Engg Chemistry R13 Model Question Papers

March 25, 2018 | Author: Bell P Ped | Category: Carbon, Water, Corrosion, Adsorption, Hydrogen



www.jntuworld.com || www.android.jntuworld.com || www.jwjobs.net || www.android.jwjobs.net R-13 MODEL PAPER-1 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD B.Tech I Year Examinations, June-2014 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY (Common to all Branches) Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 PART-A 1. Answer all the following Sub-questions (a-e: 2Marks; f-j: 3 Marks) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Marks: 25 What are organic paints? Write a short note on FRPs. Write short notes on Calgon & Phosphate treatment Write a short note on Knocking Write a short note on micelle What are concentration cells Write applications of nanotechnology. Write short notes on Reverse Osmosis process Distinguish between Gaseous fuels from liquid fuels Write a short note on applications of adsorption. PART-B Answer all the Questions – All questions carry equal marks D L Marks: 50 2. (a) Define the terms specific, equivalent and molar conductivities. How do they vary with dilution? (b) Explain the principle of the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells. R O (OR) (c) Outline the electrochemical theory of corrosion and explain the mechanism of rust formation in acidic and neutral medium. (d) Write a brief account of cathodic protection. 3. (a) Explain the synthetic methods, properties and applications of the following elastomers:- (i) Buna-S rubber W U (ii) Butyl rubber (iii) Thiokol rubber. (b) What are Biodegrable polymers and mention preparation properties and uses of poly vinyl acetate and poly lactic acid. (OR) (c) Give an account of setting and hardening of cement with chemical reactions (d) Give an account of the properties and Criteria of a good lubricant T N 4. (a) Write in detail an account on the following boiler troubles: i) Scale & Sludge’s formation ii) Caustic embrittlement iii) Priming & Foaming. (b) Discuss the methods for disinfection of water. (OR) c) Why is Ion exchange process preferred over Zeolite-process for the softening of water for use in boilers? d)2 liters of water obtained from a bore well in Patencheru near Hyderabad gave the following analysis for salts. CaSO4=13.6mg, MgCl2=48mg, Ca(HCO3)2=32.4 , Mg(HCO3)2=14.6mg, NaCl=11.7mg. Find the total hardness of water in 0Cl & 0Fr units. J 5. (a) Explain HCV and LCV of fuels and how do they differ? What is their significance? (b) A sample of coal contains the following composition Carbon = 84%, Hydrogen = 12%, Oxygen = 2%, Sulphur = 1% and the remainder being ash. Calculate the gross and net calorific values of the fuel. (OR) (c) Give an account of the analysis of coal by proximate and ultimate analysis and its significance. (d) Write short notes on the following. (i) Natural gas. (ii) Refining of petroleum 6. Give proper explanations for the following statements (a) The fusion curve of ice has a negative slope whereas the sublimation curve has positive slope in the phase diagram (b) In lead-silver system, isobaric phase diagrams are studied. (OR) Explain the following statements with proper illustrations. (c) Tyndal cone is observed when a beam of light is concentrated on colloidal systems. (d) Electro phorosis (e) Alums are used for the treatment of water supplied by municipalities *** Gurunanak Institutions Prepared by B.Srinivas www.jntuworld.com || www.jwjobs.net jwjobs.000 liters of water. (OR) (c) Differentiate between lime-soda and zeolite processes for softening of water giving merits and demerits of the two processes (d) What is the principle involved in internal treatment of boiler feed water and describe various types of internal treatment methods. properties and uses of (i) PVC (ii) Bakelite (iii) Teflon (OR) (c) Explain the following mechanisms with suitable illustrations. (a) Write a note on complex-metric titrations used for estimation of hardness of water by EDTA (b) A sample of water containing the following impurities. (b) What is meant by heat treatment of steel? Explain the different heat treatment processes carried out with relevant applications (OR) (c) Outline the difference between physisorption and chemisorptions with examples (d) Explain Langmuir adsorption isotherm.net . What are the advantages and limitations of Langmuir adsorption theory? *** Gurunanak Institutions Prepared by B. e. S = 2%.net || www. j. N = 1% and Ash = 4 %. 6.Tech I Year Examinations.jntuworld.5 mg.www. NaCl = 58.com || www.com || www. 3. i.jwjobs. (i) Refining / Sweetening of petrol (ii) Bergeous method of synthesis of petrol (OR) (b) How do you analyze flue gas by Orsat’s method? (c) Calculate the minimum amount of air required for complete combustion of 1kg of coal sample having the following compositions C = 80%. H = 5%. Calculate the quality of lime and soda required for purification of 10. (a) Explain the following with suitable illustrations. (a) Explain two component systems by taking lead-silver system as an example. (iii) Boundary lubrication. f. (b) Describe the preparation.jntuworld. a) Explain the terms chain and step-growth polymerizations with appropriate examples. Marks: 75 PART-A 1. W U T N 4. Write a short note on Break-point Chlorination Define Octane and cetane number. MgSO4 = 120 mg.android. Oxygen in air is 23% by weight.jwjobs. Marks: 25 Explain working of lead-acid battery Write a short note on composition of cement. Marks: 50 (a) What is reference electrode? Explain the functioning of standard calomel electrode and quinhydrone R O electrode with Nernst equation. June-2014 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY (Common to all Branches) Time : 3 hours Max. (i) Fluid film lubrication. g.(i) Hot dipping (ii) Galvanizing (iii) Tinning (iv) Electroplating.android.com || www.net R-13 MODEL PAPER-2 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD B. h. f-j: 3 Marks) a. c. CaCl2 = 222mg. J 5. (OR) (b) Write notes on the following:. d. O = 8%. Answer all the following questions (a-e: 2Marks. What is Vulcanization? Why is this carried out? D L PART-B Answer all the Questions – All questions carry equal marks 2. Give an account of the analytical applications of colloids Explain carbonate and non-carbonate hardness of water Differentiate Eutectic point from triple point Give an account of the classification of the fuels with suitable examples Write a short note on electroless (Ni) plating.jntuworld. Mg(HCO3)2 =73 mg. b.Srinivas www. (ii) Extreme pressure lubrication. www. Answer all the following questions (a-e: 2Marks. (b) Define Octane number of gasoline. h. (OR) (c) What are colloids? How are they classified? (b) Differentiate the dispersed phase from dispersion medium. Marks: 75 PART-A 1. Write a short note on Sand filtration process. Explain determination of PH using glass electrode. Distinguish between Gross calorific value from net calorific value.(d) Explain Freundlich adsorption isotherm. Write a short note on Galvanic cells. permanent and total hardness of this sample of water in degree French & Clark. Calculate temporary. organic impurities = 100 mg. Write a short note on Annealing. Write a short note on Compression moulding.net || www. *** Gurunanak Institutions Prepared by B. J 5. Write a short note on natural rubber. g. e.net .Tech I Year Examinations. (ii) Porosity of a refractory material.jntuworld.android. (d) Write short notes on the following. (i) CNG (ii) Natural gas (iii) LPG. Discuss the corrosion in boilers.jwjobs. Nature of environment.net R-13 MODEL PAPER-3 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD B. f-j: 3 Marks) a. (a) What is cracking? Explain the different types of cracking processes along with their advantages. MgSO4 = 48 mg. i.Srinivas www. (d) Explain the nature and role of constituents of organic paints. Write a short note on Knocking d.com || www. 6. Ca(HCO3)2 = 146mg.i. (b) One litre of water from an underground reservoir in Tirupathi Town in Andhra Pradesh showed the following analysis for its contents: Mg(HCO3 )2 = 42 mg. properties and uses of (i) Dacron (ii) Nylon 66 (OR) (c) Write a brief account on the following: (i) Heat capacity of a refractory material. c. (b) Explain how iron-carbon phase diagram provides information about the formation of different phases in iron-carbide system. (OR) (c) Define and mention types of hardness? How is the hardness of water expressed? What are the various units employed? Explain their inter-conversion (d) Describe Potable water with specifications and discuss various steps involved in treatment of potable water. j. (ii) Thermal expansion and contraction. What is meant by a phase diagram f. CaC l2 = 71mg.jntuworld. June-2014 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY (Common to all Branches) Time : 3 hours Max. PART-B Marks: 25 D L Answer all the Questions – All questions carry equal marks Marks: 50 2.jntuworld. (a) Write a short note on Potentiometric titrations (b) Write a short note on Conductometric titrations (OR) (c) Discuss the influence of following factors on corrosion:.com || www. R O 3. NaOH = 40mg.com || www. (iv) Refractoriness (d) What are the different types of preparation and applications of Nano materials? W U T N 4.Nature of the metal ii. (a) Describe the Lime-Soda process for softening of hard water with neat sketch.android. (a) What are conducting polymers? Write about the properties and applications of poly aniline and poly acetylene (b) What are fibers? Describe the preparation. What is its significance and how is it measured? Why ethylene dibromide is added when TEL is used as an antiknock reagent? (OR) (c) With help of a neat diagram explain the construction and working of Junker's calorimeter for the analysis of gaseous fuels.jwjobs. b.jwjobs. (a) Deduce the expression F+P=C+2 and explain the terms involved with suitable illustrations and the significance of the terms involved. What are the advantages and limitations of Freundlich adsorption theory. f. (b) Describe Lead-acid. (OR) (c) How do you estimate temporary and permanent hardness of water by EDTA method? (d)One liter of water from an under ground reservoir in Nalgonda Town in Andhra Pradesh the following analysis. Answer all the following questions (a-e: 2Marks. Ni-Cd and Lithium cells. T N 4. CaSO4 = 136 mg. D L PART-B Answer all the Questions – All questions carry equal marks Marks: 50 R O 2. (OR) (c) Describe Types corrosion (d) Write a short note on Metal cladding & electroplating. e.jwjobs. (d) Differentiate the dispersed phase from dispersion medium. (b) Write in detail an account on Disinfection of water by chlorination and ozonisation. June-2014 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY (Common to all Branches) Time : 3 hours Max.Srinivas www. MgSO4 = 12 mg. (d) Define & Classify refractories and mention its applications. (a) What are plastics? Describe various moulding process of plastics.android. secondary cells with suitable examples. c. 3. g. *** Gurunanak Institutions Prepared by B. degree of freedom and equilibrium with suitable examples. for its contents:: Mg(HCO3)2 = 146 mg. (iii) flash and fire points.Tech I Year Examinations. Calculate temporary.jntuworld. (a) Define phase. j. 6. (i) CNG (ii) Natural gas. NaCl = 585 mg. How are metals protected by impressed current method? What are the properties of a good lubricant? What are scales? How are they formed in boilers? Explain HCV and LCV of fuels and how do they differ? Write applications of adsorption.com || www. What is its significance and how is it measured? (OR) (c) Write an account on the refining of petroleum by explaining the composition. Marks: 75 PART-A 1.net MODEL PAPER- R-13 4 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD B. boiling range and uses of different fractions obtained during refining. (a) Give an account of the classification of the fuels with suitable examples. Ca(HCO3)2 = 81 mg.www. (a) Differentiate primary. (OR) (c) describe the following properties of lubricants (i) Viscosity (ii) Cloud point. Write the structure of EDTA and the complex formed between Ca+2. b.com || www. (b) describe mechanism and W U applications of conducting polymers. J 5. Marks: 25 Write a short note on Nernst equation.net || www. permanent and total hardness of this sample of water in degree Clark and French. Write a short note on triple point. Organic impurities = 100 mg. (b) Explain one component system phase diagram with using one suitable example. Give an account of the advantages and disadvantages of coal over gaseous fuels.jwjobs.jwjobs. h.jntuworld. Explain the differences between thermoplastics and thermoset plastics.com || www. component. (b) Define Octane and cetane number of gasoline. (a) What is potable water? Mentions its specifications. d. Mg+2 and EDTA. i.net .(d) Write short notes on the following.android. (OR) (c) What are colloids? How are they classified? Mention its various applications.jntuworld. f-j: 3 Marks) a.
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