Ending Event in Harvest Moon Hero of Leaf Valley

March 18, 2018 | Author: Abidah Fitrianita | Category: Potato, Flowers, Agriculture, Nature, Leisure



ENDING EVENT in HARVEST MOON HERO OF LEAF VALLEYThe Tale of the Endangered Weasel 1. Don’t hurt the animal Place: In front of your house Time:Summer 9 – Summer 13 Year 1 Requirements: Be friends with gwen (10FP) 2. It ran away Place: In front of your house Time: Fall 2 – Fall 6, Year 1 Requirements: Gwen has 1 heart (15FP). Seen event 1. Note: Now you can ask certain people about [The run away animal] 3. Gwen’s Confession Place:In front of your house Time:Winter 3- Winter 8,Year 1 Requirements: Gwen has 1 heart (30FP). Have seen event 1 and 2. 4. White Weasel’s Injury Place:In front of your house Time:Spring 6 – Spring 10,Year 2 Requirements:Gwen has at least 1 heart(40FP). Seen event 1-3. 5. White Weasel’ Food Place:In front of your house Time:Spring 27 – Summer 3, Year 2 Requirements: Gwen has 1 heart or more(50FP). Seen event 1-4. 6. Want to see it? Place: In front of your house Time:Spring 27 – Summer 3, Year2 Requirements:Gwen has 2 hearts (60FP).Seen event 1-5. 7. Return to the Forest Place:In front of your house Time:Fall 1- Fall 6, Year 2. Requirements:Gwen must have 2 hearts(70FP). Seen event 1-6. 8. Hesistation Place: Pike Mountain Time: Fall 12- Fall 14, Y2. 6 PM Requirements:Gwen has 2 hearts (80FP). Seene event 1-7. Note: question[National Monument] 12. Patroling 1 Location: In front of your house Time: Winter 12- Winter 16, Year 2. Requirements: Gwen 3 heart (110FP). 13. Patroling 2 Location: In front of your house Time: Winter 22- Winter 28, Year 2. Requirements: Gwen 3heart (120FP). 14. Believing Location: Carpenter’s House area. Time: Spring 1, Year 3. Requirements: Seen event 1-11. Note: You’ll see the white weasel appears at Pike Mountain. 9. Public Announcement Place: In front of your house Time: Fall 15- Fall 19, Year 2. Requirements: Gwen has more than 2 hearts (90FP). Seenevent 1-8. 10. Picture of the White Weasel Place: Pike Mountain Time:7 PM onwards Requirements:Seen event 9. Note: question[ The White Weasel] 11. Natural Reservation for the Weasel Place:Carpenter’s house Time:Winter 1- Winter 7 year 2. Requirements:Gwen 3 heart(100FP). Abidah Fitrianita_Architecture_2014_ITN Malang Blue Mist Place: Harvest Goddess Spring Time:Summer 1st.G Spring Time: Autumn 7-11.Year 1. sold more than 8 crops. The Rumoured Blue flower Place: In front of your house Time: Spring 19-24. everyday. “Blue Mist Note: You’ll be able to ask certain Flower seeds” 2. The Withered Flower and Unrequited Love Place: H. it will eventually withered because people with this question ” Blue Flowers and Blue Butterfly” 4. you can just remove it or You dont have to water it anymore. Note: If you have planted the seed. 9. The flower has bloomed Place: H.G Spring.G Spring Time: A few days after the previous event (the flower is fully bloomed). Year 2 Requirements: Have seen event(5. Note: Key items received. More flowers 13. Rumors about the Blue butterfly Place: Cafe Time: Summer 9-14. sold > 30 crops 11. The flower is wilted when you see this event.year1.year 1. Year1 Requirements: Lyla 60FP Place: In front of your house Time: Autumn 6-11 year 2 Requirements: Lyla has 3 heart Place: Lyla’s flower shop Time: Spring 9-13. Year 1 Requirements: you must have planted the seed and waters it the event requires it to be like that. In this event. This Year for Sure. 5.G Spring time: Summer 11-29 year 2 requirements: Replant the seed and has water it for more than a week Abidah Fitrianita_Architecture_2014_ITN Malang 12. The photo of the butterfly Place: H. Year 1. Year 3 Requirements: Have seen all the previous events Note: You’ll find Blue Mist Flowers blooms in that area. Requirements: Sell more than 12 (20FP). Crush on Louis 8.Year2 Requirements: have seen prev enven Frost Pansy and Stardust seeds 7.G Spring. crops. Note: After this event you wont be You can buy the seed again atLyla’s able to buy the Blue Mist Flower shop. Time: Summer 11-30. Requirements: Be friend with Lyla leave it there until the next event. you need to water it everyday. Hatred of Winter 10. 10AM-5PM Requirements: Have seen event 11 Note: be able to buy Wild Mint. Requirements: Lyla at 1hearts(50FP) 6. Place to plant the seed Place: In front of your house Time: Summer 2-6. Place: In front of your house Time: Summer 2-6. Requirements: Lyla has at least 2 hearts(90FP). . you’ll (re)plant the seed anymore from Lyla’s Flower seed in the H.6) Place: In the Flower Shop Time: Fall 28. Shop. 3.The Tale of Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtail 1. Requirements: Lyla has 1 heart(30FP). Be Optimistic Place: H. Lyla’s thanks Place: Lyla’s flower shop Time: Winter 24-28. year 2 Requirements: Triggered event 11. year 2 Requirements:Dia has 3 hearts more(90FP). Requirements:Tim has 1 heart (30FP).Winter 9. The Power of Golden Potato Place:Clove Villa Time:Summer 17 onwards.8.The Tale of Golden Potato Seed 1. 3. 8 AM growing 8. Sacred Forest discovered Place: In front of your house Time:Winter 3-Winter 7. 2. Golden Potato Party Place:In front of your house Time:Summer 2-6.Autumn 15. have already shipped at least hearts . The potato seed Place:The Sacred Forest Time: 3 days after seed is planted(event 6). Abidah Fitrianita_Architecture_2014_ITN Malang . year 1. 10. Rumor of Sacred forest Place:Carpenter’s house Time:Autumn11. The Treasure Map Place: In front of your house Time: Summer 26. Requirements:Dia has at least 2 hearts(80FP) and shipped at least 16 crops 6. Year 1. onwards Requirements: Triggered event 10 12. The potato buds Place: The sacred forest Time:5 days after seed is Place: In front of your house Time: Autumn 20-Autumn 24. Any day except Tuesday and Thursday Requirements: Woddie is available. You’ve triggered event 5) Requirements:Dia has at least 2 event 6.Autumn 1. year 1. Year 1. have shipped at least 32 crops 11. 4. potato. Doubtful Shadow Place: In front of your house Time:Summer 26-Autumn 1. Harvesting Golden Potatoes Place:In front of your house Time:7 days after seed is planted(event 6). Lets ask the elder Time: Winter 3. planted(event6). 13. plant them in the forest and water them daily. 7. shipped at least 20 crops Note: You’ll be given 9 seeds of 28 crops. potatoes are growing 9. Potato Seed discovered Place:The Sacred Forest (110FP). year 3 onwards Requirements: have triggered event 1-10 Note: Now the Golden Potato seed is available in the Flower Shop. and the potatoes are 5.10 AM onwards Requirements: Dia has 2 hearts Requirements:Dia has 2 hearts or (70FP). Requirements: Dia has more than 2 (Can be triggered as soon after hearts (95FP). Year 1. 10 AM onwards Requirements:Dia has 2 hearts(80FP).7. year 1 Requirements:Tim has 1 hearts or more (60FP). Golden Emotion Place:Clove villa Time: Spring 1. Dia’s dream Place:In front of your house Time:Fall 12. Discovery of the Shrine Entrance Location:In front of the house Time:Spring 16. The Wise Priest Location:Sun Garden Cafe Time:Winter 3. Katie’s Request Location:Maple Lake Time:Spring 29-30. Year 1 Requirements: Be friend with Katie (30FP) and each animals ( 30AAP). year2. The Cake is Done! Location:In front of your house The Tale of Harvest Goddess Temple 1. Original Cake 3 Location:Sun Garden Cafe Time:Summer 1.Spring 21. Requirements:Seen event 3. Year 1. have time to collect the ingredietns 4. Year 1 Requirements: Katie has 1 heart or more (60FP) Note: Choose [It’ll come off] 8. Year 1 Requirements:Seen event 1 3.1 heart. Note: Katie and Gwen will go to Lyla’s Requirements: Katie has 2 heart or until summer 5. 12 PM -5 PM Requirements: There must be at Location:In front of your house Time:Summer 26 – Fall 1.Fall 17. You 9.Winter 29. Year 2.Winter 25. Original Cake 2 more(110FP) and 200AAP 13. Abidah Fitrianita_Architecture_2014_ITN Malang 3.Spring 6. Year 2. Any day except monday and wednesday Requirements:Katie has heart close to 2 (70FP) 10. year 2 Requirements: Katie has 1 heart or Time:Spring 12 – Spring 19. Security Confirmation Location:Mine Time:Spring 7 – Spring 11. Key Item “Grandma’s Recipe” is added to your inventory.year 2. 2. Year 2. 12 PM. Location:In front of your house Location:Sun Garden CAfe Time:Winter 17.5 PM Location:In front of your house Time:Winter 25. 6AM – 6 PM only. Note: Katie wil come  11. The Cake Sample 3 Location:Sun Garden Cafe Time:Winter 26 -Winter 29. Contest Triumph place to learn how to bake. Year 1. Requirements:Katie 1 heart (50FP) 6. The Contest is Postponed 15. the Location: Mine Time:Winter 25 Year 1 – Spring 5 ending is failed.5 PM Requirements: Seen event 12. The First Prize Location: Sunny Garden Cafe Time: Fall 13 – Fall 27. 12PM – 5 PM 16. Note: You can find the recipe at the white drawers in your house. Advice from the Goddess least 1 golden egg and gold milk in 2. Katie 1 heart(40FP) and 80 AAP. Collecting the Ingredients Location:Sun Garden Cafe Time:Fall 13 – Fall 27. Mine > 30x 4. Year 1 (anytime after event 2 is triggered) Requirements: Katie has 1 heart (40FP). The Cake Sample 1 Location:Sun Garden Cafe Time:Winter 15 – Winter 20. Seen event 6 and 7. The Cake Sample 2 Location:Sun Garden Cafe Time:Winter 21. 12. 12PM. Year 2. Year 1. Year 3.6PM.The Tale of Cake Contest 1. Year 2. Original Cake Location:Sun Garden Cafe Time:Fall 19. year 2 only 9 PM Location:Sun Garden Cafe Time:Spring 1. 14. Year 1 Requirements: Katie 1 heart (50FP) Note: Choose [I’m waiting] 7. Requirements: Have mined 25 times. Year 2 more (65FP). and 2 Hearts for the animals (80AAP) Note: You’re required to bring Time: Winter 15 -Winter 20. Hesistation Location:Sun Garden Cafe Time:Spring 2. Requirements:HG. Searching for the Recipe Location:In front of your house Time:Fall 13. Moonlight Dew least a girl with 3 hearts. 5. 6AM. Deeper part of the mine? your rucksack Note: If you failed to get them.Summer 5 Requirements: You must have at Golden Egg and Golden Milk. Year 2. . Year 2. Year 3. Requirements: new quest add 7. Requirements: Kurt & Joe (30FP) in rucksack to trigger this event. 5. The Moonlited lake at night Place: Maple Lake Time: Fall 12 – Fall 21. 6. Year 2. After 6 PM. 8. Year 1. Requirements: Seen event 4. 6PM – 00 AM Requirements: moonlight stone must The Tale of Silver Fish 1. Year 2. The Door Opens Place:Carpenter’s house Time:Summer 16 – Fall 7. 5. Spring Time: Spring 1. Requirements: H. Any day except Tuesday/Thursday Requirements: Joe.Winter 27. Spring Time: Spring 16 – Spring 26. Y2.Joe. The Phantom Fish Amulet Place:Maple Lake Time: Spring 1. Year 2. Its on the magazine Place: Sun Garden Cafe Time: Fall/Winter 11.G. Note: Key Item [ Moonlight Key] is 7. Requirements:have fished >1x 3. Note:Answer [ The Shrine is found ] 9.G 2 hearts (80FP). Found the Key Location:H. After 10AM. Requirements: 5x fished Location:Mine Time: Sp26 – Fall 6. Year 2. After 10 Am Tuesday/Thursday only. added to your inventory. Any day exvept Tuesday/Thursday. Spring Time:Fullmoon (29/30th) of any season.G. Tuesday/Thursday only.Kurt in cafe 10. Year 1. Where’s the key? Location: H. The Phantom fish is found? Place:Maple Lake Time:Summer 16 -SUmmer 30. Handmade Fishing Rod Abidah Fitrianita_Architecture_2014_ITN Malang .G. TuesdayThursday only. Year 3. Fishing in the village Place:In front of your house Time:Winter 22. Year 2. 6 PM Requirements: Must fished 10x 6. 4.Requirements:Harvest Goddess 2 Note: All vegetable selling price is heart (50FP). The Messege from Angel Place: Carpentere’s house Time:Summer 5. Woodie’s Concern Place: Maple Lake Time:Fall 26 – 10 Winter. Mined > 40 times.Fall/Winter28 Requirements: Katie.after6 PM . increased by 10G. Year 2 to find the key.(Can trigger) 8. Tuesday/Thursday. Announcement Location: In front of your house Time: Fall 11 – Fall 15. Year 2. 2. All You can Eat Location:H. The Phantom Fish! Place: Maple Lake Time: Fall 30/sum 30 Y2. Note: You’re given time until Summer 30.Summer 11. Kurt 1 (40FP). Fishing for newbies Place:Maple Lake Time:Spring 9 – Spring 23. Note:New quest 9. Y 1. Year 2 onwards. Find Underground Entrance Location: Mine Time: Fall 6. Treasure Found 3 Location:In front of your house Time: Winter 15. Requirements: Either Parsley or Tim has 2 hearts (50FP) Note: If both have 2 hearts the one with highest FP will come. Mineral Crystal. Requirements: Must seen event 1-8. 3. Rare Metal. Year 1 to finish his request.Winter 4. The Legendary Painting Location: In front of your house Time: Summer 9 – Summer 13. Suspicious Monument Location:Maple Lake Time: Fall 11 – Fall 27. Underground Church Location: Maple Lake Time: Fall 1 – Fall 5. Requirements: Parsley or Tim has more than 1 heart(55FP). Seen event 7. 7. 2. Y 2. Location found Location: In front of your house Time: Spring 6 – Spring 10. The Holy Painting Location: In front of your house Abidah Fitrianita_Architecture_2014_ITN Malang Time: Spring 1. Treasure Found 2 Location: In front of your house Time: Winter 2. Requirements: mine> 20 times. Year 1.(Can be triggered as soon after event 4) Requirements: Chester(30FP). Requirements: Parsley/Tim 2heart 6. 9.The Hundred Years Old Cherry Tree 1. 5. Note: A new question is added. Leave it to Parsley/Tim Location: Sun Garden Cafe Time: Winter 6 – Winter 20. Getting Lumber Location: Carpenter’s house Time: Winter 6. Year 1. and Orihalcum in your rucksack 8. Year 1. The Presence About tree Location: In front of your house Time: Winter 6 -Winter 10. Year 2.Year 1. Note: The one highest FP will come. (Can be triggered ) Requirements: Seen event 2. Seen event 5. Year 3. The Holy Masterpiece 1. Requirements: parsley/tim (2)65FP 7. (Can be triggered) Requirements: must have Blue Rock. Note: You’ll have time until Winter 29. Year 1. 3. Year 2. Requirements: Tim (20FP) 2. Requirements: Chester(20FP) 4. Year 3.Fall 10. Location: In front of your house Time: Spring 26 -Spring 30. The Passageway Location: In front of your house Time: Summer 8 – Summer 13.Spring 7.Winter 18. Cherry Blossom Seed Location: Flower Shop Time: Spring 1. The Priest’s Plot Location: Maple Lake Time: Spring 1. Year 1. (Can be triggered) Requirements: Seen event 1. 4. Requirements: Must have mine at least 30 times. Year 1. Chester’s Request Location: In front of your house Time: Winter 8 -Winter 12. . 100 Years Cherry Tree Sapling is Found. 6. Year 2 onwards 8. 5. Treasure Found 1 Location: In front of your house Time: Fall 18. 9. Year 1. Year 2 10. Year 1. Looking Forward Location: Maple Lake Time: Winter 8 – Winter 29. Year 2 Requirements: Must have mined at least 40 times. Found the underground Location: Maple Lake Time: Fall 11. The Carpenter’s Wish Location: Carpenter’s Area Time: Spring 6 – Spring 20. Year 2. For Dia Location: Sun Garden Cafe Time: Spring 6 -Spring 11. Year 1. Year 2. Requirements: Martha (10FP). Note: This event will takes place (Can be triggered as soon after instead of the Harvest Festival event 4) Note: You’ll get key item 6. 5. 12. Nearly Completed Statue Location: In front of your house Time : Summer 28 – Fall 1. Year 2. Requirements: Woodie (15FP) Note: You’ll move to the Beach 3.Fall 19. The Enthusiastic Woodie Location: Plaza Time: Spring 1. Year 2.G Spring 4. Requirements: Seen event 10. (Can be triggered ) Requirements: Seen event 6. Completion of the Goddess Statue Location:In front of your house Time: Fall 10. Year 2 onwards. Grandfather’s friend 2 Location: In front of your house Time: Fall 15. Year 2. Abidah Fitrianita_Architecture_2014_ITN Malang . Thanks to Everyone Location: Plaza Time: Winter 8. Woodie’s Messege Location: Clove Villa Time : Spring 6 – Spring 25. Requirements: elders (40FP each) 10. Addition Location: Sun Garden Cafe Time: Spring 6 – Spring 30. Year 2.Summer 20. Grandfather’s friend 3 Location: In front of your house Time: Winter 11 – Winter 16.The Rebirth of the True Harvest Festival 1.G Spring Time: Spring 6 – Spring 15. Requirements: The 3 elders must have 1 heart (30FP to each of them) Note: You won’t be able to find Martha and Woodie when event 4 is taking place. Requirements: Seen event 9. Year 3 onwards. Year1. (Can be triggered ) 7. (Can be triggered ) 9. It’s Torn Apart Location: H. 2. Note: You’ll get key item 11. Year1. Requirements: Seen event 1-10 Note: [ Woodie’s Souvenier] is added to the souvenier shop for 2500G 8. Year 2. Grandfather’s friend 1 Location: Beach Time: Summer 16. Requirements: Wallie (15FP). Note: You’ll go to the H. Invitation to Join Race 5. V. Note: Bob will come and give you a horse. 7. Mechanical horse SS Abidah Fitrianita_Architecture_2014_ITN Malang Note: The shop will sell horse cookies now. V. 12. Requirements: Bob has 1 heart (30FP). V. Tips: Use herbs 6. Requirements:Bob has 1 heart (30FP) Horse have 1heart (22AP) 4.6.(can be triggered as soon after event 5 ) Requirements: Seen event 5. Note:You wont get this event if you Everytime you do part time job +2FP has triggered the Mechanic to Bob. 10. You choose the color. A Toast Location: Flower Shop/Item Shop area Time: After Summer 7. Requirements:Bob has 1 heart (40FP). Note: Difficulty level-medium. The Trial Result Location:Plaza Time:Summer 2 – Summer 6. Have seen event 8. 1. Year 2. Note: Its a 1:1 match. The horse condition Location: In front of your house Time: Summer 12. Question about the ranch Location: Starling Ranch Time: The first time you do part time job Requirements: Do part time job for the first time at Starling Ranch. After 8 AM . Technology and Talent Location:Starling Ranch Pasture Time:Summer 20. long distance tracks. Bob Location: In front of your house Time: Win 6 Y1. Year 2 .Fall 19. Its recommended to use herbs or other thing that increases stamina. Year 3. Horse Cookies Location: Starling Ranch shop Time: Spring 1. Seen event 3.16. 9. 8. V. Requirements: Do part time job on that day.S. After 8 AM . Note: Mechanical Horse will have an absolute win. All the tracks used for the race are Horse(Mecha event).S. Seen event 10. year 1. Gwen Location:In front of your house Time: Winter 6 Year 1. Year 1. Year 2. Note: Difficulty level.easy.S. Horse 1 heart (42AP) time job at Starling Ranch before. Requirements:Seen event 1-9. read 3.Sp 16 Y2 Requirements: Bob has 1 hearts or more(50FP). Get a horse Location: In front of your house Time:Summer 2.S. Year 1.The Tale of Horse Champion Note: You must have done the part Location:In front of your house Time:Fall 15. Note: Answer [Yes] +10FP bob 2. Requirements:Bob has 2 hearts(70FP).Spring 17 Year 2. Requirements: Seen event 9. Year 2. After 12 PM. . Mechanical Horse FS Location:Horse Race Track Time: Spring 22. 11. Location:In front of your house Time:Spring 23. Requirements:Seen event 4.Year 2 Requirements:Seen event 7. Year 1. 3. Requirements: Have mined 25 times Note: This is also part of the Note:The mine layer 4B be unlocked. Opposition towards Machinery materials Location: Item Shop Time: Winter 6. Note: This is part of the dinosour fossil. Hiding the Fossil Time: Fall 21. It is except Wednesday. Requirements: Rudolph 1heart(40FP) 2. Note: This is part of the dinosour Location: Item shop Time: Win6 Y1. Introducing Scarecrow Location: In front of your house Time: Spring 26 – Spring 30 Year 2. and Lumber in 7. Year 2 onwards. impossible for a small farm like what 5. After 9 AM. 4. The Dinosour Fossil Rudolph has at least 1 heart (40FP). High Tension Location: Item store Time: Winter 15 . Powered-up Scarecrow we have to earn that much. Close Call 8. Year 1. dinosour fossil.29. Time: Spring 1. The Tower of Scarecrow Location: Flower/Item shop area. Y2. Year 1. Developing Location: Item store Time: Winter 22 . Shoot for the Stars -Shoot for the Stars: The Greatest Location: In front of your house Farm in the World! is the english Time: Fall 11 -Fall 15.Summer 21. The News of Machine Break Away Location:Item store Time: Winter 8 . 9.year 2 onwards. Production Start! Louis the Inventor King 1. Note:Dinosour fossil appears in the Location: Infront of your house.year 2 onwards. Assemblying the Parts Location: Mine Location: Mine Time: Winter 21-Winter 25. Requirements:Seen event 4. Note: He’ll ask you to find a few materials for him. mine. 8. Year 2 After 9 AM. copper ore. Time: Winter 16. Fossil Excavation: Body Location: Mine Location: In front of your house Time: Winter 15 – Winter 19.year 2 onwards. named like that because your aim is Note: You’ll have time until Fall 29 to earn 50. 9.After 9 AM. main story line. y2 onwards. you have time until Spring 5. Year 2. Location: Mine 4. 6. Time: Summer 16. Year 1. Time:Win3.(Cantrigger) Requirements: Seen event 1. 3. Year 2.000G which is considered to complete the task given. Time: Fall 14. Requirements: Loius 1 heart (40FP).Year 2 to get them. Anyday name for the Mecha Ending. Requirements: Loius 1 heart (55FP). Ex wed. Have fossil. Location: Item shop -The Mecha Ending is the ending Time: Fall 11 – Fall 29.The Secret Fossil 1.(Can that has several different endings be triggered as soon after event 4) depending on your performance in Requirements: Bring gold ore and Mecha Events which is part of the orihalcum in your rucksack. 5. Year 3. Fossil Excavation: Legs Location: Mine 2. Year 2 onwards. Requirements: Seen event 2. The Rumor of the Fossil Location: In front of your house Time:Fall 16 – Fall 20. Against Mechanical Crow -Here are the 3 possible endings for Location: In front of your house Mecha Ending. Requirements: Rudolph 1 heart (50FP) and has mined> 30 times. your rucksack.Sp5 Y2. Requirements: Seen event 5. Fossil Excavation: Arms Location: Mine Time: Fall 8. Report from the company Time: Spring 1. Louis’ Research Abidah Fitrianita_Architecture_2014_ITN Malang . silver ore. Y2. Year 3 onwards. 6.Winter 12. sat 7. 10. protect the village”. Alice and her companies stay back at the village. house extensions. _AFTER END_ transferred are : Money. Mecha C.000G. however at the end the end of the mecha event.Note: I deliberately name this you pick an option that doesn’t let To see the complete information assets transferred (similar to new Mecha Ending A.BEST How to get: Complete the Mecha Alice and her two companies will ending and do not choose “I want to leave. or start a new game with your Abidah Fitrianita_Architecture_2014_ITN Malang ending you choose. fish prints. How to get: Get 50. You stopped the construction of the Mecha B How to get: Get 50.000G but Alice and her 2 personal asistances about the Mecha event. .000G and only Funland. start a new game. here are the changes that will be seen on Spring 1.B and C Mecha A How to get: Get 50. you’ll be given sheets) Depending on what alternative option either to continue playing. refer to to stay. animals. [MechaEvents] section.000G and choose triggered the first four mecha event You stopped the construction by ” I want to protect the village” at paying 50. cleared- After you’ve completed the main events table (on your balance storyline at year 2. Year 3 onwards. *Note: The things that will be stopped at the 4th mecha event. recipe . game+ in RPG games).
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