
March 26, 2018 | Author: Lug Therapie | Category: Statistical Hypothesis Testing, Statistics, Estimator, Regression Analysis, Stochastic Process



ENGLISH - AFRIKAANS GLOSSARY OF STATISTICAL TERMSEditors: Faans Steyn, Chris Smit, Corna Vorster July 2009 Preface from the Editors The list of statistical terms currently consists of approximately 7200 entries. Although the list is continuously updated, the editors have decided to make the list available in its current form to statisticians, members of the public using statistics, translators or any other interested parties. Therefore we were of the opinion that placing the list on the Internet would be most sensible for this purpose. Recognition is hereby given to the National Language Service, of the former Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology, having provided editorial support over many years in the person of Dea Swiegers. We also wish to express our appreciation for the valuable contribution made by John Lynch up to his withdrawal in 2005 due to health reasons. Without their assistance we would have experienced difficulty in reaching this milepost. In using this list of terms the following should be kept in mind: • • • It is not only an English-Afrikaans glossary but also contains contexts or sentences in which the terms occur, sometimes with brief definitions. A division was made into subfields within the subject field in the context, and an adapted list of codes from Statistical Theory and Methods Abstracts was used. The existing Statistical Dictionary was integrated with the list and is given as such under "Source publication". The new terms were obtained from the index of the Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences (ESS), as well as from a list of terms provided to us by the International Statistical Institute (ISI), based on Marriott's dictionary and later on Dodge’s dictionary. At the request of the ISI we have provided them with Afrikaans equivalents for their list of terms as part of a multilingual list of statistical terms currently being compiled by the ISI. See any one of the following two websites: http://europa.eu.int/en/comm/eurostat/research/isi/ http://www.cbs.nl/isi . References 1. Kotz, S. & Johnson, N.L., (Editors), (1982 - 98), Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 1-9, Supplement & Update Vol. 1-2, John Wiley & Sons: New York. 2. Marriott, F.H.C., (Editor), (1990), A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, 5th edition. Published for the ISI by Longman Scientific & Technical: London. 3. Schoeman, H.S., (Editor), (1984), Statistiekwoordeboek / Statistical Dictionary. Staatsdrukker/Government Printer: Pretoria. (Uit druk / Out of Print). 4. Dodge, Yadolah, (Editor), (2003) The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms. Oxford University Press. 5. Rasch, D., Tiku, M.L. & Sumpf, D., (Editors), (1994), Elsevier’s Dictionary of Biometry. Elsevier: Amsterdam. 2 Any comments on terms will be appreciated, as will be proposals for new terms which have not yet been included. Send these to: Dr M D Jankowitz Department of Decision Sciences P O Box 392 Unisa 0003 Tel: 012-429-4629 Email: [email protected] 3 English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: a posteriori distribution a posteriori-verdeling posterior distribution Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming the result of prior information and obtained data die resultaat van a priori-inligting en verkrygde data Statistical Dictionary a posteriori probability a posteriori-waarskynlikheid posterior probability, probability a posteriori probability theory, Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie, Bayes-benadering after having obtained additional information provided by data nadat addisionele inligting uit data verkry is Statistical Dictionary a priori a priori prior probability theory, Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie, Bayes-benadering before data gathering voor data-insameling ISI a priori distribution a priori-verdeling prior distribution Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming assumed distribution of a parameter aanvaarde verdeling van 'n parameter Statistical Dictionary a priori probability a priori-waarskynlikheid prior probability prior-waarskynlikheid probability theory, Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie, Bayes-benadering chosen subjectively or from previous knowledge subjektief of uit vorige kennis gekies Statistical Dictionary abbreviated method verkorte metode abridged method empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe with a reduced computational effort met minder berekening Statistical Dictionary ability structure vermoëstruktuur psychometrics psigometrie Statistical Dictionary English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: ABLUE asymptotic best linear unbiased estimator abmodality abmodaliteit empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary abridge abbreviate abridged method abbreviated method abrupt change abrupte verandering change-point model and signal detection veranderingspuntmodel en seinopsporing ISI abrupt distribution abrupte verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings if the density function and its first derivative are not both zero at a finite terminal point as die digtheidsfunksie en die eerste afgeleide daarvan nie albei by 'n eindige terminale punt nul is nie ISI absciss abscissa absciss axis absis-as axis of abscissas mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary abscissa absis absciss mathematical methods wiskundige metodes the x-coordinate in a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system die x-koördinaat in 'n tweedimensionale Cartesiese koördinaatstelsel Statistical Dictionary absolute absoluut mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary absolute continuity absolute kontinuïteit theory of functions, real analysis funksieteorie, reële analise Statistical Dictionary Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 4 English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: absolute deviation absolute afwyking empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe the difference, taken without regard to sign, of a variate value from some given value die verskil, sonder inagneming van die teken, van 'n stogastiese veranderlike se waarde, vanaf 'n gegewe waarde ISI absolute difference absolute verskil special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies the difference between two numbers without regard to sign die verskil tussen twee getalle sonder inagneming van teken ISI absolute error absolute fout psychometrics psigometrie the absolute deviation of a random variable from its "true" value die absolute afwyking van 'n stogastiese veranderlike vanaf sy "werklike" waarde ISI absolute frequency absolute frekwensie empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe as distinct from the relative frequency in teenstelling met die relatiewe frekwensie ISI absolute inequality absolute ongelykheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary absolute measure absolute maat empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe which is independent of origin and scale wat onafhanklik van oorsprong en skaal is ISI absolute moment absolute moment random variables, expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes, verwagte waardes en parameters ISI absolute risk <see also relative risk> absolute risiko <kyk ook relatiewe risiko> Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek probability that a disease occurs in a given period of time waarskynlikheid dat 'n siekte in 'n gegewe tydperk sal voorkom ISI absolute value absolute waarde mathematical methods wiskundige metodes without regard to its sign sonder inagneming van teken Statistical Dictionary absolute value function absolutewaarde-funksie theory of functions, real analysis funksieteorie, reële analise Statistical Dictionary absolute value optimisation absolutewaarde-optimering mathematical methods wiskundige metodes carried out without regard to sign uitgevoer sonder inagneming van teken Statistical Dictionary absolutely continuous absoluut kontinu theory of functions, real analysis funksieteorie, reële analise absolutely monotonic function absoluut monotone funksie theory of functions, real analysis funksieteorie, reële analise Statistical Dictionary absolutely unbiased estimator absoluut onsydige beramer exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers unbiased for all distributions onsydig vir alle verdelings ISI absorb absorbeer theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse e.g. ending Markov chain bv. beëindig Markov-ketting Statistical Dictionary absorbing barrier absorberende versperring absorbing boundary absorberende grens theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse a state where there is a probability of not being reflected 5 Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: 'n toestand waar daar 'n waarskynlikheid is om nie gereflekteer te word nie ISI absorbing boundary absorbing barrier absorbing Markov chain absorberende Markov-ketting theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse possessing absorbing states wat absorberende toestande besit ISI absorbing region absorberende gebied theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse generalisation of absorbing barrier veralgemening van absorberende versperring ISI absorbing state absorberende toestand theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse a state which, once reached, cannot be left 'n toestand wat nie verlaat kan word as dit eenmaal bereik is nie ISI absorption distribution absorpsieverdeling theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse of the number of "individuals" which fail to cross a specified absorbing region van die getal "individue" wat nie daarin slaag om 'n gegewe absorberende gebied oor te steek nie ISI absorption probability absorpsiewaarskynlikheid theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse probability of reaching an absorbing state waarskynlikheid om 'n absorberende toestand te bereik Statistical Dictionary abundance model <see stochastic abundance model> oorvloedmodel ecology and environmental statistics ekologie en omgewingstatistiek of the number of species van die getal spesies ISI accelerated experiment versnelde eksperiment reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing e.g. by overstressing Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: bv. deur oorinspanning Statistical Dictionary accelerated failure time model versneldefalingstydmodel reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing in which an explanatory variable is used to modify the time scale waarin 'n verklarende veranderlike gebruik word om die tydskaal te wysig ISI accelerated stochastic approximation versnelde stogastiese benadering convergence of processes konvergensie van prosesse for increasing the speed of convergence of some types of stochastic approximations om die konvergensiespoed van sommige tipes stogastiese benaderings te verhoog ISI accelerated test < see accelerated experiment> versnelde toets <kyk versnelde eksperiment> reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ISI acceleration by powering versnelling deur magsverheffing construction of algorithms konstruksie van algoritmes for reducing the number of iterations om die getal iterasies te verminder Statistical Dictionary accept aanvaar hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing agree to the probable truth of a hypothesis stem saam met die waarskynlike waarheid van 'n hipotese ISI accept aanvaar quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole pass or agree to receive a lot after control measures om 'n lot goed te keur na kontrolemaatreëls Statistical Dictionary acceptable minimum aanvaarbare minimum quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary acceptable quality level acceptance quality level, AQL acceptable quality level <Full form> aanvaarbare kwaliteitspeil Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 6 Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: AQL, acceptance quality level aanvaardingskwaliteitspeil quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole desired proportion of effective units verlangde proporsie effektiewe eenhede Statistical Dictionary acceptable reliability level aanvaarbare betroubaarheidspeil reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing desired proportion of units exceeding e.g. required minimum lifetime verlangde proporsie eenhede wat bv. vereiste minimum leeftyd oorskry Statistical Dictionary acceptance boundary aanvaardingsgrens acceptance line aanvaardingslyn sequential and multistage tests sekwensiële en meerstadiumtoetse e.g. plot of acceptance number against sample number bv. stipping van aanvaardingsgetal teenoor steekproefgetal Statistical Dictionary acceptance control chart aanvaardingskontrolekaart control chart kontrolekaart quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole a time sequence plot of measurements or counts together with control limits 'n tydvolgordestipping van metings of tellings tesame met kontrolegrense ISI acceptance criterion aanvaardingskriterium quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary acceptance error <see consumer's risk> aanvaardingsfout <kyk verbruikersrisiko> quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole e.g. passing a lot of undesirable quality bv. aanvaar 'n lot van ongewenste kwaliteit Statistical Dictionary acceptance inspection aanvaardingsinspeksie quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole determining the acceptability of a lot om die aanvaarbaarheid van 'n lot te bepaal Statistical Dictionary acceptance line acceptance boundary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: acceptance number aanvaardingsgetal quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole largest number of defectives allowable grootste getal toelaatbare defektiewes Statistical Dictionary acceptance quality level <Full form> aanvaardingskwaliteitspeil acceptable quality level, AQL aanvaarbare kwaliteitspeil quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary acceptance region aanvaardingsgebied region of acceptance hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing which contains the sample points supporting the null hypothesis wat die steekproefgrootte bevat wat die nulhipotese ondersteun Statistical Dictionary acceptance sampling aanvaardingsteekproefneming quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole a set of methods designed to limit sample size, e.g. multiple or sequential sampling 'n versameling metodes wat ontwerp is om steekproefgrootte te beperk, bv. meervoudige of sekwensiële steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary acceptance sampling plan aanvaardingsteekproefnemingsplan quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole for carrying out acceptance inspection vir die uitvoer van aanvaardingsinspeksie ESS acceptance-complement method aanvaardingskomplementmetode quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole ESS accessibility sampling toeganklikheidsteekproefneming sampling steekproefneming a form of nonprobability sampling 'n vorm van niewaarskynlikheidsteekproefneming Statistical Dictionary accident rate ongelukskoers ongeluksyfer official statistics Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: 7 siekte. morbidity. number of vehicles. verwagte waardes en parameters Statistical Dictionary accumulate akkumuleer cumulate data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise add together successively tel agtervolgens bymekaar Statistical Dictionary accumulated deviation geakkumuleerde afwyking goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse between observed and fitted frequencies summed over the groups tussen waargenome en gepaste frekwensies. per unit of time. wat die oogmerk van baie statistiese prosedures is Statistical Dictionary actuarial estimator <see also Kaplan-Meier estimator> aktuariële beramer <kyk ook Kaplan-Meierberamer> actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde survival distribution estimated from rightcensored data oorlewingsverdeling beraam uit regsgesensoreerde data ISI actuarial statistics aktuariële statistiek special topics.Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: amptelike statistiek e. getal voertuie. toepassings relating to the risk of mortality. eerder as soos beoog toe die studie ontwerp is ISI adaptive estimation <see adaptive inference> aanpassende beraming <kyk aanpassende inferensie> estimation beraming ISI adaptive inference aanpassende inferensie estimation beraming 8 . financial loss etc. ISI actuary aktuaris special topics. padlengte Statistical Dictionary accidental toevallig random variables. road length bv.g. rather than one envisaged when the study was designed deur eienskappe van die data gesuggereer. the object of many statistical procedures waarde. applications spesiale onderwerpe. met betrekking tot die risiko van sterfte. true werklik estimation beraming value. dikwels onwaarneembaar. per tydseenheid. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. toepassings specialist in actuarial statistics spesialis in aktuariële statistiek ISI ad hoc test ad hoc-toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing suggested by features of the data. applications spesiale onderwerpe. finansiële verlies ens.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary actual waar real. often unobservable. oor groepe gesommeer Statistical Dictionary accumulated process geakkumuleerde proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse derived from the cumulated sum of random variables van die geakkumuleerde som van stogastiese veranderlikes afgelei ISI accuracy noukeurigheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes freedom from error or number of significant digits foutvryheid of getal tellende syfers Statistical Dictionary accuracy <avoid in the sense of unbiasedness or precision> akkuraatheid <vermy in die sin van onsydigheid of presisie> estimation beraming closeness of observation or statistic to "true value" nabyheid van waarneming of statistiek aan "werklike waarde" Statistical Dictionary action limit aksiegrens quality and process control Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: kwaliteits. modelbou en -seleksie in which the effects of the factors influencing the dependent variable are added waarin die effekte van die faktore wat die afhanklike veranderlike beïnvloed. bymekaar tel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary added variable plot bygevoegdeveranderlike-stipping regression analysis regressieanalise to detect the need to add an explanatory variable om die nodigheid vir die byvoeging van 'n verklarende veranderlike te bepaal ISI addition optelling summation sommering mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: addition rule addition theorem addition theorem optelstelling addition rule optelreël classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie for calculating the probability that at least one out of two or more possible events will occur om die waarskynlikheid te bereken dat ten minste een van twee of meer moontlike gebeurtenisse sal plaasvind Statistical Dictionary additive constant additiewe konstante mathematical methods wiskundige metodes which has been added to all observations e. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary additive hazard model additiewe gevaarmodel theory of replacement. model building and selection regressie. model building and selection regressie. to simplify calculations wat by alle waarnemings getel word om bv.g.g. berekenings te vereenvoudig Statistical Dictionary additive error <see additive model> additiewe fout <kyk additiewe model> regression. total sommeer. bymekaar getel word ISI additive process additiewe proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse having independent increments e.Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: where the statistic used for inference is determined by the sample results waar die statistiek wat vir inferensie gebruik word deur die steekproefresultate bepaal word ISI adaptive kernel estimation aanpassende kernberaming density estimation and related topics digtheidsberaming en verwante onderwerpe in which kernel width varies according to the estimated local density waarin kernwydte volgens die beraamde lokale digtheid wissel ISI adaptive optimisation aanpassende optimering univariate time series. beraming based upon statistical adaptation as a series of observations proceeds through time op statistiese aanpassing gebaseer soos 'n reeks waarnemings deur tyd vorder ISI adaptive regression aanpassende regressie regression analysis regressieanalise ISI adaptive rejection sampling aanpassende verwerpingsteekproefneming quality and process control kwaliteits. has the same form of distribution Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 9 . oorlewingsanalise ISI additive model additiewe model regression. survival analysis vervangingsteorie. stogastiesebewegingsproses ISI additive property additiewe eienskap relations between distributions verhoudings tussen verdelings where the sum of two or more variates having a particular distribution.en proseskontrole using information from previous rejected values gebruik inligting uit vorige verwerpte waardes ISI add optel sum. random walk process met onafhanklike inkremente bv. Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: waar die som van twee of meer stogastiese veranderlikes met 'n spesifieke verdeling. corrected mean design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente e.g. allowing for the effect of incomplete blocks maak bv. van steekproefinligting Statistical Dictionary adequate representation toereikende verteenwoordiging sampling steekproefneming can be ensured e.en regterkant van 'n punt in 'n verdeling gekoppel is ISI adjacent interval Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: aangrensende interval empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe the one preceding or following die vorige of volgende een Statistical Dictionary adjacent plot aangrensende perseel adjoining plot split-plot. voorsiening vir die effek van onvolledige blokke Statistical Dictionary adjusted death rate corrected death rate adjusted death rate corrected death rate adjusted mean adjusted average adjusted profile likelihood versteldeprofiel-aanneemlikheid modified profile likelihood hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing based on higher-order asymptotic theory gebaseer op hoërorde.asimptotiese teorie ISI admissible decision function toelaatbare beslissingsfunksie Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: 10 .g.g. dieselfde vorm verdeling het Statistical Dictionary additivity <see additive model> additiwiteit <kyk additiewe model> regression. verstel empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe alter a value Statistical Dictionary adjusted average verstelde gemiddelde adjusted mean. deur stratifikasie verseker word Statistical Dictionary adequate sample toereikende steekproef sampling steekproefneming for drawing a statistical conclusion om 'n statistiese gevolgtrekking te kan maak Statistical Dictionary adequate subset toereikende deelversameling selection of predictors (order and number) seleksie van voorspellers (orde en getal) of regressors containing as much information about the dependent variable as the complete set van onafhanklike veranderlikes wat net soveel inligting oor die afhanklike veranderlike as die hele versameling bevat ISI adherent probability verbonde waarskynlikheid univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings that adheres to the left and right of a point in a distribution wat aan die linker. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. model building and selection regressie. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary adequacy toereikendheid voldoendheid sampling steekproefneming e. nested and weighing designs splitperseel-. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary adjugate matrix adjoint matrix adjust aanpas. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary additivity of means <see additive model> additiwiteit van gemiddeldes <kyk additiewe model> regression. by stratification kan bv. of sample information bv. model building and selection regressie. genestelde en wegende ontwerpe Statistical Dictionary adjoining plot adjacent plot adjoint matrix bygevoegde matriks adjugate matrix linear algebra. Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: decision theory beslissingsteorie for which there is not one which is uniformly better waarvoor daar nie een bestaan wat gelykmatig beter is nie admissible estimator toelaatbare beramer permissible estimator exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers any estimator not dominated by any other estimator enige beramer wat nie deur enige ander beramer gedomineer word nie ISI admissible hypothesis toelaatbare hipotese hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing possible within the conditions of the problem moontlik binne die voorwaardes van die probleem Statistical Dictionary admissible number toelaatbare getal probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie having uniformly distributed digits het uniformverdeelde syfers Statistical Dictionary admissible strategy toelaatbare strategie game theory spelteorie having a better outcome for some particular state and equal or better outcomes for all other states het 'n beter uitkoms vir een besondere toestand en gelyke of beter uitkomste vir alle ander uitkomste Statistical Dictionary admissible test toelaatbare toets exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse if a uniformly most powerful test exists.en verwante prosesse a general form of lifetime distribution 'n algemene vorm van leeftydsverdeling ISI age specific birth rate ouderdomspesifieke geboortekoers demography. but depend on the age of the individual or group concerned wanneer die geboorte-en-sterfte-koerse oor 'n tydperk nie konstant is nie. no other test is admissible indien 'n gelykmatig onderskeidendste toets bestaan. line transect sampling ruimtelike steekproefneming. is geen ander toets toelaatbaar nie ISI AEDL average extra defectives limit aerial sampling lugsteekproefneming areal sampling. population models demografie. populasiemodelle ISI age-adjusted rate ouderdomverstelde koers actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde to compare groups with different age distributions om groepe met verskillende ouderdomsverdelings te vergelyk ISI age-period-cohort effects ouderdom-periode-kohort-effekte actuarial mathematics English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 11 . groepdeelbare ontwerpe ISI affinity affiniteit association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid a measure of distance between two statistical populations 'n afstandsmaat tussen twee populasies Statistical Dictionary age dependent birth-and-death process ouderdomsafhanklike geboorte-ensterfteproses birth-death processes geboorte-en-sterfte-prosesse where the birth-and-death rates are not constant over time. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. population models demografie. lyndwarssnitsteekproefneming using aerial photographs as a sampling frame Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: gebruik lugfoto's as 'n steekproefraamwerk Statistical Dictionary affine alpha resolvability affiene alfa-ontbindbaarheid block designs. populasiemodelle age specific death rate <see also hazard rate> ouderdomspesifieke sterftekoers <kyk ook gevaarkoers> sterftekrag demography. maar van die ouderdom van die betrokke individu of groep afhanklik is ISI age dependent branching process ouderdomsafhanklike vertakkingsproses branching and related processes vertakkings. survival analysis vervangingsteorie.g. mortality op bv. population models demografie. mortaliteit ISI age-sex-adjusted rate <see also age-adjusted rate> ouderdom-geslag-verstelde koers <kyk ook ouderdomverstelde koers> actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde ISI age-specific ouderdomspesifiek demography. aggregaat saamvoeging mathematical methods wiskundige metodes a total or whole 'n totaal of geheel Statistical Dictionary aggregation aggregasie saamvoeging general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek reduction of primary data to produce a usable statistical summary redusering van primêre data om 'n bruikbare statistiese opsomming te verkry ISI English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: aggregation saamvoeging aggregasie. applications spesiale onderwerpe. oorlewingsanalise ISI agreement measure ooreenstemmingsmaatstaf measure of agreement association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid of the extent to which judges agree van die mate waarin beoordelaars ooreenstem Statistical Dictionary agricultural statistics landboustatistieke special topics. populasiemodelle Statistical Dictionary age-specific death rate intensity function age-specific mortality rate ouderdomspesifieke mortaliteitskoers actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde ISI age-specific rate ouderdomspesifieke koers actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde ISI agglomerative cluster analysis aggregative cluster analysis aggregate data kollektiewe data data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise from different periods or sources van verskillende periodes of bronne Statistical Dictionary aggregate n. versameling. toepassings numerical information related to farming Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 12 . aggregaat ecology and environmental statistics ekologie en omgewingstatistiek clustering in time or space trosvorming in tyd of ruimte ISI aggregative cluster analysis saamvoegende trosanalise agglomerative cluster analysis cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie starts from the individual observations and generates clusters by combining them by joining the individuals or groups judged most similar in contrast to divisive cluster analysis begin by die individuele waarnemings waar trosse gegenereer word deur die kombinering van soortgelyke individue of groepe in teenstelling met opdelende trosanalise ISI aggregative index saamgestelde indeks composite index indexes indekse based on more than one commodity op meer as een kommoditeit gebaseer Statistical Dictionary aggregative model saamvoegingsmodel econometrics ekonometrie when the variables in an economic model are themselves constructed from groups of individual variables wanneer die veranderlikes binne 'n ekonomiese model self uit groepe individuele veranderlikes saamgestel word ISI aging distribution verouderingsverdeling theory of replacement.Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: aktuariële wiskunde on e. ortogonale skikkings Statistical Dictionary alienation coefficient coefficient of alieniation align rig data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise e. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. of a case to a treatment bv.g. determine subsample sizes bv. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary allocate toedeel sampling steekproefneming e.g. ortogonale skikkings Statistical Dictionary aliasing aliasering factorial designs. variate variaat random variables. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rank tests.g. adjust for block effects bv. van 'n geval aan 'n behandeling Statistical Dictionary allocation toedeling sampling steekproefneming for determining subsample sizes of a sample vir die bepaling van substeekproefgroottes van 'n steekproef Statistical Dictionary allocation toewysing design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente for assigning observations or treatments vir die toekenning van waarnemings of behandelings Statistical Dictionary allocation rule toedelingsreël Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: 13 . verwagte waardes en parameters ISI algorithm algoritme mathematical methods wiskundige metodes a stepwise method to do certain calculations 'n stapsgewyse metode om sekere berekeninge te doen Statistical Dictionary alias alias factorial designs. ortogonale skikkings Statistical Dictionary alias alias spectral analysis spektraalanalise indistinguishable angular frequencies ononderskeibare hoekfrekwensies Statistical Dictionary alias matrix Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: aliasmatriks factorial designs. rangtoetse. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. verstel vir blokeffekte Statistical Dictionary aligned rank gerigte rang non-parametric tests. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. bepaal substeekproefgroottes Statistical Dictionary allocate toewys design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente e.Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: numeriese inligting wat met boerdery verband hou ESS AIC Akaike's information criterion AID automatic interaction detection Aitken estimator Aitken-beramer estimation beraming an exact least squares estimator which minimises the generalised variance for linear estimation of a vector of parameters 'n presiese kleinstekwadrate-beramer wat die veralgemeende variansie vir lineêre beraming van 'n vektor van parameters minimeer ISI Akaike's information criterion Akaike se inligtingskriterium AIC estimation beraming used in choosing between models with different numbers of parameters word gebruik om tussen modelle met verskillende getalle parameters te kies ISI aleatory variable <Not recommended> stogastiese veranderlike random variable. Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise for assigning a new observation to one of the populations om 'n nuwe waarneming aan een van die populasies toe te ken allokurtic allokurties heterokurtic heterokurties empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe differing degrees of "peakedness" verskillende grade van "spitsheid" Statistical Dictionary allokurtosis <see allokurtic> allokurtose <kyk allokurties> empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary allometric growth allometriese groei biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde changes in shape associated with different growth rates of parts of an organism veranderings in vorm wat met verskillende groeitempo's van verskillende dele van 'n organisme geassosieer word ISI allometry allometrie biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde a quantitative study of size and shape relationships 'n kwantitatiewe studie van die verband tussen grootte en vorm ESS allowable defects <Plural> toelaatbare defekte <Meervoud> quality and process control kwaliteits. error of the first kind tipe I-fout hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing wrongly rejecting the null hypothesis om die nulhipotese verkeerdelik te verwerp ISI alpha factoring alfa-faktorisering factor analysis faktoranalise to estimate the latent factors and their number om die latente faktore en hulle getal te beraam ISI alpha index alfa-indeks Pareto index Pareto-indeks econometrics ekonometrie measure of income inequality maatstaf van inkomste-ongelykheid ISI English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: 14 .en proseskontrole to define the rejection limit om die verwerpingslimiet te definieer ISI all-possible-subsets regression allemoontlikedeelversamelings-regressie regression analysis regressieanalise method to select variables metode om veranderlikes te kies ISI almost certain byna seker almost sure measure theoretic approach Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: maatteoretiese benadering when probability of an event tends to unity wanneer waarskynlikheid van 'n gebeurtenis na een neig Statistical Dictionary almost everywhere byna oral measure theory maatteorie everywhere except for a set of zero measure oral behalwe vir 'n versameling van maat nul Statistical Dictionary almost stationary byna stasionêr stationary processes stasionêre prosesse resulting from sampling of a nonstationary time series die gevolg van steekproefneming uit 'n niestasionêre tydreeks Statistical Dictionary almost sure almost certain almost sure convergence byna-seker konvergensie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie alpha coefficient <see Cronbach alpha> alfakoëffisiënt <kyk Cronbach-alfa> psychometrics psigometrie Statistical Dictionary alpha error <see also producer's risk> fout van die eerste soort <kyk ook produsenterisiko> type I error. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe.g. in model analysis bv. having positive and negative signs alternately het bv. in modelontleding ISI analysis of dispersion <Obsolete> dispersieanalise multivariate analysis of variance meerveranderlike variansieanalise analysis of variance variansieanalise ISI analysis of residuals residu-analise regression analysis regressieanalise investigating differences between observed and predicted values ontleding van verskille tussen waargenome en voorspelde waardes Statistical Dictionary analysis of variance ANOVA analysis of variance model variansieanalisemodel 15 .g. an extension of resolvability elke behandeling word 'n gelyke getal kere in elke stel blokke herhaal. afwisselende positiewe en negatiewe tekens Statistical Dictionary alternative hypothesis <see also null hypothesis> alternatiewe hipotese <kyk ook nulhipotese> hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing usually stating what is hoped to be detected stel gewoonlik dit wat hopelik vasgestel sal word Statistical Dictionary amplitude amplitude spectral analysis spektraalanalise e. covariance analysis analysis of variance variansieanalise containing both quantitative and qualitative variables bevat kwantitatiewe sowel as kwalitatiewe veranderlikes Statistical Dictionary analysis of deviance afwykingsanalise analysis of variance variansieanalise e.g. analise ontleding data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary analysis of covariance kovariansieanalise ANCOVA.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: alpha resolvability alfa-ontbindbaarheid block designs. van 'n fluktuasie vanaf sy piek of trog tot by sy tendenslyn Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: amplitude ratio amplitudeverhouding spectral analysis spektraalanalise actual as proportion of the average amplitude werklike as proporsie van die gemiddelde amplitude Statistical Dictionary analyse v. analiseer ontleed data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary analysis n. 'n uitbreiding van ontbindbaarheid ISI alphabet alfabet generating and characteristic functions voortbringende en karakteristiekefunksies sample space consisting of letters only steekproefruimte wat net uit letters bestaan ISI alternating process alternerende proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse with two states occurring alternately met twee toestande wat om die beurt voorkom ISI alternating renewal process alternerende hernuwingsproses semi-Markov processes semi-Markov-prosesse having two states appearing alternately het twee toestande wat afwisselend voorkom Statistical Dictionary alternating sequence alternerende ry number theory getalleteorie e. of a fluctuation from its peak or trough to its trend line bv. groepdeelbare ontwerpe each treatment replicated an equal number of times in each set of blocks. agtergrondinligting estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary ancillary statistic aanvullende statistiek estimation beraming if its distribution does not depend on the parameter of the distribution as sy verdeling nie van die parameter van die verdeling afhang nie ISI English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: ANCOVA analysis of covariance Andrews' Fourier-type plot Andrews se Fourier-tipe stipping Andrews' function plot Fourier-tipe stipping volgens Andrews graphical methods grafiese metodes a graphical display of multivariate data 'n grafiese voorstelling van meerveranderlike data ISI Andrews' function plot Andrews' Fourier-type plot angular transformation hoektransformasie non-normality of errors or statistical dependence nienormaliteit van foute of statistiese afhanklikheid using a trigonometrical formula met behulp van 'n trigonometriese formule Statistical Dictionary angular variable hoekveranderlike transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes expressed in terms of angles in terme van hoeke uitgedruk ISI anisotropic distribution <in contrast to isotropic distribution> anisotropiese verdeling <in teenstelling met van isotropiese verdeling> univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings of directional data which are not uniformly distributed van gerigte data wat nie uniform verdeel is nie ISI annual maximum method block maximum method ANOVA <Acronym> ANOVA <Akroniem> analysis of variance. variance analysis variansieanalise analysis of variance variansieanalise for analysing data classified according to the levels of one or more factors vir die ontleding van data wat volgens die peile van een of meer faktore geklassifiseer is ISI ANOVA table ANOVA-tabel analysis of variance table variansieanalisetabel. variansieanlisetabel analysis of variance English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 16 . background information supplementêre inligting. polinome gevorm word analytic survey analitiese opname market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling for comparing subgroups vir die vergelyking van subgroepe analytic trend analitiese tendens univariate time series.g. polynomials waar die regressors deur. beraming trend expressed as mathematical function tendens uitgedruk as wiskundige funksie analyticity analitisiteit probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings of generating functions van voortbringende funksies Statistical Dictionary ancillarity aanvullendheid probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie ancillary information aanvullende inligting supplementary information.Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: analysis of variance variansieanalise specifying relationship between dependent and categorical explanatory variables spesifiseer die verband tussen afhanklike en kategoriese verklarende veranderlikes Statistical Dictionary analysis of variance table ANOVA table analytic regression analitiese regressie regression analysis regressieanalise where the regressors are formed by. e. bv. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. Monte Carlo methods simulasie.g. benader v. Monte Carlo-metodes to produce antithetic variates om teenstellende stogastiese veranderlikes te skep ISI antithetic variate teenstellende stogastiese veranderlike teenstellende variaat random number generators Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: ewekansigegetal-genereerders having estimators that compensate for variation. rangtoetse. usually nonzero die variaatwaarde waarvoor 'n frekwensieverdeling 'n minimum het. the normal instead of the binomial for large sample sizes bv. in simulation het beramers wat vir variasie kompenseer.Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: variansieanalise summarising the results opsomming van die resultate ISI Ansari-Bradley test Ansari-Bradley-toets non-parametric tests. approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings.en harmoniese analise appearing irregularly kom onreëlmatig voor Statistical Dictionary aperiodicity <see periodicity> aperiodisiteit <kyk periodisiteit> theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary approximate adj. bv. conditioning on the preceding observations bv.g.g. gewoonlik nienul Statistical Dictionary antithetic transform teenstellende transformasie simulation. rank tests. in simulasie ISI antitonic regression function antitoniese regressiefunksie regression analysis regressieanalise in contrast to an isotonic regression function in teenstelling met 'n isotoniese regressiefunksie ISI AOQL average outgoing quality limit aperiodic aperiodies Fourier and harmonic analysis Fourier. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings e. voorwaardestelling op die voorgaande waarnemings ISI anthropometry antropometrie mensmeting medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek measuring human physical attributes meting van menslike fisiese eienskappe Statistical Dictionary anti-conservative <see also 'conservative'> antikonserwatief <kyk ook 'konserwatief'> hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing if the probability of a type I-error is greater than the significance level indien die waarskynlikheid van 'n tipe I-fout groter is as die betekenispeil ISI antimode antimodus empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe the variate value for which a frequency distribution has a minimum. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings ISI approximate distribution benaderde verdeling probability distributions. e. of a probability by a relative frequency Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: 17 . data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise close in value naby in waarde Statistical Dictionary approximate degrees of freedom benaderde vryheidsgrade probability distributions.g. approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI ante-dependence model voorgangersafhanklikheidsmodel repeated measures and sequential designs herhaalde metings en sekwensiële ontwerpe e. benaderd adj. data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise e. die normaalverdeling in plaas van die binomiaal vir groot steekproefgroottes Statistical Dictionary approximate v. g. populasiemodelle ISI English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: area sampling gebiedsteekproefneming oppervlaktesteekproefneming.Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: bv. in numeriese analise ISI AQL acceptable quality level AR process autoregressive process arbitrary origin willekeurige oorsprong empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele chosen for convenience gerieflikheidshalwe gekies ISI ARCH model autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model arc-sine distribution boogsinusverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings in the theory of recurrent events in die teorie van wederkerende gebeurtenisse Statistical Dictionary arc-sine transformation boogsinustransformasie inverse sine transformation inverse sinustransformasie analysis of variance variansieanalise to equalise variances of groups om variansies van groepe gelyk te maak Statistical Dictionary ARE<short form> asymptotic relative efficiency area comparability factor gebiedsvergelykbaarheidsfaktor demography. population models demografie. rekenkunde n.g. in numerical analysis bv. mathematical methods wiskundige metodes calculation with numbers berekening met getalle Statistical Dictionary arithmetic progression rekenkundige reeks arithmetic series number theory getalleteorie of which successive terms differ by a constant number waarvan opeenvolgende terme met 'n vaste getal van mekaar verskil Statistical Dictionary arithmetic scale English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 18 . van 'n waarskynlikheid deur 'n relatiewe frekwensie Statistical Dictionary approximation error benaderingsfout data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise due to approximation in numerical calculations die gevolg van benadering in numeriese berekenings Statistical Dictionary approximation theory benaderingsteorie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes e. sonale steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming when no complete frame of reference is available. e. using maps wanneer 'n volledige steekproefraamwerk nie beskikbaar is nie. bv. met behulp van kaarte Statistical Dictionary areal sampling ruimtelike steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming argument argument mathematical methods wiskundige metodes variable(s) on which the evaluation of a function depends veranderlike(s) waarop die berekening van die waarde van 'n funksie berus Statistical Dictionary ARIMA process autoregressive integrated moving average process arithmetic distribution <see also lattice distribution> rekenkundige verdeling <kyk ook 'roosterverdeling'> univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings for which the variate values are equidistant waarvoor die variaatwaardes gelyke afstande van mekaar is ISI arithmetic mean average arithmetic n. meervoudige matrikssteekproefneming. Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: rekenkundige skaal difference scale.g. usually in a rectangular display Statistical Dictionary array variance variance function arrival distribution aankomsverdeling theory of queues toustaanteorie e. deur hulle uitwerking op organismes Statistical Dictionary assay n. essai biological assay biologiese essai biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde e. toepassings artificial variable kunsmatige veranderlike dummy variable skynveranderlike regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary ascertainment error vasstellingsfout non-sampling problems.g.en proseskontrole attributable to specific causes English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 19 . by their effect on organisms bv. uniform scale number theory getalleteorie of which the successive values on the scale are equidistant e. liniaal Statistical Dictionary arithmetic sequence rekenkundige ry number theory getalleteorie of which successive elements differ by a constant number waarvan opeenvolgende elemente met 'n vaste getal van mekaar verskil Statistical Dictionary arithmetic series arithmetic progression ARL average sample run length ARMA process autoregressive moving average process. of failure bv. applications spesiale onderwerpe. linear scale. essaieer biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde Statistical Dictionary assignable cause aanwysbare oorsaak quality and process control kwaliteits. ruler waarvan die opeenvolgende waardes op die skaal ewe ver van mekaar is bv. of the number of clients per unit time bv. mixed autoregressive moving average process arrange rangskik order statistics ordestatistieke place in order orden Statistical Dictionary array skikking uitleg <Nie aanbeveel> order statistics ordestatistieke an explicit arrangement of observations. non-response niesteekproefnemingsprobleme.g. estimation of the potency of drugs etc. fisika en chemie ISI assay v. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. nierespons includes errors due to non-response and data collection method sluit foute in as gevolg van nierespons en datainsameling ASN average sample number ASN function average sample number function assay n.en proseskontrole e. die beraming van die sterkte van middels ens. van faling Statistical Dictionary assignable variation aanwysbare variasie toewysbare variasie quality and process control kwaliteits. essai essaiëring geostatistics. rectilinear scale. van die getal kliënte per eenheidstyd Statistical Dictionary arrival point aankomspunt theory of queues toustaanteorie Statistical Dictionary artificial intelligence Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: kunsmatige intelligensie special topics.g. groepdeelbare ontwerpe e. die waarde waarheen groei neig Statistical Dictionary asymptotic asimptoties mathematical methods wiskundige metodes tending to a limit neig na 'n limiet Statistical Dictionary asymptotic Bayes procedure asimptotiese Bayes-prosedure asymptotic theory asimptotiese teorie relating expected future loss to cost of experimentation bring verwagte toekomsverlies in verband met eksperimenteringskoste ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 20 .g.g.g. the value to which growth tends bv. van normaliteit of van homoskedastisiteit Statistical Dictionary asymmetrical distribution asimmetriese verdeling skew distribution skewe verdeling empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe e.Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: toeskryfbaar aan spesifieke oorsake Statistical Dictionary associable design assosieerbare ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente a partially balanced incomplete block design 'n gedeeltelik gebalanseerde onvolledige blokontwerp Statistical Dictionary associate class <not recommended> assosiaatklas <nie aanbeveel> block designs. single-tailed test eenkantige toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ISI asymmetry asimmetrie dissymmetry general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek asymptote asimptoot regression analysis regressieanalise e.g. korrelasiekoëffisiënt Statistical Dictionary association scheme assosiasieskema block designs.g. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. used in connection with incomplete block designs word bv.g. waar die krommes aan weerskante van die gemiddelde nie spieëlbeelde van mekaar is nie Statistical Dictionary asymmetrical factorial design asimmetriese faktoriaalontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente not having the same number of levels for each factor het nie dieselfde getal peile vir elke faktor nie ISI asymmetrical test asimmetriese toets one-sided test. in verband met onvolledige blokontwerpe gebruik associated probability geassosieerde waarskynlikheid probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie e. of normality or of homoscedasticity Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: bv. of an event bv. correlation coefficient bv. van 'n gebeurtenis Statistical Dictionary association assosiasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid implies some relationship between two or more random variables impliseer een of ander verwantskap tussen twee of meer stogastiese veranderlikes Statistical Dictionary association analysis assosiasieanalise market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling of the relationship between responses van die verwantskap tussen response association measure assosiasiemaatstaf measure of association association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid e. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. where the curves on either side of the mean are not mirror images bv. groepdeelbare ontwerpe assumption aanname general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek e. g. Taylor-reeks ESS asymptotic normality asimptotiese normaliteit limit distributions limietverdelings tending to normality in the limit neig na normaliteit in die limiet ESS asymptotic power asimptotiese onderskeidingsvermoë asymptotic properties of tests asimptotiese eienskappe van toetse Statistical Dictionary asymptotic relative efficiency Pitman efficiency. Pitman-doeltreffendheid asymptotic properties of tests asimptotiese eienskappe van toetse for comparison of statistical tests and for comparison of estimators Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: by vergelyking van statistiese toetse en by vergelyking van beramers ISI asymptotic standard error asimptotiese standaardfout asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers a limit form 'n limietvorm asymptotic test asimptotiese toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing simplification for large samples vereenvoudiging vir groot steekproewe ISI asymptotic variance asimptotiese variansie probability distributions. ARE asymptotic relative efficiency <Full form> asimptotiese relatiewe doeltreffendheid <Volledige vorm> ARE. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings a limit form 'n limietvorm ESS asymptotically √n-unbiased estimator asimptotiese √n-onsydige beramer asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers with bias tending to zero quicker than the root of the reciprocal of the sample size met sydigheid wat vinniger as die wortel van die resiprook van die steekproefgrootte na nul nader ISI asymptotically efficient estimator asimptoties-doeltreffende beramer asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers limit form of efficient estimator limietvorm van doeltreffende beramer ISI asymptotically locally optimal design asimptoties-lokaaloptimale ontwerp clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings where it is desirable to minimise the asymptotic variance waar dit wenslik is om die asimptotiese variansie te minimeer ISI asymptotically most powerful test asimptoties-onderskeidendste toets asymptotic properties of tests asimptotiese eienskappe van toetse which remains uniformly most powerful as the sample size tends to infinity wat gelykmatig onderskeidendste bly namate die steekproefgrootte na oneindigheid nader Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: 21 . approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings. Pitman efficiency ARD. Taylor series bv.English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: asymptotic best linear unbiased estimator <Full form> asimptotiese beste lineêre onsydige beramer ABLUE asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers limit form of best linear unbiased estimator limietvorm van beste lineêre onsydige beramer Statistical Dictionary asymptotic bias <see bias> asimptotiese sydigheid <kyk onsydigheid> asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers Statistical Dictionary asymptotic distribution asimptotiese verdeling limit distributions limietverdelings the limiting form of a distribution die limietvorm van 'n verdeling ESS asymptotic efficiency asimptotiese doeltreffendheid asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers of an estimator in the limit van 'n beramer in die limiet asymptotic expansion asimptotiese uitbreiding probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie e. en proseskontrole ascertaining for each sample unit whether it satisfies the quality requirement or not bepaal vir elke steekproefeenheid of dit aan die kwaliteitsvereistes voldoen of nie ESS attribute plan attribuutplan quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary attributes inspection attribute-inspeksie quality and process control kwaliteits. maar beter onder sekere voorwaardes asymptotically unbiased estimator asimptoties-onsydige beramer asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers limit form of unbiased estimator limietvorm van onsydige beramer at random random atom atoom probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings discrete point in an otherwise continuous distribution diskrete punt in 'n andersins kontinue verdeling ISI attack rate aanvalskoers medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek at which new cases occur waarteen nuwe gevalle voorkom attenuation verswakking association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid underestimation of correlation due to measurement errors onderberaming van korrelasie as gevolg van metingsfoute Statistical Dictionary attitude scale houdingskaal market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling e. van "hou baie van" tot "hou niks van nie" ESS English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: attributable fraction toeskryfbare fraksie medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek proportion of a disease in a population that can be attributed to a risk factor proporsie van 'n siekte in 'n populasie wat aan 'n risikofaktor toegeskryf kan word ISI attributable risk toeskryfbare risiko <Verkieslik> etiologic fraction etiologiese fraksie medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek index of prevalence due to exposure indeks van voorkoms as gevolg van blootstelling ISI attribute attribuut kenmerk general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek categorical characteristic kategoriese eienskap Statistical Dictionary attribute inspection attribuutinspeksie quality and process control kwaliteits. for Markov chains with stationary transition probabilities bv.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Statistical Dictionary asymptotically stationary asimptoties stasionêr stationary processes stasionêre prosesse e.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary attributes plan attributeplan English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 22 .g. vir Markov-kettings met stasionêre oorgangswaarskynlikhede asymptotically subminimax asimptoties subminimaks decision theory beslissingsteorie performs almost as well as the minimax procedure.g.en proseskontrole sampling plan for discrete or categorical observations steekproefplan vir diskrete of kategoriese waarnemings ESS attribute sampling attribuutsteekproefneming sampling by attributes quality and process control kwaliteits. stretching from "dislike strongly" to "like strongly" strek bv. but better under certain conditions presteer byna so goed as die minimaksprosedure. klassifikasie en identifikasie internal covariance between values. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary attrition uitvalling non-sampling problems. values of a time series 'n maatstaf van korrelasie bv.g. e. klassifikasie en identifikasie a measure of autocorrelation of a sequence of lags 'n maatstaf van outokorrelasie van 'n ry sloerings Statistical Dictionary autocovariance outokovariansie univariate time series. bv. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. ESS auditing ouditering finance and auditing finansies en ouditering checking the veracity of financial information gaan die waarheid van finansiële data na ESS augmented design aangevulde ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary augmented matrix aangevulde matriks linear algebra. non-response niesteekproefnemingsprobleme. nierespons ESS auditing nasien official statistics amptelike statistiek checking data for validity.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: quality and process control kwaliteits. klassifikasie en identifikasie a measure of autocovariance of a sequence of lags 'n maatstaf van outokovariansie van 'n ry sloerings Statistical Dictionary autocovariance generating function outokovariansievoortbringende funksie stationary processes stasionêre prosesse yields the autocovariance function lewer die outokovariansiefunksie automatic interaction detection <Full form> outomatiese interaksievasstelling <Aanbeveel> AID outomatiese interaksiebepaling association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data preliminary analysis of relationships aanvanklike analise van verwantskappe Statistical Dictionary automatic model selection outomatiese modelseleksie regression. consistency etc. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.g. model building and selection regressie. of a time series interne kovariansie tussen waardes. tussen waardes van 'n tydreeks Statistical Dictionary autocorrelation function <see also correlogram> Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: outokorrelasiefunksie <kyk ook korrelogram> univariate time series. modelbou en -seleksie procedures which do not need human intervention prosedures wat nie menslike intervensie benodig nie ISI automatic process control outomatiese prosesbeheer 23 . van 'n tydreeks Statistical Dictionary autocovariance function outokovariansiefunksie covariance function <Note: colloquial> univariate time series. gaan data na vir geldigheid. konsekwentheid ens. matrikse en vektore having rows and/or columns added met rye en/of kolomme wat bygevoeg is Statistical Dictionary autocatalytic curve logistiese kromme logistic curve growth curve models groeikrommemodelle having a declining rate of growth met 'n afnemende groeitempo Statistical Dictionary autocorrelation serial correlation autocorrelation coefficient outokorrelasiekoëffisiënt coefficient of autocorrelation autoregressive and moving average processes outoregressiewe en bewegendegemiddeldeprosesse a measure of correlation between e. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie for describing time series containing both autoregressive and moving average components vir die beskrywing van tydreekse wat sowel outoregressiewe as bewegendegemiddeldekomponente bevat ISI autoregressive model outoregressiewe model inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse SEE autoregressive process KYK outoregressiewe proses autoregressive moving average process <Full form> outoregressiewe bewegendegemiddelde-proses <Volledige vorm> ARMA process. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. beraming an extension of the regression quantile to the linear autoregressive model 'n uitbreiding van die regressiekwantiel tot die lineêre outoregressiewe model ISI autoregression rank scores <see autoregression quantile> outoregressierangtellings <kyk outoregressiekwantiel> univariate time series. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse.Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: outomatiese proseskontrole quality and process control kwaliteits. beraming ISI autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model <see generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity> outoregressiewe voorwaardelike heteroskedastisiteitsmodel <kyk veralgemeende outoregressiewe voorwaardelike heteroskedastisiteit> ARCH-model econometrics ekonometrie which includes autoregressive and volatility clustering wat outoregressiewe en volatiliteitstrosvorming insluit autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model outoregressiewe voorwaardelike heteroskedastisiteitsmodel ARCH model ARCH-model econometrics ekonometrie which generates volatility clustering Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: wat volatiliteitstrosvorming genereer ISI autoregressive integrated moving average process <Full form> outoregressiewe geïntegreerde bewegendegemiddelde-proses <Volledige vorm> ARIMA process ARIMA-proses univariate time series. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie containing both lagged observations and lagged errors bevat gesloerde waarnemings asook gesloerde foute ISI autoregressive process <Full form> outoregressiewe proses AR process theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse where a value depends on previous values waar 'n waarde van vorige waardes afhang ISI autoregressive series outoregressiewe reeks theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse result of an autoregressive process voortspruitend uit 'n outoregressiewe proses autoregressive transformation outoregressiewe transformasie theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse to obtain uncorrelated error terms Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: 24 .en proseskontrole SEE process control KYK proseskontrole autonomous equation outonome vergelyking econometrics ekonometrie describes the behaviour of a particular sector of the economy beskryf die gedrag van 'n bepaalde sektor van die ekonomie autoregression outoregressie autoregressive and moving average processes outoregressiewe en bewegendegemiddeldeprosesse where values depend on previous observations waar waardes van vorige waarnemings afhang Statistical Dictionary autoregression quantile outoregressiekwantiel univariate time series. mixed ARMA process ARMA-proses univariate time series. in special functions and mathematical programming bv. hypothesis testing eenveranderlike tydreekse.g. d.e. i.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary average inaccuracy gemiddelde onakkuraatheid regression analysis regressieanalise relating estimation errors to disturbances bring beramingsfoute in verband met versteurings average n. gemiddelde mean.en proseskontrole for adjusting a process that has gone out of control om 'n proses wat buite beheer is aan te pas ESS average fraction defective gemiddelde fraksie defektief gemiddelde breuk defektief quality and process control kwaliteits. the sum of values divided by their number gewoonlik die rekenkundige gemiddelde. die som van waardes gedeel deur hulle getal Statistical Dictionary average amount of inspection gemiddelde inspeksiehoeveelheid quality and process control kwaliteits. by gladstryking van tydreekse Statistical Dictionary average outgoing quality level gemiddelde uitgaande kwaliteitspeil gemiddelde toegelate kwaliteitspeil quality and process control English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: 25 .i. arithmetic mean rekenkundige gemiddelde empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary average of relatives gemiddelde van relatiewes empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe as opposed to a ratio of means in teenstelling met 'n verhouding van gemiddeldes Statistical Dictionary average out uitbalanseer empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe e. arithmetic mean rekenkundige gemiddelde empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe usually the arithmetic mean.g.en proseskontrole of individual items before action is taken van individuele items voor tot aksie oorgegaan word average correction gemiddelde korreksie empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele where class limits for grouping are treated as random waar klasgrense vir groepering as stogasties beskou word average critical value method gemiddeldekritiekewaarde-metode univariate time series. hipotesetoetsing for assessing relative efficiency om relatiewe doeltreffendheid te bepaal English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: average deviation <Not recommended> gemiddelde afwyking mean deviation empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary average extra defectives limit <Full form> grens vir gemiddelde ekstra defektiewes AEDL quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole used for example where the sample size is not fixed word byvoorbeeld gebruik waar die steekproefgrootte nie vas is nie average article run length <see also average sample run length> gemiddelde artikellopielengte <kyk ook gemiddelde steekproeflopielengte> quality and process control kwaliteits. in smoothing of time series bv. in spesiale funksies en wiskundige programmering Statistical Dictionary average gemiddelde mean.Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: om ongekorreleerde foutterme te verkry autospectrum <see cross spectrum> outospektrum <kyk kruisspektrum> spectral analysis spektraalanalise of a single time series van 'n enkele tydreeks auxiliary variable hulpveranderlike mathematical methods wiskundige metodes e. en proseskontrole of samples before action is taken van steekproewe voor tot aksie oorgegaan word ISI average shifted histograms gemiddelde verskuifde histogramme density estimation and related topics Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: digtheidsberaming en verwante onderwerpe smoothing by offsetting gladstryking deur verskuiwing ISI axial distribution aksiale verdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings a spherical distribution with no distinction in positive/negative directions 'n sferiese verdeling sonder onderskeid in positiewe/negatiewe rigtings axiom aksioma mathematical methods wiskundige metodes basic mathematical proposition assumed without proof basiese wiskundige stelling wat sonder bewys aanvaar word Statistical Dictionary axiom of probability waarskynlikheidsaksioma classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie e.en proseskontrole actual percentage of defective articles werklike persentasie defektiewe artikels Statistical Dictionary average outgoing quality limit <Full form> gemiddelde uitgaande kwaliteitsperk<volledige vorm> AOQL gemiddelde toegelate kwaliteitsperk quality and process control kwaliteits. three-dimensional chart stereogram graphical methods grafiese metodes for representing a three-dimensional figure on a plane om 'n drie-dimensionele figuur op 'n platvlak voor te stel Statistical Dictionary backcalculation terugwaartse berekening English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: English: Afrikaans: 26 . ARL gemiddelde lopielengte quality and process control kwaliteits. probability is non-negative bv.en proseskontrole procedure to achieve acceptable percentage of defectives prosedure om aanvaarbare persentasie defektiewes te verkry average rank method mid-rank method average run length average sample run length average sample number <Full form> gemiddelde steekproefgrootte ASN sequential and multistage tests sekwensiële en meerstadiumtoetse the expected sample size required to reach a decision die verwagte steekproefgrootte wat nodig is om tot 'n gevolgtrekking te kom ISI average sample number function <Full form> gemiddelde steekproefgrootte-funksie ASN function sequential and multistage tests sekwensiële en meerstadiumtoetse expressed in terms of the parameter of concern uitgedruk in terme van die betrokke parameter average sample run length <Full form> gemiddelde steekproeflopielengte <kyk ook gemiddelde artikellopielengte> average run length.g.en proseskontrole maximum acceptable percentage of defective articles maksimum aanvaarbare persentasie defektiewe artikels ISI average quality protection gemiddelde kwaliteitsbeskerming quality and process control kwaliteits. waarskynlikheid is nienegatief ESS axiomatic system aksiomatiese stelsel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes set of expressions assumed without proof versameling uitdrukkings wat sonder bewys aanvaar word ESS axis as mathematical methods wiskundige metodes line for measuring coordinates lyn vir die meet van koördinate Statistical Dictionary axis of abscissas absciss axis axonometric chart aksonometriese kaart stereogram.Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: kwaliteits. g. groepdeelbare ontwerpe Statistical Dictionary balanced bootstrap gebalanseerde steekproef-hersteekproef gebalanseerde skoenlus sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke using equal subgroup sizes gebruik gelyke substeekproefgroottes ISI balanced confounding gebalanseerde strengeling factorial designs. bv. e. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe.Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: backprojection terugprojeksie medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek for estimating incidence of past (HIV) infection from observed (AIDS) data vir die berekening van die voorkoms van vorige (MIV-)infeksie vanaf waargenome (VIGS-)data ISI background information ancillary information backprojection backcalculation back-to-back stem-and-leaf display rug-aan-rug stingel-en-blaarvoorstelling graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI backward difference terugwaartse differensie calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille the difference compared with previous period die verskil teenoor vorige periode Statistical Dictionary backward elimination <see stepwise regression> terugwaartse eliminasie <kyk stapsgewyse regressie> selection of predictors (order and number) seleksie van voorspellers (orde en getal) Statistical Dictionary backward equations <Plural> terugwaartse vergelykings <Meervoud> <kyk Kolmogorov-vergelykings> Markov chains Markov-kettings which determine backward transition probabilities wat terugwaartse oorgangswaarskynlikhede bepaal backward process terugwaartse proses autoregressive and moving average processes outoregressiewe en bewegendegemiddeldeprosesse for estimating values prior to the first observation vir die beraming van waardes voor die eerste waarneming BACON algorithm blocked adaptive computationally-efficient outliers nominators algorithm bag plot sakstipping sakdiagram graphical methods grafiese metodes Definition: Definisie: bivariate form of the box plot tweeveranderlike vorm van die houer-en-puntstipping bagging bootstrap aggregation Bahadur efficiency Bahadur-doeltreffendheid asymptotic properties of tests asimptotiese eienskappe van toetse for relative performance of test statistics vir die relatiewe doeltreffendheid van toetsstatistieke balanced block design <see balanced design> gebalanseerde blokontwerp <kyk gebalanseerde ontwerp> block designs. in lusplan balanced factorial design gebalanseerde faktoriaalontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente where replication is done in equal numbers met gelyke getalle replikate balanced incomplete block design <Full form> gebalanseerde onvolledige blokontwerp BIB design English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: 27 . ortogonale skikkings Statistical Dictionary balanced design gebalanseerde ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente where each treatment combination is equally represented waar elke behandelingskombinasie op gelyke wyse verteenwoordig is Statistical Dictionary balanced differences <Plural> gebalanseerde verskille <Meervoud> sampling steekproefneming to estimate variance in systematic sample. in loop plan om variansie in sistematiese steekproef te beraam. Youdenontwerpe ISI balanced repeated replication gebalanseerde herhaalde replikasie design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI balanced repeated replications <Plural> gebalanseerde herhaalde replikasies <Meervoud> BRR sampling steekproefneming sampling scheme used for variance estimation steekproefskema gebruik vir variansieberaming ESS balanced sample gebalanseerde steekproef use of auxiliary information in estimation gebruik van aanvullende inligting by beraming representativity enforced by using properties of some or other known characteristic verteenwoordigendheid afgedwing deur kenmerke van een of ander bekende eienskap te gebruik ISI ballot theory verkiesingsteorie politics and voting systems politiek en stemstelsels a probabilistic approach to vote counting 'n waarskynlikheidsbenadering tot die tel van stemme BAN estimator best asymptotically normal estimator band band strook data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: band chart strookkaart graphical methods grafiese metodes line chart showing components as bands lynkaart wat komponente as stroke uitbeeld Statistical Dictionary bandit problems <Plural> dobbelmasjienprobleme <Meervoud> game theory spelteorie derived from a study of gambling machines. Youden designs Latynse en Grieks-Latynse vierkante. maar met wyer toepassing bandwidth bandwydte strookwydte smoothing gladstryking to control the extent of smoothing om die mate van gladstryking te beheer Statistical Dictionary bar chart staafkaart staafdiagram graphical methods grafiese metodes using the height of columns or bars to represent frequencies of discrete or categorical data gebruik die hoogte van kolomme of stafies om frekwensies van diskrete of kategoriese data voor te stel Statistical Dictionary Barndorff-Nielsen's formula Barndorff-Nielsen se formule p* formula p*-formule asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers ISI barrier versperring Brownian motion. but with wider application afgelei van 'n studie van dobbelmasjiene. Wiener processes Brown-beweging.Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente when each pair of treatments occurs together in the same number of blocks wanneer elke behandelingspaar saam in dieselfde getal blokke voorkom Statistical Dictionary balanced lattice gebalanseerde rooster other designs of experiments ander ontwerpe van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary balanced lattice square gebalanseerde roostervierkant Latin and Graeco-Latin squares. Wiener-prosesse Statistical Dictionary Bartlett's test Bartlett se toets analysis of variance variansieanalise for homogeneity of variances of independent normal samples vir homogeniteit/gelykheid van variansies van onafhanklike normaalsteekproewe ESS barycentric coordinate triangular coordinate base English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Synonym: 28 . logarithms using e or 10 bv.g.Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: grondtal radix basis number theory getalleteorie e. tydomkeertoets time reversal test indexes indekse to determine the consistency of a formula for various base periods Statistical Dictionary base weight basisgewig indexes indekse relating to the base period as opposed to current weight met betrekking tot basisperiode in teenstelling met huidige gewig Statistical Dictionary base year <see base period> basisjaar <kyk basisperiode> Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary baseline hazard basislyngevaarfunksie reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing hazard function under standard conditions gevaarfunksie onder standaardtoestande basic cell basissel random variables.en proseskontrole a group of products produced in the same production run 'n groep produkte wat tydens dieselfde produksielopie geproduseer word Statistical Dictionary batch variation lotvariasie quality and process control kwaliteits. verwagte waardes en parameters basis point basispunt finance and auditing finansies en ouditering one hundredth of a percentage point een honderdste van 'n persentasiepunt ISI batch lot lot quality and process control kwaliteits. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes.en proseskontrole within each batch as well as between batches binne elke lot asook tussen lotte Statistical Dictionary bathtub curve badkromme lifetime distributions leeftydsverdelings a drop from a high initial value followed by a gradual increase 'n val vanaf 'n hoë aanvangswaarde. logaritmes tot grondtal e of 10 Statistical Dictionary base basis radix grondtal indexes indekse starting point in a time series beginpunt in 'n tydreeks Statistical Dictionary base line basislyn initial value medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek before intervention aanvangswaarde base line basislyn initial value graphical methods grafiese metodes horizontal line used for reference horisontale lyn vir verwysing Statistical Dictionary base period basisperiode basistydperk indexes indekse with which other periods are compared waarna ander periodes vergelyk word Statistical Dictionary base reversal test basisomkeertoets. gevolg deur 'n geleidelike toename battery of tests toetsbattery psychometrics psigometrie a group of tests 'n groep toetse Bayes' decision rule Bayes se beslissingsreël decision theory beslissingsteorie minimises expected risk for a given prior distribution of unknown parameters English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 29 . Bayesian interval. in actuarial statistics based on a noninformative prior probability distribution gebaseer op 'n nie-informatiewe a prioriwaarskynlikheidsverdeling. Bayesian approach English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 30 . Bayes-interval Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming e.Definisie: minimeer verwagte risiko vir 'n gegewe a prioriverdeling van onbekende parameters Bayes' estimation Bayes-beraming Bayesian estimation estimation beraming of population parameters by using methods of inverse probability van populasieparameters deur metodes van inverse waarskynlikheid te gebruik Bayes' factor Bayes-faktor Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming ratio of marginal likelihoods verhouding van randaanneemlikhede ESS Bayes information criterion <see also information criterion> Bayes-inligtingskriterium <kyk ook inligtingskriterium> BIC regression.of selfs subjektiewe inligting staatmaak in teenstelling met die frekwentistiese benadering ESS English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Bayesian confidence interval Bayesian credibility interval Bayesian credibility interval Bayes-geloofwaardigheidsinterval Bayesian confidence interval. bv.g. model building and selection regressie. modelbou en -seleksie ISI Bayesian test Bayes-toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Bayesian theory Bayes-teorie Bayes' theory probability theory. model building and selection regressie. credible interval Bayes-vertrouensinterval. modelbou en -seleksie ISI Bayes Laplace theory Laplace law of succession Bayes' postulate Bayes se postulaat Bayesian tests Bayes-toetse in the absence of prior information each possibility is equally probable in die afwesigheid van a priori-inligting is elke moontlikheid ewe waarskynlik Bayes' theorem Bayes se stelling classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie a fundamental theorem for calculating conditional (posterior) probabilities 'n fundamentele stelling vir die berekening van voorwaardelike (a posteriori-) waarskynlikhede ESS Bayes' theory Bayesian theory Bayesian approach Bayes-benadering probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie which relies on prior or even subjective information in contrast to the frequentist approach wat op a piori. in aktuariële statistiek ESS Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming Bayes' estimation estimation beraming Bayesian inference Bayes-inferensie Bayesian tests Bayes-toetse which associates a prior distribution with each parameter and combines information from data to produce a posterior probability wat 'n a priori-verdeling met elke parameter assosieer en verbind inligting uit data om 'n a posteriori-waarskynlikheid te lewer Statistical Dictionary Bayesian interval Bayesian credibility interval Bayesian n. Bayesiaan Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming a proponent of the Bayesian rather than the frequentist approach 'n voorstander van die Bayes-benadering teenoor die frekwentistiese benadering Statistical Dictionary Bayesian network Bayes-netwerk belief network vermoedensnetwerk regression. dobbelteorie classical secretary problem klassieke sekretarisprobleem {Konteks: by optimale stopprobleme} ESS best critical region beste kritieke gebied hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing minimises probability of error of the second kind minimeer waarskynlikheid van tipe II-fout English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: 31 . regular best asymptotic normal estimator. RBAN estimator BAN-beramer. reguliere beste asimptotiese normaalberamer. binomiaaleksperiment. gambling theory stoptye. optimale stopprobleme.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: waarskynlikheidsteorie. binomial experiment. Bayes-benadering ESS BCa confidence interval BCa-vertrouensinterval sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke a bootstrap percentile interval 'n skoenluspersentielinterval ISI Bechhofer's indifference zone method Bechhofer se indifferensiegebiedmetode ranking and selection rangordening en seleksie for selecting that population with the largest value of an unknown parameter vir die seleksie van dié populasie met die grootste waarde van 'n onbekende parameter behavioural decision function gedragbeslissingsfunksie decision theory beslissingsteorie for choosing between possible decision functions gebruik om tussen moontlike beslissingsfunksies te kies Behrens-Fisher problem Behrens-Fisher-probleem hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing comparing means of normal distributions with unequal and/or unknown variances om die gemiddeldes van normaalverdelings met ongelyke en/of onbekende variansies te vergelyk Behrens-Fisher test Fisher-Behrens test belief network Bayesian network bell-shaped curve klokvormige kromme univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings symmetrical frequency curve such as that of the normal distribution simmetriese frekwensiekromme soos dié van die normaalverdeling Bernoulli distribution Bernoulli-verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings a special case of the binomial distribution 'n spesiale geval van die binomiaalverdeling Bernoulli experiment Bernoulli trial Bernoulli trial Bernoulli-poging Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: binomial trial. Bernoulli-eksperiment classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie one of a series of successive independent events each having one of two possible outcomes een van 'n reeks opeenvolgende onafhanklike gebeurtenisse elk met een van twee moontlike uitkomste Statistical Dictionary Bernstein's theorem Bernstein se stelling probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie a form of the central limit theorem for dependent variates 'n vorm van die sentrale limietstelling vir afhanklike stogastiese veranderlikes Bessel function Bessel-funksie special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies best beste data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary best asymptotically normal estimator <Full form> beste asimptotiese normaalberamer <Volledige vorm> BAN estimator. RBAN-beramer asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers based upon the minimisation of a distance function gebaseer op die minimering van 'n afstandsfunksie best choice problem bestekeuseprobleem stopping times. Bernoulli experiment binomiaalpoging. optimal stopping problems. e. interklasvariansie <kyk ook tussenbehandelingsvariansie> interclass variance analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary between-treatments variance tussenbehandelingsvariansie analysis of variance variansieanalise of class means about the overall mean van klasgemiddeldes om die algehele gemiddelde Statistical Dictionary bias sydigheid exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers systematic rather than random error sistematiese eerder as stogastiese fout Statistical Dictionary biased coin design sydigemunt-ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente in which allocation probabilities depend on past outcomes waarin toedelingswaarskynlikhede van vorige uitkomste afhang ISI biased estimator sydige beramer exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers subject to systematic error onderhewig aan sistematiese fout English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: 32 . skewness or kurtosis 'n verhouding van momente.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Statistical Dictionary best estimator beste beramer optimum statistic optimale statistiek estimation beraming a term used in the evaluation of the properties of estimators 'n term wat gebruik word in die evaluering van die eienskappe van beramers best fit beste passing closest fit hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing a term used in the evaluation of goodness-of-fit of a distribution or model 'n term wat gebruik word in die evaluering van pasgehalte van 'n verdeling of model best linear unbiased estimator <Full form> beste lineêre onsydige beramer BLUE exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers the linear estimator with the smallest variance and which is also unbiased die lineêre beramer met die kleinste variansie en wat ook onsydig is Statistical Dictionary beta binomial distribution betabinomiaalverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings a mixture distribution 'n mengselverdeling beta coefficient betakoëffisiënt empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele a ratio of moments.g. skeefheid of kurtose ESS beta coefficient betakoëffisiënt standardised regression coefficient gestandaardiseerde regressiekoëffisiënt regression analysis regressieanalise regression coefficient for standardised variables regressiekoëffisiënt vir gestandaardiseerde veranderlikes ESS beta distribution betaverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings a bounded distribution often used as a prior Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 'n begrensde verdeling wat dikwels as 'n a priori-verdeling gebruik word Statistical Dictionary beta distribution of the second kind inverted beta distribution beta error <see also consumer's risk> fout van die tweede soort <kyk ook verbruikersrisiko> type II error. error of the second kind tipe II-fout hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing wrongly accepting the null hypothesis om die nulhipotese verkeerdelik te aanvaar ISI beta function betafunksie special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies Statistical Dictionary between-groups variance <see also betweentreatments variance> tussengroepevariansie. bv. gebeurlikheidstabelle taking on either of two values wat enigeen van twee waardes aanneem Statistical Dictionary binary experiment binêre eksperiment truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings for which the possible outcomes fall into one of two distributions waarvoor die moontlike uitkomste in een van twee moontlike verdelings val binary logistic regression <see logistic regression> binêre logistiese regressie <kyk logistiese regressie> regression analysis regressieanalise ISI binary response data <see binary data> binêre responsdata <kyk binêre data> binêre responsiedata market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling ESS binary sequence binêre ry random variables. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. verwagte waardes en parameters ESS binary variable English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: 33 . contingency tables kategoriese data-analise.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Statistical Dictionary biased sample sydige steekproef sampling steekproefneming resulting from a sampling procedure which contains systematic error spruit uit 'n steekproefprosedure wat sistematiese fout bevat biased test sydige toets exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse where the minimum of the power function occurs away from the null hypothesis waar die minimum van die onderskeidingsvermoëfunksie weg van die nulhipotese voorkom Statistical Dictionary bias-variance trade-off sydigheid-variansie-kompromis comparison of estimators vergelyking van beramers between estimators with low bias and high variance and vice versa tussen beramers met lae sydigheid en hoë variansie en omgekeerd ISI BIB design balanced incomplete block design BIC Bayes information criterion bifactor model bifaktormodel tweefaktormodel factor analysis faktoranalise where each variable depends on a general and a specific factor waar elke veranderlike van 'n algemene en 'n spesifieke faktor afhang bilateral exponential distribution bilaterale eksponensiaalverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings of the difference between two independent exponential distributions die verskil tussen twee onafhanklike eksponensiaalverdelings bilinear model bilineêre model nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie using a ratio of two linear functions gebruik 'n verhouding van twee lineêre funksies Statistical Dictionary bimodal distribution Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: bimodale verdeling tweetoppige verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings having two modes met twee modusse bimodality bimodaliteit probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings having two modes or modal intervals met twee modusse of modale intervalle binary block design binêre blokontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente whose incidence matrix contains only zeros and ones waarvan die insidensiematriks slegs nulle en ene bevat ESS binary data binêre data dichotomous data digotome data categorical data analysis. verdelingsvrye toetse ESS binomial theorem binomiaalstelling binomium number theory getalleteorie Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: yielding the expansion of powers of the sum of two terms gee die uitbreiding van magte van die som van twee terme Statistical Dictionary binomial trial binomiaalpoging Bernoulli trial binomiaaleksperiment. bv. verwagte waardes en parameters binomial adj. bio-assay English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: 34 . drugs. e. rangtoetse. rank tests. binoom tweeterm special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies integer power of the sum of two terms heeltalmag van die som van twee terme Statistical Dictionary binomial sign test binomiaaltekentoets sign test non-parametric tests.g. biologiese yking biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde for estimating the potency of. Bernoulli-poging univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ESS binomial trial Bernoulli trial binomial variable binomiaalveranderlike univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings number of successes in a binomial experiment getal suksesse in 'n binomiaaleksperiment ESS binomial-beta distribution binomiaalbetaverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings mixture distribution mengselverdeling ESS bio-assay bio-essaiëring biological assay biologiese essaiëring. gifstowwe ens. medikasie. binomiaal tweetermig special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies having two terms met twee terme Statistical Dictionary binomial coefficient binomiaalkoëffisiënt transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes as in the binomial theorem soos in die binomiaalstelling Statistical Dictionary binomial distribution binomiaalverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings of the number of successes in a fixed number of Bernoulli trials van die getal suksesse in 'n gegewe getal Bernoulli-pogings Statistical Dictionary binomial experiment Bernoulli trial binomial index of dispersion binomiaaldispersie-indeks goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse measure of homogeneity of proportions maatstaf van homogeniteit van proporsies binomial n. poisons om die sterkte van. te beraam Statistical Dictionary bioequivalence test bio-ekwivalensietoets biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde to compare bioavailability of pharmaceutical products om die biobeskikbaarheid van farmaseutiese produkte te vergelyk ISI bioinformatics bio-informatika biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde for analysing biological data bases vir die ontleding van biologiese databasisse ISI biological assay assay. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse.Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: binêre veranderlike <Verkieslik> dichotomous variable random variables. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. populasiemodelle Statistical Dictionary birth. population models demografie. van die verwagte oorblywende lewensduur van 'n individu ESS biometrician biometrikus general features algemene kenmerke practitioner of biometrics beoefenaar van biometrie Statistical Dictionary biometrics biometrie biometry special topics.English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: biological assay bio-assay. maar negatief met ander bipolykays bipoli-k's empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe the bivariate k-statistics of a sample die tweeveranderlike k-statistieke van 'n steekproef birth process geboorteproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse in which units may "give birth" to new units waarin eenhede aan nuwe eenhede "geboorte kan skenk" Statistical Dictionary birth rate geboortekoers demography. toepassings statistical and other mathematical sciences applied to biological problems statistiese en ander wiskundige wetenskappe toegepas op biologiese probleme Statistical Dictionary biometry biometrics biostatistician biostatistikus general features algemene kenmerke practitioner of biostatistics beoefenaar van biostatistiek biostatistics biostatistiek special topics. death and immigration process geboorte-. toepassings statistical science applied to biological problems statistiese wetenskap op biologiese probleme toegepas Statistical Dictionary biplot bi-stipping principal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise a dimension reduction scatter diagram 'n dimensieverminderende spreidingsdiagram Statistical Dictionary bipolar factor bipolêre faktor factor analysis faktoranalise positively correlated with some variates. but negatively correlated with others Definisie: positief gekorreleer met sommige veranderlikes.g. applications spesiale onderwerpe. bv. of the expected remaining lifetime of an individual van lewensduurdata. applications spesiale onderwerpe. sterfte. assay biometric function biometriese funksie biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde of lifetime data.en immigrasieproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse birth-and-death process geboorte-en-sterfte-proses birth-death process theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse for modelling the number of units in a population vir die modellering van die getal eenhede in 'n populasie Statistical Dictionary birth-death process geboorte-en-sterfte-proses birth-and-death process theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse bisecting line halveerlyn mathematical methods wiskundige metodes biserial correlation tweedelingskorrelasie tweereekskorrelasie association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data where the one variable is dichotomous waar die een veranderlike digotoom is Statistical Dictionary bispectrum bispektrum English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 35 . e. tweeveranderlike logreeksverdeling multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings bivariate logarithmic series distribution bivariate logarithmic distribution bivariate multinomial distribution tweeveranderlike multinomiaalverdeling bivector multinomial distribution bivektormultinomiaalverdeling multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings ISI bivariate negative binomial distribution tweeveranderlike negatiewe binomiaalverdeling multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings ISI bivariate normal distribution tweeveranderlike normaalverdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings ESS Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 36 . also known as the biweight estimator 'n herdalende beramer. one-to-one een-tot-een mathematical methods wiskundige metodes where each member of a set is linked to only one member of another set and vice versa waar elke lid van 'n versameling met slegs een lid van 'n ander versameling verbind word en omgekeerd Statistical Dictionary bivariate adj. bivariate log series distribution tweeveranderlike logaritmiesereeksverdeling. tweeveranderlike random variables.Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: spectral analysis spektraalanalise for analysing quadratic effects vir die ontleding van kwadratiese effekte bisquare bikwadraat linguistics linguïstiek a redescending estimator. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. ook bekend as die bigewigberamer Statistical Dictionary bit bis number theory getalleteorie abbreviation for binary digit afkorting vir binêre syfer Statistical Dictionary biunique een-eenduidig one-one. verwagte waardes en parameters Statistical Dictionary bivariate beta distribution tweeveranderlike betaverdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings ESS bivariate binomial distribution tweeveranderlike binomiaalverdeling multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings an extension of the binomial distribution to two attributes 'n uitbreiding van die binomiaalverdeling na twee attribute ESS bivariate distribution tweeveranderlike verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings of a pair of random variables van 'n paar (twee) stogastiese veranderlikes Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: bivariate exponential tweeveranderlike eksponensiaal multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary bivariate exponential distribution tweeveranderlike eksponensiaalverdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings having exponential marginal distributions met eksponensiaalrandverdelings ESS bivariate F-distribution tweeveranderlike F-verdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings bivariate gamma distribution tweeveranderlike gammaverdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings having gamma marginal distributions met gammarandverdelings bivariate hypergeometric distribution tweeveranderlike hipergeometriese verdeling multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings bivariate log series distribution bivariate logarithmic distribution bivariate logarithmic distribution tweeveranderlike logaritmiese verdeling bivariate logarithmic series distribution. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. staafkaart en histogram Statistical Dictionary block maximum method jaarliksemaksimum-metode annual maximum method blokmaksimummetode extreme value distributions ekstreemwaardeverdelings fitting the distribution of the maxima of consecutive periods om die verdeling van die maksima van opeenvolgende periodes te pas ISI blocked adaptive computationally-efficient outliers nominators algorithm <Full form> geblokte aanpassende berekeningsdoeltreffende uitskietersaanwysersalgoritme <Volledige vorm> BACON algorithm BACON-algoritme regression analysis regressieanalise for detecting outliers in multivariate data om uitskieters in meerveranderlike data op te spoor ISI BLUE best linear unbiased estimator blunting data uitdowing van data exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise in contrast to sharpening data in teenstelling met dataverskerping ESS BMI body mass index Bock's three-component model Bock se driekomponentmodel hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing allows for differences between judges in the method of paired comparisons laat toe vir verskille tussen beoordelaars in die metode van gepaarde vergelykings Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: 37 . rank tests.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: bivariate sign test tweeveranderlike tekentoets non-parametric tests. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI bivariate symmetry tweeveranderlike simmetrie multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings in terms of the arguments of a bivariate distribution function in terme van die argumente van 'n tweeveranderlike verdelingsfunksie ISI bivector multinomial distribution bivariate multinomial distribution Black-Scholes formula Black-Scholes-formule econometrics ekonometrie based on the assumption that stock prices follow a geometric Brownian motion op die aanname gebaseer dat aandelepryse 'n meetkundige Brown-beweging volg ISI blank leë ruimte blank space data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary blank space blank blind experiment <see blinding> blinde eksperiment medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek Statistical Dictionary blinding <see also single blind and double blind> blinding medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek to obscure the randomised treatment to patient and/or clinician om die verewekansigde behandeling vir die pasiënt en/of klinikus te verberg ISI block blok design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente a group of units under treatment or observation chosen for homogeneity 'n groep eenhede onder behandeling of waarneming vir homogeniteit gekies English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Statistical Dictionary block design blokontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary block diagram blokdiagram graphical methods grafiese metodes e. rangtoetse. bar chart and histogram bv.g. g.g. rand edge. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. the probability of at least one event is less than or equal to the sum of the probabilities of all events bv. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures e.<see border effect> randstrook <kyk randeffek> design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: 38 . die waarskynlikheid van minstens een gebeurtenis is kleiner of gelyk aan die som van die waarskynlikhede van al die gebeurtenisse boosting versterking Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise rectifying misclassification by observation upweighting regstelling van foutief geklassifiseerde waarnemings deur groter gewigstoekenning ISI bootstrap aggregation skoenlussaamvoeging bagging discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise averaging aggregated estimates from bootstrap samples die verkryging van saamgestelde beramings uit skoenlussteekproewe bootstrap method skoenlusmetode sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke repeated sampling from the sample herhaalde steekproefneming uit die steekproef Statistical Dictionary bootstrapping <see bootstrap method> skoenlussteekproefneming <kyk skoenlusmetode> steekproef-hersteekproefneming sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke Statistical Dictionary border edge .English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: body hoofdeel graphical methods grafiese metodes of a curve van 'n kromme Statistical Dictionary body mass index liggaamsmassa-indeks BMI LMI biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde Measure of body size maatstaf van liggaamsgrootte ISI Bonferroni inequality Bonferroni-ongelykheid multiple comparisons. for simultaneous confidence intervals for dependent means bv. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. vir gelyktydige vertrouensintervalle vir afhanklike gemiddeldes Bonferroni rule Bonferroni-reël multiple comparisons. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures to correct the probability of a type I error om die waarskynlikheid van 'n tipe I-fout te korrigeer ISI Boolean factor analysis Boole-faktoranalise factor analysis faktoranalise for binary variables vir binêre veranderlikes Boolean field Boole-veld algebraic structures algebraïese strukture Statistical Dictionary Boole's inequality Boole se ongelykheid classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie e. margin marginaalgeneral algemeen Statistical Dictionary border strip n. margin border effect randeffek design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente of a treatment on adjacent experimental units van 'n behandeling op aangrensende eksperimentele eenhede Statistical Dictionary border interference <see border effect> randsteuring <kyk randeffek> edge interference design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary border n. vir 'n steekproefruimte Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: box plot houer-en-punt-stipping box-and-whisker plot.g. interquartile range and the median 'n grafiese voorstelling wat die variasiewydte. vooruitberaming ISI Box-Müller transformation Box-Müller-transformasie random number generators ewekansigegetal-genereerders for generating normal variates om normaalveranderlikes te genereer Box's test Box se toets analysis of variance variansieanalise an extension of Bartlett's test to the multivariate case 'n uitbreiding van Bartlett se toets na die meerveranderlike geval branch and bound methods tak-en-grens-metodes regression analysis regressieanalise used in variable selection word in die seleksie van veranderlikes gebruik branching process vertakkingsproses multiplicative process multiplikatiewe proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse to describe populations in which every individual reproduces with a given probability om populasies te beskryf waarin elke individu met 'n gegewe waarskynlikheid reproduseer Statistical Dictionary English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 39 . interkwartielafwyking en mediaan weergee box-and-dot plot box-and-whisker plot box-and-whisker plot box-and-dot plot. for sampling space bv. van 'n funksie oor sy waardeversameling Statistical Dictionary bounded completeness begrensde volledigheid exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers where the completeness is defined in terms of a bounded function waar die volledigheid in terme van 'n begrensde funksie gedefinieer is Statistical Dictionary bounded space begrensde ruimte random variables. window plot exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise a graphical representation displaying the range. forecasting voorspelling. grens boundary mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary bound v. of a function over its range bv. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. box plot Box-Cox transformations Box-Cox-transformasies transformed models getransformeerde modelle variance stabilising transformations which also lead to normality variansiestabiliseringstransformasies wat ook tot normaliteit lei Box-Jenkins model Box-Jenkins-model prediction. of an interval where certain conditions hold bv. verwagte waardes en parameters e.g.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: Borel-Cantelli lemma Borel-Cantelli-lemma almost sure convergence byna-seker konvergensie for proof of the law of large numbers vir die bewys van die wet van groot aantalle bound n.g. van 'n interval waar sekere voorwaardes geld Statistical Dictionary bounded begrens mathematical methods wiskundige metodes e. begrens boundary mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary boundary bound boundary condition <see also constraint> randvoorwaarde <kyk ook beperking> mathematical programming wiskundige programmering Statistical Dictionary boundary point grenspunt mathematical methods wiskundige metodes e. g.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: branching renewal process vertakkingshernuwingsproses renewal theory and processes hernuwingsteorie en -prosesse each series generating a subsidiary series of events elke reeks genereer 'n ondergeskikte reeks gebeurtenisse Statistical Dictionary break even gelykbreek game theory spelteorie Statistical Dictionary breakdown bound ineenstortingsgrens estimation beraming used for comparing robustness gebruik om robuustheid te vergelyk breakpoint analysis breekpuntanalise regression analysis regressieanalise breakpoint model breekpuntmodel change-point model veranderingspuntmodel regression analysis regressieanalise in which a change in parameters or functional form occurs at some point waarin 'n verandering in parameters of funksionele vorm by een of ander punt voorkom Statistical Dictionary broken series onderbroke reeks number theory getalleteorie Statistical Dictionary Brownian bridge Brown-brug theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI Brownian motion Brown-beweging theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary Brownian motion process <see Wiener process> Brown-bewegingsproses <kyk Wiener-proses> fundamental random process fundamentele stogastiese proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse having normally distributed increments Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: met normaalverdeelde inkremente ISI BRR balanced repeated replications brushing scatterplots geskakelde puntediagramme geskakelde spreidingsdiagramme graphical methods grafiese metodes a way of displaying multivariate data in a series of linked two-dimensional plots 'n metode om meerveranderlike data in 'n reeks tweedimensionele stippings te koppel ISI Buffon's needle problem Buffon se naaldprobleem classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie illustrating a probability rule wat 'n waarskynlikheidsreël illustreer bulk <see bulk sampling> grootmaat massa quality and process control kwaliteits. model building and selection regressie. bv.verwant aan saamvloeianalise 40 .en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary bulk sample massamonster general algemeen usually liquid. poeier of vloeistof ISI bunch-map analysis bondelkaartanalise confluence analysis saamvloeianalise regression.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary bulk sampling monsterneming <Verkieslik> massamonsterneming sampling steekproefneming when materials are available in bulk. ens Statistical Dictionary bulk sample <see bulk sampling> massasteekproef quality and process control kwaliteits. poeier. powder. modelbou en -seleksie for obtaining the best subset of regressors related to confluence analysis om die beste deelversameling voorspellers te verkry . etc gewoonlik vloeistof. powder or liquid wanneer materiaal in massa beskikbaar is. e. E. symmetry and maximum number of outcomes in gebeurlikheidstabelle.-toets C.M.M. test C. herbesoek market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling revisit of a non-respondent van 'n nierespondent Statistical Dictionary canonical analysis kanoniese analise Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Definisie: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 41 .Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Statistical Dictionary business cycle konjunktuursiklus trade cycle econometrics ekonometrie cyclical movement with non-constant period sikliese beweging met niekonstante periode Statistical Dictionary business statistics bedryfstatistieke finance and auditing finansies en ouditering e. simmetrie en maksimum aantal uitkomste c. characteristic function C. benodig aan die einde van finansiële jaar Statistical Dictionary busy period besige periode besette periode theory of queues toustaanteorie when all servers are occupied wanneer alle bedieners beset is Statistical Dictionary byte greep number theory getalleteorie a unit of eight bits 'n eenheid van agt bisse ISI C.S.S.M. computer data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise usually an electronic device gewoonlik 'n elektroniese toestel Statistical Dictionary calculus calculus infinitesimal calculus kalkulus.v.-toets van Barnard association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid in contingency tables. the acronym refers to conditions of convexity. weer besoek market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary call-back n. infinitesimaalrekening mathematical methods wiskundige metodes includes differentiation and integration sluit differensiasie en integrasie in Statistical Dictionary calibration kalibrering yking general algemeen converting an instrument according to a standard omskakeling van 'n instrument volgens a standaard ESS calibration kalibrering yking regression analysis regressieanalise to determine the independent variable from the observed value of the dependent variable om die onafhanklike veranderlike uit die waargenome waarde van die afhanklike veranderlike te bepaal ESS call back v.g. die akroniem verwys na voorwaardes van konveksiteit. required at end of financial year bv. circular error probability c.<abbreviate form> coefficient of variation calculate bereken data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary calculation berekening data processing and analysis Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: dataprosessering en -analise with formulae met formules Statistical Dictionary calculator pocket calculator calculator sakrekenaar pocket calculator.f.P.S. uniforme verdeling carrier variable draerveranderlike factorial designs. van 'n kolom in 'n tabel Statistical Dictionary capture vaslê data banks databanke e. van data Statistical Dictionary capture-recapture distribution vang-hervang-verdeling sampling steekproefneming used in estimating population size gebruik in die beraming van populasiegrootte ESS capture-recapture method vang-hervang-metode sampling steekproefneming capture-recapture sampling vang-hervang-steekproefneming capture-release sampling sampling steekproefneming used for estimating the size of especially wild animal populations gebruik om die grootte van veral wildpopulasies te beraam Statistical Dictionary capture-release sampling capture-recapture sampling cardioid distribution kardioïede verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings an extension of the circular uniform distribution 'n uitbreiding van die sirkel.Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: Sinoniem: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid to transform multivariate data into a simple standard form om meerveranderlike data in 'n eenvoudige standaardvorm te transformeer ESS canonical correlation kanoniese korrelasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid the use of linear transformations to relate two groups of variables die gebruik van lineêre transformasies om twee groepe veranderlikes in verband te bring Statistical Dictionary canonical form kanoniese vorm canonical analysis. canonical correlation kanoniese analise. of a column of a table bv. kanoniese korrelasie simpler standard form to reduce dimensionality eenvoudiger standaardvorm om dimensionaliteit te verminder Statistical Dictionary canonical matrix kanoniese matriks association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid the result of linear transformation of a matrix die resultaat van lineêre transformasie van 'n matriks Statistical Dictionary canonical variable kanoniese veranderlike canonical variate association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid the result of linear transformation of variables die resultaat van lineêre transformasie van veranderlikes ESS canonical variate canonical variable kanoniese veranderlike ESS capacity of channel kapasiteit van kanaal theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse capacity theory kapasiteitsteorie theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ESS caption opskrif titel data processing and analysis Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: dataprosessering en -analise e.g. ortogonale skikkings representing the levels of a factor stel die peile van 'n faktor voor Statistical Dictionary carry-over effect residual treatment effect CART classification and regression trees Cartesian co-ordinates Cartesiese koördinate rectangular co-ordinates reghoekige koördinate mathematical methods 42 . of data bv.g. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. per 10 000 Statistical Dictionary case rate gevalletempo medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek per unit of time per tydseenheid Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Statistical Dictionary case study gevallestudie market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary case-cohort design gevallekohortontwerp medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek ISI case-control matching gevallekontroleafparing clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings retrospectively of experimental and control group retrospektief van eksperimentele en kontrolegroep Statistical Dictionary case-control study gevallekontrolestudie clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings of experimental and control group found retrospectively van eksperimentele en kontrolegroep wat retrospektief gevind word Statistical Dictionary catastrophe theory katastrofeteorie econometrics ekonometrie study of discontinuous effects caused by continuous changes studie van diskontinue effekte veroorsaak deur kontinue veranderings ESS categorical data kategoriese data qualitative data kwalitatiewe data data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise which fall into different qualitative classes wat in verskillende kwalitatiewe klasse val Statistical Dictionary categorical data analysis kategoriese data-analise association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid categorical distribution kategoriese verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings of probabilities associated with categories van waarskynlikhede wat met kategorieë geassosieer word 43 .y)-values on a graph bv. statistiese kaart waarin arsering. colouring etc.g. in the study of cosmic rays bv.Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: wiskundige metodes e.g. gebruik word Statistical Dictionary cartography kartografie meteorology weerkunde Statistical Dictionary cascade process kaskadeproses birth-death processes geboorte-en-sterfte-prosesse e. per 10 000 per eenheid bv. kleure ens. (x.g.y)-waardes op 'n grafiek Statistical Dictionary Cartesian product Cartesiese produk product set produkversameling theory of sets versamelingsteorie Statistical Dictionary cartogram kartogram graphical methods grafiese metodes statistical map using shading. in die studie van kosmiese strale Statistical Dictionary case geval data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise a single entity of group being studied 'n enkele entiteit van die bestudeerde groep Statistical Dictionary case fatality rate gevallesterftekoers medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek of dying per time unit from specific disease om per tydeenheid aan bepaalde siekte te sterf ISI case rate gevallekoers medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek per unit e. (x. verklarende veranderlike association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid e.g. constructing a frequency table bv. oorsaaklike veranderlike regression analysis regressieanalise ISI cause-specific hazard function oorsaakspesifieke gevaarfunksie theory of replacement. waar veranderlike y deur veranderlike x veroorsaak word Statistical Dictionary causality kousaliteit oorsaaklikheid association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid non-statistical relationship between variables niestatistiese verband tussen veranderlikes Statistical Dictionary cause variable kousale veranderlike explanatory variable verklarende veranderlike. cumulative probability distribution function probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings cell sel categorical data analysis. where variable y is caused by variable x bv. cumulative distribution probability function.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: categorical variable kategoriese veranderlike random variables. opstel van frekwensietabel Statistical Dictionary category kategorie general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek homogeneous class or group homogene klas of groep Statistical Dictionary category theory kategorieteorie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes ISI Cauchy distribution Cauchy-verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings a Student's t-distribution with one degree of freedom 'n Student se t-verdeling met een vryheidsgraad ISI Cauchy-Schwarz inequality Cauchy-Schwarz-ongelykheid probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie relating sums of squares to sums of products bring somme van kwadrate in verband met somme van produkte causal chain model oorsaaklike kettingmodel kousale kettingmodel econometrics ekonometrie reflecting a time pattern weerspieël 'n tydpatroon causal distribution <not recommended> <Not recommended> deterministiese verdeling deterministic distribution singuliere verdeling regression analysis regressieanalise English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: causal model kousale model oorsaaklike model econometrics ekonometrie causal relationship expressed mathematically oorsaaklike verband wiskundig uitgedruk ESS causal relation kousale verband oorsaaklike verband association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid deterministic or stochastic relation deterministiese of stogastiese verband Statistical Dictionary causal variable kousale veranderlike oorsaaklike veranderlike. gebeurlikheidstabelle English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 44 . contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. survival analysis vervangingsteorie.g. oorlewingsanalise for failure due to particular causes vir faling as gevolg van bepaalde oorsake ISI cdf <abbreviation> cumulative distribution function. verwagte waardes en parameters having qualitatively different levels met kwalitatief verskillende vlakke Statistical Dictionary categorisation kategorisering data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise e. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. sensor data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary censor v. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling.Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: a subcategory of a classification 'n subkategorie van 'n klassifikasie Statistical Dictionary cell frequency selfrekwensie empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe number of observations occurring in one category getal waarnemings wat in een kategorie voorkom Statistical Dictionary cell model selmodel geostatistics. limit theorems. population census volledige opname sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary census bevolkingsensus population census. populasiemodelle Statistical Dictionary census distribution sensusverdeling renewal theory and processes hernuwingsteorie en -prosesse for event counting vir gebeurlikheidstelling centile persentiel percentile empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele below which a given percentage of values fall waaronder 'n gegewe persentasie waardes val Statistical Dictionary central composite design sentrale saamgestelde ontwerp response surface designs responsoppervlakontwerpe central confidence interval sentrale vertrouensinterval estimation beraming with equal probability above and below the limits met gelyke waarskynlikheid bokant en onder die limiete Statistical Dictionary central difference sentrale differensie calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary central factorial moment sentrale faktoriaalmoment empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele about a point at or near a central value om 'n punt by of naby 'n sentrale waarde Statistical Dictionary central limit theorem sentralelimietstelling convergence in distribution. waar waardes bokant 'n maksimum tot die maksimum beperk word Statistical Dictionary census Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: sensus complete survey. limietstellings. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. where values above a maximum are restricted to the maximum bv. fisika en chemie censor n. population models demografie. sensoreer data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise the failure to observe a value and totally replacing it by a relevant limit wanneer 'n waarde nie in sy geheel waargeneem word nie en deur 'n toepaslike grens vervang word Statistical Dictionary censored data gesensoreerde data censoring sensorering Statistical Dictionary censored sample gesensoreerde steekproef sampling steekproefneming if for only some of the sample elements the actual values can be used as such for statistical inference as die werklike waardes van slegs sommige van die steekproefelemente as sodanig gebruik kan word Statistical Dictionary censoring sensorering estimation beraming e.g. complete survey demography. invariansiebeginsels Statistical Dictionary Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: 45 . verwagte waardes en parameters Statistical Dictionary central place theory sentraleplek-teorie demography.English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: central moment sentrale moment moment about mean random variables. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. deur die gemiddelde af te trek Statistical Dictionary centred moving average Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: gesentreerde bewegende gemiddelde univariate time series. by subtracting the mean bv. the mean van kwantitatiewe data om rondom een of ander waarde saam te groepeer. klassifikasie en identifikasie for an even number of values vir 'n gelyke getal waardes centring sentrering data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary centroid sentroïed swaartepunt scaling methods skaleringsmetodes centre of gravity Statistical Dictionary centroid method centre of gravity method cepstrum kepstrum kepstrum univariate time series. die gemiddelde Statistical Dictionary centrally symmetric sentraalsimmetries theory of sets versamelingsteorie ESS centre n. Markov chains waar die waarde by een punt stogasties bepaal word deur waardes by vorige punte. population models demografie. bv. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. e.g.g. middelpunt halveerpunt general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary centre of gravity method swaartepuntmetode centroid method sentroïedmetode factor analysis faktoranalise for the extraction of factors vir die onttrekking van faktore Statistical Dictionary centre of symmetry simmetriemiddelpunt empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary centre v.g. populasiemodelle central tendency sentrale neiging empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe of quantitative data to cluster around some value. e. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie for analysing series containing "echo" effects vir die ontleding van reekse wat "eggo"-effekte bevat certain event seker gebeurtenis probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie of which the probability is 1 waarvan die waarskynlikheid 1 is Statistical Dictionary certainty equivalence sekerheidsekwivalensie control theoy kontroleteorie concerning prediction and regulation met betrekking tot voorspelling en regulering chain ketting theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse where the value at one point is stochastically determined by values at previous points. sentreer data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise e. bv. Markov-kettings Statistical Dictionary chain base method kettingbasismetode indexes Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 46 . entropy. verandering general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary change point veranderingspunt estimation beraming at which some change of structure occurs waar een of ander struktuurverandering plaasvind Statistical Dictionary change point estimator veranderingspunt-beramer estimation beraming of the location of the change van die ligging van die verandering ISI change point problem veranderingspunt-probleem disorder problem hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing testing the null hypothesis of no change om die nulhipotese van geen verandering te toets ISI change v. capacity of channels 47 . verander general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary change-over trial oorskakelproef cross-over designs oorskakelontwerpe using a crossover design deur 'n oorkruisontwerp te gebruik change-point model veranderingspuntmodel break-point model estimation beraming channel degrees of freedom kanaalvryheidsgrade information theory. information measures.Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: indekse for forming index chains om indekskettings te vorm Statistical Dictionary chain binomial model kettingbinomiaalmodel medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek describing the development of an epidemic beskryf die ontwikkeling van 'n epidemie chain block design kettingblokontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente chain graph kettinggrafiek theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse where each term depends on previous term(s) waar elke term van vorige term(e) afhang ISI chain index kettingindeks chain index number indexes indekse formed as the product of indexes for subperiods gevorm as die produk van indekse vir subtydperke ESS chain index number chain index chain referral sampling snowball sampling chain relative <see chain index> kettingrelatief <kyk kettingindeks> link ratio. link relative indexes indekse index for subperiod usually with base one indeks vir subtydperk gewoonlik met basis een Statistical Dictionary chance kans toeval probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary chance constraint stogastiese beperking stochastic constraint mathematical programming wiskundige programmering expressed in probabilistic terms in waarskynlikheidsterme uitgedruk Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: chance process kansproses stochastic process stogastiese proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ESS change n. f. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. latent root karakteristieke wortel linear algebra. matrikse en vektore of a square matrix Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: van 'n vierkantige matriks Statistical Dictionary characteristic value characteristic root characteristic vector eievektor eigenvector. kontroleer data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary Chernoff faces <Plural> Chernoff-gesigte <Meervoud> graphical methods grafiese metodes the representation of multivariate data as faces die voorstelling van meerveranderlike data as gesigte Statistical Dictionary chi distribution chi-verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings of the positive square root of the chi-squared statistic van die positiewe vierkantswortel van die chikwadraatstatistiek Statistical Dictionary chi plot chi-stipping graphical methods grafiese metodes for showing association between two variables om assosiasie tussen twee veranderlikes aan te toon chi statistic English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: English: 48 . matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary chart n. kapasiteit van kanale regarding the number of independent passages through a message channel in verband met die getal onafhanklike deurgange deur 'n boodskapkanaal Statistical Dictionary Chapman-Kolmogorov equations <Plural> Chapman-Kolmogorov-vergelykings <Meervoud> theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse relating present to past states bring die huidige met vorige toestande in verband characterisation karakterisering probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings of distributions van verdelings ESS characteristic function <full form> karakteristieke funksie c. latent vector linear algebra. probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie uniquely defines the distribution function of a random variable definieer die verdelingsfunksie van 'n stogastiese veranderlike eenduidig Statistical Dictionary characteristic functional karakteristieke funksionaal theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse generalisation of characteristic function veralgemening van die karakteristieke funksie ISI characteristic n. kontrole beheer data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary check v. chart v. karakteristiek eienskap general algemeen Statistical Dictionary characteristic root eiewaarde characteristic value.Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: inligtingsteorie. map v. inligtingsmaatstawwe. eigenvalue. entropie. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. check inspection kontrole-inspeksie data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary check n. map n. wyser data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise of a logarithm van 'n logaritme Statistical Dictionary characteristic n. circular diagram.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: chi-statistiek hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing square root of the chi-squared statistic vierkantswortel van die chi-kwadraatstatistiek chi-square distribution chi-kwadraatverdeling sampling distributions steekproefverdelings chi-squared distribution chi-kwadraatverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings of the sum of squares of standardised independent normal variates van die som van kwadrate van gestandaardiseerde onafhanklike normaalvariate Statistical Dictionary chi-squared metric chi-kwadraatmetriek categorical data analysis. sector diagram English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: circular chart sektorkaart circle diagram. naught. roosdiagram graphical methods grafiese metodes for grouped angular data vir gegroepeerde hoekdata ISI circular lattice distribution discrete circular uniform distribution circular mean deviation sirkel. matrikse en vektore for solving linear equations vir die oplos van lineêre vergelykings cigarette card distribution sigaretkaartverdeling probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie of the types in a collection van die tipes in 'n versameling cipher nulsimbool cypher. nought. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.. circular probable error multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings in target coverage in teikendekking ESS circular formula sirkelformule univariate time series. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise.gemiddelde afwyking empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe a measure of angular dispersion 'n maatstaf van hoekdispersie circular mean difference Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: 49 . pie chart sektordiagram graphical methods grafiese metodes using the area of the sectors to represent proportion gebruik die oppervlakte van die sektore om proporsies voor te stel Statistical Dictionary circular diagram circle diagram circular distribution sirkelverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings defined on the circumference of the unit circle gedefinieer op die omtrek van die eenheidsirkel Statistical Dictionary circular error probability <Full form> sirkelwaarskynlikheidsfout C. klassifikasie en identifikasie regarding successive elements as arranged in a circle beskou opeenvolgende elemente asof in 'n sirkel gerangskik circular histogram sirkelhistogram polar-wedge diagram. to test agreement between observed and expected frequencies bv.P. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise.E. pie diagram.g. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. gebeurlikheidstabelle chi-squared statistic chi-kwadraatstatistiek categorical data analysis. rose diagram poolwigdiagram. gebeurlikheidstabelle e. om die ooreenkoms tussen waargenome en verwagte frekwensies te toets chi-squared test <see chi-square statistic> chi-kwadraattoets <kyk chi-kwadraatstatistiek> hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary Cholesky decomposition Cholesky-ontbinding linear algebra. zero data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary circle diagram circular chart. verwagte waardes en parameters circumplex sirkumpleks association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid graphical representation of relationships grafiese voorstelling van verwantskappe Statistical Dictionary class klas classify empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe group determined by subdividing the variate range or one of its categories English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: 50 .Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: sirkel. stervoorstelling graphical methods grafiese metodes line graph on a circular grid lyngrafiek op 'n sirkelrooster ESS circular quartile deviation sirkelkwartielafwyking empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe an angular analogue 'n hoekanaloog circular range sirkelreikwydte empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: the smallest arc encompassing all observations die kleinste boog wat alle waarnemings omvat ISI circular serial correlation coefficient sirkelreekskorrelasiekoëffisiënt geslotereeks-variasiekoëffisiënt univariate time series.uniforme verdeling <kyk sirkelverdeling> probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings ISI circular variable sirkelveranderlike random variables. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. star representation polêre grafiek. klassifikasie en identifikasie one calculated by joining successive terms in the form of a circle word bereken deur opeenvolgende terme in 'n sirkel te rangskik circular test sirkeltoets indexes indekse of the index for a period compared to one obtained from multiplication of subperiods van die indeks vir 'n periode vergelyk met een verkry uit vermenigvuldiging van indekse vir subperiodes Statistical Dictionary circular triad sirkeldrietal sirkeltriade general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek an inconsistent three-object paired comparison 'n inkonsekwente paarsgewyse vergelyking van drie voorwerpe circular uniform distribution <see circular distibution> sirkel.gemiddelde verskil empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe a measure of angular dispersion 'n maatstaf van hoekdispersie circular normal distribution sirkelnormaalverdeling Von Mises distribution Von Mises-verdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings bivariate normal with equal variances and zero correlation tweeveranderlik normaal met gelyke variansies en nulkorrelasie ESS circular normal distribution sirkelnormaalverdeling Von Mises distribution Von Mises-verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings based on angular data gebaseer op hoekdata ISI circular permutation sikliese permutasie cyclic permutation sirkelpermutasie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie arranging discernable objects in a circle rangskikking van onderskeibare voorwerpe in 'n sirkel Statistical Dictionary circular probable error circular error probability circular profile sirkelprofiel polar chart. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. klassifiseer classify data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary class width class range classical klassiek data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary classification klassifikasie general algemeen placement in a group based on rules plasing in 'n groep volgens reëls Statistical Dictionary classification and regression trees klassifikasie.en regressiebome CART CART <Akroniem> regression analysis regressieanalise based on binary splits and pruning of variables to form a decision tree gebaseer op binêre splitsing en snoei van veranderlikes om 'n beslissingsboom te vorm ISI classification statistic klassifikasiestatistiek discriminant function diskriminantfunksie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid by which a population is assigned to one of a number of classes waarvolgens 'n populasie aan een van 'n aantal klasse toegeken word ISI classified data geklassifiseerde data general algemeen Statistical Dictionary 51 .Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: groep wat deur die onderverdeling van die reikwydte van die veranderlike of 'n kategorie daarvan verkry word ISI class boundary klasgrens class limit klasperk empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe of a class interval van 'n klasinterval Statistical Dictionary class frequency klasfrekwensie empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe of a class interval van 'n klasinterval Statistical Dictionary class interval <see class> klasinterval <kyk klas> empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary class label class mark class limit klasperk class boundary klasgrens empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe of a class interval van 'n klasinterval Statistical Dictionary class mark klasmiddelpunt class label empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe mid-value of the class interval middelwaarde van die klasinterval Statistical Dictionary class range klasreikwydte class width klaswydte empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe of a class interval van 'n klasinterval Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: class symbol klassimbool empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe a letter denoting membership or nonmembership of a class 'n letter wat aandui of 'n waarneming tot 'n klas behoort of nie ISI class v. klassifikasie en identifikasie in which a form of rounding is used to simplify calculations waarin 'n tipe afronding gebruik word om berekenings te vereenvoudig Statistical Dictionary clitic curve skeefheidskromme empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe reflecting skewness weerspieël skeefheid ISI closed interval geslote interval theory of sets versamelingsteorie Statistical Dictionary closed response geslote respons structured response gestruktureerde respons market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary closed sequential scheme geslote sekwensiële steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming having an upper limit to sample size wat 'n bogrens vir steekproefgrootte het ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: closed sequential t-test geslote sekwensiële t-toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing having a stopping rule of truncation met 'n stopreël van afknotting ISI closed-ended question gesloteantwoord-vraag market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling in contrast to open-ended question e. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. 'n meerkeusevraag Statistical Dictionary closeness of estimator nabyheid van beramer Pitman closeness of estimator Pitman-nabyheid van beramer exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers ESS closest fit best fit closure procedure afsluitprosedure multiple comparisons. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures ESS clumped distribution verklompte verdeling ecology and environmental statistics ekologie en omgewingstatistiek a form of non-random distribution ʼn vorm van niestogastiese verdeling Statistical Dictionary clumping <see clumped distribution> verklomping <kyk verklompte verdeling> ecology and environmental statistics ekologie en omgewingstatistiek Statistical Dictionary cluster analysis trosanalise numerical taxonomy numeriese taksonomie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid a method of grouping 'similar' cases 'n metode om 'soortgelyke' gevalle te groepeer ESS cluster n. a multiple choice question in teenstelling met oopantwoord-vraag bv.English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: classify class clinical study clinical trial clinical trial kliniese proef clinical study medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek comparing the effect of treatments or drugs vergelyk die effek van behandelings of middels Statistical Dictionary clinically significant <Note: see also practically significant> klinies betekenisvol <kyk ook prakties betekenisvol> klinies beduidend medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek clipped time series gesnoeide tydreeks univariate time series. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. tros cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie a group of similar or "close" observations 52 .g. to reduce costs gebruik van nabyliggende elemente. bv. rangtoetse. tros areal sampling.g. eugenics menslike genetika. rank tests. eugenetiek describing the ancestry of a collection of genes beskrywing van die afkoms van 'n versameling gene ISI coarse grouping growwe groepering sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary coarsening vergrowwing data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise used in cases of incomplete data word in gevalle van onvolledige data gebruik ISI cobweb model spinnerakmodel econometrics ekonometrie where there is a lag between price and response waar daar 'n sloering tussen prys en respons is Statistical Dictionary Cochran's criterion Cochran se kriterium Cochran's Q non-parametric tests. rank tests. om koste te bespaar ISI cluster v. huishoudings. lyndwarssnitsteekproefneming Statistical Dictionary cluster point process trosvormige puntproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse exhibiting clustering as a result of heterogeneity vertoon trosvorming as gevolg van heterogeniteit ISI cluster randomized trial trosverewekansigde proef design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente groups randomised instead of individuals in plaas van individue word groepe verewekansig ISI cluster sample trossteekproef sampling steekproefneming all members of randomly selected clusters alle lede van ewekansig gekose trosse Statistical Dictionary cluster sampling trossteekproefneming sampling steekproefneming use of contiguous elements. rangtoetse.Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 'n groep soortgelyke of "naby" waarnemings ISI cluster n. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. verdelingsvrye toetse generalised McNemar's test veralgemening van McNemar se toets ISI Cochran's test Cochran se toets analysis of variance variansieanalise for homogeneity of variances vir homogeniteit van variansies ISI code list kodelys data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary 53 . distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. line transect sampling ruimtelike steekproefneming. trosse vorm cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie Statistical Dictionary clustered bar chart trosstaafkaart graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI clustering trosvorming cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie ESS coalescent process saamsmeltingsproses Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: human genetics. e. households. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI Cochran's Q Cochran's criterion Cochran's Q-test Cochran se Q-toets non-parametric tests. entropy. entropie.g.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: code n. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. inligtingsmaatstawwe. a contingency cofficient tussen twee attribute bv. kapasiteit van kanale ESS coefficient of agreement ooreenstemmingskoëffisiënt konkordansiekoëffisiënt cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie between verdicts of different observers tussen uitsprake van verskillende waarnemers Statistical Dictionary coefficient of alieniation vervreemdingskoëffisiënt alienation coefficient psychometrics psigometrie square root of the coefficient of nondetermination vierkantswortel van die niebepaaldheidskoëffisiënt ISI coefficient of association assosiasiekoëffisiënt association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data between two attributes e. information measures. kodeer data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary coded data gekodeerde data data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise ESS coding kodering data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary coding theory kodeerteorie koderingsteorie information theory. of income inequality bv. van inkomste-ongelykheid Statistical Dictionary coefficient of concordance ooreenstemmingskoëffisiënt konkordansiekoëffisiënt rank correlation rangkorrelasie measuring agreement among a set of rankings meet ooreenstemming tussen 'n versameling rangordeninge ESS coefficient of consistence konsekwentheidskoëffisiënt association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid used in the analysis of paired comparisons in terms of circular triads word in die analise van gepaarde vergelykings in terme van sirkeldrietalle gebruik ISI coefficient of contingency gebeurlikheidskoëffisiënt contingency coefficient association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data to measure the strength of dependence between two characteristics in a two-way frequency table om die sterkte van afhanklikheid tussen twee eienskappe in 'n tweerigtingfrekwensietabel te meet Statistical Dictionary Definisie: Source Publication: 54 . 'n gebeurlikheidskoëffisiënt Statistical Dictionary coefficient of autocorrelation Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: autocorrelation coefficient coefficient of colligation saambindingskoëffisiënt categorical data analysis. gebeurlikheidstabelle a coefficient of association for a two-by-two table 'n assosiasiekoëffisiënt vir 'n vierdelingstabel ISI coefficient of community gemeenskaplikheidskoëffisiënt Schoener's index of proportional similarity Schoener se proporsionele gemeenskaplikheidsindeks ecology and environmental statistics ekologie en omgewingstatistiek percentage of total number of species in common by two communities persentasie van totale getal spesies wat deur twee gemeenskappe gedeel word ESS coefficient of concentration <Note: see Gini ratio> konsentrasiekoëffisiënt <kyk Gini-verhouding> econometrics ekonometrie e. capacity of channels inligtingsteorie. kode data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary code v.g. bv. Pearson se r Statistical Dictionary coefficient of determination bepaaldheidskoëffisiënt determination index.g.Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: coefficient of correlation korrelasiekoëffisiënt correlation coefficient association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid a measure of the interdependence between two variates. Pearson's r 'n maatstaf van die interafhanklikheid tussen twee veranderlikes. e. index of determination regression analysis regressieanalise proportion of variance explained by a regression model proporsie variansie wat deur 'n regressiemodel verklaar word Statistical Dictionary coefficient of disarray wanskikkingskoëffisiënt Kendall's tau Kendall se tau rank correlation rangkorrelasie to measure correlation in ordinal data om korrelasie in ordinale data te meet Statistical Dictionary coefficient of dispersion dispersiekoëffisiënt empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe relating to relative variability met betrekking tot relatiewe veranderlikheid Statistical Dictionary coefficient of divergence divergensiekoëffisiënt Lexis ratio Lexis-verhouding sampling steekproefneming used in attribute sampling for distinguishing between different kinds of variation word in attribuutsteekproefneming gebruik om tussen verskillende soorte variasie te onderskei ISI coefficient of excess oormaatkoëffisiënt empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe kurtosis minus three kurtose minus drie ISI coefficient of kurtosis kurtosekoëffisiënt empirical distributions and descriptive measures Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe giving the peakedness of a distribution gee die spitsheid van ʼn verdeling Statistical Dictionary coefficient of monotonicity monotoniekoëffisiënt discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise in increasing or decreasing of functions by styging of daling van funksies ESS coefficient of multiple correlation meervoudigekorrelasie-koëffisiënt regression analysis regressieanalise measures how well the regression model represents the data meet hoe goed die regressiemodel die data pas ISI coefficient of multiple partial correlation parsiële meervoudigekorrelasie-koëffisiënt association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data keeping one or more of the variates fixed terwyl een of meer veranderlikes konstant gehou word ISI coefficient of non-determination niebepaaldheidskoëffisiënt<verkies> niebepalingskoëffisiënt regression analysis regressieanalise one minus the coefficient of determination een minus die bepaaldheidskoëffisiënt ISI coefficient of part correlation semi-partial correlation coefficient coefficient of partial correlation parsiële korrelasiekoëffisiënt partial correlation coefficient association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data between two variables allowing for the effect of others tussen twee veranderlikes met inagneming van die effek van ander Statistical Dictionary coefficient of partial determination parsiële bepaaldheidskoëffisiënt <Verkies> parsiële bepalingskoëffisiënt regression analysis regressieanalise measure of additional contribution of an independent variable 55 . matrices and vectors lineêre algebra.. samehangende spektrum autoregressive and moving average processes outoregressiewe en bewegendegemiddeldeprosesse in multiple time series in meervoudige tydreekse ESS coherency koherensie inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse a measure of correlation 'n maatstaf van korrelasie ISI coherency principle koherensiebeginsel decision theory beslissingsteorie implying the consistency of subjective probabilities impliseer die konsekwentheid van subjektiewe waarskynlikhede ISI coherent structure theory koherente struktuurteorie samehangende struktuurteorie reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ESS cohort kohort Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: 56 . matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary cograduation index kogradueringsindeks index of cograduation rank correlation rangkorrelasie measuring monotone dependence meet monotone afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary coherence koherensie decision theory beslissingsteorie a form of logical consistency 'n vorm van logiese konsekwentheid Statistical Dictionary coherence spectrum koherente spektrum cospectrum kospektrum.v. percentage standard deviation variation relatiewe standaardafwyking empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: the standard deviation divided by the mean die standaardafwyking gedeel deur die gemiddelde ESS cofactor kofaktor linear algebra. matrikse en vektore an index used to measure polytonicity and the opposite of monotonicity 'n indeks om politonisiteit te meet en die teenoorgestelde van monotonisiteit {Konteks: lineêre algebra. matrikse en vektore} ESS coefficient of racial likeness Pearson se soortgelykheidskoëffisiënt discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise a precursor of the Mahalanobis distance 'n voorloper van die Mahalanobis-afstand ISI coefficient of rank correlation rangkorrelasiekoëffisiënt rank correlation coefficient association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid measure of monotone association maatstaf van monotone verband Statistical Dictionary coefficient of regression regressiekoëffisiënt regression coefficient regression analysis regressieanalise of an independent variable van ʼn onafhanklike veranderlike Statistical Dictionary coefficient of self-similarity selfgelyksoortigheidskoëffisiënt Hurst coefficient theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse used in fractional Brownian motion gebruik in gedeeltelike Brown-beweging ISI coefficient of total determination <see coefficient of determination> koëffisiënt van totale bepaaldheid <kyk bepaaldheidskoëffisiënt> regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary coefficient of variation variasiekoëffisiënt relative standard deviation. c.Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: maatstaf van addisionele bydrae van ʼn onafhanklike veranderlike ESS coefficient of polytonicity politoniekoëffisiënt linear algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. rye gekombineer word Statistical Dictionary collapsed-stratum method geamalgameerdestratum-metode sampling steekproefneming two or more strata are amalgamated to form one stratum to estimate variance twee of meer strata word verenig om een stratum te vorm om variansie te beraam ISI collapsibility saamvoubaarheid ineenvoubaarheid. population models demografie. populasiemodelle ESS cohort analysis kohortanalise demography.g. gebeurlikheidstabelle in two-way tables where e.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: demography. rows are combined in tweerigtingtabelle waar bv. a group of people born in the same year bv. by means of a survey bv. population models demografie. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise.g. populasiemodelle based on e.g. populasiemodelle typically a follow-up study of an age group tipies ʼn opvolgstudie van ʼn ouderdomsgroep ESS cohort life table kohortlewenstabel demography. deur middel van 'n opname ESS collective risk theory kollektiewerisiko-teorie actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde to study fluctuations of assets om die fluktuasies van bates te bestudeer Statistical Dictionary collinear kollineêr regression analysis regressieanalise linearly dependent lineêr afhanklik Statistical Dictionary collinear data kollineêre data regression analysis regressieanalise where dependent variables are to some extent mutually linearly independent waar afhanklike veranderlikes in ʼn sekere mate onderling lineêr onafhanklik is Statistical Dictionary collinearity kollineariteit regression analysis regressieanalise presence of linear dependence to some extent aanwesigheid van ʼn mate van lineêre afhanklikheid ESS collinearity-influential observations kollineariteitsbeïnvloedende waarnemings regression analysis regressieanalise can either hide or create collinearity kan kollineariteit óf verberg óf skep ISI 57 . population models demografie.g. in statistical inference on joint and marginal distributions bv. ineenstortbaarheid hypothesis testing Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: hipotesetoetsing e. van 'n groep mense wat in dieselfde jaar gebore is ISI cohort study prospective study coin muntstuk data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary cold deck method historieselys-metode data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise for imputing missing values based on historical data vir die invoer van ontbrekende waardes gebaseer op historiese data ISI collapse saamvou ineenvou categorical data analysis. In statistiese inferensie oor gesamentlike en randverdelings ISI collect versamel sampling steekproefneming data or observations data of waarneming Statistical Dictionary collection of data dataversameling sampling steekproefneming e. g. other approaches toetskonstruksie.g. opposite of prewhitening om struktuur aan ʼn tydreeks by te voeg. e. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary combination of tests toetskombinasies hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing e.g.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: colouring verstrukturering inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse adding structure to a time series. bv.g. permutasietoets combinatorics kombinatorika operations research operasionele navorsing study of combinations and permutations studie van kombinasies en permutasies ESS English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: combine kombineer data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary combined data gekombineerde data sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary combined tests <plural> gekombineerde toetse <meervoud> hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing e. teenoorgestelde van vooraffiltrering ISI column chart column graph column graph kolomgrafiek column chart. in multiple comparisons bv. in meta-analise gebruik combinatorial method kombinatoriese metode hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing based on the structure of the data rather than on distributional assumptions is op die struktuur van die data eerder as op verdelingsaannames gegrond combinatorial power mean kombinatoriese magsgemiddelde empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe e. by meervoudige vergelykings ESS commingling analysis vermengingsanalise human genetics. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. 'n meetkundige gemiddelde combinatorial test kombinatoriese toets test construction. a geometric mean bv. used in meta analysis word bv. ander benaderings obtained by combinatorics. eugenetiek a method for distinguishing between one distribution and a mixture 'n metode om tussen een verdeling en 'n mengsel te onderskei ISI commodity kommoditeit handelsware indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary commodity reversal test kommoditeitsomkeertoets indexes indekse price index remains unchanged when the ordering of products is changed prysindeks bly onveranderd wanneer die volgorde van produkte verander Statistical Dictionary common gemeen gemeenskaplik general algemeen Statistical Dictionary common gewoon general algemeen Statistical Dictionary common difference gemeenskaplike verskil gemene verskil mathematical methods wiskundige metodes English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 58 . eugenics menslike genetika. permutation test verkry deur kombinatorika. vertical bar chart vertikale staafkaart graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary column vector kolomvektor linear algebra. gemeenskaplikheid factor analysis faktoranalise proportion of variance explained by common factors proporsie variansie wat deur gemeenskaplike faktore verklaar word Statistical Dictionary common fraction gewone breuk vulgar fraction mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary common ratio gemeenskaplike verhouding gemene verhouding data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary commonality analysis algemeenheidsanalise elements analysis elemente-analise computer science and automata rekenaarwetenskap en outomate a systematic process of analysing groups or families 'n sistematiese proses om groepe of families te analiseer ESS communality common factor variance English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: communicate kommunikeer Markov chains Markov-kettings transition to and/or from oorgang na en/of vanaf ESS communicating class kommunikerende klas Markov chains Markov-kettings those states to or from which transition is possible daardie toestande waarheen of waarvandaan oorgang moontlik is commutative law kommutatiewe wet mathematical methods wiskundige metodes in addition or multiplication of numbers where the order does not play a role by optelling en vermenigvuldiging van getalle waar die volgorde nie 'n rol speel nie Statistical Dictionary commute kommuteer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes by elements for which commutative law applies deur elemente waarvoor die kommutatiewe wet geld Statistical Dictionary compact cluster kompakte tros serial cluster reekstros cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie in which the units are listed according to existing serial numbers waarin die eenhede volgens bestaande reeksnommers gelys word comparable vergelykbaar data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary comparative mortality figure vergelykende sterftekoers indexes indekse ratio of standardised death rate to crude death rate verhouding van gestandaardiseerde sterftekoers tot rou sterftekoers ISI comparative mortality index vergelykende sterfte-indeks English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 59 .Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Statistical Dictionary common divisor gemeenskaplike deler gemene deler mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary common factor gemeenskaplike faktor gemene faktor factor analysis faktoranalise appears in two or more variates kom in twee of meer veranderlikes voor Statistical Dictionary common factor space gemeenskaplikefaktor-ruimte factor analysis faktoranalise geometrical representation of common factors meetkundige voorstelling van gemeenskaplike faktore common factor variance gemeenskaplikefaktor-variansie communality kommunaliteit. die elemente in die omvattende versameling wat nie in A is nie Statistical Dictionary complementary komplementêr theory of sets versamelingsteorie Statistical Dictionary complete block design Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 60 .g. used in biology for studying substance absorptions in a physical body word bv. een van twee of meer oorsake kan plaasvind Statistical Dictionary competition process mededingingsproses birth-death processes geboorte-en-sterfte-prosesse a two-dimensional extension 'n tweedimensionele uitbreiding ISI compilation opstelling data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary compilation samestelling data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary compilation statistics saamgestelde statistieke official statistics amptelike statistiek compile opstel data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary compile saamstel data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary compiler samesteller data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary complement komplement theory of sets versamelingsteorie e.Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: indexes indekse a variant of comparative mortality figure 'n variant van vergelykende sterftekoers ISI comparative pie charts side-by-side pie charts comparative trials vergelykende proewe clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings Statistical Dictionary comparison test vergelykingstoets theory of functions. van versameling A.g. of set A. real analysis funksieteorie.v. the elements in the universal set which are not in A bv. in biologie gebruik vir die bestudering van die absorpsie van 'n middel in 'n fisiese liggaam Statistical Dictionary compartment model kompartementmodel biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde ISI compatibility versoenbaarheid computer science and automata rekenaarwetenskap en outomate Statistical Dictionary compatible versoenbaar computer science and automata rekenaarwetenskap en outomate Statistical Dictionary compensating error kompenseerfout data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise compensating for other errors kompenseer vir ander foute Statistical Dictionary competing risks <Plural> mededingende risiko's <Meervoud> reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: where failure of a system may occur from one of two or more causes waar faling van 'n stelsel a.g. reële analise for comparing convergence or divergence vir die vergelyking van konvergensie en divergensie Statistical Dictionary compartment analysis kompartementanalise biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde e. voltooi data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary complete-link clustering vollediggeskakelde trosvorming cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie Statistical Dictionary completely balanced lattice square volledig gebalanseerde roostervierkant design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente where each pair of treatments occurs together equally often in a row or a column waar elke behandelingspaar ewe dikwels saam in 'n ry of 'n kolom voorkom completely randomised design one-way layout completeness volledigheid exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 61 . volledig maak data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary complete v. ortogonale skikkings in contrast to partial confounding in teenstelling met parsiële strengeling Statistical Dictionary complete design volledige ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary complete entanglement complete confounding complete Latin square volledige Latynse vierkant design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente where every possible treatment pair occurs equally often in rows as well as in columns waar elke moontlike behandelingspaar ewe dikwels in rye en ook in kolomme voorkom ISI complete link clustering complete linkage clustering complete linkage clustering volledig geskakelde trosvorming complete link clustering cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie in which the distance between two clusters is defined as the distance between the two most remote items in the respective clusters Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: waarin die afstand tussen twee trosse gedefinieer word as die afstand tussen die twee mees afgeleë items in die onderskeie trosse geneem word ISI complete regression volledige regressie estimation beraming in connection with estimation by order statistics in verband met beraming met behulp van ordestatistieke complete sufficient statistic volledige voldoende statistiek exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers ensuring uniqueness of estimators and tests verseker uniekheid van beramers en toetse Statistical Dictionary complete survey census complete system of equations volledige stelsel vergelykings econometrics ekonometrie including all the determining equations sluit al die bepalende vergelykings in complete v.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: volledige blokontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente in which each treatment is applied at least once to an experimental unit waarin elke behandeling minstens een keer op elke eksperimentele eenheid toegepas word Statistical Dictionary complete case analysis volledigegevalle-analise data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise discarding cases which contain at least one missing value waar gevalle met minstens een ontbrekende waarde weggelaat word ISI complete class of tests volledige toetseklas exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse consisting of uniformly better tests bestaande uit gelykmatig beter toetse complete confounding volledige strengeling complete entanglement factorial designs. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. verwagte waardes en parameters Statistical Dictionary complex Wishart distribution komplekse Wishart-verdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings required in the analysis of the complex Gaussian distribution vereis in die analise van die komplekse Gaussverdeling compliance test nakomingstoets quality and process control kwaliteits. nasionale inkomste per capita complex variable komplekse veranderlike random variables. gebeurlikheidstabelle frequency table for classification of more than two features frekwensietabel vir klassifikasie van meer as twee eienskappe complex unit komplekse eenheid data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise e.Definition: Definisie: where the expected value of a function can only be zero when the function is zero waar die verwagte waarde van 'n funksie slegs nul kan wees wanneer die funksie nul is complex abnormal curve komplekse abnormale kromme univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings crossing the normal curve more than once on either side of the median sny die normaalkromme meer as een keer aan elke kant van die mediaan complex conjugate komplekse toegevoegde number theory getalleteorie Statistical Dictionary complex demodulation komplekse demodulasie spectral analysis spektraalanalise a variant of demodulation 'n variant van demodulasie complex experiment komplekse eksperiment factorial experiment faktoriaaleksperiment design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente complex experimental design komplekse eksperimentele ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ESS complex Gaussian distribution komplekse Gauss-verdeling complex normal distribution komplekse normaalverdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings involving variates with an imaginary part van stogastiese veranderlikes met 'n imaginêre gedeelte complex moment komplekse moment empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele Statistical Dictionary complex normal distribution complex Gaussian distribution complex normal variables komplekse normaalveranderlikes spectral analysis spektraalanalise in multiple time series and spectral analysis in meervoudige tydreekse en spektraalanalise ESS English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: complex number komplekse getal number theory getalleteorie Statistical Dictionary complex table komplekse tabel categorical data analysis. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary compliance verification nakomingsverifikasie quality and process control kwaliteits. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary component analysis komponentanalise principal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid determination of linear combinations of variables for which certain requirements hold bepaling van linieêre kombinasies van veranderlikes wat aan sekere voorwaardes voldoen Statistical Dictionary component axes komponent-asse English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 62 . national income per capita bv.g. g. stogastiese effektemodel analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary composed Poisson distribution compound Poisson distribution composite saamgestel compound data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary composite design <see also central composite design> saamgestelde ontwerp <kyk ook sentrale saamgestelde ontwerp compound design deelbare ontwerp response surface designs responsoppervlakontwerpe augmenting a factorial to fit a second-order model brei 'n faktoriaal uit om 'n tweedeordemodel te pas ESS composite estimator saamgestelde beramer estimation beraming ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: composite hypothesis saamgestelde hipotese hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing specifying a region of possible parameter values.v. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: principal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise Statistical Dictionary component bar chart gestapelde staafkaart compound bar chart. stacked bar chart verdeelde staafkaart graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary component of interaction interaksiekomponent analysis of variance variansieanalise not main effect nie hoofeffek nie component of variance variance component component sum of squares komponent van die som van kwadrate variance components models variansiekomponentemodelle Statistical Dictionary components of variance model variansiekomponentemodel random effects model stogastiese-effekte-model. the proportions of a mixture bv. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary composition samestelling data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary compositional data samestellingsdata data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise e. in contrast to a simple hypothesis spesifiseer 'n gebied van moontlike parameterwaardes in teenstelling met 'n enkelvoudige hipotese Statistical Dictionary composite index aggregative index composite Poisson process compound Poisson process composite sample <see composite sampling scheme> saamgestelde steekproef <kyk saamgestelde steekproefskema> sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary composite sampling scheme saamgestelde steekproefskema sampling steekproefneming different parts of a sample drawn by different methods verskillende dele van 'n steekproef word d.m. verskillende metodes geneem ISI composition optelling sommering linear algebra. die proporsies van 'n mengsel ISI compound composite compound bar chart component bar chart graphical methods grafiese metodes compound design 63 . kombinasie van elementêre gebeurtenisse Statistical Dictionary compound frequency distribution compound distribution compound hypergeometric distribution saamgestelde hipergeometriese verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ISI compound negative multinomial distribution saamgestelde negatiefmultinomiaalverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ISI compound Poisson distribution saamgestelde Poisson-verdeling composed Poisson distribution. combination of elementary events bv.en proseskontrole to expose departure from a controlled state sooner Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: om gouer afwyking vanaf 'n gekontroleerde toestand bloot te lê ISI compressed testing saamgeperste toetsing reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing Statistical Dictionary computable berekenbaar data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary computation berekening data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise with numbers met syfers Statistical Dictionary computational method computational technique computational statistics statistical computing computational technique berekeningstegniek computational method berekeningsmetode general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek ESS compute reken uitreken data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary computer rekenaar data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary computer algorithm rekenaaralgoritme data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise ESS computer graphics rekenaargrafika graphical methods grafiese metodes ESS computer mapping rekenaarkartering Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: 64 . Hermite distribution Hermitiese verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings generalised form of the Poisson distribution veralgemeende vorm van die Poisson-verdeling ESS compound Poisson process <see Poisson process> saamgestelde Poisson-proses <kyk Poissonproses> composite Poisson process theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ESS compressed limits saamgeperste perke verengde perke quality and process control kwaliteits.Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: composite design design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente compound distribution saamgestelde verdeling compound frequency distribution truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings where distributions are mixed by assigning a distribution to one or more parameters waar verdelings gemeng word deur die toekenning van 'n verdeling aan een of meer parameters ESS compound event saamgestelde gebeurtenis probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie e.g. Monte Carlo-metodes which totally rely on computers e. skoenlushersteekproefneming ISI computing adj.y) sample bv.g. Monte Carlo methods simulasie.g. konkomitasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid which exist or occur together wat saam bestaan of voorkom Statistical Dictionary concomitant factor concomitant variable concomitant of order statistics meegaande van ordestatistieke konkomitant van ordestatistieke order statistics ordestatistieke e. the associated y-variate for an x order stastistic in an (x.g. rekenuitreken data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise e.g.y)-steekproef ESS concomitant variable meegaande veranderlike concomitant factor konkomitante veranderlike. Monte Carlo methods simulasie.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: graphical methods grafiese metodes ESS computer package rekenaarpakket computer software rekenaarsagteware Statistical Dictionary computer program rekenaarprogram computer software rekenaarsagteware Statistical Dictionary computer simulation rekenaarsimulasie simulation. In die studie van monopolieë ESS concomitance konkomitasie meegaande association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid existence or occurrence together medeaanwesigheid ISI concomitant meegaande konkomitant. bootstrap resampling wat geheel en al op rekenaars steun bv. berekening data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise ESS concave konkaaf holvormig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary concave function konkawe funksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes ESS concentration curve konsentrasiekromme medical and epidemiological statistics Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek e. rekensentrum ESS computing n. konkomitante faktor design of experiments 65 . bloedkonsentrasiekrommes ESS concentration matrix precision matrix concentration parameter konsentrasieparameter probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings of a circular normal distribution in Von Mises distribution van 'n sirkelnormaalverdeling by Von Misesverdeling ISI concentration ratio konsentrasieverhouding econometrics ekonometrie a measure of dispersion. e. bv.g. blood-concentration curves bv. die geassosieerde y-veranderlike vir 'n xordestatistiek in 'n (x. computing centre bv. in the study of monopolies 'n verspreidingsmaatstaf. Monte Carlo-metodes ESS computer software rekenaarsagteware computer-intensive methods rekenaarintensiewe metodes simulation. Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: ontwerp van eksperimente factors that are detectable but not accommodated in the design faktore wat waarneembaar is. maar nie in die ontwerp opgeneem nie ESS concordance ooreenstemming konkordansie rank correlation rangkorrelasie similarity or agreement between two or more entities ooreenkoms of ooreenstemming tussen twee of meer entiteite Statistical Dictionary concordance coefficient ooreenstemmingskoëffisiënt konkordansiekoëffisiënt rank correlation rangkorrelasie measuring the agreement among a set of rankings meet die onderlinge ooreenkoms tussen 'n stel rangordenings Statistical Dictionary concordant ooreenstemmend association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid showing agreement toon ooreenkoms Statistical Dictionary concordant sample ooreenstemmende steekproef association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid begrip gebruik om verskille tussen steekproewe te beskryf ISI concurrent deviation saamgaande afwyking rank correlation rangkorrelasie related to Kendall's tau verwant aan Kendall se tau Statistical Dictionary condition n. hazard rate gevaarkoers reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing conditional independence voorwaardelike onafhanklikheid association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid between random variables conditional on the values of others tussen stogastiese veranderlikes voorwaardelik op die waardes van ander ISI Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 66 . matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. verwagte waardes en parameters conditional failure rate voorwaardelike falingskoers hazard. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. verwagte waardes en parameters the expectation of the conditional distribution of the variable die verwagting van die voorwaardelike verdeling van die veranderlike conditional expected value voorwaardelike verwagte waarde conditional expectation voorwaardelike verwagting random variables. voorwaarde general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary condition number geaardheidsgetal linear algebra. matrikse en vektore of a matrix van 'n matriks Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: ESS condition v. kondisioneer onder 'n voorwaarde stel general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary conditional voorwaardelik general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary conditional distribution voorwaardelike verdeling association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid the distribution of one or more random variables given the value of other random variables die verdeling van een of meer stogastiese veranderlikes gegewe die waardes van ander stogastiese veranderlikes Statistical Dictionary conditional expectation voorwaardelike verwagting conditional expected value voorwaardelike verwagte waarde random variables. permutasietoets en hersteekproefneming Statistical Dictionary conditional variance <see conditional moment> voorwaardelike variansie <kyk voorwaardelike moment> random variables. permutation test and resampling bv. likelihood-based approach toetskonstruksie. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes.g.g.g. used in finding the liklihood ratio bv. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. simple regression through the origin bv. rank tests.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: conditional inference voorwaardelike inferensie estimation beraming e. rangtoetse. aanneemlikheidsgebaseerde benadering e. verwagte waardes en parameters of a conditional distribution van 'n voorwaardelike verdeling ESS conditional power function voorwaardelike onderskeidingsvermoëfunksie hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing considered in a subspace defined by observed sample beskou in 'n deelruimte wat deur waargenome steekproef gedefinieer word ISI conditional probability voorwaardelike waarskynlikheid probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie the probability of an event given the occurance of another event die waarskynlikheid van 'n gebeurtenis gegewe die voorkoms van 'n ander Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Statistical Dictionary conditional regression voorwaardelike regressie regression analysis regressieanalise e. Gebeurlikheidstabelanalise ISI conditional likelihood voorwaardelike aanneemlikheid test construction. verdelingsvrye toetse e. word gebruik om die aanneemlikheidsverhouding te bepaal ISI conditional moment voorwaardelike moment random variables. contingency table analyses bv. on stratum totals waar die hinderparameters deur voorwaardestelling op bv. waar waardes vir die parameters gebruik word soos deur die nulhipotese gespesifiseer ESS conditional logistic regression voorwaardelike logistiese regressie regression analysis regressieanalise where the nuisance parameters are eliminated by conditioning e.g. verwagte waardes en parameters ESS conditionality principle voorwaardelikheidsbeginsel general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek ISI conditionally unbiased estimator voorwaardelik-onsydige beramer exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers conditioning voorwaardestelling general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek ESS confidence band vertrouenstrook Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: 67 . stratumtotale geëlimineer word ISI conditional maximum likelihood voorwaardelike maksimumaanneemlikheid hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing e.g. using values for the parameters as specified by the null hypothesis bv. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. eenvoudige regressie deur die oorsprong ISI conditional statistic voorwaardelike statistiek voorwaardelike steekproefgrootheid estimation beraming ISI conditional survivor function voorwaardelike langslewendefunksie reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing the complement of the conditional distribution function die komplement van die voorwaardelike verdelingsfunksie ISI conditional test voorwaardelike toets non-parametric tests.g. g. of information provided in a survey bv. bevat die onbekende parameter met 'n gespesifiseerde vertroue Statistical Dictionary confidence level vertrouenspeil confidence coefficient vertrouenskoëffisiënt estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary confidence limit vertrouensgrens confidence bound estimation beraming the upper or lower limit of a confidence interval die boonste of onderste grens van 'n vertrouensinterval ESS confidence region vertrouensgebied estimation beraming space containing unknown parameters with a given confidence ruimte wat onbekende parameters met 'n gegewe vertroue bevat Statistical Dictionary confidence set vertrouensversameling estimation beraming general term including confidence interval and confidence region algemene term wat vertrouensinterval en vertouensgebied insluit ISI confidentiality vertroulikheid market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling e.Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: confidence belt estimation beraming the region between the upper and lower confidence bound die gebied tussen die boonste en onderste vertrouensgrense Statistical Dictionary confidence belt confidence band confidence bound vertrouensgrens confidence limit estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary confidence coefficient vertrouenskoëffisiënt confidence level vertrouenspeil estimation beraming the proportion samples for which the true value of the parameter is contained within the confidence interval die proporsie steekproewe waarvoor die werklike waarde van die parameter in die vertrouensinterval bevat is Statistical Dictionary confidence curves <Plural> vertrouenskrommes <Meervoud> estimation beraming upper and lower confidence limits as functions over parameter values boonste en onderste vertouensgrense as funksies oor parameterwaardes ISI confidence distribution vertrouensverdeling estimation beraming relating to a collection of confidence intervals hou verband met 'n versameling vertrouensintervalle ISI confidence ellipsoid vertrouensellipsoïed confidence regions vertrouensgebiede a multivariate confidence interval 'n meerveranderlike vertrouensinterval ESS confidence interval vertrouensinterval estimation beraming based on sample statistics. containing the unknown parameter with a specified confidence Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: gebaseer op steekproefstatistieke. van inligting in 'n opname verskaf ESS configuration konfigurasie factor analysis faktoranalise Statistical Dictionary configurational analysis profielanalise profile analysis multivariate analysis of variance meerveranderlike variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary configurational sampling netsteekproefneming <verkieslik> Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 68 . Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: grid sampling roostersteekproefneming sampling steekproefneming confirmatory data analysis bevestigende data-analise general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek after exploratory phase. ortogonale skikkings not estimable due to too few replicates nie beraambaar nie as gevolg van te min replikate ESS confounding variable strengelingsveranderlike confounder strengelaar analysis of covariance kovariansieanalise ESS confusion matrix verwarringsmatriks neural networks. used to analyse data through designed experiments and surveys word na verkennende data-analise gebruik om data met ontwerp te eksperimente en opnames te ontleed confirmatory factor analysis bevestigende faktoranalise association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid to test a factor model partially specified beforehand om 'n faktormodel te toets wat vooraf gedeeltelik gespesifiseer is ESS confluence analysis saamvloeianalise bunch-map analysis bondelkaartanalise regression analysis regressieanalise ISI confluent function saamvloeiende funksie special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies ESS confluent relation saamvloeiende verband special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies Statistical Dictionary conformable matrices vermenigvuldigbare matrikse linear algebra. ortogonale skikkings used when the number of factors and/or factor level is large relative to the amount of available data gebruik wanneer die getal faktore en/of faktorpeile groot is in verhouding tot die hoeveelheid beskikbare data Statistical Dictionary confounding interaction <see confounding> strengelingsinteraksie <kyk strengeling> factorial designs. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. ortogonale skikkings to distort the effect of an explanatory variable of interest om die effek van 'n verklarende veranderlike van belang te verwring Statistical Dictionary confounded design <see confounding> gestrengelde ontwerp <kyk strengeling> entangled design Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: factorial designs. entangling factorial designs. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. kunsmatige intelligensie depicting misclassification frequencies stel frekwensies van foutiewe klassifikasie voor ESS congestion opeenhoping agglomerasie queues toue ESS congestion problem opeenhopingsprobleem queues toue Statistical Dictionary congruence kongruensie congruency English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: 69 . orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary confound strengel entangle factorial designs. ortogonale skikkings Statistical Dictionary confounder <see confound> strengelaar <kyk strengel> confounding variable strengelingsveranderlike analysis of covariance kovariansieanalise ISI confounding strengeling entanglement. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. artificial intelligence neurale netwerke. en a posteriori-verdelings dieselfde vorm het ISI English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: conjugate ranking toegevoegde rangordening toegevoegde rangskikking rank correlation rangkorrelasie obtained by means of a special type of rearranging word deur middel van 'n spesiale tipe herrangordening verkry Statistical Dictionary connectedness samehang connection general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary connection connectedness conservative confidence interval konserwatiewe vertrouensinterval estimation beraming containing the parameter with confidence level larger than the specified level wat die parameter met vertrouenspeil groter as die gespesifiseerde peil bevat ISI conservative process konserwatiewe proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI conservative significance test conservative test conservative test <see also anti-conservative test> konserwatiewe toets <kyk ook antikonserwatiewe toets> conservative significance test konserwatiewe betekenistoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing actual level of test smaller than the significance level werklike peil van toets kleiner as die betekenispeil ESS consistency konsekwentheid constancy hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing e.g.g. in the analysis of preferences bv. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary conjugate prior toegevoegde a priori-verdeling Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming where the prior and posterior distributions have the same form waar die a priori. van beoordeling in gepaarde vergelykings ESS consistency <see consistent estimator> konsekwentheid <kyk konsekwente beramer> 70 . of judging in paired comparisons bv. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary congruency congruence conjecture vermoede general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary conjoint analysis saamgevoegde analise market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling e. by die ontleding van voorkeure ESS conjoint structure saamgevoegde struktuur market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling ESS conjugate distribution toegevoegde verdeling <Verkieslik> gekonjugeerde verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings ISI conjugate families of distributions toegevoegde families verdelings gekonjugeerde familie verdelings systems of distributions verdelingstelsels ESS conjugate Latin square toegevoegde Latynse vierkant design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente if the rows of one are the columms of the other as die rye van een die kolomme van die ander is Statistical Dictionary conjugate matrix toegevoegde matriks linear algebra. konstante general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary constrained least squares beperkte kleinste kwadrate restricted least squares least squares methods kleinstekwadratemetodes used to estimate parameters which are linearly restricted in values gebruik om parameters te beraam waarvan die waardes lineêr beperk is Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: constrained optimisation beperkte optimering mathematical programming wiskundige programmering ESS constraint beperking restriction general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek imposed by external conditions opgelê deur eksterne voorwaardes Statistical Dictionary construct validity konstrukgeldigheid psychometrics psigometrie of a measuring instrument using factor analysis van 'n meetinstrument met behulp van faktoranalise ISI consumer preference verbruikersvoorkeur market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary consumer price index <Full form> verbruikersprysindeks <Volledige vorm> CPI VPI indexes indekse reflecting changes in cost of living over time weerspieël verandering in lewenskoste oor tyd Statistical Dictionary consumer product testing verbruikersproduktoetsing market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling ESS consumer's risk <Note: see also type II error> verbruikersrisiko <kyk ook tipe II-fout> quality and process control kwaliteits. in die studie van aansteeklike siektes gebruik Statistical Dictionary contaminate kontamineer 71 .Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: constancy asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers consistent estimator konsekwente beramer asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers converges stochastically to the parameter konvergeer stogasties na die parameter Statistical Dictionary consistent test konsekwente toets asimptoties onderskeidende toets asymptotic properties of tests asimptotiese eienskappe van toetse for which the power tends to one if the sample size increases waarvoor die onderskeidingsvermoë na een neig as die steekproefgrootte toeneem ISI consonance interval konsonansie-interval ooreenstemmingsinterval goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse for unknown parameters in goodness-of-fit test vir onbekende parameters in pasgehaltetoets ESS constancy consistency constant adj.a. konstant general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary constant error konstante fout analysis of residuals residuanalise Statistical Dictionary constant n.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary contagious distribution <see also compound distributions> aansteeklikheidsverdeling <kyk ook saamgestelde verdelings> univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings used i. in studies of infectious diseases word o.a. g. reële analise Statistical Dictionary continuous <see continuity> kontinu <kyk kontinuïteit> theory of functions. gebeurlikheidstabelle two-way pr multiway frequency table twee.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary continuous data kontinue data data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise the values of continuous random variables die waardes van kontinue stogastiese veranderlikes continuous distribution <see continuous random variable> kontinue verdeling <kyk kontinue stogastiese veranderlike> probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary continuous distribution function English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 72 . reële analise Statistical Dictionary continuous control deurlopende kontrole quality and process control kwaliteits. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings for approximating probabilities of a discrete distribution by using a continuous distribution vir die benadering van waarskynlikhede van 'n diskrete verdeling deur gebruikmaking van 'n kontinue verdeling continuity theorem kontinuïteitstelling theory of functions. real analysis funksieteorie.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary contaminated distribution gekontamineerde verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings when data from one distribution contain some values from another distribution wanneer data vanuit een verdeling enkele waardes vanuit 'n ander verdeling bevat Statistical Dictionary content validity inhoudsgeldigheid psychometrics psigometrie e. real analysis funksieteorie. of a questionnaire bv.of meerrigtingfrekwensie contingency type distribution gebeurlikheidstipe-verdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings based on an odds ratio and dichotomisation gebaseer op 'n kansrelatief en tweedeling ISI continued fraction kettingbreuk number theory getalleteorie Statistical Dictionary continued product oneindige produk infinite product mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: continued proportion voortgesette eweredigheid voortdurende eweredigheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary continuity kontinuïteit theory of functions. real analysis funksieteorie. reële analise where the limit of the function equals the function of the limit waar die limiet van die funksie gelyk is aan die funksie van die limiet Statistical Dictionary continuity correction kontinuïteitskorreksie correction for continuity probability distributions. approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. van 'n vraelys ISI contiguity nabyliggendheid asymptotic properties of tests asimptotiese eienskappe van toetse of hypotheses van hipoteses ESS contiguous <see contiguity> nabyliggend <kyk nabyliggendheid> asymptotic properties of tests asimptotiese eienskappe van toetse Statistical Dictionary contingency coefficient coefficient of contingency contingency table gebeurlikheidstabel categorical data analysis. en proseskontrole for inspection of a product produced by a continuous process vir die inspeksie van 'n produk wat deur 'n kontinue proses geproduseer is ESS continuous variable <see continuous random variable> kontinue veranderlike <kyk kontinue stogastiese veranderlike> random variables. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. verwagte waardes en parameters assumes values in specified intervals with positive probabilities neem met positiewe waarskynlikhede waardes aan in gespesifiseerde intervalle Statistical Dictionary continuous sampling deurlopende steekproefneming Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary continuous sampling plans <Plural> deurlopende steekproefplanne <Meervoud> kontinue steekproefplanne quality and process control kwaliteits.Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: continuous probability law <Archaic> continuous population <not recommended> kontinue populasie <nie aanbeveel> univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings with regard to a continuous variate met betrekking tot 'n kontinue stogastiese veranderlike ISI continuous population survey deurlopende bevolkingsopname sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary continuous probability distribution kontinue waarskynlikheidsverdeling continuous probability law probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings with range a continuous set of one or more dimensional values met waardegebied 'n kontinue versameling eenof meerdimensionale waardes ISI continuous probability law <Archaic> kontinue waarskynlikheidsverdeling continuous probability distribution. verwagte waardes en parameters Statistical Dictionary continuous variate continuous random variable continuous waiting time distribution kontinue wagtydverdeling theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse between consecutive occurrences of event being studied tussen opeenvolgende voorkomste van gebeurtenis onder beskouing Statistical Dictionary continuum kontinuum mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary contour level kontoervlak patch kol cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie a compact cluster of homogeneous points 'n kompakte tros homogene punte Statistical Dictionary contour plot kontoerstipping graphical methods grafiese metodes in multivariate distributions indicating equal probability regions by meerveranderlike verdelings wat gelyke waarskynlikheidsgebiede aandui ESS contragraduation kontragraduering rank correlation 73 . continuous distribution function probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings met waardegebied oor 'n kontinue versameling ISI continuous process kontinue proses inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse with continuous time parameter met kontinue tydparameter Statistical Dictionary continuous production deurlopende produksie quality and process control kwaliteits. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. kontinue variaat continuous variate random variables.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary continuous random variable kontinue stogastiese veranderlike. <see contrast analysis> kontras <kyk kontrasanalise> multiple comparisons. klassieke metodologie a non-probability method 'n niewaarskynlikheidsmetode Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 74 .Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: rangkorrelasie in contrast to cograduation in teenstelling met kograduering Statistical Dictionary contra-harmonic mean kontraharmoniese gemiddelde empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe mean square of observations divided by their mean gemiddelde kwadraat van waarnemings gedeel deur hulle gemiddelde Statistical Dictionary contrast kontras hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing contrast analysis kontrasanalise teenstellingsanalise multiple comparisons. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures Statistical Dictionary control chart acceptance control chart control experiment kontrole-eksperiment design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente to test effect of treatments om effek van behandelings te toets Statistical Dictionary control group kontrolegroep design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente receiving a placebo or no treatment wat 'n plasebo of geen behandeling ontvang Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: control limit kontrolegrens kontroleperk quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole plan used for making decisions besluitnemingsplan control theory kontroleteorie operations research operasionele navorsing dealing with behaviour of dynamical systems vir die hantering van die gedrag van dinamiese stelsels ESS control treatment <see control experiment> kontrolebehandeling <kyk kontroleeksperiment> design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary controlled process gekontroleerde proses beheerde proses quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole using statistical process control gebruik statistiese proseskontrole ISI convenience sampling gerieflikheidsteekproefneming sampling.en proseskontrole line on control chart indicating need for action lyn op kontrolekaart wat dui op nodigheid vir aksie control method <see control experiment> kontrolemetode <kyk kontrole-eksperiment> design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente for the reduction of sampling error vir die vermindering van steekproeffout ISI control of substrata substratabeheer sampling steekproefneming using known substratum numbers waar bekende substratumgetalle gebruik word ISI control scheme beheerskema quality and process control kwaliteits. teenstelling general algemeen Statistical Dictionary contrast n. classical methodology steekproefneming. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures for testing specific differences in particular parts of a complex design vir die toets van spesifieke verskille in bepaalde dele van 'n komplekse ontwerp ESS contrast n. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. the central limit theorem bv. die sentrale limietstelling Statistical Dictionary convergence with probability one convergence almost surely conversion factor omskakelingsfaktor transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes Statistical Dictionary conversion table omskakelingstabel transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes Statistical Dictionary convex konveks bolvormig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary convex duality konvekse dualiteit mathematical programming wiskundige programmering Statistical Dictionary convex hull konvekse omhulsel mathematical programming wiskundige programmering Statistical Dictionary convex set konvekse versameling theory of sets versamelingsteorie Statistical Dictionary convolution konvolusie sums of independent random variables somme van onafhanklike stogastiese veranderlikes the distribution of the sum of independent random variables die verdeling van die som van onafhanklike stogastiese veranderlikes Statistical Dictionary Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Source Publication: 75 .English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: convergence almost surely byna-seker-konvergensie convergence with probability one konvergensie met waarskynlikheid een probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie of a sequence of random variables to a limiting variable van 'n ry stogastiese veranderlikes na 'n limietveranderlike Statistical Dictionary convergence in distribution konvergensie in verdeling convergence in law probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie convergence in law konvergensie in verdeling convergence in distribution probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie of a sequence of distributions to a limiting distribution van 'n ry verdelings na 'n limietverdeling ESS convergence in mean square konvergensie in gemiddelde kwadraat convergence in quadratic mean probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie the sequence of the expected value of the squared difference between the random variable and its limit tends to zero die ry van die verwagte waarde van die gekwadreerde verskil tussen die stogastiese veranderlike en sy limiet neig na nul ISI convergence in measure konvergensie in maat maatkonvergensie measure theory maatteorie Statistical Dictionary convergence in probability konvergensie in waarskynlikheid weak convergence swak konvergensie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie of a sequence of random variables to a limiting variable or a constant van 'n ry stogastiese veranderlikes na 'n limietveranderlike of 'n konstante ISI convergence in quadratic mean convergence in mean square convergence in the mean of order p konvergensie in gemiddelde van orde p mean of order p convergence Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie an extension of convergence of mean square 'n uitbreiding van konvergensie in gemiddelde kwadraat Statistical Dictionary convergence theorem konvergensiestelling probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie e.g. juis korrek data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary correct v.English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Cook's statistic Cook se statistiek Cook se toetsgrootheid regression analysis regressieanalise a measure of influence of individual observations in a multiple linear regression 'n invloedsmaatstaf van individuele waarnemings in 'n meervoudige lineêre regressie ISI co-ordinate koördinaat mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary co-ordinate plane koördinaatvlak mathematical methods wiskundige metodes two-dimensional tweedimensionaal Statistical Dictionary co-ordinate system koördinaatstelsel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes two or more dimensional twee. kyk werkprobit> verstelde probit regression analysis regressieanalise compounded from the empirical probit and the expected probit saamgestel uit die empiriese probit en die verwagte probit ISI correction factor korreksiefaktor empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary correction for continuity continuity correction correction for grouping groeperingskorreksie empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 76 . see working probit> gekorrigeerde probit<vermy. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings gives the p-th percentile in terms of that of the standard normal distribution Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: gee die p-de persentiel in terme van dié van die standaardnormaalverdeling ISI correct adj.of meerdimensionaal Statistical Dictionary copula copula multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings a joint distribution for two or more marginally standard uniform variables 'n gesamentlike verdeling vir twee of meer veranderlikes met standaarduniforme randverdelings ISI corner test <see medial test> hoektoets <kyk mediaaltoets> association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data a graphical test based on a scatterplot for association between two variables 'n grafiese toets vir assosiasie gebaseer op 'n spreidingsdiagram Statistical Dictionary Cornish-Fisher expansion Cornish-Fisher-ontwikkeling probability distributions. populasiemodelle Statistical Dictionary corrected mean adjusted average corrected moment <see Sheppard's corrections> verstelde moment <kyk Sheppard se korreksies> gekorrigeerde moment empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe for correcting errors due to grouping into frequency tables vir die korrigering van foute as gevolg van groepering in frekwensietabelle Statistical Dictionary corrected probit <avoid. population models demografie. approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings. korrigeer data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary corrected death rate verstelde sterftekoers refined death rate. adjusted death rate demography. resiproke skalering categorical data analysis. Shephard's corrections bv. Shephard se korreksies ESS corrections for abruptness abruptheidskorreksies empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele a system of corrections where Sheppard's correction does not apply 'n stelsel korreksies waar Sheppard se korreksie nie van toepassing is nie ISI correlate korreleer association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary correlated variables gekorreleerde veranderlikes association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid when there is a statistical relationship between variables wanneer daar 'n statistiese verband tussen veranderlikes is Statistical Dictionary correlation korrelasie association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data a linear relationship between two variables 'n lineêre verband tussen twee veranderlikes Statistical Dictionary correlation coefficient korrelasiekoëffisiënt coefficient of correlation association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid correlation index korrelasie-indeks index of correlation regression analysis regressieanalise for curved regression vir kromlynige regressie Statistical Dictionary correlation matrix R-matrix correlation matrix R-matrix correlation ratio korrelasieverhouding ratio of correlation Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: analysis of variance variansieanalise the between groups sum of squares divided by the total sum of squares die tussengroepe som van kwadrate gedeel deur die totale som van kwadrate correlation table korrelasietabel empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe a frequency table of a bivariate continuous distribution 'n frekwensietabel van 'n tweeveranderlike kontinue verdeling ISI correlogram korrelogram univariate time series. klassifikasie en identifikasie graph of autocorrelation function grafiek van outokorrelasiefunksie ISI correspondence ooreenkoms general algemeen correspondence analysis ooreenkomsanalise reciprocal scaling ooreenstemmingsanalise.g. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: e. gebeurlikheidstabelle cos cos cosine kosinus mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary cosine cos cosine function kosinusfunksie theory of sets versamelingsteorie probability theory waarskynlikheidsleer cospectrum kospektrum coherence spectrum koherensiespektrum spectral analysis spektraalanalise Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 77 . a Poisson process ESS covariable koveranderlike kovariaat analysis of covariance kovariansieanalise Statistical Dictionary covariance kovariansie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid the first product moment of two random variables about their mean values die eerste produkmoment van twee stogastiese veranderlikes om hulle gemiddelde waardes covariance analysis analysis of covariance covariance function kovariansiefunksie autocovariance function stationary processes stasionêre prosesse ISI covariance matrix Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definisie: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Source Publication: English: 78 .g. tel telling association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary countable telbaar number theory getalleteorie Statistical Dictionary counter example teenvoorbeeld mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary counter model tipe II-tellermodel theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse registreer 'n telling van 'n eerste aankoms wat nie deur die puls van enige vorige telling gedek is nie ISI counter model Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: tellermodel theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse counting random events. as in a Geiger counter tel stogastiese gebeurtenisse waarvan sommige verbloem kan wees. telling tel association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary count v. some of which may be masked. e. soos in 'n Geiger-teller ISI counterfactual model teenfeitelike model regression analysis regressieanalise ISI counting distribution telverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings formed by the number of events occurring in a fixed period of time gevorm deur die getal gebeurtenisse wat in 'n vaste tydsperiode voorkom ISI counting function telfunksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary counting process telproses Poisson processes Poisson-prosesse where counting of events are considered.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: cost curve kostekromme spectral analysis spektraalanalise Statistical Dictionary cost function kostefunksie econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary cost of living lewenskoste indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary count data tellingsdata univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings discrete distributions of nonnegative integers diskrete verdelings van nienegatiewe heelgetalle {Konteks: eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings} ESS count n. second-order stationary covariance stationary process kovariansiestasionêre-proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse where the autocovariance is also independent of time waar die outokovariansie ook onafhanklik van tyd is ISI covariate kovariaat koveranderlike analysis of covariance kovariansieanalise Statistical Dictionary covariation kovariasie analysis of covariance kovariansieanalise Statistical Dictionary covarimin kovarimin factor analysis faktoranalise a method of rotation 'n rotasiemetode ISI cover n. populasiemodelle Statistical Dictionary coverage error dekkingsfout demography. population models demografie. wide sense stationary covariance stationary wide sense stationary. dek covering demography. population models demografie. oordekking covering statistical tolerance intervals statistiese toleransie-intervalle Statistical Dictionary cover v. populasiemodelle Statistical Dictionary cover v. is elk van die veranderlikes ook normaalverdeel ISI Cramér-Rao bound Cramér-Rao-grens exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers ISI Cramér-Rao inequality Cramér-Rao-ongelykheid exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers gives a lower bound to the variance of an estimator gee 'n ondergrens vir die variansie van 'n beramer ISI Cramér-von Mises test Cramér-von Mises-toets Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 79 . population models demografie.Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: kovariansiematriks dispersion matrix. oordek covering statistical tolerance intervals statistiese toleransie-intervalle Statistical Dictionary coverage Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: dekking demography. populasiemodelle Statistical Dictionary coverage probability<see also confidence coefficient> oordekkingswaarskynlikheid<kyk ook vertrouenskoëffisiënt> estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary coverage problem dekkingsprobleem geometric probability geometriese waarskynlikheid ISI covering cover covering theorem oordekkingstelling statistical tolerance intervals statistiese toleransie-intervalle Statistical Dictionary CPI consumer price index Cramér-Lévy theorem Cramér-Lévy-stelling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings if the sum of two independent variates is normally distributed. so is each of the variates as die som van twee onafhanklike stogastiese veranderlikes normaalverdeel is. variance-covariance matrix variansie-kovariansie-matriks association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary covariance stationary second-order stationary. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. by bepaling van premies ESS credibility interval geloofwaardigheidsinterval Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming ESS credible interval geloofwaardigheidsinterval Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming ISI credible interval Bayesian credibility interval criss-cross design kruis-en-dwars-ontwerp kriskrasontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ESS criterion kriterium general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary criterion variable kriteriumveranderlike random variables.g. Gibbs states Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: statistiese meganiese tipe modelle.Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: omega square test. verwagte waardes en parameters Statistical Dictionary critical adj. gebruik in statistiese meganiese modelle ESS critical quotient kritieke kwosiënt extreme value distributions ekstreemwaardeverdelings ISI critical region kritieke gebied rejection region verwerpingsgebied hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary critical region rejection region critical value kritieke waarde hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary criticality theorem kritikaliteitstelling kritiekheidstelling branching and related processes vertakkings.en verwante prosesse e.g. kritiek engineering ingenieurswese Statistical Dictionary critical defect kritieke defek engineering ingenieurswese Statistical Dictionary critical phenomenon kritieke fenomeen statistical mechanics type models. in determining of premiums bv. perkolasieteorie. WN2 test omegakwadraat-toets. branching processes concerning the probability of survival bv. used in statistical mechanical models bv. contingency tables 80 .g. percolation theory. Gibbs-toestande e. Wn²-toets goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse ISI credibility geloofwaardigheid actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde e. vertakkingsprosesse wat verband hou met die waarskynlikheid van oorlewing ESS Cronbach alpha Cronbach-alpha psychometrics psigometrie a measure of reliability of a test 'n maatstaf van toetsbetroubaarheid crop experiment gewaseksperiment design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary cross amplitude spectrum kruisamplitudespektrum spectral analysis spektraalanalise spectrum of the correlation of amplitudes in a bivariate time series spektrum van die korrelasie van amplitudes in 'n tweeveranderlike tydreeks ISI cross classification kruisklassifikasie categorical data analysis. v. kapasiteit van kanale an improvement on the principle of maximum entropy 'n verbetering op die beginsel van maksimum entropie {Konteks: inligtingsteorie} ESS crossing kruising factorial designs. information measures. with one lagged tussen twee tydreekse.b. met die een gesloer ISI cross-cultural survey tussenkultureopname social sciences sosiale wetenskappe Statistical Dictionary cross-cut deursnit data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary cross-dating kruisdatering age determination using tree-ring analysis in dendrochronology ouderdomsbepaling m.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: kategoriese data-analise. entropy. capacity of channels inligtingsteorie. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe.en fasespektrums Statistical Dictionary cross tabulation kruistabellering association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary cross validation kruisgeldigheidsbepaling voorspellende steekproefhergebruik sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke Statistical Dictionary cross-classification kruisklassifikasie association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary cross-classification table kruisklassifikasietabel association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary cross-correlation kruiskorrelasie theory of stochastic processes Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary cross-correlogram kruiskorrelogram association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary cross-covariance kruiskovariansie inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse between two time series. jaarringanalise in dendrochronologie ESS crossed factors <Plural> gekruiste faktore <Meervoud> design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary crossed weight index number kruisgewigindeks indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary cross-entropy kruisentropie information theory. ortogonale skikkings ESS 81 . inligtingsmaatstawwe. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI cross hatch kruisarseer graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary cross intensity function kruisintensiteitsfunksie renewal theory and processes hernuwingsteorie en -prosesse dealing with the relationship between different types of events over time handel oor die verband tussen verskillende tipes gebeurtenisse oor tyd ISI cross range test kruisvariasiewydtetoets goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse for the identity of two rectangular distributions of twee reghoekige verdelings identies is ISI cross spectrum kruisspektrum inference for multivariate time series inferensie vir meerveranderlike tydreekse the product of the amplitude and phase spectra die produk van die amplitude. entropie. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. modelbou en -seleksie ISI cross-weight index number kruisgewigindeks indexes indekse ISI crude onverwerk raw ru general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary crude data onverwerkte data raw data ru data general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary crude death rate onverwerkte sterftesyfer actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde per unit per eenheid Statistical Dictionary crude death rate onverwerkte sterftetal actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde amount.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: cross-lagged correlation kruissloeringskorrelasie univariate time series. number aantal. klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary cross-national survey tussennasionaliteiteopname social sciences sosiale wetenskappe Statistical Dictionary crossover oorskakel cross-over designs oorskakelontwerpe Statistical Dictionary cross-over design oorskakelontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary cross-over trial oorskakelproef cross-over designs oorskakelontwerpe Statistical Dictionary crossproduct kruisproduk mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary cross-section deursnee dwarsdeursnee other designs of experiments ander ontwerpe van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary cross-section data deursneedata other designs of experiments ander ontwerpe van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary cross-section design deursnee-ontwerp other designs of experiments ander ontwerpe van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary cross-section study deursneestudie other designs of experiments ander ontwerpe van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary cross-sectional sampling naturalistic sampling English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: cross-sectional survey deursnee-opname market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling ISI cross-stratification kruisstratifikasie sampling. model building and selection regressie. classical methodology steekproefneming. getal Statistical Dictionary crude death rate onverwerkte sterftetempo actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde 82 . klassieke metodologie Statistical Dictionary cross-validation predictive sample re-use cross-validation criterion kruisgeldigheidskriterium regression. to a z-score voor transformasie bv. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes.g. ortogonale skikkings ISI cubic lattice kubieke rooster factorial designs. ortogonale skikkings Statistical Dictionary cubic designs with three associate classes kubieke ontwerpe met drie geassosieerde klasse factorial designs. raw score roudata psychometrics psigometrie before transformation e. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. derdegraads mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary cubic adj. verwagte waardes en parameters 83 . na 'n z-telling Statistical Dictionary crude sum of squares ongekorrigeerde som van kwadrate uncorrected sum of squares analysis of variance variansieanalise ESS crypto-deterministic process kripto-deterministiese proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse where the initial conditions contain all the uncertainty waar die aanvanklike toestande al die onsekerheid bevat ISI cube kubus mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary cube derde mag third power mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary cube of correlation derdemagskorrelasie regression analysis regressieanalise ISI cube root derdemagswortel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary cube-root test of homogeneity derdemagsworteltoets vir homogeniteit Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: analysis of variance variansieanalise testing of equality of variances and an alternative for Bartlett's test by die toetsing van gelykheid van variansies en 'n alternatief vir Bartlett se toets {Konteks: variansieanalise : algemeen} ESS cubic adj. ortogonale skikkings Statistical Dictionary cubic polynomial derdegraadspolinoom mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary cuboid kuboïed rectangular parallelepiped. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. kubiek mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary cubic design kubieke ontwerp factorial designs. rectangular right prism mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary cuboidal lattice design kubusagtige roosterontwerp kuboïediese roosterontwerp other designs of experiments ander ontwerpe van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary cumulant kumulant half-invariant. semi-invariant random variables. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe.Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: per unit of time per tydseenheid Statistical Dictionary crude moment nulpuntmoment raw moment empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary crude score routelling point score. Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Statistical Dictionary cumulant generating kumulantvoortbringend random variables.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary cumulative chi-squared statistic kumulatiewe chi-kwadraatstatistiek sampling distributions steekproefverdelings cumulative data kumulatiewe data computer software rekenaarsagteware Statistical Dictionary cumulative distribution function cdf <abbreviation> cumulative distribution probability function <Full form> kumulatiewe waarskynlikheidsverdelingsfunksie <Nie aanbeveel> cdf verdelingsfunksie probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary cumulative error kumulatiewe fout computer software rekenaarsagteware Statistical Dictionary cumulative frequency kumulatiewe frekwensie general methodology and philosophy of statistics Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary cumulative frequency curve kumulatiewe frekwensiekromme empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ISI cumulative frequency curve kumulatiewe frekwensiekromme general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary cumulative frequency function kumulatiewe frekwensiefunksie empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ISI cumulative frequency polygon kumulatiewe frekwensiepoligoon general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary cumulative hazard cumulative risk cumulative incidence kumulatiewe insidensie reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ISI cumulative normal distribution kumulatiewe normaalverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings cumulative probability distribution function cdf <abbreviation> cumulative risk kumulatiewe risiko cumulative hazard kumulatiewe gevaar theory of replacement. oorlewingsanalise ISI cumulative sum kumulatiewe som kusom quality and process control kwaliteits. survival analysis vervangingsteorie. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. verwagte waardes en parameters Statistical Dictionary cumulate accumulate cumulative kumulatief general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary cumulative chart kumulatiewe kaart quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary cumulative sum chart kumulatiewesom-kaart cusum chart 84 . verwagte waardes en parameters Statistical Dictionary cumulant generating function kumulantvoortbringende funksie random variables. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary curtailed sampling modified sampling curtate voltooide demography. populasiemodelle ISI current population survey lopende bevolkingsopname demography.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary cumulative total kumulatiewe totaal progressive total progressiewe totaal quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole ISI cumulative sum distribution kumulatiewesom-verdeling quality and process control kwaliteits. populasiemodelle ISI curvature Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: kromming mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary curvature nonlinearity krommingsnielineariteit nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie ESS curve kromme mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary curve fitting krommepassing regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary curve fitting method krommepassingsmetode regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary curve of concentration konsentrasiekromme regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary curve of equidetectability kromme van gelyke opsporingsvermoë <Verkieslik> gelyke opspoorbaarheidskromme econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary curve of error foutkromme error curve regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary curve of means kromme van gemiddeldes estimation in multivariate problems beraming in meerveranderlike probleme Statistical Dictionary curve of mortality sterftekromme mortality curve actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde Statistical Dictionary curve of probability waarskynlikheidskromme probability curve 85 .en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary curtailed inspection ingekorte inspeksie quality and process control kwaliteits.Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: kusomkaart quality and process control kwaliteits. populasiemodelle Statistical Dictionary current status data heersendestatus-data censoring sensorering ISI curtail besnoei inkort quality and process control kwaliteits. population models demografie.en proseskontrole ISI cumulative summation method kumulatiewe sommeermetode quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary current life table lopende lewenstabel demography. population models demografie. population models demografie. en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: cusum chart cumulative sum chart CUSUM procedures KUSOM-prosedures quality and process control kwaliteits.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary curve of regression regressiekromme regression curve regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary curve types tipes krommes mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary curved gekrom mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary curved line relation kromlynige verband curvilinear relation regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary curved regression kromlynige regressie curvilinear regression. afkappingspunt afsnypunt general algemeen cut off v. afsny general algemeen ISI cut off v. non-linear regression nielineêre regressie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary curvilinear kromlynig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary curvilinear correlation kromlynige korrelasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid curvilinear regression curved regression curvilinear relation curved line relation curvilinear trend kromlynige tendens econometrics ekonometrie cusum kumulatiewe som kusom quality and process control kwaliteits. afkap censoring sensorering Statistical Dictionary cut-off point afkappingspunt censoring sensorering Statistical Dictionary cycle siklus mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary cyclic siklies cyclical mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary cyclic component konjunktuur univariate time series. klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary cyclic coordinate method sikliese koördinaatmetode mathematical methods wiskundige metodes 86 . classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary cut off n.en proseskontrole ISI cusum technique kumulatiewesom-tegniek kusomtegniek quality and process control kwaliteits. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary cyclic order sikliese volgorde Latin and Graeco-Latin squares. bivariate normal distribution bv. Youden designs Latynse en Grieks-Latynse vierkante. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI cyclical cyclic cyclicity siklisiteit theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ESS cylinder set silinderversameling algebraic structures algebraïese strukture Statistical Dictionary cylindrically rotatable design Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: silindriesroteerbare ontwerp other designs of experiments ander ontwerpe van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary cypher cipher D+n statistic D+n-statistiek goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse used in connection with confidence limits for a distribution function word in verband met vertrouensgrense vir 'n verdelingsfunksie gebruik ISI D²-statistic D²-statistiek Mahalanobis generalised distance Mahalanobis veralgemeende afstand. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Statistical Dictionary cyclic correlation sikliese korrelasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary cyclic design sikliese ontwerp other designs of experiments ander ontwerpe van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary cyclic movement sikliese beweging secondary movement. undulatory movement univariate time series. Youdenontwerpe Statistical Dictionary cyclic permutation circular permutation cyclic sampling sikliese steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming a systematical sampling scheme 'n sistematiese steekproefnemingskema {Konteks: steekproefneming : algemeen} ESS cyclic series sikliese reeks univariate time series. veralgemeende Mahalanobis-afstand cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie ISI DAG directed acyclic graph D'Agostino's test D'Agostino se toets goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse of normality vir normaliteit ESS DALY disability adjusted life year dam dam operations research operasionele navorsing damage function skadefunksie engineering ingenieurswese e. tweeveranderlike normaalverdeling ESS damage model skademodel probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie probabilistic modelling of certain type of random phenomena which may not be observable as a whole. undamaged ESS damped oscillation gedempte ossillasie Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 87 .g. algorithms and computer programs steekproefverdelings. algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme ISI data bank databank data banks databanke Statistical Dictionary data coding datakodering data condensation datakondensering opsomming van data empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe e. gebeurlikheidstabelle continuity correction for two-by-two frequency table kontinuïteitskorreksie vir vierdelings frekwensietabel Statistical Dictionary Daniels' formula Daniels se formule extreme value distributions ekstreemwaardeverdelings the relation between the expected value of the greatest observation from a standard normal population and its standard deviation die verband tussen die verwagte waarde van die grootste waarneming uit 'n standaardnormaalpopulasie en sy standaardafwyking {Konteks: ektreemwaardeverdelings} ESS Daniels' rank correlation coefficient Daniels se rangkorrelasiekoëffisiënt association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid ISI Daniels' test Daniels se toets non-parametric tests. gegewens sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary data analysis data-analise empirical distributions and descriptive measures Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary data array dataskikking data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise data augmentation algorithm data-aanvullingsalgoritme estimation. frekwensieverdelings en histogramme ESS data depth datadiepte data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise ISI data editing dataredigering data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise data field dataveld sampling distributions. rank tests.g.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: univariate time series. algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme Statistical Dictionary data processing dataprosessering dataverwerking data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise data set datastel sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary data sharpening Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 88 . classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI data data datum datum. rangtoetse. algorithms and computer programs beraming. klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary damping factor dempingsfaktor univariate time series. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary Dandekar correction Dandekar se korreksie Dandekar's correction Dandekar-korreksie categorical data analysis. frequency distributions and histograms bv. mortaliteitskoers. mortality rate sterftesyfer. mortaliteitsyfer reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing per unit per eenheid Statistical Dictionary debug ontfout sampling distributions. deur herinsleutel ESS database databasis data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise an indexed computer file to facilitate referencing 'n geïndekseerde rekenaarlêer om naslaan te vergemaklik ISI data-based method datagebaseerde metode sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke in contrast to model-based method in teenstelling met modelgebaseerde metode {Konteks: steekproefhergebruikstegnieke} ESS data-dependent allocation data-afhanklike toedeling.Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: sharpening data data source databron data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise data values datawaardes data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise data verification dataverifikasie data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise e. by rekeying bv. algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme programme program Statistical Dictionary decapitated distribution nulafgeknotte verdeling truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings Statistical Dictionary decapitated negative binomial distribution nulafgeknotte negatiefbinomiaalverdeling <Verkieslik> nulafgeknotte negatiewe binomiaalverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings for which the zero class is missing waarvan die nulklas ontbreek ISI decile desiel empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary decile range desielvariasiewydte empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary 89 . algorithms and computer programs steekproefverdelings. data-afhanklike toewysing sampling steekproefneming in adaptive sequential procedures when comparing two populations ESS data-driven mode datagedrewe modus graphical methods grafiese metodes in a multivariate computerised graphical display by meerveranderlike voorstelling van grafika m. mortality rate reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing per unit of time per tydseenheid Statistical Dictionary death rate sterftekoers fatality rate.g. population models demografie. rekenaar ESS datum data death process sterfteproses birth-death processes geboorte-en-sterfte-prosesse Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: death rate sterftetal fatality rate. populasiemodelle Statistical Dictionary death rate sterftetempo fatality rate.v. mortality rate demography.b. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. gebeurlikheidstabelle 90 . falling off regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary decoding dekodering data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise decomposable ontbindbaar univariate time series. beraming Statistical Dictionary decomposable models ontbindbare modelle categorical data analysis. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise.English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: decile rank desielrang desielrangnommer empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary decimal desimaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary decimal fraction desimaalbreuk desimale breuk mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary decision beslissing besluitneming hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary decision analysis beslissingsanalise decision theory beslissingsteorie Statistical Dictionary decision function beslissingsfunksie decision theory beslissingsteorie a rule specifying a decision that will be made for each possible outcome 'n reël wat 'n beslissing vir elke moontlike uitkoms sal maak ESS decision making besluitneming beslissing decision theory beslissingsteorie statistical statisties ESS decision problem besluitnemingsprobleem beslissingsprobleem decision theory beslissingsteorie statistical statisties ESS decision process beslissingsproses decision theory beslissingsteorie Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Statistical Dictionary decision rule beslissingsreël decision theory beslissingsteorie Statistical Dictionary decision space beslissingsruimte decision theory beslissingsteorie Statistical Dictionary decision theory beslissingsteorie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary deck siklus mathematical methods wiskundige metodes on logarithmic paper op logaritmepapier Statistical Dictionary deck stapel sampling distributions steekproefverdelings data structures datastrukture Statistical Dictionary deck pak classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie cards kaarte Statistical Dictionary decline afhelling drop. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary decrement dekrement calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary decremental rate dekrementele koers actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde e. defektief engineering ingenieurswese Statistical Dictionary defective limit defektiewe grens quality and process control kwaliteits. morbidity rate bv.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: ISI decomposition ontbinding splitsing univariate time series. smaller than one.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary 91 . van tydreeks Statistical Dictionary deconvolution dekonvolusie sums of independent random variables somme van onafhanklike stogastiese veranderlikes ISI decrease n. afneem verminder regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary decreasing failure rate afnemende falingskoers reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ISI decreasing function afnemende funksie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary decreasing order afnemende volgorde non-parametric tests. rangtoetse. beraming e. of time series bv. siektekoers ESS English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: deduce aflei logically mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary deduction afleiding mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary deep stratification diepte-stratifikasie optimal sampling strategies optimale steekproefnemingstrategieë Statistical Dictionary defect defek engineering ingenieurswese Statistical Dictionary defective adj. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rank tests.en proseskontrole defective probability distribution defekte waarskynlikheidsverdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings with defective probability measure met defektiewe waarskynlikheidsmaat ISI defective probability measure defektiewe waarskynlikheidsmaat measure theoretic approach maatteoretiese benadering which assigns its total mass. aan 'n interval toeken ISI defective sample defekte steekproef sampling steekproefneming ISI defective unit defektiewe eenheid defekte eenheid quality and process control kwaliteits.g. to an interval wat sy totale massa kleiner as een. afname vermindering regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary decrease v.g. ewekansigheidsgrade theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI Delphi method Delphi-metode market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling an iterative method to determine a consensus opinion among experts Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 92 . chi-square distributions Student se t. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. ortogonale skikkings ISI definite bepaald calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary definite definiet linear algebra. positief definiet Statistical Dictionary definite integral bepaalde integraal calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary definition definisie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary deflate defleer indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary deflated distribution gedefleerde verdeling truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings discrete distribution where a few probabilities are reduced while the remainder are increased proportionately Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: diskrete verdeling waar enkele waarskynlikhede ten koste van ander vermeerder word {Konteks: afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings} ESS deflating deflering indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary deflation deflasie indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary degenerate distribution singular distribution degree of accuracy akkuraatheidsgraad noukeurigheidsgraad mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary degree of belief geloofwaardigheidsgraad Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming Statistical Dictionary degree of confirmation bevestigingsgraad estimation beraming a fundamental concept of Carnap's theory of probability based on inductive logic 'n fundamentele konsep van Carnap se waarskynlikheidsleer gebaseer op induktiewe logika ESS degrees of freedom <Full form> vryheidsgrade df Student's t.g. positive definite bv. F. matrikse en vektore e. F. chi-kwadraatverdelings Statistical Dictionary degrees of randomness stogastisiteitsgrade <Aanbeveel> toevalligheidsgrade.Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: defects-per-unit plan defekte-per-eenheidplan engineering ingenieurswese Statistical Dictionary deficiency tekort hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary define definieer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary defining contrast definiërende kontras factorial designs. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. g. populasiemodelle Statistical Dictionary demographic statistics Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: demografiese statistieke bevolkingstatistieke demography. toepassings Statistical Dictionary dendrite dendriet graphical methods grafiese metodes tree diagram boomdiagram ESS dendrogram dendrogram tree diagram boomdiagram exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise Statistical Dictionary denominator noemer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary dense dig probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary density digtheid probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary density estimate digtheidsberaming density estimation and related topics digtheidsberaming en verwante onderwerpe of a density function. population models demografie.Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 'n iteratiewe metode om 'n konsensusmening by deskundiges te verkry {Konteks: marknavorsing en meningspeiling} ESS delta delta association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary delta distribution deltaverdeling truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings ISI delta method deltametode empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele using deviations of random variables from their expected values and is related to statistical differentials gebruik afwykings van stogastiese veranderlikes van verwagte waardes en is verwant aan statistiese differensies {Konteks: empiriese momente en kwantiele} ESS demand vraag econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary demand curve vraagkromme econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary demand equation vraagvergelyking econometrics ekonometrie demand function vraagfunksie econometrics ekonometrie demodulation demodulasie spectral analysis spektraalanalise Statistical Dictionary demographic demografies bevolkingsdemography. applications spesiale onderwerpe. bv. by a histogram van 'n digtheidsfunksie. population models demografie. deur 'n histogram ESS density estimation digtheidsberaming estimation beraming density estimator digtheidsberamer density estimation and related topics digtheidsberaming en verwante onderwerpe ESS density function Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 93 . populasiemodelle Statistical Dictionary demography demografie special topics. e. afdaal daal regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary descent n.g. afdaling daling regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary description beskrywing Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 94 . inkomste per lid van huishouding ISI descend v.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: digtheidsfunksie probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary denumerable aftelbaar enumerable number theory getalleteorie Statistical Dictionary denumerably infinite aftelbaar oneindig number theory getalleteorie Statistical Dictionary departure vertrek theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary departure from normality afwyking vanaf normaliteit gebrek aan normaliteit univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings ESS departure point vertrekpunt theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary departure process vertrekproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary dependence afhanklikheid association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary dependence function afhanklikheidsfunksie multivariate distributions meerveranderlike verdelings dependence of multivariate distributions on its marginals in distribution theory of multivariate extremes afhanklikheid van meerveranderlike verdelings van die randverdelings in verdelingsteorie van meerveranderlike ekstreme {Konteks: meerveranderlike verdelings} ESS dependence structure afhanklikheidstruktuur association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Statistical Dictionary dependent afhanklik association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary dependent event afhanklike gebeurtenis classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary dependent variable afhanklike veranderlike probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary derivate afgeleide derivative calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary derivative derivate derive aflei mathematical methods wiskundige metodes e.g. e. a formula bv. formule Statistical Dictionary derived statistics afgeleide statistieke data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise obtained by an arithmetic operation from primary observations. bv. income per household member word met behulp van 'n rekenkundige bewerking uit primêre waarnemings verkry. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary determination bepaling regression analysis regressieanalise 95 . hypothesis testing eenveranderlike tydreekse. hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary deseasonalising seisoensuitskakeling univariate time series. kanoniese korrelasie ISI determinantal equation determinantvergelyking linear algebra. canonical correlation kanoniese analise. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary design ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary design augmentation ontwerpaanvulling design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary design effect ontwerpeffek design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary design equation ontwerpvergelyking design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente in connection with rotatable designs in verband met roteerbare ontwerpe ISI design matrix ontwerpmatriks design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente experimental design eksperimentele ontwerp design of experiments Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: ontwerp van eksperimente design optimality ontwerp-optimaliteit design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente giving optimal estimates of the parameters wat optimale beramings van die parameters gee ISI design type O:PP O:PP-ontwerptipe design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente using orthogonality and partial balancing for three classifications waar ortogonaliteit en gedeeltelike balansering vir drie klassifikasies gebruik word ISI designed experiment ontwerpte eksperiment design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ESS destructive test vernietigende toets reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing Statistical Dictionary detect opspoor data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary detection of outliers opsporing van uitskieters analysis of residuals residuanalise ESS determinant determinant linear algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary descriptive measure beskrywende maatstaf sampling distributions steekproefverdelings descriptive statistic beskrywende statistiek empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary deseasonalised data seisoensuitgeskakelde data univariate time series. hypothesis testing eenveranderlike tydreekse. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary determinant correlation determinantkorrelasie canonical analysis. model building and selection regressie. die gemiddelde Statistical Dictionary deviate v. afwyking deviaat random variables. causal distribution deterministic model deterministiese model probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary deterministic problem deterministiese probleem probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie in contrast to a stochastic problem in teenstelling met 'n stogastiese probleem ESS deterministic process deterministiese proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse stochastic process with a zero error of prediction stogastiese proses met 'n nulvoorspellingsfout deterministic programming deterministiese programmering mathematical programming wiskundige programmering schedule of actions in problem solving where no stochastic elements are present skema van handelinge by probleemoplossing waar geen stogastiese elemente teenwoordig is nie {Konteks: wiskundige programmering} ESS detrimental nadelig data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary detrimental variable <see also confluence analysis> Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: nadelige veranderlike <kyk ook saamvloeianalise> regression. Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 96 . verwagte waardes en parameters ESS deviate n. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes.v. modelbou en -seleksie which worsens fit wat passing swakker maak ISI develop ontwikkel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary development ontwikkeling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary deviance afwyking deviaat analysis of variance variansieanalise sum of squares in analysis of variance som van kwadrate in variansieanalise {Konteks: variansieanalise : algemeen} ESS deviance deviansie generalised linear models veralgemeende lineêre modelle used in model fitting as a measure of goodnessof-fit formed from the logarithm of a ratio of likelihoods gebruik in modelpassing as 'n pasgehaltemaatstaf bereken uit die logaritme van die verhouding van aanneemlikhede ISI deviance residual deviansieresidu generalised linear models veralgemeende lineêre modelle ISI deviate n. deviaat afwyking analysis of residuals residuanalise regarding the mean t.Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Statistical Dictionary determination index coefficient of determination determine bepaal find data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary deterministic deterministies probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary deterministic distribution causal distribution deterministic distribution singular distribution.o. binêre veranderlike ESS dichotomous variable binary variable dichotomy digotomie tweedeling probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary dicing problem dobbelsteenprobleem classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie ESS die dobbelsteen classical probability theory English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 97 . af/aan dichotomous variable tweedelige veranderlike binary variable univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings variable with two possible values veranderlike met twee moontlike waardes {Konteks: eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings }.g. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. digotome veranderlike. diagonaal hoeklyn mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary diagonal regression diagonale regressie regression analysis regressieanalise a compromise between the x on y and y on x regression lines to reflect errors in both variables 'n kompromie tussen die regressielyne van x op y en y op x om foute in albei veranderlikes te weerspieël ISI diagram diagram mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: diameter diameter diametral line middellyn mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary diametral line diameter dice dobbelsteen classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie ESS dichotomise digotomiseer in twee deel probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary dichotomous data digotome data binary data tweedelige data. off/on waarin die responsveranderlike twee waardes aanneem. bv.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: afwyk analysis of residuals residuanalise Statistical Dictionary deviation afwyking deviaat analysis of residuals residuanalise Statistical Dictionary df degrees of freedom diagnostic test diagnostiese toets engineering ingenieurswese Statistical Dictionary diagnostics diagnostiek analysis of residuals residuanalise indication of error. e.g. bv. binêre data data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise in which the response variable takes two values. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary diagonal n. diagonaal hoeklyn mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary diagonal matrix diagonaalmatriks linear algebra. e. in regressie ESS diagonal adj. in regression foutaanduiding. differensiaal calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary differential calculation differensieberekening calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille differential calculus differensiaalrekening calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary differential equation differensiaalvergelyking calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary differential n. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rank tests.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary difference verskil mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary difference differensie finite difference eindige verskil calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary difference equation differensievergelyking calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary difference formula differensieformule calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary difference of zero nuldifferensie calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille in finite differences in eindige verskille ESS difference scale arithmetic scale difference sign test verskilletekentoets non-parametric tests. differensiaal calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary differential process differensiaalproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse an additive process usually with continuous time parameter 'n additiewe proses wat gewoonlik 'n kontinue parameter het ISI differential-difference equation difference-differential equation differentiate differensieer calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary diffuse prior vague prior diffuse prior distribution 98 . rangtoetse. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary difference table differensietabel calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary difference-differential equation differensie-differensiaalvergelyking differential-difference equation differensiaalverskilvergelyking calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary differencing differensievorming calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: ESS differentiability differensieerbaarheid calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary differentiable differensieerbaar calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary differential adj. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme Statistical Dictionary digitise versyfer digiteer mathematical methods. modelbou en -seleksie Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: a method for clustering of observations and for estimation of regression models in heterogeneous data 'n metode van trosvorming van waarnemings en vir die beraming van regressiemodelle in heterogene data {Konteks: modelbou en seleksie} ESS dilution experiment verdunningseksperiment geostatistics. algorithms and computer programs wiskundige metodes. model building and selection regressie. fisika en chemie ESS dilution series verdunningsreeks medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek of bacterial counts obtained from a series of progressively more diluted sample of the original suspension van bakterietellings wat uit 'n reeks progressief meer verdunde monsters van diè oorspronklike suspensie bestaan ISI dimension afmeting dimensionality. algorithms and computer programs wiskundige metodes. order linear algebra. algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme Statistical Dictionary digression analysis digressie-analise regression. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary dimension reduction dimensievermindering dimensiereduksie principal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise ISI dimensional dimensionaal dimensioneel multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings Statistical Dictionary dimensional quadrature dimensionele kwadratuur numerical analysis numeriese analise n-dimensional quadrature is concerned with the numerical approximation of integrals in two or more variables n-dimensionele kwadrering hou verband met die numeriese benadering van integrale in twee of meer veranderlikes {Konteks: numeriese analise} Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definisie: 99 .Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: diffuse a priori-verdeling diffusion and related processes diffusie en verwante prosesse Statistical Dictionary diffusion diffusie diffusion and related processes diffusie en verwante prosesse Statistical Dictionary diffusion index diffusie-indeks econometrics ekonometrie proportion of a set of time series which are increasing in a given time proporsie van 'n versameling tydreekse wat in 'n gegewe tyd stygend is ISI diffusion process diffusieproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary digamma function digammafunksie psi function special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies first derivative of the logarithm of the gamma function eerste afgeleide van die logaritme van die gammafunksie digit syfer figure mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary digital analysis syferanalise mathematical methods. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. order sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary dimension dimensie dimensionality. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary direct sampling direkte steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming direct observation of population units with predetermined purpose regstreekse waarneming van populasieeenhede met vooropgesette doel ISI direct standardisation direkte standaardisasie demography. direk data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary direct correlation direkte korrelasie positive correlation positiewe korrelasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid where increasing values of one variable are associated with increasing values of the other waar stygende waardes van een veranderlike met stygende waardes van die ander veranderlike geassosieer word ISI direct probability direkte waarskynlikheid classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie using logic to solve more complex probability problems deur die gebruik van logika om meer komplekse waarskynlikheidsprobleme op te los ISI direct product direkte produk linear algebra. fisika en chemie ESS directional distribution rigtingverdeling astronomy and astrophysics sterrekunde en astrofisika ESS Dirichlet distribution Dirichlet-verdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings k-variate analogue of the beta distribution k-veranderlike analoog van die betaverdeling ESS Dirichlet tessellation Dirichlet-verteëling <Verkieslik> Dirichlet-tessellasie point processes puntprosesse ISI Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 100 . ouderdomspesifieke sterftekoerse te kombineer ISI direct v. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. rig data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary directed acyclic graph gerigte asikliese grafiek DAG <short form> graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI directed graph gerigte grafiek theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary directing process rigtende proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary directional data rigtingsdata geostatistics. bv. population models Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: demografie. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. age-specific death rates gebruik 'n standaardpopulasie om. fisika en chemie representing points on a hypersphere stel punte op 'n hipersfeer voor ISI directional data analysis rigting-data-analise geostatistics. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. e.Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: ESS dimensionality dimension Dirac delta function Dirac-deltafunksie special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies a function for which the integral over the real line is 1 and for which the row is 0 when the argument is unequal to 0 'n funksie waarvan die integraal oor die reële lyn 1 is en waarvoor die waarde 0 is indien die argument ongelyk is aan 0 {Konteks: spesiale funksies en transformasies} ESS direct adj.g. populasiemodelle uses a standard population to combine. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI discounted least squares method verdiskonteerde kleinstekwadratemetode regression analysis regressieanalise incorporating weights in the form of a decaying exponential series met die insluiting van gewigte in die vorm van 'n vervallende eksponensiaalreeks ISI discrepance diskrepansie error sum of squares analysis of variance variansieanalise ISI discrepancy afwykingsverskil analysis of residuals residuanalise Statistical Dictionary discrepancy function afwykingsverskilfunksie analysis of residuals residuanalise Statistical Dictionary discrete diskreet mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary discrete process <Preferred> diskrete proses <Verkieslik> discontinuous process diskontinue proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse with discontinuous time parameter met diskontinue tydparameter ISI discrete circular uniform distribution diskrete uniforme sirkelverdeling circular lattice distribution sirkelroosterverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ISI discrete data diskrete data sampling distributions steekproefverdelings 101 .English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: dirty data vuil data data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise with missing or incorrect values met ontbrekende of foutiewe waardes ISI disability adjusted life year gestremdheidsaangepaste lewensjaar DALY <short form> medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek a summary measure of population health 'n opsommende maatstaf van bevolkingsgesondheid ISI disarray wanskikking sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary discard wegdoen sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary disclosure bekendmaking demography. rangtoetse. populasiemodelle ISI discontinuity diskontinuïteit mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary discontinuous diskontinu non-continuous mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary discontinuous process discrete process discontinuous variable diskontinue veranderlike diskrete veranderlike univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary discordance nie-ooreenstemming <Verkieslik> diskordansie correspondence analysis ooreenkomsanalise ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: discordant sample nie-ooreenstemmende steekproef <Verkieslik> non-parametric tests. rank tests. population models demografie. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. diskriminant discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise Statistical Dictionary discriminant rule diskriminantreël discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise ESS discrimination diskriminering diskriminasie discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise ESS discrimination coefficient diskrimineringskoëffisiënt diskriminasiekoëffisiënt discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise ESS discriminatory analysis diskriminantanalise discriminant analysis discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise disequilibrium onewewigtigheid econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary dishonest oneg theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary dishonest process onegte proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary disjoint disjunk 102 .g.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: Statistical Dictionary discrete distribution diskrete verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ISI discrete lognormal distribution diskrete lognormaalverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings a Poisson distribution with a lognormally distributed parameter 'n Poisson-verdeling met 'n lognormaalverdeelde parameter ISI discrete normal distribution diskrete normaalverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ISI discrete Pareto distribution zeta distribution discrete power series distribution diskrete magreeksverdeling power series distribution magreeksverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings e. having the Poisson and negative binomial as special cases het bv. verwagte waardes en parameters ISI discrete wavelet transformation diskrete golfietransformasie theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise discriminatory analysis association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid discriminant function diskriminantfunksie classification statistic klassifikasiestatistiek discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise Statistical Dictionary discriminant n. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. die Poisson.en negatiewe binomiaalverdeling as spesiale gevalle ISI discrete random variable discrete variate discrete rectangular distribution diskrete reghoekige verdeling discrete uniform distribution univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings Statistical Dictionary discrete uniform distribution discrete rectangular distribution discrete variate diskrete stogastiese veranderlike discrete random variable random variables. voorstel graphical methods grafiese metodes ESS disproportionate oneweredig sampling. vertoning computers and operating systems rekenaars en bedryfstelsels ESS display v. klassieke metodologie Statistical Dictionary disproportionate sub-class numbers oneweredige subklasgetalle sampling steekproefneming dissection disseksie <Verkieslik> ontleding truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings of a heterogeneous distribution into its components van 'n heterogene verdeling in sy komponente ISI Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 103 . vertoon voorstelling graphical methods grafiese metodes ESS display v. voorstelling vertoon.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: theory of sets versamelingsteorie Statistical Dictionary disjoint sets disjunkte versamelings mutual exclusive sets onderling uitsluitende versamelings theory of sets versamelingsteorie ESS disnormality disnormaliteit goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse the dissimilarity between the observed and a normal curve having the same median and dispersion die ongelyksoortigheid tussen die waargenome en 'n normaalkromme met dieselfde mediaan en dispersie ISI disorder problem change point problem disparity dispariteit data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary dispersion dispersie empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary dispersion index dispersie-indeks index of dispersion empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary dispersion matrix covariance matrix dispersion stabilising transformation dispersiestabiliseringstransformasie variansiestabilisasie-transformasie <Nie aanbeveel> analysis of variance variansieanalise generalisation of variance stabilising transformation ISI dispersion theory dispersieteorie ecology and environmental statistics ekologie en omgewingstatistiek Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: construction of statistical tests for homogeneity or the success probability of binomial trials samestelling van statistiese toetse vir homogeniteit of die sukseswaarskynlikheid van binomiaalpogings {Konteks: ekologie en omgewingstatistiek} ESS displaced Poisson distribution verplaaste Poisson-verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings of the number of events in excess of a threshold value van die getal gebeurtenisse wat 'n drempelwaarde oorskry ISI displacement operator verplasingsoperator calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille used in differential calculations gebruik in differensieberekeninge ESS display n. classical methodology steekproefneming. g. verwagte waardes en parameters ESS dissymmetry asymmetry distance afstand cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie Statistical Dictionary distance between distributions afstand tussen verdelings ESS distance distribution afstandsverdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings e. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: dissimilar ongelyksoortig data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary dissimilar ongelykvormig graphical methods grafiese metodes figures figure Statistical Dictionary dissimilarity index ongelyksoortigheidsindeks demography. the joint distribution of two random points within a circle bv. populasiemodelle index of segregation indeks van segregasie ESS dissociated random variable gedissosieerde stogastiese veranderlike random variables. population models demografie. die gesamentlike verdeling van twee stogastiese punte binne 'n sirkel ISI distance function afstandsfunksie scaling methods skaleringsmetodes measure of distinctiveness maatstaf van onderskeibaarheid ESS distance matrix afstandsmatriks cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: distance measures afstandsmaatstawwe cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie Statistical Dictionary distinguishable onderskeibaar data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary distort verwring data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary distortion verwringing data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary distribute versprei verdeel probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary distributed lag verspreide sloering autoregressive and moving average processes outoregressiewe en bewegendegemiddeldeprosesse distributed lag model verspreide sloeringsmodel econometrics ekonometrie where the impact of a change in an exogenous variable is distributed over subsequent time periods waar die uitwerking van 'n verandering in 'n eksogene veranderlike oor daaropvolgende tydperke versprei is ESS distribution verdeling random distribution stogastiese verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary distribution curve verdelingskromme probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary distribution density waarskynlikheidsdigtheid English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 104 . g. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse.Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: probability density probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary distribution function verdelingsfunksie probability integral kumulatiewe waarskynlikheidsverdelingsfunksie. variansieanalise ESS distribution-free sufficiency verdelingsvrye voldoendheid exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers if any other estimator is independent of the original estimator and the estimated parameter as enige ander beramer onafhanklik is van die oorspronklike beramer en die beraamde parameter ISI distribution-free techniques verdelingsvrye tegnieke estimation beraming does not depend on the form of the underlying distribution nie afhanklik van die vorm van die onderliggende verdeling nie distribution-free test verdelingsvrye toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary disturbance versteuring data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary disturbed harmonic process versteurde harmoniese proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse disturbed oscillation versteurde ossillasie data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary divergence divergensie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary diversity index diversiteitsindeks index of diversity verskeidenheidsindeks ecology and environmental statistics ekologie en omgewingstatistiek measure of spread of a population over groups maatstaf van spreiding van 'n populasie oor groepe ESS Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 105 . rangtoetse. analysis of variance bv. distribution-free methods Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: nieparametriese metodes. waarskynlikheidsintegraal probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings ESS distribution mixture verdelingsmengsel truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings in given proportions in gegewe proporsies ISI distribution of exceedances oorskrydingsverdeling verdeling van oorskrydings probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings ESS distribution of run lengths verdeling van lopielengtes quality and process control kwaliteits. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary distribution-free method verdelingsvrye metode non-parametric method nieparametriese metode nonparametric methods.en proseskontrole distribution theory verdelingsteorie probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary distribution-constant statistic verdelingskonstante statistiek estimation beraming whose distribution does not depend on the parameters of an underlying model waarvan die verdeling nie van die parameters van 'n onderliggende model afhang nie ISI distribution-free verdelingsvry non-parametric tests. verdelingsvrye metodes e. rank tests. used in financial economics involving preference choice with risky alternatives 106 . onder. limietstellings. ontbind design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary divided bar chart stacked bar chart divided difference symmetric difference divided plot split-plot Divisia's index Divisia se indeks indexes indekse a form of chain index 'n vorm van kettingindeks ISI divisibility deelbaarheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary divisible design deelbare ontwerp saamgestelde ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary divisible distribution <SEE infinitely divisible distribution> deelbare verdeling <KYK oneindig deelbare verdeling> queues toue Statistical Dictionary division deling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes inverse of multiplication inverse van vermenigvuldiging Statistical Dictionary division verdeling Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: stogastiese verdeling design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary division problem problem of points divisive cluster analysis <see aggregative cluster analysis> opdelende trosanalise <kyk saamvoegende trosanalise> association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid divisor deler mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary domain definisieversameling support mathematical methods wiskundige metodes of a function van 'n funksie Statistical Dictionary domain gebied support sone official statistics amptelike statistiek open related set oop samehangende versameling Statistical Dictionary domain of attraction aantrekkingsgebied convergence in distribution. invariansiebeginsels stable distributions when two random variables are attracted to each other stabiele verdelings wanneer twee stogastiese veranderlikes deur mekaar aangetrek word ESS domain of study studiegebied general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary dominance model dominansiemodel decision theory beslissingsteorie e. submathematical methods wiskundige metodes inverse of multiplication inverse van vermenigvuldiging Statistical Dictionary divide splits split verdeel.English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: divide deel split gedeelte.g. limit theorems. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling. v. gebruik in finansiële ekonomie en het te make met voorkeurkeuse t. riskante alternatiewe ESS dominate domineer oorheers mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary dominated convergence gedomineerde konvergensie measure theory maatteorie Statistical Dictionary dominating strategy dominerende strategie decision theory beslissingsteorie Statistical Dictionary domination dominering estimation in multivariate problems beraming in meerveranderlike probleme ESS Donsker theorem Donsker-stelling functional central limit theorem funksionele sentrale limietstelling convergence in distribution. invariansiebeginsels ISI Donsker's theorem functional central limit theorem Doolittle method Doolittle-metode regression analysis. algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme for solving normal equations vir die oplossing van normaalvergelykings {Konteks: algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme} ESS D-optimal design D-optimaalontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI D-optimality D-optimaliteit optimal designs optimale ontwerpe ESS English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: dosage level doseringsvlak logit.Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: bv. dubbel data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise 107 .en tobitanalise Statistical Dictionary dosage-response curve dosisresponskromme dose-response curve. limietstellings. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary dotplot puntstipping graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI dotted line stippellyn graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary double adj. sigmoid-response curve response curve estimation responskrommeberaming ISI dose metameter dosismetameter clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings transformed value of a dose getransformeerde waarde van 'n dosis dose-response curve dosage-response curve dose-response relationship dosisrespons-verhouding clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings ISI dot punt stippel graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary dot diagram stippeldiagram scatter diagram puntediagram. algorithms and computer programs regressieanalise. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. probit. limit theorems.o. probit and tobit analysis logit-. spreidingsdiagram graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary dot product puntproduk linear algebra. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling. model building and selection regressie. modelbou en -seleksie Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: both axes are logarithmic albei asse is logaritmies ISI double logarithmic scale dubbellogaritmiese skaal regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary double Pareto curve dubbel-Pareto-kromme univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings whose ordinate is the sum of two functions of the Pareto type waarvan die ordinaat die som van twee Paretotipe funksies is ISI double Poisson distribution dubbel-Poisson-verdeling Neyman type A distribution Neyman se tipe A-verdeling ecology and environmental statistics ekologie en omgewingstatistiek where the parameter of a Poisson variate also has a Poisson distribution waar die parameter van 'n Poisson-veranderlike ook 'n Poisson-verdeling het ISI double reversal design dubbelomkeerontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary double sampling dubbelsteekproefneming sampling on successive occasions steekproefneming by opeenvolgende geleenthede Statistical Dictionary double sampling plan dubbelsteekproefplan quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole ESS double v. verdubbel data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary double-entry table tweerigtingtabel table of double entry. two-way table exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise Statistical Dictionary double-exponential distribution dubbeleksponensiaalverdeling 108 .Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Statistical Dictionary double binomial distribution dubbelbinomiaalverdeling truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings a weighted average of two binomial distributions 'n geweegde gemiddelde van twee binomiaalverdelings ISI double blind dubbelblind clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings double blind trial dubbelblinde proef design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary double censoring dubbelsensorering estimation beraming ISI double confounding dubbelstrengeling design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary double dichotomy dubbeldigotomie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary double exponential dubbeleksponensiaal probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary double exponential regression dubbeleksponensiaalregressie regression analysis regressieanalise double hypergeometric distribution dubbelhipergeometriese verdeling multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings of the numbers of successes in two successive samples drawn without replacement van die getalle suksesse in twee opeenvolgende steekproewe wat sonder terugplasing geneem is ISI double logarithmic chart dubbellogaritmiese grafiek regression. en die interaankomstye om te ruil ISI dual record duaalrekord 109 . F.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings ESS double-ratio estimator dubbelverhoudingsberamer estimation beraming of the ratio of two ratios van die verhouding van twee verhoudings ISI double-stochastic dubbelstogasties doubly stochastic probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary double-tailed test tweekantige toets two-sided test. afwaarts arseer graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary down-cross n. chi-square distributions Student se t. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. F. Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: positief-negatiewe tekenveranderingspunt mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary downward bias afwaartse sydigheid estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary draw trek sampling steekproefneming a sample 'n steekproef Statistical Dictionary draw up opstel sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary drop decline dropout n. uitvaller regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary d-separation theorem d-skeiding-stelling random variables. verwagte waardes en parameters ISI dual duaal mathematical programming wiskundige programmering Statistical Dictionary dual problem duaalprobleem mathematical programming wiskundige programmering Statistical Dictionary dual process duaalproses theory of queues toustaanteorie by interchanging the distributions of the serving and inter-arrival times deur die verdelings van die bedien. two-tailed test tweesydige toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ESS doubly noncentral dubbel niesentraal Student's t. chi-kwadraatverdelings Statistical Dictionary doubly non-central F-distribution dubbel niesentrale F-verdeling sampling distributions steekproefverdelings doubly stochastic double-stochastic doubly stochastic matrix dubbelstogastiese matriks theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse doubly stochastic Poisson process dubbelstogastiese Poisson-proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse doubly truncated normal distribution tweekantigafgeknotte normaalverdeling truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings truncated on both sides aan albei kante afgeknot ISI down cross v. for checking purposes herwaarneming. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. vir kontroledoeleindes ISI Durbin's multistage variance estimator Durbin se meerstadiumvariansieberamer unequal probability sampling strategies ongelykewaarskynlikheidsteekproefnemingstrategieë where the method of selection is two units per stratum with unequal probabilities waar die seleksiemetode twee eenhede per stratum met ongelyke waarskynlikhede is ISI Durbin-Watson statistic Durbin-Watson-statistiek analysis of residuals residuanalise testing for autocorrelation toets vir outokorrelasie ISI Dwass-Steel test Dwass-Steel-toets multiple comparisons. animal. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures with a single control met 'n enkele kontrole ISI duo-trio test tweetal-drietal-toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing distinguishing between three objects two of which are alike om tussen drie voorwerpe te onderskei waarvan twee eenders is ISI duplicate sample duplikaatsteekproef market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling collected concurrently. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures Duncan's test k-ratio t-test Dunnett's test Dunnett se toets Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: multiple comparisons.Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: natural (human. inligting oor steekproeffout te verskaf ISI duplicated sample gedupliseerde steekproef market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling re-observation. omgewings-. population models demografie. to provide information on sampling error gelyktydig geneem om bv. bv. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. dierlike. e.g. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings.g. e. ekologiese en biologiese) populasies in estimation of population size by beraming van populasiegrootte ESS dual record system estimator tweeledigerekordstelselberamer demography. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures ISI dynamic display dinamiese voorstelling data processing and analysis English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 110 . environmental. populasiemodelle ESS dual theorem duaalstelling mathematical programming wiskundige programmering by interchanging maximisation and minimisation deur maksimering en minimering om te ruil ISI duality dualiteit mathematical programming wiskundige programmering Statistical Dictionary dummy skynpseudomixed and other models gemengde en ander modelle Statistical Dictionary dummy experiment uniformity trial dummy observation skynwaarneming generalised linear models veralgemeende lineêre modelle dummy treatment skynbehandeling mixed and other models gemengde en ander modelle Statistical Dictionary dummy variable artificial variable Duncan's multiple range test Duncan se toets vir meervoudige variasiewydtes multiple comparisons. ecological and biological) populations natuurlike (menslike. applications spesiale onderwerpe. algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme Statistical Dictionary educational statistics opvoedkundige statistiek special topics. population models demografie. toepassings Statistical Dictionary economic ekonomies econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary economic data ekonomiese data econometrics ekonometrie English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: economic forecasting ekonomiese vooruitberaming ekonomiese vooruitskatting econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary ED50 <Short form> median effective dose EDA <Short form> exploratory data analysis EDF <Short form> empirical distribution function edge border edge effects randeffekte geostatistics. algorithms and computer programs wiskundige metodes. populasiemodelle ISI econometric ekonometries econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary econometric model ekonometriese model econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary econometrician ekonometrikus econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary econometrics ekonometrie special topics. toepassings ESS edumetrics edumetrie educational statistics opvoedkundige statistiek ESS 111 . fisika en chemie ISI edge interference border interference Edgeworth expansion Edgeworth-ontwikkeling fitting systems of frequency curves to a histogram of univariate data passingstelsels van frekwensiekrommes op 'n histogram van eenveranderlike data ESS Edgeworth's series Edgeworth se reeks approximations and asymptotic results benaderings en asimptotiese resultate based on an expansion of the normal density and its derivatives gebaseer op 'n uitbreiding van die normaaldigtheidsfunksie en sy afgeleides ISI edit redigeer mathematical methods.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: dataprosessering en -analise ESS dynamic model multitemporal model dynamic programming dinamiese programmering mathematical programming wiskundige programmering Statistical Dictionary dynamic treatment allocation dinamiese behandelingstoedeling clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings ISI ecclesiometry ekklesiometrie educational statistics opvoedkundige statistiek ESS ecological fallacy ekologiese mistasting ekologiese bedrog demography. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. applications spesiale onderwerpe. rank tests.en proseskontrole in contrast to a defective unit in teenstelling met 'n defekte eenheid ISI efficacy doelmatigheid non-parametric tests. rangtoetse. algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme ISI eigenvalue characteristic root eigenvector characteristic vector elastic elasties econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary elasticity Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 112 . distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: effect effek design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary effect modifier effekwysiger medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek ISI effect variable effekveranderlike design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary effective effektief data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary effective degrees of freedom effektiewe vryheidsgrade probability distributions. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings ISI effective range effektiewe variasiewydte empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary effective unit effektiewe eenheid quality and process control kwaliteits. algorithms and computer programs regressieanalise. approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary efficiency doeltreffendheid exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers Statistical Dictionary efficiency equivalence doeltreffendheidsekwivalensie regression analysis regressieanalise a broad extension of the concept of ARE Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: 'n breë uitbreiding van die konsep van ARD ISI efficiency factor doeltreffendheidsfaktor design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente the ratio of error variances or of the number of replications die verhouding van foutvariansie of van die getal replikate ISI efficiency index doeltreffendheidsindeks exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers Statistical Dictionary efficient doeltreffend exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers Statistical Dictionary efficient estimator doeltreffende beramer asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers Statistical Dictionary efficient score doeltreffende waardetoekenning test construction. likelihood-based approach toetskonstruksie. aanneemlikheidsgebaseerde benadering the partial derivative of the log-likelihood with regard to one of the parameters die parsiële afgeleide van die logaanneemlikheid met betrekking tot een van die parameters ESS Efron's self-consistency algorithm Efron se selfkonsekwentheidsalgoritme missing information principle ontbrekende-inligtingsbeginsel regression analysis. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures having two nonzero coefficients het twee nienulkoëffisiënte ISI elementary renewal theorem elementêre hernuwing-stelling theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI elementary unit elementêre eenheid sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary elements analysis commonality analysis eliminate elimineer data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary ellipse ellips mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary ellipse of concentration konsentrasie-ellips multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: ellipse of equal probability gelykewaarskynlikheidsellips multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary ellipsoid ellipsoïed mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary ellipsoidal ellipsoïdaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes ellipsoidal normal distribution ellipsoïdale normaalverdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings a spherical normal distribution with unequal variances 'n sferiese normaalverdeling met ongelyke variansies ISI elliptic ellipties mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary elliptical normal distribution elliptiese normaalverdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings circular normal distribution with unequal variances 'n sirkelnormaalverdeling met ongelyke variansies ISI elliptical truncation elliptiese afknotting truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings of multivariate normal distributions van meerveranderlike normaalverdelings ISI elliptically symmetric distribution ellipties-simmetriese verdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings of which contours of constant density are elliptical waarvan die kontoere van konstante digtheid ellipties is ISI ellipticity elliptisiteit multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings 113 . matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: elastisiteit econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary element element theory of sets versamelingsteorie Statistical Dictionary element of a matrix matrikselement matrix element linear algebra. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary elementary elementêr mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary elementary contrast elementêre kontras multiple comparisons. Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie. probit and tobit analysis logit-. probit.en tobitanalise ISI empirical process empiriese proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ESS empirical quantile empiriese kwantiel sampling distributions steekproefverdelings empirical quantile function empiriese kwantielfunksie empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele ESS 114 . Bayes-benadering ESS empirical data empiriese data empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele Statistical Dictionary empirical distribution empiriese verdeling empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele Statistical Dictionary empirical distribution function <Full form> empiriese verdelingsfunksie EDF empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe used in goodness-of-fit tests word gebruik in pasgehaltetoetse ESS empirical exponential family empiriese eksponensiaalfamilie sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke ISI empirical likelihood empiriese aanneemlikheid estimation beraming ISI empirical moment empiriese moment sampling distributions steekproefverdelings empirical probit empiriese probit logit.Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: the extent to which the variances of a bivariate normal distribution differ die mate waarin die variansies van 'n tweeveranderlike normaalverdeling verskil ISI EM algorithm EM-algoritme method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode E stands for Expectation and M stands for Maximisation E staan vir Verwagte waarde en M staan vir Maksimering ESS embed inbed imbed design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary embedded ingebed imbedded design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary embedded process ingebedde proses Markov chains Markov-kettings ESS empiric empiries empirical sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary empirical empiric empirical Bayes' estimator empiriese Bayes-beramer Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming derived from the empirical Bayes' procedure afgelei van die empiriese Bayes-prosedure ISI empirical Bayes' procedure empiriese Bayes-prosedure decision theory beslissingsteorie an approximation to an optimum Bayes decision procedure 'n benadering tot 'n optimale Bayesbeslissingsprosedure ISI empirical Bayes' theory empiriese Bayes-teorie Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: probability theory. gebeurlikheidstabelle Statistical Dictionary empty cell test leësel-toets goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse using the number of such cells gebruik die getal sodanige selle ISI empty set leë versameling vacuous set. van realisasies van 'n enkele stogastiese proses ISI ensemble average ensemble-gemiddelde theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse overall mean of the samples algehele gemiddelde van die steekproewe ISI entangle confound entangled design confounded design entanglement confounding entangling confounding enter inskryf sampling distributions Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: 115 . populasiemodelle Statistical Dictionary empty leeg theory of sets versamelingsteorie Statistical Dictionary empty cell leë sel categorical data analysis. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. of 'n steekproef daarvan. modelbou en -seleksie ISI empirical study empiriese studie empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele Statistical Dictionary employment statistics indiensnemingstatistieke demography. void set theory of sets versamelingsteorie Statistical Dictionary end adj. aan te dui ISI end effect eindeffek regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: end point n. model building and selection regressie. population models demografie.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: empirical statistical model empiriese statistiese model regression. eindterminal data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary end correction eindkorreksie robust and adaptive estimation robuuste en aanpassende beraming to denote corrections made to extreme values om korreksies wat op ekstreemwaardes aangebring is. eindpunt terminal terminaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary end value eindwaarde mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary endogenous variable endogene veranderlike econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary endogenous variate endogene veranderlike econometrics ekonometrie end-point estimation eindpuntberaming extreme value distributions ekstreemwaardeverdelings ISI ensemble <Obsolete> ensemble <Obsolete> theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse the infinite set or a sample of the set of realisations of a single stochastic process die oneindige versameling. line transect sampling ruimtelike steekproefneming. applications spesiale onderwerpe. entropy. a disease or a rumour in a population 'n model van die verspreiding van bv. population models demografie. lyndwarssnitsteekproefneming the starting point for a serial cluster die beginpunt vir 'n reekstros Statistical Dictionary enumerable denumerable enumerate aftel nommer number theory getalleteorie Statistical Dictionary enumeration aftelling nommering number theory getalleteorie Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: enumerator sensusopnemer demography. envelop linear algebra. information measures. 'n siekte of 'n gerug in 'n populasie ISI epidemic wave epidemiese golf medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek Statistical Dictionary epidemiologic epidemiologies epidemiological medical and epidemiological statistics 116 . entropie. toepassings epidemic epidemie medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek ISI epidemic process epidemiese proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse a model of the spread of e.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary enter toetree data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary entire function heelfunksie integral function mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary entrance probability trefwaarskynlikheid hitting probability probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary entrance time first passage time entropy entropie information theory. capacity of channels inligtingsteorie. populasiemodelle Statistical Dictionary envelop v. kapasiteit van kanale Statistical Dictionary entry inskrywing sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary entry plot toetreeperseel areal sampling. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary envelope power omhullende onderskeidingsvermoë exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse ESS envelope power function omhullende onderskeidingsvermoëfunksie exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse an amalgamation of "best" critical regions 'n amalgamasie van "beste" kritieke gebiede ISI envelope risk function omhullende risikofunksie decision theory beslissingsteorie analogous to envelope power function analoog aan omhullende onderskeidingsvermoëfunksie ISI environmental statistics omgewingstatistiek special topics. inligtingsmaatstawwe.g. applications spesiale onderwerpe. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rank tests. Youden designs Latynse en Grieks-Latynse vierkante. Youdenontwerpe ESS equal in value gelykwaardig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary equal probability gelyke waarskynlikheid Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: equiprobability probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary equal probability of selection method of sampling <Full form> gelykeseleksiewaarskynlikheidsteekproefneming epsem sampling. EPSEM unequal probability sampling strategies ongelykewaarskynlikheidsteekproefnemingstrategieë ISI equal probability region gelykewaarskynlikheidsgebied multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings e. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI equalisation of variance variance equalisation equalise gelykmaak mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary equaliser decision rule gelykmakende beslissingsreël decision theory beslissingsteorie in finding minimax decision rules vir die verkryging van minimaksbeslissingsreëls ISI equalising gelykmaking nivellering mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary equality gelykheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary equality of variance English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 117 .Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek Statistical Dictionary epidemiological epidemiologic epidemiological statistics epidemiologiese statistiek special topics. elliptical contour for bivariate normal distribution bv. rangtoetse. toepassings epidemiology epidemiologie medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek ESS epoch tydstip theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary EPSEM <Short form> equal probability of selection method of sampling epsem sampling equal probability of selection method of sampling epsilon epsilon mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary epsilon independence epsilon-onafhanklikheid goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse a measure of closeness to normality 'n maatstaf van nabyheid aan normaliteit ISI equal gelyk mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary equal frequency square gelyke frekwensievierkant Latin and Graeco-Latin squares. elliptiese kontoer by tweeveranderlike normaalverdeling equal sign equality sign equal spacing test gelykespasiëringstoets non-parametric tests.g. Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: homoskedastisiteit homoscedastisity hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary equality of variances homoscedasticity equality sign gelykheidsteken equal sign mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary equally correlated gelykgekorreleer equicorrelated multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary equally correlated distribution gelykgekorreleerde verdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings ISI equal-tails test gelykkantige toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary equate gelykstel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary equation vergelyking mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary equation of regression regressievergelyking regression equation regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary equicontinuous ekwikontinu regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary equicorrelated equally correlated equidistant from ewe ver van op gelyke afstand van Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie Statistical Dictionary equilibrium ewewig econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary equilibrium distribution ewewigsverdeling stationary processes stasionêre prosesse when a system has achieved stability wanneer 'n stelsel stabiliteit bereik het equilibrium renewal process ewewigshernuwingsproses renewal theory and processes hernuwingsteorie en -prosesse with contant renewal density met konstante hernuwingsdigtheid equimodal gelyktoppig probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary equinormal distribution ekwinormaalverdeling gelyknormaalverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings a modified normal distribution 'n gewysigde normaalverdeling ESS equiprobability equal probability equiprobable ewe waarskynlik gelykwaarskynlik probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary equitable game regverdige spel fair game game theory spelteorie Statistical Dictionary equivalence ekwivalensie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary equivalence class ekwivalensieklas theory of functions. reële analise 118 . real analysis funksieteorie. en tobitanalise equivalent dose ekwivalente dosis clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings equivalent samples ekwivalente steekproewe sampling steekproefneming equivariant estimator ekwivariante beramer estimation beraming ESS erf error function ergodic ergodies ergodic theory ergodiese teorie Statistical Dictionary ergodic state ergodiese toestand Markov chains Markov-kettings which is aperiodic and persistent wat aperiodies en aanhoudend is ergodic theorem ergodiese stelling ergodic theory ergodiese teorie Statistical Dictionary ergodic theory ergodiese teorie theory of stochastic processes Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: teorie van stogastiese prosesse ergodicity ergodisiteit ergodic theory ergodiese teorie Statistical Dictionary Erlang's loss formula Erlang se verliesformule birth-death processes geboorte-en-sterfte-prosesse describing congestion in channels beskryf opeenhoping in kanale erratic wisselvallig autoregressive and moving average processes outoregressiewe en bewegendegemiddeldeprosesse Statistical Dictionary erratic movement wisselvallige beweging autoregressive and moving average processes outoregressiewe en bewegendegemiddeldeprosesse Statistical Dictionary error fout data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary error analysis foutanalise analysis of residuals residuanalise Statistical Dictionary error band foutstrook regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary error curve curve of error error function <Full form> foutfunksie erf univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings related to the standard normal distribution function verwant aan die standaardnormaalverdelingsfunksie Statistical Dictionary error function complement foutfunksiekomplement univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings one minus the error function 119 . real analysis funksieteorie.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Statistical Dictionary equivalence relation ekwivalensierelasie theory of functions. probit and tobit analysis logit-. probit. reële analise Statistical Dictionary equivalence testing ekwivalensietoetsing medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek ISI equivalent ekwivalent mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary equivalent deviate ekwivalente deviaat logit. modelbou en -seleksie because of incomplete or incorrect model specification as distinct from observation error as gevolg van onvolledige of foutiewe modelspesifikasie in teenstelling met waarnemingsfoute ISI error in grouping groeperingsfout grouping error regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary error loss foutverlies regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary error mean-square gemiddelde foutsom van kwadrate analysis of variance variansieanalise per degrees of freedom per vryheidsgraad Statistical Dictionary error of estimation beramingsfout estimation beraming difference between estimated and true value verskil tussen beraamde en werklike waarde ISI error of measurement metingsfout measurement error sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary error of observation waarnemingsfout observation error sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary error of rounding afrondingsfout rounding-off error sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary error of the first kind Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: alpha error error of the second kind beta error error of third kind type III error error probability foutwaarskynlikheid probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary error rate foutkoers multiple comparisons. nierespons include both sampling and non-sampling errors sluit sowel steekproef.as niesteekproeffoute in ISI errors-in-variables model model met foute in veranderlikes regression analysis regressieanalise including regressors insluitend voorspellers ISI Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 120 . model building and selection regressie. non-response niesteekproefnemingsprobleme. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures ESS error reducing power foutverminderingsvermoë smoothing gladstryking Statistical Dictionary error sum of squares foutsom van kwadrate discrepance analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary error sum of squares discrepance error term foutterm analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary error variance foutvariansie analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary errors in surveys opnamefoute non-sampling problems.Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: een minus die foutfunksie ISI error in equations vergelykingsfout fout in vergelykings regression. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. skat estimation estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: estimate v. beraming estimation estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary estimate n.en forensiese statistiek per unit of time per tydseenheid Statistical Dictionary essential completeness essensiële volledigheid decision theory beslissingsteorie of a class of decision functions van 'n klas beslissingsfunksies ISI estimability beraambaarheid regression. skatting estimation estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary estimate v.en forensiese statistiek Statistical Dictionary escape rate ontsnapkoers legal and forensic statistics regs. model building and selection regressie.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: escape ontsnap legal and forensic statistics regs. beraam v. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary estimable beraambaar estimation beraming ISI estimate estimation estimate n. estimation estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary estimating equation beramingsvergelyking estimation beraming estimation n. beraming estimate general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek inference about the numerical values of unknown population parameters from sample data inferensie oor die numeriese waardes van onbekende populasieparameters uit steekproefdata estimation theory beramingsteorie theory of estimation estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary estimator beramer estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary ethical eties general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary ethics etiek general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek constraints placed on investigators to prevent harm to individual participants in a study beperkings wat op navorsers geplaas word om skade aan deelnemende individue aan 'n studie te voorkom ISI etiologic fraction attributable risk Euclidean distance Euklidiese afstand cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie geometrical distance between two points in more-dimensional space Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 121 .en forensiese statistiek per unit per eenheid Statistical Dictionary escape rate ontsnaptempo legal and forensic statistics regs. Youdenontwerpe ESS Euler's constant Euler se konstante extreme value distributions ekstreemwaardeverdelings ESS evaluate evalueer sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary evaluation n. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI exact distribution eksakte verdeling approximations and asymptotic results benaderings en asimptotiese resultate Statistical Dictionary exact test eksakte toets exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse Statistical Dictionary example voorbeeld data processing and analysis 122 . orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. evaluasie sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary even ewe number theory getalleteorie Statistical Dictionary even summation ewe sommering smoothing gladstryking moving average over an even number of terms bewegende gemiddelde oor 'n ewe aantal terme ISI event gebeurtenis classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary event history data gebeurtenisgeskiedenisdata data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise ISI event space gebeurtenisruimte classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Statistical Dictionary evolutionary operation <Full form> evolusionêre bewerking EVOP theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse optimising procedure of Box in full scale processes optimaliseringsprosedure van Box in volskaalse prosesse Statistical Dictionary evolutionary process evolusionêre proses non-stationary process niestasionêre proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary evolutionary spectrum evolusionêre spektrum spectral analysis spektraalanalise where the spectral function is time dependent waar die spektraalfunksie tydafhanklik is ISI EVOP evolutionary operation exact eksak approximations and asymptotic results benaderings en asimptotiese resultate Statistical Dictionary exact balance presiese balans factorial designs. Fisher-Yates test categorical data analysis. Youden designs Latynse en Grieks-Latynse vierkante. ortogonale skikkings ESS exact chi-squared test presiese chi-kwadraattoets Fisher exact test.Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: meetkundige afstand tussen twee punte in meerdimensionele ruimte ISI Euclidean space Euklidiese ruimte mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary Euler's conjecture Euler se vermoede <Verkieslik> Latin and Graeco-Latin squares. getal waarnemings wat 'n gegewe getal in 'n tweede steekproef oorskry ESS exceedance life test lewensduuroorskrydingstoets reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing Statistical Dictionary exceedance probability oorskrydingswaarskynlikheid hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing p value p-waarde ESS exceedance test oorskrydingstoets reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing Statistical Dictionary exchange uitwissel regression. number of observations exceeding a given number in a second sample bv. model building and selection regressie. classical methodology steekproefneming. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary exclusion uitsluiting classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary exclusive uitsluitend classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary exhaustive sampling allesomvattende steekproefneming sampling.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary exceed oorskry reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing Statistical Dictionary exceedance oorskryding non-parametric estimation nieparametriese beraming e. modelbou en -seleksie ISI exclude uitsluit data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary excluded variable Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: uitgeslote veranderlike regression. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary exchangeability uitruilbaarheid uitwisselbaarheid probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings ISI exchangeable variable uitruilbare veranderlike uitwisselbare veranderlike regression. model building and selection regressie. klassieke metodologie Statistical Dictionary existence bestaan mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary existence theorem bestaanstelling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary exit time uitgaantyd theory of queues toustaanteorie Statistical Dictionary exogenous variable eksogene veranderlike econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary expand ontwikkel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary expansion ontwikkeling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary expectancy of life expectation of life expectation verwagte waarde random variables. model building and selection regressie.g. expectations and parameters 123 . expectancy of life reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing Statistical Dictionary expectation value verwagte waarde expected value random variables.Konteks: stogastiese veranderlikes. rank tests. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. gebeurlikheidstabelle expected loss verwagte verlies decision theory beslissingsteorie Statistical Dictionary expected mean square verwagte gemiddelde kwadraat exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers Statistical Dictionary expected normal scores test verwagte normaaltellingstoets non-parametric tests. verwagte waardes en parameters Statistical Dictionary expected frequency verwagte frekwensie categorical data analysis. life expectancy. rangtoetse. verwagte waardes en parameters expectation of life lewensverwagting life expectation. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI expected probability verwagte waarskynlikheid probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie of an observed outcome van 'n waargenome uitkoms ESS expected probit verwagte probit regression analysis regressieanalise ISI expected shortfall verwagte tekort finance and auditing finansies en ouditering the average of the values exceeding the value at risk die gemiddelde van die waardes wat die oprisiko-waarde oorskry Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: ISI expected value expectation value expenditure survey bestedingsopname finance and auditing finansies en ouditering Statistical Dictionary experiment eksperiment design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary experimental eksperimenteel design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary experimental design eksperimentele ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI experimental error eksperimentele fout analysis of residuals residuanalise error due to stochastic variation and in some senses to bias fout weens stogastiese variasie en soms te wyte aan sydigheid ESS experimental plot eksperimentele perseel sample plot design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary experimental unit eksperimentele eenheid design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente in agricultural surveys and research in landboukundige opnames en ondersoeke Statistical Dictionary experimentation eksperimentering design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary experimenter effect eksperimenteerdereffek design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: 124 . klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary 125 . e. Tukey's methods. Tukey se metodes ISI exploratory survey verkennende opname sampling steekproefneming ISI explosive process ontplofbare proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary exponent eksponent mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: exponential adj. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.v. EDA versameling van aannamevrye metodes vir die ondersoek van data. bv.b. eksponensiaalmathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary exponential curve eksponensiaalkromme graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI exponential dispersion model eksponensiaaldispersiemodel exponential families of distributions eksponensiaalfamilies van verdelings ISI exponential distribution eksponensiaalverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary exponential family eksponensiaalfamilie exponential families of distributions eksponensiaalfamilies van verdelings Statistical Dictionary exponential model eksponensiaalmodel nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie ESS exponential n. eksponensiaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary exponential regression eksponensiaalregressie nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie ISI exponential smoothing eksponensiaalgladstryking smoothing gladstryking using an exponentially weighted moving average m.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: Statistical Dictionary expert system deskundige stelsel ekspertstelsel computer software rekenaarsagteware designed to play the role of an expert ontwerp om die rol van 'n deskundige te vervul ISI explained variance verklaarde variansie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary explanatory variable cause variable explicit eksplisiet mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary exploration of data dataverkenning exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise ESS exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise EDA association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid exploratory data analysis <Full form> verkennende data-analise EDA exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise set of assumption-free methods for examining data.g. eksponensiaalgeweegde bewegende gemiddelde {Konteks: gladstryking} ESS exponential trend eksponensiaaltendens univariate time series. records hou verband met maksima en minima. e. EGBG ESS exposure blootstelling data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary extend uitbrei mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary extended Bayes' decision rule uitgebreide Bayes-beslissingsreël decision theory beslissingsteorie ISI extension uitbreiding mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary extension theorem uitbreidingstelling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary extensive sampling omvangryke steekproefneming sampling. bv.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: exponentially weighted moving average eksponensiaalgeweegde bewegende gemiddelde smoothing gladstryking where weights for more distant periods diminish exponentially waar gewigte vir meer verwyderde tydperke eksponensiaal afneem {Konteks: gladstryking}. the range Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 126 . e. rekords ESS extremal quotient ekstreemkwosiënt empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ratio of maximum to minimum values verhouding van maksimum tot minimum waardes {Konteks: empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe} ESS extremal statistic ekstreemstatistiek empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe depending on both extremes of the sample.g. classical methodology steekproefneming.g. klassieke metodologie Statistical Dictionary external ekstern data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary external validity eksterne geldigheid sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke Statistical Dictionary extra period change-over design ekstraperiode-oorskakelontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: extraneous van buite data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary extra-Poisson variation ekstra-Poisson-variasie ecology and environmental statistics ekologie en omgewingstatistiek ISI extrapolate ekstrapoleer regression analysis regressieanalise extrapolation ekstrapolasie prediction in regression voorspelling in regressie Statistical Dictionary extremal index ekstreme indeks association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid ISI extremal intensity <Note: SEE ALSO intensity function> ekstreme intensiteit <kyk ook intensiteitsfunksie> reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ISI extremal process ekstreemproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse relating to maxima and minima. van die grootste waarde ESS extreme value ekstreemwaarde large deviations and extreme values groot afwykings en ekstreemwaardes Statistical Dictionary extreme value distribution ekstreemwaardeverdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings distribution of largest/smallest values in samples verdeling van grootste/kleinste waardes in steekproewe ESS eye estimate oogskatting empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe it is obtained without calculation dit word sonder berekening verkry ESS eye estimation oogskatting estimation Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: beraming Statistical Dictionary F distribution F-verdeling sampling distributions steekproefverdelings factor analysis faktoranalise association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary factor analysis-of-variance model <Full form> faktorvariansieanalisemodel FANOVA analysis of variance variansieanalise ESS factor antithesis faktorantitese <Verkieslik> faktorteenstelling indexes indekse ISI factor level level of a factor factor loading faktorbelading test coefficient factor analysis faktoranalise the weight of a variable in the equation for the factor die gewig van 'n veranderlike in die vergelyking vir die faktor ISI factor loading test coefficient factor matrix faktormatriks factor analysis faktoranalise of loadings. of the largest value bv. coefficients van beladings. rangtoetse.Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: hang van albei ekstreme van die steekproef af bv. rank tests. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI extreme studentised deviate ekstreemgestudentiseerde deviaat analysis of residuals residuanalise e. die variasiewydte ISI extreme ekstreem lifetime distributions leeftydsverdelings Statistical Dictionary extreme deviation ekstreemafwyking outliers uitskieters Statistical Dictionary extreme probability ekstreemwaarskynlikheid lifetime distributions leeftydsverdelings ESS extreme rank sum test ekstreemrangsomtoets non-parametric tests. faktor factorise analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary factor pattern faktorpatroon factor analysis faktoranalise of nonzero coefficients describing the structure van nienulkoëffisiënte wat die struktuur beskryf 127 . koëffisiënte ISI factor n.g. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. ortogonale skikkings Statistical Dictionary factorial cumulant faktoriaalkumulant random variables. n-factorial fakulteit mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary factorial notation factorial factorial power faktoriaalmag mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary factorial series distribution faktoriaalreeksverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings Statistical Dictionary factorial series families Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 128 . expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. faktoriseer factorise mathematical methods wiskundige metodes to resolve factors in faktore ontbind Statistical Dictionary factorial adj. omgekeerde faktoriaalreeksverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings with densities having factorial qualities met digthede wat die eienskappe van fakulteite het ESS factorial experiment faktoriaaleksperiment complex experiment komplekse eksperiment design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI factorial moment faktoriaalmoment random variables. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. verwagte waardes en parameters Statistical Dictionary factorial cumulant generating function faktoriaalkumulantvoortbringende funksie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie ISI factorial design faktoriaalontwerp Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary factorial distribution faktoriaalverdeling inverse factorial series distribution inverse faktoriaalreeksverdeling.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: ISI factor reversal test faktoromkeertoets indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary factor rotation faktorrotasie factor analysis faktoranalise transforming factors to seek an interpretable structure die transformasie van faktore om 'n interpreteerbare struktuur te verkry ISI factor score faktortelling factor analysis faktoranalise the rating of an individual on any of the factors die waardebepaling van 'n individu op enige van die faktore ISI factor space faktorruimte quotient space kwosiëntruimte factor analysis faktoranalise Statistical Dictionary factor v. faktoriaalfactorial notation factorial designs. verwagte waardes en parameters Statistical Dictionary factorial moment generating function faktoriaalmomentvoortbringende funksie generating and characteristic functions voortbringende en karakteristiekefunksies of use in finding moments of discrete distributions vir gebruik in verkryging van momente van diskrete verdelings {Konteks: genererende en karakteristieke funksies} ESS factorial n n-fakulteit factorial notation. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. failure of metals bv.en harmoniese analise ISI fatality rate death rate fatigue model uitputtingsmodel vermoeidheidsmodel reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing e.en opleidingsmetodes Statistical Dictionary false negative onwaar negatief vals negatief medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek ISI false positive vals positief onwaar positief medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek ISI falsify vervals data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary family familie theory of functions. reële analise Statistical Dictionary family of distributions familie van verdelings systems of distributions verdelingstelsels Statistical Dictionary FANOVA factor analysis-of-variance model fast Fourier transform fast Fourier transformation fast Fourier transformation <Full form> vinnige Fourier-transformasie fast Fourier transform. gevaarkoers hazard rate. FFT vinnige Fourier-transform Fourier and harmonic analysis Fourier. true coin classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary fair game equitable game falacy mistasting dwaling general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek ISI English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: falling off decline false onwaar. swigting by metale ESS 129 . hazard function reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing instantaneous probability of failing if still functioning Statistical Dictionary fair coin onsydige muntstuk unbiased coin.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: faktoriaalreeksfamilies systems of distributions verdelingstelsels ESS factorial sum <Note: SEE factorial moments> faktoriaalsom <kyk faktoriaalmomente> empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele ISI factorisation theorem faktorisasiestelling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary factorise factor v.g. real analysis funksieteorie. fail faal misluk reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing Statistical Dictionary failure faling reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing Statistical Dictionary failure distribution falingsverdeling reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing Statistical Dictionary failure rate falingskoers. onwerklik teaching and training methods onderrig. population models demografie.en proseskontrole feedforward control scheme vorentoevoerbeheerskema quality and process control kwaliteits. variance ratio distribution feasible uitvoerbaar mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary feasible region uitvoerbaarheidsgebied mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary feasible solution uitvoerbare oplossing mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary feature selection kenmerkseleksie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid of subsets of variables to describe the main characteristics van deelversamelings van veranderlikes om die hoofkenmerke te beskryf ISI feedback terugvoer mathematical methods. applications spesiale onderwerpe.en proseskontrole ESS Fermi-Dirac statistics Fermi-Dirac-statistieke combinatorial problems kombinatoriese probleme described in terms of occupancy problems and related to statistical physics with MaxwellBeltzmann and Bose-Einstein statistics word beskryf in terme van besettingsprobleme en hou verband met statistiese fisika en Maxwell-Beltzmann en Bose-Einstein-statistieke ESS fertility gradient vrugbaarheidsgradiënt block designs. toepassings in which feedback between hidden layers is not allowed waarin terugvoer tussen verborge lae nie toegelaat word nie ISI feedforward-feedback control scheme vorentoevoer-terugvoerbeheerskema quality and process control kwaliteits. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. populasiemodelle ISI FFT fast Fourier transformation fictitious data denkbeeldige data simulation. groepdeelbare ontwerpe ISI fertility rate fertiliteitskoers <nie vrugbaarheidskoers> demography. Monte Carlo-metodes Statistical Dictionary fictitious example denkbeeldige voorbeeld simulation. algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme Statistical Dictionary feedback control scheme terugvoerbeheerskema quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: feed-forward neural network vorentoe-voerende neurale netwerk special topics. algorithms and computer programs wiskundige metodes.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: favourable gunstig probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary favourable cases gunstige gevalle probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary F-distribution Fisher's distribution. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. Monte Carlo-metodes Statistical Dictionary fiducial fidusiaal fiducial intervals fidusiaalintervalle Statistical Dictionary fiducial distribution fidusiaalverdeling fiducial intervals fidusiaalintervalle Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 130 . group-divisible designs blokontwerpe.en proseskontrole feedforward vorentoevoer quality and process control kwaliteits. filter filtering Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: filtrering Statistical Dictionary filter v. eindig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary finite arc sine distribution eindige boogsinusverdeling theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse expressing the probability of return to zero winnings gee die waarskynlikheid van terugkeer na nulwins ISI finite calculus eindige calculus meteorology weerkunde finite decimal eindige desimaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary finite difference difference finite difference calculus eindigedifferensie-rekening calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille ESS finite Markov chain eindige Markov-ketting theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse having a finite number of states het 'n eindige aantal toestande ISI finite mixture analysis eindigemengsel-analise truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings 131 . filtreer filtering filtrering Statistical Dictionary filtering filtrering inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary find determine finite adj.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Statistical Dictionary fiducial inference fidusiaalinferensie fiducial intervals fidusiaalintervalle Statistical Dictionary fiducial interval fidusiaalinterval estimation beraming fiducial limit fidusiaalgrens fiducial intervals fidusiaalintervalle ESS field liggaam veld measure theory maatteorie Statistical Dictionary field experiment veldeksperiment statistics in agriculture landboustatistiek Statistical Dictionary field of study subject fieldwork veldwerk sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary fieldworker veldwerker market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Fieller's theorem Fieller se stelling confidence regions vertrouensgebiede giving confidence intervals for a ratio gee vertrouensintervalle vir 'n verhouding ISI figure figuur digit mathematical methods wiskundige metodes geometrics meetkunde Statistical Dictionary filter n. eerste klaar theory of queues toustaanteorie Statistical Dictionary first law of Laplace eerste wet van Laplace univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings double exponential distribution dubbeleksponensiaalverdeling ESS first limit theorem eerste limietstelling probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie convergence in distribution functions implies convergence in characteristic functions konvergensie in vedelingsfunksies impliseer konvergensie in karakteristieke funksies ISI first moment eerste moment random variables. fpc. eindigesteekproefkorreksie finite population parameter estimation eindigepopulasieparameterberaming ISI finite population eindige populasie sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary finite population correction finite multiplier finite population sampling eindigepopulasie-steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming from a population of limited size without replacement uit 'n populasie van beperkte grootte sonder terugplasing ISI finite queue eindige tou theory of queues toustaanteorie Statistical Dictionary finite sample breakdown point eindigesteekproef-breekpunt estimation beraming ISI finite sampling correction finite multiplier finite series eindige reeks mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary finite urn scheme eindige-houer skema combinatorial problems kombinatoriese probleme Statistical Dictionary finite variance process eindigevariansie-proses processes related to Brownian motion prosesse verwant aan Brown-beweging finitely additive eindig-additief mathematical methods Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary first come eerste daar. first out eerste daar. eerste bedien theory of queues toustaanteorie Statistical Dictionary first difference eerste differensie calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary first in. verwagte waardes en parameters Statistical Dictionary first order eerste orde mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary first passage eerste deurgang theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary first passage time eerstedeurgang-tyd entrance time theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI first return time 132 . expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: ESS finite multiplier eindige vermenigvuldiger finite population correction. finite sampling correction eindigepopulasie-korreksie. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary fit v. model building and selection regressie. modelbou en -seleksie curves krommes Statistical Dictionary five-point assay vyfpuntyking Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: 133 . inverse tanh transformation z-transformasie. pas regression. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. inverse tanh transformation z-transformasie. klassifikasie en identifikasie usually of an extreme value gewoonlik van 'n ekstreemwaarde ISI first stage unit eerstestadium-eenheid primêre steekproefeenheid sampling. model building and selection regressie. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI Fisher-Yates test exact chi-squared test fit n. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary fitting passing regression. modelbou en -seleksie curves krommes Statistical Dictionary fitted equation gepasde vergelyking regression. inverse tanh-transformasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid of the correlation coefficient van die korrelasiekoëffisiënt ESS Fisher-Yates test Fisher-Yates-toets categorical data analysis. klassieke metodologie in multistage sampling in meerstadiumsteekproefneming ISI first-digit distribution eerstesyferverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ESS first-digit problem eerstesyferprobleem probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie ESS first-order model eersteorde-model regression analysis regressieanalise a regression model which is linear in the parameters and the independent variables 'n regressiemodel wat lineêr in die parameters en onafhanklike veranderlikes is {Konteks: regressieanalise : algemeen} ESS Fisher exact test exact chi-squared test Fisher information Fisher-inligting exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers ISI Fisher-Behrens test Fisher-Behrens-toets Behrens-Fisher test Behrens-Fisher-toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ISI Fisher's distribution Fisher se verdeling F-distribution F-verdeling sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: of a ratio of two variances van 'n verhouding van twee variansies ISI Fisher's k-statistics Fisher se k-statistieke empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele ESS Fisher's transformation Fisher se transformasie z-transformation. classical methodology steekproefneming. return period terugkeertyd. terugkeerperiode univariate time series. inverse tanh-transformasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Fisher's z-transformation Fisher se z-transformasie z-transformation. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. passing regression. model building and selection regressie.Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: eersteterugkeer-tyd return time. model building and selection regressie. paneelsteekproef ISI fixed variate vaste veranderlike regression analysis regressieanalise where the values of the independent variable are set or selected waar die waardes van die onafhanklike veranderlike gestel of gekies is ISI fixed-station network vastestasienetwerk meteorology weerkunde Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: for example rain gauges at strategic locations over the country bv. panel sample bv.en 'n toetsmiddel te vergelyk ISI fixed vaste data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary fixed base index vastebasis-indeks indexes indekse ISI fixed base index number vaste-basis indeks indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary fixed effect vaste effek fixed effects models vaste-effektemodelle Statistical Dictionary fixed effects model vaste-effektemodel analysis of variance variansieanalise ESS fixed point vaste punt data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary fixed sample vaste steekproef sampling steekproefneming e. e.g. simmetriese gebeurlikheidsmodel association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid 134 . algorithms and computer programs operasionele navorsing. white noise veralgemeende stogastiese prosesse. witruis Statistical Dictionary folded gevou data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary folded contingency table gevoude gebeurlikheidstabel symmetric contingency table simmetriese gebeurlikheidstabel. flow graph operations research.g. reënvalmeters op strategiese plekke oor die land ESS flat plat data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary flexibility buigsaamheid data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary flow analysis vloeianalise graph theory and combinatorics grafiekteorie en kombinatorika Statistical Dictionary flow chart vloeidiagram flow diagram.Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: vyfpuntessai clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings for comparing a standard and a test preparation om 'n standaard. bv. algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme Statistical Dictionary flow diagram flow chart flow graph flow chart flowgraph analysis vloeidiagramanalise vloeigrafiekanalise graph theory and combinatorics grafiekteorie en kombinatorika ESS fluctuation fluktuasie generalised stochastic processes. model building and selection regressie. vooruitberaam univariate time series. vooruitberaming Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: univariate time series.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: ISI folded distribution gevoude verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings ISI folded median gevoude mediaan non-parametric estimation nieparametriese beraming the median of averages of pairs die mediaan van gemiddeldes van pare ISI folded normal distribution gevoude normaalverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary folded transformation gevoude transformasie transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes name to any T for which T(1-u)= -T(u) naam gegee aan enige T waarvoor T(1-u)= -T(u) {Konteks: transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes} ESS folding vouing data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary follow-up method opvolgmetode sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary follow-up n. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. beraming Statistical Dictionary forecast v. applications spesiale onderwerpe. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary forward difference voorwaartse differensie calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 135 . opvolg sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary force of mortality ouderdomspesifieke sterftekoers intensity function sterftekrag demography. populasiemodelle ESS forecast n. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. opvolging sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary follow-up v. beraming Statistical Dictionary forecasting vooruitberaming inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse ISI forensic statistics forensiese statistiek special topics. population models demografie. toepassings form vorm vraelys data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary format formaat data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary formation vorming formasie data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary formula formule mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary FORTRAN FORTRAN computer software rekenaarsagteware a computer programming language 'n rekenaarprogrammeringstaal ESS forward voorwaarts regression. English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: forward differential equation voorwaartse differensiaalvergelyking calculus of finite differences calculus van eindige verskille Statistical Dictionary forward equations <Note: SEE Kolmogorov equations> voorwaartse vergelykings <kyk Kolmogorovvergelykings> theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse which determine forward transition probabilities vir bepaling van oorgangswaarskynlikhede ISI foundations of probability grondslae van waarskynlikheid probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie philosophic reasoning filosofiese beredenering ESS fourfold point correlation phi-koëffisiënt phi-coefficient categorical data analysis. distribution-free methods regressie .g.nonparametric methods. distribution-free methods regressie . gedeeltelik mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary fraction defective fraksie defektiewes defektiewesverhouding quality and process control kwaliteits. fraksioneel. gedeeltelik.nieparametriese metodes.nieparametriese metodes. coast line ESS fractile quantile fractile analysis kwantielanalise quantile analysis fraktielanalise regression .g. verdelingsvrye metodes ISI fractile transformation method quantile transformation method fraction breuk fraksie. verdelingsvrye metodes ESS fractile function quantile function fractile graphical analysis grafiese kwantielanalise regression .en kosinusfunksies {Konteks: versamelingsteorie} ESS Fourier transform n. Fourier-transformasie Fourier transformation Fourier-transform Fourier and harmonic analysis Fourier. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise.en cosinusterme ISI Fourier series Fourier-reeks theory of sets versamelingsteorie sum of terms based on sine and cosine functions som van terme gebaseer op sinus. gedeelte.en harmoniese analise e. fraksie. the characteristic function of a distribution bv. gedeelte mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary fractional Brownian motion gedeeltelike Brown-beweging theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse 136 . gebeurlikheidstabelle Statistical Dictionary fourfold table two-by-two frequency table Fourier analysis Fourier-analise mathematical methods wiskundige metodes representing functions as sums of sine and cosine terms stel funksies voor as somme van sinus. e.nonparametric methods.en proseskontrole ISI fractional breukfraksioneel. die karakteristieke funksie van 'n verdeling ISI English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Fourier transformation Fourier transform fpc finite multiplier fractal fraktal stochastic control stogastiese kontrole a graph of a random function in continuous space and time. nonparametric methods. distribution-free methods regressie . ortogonale skikkings Statistical Dictionary fractional integrodifferentiation fraksionele integrodifferensiasie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie transformation in probability theory transformasie in waarskynlikheidsteorie ESS fractional part breukdeel data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary fractional rank estimator fraksionele rangberamer gedeeltelike rangberamer regression .nonparametric methods.nieparametriese metodes. distribution-free methods regressie .en digtheidsfunksies in ISI frequency moment frekwensiemoment empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele based on actual as opposed to relative frequencies 137 .Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: ISI fractional factorial gedeeltelike faktoriaal factorial designs. verdelingsvrye metodes used in the construction of kernel estimators gebruik in die konstruksie van kernberamers ESS fractional replication gedeeltelike replikasie partial replication optimal designs optimale ontwerpe Statistical Dictionary frailty model swakheidsmodel reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ISI frame raamwerk sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary Fréchet distance Fréchet-afstand Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: relations between distributions verhoudings tussen verdelings ISI Fréchet distribution Fréchet-verdeling extreme value distributions ekstreemwaardeverdelings ISI freehand curve vryhandkromme graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary freehand method vryhandmetode graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary frequency frekwensie empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary frequency curve frekwensiekromme empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary frequency distribution frekwensieverdeling empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary frequency domain frekwensiegebied spectral analysis spektraalanalise as opposed to the time domain in teenstelling met die tydgebied ISI frequency function frekwensiefunksie probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings includes probability and density functions sluit waarskynlikheids. verdelingsvrye metodes in rank estimation of the regression model in rangberaming van die regressiemodel ESS fractional regression fraksionele regressie quantile regression gedeeltelike regressie regression .nieparametriese metodes. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. verdelingsvrye metodes a nonparametric test related to two-way analysis of variance 'n nieparametriese toets wat verband hou met tweerigtingvariansieanalise ESS F-square <short form> frequency square F-statistic F-statistiek F-steekproefgrootheid analysis of variance variansieanalise variance ratio variansieverhouding ESS F-test F-toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ESS full information volle inligting estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary full information method volle-inligting-metode econometrics ekonometrie estimation under a priori restrictions beraming onder a priori-beperkings Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 138 . Youdenontwerpe ESS frequency surface frekwensie-oppervlak multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings bivariate analogue of the frequency curve tweeveranderlike analoog van die frekwensiekromme {Konteks: meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings} ESS frequency table frekwensietabel empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary frequency theory of probability frekwensiewaarskynlikheidsteorie classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary frequentist adj. Youden designs Latynse en Grieks-Latynse vierkante. frekwentisties probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie ESS frequentist analysis frekwentistiese analise probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie as opposed to Bayesian analysis in teenstelling met Bayes-analise ESS English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: frequentist n. rank tests. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI Friedman's test Friedman se toets nonparametric methods. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie a type of characteristic function 'n tipe karakteristieke funksie ISI frequency square <Full form> frekwensievierkant <Volledige vorm> F-square Latin and Graeco-Latin squares. rangtoetse.Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: op werklike eerder as relatiewe frekwensies gebaseer ISI frequency polygon frekwensieveelhoek empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary frequency response function frekwensieresponsfunksie univariate time series. frekwentis general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek a user of the frequency theory of probability 'n gebruiker van frekwensiewaarskynlikheidsteorie ISI frequentistic frekwentisties general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Freund-Ansari test Freund-Ansari-toets non-parametric tests. distribution-free methods nieparametriese metodes. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. en Wiskundewoordeboek gebruik> Jacobian linear algebra. but with measurement errors eksak. Andrews' curves ESS functional funksionaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary functional analysis funksionaalanalise theory of functions. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary functional relation funksionaalrelasie theory of functions. maar met metingsfoute ISI fundamental probability set fundamentele waarskynlikheidsversameling classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: from which all events are formed by compounding waaruit alle gebeurtenisse deur samestelling gevorm word ISI fundamental random process Brownian motion process funnel plot tregterstipping graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI futility index futiliteitsindeks medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek ISI fuzzy set newelversameling pattern recognition and scene analysis patroonherkenning en beeldanalise with an uncertain boundary met 'n onsekere grens ESS fuzzy set theory newelversamelingsleer decision theory beslissingsteorie in which some items may belong to more than one set waar sommige items lede van meer as een versameling kan wees {Konteks: beslissingsteorie} ESS gain toename styging regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary gain wins game theory spelteorie Statistical Dictionary gain function winsfunksie univariate time series. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: ISI function funksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary function plot funksiestipping graphical methods grafiese metodes a graphical display of multivariate data. real analysis funksieteorie. e. reële analise Statistical Dictionary functional relationship funksionele verwantskap association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid exact. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. Donsker theorem Donsker-stelling limit distributions limietverdelings concerning functions of random variables het betrekking op funksies van stogastiese veranderlikes ISI functional determinant Jacobiaan < "Jacobiaan" word in beide die Statistiek.g. real analysis funksieteorie. klassifikasie en identifikasie used in a factorisation of the frequency response function gebruik in 'n faktorisering van die frekwensieresponsfunksie ISI gain in precision Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: 139 . reële analise Statistical Dictionary functional central limit theorem funksionele sentrale limietstelling Donsker's theorem. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: presisietoename analysis of residuals residuanalise Statistical Dictionary gain ratio winsverhouding game theory spelteorie standardised expected unit gain gestandaardiseerde verwagte eenheid wins {Konteks: spelteorie} ESS Gallup poll Gallup-peiling market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling conducted by the Gallup organisation gelei deur die Gallup-organisasie ESS Galois field Galois-liggaam measure theory maatteorie a field containing a finite number of elements 'n liggaam wat 'n eindige getal elemente bevat Galton ogive Galton-ogief ogive ogief univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings S-shaped distribution function S-vormige verdelingsfunksie ISI Galton-McAllister distribution lognormal distribution GAM generalised additive model gamble dobbel classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary gambler's ruin dobbelaarsbankrotskap classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary gambling theory dobbelteorie theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse game spel stochastic game stogastiese spel Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes Statistical Dictionary game of chance kansspel stochastic game classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary game theory spelteorie operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary gamma gamma gamma function gammafunksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary gamma coefficient gammakoëffisiënt random variables. verwagte waardes en parameters ISI gamma distribution gammaverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary gamma function gammafunksie gamma gamma special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies ESS gamma variable gammaveranderlike univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings ESS g-and-h-distributions g-en-h-verdelings systems of distributions verdelingstelsels a family with two shape parameters 'n familie met twee vormparameters {Konteks: verdelingstelsels} ESS gap test gapingstoets goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse Statistical Dictionary 140 . English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: gapping gapingstudie univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings the finding of unusual spaces in the distribution of data om ongewone gapings in die verdeling van data op te spoor {Konteks: eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings} ESS GARCH model generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model Gauss distribution Gauss-verdeling normal distribution normaalverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings a bell-shaped density curve 'n klokvormige digtheidsfunksie Statistical Dictionary Gaussian noise Gauss-geraas theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ESS Gaussian process Gauss-proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ESS Gauss-Markov theorem Gauss-Markov-stelling exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers on linear unbiased estimators having minimum variance oor lineêre onsydige beramers met minimum variansie ISI GCD greatest common divisor Geary's ratio Geary se verhouding empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe of the mean deviation to the standard deviation van die gemiddelde afwyking tot die standaardafwyking ISI GEE generalised estimating equations Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary general balance algemene balans mixed and other models gemengde en ander modelle weighted least squares analysis of data geweegde kleinstekwadrate-data-analise {Konteks: gemengde en ander modelle} ESS general factor algemene faktor factor analysis faktoranalise which is common to all observed variates wat gemeenskaplik aan alle waargenome veranderlikes is ISI general interdependent system algemene interafhanklike stelsel analysis of residuals residuanalise where each residual is assumed to be uncorrelated only with the explanatory variable in the same equation waar dit aanvaar word dat die residu slegs met die verklarende veranderlike in dieselfde vergelyking ongekorreleer is ISI general linear model algemene lineêre model generalised linear models veralgemeende lineêre modelle Statistical Dictionary general renewal process algemene hernuwingsproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI generalise veralgemeen data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary generalised additive model veralgemeende additiewe model GAM generalised linear models veralgemeende lineêre modelle ISI generalised ARCH model generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: general algemeen 141 . matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary generalised least squares estimator veralgemeende kleinstekwadrateberamer estimation beraming ISI generalised linear model veralgemeende lineêre model regression analysis regressieanalise ISI generalised Mahalanobis distance Mahalanobis' generalised distance generalised maximum likelihood estimator veralgemeende maksimumaanneemlikheidsberamer estimation beraming ISI generalised mixed model veralgemeende gemengde model generalised linear models veralgemeende lineêre modelle ISI generalised multinomial distribution veralgemeende multinomiaalverdeling multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings ISI 142 . GARCH-model prediction. GARCH model veralgemeende ARCH-model. forecasting voorspelling.Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: veralgemeende outoregressiewe voorwaardelike heteroskedastisiteitsmodel generalised ARCH model. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. vooruitberaming used in time series analysis word in tydreeksanalise gebruik generalised Bayes' decision rule veralgemeende Bayes-beslissingsreël decision theory beslissingsteorie ISI generalised bivariate exponential distribution veralgemeende tweeveranderlike eksponensiaalverdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings ISI generalised classical linear estimators veralgemeende klassieke lineêre beramers estimation beraming generalised contagious distribution veralgemeende aansteeklikheidsverdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings ISI generalised cross-validation veralgemeende kruisgeldigheidsbepaling sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke ISI generalised distance veralgemeende afstand association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid ISI generalised distribution veralgemeende verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ESS generalised estimating equations <Full form> veralgemeende beramingsvergelykings GEE estimation beraming ISI generalised extreme-value distribution veralgemeende ekstreemwaardeverdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings ISI generalised gamma distribution veralgemeende gammaverdeling Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings ISI generalised hypergeometric factorial-moment distribution <Full form> veralgemeende hipergeometriese faktoriaalmomentverdeling GHFD univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings the factorial moments are in terms of the generalised hypergeometric series die faktoriaalmomente is in terme van die veralgemeende hipergeometriese reekse ESS generalised hypergeometric probability distribution <Full form> veralgemeende hipergeometriese waarskynlikheidsverdeling GHPD univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ESS generalised inverse veralgemeende inverse linear algebra. chi-square distributions Student se t. geometriese Brown-beweging ESS geometric distribution meetkundige verdeling geometrical distribution univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings when probabilities form a geometric sequence wanneer waarskynlikhede 'n meetkundige ry vorm Statistical Dictionary geometric mean meetkundige gemiddelde empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele Statistical Dictionary geometric moving average meetkundige bewegende gemiddelde inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse geometric probability meetkundige waarskynlikheid geometric probability theory probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie ISI geometric probability geometric probability theory geometric probability theory meetkundige waarskynlikheidsleer geometric probability geometric probability geometriese waarskynlikheid the study of problems relating to random structures in space die studie van probleme wat verband hou met stogastiese strukture in ruimte {Konteks: kombinatoriese analise}. F. F. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. Wiener-prosesse}. Wiener processes Brown-beweging. Wiener-prosesse the exponent of the motion die eksponent van die beweging {Konteks: Brown-beweging. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. Monte Carlo-metodes Statistical Dictionary genetic algorithm genetiese algoritme operations research Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: operasionele navorsing used in combinatorial optimisation word in kombinatoriese optimering gebruik ISI geometric geometries geometrical meetkundig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary geometric Brownian motion meetkundige Brown-beweging Brownian motion. geometriese waarskynlikheidsleer ESS Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 143 . Monte Carlo-metodes Statistical Dictionary generating function voortbringende funksie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary generator generator voortbringer simulation. chi-kwadraatverdelings ISI generalised variance veralgemeende variansie multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary generate genereer voortbring simulation.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: generalised normal distribution veralgemeende normaalverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings generalised Pareto distribution veralgemeende Pareto-verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings ISI generalised polykays veralgemeende poli-k's empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ISI generalised power series distribution veralgemeende magreeksverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ISI generalised sequential probability ratio test veralgemeende sekwensiële waarskynlikheidverhoudingstoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ISI generalised T² distribution veralgemeende T²-verdeling Student's t. Gibbs states statistiese meganiese tipe modelle. Gibbs-toestande ESS Gibbs sampler Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Gibbs-steekproefnemer Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming to obtain posterior distribution om a posteriori-verdeling te verkry ESS Gibbs state Gibbs-toestand theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Gini's ratio Gini se verhouding econometrics ekonometrie measure of income inequality maatstaf van inkomste-ongelykheid ISI girdle distribution gordelverdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings having its maximum density in a plane round a great circle het sy maksimum digtheid in 'n vlak om 'n grootsirkel ISI given period gegewe periode indexes indekse as opposed to the base period in teenstelling met die basisperiode ISI Glivenko's theorem Glivenko se stelling convergence in distribution. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling. limit theorems. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling. limit theorems. fisika en chemie Statistical Dictionary GHFD <Short form> generalised hypergeometric factorial-moment distribution GHPD <Short form> generalised hypergeometric probability distribution Gibbs distribution Gibbs-verdeling statistical mechanics type models. limietstellings. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. invariansiebeginsels ISI glyph glief graphical methods grafiese metodes rays of different lengths representing multivariate data strale van verskillende lengtes wat meerveranderlike data voorstel Statistical Dictionary Gnedenko's theorem Gnedenko se stelling convergence in distribution.English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: geometric progression meetkundige reeks geometric series mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary geometric proof meetkundige bewys mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary geometric range meetkundige variasiewydte empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ISI geometric scale logaritmiese skaal logarithmic scale mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary geometric sequence meetkundige ry mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary geometric series geometric progression geometrical geometric geometrical distribution geometric distribution geostatistics geostatistiek geostatistics. limietstellings. perkolasieteorie. percolation theory. invariansiebeginsels ISI Gompertz curve Gompertz-kromme English: Synonym: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 144 . gradeer data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary gradient gradiënt regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary gradient vector gradiëntvektor Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: linear algebra. lack-of-fit test passingstoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary G-optimality G-optimaliteit optimal designs optimale ontwerpe ESS Gower's similarity coefficient Gower se gelyksoortigheidskoëffisiënt cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie for mixtures of continuous and binary data vir mengsels van kontinue en binêre data ISI grade correlation graadkorrelasie rank correlation rangkorrelasie Statistical Dictionary grade n. approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings expressing a frequency distribution in terms of the normal density function druk 'n frekwensieverdeling uit in terme van die normaaldigtheidsfunksie ISI Gramian Gramian determinant Gramian determinant Gramiaan-determinant Gramian 145 . matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. graad data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary grade v.Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie a special type of growth curve 'n spesiale tipe groeikromme ISI Goodman-Kruskal G statistic Goodman-Kruskal se G-statistiek categorical data analysis. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI goodness-of-fit pasgehalte goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse Statistical Dictionary goodness-of-fit test pasgehaltetoets test of goodness-of-fit. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary grading gradering general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary graduate gradueer general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary graduation graduering smoothing gladstryking a form of smoothing 'n vorm van gladstryking graduation graduering general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary graduation curve gradueringskromme empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary Graeco-Latin square Grieks-Latynse vierkant design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary Gram-Charlier series type B distribution Gram-Charlier series type A Gram-Charlier se tipe A-reeks probability distributions. grafiek graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary graph plotter grafiekstipper computers and operating systems rekenaars en bedryfstelsels Statistical Dictionary graph theory grafiekteorie inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary graph v. lyndwarssnitsteekproefneming ISI grid sampling netsteekproefneming <Verkieslik> configurational sampling roostersteekproefneming sampling steekproefneming ISI gross error growwe fout estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary 146 .Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: Gramiaan regression.en proseskontrole in acceptance sampling by aanvaardingsteekproefneming ESS grand mean algehele gemiddelde overall mean omvattende gemiddelde general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary grand tour oorsigtelike uitbeelding graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI graph n. modelbou en -seleksie fitting multiple regressions by passing van meervoudige regressies ESS grand lot sampling algehele lotsteekproefneming quality and process control kwaliteits. line transect sampling ruimtelike steekproefneming. model building and selection regressie. grafiek teken graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary graphical grafies graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary graphical chain model grafiese kettingmodel graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: graphical display graphical representation graphical estimator grafiese beramer graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI graphical model grafiese model graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI graphical representation grafiese voorstelling graphical display graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary graphics grafika graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary greatest common divisor <Full form> grootste gemene deler <Volledige vorm> GCD GGD mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary Greenhouse-Geisser test Greenhouse-Geisser-toets repeated measures and sequential designs herhaalde metings en sekwensiële ontwerpe a variance ratio test 'n variansieverhoudingstoets ISI grid net rooster areal sampling. groepeer general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary group-divisible design Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: groepdeelbare ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente grouped data gegroepeerde data general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary grouped distribution gegroepeerde verdeling rounded distribution afgeronde verdeling empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe values of continuous random variable rounded waardes van kontinue stogastiese veranderlike afgerond ESS grouped Poisson distribution gegroepeerde Poisson-verdeling theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI grouping groepering general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary grouping error error in grouping grouping lattice groeperingsrooster empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary group-sequential design groepsekwensiële ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente growth curve groeikromme growth curve models groeikrommemodelle an expression of repeated measurements of an individual over time 'n uitdrukking van herhaalde metings oor tyd van 'n individu {Konteks: groeikrommemodelle} ESS growth curve model groeikrommemodel growth curve models groeikrommemodelle 147 . group-divisible designs blokontwerpe.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: group comparison groepvergelyking general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary group divisible groepdeelbaar block designs. groep general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary group screening method groepsiftingsmetode analysis of variance variansieanalise ISI group sequential testing <Note: See multiple sampling> groepsekwensiële toetsing <Kyk meervoudige streekproefneming> hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ISI group v. groepdeelbare ontwerpe Statistical Dictionary group divisible design groepdeelbare ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI group divisible incomplete block design groepdeelbare onvolledigeblok-ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI group divisible rotatable designs groepdeelbare roteerbare ontwerpe design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI group factor <see common factor> groepfaktor <kyk gemeenskaplike faktor> factor analysis faktoranalise ISI group n. toepassings for precision and accuracy of measurement presisie en noukeurigheid van meting ESS G-spectral estimator G-spektraalberamer autoregressive and moving average processes outoregressiewe en bewegendegemiddeldeprosesse e. aanneemlikheidsgebaseerde benadering asymptotically equivalent to Pearson's chisquare test for independence asimptoties ekwivalent aan Pearson se chikwadraattoets vir onafhanklikheid ISI guess raai general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary guessing model raaimodel gissingsmodel extreme value distributions ekstreemwaardeverdelings relates to Delphi method hou verband met Delphi-metode ESS guesstimate skatting general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary Gumbel distribution Gumbel-verdeling probability theory. die Richards-familie van ESS growth model groeimodel growth curve models groeikrommemodelle repeated measures over time herhaalde metings oor tyd ESS growth process groeiproses general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary growth rate groeikoers rate of growth medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek per unit per eenheid Statistical Dictionary growth rate groeitempo rate of growth medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek per unit of time per tydseenheid Statistical Dictionary Grubbs' estimator Grubbs-beramer special topics. Bayes-benadering theory of extreme values teorie van ekstreemwaardes {Konteks: Bayesbenadering} ESS Guttman scale Guttman-skaal market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling attitude scales houdingskale ESS Guttman scaling Guttman-skalering scaling methods skaleringsmetodes related to correspondence analysis verwant aan ooreenkomsanalise ISI Haar distribution Haar-verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings generalisation of the uniform distribution 148 . Richards family of bv. Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie. likelihood-based approach toetskonstruksie. in autoregressive moving average models bv. by outoregressiefbewegende gemiddelde modelle ESS g-statistics g-statistieke empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele sample values of gamma coefficients steekproefwaardes van gammakoëffisiënte ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: g-test g-toets test construction. applications spesiale onderwerpe.g.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: growth function groeifunksie growth curve models groeikrommemodelle e.g. verwagte waardes en parameters ISI half-normal distribution semi-normal distribution half-normal plot halfnormaalstipping half-normal probability plot halfnormaalwaarskynlikheidstipping graphical methods grafiese metodes graphical goodness-of-fit methods Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: grafiese passingsmetodes ESS half-normal probability plot halfnormaalwaarskynlikheidstipping half-normal plot halfnormaalstipping graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI half-plaid square halfruitvierkant split-plot.Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: veralgemening van die uniforme verdeling {Konteks: eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings} ESS Haar probability measure Haar-waarskynlikheidsmaat measure theoretic approach maatteoretiese benadering ESS half adj. half halwe general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary half n.g. semi-variant random variables. halfbreedte. nested and weighing designs splitperseel-. for comparing two seed strains om bv. semivariasiewydte confidence regions vertrouensgebiede ISI halo effect halo-effek market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary halve halveer general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary hamming <See also hanning> Hamming se gladstryking <kyk ook Von Hann se gladstryking> spectral analysis spektraalanalise for smoothing the spectrum vir die spektrum 149 . twee saadkultivars te vergelyk ISI half-invariant halfinvariant cumulant. genestelde en wegende ontwerpe Statistical Dictionary half-replicate halfreplikaat design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary half-replicate design halfreplikaatontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI half-sample technique halfsteekproeftegniek sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke replications method for estimating variance replikasiemetode om variansie te beraam {Konteks: steekproefhergebruikstegnieke} ESS half-width halfwydte semi-range halfbereik. helfte general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary half normal halfnormaal design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary half-Cauchy distribution half-Cauchy-verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings special case of the folded Cauchy distribution spesiale geval van die gevoude Cauchyverdeling ISI half-drill strip halfsaairy statistics in agriculture landboustatistiek e. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. klassifikasie en identifikasie used on trigonometric functions word op trigonometriese funksies gebruik ISI hat matrix hoedmatriks prediction in regression voorspelling in regressie matrix which yields predicted values when multiplied with the vector of the observed values matriks wat voorspelde waardes lewer wanneer dit met die vektor van die waargenome waardes vermenigvuldig word {Konteks: voorspelling in regressie}. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie representing constituents by vectors (as the hands of a clock) stel samestellende dele deur vektore voor (soos op 'n horlosie) ISI harmonic mean harmoniese gemiddelde Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: graph theory and combinatorics grafiekteorie en kombinatorika Statistical Dictionary harmonic regression harmoniese regressie univariate time series. entropy. model building and selection regressie. information measures.v. kappiematriks ESS hatch arseer general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary Hausman specification test Hausman-spesifikasietoets regression.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: ISI hanning <See also hamming> Von Hann se gladstryking <kyk ook Hamming se gladstryking> spectral analysis spektraalanalise for smoothing the spectrum vir die spektrum ISI hard clipping harde snoeiing hard limiting harde beperking information theory. entropie. inligtingsmaatstawwe. capacity of channels inligtingsteorie. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.b. periodiese terme ESS harmonic dial harmoniese wyser univariate time series. kapasiteit van kanale loss of signal due to processing limitations verlies van sein as gevolg van verwerkingsbeperkings ISI hard limiting hard clipping hard-core model hardekernmodel point processes puntprosesse in which the points of reference cannot overlap waarin die verwysingspunte nie kan oorvleuel nie ISI harmonic harmonies spectral analysis spektraalanalise Statistical Dictionary harmonic analysis harmoniese analise spectral analysis spektraalanalise analysis of time and other series using periodic terms analise van tyd. modelbou en -seleksie test to detect model specifications toets wat gebruik word om modelspesifikasies op te spoor {Konteks: modelbou en -seleksie} ESS hazard gevaar conditional failure rate reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing Statistical Dictionary hazard function failure rate hazard plotting gevaarstipping reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ESS hazard rate failure rate hazard rate distribution gevaarkoersverdeling lifetime distributions leeftydsverdelings Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 150 .en ander reekse m. Hermite-polinome. eugenetiek proportion of the variability of a characteristic due to inheritance Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: proporsie van die veranderlikheid van 'n kenmerk wat aan oorerflikheid toegeskryf kan word ESS Hermite distribution Hermitiese verdeling compound Poisson distribution saamgestelde Poisson-verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ESS Hermite polynomials Hermitiese polinome Tchebychev-Hermite polynomials probability distributions. Hellinger se afstand ESS Helmert transformation Helmert-transformasie sampling distributions steekproefverdelings an orthogonal transformation used in finding exact sampling distributions 'n ortogonale transformasie wat gebruik word om presiese steekproefverdelings te bepaal {Konteks: steekproefverdelings : algemeen} ESS heritability oorerflikheid human genetics. approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings. TchebychevHermitiese polinome ISI Hermite process Hermitiese proses processes related to Brownian motion prosesse verwant aan Brown-beweging a finite variance process subordinated to Brownian motion 'n eindigevariansie-proses ondergeskik aan Brown se beweging {Konteks: prosesse wat verband hou met Brown-beweging} ESS heteroclitic heteroklities empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary heterogeneity heterogeniteit general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary heterogeneous heterogeen general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary heterogeneous population heterogene populasie general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 151 . eugenics menslike genetika. lifetime distributions ESS height hoogte general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary Hellinger distance Hellinger-afstand relations between distributions verhoudings tussen verdelings a measure of the distance between two distributions afstandsmaat tussen twee verdelings {Konteks: verhoudings tussen verdelings}.g.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: ISI H-distribution H-verdeling H-funksie-verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings ESS heads and tails kruis en munt general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary health statistics gesondheidstatistieke medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek Statistical Dictionary heavy-tailed distribution swaareindverdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings one in which the extreme probabilities approach zero slowly. e. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings based on derivatives of the normal distribution with orthogonal properties gebaseer op afgeleides van die normaalverdeling met ortogonale eienskappe {Konteks: benaderings en asimptotiese resultate}. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. quantal response logistiese en loglineêre model. gebeurlikheidstabelle ESS hierarchical model hiërargiese model logistic and log-linear model. kwantaalrespons ESS hierarchy hiërargie 152 .Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: Statistical Dictionary heterokurtic allokurtic heteroscedastic heteroskedasties general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary heteroscedastic regression heteroskedastiese regressie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary heteroscedasticity heteroskedastisiteit regression analysis regressieanalise inequality of variances ongelykheid van variansies Statistical Dictionary heterotypic heterotipies systems of distributions verdelingstelsels Statistical Dictionary heuristic heuristies hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary hexadecimal heksadesimaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary H-function H-funksie special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies one of a family of Mellin integral transforms een van 'n familie van Mellinintegraaltransformasies ESS Hhn (x) function Hhn (x)-funksie Hhn function Hhn-funksie probability distributions. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings used in a recursive scheme of integration and differentiation of the normal function word in 'n rekursiewe skema van integrasie en differensiasie van die normaalfunksie gebruik ISI English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Hhn function Hhn (x) function hidden Markov model versteekte Markov-model theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI hierarchical hiërargies design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary hierarchical birth-and-death process hiërargiese geboorte-en-sterfteproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI hierarchical classification hiërargiese klassifikasie nested classification cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie ESS hierarchical cluster analysis hiërargiese trosanalise cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie which combines or divides clusters to yield a dendrogram wat trosse kombineer of verdeel om 'n dendrogram te lewer ESS hierarchical design hiërargiese ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary hierarchical group divisible design hiërargiese groepdeelbare ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI hierarchical kappa statistics hiërargiese kappastatistieke categorical data analysis. approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings. Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary high contact hoëgraadse kontak empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe a condition for the application of Sheppard's corrections 'n voorwaarde vir die toepassing van Sheppard se korreksies ISI high pass filter hoë-gang filter spectral analysis spektraalanalise Statistical Dictionary higher moment hoërordemoment higher order moment general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary higher order equation hoërordevergelyking mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary higher order moment higher moment higher-order asymptotic theory hoërorde. value) lyndiagram met koördinate (tyd. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie line diagram with coordinates (time.asimptotiese teorie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie ISI highest posterior density intervals intervalle met hoogste a posteriori-digtheid Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming ISI high-low graph hoog-laag-grafiek graphical methods grafiese metodes to depict ranges of variation in successive time intervals waarmee variasiewydtes aangewys word in opeenvolgende tydsintervalle ISI high-low-close graph hoog-laag-sluitingsgrafiek HLC graph<short form> HLS grafiek<verkorte vorm> graphical methods Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: grafiese metodes highspread boonste span empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ranges of variation in successive time intervals grootste waarde minus mediaan {Konteks: empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe} ESS hinge skarnier empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary histogram histogram general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary historical control historiese kontrole biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde Statistical Dictionary historigram historigram tydreeksdiagram univariate time series. in rank-order tests and estimation bv. U-statistiek estimation beraming e. in rangordetoetse en beraming ISI Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 153 .g. waarde) ISI hitting point trefpunt point of first entry eerste binnekomspunt random walks and applications stogastiese bewegings en toepassings Statistical Dictionary hitting probability entrance probability HLC graph<short form> high-low-close graph Hoeffding's U-statistic Hoeffding se U-statistiek. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures Statistical Dictionary horizontal horisontaal general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary horizontal axis horisontale as general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary horseshoe effect perdeskoeneffek scaling methods skaleringsmetodes a curve representing similarities 'n kromme wat ooreenkomste voorstel ISI hot deck method lopendelysmetode market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling ISI Hotelling's T2 Hotelling se T2 multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings a generalisation of Student's t 'n veralgemening van Student se t ISI Hotelling's test T-square test Hotelling's test T-square test Hotelling's trace test trace test household huishouding 154 .English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: hold v. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. talm scheduling skedulering Statistical Dictionary holding time talmtyd scheduling skedulering Statistical Dictionary homoclitic homoklities empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary homogeneity homogeniteit graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary homogeneous homogeen general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary homogeneous process homogene proses Poisson processes Poisson-prosesse Statistical Dictionary homokurtic homokurties isokurtic isokurties empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary homoscedastic homoskedasties general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary homoscedasticity homoskedastisiteit equality of variances gelykheid van variansies analysis of residuals residuanalise homoscedastisity equality of variance honest eg Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: game theory spelteorie Statistical Dictionary honest process egte proses Markov processes in continuous time Markov-prosesse in kontinue tyd Statistical Dictionary honestly significant difference <Full form> egte betekenisvolle verskil HSD multiple comparisons. Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary household budget survey huishoudingsbegrotingsopname market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary housing census woningsensus market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary HSD honestly significant difference Hurst coefficient coefficient of self-similarity hybrid design hibriedontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary hyperbola hiperbool mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary hyperbolic curve hiperboliese kromme graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI hyperbolic distribution hiperboliese verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings for which the graph of the log probability function is a hyperbola waarvan die grafiek van die logwaarskynlikheidsfunksie 'n hiperbool is {Konteks: eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings} ESS hyperbolic function hiperboliese funksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary hyperbolic logarithm natuurlike logaritme Napierian logarithm. ortogonale skikkings ISI hyperexponential hipereksponensiaal truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings Statistical Dictionary hyperexponential distribution hipereksponensiaalverdeling truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings ISI hypergeometric hipergeometries special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies Statistical Dictionary hypergeometric distribution hipergeometriese verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ESS hypergeometric series distribution hipergeometriese reeksverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings distribution of which the probabilities correspond with the terms of this series verdeling waarvan die waarskynlikhede ooreenkom met die terme van dié reeks {Konteks: eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings} ESS hypergeometric waiting time distribution hipergeometriese wagtydverdeling inverse hypergeometric distribution inverse hipergeometriese verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings when sampling is done until the predetermined number of successes is obtained as steekproefneming gedoen word tot die voorafbepaalde getal suksesse verkry is ISI hyper-Graeco-Latin square hiper-Grieks-Latynse vierkant design of experiments Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 155 . orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. natural logarithm mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary hyperbolic secant distribution hiperboliese sekansverdeling Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings related to the logistic distribution verwant aan die logistiese verdeling ISI hypercensored sampling progressively censored sampling hypercube hiperkubus orthogonal array factorial designs. e. <Abbreviation> i.v. <Afkorting> identically and independently distributed identies en onafhanklik verdeel independence of random variables onafhanklikheid van stogastiese veranderlikes IC <Short form> information content icing the tails eindintrekking approximations and asymptotic results benaderings en asimptotiese resultate refers to "pulling in" ends of a distribution. with log transform ESS ideal index ideale indeks indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary ideal index number ideale indeks indexes indekse 156 . matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary hyper-spherical normal distribution hipersferiese normaalverdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: hypersurface hiperoppervlak linear algebra.en proseskontrole ISI hyperparameter hiperparameter Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming Statistical Dictionary hyperplane hipervlak linear algebra.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: ontwerp van eksperimente ISI hypernormal hipernormaal empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary hypernormal dispersion <see Lexis variation> hipernormaaldispersie <kyk Lexis-variasie> quality and process control kwaliteits.g.i. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra.o. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary hypotheses <Plural> hipoteses <Meervoud> hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary hypothesis <Singular> hipotese <Singular> hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary hypothetical hipoteties general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary hypothetical population hipotetiese populasie general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek ISI i. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary hyperplane theorem hipervlakstelling theory of sets versamelingsteorie deals with convex sets word in konvekse versamelings gebruik {Konteks: versamelingsteorie} ESS hyper-Poisson distribution hiper-Poisson-verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings a two-parameter extension 'n tweeparameteruitbreiding ISI hyperprior hiper a priori Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming higher order of prior distributions hoër orde van a priori-verdelings {Konteks: Bayes-beraming} ESS hypersphere hipersfeer linear algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra.d. d. modelbou en -seleksie arises in cases where the underlying model is not completely specified kom in gevalle voor waar die onderliggende model nie volledig gespesifiseer is nie identifiable identifiseerbaar regression.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: ISI ideal power function ideale onderskeidingsvermoëfunksie asymptotic properties of tests asimptotiese eienskappe van toetse for which the error probabilities are zero waar die foutwaarskynlikhede nul is ESS idempotent matrix idempotente matriks linear algebra. model building and selection regressie. modelbou en -seleksie identification identifikasie general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Statistical Dictionary identification problem identifikasieprobleem simultaneous estimation gelyktydige beraming that some or all parameters cannot be separately estimated without bias dat sommige of alle parameters nie afsonderlik sonder sydigheid beraam kan word nie {Konteks: gelyktydige beraming} ESS identify identifiseer general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary identity identiteit mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary identity matrix identiteitsmatriks linear algebra. model building and selection regressie. identically distributed identies verdeel probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary identifiability identifiseerbaarheid regression. matrikse en vektore which is equal to its own square wat gelyk is aan sy eie kwadraat ESS identical identies general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary identical categorisations identiese kategoriserings categorical data analysis. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra.i. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary idle period ledige periode wagperiode queues toue Statistical Dictionary idle time ledige tyd queues toue Statistical Dictionary IET iterative ellipsoidal trimming ill-conditioned sleggeaard simultaneous equations gelyktydige vergelykings ESS illness-death model siekte-dood-model theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI illusory association skynbare assosiasie skynassosiasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 157 . gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI identical populations identiese populasies general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary identically and independently distributed i. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. g. Monte Carlo-metodes Statistical Dictionary impossible onmoontlik general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary 158 . clinical trials ESS imbed embed imbedded embedded imbedded process ingebedde proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary immigration immigrasie birth-death processes geboorte-en-sterfte-prosesse ISI immigration-emigration process immigrasie-emigrasieproses migration process migrasieproses branching and related processes vertakkings.English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: illusory correlation skynkorrelasie spurious correlation vals korrelasie association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data ESS IMA process integrated moving average process image analysis beeldanalise image processing and remote sensing beeldprosessering en afstandswaarneming for the analysis of complex patterns. e.g.en verwante prosesse type of branching process in which particles migrate soort vertakkingsproses waarin partikels migreer ESS impenetrable barrier Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: ondeurdringbare versperring theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary imperfect observation onvolkome waarneming general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary implementation implementering general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary implication implikasie general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary implicit implisiet mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary implicit equation implisiete vergelyking mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary implicit strata <Note: stratum singular> implisiete strata <Nota: stratum enkelvoud> sampling steekproefneming imply impliseer general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary importance significance importance sampling belangrikheidsteekproefneming simulation. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. satellite images ESS image processing <see also image analysis> beeldverwerking image processing and remote sensing beeldprosessering en afstandswaarneming imbalance function wanbalansfunksie design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente a measure of the lack of balance of an experiment. e. groepdeelbare ontwerpe Statistical Dictionary incidence matrix of design insidensie-ontwerpmatriks design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente incidence rate insidensiekoers medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek ISI incidental insidenteel general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary incidental parameter insidentele parameter toevallige parameter estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary includances tests insluitingstoetse 159 . nierespons ESS impute imputeer non-sampling problems. klassifikasie en identifikasie a system of weights 'n stelsel gewigte ISI imputation imputasie non-sampling problems. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: imprecision onpresiesheid empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe of measurement van meting ESS improper oneg mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary improper oneintlik mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary improper fraction onegte breuk mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary improper integral oneintlike integraal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary improper prior distribution onegte a priori-verdeling Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming Statistical Dictionary impulse response function impulsresponsfunksie univariate time series. non-response niesteekproefnemingsprobleme. proportionate proporsioneel mathematical methods Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary inadmissibility ontoelaatbaarheid decision theory beslissingsteorie inadmissible decision rule ontoelaatbare reël decision theory beslissingsteorie if there exists a better decision rule indien daar 'n beter beslissingsreël bestaan {Konteks: beslissingsteorie} ESS inadmissible estimator ontoelaatbare beramer strictly dominated estimator streng gedomineerde beramer decision theory beslissingsteorie ISI incidence insidensie voorkoms medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek Statistical Dictionary incidence matrix insidensiematriks block designs. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. non-response niesteekproefnemingsprobleme. nierespons ESS in proportion eweredig proportional. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. groepdeelbare ontwerpe ESS incomplete census onvolledige sensus official statistics amptelike statistiek ISI incomplete contingency table onvolledige gebeurlikheidstabel categorical data analysis. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. verwagte waardes en parameters ISI incomplete multiresponse design onvolledige multiresponsontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI incomplete randomised block 160 . rangtoetse. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI inclusion insluiting general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary inclusion probability insluitingswaarskynlikheid inclusion-exclusion probability insluiting-uitsluiting-waarskynlikheid sampling steekproefneming ISI inclusion-exclusion insluiting-uitsluiting probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie ESS inclusion-exclusion principle insluiting-uitsluiting-beginsel combinatorial analysis kombinatoriese analise ESS inclusion-exclusion probability inclusion probability income distribution model inkomsteverdelingsmodel econometrics ekonometrie ESS incompatible onversoenbaar mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary incomplete onvolledig general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary incomplete beta function incomplete beta function ratio incomplete beta function ratio <Note: SEE ALSO "incomplete gamma function "> onvolledige betafunksieverhouding incomplete beta function onvolledige betafunksie univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings ESS English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: incomplete block onvolledige blok block designs. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: non-parametric tests. rank tests. groepdeelbare ontwerpe Statistical Dictionary incomplete block design onvolledige blokontwerp block designs. gebeurlikheidstabelle the frequencies of certain cells are missing waar die frekwensies van sekere selle ontbreek ESS incomplete data onvolledige data market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling ESS incomplete gamma function onvolledige gammafunksie incomplete gamma function ratio onvolledigegammafunksie-verhouding univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings ESS incomplete gamma function ratio incomplete gamma function incomplete Latin square onvolledige Latynse vierkant Youden square Youden-vierkant design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI incomplete moment onvolledige moment random variables. bv. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI 161 . groepdeelbare ontwerpe inconsistency inkonsekwentheid estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary inconsistent inkonsekwent estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary inconsistent bias inkonsekwente sydigheid asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers of an estimator which does not tend to zero as the size of the sample increases van 'n beramer wat nie na nul neig soos wat die steekproefgrootte toeneem nie ESS inconsistent estimator inkonsekwente beramer asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers ISI incorrect inkorrek foutief general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary incorrect classification wanklassifikasie misclassification discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise Statistical Dictionary increase n. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. stogastiese veranderlikes ESS independence frequency onafhanklikheidsfrekwensie categorical data analysis.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: onvolledige stogastiese blok block designs.v. random variables t. toename styging general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary increase v. aanwas biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde population bevolking Statistical Dictionary increase n.g. toeneem styg general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary increasing failure rate toenemende falingskoers reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ISI increment inkrement general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary increment per cent persentasietoename percentage increase general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary increment-decrement inkrement-dekrement general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary independence onafhanklikheid statistical independence statistiese onafhanklikheid general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary independence assumption onafhanklikheidsaanname general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek with regard to e. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. aanwas Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek population bevolking Statistical Dictionary increase v.o. indices indeksgetal indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary index number index index numbers indexes. indices English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: index of cograduation cograduation index index of concentration konsentrasie-indeks empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary index of conformity konformiteitsindeks association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary index of correlation correlation index index of determination coefficient of determination index of discrepancy afwykingsverskilindeks goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse a measure of goodness-of-fit 'n maatstaf van pasgehalte ESS index of dispersion dispersion index index of dissimilarity <See also dissimilarity index> ongelyksoortigheidsindeks indexes indekse ISI index of diversity diversity index index of fit <See also correlation coefficient> passingsindeks regression analysis regressieanalise ESS index of proportional similarity proporsionele gelyksoortigheidsindeks ecology and environmental statistics ekologie en omgewingstatistiek ESS index of response responsindeks design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente new variable formed by combining two or more variables nuwe veranderlike wat gevorm word deur twee of meer veranderlikes te kombineer ISI 162 .English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: independence test onafhanklikheidstoets test of independence hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary independent onafhanklik general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary independent censoring onafhanklike sensorering estimation beraming ISI independent event onafhanklike gebeurtenis probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary independent samples onafhanklike steekproewe hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing independent tests orthogonal tests independent trials onafhanklike pogings classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie if successive outcomes do not affect one another wanneer opeenvolgende uitkomste mekaar nie beïnvloed nie ISI independent variable onafhanklike veranderlike voorspeller association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary index <Singular> indeks index number. zone of indifference empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe of a test van 'n toets Statistical Dictionary indifference zone indifference region indifference-level index number indifferensiepeilindeks Konyus index indexes indekse for price comparison based on consumer preferences vir prysvergelyking gebaseer op verbruikersvoorkeure ISI indirect indirek general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: indirect least squares indirekte kleinste kwadrate regression analysis regressieanalise indirect sampling <in contrast with direct observation> indirekte steekproefneming <in teenstelling met regstreekse waarneming> sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary indirect standardisation indirekte standaardisasie official statistics amptelike statistiek ISI indirectly proportional omgekeerd-eweredig inversely proportional association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary indistinguishable ononderskeibaar general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary individual moving-average inequality individuele bewegendegemiddelde-ongelykheid autoregressive and moving average processes outoregressiewe en bewegendegemiddeldeprosesse autocorrelations outokorrelasies ESS induction induksie general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary inductive induktief general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary inductive behaviour <Note: behavior <US> induktiewe gedrag sequential and multistage tests sekwensiële en meerstadiumtoetse ESS inductive statistics induktiewe statistiek estimation 163 . indices indexes indekse indicant indikant medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek ESS indicator indikator aanwyser general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary indicator function indikatorfunksie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary indicator variable indikatorveranderlike probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary indices index numbers.English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: indexes indekse index numbers. indexes indifference region indifferensiegebied indifference zone. Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: beraming Statistical Dictionary industrial replacement industriële vervanging renewal theory and processes hernuwingsteorie en -prosesse no replacement as in the urn problem nieteruglegging soos by die houerprobleem ESS inefficient ondoeltreffend estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary inefficient estimator ondoeltreffende beramer exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers ISI inefficient statistic ondoeltreffende statistiek distribution of estimators verdeling van beramers ISI inelastic onelasties Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming Statistical Dictionary inequality ongelykheid verskeidenheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary inequality coefficient ongelykheidskoëffisiënt econometrics ekonometrie ISI inequality measure ongelykheidsmaatstaf univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings income distribution theory inkomsteverdelingsteorie ESS inertia inersie traagheid correspondence analysis ooreenkomsanalise Statistical Dictionary inexact oneksak Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary infant mortality rate babasterftetempo medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek per unit of time per tydseenheid Statistical Dictionary infant mortality rate babasterftekoers kindersterftekoers, kindersterftesyfer, infantiele mortaliteitsyfer medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek per unit per eenheid Statistical Dictionary infeasible onuitvoerbaar general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary infection rate infeksiekoers medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek per unit per eenheid Statistical Dictionary infection rate infeksietal getal medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek number antal Statistical Dictionary infection rate infeksietempo medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek per unit of time per tydseenheid Statistical Dictionary inference inferensie statistical inference general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek drawing of conclusions from incomplete data die maak van statistiese gevolgtrekkings uit onvolledige data ESS 164 English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: inferential statistics inferensiële statistiek general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek ISI infinite oneindig sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary infinite decimal oneindige desimaal number theory getalleteorie Statistical Dictionary infinite dimensional oneindig dimensionaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary infinite divisibility oneindige deelbaarheid probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings ISI infinite divisible oneindig deelbaar mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary infinite population oneindige populasie probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings ISI infinite product continued product infinite series oneindige reeks mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary infinitely divisible distribution oneindig deelbare verdeling queues toue in waiting times in wagtye ESS infinitely divisible process oneindig-deelbare proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse infinitely often Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: oneindig dikwels mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary infinitely-many-sites model of DNA sequence evolution oneindig-baie-liggings-model van DNSstringevolusie human genetics, eugenics menslike genetika, eugenetiek ISI infinitesimal infinitesimaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary infinitesimal calculus calculus infinitesimal jackknife infinitesimale uitsnit sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke ISI infinity oneindig oneindigheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary inflate infleer finance and auditing finansies en ouditering Statistical Dictionary inflated distribution geïnfleerde verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings modification by increasing some and decreasing other probabilities of the discrete distribution modifikasie deur die verhoging van sommige waarskynlikhede en die verlaging van ander ESS inflation inflasie indexes indekse ISI inflation factor verheffingsfaktor raising factor sampling steekproefneming usually the reciprocal of the sampling ratio gewoonlik die omgekeerde van die steekproefverhouding ISI 165 Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: inflation rate inflasiekoers finance and auditing finansies en ouditering Statistical Dictionary inflection point infleksiepunt point of inflection mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary influence invloed influential observations, breakpoint analysis invloedryke waarnemings, breekpuntanalise ISI influence curve invloedkromme influence function invloedfunksie robust and adaptive estimation robuuste en aanpassende beraming Statistical Dictionary influence function influence curve influential data invloedryke data regression analysis regressieanalise a subset of data for which the deletion would cause major changes in estimates, testing, etc 'n deelversameling van data waarvan die weglating groot veranderinge sou meebring in, bv. beraming, toetsing, ens ESS influential observation invloedryke waarneming regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary information inligting information theory inligtingsteorie Statistical Dictionary information content <Full form> inligtingsinhoud IC Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming ESS information criterion inligtingskriterium regression, model building and selection regressie, modelbou en -seleksie for balancing model fit and complexity Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: om die balans tussen modelpassing en kompleksiteit te vind ISI information gain inligtingswins, inligtingsgewin test construction, other approaches toetskonstruksie, ander benaderings in measuring population differences ESS information matrix inligtingsmatriks statistical information and inference statistiese inligting en inferensie Statistical Dictionary information measure inligtingsmaatstaf theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse information theory inligtingsteorie <Verkieslik> informasieteorie theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary informative inligtinggewend general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary informative censoring inligtinggewende sensorering estimation beraming ISI informative prior inligtinggewende a priori-verdeling Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming reflecting positive information regarding a parameter gee positiewe inligting oor 'n parameter ISI informative sample size inligtinggewende steekproefgrootte sampling steekproefneming ESS inherent bias inherente sydigheid general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary inhomogeneous Poisson process niehomogene Poisson-proses Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 166 Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI initial aanvangsbeginmathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary initial state aanvangstoestand theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary initial value base line inner ininwendig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary inner inference binne-inferensie Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming in the general philosophy of statistical inference in die algemene filosofie van statistiese inferensie ESS inner product inproduk scalar product inwendige produk, skalaarproduk linear algebra, matrices and vectors lineêre algebra, matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary innovation variance innovasie-variansie spectral analysis spektraalanalise related to spectral density hou verband met spektraaldigtheid ESS input inset general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary input-output inset-uitset general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: input-output process inset-uitset-proses theory of queues toustaanteorie ISI input-output table inset-uitset-tabel econometrics ekonometrie showing sales between industry groups toon verkope tussen nywerheidsgroepe ISI inspection inspeksie general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary inspection attribute inspeksie-attribuut quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary inspection by attribute attribuutinspeksie quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary inspection diagram inspeksiediagram sampling steekproefneming ISI inspection level inspeksievlak quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary inspection lot inspeksielot quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary inspection sampling inspeksiesteekproefneming quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary instability onstabiliteit estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary instantaneous death rate oombliklike sterftekoers reliability and life testing 167 Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing where the next unit time period is reckoned to be short waar die volgende eenheidsperiode as kort beskou word ISI instantaneous state oombliklike toestand Markov chains Markov-kettings for which the expected time spent is zero waarvoor die verwagte tyd deurgebring, nul is ISI instrumental variable instrumentele veranderlike regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary instrumental variable estimation instrumentele veranderlikeberaming econometrics ekonometrie a process to obtain independence between error terms and explanatory variables 'n proses om onafhanklikheid tussen foutterme en verklarende veranderlikes te bewerkstellig ESS integer heelgetal integral number heeltal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary integer programming heeltalprogrammering mathematical programming wiskundige programmering mathematical programming with variables constrained to integer variables wiskundige programmering met veranderlikes beperk tot heeltallige veranderlikes, heelgetalprogrammering, heeltallige programmering ESS integrable integreerbaar mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary integral adj. heelmathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary integral adj. heeltallig mathematical methods Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary integral equation integraalvergelyking mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary integral function entire function integral n. integraal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary integral number integer integral transformation integraaltransformasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary integral variable heeltallige veranderlike mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary integrate integreer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary integrated geïntegreer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary integrated data geïntegreerde data data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise ISI integrated moving average process geïntegreerde bewegendegemiddelde-proses IMA process <short form> univariate time series, classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse, klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI integrated spectrum geïntegreerde spektrum spectral analysis spektraalanalise analogous to the cumulative distribution analoog aan die kumulatiewe verdelingsfunksie Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: 168 Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: ISI integration by parts faktorintegrasie partial integration parsiële integrasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary integrodifferential equation integrodifferensiaalvergelyking Markov processes in continuous time Markov-prosesse in kontinue tyd ESS integrodifferentiation integrodifferensiasie Markov processes in continuous time Markov-prosesse in kontinue tyd intelligence quotient <Full form> intelligensiekwosiënt <Volledige vorm> IQ IK psychometrics psigometrie Statistical Dictionary intensity intensiteit univariate time series, estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse, beraming providing an estimate of amplitudes gee 'n beraming van amplitudes Statistical Dictionary intensity function intensiteitsfunksie age-specific death rate, force of mortality demography, population models demografie, populasiemodelle ISI intensive intensief general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary intensive sampling intensiewe steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary interintertussenregression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary interaction interaksie Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary interaction effect interaksie-effek regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary interaction factor interaksiefaktor regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary interactive interaktief regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary interarrival time tussenaankomstyd theory of queues toustaanteorie Statistical Dictionary interbattery factor analysis tussenbatteryfaktoranalise factor analysis faktoranalise Statistical Dictionary interblock interblok block designs, group-divisible designs blokontwerpe, groepdeelbare ontwerpe Statistical Dictionary interblock information interblokinligting block designs, group-divisible designs blokontwerpe, groepdeelbare ontwerpe ESS interblock variance interblokvariansie block designs, group-divisible designs blokontwerpe, groepdeelbare ontwerpe Statistical Dictionary intercalate Latin square ingebedde Latynse vierkant design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente one within a larger Latin square een binne 'n groter Latynse vierkant ISI intercept afsnit regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary 169 English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: interclass interklas general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary interclass correlation interklaskorrelasie tussenklaskorrelasie association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary interclass variance between-groups variance intercoder agreement interkodeerder-ooreenstemming categorical data analysis, contingency tables kategoriese data-analise, gebeurlikheidstabelle ESS intercorrelation interkorrelasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary interdeparture process intervertrekproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary interdependence structure interafhanklikheidstruktuur association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data mutual relationships between a set of variables onderlinge verwantskappe tussen 'n stel veranderlikes ESS interdependent interafhanklik mutually dependent onderling afhanklik probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary interdisciplinary interdissiplinêr general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary intereffect orthogonality tusseneffek-ortogonaliteit intereffek-ortogonaliteit Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: analysis of variance variansieanalise when estimators of contrasts belonging to different effects are uncorrelated wanneer beramers van kontras behorende tot verskillende effekte ongekorreleerd is ESS interest rate rentekoers rate of interest finance and auditing finansies en ouditering Statistical Dictionary interevent interval interval tussen gebeurtenisse general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary interference model steuringsmodel stress-strength model spanningsterktemodel reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing mechanical reliability meganiese betroubaarheid ESS intergroup intergroep analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary interim interim tussentyds general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary intermediate intermediêr tussenmathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary intermediate value tussenwaarde mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary internal intern general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary 170 within-group variance binnegroepvariansie. intraklasvariansie analysis of variance variansieanalise ISI interpenetrating sample interpenetrerende steekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary interpenetrating samples network of samples interpolation interpolasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary interpolation formula interpolasieformule mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary interpretation interpretasie vertolking general methodology and philosophy of statistics Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary interquartile range interkwartielvariasiewydte midspread exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise the distance between the upper and lower quartiles die afstand tussen die boonste en onderste kwartiele ESS interrupted distribution onderbroke verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings where measurement is not possible as a result of the previous measurement action waar meting nie moontlik is nie as gevolg van die vorige metingsaksie ISI intersection snyding theory of sets versamelingsteorie Statistical Dictionary intersection kruispunt snypunt graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary intersection line snydingslyn line of intersection snylyn graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary interval interval statistical tables statistiese tabelle Statistical Dictionary interval censoring intervalsensorering theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI interval distribution intervalverdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings of time between occurrences of events van tyd tussen voorkomste van gebeurtenisse ISI interval estimate 171 .English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: internal additive consistency interne additiewe konsekwentheid sampling steekproefneming of sample design estimators in sampling survey in steekproefontwerpberamers in opnamesteekproefneming ESS internal least squares interne kleinste kwadrate regression analysis regressieanalise a method of dealing with nonlinear regression 'n metode om nielineêre regressie te hanteer ESS internal regression interne regressie nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie of a variable y on accumulated values of y van 'n veranderlike y op geakkumuleerde waardes van y ISI internal validity interne geldigheid psychometrics psigometrie Statistical Dictionary internal variance interne variansie intraclass variance. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. maar sonder 'n ware nulpunt. grade Celsius intervention ingryping univariate time series. klassifikasie en identifikasie ESS interviewer onderhoudvoerder market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary interviewer bias onderhoudvoerdersydigheid market and opinion research Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary intrabinnewithin intrageneral methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary intrablock intrablok block designs.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: intervalberamer estimation beraming ISI interval estimation intervalberaming confidence regions vertrouensgebiede the estimation of a population parameter by specifying a range of values bounded by an upper and a lower limit die beraming van 'n populasieparameter gespesifiseer deur 'n reikwydte van waardes met 'n boonste en onderste grens {Konteks: vertrouensgebiede} ESS interval scale intervalskaal association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data with constant intervals. van 'n beleidsverandering in 'n tydreeks ESS intervention model analysis ingrypingsmodelanalise univariate time series. groepdeelbare ontwerpe ESS intrablock sub-group intrabloksubgroep binnebloksubgroep design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente in incomplete factorial designs in onvolledige faktoriaalontwerpe ISI intrablock variance intrablokvariansie block designs. of a policy change in a time series studie van die effek van 'n spesifieke gebeurtenis bv. klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary intervention analysis ingrypingsanalise intervensieanalise univariate time series. degree centigrade wat konstante intervalle het. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. groepdeelbare ontwerpe Statistical Dictionary intraclass correlation intraklaskorrelasie association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary intraclass correlation coefficient intraklaskorrelasiekoëffisiënt sampling steekproefneming a measure of correlation within the members of natural groups of families 'n maatstaf van korrelasie binne die lede van natuurlike groepe of families ESS intraclass variance internal variance Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 172 . bv. groepdeelbare ontwerpe Statistical Dictionary intrablock analysis intrablokanalise binneblokanalise analysis of variance variansieanalise intrablock information intrablokinligting block designs.g. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. but not a true zero. e.g. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. beraming study of the effect of a specific event e. dams inventaris-. damme Statistical Dictionary inventory problem voorraadprobleem inventory. matrices and vectors Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: lineêre algebra. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary inventory analysis inventarisanalise inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse inventory control voorraadbeheer inventory. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling. risk analysis. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary invariant prior distribution invariante a priori-verdeling Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming ESS invariant test invariante toets linear algebra. Wiener-prosesse ISI inverse hypergeometric distribution hypergeometric waiting time distribution inverse image inverse beeld pre-image mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary 173 . invariansiebeginsels Statistical Dictionary invariance concept invariansiebegrip invariansiekonsep estimation beraming to denote property that remains unchanged under particular transformations om 'n eienskap aan te dui wat na transformasie onveranderd bly ESS invariance method invariansiemetode exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse ISI invariance principle invariansiebeginsel probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary invariant invariant linear algebra. verdelingsvrye metodes ESS invariance invariansie convergence in distribution. in transformasie van waarskynlikheidsverdelingsfunksie ESS inverse factorial series distribution factorial distribution inverse function inverse funksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary inverse Gaussian distribution inverse Gauss-verdeling Brownian motion. limit theorems.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: intracluster intratros sampling. klassieke metodologie Statistical Dictionary intrinsic accuracy intrinsieke akkuraatheid exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers ISI intrinsic rank test intrinsieke rangtoets nonparametric methods. Wiener processes Brown-beweging. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. risiko-analise. dams inventaris-. distribution-free methods nieparametriese metodes. damme ESS inverse inverse omgekeerde mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary inverse correlation inverse korrelasie negatiewe korrelasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes inverse distribution function inverse verdelingsfunksie transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes e. classical methodology steekproefneming.g. risk analysis. limietstellings. risiko-analise. in probability integral transformation bv. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. Bayes-benadering ESS inverse proportionality omgekeerde eweredigheid Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary inverse ranks inverse range non-parametric tests. optimal coding kalibrering. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rangtoetse. verdelingsvrye toetse ESS inverse ratio omgekeerde verhouding mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary inverse regression inverse regressie calibration. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI inverse Pólya distribution inverse Pólya-verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ISI inverse polynomial inverse polinoom design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI inverse probability inverse waarskynlikheid probability theory. optimale kodering inverse relation inverse relasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary inverse sampling inverse steekproefneming reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing when observation proceeds until event of interest has occurred a specified number of times wanneer voortgaan totdat 'n bepaalde gebeurtenis 'n gespesifiseerde getal kere voorkom ESS inverse sampling inverse steekproefneming association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data sampling stops when a given number of individuals of a specific type have emerged steekproefneming word beëindig wanneer 'n gegewe aantal van 'n gespesifiseerde tipe individu voorgekom het ESS inverse serial correlation inverse reekskorrelasie univariate time series. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary inverse moment inverse moment random variables. Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie. klassifikasie en identifikasie the process which attempts to determine the series which generated a set of serial correlations die proses wat poog om die reeks te bepaal wat 'n versameling reekskorrelasies voortgebring het ISI Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 174 .English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: inverse interpolation inverse interpolasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary inverse matrix inverse matriks reciprocal matrix linear algebra. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. rank tests. rank tests. verwagte waardes en parameters ISI inverse multinomial sampling inverse multinomiaalsteekproefneming negatiewe multinomiaalsteekproefneming multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings terminated when a specified class is observed a predetermined number of times beëindig wanneer 'n spesifieke klas 'n voorafbepaalde aantal kere waargeneem is ISI inverse normal distribution function inverse normaalverdelingsfunksie univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings ISI inverse normal scores test inverse normaaltellingstoets non-parametric tests. rangtoetse. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. arc-sine transformation Fisher se transformasie. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary inverted omgekeer linear algebra. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary inverted beta distribution omgekeerde betaverdeling beta distribution of the second kind betaverdeling van die tweede soort Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings transformation of the beta distribution getransformeer uit die betaverdeling ESS inverted Dirichlet distribution omgekeerde Dirichlet-verdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings ISI inverted gamma omgekeerde gamma univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings reciprocal transformation of the gamma distribution resiproke transformasie van die gammaverdeling ESS invertibility omkeerbaarheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary invertible omkeerbaar mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary IPFP iterative proportional fitting procedure IQ intelligence quotient irreducibility niereduseerbaarheid linear algebra.English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: inverse sine transformation arc-sine transformation inverse tanh transformation inverse tanh-transformasie Fisher's transformation. bgsin-transformasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid for inference regarding the correlation coefficient vir inferensie aangaande die korrelasiekoëffisiënt ISI inverse transformation method inverse transformasiemetode omgekeerde transformasiemetode random number generators ewekansigegetal-genereerders ISI inversely omgekeerd mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary inversely proportional indirectly proportional inversion formula inversieformule theory of sets versamelingsteorie Statistical Dictionary inversion n. omkering linear algebra. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary irreducible Markov chain niereduseerbare Markov-ketting Markov chains Markov-kettings if every state can be reached from every state as elke toestand vanaf elke toestand bereik kan word ESS irregular onreëlmatig irregulier mathematical methods wiskundige metodes 175 . matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary irreducible niereduseerbaar linear algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary inversion n. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary invert omkeer linear algebra. inversie linear algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. by geordende alternatiewe waar voorkennis ook gebruik word ESS isotonic regression isotoniese regressie ordebehoudende regressie regression analysis regressieanalise relationship between variables is a member of the class of order preserving functions verwantskapsvorm tussen veranderlikes is 'n lid van die klas van ordebehoudende funksies ESS isotonic regression function isotoniese regressiefunksie ordebehoudende regressiefunksie regression analysis regressieanalise ISI isotropic distribution isotropiese verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings when directional data are uniformly distributed.g.Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: e.g. figure bv. figuur Statistical Dictionary irregular kollectiv niereëlmatige kollektief probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie in the frequency theory of probability in die frekwensieteorie van waarskynlikheid ISI irregular variation onreëlmatige variasie general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary IRT <Short form> item response theory isoisogeneral methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary isodynes isodines graphical methods grafiese metodes contour lines on a skewness-kurtosis map kontoerlyne op 'n skeefheid-kurtose-kaart ISI isokurtic homokurtic isokurtosis isokurtose empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary isolate isoleer general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary isometric chart isometriese kaart graphical methods grafiese metodes depicting three-dimensional material on a plane beeld driedimensionele materiaal op 'n vlak uit ISI isometry isometrie biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: spatial data analysis . of a circular variable wanneer gerigte data uniform verdeel is.vorm onafhanklik van grootte ESS isomorphism isomorfisme mathematical methods wiskundige metodes logical equivalence of two theories logiese ekwivalensie van twee teorieë ISI isoquant isokwant graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary isotonic function isotoniese funksie ordebehoudende funksie regression analysis regressieanalise isotonic inference isotoniese inferensie ordebehoudende inferensie hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing e. van 'n sirkelveranderlike ESS isotropy isotropie 176 . bv. e. in ordered alternatives where prior information is utilised bv.g.shape independent of size ruimtelike data-analise . algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: iterative ellipsoidal trimming <Full form> iteratiewe ellipsoïdale snoeiing IET cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie method for discovering clusters metode om trosse op te spoor ESS iterative method iteration method iterative proportional fitting procedure <Full form> iteratiewe proporsionele passingsprosedure IPFP categorical data analysis. algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme Statistical Dictionary iteration method iterasiemetode iterative method inference for stochastic processes. beelddiagram. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI iterative weighted least squares iteratiewe geweegde kleinste kwadrate estimation. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling. isotipe-metode graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI item analysis itemanalise psychometrics psigometrie of the response to individual questions van die respons op individuele vrae ESS item response theory <Full form> itemresponsteorie <Volledige vorm> IRT IRT psychometrics psigometrie modelling in analysis modellering in analise ESS iterated bootstrap herhaalde skoenlusmetode herhaalde steekproef-hersteekproef-metode sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke to obtain more accurate confidence intervals ten einde akkurater vertrouensintervalle te verkry ISI iterated logarithm herhaalde logaritme repeated logarithm convergence in distribution. algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme ISI iteratively reweighted least squares iteratief-herweegde kleinste kwadrate least squares methods kleinstekwadratemetodes using weights dependent on the predicted value gebruik gewigte wat van die voorspelde waarde afhang ISI jackknife j-uitsnit uitsnit non-parametric estimation nieparametriese beraming Statistical Dictionary jackknife estimator j-uitsnitberamer uitsnitberamer sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke ESS jackknife variance estimator uitsnitvariansieberamer j-uitsnitvariansieberamer sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke ISI Jacobian functional determinant jittered sampling 177 . gebeurlikheidstabelle ESS isotype beeldstatistiek pictogram piktogram. algorithms and computer programs beraming. algorithms and computer programs inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse. algorithms and computer programs inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse. limietstellings. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. invariansiebeginsels Statistical Dictionary iteration iterasie inference for stochastic processes.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: categorical data analysis. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. gebeurlikheidstabelle ESS iterative proportional scaling iteratiewe proporsionele skalering categorical data analysis. limit theorems. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. beraming Statistical Dictionary jittered strip plot gerittelde strookstipping graphical methods grafiese metodes to indicate dispersion of individual observations om die verspreiding van individuele waarnemings aan te dui Johnson's system Johnson se stelsel systems of distributions verdelingstelsels ISI joint gesamentlik probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary joint distribution gesamentlike verdeling probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary joint distribution function gesamentlike verdelingsfunksie probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings of two or more stochastic variates van twee of meer stogastiese veranderlikes ESS joint moment multivariate moment joint prediction interval gesamentlike voorspellingsinterval prediction in regression voorspelling in regressie appropriate for more than one new prediction toepaslik vir meer as een nuwe voorspelling ISI joint regression gesamentlike regressie nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie containing cross products as predictors bevat kruisprodukte as voorspellers ISI joint sufficiency gesamentlike voldoendheid exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers involving more than one parameter behels meer as een parameter ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: J-shaped distribution J-vormige verdeling probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie extremely skewed uiters skeef ISI judgment sample judgmental sample judgmental sample oordeelsteekproef judgment sample sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary jump sprong univariate time series.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: steekproefneming met stogastiese tussenposes univariate time series. beraming Statistical Dictionary jump matrix sprongmatriks transition matrix oorgangsmatriks Markov chains Markov-kettings containing probabilities of changes of state bevat waarskynlikhede van verandering in toestand ISI jump process sprongproses marked point process theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse of which realisations are right-continuous step functions waarvan die realisasies regskontinue trapfunksies is ESS jump statistic sprongstatistiek inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse measuring the change in mean of a stationary time series meet die verandering in gemiddelde van 'n stasionêre tydreeks ISI just identified equation net geïdentifiseerde vergelyking econometrics ekonometrie identifiable but not over-identified identifiseerbaar maar nie oorgeïdentifiseer nie ESS just identified model presies geïdentifiseerde model English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 178 . matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. model building and selection regressie.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: regression. trosvorming met kgemiddeldes cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie iterative method of clustering by reassigning points using distances from cluster means iteratiewe metode van trosvorming deur die hertoewysing van punte met gebruik van afstande vanaf trosgemiddeldes ESS k-means clustering k-means algorithm kollektiv <Note: SEE irregular kollectiv> kollektief <kyk irreguliere kollektief> probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary Source Publication: kernel kern linear algebra. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. modelbou en -seleksie ISI Kalman filter Kalman-filter univariate time series. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary kernel density estimator kerndigtheidsberamer density estimation and related topics digtheidsberaming en verwante onderwerpe English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 179 . classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. gebeurlikheidstabelle ESS kappa statistic kappastatistiek categorical data analysis. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. gebeurlikheidstabelle ESS k-class estimator k-klas-beramer econometrics ekonometrie proceeding by least squares in stages vorder stapsgewyse met kleinste kwadrate ISI Kendall's tau coefficient of disarray kepstrum cepstrum Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: ISI kernel estimate kernberaming density estimation and related topics digtheidsberaming en verwante onderwerpe ISI kernel estimator kernberamer U-statistics and R-estimators U-statistieke en R-beramers used in density estimation and nonparametrics gebruik in digtheidsberaming en nieparametriese statistiek ESS kernel function kernfunksie estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary kernel smoothing in regression kerngladstryking in regressie regression analysis regressieanalise ISI key in insleutel intik data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Khintchine's theorem Khintchine se stelling law of large numbers wet van groot aantalle convergence in probability konvergensie in waarskynlikheid ISI k-means algorithm k-gemiddeldesalgoritme k-means clustering k-gemiddeldestrosvorming. klassifikasie en identifikasie iterative technique of dynamic modelling iteratiewe tegniek vir dinamiese lineêre modellering ISI Kaplan-Meier estimator Kaplan-Meier-beramer non-parametric estimation nieparametriese beraming for censored survival data vir gesensoreerde oorlewingsdata ISI kappa kappa general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary kappa coefficient kappakoëffisiënt categorical data analysis. s. verdelingsvrye metodes ISI k-sample problem k-steekproefprobleem fixed effects models vaste-effektemodelle i. fisika en chemie Statistical Dictionary Kronecker delta Kronecker-delta mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary Kronecker lemma Kronecker-lemma convergence in distribution. of steekproewe uit verskillende verwysingspopulasies afkomstig is ESS k-statistics k-statistieke empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele sample cumulants steekproefkumulante ISI K-test K-toets non-parametric tests. rank tests. preferencefield index k-ratio k-verhouding Bayesian tests Bayes-toetse posterior odds against the null hypothesis a posteriori-kansrelatief teen die nulhipotese ISI k-ratio t-test k-verhoudings-t-toets Duncan's test Duncan se toets multiple comparisons.w. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary Kruskal-Wallis test Kruskal-Wallis-toets Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: nonparametric methods. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. whether samples are from different parent populations d. limietstellings. rank tests.g. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures ISI kriging krigeïng geostatistics.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: Kolmogorov equation Kolmogorov-vergelyking Markov chains Markov-kettings for determining transition probabilities vir die bepaling van oorgangswaarskynlikhede ISI Kolmogorov-Smirnov test Kolmogorov-Smirnov-toets non-parametric tests. formules 20 en 21. distribution-free methods nieparametriese metodes. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI Konyus index indifference-level index number. bv. limit theorems. KR20 and KR21 'n maatstaf van toetsbetroubaarheid. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI Kuder-Richardson formula Kuder-Richardson-formule psychometrics psigometrie a measure of reliability of a test.e. formulas 20 and 21. invariansiebeginsels ESS Kronecker product Kronecker-produk linear algebra. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. KR20 en KR21 ISI Kullback-Leibler distance function Kullback-Leibler-afstandsfunksie minimum discrimination information statistic minimumdiskriminasie-inligtingstatistiek information theory inligtingsteorie ISI Kullback-Leibler information number Kullback-Leibler-inligtingsgetal information theory inligtingsteorie for discriminating between two hypotheses om tussen twee hipoteses te onderskei ISI kurtic kurties general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary kurtic curve English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 180 . rangtoetse. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. rangtoetse. e. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling. klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary lag covariance sloeringskovariansie univariate time series. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. sloer 181 . sloering univariate time series. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI lag hysteresis sloeringshisterese econometrics ekonometrie ISI lag n. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary lack-of-fit test pasgehaltetoets goodness-of-fit test passingstoets Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ESS LAD method least absolute deviation method LAD regression least absolute deviation regression ladder index <Singular> trapindeks random walks and applications stogastiese bewegings en toepassings the time point at which a new record is set die tydstip waarop 'n nuwe rekord bereik word ESS ladder variable trapveranderlike random walks and applications stogastiese bewegings en toepassings Statistical Dictionary lag correlation sloeringskorrelasie univariate time series. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: kurtiese kromme empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ISI kurtosis kurtose general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary L class laws L-klaswet infinitely divisible and stable distributions oneindig-deelbare en stabiele verdelings one of a subclass of infinite divisible distributions een van 'n subklas van oneindig-deelbare verdelings ESS L1-estimation method of least absolute values L1-metric L1-metriek L1-norm L1-norm estimation beraming ISI L1-norm L1-metric L2 association scheme L2-assosiasieskema block designs. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie shift or delay with respect to time vertraging of verskuiwing oor tyd Statistical Dictionary lag regression sloeringsregressie univariate time series. model building and selection regressie. klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary lag v. groepdeelbare ontwerpe ISI L2-metric L2 -metriek L2-norm L2-norm mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Straight line distance between two points reguitlynafstand tussen twee punte ISI L2-norm L2-metric lack of fit passingsgebrek regression. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: univariate time series. Bayes-benadering concerns probability of events in further trials given the result of previous trials hou verband met die waarskynlikheid van gebeurtenisse in verdere pogings indien die resultaat van vorige pogings gegee is ISI Laplace transform n. klassifikasie en identifikasie a chart showing non-randomness 'n kaart wat nie-ewekansigheid toon ISI Langevin equation Langevin-vergelyking diffusion and related processes diffusie en verwante prosesse stochastic differential equation 'n stogastiese differensiaalvergelyking ESS Laplace distribution Laplace-verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings a double exponential distribution also known as the first law of Laplace 'n dubbeleksponensiaalverdeling ook bekend as Laplace se eerste wet ESS Laplace law of succession Laplace se opvolgwet Bayes Laplace theory probability theory. likelihood-based approach toetskonstruksie. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary lag window sloeringsvenster spectral analysis spektraalanalise Statistical Dictionary lagged dependent variable gesloerde afhanklike veranderlike econometrics ekonometrie where an earlier value of a dependent variable is used as an explanatory variable for a subsequent period waar 'n vroeër waarde van 'n afhanklike veranderlike as 'n verklarende veranderlike vir 'n volgende periode gebruik word ESS lagging indicator sloerende aanwyser econometrics ekonometrie which lags behind the business cycle wat met 'n sloering op die konjunktuursiklus volg ESS lagless sloeringsvry univariate time series. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie shift or delay with respect to time vertraag of verskuif met betrekking tot tyd Statistical Dictionary lag variable sloeringsveranderlike univariate time series. klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary Lagrange multiplier Lagrange-vermenigvuldiger mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary Lagrangean multiplier test Lagrange-vermenigvuldigerstoets test construction. aanneemlikheidsgebaseerde benadering ensuring that restrictions are obeyed verseker dat beperkings nagekom word ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: lambda criterion lambda-kriterium test construction. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie. Laplace-transformasie Laplace transformation special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies Statistical Dictionary Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 182 . likelihood-based approach toetskonstruksie. aanneemlikheidsgebaseerde benadering an alternative name for a specific test statistic 'n alternatiewe naam vir 'n spesifieke toetsstatistiek ISI lambda distribution lambda-verdeling systems of distributions verdelingstelsels one of a family of distributions used in explanatory data analysis een van 'n familie van verdelings wat in verkennende data-analise gebruik word ESS lambdagram lambdagram univariate time series. English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Laplace transformation Laplace transform Laplace's second law of errors normal law of errors Laplace's theorem Laplace se stelling convergence in distribution. eerste bedien theory of queues toustaanteorie Statistical Dictionary last exit time laaste uitgaantyd Markov processes in continuous time Markov-prosesse in kontinue tyd Statistical Dictionary latent Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: latent factor analysis faktoranalise Statistical Dictionary latent class analysis latenteklas-analise latent trait analysis latente-eienskap-analise categorical data analysis. characteristic root. limietstellings.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary large sample groot steekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary large-sample theory grootsteekproefteorie limit distributions limietverdelings concerned with the behaviour of stochastic variables as the sample size increases without bound in verband met die gedrag van stogastiese veranderlikes as die steekproefgrootte onbegrens toeneem ESS Laspeyres index Laspeyres-indeks indexes indekse using base period weights gebruik basisperiodegewigte ISI lasso lasso least squares methods kleinstekwadratemetodes ISI last come. last serve laaste daar. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. invariansiebeginsels ISI large sample groot monster quality and process control kwaliteits. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary latent vector characteristic vector Latin cube Latynse kubus design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ESS Latin square Latynse vierkant design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 183 . contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. limit theorems. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI latent root eiewaarde eigenvalue. vector karakteristieke wortel principal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise ISI latent structure latente struktuur factor analysis faktoranalise based on variables which are not directly observable gebaseer op veranderlikes wat nie direk waarneembaar is nie ESS latent trait analysis latent class analysis latent trait model latente eienskap model psychometrics psigometrie used to determine whether a test measures a single unobservable trait word gebruik om te bepaal of 'n toets 'n enkele niewaarneembare eienskap meet ESS latent variable latente veranderlike theoretical variable teoretiese veranderlike linear algebra. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling. perkolasieteorie. limit theorems. percolation theory. Bayes-benadering ESS law of the iterated logarithm <Full form> wet van die herhaalde logaritme LIL convergence in distribution. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling. limietstellings. Gibbs-toestande a random process having a discrete index 'n stogastiese proses met 'n diskrete indeks ESS lattice test roostertoets random number generators ewekansigegetal-genereerders for pseudo random numbers vir pseudo-ewekansige getalle ESS law of averages law of errors law of comparative judgment wet van vergelykende oordeel econometrics ekonometrie in utility theory in nutsteorie ESS law of errors wet van foute law of averages <Note: popular usage> wet van gemiddeldes <populêre gebruik> probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings a historical approach leading to a probability distribution 'n historiese benadering wat tot 'n waarskynlikheidsverdeling lei ESS law of iterated logarithm dubbellogaritmewet convergence in distribution. limit theorems. invariansiebeginsels ESS law of succession <See Laplace law of succession> wet van opeenvolging <kyk Laplace se wet van opeenvolging> probability theory. limietstellings. Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling. invariansiebeginsels ESS law of total probability wet van totale waarskynlikheid classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie ISI lawlike relationship wetmatige verband regression analysis regressieanalise holding for a wide range of data sets as in the case with ordinary last squares geld vir 'n wye verskeidenheid datastelle soos in die geval van gewone kleinste kwadrate ESS layout uitleg design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary LD50 <Short form> median lethal dose leading hoofmathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary leading difference hoofdifferensie actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde Statistical Dictionary leading indicator hoofindikator leidende aanwyser econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: 184 . invariansiebeginsels ISI law of large numbers wet van groot getalle Khintchine's theorem wet van groot aantalle convergence in probability konvergensie in waarskynlikheid that the mean of a sample tends to the population mean as sample size increases die steekproefgemiddelde neig na die populasiegemiddelde soos steekproefgrootte toeneem ESS law of small numbers wet van klein getalle wet van klein aantalle Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: convergence in distribution. limietstellings. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: lattice system roosterstelsel statistical mechanics type models. Gibbs states statistiese meganiese tipe modelle. limit theorems. veralgemeende inverse regression analysis regressieanalise ISI least squares line kleinstekwadratelyn 185 . multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures extension of the two-sample t-test uitbreiding van die tweesteekproef-t-toets ISI least significant studentised range mins betekenisvolle gestudentifieerde variasiewydte multiple comparisons.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: learning theory leerteorie operations research operasionele navorsing least kleinste general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary least absolute deviation method kleinsteabsoluteafwyking-metode LAD method regression analysis regressieanalise based on minimisation of -metric gebaseer op die minimering van die L1-metriek ISI least absolute deviation regression kleinsteabsoluteafwyking-regressie LAD regression regression analysis regressieanalise ISI least absolute value method metode van kleinste absolute waarde regression analysis regressieanalise least favourable ongunstigste general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary least favourable configuration ongunstigste konfigurasie ranking and selection rangordening en seleksie of parameter values which minimises the probability of correct parameter selection van parameterwaardes wat die waarskynlikheid van korrekte parameterseleksie minimeer ESS least favourable distribution ongunstigste verdeling robust and adaptive procedures robuuste en aanpassende prosedures used in composite testing where the probability distribution is not known gebruik in saamgestelde toetsing waar die waarskynlikheidsverdeling onbekend is ESS least favourable family ongunstigste familie estimation beraming ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: least powerful mins onderskeidend hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary least significant difference <Full form> kleinste betekenisvolle verskil LSD simultaneous estimation gelyktydige beraming Statistical Dictionary least significant difference test kleinstebetekenisvolleverskil-toets LSD test multiple comparisons. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures ESS least squares kleinste kwadrate estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary least squares curve kleinstekwadratekromme regression analysis regressieanalise ISI least squares estimate kleinstekwadrateberaming estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary least squares estimator kleinstekwadrateberamer estimation beraming ISI least squares generalised inverse kleinstekwadrate. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rangtoetse. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI Lehmann-Scheffé theorem Lehmann-Scheffé-stelling exact properties of estimators Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: eksakte eienskappe van beramers ISI length lengte general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary length-biased sampling effect lengtesydige steekproefnemingseffek birth-death processes geboorte-en-sterfte-prosesse contamination of a segment of points by another point kontaminering van 'n segment van punte deur 'n ander punt ESS length-of-longest-run test lengte-van-langste-lopietoets non-parametric tests. eugenetiek for transforming gene frequencies vir die transformasie van genefrekwensies ISI Lehmann alternatives <Plural> Lehmann-alternatiewe <Meervoud> non-parametric tests. toepassings legend randskrif omskrywing graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary legit transformation legittransformasie human genetics. rangtoetse. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary leptokurtic leptokurties general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary leptokurtosis leptokurtose empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ISI less-than ogive kleiner-as ogief minder-as ogief general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary L-estimator L-beramer estimation beraming linear in rank order statistics lineêr in rangordestatistieke ISI level peil design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary level map peilkaart 186 . eugenics menslike genetika.Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: line of least squares estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary least squares method kleinstekwadratemetode method of least squares metode van kleinstekwadrate estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary least variance difference method kleinstevariansieverskil-metode linear estimation lineêre beraming for treating inter-dependent observations of unequal precision vir die behandeling van interafhanklike waarnemings van ongelyke presisie ISI left-censoring linkssensorering estimation beraming ISI left-truncation linksafknotting truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings ISI legal statistics regstatistiek special topics. applications spesiale onderwerpe. rank tests. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rank tests. breekpuntanalise ESS leverage point invloedpunt influential observations. breekpuntanalise Statistical Dictionary Lexian distributions Lexis-verdelings truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings mixtures of binomials mengsels van verdelings ISI lexical ordering leksikografiese ordening lexicographical ordering linguistics linguïstiek ISI lexicographical ordering lexical ordering lexicostatistics leksikostatistieke linguistics linguïstiek the study of relationships between languages based on statistics of vocabularies die studie van die verwantskappe tussen tale gebaseer op woordeskatstatistieke ESS Lexis ratio coefficient of divergence Lexis theory Lexis-teorie ecology and environmental statistics ekologie en omgewingstatistiek ANOVA applied to dichotomous data ANOVA toegepas op tweedelige data ISI Lexis variation Lexis-variasie quality and process control kwaliteits. breakpoint analysis invloedryke waarnemings. breakpoint analysis invloedryke waarnemings. classical methodology steekproefneming.Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: graphical methods grafiese metodes analogous to contour map na analogie van kontoerkaart Statistical Dictionary level of a factor faktorpeil factor level faktorvlak design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente in a factorial experiment in 'n faktoriaaleksperiment Statistical Dictionary level of interpenetration interpenetrasiepeil sampling.en proseskontrole life lewensduur lifetime lifetime distributions leeftydsverdelings Statistical Dictionary life distribution 187 . klassieke metodologie ISI level of precision presisiepeil precision level estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary level of significance betekenispeil significance level hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary level of test toetspeil hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing size of test or extension of this concept in the case of composite hypotheses toetsmaat of uitbreiding van hierdie begrip in die geval van saamgestelde hipoteses ESS level off gelykmaak general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary level out uitstryk general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary levelling off gelykmaking nivellering general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Statistical Dictionary leverage hefboomeffek influential observations. likelihood-based approach toetskonstruksie. applications spesiale onderwerpe. maar in terme van monotone aanneemlikheidsverhouding ISI likelihood ratio test aanneemlikheidsverhoudingstoets method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode Statistical Dictionary likelihood region aanneemlikheidsgebied test construction. aanneemlikheidsgebaseerde benadering ESS likelihood statistic aanneemlikheidstatistiek method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode Statistical Dictionary likely aanneemlik plausible general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 188 . toepassings lifetime life lifetime distribution leeftydsverdeling life distribution lewensduurverdeling reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ESS light-tailed distribution <See heavy-tailed> ligte-eindverdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings the extreme probabilities approach zero rapidly een waarvan die ekstreemwaarskynlikhede nul vinnig nader ESS like similar likelihood aanneemlikheid method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode the value of the density function of a given sample die waarde van die digtheidsfunksie vir 'n gegewe steekproef ESS likelihood equation aanneemlikheidsvergelyking estimation Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: beraming ESS likelihood function aanneemlikheidsfunksie method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode Statistical Dictionary likelihood principle aanneemlikheidsbeginsel general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek that the available information about a model is entirely contained in the likelihood dat die beskikbare inligting oor 'n model volledig in die aanneemlikheid vervat is ESS likelihood ratio aanneemlikheidsverhouding method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode Statistical Dictionary likelihood ratio dependence aanneemlikheidsverhoudingafhanklikheid association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data related to regression dependence but in terms of monotone likelihood ratio hou verband met regressieafhanklikheid.Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: lifetime distribution life expectancy expectation of life life expectation expectation of life life table lewensduurtabel lewenstabel actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde table which shows the number of survivors and deaths at various ages tabel wat die getal oorlewendes en sterftes op verskillende ouderdomme toon life test lewensduurtoets lifetime distributions leeftydsverdelings Statistical Dictionary life testing lewenstoetsing lewensduurtoetsing special topics. rejectable quality level. approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings.g. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling. rejectable quality level. begrens mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary limit v. unacceptable quality level. unacceptable quality level limiting quality level <Full form> onaanvaarbare kwaliteitspeil lot tolerance percent defective level. rejectable process level. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings ESS limiting quality level lot tolerance percent defective level. limiet mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary limit n. limit theorems. invariansiebeginsels ISI Lindley's paradox Lindley se paradoks Bayesian tests Bayes-toetse ISI line lyn mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary line chart lynkaart lyndiagram general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary line graph lyngrafiek English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 189 . limietstellings. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling. invariansiebeginsels ESS limit n. rejectable process level. limit theorems.en proseskontrole the level of quality for which there is only a low probability of acceptance die kwaliteitspeil waarvoor daar net 'n klein waarskynlikheid van aanvaarding is ESS Lindeberg-Lévy theorem Lindeberg-Lévy-stelling convergence in distribution. LQL quality and process control kwaliteits. limietstellings. beperk mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary limited information beperkte inligting general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: Statistical Dictionary limited information methods beperkte-inligting-metodes econometrics ekonometrie ISI limiting distribution limietverdeling limit distribution probability distributions. grens mathematical methods wiskundige metodes of e. perk mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary limit theorem limietstelling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary limit v.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Likert scale Likert-skaal market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling ISI LIL <Short form> law of the iterated logarithm limit distribution limietverdeling limiting distribution probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings limit law limietverdeling convergence in distribution. an integral bv. van 'n integraal Statistical Dictionary limit n. LQL. ekologiese en biologiese) populasies e. omgewings-. ecological and biological) populations natuurlike (menslike. ekologiese en biologiese) populasies a method used by plant ecologists for estimating the density of a plant species in a given area 'n metode wat deur plantekoloë gebruik word om die digtheid van 'n plantspesie in 'n bepaalde gebied te beraam ESS line intersect sampling lyndeursnitsteekproefneming natural (human. dierlike.g. environmental.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary line intercept sampling lynafsnitsteekproefneming natural (human. ekologiese en biologiese) populasies includes intersect sampling and intercept sampling sluit lyndeursnitsteekproefneming en lynafsnitsteekproefneming in line spectrum lynspektrum spectral analysis spektraalanalise a spectrum diagram showing concentration at distinct frequencies 'n spektrumdiagram wat 'n konsentrasie by bepaalde frekwensies toon ISI line transect sampling lyndwarssnitsteekproefneming sampling steekproefneming counting while travelling along a line. dierlike. omgewings-. in forestry where the logs intersected by a line are sampled bv. opstelling data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise line up v. game counting tel terwyl langs 'n lyn beweeg word. bv. ecological and biological) populations natuurlike (menslike. animal. rig data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise linear lineêr mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary linear combination lineêre kombinasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary linear constraint lineêre beperking mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary linear correlation lineêre korrelasie Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 190 . animal. ecological and biological) populations natuurlike (menslike. dierlike. animal. omgewings-.g. in bosbou waar die boomstompe wat deur 'n lyn gesny word as steekproef geneem word ESS line of best fit lyn van beste passing regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary line of equal distribution gelykeverdelingslyn line of equidistribution econometrics ekonometrie diagonal on the Lorenz curve where concentration is zero diagonaal op die Lorenz-kromme waar konsentrasie nul is ISI line of equidistribution line of equal distribution line of intersection intersection line line of least squares least squares line line of regression regressielyn regression line regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary line of trend tendenslyn Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: trend line regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary line sampling lynsteekproefneming natural (human. wildtelling line up n. environmental. e. environmental. rank tests. veranderlikes linear programming lineêre programmering mathematical programming wiskundige programmering Statistical Dictionary linear rank statistics lineêre rangstatistieke non-parametric tests.i. verdelingsvrye toetse ESS linear rank test lineêre rangtoets non-parametric tests.i.Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data linear interdependence between two variables lineêre interafhanklikheid tussen twee veranderlikes ESS linear dependence lineêre afhanklikheid association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary linear discriminant function lineêre diskriminantfunksie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid ISI linear equation lineêre vergelyking mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary linear estimator lineêre beramer linear estimation lineêre beraming i. linear in the observations d. linear in the parameters. verdelingsvrye toetse ESS linear regression lineêre regressie English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 191 . in variansieanalise ESS linear interpolation lineêre interpolasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary linear maximum likelihood method lineêre maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode regression. rangtoetse. rank tests. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rangtoetse. lineêr in die parameters. lineêr in die waarnemings ESS linear failure rate distribution lineêre falingstempoverdeling reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing an extension of the exponential failure distribution 'n uitbreiding van die eksponensiaalfalingsverdeling ISI linear graph lineêre grafiek straight line graph graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary linear growth curve lineêre groeikromme regression analysis regressieanalise ISI linear hypothesis lineêre hipotese hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing i.e. in analysis of variance Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: d. e. Bayesian and related methods regressie.g. Bayes.i.en verwante metodes using Taylor series approximations of the partial derivatives in parameter estimation gebruik Taylor-reeksbenaderings van die parsiële afgeleides in parameterberaming ISI linear model lineêre model regression.v. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary linear operator lineêre operator classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie used in the Hilbert space framework gebruik by die Hilbert-ruimteraamwerk ESS linear process lineêre proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse a weighted sum or integral of i. model building and selection regressie.i.d. variables 'n geweegde som of integraal van o.e. bv. windrigting ESS linearisation linearisering regression analysis regressieanalise ESS linearised maximum likelihood method gelineariseerde maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode estimation beraming ISI linearity lineariteit mathematical methods Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary lineo-normal distribution lineo-normaalverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings a class of modified normal distributions lid van 'n klas gewysigde normaalverdelings ESS link families skakelfamilies generalised linear models veralgemeende lineêre modelle ESS link function skakelfunksie linear hypothesis and contrasts lineêre hipotese en kontraste relating the mean to a linear function of regressors koppel die gemiddelde aan 'n lineêre funksie van die voorspellers link index <Seldom used> skakelindeks indexes indekse ESS link n. direction tussen 'n intervalskaalveranderlike en 'n sirkelveranderlike. model building and selection regressie.g. bv.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary linear scale arithmetic scale linear structural relation <Full form> lineêre strukturele verband <Volledige vorm> LISREL<short form> LISREL regression. modelbou en -seleksie between endogenous variables tussen endogene veranderlikes ISI linear structural relationships LISREL linear sufficiency lineêre voldoendheid exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers used in connection with the Gauss-Markov theorem and provides an additional optimal property gebruik in verband met die Gauss-Markovstelling en verskaf 'n addisionele optimaliteitseienskap ESS linear trend lineêre tendens regression analysis regressieanalise ISI linear-circular correlation lineêr-sirkel-korrelasie association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data between an interval scale variable and a circular variable. skakel indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary link ratio chain relative link relative skakelrelatief chain relative indexes indekse value of a magnitude in a period divided by that for the immediately preceding period waarde van 'n grootheid in 'n tydperk gedeel deur die waarde vir die onmiddellik voorafgaande tydperk ESS link test skakeltoets generalised linear models veralgemeende lineêre modelle a test for the adequacy of a link function 'n toets vir die toereikendheid van 'n skakelfunksie ESS link v. aaneenskakel indexes indekse Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 192 . e. lineêre strukturele verband regression. Youdenontwerpe ESS linked blocks aaneengeskakelde blokke block designs. groepdeelbare ontwerpe Statistical Dictionary linked data aaneengeskakelde data data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise ISI linked paired comparison design aaneengeskakelde gepaarde vergelykingsontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente where each judge compares pairs of objects waar elke beoordelaar pare voorwerpe vergelyk ISI linked samples aaneengeskakelde steekproewe sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary LISREL<short form> LISREL<kort vorm> linear structural relationships. lysting general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary load n.Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: of indices van indekse Statistical Dictionary linkage skakeling koppeling cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie Statistical Dictionary linkage analysis skakelanalise medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek ISI linked block design <See also chain block design> geskakelde blokontwerp <kyk ook kettingblokontwerp> Latin and Graeco-Latin squares. belaai loading general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary loading load local lokaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary local asymptotic efficiency lokale asimptotiese doeltreffendheid asymptotic properties of tests asimptotiese eienskappe van toetse an extension of asymptotic relative efficiency 'n uitbreiding van asimptotiese relatiewe doeltreffendheid ISI local likelihood estimation lokaleaanneemlikheidsberaming estimation 193 . model building and selection regressie. Youden designs Latynse en Grieks-Latynse vierkante. lys general methodology and philosophy of statistics Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary list sample lyssteekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary list v. belading loading general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary load v. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. linear structural relation lineêre strukturele verbande. lys general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary listing error lystingsfout sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary listing n. modelbou en -seleksie list n. lokaliseer general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary location lokaliteit Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary location model lokaliteitsmodel estimation beraming e. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rangtoetse. hypothesis testing eenveranderlike tydreekse. rank tests. bv.g. in structural inference bv. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI locally weighted least squares plaaslike geweegde kleinste kwadrate LOWESS LOWESS smoothing procedures gladstrykingsprosedures ISI locate v.g.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: beraming ISI local statistic lokale statistiek univariate time series. log-odds categorical data analysis. hipotesetoetsing derived from short-term comparisons. jump statistic afgelei uit korttermynvergelykings. e. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI log ANOVA test log ANOVA-toets robust and adaptive methods robuuste en aanpassende metodes an ANOVA test on the logarithm of the data 'n ANOVA-toets op die logaritmes van die data ESS Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 194 . sprongstatistiek ISI local time lokale tyd theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse locally asymptotically most powerful test lokaal asimptoties-onderskeidendste toets optimal asymptotic test optimale asimptotiese toets asymptotic properties of tests asimptotiese eienskappe van toetse in the immediate neighbourhood of the null hypothesis in die onmiddellike omgewing van die nulhipotese ISI locally asymptotically most stringent test lokaal asimptoties-strengste toets asymptotic properties of tests asimptotiese eienskappe van toetse extension of locally most powerful test for the multidimensional parameter case uitbreiding van lokale asimptoties mees onderskeidende toets vir die geval van meerdimensionele parameters ISI locally most powerful rank order test lokaalonderskeidendste rangtoets non-parametric tests. in strukturele inferensie location model lokaliteitsmodel discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise for discriminant analysis in diskriminantanalise ESS location parameter lokaliteitsparameter parameter of location general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary location test lokaliteitstoets estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary location-scale family lokaliteitskaalfamilie probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings of distributions van verdelings ESS location-scale transformation lokaliteitskaaltransformasie transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes by subtracting the location parameter and dividing the result by a scale parameter deur aftrekking van die lokaliteitsparameter en deling van die resultaat deur 'n skaalparameter ESS lods<short form> logaritmiese kansverhouding logarithmic-odds. quantal response logistiese en loglineêre model.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: log concave density logkonkaafdigtheidsfunksie systems of distributions verdelingstelsels any density of which the logarithm is concave enige digtheidsfunksie waarvan die logaritme konkaaf is ESS log concave distribution <See log concave density> logkonkawe verdeling <Kyk logkonkawe digtheidsfunksie> reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ISI log convex density logkonvekse digtheid reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing any density of which the logarithm is convex enige digtheid waarvan die logaritme konveks is ESS log convex tolerance limits logkonvekse toleransiegrense statistical tolerance intervals statistiese toleransie-intervalle based on the Pólya frequency function of order two gebaseer op die Pólya-frekwensiefunksie van orde twee ISI log exponential family logeksponensiaalfamilie extreme value distributions ekstreemwaardeverdelings the distribution of X if ln(X) belongs to the exponential family die verdeling van X as ln(X) tot die eksponensiaalfamilie behoort ESS log likelihood function logaanneemlikheidsfunksie support function steunfunksie mathematical programming wiskundige programmering log-linear loglineêr logistic and log-linear model. gebeurlikheidstabelle Statistical Dictionary log probability function logwaarskynlikheidsfunksie univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings log transform logtransformasie transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes by taking logarithms deur die neem van logaritmes logarithm logaritme mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary logarithmic logaritmies mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary logarithmic chart logaritmiese kaart graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI logarithmic mean logaritmiese gemiddelde indexes indekse measure of relative change i.e.i. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. gebeurlikheidstabelle Statistical Dictionary log logistic distribution loglogistiese verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings ISI log odds ratio logkansrelatief categorical data analysis. die verskil van twee getalle relatief tot die verskil van hulle logaritmes ESS logarithmic normal distribution lognormaalverdeling lognormal distribution Galton-McAllister-verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 195 . the difference of two numbers relative to the difference of their logarithms maatstaf van relatiewe verandering d. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. kwantaalrespons Statistical Dictionary log-linear analysis loglineêre analise categorical data analysis. gebeurlikheidstabelle ESS log-linear model Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: loglineêre model categorical data analysis. quantal response logistiese en loglineêre model. quantal response logistiese en loglineêre model. but with dichotomous regressors soortgelyk aan logistiese lineêre model. transforming an exponential to a linear relationship om bv.en tobitanalise Statistical Dictionary logit model logitmodel regression analysis regressieanalise similar to the logistic linear model. kwantaalrespons ESS English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: logistic-linear model logisties-lineêre model logistic and log-linear model. kwantaalrespons ESS logit logit logit. probit. probit. logarithmic normal distribution Galton-McAllister-verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings ISI lognormal distribution logarithmic normal distribution. quantal response logistiese en loglineêre model. probit and tobit analysis logit-. maar met digotome voorspellers ESS log-linear model loglineêre model regression analysis regressieanalise loglog transformation loglogtransformasie density estimation and related topics digtheidsberaming en verwante onderwerpe repeated logarithm of the reciprocal of a probability herhaalde logaritme van die resiprook van 'n waarskynlikheid ISI lognormal distribution lognormaalverdeling Galton-McAllister distribution. kwantaalrespons Statistical Dictionary logistic curve autocatalytic curve logistic distribution logistiese verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings for bio-assay and experiments involving quantal response vir biologiese yking en eksperimente wat betrekking het op kwantaalrespons ESS logistic model logistiese model regression analysis regressieanalise logistic process logistiese proses birth-death processes geboorte-en-sterfte-prosesse with rates dependent on population size waar die koerse afhanklik is van populasiegrootte ISI logistic regression logistiese regressie logistic and log-linear model. eksponensiaalverband na 'n lineêre verband te transformeer ESS logarithmic-odds lods logically deduce logistic logisties logistic and log-linear model. probit and tobit analysis logit-.English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: logarithmic scale geometric scale logarithmic series distribution logaritmiesereeks-verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings discrete distribution studied in ecology diskrete verdeling bestudeer in ekologie ESS logarithmic transformation logaritmiese transformasie transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes e.g. GaltonMcAllister distribution log-odds lods English: Synonym: 196 .en tobitanalise Statistical Dictionary logit analysis logitanalise regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary logit function logitfunksie logit. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI long-term trend langtermyntendens univariate time series.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary lot sampling lotsteekproefneming quality and process control kwaliteits. rangtoetse. te onttrek ISI lot lot batch quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole lot tolerance fraction defective toelaatbare persentasie defektiewes per lot lot tolerance per cent defective English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: 197 . income. bv. inkomste. against cumulative frequency kumulatiewe verdeling van 'n veranderlike. e.en proseskontrole ISI lot quality protection lotkwaliteitsbeskerming quality and process control kwaliteits. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. teenoor kumulatiewe frekwensie loss function verliesfunksie Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming Statistical Dictionary loss matrix verliesmatriks decision theory beslissingsteorie Statistical Dictionary loss of information inligtingsverlies data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise actual physical loss of information fisiese inligtingsverlies loss of information inligtingsverlies information theory inligtingsteorie failure to extract all the information which exists in the data onvermoë om al die inligting wat in die data bestaan. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.en 'n logaritmiese reeksverdeling ISI longitudinal longitudinaal medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek Statistical Dictionary longitudinal data longitudinale data panel data paneeldata social sciences sosiale wetenskappe longitudinal survey panel survey long-tailed distribution langeindverdeling langstertverdeling transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes ESS long-term movement langtermynbeweging univariate time series. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary log-zero-Poisson distribution lognul-Poisson-verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings a compound of a Poisson and a logarithmic series distribution 'n samestelling van 'n Poisson.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: logrank test lograngtoets non-parametric tests. rank tests.g. klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary loop lus sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary loop plan lusplan sampling Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: steekproefneming for estimating standard errors in systematic sampling vir die beraming van standaardfoute in sistematiese steekproefneming ISI Lorenz curve Lorenz-kromme econometrics ekonometrie cumulative distribution of a variable. rejectable quality level. unacceptable quality level lot tolerance percent defective unacceptable quality level lot tolerance percent defective level <Full form> onaanvaarbare kwaliteitspeil LTPD. rejectable process level.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary lower order bias estimator <See same order bias estimator> Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: laerordesydigheidsberamer <Kyk gelykeordesydigheidsberamer> comparison of estimators vergelyking van beramers ISI lower probability laer waarskynlikheid game theory spelteorie ESS lower probability function laerwaarskynlikheidsfunksie game theory spelteorie ESS lower quartile onderste kwartiel general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary lower triangular matrix onderdriehoekmatriks linear algebra.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary lottery sampling loterysteekproefneming ticket sampling sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary low pass filter lae-gang filter spectral analysis spektraalanalise Statistical Dictionary lower onder onderste mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary lower bound ondergrens onderste grens mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary lower control limit onderste kontroleperk onderste kontrolegrens quality and process control kwaliteits. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary lower-tail adj.en proseskontrole the level of quality for which there is only a low probability of acceptance die kwaliteitspeil waarvoor daar net 'n klein waarskynlikheid van aanvaarding is ESS lot-by-lot sampling lotsteekproefneming quality and process control kwaliteits. limiting quality level. linkskantig hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary lower-tail alternative linkskantige alternatief hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary lower-tail probability linkskantige eindwaarskynlikheid hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary lower-tail test linkskantige toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary LOWESS locally weighted least squares lowspread onderste span exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise denoting the distance between the median and lowest value in the data die afstand tussen die mediaan en die kleinste waarde in die data English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 198 .Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary lot tolerance per cent defective lot tolerance fraction defective. unacceptable quality level quality and process control kwaliteits. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. and M-estimators L. matrices and vectors English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: 199 .en M-beramers ISI LQL <short form> limiting quality level LSD least significant difference LSD test least significant difference test L-statistics L-statistieke polykays poli-k's non-parametric tests. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary major axis hoofas principal axis linear algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI l-statistics l-statistieke polykays poli-k's empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele ISI L-tests L-toetse hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing for the homogeneity of sample variances vir die homogeniteit van steekproefvariansies ISI LTPD <short form> lot tolerance percent defective level lumped variance test saamgevoegde variansietoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing used in connection with multimodal data gebruik in verband met multimodale data lurking variable verskuilde veranderlike econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary MA moving average MA process moving-average process MAD Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: median absolute deviation magic square design towervierkantontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary Mahalanobis distance Mahalanobis-afstand discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise a measure of the difference in locality between two populations 'n maatstaf van die lokaliteitsverskil tussen twee populasies Mahalanobis' generalised distance veralgemeende Mahalanobis-afstand generalised Mahalanobis distance.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: ESS Lp-norm Lp-norm L. rank tests. rangtoetse. D²-statistic D²-statistiek discriminant analysis diskriminantanalise ISI mail questionnaire posvraelys market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary mail survey posopname postal survey market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary main hoofdesign of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary main effect hoofeffek design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary main treatment hoofbehandeling design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary major hooflinear algebra. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary manifold veelvuldig data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary manifold classification veelvuldige klassifikasie categorical data analysis. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rangtoetse. afbeelding chart mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary map v. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: MANOVA multivariate analysis of variance mantissa mantissa mathematical methods wiskundige metodes of logarithm van logaritme Statistical Dictionary many veel general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary many-angled poligonaal multiangular. gebeurlikheidstabelle Statistical Dictionary manipulate manipuleer general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary Mann-Whitney test <see Wilcoxon rank sum test> Mann-Whitney-toets <kyk Wilcoxonrangsomtoets> non-parametric tests. is meer 'verskillend' managerial statistics bestuurstatistieke management science bestuurswetenskap Statistical Dictionary manifold variëteit kultivar linear algebra. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary majorisation majorisering relations between distributions verhoudings tussen verdelings the components of a vector majorising another are more 'diverse' die komponente van 'n vektor wat 'n ander vektor majoriseer. afbeeld chart karteer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary MAR <Short form> missing at random margin grens border general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary margin of error foutgrens general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 200 . matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary major diagonal hoofdiagonaal principal diagonal linear algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: lineêre algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. rank tests. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. polygonal veelhoekig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary many-valued veelwaardig multiple-valued. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary major determinant hoofdeterminant linear algebra. multivalued mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary map n. gebeurlikheidstabelle ESS marginalisation randverdelingbepaling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings process to derive the marginal probability distribution from the joint distribution of that variable with others die proses om die randwaarskynlikheidsverdeling van 'n stogastiese veranderlike uit die gesamentlike verdeling van daardie veranderlike met ander af te lei ESS mark merk general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary marked effect merkbare effek general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary marked point process jump process marker variable merkerveranderlike general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary market research marknavorsing sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary market survey markopname market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary Markov chain Markov-ketting theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse a Markov process having countable discrete states and epochs Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 201 . contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI marginal classification randklassifikasie categorical data analysis. gebeurlikheidstabelle the extent to which the marginal distributions of a two-way frequency table coincide die mate waarin die randverdelings van 'n tweerigtingfrekwensietabel ooreenstem ESS marginal likelihood randaanneemlikheid estimation beraming containing subset of parameters <Note: SEE ALSO pseudo-likelihood> bevat deelversameling van parameters <kyk ook pseudo-aanneemlikheid> ISI marginal normality randnormaliteit multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings ESS marginal probability randwaarskynlikheid multivariate discrete distributions Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings ESS marginal symmetry <See also quasi symmetry> randsimmetrie <kyk ook kwasie-simmetrie> categorical data analysis.English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: marginal randmarginaalprobability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary marginal category randkategorie categorical data analysis. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI marginal density function randdigtheidsfunksie probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary marginal distribution randverdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings the unconditional distribution of lower order obtained from a multivariate distribution die onvoorwaardelike verdeling van laer orde wat uit 'n meerveranderlike verdeling verkry word ISI marginal homogeneity randhomogeniteit categorical data analysis. het in dobbelteorie ontstaan English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: martingale residual martingaalresidu theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI masking maskering vermomming outliers uitskieters occurs when discordant observations cancel the effect of more extreme observations by distorting the value of outlier identification procedures vind plaas indien die effek van ekstreme waarnemings deur ander ekstreme waarnemings by die berekening van uitskieteridentifikasie-prosedures geneutraliseer word ESS masking effect vermommingseffek maskeringseffek regression. is not affected by knowledge of past states waarin die voorwaardelike verdeling vir 'n toekomstige toestand. model building and selection regressie. originated in gambling theory wanneer die verwagte waarde van 'n term in 'n ry stogastiese terme gelyk is aan die vorige term . gegee die huidige toestand.stogastiese liggaam MRF Markov processes in continuous time Markov-prosesse in kontinue tyd in Markov fields by Markov-velde ESS Markov renewal process Markov-hernuwingsproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI mark-recapture sampling merk-hervangsteekproefneming capture-recapture methods vang-hervang-metodes Statistical Dictionary martingale martingaal theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse when the expected value of a term in a sequence of stochastic terms is equal to the previous term .Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 'n Markov-proses wat telbare diskrete toestande en tydstippe het ISI Markov chain Monte Carlo Markov-ketting Monte Carlo MCMC estimation beraming ISI Markov field Markov-algebra Markov-veld theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse an extension of the Markov condition to two or more dimensions 'n uitbreiding van die Markov-eienskap na twee of meer dimensies ESS Markov process Markov-proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse in which the conditional probability distribution for a future state. nie deur kennis van vorige toestande beïnvloed word nie ISI Markov random field <Full form> Markov. modelbou en -seleksie ISI mass function massafunksie probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings vind plaas indien die effek van ekstreme waarnemings deur ander ekstreme waarnemings by die berekening van uitskieteridentifikasie-prosedures geneutraliseer word vind plaas indien die effek van ekstreme waarnemings deur ander ekstreme waarnemings by die berekening van uitskieteridentifikasie-prosedures geneutraliseer word Statistical Dictionary master frame meesterraamwerk sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary master sample meestersteekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary match afpaar pair off hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary matched pair Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Definisie: 202 . given the present state. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary matrix sampling 203 . distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary matched samples afgepaarde steekproewe hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary matching afparing pairing off hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary matching coefficient afparingskoëffisiënt cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie a variant of the similarity index 'n variant van die gelyksoortigheidsindeks ISI matching distribution afparingsverdeling ontmoetingsverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings of the number of pairs where matching occurs van die getal pare waar passing voorkom ESS matching problem afparingsprobleem ontmoetingsprobleem classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie ESS matching procedure afparingsprosedure data processing and analysis Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: dataprosessering en -analise in record linkage in rekordkoppeling ESS mathematical wiskundig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary mathematical expectation wiskundige verwagting probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary mathematical model wiskundige model general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek ISI mathematical programming wiskundige programmering operations research operasionele navorsing mating paring general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary matrix matriks linear algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: afgepaarde paar hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary matched pair t-test gepaarde t-toets paired t-test hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary matched pairs experiment afgepaarde eksperiment design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI matched pairs signed-rank test afgepaarde rangnommertekentoets non-parametric tests. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary matrix density matriksdigtheid linguistics linguïstiek Statistical Dictionary matrix density function matriksdigtheidsfunksie random vectors and matrices stogastiese vektore en matrikse of a matrix-valued variable van 'n matrikswaardige veranderlike ESS matrix element element of a matrix matrix product matriksproduk linear algebra. rangtoetse. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. rank tests. capacity of channels inligtingsteorie. van p veranderlikes op q tye ESS maverick uitskieter outlier outliers uitskieters ISI maximal maksimaal general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary maximal invariant maksimaalinvariant estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary maximin maksimin decision theory beslissingsteorie Statistical Dictionary maximin criterion <See minimax> maksimin-kriterium decision theory beslissingsteorie maximizing the minima maksimeer die minima ISI maximisation Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: maksimering mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary maximise maksimeer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary maximised relative likelihood profile likelihood maximum maksimum mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary maximum entropy maksimum entropie information theory. entropie. inligtingsmaatstawwe.Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: matrikssteekproefneming multiple matrix sampling areal sampling. kapasiteit van kanale ESS maximum entropy method maksimumentropie-metode spectral analysis spektraalanalise of estimating spectral window width om spektraalvensterwydte te beraam ISI maximum flow problem maksimumvloei-probleem graph theory and combinatorics grafiekteorie en kombinatorika determination of maximum flow through a network bepaling van maksimum vloei deur 'n netwerk ESS maximum F-ratio maksimum F-verhouding analysis of variance variansieanalise ISI maximum likelihood maksimum aanneemlikheid method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode Statistical Dictionary maximum likelihood estimation maksimumaanneemlikheidsberaming ML estimation. MLE MA-beraming estimation beraming based on the likelihood function gebaseer op die aanneemlikheidsfunksie ESS English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: 204 . of p variables at q times bv.g. line transect sampling ruimtelike steekproefneming. entropy. information measures. lyndwarssnitsteekproefneming by selecting rows and columns and using the resulting intersections deur rye en kolomme te kies en die verkreë kruispunte te gebruik matrix sampling multiple matrix sampling matrix variate distribution matriksvariaatverdeling matrix-valued distribution matrikswaardige verdeling multivariate distributions meerveranderlike verdelings ESS matrix-valued distribution matrikswaardige verdeling matrix variate distribution matriksvariaatverdeling multivariate distributions meerveranderlike verdelings e. population mean deviation empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe the average of the absolute deviations of measurements from their mean die gemiddelde van die absolute afwykings van metings vanaf hulle gemiddelde mean difference gemiddelde verskil general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary mean direction gemiddelde rigting random variables.English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: maximum likelihood estimator MLE. verdelingsvrye toetse for equality in probabilities with paired samples of dichotomous data vir gelykheid van waarskynlikhede by gepaarde steekproewe van digotome data ISI MDS multidimensional scaling method mean average mean absolute deviation gemiddelde absolute afwyking empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ESS mean absolute error gemiddelde absolute fout general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary mean concentration function gemiddelde konsentrasiefunksie sums of independent random variables somme van onafhanklike stogastiese veranderlikes used to study the sums of independent random variables in bestudering van somme van onafhanklike stogastiese veranderlikes ESS mean deviation gemiddelde afwyking average deviation. rank tests. expectations and parameters English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 205 . rangtoetse. chi-square distributions Student se t. ML estimator maximum likelihood method maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode estimation beraming ISI maximum likelihood principle maksimumaanneemlikheidsbeginsel general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek which maximises the likelihood of a sample under a given probability model wat die aanneemlikheid van 'n steekproef onder 'n gegewe waarskynlikheidsmodel maksimeer ESS maximum likelihood ratio maksimumaanneemlikheidsverhouding method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode Statistical Dictionary maximum probability estimation maksimumwaarskynlikheidsberaming method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode generalisation of maximum likelihood veralgemening van maksimum aanneemlikheid ESS maximum probability estimator maksimumwaarskynlikheidsberamer method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode ISI max-infinite divisibility maksimum oneindige deelbaarheid infinitely divisible and stable distributions oneindig-deelbare en stabiele verdelings Statistical Dictionary max-type procedure maks-tipe-prosedure regression analysis regressieanalise Maxwell distribution Maxwell-verdeling Student's t. F. chi-kwadraatverdelings ISI MCAR <Short form> missing completely at random MCDM <Short form> multiple criteria decision-making MCMC <Short form> Markov chain Monte Carlo English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: McNemar's test McNemar se toets non-parametric tests. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. F. mean square deviation 206 . probit and tobit analysis logit-.en verwante prosesse a form of successive difference in migration processes 'n vorm van opeenvolgende verskil in migrasieprosesse ISI mean square contingency gemiddelde kwadratiese gebeurlikheid association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data ISI mean square contingency coefficient gemiddelde kwadratiese gebeurlikheidskoëffisiënt categorical data analysis. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI mean of order p convergence convergence in the mean of order p mean probit difference gemiddelde probitverskil logit.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: stogastiese veranderlikes.en proseskontrole ISI mean residual life <Full form> gemiddelde residuele lewensduur MRL gemiddelde oorblywende lewensduur reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ESS mean residual life function <Full form> gemiddelde residuele lewensduurfunksie MRLF MRLF reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ESS mean semi-squared difference gemiddelde halfkwadraatverskil empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ISI mean slippage problem gemiddeldeglip-probleem Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: outliers and slippage tests uitskieters en gliptoetse where one or more population means differ from the common mean of the remaining populations wanneer een of meer populasiegemiddeldes van die gemeenskaplike gemiddelde van die oorblywende populasies verskil ESS mean square gemiddelde kwadraat estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary mean square consecutive fluctuation estimator gemiddelde kwadratiese opeenvolgende fluktuasieberamer branching and related processes vertakkings. gebeurlikheidstabelle Statistical Dictionary mean square convergence konvergensie in gemiddelde kwadraat asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers where the expected squared difference tends to zero waar die verwagte gekwadreerde verskil na nul neig Statistical Dictionary mean square deviation gemiddelde kwadraatfout mean square error gemiddelde kwadratiese fout empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary mean square error mean square deviation. probit. verwagte waardes en parameters ISI mean excess function gemiddelde oorskrydingsfunksie actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde relates to expected claim size hou verband met verwagte eisgrootte mean likelihood estimator gemiddelde aanneemlikheidsberamer estimation beraming ISI mean linear successive difference gemiddelde lineêre opeenvolgende verskil mean successive difference univariate time series. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.en tobitanalise ISI mean range gemiddelde variasiewydte quality and process control kwaliteits. MSE mean square error <Full form> gemiddelde kwadraatfout MSE. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. maat measure theory maatteorie Statistical Dictionary measure n. maatstaf grootte general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary measure of agreement agreement measure measure of association association measure measure of dispersion dispersiemaatstaf measure of spread spreidingsmaatstaf econometrics ekonometrie measure of distinctiveness meting van onderskeibaarheid scaling methods skaleringsmetodes measure of location lokaliteitsmaatstaf empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary measure of nonlinearity nielineariteitsmaatstaf nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie provides information of the extent to which an assumption of linearity in regression is justified verskaf inligting oor die mate waarin aanname van lineariteit by regressie geregverdig is ESS measure of precision presisiemaatstaf 207 .Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: gemiddelde kwadratiese fout exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers of an estimator from the true value van 'n beramer vanaf die werklike waarde ESS mean square successive difference gemiddelde kwadratiese opeenvolgende verskil empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe used in estimating variance gebruik in variansieberaming ISI mean successive difference gemiddelde opeenvolgende verskil mean linear successive difference quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole mean of the absolute differences between succeeding values in a time series gemiddelde van die absolute verskille tussen opeenvolgende waardes in 'n tydreeks ESS mean successive difference mean linear successive difference mean time between failures <Full form> gemiddelde tyd tussen falings MTBF reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing mean time to failure <Full form> gemiddelde falingstyd MTTF gemiddelde tyd tot faling reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ESS mean trigonometric deviation gemiddelde trigonometriese afwyking spectral analysis spektraalanalise measure of variability in cyclical series maatstaf van veranderlikheid in sikliese reekse ISI mean value theorem middelwaardestelling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary mean vector gemiddelde vektor random vectors and matrices stogastiese vektore en matrikse vector of means vektor van gemiddeldes ESS English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: meaningful practically significant measurability meetbaarheid measure theory maatteorie Statistical Dictionary measurable meetbaar measure theory maatteorie Statistical Dictionary measure n. Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: precision measure confidence regions vertrouensgebiede Statistical Dictionary measure of relative inequality relatiewe ongelykheidsmaatstaf test construction. bv. aanneemlikheidsgebaseerde benadering compares the spread among observations to the central value vergelyk die spreiding van waarnemings met die sentrale waarde ESS measure of skewness skeefheidsmaatstaf empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary measure of spread measure of dispersion measure of uniformity eenvormigheidsmaatstaf empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe reflects the extent of the effect to which a set of observations deviates from perfect equality e. Gini-indeks ESS measure of variation variasiemaatstaf empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary measure theory maatteorie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes theoretical basis for probability. likelihood-based approach toetskonstruksie. ens ESS measure v. calculus.g. calculus. Gini index weerspieël die mate waarin 'n stel waarnemings van perfekte gelykheid afwyk. meet measure theory maatteorie Statistical Dictionary measurement meting psychometrics psigometrie Statistical Dictionary English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: measurement error error of measurement mechanical reliability meganiese betroubaarheid reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing medial test mediaaltoets association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary median mediaan general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary median absolute deviation <Full form> mediaan absolute afwyking MAD empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe a robust measure of dispersion 'n robuuste spreidingsmaatstaf ESS median centre ruimtelike mediaan spatial median empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe extension of concept of median to two or more dimensions uitbreiding van die mediaanbegrip tot twee of meer dimensies ESS median class mediaanklas general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary median deviation error mediaanafwykingsfout general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary median direction mediaanrigting empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ISI Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 208 . etc teoretiese basis vir waarskynlikheid. effektiewe dosis <Volledige vorm> ED50 ED50 biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde Statistical Dictionary median F-statistic mediaan-F-toets transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes a normalising transformation 'n normaliseringstransformasie ISI median lethal dose <Full form> mediaan.en M-beramers robust generalisation of the maximum likelihood estimator robuuste veralgemening van die maksimumaanneemlikheidsberamer ESS 209 . ander metodes ISI median sign test mediaantekentoets non-parametric tests. rank tests.ander parametriese metodes using the median as criterion rather than the expected value waar die mediaan eerder as die verwagte waarde as kriterium gebruik word ISI medical statistics mediese statistiek special topics. verdelingsvrye toetse ESS median survival time mediaanoorlewingstyd reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ISI median test mediaantoets non-parametric tests. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: median unbiasedness mediaanonsydigheid estimation . rank tests.g. e. ander metodes using medians of deviations.other parametric methods beraming . distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse.dodelike dosis <Volledige vorm> LD50 LD50 biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde Statistical Dictionary median line mediaanlyn graphical methods grafiese metodes median regression mediaanregressie regression. rangtoetse. other methods regressie. Mood-Brown estimation maak gebruik van mediane van afwykings. toepassings Statistical Dictionary meeting point ontmoetingspunt general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary memoryless geheueloos exponential families of distributions eksponensiaalfamilies van verdelings Statistical Dictionary mesokurtic mesokurties general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary mesokurtosis mesokurtose general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary messy data morsige data. rangtoetse.English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: median effective dose <Full form> mediaan. ongestruktureerde data exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise ESS M-estimate M-beraming estimation beraming ISI M-estimator M-beramer L.and M-estimators L. other methods regressie. Mood-Brown-beraming ESS median regression curve mediaanregressiekromme regression. bv. applications spesiale onderwerpe. bv. toepassings e. applications spesiale onderwerpe. ander metodes using averages to determine regression coefficients gebruik van gemiddeldes om regressiekoëffisiënte te bepaal ESS method of collective marks metode van gesamentlike puntetellings generating and characteristic functions voortbringende en karakteristiekefunksies for deriving generating functions by probabilistic argument om genererende funksies deur middel van waarskynlikheidsberedenering af te lei ISI method of group averages Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: metode van groepgemiddeldes regression. how the researcher chooses a model bv.other parametric methods beraming . other methods regressie. applications spesiale onderwerpe. other methods regressie.other parametric methods beraming .g.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: meta-analysis meta-analise special topics. bevolking en oppervlakte te neem ISI method of path coefficients English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: 210 . line transect sampling ruimtelike steekproefneming. L1-beramingsmetode least absolute value methods metodes van kleinste absolute waarde minimises the sum of the absolute values of the deviations from the regression line minimeer die som van die absolute waardes van die afwykings vanaf die regressielyn ESS method of least squares least squares method method of minimum chi-square minimum chi-kwadraatmetode estimation . parsiële somme ESS metameter metameter biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde Statistical Dictionary metastatistics metastatistiek special topics.ander parametriese metodes for deriving estimates based on the chi-square goodness-of-fit statistic om beramings af te lei.g. metode van kleinste absolute afwykings. gebaseer op die chikwadraat pasgehaltestatistiek ESS method of moments moment fitting method of moments moment fitting method of moments <See moment fitting> momentemetode <kyk momentepassing> moment fitting momentepassing estimation .g. partial sums data oor 'n datastel. lyndwarssnitsteekproefneming to draw linked samples with probability proportional to e. toepassings analysis based on the results of more than one study analise gebaseer op die resultate van meer as een studie metadata metadata data banks databanke data about a data set. e. ander metodes a modification of the method of averages using subsets of data 'n modifikasie van die metode van gemiddeldes deur die gebruikmaking van deelversamelings ESS method of least absolute deviations method of least absolute values method of least absolute values metode van kleinste absolute waardes L1-estimation. population and area om gekoppelde steekproewe met waarskynlikheid proporsioneel tot bv. hoe die navorser 'n model kies ESS method metode general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary method of approximation benaderingsmetode general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary method of averages metode van gemiddeldes regression. method of least absolute deviations L1-beraming.ander parametriese metodes Statistical Dictionary method of overlapping maps metode van oorvleuelende kaarte areal sampling. Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: baankoëffisiëntemetode regression analysis. metriek scaling methods skaleringsmetodes Statistical Dictionary metric space metriese ruimte scaling methods skaleringsmetodes Statistical Dictionary micro mikro general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary microcomputer mikrorekenaar computers and operating systems rekenaars en bedryfstelsels Statistical Dictionary midbox middelhouer empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary midinterval middelinterval empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary midmean middelgemiddelde empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe the arithmetic mean of the middle fifty percent of the data die rekenkundige gemiddelde van die middelste vyftig persent van die data midrange middelreikwydte empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary midrank middelrangnommer empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 211 . ander metodes ISI method of sieves siftingsmetode density estimation and related topics digtheidsberaming en verwante onderwerpe estimation by applying parametric approaches to solve nonparametric problems beraming deur toepassing van parametriese benaderings om nieparametriese probleme op te los ESS method of steepest ascent steilstehelling-metode response surface designs responsoppervlakontwerpe a multi-stage procedure to determine an optimum value 'n meerstadiumprosedure om 'n optimum waarde te bepaal ISI methodology metodologie general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary metric adj. algorithms and computer programs regressieanalise. other methods regressie. Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: metries scaling methods skaleringsmetodes Statistical Dictionary metric n. algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme a diagrammatic approach to multiple regression analysis 'n diagrammatiese benadering tot meervoudige regressieanalise ISI method of scoring tellingsmetode method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode used in iterative maximum likelihood estimation gebruik in iteratiewe maksimumaanneemlikheidsberaming ESS method of selected points geselekteerdepunte-metode metode van geselekteerde punte nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie curve fitting using a subjectively selected subset of points krommepassing met behulp van 'n subjektief gekose deelversameling punte ISI method of semi-averages semigemiddeldesmetode regression. ancillarity voldoendheid van statistieke.ander parametriese metodes based on the minimax principle Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 212 .ander parametriese metodes by applying the minimax principle to a risk function beraming deur die toepassing van die minimaksbeginsel op 'n risikofunksie {Konteks: ander parametriese metodes} ESS minimax method minimaksmetode decision theory beslissingsteorie to minimise the maximum loss om die maksimum verlies te minimeer ESS minimax principle minimaksbeginsel decision theory beslissingsteorie to minimise maximum loss om maksimum verlies te minimeer minimax regression minimaksregressie regression analysis regressieanalise determination of regression coefficients by minimising the maximum deviation from the regression line bepaling van die regressiekoëffisiënte deur die maksimum afwyking vanaf die regressielyn te minimeer ESS minimax regret principle minimaksberoubeginsel decision theory beslissingsteorie minimax robust estimator minimaks. aanvullendheid having the minimal number of components for the parameters in question bevat die minimale getal komponente vir die betrokke parameters ISI minimally connected design minimaal-samehangende ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI minimax minimaks decision theory beslissingsteorie Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Statistical Dictionary minimax estimation minimaksberaming estimation .other parametric methods beraming .Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Statistical Dictionary mid-rank method middelrangnommermetode average rank method gemiddelderangnommermetode non-parametric tests. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI midspread interquartile range migration process immigration-emigration process minicomputer minirekenaar computers and operating systems rekenaars en bedryfstelsels Statistical Dictionary minimal minimaal estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary minimal essential completeness minimaal-essensiële volledigheid decision theory beslissingsteorie containing in some sense the minimum number of decision rules needed wat in 'n sin die minimum getal nodige beslissingsreëls bevat ISI minimal sufficiency minimale voldoendheid exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers Statistical Dictionary minimal sufficient statistics minimaal-voldoende statistieke sufficiency of statistics. rangtoetse. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rank tests.other parametric methods beraming .robuuste beramer estimation beraming having the smallest maximum variance over the underlying distributions het die kleinste maksimum variansie oor die onderliggende verdelings ISI minimax solution minimaksoplossing decision theory beslissingsteorie Statistical Dictionary minimax strategy minimaksstrategie estimation . aanneemlikheidsgebaseerde benadering a method related to maximum likelihood used when several possible hypotheses are under consideration 'n metode verwant aan maksimum aanneemlikheid wat gebruik word wanneer verskeie moontlike hipoteses oorweeg word ESS minimum variance minimumvariansie Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 213 .ander parametriese metodes based on distance from e. gebeurlikheidstabelle Statistical Dictionary minimum completeness minimum volledigheid decision theory beslissingsteorie minimum discrimination information statistic minimumdiskriminasie-inligtingstatistiek Kullback-Leibler distance function Kullback-Leibler-afstandsfunksie information theory inligtingsteorie the "divergence" of the alternative from the null hypothesis die "afwyking" van die alternatiewe hipotese vanaf die nulhipotese ISI minimum discrimination information statistic Kullback-Leibler distance function minimum distance estimation minimumafstand-beraming estimation . bv. other approaches toetskonstruksie. 'n verdelingsfunksie ESS minimum logit chi-square minimum logit chi-kwadraat clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings method of estimation beramingsmetode ISI minimum norm quadratic estimation MINQUE minimum normit chi-square estimator minimum normit chi-kwadraatberamer tables of percentage points tabelle van persentasiepunte of the cumulative normal distribution van die kumulatiewe normaalverdeling ISI minimum rank factor analysis minimumrang-faktoranalise factor analysis faktoranalise a method for minimising the number of common factors 'n metode vir minimering van die getal gemeenskaplike faktore ESS minimum spanning tree minimumspanboom graph theory and combinatorics grafiekteorie en kombinatorika of shortest length and which includes all points met kortste lengte wat alle punte insluit ESS minimum trace factor analysis minimumspoor-faktoranalise factor analysis faktoranalise a method for optimising the number of common factors 'n metode om die getal gemeenskaplike faktore te optimeer ESS minimum unlikelihood minimum-onaanneemlikheid test construction.g.other parametric methods beraming . ander benaderings a test that protects against the worst performance under the alternative hypothesis in the case of compound hypotheses 'n toets wat teen die swakste prestasie van 'n toets beskerm onder die alternatiewe hipotese in die geval van saamgestelde hipoteses ESS minimisation minimering mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary minimise minimeer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary minimum minimum mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary minimum chi-square minimum chi-kwadraat categorical data analysis.Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: gebaseer op die minimaksbeginsel Statistical Dictionary minimax test minimakstoets test construction. likelihood-based approach toetskonstruksie. a distribution function Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: gebaseer op afstand vanaf. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. e. een wat volgens die Gauss-Markov-stelling op kleinste kwadrate gebaseer is ISI minimum variance unbiased estimator <Full form> minimumvariansie-onsydige beramer <Volledige vorm> MVUE MVOB exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers ESS minimum-description-length principle minimumbeskrywingslengte-beginsel information theory. entropy.i.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers ISI minimum variance estimator minimumvariansieberamer estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary minimum variance linear unbiased estimator minimumvariansie. inligtingsmaatstawwe. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra.lineêre onsydige beramer exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers i.lineêre model ISI miscalculation foutiewe berekening misrekening data processing and analysis Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: dataprosessering en -analise misclassification incorrect classification missing ontbrekend missing observations ontbrekende waarnemings Statistical Dictionary missing at random <Full form> ewekansig ontbrekend MAR regression analysis regressieanalise ISI missing completely at random algeheel ewekansig ontbrekend MCAR regression analysis regressieanalise ISI missing data ontbrekende data data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary missing information principle Efron's self-consistency algorithm missing observation ontbrekende waarneming regression analysis regressieanalise missing plot technique ontbrekendeperseel-tegniek ontbrekendewaarde-tegniek design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary mixed gemeng analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary mixed ARMA process autoregressive moving average process mixed autoregressive moving average process <Full form> gemengde outoregressiewe bewegendegemiddelde-proses ARMA process ARMA-proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse a combination of the autoregressive and moving average processes Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: 214 . capacity of channels inligtingsteorie. entropie.kwadratiese beraming exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers of the variances in the Gauss-Markov linear model van die variansies in die Gauss-Markov. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary MINQUE <Acronym> MINQUE <Akroniem> minimum norm quadratic estimation minimumnorm. for a linear hypothesis. kapasiteit van kanale allows the estimation of parameters along with their number without separate hypothesis testing laat die beraming van parameters asook hul getal toe sonder afsonderlike hipotesetoetsing ESS minor minor linear algebra. information measures. vir 'n lineêre hipotese. one based on least squares from the Gauss-Markov theorem d. modelbou en -seleksie containing endogenous and exogenous elements bevat endogene en eksogene elemente ISI mixed model gemengde model regression. model building and selection regressie. modelbou en -seleksie containing both deterministic and stochastic elements bevat deterministiese sowel as stogastiese elemente Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: ISI mixed sampling gemengde steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming using different methods in successive stages gebruik verskillende metodes in opeenvolgende stadiums ISI mixed spectrum gemengde spektrum spectral analysis spektraalanalise containing discrete and continuous components bevat diskrete en kontinue komponente ISI mixed strategy gemengde strategie game theory spelteorie having choices determined by a chance mechanism het keuses wat deur 'n kansmeganisme bepaal word ISI mixed-up observations vermengde waarnemings data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise ISI mixture design mengselontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente mixture distribution mengselverdeling mixed distribution gemengde verdeling truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings consists of elements from different distributions in unknown proportions bestaan uit elemente vanuit verdelings in onbekende proporsies ESS mixture distribution mixed distribution mixture experiment mengseleksperiment mixture designs mengselontwerpe to find the "best" blend or mixture om die "beste" versnit of mengsel te vind ESS mixture method mengselmetode random number generators 215 .Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: 'n kombinasie van die outoregressiewe en bewegendegemiddelde-prosesse ISI mixed autoregressive-regressive systems gemengde outoregressief-regressiewe stelsels econometrics ekonometrie which contain independent and lagged dependent variables bevat onafhanklike en gesloerde afhanklike veranderlikes ISI mixed distribution gemengde verdeling mixture distribution mengselverdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings mixed exponential response law gemengde eksponensiaalresponswet probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings used where responses are from a mixture of exponential distributions gebruik waar response uit 'n mengsel van eksponensiaalverdelings afkomstig is ISI mixed factorial experiment gemengde faktoriaaleksperiment design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente having differing numbers of levels for the factors het verskillende getalle peile vir die faktore ISI mixed model gemengde model analysis of variance variansieanalise having some effects fixed and some effects random het sommige effekte vas en ander stogasties ISI mixed model gemengde model regression. model building and selection regressie. Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: ewekansigegetal-genereerders for generating random values using mixture distributions vir die opwekking van waardes van stogastiese veranderlikes met behulp van mengselverdelings ESS mixture of distributions mengsel van verdelings probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings mixture polynomial mengselpolinoom mixture designs mengselontwerpe in mixture experiment regression in mengseleksperimentregressie ESS ML estimation maximum likelihood estimation ML estimator maximum likelihood estimator MLE <short form> maximum likelihood estimation. maximum likelihood estimator MNL <short form> multinomial logit MNP <short form> multinomial probit modal modaal general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary modal interval modale interval empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe modality modaliteit general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary mode modus general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary model model Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary model averaging modelvergemiddelding regression analysis regressieanalise ISI model building modelbou model construction modellering regression. model building and selection regressie. modelbou en -seleksie derivation of a formal expression of a theory afleiding van 'n formele uitdrukking van 'n teorie ESS model construction model building model fitting modelpassing regression. model building and selection regressie. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary model-based method modelgebaseerde metode sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke using a mathematical model to describe an observed phenomenon gebruik van 'n wiskundige model om 'n waargenome verskynsel te beskryf modelling modelbou modellering regression. model building and selection regressie. model building and selection regressie. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary modified gewysig general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary modified binomial distribution gewysigde binomiaalverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ISI English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 216 . modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary model specification modelspesifikasie regression. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: modified control limit gewysigde kontrolegrens gewysigde kontroleperk quality and process control kwaliteits. curtailed sampling Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 'n tipe sekwensiële steekproefneming. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. verwagte waardes en parameters moment estimation momentberaming estimation .en proseskontrole ISI modified exponential curve gewysigde eksponensiaalkromme regression analysis regressieanalise ISI modified Latin square gewysigde Latynse vierkant design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI modified mean gewysigde gemiddelde empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ISI modified mean square successive difference gewysigde gemiddelde kwadraat van opeenvolgende verskille univariate time series. ingekorte steekproefneming ESS modified von Neumann ratio gewysigde Von Neumann-verhouding hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ISI modify wysig general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary modulated normal distribution modified normal distribution modulus modulus mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary modulus of precision presisiemodulus empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe a measure of variability based on the reciprocal of the standard deviation 'n maatstaf van veranderlikheid gebaseer op die resiprook van die standaardafwyking ISI modulus transformation modulustransformasie transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes to normalise symmetric long-tailed distributions om simmetriese verdelings met lang eindes te normaliseer ESS moment moment power moment probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary moment about mean central moment moment coefficient momentkoëffisiënt random variables. klassifikasie en identifikasie a measure of variation 'n maatstaf van variasie ISI modified normal distribution gewysigde normaalverdeling modulated normal distribution univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings one of a class of normal distributions of which the variance has a truncated Pareto distribution een van 'n klas normaalverdelings waarvan die variansie 'n afgeknotte Pareto-verdeling het ESS modified power series distribution gewysigde magreeksverdeling systems of distributions verdelingstelsels a class containing the power series distributions 'n klas wat die magreeksverdelings insluit ESS modified profile likelihood adjusted profile likelihood modified sampling gewysigde steekproefneming curtailed sampling quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole a form of sequential sampling.ander parametriese metodes English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 217 .other parametric methods beraming . Monte Carlo-metodes replacing the original Monte Carlo problem by a simpler problem that can be shown to have the same answer vervanging van die oorspronklike Monte Carloprobleem deur 'n eenvoudiger probleem wat dieselfde antwoord het ESS monthly average maandgemiddelde univariate time series.b. verwagte waardes en parameters ESS monomial adj.en steekproefmomente ESS moment generating function momentvoortbringende funksie probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary moment matrix matriks van momente momentematriks probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary moment of negative order negative moment moment problem momenteprobleem generating and characteristic functions voortbringende en karakteristiekefunksies characterising the distribution function from its moments karakterisering van die verdelingsfunksie m. Monte Carlo-metodes ESS Monte Carlo swindle Monte Carlo-swendel simulation. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. monoom zonal polynomials sonale polinome Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: monotone monotoon monotonic mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary monotone regression monotone regressie regression analysis regressieanalise monotonic monotone monotonic structure <see coherence structure> monotone struktuur <kyk koherensiestruktuur> reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ISI monotonicity monotonisiteit mathematical methods wiskundige metodes ESS Monte Carlo method Monte Carlo-metode simulation. gesimuleerde steekproefnemingsmetodes ESS Monte Carlo sampling Monte Carlo-steekproefneming simulation. Monte Carlo-metodes for investigating the solution of any mathematical or real-life problem by simulated sampling methods vir die ondersoek van die oplossing van enige wiskundige of lewenswerklike probleem m. sy momente ESS moment ratio momenteverhouding standardised moment random variables. monomiaal zonal polynomials sonale polinome Statistical Dictionary monomial n. Monte Carlo methods simulasie.v.Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: estimating parameters by fitting moments beraming van parameters deur momente te pas ESS moment estimator momentberamer estimation .v.ander parametriese metodes moment fitting momentepassing method of moments momentemetode estimation of distribution functions beraming van verdelingsfunksies estimating parameters by equating population and sample moments beraming van parameters deur gelykstelling van populasie. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. beraming ISI Moore-Penrose inverse Moore-Penrose-inverse Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 218 . estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse.b.other parametric methods beraming . Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: linear algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rangtoetse. matrikse en vektore a unique generalised inverse 'n unieke veralgemeende inverse ISI moral graph moraalgrafiek graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI morbidity rate siektekoers mobiditeitskoers actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde more-than ogive groter-as ogief meer-as ogief general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary mortality sterfte mortaliteit medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek Statistical Dictionary mortality curve curve of mortality mortality findings mortaliteitsbevindinge sterftebevindinge actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde relate to the status of the individual at the time of issue of insurance hou verband met die status van die individu ten tye van die uitreiking van versekering ESS mortality rate death rate mortality table <See life table> sterftetabel <Kyk lewenstabel> reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ESS most mees general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary most approximative method mees benaderende metode decision theory Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: beslissingsteorie a modification of the minimax method 'n wysiging van die minimaksmetode most efficient doeltreffendste estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary most efficient estimator doeltreffendste beramer mees doeltreffende beramer exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers ISI most powerful onderskeidendste hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary most powerful critical region onderskeidendste kritieke gebied mees onderskeidende kritieke gebied hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ISI most powerful rank test onderskeidendste rangtoets non-parametric tests. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI most powerful test onderskeidendste toets exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse when comparing different tests against an alternative <Note: see also power of a test> wanneer verskillende toetse teenoor 'n alternatief vergelyk word ESS most probable number mees waarskynlike getal biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde the maximum likelihood estimate of the density of organisms in a liquid die maksimumaanneemlikheidsberaming van die digtheid van organismes in 'n vloeistof ESS most selective confidence interval selektiefste vertrouensinterval confidence regions vertrouensgebiede covers alternative or invalid values of the parameters with minimum frequency dek alternatiewe of ongeldige waardes van die parameters met minimum frekwensie 219 . rank tests. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI moving sum <Full form> bewegende som moving total. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. mosum bewegende totaal. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI moving average process bewegendegemiddelde-proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse moving observer technique bewegendewaarnemer-tegniek estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary moving range bewegende variasiewydte quality and process control kwaliteits. mosum quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole ISI moving seasonal variation bewegende seisoensvariasie univariate time series. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI moving average method bewegendegemiddelde-metode Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: univariate time series. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. bewegend general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary moving annual total bewegende jaartotaal univariate time series. beraming ISI moving average <Full form> bewegende gemiddelde MA meeskuiwende gemiddelde general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary moving average disturbance bewegendegemiddelde-versteuring univariate time series.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: ISI most stringent test strengste toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary Mosteller's k-sample slippage test Mosteller se k-steekproefgliptoets Mosteller se k-steekproefglytoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ISI mosum <short form> moving sum movement beweging general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary mover-stayer model beweeg-bly-model theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse generalisation of the Markov chain model veralgemening van die Markov-kettingmodel ISI moving adj. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI moving average model bewegendegemiddelde-model univariate time series.en proseskontrole used in the monitoring of a sequence of observations gebruik in die monitering van 'n reeks waarnemings ESS moving summation process bewegendesommasie-proses autoregressive and moving average processes outoregressiewe en bewegendegemiddeldeprosesse moving total moving sum moving weighted average weighted moving average moving weights bewegende gewigte English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: 220 . distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. verdelingsvrye toetse Mood's test for dispersion Mood se toets vir spreiding ISI MTBF mean time between failures mth values m-de waardes order statistics ordestatistieke e. extreme values where m equals one bv. ekologiese en biologiese) populasies when the subjects of a survey are in motion wanneer die subjekte van 'n opname in beweging is ESS MRF <short form> Markov random field MRL <short form> mean residual life MRLF <short form> mean residual life function MRPP <short form> multiresponse permutation procedure MSE <short form> mean square error m-statistic m-statistiek non-parametric tests. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures of the hypothesis that a set of objects are of equal merit van die hipotese dat 'n versameling voorwerpe ewe verdienstelik is ISI multicentre trial multisentrumproef medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek Statistical Dictionary multicollinearity multikollineariteit regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary multicomparisons meervoudige vergelykings multiple comparisons. rangtoetse. animal.g. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI moving-average process <Full form> bewegendegemiddelde-proses MA process autoregressive and moving average processes outoregressiewe en bewegendegemiddeldeprosesse special case of a moving summation process spesiale geval van 'n bewegendesommasieproses ESS moving-observer sampling method steekproefnemingsmetode vir bewegende waarnemer bewegendewaarnemersteekproefnemingsmetode natural (human. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. environmental. rank tests. simultaneous comparisons multiple comparisons. dierlike. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. ekstreemwaardes waar m gelyk is aan een ISI English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: MTTF <short form> mean time to failure mu mu general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary multimeermultigeneral methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary multiangular many-angled multibinomial test multibinomiaaltoets multiple comparisons. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures Statistical Dictionary multidimensional meerdimensionaal general algemeen Statistical Dictionary multidimensional scaling meerdimensionale skalering scaling methods skaleringsmetodes 221 . ecological and biological) populations natuurlike (menslike. omgewings-.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: univariate time series. modelbou en -seleksie synonymn for simultaneous equations model sinoniem vir gelyktydigevergelykings-model ISI multifactorial meerfaktoriaal design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary multifactorial design meerfaktoriaalontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI multilateral meersydig multilateraal general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary multilevel continuous sampling plan meervlakkige deurlopende steekproefplan quality and process control kwaliteits. probit and tobit analysis logit-. probit.en proseskontrole which permits different sampling fractions wat verskillende steekproeffraksies toelaat ISI multilinear process multilineêre proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI multimodal meertoppig multimodaal graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary multimodal distribution multimodale verdeling meertoppige verdeling Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings ISI multinomial adj.en tobitanalise ESS multinomial n. multinomiaal multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings Statistical Dictionary multinomial distribution multinomiaalverdeling multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings Statistical Dictionary multinomial logit <Full form> multinomiale logit MNL logit.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Statistical Dictionary multidimensional scaling method <Full form> meerdimensionale skaleringsmetode MDS scaling methods skaleringsmetodes displays the structure distance-like data as a geometrical picture gee 'n meetkundige voorstelling van die struktuur van data met 'n afstandsdatavoorkoms ESS multi-equational system meervoudigevergelyking-stelsel regression. multinoom multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings Statistical Dictionary multinomial probit <Full form> multinomiale probit <Volledige vorm> MNP MNP generalised linear models veralgemeende lineêre modelle for modelling relationships between an ordered categorical response variable and a set of independent variables vir die modellering van verbande tussen 'n geordende kategoriese afhanklike veranderlike en 'n versameling onafhanklike veranderlikes ESS multinomial sampling naturalistic sampling multinormal multinormaal multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary multinormal distribution <see multivariate normal distribution> multinormaalverdeling <kyk meerveranderlike normaalverdeling> multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings ESS multiphase meerfasig sampling steekproefneming sampling on successive occasions Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 222 . model building and selection regressie. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures Statistical Dictionary multiple comparisons multicomparisons multiple correlation meervoudige korrelasie association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data between the dependent variable and its prediction from a multiple linear regression tussen die afhanklike veranderlike en sy voorspelling vanuit 'n meervoudige lineêre regressie ESS multiple correlation coefficient meervoudige korrelasiekoëffisiënt association and dependence of quantitative data Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary multiple criteria decision-making <Full form> meervoudigekriteria-besluitneming MCDM multikriteriabesluitneming decision theory beslissingsteorie ESS multiple curvilinear correlation meervoudige kromlynige korrelasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid multiple decision meervoudige beslissing decision theory beslissingsteorie when the possible decisions are more than two wanneer die moontlike beslissings meer as twee is ESS multiple decision methods meervoudige beslissingsmetodes decision theory beslissingsteorie for problems with more than two outcomes or decisions vir probleme met meer as twee uitkomste of beslissings ISI multiple decision problem meervoudige beslissingsprobleem hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing having more than one alternative hypothesis het meer as een alternatiewe hipotese ISI multiple decrement table meervoudige dekrementtabel actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde to evaluate actuarial funds vir die evaluering van aktuariële fondse ESS multiple factor analysis meervoudigefaktoranalise association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid ISI multiple imputation meervoudige toerekening data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise ISI multiple linear regression meervoudige lineêre regressie Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 223 .Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: steekproefneming by opeenvolgende geleenthede Statistical Dictionary multiphase sampling meerfasige steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming sampling on successive occasions steekproefneming by opeenvolgende geleenthede Statistical Dictionary multiple adj. meervoudig general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary multiple bar chart meervoudige staafkaart graphical methods grafiese metodes depicting two or more characteristics beeld twee of meer eienskappe uit ISI multiple censored sampling progressively censored sampling multiple classification meervoudige klassifikasie categorical data analysis. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. gebeurlikheidstabelle Statistical Dictionary multiple comparison method meervoudige vergelykingsmetode multiple comparisons. v. populasiemodelle a framework for the estimation of the size of the population from the combined data for two or more sources of information 'n raamwerk vir die beraming van die populasiegrootte uit die gekombineerde data vir twee of meer inligtingsbronne ESS multiple regression meervoudige regressie regression. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings.Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: generalised linear models veralgemeende lineêre modelle a generalisation of simple linear regression to more than one independent variable 'n veralgemening van enkelvoudige lineêre regressie na meer as een onafhanklike veranderlike ESS multiple matrix sampling meervoudige matrikssteekproefneming matrix sampling gebiedsteekproefneming politics and voting systems politiek en stemstelsels in which the characteristics of a complete data matrix are estimated from the characteristics of multiple randomly selected samples waar die eienskappe van 'n volledige datamatriks m. veelvoud general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary multiple phase process meerfasige proses birth-death processes geboorte-en-sterfte-prosesse where birth can only take place after more than one phase waar geboorte slegs na meer as een fase kan plaasvind ISI multiple random starts meervoudige ewekansige beginpunte sampling. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures a multiple comparison test 'n meervoudige vergelykingstoets ESS multiple recapture census meervoudige hervangtelling capture-recapture methods vang-hervang-metodes Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: a sequential extension of the basic method provided recapture probabilities remain constant 'n sekwensiële uitbreiding van die basiese metode mits hervangwaarskynlikhede konstant bly ISI multiple record system meervoudige rekordstelsel demography. reject or proceed opeenvolgende steekproewe word geneem en na elkeen word besluit om te aanvaar. population models demografie. te verwerp of voort te gaan ESS multiple sampling plan meervoudige steekproefplan sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary multiple smoothing method meervoudige gladstrykmetode smoothing gladstryking extension of exponential smoothing . model building and selection regressie. meervoudige ewekansige steekproewe van die inskrywings van daardie matriks beraam word ESS multiple n. modelbou en -seleksie regression with more than one independent variable regressie met meer as een onafhanklike veranderlike ESS multiple regression analysis meervoudigeregressie-analise regression analysis regressieanalise ISI multiple sampling meervoudige steekproefneming sequential and multistage tests sekwensiële en meerstadiumtoetse successive samples are taken and at each stage a decision is made whether to accept. klassieke metodologie used in a form of systematic sampling with more than one element being selected in each cycle word in 'n vorm van sistematiese steekproefneming gebruik waar meer as een element in elke siklus geselekteer word multiple range test meervoudige variasiewydtetoets multiple comparisons.BrownMeyer uitbreiding van eksponensiaalgladstryking Brown-Meyer ISI multiple stratification meervoudige stratifikasie Definisie: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 224 . classical methodology steekproefneming.b. e.g.g. fisika en chemie yields a statistical basis for deciding if a physical separation between groups of objects exists. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary multiplier vermenigvuldiger mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary multiprocess Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: 225 . in archaeology lewer 'n statistiese basis om te besluit of daar 'n fisiese skeiding tussen groepe voorwerpe bestaan. eenrigting-ANOVA ESS multiserver queue meerbedienertou theory of queues toustaanteorie ESS multistage meerstadium sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary multistage estimation meerstadiumberaming estimation beraming ISI multistage sample meerstadiumsteekproef nested sample genestelde steekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary multistage sampling meerstadiumsteekproefneming nested sampling Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Definisie: multiplication vermenigvuldiging mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary multiplication principle vermenigvuldigingsbeginsel combinatorial analysis kombinatoriese analise counting rule used in probability theory telreël gebruik in waarskynlikheidsleer ESS multiplicative multiplikatief mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary multiplicative process multiplikatiewe proses branching process vertakkingsproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI multiplicity meervoudigheid linear algebra. bv. in argeologie ESS multisample problem meersteekproefprobleem analysis of variance variansieanalise e. physics and chemistry geostatistiek.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary multiple time series meervoudige tydreeks autoregressive and moving average processes outoregressiewe en bewegendegemiddeldeprosesse where the observed series is a vector waar die waargenome reeks 'n vektor is {Konteks: outoregressiewe en bewegendegemiddelde-prosesse} ESS multiple-choice question meervoudigekeuse-vraag veelvuldigekeuse-vraag. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. one-way ANOVA bv. meerkeusevraag educational statistics opvoedkundige statistiek ESS multiple-valued many-valued Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: multiproses general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary multipurpose meerdoelig general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary multiresponse permutation procedure <Full form> multirespons-permutasieprosedure <Volledige vorm> MRPP MRPP geostatistics. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. meervariaat random variables. verwagte waardes en parameters stochastic stogasties Statistical Dictionary multivariate analysis meerveranderlike analise meervariate analise random vectors and matrices stogastiese vektore en matrikse Statistical Dictionary multivariate analysis of variance <Full form> meerveranderlike variansieanalise <Volledige vorm> MANOVA. eugenetiek Statistical Dictionary multivalued many-valued multivalued decision veelwaardige beslissing hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ISI multivariable n. meerveranderlik mathematical methods wiskundige metodes deterministic Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: deterministies Statistical Dictionary multivariate adj. classical methodology steekproefneming. klassieke metodologie population subdivided according to two or more factors populasie volgens twee of meer faktore onderverdeel ESS multitemporal model dinamiese model dynamic model econometrics ekonometrie which takes time into acount wat tyd in berekening neem ISI multitype multitipe human genetics. analysis of dispersion MANOVA. eugenics menslike genetika. meerveranderlike mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary multivariate adj. dispersieanalise analysis of variance variansieanalise ESS multivariate beta distribution meerveranderlike betaverdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings extension of the beta distribution uitbreiding van die betaverdeling ESS multivariate binomial distribution meerveranderlike binomiaalverdeling multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings ISI multivariate confidence region meerveranderlike vertrouensgebied confidence regions vertrouensgebiede space containing unknown pararameters with given probabilities ruimte wat onbekende parameters met gegewe waarskynlikhede bevat multivariate continuous distribution meerveranderlike kontinue verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings multivariate counting process meerveranderlike telproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse collection of counting processes for two or more individuals versameling telprosesse vir twee of meer individue ESS English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 226 .Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: genestelde steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary multistate coherent system multitoestand-koherentestelsel reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing where there are more states than "functioning" and "failed" waar daar meer toestande is as "funksioneer" en "gefaal" ESS multistate model meertoestandmodel theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI multistratified sampling meervoudig-gestratifiseerde steekproefneming sampling. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. maar nie noodwendig meer as een parameter nie ISI multivariate time serie meerveranderlike tydreeks inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse multivariate unimodality meerveranderlike eentoppigheid probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings 227 .English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: multivariate data meervariate data graphical methods grafiese metodes ESS multivariate data set meerveranderlike datastel data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise multivariate discrete distribution meerveranderlike diskrete verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings multivariate distribution meerveranderlike verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary multivariate exponential distribution meerveranderlike eksponensiaalverdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings ISI multivariate fitness function meerveranderlike fiksheidsfunksie medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek relating fitness over time to measurable characteristics of individuals bring fiksheid oor tyd in verband met meetbare eienskappe van individue ESS multivariate graphics meerveranderlike grafika graphical methods grafiese metodes display data of several variables for groups or individuals datavoorstelling van verskeie veranderlikes vir groepe of individue ESS multivariate inverse hypergeometric distribution meerveranderlike inverse hipergeometriese verdeling negative factorial multinomial distribution multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings ISI multivariate L1-mean meerveranderlike L1-gemiddelde L. Hotelling's T2-test bv. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. verwagte waardes en parameters ISI multivariate multinomial distribution meerveranderlike multinomiaalverdeling multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings ISI multivariate multisample median test meerveranderlike meersteekproefmediaantoets non-parametric tests. but not necessarily more than one parameter behels meer as een veranderlike.and M-estimators L. vector process theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse involving more than one variable.en M-beramers ISI multivariate location test meerveranderlike lokaliteitstoets multiparameter hypothesis testing Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: meerparameterhipotesetoetsing e.g. rangtoetse. Hotelling se T2-toets ESS multivariate moment meerveranderlike moment joint moment. verdelingsvrye toetse ESS multivariate normal distribution meerveranderlike normaalverdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings extension of the univariate normal distribution uitbreiding van die eenveranderlike normaalverdeling ESS multivariate order statistics meerveranderlike ordestatistieke data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise when one or more elements of a vector are ordered according to size wanneer een of meer elemente van 'n vektor volgens grootte georden is ESS multivariate process meerveranderlike proses simultaneous process. rank tests. product moment random variables. zero English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: 228 .E.D. klassieke metodologie where no frequencies are prespecified except the overall total waar geen frekwensies behalwe die groottotaal gespesifiseer is nie ESS nature aard decision theory beslissingsteorie Statistical Dictionary naught nul nil. eugenics menslike genetika.en verwante prosesse in modelling noise in amplitude and frequency modulation by die modellering van geraas in amplitude. multinomial sampling multinomiaalsteekproefneming sampling. <Short form> normal equivalent deviate Napierian logarithm hyperbolic logarithm narrowband process noubandproses Gaussian and related processes Gauss.Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: of a vector-valued distribution with a single mode van 'n vektorwaardige verdeling met 'n enkele modus ESS mutual onderling probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary mutual exclusive sets disjoint sets mutually dependent interdependent mutually exclusive onderling uitsluitend probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary mutually exclusive events onderling uitsluitende gebeurtenisse classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie which cannot occur simultaneously in a single trial of a stochastic experiment wat nie gelyktydig in 'n enkele uitvoering van 'n stogastiese eksperiment kan plaasvind nie ESS mutually independent onderling onafhanklik probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary MVU estimator <Short form> MVO-beramer <Kort vorm> MVUE MVOB exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers ESS MVUE <Short form> minimum variance unbiased estimator. classical methodology steekproefneming. MVU estimator N. nought. eugenetiek concerning the relationship between variation and evolution hou verband met die verwantskap tussen variasie en ewolusie ESS naturalistic sampling naturalistiese steekproefneming cross-sectional sampling.en frekwensiemodulasie Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: ESS natural natuurlik mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary natural conjugate prior natuurlik-toegevoegde a priori-verdeling Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming to which values are assigned to form an informative prior waaraan waardes toegeken word om 'n inligtende a priori-verdeling te vorm ISI natural exponential family natuurlike eksponensiaalfamilie exponential families of distributions eksponensiaalfamilies van verdelings a subclass of exponential families 'n subklas van eksponensiaalfamilies ESS natural logarithm hyperbolic logarithm natural number natuurlike getal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary natural selection natuurlike seleksie human genetics. matrikse en vektore close to orthogonality na aan ortogonaliteit ESS nearest-neighbour estimation naastebuurpunt-beraming density estimation and related topics digtheidsberaming en verwante onderwerpe relies on information contained in one or more observations near a certain point steun op inligting vervat in een of meer waarnemings naby 'n sekere punt ESS nearest-neighbour method naastebuurmanmetode operations research operasionele navorsing nearest-neighbour method naastebuurpunt-metode cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie ESS nearest-neighbour point naaste buurpunt E-M algorithms. naastebuurmanmetodes Statistical Dictionary nearest-neighbour system naastebuurpunt-stelsel Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Markov processes in continuous time Markov-prosesse in kontinue tyd ESS nearly balanced design byna gebalanseerde ontwerp other designs of experiments ander ontwerpe van eksperimente with minimum imbalance when balance is attainable met minimum wanbalans wanneer balans nie haalbaar is nie ESS nearly best linear estimator byna beste lineêre beramer asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers using approximations for the problem of minimum variance maak gebruik van benaderings vir die minimumvariansieprobleem ISI necessary nodig general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary negative negatief general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary negative binomial distribution negatiewe binomiaalverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings of the number of Bernoulli trials necessary to obtain a given number of successes van die getal Bernoulli-pogings nodig om 'n bepaalde getal suksesse te verkry ESS negative factorial multinomial distribution negatiewe faktoriaalmultinomiaalverdeling multivariate inverse hypergeometric distribution multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings limiting form of multinomial distribution limietvorm van multinomiaalverdeling ISI negative hypergeometric distribution <Also known as inverse sampling> negatiewe hipergeometriese verdeling <Ook bekend as inverse steekproefneming> reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing 229 .Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: zero general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary naught cipher. nearest neighbour methods E-M-algoritmes. zero NBU distribution <Short form> new better than used distribution n-dimensional quadrature n-dimensionale kwadratuur n-dimensionele kwadratuur numerical analysis numeriese analise in the numerical approximation of integrals in two or more variables by die numeriese benadering van integrale in twee of meer veranderlikes ESS near naby data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary near orthogonality byna-ortogonaliteit linear algebra. nought. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. nil. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. kunsmatige intelligensie Statistical Dictionary network analysis netwerkanalise graph theory and combinatorics grafiekteorie en kombinatorika branch of graph theory afdeling van grafiekteorie ESS network information criterion <Full form> netwerkinligtingskriterium NIC estimation beraming ISI network of samples Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 230 . approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings. populasiemodelle ISI nested classification hierarchical classification nested design genestelde ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente in which levels of one factor appear only within a single level of another factor . population models demografie. groepdeelbare ontwerpe ESS neighbour point buurpunt mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary nested genestel split-plot. verwagte waardes en parameters ESS negative multinomial distribution negatiewe multinomiaalverdeling multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings extension of the negative binomial distribution uitbreiding van die negatiewe binomiaalverdeling ESS neglect veronagsaam ignoreer general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary negligible verwaarloosbaar probability distributions.opposite of crossed factors wanneer vlakke van een faktor slegs binne 'n enkele vlak van 'n ander faktor voorkom teenoorgestelde van kruisfaktore ISI nested hypothesis genestelde hipotese sequential and multistage tests sekwensiële en meerstadiumtoetse one of a broadening sequence een van 'n wyer wordende reeks ISI nested sample multistage sample nested sampling multistage sampling net correlation <Obsolescent> parsiële korrelasie partial correlation association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data ISI network netwerk neural networks. artificial intelligence neurale netwerke. nested and weighing designs splitperseel-.Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: analogue of the negative binomial distribution when sampling from a finite population without replacement analoog aan die negatiewe binomiaalverdeling by steekproefneming sonder terugplasing uit 'n eindige populasie ESS negative moment negatiewe moment moment of negative order moment van negatiewe orde random variables. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings Statistical Dictionary neighbour buurmathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary neighbour design buurontwerp block designs. genestelde en wegende ontwerpe Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: nested case-control studies genestelde gevallekontrolestudies demography. type A distribution NTA-verdeling. e. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. NTA distribution. white noise veralgemeende stogastiese prosesse. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures ISI next volgende general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary Neyman allocation Neyman-toedeling optimal sampling strategies optimale steekproefnemingstrategieë subsample numbers proportional to standard deviation deelsteekproefgetalle proporsioneel aan standaardafwyking ISI English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Neyman type A distribution Neyman Tipe A-verdeling double Poisson distribution. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. applications spesiale onderwerpe. animal. ekologiese en biologiese) populasies a form of chain referral sampling gebruik 'n ketting van verwysings ESS neural network neurale netwerk special topics. dierlike. ecological and biological) populations natuurlike (menslike. omgewings-. dubbel-Poisson-verdeling ecology and environmental statistics ekologie en omgewingstatistiek Neyman-Pearson lemma Neyman-Pearson-lemma test construction.g. bv. toepassings ISI neutral neutraal general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary new better than used distribution nuut-beter-as-gebruik-verdeling NBU distribution reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing a more general form of the increasing failure rate distribution 'n meer algemene vorm van die toenemendefalingskoers-verdeling ISI Newman-Keuls test Newman-Keuls-toets multiple comparisons. gebeurlikheidstabelle ESS nominal scale agreement nominale skaalooreenkoms association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data consistency of classification or judging of the same nominal data 231 . likelihood-based approach toetskonstruksie. witruis series of random disturbances reeks stogastiese versteurings ISI nominal nominaal actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde Statistical Dictionary nominal scale nominale skaal categorical data analysis. aanneemlikheidsgebaseerde benadering for finding the best critical region om die beste kritieke gebied te vind ISI n-factorial factorial n NIC network information criterion nil naught nine-point scale negepuntskaal stanine stanege psychometrics psigometrie a standardised score used in psychometric testing 'n gestandaardiseerde telling in psigometriese toetsing ESS noise ruis generalised stochastic processes. environmental.Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: steekproefnetwerk interpenetrating samples interpenetrerende steekproewe sampling steekproefneming ISI network sampling netwerksteekproefneming natural (human. Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: die konsekwentheid van klassifikasie of beoordeling van dieselfde nominale data ESS nominal variable nominale veranderlike association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data coded to distinguish between categories gekodeer om tussen kategorieë te onderskei ESS nomination sampling nominasiesteekproefneming association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data a two-step process for estimating a population quantile 'n proses met twee stappe vir die beraming van 'n populasiekwantiel ESS nominee genomineerde association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data sample quantile corresponding to required population quantile in nomination sampling steekproefkwantiel wat met die verlangde populasiekwantiel in nominasiesteekproefneming ooreenstem ESS nomogram nomogram graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary non-additive nieadditief general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary non-additive probability nieadditiewe waarskynlikheid slanted probability <Note: obsolete> subjective probability theory subjektiewe waarskynlikheidsteorie where axiom of additivity does not apply waar additiwiteitsaksioma nie geld nie ESS non-additivity nieadditiwiteit general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary non-adherence Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: non-compliance non-central niesentraal probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary non-central chi-square distribution niesentrale chi-kwadraatverdeling non-central distributions niesentrale verdelings of the sum of squares of independent normal random variables with non-zero means and unit variances van die som van kwadrate van onafhanklike normaalverdeelde stogastiese veranderlikes met nienulgemiddeldes en eenheidsvariansies {Konteks: niesentrale verdelings} ESS non-central confidence interval niesentrale vertrouensinterval estimation beraming ISI non-central distribution niesentrale verdeling sampling distributions steekproefverdelings non-central F-distribution niesentrale F-verdeling non-central distributions niesentrale verdelings of the ratio of independent non-central and central chi-square random variables van die verhouding van onafhanklike niesentrale en sentrale chi-kwadraat stogastiese veranderlikes {Konteks: niesentrale verdelings} ESS non-central multivariate beta distribution niesentrale meerveranderlike betaverdeling sampling distributions steekproefverdelings ISI non-central multivariate F-distribution niesentrale meerveranderlike F-verdeling sampling distributions steekproefverdelings ISI non-central t-distribution niesentrale t-verdeling non-central distributions niesentrale verdelings a special case of the noncentral F-distribution. the ratio of a normal random variable with nonzero mean and unit standard deviation and the square root of an independent chi-square scaled by its degrees of freedom 'n spesiale geval van die niesentrale F-verdeling. die verhouding van 'n normaal stogastiese Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: 232 . Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie. 'n model met nie-ewekansige behandelings ESS non-formation inligtingloos probability theory.v. Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary non-dominance niedominansie Pareto optimality Pareto-optimaliteit decision theory beslissingsteorie in multiple criteria decision making in meervoudigekriteria-besluitneming ESS non-experimental inference nie-eksperimentele inferensie Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: econometrics ekonometrie in context of a model with non-random treatments i.g.m.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: veranderlike met nienulgemiddelde en eenheidsvariansie tot die vierkantswortel van 'n onafhanklike chi-kwadraat gedeel deur sy vryheidsgrade ESS non-centrality parameter niesentraliteitsparameter probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary non-circular correlation oopreekskorrelasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary non-compliance nienakoming non-adherence quality and process control kwaliteits. vir 'n verhouding van twee populasieparameters ESS 233 . Bayes-benadering Statistical Dictionary non-formative nie-inligtend non-informative probability theory.en proseskontrole departure from specification afwyking vanaf spesifikasie ESS non-continuous discontinuous non-cooperative game niekoöperatiewe spel game theory spelteorie ESS non-decreasing nieafnemend mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary non-destructive testing nievernietigende toetsing quality and process control kwaliteits. for a ratio of two population parameters bv. Bayes-benadering Statistical Dictionary non-hierarchical clustering niehiërargiese trosvorming cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie new clusters are obtained by both combining and dividing old clusters nuwe trosse word deur die samevoeging en verdeling van ou trosse verkry ESS non-ignorable non-response nie-ignoreerbare nie-respons sampling steekproefneming ISI non-informative non-formative non-integral nieheeltallig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary non-linear nielineêr nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie Statistical Dictionary non-linear correlation nielineêre korrelasie association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary non-linear estimator nielineêre beramer e.en proseskontrole ISI non-conformity niekonformiteit quality and process control kwaliteits. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. gebeurlikheidstabelle ESS non-negative integers nienegatiewe heelgetalle univariate discrete distributions English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings non-normal nienormaal probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary non-normal population nienormaalpopulasie general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek ISI non-normality nienormaliteit probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary non-null nienul non-zero probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary non-null distribution nienulverdeling hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary non-null hypothesis nienulhipotese hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ISI non-observable error niewaarneembare fout generalised linear models veralgemeende lineêre modelle sometimes used for the error term of the general linear model soms gebruik vir die foutterm van die algemene lineêre model ESS non-orthogonal nie-ortogonaal design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary non-orthogonal data nie-ortogonale data association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid ISI non-orthogonal design nie-ortogonale ontwerp other designs of experiments ander ontwerpe van eksperimente 234 .Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: non-linear filtering nielineêre filtrering inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse ESS non-linear least-squares nielineêre kleinste kwadrate nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie ARMA models. optimisation ARMA-modelle. optimering ESS non-linear model nielineêre model non-linear models nielineêre modelle which is not a linear expression of the parameters wat nie 'n lineêre uitdrukking van die parameters is nie ESS non-linear optimisation nielineêre optimering optimisation optimering Statistical Dictionary non-linear programming nielineêre programmering mathematical programming wiskundige programmering ESS nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie curved regression regression analysis regressieanalise non-linear renewal theory nielineêre hernuwingsteorie renewal theory and processes hernuwingsteorie en -prosesse in random walks by stogastiese bewegings ESS non-linearity nielineariteit nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie Statistical Dictionary non-metric data niemetriese data categorical data analysis. bv.Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: in contrast to orthogonal design in teenstelling met ortogonale ontwerp ESS non-parametric nieparametries non-parametric tests. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary non-parametric confidence intervals nieparametriese vertrouensintervalle estimation beraming ISI non-parametric delta method nieparametriese deltametode estimation beraming ISI non-parametric estimation nieparametriese beraming estimation beraming non-parametric maximum likelihood nieparametriese maksimumaanneemlikheid non-parametric estimation nieparametriese beraming ISI non-parametric method nieparametriese metode distribution-free method verdelingsvrye metode general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek which holds for a wide class of distributions wat geldig is vir 'n wye klas van verdelings ESS non-parametric regression nieparametriese regressie regression analysis regressieanalise where less restrictive assumptions apply regarding the model and the distribution of the error term. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rank tests. rangtoetse.o. lat. e.v.en kernfunksies ESS non-parametric statistics nieparametriese statistiek non-parametrics general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek using minimal assumptions about the underlying distributions Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: gebruik minimum aannames aangaande die onderliggende verdelings ESS non-parametric test nieparametriese toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary non-parametric tolerance interval statistical tolerance interval non-parametric tolerance limits nieparametriese toleransiegrense statistical tolerance intervals statistiese toleransie-intervalle ESS non-parametrics non-parametric statistics non-probability sampling niewaarskynlikheidsteekproefneming sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary non-random sample nie-ewekansige steekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary non-recurrent niewederkerend Markov chains Markov-kettings Statistical Dictionary non-recurrent state oorgangstoestand transient state Markov chains Markov-kettings Statistical Dictionary non-recursive residual nierekursiewe residu change-point model and signal detection veranderingspuntmodel en seinopsporing ISI non-regular niereëlmatig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary non-replicated niegerepliseer design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary non-respondent Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: 235 . die model en die verdeling van die foutterm geld. spline and kernel functions waar minder beperkende aannames t.g. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. normit normaalekwivalentdeviaat univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings the argument of the standard normal distribution function corresponding to a given probability die argument van die standaardnormaalverdelingsfunksie wat met 'n gegewe waarskynlikheid ooreenstem Statistical Dictionary Definisie: Source Publication: 236 . matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary non-singular distribution niesinguliere verdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings ISI non-stationarity niestasionariteit stationary processes stasionêre prosesse in contrast to stationarity in teenstelling met stasionariteit ESS non-stationary niestasionêr stationary processes stasionêre prosesse Statistical Dictionary non-stationary process evolutionary process non-stationary time series niestasionêre tydreeks stationary processes stasionêre prosesse failing one or more conditions for stationarity wat nie aan een of meer vereistes van stasionariteit voldoen nie ESS English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: non-terminating nimmereindigend mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary non-zero non-null norm n.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: nierespondent non-sampling problems. normeer linear algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. norm linear algebra. nierespons Statistical Dictionary non-response nierespons nieresponsie sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary non-sampling error niesteekproeffout sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary non-sampling problem niesteekproefnemingsprobleem sampling steekproefneming nonsense correlation onsinnige korrelasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary non-singular niesingulier linear algebra. non-response niesteekproefnemingsprobleme. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary normal normaal univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary normal approximation normaalbenadering univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary normal curve normaalkromme univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary normal density normaaldigtheid univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary normal density function normaaldigtheidsfunksie univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings ESS normal deviate normaaldeviaat normal equivalent deviate. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary norm v. English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: normal dispersion <See Lexis ratio> normaaldispersie <Kyk Lexis-verhouding> quality and process control kwaliteits. N. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes.en proseskontrole ISI normal distribution Gauss distribution normal equation standard equation normal equivalent deviate normal deviate.E. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary normal variate normaalveranderlike random variables. rangtoetse. rank tests. verwagte waardes en parameters ESS normal-gamma prior normaalgamma-prior Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming a normal conditional prior for the mean and an inverted gamma marginal prior for the standard deviation 'n normaal. normaaldeviaat clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings the argument of the standard normal distribution function corresponding to a given probability ie argument van die standaardnormaalverdelingsfunksie wat met 'n gegewe waarskynlikheid ooreenstem ESS normal extreme normaalekstreem extreme value distributions ekstreemwaardeverdelings extreme value from a normal sample ekstreme waarde uit 'n normaalsteekproef ESS normal inspection normale inspeksie quality and process control kwaliteits. N.voorwaardelike prior vir die gemiddelde en 'n inverse gamma-randprior vir die standaardafwyking ESS normalisation normalisering general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary normalisation of frequency function normalisering van frekwensiefunksie transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes ISI normalisation of scores normalisering van tellings social sciences sosiale wetenskappe ISI normalise v. normit normal equivalent deviate <see probit> normaalekwivalentdeviaat <kyk probit> normal deviate..en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary normal law normaalwet univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary normal law of errors normaalfoutewet Laplace's second law of errors Laplace se tweede foutewet univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings historical name for normal distribution historiese naam vir die normaalverdeling ESS normal plot normaalstipping graphical methods grafiese metodes normal probability curve normaalwaarskynlikheidskromme Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary normal probability paper normaalgrafiekpapier normaalwaarskynlikheidspapier univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary normal score normaaltelling normaalwaardetoekenning general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary normal scores test normaaltellingstoets non-parametric tests. Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 237 .E.D. normit.D. g. maar onbekend Statistical Dictionary nuisance variable hinderveranderlike lastige veranderlike association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid which may lead to spurious correlation if not controlled. e. naught. fisika en chemie Statistical Dictionary nuisance factor hinderfaktor general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary nuisance function <see nuisance variable> hinderfunksie estimation beraming ESS nuisance parameter hinderparameter lastige parameter estimation beraming essential for estimating or testing but unknown noodsaaklik vir beraming of toetsing. null English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: n-point method n-puntmetode numerical analysis numeriese analise a form of numerical integration 'n vorm van numeriese integrasie ESS NTA distribution <short form> NTA-verdeling<kort vorm> Neyman Type A distribution Neyman Tipe-A-verdeling.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: normaliseer general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary normalising transformation normaliserende transformasie normaliseringstransformasie transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes function of a variable which transforms its distribution to "nearly" normal form funksie van 'n veranderlike wat sy verdeling tot byna-normaalvorm transformeer ESS normality normaliteit univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary normally distributed normaalverdeel univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings Statistical Dictionary normed sum genormeerde som general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary norming normering linear algebra. normal equivalent deviate normaaldeviaat clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings the argument of the standard normal distribution function corresponding to a given probability ie argument van die standaardnormaalverdelingsfunksie wat met 'n gegewe waarskynlikheid ooreenstem ESS notation notasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary nought cipher. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. Neyman Tipe Averdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ESS nugget effect gelukskooteffek geostatistics. bv. zero zero data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise null array Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: 238 . matrikse en vektore determining the norm of a matrix bepaling van die norm van 'n matriks ESS normit <see probit> normaalekwivalentdeviaat <kyk probit> normal deviate. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. by matched sampling wat na vals korrelasie kan lei indien nie beheer nie. deur gepaarde steekproefneming ESS null nul nought. getal infeksietal. nommer aftel general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek in a row in 'n ry Statistical Dictionary number n. nommer aftel general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary numerable telbaar combinatorial analysis kombinatoriese analise Statistical Dictionary numeracy syfervaardigheid general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek ability to deal with numerical information vermoë om numeriese inligting te hanteer ESS numeral telwoord mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary numerate syfervaardig general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek numerator teller mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary numerical numeries mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary numerical analysis numeriese analise numerical analysis numeriese analise Statistical Dictionary numerical integration numeriese integrasie numerical analysis numeriese analise 239 . ongelukstal. tal general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek a known amount Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 'n bepaalde aantal Statistical Dictionary number theory getalleteorie number theory getalleteorie Statistical Dictionary number v. aantal general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek an unknown amount 'n onbepaalde getal Statistical Dictionary number n.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: nulskikking mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary null distribution nulverdeling null distributions of test statistics nulverdelings van toetsstatistieke Statistical Dictionary null hypothesis nulhipotese hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary null recurrent nulwederkerend theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary null recurrent state nulwederkerende toestand theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse null set nulversameling theory of sets versamelingsteorie Statistical Dictionary null state nultoestand theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary number n. gebeurlikheidstabelle Statistical Dictionary observer effect waarnemereffek psychometrics psigometrie Statistical Dictionary observer reliability waarnemersbetroubaarheid association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data extent to which different observers or judges produce identical results die mate waarin verskillende waarnemers of beoordelaars identiese resultate produseer ESS obtain verkry 240 .Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: where exact or algebraic integration is not possible waar presiese of algebraïese integrasie nie moontlik is nie ESS numerical taxonomy cluster analysis nuptiality huweliksverband demography. populasiemodelle ESS O statistics O-statistieke estimation beraming derived from randomised order statistics van verewekansigde ordestatistieke afgelei ISI OAR observed at random objective doel general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary objective function doelfunksie mathematical programming wiskundige programmering Statistical Dictionary oblimax oblimaks factor analysis faktoranalise a method of oblique factor rotation 'n skuinsfaktorrotasiemetode ISI oblique skuins skeef factor analysis faktoranalise Statistical Dictionary oblique factor skuinsfaktor factor analysis faktoranalise Statistical Dictionary observable waarneembaar factor analysis faktoranalise Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: observable variable waarneembare veranderlike regression analysis regressieanalise ISI observation waarneming general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary observation error error of observation observational error waarnemingsfout general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek observational study waarnemingstudie regression analysis regressieanalise observe waarneem general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary observed at random<Full form> ewekansig waargeneem <Volledige vorm> OAR general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek observed frequency waargenome frekwensie categorical data analysis. population models demografie. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI official statistics amptelike statistiek official statistics amptelike statistiek ISI ogive ogief Galton ogive Galton-ogief general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary OLS <Short form> ordinary least squares omega omega general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary omega distribution omegaverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings having the Laplace. logistic and uniform distributions as special cases wat die Laplace-.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary OC <Short form> operating characteristic occupancy distribution besettingsverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings of the number of occupied cells van die getal besette selle ESS occupancy problem besettingsprobleem combinatorial problems kombinatoriese probleme dealing with the number of objects falling in particular cells handel oor die getal voorwerpe wat in spesifieke selle val ESS occupational classification beroepsklassifikasie psychometrics psigometrie Statistical Dictionary occurrence voorkoms general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary octile oktiel general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary octile interval oktielinterval general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary odd onewe mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary odds kansverhouding probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary odds ratio <see also relative risk> Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: relatiewe kansverhouding <kyk ook relatiewe risiko> categorical data analysis. logistiese en uniforme verdelings as spesiale gevalle het ESS omega square test omegakwadraat-toets Cramér-Von Mises test Cramér-von Mises-toets goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse for the difference between an observed and hypothetical distribution vir die verskil tussen 'n waargenome en hipotetiese verdeling ISI omissible weglaatbaar general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary omit buite rekening laat weglaat general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek 241 . g. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. where measurement is repeated for each observation bv.sigmareël estimation beraming indicates extent of rounding to be applied to estimates dui die omvang van afronding aan wat op beramings toegepas word ESS one-to-one biunique one-to-one correspondence een-eenduidige ooreenkoms mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary one-way analysis of variance eenrigtingvariansieanalise analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary one-way classification eenrigtingklassifikasie analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary one-way layout eenrigtinguitleg completely randomised design volledige ewekansige ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente allocation of treatments based purely on chance toedeling van behandelings suiwer op kans gebaseer ESS one-wild distribution eenuitskieter-verdeling simulation. waar meting vir elke waarneming herhaal word ESS one-one biunique one-parameter case eenparametergeval estimation beraming one-sample location problem eensteekproef-lokaliteitsprobleem estimation beraming concerning the centrality parameter of a distribution het betrekking op die sentraliteitsparameter van 'n verdeling ESS one-sample problem eensteekproefprobleem hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary one-shot case study eenmalige gevallestudie biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde Statistical Dictionary one-sided eenkantig single-tailed hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary one-sided test Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: eenkantige toets single-tailed test.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Statistical Dictionary omnibus test omvattende toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary one-armed bandit eenslingerdobbeloutomaat classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie one-dimensional eendimensionaal data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise one-fold nested error structure enkelvoudiggenestelde foutstruktuur analysis of variance variansieanalise e. Monte Carlo-metodes a standard normal distribution with one observation having the same mean and variance of hundred 'n standaardnormaalverdeling wat een waarneming met dieselfde gemiddelde en variansie van honderd het Definisie: 242 . asymmetrical test asimmetriese toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary one-stage sampling eenstadiumsteekproefneming unit stage sampling sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary one-third sigma rule eenderde. hoek. sy Statistical Dictionary 243 . angle.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary operating characteristic function operating characteristic operation bewerking general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary operational research operations research Statistical Dictionary operations research operasionele navorsing operational research operations research operasionele navorsing operator operator mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary opinion poll meningspeiling opinion survey meningsopname market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling ESS opinion research meningspeiling sampling steekproefneming opinion survey opinion poll opposing hypothesis opponerende hipotese hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary opposite teenoorstaande mathematical methods wiskundige metodes e. side bv. performance characteristic quality and process control kwaliteits.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: op and Op notation op. open interval. open class interval oop interval general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary open-ended question oopantwoordvraag open question psychometrics psigometrie Statistical Dictionary open-ended table oopeindintervaltabel general methodology and philosophy of statistics Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary operating characteristic <Full form> keuringsfunksie OC. operating characteristic function.en Op-notasie convergence in probability konvergensie in waarskynlikheid give orders of convergence gee ordes van konvergensie ISI open class oop klas open-ended class oop interval general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary open class interval oopklasinterval open-ended class empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ISI open interval oop interval oop klas mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary open question oopvraag open-ended question market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling ISI open sequential scheme oop sekwensiële skema sampling steekproefneming ISI open-ended class oop klas open class.g. om vereiste presisie te lewer ESS optimal sampling strategy Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: optimale steekproefnemingstrategie sampling steekproefneming optimal search optimale soek operations research operasionele navorsing optimal spacing problem optimale spasiëringsprobleem estimation beraming determining the quantiles required to estimate the population parameters bepaling van die kwantiele benodig om die populasieparameters te beraam ESS optimal stochastic control optimale stogastiese beheer quality and process control kwaliteits.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: optimal optimaal searching methods.g. optimal search soekmetodes. to yield precision required bv. optimale soek Statistical Dictionary optimal allocation optimale toedeling optimal sampling strategies optimale steekproefnemingstrategieë of a sample van 'n steekproef Statistical Dictionary optimal asymptotic test locally asymptotically most powerful test optimal coding optimale kodering regression analysis regressieanalise optimal decision function optimal decision rule optimal decision rule optimale beslissingsreël optimal decision function optimale beslissingsfunksie decision theory beslissingsteorie which maximises the expected reward for taking a particular decision wat die verwagte wins van 'n bepaalde besluit maksimeer ESS optimal grouping optimale groepering empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe the 'ideal' number of groups for grouped data die 'ideale' getal groepe vir gegroepeerde data ESS optimal prediction optimale voorspelling prediction in regression voorspelling in regressie which minimises expected loss associated with a prediction wat die verwagte verlies minimeer wat met 'n voorspelling gepaard gaan ESS optimal sample size optimale steekproefgrootte optimal sampling strategies optimale steekproefnemingstrategieë e.en proseskontrole providing a strategy to control quality verskaf 'n strategie om kwaliteit te beheer ESS optimal stopping problem optimale stopprobleem theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse optimal stopping rule optimale stopreël sequential and multistage tests sekwensiële en meerstadiumtoetse which maximises the expected reward based on values observed up to the point of stopping wat die verwagte wins maksimeer op grond van waardes wat tot by die stoppunt verkry is ESS optimal test optimale toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary optimality optimaliteit hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary optimality of design ontwerpoptimaliteit design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI optimisation optimering mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary 244 . van 'n matriks Statistical Dictionary order n. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. optimum mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary optimum statistic optimale statistiek best estimator beste beramer exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers ISI optimum stratification optimale stratifikasie optimal sampling strategies optimale steekproefnemingstrategieë determination of stratum boundaries to optimise some given criterion bepaling van stratumgrense om 'n gegewe kriterium te optimeer ESS optimum test optimale toets exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse ISI option opsie martingales and semi-martingales martingale en semimartingale Statistical Dictionary optional opsioneel martingales and semi-martingales martingale en semimartingale Statistical Dictionary optional sampling opsionele steekproefneming Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: game theory spelteorie knowledge of previous games does not influence gambler's gain kennis van vorige spelle beïnvloed nie dobbelaar se wins nie ESS orbit baan decision theory beslissingsteorie e. volgorde combinatorial problems kombinatoriese probleme Statistical Dictionary order of coefficients orde van koëffisiënte association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data number of independent variates held constant in partial correlation getal onafhanklike veranderlikes wat in parsiële korrelasie konstant gehou word ISI order of interaction orde van interaksie factorial designs. of a matrix. orde dimension dimensie probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary order n. optimum mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary optimum allocation optimale toedeling optimal sampling strategies optimale steekproefnemingstrategieë the allocation of sample units to maximise some desirable quantity die toedeling van steekproefeenhede om een of ander verlangde grootheid te maksimeer ESS optimum linear predictor optimale lineêre voorspeller theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI optimum n. dimension bv. ortogonale skikkings ISI order of stationarity orde van stasionariteit stationary processes stasionêre prosesse analogous to order of moments analoog aan orde van momente ISI order statistic 245 .g.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: optimum adj. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. 'n invariansielokus ESS order orde dimension linear algebra.g. a locus of invariance bv. matrikse en vektore e. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI ordered statistic ordestatistiek order statistic sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary orderly stationary point process geordende stasionêre puntproses orderly stationary point process reguliere stasionêre puntproses point processes puntprosesse Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: ISI order-restricted inference ordebeperkte inferensie estimation .Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: ordestatistiek ordered statistic sampling distributions steekproefverdelings order v.other parametric methods beraming . contingency tables kategoriese data-analise.ander parametriese metodes when it is believed a priori that the parameters satisfy certain order restrictions waar a priori geglo word dat die parameters aan sekere ordebeperkings voldoen ESS ordinal ordinaal empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele Statistical Dictionary ordinal data ordinale data empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele Statistical Dictionary ordinal scale ordinale skaal ranking scale empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele Statistical Dictionary ordinary least squares <Full form> gewone kleinste kwadrate <Volledige vorm> OLS GKK least squares methods kleinstekwadratemetodes Statistical Dictionary ordinate ordinaat graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary ordination ordinasie principal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise reduction of dimensionality vermindering van dimensionaliteit ISI organic correlation organiese korrelasie biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde of measurements made on various parts of a living organism van metings wat op verskeie dele van 'n lewende organisme gemaak is ISI origin oorsprong graphical methods 246 . orden combinatorial problems kombinatoriese probleme Statistical Dictionary ordered georden combinatorial problems kombinatoriese probleme Statistical Dictionary ordered alternative hypothesis geordende alternatiewe hipotese ranking and selection rangordening en seleksie a generalisation of the one-sided alternative in the two-sample problem 'n veralgemening van die eenkantige alternatief in die tweesteekproefprobleem ESS ordered alternatives geordende alternatiewe combining and comparing tests kombinering en vergelyking van toetse Statistical Dictionary ordered categorisation geordende kategorisering categorical data analysis. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI ordered pairs geordende pare mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary ordered series geordende reeks univariate time series. to form a Graeco-Latin square by superimposing one Latin square onto another bv. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary orthogonal variable transformation ortogonale veranderlike transformasie transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes ISI orthogonality English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 247 . orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra.g. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary orthogonal array ortogonale uitleg hypercube ortogonale skikking factorial designs. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings used to construct expansions of probability distributions gebruik om uitbreidings van waarskynlikheidsverdelingsfunksies te vorm ESS orthogonal function Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: ortogonale funksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes ISI orthogonal matrix ortogonale matriks linear algebra. ortogonale skikkings a generalisation of orthogonal squares 'n veralgemening van ortogonale vierkante ESS orthogonal contrast ortogonale kontras analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary orthogonal decomposition ortogonale ontbinding analysis of variance variansieanalise Cochran's theorem on quadratic forms Cochran se stelling oor kwadratiese vorms ESS orthogonal design ortogonale ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente where the control factors are placed orthogonally in the design space waar die kontrolefaktore ortogonaal geplaas is in die ontwerpruimte ESS orthogonal expansion ortogonale ontwikkeling probability distributions. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary orthogonal polynomial ortogonale polinoom analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary orthogonal process ortogonale proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI orthogonal projection ortogonale projeksie least squares methods kleinstekwadratemetodes ISI orthogonal regression ortogonale regressie least squares methods kleinstekwadratemetodes ISI orthogonal square ortogonale vierkant classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie e. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary orthant probability ortante waarskynlikheid probability on algebraic and topological structures waarskynlikheid van algebraïese en topologiese strukture of observations falling into a particular orthant van waarnemings wat in 'n besondere ortant val ISI orthogonal ortogonaal linear algebra. om 'n Grieks-Latynse vierkant te vorm deur een Latynse vierkant op 'n ander te superponeer orthogonal tests ortogonale toetse independent tests onafhanklike toetse hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ISI orthogonal transformation ortogonale transformasie linear algebra. approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary outgoing quality level uitgaande kwaliteitspeil quality and process control kwaliteits. modelbou en -seleksie ISI overall algeheel general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary overall coverage algehele dekking statistical tolerance intervals statistiese toleransie-intervalle Statistical Dictionary overall estimate algehele beraming estimation beraming for a whole population or from the full sample vir 'n hele populasie of uit die hele steekproef ISI 248 .en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: outlier uitskieter maverick regression analysis regressieanalise outlier-prone distribution uitskietergeneigde verdeling likely to produce outliers geneig om uitskieters voort te bring outlier-resistant distribution uitskieterbestande verdeling which is not outlier-prone wat nie uitskietergeneig is nie ESS outlying observation uitskieterwaarneming regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary output uitvoer computers and operating systems rekenaars en bedryfstelsels Statistical Dictionary output uitset general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek general algemeen Statistical Dictionary over identification <See model identifiability> ooridentifikasie <Kyk modelidentifiseerbaarheid> regression. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary orthonormal set ortonormale stel ortonormale versameling linear algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: ortogonaliteit linear algebra. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI oscillatory process ossillerende proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI outcome uitkoms probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary outcome space uitkomsruimte probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary outer product uitwendige produk vector product vektorproduk linear algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. matrikse en vektore which is orthogonal and normalised wat ortogonaal en genormaliseer is ESS orthonormal system <See orthogonal polynomials> ortonormale stelsel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes ISI oscillation ossillasie univariate time series. model building and selection regressie. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary orthonormal ortonormaal linear algebra. use of complex designs analitiese studies van opnames. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. gebruik van komplekse ontwerpe ISI overcoverage oormatige dekking statistical tolerance intervals statistiese toleransie-intervalle Statistical Dictionary overdispersion oormatige dispersie random variables.English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: overall mean grand mean overall sampling fraction algehele steekproeffraksie analytic studies of surveys. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary overlap oorvleuel general methodology and philosophy of statistics Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary overlap design <see serial design> oorvleuelingsontwerp <kyk reeksontwerp> quality and process control kwaliteits. model building and selection regressie. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary overgraduation oorgraduering smoothing gladstryking where the graduated values agree with the observed values too closely waar die gegradueerde waardes te veel met die waargenome waardes ooreenkom ESS overidentified oorgeïdentifiseer regression.en proseskontrole ISI overlapping coefficient oorvleuelingskoëffisiënt oorslagkoëffisiënt probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings the common area under two probability functions die gemeenskaplike oppervlakte onder twee waarskynlikheidsfunksies ESS overlapping sampling units oorvleuelende steekproefeenhede sampling steekproefneming ISI overmatching oormatige afparing biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde Statistical Dictionary oversampling oormatige steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary overtake verbysteek overtaking verbysteking queues toue customers in a queue klante in 'n tou ESS overtaking overtake p* formula Barndorff-Nielsen's formula Paasche's index Paasche se indeks indexes indekse using current period weights gebruik huidigetydperk-gewigte ISI package pakket computer software rekenaarsagteware 249 . model building and selection regressie. verwagte waardes en parameters ISI overestimate oorberaam estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary overestimate oorskat general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek non-technichal nietegnies Statistical Dictionary overfitting oormatige passing regression. pair t-test hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing for differences in paired measurements vir verskille tussen gepaarde metings ESS paired values gepaarde waardes association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid paired-difference experiment gepaardeverskil-eksperiment design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI pairing off matching pairwise paarsgewys probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Statistical Dictionary pairwise comparisons paarsgewyse vergelykings market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary pairwise independence paarsgewyse onafhanklikheid independence of random variables onafhanklikheid van stogastiese veranderlikes each pair of a set of variables is independent. maar dit impliseer nie onderlinge onafhanklikheid nie ESS Palm's overflow system Palm se oorvloeistelsel theory of queues toustaanteorie general type of network algemene tipe netwerk ESS panel paneel market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary panel data paneeldata longitudinal data longitudinale data social sciences sosiale wetenskappe resulting from panel surveys wat uit paneelopnames voortspruit ESS panel survey paneelopname longitudinal survey longitudinale opname market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling the same sample of units is observed two or more times dieselfde steekproef van eenhede word twee of meer keer waargeneem ESS parabola parabool mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary parabolic rule paraboliese reël Simpson's rule Simpson se reël numerical analysis Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: 250 . meervoudige beslissingsprosedures Statistical Dictionary paired data gepaarde data hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary paired measurements gepaarde metings association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid paired observations gepaarde waarnemings hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary paired t-test gepaarde t-toets matched pair t-test.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Statistical Dictionary pair matching afparing in pare hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary pair off match pair t-test paired t-test paired comparisons gepaarde vergelykings multiple comparisons. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. but it does not imply mutual independence elke paar van 'n versameling veranderlikes is onafhanklik. Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: numeriese analise in integration in integrasie ESS parabolic trend paraboliese tendens univariate time series, estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse, beraming Statistical Dictionary paradox paradoks general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary parallel ewewydig parallel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary parallel line assay parallellynessai biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde Statistical Dictionary parallelism ewewydigheid parallelisme mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary parallelism test ewewydigheidstoets analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary parameter parameter probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary parameter of location location parameter parameter of scale skaalparameter scale parameter random variables, expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes, verwagte waardes en parameters ISI parameter orthogonality parameterortogonaliteit regression analysis regressieanalise English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: parameter point parameterpunt probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings ISI parameter space parameterruimte probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary parameter-free inference parametervrye inferensie hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing using derived distributions which are not dependent on all parameters wat afgeleide verdelings gebruik wat nie van alle parameters afhanklik is nie ESS parameterisation parameterisasie probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary parameterise v. parameteriseer probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary parametric parametries estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary parametric hypothesis parametriese hipotese hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary parametric programming parametriese programmering mathematical programming wiskundige programmering where some coefficients of a model are allowed to change continuously as functions of the same parameter waar sommige van die koëffisiënte van 'n model toegelaat word om kontinu te verander as funksies van dieselfde parameter ESS parent distribution verwysingsverdeling reference distribution estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary Pareto distribution Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 251 Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Pareto-verdeling extreme value distributions ekstreemwaardeverdelings especially of income veral van inkomste ISI Pareto index alpha index Pareto optimality non-dominance parity distribution pariteitsverdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary parity index pariteitsindeks empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary parsimonious spaarsaam regression, model building and selection regressie, modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary parsimony spaarsaamheid regression, model building and selection regressie, modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary part gedeelte deel, breuk general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary part correlation semiparsiële korrelasie semi-partial correlation association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary partial parsieel general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary partial analysis parsiële analise general methodology and philosophy of statistics Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary partial association parsiële assosiasie categorical data analysis, contingency tables kategoriese data-analise, gebeurlikheidstabelle Statistical Dictionary partial autocorrelation parsiële outokorrelasie univariate time series, estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse, beraming Statistical Dictionary partial comparisons parsiële vergelykings multiple comparisons, multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings, meervoudige beslissingsprosedures Statistical Dictionary partial confounding parsiële strengeling partial entanglement, partial entangling design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary partial contingency parsiële gebeurlikheid association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary partial correlation net correlation partial correlation coefficient coefficient of partial correlation partial correlation ratio parsiële korrelasieverhouding association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary partial correlogram parsiële korrelogram univariate time series, classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse, klassifikasie en identifikasie partial covariance parsiële kovariansie association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 252 English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: partial determination parsiële bepaaldheid parsiële bepaling regression analysis regressieanalise partial differential equation parsiële differensiaalvergelyking mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary partial differentiation parsiële differensiasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary partial entanglement partial confounding partial entangling partial confounding partial fraction parsiële breuk mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary partial integration integration by parts partial least squares parsiële kleinste kwadrate PLS least squares methods kleinstekwadratemetodes used in the analysis of large data-rich systems, e.g. path analysis gebruik in die ontleding van groot dataryke stelsels, bv. roete-analise ESS partial likelihood parsiële aanneemlikheid test construction, likelihood-based approach toetskonstruksie, aanneemlikheidsgebaseerde benadering for making inferences in the presence of many nuisance parameters and allowing for reduction of the dimensionality om inferensie te doen in die teenwoordigheid van baie hinderparameters en die dimensionaliteit te verminder ESS partial range quasi-range partial rank correlation parsiële rangkorrelasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid partial regression Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: parsiële regressie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary partial replacement <Note: see rotation sampling> gedeeltelike vervanging <kyk rotasiesteekproefneming> sampling steekproefneming in successive sampling in opeenvolgende steekproefneming ISI partial replication fractional replication partial serial correlation parsiële reekskorrelasie univariate time series, classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse, klassifikasie en identifikasie partial sum parsiële som mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary partially balanced arrays gedeeltelik-gebalanseerde skikkings design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary partially balanced incomplete block design gedeeltelik-gebalanseerde onvolledige blokontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary partially balanced lattice gedeeltelik-gebalanseerde rooster design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary partially balanced lattice square gedeeltelik-gebalanseerde roostervierkant design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary partially balanced linked block design gedeeltelik-gebalanseerde aaneengeskakelde blokontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI partially consistent observations gedeeltelik-konsekwente waarnemings asymptotic properties of estimators English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: 253 Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers which are only partially dependent on common parameters wat net gedeeltelik afhanklik van gemeenskaplike parameters is Statistical Dictionary partially linked block design gedeeltelik aaneengeskakelde blokontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI partially replicated Latin square gedeeltelik-gerepliseerde Latynse vierkant Latin and Graeco-Latin squares, Youden designs Latynse en Grieks-Latynse vierkante, Youdenontwerpe Statistical Dictionary partially truncated distribution gedeeltelik-afgeknotte verdeling truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings formed by discarding a proportion of all values that fall into a certain interval or intervals gevorm deur 'n proporsie van alle waardes weg te laat wat in 'n sekere interval of intervalle val ESS particle-size statistics partikelgroottestatistiek special topics, applications spesiale onderwerpe, toepassings the study of the stochastic characteristics of particle sizes die bestudering van die stogastiese eienskappe van partikelgroottes, deeltjiegroottestatistiek ESS partition n. opdeling partisie theory of sets versamelingsteorie Statistical Dictionary partition of chi-squared chi-kwadraat-opdeling variance components models variansiekomponentemodelle splitting into components due to specific factors verdeling in komponente op grond van spesifieke faktore ISI partition set partisieversameling theory of sets versamelingsteorie Statistical Dictionary partition v. opdeel theory of sets versamelingsteorie Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Statistical Dictionary partitioned matrix opgedeelde matriks linear algebra, matrices and vectors lineêre algebra, matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary passage time deurgangtyd theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary patch kol contour level kontoervlak cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie a compact cluster of points 'n kompakte tros punte ISI path analysis roete-analise <Verkieslik> baananalise association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data for measuring the strength of postulated causal relationships vir die meting van die sterkte van gepostuleerde oorsaaklike verbande path coefficient baankoëffisiënt human genetics, eugenics menslike genetika, eugenetiek Statistical Dictionary patrol inspection patrollie-inspeksie quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary pattern patroon pattern recognition and scene analysis patroonherkenning en beeldanalise Statistical Dictionary pattern function patroonfunksie game theory spelteorie Statistical Dictionary pattern recognition patroonherkenning association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid automatic identification of patterns without active human participation English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 254 Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: outomatiese identifisering van patrone sonder aktiewe menslike deelname ESS patterned covariance matrix patroon-kovariansiematriks association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data arises from multivariate data with externally imposed structure ontstaan uit meerveranderlike data met ekstern opgelegde struktuur ESS patterned mean vector <See also patterned covariance matrix> patroon-gemiddeldevektor <kyk ook patroonkovariansiematriks> association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid ESS patterned sampling patroonsteekproefneming areal sampling, line transect sampling ruimtelike steekproefneming, lyndwarssnitsteekproefneming Statistical Dictionary payoff opbrengs opbrings game theory spelteorie Statistical Dictionary payoff function opbrengsfunksie game theory spelteorie Statistical Dictionary payoff matrix opbrengsmatriks game theory spelteorie Statistical Dictionary p-chart p-kaart quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole control chart for proportion of defective items kontrolekaart vir die proporsie defektiewe items ESS peak piek spits general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: peak over threshold piek oor drempel extreme value distributions ekstreemwaardeverdelings ISI peak test piektoets spitstoets analysis of residuals residuanalise non-parametric test for homoscedasticity in regression nieparametriese toets vir homoskedastisiteit in regressie ESS peakedness spitsheid empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe Statistical Dictionary Pearson coefficient of correlation Pearson-korrelasiekoëffisiënt product moment coeffient of correlation produkmomentkorrelasiekoëffisiënt association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data ISI Pearson curve Pearson-kromme systems of distributions verdelingstelsels family of distributions proposed by Pearson familie (van) verdelings deur Pearson voorgestel ESS Pearson residual Pearson-residu generalised linear models veralgemeende lineêre modelle ISI pecking order problem pikordeprobleem ranking and selection rangordening en seleksie ranking on the basis of pairwise comparisons rangordening o.g.v. paarsgewyse vergelykings ESS peeling algorithm afskillingsalgoritme Markov processes in continuous time Markov-prosesse in kontinue tyd ISI peeling data data-afskilling exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise 255 Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: a method of ranking multivariate data 'n metode om meerveranderlike data te rangorden ISI penalised estimation gepenaliseerde beraming estimation beraming ISI penalised least squares gepenaliseerde kleinste kwadrate estimation beraming ISI penalised likelihood gepenaliseerde aanneemlikheid L- and M-estimators L- en M-beramers ISI penalised quasi-likelihood gepenaliseerde kwasieaanneemlikheid estimation beraming ISI penalty method boetemetode estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary pentad vyftal general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary pentad criterion vyftalkriterium factor analysis faktoranalise ISI pentamean pentagemiddelde exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise maatstaf vir lokaliteit op houer-en-puntstippingswaardes gebaseer ESS per cent per honderd percent persent general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary per cent error Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: percentage error per comparison error rate foutkoers per vergelyking multiple comparisons, multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings, meervoudige beslissingsprosedures Statistical Dictionary per mil per duisend per mill general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary per mill per mil percent per cent percentage persentasie general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary percentage diagram persentasiediagram graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI percentage distribution persentasieverdeling empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ISI percentage error persentasiefout per cent error general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary percentage increase increment per cent percentage point persentasiepunt finance and auditing finansies en ouditering one percent, unit for difference between two percentages een persent, eenheid vir verskil tussen twee persentasies Statistical Dictionary percentage standard deviation variation 256 Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: variasiekoëffisiënt coefficient of variation relatiewe standaardafwyking, relatiewevariasiekoëffisiënt empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ISI percentile centile percentile confidence interval persentielvertrouensinterval sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke ISI percentile curve persentielkromme empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele Statistical Dictionary percentile fitting persentielpassing estimation of distribution functions beraming van verdelingsfunksies analogous to the method of moments analoog aan die momentemetode ESS percentile interval persentielinterval empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele Statistical Dictionary percentile rank persentielrang empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele Statistical Dictionary percentile score persentieltelling empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele Statistical Dictionary percolation process perkolasieproses prediction in regression voorspelling in regressie percolation theory perkolasieteorie deursyferingsteorie, deursypelingteorie theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse for modelling fluid flow in a randomly structured medium in contrast with the diffusion approach vir modellering van vloeistofbeweging in 'n stogasties gestruktureerde medium in teenstelling met die diffusiebenadering Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: ESS perfect correlation perfekte korrelasie association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary performance prestasie hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing of a test procedure van 'n toetsprosedure Statistical Dictionary performance characteristic operating characteristic performance criterion prestasiekriterium psychometrics psigometrie Statistical Dictionary performance test prestasietoets psychometrics psigometrie Statistical Dictionary period periode univariate time series, estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse, beraming Statistical Dictionary period data periodedata spectral analysis spektraalanalise Statistical Dictionary period of a state periode van 'n toestand Markov chains Markov-kettings ISI period prevalence periodevoorkoms biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde Statistical Dictionary periodic periodiek spectral analysis spektraalanalise from time to time van tyd tot tyd Statistical Dictionary periodic chain Definisie: 257 distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. ander benaderings for ranking experiments vir rangordeningseksperimente ESS permutation test permutasietoets non-parametric tests. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse.g. population models demografie.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: periodiese ketting theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary periodic function periodiese funksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary periodic movement periodiese beweging theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary periodic process periodiese proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI periodicity periodisiteit univariate time series. rangtoetse. a sample mean wat voldoen aan sekere invariansiereëls. rank tests. populasiemodelle ISI perturbation steuring 258 . distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rank tests. e. other approaches toetskonstruksie. verdelingsvrye toetse ESS permutation matrix permutasiematriks permuteringsmatriks combinatorial analysis kombinatoriese analise a permutated diagonal matrix 'n gepermuteerde diagonaalmatriks ESS permutation model permutasiemodel permuteringsmodel test construction. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary perpetual annuity perpetuïteit perpetuity voortdurende annuïteit actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde Statistical Dictionary perpetuity perpetual annuity persistency aanhoudendheid meteorology weerkunde Statistical Dictionary persistent aanhoudend meteorology weerkunde Statistical Dictionary persistent state positive recurrent state person-years persoonjare demography. 'n steekproefgemiddelde ESS permutation permutasie combinatorial problems kombinatoriese probleme Statistical Dictionary permutation distribution permutasieverdeling Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: non-parametric tests. rangtoetse. bv. beraming Statistical Dictionary periodogram periodogram spectral analysis spektraalanalise Statistical Dictionary periodogram analysis periodogramanalise spectral analysis spektraalanalise Statistical Dictionary permissible estimator toelaatbare beramer admissible estimator decision theory beslissingsteorie ISI permissible statistic toelaatbare statistiek exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers which obeys certain invariance rules. beeldstatistiek general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary pie chart circular chart pie diagram circle diagram piece-wise stuksgewys mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary piecewise regression stuksgewyse regressie segmented regression regression analysis regressieanalise ISI pilot experiment loodseksperiment general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary pilot run loodslopie general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary pilot study loodsstudie market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling pilot survey loodsopname loodsondersoek general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary Pitman closeness of estimator closeness of estimator Pitman efficiency Pitman-doeltreffendheid 259 . model building and selection regressie. toepassings Statistical Dictionary phi-coefficient fourfold point correlation English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: philosophic reasoning filosofiese beredenering probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie pictogram beelddiagram isotype piktogram.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: Sinoniem: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: processes related to Brownian motion prosesse verwant aan Brown-beweging Statistical Dictionary perturbation model steuringsmodel spanningsterktemodel arising from studies of the central limit theorem ontstaan uit die studie van die sentrale limietstelling. perturbasiemodel ESS perturbation technique steuringstegniek regression. applications spesiale onderwerpe. modelbou en -seleksie ISI perturbation theory steuringsteorie processes related to Brownian motion prosesse verwant aan Brown-beweging Statistical Dictionary p-function p-funksie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie ISI PGF <Short form> probability generating function kanoniese veranderlike phase confounded design fasegestrengelde ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary phase diagram fasediagram spectral analysis spektraalanalise Statistical Dictionary phase function fasefunksie spectral analysis spektraalanalise ISI phase spectrum fasespektrum spectral analysis spektraalanalise Statistical Dictionary phenogram fenogram special topics. ordestatistieke vir databeskrywing ESS place selection plekseleksie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie fundamental operation in probability theory used by Von Mises fundamentele bewerking in waarskynlikheidsleer gebruik deur Von Mises ESS placebo Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: plasebo psychometrics psigometrie Statistical Dictionary plaid square geruite vierkant Latin and Graeco-Latin squares. koördinate Statistical Dictionary planar point process vlakpuntproses point processes puntprosesse Statistical Dictionary plane platvlak plane surface vlak linear algebra. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. plan general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary plan v.m. regression plane regressievlak regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary plane of regression plane of closest fit plane of support steunvlak probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: 260 . Youden designs Latynse en Grieks-Latynse vierkante. Youdenontwerpe ISI plan n.v.g. matrikse en vektore Statistical Dictionary plane of closest fit beste passingsvlak plane of regression. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. co-ordinates bv. ARE asimptotiese relatiewe doeltreffendheid <Volledige vorm> asymptotic properties of tests asimptotiese eienskappe van toetse ISI pivot spil confidence regions vertrouensgebiede Statistical Dictionary pivotal function spilfunksie confidence regions vertrouensgebiede Statistical Dictionary pivotal inference spilinferensie hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing using a pivotal quantity as a statistic gebruik van 'n spilgrootheid as 'n statistiek ESS pivotal point spilpunt confidence regions vertrouensgebiede Statistical Dictionary pivotal quantity spilgrootheid hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing a function of observations and parameters with a distribution which is independent of the parameters 'n funksie van waarnemings en parameters met 'n verdeling wat onafhanklik van die parameters is ISI pivot-depth spildiepte sampling distributions steekproefverdelings used in connection with order statistics for data description gebruik i.Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: asymptotic relative efficiency. matrikse en vektore e. beplan general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary planar vlakplatvlak linear algebra. English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: plane surface plane planning beplanning mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary planning value beplanningswaarde mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary platykurtic platikurties probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary platykurtic curve platikurtiese kromme empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe with negative kurtosis met negatiewe kurtose ESS platykurtosis platikurtose vlaktoppigheid probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary plausibility function geloofwaardigheidsfunksie method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode ESS plausible likely plot experiment perseeleksperiment design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary plot n. perseel design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary plot replicate perseelreplikaat Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary plot v. stipping graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary plot n. stip graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary plot variation perseelvariasie design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary PLS <Short form> partial least squares plug-in estimator inpropberamer estimation beraming pocket calculator sakrekenaar calculator data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary point punt stippel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary point binomial puntbinoom mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary point biserial correlation punttweedelingskorrelasie association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data Statistical Dictionary point bivariate distribution tweeveranderlike puntverdeling multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings distribution of two discrete variates verdeling van twee diskrete veranderlikes ISI point data puntdata mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary 261 . line transect sampling ruimtelike steekproefneming.en proseskontrole percentage defectives equally likely to be accepted or rejected persentasie defektiewes wat ewe waarskynlik aanvaar of verwerp kan word ISI point of inflection inflection point point of symmetry simmetriepunt mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Statistical Dictionary point process puntproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse concerned with the occurrence of events at random points of time het betrekking op die voorkoms van gebeure op stogastiese tydstippe ESS point quadrat method puntvierkantmetode mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary point sampling puntsteekproefneming areal sampling.English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: point density waarskynlikheidsmassa probability mass univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings relative frequency for each discrete variate value relatiewe frekwensie vir elke waarde van die diskrete stogastiese veranderlike ISI point diagram puntediagram scatter diagram spreidingsdiagram. stippeldiagram mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary point estimate puntberamer estimation beraming ISI point estimation puntberaming estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary point of control point of indifference point of first entry eerste binnekomspunt hitting point trefpunt renewal theory and processes hernuwingsteorie en -prosesse period from given point in time to next renewal point tydperk vanaf gegewe tydstip tot volgende hernuwingspunt ISI point of indifference indifferensiepunt point of control kontrolepunt. spreidingstipping. beheerpunt quality and process control kwaliteits. lyndwarssnitsteekproefneming ISI point score crude score Poisson distribution Poisson-verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings Statistical Dictionary Poisson process Poisson-proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse a point process with independent increments at constant intensity 'n puntproses met onafhanklike inkremente teen konstante intensiteit ESS Poisson-Dirichlet process Poisson-Dirichlet-proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse polar axis pool-as mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary polar chart poolkaart circular profile graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary polar co-ordinates poolkoördinate mathematical methods wiskundige metodes 262 . modelbou en -seleksie containing higher orders of the time variable bevat hoër ordes van die tydveranderlike ISI polyspectrum <Note: polyspectra plural> poli-spektrum <Note: poli-spektra meervoud> spectral analysis spektraalanalise Fourier transform of product of more than two terms Fourier-transformasie van produk van meer as twee terme 263 . polinomiaal veeltermig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary polynomial n. residuals korrelasie. model building and selection regressie.en regressiekoëffisiënte.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Statistical Dictionary polar diagram pooldiagram mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary polar-wedge diagram circular histogram poll stemming general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary Pólya frequency function of order two Pólya-frekwensiefunksie van orde twee systems of distributions verdelingstelsels ISI Pólya process Pólya-proses birth-death processes geboorte-en-sterfte-prosesse ISI Pólya's distribution Pólya se verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings a particular case of the negative binomial distribution 'n besondere geval van die negatiewe binomiaalverdeling ISI polychoric meerdelig polychotomous mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary polychoric correlation meerdelige korrelasie correlation and regression coefficients. polinoom veelterm mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary polynomial regression polinoomregressie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary polynomial trend polinoomtendens mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary polynomial trend polinoomtendens regression. residue Statistical Dictionary polychotomous polychoric polychotomy meerdeling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary polycross design veelkruisontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: ensuring that each pair of genotypes occur as neighbours equally often wat verseker dat elke paar genotipes ewe dikwels as bure voorkom ISI polygon poligoon veelhoek mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary polygonal many-angled polykays <Plural> poli-k's l-statistics l-statistieke empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele Statistical Dictionary polynomial adj. universe demography. verwagte waardes en parameters population models populasiemodelle special topics. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. populasiemodelle ISI population populasie statistical population. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. populasiemodelle ESS population size populasiegrootte sampling steekproefneming population statistics bevolkingstatistiek demography. verwagte waardes en parameters population mean deviation populasie-afwykingsgemiddelde mean deviation ESS population median populasiemediaan random variables. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. populasiemodelle ESS population survey bevolkingsopname sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary population variance populasievariansie random variables. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. applications spesiale onderwerpe. verwagte waardes en parameters ESS pooled saamgevoeg Statistical Dictionary pooled data saamgevoegde data data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise pooled variance saamgevoegde variansie analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary population bevolking statistical population. verwagte waardes en parameters population pyramid bevolkingspiramide demography. population models demografie. population models demografie. universum sampling steekproefneming ISI population census census population growth bevolkingsaanwas populasiegroei demography. verwagte waardes en parameters Statistical Dictionary portfolio optimisation model portfolio-optimeringsmodel actuarial mathematics English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 264 . universe statistiese populasie. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI polytomous variable politome veranderlike random variables. populasiemodelle Statistical Dictionary population mean Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: populasiegemiddelde random variables. toepassings population parameter populasieparameter random variables. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. population models demografie. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. verwagte waardes en parameters population proportion populasieproporsie random variables. population models demografie.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: ISI poly-t distribution poli-t verdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings proportional to products of Pearson type VII distributions proporsioneel aan produkte van Pearson se tipe VII-verdelings ESS polytomic table politome tabel categorical data analysis. optimal stopping problems. optimale stopprobleme. residue Statistical Dictionary positive binomial distribution positief-binomiaalverdeling truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings ISI positive correlation direct correlation positive definite positief-definiet mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary positive hypergeometric distribution positief-hipergeometriese verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings a special case of generalised hypergeometric distributions where zero values are excluded 'n spesiale geval van veralgemeende hipergeometriese verdelings waar nulwaardes uitgesluit word ESS positive indefinite positief-indefiniet mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary positive recurrent state positief-wederkerende toestand persistent state stopping times. residuals korrelasie. Bayes-benadering based on prior belief and estimation gebaseer op a priori-inligting en waargenome data ESS posterior distribution a posteriori distribution posterior probability a posteriori probability postevaluation agterna-evaluering na-evaluering probability theory.Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: aktuariële wiskunde in statistics of risk management in risikobestuurstatistiek ESS portmanteau test portmanteautoets goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse Statistical Dictionary positive positief mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary positive association positiewe assosiasie correlation and regression coefficients. gambling theory stoptye.en regressiekoëffisiënte. dobbelteorie ISI positive semi-indefinite positief-semiïndefiniet mathematical methods Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary positive skewness positiewe skeefheid exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise Statistical Dictionary post cluster sampling agterna-trossteekproefneming sampling steekproefneming where clusters are formed after sampling waar trosse na steekproefneming gevorm word ISI post hoc stratification post hoc-stratifikasie sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary postal survey mail survey posterior a posteriori posterior density a posteriori-digtheid probability theory. Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie. Bayes-benadering Statistical Dictionary postmultiplication regsvermenigvuldiging vermenigvuldiging van regs mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary poststratification stratification after selection post-test agternatoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 265 . Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie. postulaat mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary postulate v.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: postulate n. postuleer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary potency sterkte mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary potency factor sterktefaktor mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary potential potensiaal potentiality mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary potentiality potential power mag mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary power onderskeidingsvermoë hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary power drywing spectral power spectral analysis spektraalanalise Statistical Dictionary power distribution magsverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings a special case of the beta distribution 'n spesiale geval van die betaverdeling ESS power efficiency onderskeidingsvermoëdoeltreffendheid hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Statistical Dictionary power function magsfunksie theory of functions. real analysis funksieteorie. reële analise power function onderskeidingsvermoëfunksie exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse probability of rejecting the null hypothesis as a function of the parameter waarskynlikheid om die nulhipotese as 'n funksie van die parameter te verwerp ESS power mean <See power sum> magsgemiddelde <Kyk som van magte> empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele Statistical Dictionary power moment moment power of a test onderskeidingsvermoë van 'n toets exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse power series magreeks mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary power series distribution discrete power series distribution power spectrum spektraalfunksie spectral function spectral analysis spektraalanalise Statistical Dictionary power sum som van magte empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele Statistical Dictionary power transformation magstransformasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary powerful onderskeidend hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary powerful test 266 . Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: onderskeidende toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary P-P plot <See Q-Q plot> P-P-stipping <Kyk Q-Q-stipping> graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI PPS <Short form> probability proportional to size practically significant <See also significance> prakties betekenisvol <kyk ook betekenisvolheid> meaningful prakties beduidend hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing PRE measure <Short form> proportional reduction in error measure precedence test voorrangtoets test construction. ander benaderings Statistical Dictionary precise presies mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary precision presisie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary precision level level of precision precision matrix presisiematriks concentration matrix regression analysis regressieanalise the covariance matrix of the least squares estimators of the regression coefficients in a regression model die kovariansiematriks van die kleinstekwadrateberamers van die regressiekoëffisiënte in 'n regressiemodel ISI precision measure measure of precision precoded voorafgekodeer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: Statistical Dictionary precoded question voorafgekodeerde vraag mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary predecessor-successor method voorganger-opvolgermetode mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary predetermined voorafbepaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary predetermined variable voorafbepaalde veranderlike association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid ISI predicated variable voorspeller regressor. other approaches toetskonstruksie. predictor onafhanklike veranderlike regression analysis regressieanalise independent variable onafhanklike veranderlike ISI predict voorspel regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary predictable voorspelbaar regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary prediction voorspelling regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary prediction analysis voorspellingsanalise regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary prediction error voorspellingsfout regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 267 . zone of preference hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing of a test van 'n toets Statistical Dictionary preference zone preference region preference-field index voorkeurveld-indeks Konyus index Konyus-indeks indexes indekse based on optimality of consumer preferences op die optimaliliteit van verbruikersvoorkeure gebaseer ISI preferred test voorkeurtoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary pre-image inverse image preliminary sample voorlopige steekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary preliminary test voorlopige toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary preliminary testing voorlopige toetsing hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing preliminary test-shrinkage estimator vooraftoetskrimpberamer hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary premultiplication Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 268 . vooruitberaming ISI predictive regression analysis voorspellende regressieanalise prediction in regression voorspelling in regressie minimising prediction errors in the dependent variable minimeer voorspellingsfoute in die afhanklike veranderlike ISI predictive sample re-use voorspellende steekproefhergebruik cross-validation kruisgeldigheidsbepaling sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke choice of a predictor based on one subsample is assessed using another subsample die keuse van 'n voorspeller wat op een substeekproef gebaseer is. word met behulp van 'n ander substeekproef geëvalueer ISI predictor predicated variable predictor variable voorspellerveranderlike regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary pre-emptive discipline voorkeurstelsel queues toue which allows "jumping" based on priority wat "indruk" op grond van prioriteit toelaat ISI preference voorkeur Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary preference rating voorkeurwaardebepaling hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary preference region voorkeurgebied preference zone.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: prediction interval voorspellingsinterval regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary predictive decomposition voorspellende ontbinding prediction. Bayes. Bayesian and related methods regressie. forecasting voorspelling.en verwante metodes ISI predictive likelihood voorspellende aanneemlikheid prediction. forecasting voorspelling. vooruitberaming ISI predictive inference voorspellende inferensie regression. component analysis Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 269 . eerstestadiumeenheid sampling steekproefneming ISI primitive root primitiewe wortel design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente in Galois fields by Galois-liggame ESS principal hoofprincipal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise Statistical Dictionary principal axis major axis principal component hoofkomponent principal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise Statistical Dictionary principal component analysis component analysis principal component analysis component analysis principal components analysis hoofkomponenteanalise principal component analysis. insidensie medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek ISI prevalence rate prevalence prevision verwagting probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie covering the expected value of variables and the probability of a random event dek die verwagte waarde van veranderlikes en die waarskynlikheid van 'n stogastiese gebeurtenis ISI prewhitening vooraffiltrering transformasie na witruis. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. eerstestadiumeenheid sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary primary unit primêre steekproefeenheid aanvanklike steekproefeenheid.Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: linksvermenigvuldiging vermenigvuldiging van links hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary pretest vooraftoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary prevalence voorkoms prevalence rate voorkomskoers. tranformasie van witruis univariate time series. klassifikasie en identifikasie testing for independence of two stationary time series toets vir onafhanklikheid van twee stasionêre tydreekse price compensation index pryskompensasie-indeks indexes indekse based on the income needed to maintain a constant standard of living gebaseer op die inkomste wat benodig word om 'n konstante lewenstandaard te handhaaf ISI price elasticity pryselastisiteit indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary price index prysindeks indexes Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: indekse Statistical Dictionary price relative prysverhouding prysrelatief indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary primary primêr hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary primary sampling unit <Full form> primêre steekproefeenheid PSU aanvanklike steekproefeenheid. but the proofs utilise techniques of probability theory waar vrae vir getalleteoretici van belang is. Bayes-benadering Statistical Dictionary priority queue voorkeurtou probability theory. ancillarity voldoendheid van statistieke. Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie. Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie. Bayes-benadering before data gathering voor data-insameling Statistical Dictionary prior distribution a priori distribution prior n. model building and selection Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: regressie. aanvullendheid Statistical Dictionary prior a priori prior adj. moet die een met die minste parameters gekies word ISI principle of sufficiency voldoendheidsbeginsel sufficiency of statistics. the one with fewer parameters should be chosen gegewe twee bevredigende modelle. Bayes-benadering fiducial distributions fidusiaalverdelings ESS principle of least squares beginsel van kleinste kwadrate least squares methods kleinstekwadratemetodes Statistical Dictionary principle of parsimony spaarsaamheidsbeginsel regression. Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie. Bayes-benadering Statistical Dictionary priority queuing voorkeurtoustaan theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI probabilistic number theory waarskynlikheidsgetalleteorie number theory getalleteorie where questions are of interest to number theorists. maar die bewyse van waarskynlikheidsleer gebruik maak ESS Definisie: Source Publication: 270 .Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid principal components regression hoofkomponenteregressie regression analysis regressieanalise ISI principal coordinate analysis hoofkoördinaatanalise principal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise Statistical Dictionary principal diagonal major diagonal principal minor hoofminor principal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise Statistical Dictionary principle of ancillarity beginsel van aanvullende inligting sufficiency of statistics. Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie. ancillarity voldoendheid van statistieke. a prioria priori probability theory. prior a priori Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming prior probability a priori probability priority voorkeur probability theory. modelbou en -seleksie given two satisfactory models. aanvullendheid Statistical Dictionary principle of equal ignorance beginsel van gelyke onkunde Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming which leads to the use of a uniform prior wat tot die gebruik van 'n uniforme a prioriverdeling lei ISI principle of equipartition beginsel van gelykopdeling order statistics ordestatistieke subdivision of the range into parts having equal frequencies onderverdeling van die variasiewydte in dele met gelyke frekwensies ISI principle of irrelevance irrelevansiebeginsel probability theory. g. of rain bv.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: probabilistic reasoning waarskynlikheidsberedenering probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie arguing according to probability principles argumentering volgens waarskynlikheidsbeginsels ESS probability waarskynlikheid probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary probability a posteriori a posteriori probability probability curve curve of probability probability density distribution density probability density function waarskynlikheidsdigtheidsfunksie probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings ISI probability distribution waarskynlikheidsverdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary probability element waarskynlikheidselement probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings ISI probability forecasting waarskynlikheidsvoorspelling waarskynlikheidsvooruitberaming meteorology weerkunde e.g. maar om die as van die veranderlike ESS probability paper waarskynlikheidspapier graphical methods grafiese metodes designed to represent a cumulative distribution as a straight line ontwerp om 'n kumulatiewe verdeling as 'n reguitlyn voor te stel Statistical Dictionary probability plot waarskynlikheidstipping 271 . but about the variate axis analoog aan gewone momente. van reën ESS probability generating function <Full form> waarskynlikheidsvoortbringende funksie PGF probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary probability inequality waarskynlikheidsongelykheid probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie probability integral waarskynlikheidsintegraal Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: distribution function verdelingsfunksie transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes ESS probability integral transformation verdelingsfunksie-transformasie waarskynlikheidsintegraaltransformasie transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes e.en proseskontrole ISI probability mass point density probability measure waarskynlikheidsmaat measure theory maatteorie Statistical Dictionary probability model waarskynlikheidsmodel probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings to express probability density in a mathematical formula druk die waarskynlikheidsdigtheid in 'n wiskundige formule uit ESS probability moment <See also frequency moment> waarskynlikheidsmoment <kyk ook frekwensiemoment> estimation of distribution functions beraming van verdelingsfunksies analogous to ordinary moments. the distribution function of a continuous random variable uniformly distributed die verdelingsfunksie van 'n kontinue stogastiese veranderlike is uniform verdeel ISI probability limit waarskynlikheidsgrens quality and process control kwaliteits. probit and tobit analysis logit-. probit. applications spesiale onderwerpe. toepassings Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 272 .Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary probability proportional to size <Full form> waarskynlikheid eweredig aan grootte PPS probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary probability ratio test waarskynlikheidsverhoudingstoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary probability sampling waarskynlikheidsteekproefneming sampling.en tobitanalise ISI problem of m-rankings m-rangordeningsprobleem association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid that of measuring the extent of agreement between different rankers om die mate van ooreenstemming tussen verskillende beoordelaars te meet ISI problem of points punteprobleem division problem verdelingsprobleem game theory spelteorie how the total stake should equitably be divided when a game is terminated prematurely hoe die potgeld regverdig verdeel moet word wanneer 'n spel voortydig beëindig word ESS problem of the Nile probleem van die Nyl change-point model and signal detection veranderingspuntmodel en seinopsporing procedural bias proseduresydigheid special topics. classical methodology steekproefneming. klassieke metodologie sample elements are selected on a basis of probability steekproefelemente word op 'n waarskynlikheidsgrondslag gekies ESS probability scale waarskynlikheidskaal congress proceedings and other collective works kongresverrigtinge en ander kollektiewe werke designed to represent a cumulative distribution as a straight line ontwerp om 'n kumulatiewe verdeling as 'n reguitlyn voor te stel probability space statistiese liggaam statistical field waarskynlikheidsruimte measure theory maatteorie Statistical Dictionary probability surface waarskynlikheidsoppervlak probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings bivariate analogy of the frequency curve tweeveranderlike analoog van die frekwensiekromme ISI probability theory waarskynlikheidsleer theory of probability waarskynlikheidsteorie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie ESS probability weighted moments estimation waarskynlikheidsgeweegde momenteberaming estimation beraming Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: ISI probable waarskynlik probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary probable error waarskynlike fout probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary probit probit clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings normal equivalent deviate plus five normaalekwivalentdeviaat plus vyf ESS probit analysis probitanalise regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary probit regression line probitregressielyn logit. toepassings Statistical Dictionary Procrustes method Prokrustes-metode factor analysis faktoranalise any modelling procedure in which data are forced to fit a pre-assigned pattern enige modelleringsproses waarin data geforseer word om in 'n voorafbepaalde patroon te pas ISI producer's risk <see type I error> produsenterisiko <kyk tipe I-fout> quality and process control kwaliteits. toepassings Statistical Dictionary process average fraction defective prosesgemiddelde fraksie defektief quality and process control kwaliteits. applications spesiale onderwerpe. toepassings Statistical Dictionary process with independent increments proses met onafhanklike inkremente theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse analogous to random walk in continuous time with unequal intervals Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: analoog aan stogastiese beweging in kontinue tyd met ongelyke intervalle ISI processing error verwerkingsfout prosesseringsfout special topics. applications spesiale onderwerpe. residuals korrelasie. van die lotte wat deur steekproefplanne geïnspekteer word ESS process v. of the lots submitted for inspection by sampling plans bv. verwerk special topics.en regressiekoëffisiënte. proses special topics. applications spesiale onderwerpe. toepassings Statistical Dictionary product binomial model produkbinomiaalmodel categorical data analysis. toepassings Statistical Dictionary process n. oorlewingsanalise ISI product measure produkmaat measure theory maatteorie Statistical Dictionary product moment multivariate moment product moment coeffient of correlation Pearson coefficient of correlation product moment correlation produkmomentkorrelasie correlation and regression coefficients. applications spesiale onderwerpe.en proseskontrole average proportion across samples gemiddelde proporsie oor steekproewe ISI process control proseskontrole prosesbeheer sampling steekproefneming used to control the quality of the output of production gebruik om die kwaliteit van produksie-uitset te beheer process inspection prosesinspeksie special topics. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI product integral produkintegraal theory of replacement. applications spesiale onderwerpe. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. toepassings Statistical Dictionary process of iteration iterasieproses special topics. applications spesiale onderwerpe. survival analysis vervangingsteorie.Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: procedure prosedure special topics. toepassings Statistical Dictionary process quality parameter proseskwaliteitsparameter quality and process control kwaliteits.g. residue Statistical Dictionary product rule produkreël classical probability theory English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 273 . applications spesiale onderwerpe.en proseskontrole ISI product produk special topics.en proseskontrole e. series mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary progression reeks series.g. sequence mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary progressive average progressiewe gemiddelde mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary progressive total cumulative total progressively censored sampling progressief-gesensoreerde steekproefneming hypercensored sampling. applications spesiale onderwerpe. multiple censored sampling sampling steekproefneming where surviving units are withdrawn at varying stages of the sampling waar oorlewende eenhede op wisselende stadiums van die steekproefneming onttrek word ISI projection projeksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary projection plot Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 274 . of probabilities bv.Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie e. toepassings Statistical Dictionary productivity measurement produktiwiteitsmeting indexes indekse ratio of output to input die verhouding van uitset tot invoer ESS profile profiel special topics. toepassings Statistical Dictionary profile analysis configurational analysis profile likelihood profiel-aanneemlikheid maximised relative likelihood gemaksimeerde relatiewe aanneemlikheid test construction. likelihood-based approach toetskonstruksie. aanneemlikheidsgebaseerde benadering placing an upper bound on the relative likelihood of some parameters for fixed values of others die plasing van 'n bogrens op die relatiewe aanneemlikheid van sommige parameters vir vaste waardes van ander ESS prognosis prognose mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary prognostic factor prognostiese faktor Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek ISI program program mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary programming programmering mathematical programming wiskundige programmering ESS programming language programmeringstaal computer software rekenaarsagteware used for instructing a computer gebruik vir opdraggewing aan 'n rekenaar progression ry sequence. applications spesiale onderwerpe. van waarskynlikhede ESS product set Cartesian product product space produkruimte measure theory maatteorie Statistical Dictionary product variability produkveranderlikheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary production produksie special topics. Schoener se indeks vir die vergelyking van twee multinomiaalverdelings proportionality eweredigheid proporsionaliteit special topics.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: projeksiestipping graphical methods grafiese metodes of multidimensional data in a lower dimension van meerdimensionele data in 'n laer dimensie ESS projection pursuit projeksienajaging projeksievoortsetting optimisation optimering a method of numerical optimisation 'n numeriese optimeringsmetode ESS propensity interpretation of probability geneigdheidsvertolking van waarskynlikheid subjective probability theory subjektiewe waarskynlikheidsteorie relating to the role of the "observer" in quantum theory het betrekking op die rol van die "waarnemer" in kwantumteorie ISI proper eg mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary proper convergence egte konvergensie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary proper distribution egte verdeling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary proper subset egte deelversameling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary property eienskap trait karakteristiek mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary proportion proporsie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary proportional in proportion English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: proportional allocation proporsionele toedeling proporsionele toewysing sampling.of responstyd van onafhanklike veranderlikes ESS proportional odds model proporsionelekansverhouding-model categorical data analysis. Schoener's index for the comparison of two multinomial populations bv.g. applications spesiale onderwerpe. toepassings Statistical Dictionary proportional hazard model proporsionele gevaarmodel reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing for evaluating the dependence of survival or response time on independent variables vir die evaluering van die afhanklikheid van oorlewings. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI proportional reduction in error measure <Full form> proporsionele foutreduksiemaatstaf PRE measure association and dependence of qualitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwalitatiewe data using probabilities of misclassification gebruik waarskynlikhede van wanklassifikasie ESS proportional sampling proporsionele steekproefneming eweredige steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary proportional similarity index proporsionele gelyksoortigheidsindeks multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings e. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. applications Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: 275 . klassieke metodologie where subsample size is proportional to the number in each stratum waar substeekproefgrootte eweredig is aan die getal in elke stratum ESS proportional frequency proporsionele frekwensie special topics. classical methodology steekproefneming. ouderdom. bv. likelihood-based approach toetskonstruksie. aanneemlikheidsgebaseerde benadering e. is followed up over a period of time waarin 'n groep individue wat volgens een of ander kriterium. toepassings Statistical Dictionary proportionate in proportion prospective prospektief mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary prospective study prospektiewe studie cohort study kohortstudie demography. gevolmagtigde veranderlike regression analysis regressieanalise when measurements of an observable variable are used to represent measurements of an unobservable variable wanneer metings van 'n waarneembare veranderlike gebruik word om metings van 'n onwaarneembare veranderlike te verteenwoordig ESS pseudo pseudoskynmathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary pseudo best pseudobeste mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary pseudo experimental pseudo-eksperimenteel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary pseudo factor pseudofaktor skynfaktor mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary pseudo inverse pseudo-inverse mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary pseudo likelihood pseudo-aanneemlikheid skynaanneemlikheid test construction. variables die mediaan van die verdeling van die gemiddelde van twee o. gekies is.d. profile. populasiemodelle in which a group of individuals.i. profiel-. volmagveranderlike.i.en voorwaardelike aanneemlikheid ESS pseudo median pseudomediaan skynmediaan empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele the median of the distribution of the average of two i. selected according to some criterion. marginal and conditional likelihood bv. e.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: spesiale onderwerpe.g.v. rand. age.g. veranderlikes Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 276 . oor 'n tydperk opgevolg word ESS protocol protokol clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings aim and design of a project doel en ontwerp van 'n projek ISI proximity analysis nabyheidsanalise cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie a method of arranging items closer to those which are similar 'n metode om items nader aan dié te rangskik wat gelyksoortig is ISI proximity data nabyheidsdata cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie numbers representing measures of relatedness of pairs of objects getalle wat maatstawwe van verwantskappe van pare voorwerpe voorstel ESS proximity theorem nabyheid-stelling least squares methods kleinstekwadratemetodes on the bias of regression coefficient estimates oor die sydigheid van regressiekoëffisiëntberamings ISI proxy variable plaasvervangerveranderlike Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: verteenwoordigerveranderlike. population models demografie. geldigheid en itemontleding in ESS psychometrics psigometrie special topics. hipotesetoetsing similar to chi-square statistic. validity and item analysis sluit betroubaarheid. toepassings ESS publication bias publikasiesydigheid general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek ISI punch card ponskaart mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary pure suiwer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary pure birth process suiwer geboorteproses birth-death processes geboorte-en-sterfte-prosesse Statistical Dictionary pure random process suiwer stogastiese proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary purposive sample doelgerigte steekproef doelbewuste steekproef sampling steekproefneming ISI purposive sampling doelgerigte steekproefneming doelbewuste steekproefneming hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary 277 . F. applications spesiale onderwerpe. skynvariaat. hypothesis testing eenveranderlike tydreekse. chi-kwadraatverdelings ESS pseudo-random number quasi-random number pseudo-t <Note: SEE pseudo-F> pseudo-t <kyk pseudo-F> skyn-t empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele ESS psi function digamma function psi square statistic psi-kwadraatstatistiek univariate time series.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: ESS pseudo replicate pseudoreplikaat mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary pseudo spectrum pseudospektrum mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary pseudo variance pseudovariansie skynvariansie empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele a robust measure of variability 'n robuuste veranderlikheidsmaatstaf ESS pseudo variate pseudoveranderlike pseudovariaat. maar maak voorsiening vir reekskorrelasie ISI p-statistics p-statistieke estimation in multivariate problems beraming in meerveranderlike probleme Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: related to covariance matrices verwant aan kovariansiematrikse ISI PSU <short form> primary sampling unit psychological testing theory psigologiese toetsingsteorie psychometrics psigometrie including reliability. skynveranderlike least squares methods kleinstekwadratemetodes used in the theory of weighted least squares gebruik in die teorie van geweegde kleinste kwadrate ESS pseudo-F pseudo-F Student's t. chi-square distributions Student se t. but allows for serial correlation soortgelyk aan chi-kwadraatstatistiek. F. algorithms and computer programs wiskundige metodes. tetragonal vierhoekig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Statistical Dictionary quadrant kwadrant mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadrant dependence kwadrantafhanklikheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadrat vierkantige afbakeningsrooster mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadrat sampling steekproefneming met behulp van 'n vierkantige afbakeningsrooster mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadrate n. vierkant square mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadrate number kwadraatgetal square number mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadrate v. tweedegraads mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadrate n. tetragonaal quadrilateral. kwadreer square tot die tweede mag verhef mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadratic kwadraatkwadraties. tweedegraads.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: purposive selection doelbewuste seleksie hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary p-value p-waarde hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing probability of exceedance under the null hypothesis oorskrydingswaarskynlikhede onder die nulhipotese Statistical Dictionary Q-Q plot <Short form> Q-Q-stipping quantile-quantile plot kwantiel-kwantiel-stipping graphical methods grafiese metodes plotting the quantiles of one distribution against those of another die stipping van die kwantiele van een verdeling teen dié van 'n ander ESS QR algorithm QR-algoritme mathematical methods. kwadraties. tweede mag mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadratic equation kwadratiese vergelyking Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: 278 . kwadraat square tweede mag. algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme for calculating all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a non-sparse matrix vir die berekening van alle eiewaardes en eievektore van 'n nie-yl matriks ESS Q-technique <see R-technique> Q-tegniek <kyk R-tegniek> association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid analyses similarities or relationships between individuals using multivariate data ontleed ooreenkomste en verbande tussen individue met behulp van meerveranderlike data ISI quad vierkantige basissel random vectors and matrices stogastiese vektore en matrikse a square-shaped basic cell or its area het ook betrekking op sy oppervlakte ISI quadrangular adj. tetragoon tetragon. kwantaalrespons ISI quadratic variance function kwadratiese variansiefunksie exponential families of distributions eksponensiaalfamilies van verdelings where the variance of a distribution is a quadratic function of the mean Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: waar die variansie van 'n verdeling 'n kwadratiese funksie van die gemiddelde is ESS quadrature kwadratuur mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadrature spectrum kwadratuurspektrum spectral analysis spektraalanalise measures the covariance between the out-ofphase components meet die kovariansie tussen die komponente wat uit fase is ISI quadrigamma function kwadrigammafunksie special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies second derivative of a digamma function tweede afgeleide van 'n digammafunksie ESS quadrilateral quadrangular. kwadrinoom vierterm mathematical methods 279 . residuals korrelasie. tetragon quadrilateral n. quadrangular vierhoek mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadrille paper ruitpapier mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadrinomial adj. residue ESS quadratic response kwadratiese respons logistic and log-linear model.Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: tweedegraadsvergelyking mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadratic estimator kwadratiese beramer estimation beraming ISI quadratic exponential model kwadratiese eksponensiaalmodel exponential families of distributions eksponensiaalfamilies van verdelings ISI quadratic factor kwadratiese faktor mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadratic form kwadratiese vorm mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadratic loss kwadratiese verlies estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary quadratic loss function kwadratiese verliesfunksie estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary quadratic mean kwadratiese gemiddelde estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary quadratic programming kwadratiese programmering correlation and regression coefficients. kwadrinomiaal viertermig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadrinomial distribution kwadrinomiaalverdeling tetranomial distribution viertermverdeling. tetranomiaalverdeling multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings a multinomial distribution with four cells 'n multinomiaalverdeling met vier selle ESS quadrinomial n.en regressiekoëffisiënte. quantal response logistiese en loglineêre model. the megalithic yard. exists in the data die mate waarin 'n onderliggende eenheid.en proseskontrole Statistical Dictionary quality adjusted life year kwaliteitsverstelde lewensjaar medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: ISI quality assurance kwaliteitsversekering quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole system for analysing and reporting quality audit results stelsel vir die ontleding en rapportering van kwaliteitsouditresultate quantal kwantaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quantal response kwantaalrespons regression analysis regressieanalise quanticity kwantisiteit hoeveelheidsbepaling spectral analysis spektraalanalise the extent to which some underlying unit. die megalitiese jaart of tree in data voorkom ESS quantification kwantifisering mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quantify kwantifiseer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quantile English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 280 .Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadrinormal distribution kwadrinormaalverdeling truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings a special case of the modified normal distribution 'n spesiale geval van die gewysigde normaalverdeling ISI quadruple adj.en proseskontrole ESS quality control kwaliteitskontrole kwaliteitsbeheer. verviervoudig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary qualitative kwalitatief mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary qualitative characteristics kwalitatiewe eienskappe quality and process control kwaliteits. gehaltebeheer sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary quality control chart kwaliteitskontrolekaart kwaliteitsbeheerkaart quality and process control kwaliteits. e.g.en proseskontrole ISI quality measurement plan kwaliteitmetingsplan quality and process control kwaliteits. viervoudig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadruple n. viervoud mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quadruple v. bv.en proseskontrole qualitative data kwalitatiewe data categorical data kategoriese data exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise Statistical Dictionary qualitative interaction kwalitatiewe interaksie analysis of variance variansieanalise ISI quality kwaliteit quality and process control kwaliteits. quartiles wat die geordende waardes van 'n steekproef of populasie in 'n gegewe getal gelyke proporsies opdeel ISI quantile analysis fractile analysis quantile function kwantielfunksie fractile function fraktielfunksie empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele ESS quantile regression fractional regression quantile transformation method kwantieltransformasiemetode fractile transformation method fraktieltransformasiemetode transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes transforming one random variable to another through their cumulative distribution functions die transformasie van een stogastiese veranderlike na 'n ander deur hulle kumulatiewe verdelingsfunksies ESS quantile-quantile plot Q-Q plot quantit analysis kwantitanalise logistic and log-linear model.g. quantal response logistiese en loglineêre model. kwantaalrespons ESS quantitative kwantitatief exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise Statistical Dictionary quantitative data kwantitatiewe data exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise Statistical Dictionary quantitative response kwantitatiewe respons exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: quantity grootheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quantity hoeveelheid kwantiteit mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quantity increment hoeveelheidsinkrement mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quantity index hoeveelheidsindeks volume index. e. kwantumindeks indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary quantity index number quantity index quantity relative hoeveelheidsverhouding hoeveelheidsrelatief indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary quantogram kwantogram spectral analysis spektraalanalise used to determine quanticity word gebruik om kwantisiteit te bepaal ESS quantum kwantum indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary quantum hypothesis kwantumhipotese hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing for a discrete parameter vir 'n diskrete parameter ISI quantum index kwantumindeks indexes indekse ISI Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 281 . quantum index number volume index.Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: kwantiel fractile fraktiel empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele which partitions the ordered values of a sample or population into a given number of equal proportions. quantity index number. ekologiese en biologiese) populasies having elements not fully contiguous het elemente wat nie volkome naasliggend is nie ISI quasi-experiment kwasi-eksperiment design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI quasi-factorial design kwasifaktoriaalontwerp other designs of experiments ander ontwerpe van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary quasi-independence kwasi-onafhanklikheid categorical data analysis. ecological and biological) populations natuurlike (menslike. animal. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI quasi-Latin square kwasi-Latynse vierkant other designs of experiments ander ontwerpe van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary quasi-likelihood kwasi-aanneemlikheid method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode where the likelihood is not completely specified waar die aanneemlikheid nie volledig gespesifiseer is nie ISI quasi-Markov chain kwasi-Markov-ketting Markov chains Markov-kettings where the Markovian property holds for a subset of states waar die Markov-eienskap vir 'n deelversameling van toestande geld ISI 282 . dierlike. omgewings-. environmental.Definisie: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: quantum index number quantity index quarterly kwartaalliks indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary quartile kwartiel exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise point which divides data into four equal parts punt wat data in vier gelyke dele verdeel Statistical Dictionary quartile deviation kwartielafwyking semi-interquartile range semi-interkwartielvariasiewydte exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise Statistical Dictionary quartile direction kwartielrigting empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele angular analogy of quartile hoekanalogie van kwartiel ISI quartile measure of skewness kwartielskeefheidsmaatstaf kwartielskeefheidsmaat empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele based on the quartile to median distances gebaseer op die afstande tussen die kwartiele en die mediaan ISI quartile range kwartielwydte exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise Statistical Dictionary quartile variation kwartielvariasie empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele difference between upper and lower quartiles as percentage of their sum verskil tussen boonste en onderste kwartiele as persentasie van hulle som ISI quartimax kwartimaks factor analysis faktoranalise an algorithm for orthogonal rotation <Note: SEE ALSO varimax> Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 'n algoritme vir ortogonale rotasie <kyk ook varimaks> ESS quartimin kwartimin factor analysis faktoranalise a method of factor rotation 'n faktorrotasiemetode ISI quasi-compact cluster kwasikompakte tros natural (human. ecological and biological) populations natuurlike (menslike. animal.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: quasi-maximum likelihood estimator kwasimaksimumaanneemlikheidsberamer regression analysis regressieanalise where least squares solutions are virtually equivalent to maximum likelihood solutions waar kleinstekwadrate-oplossings feitlik ekwivalent is aan maksimumaanneemlikheidsoplossings ISI quasi-median kwasimediaan order statistics ordestatistieke mean of a pair of symmetrical order statistics gemiddelde van 'n paar simmetriese ordestatistieke ISI quasi-normal equation kwasinormaalvergelyking econometrics ekonometrie based on instrumental variables op instrumentele veranderlikes gebaseer ISI quasi-random number kwasi-ewekansige getal pseudo-random number pseudo-ewekansige getal random number generators ewekansigegetal-genereerders generated by a deterministic process and having some properties of random numbers voortgebring deur 'n deterministiese proses en wat sommige eienskappe van ewekansige getalle besit ESS quasi-random sampling kwasi-ewekansige steekproefneming natural (human. omgewings-. environmental. ekologiese en biologiese) populasies systematic sampling from a randomly ordered listing sistematiese steekproefneming uit 'n ewekansig geordende lys ESS quasi-range kwasievariasiewydte partial range order statistics ordestatistieke omitting some of the smallest and largest observations laat sommige van die kleinste en grootste waarnemings uit ISI quasi-symmetry <See also marginal symmetry> kwasi-simmetrie <Kyk ook randsimmetrie> Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings ESS questionnaire vraelys vorm sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary queue tou waiting line theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary queueing model toustaanmodel theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary queueing problem toustaanprobleem theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI queueing process toustaanproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary queueing theory toustaanteorie theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary quincuncial layout kruisverbanduitleg quincunx layout design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ESS quincunx layout quincuncial layout quintile kwintiel exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise point which divides data into five equal parts punt wat data in vyf gelyke dele verdeel ISI quintile range kwintielwydte exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise Statistical Dictionary Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 283 . dierlike. ortogonale skikkings ISI random axis 284 . expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: quota kwota sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary quota sample kwotasteekproef sampling steekproefneming ISI quota sampling kwotasteekproefneming sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary quotient kwosiënt mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary quotient method kwosiëntmetode univariate time series. klassifikasie en identifikasie a variant of the variate difference method 'n wisselvorm van die variaatdifferensiemetode ESS quotient regression kwosiëntregressie nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie a quotient of two linear regression expressions 'n kwosiënt van twee lineêre regressieuitdrukkings ISI quotient space factor space radex radeks mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary radial error radiaalfout random variables. radikaal surd mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: radical n. Monte Carlo-metodes based on chance op kans gebaseer ESS random stogasties at random probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary random allocation design ewekansigetoedelings-ontwerp random balance design factorial designs. verwagte waardes en parameters ESS radical n. wortelvorm surd mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary radical sign wortelteken root sign mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary radico-normal distributions radiko-normaalverdelings probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings a special case of the modified normal distribution 'n spesiale geval van die gewysigde normaalverdeling ISI radix base raffle uitloting mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary raise verhef mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary raising factor inflation factor random ewekansig at random simulation. en verwante prosesse when the free end that bifurcates on each occasion is a random choice wanneer die eindpunt wat vurk telkens 'n stogastiese keuse is ISI random coefficient model stogastiese koëffisiëntmodel regression analysis regressieanalise ISI random component stogastiese komponent random variables. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. verwagte waardes en parameters ISI random design ewekansige ontwerp probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary random digit ewekansige syfer probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary random distribution <best avoided> stogastiese verdeling <vermy> distribution verdeling <voorkeurterm> sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary random drift stogastiese dwaal biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde random effect model stochastic effect model random effects model components of variance model random error stogastiese fout probability theory Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary random event stogastiese gebeurtenis probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary random experiment stogastiese eksperiment probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary random field ewekansige liggaam ewekansige veld random fields and multiparameter processes stogastiese velde en meerparameterprosesse having a "time" parameter ranging over some space more complicated than the real line met 'n "tyd"-parameter wat oor een of ander ruimte strek wat meer gekompliseerd as die reële lyn is ESS random fluctuation stogastiese fluktuasie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary random impulse process stogastiese impulsproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse describing motion of particle subject to such impulses beskryf beweging van partikel onderhewig aan sodanige impulse ISI random linear graph stogastiese lineêre grafiek graph theory and combinatorics grafiekteorie en kombinatorika formed by joining pairs of randomly selected points gevorm deur pare ewekansig gekose punte te verbind ISI random matching ewekansige afparing probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary random mating ewekansige paring probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary random matrix Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 285 . ortogonale skikkings ISI random balance design random allocation design random bifurcation stogastiese bifurkasie stogastiese vertakking branching and related processes vertakkings.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: ewekansige as factorial designs. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. Monte Carlo methods} proses om ewekansige steekproef te verkry random sampling error ewekansige steekproeffout sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary random sampling numbers ewekansige getalle random numbers stogastiese getalle. rangtoetse. Monte Carlo-metodes process to obtain random sample <Note: SEE random sample> {Context: simulation. in Monte Carlo methods kunsmatige generering van getalle uit 'n waarskynlikheidsverdeling. uniform random numbers ewekansige getalle simulation.g. rank tests.Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: matriksvariaat stogastiese matriks probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary random normal scores test stogastiese normaaltellingstoets non-parametric tests. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI random number uniform random number random number generator ewekansigegetal-genereerder computer software rekenaarsagteware artificial generation of numbers from a probability distribution. bv. Monte Carlo-metodes ISI random selection ewekansige seleksie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary random sequence stogastiese ry probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary random series stogastiese reeks random variables. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. e. Monte Carlo-metodes a number generated at random 'n getal. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. in Monte Carlometodes ESS random numbers stogastiese getalle random sampling numbers. kansgetalle simulation. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. verwagte waardes en parameters ISI random start ewekansige beginpunt sampling steekproefneming ISI random structure ewekansige struktuur geometric probability geometriese waarskynlikheid ESS random tessellation Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 286 . distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. ewekansig gegenereer Statistical Dictionary random order ewekansige volgorde probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary random orthogonal transformation stogasties-ortogonale transformasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid with orthogonal matrices based on a random vector met ortogonale matrikse wat op 'n stogastiese vektor gebaseer is ISI random process stogastiese proses kansproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary random response method stogastiese responsiemetode sampling Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary random sample ewekansige steekproef simulation. Monte Carlo-metodes where each element has an equal chance waar elke element 'n gelyke kans het random sampling <see random sample> ewekansige steekproefneming <kyk ewekansige steekproef> simulation. variate random vector stogastiese vektor vektorvariaat probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary random walk stogastiese beweging theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI randomisation verewekansiging probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary randomisation test verewekansigingstoets probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary randomise verewekansig probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary randomised block ewekansige blok verewekansigde blok block designs. variate.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: ewekansige tessellasie combinatorial analysis kombinatoriese analise a non-systematic arrangement of contiguous polygons covering a plane 'n niesistematiese rangskikking van aangrensende veelhoeke wat 'n oppervlak bedek ESS random test randomised test random variable stogastiese veranderlike stochastic variable. groepdeelbare ontwerpe ISI randomised fractional factorial design verewekansigde gedeeltelike faktoriaalontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI randomised model verewekansigde model other designs of experiments ander ontwerpe van eksperimente where the treatment combinations are assigned at random waar die behandelingskombinasies ewekansig toegeken word ISI randomised response verewekansigde respons randomised response techniques verewekansigderespons-tegnieke a technique for obtaining responses to sensitive questions 'n tegniek om antwoorde op sensitiewe vrae te bekom ESS randomised response technique verewekansigderespons-tegniek sampling steekproefneming randomised significance test 287 . groepdeelbare ontwerpe ISI randomised cross-over study verewekansigde oorskakelstudie block designs. stochastic variable. groepdeelbare ontwerpe ESS English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: randomised block design verewekansigde blokontwerp block designs. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. groepdeelbare ontwerpe ISI randomised decision function verewekansigde beslissingsfunksie decision theory beslissingsteorie selected by chance from the set of possible functions ewekansig uit die versameling moontlike funksies gekies ISI randomised design verewekansigde ontwerp probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary randomised double-blind study verewekansigde dubbelblinde studie block designs. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. aleatory variable variaat probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie a variable associated with a probability distribution 'n veranderlike wat met 'n waarskynlikheidsverdeling geassosieer is ISI random variable aleatory variable. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. other approaches toetskonstruksie.en proseskontrole used to test variability om veranderlikheid te kontroleer ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: range of influence invloedsafstand geostatistics. the range of the values from 1-20 algemeen bv. also used with ordinal data English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: 288 . rangtoetse. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. verdelingsvrye toetse based on ranking and thus requiring less stringent regularity conditions. deur lotery randomness ewekansigheid probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary range reikwydte variasiewydte exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise general. fisika en chemie Statistical Dictionary range space range range test variasiewydtetoets mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary range-preserving estimator reikwydtebewaringsberamer exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers producing estimates within the range of what it is to estimate wat beramings voortbring binne die reikwydte van dit wat beraam moet word ESS rank correlation rangkorrelasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary rank correlation coefficient coefficient of rank correlation rank difference rangverskil probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary rank invariant ranginvariant probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary rank n. e. rang rangnommer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rank order statistic rangordestatistiek rank statistic non-parametric tests. van 'n funksie Statistical Dictionary range chart variasiewydtekaart quality and process control kwaliteits. ander benaderings used to obtain the required significance level exactly in the discrete case gebruik om die verlangde betekenispeil in die diskrete geval presies te verkry ISI randomised test verewekansigde toets random test gerandomiseerde toets.g.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: verewekansigde betekenistoets test construction. rank tests. bv. e. by lottery gekies sonder voorkeur. die reikwydte van die waardes is van 1-20 Statistical Dictionary range beeldversameling range space waardeversameling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes of e.g. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. ewekansig bepaal word randomly selected ewekansig gekose ewekansig geselekteerde sampling steekproefneming selected without prejudice. a function v.g. stogastiese toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing randomised trial verewekansigde proef design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente where the treatment applied is determined at random waar die behandeling wat toegepas word. Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: gebaseer op rangordening en vereis dus minder streng regulariteitsvoorwaardes. rangtoetse. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. risk analysis. word ook met ordinale data gebruik ESS rank score rangtelling non-parametric tests. rank tests.and M-estimators L. rank tests. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary rank test rangtoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary rank transformation rangtransformasie non-parametric tests. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI rank v. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rangtoetse. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary rank statistic rank order statistic rank sum test rangsomtoets non-parametric tests.en M-beramers ISI Rao-Blackwell theorem Rao-Blackwell-stelling exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers concerning minimum variance estimation het betrekking op minimumvariansie-beraming ISI rare-event risk analysis seldsame-gebeurtenis risiko-analise inventory. rank tests. rangtoetse. rank tests. dams inventaris-. rangtoetse. rangorden mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary ranked ranggeorden probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: ranking rangordening probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary ranking scale ordinal scale rankit rankit probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary rank-randomisation test <Note: SEE ALSO rank tests> rangverewekansigingstoets <kyk ook rangtoetse> non-parametric tests. damme of occurrences having very low probability van gebeurtenisse met 'n baie klein waarskynlikheid ESS Rasch model Rasch-model psychometrics psigometrie ISI rate function koersfunksie actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde rate n. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI rank-weighted mean ranggeweegde gemiddelde L. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI rank screening rangsifting screening tests siftingstoetse where selection is based on rank order waar seleksie op rangorde gegrond is ESS rank sign test rangtekentoets non-parametric tests. risiko-analise. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. koers mathematical methods wiskundige metodes per unit per eenheid Statistical Dictionary 289 . rank tests. rangtoetse. waarde bepaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rating waardebepaling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rating scale waardebepalingskaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary ratio verhouding mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary ratio chart verhoudingskaart mathematical methods wiskundige metodes English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Statistical Dictionary ratio delay method snap-reading method ratio estimate verhoudingsberaming mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary ratio estimator verhoudingsberamer estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary ratio of correlation correlation ratio ratio of variances variansieverhouding variance ratio hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary ratio scale verhoudingskaal hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary ratio test verhoudingstoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary rational rasionaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rational number rasionale getal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rational trend deterministiese tendens rasionele neiging univariate time series. klassifikasie en identifikasie not having a stochastic component het nie 'n stogastiese komponent nie ISI rationalisation rasionalisering mathematical methods wiskundige metodes 290 . tal getal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes amount antal Statistical Dictionary rate n. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: rate n. tempo mathematical methods wiskundige metodes per unit of time per tydseenheid Statistical Dictionary rate of change veranderingskoers mathematical methods wiskundige metodes per unit per eenheid Statistical Dictionary rate of convergence konvergensiesnelheid probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary rate of growth growth rate rate of interest interest rate rate v. en proseskontrole control chart for plotting sample ranges kontrolekaart vir die stipping van steekproefreikwydtes reading aflesing lesing exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise Statistical Dictionary real reëel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary real werklik actual real data Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: werklike data mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary real life example lewenswerklike voorbeeld mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary real line reële lyn mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary real variable reële veranderlike mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary real wage reële loon mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary realisation realisasie verwerkliking probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary real-valued function reëelwaardige funksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rebase herbaseer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary recapture hervang sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary recession resessie sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary reciprocal adj. resiprook mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: English: 291 . regular best asymptotically normal estimator R-chart R-kaart quality and process control kwaliteits.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: Statistical Dictionary rationalise rasionaliseer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary raw crude raw data crude data raw moment crude moment raw score crude score Rayleigh distribution Rayleigh-verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings a chi distribution with two degrees of freedom 'n chi-verdeling met twee vryheidsgrade ISI RBAN estimate <Short form> RBAN-beraming<kort vorm> regular best asymptotic normal estimate reguliere beste asimptotiese normaalberamer estimation beraming ESS RBAN estimator <Short form> best asymptotically normal estimator. herstel general algemeen Statistical Dictionary recover v. rangtoetse.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: reciprocal equation resiproke vergelyking mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reciprocal matrix inverse matrix reciprocal n. optekening opteken mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary record v. gebeurlikheidstabelle a scale-free variant of principal components analysis 'n skaalvrye variasie van hoofkomponentanalise reciprocal scaling omgekeerde skalering correspondence analysis resiproke skalering. opteken Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: optekening mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary recorded value opgetekende waarde mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary records test rekordtoets non-parametric tests. rank tests. herwin general algemeen Statistical Dictionary recovery of information inligtingherwinning mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rectangle reghoek mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rectangular reghoekig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rectangular association scheme reghoekige assosiasieskema design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente a form of block design 'n tipe blokontwerp ISI rectangular co-ordinate paper reghoekige grafiekpapier mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rectangular co-ordinates Cartesian co-ordinates 292 . contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. directly or indirectly afparing van rekords vanuit verskillende datastelle. resiprook mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reciprocal scaling resiproke skalering correspondence analysis ooreenkomsanalise categorical data analysis. direk of indirek ISI record linkage system rekordkoppelingstelsel data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise ESS record n. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI recover v. ooreenkomsanalise association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid ISI reciprocal value resiproke waarde mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary record linkage < See also matching procedure> rekordkoppeling < Kyk ook afparingsprosedure> statistical matching statistiese afparing data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise matching records from different data sets. English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: rectangular distribution reghoekige verdeling uniform distribution uniforme verdeling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rectangular lattice reghoekige rooster design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI rectangular parallelepiped cuboid rectangular right prism cuboid rectified index number reggestelde indeks indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary rectify v. regstel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rectifying inspection regstellende inspeksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rectilinear reglynig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rectilinear regression reglynige regressie straight line regression regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary rectilinear scale arithmetic scale rectilinear scale arithmetic scale rectilinear trend reglynige tendens regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary recur terugkeer mathematical methods Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary recur v. terugkeerperiode mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary recurrent wederkerend terugkerend mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary recurrent Markov chain wederkerende Markov-ketting theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse one which is periodic een wat periodies is ISI recurrent state wederkerende toestand mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary recurring repeterend mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary recurring decimal repeterende desimaal repeating decimal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary 293 . repeteer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary recurrence formula rekursieformule recursion formula mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary recurrence game terugkeerspel game theory spelteorie a sequence of trials conducted as a game 'n reeks pogings wat as 'n speletjie uitgevoer word ISI recurrence time terugkeertyd eersteterugkeertyd. non-response niesteekproefnemingsprobleme. vooruitberaming ISI recursive rule rekursiewe reël mathematical methods. nierespons ISI reduced score gereduseerde telling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reduced variate gereduseerde stogastiese veranderlike transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes standardised with measures other than mean and standard deviation gestandaardiseer met ander maatstawwe as die gemiddelde en die standaardafwyking ISI reducible reduseerbaar mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reducing factor reduksiefaktor reduction factor mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary 294 . forecasting voorspelling. vir die faktoriaal ISI recursive system rekursiewe stelsel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary redeem aflos mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reduce reduseer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reduced design gereduseerde ontwerp mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reduced equation gereduseerde vergelyking mathematical methods Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reduced form gereduseerde vorm mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reduced form method gereduseerdevorm-metode econometrics ekonometrie treating the endogenous variables as known wat die endogene veranderlikes as bekend beskou ISI reduced inspection gereduseerde inspeksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reduced maximum likelihood gereduseerde maksimum aanneemlikheid restricted maximum likelihood.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: recurring fraction repeterende breuk mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary recursion rekursie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary recursion formula recurrence formula recursive rekursief mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary recursive residual rekursiewe residu prediction. algoritmes en rekenaarprogramme defining a function in terms of itself. algorithms and computer programs wiskundige metodes.g. for the factorial wat 'n funksie in terme van homself definieer bv. e. REML beperkte maksimum aanneemlikheid estimation beraming ISI reduced sample gereduseerde steekproef non-sampling problems. streek geostatistics. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. non-response niesteekproefnemingsprobleme. nierespons ESS regenerating process regenererende proses mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary regenerative regeneratief mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary regenerative process regeneratiewe proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI region gebied sone. fisika en chemie Statistical Dictionary register register mathematical methods wiskundige metodes 295 . physics and chemistry geostatistiek.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: reduction reduksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reduction factor reducing factor reduction formula reduksieformule mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reduction of data datareduksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reduction table reduksietabel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary redundancy analysis oortolligheidsanalise mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary redundant oortollig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reference cycle verwysingsiklus mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reference distribution parent distribution reference period verwysingsperiode mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reference prior distribution a priori-verwysingsverdeling Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming ISI reference set verwysingsversameling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: referendum referendum mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary refined death rate corrected death rate reflecting barrier reflekterende versperring mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary refusal weiering mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary refusal rate weieringskoers non-sampling problems. fisika en chemie Statistical Dictionary region of acceptance acceptance region regionalised variable regionale veranderlike geostatistics. Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Statistical Dictionary regressand afhanklike veranderlike regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary regression regressie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary regression analysis regressieanalise regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary regression coefficient regressiekoëffisiënt coefficient of regression regression analysis regressieanalise regression curve curve of regression regression dependence regressie-afhanklikheid association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid positive (negative) when the conditional c.f. verdelingsvrye metodes ISI regression theory regressieleer regressieteorie regression analysis regressieanalise Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 296 .g.nieparametriese metodes.ekwivariante beramer regression analysis regressieanalise ISI regression estimate regressieberaming regression analysis regressieanalise predicted value Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: voorspelde waarde ISI regression estimate <see also ratio estimator> regressieberaming <kyk ook verhoudingsberamer> use of auxiliary information in estimation gebruik van aanvullende inligting by beraming using a sample based relationship (e.d. distribution-free methods regressie . modelbou en -seleksie techniques for detecting disagreement between the model and the data tegnieke om nie-ooreenstemming tussen die model en die data vas te stel ESS regression equation equation of regression regression equivariant estimator regressie. sensitiwiteit ESS regression rank score regressierangtelling regression . verhouding) om 'n totaal te beraam ISI regression fractile regression quantile regression function regressiefunksie regression analysis regressieanalise which reflects the mean course of the dependent variable for given values of the independent variables wat die gemiddelde verloop van die afhanklike veranderlike weergee vir gegewe waardes van die onafhanklike veranderlikes ESS regression line line of regression regression model regressiemodel regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary regression over constraints regressie onderhewig aan beperkings regression analysis regressieanalise regression plane plane of closest fit regression quantile regressiekwantiel regression fractile robustness.nonparametric methods. sensitivity robuustheid. of the independent variable is non-increasing (non-decreasing) in the independent variable positief (negatief) as die voorwaardelike kumulatiewe verdelingsfunksie van die onafhanklike veranderlike niestygend (niedalend) in die onafhanklike veranderlike is ISI regression diagnostics regressiediagnostiek regression. model building and selection regressie. ratio) to estimate a total gebruik 'n steekproefgebaseerde verband (bv. figure bv. Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: regressive regressief regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary regressogram regressogram exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise a representation of regression curve based on means over intervals 'n voorstelling van regressiekromme op grond van gemiddeldes oor intervalle ESS regressor onafhanklike veranderlike predicated variable voorspeller regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary regret function beroufunksie probability theory. figuur Statistical Dictionary regular best asymptotic normal estimate RBAN estimate regular best asymptotic normal estimator best asymptotically normal estimator regular best asymptotically normal estimator reguliere beste asimptotiese normaalberamer RBAN estimator beste asimptotiese normaalberamer. Bayes-benadering Statistical Dictionary regular reëlmatig regulier mathematical methods wiskundige metodes e.g. RBAN-beraming asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers ISI regular function reguliere funksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary regular group divisible incomplete block design reëlmatige groepdeelbare onvolledige blokontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: ISI regular Markov renewal process reëlmatige Markov-hernuwingsproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse of which all the states are regular waarvan al die toestande reëlmatig is ISI regular polygon reëlmatige veelhoek mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary regular state reëlmatige toestand semi-Markov processes semi-Markov-prosesse from which an infinite number of transitions is of probability zero waarvandaan 'n oneindige aantal oorgange van waarskynlikheid nul is ISI regular stationary point process reguliere stasionêre puntproses geordende stasionêre puntproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse an orderly point process 'n ordelike puntproses ISI regular topological space reguliere topologiese ruimte mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary regularity condition reëlmatigheidsvoorwaarde regulariteitsvoorwaarde mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary regulating process regulerende proses mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reification terugvertolking konkretisering principal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise the interpretation in terms of the original variables die interpretasie in terme van die oorspronklike veranderlikes ISI reiterative 297 . RBANberamer. unacceptable quality level. unacceptable quality level. 'n toets of 'n steekproef ISI relative frequency relatiewe frekwensie empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe class frequency divided by total frequency klasfrekwensie gedeel deur totale frekwensie ESS relative information <see also information> relatiewe inligting <kyk ook inligting> factorial designs.g. Monte Carlo-metodes ISI rejective sampling verwerpende steekproefneming unequal probability sampling strategies ongelykewaarskynlikheidsteekproefnemingstrategieë the whole sample is rejected when any individual is selected a second time die hele steekproef word verwerp as enige individu 'n tweede keer getrek word ISI related verbandhoudend verwant mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary relation verband verwantskap. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. a test of a sample design van 'n beramer. relasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary relative relatief mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary relative efficiency relatiewe doeltreffendheid exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers of an estimator. rejectable quality level. lot tolerance percent defective level. RPL.en proseskontrole the level of quality for which there is only a low probability of acceptance die kwaliteitspeil waarvoor daar net 'n klein waarskynlikheid van aanvaarding is ESS rejection line verwerpingslyn sequential and multistage tests sekwensiële en meerstadiumtoetse graph of the rejection boundary as a function of the sample size grafiek van die verwerpingsgrens as 'n funksie van die steekproefgrootte ISI rejection number <see also acceptance number> verwerpingsgetal <kyk ook aanvaardingsgetal> quality and process control kwaliteits. ortogonale skikkings ISI relative potency relatiewe sterkte mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 298 . rejectable process level. substandaarditems wat die verwerping van die lot tot gevolg het ISI rejection region verwerpingsgebied critical region kritieke gebied hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: rejection sampling verwerpingsteekproefneming simulation.en proseskontrole the level of quality for which there is only a low probability of acceptance. RQL quality and process control kwaliteits.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: reïteratief mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reject verwerp hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary rejectable process level <Full form> onaanvaarbare kwaliteitspeil lot tolerance percent defective level. substandard items which require the rejection of the batch die getal van bv. limiting quality level quality and process control kwaliteits. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. limiting quality level die kwaliteitspeil waarvoor daar net 'n klein waarskynlikheid van aanvaarding is ESS rejectable quality level <Full form> onaanvaarbare kwaliteitspeil limiting quality level.en proseskontrole the number of e. g. by Cronbach alpha coefficient gekwadreerde korrelasie tussen waargenome en werklike waardes. e.g. reduced maximum likelihood Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: 299 .tot lokaliteitsmaatstaf ESS relaxed oscillation ontspanne ossillasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary relevance principle toepaslikheidsbeginsel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary relevant relevant toepaslik mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reliability betroubaarheid special topics. beraam deur. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. estimated. verwagte waardes en parameters ESS reliability of a test toetsbetroubaarheid psychometrics psigometrie squared correlation between observed and true scores. Cronbach-alphakoëffisiënt ESS reliability theory betroubaarheidsteorie reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing Statistical Dictionary reliable betroubaar hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary reliable sample betroubare steekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary relvariance relatiewe variansie relative variance empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe the square of the coefficient of variation die kwadraat van die variasiekoëffisiënt ESS remainder theorem resstelling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary REML <Short form> restricted maximum likelihood. toepassings Statistical Dictionary reliability coefficient betroubaarheidskoëffisiënt hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary reliability function betroubaarheidsfunksie random variables. ratio of the proportions in two populations suffering from a disease bv. bv.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: relative precision <see also relative efficiency> relatiewe presisie <kyk ook relatiewe doeltreffendheid> optimal sampling strategies optimale steekproefnemingstrategieë the ratio of the error variances of two sample designs die verhouding van die foutvariansies van twee steekproefontwerpe ISI relative risk <see also odds ratio> relatiewe risiko <kyk ook relatiewe kansverhouding> medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek e. applications Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: spesiale onderwerpe. verhouding van die proporsie in twee populasies wat aan 'n siekte ly ISI relative standard deviation coefficient of variation relative variability relatiewe veranderlikheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary relative variance relvariance relative variation relatiewe variasie empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe ratio of spread and location measures verhouding van spreidings. versamel deur satelliete remove verwyder mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary renew hernuwe mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary renewal density hernuwingsdigtheid theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse derivative of the renewal function afgeleide van die hernuwingsfunksie ISI renewal distribution hernuwingsverdeling renewal theory and processes hernuwingsteorie en -prosesse of the intervals between events van die intervalle tussen gebeurtenisse ISI renewal function hernuwingsfunksie renewal theory and processes hernuwingsteorie en -prosesse expected number of renewals verwagte getal hernuwings ISI renewal process hernuwingsproses renewal theory and processes hernuwingsteorie en -prosesse in which times between events are i. collected by satellite bv.i.v.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: remote sensing afstandswaarneming association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid remotely sensed data afstandwaargenome data meteorology weerkunde e.o.d.g. is ISI renewal theorem hernuwing-stelling renewal theory and processes hernuwingsteorie en -prosesse the key theorem or a less general form thereof die sleutelstelling of 'n minder algemene vorm daarvan ESS renewal theory <see also renewal theorem> Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: hernuwingsteorie <kyk ook hernuwing-stelling> theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse concerning the lifetimes of unservicable components het betrekking op die lewensduur van onherstelbare komponente ISI repeat herhaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary repeatability herhaalbaarheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary repeatability variance herhaalbaarheidsvariansie analysis of variance variansieanalise intrinsic variability of repeated measurements under identical conditions intrinsieke veranderlikheid van herhaalde metings onder identiese toestande ESS repeatable herhaalbaar mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary repeated logarithm iterated logarithm repeated measurements herhaalde metings mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary repeated measures design herhaaldemetings-ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente in which each individual gives responses to treatment on different occasions waarin elke individu by verskillende geleenthede response op behandeling gee repeated replications herhaalde replikasies repeated measures and sequential designs herhaalde metings en sekwensiële ontwerpe repeated survey herhaalde opname mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 300 . waarin tye tussen gebeurtenisse i. ongeag die uitkomste van vorige steekproewe ISI replace terugplaas teruglegging.English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: repeating decimal recurring decimal repetition herhaling design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI repetitive group sampling plan repeterende groepsteekproefnemingsplan quality and process control kwaliteits. populasiemodelle ESS rerandomisation herverewekansiging sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke used in resampling procedures gebruik in hersteekproefnemingsprosedures ESS resampling procedure hersteekproefnemingsprosedure Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 301 . population models demografie. teruglê sampling steekproefneming make available for reselection maak beskikbaar vir herseleksie ESS replacement terugplasing teruglegging sampling steekproefneming make avaliable for reselection maak beskikbaar vir herseleksie ESS replacement vervanging substitusie capture-recapture methods vang-hervang-metodes Statistical Dictionary replacement process vervangingsproses capture-recapture methods vang-hervang-metodes Statistical Dictionary replicate n. repliseer capture-recapture methods vang-hervang-metodes Statistical Dictionary replicated gerepliseer Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: capture-recapture methods vang-hervang-metodes Statistical Dictionary replication replikasie capture-recapture methods vang-hervang-metodes Statistical Dictionary report verslag mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary represent verteenwoordig general algemeen Statistical Dictionary represent voorstel general algemeen Statistical Dictionary representative sample verteenwoordigende steekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary reproducibility reproduseerbaarheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reproducibility variance reproduseerbaarheidsvariansie analysis of variance variansieanalise due to all random contributions to measurements toeskryfbaar aan alle stogastiese bydraes tot metings ESS reproduction rate reproduksiekoers demography.en proseskontrole for acceptance inspection based upon the proportion of defective units regardless of previous sampling outcomes vir aanname-inspeksie wat gebaseer is op die proporsie defektiewe eenhede. replikaat capture-recapture methods vang-hervang-metodes Statistical Dictionary replicate v. groepdeelbare ontwerpe ESS residue residual resistance weerstand mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary resistant technique weerstandbiedende tegniek robust and adaptive estimation robuuste en aanpassende beraming insensitive to any change in any small part of the data ongevoelig vir enige verandering in enige klein gedeelte van die data ESS resolution resolusie design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente indicates the number of factor effects that can be estimated dui die getal faktoreffekte aan wat beraam kan word resolution English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: 302 .Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke ISI research navorsing mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary research hypothesis navorsingshipotese social sciences sosiale wetenskappe alternative hypothesis alternatiewe hipotese ESS residual adj. residu residue analysis of residuals residuanalise Statistical Dictionary residual plot residustipping graphical methods grafiese metodes a graphical representation of residuals 'n grafiese voorstelling van residue ESS English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: residual sum of squares som van kwadrate van residue analysis of residuals residuanalise Statistical Dictionary residual treatment effect oordrageffek residual effect. residuresidue analysis of residuals residuanalise Statistical Dictionary residual analysis residuanalise regression analysis regressieanalise to determine suitability of model om geskiktheid van model te bepaal ESS residual change residuverandering regression analysis regressieanalise deviation from the value predicted from earlier measurements afwyking vanaf die waarde wat uit vroeër metings voorspel is residual effect residual treatment effect residual error residufout analysis of residuals residuanalise Statistical Dictionary residual n. carry-over effect analysis of residuals residuanalise Statistical Dictionary residual value residuwaarde analysis of residuals residuanalise Statistical Dictionary residual variance residuvariansie analysis of residuals residuanalise Statistical Dictionary residual waiting-time residuele wagtyd analysis of residuals residuanalise Statistical Dictionary residuation residuering block designs. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: ontbinding splitsing mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary resolvability ontbindbaarheid oplosbaarheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary resolvable balanced incomplete block design <see resolvable design> ontbindbare gebalanseerde onvolledige blokontwerp <kyk ontbindbare ontwerp> design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI resolvable design ontbindbare ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente when the blocks can be grouped to form complete replicates wanneer die blokke op so 'n wyse gegroepeer kan word dat dit volledige replikate vorm resolve v. ontbind split up splits design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary resource hulpbron mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary respondent respondent mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary response respons responsie market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling participation in a survey deelname aan 'n opname ISI response Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: respons responsie clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings reaction of an individual to a stimulus reaksie van 'n individu op 'n stimulus Statistical Dictionary response bias responssydigheid sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary response curve responskromme sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary response curve estimation responskrommeberaming regression analysis regressieanalise response data responsdata sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary response error responsfout sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary response function responsfunksie sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary response metameter responsmetameter clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings transformed measurement of a response getransformeerde meting van 'n respons ISI response surface responsoppervlak sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary response surface design responsoppervlakontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente response time responsietyd sampling distributions steekproefverdelings English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: 303 . oplos mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary resolve v. g. klassifikasie en identifikasie to return to some assigned (e. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. resultant mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary retrospective retrospektief mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary retrospective change point problem retrospektiewe veranderingspuntprobleem estimation beraming ISI retrospective study <See case-control study> retrospektiewe studie<Kyk gevallekontrolestudie> clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings ISI return terugkeer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary return level terugkeervlak extreme value distributions ekstreemwaardeverdelings ISI return period return time return state terugkeertoestand Markov chains Markov-kettings which communicates with itself wat met homself kommunikeer ISI return time terugkeertyd return period. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. extreme) value om na 'n gespesifiseerde (bv. ekstreem-) waarde terug te keer ISI reversal design terugskakelontwerp switchback design mathematical methods 304 . groepdeelbare ontwerpe ESS result resultaat mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary resultant adj.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: Statistical Dictionary response variable responsveranderlike sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary R-estimator R-beramer estimation beraming a measure of location in signed rank tests 'n lokaliteitsmaatstaf by betekenderangstatistieke ESS restricted least squares constrained least squares restricted maximum likelihood <Full form> beperkte maksimum aanneemlikheid REML. first return time terugkeerperiode. eersteterugkeer-tyd univariate time series. reduced maximum likelihood gereduseerde maksimum aanneemlikheid method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode Statistical Dictionary restricted randomisation beperkte verewekansiging design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI restricted sequential procedure beperkte sekwensiële prosedure sequential and multistage tests sekwensiële en meerstadiumtoetse ISI restriction constraint restriction error beperkingsfout block designs. resulterend mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary resultant error resulterende fout mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: resultant n. regressie onderhewig aan beperkings ESS ridit analysis riditanalise special topics. groepdeelbare ontwerpe ISI right-censoring regssensorering estimation beraming ISI right-truncation regsafknotting medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek ISI risk English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 305 . quantal response logistiese en loglineêre model. real analysis funksieteorie.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reversal rule omkeerreël mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reversal test omkeertoets mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reversal trial terugskakelproef switchback trial mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reverse omkeer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reversibility omkeerbaarheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reversible omkeerbaar mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo Markov-ketting Monte Carlo met omkeerbare sprong theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI reversible relation omkeerbare relasie theory of functions. applications spesiale onderwerpe. toepassings Statistical Dictionary right and wrong cases method metode van regte en verkeerde gevalle logistic and log-linear model. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe. regression over constraints rifregressie. reële analise ISI reversible relation omkeerbare relasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid when cause and effect are interchangeable wanneer oorsaak en gevolg uitruilbaar is ISI reversion omkering mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: revise hersien mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rho rho mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary ridge regression rifregressie regression analysis regressieanalise used to improve on least squares methods when multicollinearity occurs gebruik om op kleinstekwadratemetodes te verbeter wanneer multi-kollineariteit voorkom ridge trace rifspoor ridge regression. kwantaalrespons ISI right angle regte hoek mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary right angular design reghoekige ontwerp block designs. the trimmed mean bly nuttig wanneer daar nie aan een of meer van sy aannames voldoen word nie. sensitivity robuustheid. e. nie slegs onder die modelaannames wat gepostuleer is nie ESS robust regression onsensitiewe regressie robustness. Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie. geknipte gemiddelde ESS robustness robuustheid onsensitiwiteit estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary robust-resistant line robuus-weerstandbiedende lyn minimax regression minimaksregressie regression which is influenced neither by deviations from model assumptions nor by outliers regressie wat nie deur afwykings vanaf modelaannames of uitskieters beïnvloed word nie ESS root wortel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary root estimator wortelberamer estimation beraming used in a highly skewed population to estimate the mean Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 306 . bv. Bayesian approach waarskynlikheidsteorie. Bayes-benadering Statistical Dictionary risk ratio risikoverhouding medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek ISI risk set risikoversameling probability theory. sensitiwiteit Statistical Dictionary robust smoothing robuuste gladstryking regression analysis regressieanalise ESS robust statistic robuuste statistiek estimation beraming remains useful when one or more of its assumptions are violated. not only under the model assumptions that have been postulated vaar goed.g. Bayes-benadering Statistical Dictionary R-matrix R-matriks correlation matrix korrelasiematriks association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data formed from all the possible intercorrelations of variables gevorm deur al die moontlike interkorrelasies van veranderlikes robust onsensitief robuust robust and adaptive procedures robuuste en aanpassende prosedures Statistical Dictionary robust estimation robuuste beraming estimation beraming robust estimator robuuste beramer estimation beraming not sensitive to violation of assumptions nie sensitief vir die skending van aannames nie ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: robust procedure robuuste prosedure estimation beraming performs well.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: risiko decision theory beslissingsteorie Statistical Dictionary risk analysis risiko-analise inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse risk factor risikofaktor medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek risk function risikofunksie probability theory. Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: word in 'n baie skewe verdeling gebruik om die gemiddelde te beraam ISI root mean square wortel van gemiddelde kwadraat analysis of variance variansieanalise ISI root mean square deviation wortel van gemiddeldekwadraatfout root mean square error analysis of variance variansieanalise ISI root mean square error root mean square deviation root sign radical sign rose diagram circular histogram Rosenthal's moment inequality Rosenthal se moment van ongelykheid inequalities ongelykhede used to prove the strong law of large numbers gebruik om die sterk wet van groot getalle te bewys ESS rotatable design roteerbare ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary rotate roteer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rotation wisselbou mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rotation rotasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rotation equation rotasievergelyking mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rotation experiment Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: wisselboueksperiment mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rotation formula rotasieformule mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rotation sampling rotasiesteekproefneming sampling on successive occasions steekproefneming by opeenvolgende geleenthede with some overlap of elements between occasions met 'n mate van oorvleueling van elemente by verskillende geleenthede ISI rough estimate growwe beraming mathematical methods wiskundige metodes technical tegnies Statistical Dictionary roughness penalty grofheidsboete density estimation and related topics digtheidsberaming en verwante onderwerpe adaptation to achieve smoothing aanpassing om gladstryking te bewerkstellig ISI roulette roulette mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary round off afrond mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rounded distribution afgeronde verdeling grouped distribution geronde verdeling. gegroepeerde verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings a discrete distribution which is formed when measurements are rounded off 'n diskrete verdeling wat gevorm word wanneer metings afgerond word ESS rounding afronding mathematical methods wiskundige metodes 307 . rangtoetse. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rank tests. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary run length lopielengte non-parametric tests. rank tests. gebeurlikheidstabelle ESS row total rytotaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary row vector ryvektor mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary Roy's maximum eigenvalue criterion Roy's maximum root criterion Roy's maximum root criterion Roy se maksimumeiewaardekriterium Roy's maximum eigenvalue criterion hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ISI RPL <Short form> rejectable process level R-process R-proses categorical data analysis. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI RQL <Short form> rejectable quality level. unacceptable quality level English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: R-technique <see Q-technique> R-tegniek <kyk Q-tegniek> association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid examines relations between variables in multivariate data ondersoek verbande tussen veranderlikes in meerveranderlike data ISI ruin problem <see gambler's ruin> bankrotskapprobleem <kyk dobbelaarsbankrotskap> game theory spelteorie ISI rule reël mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary rule of thumb praktiese reël mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary run lopie non-parametric tests. verdelingsvrye toetse running median lopende mediaan smoothing procedures gladstrykingsprosedures analogous to higher-order moving averages analoog aan hoërorde bewegende gemiddeldes ESS runs test lopietoets non-parametric tests. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rank tests.Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: Statistical Dictionary rounding-off error error of rounding Round-Robin design elk-met-elk-vergelykingsontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente a balanced paired comparison design 'n gebalanseerde gepaardevergelykingsontwerp ISI route sampling roetesteekproefneming mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary row ry mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary row effect ry-effek categorical data analysis. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. rangtoetse. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary runs up and down op-en-af-lopies mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 308 . distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rangtoetse. classical methodology steekproefneming. steekproef monster sampling steekproefneming statistical statisties Statistical Dictionary sample n.English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: rural landelik plattelands mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary RV-coefficient RV-koëffisiënt selection of predictors (order and number) seleksie van voorspellers (orde en getal) used for selecting the "best" set of predictors word gebruik om die "beste" deelversameling voorspellers te kies ESS saddle point saalpunt mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary saddlepoint approximation saalpuntbenadering generating and characteristic functions voortbringende en karakteristiekefunksies saddlepoint expansion saalpuntuitbreiding generating and characteristic functions voortbringende en karakteristiekefunksies same order bias estimator gelykeordesydigheidsberamer comparison of estimators vergelyking van beramers having the same bias in the limit met dieselfde sydigheid in die limiet ISI sample steekproef monster <by kwaliteitskontrole> sampling steekproefneming subset of population deelversameling van populasie ISI sample allocation steekproeftoedeling sampling. monster steekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sample number steekproefgrootte sample size sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sample path steekproefroete sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sample path property steekproefroete-eienskap theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse 309 . klassieke metodologie determining subsample sizes in stratified sampling die bepaling van substeekproefgroottes in gestratifiseerde steekproefneming ESS sample bias steekproefsydigheid sampling steekproefneming ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: sample census steekproefsensus sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sample correlation coefficient steekproefkorrelasiekoëffisiënt regression analysis regressieanalise sample design sampling design sample mean steekproefgemiddelde sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sample median steekproefmediaan sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sample moment steekproefmoment steekproefnemingsmoment sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sample n. monster neem sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampled population bestudeerde populasie studied population sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampler steekproefnemer sampling steekproefneming statistical statisties Statistical Dictionary sampler monsternemer sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampling monsterneming massamonsterneming sampling of continuous populations.g. steekproefnemingsontwerp sampling steekproefneming a set of rules for drawing a sample 'n stel reëls vir die neem van 'n steekproef ESS sampling distribution steekproefverdeling steekproefnemingsverdeling sampling Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 310 . liquids. verdelingsaannames te vermy ISI sample reuse technique steekproefhergebruikstegniek estimation beraming sample size sample number sample space steekproefruimte sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sample statistic steekproefstatistiek statistic statistiek sampling distributions steekproefverdelings ISI sample survey steekproefopname sampling survey sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sample unit steekproefeenheid sampling unit sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sample v. etc bv. poeier. bulk sampling steekproefneming van kontinue populasies.English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: sample plan sampling design sample plot experimental plot sample point steekproefpunt sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sample ratio sampling ratio sample reuse steekproefhergebruik estimation beraming use of subsamples from the sample e. ens ESS sampling steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming statistical statisties ESS sampling by attributes attribute sampling sampling design steekproefontwerp sample design. steekproef neem sampling Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sample v. vloeistof. powder. sample plan steekproefplan. monsterneming e.g. to avoid making distributional assumptions die gebruik van deelsteekproewe uit die steekproef om bv. klassieke metodologie of a systematic sample van 'n sistematiese steekproef ISI sampling method steekproefmetode sampling technique steekproeftegniek sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampling moment steekproefmoment steekproefnemingsmoment empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele of a sampling distribution van 'n steekproefverdeling ESS sampling of continuous populations steekproefneming van kontinue populasies sampling steekproefneming sampling on successive occasions herhaalde steekproefneming sampling Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: steekproefneming e. deur 'n nuwe steekproef te neem of deur gedeeltelike vervanging van elemente ISI sampling ratio steekproefverhouding sample ratio sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampling reliability steekproefbetroubaarheid sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampling scoop steekproefskepper monsterskepper sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampling structure steekproefstruktuur sampling steekproefneming ISI sampling survey sample survey sampling technique sampling method sampling theory steekproefteorie theory of sampling sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampling unit sample unit sampling variance steekproefvariansie sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampling with replacement steekproefneming met terugplasing sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampling without replacement steekproefneming sonder terugplasing sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary 311 . by selection of a new sample or by partial replacement of elements bv.g. classical methodology steekproefneming.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampling error steekproeffout sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampling fluctuation steekproeffluktuasie sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampling fraction steekproeffraksie sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampling frame steekproefraamwerk sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampling inspection steekproefinspeksie sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary sampling interval steekproefinterval sampling. scattergram scatter n. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. scatter diagram English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: 312 . to test equality of population standard deviations bv. point diagram. dot diagram. gebeurlikheidstabelle in contrast to a structural zero in teenstelling met 'n strukturele nul ESS sandwich estimate toebroodjieberaming method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode ISI satisfy bevredig voldoen aan mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary saturated model versadigde model mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary saturation versadiging mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary SB distributions SB-verdelings systems of distributions verdelingstelsels ISI scalar adj. skalaar mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary scalar product inner product scale equivariant estimator skaalekwivariante beramer regression analysis regressieanalise ISI scale n.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: sampling zero steekproefnemingsnul categorical data analysis. spreiding mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary scatter plot spreidingstipping scattergram. skalaar mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary scalar n. skaleer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary scaling skalering mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary scaling method skaleringsmetode association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid scan statistic skandeerstatistiek theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI scatter coefficient spreidingskoëffisiënt mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary scatter diagram scatter plot. skaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: scale parameter skaalparameter parameter of scale mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary scale test skaaltoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing e.g. om gelykheid van populasiestandaardafwykings te toets ESS scale unit skaaleenheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary scale v. Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: puntediagram, spreidingsdiagram exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise two-dimensional plot of observed values twee-dimensionele stipping van waargenome waardes ISI scatter v. sprei mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary scattergram scatter plot scatterplot matrix spreidingsdiagrammatriks puntediagrammatriks graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI scatterplot smoother spreidingsdiagramgladstryker puntediagramgladstryker graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI scedastic curve skedastiese kromme graphical methods grafiese metodes indicates heteroscedasticity dui heteroskedastisiteit aan ESS scedasticity skedastisiteit empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe denoting dispersion dui spreiding aan ISI schedule opgawe market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling ISI scheduling skedulering operations research operasionele navorsing Scheffé's test Scheffé se toets multiple comparisons, multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings, meervoudige beslissingsprosedures for means Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: vir gemiddeldes ISI scheme skema mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary scheme of hidden periodicity skema met verskuilde periodisiteit univariate time series, estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse, beraming to determine the components of a time series om die komponente van 'n tydreeks te bepaal ISI Schoener's index of proportional similarity coefficient of community Schwarz's inequality Schwarz se ongelykheid random variables, expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes, verwagte waardes en parameters ISI scope omvang mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary score equation tellingvergelyking method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode ISI score function prestasiefunksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary score n. telling tel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary score n. waardetoekenning mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary score statistic tellingstatistiek transformed models getransformeerde modelle transformations in regression transformasies in regressie ESS 313 English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: score test tellingtoets mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary score v. waarde toeken mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary score vector tellingvektor method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode ISI scoring rule waardetoekenningsreël Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming to describe uncertainty numerically within a Bayesian framework, e.g. quadratic or Brier score om onsekerheid numeries binne 'n Bayesraamwerk te beskryf, bv. kwadratiese of Brierwaardetoekenning ESS scree graph knakpuntgrafiek scree plot knakgrafiek principal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise in determining the number of factors or principal components by die bepaling van die aantal faktore of hoofkomponente scree plot stortingstipping scree graph calibration, optimal coding kalibrering, optimale kodering a graphical method of evaluating sums of squares of orthogonal contrasts 'n grafiese metode om somme van kwadrate van ortogonale kontraste te evalueer scree plot scree graph principal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise scree test knakpunttoets knaktoets principal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise in determining the number of factors and/or principal components by die bepaling van die aantal faktore en/of hoofkomponente English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: screening sifting special topics, applications spesiale onderwerpe, toepassings selection for more extensive procedures, e.g. disease screening seleksie of keuring vir meer omvattende prosedures, bv. siektesifting, keuring ESS screening design siftingsontwerp keuringsontwerp screening tests siftingstoetse a set of rules for selecting entities, e.g. drugs with specified properties 'n stel reëls vir die seleksie van entiteite, bv. medikasie met bepaalde eienskappe ESS screening inspection siftingsinspeksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary screening test siftingstoets design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente scrutinise fynkam mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary S-curve S-kromme S-shaped curve, sigmoid curve S-vormige kromme mathematical methods wiskundige metodes ISI search theory soekteorie operations research operasionele navorsing ESS searching method soekmetode operations research operasionele navorsing seasonal seisoensmathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary seasonal adjustment seisoensaanpassing seisoensverstelling Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: 314 Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary seasonal effect seisoenseffek mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary seasonal fluctuation seisoensfluktuasie seasonal variation seisoenskommeling univariate time series, classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse, klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI seasonal index seisoensindeks mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary seasonal movement seisoensbeweging univariate time series, classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse, klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary seasonal variation seisoensvariasie seasonal fluctuation univariate time series, classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse, klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary seasonality seisoenaliteit univariate time series, classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse, klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary seasonally adjusted seisoensverstelde seisoensaangepas univariate time series, classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse, klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary seasonally adjusted time series seisoensaangepaste tydreeks univariate time series, classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse, klassifikasie en identifikasie English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: sec sec secant sekans mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary secant snylyn sec snydingslyn mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary secant method snylynmetode mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary second law of Laplace tweede wet van Laplace univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings normal distribution normaalverdeling ESS second limit theorem tweede limietstelling limit distributions limietverdelings based on moments op momente gebaseer ISI second order tweedeorde mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary second order interaction tweedeorde-interaksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary secondary sekondêr mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary secondary data sekondêre data sampling steekproefneming obtained in the course of a survey or experiment designed for some other 'primary' purpose verkry in die loop van 'n opname of eksperiment wat vir 'n ander 'primêre' doel ontwerp is Definisie: 315 Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: ESS secondary movement cyclic movement secondary process sekondêre proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse contributing to the primary process dra by tot die primêre proses ISI secondary sampling unit sekondêre steekproefeenheid second-stage unit sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary secondary subscript sekondêre voetskrif mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary secondary unit sekondêre eenheid sampling steekproefneming ISI second-order analysis tweedeorde-analise theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse depending on moments of the first and second order only hang net af van eerste- en tweedeordemomente ISI second-order stationary tweedeorde-stasionêr covariance stationary kovariansiestasionêr theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse where the covariances are independent of time waar die kovariansies onafhanklik van tyd is ISI second-stage unit secondary sampling unit secretary problem sekretarisprobleem mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary section seksie general algemeen Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: section snee mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary sector diagram circle diagram secular movement sekulêre beweging mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary secular trend sekulêre tendens mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary seed kiemgetal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary segmentation segmentasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary segmented regression piecewise regression segregate segregeer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary select selekteer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary selected geselekteer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary selection seleksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary selection bias seleksiesydigheid sampling steekproefneming 316 Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: due to shortcomings in the mechanism used to select units in the experiment or sample survey weens tekortkomings in die meganisme wat gebruik word om eenhede vir 'n eksperiment of steekproefopname te kies ESS selection differential seleksiedifferensiaal order statistics ordestatistieke difference between the average derived from a selected population and the mean of the initial population die verskil tussen die gemiddelde bereken vir 'n geselekteerde populasie en dié van die aanvanklike populasie ESS selection effect seleksie-effek mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary selection method seleksiemetode mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary selection with equal probability gelykewaarskynlikheid-seleksie sampling steekproefneming ISI selection with probability proportional to size seleksie met waarskynlikheid eweredig aan grootte sampling steekproefneming ISI selective selektief mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary selective inference selektiewe inferensie multiple comparisons, multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings, meervoudige beslissingsprosedures where intermediate results are used to select subsequent procedures waar tussentydse resultate gebruik word om daaropvolgende prosedures te kies ESS self-avoiding random walk selfvermydende stogastiese beweging theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: e.g. at no point crosses or touches itself dit kruis of raak bv. nooit homself nie ISI self-conjugate Latin square selftoegevoegde Latynse vierkant design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente symmetric about its principal diagonal simmetries om die hoofdiagonaal ISI self-conjugated selftoegevoeg mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary self-correcting selfkorrigerend mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary self-enumeration selfvoltooiing market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling where respondent completes own questionnaire waar respondent eie vraelys voltooi ESS self-renewing aggregate selfhernuwende aggregaat renewal theory and processes hernuwingsteorie en -prosesse when the failure of a unit results in its replacement waar die faling van 'n eenheid tot sy vervanging lei ISI self-selection selfseleksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary self-similar process selfsoortgelyke proses Poisson processes Poisson-prosesse ISI self-similarity selfgelyksoortigheid random fields and multiparameter processes stogastiese velde en meerparameterprosesse describing some form of statistical homogeneity beskryf 'n vorm van statistiese homogeniteit ESS self-weighting selfwegend regression analysis Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 317 Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary self-weighting sample selfwegende steekproef sampling steekproefneming ISI SEM <Short form> structural equation model semantic differential scale semantiese differensiaalskaal market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling semisemimathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary semi-averages semi-gemiddeldes mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary semi-interquartile range semi-interkwartielvariasiewydte quartile deviation kwartielafwyking empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele half of the interquartile distance die helfte van die interkwartielafstand ESS semi-invariant cumulant semi-inverse semi-inverse linear algebra, matrices and vectors lineêre algebra, matrikse en vektore reflexive generalised inverse of a matrix refleksiewe veralgemeende inverse van 'n matriks ESS semi-Latin square semi-Latynse vierkant design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente may be regarded as a Latin square with each cell split into two treatments kan as 'n Latynse vierkant beskou word waar elke sel twee behandelings het ISI semi-logarithmic semi-logaritmies mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: semi-logarithmic chart semi-logaritmiese kaart graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI semi-Markov process semi-Markov-proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse a Markov chain with random lengths of time in each stage 'n Markov-ketting met ewekansige tydintervalle in elke stadium ISI semi-martingale semi-martingaal theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse where the equality in the definition of a martingale is replaced by inequality waar die gelykheid in die definisie van 'n martingaal deur ongelykheid vervang word ISI semi-midmean semi-middelgemiddelde empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe the midmean of all observations either above or below the median die middelgemiddelde van alle waarnemings óf bokant óf onderkant die mediaan semi-normal distribution semi-normaalverdeling half-normal distribution halfnormaalverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings ISI semi-parametric model semi-parametriese model regression analysis regressieanalise includes both parameters and functions as unknowns bevat beide parameters en funksies as onbekendes ESS semi-partial correlation part correlation semi-partial correlation coefficient semiparsiële korrelasiekoëffisiënt coefficient of part correlation association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data related to partial multiple correlation coefficient English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: 318 Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: verwant aan parsiële meervoudigekorrelasiekoëffisiënt ISI semi-range semivariasiewydte half-width halfwydte mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary semi-stable law semi-stabiele verdeling infinitely divisible and stable distributions oneindig-deelbare en stabiele verdelings ISI semi-stationary semistasionêr mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary semi-stationary process semistasionêre proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI semi-variant half-invariant Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: sensitiwiteitsfunksie exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers ISI separability skeibaarheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary separable skeibaar mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary separable process skeibare proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ESS separable space skeibare deelruimte measure theoretic approach maatteoretiese benadering a metric space is separable if it contains a countable, dense subset 'n metriese ruimte is skeibaar as dit 'n aftelbare digte deelversameling bevat, separabele ruimte volgens wiskundewoordeboek ESS separate adj. afsonderlik geskei mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary separate v. skei mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary separation skeiding mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary separation theorem skeiding-stelling theory of sets versamelingsteorie ISI sequence progression sequence plot volgordestipping rystipping graphical methods Source Publication: semivariogram <see also variogram> semivariogram <kyk ook variogram> geostatistics, physics and chemistry geostatistiek, fisika en chemie ISI sensitivity <see also specificity> sensitiwiteit <kyk ook spesifiekheid> medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek proportion of correctly identified positives proporsie korrek geïdentifiseerde positiewes ISI sensitivity analysis sensitiwiteitsanalise regression analysis regressieanalise to determine the effects of individual input variables on the output of the model and the real system om die effek van individuele invoerveranderlikes op die uitvoer van die model en die werklike stelsel te bepaal ESS sensitivity data sensitiwiteitsdata logistic and log-linear model, quantal response logistiese en loglineêre model, kwantaalrespons ISI sensitivity function English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 319 classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. line transect sampling ruimtelike steekproefneming. lyndwarssnitsteekproefneming ISI serial correlation reekskorrelasie autocorrelation outokorrelasie univariate time series. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie measures serial dependence between time series observations meet reeksafhanklikheid tussen tydreekswaarnemings ESS serial dependence reeksafhanklikheid univariate time series. onderhewig aan 'n stopreël sequential test sekwensiële toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing using data obtained by sequential sampling data word gebruik wat met behulp van sekwensiële steekproefneming verkry is ESS serial reeks mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary serial cluster reekstros compact cluster kompakte tros areal sampling. 'n tydreeks serial covariance reekskovariansie univariate time series. bv. using a stopping rule Definisie: waar die resultate op enige stadium bepaal of die steekproefneming gestaak moet word of nie.g. klassifikasie en identifikasie of lagged observations in a time series van gesloerde waarnemings in 'n tydreeks ESS serial design reeksontwerp English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: 320 .Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: grafiese metodes sequential sekwensieel sequential and multistage tests sekwensiële en meerstadiumtoetse Statistical Dictionary sequential analysis sekwensiële analise sequential and multistage estimation sekwensiële en meerstadiumberaming Statistical Dictionary sequential change point problem sekwensiële veranderingspuntprobleem estimation beraming ISI sequential design sekwensiële ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente sequential estimation sekwensiële beraming estimation beraming using data obtained by sequential sampling data word gebruik wat met behulp van sekwensiële steekproefneming verkry is ESS sequential probability ratio test <Full form> sekwensiële waarskynlikheidsverhoudingstoets SPRT sequential and multistage tests sekwensiële en meerstadiumtoetse where a decision is made after each observation waar 'n beslissing na elke waarneming gemaak word ESS sequential procedure sekwensiële steekproefneming sequential sampling sekwensiële prosedure sampling steekproefneming where observations are made until enough data have been gathered to make a decision waar waarnemings gemaak word totdat genoeg data bymekaar gemaak is om 'n beslissing te maak ESS sequential sampling sekwensiële steekproefneming sequential procedure sekwensiële prosedure sampling steekproefneming where the results at any stage decide whether to terminate sampling or not. e. klassifikasie en identifikasie measures serial dependence or internal correlation between members of. a time series meet reeksafhanklikheid of interne korrelasie tussen lede van. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe.lineêre rangstatistiek non-parametric estimation nieparametriese beraming ISI serial number reeksnommer volgnommer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary serial number analysis reeksnommeranalise mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary serial sampling inspection scheme reekssteekproefinspeksieskema quality and process control kwaliteits.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI serial dilution assay reeksverdunningsessaiëring biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde ISI serial linear rank statistic reeks. beraming for studying short-item variations vir die bestudering van korttermynvariasies ISI serially balanced sequence reeksgebalanseerde ry mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary seriation reeksordening association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid placing in the correct serial order plasing in die korrekte reeksvolgorde ESS series progression series queues reekstoue Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: theory of queues toustaanteorie where each arrival is served in turn by the different facilities of one system waar elke aankoms om die beurt deur die verskillende fasiliteite van een stelsel bedien word ISI server bediener mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary service rate bedieningstempo mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary service time bedieningstyd mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary set stel general algemeen Statistical Dictionary set versameling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary set theory versamelingsteorie decision theory beslissingsteorie ESS sex ratio geslagsverhouding mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary sex-matched control geslagsafparingskontrole block designs. groepdeelbare ontwerpe shaded matrix geskakeerde matriks mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary shape vorm probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings 321 . estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse.en proseskontrole assumes positive correlation between consecutive batches of items produced aanvaar positiewe korrelasie tussen opeenvolgende vervaardigde lotte items ISI serial variation reeksvariasie univariate time series. Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: of a distribution van 'n verdeling ESS shape parameter vormparameter systems of distributions verdelingstelsels ESS shape statistics vormstatistieke association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data used in size and shape analysis gebruik in grootte.en vormanalise ESS Shapiro-Wilk test W test for normality sharp inequality skerp ongelykheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary sharpening data <opposite of blunting data> dataverskerping <teenoorgestelde van uitdowing van data> data sharpening graphical methods grafiese metodes enhancing the impact of 'typical' data points and reducing that of unusual points versterk die impak van 'tipiese' datapunte en verminder dié van ongewone punte ISI Sheppard's corrections Sheppard se korreksies empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele for grouping vir groepering ISI Shewhart control chart <see control chart> Shewhart-kontrolekaart <kyk kontrolekaart> quality and process control kwaliteits. en nie slegs waarnemingsfoute nie ESS shortest confidence interval <see also most selective confidence interval> kortste vertrouensinterval <kyk ook selektiefste vertrouensinterval> confidence regions vertrouensgebiede having shortest length het die kortste lengte ISI shorth kortstehelftegemiddelde robust and adaptive estimation robuuste en aanpassende beraming of location based on the arithmetic mean of the "shortest half" of a sample van lokaliteit wat op die rekenkundige gemiddelde van die "kortste helfte" van 'n steekproef gebaseer is ISI short-term fluctuation korttermynfluktuasie short-time fluctuation mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary short-time fluctuation short-term fluctuation Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: 322 .g. desimale punt Statistical Dictionary shock and error model skok-en-fout-model econometrics ekonometrie containing both errors in variables and in equations bevat foute beide in veranderlikes en in vergelykings ISI shock model skokmodel econometrics ekonometrie a system of equations containing random disturbances. and not only errors of observation 'n stelsel vergelykings wat ewekansige steurings bevat. skuif mathematical methods wiskundige metodes e. decimal point bv.en proseskontrole ISI shift function verskuiwingsfunksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary shift n. verskuiwing mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: shift parameter verskuiwingsparameter mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary shift v. dikwels nul ESS sigmoid curve S-vormige kromme S-kromme biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde Statistical Dictionary sigmoid curve S-curve sigmoid-response curve dosage-response curve sign teken sein mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary sign test binomial sign test signal sein spectral analysis spektraalanalise signal detection seinopsporing estimation Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: 323 . usually a sum. e. bv. often zero 'n vereiste dat 'n lineêre funksie van parameters.en proseskontrole the ratio of sampling variance to the sum of sampling and process variances die verhouding van steekproefvariansie tot die som van die steekproef. witruis when the disturbances consist of impulses at random intervals wanneer die steurings uit impulse bestaan wat op ewekansige tydstippe voorkom ISI shrinkage estimation krimpingsberaming estimation beraming shrinkage estimator krimpberamer estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary shrinkage weight krimpingsgewig quality and process control kwaliteits. 'n spesifieke waarde moet hê. shall have a specified value. gewoonlik 'n som.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: shot noise skootruis generalised stochastic processes. white noise veralgemeende stogastiese prosesse. sigma-inperking analysis of variance variansieanalise a requirement that a linear function of parameters.en prosesvariansies shuffle skommel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary shuffled generator geskommelde generator mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary side-by-side pie charts vergelykende sektorkaarte comparative pie charts graphical methods grafiese metodes sieve estimator sifberamer estimation beraming ISI sigma sigma mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary sigma field sigmaliggaam measure theory maatteorie Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: sigma finite measure sigma-eindige maat measure theory maatteorie Statistical Dictionary sigma isochron sigma-isochroon empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe obsolete term for seven per cent of the standard deviation verouderde term vir sewe persent van die standaardafwyking ESS sigma notation sigma-notasie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes sigma restriction sigmabeperking.g. e. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. rank tests. Hierdie verskil of verband is nie noodwendig van praktiese. kliniese. This difference or relationship is not necessarily of practical. fisika en chemie Statistical Dictionary similar gelykvormig like mathematical methods wiskundige metodes figures figure Statistical Dictionary similar similêr like mathematical methods wiskundige metodes matrix matriks Statistical Dictionary similar gelyksoortig like mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary similar action Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: 324 .g. syfers Statistical Dictionary significant difference betekenisvolle verskil mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary significant digit tellende syfer significant figure mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary significant figure significant digit signum function signumfunksie non-parametric tests. bv. rangtoetse. verdelingsvrye toetse Statistical Dictionary sill value plafonwaarde geostatistics. rank tests. importance statistiese betekenisvolheid. likelihood-based approach toetskonstruksie. digits bv. rangtoetse. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. ISI significance beduidendheid statistical significance. statistical significance hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing An observed difference or relationship is statistically significant if the hypothesis of no difference or relationship is rejected. betekenisvolheid hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ISI significance level level of significance significance test betekenistoets test of significance hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary significant beduidend betekenisvol hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Statistical Dictionary significant tellend mathematical methods wiskundige metodes e. clinical 'n Waargenome verskil of verband is statisties betekenisvol as die hipotese van geen verskil of verband verwerp word. belang nie.g. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI significance betekenis importance. aanneemlikheidsgebaseerde benadering ISI signed measure betekende maat mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary signed rank test <see also Wilcoxon's signed rank test> betekenderang-toets <kyk ook Wilcoxon se betekenderang-toets> non-parametric tests.Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: beraming signed likelihood ratio statistic betekende aanneemlikheidsverhoudingstatistiek test construction. residue Statistical Dictionary simple event enkelvoudige gebeurtenis classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary simple fraction enkelvoudige breuk mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary simple function enkelvoudige funksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary simple hypothesis enkelvoudige hipotese hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary simple index number enkelvoudige indeks indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 325 . Mahalanobis-afstand ESS similarity index similarity coefficient similarity matrix gelyksoortigheidsmatriks cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie Definition: Definisie: a matrix of similarity indices for all possible pairs of individuals 'n matriks van gelyksoortigheidsindekse vir alle moontlike pare individue similarity measure similarity coefficient similarity structural analysis <Full form> gelyksoortigheid. gelyksoortigheidsmaatstaf cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie e. in monotonicity measurement bv.g. residuals korrelasie. similarity measure gelyksoortigheidsindeks. Mahalanobis distance bv.strukturele analise smallest space analysis.g. in monotonisiteitsmeting ESS simple eenvoudig general algemeen Statistical Dictionary simple enkelvoudig general algemeen Statistical Dictionary simple correlation eenvoudige korrelasie correlation and regression coefficients.en regressiekoëffisiënte.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: soortgelyke aksie biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde of components of a mixture having independent and additive effects van komponente van 'n mengsel wat onafhanklike en additiewe effekte het ISI similar region gelyksoortige gebied soortgelyke gebied hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing where a correspondence in the sample spaces can be set up waar 'n ooreenkoms in die steekproefruimtes opgestel kan word ISI similar tests gelyksoortige toetse mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary similarity similariteit mathematical methods wiskundige metodes matrices matrikse Statistical Dictionary similarity gelyksoortigheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary similarity gelykvormigheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes figures figure Statistical Dictionary similarity coefficient gelyksoortigheidskoëffisiënt similarity index. SSA kleinsteruimteanalise association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid e. klassieke metodologie simple random sampling <Full form> eenvoudige ewekansige steekproefneming srs sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary simple randomised block eenvoudige verewekansigde blok design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary simple structure eenvoudige struktuur factor analysis faktoranalise where each factor will affect only a small number of observed variables waar elke faktor slegs 'n klein aantal waargenome veranderlikes sal beïnvloed ISI simplex simpleks dynamic programming dinamiese programmering Statistical Dictionary simplex algorithm simpleksalgoritme mathematical programming wiskundige programmering ISI simplex centroid design simpleks-sentroïede ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente involving mixtures of components behels komponentmengsels ISI simplex design simpleksontwerp dynamic programming dinamiese programmering Statistical Dictionary simplex method Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: simpleksmetode dynamic programming dinamiese programmering Statistical Dictionary simplex model simpleksmodel association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data where logical ordering is used waar logiese ordening gebruik word ISI simplicity eenvoud mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary Simpson's paradox Simpson se paradoks Yule-Simpson paradox Yule-Simpson-paradoks categorical data analysis. Monte Carlo-metodes Statistical Dictionary simultaneous autoregression gelyktydige outoregressie univariate time series.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: simple interest enkelvoudige rente finance and auditing finansies en ouditering Statistical Dictionary simple linear regression enkelvoudige lineêre regressie generalised linear models veralgemeende lineêre modelle simple random sample eenvoudige ewekansige steekproef sampling. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. Monte Carlo-metodes Statistical Dictionary simulation model simulasiemodel simulation. klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary simultaneous comparisons multicomparisons 326 . classical methodology steekproefneming. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI Simpson's rule parabolic rule simulate simuleer simulation. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. Monte Carlo-metodes Statistical Dictionary simulation simulasie simulation. Monte Carlo-metodes Statistical Dictionary simulator simuleerder simulation. Monte Carlo methods simulasie. g.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: simultaneous confidence intervals gelyktydige vertrouensintervalle confidence regions vertrouensgebiede where several parameters are being estimated simultaneously waar verskeie parameters gelyktydig beraam word ISI simultaneous equations gelyktydige vergelykings regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary simultaneous equations system gelyktydigevergelykingstelsel simultaneous equations gelyktydige vergelykings reflecting structural relationships. e. meervoudige vergelykings ESS simultaneous process multivariate process simultaneous testing gelyktydige toetsing multiple comparisons.en proseskontrole where the decision to accept or reject is taken after inspection of a single sample waar die besluit om te aanvaar of te verwerp.g. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. e. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures of more than one hypothesis van meer as een hipotese ESS simultaneous variance ratio test gelyktydige variansieverhoudingstoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing for comparing two or more variances to a standard om twee of meer variansies met 'n standaard te vergelyk English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: ISI sine sin sinus mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary single enkel analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary single blind enkelblind clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings where the patient is kept unaware of treatment received waar die pasiënt onbewus gehou word van watter behandeling ontvang word ISI single factor theory enkelfaktorteorie factor analysis faktoranalise postulating a common factor wat 'n gemeenskaplike faktor postuleer ISI single linkage enkelskakeling operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary single precision enkelpresisie operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary single sampling plan enkelsteekproefplan quality and process control kwaliteits. in ekonometriese modellering ESS simultaneous estimation gelyktydige beraming estimation beraming of two or more parameters van twee of meer parameters ISI simultaneous inference gelyktydige inferensie simultaneous estimation gelyktydige beraming relating to more than one parameter. bv. geneem word na inspeksie van 'n enkele steekproef ISI single server enkelbediener operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary single server queue enkelbedienertou operations research operasionele navorsing Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 327 . in econometric modelling weerspieël strukturele verwantskappe. bv. multiple comparisons het betrekking op meer as een parameter. Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Statistical Dictionary single stage procedure enkelstadiumprosedure operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary single-linkage clustering enkelskakelingtrosvorming cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie based on minimum distance between a pair of items from the respective clusters gebaseer op die kleinste afstand tussen 'n paar items uit die onderskeie trosse ISI single-tailed one-sided single-tailed test asymmetrical test. deterministic distribution ontaarde verdeling. one-sided test singleton set eenpuntversameling probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary singly linked block design enkelgeskakelde blokontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente incomplete block design in which every pair of blocks has one treatment in common onvolledige blokontwerp waarin elke blok een gemeenskaplike behandeling het ISI singular singulier mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary singular distribution singuliere verdeling degenerate distribution. matige en lae dosisse van die standaard.en toetsmiddels ISI size and shape grootte en vorm principal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise 328 . beraming sinusoidal limit theorem sinuslimietstelling univariate time series. beraming ISI six-point assay sespunt-yking sespunt-essai clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings based on high. deterministiese verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings where the variance is zero or the covariance matrix is singular waar die variansie nul of die kovariansiematriks singulier is ISI singular linear model singuliere lineêre model regression analysis regressieanalise singular matrix singuliere matriks Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary singular measure singuliere maat mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary singular value singuliere waarde mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary singular value decomposition singulierewaarde-ontbinding correspondence analysis ooreenkomsanalise into eigenvalues and vectors in eiewaardes en -vektore ISI singular weighing design singuliere wegingsontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente where the product of the design matrix and its transpose is singular waar die produk van die ontwerpmatriks en sy getransponeerde singulier is ISI singularity singulariteit mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary sinusoid process sinusproses univariate time series. medium and low doses of the standard and test preparations gebaseer op hoë. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: ISI size and shape analysis grootte. size of a region die waarskynlikheid van 'n tipe I-fout. maat van 'n gebied ISI skew skeef skuins probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary skew correlation skewe korrelasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid in asymmetric bivariate distributions (avoid) in asimmetriese tweeveranderlike verdelings (vermy) ISI skew distribution asymmetrical distribution skew regression kromlynige regressie nielineêre regressie nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie obsolete term for 'curvilinear regression' verouderde term vir 'kromlynige regressie' ISI skew symmetric skeefsimmetries mathematical methods wiskundige metodes matrix matriks Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: skewness skeefheid anomies probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary skew-normal distribution skeefnormaalverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings a generalisation of the half-normal distribution 'n veralgemening van die halfnormaalverdeling ESS skip-free process oorslaanvrye proses random walks and applications stogastiese bewegings en toepassings ISI skip-lot plan oorslaanlotplan quality and process control kwaliteits.g. verskuiwingstoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary slope helling Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 329 . bv.en vormanalise association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data for describing properties of objects relatively. the ratio of height to weight of animals om die eienskappe van voorwerpe relatief te beskryf. die verhouding van lengte tot gewig van diere ISI size of a region size of a test size of a test toetsgrootte size of a region toetsmaat hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing the probability of an error of the first kind.en proseskontrole using reduced inspection once acceptable quality levels are achieved gebruik gereduseerde inspeksie sodra aanvaarbare kwaliteitspeile bereik is ESS skipping oorslaning oorspringing exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise deletion of observations in the tails weglating van waarnemings in die uiteindes ESS slanted probability <obsolete> non-additive probability slash distribution solidusverdeling dynamic programming dinamiese programmering slippage parameter glipparameter outliers and slippage tests uitskieters en gliptoetse reflecting shift in location weerspieël lokaliteitsverskuiwing ESS slippage test gliptoets gemiddeldeverskuiwingstoets. e. Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary slope ratio assay hellingverhoudingsyking hellingverhoudingsessai biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde Statistical Dictionary slowly varying function stadig-veranderende funksie functional analysis. effen gladstryk smoothing gladstryking Statistical Dictionary smoother n. omgewings-. dierlike. ecological and biological) populations natuurlike (menslike.strukturele analise scaling methods skaleringsmetodes Statistical Dictionary smelting gladstryking deur eliminering glering exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise eliminating outliers in regression problems eliminering van uitskieters in regressieprobleme ESS smooth adj. topological spaces funksionele analise. topologiese ruimtes ISI smallest space analysis kleinsteruimte-analise similarity structural analysis gelyksoortigheid. environmental. glad smoothing gladstryking Statistical Dictionary smooth alternative gladde alternatief goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse where the observed distribution departs systematically from the one hypothesised waar die waargenome verdeling stelselmatig afwyk van die gehipotiseerde ESS smooth curve gladde kromme probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary smooth regression analysis gladde regressieanalise regression analysis regressieanalise extends density smoothing to bivariate regression brei digtheidsgladstryking uit na tweeveranderlike regressie ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: smooth test geleidelike toets goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse ISI smooth v. gladstryker exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise smoothing gladstryking effening inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary smoothing power gladstrykvermoë smoothing gladstryking ISI smoothness gladheid smoothing gladstryking Statistical Dictionary snap-reading method tydstipwaarnemingsmetode ratio delay method sampling steekproefneming a form of time sampling 'n tipe tydsteekproefneming ISI Snedecor's F-distribition <see F-distribution> Snedecor se F-verdeling <kyk F-verdeling> univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings ISI snowball sample sneeubalsteekproef sampling steekproefneming ISI snowball sampling sneeubalsteekproefneming chain referral sampling natural (human. animal. ekologiese en biologiese) populasies 330 . ruimte spasie general algemeen Statistical Dictionary space v.Definition: Definisie: created through a series of referrals within a circle of acquaintances geskep deur 'n reeks verwysings binne 'n kring van kennisse socio-economic sosio-ekonomies social sciences sosiale wetenskappe Statistical Dictionary sociogram sosiogram social sciences sosiale wetenskappe a display of interrelationships within a group 'n voorstelling van verwantskappe binne 'n groep ESS sociometry sosiometrie educational statistics opvoedkundige statistiek ESS software programmatuur sagteware computer software rekenaarsagteware software reliability sagtewarebetroubaarheid reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing relating to the life cycle of computer software hou verband met die lewensiklus van rekenaarprogrammatuur ESS sojourn time verblyfsduur theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse uninterrrupted time spent in a given state ononderbroke tyd wat in 'n gegewe toestand deurgebring word ISI solution matrix oplossingsmatriks generalised linear models veralgemeende lineêre modelle the generalised inverse of the coefficient matrix in a system of linear equations die veralgemeende inverse van die koëffisiëntmatriks in 'n stelsel lineêre vergelykings ESS sort sorteer computer software rekenaarsagteware Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: sorting sortering computer software rekenaarsagteware Statistical Dictionary source bron analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary source of variation variasiebron analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary space n. fisika en chemie Statistical Dictionary spatial configuration ruimtelike konfigurasie geostatistics.en proseskontrole for trend on control charts vir neiging op kontrolekaarte ESS spatial ruimtelik geostatistics. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. fisika en chemie Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 331 . spasieer general algemeen Statistical Dictionary space-time clustering ruimte-tyd-trosvorming sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary spacing spasiëring order statistics ordestatistieke difference between two successive order statistics verskil tussen twee opeenvolgende ordestatistieke ESS span test spantoets quality and process control kwaliteits. lyndwarssnitsteekproefneming in two or more dimensions in twee of meer dimensies ESS spatial statistics ruimtelike statistiek ecology and environmental statistics ekologie en omgewingstatistiek ISI spatial systematic sample ruimtelike sistematiese steekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary Spearman-Brown formula Spearman-Brown-formule psychometrics psigometrie 1. fisika en chemie Statistical Dictionary spatial median median centre spatial point process ruimtelikepunt-proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse spatial process ruimtelike proses geostatistics. vir die beraming van betroubaarheidskoëffisiënt ISI Spearman's rank correlation coefficient Spearman's rho Spearman's rho Spearman se rho Spearman's rank correlation coefficient Spearman se rangkorrelasiekoëffisiënt association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid ISI species-abundance problem spesie-oorvloed-probleem spesiegetalprobleem ecology and environmental statistics ekologie en omgewingstatistiek problem of estimating the total number of classes in the population probleem om die totale getal klasse in die populasie te beraam ISI specific spesifiek factor analysis faktoranalise Statistical Dictionary specific factor spesifieke faktor unique factor unieke faktor factor analysis faktoranalise appearing in only one variable kom net in een veranderlike voor ISI specific rate spesifieke koers demography. for estimating reliability coefficient Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 1. populasiemodelle ISI specification spesifikasie factor analysis faktoranalise Statistical Dictionary specification bias spesifikasiesydigheid factor analysis faktoranalise Statistical Dictionary specification limit spesifikasiegrens factor analysis faktoranalise Statistical Dictionary 332 . to predict the effect on reliability of lengthening a test 2. population models demografie. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. line transect sampling ruimtelike steekproefneming. om die effek op die betroubaarheid te voorspel wanneer 'n toets verleng word 2.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Statistical Dictionary spatial data ruimtelike data association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid having position as a characteristic het posisie as 'n eienskap ESS spatial data analysis ruimtelike data-analise theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ESS spatial distribution ruimtelike verdeling geostatistics. fisika en chemie Statistical Dictionary spatial sampling ruimtelike steekproefneming areal sampling. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. modelbou en -seleksie ESS specificity spesifiekheid spesifisiteit factor analysis faktoranalise the proportion of variance attributable to a specific factor die proporsie variansie wat aan 'n spesifieke faktor toegeskryf kan word ISI specificity <see also sensitivity> spesifisiteit <kyk ook sensitiwiteit> spesifiekheid medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek proportion of correctly identified negatives proporsie korrek geïdentifiseerde negatiewes ISI spectral analysis spektraalanalise inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary spectral average spektraalgemiddelde regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary spectral decomposition spektraalontbinding linear algebra. model building and selection regressie. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. deur gebruikmaking van die gladgestrykte periodogram ESS spectral density function English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: spectral density spectral density matrix spektraaldigtheidsmatriks spectral analysis spektraalanalise used to study the frequency properties of multiple time series word gebruik om die frekwensie-eienskappe van meervoudige tydreekse te bestudeer ESS spectral distribution spektraalverdeling spectral analysis spektraalanalise used to study the frequency properties of a time series word gebruik om die frekwensie-eienskappe van 'n tydreeks te bestudeer ESS spectral distribution function spektraalverdelingsfunksie spectral analysis spektraalanalise spectral function power spectrum spectral moment spektraalmoment regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary spectral power power spectral test spektraaltoets regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary spectral weight function spektraalgewigsfunksie spectral window regression analysis regressieanalise for estimating spectral density.Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: specification test spesifikasietoets regression. spektraalvenster ISI spectral window spectral weight function spectrum spektrum regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary spent waiting time verstreke wagtyd 333 . spectral window om spektraaldigtheid te beraam. matrikse en vektore used in the theory of quadratic forms gebruik in die teorie van kwadratiese vorms ESS spectral density spektraaldigtheid spectral density function spectral analysis spektraalanalise derivative of the spectral function afgeleide van die spektraalfunksie ISI spectral density estimation spektraaldigtheidsberaming spectral analysis spektraalanalise e.g. by using the smoothed periodogram bv. Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: renewal theory and processes hernuwingsteorie en -prosesse since the last renewal sedert die laaste hernuwing ISI spherical sferies sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary spherical distribution sferiese verdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings ISI spherical matrix sferiese matriks association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data diagonal matrix with equal diagonal elements diagonaalmatriks met gelyke diagonaalelemente Statistical Dictionary spherical matrix distribution sferiese matriksverdeling sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary spherical mean direction sferiese gemiddelde rigting empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe based on a sample of three-dimensional cosines gebaseer op 'n steekproef van driedimensionele kosinusse ISI spherical median sferiese mediaan empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe three-dimensional analogue of median driedimensionele analoog van mediaan ESS spherical normal distribution sferiese normaalverdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings standardised trivariate normal distribution with correlations zero standaard- drieveranderlike normaalverdeling met nulkorrelasies ISI spherical standard error sferiese standaardfout Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers of the estimated mean direction van die beraamde gemiddelde rigting ISI spherical variance sferiese variansie empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe for a sample in three dimensions about a given direction vir 'n steekproef in drie dimensies om 'n gegewe rigting ISI spherical variance function <Note: see 'variance function'> sferiese variansiefunksie <kyk 'variansiefunksie'> response surface designs responsoppervlakontwerpe ISI spherically symmetric distribution sferies-simmetriese verdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings special case of elliptically symmetric distribution spesiale geval van ellipties-simmetriese verdeling sphericity sferisiteit repeated measures and sequential designs herhaalde metings en sekwensiële ontwerpe characteristic of covariance matrix where diagonal elements are equal and the other elements are also equal eienskap van kovariansiematriks waar diagonaalelemente gelyk is en die ander elemente ook gelyk is ESS sphericity criterion sferisiteitskriterium sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary sphering sfering principal component analysis hoofkomponentanalise of multivariate data to uncorrelated variables with equal variances van meerveranderlike data met ongekorreleerde veranderlikes met gelyke variansies ISI splicing aanhegting operations research operasionele navorsing English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 334 Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Statistical Dictionary spline lat regression analysis regressieanalise ESS spline estimate latberaming regression - nonparametric methods, distribution-free methods regressie - nieparametriese metodes, verdelingsvrye metodes ISI spline function latfunksie operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary split divide split split-plot gesplete splitperseel split-plot, nested and weighing designs splitperseel-, genestelde en wegende ontwerpe ESS split up resolve split-block design splitblokontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary split-half method halveermetode econometrics ekonometrie ISI split-plot splitperseel divided plot design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente using two or more stages of randomisation waar twee of meer stadiums van verewekansiging gebruik word ESS split-plot confounding splitperseelstrengeling split-plot entanglement, split-plot entangling analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary split-plot design splitperseelontwerp design of experiments Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary split-plot entanglement split-plot confounding split-plot entangling split-plot confounding split-plot experiment splitperseeleksperiment analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary split-plot method splitperseelmetode design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI split-sample procedure splitsteekproefprosedure analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary split-test method splittoetsmetode hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary spottiness kollerigheid gespikkeldheid, onreëlmatigheid exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise the presence of aberrant values die teenwoordigheid van afwykende waardes ESS spread span non-parametric tests, rank tests, distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse, rangtoetse, verdelingsvrye toetse ISI spread spreiding empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele the variation of a set of values, e.g. measured by standard deviation die variasie van 'n versameling waardes, word bv. deur standaardafwyking gemeet ISI spreadsheet sigblad worksheet spreitabel, werkblad computer software rekenaarsagteware 335 Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: a table system facilitating calculations 'n tabelstelsel wat berekenings vergemaklik ISI SPRT <Short form> sequential probability ratio test spurious vals association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary spurious correlation skynkorrelasie illusory correlation vals korrelasie association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data misleading correlation due to a causal factor which was not taken into account misleidende korrelasie a.g.v. 'n oorsaaklike faktor wat nie in berekening gebring is nie ESS spurious periodicity vals periodisiteit spectral analysis spektraalanalise due to inherent autocorrelation or that induced by moving average operations die gevolg van inherente outokorrelasie of outokorrelasie veroorsaak deur bewegendegemiddelde-bewerkings ESS square quadrate square adj. vierkantig quadrate mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary square contingency<see contingency> kwadraatgebeurlikheid<kyk gebeurlikheid> categorical data analysis, contingency tables kategoriese data-analise, gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI square lattice vierkantige rooster kwadraatrooster, vierkantrooster design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente where the number of treatments is a perfect square waar die getal behandelings 'n volkome vierkant is ISI square layout Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: vierkantige uitleg design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary square matrix vierkantige matriks mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary square number quadrate number square root vierkantswortel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary square root algorithm vierkantswortelalgoritme operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary square root transformation vierkantsworteltransformasie analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary squared error loss kwadraatfoutverlies regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary squariance kwadraatsom van afwykings empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele sum of squares about the mean som van kwadrate om die gemiddelde ISI srs <short form> simple random sampling SSA <short form> similarity structural analysis S-shaped curve S-curve St Petersburg paradox St Petersburg-paradoks classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie describing distribution with infinite mean beskryf verdeling met oneindige gemiddelde ISI stabilisation of variance variansiestabilisasie variance stabilisation Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: 336 Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: variansiestabilisering regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary stabilise stabiliseer regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary stabilised variance gestabiliseerde variansie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary stability test stabiliteitstoets sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary stability theorem stabiliteitstelling sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary stable stabiel sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary stable distribution stabiele verdeling sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary stable estimation stabiele beraming Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming yielding results similar to those resulting from a uniform prior lewer resultate soortgelyk aan dié voortspruitend uit 'n uniforme a priori-verdeling ESS stable law stabiele verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings for which a convolution satisfies certain regularity conditions waarvoor 'n konvolusie sekere regulariteitsvoorwaardes bevredig ESS stable Paretian distribution stabiele Pareto-verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings a stable non-normal distribution Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: 'n stabiele nienormaalverdeling ISI stable process <avoid> stabiele proses <vermy> stationary processes stasionêre prosesse ISI stable state stabiele toestand Markov chains Markov-kettings for which the expected uninterrupted time is positive waarvoor die verwagte ononderbroke tyd positief is ISI stacked bar chart gestapelde staafkaart divided bar chart verdeelde staafkaart, graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI staircase design trapontwerp block designs, group-divisible designs blokontwerpe, groepdeelbare ontwerpe ISI staircase distribution trapverdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings cumulative distribution function of discrete random variable kumulatiewe verdelingsfunksie van diskrete stogastiese veranderlike ISI staircase method up and down method standard standaard probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary standard deviation standaardafwyking empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe square root of variance vierkantswortel van variansie Statistical Dictionary standard equation standaardvergelyking normal equation normaalvergelyking probability distributions 337 Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: waarskynlikheidsverdelings for frequency distribution in standard form vir frekwensieverdeling in standaardvorm ISI standard equation standaardvergelyking normal equation normaalvergelyking least squares methods kleinstekwadratemetodes ISI standard error standaardfout probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary standard error of estimate standaardfout van beraming regression analysis regressieanalise standard form standaardvorm probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie of a stochastic variate van 'n stogastiese veranderlike ISI standard Latin square standaard Latynse vierkant design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente in which first row and column are in the natural order waarin eerste ry en kolom in die natuurlike volgorde is ISI standard measure standaardmaatstaf transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes ISI standard nine-point scale stanine scale standard normal deviate standaardnormaaldeviaat probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary standard normal distribution standaardnormaalverdeling unit normal distribution univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings normal distribution with zero mean and unit variance normaalverdeling met nulgemiddelde en variansie een Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: ESS standard normal variate standaardnormaalvariaat unit normal variate probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary standard population standaardbevolking demography, population models demografie, populasiemodelle ISI standard score standaardtelling z-score gestandaardiseerde telling, z-telling transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes the difference between the score and the mean divided by the standard deviation die verskil tussen die telling en die gemiddelde gedeel deur die standaardafwyking ISI standard unit standaardeenheid probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary standard value standaardwaarde standard unit, z-score standaardeenheid, z-telling transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes standardisation standaardisasie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: standardise standaardiseer probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: standardised data gestandaardiseerde data transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes expressed in standard deviation units from the mean uitgedruk in standaardafwykingseenhede vanaf die gemiddelde ESS standardised deviate gestandaardiseerde deviaat 338 Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: analysis of residuals residuanalise reduced to standard form gereduseer tot standaardvorm ISI standardised distribution gestandaardiseerde verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings having values expressed in standard deviation units from the mean het waardes uitgedruk in standaardafwykingseenhede vanaf die gemiddelde ESS standardised maximum likelihood estimator Wald statistic standardised moment moment ratio standardised mortality ratio gestandaardiseerde sterfteverhouding demography, population models demografie, populasiemodelle ISI standardised range of the means gestandaardiseerde variasiewydte van die gemiddeldes design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente a measure of noncentrality based on group means and the standard deviation and which is used to determine sample size 'n maatstaf van niesentraliteit wat op groepgemiddeldes en die standaardafwyking gebaseer is en wat gebruik word om steekproefgrootte te bepaal ESS standardised regression coefficient gestandaardiseerde regressiekoëffisiënt beta coefficient betakoëffisiënt regression analysis regressieanalise ISI standardised variable gestandaardiseerde veranderlike probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary standardised variate gestandaardiseerde variaat transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes in standard form Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: in standaardvorm ISI stanine nine-point scale stanine scale stanege-skaal standard nine-point scale standaard-negepuntskaal psychometrics psigometrie integer-valued, normalised scores with values one to nine, a mean of five and standard deviation two heeltallige normaaltellings met waardes een tot nege, 'n gemiddelde van vyf en standaardafwyking twee ESS star chart stergrafiek graphical methods grafiese metodes star representation stervoorstelling sirkelprofiel graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary starting point beginpunt operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary state toestand operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary state of equilibrium ewewigstoestand steady state theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary state space toestandruimte theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary static display statiese voorstelling statiese vertoning data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 339 Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: in contrast to dynamic display in teenstelling met dinamiese voorstelling ESS stationarity stasionariteit theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse constancy of at least expected values, variances and covariances konstantheid van minstens verwagte waardes, variansies en kovariansies ESS stationary stasionêr theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary stationary distribution <Note: see "stationary population"> stasionêre verdeling <kyk "stasionêre bevolking"> theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse which makes the Markov chain independent of time wat die Markov-ketting tydonafhanklik maak ISI stationary linear process stasionêre lineêre proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI stationary population stasionêre bevolking demography, population models demografie, populasiemodelle ISI stationary process stasionêre proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse where the mean and variance remain constant over time waar die gemiddelde en variansie konstant oor tyd bly ISI stationary sequence stasionêre ry theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary stationary transition probability stasionêre oorgangswaarskynlikheid theory of stochastic processes Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary statistic statistiek sample statistic steekproefgrootheid, steekproefstatistiek sampling distributions steekproefverdelings ISI statistic statistiek sample statistic statistieke, steekproefgrootheid, steekproefstatistiek estimation beraming a numerical value 'n numeriese waarde Statistical Dictionary statistic statistiek sample statistic steekproefgrootheid, statistieke, steekproefstatistiek estimation beraming technical tegnies Statistical Dictionary statistical computing statistiese berekening computational statistics berekeningstatistiek data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise especially that which uses computers veral met behulp van rekenaars ESS statistical control statistiese kontrole quality and process control kwaliteits- en proseskontrole statistical dependence statistiese afhanklikheid stochastic dependence stogastiese afhanklikheid independence of random variables onafhanklikheid van stogastiese veranderlikes in contrast to mathematical dependence in teenstelling met wiskundige afhanklikheid ISI statistical differential statistiese differensiaal empirical moments and quantiles 340 independence stogastiese onafhanklikheid.Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: empiriese momente en kwantiele delta method deltametode ESS statistical evidence statistiese getuienis statistiese bewys hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing concerning the acceptance of a hypothesis. used for velocities of particles in a fluid bv. Gibbs states statistiese meganiese tipe modelle.g. percolation theory. sinslengte. etc die studie van woordfrekwensies. not only in a legal sense met betrekking tot die aanname van 'n hipotese. ens ESS statistical literacy statistiese geletterdheid general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek statistical matching record linkage statistical mechanics statistiese meganika statistical mechanics type models. onafhanklikheid general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek when the conditional and the unconditional probability of an event are equal wanneer die voorwaardelike en die onvoorwaardelike waarskynlikheid van 'n gebeurtenis gelyk is ESS statistical inference Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: statistiese inferensie inference inferensie estimation beraming statistical information statistiese inligting estimation beraming statistical linguistics statistiese linguistiek linguistics linguïstiek the study of word frequencies. gebruik in die snelhede van partikels in 'n vloeistof ESS statistical model statistiese model probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie expressing a stochastic phenomenon in mathematical form die uitdruk van 'n stogastiese verskynsel in wiskundige vorm ESS statistical package statistical software statistical population population statistical procedure statistiese prosedure estimation beraming English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 341 . perkolasieteorie. nie slegs in 'n geregtelike sin nie ESS statistical field probability space statistical functional statistiese funksionaal empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe a statistic depending on the data through the empirical cumulative density function 'n statistiek wat deur die empiriese kumulatiewe digtheidsfunksie op die data gabaseer is ESS statistical graphical method statistiese grafiese metode statistical graphics statistiese grafika graphical methods grafiese metodes ISI statistical hypothesis statistiese hipotese hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing statistical independence statistiese onafhanklikheid stochastic independence. sentence length. Gibbs-toestande e. statistiese pakket computer software rekenaarsagteware program packages used to solve statistical problems programpakkette wat gebruik word om statistiese probleme op te los ESS statistical tolerance interval statistiese toleransie-interval non-parametric tolerance interval nieparametriese toleransie-interval estimation beraming where the limits depend on the sample observations and not on the underlying distribution waar die grense van die steekproefwaarnemings afhang en nie van die onderliggende verdeling nie statistical tolerance region statistiese toleransiegebied prediction in regression voorspelling in regressie ISI statistical uncertainty Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: statistiese onsekerheid uncertainty probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie inherent in any stochastic phenomenon inherent aan elke stogastiese verskynsel ESS statistically equivalent block statisties-ekwivalente blok statistical tolerance intervals statistiese toleransie-intervalle multivariate extension based on order statistics meerveranderlike uitbreiding gebaseer op ordestatieke ISI statistician statistikus general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary statisticians statistici statistikusse general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary statistics statistiek general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek discipline of collecting. limietstellings. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Statistical Dictionary statistical quality control <see also quality control> statistiese kwaliteitskontrole <kyk ook kwaliteitskontrole> statistiese kwaliteitsbeheer. invariansiebeginsels statistical significance significance statistical software statistiese sagteware statistical package statistiese programmatuur.en proseskontrole ESS statistical reasoning statistiese beredenering general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek ESS statistical regularity statistiese reëlmatigheid convergence in distribution. applications spesiale onderwerpe. verwerking en interpretasie van numeriese inligting ISI statistics in agriculture landboustatistiek special topics. analysing and interpretation of numerical information dissipline van insameling. toepassings statistics<plural> statistieke<meervoud> official statistics amptelike statistiek numerical data numeriese data steady state state of equilibrium English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Synonym: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 342 . limit theorems. statistiese gehaltebeheer quality and process control kwaliteits. reële analise Statistical Dictionary step-down procedure afwaartsestap-prosedure regression. model building and selection regressie.of tweedimensionele steekproewe ISI s-test s-toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing test of standard deviation Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 343 . modelbou en -seleksie ISI step-up procedure opwaartsestap-prosedure outliers uitskieters ISI stepwise stapsgewyse regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary stepwise regression stapsgewyse regressie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary STER distribution STER-verdeling systems of distributions verdelingstelsels which is defined by successively truncated sums wat deur opeenvolgende afgeknotte somme gedefinieer word ISI stereogram stereogram axonometric chart aksonometriese kaart graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary stereology stereologie graphical methods grafiese metodes inference about three-dimensional structures based on one or two-dimensional samples inferensie oor driedimensionele strukture gebaseer op een.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: steepest descent steilste afdaling operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary steepest descent algorithm steilste afdalingsalgoritme operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary Stein's paradox Stein se paradoks estimation in multivariate problems beraming in meerveranderlike probleme concerning estimation of multivariate means in verband met die beraming van meerveranderlike gemiddeldes ISI Stein's two-sample procedure Stein se tweedesteekproefprosedure Stein's two-stage procedure Stein se tweedestadiumprosedure sequential and multistage estimation sekwensiële en meerstadiumberaming where the first sample is used to establish the ultimate sample size waar die eerste steekproef gebruik word om die uiteindelike steekproefgrootte te bepaal ISI Stein's two-stage procedure Stein's two-sample procedure stem-and-leaf display stingel-en-blaarvoorstelling sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary step stap general algemeen Statistical Dictionary step trap sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary step direction staprigting numerical analysis numeriese analise Statistical Dictionary step function trapfunksie Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: theory of functions. real analysis funksieteorie. en regressiekoëffisiënte.en proseskontrole model related to e.t. bv. residuals korrelasie. number of types model m. kansspel game theory spelteorie in which play proceeds according to probabilities waarin spel volgens waarskynlikhede voortgesit word ESS stochastic independence statistical independence stochastic integrability stogastiese integreerbaarheid theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse stochastic convergence of the Riemann integral stogastiese konvergensie van die Riemannintegraal 344 . game of chance spel.Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: toets van die standaardafwyking ISI stochastic stogasties theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary stochastic abundance model stogastiese oorvloedmodel quality and process control kwaliteits. residue stochastic failure rate stogastiese falingskoers reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing an extension of failure rate 'n uitbreiding van falingskoers ESS stochastic filtering stogastiese filtrering filtering filtrering a subsection of communication theory 'n onderafdeling van kommunikasieteorie ESS stochastic game stogastiese spel game. die getal tipes ESS stochastic approximation stogastiese benadering estimation beraming stochastic approximation procedure stogastiese benaderingsprosedure exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse ISI stochastic comparison of tests stogastiese vergelyking van toetse stochastic constraint chance constraint stochastic continuity stogastiese kontinuïteit convergence of processes konvergensie van prosesse where the stochastic process is "smooth" waar die stogastiese proses "glad" is ISI stochastic control stogastiese kontrole theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse stochastic convergence stogastiese konvergensie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie ISI stochastic dependence statistical dependence stochastic differentiability <see stochastic continuity> stogastiese differensieerbaarheid <kyk stogastiese kontinuïteit> probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: ISI stochastic disturbance stogastiese versteuring econometrics ekonometrie possessing a probability distribution besit 'n waarskynlikheidsverdeling ISI stochastic effect model stogastiese effekmodel random effect model ewekansige-effekmodel design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente stochastic experiment stogastiese eksperiment correlation and regression coefficients.b.g. wanneer een waarskynlikheidsverdeling meer waarskynlikheid aan groter waardes toeken as 'n ander ESS stochastic process chance process stochastic programming stogastiese programmering mathematical programming wiskundige programmering an advanced form of linear programming where the parameters of the objective function are not fixed 'n meer gevorderde vorm van lineêre programmering waar die parameters van die doelfunksie nie vas is nie ESS stochastic transitivity stogastiese transitiwiteit probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie property of carrying over probability of success eienskap om waarskynlikheid van 'n sukses oor te dra ISI stochastic variable random variable stochastic volatility stogastiese volatiliteit univariate time series. van oorgangswaarskynlikhede ISI stochastic model stogastiese model regression analysis regressieanalise incorporating stochastic elements bevat stogastiese elemente ISI stochastic ordering stogastiese ordening inequalities ongelykhede e. when one probability distribution attaches more probability to larger values than another Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: bv.g.g. of transition probabilities bv. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI stochastically decreasing failure rate stogasties-dalende falingskoers reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing an extension of decreasing failure rate 'n uitbreiding van dalende falingskoers stochastically increasing failure rate stogasties-stygende falingskoers reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing an extension of increasing failure rate 'n uitbreiding van stygende falingskoers stochastically larger or smaller stogasties groter of kleiner random variables. verwagte waardes en parameters ISI Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 345 .Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: ISI stochastic integral stogastiese integraal theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse of one stochastic process relative to another van een stogastiese proses relatief tot 'n ander ESS stochastic kernel stogastiese kern probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings a function of a point and a set 'n funksie van 'n punt en 'n versameling ISI stochastic limit stogastiese limiet convergence in probability konvergensie in waarskynlikheid the value to which a random variable tends in probability die waarde waarheen 'n stogastiese veranderlike konvergeer in waarskynlikheid ESS stochastic matrix stogastiese matriks matriksvariaat probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie a matrix of random variables 'n matriks van stogastiese veranderlikes ISI stochastic matrix stogastiese matriks matriksvariaat theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse e. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. optimale stopprobleme.foute gesamentlik vergelyk word ISI stress spanning stres scaling methods skaleringsmetodes Statistical Dictionary stress-strength model interference model strict inequality streng ongelykheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary strictly dominated English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: 346 .en tipe II. stratakaart graphical methods grafiese metodes where the constituent parts of a time series are plotted above one another waar die saamstellende dele van 'n tydreeks bokant mekaar gestip word ISI strategy strategie operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary stratification stratifikasie sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary stratification after selection Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: post-stratifikasie poststratification sampling steekproefneming stratified sample gestratifieerde steekproef. gambling theory stoptye.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: stopping problem stopprobleem stopping times. gestratifiseerde steekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary stratified sampling gestratifieerde steekproefneming gestratifiseerde steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary stratify stratifieer stratifiseer sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary stratum stratum sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary strength of a test sterkte van 'n toets toetssterkte hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing obtained when jointly comparing the probabilities of the first and second kinds of errors word verkry wanneer waarskynlikhede van tipe I. dobbelteorie stopping rule stopreël operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary stopping time stoptyd theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary straight line reguitlyn regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary straight line graph linear graph straight line regression rectilinear regression strata <plural for stratum> strata <meervoud van stratum> sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary strata chart stratadiagram saamgestelde lyndiagram. optimal stopping problems. simmetriese funksies en verdelingsvrye eienskappe ISI structural struktureel operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary structural change strukturele verandering econometrics ekonometrie for identification of change vir die identifisering van verandering ISI structural coefficient strukturele koëffisiënt operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary structural equation strukturele vergelyking operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary structural equation model <Full form> strukturelevergelyking-model SEM simultaneous equations gelyktydige vergelykings reflecting causal interrelationships between variables in path analysis weerspieël oorsaaklike interafhanklikhede tussen veranderlikes in roeteanalise structural inference strukturele inferensie estimation beraming statistical inference in the presence of model structure beyond that provided by the ordinary statistical model statistiese inferensie in die teenwoordigheid van modelstruktuur bo en behalwe dit wat deur die gewone statistiese model voorsien word ESS structural parameter strukturele parameter factor analysis faktoranalise Statistical Dictionary structural prediction strukturele voorspelling Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 347 .Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: streng gedomineer decision theory beslissingsteorie used when comparing two estimators in terms of risk word gebruik wanneer twee beramers met betrekking tot risiko vergelyk word ISI strictly dominated estimator inadmissible estimator strictly stationary process streng stasionêre proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse if all equally sized sets of consecutive observations have the same joint distribution as alle versamelings van gelyke grootte. symmetry functions and distribution-free properties Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: verwantskap tussen ordestatistieke. bestaande uit opeenvolgende waarnemings. dieselfde gesamentlike verdeling het ISI strong completeness <see completeness> sterk volledigheid <kyk volledigheid> exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers ISI strong convergence sterk konvergensie almost sure convergence byna-seker konvergensie ISI strong law of large numbers sterk wet van groot getalle probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary strongly consistent sterk konsekwent probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary strongly consistent estimator sterk konsekwente beramer asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers ISI strongly distribution free sterk verdelingsvry order statistics ordestatistieke relationship between order statistics. Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: estimation beraming that future observations fall in intervals or regions of interest dat toekomstige waarnemings in intervalle of gebiede van belang val ESS structural prediction distribution strukturele voorspellingsverdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings describes a future observation or data array beskryf 'n toekomstige waarneming of dataskikking ESS structural probability distribution strukturele waarskynlikheidsverdeling estimation beraming a posterior distribution that is obtained from a structural model together with data 'n a posteriori-verdeling wat saam met data uit 'n strukturele model verkry is ESS structural time-series model strukturele tydreeksmodel univariate time series. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI structural zero strukturele nul categorical data analysis. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures ISI studentised M-estimator gestudentiseerde M-beramer regression analysis regressieanalise ISI studentised range gestudentiseerde variasiewydte sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary studentised residual gestudentiseerde residu English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 348 . gebeurlikheidstabelle the result of the impossibility of observing a given combination of categories die resultaat van die onmoontlikheid om 'n gegewe kombinasie van kategorieë waar te neem ISI structure struktuur factor analysis faktoranalise Statistical Dictionary structure function struktuurfunksie Poisson processes Poisson-prosesse the unconditioned risk distribution in a mixed Poisson process die ongekondisioneerde risikoverdeling in 'n gemengde Poisson-proses ESS English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: structured programming gestruktureerde programmering operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary structured response closed response studentification studentisering studentisation studentifikasie transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes studentisation studentisering studentification studentifikasie transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard error deur die gemiddelde af te trek en deur die standaardfout te deel studentised <see studentisation> gestudentiseerde <kyk studentisering> transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes studentised confidence interval gestudentiseerde vertrouensinterval sample reuse techniques steekproefhergebruikstegnieke ISI studentised maximum absolute deviate gestudentiseerde maksimum absolute afwyking multiple comparisons. klokvormig met swaarder uiteindes as die standaardnormaalverdeling ISI Student's t-test t-test studied population sampled population Sturges' rule Sturges se reël data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise guideline for number of classes in a frequency table riglyn vir getal klasse in 'n frekwensietabel ISI subdeelonder-. gedeelte probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary subblock subblok design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: subclass subklas categorical data analysis. sub-. gebeurlikheidstabelle Statistical Dictionary subdivide onderverdeel probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary subdivided plot onderverdeelde perseel design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary subdivision onderverdeling design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary subexponential subeksponensiaal reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing relating to the shape of the distribution het betrekking op die vorm van die verdeling ISI subfield deelliggaam onderliggaam measure theory maatteorie Statistical Dictionary subgroup ondergroep mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary subgroup subgroep mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary sub-group confounded subgroepgestrengel design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI subhypothesis testing subhipotesetoetsing hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 349 . contingency tables kategoriese data-analise.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: regression analysis regressieanalise ESS Student's hypothesis Student se hipotese hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ISI Student's t Student se t sampling distributions steekproefverdelings the difference between the sample mean and the population mean divided by the standard error die verskil tussen die steekproefgemiddelde en die populasiegemiddelde gedeel deur die standaardfout ESS Student's t-distribution Student se t-verdeling t-distribution t-verdeling sampling distributions steekproefverdelings symmetric bell-shaped with heavier tails than the standard normal distribution simmetries. onderwerp field of study vakgebied general algemeen Statistical Dictionary subjective subjektief general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary subjective Bayesian inference subjektiewe Bayes-inferensie general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek ISI subjective probability subjektiewe waarskynlikheid probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary submartingale submartingaal martingales and semi-martingales martingale en semimartingale where the equal sign in the definition of a martingale is replaced by a greater than or equal sign Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: waar die gelykaanteken in die definisie van 'n martingaal deur 'n groter-of-gelykaanteken vervang word ISI submean subgemiddelde truncated and mixed distributions afgeknotte en gemengde verdelings the expected value of a truncated distribution die verwagte waarde van 'n afgeknotte verdeling ESS subminimax subminimaks operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary subnormal subnormaal probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary subnormal dispersion subnormale dispersie relations between distributions verhoudings tussen verdelings ISI subplot deelperseel design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary sub-Poisson distribution sub-Poisson-verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings a special case of the hyper-Poisson distribution 'n spesiale geval van die hiper-Poissonverdeling ISI subroutine subroetine operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary subsample n. deelsteekproef substeekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary 350 . van 'n deelversameling van regressieparameters ESS subject n.g.Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: e. subjek proefpersoon general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary subject n. onderwerp field of study vakgebied general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary subject v. of a subset of regression parameters bv. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. plaasvervanging market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling ISI subsurvival function suboorlewingsfunksie theory of replacement. survival analysis vervangingsteorie.English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: subsampling deelsteekproefneming substeekproefneming sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary subscript voetskrif mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary subset deelversameling probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary subspace deelruimte probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary substitute F-ratio substituut. klassifikasie en identifikasie based on first or higher order differences op eerste.t-verhouding test construction.F-verhouding analysis of variance variansieanalise using ranges instead of mean squares gebruik variasiewydtes in plaas van gemiddelde kwadrate ISI substitute t-ratio substituut.of hoërordeverskille gebaseer ISI successive differences <see also mean successive difference> opeenvolgende verskille univariate time series. klassifikasie en identifikasie ESS sufficiency voldoendheid toereikendheid estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary sufficiency of a statistic voldoendheid van 'n statistiek probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie sufficient voldoende estimation beraming 351 . ander benaderings replacing numerator and denominator by more easily calculated statistics vervang die teller en noemer deur makliker berekenbare statistieke ISI substitution substitusie vervanging. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. oorlewingsanalise in competing-risk modelling in mededingenderisiko-modellering ESS subtabulation subtabellering sampling Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary subtreatment subbehandeling design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary subunit subeenheid design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary succession opvolging operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary succession rule opvolgreël operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary successive difference statistic opeenvolgendeverskille-statistiek univariate time series. other approaches toetskonstruksie. Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Statistical Dictionary sufficient condition voldoende voorwaarde mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary sufficient estimate voldoende beraming estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary sufficient estimator voldoende beramer estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary sum n. som mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary sum of squares som van kwadrate regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary sum v. classical methodology steekproefneming. sommeer add optel mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary summarise opsom mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary summary opsomming history and biographies geskiedenis en biografieë Statistical Dictionary summation sommering addition optelling data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary summation n. klassieke metodologie when sampling proceeds sequentially until the total sampling cost first exceeds a prespecified amount wanneer steekproefneming sekwensieel voortgaan totdat die totale steekproefkoste die eerste keer 'n voorafgespesifiseerde bedrag oorskry ESS super population superpopulasie probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary superefficiency superdoeltreffendheid estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary superefficient estimator superdoeltreffende beramer comparison of estimators vergelyking van beramers where an estimator can be found to have for a set of parameter values an efficiency exceeding the maximum that can be obtained by estimates in the class under consideration waar 'n beramer gevind kan word wat vir 'n versameling van parameterwaardes 'n doeltreffendheid het wat die maksimum wat deur beramers onder die onderhawige klas bereik kan word. sommasie Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: addition data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary sum-quota sampling somkwotasteekproefneming sampling. kan oorskry ESS superfluous variable oorbodige veranderlike regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary superimposed opeenliggend graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary super-martingale supermartingaal martingales and semi-martingales martingale en semimartingale Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 352 . maar weglaatbaar gekorreleer met die afhanklike veranderlike ESS supremum supremum mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary surd radical Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: 353 .Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: where the equal sign in the definition of a martingale is replaced by a less than or equal sign waar die gelykaanteken in die definisie van 'n martingaal deur 'n kleiner-of-gelykaanteken vervang word ISI supernormal dispersion supernormale dispersie sampling steekproefneming encountered in sampling from nonhomogeneous strata kom voor in steekproefneming uit niehomogene strata ISI super-Poisson distribution super-Poisson-verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings a special case of the hyper-Poisson distribution 'n spesiale geval van die hiper-Poissonverdeling ISI superpopulation superpopulasie sampling steekproefneming superpopulation model superpopulasiemodel sampling steekproefneming the population under study is viewed as a random sample from a larger hypothetical population die bestudeerde populasie word as 'n ewekansige steekproef uit 'n groter hipotetiese populasie beskou ISI superposed process gesuperponeerde proses point processes puntprosesse ISI superposed variation gesuperponeerde variasie autoregressive and moving average processes outoregressiewe en bewegendegemiddeldeprosesse ISI supersaturated design superversadigde ontwerp design of experiments Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: ontwerp van eksperimente superscript hoogskrif mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary supplementary information ancillary information supplemented balance aangevulde balans design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente when the control treatment has additional replications wanneer die kontrolegroep bykomende replikasies het ISI support steungebied domain probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings points on the real line where probability distribution is positive punte op die reële lyn waar waarskynlikheidsverdeling positief is ISI support function steunfunksie log likelihood function logaanneemlikheidsfunksie method of maximum likelihood maksimumaanneemlikheidsmetode ISI suppressor variable onderdrukkerveranderlike regression analysis regressieanalise an independent variable highly correlated with other independent variables but negligibly correlated with the dependent variable 'n onafhanklike veranderlike wat hoog gekorreleer met ander onafhanklike veranderlikes is. population models demografie. of the time of failure of the surviving components bv. ens.Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: surface oppervlak mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary surfaces oppervlakke mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary surprise index verrassingsindeks probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie for the realisation of an event vir die realisasie van 'n gebeurtenis ISI survey landmeting opmeting demography. populasiemodelle Statistical Dictionary survey opname market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling Statistical Dictionary survey design opname-ontwerp sampling steekproefneming survey methodology opnamemetodologie sampling steekproefneming survey sampling opnamesteekproefneming market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling ESS survey weight opnamegewig sampling steekproefneming survival analysis oorlewingsanalise reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing for analysing data representing life times. oorlewingsanalise ESS survival probability oorlewingswaarskynlikheid actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde probability that a person who has reached a certain age will still be alive a year later waarskynlikheid dat 'n persoon wat 'n sekere ouderdom bereik het. voorstel ESS survival curve oorlewingskromme theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary survival data oorlewingsdata asymptotic properties of estimators asimptotiese eienskappe van beramers ESS survival distribution oorlewingsverdeling theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary survival function oorlewingsfunksie survivor function theory of replacement.g. 'n jaar later nog sal lewe ESS survivor function oorlewingsfunksie survival function reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing the possibility that an individual will survive a certain age die waarskynlikheid dat 'n individu 'n sekere ouderdom sal oorleef ESS survivor function langslewende funksie survival function reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing e. survival analysis vervangingsteorie. Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: vir die ontleding van data wat lewensduur. waiting times. van die tyd tot faling van die langslewende komponente ESS Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 354 . etc. wagtye. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. klassieke metodologie e. die helling van 'n funksie gebaseer op twee punte symmetric difference simmetriese verskil divided difference gedeelde differensie Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: theory of sets versamelingsteorie the noncommon elements of two sets die niegemeenskaplike elemente van twee versamelings ESS symmetric sampling simmetriese steekproefneming sampling. the slope of a function based on two points bv.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: swamping oorweldiging outliers and slippage tests uitskieters en gliptoetse when true outliers influence a test statistic to such an extent that it classifies non-outlying data as outliers wanneer egte uitskieters 'n toetsstatistiek so kan beïnvloed dat dit veroorsaak dat data wat nie uitskieters is nie. ortogonale skikkings ISI symmetrical function simmetriese funksie design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary symmetrical test simmetriese toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing where the rejection probability is split in half for the two tails waar die verwerpingswaarskynlikheid gelykop verdeel word vir die twee uiteindes ISI symmetrical unequal block arrangement simmetriese ongelyke blokrangskikking block designs.g. classical methodology steekproefneming. group-divisible designs blokontwerpe.g. eenvoudige ewekansige steekproefneming ISI symmetric stable law simmetriese stabiele verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings having a characteristic function satisfying certain conditions het 'n karakteristieke funksie wat aan sekere voorwaardes voldoen ISI symmetrical symmetric symmetrical distribution simmetriese verdeling sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary symmetrical factorial design simmetriese faktoriaalontwerp factorial designs. as uitskieters verklaar word ESS swindle swendel operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary switchback design reversal design switchback trial reversal trial symbol simbool mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary symmetric simmetries symmetrical sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary symmetric circular distribution simmetriese sirkelverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings ISI symmetric contingency table folded contingency table symmetric difference simmetriese verskil divided difference gedeelde differensie number theory getalleteorie e. simple random sampling bv. groepdeelbare ontwerpe ISI English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: 355 . klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI table tabel statistical tables statistiese tabelle Statistical Dictionary table of double entry double-entry table Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: 356 . nierespons ISI syntax sintaksis operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary synthesis method sintesemetode operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary synthesis of variance sintese van variansie analysis of variance variansieanalise ISI synthetic estimator sintetiese beramer finite population parameter estimation eindigepopulasieparameterberaming used to estimate characteristics of finite populations within subdomains of study gebruik om eienskappe van eindige populasies binne substudiegebiede te beraam ESS system stelsel operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary system of distributions verdelingstelsel probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings system reliability stelselbetroubaarheid reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing based on component failure gebaseer op komponentfaling ESS systematic Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: sistematies sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary systematic design sistematiese ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI systematic error sistematiese fout estimation beraming having a distribution with mean unequal to zero wat 'n verdeling het waarvan die gemiddelde nie gelyk aan nul is nie ISI systematic sample sistematiese steekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary systematic square sistematiese vierkant design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente where treatments are allocated to rows and columns in a non-random way waar behandelings op nie-ewekanisge wyse aan rye en kolomme toegewys word ISI systematic statistic sistematiese statistiek order statistics ordestatistieke a linear combination of order statistics 'n lineêre kombinasie van ordestatistieke ISI systematic variation sistematiese variasie univariate time series. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. non-response niesteekproefnemingsprobleme.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: symmetry simmetrie design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary sympathy effect meegevoeleffek non-sampling problems. telling data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary tally v.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: taboo probability taboe-waarskynlikheid Markov chains Markov-kettings that it does not pass through a given (taboo) state dat dit nie deur 'n gegewe (taboe-) toestand beweeg nie ISI taboo state <see taboo probability> taboe-toestand <kyk taboe-waarskynlikheid> Markov chains Markov-kettings ISI tabulate tabelleer statistical tables statistiese tabelle Statistical Dictionary tabulation tabellering statistical tables statistiese tabelle Statistical Dictionary tagging etikettering operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary Taguchi methods <Plural> Taguchi-metodes <Meervoud> market and opinion research marknavorsing en meningspeiling aimed at optimising experimental design gemik op die optimering van eksperimentele ontwerp ISI tail adj. eindhypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary tail area eindoppervlakte eindgebied probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings the extreme portion of a distribution die ekstreme gedeelte van 'n verdeling ISI tail behaviour eindgedrag probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: Statistical Dictionary tail distribution eindverdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary tail off afplat probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary tail ordering volgingsordening univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings for comparison of two continuous distribution functions vir die vergelyking van twee kontinue verdelingsfunksies ESS tail probability eindwaarskynlikheid probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary tally n. telling hou data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Statistical Dictionary tan tan tangent tangens mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary tandem queue tandemtou operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary tandem test tandemtoets operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary 357 . English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: tangent raaklyn tan mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary tangent plane raakvlak mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary tangent point raakpunt mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary target teiken operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary target coverage teikendekking doeldekking engineering ingenieurswese due to random errors in projectile impact points as gevolg van stogastiese foute in projektieltrefpunte ESS target population teikenpopulasie sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary tau tau mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary Taylor-expansion Taylor-ontwikkeling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary Tchebychev inequality Tchebychev-ongelykheid inequalities ongelykhede an upper bound for the probability that a positive function of a random variable exceeds a given constant Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 'n bogrens vir die waarskynlikheid dat 'n positiewe funksie van 'n stogastiese veranderlike 'n gegewe konstante oorskry ISI Tchebychev-Hermite polynomials Hermite polynomials T-distribution T-verdeling multivariate distributions meerveranderlike verdelings of the square root of Hotellings T-square van die vierkantswortel van Hotelling se Tkwadraat ISI t-distribution t-verdeling Student's t-distribution Student se t-verdeling sampling distributions steekproefverdelings technical tegnies mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary technique tegniek mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary technometrics tegnometrie educational statistics opvoedkundige statistiek ESS temporal distribution tydverdeling time distribution inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse ISI temporal series tydreeks time series inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse observations over time waarnemings oor tyd Statistical Dictionary temporally continuous process tydkontinue proses inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse 358 . Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: Statistical Dictionary temporally homogeneous process tydhomogene proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse with transition probabilities constant for equal time intervals met konstante oorgangswaarskynlikhede vir gelyke tydintervalle ISI tendency neiging trend tendens univariate time series. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. toetskoëffisiënt factor loading factor analysis faktoranalise ISI test construction toetskonstruksie test construction. ander benaderings test criterion toetskriterium hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary test data toetsdata hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary test for additivity additiwiteitstoets analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary test for linearity lineariteitstoets regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary test for symmetry simmetrietoets regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary test function toetsfunksie hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary 359 . end point terminal decision termineringsbeslissing sequential and multistage estimation sekwensiële en meerstadiumberaming ISI terminate eindig operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary terminating decimal eindigende desimaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary terminating series eindigende reeks operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary terminology terminologie general methodology and philosophy of statistics algemene metodologie en filosofie van statistiek Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: ternary drietallig ternêr mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary test toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary test coefficient faktorbelading. faktorlading. klassifikasie en identifikasie Statistical Dictionary term term econometrics ekonometrie Statistical Dictionary terminal end. other approaches toetskonstruksie. g. in estimating the pooled variance before testing for means bv.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: test of a hypothesis toets van 'n hipotese hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary test of equality gelykheidstoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary test of goodness-of-fit goodness-of-fit test test of homogeneity homogeniteitstoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary test of independence independence test test of normality normaliteitstoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary test of periodicity periodisiteitstoets inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary test of randomness ewekansigheidstoets sampling steekproefneming in sequence in 'n ry Statistical Dictionary test of significance significance test test sample toetssteekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary test statistic toetsgrootheid toetsstatistiek hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary test theory toetsteorie Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary testable hypothesis toetsbare hipotese hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary testimator beramer na toetsing estimation beraming e. in die beraming van saamgevoegde variansie voor toetsing vir gemiddeldes ESS test-retest toets-hertoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary tests of uniformity toets vir uniformiteit goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse whether random variable is uniformly distributed of stogastiese veranderlike uniform verdeel is ESS tetrachoric correlation tetrachoriese korrelasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary tetrachoric function tetrachoriese funksie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary tetrad difference viertalverskil association and dependence of quantitative data assosiasie en afhanklikheid van kwantitatiewe data ISI tetrad equation viertalvergelyking association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary tetragon 360 . Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: quadrilateral tetragonal quadrangular tetrahedron tetraëder viervlak mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary tetranomial distribution tetranomiaalverdeling quadrinomial distribution kwadrinomiaalverdeling multivariate discrete distributions meerveranderlike diskrete verdelings multinomial distribution with four cells multinomiaalverdeling met vier selle ESS theorem stelling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary theoretical teoreties mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary theoretical distribution teoretiese verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary theoretical frequency teoretiese frekwensie goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse ISI theoretical variable teoretiese veranderlike latent variable latente veranderlike econometrics ekonometrie an unobservable variable which is postulated in a system 'n niewaarneembare veranderlike wat in 'n stelsel gepostuleer word ISI theory of attributes attribuutteorie sampling steekproefneming Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Statistical Dictionary theory of estimation estimation theory theory of probability probability theory theory of queues toustaanteorie theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse theory of sampling sampling theory theory of statistics statistiekteorie probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary theta theta mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary third order derde orde regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary third order interaction derdeorde-interaksie three-order interaction design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary third power cube three-decision problem drieledige beslissingsprobleem hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary three-dimensional driedimensionaal driedimensioneel general algemeen Statistical Dictionary three-dimensional chart axonometric chart three-dimensional lattice driedimensionele rooster 361 . waar 'n middel geen effek onder 'n sekere kritieke waarde het nie ISI threshold parameter drempelparameter univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings which separates regions within which a probability density function is positive from those where it is zero wat gebiede skei waarin 'n waarskynlikheidsdigtheidsfunksie positief is van dié waarin dit nul is ESS threshold theorem drempelstelling medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek relating to the improbability of an epidemic hou verband met die onwaarskynlikheid van 'n epidemie ISI threshold value drempelwaarde general algemeen Statistical Dictionary Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 362 . invariansiebeginsels ISI three-stage driestadium operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary three-stage least squares driestadium-kleinstekwadrate simultaneous equations gelyktydige vergelykings method for estimating coefficients as a whole metode vir die beraming van koëffisiënte as 'n geheel Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: ISI three-stage procedure driestadiumprosedure operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary three-stage sampling driestadiumsteekproefneming sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary three-way layout drierigtinguitleg analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary three-way table drierigtingtabel analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary threshold model drempelmodel medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek e. invariance principles konvergensie in verdeling. limietstellings.g. ortogonale skikkings ISI three-eighths rule drie-agstereël numerical analysis numeriese analise in numerical integration in numeriese integrasie ESS three-factor interaction driefaktorinteraksie design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary three-mode analysis driewysige analise association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid refers to a collection of multivariate techniques to analyse data which can be classified in three ways verwys na 'n versameling meerveranderlike tegnieke om data wat op drie maniere geklassifiseer kan word. limit theorems. te ontleed ESS three-order interaction third order interaction three-point assay driepunt-yking driepunt-essaiëring biostatistics and biomathematics biostatistiek en biowiskunde Statistical Dictionary three-series theorem driereeksstelling convergence in distribution. where a drug has zero effect below some critical value bv.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: factorial designs. orthogonal arrays faktoriaalontwerpe. knoop hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary tie v. knoop hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary tied double change-over design gekoppelde dubbeloorskakelingsontwerp cross-over designs oorskakelontwerpe with effects carried over to a succeeding period met effekte wat na 'n opvolgende periode oorgedra word ISI tied interactions gelyke interaksies hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary tied ranks gelyke rangnommers hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary ties knope hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary ties in ranking gelykes in rangordening hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: tight dig probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie bounded in probability begrens in waarskynlikheid ISI tightened inspection verskerpte inspeksie operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary tilling uitleg regression.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: tick n. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. model building and selection regressie. beraming ISI time factor tydfaktor inference for stochastic processes 363 . merk sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary ticket sampling lottery sampling tie n. modelbou en -seleksie setting out all possible regressions van alle moontlike regressies ISI time antithesis tydantitese indexes indekse by interchanging subscripts and taking the reciprocal deur voetskrifte te verander en die omgekeerde te neem ISI time average tydgemiddelde inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary time comparability factor tydvergelykbaarheidsfaktor inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary time dependent tydafhanklik inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary time distribution temporal distribution time domain tydgebied univariate time series. regmerk sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary tick v. klassifikasie en identifikasie time series temporal series time series analysis tydreeksanalise inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary time trend tydtendens inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary time unit tydeenheid unit of time Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary time without symptoms and toxicity tyd sonder simptome en toksisiteit TWIST<short form> medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek time-dependent covariates tydafhanklike kovariate reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing time-dependent Poisson process tydafhanklike Poisson-proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI time-sequential inference tydsekwensiële inferensie stopping times. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary time homogeneous tydhomogeen inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary time interval tydinterval inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary time invariant tydinvariant inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary time lag tydsloering inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary time reversal test tydomkeertoets base reversal test inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary time reversal test base reversal test time sequence plot tydvolgordestipping univariate time series. optimal stopping problems. dobbelteorie where time and cost constraints on the follow-up scheme dictate the formulation of the stopping rule waar tyd.en kostebeperkings op die opvolgskema die formulering van die stopreël bepaal ESS tobit analysis tobitanalise regression analysis regressieanalise tobit model tobitmodel regression analysis regressieanalise ESS tolerance toleransie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary tolerance band toleransiestrook tolerance region.en proseskontrole region between tolerance limits gebied tussen toleransiegrense ESS Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: 364 . gambling theory stoptye. tolerance interval toleransiegebied quality and process control kwaliteits. optimale stopprobleme. en proseskontrole difference between upper and lower tolerance limits divided by a measure of variability die verskil tussen die boonste en onderste toleransiegrense gedeel deur 'n maatstaf van veranderlikheid ISI tolerance interval tolerance band tolerance interval <Note: SEE statistical tolerance interval> toleransie-interval <kyk statistiese toleransieinterval> estimation beraming tolerance level toleransievlak clinical trials and bio-assays kliniese proewe en biologiese essaiërings e.en proseskontrole ISI tolerance region tolerance band topographical chart topografiese kaart graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary topology topologie graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary toss n. vlak waarbo die verwagte reaksie voorkom ESS tolerance limit <see tolerance bound> toleransiegrens tolerance bound estimation beraming tolerance number Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: toleransiegetal quality and process control kwaliteits.English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: tolerance bound toleransiegrens tolerance limit quality and process control kwaliteits.en proseskontrole the maximum number of defectives per batch die maksimum getal defektiewes per lot tolerance number of defects toleransiegetal defekte quality and process control kwaliteits.g.en proseskontrole either a 'mandatory' specification of upper or lower value or a statement based on probability of the upper or lower values which enclose a given proportion of the objects óf 'n 'verpligte' spesifikasie van boonste of onderste waarde óf 'n stelling gebaseer op waarskynlikheid van die boonste of onderste waardes wat 'n gegewe proporsie van die voorwerpe insluit ESS tolerance distribution toleransieverdeling estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary tolerance factor toleransiefaktor quality and process control kwaliteits. above which level the expected reaction occurs bv. werp probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary total totaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary total correlation totale korrelasie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary total inspection totale inspeksie sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary total probability theorem algehele waarskynlikheid-stelling classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: 365 . werping probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary toss v. kanoniese korrelasie ISI trace test spoortoets Hotelling's trace test Hotelling se spoortoets multiparameter hypothesis testing meerparameterhipotesetoetsing trade cycle business cycle traffic intensity verkeersintensiteit theory of queues toustaanteorie mean service time divided by mean interarrival time gemiddelde dienstyd gedeel deur die gemiddelde tussenaankomstyd ISI trail off upwards plat af na boontoe graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary training sample <see also cross validation> modelberamingsteekproef <kyk ook kruisgeldigheid> discriminant analysis Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: diskriminantanalise ISI trait property transcendental transendent mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary transfer function oordragfunksie operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary transform v.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: ESS total regression coefficient totale regressiekoëffisiënt regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary total sum of squares totale som van kwadrate regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary total time on test transformation totaletoetstyd-transformasie reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing ISI trace spoor regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary trace correlation spoorkorrelasie canonical analysis. Youden designs Latynse en Grieks-Latynse vierkante. canonical correlation kanoniese analise. transformeer regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary transformation transformasie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary transformation set of Latin squares transformasieversameling Latynse vierkante Latin and Graeco-Latin squares. Youdenontwerpe ISI transient oorgangsoperations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary transient distribution oorgangsverdeling sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary transient process oorgangsproses sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary transient state non-recurrent state transition function oorgangsfunksie theory of stochastic processes 366 . expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary transition intensity oorgangsintensiteit theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse transition matrix oorgangsmatriks jump matrix sprongmatriks theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI transition matrix jump matrix transition probability oorgangswaarskynlikheid probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary transitive sufficiency transitiewe voldoendheid sequential and multistage estimation sekwensiële en meerstadiumberaming Statistical Dictionary translation equivariant estimator translasie-ekwivariante beramer exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers ISI translation invariant translasie-invariant exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers Statistical Dictionary translation parameter translasieparameter random variables. verwagte waardes en parameters ISI transportation problem transportprobleem operations research operasionele navorsing transpose transponeer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: transposed matrix getransponeerde matriks mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary trapezoidal rule trapesiumreël mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary t-ratio distribution t-verhoudingsverdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings of the ratio of two random variables that follow a bivariate t-distribution van die verhouding van twee stogastiese veranderlikes wat 'n tweeveranderlike tverdeling volg ISI travelling salesman problem handelsreisigerprobleem transportation problems transportprobleme finding the shortest route covering a set of points bepaling van die kortste roete wat 'n versameling punte dek ISI treatment behandeling analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary treatment combination behandelingskombinasie analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary treatment effect behandelingseffek analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary treatment mean square behandelingsgemiddeldekwadraat analysis of variance variansieanalise reflecting differences among treatment means weerspieël verskille tussen behandelingsgemiddeldes ISI tree diagram Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: 367 . g. to toss a coin om 'n gebeurtenis te genereer bv.Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: dendrogram tree regression boomregressie regression . verdelingsvrye metodes ISI tree structured statistical methods<see CART> boomgestruktureerde statistiese metodes<kyk CART> exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise ISI tree-pruning<see tree regression> boomsnoeiing<kyk boomregressie> regression.nieparametriese metodes. distribution-free methods regressie . om 'n muntstuk te werp Statistical Dictionary trial <see also clinical trial> proef <kyk ook kliniese proef> Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: medical and epidemiological statistics mediese en epidemiologiese statistiek controlled experiment gekontroleerde eksperiment Statistical Dictionary trial and error probeer-en-tref general algemeen Statistical Dictionary triangle driehoek mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary triangle test driehoektoets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing finding the dissimilar object amongst three om die ongelyksoortige voorwerp tussen drie te vind ISI triangular driehoekig mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary triangular (singly or doubly) linked blocks driehoekiggeskakelde blokke (enkel. Bayes. Bayesian and related methods regressie.of dubbel-) design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente a form of triangular design 'n vorm van driehoekige ontwerp ISI triangular association scheme driehoekige assosiasieskema design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente representing treatments arranged in incomplete blocks stel die rangskikking van behandelings in onvolledige blokke voor ISI triangular coordinate driehoekige koördinaat.en verwante metodes ISI trend tendency trend analysis tendensanalise regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary trend fitting tendenspassing regression analysis regressieanalise in curve by kromme Statistical Dictionary trend line line of trend triad drietal triade operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary trial poging classical probability theory klassieke waarskynlikheidsteorie to generate an event e.nonparametric methods. barisentriese koördinaat barycentric coordinate graphical methods grafiese metodes ESS triangular design driehoekige ontwerp 368 . gebeurlikheidstabelle ESS triangulation triangulasie triangulering estimation beraming estimating on the basis of different statistical resources or techniques beraming op grond van verskillende statistiese bronne of tegnieke ESS trichotomy driedeling trigotomie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary triefficiency driedoeltreffendheid exploratory data analysis Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: verkennende data-analise the minimum of the efficiencies of a normal. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise.en solidusverdeling ESS trigamma function trigammafunksie special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies derivative of digamma function afgeleide van digammafunksie ESS trigonometrical trigonometries mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary trilateral driesydig trilateraal operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary trimean trigemiddelde sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary trimmed least squares estimator geknipte kleinstekwadrateberamer influential observations. eenuitskieter.en dubbelgeskakelde ontwerpe ISI triangular plot driehoekstipping categorical data analysis. breakpoint analysis invloedryke waarnemings. drietermig trinomiaal probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary trinomial distribution 369 . one-wild and slash distribution die minimum van die doeltreffendhede van 'n normaal-.Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente a form of incomplete block design 'n vorm van onvolledige blokontwerp ISI triangular distribution driehoekverdeling driehoekige verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings in which the graph of the density function has the shape of a symmetric triangle waarin die grafiek van die digtheidsfunksie die vorm van 'n simmetriese driehoek het ESS triangular matrix driehoekmatriks mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary triangular multiply linked block design driehoekige meervoudig geskakelde blokontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente an extension of singly and doubly linked designs 'n uitbreiding van enkel. breekpuntanalise ISI trimmed mean geknipte gemiddelde gesnoeide gemiddelde sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary trimming snoeiing sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary trinomial adj. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures ISI triple lattice drievoudige rooster design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente ISI trivariate drieveranderlik probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings deterministic deterministies Statistical Dictionary trivariate trivariaat theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse stochastic stogasties Statistical Dictionary trouble shooting foutspeuring general algemeen Statistical Dictionary trough trog valley univariate time series. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: trinomiaalverdeling probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary trinomial n. drieterm trinoom probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary triple comparisons drievoudige vergelykings multiple comparisons. beraming ISI true suiwer actual waar general algemeen Statistical Dictionary English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: true average werklike gemiddelde true mean hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary true coin fair coin true error werklike fout hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary true mean true average true ranking werklike rangordening hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary true regression <avoid> werklike regressie <vermy> regression analysis regressieanalise if no errors had existed in the independent variables indien geen foute in die onafhanklike veranderlike bestaan nie ISI true score werklike telling hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary true value werklike waarde hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary truncate afknot sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary truncated data afgeknotte data sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary truncated distribution afgeknotte verdeling 370 . multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. F.en karakteristieke funksie ISI TWIST time without symptoms and toxicity two-armed bandit problem tweeslingerdobbeloutomaatprobleem game theory spelteorie Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 371 . multiple decision procedures meervoudige vergelykings. beraming Statistical Dictionary twicing dubbele gladstryking exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise a form of applying the same smoother twice dieselfde gladstryker twee keer gebruik ESS twinned distributions tweelingverdelings probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings related through distribution and characteristic function verwant deur verdelings. 'n variant van die naastebuurpunt-metode ESS T-square test tekenhaaktoets point processes puntprosesse for randomness vir ewekansigheid ISI T-square test T-kwadraattoets Hotelling's test Hotelling se toets multiparameter hypothesis testing meerparameterhipotesetoetsing ISI t-statistic t-statistiek Student's t. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. meervoudige beslissingsprosedures paired comparison of means using the studentised range gepaarde vergelyking van gemiddeldes waar die gestudentiseerde variasiewydte gebruik word ISI Tukey's q test <short form> Tukey's quick test Tukey's quick test Tukey's q test <short form> turning point draaipunt univariate time series. a variant of the nearest-neighbour method gebruik in die steekproefneming van ongekarteerde punte.Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary truncation afknotting sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary truncation method afknottingsmetode sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary T-score T-telling psychometrics psigometrie normalised score with mean of fifty and standard deviation ten genormaliseerde telling met gemiddelde vyftig en standaardafwyking tien ESS T-square sampling tekenhaaksteekproefneming areal sampling. line transect sampling ruimtelike steekproefneming. chi-square distributions Student se t. chi-kwadraatverdelings having a t-distribution het 'n t-verdeling ESS English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: t-test t-toets Student's t-test Student se t-toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing to test hypotheses for means of one or two samples om hipoteses vir gemiddeldes van een of twee steekproewe te toets ESS Tukey test Tukey-toets multiple comparisons. lyndwarssnitsteekproefneming used in sampling unmapped points. F. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise. gebeurlikheidstabelle ISI two-decision problem tweebeslissingsprobleem hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary two-dimensional tweedimensionaal tweedimensioneel probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary two-factor theory tweefaktorteorie factor analysis faktoranalise postulating in addition to the single (common) factor a specific factor for each variable postuleer bykomend tot die enkele (gemeenskaplike) faktor ook 'n spesifieke faktor vir elke veranderlike ISI twofold tweevoudig general algemeen Statistical Dictionary two-parameter tweeparameter probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary two-phase tweefaseoperations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary two-phase regression tweefaseregressie regression analysis Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: regressieanalise ISI two-phase sampling tweefasesteekproefneming sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary two-sample tweesteekproefsampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary two-sample case tweesteekproefgeval hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing two-sample problem tweesteekproefprobleem sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary two-sample test tweesteekproeftoets sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary two-sided tweekantig two-tailed hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary two-sided test double-tailed test two-stage tweestadiumsampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary two-stage least squares tweestadium.Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: of finding an optimal strategy between two alternatives with different unknown success rates om 'n optimale strategie tussen twee alternatiewe met verskillende onbekende sukseskoerse te vind ISI two-by-two frequency table twee-by-twee-frekwensietabel fourfold table categorical data analysis.kleinste kwadrate simultaneous equations gelyktydige vergelykings method for estimating coefficients in isolation metode vir die beraming van koëffisiënte in isolasie ISI two-stage line sampling tweestadiumlynsteekproefneming sampling steekproefneming Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 372 . maar met behulp van die Poisson-verdeling ISI type bias tipesydigheid indexes indekse due to the type of mean used in preparing data for index calculation te wyte aan die tipe gemiddelde wat in die voorbereiding van data vir indeksberekening gebruik word ESS Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 373 . approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings. maar vir saamgestelde hipotese ISI type B series tipe B-reeks probability distributions. but using the Poisson distribution soortgelyk aan tipe A-reeks. klassieke metodologie ISI two-stage sampling tweestadiumsteekproefneming sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary two-tailed two-sided two-tailed test double-tailed test two-way analysis of variance tweerigtingvariansieanalise analysis of variance variansieanalise two-way classification tweerigtingklassifikasie analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary two-way layout tweerigtinguitleg analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary two-way table double-entry table type tipe probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary type A distribution Neyman type A distribution type A region tipe A-gebied exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse a locally unbiased region for testing a simple hypothesis with one parameter Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: 'n lokaal onsydige gebied vir die toetsing van 'n enkelvoudige hipotese met een parameter ISI type A series tipe A-reeks probability distributions. classical methodology steekproefneming.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Statistical Dictionary two-stage procedure tweestadiumprosedure sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary two-stage sample tweestadiumsteekproef sampling. approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings. but for a composite hypothesis soortgelyk aan tipe A-gebied. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings similar to type A series. GramCharlier series die limiet van die som van 'n groot aantal onafhanklike tipe A-verdelings ISI type B region tipe B-gebied exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse similar to type A region. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings the limit of the sum of a large number of independent type A distributions. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings expansion of a density function to a series of derivatives of a normal density uitbreiding van 'n digtheidsfunksie na 'n reeks afgeleides van 'n normaaldigtheid ISI type B distribution tipe B-verdeling Gram-Charlier series probability distributions. approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings. but symmetric and platycurtic spesiale geval van tipe I-verdeling. toegeskryf aan Pearson ISI type I error alpha error type I sampling <see type II sampling> tipe I-steekproefneming <kyk tipe IIsteekproefneming> Bayesian inference Bayes-inferensie ordinary sampling gewone steekproefneming ISI type II distribution tipe II-verdeling Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: systems of distributions verdelingstelsels particular case of type I distribution. due to Pearson eentoppig met beperkte steungebied. incorrectly selecting a test to achieve a desired result humoristies bv. benaderings en asimptotiese resultate van verdelings similar to type B distribution soortgelyk aan tipe B-verdeling ISI type C region tipe C-gebied exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse extension of a type A region to two parameters uitbreiding van 'n tipe A-gebied na twee parameters ISI type D region tipe D-gebied exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse extension of a type C region to several parameters uitbreiding van 'n tipe C-gebied na verskeie parameters ISI type I and II probability <see type I and II sampling> tipe I.en IIsteekproefneming> Bayesian inference Bayes-inferensie ISI type I distribution tipe I-verdeling systems of distributions verdelingstelsels unimodal with limited range.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: type C distribution tipe C-verdeling probability distributions. approximations and asymptotic results of distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings.en II-waarskynlikheid <kyk tipe I. maar simmetries en platikurties ISI type II error beta error type II sampling tipe II-steekproefneming Bayesian inference Bayes-inferensie where the population is a sample from a super population waar die populasie 'n steekproef uit 'n superpopulasie is ISI type III distribution tipe III-verdeling systems of distributions verdelingstelsels unimodal and unlimited range in one direction eentoppig en onbeperkte steungebied in een rigting ISI type III error tipe III-fout error of third kind fout van die derde soort hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing humorous e.g. om 'n toets verkeerdelik te kies om 'n verlangde resultaat te verkry ISI type IV distribution tipe IV-verdeling systems of distributions verdelingstelsels unimodal skew with unlimited range in both directions eentoppig skeef met onbeperkte steungebied in albei rigtings ISI type V distribution tipe V-verdeling systems of distributions verdelingstelsels unimodal with the origin at the start of the range eentoppig met die oorsprong by die begin van die steungebied ISI 374 . en proseskontrole the level of quality for which there is only a low probability of acceptance die kwaliteitspeil waarvoor daar net 'n klein waarskynlikheid van aanvaarding is ESS unadjusted onverstel estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary unadjusted moment onverstelde moment estimation beraming Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 375 . lot tolerance percent defective. UQL quality and process control kwaliteits. LQL. rejectable quality level.English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: typical tipies probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary typical period tipiese periode regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary typical values tipiese waardes non-parametric estimation nieparametriese beraming for an unknown parameter when constructing confidence intervals vir 'n onbekende parameter wanneer vertrouensintervalle opgestel word ESS UBCR estimator <Short form> uniformly best constant risk estimator UBDP test <Short form> uniformly best distance power test U-function <Short form> U-funksie universal probability generating function reliability and life testing betroubaarheid en lewenstoetsing written similarly to the probability generated function op dieselfde wyse geskryf as die waarskynlikheidsvoortbringende funksie ESS ultimate cluster uiteindelike steekproefeenheid ultimate sampling unit. LTPD. RQL. USU uiteindelike tros sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary ultimate sampling unit ultimate cluster ultrametric ultrametries cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie a distance function between two vectors satisfying certain axioms 'n afstandsfunksie tussen twee vektore wat sekere aksiomas bevredig ESS ultrametric inequality Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: ultrametriese ongelykheid cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie applies to distances at which items combine hierarchically vind toepassing by die afstande waar items hiërargies kombineer ISI ultraspherical polynomial ultrasferiese polinoom special functions and transforms spesiale funksies en transformasies orthogonal polynomials related to a beta probability measure ortogonale polinome wat met 'n betawaarskynlikheidsmaat verband hou ESS ultrastructural relationship <Full form> ultrastrukturele verband USR factor analysis faktoranalise a type of linear relationship between observed pairs of replicates 'n tipe lineêre verband tussen waargenome pare replikate ESS UMP test <Short form> uniformly most powerful test UN2 test <see also Cramèr von Mises test> UN2-toets <kyk ook Cramèr von Mises-toets> goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse ISI unacceptable quality level <Full form> onaanvaarbare kwaliteitspeil limiting quality level. Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Statistical Dictionary unbalanced ongebalanseer design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary unbalanced design ongebalanseerde ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary unbiased onsydig unbiassed estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary unbiased coin fair coin unbiased confidence intervals onsydige vertrouensintervalle estimation beraming ISI unbiased critical region onsydige kritieke gebied hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing ISI unbiased design onsydige ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary unbiased error onsydige fout estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary unbiased estimate onsydige beraming estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary unbiased estimating equation onsydige beramingsvergelyking estimation beraming ISI unbiased estimator onsydige beramer Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers when its expected value is equal to the parameter it estimates wanneer die verwagte waarde daarvan gelyk is aan die parameter wat dit beraam ISI unbiased sample onsydige steekproef sampling steekproefneming ISI unbiased test onsydige toets estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary unbiasedness onsydigheid estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary unbiassed unbiased unbounded onbegrens mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary unbounded function onbegrensde funksie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary uncertainty statistiese onsekerheid statistical uncertainty probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie inherent in any stochastic phenomenon inherent aan elke stogastiese verskynsel ESS unconstrained onbeperk unrestricted regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary uncontrollable variation onkontroleerbare variasie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary 376 . English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: uncorrected onverstel general algemeen Statistical Dictionary uncorrected moment onverstelde moment sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary uncorrected sum of squares crude sum of squares uncorrelatedness ongekorreleerdheid regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary undercoverage onderdekking sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary underdispersion onderdispersie sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary underestimate onderberaam estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary underestimate onderskat estimation beraming non-technical nietegnies Statistical Dictionary underidentified ondergeïdentifiseer regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary undetermined onbepaald mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary undetermined multiplier onbepaalde vermenigvuldiger Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary undirected graph ongerigte grafiek graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary undulatory movement cyclic movement unequal ongelyk mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary unequal probability sampling ongelykewaarskynlikheid-steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming for example probablity proportional to size sampling byvoorbeeld steekproefneming proporsioneel tot grootte ESS unequal probability sampling strategie ongelykewaarskynlikheidsteekproefnemingstrategie sampling steekproefneming unequal subclasses ongelyke subklasse analysis of variance variansieanalise ISI unequally spaced ongelyk gespasieer mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary unexplained variance onverklaarde variansie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary ungrouped ongegroepeer estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary ungrouped data ongegroepeerde data sampling distributions 377 . uniforme metriek goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse a type of distance function between cumulative distribution functions as used in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test 'n tipe afstandsfunksie tussen verdelingsfunksies soos in die KolmogorovSmirnov-passingstoets gebruik ESS uniform prior uniforme a priori-verdeling Bayesian estimation Bayes-beraming having a rectangular prior distribution met 'n reghoekige a priori-verdeling ESS English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: uniform random number random number uniform random numbers random numbers uniform sampling fraction eenvormige steekproeffraksie eenvormige steekproefbreuk sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary uniform scale arithmetic scale uniform scores test eenvormige tellingstoets non-parametric tests. rank tests. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI uniform spectrum eenvormige spektrum probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary uniformisation uniformisasie uniformisering theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse equalisation of transition probabilities of Markov chains gelykmaking van oorgangswaarskynlikhede van Markov-kettings ESS uniformity eenvormigheid uniformiteit hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary uniformity gelykmatigheid probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary uniformity trial eenvormigheidsproef dummy experiment uniformiteitsproef. uniform-metries goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse ESS uniform metric n. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. uniformiteitspoging design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: 378 .Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary unidentifiable onidentifiseerbaar regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary uniform eenvormig uniform probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary uniform gelykmatig probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary uniform consistency gelykmatige konsekwentheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary uniform convergence gelykmatige konvergensie mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary uniform distribution rectangular distribution uniform metric adj. rangtoetse. Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: in which each experimental unit receives the same treatment to investigate an aspect of the experimental technique waarin elke eksperimentele eenheid presies dieselfde behandeling ontvang om 'n aspek van die eksperimentele tegniek te ondersoek ESS uniformly best gelykmatig beste hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary uniformly best constant risk estimator <Full form> gelykmatig beste konstanterisiko-beramer UBCR estimator exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers related to minimax estimators verwant aan minimaksberamers ISI uniformly best distance power test <Full form> gelykmatig beste toets van gelykeafstandsonderskeidingsvermoë UBDP test exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse yielding the same power to a given subset of equidistant (from the null) alternative hypotheses lewer dieselfde onderskeidingsvermoë aan 'n gegewe deelversameling alternatiewe hipoteses op gelyke afstand van die nulhipotese ISI uniformly better gelykmatig beter hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary uniformly better decision function gelykmatig beter beslissingsfunksie decision theory beslissingsteorie with reference to its risk function met betrekking tot sy risikofunksie ISI uniformly minimum risk gelykmatige minimum risiko hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary uniformly minimum variance gelykmatige minimum variansie Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary uniformly most accurate gelykmatig akkuraatste gelykmatig noukeurigste estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary uniformly most powerful gelykmatig onderskeidendste hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary uniformly most powerful test <Full form> gelykmatig onderskeidendste toets UMP test exact properties of tests eksakte eienskappe van toetse ISI uniformly unbiased estimator gelykmatig onsydige beramer exact properties of estimators eksakte eienskappe van beramers ISI unimodal eentoppig unimodaal probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary unimodal distribution eentoppige verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings Statistical Dictionary unimodal regression eentoppige regressie unimodale regressie nonlinear regression nielineêre regressie having a single local maximum met 'n enkele lokale maksimum ESS unimodality unimodaliteit eentoppigheid probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings having a single mode or modal interval met 'n enkele modus of modale interval union vereniging Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: 379 . element Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary unit normal distribution standard normal distribution unit normal variate standard normal variate unit of measurement metingseenheid design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary unit of time time unit unit stage sampling one-stage sampling unit value eenheidswaarde mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary unit vector eenheidsvektor mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary unitary matrix unitêre matriks mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary unitary sampling unitêre steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming where ultimate units are directly chosen waar uiteindelike eenhede direk gekies word ISI unitemporal model eentydmodel regression. modelbou en -seleksie Statistical Dictionary univariate adj.en verwerpingsgebiede aan te dui ISI union intersection test <see union intersection principle> verenigingsnydingstoets <kyk verenigingsnydingsbeginsel> multiparameter hypothesis testing meerparameterhipotesetoetsing ISI unique eenduidig uniek mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary unique factor unieke faktor specific factor <avoid> spesifieke faktor <vermy> psychometrics psigometrie a clearly identifiable trait common to given test items 'n duidelik identifiseerbare kenmerk. model building and selection regressie. ander benaderings for denoting regions of acceptance and rejection om die aanvaardings. eenvariaat probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie stochastic stogasties Statistical Dictionary 380 .Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary union intersection principle verenigingsnydingsbeginsel test construction. gemeenskaplik aan gegewe toetsitems ISI uniqueness uniekheid eenduidigheid factor analysis faktoranalise ISI uniqueness theorem eenduidigheidstelling mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary unit matrix eenheidsmatriks mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary unit n. other approaches toetskonstruksie. eenveranderlik probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie deterministic deterministies Statistical Dictionary univariate continuous distribution eenveranderlike kontinue verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings univariate discrete distribution eenveranderlike diskrete verdeling probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings univariate distribution eenveranderlike verdeling probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary univariate time serie eenveranderlike tydreeks inference for stochastic processes inferensie vir stogastiese prosesse universal probability generating function U-function universal set omvattende versameling universele versameling probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary universe universum population populasie sampling steekproefneming ISI unknown n. onbekende estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary unlikelihood ratio onaanneemlikheidsverhouding decision theory beslissingsteorie a nonsequential multiple decision rule 'n niesekwensiële meervoudigebeslissingsreël ISI English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: unlimited onbegrens mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary unlimited onbeperk mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary unobserved variable niewaargenome veranderlike regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary unordered ongeorden estimation beraming Statistical Dictionary unordered sample ongeordende steekproef sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary unreduced design ongereduseerde ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary unrelated nieverbandhoudend nieverwant regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary unreliability onbetroubaarheid hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary unrestricted unconstrained unrestricted random sample onbeperkte ewekansige steekproef sampling steekproefneming ISI unrestricted sampling onbeperkte steekproefneming sampling steekproefneming 381 .English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: univariate adj. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI upper bo mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary upper boonste Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary upper bound bogrens boonste grens mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary upper control limit boonste kontroleperk hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary upper quartile boonste kwartiel empirical moments and quantiles empiriese momente en kwantiele ISI upper-tail adj. univariate time series. negatief-positiewe tekenveranderingspunt univariate time series. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. estimation eenveranderlike tydreekse. opwaarts kruis v. regskantig hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary upper-tail alternative regskantige alternatief hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary upper-tail probability regskantige eindwaarskynlikheid hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary upper-tail test regskantige toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary upward bias opwaartse sydigheid hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary UQL <Short form> unacceptable quality level urn houer bak combinatorial problems kombinatoriese probleme ESS 382 . beraming crossing the smoothed time series from below kruising van die gladgestrykte tydreeks van onder af ISI up-cross n.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Statistical Dictionary unweighted ongeweeg sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary unweighted average ongeweegde gemiddelde unweighted mean regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary unweighted mean unweighted average unweighted means method metode van ongeweegde gemiddeldes analysis of variance variansieanalise ISI up and down method op-en-af-metode staircase method trapmetode repeated measures and sequential designs herhaalde metings en sekwensiële ontwerpe adjustment of dose level based on previous response verstelling van dosisvlak gebaseer op vorige respons ISI up cross v. Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: urn model houermodel combinatorial problems kombinatoriese probleme drawing of distinctive items from a container by trekking van onderskeibare items uit 'n houer ESS U-shaped distribution U-vormige verdeling univariate continuous distributions eenveranderlike kontinue verdelings with maximum densities at the tails met maksimum digthede by die uiteindes ISI USR <Short form> ultrastructural relationship U-statistics U-statistieke estimation beraming the mean taken over all m-tuples of n distinct values from n independent observations die gemiddelde geneem oor alle m-voude van n verskillende waardes uit n onafhanklike waarnemings ESS USU <Short form> ultimate cluster utility nuttigheid utiliteit operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary utility factor nuttigheidsfaktor operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary utility function nuttigheidsfunksie operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary utility theory nuttigheidsteorie nutsteorie. utiliteitsteorie operations research operasionele navorsing the study of quantitative representation of people's preferences and choices Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: die studie van kwantitatiewe voorstelling van mense se voorkeure en keuses ESS vacuous set empty set vague prior vae a priori diffuse prior Bayesian tests Bayes-toetse in contrast to informative prior in teenstelling met inligtinggewende a prioriverdeling ISI valid geldig regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary valid comparison geldige vergelyking hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary validation geldigheidsbepaling validering regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary validity geldigheid regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary validity of a test toetsgeldigheid psychometrics psigometrie degree of agreement between the characteristic as measured and that which was intended die mate van ooreenkoms tussen die kenmerk soos dit gemeet is en wat dit veronderstel was om te meet ESS valley trough value waarde mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 383 . g.en deurlopende steekproefplanne ISI variable n. nierespons ISI VaR <Short form> value at risk variability veranderlikheid sampling steekproefneming of a quantitative variable van 'n kwantitatieve veranderlike Statistical Dictionary variable adj. modelbou en -seleksie ISI variables inspection veranderlikesinspeksie quality and process control kwaliteits. veranderlik probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary variable difference method variate difference method variable lot size plan veranderlikelotgrootte-plan sampling of continuous populations. e.en proseskontrole ISI variance <non-statistical> variansie<niestatisties> finance and auditing finansies en ouditering difference. monsterneming combines features of lot-by-lot and continuous sampling plans kombineer eienskappe van lot. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rangtoetse. bv. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI vanity effect ydelheidseffek non-sampling problems. model building and selection regressie. bulk sampling Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: steekproefneming van kontinue populasies.Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: value at risk op-risiko-waarde VaR finance and auditing finansies en ouditering the extreme quantile of the error terms of a time series die ekstreme kwantiel van die foutterme van 'n tydreeks ISI value index waarde-indeks indexes indekse ISI value index number waarde-indeks indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary Van Der Waerden's test Van der Waerden se toets non-parametric tests. tussen werklike en begrote Statistical Dictionary variance <see also standard deviation> variansie <kyk ook standaardafwyking> empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe widely used measure of dispersion bekende spreidingsmaatstaf ISI variance analysis ANOVA variance component variansiekomponent component of variance analysis of variance variansieanalise 384 . veranderlike probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary variable sampling fraction veranderlike steekproeffraksie unequal probability sampling strategies ongelykewaarskynlikheidsteekproefnemingstrategieë not proportional to stratum size nie proporsioneel aan stratumgrootte nie ISI variable selection veranderlikeseleksie regression. between actual and budgeted verskil. rank tests. non-response niesteekproefnemingsprobleme. aleatory variable variaat random variables. model building and selection regressie. modelbou en -seleksie the ratio of the variance of the partial regression coefficient to that of the ordinary regression coefficient die verhouding van die variansie van die parsiële regressiekoëffisiënt tot dié van die gewone regressiekoëffisiënt ESS variance ratio variansieverhouding ratio of variances Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: analysis of variance variansieanalise the ratio of two independent variance estimators die verhouding van twee onafhanklike variansieberamers variance ratio distribution variansieverhoudingsverdeling F-distribution F-verdeling analysis of variance variansieanalise variance ratio test variansieverhoudingstoets analysis of variance variansieanalise most notably the F-test veral die F-toets variance reducing technique variansiereduseringstegniek regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary variance reduction variansie reduksie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary variance stabilisation stabilisation of variance variance stabilising transformation variansiestabiliseringstransformasie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary variance-covariance matrix covariance matrix variance-ratio transformation variansieverhoudingstransformasie analysis of variance variansieanalise of an F-ratio van 'n F-verhouding ESS variate stogastiese veranderlike random variable. verwagte waardes en parameters ISI English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: 385 .Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: share of sum of squares assignable to a particular factor or treatment die gedeelte van die som van kwadrate wat aan 'n spesifieke faktor of behandeling toegeskryf kan word ISI variance components model variansiekomponentemodel analysis of variance variansieanalise variance dilation variansie-uitrekking relations between distributions verhoudings tussen verdelings a way of comparing distributions by dispersion 'n manier om verdelings deur dispersie te vergelyk ESS variance equalisation <see also stabilisation of variance> variansiegelykmaking <kyk ook variansiestabilisasie> equalisation of variance transformed models getransformeerde modelle transformation of data to make variance less dependent upon some other parameter transformasie van data om die variansie minder afhanklik van 'n ander parameter te maak ESS variance function variansiefunksie array variance response surface designs responsoppervlakontwerpe the variance of a random variable as a function of a vector variable die variansie van 'n stogastiese veranderlike as 'n funksie van 'n vektorveranderlike ISI variance inflation factor variansie-inflasiefaktor regression. expectations and parameters stogastiese veranderlikes. English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: variate difference method variaatdifferensiemetode variable difference method veranderlikedifferensiemetode univariate time series. fisika en chemie a measure that summarises spatial data by plotting the average squared pairwise differences of observations 'n opsommende maatstaf vir ruimtelike data wat die gemiddelde kwadratiese verskille van datapunte stip ISI vary varieer design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary vector vektor latent root mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary vector latent root vector alienation coefficient vektorvervreemdingskoëffisiënt association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary vector correlation vektorkorrelasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary vector correlation coefficient vektorkorrelasiekoëffisiënt canonical analysis. corn bv. canonical correlation kanoniese analise. koring Statistical Dictionary variety verskeidenheid ongelykheid general algemeen Statistical Dictionary English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: variety trial varietal trial varimax varimaks operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary variogram <see also semivariogram> variogram <kyk ook semivariogram> geostatistics. gebeurlikheidstabelle ESS varietal trial variëteitsproef variety trial design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary variety kultivar variëteit design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente e. matrices and vectors lineêre algebra. physics and chemistry geostatistiek. used in multivariate analysis Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 386 . contingency tables kategoriese data-analise.g. klassifikasie en identifikasie for separating the stochastic and systematic components of time series om die stogastiese en sistematiese komponente van tydreekse te skei ESS variate transformation variaattransformasie sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary variation variasie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary variation flow analysis variasievloei-analise regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary variation ratio variasieverhouding categorical data analysis. matrikse en vektore an extension of scalar derivative. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. kanoniese korrelasie vector derivative vektorafgeleide linear algebra. gebruik in meerveranderlike analise ESS vector process multivariate process vector product outer product vector space vektorruimte mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary vector variate vektorvariaat stogastiese vektor mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary Venn diagram Venn-diagram probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary vertical vertikaal mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary vertical array vertikale skikking mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary vertical axis vertikale as mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary vertical bar chart column graph vertical bar chart vertikale staafkaart column graph kolomgrafiek graphical methods grafiese metodes Statistical Dictionary virtual virtueel computer software rekenaarsagteware Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Statistical Dictionary virtual idle time virtuele ledige tyd computer software rekenaarsagteware Statistical Dictionary virtual memory virtuele geheue computer software rekenaarsagteware Statistical Dictionary virtual waiting time virtuele wagtyd regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary virtual waiting time process virtuele wagtydproses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI vital statistics lewenstatistieke indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary VN test VN-toets goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse ISI void set empty set volatility volatiliteit univariate time series. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI volume volume mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary volume index quantity index Von Mises distribution circular normal distribution V-statistic 387 .Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: 'n uitbreiding van skalaarafgeleide. line transect sampling ruimtelike steekproefneming.g. rangtoetse. rank tests. rank tests. the inverse binomial. die negatiefeksponensiaal. verdelingsvrye toetse ESS vulgar fraction common fraction W test for normality W-toets vir normaliteit Shapiro-Wilk test Shapiro-Wilk-toets goodness-of-fit tests pasgehaltetoetse an analysis of variance-type test of normality 'n tipe variansieanalisetoets vir normaliteit ESS waiting line queue waiting time wagtyd regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary waiting-time distribution wagtydverdeling theory of queues toustaanteorie e. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse.en die inverse Gaussverdelings ESS Wald statistic Wald-statistiek standardised maximum likelihood estimator gestandaardiseerde maksimumaanneemlikheidsberamer estimation beraming ISI Wald's fundamental identity Wald se fundamentele identiteit sequential and multistage tests sekwensiële en meerstadiumtoetse in sequential probability ratio tests in sekwensiële waarskynlikheidsverhoudingstoetse ISI Wald-Wolfowitz runs test Wald-Wolfowitz-lopietoets Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: non-parametric tests. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. die inverse binomiaal-.Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: V-statistieke non-parametric tests. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. rangtoetse. lyndwarssnitsteekproefneming an extension of t-square sampling 'n uitbreiding van tekenhaaksteekproefneming Ward's method Ward se metode cluster analysis and classification trosanalise en klassifikasie for combining clusters om trosse te kombineer ISI Waring distribution Waring-verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings special case of factorial distribution spesiale geval van faktoriaalverdeling ISI warning limit waarskugrens operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary wavelets golfies univariate time series. klassifikasie en identifikasie ISI weak swak mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary weak compactness swak kompaktheid mathematical methods English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: 388 . the negative exponential and the inverse Gaussian distributions bv. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI wandering-quarter sampling swerwendekwart-steekproefneming areal sampling. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI Wald-Wolfowitz test Wald-Wolfowitz-toets non-parametric tests. rangtoetse. rank tests. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. g. damaged observations and missing data English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: 389 . e. gewig toeken regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary weighted arithmetic mean geweegde rekenkundige gemiddelde empirical distributions and descriptive measures empiriese verdelings en beskrywende maatstawwe weighted average geweegde gemiddelde weighted mean sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary weighted battery geweegde battery psychometrics psigometrie a group of tests with varying importance 'n groep toetse van verskillende belangrikheid ISI weighted distribution geweegde verdeling renewal theory and processes hernuwingsteorie en -prosesse arising from length-biased sampling. gewig weighting coefficient gewigskoëffisiënt regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary weight v.Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary weak consistency swak konsekwentheid mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary weak convergence convergence in probability weak derivative swak afgeleide mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary weak law of large numbers swak wet van groot getalle probability theory waarskynlikheidsteorie Statistical Dictionary wedge plan wigplan sequential and multistage tests sekwensiële en meerstadiumtoetse closed sequential t-test geslote sekwensiële t-toets ISI wedge product wigproduk regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary Weibull distribution Weibull-verdeling extreme value distributions ekstreemwaardeverdelings in life testing in leeftydtoetsing ISI weighing design wegende ontwerp design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente for the weighing of objects using a two-pan balance om voorwerpe met behulp van 'n tweepanbalans te bepaal ISI weight gewig weighting coefficient gewigskoëffisiënt data processing and analysis dataprosessering en -analise Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: ISI weight bias gewigsydigheid indexes indekse bias due to the use of incorrect or undesirable weights sydigheid as gevolg van foutiewe of ongewensde gewigte ESS weight function gewigsfunksie regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary weight n. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse.Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: spruit voort uit lengtesydige steekproefneming. beskadigde waarnemings en ontbrekende data ESS weighted index number geweegde indeks beswaarde indeks indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary weighted least squares geweegde kleinste kwadrate regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary weighted mean weighted average weighted moving average geweegde bewegende gemiddelde moving weighted average smoothing gladstryking in time series in tydreekse ESS weighted regression geweegde regressie regression analysis regressieanalise ISI weighted symmetry geweegde simmetrie probability distributions waarskynlikheidsverdelings when the density at a certain distance above the median is a multiple of the density at the same distance below the median wanneer die digtheid by 'n sekere afstand bokant die mediaan 'n veelvoud is van die digtheid by dieselfde afstand onderkant die mediaan ESS weighting gewigstoekenning indexes indekse Statistical Dictionary weighting coefficient weight Welch's test Welch se toets analysis of variance variansieanalise Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: for equality of means under heteroscedasticity vir gelykheid van gemiddeldes onder heteroskedastisiteit ISI white noise witruis theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse Statistical Dictionary whole plot volle perseel design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary whole unit volle eenheid design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Statistical Dictionary wide sense stationary stasionêr in die wye sin covariance stationary kovariansie-stasionêr theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse ISI Wiener process Wiener-proses theory of stochastic processes teorie van stogastiese prosesse a Brownian motion process 'n Brownbewegingsproses ISI Wilcoxon rank sum test <see also MannWhitney test> Wilcoxon-rangsomtoets <kyk ook MannWitney-toets> non-parametric tests. verdelingsvrye toetse ISI Wilcoxon's matched pairs rank test Wilcoxon's signed rank test Wilcoxon's signed rank test <see also signed rank test> Wilcoxon se betekenderang-toets <kyk ook betekenderang-toets> Wilcoxon's matched pairs rank test non-parametric tests. rank tests. distributionfree tests nieparametriese toetse. rangtoetse. verdelingsvrye toetse Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: 390 . bv. rangtoetse. rank tests. in nonparametric curve estimation in nieparametriese krommeberaming ESS winsorise v. in insured populations bv. in versekerde populasies ESS within intrawithin-array variance binne-skikkingsvariansie analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary within-group variance internal variance within-sample variance binne-steekproefvariansie sampling steekproefneming Statistical Dictionary within-treatment variance binne-behandelingsvariansie analysis of variance variansieanalise Statistical Dictionary WN2 test Cramèr-von Mises test working origin werkoorsprong mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary working probit werkprobit hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing Statistical Dictionary worksheet Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: 391 .g.Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: ISI Wilks' criterion Wilks se kriterium Wilks' lambda Wilks se lambda multivariate analysis of variance meerveranderlike variansieanalise for testing means or dispersions om gemiddeldes of dispersies te toets ISI Wilks' lambda Wilks' criterion window plot vensterstipping box plot houerstipping exploratory data analysis verkennende data-analise a graphical display of the average level of the response and its uncertainty 'n grafiese voorstelling van die gemiddelde peil van die respons en die onsekerheid daarvan ISI window width vensterwydte smoothing gladstryking sometimes known as bandwidth. saamdruk winsoriseer robust and adaptive estimation robuuste en aanpassende beraming the modification of the extreme values of a sample die wysiging van die ekstreme waardes van 'n steekproef ESS Winsorised estimation gewinsoriseerde beraming robust and adaptive estimation robuuste en aanpassende beraming of the mean by replacing extreme observations by those next in magnitude van die gemiddelde deur die ekstreemwaardes te vervang deur dié wat volgende in grootte is ISI winsorising winsorisering samedrukking Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: robust and adaptive estimation robuuste en aanpassende beraming Wishart distribution Wishart-verdeling multivariate distributions meerveranderlike verdelings of the sample covariance matrix of a normal population van die steekproefkovariansiematriks van 'n normaalpopulasie ISI withdrawal rate onttrekkingskoers terugtrekkingskoers actuarial mathematics aktuariële wiskunde e. kumulatiewe totaal en bewegende totaal ISI z-distribution z-verdeling Student's t. F. cumulative total and moving total toon die data. klassifikasie en identifikasie showing the data. incomplete Latin square onvolledige Latynse vierkant Latin and Graeco-Latin squares. classification and identification eenveranderlike tydreekse. Youden designs Latynse en Grieks-Latynse vierkante. contingency tables kategoriese data-analise.en proseskontrole control chart for plotting individual sample values kontrolekaart vir die stipping van individuele steekproefwaardes ESS Yates' correction Yates-korreksie categorical data analysis. F.Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: spreadsheet wrapped distribution versirkelde verdeling multivariate continuous distributions meerveranderlike kontinue verdelings a distribution on the real line that has been wrapped around the circle of unit radius 'n verdeling op die reële lyn wat om die sirkel met eenheidstraal gedraai is ESS x-axis x-as mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary X-chart X-kaart quality and process control kwaliteits. chi-kwadraatverdelings of the logarithm of the variance ratio van die logaritme van die variansieverhouding ISI zero nulpunt mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary zero cipher mathematical methods wiskundige metodes 392 . chi-square distributions Student se t. Youdenontwerpe Statistical Dictionary Yule distribution <see also factorial distribution> Yule-verdeling <kyk ook faktoriaalverdeling> univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings for biological species identification vir biologiese spesie-identifikasie ISI Yule-Simpson paradox Simpson's paradox Z-chart Z-kaart univariate time series. gebeurlikheidstabelle continuity correction for two-by-two frequency table kontinuïteitskorreksie vir vierdelings frekwensietabel ISI y-axis y-as mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary yield opbrengs opbrings regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary yield data opbrengsdata regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary yield potentiality opbrengspotensiaal regression analysis regressieanalise Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Statistical Dictionary Youden design Youden-ontwerp Youden square design of experiments ontwerp van eksperimente Youden square Youden-vierkant Youden design. chi-kwadraatverdelings ESS zero degrees of freedom nulvryheidsgrade regression. model building and selection regressie. gelyk is aan die getal waarnemings ISI zero factorial nulfaktoriaal combinatorial analysis kombinatoriese analise 0! = 1 0! = 1 ESS zero origin nuloorsprong mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary zero restrictions nulbeperkings regression analysis regressieanalise Statistical Dictionary zero sum nulsom operations research operasionele navorsing Statistical Dictionary zero sum game nulsomspel game theory Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: spelteorie ISI zeta zeta mathematical methods wiskundige metodes Statistical Dictionary zeta distribution zetaverdeling discrete Pareto distribution diskrete Pareto-verdeling univariate discrete distributions eenveranderlike diskrete verdelings ISI zeta function zetafunksie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary zeta transform n. chi-square distributions Student se t. F. meervoudige matrikssteekproefneming. oppervlaktesteekproefneming sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary zone sone gebied sampling distributions steekproefverdelings geographical geografies Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: 393 . modelbou en -seleksie where the number of parameters to be estimated is equal to the number of observations waar die getal parameters wat beraam moet word. zetatransformasie zeta transformation association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary zeta transformation zeta transform zonal sonaal sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary zonal polynomial sonaalpolinoom sonale polinoom sampling distributions steekproefverdelings Statistical Dictionary zonal sampling gebiedsteekproefneming sonale steekproefneming. F.English: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Synonym: Context: Konteks: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: zero naught mathematical methods wiskundige metodes zero null mathematical methods wiskundige metodes zero correlation nulkorrelasie association and dependence assosiasie en afhanklikheid Statistical Dictionary zero degrees of freedom nulvryheidsgrade Student's t. gebaseer op die sentralelimietstelling ISI z-transformation z-transformasie Fisher's transformation Fisher se transformasie transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes ISI Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: 394 .Source Publication: English: Synonym: English: Synonym: English: Afrikaans: Synonym: Sinoniem: Context: Konteks: Source Publication: English: Afrikaans: Context: Konteks: Definition: Definisie: Statistical Dictionary zone of indifference indifference region zone of preference preference region z-score z-telling standard score standaardtelling transformations of random variables transformasies van stogastiese veranderlikes ISI z-test z-toets hypothesis testing hipotesetoetsing for testing one or two large-sample means. based on the central limit theorem om een of twee grootsteekproefgemiddeldes te toets. 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