English K to 12 Curriculum Guide - Grades 1 to 3, 7 to 10

March 30, 2018 | Author: Michael S. Bautista | Category: Reading Comprehension, Word, Nonverbal Communication, Grammatical Number, Idiom



Republic of the Philippines Department of Education DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue Pasig CityK to 12 Curriculum Guide ENGLISH (Grade 1 to Grade 3 and Grade 7 to 10) January 31, 2012 K TO 12 – ENGLISH ORAL LANGUAGE Content Standards Performance Standards The learner understands the standards of English in order to participate in various oral communication demands (situation, purpose and audience). The learner has sufficient facility in English to understand spoken discourse and to talk and interact with others about personal experiences and text listened to or read. Competencies GRADE 1 The Learner . . . • • listens and attempts to respond to others in English listens and responds to texts The Learner . . . • • listens and responds to others listens and responds to texts and relates them to personal experiences converses and talks about personal experiences tells a story Identifies, describes and uses some commonly used verbal and non-verbal features in a range of texts identifies, clarifies and questions meanings drawing on personal background, knowledge and experiences asks questions, listens to, interprets and presents information GRADE 2 The Learner . . . • • listens and interacts with others in a group or class discussion listens and responds to texts, recall the main ideas, and relates them to personal experiences converses, asks questions, and talks about events and personal experiences in a group tells stories, recites or reads aloud informally or for audience identifies, describes and uses some commonly used verbal and non-verbal features in a range of texts and begins to adapt spoken language to an audience identifies, clarifies and uses meanings in spoken texts, drawing on personal background, knowledge and experiences asks questions, listens to, interprets and presents information GRADE 3 • • relates texts to personal experiences talks about personal experiences • • • • • • • clarifies meanings heard while drawing on personal experiences starts to asks questions, attempts to listen to, interprets and presents information • • • • • *Dr. Dina Ocampo, LAT Convenor – version as of January 31, 2012 2 phonological. such as have. are uses phonics knowledge to attempt unknown words shows how spoken words are represented by written letters that are arranged in a specific order blends phonemes to read CVC words matches CVC words with pictures or objects reads one-syllable words using phonics uses phonics to sound out unfamiliar words recognizes some irregularly spelled words. said GRADE 3 • • • • • • • • . contextual. you. is. affixes and contractions. the. and semantic information) happening instantaneously. Competencies GRADE 1 GRADE 2 The Learner… • • knows all letter-sounds understands that the order of letters in a written word represents the order of sounds in a spoken word recognizes some common words on sight.K TO 12 – ENGLISH PHONICS AND WORD RECOGNITION Content Standards Performance Standards The learner recognizes words and constructs meaning about them based on series of cues (including word shape. such as a. perceptual. The learner uses sight word recognition or phonic analysis to read and understand words in English that contain complex letter combinations. *Dr. 2012 3 . LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. Dina Ocampo. g. and • communicates effectively in oral and written forms using the correct grammatical structures of English.K TO 12 – ENGLISH GRAMMAR Content Standards Performance Standards The learner understands that English language has a set of structural rules that govern the composition of clauses. speech marks and exclamation marks) uses correct nouns. places and things uses common prepositions and attempts to use prepositional phrases correctly GRADE 2 The learner… GRADE 3 • uses correct nouns and personal pronouns in telling about one’s family and friends • uses correct personal pronouns in place of nouns uses correct simple present form of the verb that agrees with the noun or pronoun uses a number of adjectives in describing the persons. pausing at full stops and raising voice at questions) • reads aloud with intonation and expression. and words in oral and written communication. in describing persons. common and proper and singular and plural in taking/writing about persons. taking account of the punctuation (e. The learner… • demonstrates grammatical awareness by being able to read. places and things uses correct personal and possessive pronouns in place of nouns uses correct simple present and past form of verbs in talking/writing about one’s experiences uses a number of adjectives. their synonyms and antonyms. speak and write correctly. places and things uses common prepositions correctly • • • • uses a limited number of simple verbs in telling about the activities of one’s family and friends describes one’s family and friends using common adjectives uses directional prepositions correctly • • • • • • • . Competencies GRADE 1 The Learner… The Learner… • • uses awareness of the grammar of a sentence to help decipher new or unfamiliar words reads familiar texts aloud with fluency and expressions appropriate to the grammar (e. phrases.g. *Dr. Dina Ocampo. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. 2012 4 . • differentiates English words from words in other languages spoken at home and in school asks about unfamiliar words to gain meaning sorts familiar words in basic categories (e. heard or read talks about the meaning of words and uses new words when speaking and writing begins to see that some words mean the same thing (synonyms) and some words have opposite meanings (antonyms) recognizes that words play different roles in sentences (e. . The learner acquires. etc) describes familiar objects and events in both general and specific language shows curiosity about and play with words and language uses new words learned thru stories in own speech knows and uses words that are important to school work. smiled. places. huge. smiles. smiling) uses English to define or describe other English words uses English to describe persons. . shapes. . foods. some words-nouns-name things and some words-verbs-show actions) asks about unfamiliar words to learn about meaning GRADE 2 The Learner .g. • identifies and supplies the English word equivalent of words in the mother tongue or Filipino classifies common words into conceptual categories (e. .g.g. dis-) to determine the meaning of words GRADE 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . processes and events uses knowledge of prefixes (e. • uses English words in spoken and written expression supplies words that fall into conceptual categories provides alternate words for a target word to reflect understanding of nuances (e. re-.g.g. and numbers The Learner . big. shapes. studies. colors.K TO 12 – ENGLISH VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Content Standards Performance Standards The learner understands the importance of acquiring an extensive receptive and expressive (passive and active) vocabulary for communication or expression in various contexts and language functions. foods. such as the names for colors. smile. and uses English vocabulary words appropriately in relevant contexts. enormous) transforms root words to appropriate structure to fit a sentence (e. un-. animals. toys. in-.g. Competencies GRADE 1 The Learner . etc) determines what words mean from how they are used in a sentence. . Dina Ocampo. 2012 5 . LAT Convenor – version as of January 31.*Dr. can’t = can not. looked.g. daydream. and adverbs learns more new words through independent reading GRADE 3 • • • • • • • • • • • .g. . looks.g. lunchtime. such as street names and names for community workers The Learner . aren’t = are not) recognizes that two words can make a compound word (e.g. looking) identifies some words that comprise contractions (e. airport.. including nouns.g.. Oct. treetop. popcorn) uses language with more control (such as speaking in complete sentence) understands that the language used in school are more formal than the language used at home and with friends GRADE 2 The Learner .K TO 12 – ENGLISH GRADE 1 The Learner .) determines the meaning of compound words using knowledge of individual words (e. –ful. Mr. ave. -less) to determine the meaning of words recognizes some words represented by common abbreviations (e. it’s = it is. • knows and uses words that are important to daily life. . • uses knowledge of suffixes (e. look. everyday) wants to learn new words and share them at school and home uses clues from the context to figure out what words mean increases vocabulary through the use of synonyms and antonyms uses different parts of speech correctly. • recognizes root words and their inflections (e. . . adjectives. . .g. verbs. -ly. Dina Ocampo. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. 2012 6 .*Dr. . • identifies connections between text listened to and personal experiences The Learner . . . • • • • proposes several predictions about text uses prior knowledge to select most likely conclusions about text formulates questions that are expected to be answered after reading the text makes predictions using experiences of listening to others texts with similar themes GRADE 3 . .K TO 12 – ENGLISH LISTENING COMPREHENSION Content Standards Performance Standards The learner understands that listening is the receptive skill in the oral mode that allows one to comprehend what is heard using ones skills and background knowledge (schema). characters and settings to make predictions validates predictions made after listening modifies prior knowledge based on new knowledge from text predicts what will happen next in a text discusses what is already known about topics listened to relates information and events in a selection to life experiences and vice versa • • • evaluates the predictions made on the basis of text listened to re-formulates prior knowledge on the basis on new information learned from text knows how to read for specific purposes and to seek answers to specific questions GRADE 2 The Learner . The learner… • activates prior knowledge conceptually related to text and establishes a purpose for listening/reading • be self-aware as they discuss and analyze text to create new meanings and modify old knowledge • responds to literary texts through the appreciation of literary devices and an understanding of story grammar • recalls/locates information from expository texts and uses this information for discussion or written production Competencies GRADE 1 The Learner . . • • • • • • • • makes predictions about stories based on the cover r titles of texts expects written texts to make sense uses the meaning of simple texts to support predictions listens carefully to texts read aloud asks and answers questions about texts uses what is already known to understand a text • • • • • • identifies similarities and differences in the plot or events in a story and personal experiences uses personal experiences to make predictions and about text to be listened to uses an understanding of incidents. . *Dr. 2012 7 . Dina Ocampo. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. identifies common themes. where) about literary text listened to knows the difference between “made up” (fiction) and “real” (nonfiction) texts knows the difference between stories and poems listens and understands simple written instructions identifies the plot of a literary selection listened to describes characters (e. . and what if questions GRADE 3 • • • • • • interprets information from diagrams. • • • • identifies elements of a story. including characters. recipes. when. roles. main ideas. when) about text listened to determines whether a story is realistic or fantasy restates facts from listening to expository texts The Learner . labels.K TO 12 – ENGLISH GRADE 1 The Learner . problem and solution). what.g. what. and captions in the environment • • • • • • • . where.g. and graphs takes part in creative responses to stories such as dramatizations of stories and oral presentations goes beyond own experiences or general impression and refer to text to explain meaning describes literary elements of text including characters.g. why. and key events answers simple questions about literary texts listened to asks simple questions (who. • • • • compares a prediction about an action or event to what actually occurred within a text asks relevant questions in order to comprehend recalls information. traits. traits. . classroom procedures) using picture clues given verbally Identifies signs. charts. reacts. speculates. and details after reading answers how. when. directions. symbols. . plot (specific events. roles.g. and setting describes characters (e. characters and contributes to discussions identifies the topic of expository text listened to GRADE 2 The Learner . • • • • predicts what will happen in a text based on pictures or information in the text retells and/or acts out events in texts talks about texts identifying major points and key themes Participates (e. similarities) within a literary selection listened to sequences a series of events in a literary selection listened to compares stories. . setting. reads along) when repetitive language structure of fiction and poetry are read aloud understands the structure of a simple text and use when re-enacting and retelling answers simple questions (who. similarities) within a literary selection makes simple inferences about thoughts and feelings and reasons for actions identifies key themes and discusses reasons for events in stories • • • • • • • • responds appropriately to questions based on facts in expository texs Sequentially follow a two-step directions (e. . . joins in. *Dr. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. Dina Ocampo. 2012 8 . alliteration.g.K TO 12 – ENGLISH GRADE 1 The Learner . onomatopoeia.g.g. where. plot (specific events. • • locates information in pictorial information books participates (e. . • • answers questions (e. and setting describes characters (e. . . problem and solution). • • sequences a series of events in a literary selection describes literary elements of text including characters.g. . chanting. traffic.g. assonance. roles. when) about expository text listened to follows a set of written or verbal three-step directions with pictures cues determines whether a specific task is completed by checking to make sure all the steps were followed in the right order. similarities) within a literary selection listened to makes simple inferences about thoughts and feelings and reasons for actions identifies key themes and discusses reasons for events in stories sequences a series of events in a literary selection identifies cause and effect of specific events in a literary selection identifies differences between fiction and nonfiction identifies words that the author selects in a literary selection to create a graphic visual experience identifies words that the author selects to create a rich auditory experience (e. warning signs) locates specific information in the text to find answers to simple questions GRADE 2 The Learner . with picture clues to assist states the meaning of some environmental signs (e. choral reading) in the reading of poetry by responding to the rhyme and rhythm relates story setting and incidents to own experiences The Learner . who what. safety. . traits. clapping. . consonance) in a literary selection GRADE 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • . Dina Ocampo.*Dr. 2012 9 . LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. map features. • compares events and characters in literary selections from a variety of cultures to their experiences begins to understand the effects of different words and phrases (e. . computer icons.g. simple charts and graphs) evaluates the usefulness of the information in a particular text for answering questions GRADE 3 • • • • • • • • . . images and atmosphere) locates specific information by using organization features in expository texts identifies the main idea in expository texts locates facts in response to questions about expository texts locates specific information from graphic organizers determines whether a specific task is completed by checking to make sure all the steps were followed in the right order states the meaning of specific signs and symbols (e.K TO 12 – ENGLISH GRADE 1 GRADE 2 The Learner . to create humor.g. 2012 10 . LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. Dina Ocampo.*Dr. The learner… • • • • GRADE 1 activates prior knowledge conceptually related to text and establishes a purpose for reading be self-aware as they discuss and analyze text to create new meanings and modify old knowledge responds to literary texts through the appreciation of literary devices and an understanding of story grammar locates information from expository texts and uses this information for discussion or written production Competencies GRADE 2 The Learner … • • • • • • • identifies connections between story listened to and personal experiences makes predictions about stories based on the cover or titles of texts validates predictions made after reading a text modifies prior knowledge based on new knowledge from texts uses what is already known to understand texts relates information and events in a reading selection to life experience and vice versa derives meaning from texts with repetitive language structure GRADE 3 .K TO 12 – ENGLISH READING COMPREHENSION Content Standards Performance Standards The learner understands that reading is a psycholinguistic guessing game which utilizes visual and non-visual information in order to confirm. modify. and monitor one’s comprehension. Dina Ocampo. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. 2012 11 .*Dr. safety. including characters.g. traffic. setting. warning signs) locates specific information in the text to find answers to simples questions GRADE 3 • • .K TO 12 – ENGLISH GRADE 1 GRADE 2 The Learner… • • • • • • • • • • • • predicts what will happen in a text based on pictures or information in the text retells and/or acts out events in a text answers simple questions about texts read asks simple questions about texts read knows the differences between “made-up” (fiction) and “real” (nonfiction) texts knows the difference between stories and poems reads and understands simple written instructions sequences a series of events in a literary selection read identifies elements of a story. and key events identifies the topic of expository texts read follows a set of written or verbal three-step directions with picture cues determines whether a specific task is completed by checking to make sure all the steps were followed in the right order with picture cues to assist state the meaning of some environmental signs (e. 2012 12 .*Dr. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. Dina Ocampo. 3.K TO 12 – ENGLISH FLUENCY Content Standards The learner understands the importance of acquiring a high level of “fluency” in English in order to be understood by both native and non native listeners through: 1. Competencies GRADE 1 GRADE 2 The Learner… • • • • • GRADE 3 uses appropriate intonation and expression during unison oral reading with the teacher reads with automaticity approximately 20 highfrequency/sight words reads aloud appropriate grade level text at a rate of approximately 60 words per minute reads appropriate grade level text with an accuracy rate of 95-100% reads appropriate grade level text in three-tofour word phrases using intonation. 2. 4. Performance Standards Reading (the ability to easily read and understand texts written in the language) Writing (the ability to formulate written texts in the language) Comprehension (the ability to follow and understand speech in the language) Speaking (the ability to produce speech in the language and be understood by its speakers) The learner reads aloud grade level texts effortlessly without hesitation and with proper expression. expression and punctuation cues reads with automaticity 100 appropriate grade level high-frequency/sight words • . *Dr. 2012 13 . LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. Dina Ocampo. The learner spells words with two or more syllables using phonic.K TO 12 – ENGLISH SPELLING Content Standards Performance Standards The learner understands that words are formed with letters in accepted order (orthography). semantic. and morphemic expression. Competencies GRADE 1 GRADE 2 The Learner… • • • • • • uses invented (or developmental) spelling to try to spell words on his own understands that there is a correct way to spell words uses phonemic awareness and letter knowledge to spell and write words uses simple punctuation marks and capital letters pays attention to how words are spelled correctly spells previously studied words GRADE 3 . LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. Dina Ocampo.*Dr. 2012 14 . and revising drafts) pays attention to the mechanics of writing (e.g. and punctuation) in the final revisions of compositions GRADE 3 • • . lists using invented spelling or phonic knowledge writes things for others to read (by thinking of ideas.K TO 12 – ENGLISH WRITING/COMPOSITION Content Standards Performance Standards The learner understands the different formats to write for a variety of audiences and purposes. capitalization. letters. spelling. writing draft copies. Competencies GRADE 1 GRADE 2 The Learners… • • • understands that writing conveys meaning uses letter forms to represent thoughts and ideas writes for different purposes – stories. The learner expresses their ideas effectively in formal and informal compositions to fulfill their own purposes for writing. explanations. *Dr. Dina Ocampo. 2012 15 . LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. Competencies GRADE 1 The Learners… • • returns to favorite books.K TO 12 – ENGLISH ATTITUDE TOWARDS LANGUAGE. rhymes to be re-read and enjoyed attempts to read or retell familiar storybooks The Learners… • • retells or re-reads familiar storybooks to other children makes choices from a selection of texts and begin to justify preferences takes books from home to school (or vice versa) for independent/extra reading identifies favorite authors and stories GRADE 2 The Learners… • • makes choices about which texts to read based on prior reading experience responds to text by discussing preferences such as favorite characters. and books with similar themes writes and shares own stories explores and investigates topics of own interest GRADE 3 • • • • . LITERATURE AND LITERACY Content Standards Performance Standards The learner understands the significance of interpreting the social meaning of the choice of linguistic varieties and using language with the appropriate social meaning for the communication situation. songs. The learner demonstrates a love for reading stories and confidence in performing literacy-related activities / tasks. *Dr. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. 2012 16 . Dina Ocampo. which may tackle the process of organising and taking in new information and retaining information. The learner chooses and utilizes discrete techniques (general or specific) and applies them to all or most fields of study. Competencies GRADE 1 The Learners… • • • follows directions interprets pictographs Interprets simple maps of familiar places The Learners… • • • • • • follows directions alphabetizes (first letters) Uses the index at table of contents locates information Interprets bar graphs and tables Interprets simple maps of familiar places GRADE 2 The Learners… • • • • • • • follows directions alphabetizes (2 dictionary skills highlights important information Interprets graphs.K TO 12 – ENGLISH STUDY SKILLS Content Standards Performance Standards The learner understands that there are an array of study skills. charts and tables constructs maps of familiar places understands simple outlines nd GRADE 3 letters) . *Dr. 2012 17 . LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. Dina Ocampo. phrasing. expectations and intentions in specific communicative contexts or situations GRADE 8 The Learner… • listens for important points signaled by stress. intonation. intonation. pacing.K TO 12 – ENGLISH LISTENING COMPREHENSION Content Standards Performance Standards The learner understands that listening is the receptive skill in the oral mode that allows one to comprehend what is heard using ones skills and background knowledge (schema). phrasing. tone. intonation. or assumption in order to participate well in a specific communicative context or situation • shifts from one listening strategy to another based on purpose. familiarity with the topic and level of difficulty of the argumentative or persuasive texts listens to determine faulty logic. phrasing. familiarity with the topic and the level of difficulty of simple informative and short narrative texts listens to appreciate communication roles. or updating knowledge • • employs projective listening strategies when listening to descriptive and longer narrative texts listens to validate information. opinion. reviewing. and nonverbal cues that serve as carriers of meaning in specific situations GRADE 9 The Learner… • determines appropriateness of stress. and non-verbal cues used by a speaker in a particular setting for a specific audience GRADE 10 The Learner… • examines how spoken communication between and among speakers in specific situations may be repaired or enhanced verbally and nonverbally to suit various functional purposes adjusts listening strategies based on purpose. unsupported facts and emotional appeal in order to provide appropriate and critical feedback in a specific context or situation • • • • • . pacing. reorganize. and non-verbal cues serve as carriers of meaning that may aid or interfere in the message of the text listened to uses active listening strategies based on purposes. tone. tone. familiarity with the topic. The learner… • activates prior knowledge conceptually related to text and establishes a purpose for listening/reading • be self-aware as they discuss and analyze text to create new meanings and modify old knowledge • responds to literary texts through the appreciation of literary devices and an understanding of story grammar • recalls/locates information from expository texts and uses this information for discussion or written production Competencies GRADE 7 The Learner… • determines how stress. and synthesize information for purposes of expanding. and level of difficulty of the expository and analytical texts listens to simplify. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. 2012 18 . Dina Ocampo.*Dr. and justifications using accurate. and topic control strategies in participating in forms of small group interaction including interviews and panel discussions talks about significant human experiences and ideas on literary or expository reading. turn-giving. debate. Competencies GRADE 7 The Learner… • uses the right stress. intonation. debates. and broadcast communication tasks enhances the quality of verbal and non-verbal strategies employed by speakers in a completed formal oral presentation. pacing and tone while delivering an extemporaneous or impromptu speech employs varied verbal and nonverbal strategies to create impact on a specific audience while delivering various forms of extemporaneous or impromptu speech provides appropriate and constructive response to questions and feedback concerning one’s performance in an extemporaneous or impromptu speech task GRADE 10 The Learner… • adjusts the stress. delivering prepared lines in a performance script. listening or viewing selections in unrehearsed individual and group modalities GRADE 8 The Learner… • varies the stress. intonation. and appropriate primary and secondary information • • • • • • • • . phrasing. pacing and tone while participating in formal oral presentations. phrasing. intonation. or re-enacting an episode or scene uses appropriate verbal and nonverbal strategies to animate a written script for purposes of delivering information or executing a dramatic piece and other performance speech forms provides structured feedback on the quality of spoken discourse based on a prepared manuscript or performance script GRADE 9 The Learner… • determines the appropriate stress. The learner has sufficient facility in English to understand spoken discourse and to talk and interact with others about personal experiences and text listened to or read. pacing and tone while reading orally from a prepared manuscript. phrasing. purpose and audience). or broadcast communication tasks formulates informed assertions. intonation. claims. phrasing. adequate. pacing and tone in interpersonal expressions and in reading short written or recorded passages aloud uses appropriate verbal and nonverbal turn-taking.K TO 12 – ENGLISH ORAL LANGUAGE AND FLUENCY Content Standards Performance Standards The learner understands the standards of English in order to participate in various oral communication demands (situation. 2012 19 .*Dr. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. Dina Ocampo. or context of use • • • • . and idiomatic types Identifies collocations and arrange words or expressions in clines. colloquial. situation. and clusters GRADE 8 The Learner… • establishes the meaning of words and expressions as they are used in discourse structures and patterns uses context clues and structural analysis to arrive at the meaning of words and expressions GRADE 9 The Learner… • identifies context-appropriate substitutes for words or expressions determines the level of formality or register in which a word or expression is to be used GRADE 10 The Learner… • reduces ambiguity and vagueness in the use of words and expressions explains the nature of shift in structure and meaning of a word or expression as used in a specific discipline. Competencies GRADE 7 The Learner… • establishes semantic relationships of words and expressions that include familiar. categories.K TO 12 – ENGLISH VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Content Standards Performance Standards The learner understands that words are composed of different parts and their meaning changes in context. The learner employs strategies to decode the meaning of words in isolation and in context (word strategies). 2012 20 . LAT Convenor – version as of January 31.*Dr. Dina Ocampo. modify. or disposition GRADE 10 The Learner… • assesses prior knowledge concerning the topic of reading or viewing selection using individual or group assessment devices evaluates content. concern. elements. inferential. and monitor one’s comprehension. and properties of a reading or viewing selection using a set of text analysis strategies developed in consultation with peers and the teacher organizes an independent and systematic approach to critiquing an elected reading or viewing selection organizes an independent and systematic approach to critiquing an elected reading or viewing selection Performance Standards uses predictive and anticipatory • devices or tasks to activate prior knowledge concerning the topic of reading or viewing selection distinguishes between and among • literal. The learner… • activates prior knowledge conceptually related to text and establishes a purpose for reading • be self-aware as they discuss and analyze text to create new meanings and modify old knowledge • responds to literary texts through the appreciation of literary devices and an understanding of story grammar • locates information from expository texts and uses this information for discussion or written production Competencies GRADE 7 The Learner… • GRADE 8 The Learner… organizes prior knowledge concerning the topic of reading or viewing selection using a variety of graphic organizers responds to information from a reading or viewing selection through the use of oral or written short response formats and differentiated group performance tasks identifies dominant literary devices and figures of speech that add color and heighten meaning in the reading or viewing selection identifies dominant writing or filming techniques that add color to and heighten meaning of the reading or viewing selection GRADE 9 The Learner… • articulates prior knowledge concerning the topic of reading or viewing selection using guided small group discussion strategies compares and contrasts information presented in two or more related reading or viewing selections using guided text analysis strategies and devices in a small group structure ascertains the features of the reading or viewing selection that clarify its adherence to or dismissal of a particular tradition of literary production ascertains the features of the reading or viewing selection that clarify its adherence to or dismissal of a particular social issue. features.K TO 12 – ENGLISH READING COMPREHENSION Content Standards The learner understands that reading is a psycholinguistic guessing game which utilizes visual and non-visual information in order to confirm. and applied information presented in a reading or viewing selection and the questions formed on the basis of such information establishes the relevance and unity of the elements of a text visà-vis its intended purpose and production milieu establishes the validity and unity of the details of a text vis-à-vis its intended purpose and production milieu • • • • • • • • • • • . LAT Convenor – version as of January 31.*Dr. 2012 21 . Dina Ocampo. research reports. legends. and assessment tools or techniques in process-oriented writing with the aid of peers and the teacher uses specific cohesive and literary devices to construct integrative literary and expository written discourse as review. Competencies GRADE 7 The Learner… • distinguishes between oral and written modes of language use with emphasis on their exclusive features and properties GRADE 8 The Learner… • distinguishes between informational and artistic stances in written discourse and the specific properties of each stance GRADE 9 The Learner… • identifies ways by which information is systematically organized to meet specific goals and objectives in written discourse employs a variety of language and discourse patterns in expressing one’s view and opinions concerning a specific topic of interest uses specific cohesive and literary devices to construct extended literary and expository written discourse as short fiction. appropriate forms. drama. parables. The learner expresses ideas effectively in formal and informal compositions for a particular purpose and audience. personal essays. fables. critiques. myths. argumentative and persuasive essays. and presentation strategies uses standard procedure. campaigns and broadcast commercials • identifies common language patterns that exist in specific written discourse patterns • • • • uses specific cohesive and literacy devices to construct basic literary and expository written discourse such as poetry. blogs. speeches. and opinionated journalistic writing GRADE 10 The Learner… • identifies ways by which purposeful writing may be supported by a variety of information sources. including screenplay • determines features and properties of written language n accordance to a specific register or level of formality uses specific cohesive and literary devices to construct written personal discourse formats such as letters. and scripts for broadcast communication texts. and electronic mails and basic mass media materials as print ads.K TO 12 – ENGLISH WRITING AND COMPOSITION Content standards Performance standards The learner understands the different formats to write for a variety of audiences and purposes. processing techniques. biographies and vignettes • • . LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. 2012 22 . Dina Ocampo.*Dr. and synthesis uses: • o other cohesive techniques and devices o various polite expressions o varied techniques of softening expression o appropriate techniques to avoid confusing sentence structures formulates: • o appropriate restatements o correct negation structures o meaningful structures of fronting. expanding. and reply questions o correct simple and compound sentence o meaningful embedded and kernel sentences o appropriate direct or reported speech GRADE 8 The Learner… • uses: o varied adjective complementation o appropriate idioms. causation. The learner… • demonstrates grammatical awareness by being able to read. and words in oral and written communication. and modification) GRADE 9 The Learner… • GRADE 10 The Learner… uses: o appropriate expressions of introducing.K TO 12 – ENGLISH GRAMMAR AWARENESS Content standards Performance standards The learner understands that English language has a set of structural rules that govern the composition of clauses. and emphasis o effective sentence with controlled length and rhythm • • • formulates: o correct claim of fact o correct claim of policy o correct claim of value o appropriate direct quote o substantive précis o adequate paraphrase o suitable statement of conclusion . elaboration. inversion. collocations. and restating a topic o appropriate statements of definition. and fixed expression o coordinators o subordinators o other appropriate devices for emphasis formulates: o correct complex and compound-complex sentences o correct conditional statements o appropriate parenthetical expressions o meaningful expanded sentence (following balance. speak and write correctly • communicate effectively in oral and written forms using the correct grammatical structures of English Competencies GRADE 7 The Learner… • uses: o varied nouns complementation o varied verb complementation o correct determiners o consistent tense o proper tense simplification o appropriate auxiliary and modal verbs formulates: o meaningful question forms. summarizing. short answers. parallelism. phrases. 2012 23 . LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. Dina Ocampo.*Dr. maintaining. literacy. and responsible use of information in supporting and elaborating particular claims relevant to one’s established project of inquiry . and sharing expected outputs of creative and critical thinking concerning language.K TO 12 – ENGLISH ATTITUDE Content standards Performance standards The learner understands the significance of interpreting the social meaning of the choice of linguistic varieties and using language with the appropriate social meaning for the communication situation. ongoing. proactive disposition. The learner demonstrates a love for reading and viewing various texts and confidence in responding/participating in various communicative activities / tasks. and responsive disposition in articulating. Competencies GRADE 7 The Learner… • demonstrates eagerness and spontaneity in providing and responding to questions and feedback pertinent to previous. and literature GRADE 8 The Learner… • exhibits the initiative to innovative independently or in cooperation with others in designing. and literature GRADE 9 The Learner… • adopts an appropriate. objectivity. sensitive. and challenging diverse opinions and points o view concerning specific issues or concern GRADE 10 The Learner… • observes fairness. and future opportunities for learning language. literacy. presenting. *Dr. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. Dina Ocampo. 2012 24 . and electronic sources of information for purposes of supporting assertions. The learner chooses and utilizes discrete techniques (general or specific) and applies them to all or most fields of study. limiting inquiry. validating assumptions. and balancing views or opinions GRADE 9 The Learner… • arranges collected and classified information using an appropriate liner or non-linear organizer such as idea maps and outlines GRADE 10 The Learner… • designs appropriate task and resource management schemes to carry out specific foals o an organized inquiry . nonprint. and drawing conclusions GRADE 8 The Learner… • exchanges and processes information synchronously or asynchronously with peers and other persons for purposes of expanding understanding. which may tackle the process of organising and taking in new information and retaining information.K TO 12 – ENGLISH STUDY SKILLS Content standards Performance standards The learner understands that there are an array of study skills. Competencies GRADE 7 The Learner… • locates appropriate print. 2012 25 . Dina Ocampo. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31.*Dr. Avelina Llagas (ret) Consultant OFFICE/SCHOOL UP – College of Education RAP/PNU PNU Raya School Raya School Xavier School Filbern School Sangfil/DLSU Wordlab School Merian College Wordlab School PDRC PSDeaf Retired-BEE UP-Educ UPIS UPIS UPIS UPIS UP-Educ DepEd DepEd VIII / CESS DepEd . 2011 November 2. Heidi Macahilig 3. Edizon Fermin Principal 11. 2011 NAME DESIGNATION 1. Sabrina Par Instructor 4 18. Perpetua Talens 13. Greg Pawilen 21. Dr. Jeanne Ramos 5. Lourdes Vargas 19. Ramilio Correa 9. Ruth Martin 6. Rowena del Castillo 20. Flora Anne Alfonso 7. Maia Josephine Tamboon 14. Gerry Areta 4. Ma.K TO 12 – ENGLISH CURRICULUM DEVELOPERS/WRITERS/REACTORS in the DEVELOPMENT of K to 12 CURRICULUM ENGLISH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A. Learning Area Team (LAT) Review with designated LAT CONVENOR Date : October 22. Roderick Aguirre Language and Preschool Consultant 23. Pamela Razon 17. Josefina Lacuna Senior Education Program Specialist 15. Marivic Arcos 12. Filomena Sanchez 8. Paraluman Giron (ret) Chair K-10 TWG 22. Marie Therese Bustos 16. Dina Ocampo-CONVENOR Dean 2. Ma. Joanne Astilla 10. 2012 26 . Dina Ocampo.*Dr. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. Ricardo Ador Dionisio Teacher II 7. Roderick Aguirre Language and Preschool Consultant Retired ES: Elementary English – 2.NEPP Rizal High School DepED CO/BEE-CDD Quirino High School Philippine Normal University DepED CO/BSE-CDD Angelicum College DepED – NEPP DepED CO/BEE-SPED . Lontoc AA IV / Documentor OFFICE/SCHOOL DepED VIII / CESS DepED . Lontoc AA IV / Documentor D. Lourdes Visaya DepED Manila 5. 2011 NAME DESIGNATION OFFICE/SCHOOL A. Melinda Rivera Senior Subject Specialist 11. Dr. Workshop on the Finalization of Learning Competencies Venue: DAP. Tagaytay City Date: September 7-9. Dr. Eufrosina R. Tagaytay City Date: August 8-12 . 2011 NAME DESIGNATION 1. Edilberta Bala Professor 3. Ligaya Ilagan EPS II DepEd CO/BEE-SDD C. Galileo Go SEPS 8. Nilda Sunga Academic Director 12. Galileo Go SEPS Retired ES: Elementary English – 4. Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Roderick Aguirre Language and Preschool Consultant 2. Lourdes Visaya Former ES: Elementary English 13. Workshop on the Finalization of Learning Competencies Venue: DAP. Gloria Buya-ao EPS I 4. Liberty Mangaluz HT III. Perla Cuanzon DepED Manila 3. Marla Papanggo Professor 10.K TO 12 – ENGLISH B. Nerissa Lomeda ES I English – Division of Muntinlupa 5. Manila DepED DO – Ifugao DepED DO – Muntinlupa DepED . Workshop on Determining Gaps Between BEC Grade 6 Competencies and the K to 12 Grade 7 Competencies Venue: DAP. Dr. Dr. Tagaytay City Date: August 15-19.NEPP DepED CO/BEE-CDD DepED – NEPP DepED CO/BEE-SPED OFFICE/SCHOOL DepED VIII / CESS Philippine Normal University. Perla Cuanzon Former ES: Elementary English – 6. English 9. Dr. Eufrosina R. 2011 NAME DESIGNATION 1. Roderick Aguirre Language and Preschool Consultant DepED VIII / CESS B. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31.*Dr. 2012 27 . Dina Ocampo. 4. Roderick M. 2. Roderick M.English Language and Preschool Consultant SEPS EPS II Former Educ. Lourdes Visaya Retired ES: Elementary English – DepED Manila 2. Ligaya G. Perla Cuanzon Retired ES: Elementary English – DepED Manila 3. Workshop on the Development of Learning Competencies and Teaching Guides Venue: DAP. Cuanzon Mr. 2011 NAME DESIGNATION 1. 2011 NAME Liberty Mangaluz Digi Castillo Eufrosina R.Tagaytay City Date: July 18-19. Workshop on the Development of Learning Competencies Grades 3 to 10 Venue: DAP. 5. Rivera Senior Subject Specialist OFFICE/SCHOOL DepED VIII/CESS DepED . Galileo L. 7. Melinda P. Visaya Former Educ.BEE NEPP DepEd.Tagaytay City July 18-22. Go SEPS 4. Supervisor – English Senior Subject Specialist OFFICE/SCHOOL Quirino High School British Council SPED . Ilagan Lourdes C. 8. Aguirre Galileo L. 2011 NAME DESIGNATION 1.K TO 12 – ENGLISH 14. Supervisor – English 3. Rara Former PDO II: BESRA – DepED CO / Documentor DepEd E. Supervisor – English 6.BSE F.NEPP DepED CO/BEE-CDD DepED CO/BEE-SDD DepED . Roderick M. Lourdes C. Dr. Cuanzon Former Educ. DESIGNATION Head Teacher III Consultant AA IV/ Encoder Former Educ. BEE DepEd CO/BEE-SDD Deped – NEPP CDD . Lontoc Perla H. Region VIII CDD. 6. Ilagan EPS II 5.NEPP DepED CO/BSE-CDD . Visaya Melinda Rivera Venue: Date: OFFICE/SCHOOL DepEd DepEd DepEd. Supervisor . Aguirre Language and Preschool Consultant 2. Tagaytay City Date: July 18-22. Aro R. Aguirre Language and Preschool Consultant DAP. Dr. Perla H. 3. 9. Region VIII 1. Mr. Go Ligaya G. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31.*Dr. 2012 28 . Dina Ocampo. Dr. Central Office CDD – BSE. School. Mrs. Perla Cuanzon DepEd Retired ES: Elementary English – DepED Manila . Ador Dionisio Teacher II 4. 10. Quezon City C. Workshop on the Development of Learning Competencies Grades K to 3 Venue: DAP.NEPP DepED CO/BEE-CDD DepED CO/BEE-SDD DepED . Go SEPS 4. Visaya Former ES: English – DepED Manila 6. Marisol L. Manila Sta. Lourdes Visaya retired ES: Elementary English – DepED DepEd Manila 3. City of Manila University of the East. Liberty A. Roderick M. CALABARZON Date: May 19-21. Mr. Adrian S. Lucia High School. Galileo L. Dr. Ms. Ligaya G. Mr. Ador Dionisio Digi Castillo Eufrosina R.Tagaytay City Date: May 10-13. Mr. 9. Perla H.2011 NAME DESIGNATION OFFICE/SCHOOL 1. English Teacher II Consultant AA IV / Encoder Quirino High School Rizal High School British Council DepED CO/BEE-SPED G. Edilberta Bala Professor Philippine Normal University 2. 2011 NAME DESIGNATION 1. Pasig City Workshop on the Review and Refinement of the K to 12 Curriculum Framework and Standards Venue: DAP. Mangaluz Head Teacher III 5. Peralta Teacher II/Assoc. DepEd. Aguirre Language Consultant 2. Tagaytay City Date: July 11-15. Roderick M. Aguirre Language and Preschool Consultant 2. Lourdes C. Writeshop on the Finalization of the Curriculum Standards Venue: RELC. Lontoc AA IV / Documentor H. Lontoc HT III. Eufrosina R. Liberty A. Ricardo G.Apostol Elem. Galileo L. Region VIII CDD-BEE.K TO 12 – ENGLISH 7. Go Senior Education Program Specialist 3. Echano I.NEPP DepED CO/BEE-SPED OFFICE/SCHOOL DepEd. 8. Mr.2011 NAME DESIGNATION 1. Ilagan EPS II 5. DepEd Central Office Quirino High School. Teacher I OFFICE/SCHOOL DepED VIII/CESS DepED . Dr. Prof UE-CAS 6. Cuanzon Former ES: English – DepED Manila 3. Mangaluz Ricardo G. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31.*Dr. Dina Ocampo. 2012 29 . K TO 12 – ENGLISH 4. Mr. Adrian S. Peralta 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Ms. JesusaAntiquiera Mr. Galileo L. Go Mr. Ricardo G. Ador Dionisio Mrs. Melinda Rivera Ms. Marisol L. Echano Teacher II/Assoc. Prof UE-CAS Principal II Senior Education Program Specialist Teacher II Senior Education Program Specialist Teacher I C.Apostol Elem. School, City of Manila University of the East, Manila Padre Gomez Elem. School, City of Manila CDD-BEE, DepEd, Central Office CDD – BSE, DepEd Central Office CDD-BSE DepEd Central Office Sta. Lucia High School, Pasig City J. Consultative Workshops for the Validation of the K to 12 Curriculum Framework and Standards 1. Regions IV-A, IV-B,V and NCR Venue: Bulwagan ng Karunungan Date: April 27, 2011 NAME 1. Avelina T. Llagas 2. Caroline C. Laporteza 3. Marife T. Tañala 4. Eufemia B. Pura 5. Ma. Theresa M. Abainza 6. Annalyn D. Mangurali 7. Victoria R. Mayo 8. Rose Ann B. Pamintuan 9. Ma. Gina M. Rocena 10. Regida N. Uibar 11. Manuel C. Zacarias 2. Regions I,II,III and CAR Venue: Teachers’ Camp, Baguio City Date: April 29, 2011 NAME Judy P. Santiago Adelaida A. Bogayao Erlyn B. Angway Pascuala P. Te-Elan DESIGNATION Consultant Teacher Education Program Supervisor Teacher II Master Teacher I Master Teacher I Education Program Supervisor II Teacher III SST III / Dept. Chairman Education Program Supervisor II President OFFICE/SCHOOL Teacher Education Council Ateneo de Manila High School Deped – Region IV-B MIMAROPA Rizal National Science High School Deped – Albay Division Deped – Calapan City Deped – NCR Division of Pasig City Quezon City High School Deped – RO 5 NCR 1. 2. 3. 4. DESIGNATION LAC EPS – I Master Teacher I Head Teacher III Principal 5. Joel S. Cabanilla OFFICE/SCHOOL SLU – LHS Deped – CAR – Division of Abra Deped - Baguio Mountain Province General Comprehensive High School SLU – Lab, High School *Dr. Dina Ocampo, LAT Convenor – version as of January 31, 2012 30 K TO 12 – ENGLISH 6. Aurelia T. Ballitoc 7. May L. Mendoza 8. Felimendo M. Felipe 9. Elizabeth L. Altona 10. Leonarda L. Sapnu 11. Teresita M. Morales 12. Delia A. Antonio 13. Ma. Rita Teresa V. Riñosa 14. Winalyn E. Idio 15. Mariecon G. Ramirez 16. Rhea Jane S. Manalo 3. Regions VI,VII and VIII Venue: Ecotech, Lahug Cebu City Date: May 4,, 2011 NAME 1. Leilanie R. Francisco 2. Lilia L. Orola 3. Arlene M. Omaque 4. Marcelita Dignos 5. Claire C. Bato 6. Mary Ann F. Guimoc 7. Rustum D. Geonzon 8. Leonila Tabar 9. Evelyn Dominguez 10. Lorelie G. Torlao 11. Luz V. Isobal 12. Estrellita B. Plarisan 13. Jude Thaddeus I. Iledan Master Teacher II Teacher I Head Teacher III EPS II EPS – I ES II Academic Coordinator Master Teacher I Teacher I Education Program Supervisor High School Coordinator Deped Deped - CAR Pinaripad National High School, Division of Quirino, Region 2 Secondary Educ. Div. Deped R.02 Deped – Tarlac City Deped RO I Lorma Colleges Grade School Victoria Q. Zarate ES Gueguesangen Elementary School Deped – Laoag City BHC Educational Institution, Inc. DESIGNATION Teacher III EPS I Master Teacher I Teacher Master Teacher I EGT II ES I English Area Chairman Head Teacher IV SPET I Principal GS Principal ES II OFFICE/SCHOOL Deped – Aklan Division of Roxas City Deped - Mandaue Deped – RO 7 Deped - Biliran Deped – Tacloban City Deped - Samar University of San Jose Recoletos Deped RO 6 Deped - Biliran Bethel International School Saint Joseph College DepEd *Dr. Dina Ocampo. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. 2012 31 . Barrientos 6. Sumagaysay Div. Angelito 4. Aca-Ac 20. CARAGA XUGS 1. Regions XI. Dorothy D. 2011 NAME 1. Coordinator Edilhynie M. Jaremie J. 3. ARMM (Shariff Kabunsuan. Jeanie L. Ed. Joan Valles Alejandrino 21. Belinda A. Joseph A. Samina C. Faculty OFFICE/SCHOOL DepEd Division of Davao Oriental Holy Cross of Mintal. Busalla 17. Ed. Ed. 5. Agusan del Norte Dep. Surigao del Norte Dep. Lebios 24. 4. Leah O.X and ARMM Venue: RELC. Harrie May U. Ed. Leticia S. Baraquero 8. Jocelyn R. Jambangan Teacher Marivic N. 2011 NAME DESIGNATION Nancy P. Mamao 2.K TO 12 – ENGLISH 4. Ed. – USEP Stella Maris Academy of Davao . Matiso 23. Mission 22. Sutacio Jr. Ed. Davao City and CARAGA Date: May 6. Regions IX. College of Educ.. Anino Elem.English Classroom Teacher Academic Head Teacher I SST . Mary Neva Grace C. Dep. Mativo 14. Agusan del Norte Dep. Gonite 9. Ann P.Maguindanao) Venue: RELC.XII. Angelina B. Juliet R. Mimia 12. Morales DESIGNATION Teacher English Coordinator MT . R. Lumbay 5. Garife 19. Bayani 15.O. Jocelyn R. Busalla 10. Jeanie L.. Belinda A. Buaron 18.I ES II – English Teacher I Teacher I Teacher II Teacher Head Teacher III Teacher III Teacher Teacher EPS I Teacher Teacher EPS ES II . Sonia P. SHJMS Borja OLLES Dep. Gaudencio C.I EPS I ES II Language Teacher OFFICE/SCHOOL DepEd LS – II – A CUBED DepEd DepEd Region IX DepEd Region IX DepEd Region IX DepEd Region IX SHMS DepEd – Gingoog City DepEd – Gingoog City DepEd – Agusan del Norte CU – PAFIE DepEd – Surigao del Norte CUBED Corpus Christi School Dep. Amor de Torres 13. Gaudencio C. 3. Cagayan de Oro City Date: May 5. Moral 16. 2. Honorio 7. Inc. Anna Liza A. Chipada 11. Pedro L. Neri Teacher Rudylen P. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. 2012 32 .*Dr. Dina Ocampo. C. Chiew 7. Tagaytay City Date: March 16-18. Division of Pasig City Angelicum College. Rivero 11. Aileen Mae T. Eufrosina Lontoc AA IV/ Encoder OFFICE/SCHOOL CDD – BEE Division of Taguig Division of Olongapo CDD – BSE Quirino HS. Caren Joy E. Roderick Aguirre Language Consultant 14. Neg. Ricardo Ador Dionisio Teacher II 7. Dr. Sunga Teacher 8. Abdul 10. Liberty Mangaluz Head Teacher III 6. Loria 15.Regalado 9. Perla Cuanzon Former ES: Elementary English – DepED Manila 11. Cutamor 14.K TO 12 – ENGLISH 5. Dinah G. Galileo Go SEPS 2. Sheryl L. Eva Imingan Teacher 4. Acharon. Maguindanao 1 Francisco Adlaon Learning Institute Midsayap Pilot ES Romana C. Welma R. Nerissa Lormeda Teacher 3. Dr. Wilma Grace P. Mirla Olores Facilitator 15. Bayron 8. Irene J. Arlac G. Gilbert C. Nilda R. Vertido 16. Lourdes Visaya Former Educ. Or. Dr. Bulosan 17. Clarisse Caballero . Dr. CES DepEd Sultan Kudarat BEE – Regional Office DepED RO XII City Schools of Tacurong City K. Maguindanao 2 Div. Office. Division of Q. Edilberta Bala Professor 13. Billano Elementary Teacher Teacher Faculty Treasurer ES I ESP I Elem. Teacher Master Teacher I Teacher I Division English Coordinator Teacher I ES II EPS Stella Maris Academy of Davao Stella Maris Academy of Davao Davao Wisdom Academy Glan Little Angels Academy. Hui 6. Office. Lani F. Div. Melinda Rivera EPS 5. 2011 NAME DESIGNATION 1. Caballo 12. DepEd – NEPP DepEd – NEPP University of the East PNU PNU/ CESS SPED – BEE SPED -BEE . Catalina Credo ES 9. Dr. Ofelia N. Dr. Supervisor – English 10. Marietta Otero Professor 12. Shirley S. Inc. Anito 13. Dr. Workshop on the K to 12 Curriculum Mapping Venue: DAP. QC Zamboanguita. Rizal HS. *Dr. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. 2012 33 . Dina Ocampo. Dina Ocampo Dr. 2. TEC. 4. 4. DepEd OSEC Director. Paraluman R. Yolanda S. 5. Pasig OIC. Fermin 2. DepEd Accountant. 5. NAME Usec. Rachelle C. Giron Dr. Nilva Jimenez DESIGNATION DepEd DepEd DAP DAP DAP DAP DAP DAP Accountant. Irene C. Kidjie Saguin 9. Avelina T. Divina Tomelden 13. Maria Boncan 10. Marivic Abcede Mirla Olores Simeona Ebol Fe Villalino ADVISORY TEAM 1. UP Diliman President. Cristina Villasenor 7. DepEd Chair. 7. PNU DESIGNATION CDD – BEE CDD – BSE CDD – BSE SPED – BEE CDD – BEE SDD – BEE . BEE – DepEd. Prescy Ong 3. 8. Fenerosa Maur 12. Kimberly Pobre 6. DepEd Accountant. Lolita Andrada Dr. DepEd Disbursing Officer. DepEd Accountant. Quijano Dr. Jr. De Robles Jose Tuguinayo. DepEd Dean. Ester Ogena DESIGNATION Undersecretary. 3. Angelita Esdicul Dr. Lani Garnace 8. 6. DepEd FACILITATORS/ SUPPORT TEAM NAME 1. Ricardo de Lumen D. Liagas Dr. Daylinda Guevarra 11. COE. 6. 2. Tristan Suratos 5. Director III – Tech Voc. Magdalena Mendoza 4. Pasig Director.K TO 12 – ENGLISH SECRETARIAT NAME 1. BSE – DepEd. 3. K – 10 TWG Consultant. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. 2012 34 . Dina Ocampo.*Dr. Beatriz Torno 18. Diane Decker 15. BALS Director. CEU CHED Consultant. IMCS Executive Director. UP – NISMED President. NETRC Director. Mr. TESDA Director. Dr. Dr. SMS Sagada. Mt. Pograms and Standards Headmaster. Dr. Socorro Pilor 17. Dr.K TO 12 – ENGLISH 9. Irene Isaac 20. Dr. Cristina Padolino 13. Dr. Merle Tan 12. Dr. Dr. TESDA . Dr. Director. MTB – MLE Director. Imelda Taganas Technical Adviser to the Office of USEC. Napoleon Imperial 14. Brenda B. TEC Director. Corpuz 10. Nelia Benito 16. Prov. Dennis Faustino 11. Carolina Guerrero 19. Dr. LAT Convenor – version as of January 31. 2012 35 .*Dr. Dina Ocampo.
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