English 1

March 17, 2018 | Author: June Dela Cruz | Category: Sentence (Linguistics), Poetry, Word, English Language, Mythology



Form 3: Curriculum GuideA. CURRICULUM GUIDE GRADE LEVEL: Grade 7 (1st Year) SUBJECT AREA: English 1: Communication Arts in English 1 and Philippine Literature in English Desired Learning Suggested Suggested Suggested Learning Competencies Communicative Instructional Assessment Resources Functions Strategies Strategies 1. 2. Identify one’s learning style(s) Apply knowledge of one’s learning style to one’s strategy in studying/learning Demonstrate familiarity in using library materials Exercise ethics in citing sources Adopt techniques in studying, learning and taking tests Identify the part of speech Differentiate the sentence parts Self-inventory Discussion Sharing Inventory guide Web Resources Content/ Topic Time Frame First Quarter A. Learning Styles 1 meeting B. Study/ Research Skills, Library and Study Skills, and Citing Sources C. “Smart Studying” by Dennis Arroyo D. Review on Parts of Speech E. Review of Basic F. Sentence Parts G. Subject Verb Agreement 3. 4. Library Tour Orientation on Library Rules Lecture Poster on How to Use the Library Student Commitment Contract Personal Study Schedule Worksheets Grammar Games Cloze Exercise Web Resources 1meeting 5. 6. 7. Asking questions Discussion sharing of techniques Brainstorming Diagnostic test Web Resources 1 meeting H. PronounAntecedent Agreement Recall the rule/s Infer grammar rules from examples given 10. Observe rules when writing sentences 11. Define antecedents in relation to pronouns 12. Use pronouns properly 8. 9. Lecture Exercises Quiz Writing Activities Lecture Exercise Quiz Writing Activities 1. Maclin, A. (2004). Reference guide to English. Washington: Holt, Rhinehart, and Winston. 2. Carrol, J., Wilson, E. & Forlini, G. (2001). Writing and grammar. Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia Pte. Ltd. 3. Guffey, M. & Seefer, C. 3 meetings 3 meetings 2 meetings Page 1 of 11 Produce a myth/legend based on respective folk literary conventions 17.quizzes Grammar and Composition I (Prentice Hall) Activity Sheets 2 meetings M. Identify writer’s point of view and tone 25. Differentiate forms and functions of Philippine literary genres 15.Form 3: Curriculum Guide I. Derive meaning from context 21. Summarize ideas in one’s own words 23. Affixes. Bases Picture word meanings Word puzzles Word Wall / Word Bank Word Association . Explain insights about one’s cultural roots based on the text read 16. Eugenio. Use prefixes and suffixes correctly 20. Principal Parts of the Verbs and Tenses 13. Roots. Introduction to Literature and Genres K. Philippine Mythology in English (depending on the regional campus) and the Short story Lecture Skits Comic strips Film viewing (film about native deities or mythology) Composition of an original myths and legends based on respective folk lit conventions 6 meetings L. Damiana. Identify elements employed in a short story 18. Identify the main and subordinate ideas in written works 22. Ohio: South-Western Thomas Learning. Quezon City: UP Press 4 meetings J. Determine the different purposes and methods of writing 24. (2005) Philippine Folk Literature: The Myths. Interpret writer’s Narrating events and processes (laboratory experiments) Lecture/Discussion Grammar Games Drills/Worksheets Quiz (2002). Demonstrate mastery of the principal parts of the verb through the correct use of the correct tense 14. A Collection of Regional Myths (to be compiled by each teacher) Home Reading Assignment Panel Discussion Book Report Long Test 2 meetings Page 2 of 11 . Essential of English. Decode unfamiliar vocabulary applying knowledge of affixes 19. observations. transition words. Prepositions Giving directions and instructions Locating things and places Articulating experiences. Verbals *Drills and exercises *Sentence constructions *Dialogues *Deductive/Inductive Method *Lecture *Brainstorming *Mapping *Song *Quiz Grammar and Composition I (Prentice Hall) Activity Sheets 2 meetings *Cinquain *Speech *Role-playing *Mock-debate Grammar and Composition I (Prentice Hall) 3 meetings E. Use key idea sentences support sentences. Transition Words Comparing and contrasting of concepts events.Form 3: Curriculum Guide meaning inferentially and literally 26. themes and styles 7. (2002) The Likhaan Anthology of Philippine Literature in 9 meetings Page 3 of 11 . Introduction to the Novel ( PreWar Philippine Literature in English) 6. people (science. Employ prepositions to show relationships between nouns and pronouns 4. history) Reporting Describing a process *Cloze *Discovery Approach *Deductive/Inductive Method *Lecture *Letter writing using conjunctions Grammar and Composition I (Prentice Hall) 2 meetings *Comic strip *Improvisations *Quiz Grammar and Composition I (Prentice Hall) 1 meeting C. and opinions on contemporary issues Forming judgments on social issues D. Differentiate verbals from verbs 5. Conjunctions 1.H. G. Construct compound and complex sentences using conjunctions 2. Identify the themes of *Power Point Presentations *Quiz *Poetry Reading *Character Portrayal *Choral Reading MS PPT Abad. and restatement in texts 3. Characterize the general nature of literary works of the period by identifying common subjects. Compare and contrast the forms and functions of the different verbals B. State one’s personal opinions and assumptions from a writer’s through literary analysis Second Quarter A. Figures of Speech H. Antonyms and Synonyms G. Identify and explain poetic devices. Recognize different purposes and methods of writing 17. Create figures of speech 14. use of local color. and sensory images in literary forms 11. Cite illustrative examples 13.Form 3: Curriculum Guide given literary selections English from 1900 to the present Choosing the appropriate word for the right context *Word Games *Word Association *Sentence Construction *Quiz Bee *Word Games *List Poem Grammar and Composition I (Prentice Hall) SRA Grammar and Composition I (Prentice Hall) 3 meetings F. Identify writer’s point of view and tone 18. figurative language. Unlock meanings through context clues 10. Summarize ideas in one’s own words 16. Optimize vocabulary using synonyms and antonyms 9. Explain meaningful and symbolic lines from the selection read 12. Without Seeing the Dawn (Stevan Javellana) 8. Separate one’s personal opinions and assumptions from a writer’s * Lecture * Poem Analysis * SRA 4 meetings Home Reading Assignment Worksheets using Graphic Organizers / Long Test 2 meetings Page 4 of 11 . Identify the main and subordinate ideas in written works 15. Interpret writer’s meaning inferentially and literally 19. Exclamatory) 9. Construct effective sentences using basic sentence patterns 4. Analyze how sentences are formed/ Answering essay type questions Writing summaries using clear.Form 3: Curriculum Guide through literary analysis Third Quarter A. Write a short paragraph using the sentence structures 7. Sentence Functions Page 5 of 11 . Identify sentence patterns in given sentences 3. Recognize the components of basic sentence patterns 2. Sentence Patterns 1. Sentence Structures C. compound. Classify sentences by function (Declarative. Interrogative. concise sentences Work Book (Drill) Grammar Games Multi-media-aided Lecture/Discussions Lecture/Interactive discussion Fish bowl activity Slide show presentation Cloze Test Collaborative Work (Group Story/Composition) with provided rubrics Print / TV advertisement (by group) Paper and Pencil Test Short and Long Quiz Short Speech Delivery Grammar and Composition I (Prentice Hall) Activity Sheets 7 meetings B. Imperative. compoundcomplex) 5. Recognize the functions of sentences 8. complex. Recognize the components of each sentence structure (simple. Construct various sentence structures using appropriate conjunctions 6. Write correct sentences/paragra ph using appropriate punctuation marks 13. Use proper punctuation marks in constructing effective sentences. lexical. and contextual devices (denotation and connotation) in deriving the meaning of unknown words and ambiguous discourse 14.Form 3: Curriculum Guide punctuated according to function 10. Connotation and Denotation Making predictions and anticipating outcomes Contextual Clues Word association Word links Quiz 1 meeting F. Identify main and subordinate ideas in written works 18. Use structural. Punctuations Composing written reports Drill Worksheet Multi-media aided presentation Internet sources Grammar books Other references 1 meetings E. Differentiate drama from other literary forms/genres 16. Identify the elements of drama 15. Introduction to Drama Dramatic Reading Round Table Discussion Film Viewing (of a play turned movie) Short Dramatic Presentations (with provided rubrics) 4 meetings H. Summarize ideas in one’s own words D. Bamboo in the Wind (Azucena Grajo-Uranza) Home Reading Assignment Worksheet with Graphic Organizers Long Test 2 meeting Page 6 of 11 . Punctuate the sentences 12. 11. Associate characters and given situations of the play to reality through role playing 17. Supply missing phrases to complete sentences 3. Introduction to Poetry and Contemporary Philippine Literature in English Poetry Reading Poem Interpretation and Discussion Story Mapping Character Analysis Directed Reading – Teaching Activity (DRTA) K-W-L Skimming and Scanning Poetry Writing Group Reporting through PowerPoint Presentation Short Reflective/ Informative Essay Writing Outlining an Essay Mock Author Interview 1. The Likhaan Anthology of Philippine Literature in English from 1900 to the present 2. The Development of Philippine Literature in English 3 meetings Page 7 of 11 . run-ons and fused sentences 4. Identify fragments.H. run-ons and fused sentences 5. Identify writer’s point of view and tone 20. Write sentences showing logical coordination and subordination of ideas 7. Interpret the writer’s literal and figurative meaning Fourth Quarter A. Phrases Differentiate phrase from clause and sentence 2.V (1998). Crogan. Fragments. Clauses Discussion Drills Model Letter Analysis Letter Writing (Request/ Intent/ Excuse) Quiz 3 meetings D. Supporting opinions Discussion Sentence Completion Company/Product Print Ads Analysis Print Ads Making Photo Caption Writing Grammar and Composition I (Prentice Hall) Activity Sheets 3 meetings B. Distinguish imagery and poetic devices used in a poem 8. 8 (2002). Make generalizations and significant abstractions from different reading materials designed for information.Abad. Revise fragments. fused sentences Discussion Grammar Drill Peer Editing Short Lab Report Writing 3 meetings C. runon sentences. R. pleasure and appreciation. G. Express appreciation of one’s identity and 1. Differentiate dependent from independent clause 6. 9.Form 3: Curriculum Guide 19. 11.A. C. Balarbar. 14. & Remoto. 16. thoughts and descriptions through character analysis Identify and explain the theme(s) of the poem/short story Summarize ideas and/or information contained in a text Determine the author’s writing style and purpose Identify the writer’s point of view and tone Point out the Filipino cultural values and heritage underscored in the poems/ short stories/ essays through details analysis Book Jacket Making or Movie Poster Making 3.. 17. Page 8 of 11 . short stories and essays through literary analysis Judge the characters’ motives and attitudes based on their actions.Form 3: Curriculum Guide cultural heritage through writing poems Interpret the text’s meaning inferentially and literally Demonstrate appreciation of literary elements of poems.V. 15. Bolascon. (2010). D. 12. English GEMS in Philippine Literature 10. K. 13. R. “The Last Time I Saw Mother” by Arlene Chai Home Reading Assignment Long Test 2 meetings Page 9 of 11 . Summarize ideas in one’s own words 27. print ads. Identify the main ideas or messages of editorial cartoons. Create one’s own multi-media message 25. Recognize different purposes and methods of writing 28. etc. Listen to an informative text 20. Use idiomatic expressions in speech and writing 21. Idiomatic Expressions 18. 22. comic strips.Form 3: Curriculum Guide E. Summarize the ideas found in multi-media texts using one’s own words 23. Identify writer’s point of view and tone 29.Critical MultiMedia Viewing Process writing Actual Viewing Content Analysis Criticizing Short Informative Commercial (Infomercial) Making National and Local Newspapers Print Ads 3 meetings G. Determine the different purposes and methods of multi-media messages 24. Identify main and subordinate ideas in written works 26. Interpret writer’s meaning inferentially and Paraphrasing Discussion Viewing Famous Movie Excerpts and Analyzing Idiomatic Dialogs Listening to an Informative Speech* Impromptu Speech 2 meetings F. Unlock the meaning of idiomatic expressions through context clues 19. APPENDIX: A List of Suggested Selections per Quarter 1st Quarter: Philippine Folk Literature in English Asuang Steals Fire From Gugurang Origin of this World The Quarrel of the Volcanoes Samal Genesis The Bontoc Legend of Lumawig The Creation of the Earth and the First People The Bukidnon Ascension to Heaven How the World was Created The Man and Woman of the Bamboo Bila-an Genesis Children of the Skyworld The Life of Lam-Ang The Three Heroes of Ibalon 2nd Quarter: Pre-War Philippine Literature in English Stories: The Mats( Francisco Arcellana) The Bread of Salt (N. Lazaro 30% 30% 20% 20% _____________________ 100% Poems: Moonlight on Manila Bay (Fernando M.M. WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS 6-8 Quizzes At least one Long Test composed of 50-60 points At least two special projects D.Form 3: Curriculum Guide literally 30. Gonzalez) How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife (Manuel Arguilla) 3rd Quarter: Post-War Philippine Literature in English Stories: Distance to Andromeda (Gregorio Brillantes) The Wedding Dance (Amador Daguio) May Day Eve (Nick Joaquin) Poems: Bonsai (Edith Tiempo) The Fragrance of Summertime (Oscar de Zuniga) Drama: Oli Impan (Alberto Florentino) The World is an Apple (Alberto Florentino) 4th Quarter: Contemporary Philippine Literature in English Poems: Diaspora (Oscar Picazo) Candles (Danton Remoto) Restless (Cecilia Borromeo) Batik Maker (Virginia Moreno) Letter to Pedro (Rene Estrella Amper) Essay: There’s a Teenager in the House (Kerima Polotan-Tuvera) Goodbye Superboy (Max Soliven) Where’s the Patis? (Carmen Guerrero-Nacpil) Story: Life Is a Three-Ring Circus (Jose A. Santos) I Can No More Hear Love’s (Jose Garcia Villa) I Have Begrudged the Years (Angela C. Separate one’s personal opinions and assumptions from a writer’s Note: Items in Boldface are the suggested Special Projects for each quarter. Love. Maramag) Come Home. Manalang-Gloria) Page 10 of 11 . B. Long Tests and Performance-based Tasks Special Projects Other Tasks (Recitation/Homework/Seatwork/Groupwork) TOTAL C. Quirino) Faith. HARMONIZED GRADING SYSTEM Periodic Exam Quizzes. Heroes (Bienvenido N.V. Time and Dr. Jr. Gonzales) House at the Zapote Street (Nick Joaquin) Professor Quemada’s Last Words (Eric Gamalinda) *Speech: Blond and Blue Eyes (Patricia Evangelista) HRA: A compilation of Regional Folk Literature (in English) HRA: Without Seeing the Dawn (Stevan Javellana) Season of Grace (N.V. Brillantes) The Visitation of the Gods (Gilda Cordero-Fernando) A House Full of Daughters (Kerima Polotan-Tuvera) The Day of the Locusts (Leoncio P. Gonzales) HRA: Bamboo in the Wind (Azucena Grajo-Uranza) Dog eaters (Jessica Hagedorn) HRA: The Last Time I Saw Mother (Arlene Chai) Soledad’s Sister (Jose Dalisay .M.) Page 11 of 11 .V.M. Deriada) The Wireless Tower (N.Form 3: Curriculum Guide (Gregorio C.
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