush (shrub) tshitaka (zwi-). (vb) broaden -a(amisa ~up -gunubedza. string. ie for inside burden r/load burial mbulungo (dzi-) and for outside breathing u fema (infinit). — with car: -thula breathe -fema. stick. etc in buck cf venison. nyola. un~ -gunubula brood alamela buy orenga broom luswielo (tswielo) brother elder ~ of male: mukomana (vha-). hafhu (idiom Eng usage only. nga tshikhau butcher mushidzhi (vha-) brigadier mubirigadia (vha-) cf Eng butcher-bird sukhwa (ma-) bring -disa. ~ to an end cf finish butchery silaha (dzi-) cf Afr ‘slag’ bring down -tsitsa butter bodoro (dzi-) cf Afr ‘hotter' broad -a(amaho (vb rel) broadcast (n) khasho (dzi-). in the ~: dakani laar'. gufha (ma-) bustard c/korhaan bridal mbingano (dzi-). —out (as cattle) -(aha kuvhumbelwe (zwi-). muduhulu (vha-). etc in pieces: -konyokana khwatha (dzi-) (intr). (sister s husband) mukwasha (vha-). birifikheisi (dzi-) cf busy be very but (conj) fhedzi. mulamu (vha-) bravery vhuhali (abstr). muduhulu (vha-). makwevho (pi muhwe (vha-) bridge boroho (dzi-) cf Afr 'brug’. -konyokanya (tr). mugekho (mi-). -zwala butterfly tshisusu (zwi-) buttock shaho (maraho) (seeds only) button («) gunubu (dzi-) cf Afr 'knoop'. ~ means of) nga (instrum) 159 . etc) -khaula. -gekha. mufemo (mi-)' burn -swa. muduhulu (vha ). (adj) cf another certainty vhutanzi (abstr). muthogomeli (vha-) carpenter muvhadi (vha-). ngoho (dzi-) certificate thanziela (dzi-) certify -tanziela chafe (n) masworota/masworoto/maswurutu (pi only). —on back: -beba carve wood (do carpentry) -vhada carving vhuvhadi (abstr) case mulandu (mi-). (vb) -itisa. (vb) -kona. — out loudly (cf shout): -vhidzelela. -wanedza catechism katekasasi (dzi-) cf Afr 'katkisasie’.c cabbage khavhishi (dzi-) c/ Eng cactus c/ prickly pear cake khekhe (dzi-) cf Eng. livhoda (ma-). (biological) tsiki (dzi-) cement semennde (dzi-) cf Eng census u vhalwa ha vhathu. c/Gammbani at Sibasa can (n) gani (ma-) cf Afr 'kan’. -rudza (mbilu). —o f soap mukonde caretaker mulindi (vha-). -takula. — post: muraga (mi-) cattle-egret lihamakholomo (ma-) cause (n) tshiitisi (zwi-). (woven) khaphethe (dzi-) cf Eng carriage goloi (dzi-) carrier muhwali (vha-). khalenda (dzi-) cf Afr 'kulender’ calf namane/namana (dzi-). (spear) -pfula castrate -luvhedza. tshibveledzi (zwi-).a cheque -khesha cf Eng cash register (check-till) thiji (dzi-) cf Eng ‘till' cast (skin) -duvhudza. in —/middle of: vhukati ha certain (vb) to be — u vha na vhutanzi/ngoho to be with certainty!truth. eg u pfi nnyi? what is he called? ie whal is his name? calling mbidzo (dzi-) callosity pone (ma-) calm down -fhembeledza. is ~ed (is said) -pfi (passive of -ri) c/h u pfi it is said . ~ small insects. -phumula. double-bellied — used as traveller s waterbottle: ngota (dzi-) calendar al(i)manaka (dzi-) cf Afr 'ulmanak . —in arithrn: -khantsela cf Eng candle cf Eng khandela (ma-) cane (sugar-) hwovha (minwovha) canine dungammbwa (ma-) canned meat cf corned beef cannibal lidyavhathu (ma-) lilema (ma-) cannibalism vhulema (abstr). -vhanga cave bako (mapako) ceiling silim (dzi-) cf Eng cell (prison) tshitokisi (zwi-). vhuvhadabu- calabash large low-bellied tshikumbu (zwi-). (vb) —for: -vhavhalela. kheisi (dzi-) cf Eng cash kheshe (dzi-) cf Eng (vb) . —-track: mulila (mi-). — rearer muiuwi (vha-). sentsasi (dzi-) cf Eng cent (money) sente (dzi-) cf Eng centimetre senthimitha (dzi-) cf Eng centipede luvhenzhelele (vhu-/mbenzhelele) centre vhukati (pi same). vhudyavhalhu (abstr) cannon ganunu (dzi-) cf Afr 'kanon' canoe c) boat canteen khanthini (dzi-) cf Afr ‘kantten' capable -konaho (vb rel) Cape Province Kapa cf Afr ‘Kaap' capital (chiefs village) musanda (mi-) captain kaputeni (vho-) cf Afr ‘kaptein' car modoro (mimodoro cf Afr 'motor' eg modoro wanga u hone my ~ is here card garata (dzi-) cf Afr 'kaart' care (n) vhulondi (abstr). in the —: gammbam. -dzika camera fodo (dzi-) cf Eng photo'. — fish or animals: -fasha. ~ redhanded: -khakhedza. —-fold: danga (ma-). (publication) katekisima (dzi-) cf Eng cattle (head o f —) kholomo (dzi-). -fhahula cat (domesticated) tshimange (zwi-). muvhadabulannga (vha-) (mi-) carpentry (n) vhuvhadi (abstr). (potential elem) -ngacancel -thutha. (vb) -sworota/-swuruta chaff mungu (mimungu) 160 . (wild) phaha (dzi-) catch -fara. tshitemba (zwi-). -thogomela carefree -sa dinaleiho (vb rel) careful be c/look out carefully nga vhulondi carefulness vhulondi (abstr) careless -vha na vhusilondi carelessness vhusilondi (abstr) lannga (abstr): (vb) do —: -vhada carpet (lino) tapita (dzi-) cf Afr 'tapyt'. small — used as drinking vessel: phaphana (dzi-). voda (mavhoda) call (summon) -vhidza. (box) bogisi (ma-). tshivhangi (zwi-). in ihe —: vhukati (adv). -ihena. etc with hands -bata. -bveledza. khamera (dzi-) cf Eng camp gammba (dzi-) cf Afr ‘kamp’. ~ with long tapering end used eg as beer ladle: khavho (dzi-). herd of — sambi (masambi/matambi/mitambi). tshihwali (zwi-) carrot khetotse (dzi-) cf Eng carry -hwala. mveledzi (dzi-). — away -pandela. Mukhriste (vha-) cf Afr ‘Christen’. (money) -tshintsha cf Eng chap muthada (vha-) chapter ndima (dzi-) charcoal sala (mahala) charge (n) mulandu (mi-). ~ o ff cf wipe ofT cleanliness vhudele (abstr) cleanse -tanzwa clear (vb) -hada. tshidulo (zwi-) chairman mudzulaphanda (vha-). Vhutendi (abstr) Christmas Kh(i)risimusi/Khushumusi (dzi-) cf Eng church kereke (dzi-) cf Afr ‘kerk' church council khoro ya kereke (dzi-) churn (n) mutshini wa u gara (mi-). ~ away dog -pfutsekisa cf Afr 'voertsek' chat -[a mihani. ~ a car: -tshouka cf Eng choose -nanga. -vhonadzaho (vb re!) cleave (cut!split in half) -fhandula clerk mabalane (vho-) clever be — -thanya. -fumbisa city dorobo (dzi-) cf A fr dorp’ civilization vhutshilotshedza (abstr) claim -vhila clan lushaka (tshakha). -thatha. khemisitiri (cl n-) cf Eng cheque tsheke (dzi-) cf Eng chest khana (dzi-) chew -tafuna. lusese (tsetse) clarify (liquid) -dzika.abstr) children vhana (sing hwana) chill c/cool chilliness cf cold chilly be ~ -rothola chin tshijefu (zwi-) China Tshaina Chinese (person) Mutshaina (Ma-). ~ a table: -dekulula (reversive of -deka). (intelligent) -(alifha 161 .clever chain chain ngedane (dzi-) cf Afr 'ketting'. (vb) -tshipa. -fumba. u fumba (infimt). Lutshaina chirp -tswiridza choir khwairi (dzi-) cf Eng choke (n) tshouku (dzi-) cf Eng. -haseledza. (eliminate) -khetha. ~ school murundu (mi-) circumcise be ~d -ruba. -gidimedza. (language) Tshitshaina. —office: tshatshaofisi (dzi-) cf Eng. -ta chop (~ down) -rema Christ Khristo cf Eng christen cf baptize Christian (believer) Mutendi (vha-). -hwivha. (vb) -ungeledza. (meat) nama ya khuhu (dzi-) chickenpox maruda (pi only) chief khosi (mahosi/dzi-) (cf (dzi)khosi (indivi­ duals). (vb) -ritha. -kulumaga cf Afr ‘skoonmaak'. ~ rites: Tshikhriste (no pi) Christianity Vhukhriste (abstr). (vb) -shandukaf-shanduwa (also one’s mind! opinion). (remove dirt) -bvisa tshikha. large — for beer: nkho (dzi-). small kwana (zwana). (young of fowl) khukhwana (dzi-). -tswa muhumbulo charming cf attractive chase -pandamedza. ~ a battery : -tshatsha cf Eng charity cf goodwill charm (n) cf attractiveness. mugekho (mi-). -gara cf Afr 'karring’ cigarette segerete/sigarete (dzi-) cf Eng circle mutengelele (mi-) circumcision u ruba (tnfinit). tshixele (zwi-) childhood hana (vhu. -gula cheating vhufhura (abstr) cheek shama (marama). tshikukwana (zwi-). (vb) -fhura. (vb) lay a -hwelela. vhamusanda (pi onl). nyungeledzo (dzi-). -gekha class ki(asi/kilasi (dzi-) cf Eng claw lwala/lunala (nala) clay vumba (ma-) clay pot (for cooking) khali (dzi-). (qualif) -pfalaho (vb rei). -shenga chick ~ o f bird fhondo (ma-) chicken (fowl) khuhu (dzi-). tshaim (dzi-) cf Eng chair (sea/) tshidzulo (zwi-). lukukwana (vhu-). ~ for: -khethela. mahosi (group of ~s)). (money) tshintshi (dzi-) cf Eng. paramount khosikhulu (dzi-) chieftainess khosi ya musadzi (dzi-/ma-) chieftainship vhuhosi (abstr) child hwana (vhana). vhafuwi (pi only). swili (dzi-) cheekiness swili (dzi-) cheeky to be — u vha na swili chemist khemisi (dzi-) cf Eng chemistry divhakhemiki (cl n-).abstr) childishness hana (vhu. -amba chatter -amba-amba cheap -tshipa cf Eng cheat (n) mufhuri (vha-). cause to be —d -rubisa. mudzulatshidzulo (vha-) chalk tshoko (dzi-) cf Eng chameleon luaviavi (nyaviavi/vhuaviavi) champion ngwena (dzi ) change (n) tshanduko (dzi-). (statement) -(alutshedza clash (n) khudano (dzi-). (vb) -kuda(na). be very — -thanyesa. (for water) mvuvhelo (dzi-) clean -nakisa. ~ in: -dzhena. -disola confession dupo (ma-) eg u bala dupo |a vhatendi lit to confess the —o f the believers. vhushavhi (abstr). muvhilaeli (vha-) complaint mbilaelo (dzi-) complete -fhedza. ascend) -namela eg u namela bisi to get on/chmb on a bus climber (plant) mutande (mi-) cling -nambatela clinic kiliniki/kliniki (dzi-) cf Eng clock watshi (dzi-) cf Eng 'watch'. -gekha colonel kolonele (vho-) cf Afr 'kolonei colour muvhala (mi-) comb (n) (for hair) gamu (dzi-) cf Afr 'katn'. alarm walshi ya u lila (dzi-) clod dmga (ma-) close (vb) -vala. -pendela conclusion magumo (pi only). phumudzo (dzi-). — with ltd: -tiba. ~ o f sin u disola (infimt) confined woman (recently) mudzadze (vha-) confinement vhudzadze (abstr) confirm -khwathisa. malugana na conclude -fhedza. ~ nearer: -sendela. makwevho (pi only). zwifuko (pi only). (adv) ~ to: tsini dosefistedness cf niggardliness clot govho (makovho). -khatha coagulation mugego (mi-). ~ with: -fanyisa. fetch) -dzhia collection khuvhanganyo (dzi-). ~ away: -khelusa cock mukukulume (mi-) cockroach bete (ma-) cocoa khokho (dzi-) cf Eng code khoudu (dzi-) cf Eng coffee kofi/gofhi (dzi-) cf Eng coin (silver) jisetha (ma-). (of fowl) mudzedze (mi-). -pikisana competition mutatisano (mi ). —lesson -funza confess -bula. mvuledzo (dzi-) concord lipfanisi (ma-) concrete khonkhela (dzi ). -fanyisedza compel -kombetshedza compensate -lifha. -vuledza. mafheledzo (pi only). ~ firewood -reda (cal! for. church ~: zwiihiwa (pi only) college kholidzhi/kholishi (dzi-) cf Eng collide -kuda. (vb) -difara. (vb) -rothola coldness murotho (no pi) collect -kuvhanganya (tr). blood govho (makovho) cloth (handkerchief) dugu (dzi-). (vb) -lidza tsanwa (click with tongue in annoyance) cliff luwa (nngwa) climb (mount. be ~ed (in church). (vb) -laya.click click («) lateral with tongue: tsarivva. -rabeledza. mpikisano (mi ) compilation khuvhanganyo (dzi-). —eyes: -bonya. (make an end toldo for last time) -fhedzisa compose -sika composition maanea (pi only) comradeship vhutama (abstr) concerning nga ha. -nea ndaela commandment mulayo (mi-) comment (n) muhumbulo (mi-). mathaphuwo (pi only). murotho (no pi). (kierie) thonga (dzi-). -vhilaela complainant (in law) muhweleli (vha-). khonkhirithi (dzi-) cf Eng concubine mufarekano (vha-/mi-) conduct (n) vhudifari (abstr). chilliness phepho (dzi-). -linganyisa compensation ndifho (dzi-). ~ for: -ejela comfort (n) vhugedi (abstr). lingwende (ma-) cold (n) ailment duda (ma-). — up as clouds -thivha. ~lbox on ear mpama (mipama). — choir -laula. sila (ma-) clothe -ambara. (subject) divhavhuvhambadzi (cl n-) commotion bonyongo (ma-) Communion Holy ~: Tshilalelo (Tshikhethwa) (Zwi-) compare -vhambedza. ~ from : -bva. -ambadza clothes zwiambaro (pi only). mbadelo (dzi-) compete (atisana. (vb) -zhuvhula coach (in sport) mugudisi (vha-) coagulate -gega. (vb) — together: -patekanya clutch (n) kilatshi (dzi-) cf Eng. ~ together: confirm -kuvhangana. u kha(ha (infimt) coal malasha (pi only) coat badzhi (dzi-) cf Afr 'baadpe' coax -fhembeledza. (vb) -vhanda club (n) kilabu (dzi-) cf Eng. labi (ma-) cf Afr lap'. (vb) -fhumudza comfortable be -digeda comma khoma (dzi-) cf Eng command (n) ndaela (dzi-). -tanganedzwa . muvhekanyi (vha-) complain -lila. -vhekanya compiler mukuvhanganyi (vha-). nguvho (dzi-) clothing tshiambaro (zwi-) cloud gole (makole) cloudburst tshirulu (zwi-) clout (smack) (n) luvhando (mbando). (vb) -gama come -da. (vb) -nea mu- humbulo commentary jhaluso (dzi-) commerce mbambadzo (dzi-). — out -bva. ndinganyiso (dzi-). mbekanyo (dzi-) compile -kuvhanganya. -khakhisa confusion vilinga (ma-) congregation tshivhidzo (zwi-) conjunction Jijanganyi (ma-) connect -tanganya. khothe (dzi-). -tama crawl -kokovha crayon khirayom (dzi-) cf Eng craziness cf madness 163 . ~ thread harane/harani phembeledzo (dzi-) console -fhembeledza. -fhenya. — carefully : cf in­ co-operate -shumisana. -sedzesa. ~ o f ani­ mals: -dia covet -emula cow kholomo (dzi-) coward goswi (ma-). konforomasi (dzi-) cf Afr 'konfirmasie' confiscate -dzhia confiscation u dzhia (infinit) confuse -vilingana (intr). abstr). -halifhaho (vb rel) courageousness vhuhali (abstr) course (of instruction) khoso (dzi-) cf Eng court (n) khoro (dzi-). khuthadzo (dzi-). -lulamisa (tr). bwerepwere (ma ) cowardice vhugoswi (abstr) crab dambatshekwa (ma-) crack/strike (a whip) -zhambula. mubikeh (vha-). ideoph o /~ in g a whip: zhambu! craft cf craftsmanship craftsmanship vhutsila (abstr) craftsman cf artisan cramp tshivhevhe (zwi-) crave (yearn) -funesa. tshimbevha (zwi-) conspire -ita tshiphiri/tshimbevha constipate -zwimbela constipation muzwimbelo (mi-) contented be — -rula continually do -Jwa (aux vb) eg u Jwa a tshi lenga he comes late ~: -di (verbal element) eg u di vhuya nga madekwana he always/~ comes back in the evening: -dzula (aux: vb) eg u dzula nga u Iwala he is — ill continue -isa phanda. -jangana jhoho (intr). eg a match: -kundwa. -fhenyiwa consequence mvelelo (dzi-) consequently ngauralo consider -humbula. -laula conversation miham (pi only) conversion tshandukiso (dzi-). ~ in church: u janganedzwa (infinit). -andana copper musina (no pi) copulate (of animals) -dia copy khophi (dzi ) cf Eng coral tree muvhale (mi-) core (as o f tree) mbilu (dzi-). -fhodzisa convert (dzi-) cf Afr 'garing’ (abstr) courageous -vha na tshivhindi. ~ o f boil tshinwi (zwi-) corn goroi (dzi-) cf Afr ‘koring’. te lose. (vb) (try to win person’s affection) -ambisa court-case tsengo (dzi-) courtyard muta (mi-) cousin (cross—) muzwala (vha-) cover (vb) ~ oneself with blanket: -fuka. be ~ed. -khona cf Eng corporal koporala (vho ) cf Afr 'korporaal corpse tshitumbu (zwi-) correct -khakhulula (tr). (vb) -ita kontiraka contractor mukontiraka (vha-) contravene -pfuka cotton-wool dzudzu (ma-) cough (n) luhojola (khojhola). -vha na vhuhali. -rothola.craziness confirmation confirmation khwajhisedzo (dzi-). make -rothodza. what is the ~? ndi vhugai? cotton mudali (mi ). -lilisa conspiracy (plot) tshiphiri (zwi-). (vb) -bika cooking hut tshitanga (zwi ) cool -fhola. -vilinganya (tr): -tanganya Jhoho (tr). tshibandidi (zwi-). khuda (dzi-). -ya phanda continuous (running) -sa tumuwi (vb): sa tumuwiho (vb rel) contract (n) kontiraka (dzi-) cf Afr 'kontrak'. ndulamiso (dzi-) corrugated iron zennge (ma-) cf Eng 'zinc’. (vb) go round ~ : -mona. vhuhali contribution c/ gift control (n) ndango (dzi-). khofheni (local) country (stare) shango (ma-) courage tshivhindi (cl tshi-. muso (no pi) corned beef khombisi (dzi ) cf Eng corner (n) khone (dzi ) cf Eng. -fhumudza. (vb) -wana mulandu convulsions misho (pi only) cook (n) mubiki (vha-). thembuluwo (dzi-) -shandukisa. -putela . -luga (intr) correction khakhululo (dzi-). -khuthadza. -pajekanya. be ~ed -vhaliwa countenance tshifhajuwo (zwi-). -Junta connection jhanganyo (dzi-) conquer (overcome) -kunda. ma- lege (pi only) spect consideration ngelelo (dzi-) consolation phumudzo (dzi-). cost mutengo (mi-). be ~ed -rembuluwa convict (n) tshivhotshwa (zwi ). (vb) -hojola council khoro (dzi-) councillor gota (ma-) count -vhala. (vb) -langa. ~ something else: -fukedza. -rembulusa. cf Afr 'kerne’. -tshinyadza damp cf wet dampness vhunu (abstr) dance (n) dantsi (dzi-). make kombamisa crook(stick) govho (ma-) crop (agriculture) tshilinwa (zwi-). ~ of bell) -lila. -tumuwa (intr): ~ a boil: -ara chief. phanzi (dzi-) dare -linga dark be/become — -swifhala: ideoph o f being quite nzwii!. kopi (dzi-) daddy baba (vho-) c/khotsi dagga mbanzhe (dzi-) daily duvha linwe na linwe. duvha (ma-). vhutshinyi (abstr) cripple (n) tshihole (zwi-).crazy death crazy cf mad cream luvhomba (no pi) create -sika. ~roads/~ing: mafhande (pionly)'. ~ on way: -fhambana. as (insect) thonono (dzi-). nzwii-nzwii!. ~ a cheque: -khorosa cf Eng. cf abuse curtain xaradeni (dzi-) cf Afr ‘gordyn’ cushion tshisiamelo (zwi-). (adv) ma^au- tsha. -tumukanya (tr). (vb) be/become — -dzinga deafness vhudzingandevhe (abstr) deal ~ cards -phakhela dealer mushavhi (vha-) dear (qualif) -funwaho (vb rel) death lufu (mpfu). (large species) dzenengu (ma-) crime mulandu (m i). mudantsi (vha-). komiki (dzi-) cf Afr kommetjie’ curdled milk magege (pi only). khushini (dzi-) cf Eng custom mukhwa (mi-) cut ~ with knife: -tshea. ~ with singing: malende (slegs mv). duvha na duvha dairy deri (dzi-) cf Eng dam (for storing water) damu (ma-) cf Afr 'dam' damage (n) tshinyalo (dzi-). tshivhumbwa (zwi-) cricket game of khirikhethe (dzi-) cf Eng: crucify -vhamba cruel -vha na tshquhu cruelty tshi(uhu (zwi-) crush cf stamp crust (left over in cooking pot) lukoko (vhu-) cry (n) ~ /~ in g tshililo (zwi-). mutsho duvha (ma-). literary tsenguluso (dzi-) crocodile ngwena (dzi-) crooked be — -kombama. let — over: -wedza. (vb) -holefhadza criticize -sasaladza. makhethe (pi only) cure -fhodza curry (n) kheri/khere (dzi-). ~ a road -pfuka. nambi (dzi-) danger khombo (dzi-). (vb) -sema. Muvhumbi (no pi) creature tshisikwa (zwi-). luvhi (abstr) 164 day . -tshetshekana (intr). mukololo (vha-) daughter-in-law mazwale (vho-) dawn (vb) (become day) -tsha. . kongongo! darkness swiswi (ma-) darling mufunwa (vha-) date datumu (dzi-) cf Afr datum'. ~ with scissors!mower! clipper: -gera cf Afr ‘skêr’. tshmvadzo (dzi-). (vb) ~ over: -wela. vhukhakhi (abstr). mudikoni (vha-) cf Eng dead (n) mufu (vha-). (vb) -tshinya. (vb) (sound. -kwata cf Afr ‘kwaad' cross-cousin cf cousin crossing (over river) cf drift cross-question -tokisa crow (n) funguvhu (mahunguvhu). gogo (ma-) cultivate -lima. -hada. -dantsa dancer mutshini (vha-). ~ after tomorrow mbamatshelo (adv): second — after tomor­ row: mbamphanda (adv): ~ before yester­ day: mbamulovha (adv): two ~ s before yes­ terday: mbamulovhau|a (adv): musi (mi-) eg musi wa mvula on a rainy — day time masiari (adv) deacon mudiakoni (vha-) cf Afr ‘diaken '. be/ become ~: -sinyuwa. — of bird: dyelo (ma-) cross (n) tshifhambano (zwi-). cause to ~lsound: -lidza cf Afr ‘koppie'. ~ with sickle: -hwivha.o ff short (rope): -tumula (tr). (qualif) -faho (vb rel). -tumukana (intr). ~ in small pieces -tshetshekanya (tr). (vb) -lila crowd mavhuthu (pi only). (vb) ~ leather -suka curse (n) samba (matamba). (vb) -tshina. -vhumba creation tsiko (dzi-) Creator Musiki (no pi). (literature) -sengulusa criticism tsatsaladzo (dzi-). -lovhaho (vb rel) deaf (n) dzingandevhe (ma-). —of birth : duvha |a mabebo (ma-) daughter hwana wa musidzana (vha ). ~ a habit: -dowedza cultivated land/garden tsimu (masimu) cunning -thanyaho (vb rel) cup (drinking) khaphu (dzi-) cf Eng. diligent debate debate (n ) khanedzano (dzi-), dibeithi (dzi-) cf Eng, (vb) -dzhia khani. -japsana debt tshikolodo (zwi-) cf Afr 'skuld', mulandu (mi-) decay (rot) -sina deceased mufu (vha-) deceit vhufhura (abslr) deceive -fhura deceiver mufhun (vha-) December Nyendavhusiku decide ~ in consultation with others -langana; ~ deprive -dzima, -hanela depth vhudzivha (abstr), vhungolo (abstr) derivation mbumbo (dzi-). tsiko (dzi-) derive -vhumba, -sika descend -tsa, -godima; (alight upon) -kavha descendant mbebo (sing only, n-) desert (n) phanga (dzi-), thovholo (dzi-); (vb) -|ala, (utshela; —one s church: kheluwa designate -ta desirable -tameaho (vb rel) desire (n) lutamo (sing only), nyemulo (dzi-); (vb) -funa, -tama; ~ for: -tamela alone: -humbula; -tshea mafhungo decision phetho (dzi-), tsheo (dzi-) decorate -nakisa, -khavhisa decoration khavhiso (dzi-), nakiso (dzi-) decrease -fhungudza, -fhungudzea deed (action) nyito (dzi-); (act in law or docu­ ment) tsumbavhune (dzi-) -tsa; (qualif) -tsaho (vb rel)\ — in the night vhukatikati ha vhusiku defeat (n) u kundwa (infinit); (vb) -kunda, -fhenya defecate (infants only) -fhambuwa defend (losing side) -lamulela, -lwela; ~ a case: -ambela, -imela defendant muhwelelwa (vha-) deficient verb (auxiliary verb) litikedzi (ma-) defy -nyadza delay (be late) -lenga (intr), -lengisa (tr) deliberately nga khole delicacy dzanga (ma-) delicate cf soft delicious -difhaho (vb ret) delight -takadza deliver (save) -phulusa; — goods: -isa, -isedza, -disa, -disedza; ~ a speech: -nea tshipitshi deliverance phuluso (dzi-) delivery vhuisedzi (abstr), — charges: mbadelandisedzo (dzi-) demand (claim) -vhila demolish (break down) -phunya, -thutha demonstrative [isumbi (ma-) denial khanedzo (dzi-) dent (n) mbodo (dzi-). libodetsheio (ma-), bovhelo (ma-); (vb) -boda deny -hana, -landula depart -tuwa department (stale administration) muhasho (mi-); ~ o f agriculture muhasho wa vhulimi (mi-) depict -fanyisa, -ola deplore -lidza, -pfisa vhutungu. -tungufhadza deplorable -lidzaho (vb rel), -pfisaho vhutungu (vb rel), -jungufhadzaho (vb rel) deposit (n) diphositi/diphosito (dzi-) cf Eng, mbulungo (dzi-); (vb) -vhulunga, -diphosita; -bannga cf Eng 'bank' deep (vb) be despair (n) fhulufhuwo/fulufhuwo (ma-); (vb) -fulufhuwa/-fulufhuwa; cause [ovhosa, -[ovhowa; cause to -fulufhudza/-fhu!ufhudza; be in ~ : -dinalea despise -nyadza destroy -tshinyadza, -thutha destruction tshinyadzo (dzi-) detain -valela detainee muvalelwa (vha-) detainment u valelwa (infinit) detective fogisi (ma-) cf Eng 'fox’ detention u valelwa (infinit) deteriorate (perishables) -tshinyala; -vhifha determine -wana detest -vhenga deviate -kheluwa, -pambuwa device thusedzi (dzi-), tshishumiswa (zwi-) devil’s thorn muse|o/muselho (mi-) devise -kavhanga; ~ a plan: -luka maano devote -dikumedza, -dinekedza devotion vhudikumedzi (abstr), vhudinekedzi (abstr)' (prayers) thabelo (dzi-) dew nwando (mi-) diarrhoea (with calves) lugubo (ngubo); (iviib humans) thumbum, u shela (infinit)-, slimy —: dzala (cl li-, no pi) dictionary thalusamaipfi (dzi-) die (n) daisi (ma-) cf Eng pi dice’ die (vb) -fa; pass away (humans): -lovha differ -fhambana difference (of opinion) phambano (dzi-) different -fhambanaho (vb rel) differentiate -fhambanya difficult (vb) -konda; (qualif) -kondaho (vb rel), -lemelaho (vb rel), ideoph o f being —: vhutoto! difficulty vhuleme (abstr), tshikundisi (zwi-) dig (see plough) -bwa; ~ with pick : -pika cf Afr pik' digest -sukanya digestion tsukanyo (dzi-) digging stick phana (dzi-) diligence vhushumesi (abstr), nungo (cl dzi-, abstr) diligent -shumesaho (vb rel) 165 drill dim dim (lights o f cur) -rivhisa distribute (give generously) -phakha, -kovheka- diminish -fhungudza din phosho (dzi-). lushada (no pI) dip in sauce -thotha direct (a person) -lacdza direction (for use) ndaedzo (dzi-); (course taken) budo (ma-); — indicator tshisumbabudo (zwi-) dirt Ishikha/tshika (dzi-) dirty (soil) (vh) -tswukisa; (qualif) -tswukaho (vh re!) disagree -fhambana, -sa pfana. -sa andana. -sa tcndelana. -hancdzana disagreement phambano (dzi-) disappear -phinyela, -sunguvhela disappoint -pfisa vhutungu, -shonisa, -vhilacla discard -lata discharge (n) ~ o f buttery: tshadzhuluwo (dzi-); — from work , disitshatsha (dzi-) cf Eng. ~ from guilt: mbofholowo (dzi-); (vh) ~ from work -newa disitshatsha, -pandelwa (nmshumom); ~ from hospital: -tshatsha cf Eng '(dis)charge'; —from guilt (acquit) -vhol'holola disclose -ambulula, -bula discuss -amba, -rera discussion thcrisano (dzi ), murcrisano (mi-). murero (mi-) disease vhulwadze (ma-) disgrace ihoni (dzi-) disguise -thivhcdza disgust cause ~ : -ncngisa; he ~ed: -nengwa dish (n) ndishi (dzi-) cf Eng, tshigodelo (zwi-) cf Afr, skottef; — cloth: fadugu (dzi-) cf Afr 'vutioek' dislocate -fhira; he ~d -fhirca dislocation (of joint) tsideo (dzi-) dismount (get down from, descend) -tsa eg u tsa ntha ha thavha to get down from a mountain, u tsa tshidimelani to get off a train, u tsa ntha ha here to —a horse disobedience luswetho (ahstr), tshipimbi (ahstr), vhusithetshelesi (ahstr), tshikhuna (zwi-) disobey -swctha, -sa thetshelesa disperse -balangana. -balanganya, -phadalala, -phadaladza display (n) tano (ma-); (vh) -tana, -sumbedza dispute (n) mbangisano (dzi-), phambano (dzi-), (vh) -vhanga, -tatisana disrespect tshinyadzo (zwi-) dissatisfaction mbilaelo (dzi-) dissatisfy -vhilaela (tntr), -vhilaedza (Ir) distance vhukule (no pi), tshikhala (zwi-) distinguish -talukanya, -fhambanya distort -shanda distress (n) thambudzo (dzi-), khanganeo (dzi-); (vb) -hanganea 166 nya distribution khovhekanyo (dzi-) disturb -dina disturbance u dina (tnfintt) ditch (deep ~ ) mulonga (mi-) dive -ita tshinwi, — under water: -nupela; ~ down into: -nuvhela diver muitatshinwi (vha-) divide -kovha; ~ for: -kovhela diviner (rain predictor) mubvumbi (vha-) divining die (hone) thangu (dzi-) divorce (n) mutalano (mi-); (vh) -tala; ~ each other: -talana dizziness dzungu (cl ji-, ahstr) do (make) -ita, un— -itululu; ~ slowly: -ongo- lowa;over~ -itesa doctor (n) dokoteia (ma-/vho-) cf Eng, maine (vho-); rianga (dzi-); (vh) -alafha doctrine pfunzo (dzi-), dokotirini (dzi-) cf Eng, dogima (dzi-). cf Eng dogma’ document linwalo (ma-) dodge -tinya dog mmbwa (dzi-); male ~ khotho (dzi-) dogma cf doctrine domestic animal tshiluwo (zwi-) domesticate -tuwa donga godi (ma-), gumbululo (ma-) donkey donngi (dzi-) cf Afr 'donkie’, mbongola (dzi-) don’t songo (neg formal) eg ni songo tswa! ~ steal/ door (not the opening) vothi (mahothi); the opening (ie doorway): munango (mi-) doubt (n) thimothimo (dzi-); (vb) -timatima. -kanakana dough suko (ma-) dove (pigeon) jiivha (ma-), nzhivha (dzi-), tshiivha (zwi-) dowry thakha (dzi-), dzckiso (ma-) doze -zhambula; ideophone o f ~: zhambu! drama dirama (dzi-) cf Afr draw (us map) -ola; — water -ka; ~ a line: -tala; (hawl) -kokodza; ~ o f tea: -tereka cf Afr trek , ~ a cheque: -khesha cf Eng 'cash' drawer dirowa (dzi-) cf Eng dream (n) muloro (mi-); (vb) -lora dreamer mulori (vha ) dress (n) tshiambaro (zwi-), tshifuko (zwi-); rokho/rogo (dzi-) cf Afr 'rok’; evening ~: rokho/rogo ya madekwana (dzi-); (vb) -ambara; ~ a sktnlhtde: -suka; — a wound: -pomba, -bandisha cf Eng 'bandage’ dressmaker murungi (vha-) drift dambuwo (ma-) drill (n) boro/vhoro (dzi-) cf Afr 'boor'; military mufolo (mi ); (by repetition) ndovhololo emphasize drink (dzi-); (vb) -bora/-vhora cf Afr boor', (mili­ tary) -fola drink (n) tshinwiwa (zwi-); alcoholic halwa (mahalwa. sing m cl vhu-). tshikambi (zwi-); soft — kholodiringi (dzi-) cf Eng 'coaldrink', nyamunaithi (dzi-) cf Eng 'lemonade', (vb) -nwa, ~ tot of beer : -zhambula drip -rotha, -phopha drive (a car, etc) -tshimbidza, -reila cf Afr 'ry', -diraiva cf Eng, ~ animals -khada, -swoga; — into kraal, etc: -khadela; ~ offlout: -pandela driver mutshimbldzi (vha-), mureili (vha-), diraiva (sing belongs to class mu- cf <)iraiva uyu; pi class ma-); — of oxen (with whip) mutshaeli (vha-) drizzle (n) vhusuto (j>l same): (vb) -su(a drone (n) (bee) notshinduna (dzi-); (deep hum­ ming sound) muiiono (mi-); (vb) -bvuma drop (n) shotha (marotha); (vb) -wa (intr), -wisa (tr), cf drip drought gomelelo (ma ) drown -nwa/-nwela khothe; -fa tshinwi drugs (with magical power) phamba (dzi-) drum (traditional) ngoma (dzi-); (container) fagi (ma-) cf Afr 'vaatjie', i^iromu (ma-) cf Afr drom' drunk be — (of liquor) -kambwa, make ~ -kamba drunkard tshidakwa (zwi ) dry become ~ /~ away: -oma; run -xa; wipe ~ -phumula; — slowly (eg soil after rain) -rafhuwa duck sekwa (ma ) duiker ntsa (dzi-) dumb person tshimuma (zwi-), mbevhevhe (dzi-) dung fresh cattle vhutoko (no pi) dusk lufhimavhaem dust (n) buse (ma-); (vb) wipe o ff ~: -fhufhura duty pfanelo (dzi-); (function) mushumo (mi-) dwell -dzula dweller mudzuli (vha-) dwelling (house) nndu (dzi-), ~ place: vhudzulo (pi same), haya (ma-) E -tsira each muiiwe na munwe, tshiiiwe na tshinwe, inwe na iiiwe, etc eager -tama, -vha na mafulufulu, -vha na dzangalelo; be ~ in spite o f hardships -fungelela eagerness vhutami (abstr) eagle goni (ma-) ear ndevhe (dzi-); ~ of corn thotshe (dzi-) early (vb) be — -vhilula; (qualif) -vhilulaho (vb ref) earn -hola ear-ring tshifnna/tshigina (zwi-) earth shango (ma-), (Biblical) lifhasi (no pi): (soil) mavu (livu in sing) earthenware pot (for cooking) khali (dzi-) earthquake (-tremor) mudzinginyo (wa shango) (mi-), mureremelo (wa shango) (mi-) earth-shock mutsekiso (wa shango) (mi ) earth-tremor mureremelo (wa shango) (mi-) earth up -shela ear-wax makunzwu (pi only) ease vhudigedi (abstr) east vhubvaduvha (adv) Easter Mvuwo (dzi-); ~ holiday holodeni ya Mvuwo (dzi-) easy -sa konda, -leluwaho (vb rel) eat -[a; over-~ -|esa; ~ greedily: -roda eater mu)i (vha-) eclipse (n) mutshakavhili (mi-); (vb) -swifhadza. economics ekonomi (cl n-) cf Afr 'ekonomie' edible -|ea; -[eaho (vb rel) edition khandiso (dzi-), nzudzanyo (dzi-) educate -funza education pfunzo (dzi-); (subject) divhapfunzo (cl n-) efficiency vhukoni (abstr) egg gumba (makumba) egret (cattle—) jihamakholomo (ma-) eight malo, thanu-na-ntharu eighteen fumimalo eighty fumalo eland phofu (dzi ) elbow lukudavhavha (khudavhavha) elder (n) church ~: muhulwane; (adj) cf adult elect -khetha, -nanga election khetho (dzi-) elephant ndou (dzi-) elephant tusk lunanga Iwa ndou ((dzi-)nanga dza ndou) eleven fumithihi eliminate -bvisa elope (girllwoman) -(aha; ~ with man: -tahela elsewhere huhwe ember simbe (ma-) embrace -kuvhatedza emerge -bva emphasize -ombedzela, -khwajhisa 167 —mentally -dowedza exhaust («) (of engine) ekezozo (dzi-) cf Eng: (vb) -netisa exhaustion khuleanungo (n-. Likhuwa/Mukhuwa (Ma-) evaluate -anganya. ~where hojhe. -hudzedza exterminate -fhelisa extermination -phedzo (dzi-). -sa fheliho (vb rel) every nwe na -hwe. maneto (abstr) expel -thatha. ~ service: thabelo ya madekwana (dzi-) ever tshifhinga tsho)he. tshihwe na tshihwe.'I though: naho. mutholi (vha-) encircle -tinga/-tanga encourage -khwajhisa. (vb) come to an ~ -fhela. -nyanyuwa (intr) exciting -nyanyulaho (vb rel) excitement munyanyuwo (mi-) excommunicate -khaula excuse (n) pfarelo (dzi-). -edanyisa. rnuhwe na muiiwe. -lingana eradicate (uproot) -tupula eradication mutupulo (mi-) erase -thutha. ~ paper gurannda ya madekwana. ~thing: zwofhe. ~ a piece o f written art: -sengulusa evangelist muevangeli (vha-) cf Afr 'evangelie' even (vb) make ~ -linganyisa. telephone — vhutumajhingo (pi same): (vb) -renganyisa. (conj) ~ if. -khakha error khakho (dzi-). -rengiselana. -talusa explanation thaluso (dzi-). [halutshedzo (dzi-) export -vhambadzaseli expulsion u pandelwa (infinil). -ponya especially zwihuluhulu (adv) essay maanca (sing & pi same. ~body vhojhe. -tuluwedza encouragement thuthuwedzo (dzi-) end (n) magumo (pi only)'. naho (conj) evening madekwana (adv): tomorrow — made- kwana a matshelo (adv): ~ dress: rokho/ rogo ya madekwana (dzi-). nangwe even if (although) nangwe (conj). hothe (adv) evidence vhujanzi (no pi) evident -vha khagala evil (n) vhuvhi (abstr): qualif) -vhi (adj) cf bad ewe nngu ya tsadzi (dzi-) exaggerate -engedzedza. -lavhelesa examiner mulingi (vha-) example tsumbo (dzi-). tsumbedzo (dzi-) except nga ndani ha eg vho da vhothe nga ndani ha malume they all came ~ for uncle exchange (n) murenganyiso (mi-). thengiselano (dzi-). -guma enemy swina (ma-) engaged be ~ (so as to be unable to attend to other urgent matters): -farakanea engagement cf appointment English Tshiisimane. -hudza enmity vhuswina (abstr) enough (vb) be ~ -lingana. phcliso (dzi-) extinct -sa tsha wanala extinguish (fire or flame) -dzima extract (n) tshitumbulwa (zwi-). -hudzedza exalt -hulisa examination mulingo (mi-) examine -linga. tshiivha(na) (zwi-) equal (vb) be — to: -edana. hothe-hojhe. -phumula err (sin. (vb) ~ a tooth -kula. -engedzedza. huiiwe na hutiwe everywhere hothe-hothe (adv). -sedza. ie in class ma-) European Mutshena (Vha-). -rengisedzana excite -nyanyula (tr). Muisimane (Ma-) cf Eng enjoy -diphina enlarge -hudzedza. (vb) — physically: -onyolosa. — by a doctor: -thathuvha.employ eyelash employ -thola employee mushumi (vha-) employer mushumelwa (vha-). (vb) -farela exercise (n) physical —: nyonyoloso (dzi ). vhusweleh (abstr) enthusiastic be —: -futelela entice -kunga. (qualif) -linganaho (vb rel) enrage cf angry enrich -pfumisa enter -dzhena enthusiasm mafulufulu (abstr). narrow ~ at back of village enclosure tshivhana (zwi-) envelope fulobo (dzi-) cf Eng envious -tamaho (vb rel) envy -tama epidemic dwadze (malwadze) epilepsy tshilakhole (zwi-). uthathwa (infinit) extend -hudza. -pandela expensive -dura. (uproot) -tupula eye jto/hto (mato) eyelash lusie (tsie) 168 . men­ tal ~: ndowedzo (dzi-). —alive from danger: -ponyoka. Luisimane cf Eng 'English­ man' Englishman Liisimane (Ma ) cf Eng. -unga entrails vhula (pi same) entrance munango (mi-). abstr). -nanisa. be very ~ -duresa cf Afr 'duur' experience tshenzhemo (cl n-) explain -talutshedza. misi yo{he. for ~ and ~ lini-na-lini (adv) everlasting -sa gumiho. do wrong) -tshinya. vhukhakhi (abstr) escape -shavha. (qualif) -vhibvelaho (vb rel). (smooth!reduce surface with —) -feila fill -dadza. -takalela favourite mufunwa (vha-). (vb) -lui)a. muhfho (mi-). mi-. -fuwa farmer rabulasi (vho-) farming vhufuwi (pi same). -funa. chiefs ~: dzunde (ma-). tsha)anu (zwajanu) eg tshatanu tsha tshelede a fifth o f the money fifthly (adv) tsha vhutanu fifty futhanu fig wild —fruit: fuyu (mahuyu). (wife’s father) makhulu-tshinna (vho-) fault (n) mulandu (mi-). (vb) -lima. — nature: tshisadzi (no pi) femineity vhusadzi (abstr) feminity/femininity cf femineity fence luhura (khura) ferment -vhila fertile (vb) be -nona. vhulimi (pi same) fashion muambaro (mi-). — all over -phuphuledza female tshikadzi (zwi-). muumo (mi ) fight (n) (war) nndwa (dzi-). (vb) -lifhisa finger munwe (mi-) fingerprint (n) munwe (mi-). malaria dali (ma-) few gathi (only with neg si-) eg vhathu vha si gathi few people: (small) -)uku (adj) (vha-. mbadelo (dzi-). -sui)a final wa u fhedza. phungo mbuya (dzi-) family mu(a (mi-). mupfudze (mi-) fetch -dzhia fever mufhiso (mi-). in wider sense: lushaka (tshakha) famine ndala (dzi-) famous -4ivheaho (vb rel). (vb) ~ each other: -livhana fact tshihumbulwa (zwi-). find —: -sola favour -{alula. (vb) ~ documents: -faela. -koneaho (vb rel) feast (n) tshimima (zwi-). faburiki (dzi-) cf Afr 'fahriek’. tshelede (dzi-). fekhi(hiri (dzi-) cf Eng fade (lose colour) -haluluwa. (vb) -ita munyanya feather muthenga (mi-) February Luhuhi fee badela (dzi-). observe a ~: -didzima fasten -vhofha fat (n) (oil) mapfura (pi only). (vb) -Iwa fighter mulwi (vha-) figure (build) tshivhumbeo (zwi-). -khwa(ha father khotsi (vho-). mudavhi wa mitambo (mi-) fierce be ~ -halifha fifteen fumithanu fifth vhutanu (n) eg gere ya vhu)anu the fifth gear. (in drawing) figara (dzi-) cf Eng. nyolo (dzi-) . vhu-) fewness vhujuku (abstr) field tsimu (masimu). zwi-. ~ tree: muhuyu (mi ).F fable lungano (ngano) face (n) in/on the tshifhajuwo (zwi-). (vb) say — -onesa farm (n) bulasi (dzi-) cf Afr 'plaas’. ~ after victory mu^alo (mi-). ~ for treatment by medicine man: tshidzimu (no pi) feed -lisa. ~ing of sound. -wanala fine (n) ndifhiso (dzi-). (vb) be at ~ -khakha. etc (poss) find (obtain) -wana. ~ in hole with earth -fukedza filter (n) mutudo (mi-). fesheni (dzi-) cf Eng fast do!go ~ -Javhanya. -kundwa faint -noka faith lutendo (thendo). (vb) take — -gandisa munwe/minwe/gunwe 169 . khakho (dzi-). khofhe- m eg kha vha (ambe khofheni! wash your ~/. vha u fhedza. sports luvhande (mbande). ~ to do: -bala. -shushaho (vb rel) feasible -iteaho (vb rel). wa/tsha/la bvumo/ phungo mbuya (poss) far kule (adv) farewell (n) nyonesano (dzi ). muswikeli (vha-) favouritism tshijalula (zwi-) fear (n) nyofho (dzi-). fulufhelo/fhulufhelo (ma-) fail -wa false be — -si ngoho (neg copul) falsehood mazwifhi (pi only) fame bvumo (ma-). tsha u fhedza. dzin-: Jhukhu. let ~ up -ijadzisa. -nonaho (vb rel) fertilize (agricultural) -nyora cf Eng ’manure': (biological) -sima. -balelwa. ma-. do!go ~er -tavhanyedza. (vb) -ofha fearful -ofhisaho (vb rel). -vhibveta. feila (dzi-) cf Afr 'vyl'. — animal: tsadzi (dzi-). baba (vho-) father-in-law (husband’s father) mazwale (vho-). (vb) be ~ -nona. -kanzwa feel -pfa eg u pfa vhujungu to feel painho be painful. nyumo (dzi-). -sa tsha pfalesa fail -feila cf Eng. (reality) ngoho factory [imaga (ma-) cf Afr 'maak'. (disappear gra­ dually) -phinyela nga zwijuku. -andedza fertilizer manyoro (pi only) cf Eng 'manure'. (a numeral) sifhere (dzi-) cf Afr 'syfer' file (n) faela (dzi-) cf Eng. ceremonial — vhu(ambo (pi same): marriage festival munyanya (mi-). fountain finish finish -fhela (intr). -thivhela. ~ one’s way through: -vhanyuludza ford (n) dambuwo (ma-). -linganaho (vb rel). (vb) -papamala. dabadaba (ma-). left-over ~ for following morning: muladza (mi-) foodstuffs maliwa (pi only) fool (blockhead) tsilu (ma-). dzin-: jhanu. tsiko (dzi-) formative tshivhumbi (zwi-). -daho (vb rel) fontanelle thovuma (dzi-). (vb) -bvumba forecaster mubvumbi (vha-). (vb) -peta folktale lungano ((dzi-)ngano) follow ~ each other -tevhela. (vb) ~ iron: -fula. —quietly!smoothly: -veka floating trophy khaphuthendeleki (dzi-) flock sambi (ma-). -farela forgiveness khangwelo (dzi-) fork (garden and house) forogo (dzi-) cf Eng. maanda (abstr). nga maanda first u thoma/u ranga (infiml) first-born tanzhe (ma-) firstly (adv) tsha u thoma following -tevhelaho. (vb) -fhufha. (raft) tshiveki (zwi-). -vuledza (tr) fire (n) mulilo (mi-). zwi-. -ambuwa fore-arm mukonwo (mi-) forecast («) mvumbo (dzi-). fomo (dzi-) cf Eng. storey o f build­ ing: tshitizi (zwi-) cf Eng stairs’ flour fulauru (dzi-) cf Eng. vhukando (khando). phara (dzi-) form (n) (shape) tshivhumbeo (zwi-). abstr) forty fuina. tshinzhovho/tshinzhovhi (zwi-) fist (n) vili (ma-). mudugo (mi-). mahumi mana foundation muteo (mi-) fountain tshisima (zwi-) fold (n) lupeto (phetho). (vb) -duga flare up -duga flash -penya flat (n) fuletse (dzi-) cf Eng. (vb) -dala floor fuloro (dzi-). (vb) make ~: -puta fit -tea. maize — vhukopfu (pi same) flow (of river) -ela. -tengama. — in single file: -tevhekana babies) ngoma (dzi-) food zwiliwa (pi only). vhudanana (abstr) foot Iwayo (nayo) football (soccer) futhibola (no pi) cf Eng footpath (way) ndila (dzi-) footprint vhutala (pi same). (vb) (urge) -kombetshedza. — in branches: phande (dzi-).utsinda (vha-) forest daka (mataka) foretell -bvumba foreteller mubvumbi (vha-) forge (n) shondo (dzi-). (vb) -rea fish-hook tshihuka (zwi-) cf Eng 'hook'. sunken ~ (as o f sick fish (n) khovhe (dzi-). abstr). foolishness 170 . (by plane) u fhufha (tnfinit) float (n) (building tool) fuloutu (dzi-) cf Eng. -elela flower liluvha/dzuvha (maluvha) flutter -babamela (bird). -fhedza. (vb) -vhumba. sheep —: tshitumba (zwi-). vhu-) fix -lugisa flag fulaha (dzi-) cf Afr 'vlag’ flame (n) khavhu (dzi-). -sika formation mbumbo (dzi-). escape) -shavha flicker (flash) -taidza. sand— : dzedze (ma-) flee (run away. vhudabadaba (abstr). (qualif) (as of country): -welelaho. -edana. -bea forget -hangwa. -fhefheda (flag) fly (n) thunzi (dzi-). fhasi (local). mi-. weather — mubvumbi wa mutsho (vha-) fore-father makhulukuku (vho-) forefinger musumbavhaloi (mi-) forehead phanda (dzi-) foreign -sili (true rel) (concords same as basic subj cone) foreigner rr. -lingana five -tanu (adj) (vha-. (vb) ~ a gun: -thuntsha firearm tshigidi (zwi-) cf Afr ‘skiet' firefly tshiiiainai/tshitaitai (zwi-) fireplace tshivhaso (zwi-) firewood khuni (dzi-). ~ oneself against -vhandalala flatter -fhuredza nga u nakisedza flavour (n) mudifho (mi-). (vb) -difhisa flea thatha (dzi-). -penya flight (in fear) mushavho (mi-). jivhumbi (ma-) forsake -litshedza fortress tshidzivhaswina (zwi-) fortune mashudu (cl ma-. (vb) lie -banda flatten -linganya. -livhala forgetful -vha na khangwa forgetfulness khangwa (dzi-) forgive -hangwela. (dry) tshifushathakha (zwi-). ~ over (jump on): -fhufhela foam bulo (mapulo) fodder (fresh) furu (dzi-) cf Afr 'voer'. -dzivhisa force (n) nungo (dzi-. (vb) -wela. ma-. (vb) -khwajha firmament lutombo (no pi) firmly nga u khwatha. human ~: Iwayo (nayo) footstep mutsindo (mi-) forbid -thivha. single piece of luhuni firm (n) feme (dzi-) cf Eng. pi ma-) cf Afr ‘vuis’. -bandedza. c/ herd flood (n) mudalo (mi ). fulaja (dzi-) cf Eng. feisi (sing n-. pfushazwifuwo (dzi-) fog khuli (dzi-) danana (ma-) vhutsilu (abstr). ~ pen: tshitumba (zwi-) frame (n) fureme (dzi-) cf Eng. mutangano (mi ). —post office: dzhiphio cf Eng GPO generation murafho (mi-) generosity mathakho (pi only). abstr) gift tshifhiwa (zwi-). tshifuko (zwi-) gas gese (dzi-) cf Eng gas-lamp luvhone lwa gese (mbone dza . muse (mi-) gargle -xaxadza garment tshiambaro (zwi-). futhi (conj). zwi-. etc (poss) gentleman nzhinga (dzi-). -rina give up (for lost) -tovhowa glad be ~: -takala (intr) gladden (make glad. unripe ~: gaga (ma-) fry -hadzinga/-kadzinga fugitive mushavhi (vha-) full (become ~ ) -dala full stop tshiawelo (zwi-). ~ firewood: -reda gathering (assembly) khuvhangano (dzi-). heke (dzi-) cf Afr 'hek’ gateway khoro (dzi-) gather -vhuthana. thama (dzi-). mafunda (pi only) genet tsimba (dzi-) gentle wa vhulenda. (lan­ guage) Tshidzheremane. -ofhisa frog dula (ma-). ngamula (dzi-) gentleness vhulenda (abstr) gently nga vhulenda geography divhashango (cl n-) German (person) Mudzheremane (Ma-). green water— : lutshele (vhu-) front (in ~ ) phanda (adv) frost mahada (pi only) frozen be/become — -xwatuwa fruit mutshelo (mi-). mi-. nga gear\ (cf quarter) tsha ina (zwa ina) fourthly (adv) tsha vhuna fowl khuhu (dzi-). (for females) ludede (ndede). habe (conj) fury mbiti (dzi. (vb) -wana. mbuelo (dzi-).) gas-stove tshitofu tsha gese (zwi-) gate gethe (dzi-) cf Eng. abstr) G gain (n) bindu (ma-). -kunyelela. thuda (dzi-) girdle (for confined woman) muvhofho (mi-). ~ rule ndayo nyangaredzi. ndivho zwayo. ~ know­ ledge: ndivho nyangaredzi. ~ name: -ira. tshithoma (zwi-) funeral mbulungo (dzi-) funnel tshishelo (zwi ) furniture fanitsha (dzi ) cf Eng furrow (for water) mugero (mi-). -vhuelwa. . . tshivhidzo (zwi-). please. ~ o f marriageable age khomba (dzi ) give -nea. -vhofholowa (intr) freedom mbofholowo (dzi-) freeze -gega French Tshifura. vha vhulenda. ~ blad­ der: tshavhutungu (zwa-) game (play) mutambo (mi-). ma-. Lufura Frenchman Mufura (Ma-) fresh -swa (adj) cf new Friday Lavhutanu fridge tshixwatusi (zwi-). firidzhi (dzi-) cf Eng ntha ha-. (vb) -furema cf Eng framework muhanga (mi-) France Fura fraud vhufhura (abstr) free -vhofholola (ir). dzm-: nna. Ludzheremane Germany Dzheremane germinate (grow) -mela get -wana giddiness dzungu (cl li-. ~ birth: -beba. vhutama (abstr) fright dzhenuwo (ma-) frighten -shushedza. delight) -takadza (fr) gladness dakalo (ma-) 171 . -kuvhanganya (tr). khothoni (dzi-) gape (mouth or other opening) -atama garage garadzhi/giratshi/giradzhi (dzi-) cf Eng garden ngade (dzi-) cf Eng. (for males) mugwarelo (mi-) girl musidzana (vha-). khunyeleli (dzi-) gazette gazete (dzi-) cf Eng gear gere (dzi-) cf Eng general (n) dzhenerala (vho-) cf Eng. tsha vhu- lenda. dzhele (dzi-) cf Eng. -fha. ~ times : luna (adv) fourteen fumiina fourth vhuna (n) eg gere ya vhuna the fourth friend (n) khonam (dzi-). -bindula gale dumbu (ma-) gall (bile) ndulu (dzi-). vhu-). nyongwe (dzi-). (animals) phukha (dzi-) gaol (jail) tironngo (dzi-) cf Afr 'tronk'. mpho (dzi-) giraffe (hudwa (dzi-). (vb) be ~s konana friendship vhukonam (abstr).Tour gladness four -na (adj) (vha-. (from Sotho) iiwananyana (vhananyana). ~ with hands: -kumba. ligero (ma-) furthermore nahonc (conj).only. ~ message -laedza. -kuvhangana (intr). Ji-. ma-. vhu-. -mametshedza/-mometshedza/-momekedza glutton phangwa (dzi-) gluttony vhupangwa (abstr). he—-: mbokoto (dzi-). godima. wa mihovhi (poss) Greek (person) Mugerika (Vha-). -bva. -vusa greetings (n) ndumeliso (dzi-). tshi-. -sola gourd (calabash) (large low-bellied calabash) tshikumbu (zwi-). giranadila (ma-) cf Eng. abstr) gnaw (at bone) -kukuna go -ya. no pi)] ~ of salt. yavhudi. (vb) -girisa cf Eng. maize. muro (mi-) graze -fula grazing area mafuloni (locat) grease (n) girisi (dzi-) cf Eng. abstr) greedy wa phangwa. zwi-. bontshisi (dzi-) cf Afr 'boontjies’ greenness (of colour) vhudala (abstr) greet (humbly by clapping hands) -losha. n-/dzin-: tsetha. lu-. ~ outside: -bvela nnda. tshi-. ~ fruit: lifurannda (ma-). zwi-. ~ away. n-/dzin-: mbuya. ku-). ku-) green bean nawa thethe (dzi-). n-/dzin-: dala. Ji-. (journey. cf Afr 'gans’ goose-flesh tshitungu (no pi) gospel evangeli (dzi-) cf Afr 'evangelie’. (rouse) -resha. (vb) -remba. mi-. abstr) gradually nga vhuya/vhutuku/vhusele grain (as o f wheat. Lugerika green (n) (unripe fruit) gaga (ma-) green (colour) -dala (adj) (mu-. — early to: -bubela. ~ ahead: -bvela phantia. (vb) (be in order) -luga. -gomela ground (earth) mavu (pi only): play~ mudavhi (mi-). ku-) grief vhutungu (abstr) grieve -tungufhala (intr). tshi-. spec­ tacles glitter -penya. livhungo (ma-) grey -sejha (adj) (mu-. etc) muso (collective. vhu-. mi-. lu-. abstr) gratitude ndivhuho (cl dzi-. mi-. (adj) -vhuya (mu-. li-. (in mill) -gaya grinding stone guyo (ma-) groan dzu)a. wheat. tshi-. mihovhi (cl mi-. zwaloni (local): — of chiefs: tshiendeulu (zwi-) gravy muthotho (mi-). -tuwa. mihovhi (cl mi-. lu-. (poss) wavhu^i. etc goodness vhudi (abstr) goods thundu (dzi-) goodwill (charity) vhuthu (no pi) goose [ixantsi (ma-). tshitemba (zwi-) govern -vhusa government muvhuso (mi-) go’way/go-away bird (grey lourie) mukuwe (mi-) grace tshilidzi (cl tshi-. lu-. (language) Tshigerika. ma-. (vb) -nambatedza. walk) -enda. sugar. ma-. fhasi (locat) 172 . zwi-. -dodza girisi greatly nga maanda (adv) greatness vhuhulu/vhuhulwane (abstr) Greece Gerika greediness vhupangwa (abstr). blade o f ~: lwatsi (hatsi) grasshopper cf locust grateful be -livhuha gratefulness ndivhuho (cl dzi-. ~ our.glass ground glass (substance) ngilasi (dzi-). n-/dzin-: nnu. -nzhenzhe- grandchild muduhulu (vha-) grandfather makhulu (vho-) grandmother makhulu (vho-) grandparent makhulu (vho-) grape n^irivhe (dzi-) cf Afr 'druiwe' grapefruit bambahosi (ma-) cf Afr 'pampelmoes’ grasp -fara grass hatsi (class vhu. zwitshele (pi only)-. -fhindutshela goat mbudzi (dzi-). ~ down (descend): -tsa. vhu-. giramafoni (dzi-) cf Eng granary $ulu (ma-) hatsi vhunzhi much grass. mafhungo madifha/mavhuya (pi only) gossip (n) zwiambo (pi only). tshilata/tshialaja (zwi-) gravel giravhulo (dzi-) cf Eng graveyard mavhidani (local). ku-). tshalo (zwalo). -lumelisa. -khanya. god (ances­ tral spirit) mudzimu (mi-) gold (substance) musuku (no pi) golf golofo (dzi-) cf Eng good (n) ~ person: muvhuya (vha-). abstr) grave tshidza (zwi-). -nu (adj) (mu-. ma-. -thavha mbilu grind (on stone) -kuya. Ji-. ~ apart: -fhambana.collective. livhida (ma-). (vb) send ~ -lu­ melisa grenadilla/granadilla — plant: muvhungo (mi-). -vhengema. -vhaisa. mi-. she— : phambaia (dzi-). dzhege (dzi-) cf Eng jug' God (only true ~) Mudzimu (no pi)-. etc: thoro (dzi-) gram gramu (dzi-) cf Eng gramophone gramofoni (dzi-). —fortune: mashadu (pi only)-. — up (ascend): -gonya. vhu-. zwi-. — kraal: tshitumba (zwi-) goat’s meat nama ya mbudzi goblet bigiri (dzi-) cf Afr 'beker’. (small calabash used as drinking vessel) phaphana (dzi-). mufurannda (mi-). vha-. -tungufhadza (tr). mahatsi) eg ma glory vhurena (abstr) gloy cf glue glue (n) tjonzhe (cl Ji-). cf tumbler. luvhengo (mbengo) have (possess) -vha na. neg: ha-. ~ tall: -lapfa grudge luvhengelambiluni (abstr) grumble -gungula guard be on ~ -linda guava gwavha (ma-) cf Eng guess -bvumba guest mueni (vha-). gaidi (dzi-) cf size: -hudza (tr). pubic makuse (pi only). (vb) -huvhadza. — up: -aluwa. -rwela madinga harvest (n) khano (dzi-). prinsipala (ma-/dzi-) cf Eng ‘principal’ headrest (pillow) tshisiamelo (zwi-) heal -fhodza health mutakalo (mi ) healthy be —: -takala 173 . mupfumba (vha-) guest-house nndu ya vhaeni (dzi-) Eng. (work) vhuleme (abstr). short ~: vhukuse (collective only). u konda (tnftnit) hare plains ~ (grey ~): muvhuda (mi-). (royal lan­ guage) murunzi (mi-) hatch -thothonya hatchet cf axe hate -vhenga hatred vengo (sing li. -rengisa hawker tshimauswu (zwi-) cf Afr ‘smous' he (she) (abs pron) ene. nduna (dzi-) headmanship vhukoma (abstr) headmaster (hoho-ya-tshikolo (dzi-). dzema (ma-). red —: (hulo (dzi-). mukhwa (mi-) haft mufhini (mi-) hail tshifhango (zwi-) hair (animal long ~ mamvele (pi only). participial.only). eg u vha na kholomo to havelownlpossess cattle hawk (n) lurwanzhivha (vhu-). tshantja tshinna. hamula (dzi-) cf Afr ‘hamer’. (vb) -pana cf Afr ‘inspan’ harrow (n) exe (dzi-) cf Afr 'eg'. (vb) -kanda. (vb) -exa. nguwane (dzi-). large grey ~: muvhudakhomu (mi-). (wood) u khwa(ha (infinti). -vhaisa harness (n) lihanisi (ma-) cf Eng. etc) mufhini (mi-) hand over -kumedza handwriting muhwalo (mi-). sagaduku/saduku (dzi-) cf Afr sakdoek’ handle (of hoe. single grey luvi (mmvi) half hafu (dzi-) cf Eng half-full (— container like pot. (person) muendedzi (vha-). potential. ~ over: -fhahea. vudzi/hvhudzi (mavhudzi).healthy group group (u) tshigwada (zwi-).only) cf Afr ‘bewerasíe' happen -bveleta happiness dakalo (ma-) happy -takala harass -dina hard (vb) be — (soil) -oma. tshanda tshisadzi handbag bege (dzi-) cf Eng ‘bag’ handkerchief dugu (dzi-). left tshanda tsha monde. -aluwa. single ~ of head: luvhudzi. ~ to pieces -kandekanya hammerhead tshirukhwe (zwi-) hand tshanda (zwanda). (vb) -endedza guilt mulandu (mi-) guilty be -vhonwa/-wanwa mulandu guineafowl khanga (dzi-) gum (~ s of teeth) marintni (pi only). personifica­ tion of ~: Sankambe (Vho-) harm (n) tshinyadzo (dzi-). tshanda tshihulu. -nembeledza (ir). large red —: (hulogutshi (dzi-).(pos & neg) head (hoho (dzi-) headache [hoho (dzi-) eg ndi na thoho / have a ~ headdress cf headgear heading (hoho (dzi-) headman gota (ma-). increase in guest speaker muambi muhulwane (vha-) guide (n) (book) nyendedzi (dzi-). (vb) -vhekanya grow (attain maturity) -hula. —out to dry: -anea hangover babalasi (cl n. spring-~ khadzimu(avha (dzi-). (basic subj cone) pos u-. (object) tshiendedzi (zwi-). (human) on head. thwelama^inga (dzi-). ~ o f tree: nonzhe (dzi-) gun tshigidi (zwi-) cf Afr 'skiel' gunpowder musili (sing only) H habit ndowelo (dzi-). subjunctive. right ~: tshanda tsha u la. neg: ha-/ho-. -hula (intr). mukoma (vha ). etc) denga. cup. narrative subj cone: a. (wood) -khwa(ha: (work) -konda. (vb) make — -(avhanya hasten tavhanya hat munadzi (mi-). (vb) -vhambadza. (adv) nga maanda hardness (soil) u oma (infinn). on body: lihaha (ma-). tshanda (zwanda) hang (~ down) -nembelela (intr). -lemela. (vb) -kana haste (n) u (avhanya (infinit). gonyongo (ma-) hall holo (dzi-) cf Eng hammer (n) nundo (dzi-). (perfect subj cone) pos: o-. (vb) — cattle. herd of . (vb) -dzumba. tshi-. — comb taha (ma-) honour (n) khuliso (dzi-). ~ oneself: -dzumbama hide-and-seek mudzumbamo (mi-) hide-out vhudzumbamo (pi same) (beating) u rwa. vha-. u napula (infinit) high (long) (adj) -lapfu (mu-. denga (no pi). just — fhano (adv). tshawe. cf sacred Holy Communion Tshilalelo (tshikhethwa) Holy Spirit Muyamukhethwa (no pi) homage (n) token o f — nduvho (dzi-). -thusa helper muthusi (vha-).. tshinzhovho/tshinzhovhi (zwi-).. stony — tshikwara (zwi-) hillock cf hill him (her) (abs pron) ene. -dia. lu-. (as o f stones) hiding (hide-out) vhudzumbamo (pi same). mbokoto (dzi-) cf Afr 'bok' heifer tholana (dzi-) height (length) vhulapfu (abstr) heir (successor) mulaifa (vha-) hell hele (local) cf Eng help (n) pfariso (dzi-). thuso (dzi-). eg wawe. etc: -lisa herdboy/herdsman mulisa (vha-) here afha (adv). (vb) -pendela hen phambo (dzi-) her cf his. ^ivhazwakale (dzi-) hit (beat) -rwa. in — above: tadulu (adv) heavens Jitadulu (no pi). li-. henefha (adv) hermit tshiendahongolo (zwi-) (figurative) hero muhali (vha-) heron linulakhovhe (ma-) hers cf his hesitate -timatima. (vb) (assist) -farisa. etc) hear -pfa. mufhiso (mi-) heathen muhedeni (vha-) cf Afr 'heiden' heathenism vhuhedeni (abstr) cf Afr 'heiden' heaven jitadulu (no pi). at our —: ha hashu. mi-. n-/dzin-: ndapfu. stones. (vb) -lima. small — as in cloth: buli (ma-). at — hayani (adv). muvhundu (mi-). Luhevheru hedge luhura (khura) hedgehog tshitoni (zwi-) heel tshirethe (zwi ) he-goat bokoto (ma-). ku-) hill (hillock) ndunduma (dzi-). ~ a court case: -senga heart mbilu (dzi-) hearth tshivhaso (zwi-) heartburn tshiungulela (zwi-) heat muruhurela (mi-). thompho (dzi-). (blue sky) lutombo (no pi) heaviness vhuleme (abstr) heavy be — (weigh down upon): -lemela. ~ object -nenga/-nmga hither (here) ngeno (adv) hive (beehive) {hango (dzi-) hockey hokhi (dzi ) cf Eng hoe (n) dzembe (malembe). -kanakana hiccup/hiccough (n) thikhwa (dzi-). tshithopho (zwi-). large/thick ganda (makanda). majambi a masambi a herds o f . hu-. vhu-. u navhula. big — in ground dindi (ma-). zwi-. hafha (adv). dzawe history histiri (dzi-) cf Eng. (vb) -haka cf Afr haak’ hooping whooping cough tshikwaikwai (zwi-) hoot -lidza bele hooter (of car) bele (dzi-) hop -thamuwa 174 . —firmly: -omba hole (in ground) mulindi (mi-). (vb) do — to: -luvha home haya (ma-) eg haya hanga my home. mitambi y a . etc -goba. woman's new — with husband: vhuhadzi (pi same) homecraft ^ivhazwahaya (cl n-) homeland shangohaya (ma-) honest -fhulufhedzeaho/-fulufhedzeaho (vb rel) honesty vhufhulufhedzei (abstr) honey mutoli (mi-). u napudza. (obj cone) muhimself ene mune hindleg (of animal) tshizwa (zwi-) hip khundu (dzi-) hipbone thunzhi (dzi-) hippopotamus mvuvhu (dzi-) hire -hira cf Afr 'huur’ his (her. (this way) ngeno (adv). mufarisi (vha-) hem (n) lupendelo (phendelo). (be audible) -pfala.. (over­ burden) -lemedza Hebrew (person) Muhevheru (Vha-). (vb) -thopha (stones). hers) poss cone plus poss stem -we. (remove weed) -tahula hold -fara. -thompha hoof khwan^a (dzi-) hook (n) fish —: tshihuka (zwi-) cf Eng ‘hook'. — mark with gun. -kuvhanganya (soil. khokho (dzi-). (vb) -hulisa. (vb) -farwa nga thikhwa/ mulisa hide (n) mukumba (mi-). ma-.heap hop heap (n) (as o f earth) thulwi (dzi-). (language) Tshihevheru. (children) mulisa (no pi). him herd (n) ~ of cattle: sambi (matambi/masambi/ mitambi) note different plural forms: cf sambi la . at your —: ha harm. ~ onto: -farelela. small round — in ground as o f mice: muina (mi-) holiday holodeni (dzi-) cf Eng holiness vhukhethwa (abstr) holy -khethwa (adj). tshi-. dodo (ma-). -rabeledza. -humbudza impatient -fhela mbilu impertinence tshiambela (zwi-). — one’s feelings: -sanda husband munna (vha-) hut (house) nndu (dzi ). vhu-) how often lungana (adv) hubbub cf commotion human (n) muthu (vha-). ma-. phuphula (dzi-) idol mudzimu usili (mi-). (qualif) tsha vhathu. (qualif) -fhisaho (vb rel) hotel hodela (dzi-) cf Afr hotel' hour iri (dzi-) cf Afr ‘uur'. thambudzo (dzi-).nngafhani?.hope important humanity (benevolence) vhuthu (abstr): (human hope (n) fhulufhelo/fulufhelo (ma-). neg: tho-. zwi-. 175 . (narrative subj cone) nda. vhudzimba (cl vhuonly). ~ to and fro: -kakatika/kakanka hurt -huvhadza. zwi-. ya vhathu. ndo-. become -(ukufhala. to be very ~: -luvhelela humour miswaswo (pi only). dzinnngana?. na zwenezwo immerse/immerge -mbwandamedza. etc (poss) human being muthu (vha-) I I (abs pron) nne. (brown) tshivhingwi (zwi-) hygiene tsiravhulwadze (cl n-) hymn (song) luimbo (nyimbo) hymnbook/hymnal bugu ya nyimbo hysterics havhiya (dzi-) horn lunanga (ganga). )i-. mi-. — btg/much?: -ngafhani? (adj) (mu-. vha-. (perfect subj cone) pos. vhu-. —in unfriendly fashion -nyala iguana (land —) mbulu (dzi-). ma-. lu-. -vhaisa. ~ o f vehicle: bele (dzi-) cf Eng 'bell' hornbHl trumpeter —: [llidzavhana (ma-) horse here (dzi-) cf Afr 'perd' horsefly phuvhe (dzi-) hospital sibadela/tshibadela (zwi-) cf Afr hospttaai hostel hos(i)tele (dzi-) cf Eng hostility vhuswina (abstr) hot (v6) -fhisa. -furalela. neg thi-. ~ oneself (Jdukufhadza. ku-). — wisdom. -vhonetshela image tshifanyiso (zwi-) imagery zwifanyiso (zwa muhumbulo) (pi only) imagination khumbulelo (dzi-). mi-. n-/dzin-: khulwane.only) cf Eng icecold (ideoph) goo! idea muhumbulo (mi-) ideophone [inyanyu (ma-) idiom (íambele (ma-). he ~ called the police. ~ many?: -ngana? (adj) (vha-. tshifanyisamudzimu (zwi-) if arali (conj). -sa dzhiela nzhele. lu-. -eletshedza. (vb) -(avhanya. ma-. nga u (avhanya. fulo (ma-). -lwala ill-health vhuhoja (abstr) illness (disease) vhulwadze (no pi) ill-treat -shengedza. -pfa nijala hunt (n) u zwima (infinit). -lovhedza impala antelope phala (dzi-) impart -kanzwa. madai/mu)ai (pi only) hump thunda (dzi-) hundred dana (ma ) hunger (famine) ndala (dzi-) hungry -vha na ndala. -edzisa immediately -mbo di (aux verb) eg a tshi vhona mbava o mbo <)i vhidza mapholisa when he saw the thief. zwa vhathu.(pos & neg) ice muxwatu (no pi). temporary ~ thumba (dzi-). (vb) -zwima hunter mudzimba (vha ). |i-. awara (dzi-) cf Eng house nndu (dzi-) household muja (mi-) housewife mufaramu(a (vha-) how? hani? (interrog). vha-. (basic subj cone) pos: ndi-. -luvheledza. (vb) suffer ~: -shengela illuminate -vhonea. nganganyo (dzi-) imagine -humbulela. -laya. -luvhelela importance vhuhulwane (abstr) important (big) -hulwane (adj) (mu-. mi-. (vb) -fhu- race) vhathu (pi only) lufhela/-fulufhela humble -tukufhadza. zwi-. ~ much (money)?: vhughai? (copulat base) eg ndi vhugai? how much ts it (costing)?. n-/dzin. muzwimi (vha-) hunting spider dzwatswatswa (ma-) hurry (n) (one who hurries) (havhanyedza (dzi-). aisi (cl n. -fanyisa. swili (dzi-) implore -rabela. mutumba (mi-) hyena (spotted) phele (dzi-). -hangwa. -tambudza ill-treatment (n) tshengedzo (dzi-). tshi-. water mbulumadi (dzi-) ill be —. -anganya imitate -edza. ngavhe (conj) ignore -sa londa. -nea. [lidioma (ma-) cf Eng idiomatic expression maambele (pi only) idiot buphuthe (ma-). lushie (vhu-). phimo ya (halukanyo (dzi-). ~ speech: -dzhena hanwani intestine lula (vhula). (begin with) -thoma initiation school ngoma (dzi-) inject -{havha injection dzhekiseni (dzi-) cf Eng injure -huvhadza (tr). tsenguludzo (dzi-) invigilator mulavhelesi (vha-) invite (call together) -ramba iron (n) (metal) tsimbi (dzi-). tsumbedzo (dzi-). (of wife) mazwale (vho-) insect tshikhokhonono (zwi-). -laela. k u ) inspect -ingamela. mujalutshedzi (vha-) interrogative Jivhudzisi (ma-) interrupt ~ an action: -thithisa. sipikitere (zwipiki- ha u mamela inborn disease tere) incentive tshitutuwedzi (zwi-) incisor dzembe (malembe) incite -kukumedza incline -kunama. (vb) send someone to be ~d: -fumbisa. great ~: |ila (ma-) intimidate -shushedza. -anza. -senguludza. mathomo (pi only). IQ (dzi-) cf Eng intelligent be — -thanya. ~ a superior: -suma infuriate -sinyusa inherit -|a ifa inheritance ifa (mafa). like clothes: -shanda insight u pfesesa (infinit). nduna (dzi-). ~ someone with stone: -kovhola injury fuvhalo (ma-) ink ennge (dzi-) cf Afr 'ink' in-law (of husband) makhulu (vho-). ~ tax: muthelo wa instead vhudzuloni h a . -dzhenisa muya inform -divhisa. vhufa (mafa) initiate (n) mufumbi (vha-). -tshina. (vb) turn ~ out. -sema intellect (intelligence) {halukanyo (cl n-. ~ water: maiji a tshe- 176 . (teaching) vhugudisi (abstr). samba (ma(amba). ~ dream. -sumbedza indication tsumbo (dzi-). very small lutshetshe (vhu-). (instrument) aim (dzi-) cf Eng. tswikiso. phimo ya vhutali (dzi-). -sendama. -talifha intelligible -pfalaho (vb rel) intend -toda u intercede -pfumelela interfere -thithisa intermediary nendila (vho-) intermediation vhunendila (abstr) interpret -dologa cf Afr ‘tolk’. -disa. madzhenele (pi only). -tshutshudza intoxicate -kamba. -sedzesa investigation tsenguluso (dzi-). -khwajhisa. vhupfiwa (abstr). gota (ma-) infant tshixele (zwi-). (vb) -tutuwedza. abstr). -gudisa increase (n) muengedzo (mi-). -lavhelesa. etc: -(alutshedza interpretation thalutshedzo (dzi-) interpreter dologi (dzi-) cf Afr ‘tolk’. -kombetshedza insistance khombetshedzo (dzi-) inspan -pana cf Afr ‘span’ (dzi-). ndayo to ~ in quantity -andisa. -dzhenisa introduction marangaphan^a (pi only). -piki(era cf Afr ‘inspekleer' improve -khwinisa improvement cf reform impudence lunyadzo (abstr) inborn -mamela (poss qualificat) eg vhulwadze inspection u tola (infinit). tshidodo (zwi-) inside (adv) ngomu. -wedza. (teach) mbuelo (mi-) -funza. n^ivhadzano (dzi-) investigate -sengulusa. (holo (dzi-). ~ for use: ndaedzo (dzi-) insult (n) tshinyadzo (zwi-). u aina (infinit) irrigate -sheledza irrigation tsheledzo (dzi-). (vb) -anda. ~ a balloon -vhudzedza. -swikisa. (vb) -nyadza. tshisumbi (zwi-) indicator (direction —) tshisumbabudo (zwi-) induna mukoma (vha-). abstr) ndivho (cl n-. be ~d: -fumba. be ~d -huvhala (intr). u funza (infinit). vhutali (abstr) intelligence cf intellect intelligence-quotient phimo ya mjivho (dzi-).irrigation improve vhu-. -tola. becime worse: -nana eg phepho i khou nana maduvha ano the cold is becoming worse these days increment muengedzo wa muholo (mi-) indeed ngoho India India Indian Mugula (Ma-) indicate -sumba. instigate -kukumedza instigation vhukukumedzi (abstr) instigator mukukumedzi (vha-) instruct (give command) -laya. -sedzesa. be drunkl intoxicated: -kambiwa introduce -divhadza. u vhona (infinit) insist -omelela. -divhadza. muya (mimuya). mvulatswinga (dzi-). be ~d to: -dowela income mbuelo (dzi-). young — about three months old: tshidalatshanda (zwi-) inflate -bommba cf Afr ‘pomp’. c tuse instruction (command) ndaela (dzi-). u inga­ mela (infinit) inspector muingameli (vha-). (vb) -aina cf Eng ironing muaino (mi-). -kukumusa influence (n) thuthuwedzo (dzi-). tshi-. Iwo-. (language) Tshikhada. yo-. tsha vhulenda. lone.kinship isolate subj cone) wo-. (vb) -enda. -tuwa (aux verb) eg ndi do tuwa ndi tshi ni rwa / will beat you ~ K Karanga (person) Mukalanga (Vha-). -honza kindness vhulenda (abstr). domukiri (dzi-) cf Afr journey (n) Iwendo (nyendo). tshieletshedzi (zwi-). madi a mugero isolate -khetha isolation khethekanyo (dzi-) it (abs pron) wone. khii/khiyi cf Eng Kgatla (person) Mukhada (Vha-). dzhege (dzi-) cf Eng juice sama July Fulwana jump -fhufha. -vha na dzangalelo. kwo-. (vb) -hatula judgement khathulo (dzi ) jug bigiri (dzi-) cf Afr 'beker’. knob~ thonga (dzi-) kill (murder) -vhulaha/-vhulaya kiln (for bricks) honndo (dzi-) cf Afr oond kilogram khilogramu (dzi-) cf Eng kilolitre khilolitha (dzi-) cf Eng kilomttre khilomitha (dzi-) cf Eng kind (n) lushaka (tshakha). -lwo. Lukhada kiaat tree mutondo (mi-) kick -raha kidney tswio (dzi-) kierie (kerrie) tshibonda (zwi-). Iwa-. -ho. ho-. -kwo. ~ in carpentry thumo (dzi-). vhu-. hu-. ~ of finger: dungo (ma-) joke (n) muswaswo (mi-). Lukalanga kaross davhuha (ma-) keen -tama. -futelela keep -fara. kwone. ~ over: -pfuka June Fulwi just -bvou (aux verb) eg ri kha di tou bvou fhedza mushumo we have only ~ finished the work justice (fairness) khathulo kwayo (khathulo kwadzo). etc (poss) kind-hearted -vha na vhuthu kind-heartedness vhuthu (abstr) kindle —a fire -vhasa. vha vhulenda. (lan­ guage) Tshikalanga. -tshivha jealousy vivho (mavhivho) jelly dzheli (dzi-) cf Eng jersey dzhesi (dzi-) cf Eng job mushumo (mi-) join -tanganya. lu-. -tsho. -vhea. ~ in carpentry for example: -tuma joint thanganyo (dzi-). tsha-. lo-. ya-. (as state department) vhulamukanyi (abstr) just now zwenezwino/zwezwino (adv). tsho-. phunguhwe (dzi-) jacket badzhi (dzi-) cf Afr 'baadfie jail sironngo (dzi-) cf Afr 'tronk'. (basic subj cone <& obj cone) u-. yone. ngagadeli (dzi-) jackal phungubwe (dzi-). ~ domesticated animals: -fuwa keepsake (souvenir) tshihumbudzi (zwi-). -tanga Iwendo joy dakalo (ma-) jubilation dakalo (ma-) judge (n) muhatuli (vha-). hone. ku-. i-. li-. midai (pi only): (vb) crack a ~ -swaswa journal dzhenala (dzi-) cf Eng -tshimbila. undertake a -fara Iwendo. -vha na mafulufulu. -|o. dzhele (dzi-) cf Eng. tshone. zwatsho ledzo. (qttaltf) wa vhu- lenda. kwaitch -thothona its (poss cone plus poss stem) -wo. la-. tshalo. khothoni (dzi-) jam dzhamu (dzi-) cf Eng January Phando jaw/jawbone lutaha (thaha) jealous be ~ of: -vhivha. -yo. tshiga (tsha khumbudzo) (zwi-) kernel (of tree) mbilu (dzi-) kerrie cf kierie kettle gedela (dzi-) cf Afr 'kelel' key khono (dzi-). ha-. be — in spite o f hardships: -fungelela. vhuhwavho (abstr) king khosi (dzi-/mahosi) kingdom muvhuso (mi ) kingfisher (bird) thungununu (dzi-) kinship vhushaka (abstr) 177 . (perfect J jack dzhege (dzi-) cf Eng. eg wawo. (narrative subj cone) wa-. Iwone. — in anatomy: tshinungo (zwi-). 'domkrag'. — alone: -litsha 178 . sanzwo (ma-) lavatory (latrine) tshibudzi (zwi-). (vb) -ranga phanda. lammba (ma-) cf AJr lamp' land (n) (country) shango (ma-). — male person munnawavhane (vho-). isha (maisha) lamb (n) ngwana (dzi-). bunga (ma-). —foundation -tea. ~ astray: -xedza leader murangaphanda (vha-). (vb) -shuma labourer mushumi (vha-) lack (need) -shaya. u guda (infinit) lease-lend (livestock) -swiswa leather mukumba (mi-) leave (n) livi (dzi-) cf Eng. -nita cf Eng knobkierie (knobkerrie) thonga (dzi ) knot (n) pfundo (ma-): (vb) -pfuna know -divha. (vb) -tuwa. -tahela lad mutukana (vha-) ladder vhunamelo (pi same). cattle ~: danga (ma-) krantz luwa (nngwa) kudu (koodoo) tholo (dzi ) Kwazulu Kwazulu kwê-voel (grey lourie) mukuwe (mi-) L labour (n) mushumo (mi-). (qualij) vva u fhedza. -sendeka (tr) lean-to tala (ma-) learn -guda\ -difunza (ie teach oneself) learning u funzwa (infinit). — against (person): -gogodela (intr). hwahoja (adv). ~ object against: -gogodedza (tr). (vb) -holefhala (itilr). ~ performed for nga vhuya (adv) chief: dzunde (ma-). ~ table -deka cf AJr 'dek': ~ complaints : -vhika (mulandu) layer luvhemba (mbemba) lay-out theo (dzi-) laziness vhubva (abstr) lazy (n) — person: mubva (vha-). va u fhedza. levhetliii ii (dzi-) cf Eng law ntulavo (mi-) lawyer axennde (ma-. etc (pass): (adv) — night: madekwe. jevhethirii (dzi-) cf Eng 'lavatory' laugh -sea laughter maseo (pi only). cultivated — tsimu (masimu). (vb) be —: -bvafha lead («) mutobvu (mi-). (vb) (as o f aeroplane) -kavha language luantbo (nvambo/ngambo). mutahabvu (vha-). ~ female person musadziwavhane (vho-). (vb) -dzwala lame (n) tshihole (zwi-). mahola last night cf night last year mwahoja (adv). (go away from) -tutshela. -endedza. bunga (ma-). phangami (dzi-) leadership vhurangaphanda (abstr) leaf tari (ma-) leak -bvuda lean become — -onda. u mamana (infinit): knock at -khokhonya. -isa. -holefhadza (tr) lamp luvhonc (mbone). afterwards) nga murahu (adv). leri (dzi-) cf AJr 'leer' ladle lufo (mpfo). tshiseo (zwi-) laundry kmdoria (dzi-) cf Eng.leave kinsman kinsman shaka (ma-) kiss (n) khisi (dzi-) cf Eng. cultivated ~ o f duel: dzunde (ma-). ~ behind: -sia. (vb) be — (delay): -lenga later (later on.'dzi-) cf A fr 'agent. (vb) ~ up as dog -kaswa large cf big largeness vhuhulu (abstr) larva mbungu (dzi-) larynx gulokulo (ma-) lass musidzanyana (vha-) last (vb) -fhedza. -khisa cf Eng kitchen tshitanga (zwi-) klipspringer ngululu (dzi-) knead -suka knee gona (ma-) kneel -kotama. beer khavho (dzi-) lady mufumakadzi (vha-) lake dzivha (ma-). door: khokhokho be —n -divhea knowledge ndivho (abstr) koodoo (kudu) tholo (dzi-) korhaan musilisili (mi-) kraal (village) mudi (mi-). —year: mwahoja/nwahola. — in game -fhira. ideophone o f ~ing at (vb) -mamana. lulimi (ndimi) lap (n) marumbi (pi only): c/shumbi. tsha u fhedza. ramilayo (vho-) lay (eggs) -kudzela. big — banga (mapanga) knit -luka. make ~n to!introduce: -divhadza. mahola (adv) late (n) —person mufu (vha-). Luiatini latrine (lavatory) tshibudzi (zwi-). -disendeka '(intr). -gwadama knibble -kukuna knife lufhanga (phanga). lath luvhalelo (mbalelo) Latin Tshilatini. upper —: tshirumbi (zwi-) Lemba (person) Mulemba (Vha-). mudziauzwifha (vha-) librarian mulaiburari (vha-) library laiburari (dzi-) cf Eng library science vhudivha|aiburari (cl vhu-). n-/dzin-. -sedza. un— -khi- nulula. -vhofholola letter lunwalo (ma-). lu-. —at!stay : -dzula liver tshivhindi (zwi-) livestock zwifuwo (pi only) lizard tswina (dzi-). -thogomela. ~ on one’s back: -ganama. — o f recommendation: lunwalo Iwa themendelo (ma-). upper —. mutibo (mi-). — up one’s eyes -liladza light (n) tshedza (zwedza). lower —: mulomo wa fhasi liquid ludi (sing only). — out: -sedzesa. -tulutshelwa. —for: -toda. (vb) -laisa cf Afr 'laat’. ~ a lamp: -funga. make — -linganyisa Levubu River LuvOvhu liar muzwifhi (vha-). — long: -lalama. -tanganya lion ndau (dzi-) lip mulomo (mi-). un— -laisulula loathsome be — -nengisa locality (place) fhethu (locat) locative libulafhethu (ma-) lock (n) loko (dzi-) cf Eng. — o f alphabet: ledere (ma-) cf Afr 'letter'. smelling —. Mune washu our Lord.only) cf Afr ‘kalk’ limp -tudza Limpopo River Vhembe line (stripe) mutalo (mi-) liner (ship) tshikepe (zwi-) cf Afr 'skip' linger -mona-mona lining (of clothes) furu (dzi-) cf Afr 'voering’ link -tuma. ~ on one's stomach: -shuvhama lieutenant lefuthenente (vho-) cf Eng life vhutshilo (no pi) lift (onto head) -hwesa. c/madi liquor tshikambi (zwi-). —of European pot : dekesela (dzi-) cf Afr 'deksel' lie (n) mazwifhi (pi only). ma-. -khiya cf Eng. rock-~ gwavhavha (ma- kwavhavha) load (m) muhwalo (mi-). tshinwiwa (zwi-) listen to -thetshelesa listener muthetshelesi (vha-) listlessness gonobva (class li-) literature htheretsha (dzi-) cf Eng litre litha (dzi-) cf Eng litter -tanza. -fana na loose be —: -rembeda loosen -vhofholola lord (Lord) mune (vhane) cf mune washu our lord. .lecturer lecturer cf speaker left monde (adv) left-hand tshanda tsha monde (zwanda zwa lord . (vb) ~ a fire. cf Eng lick -nanzwa lid tshitibo (zwi-). (adv element of comparison) sa eg u khou lila sa nwana he is crying ~ a child liken -fanyisa likeness tshifanyiso (zwi-) limb murado (mi-) lime galaga (sing n. (vb) (scrape a road) -khura. (sermon) pfunzo (dzi-) let ~ go: -litsha. li-. — for: -tulutshela. —after: -tuvha long (tall) (adj) -lapfu (mu-. hu-. — up/away -takula. — off (something hanging high): -fhahulula. -khiyulula locust general name for edible — nzie (dzi-). zwi-. — after (take care of): -lavhelesa. be — cf imitate. vhunfhi (ma-) cf Afr 'brief. le save: -tshidza. — down -lala. vhuludu (abstr) long (vb) be —: -lapfa. vhu-. vha-. logobugu (dzi-) cf Eng loggerheads be at — with someone -lutana loiter —about -mona-mona loneliness vhumvumvu (abstr). —after livestock -lisa.). -hanya. mulomo wa ntha. tshi-. (language! culture) Tshilemba (no pi) lemon tshikavhavhe (zwi-) lemon tree mukavhavhe (mi-) lend borrow -pamba. wingless —: bapu (ma-) log tshitanda (zwi-) log-book bugu ya logo (dzi-). tshiludi (zwi-). -adzima. ndapfu. -edela. small —: tshipanzi (zwi-). silivhmdi (ma-). be lent -pambwa length vhulapfu (abstr) lessen -fhungudza lesson ngudo (dzi-). -basoba cf Afr 'pasopl’ look like -nga sa eg tshithu tshi no nga sa itshi something that looks like this. (vb) -hona. tshanda tsha tshisadzi (zwanda zw a.). ndivhalaiburari (cl n-) licence thendelo (dzi-). -nga sa. mune wangu 179 . —a gun: -tajela. mi-. -khina. laisentsi (dzi-). -londola. (vb) (tell a ~lbe false) -zwifha. be — in weight: -leluwa lightning lupenyo (phenyo) like (love) (vb) -funa. ku-) long ago kale (adv) look -lavhelesa. -honza. (quahf) -edanaho (vb rel). monde (mimonde) leftwards mondeni (local) leg (fool) mulenzhe (mi-). -lakatedza little cf small live -tshila. vhunfhi ha themendelo (ma-) lettuce tshilai (zwi-) cf Afr 'slaai’ level («) (instrument) vaterepasi (dzi-) cf Afr 'walerpas'. let ~. -vhasa. pad— ganzhe (ma-). n-/dzin-: nnzhi. little ~: kuduna (zwi-). ma-. ya fhasi.classes). be made end to: -khaukana malaria dali (ma-) male (of animal) tshiduna (zwi-) mamba (black) dyambila (ma-) mammal tshimama (zwi-) man munna (vha-). kuvhusele (no pi) manufacture -ita manure manyoro (pi only) cf Eng. ~ on doglfowl dzedze (ma-) lovable -funea love (n) lufuno (sing only)'. (the Lord) Murena (no pi) Lord’s supper (Holy Communion) tshilalelo (zwi-) lorry lori (dzi-/ma-) cf Eng eg lori yanga (sing). mbungu (dzi-) magic manditi/mandithi (pi only). tall slender luduna (vhu-) manage -langa. eg makete muthihi one market.Lord's supper masculinity my lordlfather. dza fhasi. ~ correction -khakhulula. vhu-) map mapa (sing cl mu-. — cattle thakha (dzi-). medzha (vho-) cf Eng. mupfudze (only sing mu-) many (much) -nzhi (adj) (vha-. ndozwo (dzi-) Louis Trichardt Tshitandani lourie purple crested ~ khurukhuru (dzi-). liswuhana (ma-). luswayo (tswayo).only) cf Afr ‘pos'. grey —: mukuwe (mi-) louse nnda (dzi-). -swaya. -koreka cf Eng ‘cor­ rect’ market makete (sing ci mu. mu-/mi. old —: mukalaha (vha-). -lozwa. -dzewa. ~ noise: -ita phosho. ~ an end to: -tumula. etc (poss) lower -tsitsa/-tsisa. ~ object given: musho (mi-) marrow mwongo (pi same. tsha fhasi. ~ in a game: -kundwa. ma-. -fhenyiwa. pi cl mi-) cf Eng eg mapa uyu ndi wa Afurika this ~ of Africa march -matsha cf Eng March Thafamuhwe mare bere ya tsadzi (dzi-) margarine madzharini/madzharina (pi only) cf Eng mark (n) lufayo (pfayo). makete minzhi many markets marriage mbingano (dzi-). mi-. nwongo (mitiwongo) marry -tshata. —of ruling: mavhusele (pi only). — of speaking: maambele (pi only). bad ~: mashudumavhi (abstr) luggage muhwalo (mi-) lukewarm -dudela lunatic mpengo (class mu. n-/dzin-: nngana?. unmarried — khombe (dzi-). -baIelwa. -xela. ie sin: -ita zwivhi. (woman) -malwa. -dzea. -kona manager (overseer) mulangi (vha-) mane mamvele (pi only) mango iinngo (ma-) cf Eng manhood vhunna (abslr) mankind vhathu (pi only) manner mukhwa (mi-). wa fhasi. (vb) -funa machine mutshini (mi-) cf Eng mad be/become ~ -penga madam(e) mufumakadzi (vha-) madness (craziness) tshipengo (zwi-) magazine magazini (dzi-) cf Eng maggot tshivhungu (zwi-). lori dzanga (pi). ie mipengo) lunch (n) tshiswitulo (zwi-). (fruit) fula (ma-) marvel (n) dembe (ma-). -khauledza. — mistake: -khakha. how —?: -ngana? (adj) (vha-. —sin. masilamusi (pi only)-. marifhi (pi only) cf Afr ‘brief maize (mealies) mavhele (pi only) major madzhoro (vho-) cf Afr ‘majoor’. young —: muthannga (vha-). young married muvhera (vha-). ~ examination. as adj c/big majority vhunzhi (abslr) make -ita. — on skin: bundu (mapundu) kuambele (no pi). (vb) ~ at -kanuka. low cf short. (vb) -swijula lung fhafhu (ma-) lump (ball of claylporridge formed with hand) mbumbwa (dzi-). -mangala masculinity vhunna (abslr) 180 . bring one's bride home: -vhinga: be brought home (woman): -vhingwa marsh c/v lei marula (tree) mufula (mi-). mutshato (mi-). ~ leaves: -fhufhurea loss tshinyalelo (dzi-). maraga (dzi-) cf Eng. (man) (pay dowry) -mala. mi-. -xedza. zwi-.pi cl mi-) cf Eng. (vb) ~ property: -faya. -khaula. zwi-. majori anga (pi) lose -xedza. evil vhuloi (abslr) magistrate madzhisitarata (vho-) cf Afr 'magi- straat’ mail poswo/boswo (class n. ~ festival: munyanya (mi-).with pi cl mi-. cause to get lose. vhu-). -fhungudza luck mashudu (abstr). get lose. ~ of doing: maitele (pi only). midday —: tshiswitulo (zwi-). sorghum — (with ear hanging down. thuiiwa (dzi-) meter mitha (dzi-) cf Eng midday (adv) masian tshivhangalala. vha vhulenda. (of humans) mukando (mi-). — of religion. stamped mealie —: vhukhopfu (no pi) . — at chiefs or other governing officer's place: tshivhidzo (zwi-). labi (ma-) cf Afr 'lap' materialize -bveledza (tr). murumiwa (vha-). (vb) have — khathutshela merely (but) fhedzi (conj) message mafhungo (pi only). khunyeleli (dzi-) melody mutivho (mi-). mufunzi (vha-). etc (poss) meekness vhulenda (abstr) meerkat lukhohe (khohe. (game) metshe (mimetshe) cf Eng match-box forogisi (ma-) cf Afr 'vuurhouljies' matchet likhavha (ma-) mate (friend) khonam (dzi-). —s of meet­ ing: maambiwa (pi only) miracle vhutolo (abstr). thama (dzi-) material -sila (ma-). ~ (quantity) vhunzhi (abstr). — sent on evil errand. mulamuli (vha-). mulaedza (mi-) messenger mudinda (vha-). around masiari midday meal (n) tshiswitulo (zwi-).). — of ceremonies mutshimbidzamushumo (vha-). evening —: tshilalelo (zwi-). sorghum —: matulwi (pi only). green) tshikoli (zwi-) mean -amba meaning thalutshedzo (dzi-) measles fumbu (cl li-). muelo (mi-). nyelelwo (dzi-). — card garaja ya of council mura^o wa khoro (mi-) vhura^o (dzi-) memory (n) muhumbulo (mi-). bulrush —. -pima measurement muelo (mi-) meat nama (dzi-) medal medala (dzi-) cf Eng mediator mupfumedzi (vha-). mukhaha (no pi). (vb) -kona masterbuilder tshifhati (zwi-) mat sleeping —: thovho (dzi-) match (fire) lutanda lwa mulilo (thanda dza . (vb) -ela. (mealie-cobs. art of ~ vhuhanga (abstr) meditate -elekanya meek wa vhulenda. wife of — of religion dzhafurou (vho-) cf Afr ‘juffrou'. cf Christ as —: Mupfumedzi (no pi) medicine mushonga (mi-) medicine-man nanga (dzi-). -bvelela (inrr) mathematics mathematiki (cl n-) cf Eng matter fhungo (ma-). mealie ~ ground in mill: mugayo (no pi) mealie-grain thoro (dzi-) mealie plant hvhele (ma-) mealies mavhele (pi only). (obj cone) homorganic nasal n/m/ny meadow mudavhi (mi-) meal (food) zwiliwa (pi only).(potential format) May Shundunthule me (abs pron) cf I. (poss) cf my minister mimsita (dzi-) cf minisita o tuwa (ie sing in cl mu-) the — has left. member (of body or instance) mura^o (mi-). tshum (dzi-) cf Eng ‘tune’ melt -noka membership vhurado (abstr). powder —: mafhi a luvhanda (pi only). (harvested late) madzimba. maliba (pi only). vhomme (honorific) minute (time) mumthi (mimumthi). cf sing: dembe a wonder or a marvel) mirror tshivhoni (zwi-) mischief (n) tshinyadzo (zwi-). milieu (dzi-) cf Eng milk (n) (of animals) mafhi (pi only). khuvhangano (dzi-). (pus) vhulwa (pi same) mature (vb) -vhibva. mulilo (no pi). (vb) have one's -switula middle vhukati (adv) midnight vhusikukati (adv) migrate -pfuluwa milieu fhethuvhupo (local). -hulaho (vb rel) may -nga.mischievous mason mason cf bricklayer mass (numbers of people) mavhuthu (pi only)'. (weigh!) tshileme (zwi-) master (n) mune (vha-). tsha vhulenda. madembe (pi only. (religion) masi (dzi-) cf Eng. (vb) do — -tshinyadza mischievous -tshinyadzaho (vb rel) 181 . -vhibvaho (vb rel). (vb) -hama milker muhami (vha-) milking-rope/-strap muvhofho (mi-) milky way mulalavhungu (mi-) mill flour tshigayo (zwi-) miller mugayi (vha-) millet finger — (of ancient Venda origin used for sacrificial beer): mufhoho (mi-). -elelwa merciful be ~ -vha na khathutshelo mercy (n) khathutshelo (class n-). tshifumbu (cl tshi-) measure (u) tshielo (zwi-). luvhele (mbele). curdled —: makhethe (pi only). fresh —: luvhisi (no pi). (quahf) -hulwane (adj). minisita dzo tuwa the —s have left. vhukhohe) meet -tangana meeting mutangano (mi-). (vb) keep in -humbula. makhaha (pi only). ie va­ riety o f makhaha): tshikota (zwi-) millilitre mililitha (dzi-) cf Eng millimetre milimitha (dzi-) cf Eng millipede dongololo (ma-) mimic -edzisa mimosa species muunga (mi-) mine (n) —(shaft) mugodi (mi-). -sudzuluwa (intr). imperative limudililaeli. participial —: hmuditshitevheli. -pfulusa (tr). -xelaho (vb rel) mission thumo (dzi-). cause motorbike thuthuthu (dzi-) motorcar modoro (mimodoro) cf Afr ‘motor’ motorcycle thuthuthu (dzi-) mould (create) -vhumba. vhuvhulahi (pi same). -vanganyisa. get —ed up: -vangana (intr) mixture muvango (mi-) moan (n) tshililo (zwi-). poisonous — ngowampengo (dzi-) must -fanela (aux vb) Mutale River Mutale 182 . (adj) how ~? cf big. tomorrow matshelo nga matsheloni (adv) morpheme cf formative mortar mutuli (mi ) mosquito lunyunyu (vhu-) mother mme (vhomme) mother-in-law (husband's mother) mazwale (vho-). mali (sing nonly) mongoose cf mungoose monkey (ape) thoho (dzi-) monkey-nut nduhu (dzi-) monster dithu (madithu) month nwedzi (mihwedzi). lurofhe (no pi) mudguard modorosikepe (mi-) cf Afr modderskerm ’ mug bigiri (dzi-) cf Afr ‘beker’ multiply -andisa mumps mawi (pi only) mungoose (mongoose) while-tailed ~ mutsherere (mi-). (as of river) -unga/-uunga mock -hoya -holedza. mass of soft dope (sing Ji. phondi (dzi-) muscle musipha (mi-) museum muziamu (mi-) cf Eng music muzika (mi-) cf Eng mushroom ngowa (dzi-). ~ closer: -sendela (intr). subjunctive ~ Jimudi la thendelo moon iiwedzi (mihwedzi). in the hanwani move (shift) -sudzulusa (tr). muvhulai (vha-). -bumpa miss (title of unmarried woman) mufumakadzana (vha-) missing -sa vhonalaho (vb rel).. (wife's mother) makhulu-tshisadzi (vho-) motion cf proposal motive cf incentive. thophe (in pi dzionly). -vanganya (tr). mwedzi (mi• mwedzi) moonshine cf moonlight mop cf swab mopani tree mupani (mi ) morning (in the ~) matshelom (adv). -xedzwa miss (a target) -humpa. -vanga. — of grass. -gaela mockery u hoya(infinit). how big/ ~?: so ~ cf so big/ cf many mucus (nasal) maduda (pi only) mud soft ~ matope (pi only). -dzida. -xedza. -gomela.). kholedzo (dzi-) modern (n) ~ times musalauno (no pi). -dinyadza modesty vhuditukufhadzi (abstr). be misled: -khakhi- swa. —Iform bricks: -foroma zwidina cf Afr 'vorm' mount -namela mountain thavha (dzi-) mountain-pass hwavha wa thavha (minwavha ya . -pfuluwa (intr) movement musudzuluwo (mi-). vhurumiwa (abstr) missionary mufunziruiiwa/mufunzirumwa (vha-) mission station tshitasi (zwi-) cf Afr ‘stasie' missis/missus mufumakadzi (vha-) mist khuli (dzi-) mistake khakho (dzi-) Mister (Sir) murena (Vha-) mistress mufarekano (vha-/mi-) mix -tanganyisa. mwedzi (mimwedzi) monthly nwedzi munwe na mutiwe/hwedzi na iiwedzi mood (conjugation o f verb) hmudi (ma-) cf Eng. (la­ ment) -lila. thorn (pi dzionly) moist cf wet moisten -nukadza moistness vhunu (no pi) molar dzeu (ma-) Monday Musumbuluwo money tshelede (dzi-) cf Afr 'geld1. dza musalauno. -gwara. -sendedza (tr). big ~ dzomo (malomo). muddy slime. mwedzi (mimwedzi) moonlight nwedzi (mihwedzi). etc (poss) modest be <~ -ditukufhadza. -vhulaha murderer muvhulahi (vha-). (vb) -ponda. vhukhohe) municipality masipala (vhomasipala) cf Eng 'municipal' murder (n) vhupondi (pi same). etc: thitho (dzi-) much (adv) cf greatly. slen­ der ~ (rooi-muishond) : lukhohe (khohe. tshifhande (zwi-) mountain-tortoise khamba (dzi-) mourn -lila mourning tshililo (zwi-) mouse mbevha (dzi-) mouth mulomo (mi-). . indicative limudi la tsumbo.only. tsha musalauno.Mutale River miser miser name (dzi-) misfortune khombo (dzi-) misinterpret -shanda mislead -khakhisa. banded ~: tshihoho (zwi-). wa musalauno. etc) nature mupo (sing mu. vhavhudi. ma-. vha-. -nomala cf Eng eg wa/tsha/dza misi/nomala. (jtred) be bunyu/fhedzi (copul base) eg ndi bunyu/ fhedzi / am naked. vhapo. mi-. eg a thi athu fhedza / have not yet finished nota bene (NB) -dzhiela nzhele 183 . yavhudi. n-/dzin-: ntswa. eg wanga tshanga. (vb) -shaya. ku-) narrowness vhusekene (abstr) Natal Natala cf Afr Natal nation lushaka (tshakha) nationality lushaka (tshakha) native -po (poss. thodea (dzi-).only): ~ o f a thing or person nzulele (dzi-) naughty -levhaho (vb rel). no pi): (vb) do ~ -runga neighbour mufhatisani (vha-). lu-. zwi. zwi-. ku-) newcomer muswa (vha-) newness vhuswa (abstr) news mafhungo (pi only) newspaper gurannda (dzi-) cf Afr koerant next (vb rel) -daho. last —: madekwe (adv) nine tahe. tshi-. tshavhudi. ha tsha funa u la vhuswa he no longer wants to eat porridge. a ngo. zwapo. thanu-na-nna nineteen fumitahe ninety futahe nipple (of mammals) thungu. etc) nicely zwavhudi (adv) niece muduhulu (vha-). -toolola narration nganetshelo (dzi-). muhura (vha-) nephew muduhulu (vha-). cf kha di as positive of negat element -tsha nominate -ta nomination muto (mi ) nonsense vhutafutafu (abstr) noon cf midday normal -misi. mbaishaho nibble -nenza nice -vhudi (j)oss eg wavhudi. n-'dzin-: tsekene. -ira. lushada (no pi) no longer (neg format) -tsha eg a ri tsha fhedza we have not yet finished. a . etc neatness vhudele (abstr) necessary -todeaho (vb rel) neck mutsinga (mi-) necklace vhulungu (no pi). nwana (vhana) nest tshitaha (zwi-) net mambule (pi only) netball netibola (dzi-) cf Eng never na kathihi nevertheless naho zwo ralo new -swa (adj) (mu-. (culture) Tshindevhele (no pi): (language) Lundevhele (no pi). (women only) evho! ebo! node dungo (ma-) noise phosho (dzi-). vhu-. tshi-. yapo. (vb) -rina. ~ yet: athu. -tevhelaho. eg wapo. ri mabunya/fhedzi we are naked nakedness vhubunyu (abstr) name (n) dzina (ma-). (for car­ pentry) tshibigiri (zwi-) cf Afr 'spyker' naked (n) (person) bunyu (ma-). Tshindevhele (no pi) near (nearby) tsini (adv) nearly todou (aux verb) eg o todou wa he nearly fell' neat -vhudele (poss) eg wa vhudele. mi-. nekilesi (dzi-) cf Eng: (as talisman) tshitungulo (zwi-) need (n) tshayo (dzi-). nganea (dzi-) narrative mafhungo (pi only). . (adv) ~ to: tsini. have -silingwa navel mukombo (mi-) Ndebele (person) Mundevhele (Ma-). -redza nap (n) vhukofhe (pi same): (tdeoph) o f taking a — zhambu' napkin [cri (ma-) cf Afr 'litter' narrate (relate) -anetshela. h-. lu. etc (poss) north (adv) vhukalanga. sa. nga. (as school sub­ ject) divhamurungo (cl n-. nganea (dzi-). vhu-. mwakani. li-.mutter nota bene mutter -nununa mutton nama ya nngu my poss cone plus poss stem -nga. -tahela needle nelete (dzi-) cf Afr ’naald’ needlework (n) murungo (mi-). . devhula (adv) Northern Sotho Tshisuthu tsha Devhula (no pi) nose ningo (dzi ) not (negat formatives) a. ma-. songo. si. hwana (vhana) niggardliness vhutshivha (no pi) night vhusiku (pi same): at ~ : vhusiku (adv). -silingaho (vb rel) nausea (n) tsilingwane (dzi-). mafhungo (mv selfde). year after —year: mbaiiwakani. (mechanical) nipulu (dzi-) cf Eng nit gai (makai) no! (mterj) hai!. dza vhudele. nganetshelo (dzi-) narrow -sekene (ad]) (mu-. tsha vhudele. dzavhudi. a si. (vb) cause — -siImgisa. tshapo. — year: nwakani. -hanelela. ishaho. zwanga N naboom mukonde (mi-) nail (of fingers and toes) Iwala (nala). give ~ . n. charge — tshatshaofisi (zwi-). mushuoblige -fanela. vha-. -sinyuwa. mi-. oili (dzi-) cf Eng. ku-). (vb) be — operate (medically) -ara. Iwa-. be/become removed: -tioffend -khakhela. eg ha na tshithu helshe has nothing. -nea. tshenzhemo (dzi-). (vb) -vhona. (quantity) tshi- note (n) (paper money) tari (ma-). -shishimisa. (of sick persons) nese (dzi-/ma-) cf Eng. a hu na tshithu there is nothing notice (n) ndivhiso (dzi-). -vhona na? (adv) observer muvhoni (vha-) oil (n) mapfura (pi only). u thetshelesa offer (n) mpho (dzi-). (vb) -hana (dzi-) cf Eng objective ndivho (dzi-) officer muofisiri (vha-) cf Afr ‘offisier' obligation pfanclo (dzi-) official (n) muofisi (vha-) cf Eng office'. -vulea (intr) . -sinyusa. ~ one’s eyes: -nengisa -bonyolola/-bonyolowa. zwa-. ~ in music: noti (dzi-) cf Eng: (vb) -limuha. (vb) take an — -ana obedience vhuthetshelesi (abstr). muongi (vha-). lunzhi (adv).(for cl vhu-. ma-. u vhona (infi. -divhisa. katiwe (adv). ~ one s eyes wide/ offensive (qualif) -shishimisaho (vb ret). -dina. (vb) la become ~ (woman): -kegula.offspring mbebo (sing only. obstruct (view) -tsira. tshifhiwa (zwi-). vha-. (vb) only fhedzi (adv) give —: -khakhela. lu-. — one's mouth: -atama. ha. n-/dzin-: ndala. —a machine: -shumisa -shishimisa. Ji-. be —d -fanela meli (vha-) obscure -tsira off-load -laisulula cf unload observation u lavhelesa (infinit). -dzhia omasum tshiuthwane (zwi-) occur -bvelela on kha (adv element). -thivhezwi-. —territory : -thuba. written notsi (dzi-) cf Eng. tshiitea (zwi-) chair October Tshimedzi once luthihi (adv). (man): -kalaha obtain -wana. -nothisa cf Eng notify -divhadza. la-. tshixele (zwi-). -shonisa operation (medical) muaro (mi-) 184 . —able -wanala old age vhulala (no pi) occupation mushumo (mi-). remove lid of pot. ole obsolete -sa tsha shumiswa. ku-) and local) onion nyala (dzi ) offence (n) khakhelo (dzi-). -nengisa. tshi-. uvhu-.note operation now zwino (adv) nowadays (these days) maduvha ano (adv) now then! cf thus! number (figure) mbalo (dzi-). tshi-. vhu-. take — open -vula (tr) . notibugu (dzi-) cf Eng nothing neg plus tshithu. (passage) -thivha. li-. how ~? lungaobserve -sedza. one -thihi (adj) (mu-. — of enemy terri­ oldness vhulala (no pi) tory: ngalelo (dzi-) Olifants River Lumbelule occupy -dzula. buwa. (vi>) -fha. tshioil-fdter tshisefaoili (zwi-) khuna (zwi-) ointment tshidolo (zwi-) obstinate be — -vha na tshikhuna old (adj) -lala (mu-. -latwa (dzi-) cf Afr 'olie'. tsinyuso (dzi-). tsha-. lu-. (vfr) -onga nursing home vhuongelo (pi same) nut (ground—) nduhu (dzi-). -shonisaho (vb rel). — a (infinil) sacrifice: -nekedza obey -thetshelesa offering tshithavhelo (zwi-) object (ti) tshithu (zwi-). -lavhelesa. tshipimbi (zwi-).nthihi. -divhisa noun dzina (ma-) November Lara vhalo (zwi-) numerous become ~ cf increase nurse (n) (of children) muleli (vha-). (short letter) luiiwalo (ma-). — in auction gemo (ma-). -nwala notebook bugu ya notsi (dzi-). eg kha tshidulo on the occurrence tshiwo (zwi-). grammatical —: tshiitwa office ofisi (dzi-) cf Eng. u sedza (infinit) often kanzhi (adv). — of bolt nati (dzi-) cf Eng nyala (buck) nyala (dzi-) () oath (n) muano (mi-). ya-. n-) nit). -nengistare -ruda (mato) saho (vb rel). -sinyusa. -dina. -dinwa etc: -tibula (tr). dza-. (vb) -oila cf Eng obstinacy swili (dzi-). a-. kathihi (adv) of (possessive concord) wa-. -divhadza. -bva orphan musiwana (vha-). —for sup­ plying goods: oda (dzi-) cf Eng. -paka cf Afr 'pak' pack-animal lingavha (ma-) pack-ox mbelesa (dzi-) padlock ganzhe (ma-) pagan muhedem (vha-) cf Afr hetden paganism tshihedeni (abstr) cf Afr hetden ’ page siatari (ma-) pail emere (dzi-) cf Afr 'emmer '. etc origin mathomo (abstr). phepha (ma-) cf Eng parable tshifanyiso (zwi-). zwi-. dzashu. (tshithu) zwatsho. party ~ of mountain : murahu (adv) ought -fanela (aux vb) our poss cone plus poss stem -shu. kupali (zwi-). muoli (vha-). milk ~: khamelo (dzi-) pain vhutungu (abstr) paint (n) pennde (dzi-) cf Eng. -fhumudza. cause to ~ -fhaladza (tr) overseas sell (ha Iwanzhe) eg Maisimane o bva seli (ha Iwanzhe) The Englishmen came from overseas overseer mulangi (vha-) oversleep -tshelwa overtake -fhirela overwhelm -kunda. -khuthadza. cf Eng. pfanyisedzo (dzi-) paraffin pharafeni (dzi-) cf Afr 'paraffien paragraph phara (dzi-) cf Eng. bakete (ma-) cf Eng 'bucket'. mi-. oveni (dzi-) cj Eng overburden -lemedza overcoat dzhasi (ma-) cf Afr fas overcome -kunda overdo -itesa overeat -lesa overflow -fhalala (intr). -rudza pack (n) buto (ma-). mupenndi (vha-) cf Eng. (vb) -vhekanya. (master of house) nemudi (vho-) ox phulu (dzi-) ox-hide mukumba (mi-) P pace hga (ma-)' pacify -fhembeledza. -ola painter mapendane (vho-) cf Eng. (feast) phathi 1X5 . be in —: zwo luga ordinary (muthu) zwawe. (sequence) thevhekano (dzi-). (qualif) -fhambanaho (vh ret) opposition (in parliament) vhukangi (abstr). ~ -in-law from husband's side makhulu (vho-). tshisiwana (zwi-) ostrich mphwe (dzi-) other (some) -hwe (adj) (vha-. ~ goods: -hoda cf Eng. vhu-) other side (opposite side) seli na lula/lila (adv). (vb) -pennda. ( vb) -paka cf Eng parliament phalamennde (dzi-) cf Afr park mem' parson mufunzi (vha-) parsonage nndu ya mufunzi (dzi-) part (n) tshipida (zwi-). hashu ours cf our outside nnda (adv) outspan -panulula cf Afr '(tn)span' oven honndo (dzi-) cf Afr 'oond'. — parly lihoro likangi (mahoro makangi) or kana (conj) orange (fruit) swaramula (ma-) cf Afr suurlemoen . dzin-: dzinwe. (vb) -fhambana participial mood limuditshitevheli (ma-) particle kupida (zwi-). ndimana (dzi-) parcel phasela (dzi-) cf Eng pardon pfarelo (dzi-) pare swotola parent mubebi (vha-). pale become ~ -haluluwa palpitate -divhitha palpitation mudivhitho (mi-) pan pani (dzi-) cf Afr 'pan' paper bammbiri (ma-) cf Afr papier'. vhubvo (abstr) originality vhuthomi (abstr) originate -thoma. ~-in-law from wife's side: mazwale (vho-) parent-in-law (wife’s side) mazwale (vho-). eg washu. (dzina) zwalo.operational area operational area fhethu ha nndwa (loan) operator (of machine) mushumisi (vha-) opportunity tshifhinga (zwi-) oppose -hanedza opposite (n) lifhambanyi (ma-). (vh) (instruct) -nea ndaela. (tree) muswiri (mi-) Orange Kree State Fureisitata cf Afr VryslaaT orator muambi (vha-) order (n) (instruction) ndaela (dzi-). (hus­ band's side) makhulu (vho-) park (n) paka (dzi-) cf Eng. livhumbi (ma-) partridge khwali (dzi ) party political ~ [ihoro (ma-). be ~ed -kundwa owe -koioda cf Afr 'skuld' owl gwitha (makhwitha) own -vha na owner (master) mune (vhane). ma-. (muri) zwawo. —in gram mar: tshivhumbi (zwi-). swiri (ma-) cf Afr 'suiir'. permit (n) thendelo (dzi-). -haswela. (broad traill -fanyisa. vhuzwimbatsingatshivhununi (no pi): nzhemo. perish -lovha. photo(graph) (n) (picture) tshifanyiso (zwi-). munameli person muthu (vha-) (vha-) personality vhumuthu (abstr) passer-by mufhiri wa gondo (vha-) personification lifanyamuthu (ma-) passive voice maambwaitwa (pi only) perspiration (sweat) biko (ma-) pass water (urine) -runda. perspire -bva biko -tambuluwa persuade -fhembeledza pasture mafuloni (pi only) pestle musi (misi) pasturage (grazing) pfulo (mafulo) petrol pitirolo (no pi). -thogomela (heap as of earth) thulwi (dzi-): (heap as of payment ndifho (dzi-). perceive with sense organs (eyes excluded): -pfa (music) khalo (dzi-). (succeed in persecution mutovholo (mi-) examination) -phasa cf Eng perseverance vhukondeleli (abstr) passage (from book) tshipida (zwi-). (euph) -tambuwa. mushai (vha-) picture tshifanyiso (zwi-) pavillion phavilioni (dzi-) cf Eng piece (soap. -vha na mbilu ndapfu pick (n) piki (dzi-) cf Eng: (vb) ~ fruit -fula. pharmacy cf chemist phetsho (dzi-) cf Eng: (vb) (clothing) -nama. ~ dowry for son: pile (n) (disease of lower rectum) murutshu -dzekisa. tshienge (zwi-) peep —over: -todzimela. musingili (vha-). musiamelo (mi-) pearl nungu (dzi-) pilot mutshimbidzafulaimatshini (vha-) pedal tirapa (dzi-) cf Afr 'trap' pincers lumano (vhu-) Pedi language Tshibeli (no pi) pinch -tota peel (n) ganda (makanda). Iizhakandila (ma-) tshitumba (zwi-) pip (as of fruit) thambo (dzi-) pencil penisela (dzi-) cf Eng pipe (for smoking) bibi (dzi-) cf Afr 'pyp': (for pension pheshem (dzi-) cf Eng: old age — mu­ water.pity pass (dzi-) cf Eng periodical cf journal (of mountain) tshifhande (zwi-). -thupha peace mulaio (mi-) pill philisi (dzi-) cf Eng peach beregisi (ma-) cf Afr 'perske' pillar phuphu (dzi-) peanut nduhu (dzi-) pillow tshisiamelo (zwi-). muphulandila pen (for writing) peni (dzi-) cf Eng: (for animals) (vha-). -runga. etc) phaiphi (dzi-). tshihaswa (zwi-). ~ up: -doba. (corridor) persevere -kondeelela phasedzhi (dzi-) cf Eng persist -omelela passenger munamedzwa (vha-). (tube) -phetsha cf Eng tshinepe (zwi-) cf Eng 'snap': (vb) take ~ path (broad track) gondo (ma-). pea eregisi (dzi-) cf Afr 'ertjies' -kuvhanganva. malamba (pi only): -ba. mutshibedza nyali (vha-). tshikalakhalo (zwi-). (vb) -tendela ndelo (dzi-). paunch (of animals) gulu (ma-) -ka. —through: -tolela pioneer muzhakandila (vha-). (as bird) -kavha (vb) ~ a tent: -toka perhaps khamusi (adv) pity (n) khathutshelo (abstr). -fhirisa. thavha pawpaw bapawe (ma-) cf Afr 'papaja Pietersburg Bulugwane pay (n) muholo (mi-). cause to ~ -lozwa nwavha (minwavha). mundende (mi-) Afr ‘pomp’ people vhathu (pi only) pit (shaft) (cf well) mugodi (mi-) pepper phiriphiri (dzi-) pitch (n) (on cricket field) kuvhande (zwi-). (vb) -swotola pineapple tshihenge (zwi-). bread) tshipida (zwi-) paw shimba (marimba) pierce -phula. ~ object persecute -tovhola to someone -nekedza. ~ tax: pig-sty tshitumba (zwi-) -thela. petiroli (no pi) cf Eng patch (n) tshinamo (zwi-). ~ up lot of things: -dopauper mulili (vha-). bommbi(dzi-) cf holo (mi-). (vb) -thopha. — dowry -mala. mbadelo (dzi-) stones) tshithopho (zwi-).pig nguluvhe (dzi-) dela cf Afr ‘betaai: ~ a debt -lifha. fisiolodzhi (cl patient (n) mulwadza (vha-). -khathutshela pass (n) 186 . (vb) be ~ -sa fhela n-) cf Eng mbilu. perch (as person) -dzula. -foda cf Eng 'photo' track) gwala (ma-). tshilidzi (abstr): period (on timetable) phiriodi (dzi-) cf Eng (vb) -pfela vhutungu. -khokha. foot— : ndila (dzi-) physics fisika (cl n-) cf Afr 'fisika' patience vhusifhelembilu (abstr) physiology divhamuvhili (cl n-). (in examination) u permission Ihendelo (dzi-) phasa (infinit): (permission in writing) the. (vb) ~ on way: -fhira. ~ attention -dzhiela nzhele/tshe(mi-). ~ trees. cf Eng. thin -senda — lutanda (thanda). cooking ~ (metal): plural vhunzhi (abstr) bodo (dzi-) cf A fr pot' plus na (connective) potato dabula (ma-) cf Afr 'aariappei pocket large ~ mukwama (mi-). sour — mutuku (mi-).only) cf Afr politick' (vb) -pulasitela/-bulasitela cf Eng. (r/>) — mealies. jitanwa (ma-).poison (n) tshefu (dzi-) cf Afr 'gif. -anda achievement. wooden — ndilo (dzi-) ponder -elekanva platform (on station) bulatifomo (dzi-) cf Eng: pool (in river) dzivha (ma-) (stage) tshiteidzhi (dzi-) cf Eng. ordinary ~ potter muvhumbi (vha-) tshikwama (zwi-) pound (n) bonndo (dzi-) cf Afr pond'. puloto (dzi-) post in) (occupational) mushumo (mi-). tshisiwana (zwi-). -konea. only): ( ib) -dzudzanya.pomelo bambahosi (ma-) cf A fr pampelmoes thi (dzi-) cf Eng. ~ ladled out in ~ khithi! flat strips: mukonde (mi-) please -takadza portion (share) mukovhe (mi-). mbcvha. -goba/-gobela. (cunning. —a floor: -kupa 187 . treeless grassy ~ mudavhi (mi-) tshithoma. large clay ~ gali (makali). lipongoro (ma-) plans maano (pi only) polecat thuri (dzi-) plant (n) tshimela (zwi-). thundu (dzi-) (zwi-). large clay beer — nkho plug (prevent from coming out) -thivha (dzi-). tshimbevha possessions (cattle) thakha (dzi-). — of land: puloto (dzi-) cf Eng. big ~ danda (matanda). luvhula (ma-). (small dot) covered mostly with mopani trees hani (mapani). (vb) (smoothen) pole thanda (dzi-). posmasta (dzi-) cf ploughman mulimi (vha-) Eng pluck ~ feathers -thuvha —fruit -tula ~ )low­ post office posofisi (dzi-). tshitamba dzanyo (dzi-). (scheme) -langana marifhi (pi only) cf Afr brief . (vb) (dig) -lima Air 'pos' ploughed land (piece of) ndima (dzi-) postal code khoudu va poswo (dzi-) ploughing time dzima (ma-) postmaster raposwo (vho-). mushai (vha-). muvhilaeli (vha-) mark'. tshitanda.place place fhethu (local) plain (treeless) bale (mavhale). -konadzea literature mapfunele (pi only). (vb) ~ at -sumba. plans) maano (pi (zwi-). — in possible be —: -itea. ~ pound poet murendi (vha-) poetry vhurendi (abstr) point (n) (tip o f object) thodzi (dzi-).poor (n) musiwana (vha-). (vb) pope mupapa (vha ) cf Eng 'papal' or Afr paap -tamba. vhuimo (ma-) pliers lumano (vhu-). poswo (dzi-) cf Eng ers: -ka pot (clav ~) khali (dzi-). make — -vhamba/ (vb) -shela/-shelela tshefu/mulimo/tshitamba -luka maano poke at/into (as into fire) -fhuta plane («) musendo (mi-). (vb) (conspire) -ita tshiphiri/tshimail) poswo boswo (sing only) cf Afr 'pos'. -hulunga pollen muvula (/:o pi) plate (platter) boroto (dzi-) cf Afr hard . vhathu (zwi-) mushayi (vha-). clay ~ for plunder -thuba water: mvuvhelo (dzi-). (vb) -pholisha plaster (n) pulasitele/bulasitele (dzi -) cf Eng politics politiki (sing cl n. (piece) tshipida pleasing cf pleasant (zwi-) pleasure dakalo (ma-) portrait tshifanviso (zwi-) Pleiades tshilimela (no pi) position (scat) vhudzulo (pi same). big — used to bar gate­ plank bulannga (ma-) cf Afr plank' way bango (mapango). -luvheledza porridge vhuswa (maswa): thin — mukapu pleasant -takadzaho (vb rel): (ideopli) of being (mi-). make a ~ -amba plait (knit) -luka tshiga plan (n) (of building) pulane (dzi-) cf Eng: nzu. cf plaintiff muhweleli (vha-). (vb) be ~: platter cf plate -shava play («) mutambo (mi-). -luvhelela. (vb) -posa cf plough (n) dzembe (malembe). (letters. etc: police(man) pholisa (ma-) -rothedza. phuleiri (dzi-) c) Eng possess cf have plot (//) (conspiracy) tshiphiri (zwi-). mulimo (mi-). — in terms of plentiful be ~ -dala. phule. etc: -sima: police force vhupholisa (pi same) —seeds: -tavha polish («) pholishi (dzi-) cf Eng. —musical instrument -lidza (derogative) player mutambi (vha-) population vhathu (pi only) playground (clearance) luvhande (mbande) mu­ porcupine nungu (dzi-) davhi (mi-) pork nama ya nguluvhe plead -humbela. (vb) poem tshirendo (zwi-) -sinda. vhutungu (pi same). — in argument tshiga (zwi-). thoho-ya-tshikolo (dzi-) print (n) khandiso (dzi-). -bvela phanda proclaim divhisa. vhuimana (abstr) pregnant (be ~) -vhifha muvhilini. -vhea mulevho proclamation ndivhiso (dzi-). -hanisa. all kinds) mudoro (mi-) cf Afr 'turksvy’ pride vhudikukumusi (abstr). -dzudzanya prescribe (books. marangaphanda (pi only) prefer -tama. (in legal terms) thendelo (dzi-) provoke -tunga. ~ in health: -vha khwine prohibit -thivha. -thavha prickly pear (cactus. -tsikeledza. . etc) -randela. mulevho (mi-) produce (n) tshibveledzwa (zwi-). khakhathi (dzi-) procedure kuitele (ma-) proceed -isa phanda. (vb) ~ clothes: -aina cf Eng iron'. (vb) -bvisa. ~ soap tshisibe printing-press gandiso/khandiso (dzi-) prison dzhele (dzi-) cf Eng 'jail'. ~ out: -tevhula. -vhekanya. -thivhela. -funa preferable -tameaho (vb re!) prefix thangi (dzi-) pregnancy vhukole (abstr). (vb) ~ up: -tikedza prophecy vhuporofita (abstr) prophesy -porofita cf Afr ‘profeteer prophet muprofita (vha-) cf Eng proposal (motion) likumedzwa (ma-) propose (move) -dzinginya. ~ of multiplica­ tion: nyandiselo (dzi-) profess -bula profession — of sins: u bula (infinit): (occupa tion) mushumo(gudwa) (mi-) profit (n) bindu (ma-).pour psalm pour (~ in) -shela. (vb) -gandisa. Lord's ~: Thabelo ya Murena (no pi) prayer meeting thabelo (dzi-) preach -tanziela. -gada. (beseech earnestly) -rabeledza prayer thabelo (dzi-). -kandisa. -dzivhisa prohibition thivhelo (dzi-) promise (n) fulufhedziso/fhulufhedziso (ma-). -khoda praise-name cf praise-poem praise-poem tshirendo (zwi-). tshikhodo (zwi-) pray -rabela. u dihudza (infinit) priest tshifhe (vhotshifhe) prince mukololo (vha-) princess mukololo (vha-) principal prinsipala (ma-) cf Eng. -nea provided (conj) tenda province vundu (ma-) provision (for journey) mbuvha (dzi-). (vb) -fulufhedzisa/-fhulufhedzisa pronoun [isala (ma-). tshifhiwa (zwi-). khumbelo (dzi-). -shulula poverty (want) vhushai (abstr) powder luvhanda (mbanda). -bveledza producer mubveledzi (vha-) product tshibveledzwa (zwi-). ~ down into: -gadedzela Pretoria Tswane prevent -thivha. absolute — [isala vhukuma (ma-). -nea. tsumbo (dzi-) prop (n) mine thikho (dzi-). ~ to chief nduvho (dzi-). porofito (dzi-) cf Eng\ (vb) -bindula (vb) -bvela phanda. ~ on a girl. mbuelo (dzi-). (medicine) -vhudza mushonga prescription ndaela (dzi-) present (n) mpho (dzi-). -dzivha. relative ~ [isala vhushaka (ma-). quantitative ~ : lisalambalo (ma-) pronounce -bula pronunciation mubulo (mi-) proof vhutanzi (pisame). mugandiso (mi-). tshibandidi (zwi-) cf Afr ‘tronk'. —invalid argument: -pikisa prune -thena psalm phisalema (dzi-) cf Eng 1 88 programme mbekanyamushumo (dzi-). -dikukumusa prove -sumbedza. -dzivhisa prevention vhuthivha (abstr) previous -fhiraho (vb re!) price mutengo (mi-) prick (thorn) -vaya. -dihwala premolar lirangadzeu (ma-) preparation ndugiselo (dzi-) prepare -lugisa. -funza preacher mutanzieli (vha-). (vb) -fha. mupureki (vha-) cf Afr ‘preek' precipice (cliff) luwa (nngwa) predict (eg rain) -bvumba preface maswikisi (pi only). ~ milk: mafhi a lu­ vhanda (pi only) power maanda (pi only) praise -renda. tironngo (dzi-) tsha luvhanda (zwi-). ie court: -ambisa prosecutor mutshutshisi (vha-) protect -tsireledza protection tsireledzo (dzi-) proud be — (be too big for ones boots): -dihudza. -phuresa cf Eng: -pwanyeledsa. (writing) -tiwala printer mukandisi (vha-) printing-ink ennge ya u gandisa (dzi-) prisoner tshivhotshwa (zwi-). -tanziela proverb murero (mi-) provide -fha. demonstr ~: (isala [isumbi (ma-). (adv) hone eg ri hone we are present preserve -vhulunga press (n) khandiso (dzi-). khothoni (dzi-) cf Afr ‘bandiet' prize pfufho (dzi-) problem thaidzo (dzi-). gurannda (dzi-) cf Afr 'koerant'. -thivhela. —out (as thorn): -tomola. (announce) -divhadza publisher mugandisi (vha ) pufT-adder vuluvulu (ma-) pull -kokodza. abstr) raid -tasela railway rajiwei (vho-) ie personified rain (n) mvula (dzi-). cf Afr 'lap': (worn cloth) dzadza (ma-) rage mbiti (dzi. -phamsha cf Eng punishment thamu (dzi). bwindi (ma-). — of cooked pumpkin: khobvu (dzi-) pulpit tshiingamo (zwi-). (rb) -dubekana. (of people) lushaka (tshakha). vhunzhi quickly nga u tavhanya (adv) quiet ideoph of being — tshete!. (as axe handle) -kula. ~ on lid: -tiba. (vb) -vhudzisa question mark tshivhudzisi (zwi ) queue (n) muduba (mi-). ~ a noun or pronoun: -talula muduba quality vhunzam (abstr) quantitative —pronoun lisalambalo (ma-) quantity (cf number) tshivhalo (zwi-). -redza kotara (dzi-) cf Eng queen khosi (dzi-). ~ of eye tshanga (dzi-) puppy mbwanana (dzi ) purchase (u) thengo (dzi-). (a person) -khara- medza put -vhea. -tovhola pus vhulwa (cl vhu-) push (object) -sukumedza. (adv) in — khagala publish ~ books: -kandisa/-gandisa. -gadeledza rand (money) rannda (dzi-) Rand (Reef) Ranndani (local) ransom (u) tshirengululi (zwi-). (genetic) tsinde (ma-) radio radio (dzi-) cf Eng raft tshiveki (zwi-) rag (for cleaning) labi (ma-). ( ib) -semana quarter (quantity) tshaina (zwaina). soft/misty — drizzle: vhusuto (no pi): widespread — mubvumbi (mi-). tshikwama (zwi-). ~ on firelstove: -gadza. ~ in (poles in ground): -toka. etc) bommbo (dzi-) cf Afr 'pomp'. -tea. mufumakadzi (vha-) R race (in athletics) mbambe (dzi-). heavy — cloudburst tshirulu (zwi-). -rwa quail tshikungulu (zwi-) quake -reremela. -vhea. —to bed: -ladza. (vb) -na rainbow musingavhadzimu (mi-) rain-gauge tshikalamvula (zwi-) rain-water madi a mvula raise (lift up) -imisa: ~ cattle.only. (vb) -kanganyisa python tharu (dzi-) quench -dzima. muredzo (pi same) quarrel (n) tsemano (dzi-). lufhun ( (dzi-)phuri). (\b) (redeem) -rengulula ratel (badger) tshisele (zwi-) 1S9 . ~ off (pluck feathers): -thuvha pulp bwere (ma-). (vb) cf buy pure vhukuma purlin luvhalelo (mbalclo) purse tshipatshi (zwi-). ~ down -vhea fhasi. -hoha. -khakhulula puzzle (n) khanganyiso (dzi-). — into -longa.public ratel public (n) vhathu (c/ vha. -dzinginyea qualification ndalukano (dzi ) qualify — for post: -fusha. ~ right: -lugisa. (in time) (mi-) quotation marks zwidevhe (pi only) quote -khoutha cf Eng. tshitarafu (zwi) cf Afr muhumbulo \va vhathu (mi-). murafho (mi-)./ruii of — plant: furi (mafhuri) 'strap. — down: -gadedzela. — opinion punish -tarafa cf Afr 'strap. ~ together -vhekanya. phanishimennde (dzi-) cf Eing pupil mugudiswa (vha-). phuluphithi (dzi-) cf Eng pump (it) (on bore hole) gwedzho (ma-). -dzimula question («) mbudziso (dzi ). hoo! quiver (n) mukutu (mi-). purekesitulu (dzi-) cf Afr preekstoei. tshiranda (zwi-) pursue pandamedza. (vb) -tetemela quotation khotheshem (dzi-) cf Eng. (for oil. air. etc: -fuwa rake (n) harika (dzi-) cf Afr Imrk ': (vb) -harika cf Afr hark’ ram (n) (male sheep) khaba (dzi-).only). (vb) -fha- nzhela. phese (dzi-) cf Eng. (vb) -bommba cf Afr pomp’ pumpkin — plant: luranga ( (dzi-)thanga). -longela. (animals) -fuwa rel). vhudirovhedzi refugee tshavhi (dzi-) (abstr) refuse (n) tshikha (dzi-). -dirovhedza refuge place of —: vhushavhelo (pi same) repentance vhudisoli (abstr). ma-. Jitalazaza (ma-) regards (n) ndumeliso (cl dzi. (vb) send reach -swika. (recollect) -humbula redemption thengululo (dzi-). (vb) repetition cf revision. mi-. — lid reed lutanga (thanga) (from pot): -tibula. — conti­ refresh -phulusa. li-. (vb) -lugisa Reformed Church Kereke ya Tshandululo repeat (do again) -dovha. —ed student: nwalisaho (vb rel) reason (n) tshiitisi (zwi-). -vhona n-/dzin-: mbisi. (vb) (argue) -tata regret -disola rebuke -sema. (vb) —an article really ngoho (adv) -redzhisitara cf Eng. ~ (eg stolen) goods: -dzhiulula lit go outside recovery u fhola (infinit). -phulusa. -dovholola. -tshidza remember -elelwa. -litsha reconciliation vhupfumedzanyi (abstr) reliable (vb) -fhulufhedzea/-fulufhedzea. (vb rel) record (n) rekhodo (dzi-) cf Eng. nzivhuluwo (dzi-) relish tshisevho (zwi-) rector rekhitha (dzi-) cf Eng rely -fulufhedza/-fhulufhedza. — pot reed flute nanga (dzi-) from fire: -fula refer -laedza renew -vusuludza referee mutambisi (vha-). -limuha. (vb) -rekhoda -fhulufhedzeaho/-fulufhedzeaho cf Eng relief thuso (dzi-) record-player tshitambarekhodo (zwi-) relieve -thusa. -fhungudza. eg hat) -bvula. —over: -takalela -swielela relate -anetshela. (vb) -khakhulula renumeration malamba (cl ma. -shandula remove -bvisa. (acknow­ relation(ship) vhuandani (abstr) eg vhuandani ledge) -tenda na khonani dzawe relation with his/her recognition ndivheo (dzi ) friends. —on in case o f trouble : -pika red -tswuku (adj) (mu-. -talusa. hu tshi humbulwa ray lisasaladzi (ma-). -landula. mi-. -dzivhulusa nuously: -dovholola refreshments zwidzivhulusi (pi only) repent -disola. vhu-. (vb) -htra cf Afr reference ndaedzo (dzi-). remain -sala zwi-. blood —-ship: vhushaka (abstr) recollect -elelwa relative shaka (ma-). (person) regiment vhuthu (hh) (cl |i-) muvhali (vha-) region dzingu (ma-). tshi-. (take off. -swikela read -vhala —: -lumelisa reader (book) bugu ya u vhala (dzi-). -kaidza regular ya/dza/tsha misi yothe (poss) receipt rasiti (dzi-) cf Eng reign (n) muvhuso (mi-). -netulusa. -talukanya register (n) redzhisitara (dzi-).only) reformation khakhululo (dzi-) repair (n) ndugiso (dzi-). ku-) regarding cf concerning. li-. (euphemistic) bvela nga nnda -dzivhuluwa. ku-) remains tsalela (masalela) redden -tswukisa remark muhumbulo (mi-) redeem -rengulula. ndovhololo (dzi-) -lamba. -toolola recognise (identify) -divha. ma-. mulanguli (vha-) rent (n) rennde (dzi-) cf Eng. 190 . phuluso (dzi-). — load (from head): -rula. malugana na . malatwa (pi only). — as student: -nwalisa. -hola. reap (harvest) -kana ('qualif) ~ed article: -redzhisitariwaho (vb rear (children) -alusa. vhuphulusi (abstr) remind -eletshedza. vha-. zwi-. tshi-. — to admit: -hareplace -vhuedzedza.ratio replace nedza regard -dzhia. — recover (from illness) -fhola. -hanelela. n-/dzin-: tswuku. -hana.only). — leaves (from branch) reedbuck davhu (ma-) -thatha. lu-. -humbudza redness vhutswuku (abstr) reminder nyeletshedzo (dzi-) reduce -fhungudza. — guests: rejoice -takala. — pronoun: lisala vhu­ recommend -themendela shaka (ma-) recommendation themendelo (dzi-) relax -digeda reconcile (two parties) -pfumedzan(y)a release -vhofholola. lu-. -lela. -vhona. ~ one’s senses: oneself: -nya. — nature: -nya. ndaulo (dzi-) 'huur' reform (n) khakhululo (dzi-). tshitiriki (zwi-) cf Afr real vhukuma ‘streek' realise -limuwa. -fulufhela/-fhulurecuperate -fhola fhela. (vb) -vhusa receive -Janganedza. vhu-. -thivha vhudzulo ratio (of numbers) ndivhanele (dzi-) raw -vhisi (adj) (mu-. — salary. remembrance khumbudzo (dzi-) tshidzo (dzi-). -songo khakheaho (vb rel). (of body against disease) khondelo (dzi-) respect (n) khuliso (dzi-). tshanda tshihulu righthand side tshauja ring (n) rinngi (dzi-) cf Eng. -divhadza. political ~. muthelo wa mbuelo (mi-) reverse (n) phambano (dzi-). -divhika. -tshidza rescuer mulamukisi (vha-). (vb) -lifhedza reverend mufunzi (vha-) revenue mbuelo (dzi-). (vb reI) -pfumaho riches (wealth) lupfumo (no pi) riddle that (dzi-) ride -namela. -kaidza reproach -sema. kaidza reptile tshikokovhi (zwi-) republic riphabuliki (dzi-) cf Eng reputation phungo (dzi-) request (n) khumbelo (dzi-). mvutshe­ lano (dzi-) revolve -mona revolver volovolo (ma-. -teaho (vb rel). -bula revenge (n) ndifhedzo (dzi-). mvuwavhafu (dzi-) retaliate -lifhedza. -hova ridiculous -seisaho (vb rel). (white) tshu- gulu (dzi-) rhyme pfanopheledzo (dzi-) rhythm mutevhetsindo (mi-) rib luvhabvu (mbabvu) rice raisi (cl n. (vb) -pfuma. ~ in evening (cattle). -orowa reveal (something bidden) -dzumbulula. —from sleep -vuwa. -ambulula. -gada ridge —of hills. (qualif) (not wrong) -lulamaho (vb rel). -bvuma. -sa pfa liho (vb rel) riem luzwa (nnzwa) rifle (with grooved barrel) tshigidi (zwi-) cf Afr 'skier' right (n) pfanelo (dzi-). ~ for work. maanda (cl ma. kudambwana (zwi-) road bada (dzi-) cf Afr 'pad'. mupfumi (vha-). -funa requirement thodea (dzi-) rescue -lamukisa. ~ a case -pota cf Eng. (vb) -awela restfulness vhuawelo (abslr) resting place (place of rest) tshiawelo (dzi-). mpunga/mupunga (grain sing mu.only) rinse (washing) -tukisa.in pi) rich (n) —person. — tax. -lifhedzela retaliation ndifhedzo (dzi-) retire -notha cf Eng 'notice' retread -bika mathaela retreat -humela murau retribution mulifho (mi-) return -vhuya. — 191 . -rivesa cf Eng revise -sedzulusa. -holedza.only. — as of river -unga/ -uunga roast (on open fire) -thatha. (vb) -huma. -thonifha respond (with a call) -aravha rest (n) nyawelo (dzi-). -hwelela repose -awela represent -imela representative muimeli (vha-) representation vhuurielcli (abslr) reprimand -sema. (vb) -hulisa. (vb) -vutshela revolution mumono (mi-). (vb) -humbela require -toda. ~ a horse. -buda-buda roar -vhomba. gondo (ma-) roam -vhimbila. ~ a car.only) rhinoceros (black) thema (dzi-). -litsha mushumo resignation tsiruwo (dzi-) resin nonzhe (dzi-) resist -hana resistance nungo (dzi-). dzi-) cf Eng reward malamba (cl ma. tshigina (zwi-). -lidza (tr) ringleader khunzi (dzi-) ringworm mapazha (cl ma. -dovholola revision ndovhololo (dzi ) revolt (n) mvutshelano (dzi-). -otsha/-gotsha. -bveledza resurrect (raise from dead) -vusa lufuni/vhafuni resurrection mvuwo (dzi-). (vb) -vhudza.only). nvese (dzi-) cf Eng. -huma. thompho (dzi-). — very early from sleep -buba. (mouth) -kulukusha ripe be/become —/ripen -vhibva rise (of sun) -bva.replacement roast replacement mbuedzedzo'(dzi-) reply (n) phindulo (dzi-): (vb) -fhindula report (n) muvhigo (mi-). vhuawela (pi same) result (n) mvelelo (dzi-). — from dead -vuwa lufuni/vhafuni rival livhanga (ma-) river mulambo (mi-) river-bank kunzikhunzi (dzi-). (mound o f soil for planting) mavhumbudu (pi onlv) ridicule cf mock -sea. tshanda tshinna. mutshidzi tsha-). -ya vhukuma/ngoho (poss) righteous -lugaho (vb rel) righteousness u luga (infmit) right hand tshanda tsha u [a. -fhinduwa. —from seat. khanyisavhanwe (vho-) resemble -fana reserve -vhaledza reside -dzula residence vhudzulo (ma-) resign -tsiruwa. ripoto/riphotho (dzi-) cf Eng'. ear-—: tshinina (zwi-). philiphili (dzi-) rivulet kudambo (zwi-). -takuwa. (vb) -bvelela. -sa pfalesi. (ascend) -gonya. plant mi. (vb) -lila (intr). muduthwa (mi-).onlv) cf Eng. mi-.only). jihwarahwara (ma-). sadness vhutungu (abstr) safe (n) sefo (dzi-) cf Eng. — up: -peta. ~ eye: -tsikinyedza. sele (dzi-) cf Eng.only). (vb) ~ down-. vhuponyi (abstr) Eng. malamba (pi only) (zwi-). — dodgingly: -dodoma. ~ in: -dodza: —out (erase): -thutha. (as of sleeve) -finya.-karusa route ndila (dzi-) row muduba (mi-). (vb) -sabothedzha cf safety tsira (dzi-). saint mukhethwa (vha-) tshi-. bada ya fulaimatshini (bada dza . —floor: -firifa cf Afr 'vryf rubber raba (dzi-) cf Eng rubbish thukhwi (dzi. (vb) -kumedzela.of old hut: dumba (matumba/madumba). mulayo (mi-). large flat ~ lutombo (thombo) rock-rabbit (dassie) mbila (dzi-) rogue tshigevhenga (zwi-). -mbulumbuwa: ~ over as of pain: -bidig'ama. -phumula. (qualif) -ponyaho (vb rel). ~ over as donkey: -bidiga. ma-. vhuhosi (abstr) rub -sikitedza. -dzunguluwa (inlr). (vb) -pandela. (as offer­ sale thengiso (dzi-). .only) rump khondo (dzi-) run -gidima. (vb) -tshinyadza rule (n) muvhuso (mi-). tshikeleme (zwi-) cf Afr 'skelm' roll (n) bele (dzi-) cf Eng ‘bale’. mutshiing) -ita/-nekedza tshidzimu piso (mi-) cf Eng 'cheap'. (language) Tshirashia. (noise) phosho (dzi-). -hadzinga rob -tangula robber vemu (ma-) robbery vhuvemu (abstr) robot roboto (dzi-) cf Eng rock dombo (matombo). mathukhwi (maonly) rubbish-heap daledale (ma-) rug tshali (dzi-) cf Afr tjalie rugby ragabii (dzi-) cf Eng ruin (n) (of village) shubi (marubi). mavharivhari (ma. (as of mat) -adzulula Roman Muroma (Vha-) roof thanga (dzi-) rooibok phala (dzi-) rooi-muishond lukhohe (khohe/vhukhohe) room rumu (dzi-) cf Eng. -vhumbulusa (ir). ~ over as log/donkeylstone: -phiguluwa (inlr). ~ away: -shavha runnel kudambwana (zwi-) running cf continuous runway vhukavhelo (no pi). kha- s Sabbath Savhatha (dzi-) cf Eng sable antelope phalaphala (dzi-) sabotage (n) vhusabothadzhi (abstr) cf Eng. (vb) -vhusa ruler muvhusi (vha-). (vb) -tavhanya/-tavhanyedza Russia Rashia Russian (person) Murashia (Ma-). kamara (dzi-) cf Afr 'kamer' rooster mukukulume (mi-) root (n) mudzi (mi-). roio (dzi-) cf Afr 'rol'. (vb) up— -tupula rope thambo (dzi-) rot -sina rotate -dzungulusa (ir). tshikumedzwa salary muholo (mi-). ruja (dzi-) cf Eng rumble -bvuma rumbling mubvumo (mi-) rumen gulu (ma-) ruminate dzeula rumour mavheevhee (ma. etc) salad saladi (dzi-) cf Eng sacrifice (n) tshidzimu (zwi-). (vb) -alavha sacrament sakaramente (dzi-) cf Eng sailor mualavhi (vha-) sacred -khethwa (adj) (mu-. -kunguluwa (inlr). -thatha sail (n) seila (dzi-) cf Eng. -tshinyadza safety-pin haka (dzi-) cf Afr haak’ sack (n) khedzi (dzi-). -vhulungwaho (vb rel) vhutshinyadzi (abstr). ) rush (n) thick — mudulu (mi-). -tungufhadza salt (n) muno (no pi). make ~/grievel saliva mare (pi only) sadden. -nekedza. (vb) -rusa cf Afr roes' dry in pot: -kanga. rula (dzi-) cf Eng 'ruler'. ji-. -phigulusa (ir). Lurashia rust (n) vhulali (pi same). vha-. ndayo (dzi-). . -mona rotation mudzunguluwo (mi-) round (as in boxing) raundu (dzi-) cf Eng roud up -thivha. -kungulusa (ir). (vb) -lunga saddle sale (dzi-) cf Afr ‘saal' saltiness ludungela (abstr) 192 .rob saltiness khathi (dzi-) royalty (glory) vhurena (abstr). mbambadzo (dzi-) sacrum tshikondo (zwi-) salesman murengisi (vha-) sad be/become -tungufhala. . -tanga rouse -vusa. -vhumbuluwa (inn). -hasekanya (tr). -fhambanyisa. (judgement) khaEng: -luka maano thulo (dzi-). be ~d -fura. pfunzo scoop out (like meal from mortar) -fhahula (dzi-) scorch (burn) -fhisa servant mushumeli (vha-). (take possession of) -dzhia. khetho (dzi-) scandal vhutudzi (abstr) self (himself. (vb) from view: -tsira vehicle: -sevisa cf Eng 193 .service saltv sally be become — -dunga salutation theshano (dzi-) salute (n) saluthi (dzi-) cf Eng: (vb) -resha. (lay hold saw (n) saha (dzi-) cf Afr 'saag'. — up food: -avha. church thabelo (dzi-). muhoyo (mi-) Satan Sathane (vho-) cf Afr Satan diaboulo (vho-) satiate -fusha. (expert) musentinel (on high point) tsevhi (dzi-) divhi (vha-). ~~ in scrape -fhala. -pfelela Saturday Mugivhela (Mi-) sauce muthotho (mi-). (in tennislmainte(vb) -zhamba. tshipida (zwi-) Eng security tsireledzo (dzi-) see -vhona saucer sosara (dzi-) cf Eng save —money: -vhulunga. -khethekaschool tshikolo (zwi-) cf Afr 'skooi nya school fees tshikolofisi (zwi-) cf Eng separation khethekanvo (dzi-). vhunga (conj) rous position: -phulusa. -hanyisa saviour mutshidzi (vha-). -pala. -pfelela satire tsatsaladzo (dzi-) satisfy -fusha. -shumela. scream (n) luzhambo (nzhambo). soso (dzi-) cf screw (u) tshikurufu (zwi-) cf Afr skroef: (vb) — in: -kurufela. -rengulula. thovho (dzi-) sane ideoph of being — khithi' sarcasm vhusoli (abstr). -hasa semi-vowel pfalanyana (dzi-) (tr). -hasha (tr) send -ruma. ~ life: -tshidza. -hanvisa. -kweta service (n) tshumelo (dzi-). (vb) -saha cf Afr of forcibly Isuddenly) -dzhavhula 'saag' Sekukuniland Hasikhukhuni (local) say -n. phambanyiso science saintsi (cl n) cf Eng (dzi-) scientist musaintsi (vha-) cf Eng September Khubvumedzi scissors pair of ~ tshigero (zwi-) cf Afr 'skêr' sergeant sedzhem (vho-/ma-) cf Eng scold -sema. mushumo (mi-). ~ awav -rumela scene bono (ma-) senility cf old age schedule shedulu (dzi-) cf Eng: muengedzo (mi-) sensitive -tata scheme (n) tshikimu (zwi-) cf Eng: (vb) -kima cf sentence (n) fhungo (ma-). -kaidza sermon pureke (dzi-) cf Afr 'preek'. -salutha cf Eng salvation (redemption) tshidzo (dzi-) samp mashosho (pi only). ~ out o f dange­ seedling mbwanana (dzi-) seeing (that) hufha (conj). ~ loudly -tavha mukosi nance of car) sevisi (dzi-) cf Eng: (vb) — screen (n) tshitsiro (zwi-). -phuseed mbeu/mbehu (dzi-) lusa. mukosi (mi-). sia (ma-). (offer for sale/barterlhawk) -vhascarf tshikafu (zwi-) cf Eng mbabza scatter -balangana (intr). etc) -ne (relal suff) eg ene scar livhadzi/luvhadzi (ma-) mune himself. -balanganva (tr). tshikolara (zwi-) cf Eng separate -fhambanya. be said -pfi (passive of -ri) select -nanga. muro (mi-). -khetha scabies phadi (dzi-) selection munango (mi-). do­ sha. herself. muphulusi (vha-) seek -toda savour mudifho (mi-) seer muporofita (vha-) cf Eng 'prophet savoury tshisevho (zwi-) seize -fara. -hwaya. vhone vhane themselves scarce -shaeaho (vb reI) self-respect u dithompha (infinit) scare -shushedza sell -rengisa. mulana (vha-) scorpion phame (dzi-) serve -shuma. (vb) pass ~ -hatula scholar (pupil) mugudiswa (vha-). ~ out crusts from pot -kokota tennis: -seva cf Eng scratch -veta. tshidamba (zwi-) cf Afr 'stamp' sand mutavha (mi-) sandal phashane (dzi-). -vhofa screwdriver tshikurudiraiva (zwi-) cf Eng Scriptures Manwalo (pi o/lunwalo) scrub -koropa cf Afr 'skrop' sea Iwanzhe (malwanzhc) seam murungo (mi-) search for -toda seat tshidzulo(zwi-) second vhuvhili eg gere va vhuvhili the second gear secondly (adv) tsha vhuvhili secrecy tshidzuinbe (zwi-) secret tshiphiri (zwi-) secretary muiiwaleli (vha ) secretary-bird thame (dzi-) section khethekanvo (dzi-). —to pieces -pwashekanya (tr). (vb) sheet (bedding) lagane (ma-) cf Afr 'taken': ~ down load: -rula. (vb) be a~d -shona Shangaan Mutshangana (Ma-) shape (well moulded) mbumbo (dzi-). ma. -zhamba shove -sukumedza shovel fosholo (dzi-) cf Eng show (n) tano (ma-). mutavha (mi-). ~ alight: -funga. ma-. (finalise) -fhedza settlement mudzudzo (mi-). -sudzuluwa (intr) shilling (10 cent coin) sheleni (dzi-. segere (dzi-) cf Afr 194 . ~ of sun: -kovhela set-back tshithithisi (zwi-) settle -dzula. -khanya. (vb) -sumba. ~ table: (cf lay table). lu-. (vb) take —: khauledza. tshitolo (zwi-) cf Eng ‘store’. -sumbedza shower (n) shawara (dzi-) cf Eng. n-/dzin-: pfufhi. mukosi (mi-). ~ ques­ tions -setha cf Eng. (with gun) -thuntsha. mi-. vhusuto (vhu. -tshenusa shoe tshienda (zwi-) Shona (person) Mukalanga (Vha-). -pwashekana (intr) shave -vheula. —tears: -rothisa mitodzi sheep nngu (dzi-) sheet-iron baphathi (ma-) shelf raka/raga (dzi-) cf Afr 'rak' shell (n) khumba (dzi-). (vb) -kovha shareholder mufare(mu)kovhe (vha-) sharp be — -fhira. — a machine: -sehta cf Eng. -buda shorten -pfufhifhadza shortly hu si kale (adv) short story nganeapfufhi (dzi-) shoulder shada (mahada) shoulder-blade famba (ma-) shout (call loudly) -huwelela. (a case) -hatula. -fhandekanya. (vb) -tsira. ~ of nutlegglpodloyster. -huma. (of colony) setelemennde (dzi-) cf Eng settler musetelare (vha-) cf Afr setlaar' seven sumbe. (vb) -mangadza. -vhengama ship tshikepe (zwi-) cf Afr 'skip' shirt hemmbe (dzi-) cf Afr 'hemp' shiver -tetemela. tshifi (dzi-) cf Eng: (vb) -sudzulusa (tr). zwi-. vhu-. -tshefa cf Eng shawl tshalana (dzi-) dirnin of tshali she cf he she-goat phambala (dzi-) sheaf khulane (dzi-).for amount) shine (glitter) -penya. -haltfhaho (vb rel) severely nga maanda (adv) sew (on) -runga sex mbeu (dzi-) shade (n) murunzi (mi-). ku-) short cut (n) tshikhau (zwi-). (an account) -lifha. shopho (dzi-/ma-) cf Eng: (vb) -renga shopkeeper ramavhengele (vho-) shore vhugabelo (pi same) short -pfufhi (adj) (mu-. Lukalanga (no pi) shoot (n) (bud) lurere (no pi): (vb) (with arrow) -pfula. -fhula shelter (n) vhukhudo (pi same): (vb) -khuda shepherd mulisa (vha-) shield (n) tshitangu (zwi-). — of rain. ~ hquid/head -dzungudza. -tibedza. —free: -vhofholola. -devha. -stela cf Afr 'stel’. -tsireledza. -dzinginyea (intr).Session sickle session dzulo (raa-) set (n) sethe (dzi-) cf Eng. (metal) baphathi (ma-) etc: ganda (makanda). ~ outloff dust: -ukhutha. tshi-. -tiba shadow murunzi (mi-) shake ~ to and fro -dzinginya (tr). -khethekanya several -fhambanaho (vb rel) severe -vhavhaho (vb rel). (vb) -thothonya. thanu-na-mbili seventeen fumisumbe seventh tshasumbe seventy fusumbe sever -fhandekana. -khura shock (n) dzhenuwo (ma-). (quake) -dzinginya (tr): -dzinginyea (intr) shaking mudzinginyo (mi-) shaky -tepaho (vb rel) shall (will) do (aux vb) shallow -songo tsesaho (vb rel. -hwahwamala shrub tshiri (zwi-) shuffle (cards) -tshova cf Eng 'shove': — (walk) -tsetsema shut -vala Sibasa Hatshivhasa. tshivhumbeo (zwi-) share (n) mukovhe (mi-). ~ leaves -tuma lurere shop (n) vhengele (ma-) cf Afr wtnkei. ~ on stock exchange shere (dzi-) cf Eng. vha-. -khuda shift (n) (turn) diso (ma-). ~ loudly: -javha mukosi shrink -hwetekana. ~ hands -khada. -fhambanya. -halifha sharpen -tutula (axe): -vhada (pencil) sharpness vhuhali (abstr) shatter (break) -pwasha.only): (vb) -tamba shriek (n) luzhambo (nzhambo). Sibasa sick -Iwala sickle lukwea (khwea). ~ blood. li-. -shulula. -fhambana. (vb) -pilela. -wisa. bundle of sheaves: tshihule (zwi-) shears tshigero (zwi-) cf Afr 'skêr' shed (n) shede (dzi-) cf Eng: (vb) -zuza. (language) Tshikalanga (no pi). ~ aside -vhetshela. neg) shame (n) thoni (dzi-). (vb) -zhamba. vha-. mi-. -tshingama slanting -sendamaho (vb ret). vhutshinyi (abstr). — away into (as in mud) -phirimela sinner muitazwivhi (vha-) sinning vhutshinyi (abstr) sip (n) zwikadzwa (pi only). -khakha. — with rope: -fhufha khadi skipping-rope khadi (dzi-) skirt tshikete (zwi-) cf Eng skull dethe/dethele (ma-) sky lutombo (no pi) slander (back-bite) -remba slant -sendama. muvhuye (vha-) sister-in-law (wife's elder sister) mmemuhulu (vho-). (wife's younger sister or male per­ son's elder brother's wife) mmane (vho-). stop tshiga tsha tshitopo (zwi-). on this — sell na luno. (symbol) tshiga (zwi-). -sutula skip -pfuka. ideoph of — zhambu! sly -talifhaho (vb rel). mazwale (vho-). poor — luvhonela (no pi). (slumber for moment) -zhambula sleeping place vhulalo (pi same) sleepy be —: -kumedza sleeve tshanda (zwanda) slender -sckene (adj) (mu-. -redzemuwa: ~. tshilai (zwi-) cf Eng. tshavhutanu-na-vhuthihi sixty furathi size saizi (dzi-) cf Eng. (vb) -ita ngafhadzo signature tsaino (dzi-) cf Eng 'sign signpost tshisumbandila (zwi-) silent be ~ -fhumula silk siliga (dzi-) cf Eng silver silivhere (dzi-) cf Eng similar (be — to) -fana simile lifanvisi (ma-) simmer -xaxara simplify -leludza simply sokou (aux verb) eg o sokou da he simply came simultaneously mazha. zwi-. ma-. tshi-. (vb) -swadza. —a day: -fhidza. hufha (con/). elder ~ of female person mukomana (vha-). (vb) ~ with straw -tswonzwa sister — of mail person (also brother of female person): khaladzi. (vb) ~ into (like water in soil): -nwelela. lu-. younger — of female person murathu (vha-). ~ (of body) lurumbu (no pi) side dish tshisevho (zwi-) siding railway ~ kotishi (dzi-) siege mugovhelo (mi-) sieve (n) sefo (dzi-) cf Afr s i f . — on father's sidelchiefs —: makhadzi (vho-). (vb) -sefa cf Afr site fhethu (local) •sir sift -sefa cf Afr sif sight u vhona (infinit). ku-) slenderness vhusekene (abstr) slice (n) lupepelele (vhu-). -lala. tshingamaho (vb rel) slaughter -thavha slave phuli (dzi-) slavery vhupuli (abstr) sleep (n) khofhe (dzi-). -suvha. thanu-na-nthihi sixteen fumirathi sixth tsharathi. lu-. vhu-. —with legs apart -tandavhala six rathi. —-in-law mmemuhulu (vho-). hu-. vhuhulu (abstr) skill vhutsila (abstr). make -tukufhadza smallness vhutuku (abstr) I smallpox thomba (dzi-) 195 . (vb) -via. u tuwa. —of gun lito/ito (mato) sign (n) (mark) luswayo (tswayo). (female person's brother’s wife) muvhuye (vha-) sit down -dzula. ku-) small become ~ -tukufbala. -ita zwivhi since vhunga (conf). (jump'1-thamuwa. -tshea slight -nyana (dimin suff) slightly (a little) zwituku (adv). zwi-. (adv) nga u ongolowa sluggard mubva (vha-) slumber -kumedza. vhukoni (abstr) skim -ungula skin (n) lukanda (khanda).sickness smallpox 'sekel' sickness vhulwadze (ma-) side ~ of (alongside) thungo (dzi-/matungo). n-/dzin-: tsekene. li-. (male person's younger brother's wife) ma­ zwale (vho-). (vb) -saina cf Eng signal (n) ngafhadzo (dzi-). n-/dzin-: ihukhu. on that ~ seli na lula. u bva sinew mukala (mi-) sing -imba singer muimbi (vha-) singular vhuthihi (abstr) sink (n) sanzwelo (ma-). vhu-. mmane (vho-). vha .away1 off unobtrusively: -nenga slipperiness vhuredzi (abstr) slippery redza slit throat -shidzha slope tshivhanga (zwi-) slow -ongolowaho (vb rel) slowly (vb) do —: -ongolowa. (vb) -tshinya. little) -tuku (adj) (mu-. kathihi sin (n) (bad deed) tshivhi (zwi-). very ~ zwitukutuku (adv) slime lurofhe (no pi) sling gatho (ma-) slip -tseremuwa. -thanyesaho (vb rel) smack (n) cf clout: (vb) -pamudza small (young. tshi-. (vb) -edela. n-/dzin-: thethe. ii-. ma-. -fembedza snuff-box khambana (dzi-) soak (in water) -lovhea so-and-so mugede (vho-). -mwemwela/ -nweriwela smith mufuli (vha-). mutshilitshili (mi-) spirit muya (mimuya). -bvisa vhutsi/mutsi smoker mudahi (vha-) snail khumba (dzi-) snake nowa (dzi-) snare mureo (mi-). -vhaima spark plug pulaka (dzi-) cf Eng 'plug' speak (talk) -amba speaker muambi (vha-). (vb) -daha. lwefha soon (shortly) hu si kale (adv) sore (n) tshilonda (zwi-). lu-. -nzhenzhema. vhu-) softball sofuthibola (dzi-) cf Eng softness vhutete (abstr) soil (n) mavu (pi only). (vb) (dirty) -tswukisa solder (n) mutobvu (mi-). (vb) feel rei) -pfa vhuJungu Sotho (person) Musuthu (Vha-) soul muya (mimuya). mukene (vho-) soap tshisibe (zwi-) cf Afr ‘seep’. muhwe (vha-) soot tshinyai (zwi-) soothsayer mubvumbi (vha-) sorcerer muloi (vha-) sorceress muloi (vha-) sorcery vhuloi (abstr) sorghum (millet) makhaha (pi only) sorrow vhutungu (abstr) sorry (inter/) pfarelo!. tshipeidi (zwi-) cf Eng span (of oxen) tshipano (zwi-) cf Afr ‘span’ spanner tshipanere (zwi-) cf Eng spare (save) -vhulunga.only). (vb) cf sniff. (vb) -Ida soup swobo (dzi-) cf Afr ‘sop’ sour (vb) be -vhavha. mutodo (mi-) spine mutodo (mi-). mufulatsimbi (vha-) smithy cf forge smoke (n) vhutsi (pi same). ~ of chief: mukololo (vha-) song ngosha (dzi-). -fembedza snore (n) mahono (cl ma. luimbo (nyimbo) son-in-law mukwasha (vha-). good munukhelela (mi-). tshikwekwe (zwi-) snatch away -zhuvhula sneak off -nenga sneeze -atsamula sniff (snuff) -nukhedza. zwi-.only) cf Afr 'kapok' snuff (u) fola (ma-). (vb) -swolodela cf Afr ‘soldeer' soldier liswole (ma-) cf Afr ‘soldaat' sole (of shoe) swole (dzi-) cf Eng solicitor (attorney) axennde (maaxennde) cf Afr agent’ some cf other something tshihwe tshithu (zwi-) sometimes nga tshiiiwe tshifhmga son murwa (vha-). mi-. -fhedza sphere khungulu (dzi-). -tevhuwa (intr) spinach tshipinitshi (zwi-) cf Eng spinal column mutshilitshili (mi-).smash splinter smash -pwasha smear -dola. ~ nicely. take -daha. (vb) -hona snow gambogo (class n. tshi-. -dodza. -vhengema. muthu (vha-) sound (n) mubvumo (mi-). Holy — Muyamukhethwa spiritlevel cf level spit -pfa splash (water) -hasha spleen lumende (vhu-) splinter (of wood) lufhanza (phanza) 1% . -fhoma. munukho (mi-). tshiambi (zwi-). muduhula (vha-). -hasha spade harafu (dzi-) cf Afr ‘graaf. (fruit) (hanzwa (dzi-) south tshipembe South Africa Afurika-Tshipembe sow (by hand) -zwala. (qualif) -vhavhaho (vb ret) source tshisima (zwi-). ~ money -shumisa tshelede. part of thinwaipfi (dzi-) speed (n) luvhilo (no pi). -vhea spare wheel tshipere (zwi-) cf Eng spark thase (dzi-) sparkle -penya. powder tshisibe tsha luvhanda soccer cf football sock swogisi (dzi-) cf Afr 'sokkies’ sofa sofa (ma-) cf Eng soft -tete (adj) (mu-. wash— tshisibe tsha u kuvha. — of house of Parliament: mulangadzulo (vha-) spear pfumo (mafumo) species lushaka (tshakha) specialist mugudeleli (vha-) spectacles (glasses) ngilasi (dzi-) cf Eng ‘glass’ spectator muvhoni (vha-) speech Ishipitshi (zwi-) cf Eng. gwekwe (ma-). vhubvo (pi same) sour plum (tree) mutanzwa (mi-). bath-~ tshisibe tsha u tamba. -nukhelela smelt -noka. -shata smell (n) bad ~ (stench). tshipulumbu (zwi-) spider buvhi (ma-) spill -tevhula (fr). mutsi (mi-). (vb) ~ badly: -nukha. -nwa smile -mwethuwa/-nwethuwa. (vb) -tavhanyedza spell -peleta cf Eng 'spelt' spelling kupeletele (no pi) cf Eng ‘spelt’ spend ~ the day: -twa. (qualif) -vhavhaho (vb (nyefha). thamu (dzi-). tshitolo (zwi-) cf Eng 'store' storey tshitizi (zwi-) cf Eng stairs stork hovhelwa (ma-) storm dumbu (ma-) story nganea (dzi-) stove tshitofu (zwi-) cf Afr stoof straight be — -lulama. ~ up late -dzedza. (season) tshilimo (zwi-). etc) tshipinnngi (zwi-) cf Eng'. -suda: ~ over task: -ombesa 197 . (vb) -runga. become ~ed -tshinyala spoke tshipoko (zwi-) cf Eng spoon lebula (ma. (salt. (vb) -bula statement (of account) tsumbalandu (dzi-). (vb) -luma stinginess ludzimo (abstr) stingy be -dzima stint (keep back from) -dzima stir -ritha stirring cf thrilling stock tshitoko (zwi-) cf Eng stock exchange mbambadzelano ya mikovhe (dzi-) stoep tshitupu (zwi-) cf Eng. -thamuwa springbuck tsepe (dzi-) springhare khadzimutavha (dzi-) springtime tshimedzi (zwi-) sprinkle (water) -shasha. mukonyi (mi-). ~ping of rain: -tsha eg mvula yo tsha the rain has stopped stop sign luswayo lwa tshitopo (tswayo dza ). ~ a child. lutanda (thanda). tshitepisi (zwi-) cf Eng ‘steps': (vb) -kanda sternum tshiakha (zwi-) stick (n) thanda (dzi-). make — for -livha. tshiga tsha tshitopo (zwi-) stop street tshitarataihwa (zwi-) store (n) vhengele (ma-) cf Afr ‘w i n k e l (vb) -vhulunga store-keeper ramavhengele (vho-) cf Afr ' winkel' store-room mbulungelo (dzi-). (vb) —grain: -smda stand (n) (plot) tshitannde (zwi-) cf Eng: (pavillion) phavilioni (dzi-) cf Eng: (vb) -ima standard tshilinganyo (zwi-). -pwanyeledza stab -thavha. •lema. madzheno (pi only) startle -tshenusa (tr): be ~d -tshenuwa (intr). ludambo (vhu-) spy on -vhonolola. hot ~: tshipise (zwi-). (vb) -thopha stadium tshitediamu (zwi-) cf Eng staff lubada (mbada). tshimedzi (zwi-).dzi-) cf Afr 'lepel'. munukho (mi-) step (n) liga (ma-). (instrument or mark) gando (dzi-). —of bird: tshikhwikhwi stone tombo (ma-) stonewall mutsheto (mi-) stoop -kotama stop -ima (intr). ~ a song: -sima starting-point mathomo (pi only). -lepalepa stain dondo (ma-) stalk (n) tanga (ma-).strain split -tshuwa split (wood into pieces) -fhanza (khuni) spoil -tshinya. station tshititshi (zwi-) cf Afr 'stasie' stature (size) tshiimo (zwi-) stay -dzula. guda (ma-) stomach thumbu (dzi-). ideoph of being absolutely ~ tswititi! straighten -lulamisa strain (filter) -tuda. (vb) -fhufha. -nambatedza (tr) still kha di eg u kha di shuma he is still working: tshee (aux vb) eg u tshee o edela he is still asleep sting (n) luvholela (mbolela). tshi­ temmbe (zwi-). (vb) -dodela stalk-borer luvhungu (collective. wooden ~ state (n) shango (ma-). (of police. -imisa (tr): -guma. — to: -nambatela (intr). -adza spring (n) (of vehicleiwatch. liga (ma-) stagger -dedeleka. etc) nunedza sprout (n) lutange (no pi): (of mealies) mu tomba (mi-). (vb) ~ into (as candle) -toma. — with hornslspear: -runga stable tshitale (zwi-) cf Afr 'stal' stack (n) tshithopho (zwi-). -mela spruit kudambwana/kudambo (zwi-). ~ chances -tshinyadza. (fountain) tshisima (zwi-). mudavhi wa mitambo (mi-) spouse mufarisi (vha-) sprain tshinyalo (zwi-) spray -fafadzela spread out (as mat) -ala. muvhuso (mi-). pi same) stallion bere ya nduna (dzi-) stammer -kakamela stamp (n) (for letters) tshitemmbe (zwi-). -tsliesa steal -tswa. -tola squat -tumba squeeze -hamula. re­ venue ~: tshitemmbe tsha mbuelo (zwi-). school —: murole (mi-) standardise -linganyisa star naledzi/neledzi (dzi-) stare (with wide open eyes) -ruda mato start (n) mathomo (pi only): (vb) -thoma. etc) tshitatimennde (zwi-) cf Eng lufo (mpfo) sportsfield luvhande (mbande). tshitafu (zwi-) cf Eng stage tshiteidzhi (zwi-) cf Eng. —upon cf stalk steam tshitimu (zwi-) cf Eng steel tshitih (zwi-) cf Eng steenbok phuluvhulu (dzi ) stem tsinda (ma-) stench Iwefha (nyefha). tshitandavhathu (zwi-). (vb) -inga. tshipimbi (zwi-) student mutshudeni (vha. -langa supervision ndavheleso (dzi-) supervisor mutoli (vha-). -tevhela success mvelelo (dzi-) successful -konaho. grammatical ~ : nefhungo (vho-). at —: duvha Ji tshi bva sunset maorapfene. muari (vha-) surname tshifam (zwi-) c f A fr 'van' 198 . (vb) -tambula. also stye) tshisimana (zwi-).) cl A jr bund street tshitarata (zwi-) c f A jr 'straat'. ~ o f paper lumvelo (vhu-). tsha vhutevheleli. (vb) -tereka cj Eng: -rwa. -disa support (n) thikho (dzi-). (qttalij) -khwathaho (vb rel). ~ over -khukhulwa stumbling-block tshithithisi (zwi-). lutambo (vhu-). -wanaho. (os wet hide with pegs) -vhamba strict wa vhutevhelcli. — bark: -kwatula stripe tshiterepe (zwi-) c f A jr sheep ' : vala (ma\ hala) stroll -tshimbila-tshimbila strong (vb) be -khwatha. -tea suitable -fanelaho.thero (dzi-). (vb) -lalela supplement (n) muengedzo (mi-). nungo (dzi-) strengthen -khwathisa stretch (as rope) -akha. -bvelelaho (vb rel) successor mutevheli (vha-) such -raliho. ~ a thatch -pferula string (n ) ludzi (nnzi). manweledzo (pi only) summer tshilimo (zwi-) summon -vhidza. -bvelela. (v6) -lunzhedza strip (n) tshipida (zwi-). tshitshudeni (zwi-). ~ o f tooth: likonvotsheli (ma-) stupid be — -tsilufhala stupidity vhutsilu (abstr) stutter -kakamela sty (on eyelid.ma-) c f Eng. at ~ : duvha Ji tshi kovhela superintendent mulavhelesi (vha-) supervise -lavhelesa. wa/ya/tsha maanda. (plunder) -tangula. matotatombo. -ombana stubbornness swili (dzi-). swigiri (dzi-) c f Afr 'striker' sugarcane nwovha (minwovha) suit (n) swuthu (dzi-) c f Eng: (vb) -edana. mukoio (mi-) strength maandamannda (pi only). etc (poss) strictness vhutevhelcli (abstr) strife mufhirifhiri (mi-) strike (n) tshitereke (zwi-) c f Eng. litshudeni (ma-) cf Eng. mudigudisi (vha-) study -guda. (vb) ~ clothes: -bvula. etc (poss) strop (for oxen) tshitoropo (zwi-) c f Eng structure tshivhumbeo (zwi-). -raloho (vb rel) suck (as infant) -mama. ~ a sweet -muna suckle -mamisa suffer (be harrassed) -tambula suffering thambulo (dzi-) sufficient -edanaho.dzi . ~ against: -gekha. -lwa. tshifhatwa (zwi-) struggle (n ) muombano (mi-). -dadzisa supplier mudisedzi (vha-) supply (n) zwidisedza (pi only): (stock) tshitoko (zwi-) c f Eng: (vb) -nca.strange surname strange -sili (true reI) stranger mutsinda (vha-) strangle -tshipa strap bannda (ma. -kakarika. -ramba. (one ruled over) mulanda (vha-) submerge -nupela submit -dinekedza. -tikedza supporter mutikedzi (vha-) suppurate -sita sure be ~ -vha na ngoho surely ngoho (adv) surgeon dokotela (vho-/ma-). -samaraisa c f Eng summary phathekanyo (dzi-). -fhungudza succeed -kona. mbumbo (dzi-). (collect people) -khu- ra summons (n) dagafala (dzi-) c f A fr dagvaar': (vb) -dagafala c f A fr 'dagvaar' sun duvha (ma-) sunbeam sasaladzi (ma-). tshiguthe (zwi-). hence Holy Com­ munion: Tshilalelo (tshikhethwa). (total of) tha- nganvelo (dzi-) summarise -nweledza. tshikondisi (zwi-) stump log) tshitanda (zwi-). ~ o f land: ludima (vhu-). -vhala stumble cause to — -khukhula. mulavhelesi (vha-) supper (n) tshilalelo (zwi-). (us armslwings) -thara- mudza. litalazaza (ma-) Sunday Swondaha (dzi-) sunflower mulivhaduvha (mi-) sunrise u bva ha duvha (infinit). -hnganaho (vb rel) suffix mutshila (mi-) sugar tshugela (dzi-) c f Eng. (vb) -tika. -teaho (vb rel) suitcase phuthumennde (dzi-) c f A fr 'portman­ teau ' sum (in arithmetic) mbalo (dzi-). pig~ tshitumba (zwi-) stye c f sty style tshitaela (zwi-) c f Eng subject school . -engedza. -disa subsidize -tikedzela subsidy mutikedzelo (mi-) subtract -tusa. thitshara (ma-) cf Eng teacher training college gudedzi (ma ) teaching profession vhudededzi (abstr) teak mutondo (mi-) team (o f oxen) tshipano (zwi-) c f A fr span'. be taken by . -tala swimming pool bambelo (ma-) swing (n) dembutete dembetrli (ma ). ~ to -isa tale lungano ( (dzi)ngano) talent (biblical) talente (dzi-) c f Eng: (gift) mpho (dzi-) talk (n) tshipitshi (zwi-) c f Eng 'speech'. (o f locusts) gole (makole).on: -switsha cj Eng. ~ down something hanging: -fhahulula. (language) Tshiswazi. take by ~ -akhamadza -difha surrender {give oneself up) -dinekedza. — hold o f thelo wa mbuelo (mi-) -fara. -gudisa teacher mudededzi (vha-). -dembelela switch (n ) (for beating) thamu (dzi-). (vb) ~ away: -zhu- vhula tease -tunga teat thungu (dzi-) tea-water madi a tie 199 . (rb) -mangadza. dzanganda (ma-) tax (taxation) muthelo (mi-). Luswazi (no p i). eg fish : -nula. (vb) . (o f birds) murivha (mi-). u tshila (infinit) survive -ponya. -tshila suspect -humbulela. — out honey: -rafha. (o f insects) mushinzhi (mi-) Swazi (person) Muswazi (Ma-). (vb) -bva biko sweep -swiela sweet (n) jegcre (ma-) c f A fr ‘lekker': (vb) be — mala. revenue mu- (vi>) -ila tabulate -ita mbekanya tabulation mbekanya (dzi-) tackle (in a group) -thathedza tadpole buluvhulu (ma-) tail mutshila (mi-) tailor theilara (dzi-) c f Eng. (sports) thimu (dzi-) c f Eng teapot thiphotho (dzi-) c f Eng tear in) mujodzi (mi-/ma-). -imisa suspicion u humbulela (infinil). -thathedza surrounding vhupo (pi same) survival u ponya (infinil). (vb) -mila. ~ out o f water. maroroma (pi only): c f vlei swarm (o f bees) guma (ma-). ~ o ff lid -tibula. ~ powderish substance: -guma swamp lunwenwe (vhu-). be ~ d -mangala. sisteme (dzi-) c f Eng 'mop : (vb) -phumula. -fhuluta swallow (tt) (bird) thambamadi/thambelamadi (dzi-). mopo (mimopo) c f Eng vhudza. (language and culture) Tshiswazi (no pi) Swaziland Swazini swear (take oath) -ana. ~ o ff hat/clolhes -bvula. c f sign sympathise -pfela vhutungu sympathy vhutungu (abslr) synod tshinodo (zwi-) c f A fr 'sinode' synonym libulazwithihi (ma-) syntax divhafhungo (no pi) syphilis thusula (dzi-) syrup sirapu (dzi-) c f Eng system maitele (pi only). u fhima (infinil) swab (n) dzudzu (ma-). (i7>) -le over) -nekedza surround -tanga. fhima suspend -nembcledza. tare tshileme (zwi-) tarry -lenga. thepe (dzi-) c f Eng tar (n) tshigontiri (zwi-) c f A fr koolteer': (vb) -shela tshigontiri taxi thekhisi (dzi-) c f Eng tea tie (dzi-) c f Eng teach -funza. (electric) switshi (dzi-) c f Eng. kukumuwa swerve -swaya cf'A fr 'swaai' swim -bambela. tshiiledzwa (zwi-). -mona-mona task mushumo (mi-) taste (n) muthetshelo (mi-).surpass tea-water surpass -fhira surprise (u) tshimangadzo (zsvi-). (scold) -sema table dafula/tafula (dzi-) c f A fr 'tafel' taboo (tabu) («) tshiila (zwi-). (vb) -thetshela tasty -difhaho (vb rel) tatter lilakhanthana (ma-). (vb) -amba tall cf long tan (leather) -suka tap (water) bommbi (dzi-) c f A fr ‘po m p’. murungi (vha-) take -dzhia. -funga sword banga (mapanga) syllable dungo (ma-) syllabus silabasi (dzi-) c) Eng symbol tshiga (zwi ). matshafa (pi only). (hand sweet potato murambo (mi-) sweet sorghum mphwe (dzi-) swell up -zwimba.-akha- sweat (n) biko (mabiko). ( ~ person in gramm) muambiwa (vha-). (perfect subj cone) vho-. tshawo. -vha na dora. (vb) -linga testify -tanziela thank -livhuha thanks ndivhuho (cl dzi-. walo. hathick -denya (adj) (mu-. dzo-. -dalesa telegram thelegiramu (dzi-) c f Eng telephone (n) lutingo (thingo). -dzo. enclitic element -ha there afho (demonstr): hangei (demonstr) thereafter nga murahu (adv) therefore ngauralo (conj) thereof (of it) (possessive) possessive cone plus poss stem. dzone. -ho. —fortunes -bvumba temper mbilwana (dzi-) temperature themperetsha (dzi-) c f Eng tempt -linga temptation mulingo (mi-) tempter mulingi (vha-) tempting c f attractive ten fumi (mahumi) tennis thenisi (dzi-) c f Eng tent dennde (dzi-) c f A fr 'tent' tenth tshafumi (zwa-) term school — kotara (dzi-) c f Eng 'quarter'-. tshi-. itsho (tshi-.teem this teem -andesa. hovho vhuswa ~ very porridge): hoho (vhu-.ndenya. tshalo. muri uyo/uyo muri ~ tree). ku-) thickness vhudenya (abstr) thief mbava (dzi-). avho (vha-. vhutherorisi (abstr) c f Eng terrorist tshifhetashango (zwi-). soldier dzhulu (ma-) territory disi (ma-) terrorise -tambudza. iyo (mi-. mato ayo — eyes). mutswi (vha-) thieving vhuvhava (abstr). tshi-. yone. vhathu avha ~ people here): iyi (mi-. vhufobvu (abstr) thigh shumbi (marumbi). hedzo thama — very friends): holwo (lu-. kuthu ukwo — little thing): ~ very: hoyo (mu-. zwi-. ho-. vhuswa uvho ~ porridge): uho (u-. li-. vhu-. (neg ha-/ho-). hayo mato ~ very eyes): hetsho (tshi-. mi-. dza-. heyo thama ~ very friend): helo (li-. tsireledzo ya wa vhuraru (dzi-) thirdly (adv) tsha vhuraru thirst (n) dora (ma-). zwadzo theirs cf their them (abs pron) c f they. min iyi/iyi miri — trees here: thama iyi this friend here): i|i (li-. mutwa (collec­ tive). -rwa thelefoni television thelevishini (dzi-) c f Eng tell -vhudza. get ~ner -zwa thing (object) tshithu (zwi-) think -humbula thinness vhusekene (abstr) third (one ~ ) tshararu (zwararu). eg yavho. di-. zwa-. ma-. vhuthen ndi hone. (neg ha-). (large) nthwa (dzi-). ma-. (basic subj cone) vha-. luvhone ulwo ~ lamp): uvho (vhu-. . yo-. ilo (li-. one. vhu-. dzi-. i-. (in order o f rank) vhuraru (n). n-/dzin-: tsekene. di-. thama idzo ~ friends): ulwo (lu-. holwo luvhone — very lamp): hovho (vhu-. n-/dzin. abstr) that (those) (demonstr) uyo (mu-. -pfa dora thirteen fumiraru thirty furaru this (these) ~ here uyu (mu-. u sea uho ~ kind o f laughter: vhuswa uho ~ porridge. watsho. -shengedza terrorism vhufhetashango (abstr). -sekena.havho (vha-. i-. hezwo zwithu ~ very things): hedzo (dzi-. helo lito — very eye. (limited period) tshifhinga tsho tiwaho (zwi-). o-. ayo (ma-. n-. hetsho tshithu ~ very thing): hezwo (zwi-. zwithu izwo ~ things): idzo (dzi-. nemeneme (dzi-). lu-. fobvu (ma-). di-. (narrative subj cone) vha-. (condi­ tions) milayo (pi only) terminate -fhedza. a-. -pfa dora. ipfi (maipfi). a-. dzi-. -guma termite mutshenzhe (collective). zwi-. a-. . zwone. ito ilo ~ eye: dithu 1I0 — monster). uri thatch -fulela theft vhuvhava (abstr). 200 . thelefoni (dzi-) c f Eng: (vb) -rwa lutingo. hone. ( ~ in language) teo (dzi-). hoho vhuswa ~ very porridge c f hovho . vhu-. thama iyo that friend)-. -yo. ukwo (ku-. ku-). u sea hoho ~ very laughter): hokwo (ku-. kuthu hokwo ~ very little thing): (conj) zwauri. -o. n-. mi-. (vb) be —y. muthu uyu — person here: muri uyu/uyu muri ~ tree here): avha (vha-. tshatsho thermometer themometa (dzi-) c f Eng these c f this they (abs pron) vhone. u-. vhufobvu (abstr) their poss cone plus poss stem -vho. heyo miri — very trees. tshirumbi (zwi-) thigh joint khuli (dzi-) thin (adj) -sekene (mu-. -zwo. zwo-. ~ party: musizwawe (vha-). hoyo muthu — very person: hoyo muri ~ very /ree). zwi-. eg wawo. wayo. flying — (small)-. vhu-. havho vhathu ~ very people): heyo (mi-. (obj cone) vha-. miri iyo/iyo miri ~ trees. li-. ya. hokoko (ma-). tshithu itsho ~ thing): izwo (zwi-. n-. . (vb) be­ come — -onda. zwi-. hejo dithu ~ very monster): hayo (ma-. litherorisi (ma-) c f Eng test (n) mulingo (mi-). vhathu avho — people)-. (in maths) theme (dzi-). muthu uyo ~ person-. c f uvho). lu-. quench -dzimula dora thirsty be -vha na dora. ma-. dzm-: tharu. n-. (qualif) -nakaho (vb rel). eg goats. vhuno (vhu-. thama mo ~ friend here nearby)'. kuthu kuno ~ little thing here nearby)'. muri uno/uno mun ~ tree here nearby). wa/tsha/zwa vhudele. (vb) -divhitha throne khulunoni (dzi-) throw -posa. mbudzi dzino ~ goats here nearby)-. -aluwa throat mukulo (mi-) throb (n) mudivhitho (mi-). hoyu muri — very tree)-. — up. big — gokoko (ma ) tip thodzi (dzi-) tire -netisa. like huno. thama hedzi ~ very friends) . (vb) -lima. ie this kind o f laughter. ldzi (dzi-. vhuswa vhuno ~ porridge here nearby). muthu hoyu/hoyu muthu ~ very person. heli (|i-. kuthu hoku — very thing) thither (there) ngeo (adv) eg iyam ngeo' go thither. hetshi (tshi-. uku (ku-. become — d -neta tiredness maneto (abstr) tithe tshafumi title thoho (dzi-). luvhone luno ~ lamp here nearby)'. roof — tshileithi (zwi-) c f Eng ’slate’ till (n) fo r money thili (dzi-). vhuswa uhu — porridge here. vhuswa hovhu ~ very porridge) . uno (mu-. heyi thama this very friend). -fhina. ino (mi-. kuno (ku-. hoku (ku-. dithu ill this monster here)-. izwi (zwi-. u sea hohu — very laughter). liivha [ino ~ dove here nearby. c f uhu which. mato aya/aya mato ~ eyes here). (vb) -bvuma. n-. u sea uhu — laughter here. zwino (zwi-. c f uvhu). hohu (u-. is used very seldom because the noun described is an infinitive and not a real noun). mabulannga (pi only) c f A fr 'plank' time tshifhinga (zwi-) tin thini (dzi-) cf Eng. kuthu uku ~ little thing here). -kunamisa (tr) timber thanda (dzi-). vhuswa uvhu ~ porridge here). he|i ito/ito heli ~ very eye. tshino tshi­ thu — thing here nearby)-. huno (u-.thither ito ill i(i ito — eye here. henengeo (adv) thong (nem) luzwa (nnzwa) thorn mupfa (mi-) thoroughfare ndila (dzi-). vhu-. (like that) ngauralo (adv). maivha ano ~ doves here nearby. luvhone holu ~ very lamp). zwi-. (mark) luswayo (tswayo). (as o f river) -unga/-uunga thunderbolt mubvumo (mi-) thundercloud mvumi (dzi ) thundershower tshirulu tsha mibvumbi (zwi-) thunderstorm mvula ya mibvumo (dzi-) Thursday Lavhuna thus (like this) ngaurali (adv). dithu lino — monster here nearby). -hunga tiger c f leopard tighten (fasten) -vhofha tile thaila (dzi-) c f Eng./ only) c f Eng 'dies' threaten -shushedza three -raru (ad/) (Mu-. -nzhwanzhwamedza. (conj) cf until tillage ndimo (dzi-) tilt -kunama (intr). tshithu hetshi — very thing). luno (lu-. vhathu vhano ~ people here nearby). luvhone ulu ~ lamp here)-. (vb) -swaya tick-bite fever mugalane (mi-) ticket thikhithi (dzi-) c f Eng tickle -sengenedza. uhu (u-. havha (vha-. -shamula. zwithu izwi ~ things here)-. thama ldzi ~ friends here). — away. holu (lu-. heyi miri ~ very trees. heji dithu ~ very monster). ulu (lu-. (grow) -hula. -tan'ganya. dzina (ma-) 201 . u sea huno ~ kind o f laughter. tshino (tshi-. ~ on bolt muru (mimuru) c f A fr 'm oer'. di-. madaisi (/. havha vhathu ~ very people).hu (vhu-. hovhu (vhu-.'-senengedza tidiness vhudele (abstr) tidy (vb) -nakisa. vha-. zwi­ thu zwino ~ things here nearby). muthu uno — person here nearby . -aluwa. — very: hoyu (mu-. haya (ma-. uv. bada (dzi-) c f A fr 'pad' those c f that thought muhumbulo (mi-) thousand (tshi)gidi (zwi-) thrash -fhula. min ino/ino miri ~ trees here nearby. itshi (tshi-. -kwamaho (vb rel) thrive (prosper) -bvelela. tshithu itshi ~ thing here)-. hezwi (zwi-. thus! izwo! (interj) tick (n) (bush-tick) tshievhe (zwi-). mi-. aya (ma-. ~ in competition mavhambe (pi only). fo r Trinity only. ano (ma-. dzino (dzi-. mato haya/haya ma(o ~ very eyes). etc (poss) tie (n) neck — thai (dzi-). -bvela phanda. heyi (mi-. di-. lino (|i-. (vb) -vhofha. — here nearby. maduvha ano — days {not specific days) c f maduvha aya ~ specific days as mentioned). — tightly: -phina. vhano (vha-. -lata thumb gunwe (ma-) thunder (n) mubvumo (m i). gondo (ma-). -rwa thrashing floor (threshing floor) luvhata (mbata/mbate) title thread harane (dzi-) c f A fr 'garing'. vhu-) thresh (thrash) -fhula threshing floor luvhata (mbate/mbata) threshold tshiukhuvha (zwi ) thrice luraru (adv). hedzi (dzi-. zwithu hezwi ~ very things). kararu (adv) thrilling (touching) -rithaho (vb rel). -endedza Transvaal Transifala c f A fr ‘ Transvaal trap in) mureo (mi-). play game o f —: -swatha touching (/th rillin g towel thaula (dzi-) c f Eng tower thawa (dzi-) c f Eng town (city) dorobo (dzi-) c f A fr 'dorp' toy tshitambiswa (zwi-) track (n) (footprint) vhutala (p i same): (in sports) thirekhe c f Eng: (vb) (follow a spoor) -londa tractor teretere (dzi-) c f A fr 'trekker' trade (n) mbatnbadzo (dzi-). spring ~ : tshilibana (zwi-) travel -tshimbila traveller mutshimbili (vha-) tray tshifaredzi (zwi-).toast trophy toast (n) thosithi (dzi-) c f Eng: (o f bread) sathe (ma-). ~ inspector: sipitikopo (zwipitikopo) c f Eng ‘speed cop': — officer tshipitikopo (zwi-) tragedy likhathulambilu (ma-) 202 trailer goloi (dzi-) train (n) tshidimela (zwi-) c f Eng steam': (vb) -gudisa trainer mugudisi (vha-) training vhugudisi (abstr) trait tshivhumbamvumbo (zwi-) traitor tshifheti (zwi-) trample -kanda transcribe -nwalulula. -khura trembling mureremelo (mi ) tremor c f shaking tresspass (o f law) -khakha. (make un­ lawful intrusion) -pfuka tresspasser mupfuki (vha-). yothe. thirei (dzi-) c f Eng tread -kanda treason vhuvhanga (abstr) treasure lupfumo (no pi) treasurer mufaragwama (vha-) treasury gwama (class li. thoni (dzi-) c f Eng: low ~ khalafhasi (dzi-). othe. (vb) -vhambadza. (adv) ntha (local) topic thoho (dzi-) torment -shengedza. (molar) dzeu (ma-). -pfisa vhutungu tortoise tshibode (zwi-). mountain khamba (dzi-). naasi (adv) toe tsbikunwanê (zwi-). (vb) -thositha c f Eng: ~ bread -thatha tobacco (snuff) fola (ma-) today namusi (adv). big ~ : gunwe (ma-) together (quanta) vhothe. zwojhe. -pfuka. (vb) -rea. -goda. ~ with care -tonda. -rura tremble -reremela. naasi (adv). ~ o f coldlfear: tetemela. high ~ : khalantha (dzi-) tongs lumano (vhu-) tongue lulimi (ndimi) tonsils lhanga (dzi-) tool tshishumiswa (zwi-) tooth ino/linO (mano). thalutshedzo (dzi-) translator mupinduleli (vha-). (incisor) dzembe (malembe) tooth-brush bulatsho ya mano (dzi-) top (n) (toy) thendele (dzi-). vhukwila (abstr) Trinity Mndzimumuraru (no pi). -kopa c f Eng 'copy' transcription munwalululo (mi ) transfer (n) tsudzuluso (dzi-). mururo (mi-). (vb) -pia troop (o f soldiers) gomane (dzi-) c f A fr 'komm ando': (o f animals) sambi (ma-/matambi) trophy khaphu (dzi-) c f Eng 'cup' . murengisi (vha-) tradition sialala. -pfisa vhutungu total (n) thanganyelo (dzi-). mutalutshedzeli (vha-) transmit -rathisa. personification in animal stories: Sankambe (no pi) torture -shengedza. ~ with medicine: -alafha. -thusa. (vb) -tanganyisa totem (group name) mutupo (mi-) touch (n) game o f ~ bune (ma-). vhushavhi (pi same): (occupation) mushumo(gudwa) (mi-). (fruit) tamatisi (ma-) c f A fr 'tamaties' tomb livhida (ma-) tomb stone tombo (ma-) tomorrow matshelo (adv) ton thani (dzi-) c f Eng tone khalo (dzi-). -talutshedzela translation phindulelo (dzi-). -lafha tree muri (mi-) trek (n) mupfuluwo (mi-). (vb) -sudzulusa transfiguration (o f Christ) phenyiso (dzi-) transfiture -penyisa Transkei Transkei c f Eng translate -pindulela. (vb) -kwama.only) treat -fara. ~ fo r small animats tshifu (zwi-). Vhuraruthihi (no pi) trip (n) Iwendo (nyendo). -fhirisa transmitter tshirathisi (zwi-) transparent -vhonadzaho (vb ret) transplant -Simula transport (n) vhuendedzi (pisam e): (vb) -hwala. -rengisa trader mushavhi (vha-). (pre­ molar) (irangadzeu (ma-). (mov elmigrate) -pfuluwa. -farisa. (canine) dungammbwa (ma-). maitele (pi only) traffic vhuendi (cl vhu-). (vb) (drawlpull o f ox) -kokodza. etc toil -shumesa toilet thoilethe (dzi-) c f Eng token tshiga (zwi-) tolerate -kondelela tomato (plant) mutamatisi (mi-). mukhaki (vha-) trail tsengo (dzi-) tribe tshitshavha (zwi-) trick maano (pi only). — round!over: -rembuluwa (intr). -songa twiK-h (o f eye) -fula two -vhili (ad]) (vha-. ~ seam o f needlework. zwi-. mi-. (o f tree) tsinde (ma-) trust (n) fulufhelo.fhulufhelo (ma-). etc (pots): (copul) it is ~ ndi ngoho truly (adv) ngoho. (father's younger brother) khotsimunene (vho-) unclothe -bvula unconscious be ~ -dzidzivhala unconsciousness mudzidzivhalo (abstr). mutivho (mi-). lithumbu (ma-) tuber khufhi (dzi-) tuberculosis (T B ) thnbii (no pi). nzinzivhalo (abstr) uncover -fukula. vhufareli (abstr). kavhili (adv) twig lutavhi (vhu-) twilight (evening ~ ) lufhimavhaeni (adv o f time) twin lifhata (ma-) twine (siring) ludzi (nnzi). (vb) -fulufhela/-fhulufhela'-fulufhedza/fhulufhedza trustworthy be ~ -fhulufhedzea/fulufhedzea truth ngoho (dzi-) try (attempt) -edzisa. (vb) dina. be ~able -pfala undo -itulula. (tempt) -linga. ~ inside out: -shanda tusk c f elephant tusk twelve fumimbili twenty fumbili twice luvhili (adv). ngangoho. ~ one’s back upon: -furalela. ma-. c f unwind unscrew -kurufulula cf A fr 'skroef. khakhathi (dzi). (vb) -thaipha c f Eng typewriter khonwali (dzi-).trouble up tumour bundu (mapundu) tune tshuni (dzi-) c f Eng. luhotola (khothola) Tuesday Lavhuvhili tuft tshihunde (zwi-) tumbler (drinking glass) ngilasi (dzi-) c f Eng glass' (vb) take a -khona cf Eng ‘corner’ : — back -huma. lufhiha (no pi). small ~ : tshimota (zwi-) ululate -fhululedza ululation mufhululu (mi-) umbilical cord mukovhori (mi-) unbutton -gunubula uncle (mother's brother) malume (vho-). -sa diphina unwind -pombolowa unyoke -panulula c f A fr '(tn)span' up ntha (local) thamula 203 . thaiphiraitha (dzi-) c f Eng typewriting khonwalo (cl n-) typist muthaiphi (vha-) c f Eng tunnel thanele (dzi-) cf Eng tyre thaela (ma-) c f Eng u udder damu (ma-) ugliness mbipo/mbifho (abstr. c f melody turkey galakani (ma-) c f A fr kalkoen' turn (n) diso (ma-). -tambudza. tshitshimbili (zwi-). cl n-) ugly (adj) cf bad. (father’s elder brother) khotsimuhulu (vho-). -vhofholola untidiness vhuada (abstr) untie -vhofholola until u swikela untruth mazwifhi (pi only) unwell be ~ -Iwala. khone (dzi-) c f Eng ’corner’ : trouble (») tshidini (zwi-). he ~d -dinalea. mbofhano (dzi-) university yunivesithi (dzi-) c f Eng unload -laisulula c f A fr 'laai’ unlock -khinulula c f Eng ’key’ unripe (fruit) gaga (ma-) unroll (mat) -adza. dzinmbili. -vhilaela trouser (pair o f ~ s) vhurukhu (ma-) c f Afr 'broek' trowel thorofolo (dzi-) c f A fr troffei truck thiraka (dzi ) cf Eng true (quaUf) wa/tsha/zwa/dza ngoho. -khurumula under fhasi ha underestimate -nyadza undergrowth tshitaka (zwi-) underline -talela undress -bvula unfortunately mashudu mavhi unite -tanganya unity vhuthihi (abstr). etc: -tha- (zwi-). big — tshizwimbo undermine -nyadza underneath nga fhasi ha understand -pfa. lutambo (vhu-) twist -somba. — a case: -sengisa tsetse (fly) mmbo (dzi-) tsotsi tsotsi tswotswi (ma-) tube tshupu (dzi-) c f Eng. vhu-) type (/») lushaka (tshakha). (interj) cf yes! trumpet porompita (dzi-) c f A fr trompet’ trunk (o f elephant) musingo (mi-). (vb) be ~ -vhifha ulcer nw'atela (minwatela). -rembulusa (tr). tholelo (dzi-) vacant -si na tshithu vaccinate -haya vagabond mutendeleki (vha-) vagrant mutendeleki (vha-) valley govha (ma-) value ndeme (dzi-). -nyamalala. lugauswu (vhu-) c f A fr 'kous’ veterinary mulafhazwifuwo (vha-) veterinary science vhudivhavhulafhazwifuwo (abstr) vicious be ya/tsha vhuhali victory gundo (ma-) village (african) mudi (mi-) vim maanda (abstr): (cleaning agent) vimu (dzi-) 'lorry' vanish -ngalangala. -pfuka visible be — -vhonala. khakhathi (dzi-) uproot (extract) -tupula urge (n) u fhisea (infinity. (culture) Tshivenda. -ta- use (n) (of something) mashumisele (pi only)- (work) mushumo (mi-). (central) Tshiphani. -kukumedza. -khakha. money mutengo (mi-) valve valavu (dzi-) c f Eng van veni (dzi-) c f E n g. (guest) mueni (vha-) vitality maanda (pi only) vlei matyafa/matafa (pi only) vocalization tsikaipfi (cl n-) voice (word) ipfi/jipfi (maipfi) voiced -ipfi (poss): ~ consonant: themba ya ipfi (dzi-) . bring a — to -dalela. ~ dog -sasamedza urinate -runda: ( euphemistic) -tambuwa. (language) Luvenda. ludimuya (no pi) vegetables muroho (mi-) vehicle tshiendisi (zwi-) vein lutsinga (tsinga) Venda (person) Muvenda (Vha-). (south-east) Tshironga venison nama ya phukha verandah (private verandah) guda (ma-). (west) Tshiilafuri. Tshivenda. vurannda (dzi-) c f Eng: (chiefs sleeping hut) lukumbi (khumbi) verb jiiti (ma-) verbal relative Iiitiliitaluli (ma-) verb stem tsinde la Jiiti (ma-) verdict khathulo (dzi-) verse vese (dzi-) c f Eng. (country) Venda. voiceless -tshayaipfi (poss): ~ consonant the­ mba (ya) tshayaipfi (dzi-) vomit -tanza vote (n) khetho (dzi-). (vb) -ana vowel pfala (dzi-). pfalandothe (dzi-) vulture lianga (ma-) w wade through ambuwa. (obj cone) ri- Vaal River Ligwa vacancy vhuimo (abslr). ger — d to: -dowela useful be ~ -vha na mushumo useless be — -sa vha na mushumo usually kanzhi (adv) utensil tshishumiswa (zwi-) utter bula uvula tshidikadika (zwi-) mbuluwa urine murundo (mi-) us (abs pron) c f we. voto (dzi-) c f Eng. ndimana (dzi-) vertebral column mutodo (mi-). mutshilitshili (mi-) c f Eng vine mudirivhe (mi-) c f A fr 'drutwe’ vinegar viniga (dzi-) c f Eng violate -tshinya. ferese (dzi-) c f A fr ‘vers’. (vb) -shumisa. -wela wag ~ tail: -dzungudza wage muholo (mi-) waggon goloi (dzi-) waist khundu (no sing) eg khundu dzanga my waist 204 . (vb) -kulumedza. (north-east) Tshimbedzi. -dimela vapour mutsidi (mi-). lorana (dzi-) c f Eng very nga maanda (adv) vessel (earthenware) mudzio (mi-) vest vese (dzi-) c f Eng. -vota c f Eng vow (n) muano (mi-).upper waist upper arm tshishasha (zwi-) upper leg Ishirumbi (zwi-) uproar pfiriri (dzi-). — patients: -tola visitor mudali (vha-). -tutuwedza. -vhonea vision bono (ma-) visit (call upon) -dala. (dialectical variations). (vb) -khetha. ~ up -dudedza.whether waistcoat waistcoat tshinorobadzhi (zwi-) c f A fr ’onder- baadjie’ waiter hweja (vho-) c f Eng wait upon -imela. (vb) -ambara. (basic subj cone) ri-. ~ feast mutshato (mi-) Wednesday Lavhuraru weed (n) tshene (dzi-). (perfect subj cone) to-. (narrative subj cone) raweakness vhuhoja (abslr) wealth lupfumo (abstr) wealthy become ~ : -pfuma wean (ablactate) -lumula weapon tshihali (zwi ) wear (n) c f weir. vha-. vhu-. — fast with long strides -zanyuka. tshijiki (zwi-) cf Eng ’stick’ wall (as of hut) luvhondo (mbondo) wallet tshipatshi (zwi-) wander -vhimbila. (adj) — colour?: -nzani? c f Ve section fo r examples what’s name mukene (sing only). lilinga (ma-) wheelbarrow bara (dzi-) cf Eng ’barrow’. cl ma-). mulinga (mi-). ~ out -Jahala (inlr). (vb) -tambisa. ku-. ear-~ makunzwu (pi only) way ncjila (dzi-). -tshinya watch (n) watshi (dzi-) c f Eng\ (vb) -linda. nakudze (vho-). drinking — madi a u nwa. -lindela wake up -karuwa (birr). (vb) -sheledza waterberry (plant) muju (mi-). — forecaster mubvumbi wa mutsho (vha-) weather forecast mvumbo ya mutsho (dzi-) weave -runga. -jahadza (tr) weariness maneto (abstr) weary -neta (intr): -netisa (tr) weather mutsho (no pi). -buda-buda. by ~ ? : ngani? (nga mini?). khani?. mi-. -pa fula want (n) vhushai (abslr). ma-. rain madi a mvula. tsevho (dzi-). (shaft sunk fo r water) bidzi (ma-). -sevha. tshi-. -Joda war nndwa (dzi-) ward off -pila warm belbecome ~ -dudela. — away (like river) -kumba wash-soap tshisibe tsha u kuvha wasp jibu (ma-) waste (n) malajwa (pi only)'.). -tendeleka. (vb) -nukadza wether thutha (dzi-) wetness vhunu (abstr) what? (interr) mini?. ~ oneself at fire!in sun : -ora warmth vhududo (abstr) warn -kaidza. Ji-. (fruit) njhu (dzi-) watercourse mulonga (mi-) waterfall guvhukuvhu (ma-) waterfowl species o f khuhumulambo (dzi-) watermelon bvani (ma-) wattle -vhalela wave (n) gabelo (ma-). zwila. (aux vb) -ri eg o ri u vha vhona a shavha when he saw them. zwi-. (vb) -funa. n-/dzin-: nnu. (vb) -imisa tshanda wax phula (dzi-). bath — madi a u Jamba. misi. ~ someone else: -Janzwa. ~ o f doing: kuitele (ma-). (vb) -Jahula week vhege (dzi-) c f A fr week' weekend wikiende (dzi ) c f Eng weekly vhege inwe na iiiwe/vhege na vhege weep -Ilia weeping tshililo (zwi-) weevil tshifheji (zwi-) weigh -kala cf A fr ’skaai weigh down -lemela weight tshileme (zwi-) weir/wear tshipata (zwi-) welcome -tanganedza weld -weleda c f Eng welding vhuweledi (abstr) c f Eng welfare vhulondavhathu (abstr) well (n) (spring) tshisima (zwi-). ~ o f living: matshilele (pi only) waylay -lalela we (abs pron) rine. ~ briskly: -hwenya walking stick lubada (vhu-). matshele (no sing)'. irrigation — madi a tsheledzo/mugero. namudze (vho-) wheat goroi (dzi-) c f A fr ’koring’ wheel vhili (ma-) c f Eng. (vb) be ~ : -takala. inlonlat ~ ? : kha mini?. -wiva c f Eng web lubuvhi (vhu-) wed -tshata wedding mbingano (dzi-). tea ~ : madi a tie. he ran away when? (interr) lini? where? (interr) ngafhi? whereas vhunga (conj) whet -tujula whether (or) kana (conj) 205 . girivhana (dzi-) c f A fr ’kruiwa’ wheeze -swiswija when (if) (conj) musi. -sedzesa watchman mulindi (vha-) water (n) ma^i (pi only. (adv) zwavhudi west vhukovhela wet (adj) (green) -nu (adj) (mu-. — stumbling -lepa-lepa. ~ somebody (waken): -karusa (tr) walk (n) mutshimbili (mi-). ngeletshedzo (dzi-) wart phopho (dzi-) wart-hog phangwa (dzi-) wash (one-self) -Jamba. -eletshedza warning khaidzo (dzi-). -enda. ~ clothes: -kuvha. lu-. -lata. (vb) -tshimbila. tshitiriri (zwi-).only) c f Eng. ~ a person: -khakhela. ~ at -sinyedza winnow -fhefhera. (bush) daka (mataka). ~ mesh: sefodarata (dzi-) c f A fr ‘sifdraad' wisdom vhutali (abstr) la. -funa witch muloi (vha-) witchcraft vhuloi (abstr) witch-doctor nanga (dzi ) witchweed vhuri (pi same) with (by means of) nga. (conj) musi whip (n) tshimebi/tshimibi (zwi-). -tanda. -sela. -luvha. ~ o f parlia­ wise -talifhaho (vb rel) wish -tama.only). (be worried) -thuphea. (vb) (obtain in compe­ tition) -wina c f Eng. ~ clothes: -hamula wrist tshinungo (zwi-) write -nwala writer munwali (vha-) writing tshanda (zwanda). fresh ~ mbonzhe (dzi-). -rabela wound (n) tshilonda (zwi-). -tshipana wrestling tsimbe (dzi-) wriggle -shanavhida wring -somba. — o f chief: mufumakadzi (vha-) wildebeest khongoni (dzi ) wilderness soga (ma-). lufuno (sing only) will (shall) -do (future tense format) win (n) gundo (ma-). -phumula wire lurale (thale). ma-. -tungula. (vb) -tshaela. -vhona wizard muloi (vha-) wolf phele (dzi-) woman musadzi (vha-). fleece o f sheep: vhukuse (pi same) word ipfi (maipfi) work (n) mushumo (mi-). (writ­ ten document) linwalo (ma-) writhe -shanavhida wrong (n) vhukhakhi (abstr). -dinalea worship (n) murerelo (mi-). -dina. tshivhungu (zwi-). (by mouth) muludzi (mi-). mutolo (vha-) widower mutolowadzi (vha-) width vhuphara (pi same) wife musadzi (vha-). yothe) wholesale holosela (dzi-) c f Eng whooping/hooping cough tshikwaikwai (zwi-) why? ngani?/nga mini? wide be ~ . vhu-. mbumbelo (dzi-) wonder (n) dembe (sing ji. ugly old gegulu (ma-) womb mudi (mi-). (timber) thanda (dzi-) wood-borer tshifheti (zwi ) woodpecker khokhonya (dzi-) woodwork vhuvhadi (pi same) wool (for knitting) wulu (sing n. lu-. (to flap away flies) tshovha (ma-/dzi-) whisper -hevhedza whistle (n) ndwevha (dzi-). munwalo (mi-). veim (dzi-) c f A fr 'wyn' wing lufhafha (phapha) wink -sinya. (vb) -lidza ndwevha/tshitiriri/muludzi whistling (labial) muludzi (mi-). tshi-. newly married ~ with one child mubvana (vha-). li-. (vb) -thupha. dara(a (dzi-) c f A fr 'draad'. -rwa whirlwind tshidumbumukwe (zwi-) whisk (for stirring porridge) lufheto (phetho). -atama widen -atamisa widow tshilikadzi (dzi-). ku-) white ant (in antheap) dzhulu (ma-) whiteness vhutshena (abstr) whitewash (n) galaga (dzi-) c f A fr ‘kalk’. -fhenya wind muya (mimuya) wind around (wire) -govhela. n-/dzin-: tshena. round intestinal nowana (dzi-) worry (n) tshidini (zwi-). -si na witness (n) (in court) thanzi (dzi-). do ~ : -khakha . (vb) -huvhadza wrap -fiutela wrestle -ita tsimbe. -gwadamela. (vb) -shuma worker mushumi (vha-) workshop tshapo (dzi-) c f Eng ’shop' world shango (ma-). (qualif) -si ngoho (neg copul). mi-. piece o f fire— luhuni (khuni). Iifhasi (ma-) worm (larva) mbungu (dzi-). (vb) -rerela. (overcome) -kunda. (bandage) -pomba window fasi(ere (ma-) c f A fr 'venster’ wind-up (as a watch) -wainda c f Eng wine waini (dzi-) c f Eng. (vb) -galaga c f A fr 'kalk' who? nnyi? (vhonnyi?) whole (quantit) -the (eg tshothe. thovholo (dzi-) will (n) lutamo (sing only). (vb) be ~ khakhea. (labio-dental) khombole (dzi-) White Mutshena (Vha-) white -tshena (adj) (mu-. khombole (dzi-). ~ fo r chief: dzunde (ma-). vha-. ntho (dzi-). together na wither -puta without nga nnda ha. -pea wonnowing basket luselo (tselo) winter vhuriha (ma-) wipe off -fhuluja. (vb) -tanzie- ment: mutshaeli (vha-). old ~ : mukegulu (vha-). -khakheaho (vb rel) 206 .whetstone wrong whetstone tshitutulo (zwi-) whey mutore (mi-) which? -fhio? (rel) while (n) tshifhinganyana (zwi-). (vb) -kanuka woo -ambisa wood fire~ khuni (dzi-). zwi-. a ~ (male or female). lina! (interj). n-. i[a (mi-. na. ee' (interj) yesterday mulovha (adv). u sea hula — kind o f laughter). ~ fo r -tulutshelwa yearning tshituvho (zwi-) yeast mbilisa/mbiliso (dzi-) yell (n) luzhambo (nzhambo). dzhara|a (dzi-) c f A fr 'jaarl' yarn mutswule (mi-) yawn (n) galamulo (ma-). -anwa yoke (n) dzhogo (dzi-) c f A fr 'juk’. eg yau. miri i(a ~ trees. next ~ mwakani/hwakani (adv). vha-. muthu ula ~ person there far away or one referred to previously. this nanwaha (adv). vhukhonekhone Zionism Vhuzioni (abstr) c f Eng Zionist Muziom (Vha-/Ma-) c f Eng zip-fastener zipi (dzi-) c f Eng zombi dukwane/tukwane (ma(ukwane) zone zouni (dzi-) c f Eng zoo zuu (dzi-) c f Eng Zulu (person) Muzulu (Ma-). (vb) -alamula year nwaha (mi-). vhu(a (vhu-. mi-. ~ pin tshikei (zwi-) c f A fr 'sket’.). ma(o aja — eyes). vha-).(5mg).X (person) Muthoza Tshithoza. kuthu kula — little thing) you (abs pron) iwe (sing). (language) I X-ray ekisirei (dzi-) c f Eng | xylophone mbila (dzi-). (hama dzila ~ friends). luvhone lula ~ lamp). no. di-.(sing). n-/dzin-: thukhu.(sing). ina! (inter.(sing & pi). day before mbamulovha (adv) yet (nevertheless) naho zwo ralo yield bveledza. vhu-. ma-. ~ after next mbamwakani/mbanwakani (adv) yearly nwaha munwe na munwe/nwaha na nwaha yearn -tuvha. (vb) -pana c f A fr '(in) span' yolk tshitswuku tsha gumba (zwi-) yonder (ie there far away in distance or remote in time as referred to before) uja (mu-. Luthoza Xhosa (Ma-). mafulufulu (pi only) zealot mukaluli (vha-).(sing). (perfect subj cone) wo. tshi-. (language) Tshi- zulu. the ~ vhaswa (pi only) z zeal vhufuteleli (abstr). yanu. (narrative subj cone) wa. (hama ila ~ friend). last mahola/nwahola (adv). mbilamutondo (dzi-) Y yard (measure) dzharaja (dzi-) c f A fr ‘ja a rl'. (enclosed ground) matalani (locat). kula (ku-. lu[a (lu-. Luzulu Zululand Hazulu 207 . mukosi (mi-). tshirulwane (poss) eg wa/tsha/zwa/dza tada/tshirulwane yes! ii! (mterj). ni. tshau. vhuswa (abstr). li-. zwithu zwila — things). ni. mu-. muswa (vha-). (vb) -zhamba. aja (ma-. hula (u-.(sing & pi). zwanu yours c f your youth/youthfulness vhujuku (abstr). vhathu vhala — people).(sing & pi). dithu lila ~ monster). ku-) your poss cone plus stem -u (sing) or -nu (sing or pi). zwila (zwi-. (sect) Ziloto c f Eng zebra mbidi (dzi-) zero zero c f Eng zigsag masombesombe. muri u(a ~ tree). musweleli (vha-). dzda (dzi-. inwi (sing & pi). tshila (tshi-. vhuja vhuswa ~ porridge). ]i)a (li-. (obj cone) u. vha(a (vha-. (ijo ]ila ~ eye. -tavha mukosi yellow tada (poss). lu-. (basic subj cone): u. tshithu tshija ~ thing). zwi-. ~ before Iasi: mbamahoja/mbanwahoja (adv).(sing A pi) young -swa (adj) (persons only. ~ loudly. -(uku (adj) (mu-. & ISBN 978-1-86888-295-3 . 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