1Content Page 1.0 Introduction 5.0 Case Study 1.1 Location 5.1 Traffic Congestion 1.2 The 3 main Issue at the Junction 5.2 Homeless People 1.3 The Junction Plan 6.0 Proposal 2.0 Visceral Board 1 6.1 Reducing Traffic Congestion Issues 2.0.1 Feelings 2.1 Visceral Board 2 6.2 Building the homeless shelters 2.1.1 Mini Proposal 6.1.1 Opening up spaces and improve traffic condition 3.0 The two corners 6.2.1 The Shelter 3.1 Pathment Walkway 7.0 Conclusion 3.1.1 Pedestranising 3.2 Road Pattern/Texture 3.3 Characteristic of the Two Hang Kasturi Building 4.0 Elements at the Junction 4.1 SWOT Analysis 4.2 The environments 4.3 Things to improve as a public space 3 Transformation from the 1980s to 2017 1.0 Introduction This junction is located at KL Pasar Seni. It connects the 2 roads, Jalan Hang Kasturi and Leboh pasar, and is built at the famous Medan Pasar started in the 1800s. It started of as the Medan Square, but was rebuilt by Yap Ah loy with the old Chinese community. The building were refurbished, more houses were built, and many new banks came into the community. During 1937, the clock tower was built, and it eventually became the landmark of Medan Pasar. Until now, the area remain as the one of the main hub for public transport. Figure 1.0 Figure 1.1 1.1 The Location Figure 1.2 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Figure 1.0 4 1.2 The 3 Main Issue around the Junction • 1.2.1 Problem 1 Socially : Lack of Safety. There’re many speeding motorcycles, buses blocking views nd groups of immigrants and homeless. They make people feel insecure, having a hard time to just walk around outside. Group of immigrants This Area has serious congestion issue during peak hours, it is also unsafe for Lots of Vehicles the passenger to just walk across the road. Figure 1.3 • 1.2.2 Problem 2 Diagram 1.0 Spaces: Lots of informal commercial activity such as Pasar, food trucks which reduce the vibrancy of the area. It makes it look crowded, unaatractive, and they blocks out the most important attractions. Most informal commercial activity happens at this area. Figure 1.4 Diagram 1.1 5 1.3 The Junction • 1.2.3 Problem 3 Area Aesthetic: Place dominated by immigrants. Around the clock area, you can see there’re many immigrants wandering around during lunch hours. This issue degraded Medan Pasar’s Aethetic, lowering it level where it doesn’t deserve, making it feels like this is an area gathered by illegal immigrant workers which does not look good for the foreign tourist. Figure 1.4 Figure 1.5 Jalan Leboh Pasar Besar Area where most foreign workers and the immigrant gather most of the time. Road Markings Vegetation 5 foot walkway Gathering Area Zebra Crossing Diagram 1.2 Diagram 1.3 6 2.0 Visceral Board (I) 7 2.0.1 Feelings Tangible Factors: i. Hang Kasturi Building ii. The Clock Tower iii. Medan Pasar iv. Crowds Intangible Factors: i. The culture/Tradition Canopy umbrella. It a culture and ii. Satu Malaysia requirement for night markets in Asia iii. Smokey area countries. A significant of a cultural area. iv. A very outstanding junction at the Hang Kasturi Building Satu Malaysia. This area has the “Satu Malaysia” feeling that the tourist will The Clock Tower. It is get whenever they are in the landmark of Medan this area. This is because Pasar. Most tourist are Malaysia is famous of its here to visit the tower yearly summer season, and and experience the the culture of having culture around it. different religions working together as one. Smokes coming out from vehicles. The Junction Plan. I think this junction is worth to be noticed as it is between the greatest Hang Kasturi Building and the landmark Figure 2.0 of Medan Pasar, the Clock Art is everywhere. The Hang Kasturi build Tower. has been a amazing art deco building for decades. 8 2.1 Visceral Board (II) 9 2.1.1 Mini Proposal This cloudy animated cloud is added because people would like a cloudy, windy day instead of walking under a hot sun. Lastly, this hanging structured shelter is added just because to I would like to see more help the homeless people, giving them a place to live and paintings being placed outside sleep. Having the shelter hung on top of a road helps to not which will eventually attract waste any space, and it gives the homeless people a nice the tourist’s interest to learn place to heal themselves, empower themselves into getting a more about whats inside the job, raise their family and get back into the society. building. The plain building has no other attractive effect besides its Art Deco architecture style. This “No Taxi Parking” signboard is added as having the taxi there didn’t just occupied others parking, it is also not aesthetically pleasing to see cars parking beside the road. 10 3.0 The two corners The section drawing(figure 1.7) shows the section drawing of the two building at the Junction Jalan Hang Kasturi. The one on the right is a Hotel, called the Pacific Express Hote. It is a boutique hotel in KL city centre, the right one for tourist who wants both ultimate comfort and convenience. There is a 24 hour convenience right below that building, and a restaurant for the tourist. Besides that, it is very close to Petaling street, a shopping heavan for local arts and street food. The building sits right infront of Medan Pasar landmark, the Clock Tower. The building on the left is the 2 Hang Kasturi building. It is a 34.2m former OCBC building, the first deco building built in 1937, by an architect called Authur Oakley Coltman. The 2 Hang Kasturi building is now used as an event space such as art gallery, clothing art instalments such as Riot for peace collection lauched by Nerd Unit x Pestle & Mortar which happened recently. It is also the main building at the Junction for our site analysis, 15.3m Diagram 3.0 A section drawing of buildings on the left side of Jalan Hang Kasturi. Diagram 3.1 11 3.1 Pavement Walkway Inidicated the pathway way, and the five foot walkway build for Area where most the pedestrains to walk in a safe zone. (Medan Pasar) gather Indicates the zebra crossing people to walk Pedestrian walk across the roads. path 3.1.1Pedestrianising The marked red zones in Figure 3.2 are where most pedestrians take their steps on because it is built specially for the pedestrians. The huge red zone used to be road, allowing vehicles to pass through, but was then built into a pedestrian-only area during the 2000s. This allow more people to walk safely and gives more spaces people to gather there. Figure 3.3 shows that people are mostly walking towards Medan Pasar, the huge red zone shown in Figure 3.2. As the area where most people gather and chill, where the landmark Clocktower is located, and where most tourist are attracted to. Diagram 3.2 Diagram 3.3 12 3.2 Road Pattern/Texture 3.3 Charateristic of 2 Hang Kasturi Building Cobble Fan. This pattern is design using cobblestone piles, mainly use for The 2 Hang Kasturi Building is the first Art Deco building built around pavement roads, streets and buildings. Kuala Lumpur in the 1937. The building has been there for over 80 years, and had never been reconstructed even it had been sold to other Stretcher bond, aka Brickwork. It is a mansory produced by a bricklayer, companies and for other purposes. using bricks and mortar. The slimplest repeating pattern that will create a Art deco style has been around France before the WW1. It influeces the wall with ease. design of almost everythint thing around us, such as buildings, Tar. A black viscour liquid of hydrocarbon and free carbon, mainly use for furniture, jewerly, fashion, cars, trains and etc. The style itselfs roads tiling. represented luxury, glamour, exuberance, and faith in social and technological progress. For buildings, Art deco projects produced dynamic collaborations between architects, painters, sculptors, and 8 inch quarry. A building construction material, manufactured from clay in a designers. The style had first applied in public commercial buildings manner similar to bricks. during 1920s, some of them are also applied to apartment buildings which actually blended in quite well. Besides, the characteristic of Art Large tile. 8 inch quarry just in a bigger size. Deco Buildings could be rather obvious. They are built such as rectangular blocky forms arranged in a geomatric fashion, then break into curved ornamental elements, this is to make it appear as a single large block of stones(monolithic). It uses old materials such as stucco, concrete, smooth faced-stone, terracotta, and decent materials such as steel and aluminium. The windows often appears as punctured openings, and can be both round or square. Besides, they are often arranged in continuous horizontal bands of glass, and also some built with opaque glass plate. Figure 3.0 Diagram 3.4 13 4.0 Elements at the Junction Beautiful Sky Availability of Transportation Figure 4.1 Traffic Lights Vegetations Figure 4.0 4.1 SWOT Analysis Jalan Hang Kasturi Strength Weakness Opportunities Thread People Tourist Spot Too many foreign Increase basic facilities Disturbing homeless workers compared to for the convenience of people locals locals and tourist Location 3 Hotels available No parking area Budget hotels for Reduced number of backpackers locals because of lacking parking Business Business for tourist Lack of souvenir shops Medical business such as Increase cost of pharmacy living Transportation Lots of taxis Traffic Jam(illegal Add a taxi line Drivers don’t follow available parking) traffic lights Diagram 4.0 Table 4.0 14 Medan Pasar Square Strength Weakness Opportunities Thread People Tourist Attracted Locals are not as many as Great business for tourism Influx of foreign foreign workers Location It has a beautiful scenery - More activities and events - at night should be held Business The businesses brings Not as many variety of Business should target all race Crime Rate crowd, especially during business and tourist Increased through noon years Transportation Lanes for business to Not enough lanes for the Use more public vehicles or Traffic congestion Diagram 4.1 stop available amount of vehicles cycling is created 4.2 Environment Table 4.0 Medan Pasar is a very cultural 4.3 Improving the area as a Public Space area. You can feel the culture there I. Prevent taxis from parking at the side of the road, which actually causes congestion. with the activities, night market A lot of taxi can be seen parking at the side of the road for the whole day looking for and the people there. However, it customers, by doing so they are actually disturbing the traffic. To improve this could sometimes be too situation, we can actually limit the number of taxis or, stop them from parking at the overcrowded with foregin workers road side by implementing a new rule. We can set up signs that shows no parking or and immigrants, which gradually taxis. For example: takes away the original feel where the area is suppose to give the tourist. The buildings had been built and stayed there for decades, which eventually became one of the tourist attractions, such as The Clock Tower etc. Figure 4.5 Figure 4.6 II. Get rid of the homeless people that kept wandering around. Having groups of dirty, Diagram 4.2 smelly homeless people around the area can degrade the aesthetic of the area. Besides, the tourist also doesn’t feel safe with all these people around. To solve this problem, give Furthermore, ther are also a lot them a shelter so they have a place to live and hide during the night and daytime. of vegetation planted giving the area a refreshing look III. Implementing pedestrian traffic lights. As the junction always have traffic congestrian issues, it is dangerous for the people to just cross the road with so many vehicles . Figure 4.4 Figure 4.7 Figure 4.2 Figure 4.3 15 5.0 Case Study • A case study is an in-depth research or investigateion of an individual, group, interesting and activities. It influences the design of many things such as, the walkways, roads, buildings, and etc. 5.1 Traffic Congestion Case study of Traffic Congestion in Enugu, Nigeria. The issue of having road traffic congestion has been increasing over the year, It has a serious impact on the society and activities. The congestion normally happen between 7 to 9 am, and 5 to 7pm, where people goes to work and goes back home. This probem seem to have noticed by the government. Luckily, they did send the ECTDA(Enugu Capital Territory Development Authority to fix this issue in 2009. Road Traffic congresting is a common problem in our growing city and urbanization. This is because of the increase of human population, and the amount of vehicle. It has seen as a very complicated problem that challenge the people living in this urban area. Everbody suffers from this problem in their everyday life, it has become to serious that it had to be solved immediately. Causes of the traffic congestion ; 1)Recurrent congestion : this congestion is mainly caused by something that is general, such as when people go on a road trip during the holiday. Everyone Figure 5.1 expected the congestion and are not surprised whenever it happened. However, it call still be due by vehicles’ factors such as, speed, lane changes, acceleration and deceleration cycles, which can trigger a instand change how the vehicles will travel. 2)Non-recurrent congestion :This is mainly caused by surprising factors such as road accidents, road works or some special events. These factors happens only once in awhile, which are not easily predictable. Is differs fro the recurrent congestion as the traffic congestion will unlikely be the same as recurrent congestion, it might be even worse and most time. The Impacts of the Road Traffic Congestion: Figure 5.0 Queueing, slower speed and increasing of travel times is the main changes whenever you are in a traffic jam. However, it have a greater impact than what you have in your mind. It has a huge range of indirect impacts, including the marginal environmental, resource impacts of congestion, quality of life, stree, and safety. 16 5.2 Homeless people The transformation of a homeless shelter, improving their lifestyles. Homelessness : A condition where group of individual have no permanent dwelling, such as houses or apartment. These people are unable to acquire income through jobs, maintain a regular, safe and secure housing. The homeless people usually spend their night in a homeless shelter, a domestic violence sheller, vehicle, cardboards or a tent-city. Figure 5.2 Figure 5.3 A permanent homeless shelter can be found everywhere. It has a great impact of a homeless life regarding the architecture styles, the color of the ceilings, the space of the room, as you all know it plays a big part in psychology in architecture. These shelter nowadays still lack of what everyone needs, such as lack of privacy, the room are often too crowded, and this may go over a persons natual sense of personal control which will end up having feelings of hopelessness. Most homeless shelter provides just a bed for them, Figure 5.4 Figure 5.5 but they do not provide some basic resources such as privacy draperies, lighting fixture for them to read by, and many other features.Therefore, a change in design of the shelter is a required. In this project, they uses architecture as a healing tool. The designs should be able to Homelessness is also a issue around the junction. As you can see, there are many motivate the homeless to get back track on normal lifes, find a job and look for their own homeless people sleeping on the bench, lying under a tree, plaing instruments house. trying to earn as much money as possible. An experiment is conducted, a homeless family of a single mother with her two children had their home redesigned their reactions are amazing. They were very happy with the result and definitely improved their life styles. The same thing is done for another family, and they have the same reactions which proves that this project is definitely worth it. Reasons that case study is important for discovering the issues of homeless people: i. Firstly, it is difficult to untangled and discover the variables that we human really need in a home. There are many reasons that challenge the homeless to get motivated to improved their own life. Of course, one of them is the influences of the environment. The environment have a great impact of how a person lives, how they reacts and their future planning. ii. There are many sub groups in the category of being “Homeless”, such as families with children, destitute veterans or Aids survivors. Case study discover their unique Figure 5.6 Figure 5.7 circumstances, revealing their needs and to survive. iii. A case study permits in-depths studies, to fully understand issues of the individuals, in order to come out with a plan to help them. Focusing on a key part also help with better understanding on the with the help of criterias and narrow down of options. 17 6.0 Proposal 6.2 Homeless Shelter(s) The proposal below are the 2 ways to improve the quality of our junction. Not only Aim: The purpose of this project is to provide the homeless a better place to live, does the result help with the environment, it also helps the people in need such as the which will give the environment a cleaner look. Homeless families, destitute veterans, homeless people, people in rush and etc. they need our help to get back to the society. Motivation and courages are what they need to get over their homeless life now, and get a job to feed their children and the elders. However, in order to achieve this goal, steps have to be taken down. A better home gives a better environment for the homeless to heal their psychological issue, 6.1 Reduce Traffic Congestions and for the children to grow. Therefore, the homeless can empower themselves into earning their own money, get their own house and raise their family. Aim : The purpose of this improvement is to reduce the problem of traffic congestion at the junction as much as possible. As you all know, this is a common problem in the How: To achieve the result, we need to provide the homeless what they need, a home. growing society. The amount of vehicles, roads and highways have increase A home needs some basics things that you will never get from a normal homelss significantly throughout the years.Traffic congestion had become such a serious issue shelter, privacy. Some family with children will like to spend their time within that it doesn’t only affect the people physically, it also effect them mentally, such as themselves, not among the other homeless people. stressing out in a traffic jam being late to a office meeting. Besides that, it leads to economic losses, increase in pollution due to vehicles staying for too long, and waste Elements extracted: Privacy drapes, solar lights to provide lights at night, availability of time. In this proposal, ways of reducing traffic congestion will be stated and will for a family. definitely help the people there. Big Scheme Project : Hanging homeless shelter on across the street How: Well, there are a lot of different ways regarding political or architecture. i. Prevent taxi’s driver from parking at the road side, we can put up some no parking sign. This way we can get rid of waste of parking space and disturbance of taxi drivers wandering beside the road. ii. Increase the road capacity and free up existing roads. This method increase the width of the road, allowing more roads to go through at a time that will soon increase travel time. Besides that, it also clears up anything that is blocking the way beside the road. Diagram 6.0 18 6.1.1 Opening up spaces and improved traffic - Before picture Before, there is a bus stop there. But it has been found that loads of bus parking there plays a part of traffic Diagram 6.2 congestion as they are big in sizes and blocked views of car drivers. The area now without a bustop does decrease the issue by bit and bits. Opening up this area and make it a road. This provides the drivers to have more options of roads to travel through so they don’t have to go with a congestion when they are in a hurry. Area where taxis driver always park while waiting for customeers. No parking sign boards are added so that no taxis are allowed to park there anymore. Diagram 6.3 Diagram 6.1 19 6.2.1 The Shelter Diagram 6.5 Diagram 6.7 Diagram 6.6 These mini shelters provides space for a family up to 5 members, best suitable for groups of homeless friends to live together and heal their mental issue together. The hanging homeless shelter Separated shelters provides privacy for the Diagram 6.4 Around 16 to 20 hanging shelters will be built in the area homeless, with the openable top gives stated in . This hanging feature provides natural light from the sun. advantages such as the unrequirement of buying lands for another building. It also save lands and spaces, having itself built above the roads does not disturbs the traffic or vehicle travelling. 20 References Griffis, G. (2017). A Guide to Strategic Content Templates – GatherContent Blog. [online] GatherContent Blog. Available at: [Accessed 8 Dec. 2017]. Ramachandram, S. (2017). Medan Pasar (Old Market Square). [online] issuu. Available at: [Accessed 8 Dec. 2017]. Chan, D. (2017). Medan Pasar the hub of KL in the 19th century - Community | The Star Online. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Dec. 2017]. Wentworth, I. (2017). Art Deco Style (1925-1940). [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Dec. 2017]. Excerpt taken from J. M. Gullick, Old Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press 1994. Anierobi, Christopher & Benjamin, Ugwuanyi & Nkechi, Kanu. (2014). Urban Environmental Governance: A Study of Intervention On Urban Road Traffic Congestion In Enugu, Nigeria. © Journal Of Nigerian Environmental Society (jnes) . 2014.. Vol. 1 No. 2. . Haar, B. (2017). Homeless Shelter Pods : homes for hope. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Dec. 2017]. (2017). A Downward Spiral: A Case Study in Homelessness. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Dec. 2017]. Hennessy, S. (2017). These homeless 'shelter pods' popped up overnight in Dublin. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Dec. 2017]. 21 7.0 Conclusion Overall, this projects have the same aim, it is to help the people in our country. Satu Malaysia, we are one no matter what race we are, we should help each other whenever needed regardless the religion. Homeless people needs our help, they need the motivation to empower themselves into doing good deeds in their life and to raise their own family. Traffic congestion is also a problem to our society, but with the help of the project, this no longer need to be worry about. Benefits : i. Environment aesthetic improved, people don’t have to worry about having too much homeless people wandering around anymore as they get their own shelter. ii. Homeless people gets shelters to live and sleep in, so they don’t have to sleep in the cold outside, alone and freezing anymore. This shelter is also believed to be able to get their lifes together and get motivated to get a job. iii. The area economy improved as the amount of homeless people decrease, more people will be more like to visit the area. iv. Traffic condition improved, less traffic congestion will happen due to the changes done by the project. 22
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