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MERNITRANSFORMATORI MEASURING TRANSFORMERS 72 kV in accordance with IEC 44-1.100 A EMOST 30/100 . Strujnite transformatori tip EMOST 25 se izvedeni so primaren priklu~ok ({ina).Current transformers type EMOST 25 are provided with primary terminal (bar).500 A EMOST 40/400 . EMOST 60 i EMOST 120 se od navlekuva~ki tip. On request. Strujnite transformatori EMOST 30. Aktivniot del e smesten vo duroplasti~no ili termoplasti~no ku}i{te koe slu`i kako elektri~na izolacija i mehani~ka za{tita. 3 . EMOST 60 and EMOST 120 are of window type. EMOST 40. EMOST 40.1200 A EMOST 120/1200 . Aktivniot del go so~inuva jadro. sprema IEC 44-1. izraboteno od visokokvaliteten orientiran lim i sekundarna namotka.72 kV. Na barawe izrabotuvame i transformatori so razli~ni karakteristiki od dadenite vo tabelata. the hole being of adequate size to suit the busbars or round conductors. Monta`ata na sobirnici se izveduva so zavrtka M12. Current transformers type EMOST 30. Mounting onto busbars is by means of M12 bolt.600 A EMOST 60/ 600 . we manufacture current transformers with technical characteristics other than those shown in the tables. Low voltage measuring current transformers type EMOST are intended to transform the measured current to a voltage level up to 0. Naj~esta primena na ovie transformatori e vo niskonaponskite sklopni kelii. The active part of transformers consists of a magnetic core made of high quality grain oriented sheet steel and a secondary winding. The transformers are most frequently used in low voltage switching cubicles. so standardni dimenzii. a otvorot e prilagoden za pominuvawe na profilirani sobirnici ili kru`ni provodnici. The active part is cast in epoxy resin with excellent electrical and mechanical properties.3000 A Niskonaponskite strujni transformatori tip EMOST nameneti se za merewe na struja na naponsko nivo do 0.MERNI STRUJNI TRANSFORMATORI NIZOK NAPON MEASURING CURRENT TRANSFORMERS LOW VOLTAGE EMOST 25/5 . TEHNI^KI PODATOCI TECHNICAL DATA Sekundarna struja / Rated secondary current Maksimalen napon na mre`a / Hiqhest system voltage Frekvencija / Frequency Ispiten napon / Test voltage Termi~ka struja / Short-time thermal current Trajna termi~ka struja / Continuous thermal current Faktor na sigurnost / Safety factor Termi~ka klasa na izolacija / Thermal insulation class (A) (kV) (Hz) (kV/min) Ith Itth Fs 5 (1) 0. BS i GOST standardite. accuracy class. Note: When ordering transformers. safety factor. VDE. BS and GOST standards. output. treba da se navedat slednive podatoci: tip na transformator. BASIC FEATURES • Designed for ambient temperature range of -40º C to +55º C • Capable of withstanding short-time thermal and dynamic effects • Small overall dimensions • Suitable for mounting into any position • LV terminals can be sealed • Transformers comply with IEC. VDE.OSNOVNI PODATOCI • Rabota pri ambientna temperatura od -40º S do +55º S • Otporni na kratkotrajni termi~ko dinami~ki napregawa • Mali dimenzii • Monta`a vo sekoja polo`ba • Mo`nost za plombirawe na sekundarni priklu~oci ISPITUVAWA Transformatorite odgovaraat na IEC. 4 . VDE. mo}nost i faktor na sigurnost. transformation ratio. klasa na to~nost.72 50 (60) 3 60 (80) 1. please specify the following: type of transformer. prenosen odnos. BS and GOST standards TESTS To IEC.2In (2In) 5 E Napomena: Pri nara~ka na transformator. 100 A EMOST / 100-.600 A EMOST 60 / 600 .1200 A 5 .500 500 AA EMOST 30 /30100 EMOST 40 / 400 .EMOST 25 / 5 . 150 200.10.300 400.5 0.5 Fs Te`ina Mass (kg) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0.60.1000.500 400.3000 A 203 90 93 121 194 200 M4 31 62 48 74 90 6 77 DIMENZII DIMENSIONS TIP TYPE EMOST 25 EMOST 25 EMOST 30 EMOST 30 EMOST 30 EMOST 40 EMOST 40 EMOST 60 EMOST 60 EMOST 120 EMOST 120 EMOST 120 6 Struja (A) Current (A) Primar Primar 5.2000 2500.5 0.85 0.5 0.20.89 0.5 0.500 600 600 800.50.69 0.88 0.87 0.40 1.100 100. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Mo}nost Klasa Output Class (VA) 5 5 5 5 10 10 15 10 15 15 30 45 0.EMOST 120 / 1200 .75 0.5 0.250.5 0.50 .68 0.5 0.5 0.92 1.3000 Sek.75.1200 1200 1500.5 0.5 0.30 1.5 0.30 40.80.86 0. Sec. 100 A EMOST 30 / 100 / T .MERNI STRUJNI TRANSFORMATORI SO TERMOPLASTI^NO KU]I[TE MEASURING CURRENT TRANSFORMERS WITH THERMOPLAST CASING EMOST 25 / 5 / T .1200 A 7 .500 A EMOST 40 / 400 / T .600 A EMOST 60 / 600 / T . Jadroto e termi~ki obraboteno.12 .MERNI STRUJNI TRANSFORMATORI SREDEN NAPON MEASURING CURRENT TRANSFORMERS MEDIUM VOLTAGE EMO .38 . The main insulation of transformer is epoxy resin with excellent insulating and mechanical properties. a priklu~uvaweto se vr{i so zavrtka M12.STA EMO . Sekundarnite priklu~oci i priklu~ocite za zazemjuvawe se smesteni vo zatvorena razvodna kutija koja mo`e da se plombira. Transformatorot ima mo`nost na izvedba za rabota i so dve jadra od koi edno za merwe i edno za za{tita. Primary terminal is made from galvanized copper strips and the connection is made by means of M12 stainless steel bolt. kako i prespoiva izvedba.ST Srednonaponskite strujni transformatori se koristat za izolirawe na mernite aparati od visok napon i za transformirawe na merenata struja na vrednost prilagodena na mernite aparati. izrabotena od ner|osuva~ki ~elik. Glavnata izolacija na transformatorot e epksidna smola so odli~ni izolacioni i mehani~ki svojstva.ST EMO . The core is thermally treated. Vo strujniot transformator e vgradeno magnetno jadro od kvaliteten ladnovalan orientiran magneten lim. The transformer can be designed with two cores.STA EMO . double ratio version is also available.24 .24 . one for measuring and the other for protection purposes.12 . a priklu~uvaweto se vr{i so zavrtki M5.ST EMO . The current transformer incorporates a magnetic core made of cold rolled grain oriented magnetic sheet steel. and the connection is made by means of M5 bolts. Secondary terminals and earth terminals are placed in a closed terminal box with provision for sealing. with specified accuracy. 8 . so definirana to~nost. Measuring current transformer is intended to isolate the measuring instrument from high voltage and to transform the measured current to a value adapted to measuring instrument. Primarniot priklu~ok e izraboten od pocinkuvani bakarni plo~ki. nominalna snaga. with specified accuracy. 40 Idyn (kA) 2.OSNOVNI PODATOCI • Osnovnata izolacija e epoksidna smola za vnatre{na monta`a • Neprespoiva izvedba od 5 do 2000 A i prespoiva izvedba od 2 h 5 do 2 h 600 A • Mo`nost za plombirawe na sekundarni priklu~oci • Otporni na kratkotrajni i dinami~ki napregawa • Monta`a vo site polo`bi ISPITUVAWA Transformatorite odgovaraat na IEC. rated output. accuracy class. BASIC FEATURES • Cast epoxy resin design eor indoor operation • Single ratio in the range 5 to 2000 A and dual ratio in the range 2 x 5 to 2 x 600 A • L V terminals can be sealed • Capable of withstanding short-time thermal and dynamic effects • Suitable for mounting into any position TESTS To IEC. we manufacture current transformers with other technical characteristics (rated secondary current. TEHNI^KI PODATOCI TECHNICAL DATA Maksimalen napon na mre`a / Hiqhest system voltage (kV) 12 24 36 Ispiten naizmeni~en napon / Alternating test voltage (kV) 28 (35) 50 (55) 70 (75) Ispiten udaren napon / Impulse test voltage (kV) 75 125 170 Frekvencija / Frequency (Hz) 50 (60) Ambientna temperatura / Ambient temperature (°C) -10 ÷ +55 Sekundarna struja / Secondary current (A) 5 (1) Trajna termi~ka struja / Continuous thermal current Kratkotrajna termi~ka struja / Short-time thermal current Dinami~ka struja / Dynamic current Itth 1.).). kratkotrajna termi~ka struja i dr. Namena: Strujnite transformatori se upotrebuvaat za odvojuvawe na mernite i za{titni uredi od visokiot napon i za transformacija na merenata struja na vrednost prilagodena na mernite i za{titni uredi.2 In Ith (kA) Max. short time thermal current etc. VDE. Usage: Measuring current transformers is intended to isolate the measuring and protective instruments from high voltage and to transform the measured current to a value adapted to measuring and protective instruments. VDE. BS i GOST standardite. Podatocite vo ovoj katalog se od informativen karakter. 9 .5 Ith Faktor na sigurnost / Instrument safety factor Fs 5 Grani~en faktor na to~nost / Accuracy limit factor Fg 10 Napomena: Na barawe izrabotuvame strujni transformatori so drugi tehni~ki karakteristiki (nominalna sekundarna struja. Note: On request. BS and GOST standards. klasa na to~nost. The data shown in this leaflet is for guidance. DIMENZII DIMENSIONS Tip/Type A (mm) B(mm) C (mm) E (mm) F (mm) EMO-12-ST 255 220 148 220 110 EMO-12-ST A 305 220 148 270 110 EMO-24-ST 265 270 175 220 135 EMO-24-ST A 205 270 175 160 135 EMO-38-ST 330 340 196 275 150 NAPONSKI RASTOJANIJA CLEARANCES Um (kV) 10 M (mm) N (mm) 12 120 110 24 190 210 36 270 290 . EMO-24-STA. kl. EMO-12-STA. rated output for each core. EMO-38-ST Struen transformator so edno jadro za merewe (Fs < 10) i dve za za{tita Current transformer with one measuring core and two protective cores Primarna struja Primary current In (A) Kratkotrajna termi~ka struja Short time thermal current Ith (A) 2 x 5 ÷ 2 x 50 2 x 60 ÷ 2 x 75 2 x 100 ÷ 2 x 300 2 x 400 100 In 100 ÷ 300 In 100 ÷ 200 In 100 ÷ 150 In 2 x 600 1200 100 In 50 In 1500 2000 40 In 30 In Jadro za merewe Measuring core Jadro za za{tita Protective core Jadro za za{tita Protective core Nom.30 5P10 (10P10) EMO-12-ST. kl. EMO-24-ST. 15 0. 2 x 100/5/5.15. snaga Rated output (VA) Klasa Class 10. Ith = 100 x In = 10 kA I jadro: Sn = 15 VA. Fs = 5 II jadro: Sn = 15 VA. snaga Rated output (VA) Klasa Class Nom. accuracy class for each core. Fs = 5 II core: Sn = 15 VA. EMO-12-STA. EMO-12-STA. EMO-38-ST Struen transformator so edno jadro za merewe (Fs < 10) i edno za za{tita Current transformer with one measuring core and one protective core Primarna struja Primary current In (A) 2 x 5 ÷ 2 x 50 2 x 60 ÷ 2 x 75 2 x 100 ÷ 2 x 150 2 x 200 2 x 250 ÷ 2 x 300 2 x 400 2 x 600 1200 1500 2000 Kraktkotrajna termi~ka struja Short time thermal current Ith (A) 100 In 100 ÷ 300 In 100 ÷ 300 In 100 ÷ 300 In 100 ÷ 200 In 100 ÷ 150 In 100 In 50 In 40 In 30 In Jadro za merewe Measuring core Nominalna snaga Klasa Rated output Class (VA) 10. EMO-38-ST Struen transformator so edno jadro za merewe (Fs < 10) ili za{tita Current transformer with one measuring or protective core Primarna struja Primary current In (A) 2 x 5 ÷ 2 x 50 2 x 60 ÷ 2 x 75 2 x 100 ÷ 2 x 150 2 x 200 2 x 250 ÷ 2 x 300 2 x 400 2 x 600 1200 1500 2000 Kratkotrajna termi~ka struja Short time thermal current Ith (A) 100 In 100 ÷ 300 In 100 ÷ 300 In 100 ÷ 300 In 100 ÷ 200 In 100 ÷ 150 In 100 In 50 In 40 In 30 In So edno jadro za merewe With one measuring core Nominalna snaga Klasa Rated output Class (VA) 10. klasa na to~nost za sekoe jadro. Example: EMO-24-ST. Primer: EMO-24-ST. kl. Ith = 100 x In = 10 kA I core: Sn = 15 VA.5 10. nominalna snaga za sekoe jadro.5. 0. thermal current Ith. 10P10 Ordering information: When ordering transformers. 0.15.5 (0. 15. EMO-24-ST. 30 0.30 5P10 (10P10) EMO-12-ST. 15 5P10 (10P10) Podatoci za nara~ka: Pri nara~ka na transformator treba da se navedat slednive podatoci: prenosen odnos. 10P10 11 . 15. please specify the following: transformer ratio. 2 x 100/5/5.5 Jadro za za{tita Protective core Nominalna snaga Klasa Rated output Class (VA) 10.2) So edno jadro za za{tita With one protective core Nominalna snaga Klasa Rated output Class (VA) 10. 15 5P10 (10P10) 10. safety factor for each measuring core and accuracy limit factor for each protective core. termi~ka struja Ith. EMO-24-ST. kl.5. faktor na sigurost na sekoe jadro za merewe i grani~en faktor na to~nost za sekoe jadro za za{tita. snaga Rated output (VA) Klasa Class Nom. 30 0.EMO-12-ST. one for measuring and the other for protection purposes which is intended for operation in delta connection. Sekundarnite priklu~oci i priklu~ocite za zazemjuvawe se smesteni vo zatvorena razvodna kutija koja mo`e da se plombira. The voltage transformer incorporates a magnetic core made of cold rolled grain oriented magnetic sheet steel.NT I EMO . izrabotena od ner|osuva~ki ~elik. a priklu~uvaweto se vr{i so zavrtka M5. Vo naponskiot transformator e vgradeno magnetno jadro od kvaliteten ladno valan orientiran megneten lim. Jadroto e termi~ki obraboteno. Transformatorot ima mo`nost za izvedba so dva sekundarni naponi. and the connection is made by means of M5 bolts.24 . The main insulation of transformer is epoxy resin with excellent insulating and mechanical properties.NT I Induktivnite naponski merni transformatori se koristat za izolirawe na mernite aparati od visok napon i za transformirawe na mereniot napon na vrednost prilagodena na mernite aparati. with specified accuracy. The core is thermally treated. 12 . Glavnata izolacija na transformatorot e epoksidna smola so odli~ni izolacioni i mehani~ki svojstva.NT II EMO . Secondary terminals and earth terminals are placed in a closed terminal box with provision for sealing. Primarniot priklu~ok e izraboten od mesing.NT II EMO . The transformer can be designed with two secondary voltages. Inductive measuring voltage transformers are intended to isolate the measuring instrument from high voltage and to transform the measured voltage to a value adapted to measuring instrument. so definirana to~nost.MERNI NAPONSKI TRANSFORMATORI SREDEN NAPON MEASURING VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS MEDIUM VOLTAGE EMO .12 . Primary terminal is made from brass and the connection is made by means of M10 stainless steel bolt. a priklu~uvaweto se vr{i so zavrtka M10.38 . eden za merewe i eden za za{tita koj e predviden za rabota vo otvoren triagolnik.24 .NT I EMO .12 . Namena: Naponskite transformatori se upotrebuvaat za odvojuvawe na mernite i za{titni uredi od visokiot napon i za transformacija na mereniot napon na vrednost prilagodena na mernite i za{titni uredi. Note: On request.5 8 Napomena: Na barawe izrabotuvame i transformatori so drugi karakteristiki koi ne se navedeni vo ovoj katalog. 13 . VDE. we manufacture transformers with characteristics other then those stated in this leaflet. pogonski napon Highest system voltage (kV) Nominalen napon Rated voltage Nom.5 6 EMO-12-NT I 12 3/v3-11/v3 100/v3 25 (50) 0. VDE. TEHNI^KI PODATOCI TECHNICAL DATA Tip Type Maks.5 8 EMO-24-NT I 24 10/v3-22/v3 100/v3 50 0. BASIC FEATURES • Cast epoxy resin design for indoor operation • L V terminals can be sealed • Capable of withstanding short-time thermal effects • Suitable for mounting into any position TESTS To IEC. Usage: Inductive measuring voltage transformers are intended to isolate the measuring and protective instruments from high voltage and to transform the measured voltage to a value adapted to measuring and protective instruments. sek. BS and GOST standards. BS i GOST. snaga Rated output Primaren Primary (kV) Sekundaren Secondary (V) (VA) Klasa Class Trajna term.5 EMO-24-NT II 24 10-22 100 50 0.OSNOVNI PODATOCI • Osnovnata izolacija e epoksidna smola za vnatre{na monta`a • Mo`nost za plombirawe na sekundarni priklu~oci • Otporni na kratkotrajni termi~ki napregawa • Monta`a vo site polo`bi ISPITUVAWA Odgovara na IEC.5 8 EMO-38-NT I 36 20/v3-35/v3 100/v3 50 0. struja Rated continuous thermal current (A) 5 EMO-12-NT II 12 3-11 100 25 (50) 0. DIMENZII DIMENSIONS Tip/Type A (mm) B(mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) EMO-12-NT-I 270 245 160 32 225 125 EMO-24-NT-II 270 245 160 32 225 125 EMO-24-NT-I 310 287 200 40 250 150 EMO-24-NT-II 310 287 200 40 250 150 EMO-38-NT-I 310 200 40 250 150 G (mm) H (mm) 160 130 210 170 NAPONSKI RASTOJANIJA CLEARANCES 14 Um (kV) A (mm) B (mm) 12 130 110 24 190 210 36 270 290 . Single-pole insulated transformers have a tertiary winding designed for operation in delta connection. To suppress ferro-resonance in the transformer in cases of insulated network. On request. please specify the following: transformation ratio. snaga i klasa na to~nost za sekoja sekundarna namotka. kl. Za prigu{uvawe na ferorezonancijata vo transformatorot pri izolirana mre`a se prepora~uva da se priklu~i otpornik od 50 oma. 200 W paralelno so impedansata koja go zatvora otvoreniot triagolnik. kl. Primer: EMO-24-NT II. so otcepki na sekundarnata namotka.5 Ordering information: When ordering transformers. Ednopolno izoliranite transformatori imaat tercierna namotka predvidena za rabota vo triagolnik. output and accuracy class for each secondary winding. 0. Example: EMO-24-NT II. Sn=50 VA. with tappings brought out on secondary winding.5 15 . we manufacture measuring voltage transformers for two rated primary voltages. klasa na to~nost 6P. voltage 100/3 V and continuous thermal current 4A. accuracy class 6P. 0. so snaga 25 VA. it is recommended to conect a resistor of a 50 ohm. 200 W parallel to the impendance by which open delta is closed. napon 100/3 V i trajna termi~ka struja 4 A. Povrzuvawe na otpornik vo otvoren triagolnik Connecting a resistor in open delta Podatoci za nara~ka: Pri nara~ka treba da se navedat slednive podatoci: prenosen odnos. Sn=50 VA. with output 25 VA.Po barawe izrabotuvame naponski merni transformatori za dva nominalni primarni naponi. 6000 Ohrid Republic of MACEDONIA tel: ++389 46 204600 fax: ++389 46 265887
[email protected]
118.com. Ohrid 2004 EMO OHRID P.Publisher: Editor and design: Translation to English: Editorial staff: Computer editing: Publication: EMO MARKETING Miroslav Kuzman.com.O.mk KB EMO 01 02 04 EMO MARKETING tel / fax: ++389 46 279310
[email protected]
ELECTRICAL INSULATORS MEASURING TRANSFORMERS tel: ++389 46 261732 fax: ++389 46 261732
[email protected]
EMO ENGINEERING tel: ++389 46 251642 fax: ++389 46 251655
[email protected]
. Vesna Trajceska Popeska Krasimira Gjurceva Vesna Trajceska Popeska Trajan Sekerovski Petreski Measuring transformers.emo.mk www.com.mk . Documents Similar To EMO SMTSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextPozegaWintrip Residual Current Circuit BreakerManual HRN 54 54NDmsOriginal.pdfBT135 User Manual EMEAReduktori NET014 Mecalaser Srremigton pag128kew 6016Cjenik_u_KMCOS 105 FCabinaStrujni Mjerni Transformatori Natičnog Tipa Bez Primarnog NamotaHydro Multi-e 2 Crie5-09 9848677219504742103_UK-USA-AUS-HU-CZ-EU-RO-PLOSIGURAČ-RASTAVNE SKLOPKEE_10053669_SKelektronapon_cenovnik New Breed of Single Phase Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverterelektronapon_cenovnikmetoda hasen in topografie .xlsIndesit w 105 TXMini Zupcaste 3115Velocidad de escapeIWE 61051More From draganSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel next2+Technical+application+papers+MV+LV+Transformer+substations+QT2+ENVSC Product Introduction-en.pdfCanalis KTA 800-4000A_2011_ENKoncar Nn Blokovi Nbo_hrvNacini Kompenzacije Reaktivne EnergijeENS-3-9MKS.N.B4.801 Standard. Opsti UsloviMi400,MI413,MI414,MI421an-MISTokoviSnagaGaussPrigusnice_7 2015 (1).pdfElectromechanical and Solid-State Zelio RelaysGesha Projectart7.pdfKoncar transformatori 5TBNCertification of Calibration (Fluke)Mrezhni Pravila Za Distribucija Na EEVDE 0102-2 DIN VDE 0102-2 DIN 57102-2 1975-11Philips SurfaceDGPT2T4H 400 ABBVDE 0102-2 DIN VDE 0102-2 DIN 57102-2 1975-11lenovo E320_02AUG2011En DIN Normen Fur RundrohreCatalogEtyco catalosgSurge arestors SelectonEAE Cable Tray CatalogABB DC StromrichterVDE 0102-2 DIN VDE 0102-2 DIN 57102-2 1975-11Footer MenuBack To TopAboutAbout ScribdPressOur blogJoin our team!Contact UsJoin todayInvite FriendsGiftsLegalTermsPrivacyCopyrightSupportHelp / FAQAccessibilityPurchase helpAdChoicesPublishersSocial MediaCopyright © 2018 Scribd Inc. .Browse Books.Site Directory.Site Language: English中文EspañolالعربيةPortuguês日本語DeutschFrançaisTurkceРусский языкTiếng việtJęzyk polskiBahasa indonesiaSign up to vote on this titleUsefulNot usefulYou're Reading a Free PreviewDownloadClose DialogAre you sure?This action might not be possible to undo. Are you sure you want to continue?CANCELOK
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