Enatel Rectifier Commisioning

June 15, 2018 | Author: adramat1085 | Category: Usb, Battery (Electricity), Rectifier, Relay, Alternating Current



FIAMM Batteries are configured as standard in the CK Street CabinetCharge voltages need to be changed if Northstar are use d with the Enatel Rectifier System. This booklet shows the diffe rences and g ives instructio ns ho w to make the changes. Commissioning and Maintenance troubleshooting approaches are discussed. .................. Pictures may be representative.......................... Our knowledge and experience of the global marketplace... 2 of 12 .......................... networking.......... Enatel’s smart power design offers intelligent solutions at an empowering price..............Telkom Mobile Street Cabinet Configuration Booklet ABOUT ENATEL We are specialists in the design and manufacture of a range of standby power solutions for the telecom.. along with our talented team.............USUALLY AGM SEALED LEAD ACID TYPE 4 STANDARD F IAMM AND ALTERNATIVE NORTHSTAR BATTERY CHARGE SETTINGS 4 EXAMPLES FROM SM3XCONFIG FOR CK STANDARD CABINET F IAMM SETTINGS 5 CHANGES REQUIRED IN SM3XCONFIG IF NORTHSTAR BATTERY IS INSTALLED 6 ALARM MAPPINGS TO RELAYS 7 ALARM TESTING 7 TROUBLESHOOTING ADVICE 10 TELECOM MOBILE CHECKLIST FOR SITE NAME 11 Draft 1 December 2010 Due to product development specifications and pricing are subject to change without prior notice.. ................................................... wireless and industrial markets. Errors and omissions are exempt..... ABOUT ENATEL 2 OVERVIEW OF THE STREET CABINET 3 GETTING CONNECTED WITH SM3XCONF IG -IF YOU NEED SM3XCONF IG ON YOUR LAPT OP 3 CHARGING OF STANDBY BATTERIES ..................................................................... enable us to create power supply solutions that meet each customer’s unique specifications................... After installation you need to check that you can establish USB communications to the Enatel Controller. Install the setup file. Plug in a USB to miniport USB cable. Once USB is connected click start scanning on the monitor page and you should see the system voltage and currents. Rest your laptop on something flat and stable.Telkom Mobile Street Cabinet Configuration Booklet OVERVIEW OF THE STREET CABINET Street Cabinet Locked closed Street Cabinet before Huawei BTS is installed Note 2 Strin gs of FIAMM Batteries are fitted Battery capacity is supplied as 3 strings standard . GETTING CONNECTED WITH SM3XConfig -if you need sm3xconfig on your laptop The Enatel Support CD is shipped with every system along with hard copy of the above documents. Provided the Enatel system is powered up !!! 3 of 12 . If Scan port does not find the USB port you may have to go into Control Panel\ System\ Hardware Device manager \ USB port and load the USB driver located in the Program file\ Enatel\sm3xconfiguratio\drivers folder. usually AGM sealed lead acid type Modern sealed lead acid batteries require precise voltage control from an intelligent rectifier system to maximize there performance when they are required to power the load during periods when the AC Mains is not available. ALTERNATE SETTINGS for Northstar batteries – only to be used when a F IAMM battery is not available At 25C the float voltage that must be loaded into the Enatel Supervisory module for Northstar = 54. NSB170 require 2. They will be stated as a charge voltage at a certain temperature. F IAMM UMTB160. i.Telkom Mobile Street Cabinet Configuration Booklet CHARGING OF STANDBY BATTERIES . STANDARD F IAMM and Alternative Northstar Battery charge settings Enatel Supervisory software needs to have the float voltage parameter entered for 25C so the CK shelter as supplied with a F IAMM Battery has the float voltage set to 54.48V (2.2 Vo lts with temperature compensation slope of -2.29V/Cell @ 20C with -4 mV/Cell/C rise temperature compensation Each battery must have its C10 and C4 rate loaded if the time re main ing calcu lated screen is to be accurate.27V/Cell @ 20C with -2.29V x24Cells) – (4 mV x 24 Cells x 5C) The Northstar float voltage is higher because they use a higher specific gravity acid and needs more compensation for temperature changes.e -4mV/C//Cell . FIT180 require 2. however over 4 hours it will provide 20% less there C4=144 or 38A for 4 hours. FFT160. Each battery can have different manufacturing values because each manufacturer feels a different combination is valid. 4 of 12 . This minimizes overcharge at high temperature and in creases the battery capacity at low temperatures. In the manufactures application data.5mV/C//Cell rise in battery temperature. The values stated on the front label are the best ones to use. there will be specified a slope by which the voltage must be varied as the battery temperature changes. A 180Ahr battery will deliver 18 amps for 10 hours so C10=180.5 mV/Cell/C rise temperature compensation Northstar NSB155. The battery temperature sensor must be reading accurately and located near the centre of the battery. 5 of 12 . Three strings of the new F IT180’s is C10 540AHr and C5 = 460Ahr See the Northstar sectio n for how to load the correct values.2 V Temperature Compensation slope = -2.5mV/ C/ Cell FIAMM Battery capacity = 480Ahr INSTALLER MUST Check and correct this setting if necessary Note 3 strings of the old UMTB160 is 480 Ahr.Telkom Mobile Street Cabinet Configuration Booklet EXAMPLES FROM sm3xconfig for CK Standard Cab inet FIAMM settings From config uration file 5U8(Street-Cabinet-PSC14070521-107) Rectifier Float Voltage Set point = 54. Temperature Compensation Slope = -4 mV/ C/ Cell Make sure the temperature sensor is indeed positioned near the centre of the battery and is not still coiled up in the rectifiers hot exhaust air stream. the numbers will go red and a “W” will appear alongside.48 V Charging at 54 volts as per Battery technologies rectifier setting turns a Northstar 170Ahr battery into a 150 Ahr as it is undercharged When you change the float voltage setting.Telkom Mobile Street Cabinet Configuration Booklet CHANGES requ ired in sm3xcon fig if Northstar b attery is installed Rectifier Float Voltage Set point = 54. To write the new number into the controlers memory you must log in as customer. You must be authorized to get this password from Telkom Mobile or CK. Battery Capacity for 3 strings of NSB170 C10 = 3 x 170 = 510 Ahr less if only two strings C5 = 440 Ahr le ss because of the faster discharge being less efficient 6 of 12 . e. See example for Rela y 1 below Summary Relay 1 = Battery Integrity = Battery Temperature high OR Battery Temperature sensor faulty ( disconnect to test ) Relay 2 = Battery Low = Battery below Low Float volts setpoint Relay 3 = All Rectifiers failed i. To see what alarms in the Supervisory module are extended please look at the Relay/ Output Logic with sm3xconfig connected to the site you are working at. Relay 1 Relay 2 com no com no com no Pin 7 Pin 6 Pin 5 Pin 4 Pin 3 Pin 2 Pin 1 Orange Black Red Green Yellow Blue(Brown) Brown(White) com nc Pin 8 Gray(Blue) Battery Integrity Battery Low Relay 3 Relay 4 Rectifier System Fail Rectifier Module Fail When there’s no alarms. Here are the alarm connection details.Telkom Mobile Street Cabinet Configuration Booklet ALARM MAPPINGS to RELAY S By clicking of each of the four rela ys in the Relay/Output Logic view of sm3xconfig. Remember the live configuration in the Supervisory module is always the current version. Beware the actual configuration is always the latest one and copie s on your hard disk could be out of date. bu zz the relay’s: Beep No Beep No Beep 7 of 12 No Beep . you can see what conditions create each alarm. Mains fail Rela y 4 = A recti fie r m od ule h as fail e ALARM TESTING Alarm wiring needs to be tested end to end by simulating the approriate alarm condition and checking the site and alarm name are correct at the alarm monitoring centre. Telkom Mobile Street Cabinet Configuration Booklet RJ45 Jack to SAM (Inala system) Pin 1 Pin 8 Alarm Descriptions Your/Label Description Program Description Gate Relay No. Battery Temperature High OR Battery Temperature Fault - Battery Low Low F loat (Bus 1) - 2 Rectifier Syst em Fail Rectifier Module F ail All Rect ifier F ail Rectifier Non Urgent - 3 4 D C Fan O n Battery Temperature High AC Phas e 1 Lost /All Rectifier Fail OR - D C Light On AC Phas e 2 Lost /All Rectifier Fail AC Phas e 3 Lost /All Rectifier Fail OR - - Battery Integrity 1 . You can raise the low float alarm bus 1 set point to above the present bus voltage while the battery is discharging to test that battery low Relay2 is working correctly provided you put it back to the original setting afterwards.Telkom Mobile Street Cabinet Configuration Booklet The Battery Low Alarm signals that the battery has discharged deeply.60 volts like below it means the battery is in the last third of its discharge and you can expect the site to run for half the time the AC Mains has presently been out before the LVD disconnect at 43V occurs. LVD Set point is below the alarm values. It is triggered by the bus voltage dropping below the Low Float Volts Alarm Bus 1 Set point. 9 of 12 . Typically when the low volts alarm is set at 45. This is a waste of time for all involved in the repair process. Always carry a spare RM2048XP in your vehicle when going to a Rectifier failed maintenance check. Orange Light means Non Urgent Ala rm symptom may go away Green Light is all go When alarms are up more detailed information on the type of alarm is available via the front panel or On your laptop. 10 of 12 . Most of the major checks are. push module in correctly.” The alarms can how ever be quite time consuming if they do not work first time.Telkom Mobile Street Cabinet Configuration Booklet TROUBLESHOOTING ADVICE There are two types of troubleshooting and each needs a different approach. but the person who has the best understanding of the systems that interact. Red lights mean Urgent Alarm module malfunction. Battery Low can initiate an operational callout where a portable generator is towed to the site and provides emergency AC power until the mains is restored. If a rectifier has shutdown due to high DC volts it may recover by unplugging it. 3) If module has a non argent alarm on the module and not on the SM32 . Most parts are modular and can be replaced. This requires a commissioning engineer who can understand the interfacing between the various parts of the plant and can check wiring then simulate alarms to test the end to end connections. The first is commissioning when no part of the system can be assumed to be wired or operating correctly. If one or more modules are showing failed and others are going check that all three AC phases are present before returning the supposed modules for repair. check I/O board 2) For unusual high/low temperature readings check that the temperature sensors is in the correct place. It is common for modules to be returned and checked as no fault found when a single AC phase is lost for long periods. In this scenario one must convince themselves that something quite fundamentally simple has happened. If the battery voltage is very low belo w 43Volts the rectifiers will not be charging the battery because they have no AC Mains and the LVD has tripped. If the site has been running fine for a long time usually only one relatively simple problem exists and the symptoms will lead you to the cause. Should the rectifiers all be shutdown then try the same and look for some interference on the DC bar. It is a team effort to get a BT S site going. Restore AC power to get the site going again. The second type is when the system has run correctly for some time and develops a fault. Other trouble shooting tips from CK Maintenance Manager 1) Logic error. “Is the DC polarity of the battery and load correct. Sometimes several equipment specialists need to be co-ordinated during commissioning. allow a minute and then plug it back in. Telkom Mobile Street Cabinet Configuration Booklet TELECOM MOBILE Checklist fo r Site Name Step N umber Description Comment 11 of 12 Pass/F ail . Telkom Mobile Street Cabinet Configuration Booklet 12 of 12 .
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