Engleski u Medicini (Plan i Program)

March 30, 2018 | Author: Jason Locke | Category: Verb, Adjective, Medicine, Medical Diagnosis, Clause



MEDICINSKI FAKULTET UNIVERZITETA U BEOGRADUPLAN I PROGRAM NASTAVE ENGLESKOG JEZIKA PREDMETNI NASTAVNICI: Dr Sofija Mićić Radmila Šain gde će student u direktnom kontaktu sa bolesnikom praktično primeniti svoja znanja engleskog jezika. uključuju se sa studentima koji redovno studiraju engleski u medicini (od drugog nivoa). Broj časova po nivoima iznosi: na prva dva po 60.PLAN I PROGRAM NASTAVE ENGLESKOG JEZIKA U MEDICINI Uvod.' Posebna napomena. Prema tome. Provera znanja. Engleski jezik u nastavi i nauci podrazumeva upućivanje studenata u jezik nastave (mnogi su demonstratori. Najveći deo rada na času obavlja se u parovima ili malim grupama gde se razmenjuju informacije i raspravlja o medicinskim temama. jer studenti sa svojim profesorima pišu naučne radove. grupne diskusije i vežbe hvatanja beleški sa predavanja. Ostale aktivnosti uključuju igre sa ulogama. zbog neujednačenog znanja opšteg engleskog jezika. Posle svakog nivoa. i to: prvi nivo obuhvata opšti engleski jezik sa uvođenjem u engleski jezik u medicini. predlažemo da se za njih organizuje posebna nastava. nastava podrazumeva detaljnije studiranje engleskog jezika u kliničkoj medicini a planira se i odlazak na klinike. i da onda daju kratak usmeni prikaz svog rada. Na četvrtom i petom nivou. Studenti koji završe ovaj nivo. a ne nivoe znanja opšteg engleskog jezika. student polaže kolokvijum. što važi i za sve druge jezike. Od studenata se očekuje da urade mali projekat ili dodatno čitaju u biblioteci. da obavezne studije engleskog jezika u medicini budu prva tri nivoa (šest semestara). ISPIT. Samo sa ovim predznanjem oni mogu uspešno savladati engleski jezik u medicini. Bez obzira koliko student vlada opštim engleskim jezikom. Plan. . neophodno je da imaju najmanje srednji nivo znanja opšteg engleskog jezika koga su učili u osnovnom i srednjem školovanju. Ukoliko se na Medicinski fakultet upišu studenti koji nisu učili engleski jezik ili su ga učili u nedovoljnoj meri. a zastupljene su i veštine slušanja i pisanja. Smatramo da je neophodno. to će student bolje savladati engleski u medicini. a što je veće znanje opšteg engleskog jezika. Broj časova iznosi 60. na trećem 30. Jezičke veštine čitanja i govora dobijaju poseban značaj. Četvrti i peti nivo su izborni i broj časova je po 30. Da bi studenti upisani na Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu studirali ENGLESKI JEZIK STRUKE (engleski u medicini). budući nastavnici). a po završetku trećeg nivoa. organizuju svoje naučne i stručne kongrese i imaju svoj časopis 'Medicinski podmladak. studiranje engleskog jezika u medicini na našem fakultetu PO NIVOIMA podrazumeva nivoe znanja engleskog jezika u medicini. zatim u jezik nauke. za njega je engleski u medicini početni nivo. Present Tenses (Active and Passive) 11. Medical Education. Nouns (countable and uncountable) 10. Locative Adjectives.REVISION VI 15. Passives and Impersonal 'It' 14. The Integumentary System. Prefixes in Medicine 8. Compound Adjectives 4.The Urinary System. Introduction to Medicine and Health 2. Gene Expression and Cell Reproduction. Modal Verbs 1 8. Participles and Gerunds 7. Infinitives. 2.NIVO 1 FOND ČASOVA: 60 . The Nervous System. Adjectives and Adverbs 13.REVISION II 11.PREDAVANJA: 30 VEŽBE: 30 ZIMSKI SEMESTAR 1. Chemical Reactions and Solutions.Final test . Diffusion.ENGLESKI U MEDICINI – NASTAVNI PROGRAM – I GODINA . The Musculo-Skeletal System.Enzymes. REVISION I 7. Articles (2) 4.The Circulatory System. Metabolism and Homeostasis.Final test LETNJI SEMESTAR 1. Articles (1) 3. Suffixes 6. Comparatives and superlatives 14. Describing Relations between Body Parts. The Reproductive System. DNA.Exploring the Microscopic World.) 5. Structures and Systems in the Human Body. Prepositions 3. REVISION IV 6.REVISION III 15.The Digestive System. Past Tenses (Active and Passive) 12.The Chemical Constituents of Food. REVISION V 10. The Science of Genetics. Suffixes in Medicine 9. Compound Adjectives (Ex. Modal Verbs 2 9.The Respiratory System. Locative Verbs. Future Tenses (Active and Passive) 13. The Immune System. Elements. Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure. Articles (3) 5. Uncommon Plurals 12. The Endocrine System. Adv. Compounds and Mixtures. Linking Sentences 14. Relative Clauses 2.PREDAVANJA: 30 VEŽBE: 30 ZIMSKI SEMESTAR 1.ENGLESKI U MEDICINI – NASTAVNI PROGRAM – II GODINA . Diseases of the Nervous System.Consultation (2). REVISION VIII 10. Conditional Questions 2. Types of Illness.REVISION IX 15.Correction of the Test . Comparing and Contrasting 13. A Case from Outpatient Clinic.Final test LETNJI SEMESTAR 1. Inversion 6.Consultation (2b).Medical Equipment and Consultation (1).Final Test 15. Medical Statistics and Informatics. Causation and Occurrence 12. REVISION VII 5. Participle Clauses 4. Paediatrics. Ethical Dilemmas in Medicine. Noun Structures and Verb Structures 5. The Role of Hospitals in Health System Reforms.Medical Oncology.Consultation (3). Key Concepts and Terms in Social Medicine. A Case Conference Discussion 9. Expressing Reasons 12. Ethics. Geriatric Medicine. REVISION X 7.NIVO 2 FOND ČASOVA: 60 .A doctor-patient interview 11. Word building 8. Relative Clauses 2 3. Abbreviations 4. Short-form Time Clauses 9.A Dialogue 13.REVISION XI 14. Diseases of the Cardio-Vascular System.Miles) 6. Mental Diseases. Time Clauses 8. Direct/Indirect Speech 10. Expressing Conditions 11. Ethical Issues in Medicine. Note taking 3. A Dialogue (Consultant-Dr. Time Expressions 7. Final Test LETNJI SEMESTAR 1. Pharmacology and Therapeutics 9. Listening: Taking History 4. Project Preparation (1) 4.Writing Prescriptions 12.Appendices (CV. Tenses in Abstracts 8. Project Presentation 9. Listening: Diagnosis 10. Letters.Discussing Project Presentations 14. Writing: A Case Report 8. Who Gets the Heart? 6. Video: AIDS 5. Project Presentation 1 10. Transplantation 5.Test 15.Project Presentation 2 14.Discussing Project Presentations 15. Pathoanatomical autopsy 2. Infections.Preparation for the Exam .Correction . Listening: Examination 6.NIVO 3 FOND ČASOVA: 30 ZIMSKI SEMESTAR 1.ENGLESKI U MEDICINI – NASTAVNI PROGRAM – III GODINA .REVISION XII 13. Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 3. Pathohistological diagnostics (biopsies) 3. Video: Cervical Cancer 7. Project Preparation (2) 7. Word Parts 2. Forms) 12. Medical Emergencies.Psychiatric drugs and Addictions 11.Project Presentation 13.Leaflet of Drug Use 11. Final test 15. Medical News 1 – reading and oral reporting 3.ENGLESKI U MEDICINI – NASTAVNI PROGRAM – IV GODINA .Correction .Discussing project presentation 14.Project presentation 13. Poster Presentation 9.Writing summaries and abstracts 12. Rheumatoid arthritis 8.Project presentation 13. Diabetes mellitus 9. Talking to patients 10.Skin diseases 12. Depression 6.Medical news 2: Reading and oral reporting 11. Schizophrenia 7. Cerebrovascular insult 4.Correction LETNJI SEMESTAR 1. Presenting Graphs and Charts 8. Principles of rehabilitation (physical medicine) 7. Psychiatric Interview 2. Infectious diseases 5. Immunization (vaccination) and treatment 6. Viral hepatitis 10. History taking in neurology 3.Writing research papers (introduction) 11. Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's disease 5. Introduction to the course 2.Discussing project presentation 14.NIVO 4 FOND ČASOVA: 30 ZIMSKI SEMESTAR 1.Final test 15. Chronic non-infectious diseases (atherosclerosis. coronary disease) 4. Congenital heart defects 9. Emergencies in surgery (nephritis.Discussing project presentation 14.Final Test 15.Correction .ENGLESKI U MEDICINI – NASTAVNI PROGRAM – V GODINA . Medical news 1: Reading and oral reporting 4. calculosis) 3. Taking history and gynaecological examination 9. artificial insemination.Menopause and osteoporosis 12.Final Test 15. Delivering a lecture 3. Child mortality 10.Talking to paediatric patients 11.Project presentation 13. Introduction to the Course 2.Discussing project presentation 14. Writing discharge summaries 8. Taking history in paediatrics 5.Project presentation 13.NIVO 5 FOND ČASOVA: 30 ZIMSKI SEMESTAR 1.Correction LETNJI SEMESTAR 1. Examining a child 6. Medical news 2: Reading and oral reporting 4. Endoscopy – diagnostics and therapy 5.Writing a letter 12. Breast-feeding and artifical feeding 7. contraception 11. Pulmonary childhood diseases 8. Preparation for surgery 6. Taking history in surgery 2. Anaesthesia and resuscitation 7.Infertility. Pregnancy and labour 10. The Science of Genetics. The Respiratory System. Uncommon Plurals 11. REVISION I 6. and Adv. REVISION V 9. Locative Verbs and Prepositions 3.Correction . Past Tenses (Active and Passive) 11. Modal Verbs (1) 7.ENGLESKI U MEDICINI – NASTAVNI PROGRAM – I GODINA -NIVO 1 FOND ČASOVA: 60 .Final Test 15. Compound Adj. Introduction to Medicine and Health. Structures and Systems in the Human Body. Comparatives and Superlatives 13.The Chemical Constituents of Food. Describing Relations between Body Parts. The Musculo-Skeletal System. Suffixes in Medicine 8.PREDAVANJA: 30 VEŽBE: 30 ZIMSKI SEMESTAR 1. Articles (3) 4. Diffusion. Nouns (countable and uncountable) 9. Articles (1) 2. Prefixes in Medicine 7. Suffixes 5.REVISION III 14. 4. Participles and Gerunds 6. Passives and Impersonal 'It' 13. The Integumentary System and the Immune System. Chemical Reactions and Solutions. Gene Expression and Cell Reproduction. Future Tenses (Active and Passive) 12. DNA. The Endocrine System. Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure. Locative Adj.Correction LETNJI SEMESTAR 1. Adjectives and Adverbs 12.REVISION VI 14.The Circulatory System. 2. The Nervous System. REVISION IV 5.The Digestive System. Articles (2) 3. Present Tenses (Active and Passive) 10.Exploring the Microscopic World. Modal Verbs (2) 8. REVISION II 10. Metabolism and Homeostasis. The Reproductive System.Enzymes. Elements Compounds and Mixtures.Final Test 15.The Urinary System. Infinitives. ENGLESKI U MEDICINI – NASTAVNI PROGRAM – II GODINA -NIVO 2 FOND ČASOVA: 60 . Key Concepts and Terms in Social Medicine. REVISION X 5. Direct/Indirect Speech 7. Word building 6.Pharmacology and Therapeutics 13. Expressing Reasons 11. Conditional Questions 2. Medical Equipment and Consultation (1). Who Gets the Heart? 11. Medical Emergencies. Diseases of the Nervous System. Tenses in Abstracts 12. Word Parts 10. Diseases of the Cardiovascular System. Medical Statistics and Informatics. REVISION XI 9. REVISION VIII 9. Linking Sentences 13. Types of Illness.Final Test 15.Correction LETNJI SEMESTAR 1.REVISION XII 14. Geriatric Medicine. The Role of Hospitals in Health System Reforms. Medical Oncology.Consultation (2b). Participle Clauses 4.PREDAVANJA: 30 VEŽBE: 30 ZIMSKI SEMESTAR 1. Noun Structures and Verb Structures 4. Comparing and Contrasting 12.Correction . Inversion 6.Transplantation.REVISION IX 14. Causation and Occurrence 8. Time Expressions and Time Clauses 7. REVISION VII 5. Mental Diseases.Final Test 15. Relative Clauses 2 3. Ethical Issues in Medicine.Consultation (3). Expressing Conditions 10. Note taking and abbreviations 3.Infections. Ethical Dilemmas in Medicine. Paediatrics. Relative Clauses 2.Consultation (2). Short-form Time Clauses 8. Listening: Taking History 4. blood groups) 9. Imaging techniques 7. Blood tests (blood count.Listening: Examination 6.Test 15.Final test 15.Correction LETNJI SEMESTAR 1. Introduction to the course 2.Writing: A Case Report 8.Video: Cervical Cancer 7.Pharmacology and therapeutics 12.Project Presentation 9. Taking history 3.Pathohistological diagnostics (biopsies) 3.ENGLESKI U MEDICINI – NASTAVNI PROGRAM – III GODINA – NIVO 3 ZIMSKI SEMESTAR 1.Correction .Pathoanatomical autopsy 2. Statistical methods (significance) 10.Preparation for the Exam .Psychiatric drugs and Addictions 11. bibliography 11.Discussing Project Presentations 14. Examination Procedures (pleural and abdominal puncture) 6.Project Presentation 13. Video (Taking history and examination) 5.Project Presentation 13.Writing Prescriptions 12.Listening: Diagnosis 10.Writing an essay.Discussing project presentation 14.Video: AIDS 5. Examination 4. Radioisotopes in medicine 8.
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