English Grade 8

March 26, 2018 | Author: Rica Esclada | Category: Verb, Sentence (Linguistics), Plural, Semantics, Language Mechanics



Identify the verb in the following sentence: Some people worry almost all the time. a. worry b. people c. almost d. time Grade 8Suffixes A series of letters placed in front of a word to form a new word is called a suffix. a. True b. False Grade 8Possessives Indicate if the possessive nouns express separate or joint ownership. We always look forward to Jane's and Ann's performances. a. separate ownership b. joint ownership Grade 8Editing Which choice correctly punctuates and capitalizes the words in the following sentence? st patricks day comes once a year a. St. Patricks day comes once a year. b. St. Patrick's Day comes once a year. c. St Patricks Day comes once a year. d. st patrick's day comes once a year! Grade 8Combining Sentences Which way is the best way to combine these sentences? We saw a movie during our vacation. The movie was interesting. a. We saw a movie during our interesting vacation. b. Interesting, we saw a movie during our vacation. c. We saw an interesting movie during our vacation. d. none of the above Grade 8Types of Sentences Read the following sentence and identify the sentence type: Pauline loves to go to the beach and spend her days sunbathing. a. simple sentence b. compound sentence c. complex sentence d. compound-complex sentence Grade 8Capitalization Choose the words that should be capitalized in the following sentence. you must go 10 miles north to get to edinburgh. a. You, Destination, North b. You, Miles, Destination c. North, Edinburgh d. You, Edinburgh Grade 8Types of Sentences Read the sentence and choose the answer that identifies the type of sentence: The clock's minute hand is moving, but the second hand has stopped. a. simple sentence b. compound sentence c. complex sentence d. compound-complex sentence Grade 8Editing Which choice correctly punctuates and capitalizes the words in the following sentence? youre going to come to my party right a. You're going to come to my party right? b. Youre going to come to my party right? c. You're going to come to my party, right. d. You're going to come to my party, right? Grade 8Types of Sentences Read the sentence and choose the answer that identifies the type of sentence: Before the sun rises, she runs two miles or exercises. a. simple sentence b. compound sentence c. complex sentence d. compound-complex sentence b. and I am wrong. you are right. subject.1. a. a. It is believed by the teachers that the school must implement a dress code to control behavior.1b Which choice correctly changes the sentence below. tone b. complex sentence d. Active b. L. Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA. it is believed by the teachers that the school must implement a dress code.8. The teachers believe that the school must implement a dress code to control behavior. Passive Grade 8Types of Sentences Read the following sentence and choose the answer the identifies its sentence type: As it happens. complete thought. L.1.8. a.8. opinion. To control behavior. feeling. written using passive voice. d. subject. L. statement. verb Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA. simple sentence b.L. The teachers believe that a dress code must be implemented by the school to control behavior. mood. the sentence must express a and have a and a .1.L. compound-complex sentence Grade 8Fragments and Run-ons To be considered a complete sentence.1b Is the sentence below written using active or passive voice? Mom washes the dishes. into a sentence using active voice? It is believed by the teachers that a dress code must be implemented by the school to control behavior. compound sentence c. c. verb d. a. noun. verb c. Grade 8Capitalization Which sentence is capitalized correctly? . L.8.1. A farewell to arms." We were informed." we were informed. c. "is a snow leopard. Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA. Grade 8Capitalization Which of the following is capitalized correctly? a. d. b. b. i have shopped for clothes from the gap on the store's website.1b Which choice correctly changes the sentence below. for whom the bell tolls." we were informed. and the old man and the sea are three of Ernest Hemingway's novels. Julie is a special cat who loves sunbathing. The man was stung by a wasp. "That. written using passive voice. c. The man had been stung by a bee. A Farewell To Arms. For Whom The Bell Tolls. b. "That. She loves living in a creative environment.8. c. a. "That. I have shopped for clothes from the gap on the store's website. L.8. I have shopped for clothes from the Gap on the store's website." c. a.1. and the Old Man and the Sea are three of Ernest Hemingway's novels. An extremely loyal friend and inspiration. The balcony holds magnificent flowers. i have shopped for clothes from the Gap on the store's Website. d. b.1. c. For Whom the Bell Tolls. A Farewell to Arms. "is a snow leopard. A Farewell to Arms. Grade 8Abbreviations and Acronyms Which of the following choices is the correct abbreviation for December? a. A bee stung the man. and The Old Man And The Sea are three of Ernest Hemingway's novels. dec ." b. "Is a snow leopard. For Whom the Bell Tolls. "Is a snow leopard. into a sentence using active voice? The man was stung by a bee. d. "That." Grade 8Fragments and Run-ons Which of the following is a sentence fragment? a. d.L. L." d." We were informed. A bee was stung by the man. Grade 8Capitalization Which sentence is capitalized properly? a. and The Old Man and the Sea are three of Ernest Hemingway's novels. My brother. Dbr. a. A. d. My brother. Grade 8Identifying Genre All information in this genre is based on the known true facts.b. Imperative C. Which choice correctly punctuates and capitalizes the words in the following sentence? my brother tom is twelve years old. c. In addition to putting your Name on your paper please add the date. Tom. L. a. Conditional E. wake b. Tom. Indicative B. is twelve years old. b. My brother.1c Match the mood with its purpose. Tom. Grade 8Editing Which choice correctly punctuates and capitalizes the words in the following sentence? in addition to putting your name on your paper please add the date. Fantasy Grade 8Subject-Verb Agreement My friend up early on Sundays. dec. a. Tom. Interrogative . Dec. In addition to putting your name on your paper please add the Date.1. is twelve-years-old.8. please add the date. In addition to putting your name on your paper. b. L. Fiction b. a.L. please add the date. is twelve years old d. My Brother. is twelve years old. Poetry d. Subjunctive D. in addition to putting your name on your paper. Nonfiction c. c. d.1. c. wakes Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA.8. I walked home with cindy. and Miss Johnson. I saw Richard run like the wind c. teachers' b.8.8. I saw Richard run like the wind. d. a. teachers's d. Kids can observe the eclipse at midnight. Which choice best represents this rule? a. b. i walked home with Cindy. Grade 8Editing . L.L. b. d. I walked home with Cindy. teachers Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA. I saw richard run like the wind? d. i saw Richard run like the wind. Their names are Mr. Grade 8Possessives Choose the correct possessive to fill in the blank. c. L. Mrs. I walked Home with Cindy. Grade 8Capitalization Which sentence is capitalized properly? a. Roby. Subjunctive Expresses a wish or suggestion Indicative States a fact or opinion Interrogative State of questioning Imperative Makes a command or request Conditional Shows conditions required for something to happen Grade 8Editing Which choice correctly punctuates and capitalizes the words in the following sentence? i saw richard run like the wind a. Professor Johnson can observe the eclipse at midnight.1b It is okay to use the passive voice when the doer of the action doesn't matter. b. teacher's c. The eclipse can be observed at midnight.1. Andrade.1. c. The eclipse will be observed by Professor Johnson at midnight. c. d. b. a. c. Grade 8Tenses Choose the sentence with the future tense verb. Villarreal and Mrs. b. My brother left quickly Grade 8Subject-Verb Agreement Mrs. The Planet nearest the Sun is Mercury. My brother left Quickly. a. . You need to work harder. The planet nearest the sun is mercury. Which choice correctly punctuates and capitalizes the words in the following sentence? ursula and i love halloween. b. The Doctor will find dinosaurs on a spaceship. Grade 8Editing Which choice correctly punctuates and capitalizes the words in the following sentence? my Brother left quickly a. Ursula and I love Halloween d. Casanova my teachers. you'll get fired. Dinosaurs on a spaceship are cool. the Planet nearest the Sun is Mercury. Ursula and I love Halloween. My Brother left quickly. am b. d. The planet nearest the Sun is Mercury. ursula and I love Halloween. The Doctor is finding dinosaurs on a spaceship. c. b. My brother left quickly. a. Ursula and i love halloween. is c. d. The Doctor has found dinosaurs on a spaceship. c. Grade 8Capitalization Which sentence is capitalized correctly? a. are Grade 8Conjunctions Choose the best conjunction to fill in the blank. . d. c. clear your place b. d. I drove to Taco Bell to eat. a. a. because Grade 8Combining SentencesCCSS: L. b.8. clear your Place. c. When you are done eating. What is the best way to combine these sentences? a. Grade 8Editing Which choice correctly punctuates and capitalizes the words in the following sentence? shell never get her own room if she cant keep it clean a. clear your place. she'll never get her own room if she cant keep it clean. Shell never get her own room if she can't keep it clean. b. She'll never get her own room if she can't keep it clean. otherwise c. when you are done Eating. I drove to Taco Bell because my stomach was growling. listen b. Grade 8Subject-Verb Agreement Choose the best word to fill in the blank. moreover b. My sister to the radio in the morning. listens Grade 8Editing Which choice correctly punctuates and capitalizes the words in the following sentence? when you are done eating clear your place a. I was growling and I went to Taco Bell. I drove to Taco Bell to eat. c. My stomach was growling so I drove to Taco Bell to eat. d. instead d. clear your place. need . She'll never get her own Room if she can't keep it clean. When you are done eating. When you are done eating.3 My stomach was growling. a. Grade 8Subject-Verb Agreement My phone is broken and it to be fixed again. 3. In spain. a. L. Both b and c Grade 8Editing Which choice correctly punctuates and capitalizes the words in the following sentence? in spain they take siestas a. presently. Grade 8Possessives Choose the correct possessive to fill in the blank. baby's c. when his cousin Mary danced in. a. they take siestas. The dog played with the shoe. b. Which portions could you remove without losing the meaning? a.3 So. his . a.b. they take Siestas. babys Grade 8Pronouns Michael is with dog. So b. babys' d.8. babies b. In Spain they take siestas. In Spain. All alive with the joy of seeing home again after an age-long visit of one week to the country d. they take siestas. he got up and moved in clouds and darkness out at one door as she brought song and sunshine in at the other. all alive with the joy of seeing home again after an age-long visit of one week to the country. c. needs Is this sentence a run-on or a complete sentence? Margaret Bourke-White was a famous photographer she worked for LIFE magazine during World War II. In Spain. Presently c. Complete Sentence Grade 8Phrases and ClausesCCSS: CCRA. Run-on Sentence b.L. d. L. c.8. the thunderstorm. The gorilla was eaten by the banana. b. Poetry c. Grade 8Combining Sentences The dog hid. After the tornado. written using passive voice. the thunderstom. a. The dog hid. a.1. out b. Grade 8Prefixes The definition for the stem RE is: a. and scared him. all c. The thunderstorm hid the dog.1. its Grade 8Apostrophes Choose the best word to fill in the blank. her c. Fiction Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA. The banana was eaten. the trees in all the yards were knocked down. What is the best way to combine these sentences? a. L. d. a. again . d. house' c.1b Which choice correctly changes the sentence below.L. The banana was eaten by the boy. The dog hid. houses' b.8. house's Grade 8Identifying Genre This genre always contains elements that are made-up or created by the author. the dog hid during the thunderstorm.b. Realistic fiction b. The gorilla ate the banana. b. houses d. The thunderstorm scared him. Scared. c. Science fiction d. into a sentence using active voice? The banana was eaten by the gorilla. L. colon b. if he was allowed. a. b.L. written using passive voice.8. Mom and Dad a. Wade? c. false Grade 8Possessives Show joint ownership. b.8.8. I wish Wade would sing every Tuesday night. a. Grade 8Types of Sentences During lunch. into a sentence using active voice? A new car was purchased by him. What kind of sentence is this? a. A new car was purchased. Howie asked Bonnie to go to the dance.d. Wade sings every Tuesday night. Mom's and Dad's Grade 8Colons and Semicolons This punctuation mark is used to join two independent clauses in a sentence. Grade 8Nouns Is the noun in capital letters concrete or abstract? Eight PRESIDENTS were born or lived in Ohio. abstract Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA. L. It shows that the ideas in the two clauses are related.1. d. A new car was purchased by John. L. a.1. He purchased a new car. concrete b.1b Which choice correctly changes the sentence below.8. c. simple . Wade would sing every Tuesday night.1c Which sentence uses the conditional mood? a. d.1. Do you sing every Tuesday night.1. Mom and Dad's b. John purchased the new car purchased by him. semicolon c. L.L. comma Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA. superlative . girls d. Grade 8Possessives Choose the best word to fill in the blank. a.” d. Dorothy. girl Grade 8Quotation Marks Choose the sentence with the correctly punctuated dialogue. “I still haven’t forgiven them for cheating!” exclaimed Miss Ripley. girl's c. c. Peter runs home ahead of his brother every day. Viv. c. complex Grade 8Possessives Choose the correct possessive to fill in the blank. “Cheaters never prosper. compound c. positive b. companie's c. “I still haven’t forgiven them for cheating”! Exclaimed Miss Ripley. “I still haven’t forgiven them for cheating!” exclaimed Miss Ripley.” b. “Cheaters never prosper”. “Cheaters never prosper. d.” Grade 8Editing Which of the following is grammatically correct? a. b. “I still haven’t forgiven them for cheating!” Exclaimed Miss Ripley “Cheaters never prosper. companys' What is the degree of comparison for each adjective in capital letters? Taking flight is MORE DIFFICULT for large birds than smaller ones.b. company's d. Lacy attended camp last summer. comparative c. a. Peter walk to school with his brother every day. and their sisters travels for most of the year. companies b. Dorothy and Viv lives at the white house with green shutters. a. a. The picnic will be at the park Saturday afternoon. girls' b. On a cloudless night. Grade 8Capitalization Which sentence is capitalized correctly? a. Sarah was bitten by the dog.1. Grade 8Types of Sentences A simple sentence includes: a. Rembrant's and Leonardo's b. Rembrant and Leonardo's Grade 8Possessives Indicate if the possessive nouns express separate or joint ownership. joint ownership Grade 8Possessives Show separate ownership Rembrandt and Leonardo a. c. a constellation in the North Sky.1. On a cloudless night. separate ownership b. d. a.1b Which choice correctly changes the sentence below. b. L. a constellation in the north sky. separate ownership b. two independent clauses joined by a comma and a conjunction Grade 8Possessives Indicate if the possessive nouns express separate or joint ownership. d. joint ownership . a constellation in the North sky. one independent clause and one dependent clause b. I studied pisces. i studied Pisces. written using passive voice. The cat bit Sarah. The cat was bitten by Sarah. Sarah bit the cat. a. b. on a Cloudless Night. Tomorrow we will hear Gilbert and Sullivan's opera The Mikado. I studies Pisces. c.8.8. L. We always look forward to Jane's and Ann's performances. on a cloudless night. I studied pisces. into a sentence using active voice? Sarah was bitten by the cat. a constellation in the north sky. one independent clause c. Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA. a.L. Jupiter and Saturn's b. around d.4b The definition for the stem ANTE is: a. L. Maro and Anthony's sets really portrayed the mood. under Grade 8People and Places Choose the correct spelling of the word. behind d. joint ownership Grade 8Possessives Show separate ownership. a. arkateck . under b. Jupiter and Saturn a. Grade 8Possessives Show joint ownership. a. Lennon's and McCartney's b. Jupiter's and Saturn's Grade 8Possessives Indicate if the possessive nouns express separate or joint ownership. above Grade 8PrefixesCCSS: CCRA. joint ownership Grade 8Prefixes The definition for the stem SUB is: a. against b. a. This year awards were given by Thompson and Moreno's Art emporium. separate ownership b.L.8. over c. separate ownership b.4. Lennon and McCartney a. before c. Lennon and McCartney's Grade 8Possessives Indicate if the possessive nouns express separate or joint ownership. 8. You will an email confirmation within the next hour. separate ownership b. Ocho is a very weak CEO.8. a. a. a.2c Choose the correct spelling of the word to fill in the blank. . abstract Grade 8Nouns Is the noun in capital letters concrete or abstract? It took DETERMINATION to farm that land in the past. architec Grade 8Possessives Indicate if the possessive nouns express separate or joint ownership. arkiteck d. concrete b. took a long lunch. L.2 Choose the sentence with the correct comma placement.2.L. a. Consuela's and her sister's paintings received awards. . She finished her work.1. Active b. joint ownership Grade 8Frequently Misspelled WordsCCSS: CCRA. b.2.1. abstract Choose the transition word that best fills in the blank. L. receive Grade 8CommasCCSS: L. and then took a long lunch. L. Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA. most people support him. L. and then. c. She finished her work and then took a long lunch. architect c.L. Passive Grade 8Nouns Is the noun in capital letters concrete or abstract? People in the United States drink a lot of COFFEE.9-10. a. She finished her work.8.b.1b Is the sentence below written using active or passive voice? The letter was mailed by Jackson. concrete b. Mr. recieve b.8. a. Which choice best represents this rule? a. Five percent of working adults is in favor of decreased taxes. run-on-sentence Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA. a. Grade 8Adjectives What is the degree of comparison for each adjective in capital letters? Some would say that birds are the MOST MUSICAL of all animals. b. Everyone are thinking about the news these days. a. c. Over 100 bags of clothing were donated to the charity. refrain c.8. concrete b. c. a. b. nevertheless b.1. positive b.8. National news are filled with dramatic stories. d. Over 100 bags of clothing were donated by teenagers to the charity. a. Few in the South are worried about frostbite. superlative Grade 8Nouns Is the noun in capital letters concrete or abstract? The WEATHER on the Great Plains can be extreme. similarly c. double negative b.1b It is okay to use the passive voice when the subject or doer of the action is unknown. Grade 8Combining Sentences . Teenagers donated over 100 bags of clothing to the charity. d. a. abstract Grade 8Fragments and Run-ons A grammatically faulty sentence in which two or more main or independent clauses are joined without a word to connect them or a punctuation mark to separate them.1. therefore d. L. Over 100 bags of clothing were donated to the charity by teenagers.L. because Grade 8Editing Identify the sentence which uses the best grammar. comparative c. L. 1b Is the sentence below written using active or passive voice? Brown lizards and snakes live in the desert. across the classroom hard.8. Our solar system has nine major planets only one. Running across the classroom. L. L. b. Active b.2a Correct the run-on sentence. a.2. is known to have intelligent life. b. Below b. attornies . Anastasia tripped over the cord and fell d. L. and fell hard over the cord.2. Grade 8PrefixesCCSS: CCRA.1. Around d. Anastasia tripped and fell. L. Our solar system has nine major planets. Passive Grade 8Fragments and Run-onsCCSS: CCRA.1.L.L. a. The classroom cord made Anastasia fall. Which is the best way to combine these sentences? a.8. only one is known to have intelligent life. Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA.Theodore Roosevelt Identify the meaning of the prefix in the word UNDERESTIMATE.9-10.L. c. a. attorneys b. Our solar system has nine major planets only one is known to have intelligent life.4. No error. Our solar system has nine major planets. a. In c.9-10." -.4b "General Wood does not think that I give quite enough credit to the Rough Riders as compared to the regulars in this Guasimas fight. and believes that I greatly underestimate the Spanish force and loss. d. c. L. only one is known to have intelligent life. Anastasia was crossing the classroom. Above Grade 8Plurals Choose the correct spelling of the word.8. Anastasia was running across the classroom. Anastasia tripped over the cord and fell hard. 1. a. atterneys Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA.L.c. Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA. active or passive.1. L. ahesive b. Active b.L.1b Put the verb into the correct form. adhesave c.8.1b Is the sentence below written using active or passive voice? The car is being repaired by the repairman. She went to the market. d.8.1b Is the sentence below written using active or passive voice? The students are taught by the teacher. L.L. L. Passive Grade 8Phrases and ClausesCCSS: CCRA. a. heseve d. b. Active b.8.L. L. locking c. L. locks d.1a Which sentence has an infinitive phrase? a.8. atorney d.m. L. present simple or past simple. are locked Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA.8. They ran from the park.1.30 p.8. L.1. They went to study math. every evening.8.1. He wanted beans.8. adhesive .8. L.2.2. locked b.L. The park gates (lock) at 6. c. a.1. Most collectors also like the novelty items. a. such as the pack of Snoopy Strips plastic bandages introduced in the '70s. Passive Grade 8Art and Music WordsCCSS: CCRA.2c Choose the correct spelling of the word to fill in the blank.1. L. L. Imperative c. comparative c. Oranges c.1c Which mood is the following sentence written in? Put on your pajamas and head to bed. be sure to record the remnants of your dream on your Purple Pages of Passion. written by Gary Soto Grade 8Adjectives What is the degree of comparison for each adjective in capital letters? They are LIGHTER than most animals because their bones are hollow. L. Persuasion." a. L.8. Personification d. The Egyptian pyramids. Simile c. however. Alliteration . superlative Grade 8Adverbs Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. on a cold December day b. Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA. a. are much ancient than those. Conditional e. more b. Interrogative Grade 8Quotation Marks Which word or phrase from the following sentence needs to be in quotation marks? The poem Oranges is written by Gary Soto and is about a young man on a date with his girl on a cold December day. Subjunctive d. positive b.8. and Poetry with your Purple Plume of Poetic Penmanship. a.1. Indicative b. most What type of figurative language is being used in the following passage? "When you awaken.1. a. about a young man on a date d. a. Hyperbole b. CCRA.8. Metaphor d. RL. L. symbolism Grade 8Figurative LanguageCCSS: CCRA. Nonfiction c. b. Simile b. Personification b. Repetition d. Onomatopoeia h. View group » "The wall stared at me silently" is an example of what type of literary device? a. but he doesn't.7. a. Alliteration f. d.R. foreshadowing b.L.5a Which of the following is an example of dramatic irony? a. Rhyme c.R. a.5. L.8. flashback d. c. but actually they all failed.8. A little girl can see the future and predicts a storm is going to come. Metaphor Grade 8PersonificationCCSS: CCRA. Paradox Grade 8Story ElementsCCSS: CCRA.7. L.5. Fiction b.5.5. A man meets his long-lost son and the reader knows it. Fantasy .L.8. Simile e.5 A is a scene within a story that interrupts the sequence of events to relate events that occurred in the past. conflict c. Hyperbole g. Personification c. All information in this genre is based on the known true facts.8. A mother expects her children to do well in school and they make the honor roll.5 This question is a part of a group with common instructions. RL. Poetry d. A teacher tells her students they did well on a test. Grade 8Figurative Language Comparing objects or ideas by stating that one is the other is called: a. 2 The Ant and the Grasshopper In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about.R. RL. "and recommend you to do the same. Don't be greedy Grade 8Making Inferences and Drawing ConclusionsCCSS: CCRA.1 "Mama. Work now and play later d. you are making: a. Then the Grasshopper knew. I didn't want my older sister to see me .8. When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger. RL. Poetry c. but the tears came suddenly. bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest." "Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper. What is the moral of this story? a." said the Grasshopper. inferences c. Question people's intentions c. while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. chirping and singing to its heart's content. "instead of toiling and moiling in that way?" "I am helping to lay up food for the winter. Grade 8Identifying Genre This genre always contains elements that are made-up or created by the author. is it time to go?" I hadn't planned to cry. we have got plenty of food at present. strategies b.8." said the Ant. "Why not come and chat with me.1. settings d. and I wiped them away with the back of my hand. information Grade 8ThemeCCSS: CCRA. Strength in unity b. Science fiction d.2. Fiction Grade 8Making Predictions If you make logical guesses by considering the text and your own experiences. a.R. Realistic fiction b." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. An Ant passed by. just a lot of nothingness. You can guess that a. Characterization Grade 8Figurative Language Identify the type of figurative language. This spring one of our ten hives was destroyed. There was nothing left in the rest of the house. The rugs and furniture were gone. a. the old rag doll I could never bear to part with--they were all gone. b. personification . a bear was sighted in our neighborhood. Ruri's parents are divorcing. Theme c. Ruri's family is moving to another place. Symbolism b. c. c. "It's almost time." my mother said gently. the bees swarmed. d. alliteration b. a storm destroyed the hive. and the closets and cupboards were empty. from "The Bracelet" by Yoshiko Uchida What conclusion can the reader draw after reading this passage? a. Personification d. b. I am so thirsty my throat is as dry as a bone. Grade 8Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions Our family raises honeybees. the junk piled on my dresser. The house was like a gift box after the nice thing inside was gone. the bear destroyed the hive. Ruri. Ruri is going off to college. Her face was filled with a kind of sadness I had never seen before. crying. a. I looked around at my empty room. Recently. Ruri is getting married and leaving her childhood home. the pictures and drapes were down. The clothes that Mama always told me to hang up in the closet. Grade 8Figurative Language is a type of figurative language in which a non-human subject is given human characteristics. b. a. or a termite? Ants resemble termites. you wonder. Termites are light in color and shed their wings. Although ants resemble termites.8. Also. simile d. what is most likely to have a large effect on the economy? a. hard bodied and belong to a different order than termites. alliteration d. simile d. the destruction of old dollar bills . onomatopoeia c. ants are usually dark in color. metaphor Grade 8Figurative Language "What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?" This is what type of figurative language? a. they have differences that can be easily seen.2 Is it an ant. Grade 8Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions This question is a part of a group with common instructions. metaphor c.R.2. alliteration b. Alice's aunt ate apples and acorns around August. a. View group » Based on the article. Flying ants do not shed their wings. In contrast to termites. simile b. are hard bodied. Ants and termites are both insects and have many things in common d. RI. and have constriction between the thorax and abdomen. but they are quite different and can be easily distinguished. metaphor Grade 8Figurative Language Identify the type of figurative language used in the sentence. Termites are lighter in color and loose their wings at a certain stage of development. Select the best summary of this paragraph.c. oxymoron Grade 8SummarizingCCSS: CCRA. ants and termites belong to different orders. c. Ants are dark in color. b. present b. demonstrative b. a limited supply of a popular new smart device c. metaphor What is the tense of the verb phrase? The parade participants did practice for weeks in advance. Although. a. a. you may be right I cannot take your word for it. You are my. Kaylin. Although. Grade 8Pronouns What kind of pronoun is capitalized? That opinion isn't MINE. She did not realize that opportunity was knocking at her door. past What is the tense of the verb phrase? The parade participants did practice for weeks in advance. personification d. the lowering of interest rates by the Federal Reserve d. possessive d. d. c. You are my best friend. a. indefinite c. Grade 8Commas Choose the sentence with the correct comma placement. I cannot take your word for it. You. You are my best friend Kaylin.8. I cannot take your word for it. a. alliteration b. Kaylin.2a Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. c. d. b. best. Although you may be right I cannot take your word for it. friend. Kaylin. b. a. onomatopoeia c. you may be right. present b. interrogative . Although you may be right. past Grade 8CommasCCSS: L. a. are my best friend. a temporary shutdown of machines at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Grade 8Figurative Language Identify the type of figurative language used in the sentence. L. concrete b. To ensure that the orders arrive on time. I had already read those BOOKS. plural c. will give us advantages over our major competitors.4. d. number. b. a. superlative Grade 8Nouns Is the noun in capital letters concrete or abstract? MOVIES are one of the country's most important exports. abstract . 2nd person. comparative c. and red sports car was fun to drive on a sunny day. 3rd person. Grade 8Nouns Match the person.8. a. life Grade 8Commas Which sentence uses a comma correctly? a. positive b. who is the college president encourages the faculty to be active in their communities. concrete b.4b What does the root "geo" mean? a.Grade 8Root WordsCCSS: CCRA. a. c. plural b. William Reidy. rock b. The earlier we start however. a. earth c.L. abstract Grade 8Nouns Is the noun in capital letters concrete or abstract? Mount McKinley is the highest MOUNTAIN in the United States. 1st person. and gender for the word in capital letters. singular d. plural Grade 8Adjectives What is the degree of comparison for each adjective in capital letters? Birds are among the MOST INTERESTING animals. Her shiny. 3rd person. we have contracted with the UPS. a. fewer Grade 8Frequently Confused Words Complete each sentence with less of fewer.4. Connecticut has land for national parks than Nebraska. fewer Grade 8Nouns Is the noun in capital letters concrete or abstract? SILVER brought many miners to Nevada in the 1860s. abstract Grade 8Defining Words To see or form a mental image of a. a. eat c. concept Grade 8Root WordsCCSS: CCRA. dream b. moon b. less b.8. concrete b. focus d. L. fewer Grade 8Frequently Confused Words Complete each sentence with less of fewer. a. a. visualize c. abstract Grade 8Frequently Confused Words Complete each sentence with less of fewer. a.Grade 8Nouns Is the noun in capital letters concrete or abstract? TECHNOLOGY is an important industry in California. Connecticut also has national parks. less b. concrete b. sun Grade 8Commas . There were farmable acres in Alabama than in Texas. less b.4b What does the root "luna" mean? a.L. b.8. A number of things are indicated by these results. not the subject. antaseptic b.Which sentence uses a comma incorrectly? a. The bill requires 1000 votes to pass. and visited the art museum. b. c. Which choice best demonstrates this rule? a. A ham and turkey sandwich was being eaten by Erica. antisaptic Grade 8TensesCCSS: CCRA. Although the weather was unusually cold. d. there was not enough snow to ski. antaseptac c. a.8. 2010.L. June 30. is set for the dedication of the new building. L.1b It is okay to use the passive voice when you want to emphasize the object. Terry cooked and we ate a delicious dinner. antiseptic d. Jane and Jim drove to Cleveland. 1000 votes are required to pass the bill.1. c. Grade 8STEM Words Choose the correct spelling of the word. d.1. L. .
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