Encyclopedia Aerospace Engineering

March 26, 2018 | Author: Shiva Harsh | Category: Aerodynamics, Aerospace, Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Fluid Dynamics



A Landmark Reference for the Science and Technology of Flightaerospace engineering 9 volume set encyclopedia of Special Introductory Price – SAve 15% on orders for the print set before 30th November 2010 For more information, full contributor details and table of contents visit: www.wiley.com/go/eae fabrication and manufacturing. and physics. No major reference work comparable to Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering exists. In establishing what will truly be a landmark publication the Editorial team have commissioned original contributions from expert authors in the fields of engineering science that support the study and development of aerospace technology and vehicle design. material science. noise and emissions are covered in view of their growing importance to the aviation industry. and government. industrial and military research establishments. These include mechanics. guidance and control. Publishing in both online and print formats the Encyclopedia will serve as an invaluable resource for readers/users in the academic and industry sectors including: l Professional Engineers and Technical Managers l Senior Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students and Researchers l College Lecturers and Industry Training Managers l Aviation/Aerospace Analysts and Consultants It will provide an invaluable aid to education and training for university engineering and science departments. training and research in this complex and demanding field. In addition. provide a high quality scientific resource. propulsion. with systematic updating. carefully coordinated reference work will enhance education.aerospace engineering 9 volume set encyclopedia of T he rapidly changing and increasingly inter-disciplinary nature of aerospace engineering indicates the need for an encyclopedia to consolidate current knowledge and. This high quality. communications. . environmental science. aerospace manufacturers and suppliers. computer science. electronics and instrumentation. systems engineering. Here are some of the benefits of the online version: l Sophisticated full-text searches can be performed l All articles available in HTML and PDF. and will be updated on a regular basis to keep abreast of advances in the field.wiley.449 List price £2.350 / €2.995 / €2.264 pages | ISBN: 978-0-470-75440-5 | 2010 Also Available Online The online edition of the Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering will feature extensive cross-referencing and search functionality.Special Introductory Offer PrINt Set Order by 30th November 2010 to save 15% off the list price Special Introductory price £1. allowing easy printing l CrossRef enables direct linking from references to full articles ISBN: 978-0-470-68665-2 Online prices are available on request for different sizes of academic and corporate institutions. www.com/go/eae .899 9 volumes | 6. University of Manchester.Cranfield University. CA. Tainan City. USA AdvISOry BOArd John Anderson . Ann Arbor. CA.Eindhoven University of Technology.formerly of BAE Systems. Tracy . Nayak .Cranfield University.University of Michigan. UK Dimitris Drikakis . Washington.Georgia Tech.University of Michigan.formerly of DSTL.Naval Postgraduate School. USA Kenneth J. Basingstoke.Decision Analysis Services Ltd. Harris McClamroch . Germany S. GA. Japan Chung K.Chiba University. France John Fielding . Atkins . UK Tom I-P. USA Antonios Tsourdos . MI.The Netherlands Peter Curtis . UK Michel van Tooren .Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace. Ann Arbor. Shrivenham. Ballhaus. Gainesville. USA J. Ann Arbor.J.Purdue University. USA Ulrich Walter . Russia Max F. Ann Arbor.University of Colorado. Ann Arbor. GA. USA Fenggan Zhuang . USA Bryan Richards . MI.Cranfield University. Law . UK Keiji Kawachi . UK Peretz P.The Boeing Company.University of Florida.The University of Birmingham.The Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering has an international editorial team and author base.University of Bath. DC. USA Ian MacDiarmid . UK Réne de Borst . Waas . Boulder.University of Liverpool.University of Glasgow.Delft University of Technology. S.Seoul National University. UK Hanspeter Schaub .University of Michigan. UK Hao Liu . Chicago.National Cheng Kung University. USA Carlos E. MA. IN. UK Earl H. Atlanta. MI. UK Richard Crowther . UK Rick Curran .Harbin Institute of Technology.Georgia Institute of Technology. USA Ella M.University of Michigan. MI. Loewy . CO. USA John J.University of Southampton. DC. Jr.Princeton University. Pete Worden . Boulder. USA John Stollery . Shih . NC. UK William F. France Brian Cantwell . Dowell . Atlanta. USA Allan Bonnet . Redondo Beach. Cesnik . USA Datta V.formerly of The Aerospace Corporation.University of Tokyo.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. WA.Cranfield University. USA In Seuck Jeung .China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.Smithsonian Institution. Strasbourg.University of Washington. NJ.University of Liverpool. UK Vigor Yang . CA. USA Xin Zhang .R.Delft University of Technology . USA . Ann Arbor. The Netherlands Anthony M.Cranfield University. Lancashire. USA Alan R. Washington. Taiwan Earll M.BAE Systems. Badcock . USA M. Canoga Park. Bedford. FL.Cranfield University.Air Force Research Laboratory. UK Munir Sindir . UK Peter Roberts . UK Dwight Streit .Technical University Munich. USA N. edItOrS IN CHIeF richard Blockley . Ann Arbor. Chambers . Japan Eli Livne . CA.Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. China SUBJeCt edItOrS John Anderson . Seattle.Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne. USA James F. Shrivenham.University of Michigan. El Segundo. UK Mikhail Cherniakov . India Elaine S. Scheeres . Gaitonde . CA. USA Alec D. USA Wei Li . West Lafayette. UK Michael Preuss . UK Lennard A.Stanford University. Bangalore. CA. USA Mikhail Osipov . USA Brian A. USA Allan Seabridge . MI.Bauman Moscow State Technical University.University of Michigan. UK Jonathan Cooper . WPAFB.Bath University. Klausner . USA Kevin Knowles . Ann Arbor.Duke University. UK Wei Shyy . Platzer . USA Ismet Gursul .Seabridge Systems Ltd.University of Michigan. China Robert G. UK David Faddy .University of Colorado. MI. Gainesville.NASA Ames Center. USA Daniel J. Beijing. Washington. OH. USA Shanyi Du . Haftka .International Space University.University of Michigan. Lytham St Annes. CO. Friedmann . IL.Northrop Grumman Space Technology. DC.Smithsonian Institution. Monterey. USA Graham Coleman . Miau . with representation from both the academic. Cambridge. Korea Jeffrey Jupp . UK Thomas Zurbuchen .Cambridge University. Gallimore .Independent Engineer. MI. governmental and industrial sectors. . Murman . Ann Arbor.BAE Systems. The Netherlands Olivier Dessens .Cranfield University. UK Philip Pugh .National Aerospace Laboratories. MI. White .University of Florida.University of Southampton. China John Farrow .University of Michigan.Science & Technology Facilities Council. Oran . UK Raphael T. Fisk .Naval Research Laboratory. MI. FL. Table of Contents vOLUMe 1: Fluid dynamics and Aerothermodynamics 1. Acoustics and Noise 3. Structural Mechanics 2. Space Vehicle Design 5. Disposal and Waste Mitigation 5. Materials for Space Applications vOLUMe 5: dynamics and Control 1. Aerospace System Optimization 7. Operational Environment 2.wiley. Trajectory and Orbital Mechanics 5. Flight Control Systems 3. Emissions and Other Impacts 4. Micro Air Vehicles 4. System Integration 5. Aeroelasticity and Aeroservoelasticity 3. Compressible Flows .Subsonic to Supersonic 4. Introduction to Vehicle Subsystems 4. Radar Systems 4. Fundamentals of Fluid Physics 2. Incompressible Flows and Aerodynamics 3. Project Management 2. Vehicle Configurations and Performance 2. Air Vehicle Design 3. Experimental Techniques for Fluid Dynamics and Thermal Science vOLUMe 2: Propulsion and Power 1. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) vOLUMe 4: Materials technology 1. Avionics System Integration 3. Computational Solid Mechanics and FluidStructure Interaction 4. Structural Materials 2. Alternative Propulsion vOLUMe 3: Structural technology 1. Rocket Propulsion 4. Survivability vOLUMe 8: System engineering 1. Attitude Dynamics and Control of Spacecraft vOLUMe 6: environmental Impact and Manufacturing 1. Active Materials 4. High Temperature Materials 3. Computational Fluid Dynamics 7.interscience. Heat Transfer and Thermophysics 6. Safety Engineering and Mission Assurance vOLUMe 9: Appendices and Index Related Titles of Interest Aerospace Series Visit www. Manufacturing and Lean Technologies vOLUMe 7: vehicle design 1. Experimental Techniques for Structural Mechanics 5.wiley. Airbreathing Engines 3. Propulsion and Airframe Integration 6.com . Hypersonics and Rarefied Gas Dynamics 5. Basic Concepts 2.com/go/aerospace for more books in the area Journals • International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids • International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control • Strain – An International Journal for Experimental Mechanics • International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering • Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures • Heat Transfer • International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing Find all of these journals online at: www. Flight Mechanics 2. (Thereafter list price £2.350 / €2.995 / €2. 08443 (11/09) Storage-Number: 905257_BL . please send me ______ copy(ies) of the print version: encyclopedia of Aerospace engineering 9-volume set. all information is subject to change without notice.Order FOrM SeNd My Order tO: Title & Name Job Title Department Company/University Address Post/Zip Code Country Tel Fax Email n yes. ISBN 978-0-470-75440-5 Special introductory price £1.449 Valid until 30th November 2010.899) Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the contents of this leaflet are accurate.
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