Engineering Numbering System - CENS

March 29, 2018 | Author: guru4lifegmailcom | Category: Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Specification (Technical Standard), Valve, Engineering, Automation



Engineering numbering system - CENS Technical and professional requirement, FM07-PZZ00-A-SP-0001, Draft A Ver 1, valid from 25.1.11 Owner: CCM Project Governing document: Engineering numbering system - CENS Gradation: Internal Contents 1 Objective, target group and provision.....................................................................................................................7 1.1 Objective................................................................................................................................ 7 1.2 Warrant .................................................................................................................................. 7 1.3 Previous document................................................................................................................. 7 1.3.1 Traceability ............................................................................................................................ 7 1.3.2 Amendment review ................................................................................................................ 8 1.4 Publishing and follow-up ....................................................................................................... 8 1.4.1 Boundaries, limits and exclusions .......................................................................................... 8 1.4.2 Implementation ...................................................................................................................... 8 1.4.3 Follow-up .............................................................................................................................. 9 2 HSE and quality...................................................................................................................................................................9 2.1 Ergonomics ............................................................................................................................ 9 2.2 Requirements for quality management and assurance............................................................ 9 2.2.1 Allocation of codes................................................................................................................. 9 2.2.2 Amendments........................................................................................................................ 10 2.3 Additional requirements for review ...................................................................................... 10 2.4 Documentation..................................................................................................................... 10 3 Document coding............................................................................................................................................................ 10 3.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................... 10 3.2 Document code format......................................................................................................... 11 3.3 Document coding – interface to other facilities .................................................................... 11 3.4 Attributes ............................................................................................................................. 12 3.4.1 Mandatory attributes ............................................................................................................ 12 3.4.2 Informative attributes........................................................................................................... 12 3.5 Manufacturer information .................................................................................................... 12 3.5.1 Document codes .................................................................................................................. 12 3.6 Acceptance codes................................................................................................................. 13 3.6.1 Originator codes .................................................................................................................. 13 4 Tag coding ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15 4.1 Functional location ............................................................................................................... 15 4.1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................... 15 4.1.2 Registration.......................................................................................................................... 16 4.1.3 Tag code formats ................................................................................................................. 16 4.2 Main equipment ................................................................................................................... 16 4.3 Tag coding – interface to other facilities............................................................................... 18 4.4 Piping................................................................................................................................... 18 4.4.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 18 4.4.2 Pipes .................................................................................................................................... 18 4.4.3 Lines [HOLD] ........................................................................................................................ 19 4.4.4 Pipe supports ....................................................................................................................... 20 4.4.5 Valves and special items ...................................................................................................... 21 4.5 Field equipment related to tagged main equipment ............................................................. 22 4.6 Electrical .............................................................................................................................. 23 4.6.1 Electrical cables.................................................................................................................... 23 4.6.2 Electrical field equipment ..................................................................................................... 24 4.7 Automation .......................................................................................................................... 26 4.7.1 Instrument cables................................................................................................................. 26 4.7.2 Automation field equipment................................................................................................. 28 Technical and professional requirement,FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001, Draft A Ver 1, valid from 25.1.11 Page 3 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure, cf. regulations of the Free information Act sec. 1, 3rd subsection, litra f) Governing document: Engineering numbering system - CENS Gradation: Internal 4.8 Telecommunication .............................................................................................................. 29 4.8.1 Telecommunication cables ................................................................................................... 29 4.8.2 Telecommunication field equipment .................................................................................... 29 5 Colour coding ................................................................................................................................................................... 30 6 Definitions and abbreviations .................................................................................................................................. 30 6.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 30 6.2 Symbols and abbreviations................................................................................................... 31 7 Modifications to previous version .......................................................................................................................... 32 8 References ......................................................................................................................................................................... 32 App A System codes .................................................................................................................................................................... 34 A.1 General................................................................................................................................ 34 App B Function and type codes ............................................................................................................................................. 39 B.1 Scope................................................................................................................................... 39 B.2 Function and type codes main equipment ........................................................................ 39 B.2.1 List of function codes (first letter) for main equipment ................................................... 39 B.2.2 List of type codes (second letter) for main equipment..................................................... 40 B.3 Function and type codes automation ................................................................................ 46 B.3.1 Function and type codes instruments (ref. ANSI/ISA-S5.1) .............................................. 46 B.3.2 Function and type codes F&G detection [HOLD] ............................................................... 57 B.4 Type codes telecom. field equipment (third letter)........................................................... 57 B.5 Type codes field equipment............................................................................................... 58 B.5.1 Type codes drivers ............................................................................................................. 58 B.5.2 Type codes cables .............................................................................................................. 58 B.5.3 Type codes small power consumers ................................................................................. 59 B.5.4 Voltage level ....................................................................................................................... 59 App C Discipline codes .............................................................................................................................................................. 60 App D Document codes.............................................................................................................................................................. 62 D.1 List of document group codes ........................................................................................... 62 D.2 A - Economic documentation ............................................................................................ 62 D.3 C - Calculations.................................................................................................................. 62 D.4 D - Technical data.............................................................................................................. 62 D.5 F - Criteria documentation ................................................................................................ 62 D.6 G - Regulations .................................................................................................................. 63 D.7 K - Governing documents.................................................................................................. 63 D.8 L - Lists .............................................................................................................................. 63 D.9 M - Manuals........................................................................................................................ 63 D.10 P - Contracts ...................................................................................................................... 63 D.11 R - Reports ......................................................................................................................... 63 D.12 S - Specifications and standards ....................................................................................... 64 D.13 T - Plans ............................................................................................................................. 64 D.14 V - Verifying documentation ............................................................................................. 64 D.15 W - Inspection and maintenance documentation ............................................................. 64 D.16 X - Drawings ...................................................................................................................... 64 D.17 Z - EDP documentation ...................................................................................................... 65 App E Area codes [HOLD]......................................................................................................................................................... 66 E.1 General................................................................................................................................ 66 App F Product service codes, incl. colour coding .......................................................................................................... 70 F.1 Objective, target group and provision .................................................................................. 70 F.2 General ................................................................................................................................ 70 Technical and professional requirement,FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001, Draft A Ver 1, valid from 25.1.11 Page 4 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure, cf. regulations of the Free information Act sec. 1, 3rd subsection, litra f) 4 F..............10 F.......................................................................................... litra f) ........................7.............. cf....................................2 Subcontractor originator code ..... 72 Static Process Equipment and Storage Tanks..................................................................................7.......................................7....................................9 F.... 73 Piping.............. 71 Chemicals .....................................................5 F..................................................................................................................................................11 Page 5 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure....................................................................................2 F................. 71 N2 and CO2 Gases ..................................................... 71 Emergency..............................7..................................4 F...................................... 73 Buildings ....1................................ 74 Spreader beams .............................................................................. 72 Valves .......................................................7 F.......................................9 F.......................................... 76 App H Tag format summary [HOLD]...................................1 F......................................6 F............ 75 App G Block allocation of sequence nos......................7 F..................1 Gradation: Internal Safety Equipment .........................................................................7................................8 F........................... 77 H........................................................................ regulations of the Free information Act sec..........................5 F.... 71 Emergency Stop Switches & Blow Down Valves .................. 79 App I Originator code details ..............7..................................................................4 F.........5 F....................................................... 81 Technical and professional requirement............................................................................................... Nameplate and Sign post ................................1 F...................... 72 TAG-numbering..............................................................................................................................7.................................1 General.........................................) ................................................ 81 I.......................... 81 I......................................Governing document: Engineering numbering system .........3 Tag code appendix formats ................................3 F....2 Tag code formats ....................................................................3..............................................FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001....... 73 Spades ............................................ 74 Sign & Nameplate Materials................. 73 Storm Water & Oily Water Manhole (SW & OW) ......................7.. valid from 25.........................1 Contractor originator codes............. 81 I......................................................... 3rd subsection........................... 70 Escape Routes ..... 71 Poisonous/Asphyxiating Medium ............... 70 Warning of Danger ...........................3 Supplier originator code (PO number)......9.................................. 74 Informative References......................................................................................................1 F............................ 1................................3................................ 74 Colour selection schedule ......................8 F.....3............6 F........... N2 etc................... Safety....................... 70 Emergency Equipment............................. 77 H.................. 73 Sample Points..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7...........................................................3 F.........................................................CENS F............ 70 Emergency Showers............................... Draft A Ver 1...... 77 H..... 72 Rotating equipment (machinery) ............7.........3................................................... Warning Signposts .3...................2 F......... 73 Utility Stations (Water................................................................3 F........................ ................................................ air...................................................4.............. FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Draft A Ver 1.1. litra f) Gradation: Internal . valid from 25.CENS Technical and professional requirement.11 Page 6 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. 1. cf. 3rd subsection.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . regulations of the Free information Act sec. installation. concept.e. In order to achieve these objectives CENS shall: 1. Not be a limiting factor for future technological development.1. engineering. describes the standardized numbering systems for numbering of technical documents.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . as a result of a positive cost effect by use of CENS. 1.0 Teknisk informasjon. Technical and professional requirement. the CCM Engineering Numbering System (CENS). Be communicated throughout the project. valid from 25. 4. It therefore replaces the general TR0052 “Statoil engineering numbering system oil and gas production facilities”. valid from 2010-09-02. ”Anleggsdrift. target group and provision This document.3. clear and accurate.and offshore) “D&V 8. Be consistent. 01 approved 1999-11-22. and revised to reflect specific needs for the CCM installation. operation. Draft A Ver 1.03. Warrant Reference is made to the following warrant documents: NPD’s regulation “Prosess. 3rd subsection. inspection. i. TR0052.03. maintenance and modification. TR0052 version 1 linked to OGPF-PTT-Z-SA-0001 Rev. version 2.og støtteanlegg i petroleumsvirksomheten”. commissioning. version 2. fabrication.2 Be as complete as necessary within the limits specified by its scope. drawings and equipments associated with CCM. 2. 1 prosesskart” (WR0158) (Statoil Group/All locations/On.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. vedlikehold og modifikasjoner” (AR12) (Statoil Group/All locations/On.3 Previous document 1. CENS is based on the STATOIL engineering numbering system for oil and gas producing facilities. Take full account of the state of the art within disciplines. valid from 2010-09-02.and offshore) 1. regulations of the Free information Act sec.1 Traceability CENS is based upon TR0052 “Statoil engineering numbering system oil and gas production facilities”. 3. 1. 6. 1. cf.CENS 1 Gradation: Internal Objective.1 Objective The objective of CENS is to define a clear and unambiguous document and tag coding in order to ensure that the user obtains documentation and equipment with the required document and tag code during all phases. 5. litra f) . Be comprehensible to qualified persons who have not participated in its preparation.11 Page 7 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. the following criteria shall be satisfied: 1. Formally documented.11 Page 8 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. litra f) . 3rd subsection. 1.1 Boundaries. 2. Amendments to the project's CENS shall be: 1. valid from 25. but shall be considered when coding in a uniform manner is required. and also a mandatory attribute registered in Statoil's or engineering contractor's technical information and documentation system when appropriate. Approved or rejected when appropriate by the project and/or the responsible organisation. Draft A Ver 1.CENS 1. For coding of articles and bulk materials reference is made to NORSOK Z-002. 6. Technical documents and tagged items are coded by allocation of a document identification code and tag code.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. It must result in minimal cost impact. cf.4 Publishing and follow-up 1. 3.1.2 Gradation: Internal Amendment review This is the first issue of CENS 1.2 Implementation CENS has been developed for document and tag coding for use in the CCM development project and its future modification projects. Technical and professional requirement. Included in all contracts and CENS where appropriate. Document and tag code have a structured unique reference no. Ref.4. In order that an amendment can be approved in all contracts across the project. Formally raised and evaluated by the project and/or the responsible organisation.3. regulations of the Free information Act sec. 2. within the capture plant battery limits. which are not included within the identification code.4. limits and exclusions This TR is valid for within the capture plant battery limits. within a plant. 1. Implemented by relevant contractors without progress delay. It must be necessary to complete the work. 3. is made to the relevant formats. It must lead to neutral or improved schedule impact.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . 4. by which a document or tagged item is referred to. Efficiently controlled in all contracts across the project by an appointed CENS administrator. 5. Mandatory attributes contain those properties or coding elements for a document or tagged item. Desitions at lowest level. 1. Observed users experiences.1 Allocation of codes All code enquiries from any person or function from a contractor. evaluated. this authority rests with the CCM Project organization. Proposal from the users. organisation units and any contractors and suppliers. Experience feed back from maintenance and modification contractors. tel. As a minimum the following information shall be presented to the CENS administrator prior to any reservation: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Enquiry date.2 Requirements for quality management and assurance 2. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Technical and professional requirement. 3rd subsection. Function and type codes.2. New revisions shall be distributed for comments to all functions. Justification. Draft A Ver 1. Readable name.1 Ergonomics Reference is made to ISO 6385. c) Any problems in connection with the coding are communicated to. valid from 25. e. Originator's communication system.CENS 1.11 Page 9 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. or E-mail address.g. As a single point of contact the CENS administrator shall ensure that: a) Codes are reserved and allocated prior to implementation in projects. To achieve safe and optimal operation this CENS shall be updated regularely and as a minimum be revised each year based on e. faxes. b) Codes are controlled an implemented in Statoil's technical information and documentation system. Project number. 2.1. System codes.3 Gradation: Internal Follow-up The organisation unit for implementation and maintenance of technical information and documentation in the operational units is delegated the authority to maintain the CENS.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. the following input: a) b) c) d) e) Change in governing documents. projects and suppliers. cf. shall be documented and submitted to the CENS administrator. 2 HSE and quality 2. litra f) ..g.4. Until such operational unit is established. position and organisation of the originator. verified and qualified by the responsible discipline.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . operational unit and modification projects. no. no. 2.CENS Gradation: Internal d) Sequence numbers. cf. development projects.2 Amendments The originator of a CENS amendment proposal. Description of proposal. Technical and professional requirement. i. operational unit.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. e) Enquiries are returned to the originator as soon as the procedure outlined above is completed. The proposal shall be presented to the responsible organisation unit for implementation and maintenance of technical information and documentation in the operational units for evaluation and implementation. 3 Document coding 3. valid from 25. Proposals from a contractor shall be formally submitted to the responsible organisation unit for implementation and maintenance of technical information and documentation in the operational units via the project organisation.1. regulations of the Free information Act sec. are allocated in accordance with CENS and reserved in Statoil's technical information and documentation system.4 Documentation Reference is made to TR0053. As a minimum the following information shall be presented: a) b) c) d) e) f) CENS rev.e. TR0054 and TR0056. 1. A complete document code consists of the document identification code and mandatory attributes. 3rd subsection. administrative and procurement documents. any person or function from a contractor. Draft A Ver 1. Readable name. 2. major modification projects and other Statoil units. position and organisation of the originator. shall document and justify the proposal and provide necessary backup documentation. 2. including technical (engineering and manufacturing documents and drawings).Governing document: Engineering numbering system . CENS paragraph effected. or block of sequence numbers.3 Additional requirements for review None.2. Justification of proposal. litra f) .11 Page 10 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Date of proposal. no.1 Scope This section of CENS covers the coding of documents used throughout the life of the facility. Documentation related to such interfaces between CCM and the other part. Updating of the interfacing plants documentation shall be done in accordance with such plants specifications.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . The interfacing partner shall – upon request from CCM . appendix G for any project/facility specific block allocation of sequence nos.infrastructure to support utilities and capture technology plant.identify his own documentation relevant for updating Technical and professional requirement. valid from 25. even if the responsibility for the document is changed.1. No intelligence should be included in the sequence no. (ref.Onshore facilities Transport & Storage (HOLD) Interface documentation will include any relevant documentation related to . 4) The dash (hyphen) shall only be used as a separating character. 3rd subsection.1) 1) Discipline code (see appendix C) Document type code (see appendix D Sequence no. cf.MRDA Fire & Gas system . and .Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) .Mongstad Refinery (MRDA) .FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. irrespective of being exsisting interface plant documentation or new CCM documentation.2 Gradation: Internal Document code format The document code format shall be as follows: FM07- AAAZZ- A- AA- NNNN- (NN) Project code Originator code (see 3.utility and support systems.11 Page 11 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. regulations of the Free information Act sec. 5) Document code format is relevant for both drawings and documents 6) Sheet nos. (see appendix G) 2) 3) Sheet no. litra f) .CO2 Test Center Mongstad (TCM) . 6) Notes: 1) The originator code shall not change. document type and discipline code combination.6. Draft A Ver 1.3 Document coding – interface to other facilities The CO2 Capture Plant (CCM) interfaces with . shall run consecutively within each originator.). shall be numbered in accordance with both installations document syntax requirements. shall only be used in drawing nos. It is CCM responisibility to ensure that such documentation is identified as well as updated to AS-Built. 1.CENS 3. 3. 3) The sequence no. 2) Zeroes shall replace not applicable characters in the sequence/sheet number. regulations of the Free information Act sec.CENS Gradation: Internal and/or needed for information.g. valid from 25. Draft A Ver 1. e. 3. Use of the Achilles code for manufacturers is recommended in the document code. further classification and presentation. or 04. is to give each issue a unique identification. 1. 03A .1 Mandatory attributes The mandatory attributes shall be used in Statoil's technical information and documentation system to make a complete detail description.11 Page 12 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. The purpose of the rev. 80 characters. More than one attribute may be defined. b) Case. All mandatory attributes shall be registered in Statoil's technical information and documentation system and shown on the document.99. During the concept phase different alternative solutions can be evaluated. 3.4 Attributes 3.6.4. A concept phase case code 1 . d) Revision date (in accordance with ISO 8601. Internal discipline checks after rev.5 Manufacturer information 3.1 .1 Document codes Manufacturer’s standard documentation shall be identified according to manufacturer’s identification system. and shall be increased by one for each revision. e.1. Technical and professional requirement. format NN. 01 may be controlled individually by use of suffix characters. no. e. Mandatory attributes for documentation: a) Project code. 01 shall be given for the document’s first issue. PO numbers will be the originator code issued for each supplier.g. phase and case codes during the project: a) Phase. e) PO-identification is applicable for all supplier information.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.g.9 shall identify information and documentation to each alternative. being the responsibility of the party imposing the change. Data transfer and content shall be carried out in accordance with the interfacing facilities relevant principles. 3. 3rd subsection. 01 is project specific. If more than one is defined it shall be registered in Statoil's technical information and documentation system. 1999-07-07).1.03Z (final issue 03).Governing document: Engineering numbering system .5.4. format N. Control of revisions prior to rev. format NN (see appendix A) c) Revision 01 . Rev.04.9 (final issue 04). ref 3. f) To aid users and to provide efficient dissemination of a document through Statoil's technical information and documentation system the title shall be concise and shall indicate the subject clearly and succinctly within max. cf. always FM07. When not applicable NA shall be filled in. cross-referencing. b) System code.2 Informative attributes Informative attributes can be defined as necessary. format A. litra f) . 00 to be used if no supplier. Technical and professional requirement.1 Originator codes 3. Supplier's project specific key documentation during design.CENS Gradation: Internal Manufacturer’s standard documents do not require a project document frontsheet / project drawing frame. i.1. 5 3.99 The originator code shall always be 5 characters – AAAZZ.3 Character 3: Subcontractor code. Ref 3. Z to be used if no subcontractor. manufacturing and fabrication shall be identified in accordance with CENS.4 Character 4-5 Supplier code. 3rd subsection. litra f) .Governing document: Engineering numbering system . be assigned a document identification in accordance with CENS in the relevant indexes (not to be written onto the doc itself).1.2 Character 2: Contractor code.6.1.1 Originator code format The originator code format shall be defined as follows: A Main contract code A Contractor code A A A Subcontractor code A ZZ Supplier code 00….6 Acceptance codes An acceptance code shall be assigned to and shown on suppliers project specific documents submitted for review and acceptance.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.6. Ref 3. cf.1. 1.6. Draft A Ver 1. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Issued for information. Z to be used if no Contractor (Company doc). Character 1: Main Contract Code in accordance with 3.11 Page 13 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.e.1.. in addition to manuifacturer’s identification. Not accepted. Ref 3.6. revise and resubmit.5 Originator codes for EPC contracts and subcontracts shall be controlled by each EPC contractor and allocated in agreement with the CENS administrator. Accepted with comments incorporated.1.6. 3. the document shall. (not applicable for any SIRL required information – ref TR0054) Interface information as clouded is accepted and frozen. However.6. valid from 25. The following codes may be used: 1 2 3 4 Accepted. 1.for each contract designated by the 2. and 5. character shall emerge. Technical and professional requirement.3 Contractor codes The 2.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.11 Page 14 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.6.4 Subcontractort codes The 3.CENS 3. 2. valid from 25. 3rd subsection. When no supplier. litra f) . Ref Appendix I.6. and the subordinated 3. and the subordinated 2. Require contractor code different from Z. the supplier code shall be 00.within each main contract code designated by the 1. When no contractor. cf. the subcontract code shall be Z.. character shall emerge.5 Supplier codes (PO number) The 4.6. character. 3.1. character.1. character designates the supplier originator code 00-99 for each subcontract designated by the 3.6. character.1. character shall designate an originator code A-Z for a contractor. character designates the originator code A-Z for a subcontractor. Ref App I. When no subcontractor. Draft A Ver 1.Governing document: Engineering numbering system .2 Gradation: Internal Main contract codes The first character designates the main contract originator codes: P Project (CCM) E Engineering and technical assistance S CHP modifications & tie-ins (“Stacks”) C Capture plant U Standalone/other utilities V Civil and site preparation W Sea water cooling R Refinery (MRDA) modifications A H&E TQP Amine X Miscellaneous T Technology verification assistance 3. 1.1.1 where both the 1. 3. the contractor code shall be Z.2 where both 1. regulations of the Free information Act sec. (also ref 3. The following summarises the components within equipment packages to be tagged according to CENS:  Packages themselves. fans. Note: The originator code for a supplier also identifies the purchase order no (PO) for the supply.1.CENS Gradation: Internal Ref Appendix I. shall be allocated a tag code in accordance with CENS. flow diagrams. safety equipment. 1. electrical consumers. cf. manual valves (excl. etc.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . 4 Tag coding 4. character shall emerge. pumps. incl. tanks. instruments. F&G-detection. transformers. Electrical field equipment.. item e). Piping.3 where both 1. Draft A Ver 1. manifolds.  Motors. compressors.1 Scope All functional equipment and their logical location within a system. layout drawings. Automation field equipment. drain valves).11 Page 15 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. junction boxes etc. panel instruments. and the subordinated 4.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. CENS tag codes shall be indicated for all functional components on contractor.. e. regulations of the Free information Act sec. lifting equipment. The following main groups of functional locations are defined.  Control valves. heat exchangers.g. panels..1 Functional location 4. Technical and professional requirement. litra f) . logic diagrams. switches.4. gear boxes. subject to inspection and maintenance during operations. vessels. field instruments. 3. valid from 25. Tag codes should not be shown on standard drawings and documents that describe bulk items such as manual valves. 5 Telecom. field equipment The specific discipline descriptions are according to international standards where available and when applicable.  Field cabinets. 3rd subsection.1.1. Each of these groups shall be coded according to its specific syntax: 1 2 3 4 Main equipment. subcontractor and supplier design documents and drawings. filters. junction boxes. This shall apply to all parts of the project including items in supplier packages. push buttons. fire & gas equipment. and 5. 2. P&IDs. Gradation: Internal The following are normally not tagged:  Pipe components (e. bends. Note that space between elements is only used for presentation purpose in this document.e. Consistency in tag coding shall emerge by displaying tag codes without spaces between elements on labels and in engineering registers. described in appendix A can be used as mandatory attributes to all tag coding and registered in Statoil's and engineering contractor's technical information and documentation system.  Main electrical equipment. Technical and professional requirement. Statoil’s tag code shall be physically applied to the functional locations for the tagged components.  Instrument tubing.tag code formats. See examples under tag codes below.1.e.). Draft A Ver 1.  Structure elements. equipment. i. and then without parenthesis. No deviations from CENS shall be permitted. Dash is used in combination of characters. tees.1. litra f) .FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.  Critical lines and lines connecting to external lines. Parenthesis is optional.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . regulations of the Free information Act sec. flanges.  Package or panel internal cables not connected to a tagged component. only to separate elements in order to avoid confusion. in connection with preventative maintenance. The supplier's own tagging identification may be used for items not requiring a tag code. cf. cable glands.3 Tag code formats In principle CENS describes only three .1.  Cables connected to tagged equipment. character within parenthesis shall be used only when needed. 4. 1. documents/drawings and 3D-models.2 Registration Tag codes shall be registered in the engineering contractor's technical information and documentation system. Note: Subsystem codes. 4. 3rd subsection. 4. and appendices (see appendix H). i. and anodes.11 Page 16 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.3 . including variants of function and type codes. etc.  Lines not described above. bolts.2 Main equipment The following main equipment is included in the general tag code format:  Mechanical equipment.g. valid from 25. sequence nos.CENS  Telecom. welds. format NN. junction box rail and terminals. if not otherwise stated. and sample code is as follows: 30-A-NNNN. Notes: 1) For instrument junction boxes careful consideration must be made whether the consumer or distribution board should control the selection of system code.intrinsically safe boxes. 1. P Exp .Governing document: Engineering numbering system . For main equipment in general the following mandatory attributes shall be used in Statoil's technical information and documentation system: Project code: .non-sparking. format AZZZA (see appendix E). format A . junction box tag codes may include the suffix Z to indicate whether they are intrinsically safe or not. junction boxes the following classification codes for Ex field equipment shall be used: D Exd .1.increased safety boxes.explosion proof boxes. (see App G) Parallell/serial item suffix code Fire Alarm Panels shall be coded in strict coordination with MRDA.FM07.11 Page 17 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.2) Sequence no. Gradation: Internal General tag code format for equipment: NN AA NNNN (A) System code (see App A) Function and type code (see App B. 3rd subsection.Z. Need for such panels shall be identified and coordinated through Company to ensure correct tagging. shall run consecutively within each system and function and type code combination. valid from 25. Y Non-Ex . to simplify engineering. equipment. 3) Parallel or serial item suffix code. Z Exi . Draft A Ver 1. litra f) . E Exe . For instrument and telecom.boxes.  Central telecom. regulations of the Free information Act sec. shall only be used when applicable. N Exn . Area code. Instrument and telecom.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.CENS  Main automation equipment (control systems).pressurized safe boxes. Technical and professional requirement. cf. HOLD ???? (distr board for instr JB’s) 2) The general sequence no. 7.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. secondly in accordance to the relevant ENS for the interfacing facility. regulations of the Free information Act sec. etc.3 Gradation: Internal Tag coding – interface to other facilities The CO2 Capture Plant (CCM) interfaces with . litra f) .2 Pipes Tag code format for pipes. (see annex G) Size indicator suffix 3 Technical and professional requirement.CENS 4.4 Piping 4.).). 1.4. Excepted from such double tagging are any F&G tags as they are already coordinated. ref chapter 4. once in accordance with CENS.CO2 Test Center Mongstad (TCM) .1 General Standard piping dimensions in the oil and gas production facilities are in inches.Onshore facilities Transport & Storage (HOLD) For interface documentation ref chapter 3.Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) .2) and valves and special items type codes (see 4. 4.Governing document: Engineering numbering system .). Lastmentioned tagging shall be carried out in strict coordination with Company. Data transfer and content shall be carried out in accordance with the interfacing facilities relevant principles.5) must not be mixed.11 Page 18 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.3. 1000 (10 in. cf. being the responsibility of the party imposing the change.5 in. valid from 25.2 (alarm panels) and 4.1.4. Any tags included on such interface documentation shall be double tagged. and the size shall be presented as: 0025 (0.4. spools and HVAC ducts: NN A Z(Z)NN (A) System code (see App A) Pipe type code (see table below) Sequence no. (detectors).Mongstad Refinery (MRDA) .25 in. Draft A Ver 1. 3rd subsection. 0150 (1. Pipe type codes (see 4. Notes: Standard piping dimensions in mm is not allowed. e.1 above).4. 4.4. cf.  Piping class identity. Draft A Ver 1. NORSOK M-501). The following pipe type codes shall be used: D HVAC ducts. 0501 for sea water system. other inspection drawings and line lists. 18FCB01 Flow line no. format NNNN (see 4. Note: Reference is made to RBI methodology for identification of critical lines.  Line size in inches. For pipes the following mandatory attributes shall be used in Statoil's technical information and documentation system:  Service code. 3rd subsection. TR2000) Technical and professional requirement. TR2000). Examples: HOLD 50L0501 Pipe no. format NA (ref. (see appendix E).4. 01 running from SPS-installation no. format NA (ref. The line sequence no. i.CENS Gradation: Internal Notes: If passing through several areas use only the area code as mandatory attribute where the main part is.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . format AA (see appendix F). regulations of the Free information Act sec.  Area code. format AAZZZ(A) (ref.3 Lines [HOLD] Line format shall be indicated on P&IDs.  Coating system.  Insulation class. or where the starting point of the pipe is. shall run consecutively within each system and shall only change at a) equipment connections (flanges) b) tees for non main stream (if not tees for tapping points) and c) piping class breaks. 1. NORSOK R-004).2) Line size Service code (see appendix F) Piping class identity (ref. litra f) .11 Page 19 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. valid from 25. with following information ADDED as attributes to the tag code format for piping involved: NNANNNN- NNNN AA- AAZZZ(A) Tag code format for piping involved see 4.1. without change of sequence no. L U Pipes and process lines. A – Z. 3D-models. format A. CB. Spools.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. ISO-drawings. Change in size within a line shall be indicated by a suffix. detailed area A. 0501. valid from 25.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Draft A Ver 1. NORSOK R-004) Insulation thickness in mm Heat tracing requirements 1) Note: 1) Format A.1. Hold down. i. Guide. litra f) . 4 inch line size. spring pipe support no. Y = yes and N = no. and no heat tracing requirements.4 Pipe supports Tag code format for pipe supports: AZZZA A NNNN Area code (see appendix E) Support function code (see table below) Sequence no.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Adjustable. sea water service code. line sequence no. 1. Technical and professional requirement. HOLD The following support function codes shall be used: A G H J L R S X Anchor.11 Page 20 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.). level 1. Insulation and heat tracing is optional to the line format and shall be indicated separately on P&IDs as shown below: NA NN A Insulation class (ref. Supports with combination function both listed or not in the table.CENS Gradation: Internal HOLD Example: 50L0501-0400WS-AR71 Sea water system. Line stop.4. cold medium conservation and insulation material type for cellular glass). regulations of the Free information Act sec. Example: M12AS0001 Module 2. piping class identity (incl. Spring.e. 3rd subsection. shall run consecutively within each area code and support function code combination. Rest. (see appendix G) 1) Note 1): The sequence no. cf. 0001. pressure rating. 50 mm insulation thickness. 4. Example: 2B50N Insulation class (incl. type of material and sequence no. including check valves. Manual valve. 1. parallel manual valve no. shall be identified on P&IDs both with VDS no. regulations of the Free information Act sec. only. shall be identified on P&IDs both with VDS no. format NNNN. and tag code. manufacturing and fabrication the VDS no. and also actuator controlled on/off valves. 3rd subsection.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. shall be used in Statoil's and engineering contractor's technical information and documentation system as mandatory attribute. TR2000).  VDS. and/or smaller in a critical line. including instrument valves in the same category. Special item. Notes:  Two inches and larger manual valves. Example: 40V0035B Cooling medium system. shall be tagged prior to commissioning. cf. (see appendix G) The following valves and special items type codes shall be used: C S V X Check valve. NORSOK Z-001). During design. valid from 25.5 Gradation: Internal Valves and special items Manual valve tag codes shall not be entered later than the commissioning as-built stage. Draft A Ver 1.11 Page 21 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.1.  Hand operated valves smaller then two inches. format AAA-ANN (ref. format AAZZZZA(/AA) (ref. Miscellaneous valves not covered in the table.CENS 4. shall be identified on P&IDs with VDS no.4. and tag code.  Hand operated valves smaller then two inches.Governing document: Engineering numbering system .  Two inches and larger hand operated valves. including check valves. including instrument valves in the same category. 0035B. For special items data sheet. Reference is made to the RBI-methodology for identification of critical lines. For manual valves the following mandatory attributes shall be used in Statoil's technical information and documentation system:  Valve size in inches. Technical and professional requirement. litra f) . Tag code format for valves and special items: NN A NNNN System code (see appendix A) Valve type code (see table below) Sequence no. according to TR2000 shall be used. electrical switchgears.3) Sequence no. 3) Mandatory attributes for instrument and telecom.  Voltage level code.5.1 and B. cables in Statoil's technical information and documentation system:  Cable service code. 1 for centrifugal compressors 27KA0001A and 27KA0001B in the metering system. I = individual.5. C = common.5.  Screen. EDP-program for a starter.2) and small power consumers (see appendix B.g. Tag code format for field equipment: NNNNAANNNN- A NN- (A NN) Main equipment (see 4.11 Page 22 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.CENS 4. format A.N (mm2).2) Type code (see appendix B.e. litra f) . format AA(AA) (ref. format NN. Relevant field equipment:     equipment drivers. format NNN. (see appendix G) Type code (see appendix B. etc.2) Sequence no. format A (see appendix B. electrical switchgears. cables (see appendix B. Draft A Ver 1. format A (see appendix B. Examples: HOLD 27KA0001-M01 Electrical motor no. For electrical junction boxes the classification codes for Ex field equipment (see 4.g. of pairs. e. (see appendix G) Notes: 1) Kind of item for field equipment ref.2).2) shall be used as mandatory attribute in Statoil's technical information and documentation system. is made to IEC 1346 Part 1. is made to NEK 606).5. diesel or electric motors instrument and telecom.5.5 Gradation: Internal Field equipment related to tagged main equipment The following tag coding is relevant for physical electrical field equipment which can be associated with tagged equipment such as process. E.1.1). cables electrical junction boxes EDP-programs for mechanical package control units.3) must not be mixed. HVAC or similar. Examples of tagged equipment are pumps.5. mechanical packages. cf.5. 1. 3rd subsection.Governing document: Engineering numbering system .FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Technical and professional requirement. regulations of the Free information Act sec. i. fans and compressors.  Square sections.5. format NN.  No.  Cable type. of cores. 2) Type codes drivers (see appendix B.4). valid from 25.  No. After splicing the suffixes shall be deleted.  Screen. 27PA0001A-U01 Pressure indicator control no.  No. 1 on electrical motor no. 87PA0001B-M01-B01 Electrical junction box no. serial or parallel duty within a system they shall be allocated the same sequence no. Note that identical interface cables between two modules. cf.1 Electrical cables The following tag code format shall be used for electrical field cables. regulations of the Free information Act sec.. 1.2) Voltage level (see appendix B. C = common. format A.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . format AA(AA) (ref. commissioned by different vendors during the project phase. 2) for electrical motor 27PA0001A-M01 in the metering system.5. but distinguished by a single alpha suffix A . 1 for starter (assembly no. litra f) . 1 on compessor and gas turbine driver set 27XT0001 for centrifugal compressors 27KA0001 and 27KA0002 in the metering system. for internal cables in equipment rooms: A A NN NNNN (A) Type Code (see appendix B.e. 27PA0001A-M01 Electrical motor no. format NN. Technical and professional requirement.Z. Mandatory attributes for cables in Statoil's technical information and documentation system:  Cable type. of pairs. incl. valid from 25. 1 from instrument junction box 87JB0001 in the automation system. of cores.4) System Code (see appendix A) Sequence number (see appendix G) Parallell / serial item Notes: Careful consideration must be made whether the selection of system code should be controlled by the consumer or distribution board. heat tracing cables. 1 for pump 87PA0001B in the automation system.CENS Gradation: Internal 27XT0001-M01 Electrical motor no. 1 for pump 27PA0001A in the metering system. 1 for pump 27PA0001A in the metering system. 87JB0001-K01 Multipair instrument cable no. may be given the same tag code with suffix A and B. 4. This format can also be used by instrument and telecom. 1) to pump 27PA0001A in the metering system.N (mm2).  Square sections. 27PA0001A-V01-U01 EDP-program (or soft tag) no.1.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. is made to NEK 606). 3rd subsection. i. I = individual.6.  No.5. format NNN.6 Electrical 4. format NN. Draft A Ver 1. Where two or more cables have an identical.11 Page 23 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. 27PA0001A-M01-S01 Local push button station (assembly no. 1A in the fire water system.1. cf.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.3) 3) Sequence no (see appendix G) 4) Technical and professional requirement. HT710001A Serial heat tracing cable no. Examples of such are lighting equipment.11 Page 24 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.2) Circuit no 1) 2) Kind of item (ref IEC 1346 Part 1 and appendix B. 1A in the main power system. Coding of electrical cables: HOLD 82EN0001 82EL0001 PN270001A PL820001A PN270001B PL820002 GG270001 CL270001 82EL0001-102-W01 PA270001-M01-B01 82EL0001-101-E01 PL820001B M PA270001-M01-S01 PA270001-M01 82EL0001-101-E02 P PA270001 4.6.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . valid from 25. 1B in the fire water system. 1 in the metering system. PN270001 690 V power cable no.CENS Gradation: Internal Examples: HOLD PL270001 400 V power cable no. 1 to emergency push stop 27PA0001A-M01-S01 in the metering system. regulations of the Free information Act sec. 1. HT710001B Serial heat tracing cable no. socket and welding outlets (see also note 3 below) Tag code format for electrical field equipment: NNAANNNN- NNZZ- Main equipment (see 4. 1 in the metering system. 3rd subsection.5 above.5.2 M PA270001-M02 Electrical field equipment The following tag coding is relevant for physical electrical field equipment which can not be tied to a particular tagged equipment as described in 4. litra f) A NN . Draft A Ver 1. PN820001A 400 V parallel power cable no. CL270001 230 V control cable no. 3) Including small power consumers (see appendix B. valid from 25. 1 within circuit no.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . 207 of distribution board 82EL0008.5. 3rd subsection. 207 of distribution board 82EL0008. under examples below). litra f) . 301 of distribution board 82EL0008. 82EL0008-301-W01 400 V socket outlet no.. 8 within circuit no.11 Page 25 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. 2) Any letters between third and fourth character is omitted in the tag no. 82EL0008-207-B01 Electrical junction box no.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. cf. regulations of the Free information Act sec. or withdraw able unit position within switchboard (up to 4 characters). 1 within circuit no. 2 in circuit of unit position 03AC of switchboard 82EN0001A. Circuit no. Draft A Ver 1. 4) Within circuit. 82EN0001A-03AC-W02 Socket outlet no. Examples: HOLD 82EL0008-207-E08 Normal lighting fixture (final consumer) no. format NNZZ. 1.3). (see fig. for electrical distribution and switch boards: HOLD FIELD 02 01 03 Top field A A1 B B1 C C1 C2 C3 C4 DRAWE R D A2 B2 B3 01D 01A2 02 E F 01E FG H Side field G Omitted in the tag code H I 01I Bottom field Circuit = field + drawer Technical and professional requirement.CENS Gradation: Internal Notes: 1) Within switchboard and distribution board (up to 3 characters).1. valid from 25.1: NNAA(AAA)NNNN(A)- A NN Instrument (see 4.7. Tag code format for instrument cables connected to F&G detection in accordance with Sequence no (see appendix G) Tag code format for instrument cables connected to instruments and process measurement control functions in accordance with 4.2) Sequence no (see appendix G) Examples: HOLD 1.2 / 4. 1. Coding of instrument field bus cables: 2.5.2) Fixed instrument cable type code J (see appendix B.CENS 4.7.1) shall be removed from the field cable format. regulations of the Free information Act sec. litra f) . Instrument cables Gradation: Internal Tag code format for instrument cables connected to tagged main equipment: NNAANNNN- A NN Main equipment (see 4.2) Fixed instrument cable type code J (see appendix B.7.2) Sequence no (see appendix G) Note: For instrument field cables connected to field instruments and process measurement control functions.7.2.11 Page 26 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. cf.1. Coding of instrument flying lead cables: Technical and professional requirement.7 Automation 4.Governing document: Engineering numbering system .2: NN-AAA-NNNN- A NN F&G detector as assigned by MRDA (see 4. 3rd subsection.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. the discipline code at the end of the field instrument format (see 4.2.2. Draft A Ver 1.1) Fixed instrument cable type code J (see appendix B. cf. 3rd subsection.11 Page 27 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. regulations of the Free information Act sec.CENS Gradation: Internal 23JB0001 23ZSH0023-J 23ZSH0023-Z01 23JB0002 23ZSL0023-Z01 23SL0023-J 23JB0001-Z01 3.1. valid from 25.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Draft A Ver 1.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Coding of F&G cables: S 70BFM2002F-B05-J01 70BFM2001F-B05 70JB0001 70JB0002 S 70BSL Q0001F-A05-J01 70BSLQ0001F-A01 70JB0001-J01 70BSLQ0001F-A01-J02 S 70BSL Q0001F-A02-J01 70BSLQ0001F-A02 70BMLQ0001F-C04-J01 70BMLQ0001F-C04 4. Coding of instrument junction box multicore cables: Technical and professional requirement. 1. litra f) . Recommended function and type codes are listed in appendix B. HOLD 4. (ref IEC 1346-1) 1) Parallell / serial item (ref IEC 1346-1) Discipline code (ref appendix C) 3) Notes: Instruments within the same loop shall have the same loop no.7. The discipline code shall not be used in instrument bubbles on P&IDs.1. 01.1) 2) Loop sequence no. valid from 25. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Draft A Ver 1.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. 3rd subsection. litra f) .11 Page 28 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.2 F&G detection Due to safety precautions there shall be a close coordination between CCM Project and the Mongstad Refinery (MRDA) regarding F&G Detection.7. tag allocation within F&G Technical and professional requirement. 1.2. Tag code format for instruments: NN AA(AAA) NNNN (A)- A System Code (see appendix A) Function and type code (ref ANSI/ISA-S B. 10 in well no.3.Governing document: Engineering numbering system .2 Automation field equipment 4. To achieve this. cf.1 Instruments and process measurement control functions For instrument and F&G junction box tag format see main equipment Example: 18EV0110-J SCSSV no.CENS 87JB0002 87JB0003 87JB0004 87JB0002-Z01 Gradation: Internal 87JC0001 87JB0003-J01 87JB0004-J01 87JC0002 4.7. SCDs and control system databases.3. D&IDs. litra f) (A)- (A) .7. For telecom. regulations of the Free information Act sec. junction box tag format see main equipment 5. field cables obtain tag codes from field equipments at the utmost end of the cable.1).as well as to the Area and Fire Area installed within.8 Telecommunication 4.2) Technical and professional requirement.2.Governing document: Engineering numbering system .11 Page 29 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.2 Telecommunication field equipment In principle telecom. Internal telecom.2.7. (see appendix B. 4.1.1. 3rd subsection. Draft A Ver 1. cables in equipment rooms shall be tagged as electrical cables described in 4. ref appendix G Examples: Point gas 30-ATG-2791 Open Path gas 30-ATG-2912 Flame 30-AX-2931 Manual call points 30-HS-511 Heat 30-AT-3329 Be aware that sequence number shall change for each new equipment e. For future Contractors F&G detectors must be allocated in accordance with Company. cf. 4.6. F&G detectors shall be numbered as follows: NN- AAA- NNNN System Code (see appendix A) Equipment Code Sequence number.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. otherwise see examples in 4.g: 30-AS-2800. 30-AX-2801 etc.CENS Gradation: Internal Detection shall be performed in accordance with MRDA syntax and agreed sequence number series. 1.1 Telecommunication cables Telecom.8. valid from 25.1 above. NN AA A NNNN System Code (see appendix A) Function and type code main equipm.8. shall follow the same tag code format as instrumentation (see 4. All F&G detectors shall be x-referenced to their relevant Fire Protection Data Sheet (FPDS). related to an entity treated in the process of design. Originator: The organisation. i. Function: IEC 1346-1: A purpose related to an object. valid from 25.1 Definitions Achilles: The code of a vendor or company as defined in the catalogue called the Achilles-code.e. (see appendix B. regulations of the Free information Act sec. service codes.: A code that uniquely defines a document and follows the document during its life cycle. maintenance and demolition. 5 Colour coding See Appendix F.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . 3rd subsection.1).4) Sequence no (see appendix G) Parallell / serial item Discipline code (see appendix C) Subsystem codes. which is used for vendor information and qualifications. a specific platform. plant or installation) consists of functional systems. 1. contractor or supplier who initially created a document. engineering. Function and type code: Information elements that describe the function of a specific item. 6 Definitions and abbreviations 6. Facility: A facility (i.CENS Gradation: Internal Function and type code field equipm.11 Page 30 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.e.1. Can: Can-requirements are conditional and indicate a possibility open to the user of CENS. Attribute: Information element in Statoil's or engineering contractor's technical information and documentation system that describes a document or tag with further details. May: May indicates a course of action that is permissible within the limits of CENS. maintained by the joint industry company.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Document id. cf. Draft A Ver 1. Technical and professional requirement. litra f) . realization. shall be used as mandatory attributes in Statoil's technical information and documentation system to describe the telecom. Document: A limited amount of information stored on various types of media. format NN (see appendix A. operation. Fire Protection Data Sheet Heating. Tag: A unique code that defines the functional location and function of a physical component within a facility. Numeric character. Information technology.e. 1. i. ventilation and air conditioning.CENS Gradation: Internal CENS administrator: Appointed person responsible for control of all amendments and allocation of codes to CENS. Purchase order. Not applicable. Documentation for operation. Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. P&ID PO RBI Piping and instrumentation diagram. Ducting & instrumentation diagram. Risk based inspection. interrelated entities treated in the process of design. CCM Engineering numbering system. Alternative solutions having the same functionality and quality are acceptable. cf. d) System codes are used as a basis for identifying tag codes. Non destructive examination. engineering. realization. NOT the precise physical position. Shall: Shall is an absolute requirement that shall be followed strictly in order to conform to CENS.11 Page 31 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Should: Should is a recommendation.2 Symbols and abbreviations A DFO D&ID Alphabetic character. Living quarter. regulations of the Free information Act sec. 6. EDP CENS F&G FPDS HVAC HSE IT Electronic data processing. The “functional location” only refers to where the tag is located within a system. Draft A Ver 1. System: a) IEC 1346-1: A set of interrelated objects.1. maintenance and demolition.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . safety and environment. Health. Technical and professional requirement. valid from 25. b) ISO 5127/1: A set of elements and of relations between the elements such that the set may be looked at as a whole. litra f) . LCI LQ N NA NDE NPD PFD Life cycle information. c) Functional systems. Fire and gas. 3rd subsection. consisting of a collection of physical plant items that together provide services independent of the technology employed. Subsystem: Subsystems are a break down of systems. operation. Process flow diagram. CENS SCD System control diagram. 7 Gradation: Internal Modifications to previous version This is the first version of CENS 8 References NPD’s regulation “Prosess. SCCS NORSOK Z-014. Standard cost coding system. NORSOK Z-001 NORSOK standards and data sheets. ANSI/ISA-S5. cf. Z Alphanumeric character. or mud resistant. SPS UFD Sub sea production systems. Draft A Ver 1.11 Page 32 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . TR0054 LCI Requirements . ISO 6385 Ergonomic principles of the design of work systems.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.og støtteanlegg i petroleumsvirksomheten”. NORSOK M-501 Surface preparation and protective coating. installations and equipment and industrial products Structuring principles and reference designations. TD0080 Preparation of technical hierarchies. Information interchange. IEC 1346 Part 1 Industrial systems. Part 1: Basic rules. NORSOK R-004 Piping and equipment insulation. Utility flow diagram. NORSOK Z-002 Component identification.Supplier Technical and professional requirement. valid from 25. litra f) .1. regulations of the Free information Act sec. TR0053 General LCI-requirements. Halogen-free. 1. ISO 8601 Data elements and interchange formats. VDS Valve data sheet.1 Instrumentation Symbols and Identification. Representation of dates and times. 3rd subsection. NEK 606 Cables for offshore installations. valid from 25. TR0057 LCI Requirements – Supplier TR2000 Piping and valve material specification TR3111 File transfer specification (incl.11 Page 33 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. 1. DVKS).FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. 3rd subsection. cf.1. litra f) Gradation: Internal .CENS TR0056 Detail LCI-requirements.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Technical and professional requirement. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Draft A Ver 1. ref.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.1. hoist etc. regulations of the Free information Act sec. cf. 1.11 Page 34 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.1 Gradation: Internal System codes General A 4-digit system no shall be used for the entire CCM project. Note: For F&G detectors system no shall only be two digits. The last two digits identify the subsystems.CENS App A A. System code format: NNNN- AAA- NNNN System Code (see appendix A) Equipment Code Sequence number. 05 Vacant 06 Vacant 07 Area completion 08 Vacant 09 Sulphuric acid system 10 Flue gas system 11 Amine system 12 Ammonia system Technical and professional requirement. appendix A. litra f) . valid from 25. Draft A Ver 1.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . ref appendix G SubSystem number 00 Description General non system / multi system 01 Temporary systems – general 02 Structure 03 Workshop/ laboratory/ stores (tool and equipment) 04 Lifting. crane. 3rd subsection. The first two digits shall be 84 and identifies CCM within the larger MRDA area. regulations of the Free information Act sec. valid from 25. 3rd subsection.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. litra f) Gradation: Internal .Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Draft A Ver 1. cf.11 Page 35 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.CENS SubSystem number 13 Description Chilled ammonia system 14 Caustic system 15 C02 Vent system 16 Chemical systems 17 Vacant 18 Amine drain system 19 Ammonia drain system 20 Chilled ammonia water system 21 Ammonium sulphate system 22 Vacant 23 Vacant 24 Vacant 25 Vacant 26 Vacant 27 Vacant 28 Emergency power system (as for MRDA) 29 UPS (as for MRDA) 30 Fire Protection System / F&G detection systems (as for MRDA) 31 Vacant 32 Electrical distribution system (as for MRDA) 33 Earthing system (as for MRDA) 34 Vacant 35 Telecommunication systems. 1. (as for MRDA) 36 Vacant 37 Vacant Technical and professional requirement.1. 3rd subsection. 1. oily water system) 57 Closed Drain system 58 Storm water drain 59 Sewage systems 60 Flushing system 61 Vacant 62 Vacant Technical and professional requirement.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. valid from 25.1.11 Page 36 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. litra f) Gradation: Internal . process water & potable water) 54 Demineralised water system 55 Steam and Condensate system 56 Open drain systems (incl.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . cf.CENS SubSystem number 38 Description Vacant 39 Vacant 40 Vacant 41 Vacant 42 Vacant 43 Vacant 44 Vacant 45 Vacant 46 Vacant 47 Vacant 48 Vacant 49 Relief system – Knock out drum 50 Sea water system 51 Chilled water system 52 Secondary Cooling loop for Condensate 53 Fresh water systems (incl. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Draft A Ver 1. FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. 72 Fire fighting systems. Draft A Ver 1. 1. Technical and professional requirement. 76 Emergency preparedness systems.1. 78 Environment protection systems. 65 Hydraulic power systems.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . 66 Vacant 67 Vacant 68 Vacant 69 Vacant 70 Vacant 71 Fire water systems. cf. 64 Inert gas systems.11 Page 37 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. 77 HVAC systems. regulations of the Free information Act sec. 79 Emergency shutdown and blow down systems. litra f) Gradation: Internal . 80 Vacant 81 Vacant 82 Vacant 83 Vacant 84 CCM 85 Vacant 86 Not to be used (TCM) 87 Automation systems. 73 Vacant 74 Vacant 75 Passive fire protection systems. valid from 25.CENS SubSystem number 63 Description Compressed air systems. 3rd subsection. 1.11 Page 38 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. litra f) Gradation: Internal .Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Draft A Ver 1. 94 Vacant 95 Vacant 96 Vacant 97 Vacant 98 Vacant 99 Vacant Technical and professional requirement. cf. 3rd subsection. regulations of the Free information Act sec. valid from 25.1.CENS SubSystem number 88 Description Vacant 89 Vacant 90 Vacant 91 Vacant 92 Vacant 93 Architectural systems. 11 Page 39 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Draft A Ver 1. as referenced according to function and type in this appendix. B. HVAC-functions. B. Compression.4 Main equipment. F&G detection.2 Function and type codes main equipment For further detail description of function and type codes reference is made to SCCS.3.2. Transfer and control.2 B. blowing and expansion. Power transmissions. Heat transfer. valid from 25.5. B.3. Instruments. Safety/escape and fire fighting. Heating.CENS App B B.2 B.1 Gradation: Internal Function and type codes Scope Identification principles primary described in international standards shall be used.4 Voltage level. Electrical functions. Storing.5. The function and type code classes are defined in the following appendices: Appendix Description B. regulations of the Free information Act sec.2 Cables.1 List of function codes (first letter) for main equipment A Architectural functions. Pumping.3 Small power consumers. Telecom. Telecommunication functions. boiling.1 B. 3rd subsection.5. Instrumentation. litra f) . field equipment. B.1 Drivers. codes shall as per the following be applied as defined below. Technical and professional requirement. 1.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. cf. C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T Miscellaneous mechanical functions. B. B. Mechanical (solids) functions. furnacing and flaring.Governing document: Engineering numbering system .1. Material and product handling.5. As a supplement for not defined function and type codes in international standards. 11 Page 40 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Refrigeration units. Lubrication and seal oil units. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Draft A Ver 1. B. cf. Incinerators.Architectural functions AA Windows. Trash racks and collectors. AR Refrigerators and freezing equipment.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. AF Food processing equipment. Non-regenerative filters.2. Centrifuges.2 Vessel and column (pressurised) functions.1 A . AM Modules. Extractors. Mixers and agitators. Solid waste disposal units. Miscellaneous package functions. 3rd subsection.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Miscellaneous mechanical equipment.2 C . litra f) Gradation: Internal . AB Kitchen equipment. Technical and professional requirement.2. List of type codes (second letter) for main equipment B.2. Chemical feeders.CENS V X B. AC Sanitary equipment.2. Cyclones. AD Doors. AG Central vacuum cleaning equipment. Comminutors.Miscellaneous mechanical functions CA CB CC CD CE CF CG CH CI CJ CK CL CN CP CQ CR CS CT CU CV CX CZ Regenerative filters. Trays. AZ Architectural equipment packages. Mechanical separators and shakers. AX Miscellaneous architectural details. Miscellaneous mechanical equipment packages. Hydraulic units. Molecular sieves. valid from 25. 1.1. Demisters. AT Fitness equipment. Eductors and ejectors. AE Laundry equipment.2. Trash stop gates. Electric heaters. Emergency power generator sets. EC B. DC switchgear and distribution boards. Flares ground.2. ET Transformers. Technical and professional requirement.3 E . EG EH Generators. EL EM Switch gear and distribution boards (U < or = 400 V). Switch gears above 10 kV. 1. furnace and boiler packages.2. ED EE Control equipment. bars and accessories. stack and ducting. UPS. not telecommunication). Boilers. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Electrode boiler packages. e. Cooling and refrigeration units. relay boxes. Heater. junction boxes with more than one circuit. cf. Heaters.Heating.Electrical functions EB Batteries. stack and ducting.11 Page 41 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.4 F . EN Switch gear and distribution boards (U > 400 V and < or = 1 kV). EU Electrical cathodic protection.5 G . frequency converters. Electrical equipment packages. Domestic water heater. EP ER Earthing bars. Main power generator sets. EV Bus ducts. valid from 25. FX FZ Miscellaneous heating. Stacked flares. EX EY EZ Miscellaneous electrical equipment.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. boiling. burning and boiling equipment.1. Draft A Ver 1.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Furnaces. furnacing and flaring FA FB FC FD FE FF FG FH FI FK Direct fired heaters incl.HVAC-functions GA GB Air handling units. EJ Inert gas generators. 3rd subsection. inverters. B.2. etc. litra f) . ES Lightning arrestors. Filters and compensation equipment.2. GC Filters and filter-coalesces. interface panels. Rectifiers.g. EI Foghorns and beacons (navigation aid.2.2. Steam boilers incl.CENS Gradation: Internal B. e. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Plate heat exchangers. see also ISO 3511. Weather louvers. Logger. Matrix and mimic panel. B. HVAC equipment packages. Air conditioners. Quench coolers.2. Note: For automatic dampers. B.CENS GE GF GG GH GI GJ GK GL F&G-controlled dampers. controllers. HW HX HZ Waste heat recovery units.2.2. Traps. etc. Compact heat exchangers. Air-cooled heat exchangers. Heating and cooling coils with electrical batteries. Miscellaneous HVAC equipment. Liquefaction heat exchangers (cryogenic). workstation. Miscellaneous coolers and condensers. Couple pipes heat exchangers. fire dampers. Field termination and cross connection cabinet. Reboilers and evaporators.g. Heating and cooling coils with water batteries.7 J . litra f) Gradation: Internal . etc. Sound attenuators. GN GQ GR GW GX GZ DX Cooling coils. printer and copier. Miscellaneous instrumentation equipment. Miscellaneous heat transfers equipment. Junction boxes. Humidifiers and dehumidifiers. VDU. Operator station.Instrumentation functions JA JB Air distribution header.Governing document: Engineering numbering system .2. Instrumentation equipment packages. Terminal units. Core type heat exchangers. 3rd subsection. Fans (axial/centrifugal). shut down. JC JD JF JJ JL JM JX JZ Control panels with instrument. cf.1. PC.Heat transfer HA HB HC HD HE HF HG HH HI HJ Shell and tube heat exchangers. Technical and professional requirement. Vibrating and displacement measuring system. Desk/console.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. GM Secondary dampers (e.6 H . Draft A Ver 1. Heat transfer equipment packages. 1.g.11 Page 42 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Domestic water heaters. valid from 25. back kick and control dampers). 8 K . Fans. Pig launchers and receivers. Transfer and control equipment packages. Pipeline inspection tools. Slug catcher.2. Integrated service umbilical. blowing and expansion KA KB KC KD KE KF KH KX KZ Centrifugal compressors. Material and/or product handling equipment packages.9 L . Sealing pigs. Electro hydraulic umbilical. Scraper pigs. Hydraulic umbilical. Miscellaneous material and product handling equipment.2. Trucks. Miscellaneous compressors. Elevators and lifts. B. Reciprocating compressors. Pipeline and umbilical and fittings. Intelligent pigs. blower and/or expansion packages. litra f) Gradation: Internal .2. Compressor.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.Material and product handling Pedestal cranes.11 Page 43 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Overhead cranes. Production risers.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . calibrating and measurement equipment. Draft A Ver 1. Mobile cranes. valid from 25. etc. Packing.2. 3rd subsection.CENS B. Winches.1. Buoyancy elements and modules. Technical and professional requirement. Blowers. carts. cf. Injection risers. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Miscellaneous transfer and control equipment.Compression. Welding bladders.Transfer and control LA LC LD LE LG LH LM LN LO LP LQ LR LS LT LU LV LW LX LZ Emergency shutdown valves. B. Hoists and trolleys. blowers and expanders. Major control valves. 1.2. Screw and rotary compressors. forklifts. Batch pigs. Gantry and portal cranes. Expanders. Axial compressors.2. Product loading and vapor return arms.10 MA MB MC MD ME MF MG MK MQ MU MV MX MZ M . Railroad and road loading equipment. Vibrating packers. B. valid from 25. Granulators. Jaw crushers. Pump packages. cf. Screw pumps.2. Entertainment. Gravity impact crushers.2. Drilling area talk back. Submerged pumps with non-submerged motors.2. Diaphragm pumps.11 N . Technical and professional requirement. Reciprocating pumps. Reversible impactors. litra f) Gradation: Internal . Vibrating screens. Miscellaneous mechanical (solids) equipment.1.12 P – Pumping PA PB PC PD PE PF PG PH PI Centrifugal pumps. Screw conveyors and feeders. 1. Close circuit television (CCTV). Hammer mills.11 Page 44 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Special metering pumps. Draft A Ver 1. Bin activators. Roll crushers. Tube and flow conveyors. Miscellaneous pumps.CENS B. Fines stifters and screens. Gear pumps. regulations of the Free information Act sec. NZ Mechanical (solids) equipment packages. Fire water pumps. Rotary pumps. Mills. PS PX PZ Submerged pumps with submerged motors.Mechanical (solids) functions NA NB NC ND NE NF NG NH NI NJ NK NL NM NN NO NP NR NS NT NU NX Belt conveyors. Multi-flow conveyors.2.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.13 RA RB RC RD RE R .2.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Twin rotor impactors. B. 3rd subsection. Impact breakers. Junction boxes. Blenders. PP Portable water pumps.Telecommunication functions Public address and alarm. Feeders. Bucket elevators.2. Multiplex and network switch.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Sumps. Hoppers.2.15 TA TB TE TF TG TJ S . valid from 25. supervisory. Central fire point units. Hose reels. Platform UHF radio. escape and fire fighting T . positioning and distribution. First-aid equipment. Miscellaneous safety. Ambulances.CENS RF RG RJ RL RM RN RO RP RQ RR RS RT RU RW RX RZ Distribution frame.2. Fire water system equipment. Satellite communication and fiber optical cable. Sprinkler and deluge system equipment. Crane equipment. Mandatory and general radio.Atmospheric storage tanks and containment functions Storage tanks. Fire trucks.2. Fire extinguishers. Radio link and telemetry. equipment. Bins. Storage tanks. rectangular. Data communication network.11 Page 45 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Life saving and escape devices.2.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Telephone. Remote operated foam monitors. 1. marine and aviation. Dry chemical equipment. escape and/or fire fighting equipment packages. Pick-up boats and davits. escape and fire fighting equipment. Power supply. Rafts. cf.1. litra f) Gradation: Internal . Dual agent units. Hydrants. Meteorological. 3rd subsection. B. Mud pits.14 SA SB SC SD SF SG SH SJ SK SL SM SN SP SQ SR SS SU SW SX SY SZ Lifeboats and davits. Telecommunication equipment packages.Safety. Technical and professional requirement. Draft A Ver 1. cylindrical. maintenance. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Safety. Radar. Miscellaneous telecom. B. Common equipment. Fire water monitors (towers). Inert gas equipment. Fixed foam units. Navigation. Blind Transmitter AW Analysis/alarm. Sewage and waste water treatment packages. Nitrogen generation packages. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Indicating device AIC Analysis/alarm. 3rd subsection. Indicating transmitter AP Analysis/alarm. Solenoid. Primary element AI Analysis/alarm. Switch high-high ASHL Analysis/alarm. B. Switch comb ASL Analysis/alarm.3.1 Function and type codes instruments (ref. Final element Technical and professional requirement. Compressors and gas turbine driver set packages. Recording controller ART Analysis/alarm. Thruster packages. Test point AR Analysis/alarm. Draft A Ver 1. Switch high ASHH Analysis/alarm. Catalyst packages. Miscellaneous storage tanks and containments. ANSI/ISA-S5. Chemical treatment packages. B. relay or computing device AZ Analysis/alarm. Chemical injection packages. Vacuum unit packages. Helicopter fuel packages. Oxygen generation packages.1. cf.2. Storage tanks and containment packages. AE Analysis/alarm. valid from 25. Recording ARC Analysis/alarm. Blind controller.2. litra f) Gradation: Internal .FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Indicating controller AIT Analysis/alarm.16 XA XF XG XH XJ XP XQ XR XT XX XY XZ X .3 Function and type codes automation B.11 Page 46 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Well or probe AY Analysis/alarm. Switch low-low AT Analysis/alarm. Refrigerated storage tanks. Recording transmitter ASH Analysis/alarm.1) AC Analysis/alarm.CENS TK TR TX TZ Containers. Miscellaneous equipment packages. Switch low ASLL Analysis/alarm.Miscellaneous package functions Oily water treatment packages.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . 1. Solenoid. Blind controller BE Burner/combustion/fire. Switch low ESLL Voltage. Draft A Ver 1. cf. 3rd subsection. Indicating device BIC Burner/combustion/fire. Indicating transmitter ER Voltage. Switch low-low ESV Emergency safety. Solenoid valve ET Voltage. relay or computing device EZ Voltage. Blind Transmitter EY Voltage. Switch comb BSL Burner/combustion/fire. Primary element BG Burner/combustion/fire. 1. litra f) Gradation: Internal . Recording transmitter BSH Burner/combustion/fire. Switch high-high ESHL Voltage. EC Voltage. Valve ESY Emergency safety. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Indicating transmitter BR Burner/combustion/fire.CENS BC Burner/combustion/fire. Indicating device EIC Voltage. Switch low BSLL Burner/combustion/fire. relay or computing device BZ Burner/combustion/fire.1. Recording BRC Burner/combustion/fire. Final element CE Corrosion element. Well or probe BY Burner/combustion/fire. Recording ERC Voltage. Solenoid. Switch comb ESL Voltage. Blind Transmitter BW Burner/combustion/fire. Indicating controller EIT Voltage. Blind controller EE Voltage. Primary element EI Voltage. valid from 25. Switch high BSHH Burner/combustion/fire. Switch high-high BSHL Burner/combustion/fire.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Indicating controller BIT Burner/combustion/fire. Final element Technical and professional requirement. Switch high ESHH Voltage. Recording controller ERT Voltage. Recording transmitter ESH Voltage. Recording controller BRT Burner/combustion/fire. Viewing device or glass BI Burner/combustion/fire.11 Page 47 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Switch low-low BT Burner/combustion/fire. actuating control valves. Recording FQRC Flow Quantity. 1. Switch high-high FQSL Flow Quantity. Primary element FFI Flow ratio. Switch low-low FFZ Flow ratio. Test point FQE Flow Quantity. 3rd subsection. Solenoid. Final element FG Flow rate. Recording controller FQSH Flow Quantity. valid from 25. Indicating controller FIT Flow rate.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Indicating device FFIC Flow ratio. Viewing device or glass FI Flow rate. Switch low FFSLL Flow ratio. Final element FR Flow rate. Recording controller FRT Flow rate. Switch high-high FFSL Flow ratio. Switch high Technical and professional requirement. Indicating controller FQIT Flow Quantity. Draft A Ver 1. indicating FE Flow rate. cf. Switch high FQSHH Flow Quantity. Blind controller FCV Flow rate. litra f) Gradation: Internal . Switch low-low FQT Flow Quantity.actuating control valves FCV Flow rate. Indicating transmitter FP Flow rate.1. Self. Switch low FQSLL Flow-low Quantity.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Recording FRC Flow rate. Indicating controller FFR Flow ratio. Recording transmitter FSH Flow rate. Indicating device FQIC Flow Quantity.CENS FC Flow rate. Switch high FFSHH Flow ratio.11 Page 48 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Recording controller FFSH Flow ratio. Primary element FFC Flow ratio. Primary element FQI Flow Quantity. Indicating device FIC Flow rate. Blind Transmitter FQY Flow Quantity. Indicating transmitter FQR Flow Quantity. relay or computing device FQZ Flow Quantity. Recording FFRC Flow ratio. Blind controller FFE Flow ratio. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Self. Solenoid. Switch comb HL ISL Current. Indicating transmitter IR Current. 3rd subsection. cf. Switch low ISLL Current. 1. Indicating controller IIT Current. Switch low Technical and professional requirement. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Switch low-low IT Current. Indicating controller JIT Power. Indicating device JIC Power. Final element HC Hand operated. Indicating device IIC Current. Recording JRC Power. relay or computing device FZ Flow rate. relay or computing device IZ Current. Indicating controller HSHL Hand operated. Switch comb HL HZ Hand operated. Final element IE Current. Switch high ISHH Current. Primary element JI Power.11 Page 49 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Switch high-high ISHL Current. Solenoid.1. litra f) Gradation: Internal . Recording transmitter JSH Power. Final element JE Power. Recording controller JRT Power. Blind controller HIC Hand operated. Blind Transmitter IY Current. Switch comb HL JSL Power. Switch high JSHH Power. Indicating transmitter JR Power. valid from 25. Switch low FSLL Flow-low rate. Primary element II Current.CENS FSHH Flow rate. Recording transmitter ISH Current. Recording controller IRT Current. Switch high high FSHL Flow rate. Switch comb HL FSL Flow rate.Governing document: Engineering numbering system .FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Blind Transmitter FY Flow rate. Switch high-high JSHL Power. Recording IRC Current. Draft A Ver 1. Switch low-low FT Flow rate. CENS JSLL Power. Switch comb HL KSL Time. Solenoid. Blind Transmitter Technical and professional requirement.actuating control valves LE Level. Indicating device LIC Level. Primary element KI Time. Viewing device. litra f) Gradation: Internal . Recording transmitter LSH Level. Indicating controller KIT Time.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Switch low-low KT Time. relay or computing device JZ Power. Primary element LG Level. Blind Transmitter JY Power. Switch low KSLL Time. gage (gauge) LI Level. Recording KRC Time. Blind controller KCV Time. cf. Self.actuating control valves KE Time.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Recording LRC Level. Recording transmitter KSH Time. Blind controller LCV Level. Indicating transmitter KR Time. relay or computing device KZ Time. Switch low LSLL Level. regulations of the Free information Act sec. glass. Final element LC Level. Recording controller KRT Time. 1. Blind Transmitter KY Time. Self. Switch high-high KSHL Time. Switch high-high LSHL Level. Indicating transmitter LR Level. Indicating device KIC Time. Recording controller LRT Level. Solenoid. Draft A Ver 1. Switch comb HL LSL Level. Switch high LSHH Level. Indicating controller LIT Level. Switch low-low JT Power. 3rd subsection. Final element KC Time.1.11 Page 50 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. valid from 25. Switch high KSHH Time. Switch low-low LT Level. differential. differential.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Self. differential. Safety Valve HOLD! Pressure control valve (self reg)? PDC Pressure. Solenoid. Draft A Ver 1. differential. 1. Indicating transmitter PP Pressure/vacuum. differential. 3rd subsection. Recording controller PDRT Pressure.actuating control valves PCV Pressure/vacuum. Switch low-low PDT Pressure. Indicating controller PDIT Pressure. Indicating device PIC Pressure/vacuum. Recording PDRC Pressure. differential. differential. Blind controller PCV Pressure/vacuum. differential.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Primary element PDI Pressure. relay or computing device LZ Level. Recording transmitter PDSH Pressure. Switch low PDSLL Pressure. Switch high PSHH Pressure/vacuum. differential.1. Test point PDR Pressure. litra f) Gradation: Internal . Solenoid. Test point PR Pressure/vacuum. valid from 25. Recording transmitter PSE Pressure/vacuum safety. Indicating transmitter PDP Pressure. Switch comb HL PSL Pressure/vacuum. Self. Switch high-high PSHL Pressure/vacuum. differential. Primary element PI Pressure/vacuum. Well or probe LY Level. Switch low-low Technical and professional requirement. Recording PRC Pressure/vacuum. Blind Transmitter PDY Pressure. relay or computing device PDZ Pressure.actuating control valves PDE Pressure.CENS LW Level. differential. Indicating controller PIT Pressure/vacuum. Primary element PSH Pressure/vacuum.11 Page 51 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Recording controller PRT Pressure/vacuum. Final element PC Pressure/vacuum. differential. Indicating device PDIC Pressure. Switch high-high PDSL Pressure. differential. differential. Blind controller PDCV Pressure. Switch low PSLL Pressure/vacuum. Switch high PDSHH Pressure. differential. differential. differential. Final element PE Pressure/vacuum. cf. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Switch low-low QT Quantity. Final element QE Quantity. Indicating transmitter QR Quantity. 1.1. relay or computing device QZ Quantity. Final element SC Speed/frequency. 1) PY Pressure/vacuum. Switch high-high QSHL Quantity.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Recording QRC Quantity. Indicating device QIC Quantity. Recording controller QRT Quantity. Blind Transmitter RW Radiation. relay or computing device PZ Pressure/vacuum. Valve PT Pressure/vacuum. Recording transmitter QSH Quantity. Primary element QI Quantity. Switch high-high RSHL Radiation. Final element RC Radiation. Solenoid. Recording RRC Radiation. Indicating device RIC Radiation. blind transmitter.11 Page 52 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Blind controller Technical and professional requirement. Blind controller RE Radiation. Indicating controller QIT Quantity. Switch comb HL QSL Quantity. Well or probe RY Radiation. Recording controller RRT Radiation. Switch high QSHH Quantity. Switch low-low RT Radiation. Blind Transmitter QY Quantity. 3rd subsection. Solenoid. valid from 25. Indicating controller RIT Radiation. Primary element RI Radiation. Recording transmitter RSH Radiation. Draft A Ver 1. litra f) Gradation: Internal . cf. Switch comb HL RSL Radiation.CENS PSV Pressure/vacuum safety. Indicating transmitter RR Radiation.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Switch high RSHH Radiation. Switch low QSLL Quantity. Solenoid. relay or computing device RZ Radiation. Switch low RSLL Radiation. Indicating device TDIC Temp. cf. Recording TDRC Temp. Primary element SI Speed/frequency... Primary element TDI Temp.. Blind Transmitter SY Speed/frequency. differential.. Self.actuating control valves SE Speed/frequency. Switch high SSHH Speed/frequency.1. Final element TE Temperature. differential. Switch low-low ST Speed/frequency. Test point TDR Temp. regulations of the Free information Act sec.. Indicating controller SIT Speed/frequency. Switch low-low TDT Temp.. differential. differential. Indicating transmitter SR Speed/frequency. differential. Solenoid.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.. differential... Switch high TDSHH Temp. 1. Blind controller TCV Temperature.. valid from 25. differential. Indicating controller TDIT Temp. Self. Recording transmitter SSH Speed/frequency. differential.. Well or probe TDY Temp. Indicating transmitter TDP Temp. Switch low SSLL Speed/frequency.actuating control valves TDC Temp. relay or computing device SZ Speed/frequency. Blind controller TDCV Temp. Switch comb HL SSL Speed/frequency. litra f) Gradation: Internal . differential. differential... Recording transmitter TDSH Temp.CENS SCV Speed/frequency.actuating control valves TDE Temp. Self. Solenoid. Blind Transmitter TDW Temp. Switch high-high TDSL Temp. differential. Primary element Technical and professional requirement.11 Page 53 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Switch high-high SSHL Speed/frequency.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . differential. differential. Recording controller SRT Speed/frequency.. differential.. differential... 3rd subsection.. Switch low TDSLL Temp. Final element TC Temperature. Recording controller TDRT Temp. differential. differential. relay or computing device TDZ Temp. Indicating device SIC Speed/frequency. Draft A Ver 1. Recording SRC Speed/frequency. differential. valid from 25. relay or computing device UZ Multivariable. Solenoid. Final element WC Weight/force. Recording transmitter TSE Temperature safety. Switch high TSHH Temperature. Switch comb HL VSL Vibration/machinery analysis. Indicating controller TIT Temperature. Final element UI Multivariable. Primary element TSH Temperature. relay or computing device TZ Temperature. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Blind Transmitter VY Vibration/machinery analysis. Draft A Ver 1. 1. Self. Recording UY Multivariable. Indicating device TIC Temperature.1. Indicating transmitter VR Vibration/machinery analysis. Blind controller WCV Weight/force. Primary element VI Vibration/machinery analysis. Indicating transmitter TP Temperature. Well or probe TY Temperature. Switch low-low TT Temperature.actuating control valves WDC Weight/force. cf. relay or computing device VZ Vibration/machinery analysis. Indicating device VIT Vibration/machinery analysis. litra f) Gradation: Internal . Recording TRC Temperature. Blind Transmitter TW Temperature. Solenoid. Switch low-low VT Vibration/machinery analysis. Switch low VSLL Vibration/machinery analysis. Recording controller TRT Temperature. 3rd subsection. Indicating device UR Multivariable. Switch high VSHH Vibration/machinery analysis.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Recording transmitter VSH Vibration/machinery analysis. Solenoid. Test point TR Temperature. Recording VRT Vibration/machinery analysis. Switch comb HL TSL Temperature.CENS TI Temperature.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . differential.11 Page 54 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Blind controller Technical and professional requirement. Switch low TSLL Temperature. Switch high-high VSHL Vibration/machinery analysis. Final element VE Vibration/machinery analysis. Switch high-high TSHL Temperature. Switch comb HL WSL Weight/force. Primary element WI Weight/force. Indicating controller YR Event/state/presence. relay or computing device WDZ Weight/force. Solenoid. Switch high-high WSHL Weight/force. Switch low-low WT Weight/force.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Blind controller YE Event/state/presence. differential. cf. Draft A Ver 1. Switch high WDSHH Weight/force. Switch low WDSLL Weight/force. Switch high-high WDSL Weight/force. differential. Indicating device WIC Weight/force.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Blind Transmitter WY Weight/force. relay or computing device WZ Weight/force. Primary element WDI Weight/force. differential.CENS WDCV Weight/force. Recording transmitter WSH Weight/force. Recording transmitter WDSH Weight/force. differential. differential. differential. Recording controller WDRT Weight/force. valid from 25. litra f) Gradation: Internal . differential. differential. 3rd subsection. Indicating controller WDIT Weight/force. Switch low WSLL Weight/force. Final element WE Weight/force. Indicating controller WIT Weight/force. Indicating device WDIC Weight/force. Recording controller WRT Weight/force. Indicating device YIC Event/state/presence. Solenoid. Final element XSV Pressure Shutdown. Solenoid valve YC Event/state/presence. Indicating transmitter WR Weight/force. Recording Technical and professional requirement.actuating control valves WDE Weight/force. Switch high WSHH Weight/force. differential. differential. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Recording WRC Weight/force. Primary element YI Event/state/presence. differential. differential. differential.1. differential. differential. Indicating transmitter WDR Weight/force. 1. Recording WDRC Weight/force. Valve XSY Pressure Shutdown.11 Page 55 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Blind Transmitter WDY Weight/force. Self. Switch low-low WDT Weight/force. 3rd subsection. Final element ZC Position/dimension.actuating control valves ZDC Position/dimension differential. Switch low-low Technical and professional requirement. Switch high ZDSHH Position/dimension differential. Recording ZDRC Position/dimension differential. Solenoid. Switch high YSHH Event/state/presence. Blind controller ZCV Position/dimension. Final element ZE Position/dimension. Switch low YSLL Event/state/presence. Primary element ZI Position/dimension. Recording controller ZRT Position/dimension. Blind Transmitter YY Event/state/presence. relay or computing device ZDZ Position/dimension differential. Indicating controller ZIT Position/dimension.CENS YSH Event/state/presence. Indicating device ZIC Position/dimension. Recording transmitter ZDSH Position/dimension differential. relay or computing device YZ Event/state/presence.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Indicating transmitter ZR Position/dimension. Draft A Ver 1. Switch low ZDSLL Position/dimension differential. 1. Switch low-low ZDT Position/dimension differential. Indicating controller ZDIT Position/dimension differential. Solenoid. Blind Transmitter ZDY Position/dimension differential. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Switch high-high ZSHL Position/dimension. Recording transmitter ZSH Position/dimension. Switch low ZSLL Position/dimension. Recording ZRC Position/dimension.1. Self.11 Page 56 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Switch high-high ZDSL Position/dimension differential. litra f) Gradation: Internal . Recording controller ZDRT Position/dimension differential. Self. Indicating device ZDIC Position/dimension differential. Switch comb HL ZSL Position/dimension. Switch low-low YT Event/state/presence.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Indicating transmitter ZDR Position/dimension differential. Primary element ZDI Position/dimension differential.actuating control valves ZDE Position/dimension differential. Blind controller ZDCV Position/dimension differential. valid from 25. cf. Switch high-high YSL Event/state/presence. Switch high ZSHH Position/dimension. Flame detector. Addressable unit. remote or local. Technical and professional requirement. K Control units. Gas alarm light in matrix. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Solenoid.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Gas detector point (toxic gases).11 Page 57 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Door release. Agent predischarge alarm and siren. control and alarm function shall not be identified in the tag when the function is a part of a standard instrument assembly that is not required for operation.2 ATG AI AL AR ATG AT BA AS AX AT BI BL HS AS CA CB CI CL CR DR EL ER ES ZL B. Manual fire alarm. Draft A Ver 1. 3rd subsection. F Flashing lights. H Hoods. Fire damper position status light matrix. 1. Heat detector. Fire alarm light in matrix.3. Agent extinguisher status light matrix. Type codes telecom. Fire detector indicator. Agent extinguisher release field or matrix. C Cables. Emergency shutdown manual local reset. Final element Gradation: Internal Note 1) The tagging system shall identify the minimum functionality required. remote or local. Blind Transmitter ZY Position/dimension.CENS ZT Position/dimension. Agent extinguisher predischarge beacon. Agent extinguisher indicator and status light. cf. Emergency shutdown status light matrix. Extra functions as local indicators. relay or computing device ZZ Position/dimension. switchboards and access units.1. Gas detector indicator.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Gas detector beam receiver. E Taps/splitters/terminators. B. field equipment (third letter) A Antenna. Gas detector beam transmitter. valid from 25. Emergency shutdown and isolation switch. litra f) . Early smoke detector. B Monitor/TV sets.4 Function and type codes F&G detection [HOLD] Gas detector point (flammable gases). (manual call point) Smoke detector. 1. P Power cable. J K Instrument cables. F Air driven motors and starters. L Multipair cable = or > 50V. I Steam turbines. D Diesel engines. V Hydraulic motors and starters. M Microphone units. cf. racks and cabinets.CENS L Loudspeakers.1 Type codes drivers A Gas engines. B. X Other drivers. R Receivers. O Fibre optical. O Outlets/sockets. Q Transmitters. regulations of the Free information Act sec. R Gas turbines. Y Terminals/PC. P Transceivers. cables. 3rd subsection. B. M Electrical motors. Draft A Ver 1.2 Type codes cables C Control cables.1. actuators.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. H Heat tracing tapes/cables and space heaters. S Sensors.5 Type codes field equipment B. litra f) Gradation: Internal . valid from 25. Technical and professional requirement. T Telephones. Multipair cable < 50V.11 Page 58 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. X Consoles. Special cable. G Earthing cables.5.Governing document: Engineering numbering system .g. N Cameras. e.5. T Y Telecom. R = or < 110 V.3 Intrinsically safe cable. Technical and professional requirement. 24 V and 48 V. G Earthing. 3rd subsection.1.5. Draft A Ver 1. M = or > 1 kV. < 1 kV AC. Q Interface hardwire electronically signal.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. W Socket outlets. Type codes small power consumers B Electrical junction boxes. E N Normal lighting fixtures. Emergency lighting fixtures. = or < 750 V.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . regulations of the Free information Act sec. = or < 400 V AC.11 Page 59 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. cf. L > 110 V. U No-break system. N = or > 440 V. D DC. = or < 10 kV AC.4 Voltage level H >10 kV AC. B. S Switches and push buttons. U EDP-programs (soft tags) for mechanical package control. 1. 12 V.5. incl.CENS Z B. litra f) Gradation: Internal . S > 700 V. T Heat tracing supply. valid from 25. FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . field engineering. Architect and building: Including insulation. instrumentation or electrical are integrated in a drilling contract the drilling contractor should use the discipline codes S. 1. valid from 25. without regard to the profession. HSE: Including fire protection and safety. Telecommunication. data tools and processing (IT). control of technical information and documentation. outfitting steel and aluminum. The dominating discipline code may be used in the document codes for documents belonging to package and equipment delivery.CENS App C Gradation: Internal Discipline codes The following discipline code shall be included in the document code: Engineering management: Contract management. department or contract they enter into. material control. Process. T. HVAC..1. cost estimating and planning). expediting and receiving control. Material technology: Including surface treatment. resource organisation). J K Automation: Including instrumentation and metering. cf. 3rd subsection. trade. Geosciences. project control (incl. Weight and quantity. Notes: The discipline codes should be used consistently for the disciplines they belong to. That is if the disciplines safety. commissioning. quality management. litra f) . administration (incl. precommissioning. area supervision. telecom. Multidiscipline.11 Page 60 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Structural: Including main structural steel. project engineering and construction supervision/surveillance (incl. L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Piping and layout: Including piping insulation. Procurement: Including purchasing. A B C D E F G H I Electrical. Operation: Including operation inspection and maintenance. Mechanical: Including mechanical completion. preparation. metalizing and corrosion protection. completion and insulation particular). Draft A Ver 1. Civil engineering. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Technical and professional requirement. J and E respectively in the document codes for documents belonging to the integrated disciplines and NOT the discipline code D only. Pipeline. construction/installation inspection. Technical and professional requirement.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . cf. valid from 25. litra f) . and shall only be used as an exception should no discipline evidently dominate any other. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Draft A Ver 1.1.CENS Gradation: Internal The multidiscipline code Z is optional.11 Page 61 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. 3rd subsection. 1. X Drawings.3 CA D. S Specifications and standards. tests and calculations. C . T Plans.1. Z EDP documentation.2 AA D. principal decisions.5 FA A . F .Criteria documentation Project manual.Economic documentation Accounting. cf. V Verifying documentation. budget. M Manuals. valid from 25. 3rd subsection.4 DS D. appendix A.CENS App D Document codes Reference is made to NORSOK Z-001. K Governing documents. 1.g. litra f) Gradation: Internal . C Calculations.Governing document: Engineering numbering system .Technical data Data sheets.11 Page 62 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. Draft A Ver 1. R Reports. D. D Technical data. L Lists. e. G Regulations. D .1 List of document group codes A Economic documentation. regulations of the Free information Act sec.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Technical and professional requirement. W Inspection and maintenance documentation.Calculations Analysis. P Contracts. F Criteria documentation. D. LC User manual content lists. PJ Material handling reports. 1. technical descriptions. incl. regulations of the Free information Act sec. cf. PB Blanket order and frame agreements. system and design reports.8 Project design criteria and philosophies. K . registers and indexes.11 Page 63 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. shortage and damage reports.Regulations Authorities documentation. MC Parts and Spare parts lists. MH Lubrication schedules.Governing documents Procedures. MG Equipment handling instructions. valid from 25.10 P . incl. MB Operation and maintenance instructions. 3rd subsection. Draft A Ver 1.Reports Reports.CENS FD D. D.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . G .Manuals MA Equipment user manual (ref. L .Lists LA Lists.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. litra f) Gradation: Internal . D. PC Call off orders.1. Technical and professional requirement. D.Contracts PA PO. LF Legends and typical.7 KA D. PD Contracts. MZ Overall DFO. NS5820). PF Work orders.9 M . PK Over.11 RA R . LD Supplier master document/information registers.6 GA D. 16 X .Plans TA Plans and schedules. TE Estimates.14 VA Gradation: Internal V . XE Layout drawings.11 Page 64 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. litra f) .1. TB Work plans.. 3rd subsection. D. RC Non conformance reports. TD Cable and cable transit schedules. Technical and professional requirement. TF Work packages. D. VM Mechanical completion and commissioning dossiers. XD General arrangements.13 T . D. and verifying doc.12 S . RF Verification reports.Drawings XA Flow diagrams. XB P&ID.Specifications and standards SA Standards. third party verification and also photos of submerged structures and equipm. XF Location drawings and plot plans.15 WM W .Inspection and maintenance documentation Inspection and maintenance isometrics..Governing document: Engineering numbering system . D. RE DFI-resumes. VB Certificates. Draft A Ver 1. D.Verifying documentation Manufacturing.CENS RB Technical detail reports. fab.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. valid from 25. XC D&ID. cf. regulations of the Free information Act sec. TG Spring schedules. RD Corrective actions. 1. SP Specifications. weld and NDE doc. incl. material trace ability. heat tracing. litra f) . XV Structural information.. structural fire protection and acoustic/thermal insulation and fire protection. XX Miscellaneous drawings.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. XQ Pneumatic/hydraulic connection drawings. secondary steel. outfitting steel. fab. D. ZB Software documentation. cf.1. ZE Graphical reports from 3D CAD models.EDP documentation ZA EDP-documentation general.CENS XG Structural info. valid from 25. stress and pressure testing. XT Wiring diagrams XU Loop diagrams. regulations of the Free information Act sec. XK Circuit diagrams./outfitting steel. XP Termination drawings for external connections. XL Logic diagrams. 3rd subsection. 1. XS Detail cross sectional drawings. XM Level diagrams. Draft A Ver 1. XR Cause and effects. XH Free span calculations Structural information.. XY Hook up drawings.11 Page 65 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. incl. ZF 3D CAD view models. second. XI System topology and block diagrams.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . XO Pipe supports. ZD VDU-pictures. XN Isometric drawings. incl. Technical and professional requirement. ZC System documentation. XJ Single line diagrams. main structural steel.17 Gradation: Internal Z . Area Codes (location codes) in TR1862 are applicable. B. The allocated CCM Area code A88 is further devided into subareas by including an alpha character.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.1 Gradation: Internal Area codes [HOLD] General Area codes shall be used to locate TAG’s and lines to a limited geographical area.1. Area for Fuel Additives A14 Bilfylleplass Loading Area for Tank Lorries A15 Nafta Tankgård Nafta Tankyard A16 Prosessføde Tankgård Prosessfeed Tankyard A17 Brannpumper og havnekontor Firefighting Pumps and Port Office A18 Rørgr. Område Area (Location) A01 Kai 1 Jetty 1 A02 Kai 2 Jetty 2 A03 Kai 3 Jetty 3 A04 Kai 4 Jetty 4 A05 HGO & Residue Tankgård HGO & Residue Tankyard A06 ATK/NAFTA Tankgård ATK/NAFTA Tankyard A07 LGO Tankgård LGO Tankyard A08 Fremtidig Fjellager Future Cavern A09 GO/FO Tankgård GO/FO Tankyard A10 Vannrenseanlegg Water Treatment Plant A11 Butanlager TK-6105 Butantank. SM-0000-L-P-002-01. ref dwg. regulations of the Free information Act sec. litra f) . TK-6105 A12 Bensin Tankgård Gasoline Tankyard A13 Blyanlegg & div. etc. valid from 25. cf. tilsetn. 1. TCM and CCM plants. The table below includes all area codes for the Mongstad.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . A.CENS App E E. For CCM equipment that are located in areas at Mongstad. Draft A Ver 1. Kai 1 og Fjellager Pipe Rack Jetty 1 and Caverns A19 Rørgate Kai 2 Pipe Rack Jetty 2 A20 Hovedrørgate Main Pipe Rack A21 Fjellagerrørgate Caverns Pipe Rack A22 Lagerområde Storage Area A23 Hovedrørgate Main Pipe Rack A24 Hovedrørgate Main Pipe Rack A25 Hovedrørgate Main Pipe Rack A26 Fjellagerrørgate Caverns Pipe Rack A27 Fjellagerrørgate Caverns Pipe Rack Technical and professional requirement.11 Page 66 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. 3rd subsection. 1. 12 and Rigging Area A55 Antistatisk tilsetning Antistatic Additive A56 Branntreningsområde Fire Fighting Training Area A57 Grønnkoks lager Green Coke Storage A58 GO Tilsteningsstoff GO Additives A59 LPG Kuletanker LPG Tanks (sphere) A60 Prosessområde B Process Area B A61 Admin. Draft A Ver 1.s. 3rd subsection. 1. Jetty 1 Technical and professional requirement.11 Page 67 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.Centre w/access roads A62 Råolje Fjellager Crude Oil Caverns A63 Avfallsdeponi Waste Disposal Area A64 Rørgate Terminal Fjell Pipe Rack Terminal Caverns A65 Rørgate Terminal Fjell Pipe Rack Terminal Caverns A66 Målestasjon for Kai 1/7 Meteringstation Jetty 1/7 A67 Rørgate Målestasjon Kai 7 Pipe Rack Meteringstat. Calcined Coke Transp. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Admin. A48 Fakkelrørgate Flare Pipe Rack A49 Hovedrørgate Main Pipe Rack A50 Kai 14 og rørgate Jetty 14 and Pipe Rack A51 Til disposisjon Vacant A52 Til disposisjon Vacant A53 Fakkel 1 og Utskiller| Flare 1 and Separator A54 Kai 11.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . 12 og riggområde Jetty 11.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.CENS Gradation: Internal Område Area (Location) A28 Fjellagerrørgate Caverns Pipe Rack A29 Hovedrørgate Main Pipe Rack A30 Hovedrørgate Main Pipe Rack A31 Hovedrørgate Main Pipe Rack A32 Hovedrørgate Main Pipe Rack A33 Rørgate Kai 3 Pipe Rack Jetty 3 A34 Hovedrørgate Main Pipe Rack A35 Hovedrørgate Main Pipe Rack A36 Bensinblander Pumpestasjon Gasoline Mixing Pump Station A37 Butan Pumpestasjon Butan Pump Station A38 Produkt Pumpestasjon Product Pump Station A39 FO og GO Pumpestasjon FO and GO Pump Station A40 Gjenvunnet olje Pumpestasjon Retrieved Oil Pump Station A41 Kerosin Tankgård Kerosin Tankyard A42 Friområde Unused Area A43 Substasjon A Substation A A44 Prosessområde A Process Area A A45 Kontrollrom Control Room A46 Kjemikalielager Chemical Storage A47 Kalsinert Koks Transp.s. litra f) . cf. valid from 25. Jetty 7 A68 Substasjon TB/Nød generator Substation TB/Emergency Generator A69 Rørgate Målestasjon Kai 1 Pipe Rack Meteringstat.senter m/tilkjør. ..CENS Gradation: Internal Område Area (Location) A70 Kai 7 Jetty 7 A71 Ballastvann Tankgård Ballast Water Tankyard A72 Gjenvunnet olje Tankgård Retrieved Oil Tankyard A73 Rørgate sørvest TK-7404 Pipe Rack South of TK-7404 A74 Rørgate Pipe Rack A75 Tilkjørsler LPG & Koks Access Road for LPG & Coke A76 LPG-lager og TCC LPG-Cavern and TCC A77 Fakkel 2 og Utskiller| Flare 2 and Separator A78 Bensin Tankgård Gasoline Tankyard A79 Bensinblander Pumpestasjon Gasoline Mixing Pump Station A80 Rørgate Kai 9 Pipe Rack Jetty 9 A81 TROLL olje rør TROLL Oil Pipeline A83 Kai 10.and Potable Water System A95 Veier/plasser Roads/places A96 Grøntanlegg Green Space A97 Område Ytre anlegg Offsite Area A98 Fyllingsområde Disposal Dump Area A99 Område utenfor raffinery Area Outside Refinery A100 CHP CHP A101 A104 CO2 Fangst Testanlegg CO2 Capture Test Plant CCM Fangstanlegg CCM Capture Plant A105 CCM Prosessanlegg CCM Stripping and Compression area A106 CCM Kjølevannsgrop CCM Utilities and Cooling Water System A107 CCM Renseanlegg CCM Waste Water Treatment Unit A108 Fakkel område Flare site A109 Arealavsettning for prosjektet med CO2-rør.11 Page 68 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. 26-28) A85 NAFTA-Pumpestasjon NAFTA.. CCM CO2 Transport Pipeline Technical and professional requirement. Draft A Ver 1. 18. Propan og Butan fjellager Jetty 10. valid from 25.Pump Station A86 Kai 6 og Småbåthavn Jetty 6 and Marina A87 Energiverk Mongstad Power Plant.and Instr. Propane and Butane Cavern A84 Fjellager. (Se 18. (Ref. regulations of the Free information Act sec. underg. 3rd subsection. system El.og drikkevann Industry. 1.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . cf.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. 26-28) Caverns.og Instr.Underground System A93 Brannvannsystem Fire Fighting Water System A94 Industri. litra f) . Mongstad A88 Kiosk og Fasiliteter Substation and facilities A89 Til disposisjon Vacant A90 Kai 8 og 9 Jetty 8 and 9 A91 Kloakksystem Sewer System A92 El.1. valid from 25. cf. 3rd subsection. regulations of the Free information Act sec.1.11 Page 69 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. litra f) Gradation: Internal .Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Draft A Ver 1. 1.CENS Technical and professional requirement.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. This specification includes colours for indication of hazard and safety requirements.2 General New or modified plant shall be marked/painted in accordance with this specification. etc. F. Safety systems to be used for fire fighting purposes shall be painted RED in accordance with table in clause F. Safety signs shall be according to statutory directive no 972. explosion.3. Draft A Ver 1.2. ambulance equipment.3. incl. Colours required are designated in clause F. building exteriors. F. All emergency showers shall have a GREEN florescent light as an aid to shower location. represented in stripes of respective colours. shall be used. the colour signal YELLOW.3. target group and provision This appendix defines the finish colour and equipment marking of pipes.3 Emergency Showers GREEN/WHITE shall be used for emergency showers. and includes follow up maintenance where existing marking has faded. radiation. (RAL 6024) shall be used in combination with WHITE.2 Emergency Equipment Signal-GREEN.3 Safety Equipment F. breathing equipment etc. been removed or shall be changed.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. This specification excludes colours for building interiors including textiles. for emergency showers.1 Gradation: Internal Product service codes. Safety colours are in accordance with NS 4210 and are used to identify systems or equipment installed for safety purposes. F. litra f) .1. (RAL 1023).11 Page 70 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. vessels. Technical and professional requirement. first aid medical equipment. cf. equipment. Colour identification & marking is a continual process and must be maintained throughout the plant. The colour notifies risk of fire. tanks. eye-baths. colour coding Objective. regulations of the Free information Act sec.CENS App F F.1 Warning of Danger For all warnings of risk or occurrence of dangerous situations. 3rd subsection. For warning purposes the signal-YELLOW shall be used in combination with BLACK where signal-YELLOW stripes shall represent a minimum of 50% of the total area. 1. valid from 25.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . poisoning etc.9 Colour Selection Schedule. F.3. Draft A Ver 1. Note 2 Cabinets containing mandatory equipments shall also be labelled vith BLUE colours.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . symbol inside RED background.5 Emergency. 1.3. RED edge with beam. F. litra f) .5. ladders elevators and handrails shall be galvanized and have surface treatment in accordance with TR0042. regulations of the Free information Act sec.11 Page 71 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.4 Poisonous/Asphyxiating Medium F. In addition there shall be a Signpost. BLACK edge. made of RED material with WHITE text. F. BLACK text and symbol Note1 Warning sign posts includes warning lamps and sound horn.CENS F. shall be used to identify escape routes. 3rd subsection.3. Technical and professional requirement. F. valid from 25. Nameplates shall be as for Sample Points.4.1 Emergency Stop Switches Shall be marked with a Nameplate made of RED material with WHITE text stating TAG number and description of what is deactivated.5. made of RED material with WHITE text with the description "NØDSTOPPBRYTERE". WHITE text or symbol WHITE background. WHITE half circle GREEN background.3. Safety. WHITE cross BLUE backgsound.5 Emergency Stop Switches & Blow Down Valves F. All escape routes shall be painted. cf. The galvanised surfaces of top handrails and ladder cages only shall be painted YELLOW for escape route marking F.1. WHITE asterisk YELLOW background.2 Blow Down Valves Blow Down Valves (NØDAVLASTNING in Norwegian) shall be marked with a Nameplate.4 Gradation: Internal Escape Routes YELLOW. Staircases.3. Warning Signposts Shall be designed according to the following table: SIGNPOST SHAPE Rescue and safety Square or rectangle Warning (note1) Rectangle Fire protection Square or rectangle First aid Square or rectangle Mandatory (note2) Circle Regulatory Circle COLOURS GREEN background. (RAL 1023).1 N2 and CO2 Gases Tapping points for N2 and CO2 Gases shall be marked by a separate Nameplate made of WHITE material with BLACK text. Governing document: Engineering numbering system - CENS Gradation: Internal Areas, where mandatory equipment is required, shall be labelled with mandatory sign posts, indicating what type of equipment is mandatory. Information boards, with a plot plan indicating areas where first aid and fire protection equipment is found, shall be installed. F.6 Chemicals Chemical stations shall be labelled with nameplates. Nameplates shall state:  Chemical name    Toxicity: (etsende/brannfarlig/giftig)  Paving around chemical stations shall be labeled by painting a YELLOW line. Chemical stations shall be equipped with the relevant Datasheet(s) noticeable displayed or located in a nearby storage place. Chemical injection points shall be given nameplates as for valves. F.7 TAG-numbering, Nameplate and Sign post Necessary visible name tagging of the installations shall be done before Mechanical Completion is accepted. Visible name tagging shall be in Norwegian language and shall be based on the Norwegian version of the Operating Manuals. Equipment labelling shall be approved by Purchaser. Equipment's shall be labelled according to the following requirements. F.7.1 Static Process Equipment and Storage Tanks Static Process Equipment (towers, drums, heat exchangers, heaters etc.), shall be labelled with TAG number and name, according to equipment lists. Labels shall be painted with BLACK letters on YELLOW background. Off-site tanks shall be labeled by painting with BLACK letters directly on the equipment wall. Labels shall be located (painted) on both sides of the equipment, approximately 1/3 H from equipment top and shall be visible from ground and nearby roads. F.7.2 Valves Valves, which have a Tag No. on EFD’s (Engineering Flow Diagram), shall be tagged according to this specification. NB: All offsite valves shall have a tag number. F.7.2.1 Control Valves, XV- Valves Shall be labeled with a nameplate stating Tag-no and Operation F.7.2.2 Blow Down Valves Manual/Automatic Shall be labeled with a nameplate stating Tag-no and Operation Technical and professional requirement,FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001, Draft A Ver 1, valid from 25.1.11 Page 72 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure, cf. regulations of the Free information Act sec. 1, 3rd subsection, litra f) Governing document: Engineering numbering system - CENS F.7.2.3 Gradation: Internal Relief Valves Safety valve shall be tagged with a stainless steel name plate stating:    Tag No. Relief pressure Test date F.7.2.4 Battery Limit valves, Run Down Valves and Other Valves Used in connection with specific operating procedures (ex. Regeneration) shall be considered labeled with separate Nameplates, in order to obtain good operability. Nameplates shall be made in WHITE laminated plastic with engraved text in BLACK letters. F.7.3 Rotating equipment (machinery) All Rotating equipment (pumps, motors, compressors etc.) shall be painted according to Manufacturer`s standard colour. Rotating equipment shall be labelled, by painting the TAG no. directly on the equipment foundation, equivalent to Static Process Equipment, or by a separate nameplate. (BLACK letters on YELLOW material) Start and stop switches shall be given separate Nameplates, made in laminated plastic with TAG name and number engraved. Nameplates requirements shall be as for valves F.7.4 Piping Piping shall conform to Colour selection schedule. See clause F.9. Off site lines shall be marked at all Road Bridges, Quays, Pump Manifolds, Tank Nozzles, and Storage Caverns etc. Tank header lines shall be marked on the outside wall of the Tank Catchments areas. F.7.5 Sample Points Sample points shall be labelled with a nameplate, according to the relevant EFD (Engineering Flow Diagram). Name tags shall be made in WHITE material with BLACK text, stating TAG number and Name (or service). The Sample Points requiring a specific procedure for sampling shall have a sign describing the method for sampling. F.7.6 Utility Stations (Water, air, N2 etc.) Utility stations shall be given nameplates on each outlet, stating the pipes contents. The nameplate shall be made in WHITE material with BLACK text. F.7.7 Spades Spades shall be labeled with nameplate made in BLUE material with WHITE text, stating spade number. F.7.8 Storm Water & Oily Water Manhole (SW & OW) Shall be labeled by painting TAG number (as for static equipment, see 2.3.1). according to the following requirements: Technical and professional requirement,FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001, Draft A Ver 1, valid from 25.1.11 Page 73 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure, cf. regulations of the Free information Act sec. 1, 3rd subsection, litra f) Governing document: Engineering numbering system - CENS F.7.8.1 Gradation: Internal Storm water (SW) Background: colour GREEN, TAG letter: colour BLACK F.7.8.2 Oily water (OW) Background: colour GREY, TAG letter: colour BLACK, F.7.9 Buildings Buildings shall be labeled as off-site tanks. F.7.10 Spreader beams Spreader beams for lifting shall be coloured YELLOW and be marked SWL, XXX (Note 1) Note 1: SWL = Safe Working Load XXX = in metric tons F.8 Sign & Nameplate Materials Materials for signs, nameplate, tags etc. shall be made of corrosion resistant materials:  Laminated Plastic with engraved letters.  Aluminium & Stainless Steel Plate with/without a plastic colour background.  Label Making machines with a variation of tape widths and colours. F.9 Colour selection schedule ITEM DESCRIPTION Pipe: General Pipe: Fire fighting Pipe: Operating temps above 200oC Pipe: N2 Pipe: CO2 Fire Extinguishers, Sprinklers, Hydrants, Monitors, Hose Cabinets Emergency Showers, Eye Baths Pumps, Compressors, Fans, Blowers and Electrical Motors Valves, actuators Staircases, Ladders, Handrails, Elevators Steel Construction Foundations Towers, Drums, Stacks Exchangers, Heater Reactors Equipment with operating Temps above 200oC Tanks: Onsite Tanks: Offsite COLOUR REMARKS RAL 7032 (GREY) RAL 3020 (RED) Aluminium RAL 6024 (GREEN) RAL 7004/RAL 7015 RAL 3020 (RED) RAL 9016/RAL 6024 (WHITE/GREEN Stripes) Manufacturer standard colour Manufacturer standard colour RAL 1023 (Yellow) RAL 7032 (GREY) RAL 7032 (GREY) According to NS 813 According to NS 813 NS 4054 Top Handrail and Cages only (Not Galvanised Material) Excludes Refractory lined items with Temp. Indicating Paint Aluminium RAL 7032 (GREY) NCS 5010 Y70R (BROWN) Technical and professional requirement,FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001, Draft A Ver 1, valid from 25.1.11 Page 74 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure, cf. regulations of the Free information Act sec. 1, 3rd subsection, litra f) Governing document: Engineering numbering system - CENS Refractory lined Carbon and Ferretic Alloy items when temperature Indicating Paint is Specified Instrument panels: In out stations: Doors only Reminder Local field mounted In Control Rooms a) Bailey Equipment Structure Facias Keyboard Area Lines b) Computing Equipment Colour based on Technical Requirement RAL 3011 (RED) RAL 7032 (GREY) RAL 7032 (GREY) LIGHT GREY Electrical Panels & Switch gear Power Transformers Steel Clad Building (Compressor House, etc.) Concrete Surfaces (Tanks, Stacks, etc) Jacket on Insulated Pipe and Equipment F.9.1 NS 813: NS 4210: TR0042: TR3111: Gradation: Internal BLACK BLACK and WHITE letters RED Manufacturers standard colours RAL 7032 (GREY) RAL 7003 (GREY) RAL 1002 (Yellow) Untreated (GREY) Colour of insulation Jacket Not painted Informative References Identification colours for pipes Safety colours and safety signs Surface preparation and protective coating LCI Requirements - Data content and transfer Statutory directive no 972: “Sikkerhetsskilting og signalgivning på arbeidsplassen” / ”The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority, FOR 1994-10-06 nr 972 Technical and professional requirement,FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001, Draft A Ver 1, valid from 25.1.11 Page 75 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure, cf. regulations of the Free information Act sec. 1, 3rd subsection, litra f) regulations of the Free information Act sec.1. F&G detectors shall have sequence number series xxxxx to zzzzz HOLD as allocated by MRDA.199 for function and type code UB.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. valid from 25. cf.9999 for document type code LA.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . subcontractors and suppliers.2 and B. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 7 000 8 000 9 000 Examples: 100 .11 Page 76 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.1199 for function and type code RAL Public address and alarm loudspeakers (appendix B. lists and registers (appendix D). Any additional needs shall be coordinated through Company. and shall be reserved by the organisation unit for implementation and maintenance of technical information and documentation in the operational units in close cooperation with the disciplines. Sequence no. Draft A Ver 1. X-mas tree system equipment (appendix B.4).2).CENS App G Gradation: Internal Block allocation of sequence nos. 200 . 9500 . 3rd subsection. Technical and professional requirement. litra f) . blocks may be used for identification purpose and to separating contractors. 1. System code 00-99.2 F&G cable.11 Page 77 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.3 NNA(AAAA)Z(Z)NN(A) -ANN-(ANN) 4. field eqm.3 .4.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. 4.2 3. 4. NNA(AAAA)Z(Z)NN(A) -A 4. Draft A Ver 1. 4. 4. 4. type code A-Z. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Code N N A (A A A A) Z (Z) N N (A) Character Code description References 1. for SPS instruments 01-99.2. Main equipment.1 Gradation: Internal Tag format summary [HOLD] General In principle CENS describes only three .7.4 3. B.tag code formats. valid from 25. 3rd subsection.2 and 4. 4.1 Tag code formats Main tag code format NNA(AAAA)Z(Z)NN(A): Char.-9.1 Technical and professional requirement. B. and appendices: Tag code formats Tag code appendix Format descriptions Ref.4 NNAAZZZZZ-ZNN -ANN AZZZANNNN H. 4. ANSI/ISA-S5.2 formats NNA(AAAA)Z(Z)NN(A) NNA(AAAA)Z(Z)NN(A) -NNNNAA-AAZZZ(A) Pipeline.Governing document: Engineering numbering system .7. Telecom. sequence nos.2 4.14 5. AANNNNNN(A) Electrical cable.-4.-2. cf. regulations of the Free information Act sec. 4. Platform or SPS installation code A-ZZ. A 3.1 NNAAZZZZZ-ZNN F&G detection. including the following variants of function and type codes. Piping type code A-Z.5 NNA(AAAA)Z(Z)NN(A) -NNZZ-ANN Field equipment.4.7. Well no. function and type code AA-ZZ.1 8. Function and type code AA-ZZ.3 8.2 3.1 or B.2. 4. Instrument function and type code AAAAA-ZZZZZ.1 NNA(AAAA)Z(Z)NN(A) -ANN Automation/telecom. Telecom.-7.-9. Electrical field equipment.1. Automation/telecom.6. related to main equipm. central eqm. field equipment. cable.7.2. 1. B.-4. litra f) .2.1 Pipe support.6.CENS App H H. 5.2 8. function and type code B. 12.-11.-11.7. 1.4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Code N N A A Z Z Z Z Z -Z N N Character Code description References 1.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. G 8. Sequence no.1. Sequence no. junction boxes or not. regulations of the Free information Act sec.5.-2. 10. NPD’s mandatory fixed code H for sea well indication. 12. 01-99. System code 00-99. F&G detector no. valid from 25. Telecom. cf. 4.-4. Voltage level type code A-Z.14 AA-ZZ. Fire zone AAAAA-ZZZZZ or 00001-99999.-12. G 9. Draft A Ver 1. 01-99.2 telecom. Loop sequence no. Instrument loop no. Sequence no.-11. F&G detection function and type code AA-ZZ. IEC1346-1 Electrical cable tag code format AANNNNNN(A): Char.2 Technical and professional requirement.2 2. Change in size within a line indicated by a suffix A-Z.-4.2. 5. A 5. 4.-11. for sub sea flow lines 01-99.-9. 4. 11. Parallel or serial cable code A- IEC1346-1 Z.-8. 1-9 or A-Z. B.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . B.2 10. F&G detection tag code format NNAAZZZZZ-ZNN: Char. Well or slot no.-4. Cable type code A-Z. System code 00-99. 4.2.2.CENS Gradation: Internal 10.4 3. B.3. central eqm.11 Page 78 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. IEC1346-1 12. 0001-9999. 0001-9999. 3rd subsection. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Code A A N N N N N N (A) Character Code description References 1.2 12. litra f) . Parallel or serial instrument code A-Z. 4. A 3.2 3.4. Parallel or serial code A-Z.3 12. Fixed code Z to indicate intrinsically safe instrument and 4. 0001-9999. 5. with the exception of F&G cables.4. Product service code AA- F ZZ. 5.3 13.-18. Driver type code A-Z. Pipe class identification. G H. 1.-16. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Code -N N N N A A -A A Z Z Z (A) Character Code description References 13. 17. cf. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Code A Z Z Z A N N N N Character Code description References 1. litra f) . B. Sequence no. Small power consumer type code B. Area location code AAAA-ZZZZ or A001- E Z999. regulations of the Free information Act sec. 4. 01-99. A-Z.5. 4.-24. TR2000 Field equipment related to main equipment format -ANN-(ANN): Char. Draft A Ver 1. valid from 25.11 Page 79 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.4 6.5. 3rd subsection. B.1 13.-18.4.1. G 16. Cable type code A-Z.1 17.CENS Gradation: Internal Pipe support tag code format AZZZANNNN: Char.-9.3 Tag code appendix formats These formats are appendices to the main tag code format.-4. Pipe support function code A-Z.2 14. 01-99.-15. Line size 0001-9999. 19. 13 14 15 16 17 18 Code -A N N -(A N N) Character Code description References 13. Pipeline format -NNNNAA-AAZZZ(A): Char. G Electrical field equipment format -NNZZ-ANN: Technical and professional requirement. Sequence no. 0001-9999.Governing document: Engineering numbering system .FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001. Sequence no. 5.-15.2 Z. Cable type code A- B. cable format -ANN: Char. 3rd subsection. Kind of item A-Z.-19. Circuit no.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . Sequence no. Small power consumer type code B.1 9999.5.-16. 1. Draft A Ver 1. cf. litra f) . 01AA-99ZZ or 0101- B. G Automation/telecom. Technical and professional requirement. 01-99. Discipline code A- C Z.3 A-Z. valid from 25. 13 14 15 Code -A N N Character Code description References 13. Sequence no. 17.5. regulations of the Free information Act sec. 13 Code -A Character Code description Reference 13. 14. IEC1346-1 17. 18.11 Page 80 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure.FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.1. field equipment format -A: Char. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Code -N N Z Z -A N N Character Code description References 13. 01- G 99.CENS Gradation: Internal Char. Automation/F&G/telecom. FM07-PZZ00-R-SP-0001.1.Governing document: Engineering numbering system . 1. litra f) .2 Code I.11 Page 81 of 81 Exempt from public disclosure. cf.1 Code I. Draft A Ver 1.3 Code Gradation: Internal Originator code details Contractor originator codes Originator Scope of work Contract no. regulations of the Free information Act sec. Subcontractor originator code Originator Scope of work Supplier originator code (PO number) Originator Scope of work / PO description PO no Technical and professional requirement. 3rd subsection. valid from 25.CENS App I I.
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