


Emerging E-Learning Technologies: Tools for Developing Innovative Online Training Gary Woodill, Ed.D. Senior Researcher © 2006, Brandon Hall Research. All rights reserved. Do not reproduce. Preface In a 2000 report on e-learning, Trace Urdan and Cornelia Weggan divided the “corporate e-learning universe” into the sectors of content, technology, and services. I use this tri-part division of the e-learning field to structure a series of three inter-related reports for Brandon Hall Research. The first report, entitled Emerging ELearning: New Approaches to Delivering Engaging Online Learning Content was published as an e-book in December 2005. In it I identified 50 new content formats for e-learning that are now emerging to replace the “page-turner” models of online pedagogy so prevalent in the first few years of online learning. This report, the second in the series, focuses on emerging innovative technologies for e-learning. In it you will find descriptions of 52 technologies that will have a major impact on elearning over the next five years. I have provided links to online learning examples, lists of online resources, and a bibliography for each of the technologies. A list of companies and organizations that are developing and using these technologies is provided at the end of the report, along with an index. A third report, which focuses on the extensive variety of emerging services that support e-learning, will be available in early 2007. This series of three inter-related reports started with Brandon Hall and Richard Nantel perceiving that the field of e-learning is currently undergoing significant change. They asked me to research and report on these trends and changes, and I thank them for their support and encouragement. My colleagues at Operitel Corporation, where I served as Chief Learning Officer until recently, have supported this research from the beginning. A special thanks to Michael Skinner, Operitel’s CEO, and the rest of the Operitel management team – David Fell, Carlos Oliveira, and Jason Stimers – for making my work environment such a positive place to produce this kind of research. Pamela Fragomeli, Lise Bye, Grant Hamilton, Amy Davey, Pierre Cahorn, Jennifer McDowell, and Dan Medakovic were very supportive team mates who allowed me to be more productive. Thanks also to Chad Nolan for checking all the hyperlinks and addresses throughout the report and to Chris Downs for copy-editing the manuscript. None of this would have been possible if my wife, Karen Anderson, had not encouraged me to get into the e-learning field way back in 1992, and had not accompanied me on this journey with input, editing, and support at all points of my career. Thanks, Karen. Statement of Independence Brandon Hall Research Is Independent, Unbiased, and Objective • Brandon Hall Research reports and online services are independently written and edited. • Brandon Hall Research makes money from publications and online services only by selling research reports and services to the public. Vendors and featured organizations do not pay to be included in any reports or services. Brandon Hall Research does not charge vendors and featured organizations to quote from reports or services for press releases. Brandon Hall Research accepts no advertising or sponsorship of reports or services. • Vendors and featured organizations are often asked to complete extensive request for information questionnaires and may be interviewed for inclusion in reports or online services. Once submitted, Brandon Hall Research has editorial control and final approval over the content. Brandon Hall Research emphasizes factual non-marketing-type information in our research reports and online services. • Brandon Hall Research does not benefit in any way by the sale of any product included in our research reports or online services. Brandon Hall Research does not provide leads to vendors or assist them in any way in making sales. • Brandon Hall Research does respond to requests for consulting from both user organizations and vendor organizations based on the contents of reports and online services. In those cases, the only benefit to Brandon Hall Research is the consulting fee, which is the same rate for user or vendor organizations. Table of Contents Part I: E-Learning Architectures and Frameworks Part II: Emerging e-Learning Technologies Affective Computing Agents Animation Software Artificial Intelligence Assessment Tools Audio and Podcasting Tools Authoring Tools Avatars Blogs Browsers Classroom Response Systems Collaboration Tools Communications Tools Competency Tracking Software Content Management Systems Data Mining Decision Support Software Displays E-Portfolio Tools Gaming Development Tools Gesture and Facial Recognition Graphics Tools Haptics Interface Devices Learning Management Systems Learning Objects and Repositories Location Based Technologies Mashups, SOAP and Web Services Metadata, Ontologies and Taxonomies Mobile Devices Natural Language Processing Peer to Peer Technologies Personal Learning Environments Personalization Software 12 17 24 28 45 54 59 69 72 76 78 81 97 100 104 107 111 114 117 120 125 128 131 134 138 145 151 155 158 161 167 170 174 176 1 11 Portals Presentation Tools Rapid e-Learning Tools Robotics Search Engines Semantic Web Simulation Tools Smart Labels and Tags Social Bookmarking Social Networking Telepresence Technologies Video and IPTV Virtual Reality Visualization Technologies VoIP and Telephony Wearable Computing Web Feeds Wiki Tools 184 187 192 196 199 209 215 221 224 230 237 241 246 250 259 261 264 268 Part III: Innovation in E-Learning Part IV: List of Companies and Organizations Index 272 277 334 . various Christian orders copied manuscripts by hand. We tend to forget. “things that make us smart. to quote Donald Norman (1993). detentions. or “reader. and clay tablets onto which symbols were pressed as the earliest forms of writing. and recess. A full history of learning technologies is beyond the scope of this research report. the raising of hands. Humans developed technologies for learning well before the advent of writing over 5000 years ago. early cave drawings that told stories of hunting and warfare. and language for communication. They are. Educational or learning technologies are anything that extends our ability to teach and learn.” Starting in the first century AD. making multiple copies by having a reader dictate from a manuscript while others copied it word for word. marks and other techniques for signaling direction. material. But I mention it in the context of arguing that the first versions of e-learning Humans developed technologies for learning well before the advent of writing over 5000 years ago. Classrooms themselves can be seen as a form of technology. is a 2000 year old “technology. The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440 allowed a much wider distribution of knowledge. similar to the organization of the burgeoning factories of that time. or device that extends human abilities.” The word comes from the Latin lectura. as books were scarce.Part I: E-Learning Architectures and Frameworks A Brief History of Learning Technologies Just what are learning technologies? We tend to think of them as the latest wave of computer-based technologies that present educational materials and online assessments to learners sitting in front of a computer. class periods. for example. with a principal aim of controlling the learner and the pace of his or her learning. with rows. Do Not Reproduce 1 . Technologies are any technique. Learning became standardized and linear. oral techniques that are passed on from generation to generation in cultures where speaking is the primary means of transmitting knowledge. was first introduced in Prussia (Germany) in the 1770s. still used in many institutions of higher education. The introduction of textbooks as a technology for teaching was the result of mass education movements in the late 19th century. Schools did not always have classrooms that were organized as we know them today. But learning technologies have a much longer history. the classroom became industrialized. Medieval universities followed the same practice. that lecturing. fire for warmth and cooking. coupled with faster printing and binding methods. With these reforms. from a few literate clergy to a much wider group of educated readers. Examples from early humans include tools for hunting and fishing. The modern classroom.” Some of the earliest learning technologies include marks on a path to indicate directions or danger. This new technology was first used by accountants to track crops and inventories. visualization with pictures and graphics is a powerful tool. and reciting. stated in 1943 that he could envision “a world market for maybe five computers. 2 © 2006. Today's wireless networks will likely evolve into something without reference to wires. Like all new technologies. changing the practice of teaching. Perhaps the first way we learn is by imitation. stated that “this telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. This “tell-test” approach uses little of the possibilities of computer-based learning. Schools were started to teach accounting. and talking machines (phonographs or record players). When a new technology is introduced. the main telegraph company in the world at the time. Students in these schools learned by reading. For example. E-learning is the latest technology in a long line of extensions of our ability to teach and learn. all new technologies become integrated with previous teaching and learning tools.just the ability to follow an example. The second way we learn from an early age is by listening to stories and repeating them to others.” Similarly. followed by regurgitating this material through online multiple choice tests. most of the early examples of online teaching still follow this 6000-yearold model. chairman of IBM. Given that 50 percent of our brainpower is devoted to vision. moving pictures (films).E-Learning Architectures and Frameworks consisted of putting industrialized. linear teaching techniques online. Sadly. it has been introduced with extravagant claims (“hype”) of efficacy and efficiency. Thomas Watson. E-learning for many developers has been to simply place materials to read and look at on the screen. memorizing. Eventually. visualization with pictures and graphics is a powerful tool. even if the originator of the words is not present. there is a tendency to understand it in terms of what is already familiar. Writing and reading were first developed in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) about 6000 years ago. Learning by imitation doesn't require teaching technologies . Industrial-ized schooling is about the teacher presenting materials to the learner who must take them and prove that he or she has learned through the successful passing of examinations. the early Given that 50 percent of our brainpower is devoted to vision. Stories are ways of “depositing” our thoughts and memories outside of our physical bodies into the larger community. many different ways to learn. in 1876 someone at Western Union. all new technologies have detractors who worry that the new technologies will have a significant negative impact on current practices. The technologies of writing and reading extend our abilities by allowing thoughts to be expressed and received in words. in fact.” In 1970. There are. it is common for people misunderstand its real impact. When a new technology first comes into use. Examples include the horseless carriage (cars). A third way to learn is by seeing. At the same time. Brandon Hall Research . sometimes gathered from multiple sources. Architectures refer to the overall technical design of a computer system. The Web is about producing and distributing a variety of content formats. it needs to adhere to architectures.” The new computer-based learning technologies will have their greatest impact when we start to realize their unique advantages. Computers can be programmed and organized in many different ways. AT&T was given what would become the Internet. An emerging architecture that is particularly relevant to emerging e-learning technologies is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).Emerging e-Learning Technologies E-Learning Architectures and Frameworks days of computer networking. we are beginning to speak about posts or streams of content. frameworks. and then integrated into a unique online mix of information. and then integrated into a unique online mix of information. 2006). Do Not Reproduce 3 .24/7 Simulation of complex processes This is different from reading a printed book or presentations on a screen. Standards or protocols refer to the design of systems so that they can communicate with each other. The company returned it to the US Department of Defense after a six-month trial saying that it could find “no commercial use for computer networking. 2006). for one application or data set to work with other applications or data sets. we are beginning to speak about posts or streams of content. we need to break from the page metaphor that has dominated the first decade of Web development (Alexander. Some of these advantages include the following: • • • • • • • • • High speed computation Interactivity – especially for games and simulations Networking with global reach. But e-learning professionals need to be aware that the architecture of a system can limit or expand the possibilities of what can be done. Rather than pages. However. Frameworks are overall design frameworks for implementing e-learning within a specific architecture. To realize these advantages. as this is a non-technical guide. sometimes referred to as a mashup. Service Oriented Architectures Chatarji (2004) suggests that service oriented architectures offer the following advantages over traditional approaches to distributed computing: • They offer business services across platforms. sometimes referred to as a mashup (Woodill and Oliveira. Rather than pages. sometimes gathered from multiple sources. and standards. mashups can only be done using computer technology. allowing worldwide collaboration Digital representations/transformations Algorithms – repeatable procedures Storage and retrieval – extending our memories Individualization/customization/ flexibility resulting in personalized content Constant availability . It is beyond the scope of this research report to explain the details of computer architectures. with access to an enormous variety of learning materials and programs. There is authentication and authorization support at every level. With applications and content becoming both distributed and interoperable. decisionmaking applications Enables the compilation of a unified taxonomy of information across an enterprise and its customer and partners Ability to more quickly meet customer demands Lower costs associated with acquiring and maintaining technology Managing business functionality closer to the business units Leverages existing investments in technology Reduces reliance on expensive custom development Long-term benefits of implementing SOA include the following: • • • • Provides the ability to build composite applications Creates a self-healing infrastructure that reduces management costs Provides truly real-time decisionmaking applications Enables the compilation of a unified taxonomy of information across an enterprise and its customer and partners Benefits from a business value perspective include the following: The ultimate vision for service oriented architecture is to construct e-learning resources in a grid. 4 © 2006. • • • • • • • • • The ultimate vision for service oriented architecture is to construct elearning resources in a grid.php). with access to an enormous variety of learning materials and programs. Number 3.E-Learning Architectures and Frameworks • • • • • They provide location independence.free. 2005.fr/publicatio n. Links are based on loose couplings rather than tight a integration of programs. January. a learner should be able to “plug in” to the grid and remotely start any application and/or receive access to any content on the grid. The search and connectivity to other services is dynamic.grid. Find it at: http://kaleidoscope. (For a longer description of grid architecture in e-learning. Services need not be conducted at a particular system or particular network. see the call for papers in Learning Grid. Short-term benefits of implementing SOA include the following: • • • • • Enhanced reliability Reduced hardware acquisition costs Existing development skills leveraged Accelerated movement to standards Provides a data bridge between incompatible technologies Provides the ability to build composite applications Creates a self-healing infrastructure that reduces management costs Provides truly real-time. Grid technologies define a new computing paradigm by making an analogy to the electric power grid. Brandon Hall Research . could form the basis of a formal e-learning framework. http://purl. Freisen and McGreal (2002) distinguish between e-learning standards and specifications. Do Not Reproduce 5 . include the following: Dublin Core – The most broadly based metadata specification. Standards are formally accepted definitions while specifications are less evolved and contain descriptions that often change over time. and interfaces to grid middleware and visualization environments (See: http://www.elframework.aicc. interactive learning components. enabling the search for content.org/dc/ IMS – Serves as a catalyst for developing instructional software. and makes extensive use of XML. presentation and interactive environments.ieee. taken together. At the same time. In particular. http://www. and education administration. Major specifications for e-learning.org) is an international effort to establish a serviceorientated approach to developing and integrating computer systems in the sphere of learning.org/Scorm/ IEEE LOM – For metadata describing learning objects (LOs).org/ The above Web sites show how the elearning industry is moving to develop a set of common viewpoints that will result in a greater interoperability within the industry.org).accessgrid.adlnet. At the same time. http://www. relentless change and new innovative technologies make this task difficult. http://ltsc.org/wg12/ AICC – An older specification from the Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC) for run-time communication between content and learning environments.org) has a number of published documents that.oclc. In Europe. the E-Learning Framework (ELF) (http://www. research. relentless change and new innovative technologies make this task difficult.com ARIADNE – This group has created a European repository for pedagogical documents called the Knowledge Pool System. the Access Grid is an ensemble of e-learning resources including multimedia large-format displays. E-Learning Frameworks and Standards Several efforts have been started to establish a formal framework for producing e-learning. http://imsproject. …the e-learning industry is moving to develop a set of common viewpoints that will result in a greater interoperability within the industry.Emerging e-Learning Technologies E-Learning Architectures and Frameworks For example.net/projects/ariadnek ps ADL SCORM – Specifies the behavior and aggregation of modular.imsglobal. http://sourceforge. the IMS Global Consortium (http://www. according to both Freisen and McGreal (2002) and Neuman and Geys (2004). The world is moving away from the model of a teacher as a container of valuable information to be disseminated to learners. Brandon Hall Research . While packaged courses still have a place. along with teaching appropriate search and evaluation strategies. Bollier says. For example. the new model of teaching involves facilitation.” David Bollier’s 2005 report for the Aspen Institute. flexible production platforms that use networking technologies to orchestrate a broad range of resources. the content that arrives after making a request is becoming more personalized (Werkhoven.” In late 2005. reinforces this theme. “[a] pull economy . John Hagel and John Seely Brown placed a working paper on the Web entitled From Push to Pull -.Emerging Models for Mobilizing Resources. When Push Comes to Pull: The New Economy and Culture of Networking Technology. we design standard curricula to expose students to codified information in a pre-determined sequence of experiences.E-Learning Architectures and Frameworks From Push to Pull in E-Learning For those of us who have been in the business of teaching for a long time (I started in 1971). Moreover.” The problem with standardized procedures in education and training is that they do not work well in times of rapid change and uncertainty. Instead. The degree and experience of collaborating and sharing information has also changed with online learning. 2006) has argued. This theme is found in two recent publications on the shift in e-learning from “push” to “pull. They noted that “…in education. what is needed to succeed is “the ability to mobilize appropriate resources when the need arises. access to a wide range of documents and other online resources needs to be facilitated. Instead. 2004). perhaps the hardest shift is to think of teaching as providing educational resources rather than just instruction. Teachers facilitate learners to find what they need to construct their own answers to problems and issues in life. Rather. servicing such a large variety of requests is only possible in the online environment. I recently was working on my computer in a hotel in The world is moving away from the model of a teacher as a container of valuable information to be disseminated to learners. Teachers facilitate learners to find what they need to construct their own answers to problems and issues in life. Instead of just providing courses. In business. the ability to find both human and information resources at a moment’s notice to resolve an issue has now become a competitive advantage. we build highly automated plants or service platforms supported by standardized processes seeking to deliver resources to the right place at pre-determined times.is based on open.” the infrequent requests and desires of many individuals. We are now in the era of providing for “the long tail. As Anderson (2004.the kind of economy that appears to be materializing in online environments . the new model of teaching involves facilitation. This is especially true for adult education.” The trend in e-learning is also to move from push to pull in terms of instructional design of content. 6 © 2006. pdf Anderson...com/gp/product/14 01302378/104-71320800775136?v=glance&n=283155 …e-learning is based on a set of emerging technologies. M. (2005).. Chris (2004). Zanichelli.DC/0502051 Alexander. http://www. M. Computing is becoming pervasive and ubiquitous as we move into a world of wireless hotspots. Paper presented at Communities and Technologies 2005. perhaps a dozen technologies could be identified as producing and supporting e-learning materials and experiences. ambient networks. Z. G. Strengths and weaknesses of each technology are then presented. A Semantic Grid-based E-Learning Framework (SELF). Umer. Odeh.. In the last chapter. User-created content. UK. http://www. 10/tail. and wearable computers.edu/apps/er/erm0 6/erm0621.Emerging e-Learning Technologies E-Learning Architectures and Frameworks Berlin while simultaneously chatting online with one colleague in Canada and another in China. The Long Tail. Service-oriented Grids for Dynamic ELearning Environments. Because this research report is meant as a reference work. F. the world of learning can now revolve around the individual learner and not the instructor.. Each technology and its relevance to learning is described. The Long Tail: why the future of business is selling less of more. M. March/April 2006. and Conte. Instead of a central administrative office keeping information banks on many learners. online resources. F. M. This report identifies 52 distinct technologies that are being used today in online learning. the reader can approach any topic in any order.org/abs/cs. Chris (2006). From this. June 2005. McClatchey. is becoming commonplace. and a bibliography. Thus. Ahmad.0: a new wave of innovation for teaching and learning? EDUCAUSE Review. often in the form of e-portfolios (Roberts et al. Bryan (2006).amazon. Do Not Reproduce 7 . R. R. New York: Hyperion. 12(10). (2005).no/~divitini/ubilearn 2005/Final/amoretti_ubilearn.asp?bhcp=1 Amoretti. Paper presented at the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid. 41(2). http://arxiv. All this is to say that e-learning is based on a set of emerging technologies. October. Milan. 2005). I hope you will find it useful. Italy.. http://www. I have tried to project what we can expect over the next five years. Wales. Reggiani.com/wired/archive/12. those learners are now keeping their own records. Five years ago.ntnu. Web 2. Bertolazzi.html Anderson. mobile devices.. Wired Magazine. Cardiff. A. http://www. I discuss the meaning of these emerging technologies in elearning based on both knowledge lifecycles and technology innovation cycles. Bibliography Abbas.wired. Ali..educause. often placed in repositories as open source content or software.idi. along with selected examples. virtual. T. of Distance Education 10.com/gp/product/01 31428985/104-98511511919955?v=glance&n=283155 Friesen. 6-8. Adaptive E-Learning GRID Platform. 2002. C.. Service-Oriented Architecture: a field guide to integrating XML and Web Services. 2004.gmu. When Push comes to Pull: the new economy and culture of networking technology. NJ: Prentice-Hall. M. (2001)..cancore. A Report of the Fourteenth Annual Aspen Institute Roundtable on Information Technology. http://www. http://www.iadis. (1996). Brandon Hall Research ..amazon. Stefano (2005).. Paper presented at workshop for the Semantic Web Interest Group. Norm (2006). CanCore: connection collections – an overview of approaches. (2002).ICALT 2001. 2004.asp?c=huLWJeMRKpH&b= 667387&ProductID=283015 Bouras. http://cde. http://ru6. M. 4-36..Dev Shed. http://ewic. Chrysostalis. Introduction to Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Sept. N. Aug. USA. K. David (2005). Keynote address at the Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age Conference (CELDA 2005).aspeninstitute. Nov. Hornig. Triantafillou. Jagadish (2004). S.. Human Learning as a Side Effect of Learning GRID services.htm Bollier. and McGreal. 14-16.org/site/apps/ ka/ec/product. Switzerland. (2002). Web Services . International E-Learning Specifications. Emerging technologies and distributed learning. Montreal.bcs. http://www. Dec. Likothanassis.ca/protocols_en. 2001. Architectures Supporting e-Learning Through Collaborative Virtual Environments: The Case of INVITE..com/c/a/WebServices/Introduction-to-Service-OrientedArchitecture-SOA/ Dede.org/conferences/2002/1 stlege/session1/paper1. http://www. Madison. 13-16. 16..ca/softeval/report s/R110203.pdf Cerri.cti. Giotopoulos.athabascau. Paper presented to the International Workshop on Educational Models for GRID Based Services. and McGinnis (2004). Oct. R. Portugal. Athabasca University. Centre for Distance Ed.pdf Bogonikolos. WI. Upper Saddle River. 2.a sp Chatarji.edu/pdf/ajde.devshed. Lausanne. 13. Weiss. C. 19.. March 2002. Porto. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies .gr/ru6/publications/95795 23. G. Tsiatsos.org/home/CSCSI/Memb ers/swig/swig04papers/bailetti-weissmcinnis.pdf Erl. Online.htm l 8 © 2006. http://www. V.pdf Friesen. A Service-Oriented Architecture for Creating Customized Learning Environments. N. and Votis. K. http://www. Thomas (2004).cscsi. American Jrnl. Software Evaluation Report R11/0203. T.E-Learning Architectures and Frameworks Bailetti. http://www.org/celda2005/index. 200 5.S. http://ewic. Australia. and Geys.org.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.pdf He. Luo. Erlanger.. J.html Hockemeyer. International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT'05). Things that Make Us Smart: defending human attributes in the age of the machine. L. C. Emerging Technologies: a framework for thinking. January 2005.au/conferences/p erth04/procs/pdf/marshall. for the Australian Dept.org/conferences/2002/1st lege/session2/paper1. and Brown. and Zhang. E-learning standards: open enablers of learning or compliance straight jackets? Paper presented at the 2004 ASCILITE conference.bcs. http://www.au Limited.org/persagen/DLAb sToc. Proceedings. 2003. Green. and Vossen. http://www. I. http://www. http://www.com/article/05/04/ 18/16FEsasdirect_1. (2004).com/paper_pushpull . V.28 April 2004. (2005). Switzerland. SCORM and the Learning Grid. and Albert. of Education and Training. G. 2005. (2005).gov. 1026-1032.jsp?resourcePath=/dl/proceedings/ci t/&toc=comp/proceedings/cit/2005/2432 /00/2432toc.com/pub/a/ws/2003/09/ 30/soa.org/conferences/2004/4 thlege/session3/paper2.unikarlsruhe.1109/CIT. http://www.au/publicat/pdf/ emergingtechnologies. W. http://www. Infoworld. MA: Perseus.aifb.. 27 . Towards e-learning grids: using grid computing in electronic learning.bcs.Emerging e-Learning Technologies E-Learning Architectures and Frameworks Hagel. Developing Software in a Service-Oriented World. 2002 http://ewic. Sept. J. F.pdf Neumann. J. Sept. E.com. Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Knowledge Grid and Grid Intelligence. (2003).ascilite.det.html Kong. Cambridge.xml. http://www. and Putland. (2002). Adaptive e-Learning and the Learning Grid.c om/docs/SOA_World.act. Lausanne.com/gp/product/02 01626950/104-44064197257534?v=glance&n=283155 Pankratius.htm Hohpe. Stephen (2004).computer. Perth. ThoughtWorks White paper. and Borck. From Push to Pull-Emerging Models for Mobilizing Resources. Paper presented to the 1st LEGE-WG International Workshop on Educational Models for GRID Based Services. (2005). R. Working paper.. A field guide to software as a service. http://csdl2. Gregor (2005). Stuttgart. J. (2005). J.de/BIK/vpa/pankratius_vossen _e-learninggrids.infoworld. Germany. Education.amazon. International Conference on Web Intelligence/Intelligent Agent Technology. D. Donald (1993). 30.xml.pdf Do Not Reproduce 9 .. Hao (2003).56 Marshall.pdf Millea. T. What is service-oriented architecture? O’Reilly Webservices . April 18.pdf Knorr.xml&DOI=10. http://www. G. Paper presented at the 4th International LeGEWG Workshop: Towards a European Learning Grid Infrastructure: Progressing with a European Learning Grid.johnhagel.pdf Norman. A Workflow based E-learning Architecture in Service Environment. ac.): Proceedings. Feijen. Aalderink. T. ACTeN E-Content Report No. informal learning and ubiquitous computing. Peter (2004). V. Reflective learning. http://www. http://www. C.pdf Werkhoven. Cook. Birmingham. http://www. Library+information Show. E-Learning Networked Environments and Architectures: A Knowledge Processing Perspective. and Oliveira. April 26-27. Corporate E-Learning: exploring a new frontier. J.informatik.com/gp/product/18 46283515/sr=83/qid=1155437505/ref=sr_1_3/1041348092-4859103?ie=UTF8 Riachi. http://www.edu.ac. and Jarke. (2005). Brandon Hall Research .. M.. Mashups..R. (Eds. and Wade. Samuel (2006).pdf 10 © 2006. Research report. Rhonda (2006).. C. Experience machines: capturing and retrieving personal content.operitel. http://www. future thinking: digital repositories. Harvey. April 1.org/NR/rdonlyres/E2CF 5659-B67B-4D96-9D85BFAC308D0E28/0/hambrecht. Trends in elearning: education versus entertainment? Presentation.com/publications. Zhou et al. http://www. Lee. Klamma. SOAP and Services: welcome to Web hybrid e-learning applications. http://www. e-portfolios. 21. Paper presented at the ALT/SURF/ILTA1 Spring Conference Research Seminar. Berlin: Springer. 9. 193– 205.net/uploads/images/4 31/experience_machines.uk/docs/ALT_SURF_ILT A_white_paper_2005.tw/JISE/2005/ 200509_06.pdf Spaniol. (2000). 2006. C. http://www-i5. J. M.rwthaachen. 2006. and Ho.iis. pp..amazon. May 15.alt.pdf Woodill.sinica.. (2005). (2003). Journal of Information Science and Engineering. S. In W. W. 911-928. M. Trinity College. G. W. ICWL 2003. (2006). and Weggen. H.E-Learning Architectures and Frameworks Pierre.acten.astd. ATLAS: A Web-Based Software Architecture for Multimedia E-learning Environments in Virtual Communities. An e-Learning Platform Based on Grid Architecture. G.alt.de/i5new/staff/spaniol/publicati ons/ATLAS. R.pdf Urdan. Learning Solutions.uk/docs/trends_in_elearning_27april2006.aspx Yang. 2005. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Dublin. Hambrecht and Co.pdf Roberts. UK. a brief description of the technology and the issues surrounding it. and a bibliography for each section. online resources to learn more about each technology. Included are related terms. allowing the reader to investigate each topic to a much greater depth.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Part II: Emerging e-Learning Technologies What follows are individual reviews of 52 elearning technologies. Do Not Reproduce 11 . selected elearning related examples. There are over 2000 hyperlinks in this section of the report. because as pervasive or ubiquitous computing becomes mainstream. privacy. emotional design. affective computing can give the therapist more information on a client’s emotional state. too.Affective Computing Related terms Artificial intelligence. and to respond to them effectively. Specific algorithms interpret these clues and instruct the computer to take appro-priate actions. computers will be far more invisible and natural in their interactions with humans. Without the ability to understand emotions. security.shtml) contends that “affective computing is an important development in computing.. the MYSELF project is trying to “integrate affective computing into virtual tutors to enhance distance learning and training applications.com/Explorer/NGT-AC. Affective computing can detect whether a learner is having a problem with a subject and adjust accordingly by offering tutoring or less difficult learning materials. et al. In online therapy.sricbi. Given that 80 percent to 90 percent of human-to-human communication is nonverbal. speech patterns Description Affective computing allows computers to interpret. understand. it is not surprising that researchers are working on software that can recognize the nonverbal cues that indicate specific human emotional states. confused. gestures.. understand. 2005). and react to human emotions. For example. including the ability to recognize and express emotions. Brandon Hall Research . Using emotionally realistic characters in an online simulation can make e-learning more effective (Maldonado et al.” Affective computing employs cameras and body sensors to discover clues about what a user is feeling. SRI Consulting (http://www. or sad. posture. then trying to change the user's emotional state Improving the safety of public spaces by detecting a person's malicious intent before he or she commits a crime Learning about the state of employees’ emotions in order to increase productivity Assessing the reaction of consumers to product offerings Learning about the state of employees’ emotions in order to increase productivity Assessing the reaction of consumers to product offerings Affective computing allows computers to interpret. emotions. Making computers more responsive to a learner’s emotions should also enhance learning. 2005). and react to human emotions. Affective computing is aimed at giving computers skills of emotional intelligence. computers will never be-come human-like or appear “natural. in Italy.” Projected benefits include the following: Making people more comfortable with their computers Detecting whether a person is under stress. facial recognition.” (Anolli. 12 © 2006. keystroke patterns. and demonstrations the nonverbal on affective computing in Europe. University of Hertfordshire. maintains a list of papers and doctoral dissertations on the topic of affective computing.aisb.mit.html The Emotion Home Page is a listing of various research studies on emotion. listing many links to interesting resources. See it at: cues that http://emotion-research. author of the 1997 groundbreaking book.org. including studies of emotions in computers. Access it from: http://www. 2005.de/~ley/db/conf/acii/acii2005.unitrier.bham. and legality. html The first international conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction was held in Beijing.ch/fapse/emotion/ on software that can recognize The Humaine Project has a portal with reports.it/ Ditto the Donkey software rates the niceness or nastiness of messages and responds “emotionally. Hatfield.uk/publications/proce edings/aisb05/2_Agents_Final.informatik. bibliographies.co.edu/emotion.media. it is the University of Geneva maintains a Web not surprising site on this topic.uk/research/cogaf f/0-INDEX. 2005. Dr.html In Germany.myself-proj.cs.edu The MYSELF project coordinates a number of researchers in several European countries who are working on affective computing. Affective Computing.html and Emotional Roots of Cognition and Action.convo.net/ indicate specific human The Proceedings of the Symposium on emotional Agents that Want and Like: Motivational states.” Meet Ditto at: http://www. with many resources.ac.bartneck. October 22-24. that researchFind it at: ers are working http://www. It is instructive to read the list of papers presented and to see the advances that have been made in this field. heads the MIT lab on affective computing. Christoph Bartneck maintains an Affective Computing Portal. Selected Examples Rosalind Picard. UK. UK.uk/x02/ Online Resources The Cognition and Affect Project at the University of Birmingham.pdf Given that 80 percent to 90 percent of human-tohuman communication The Geneva Emotion Research Group at is nonverbal. Do Not Reproduce 13 .nsma. The lab’s Web site has many resources to check out at: http://affect.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Affective Computing Major difficulties with using computers for the above “benefits” are concerns with privacy. April 12-15.de/link/affective_p ortal. are available online: http://www. China.unige. See: http://www. Contents of the proceedings of ACII 2005 are at: http://www. See the links at: http://emotion. accuracy. Check it out at: http://www.arizona. P.Affective Computing Bibliography Anolli.pdf Maldonado. and Laaksolahti. C.pdf Goren-Bar.se/~kia/evaluating_affe ctive_interfaces/Fallman. NJ. Brandon Hall Research . Dealing with User Experience and Affective Evaluation in HCI Design: A Repertory Grid Approach. A.se/~kia/evaluating_affecti ve_interfaces/Chateau. S. and Merisol.pdf Kaye. and Zouinar.. CHI 2005 conference.. Vermersch. Paper presented at the workshop on Evaluating Affective Interfaces.. Iwamura.sics. Balestra.1 2/love. September 13. M. December. Portland. N.se/~kia/evaluating_affe ctive_interfaces/Hook. Isbister... Graziola.. 2005. D. A. Portland. CHI 2005 conference. J. Yamada. Erlbaum... J. K.com/wired/archive/11.. Sensual Evaluation Instrument.sics. Lee. Paper presented at the workshop on Evaluating Affective Interfaces. L. Nakajima.. Brassac.pdf Cahour. http://www..sics. P. C.. http://www. April 2-7. I. B. (2005). 2005. Wired Magazine.. Stock. D. V.se/~kia/evaluating_affecti ve_interfaces/Cahour.. M. Paper presented at the workshop on Evaluating Affective Interfaces. H. J.se/~kia/evaluating_affecti ve_interfaces/Kaye. CHI 2005 conference.doc Hook. (2005). Nass. B.doc Chateau. F.it/~lhci/009. April 2-7. 2005. http://www. http://www. April 2-7. Oregon. Portland.. Z. April 2-7. Paper for Evaluating Affective Interfaces. http://www. Salembier. (2005). CHI 2005. Issue 11/12.se/~kia/evaluating_affe ctive_interfaces/Goren-Bar. and Waterworth. and Confalonieri (2005). Paper presented at the workshop on Evaluating Affective Interfaces. I Like It . (2005). CHI 2005 conference.. Brave.. In Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005: Next 10 Years! Mahwah.pdf Diamond.dis. The Potential of Affective Computing in ELearning: MYSELF project experience. Oregon. Joseph (2005). R..edu/~kiky/CSCL200 5Maldonado. Y. Pachoud. O. http://www. http://www. Nortillaro. M. O. David (2003).html Fallman. The Love Machine: building computers that care. C. and Zancanaro.uniroma1.stanford. 2005 http://www. Bouraoui.. Pianesi. Realdon. Mantovani. K. (2005). J. L. Portland. H.. K. Agliati. Methodologies for Evaluating the Affective Experience of a Mediated Interaction.sics. Portland.sics. April 2-7. Zurloni. M.pdf 14 © 2006. Vescovo. and Morishima.. Paper presented to the Workshop on eLearning and Human-Computer Interaction: Exploring Design Synergies for more Effective Learning Experiences.Affective Control of Information Flow in a Personalized Mobile Museum Guide. Oregon.. Oregon. Paper for Evaluating Affective Interfaces. AMUSE: a tool for evaluating affective interfaces. We Learn Better Together: Enhancing eLearning with Emotional Characters. http://www..sics. Rocchi. Portland. CHI 2005. Intimate Objects: a site for affective evaluation. April 2-7.wired. Oregon.. F. (2005). Oregon. CHI 2005. Paper for Evaluating Affective Interfaces. Portland.HTM Steele.pdf Ruebenstrunk.t.com/gp/product/02626 540296212/sr=861152/sr=82/qid=1155436264/ref=sr_1_2/1041/qid=1152930312/ref=sr_1_1/1041348092-4859103?ie=UTF8 9851151-1919955?ie=UTF8 Do Not Reproduce 15 . April 2-7. May 26. (2004).sics. 2005. New York: Basic. Paper presented at the workshop on Evaluating Affective Interfaces. 2002. Dec.miv. (2005).utokyo.de/emeocom p/content. R. J.ruebenstrunk. 22.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Affective Computing Mandryk. Regan (2005). China.org/topics/human-computerinteraction/usability/2004-normanemotional-design/ Picard.jp/papers/mostafa/WEBIST2005 _Mostafa_Japan_Final. MA: MIT. and Picard. Beijing. ACII 2005. Paper for Evaluating Affective Interfaces.com/gp/product/3 http://www.pdf Mentis. M. October 22-24. and Ishizuka.amazon.se/~kia/evaluating_affecti ve_interfaces/Mandryk.elearningreviews. 2005. http://www. Evaluating affective interactions: Alternatives to asking what users feel.pdf Masum. Gerd (1998). (2005).org/Content/Navigatio nMenu/Publications/JRTE/Issues/Volu me_351/Number_2_Winter_2002_200 31/Applying_Affective_Computing_Tech niques_to_the_Field_of_Special_Educat ion. Oregon. Cambridge. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. http://www. Insight into Strong Emotional Experiences through Memory. S. (2005). Oregon. Affective Springer. Donald A. Portland. http://www. Paper for WEBIST 2005. Emotional Computers: Computer models of emotions and their meaning for emotion-psychological research.se/~kia/evaluating_affecti ve_interfaces/Mentis. Applying affective computing techniques to the field of special education.se/~kia/evaluating_affe ctive_interfaces/Picard. and Daily. http://www. Helena (2005).pdf Norman. S. R. E-book http://www. M.amazon. http://www.htm Tao. Berlin: Picard. and Steele.ac. Miami. CHI 2005. Computing. (2002). April 2-7.sics. Tan. Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction: Proceedings of the First International Conference.. Portland. Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things. 35(2). http://www. Rosalind (1997). An affective role model of software agent for effective agent-based e-learning by interplaying between emotions and learning. T. Evaluating Affective Computing Environments Using Physiological Measures.sics. J. 2005. CHI 2005 conference. OR.iste. http://www. bham. http://www. 2005.doc Wright. Emotional Agents. Doctoral Dissertation.thesis.ac. Affective Computing vs. April 2-7. CHI 2005 conference.uk/research/cog aff/Wright.Affective Computing Wiberg. Paper presented at the workshop on Evaluating Affective Interfaces. University of Birmingham.se/~kia/evaluating_affec tive_interfaces/Wiberg. Ian (1997). Portland. Charlotte (2005). http://www. Brandon Hall Research . Usability?: insights of using traditional usability evaluation methods.cs.sics. Oregon.pdf 16 © 2006. For example. Agents are autonomous and can act independently within the limits their programming. Fourth. Being goal orientated is a key character of agents (Yan. Sometimes multiple agents can work together. Agent-generated content can be utilized in several different ways. Second. An agent can act as a personal assistant for a teacher and as a personal assistant for a student. Ueno (2005) describes an agent that learned from the log data of a Web site. An intelligent agent is a computer system capable of flexible autonomous action in some environment (Wooldridge. Software agents act on behalf of users to accomplish their goals. and. First.informatik. avatars. learning/adaptation. Luengo (1999) describes students interacting with three agents while constructing a mathematical proof. These “pedagogical agents” serve as the role of teacher by presenting the materials to learners online.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Agents Related terms: Artificial intelligence.. Other possible qualities of online agents include mobility. software agents can retrieve content on the Internet for an individual user. proactive (goal directed). of the University of Goteberg in Sweden. Intelligent computer aided instruction or tutoring programs often use agent technology. has classified intelligent agents as follows: Interface agents System agents Advisory agents Filtering agents Retrieval agents Navigation agents Monitoring agents Recommender agents Profiling agents http://w3. autonomous agents. see the paper by Far et al. In this context. and social (able to communicate and interact with other agents). 2004).htm) Agents are intelligent software programs that can act on behalf of an individual or a group. Dick Stenmark. 1999). rationality. veracity. which is a sub-field of artificial intelligence. Third. Do Not Reproduce 17 . benevolence. personal agents can negotiate with other agents to produce a personalized learning environment. and both may be found in the same program (for example. 1999).se/~dixi/agent/cl ass. flexible means reactive (responds to its environment). Learning by computers is sometimes called machine learning. software agents can “watch” for new items of interest to a learner and send an alert when one appears. animated agents can be used to speak and present learning materials in an online application. and many of them can actually learn. intelligent agents Description Agents are intelligent software programs that can act on behalf of an individual or a group. Wright (1997) has even suggested that virtual agents can have emotions.gu. Viswanath. which could show realistic facial expressions to convey emotions on a computer screen. One issue for further study involves how close to a human being a software agent needs to be to comfortably interact with people. an agent takes its decisions according to the model of the environment and the model of the other agents. Baylor and Ebbers (2003) examined the question of whether it is more effective to have one pedagogical agent with combined expertise and motiva-tional support or two separate agents – one with expertise and one with motivational support. Agents can be used to model social systems (Guessoum. A student agent and an environment agent allowed interactivity and change within the environment. This permits the agents to organize themselves for a common task” (Sahin. 18 © 2006. a Learning-by-Teaching approach can also be effective (Leelawong. Mentor. therefore. they take the other agents' behaviors into account to make a decision. Therefore. Agents have beliefs. Sahin (2000) says that “self-organization of …intelligent agents is accomplished because each agent models other agents by observing their behavior. 2000). (1998) developed a conversational agent. et al. Stone (1998) reports on another study where multiple agents were organized in teams. Baylor and Kim (2003) applied the same thinking to the interaction effects between student ethnicity and agent ethnicity. Multiple adaptive agents act as a “complex adaptive system” to reproduce social dynamics with feedback loops and uncertain outcomes. and the students had to continue to teach her. Brandon Hall Research . not only about environments. 2005. 2005).Agents Multiple adaptive agents act as a “complex adaptive system” to reproduce social dynamics with feedback loops and uncertain outcomes. They found that having two separate pedagogical agents representing the two roles had a significantly more positive impact on both learning and the perceived value of the agents. She made mistakes. Massaro et al. The agent was successful in language tutoring with children with hearing loss. Their study revealed that students working with agents of the same ethnicity perceived the agents to be significantly more engaging and affable. Even though each agent acts independently. agents need to cooperate with each other to solve collective problems. In such situations. Baldi. told the students when Betty was wrong and how they could teach her properly. A software simulation for Grade 5 students called Betty’s Brain “learned” by students teaching her about concept maps. 2004) and are. A second agent in the simulation. (2004) report that teaching a computer agent can be effective in terms of learning. Katzlberger. useful in educational simulations. Most online agents in e-learning play the role of teacher or tutor. but also about other agents. acting against other teams of agents. However. not only about environments. See: http://www.editlib. an agent takes its decisions according to the model of the environment and the model of the other agents.liv.isi.. go to: http://ldt.org/index. (2004): http://www. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia.editlib.uka.extempo.old.stanford. go to: http://ritl.com Online Resources For an online primer on pedagogical agents. expert role-players. S. See: http://liinwww.redwoodelearning. They are available as adaptive coaches. Therefore. and Telecommunications 2003.cfm?fuseactio n=Reader. See: http://www. uses seven different types of agents: 1) Chief Learning Officer (CLO) Assistant Agent 2) Skills Manager Agent 3) Student Assistant Agent 4) Learning Paths Agent 5) Content Agent 6) Chief Content Officer (CCO) Assistant Agent 7) User Profile Agent.ViewAbstract&paper_id=111 22 Agents have beliefs. Hypermedia. has a virtual studio for programming actions and gestures of a variety of online characters. but also about other agents.org/pdf/02/papers /malceb/0623.edu/~slater/pages/ag ents/ Professor Michael Wooldridge of the University of Liverpool has written over 200 articles and 13 books on the behaviors of software agents and on multi-agent systems.fsu.pdf Animated characters from Extempo Systems can be used in online teaching and coaching. Do Not Reproduce 19 .edu/_Website/ Research on animated agents with programmed “social skills” is being carried out at the Center for Advanced Research for Technology in Education (CARTE) at the University of Southern California.netobjectdays.com/ CodeBaby Corp.codebaby.org/index.ira. For details of this research: http://www. Go to: http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Agents Selected Examples Nel is an agent based tutoring system that teaches introductory physics.csc. & Ebbers.de/bibliography/Ai /agents. A. http://www. See the article by Williams et al.com/ The simulations from Redwood e-Learning Systems make extensive use of pedagogical agents.cfm?fuseact ion=Reader.ViewAbstract&paper_id=11101 A research group in Italy has used XML and the Java Agent Development Framework to develop a prototype e-learning system using multiple agents.uk/~mjw/ Professor Wooldridge also maintains a large bibliography on agents. (2003).edu/isd/carte/ Bibliography Baylor.html For a set of papers on pedagogical agent research by Dr. The Pedagogical Agent Split-Persona Effect: When Two Agents are Better than One. See a demo at: http://www. For details see: www.ac. MASEL (Multi-Agent System for E-Learning). and expert guides. 459462. Amy Baylor and her colleagues. ).old. Z. & Bengu.. Inter-active Learning Res. and Telecommunications 2002 (pp.ViewAbstract&paper_id =21382 20 © 2006. (2003).pdf Clarebout. e-Learning 2005. In Proceedings of WEBNET 2000 Conference..ViewAbstract&paper_id=9270 Elen. S. (2002). L. Koono. 10 (3). Adaptive agents and multi-agent systems. C.. 1503-1506.. Brandon Hall Research . An XML Multi-Agent System for e-Learning and Skill Management.editlib.. 11(3). In Richards. The Role of Gender and Ethnicity in Pedagogical Agent Perception. and Palopoli. G..edu/ir/library/pdf/ eqm0523.ViewAbstract&paper_id=1 2158 Cao.editlib.org/pdf/02 /papers/malceb/0623.. In Proceedings. 306-311).org/index. M. (2005). Y.cfm?fuseacti on=Reader.org/index. (2005). Software Agents to Assist in Distance Learning Environments. E.pdf Jafari.org/index.ViewAbstract&paper_id=884 3 Garro. Agent-Based Computer Tutorial System: An Experiment for Teaching Computer Languages (ATCL). (1999). Johnson. W.. ELearning 2003.org/index. (2000). Hypermedia. Educause Quarterly. Jrnl. Elan. VA: AACE. Animated Pedagogical Agents: An Opportunity to be Grasped? Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia.editlib. Sun. S. J.pdf Guessoum.. IEEE Distributed Systems Online.cfm?fuseactio n=Reader.cfm?fusea ction=Reader..educause. http://www. 75-80. Clarebout. Proceedings. http://www. No. International Symposium on Multi-Agent Systems. (2002). & Lin. L. http://www. and EBusinesses (MALCEB'2002). Large Complex Systems. (Ed.ViewAbstract&paper_id=6341 Choy. Developing Web-based Tutoring Agents Using CORBA. Paper presented. Conceptualizing Intelligent Agents for Teaching and Learning. J..pdf Kao.educause. and Tsang. http://csdl.org/comp/mags/ds /2004/07/o7004. http://www. G. http://www. http://www. 2005. 1353-1356.org/newdl/index.cfm?fuseacti on=Reader. Norfolk. Educause Quarterly. (2002). Zahia (2004). July.computer. Animated pedagogical agents: Where do we stand? In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia.org/index. G.aace.editlib. & Kim. A. 267-286 http://www.. 275-285.Agents Baylor. 5(7). and Shaw. & Johnson. A Heterogeneous Agent Model for Distributed Constructionism. 3. http://www. G. 28(2). & El-Khouly. W.ViewAbstract&paper_id=9288 Far. Germany.netobjectdays. S. G. Ali (2002). Erfurt.cfm?fu seaction=Reader. Y. B. http://www.edu/ir/library/pdf/ eqm0235. A.cfm?fuseact ion=Reader.editlib. Ng. and Stucky. and Ho. 16591666. Journal of Interactive Learning Research. Hershey. IFIP WG12.aace. S. Toulouse.amazon..pdf Kim. Nashville.pdf Menczer. Using the Learning-by-Teaching Paradigm to design intelligent learning environments.unikarlsruhe. http://www.. Doctoral Dissertation.informatics. Vanderbilt University. 1999. Sandel. U. L. Doctoral dissertation. Tennessee. 4(1).pdf Lin. E-Learning 2003. http://www. W. Cooperative Agents to Learn Mathematical Proof.cfm?fuseactio n=Reader. J. Krittaya (2005).teachableagents. http://cslu. ED-MEDIA.cfm?fuseact ion=Reader.edu/fil/ Padgham. M. Vanderbilt University..editlib.pdf Luengo.ogi. 143-162. D. and Cole. Beskow.amazon. http://www.First IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI). TN.aifb. (1998) Developing and Evaluating Conversational Agents. A.ViewAbstract&paper_id=628 5 Massaro. of California.org/16948 Leelawong.org/index. Filippo (1998) Life-like agents: Internalizing local cues for reinforcement learning and evolution. http://www. O. V. and Winikoff. In Proceedings. France. P.ViewAbstract&paper_id=12193 Kutay. Daniel. (1999). V. and Ferneley.cse. Nashville.editlib. www. Embodied agents in e-learning environments: an exploratory case study.cfm?fuseact ion=Reader. E.ViewAbstract&paper_id=728 3 Do Not Reproduce 21 .editlib. C. (2004) Developing Intelligent Agent Systems.K.. 17(2). www.5 .edu/publications/ps/ MassaroCole_WECC98.org/index. Doctoral Dissertation. (2004).de/BIK/vpa/109. Thomas (2005).org/papers/Thomas KatzlbergerDissertation. Things that Make Agent as Learning Companion Effective. http://www.indiana.. (2003). 1632.com/gp/product/159 1405009/sr=88/qid=1155437833/ref=sr_1_8/1041348092-4859103?ie=UTF8 Mahmood. In The Symposium on Professional Practice in AI. Retrieving Content with Agents in Web Service E-Learning. www. (2006). R.org/index. Fuhua Oscar (2005). Cohen. New York: John Wiley & Sons. (2005). http://www. Y. International Journal on E-Learning. Paper presented at WECC'98 conference. August.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Agents Katzlberger.com/gp/product/04 70861207/sr=11/qid=1155438530/ref=sr_1_1/1041348092-4859103?ie=UTF8&s=books Pankratius. Learning by Teaching Agents. M. Designing Agents for Feedback Using the Documents Produced in Learning. 21-38. PA: Information Sciences Publishing.org/papers/krittayathesis-sp. http://dl. In Proceedings.teachableagents.. Designing Distributed Learning Environments with Intelligent Software Agents. Journal of Interactive Learning Research. G. H. L. (2005). (2004). Nel: An Interactive Physics Tutor.).editlib. R. Paper presented at the 1st International Workshop of Central and Eastern Europe on Multi-Agent Systems (CEEMAS). L.teachableagents. J.pdf Williams. 14(1).utexas. In Proceedings of World Conference on ELearning in Corporate.. 61-65.editlib. & Lim. http://www.ViewAbstract&paper_id=8833 Stone. Government. Intelligent Learning System Based on Tutoring Agent and VR Training Agent (TAVTA).cfm?fuseacti on=Reader. 194-201. http://citeseer. 3169-3176. M.html Shim. ED-MEDIA 2004.cfm?fu seaction=Reader. M.org/papers/ 158bis. Biswas.org/index. A Bayesian Network Approach to the Self-Organization and Learning in Intelligent Agents.. Healthcare. Brandon Hall Research .edu/theses/available /etd-09202000-00230057/ Sheremetov. & Madsen. ROADS: An Environment for Developing Automated Intelligent Agents to Support Distance Learning. (2004). Proceedings.editlib. and Solomon. Kommers & G. Petersburg.. Effect of a Socratic Animated Agent on Student Performance in a Computer-Simulated Disassembly Process.. M.org/index. Atreya. S. http://www. Richards (Eds. 30003002. Layered Learning in Multi-Agent Systems. http://www. ED-MEDIA 2005.. June 1-4. A Multi-Agent Architecture Implementation of Learning by Teaching Systems. Gilbert. Animated agent to maintain learner’s attention in e-learning. and Núñeza. K. EDMedia 2005. B...lib. Intelligent LMS with an agent that learns from log data. Virginia Poytechnic and State University. In Proceedings.org/index. and Higher Education 2004. D. Russia. 321-333. G.aace. http://www.org/newdl/index. Ferat (2000). (1999). Adebiyi.). Proceedings. (1999).Agents Perez. http://www. 1999. G.cfm?fuseact ion=Reader. (Ed. http://www.vt.cfm?fuseact ion=Reader.org/index. Doctoral Dissertation. Doctoral Dissertation.cfm?fuseact ion=Reader. St.edu/565321.cs. In Richards. & Leelawong.ist.psu.ViewAbstract&paper_id=202 77 Ueno. 47-59.org/16968 Sahin.edu/~pstone/thesis / Sung.aace. Wesley. http://dl. Finland.ViewAbstract&paper_id =21687 Viswanath. http://scholar. Carnegie Mellon University. 10 (3). Peter (1998). http://www. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia.. (2005). N. (2004). (2005).ViewAbstract&paper_id=111 01 22 © 2006. PA. K. 14151420. Paper for Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies.ViewAbstract&paper_id=112 88 Ueno.editlib. J. Multi-stage cooperation algorithm and tools for agent-based planning and scheduling in [a] virtual learning environment. Pittsburgh. & Booth. In P. R. S. Paper at CLAG2004. Chicago. http://ca. http://research. Michael (2002).edu/clag/cy_lanegoal_grid_service_conference. (2004).wiley.upc.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/p roductCd-047149691X.html Yan.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Agents Wooldridge. 2004. Introduction to Multi-Agent Systems.ac. New York: John Wiley & Sons.ppt Do Not Reproduce 23 . Chun. Collaborative Learning Applications of Grid Technology. April 18-21. Agent Mediated Grid Services in e-Learning. Animation Software Related terms Flash, motion graphics Description Animation has been a staple of e-learning since the start of computer assisted learning in the 1970s and 1980s. Animations in e-learning range from simple swapping of successive images to highly complex 3-D motion graphics. Toth (2003) identifies three major formats for online graphics: It is generally thought that adding animations to online materials can help as a learning aid. However, recently researchers have questioned whether animations make a difference. The results of many experiments have been mixed. Lowe (2004) argues that “despite the plausibility of cognitively based arguments for the benefits of animation, research to date has failed to provide unequivocal evidence that it is superior to static depiction.” Lowe adds that “in some cases, animations may even prejudice learning.” This is echoed in research by Hegarty et al. (2003), who suggest that stimulating a learner’s “mental animation” capacity may be more important for learning than watching a moving picture. Hegarty and his co-researchers found no advantage to using external animations. Rather, a static diagram, coupled with imagining how something worked, produced the best learning results. Also, animations can be complex and move quickly through showing a process without real understanding being achieved by the learner. Visual cues “such as arrows pointing to relevant parts of an animation, improved the understanding of animated explanations.” (Huk, et. al., 2003) Finally, producing animations can be very costly, with long hours spent to produce even a short sequence. Given that, and the uncertainty of its effectiveness, animations should be used sparingly in e-learning. Animations in e-learning range from simple swapping of successive images to highly complex 3-D motion graphics. Animated GIFs: A series of still images shown in sequence, like pictures in a flip book. This is an older animation technique that is not used as much today. Flash and Shockwave animations: Macromedia’s Flash and Shockwave have extensive abilities to produce sophisticated animation sequences. Flash animations are perhaps the most common form of animation used in elearning. Dynamic 3-D Web graphics: Threedimensional motion graphics draw on large datasets to visualize dynamic processes. Software tools for 3-D Web graphics are more expensive and complex to learn. In addition to adding “eye candy” to the presentation of educational materials, animation can add real educational value by illustrating a dynamic procedure that is relevant to understanding. However, animation for its own sake can often be distracting or misleading when implemented poorly. 24 © 2006, Brandon Hall Research Emerging e-Learning Technologies Animation Software Selected Examples Based on Toth’s (2003) types of animations listed above, animation tools can be divided into three groups: Software for Producing GIF Animations Software for Producing Flash and Shockwave Animations Software and Hardware for Producing 3-D Web Graphics GIF animations can be constructed with several different shareware or low cost programs, including the following: Gif Construction Set Professional http://www.mindworkshop.com/alchemy/g ifcon.html Real GIF Optimizer 3.05 http://www.topshareware.com/Real-GIFOptimizer-download-2965.htm Ulead GIF Animator 5.0 http://www.topshareware.com/Ulead-GIFAnimator-download-11513.htm For a selection of over 400,000 pre-built animated GIFs, go to the Animation Factory: http://www.animationfactory.com/animati ons/ Software for Producing Flash and Shockwave Animations One of the most popular software packages on the market is Macro-media Flash (Macromedia is now owned by Adobe). It is popular because it is easy to use and is cross-browser compatible (Hess and Hancock, 2004). Macromedia Flash has based digital animation on traditional animation techniques. More sophisticated procedures in Flash may require the use of Action-Script, the builtin programming language. To use ActionScript, some knowledge of computer programming is necessary. For information on Flash, go to: http://www.macromedia.com/software/fl ash/flashpro/ Shockwave is an older technique from Macromedia, connected with its Director and Authorware content creation packages. Shockwave is a program that takes Director “movies” or Authorware animations and com-presses and readies them for play-back on the Web. A downloadable “plug-in” is required to play Shock-wave, whereas Flash plays automat-ically within the latest versions of the most popular Web browsers. For more information on Shockwave, go to: http://macromedia.com A low cost alternative to authoring in the Flash format is SWISH. It’s at: http://www.swishzone.com/ Eighty-five pre-built Flash animations for Physics are available under a Creative Commons license from the University of Toronto. To try them: http://faraday.physics.utoronto.ca/Gener alInterest/Harrison/Flash/ “…in some cases, animations may even prejudice learning.” Do Not Reproduce 25 Animation Software Software and Hardware for Producing 3-D Web Graphics Numerous 3-D authoring packages range from relatively inexpensive to tens of thousands of dollars. Following is a list of leading packages with company Web sites: AfterEffects – An industry standard from Adobe. More details at: http://www.adobe.com/products/aftereff ects/main.html CAT - Character Animation Technol-ogies (CAT) has a set of advanced animation tools that work in 3ds Max. http://www.catoolkit.com/gallery/default. asp?pageID=1 EI Technology Group’s Animation System and Amorphium, their 3-D character creation environment, have been used in a number of Academy Award winning films. See more at: http://www.eitechnologygroup.com Enliven - ViewPoint’s Enliven provides a simple visual interface for creating 3-D interactive Web content quickly and easily without programming. http://www.viewpoint.com/pub/products/ enliven.html Falling Bodies - Falling Bodies is a special purpose plug-in for Softimage|3D. It animates fall stunts, using accurate dynamic simulation techniques. For a free demo, go to: http://www.animats.com/dynamics/dem oversion.html Lightwave 3D is a modeling, animating, and rendering tool. Version 9 is available: http://www.newtek.com/lightwave/lw9_b etafaq.php Massive software is used to add animated crowds to movies. See: http://www.massivesoftware.com Maya is a high-end modeling, animation, effects, and rendering solution from Autodesk (formerly Alias). See why it has won Academy Awards at: http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/in dex?id=6871843&siteID=123112 Motion2 is professional level animation software from Apple that runs on both Macintosh and Intel platforms. It is part of Final Cut Studio, a high-end editing and visual effects suite. For details see: http://www.apple.com/finalcutstudio/mo tion/ SoftImage|XSI - Softimage Co., a subsidiary of Avid Technology, Inc., has one of the world’s most advanced 3-D content creation tools. Learn more at: http://www.softimage.com/ Novices at animation can try the HTML and Flash templates from Animation Online. Their VisionBlazer product is described as “easy to use.” For more information, see: http://www.animationonline.com/ Ascension Technologies has a wide variety of motion capture tools that will turn any sequence of movements into an animated 3-D character with the same moves. Go to: http://www.ascension-tech.com/ “…stimulating a learner’s “mental animation” capacity may be more important for learning than watching a moving picture.” 26 © 2006, Brandon Hall Research Animation Software Online Resources The ACM SIGGRAPH Industry Directory lists hundreds of firms that develop animations or have animation software. Find more at: http://esub.siggraph.org/cgibin/cgi/idCatResults.html&CategoryID=8 For a comprehensive list of animation software, go to AllWorldSoft.com. You will find a listing of over 60 software packages that can be used to develop animations: http://www.allworldsoft.com/folders/page 2/graphic-apps/animation-tools/ Hundreds of tools exist for video production and animation. FreeDownloads Center.com lists almost 700 free tools: http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Mul timedia_and_Graphics/Video_and_Animati on_Tools/ Bibliography Castillo, S., Hancock, S. and Hess, G. (2004). Using Flash MX to Create eLearning. Lehi, Utah: Rapid Intake Press. http://www.rapidintake.com/books_catalo g.htm Hegarty, M., Kriz, S., and Cate, C. (2003). The roles of mental animations and external animations in understanding mechanical systems. Cognition and Instruction, 21(4), 325–360. http://www.psych.ucsb.edu/~hegarty/C&I %20HKC.pdf Hess, G. and Hancock, S. (2004). Using Macromedia Flash MX 2004 as an ELearning Authoring Environment. Learning Circuits, July 2004. http://www.learningcircuits.org/2004/jul2 004/hess.htm Hess, G. and Hancock, S. (2004). Using Macromedia Flash MX 2004 as an ELearning Authoring Environment. Learning Circuits, July. http://www.learningcircuits.org/2004/jul 2004/hess.htm Huk, T., Steinke, M., and Floto, C. (2003). The educational value of cues in computer animations and its dependence on individual learner abilities, Proceedings of the ED-Media 2003 Conference. http://projekte.learninglab.unihannover.de/pub/bscw.cgi/d17506/Huk _EDMedia2003.pdf Lowe, R.K. (2004). Animation and learning: value for money? In R. Atkinson, C. McBeath, D. Jonas-Dwyer & R. Phillips (Eds.) Beyond the comfort zone: Proceedings, ASCILITE Conference. http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/p erth04/procs/lowe-r.html Malheiro, T. (2003). Flash Interactive Session. Paper presented at ED-Media 2003, (1), 1046-1048. http://dl.aace.org/12937 Mayer, R. and Moreno, R. (2002). Animation as an aid to multimedia learning, Educational Psychology Review, March 2002, 14(1), 87-99. http://www2.sjsu.edu/depts/it/edit235/ handouts/mayer_mmlearn.pdf Toth, Thomas (2003). Animation – just enough, never too much, Learning Circuits, July 18, 2003. http://www.learningcircuits.org/2003/au g2003/toth.htm “…animation for its own sake can often be distracting or misleading when implemented poorly.” 27 © 2006, Brandon Hall Research Artificial Intelligence Related terms Adaptive systems, agents, AI, cognitive informatics, data mining, expert systems, intelligent tutoring, machine learning, multi-agent systems, personalization Description Artificial intelligence uses computer programming to simulate reasoning and thought processes similar to those in human beings. The success of artificial intelligence is sometimes measured against the Turing Test, whereby human beings interact with a computer interface that may have a human or computer hidden from view. The test is considered successful if the person is unable to tell whether there is a computer or another human being on the other end. So far, no computer program has been able to pass the Turing Test. Artificial intelligence initiatives encompass a wide range of computer programming techniques and systems. While it is beyond the scope of this research report to get into the technical details, here is a list of some of the many applications to which artificial intelligence is being put: Adaptive or Intelligent Tutoring Affective Computing Agents Bayesian Models Bioinformatics Business Intelligence Systems Case-based Reasoning Causal Models Chaos and Complexity Theories Cognitive Processes Connectionist Models Context-aware Computing Cooperative AI Systems Data Mining and Web Mining Distributed Artificial Intelligence DNA Computing E-business and E-commerce Evolutionary Engineering Expert Systems Fuzzy Logic and Systems Game Design Genetic Algorithms and Programs Human-centered Computing Hybrid Systems Information Retrieval Intelligent Control Systems Intelligent Databases Intelligent User Interfaces Knowledge Representation Logic Programming Machine Learning Man-Machine Interfaces Mobile Computing and Systems Model-based Reasoning Multi-agent Systems Neural Networks Neuro-Computing Probabilistic Reasoning Simulations Software Tools Temporal Reasoning User-profiling for personalization Virtual Reality Visualization Given the high expectations, artificial intelligence has not lived up to its initial promise or hype. Nevertheless, there are important and useful applications of artificial intelligence to online learning. Artificial intelligence uses computer programming to simulate reasoning and thought processes similar to those in human beings. 28 © 2006, Brandon Hall Research Emerging e-Learning Technologies Artificial Intelligence Many of the topics listed above are included in this research report, making it clear that artificial intelligence is having a major impact on emerging e-learning techniques and technologies. A central topic of artificial intelligence is learning. Having a computer learn is termed machine learning as opposed to human learning, but many of those working in the field of artificial intelligence see these two types of learning as converging and becoming the same thing. Others are skeptical and believe that another kind of intelligence will emerge from artificial intelligence, one that is different from the intelligence of human beings and other intelligent life forms. To achieve their goals, AI scientists try to model how experts solve problems in a given domain. Once the solutions to problems are encoded in the computer program, algorithms are written to have the computer act as a tutor in that subject area. Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) that provide direct feedback to learners are part of an emerging and intense area of research in the use of artificial intelligence in educational environments. An ITS may use a variety of technologies, including collaborative filtering, recommender systems, and data mining. ITS systems create several different user models - profiles of the learner, the subject matter expert, and the teacher. To seem humanlike, ITS systems often use some version of natural language processing. The vision of a computer taking the place of a teacher has been around for quite some time. The reality is that, in spite of progress in artificial intelligence, intelligent tutoring systems are not yet ready to replace human instructors. Some current issues with using artificial intelligence and education include: “Gaming the System” – Aleven et al. (2004) found that “72% of all student actions represented unproductive help- seeking behavior…[W]e found a proliferation of hint abuse (e.g., using hints to find answers rather than trying to understand). We also found that students frequently avoided using help when it was likely to be of benefit and often acted in a quick, possibly undeliberate manner. ” Hedging and Hostility – Bhatt et al. (2005) say that “students hedge and apologize often to human tutors but very rarely to computer tutors. The type of expressions also differed—overt hostility was not encountered in human tutoring sessions but was a major component in computertutored sessions.” On the other hand, for Johnson and Rizzo (2004), a major issue was too much “politeness” between the learner and the online tutor. Emotional Effects – Chaffar and Frasson (2004) note that “emotions play an important role in cognitive processes and especially in learning tasks. Moreover, there is some evidence that the emotional state of the learner is correlated with his performance…it’s important that new Intelligent Tutoring Systems involve this emotional aspect; they may be able to recognize the emotional state of the learner, and to change it so as to be in the best conditions for learning.” Ochs and Frasson (2004) also discuss how emotions affect learning with intelligent tutoring systems, and Aist et al. (2002) contend that “provision of human ‘emotional scaffolding’ made a positive difference (increased persistence and Having a computer learn is termed machine learning as opposed to human learning, but many of those working in the field of artificial intelligence see these two types of learning as converging and becoming the same thing. Do Not Reproduce 29 ” Degree of Personalization and Use of User Profiles – Personalization using artificial intelligence depends on the set of assumptions made about the users and how user models are constructed.” Complexity – According to Thomsen-Gray et al. Schemes for knowledge representation from Hatzilygeroudis and Prentzas (2005) include the following: While many systems purport to be personalized.Artificial Intelligence learning) for students using an intelligent tutoring system. (2004) show that “while a talking head displaying facial expressions. 2002).” The talking head agent metaphor may be more trouble (and expense) than it is worth.e. computer based systems usually have limited ability to do this. Heuristic knowledge is knowledge in the form of “rules of thumb. Voice Only Tutor – Craig et al. They divide knowledge into the following types: Structural knowledge is concerned with types of entities (i. they can be frustratingly wrong about what a user wants and needs at any given time. they can be frustratingly wrong about what a user wants and needs at any given time. concepts. objects. intelligent tutoring in “nondeterministic and dynamic domains” can be very complex and can lead to unexpected results. Difficulties in Representing Knowledge – Hatzilygeroudis and Prentzas (2005) provide a comprehensive review of different schemes for representing knowledge. There is debate in the literature over the use of user profiles vs. (2003). They advocate for a hybrid approach to knowledge representation. Whereas human tutors must teach students how to respond to unexpected results in a timely and appropriate manner. While many systems purport to be personalized. gestures. “While an ITS inherits powerful functionality at the points of convergence between its objectives and the capabilities of the methodology employed. it also does not enhance performance when compared to a condition that includes only spoken narration. etc) and how they are interrelated. a building a system that infers tutoring suggestions from assessing the user’s interactions with the system (see Smid et al. rather than using a single type of knowledge. Do Not Reproduce 30 . Talking Head Tutor vs. it also inherits a ‘context gap’ at the points of divergence between the purpose of the tasks performed within an ITS and the purpose of the methodology. Relational knowledge concerns relations between entities of the domain.” practical knowledge about how to solve problems based on experience. Context – Kinshuk and Patel (1997) suggest that one weakness of intelligent tutoring systems is their lack of ability to understand the “context” of the learner. and gaze during dialog does not produce a split attention effect and concomitant decrements in performance. pdf Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) – LSA is a technique used for automatic scoring of essays.” http://www. Do Not Reproduce 31 . A great deal of further development needs to occur before this technology becomes mature. found that the generator which intuitively produces the best language does engender the most learning. (2005a.edu/papers/daveDiss ertation.cs.pdf Reasoning About Actions and Changes – Baldoni et al.colorado. using artificial intelligence in e-learning is not a simple matter.edu/~circsim/documents /fydiss.cs. http://lsa.cs.ca/~butz/publicati ons/wi04.edu/~bdieugen/PSpapers/ACL05.pdf Natural Language Processing – Di Eugenio et al.uregina. including student monitoring.uic.iit. ecommerce.it/~argo/papers/200 4_JAIR.colorado. 2005b) developed two natural language generators and “. Steinhart (2001) used this e for tutoring writing..” http://www.pdf …using artificial intelligence in e-learning is not a simple matter. Approaches include the following: Dialogue-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems – Yang (2001) describes a system for taking turns in a dialogue-based intelligent tutoring system.” http://www. and multiagents. (2004) use an agent logic language (DyLOG) to implement reasoning capabilities of agents to “dynamically build study plans and to verify the correctness of user-given study plans with respect to the compet-ence that the user wants to acquire. see: http://lsa. (2004) describe Bayesian networks as a formal framework that uses probability techniques for uncertainty management.Artificial Intelligence Schemes for knowledge representation from Hatzilygeroudis and Prentzas (2005) include the following: Single schemes: Semantic nets Conceptual Graphs Ontologies Symbolic rules Expert systems Case-based representations Neural networks Belief networks Hybrid schemes: Fuzzy rules Connectionist expert systems Integration of rules and cases Description logics Terminological knowledge Assertional knowledge Neurules (integration of symbolic rules with neurocomputing) As the above list of issues shows. Selected Examples Artificial intelligence in e-learning has generated a wide range of approaches to improving computer-based teaching.pdf For a portal on the latent semantic analysis. “Web intelligence researchers have applied Bayesian net-works to many tasks.unito.edu/ Bayesian Networks – Butz et al. http://www.. A great deal of further development needs to occur before this technology becomes mature.di. (2005) propose an Intelligent Tutoring Agent (ITA) that uses ontology.unsw. describes this in a white paper on “learning theories.uc3m.sinica.com/Library/WhiteP apers/LearningTheories.ca/People/far Precision Teaching/Programmed Learning – Precision teaching is a very systematic approach to teaching based on behaviorism.cs.edu/pubs/ITS20 04-BND-Camera-Ready.” http://www.” http://ctat.ucalgary. http://www. algorithms are written to have the computer act as a tutor in that subject area. (2005) describe some of recent computer systems that were designed to facilitate explanation-centered learning through strategies of inquiry and metacognition while students learn science and technology content. a knowledge representation framework that can be used to extract important concepts from a natural language text.tw/IASL/webpdf /paper-2005-Designing_an_Ontologybased_Intelligent_Tutoring_Agent_with_In stant_Messaging. http://www.edu.enel. http://quantumsimulations. As a result. http://ariic.library.iis.pact.com/publications/pd f/OguejioforIT-AEC2004.” They propose an approach called “bootstrapping novice data” (BND) in which “a problem-solving tool is integrated with tutor development software through log files and that integration is then used to create the beginnings of a tutor for the tool.gast. question answering (QA) techniques. Once the solutions to problems are encoded in the computer program.edu.com/index.pdf Hierarchical Graphs – Gutierrez et al. http://www.pdf Oguejiofor et al. http://bach.pdf Side-By-Side Example Tutoring .leaonline.htm Ontology Based Systems – Day et al.12 07/s15326985ep4004_4 Quantum Intelligent Tutoring Engines develop software for others to build intelligent tutoring applications. (2004) also discuss an ontology-based approach to the design of intelligent tutoring systems.com/doi/pdf/10. (2004) note that courses tend to have a high number of learning objects. (2004a) argue that “a potentially powerful way to aid in the authoring of intelligent tutoring systems is to directly leverage student interaction log data.Artificial Intelligence Far (2006) describes the use of Bayesian techniques in the development of a multiagent learning and tutoring system.it. Brandon Hall Research . 32 © 2006.kicinger.infrature.cmu. They propose using an approach called hierarchical graphs. designing a personalized sequencing strategy for each student quickly becomes unmanageable. Infrature.Davidovic (2001) describes and evaluates the Structural Example-based Adaptive Tutoring System (SEATS) and a number of other intelligent tutoring systems. and INFOMAP.pdf Teaching Metacognitive Strategies by Computer – Graesser et al.es/~sergut/publ ications/Gutier04b. http://www.ht ml To achieve their goals.au/unisa/ad t-SUSA20050922-010120/ Student Log Files – McLaren et al. AI scientists try to model how experts solve problems in a given domain. A visual authoring tool and runtime engine for creating complex behaviors in computer-based training simulations and games more quickly and easily.cs. intelligent tutoring systems are not yet ready to replace human instructors.com/s10. and learning style.pact.A sophisticated scheduling system that combines a variety of scheduling techniques.ke-corp. in spite of progress in artificial intelligence.edu/ Carnegie Mellon researchers are also developing a suite of authoring tools called Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools (CTAT) to make tutor development easier and faster for developers and to make it possible for educators without technical expertise to develop such systems.edu/ Other universities with research groups in intelligent tutoring and artificial intelligence include the following: University of Sydney . http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Artificial Intelligence Founded in 1988. Inc. Do Not Reproduce 33 . without programming. http://www. Task Tutor Toolkit . and engaging. Stottler Henke Associates. see: http://www.cs.virtuelage. http://pact.gemini. challenging. The reality is that. For more information on Stottler Henke Associates.cmu. Stottler Henke’s products include the following: SimBionic .Intelligent Tutoring Systems Research Group http://www. Aurora . intelligent conflict resolution.” http://www.com The Reusable Artificial Intelligence Tutoring System Shell (RAITSS) from Knowledge Engineering allows users to build intelligent tutoring systems.usyd. applies artificial intelligence and other advanced software technologies to solve problems that defy solution using traditional approaches. skill gaps.htm Carnegie Mellon University is a leading research institution that uses artificial intelligence in education.A set of Java software libraries and applications for creating intelligent tutoring system scenarios quickly and easily. Its Pittsburgh Advanced Cognitive Tutor Center (PACT) develops “cognitive tutors” that have been used widely in constructing intelligent tutoring systems in a variety of settings. Find out more at: http://ctat.com Virtuel Age International has an artificial intelligence-based intelligent tutoring system that “dynamically adapts the course according to the learner's existing knowledge base.edu. and an interactive intelligent tutor.cmu.au/~netsys/resea rch/current_computer_science_educatio n_research. preferred cadence.htm The vision of a computer taking the place of a teacher has been around for quite some time.com/ Gemini Performance Systems used artificial intelligence to build the SWIFT adaptive learning environment as an intelligent tutoring system comprised of an adaptive learning environment. so that these systems become more realistic. and decision support to make scheduling faster and easier.stottlerhenke. an adaptive testing algorithm. taking personalized and adaptive learning to a new level.it. teluq.Artificial Intelligence University of Memphis – Tutoring Research Group – (developers of AutoTutor) http://www. go to: http://aied.inf.learningcircuits. For more information. The AIED conferences are held every two years. http://www.ca/eng/in dex.ed.technologyreview.cs. See: http://www.enel.htm The Robin Good blog has a long list of links and articles on artificial intelligence in distance learning and education. China.masternewmedia.autotutor.ca/ICCI2006/ Online Resources The International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society (AIED) is an interdisciplinary community that organizes conferences and publishes a journal on AI in learning.org/cfp.org/AITopics/html/tutor.ac.ucalgary.aaai.” Learn more at: http://www.html The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED) is the official journal of the International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society (AIED).org/ Worcester Polytechnic Institute – Tutor Research Group http://web.ac. Brandon Hall Research .edu/Research/trg/ The Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference is held every two years. Find it at: http://www. html The LICEF Research Centre in Montreal is dedicated to cognitive informatics and training. http://aied.inf. 34 © 2006. Read it at: http://www. recently gave an interview to Technology Review magazine on the promise and limitations of AI.uk/ The American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) maintains a listing of Intelligent Tutoring resources. http://www.org/2000/fe b2000/ong.org/2002/ 04/25/artificial_intelligence_application_ in_distance_learning_and_education.htm The IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics is held every year. The 2006 ICCI conference was held in July in Bejing. For more info: http://www2.htm Marvin Minsky. a pioneer in artificial intelligence.uquebec.htm For an introduction to intelligent tutoring. see the article by Ong and Ramachandran (2000) in Learning Circuits entitled “Intelligent Tutoring Systems: The What and the How.uk/aiedsoc. It publishes papers on applying artificial intelligence techniques and concepts to the design of systems to support learning.its2006. with the next one in 2007.com/printer _friendly_article.ed. Taiwan.aspx?id=17164 Artificial intelligence in e-learning has generated a wide range of approaches to improving computerbased teaching. The 2006 conference is in Taipei.licef.wpi. edu/ITS2004WS/W8Proceedings1. Towards Easier Creation of Tutorial Dialogue Systems: Integration of Authoring Environments for Tutor-ing and Dialogue Systems. http://lingcog.edu/doc/bhattevensarg amonsubmit.2005. Brazil. (2004).edu/~bmclaren/HelpSeeki ng-ITS04.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Artificial Intelligence Bibliography Aist. ITS 2004. and Evens.wpi.Volume I. and Picard. Vicari. M. Toward tutoring help seeking: Applying cognitive modeling to meta-cognitive skills. T.82 Bhatt. (2004). Hermann (2002).pdf Barcena. and Koedinger. Kort.. In J.pitt. (2002).ac. Chicago. Artificial Intelligence Review. In Proceedings. R. http://www.) (2006). and Penstein Rosé. PA: Idea.pdf Alkhalifa. Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI'02)..di. B. G.pdf Do Not Reproduce 35 .html Barker. Cognitively Informed Systems: Utilizing Practical Approaches to Enrich Information Presentation and Transfer. R. Lester. http://www. Salzburger Beiträge zur Erziehungswissenschaft. 22: 3–39. Twenty Sixth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society COGSCI 2004. Adaptive Spelling Instruction as part of an Online Language Learning Course. Mostow. V. I. Hedged responses and expressions of affect in human/ human and human/computer tutorial interactions.org/10. http://dx. R.pdf Aleven.1109/ITCC.at/erz/salzburger_beit raege/fruehling_2002/astleitner. E. V.com/gp/product/159 1408431/sr=81/qid=1143215617/ref=sr_1_1/1021432436-8908931?%5Fencoding=UTF8 Astleitner..unito. 482-487. Reilly. M.. and Read. http://www.cmu. S. An Intelligent Tutoring System for Program Semantics. K. Eshaa (Ed.sbg. K. Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Intelli-gent Tutoring Systems.ht ml Aleven. (2005).. http://nth. C. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Dialog-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems: State of the Art and New Research Directions. C.eurodl. (2004). Paraguaçu (Eds. S. Paper presented at the Third EDEN Research Workshop. M. and Patti..org/materials/contrib/ 2004/Barcena_Read. Baroglio.. J.. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing (ITCC'05) .it/~argo/papers/200 4_JAIR.). Experimentally Augmenting an Intelligent Tutoring System with Human-Supplied Capab-ilities: Adding Human-Provided Emotional Scaffolding to an Automated Reading Tutor that Listens. http://www.pdf Baldoni.doi. P. Roll.iit.edu/pubs/pub_4073. (2004). 6(1). & F. http://www. The Role of Scaffolding in a Learner-centered Tutoring System for Business English at a Distance. C. Hershey.ri. McLaren. Web-Based Adaptive Tutor-ing: an approach based on logic agents and reasoning about actions. V. B.amazon. Argamon. http://www. and Douglas. (2004). Maceió. 5.cs. http://www. Yang. Brandon Hall Research .pdf Chaffar...1 Cho.html Brusilovsky. Lu.. In J.). Lester..sinica.nccu. Illinois Inst.ppt Butz. C. Journal of Interactive Learning Research. C.edu.org/index. S.pdf Chorfi. Peter (2000). A Web-Based Intelligent Tutor-ing System for Computer Programming. H. Dynamic Planning Models to Support Curriculum Planning and Multiple Tutoring Protocols in Intelligent Tutoring Systems.com/p/articles/m i_hb1391/is_200406/ai_n5706802 Day.Artificial Intelligence Brusilovsky.ca/~butz/publicati ons/wi04.au/unisa/ad t-SUSA20050922-010120/ 36 © 2006.cs.com/(yzmy 11ntp0bb4obnhvt1x155)/app/home/con tribution.pdf Davidovic. Aleksandar (2001). Driscoll. Inducing Optimal Emotional State for Learning in Intelligent Tutoring Systems.sis. (2004). http://www2. Doctoral Dissertation. S.cfm?fuseact ion=Reader. S. 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While many learning situations do not involve formal testing. online assessment. testing Description Assessment and evaluation are staples of almost all formal educational environments. 1998 for an introduction to LSA). Online assessment can be used to assess both cognitive and practical abilities. While assessment in the workplace is often ubiquitous. rubrics. aptitudes. Online assessment data can be derived from manual input by assessors or can be the results of automatically marked tests. eassessment. it is not uncommon for an individual’s performance to be informally assessed by both peers and superiors. Assessment software can generate templates. are already available. Cognitive abilities can be assessed by the right questions—questions that should relate to the educational objectives of teaching in formal settings. quizzes. When combined into a “360° evaluation. Educational objectives are the key to assessing learning. is now possible with a technique called “latent semantic analysis” (see Landauer. Online assessment data can be derived from manual input by assessors or can be the results of automatically marked tests. once only done by a human assessor. the automated scoring of essays. computer based assessment (CBA). informal evaluations—especially in non-formal settings—may take place at any time. quizzes. We can expect that. quizzes. In a business situation. More sophisticated forms of automated. and psychomotor. and “assessment for credentialing” or summative assessment that is used as criteria for judging people in terms of awarding a certification or diploma. making it hard to escape assess-ment. computer-based assessment tools. Several different taxonomies of educational objectives exist. Do Not Reproduce 45 .Emerging e-Learning Technologies Assessment Tools Related terms Computer assisted assessment (CAA). 1956). and documents for assessors to use. practical abilities can be assessed using e-portfolios or simulation software. affective. online assessments are usually part of a formal evaluation plan. Other types of assessment that go well beyond the tell-test model include “assessment for learning” or formative assessment that is used as feedback to the learner. in the near future.” these informal assessments are intended to reveal a particular person’s abilities. an online assessment system with support for high stakes testing.com/products/ brownstone/ XStream Software has produced Performance Analyzer. Selected Examples Questionmark is one of the leading companies that produce online assessment tools.com/news_ performance_analyzer2..info/lear ning/solo.questionmark. http://www. multilingual support. preview pages for all question types.com/evaluator Testcraft. See: http://www. skills. Find them at: http://www. and Biggs and Collis’ (1982) five levels of learning described in their SOLO taxonomy. (3) tests and exams that can be taken at any place and time. These advantages include: (1) lower long-term costs when questions/tests are reused. This company has also been involved in developing interoperability standards for online assessments through the IMS Consortium. and adaptive question branching. abilities.brainbench. The Web site contains a Glossary of Testing and Assessment Terms. These various schemes of organizing educational objectives are summarized and compared by James Atherton (2005) at: http://www.redinq. (2) instant feedback to students when desired. a completely customizable report engine.htm Computer assessment has many advantages over traditional (“paper-based”) assessment.com Hurix Systems has developed Red inQ. a customizable look and feel.testcraft. 46 © 2006. the initial setting up of an online assessment system can be expensive.” Bateson’s four levels of learning.horizonwimba. Diploma.com/redinq/html/inde x. See the site at: http://www. a Web-based assessment authoring system from Ingenious Group. Try it at: http://nt. and (4) computer marking. Brandon Hall Research . and past work behaviors. For details. and not all types of performances can be assessed by a computer.0.learningandteaching.com The Evaluator.Assessment Tools Alternative ways of categorizing educational objectives include Säljö’s (1979) five “conceptions of learning. personality. However. has recently won awards for its performance.com Horizon Wimba has acquired Brownstone Software and its assessment product. a 100 percent programming-free simulation-based assessment authoring technology.xstreamsoftware.rmsuk. see: http://www. Review it at: http://www.K.htm Computer assessment has many advantages over traditional (“paperbased”) assessment. which is usually much more reliable than human marking. offers a one-month free trial of their assessment product.html Brainbench Employment Testing provides assessments of knowledge. from Resources Management Services in the U. on its Web site. learning tools.pdf LearnFlex Evaluator is a new assessment engine with over a dozen question types that integrates seamlessly with the LearnFlex learning management system.edu/ Vantage Learning performs automatic computer-based assessments using its IntelliMetric and MY Access automatic scoring software.epistema.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Assessment Tools Easyquizz allows for media-rich quizzes and questionnaires without programming.uc. Access the evaluation resources at: http://m. check out the Dialang web site. http://www.org Latent Semantic Analysis is a computerbased technique used automatically mark essays.pedagogue. http://www.com For an online assessment of your foreign language ability.operitel. and self-study.fasfind. reporting. institutional evaluation.flaguide. surveys. http://www.com The National Institute for Science Education's College Level One Team.com/wwwtools/magazin es.dialang. (Full disclosure: I helped develop this software). Try it at: http://www. is now possible with a tech-nique called “latent semantic analysis” Do Not Reproduce 47 . and adminis-tration features.com/reaxia_files/Epi stema_Easyquizz_productsheet_2006.cfm?x=0&currentMagazineItemCatego ry=1 …the automated scoring of essays. See more at: http://www. You can also build adaptive quizzes depending on a user’s answers. and services useful for outcomes assessment. the Educational Testing Service is dedicated to “serve higher education with an array of tests.” See their offerings at: http://www. http://www.org/english/index. http://www.htm WWWTools for Education is a resource site with articles on assessment and education.com/ Pedagogue Solutions has developed PedagogueTesting.ets.” organized by academic discipline. For information on latent semantic analysis. See: http://www. see: http://lsa. once only done by a human assessor. based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Assessment tools are listed by discipline or technique.com Respondus is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to many learning management systems.org/ ETS.vantagelearning. has developed a Web site for FLAG – the Fieldtested Learning Assessment Guide.edu/gened/ExemplarRubr ics/Entry.colorado. an assessment management system with extensive authoring.ht m Online Resources on Assessments The University of Cincinnati lists many “Exemplar Rubrics and Supplemental Assessment Tools.respondus. cfm The University of Ulster maintains a listing of tools and resources on Computer Assisted Assessment. http://www.ac. Obtain a copy at: http://www.uiuc.learnflex. with over 1.uk/home.uk/han dbook/caa/ A comprehensive study of computerbased assessments in Canadian and American schools (K-12) is found at: http://www.uka.de/Bibliography/M isc/cba.com/whitepapers A major bibliography on computer-based assessments.html Online assessment can be used to assess both cognitive and practical abilities.edu. http://www. Check them out at: http://school. with a list of 34 strategies.htm To improve your skills in question design and test construction. http://www.unimelb.htm 48 © 2006.au/assessi nglearning/03/online.ulster. go to the University of Illinois’ Office of Instructional Resources. Explore the links at: http://www.economicsnetwork.nestafuturelab.html The Rubric Machine from Thinking Gear allows users to build performance-based rubrics for assessment use.ac. http://cba.rmcdenver.ac.html The Wolverhampton University “Computer-Based Assessment Project” can generate over 80. including a useful listing of assessments and rubrics.oir.000 different tests from its database.200 references.htm l Nesta FutureLab in the UK has published a detailed literature review of all aspects of e-assessment.html Online Resources for Assessment is a Web site developed by the Star Center in Texas. http://www.cshe.com/029.edu/distance/odell/ira he/arc/6too.scit.heacademy. http://www.ira.com/schrockguid e/assess.wlv.tasainstitute.edu/dme/exams/ITQ.uk/cticomp/CAA. Brandon Hall Research .Assessment Tools Kathy Schrock is a librarian with many online resources for teachers.” http://www. is available from: http://liinwww.umuc.thinkinggear. html The 10th International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference took place in Scotland in July 2006.uk/new s-events/eventsbox/10icaac/view The University of Maryland University College (UMUC) has a long list of assessment tools for the post-secondary level on its Web site.discovery.pdf The University of Melbourne’s Centre for the Study of Higher Education has a guide to online assessments. The Economics Network has placed a Computer Assisted Assessment handbook online. http://www.org/research/ reviews/10_01. The Web page is entitled “Improving Your Test Questions.health.com/useguide/as sessme/online.com/tools/rubric s.ac.htm A paper I wrote on the computer-based assessments of speaking and writing is at: http://www. com/Steps-EcologyMind-AnthropologyEpistemology/dp/0226039056/sr=81/qid=1157466914/ref=pd_bbs_1/002 -9253176-3276022?ie=UTF8&s=books Bernstein.org/en/en_mod41. Missouri. T.ict4lt.1: Information and Communications Technology for Language Teachers. http://www. and Collis. A. http://www.info/journals/8_3/6.amazon. J. St.pdf Atherton.ifets.tcet.quintcareers.. Information and Communications Technology for Language Teachers (ICT4LT) Course Module 4. Investigating Raters' Orientation in Specific-pur-pose Taskbased Oral Assessment.iltaonline. B. and Davies. Learning and Teaching: SOLO taxonomy. http://www.. New York: Academic Press. 8 (3). and O'Hagan. Pérez.com/TaxonomyEducational-Objectives-HandbookCognitive/dp/0582280109/sr=81/qid=1160618496/ref=pd_bbs_1/104 -8608784-5591139?ie=UTF8 Brown. the classif-ication of educational goals –Cognitive Domain. (2001). (2001).. http://www. Louis.learningandteaching.. (2005). http://www. http://www.com/career_asse ssment. L.com/ILTA_archive/ LTRC23. http://www. Iwashita. 53-65. McNamara. T. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Language Testing Research Colloquium. Authoring of Adaptive Computer Assisted Assessment of Free-text Answers. S. Steps to an Ecology of Mind. London: Paladin. and Hirschman. Freire. http://www. D.edu/START/assess/ Quintessential Careers' Web site lists Career assessment resources.info/learn ing/solo.. Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) and Language Learning.amazon.iltaonline.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Assessment Tools The Texas Center for Educational Technology lists five categories of assessment resources on its Web site. P. K. Carro.com/EvaluatingQuality-Learning-EducationalPsychology/dp/0120975521/sr=81/qid=1160618428/ref=sr_1_1/1048608784-5591139?ie=UTF8&s=books Bloom.com/ILTA_archive/ LTRC23. (1982). http://www. (2004). A.3 Bateson. E. M. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Ortigosa.htm Atkinson. New York: McKay. & Rodríguez. M.amazon. G. Online paper. R..htm#2. J. Evolution of Performance Measures for Language Technologies. James (2005).unt. (1956). Gregory (1973). Evaluating the Quality of Learning: The SOLO taxonomy. Educational Technology & Society.pdf Do Not Reproduce 49 . Online paper.html Bibliography Alfonseca. S..pdf Biggs. N. http://www. http://www.htm 50 © 2006.eschoolnews..ht m.). 3rd Edition.amazon.com/Books/b39739. Finding the WRITE Stuff: Automatic Identification of Discourse Structure in Student Essays.) Automated essay scoring: A cross-disciplinary perspec-tive.. Mexico. Burstein (Eds. Daniel. CriterionSM: Online essay evaluation: An application for automated evaluation of student essays. Harabagiu and F. 2005. In M. August 2003.assess.. Ciravegna (Eds. http://www. In M. Robert (2005). eSchool News. Shermis and J.edu/vol1num1/brown/ Brumfield. & Leacock. Langu-age Learning and Technology. Arlington Heights. Linn (Ed. IL: Skylight.com/news/sho wStoryts. In R.Assessment Tools Brown J. J. June 22.assess. Hillsdale.) Special Issue on Advances in Natural Language Processing. New York. Kaplan (Ed. (2003). NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. (2003). Martin. Jill. Educational Measurement. http://www. Inouye.. Developing Technology for Automated Evaluation of Discourse Structure in Student Essays. Kevin (2003). K.msu. IEEE Intelligent Systems. http://www. In the R.amazon. C.org/intelligent/archives.htm Burstein. (1989). The E-rater Scoring Engine: Automated Essay Scoring With Natural Language Processing. Burstein.ets. Shermis and J. (1997). Chodorow. (2003). The four generat-ions of computerized educational measurement. 1. Directions in Automated Essay Analysis.com/gp/product/01 95187911/sr=81/qid=1156364470/ref=pd_bbs_1/1047132080-0775136?ie=UTF8 Burstein. L. How to Assess Authentic Learning. NY: Macmillan. and Chodorow. Hillsdale. Burstein (Eds.com/gp/product/15 75171511/103-24969408161425?v=glance&n=283155&n=507 846&s=books&v=glance Burstein. and Marcu. Marcu.pdf.computer. http://www. Kay (1999). Jill. New York: Oxford. http://www. "Computers in language testing: present research and some future predictions". http://llt. V. J. and Knight. www. Burstein. & Olsen.) Oxford Handbook of Applied Linguistics. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Jill.com/Books/b39739.amazon. http://www. (2002). B.cfm?ArticleID=5735 Bunderson.) Automated essay scoring: A cross-disciplinary perspective. Jill C. Rethink testing for future success. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence. C.org/research/dload/iaai0 3bursteinj. In S. Daniel. M. Brandon Hall Research .com/gp/product/15 73562211/sr=81/qid=1156363927/ref=pd_bbs_1/1047132080-0775136?ie=UTF8 Burke. D. Acapulco. H.Proceedings from a Workshop. B. Micheline.nmsu. (Ed. http://www. (2004). Micheline. (2001).. Louis. 2. T. Chalhoub-Deville. & Landauer.html Davies. D. (1999).utas.ht ml Center for Education (CFE) (2002). and Sclater.msu. (2001). Technology and Assessment: Thinking Ahead -.nap.com/ILTA_archive/LT RC23.au/teachingonline/ develop/webct_tools/communications/a ssess_online_discussion. Y. P.. L. Writing assessment: a position statement. (1999). London: Falmer.pdf Dunkel P. Automated Essay Scoring: Applications to Educational Technology. (2004)..unimelb.) (1999). Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Language Testing Research Colloquium. Morgan. http://www. Construct Validation of an Integrated Communicative Language Test.edu/books/0309083206/ html/1. Millard. May.hlc. S. Assessment and online discussion: Eight ways to incorporate online discussion into assessment.ecs.html Chalhoub-Deville. The Student Assessment Handbook.doc. Davis. In Proceedings. D.com/gp/product/04 15335302/002-88673273277647?v=glance&n=283155&n=507 846&s=books&v=glance Flexible Education Unit. Online newsletter. www.. http://llt. Cambridge: University of Cambridge. M.uk/10940/0 3/aggregating_assessment_tools_in_a_S OA. Paper presented at the Inaugural WorldCALL Conference.org/about/over/positions /category/write/107610. EdMedia '99. Aggregating Assessment Tools in a Service Oriented Architecture. Online newsletter. Laham. N. College Composition and Communication Online. Issues in Computer-Adaptive Testing of Reading Proficiency. n. 2: 77-93. P. Foltz. Board on Testing and Assessment. and Parry.edu. Loughborough. E. C. St. v. Using and integrating CALL and multiple media for specific purposes in the teaching and learning process. National Research Council. 5. http://www.ncte.msu. W. O’Reilly.edu/vol5num2/Deville/defa ult.au/worldcall/str5. Howard. http://www.edu/vol2num2/article4/ Dunn. K.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Assessment Tools Carr.. Language Learning and Technology. http://eprints. (2005). (1998). Language Learning & Technology 2. and Grellett.edu/~pfoltz/reprints/Edmedi a99. University of Tasmania. http://www.htm Cebrian. W. http://wwwpsych. Language testing and technology: past and future.iltaonline. http://llt.html Do Not Reproduce 51 . Nathan.soton.pdf Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) (2004).edu. "Considerations in developing or using second / foreign language proficiency computer-adaptive tests". M. In Proceedings of 9th International CAA Conference.amazon..ac. March 9. C. LSAi ntro. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum..amazon. 259284. (Eds. http://lsa. Scott (2003) E-Learning and Paper Testing: why the gap? Educause Quarterly. Patrick (2000).pdf Hricko.proexam. J. Compiegne.) (2002). New York: Basic Books. C. N. J.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Assessment Tools Frase.edu/vol5num2/kenyon/def ault.edu/~amelmed/768% 20Fall%2002/Frase. Language Learning and Technology.. Howell. Potenza.edu/vol5num2/emerging/d efault. Introduction to Latent Semantic Analysis. Gardner.gmu.edu/papers/dp1..com/gp/product/15 91404983/002-88673273277647?v=glance&n=283155&n=507 846&s=books&v=glance Jones. Online Assessment and Measurement: foundations and challenges.html Khan. and Ward.com/pdf/Pap erTests. http://llt. International Journal on E-Learning. & Laham. Presentation to the Seminar on Innovations in Computer Based Assessment. (2002). Emerging technologies: language testing tools and technologies. No. (Eds. D. and Howell. May.msu.html.com/exec/obidos/A SIN/B0008FG3V2/qid%3D1131404585 /sr%3D11-1/ref%3Dsr%5F11%5F1/1032496940-8161425 Mills. Frames of Mind: the theory of multiple intelligences. http://www. v.colorado. Lawrence. (1998).softwaresecure. (1999). W.org/PUBLICATIONS_ PRESENTATIONS/Presentations%2071. W. and Watt. n. http://www. Online paper. (2005).. J. Fremer. 2. http://www.htm. M.. M.) (2005). Language Learning and Technology.amazon.com/gp/product/04 65025102/103-24969408161425?v=glance&n=283155&s=book s&v=glance Goodwin-Jones. http://www.com/gp/product/08 05837590/002-88673273277647?v=glance&n=283155&n=507 846&s=books&v=glance Mogey.edu/publicatio ns/WI05DL-problemcmplexity-KHM. A study of problem difficulty evaluation for semantic network ontology based intelligent courseware sharing. (2001). May. V. M. & Mason.pdf MacDonlad. D. Hardas. http://www.medianet. K. Advanced Measurement Models and Test Designs for Computer-Based Assessments.Hershey.msu. Y. http://www. and Malabonga. Weller. Seven technologies for assessment.. France. H. http://llt. and Ma. (2001). 25. 5. R (2002). http://www. 5(2). http://mason. 4. Robert. T.amazon. M. The use of computers in the assessment of t d tl i g LTDI I tit t f Do Not Reproduce 52 .kent. Howard (1993). Discourse Processes.. Computer-Based Testing: building the foundation for future assessments. Meeting the assessment demands of networked courses. S. P. Foltz. PA: Information Science. Comparing examinee attitudes toward computer-assisted and other oral proficiency assessments. Hillsdale. Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence.amazon.pdf Landauer.pd f Kenyon. com/gp/product/159 1409667/sr=12/qid=1155438114/ref=sr_1_2/1041348092-4859103?ie=UTF8&s=books Säljö. Self. 403-416.amazon.gov/pubs2000/2000195.operitel.ed. http://www. Fitzgerald. Howell. M.com/gp/product/08 05835113/sr=11/qid=1155440128/ref=sr_1_1/1041348092-4859103?ie=UTF8&s=books Williams. A. Government. and Hricko. M. http://www.ed. (2005). and Assessment. & Leacock. Burstein. R.p ortal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=RecordDeta ils&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED173 369&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=eric_a ccno&objectId=0900000b8011c857 Scalise. Learning. Peer and Group Assessment in e-Learning. http://www. The Design of LearnFlex Evaluator™: a Web-based adaptable assessment and evaluation application.com/gp/product/15 91407486/002-88673273277647?v=glance&n=283155&n=507 846&s=books&v=glanc Woodill.bc.amazon. Learning in the Learner's Perspective: 1: some commonplace misconceptions. Mahwah. Washington. Howard.. Tim (2006). pp. Computer-Based Assessment in ELearning: A Framework for Construct-ing “Intermediate Constraint” Questions and Tasks for Technology Platforms. http://eric. D. Hershey. New York. Operitel white paper. Applications of computers in assessment and analysis of writing. G. C. Information Science Publishing. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. McArthur. & J. University of Gothenburg. National Center for Education Statistics. (2000). http://nces. 4(6).) (2005). Online Assessment. B. J.amazon.. pdf Weiner.. http://escholarship. (Eds. S. http://www. Measurement and Evaluations. and Writing. D. (1979). Handbook of writing research.amazon. Computerized Adaptive Testing: a primer.S. The NPEC Sourcebook on Assessment.cgi?article=1036&context=jtla Shermis. and Gifford. DC: U. Volume 1: Definitions and Assessment Methods for Critical Thinking.edu/cgi/viewconten t. NY: Guilford Press. PA: Information Science. http://www. In C. K. Problem Solving. (2006).com Do Not Reproduce 53 .Emerging e-Learning Technologies Assessment Tools Roberts. Graham.. (Ed. Reports from the Institute of Education.) (2000). M. Journal of Technol.gov/ERICWebPortal/Home.com/gp/product/159 3851901 United States Department of Education. (2006). S. and Skinner. while one minute of recognizable but very low quality mono audio can be stored in as little as . to listen to media at a time and place that is convenient). Podcasting is the name for sharing audio files designed for devices like the iPod. which can be downloading from many sources on the Internet. Using sound to convey understanding and knowledge has a long history. Using sound to convey understanding and knowledge has a long history.” whereby a portion of the audio file is fed into the Internet application as a “buffer” and. including desktop computers fitted with a sound card and speakers. one minute of high quality stereo audio sampled often and digitized using 16 bits at a time can require as much as 10 megabytes. while it is playing.e. Distributing audio on the Internet is done either by downloading files (which can take considerable time.Audio and Podcasting Tools Related terms iPod. (2005). With the advent of “broadband” or “highspeed” networks.. being the main form of communication in pre-literate societies. podcasting. the growth of podcasting is being shaped by a number of social factors. One audio application of interest to educators. is podcasting. The quality of online audio depends on many factors. Brandon Hall Research . (i. which is gaining in popularity. radio Description Audio is an important component of many learning experiences. Audio in e-learning must reach an acceptable level of quality while maintaining file sizes that allow audio files to be rapidly sent via the Internet. compared with even a few years ago. or by “streaming. Audio is an important component of many learning experiences. depending on the file size). the rest of the file has time to arrive. including the following: Podcasting allows listeners to engage in time-shifting while providing space independence. For example. Listeners are frustrated with the homogeneous nature of traditional radio programming. the quality of online audio has been greatly improved. Audio that is designed for iPods can be played on a variety of audio devices. The file format for podcasting is usually MP3. being the main form of communication in preliterate societies.5 megabytes. Consumers view traditional radio as having too much advertising. According to Crofts et al. including the following: Connection speed Sampling Rate Bit Depth Number of Channels Digital Audio Format Compression Techniques Amount of Available Disk Storage 54 © 2006. It is another way of distributing content online that is now being used in many educational settings. edu/ Audio in elearning must reach an acceptable level of quality while maintaining file sizes that allow audio files to be rapidly sent via the Internet. Provides feedback to learners. and other operating systems. GNU/Linux.p hp/archives/2004/11/02/the-textbookis-audio/ A huge selection of educational and other content in audio format is available at the Podcast Network. Provides another channel for material review. This frag-mentation is being fueled.purdue.apple. http://www. Assists non-native speakers.com/scwmarapr05sonificatio n. open source software for recording and editing sounds. http://www.. such as those for iPods. But there are also limitations to the exclusive use of audio as an educa-tional medium.thepodcastnetwork.envision. Replaces full classroom or online sessions when content simply requires delivery. http://sourceforge.html The Envison Center at Purdue University allows discovery learning through the use of visualization and audio technologies.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Audio and Podcasting Tools We are seeing a fragmentation of traditional media — from mass broadcasting to media that is tailored to individual needs.e. Can provide supplementary content or be part of a blended solution. and you can’t put hyperlinks in the middle of an audio stream the way you can with text. http://www.rds. Enables instructors to review training or lectures.com/itunes/ Audacity is free. to personalized media). Kaplan-Leiserson (2005) suggests that using audio files.com/blogs/doug/index. It is available to download for Mac OS X. You can’t add your own notes. Microsoft Windows. helps learning in the following ways: Assists auditory learners.” Selected Examples Apple’s iTunes site is a major distributor of downloadable music tracks and other audio for playback on an iPod or a computer. Meng (2005) adds that “the ability to timeshift content versus traditional broadcast distribution models expands student teaching and learning opportunities significantly. by podcasting — a technology that allows individuals to share their expertise and interests with others. http://www.scientificcomputing. It is almost impossible to “skim” or “speed-hear” an audio file. Do Not Reproduce 55 .com/ Sound Sense is an article by Ray Girvan in Scientific American on the sense of hearing. in part. (i. http://www.net/projects/audacity / A downloadable business textbook using audio only has been developed by David Sturges at the University of Texas. enhancing.aspx Everything you wanted to know about podcasting can be found at edupodder.edupodder. Following is a list of the Web addresses of some well-known sound editing software: One audio application of interest to educators. http://64. shareware. including podcasting. http://www. and broadcasting are all found on this site.htm For a list of podcasting tools.php Over 700 tools for digital audio are found at the Audio Tools Direct Web site.avsmedia. is podcasting. Audio and video software.podcasting-tools. playback.co.html AVS Audio Tools is a suite of software utilities that can help with audio production and distribution. including software to record and play podcasts. CD audio extraction.org/ Check out the many helpful articles on using sound in e-learning.com/ The Education Podcast Network (EPN) tries to bring together educational podcasts in a wide range of subjects that may be useful to teachers in a classroom. http://www. sound editing.Audio and Podcasting Tools Online Resources on Audio and Podcasting Teresa A.ltd. Podcasting is the name for sharing audio files designed for devices like the iPod.htm#Teaching Dozens of tips on how to use audio and other media in an online classroom can be found on Pink Flamingo’s resource lists.uk/eclipse/Resources/ sound. or sentences from audio Web sites.uk/podcasting/index. D’Eca in Portugal maintains a fantastic list of Web resources on all aspects of learning online. listed on the Sound Resources page at the E-Learning Centre in the UK. recording.elearningcentre.com/ SearchSync software allows you to search for specific words.com/resources/dc_medi a.htm A number of audio editors are available on the Web.masternewmedia.ibritt.org/news/ 2005/05/20/where_to_submit_your_po dcasts.com/AudioTools/in dex. http://www.37/teresadeca/webhead s/online-learningenvironments.com. http://www. tools. http://recap. http://www. http://www.com/ Robin Good has posted a list on his blog of sites that accept educational podcast materials.htm RECAP Ltd.com/lipsync/in dex.71. Brandon Hall Research .audiotoolsdirect. in the UK provides an online directory of educational podcasts and other podcasting resources. http://www. freeware.48. DJ mixing.automaticsync. phrases. and utilities for conversion. http://epnweb. 56 © 2006. go to: http://www. which is gaining in popularity. (2003).audiolink..org/issues/issue10_9/ crofts/index. 2005.com/ Bremmers Multitrack Studio http://www. Podcasting: A new technology in search of viable business models.htm Jobbings.com/home.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Audio and Podcasting Tools Adobe Audition http://www. In G. M.com/products/audition/ main.aace. J.adobe. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2001(1).unl.org/index. VA: AACE. September. http://digitalcommons.ht ml Do Not Reproduce 57 .ViewAbstract&paper_id=149 66 Gerth.uk/articles/podguide.masternewmedia.html Bias Audio Peak Pro http://www. Luigi (2005). April 2005.ltd. 417-419).” providing narration for Web sites in a variety of languages.. Fox.html Curtis. Richards (Ed.) Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate. 45-50. http://recap.cakewalk.html Canali De Rossi.bias-inc.sonicfoundry.cfm?fuseact ion=Reader. University of Nebraska. Sound Sense.edu/dissertatio ns/AAI9929186 Crofts. July 2005.html Bibliography Buhman. May 20. Retsema.editlib. S. Exploring the Use of Data Sonification to Convey Relative Spatial Information. Exploiting the educational potential of podcasting. Doctoral Dissertation. and Higher Education 2003 (pp. A. RECAP (Russell Educational Consultancy and Productions). Video/Audio Production for InternetBased Courses: An Overview of Technologies for Use on both Desktop and Handheld Devices. http://firstmonday.com/ Sonic Foundry Mediasite http://www. P. Government. 10(9).org/news/ 2005/05/20/where_to_submit_your_po dcasts. http://www.scientificcomputing. Healthcare. Audio on the Web: enhance on-line instruction with digital audio. Robin Good’s Blog. Brenda (2001). Scientific Computing World. Ray (2005).org/3455 Girvan.multitrackstudio. (2005). Dion Cory (1999). and Williams. http://www. First Monday. http://www.com/ Cakewalk SONAR http://www. http://www. Dave (2005). Chesapeake.com/scwmarapr05sonificatio n. Dilley. L. B.. and Swenson.com/ AudioLink employees are considered “narrative sound specialists. http://dl. Where To Submit Your Podcasts: Best Podcast Search Engines And Directories. edu/LibraryDetailP age/666?ID=LIVE0514 58 © 2006. http://edmarketing.apple. (2005) Narrowcasting 101: Using Blogs. Podcasts. Brandon Hall Research . Learning Circuits. and Videoblogs in Higher Education. June 2005.org/2005/jun 2005/0506_trends Meng. Eva (2005).pdf Noakes. Peter (2005).learningcircuits.com/adcinstitut e/wpcontent/Missouri_Podcasting_White_Pap er. Trend: Podcasting in Academic and Corporate Learning.educause.Audio and Podcasting Tools Kaplan-Leiserson. and Lomas. Podcasting and Vodcasting. C. http://www. White paper prepared for the University of Missouri. http://www. N. Live Educause online presentation (PowerPoint slides). (For details. Implementation. many of their products form the basis for the infrastructure used by elearning applications. Further. rapid e-learning. shtml). 2005). Description Great online learning content is created using sound educational principles coupled with robust content authoring tools. In this vein.com/ Microsoft Corporation produces content development tools that can be converted to Web content. entitled Emerging E-Learning: new approaches to delivering engaging online learning content. simulations. Tozman argues for a Structured Content Development Model (Tozman.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Authoring Tools Related terms Assessments. content development. Do Not Reproduce 59 . Please also see the sections of this report on assessments and simulations for a list of authoring tools developed for those specific content formats. 2004) a systematic teambased approach to content development based on Instructional Systems Design (ISD) and ADDIE (Analysis.com/publications/emerging/emerging. either directly or with third party tools. either directly or with third party tools. Selected Examples Microsoft Corporation produces content development tools that can be converted to Web content. Further. most of which I cover in my first book for Brandon Hall Research (Woodill. As well. No authoring tool does everything. There are other formal approaches to authoring great content. The list of authoring tools below includes those tools that produce general Webbased courses or learning objects. see: http://www. Design. Development. many of their products form the basis for the infrastructure used by e-learning applications.brandonhall. in the end. There are as many types of authoring tools as there are types of media. Reuban Tozman (2005) warns that simply having tools for creating e-learning content (a well-equipped kitchen) does not necessarily lead to great instructional design (outstanding food). please see http://www. all content needs to be combined with other content to produce a rich learning experience. and Evaluation) processes. The Microsoft products most commonly used for developing elearning (aside from programming languages) include the following: FrontPage Live Communications Server PowerPoint Project SharePoint SQL Server Visio Windows Server Word For details on each Microsoft product.microsoft. Learning content is a bit like the food served at an outstanding restaurant – creating it depends on having a great chef and a well-equipped kitchen. and. many learning management systems (LMSs) and learning content management systems (LCMSs) have built-in proprietary authoring systems that are not listed below. http://www. XML. http://www.acroservices. video. http://www.activeslide. Do Not Reproduce 60 . and marketing applications. Adobe Corporation is probably the leading source of software tools for creating online content. and images and turn them into 3-D training.AcroTrain – Author elearning courses using PowerPoint.Thinkcap Studio .info/ Allen Communications .articulateglobal.com/products/ Articulate . Current Adobe offerings that are useful in creating online content include the following: Acrobat After Effects Audition Authorware Breeze Captivate ColdFusion Dreamweaver Director Fireworks Flash Flex FrameMaker FreeHand GoLive Illustrator InDesign PageMaker Photoshop Premiere RoboHelp For details on each Adobe product.A team-oriented authoring environment that uses a Structured Content Development Model to efficiently create consistent SCORMcompliant courseware that may be exported to any LMS.com Agile .html Since its acquisition of Macromedia.com/ There are hundreds of other content creation and conversion tools used in elearning today.com – Active Slide – Obtain help creating Flash movies. http://www.Media – Import 3-D Models.anark.Presenter – Create Flash presentations and e-learning content from PowerPoint slides. www. Adobe Corporation is probably the leading source of software tools for creating online content.com/ Acroservices . video. http://www.com Anark .adobe.Capture Station 2.com/presenter.thinkingcap.accordent. visualization. and data output and instantly turns it into an online rich media production.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Authoring Tools Since its acquisition of Macromedia.allencomm. http://www.com/newAS/file s/products/acrotrain. Following is a master list of Web content authoring systems other than Adobe or Microsoft products: Accordent Technologies . music.htm ActiveSlide.0 – This device records and synchronizes audio.Designer’s Edge. go to: http://www. Quest – A visual authoring environment with reusable templates. Builds quizzes.e2train. DVD-video. .com/inde x.com/ Counterpoint . http://www.uk/contentpoint. as well as to integrate Flash and PowerPoint content. http://www. Do Not Reproduce 61 .com/ Business Performance Technology .dynamicpowertrainer.asp Bridge People and Technology CourseWare – Guild linear HTML pages with FlowHow and simulations using screen shots with ShowHow.php e2train .exe files. http://www.Dynamic Power Trainer – A rapid development authoring environment with WYSIWYG real-time preview .atlanticlink.turbodemo. Finished Opus work can be published in a number of different formats.Intiva Adds Flash animations and interactivity to e-learning courses without programming.co.ht m Brainshark Inc.com/eng/index. http://www.A Web-based e-learning authoring system that offers real-time collaboration among team members and provides a powerful programming-free WYSIWYG environment to create high-quality interactive e-learning content. Flash. audio. and PowerPoint slides. hotspots.com/ There are as many types of authoring tools as there are types of media. http://www.bridge-pt.Opus Pro – Rapid development tool.TurboDemo – Create demos in a few minutes with screen capture and assembly. or Macromedia Flash media presentations. http://www.Brainshark Communications Platform – Upload PowerPoint slides and narrate them with this software. video.shtml Dynamic Media .copycatsoftware.Content Point .Kallidus Authoring System – A WYSIWYG authoring tool with built-in support for graphics.Allows nonprogrammers to generate complex. including the following: Drag-and-drop images.com/in dex_eng.Composica Enterprise . http://www.elearningpowertools. pop-up messages.composica. rich text. pointers.com/power point-presentations-index.ilessons. http://www.iLessons – Capture and use Web sites to build online courses within a browser.de/content/enu/produ ct-n-solutions/authoring-system/ Digital Workshop .com/product s/Pro.digitalworkshop.lersus.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Authoring Tools Atlantic Link .htm Composica . http://www.co. and animation. buttons. Integrates various media. http://presentation. http://www. CD Rom.brainshark. http://www.com/ CopyCat – Studio One – Has a Simulation wizard (MiMiC) to create realistic simulations.htm Bernard D&G . stand alone . such as the following: Web. video. Webbased e-learning content quickly and easily.uk/ DELFI Software – LERSUS – A rapid development authoring tool that requires no programming skills. elementk. and then convert it to a SCORM-compliant course with this software. Brandon Hall Research .com/Solutions/Elear ning.gen21.com Imaira Digital Media . without programming knowledge.e-learningconsulting. http://www.com/products/forceten.hunterstone.com Element K . http://www.eedo.htm Harbinger Knowledge Products . html E-Learning Consulting .p df Experience Builders LLC – Experience Builder – Build online role-playing simulations with this tool.Authoring Tools Eclipsys Corporation . and.com No authoring tool does everything. Has templates for authoring simulations without programming. and installation files.asp?orgi d=22&storyTypeID=&sid=&menuID=127 & (e)pistema . http://www. graphics. Powerful Object Sharing and Versioning tools eliminate duplicitous work. http://www. http://www.EasyAuthor Publishes newly developed courseware in one step through the One Button Publishing feature. http://www.Development Kits – Create Flash courses. Import rich media and customize graphics. http://www. 62 © 2006.experiencebuilders.Eedo ForceTen – Rapid content authoring with drag-anddrop tools. http://www.com/ Horizon Wimba – CourseGenie – Create content using Microsoft Word.sculptoris.Epistudio – Import PowerPoint files and easily synch narration with slides.Thesis – Thesis takes Microsoft Office produced content and converts it to SCORM-conformant packages. Post the characters on any Web site. http://www.asp Eedo Knowledgeware . and/or tests and quizzes with these authoring tools. creating a CD of courseware exercises that include all related files.Elicitus Content Publisher – Part of a suite of products for rapid online content development. all content needs to be combined with other content to produce a rich learning experience.com/ka.Sculptoris Voices Studio – Create 2-D and 3-D characters that speak in lip synch with this tool set. http://www. HTML courses.elicitus.com/ Generation21 Learning Systems Knowledge Assembler – A colorful graphical user interface and "drag-anddrop" design makes assembling and modifying courses a breeze. http://www. Designed for subject matter experts – not instructional designers or programmers – with wizard-like functionality and graphical templates.com/index.epistema.com/reaxia_files/E pistema_Epistudio_productsheet_2006.horizonwimba.KnowledgeHub Authoring Services – Web-based tool using templates that facilitates rapid e-learning content development and deployment.com/ Hunter Stone .eclipsys. in the end. knowledgeplanet. combining multimedia content like video.asp Knowledge Quest .com/pro dserv. http://www.Intuition Publisher – A rapid development tool that allows users to import Flash. Built-in testing engine.elearninginabox.lecturnity. multimedia training content without any prior programming knowledge.WTDS-Web Training Development System .knowledgequest. create courses specifically on how to use computer software. http://www. http://www.ie/software/publisher. http://www.com/ KnowledgeXtensions .intecllc.E-Learning in a Box – Use this system to author in MS Word or PowerPoint. http://www.js p Knowledge Planet .Firefly Publisher – Includes simulation authoring and dragand-drop importing of rich media. http://www.com/downloads/IPS_CourseBuilder_Br ochure. audio. http://www.knowledgextensions.easyprof.seminar.EasyProf . with no programming and no plugins. http://www.uk/ INTEC .Seminar Author – A rapid development tool that produces SCORM-conformant e-learning modules. shtml Itaca . Has its own built-in learning management system.com/ KnowledgeXtensions – Kbridge – A tool that allows maximum reuse of content and scalability from an XML-based.com/home/home. and animations with tests and interactivity.pdf Intuition . from software simulations and multiple choice quizzes to fully synchronized multimedia presentations.co.impatica.com/ Integrated Performance Systems .Emerging e-Learning Technologies Authoring Tools imc AG .ExpertAuthor – With the built-in software simulation tool. Word.iPerform Course Builder – A rapid and easy to use authoring tool based on Flash templates.htm Kookaburra Studios KnowledgePresenter – Tool to create fully interactive SCORM-compliant e-learning lessons.com/ Information Transfer .de/ Impatica .com/ Learning content is a bit like the food served at an outstanding restaurant – creating it depends on having a great chef and a wellequipped kitchen.Impatica for PowerPoint – A PowerPoint converter that enables content to be projected using a Blackberry PDA.ipsinc. http://www.Used to create presentations without programming skills. http://www. Do Not Reproduce 63 .com/flashh ome.Enables courseware developers to create and publish interactive.LECTURNITY – A rapid development tool that includes the ability to record and quickly publish lectures online. http://www. and PowerPoint into a set of templates.knowledgepresenter. http://www.intuition. centralized knowledge base. com/tbt/dac/index.com McKinnon-Mulherin Inc.com MaxIT Corporation – Visual Course Builder – A template based authoring tool for rapid development without the need for any programming skills.html Mohive – Enterprise e-Learning Publishing System – An authoring environment with advanced workflow support and the ability to be integrated with a variety of learning management systems. http://www.percepsys.com/ Percepsys .com/learncenter.DazzlerMax – A template based authoring tool for rapid development that allows the user to embed multiple media types. Works with SAP Learning Solution. http://www. and other online presentations for play back to students.LEARNERLand – Text.ph p MindOnSite .screenwatch.com . http://www.co.Banshee – Rapid development authoring tool with templates for multiple kinds of screens typically used in e-learning.maxit.htm MediaMaker . graphics.mckinnonmulherin. .NetPlay Instant Demo – Screen recording software for developing online presentations and demos. Brandon Hall Research . http://www.ScreenWatch Producer – Records lectures.com/index. http://www.com/ OPTX International . http://www.Design-a-Course – A PowerPoint to e-learning courses converter. http://www. and course player all in one software package.Integral Coaching – MOS Solo – A multilingual rapid development tool that requires no programming. 64 © 2006.SNAP! Studio – A course builder.mohive. http://www.learnerland.CourseMaker Studio – Multifeatured authoring environment that synchronizes text to audio and integrates with many other learning technologies. http://www.ch/eLearning/EN /index.ht m Great online learning content is created using sound educational principles coupled with robust content authoring tools.Custom Learning Studio – Rapid development tool set with a hotspot editor and storytelling templates. and assessment content is input and uploaded into the course by the client administrator via the easy-to-use browserbased admin system. with a built-in learning management system.instant-demo.com/ NetPlay Software .maxit.asp?id =178410&page=4&mode=show MaxIT Corporation . PowerPoint slides. http://www.learn.com MyKnowledgeMap . http://www.customcourse.mindiq.com/coursegen.mindonsite.uk/ MindIQ . http://www. Ready-made button and navigation aids. course publisher.Authoring Tools Learn. SmartBuilder – Authoring tool that incorporates the capabilities of Flash into a visual working environment.An intuitive environment embedded within Microsoft Word for easily creatiing interactive learning materials. http://www.or SCORMcompliant. GIFs.respondus.readygo. http://www.rapidintake.htm SoftChalk – LessonBuilder – A Webbased lesson editor with interactive learning games. http://www. and Flash.StudyMate – Author ten Flashbased activities and games using three simple templates. password-protected Web site is automatically created for this content at the Web address of the user's choice.A free rapid development tool that is designed for authoring single courses.com/sensasol ution. and assessments.Publisher Professional . interactive Flash presentations and online training.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Authoring Tools podia .Scribe Studio – A rapid development tool for the Web. image hotspot activities.pointecast. http://www.net ReadyGo .scribestudio.com/ Qarbon . http://www. http://www.net/ PointeCast . When content is developed.E-Learning Objects . Microsoft PowerPoint. image labeling. popups. JPEGs.Create and publish multimedia presentations on the Internet using Video. Courses can be posted.com/common/a ffiliateRefer.com/ Savvica .suddenlysmart. http://www.podia.com Respondus .jsp?id=17558 Sensa – Sensa Presenter – Rich media course development software using comprehensive online development templates and tools.teknical.Nuvvo . Audio.reusableobjects.com/Products/elear ning_objects.ReadyGo! – A PowerPoint to Flash converter. without knowing code.sensalearning.In minutes. http://www. http://www. a customizable.qarbon. customizable flashcards. http://nuvvo. Do Not Reproduce 65 .shtml Reusable Objects . http://www. either from scratch or by converting existing MS Office documents.com/smartbui lder-web/sb_author.cfm Serco (technical) .com/ …many learning management systems (LMSs) and learning content management systems (LCMSs) have built-in proprietary authoring systems. http://www.podiaOnDemand .htm Suddenly Smart . turn PowerPoint presentations into high-quality.softchalk. crosswords.com/products/stud ymate.Flash Companion eLearning Studio – Create interactive Flash based courseware that is AICC.com Rapid Intake .CONSTRUCT Author –A tool that allows people without any HTML programming skills to rapidly develop SCORM-compliant e-learning courses and assessments.ViewletBuilder – Screen sequencing capture software that allows users to easily add narration to produce online demos.com/ Scribe Studio . http://www. matching games. AuthoLearn – An authoring tool that produces SCORM 1.de/ibt/main/en/sit e/time4you/ibt/en/start. video.com/product_sa.Learning Composer – A tool used to easily author learning objects with a repository for SCORM-compliant content.teds.ToolBook Assistant – A rapid development authoring tool that requires no programming knowledge.php?from=menu SyberWorks .php ?content=products/scobuilder There are hundreds of content creation and conversion tools used in elearning today.asp TEDS . Brandon Hall Research .Built-in authoring tools allow you to instantly create dynamic multimedia presentations by easily integrating PowerPoint slides.Camstasia Studio – Record screens and inputs from Web cams.syberworks.Web Author – A rapid development environment that produces learning objects. templates. and text.com/products/lc. content conversion. images.com/Technology. or Spanish.lectora.html Westcliff – SCObuilder.asp TrainVision . SCORMxt – Take content developed in other software packages and convert them to SCORM packages. http://www. htm Techsmith . http://www.toolbook. and rapid simulation.IBT Content Solution – A set of tools that allows for Web authoring. http://www.com/learn_assistant .trainvision.A rapid development package that produces elearning content and assessments for Quick Delivery on the Web.Presentation Studio . kiosks.h tml Travantis – Lectora – A full featured authoring system that includes drag-anddrop authoring.com/products/t rainersoft/trainersoft8.htm time4you GmbH .time4you. CD.com/camtasia.com/learn_assistant . http://www. http://workforceconnections. audio. http://www. and highly interactive e-learning content. http://www.westcliffdata.dol.funeducation. http://www. French.Workforce Connections – Free content development software that is available to individuals.2conformant objects and assessments.Authoring Tools SumTotal . http://www. 66 © 2006.toolbook.co. http://www.cxjsp?pos=ibtAut horing Trainersoft – Desktop Author .php?from=menu SumTotal . or Network.com/ US Government .ToolBook Instructor – A full featured authoring tool for creating simulations.com/services/webpresentation-svc. and wizards.uk/index.gov/ Webex . http://www. Develop AICC-compliant WBT or CD-Rom courses in English.webex. Provides a course design template using Microsoft Word. http://www.techsmith. Hypermedia & Telecommunications (EDMEDIA).cs. www.sht ml Bibliography Holohan. Melia. Healthcare. and Riesbeck. (2005). Doctoral Dissertation.bloki.pdf Murray. http://www..Emerging e-Learning Technologies Authoring Tools Xplana . De Bra.com/products/products _xwb. http://www. D. E. http://www. BC.php XStream Software – RapidBuilder – Completely (100 percent) programmingfree simulation authoring tool. Proceedings of the SWEL/AIED 2005 Conference.com/downloa d_rb40eval. Government.edu/~lqiu/ Qiu.com/publications/atkb/atkb_firms. publish blogs. Vancouver. L.nl/SW-EL/2005/swel05aied05/proceedings/5-Holohan-finalfull.com/ Online Resources Brandon Hall Research (publishers of this report) has an Authoring Tool Knowledge Base that compares 100 of the best elearning content development applications. T. Do Not Reproduce 67 . interactive and intelligent educational software.brandonhall.tue.win. P.. Montreal.xplana.ViewAbstract&paper_id=211 57 Brandon Hall Research (publishers of this report) has an Authoring Tool Knowledge Base that compares 100 of the best elearning content development applications. Berlin: Springer. Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate.Bloki – Bloki is a Web site where users can create Web pages.amazon.pdf Ramp. http://www. Northwestern University.htm Zapatec . (2003).cs. S. right in their browser with no additional software required..xstreamsoftware. S.org/index. Authoring and Delivery of Adaptive Electronic Textbooks made Easy. Illinois. Evanston. AACE. C. and host online discussions. http://www. See: http://www. McMullen. 2005. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia.edu/~lqiu/indie/publicati ons/edmedia2005.XplanaWorkbook – A homework management system that allows teachers to create assignments and online courses without any technical knowledge. and Higher Education (E-Learn 2005). and Ainsworth.. (2005). June 2005. Lin (2005). C.cfm?fuseact ion=Reader. http://www. Adaptive E-Learning Content Generation based on Semantic Web Technology. Canada. and Pahl. October 24-28.editlib.oswego. The Design for Authoring and Deploying Webbased Interactive Learning Environments.oswego. and Brusilovsky. E. Blessing. www. M. (2005).com/gp/product/14 02017723/sr=87/qid=1155437833/ref=sr_1_7/1041348092-4859103?ie=UTF8 Qiu. Authoring Tools for Advanced Technology: towards cost-effective adaptive. A Web-based Architecture and Incremental Authoring Model for Interactive Learning Environments for Diagnostic Reasoning. P. Sunnyvale.brandonhall. http://www. shtml 68 © 2006. CA: Brandon Hall Research.sis.learningcircuits.com/publications/emerging/emerging. W. 2004.. Emerging e-Learning: new approaches to delivering engaging online learning content.org/2004/nov2 004/tozman.edu/~paws/publicatio ns. The myth about tools. Eindhoven.Authoring Tools Ramp.htm Tozman. Another new paradigm for instructional design. Reuben (2005). E. A. NL. Learning Circuits. June 2005.pitt. Nov.org/2005/jun2 005/tozman. (2005). Brandon Hall Research . Masters Thesis. Gary (2005). Reuben (2004).htm Woodill. http://www.htm Tozman.learningcircuits. Technical Univ. http://www. http://www2. Authoring through Concept Structure Level Translation of Adaptive Hypermedia Systems. Learning Circuits. Emerging e-Learning Technologies Avatars Related terms Agents. avatars are most commonly used as teachers and coaches but are also used to represent learners.” Maldonado et al. is an image that represents one party in an interactive exchange. In the context of elearning. for example. in the broadest sense. Do Not Reproduce 69 . Seth (2003) says that “an avatar.” Technologies used to make avatars seem believable and socially aware include the following: • Human-like face and body-generation and animation • Speech-recognition or at least textual or multi-choice input • Speech-generation with text-to-speech (TTS) systems with lip-synch speech synthesis • Emotion-simulation where appropriate and feasible • Chat and story telling capabilities Using avatars in educational 3-D environments allows individuals to immerse themselves in role-playing for the purpose of learning. learners could enter the world of a sufferer of anxiety and panic. Deuchar and Nodder (2004) give these examples: “Educators in various disciplines may offer their students the ability to assume a different persona to experience the world of another. It is a safe way to practice to reduce social and physiological anxieties. An avatar is a virtual character that represents (or stands in for) a person in an online environment.” Deuchar and Nodder (2004) are more precise in describing an avatar as “a computer generated graphic representation of a user within a 3Dimension (3-D) Virtual Reality (VR) environment therefore enabling the user to take on a visible persona. simulations Description The term “avatar” comes from a Sanskrit word meaning an incarnation in human form. the avatar may represent an actual human being. and generally simulates human activity.” Results from their study of 76 Japanese college students showed that “cooperative co-learners have a positive impact on students’ performance and experience. (2005) experimented with the use of avatars as “emotional companions. An avatar is a virtual character that represents (or stands in for) a person in an online environment.” This indicates that emotionally realistic avatars may be important in the near future as companions who can support positive learning outcomes. but in e-learning. especially in gamebased learning activities. expose their weaknesses in this image and confront unpleasant situations to build confidence. In some situations. as well as increasing perceptions of the character’s intelligence and credibility. a great deal could be learnt by observing psychotherapy patients as they project an image. the avatar almost always operates as an agent of the e-learning application. In the area of psychotherapy. Similarly. games. com/ Redwood e-Learning uses coaching avatars for online teaching.com Second Life is a virtual environment where you can create avatars to represent yourself.com/solutions/elea rning/ With Sculptoris Voices Studio you can create 2-D and 3-D characters that speak in lip synch and post the characters on any Web site.” which are avatars that teach.redwoodelearning. http://www. Their Surveybots have been shown to be twice as effective in getting people to answer survey questions online.com/ New York-based Oddcast Inc.co.com/home/ The DA Group in the UK has a set of “eLearning Mentors. in cooperation with a number of groups.vcom3d. The system will be design-ed as a scalable.knowledgeenvironments.gr/Avatar_Conference / The term “avatar” comes from a Sanskrit word meaning an incarnation in human form. Inc.codebaby.sculptoris. users are represent-ed as avatars. http://blogoehlert.com/ Knowledge Avatars are intelligent tutors that emulate the knowledge of experts. Ideally they contain content knowledge as well as teaching expertise.html Online Resources In Europe.uk/html/12_solutions/1-2-1_ementor.com/eclipping s/2006/07/top_20_educatio. Pick a character at: http://secondlife. Mark Oelhert provides a list of the top 20 educational destinations within Second Life. See them in action at: http://www. In the toolkit.oddcast.typepad.telsim. See: http://www.Avatars Selected Examples CodeBaby is software that creates online talking avatars that can be used in educational settings.co. http://www. See a case study and a presentation on how to create an online avatar at: http://www.com / Advance Chatbot Solutions allows you to try talking to different avatars.uk/chatbots/ An avatar that signs in ASL has been developed by Vcom3D. modular application. http://www. http://www. http://www. offering a large number of supportive functions. NOAH can be used as a coach in an e-learning applications or to add life to your Web page. Try them at: http://www.html NOAH is a Flash-based system that enables you to use a NOAH avatar for Web-based or CD-based projects. has designed software that enables businesses to set up marketing programs with avatars that talk to customers. Brandon Hall Research .daden.com/ Some aspects of Second Life have been used for education and training. 70 © 2006. the AVATAR-Conference project aims to develop a toolkit to set up and administer virtual online confer-ences.exodus. http://www.tmmy. pdf Maldonado. Nass. R.pdf Seth. (2005). Yamada. Aug.. Nexus Media. http://www.stanford. www. B. 25... New Zealand. D.pdf Do Not Reproduce 71 . The Affective Virtual Patient: An E-Learning Tool for Social Interaction Training within the Medical Field.. Suthers. A. J. Nakajima. Koschmann. Paper presented to the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications (NACCQ) 2004 Conference. In Proceedings of TESI 2005 . (2004). Brave.com/pdf/2/082 503DES-H. H.) Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005: the next 10 years! Mahwah. http://isnm. S. Iwamura.Training Education & Education International Conference. C. (2005). and Weber. We Learn Better Together: Enhancing eLearning with Emotional Characters. S..ac. Avatar Technology: giving a face to the e-learning interface. 2003.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Avatars Bibliography Deuchar. Lee.. In T.elearningguild.de/~aahad/Downloads/AVP_T ESI. The Impact of Avatars and 3D Virtual World Creation on Learning.edu/~kiky/CSCL2005Maldo nado. K. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Ahad. and Morishima. Raj (2003).pdf Jung. Y.W. 2005.nz/conference04/proceedin gs_03/pdf/255... Chan (Eds. C. www. M. and T. eLearning Developers’ Journal. and Nodder. H.naccq.. For teachers. “Blogging is this decade's citizens' band radio. thereby participating in an ongoing online conversation. blogs can be used within a classroom or a community. Customer service is an area in which the potential of blogging is being explored. thereby participating in an ongoing online conversation.Blogs Related terms Crunkies. much lower level of activity that is sustainable and actually useful. in a note of caution. as the following examples show. Some of the benefits of “Enterprise Blogging” as identified by Clyde (2005) include the following: Blogs can be useful sources of information. education. or they can be open to the general public. hundreds of thousands of people have started a blog but have not added material to it beyond the first few pages. Blogs are used for communication. “A potential problem is that blogging does not fit with the corporate culture of many organisations. However. blogs declare exactly what will happen when a post is submitted. and context far outstrip implementing the blog interface and feature elements. A blog can be used as a newsletter or can take the place of a newsletter as a However. Blogs do not always identify themselves as blogs. Nevertheless. a fad which booms insanely then drops back to a much. screencasting. The core purpose of submitting comments to a blog is not universally understood. if any. Similarly. Blogs are proliferating at a great rate in educational environments because they are so easy to use. Clyde adds. 72 © 2006. Coursey (2005) quotes reader Curt Gowan. who wrote. one issue with Weblogs involves how to evaluate their impact on learners. blogs are changing corporate training in profound ways. Weblogs Description Weblogs or blogs are online journals that invite readers to add comments. Mainstream consumer expectations for assistance. Blogs can be used as a project management tool.” As well. Blogs are a tool for knowledge management and knowledge sharing. video blogging. Few. Weblogs or blogs are online journals that invite readers to add comments. Brandon Hall Research . in a 2005 study entitled “Net Rage”: A Study of Blogs and Usability. Blogs are used for marketing. there are many who think the use of blogs is changing the very fabric of formal education. the use of blogs in education is here to stay. cite the following as problems with blogs: Visitors may not recognize they are on a blog. Blogs can be used as a competitive intelligence tool. A form of online publishing.” The Catalyst Group. Find it at: http://www. President of an instructional design firm.com/0110772/storie s/2003/03/13/towardsStructuredBloggin g. http://www. Canada.org/blog/ Scott Leslie is another prolific blogger in the education space. These new phones are integrated with Google's Blogger application. Crunkies are the brainchild of Wavemarket.com/wordpress/ http://informl. although occasionally there can be multiple contributors to a blog. http://www. His matrix of uses of blogs in education is particularly interesting. His blog is at: http://blogsavvy. When someone the user knows arrives. Do Not Reproduce 73 . both worth reading for the latest developments in thinking about elearning (Jay coined the term “e-learning” back in 1997).wavemarket. their PDA will send them a message about the place they are visiting. see: http://structuredblogging.sonyericsson.org/ http://carapace.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Blogs Selected Examples A crunkie is a new type of blog posting that is linked to a certain geographical location.gif BlogBurst – market a blog to mainstream media through the BlogBurst network.net/category/bloggingfor-education/ Jay Cross has at least two blogs about elearning – Internet Time and InformL. http://www. is a great resource. other than simple word searching.weblogs.com/spg.edtechpost. One attempt to change this is called structured blogging.com/ Sony Ericsson has developed a 3.ca/gems/matrix2 .us/archives/026 753.blogburst. His blog. In this approach.com/cs_id/tr ainingblog/ George Siemens of Winnipeg.com/ Blogs are proliferating at a great rate in educational environments because they are so easy to use.html http://radio. the structure of blog entries depends on the type of content – e.internettime. http://www. elearnspace. Most blog writing is unstructured. This makes it difficult for search engines to sort out the content of blogs. It’s found at: http://www. For more information. http://www. movie reviews look different than recipes. is a prolific source on many aspects of elearning.weblogs.elearnspace. has a blog on Corporate Training and e-Learning.2megapixel blogging phone. an applications company.cramersweeney.com/ Jenna Sweeny. if they have subscribed to the blog.g.html James Farmer is a frequent and critical contributor to the online debates on the future of technology and education.jsp?cc= ca&lc=en&ver=4000&template=pc3_1_1 &zone=pc&lm=pc3&prid=4870 Most blogs are personal journals of individuals. with a wide range of writing styles. D’Eca in Portugal maintains a fantastic list of Web resources on all aspects of learning online.essdack.com/directory/ed ucation_and_training Susan Herzog.co.com/ Michael Bergman has written a very comprehensive guide to setting up a blog.org/pdfs/PIP%20 Bloggers%20Report%20July%2019%202 006. including educational blogging. http://www. Teresa A.blogspot. In March 2006. Get the guide at: http://www.pdf Danny Maas has produced a set of online videos on educational blogging that cover all the basics.com/index. http://www. View them at: http://video.com.48. You can scan the entries in BlogBib at: http://blog-bib.pewinternet. http://www. has compiled a large bibliography on the topic of blogs. Find her work at: http://64. http://blogpulse.pdf Shawn Callahan in Australia has written a white paper on building a “technician’s blog” to help technicians share information with each other and with the company’s sales force and customers.htm The Pew Internet and American Life Project has published a report entitled Bloggers: a portrait of the Internet’s new storytellers.postgenomic.elearningcentre.htm#Teaching There are hundreds of blogs on educational computing. These include the following: MetaxuCafe (literary blogs) http://www.htm …blogs are changing corporate training in profound ways.” For a huge list of educational blogs that relate to social studies.blogcatalog. A comprehensive listing is maintained by the e-Learning Centre in the UK.org/socialstudies/ blogs.au/papers/Co nnectingPeoplewithContent. a librarian. there were 891 educational blogs listed.uk/eclipse/Resources/ elblogs.Blogs Track the blogsphere with Blogpulse. Brandon Hall Research .71.37/teresadeca/webhead s/online-learningenvironments. which analyzes trends in blog site topics.com/ Listings of subject area specific blogs are emerging in academic disciplines.metaxucafe.com/wpcontent/themes/ai3/files/BlogGuide/Blo gGuide050919.mkbergman. http://www.php Online Resources BlogCatalog is a listing of blogs of all types.com/videoplay?docid =-54633740168105430&q=tilt According to eighth graders. “blogs are cool.com/ Postgenomic (life sciences blogs) http://www.pdf 74 © 2006.anecdote. check out this site: http://www3. based on his four-month diary of setting up his own blog with WordPress.google. Emerging e-Learning Technologies Blogs WWWTools collects interesting links on a number of topics related to online education. Group And Multi-User Blog Platforms Compared. A. http://www.pdf A form of online publishing.pdf Pierce.edu/pub/er/erm0 4/erm0450. 2006.fasfind.eschoolnews. blogs can be used within a classroom or a community.teachesme. or they can be open to the general public. Syracuse.asp Lenhart. Comprehensive Guide to a Professional Blog Site: A WordPress Example. Blogs Really Aren’t So Unique. http://anne2. EDUCAUSE Review. Oct. 1837604. Educational Blogging. Robin Good Blog.everyhuman. cfm?x=0&rid=10171 Stephen Downes. 29. September/October.org/news/20 05/05/16/group_and_multiuser_blog_plat forms. 14-26. James (2005).mkbergman.ca/cgibin/page.com/wwwtools/m/10171. No. Michael (2005).00. Do Not Reproduce 75 .pewinternet.174.masternewmedia. Sept. S. Laurel (2005).com/work/theses8.org/pdfs/PIP%2 0Bloggers%20Report%20July%2019%20 2006. 5.downes. AI3 White Paper. Luigi (2004). May 16. Enterprise blogging. Panelists: blogs are changing education.com/article2/0.eweek.htm Canali De Rossi.com/issues/130105 . 2005.com/cof actors/upload/Blog_usability_report. Dennis (2006). (2006).1895. EduBlog Insights. New York. Syracuse University. Bloggers: a portrait of the Internet’s new storytellers.htm Catalyst Group (2005). http://www. http://www.com Bibliography Bergman.cgi?db=post&q=crdate=112258 8384&format=full Waypath is a Blog Discovery Engine that helps users find new blogs to read from the millions in the blogosphere. FreePint Newsletter.com/news/sho wStoryts. David (2005). http://www. http://www. www. Blogs: a global conversation. July 19. March 24. January 13.asp Davis.freepint. 39(5).com.com/wpcontent/themes/ai3/files/BlogGuide/Blog Guide050919. http://www.pdf Canali De Rossi. Stephen (2004). eWeek. July 11.cfm?ArticleID=6208 Torio.masternewmedia.educause.htm#feature Coursey. has written a guide on how to be noticed and attract readers to your blog. http://www. Master’s Thesis. http://www. “Net Rage”: A Study of Blogs and Usability. http://www. http://www. a senior researcher with the National Research Council of Canada. and Fox. September 2005. 2006.lo w.catalystgroupdesign. Anne (2004). Pew Internet and American Life Project.org/news/20 04/09/29/blogging_communities_and_th e_knowledge. go to: http://m. Luigi (2005).com/2004/10/ 05/ways-to-use-weblogs-in-education/ Downes. Robin Good Blog. July 14. eSchool News Online.pdf Clyde.12. To see their list of interesting links on educational blogging. Ways to use Weblogs in education.waypath. http://www. Blogging Communities and the Knowledge Enterprise. 2001). blogs. Netscape. a browser that has been around for a long time. http://www. Once it was clear that the Netscape browser was on the way out.mozilla.com/ The Mozilla Project set out to develop open source standards for Web browsers and mail clients.com/firefox/). America Online. the history of browsers shows a “winner” and a number of “losers. Their efforts have resulted in the FireFox Web browser and the Thunderbirds mail client.mozilla.” These include extensions (programs that add functionality to FireFox). 76 © 2006.opera.activeworlds. while Opera.mozilla. where many applications interact with each other automatically. it has never been much of a threat to Internet Explorer. as more and more applications become directly available through the Internet. which owned the rights to Netscape. thin clients. Brandon Hall Research . http://www. For example. Already there is talk of a "browserless Web” (Cox. http://www. Flock was launched in October 2005. and photo sharing. Like all technology innovation curves. This is especially true for business-to-business commerce. allowing users to move through it using 3-D tools. (http://www. bookmarking. Internet Explorer. and “themes.org/?application= firefox Flock is an open source browser built on the FireFox code base.com/ FireFox allows many “add-ons. the defeat of the Netscape browser. plugins (programs that convert or play content within a browser). and the rise to supremacy of Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser. It integrates nextgeneration Web technologies such as RSS content feeds.” The browser wars of the late 1990s resulted in the demise of the Mosaic browser. has a small following. Based on the metaphor of the World Wide Web as a book. or at least their influence is decreasing.com/ What most people don't realize is that there are hundreds of smaller browsers out there with very small market share.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Browsers Related terms FireFox. Selected Examples OmniWeb is a powerful browser with advanced features that is specifically designed to work with Macintosh computers.” Themes allow the user to change the look and feel of the browser. http://www. For a complete listing of FireFox “addons” see: https://addons. turned it into an open source project – the Mozilla Firefox browser. Webtops Description For many. What most people don't realize is that there are hundreds of smaller browsers out there with very small market share. they may not be necessary as navigational devices.flock. search engines. The Internet is treated as a virtual space. using a browser is synonymous with the World Wide Web.omnigroup. (http://www.com) The truth is that browsers themselves may be disappearing.com/applications /omniweb/ Active Worlds is an example of how to navigate the Web without a traditional browser. com. 2002.wikipedia.html?referrer=email 77 © 2006. July 30. W. Still Perfecting its Pitch.htm The truth is that browsers themselves may be disappearing.bestdegree.cnn. called “Webtops. Network World. Brandon Hall Research .. or at least their influence is Schonfeld. 742.zdnet.0. Opera Browser. Advanced browser gives taste of Web 2.washingtonpost.com/eclippings /2006/05/an_evaluation_o. 29.tidbits.php3 Bibliography Cox.pdf LeMay. Most of these are archived at: http://browsers. Michael (2006). http://db.html Engst. Adam (2004). OmniWeb 5. http://www.h talk of a tm "browserless Web” Tedeschi.39218173.wikipedia. No. William Horton Consulting.com. M. and Copeland. 2001.webdevelopersnotes.org/wiki/List_of_web_b rowsers Comparison of Web Browsers: http://en.” Read two entries on this topic at: http://blogoehlert. http://www. http://www.acgi?tbart=07 775 Horton.typepad.com/eclippings /2006/07/continuing_to_p. http://www. ZDNet Australia. John (2001). Malik. across several articles.org/wiki/Web_browser Well over 100 browsers for the World Wide Web have been developed. http://www. K. (2002). Picking the Right Browser: issues in specifying a browser for e-learning and knowledge management.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Browsers Mark Oelhert has been floating an idea on his blog for an alternative to browsers. TidBits.typepad.networkworld. Oct. 2004. CNN Money. and Horton.wikipedia.00. 21. WashingtonPost.com/news/2001 /0129browserless.org/ Another comprehensive list of browsers is found at the Web Developers Notes site. Boulder. http://money.evolt.2000061733. decreasing… (2006) The Webtop. CO. Renai (2005).org/wiki/Comparison_ of_web_browsers Web Browser: http://en. 16. E.html http://blogoehlert.html Online Resources Wikipedia has the most coverage of browsers. Aug.au/news/software/s oa/Advanced_browser_gives_taste_of_We b_2_0/0. 2006.com/desi gn/browsers_list.com. May 16. Make way for the ‘browserless Web’. O. These articles include the following: List of Web Browsers: http://en.0: The Powerful Web Browser.com/courses/mast ers/pdf/edu722_PickingBrowser. 2005.com/2006/02/24/smbu already there is siness/business2_nextnet_webtop/index. Jan.com/wpdyn/content/article/2006/07/29/AR2006 072900038.com/getbits. Clickers permit question types other than multiple-choice. The devices can instantly construct histograms of class-wide answers for the instructor and display the histogram to students using an overhead projector.Classroom Response Systems Related terms Audience response systems. both for students and for those supporting their use in the classroom. Brandon Hall Research . clickers. With this technology it is possible to do the following: Associate an individual with his/her answer Map the classroom and display student answers seat by seat Allow or require students to answer in small groups Support the creation. This is especially true for postsecondary education where a lecture delivered to hundreds of students in a large classroom often results in alienation between the lecturer and the students. classroom response systems with clickers use either infrared rays or radio signals to communicate with a hub that is connected to an instructor's computer. classroom communication systems. display. management. as Stone (2004) points out: “…these systems come with many hidden costs. classroom response systems with clickers use either infrared rays or radio signals to communicate with a hub that is connected to an instructor's computer. The use of clickers has several advantages. and archiving of questions The use of clickers can become an inclass Web application. integrated with other types of learning technologies. Resembling remote controls used for home entertainment equipment. There are time-consuming Resembling remote controls used for home entertainment equipment. or clickers. Student answers are available immediately to the instructor. The devices keep students alert and involved. 2004): Students answer multiple-choice questions anonymously without fear of failure. However. 78 © 2006. One response is to try to make the traditional classroom and the large lecture hall more responsive and interactive. costs can be an issue. including the following (summarized from Cassidy. giving almost instant feedback. voting systems Description The advent of e-learning has clearly put traditional classroom teaching on the defensive. increasing their motivation to learn. Beatty. The devices give students feedback about the limitations of their knowledge. Students can “click in” at the beginning of a class to register their attendance and can click again to answer questions the instructor poses during the lecture. 2006. as is the case with a technology called classroom response systems. com/products_int erwrite. This includes the fact that faculty are also more involved and may enjoy the higher level of challenge an interactive class can produce.com/ H-ITT Classroom Response System is a low cost system that is integrated with Pearson Publishing textbook. training the faculty member to use the software.asp Pearson Education Australia has its own unique KEEPAD.com/Default. http://www. http://www.com/index.smartroom.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Classroom Response Systems issues (and therefore costs) in terms of installing the receivers and software in a classroom.h-itt.h tm Qwizdom provides a well-designed set of keypads that younger students will likely find to be “cool. many faculty members who use this technology are enthusiastic about it. http://www. allowing questions beyond the simple multiple-choice type.” http://www.htm LearnStar is an interactive system where each student gets a QWERTY keyboard.gtcocalcomp.pearsonncs. Do Not Reproduce 79 .optiontechnologies. corporate. http://umperg.umass.qwizdom.htm Option Technologies Interactive has a classroom response system.edu/projec ts/ASKIT In spite of the costs. and military settings. and supporting students who have trouble ‘activating’ or ‘reactivating’ their clicker.com/index.com/cps/index. http://www. http://www. suggesting that it transforms the traditional lecture in many positive ways.” In spite of the costs.com/ Online Resources University of Massachusetts’ Physics Education Research Group’s Assessing Student Knowledge with Instructional Technology (ASK-IT) project has a list of resources on classroom response systems.physics.html InterWrite Personal Response System (formerly EduCue PRS) is used in over 300 universities.learnstar. http://www. the costs and headaches multiply. many faculty members who use this technology are enthusiastic about it.com/audi ence-response-systems/index. As multiple brands (typically not interoperable) yoked to different textbooks are adopted on a single campus.einstruction. This includes the fact that faculty are also more involved and may enjoy the higher level of challenge an interactive class can produce.htm SmartRoom Learning Solutions provides classroom response technology that is integrated with Microsoft PowerPoint software. http://www. suggesting that it transforms the traditional lecture in many positive ways. http://www. Selected Examples The following are vendors of Classroom Response Systems: eInstruction’s Classroom Performance System is used in K-12.pearsoned.au/ELearnin g/AudienceResponseSystems/Home.com.asp x Pearson USA adds a “challenge board” to its interactive clicker software. higher education. Transforming Student Learning with Classroom Communications Systems. Research Bulletin.edu/tsec/jim /CRS/pdf%20files/keypad%20compariso ns. 272-275. 80 © 2006.cfm?page =966 Bibliography Beatty. 3. Paper presesented at the AUPEC 2002 Conference. https://sharepoint. 2006.pdf Cassidy. 41(5). No.au/~aupec/aupec0 2/Final-Papers/Q-SU1. Anne (2006). NJ: Prentice Hall. July 7. http://www.campustechnology.com/gp/product/01 35654416/102-14324368908931?v=glance&n=283155 Stone.cisat. Volume 2004. Educause Learning Initiative.aclearn. Melbourne. http://www. Feb.cfm EDUCAUSE (2005). 7 things you should know about…Clickers. March 3. 2004. integrated with other types of learning technologies. http://www. http://www. Eric (1997). Inside CUA.utexas.elearning.html The Community Learning Resource Web site supports adult and community learning. Upper Saddle River.pdf Mazur. R. Tom (2004).ca/Clickers The University of Texas has a useful Web site of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the use of clickers in the classroom.com/news_issue. http://www.pdf Burnstein. and Lederman. http://inside. See “Clicker Links” at: http://wiki.edu/articleprinter1. http://www.edu/ir/library/pdf/ ELI7002. 3. Brandon Hall Research .uq.net/display.edu/academic/cit/ser vices/cps/ECARCRS.edu. ELearning Dialogue.cua. Comparison of different commercial wireless keypad systems.educause. including material on the use of classroom response systems. The Physics Teacher.itee. This class clicks! Wireless devices promote interactive learning. Ian (2004).ubc.Classroom Response Systems The Active Learning Web site lists many resources for active learning.pdf The use of clickers can become an inclass Web application. Q. (2002) Teaching innovation using a computerized audience response system. Beware publishing reps bearing “free” gifts that click.amazon. (2003).cfm ?file=/051103/story2. EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research.active-learning-site. The site contains reviews of classroom and online voting systems.edu/academic/cit/ho wto/labinstructions/cpsfaqs.jmu.com The University of British Columbia maintains a Wiki with a section on clickers. Peer Instruction: a user’s manual. http://www. http://www.asp?id=154 &IssueDate=7/7/2004#view Su. Australia.utexas. doing. evaluation. in its 2005 report Technologies of Cooperation. Timothy Butler and David Coleman (2003) suggest five fundamental models of working together: Library (a few people place material in a repository.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Collaboration Tools Related terms Cooperation. organization. e. Do Not Reproduce 81 . This represents a fundamental shift in how learning takes place. and consensus building. it requires skill and experience. through brainstorming). The Institute for the Future. These products can be divided into the following categories: Collaborative Working Spaces and Resources Sharing Software Communities of Practice Management Software Project and Team Management Software Virtual Classrooms with Collaboration Features Web Conferencing Software with Collaboration Features Following is a list of the best known in each of the above categories: The big news for emerging elearning is the shift to collaboration tools and social software. clarification.g. Facilitating collaboration is not an easy task. as we move from a model of instructor-led teaching of individuals to one of learner-led finding.g. reduction.. a Community of Practice) Process Support (systems that support repetitive workflows) Processes supporting collaboration can include generation (e. many respond.g. identifies “eight key clusters” of collaboration tools: Self-Organizing Mesh Networks Community Computing Grids Peer Production Networks Social Mobile Computing Group-Forming Networks Social Software Social Accounting Tools Knowledge Collectives There are many different ways to collaborate. a Request for Proposal system) Team (a small group working together on a project) Community (e. social bookmarking.. social networking Description The big news for emerging e-learning is the shift to collaboration tools and social software. Selected Examples Hundreds of vendors are producing and selling collaboration software products. many draw on it) Solicitation (a few people place requests.. and collaborating. html?ad-main Annotea .w3. voice and data collaboration. and information technology adoption.teamspace.com/product s/index. It also provides Short Message Service (SMS) alerts. Presence (see who’s online). and Alerts (time-sensitive notifications) offer rich communications.php BlueTie – Business Class Collaboration – Integrates e-mail.com BackPack – An organizational tool that allows collaboration with others.html AdventNet – Zoho Virtual Office is groupware that provides a virtual collaboration platform where individuals and groups can communicate. and upload photos. Users can share Backpack pages with others by e-mailing the page address to the other person. and share information seamlessly using a number of useful applications.com/ Blenks – In-team .avecomm.com/services/faq_basi cs.com There are many different ways to collaborate.Collaboration Tools Collaborative Working Spaces and Resources Sharing Software 5 Point – Teamspace . Annotea enhances collaboration via shared metadata-based Web annotations. and bookmarks. A Webbased service lets users make to-do lists. intellectual property management. http://www. contacts.Advanced Reality has a set of P2P collaboration products that allow users to work directly together on various applications. organize.backpackit. Create your own team and work together with colleagues all over the world. http://www.inteam.bluetie. jot down notes.bantu. collaborative file management. Their virtual “meeting room” can be embedded in existing infrastructures and customized in terms of look and feel.com/ Advanced Reality – Jybe . http://www. expert location.Annotea is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) LEAD (Live Early Adoption and Demonstration) project under Semantic Web Advanced Development (SWAD). 82 © 2006. collaborate. Brandon Hall Research .This technology adds to a software/hardware application or product with Web-based video.com/info/ Bright Idea – On-Demand Innovation Management Suite – Software that assists managers in all areas of innovation. http://www. http://www. http://www. Bantu's secure Instant Messaging (real-time text communication). calendar.zoho.com/ Bantu – Bantu Messenger .Offers tools and modules to support teams in a variety of environments. http://www. http://www. with templates and workflows for product development. share files. and instant messaging.advancedreality. and communication.Bantu is a powerful communication and collaboration platform. http://www.Teamspace is a groupware system for international Webbased collaboration and virtual teamwork.org/2001/Annotea/ Atinav – aveComm .com/virtualoffice/index.brightidea. http://www. Emerging e-Learning Technologies Collaboration Tools Central Desktop – Central Desktop - Webbased collaboration tool for business teams to manage projects, share information, and communicate with others. Includes document organization and sharing, document versioning, and searchable discussion threads. http://www.centraldesktop.com/ Cisco - Unified MeetingPlace - An integral component of the Cisco IP Communications system, Cisco MeetingPlace is a complete rich-media conferencing solution. http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw /ps5664/ps5669/index.html Citrix Systems – GoToMeeting - Online meeting solution for sharing desktop resources, Web conferencing, and collaboration. http://www.citrix.com/English/ps2/produc ts/product.asp?contentID=13976 https://www.gotomeeting.com/ Comotiv Systems – Comotiv Collaboration – Allows the sharing of files, markup of data, recordable conferencing, and instant access to the group workspace. http://www.comotivsystems.com/ourProdu ct/index.htm courseforum technologies – Projectforum Web-based collaboration software that is easy to set up and use. http://www.courseforum.com/ Croquet – Croquet – A combination of open source computer software and network architecture that supports deep collaboration and resource sharing among large numbers of users. http://www.opencroquet.org Digi-Net Technologies – DigiChat - Web conferencing software to address the needs of business, education, non-profit, and individual users. http://www.globalchat.com/ Digite – Digite Enterprise - Offers realtime collaboration through Web access, instant messaging, discussion forum, alerts, flexible workflow, robust document management, and meeting manager. http://www.digite.com/ EMC² - Documentum eRoom - Web-based collaborative workspace that enables distributed teams to work together more efficiently. Features include IM; project planning and reporting; search; version control; office, desktop and e-mail integration (Microsoft Office and Outlook); integrates with SharePoint and WebLogic. http://software.emc.com/microsites/eRo om/index.jsp Engineering.com – Collaboration Suite – A collaboration suite for engineers that features a project navigator; resource information sharing; mechanical CAD Viewer to compress and send CAD files over Internet; desktop sharing and remote desktop control, recording and playback; and document management. http://collaboration.engineering.com/ EPAM Systems – EPAM Project Management Center (EPAM PMC ) - A Web-based collaboration environment for software development. The system streamlines project planning, requirement and risk management, software construction, product quality assurance, quantitative project management, and organizational process performance. http://www.epam-pmc.com/ Facilitating collaboration is not an easy task; it requires skill and experience. Do Not Reproduce 83 Collaboration Tools Exact Software – e-Synergy - The eSynergy platform integrates and consolidates corporate data into a single database. Features include the following: Accessing documents, scheduling and using calendars, tracking the status of assignments, and sending workflow tasks. http://www.exactamerica.com/esynergy/ eZmeeting - Live meetings and Web conferencing. Features include interactive data collaboration; universal file viewer for MS office documents; drawing tools; presentation tools, including whiteboards, snapshots, and images; interactive whiteboard; desktop sharing; and corporate instant messaging. http://www.ezmeeting.com/ Facilitate – FacilitatePro – Supports online meetings and collaboration with a set of tools for brainstorming, categorizing, voting, conducting surveys, and creating action plans. http://www.facilitate.com/ Flypaper – Teamspace – Simple, easy to use online collaboration system. The company also has the Flypaper Enterprise Collaboration Platform. http://www.flypaper.com/ Forum One – ProjectSpaces ProjectSpaces is a password-protected, Web-based extranet tool. It provides working groups with simple, powerful, secure, and reliable tools for collaborating more effectively across organizational and geographic boundaries. It has tools for managing multiple teams. http://www.forumone.com/section/servic es/projectspaces/ Gliffy – Gliffy – Provides the ability to diagramming in a Web browser, with collaborators able to add to and change the diagrams. http://www.gliffy.com/ Google – Google Groups – Create, search, and browse groups to discuss and share ideas. http://groups.google.com/ Gordano – Gordano Messaging Suite Collaboration - GMS Collaboration Server provides a fully functional cross-platform alternative to Microsoft Exchange. http://www.gordano.com/products/Colla boration.htm Grapevine Software – On Demand – Document management and collaboration software – share files, invite workspace members, assign file editing rights and completion dates, attach threaded discussions to files, allow members to update and edit files. http://www.grapevinesoftware.net/ Groove Networks – Groove Virtual Office File sharing, meeting, project management, data and process tracking, and team management. Soon to be integrated with Microsoft Office. http://www.groove.net/home/index.cfm GroupSystems – GroupSystems II GroupSystems II includes several tools for group interactions – from brainstorming to voting. The interactions can happen both in face-to-face meetings and in remote meetings run over the Internet. http://www.groupsupport.com/EN/produ cts/GSII.shtml Do Not Reproduce 84 Emerging e-Learning Technologies Collaboration Tools Hewlett Packard - Halo Collaboration Studio - A system of carefully placed plasma televisions, cameras, and microphones that allows two groups of up to six people to hold a live meeting in two separate locations. Conceived by Dreamworks as a response to travel concerns after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Halo allows meeting participants to make eye contact, share files and documents, and shout over each other in an attempt to be heard – just like a real meeting. http://www.hp.com/halo/index.html hotComm - A peer-to-peer collaboration platform that is designed to leverage the 1stWorks Network, a powerful, scalable, and secure peer networking architecture. hotComm is the desktop client that provides fast, efficient, private interactive access or exchange of text, voice, video, data, and applications between participating hotComm users on the Web. http://www.hotcomm.com/hotComm.asp HyperOffice – HyperOffice Collaboration Suite – A hosted collaboration solution. Features include the following: Business email, online document management, online calendar, online contact management, task manager, and shared documents. http://www.hyperoffice.com/ IBM - Lotus QuickPlace - A Web-based solution for creating team workspaces for collaboration. http://www03.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/quick place/ IceWEB – IceMAIL – An enterprise class e-mail and collaboration system for small businesses. Features include the following: Shared calendars, contacts, folders, and Microsoft Outlook integration. http://www.iceweb.com/ iLinc Communications - iLincSuite Provides hosted Web conferencing and audio conferencing software. Learnlinc is an electronic classroom from iLinc. http://www.ilinc.com/ Interwoven - WorkSite and WorkSite MP Collaborative Document Management Document management and team collaboration software that stores all project-related documents; integrates with MS Office, Outlook, and Lotus Notes; and provides search, versioning control, and extensibility. http://www.interwoven.com/products/do cument_management/index.html InQuest Technologies – InQuest IQ9 Document management and collaboration software. Features include the following: Document management, including versioning, security levels, search archiving, and file commenting. http://www.inquesttechnologies.com/Sm artApps.aspx JDH Technologies – Web-4M - A collaboration suite for business or training/education. Integrated suite of multi-user, peer-to-peer, and groupware tools for synchronous course delivery and instructor/student interaction. http://www.jdhtech.com/ Do Not Reproduce 85 Collaboration Tools JotSpot - Jotspot Live- A live group notetaking application for people collaborating on the Web. http://www.jotlive.com kGroups – UWC kGroups Collaborative Workspace - kGroups provides a number of tools, including file sharing, discussion forums, blogs (Weblogs), podcasting, a Wiki, realtime chat, instant messaging and presence indication, an interface to a mailing list server, image libraries, bookmarks and bookmark sharing (kBookmarks, link sharing), and more. http://kgroups.uwc.ac.za/index.php?mod ule=splashscreen L&W Interlab – Web Office Point - An online groupware with integrated collaborative environment for Web-based business. A suite of integrated Web-based software for managing commercial resources. Customizable Web directory, online editor, and role-based access control provide the capability to share information with employees, partners, and customers on the Web. http://www.webofficepoint.com/html/pro ducts.jsp Mayetic – Collaborative Workspaces – Teamwork collaboration tool. Functions include the following: Share documents, calendars, Web resources, and photos. Using Mayetic collaborative workspaces, any workgroup belonging to an internal or external organization can publish and share information and documents in a collaborative, structured, and secured fashion – up to 399 users. http://www.mayeticvillage.com/ Microsoft – Live Meeting - Live Meeting enables users to collaborate online with colleagues, customers, and partners in real time between either individuals or large groups—with just a PC and an Internet connection. http://www.microsoft.com/office/uc/live meeting/default.mspx Microsoft – SharePoint - Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services technology in Windows Server 2003 is an integrated portfolio of collaboration and communication services designed to connect people, information, processes, and systems both within and beyond the organizational firewall. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserve r2003/technologies/sharepoint/default. mspx Near-Time – Flow - Near-Time integrates a group Weblog with wiki pages, team events, and shared files in a hosted and secure collaborative environment. Create a Near-Time space to share ideas, resources, and files; author and review pages individually and across the group; schedule and track events and activities; organize and discover content through categories and tags; and publish and broadcast your content to the Web. http://www.near-time.com/ Novell – Groupwise - Novell GroupWise is a collaboration software solution that provides information workers with e-mail, calendaring, instant messaging, task management, and contact and document management functions. http://www.novell.com/products/groupwi se/ 86 © 2006, Brandon Hall Research Emerging e-Learning Technologies Collaboration Tools Open Text – Livelink EMC Collaboration Open Text provides Enterprise Content Management (ECM) that allow managers to tightly control the project lifecycle by monitoring due dates, milestones, tasks, and priorities and by receiving on-the-spot status reports. http://www.opentext.com/ Oracle - Oracle Collaboration Suite – Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g provides the tools an enterprise needs to seamlessly collaborate from within any application or device. Enables individuals, teams, and entire organizations to detect presence and collaborate instantly. http://www.oracle.com/collabsuite/index.h tml Parlano – MindAlign - A suite of persistent group messaging, instant messaging, and presence management solutions. Integrates with Microsoft SharePoint. http://www.parlano.com/ Performance Solutions Technology – MproWeb – A browser-based tool that combines collaboration and performance management. http://www.performancesolutionstech.com / Raissa Publishing – MyWorldChat, MyWorldChat Communicator - Corporate quality communications center. Features include the following: Interactive whiteboard, real-time application sharing, text chat, audio and Webcam, file transfer, moderator functions, and MP3 audio recording. http://myworldchat.com/terms.html Rallypoint - Rallypoint - Combines the powerful features of a desktop word processor with the collaborative abilities of a secure hosted wiki, providing the best of both worlds. http://www.rallypointhq.com/ Ramius - Community Zero CommunityZero is an interactive Web site that allows a group of people to communicate and exchange information over the Internet in their own private and secure area. Within each area, called an online community, participants are provided access to a suite of powerful tools that enable a group to effectively get organized, share knowledge, and communicate. http://www.communityzero.com/ Same-Page.com – eStudio - eStudio is a hybrid solution that offers over 30 software features needed for effective collaboration. eStudio does not require an IT department to maintain it. The administration of an eStudio tightly controls user access. Staff members can access the components they require to work effectively while customers view only the data that is relevant to their company interaction. http://www.same-page.com/ Santa Cruz Networks - Solutions to help people communicate in new ways on the Internet. Allows people to talk to each other, see each other in real time using cameras, and share data or applications while they are online. http://www.santacruznetworks.com/ Do Not Reproduce 87 Collaboration Tools Selden Integrated Systems – iKE - iKE is a ready-to-use application of personalized online workspaces and interactive solutions. The iKE Office software includes Secure Portals, Workflow Automation, Document Management, and Remote Access solutions. http://www.seldensystems.com/ ShareMethods – ShareMethods - Ondemand (ASP) product that combines document management, collaboration, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) integration in a single solution. http://www.sharemethods.com/ SiteScape - Forum ZX - Collaboration software that includes document management, threaded discussions, calendar sharing, search, workflow and task management, and real-time communications such as presence confirmation, voice and Web conferencing, Webbased whiteboarding, and instant messaging. http://www.sitescape.com SpiderWeb Communications - Web-based solutions to enable face-to-face interaction with remote employees, partners, and prospects – without leaving their desks. Includes VoIP, live video, application sharing, and breakout groups. http://www.cyber-grad.com/index.asp Stalker Software – CommuniGate Pro – This is claimed to be the most scalable and modern Internet communications application server on the market today. Web conferencing server (in-house). http://www.stalker.com/content/default. html SumTotal Systems – SumTotal Enterprise Suite, with Total VCS and Total Collaboration - TotalVCS delivers online training and enables live and "ondemand" communication, collaboration, and learning over the Web for the delivery of real-time online training. Total Collaboration provides an easy way for employees to get information from company experts and an easy way for organizations to capture the knowledge transfer for future reference. http://www.sumtotalsystems.com/produ cts/stcollab.html Trichys – WorkZone - WorkZone is the easy-to-use extranet for organizing and sharing work with clients, project teams, and business partners. Designed specifically for the non-technical user, WorkZone can be accessed from any Web-enabled computer (Mac or PC) and requires no additional hardware or software. http://www.trichys.com/ VIACK – VIA3 – Provides secure collaboration meetings over the Internet – see and hear all participants; view and edit documents or images together; store files; and use live audio, video, instant messaging, and information sharing. http://www.viack.com/product/ Vignette - Vignette Collaboration – Webbased, shared workspaces that blend seamlessly with your current and familiar productivity tools such as e-mail, desktop document folders, productivity applications, and calendaring tools. http://www.vignette.com/contentmanage ment/0,2097,1-1-1928-4149-19684491,00.html 88 © 2006, Brandon Hall Research myonProject is an online team collaboration and project management solution that offers practical. pay-as-you-go Webbased project management software.com/ Brevient – Brevient Project – Flexible online project management software with a dashboard management system.Communities of practice software that have received great reviews. http://www. feedback. and share documents. scaleable. expertise. and other business communications.net/ Writely is an online word processor that allows real time collaboration with others.yahoo. assign tasks. and auto-matically discovers each employee's work focus.com/Home/ WebAsyst – WebAsyst Suite . http://www.com/ Do Not Reproduce 89 .com/ Project and Team Management Software Axista – Xcolla . and e-mails.com/ Yahoo Groups – Yahoo groups give Yahoo! users a place to meet. documents.projectdox. giving all team members constant online access to needed information.tacit.axista. Works with Microsoft Project.com/ onProject – myonProject .com/ OPM Creator – OPMCreator .opmcreator.nexprise. project. connects peers.onproject.webcrossing. affordable. and business relationships. http://www.Instant setup. Use it out of the box. FTP server.writely. and document management in a Web browser without downloading additional software.Intuitive project management software for work teams. Users can store information and control where it goes and who can access it.Processes email.com/ Communities of Practice Management Software Tacit Networks – ActiveNet3 .com/company/news/pres s/2005. simple. e-mail server.com/ NexPrise – NexPrise Collaboration Centralizes all project-related documents. files. newsgroup server. http://www. and promotes a culture of sharing across functional units.htm Informative Graphics – ProjectDox . Tomoye Ecco rapidly creates an environment that supports context creation around new knowledge. http://www.04.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Collaboration Tools Web Crossing – WebCrossing Core WebCrossing Core includes a Multi-domain Web server.tomoye. and more. http://www. calendars.webasyst. online management for projects of any size and scope. http://www. discussions.html Tomoye – Tomoye Ecco .Easyto-use database that neatly stores and organizes project files. chat server. or use it to build a Web application. interact. http://groups. http://www.WebAsyst enables users to implement customer. and share.25.brevient. http://www. set user permissions. stimulates idea generation. Share multiple projects with multiple users. http://www. XML-RPC server. and data into a single storage area. http://www.com/project. aspx Virtual Classrooms with Collaboration Features CaucusCare – Team . project tracking. project planning. print icon.com/index. invoicing.com/ PeopleCube – WebEvent Team . Access to the tool is also given to clients.Projistics .Features include Hands up. scheduling solutions. and collaboration to timesheet management. and save to disk icon. http://www. exit and help.Web event calendaring. navigation.0Project Suite – TDNext is focused on helping managers and project team members work more effectively.In-house tool developed to assist in project management. and payments.com/ HP .A real-time virtual classroom environment designed for distance education and collaboration in academic institutions.elluminate. and text chat. Project managers have all of the tools necessary to monitor team progress.com/centra-saba/ Elluminate – Elluminate Live! Academic Edition 7.0 . custom stamps. and graphics in a structured online learning environment.Synchronous virtual classroom – Audio. attendee list. whiteboard pages.Industrial-strength software package for hosting Web-based "online conferencing.HP Virtual Classroom .nagarro. shared whiteboard and presentation. Brandon Hall Research .caucus. private/group chat.hp.com/english/offshore _software_development_project_manage ment. content.peoplecube. annotation tools. and communicate with their project teams.com/hpvc Photon Infotech – SPARK . applaud and meter. form to submit questions.project-open.photoninfotech.shtml Centra – Centra 7 – Centra Live for Virtual Classes replicates typical classroom interaction with voice. http://www. http://www. and Web pages. visual. video.com Nagarro .com/Collaborati onProducts/Products. integrated content management system." virtual collaboration.Collaboration Tools Project/Open – Project/Consulting . http://www. and the system tells them exactly where their time should be focused. data. and asynchronous group meetings http://care. http://www.An integrated Web-based project management and PSA (Professional Services Automation) that helps a company to run its business by taking care of everything from CRM.com/content/ view/16/108/ 90 © 2006. and human performance management applications. content button. Project team members have instant access to all project information that is relevant to their work. URL sharing. http://www.saba. http://www. http://education.htm TeamDynamix – TDNEXT V4. private whiteboards for each participant. breakout rooms. review button. fostering the spirit of a team working towards a single goal. Tools include PowerPoint drag-and-drop. shared desktop. identify and resolve potential problems.teamdynamix. synchronous online lectures.com/ Genesys Conferencing – Genesys Meeting Center – Audio. Record classes or Webcasts. http://www. learning. http://www.convenos. Lead or attend virtual classes with full moderator control and participant interaction. http://www. Allows holding live.mixmeeting.com/products/breeze/ Batipi – Batipi . Share and collaborate on any application or document in real time.interwise. http://www. http://www. guest lectures.elluminate. and collaboration features.A secure. and phone use. e-mail invites.com/ Do Not Reproduce 91 .0 . quick desktop sharing tool for hosting live Web demos.IntraLinks On-Demand Workspaces . Web.A real-time virtual classroom environment designed for distance education and collaboration in academic institutions. http://www.com/ Elluminate – Elluminate Live! Enterprise Edition 7. Real-time reporting shows which information has been accessed. video. online classes.com/ Intralinks . Purdue University has extended learning with Breeze through blended learning activities.com/products/ liveclassroom/ Interwise – Interwise Connect .communiqueconferencing. http://www. application sharing. http://www. and collaborative content-building sessions.glance.batipi. http://www. how often. instant messaging.intralinks. For example.Breeze delivers rich Web experiences for online teaching.asp Horizon Wimba – Live Classroom – A fully featured live virtual classroom supporting audio. office hours. and collaboration that everyone can access instantly.com/ Glance Networks – Glance Corporate Glance is a simple. and by whom.adobe. http://www.com /internet_conferencing. virtual office hours.Delivers unlimited voice.Synchronous Webconferencing software. and content display.com/ Communique – Audioconferencing with PowerSlides. http://www. and videoconferencing. sales presentations. Webcasts. session reports. Features include shared documents. and meetings. and Web conferencing with WebEx.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Collaboration Tools Web Conferencing Software with Collaboration Features Adobe – Macromedia Breeze . video.com/ Brevient – Mix Meeting – Web conferencing software with scheduling.asp Convenos – Virtual meeting spaces and collaborative tools.net/site/getglance/ex amples. and more. and Webconferencing specialists.genesys.horizonwimba. meeting management. virtual environment where business communities can exchange high-value information across enterprise boundaries. the Internet. http://www.radvision. instant messaging.asp Meeting One – Click&Share. Multilingual. easy-to-use Web conferencing solution that allows users to share and present any printable document.meetingone. any application. SwitchTower is a distributed network design allowing Raindance to deliver interactive online meetings and events throughout their network.LiveOffice provides Web-based. http://www. and a change presenter ability.liveoffice.iVocalize Web Conference Enables interactive Web conference meetings. http://www. or an entire desktop. and into the enterprise. With the convenience of online access through an individual account. attendee lists.com/rndc/services /services. BridgePoint users can establish conferences at a second’s notice from an Internet connection.ivocalize. Brandon Hall Research . e-learning classrooms. Click&Meet Click&Share is a powerful. and desktop videoconferencing services. broadcasts files. polling and quizzes. Click to Meet creates conferences across multiple servers and routes and connects conference participants to the server most applicable to their application and network configuration. http://www. including Web conferencing. compliance management solutions and conferencing collaboration technologies.Raindance's SwitchTower multimedia network is the foundation of the company's collaborative Web.asp 92 © 2006.cfm/ na_en/page=homepage NetSpoke . toll-free conference calling. and real-time videoconferencing.com/ LiveOffice – IMConferencing . desktop sharing. record and playback. http://www.com/ Radvision – Click to Meet . pre-recorded broadcasts. http://www. keyboard and voice chat.com/website2/even ts_imc.Collaboration Tools iVocalize . Click&Meet is an interface that allows users to visually manage a personal audio conference room.Web and audio conferencing services.com/ Linktivity Division.To support large deployments.Combining audio and Web conferencing components.com/ Raindance Communications – Switch Tower . online seminars.telnetz.jsp TelNetZ – BridgePoint .linktivity. annotations.com/bridgepoint. http://www. notes. and presentations to audiences spanning the globe. live demos.netspoke. teleconferencing. hand raising. Inter-Tel – WebDemo Features include multipoint videoconferencing. BridgePoint allows companies to meet virtually anywhere to accomplish their goals. remote control. audio.raindance. transparency tools. http://www.com/action. http://www. http://www.webtrain.com/ WebTrain – Communicator 4 .edufolio. surveys. A 1994 article by Scardamalia and Bereiter explains the philosophy behind this project.html The 2006 Collaborative Technologies Conference was held in June in Boston.voxwire. share other applications. a graduate school of the University of Toronto. http://www.collabtech.An unlimited computer-to-computer Web conferencing application that allows people to talk to each other. and moderation of Webcasts. The suite manages the creation. set up labs and conduct quizzes. tour Web sites. and instant messaging capabilities. http://carbon.ctcevents. teleconferencing. editing. Present courseware in a synchronous online environment. send text messages.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Collaboration Tools Terra Dotta – Edufolio – An online teaching environment with conferences. http://www.com/ WebEx – WebEx Meeting Center . show rich multimedia content and documents.com/ Online Resources One of the oldest environments for networked collaboration was the CSILE project at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE).com/home/s_vmps.Web conferencing and collaboration solutions and a virtual classroom. Webinars. e-learning. discussion forums.com/ WaveThree – Sessions IP Communications – A conferencing service that allows users to conduct business meetings right on their computers. Japan on July 13-14. It can be used for private communication or with large groups of participants.com/ The second international conference on Collaboration Technologies (CollabTech 2006) was held in Tsukuba. and document collaboration. conference calling. 2006. Web conferencing.org Do Not Reproduce 93 . Requires only a browser and a phone. Training can be conducted in multiple simultaneous languages in the same training session. http://www. text messaging. publishing. http://www. and videoconferencing services created for today's enterprise.wave3software.VMPS is a robust software suite used to manage the workflow of a live or on-demand Webcast. and system management. course. Users can have face-to-face meetings with quality audio and video.ht ml Voxwire – Meeting Room .webex. and see the same Web site or other presentation on their screens – from anywhere in the world. http://www. It was started by Marlene Scardamalia and Carl Bereiter in the early 1980s. present PowerPoint slideshows.com/ Vodium – Media Publishing Suite . Solutions include Web meetings.edu/~bwilson/bu ilding.cudenver. remote support. http://www.vodium.Powers online meetings. or meeting. and provide effective distance education at a fraction of the cost of traditional classroom courses. org/tools. Bryan (2006).com/View.com/ The Collaborative Learning Environments Sourcebook is a free e-book describing the entire domain of collaboration in elearning.globalschoolnet.edu/apps/er/erm0 6/erm0621. also has a great list of collaboration tools.mitre.kolabora.aspx?docid= ag9j97p7pg73_ahh5gqp63qx4 The Collaboration Loop is a Web site containing newsletters and articles on all aspects of collaboration in corporate environments.0: a new wave of innovation for teaching and learning? EDUCAUSE Review. Brandon Hall Research .1 Bibliography Alexander. Sign up for free at: http://www.thinkofit.com/(1y2d1on5 2jkgieqpokgy3tzh)/app/home/journal. http://www. http://www. Its reviews of collaboration tools are also useful. and businesses to provide collaborative educational. a not-for-profit organization chartered to work in the public interest. http://www. communities. 41(2). http://collaboration.com Kolabora is a news site for the rapidly growing corporate collaboration community. and cultural learning activities that prepare students for the workforce and help them become literate and responsible global citizens.Collaboration Tools Global SchoolNet Foundation (GSN) partners with schools.writely.htm Mitre Corporation.springerlink. http://www. also known as “groupware.” http://www.htm Athabasca University maintains a Web site of reviews of online collaborative tools.txl Computer Supported Cooperative Work is a journal on collaboration in the workplace published by Springer. Web 2.collaborationloop.asp?bhcp=1 94 © 2006.athabascau.educause.com/groupware/ index. March/April 2006. http://cde.org/collab/in dex.as p?referrer=parent&backto=linkingpublica tionresults.ht ml Athabasca University provides a list of “Collaborative Learning Activities Using Social Software Tools” authored by Donna Cameron and Terry Anderson.org/index. http://www. http://www. http://www. scientific.com/webconf/works paces.usabilityfirst.htm The Usability First Web site has built a comprehensive list on Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW).1:100250.ca/softeval/ David Wooley maintains a very comprehensive list of Web-based collaborative work environments.criticalmethods. (2004). A. D. J. Presentation to the DLF Fall Forum. Brazil.htm Canali De Rossi.org/forums/fall2002/dlfnov2002. Collaboration First. Luigi (2003b). http://www. 2004. http://www. Then Knowledge Management. Curtis (2002).org/2003/0 5/02/best_online_resources_for_web_con ferencing_live_elearning_realtime_collabor ation_and_live_presentation_tools.N.com/content/templa tes/clo_feature. The State Of Collaboration Technologies..clomedia. ChenBurger.masternewmedia. http://www. Luigi (2004b).masternewmedia. Komzak. Best New Tools For Web Conferencing and Live Collaboration.htm# Clapp. Luigi (2003a). CMS Watch. and Forster. S.. Potter.org/index. Nov.cfm/files/pa per_12386.masternewmedia. http://www. Robin Good Blog. Proceedings. Chief Learning Officer..masternewmedia. Buckingham Shum. June 5.ecs. Robin Good Blog..pdf Bonk.collaborate.org/collabo ration_technologies/collaboration_techn ologies_conference_2005_Kolabora_rep orts. Collaborative Tools for e-Learning. Findlay. 2002. Dalton. http://www. (2003). M. May 2. Matthew (2004). K. http://www. A.uk/12081/ Beshears. S. T.cmswatch.ac. http://www.htm Canali De Rossi. Transforming pedagogies using collaborative tools. Collaborative Strategies. Live ELearning.diglib. Q2Learning White Paper. http://www..com/Feature/109 Elliot. 3. 2003. The Future of Collaboration Technologies At CTC2005. A. Luigi (2005).. D.htm Butler. Real-Time Collaboration and Live Presentation Tools: a mini-guide.. N.html Canali De Rossi.org/2004/ 01/21/the_state_of_collaboration_techn ologies. De Roure.htm Canali De Rossi.asp?articleid=41&zoneid= 30 Bruck. Robin Good Blog. Robin Good Blog. September. D.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Collaboration Tools Bachler..com/writings. Luigi (2004a).bruck. Nov.pdf?fuseaction=Reader. Fitzgerald. Bill (2004).. E-Learning and the Digital Library: Opportunities for Collaboration. (2004).com/publication/n ewsletter/publications_newsletter_septem ber03. Eisenstadt.. Collaboration Technologies Empower the Enterprise.htm Canali De Rossi. Maceió. Page. Fred (2002). In Proceedings of Grid Learning Services Workshop (GLS 2004). Shadbolt. R. Robin Good Blog. J. Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2004. 4. World Conference on Educational Multimedia. http://www. Best Online Resources For Web Conferencing. http://www.org/news/ 2004/06/05/collaboration_technologies _empower_the_enterprise. Creating an eCommunity. http://eprints.. 2003. Sept. M. Collaboration in the Semantic Grid: a Basis for e-Learning. and Tate.soton.editlib. 2002. June 22. 2565-2569. Models of collaboration. June 30. Michaelides. J. http://www.masternewmedia.. January 21.org/2003/ 09/03/best_new_tools_for_web_confere ncing_and_live_collaboration.Down loadFullText&paper_id=12386 Do Not Reproduce 95 . J. and Coleman. A. Educational Technology & Society. 24. J. (Eds. http://sleid. http://ifets.com/gp/product/14 02077793/102-14324368908931?v=glance&n=283155 Whymark.ca/online_book/c h8. Technologies of Cooperation. Evaluation.html Munkvold.. MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2002 (pp. (2002). Norwell. K. R.. http://www. Callan.athabascau. (2002). M.. Chesapeake.cfm?fuseacti on=Reader. Bjorn (Ed..au/include/getdoc.ieee. CyberSession: A New Proposition for E-Learning in Collaborative Virtual Environments. http://www. W. (2004). In Crawford. P. Educational Technology & Society. Paper presented to WSCG 2005 Conference.zcu. Online learning predicates teamwork: Collaboration underscores student engagement. J. G.cz/wscg2005/Papers_2 005/Poster/J03-full. (Eds. McFerrin. (2005). Kirschner. Learning Circuits. Nov. and Sharifi. Innovation and Development. August 2002.) Theory and Practice of Online Learning. J. Willis. http://cde. Brandon Hall Research .) (2003). and Miller. A framework for evaluating computer supported collaborative learning.html Hurst.pdf Kaplan. (2004).com/gp/product/18 52334185/102-14324368908931?v=glance&n=283155 Sadeghi.editlib. Kirschner.org/periodical/vol_1_20 02/ewing. Implementing collaboration technologies in industry: case examples and lessons learned.). 5(1). and Thomas. K.. and Jochems. Carlsen. http://ifets. http://www. & Purnell. Scaffolding knowledge building strategies in teacher education settings. Soren (2002).. (2002). Palo Alto. A.. In Terry Anderson and Fathi Elloumi (Eds. VA: AACE.pdf Strijbos.amazon. J.edu. 5(1).org/2002/au g2002/kaplan.ieee. Price. Studies in Learning.Collaboration Tools Elliott. D. I.amazon. Aavani. http://www. J. P. D.. & Weber. e-Book.rheingold. D. http://wscg. January 2005. R. J. C.org/index. The Sociability of ComputerSupported Collaborative Learning Environments.... R.html Kreijns. Building Communities--Strategies for Collaborative Learning.learningcircuits..org/periodical/vol_1_20 02/kreijns. 1(2).php ?id=84&article=40&mode=pdf 96 © 2006. and Martens. CA. Developing team skills and accomplishing team projects online. London: Springer-Verlag.PrintAbstract&paper_id=1062 2 Ewing. 827-829). University of Athabasca.. http://www.) (2004).com/cooperation/T echnology_of_cooperation.html Institute for the Future (2005). What we know about CSCL and implementing it in higher education. Gibson. Institute for the Future White Paper.cqu. K. and adaptable tool that can be used in a range of educational contexts to realize structured.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Communications Tools Related terms Computer mediated communication. messaging. These tools can add to the conversational aspects of teaching. telephony. http://www. pedagogical approaches to dialogical learning. Her influential Conversational Framework theory (Laurillard. discussion groups.jisc.” http://goldenswamp. instant messaging. It is being developed into a transportable. VoIP. Do Not Reproduce 97 .asp …learning can be seen as a series of teacher-learner conversations at multiple levels of abstraction. teaching involves both levels and the interaction between them.” Laurillard argues that learning can be seen as a series of teacher-learner conversations at multiple levels of abstraction. Selected Examples In Buckinghamshire. Hegarty et al. whiteboards.janison. and computer simulations Reflection – on performance to enrich concepts Adaptation – of concepts to improve performance Collaboration – among students Many forms of communication are made possible by the computer. labs. UK.com. chat.ac. For example. a process referred to as “text mentoring. and yet tailored and flexible. For Laurillard. including criteria for assessments Interaction with the world – practice in the real world. 1993) has been used as the basis of course design in a number of educational settings. html The Learning Place in Queensland. discussion forums. telepresence. ranging from simple text-based instant messages to live videoconferencing.com/2006/06/13/t ext-mentoring-is-here-or-at-least-atbuckinghamshire/ AcademicTalk is a tool used for synchronous collaborative argumentation. and videoconferencing in an educational context: http://eq. (2000) use Laurillard’s work to design a course using seven different teaching-learning activities that involve a combination of discussion and tasks: Delivery – student reception of conceptual materials Discussion of concepts – all interaction with the teacher and feedback on assessments Task goals – performance to achieve. re-usable.au/eq/default.uk/deletacademictalk. Australia is a Web site for creating e-mail. and e-mail has become part of the “new learning landscape. The theory distinguishes between the level of description where the teacher describes a concept then hears it back from the student. VoIP Description The use of various online communications technologies such as instant messaging. and the level of action where the teacher sets out a task and the student responds with a specific performance of that task. blogs. students send text messages to their teachers using cell phones and receive helpful messages in return. fasfind. International Journal on E-Learning. http://ewic.org/ Online Resources Teresa A. D’Eca in Portugal maintains a fantastic list of Web resources on all aspects of learning online. The discussions are also RSS enabled to syndicate the content. and telephony tools. and Cerri.elearningcentre. and Bortolozzi.co. http://www. M. http://www.ngfl. http://www.bcs. 2004.Communications Tools AMANDA is an intelligent system for threaded discussion.ac.uk/eclipse/Resources/i m. the user can send a query to the Google Short Message Service (SMS) and receive an answer on via phone. including communications tools. JulySept. (2004). ranging from simple textbased instant messages to live videoconferencing.elearningcentre.org/index. See research on how well AMANDA works: http://www. M.htm WWWTools for Education has gathered dozens of resources for online communications in education.conversate.48. http://www2.ViewAbstract&paper_id=4312 If a cell phone has a Web browser.uk/eclipse/vendors/ch at..com/sms/ A huge list of software for setting up and maintaining discussion forums has been compiled by David Wooley.htm The eLearning Centre also maintains a list resources on using instant messaging and chat in education and another Web page on the educational use of e-mail. cfm?x=0&rid=2645 The Department of Education and Skills in the UK has an article online on the safe use of e-mail within schools.editlib.thinkofit. chat. CAP e-Guide. AMANDA: an intelligent system for mediating threaded discussions.uk/services/cap /resources/pubs/eguides/cmc/ Eisenstadt.warwick.htm#Teaching The eLearning Centre in the UK maintains an extensive list of instant messaging.gov.google. F.uk/eclipse/Resources/ usingoutlook.php3?D=d54 Bibliography Childs.com/wwwtools/m/2645. S. Komzak. Mark (2004). Computer Mediated Communication. Create instant online discussion spaces with Conversate. http://m.htm 98 © 2006. These tools can add to the conversational aspects of teaching.htm http://www.71. Paper presented at the ELeGI Conference. Brandon Hall Research . http://www. Find her work at: http://64.37/teresadeca/webhead s/online-learningenvironments. J. Peer Conversations for eLearning in the Grid. He also has an extensive list on hosting services: http://www.pdf Eleuterio.org/conferences/2005/1 stelegi/session1/paper6. developed in Brazil. http://www.co.ViewAbstract&paper_id=431 2 Many forms of communication are made possible by the computer.elearningcentre. 13-20.co. University of Warwick. (2005).uk/schools/docum ent. http://safety.editlib.cfm?fuseact ion=Reader.cfm?fuseacti on=Reader.com/webconf/hostsi tes.org/index. Developing a successful e-mail campaign. http://hbswk. VoIP. Pattie (2005). (2000). I. (2002).pdf Kadirire. A. 199-212.edu/item. Learning Circuits. http://www.amazon. An Evaluation of the Implementation of a Short Message System (SMS) to Support Undergraduate Student Learning. 2002. Proceedings of the European Workshop on Mobile and Contextual Learning (MLEARN 2002). Nick (2002).html Laurillard. Recent Research Developments in Learning Technologies (2005) http://www.formatex.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Communications Tools Garner. whiteboards. Francis. and Wales. e-Book. CharityVillage. Proceedings of the European Workshop on Mobile and Contextual Learning. 31. http://www.html Morgan. Working Knowledge Newsletter. Diana (1993).html Laurik. 2005 http://www. J. 20-21.uk/papers/Stone_ A. J. June.pdf LaCroix. M. and email has become part of the “new learning landscape.org/2002/aug 2002/elearn. discussion forums. http://dircweb.hbs. University of Birmingham. chat. June. http://www. Sven (2002).king. Bostock. distance-learning course at Keele University. University of Athabasca. (Mlearn 2002). (2004). 20-21. Jan.” Do Not Reproduce 99 . The short message service (SMS) for schools/conferences. S. ITZ GD 2 TXT – How To Use SMS Effectively in MLearning. London: Routledge. D.. James (2005).com/gp/product/041 5256798/ref=pd_rvi_gw_2/0029253176-3276022?ie=UTF8 McGreal. 31 (3).ca/online_book/c h5. 2002. and Briggs.com/cv/research /rmed35. 19.ac. The Eleven Commandments for controlling your email.com Library.ac.jhtml?id=310 3&t=technology Stone. British Journal of Educational Technology.2002_412104/stone_briggs_post_pee r_review. Staff development in information technology for special needs: a new. E-Learning 1. Aug. R. http://cde.. and Elliott. and Collins. Technologies of Online Learning. J.0: Using HTML Email to Deliver High-Impact Episodic Training. Hegarty.charityvillage. J.) Theory and Practice of Online Learning. UK.athabascau. Rethinking University Teaching: a framework for the effective use of educational technology.jisc. September 23. (2002). In Terry Anderson and Fathi Elloumi (Eds.uk/uploaded_document s/sb%20cf%20tool. 2002.learningcircuits.org/micte2005/4.doc The use of various online communications technologies such as instant messaging. skills inventory.imsproject. Known in the early days as the “quality movement. advocated using competencies rather than IQ as criteria in hiring. organizational and personal goals are tied together. The main benefits of a competency-based system are that employees have a clear set of objectives and expectations for job performance. Selected Examples The IMS Global Learning Consortium has developed a Reusable Definition of Competency or Educational Objective (RDCEO).” it started in 1950 with Dr. a competency “is an area of knowledge or skill that is critical for producing key outputs. 2005). Competency tracking and gap analysis are features of more advanced learning management systems (for examples of LMSs that do this. performance appraisal. a Harvard psychologist. The idea of measuring and tracking competencies in the workplace is a legacy of the command and control experience of World War II and became an important management focus after the war ended. Download the documentation on this definition at: http://www. talent management Description According to Sanders (2001). Competency-based systems can also be overly elaborate and bureaucratic and unresponsive to changing workplaces (Parkin. and then having a mechanism to check off when competencies are achieved. Brandon Hall Research . Organizations and individuals can have identifiable competencies (Cooper. skills verification. which can be used to identify gaps in competencies and recommend the necessary steps for remedial action. abilities and behaviors of an excellent performer. hiring and appraisal systems are more fair and open. In 1973. 100 © 2006. W. competency-based training. who developed modern quality control methods for Japanese industries. see below) and performance or talent management systems.” Competency tracking allows a system to build an inventory of skills. skills. The major problem with competency tracking is that there is no uniform or coordinate system for skills verification nor methods for tracking competencies. David McClelland. Wagner (2000) defines a competency model as “a collection of related descriptions of the knowledge. entering defined competencies into a matrix.Competency Tracking Software Related terms Competencies. 2000). and work processes are measurable and standardized across organizational and geographical boundaries. Competency tracking involves developing a competency model.” Many training departments track employee performance by breaking tasks into required competencies and then testing for each one.org/competencies /index. Edwards Deming.html Many training departments track employee performance by breaking tasks into required competencies and then testing for each one. the company that develops the LearnFlex LMS): Desire2Learn (D2L) Learning Management System..sg/events/lstc_seminar_Oct0 4/Competencies. For example.html For a comprehensive list of the competencies needed to be an e-learning professional. Rigorous application of this competency definition in Singapore resulted in a Competency Definition Information Model with the following elements: Identifier Title Description Definition Metadata For more on this model. https://launchpad. diagnose symptoms.htm Many companies have their own competency models.cpgvision. and carry out proper procedures. and development interventions.wmich.com/article16.net/products/cando Physicians need to be able to gather data.learnflex.ncrel.org. Learning management systems that have this functionality include the following (Full disclosure: I work for Operitel Corp. see the 2001 article by Ethan Sanders at: http://www.org/sdrs/areas/issues/ methods/assment/as7scans.org/2001/m ar2001/competencies. see the competencies matrices from the Physician Assistant Department at the University of Western Michigan.edu/paprog/clin_events . Read their white paper at: http://www. objectives.com/developerworks/lotus/libra ry/lms-iwcl/ LearnFlex Learning Management System http://www. Departments of Labor and Education formed the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) to study the kinds of competencies and skills that workers must have to succeed in today's workplace.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Competency Tracking Software The IMS definition of a competency was developed as the IEEE Competency Definition Standard.learningcircuits.S. http://www. SchoolTool is a project to develop a common global school administration infrastructure freely available under an Open Source license. For a large list of competencies for physicians.com The idea of measuring and tracking competencies in the workplace is a legacy of the command and control experience of World War II and became an important management focus after the war ended.htm Learning Management Systems with Competency Tracking A number of learning management systems have built-in modules for tracking competencies and tying verification of a competency to an assessment engine. http://www.html The U.ibm.pdf CanDo is an open source student competency tracking system. See the list of competencies at: http://www. CanDo is built on the SchoolTool platform.itsc. activities. go to: www. measurement.com/ IBM Workplace Collaborative Learning Management System http://www128.desire2learn. Do Not Reproduce 101 . the Carr Performance Group uses these headings to describe each competency: purpose. http://www. Miller.uk/subjects/perfman gmt/competnces/comptfrmwk. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Competency-Based Learning: The Resurrection of a Classical Approach. Express Computer. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.com/gp/product/04 7109031X/sr=81/qid=1156366415/ref=sr_1_1/1047132080-0775136?ie=UTF8 Cooper. v.cipd. http://www. http://www.ca/index. New York: David McKay.com/ 20050425/technologylife01.oracle. 1-14.cipd.syberworks. April. London: Wiley. http://www.asp?articleid=1320&zon eid=187 Bloom. Competency Frameworks. http://www. Chief Learning Officer. April 25.ht m Online Resources HRSG.E. http://www. Testing for competence rather than intelligence.Competency Tracking Software Oracle Learning Management System http://www.co. The competent manager: a model for effective performance. David. F.co.htm The major problem with competency tracking is that there is no uniform or coordinate system for skills verification nor methods for tracking competencies.com/skillsman. R. Competency frameworks in UK organisations: key issues in employers’ use of competencies.com/gp/product/08 14405487/sr=11/qid=1156366446/ref=pd_bbs_1/1047132080-0775136?ie=UTF8&s=books Dev. regardless of industry or sector. 102 © 2006. a Canadian company.hrsg. (2001). Factsheet published online by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Ken (2000). London: IDS.php?sctn=4&ct gry=55#1 Bibliography Bersin. has a Comprehensive Competencies Dictionary that lists “41 competencies included in this dictionary are required of most employees. pp.shtml Hogg.com/applications/hum an_resources/learning.com/content/templ ates/clo_article.html SyberWorks LMS – Competency Management Module http://www.amazon.amazon. Sudipta (2005).uk/subjects/perfman gmt/competnces/comptfrmwk. Building a skills inventory.htm?IsSrc hRes=1 Incomes Data Services. (1982).clomedia. Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain.. Brandon Hall Research . (1973). (2001). American Psychologist. http://www.amazon. and Neathy. Clare (2005).” http://www. Rankin. http://www. Effective Competency Modeling and Reporting: a step-by-step guide for improving individual and organizational performance. Josh (2006).expresscomputeronline. 2005. L.com/gp/product/08 46452448/sr=15/qid=1156366474/ref=sr_1_5/1047132080-0775136?ie=UTF8&s=books McClelland.amazon.com/gp/product/05 82280109/104-71320800775136?v=glance&n=283155 Boyatzis. New York: AMACOM. Benjamin (1956). Study 706. Competency and competency frameworks. N.28. http://www. P.) (2003). Courses vs Competencies: a comparative analysis.com/2. and Epstein. http://www. Emerging technology trends in e-learning.amazon. University of Toronto.com/gp/product/047 1350745/sr=11/qid=1156366788/ref=sr_1_1/1047132080-0775136?ie=UTF8&s=books Do Not Reproduce 103 .p df Rankin. The IRS handbook on competencies: law and practice.html Radsma.operitel. A practical guide to competencies: how to enhance individual and organisational performance.collectionscanada. The Psychology of Abilities. http://www. S. http://www. 2005. and Grigorenko. Ethan (2001).linezine. March 2001. Learning Circuits.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Competency Tracking Software Parkin. S.com/gp/product/052 1809886/sr=11/qid=1156366692/ref=sr_1_1/1047132080-0775136?ie=UTF8&s=books Wagner.org/2001/mar 2001/competencies.aspx?ID=15&Source=http% 3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eoperitel%2Ecom%2F Lists%2FPublications%2FAllItems%2Easp x Zwell. Godfrey (2005). G. and Hollyforde. P. Rankin. April 30. Cambridge. (2001). Master's thesis.com/Lists/Publicatio ns/DispForm.learningcircuits. LineZine: Learning in the New Economy. White paper. and Cahorn.amazon. Competencybased Initiatives and their Users: an exploration of competency modeling from the perspective of employees and their supervisors in three Canadian organizations. UK: Cambridge University Press. Johanna. http://www. White paper from Operitel Corporation. London: IRS. The new prescription for performance: the eleventh competency benchmarking survey. London: IRS.html Sternberg.com/gp/product/18 43980126/sr=13/qid=1156366723/ref=sr_1_3/1047132080-0775136?ie=UTF8&s=books Woodill. Creating a Culture of Competence. N. New York: John Wiley. (2003). N. 2nd ed. (2004). Parkin’s Lot. http://www. Competency based learning management. Michael.com/2005/04/c ompetency-based-learningmanagement. Fall 2000. and Expertise. (2000). (Eds. Sanders. Gary (2004).1/features/e wette. http://parkinslot.amazon. http://www. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.blogspot.htm Whiddett. E.operitel.ca/obj/s4/f 2/dsk1/tape10/PQDD_0021/MQ45867. Competencies. (2005). Tracking Comptencies and Developing Skills Inventories with LearnFlex™. E-Learning Competencies. http://www. R.com Woodill. Ellen (2000). (1999). Operitel Corporation. Competency & Emotional Intelligence Benchmarking Supplement 2004/2005. whereas enterprise content management (ECM) systems are analogous to the corresponding industrial-strength solution. in fact. LCMS. I feel that closed. displaying a course catalogue. stand-alone learning content management systems (LCMS) will disappear over the next few years.” Imagine the early years in the development of railroads. But perhaps most important is the fact that the emerging product design in e-learning is moving away from the LCMS model to the management of diverse and widely distributed educational content using “mashups. Topic maps Description Computer-based content management systems (CMS) that develop. This hybrid has been called learning content management systems (LCMS). such as registering users. Sold on the basis of being “easy to use. Repositories.” Web services (see Woodill and Oliveira. not one based on memorizing discrete “chunks of knowledge. the standardized railway system still works while private. there is usually a trade-off for “easy-of-use” in that it is often accompanied by an inability to produce complex and original learning experiences. Learning management systems (LMS) organize the administration of learning activities. and reporting. nonstandard gauge lines have mostly disappeared or now serve as tourist attractions. Or you could build a railway line that connected to the standard gauge grid that was being laid down everywhere and buy your rolling stock from the same factory as everyone else. and deliver content via the Internet have been available for quite a long time. and deliver content via the Internet have been available for quite a long time. the matrix of lines became a continent-wide grid.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Content Management Systems Related terms Learning content management systems. Learning objects. If you could afford it. simply linking a group of de-contextualized objects into a course based on “gaps” in knowledge is poor instructional design because learning is a flow activity. too complex and are likely to fail for several reasons. With the advent of learning objects. manage. which are mainly distinguished from learning management systems by having built-in authoring systems and repositories for learning objects. 2006). Do Not Reproduce 104 .” such selfcontained systems have been described as being. Today.” As well. manage. launching courses. it seemed a natural fit to put CMS and LMS systems together. Computerbased content management systems (CMS) that develop. and railway cars (like packets) could be sent anywhere on the network. you could hire a company to build a private. non-standard gauge railway line and have the rolling stock and engines specially built to run on it. Ed Cohen (2005) comments that “learning content management systems (LCMSs) are akin to the Swiss Army Knife. As more and more railroaders built standard gauge lines and connected them. These systems usually contain a proprietary authoring system that builds “courses” by stringing together “learning objects” stored in a central database. and “topic maps. Both are excellent tools if applied to the right business challenge. First. ” http://drupal. http://www.com/ Topic maps are an alternative to the present day LCMSs.” Do Not Reproduce 105 .” He adds that “vendors such as Macromedia.com/content/templ ates/clo_article.org/ Sakai is an open source learning content management system designed by a consortium of universities.uk Bibliography Bonk.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Content Management Systems Unfortunately. TravelinEdMan blog. They map the distribution of resources on a topic as it is spread across a network. It allows training and e-learning providers to author once. The So Sad and Silly State of the CMS. to date. http://travelinedman. 2005.pdf Cohen. “Drupal can support a variety of Web sites ranging from personal Weblogs to large community-driven Web sites. http://www.com/global/EMEA/cisc oitatwork/pdf/Integrating_Rich_Media_W hite_Paper.org/ Plone is a user-friendly content management system with strong multilingual support. Ed.ca/ Drupal is an open source content management system.” Web services and “topic maps.cmsmatrix.e-learningcentre.topicmap.cisco.com http://www. Dec.html Cisco Corp.asp?articleid=881& …emerging product design in e-learning is moving away from the LCMS model to the management of diverse and widely distributed educational content using “mashups. http://www.blogspot. Microsoft and Trivantis offer authoring tools far superior to any authoring tools contained within an LCMS.org/ The e-Learning Centre in the UK has three different Web pages to learn about content management systems and learning content management systems. Integrating Rich Media Communications with Learning and Content Management Systems. rather than complementary. suggesting that companies use the “handy tool” to perform “industrial strength” tasks. reuse in many places. Strategies for managing scalable content.atutor. They have designed competitive. Chief Learning Officer Magazine. 18. http://sakaiproject.author-it.com/200 5/12/so-sad-and-silly-state-of-cms. http://plone.org Online Resources Compare the features of up to ten different content management systems with the CMS Matrix. Curtis (2005). and publish to multiple outputs.clomedia. This is a major reason why few companies have deployed an LCMS. http://www.topicmaps.co. (2005). most LCMS vendors have failed to recognize this fact.” Selected Examples ATutor is an open source content management system that has been especially designed for accessibility and adaptability. http://www.org/ AuthorIT is a CMS that allows publishing in multiple formats from one source. http://www. March 2005. (2004). San Jose. functionality to an ECM. According to its official Web site. http://www. Cisco Corporation White Paper. 2003. New Thinking Blog.edu/apps/er/erm0 5/erm0533. and Brantner. Van (2005). Hershey.ca/mt/archive/00 0689. G. June 9.edtechpost. Proceedings of the 12th World Wide Web Conference. http://www. 40(3). George (2003).” APIs and Extensibility – a presentation on the past and future directions of CMS.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Content Management Systems Leslie. Educause Review.gerrymcgovern. From Course Management to Curricular Capabilities: a capabilities approach for the nextgeneration CMS. (2006). and Oliveira. Building Interoperability among Learning Content Management Systems.com/publications. (2003). Content Management: our organized future. McGovern. C. (Eds.operitel. 2006.ntua. P. S.com/nt/2003 /nt_2003_03_03_cms.org/Articles/cont entmanagement. S. SOAP and Services: welcome to Web hybrid e-learning applications. January 23. 2003. Retalis.educause. Course Management Systems for Learning: beyond accidental pedagogy. Budapest.) (2005).softlab. Mashups. 2003. C. B. and Carmean.asp Woodill. May/June. http://www..htm Siemens. 2005. 2005. A. http://www. http://www. PA: Idea Group.htm Simon. May 15. Scott (2005). http://www. EdTechPost blog. Why content management software hasn’t worked. Gerry (2003).elearnspace..as px Do Not Reproduce 106 . Learning Solutions.html McGee. “Monoliths. elearnspace blog.gr/~retal/papers /conferences/www2003/Interoperability_ poster. March 3. Jafari.pdf Weigel. http://www. 2000. How can data mining be used in elearning? Monk (2005) provides an example of trying to understand learner behavior in taking an online course: The initial investigation aimed to examine the paths learners followed…However. knowledge discovery.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Data Mining Related Terms Adaptive software. By combining data on the activity with content with user profiles it was possible to exam-ine alternate information per-spectives and reveal patterns in large volume data sets. Ueno (2004) lists the following as unique functions of data or text mining in e-learning: Summarization of learners’ knowledge states Summarization of learners’ learning processes Summarization of learners’ discussion processes Prediction of learner’s knowledge states in the future Detection of the learners who need teacher’s help Analyses of e-learning contents Analysis of each learner’s characteristics in discussion Data mining is a set of techniques and methodologies designed to extract useful knowledge from large amounts of data and to reveal patterns and relationships in large and complex data sets. Do Not Reproduce 107 . personalization Description Data mining is a set of techniques and methodologies designed to extract useful knowledge from large amounts of data and to reveal patterns and relationships in large and complex data sets (De Veaux. 2001). delivery models and infrastructure investment. Data mining can be used to map patterns and answer questions about group behavior that allow educational and training organizations to predict and plan for the future. Mining data in this way provides ways to learn about learners in order to make effective decisions regard-ing teaching methods. more sophisticated knowledge can be gleaned. Luan and Willett. As data mining tools and techniques evolve. it quickly became clear that students were spending little time with the course materials online and the time spent with each page was usually less than 20 seconds. Consequently a better understanding of how learners accessed the electronic course materials was needed to evaluate the effectiveness of developing and delivering courses in this way. This emerging field is also known as knowledge discovery in databases (KDD). De Veaux (2000) lists five data mining models: Descriptions Classifications Regressions Clustering Associations Some data mining techniques touch on more than one model. The Gene Ontology Knowledge Discovery System (GO KDS) is the first application designed to classify unstructured documents according to the widely used Gene Ontology.edu/articles/2005/1/03 /index.com/ Hammouda and Kamel (2006) have written a chapter in a new book that presents an innovative approach for performing data mining on documents. allowing them to visualize and mine students' online exercise work with the aim of discovering pedagogically relevant patterns. http://www. http://pami.pdf SmartTutor is an innovative online learning platform for deploying e-courses. http://www. which serves as a basis for knowledge extraction in e-learning environments.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Data Mining Pahl (2004) has a different but overlapping list of the functions of data mining in education and training: Usage Statistics – see what parts of the elearning application are used Classification and Prediction – see where learners fall in preset categories Clustering – pattern recognition and grouping Association rules – interesting relationships Sequential patterns – order of events Time Series – variance of patterns and rules over time The major concerns with data mining in education revolve around issues of privacy.asp Icosystem creates customized tools that replicate the detailed behavior of real systems whose complexity pushes them beyond the reach of traditional analytical approaches.icosystem. TADA-Ed contains preprocessing facilities so that users can transform the database tables to a format that.pdf As data mining tools and techniques evolve.com/index. Data stored in a database often needs some transformation. http://imej.hkuspace. One of the functionalities that differentiates SmartTutor from other online learning platforms is that.php?page =news&article=2002100101 TADA-Ed (Tool for Advanced Data Analysis in Education) is a data mining platform dedicated to teachers. when used with a particular data mining algorithm.wfu. can generate meaningful results for the teacher. GO KDS has classified the full set of more than 12 million MEDLINE documents classified against the Gene Ontology terms.org/home/eng /products/product_profile/smart. by applying fuzzy logic. rule-based inferencing and data mining technologies. Do Not Reproduce 108 . SmartTutor can identify the weaknesses of a learner in an e-course and advise the learner on how to make efficient revisions. more sophisticated knowledge can be gleaned.soul. Selected Examples Reel Two and GeneEd have launched a powerful new text-mining tool for life sciences research.uwaterloo.reeltwo. This emerging field is also known as knowledge discovery in databases (KDD). http://www.ca/pub/hammoud a/hammouda-elearning. School Business Affairs.pdf Jantke. and Smyth. Data Mining: What’s New. 238-241.cs. (2000).amstatonline. S. 68(8). http://www.com/PaperInfo. Presentation at the Data Mining Workshop. edited U. http://pami..2004.usyd. P. Feb.kent. Smyth. http://www. Porto. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Using Evolutionary Algorithms.com/gpspubs/aima g-kdd-overview-1996-Fayyad. G. Data Mining in e-Learning. Samuel (Ed..com Dr Kalina Yacef is an Educational Data Mining Specialist at the University of Sydney.kdnuggets. (1996). In Pierre. Grieser. International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'2004). http://www.de/~thalheim/psfiles/ICEIS.com/ Online Resources The KDnuggets Web site lists resources for data mining.uwaterloo. and Cheung.org/ASBO/files/ccPageCo ntentdocfilename000805705546SBA_F eb_2002_pages.au/%7Ekalina/ind ex. M. 1316. New York: Springer. Data mining: a great opportunity for schools. text mining.pdf Freitas.. Piatetsky-Shapiro. Lange. In Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Robert (2002). Paper presented at the IASTED Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications. From Data Mining to Knowledge Discovery in Databases. and Web mining. P. B. http://www. Portugal. K. and Kamel. and R. 1--34. 2006. U.cs. pp..html Hammouda. Long Beach.org/sections/qp/qpr/QPRC2001/in vited/Deveaux.actapress. Uthurusamy. RetrievalWare is a knowledge discovery engine for unstructured data. (2006).Emerging e-Learning Technologies Data Mining Excalibur is a deep search engine that organizes the Web into millions of categories and then uses a data mining approach to find information.pdf Iskander. Thalheim. P.) E-Learning Networked Environments and Architectures: A Knowledge Processing Perspective.uk/people/staff/a af/book-springer-ukc.informatik.ca/pub/hammoud a/hammouda-elearning. G. B. (2004).html Bibliography De Veaux. Australia.edu. 13-16 http://asbointl. Piatetsky. Feb.pdf Loo. Austria.is. Learning by doing and learning when doing . K. Grigoriev. and Tschiedel. In Proceedings. AAAI Press/MIT Press. 2001) http://www. http://www. Fuzzy logic and data mining for e-learning.. (2006). Both products are from Convera. New York: Springer. See a list of her research in this area at: http://www.convera.. M Fayyad. knowledge discovery.ac. (cited in Luan and Willett. R.pdf Fayyad. http://www. B.asp x?PaperID=15069 Do Not Reproduce 109 . 1996.unikiel. Innsbruck. California. What’s Not.kdnuggets.dovetailing e-learning and decision support with a data mining tutor. G. K. Alex (2002). and Yacef. Data mining and text mining technologies for collaborative learning in an ILMS “Samurai”. Claus (2004).editlib.ac.cnrs. M. Data Mining And Knowledge Management: A System Analysis for Establishing a Tiered Knowledge Management Model (TKMM). Special Issue on the Educational Semantic Web. David (2005).edu/articles/2005/1/03/ index.org/proceedings/docs/ 2p264. 2004 (7). Oct. (2004). Oliveira. 39-40. (2001). A. http://archiveedutice.pdf Merceron. Vol 4.. RP Conference Presentation. Mining for Content ReUse and Exchange: solutions and problems.edu/services/pro/oir_ reports/dmkm. (2004). http://wwwjime. A.com/acatalog/18 45641523. (2006). Billerica. Scholl. and K. Journal of Interactive Learning Research. S. http://www2004. http://csdl2. Elearning Personalization based on Itineraries and Long-term Navigational Behavior. J.aace. Yacef (2004).cfm?fuseacti on=Reader.org/index. and K. http://www. Japan.uk/2004/7/mccalla-20047. 319-346.org/16915 Romero. Yacef (2005). J. A. Using Data Mining for e-Learning Decision Making. T. Journal of Interactive Media in Education. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2004). analyze for more adaptive teaching. The Ecological Approach to the Design of E-Learning Environments: Purpose-based Capture and Use of Information About Learners. C. Maomi (2004).pdf Pahl.pdf Mor. Data Mining in e-Learning. and Minguillon.. Data Mining Technology for the Evaluation of Learning Content Interaction. K. http://www. May 17-22. 7(1)..org/comp/proceedin gs/icalt/2004/2181/00/21811052. MA: WIT Press.pdf Monk.ags. E.ccsd. and Willett. Electronic Journal of e-Learning. 3(4).cabrillo. C.wfu. Advances in Management Information. 15(4). 52-59.fr/docs/00/02/75/12/ PDF/Merceron_Yacef.ViewAbstract&paper_id=6569 Merceron.unisb.compmech.-Dec.computer. http://dl. 41-54. (2004). Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning. A. Paper presented at ICALT 2004 Conference. http://www.de/~cullrich/publications/Merceroneta l-Mining-ISWC-2004.html Ueno. store. Train. http://www.org/volume-3/v3-i1/v3i1-art5-monk. TADAEd for Educational Data Mining. Proceedings of International Symposium Information and Knowledge Technologies in Higher Education and Industry (TICE2004). http://www.Data Mining Luan.pdf 110 © 2006. International Journal on E-Learning. C.asp Merceron. and Ullrich. 47-55. Gord (2004).open. and Ventura. Brandon Hall Research . http://imej. NYC.pdf McCalla. Paper for International World Wide Web Conference. Hiroshima. 3(1).pdf Merceron.ejel. Mining student data captured from a Web-based tutoring tool: initial exploration and results. com/ Facilitate.fi/ BNH Expert Software is a Canadian company that produces decision support software for e-learning.decisionarium. For example. http://www. 2) categorize.tkk.edu. GrassGro is being used at the University of New England to explore interactions within grazed ecosystems over time. 3) vote/prioritize. The activities supported are 1) brainstorm. such as deciding which resources to deploy in a given situation. New software has recently emerged to help us make such decisions. Decision-support systems include the following: Scoring systems (to add up weighted scores to guide decision making) Bayesian models (recommendations based on probabilities) Heuristic reasoning (expert systems based on empirical rules-of-thumb) Case-based reasoning (looking at the evidence for a decision) Artificial neural networks (using parallel processing to work through a mass of data) Cognitive agents (artificial intelligence routines that “think” about decisions) Intelligent tutoring (watching for patterns and errors.com is a Web site featuring online collaboration software for decision making. It has been used for e-learning content in negotiation analysis. which provides predictive outcomes (both biological and economic) for agricultural systems in a wide diversity of environments.bnhexpertsoft. 4) develop an action plan.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Decision Support Software Artificial intelligence Description In education and training we make choices all the time. 5) carry out a survey. the using decision support software in corporate training can have the following benefits for a business: • Align Training with Organizational Goals • Improve Human Performance • Reduce Time to Competency Select the Right Blend of Delivery Options Consider Internal vs.facilitate. http://www. New software has recently emerged to help us make such decisions. in their case study of medical education. and recommending remedial action) According to Bahlis (2004).au/dss/grassgro/ind ex. with tools for individual decision making and for group collaboration and negotiation. The software is also useful in teaching about decisionmaking processes. Do Not Reproduce 111 .une. http://www. http://www.html Decisionarium is a site for interactive multi-criteria decision support. External Solutions Duplicate Programs That Run Effectively Selected Examples GrassGro is a commercial computer software package developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).com/ In education and training we make choices all the time. Frize and Frasson (2000) point out that teaching decision making processes can be supported using decision support tools. such as deciding which resources to deploy in a given situation. and 6) document results. Raimo (2003).dssresources.uniserve. http://www. C. White paper from BNH Expert Software.hut. http://www. UniServe Science Blended Learning Symposium Proceedings. and information on this area.edu.uottawa. http://www. Negotiating and Collecting Opinions on the Web.ca/atrc/research/de cision_support_tool/index.pdf Frize.p df Chakrabarty. http://www. http://www.utoronto. Clinical and Investigative Medicine.pdf Ehtamo.ca/~frize/victori apaperapril. The software then recommends books that you might like to read. V.fi/Publications/pdffiles/mham03. (2000).fi/Publications/pdffiles/mkos. http://www. Jay (2004). 101-110. Decisionarium – Aiding Decisions.com/index. 112 © 2006. August. An e-learning approach for teaching mathematical models of negotiation analysis. Kankana (2005). http://www.au/pubs/pro cs/wshop10/2005Chakrabarty.meetingworks. M. Brandon Hall Research . 12(2-3).jsp The Joint Gains software has been successfully applied as an interactive training tool in the e-learning of negotiation analysis.pdf …teaching decision making processes can be supported using decision support tools.pdf The Adaptive Technology Resource Centre at the University of Toronto has an online Decision Support Tool. Decision-support and intelligent tutoring systems in medical education. (2004). From Classroom to Boardroom: six strategies to maximize impact of training budgets and resources. Decision analysis under uncertainty for e-learning environment.” http://dmoz.hut.sal. and Koskinen. see: http://www.org/Computers/Software/Da tabases/Data_Warehousing/Decision_Su pport_Tools/ Bibliography Bahlis.com/ The Open Directory Project lists over 30 companies under “Decisions Support Tools. 23(4).htm l Online Resources DSS Resources is a Web site devoted to all aspects of decision support systems.net/index.html Hamalainen..sal. Online manuscript. and Frasson.hut.sal. books. http://www.whichbook.Decision Support Software Which Book asks you to make a set of choices based on up to four criteria.site.fi/Publications/pdffiles/mkos. For newsletters. Hamalainen. http://science.com/english/p roducts/advent/classroomtoboardroom. H. R. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis.html Meetingworks for Windows is a local area network (LAN) based group decision support system (GDSS) used when decision makers are located in different places and have incompatible schedules.bnhexpertsoft. Information Systems for a Connected Society. CAL-laborate.. Decision Support by Learning-On-Demand.manchester. G.html Rhyne. http://damit. Jan.pdf Jantke.): Proceedings of the 7th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education. and Laurindo.de/~thalheim/psfiles/ICEIS. In Proceedings. O. P. Jim (2002). Learning by doing and learning when doing .informatik. Dan (2003).html Scott. 2002. SIGGRAPH publication..ideagroup. In Vladimir Uskov (Ed. Manchester. 2004.uk/eunis2 005/medialibrary/papers/paper_118. Hawaii. K. USA.siggraph. Portugal. International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'2004). Porto..hawaii. http://www. http://www. Kauai. (2006). Hawaii.2004. Gerhard (2003). 2005. Decision Support Models for Composing and Navigating through e-Learning Objects.pdf Power. Strategic Alignment Process and Decision Support Systems: Theory and Case Studies. T. B. M.com/PaperInfo. A Brief History of Decision Support Systems. (2004). June 20-24.ac. Collaborative Computing & Integrated Decision Support Tools for Scientific Visualization. Grieser.html Shimizu. Paper by the editor of DSS Resources Web site.dfki.dovetailing e-learning and decision support with a data mining tutor. M. Thalheim. B. 317-328.. http://www. (2003). 238-241. http://science. Grigoriev. Germany. Decision Support Systems in e-Learning. http://www..au/pubs/call ab/vol9/scott.pdf Ounapuu. http://www.edu/HICSS36/HIC SSpapers/CLNGL03. August 16-18.hicss. Decision Support Component in Intelligent E-Learning Systems.is.uniserve.de/html/publikationen/D SE03DaMiT.. S. B.pdf Knolmayer. 6-9.actapress. http://dssresources.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Decision Support Software Jantke.org/education/mate rials/HyperVis/misc_topics/nsf2.. Lange.com/history/dsshist ory. DSE'2003 Workshops Proceedings.unikiel. PA: Idea Publishing. Rostanin. http://www. Enhancing student learning using decision support tools across the curriculum. Paper presented at the 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences. Hershey. de Carvaho.aspx ?PaperID=17096 Ounapuu.mc.. 9. Thalheim.com/books/details. and Tschiedel. Enn (2004). Memmel. B. K.asp?id=5390 Do Not Reproduce 113 . Paper presented at the European University Information Systems (EUNIS) Conference. and Tschiedel. Vol. Oct. Enn (2005). F. Theresa (1998).edu. Aachen. In the near future. including the human hand that which can draw or print directly onto the whiteboard. Do Not Reproduce 114 .or a rear projection into a specially treated stream of air or fog.co. has developed the world’s largest plasma monitor screen (102 inches) and the largest LCD display (an 82 inch screen). Digital whiteboards can accept input from a number of devices. In regards to digital paper.theregister. a whole variety of display technologies will be available to the elearning practitioners. For some applications this means a much larger and clearer screen. in cooperation with Sony. Electronic paper could change that some day. display technologies are critical in delivering an outstanding educational experience online. monitors. By stacking a second projector. But getting larger is not the only change in emerging display technologies. For air displays. Finally. including the following: Head-mounted displays Monitors Portable screens Projectors Wall displays Air displays Digital whiteboards Digital ink and paper Head-mounted displays and heads-up displays are increasingly being used in educational simulations and games.co. digital ink and paper allow for large displays of information on flexible media.uk/2004/12/1 6/samsung_monster_telly/ http://www. big enough to be projected on large walls. head mounted displays. A common complaint about the current generation of eBook reader devices is they don't replicate the experience of reading from an actual book.uk/2005/03/0 8/samsung_82in_lcd/ Given that a great deal of elearning is visual. Projectors can pump out images that are over 4000x4000 pixels. saving schools on the cost of textbook purchases.” Selected Examples Samsung. http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Displays Related terms Digital ink. display technologies are critical in delivering an outstanding educational experience online. Screens in portable devices are becoming clearer and less susceptible to light pollution. whiteboards Description Given that a great deal of e-learning is visual. eSchool News suggested in 2003 that “one possibility is electronic textbooks that can be refreshed with new content instantly. resolution can be increased to 8000x8000 pixels. projectors. viewers see a floating mid-air image or video. digital paper.theregister. electronic paper. lighting up theater size screens. This can be a holographic image. New high definition computer displays are getting larger while the price is decreasing. This is good news for those who want to create highly immersive virtual environments using extremely large screens. see: http://ad.H. http://thejournal. For a list of his publications. see: http://www.com/the/topics/display / First Monday is a journal on new technologies.fogscreen.ntera.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Displays Silicon Light Machines holds a number of patents on devices that allow for laserbased projectors that project over a wide area.provisionentertainment. http://www. and projector developed at Carnegie Mellon University. He is programming computers to recognize and interpret gestures on whiteboards made using a digital pen. http://www.io2technology.com/technology /overview NTERA.html IO2 Technology features its “heliodisplay” that shows images hovering in mid-air.com/ Online Resources The Technorati Web site contains numerous references and links to articles on digital paper. and solid state optics using proprietary electrochromic materials featuring uniquely transparent and natural colors. Projector.” those giant electronic billboards that are becoming pervasive in our society.com/tags/digital% 20paper?start=0 T.com/about. Do Not Reproduce 115 . is the leading enabler of electronic displays.siliconlight.php New high definition computer displays are getting larger while the price is decreasing.E.cmu.html The FogScreen is a new invention that makes objects seem to appear and move in thin air! It is a screen you can walk through! http://www.org/issues/speci al11_2/ Khaireel Mohamed is a leading researcher in the area of digital ink and paper.html Promera is a hand-held computer. See their Grating Light Valve (GLV) technology on display at: http://www. This is good news for those who want to create highly immersive virtual environments using extremely large screens.ices. Journal has a list of the latest in advanced digital display technologies.technorati. http://www.com/htmlpgs/home set/homeframeset. See a demo at: http://www. still/video camera.com/ ProVision 3D display technology shows 3-D images that seem to jump right out of the screen. http://killer.de/mitarbeiter/khaireel/publicati ons. Inc. It can display and send data out through its wireless components. it published a special issue on “Urban Screens.edu/design/Camera.firstmonday. To access the articles. intelligent interfaces. In 2005.unifreiburg.informatik. cfm?coll=G UIDE&dl=GUIDE&id=718981 Mohamed.pdf Wang.com/timwang/index.informatik..org/citation.Displays Bibliography Advanced Display Technologies. Pisano. Tim (2005). Dec. Canada. 2005. S. Government. Hirota.uk/index.cfm?name=t echwatch_ic_reports2005_published Fuchs. Livingston. http://portal. 2005. E. London: Springer. K. Vancouver. http://ad. Oct. Brandon Hall Research . Largest LCD and video projection. and Ottmann. Tim Wang’s e-Learning Blog. (1996)..ac. http://www.jisc. and Pizer. JISC Technology Watch White Paper. Richards (Ed. G. A..php/ 2005/03/12/largest_lcd_and_video_proj ection 116 © 2006.. M. pages 3053-3068. In G. (2005). 3. Germany.de/mitarbeiter/khaireel/authorsC opy/2005-eLearn. Whitton. H.unifreiburg. Hamburg. W.loaz. Towards Performing Ultrasound-Guided Needle Biopsies from within a Head-Mounted Display. and Higher Education (ELearn 2005).acm. Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate.). Healthcare.. T.. State. Garrett. http://blog. Controlling the electronic whiteboard’s writing surface without cluttered toolboxes: Shifting the focus back to content delivery. M. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Visualization in Biomedical Computing Conference. angellearning. http://www. http://www. a nonprofit organization devoted to e-learning research. Based on a personal development planning (PDP) model.edu/E%2DPortfolio s/5524 Nuventive – iWebfolio – A flexible.educause. http://isle.org/ Online Resources The e-Learning Centre in the UK maintains a resource site with materials on e-portfolios.com/ LiveText – College LiveText Portfolio – An eportfolio based on a set of pre-designed templates. Selected Examples Angel – ePortfolio – An e-portfolio that is meant to integrate with the Angel Learning Management System.uk/eclipse/Resources/ eportfolios.paisley.com/ ISLE stands for Individualised Support for Learning through ePortfolios. This consortium of ten educational institutions in the UK has agreed to recognize work in portfolio format from any member.osportfolio. reviewed e-portfolios as an online content format. http://www. http://www.elearningcentre.html PebblePad – PebblePad ePortfolio – An eportfolio that is designed for advanced functionality. Has a “visitor’s pass” that allows prospective employers to view contents http://college.htm The Open Source Portfolio Initiative (OSPI) is a community of individuals and organizations collaborating on the development of a non-proprietary.co.html Chalk and Wire – ePortfolio with RubricMarker – A customizable e-portfolio that is also compliant with Section 508 accessibility guidelines.com/college/portfoli os. résumés Description E-portfolios are online collections of digital works that highlight a person’s abilities and achievements.pupilpages.foliotek. Webbased personalized portfolio in a hosted environment. http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies E-Portfolio Tools Related terms Assessment. http://www. http://www.html FolioTek – Portfolio Management – An institutional based system that gives each student his or her own portfolio. http://www. My first report in this series. evaluation.iwebfolio.com/ E-portfolios are online collections of digital works that highlight a person’s abilities and achievements. open source electronic portfolio. entitled Emerging E-Learning: New Approaches to Delivering Engaging Online Learning Content (Brandon Hall Research.ac.com/products/e portfolio/default.uk/ Penchina Web Design – Pupil Pages – An ePortfolio designed for students K-12.htm Educause. has posted a list of Online Resources on eportfolios.uk/default. maximum flexibility. 2005).com/eportfolio/i ndex.livetext.pebblelearning. http://www. In this report I look at the tools available for developing e-portfolios.co. and simple usability. Do Not Reproduce 117 .chalkandwire. criticalmethods. THE Journal Online.pdf Conway.org/ep/epv1p0/im sep_bestv1p0.campustechnology. an online resource on collaboration.doc Banks. mv?d=1_76 Bibliography Achrazoglou.pdf Batson.com/magazine/va ult/A5260.org.com/gp/product/B0 006S3GSE/103-24969408161425?v=glance&n=283155&s=book s&v=glance Attwell. http://elgg. College of Education http://www. J. The Electronic Portfolio Boom: What's it All About? Campus Technology Magazine. the global consortium that sets standards for e-learning. Beyond the Electronic Portfolio: A Lifetime Personal Web Space. Dec.educause. http://www2. http://www.net/gattwell/files/486/1465/ eportfoliopaper.becta.educause. March.nottingham. Educause Quarterly. http://www.html EPICC is a European e-learning project for producing specifications for the interoperability of electronic portfolios (eportfolios) and. Frederick (2005). e-Portfolios: their use and benefits.edu/blog/nils_p eterson/eportfolio_with_foaf_and_atom_ proof_of_concept/1511 The Collaborative Learning Environments Sourcebook. Brandon Hall Research .asp?id=6984 Cohn. http://ferl. (2004). has a section on eportfolios. Bob (2004).org/collab/v. E.com/article. A white paper on performance assessment in teacher education: The Iowa ePortfolio model. http://www.ac. Vol 27 No 4. Graham (2005).org/Articles/epor tfolios. thus. with many links. http://www.amazon.cfm 118 © 2006. (2002).imsglobal. University of Iowa.E-Portfolio Tools The 2004 article on e-portfolios by George Siemens has an extensive list of online materials on this topic. and Hibbitts. B.edu/ir/library/pdf/ EQM0441.asp?url=12 9063%2Ehtm eP4LL stands for “ePortfolio for Lifelong Learning. http://www.uk/epreferenc emodel/ Scott Wilson has an interesting concept of an e-portfolio based on content from various Web feeds. Electronic Portfolios and Dimensions of Learning.uk/content_files/ferl /resources/organisations/fd%20learning /e-portfoliopaper..thejournal. helping to transform education and training. 2004 http://www.ch/dyn/9. http://connect. Online Paper.educa. FD Learning White Paper.htm IMS.” This project in the UK has the goal of producing a reference model of an e-portfolio that is capable of exchanging data with another e-portfolio. http://www.elearnspace. Recognizing Learning: educational and pedagogic issues in e-portfolios. has an “EPortfolio Best Practice and Implementation Guide” available for download. Trent (2002). Educause Review.pdf#search=%22An%20Overview% 20of%20e-Portfolios%22 Roberts. (Focus on Teaching).educause. vol. 31(3).Emerging e-Learning Technologies E-Portfolio Tools Dubinsky. and Haywood. Lee. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education. 2(2). J.pdf#search=%22Creation%20 of%20a%20Learning%20Landscape%3A %20weblogging%20and%20social%20ne tworking%20in%20the%20context%20of %20e-portfolios%22 Tosh. S. (2005). Online paper. (2002).org/Articles/epo rtfolios.edu/ir/library/pdf/E LI3001. Creation of a Learning Landscape: Weblogging and social networking in the context of e-portfolios.pdf#search=%22Refle ctive%20learning%2C%20future%20thinki ng%3A%20digital%20repositories%22 Siemens.edu/ir/library/pdf/er m0441.cjlt. J.A. Aalderink.amazon. July/ August 2004. http://www. K.ac.uk/docs/ALT_SURF_ILTA _white_paper_2005. J. The Q-Folio in action: Using a Web-based electronic portfolio to reinvent traditional notions of inquiry. W. http://www. Educause Quarterly. and Werdmuller.edu/ir/library/pdf/e qm0224. Fleming. B. http://www. J. 144-169. T. An Overview of e-Portfolios.eradc. 28–37..org/vol2/iss2/eng lish/article1. 37(2). Gary (2004). (2005).educause.. http://www... 4. Trinity College. Business Communication Quarterly.A. no. and McKean.cfm Do Not Reproduce 119 . (2002). 16. html Young. G. G. George (2004). Cook. Light. D. (2005). http://www.. 2005. future thinking: digital repositories. C. Creating new views on learning: ePortfolios. Dec.pdf Lorenzo.com/exec/obidos/tg/ detail//B0008411NS/qid=1131423591/sr=11/ref=sr_1_1/103-24969408161425?v=glance&s=books Gathercoal.htm Tosh. e-portfolios.pdf Greenberg. On implementing Webbased electronic portfolios. and portfolios. ePortfolios. April 1. http://www. Harvey.org/papers/Learning_l andscape. Bryde. D.. 39.alt.. research. Love. and Wade. informal learning and ubiquitous computing.elearnspace. http://www.educause.. B.. (2004). G. Feijen. (2003).. J. engagement with electronic portfolios: challenges from the student perspective. An Educause Learning Initiative Paper. elearnspace.. P.3/tosh.. Fall. Dublin. Online..citejournal. http://www. and Ittelson. M. Paper presented at the ALT/SURF/ILTA1 Spring Conference Research Seminar. M. & Figgins. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology. D. Reflective learning. V. http://www. The digital convergence: extending the portfolio model.ca/content/vol31. com/ http://www.facebook. Marc Prensky (2003). as such. 120 © 2006. has found that massive multiplayer online games are “sites for socially and materially distributed cognition. 2005).freescale. Constance Steinkuehler.” Selected Examples The latest trend in online games involves 3-D virtual social environments where each player is represented by a changeable avatar and where the “play” of the game depends on the direction the collectivity wants to take.cyworld. simulations.hive7. One interesting phenomenon is “modding” – modifying existing game engines to create new educational games.com/ http://www. Try them out at: http://www. complex problem solving. which is an attempt to provide a framework to understand the relationships between story.com/ http://www. Major learning management platforms have added simulation or gaming extensions that will allow them to launch games and track results. ‘shooter’ should not necessarily be taken as a negative: the Shell players shot fire-fighting foam. Dr. Educational games and simulations now appear on cell phones. Online gaming and role-playing games are expected to take in more than $3 billion in 2007. Brandon Hall Research . and traditional educational publishers have announced gaming initiatives for their higher education markets. virtual reality Description Learning through playing games (also known as “serious games”) is one of the hottest areas of emerging e-learning.com Freescale Semiconductor produces CodeWarrior Game Development Tools for both Sony and Nintendo game platforms. http://www.Gaming Development Tools Related terms Immersive environments. 2003).html Learning through playing games (also known as “serious games”) is one of the hottest areas of emerging elearning. The theory of educational games is developing as the Game Achievement Model (GAM).myspace.com http://us.com. the BT players shot ideas out of their cell phones. MySpace. ought to be part of the educational research agenda” (quoted in Godwin-Jones. identity work. Making such changes is part of what modding is about. Facebook. play. from the University of Wisconsin.secondlife. serious games.com/Microsoft+developer +tools+prep+for+next+Xbox/21001043_3-5603082. games.jsp?nodeId=0127268507 Microsoft has released a set of game development tools for the Xbox video game console. writing about “first person shooter games. Examples include Hive7. Cyworld. For a brief review of these tools.” says that “in the mod world. and Second Life. see: http://news.com/webapp/sps/s ite/homepage. individual and collaborative learning across multiple multimedia. multimodality 'attentional spaces' and rich meaningmaking and. and learning (Amory. allows members of a game development team to work together.pluginz.htm One interesting phenomenon is “modding” – modifying existing game engines to create new educational games. has game development tools for the Xbox.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Gaming Development Tools Clickteam in the UK offers its Games Factory software that promises the ability to produce a credible game in less than a half hour.com/ In 2005.aspx Magnetar Games Corporation is a research-oriented software developer based in Vancouver.com The North American Simulation and Gaming Association (NASAGA) is a growing network of professionals working on the design. and even share games with other members of the Thinking Worlds community. NASAGA has members from more than 50 countries from around the globe.mpjgaB KQdAe. see how to play the e-mail game Depolarizer by finding the “Free Resources” at: http://thiagi.siggraph.” http://www.com/ Muzzy Lane Software develops multiplayer games for education that come with authoring tools.com/news/548 http://www.com Thinking Worlds is an educational games authoring engine. Do Not Reproduce 121 . Magnetar provides authoring systems that allow even a non-programmer to become more involved in the game playing experience.0@ Online Resources The ACM SIGGRAPH Web site lists suppliers of over 50 different game engines. You can read about them at Pluginz. For example.html&CategoryID=2 3 Rod Corbett at the University of Calgary has posted a page entitled “Cool Development Tools for Developing Games and Simulations (mostly freeware). create.thinkingworlds. dubbed XNA Studio. http://www. and evaluation of games and simulations to improve learning results in all types of organizations. Started in North America. http://www.com/solutions/gam es/default. helping speed up the game creation process.ca/~corbett/gamers /tools.clickteam.com/ Thiagi.org/?14@33. implementation.magnetargames. This game allows users to play. along with their Web sites. See the selection of games at: http://www.microsoft.nasaga.softimage.com or go directly to the Softimage Web site. Microsoft announced a version of Visual Studio for producing computer games. edit. The toolset. http://www. a subsidiary of Avid Technologies. Some of their games are played by simply using e-mail.ucalgary. Review them at: http://esub. http://www.muzzylane. http://www. There is a free 30-day trial version. produces educational games for training.com/xna/ Softimage. Canada. Many of their learning games resources are free. Inc. Thinking Worlds is based on well researched and proven learning principles and has already been used to develop highly engaging games in many subject areas.org/cgibin/cgi/idCatResults. http://www. uk/index2.htm Dr.php The former Game Technology Conference is now called FuturePlay. Sign up at: http://www. Honolulu.seriousgamessummit.dk/people/sen/public.htm Dr. Another Country: Virtual Learning Spaces.org/ The Serious Games Initiative is the place for tracking the latest developments in the field of educational gaming.digiplay. http://www.wisc. June 25-28.html#Games_Gaming_for_Education_ The Education Arcade is a Web site managed by a partnership of MIT and the University of Wisconsin to publicize research and development projects that drive innovation in educational computer and video games. Paper presented at ED-Media 2003 Conference. and speakers on all aspects of gaming. http://www.edu/itforum/Games_Res ources.Gaming Development Tools Beverly Farrell of the University of Georgia maintains a massive list of resources on educational games.pdf 122 © 2006.htm l The Serious Games Summit is another annual conference that brings together educational and business games developers. http://it. Alan (2003).programmersheaven.” Read her research at: http://website. http://www.ukzn.edu/steink uehler/ Bibliography Amory. http://www.gdconf.” Find his list of publications at: http://www.za/ited/amory/edme dia2003.itc.com/zo ne8/index.com Programmers Heaven devotes a section of its Web site to game development for various platforms and lists of game development tools. 2003.org/ The Game Developers Conference is held each year and brings together developers. Get the latest information in this field from: http://educationarcade.education.org. http://www.coe. http://www. Brandon Hall Research .futureplay.com/ The DigiPlay site is a place to keep up with the latest in online gaming for education.seriousgames.ac. Hawaii. Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen at the IT University of Copenhagen has written many articles in English and Danish on “serious games.org/index2.uga. researchers. It presents sessions on emerging trends in game development. They also hold an annual Game Developers Conference. Constance Steinkuehler is a specialist in the cognitive effects of being involved in “massively multi-player games. Lloyd (2005). Oct. 2005. http://www. H.com/archives/20 06/01/technology_tren. 2006. http://www. Rob (2006a).pdf Michael.com/gp/product/15 92006221/ref=pd_bxgy_img_a/0023215669-7528032?%5Fencoding=UTF8 For an online excerpt. http://www. Rob (2006b). Technology Trends for the Year.itc.amazon.org/uk/catalogue /catalogue.. SRI-BI. Mayer (Ed.edu/vol9num1/pdf/emergin g. 2003.com/archives/20 06/03/games_and_educa. 2006. R. Beyond Edutainment: Exploring the Educational Potential of Computer Games. D.xplanazine.) The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning. Paper presented at the ED-Media 2005 Conference. March 10. Multimedia learning in games.php Rieber. D. January 2. 9(1). http://www.uwf. Bryan (2006). Chapter 33. Boston: Thomson Course Technology PTR.uwf. Train.marcprensky.edu/iicm_papers/Gameba sedLearning_ED-MEDIA2005.php Reynolds.amazon. Simon (2005). http://www.asp?isbn=0521547512 Do Not Reproduce 123 .iicm. Games and Education = Oil and Water. Learning on Demand Bulletin. simulations and microworlds. Developing Serious Games. Fourth Quarter. http://www. Clifton Park.xplanazine.dk/people/sen/egenfeldt. New York: Cambridge University Press. and Inform. Gaming.pdf Guetl.. In Richard E.edu/atc/web_casts/gam es/Gamasutra%20-%20Feature%20%20_Proof%20of%20Learning_%20Asse ssment%20in%20Serious%20Games_.pd f Prensky. Xplanazine. 19. 17-22. Emerging Technologies: Messaging. Serious Games: Games That Educate. Xplanazine. Jan. Proof of Learning: assessment in serious games. (2005). “Modding” – The Newest Authoring Tool. and Maurer. NY: Thomson Delmar Learning. H. http://www.cambridge. Language Learning and Technology. and Michael. 549-567. http://www. Williams. S.edu/atc/web_casts/game s/Gamasutra%20-%20Feature%20%20_Proof%20of%20Learning_%20Assess ment%20in%20Serious%20Games_.pdf Godwin-Jones.pdf Egenfeldt-Nielsen. S. C. http://llt. Peer-toPeer Sharing: Language Learning Strategies & Tools for the Millennial Generation. IT-University Copenhagen.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Gaming Development Tools Bergeron. 2005.msu. (2005). (2005). June. Dreher.com/writing/Pr ensky%20-%20Modding%20%20The%20Newest%20Authoring%20To ol. http://www. Bob (2005). Montreal. see: http://www. Marc (2003).com/gp/product/158 4504447/sr=82/qid=1145998935/ref=pd_bbs_2/0023215669-7528032?%5Fencoding=UTF8 Chen. Game-based E-Learning Applications by applying the E-Tester: A Tool for Auto-generated Questions and Automatic Answer Assessment. and Chen.pdf Reynolds. Gamasutra. teachableagents. Jason (2004). Cognition and Learning in Massively Multiplayer Online Games: a critical approach. Masters Thesis.p df Tye. G. Computer Games as Intelligent Learning Environments: A River Ecosystem Adventure.amazon. Basic Game Design & Creation for Fun & Learning. Clifton Park. Gupta. Brandon Hall Research . and Swamy. Methods and Considerations in Designing Web-based Real-Time Strategy Games. http://www. http://website. and Biswas. Paper presented at the Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) Conference. NY: Thomson Delmar Learning. Beers. (2006). Doctoral dissertation. N.edu/course s/theses/mudcraft/thesis. http://jason.msu. 2005. 2004. R...commtechlab. N. Constance (2005).com/gp/product/15 84504463/sr=81/qid=1145999026/ref=pd_bbs_1/0023215669-7528032?%5Fencoding=UTF8 Tan.pdf Swamy. J.Gaming Development Tools Steinkuehler. Michigan State University. University of Wisconsin .wisc.education.Madison.edu/steink uehler/papers/Steinkuehler_0.org/publicat ions/RiverAdventureAIED2005Handouts. C. (2005). http://woz.pdf 124 © 2006. play an important role in gesture and facial expression recognition.ucsd. http://www. FG2006. is investigating “how the brain works by developing embodied systems that solve problems similar to those encountered by the brain. 2008.nl/~maja/ Gesture and facial recognition technologies refer to a combin-ation of computer hardware and software that can sense and understand a user’s gestures and facial expressions.fg2008. Maja Pantic of Imperial College.soton. such as Markov models.cybernet. Advances in this area will have a major impact on the effective use of artificial intelligence.tudelft. haptics. London. was held in Southampton.ac.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Gesture and Facial Recognition Related terms Affective computing.ecs. Do Not Reproduce 125 .nl/ Charles Cohen maintains a Web site on gesture recognition research.” http://mplab. UK is on interactive actions and intentions for achieving multimodal human-machine interaction: http://mmi.edu/ Online Resources The 7th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. The same techniques can be used to automatically scan and index video. UK. Artificial intelligence techniques. will be held in Amsterdam on September 10-13. robotics Description We all use gestures and facial expressions to communicate. at the University of California. FG2008. A system’s recognition of the user’s actions and intentions becomes another form of communication between computers and humans. The end goal of using this technology is to create a system that can identify a gesture or facial expression and then use that information to personalize the interaction or to control a particular device attached to the system.uk/ The 8th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. April 10-12 2006. Gesture and facial recognition technologies refer to a combination of computer hardware and software that can sense and understand a user’s gestures and facial expressions.com/~ccohen/gest ure.html Research by Dr. including identifying commercial products. http://www.fg2006. For a list of papers: http://www. Recognizable learner gestures can include the following: Cursor movement Single-lick Double-click Rollovers Drag and drop Click and place Keyboard response Voice command Drawing with a stylus Iris tracking Head pointers (mainly used for persons with a physical disability) The major educational purpose of gesture recognition is to enable the computer to have a better model of the user in order to respond more appropriately. Selected Examples The Institute for Neural Computation – Machine Perception Lab. looking for particular sequences. artificial intelligence. and robotics in elearning. affective computing. . Report No. http://www. and Bender. Evoking Gestures in SmartKom − Design of the Graphical User Interface. Michael (2003).pdf 126 © 2006.ogi. 57-64.com/PaperInfo. March.ieeecomputersociety. and Poggio. and Ma..edu/research/geometri cal_ representations_of_faces/PAPERS/surve y_Daugman.fsu. Aug.2000. A.Gesture and Facial Recognition Bibliography Allen.pdf Ebert.iscslp2006.html Chang. and Cohen. P. (2004).stat. T. In Proceedings. W. R. http://www. Shi-Kuo (2000).edu/CHCC/Publicatio ns/a_map_based_system_using_speech _3d_gestures_corradini.smartkom.mit. G.edu/projects/cbcl/publica tions/ps/siggraph02.. http://doi. A Map-based System Using Speech and 3D Gestures for Pervasive Computing.elearningguild. Korea. Trainable Videorealistic Speech Animation.org/anthology/20 00/paper/or03/027. Imaging and Image Processing 2005 Conference. Basic Hand Gesture Recognition for Human-Computer Communication. Gao. 18. M. July 1997.pdf Corradini.. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. IEEE Transactions. 2000. Ludwig-Maximilians University. http://cbcl.884693 Chen.org/publication/Ercim_ News/enw63/hci.pdf Beringer. Nicole (2001). (2005). 3. http://www. Las Vegas.pdf Daugman. J. Deller. Hand gesture recognition based on decision tree. Porta. July 2227.asp x?PaperID=21655 Ezzat.. A.org/10.TwentyFourth Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference. 675 676 http://lcv. (2002). L. eLearning Developers’ Journal. http://www. (1997). An Immersive Gesture Controlled Interface for Virtual Document Information Spaces. F. Visualization. M. In Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FGR2004) Seoul. M. In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI'02).pdf Borghi. Munich.org/reports/Report -NR-03.ercim. http://www. Face and gesture recognition: overview. Pittsburg. October 14-16. Geiger.. Brandon Hall Research . Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Y. Nevada.11 09/CMPSAC. Learner-interface Design: recognizing learner gestures. PA. Lombardi. 191-196. T. 2003. 19(7).com/pdf/2/08 1803DES. (2000). Sentient Map and Its Application to E-Learning. Wesson.cse.. http://www. J. (2005).actapress. clayton.rutgers.edu/pdfs/5_Tur k%202004. Sato. Robust face image matching under illumination variations.asp x?PaperID=22470 Turk. Y.org/persagen/DLAb sToc..jsp?resourcePath=/dl/proceedings/& toc=comp/proceedings/icalt/2005/2338/ 00/2338toc. Michael (2004). http://www. 2004:16. Y. D.actapress. Lai.com/PaperInfo. C. M.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Gesture and Facial Recognition Lee. 884 – 900. Parametric hidden Markov models for gesture recognition.pdf Peixoto. J. 2533–2543. Real-time Gesture Recognition for the Control of Avatar. X. Facial Expression Analysis in E-Learning Systems — The Problems and Feasibility. 442-446.pdf Ou. Wong.edu/mas963/en hencedwall. Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Multimodal interfaces. Park. http://interact. C. http://csdl2. (2003). and Kim. Computer vision in the interface.1109/ICALT. EnhancedDesk and EnhancedWall: Augmented Desk and Wall Interfaces with Real-Time Tracking of User’s Motion. http://www. 242-245. L.ucsb. Proceedings of Ubicomp2002 Workshop on Collaborations with Interactive Walls and Tables.pdf Loi. S. (2004).org/citation.. In Proceedings. H. C. and Yang. and Carreira.150 Nakanishi.. http://www. Fussell. British Columbia. Setlock. Chen.cfm?coll=G UIDE&dl=GUIDE&id=317049 Yang. Sept. Gestural Communication over Video Stream: Supporting Multimodal Interaction for Remote Collaborative Physical Tasks. 21(9).pdf Wilson. September 2002. 2004.20 05. http://portal.research.D. J.. January. Proceedings of VRSTAC'97 Conference. Lee. Fifth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'05).F (1999). and Koike. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Human-Computer Interaction Conference (HCI2005). C.media. 47(1). A Natural Hand Gesture Human Computer Interface using Contour Signatures. 1999. Proceedings.edu/~chansu /paper/1997/VRSJ97_CS.. S. IEEE Transactions. Communications of the ACM. and Chang. (2005). P. (2002).hindawi.computer.acm... (1997).recveb.mit. A. and Wong. L. Y. Canada http://cims. Vancouver. Journal on Applied Signal Processing. and Bobick. A. 27-30. http://www. (2005). J. J.xml&DOI=10..com/GetPDF.aspx?pii= S1110865704410014 Do Not Reproduce 127 .edu/jpreston/8530/Pa pers%20Not%20used/p242-ou. e-Learning By Design.html Autodesk AutoSketch http://usa.com/software/soft_t/gsh arp.com Advanced Visual Systems GSharp http://www.adobe. Following is a list of the major graphics software packages from Adobe: Adobe Fireworks Adobe Flash Adobe FreeHand Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop http://www. In acquiring Macromedia. Following are the ones most commonly used: Adobe Corporation has been a leader in graphics tools in multimedia for the past 20 years.com/adsk/servlet/in dex?id=2753027&siteID=123112 AutoTrol – Technical illustration tool http://www.com/TechIllustrator.autodesk.html The visual dimension of software information is important for a number of reasons. Adobe has strengthened its position in the e-learning world. Designing WebBased Training. Graphics aid job performance Graphics help documents go global Graphics reach nonreaders Graphics seduce reluctant readers Graphics add credibility Graphics aid thinking Graphics promote more efficient reading Graphics can explain visual and spatial concepts Why Graphics Work Vision is our dominant sense Graphics are compact Graphics escape the limitations of linear text Graphics are readily understood Graphics are remembered Graphics are self-correcting While Horton's 1991 book is about enhancing documentation and help systems. and in his recent 2006 book.avs.techillustrator. given that the majority of online developers use Macromedia and Adobe tools. Consider the topics and subtopics in the first ten pages of William Horton's Illustrating Computer Documentation (1991): Why Graphics Make Documentation Work Better user interface design.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Graphics Tools Related terms Design. the same principles apply to Do Not Reproduce 128 . visualization Description The visual dimension of software information is important for a number of reasons. Horton applied these in his 2000 book. Selected Examples There are many graphical design tools on the market. One of the best sites to locate reviews and ratings of 3-D software is 3DLinks.html&CategoryID=1 The Virtuality Web site in the UK lists both 3-D editors and tools and 3-D models. Nevertheless.com/ Canvas Professional http://www. animation.com/Top/Computers/ Software/Graphics/ The ACM SIGGRAPH Industry Directory lists thousands of graphics companies offering a huge variety of 2-D and 3-D services and products.broderbund.elearningcentre.htm Several thousand graphics tools are listed by Google Directory. The most commonly used packages are the following: Microsoft Image Composer Microsoft Paint Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Visio Microsoft Word Drawing Tool http://www. http://esub. html Broderbund Printmaster http://www. Do Not Reproduce 129 .2. http://www.org/cms/Home. Adobe has strengthened its position in the elearning world. they provide a very competent set of tools for the lower priced end of the market: Corel Draw Corel Painter Corel PaintShop Pro Corel Photopaint Corel Picture Publisher http://www.org/ Online Resources By now there are hundreds of 2-D and 3D software tools on the market.corel.acdamerica.com/exp/ste/ho me/ Xara Xtreme – open source graphics software http://www. http://www.org/cgibin/cgi/idCatList.ibm. rendering.com/index.cfm The e-Learning Centre in the UK has a comprehensive listing of graphics and animation tools.Blender is the open source software for 3-D modeling.itedo. http://www.co.google.php?p=dir &viewCat=9 http://virtuality3d.php?p=dir &viewCat=7 Adobe Corporation has been a leader in graphics tools in multimedia for the past 20 years.com SmartDraw http://www. and playback.3dlinks.com/ IBM CATIA http://www306. The most listings are for 3-D software.com/software/applications/plm/c atiav5/ ITEDO IsoDraw – technical illustration http://www.microsoft.siggraph.smartdraw.uk/eclipse/vendors/gr aphics.uk/index.uk/index.com/products-x/ Corel Corporation is a distant second in the graphics tools space in terms of market share.xaraxtreme.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Graphics Tools Blender . interactive creation.com.blender3d.0.co.com/E/1335. given that the majority of online developers use Macromedia and Adobe tools.php Microsoft graphics software applications are used by many e-learning developers.co. In acquiring Macromedia. http://virtuality3d. post-production. Download a copy: http://www. com/gp/product/04 7135614X/sr=81/qid=1154298806/ref=pd_bbs_1/1042921152-9837507?ie=UTF8 Horton. Richards (Eds. http://www. Pheonix.amazon. William (2000). http://www.cfm?fuseacti on=Reader.stcphoenix. William (1991).ViewAbstract&paper_id=1280 8 Neuman. Japan · Sept 7-10. S. Tokyo.editlib.com/gp/product/09 61392126/sr=83/qid=1152418193/ref=sr_1_3/1049851151-1919955?ie=UTF8 Tufte. Designing WebBased Training. http://www. The Tech Writer’s Essential Toolkit. Online Physics Forum with Integrated Web Editor Integrating Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG). http://www. Cheshire. New York: John Wiley. Kommers & G.asp?ID=167 130 © 2006. Proceedings. (2005).com/gp/product/09 61392118/sr=84/qid=1152418193/ref=sr_1_4/1049851151-1919955?ie=UTF8 Tufte.amazon. Illustrating Computer Documentation: The Art of Presenting Information Graphically on Paper and Online .com/gp/product/09 61392142/sr=81/qid=1152418193/ref=sr_1_1/1049851151-1919955?ie=UTF8 Wirth. The Use of SVG and ECMASCRIPT Technology for E-Learning Purposes.stc.Graphics Tools Bibliography Horton. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.). Cheshire. and Uyar. Paper presented at the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Conference. A. Evidence and Narrative . Germany.edu/ptliupages/ publications/MakingSVGaWebServiceina MessageBasedMVCArchitecture_final. June 1-3.ucs. STC. Edward (1990). http://www.com/gp/product/04 71538450/qid=1152417819/sr=17/ref=sr_1_7/104-98511511919955?s=books&v=glance&n=28315 5 Horton.org/index. Fu-Kwan (2004). Cheshire. Gloria (2004). San Francisco: Pfeiffer.com/ToolsSurveyResults04. Report by the Society for Technical Communication (STC). http://www. In P. Potsdam.pdf McConnell.amazon. CT: Graphics Press. Edward (2001).com/gp/product/07 87984256/sr=15/qid=1154298858/ref=sr_1_5/1042921152-9837507?ie=UTF8&s=books Hwang.indiana.net/papers/svg/articles /paper_use_of_svg_and_ecmascript_for_ elearning_isprs_workshop_potsdam_200 5. (2004). 2nd Ed.amazon. ED-Media Conference. A. Frances (2004). Making SVG a Web Service in a Messagebased MVC Architecture. ISPRS Workshop Commissions VI/1 – VI/2. Carolina Chapter. CT: Graphics. http://www. http://www.pdf Qiu.amazon. http://grids. Pallickara. Edward (1997). Envisioning Information.amazon. http://www. http://www. William (2006). CT: Graphics Press. Brandon Hall Research . e-Learning by Design.pdf Tufte.. Tools and Techniques for ELearning.org/51stConf/sessionMat erial/dataShow. NY: John Wiley. X. Visual Explanations : Images and Quantities.carto. Tools Usage Survey Results. com/fd/avs/ home/ Handshake proSENSE™ 2.forcedimension.handshakeinteractive.html http://www. Haptic devices come in many forms.it/projects/pureform. http://wwwpercro.unige. Read the press release at: http://www. There are distinct subcategories in the field of haptics.org/ Using the CANARIE advanced high-speed network CA*net 4.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Haptics Haptics involves transmitting information through the sense of touch or force feedback. HAPTEX is a research project on multimodal perception of textiles in the virtual environment. Selected Examples The “Museum of Pure Form” is a virtual reality system where the user can interact through the senses of touch and sight with digital models of 3-D art forms and sculptures.Create networkable force feedback programs using drag-and-drop program blocks. and force-feedback mice.mpbtechnologies.html “Force Dimension's haptic force feedback devices . gloves. Do Not Reproduce 131 . a “surgeon” in Canberra was able to teach a “medical trainee” in Montreal the different steps to a gall bladder extraction.pureform.com/s ection/view/?fnode=24 The project "HAPtic sensing of virtual TEXtiles" (HAPTEX). Haptic devices and interfaces are generally used with 3-D virtual environments to give a sense of realism to the action taking place within the virtual world.now allow the nanotechnology and nanoscience community not only to look at atoms and molecules but even to touch them. http://www. active object manipulation is more engaging than passively watching something happen on a screen.in conjunction with a scanning probe microscope . joysticks/ joypads.0 Virtual Touch Toolbox for Control Systems .ch/ Haptics involves transmitting information through the sense of touch or force feedback. who becomes directly involved in experiencing something.miralab. including the following: Proprioceptive (general sensory information about the body) Vestibular (the perception of head motion) Kinaesthetic (the feeling of motion in the body) Cutaneous (sensory information from the skin) Tactile (the sense of pressure experienced through the skin) Touch is one of the most important sensations for growth and learning.ca/mpbt/haptics/hand_con trollers/freedom/f6_news_touching.” http://www. especially when training motor skills and physical relationships. Haptic devices can also be used to provide feedback from hands-on models or simulators and to try out procedures at a nanotechnology level. Technology has advanced to the point that the sense of touch and force can be experienced in real time over a network. haptics helps make e-learning more relevant to the learner. http://haptex. including pens. Finally.sssup. When used appropriately. such as docking two molecules to see if they fit together. haptics-e. http://haptex. not-for-profit group that brings together researchers interested in haptics.unige.2005. 2005.immersion. suits.au/articles/2003/0 7/30/1059480393138..computer.de/~ley/db/conf/haptics/whc2005. html Bibliography HAPTEX Project (2005). M. http://csdl2.com/title/013065097 8 Inoue. 2005. N.jsp?resourcePath=/dl/proceedings /&toc=comp/proceedings/icalt/2005/23 38/00/2338toc. International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'05). J. July 31. David (2003).html Haptics-e is an online journal on haptics research. VR-Based Dynamics Learning System Using Haptic Device and Its Evaluation. Upper Saddle River.1109/ICAL T. Matsubara.org/ Haptics-L is the “electronic mailing list for the international haptics community. and Sukhatume. http://www. Nakamura.1. 2003.sensegraphics. http://www. http://www.ccii.306 Kushner. M. http://www. 132 © 2006.com.asp Body-based devices include gloves.unipi.com/products/phan tom_ghost/phantom.unitrier.html Haptic devices and interfaces are generally used with 3-D virtual environments to give a sense of realism to the action taking place within the virtual world. Specification of the Whole Haptic Interface.. Brandon Hall Research .xml&DOI=10. (2005).se/index..smh.sensable. Iwane.. Touch in Virtual Environments: Haptics and the Design of Interactive Systems. http://www. 917-921.com/ Online Resources The Robotics Group of the University of Pisa maintains a list of publications on the “fundamentals of haptics.miralab. Find a list of papers on haptics at: http://www. M. NJ: Prentice-Hall. and Ichitsubo.ch/public/HA PTEX-D4.com/gabriel/ hapticsl/ The International Society for Haptics is a new. Italy in March. Proceedings. McLaughlin.piaggio. M.” http://www.” http://www. Deliverable D4. http://www.it/newroboti cs/robpublications/Keyword/FUNDAMEN TALS-OF-HAPTICS. (2002). professional.org/persagen/DLA bsToc.isfh. New York Times (Online). and exoskeletal devices can be obtained from Immersion Corporation.phptr.Haptics SenseGraphics is a company that specializes in open source development of haptics and graphics software.org/ The World Haptics Conference was last held in Pisa. Report delivered January 15.informatik.html SensAble Technologies develops haptic devices that make it possible for users to touch and manipulate virtual objects. Reality bytes. http://www.1_release-public.roblesdelatorre. G.pdf Hespanha. Y. org/comp/proceedin gs/haptics/2003/1890/00/18900428. Core Technologies for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector. M. and Hughes. Haptics Laboratory.. and Essl.edu/DocsDemos/eva20 00.pd f O’Modhrain. G.digicult. http://www. Technology and Haptics. Vincent (2005).. Japan. H.cim. (2000). L. http://www. The Moose: A Haptic User Interface for Blind Persons.. http://csdl.. G. and Gillespie. Y. and Rusbridge. 1(3). http://www. (2003). Prentice Hall online article.informit.S... 2004.. Chapter on Haptics.mit.asp?p=345621 Sakano. The Haptic Museum.net/article-7304. M.media. M.computer. Shahabi. & Uchikawa. S. McGill University. http://web.ra..ch/CDstore/www6/Ac cess/ACC239.. (2005). Dobreva.info/downloads/TWR 3-lowres.pdf O’Modhrain. Paper presented at the 3rd international conference on new interfaces for musical expression. 250a.. C.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Haptics Levesque. Abbott.com/articles/printerf riendly. http://www. M. (2001). Reaching through the net to touch.ca/~haptic/pub/VLCIM-TR-05.org/1/3/250/ Do Not Reproduce 133 . DigiCULT Technology Watch Report 3.mcgill. J. CA. Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems (HAPTICS’03). Journal of Vision.journalofvision. Donnelly. A. Research report. 3-5 June 2004.S. Haptics: cybertouch and how we feel about it. M.usc. M.pdf Ó hAnluain. http://www. 2003. (2004).pdf McLaughlin. Proceedings of the Third WWW6 Conference. Proceedings. Medioni. G. K.pdf Rowell. The effect of haptic learning on the integration of disparity and perspective for the dynamic and static slant perception. D. Kaneko. A. Simplified Authoring of 3D Haptic Content for the World Wide Web.html O’Malley.html Ross. Oct. Sukhatme.B. Laurie (2004). Centre for Intelligent Machines. Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts Conference http://infolab. R. S.ethz. July 3. and Jaskowiak. (1997). PebbleBox and CrumbleBag: Tactile Interfaces for Granular Synthesis. Santa Clara. Daithí (2003). McHugh. http://www. Blindness. April. Wired News. 22.edu/~sile/palpable/ NIME04-grain-revised2.matr. monitors. wearable computing. head mounted displays. projectors. like digital ink and paper.dottocomu. display technologies. are just emerging as viable ways of connecting with a computer. they must interact with it through an interface device. human-computer interaction. Major technological improvements are being made in all of the above interface Do Not Reproduce 134 . Selected Examples Accuscript and AuthentImage are two technologies for handwriting recognition and authentication. Writing will require special digital pens. the device will be the size of a paperback book and can hold 500 texts in its onboard memory. This is the apparatus that takes human input and digitizes it for use by computer programs. Called Librié. http://www. Examples of interface devices include the following: Digital ink and paper Foot pedals Gesture technologies Haptics devices Handwriting and printing recognition Instruments and sensors Joysticks and wheels Keyboards Mice Microphones and sound cards Tablet PCs Video cards Whiteboards Wireless technologies Many of these technologies are covered elsewhere in this report so will be only mentioned briefly here.com/b/archives/ 002571. although writing using a finger or hand is now becoming possible.buffalo. digital paper. Now in the research and development phase. see: http://www. For a review. However. tangible computing. input devices. and some.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Interface Devices Related terms Digital ink. This requires a move towards better training of e-learning developers and instructional designers to advance the quality of e-learning experiences. instructional designers will need to learn about the various possibilities of each device in order to incorporate them into producing elearning content. experience computing. electronic paper. Having more kinds of input devices allows for a much richer e-learning experience. and digital paper pioneer EInk have announced an electronic book reader that is due to go on sale in Japan in late April for $375 (£204). haptics.html For humans to use a computer. they must interact with it through an interface device. gesture recognition. handwriting recognition. Philips. For humans to use a computer. whiteboards Description devices. This is the apparatus that takes human input and digitizes it for use by computer programs. flexible digital paper should become commonplace over the next few years.html Sony.edu/reporter/vol35/v ol35n17/articles/Accuscript. com/software/gad gets/microsoft-prototypes-footpadcomputer-interface-157916. Fujitsu announced that it had “developed the world's first film substratebased bendable color electronic paper featuring an image memory function.swan. http://www.eink.fujitsu.cs. This device allows handwritten notes to be downloaded to a computer via a USB interface.org/rl/interactive _whiteboards.html Samsung's new SCH-S310 mobile phone is equipped with motion-recognition capabilities. Both technologies were developed at Carnegie Mellon University. and 5) build.edu/~kimiko/iobrus h/ Logitech has developed the io2 Digital Writing System. http://www.cfm Now in the research and development phase.” http://www. flexible digital paper should become commonplace over the next few years.html In 2005. see: http://www.com/technology/howitwor ks.com/global/news/pr/ar chives/month/2005/20050713-01. http://www.sony.logitech. http://www.cmu. These methods are 1) touch. http://www.media.mit.html MIT Media Lab's I/O Brush.cmu. textures. although writing using a finger or hand is now becoming possible.com/ Microsoft Corporation has developed a footpad computer interface.lifehacker. it is constantly being improved and updated.edfacilities. Sony Corporation demonstrates five futuristic ways of interacting with a computer.ices. and movements found in everyday materials by 'picking up' and drawing with them.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Interface Devices For an explanation of E-Ink’s proprietary technology that uses microcapsules of positively charged white pigment and negatively charged black pigment. Although this technology has been around for a few years. books and journal articles on the educational uses of interactive whiteboards." http://web.com Online Resources The National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities (NCEF) has a resource list of links.ices.uk/calculators/ On their “Experience Computing” Web site. Users can dial by waving the phone to write the number in the air instead of pressing a keypad and to erase items by shaking the phone up and down.html http://killer. consisting of a pen and a charger.com/index. The “Weapons of Maths Construction” project at the University of Swansea in Wales can do just that. 4) bend.net/Fun/SonyDesign/2 003/home.edu/design/Foldable Display.html Smart Technologies makes a series of interactive whiteboards.smarttech. http://www. 2) roll.php Wacom Technology Corporation is a supplier of graphics tablets and pens. http://www. 3) throw.ac.com/storie s/afp_asiapacific_business/view/12697 8/1/. http://www.edu/design/Digitalin k.wacom.html Digital ink is a pen that writes on foldable digital paper. which "is a new drawing tool to explore colors.channelnewsasia. Do Not Reproduce 135 .cfm/produ cts/features/digitalwriting/US/EN Imagine writing mathematical equations on a whiteboard and having them solved in front of your eyes. Writing will require special digital pens. http://killer. net/display.htm The Wireless Directory Web site lists Bluetooth products and services and provides extensive information on this wireless format. See their advice and resources at: http://www. http://www.becta.usask.thewirelessdirectory.wired.edna.cfm?page =961 The Hertfordshire Grid for Learning gives teachers many resources on the proper use of interactive whiteboards. human computer interaction. Wired Magazine has published a number of articles on digital ink and digital paper.Interface Devices The Education Network Australia has a Web page of links to articles on interactive whiteboards.htm Graphics Interface is the oldest continuously scheduled conference in the field. Brandon Hall Research .aclearn.microsoft.mspx 136 © 2006.com/wired/archive/8.0 8/epapers.com/wired/archive/5. http://www.com/ Microsoft’s Tablet PC.org.html http://www.devx.0 4/anoto. http://www. with its use of digital ink. http://www.uk/ The Community Learning Resource Web site supports adult and community learning.com/Blu etooth-Overview/Bluetooth-Training.ca/~gutwin/gi/ Becta is a UK agency that supports education departments in UK in their use of computers. GI consistently attracts high-quality papers from around the world on recent advances in interactive systems. http://whiteboards.shtml PC Tablet Developer is an online serial that publishes all types of material on tablet computer use.com/TabletPC/Door/20 301 Over the years.cs. Following are three such articles: http://www.html http://www.au/edna/page458 8.0 5/ff_digitalink_pr.co.org. http://www. The site contains reviews of interactive whiteboards and tablet technologies.wired.html The e-Learning Centre in the UK maintains a list of resources on using electronic whiteboards.uk/learning/ict/m anaging/resources/whiteboards. is described in a 2002 press release.com/wired/archive/9.uk/eclipse/Resources/ whiteboards.wired. http://www. The agency has a comparison page of different brands of interactive whiteboards.elearningcentre.edu.com/presspass/fea tures/2002/oct02/1029tabletinking. and graphic.thegrid. http://www.anoto. Read all about their award winning technology at: http://www.html Anoto is a digital pen and ink company in Sweden. Emerging e-Learning Technologies Interface Devices Bibliography Cogill, Julie (2002). How is the Interactive Whiteboard being used in the primary school and how does this affect teachers and teaching? Research report, King’s College, University of London. http://www.virtuallearning.org.uk/whiteboa rds/IFS_Interactive_whiteboards_in_the_pr imary_school.pdf Cross, Michael (2005). Chalk one up to the whiteboard. Guardian Unlimited, Oct. 6, 2005. http://education.guardian.co.uk/elearning /story/0,10577,1585516,00.html eSchool News. (2003). New ultra-thin screen could lead to electronic paper. eSchool News Online, June 1, 2003. http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/show story.cfm?ArticleID=4436 Knight, Will (2004). The most flexible paper yet revealed. NewScientist Magazine (Online), Jan. 26, 2004. http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id =dn4602 Mohamed, K., Haag, S., Peltason, J., Dal-RI, F. and Ottmann, T. (2006). Disoriented Pen-Gestures for Identifying Users around the Tabletop without Cameras and Motion Sensors. In Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems, Adelaide, Australia, Jan. 2006. http://ad.informatik.unifreiburg.de/mitarbeiter/khaireel/authorsC opy/2006-tabletop.pdf Mohamed, K. and Ottmann, T. (2005). Controlling the electronic whiteboard’s writing surface without cluttered toolboxes: Shifting the focus back to content delivery. In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of E-Learn 2005, Vancouver. http://ad.informatik.unifreiburg.de/mitarbeiter/khaireel/authors Copy/2005-eLearn.pdf Otsuki, Y., Bandoh, H., Kato, N., Indurkhya, B. and Nakagawa, M. (2004). Educational software employing group competition using an interactive electronic whiteboard. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 15(3), 257-269. http://dl.aace.org/16321 Read, J. C. (2005). The Usability of Digital Ink Technologies for Children and Teenagers. HCI2005. Edinburgh, Scotland, Springer. http://www.uclan.ac.uk/facs/destech/co mpute/staff/read/Publish/ChiCi/referenc es/the_usability_of_digital_ink.pdf Revell, Phil (2004). Whiteboards are doing the chalking. Guardian Unlimited, January 6, 2004. http://education.guardian.co.uk/elearnin g/story/0,10577,1116483,00.html Wong, Nicole (2006). Going beyond the alphabet: keyboard pad frees user from Western model. The Mercury News, Fri. April 7, 2006. http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/merc urynews/business/technology/1428638 8.htm Zeichick, Alan (2004). Why the Pen and Digital Ink Will Change Mainstream Computing. Tablet PC Developer, December 22, 2004. http://www.devx.com/TabletPC/Article/2 6667 Do Not Reproduce 137 Learning Management Systems Related terms Campus portals, Content management, Course Management Systems (CMS), elearning portals, Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS), learning integration Description Learning management systems (LMS) – the term used in North America – and Managed Learning Environments (MLE) or Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) – terms used in Great Britain – are not “emerging technologies” per se, as this category of software has been around for about ten years. But there are a number of innovations in LMSs and VLEs that distinguish an “ordinary” system from one that is more advanced. There have been several “generations” of learning management systems: 1st Generation LMS – Stand-alone application running on a single computer with or without timesharing terminals 2nd Generation LMS – Web-based application with client-server architecture 3rd Generation LMS – Web-based application with N-tier architecture (separation of application into components and independent layers of functioning) 4th Generation LMS – Web-based application with distributed content that uses Web services and service oriented architecture (SOA) There is considerable debate in the elearning field as to whether or not LMSs have a future (Farmer, 2005), while others worry that the current model of LMSs has become entrenched to the point of inhibiting innovation. Morrison (2004) contends “that because key decisions and investments are already being (or have been) made, the widespread adoption by institutions of the current generation of MLE/VLEs is in danger of creating a de facto global elearning monoculture.” Others are developing new views of what a learning management system can become, and there are a number of significant innovations in 4th generation learning managements systems. Innovations include the following: Adaptability/Personalization Artificial Intelligence/Intelligent Tutoring Automatic generation of motivational messages Move from managing presentations and testing to learner control, conversation, and collaboration Use of 2-D and 3-D Virtual environments Service Oriented Architecture - integration with other enterprise systems, especially human resources/“talent management” systems Feldstein (2005) suggests that the nextgeneration of learning management systems should have the following characteristics: …there are a number of innovations in LMSs and VLEs that distinguish an “ordinary” system from one that is more advanced. 138 © 2006, Brandon Hall Research Emerging e-Learning Technologies Learning Management Systems LMSs should provide a framework that makes it as easy as possible for programmers with different skill levels in different programming languages to build and integrate learning tools to serve specialized teaching and learning needs. Whenever possible, the technology standards implemented by the framework should be general rather than educationspecific to encourage the re-use of relevant groupware applications not originally designed for e-learning purposes. Part of what the framework should provide is a set of user interface primitives, thus reducing the usability challenge of mixing applications that were designed by different groups of people. But those primitives should be inheritable by applications with as little specific programmer effort as possible (i.e., they should mostly come along automatically when the developer chooses to use the framework). Another part of what the framework should provide is strong and flexible groups, roles, and permissions structures to be used by the various learning applications. The roles, groups, and permissions framework should also provide the capability of a user-centric view in which users can get roll-up views of data in applications that they use across several different groups (e.g., the combined calendar dates in several courses plus club and campus events). These ideas have gelled into a concept called the learning management operating system (LMOS), which has the following aims: For students, more control over their own data For faculty, more control over the learning environment For institutions, more integration with their other campus IT systems For consortia, more ability to share computing resources without sacrificing needs of individual members Selected Examples Academici is a “virtual classroom” environment with a global peer to peer network, a search engine, a communication platform, a contact management system, content-driven forums run by experts, and other academic services. http://www.academici.com Elgg is an open source “learning landscape platform” that integrates a number of learning tools and information systems. To quote the developers, “Elgg is a personal learning landscape with the goal of connecting learners, instructors and resources creating communities of learning.” http://elgg.net/index.php EVE, a prototype of a new type of learning environment that uses 3-D graphics, has the following functionality: Communication Channels User's Representation and Awareness using Avatars Manipulation of Users/ Objects Presentation Table Application Sharing Break-out session rooms http://lttf.ieee.org/icalt2002/proceeding s/p103.pdf A 4th Generation LMS is a Web-based applica-tion with distributed content that uses Web services and service oriented architecture (SOA). Do Not Reproduce 139 Learning Management Systems An e-book by William Rice on how to use Moodle, a leading open source learning management system, is available as a free download. http://opensourceschools.org/download/ Moodle_Sample_e-book.pdf Over 50 leading learning management companies and their LMS systems are listed in the Brandon Hall Research LMS Knowledgebase (Full disclosure: I work for Operitel Corporation, one of the LMS vendors listed below, and Brandon Hall Research is the publisher of this report). The LMS companies, in alphabetical order, are: Allen Communication Learning Services Allen Communication Learning Portal http://www.allencomm.com/ Avilar Technologies Inc. - WebMentor LMS http://www.avilar.com/ Compendium Corporation - Learn Enterprise Learning Management System http://www.compendiumcorp.com/ Cornerstone OnDemand Inc. Cornerstone OnDemand Enterprise Suite http://www.cornerstoneondemand.com/ Element K - KnowledgeHub http://www.elementk.com/ Frontline Data Solutions, Inc. TrainingMine http://www.fldata.com/ Generation21 Learning Systems Generation21 Enterprise http://www.gen21.com/ GeoLearning Inc. - GeoMaestro http://www.geolearning.com/ GeoMetrix Data Systems Inc. - Training Partner http://www.trainingpartner.com Gyrus - Training Wizard MX/SST http://www.gyrus.com/ IBM - IBM Lotus Workplace Collaborative Learning http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks. nsf/RedpieceAbstracts/sg247254.html? Open InfoSource Inc. - InfoSource http://www.howtomaster.com/ Integrated Performance SystemsiPerform http://www.ips-inc.com/ Intellinex LLC- Intellinex LMS http://www.intellinex.com/ Interactive Solutions New Media Inc. - OnTracker LMS http://www.isnewmedia.com/isnm2005/ index.html IntraLearn Software Corp. - IntraLearn XE http://www.intralearn.com/ KnowledgePlanet Inc. - KnowledgePlanet Enterprise Learning Suite http://www.knowledgeplanet.com/flashh ome.asp Learn.com - LearnCenter http://www.learn.com LMSs should provide a framework that makes it as easy as possible for programmers with different skill levels in different programming languages to build and integrate learning tools to serve specialized teaching and learning needs. 140 © 2006, Brandon Hall Research Emerging e-Learning Technologies Learning Management Systems LearnSomething Inc. - Isoph Blue http://www.learnsomething.com/ MaxIT - LearnerWeb http://www.maxit.com/ Meridian Knowledge Solutions Inc. Meridian KSI Knowledge Centre http://www.meridianksi.com/ mGen Inc. - mGen Enterprise http://www.mgen.com/ NetDimensions - Enterprise Knowledge Platform (EKP) http://www.netdimensions.com/ Novasys Information Services Ltd. TrainingOffice Audit http://www.novasys-corp.com/index.jsp Operitel Corporation - LearnFlex LMS http://www.operitel.com/overview.aspx Oracle USA Inc. - Oracle Learning http://www.oracle.com/applications/huma n_resources/learning.html OutStart Inc. - OutStart Evolution LMS http://www.outstart.com/portal/index.jsp PeopleSoft (Oracle) - PeopleSoft Learning Management http://www.oracle.com/applications/peopl esoft/hcm/ent/module/learning_mgmt.ht ml Plateau Systems - Plateau Learning Management System http://www.plateau.com/ Platte Canyon Multimedia Software Corp. Tracker.Net http://www.vbtrain.net/trackerinfo.aspx RISC - Virtual Training Assistant http://www.risc-inc.com/ Saba - Saba Enterprise Learning Suite http://www.saba.com/products/saba/lea rning/index.htm SAP - SAP Learning Solution http://www.sap.com/solutions/businesssuite/erp/hcm/learningsolution/index.ep x SSA Global Technologies Inc. - SSA Learning Management http://www.ssaglobal.com/ SSE - SSElearn Portal http://www.sselearn.com/ Strategia - Ed Training Platform http://www.strategia.ca/en/default.asp SumTotal Systems Inc. - TotalLMS http://www.sumtotalsystems.com/ Syntrio - Syntrio Enterprise LMS http://www.syntrio.com/ Technomedia Training Inc. - TM SIGAL http://www.technomedia.ca/en/htm/en_ 00_01_01.cfm TEDS Inc. – TEDS http://www.teds.com/ TeraLearn.com Inc. - TeraLearn LCMS http://www.teralearn.com/2004/index.ht ml Trivantis Corporation - CourseMill LMS http://www.trivantis.com/ TTG Systems Incorporated – TRACCESS http://www.ttg-inc.com/ Do Not Reproduce 141 Learning Management Systems Vuepoint - Vuepoint Learning System http://www.vuepoint.com/ WBT Systems - TopClass LMS http://www.wbtsystems.com/ WebRaven Pty Ltd - DOTS - Dynamic Online Training System http://www.webraven.com Websoft Systems Inc. – KnowledgeBridge http://www.websoft.com/ Wizdom Systems Inc. - LMSLive http://www.wizdom.com/ Worldwide Interactive Network Inc. - The Learning Manager http://www.thelearningmanager.com XStream Software Inc. - XStream RapidShare LMS http://www.xstreamsoftware.com/ Xtention Inc. - Xtention Learning Management System http://www.xtention.com/ Online Resources Brandon Hall Research (publisher of this report) has a section of their Web site called “LMS Central,” where they publish extensive documentation on learning management systems. For LMS buyers who already have a short list of systems, Brandon Hall Research provides access to individual profiles of more than 50 learning management systems. Each profile is 30 to 50 pages long and contains a review of the system and detailed specifications regarding the system's features. http://www.brandonhall.com For a review of leading open source learning management systems, see the recent article in Learning Circuits, by Sam Adkins. http://www.learningcircuits.org/2005/oc t2005/adkins.htm The Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications (WCET) maintains a Web site called EduTools. The site contains a large number of reviews of "course management systems." http://www.edutools.info/static.jsp?pj=8 &page=HOWTO#productinfo The e-Learning Centre in the UK combines reviews of corporate learning management systems (LMS) and learning content management systems (LCMS), separating these from “educational course management systems” and “virtual learning environments,” and open source course and learning content management systems. http://www.e-learningcentre.co.uk Teresa A. D’Eca in Portugal maintains a fantastic list of Web resources on all aspects of learning online: ds/online-learningenvironments.htm#Teaching An evaluation report on learning activities management systems (LAMS) is available from the JISC in the UK. http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=e lp_lams A detailed diagram of the future of virtual learning systems according to Scott Wilson is available at: http://www.cetis.ac.uk/members/scott/b logview?entry=20050125170206 142 © 2006, Brandon Hall Research . http://lttf. 4. Pierre (2000).. T.edu. R. Building educational virtual environments.A possible future for online learning. 2005. and Trifonova.htm Bouras.org/icalt2002/proceedings/ p103. (2005).ac. http://www. Sam (2005). Czech Republic. June 20-21. November 2004.pdf Dillenbourg. http://incsub. 21.learningcircuits. Virtual Learning Environments.pdf Morrison. and Sharifi. (Online edition). E-Learning Flexible Frameworks and Tools: Is it too late? – the Director's Cut. T. http://wscg. L. Wake-Up Call: open source LMS. Paper presented at the EUN Conference 2000: learning in the new millennium . Jan. http://www. Browne.PDF Farmer. October. VLE Surveys: a longitudinal perspective between March 2001. Jan.pdf Do Not Reproduce 143 . C.nxtbook.ac. http://www. http://tojde.org/eun.org2/eun/html/m m1010/public/d05_7.cz/wscg2005/Papers_2 005/Poster/J03-full. Molinari. The Learning Horizon: tomorrow’s technologies. Implementing Learning Design: the learning activity management system (LAMS).mq.org/blog/2005/unmanageing-learning-managementsystems-a-possible-future-for-onlinelearning Jenkins. CyberSession: a new proposition for e-learning in collaborative virtual environments. http://www. Chief Learning Officer. James (2003). Report published by UCISA. Paper presented at ASCILITE 2003 Conference. August.edu. Exeter.it/~foxy/docs/To wards%20a%20multivendor%20Mobile%20LMS%20(long). Derek (2004).zcu..eun.anadolu. (2006). Ronchetti. 31-Feb. WSCG Conference 2005.bath. http://www.unitn. http://www. M.building new education strategies for schools. March 2003 and March 2005 for higher education in the United Kingdom. Avgoustos (2004).pdf Sadeghi.melcoe.. UK. 2006. Workshop on virtual learning environments.ucisa. and Tsiatsos. A. Paper presented at the European Workshop on Mobile Contextual Learning. Ed. Towards a MultiVendor Mobile Learning Management System.org/2005/oct2 005/adkins. M (2005). and Walker. 5(2). A. Incorporated Subversion.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Learning Management Systems Bibliography Adkins. ICALT2002 Conference. M. (2002).uk/groups/tlig/vle/v le_survey_2005. Plzen.au/documents /ASCILITE2003%20Dalziel%20Final. 2005.tr/tojde14/pdf/ tsinakos. James (2005).com/nxtbooks/Mediat ec/clo0806/ Colazzo. Proceedings.uk/elearning/Download/DM20040909. University of Birmingham. Aavani.what criteria should be present in the ideal VLE? Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE).pdf Cohen.science.pdf Dalziel.. April. Proceedings. A. Learning Circuits. The puzzle: virtual learning environments . J. http://www. Proceedings of ALT-C.pdf Tsinakos. Un-Managing Learning Management Systems . (2002).ieee. Report for the Melbourne. May 2006 http://www.pdf 144 © 2006. Van (2005).unimelb.pdf Wise. http://www. 40(3). http://www.org/newdl/index. Healthcare. (2006).Monash Collaboration in Educational Technologies. Educause Review. October 2005. From course management to curricular capabilities: a capabilities approach for the next generation course management system.educause. Brandon Hall Research .au/telars /talmet/melbmonash/media/LMSGovern anceFinalReport. LMS Governance Project Report. Intelligent LMS with an agent that learns from log data. Proceedings of World Conference on ELearning in Corporate.cfm?fu seaction=Reader.ViewAbstract&paper_id =21687 Wiegel. and Higher Education 2005.Learning Management Systems Ueno. Government. L. and Quealy. May-June. Vancouver. Maomi (2005).aace.edu. 2005.edu/ir/library/pdf/ erm0533.infodiv. J. rapid learning. At the simplest level. learning object model (LOM). 2006). a well-known standard for learning objects. but it is important to understand that the act of reassembling parts on a screen is not an adequate instructional design model (Krauss. Wiley. Description Learning objects are a unit of software that is produced about a particular aspect of a subject and that has educational value. A more soph- Learning objects are a unit of software that is produced about a particular aspect of a subject and that has educational value. 2004. reusable learning objects (RLOs). SCORM. the reassembly of learning objects results in the same old “tell-test” presentations. While there is a vision of both reusability and interoperability of learning objects. as the learning objects do not need to make sense linked together because they are used to deliver specific pieces of information. As online educational materials are produced. Learning objects have several uses. There is nothing inherently wrong with the concept of reusability. The vision of the learning object model (LOM) is to have computer programs organize personalized courses of study using many learning objects that are selected based on gaps in knowledge determined by computer-based assessments. learning object repository (LOR). there is no agreed upon definition of what learning objects really are. However.” To facilitate searching and retrieval. The acronym SCORM.” a central concept of object-oriented programming that provides for the reusability of coherent pieces of code. learning objects are really software objects built to be reusable so that programmers or graphic artists do not need to reconstruct them. They are emulations of “software objects. sharable content objects (SCOs).” such as a graph. and the presentation of a particular “chunk of learning. metadata is used to describe objects in repositories. it has been difficult to show a working demonstration of this vision that makes sense from a pedagogical point of view. they often end up in online aggregations of learning objects.” where a particular learning object is served up in response to a specific user's immediate need for information. Learning objects are also referred to as “reusable learning objects” (RLOs) and “sharable content objects” (SCOs). One use is to improve the efficiency of producing educational materials by reusing learning objects in new curriculum units (which themselves may also be learning objects). in practice most uses of learning objects fall far short of that ideal. Do Not Reproduce 145 . Learning objects are often referred to as “chunks of learning. usually referred to as “learning object repositories. This application of learning objects is sometimes referred to as “just-intime learning. Rather. Beyond that.” But people do not learn much in de-contextualized discrete chunks.” This use has been more successful. stands for Sharable Content Object Reference Model. Another use for learning objects is in the area of “rapid learning. does not mean the intended learning has taken place. intelligent tutoring.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Learning Objects and Repositories Related terms Artificial intelligence. Learning objects range from a single image or piece of text to full Web-based units on a specific curriculum. arizona.edu/ DLORN (Distributed Learning Object Repository Network) is a repository set up by Stephen Downes. hosted by the University of Victoria in Canada. a senior researcher at the National Research Council in Canada. and distributes digital research material.uwaterloo. indexes. behaviorist concepts of “programmed instruction” that have now been replaced by newer cognitive and constructivist learning theories of education. isticated version of this model is the vision of giant repositories of reusable objects that can be assembled into a “course” or “teaching moment” based on the results of continuous online assessments.info FLORE stands for the French Learning Object Repository for Education.html The Digital Library of Information Science and Technology is based at the University of Arizona. this model does not work for the younger generation of adults now in educational institutions or work settings. http://dspace.ca/projects/CC CO/cloe_stories.cdlib.html EducaNext is a service that supports creating and sharing knowledge for higher education.uvic. What is stored in learning object repositories is not standardized in terms of formats but represents a wide range of educational media.org/ CLOE stands for the Cooperative Learning Object Exchange. While older adults may be impressed by a program’s ability to provide a custom mix of items to view on the screen.ca/cgibin/dlorn/dlorn. computer-use practices. Making this fit has proven to be very difficult.Learning Objects and Repositories …there is no agreed upon definition of what learning objects really are. culture. As Collis and Strijker (2003) note.ca/hrd/flore/ 146 © 2006. stores.cgi DSpace is a digital repository system that captures.fedora. Selected Examples Following is a list of some of the many learning object repositories: The California Digital Library supports the libraries of the University of California.” Repositories for learning objects can be simple or complex (“rafts” or “battleships” to use Derek Morrison’s metaphor). http://dlist. curriculum. http://www. It is open to any member of the academic or research community. a consortium of colleges and universities who have agreed to share learning objects.sir.downes. Brandon Hall Research . “The reusability of an electronic learning resource depends on its fit with the language. preserves. This idea is based on older. http://web. http://learnware.org/ubp Fedora is a general-purpose repository system developed jointly by Cornell University Information Science and the University of Virginia Library.educanext. Learning objects range from a single image or piece of text to full Web-based units on a specific curriculum. http://www. http://www.org/index. and they can be general or subject specific. and pedagogical approaches of the potential learners and their instructors. http://www. profetic.org goENC contains resources for K-12 science and math.au:8010/ The Maricopa Learning Exchange is a warehouse of learning objects at the high school and college levels.unesco. http://www. http://www.wisconsin.lolaexchange.org UNESCO maintains the Free & Open Source Software Portal.cisco. http://ideas.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Learning Objects and Repositories Gateway to 21st Century Skills contains thousands of lesson plans and teaching resources for grades K-12.org/ LESTER (Learning Science and Technology Repository) is an online community and database focused on innovations in learning science and technology (LST). http://nsdl.llearn. http://www. http://www.com/ IDEAS provides Wisconsin educators with teacher reviewed resources for grades K-12.html Online Resources Cisco Systems has been a leader in promoting “reusable learning objects. http://mlor. with a focus on information literacy.pdf Do Not Reproduce 147 .com/application/pdf/en/ us/guest/netsol/ns460/c654/cdccont_09 00aecd800eb905.phpURL_ID=12034&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL _SECTION=201.org/ The Ontario E-Learning Object Management Repository has been set up by the Ministry of Education to serve learning objects to Ontario schools and post-secondary institutions.publiclibraryofscience. http://portal.maricopa.edu Koha is a New Zealand based online library covering all subjects.thegateway.ca/acg/eduontari o_d/secure/elearning/ PROFETIC is a French learning object repository.goenc.edu/mlx/ MERLOT is the largest repository of learning objects.edu. http://www. which profiles innovative research projects and researchers.000 items. http://lester.aspx?t abindex=0&tabid=1 LLEARN is a repository of materials for language learning.php LoLa Exchange is a place for sharing high quality learning objects.org/Home.utoronto.oise.org/ LRC is an international community for sharing materials in higher education.merlot.dist.unsw. http://www.po National Science Digital Library (NSDL) is a great source for learning materials in science fields. http://www.edu/DesktopDefault.rice.net/project. http://www. http://www.lrc3.org/ Public Library of Science is a nonprofit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource.org/ci/en/ev.koha.mcli.” A 2003 white paper on the company’s RLO strategy is available at: http://www. http://www. with almost 15. EdTechPost. (2004). http://www.” also known as LORs – learning object repositories. M.html LORNET is a consortium of Canadian universities who share research on learning objects and their use. C.dicole.org/guidelines/index.html Norm Friesen has written a review of implementing learning object repositories that use the Canadian standard. authored by Rachel Smith. Feasibility of Course Development Based on Learning Objects: Research Analysis of Three Case Studies. http://www.org/eng/scientifiques. http://www.edu/Dept/CIE/AOP/LO_co llections. see Teemu Leinonen’s article.lornet.dis. M.html#com123 Bibliography Barritt.cancore.org/blog/archives/ 002089. and Alderman.uis.it/~lhci/002. “Learning Objects: Is the King Naked?” http://flosse.com/exec/obidos/tg/d etail//0787964956/qid=1131924725/sr=82/ref=pd_bbs_2/002-46096590461665?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 Bochicchio.. http://www.amazon. http://www.L.ca/mt/archive/000 681.edtechpost.elearnspace.html For a highly critical view of learning objects. A.uwm. March. is available at: http://www. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning.ca/implementing_proje cts. http://www.edu/Dept/CIE/AOP/LO_bi b.html The University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee hosts a large bibliography on learning objects. Celentano. SCX 2004: a SCORM 2004 – based tool for the real-time production of Learning Objects.itdl. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. http://www.shtml An audio discussion of learning objects with several of the leaders in this field is available at: http://www.org/?item=learningobjects-is-the-king-naked Scott Leslie’s reply to the above article is found on his blog. Creating a Reusable Learning Objects Strategy: leveraging information and learning in a knowledge economy. 1(3).uniroma1. http://www. http://www.jcdl.htm Do Not Reproduce 148 . (2004).ht m The Joint Conference on Digital Libraries holds an annual gathering.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Learning Objects and Repositories A primer on how to design and author learning objects. (2004). CANCORE. And Longo.html The University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee also maintains a list of “learning object collections.edu/podcasting/projects/in dex.nmc. F.uwm.org/ The Higher Educational Podcast Repository is a place for storing educationally useful lectures and other educational events. T.doc Christiansen. Online paper.org/Journal/Mar_04/article 02. and Anderson. http://www. J. Norm (2005). 5-16.. CanCore: in your neighbourhood and around the world.. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning.. 2004. J. M. (2004). Online document. B. 14.org.itdl.html Heery. (2004). EduSource: Canada’s Learning Object Repository Network. R. http://www.. S..uk/foundation/publi cations/roadmap-apr06/rep-roadmapv15.. A Primer on Learning Objects.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Learning Objects and Repositories Collis..org/Journal/Mar_04/article0 3.9. S. G. Jan.blogs. London: Falmer.cancore. Design Issues Involved in Using Learning Objects for Teaching a Programming Language within a Collaborative eLearning Environment. http://www. S. Online.eduserv.com/lo/2004/01/the_r eusability. Fredinand (2004). March..org/14190 Downes.ca/protocols_en. Digital Repositories Roadmap: looking forward. Software Architecture Document. http://www. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. Universities’ Collaboration in eLearning (UCeL): Post-Fordism in action. K. 1(3). Harrigan.org/index. Online paper.Downloa dFullText&paper_id=11841 Longmire.) (2004).org/Journal/Mar_04/article 01.html Friesen.. March. Babin.pdf Krauss.pdf?fuseaction=Reader. Paquette. CanCore: connection collections – an overview of approaches. Research Report.irrodl. Hatala.htm Friesen.ca/implementing_projec ts. Learning Circuits.cancore.. Paper presented at eLearn 2004 conference. http://www.html Leeder. M.ca/documents/Key% 20Planning%20Documents/Software%20Pla n/SA%200. http://www.editlib. http://www. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. 2(4). (2000). http://www. March. Re-Usable Learning Objects in Context. G.amazon. The Reusability Myth of Learning Object Design..cfm/files/pap er_11841.itdl.9%2015-11-03. MacLeod. (2004).. Friesen. (2003). D. Roberts. The Need for and Nature of Learning Objects. Rory (Ed. http://www. and Mohammed.org/content/v2. D. and Schafer. http://ideas.1/downes.learningcircuits. http://dl.aace. Warren (2000).htm Do Not Reproduce 149 . G. T. N. 1 (3).org/mar2000/ primer. A.com/exec/obidos/tg/d etail//0415335124/qid=1131924607/sr=81/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-46096590461665?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 McGreal. IDEAS: Instructional Design for Elearning ApproacheS. R. Downes. Online Education Using Learning Objects. Stephen. Richards.edusource. Version .html McGreal. T. and Morales.. 2(1). html Edusource (2003). http://www. Norm (2006).doc Fiaidhi. Anderson. Rachel (2006). http://www. Mattson. & Strijker. International Journal on E-Learning. (2002).itdl. David A. Final Project Report. 2004.uniroma1.informingscience. pdf Roselli.org/2002/apr2 002/mortimer.uk/dacs/cdntl/pMachin e/morriblog_comments.uk/dacs/cdntl/pMachin e/morriblog_more. The Instructional Use of Learning Objects.dis.Rafts or Battleships? .htm Nejdl. Jan.co. Wolfgang (2004). Auricle: learning technologies in Higher Education. (Learning) Objects of Desire: promise and practicality.pdf Richards.Part 1.fastrakconsulting.org/Journal/Jul_04/article0 2. Aug. Learning Material Repositories .kth.it/~lhci/rossanopres. March. Rossano. (2000). http://www. White paper for Fastrak Consulting. Reusable Learning Objects Aggregation for e-Learning Courseware Development at the University of Mauritius. Brigham Young University. N..bath. Personalized Access to Distributed Learning Repositories (PADLR). April 2002. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. Derek (2004a).edu.org/IS 2002Proceedings/papers/Richa242Learn. http://www. 9. Doctoral dissertation.htm Shepherd.php?id=P292_0_4_ 0 Mortimer. (2002).uk/tactix/features/objects/o bjects. Paper presented at the Workshop on E-Learning and Human Computer Interaction. http://www..pdf http://www. (2000). and Pragnell. 1(7). 2004.htm Wiley. A. McGreal. http://www. Lori (2002). June. : http://reusability.). Derek (2004b).dis. T. http://opencontent. http://www. M.it/~lhci/rossanopaper. Online. http://www. (2004). G.. http://proceedings. E-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology. Brandon Hall Research .learningcircuits.bath. 7(1).au/electpub/ejist/docs/Vol7_No1/content. and Senteni. Iterating Toward Openness. Learning Object Design and Sequencing Theory. INTERACT 2005. 12. Moving from Theory to Practice in the Design of WebBased Learning Using a Learning Object Approach. Govinda.php?id=291_0_4_0_M Morrison.. and Freisen. R. RIP-ing on Learning Objects. Learning Material Repositories . http://www.org/docs/dissertation. A Repository for the Teaching Experiences. Learning Circuits.p df Wiley.Part 2. David A. M. V.ac. Learning object repository technologies for Telelearning: the evolution of POOL and CanCore. Elizabeth (2004). (2005). Auricle: learning technologies in Higher Education. (2006).learninglab. Objects of Interest.org/blog/archives/230 150 © 2006. Clive.ac. InSITE conference. http://opencontent.se/documents/ PADLR-final-report.pdf Santally.org/read/ Wiley. http://www.uniroma1. David A.Learning Objects and Repositories Morrison. Paper presented. (Ed.html Murphy. Agency for Instructional Technology and the Association for Educational Communications.Rafts or Battleships? . M. July 14.usq. proximity tools. geocaching. Each satellite continually broadcasts its position and the time. and exhibits for a variety of purposes. more demands for a person’s attention. or exhibits Improve visitor services by providing information on nearby facilities such as restaurants and gift shops Provide tour management information. Do Not Reproduce 151 . including privacy concerns. to track their location and interact with educational experiences that use that information. including the following: Information services and tour guides delivered in place Educational games that have a geographical component Support for field trips in which locationbased technologies provide learning materials during a visit to a specific place Gathering data in a specific location for later analysis Personalization of a visit in real-time based on where a person is located at any given moment Learning games within a specified geographical area In the cultural sector. and security issues. Bensford (2005) identifies some of the educational uses of location-based technologies. findability. including better security due to location tracking capabilities Analyze visitor traffic (for planners) Help users access relevant content from the Web during and after museum tours Improve accessibility for visitors with disabilities As computer devices become smaller and more mobile. The two technologies most prevalent in locationbased e-learning are the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). navigation. Usually these visualizations are overlaid onto a map. However. tours Description Location-based technologies are used in elearning when geographical position is important to an educational experience. as with any new technology. PDAs. including cell phones. users will be able to use a variety of devices. gaming consoles. A Geographic Information System enables the geographic aspects of a body of data to be visualized.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Location Based Technologies Related terms Ambient content. personal media players. there are potential disadvantages to locationbased technologies.S. galleries. including to do the following: Enhance visitor experiences using dynamic location-based content Provide access to specific content irrelevant roams. and wearable computers. This allows GPS receivers to triangulate their own position to within a few meters by taking bearings from at least three visible satellites. Location-based technologies are used in elearning when geographical position is important to an educational experience. The Global Positioning System consists of 24 satellites owned by the U. laptops. galleries. Department of Defense. location-based systems are found in museums. gaming http://www.com/ Intergraph . to what a GIS system uses. interact with Google Mars is a composite of the mapping http://www.google.frappr.berkeley. track their system is being used to plot changes in http://earth. PDAs.google. earth.state. Clark Labs .cadcorp. it is a great tool for teaching science.biogeomancer. The map is wearable readable geographic locations.mapinfo.com/ ISlab/ MapInfo .google. laptops.http://www.org/ http://www.com/ location and biodiversity around the world.il. http://www. http://earth.com/ As computer The Science Museum of Minnesota in St devices become Paul has GIS-based projects for public Frapper is a Web site that allows you to smaller and display and ongoing class work.greatestplaces. See how this direction. Geographic Information System (GIS) use that http://www. with abilities to show the location of Greatest Places allows students to explore including cell almost any service or feature that is a variety of interesting places worldwide searchable from a database. personal media Google Maps is an intuitive map of the Georeferencing is the process of converting world that allows the user to zoom in and players. GIS also is the following: being used to create several new exhibits in the coming year.us/research/G ESRI. to model the climate in any place in the world. The Laboratory’s Web site Cadcorp .000 archaeological sites in the state.live.intergraph. http://www.http://www. While not very useful for most At the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology.com/ Geographic Information System.org/ consoles. Windows Live Local is the new Microsoft http://www.pangonetworks.museum.com able to use a http://www. Brandon Hall Research .google.org/ variety of Google Earth is an amazing view of the devices.org/ educational of Mars.com/mars/ PanGo offers a “location management system” that can store and report on geographic data.Location Based Technologies The GIS Laboratory at Springfield’s Illinois State Museum uses GIS to create and The main players in the GIS market include maintain a database of over 40.esri. Mapquest is a mapping service that covers http://mvz.com/mars/ specialists have developed a WORLDCLIM information. and to learn about them using a phones.smm.http://www. http://local. Enter an address to find a local map for almost anywhere in the world. and text descriptions of locations to computerout for various levels of details. experiences that people. A kiosk on create custom maps and tags them with more mobile. information.com/ Selected Examples 152 © 2006. The vision is to show scenes of the areas on the maps.http://www.com/ includes a GIS animations gallery.com/ mapping service.http://www. the museum’s exhibit floor features users will be interactive maps of the St Croix River valley.clarklabs. similar to continuous and can be dragged in any computers.edu/ the globe. bc.30670 The goal of the Degree Confluence Project is to visit the intersection of every degree of latitude and longitude in the world (except those in the oceans and near the poles) and take a picture to post on the Web. maintains a Web site on educational uses of its maps.ordnancesurvey.esri.asp ArcGIS by ESRI is used to teach geography in schools.” Conference abstracts are available at: http://www.co. and use meaningful maps of places that matter to them. http://www. http://www.gees. and Environmental Sciences (GEES) conference at Leicester University was “The Place of GIS in the Curriculum.uk/odl/ GISAS stands for Geographical Information Systems Applications for Schools.com/ CAERUS is a context aware educational resource system for outdoor sites.cetadl. See their complete range of products. http://pngis. the national mapping agency for Great Britain.edu/sco/gis/hi story.html For a history of Geographic Information Systems in education. http://www.cf m The theme of the 2005 Geography.confluence.com/index.ac.geog.org/index. This project's objectives are to introduce geographical information systems into European secondary schools and to show how it can be used in geography and environmental education. as well as papers on trends in GIS.5372.ac. http://platial.wisc.uk/events/2005/gis0 5/gis05.org/ Platial enables anyone to find. create.eoscenter.ca/ Do Not Reproduce 153 .Emerging e-Learning Technologies Location Based Technologies CHIMER is a partly EU funded project aiming “to capitalise on the natural enthusiasm and interest of children in developing new approaches to the use of evolving technologies for documenting items of cultural interest in their local communities.asp?path=5 00. http://www.leeds.opensourcegis.chimer. The site also contains a great list of links to geographic data and maps.htm#abs The Petroleum and Natural Gas International Standardization (PNGIS) Joint Task Force has a Web site on geographical information systems. http://portal.uk/Lists/Publi cations/Attachments/1/CAERUS_CAL.edu. see: http://www. at: http://www.ac.geography. Earth.pdf Online Resources The British Ordnance Survey.uk/oswebsi te/education/index. http://www.html The University of Leeds and the University of Southampton in the UK offer a joint Masters degree in using GIS systems in distance education.fi/english/page.” http://www.bham.com/gis4mt/index.org/ The University of Montana offers an “earth observing system” on its Web site that is used for students in schools doing geographic projects.html A large resource list of links to open source GIS software is available at: http://www. com/geo/ The GeoCommunity is the place for the Geographic Information Systems (GIS)..htm McLean.pdf Do Not Reproduce 154 . IEEE Report. and Borriello.00. and Location-Based industry professionals. G.pdf Spohrer. January. GIS adds fresh dimension to field work.C. Guardian Unlimited. http://www. D. DigiCULT Newsletter. DigiCULT Technology Watch Report 3. Learning Circuits. Towards narrowcasting and ambient content: new mobile. M.guardian. http://www. 3D-ArchGIS: archiving cultural heritages in a 3-D multimedia space. Information in places.ibm. manipulate. Arnaoutoglou. Eva (2004). CAD. JISC Technology and Standards Watch Report. 2005. N.research. 2005.intelresearch..info/downloads/TWR3lowres. (2003).html Ross.pdf Cardinali.1642288. (1999).Emerging e-Learning Technologies Location Based Technologies Geotags.ac.com/ Bibliography Benford. Chapter on Location Based Devices. A. Dec. location and context aware solutions for the European publishing industry. http://www.uk/uploaded_documents /jisctsw_05_01. Koutsoudis.geocomm. http://www. http://education. Issue 6.com http://geotags. enthusiasts.co. Mapping.digicult. Online article.net/Publications/Seattle/062120 021154_45. 38(4). Heather (2005). Fabrizio (2005). A. G. A.com/journal/sj/3 84/spohrer. (2005).php?pag e=doc&doc_id=6231&doclng=6&menuzon e=1 Hightower. and Rusbridge. J.com has a scheme for embedding geographic information in HTML pages. and students.info/downloads/dc_inf o_issue6_december_20031. http://www.learningcircuits. F. 2003...pdf Kaplan-Leiserson. http://www.info/index.com/ Intergraph is a company devoted to products to store. Core Technologies for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector. Nov. We learning: social software and e-learning. J. Abbott.pdf Tsirliganis. http://www.. Steve (2005). Location systems for ubiquitous computing. Part II..digicult. Dobreva. 1999.jisc. IBM Systems Journal.. Future LocationBased Experiences.. S. and visualize spatial information. http://www. Jan 2004.intergraph. M..com/ Directions Magazine is a huge resource on geospatial technologies. McHugh. http://elearningeuropa. (2001).org/2004/jan2 004/kaplan2. http://www.uk/elearning/ story/0. Pavlidis.directionsmag. C. Donnelly. 15. http://geotags. and Chamzas. is the trendy name (borrowed from the practice of mixing music) for a composite or hybrid Web application. Many of these objects are software programs. It is about to change again into a highly fragmented “learning landscape” where online presentations will be only one option in a myriad of choices for learners and instructors. integration. hybrid applications. Such programs can “expose” their functions or data to other programs and be “consumed” by them. to a lesser extent. the rules for sending files across the Internet. personalized. or they can depend on other programs to supply data or specific functions. Programs can be “stand alone. the set of rules for accessing a software object on the Internet. This is all possible because of an explosion of innovation in information and communications technologies (ICT) that help individuals and collectives learn. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. or through “Web services. has moved from early text-based CBT systems to full-scale multimedia presentations.” instructors. Similarly. including a Web site that The Web is made up of an extremely large collection of software objects. For example. tag clouds. in schools and universities. run all by themselves. in schools and universities. learners in the near future will be able to access “hybrid applications” or “mashups” in which data is mixed together from many different sources in a unique blend for that learner at that moment. of how to communicate with each other. Using SOAP. has moved from early text-based CBT systems to full-scale multimedia presentations. Multi-channel distributed learning will combine many forms of face-toface learning with dozens of learning technologies and data sources to produce a rich learning experience that is dynamic. or protocol. will be only one The meaning of SOAP has since broadened option in a to include rules on how two software myriad of programs can communicate and work with choices for each other. all expressed in binary code.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Mashups. E-learning in the workplace and. The “content” for educational experiences will be based on distributed applications and data sources. programmers can build programs that communicate across the Web and exchange data with other programs. The programs that do this are call “Web Services. provides access to the API of another Web site.” “Web Services” is the name given to a method of connecting a function in one application to a Web page in another application so that the function appears to be part of the Web page. Instead of moving among discrete applications in courses. HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol and is the set of rules for how a request for a specific Web page can be made to a Web server. SOAP and Web Services Related terms AJAX. API clouds.” that is. It is about to change again into a highly fragmented “learning landscape” where online SOAP originally stood for Simple Object presentations Access Protocol. Mashups are constructed in several ways. which can range from a single statement to massive amounts of computer code. they need to have an agreed-upon set of rules. For two or more programs to talk to each other. Web application hybrid Description E-learning in the workplace and.” and Do Not Reproduce 155 . also called “object learners and interoperability. and relevant to each person’s learning needs and goals. composite applications. A “mashup. to a lesser extent.” then. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Many have educational value. etc.com/go/ehub/cate gory/C49 Programmable Web claims to keep “you up to date with the latest on mashups and the new Web 2. Any learning management system (LMS) with built-in Web services can be part of a mashup by integrating data and functions from other types of programs.deitel. such a site is referred to as a mashup or Web hybrid application. while other Web services require authorization through the use of security procedures. As Warlick (2006) has noted.” It has many examples of mashups. such a site is referred to as a mashup or Web hybrid application. 2004). http://del.us. SOAP and Web Services the organization of software to facilitate these arrangements is called “Service Oriented Architecture” (SOA) (Erl..mashupfeed.emilychang.0 APIs. Mashups and Web services are alternative ways of accessing educational content that need to be taken into account by any LMS that is tracking learning activities. http://www. Some Web services are public and can be linked to by any software that knows how to read the information from the Web service.com /mashups/MashUpsResourceCenter. Selected Examples Mike Malloch has posted a set of examples of educational mashups on del.wikipedia. http://blogs.com/the_thread /techbeat/archives/mash-ups/index.us/Mike_Malloch/webtech/ MASHUP 156 © 2006. Her links in the category of mashups are found at: http://www. http://en. thereby making the LMS capable of tracking the formal aspects of learning while.html The Wikipedia entry for Mashup (Web application hybrid) contains links to other mashup sites.com/mashups/MashUps ResourceCenter.html Rob Hof. Online Resources Mashup Feed gives the latest and greatest examples of actual mashups.htmlhttp://www. as it draws materials from many different sources in a network of distributed servers. Brandon Hall Research . communications.com/ http://www. including a matrix of 87 sites with APIs that interact with each other. at the same time. a writer for Business Week.programmableweb.icio. When a Web site takes data from several Web services and perhaps mixes it with its own data.com/ Emily Chang is a San Francisco Web designer with a large offering of Web links. providing an informal collaborative environment.Mashups.deitel.programmableweb. http://www.com/matrix Deitel maintains a “mashups resource center” with diverse articles and resources on this topic. has produced about a dozen articles on mashups in business for his magazine.org/wiki/Mashup_%28 web_application_hybrid%29 When a Web site takes data from several Web services and perhaps mixes it with its own data. http://www.icio.businessweek. document management. such as those for collaboration. online curriculum is more and more becoming a mashup. July 28. Douglas (2004).com/publications. George (undated). 2006. http://ww6. Learning Solutions. 6.. Infoworld.html Hof. SOAP and Web Services Bibliography Gruman. Elearnspace. Galen (2006). Curriculum as Mashup. (2004).com/blog/main/a rchives/2006/03/curriculum_as_m. http://www.jsp?link=/article/06/07/28/31FEmas hup_1. Vol. Vol.htm Siviter. Dodero. and mutate. and Padron. Adopting and Adapting Enterprise Technologies for Use in Education. Web Services.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Mashups. http://www. Paul (2002). A Framework Based on Web Services Composition for the Adaptability of Complex and Dynamic Learning Processes.org/learn_tech/issues/januar y2004/learn_tech_january2004. David (2006). 2002. C. J. May 15.com/statics/pstac ey-dec0602. SOAP. Business Week Online.pdf Seimens.ieee. match. E-Learning for the BC Tech Industry. Enterprise mashups. http://www. Dec.elearnspace.com/products/print_fri endly. 2006. and Oliveira.businessweek. Learning Technology newsletter. July 25. (2006). 2006. Issue 1.operitel. 6. January 2004 http://lttf.htm Torres.org/resources/webs ervices.infoworld.html Woodill. Do Not Reproduce 157 . C. Robert (2005). Mashups.org/learn_tech/issues/januar y2004/learn_tech_january2004.pdf Stacey.com/@@76IH*oc Q34AvyQMA/magazine/content/05_30/b39 44108_mz063.bctechnology. and Services: welcome to web hybrid e-learning applications. Issue 1. Mix. J. techLEARNING. http://www. Learning Technology newsletter.aspx Mashups and Web services are alternative ways of accessing educational content that need to be taken into account by any LMS that is tracking learning activities. http://www. January 2004 http://lttf.ieee.techlearning. March 6.html Warlick. 2005. 6. G. E-Learning Interoperability & Web Services. in the context of information technology.org/ The Ontologies for Education project is a portal maintained by three universities to disseminate information on ontologies. schemata/vocabularies/ ontologies. An ontology. so are ways to describe data so that it can be used by programs in a variety of ways. All of the above are used to classify and store data for later use by a program.edu/content. It is based on and fully compatible with the IEEE Learning Object Metadata standard and the IMS Learning Resource Meta-data specification.” the practice of social bookmarking whereby users assign their own freely chosen metadata to learning objects. metadata. and services.wssu. http://dublincore. Ontologies and Taxonomies Related terms Folksonomies.cetis.uk/guides/ The MIT Libraries has produced a Metadata Reference Guide. Selected Examples The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative is an industry group that initially met in Dublin.imsglobal.mit.mit. http://www.org/metadata/mdv 1p3pd/imsmd_bestv1p3pd.ca/en/ Online Resources CETIS – the Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards – in the UK has published a list of “guides to metadata” and the learning object model (LOM).do?tm= O4E. Do Not Reproduce 158 . Ohio. community. and institutional stores. http://metadata. http://libraries. http://www.html Educause lists resources on “folksonomies. http://simile. pervasive computing.cancore. social bookmarking Description At the same time that learning objects. Computer algorithms are then used to group similar or related tags into a tag cloud. http://iiscs. A taxonomy is a hierarchical listing of topics or subject categories in a particular area. refers to the formal description of the network of relationships used to track how one item or word relates to another.edu/guides/subjects/ metadata/index. repositories. to develop metadata standards. search engines.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Metadata. A key challenge is that collections that are to interoperate are often distributed across individual.asp?p age_id=645&PARENT_ID=794&bhcp=1 The IMS Global Learning Consortium has developed guidelines for using metadata with learning objects.ac.edu/ Cancore is a Canadian initiative to develop metadata standards for elearning.xtm SIMILE seeks to enhance interoperability among digital assets. Data can be classified in a formal manner or classified by individuals who place their own tags into a database as they enter data. This “data about data” is known as metadata and has a critical role in many emerging e-learning technologies. http://www.educause. This approach is sometimes called a folksonomy.edu/o4e/viewhome. and artificial intelligence are being developed.html This “data about data” is known as metadata and has a critical role in many emerging elearning technologies. which is a visualization of the metadata used in searches. html Gruber. Journal of Educational Technology and Society. 2006. http://www. Online article. http://www. http://www. F. Building a place their own Metadata-Based Website.org/writing/tagontologytagcapm-talk. D. H.pdf Henze.info/issues. (2004).htm Gruber.greenchameleon. http://tomgruber. Journal of Educational Technology and Society. Thomas (2005b).. (2002).delphigroup. http://www.com/research/white papers/20040601-taxonomy-WP. tags into a BoxesAndArrows. ding_a_metadata_based_website This approach is Lytras. Reasoning and ontologies for personalized e-learning in the semantic web.edu/get/a/publication/ 105. 2003. Norm (2005).ifets. October-December. Information Intelligence: content classification and the enterprise taxonomy practice. 82-97.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Metadata. Pouloudi.adammathes. and Mosoiu. and Joshi. 7. Delphi Group report. sometimes A. http://www. Adam (2004). Dec. and Nejdl.. http://dl. November. A. A. (2004).org/10614 Mathes. (2004). 2005.com/view/buil database as they enter data. Boston. Dolog. Ontologies and Taxonomies Bibliography Abel. Infotangle. B.tagcamp. Ontologybased organizational memory for e-learning. and Poulymenakou. http://ebiquity. N.cancore. http://tomgruber.pdf Delphi Group (2004). A. Barry.. International Journal on E-Learning.a way to agree on the semantics of tagging data. SOUPA: standard ontology for ubiquitous and pervasive applications. M. The Hive Mind: folksonomies and user-based tagging. June 2004. April 18.com/gc/blog_ detail/defining_taxonomy Data can be classified in a formal manner or classified by individuals who Lider. In Proceedings. Can Core: learning object metadata editors.. Finin. Perich. University of Illinois graduate paper.” justification of a knowledge management oriented metadata schema. Dynamic e-learning settings called a through advanced semantics: the value “folksonomy. W. Lenne. 7(4). 2002. M. http://www. Green Chameleon. B.info/issues.umbc. Ellyssa (2005). Moulin. P.com/2005/12/ 07/the-hive-mind-folksonomies-and-userbased-tagging/ Lambe. Folksonomies – Cooperative Classification and Communication through Shared Metadata.php?id=25 Chen. A. October 29. TagOntology . C...org/. C.ifets. Patrick (2006).blogsome. and Chaput.aace.php?id=25 Kroski. 98-111. 7(4). Benayache. http://www. April 21. International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking and Services. Invited paper/keynote to the First on-Line conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR'05)..pdf Friesen.boxesandarrows..org/writing/ontology-offolksonomy. Presentation to Tag Camp. Defining “taxonomy”.ca/editors. http://infotangle. Thomas (2005a).. Ontology of Folksonomy: A Mash-up of Apples and Oranges.pdf Do Not Reproduce 159 .com/academic/c omputer-mediatedcommunication/folksonomies. T.. MA. http://www. (2003). org/standards/resources/ UnderstandingMetadata. J. 2005.com/view/dev eloping_and_creatively_leveraging_hierarch ical_metadata_and_taxonomy Sampson. 7(4).learningcircuits.php?id=25 160 © 2006. http://www.niso. Brandon Hall Research .boxesandarrows. 11(7/8). http://www. Ontologies and the semantic Web for e-learning. July/August. Another new paradigm for instructional design. 2002. Incorporating Educational Vocabulary in Learning Object Metadata Schemas. Learning Circuits.. Developing and Creatively Leveraging Hierarchical Metadata and Taxonomy.info/issues. Nov.org/presentations/pa pers/session2b/Qin/ecdl2003_presentatio n.org/2004/nov2 004/tozman.. Norway. Journal of Educational Technology and Society. April 9.boxesandarrows. Stuart (2005). (2004). http://www. Christina (2002).info/issues.org/dlib/july05/weibel/07 weibel. http://www. S.html Wodtke. http://www.php?id=25 Tozman.. Understanding Metadata. I. BoxesAndArrows. May 22.com/view/unr aveling_the_mysteries_of_metadata_and_t axonomies Yang.pdf Oin. Christian (2004).dlib. and Diaz. Wagner.ecdl2003.htm Weibel. 26-28. G. and Godby. Ontology enabled annotation and knowledge management for collaborative learning in virtual learning community. 7(4). Ontologies and Taxonomies National Information Standards Organization (NISO) (2001). PowerPoint Presentation at the 7th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL2003). Trondheim. http://www. M. 2004.ppt Ricci. Chen. Unraveling the mysteries of metadata and taxonomies.ifets. P. Reuben (2004). (2004). (2003).Metadata. and Shao. http://www. N. 2004. Lytras. D. Journal of Educational Technology and Society. NISO Press. BoxesAndArrows. 70-81. D-Lib Magazine.ifets. J. Border crossings: reflections on a decade of metadata consensus building. http://www. you are. and mentoring. tablet PCs. conversational learning. any place connectivity Flexible and timely access to e-learning resources Immediacy of communication Empowerment and engagement of learners. In addition to sales of one billion mobile phones in 2009. cell phones. learning. delivery and tracking of learning and information content. using ambient intelligence. MP3 players. time and space. location-dependence. personalization. laptops. particularly those in dispersed communities Active learning experiences Mobile learning (“m-learning”) refers to the use of mobile and handheld IT devices. learning architecture [that] will support creation. instant messaging (text.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Mobile Devices Related terms Ambient computing. improved identity creation. rich players.6 billion units in operation by that year. and these sophisticated phones have the processing power of a mid-1990s PC. 2003). personal digital assistants (PDA). strong search capabilities. it is predicted that there will be 2. The key benefits of using mobile devices for learning include the following: Portability Any time. pervasive computing. assessment… e-learning independent of computers in location.5 billion mobile phones in the world (Prensky. and wearable computers in teaching and learning. location based technologies. it is learning and knowledge sharing that takes place when a learner is using a mobile device. powerful support for effective tablet PCs. cellular intersection of mobile computing and Researchers point out other benefits.” Two years ago. 2004). tablets. and building. multimedia. cellular telephones. This is more than three including the following: Small screens limit the amount and type of information that can be displayed Limited memory and storage capacities for mobile devices Batteries have to be charged regularly Mobile devices are more fragile than other types of computers and can more be more easily stolen or lost Do Not Reproduce 161 . wearable computing. laptops. such telephones. there were estimated to be 1. in mobile computing (McLean. communicative skills and community interaction. MP3 eLearning: accessible resources wherever as increased computer literacy. Essentially. personalization. there are potential disadvantages teaching and Project (2003) advocates for “a new mlearning. such as Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs). podcasting.” The Mobilearn However. times the number of personal computers (PCs). such as Personal Digital Assistants Clark Quinn (2000) sees m-learning as “…the (PDAs). video) and distributed databases. wireless Description Mobile learning (“m-learning”) refers to the use of mobile and handheld IT devices. and performance-based wearable collaborative learning. mLearning. brokerage. ” They have a “firefly watching system.asp?id=5&projectid=4572 The Tate Modern Art Museum has launched a pilot multimedia tour of its galleries using handheld computers.cs.mobilearn. Its mandate is to develop technology and services for mobile learning using an open service-based architecture.harvard. http://gseacademic.tw/~yschen/conpap ers/bird. This is more than three times the number of personal computers (PCs). or a combination of media.pdf MOBIlearn is a worldwide European-led project with 24 partner organizations across Europe. 2004). (2004). He found that 90 percent of cell phone users were still accessing the lessons after 15 days.” http://www. http://urbantapestries. movies. http://www.pdf http://www.net/ 162 © 2006.cs.edu.stockholmchallenge.pdf http://www.se/projectd ata.ccu.ccu.cs.org/ The Handheld Devices for Ubiquitous Learning Project (HDUL) at Harvard is studying how wireless handheld devices can enhance learning and teaching for faculty and students. http://news. Cited in Prensky. Selected Examples Employees at the Malmo Hospital in Sweden access videos on how to use various pieces of equipment in the hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU) using handheld computers and peer-to-peer learning. compared to only 50 percent of computer users. US.pdf The Mobile Technologies for Mobile Learning (MoTFAL) Project involves a variety of researchers and educators. http://csdl2.ccu.computer. and pre-service teachers. Intermittent connectivity Interoperability among devices is difficult Links to learning management systems and other enterprise IT systems are primitive or non-existent Existing applications need to be adapted for mobile devices at considerable expense Network access costs can be significant Security is a major issue There is little stability in the market because of rapid development On a positive note. Australia.tw/~yschen/mypap ers/JECR-2005. there were estimated to be 1. and these sophisticated phones have the processing power of a mid1990s PC. adult participants in the School’s professional development programs. pictures. http://www.edu/~hdul/ Urban Tapestries is an experimental location-based wireless platform in Central London. audio.” and a “bird watching learning system.5 billion mobile phones in the world (Prensky. Israel.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/22 25255.org/comp/proceedin gs/icalt/2004/2181/00/21810910. Visitors are given a Pocket PC that uses a wireless network to track where they are in the gallery.” a “butterfly-watching learning system.tw/~yschen/mypap ers/AINA2004-final.Mobile Devices Two years ago. Users can access and create location-specific text.edu.stm Researchers at a university in Taiwan have developed various mobile systems for learning about “outdoor ecology. in Japan. Masayasu Morita evaluated the use of English language lessons formatted differently for computers and cell phones.edu. Brandon Hall Research . html Online Resources The e-Learning Centre in the UK has a long list of mobile and wireless learning content.it/past/ Urban Tapestries is an experimental location-based wireless platform covering the Bloomsbury area of central London in the UK.msu.uk/eclipse/Resources/mle arning.uk/handler/publi cations.iadis.elearningcentre. activities. in a recent article entitled “Emerging technologies: Messaging. maintains an extensive Web site on everything related to mobile learning.fasfind.ac.html The HandLeR IHandheld Learning Resource Project at the University of Birmingham in the UK has a list of publications associated with the project.eee. 2006 in Dublin.org/ml2006 Bob Godwin-Jones.232.com/home_en. of the University of Oulu in Finland.co.mobilelearning.cf m?x=0&cuID=76&rid=8907 The Mobile Learning portal lists loads of material on mobile learning. including issues. http://www. http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Mobile Devices The PAST Project involves using hand-held electronic guides to archaeological sites.” concludes his article with an extensive resource list on mobile learning.cf m?x=0&rid=2737 http://m.” http://m. Learn more at: http://www.cf m?x=0&cuID=76&rid=2717 http://m.asp The iPods in Education Web site is a portal on these mobile devices being used for learning.” “Mobile/Cell Phones in Education.knowledgepulse.fasfind. http://www.bham.tk/ One of the best ways to find out what is happening in a field is by attending conferences. For example.com/wwwtools/m/8907.com/wwwtools/m/2737.htm Jari Laru. Ireland.com/ Knowledge Pulse is flashcard lessons for mobile phones that automatically adjusts the order and complexity of the lessons to match the learning pace of the individual. Peer-to-Peer Sharing: Language Learning Strategies & Tools for the Millennial Generation.135/ipodined/news.net/ Spotlight Mobile is a group developing software for the use of hand-held devices in museums. resources.htm WWWTools for Education has articles on “Handheld Computers in Education.94. http://www.net/~kdeanna/mlearnin g/index.” and “iPods and Podcasting in Education. http://spotlight-mobile. and a glossary. http://urbantapestries. http://213.ph p Do Not Reproduce 163 . applications. http://llt. http://www.com/wwwtools/m/2717. Gaming. the IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning 2006 was held on July 14-16. technologies. This prototype allows users to access and create location-specific content. links.edu/vol9num1/emerging/de fault.fasfind.telus.beta80group. http://www3. http://www. Towards a MultiVendor Mobile Learning Management System. 19. and Sheu. (2002). E.cs.unitn.itdl. Ronchetti. Knowledge Tree e-Journal. Molinari. http://www. Learning and Skills Development Agency. Gaming. Going Nomadic: Mobile Learning in Higher Education. http://www. 17-22 http://llt. 347-359.edu. and Pagani. No.it/~foxy/docs/T owards%20a%20multivendor%20Mobile%20LMS%20(long). Sept.com/mobile_learning/i ndex.html Kadirire.edu/ir/library/pdf/ER M0451. Open and Distance Education through Wireless Mobile Internet: A Learning Model.org/micte2005/4. Mobile and PDA Technologies: looking around the corner. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. http://www. Univ..Emerging e-Learning Technologies Mobile Devices All About Mobile Life is a blog devoted to all aspects of mobile technologies and their use in learning and in everyday life.jisc.6.edu/vol9num1/emerging/def ault.pdf Godwin-Jones. Innovative Practice with eLearning: a good practice guide to embedding mobile and wireless technologies into everyday practice.tw/~yschen/mypape rs/JCAL-2003. Emerging technologies: Messaging. P. 2(9). (2003). (2005).org/Journal/Sep_05/article 04. September 2005.ac. Towards a Wireless Architecture for Mobile Ubiquitous E-Learning. (2005). Language Learning and Technology. Recent Research Developments in Learning Technologies. Bob (2005). EDUCAUSE Review.msu. 9(1). http://www. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.html Bibliography Alexander.htm JISC (2005).html Grew. Peer-toPeer Sharing: Language Learning Strategies & Tools for the Millennial Generation. M. A. The short message service (SMS) for schools/conferences. JISC Technology and Standards Watch..no/~divitini/ubilearn20 05/Final/pagani_ubilearn. Bryan (2004). and Sharma. http://knowledgetree. 5.pdf Attewell.flexiblelearning.uk/uploaded_documents /jisctsw_05_04pdf.jisc.uk/eli_practice. http://www. http://mobile. Y. European Workshop on Mobile Contextual Learning.ac. No. of Birmingham http://www. Vol.pdf Chen.ntnu.educause.formatex. James (2005).a u/edition06/download/geddes. (2004). Paper presented at the UBILearn2005 Conference. January 2005.science.m-learning. R. L. Kao. B.kaywa. J. S. and Trifonova. http://www. A..ccu.idi.pdf Jasola. JISC Guide.pdf Colazzo. Mobile Technologies and Learning: a technology update and mlearning project summary.pdf Geddes.org/docs/The%20mlearning%20project%20%20technology%20update%20and%20proj ect%20summary. Report. Mobile Learning in the 21st Century: benefit for learners. Paul (2005). http://www. T. A mobile learning system for scaffolding bird watching learning.pdf Do Not Reproduce 164 .pdf Anderson. 39. Jill (2005).J.net. (2005). Pigozzi. UsabilityNews. A. M.com/news/article2 490.au/conferences/bris bane05/blogs/proceedings/53_Mellow. Wang. J.asp Liu.org/10. and Yang. MA: HRD Press. http://www. Paper presented at the International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education (WMTE'02).php? view=article&id=83&action=article Ross. Archeology. (2002). Vecchietti..ox.uk/ltg/reports/mlear ning.pdf Scagliarini. Conference on Virtual reality. Coralini. What Can You Learn from a Cell Phone? Almost Anything! Innovate. F. Ann (2005). M. T.info/downloads/twr_2_ 2004_final_low. Peter (2005). Presented at WMTE 2002. ASCILITE2005 Conference. M. 1(5).century.htm#Implications Prensky. Galasso. J.cfm?id=585 018&dl=acm&coll=&CFID=15151515&CF TOKEN=6184618 Do Not Reproduce 165 . http://www..digicult.phil-inst. Emerging Technologies for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector.. Kristóf (2002). Neil (2003)..info/index.amazon. A Report for the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Vodafone Group Foundation. and Cultural Heritage.oucs.1039222 McLean. Cinotti. Romagnoli. http://www. (2001).2. Chan. http://drei..org/citation.. Mobile Age: learning as conversation in context. The mobile learning engine (MLE) – a mobile. David (2006).innovateonline. http://21st.acm. Australia. June 27. S.hu/eng/mlearning/nyiri_mlearn_philos. E. Teleborg Campus. http://www. Marc (2004). Roffia. M-Learning: Mobile e-Learning. http://www. L. D. Greece. Brisbane. and Nischelwitzer.org. and Sforza. 2002.at/mle/docs/Matthias_Meisenber ger_MApEC_Paper_mLearning. M. http://portal. Augmented reality and mobile systems I: Exciting understanding in Pompeii through on-site parallel interaction with dual time virtual models. Proceedings.2002.usabilitynews. Växjö. June/July 2005. Liang. Multimedia Applications in Education Conference. Malavasi.1109 /WMTE.doc Meisenberger. 2004. H. (2004). Towards a Philosophy of M-Learning. http://doi. DigiCULT Technology Watch Report No. 2005. Donnelly... Amherst.ieeecomputersociety.ascilite.fhjoanneum.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Mobile Devices Light.. The media generation: Maximise learning by getting mobile. and Dobreva. T. E.pdf Metcalf.. http://www. S. computer-aided. Sweden. Glyfada.. August 29-30. multimedia-based learning application. M. T. A. Feb.ac. Applying Wireless Technologies to Build a Highly Interactive Learning Environment. The M-Learning Paradigm: an Overview..com/gp/product/087 4259061/sr=82/qid=1155438843/ref=sr_1_2/1041348092-4859103?ie=UTF8 Nyíri.pdf Mellow. Växjö University. Proceedings. ac. http://www.co. Paper presented at Conference on Seeing. Guardian Unlimited.. 40(3). EDUCAUSE Review. April 2005.uk/sharplem/Pap ers/Towards%20a%20theory%20of%20mo bile%20learning.pdf Do Not Reproduce 166 .uk/public/getfile. Enabling Mobile Learning. E-Learning on the move. Hungary. Michael (2005).Emerging e-Learning Technologies Mobile Devices Sharples. Learning in the Mobile Age. http://education.asp?articleid=849&zoneid=7 1 Wagner. May/June 2005. http://www.pdf Thomas. 2005.html von Koschembahr.. 2005. http://www.cfm?do cumentfileid=7298. Draft paper submitted for publication.educause. Mike (2005).ac. 40-53. Learning as Conversation: Transforming Education in the Mobile Age. M. G.pdf Sharples. and Vavoula.eee. Mobile Learning: The Next Evolution of Education. Budapest.fil. Feb. http://www. Chief Learning Officer. Taylor.hu/mobil/2005/Sharples_fin al. (2005). A theory of learning for the mobile age. Understanding.00. Christopher (2005). May 23.guardian.edu/ir/library/pdf/er m0532.1490476. Ellen (2005).open. http://kn.clomedia. and. J.com/content/templat es/clo_article.bham.uk/elearning/ comment/0. It can be used as an interface for many different devices.it/index.. http://wwwusers. a component of intelligent tutoring systems. natural language generation.org/Computers/Artificial_Intell igence/Natural_Language/ Given that spoken language is an important component of many learning situations. and to teach foreign languages or improve nonnative speakers’ accents. http://dmoz. i. Do Not Reproduce 167 . an alternative communication strategy to improve accessibility. machine translation. “a 'natural language' (NL) is any of the languages naturally used by humans. Given that spoken language is an important component of many learning situations.translating one natural language into another.com/ Online Resources A very useful literature review of the use of natural language processing technologies in education is provided by Silvia Quarteroni.ac. et al.” See also Jordan et al.york. http://www. it is not surprising that it has great potential in emerging e-learning technologies. Kim (2000).html Lexxe is a search engine powered by “advanced natural language technology” to find the answers to questions.” Examples of natural language processing include the following: Speech synthesis Speech recognition Natural language understanding Natural language generation Machine translation .e. a graduate student at the University of York in the UK. ‘Natural language processing’ (NLP) is a convenient description for all attempts to use computers to process natural language. Lee et al.lexxe. found that the generator which intuitively produces the best language does engender the most learning. Di Eugenio. (2005a..html The Open Directory Project lists about 150 Web resources on natural language processing. speech recognition. speech synthesis.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Natural Language Processing Related terms Conversational learning. Selected Examples The Cognitive and Communication Technologies (TCC) in Trento. and Zhou (2000) for more on natural language approaches to intelligent tutoring. TCC is a member of the European Network of Excellence in Natural Language and Speech (ELSNET). 2005b) developed two natural language generators in e-learning applications and “. voice recognition Description According to Coxhead (2001). http://tcc.itc. (2004). not an artificial or man-made language such as a programming language. Italy is a European research group for natural language processing. natural language understanding.cs. it is not surprising that it has great potential in emerging elearning technologies. rather than just returning Web pages. (2004).uk/~silvia/litReview. Natural Language Generation for Intelligent Tutoring Systems: a case study. Fossati.com/gp/product/0262 100851/sr=81/qid=1153674463/ref=sr_1_1/1043077212-1261530?ie=UTF8 Jordon.uk/research/projects /fda/Bagshaw_PhDThesis. http://www.org/softwaremap/trove_list . (2005a).elsnet. (2004).pdf Coxhead.ac. pdf Jacquemin. S. Using automatic speech processing for foreign language pronunciation tutoring: some issues and a prototype.amazon. MA: MIT Press. 62-76. and standards. http://www.upenn.ed. http://www. Issue 5.pdf Drigas. Language Learning and Technology. Paul (1994). D.cs... M. http://www. Doctoral Dissertation. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Natural Language Processing The Linguistic Data Consortium supports language-related education.uk/%7Epxc/nlpa/2 002/AI-HO-IntroNLP.pdf Eskenazi. An Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP). J. Fossati. Presented at AIED2005 Conf.msu.cstr. http://www. D.edu/~bdieugen/PSpapers/ACL05.” Do Not Reproduce 168 .org/ The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has a Voice Browser Working Group that has published a number of specifications for this activity. (2004). Peter (2001). D.aaai.. http://www.edu Natural language processing is one of the featured topics on the American Association for Artificial Intelligence Web site. and VanLehn. Haller.html Bibliography Bagshaw. January. Combining Competing Language Understanding Approaches in an Intelligent ‘Natural language processing’ (NLP) is a convenient description for all attempts to use computers to process natural language. A.ac.org/aitopics/html/natlang.bham. University of Edinburgh. tools. and technology development by creating and sharing linguistic resources: data. An Intelligent Tool for Building E-Learning Content Material Using Natural Language in Digital Libraries. November 2004 http://imm. research. K. S.ldc. D. http://www. http://llt. Makatchev. M.gr/publibations/inte ll_tool.edu/~bdieugen/PSpapers/AIED05. html Eduforge lists 26 natural language processing projects in education in English and another 13 in other languages.cs. Haller.uic. http://www. M. Maxine (1999).demokritos. Online.pdf Di Eugenio. (2005b). Aggregation improves learning: experiments in natural language generation for intelligent tutoring systems. B. Automatic Prosodic Analysis for Computer-Aided Pronunciation Teaching.uic.. Volume 1. Christian (2001). 2(2).php?form_cat=274 ELSNET is a European Network of Excellence specializing in natural language processing. and Vrettaros.w3. Paper presented at ACL2005. Yu. http://eduforge. Cambridge. and Glass.org/Voice/Activity. and Glass.cs. http://www.edu/vol2num2/pdf/article3. B. Spotting and Discovering Terms through Natural Language Processing.html#fn1 Di Eugenio.. Yu.. P.. Automatic Interpretation of Natural Language for a Multimedia E-learning Tool. Illinois Institute of Technology. http://www. (2005). K. Donnelly. In J.edu/~circsim/documents/c hldial04. and Rusbridge. Building a New Student Model to Support Adaptive Tutoring in a Natural Language Dialogue System. Feng-Jen (2001).cs. Proceedings of ICWE 2004 Conference. http://www. Chapter on Natural Language Processing.. MA: MIT Press.cs. M.digicult. http://www. C. Evens. Vicari.amazon.iit. A. http://www.edu/~circsim/documents/k jhdiss. Yujian (2000).linckels. M. Upper Saddle River. Understanding Language Understanding: computational models of reading. C. Paraguaçu (Eds.info/downloads/TWR3lowres. K. August 31. S.H.pdf Linckels. Natural Language Analysis and Generation for Tutorial Dialogue. D. M. McHugh. 435-439. http://www.com/gp/product/01309 50696/ref=pd_bxgy_text_b/104-30772121261530?ie=UTF8 Kim. MA: MIT Press.pdf Steinhart. Illinois Institute of Technology. Doctoral Dissertation. Abbott.edu/~circsim/documents /fydiss.. DigiCULT Technology Watch Report 3.pdf Do Not Reproduce 169 . (Eds. Cambridge.pdf Yang. D. (2000)..pdf Lee. Chicago. (2004). Looking at the Student Input to a NaturalLanguage Based ITS. Summary Street: an intelligent tutoring system for improving student writing through the use of latent semantic analysis.lu/Publications/ICWE20 04. A. Understanding Language Understanding: computational models of reading. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Dialog-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems.cs. Illinois Institute of Technology. Turn Planning for a Dialogue-Based Intelligent Tutoring System. (2004). Lester. and Glass. S. R. and Martin.. and Meinel. Doctoral Dissertation.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Natural Language Processing Tutoring System. Core Technologies for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector.iit. http://www.iit. Chicago.pdf Jurafsky.com/gp/product/02621 81924/sr=81/qid=1153674317/ref=sr_1_1/1043077212-1261530?ie=UTF8 Ram. http://www. J.edu/papers/daveDisser tation. Maceió. M.amazon. David (2001). (Eds. http://www. http://lsa. Doctoral dissertation. Brazil.colorado. Dobreva.cs.iit.com/gp/product/026 2181924/sr=81/qid=1153674317/ref=sr_1_1/1043077212-1261530?ie=UTF8 Ross. Chicago. Univ. C.amazon.pdf Ram. A.) (1999). of Colorado.edu/~vanlehn/Stringent/PD F/04ITS_PWJ_MM_KVL.pitt. and F. http://www. Speech and Language Processing: an introduction to natural language processing. NJ: Prentice Hall.pdf Zhou. computational linguistics and speech recognition.). Jung Hee (2000). and Moorman.) (1999). Doctoral Dissertation. http://www. Cambridge.edu/~circsim/documents /yzdiss. M. A. and Moorman. Proceedings of Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems.. thus bypassing a central server.seti. the key to the learning process will be the interactions among students themselves. each one of them can act as a server in terms of processing power. 170 © 2006. predicts that this will change: The current problems of the higher education.ht ml Peer-to-peer computing (P2P) involves sharing resources over a network with other users. thus bypassing a central server. http://www.org/science/setiathome. Collaborative Peer Relationships . instant messaging. It is an example of grid computing and the power of peer-topeer technologies. chat rooms.PCs are connected/networked to each other through servers.Peer to Peer Technologies Related terms Collaboration. Selected Examples SETI@home links and uses donated computer processing capacity to analyze data collected from a radio telescope located in Puerto Rico. As personal computers become more powerful. or e-learning environments. and the formation of virtual learning communities will be the neces-sary qualification for effective e-learning. Jokela (2003). and games.” The younger generation already does a lot of sharing and exchanging of resources. There are three distinct P2P computing models (Farago-Walker. Distributed Peer Relationships – A group of computers connected together to combine their computing and processing abilities to search the Internet or solve very complex problems requiring massive process crunching. sharing Description Peer-to-peer computing (P2P) involves sharing resources over a network with other users. as most formal learning is based on individual learning and not on collaborating or sharing work. Peer-to-peer e-learning is not yet prevalent. and storage. whose research is based on activity theory. All that is needed is peer-to-peer software to enable this way of working. In the future. The potential develop-ment of learning communities will also be studied by using a metaphoric term “peer-topeer learning. movies. Brandon Hall Research . combined with the potential development of e-learning may eventually lead to the introduction of a new learn-ing paradigm. This ethic is sure to spread to learning in the near future. 2003): Multiple Peer Relationships .A small group of people agree to collaborate through a common interface such as on-line gaming. memory. Now there is a movement to use it for sharing work and collaborating in educational environments. and files can be shared and collected from anyone else on that same network. Peer-to-peer (P2P) software has mostly been associated with downloading music. The eduCommons is an open system for creating.berkeley.edu/projects/educommons Edutella is a peer-to-peer service for the exchange of educational metadata.md3. Do Not Reproduce 171 . robust distributed systems using peer-to-peer networks.html Publius is a Web publishing system that is highly resistant to censorship and provides publishers with a high degree of anonymity.edu/info/ove rview. PC to server) to communicate and collaborate. encyclopedia. http://www. http://publius.cs. http://wwws. http://edutella.edu/chord/ Groove Networks has developed software tools that provide multiple users real-time access to information simultaneously.mit. http://oceanstore. and translation servers throughout the Web. Edutella lives on top of the Semantic Web framework as a distributed query and search service. Any computer can join the infrastructure.jxta. Groove is now owned by Microsoft Corporation. persistent digital cache" of e-journal content. and reusing educational content and discourse to support people's learning. contributing storage or providing local user access in exchange for money.edu/piazza.pdos. http://data. http://www.lcs.ucsb. http://lockss. http://cosl.com/ eduCommons .weblogger. sharing.edu/chimera/ The younger generation already does a lot of sharing and exchanging of resources. standardized protocol for talking to dictionary.cdt.com/software/jxta/ Stanford University Library Systems LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keeps Content Safe) project aims to create a "low-cost.groove. http://picto.sun.org/ Tapestry is a location and routing infrastructure that provides locationindependent message routing using only point-to-point links and without centralized resources.cs.campusmoviefest. http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Peer to Peer Technologies Campus Movie Fest is the world’s largest student film festival.org Do you have unused storage capacity on your computer? OceanStore is a global persistent data store designed to scale to billions of users.org The Chord Project aims to build scalable.com/ The Worldwide Lexicon Project is an open source initiative to create a multilingual dictionary service for the Internet and to create a simple. http://p2p. http://www. where students meet to share and exchange their productions.net Sun Microsystems Project JXTA standard is a set of peer-to-peer protocols that allows any connected device (cell phone to PDA.stanford.edu/ The Metadata3 project (also known as md3) is a peer-to-peer application that provides access to quality metadata and the ability to translate between different metadata schemes. This ethic is sure to spread to learning in the near future. each with its own data schema.cs.html Piazza peer data management system (PDMS) project uses mapping to provide "semantic mediation" between an environment of thousands of peers.washington.usu. http://www.net/index.overnet.co. for a small fee. Mac. data.com/ Overnet is an open source.shtml LionShare is an open source P2P collaboration among several universities. and drawings) into a P2P network so that his works will be instantly available to hundred of thousands researchers worldwide.elearningcentre. It is being use as part of the learning infrastructure to provide students a means to find and exchange resources.advancedreality.movedigital.its.uk/eclipse/Resources/ p2p.co.stockholmchallenge.limewire.edu/main/project_inf ormation The Canadian LLEARN project for learning French (at the secondary school level) has built-in P2P functionality.net/ The Malmo Hospital and Malmo University in Sweden are enabling employees at the Malmo hospital to access videos on how to use various pieces of equipment in the hospital's intensive care unit (ICU) using handheld computers and peer-to-peer learning. http://www. http://www.” It also says that there is “no spyware. to distribute content on the Web using P2P techniques.edu/apps_list.fastrakconsulting.php FreeScience software from DigitAlexandria allows any researcher to share his or her scientific papers (as well as notes.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Peer to Peer Technologies Advanced Reality has a set of P2P collaboration products that allow users to work directly together on various applications. headquartered at Penn State University. allows anyone. http://www. cross platform application (Win. the online P2P distribution service for independent artists. http://www.asp?id=5&projectid=4572 Online Resources The e-Learning Centre in the UK maintains an extensive list on the use of P2P software in education.” http://www.internet2. no adware. no Trojan horse” bundled with this program.html Clive Shepherd from Fastrak Consulting in the UK has an introductory white paper on peer-to-peer e-learning. musicians.com DigitAlexandria is a peer-to-peer scientific digital library with interesting free resources. and videomakers. http://p2p.com/english/content/ho me.bdaweb. http://www.html MoveDigital.com/products/in dex.llearn. including a case study entitled “Learning Swap Shop.htm Do Not Reproduce 172 . http://www.net/freescience_learnmo re_it.bdaweb. http://www. http://lionshare. and Linux) that allows people to share files with millions of others across the globe. http://www.php# LimeWire claims to be “the fastest P2P file sharing program on the planet.psu.htm Internet 2’s Peer to Peer Working Group keeps an up to date list of educational projects using P2P technologies.uk/tactix/features/swapsh op.se/proje ctdata. AACE Journal 12(3). R.pdf Ratti. and Guergachi.. Bokma. http://www.kbs. Peer-to-Peer Learning: an ultimate form of e-Learning. Paul & Cunningham. pp.campustechnology.). Online paper. http://www. http://julita.html Jokela.com/article.ViewAbstract&paper_id=11303 Hofmann.cfm?fuseaction =Reader.pdf Do Not Reproduce 173 . Why P2P file sharing is good: the P2P Manifesto.html Fletcher. 301-313. January 17. Tektonidis. (2002). Miriam (Eds. and Koumpis. Semantic Web and Peer-to-Peer Technologies for Distributed Learning Repositories. How P2P will change collaborative learning. 2005.org/2002/jan20 02/hofmann. 2006. Jennifer (2002). P2P and its impact on the enterprise. Government. Amsterdam: IOS Press.ViewAbstract&paper_id=12187 Nejdl.utexas. Wolfgang (2002). University of Texas. H. Peer-to-peer Computing – Overview. Case Studies.learningcircuits.edu/multimedia/PDF folder/PeerComputing. Paivi (2003).intranetjournal. Jay (2001). http://www. Austin.asp?id=18570 Canali De Rossi. N. Healthcare. eAdoption and the Knowledge Economy: Issues.org/index. Learning Circuits.learningcircuits. Proceedings of the IFIP 17th World Computer Congress Stream on Intelligent Information Processing. Harnessing P2P Power in the Classroom. A. http://www.editlib. eLearning and future trends. Martin (2004).org/2005/01/ 17/why_p2p_file_sharing_is.unihannover. Susan (2003). 1624-1631. Intranet Journal. http://voyager.de/Arbeiten/Publikationen/2002 /nejdl_iip02. eLearning Forum Update: peer-to-peer. and Higher Education 2003.pdf Farges.htm Farago-Walker. http://www.ca/Texte/ITS2004camera. Ginty. Paper presented at the ITS2004 Conference. January 2002.org/2001/jul200 1/Cross. Judith (2006). Peer-to-Peer: the next hot trend in e-learning? Learning Circuits.ac. K. Peer-to-Peer Networks and Opportunities for Alignment of Pedagogy and Technology. A.usask. Julita (2004). Robin Good Blog. D. http://www. http://www. significance and impact. June 1. http://www.uk/Download s/P2P_in_Networked_Enterprise. Luigi (2005). pp 1051-1058. Online article. Campus Technology.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Peer to Peer Technologies Bibliography Boettcher.com/articles/200 109/tm_09_26_01a.editlib.htm Cross.. Proceedings of World Conference on ELearning in Corporate. http://www.masternewmedia.edb.org/index.sunderland.pdf Vassileva. P2P Interactions for the Support of Knowledge Sharing in Networked Enterprises.cfm?fuseactio n=Reader. In Cunningham. July 2001.. Applications. (2004). This concept is quite removed from formal teaching in an educational institution. Courses are largely created and structured around the curriculum and administrative organization of the institution. This requires support over time. Individualization in an LMS is weak. there is little scope to choose a person-al suite of tools or resources according to individual learning styles and work habits. e-portfolios. (Cortlett et al. 2005) The concept of a personal learning environment (PLE) is similar to a learning management system but designed for an individual learner. for the learner. personalization Description The concept of a personal learning environment (PLE) is similar to a learning management system but designed for an individual learner. In many cases. but these are only available to members of the course. discussion forums. A PLE contains the tools of the learner’s choice and resources as chosen and managed by the learner. A personal learning environment can be self-contained on a user’s computer or can connect to the wider Internet. It is a virtual space that brings together a multitude of software and data that can be available for individuals to use for learning. Although the learner sees his own selection of courses and may be able to make some graphical modifications (mostly in the interest of accessibility). which leaves little freedom for the learner to be involved in the design. they may need to learn new interfaces for different learning management systems. A PLE is structured by the learner. etc. A PLE must support lifelong learning. Here are the disadvantages of learning management systems/virtual learning environments compared with the advantages offered by personal learning environments: LMSs are not intrinsically learner-centered. This means that the learning environment also needs to be present and appropriate to the situation. wikis. blogs. learning management systems. Secondly. chat. learners need to be in real-world situations. Technology needs to be situated. A personal learning environment would be portable and would interact with institutional learning management systems as well as other sources of online content. The demand for personal learning environments comes from the fact that learning management systems are not easily customized to suit the needs and preferences of individuals. An LMS cannot be ubiquitous. work places. A PLE contains collabor-ation tools that can connect with anyone. and through a variety of technologies. a live connection to the Internet is not possible (in various laboratories. such as search engines. often only for the purposes of the course. and social bookmarking sites. and. To practice real-world situations. Learning happens everywhere and at all times. libraries. there can be no electronic interaction. The idea is to have an application that tracks learning achievements controlled by a single user for his or her benefit. LMSs offer collaboration tools (discuss-ion..Personal Learning Environments Related terms ePortfolios. amongst institutions. whiteboard). as learners move between institutions. 174 © 2006. social environments. without an offline client to the LMS.). Brandon Hall Research . edublogs. http://www. it helps the user plan.ac.za/CD/papers/Corl ett.uk/members/ple/reso urces/cdm_ple_session.bham. 2006. http://www. track.elearning.ac. Colin (2005).. UK.ac. Terry (2006). Las Vegas.org/2006/01/09/pl es-versus-lms-are-ples-ready-for-primetime/ Corlett.uk/news_folder/ple %20event The personal learning environments blog is maintained by Bolton University in the UK. http://www.mlearn. Chan. James (2006).ac. http://incsub. Nevada. http://portal.pdf Farmer.jisc. 11.cetis. (2005). PLEs versus LMS: are PLEs ready for prime time? Virtual Canuck. http://www. A personal learning environment based 0 on WPMU.php?id=521_0_4_0_M Online Resources Coverage of a June 2006 conference on personal learning environments held in the UK and a long list of relevant PLE links can be found at: http://www. Supporting personalised learning – the Interactive Logbook.ac. Presentation to the 2005 CETIS Conference. Do Not Reproduce 175 .jisc. and it remains to be seen if they will become common-place or will replace learning management systems. M.org.org/blog/2006/theinevitable-personal-learning-environmentpost Milligan. 2006. D.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Personal Learning Environments Personal learning environments are in the early stages of development.cetadl. Incorporated Subversion.uk/dacs/cdntl/pMachin e/morriblog_more.ac. Online case study paper. Sharples. http://www.aspx ELGG is an open source personal learning environment that is already working. Interactive Logbook: a Mobile Portfolio and Personal Development Planning Tool. January 9.uk/ilogbook/de fault..uk/index.cetis. manage. Proceedings of HCI International 2005. http://www. http://terrya.uk/members/ple/ Bibliography Anderson.doc Personal learning environments are in the early stages of development. Derek Morrison has suggested that a PLE could be in the form of a smartcard that learners can carry. J. and Westmancott.bath.uk/uploaded_document s/birmingham..ppt University of Birmingham (2005). Running on the learner's PC. PLE Reference Model.cfm?name=cetis _ple In a post on his blog. Edinburgh. Ting. http://elgg. Jan. 22-27 July 2005. O. and review his or her learning activity. Selected Examples Interactive Logbook: a Mobile Portfolio and Personal Development Planning Tool brings together all the tools and networked resources required by the learner.net/ Personal Learning Environments is a funded project of the Joint Information Systems Committee in the UK. T.ac. and it remains to be seen if they will become common-place or will replace learning management systems. ” All personalization schemes in software utilize a user profile or model. based on inferences from user behavior in navigating or interacting with the personalized application (e. or it can be an implicit model. However.g. etc. colour. it has been difficult to achieve because it requires different materials to be prepared for each learner. and being able to set a picture as the background on a PC’s “desktop. using dynamic profiling techniques such as cookies or log files). etc. personalized applications use both explicit and implicit approaches. Individualization has been the “holy grail” of progressive teaching. there are many techniques to turn it into a personalized experience. and the results of testing to allow appropriate materials to be served and to track each learner’s progress. Real personalisation begins to happen when the system uses the information it has about the user to anticipate their needs and provide them with some-thing that they want or need. At the simplest level this takes the form of customisation – users can adjust various system settings stored in a profile and the system will reflect the changes.). learning environments. a Web site that “remembers” if the user prefers a yellow or blue background to the pages. and Web usage mining (Filippini-Fantoni. This can be an explicit model based on information directly supplied by the user (e..” All of these systems remember a user’s preferences and adjust their behaviour accordingly. In this case it is not just remember-ing a setting for something that the user knows about (which font size. (Filippini-Fantoni. artificial intelligence. through a questionnaire). describe the state of personalization in software today: When we talk about personalisation. Furthermore..) automatically adapt their behaviour to cater for the needs or preferences of different individuals. intelligent tutoring personal learning environments Description: Individualization has been the “holy grail” of progressive teaching. collaborative filtering. rule-based filtering. have proven to be too complex in most traditional classrooms and training programs. keeping track of what has been offered to each learner as an educational experience. picture. yet we would heist-ate to call this real personalis-ation – customisation is just remembering some user settings for a predictable behaviour. Do Not Reproduce 176 . Examples of customisation are things like setting the desired font size in a Web browser. However. we mean a process whereby mach-ines (computer systems. 2005). The goal of personalization software is to change that by having software adapt to the user's needs. it has been difficult to achieve because it requires different materials to be prepared for each learner. Keenoy et al. These techniques include content-based filtering.g. Often. 2005) Once the user data has been collected.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Personalization Software Related terms Adaptive software. but actually adapting new behaviour to what the user is most likely to want. and XML technologies) to create a wireless eguide for archaeological sites.firstmonday. and/or presentation of materials.uk/ilex/final. Adaptive content is when different information is retrieved based on personalization techniques.ac. http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Personalization Software Once a personalization algorithm has done its work.hcrc. the personalization can be applied to content.net/home.three pre-defined profiles The Kaleidoscope TRAILS Project is based on and a user-defined profile. http://www.noech..elenaproject. Adaptive navigation is providing a personalized set of links to the user.pdf?PHPSESSID=cbl7ltb6bnsklh3e95gg handheld device for navigating the Getty Museum.html The Web site architecture of the Virtual Museum of Canada includes My Personal Museum. useums%20with%20a%20personal%20tou http://www.html The Carrara Marble Museum in Italy allowed visitors to choose one of four possible profiles .emarcon. Selected Examples The ELANA Project features “Personal Learning Assistant Services.g.org/default.virtualmuseum.” Access through a Web browser or the user’s history of interaction with the site allows different device preferences (e.org/public/pub/researcher/act An article on the “Getty Guide” describes a ivities/trails/kal_activity_sheetsA018. dynamic user profiling techniques. objects leave “trails” .org/en/index.ecdc.html be related to a learner’s interests or cognitive http://www. http://www. Adaptive presentation is the changing format in which the content is presented.calimera.nl/publications/papers/M traits.ed.ca/English/Per sonal/index.aspx Electronic Maritime Cultural Content project (eMarcon Project) has several European Maritime museums sharing personalized content. A demo is available at: http://www. allowing the user to change the online experience of visiting the museum.asp?p=1-1 The ILEX Project uses natural language generation techniques to generate descriptions of museum artifacts that consider both the level of user knowledge and the history of previous encounters with the artifact. navigation. The trails can useomarmo.org/issues/issue9 The PAST project was a prototype exploit_5/hamma/ ing a number of key technologies The goal of personalization software is to change that by having software adapt to the user's needs.time-ordered http://www.beta80group.directa. wireless networks. Do Not Reproduce 177 .html (handheld PCs.net/toscana/events/m sequences based on a learner’s path through educational materials.pdf kaleidoscope. http://www. http://www. dynamic scheduling and planning techniques. Each of the profiles resulted in different content being the fact that learners engaging with learning delivered to each user. PDAs).it/past The Calimera Project has issued a set of guidelines with links to museums with personalization projects. chc021 http://www. Personalization Software The Metropolitan Museum of Art. May 25. (AVI 2004). W. http://tmtfactory.org. L.org/mymetmuse um/index.org/pdf/cs.hatii.org/ Bibliography Abbott. S. 2004.gla. University of Glasgow.com/articulos/MagicalMir ror200406.uniba.arts.calimera. Nifty Technologies you might never have heard of!). http://www. interactive services in home automation. (2005). Brandon Hall Research . G.pdf Bright.it/pdf/04Adaptively-Recommending_Bright.pdf Calimera Project (2005). http://www.CY/0409055 Boyle T.cs. http://smart. The Future of Access (or. Magical Mirror: multimedia. http://www.. with a particular focus on the museum sector.. http://arxiv. A.arces. Calimera Guidelines: personalization.pdf Beler. Proceedings of the Workshop on Environments for Personalized Information Access. S.au/conferences/mel bourne01/pdf/papers/boylet.. D. De Carolis. (2004). and Nuguid.metmuseum. Daisy (2002). J. A.pdf 178 © 2006. The Building of Online Communities: an approach for learning organizations. and Verdaguer.pd f Cavalluzzi.ac. Ngo. Proceedings of the Workshop on Environments for Personalized Information Access.umuai. A. (2005). Adaptively Recommending Museum Tours. Melbourne. and Cook J. B. C. (2004). Online paper.unibo.it/intint/people/paper s/aims04. http://www.di. Cozzolongo. Online paper.de/pia2005/docs/CalKuf05. Workshop on Smart Environments and Their Applications to Cultural Heritage at UbiComp 2005. HATII.(2001).ascilite. and FilippiniFantoni. T. http://www.. Kay. Borda. William Niu. (AVI 2004)...uk/courses/chc materials/access_lecture. Pizzutilo. Gallipoli. New York allows Web site visitors to build a My Met page where they can gather information together on their favorite works of art. Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. Supporting Personalized Interaction with an ECA in Public Spaces. https://www. Ler. Italy. Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces...pdf Callaway.unimagdeburg. Gallipoli. Bowen. Using a Domain Ontology to Mediate between a User Model and Domain. K. X. A. A. J. May 25..pdf Ceccaroni. PowerPoint presentation. Towards a pedagogically sound basis for learning object portability and re-use. ASCILITE 2001 Conference proceedings.org/Lists/Guidelines% 20PDF/Personalisation. Italy. http://adiret. 2004.asp?HomePageLink=mymetmuse um_l Online Resources User Modeling and User-adapted Interaction: the Journal of Personalization Research publishes research on personalization studies. EVA 2004 London Conference ~ 26–31 July 2004. and Kuflik. (2004). DigiCULT . V. (Eds. Web mining for web personalization. J.pdf Fuschi.itc. Issue 7. Proceedings of the AH’2002 Workshop on Personalization Techniques in Electronic Publishing. May 2004. Personalization Techniques in Electronic Publishing on the Web: Trends and Perspectives.dimi. Emerging Ideas that are Reshaping Education.tcd. F.1145/643477.com/barcelona/presentati ons/copa-reshaping-education. Kuflik.Info. Using Shared Ontologies for Communication and Personalization. Dagger. G. http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Personalization Software Conlan.it/~mizzaro/AH2002/ proceedings/pdfs/1correja..uniud. 3(1). Does it really work? The case of the marble museum website. PA: Idea Group Publishing. A.semanticweb. Online paper.edfac. George (2005).. Moulin. In Mizzaro. Nejdl. Presentation at DesignShare World Forum.au:8200/grou ps/informal/resources/File.pdf Giroux.cs. PEACH http://peach. http://lrnlab.usyd. pdf Filippini-Fantoni. http://www. D.. http://www. Rocchi. and Sintek.. M.. (2002). Paris. Towards a Standards-based Approach to eLearning Personalization using Reusable Learning Objects. University of Sydney (2004).acm. New York..www2004.. Henze. M. Hershey.p df Do Not Reproduce 179 . P. and Paddeu. and Boavida. (2005). May 2002. S.ichim.pdf Goren-Bar. Soro.) (2002). In R.pdf Copa. M. In Proceedings of WWW2004 . http://www. Using RFID smart tags for ambient learning and training. and Cardinalli. Personalization Issues for Science Museum Websites and Elearning. Sanna.24_Conlan. http://iswc2002.com/pub/evsc05b. (2004). Silvia (2003). N. 1–27.it/papers/gorenbar2005. (2003). M..org/10. Barcelona. and Numerico. (2004).. Online paper. 2005 www.learnexact.2004-1213. Comparison of museum/city tour guides. (2005). S. Ecole du Louvre. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology. Paper presented at the ICHIM Conference. URL: http://doi. N. and Tasso. D. https://www. Spain.org/proceedings/docs /2p170. C.) ELearning and Virtual Science Centers. W. and Zancanaro. and Vazirgiannis. Personalization in distributed elearning environments.The Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference. http://www.pdf Eirinaki.edu. Towards an Integrated Personalization Framework: A Taxonomy and Work Proposals.1153634601 Filippini-Fantoni. April 2004.Conlan/publicati ons/eLearn2002_v1.. 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In Proceedings of WWW2004 --The Thirteen International World Wide Web Conference. Julia (2004).. Rocchi.ac.Self E-Learning Networks.itc. Personalisation and Trails in Self eLearning Networks. UK. Málaga. pages 249-256.1145/345124. In Mária Bieliková. Communications of the ACM. T. May 2004.ac. May 7.pdf Learning and Skills Council (LSC) (2004).2..pdf Kuflik. 23-30 July 2005. May 2002.uniud.. P. D. Edinburgh. Margaret (2002). http://www. M.dcs. Privacy issues of a smart space for learning. Gallipoli. (2004).it/papers/avi2004.si/eng/ijceel. (2004). C. O. WP4 Deliverable 4. 2004http://www. Automatic personalization based on web usage mining.org/proceedings/do cs/2p264.. ACM Press.uk/guide2/elearnpers onalise/G2elearningpersonalisedG069. New York.e5. Callaway. Proceedings of ICALT 2004 (4th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies). SeLeNe . Proceedings of IIT. and Blažič. (2005).ijs. NonIntrusive User Modeling for a Multimedia Museum Visitors Guide System. B. 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Personalised Learning: a special LDR supplement.uk/~str/doc/report_ http://www. http://www.pdf Schoonenboom.de/papers/2005/SeBS05a. D.com/publicat ions/schmidt-context_aware_delivery. Winterhalter. Ken (2000).H. Pluhar.. Kaleidoscope deliverable D22. J-P.428-431. J-P.. Hall W.. K. Stuart.uk/trails Schoonenboom.de/~mehta/uuc m.pdf Sakamura. Special Issue on Human Issues and Personalization in ELearning.. Jones.. J. Hungary.ac. (2005). David. Trummer. Budapest.iicm.2.html Schmidt. and Levene. H. Online paper.sts.org. http://eprints.ac. 2004. A. (2004). Gutl. available from www. Y.2. (2002).. Muller.1. Mehta. Kaszás. Blake.nott. M. http://www. M. http://www. Adaptive knowledge transfer in elearning settings on the basis of eye tracking and dynamic background library. Active Learning by Personalisation: Reeves..ac. V.um. Bossung. Preis. B. The University of Tokyo Digital Museum 2000. P. Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2004). In: Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS)..uk/6832/01/ah 02. M. Using Effective Reading Speed to Integrate Adaptivity into Web-Based Learning. David.edu/cguetl/papers/adele _eden04/EDEN_AdeLE_final.. A.. Spain. May 25. M. Digital Museum Distributed Museum Concept for the 21st Century... Armstrong R. Kaleidoscope deliverable D22.pdf Do Not Reproduce 182 . and Hemmje. Z.dcs. (2004).. January 2004. A. Maier P. L. F. Flypad Report.pdf Ng M. Malaga..soton... Trails of digital and non-digital learning objects. Italy. C. S.. and Levene. M. A.. Turcsányi-Szabó. (2005). H. A.. http://www..pdf Pivec. pp. 2004 http://www2.. Montandon. Kaszás.uk/mediastore/image2 /ldr12-supplement.. C..fraunhofer. User Context Aware Delivery of E-Learning Material: Approach and Architecture (Extended Version).ecs. Gallipoli.dcs.. available from www. F..learninginprocess. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems.utokyo.mrl. pdf Vlahakis. A Case Study of Museum Exhibition: historical learning in Copan ruins of Mayan civilization.. Boston.. context-sensitive guided tours of indoor and outdoor cultural sites and museums. Proceedings. Yamashita. and Ioannidis.pdf Do Not Reproduce 183 . IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2004 (VR 2004). K. J.ch/subpages/lifep lus/HTML/papers/LIFEPLUS-VAST2003revised.org/comp/proceeding s/vr/2004/8415/00/84150257. A. Pliakas. N. 2002.unige. Y. Design and Application of an Augmented Reality System for continuous. and Hirose. April 17-20. Wang. IEEE Computer Society.. M. Flavia (2002).. M.miralab. Ando.media. Demiris. (2003). USA. T. Online paper.. (2004).edu/~flavia/Papers /flavia_mw2002. Chicago.mit. The Museum Wearable: real-time sensor-driven understanding of visitors’ interests for personalized visually-augmented museum experiences.. IL. http://www. Kuzuoka. Proceedings of: Museums and the Web (MW 2002). T. http://csdl2. http://alumni. V... 27-31 March 2004.pdf Tanikawa.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Personalization Software Sparacino.. Yoshida. H.computer. learning management systems. including the following: Value Chain Integration Client Relationship Management (CRM) Knowledge Bases. Knowledge Management. and Knowledge Flow Document/Content Management Information Integrator – Deep integration Information Filter 184 © 2006. while enterprise portals are expansions of corporate portals to include customers. Learner profiles can be used to personalize learning portals and to help form “communities of practice” among the portal users.Both internal and external to the organization A complete e-learning portal represents the total integration of multimedia. collaborative environment. In the business world. which form a dynamic user profile. 2004) Portals are Web sites that aggregate and integrate content and links from many different sources. Some uses of e-learning portals include: Acting as the initial interface to live presentations Providing access to online classes or seminars Using collaborative options to allow for whiteboards along with demonstrations through application sharing Using Web instructor-led learning solutions that can automate the attendance process Allowing for the administration of exams and other forms of assessment Providing access to searchable educational content Effectively delivering learning to a geographically dispersed workforce (Ateshian. Search Collaboration Polls and Surveys Communities of Practice Personalization . resource sites Description Portals are Web sites that aggregate and integrate content and links from many different sources. The interaction of the learner with a portal's information can be personalized based on previous and current user choices. vendors.Portals Related terms Collaboration. content management. Brandon Hall Research . instructorled. and other roles outside an organization (Collins. corporate portals are usually structured around roles that are found inside an organization. 2001). Collins (2001) identifies nine types of corporate portals: Information Portals Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) Portals Electronic Commerce Portals Employee/Human Resources Portals Corporate Interest Portals Internet Hosting Portals Collaborative Portals Expertise Portals Knowledge Portals Corporate portals can have many functions within an organization.Push information to where it is needed Communications Tools Applications Integration Consistent Brand Experience . and real-time training and documents in a supportive. and technical staff) to access a series of shared content libraries.com/ Executrain – Access to hundreds of online IT courses http://www.executrain.com/products/centra/kn owledge_center/index.elearningeuropa. students.com/windowsserver20 03/technologies/sharepoint/default. http://www. instructor-led. instant messaging. calendars. document management information.proquest.000 projects on e-learning and thousands of articles.htm CyberU – Access to over 3. and universities. interactive discussion groups. administrators.microsoft.elementk. instructors. There is also a directory of publications and a directory of authors and contributions. http://www.com/ ProQuest – Agreements with more than 9.com/ Teach-nology – Access to over 27.700 online courses http://www.com/office/sharepoint /prodinfo/demo. go to: http://www.microsoft.www2.hp. and shared lists for tasks.cyberu. HP Services delivers eLearning Portal Solutions for Education that are designed to provide an equally powerful educational resource that brings teachers.mspx For a demo of SharePoint.com/home. and their families together in a virtual environment to enable stronger collaboration and communication through a single sign-on portal. news and announce-ments.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Portals Selected Examples Elearning Europa is a portal on all aspects of e-learning in Europe.000 publishers worldwide http://www.fathom.html Other e-learning portal vendors include the following: Centra Knowledge Center (now Saba) http://www.info/ Microsoft SharePoint is portal software that allows “team members” (who could include students.com/ A complete elearning portal represents the total integration of multimedia.asp Element K – Access to over 2. the portal offered information on more than 20.teach-nology.000 online courses http://www. collaborative environment. audio and/or video.000 lesson plans http://www. Do Not Reproduce 185 .com/ Training Registry – Large online training directory www. online meetings with text. and schedules.com/services/cach e/259662-0-0-225-121.worldwidelearn. http://h20219. and real-time training and documents in a supportive. museums.com World Wide Learn – Access to over 16. e-mail distribution lists. All of this activity can be archived within SharePoint.com/ Fathom – Large archive of courses and learning materials maintained by Columbia University on behalf of a number of libraries.trainingregistry. school administrators.mspx HP offers an eLearning Portal Solution that is based on Microsoft SharePoint. http://www. As of early 2006.300 online courses http://www.saba. Education. K. C. Heidi (2001).tamtam. and Sheehan. You’ve come a long way.amazon.com/gp/product/0750 675934/ref=ase_ebizq-20/104-13480924859103?s=books&v=glance&n=283155 &tagActionCode=ebizq-20 Weggen.) (2003). category. Learning Circuits.org/2000/sep2 000/Weggen. http://www.asp Terra. 2004. Bray (2001).aspx Bibliography Ateshian. (2003).ittoolbox. In Jafari. J. Demystifying eLearning Portals: The Convergence of Enterprise Intelligence and Learning. Richard & Associates (2002). Web Portals and Higher Education: technologies to make it personal. http://www. San Francisco: JosseyBass.amazon. Ron (2004).htm Do Not Reproduce 186 . (Eds. (Eds. Realizing the Promise of Corporate Portals: leveraging knowledge for business success. Reviewed at: http://www.com/gp/product/0814 405932/104-13480924859103?v=glance&n=283155 Collins.asp Katz. http://www. and Sheehan. Corporate Portals: revolutionizing information access to increase productivity and drive the bottom line. M. A Portrait of Learning Portals.org/2000/may 2000/Barron.htm Brockbank.learningcircuits. Valuesbased design of learning portals as new academic spaces. including educational uses. Hershey.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Portals Online Resources Mart Muller maintains a blog on all aspects of SharePoint. A. Designing Portals: Opportunities and Challenges. Enterprise Knowledge Portals. R. May 2000.. Hershey. and Aucoin. http://knowledgemanagement. (2003).edu/ir/library/html/p ub5006.amazon.amazon. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann. New York: AMACOM.) Designing Portals: Opportunities and Challenges. and Gordon. Cornelia (2000). A. PA: Information Science Publishing.educause.. http://blogs. http://www.learningcircuits.asp?id=9028 Barron. E-Learning Portals--Who Needs Them? Learning Circuits.edu/apps/eq/eqm0 4/eqm04113. PA: Information Science Publishing. baby! E-learning portals. New York: AMACOM.educause. Tom (2000). Campus Technology Magazine. http://www.nl/mart/CategoryView. http://www.com/article.campustechnology.com/gp/product/0814 407080/104-13480924859103?v=glance&n=283155 Jafari.com/gp/product/1591 401089/104-13480924859103?redirect=true Collins. M. http://www. Heidi (2003). September 2000. http://www. March 1.co m/documents/peerpublishing/demystifying-elearning-portalsthe-convergence-of-enterprise-intelligenceand-learning-1458. Campbell. virtual classrooms.lsc.” In the Middle Ages. the word “lecturing” means “to read. In fact. This was how manuscripts were reproduced before the advent of the printing press. Guests can watch the operation in progress and speak with medical staff as it takes place. just as live lectures can be boring in a classroom. it should be done with the highest quality audio and video available. webcasting. the word “lecturing” means “to read. Online presentations can be very boring. However. Do Not Reproduce 187 . In fact. Even though lecturing and presenting is considered part of traditional education and training.htm Lecturing has been a method of transmitting information to students since the Middle Ages. the quality of a lecture depends on the performance skills of the presenter. A number of emerging e-learning technologies try to replicate the experience of a presentation by a teacher in a traditional classroom or lecture hall.com/resources/el earning/presentations/ Replay Rich Media supplies the facilities for producing and distributing Webcasts. Duckworth (2001) suggests the following tips for successful live presentations: Begin and end on time Ask for support Establish a group identity Review the virtual classroom’s features Establish ground rules State objectives Suspend spelling and grammar accuracy Promote interaction Keep the class on track Communicate effectively It is clear that in this age of entertainment. if lecturing or presenting is going to be done on the Web. when experts are not readily available. Skypecasting.html Macromedia has a set of e-learning recorded seminars that provide a flavor of what live presentations are like on the Internet. http://www.com/site/index. http://www. an online lecture or Webinar may be the most efficient way of accessing an expert’s knowledge. Selected Examples The Liberty Science Center in Jersey City. there is still a wide demand for live and archived presentations using the Internet.” a unique two-way audio and video interactive surgical experience.org/livefrom/cardiac/cardia c_home. a lecturer would read to a group of monks who would then copy down his every word. The presentation mode of teaching is supported by various kinds of meeting and Web conferencing software and through a technique called screencasting.” In the Middle Ages. The actual present-ations are often called online lectures or Webinars. Consequently. a lecturer would read to a group of monks who would then copy down his every word. Experience them at: http://www. New Jersey has a “Cardiac Classroom.macromedia. web conferencing.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Presentation Tools Related terms Screencasting.replayhq. webinars Description Lecturing has been a method of transmitting information to students since the Middle Ages. com Hewlett-Packard. WebTrain is a new Web conferencing system that has received a very favorable review from the Robin Good Blog. http://cde. online meetings. http://www. in partnership with Dreamworks. See the TEAL Project at MIT. virtual teams. has created an amazing live online conferencing system called Halo. Two interesting examples are both narrated by Jon Udell. http://www.html#a1156 Do Not Reproduce 188 .com/ Communiqué Conferencing has a useful white paper on how to choose a Web conferencing system.adelaide. social software for online collaboration.com/hpinfo/newsroom/pres s/2005/051212xa.380000 5416. videoconferencing.com/news_radars/we b_conferencing. http://www.39155030.masternewmedia. http://ajax.html#a1185 http://weblog.kolabora. While it is expensive. intranets.com/udell/2005/0 1/22. it points to the standards that will be used in the near future for remote meetings. http://www.htm Online Resources Athabasca University in Canada has a software evaluation site that lists and describes various online meeting and discussion packages.html An example of an online lecture from the University of Adelaide in Australia using RoboPresenter.com/news_radars/we b_presentations.kolabora.com/cxoextra/0.brandonhall.infoworld. http://icampus. independent listing of Webinars.hp.thinkofit. http://www. and Web presentations. instant messaging.au/~calgary/ partone/# Presentations that are based on screen captures and narration are sometimes called screencasting.com/publications/lel/lel.acue.mit.infoworld.silicon. Webcasts. http://www. although many are trying to change this practice. there is still a wide demand for live and archived presentations using the Internet.htm http://www.elluminate.edu.ccimeet.com/choosingawebcon ferencesolution.ca/softeval/ A comprehensive “Web conferencing guide” is maintained by David Woolley.humanresourceWebinars.htm http://www. videoconferencing. and e-learning.ht m Human Resource Webinars is a free. groupware.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Presentation Tools The practice of presenting a live lecture remains a staple of university and college teaching.00. a columnist at InfoWorld. online communities.edu/TEAL). http://weblog.org/2003/09 /22/how_do_i_review_and_approach_Web _conferencing_companies. forums and message boards. http://www.com/webconf/index.htm Even though lecturing and presenting is considered part of traditional education and training. It covers “real-time” Web conferencing.pdf Brandon Hall Research (publishers of this report) has a report entitled “Live ELearning 2004”. Another powerful Web conferencing system is the software by Elluminate.athabascau.com/udell/2005/0 2/25. http://www.shtml The Kolabora Web site lists reviews of various resources on Web conferencing. and seminars relating to the field of human resources. uk/eclipse/Resources/live. although it does not have to be. and using PowerPoint and Breeze. Dreamweaver.htm The e-Learning Centre in the UK has a specific list of resources on how to use various Acrobat/Macromedia Products such as Acrobat. http://www. virtual meetings.co. http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Presentation Tools Live from… is a site for simulated medical procedures on the heart.elearningcentre.e-learningcentre.com/ There is no shortage of presentation programs at Program Junction. htm http://www.com/cat_busi nessproductivitytools_presentationtoolssoft ware_1. Captivate.com/software/presen tation.co. http://www.elearningcentre. virtual classrooms. http://buyersguide.com is a Web site and newsletter devoted to reviewing the best products and practices for making presentations.” http://www. Authorware.co. capture the classroom lecture experience and offer it online for those who were not there in person.org/livefrom/in-theor/livefrom_videos.eweek.asp_Q_sitename_E_eweek_web conferencing The e-Learning Centre in the UK has a list of resources and links on live e-learning. and whiteboarding.htm Teaching is often equated with live presentations. Breeze.uk TimelyWeb lists and reviews over 25.html Using Apreso software. http://www.uk/eclipse/vendors/prese ntations. The e-Learning Centre maintains a list of online teaching resources. presentation and streaming presentation tools.000 software programs for business and presentation tools.com/presentatio ns/index. See live video from the operating room at: http://www.programjunction.elearningcentre.co.com/eweek/webc onferencing.presentations. http://www.co. http://www. Web seminars.timelyweb.jsp FilesLand is another site offering a long list of software for a variety of types of presentations. Web conferencing.com/downloads/sea rch. http://www.html The e-Learning Centre in the UK maintains a comprehensive list of online presentation tools and resources on “live e-learning.apreso. http://www. and kidneys.htm eWeek Magazine has lists of resources for videoconferencing. Coursebuilder.uk/eclipse/Resources/tea ch. brain.lsc.elearningcentre.uk/eclipse/Resources/usi ngadobe. and Flash.html Do Not Reproduce 189 .php?string=presentation&search=All& match=Any&search_btn=Search+%3E%3E %3E Presentations.filesland. Digital Inspiration. Rapid E-learning a Breeze with Macromedia Captivate 1. Live ELearning. http://m.com/exec/obidos/tg/d etail//0787969788/qid=1131986202/sr=11/ref=sr_1_1/002-46096590461665?v=glance&s=books Lazarus. Armit (2005). and Furr. http://www. Sept. 7(3).html Canali De Rossi. Learning Circuits. P. Best Online Resources For Web Conferencing. http://www. http://www. http://www.amazon.htm Duckworth. http://www.blogspot.asp McNally.org/2003/09 /03/best_new_tools_for_web_conferencing _and_live_collaboration. Russ (2004). 2005.org/2003/05 /02/best_online_resources_for_web_confe rencing_live_elearning_realtime_collaborati on_and_live_presentation_tools.pdf McFerrin. How to Become an e-Learning Guru: It’s a Breeze. 2003. Real-Time Collaboration and Live Presentation Tools. Or Is It? eLearning Developers’ Journal.com/wwwtools/m/21593.htm Canali De Rossi.aace. Robin Good Blog.com/2003/05/15 /are_web_conferencing_and_live_presentat ion_tools_ready_for_primetime. 2004. Christine (2001).com/product /software/795/index.masternewmedia. April 30. Luigi (2003b). 2003.fasfind. Teaching Courses Online: How much time does it take? Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks (JALN). Robin Good Blog.masterviews. 3.com/2005/07/rapide-learning-breeze-with. K.pdf Do Not Reproduce 190 .aln.russellmcnally.htm Hofman. (in two parts) http://www. Live and Online!: tips. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.russellmcnally.pdf http://www.. 2003.com/BreezePart 1. http://www. July.org/conf/site/pt3/paper_ 3008_148. Best new tools for web conferencing and live collaboration. http://labnol.org/2001/jul2 001/duckworth.downloadjunction.html WWWTools for Education has a listing of resources on screencasts and screencasting. May 15. Sept. http://www. techniques and ready to use activities for the virtual classroom. Are Web Conferencing And Live Presentation Tools Ready For Prime-Time? MasterViews International. cfm?x=0&rid=21593 Bibliography Agarwal.01. Belinda (2003).Emerging e-Learning Technologies Presentation Tools Download Junction lists almost 200 online presentation tools of various types.htm Canali De Rossi.masternewmedia.org/publications/jaln/v7n3 /v7n3_lazarus. Luigi (2003c). An Instructor's Guide to Live E-Learning. July 8. July 26.learningcircuits. Luigi (2003a). Jennifer (2004). Learning in Online and Desktop Video Conferencing Courses: Are Some Students Plugged In and Tuned Out? Paper presented at the 2002 SITE conference.com/BreezePart 2. (2002).. http://www. Start Saving Time and Money Today.jsp?vnu_content_i d=1816615 Do Not Reproduce 191 . Dec.presentations.infoworld. Jon (2005) Let’s hear it for screencasting. http://www. but… Presentations Magazine. Software. http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Presentation Tools Scott. http://www. and Winfield.uk/publications/pdf/kmi05-1. Feb. Heroic failures in disseminating novel e-learning technologies to corporate clients: A case study of interactive webcasting. K.. (2003). Dave (2002). P.com/exec/obidos/tg/de tail/-/0814471749/002-46096590461665?v=glance Udell. Knowledge Media Institute Technical Report. 11.pdf Spielman.open.com/article/05/02/11 /07OPstrategic_1.html Zielinski.ac.com/presentation s/delivery/article_display. InfoWorld. (2004). and Equipment.amazon. Choose your presentation tools carefully. Choices are great. 2005. AMACOM. http://kmi. The Web Conferencing Book: Understanding the Technology. Choose the Right Vendors. S. L. and Quick. Does not require any programming or HTML knowledge. According to Ready Go!. The term “rapid e-learning” has two different meanings. Clark Aldrich (2005) has likened rapid e-learning to producing fast food – edible. just-intime e-learning. Deploys easily . such as creating links. graphics. Does not require the course developer to know how to create a course’s look and feel. but not always good for you.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Rapid e-Learning Tools Related terms Authoring tools. Does not require any advanced skills.” Efficiency improvements can be achieved if efforts are made to do the following: Standardize development processes. a demand to produce online content very quickly. a vendor of rapid elearning tools. or HTML knowledge. and clip art is straight forward and supported . following are characteristics of a rapid e-learning tool: Short learning curve. Integration with LMSs is built in – no advanced skills are necessary. rapid elearning is any educational online content that is produced much faster than by normal processes by those with knowledge of the content. In the second sense of the term. FAQ. Tools for rapid e-learning are. easy to use. It can refer to learning something quickly. microlearning Description The term “rapid e-learning” has two different meanings. It can refer to learning something quickly.does not require any plug-ins. extreme e-learning. Instructional design built in. Do Not Reproduce 192 . For example. Bringing in learning objects such as Flash. and drill down pages. and based on preformed templates for layout and design. E-learning produced this way can be very boring. including tools and templates. are built in. In the first case. especially if the same templates for a course are used repeatedly. Rapid e-learning is best for situations where there are budget constraints. 2003). by necessity. The downside of rapid e-learning is that it often produces materials that are not optimal in terms of instructional design or graphic design. tests. Advanced features. so is often used as a quick way of getting “legacy’ materials online. or where the online information frequently changes. glossary. LTI Magazine defines rapid e-learning as courseware (live or self-paced) developed in less than three weeks. Standardize approaches. This type of e-learning is sometimes referred to as microlearning. or it can mean a very fast timeline in producing online learning materials. Van Dam (2005) says that we “must take a hard look at current e-learning development models and identify areas for business process improvement. It is best suited to textbased materials. simple. usually when it is needed (Brodsky.automatically assures that all navigation works. very short segments of online content are used to convey essential information about a topic. Navigation built in . programming. where subject matter experts act as the primary development resource. or it can mean a very fast timeline in producing online learning materials. learning objects. org/ Elliott Masie is one the leading advocates for “extreme learning. and the Technology Side of Rapid e-Learning. http://www.elearningguild.co..scate. San Francisco: Pfieffer.uk/eclipse/Resources/ra pid. See a demo at: http://www.com Raptivity claims to be “the world’s first rapid interactivity builder.amazon. or where the online information frequently changes. Learning Solutions.versus high-interaction).org Web site. That means that anyone engaging in the rapid development of content must have access to a clear project plan.microlearning.com/ Online Resources The e-Learning Centre in the UK maintains an up to date list of Rapid E-Learning resources. centrally located files. and other good stuff. Kendrick (2006). Reusability.” a form of rapid learning with much shortened timelines. deliver that content in a rich and engaging manner. Templates. and Publish.readygo. version control protocols.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Rapid e-Learning Tools Define development approaches that satisfy different needs (i. conferences. http://www. Do Not Reproduce 193 . Clark (2005). 2003). and competent subject matter experts (Mayberry. Reduce the number of development vendors. http://www. 2006. low.e. http://www.com Articulate Rapid E-Learning Studio is a software package that includes Articulate Presenter and Articulate Quizmaker.raptivity. To be effective.com/gp/product/078 7977357/sr=81/qid=1154628579/ref=pd_bbs_1/1042921152-9837507?ie=UTF8 Rapid e-learning is best for situations where there are budget constraints. Assign SMEs who are committed.” Find out more: http://www.com/studio.htm Bibliography Abell. See sample templates at: http://www. computer games. a demand to produce online content very quickly. Use the right blend of onshore and offshore e-learning development resources.pdf Aldrich. 2004). Enhance. rapid e-learning tools need to quickly and easily create content. Learning by Doing: a comprehensive guide to simulations. Leverage professional project management methods and tools.articulate. which contains information on resources.masie. http://www.com/ ReadyGo Web Course Builder is a tool for rapid development of online courses. manage the content and the users. January 23. and pedagogy and elearning and other educational experiences. Selected Examples The world of microlearning is covered by the microlearning. Edit.com/pdf/2/012 306dev-h. and produce data showing that the content was actually viewed and retained (Vidal. virtual classroom.html SCATE Technologies produces Ignite. Future-Proofing. software that builds online content in four steps – Capture. and communicate deliverable expectations. schedule and due dates. http://www.elearningcentre. Chief Learning Officer.com/ltimagazine/a rticle/articleDetail. Paper.clomedia.com/ltimagazine /article/articleDetail. 10. http://vftraining. Penny (2004). jhtml?articleID=22101169 Cross. Rapid Intake White Paper. http://www. Extreme Learning: Decision Games. Making rapid elearning work.pdf Crosman. January.com/tips_techniques/julaug_04_rapid_ID. e-Learning Crop Circles. Rapid E-Learning: Groundbreaking New Research.pdf Brodsky. Project Management in the Age of Rapid Elearning. July 2004. LTI Newsline. Chief Learning Officer.jsp?id=150619 Hess. http://www. Garin (2004). 2006.jsp?id=102399 DeVries. Larstan Business Reports. Ray (2006).com/showArticle. April. Bersin and Associates White Paper. 2002. http://www.com/articles/ab stracts/index.com/content/templat es/clo_article.clomedia.jsp?id=59278 Cooper.com/pdf/4/rapid _elearning_whitepaper_3-2-05.learningcircuits. June 30. (2004). Rapid Instructional Design: a breakthrough.ltimagazine.elearningguild.asp Bersin. Brandon Hall Research .asp?articleid=899&zoneid=1 07 De Vries.com/products/breeze/w hitepapers/bersin_elearning_study.com/resources/Fil e/US/English/managing_knowledge1. tools.bersin. Dianne (2005). http://www. http://www. June. http://www.com/content/templat es/clo_article.com/ltimagazine/a rticle/articleDetail. http://www.elearningguru. August 2004.pdf Jimenez. http://www. When 15-Minute eLearning Doesn’t Work.com/content/templat es/clo_col_elearning. 2006. Bill (2005). Nov. Jennifer (2004). http://www.pdf Gustafson.cfm?action=viewonly&id=168 Kruse. Ray (2005). Rapid e-Learning: content design and development. and Bersin. Transform Magazine.asp?articleid=1008&zoneid= 62 Brandon. http://www. J. Mar. Vignettes for Training White Paper. Rapid e-Learning: software reusability and rapid production process. E-Learning for short attention spans. 2004. Exploring the Definition of “Rapid e-Learning”.com/wpapers/vendor/Rapid_ eLearning. July 2.htm Bersin. J. Creating a Rapid eLearning Development System using Flash and XML.asp?articleid=65&zon eid=44 194 © 2006. Lane (2002).pdf Jimenez. Tips and Techniques. Josh (2004).transformmag. Josh (2005).elearningguild.net/acme/elearn/rapid/ra pid_vft_v1. Chief Learning Officer. Rapid eLearning: what works – market.Rapid e-Learning Tools Archibald.adobe. techniques and best practices for building e-learning programs in weeks. http://www.meetingone. Learning Circuits. Kevin (2002). Jay (2005). 9.org/2005/jan2 005/archibald. Learning Solutions.elearningmag.clomedia. LTI Newsline. http://www. Mark (2003). http://www. Joe (2005). http://www. Rapid e-Learning: a growing trend. Managing Knowledge in Internet Time: the growing role of rapid elearning in corporate America. Jan.ltimagazine. LTI Newsline. 2006.com/content/templat es/clo_lettertoeditor. Simulation.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Rapid e-Learning Tools Macromedia Inc. Extreme Learning Lab Created by MASIE Center to focus on Gaming.pdf Mayberry.pdf Shepherd.htm Masie Center (2005). http://download.com/pdf/2/0116 06dev-f. Nick (2005). Learning Circuits. http://www. Rapid e-learning gets the job done.org/2004/jun20 04/mayberry. http://www. February 2005. Macromedia White Paper. Ed (2004).trainingfoundation. A team of one: rapid e-learning environment at break-neck speed. http://www. (2004a). April 20.asp?PageID=2542 van Dam.macromedia.asp?NewsID=1390 Sanford. http://www.asp?articleid=86&zon eid=76 Do Not Reproduce 195 .asp?articleid=850&zoneid=1 11 Vidal. Speed Is King: Rapid Creation and Deployment of Enterprise E-Learning Solutions.com/pub/elea rning/rapid_deploy_elearning.com/news story.com/articles/ default. Chief Learning Officer.clomedia. (2004b). http://download. What is Rapid eLearning? Chief Learning Officer.elearningguild. E-Learning Development at the Speed of Business. Clive (2006). January 2003. Eric (2003). January 16. Press release. The Training Foundation online article. http://www.clomedia.trainingpressreleases.com/pub/elea rning/virtual_classrooms. 2005. June 2004. Macromedia White Paper. http://www.pdf Macromedia Inc. Mobile and Device Based Learning. Stephanie (2006).com/content/templat es/clo_article.learningcircuits. Making the most of virtual classrooms and self-paced presentations: Guidelines for Rapid eLearning.macromedia. Learning Solutions. Online learning for tough times: keys to rapid development. This initiative has developed into several educational products that use LOGO and robots for teaching. It is also highly effective in developing team-work and self-confidence. http://www. Learn all about future space robots and participate in the activities on the site.com/ http://www. for underwater exploration. which is used to control both physical and virtual “turtles” with simple commands.botball. Robots are becoming more prevalent in educational settings and can be used for the following: Teaching Objects of study Tour guides Welcoming devices Providing information Assisting in difficult situations such as archaeological digs or in space Remote sensing Underwater study Accessibility for persons with a disability Robotics is a great way to get students excited about science. technology. http://mindstorms. Inc.aad.whmsi.au/ The use of robots in education has a history going back to the 1960s. http://www. and math.org/aboutbotball/overview. By immersing children in “microworlds” the children themselves controlled.gov. Seymour Papert and his colleagues at MIT developed the LOGO computer language for children.php NASA has a robotics program aimed at teachers and students.gov/ The Antarctica Online project involves students in South Australia using robots located at the Australian Antarctic Davis Station to conduct remote telecontrol experiments. Selected Examples Remotely Operated Vehicles (or ROVS) are one type of robot.com/ Botball is a hands-on learning experience in robotics designed to engage students in learning the practical applications of science. engineering. Do Not Reproduce 196 .nasa. Check out their online catalogue at: http://www. engineering.lego.ife. http://robotics.org/ The LEGO Mindstorms Robotics Invention System allows children to produce their own working robots and learn how to program them. simulation Description The use of robots in education has a history going back to the 1960s. Papert and his colleagues hoped the children would naturally learn mathematical relationships.com/ Active Robots in the UK sells a wide variety of kits for building educational robots. technology.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Robotics Related terms Artificial intelligence. Check out the ROVs made by Woods Hole Marine Systems. and mathematics. Their main client is the Mystic Aquarium’s Institute for Exploration.active-robots. http://www. osaka-u.kipr. one child at a time. engineering.html Evolution Robotics offers its robot kits to schools at substantial discounts.com/education/ The European Robotics Research Network (EURON) Web site provides a platform for collecting and sharing information about robots in education.evolution.ams. technology.nasa. The robot can accurately mimic Professor Ishiguro’s posture. and vocal tics. http://www.cuny.com/r_home.ed.php Robotics is a great way to get students excited about science.euron.ac.microworlds. It features news. Mr.com/solutions/mwe xrobotics. http://www.cmu.” Find out how you can become involved at: http://wwweducation.jp/ Online Resources The City University of New York maintains a repository of links on educational robotics. links.profetic.net/ Run by NASA.html The KISS Institute for Practical Robotics (KIPR) is a private non-profit communitybased organization that has worked since 1993 with all ages to provide improved learning and skills development by applying technology.ri. go to: http://www.php3?id_art icle=8252 Professor Ishiguro is the leader of a group of robotics researchers at the Intelligent Robotics and Communications Laboratories in Kyoto.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Robotics Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Academy claims to be “building engineers.html Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro of Osaka University in Japan has designed a robot in his own image that lectures for him. Seymour Papert to commercialize many of his ideas about teaching children using the LOGO computer language. It is also highly effective in developing teamwork and selfconfidence. and mathematics. Find out more about this group at: http://www. http://www.gov/rcc/index.sci.edurobot. the Robotics Curriculum Clearinghouse stores lesson plans on robotics for all levels. http://robotics. To find the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory at Osaka University. Ishiguro can deliver lectures through the robot even when he is outside of Osaka.atr.org/article.org/ LCSI is a company founded by Dr. http://www.edu/~sklar/e r/edu. lip movements. http://robothaven. and other information on robotics. The Microworlds EX Robotics Edition is a kit for building educational robots. The "RB5X: Mission to Mars" materials are available at: http://www.org/ General Robotics Corporation has developed a robotics curriculum for schools. particularly robotics.jp/ See also: http://www.html Robot Haven is a community-run Web site on robotics.eng.irc.rec.brooklyn. By donning motion sensors. Do Not Reproduce 197 .edu/index. http://www. Dobreva...tools for accessible education. J. Levels of Description: A Role for Robots in Cognitive Science Education. http://zeus. L. Core Technologies for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector. D. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium. Miller. Building Robots with Lego Mindstorms.edu/~dblan k/papers/aaaiss04-pyro. Keating. AAATE Conference 1999. (2004). A. Presentation to the 2004 National Science Foundation Conference. Solutions to Meet the Requirements of Educational Robotics.. P.. http://www. 28-30. http://www. Paper at the American Assoc. Computers. Paper presented at PHICS – Philosophy and Cognitive Science Conference. D.. D. G. Lathan. and Powerful Ideas. (2005). http://www.. Abbott.andrew.l3s. Kumar. and Rusbridge. Yanco..org/robotics/us_worksho p/June22/educational-robotics. Meeden.pdf Do Not Reproduce 198 . Heinsohn.pdf Nourbakhsh. Robots in the classroom . S.ca:8080/~terry/papers/ 2001-Robots_Education.fhbrandenburg.amazon. R.l3s. and Loose. Autonomous and Mobile Robots in Education. Pyro: An Integrated Environment for Robotics Education.uml. (2004).edu/~holly/papers/blan k-et-al-pyro-aaai05-abstract. November. M.com/MindstormsChildren-Computers-PowerfulIdeas/dp/0465046746/sr=88/qid=1157038194/ref=pd_bbs_8/1048461686-1018359?ie=UTF8 Ross. Mindstorms: Children.cmu.edu/user/fduvalle /robo_ed/robots_accessible_education. Proceedings. June. Paper at the American Association for Artificial Intelligence Spring Session. Harwin. and Dautenhahn. and Yanco. Donnelly. New York. Ferrari. (2005). U. H. B. (2001). Sept. H. T. Artificial Intelligence Conf. Kumar. Hohmann. Germany.pdf Boersch. R. (2004).de/~loose/Texte_PDF/49IWKI lmenau2004F. http://www. Ontario. (1980). (1999). DigiCULT Technology Watch Report 3.pdf Blank.cs.digicult.com/Building-RobotsLego-MindstormsUltimate/dp/1928994679/sr=84/qid=1157038194/ref=pd_bbs_4/1048461686-1018359?ie=UTF8 Gerecke.. M. http://dangermouse.. http://rob. I. S.amazon. A. http://www.. (2004). and West.wtec. W.de/morob/pdf/iCEER_Post er.pdf Cooper. Paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Education and Research (iCEERO4). and Wagner.info/downloads/TWR3lowres.. C. M. D. Avoiding the Karel-theRobot Paradox: A framework for making sophisticated robotics accessible. Educational Robotics: assessment of the state of the Art in the US. D.pdf Stewart..Emerging e-Learning Technologies Robotics Bibliography Blank.pdf Papert. Ottawa.. Sept. and Meeden. Basic Books. I. L. Düsseldorf. New York: Syngress Publishing.brynmawr.pdf http://www.de/morob/pdf/iCEER04_7 9_Gerecke_Hohmann_Wagner. http://www.. H. and Mataric. K. McHugh. D.pdf Ferrari.ccmlab. and Hempel. M. Germany. D. http://www.. M. (2001). usually after merging and ranking them in a single list. Second-generation engines rely on link analysis for ranking . There are a number of problems with search engines that are being dealt with by researchers. each with their own defining feature sets. One is the problem of finding relevant.so they take the structure of the Web into account. to several other Web search engines and display the search results to the user. collective intelligence. such as Metacrawler and Vivisimo. Each of these search engine types can be divided into one of the following: general search engines that cover a wide range of topics. federated search. information retrieval. Examples are Google and Overture. data mining.com and Alta Vista. a rich user experience.” The first type searches the Web as it exists. Searching the Internet has become so commonplace that ”to Google” has become a well-used verb for many people. in parallel. collaboration. Web directories. while the latter alerts you that new information has been posted somewhere on your topic of interest. Meta–search engines. Because of the vast store of available information on the Internet. While search engines have improved over the past several years. Ezzy (2006a. These may be thought of as second-generation search engines. which submit queries. Third-generation search technologies are designed to combine the scalability of existing Internet search engines with new and improved relevancy models. searching for what we are looking for is a form of informal learning that we have come to take for granted. But. resource discovery. Google is only one of hundreds of search engines. meta-search engines. social bookmarking Description Search is probably the most used e-learning application. Aharoni (2005) identifies three main types of search engines: Crawler–based search engines. and many other specialized capabilities that make information more productive.examples are early yahoo. as this section of the report shows. Do Not Reproduce 199 . such as Yahoo. such as Google and Altavista. search engine optimization. which use programs that crawl the Web and create search engine indices. or specialty search engines that cover a more focused range of topics or specific audiences. Search is probably the most used elearning application. They bring into the equation user preferences. One interesting distinction is between “retrospective search” and “prospective search. which depend on humans for their hierarchical listings.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Search Engines Related terms Boolean searches. dependable information. search results still often require careful sifting to retrieve useful information. 2006b) divides the history of search engines into three “generations”: First-generation engines search ranked sites based on page content . Much of the World Wide Web is hidden to search engines. 2004).com/ AlltheWeb – Search audio. Alexa – Search results with Web traffic rankings.com/ AltaVista – Features Babel Fish translations of entries. http://www.be/ GigaBlast – Cluster results by top correlations.com/aolcom/webhome AskJeeves (now Ask) – Ask questions using a “natural language” approach. Click on each of the following search engines to see their unique features: General search engines: A9 – Amazon.ask.aol.com – Features hundreds of searchable topics.com’s search service http://a9. Federated searching is just one of the approaches to finding hidden information currently being researched.com AOL Search – Allows searching in a local area (USA only). http://search. and meta-search engines that combine the results of many individual search engines. video. for a variety of reasons.com/ Answers. http://www.com/ Fagan Finder – A search portal with many different ways to search for information online. It searches the Web as well as a large number of well known reference works.gada. http://www.alltheweb. get answers http://www.be – Narrow a search to specific categories for better results. http://www.com About.altavista.com/ Excalibur – A deep search engine by Convera that organizes the Web into millions of categories. http://www.gigablast. and text. Selected Examples Search engines can be divided into three groups: general search engines that search for all topics. specialty search engines that are confined to specific subject areas or types of media. http://www. Brandon Hall Research .alexa. http://www.aeiwi.com/ Aeiwi – Search by clicking on common keywords related to a topic.com Gada.com/ Searching the Internet has become so commonplace that ”to Google” has become a well-used verb for many people.faganfinder. http://www. http://www.convera.com/ 200 © 2006.about.” in which a single query is used to find information across multiple databases and other data sources. It is estimated that the “deep Web” contains approximately 500 times the amount of information that is actually posted on Internet servers (Geser.answers. http://www. especially information stored on proprietary systems that are not on the Internet. then fill in the search box.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Search Engines One new approach is called “federated searching.com – (incorporating Gurunet) – ask questions. com/ Open Directory – Search categories and subcategories to find a desired item.gravee.squidoo. http://www.pubsub.umdl.otavo.lexxe.gnod.google.net Google – The top search engine in the world – has roughly 85 percent of all searches. http://channels.org/ Outfoxed – See a visualization of the “informer” network.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Search Engines Gnod – A self-adapting discovery engine. http://www. http://www. Brandon Hall Research .qelix.looksmart. http://www.com/ Gravee .com/ Squidoo – A searchable hand built catalog of what individual contributors think are the best resources on a given topic. http://www.com/ Netscape Search – Allows searching within a local area. http://www. blogs. http://www. rather than just returning Web pages. http://www.com Grokker – Clusters results by subject. http://www.msn. http://www.com/ IceRocket – Searches images.htm Rollyo – “Roll your own” search engine that uses only trusted sources.jsp OAIster – Search for hard to find library information.com/ Mooter – Sorts results into visual clusters.hotbot.com/ Lexxe – A search engine that is powered by “advanced natural language technology” to find the answers to questions. http://search.com/v2/index.jookster. http://oaister.mooter.A social search engine with tagging and community-based ranking. http://qube. http://www.edu/o/oaister/ Octavo – A collaborative search engine.grokker. http://search. http://www.com/ MSN Search – The “search builder” option can make a search more accurate.icerocket.netscape. http://getoutfoxed.com/ Qube – Qube is based on “browserless search” with user collaboration and networking.com/ Jookster – A social search engine that also allows users who are searching for the same things to contact each other.com/ 201 © 2006. Clicking a cluster makes search more accurate.com/ HotBot – Allows users to set filters on search results. http://dmoz.com/home PubSub – Search the future – This search engine notifies the user when his or her topic appears.com/ Look Smart – Narrow a search to specific categories. Shares advertising revenues with content owners. http://rollyo. and the Web.com/search/def ault.umich. http://froogle.gov/ Froogle – Google’s shopping search engine.acronymfinder. http://infomine. http://swicki. cast lists and theatre schedules.psu.ist.gov/ http://www. reviews. http://www.com/ Infomine – Searches scholarly Internet resource collections by subject category. Wink then diplays the results. users tag their favorite results and block spam.ai. http://www.wink. Brandon Hall Research . http://www.com/%7Eappelt/fastus.tv/ Citeseer – Citations of academic literature.ucr. http://www.php?langu e=en Vivísimo . http://www. http://icerocket.gov/ IceRocket – Searches blogs only.com/ Ujiko – Clusters results.eurekster.com/ Swicki – A search engine that learns from a community’s search behavior. http://books.sri.com/ Wink – Using social networking.ht ml FirstGov and GPO Access – Allows a Web site search of the US Government.edu/ Internet Movie Database – search within plot summaries.com/v2a/flash.blinkx.google. Clicking a cluster further refines a search.google.gnoosic.yahoo.com/ Specialty search engines: Acronym Finder – A search engine for acronyms http://www.gpoaccess. Much of this information is hidden from view. http://firstgov.imdb. http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Search Engines StumbleUpon – Search collaborative recommendations on great Web sites. http://www.com/ Gnoosic – A search engine for music.com/ Google Scholar – Search for scholarly articles only.stumbleupon.com/ TagJag – Find items from over 200 resources and see the results of other peoples' searches.google.com Google Book Search – Search just for books.healthfinder.Clusters results.com/ Blinkx TV – A search engine for TV and Video.com/ Yahoo – The second most popular search engine on the Internet – about 9 percent of searches. http://citeseer.govmine.com/ Govmine – Search engine based on typical queries of government workers. http://www. and movies. http://vivisimo.edu/ FASTUS – Extracting information from real world texts.com/ 202 © 2006. http://scholar. http://www. http://tagjag.ujiko.com/ts/10/ HealthFinder — A medical search engine. http://www. books. Clicking a cluster further refines a search. cfm?doid=105 6808.acm.net/ Koders – A search engine for developers that searches for code.com/search/ RetrievalWare – A knowledge discovery engine for unstructured data (by Convera). AolKIDS. http://www.rrzn.last.pandora.fm – A music search engine that connects people with similar musical tastes.nih.imdb. http://www.uni-hannover.almaden.IBM's Query By Image Content – A visual search engine. http://lawcrawler.de/ Newslink – search newspapers from around the world http://newslink.ithaki. cast lists and theatre schedules. & KidsClick!. http://www.f cgi QBIC . Brandon Hall Research . http://kids.rawsugar.scirus.org/ Omgili .com Pandora – A search engine for music artists or individual songs.ibm. http://www. http://www.com/ Last.com/srsapp/ 203 © 2006. AwesomeLibrary.Uses literature-based discovery to find new connections between biomedical terms that could lead to new directions in research.The MediaFinder project is developing prototype products for navigating and finding music files.A legal search engine.gov/entrez/query.com/projects/MediaFinder MESA (Meta-Email-Search-Agent) – an agent that searches e-mail (interface is in German) http://meta. http://portal.liveplasma.fm/ LawCrawler .findlaw.org/citation. http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Search Engines Internet Movie Database – search within plot summaries. http://www.1057022 LivePlasma – A search engine for music and movies.com/ Raw Sugar – Refine a Web search by first choosing broad category tags such as health or education. http://www. http://www.krugle. Other engines that are searched include DmozKids.com/ Krugle – A search engine for developers. FactMonster.com/products/retrieva lware/ Scirus – Search for scientific information only. http://www. http://wwwqbic.com/ LitLinker . http://www.omgili. Yahooligans.merl.convera.com/ PubMed – Search engine for medical information.ncbi.com/ MediaFinder .koders.A search engine designed to index Web-based discussion forums. reviews. ArtKIDSRule.com/ Ithaki 4 KiDs – Helps users find the best sites just for kids by searching several other search engines for kids in real time. http://www.nlm. they include: A9 – Searches many different sources in addition to the Web. http://techsearch. as of this writing. http://www.searchedu. bookmarks.com/ SearchKing – Search for Internet communities on specific topics. http://www.edu/cgibin/zwang/regionsearch_show. http://www. and their relationships.edu/ Sound Spotter – Software that allows computers to listen for sounds and retrieve audio materials. http://www.com/ Simplicity – Stands for “Semantics-sensitive Integrated Matching for Picture Libraries. Known as “meta-search” engines.edu/dvmm/resear chProjects/MultimediaIndexing/WebSEEK/ WebSEEK.com/ Truveo – A search engine for video on the Web.ee.ee. http://www.psu. and tracks a user's search history. http://www.truveo. or federated searching. http://www.seekport.com/ TechSearch – A search engine specifically for technology topics.com/ VisualSEEk – A joint spatial-feature image search engine.htm WebSEEk – Web image/video search engine.ist.cgi SMEALSearch – Search for academic business literature.searchking.4 billion links.net ZoomInfo – A search engine for discovering people.columbia.xcavator.columbia.technorati.psu.com/ Technorati – Searches the “Blogosphere” and. companies.com 204 © 2006. http://www.com/ Meta-search engines: Some search engines collate search results from several different search engines.com SeekPort – Used to find items in Europe.columbia.edu/dvmm/resear chProjects/MultimediaIndexing/VideoQ/Vid eoQ.ee.A specialty search engine devoted to university and education related Web sites.cmp.nyu. http://www.cs.htm VideoQ – A fully automated object-oriented content-based video search engine. http://wang16. http://a9. Brandon Hall Research .Emerging e-Learning Technologies Search Engines SearchEdu .soundspotter.edu/ Xcavator – Uses visual clues provide by the user to identify and extract similar pictures from large groups of digital images. is tracking over 38 million sites and 2. http://nlp.” Content-based search engines for pictures. http://www. http://smealsearch1.edu/dvmm/resear chProjects/MultimediaIndexing/VisualSEEk /VisualSEEk.zoominfo. and notes.htm Voice searching – Proteus project at NYU. http://www. com provides reviews and links to several hundred search engines.com/ Search – A useful meta-search engine that allows exact phrase searching. classifieds.ithaki.com/ 205 © 2006.copernic.com/ Copernic – Uses 90 search engines grouped into 10 categories. is a valuable resource for researchers. and Web mail for the topic entered.dogpile.net/indexu. and links the clusters. http://www. jobs. http://www.kartoo.htm Ixquick – Searches many sources. produces a visual display of the clusters. maps/directions. http://www. games.zapmeta. http://www.ac. tickets.it/ Vivisimo – A quick meta-search engine that clusters the results. http://www-rocq.com/ Info – Searches reference works. movies.researchbuzz.com/ ZapMeta – A meta-search engine that allows the user to set preferences on how it works. news sources.com/ Kartoo – S search engine that clusters results. http://www.info.com/ Dogpile – Searches a number of different media with a variety of search engines. Brandon Hall Research . apartment rentals.com/ Ithaki – Software that allows meta-searching in at least 14 languages.uk/ SearchTools.ixquick. lottery results.com/ Research Buzz has been tracking search engine news since 1998 and.search. video. http://www. pictures. http://www. hotels. dating and personals. city guides. http://www. shopping sites. eBay. health information sources. http://vivisimo. http://www.fr/imedia/ Intute is a free online service created by a network of UK universities and partners.trovando. flights.inria.intute. white pages. audio. with speciallycreated national meta-searches of at least 15 countries. http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Search Engines Clusty – A clustering meta-search engine that groups similar items together and then puts them into separate folders. therefore. including a set of international telephone directories. weather. greeting cards. Eliminates duplicate entries and broken links. Subject specialists select and evaluate the Web sites in Intute's database and write high quality descriptions of the resources. http://clusty.com/ Trovando – A meta-search engine that allows users to specify which search engine(s) to use. http://www. yellow pages. http://www.searchtools.com/ Online Resources The main goal of the IMEDIA project is to develop content-based image indexing techniques and interactive search and retrieval methods for browsing large multimedia databases by content. Brandon Hall Research .netmasters.searchenginecolossus. Most search engines just look at “simple text” when analyzing the content of a Web site.gov/ http://www.uk/european_se arch_engines/ One effective way to improve search results is to limit the scope of the search and to employ techniques to look at the semantic meaning of changing structured data from dynamic Web pages.com/ The International Directory of Search Engines lists local search engines for 319 countries and territories. can be published on the user's site. http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Search Engines A comprehensive set of guidelines on the use of search engines is provided by Bolton University in the UK. With a fast growing network of stations monitored worldwide. the user's community has total control over the results.bolton.ucr.. is against the idea of federated searches. http://www. Finding information on the free World Wide Web: a specialty meta-search engine for the academic community.com/ Stephen Downes. Y. S.eurekster.tveyes.uk/features/searc hprojects Bibliography Aharoni. http://infomine. December. 10(12).uk/elab/guidelines/s earcheng. Find out why in this presentation: http://www.elearning.com/ Netmasters in the UK provides a country by country listing of search engines used in various European countries.citysearch.downes.firstmonday. For example. http://www. or topic .edu/ TVEyes makes Radio & TV searchable by keyword. (2005). http://swicki.html#top#top SearchEngineWatch is an online newsletter on search engine marketing. http://searchenginewatch.com/ FirstGov and GPO Access allow Web site searches of the US Government. http://www. http://www.ac. http://www. or swicki.ca/files/KnowledgeNet works. and Shoham. CitySearch provides up to the minute data on events happening in various US cities.ppt#263 This site lists search research initiatives including federated search projects being funded in Europe.just as a search engine is used for text. This search engine. TVEyes provides the technology and the content. Frank. See what is happening in New York at: http://newyork. a senior researcher with the National Research Council of Canada. Much of this information is hidden to ordinary search engines.org/issues/issue1 0_12/aharoni/index. http://firstgov.ac.co.gpoaccess. and it uses the wisdom of crowds to improve search results.com/ A swicki is new kind of search engine that allows anyone to create deep. Unlike other search engines.html 206 © 2006. First Monday. phrase. focused searches on topics they care about. Users can also browse by subject category.gov/ Infomine searches scholarly Internet resource collections. A. Emerging e-Learning Technologies Search Engines Battelle, John (2005). The Search: how Google and its rivals rewrote the rules of business and transformed our culture. New York: Portfolio. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/15918 40880/sr=81/qid=1146838091/ref=pd_bbs_1/1023258918-6488923?%5Fencoding=UTF8 De Pietro, O. and Apprato, F. (2004). Advanced Technologies for Contents Sharing, Exchanging, and Searching in e-Learning Systems. International Journal on e-Learning, July-Sept. 2004. http://www.editlib.org/index.cfm?fuseaction =Reader.ViewAbstract&paper_id=11427 DigiCULT (2004). Resource Discovery Technologies for the Heritage Sector, DigiCULT Thematic Report, No. 6., June. http://www.digicult.info/downloads/digicult_ thematic_issue_6_lores.pdf Ensor, Pat (2005). Tool Kit for the Expert Web Searcher. Online resource provided by the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA). http://www.ala.org/ala/lita/litaresources/to olkitforexpert/toolkitexpert.htm Ezzy, Ebrahim (2006). Search 2.0 vs. Traditional Search. Part 1. Read/Write Web, July 20, 2006. http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/sear ch_20_vs_tr.php Ezzy, Ebrahim (2006). Search 2.0 vs. Traditional Search. Part 2. Read/Write Web, July 25, 2006. http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/sear ch_20_vs_tr_1.php Geser, Guntram (2004). Resource Discovery - Position Paper: Putting the Users First. In Resource Discovery Technologies for the Heritage Sector, DigiCULT Thematic Report, No. 6., June 2004, 7-12. http://www.digicult.info/downloads/digicul t_thematic_issue_6_lores.pdf Gincel, Richard (2004). Refining enterprise search. InfoWorld, Oct. 15, 2004. http://www.infoworld.com/article/04/10/1 5/42FEsearch_1.html Heck, Mike (2004). Simple advice for complex search solutions. InfoWorld, Oct. 15, 2004. http://www.infoworld.com/article/04/10/1 5/42FEsearchcase_1.html Kumar, P., Kashyap, S., Mittal, A. and Gupta, S. (2005). A fully automatic question-answering system for intelligent search in e-learning documents. International Journal on E-Learning, 4(1), 149-166. http://dl.aace.org/16955 Low, B. and MacColl, J. (2005). Searching Heterogeneous e-Learning Resources. Paper presented to the DELOS2005 Digital Repositories: Interoperability and Common Services conference. http://homepages.ed.ac.uk/boon/delos20 05.pdf Murray, Corey (2005). ‘Intelligent’ tools lead to smarter searches. eSchool News, Oct. 3, 2005. http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/showS toryts.cfm?ArticleID=5898&page=2 207 © 2006, Brandon Hall Research Emerging e-Learning Technologies Search Engines Nielsen, Jakob (2003). Information foraging: why Google makes people leave your site faster. Jacob Nielsen’s Alertbox, June 30, 2003. http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20030630. html Porco, Carmine (2006). Search engines don’t suck, they’re just limited. Parts I and II. White paper, Prescient Digital Media. Part I: http://www.prescientdigital.com/Prescient_ Research/Articles/Search_Articles/Search_ Engines_Don_t_Suck__They_re_Just_Limite d_-_Part_I.htm Part II: http://www.prescientdigital.com/Prescient_ Research/Articles/Search_Articles/Search_ Engines_Don_t_Suck__They_re_Just_Limite d__Part_II__Well_Beyond_the_Search_Box.ht m Pratt, W. (2000). Dynamic Categorization: A Method for Decreasing Information Overload. Doctoral dissertation, Stanford University. http://www.ischool.washington.edu/iMed/P ublications/dissertation.pdf Schlenker, M., Mimkes, J. and Hilf, E. (2004). Dynamic Thesaurus and Dynamic Discovery of Distributed eLearning Materials. Paper presented to the EUNIS Conference, 2004. http://www.isnoldenburg.de/projects/engine/publikatione n/eunis04.pdf Sullivan, Danny (2004). Major Search Engines and Directories. SearchEngineWatch, April 28, 2004. http://searchenginewatch.com/links/articl e.php/2156221 Vaas, Lisa (2005). It’s Gada. Be the First Metasearch Engine Powered by RSS. eWeek.com, Oct. 10, 2005. http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1759,1 869408,00.asp Wyman, Bob (2005). When the Gray Web meets up with Structured Blogging and Prospective Search… As I May Think…, May 8, 2005. http://bobwyman.pubsub.com/main/2005 /05/mary_hodder_poi.html Do Not Reproduce 208 Emerging e-Learning Technologies Semantic Web Related terms Learning objects, metadata, microformats, ontologies, search, semantic grid, taxonomies, Web feeds Description The Semantic Web is a concept from Tim Berners-Lee, founder of the World Wide Web. Instead of simply finding items on the Web by locating their Universal Resource Locators (URLs), each piece of information is tagged with additional information that can be read by computers. This helps the computer program understand the meaning of the content it locates at each location. The two main technologies involved in the Semantic Web are the Resource Description Framework (RDF), and the OWL Web Ontology Language (OWL). The Semantic Web is now an initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the international organization that sets standards for the technologies underlying the World Wide Web (WWW). Berners-Lee remains involved with this initiative and works with the W3C from its headquarters at MIT, near Boston. In an article that identifies many of the problems involved with implementing elearning on the Web, Abbas et al. (2005) note that “historically, the Internet and the World Wide Web gave birth to the concepts of e-learning and collaborative knowledge sharing across the globe, but due to largely unplanned and unanticipated growth, are now falling short of earlier promises. Lack of machine readable content coupled with information overload has put strains into the traditional knowledge delivery model of WWW. The situation is especially serious in the e-learning domain where the success and usefulness directly correlates with the effectiveness of knowledge delivery in a dynamic setting.” There are many views on the potential of the semantic Web for resolving some of these problems, but it is important to realize that the semantic Web is an idea in development. It has both its advocates and its critics. One of the major criticisms of the semantic Web is that the meaning of raw information is always ambiguous and needs interpretation (Shirky, 2003). Like it or not, producing metadata always implies a particular worldview. Paul Ford (2003) refutes Shirky’s arguments, and Peter Van Dijck (2003) summarizes the arguments and the cast of characters in the debate. The major arguments for an educational semantic Web include the following: Better information storage and retrieval The use of agents Improved communications and collaboration Major points raised by skeptics of an educational semantic Web include: The idea of a semantic Web is complicated and difficult to implement A single unifying ontology under which all information can be classified is likely impossible Tagging content depends on voluntary labor In summary, the idea of the semantic Web is progressing, but it will not be in general use for some time. The Semantic Web is a concept from Tim Berners-Lee, founder of the World Wide Web. Instead of simply finding items on the Web by locating their Universal Resource Locators (URLs), each piece of information is tagged with additional information that can be read by computers. Do Not Reproduce 209 Emerging e-Learning Technologies Semantic Web Selected Examples In Europe, the ELENA project has employed a novel infrastructure and software solution using various semantic Web technologies. http://www.elenaproject.org/en/index.asp?p=1-1 IBM has developed an Integrated Ontology Development Toolkit (IODT) for creating ontologies to use with the semantic Web. http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/sem anticstk The Advanced Knowledge Technologies Web site at the University of Southampton in the UK uses ontologies for its ability to link various research resources. http://www.aktors.org/akt/ The Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo) at the Helsinki University of Technology researches machine-processable semantics. They also create prototype applications that demonstrate the new possibilities of semantic technologies, such as semantic portals for end-users, semantic infrastructural services, and ontologies and tools for creating semantic applications. http://www.seco.tkk.fi/ KAON is an open source ontology management infrastructure targeted for business applications. It includes a comprehensive tool suite allowing easy ontology creation and management and provides a framework for building ontologybased applications. http://kaon.semanticweb.org/ Edutella is an open source project that applies Semantic Web concepts. http://edutella.jxta.org/ The Personal Reader Project has developed a framework for designing, implementing, and maintaining personalized “Web Content Readers” using Semantic Web technologies. http://www.personalreader.de/html/ Online Resources Since the beginning of 2005, the International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems has been available from Idea Publishing. The first issue is free. http://www.ideagroup.com/downloads/samples/JSWIS.pdf A special issue of the Journal of Educational Technology and Society in 2004 focused on Ontologies and the Semantic Web for E-Learning. http://www.ifets.info/index.php?http://ww w.ifets.info/issues.php?id=25 The Journal of Interactive Media in Education also had a special issue on elearning and the Semantic Web in 2004. http://www-jime.open.ac.uk/2004/1/ AIM@SHAPE is a project funded by the European Commission to develop semantic based systems for describing and handling multi-dimensional objects on the Web. http://www.aimatshape.net/ One of the major criticisms of the semantic Web is that the meaning of raw information is always ambiguous and needs interpretation. Do Not Reproduce 210 Emerging e-Learning Technologies Semantic Web Abbas, Z., Umer, M., Odeh, M., McClatchey, R., Ali, A. and Ahmed, F. (2005). A Semantic Grid-based E-Learning Framework (SELF). Proceedings of the Cluster Computing and the Grid conference, May 9-12, 2005. http://arxiv.org/ftp/cs/papers/0502/05020 51.pdf Aguirre, S., Brantner, S., Huber, G., Markus, S., Miklos, Z., Mozo, A., Olmedilla, D., Salvachua, J., Simon, B., Sobernig, S., and Zillinger, T. (2005). Corner Stones of Semantic Interoperability Demonstrated in a Smart Space for Learning. Paper presented at the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2005), Greece, May 29 - June 1. http://jungla.dit.upm.es/~saguirre/publicati ons/eswc2005_elena_demo-v2005-0420_final.pdf Anderson, T. and Whitelock, D. (2004). The Educational Semantic Web: Visioning and Practicing the Future of Education: Journal of Interactive Media in Education, (1), Special Issue on the Educational Semantic Web. http://www-jime.open.ac.uk/2004/1/ Antoniou, G. and van Harmelen (2004). A Semantic Web Primer. Cambridge, MA: MIT. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/02620 12103/sr=81/qid=1148754663/ref=pd_bbs_1/1049143361-7575956?%5Fencoding=UTF8 Berners-Lee, Tim (2003). Forward. In Fensel, D., Wahlster, W., Lieberman, H. and Hendler, J. (Eds.) (2003). Spinning the Semantic Web: Bringing the World Wide Web to Its Full Potential. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, xi. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/02620 62321/sr=81/qid=1148755116/ref=pd_bbs_1/1049143361-7575956?%5Fencoding=UTF8 Berners-Lee, T., Hendler, J. and Lassila, O. (2001). The semantic web. Scientific American, May 2001. http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleI D=00048144-10D2-1C7084A9809EC588EF21 Butler, Mark (2005). Is the Semantic Web Hype? Hewlett-Packard Presentation. http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/marbut/i sTheSemanticWebHype.pdf Daconta, M., Obrst, L. and Smith, K. (2003). The Semantic Web: A Guide to the Future of XML, Web Services, and Knowledge Management. New York: Wiley. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/047 1432571/ref=pd_sim_b_3/104-91433617575956?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance& n=283155 De Roure, D., Jennings, N. and Shadbolt, N. (2001). Research Agenda for the Semantic Grid: a future e-science infrastructure. Report commissioned for EPSRC/DTI Core e-Science Programme. http://www.semanticgrid.org/v1.9/semgrid .pdf Doctorow, Cory (2001). Metacrap: putting the torch to seven straw-men of the metautopia. Online article. http://www.well.com/~doctorow/metacrap. htm Dorai, C., Mauthe, A., Nack, F., Rutledge, L., Sikora, T. and Zetti, H. (2002). Media Semantics: Who Needs It and Why? Proceedings of the tenth ACM international conference on Multimedia, Juan-les-Pins, France. http://homepages.cwi.nl/~media/publicati ons/nack-acm-panel-2002.pdf Do Not Reproduce 211 Emerging e-Learning Technologies Semantic Web Downes, Stephen (2005). Semantic Networks and Social Networks. Stephen’s Web, Oct. 10, 2005. http://www.downes.ca/cgibin/page.cgi?post=31624 Fensel, D., Wahlster, W., Lieberman, H. and Hendler, J. (Eds.) (2003). Spinning the Semantic Web: Bringing the World Wide Web to Its Full Potential. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0262 062321/sr=81/qid=1148755116/ref=pd_bbs_1/1049143361-7575956?%5Fencoding=UTF8 Ford, Paul (2003). A Response to Clay Shirky's “The Semantic Web, Syllogism, and Worldview”. Online article. http://www.ftrain.com/ContraShirky.html Haack, Phil (2006). A developer’s introduction to micro-formats. DevSource, May 27, 2006. http://www.devsource.com/article2/0,189 5,1961106,00.asp Hatem, M., Ramadan, H. and Neagu, D. (2005). E-Learning Based on Context Oriented Semantic Web. Journal of Computer Science, 1(4), 500-504. http://www.scipub.us/fulltext/jcs/jcs14500 -504.pdf Henze, Nicola (2005a). Interactive-Event: Personalized e-Learning Services for the Semantic Web. Paper presented at the 2005 AIED conference. http://www.kbs.unihannover.de/Arbeiten/Publikationen/2005 /ie_aied05.pdf Henze, Nicola (2005b). Personalization Services for e-Learning in the Semantic Web. Paper presented to the 2nd International Workshop on Adaptive Systems for Web-Based Education: Tools and reusability (WASWBE'05) at AIED'05, 18-22 July 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. http://www.kbs.unihannover.de/Arbeiten/Publikationen/2005 /waswbe05.pdf Kraan, Wilbert (2005). From RDF to Topic Maps and back again. CETIS Online article. http://www.cetis.ac.uk/content2/2005042 1195933/printArticle Lytras, M. and Naeve, A. (Eds.) (2005). Intelligent Learning Infrastructure for Knowledge Intensive Organizations: A Semantic Web Perspective. Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1591 405033/sr=84/qid=1155437833/ref=sr_1_4/1041348092-4859103?ie=UTF8 Matthews, Brian (2005). Semantic Web Technologies. JISC Technology and Standards Watch Research Report. http://www.jisc.ac.uk/uploaded_document s/jisctsw_05_02bpdf.pdf Nilsson, M., Palmer, M. and Naeve, A. (2001). Semantic Web Metadata for eLearning - Some Architectural Guidelines. Proceedings of the 2nd European WebBased Learning Environment Conference (WBLE), Lund, Sweden, Oct. 2001. http://www2002.org/CDROM/alternate/74 4/ Do Not Reproduce 212 John (2004). Woukeu. M. Marketing Profs.org/conferences/2005/1st elegi/session2/paper12. Schmitz. http://www.pdf Updegrove.pdf Sampson. http://www.ifets. G.info/journals/7_4/5. H. (2004). Lytras..asp?source=/5/updegrove1. The Semantic Web.ac. Semantic Grid based e-Learning using the Knowledge Life Cycle.unikarlsruhe. Wagner. and Studer. F.amazon. The Semantic Aspects of eLearning: Using the Knowledge Life Cycle to Manage Semantics for Grid and Service Oriented Systems.pdf Tao.. Journal of Educational Technology & Society. Bootstrapping the semantic Web: Tim Berners-Lee's quest to give the Web meaning receives aid from unexpected quarters. D. WP3 Deliverable 3: A Grid Service Framework for Self e-Learning Networks. Millard. L. K. 26-28. (2004). http://www.. Syllogism. Davis. CT: Manning. G. P. Andy (2005). Semantic Resource Management for the Web: An ELearning Application. http://www. A. S. Millard. A New Vision From the Inventor of the World Wide Web: An Interview With Tim Berners-Lee. 2004. http://wwwsop. New York.pdf Samaras.inria.de/~sst/Research/Publications/W ebNet2001eLearningintheSemanticWeb.ac. R.pdf Tane. http://ewic. E. August 2.com/gp/product/19323 94206/sr=83/qid=1148754663/ref=pd_bbs_3/1049143361-7575956?%5Fencoding=UTF8 Razmerita.pdf Tao.bbk..org/proceedings/docs/2p 1. Paper presented at the first ELEGI conference.com/article/04/12/0 3/49OPstrategic_1. Proceedings of the WWW2004 Conference. Explorer’s Guide to the Semantic Web.. G. USA.. F.infoworld.html Do Not Reproduce 213 .asp Udell. and Christodoulou. 2003.dcs. and Worldview. Ontology based User Modeling for Personalization of Grid Learning Services.shirky.marketingprofs. (2004). 7 (4). and Stumme.bcs. Report on the Self e-Learning Networks (SeLeNe) Project. A. http://www. New York. C. Paper presented at the WebNet 2001 Conference.uk/10742/01/I CALT_SW-EL_workshop_submit. and Gouarderes. Paper presented at the GLS conference. H. and Woukeu. (2003). (2001).Razmeri ta/PublicationsWeb/GLSGridLast.soton. http://www. eLearning based on the Semantic Web.com/login/sign up.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Semantic Web Passin.. http://www2004.. December 3. L.fr/acacia/personnel/Liana. (2005).com/writings/semantic_sy llogism. Networks. (2005). Thomas (2004). Staab. D. J.uk/selene/reports/D el3.. D. Nov. 2004. InfoWorld. http://eprints.pdf Shirky.html Stojanovic. May 17–22. 2005. http://www. and Diaz. Clay (2003).ecs. Economics and Culture. Paper presented at the 2005 ICALT Conference. Ontologies and the Semantic Web for E-learning. G.aifb. Karenos. 7. and Davis. Greenwich. and the Semantic Web. http://www. January 17.ac. Semantic Web. 2003. Who said that? Metadata. Scott (2002). http://www.uk/elearning/ story/0.com/ease/semantic/ Weinberger. B. L. David (2002). The semantic web: a touch of intelligence for the internet? Guardian Unlimited. 2002. Online article.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Semantic Web Van Dijck.org/2001/sw Do Not Reproduce 214 .981948. Scott (2005).guardian.w3. http://education.10577. Scott’s Workblog. Themes and metaphors in the semantic web discussion. 2005. Course Definitions in XML/RDF: first steps. June 14.com/read/swiftkick /column.ac.co. http://poorbuthappy. Online article. Peter (2003).darwinmag. June 21.cetis. Darwin. CETIS Online article. http://www.uk/content/20020514 171444/printArticle Wilson. The Semantic Argument Web: what really scares me. http://www.cetis.00.html?ArticleID=421 Williamson.html Wilson. (2003). and Miller.uk/members/scott/blo gview?entry=20050117180353 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) (2001). trust. http://www. http://www. http://cave. games. participants will be motivated to evaluate. It is an innovative solution to showing global visualizations.icherubini. role-playing.uiuc. It was decommissioned in 2005. See a variety of such projects at: http://www.insead.insead.edu/ Advanced Simulations of Organizational Dynamics are experiential learning systems exploiting technologies such as multimedia or virtual reality to accelerate the understanding and learning of organizational processes. entitled Emerging E-Learning: New Approaches to Delivering Engaging Online Learning Content (Brandon Hall Research. 2005). Educational simulations involve learning through experience or what Linser and Ip (2002) call dynamic goal-based learning.ncsa. http://www arcscience com/omni htm Another spherical display system is the Science on a Sphere project from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). especially ones set by themselves. “The idea is that in attempting to achieve game goals. Now in this report I look at the tools available for developing simulations.edu/?pagename=L 2C The use of educational simulations is currently the hottest trend in e-learning. “Simulation has emerged as a fast-growing segment of the elearning market. i.noaa.e.edu/?pagename=P rojects The L2C (Learning to Collaborate) project provides the opportunity to address and significantly advance the state-of-the-art (both theory and practice) in educational simulations.” Selected Examples Need a spherical display to show a simulation? Consider using OmniGlobe from ARC Science Simulations. microworlds. learn. reviewed simulations as an online content format.calt. http://sos.calt. in a dynamic and reflexive environment. (2003) present a prototype learning environment for children to create their own knowledge about multivariate systems.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Simulation Tools Related terms Experiential learning. but information about it remains on the Web.gov/ Winters et al.pdf The CAVE is an immersive virtual reality facility designed for exploring and interacting with spatially engaging environments. a strategy that leverages the experience and motivation of participants trying to reach a goal. scenarios Description The use of educational simulations is currently the hottest trend in e-learning. and exercise the necessary skills required to be successful in order to reach these goals and in the process acquire the knowledge and understanding needed. This virtual world was linked to a tabletop–sized physical dome in which children experimented with environmental parameters affecting plant growth. Do Not Reproduce 215 . one which continuously emerges from the impact of their own actions.” My first report in this series.it/mauro/publications/Cherubini _Winters_Strohecker_chi03_mc. According to High (2004). http://www.ht ml The education center on computational science and engineering at San Diego State University has a Web site of 3-D simulations for geoscience education. see which simulation tools are used by meteorological researchers to try to improve weather forecasting.geo.html The Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering at the San Diego State University has a site on “Interactive 3D Modelling” using the Geowall. and murmurs.edcenter. html Muzzy Lane Software of Newburyport.edu/harvey_about. http://www.med. http://www. Mass.calt. Doctors in training can examine the Harvey just like any other patient.edu/geowall/ind ex. breathing. Do Not Reproduce 216 .edu/hardware/Geo Wall/index.calt.sdsu. http://www. http://crme.edu/ http://um3d." the first offering in a planned series of computer programs called "Making History.noaa.berkeley.net/celestia/index.dc. with many examples to try.edcenter. http://www.edu/?pagename=V ERDI The EdComNet Project is an educational communal network that acts as a portal for practicing better citizenship and decisionmaking skills. http://www. It runs on Windows.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Simulation Tools CHANGEMASTERS provides e-learning simulations that put users in role-playing situations where they can develop their skills in interacting with others. heart sounds.edu/?pagename=C hangeMasters The EIS Simulation Project is a computerbased multimedia business simulation involving implement ing organizational change.. and Mac OS X. However.calt. pulse rate.insead.insead.sdsu." http://www. http://geowall.gov/ Educational simulations involve learning through experience or dynamic goalbased learning.umich.lsa.umich. has issued "The Calm and The Storm. Linux.insead.miami. http://thinkertools.html ThinkerTools is a set of online conceptual tools that enable children 11-12 to experience and play with physics.edu/?pagename=E dComNet The GeoWall is a new projection technology that uses stereo sound and fast computers to simulate many different environments.edu/geowall/ Celestia is a free space simulation that lets users explore the universe in three dimensions.com/company/ At the Earth System Research Laboratory. they are only available for Macintosh computers.insead.shatters.calt.edu/ Harvey is a life-sized manikin used as a cardiology patient simulator.making-history.soe. http://www. Harvey simulates nearly any cardiac disease at the touch of a button by varying blood pressure.fsl. http://www.edu/?pagename=EI S%20Simulation The VERDI Project (Virtual Environment for Real time Distributed applications over the Internet) is a 3-D multi-user change management business simulation that uses a satellite network. asp Knowledge Quest .ISLE .KnowledgePresenter Simulator .knowledgequest.DazzlerMax – Build simulations with programming.Firefly Simulation Records a sequence of actions performed within an application.biographix.com/products/captivate/ Adobe – Macromedia Flash – Create animations and videos that play in any browser.stt-global.Forio Broadcast – Web simulation authoring software at three pricing levels.ExpertAuthor – With the built-in software simulation tool.Records all on-screen actions and instantly creates an interactive Flash simulation.maxit.com/ Knowledge Planet . A guide’s voice prompts the employee.com/ Knowledge Director – LearningDirector Template-based game and content development software used to create Flash animations and highly interactive content at the click of a mouse.ht m Intermezzon .com Software for authoring simulations: Access Technologies Group – Simentor Character images respond with facial expressions and body language. http://www. http://www.com/products/flash/flash pro/ Assisma .Visual Course Builder – Build simulations using templates without learning any programming.com/izeng/ Kaplan IT Learning .com/ Experience Builders LLC – Experience Builder – Build online role-playing simulations with this tool.Intermezzon Designer – Simulation authoring that allows users to reuse previous work. http://www.adobe. http://www.Has an instructional agent that interacts with a knowledge base. http://www. http://www.knowledgepresenter.experiencebuilders.assima.STT Trainer – Build simulations and assessments with documentation and help files. http://www. create courses specifically on using computer software. go to: http://www.com/ Forio .com/ MaxIT . Integrates with many media types.com/broadcastoverview.com/product s/firefly.com/ MaxIT .com/ Kookaburra Studios . http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Simulation Tools Simulations are available that illustrate the dynamics of the complexity of living things.com/ Adobe – Macromedia Captivate .Wizard Training Suite – Web cloning engine for building simulations. http://www.adobe.intermezzon.forio. http://www.virtualfishtank.knowledgeplanet.atghome.Create live screen movies by capt actions at up to 25 frames a second.net/ Biographix . http://www. to play in a virtual fishtank.maxit. For example. http://www. http://www.com/ Do Not Reproduce 217 . without programming knowledge. http://www. http://www.knowledge-director. com/ Reusable Objects . http://www.com/3dTraining. develop one simulation for multiple delivery modes.uk/eclipse/Resources/si mulation.jsp Percepsys – SIMSTUDIO – Use this authoring system to build 3-D scenarios with multiple paths.it/mauro/projects/biosphera/the sis/ Elliot Masie.com/ Stottler Henke – SimBionic – Drag-and-drop authoring of complex simulations are possible with this authoring tool.qarbon.icherubini.reusableobjects.htm Want to learn about space missions? What about trying the virtual space center control room modeled on the Houston Space Control Center? http://www. http://www.com/products/ TEDS – SimCorder – Record applications and then author simulations with this software. http://www.edu/eet/articles/mededuc ation/index. http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Simulation Tools NexLearn – SimWriter – Use this authoring tool to build social simulations that are scenario based.nexlearn. http://www.com/learnland/ Do Not Reproduce 218 .learning2005.CONSTRUCT Roleplaying Engine .elearningcentre.xstreamsoftware. http://www.com/ Online Resources on Simulations The e-Learning Centre in the UK maintains a list of articles on “simulations in elearning.com/products/sim.htm The Encyclopedia of Educational Technology contains descriptions of educational technologies in medicine.sdsu. including simulations. http://www. http://www.com/product_r pe.htm StageCast – Creator – A simulation authoring tool specifically designed for use by children.” http://www. which can then be used to build simulations.virtualcontrolroom.htm Qarbon – ViewletCam – Captures screens and screen actions. a well-known e-learning consultant and speaker.teds.outstart.stagecast.percepsys.org/ Mauro Cherubini wrote a Masters thesis on microworlds for children to learn about biology. http://www. http://www. http://www.stottlerhenke.co. http://coe.com Outstart – SoftSim – With this software.Develop interactive role-playing scenarios using a graphical interface without any programming knowledge required.com/portal/index. has built a virtual environment for simulations called LearnLand.htm XStream – RapidBuilder – An interactive Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) content and animation authoring system that can be used to build graphical simulations. bc. Paper presented at the fourth International Joint Conference Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2005). Mazloumian. A.. J. Clark (2004). Clark (2005). M. Learning by Doing: a comprehensive guide to simulations. computer games. http://www. Sept. html Bibliography Aldrich. http://www. http://www.org/2004/jun2 004/bersin. Making the most of software simulations. (2004).htm Aldrich. http://www. September.eschoolnews.ft. http://www.science. UTEternity’s Team Description : Layered Learning in RoboCup Rescue Simulation.htm High.pdf Cherubini. How playing power drives lessons home. Paper presented at Robocup conference. Financial Times. Utrecht. http://www.learningcircuits.asp?articleid=382&zoneid=29 Bitaghsir. http://www. 12. Simjour. A. (2002).learningcircuits.pdf DeVries. Less is More: Agent-Based Simulation as a Powerful Learning Tool in Materials Science. Rasmussen. Character simulations make e-learning come alive.org/2004/sep 2004/estabrook. Holland. June.. Jennifer (2004).amazon. The promise of online simulations.clomedia.ca/Libraryfiles/main/Find /Links/Simulation_Training. 4. Taghiyareh. http://www.. Bjorn (2004).com/Learning-DoingComprehensive-SimulationsEducational/dp/0787977357/sr=82/qid=1157039788/ref=pd_bbs_2/1048461686-1018359?ie=UTF8 Billhardt. and Bostan.learningcircuits.. Med students practice on ‘virtual patients’. In Interaction Design and Children. 2002. Learning Circuits.org/research/l ibrary/Cherubini_Digital_2002. 2004.com/content/template s/clo_feature. F.com/paulo/document s/papers/BliksteinWilensky-LessIsMoreAAMAS2005. p.htm The Learning and Skills Research Centre in the UK has an extensive list of research projects on simulation and gaming.uk/ccs/elearn/resources. 2004.cfm?ArticleID=5212 Estabrook. October 2004. Gash. DigitalSeed: An interactive toy for children’s explorations of plant growth and life cycles.html Do Not Reproduce 219 .htm eSchool News (2004). Kamau (2004).medialabeurope. Learning Circuits. and McCloughlin. San Francisco: Pfieffer. A. Chief Learning Officer. P. eSchool News.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Simulation Tools The Justice Institute of British Columbia has a Web site that lists simulation resources. http://www.com/news/showS tory. and pedagogy and elearning and other educational experiences. http://www. 8. Feb.org/2004/oct20 04/aldrich. Aug.com/cms/s/6020572800f2-11d9-9d96-00000e2511c8. H.. T. Shannon (2004). http://www.blikstein.uva. http://www.nl/~arnoud/researc h/roboresc/robocup2004/tdps-RescueSimulation-2004/21. U. International Workshop. (2005).bbk. and Wilensky.ac. B. 2004. Six criteria of an educational simulation. Learning Circuits.jibc.PDF Blikstein. simplay.. (2003). Aaron (2005). and Ip.org/printfriendly/print/V8/31/turkle-s. A. Florida. http://www. J.pdf Tjaden.ncassr. 17.pdf Swaak. Online paper at: http://lsm. Learning Circuits.dei. http://www. Fort Lauderdale.case studies.org/multicast/p apers/sobeihTR04. Online report. & de Jong.it/mauro/publications/Cherubini _Winters_Strohecker_chi03_mc. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. http://www. The SimAgent TOOLKIT -. L. Incorporating Bounded Model Checking in Network Simulation: Theory. C.html Sobeih. (2002).prospect.protonmedia.html Winters. T. and Strohecker. http://www. Viswanathan. Biosphera: a prototype design for learning about multivariate systems.ht m Sloman. 8(31). In Association for Computing Machinery. White paper commissioned by protonMEDIA LLC. M. M. A. (2001).net/papers/ELearning. and Hou.pdf Do Not Reproduce 220 ... Cherubini.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Simulation Tools Karrer. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.org/Journal/Oct_04/article02. Discovery simulations and the assessment of intuitive knowledge. (2001). Technologies for Interactive Real-Time Simulation of the Doctor’s Office Drug-Sales Process. N. Laser. 1997.org/2001/sep2 001/karrer.html Linser. Paper presented at “E-Learn 2002”.for Philosophers and Engineers.learningcircuits. 1(10). AACE conference. Montréal. (2004). USA. Simulation levels in software training.icherubini. and Sund Martin. A. Computer simulations in distance education. Beyond the current e-learning paradigm: applications of role-play simulations (RPS) . July. A. R. Mar. The American Prospect. Les (2004). http://www. Technical Report UIUCDCS-R-2004-2466.html Lunce. CHI2003 Learning Workshop proceedings. September...pt/ribie/docfiles/txt2003 7291013Discovery%20simulations. Seeing through computers: education in a culture of simulation.uc.pdf Turkle.projects. October 15-19. Sherry (1997).uk/research/projec ts/poplog/packages/simagent. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. http://itdl.. April.cs. Implementation and Evaluation. October. http://www.-Apr. J.com/protonMEDI A_white_paper.bham. 284-294.ac. Gary (2003). Department of Computer Science. http://www. especially in museums and for outdoor education. according to their application: EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) systems Portable data capture systems Networked systems Positioning systems Educational applications of RFID technologies are on the rise. see the American Library Association Web site on the opposition to the misuse of RFID tags.ala. symbology tags Description Smart tags and labels refer to a variety of technologies that allow mobile devices to read information from different points in an environment.cfm&ContentID=77689 Smart tags and labels refer to a variety of technologies that allow mobile devices to read information from different points in an environment. While controversial. Three types of smart tags and labels can be identified: Optical codes such as barcodes and symbology tags Infrared tags Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags (flat. infrared (IR) tags. http://www. Do Not Reproduce 221 . especially for tagging retail items in stores. The major concern with using smart tags and labels is a perceived threat to privacy. some schools use RFID tags to keep track of the location of students for security purposes. They are physically durable and not susceptible to damage from dirt. therefore.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Smart Labels and Tags Related terms Barcodes. this technology is built into many of today’s laptop computers and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs). Infrared tags use the infrared frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum to transmit data to a reader.. this older technology is being supplanted by newer technologies. RFID systems may be roughly divided into four groups.org/Template. while passive RFID tags rely on radio frequency energy transferred from the reader to the tag. grease. Active RFID tags use an internal power source within the tag to continuously power the tag.cfm?Section= ifissues&Template=/ContentManagement/ ContentDisplay. For a full discussion of this issue. They are programmable and. 2005). which transmits over short distances. Symbology tags are scrambled markings that can be read by special readers that are used in cell phones in Japan (Osawa et al. optical tags. or water. RFID technology is developing rapidly. Consumers use RFID readers or “smart carts” to gather information such as the latest price from an item’s RFID tag. ultra-thin RFID tags are usually called smart labels) While most people are familiar with barcodes and barcode readers. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. Smart tags and labels may be considered like an intelligent barcode replacement with the following advantages: They do not require line of sight or close proximity to the reader to be read. easily changed. ViewAbstract&paper_id=2 x. James (2006). P. Are book tags a threat? Christian Science Monitor obiles/m02. K. (2005) presented how outdoor symbology tags. (2003) discuss “Smart Tags and Labels” in their review of this technology in museums and other cultural sites.. http://www.com/2004/1005/p Aparna Ramchandran wrote a thesis on a Plant Scanner that allowed children to use 17s01-legn.asp?id=1222 Ross et al. http://www. http://www. (2004).com/default .aace.cfm?fus http://www. http://www.checkpointsystems.com/article/06/04/1 3/77019_16FErfidsoft_1..edu/index.msu. 2004. June 27.org/newdl/inde infrared tags eaction=Reader.org/newdl/index.pdf Online Resources For the latest developments in RFID technologies and their uses. symbology tags.. K. G. T..open. Oct..iu. Osawa. A. N.html?s=feature RFID technology is developing rapidly.uk/projects/prolearn/m Heining. see the online journal RFIDNews and RFIDOperations. http://uitspress. Noda.infoworld. Noma.csmonitor. Shibuya. awareness using RFID and 2-dimensional 276-283.com/monthly/articl e. Infoworld.edu/102605_meal. using both infrared (IR) and radio frequency identification (RFID) tags and handheld devices. (Eds.info/downloads/twr200 3_01_low. (2005).pdf awareness using RFID and two-dimensional Osawa et al.aace. Next-gen RFID tools expand the market. C...rfidnews. A.ViewAbstract&pa 0093 per_id=20093 Do Not Reproduce 222 .Emerging e-Learning Technologies Smart Labels and Tags Selected Examples Checkpoint Systems offers RFID solutions for a large number of industries: http://www. http://www. http://www. Ando.iu. Proceedings of EDeducation can be enhanced by locationMedia 2005: Montreal. & Richards.html a PDA connecting to RFID tags to obtain more information about a particular plant.edu/~ramchan1/pda/ArrT Y. The RFID computer interface was developed by Pervasive Technology Labs at Indiana University.” RFID tags are part of their work on “physical object interfaces. describes the increasing use of RFID tags in toys to increase interactivity and realism.” http://vis.html The Pervasive Technology Lab at Indiana University does research on “visualization and interactive spaces.shtml?prim=lab_ove rview Andrew Robinton. S. & Kondo. Outdoor education by locationhesisFinal.). in a 2005 online article.aspx?page=epcrfid The Ruth Lilly Health Education Center (RLHEC) has students studying nutrition by picking up food models and placing them on a cafeteria tray. http://cnm.digicult. April 13.toydirectory. 2005. especially for tagging retail items in stores.html (Online).org/ Bibliography Borck. Prolearn has developed “Treasure Hunt” types of games for learning.. and Case. Tsukagoshi. http://www.ac.cfm?fuseaction=Reader. In Kommers. 5. http://www. adoption and innovation.asp?id=1222 Ross. S. Aparna (2004). http://www.org/persagen/DLAbsT oc. van Kranenburg. H. http://www. and Yano. Ogata. Towards a New Digital Library Infrastructure with RFID for Mobile ELearning.. Masters Thesis. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education (WMTE’ 05).66 Ward. Plant Scanner: a handheld PDA using RFID tags for child visitors to the Michigan 4-H Children’s Garden. and Dobreva.msu. (2006). http://www.digicult.jisc. http://www. 2004. Proceedings.pdf Do Not Reproduce 223 . M.com/monthly/article . Corey (2004). Michigan State University.pdf Robinton..jsp?resourcePath=/dl/proceedings/&toc= comp/proceedings/wmte/2005/2385/00/2 385toc.toydirectory. R. (2005). R. 4(3)..ac.1109/WMTE. 261-263. M.org/news/showstor y. standards. eSchool News Online. M. and Backhouse.info/downloads/twr2003 _01_low.2005. JISC Technology and Standards Watch Report. DIGICULT: new technologies for the cultural and scientific heritage sector..eschoolnews.pdf Salcedo.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Smart Labels and Tags Murray. Controversial radio ID tags keep track of students.cfm?ArticleID=4813 Ramchandran. Y. March. RFID: frequency.uk/uploaded_document s/TSW0602. Andrew (2005). http://csdl2. RFID Technology Creeps into the Toy Box. (2003). January 1.edu/~ramchan1/pda/ArrTh esisFinal.xml&DOI=10.computer. Donnelly. Technology Watch Report 1. TD Monthly. G. taxonomies Description Social bookmarking refers to the practice of users posting materials to the Internet and adding tags and labels that identify the content of the materials they have posted. search.us Web site (http://del. no matter their location or timing. the ability to create multiauthored bookmark pages can be useful for team projects. can learn from their professor’s discoveries. Flickr allows users to post photographs and put tags on them. the practice of user-created tagging can offer new perspectives on one’s research. Social bookmarking refers to the practice of users posting materials to the Internet and adding tags and labels that identify the content of the materials they have posted. in turn. much of it educational in the informal sense of the term. Fourth. Fifth. printouts. For instance.icio. metadata. so it may take some time before being accepted by the educational/training community.us) post their favorite Web sites. while users of the del. faculty. Students. The result is something called a tag cloud. social bookmarking does not fit the traditional methods of teaching and learning. Second. as each member can upload resources discovered.First. scattered across different browser bookmark settings. Third. finding people with related interests can magnify one’s work by learning from others or by leading to new collaborations. a visualization of what users as a group think is important. and books.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Social Bookmarking Related terms Folksonomy. which could play well in a classroom setting as an instructor tracks students’ progress. as clusters of tags reveal patterns (or absences) not immediately visible by examining one of several URLs. For example. Different Web sites specialize in different kinds of media. they act as an “outboard memory.” However. The body of metadata that is built up through social bookmarking by large numbers of people is sometimes referred to as a "folksonomy" in that there is no central authority approving the descriptions that have been posted to the Web. There is software to collate and display the main categories and to show the relative frequency of various terms. As of April 2006. Flickr held over 100 million images. Do Not Reproduce 224 .icio. following a bookmark site gives insights into the owner’s (or owners’) research. or distributed in emails. How can social bookmarking play a role in education? Alexander (2006) suggests the following: “Pedagogical applications stem from their affordance of collaborative information discovery. staff) can quickly set up a social bookmarking page for their personal and/or professional inquiries…. and Web links. ontologies. music. researchers at all levels (students.” a location to store links that might be lost to time. Tagging can then surface individual perspectives within the collective. tagging. All of this activity adds up to a collaboratively generated open-ended labeling system for Web content. blinklist. http://www.com/archives/beta_up date/index. http://del.Browse the Web and save any page with a single-click.icio.html Feedmarker – Feedmarker is a free.com Clipmarks .com/ Blinklist .com/ Eventful – Lists events that are happening in a community and tries to match users up with others who are going to events.A technology news Web site that combines social bookmarking.com/ Ask MetaFilter – A knowledge sharing site where users can post questions and share answers.furl. share their stories.43things. http://flickr.org/ Consumating . and to share them.net/ CiteULike . users can see what others are Blinking. http://blogmarks. They can save references. which are then posted to a user's Web site from Blink. blogging. Also. http://www. share references with colleagues. Blink also provides tools to sort.icio. and non-hierarchical editorial control. rather than allow an editor to decide which stories go on the homepage. music. but. http://www. They can then share these bookmarks with others and browse related topics.com/ Del. http://www. and organize the academic papers they are reading. sort.digg. connect with others.citeulike. search. store.org/ Connotea – A free online reference management system for clinicians and scientists. and share photos with others. and search for a specific user's Blinks.net/ …social bookmarking does not fit the traditional methods of teaching and learning. http://www. With digg. search others’ references. and/or books and find them again.A new way to find and connect with people who share hobbies and interests. http://consumating. the users decide.Get a button to “blink” interesting Web sites. or check out what everyone wants to do. Webbased RSS/Atom aggregator with bookmarks and tagging. RSS.com/ Flickr – Store.com/ BlogMarks – A collaborative link management project based on sharing and keyword tagging in a blog format. http://www. http://www. so it may take some time before being accepted by the educational/ training community. describe. http://www.A social bookmarking Web site that allows users to keep their favorite Web sites. Also retrieve it easily. Do Not Reproduce 225 . users submit stories for review.A free service to help academics share.us . http://blog.com/ Furl .connotea.metafilter. http://ask.eventful.clipmarks.A tool that lets users clip and save pieces of Web pages.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Social Bookmarking Selected Examples 43Things – Users can write down up to 43 things they wants to do.us/ Digg . get inspired.feedmarker. http://jots. http://www.northwestern.rojo.eu/products/networ k_menus.linkroll.simpy.Linkroll is a free link blogging service that allows users to store links to blogs and share them with others.html Linkroll .gnolia.A social search engine that also allows users who are searching for the same things to contact each other.memeorandum.A project to build a Web-based system for media annotation and collaboration for teaching and learning and scholarly applications. http://www. http://www.com/ Magnolia . similar to Digg.com/ Network Menus – Manage Web bookmarks by placing them within a menu structure.com/ Simpy – Search tags.netvouz. http://www. http://www.com/ Smugmug – A site for storing and tagging digital photographs. http://www. http://www.A Web site that allows users to both easily store their favorite bookmarks online and find new Web sites based on what other people have suggested.search.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Social Bookmarking Jookster . http://www. http://www.A free.pageflakes.com/ Project Pad . updated in near real time.com/today/ Shadows – A link sharing Web site based on social tagging.netscape.A collaborative bookmarking system that allows users to store.com/ Netvouz – Create pages of favorite Web bookmarks and then decide to keep them private or make them public. and discover relevant links.edu/ppad2 /index. http://www.html PageFlakes – Allows users to put all Web bookmarks from different sources on one page. Tags can be shared or kept private. and a "personal Virtual Private Network" capability to securely connect Kaboodle-enabled LANs together across the Internet. or enter new items and tag them.yahoo. http://ma. based on what is happening in the news media. open source Internet application that provides a complete visualization of a user's LAN.com/support MemeOrandum – This site generates a news summary every five minutes. http://www.com/ Jots .spurl. http://projectpad. share.org/news. http://www. http://myweb2.com/ Spurl – Store interesting Web sites and bookmark them.smugmug.html Rojo – An RSS feed reader based on adding tags to information.shadows.net/ Do Not Reproduce 226 .kaboodle.com/ MyWeb – Save bookmarked Web pages and share them with others.jookster.com/ Kaboodle .networkltd. http://www.com/ Netscape – This venerable brand has become a social bookmarking site. com/ Unalog – See what other people are reading on the Web.com/ Online Resources Jon Udell. with contributions from users. http://swik.pdf The Quick Online Tips Web site has hundreds of links to tools to manage social bookmarking with del.quickonlinetips. a technology columnist for InfoWorld.html http://tagsonomy. If a city is not there.wink.quickonlinetips. http://unalog. and social bookmarking.A. Flickr.Gathers content from popular Web services and publishes them in one convenient place. http://upcoming.yelp.html http://atomiq.” http://www.com/ Upcoming – An events calendar by place.com/studio/ Tagzania – Add geographical locations to documents and tag them with keywords. tags.icio.com/udell/gems/d elicious. has an audio presentation online about how tagging works with del.com/writings/ontology_overra ted.us.com/index. allowing them to be divided into sections and to be searched.html Clay Shirky regularly debates the usefulness of ontologies. Follow the thread in the following four postings: http://shirky.html http://www.peterme.org/archives/2005/08/ontol ogy_is_overrated_followup.com Wists – A social shopping site.com/archives/00055 8. http://www.com/ Zvents – Events calendar for particular cities. http://www.quickonlinetips. http://tabblo. http://weblog. http://www. and Digg.suprglu.php/semistructured-meta-data-has-a-posse-aresponse-to-gene-smith/ EDUCAUSE has published a brochure entitled “7 things you should know about…Social Bookmarking.A project to help people collaboratively document open-source software by using tags and notes.com/archives/ 2005/09/complete-digg-tools-collection/ Do Not Reproduce 227 .icio.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Social Bookmarking Suprglu .zvents.com/ SWiK . http://www. This site then displays a map of the location of the posted items.tagzania.infoworld. and share it with others.wists.org/ Veotag – Place tags within video or audio clips.veotag.educause. http://www. Post what a user is buying or what is on his wish list.net/SWiK Tabblo – Put photos and words together to tell story.us. http://www.com/ Yelp – Find out what is happening in different cities around the U.com/archives/ 2005/02/absolutely-delicious-completetools-collection/ http://www.S. anyone can start a directory of events for their own town. http://www.com/archives/ 2005/03/great-flickr-tools-collection/ http://www.edu/ir/library/pdf/E LI7001. http://www.com/ Wink – A social searching engine based on tags entered by users. 20. Jan.. (2005). Folksonomies and Social Bookmarking” as well as “Sharing Photographs and other Still Imagery. D-Lib Magazine.html Lawley. B.com. Keynote address.now/2006/05/tag_youre_delicious.pdf Gurber. Brandon Hall Research . HP Labs Report. 2005..shtml Golder. M. April 2005.ht ml Mejias.cfm?x=0&rid=7172 Bibliography Alexander. Liz (2005). S. Folksonomies Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata.289142.ascc. B.com/research/idl/paper s/tags/tags. http://www. http://www. 2006. J. Shamus (2006). and Hannay. How to build on bubble-up folksonomies..org/archives/2005/ 09/how_to_build_on_bubbleup_folksonomi es.” http://magazines. and Huberman.pdf 228 © 2006.Social Bookmarking WWWTools for Education has a page of resources on “Tags. T. http://dlib. Social consequences of social tagging. T.sid19_gci1195182. (2005). http://many.00. Social Bookmarking Tools (I): a general review.plasticbag. Plasticbag.hpl. 2006.adammathes.com/archives/2005/0 1/20/social_consequences_of_social_tagg ing. Many2Many. Web 2. 2. 41(2).. Tom.com/ideant/files/me jias_dtd. Distributed Textual Discourse: A New Approach to Online Discourse. Hannay. B.pbs. Tag – You’re Delicious! PBS TeacherSource.net/dlib/april05/h ammond/04hammond.org/writing/ontology-offolksonomy. First on-Line conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR'05).org. and Scott. 11(4). (2005).com/originalCo ntent/0. Social Bookmarking: pushing collaboration to the edge.edu/apps/er/erm06/ erm0621. June 21.com/academic/c omputer-mediatedcommunication/folksonomies.ejournal. http://www.corante. Hammond. http://ideant.org/teachersource/learning .php Lund. (2005).com/wwwtools/m /7172. http://www.html Coates.org/dlib/april05/lund/04lu nd. D-Lib Magazine. http://www. http://www. April 2005.html McGillicuddy. 11(4).fasfind. Tom (2005). http://tomgruber.asp?bhcp=1 Carvin. Andy (2006).htm Hammond..html Mathes. Flack.com/wwwtools/m /6350. May 5.educause.techtarget. The Structure of Collaborative Tagging Systems.fasfind. Social bookmarking tools (II): a case study – Connotea. March/April 2006. Online paper. Bryan (2006). T. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Instructional Technology Institute Conference at Utah State University. Ulises (2004). Lund. Ontology of Folksonomy: A Mash-up of Apples and Oranges. 2005. T. SearchCIO. Sept..0: a new wave of innovation for teaching and learning? EDUCAUSE Review.hp. Adam (2004). http://searchcio.typepad.dlib.cfm?x=0&rid=6350 http://magazines. Ulises (2005). 2.html Udell. Aug. Ideant. Tag mania sweeps the Web. The New School of Ontologies. Tags vs. August 20.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Social Bookmarking Mejias. July 20. http://www. Jon (2005).com/ideant/2005/05 /facilitating_th. http://ideant.edu/~mote/papers/Folksono my.typepad. Online Paper. 2005.com/article/05/07/20 /30OPstrategic_1. Nicholas (2004). http://www. 2005. InfoWorld. 2004. http://www. Collaborative knowledge gardening. 2005.pdf Richardson.html Do Not Reproduce 229 . Will (2005). Jon (2004). Trusted Sources. Webblogg-ed. http://www.infoworld.com/article/04/08/20 /34OPstrategic_1. May 20.weblogged. Facilitating the social annotation and commentary of Web pages. InfoWorld.html Mote.com/2005/08/02#a3841 Udell.infoworld.isi. ” that is. classmate location sites Sites for linking of trusted friends. dating sites. family. genealogical boards Collaboration software for working on joint projects Competitive and/or cooperative gaming sites Social networks require what Hammond et.) Experience Sharing (blogs.com.com. communities of practice. They identify five broad classes of social software: Communication (IM. e-mail. Now in this report I look at the tools available for developing social networks. reviewed social networking as an online content format.) Social networking is one of the major advantages of e-learning when compared with traditional classroom based learning. connected by one or more relations Networks Whole configuration of lines and actors Result from the combined set of actors and ties Social networking is a process that can result in many different kinds of learning. (2005) call an “architecture of participation. etc. text messaging (SMS) Sharing software: Blogs. online personals such as Match. etc.icio. shared links.al. My first report in this series.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Social Networking Related terms Collaboration. shared link libraries such as del. social software.us. teambased or free-for-all First Person Shooters. Haythommthwaite (2005) characterized social networks as having the following components: Actors Nodes in the network Interact and maintain relations with each other Relations Lines in the network Connect actors in specific kinds of interaction and joint experience Ties Lines between actors Exist between actors. Social networking using computer technologies takes a number of forms: Communications software: Instant messaging. online versions of traditional games such as Chess & Checkers. SMS.) Discovery of Old and New Contacts (Classmates. Friendster. an infrastructure that supports and gives life to online communications and collaboration. e-mail.) Relationship Management (Orkut. peer-to-peer sharing software Discovery of previous and new contacts: Online personals. Do Not Reproduce 230 . etc) Collaborative or Competitive Gaming (MMORPGs. 2005). photo sharing sites. entitled Emerging E-Learning: New Approaches to Delivering Engaging Online Learning Content (Brandon Hall Research. photo albums. Web feeds Description Social networking is one of the major advantages of e-learning when compared with traditional classroom based learning. social networking sites such as Friendster. and acquaintances: Friend of a friend sites. tagging. etc. etc. ” http://www. in associations. http://www.faceparty. workplaces.com CodeVille – A site that allows programmers and developers to share code and merge algorithms.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Social Networking Selected Examples We need to distinguish between social networking sites and social networking analysis (SNA) software. photos.livejournal. http://www. and the military.html Last.com/ Facebook – An online directory consisting of networks. Social Networking Sites Classmates – Connects friends and acquaintances from school.myspace.An online community that connects people through a network of trusted friends. Facebook has networks for colleges. which is then open to other readers.com Open Diary – Anyone can keep a diary on this site.codeville. and within “communities of interest. and files and then make them available to others.my-diary. high schools. http://www. http://www. http://www.com/ ESnips – Add Web snippets and links.com/ Orkut . or as a social network. documents.com/ Live Journal .fm/ LinkIn – Develop a social network with this software.friendster.org/ MySpace – Set up a personal space on this Web site and then search for others with similar interests. which are groups of people who can see each others' profiles. http://www.” this site seems to be aimed at youth over age 16.com/ Friendster – Build a network of friends on this site. http://www.orkut.LiveJournal can be used in many different ways: as a private journal. Share it with others if desired. work.com Social networking is a process that can result in many different kinds of learning. http://www. The sites are places to meet people with common interests. List who a person knows and find out who others know. https://www.classmates. https://www. Do Not Reproduce 231 .com/introNetwor ks.fm – A place to listen to music online and to meet others with similar tastes. http://www.esnips.intronetworks.com/ My Diary – Keep a diary on the Web at this site.facebook. http://www.com/ introNetworks – Software for connecting people with each other at events.diaryland.com/signin/index. video.last. http://www. audio. http://www. and geographic regions.org/ Diaryland – Registered users can each keep a diary on this Web site and share it with others with the same interests.linkedin. as a blog. while SNA software analyzes and displays representations of actual social networks.jsp Face Party – Billed as “the biggest party on earth. Features photographs of members and ways to connect and communicate.freeopendiary. upload photos. http://www.html Org. coupled with NetDraw.html To see the relationships among all the highjackers during 9/11.orgnet. Columbia University.xanga. can produce detailed graphs of social relationships.spartasocialnetworks.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/ shows/knew/etc/connect.com/inflow3. It costs several thousand dollars.html NetMiner is designed for exploratory visual analysis.pbs.com/ Xanga – A site devoted to online diaries and journals.com/index.com/reg/sample.html 232 © 2006. http://jnthweb.orgnet.com/splash Sparta Networks – Set up a private social network to support an online community using this company's tools. http://www. see the JNthWeb Wiki.analytictech. http://www.Social Networking Platial – A site to create social maps. Users share their writings and meet each other. http://www. http://www. Brandon Hall Research . with a way to annotate the world as you move through it. http://360.S.htm Online Resources For a review of a variety of types of social software. which includes telephone-based support of social network analyses run by the user. NetMiner draws an interactive picture highlighting them.net and the list of related articles using social network analysis.com For an example of the use of social networking analysis.” http://www.com/ Stumble Upon – Discover Web sites a user likes by looking at the recommendations of others online. http://ideant. with a very steep learning curve that can easily discourage novices. see the PBS map “Connecting the Dots: How Al Qaeda's global network slowly came into focus for U.analytictech. http://www. intelligence (1993-2001).typepad. It is a comprehensive system designed by academics for academics.net licenses the InFlow set of software tools for social and organizational network analysis. http://platial. http://www.com/ucinet. If a user asks for the key players in an organization.com/hijackers. and rate local restaurants and businesses – then share with friends online.pbwiki.orgnet. check out the map at org.html UCINET 6 is inexpensive social network analysis software that.com/ideant/2005/0 8/syllabus_for_gr.com/ Yahoo 360 – Create an online blog or journal.html Social Networking Analysis Software UCINET is the most popular and fullfeatured system for social network analysis. http://www.com/index.com/SocialSoftware The syllabus for a graduate course on social software at Teacher’s College. http://www.stumbleupon.netminer.yahoo. This software produces great graphs of social networks.htm InFlow is targeted at businesspeople who only want to see the most important and basic social network analyses. 13. Knowledge Networks and Communities of Practice. http://www.org/ A free introductory text and major bibliography on “social network methods” by Robert Hanneman and Mark Riddle.ucr.html Social Network Analysis Instructional Web Site has many downloadable items and links to similar sites.jsp SocioSite: Networks.htm The Social Software Wiki has many materials on social networking.cgi For a comprehensive listing of social networking sites.usemod.uk/eclipse/Resources/soci al.elsevier. Tracing the Evolution of Social Software. OD Practitioner.org. http://www.com/cgibin/mb. 4CFEAD99-8731-11D7-9D4E00508B44AB3A/articleid. Groups..wikipedia.org/2005/11/28/h ello-world/ Anklam. http://www1. Terry (2005). http://faculty. Virtual Canuck.odnetwork. http://www2.kmmagazine.co..htm Do Not Reproduce 233 .analytictech. but.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Social Networking The International Network for Social Network Analysis has resources on social network analysis.com/xq/asp/sid. Patti (2003).org/wiki/List_of_social _networking_websites Social software report from FutureLab. and Social Interaction contains many links to conceptual analyses of the Web.pdf Bibliography Allee. May 2003.html Allen. Social Capital & Social Software” by William Davies. http://www. http://www. http://www. Verna (2004).uk/download/pdf s/research/opening_education/Social_Soft ware_report.org/odponline/vol3 2n4/knowledgenets.sht The e-Learning Centre in the UK maintains a list of social software. 2004. see the list in Wikipedia.elearningcentre.fmg. 2005. Christopher (2004).com/homepage/sae/s on/menu.socialtext. KM and the Social Network. Knowledge Management Magazine. 28. Educational Social Overlay Networks. http://terrya. http://www.com/networks/ Social Networks is a multidisciplinary scholarly journal on social networking.net/ssa/index.com/researc h/isociety/social_capital_contents. 32(4). Life with Alacrity. http://www.edublogs. Oct.com/2004/10/t racing_the_evo. Nov.lifewithalacrity.F79B4E317854-4B6A-9202164FB18672D3/qx/display. http://www.html Anderson.insna.nl/sociosite/topics/int eraction. http://en.edu/~hanneman/nettext/ Another free textbook on social software entitled “You Don't Know Me. http://www.theworkfoundation.futurelab.pl?SocialSoftware The Social Software Alliance is a group dedicated to all aspects of social networking. http://www.uva. ca/files/osn. Dead Already? PC World. Social Capital & Social Software. You Don't Know Me.. 14. but. (2005). MA: Harvard Business School Press.analytictech. The Semantic Social Network. and Weiss. Business Networking Systems. R.hbsp. OLDaily. The Hidden Power of Social Networks.com/mr/hbsp. The Work Foundation. and Prusak. A. Linked: The New Science of Networks.edu/b02/en/common/item_detail.htm Davies.cgi?db=post&q=crdate=1076791 198&format=full Downes. Liedtka.j sp?doi=10. Stowe (2003b). L. California Management Review. Vol. No. http://www. Feb. http://harvardbusinessonline. Christian (2006). 2. S.1 648185. Emergent Learning: social networks and learning networks.. Are you ready for social software? Darwin. The Barriers of Content and Context. Borgatti.hbsp.edu/b02/en/common/item_detail. L. Stephen (2004). June 2002. Feb. A. Harvard Business Review.pdf Cross. 11.pcmag. Perseus Publishing. January 2004. http://www.html Boyd. R.html Dvorak. William (2003).1225/R0503H Cross.com/read/090103/ social. (2002). Stephen’s Web. Making Invisible Work Visible: Using Social Network Analysis to Support Strategic Collaboration.html Boyd.jhtml?id =2705 Cross. and Parker.darwinmag. http://www. Social software: e-learning beyond learning management systems. May 2003. http://doi. (2002).com/read/010104/ context. European Journal of Open. Distance and E-Learning.. (2002). J. March 2005. (2004). A Practical Guide to Social Networks.html Cross. Research Report.com/resear ch/isociety/social_capital_main.downes. L. R. http://harvardbusinessonline.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Social Networking Barabási..harvard . 2004 http://www.org/materials/contrib/2 006/Christian_Dalsgaard. http://www..eurodl. Cambridge. Stephen (2005). http://www. Harvard Business Review. http://www.asp Do Not Reproduce 234 . 44. September 2003.harvard .amazon. September 20. Winter 2002. http://www. 2005.jsp Downes.ca/cgibin/page. Cambridge.com/read/050103/ social. and Parker.00.jhtml?id =R0206G Dalsgaard. A. R. The People Who Make Organizations Go—or Stop. Cracking the social code.darwinmag.com/article2/0.contentdirections. Stowe (2003a).downes. John (2004).com/gp/product/0452 284392/sr=81/qid=1149214637/ref=pd_bbs_1/1040312434-8042331?%5Fencoding=UTF8 Boyd. Darwin. July 12. http://www.com/borgatti/pape rs/borgatti%20%20making%20invisible%20work%20visibl e. http://www. Darwin. MA. Stowe (2004).darwinmag.theworkfoundation.1759. July 14.htm Kleiner. Lanham.wun.ac.htm http://www. L. Social software in action (No real software required). and Riddle. (2004). Social Network Methods and Measures for Examining E-Learning.pdf Kaplan-Leiserson. K.. D.html Do Not Reproduce 235 .com/0002007/2005/0 7/14. 2006. Research Report. CA: University of California. R. M. M.futurelab.netform. 2005. No.ed. Karen Stephenson’s Quantum Theory of Trust. and Facer..ucr. CogDogBlog. S.amazon. Malcolm. (Eds. David (2005a).net/AugmentedSocial Network. Feb. http://www. Brown. 21.learningcircuits.uk/elearning/seminars/s eminars/seminar_two/papers/haythornthwai te. Bristol. Oliver. Zucker. Learning and Flexibility: Sourcing Scientific Knowledge in New Biotechnology Firms. MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers http://informationr. http://faculty. http://www. Institute for Social Science Research.pdf Levine. L. and Foster. (2001). http://www.org/cgi/viewconte nt.com/2006/02/21/socia l-software-in-action-no-real-softwarerequired/ Liebeskind. Presentation in the WUN/ESRC Seminar Series.salon. Introduction to Social Network Methods. Social Network Analysis: introduction and resources. (2003). First Monday.pdf Pollard. J. Sayers. K..uk/download/pdf s/research/opening_education/Social_Soft ware_report. Research Report. 8(8). http://asn. Social Software and Learning. Allan (2006).h tml (Review) Gladwell. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference. (2005).. Social Networks. Art (2003). http://lrs. Online paper.cdlib. New York: Little.planetwork. April 15.pdf Jordan. (2006). http://cogdogblog.org. Grant. UK: Futurelab. S.. Eva (2003).uiuc. Caroline (2005).. A.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Social Networking Feenberg. Dec. How to Save the World Blog. Hauser. 15.learningcircuits.org/2003/dec 2003/kaplan. Ulrike. Booz-Allen’s strategy+business. http://repositories.com/gp/product/03163 46624/104-03124348042331?v=glance&n=283155 Gretzel. Riverside. The augmented social network: building identity and trust into the next-generation Internet.net/ir/reviews/revs163. 29.edu/~hanneman/ Haythomwaite.). WeLearning: Social Software and E-Learning.com/html/s+b%20arti cle. A. and Brewer (1994). Community in the digital age: Philosophy and practice. http://www. (Online book). Southhampton. (2000). August. Seven Principles of Social Networking.cgi?article=1003&context=issr Owen. 2005. http://blogs.org/2004/jan2 004/kaplan2. (in 2 parts) http://www. & Barney.edu/TSEportal/analysis/social-network-analysis/ Hanneman. Learning Circuits. J. com/0002007/2005/1 1/02. Van de Vijver. G.asp Wood. 11.com/0002007/2005/0 8/11. G. Luis M. Social software and the politics of groups. 341-358. In: S. David (2005c). and Raefali S.h tml. and M. Six degrees of “who cares?” PCMagazine (Online). Draft paper online.indiana.net/csessums/weblog/13748.salon. Molly (2005). CNET. http://www.com/writings/group_poli tics.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Social Networking Pollard. 23. Clay (2003). http://elgg. Nov. D.Organization.edu/rocha/ises.com/article2/0. Jan. http://blogs. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Learning and Computing. (2004). Rescuing social networking.org/2005/nov2 005/seimens. Clay Shirky’s Writings about the Internet. http://www. Creation of a learning landscape: weblogging and social networking in the context of e-portfolios. March 9.html Pollard.pcmag.). 9(9). May 5.org/issues/issue9_ 9/ravid/ Rocha. 2. B.html Pollard. Scott.cnet. http://blogs. CA: Sage Publications. 2005.html Ravid. Nov.ht ml Sessums. http://www.html Siemens.org/papers/Learning_landsca pe. Delpos (eds. 2006. Social network analysis: what to map. and Werdmuller. June 2. 8. Asynchronous Discussion Groups as Small World and Scale Free Networks.net/csessums/weblog/6238. Social Software presentation.htm Tosh. George (2005).1895. Christopher (2006a). How to Save the World Blog.pdf Ulanoff. Five reasons social networking doesn’t work. David (2005d).salon. http://eradc. Connectivism: learning as network creation. Thousand Oaks. Learning Circuits. Selected SelfOrganization and the Semiotics of Evolutionary Systems.html Do Not Reproduce 236 .com/0002007/2005/0 6/16.h tml Shirky. The social networking landscape.learningcircuits. http://www. http://www. 2003.salon.shirky. Christopher (2006b).com/booksProdDesc.firstmonday. http://informatics. http://elgg. How to Save the World Blog. Evolutionary Systems: The Biological and Epistemological Perspectives on Selection and Self. http://blogs.com/4520-6033_16240543-1. First Monday. Lance (2005). (1998). Elgg: Community Learning Space.sagepub. 2005. 2005. September. Aug. pp. David (2005b). 2006. Teaching. http://www. How to Save the World Blog. (2005). Salthe. 2005. Aug. 2005.00.n av?prodId=Book209124 Sessums. June 16. Synthesizing Social Software: Working the Wide Web. John (2000).1 842806. Social Network Analysis. 11.hp. and microphones that allows two groups of up to six people to hold a live meeting in two separate locations. It is not surprising that a two-year study of 169 Internet users found that they were more isolated and depressed at the end of the study than when they started (cited by Dreyfus.hp.html In spite of a growing research literature on the phenomenon of “telepresence” in networked environments. and shout over each other to try to be heard. presence. http://www. are also available. In spite of a growing research literature on the phenomenon of “telepresence” in networked environments. including the following: Telemanipulation devices and telerobotics with live interaction Haptic telesensation Telementoring and Teleteaching Selected Examples The Halo Collaboration Studio is a system of carefully placed plasma televisions. and subscribing to changes in the presence information (e. 2001). share files and documents. such as remotely operated vehicles (ROV). "Always on" videoconferencing lets users find colleagues online and convene real-time meetings. Telepresence systems have three essential sub-systems: a home site with technology that interfaces with the local user.” but other more elaborate technologies. just like during a real meeting.com/hpinfo/newsroom/feat ure_stories/2005/05halotale. most online learning environments are bereft of anything representing the bodily features of teachers or fellow learners. transparent telepresence Description The Internet is a form of technology that can separate humans from each other or can bring them together. "online" or "offline") of other users. another person while communicating via the Web. as if they were in the same room. Halo allows meeting participants to make eye contact. a communication link between the home site and a remote site.g. retrieving.. 2001. Conceived by Dreamworks as a response to travel concerns after the terrorist attacks of Sept. A person generally responds better to another person if they have more sensory contact that reveals the humanity of the other person. That is the theory behind telepresence applications. In 2000.com/halo/index. and remote site technology that interfaces with the communication link and the person at the remote site. cameras. When it is fully successful. presentation tools. Presence information lets users change their location and have phone calls and emails follow them. the Internet Society’s Network Working Group suggested that presence “is a means for finding. This category of software is designed to reveal the human characteristics of. There are several subcategories in the field of telepresence. and the sense of contact with. Do Not Reproduce 237 .” The most commonly used presence technology today is “instant messaging. most online learning environments are bereft of anything representing the bodily features of teachers or fellow learners. the experience is like another person at a remote location being fully present in the live real world location.html http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Telepresence Technologies Related terms Instant messaging. live. and remote site technology that interfaces with the communication link and the person at the remote site.ebuddy. http://www. The goal of the Transparent Telepresence Research Group (TTRG) at the University of Strathclyde is to produce the world's first telepresence system where the technology is totally transparent to the user.open.ht ml http://www. http://www.yahoo. ad-free alternative to consumer instant messaging services. http://messenger. http://www.es/teledrive/ Tele-Immersion technology is designed to enable users in different locations to collaborate as if they were in the same room.ac.uk/ind ex.com/ Telepresence systems have three essential sub-systems: a home site with technology that interfaces with the local user. plus the ability to hook up a Webcam and chat with a video feed between computers. http://telepresence.ibm. and other software that enhances a sense of being at a remote location. MacOS X.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Telepresence Technologies KMi Stadium is the generic label for a suite of activities and software tools that have been evolving since mid-1995 at the UK Open University's Knowledge Media Institute.com/messenger/overview Yahoo Messenger – Instant messaging software with voice chat.' http://cnm. http://www. secure.org/teleimmersion. BSD. html Do Not Reproduce 238 . in every sense.org/ Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN Messenger) – All the main features of instant messaging software. with controls and video screens that show the remote environment.com Instant Messaging Tools: AOL AIM – The instant messaging software from America Online.php IBM Lotus Sametime – Enterprise instant messaging and conferencing software. http://www-142.com/ eBuddy – A site listing all the major instant messaging tools. Their tag line is “Simultaneous Presence. This would enable the user to experience being fully present.percro.ac.nsf/wdocs/home page GAIM – Gaim is a multi-protocol instant messaging (IM) client for Linux.org/ Teledrive is a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) that produces the feeling of “being there” for the driver. http://www. http://laimuz.uk/projects/stadium/ Fakespace has the world’s first fully immersive visualization system.advanced.net/ Jabber – An open." http://www. http://get. Telepresence and Virtual Presence. The driver sits in a box. the CAVE.com/index.unizar. at a physically remote real world site.dmem.advanced.jabber.htm PERCRO is an Italian group with a variety of telepresence projects. and Windows.aim. http://gaim.com/software/swlotus/products/product3.org/teleimmersion2. The common goal of these activities is to stage large-scale live events and on-demand-replays while giving remote participants anywhere on the Internet a sense of 'being there. a communication link between the home site and a remote site.fakespace.strath.sourceforge. London: Routledge.. Do Not Reproduce 239 .Emerging e-Learning Technologies Telepresence Technologies Online Resources Virtual-Presence. January 2005. MA: MIT Press. Abbott. Sept.) ACS 2000 Proceedings. Banff. Naeve. F. C.acs. Davide. Ken (Ed. Instant Messaging/Presence Protocol Requirements. DigiCULT: core technologies for the cultural and scientific heritage sector. The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet.digicult. Cambridge. (2005). (Eds. A.pdf Fontana.no/at/nmm/enlund. http://www2.berkeley. as well as news.html Goldberg. Nils (2000).) (2000). 44-49. The site contains an extensive bibliography on the topic.65 064-0. Network Working Group (2000). (Eds.com/gp/product/04152 28077/104-03124348042331?v=glance&n=283155 Enlund. Dobreva. and descriptions of systems for virtual presence. McHugh.) (2003). D. http://cid.. and Pejas.. Online memo. A. http://www.pdf Knudsen. effects and measurements of user presence in synthetic environments. John (2004). L. J. June 1..nada. 6. G.com/gp/product/158 6033018/104-03124348042331?v=glance&n=283155 Ross. In Soldek.info/downloads/TWR3lowres. and Naeve. Network World. M. Regina (2004). Wired News.html Riva. and IJsselsteijn. Alberta.amazon.. Presence Production in a Distributed Shared Virtual Environment for Exploring Mathematics. J. Presence applications poised for takeoff. C. Video Mediated Communication: producing a sense of presence between individuals in a shared virtual reality. DigiCult Technology Watch Report 3. http://www.org/rfc/rfc2779. W.ietf.virtual-presence.. Keynote address at the ISEC conference. http://www.wired. http://www.com/news/culture/0. the experience is like another person at a remote location being fully present in the live real world location.txt Knudsen.amazon. (2001).org is dedicated to all aspects of virtual presence. Donnelly.networkworld. Calgary. (2002). http://kmr. history.se/papers/TelePresen ce/CJKPresenceProd. Amsterdam: IOS Press.kth.pdf Lynn. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Computer Systems (ACS 2001).ieor. M.nada. http://www.kth. On the Internet.edu/~goldberg/art/ tele/ Internet Society. Ins and outs of teledildonics. A. 2002.com/news/2004/ 090604specialfocus. Being There: Concepts. A. http://www.org Bibliography Dreyfus.hig. The production of presence – distance techniques in education. http://www. and Handberg.se/pdf/CID-206. http://www. September 24. 2004.pdf When it is fully successful. Hubert (2001). and Rusbridge. S. Emerging e-Learning Technologies Telepresence Technologies Sponberg.infoworld. H. 28. H.com/article/05/01/ 28/05OPstrategic_1. http://www. Jan.modes. C. Knudsen. et al. InfoWorld. In Hoyer.) The Future of Learning – Learning for the future: Shaping the Transition. Jon (2005). (Eds. L. New learning modes in the production of presence – distance technique for education..Learning. http://www.org/docum ents/Sponberg.pdf Udell.html Do Not Reproduce 240 . (2001). When time-shifting and telepresence collide.swedishlearninglab. and Handberg. Germany: Hagen. Video. IPTV introduces a level of flexibility compared to traditional broadcasting. videocasting. Video is used everywhere in television and is common on the Internet. video blogging. Now in this report I look at the tools available for developing educational video and IPTV. in all its formats. Video is used everywhere in television and is common on the Internet. Video blogging has become common. vlog Description Video. screencasting. streaming video. IPTV. vodcasting. My first report in this series. Examples of the services IPTV can offer include the following: Unlimited channels of digital TV and music Personal video recording (PVR) Pay-per-view Caller ID on screen Video-on-demand (VOD) VOD by subscription (SVOD) E-mail Internet. PDAs. is an essential part of learning in today’s world. is an essential part of learning in today’s world. A new version of television. games Tax payment Information services Shopping Interactive Advertising E-learning Atwere and Bates (2003) say that the technology needs sufficient flexibility to address the following pedagogical considerations: How to turn a passive viewer into an active learner How to make learning opportunities more accessible in the home How to bridge the gap between ‘edutainment’ and ‘engaged learning’ How to integrate learning support systems (human and electronic) to enable engaged learning within a TV-based learning environment The types of interactivity needed to enhance the learning experience through interactive digital TV (interaction through a return channel) Despite the high quality of many productions. Internet Protocol Television (IPTV). Once video goes on the Internet. in all its formats. making videos can be an engaging and empowering form of education (Goldfarb. tlearning. telepresence. entitled Emerging ELearning: New Approaches to Delivering Engaging Online Learning Content (Brandon Hall Research. bandwidth becomes an issue. amateur and professional video cameras. the largest Internet telephone service. and video publishing and peer-to-peer sharing of videos are the norm. However. even a video plug-in for Skype. 2005). It is usually necessary to keep the video window small and have just acceptable image quality to accommodate the huge files sizes needed by digital video (although quality is rapidly improving). 2002). television. is emerging as a strong competitor to broadcast and cable television. Do Not Reproduce 241 . educational broadcasting has generally failed to have a major impact on the quality of learning experiences in schools. Video is coming at us from all sides – from Webcams.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Video and IPTV Related terms Internet television. cell phones. reviewed video as an online content format. BT.apple.com/itunes/videos/ The Participatory Culture Foundation released its “Democracy Internet TV Platform.htm Google Video contains amateur videos as well as offerings from the major television networks. the Internet telephone service.uk/index. low bandwidth video stream.medialogic. recently launched its own entertainment division to send video content over phone lines. DFILM launched the MovieMaker. http://www. Selected Examples Media Logic’s iSee communications technology enables organizations to deliver live audio.htm According to Axor Corporation of Argentina. http://www.rocketboom. http://www.brightcove.com/extra/video_t ools/ Video is coming at us from all sides – from Webcams. As the following examples show. see Rocketboom.com.ar/iptv_en. video. even a video plug-in for Skype.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Video and IPTV Further.on2. See samples at: http://www. and data services increases the profits by subscriber. according to Foroohar (2006).dmeurope. Britain's largest telecom firm. a Spanish specialist in software applications for video communication solutions and remote team-working in real time.google.com/default. http://participatoryculture. there is a lot of movement in the field of online video.com/ Brightcove allows users to publish and syndicate video content to the Web.rocketboom. In spite of the limitations.html Dialcom Networks. employees. and maintains loyalty. voice.co.com/index_about. http://video.” which allows uploading of videos to its Web site.com The Rocketboom creators describe all the hardware and software tools needed to produce their program.asp?Art icleID=8104 On2 Technologies produces advanced video compression tools that give great results on the Web. although new tagging technologies may soon solve this problem. sending television over the Web (IPTV) is already big in Japan and gaining steam in the rest of the world. and multimedia content to customers. http://www. with IPTV. video on the Internet is not readily searchable. cell phones.com For an example of a video blog. PDAs. improves the satisfaction of the client.org/ In 1999. amateur and professional video cameras. http://www. a three-minute videoblog. which allowed users to create a short animated cartoon on a Web site and email it to friends. http://www.com Do Not Reproduce 242 . has launched a plug-in providing high-quality video capabilities for Skype. the largest Internet telephone service. Recently Google signed a deal with MTV to offer music video clips as part of Google Ads. http://www.dfilm. the “triple play” of video.axor. It is still going strong at: http://www. or students through a high quality. Apple’s iTunes site is a major distributor of downloadable video for playback on an iPod or a computer screen. Internet companies like Google and Yahoo are developing video search engines. with a great potential to impact e-learning in the near future. partners. com/pressreleas es.addictingclips. http://vpb.co.com/seeds/index.ourmedia.” Users can upload video clips for free.com/ Online Resources “Multimedia Seeds” is a Web site devoted to audio. https://www.html The e-Learning Centre in the UK supplies a major listing of online resources for educational uses of streaming media. http://www.veotag. and divide them into chapters or segments. http://www. cellular. http://www. See examples at: http://www. http://eduscapes. read “Ten video sharing services compared. http://www.org/ Google has started to digitize historically significant video from the National Archives of the USA.org is the site for BitTorrent developers to meet and work on future developments of this open source protocol.concord.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Video and IPTV Addicting Clips allows a user to upload a video clip for sharing with others. http://www.” http://www.org Ourmedia calls itself a “global home for grassroots media.com Do Not Reproduce 243 . For example. users can tag their own videos and post them to the Web.bittorrent.spider.php BitTorrent is popular peer-to-peer video sharing software. video. tag them. desktop.com/ veotag allows users to upload videos. and visual resources.navy.org/ At YouTube.veoh. See the current selection at: http://video.mil/index.com/nara. whether dial-up.xstreamengine.uk/eclipse/Resources/st reaminglearning.hpc.elearningcentre. or set-top box. http://www.com/ The XstreamEngine2 from Winnov is the only encoding solution on the market to process up to eight distinct video inputs in a single unit and then simultaneously stream multiformat broadcasts in real time at various bit rates to thousands of users at the most optimized resolution for their device.google. http://www.htm The US Navy’s Human Performance Center Web site has an extensive listing of resources on digital video. PDA. http://www.dvguru.cfm ?RID=TTE_OT_1000021 DV Guru offers advice on all aspects of digital video.bittorrent. plus see thousands of video clips posted by others.html VideoPaper Builder 3 is a multimedia creation tool for users of any level of technology skills.com/2006/04/07/tenvideo-sharing-services-compared/ or http://dvguru.youtube.com/ BitTorrent.com/ Veoh allows individuals to broadcast their own television shows on the Internet or watch video posted by others. masternewmedia. Pradeep (2004).cfm?articleid=1519 Bibliography Atwere. http://www. http://www.” Subtopics include video and streaming media.iptv-industry. by alphabet.com Knowledge@Wharton has an article entitled “Online Video: the market is hot. termed “mobile television.org/doing/media.” http://www.ht m EDUCAUSE has published a brochure entitled “7 things you should know about…Videoblogging.elearnspace.streamingmedia. www.masternewmedia.com/article. D. P.pdf Bardia.” http://knowledge.htm The Robin Good blog (by Luigi Canali De Rossi) also has an article on using video taken with cell phones. (2003).uk/tlearning/contents.uk/files/pdf/1443. Peter (2003).edu/articl e.lsda.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Video and IPTV The Robin Good blog (by Luigi Canali De Rossi) has a recent set of resources and interviews on audio and video file distribution with BitTorrent.com/webconf/video. through the Prodigem peer-to-peer content site. Online article at: http://www.co.htm A third useful article from the Robin Good Blog on the impact of changes in television and streaming video is entitled “Watch TV Stations From The World Around: Online TV Player.org/mobile_te levision/mobile_television_trends/mobile_t elevision_coming_20051019.mefeedia. but business models are fuzzy.edu/ir/library/pdf/EL I7005.” http://www.com David Woolley collects and posts links on videoconferencing on his Web site.as p?id=8954&c=6 Bates.educause. htm Mefeedia is a no frills portal devoted to video blogger feeds. http://www. and by tags. http://www.masternewmedia.A study into TV-based interactive learning to the home: Final Report. Interactive TV: a learning platform with potential.” http://www.org/news/20 05/03/26/watch_tv_stations_from_the.thinkofit.wharton. which users can submit.pdf The IPTV Industry blog has vast resources on this topic. t-learning Study .ht m The elearnspace blog by George Siemens has a page devoted to “Media. http://www.org/video/vid eo_publishing/video_distribution_via_p2p_ online_service_Prodigem_20050706. and Bates.pjb.upenn. The site already contains nearly 6.htm Do Not Reproduce 244 . Industry Perspectives: emerging video apps need programmability and flexibility.500 vlogs organized by popularity. London: Learning and Skills Development Agency. http://www.org. April 26. P.campustechnology. Nov. Rana (2005). What’s the real future of video? Business Communications Review.pdf Klass.org/news/200 5/12/01/beyond_wimax_wibro_coming.uk/isd/lwt/clickgo/t Media Cultures in and beyond the Classroom.bcr.asp?id=7769 Meng. 2005. Streaming Media in Higher Education: Possibilities and Pitfalls.com/adcinstitute on both Desktop and Handheld Devices. 7.ac. http://www. 1. NC: Duke University. 2. Brian (2002). UK: JISC Click and Go Video Project. S. C. discussions and Curtis. Mon.cfm?fusea . Wi-Bro: XMax Goes The Distance.networkingpipeline. and Young. Beyond WiMax: Wi-Bro Coming. http://edmarketing.umist.org/newdl/index. Online paper. http://www1. Podcasting and VODcasting: definitions. Goldfarb.edu/~jtaplin/IPTV. In Richards. Foroohar. he_guide/Video_Streaming-The_Guide. University of Missouri.usc. Durham. content/Missouri_Podcasting_White_Paper http://www.amazon. Feb. L.pdf ction=Reader.masternewmedia.htm IBM (2006).ViewAbstract&paper_id=1496 6 Nolle. Telcos face http://www-rcf.aace.com/showArt Thornhill. 417-419). Campus Technology. and Swenson.msn.pdf http://www.com/gp/product/08223 29646/104-03124348042331?v=glance&n=283155 Do Not Reproduce 245 . (2003). The IPTV Revolution. Matthew (2005). M. Wi-Fi.php te/newsweek/ Taplin.htm Canali De Rossi. http://www. Changing Channels.) (2002). IBM Institute for Business Value study. Dec. June 6. Peter (2005). Proceedings of E-Learn /wp2003 (pp. Brian (2005).).masternewmedia. 8-9. (Ed.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Video and IPTV Canali De Rossi.apple. Video Streaming: a guide for icle. 2005. 2005. 2005. implications.. (2005). Visual Pedagogy: http://www2. Newsweek (International Ed. (Eds. Friedman.com/article. 2005. http://www.ibm. The end of TV as we know it: a future industry perspective.com/services/us/imc/pdf/ge5106248-end-of-tv-full. Networking Pipeline. Wi-Max. http://www. Robin Good Blog. Robin Good Blog. Asensio.msnbc.org/news/200 5/12/02/beyond_wireless_broadband_wifi_ wimax.). http://www. IAT Video/Audio Production for Internet-Based Courses: An Overview of Technologies for Use Services White Paper. Luigi (2005b). Dec. G. Manchester. 2005.com/id/8018601/si 8.com/bcrmag/2005/02/p0 http://www. Beyond Wireless Broadband.jhtml?articleID=161600153 educational development.pdf tough road deploying IPTV. Tom (2005). Luigi (2005a). Jonathan. html Virtual reality allows worlds to be created that simply do not exist except as computer creations. http://ancient. Canali De Rossi (2004) lists 10 advantages of collaborating or learning inside a 3-D virtual immersive workspace: Selected Examples Solipsis is an open source peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world.edu/graphics/pro jects/arc/arc. Depending on the level of realism achieved.html Kahootz is a powerful set of 3-D multimedia tools that allows students and teachers to be creators. they must successfully adopt strategies used by lions. By using aspects of game play. http://www1. To do this. Exploration and discovery are enabled.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Virtual Reality Related terms Augmented reality.columbia. The ability to inhabit any type of body and to customize one's own look gives many people the opportunity to express themselves as they truly feel and not as society forces them to. interaction.netofpeers.uk/showcase/sav annah/savannah. People with major physical handicaps appear as capable and beautiful as anyone else. php/Main_Page The Ancient Spaces Web site from the University of British Columbia allows users to reconstruct and play with historical properties.org. Videoconferencing is not required. and Religious Studies department. mixed reality.arts.net/wiki2/index. and re-experiencing or re-using past events. There are no central servers at all: it relies only on end-users' machines. Creed. and look do not count much in virtual spaces. http://solipsis.cs. A user's learning experience can be designed to fit specific task needs with a flexibility and immediacy impossible in real life.ca/index. distributed virtual environments. skin color. The space is persistent.kahootz. Savannah challenges children to explore and survive in the augmented space. Fantasy and imagination can be unleashed.htm A collaborative project at Columbia University between the Graphics and User Interfaces Lab in the Computer Science Department and the Building Technologies Group in the Graduate School of Architecture applies augmented reality in the construction industry. Children ‘play’ at being lions in a savannah. designers. inventors. Virtual 3-D spaces allow full recording of any activity. simulation. exchange enabling. desktop virtual reality. augmented virtuality. Risks are reduced for dangerous and unorthodox explorations of new spaces. http://www. Near Eastern.com Savannah is a strategy-based adventure game where a virtual space is mapped directly onto a real space. and storytellers. virtual reality can be a powerful e-learning tool or a colossal waste of time. It aimed to bring experiential and game-based learning to the highly traditional curricula of the Classical. and the aim of the virtual experience.ubc. http://www. virtual environments Description Virtual reality allows worlds to be created that simply do not exist except as computer creations.futurelab. Do Not Reproduce 246 . The augurscope consists of a tripodmounted display that can be wheeled to different locations and then rotated and tilted to view a virtual environment that is aligned with the physical background.opencroquet.org/highlights/augur. http://www.healthdatamanagement.secondlife. http://www.com http://www.asp The CREATE tool provides the ability to author training and performance enhancement solutions that are scalable from classrooms to mobile context aware and mobile augmented reality environments.com The Web site of the Virtual Reality Lab at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology is an outstanding place to learn more about creating virtual reality.org/index. http://vads. Do Not Reproduce 247 .ahds. Navy’s Human Performance Center has a Web page of Virtual Reality References and Links.” and the other is called “Using Digital Resources in Teaching. a portable mixed reality interface for outdoor use. http://www.mil/index.cfm?PostID=1 9660 Active Worlds is a virtual reality community that is appealing to educators.uk/guides/using_guid e/sect34. http://www. http://vrlab.equator.ac.ergonetz.cfm ?RID=POL_OT_1000274 Depending on the level of realism achieved.spider.navy.shapedc.ch/About/about_index. One is called “Creating and Using Virtual Reality: a guide for the arts and humanities.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Virtual Reality Equator is a six-year interdisciplinary research collaboration to explore the integration of physical and digital realities.ht ml Croquet is a new open source software platform for creating deeply collaborative multi-user online applications. http://www. including education.uk/guides/vr_guide/in dex. an island for people with Asperger’s Syndrome teaches them to socialize in the safety of a virtual community. The site includes usability guidelines for developing virtual reality and examples of how it is used in training.html Online Resources The Arts and Humanities Data Service has two guides to good practice.hpc.activeworlds.uk/ In collaboration with the Equator project (part of the EU's Disappearing Computer initiative). Shape has developed the augurscope. Video from an onboard camera is embedded into this virtual environment. Learning and Research in the Visual Arts” (see the case study of a Virtual Reality Multi-User Environment).html ErgoNetz is the Internet service of the Virtual Reality laboratory at the Institute for Occupational Physiology at the University of Dortmund in Germany.html The U.de Second Life is a virtual reality environment with many uses.informationinplace.com/ht ml/current/CurrentIssueStory. http://www. https://www. http://www.ac. For example. Its Active Worlds Educational Universe has been designed for teachers and students. virtual reality can be a powerful elearning tool or a colossal waste of time.S.com/edu/index.epfl. and the aim of the virtual experience.ac.ahds.html http://vads. http://www. 2004.html Jones. T. Paper presented at ICALT 2001. http://ru6.edu/vrel.Virtual and Immersive Learning Innovators: Appalachian State University & Purdue University. Dec. 3D Online Learning Environments for Emergency Preparedness and Homeland Security Training.ecu.edu/gjones/pdf/Jone s_elearn04.pdf Kaplan-Leiserson.htm Bibliography Bouras. Paper presented at the eLearn 2004 conference. Technology Area ..oln.cti. East Carolina University. 27.gr/ru6/publications/898162 4. C. Trend: augmented reality check. 28. (2004).learningcircuits. Michelle (2003). T.coe. Triantafillou.gr/ru6/publications/616810 77. August 9. Stephen (2004). (2001).net/ Virtual Reality and Education Laboratory of the College of Education.uk/elearning/ story/0. http://education. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. Architectures Supporting e-Learning Through Collaborative Virtual Environments: the Case of INVITE.org/2004/dec 2004/0412_trends. Educational Virtual Environments: Design Rationale and Architecture.intuition-eunetwork. http://ru6. http://www. Paper presented at the OLN 2003 conference. Luigi (2004). G.pdf Campus Technology Magazine (2006). http://courseweb.cti. http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Virtual Reality INTUITION is a Network of Excellence focused on virtual reality and virtual environments applications for future workspaces.org/conferences/OLN2003 /papers/Dickey3DVirtualWorlds. C. 2004.com/article. A. The Network includes 58 partners and it is being coordinated by the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems of the National Technical University of Athens in Greece. and Hicks.00. Hornig. (2001). e-Learning through distributed virtual environments. Guardian Unlimited. Sept. 3D Virtual Worlds: An Emerging Technology for Traditional and Distance Learning.cti. Eva (2004).pdf Bouras.masternewmedia. 24. http://ru6.guardian. Virtual teaching aids become a reality.asp?id=18952 Canali De Rossi. (2006).10577. G. J. 3D virtual spaces for learning and collaboration. http://www. and Tsiatsos.pdf Bouras. 2006. V. 175-199. maintains a list of links on using virtual reality in educational settings. and Tsiatsos. Campus Technology. Robin Good Blog.htm Do Not Reproduce 248 . Learning Circuits. Philopoulos..unt.org/2004/09 /27/3d_virtual_spaces_for_learning.htm Dickey. http://vr. 2004. and Tsiatsos.pdf Hoare. C. Research report.. Sept. T.gr/ru6/publications/957952 3.campustechnology. http://www.1314022.co. No. M. http://www. 1(2).de/publikationen/publikationen/2 004/istanbul_Katterfeld.org/htmleng/english.tcd. 2004..unihannover. Prometeus Journal of e-Learning. Gerard (2002). D. A. ISPRS.. and Sester. Ekaterina (2005). Abbott. 35. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education.p df Prasolova-Førland. January 2005.. (2005). Web-based Education 2005 conference.unibo. (2005). G. http://www.au/uicee/world transactions/WorldTransAbstractsVo1No2/0 6_Liarokapis10. DigiCULT: core technologies for the cultural and scientific heritage sector. Vol. and White. McHugh. M. http://www.pdf Katterfeld..actapress.info/downloads/TWR3lowres. 2005. F. DigiCult Technology Watch Report 3.aspx?P aperID=19676 For bibliography see: http://www. Lister. http://www.icc2005. & Sester.cs.actapress.monash. Conceptual Agent Models for a Virtual Reality and Multimedia E-Learning Environment. Proceedings of 22nd International Cartographic Conference.. and Seyedarabi.edu..Emerging e-Learning Technologies Virtual Reality Katterfeld. Multimedia Augmented Reality Interface for E-learning (MARIE). M. C.actapress. F.elearning. Monahan. Istanbul. C.digicult. (Section on Virtual Reality). and Mangina. S. International Archives of Photogrammetry. Virtual Landscapes: An Interactive E-Learning Environment Based On Xml Encoded Geodata.com/PaperInfo.com/PaperInfo.. http://www. Proceedings.eng. P.Conlan/public ations/CELDA05_monthienvichienchai_B. Desktop virtual reality in e-learning environments. M. Donnelly. https://www.aspx? paperId=20697 Monthienvichienchai.ikg. (2005). 1. M. July 9-16. E. (2004). (2002). Proceedings.ie/Owen. T. Conlan. and Rusbridge. Place metaphors in educational CVEs: an extended characterization. Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. P. Web Based Education 2005 conference.it/Journal/Pap ers/Queen.html Liarokapis. M.com/Reference. (2005).pdf Do Not Reproduce 249 . A.pdf Ross.. http://www. R.aspx ?PaperID=19716 Queen. O. La Coruna/Spain. Petridis. Dobreva. Rationale for the deployment of virtual reality technologies in schools. http://www. Bertolotto.pdf McArdle.. Can Museum Exhibits Support Personalised Learning in Collaborative Classroom Activities By Using Augmented Reality? Paper presented at the CELDA 2005 conference. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Description Visualization is the process of representing abstract information in the form of images that can assist in the understanding and analysis of the data (Ross. new ways of modeling complex phenomena are emerging that will require tracking. and data rendering. Humans analyze visual information better than written text. so purchase decisions in this field need to be taken seriously. location based systems. As complexity theory develops as an approach to education. dynamic displays. visualization can represent alternative points of view. Now in this report I look at the tools available for developing visualizations. Finally. Complex visualizations and the tools that create them can also cost a lot of money. On the other hand. a bad visualization can often be very confusing or misleading and require a lot of explanation.edu/vgee) Vizserver is a product from Inxight that shows visualizations using hyperbolic startree maps. The ability to see and move through “the big picture” will be a commonplace educational objective in the near future. entitled Emerging E-Learning: New Approaches to Delivering Engaging Online Learning Content (Brandon Hall Research. Mapping of thoughts (“mind maps”) or pathways is one example of this genre of educational materials. data filtering. Flash. 2005). Seeing a picture works with our unconscious in that the brain processes pictures much faster than it analyzes data. learners and educators by providing a way to connect data with curricula and tools to guide and facilitate meaningful and appropriate use of the data. geographical information systems. GIS. 2003).com/products/vizserver / Visualization is the process of representing abstract information in the form of images that can assist in the understanding and analysis of the data. allowing for innovation or new understandings.” There are four primary stages to creating visualizations: data input. A good visualization can give an improved understanding or “big picture” view of a complex phenomenon. mapping.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Visualization Technologies Related terms Cognitive maps. graphics. cybercartography. images. My first report in this series. The educational advantages of visualization are many.dpc. Selected Examples The Visual Geophysical Exploration Environment (VGEE) addresses the needs of data users. pattern recognition. data mapping. See some amazing demos at: http://www. reviewed visualization as an online content format.inxight. Do Not Reproduce 250 . et al. Another is the category of “artificial life simulators. cognitive collage.ucar. The VGEE consists of four elements: An inquiry-based curriculum for guiding student exploration A learner-centered interface to a scientific visualization tool A collection of concept models (interactive tools that help students understand fundamental scientific concepts) A suite of El Niño-related data sets adapted for student use (http://www. edu/index.esa. a visualization system comprising immersive 3-D display and dedicated software.html “Tag Clouds” are clusters of social bookmarks that relate to a specific site. Texas uses VRCO Full Circle.esrin. Museum Edition. Free demo at: ew_68.com/solutions.com/ Ontopia’s Omnigator 007 is a free topic map navigator.ca/~mbrown/autostitch /autostitch.nih. http://www. http://www.ac.it/eoq/eoq68/EnviVi panoramic photography. These include the NPAC/OLDA Visible Human Viewer.ontopia. http://www. Java applet tool that allows users to select and view 2-D slices of bodies. http://www.html VRCO is a company specializing in producing advanced visualizations.ppt Do Not Reproduce 251 . AutoStitch can be used for emerging that http://esapub. which allow models and information from various sources to be virtually exhibited.tmm.semagix.bham.” http://richie. whatsoever.ie/eoin/presentations/In formation%20Visualisation%20in%20Infor mation%20Retreival.com/ As complexity theory develops Program 3-D graphics using the Alice v2.vista. http://www.cs.com “Type is an organism” with intelligence and a life on the Web. see ZoomClouds.ul.com The Texas Memorial Museum in Austin. See: to education.com/ Numerous software visualization products for the Visible Human Project that aims to create complete 3-D representations of male and female human bodies. http://www.zoomclouds.alice.html The University of Birmingham has a Visual and Spatial Technology Centre with many examples of the use of visualization.idc.gov/research/visible/visi ble_human. Capable of stitching full complex phenomena are users to access complex geophysical data in view panoramas without any user input their preferred mode. allowing 2-D image stitcher. delivery.vrco. which showcases their potential. http://www. They are visual representations of the relative frequencies of various topics discussed. http://www. Explore a series of visualization experiments at: http://www. http://www. VR.utexas.pdf tracking. such as a blog. For an example.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Visualization Technologies Semagix’s Freedom is one platform that combines semantic representations with visualization techniques.uk/ A number of visualization techniques are outlined and demonstrated by Eoin Brazil of the University of Limerick in his presentation “Information Visualisation in Information Retrieval.unifiedfield.html http://www. Dynamic Digital Depth provides expert stereo 3-D solutions for 3-D content creation.nlm.0 as an approach authoring system.net/omnigator/models/i ndex.org/ new ways of The European Space Agency’s EnviView gateway has been introduced to facilitate the AutoStitch is the world's first fully automatic modeling visualization of satellite information.jsp Unified Field shows examples of 4-D dynamic data visualization for the financial sector. http://www.typorganism. and display (without glasses!). and will require visualization applications.ddd.ubc. http://makingmaps. See their tool set and examples of their work. http://www.nasa. Especially take a look at Newsmap as a fresh way to view the headlines. a young graphic designer.in English or Spanish.media.edu/postcartoaag06.medibolt.mit.html Semagix’s Freedom platform combines semantics with visualization for knowledge representation.com/solutions.ontopia. http://news. http://www.at/home.com/infographics/ Visualize the history of Manhattan through the interactive time maps at the Manhattan Timeformations project. has a Weblog devoted to the visualization of information.jsp VRVis is an Austrian company promoting the use of visualization through virtual reality.gov/index.com Web site in Tokyo.net/omnigator/models /index.html The Omnigator from Ontopia is a technology showcase and teaching aid designed to demonstrate the power of Topic Maps.com/VBody. http://www.” which use colors and geometric forms to convey presence and activity. April 7th.uk/2/hi/science/nature /3608385.html For a practical application of visualization.feedtank.com FeedTank is a collective of digital artists using new technologies to create playful interactive spectacles.org/timeformations/ intro.cs.vrvis.” http://www.edu/ Paul Nixon.com Extraordinary visualizations come from Marcos Weskamp and his marumushi. Professor Andrew Hanson does work in this area and has written a book about quaternions. http://www. http://www.html 252 © 2006.com/index. It has images of space and the earth from space.co.skyscraper.Visualization Technologies Visualize the conversations in a chat room with “chat circles.html Le Ceil Est Bleu Web site from France is an amazing collection of visualizations and animations.”’ BBC News.com A lot can be learned from a 3-D visualization of the human body .indiana. Be sure to explore the “zoo. see ‘Scientists seek “map of science.marumushi.owu.nixlog. Sample their efforts at: http://www. http://chatcircles. http://www.medtropolis. 2004. http://www.gsfc.stm The visualization of scientific data is also available from the Grok-It Science Web site. Brandon Hall Research .semagix. See his list of resources at: http://www. Sample the collection at: http://svs.asp NASA maintains a “Scientific Visualization Studio” at the Goddard Space Flight Center.bbc.lecielestbleu.edu/~hanson/ Check out the fascinating changes in the art of map design described in the online article Experiments with Territories: Post Cartographic Map Design. http://www.html Quaternions are the key tool for understanding and manipulating orientations and rotations in 3-D Cartesian space. ibm. http://www.mccrackendesign.com Digital Dashboard http://msdn.microsoft.gov/research/visible/vi sible_human.vicodi.cs. 3dimensional representations of the normal male and female human bodies.com WorkPlace .arcscience.html Top Tier http://www. This objective is reached by introducing a novel visualization and contextualization environment for digital content. Techniques Spotfire DecisionSite is software to for solving this problem have been developed visualize data to make decisions.com http://www. at the University of Maryland.umd.amnh. the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.unifiedfield. http://www. http://www.nih. The VICODI Contextualisation Environment addresses how to manage search. retrieval.idashboards.http://www. including the following: Ambient Dashboard http://www. http://www. http://research. anatomically detailed.S. See this technology in action.html Visualizations of developing weather systems have been produced by NOAA.http://www.noaa.htm The American Museum of Natural History has produced interesting visualizations and animations of a variety of natural objects.edu/hcil/millionvis/ Do Not Reproduce 253 . for example.gov/products/vis/gall ery/ The objective of VICODI is to enhance human comprehension of digital content on the Internet.com/applicatio n. United Field produces 4-D visualizations of financial data.htm ClustrMaps locates all visitors to a Web site and displays them on a world map.com/omni.http://www.html How do users visualize very large data sets.org/about. http://www.com/ OmniGlobe allows visual displays that are best mapped onto a sphere.spotfire. one million items.xcelsius.html XCelsius .ambientdevices.com/ The Visible Human Project is the creation of complete.nlm.org/mif/scivizgallery /galleries.com CenterView .corda.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Visualization Technologies “Executive dashboards” that aggregate and summarize large amounts of business data from within a corporation are available from several vendors. in the U. http://www.com/index.com/cat/dashb oard/index. and information presentation. http://clustrmaps.htm Using time as an added dimension.gfdl.com/msdnmag/issue s/0700/Dashboard/ iDashboard – http://www. oziexplorer. Grapher. It works with the leading brands of Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers. Geological Survey (USGS) to create the Web's first interactive topographical map of the entire United States. http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Visualization Technologies TimeMap is a novel mapping applet that generates complete interactive maps with a few simple lines of HTML code.topozone. They have worked with the U. http://www.intergraph.microsoft.musanim.com Music Animation Machine turns music into a set of visualizations. and anomalies in data. MapViewer. http://tangible. Didger.S. for well log and borehole plotting. http://www. http://www.com/ ADVIZOR’s Visual Discovery software enables people to make better decisions from their business data.html Microsoft’s Visualization and Interaction for Business and Entertainment (VIBE) team's mission is to design elegant visualization and interaction techniques that span the full spectrum of devices and displays. for 3-D data visualization.mapinfo. trends. including the following: Voxler. Strater.esri.com Mapinfo gives business intelligence information about a specific geographical location. http://www. http://www.com/vibe/ Visualization Tools: ESRI is a leading geographical information systems and mapping software company.com VisualAnalytics’ product VisuaLinks is the premier analytical tool for "connecting the dots" by extracting and visually analyzing data to uncover patterns.net/ TopoZone is the Web's center for professional and recreational map users.com Golden Software produces and sells a variety of mapping software packages.mit.edu/ Intergraph is a world leader in delivering software and services for managing and visually representing complex information. http://www.com Do Not Reproduce 254 .softill.com/ Tangible Media Group is part of the MIT Media Lab and focuses on the seamless couplings between the physical world and the virtual world. http://www. It provides a way of easily enriching Web pages with historical or contemporary information that goes far beyond static JPG map images.com Mapland has mapping software that is based on data in Microsoft Excel.com/mam/mam.com OziExplorer GPS Mapping Software runs on a PC or laptop. networks. http://www.advizorsolutions. and. http://www.timemap. for thematic and analytical mapping. for digitizing and coordinate conversion. associations.visualanalytics.golden. for 2D and 3-D graphing. http://research.media. especially for displaying and analyzing geospatial data. http://www. ca/~tmm/courses/infov is/ LivePlasma links album covers and song titles to each artist.com links to several hundred visualizations of complex data sets.” See their “Interactive Visualization and Data Analysis Tools.com The Visual Thesaurus allows users to input a word and then watch while the software builds a set of dynamic visual links to related terms.com DAZ3D offers several visualization packages.htm The Encyclopedia of Educational Technology has 11 articles on visualization techniques.masternewmedia. http://www. A Survey of Visualisation Tools in the Social Sciences.com Pixologic is 2.com Online Resources Visualcomplexity. Clicking a related term extends the process. for 3-D landscaping and animation. Try a demo at: http://www.ac.cf m The Pervasive Technology Labs at Indiana University researches “visualization and interactive spaces.com/vc/index.” http://www.stanford. is available online.pixologic. Over 30 are “knowledge networks.liveplasma. http://www.cs. together with their estimated depth of influence. for 3-D modeling. and rendering software. many of which are unique. http://www.daz3d.com/ form·Z is an award winning general purpose solid and surface modeler with an extensive set of 2-D/3-D form manipulating and sculpting capabilities. and rendering. and DAZ|Studio with pre-built 3-D characters.org/informati on_design_and_data_visualization.visualcomplexity. http://www.uk/reports/visual/sur vey/visurvey. P. http://www.5-D modeling and rendering software.okino.” http://vis.formz. modeling.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Visualization Technologies Accurender developed Raytrace and radiosity rendering software for architectural applications.com Okino makes visual simulation data translation. http://www.sdsu. http://coe.shtml?prim=lab_ov erview A section on visualization is regularly updated on the Robin Good blog.com/ Topic Maps is an XML-based technology for visualizing large data sets. It is also a visual discovery engine that searches for favorite movies. Following are two: http://graphics.agocg.accurender.topicmap. animation. http://www. A comprehensive list of Web resources on topic maps is found at: http://www.edu/courses/cs44 8b-04-winter/ http://www.edu/index.ubc.iu.visualthesaurus. including the following: Bryce.com/ Do Not Reproduce 255 . Carrara.edu/eet/ Ell.pdf Course outlines with links for several different university courses on visualization are available on the Web.. http://www. http://www.usilu.complexityscience. and Shneiderman.edu/people/fry/ http://benfry.com The GVU Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta carries out research projects on visualization and graphics. http://www.htm http://www.gatech. both visualization companies.org/ Mechdyne Corporation has acquired VRCO and Fakespace. Switzerland: University of Lugano. and Resetarits. (2005) Using Information Visualization to Teach about Complexity: support from the neurological sciences. (Eds.. He finished his PhD. Abstraction in Concept Map and Coupled Outline Knowledge Representations.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Visualization Technologies Topic Map developers will be interested in a more technical site than the one above. A. Jacques (1967).gvu. in June 2004 and now has his own Web site. http://www. http://www. M. Readings in Information Visualization: using vision to think. E2ML: Educational Environments Modeling Language. G. Paris: La Haye. Lugano. http://www.fakespace. http://www. Working Paper. Madison: University of Wisconsin. Journal of Interactive Learning Research.) (1999).edu/research/resea rch. K.edu/people/fry/thesis /thesis-0522d.istituti.editlib.net/printRec. 3149 http://www.mit.vrco. http://acg.com/gp/product/1558 605339/002-46096590461665?v=glance&n=283155&n=50784 6&s=books&v=glance Botturi.. J. les réseaux.edu/gvu/softviz/ Ben Fry’s Master’s thesis on “Organic Information Design” applies dynamic visualization techniques to understanding complex systems. J.php?rec=lli bre&lang=2#SemiologieGraphique Bertin.edwardtufte.ualber ta. Towards a Roadmap of Complexity Research Using a Bibliometric Visualisation Tool. Conference on Complexity Science and Educational Research. pp. Luca (2003). Proceedings.pdf Bertin. 1-34. Sémiologie Graphique: les diagrammes.com/bboard/qand-a-fetchmsg?msg_id=0000S0&topic_id=1 Card. B.media.pdf Bergmann. and Woodill. (2003).mit.ca/conferences/2004/Documents/CSE R2_AndersonWoodill.complexityandeducation.cfm?fuseactio n=Reader. Paier. http://www.media. http://www.amazon. J. as part of his doctoral work at MIT.com/ Bibliography Alpert.org/index.pdf Some beautiful visualizations of the human genome have been produced by Ben Fry. Jacques (1983). San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann. http://www.infovis.net/botturil/web/e 2ml/ Do Not Reproduce 256 . 14(1).com/ http://www. http://acg. Unpublished doctoral dissertation.org/cs/NoE/ Roadmapworkingpaper_vfinal1. Sherman (2003). les cartes. to become one of the largest companies in the visualization field.gvu.gatech.topicmaps. EXYSTENCE network. Mackinlay.ViewAbstract&paper_id=17759 Anderson. The Semiology of Graphics. C. available online at http://www.asp Mittal. Vol. and Knezek. Collaborative Computing & Integrated Decision Support Tools for Scientific Visualization. http://www. Brian (2002).. M.ht m O'Regan. (2005).aace. A. Siggraph. Donnelly.edu/apps/er/erm06 /erm0638. S. 3(1).cfm?action=viewonly2&id=29&r eferer Ell. and Pagalthivarthi. Journal of Interactive Learning Research. Visual Literacy: an institutional imperative. 2005. (Section on Visualization). A. McHugh... Dobreva. Campus Technology.DownloadFull Text&paper_id=5994 Clark.fr/CanJ/CanJ.elearningguild.com/articles/abst racts/index. May/June.com/gp/product/08223 29646/002-46096590461665?v=glance&n=283155&n=507846 &s=books&v=glance Jones. 17-30. http://www. (2006). D. Durham.org/dl/index. G.digicult. S.educause.com/article. January 2005.com/publications.K.org/index.campustechnology.editlib. P. K. Survey of Visualisation Tools in the Social Sciences..cfm/fuseacti on/ViewPaper/id/16951/toc/yes Muirhead.ac. Arns. 329-351. 4(1). August 11. EDUCAUSE Review. (1992). Abbott... More than just eye candy: graphics for e-learning. 69-82. J.html Madhavan. 3.agocg. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. (2005). 42. International Journal on E-Learning. Canadian Journal of Psychology. No. Brent (2006). J. K. September. and Woolsey. DigiCULT: core technologies for the cultural and scientific heritage sector.pdf Do Not Reproduce 257 . http://www.psycho. Ruth (2003). eLearning Developers’ Journal.pdf?fuseaction=Reader. A framework for the evaluation of visual languages for instructional design: the case of E²ML. (2005). Morales.cfm/files/paper _5994. Creating Concept Maps: Integrating Constructivism Principles into Online Classes. http://www. (1998). (2005). G. 3-Dimensional online learning environments: examining attitudes toward information technology between students in Internetbased 3-dimensional and face-to-face classroom instruction. NC: Duke University. DigiCult Technology Watch Report 3. M. and Rusbridge. 41(3).asp?id=11222 Metros.html Rhyne. Luca (2005). http://itdl. Theresa (1998). Educational Media International.univparis5.org/education/materi als/HyperVis/misc_topics/nsf2.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Visualization Technologies Botturi. Inside Purdue’s Envision Center.amazon. June 1. Visual Pedagogy: Media Cultures in and beyond the Classroom.html Ross. A.uk/reports/visual/surv ey/visurvey. and Bertoline. Solving the "real" mysteries of visual perception: the world as an outside memory. http://createdrealities. http://www. K. http://www.info/downloads/TWR3lowres.siggraph. 16(4).pdf Goldfarb. http://www. L. Use of relational and conceptual graphs in supporting e-learning tasks. http://nivea.org/Journal/jan_06/article02. http://www. 46: 461-488. 2nd Ed. Colin. (2004).ciconline. Sharpe.slis. Threshold. http://www.com/gp/product/0765 610957/002-46096590461665?v=glance&n=283155&s=books &v=glance Staley.edwardtufte. Information Visualization. Vol. Visual Explanations: images and quantities. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications.amazon. http://www. 4th Edition. August. pp. Visualization. Mike and Rogers. Matt (2002). Computers. http://www. http://www. Cheshire. Information Visualization: perception for design. MA: Addison Wesley Longman.com/tufte/index Tufte.Visualization Technologies Scaife. Spence.amazon.com/gp/product/0201 596261/002-46096590461665?v=glance&n=283155&n=50784 6&s=books&v=glance Staley. Amsterdam: Elsevier. David (2002). David (2005). Yvonne (1996).com/gp/product/0823 013537/sr=83/qid=1149946826/ref=sr_1_3/1044406419-7257534?%5Fencoding=UTF8 258 © 2006.edu/faculty/yrogers /papers/externalcognition. No. Robert. Edward (1997).org/threshold Tufte. B. Digital Information Graphics. Envisioning Information. (2001).amazon. 45. Cheshire.edwardtufte. CT: Graphics Press. Harlow. Edward (1990). http://www.amazon.edwardtufte.E.com/tufte/index Ware. Cheshire.com/gp/product/1558 608192/002-46096590461665?v=glance&n=283155&s=books &v=glance Woolman. From multimedia to multisensory education. Brandon Hall Research . 2. evidence and narrative. M. External cognition: how do graphical representations work? International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. http://www.com/tufte/index Tufte. 2nd Edition. 185–213 http://www. http://www. Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction. Edward (2001). CT: Graphics Press. and History: How new technology will transform our understanding of the past. CT: Graphics Press. Fall. (2004). The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.pdf Shneiderman. England: AddisonWesley. http://www.indiana. Reading. Using VoIP. An electronic blackboard can be used along with VoIP for synchronous teaching. Do Not Reproduce 259 . the emerging technology of “voice over internet protocols” (VoIP) has opened up a new world of possibilities for using live voice messaging as an e-learning activity. http://www.com/gcm/masterusa/enus/resource/filter.com/article/06/02/2 8/75939_HNbloggingphone_1. Skype Description Conversation is usually a major part of most learning experiences.uk/eclipse/vendors/chat. http://www.com/ Skype is the best known VoIP service. and a microphone. Schools have begun to use VoIP for teacherparent communications and for parents to monitor their children’s progress at school. in remote communities. Internet telephony.com Online Resources The e-Learning Centre in the UK maintains a listing of online telephony applications in e-learning. A high speed Internet connection is recommended.co. Internet telephony is relatively simple. a practice known as audio-graphic teleconferencing (Ottoson. http://www. with unlimited free computer to computer calling and low charges for computer to phone connections.Industry:Education Envision offering online coaching using VoIP with its “Click2Coach” software. While the telephone has been around for well over 100 years. http://www.jajah.html See a set of case studies on how Avaya Corporation has deployed its VoIP solutions in education. http://www. the emerging technology of “voice over internet protocols” (VoIP) has opened up a new world of possibilities for using live voice messaging as an e-learning activity. headphones or speakers. communications tools.infoworld.Emerging e-Learning Technologies VoIP and Telephony Related terms Broadband phones. VoIP is also extending access to education in countries without adequate educational facilities.com/ Jajah allows the user to make a free VoIP call but uses a telephone handset at each end. requiring an Internet hookup.skype.envisioninc. Selected Examples Sony Ericsson has developed a “blogging phone” that integrates with Google’s Blogger software. 1996). but it is rapidly improving. htm Conversation is usually a major part of most learning experiences. bloggers using the equipment can see and hear each other while they are blogging.avaya. and to children who must remain at home or in a hospital. While the telephone has been around for well over 100 years. In the near future.htm&Filter=Pillar:IP%20T elephony. Internet telephony will be used for making intercultural connections between schools around the world and will greatly facilitate foreign language teaching and practice.elearningcentre. You go to the Jajah web site and have it dial both your number and the number you are trying to reach. Consumers like VoIP because of the low cost of long distance calls and the flexibility of sending digital voice mail messages to anywhere for later listening. http://www. The quality of Internet phone calls is currently not as clear as with dial-up longdistance telephone. weblogsinc. and O’Droma.cogs. http://www.nald. (2005). http://llt. A Literacy Practitioner’s Guide to Audiographic Teleconferencing. Paper presented at the 2005 ICALT conference. 9-12. The Use of VoIP in Online Game Playing: implications for collaborative e-learning. IEEE Spectrum Online.pdf Ganchev. 9(3).VoIP and Telephony The VoIP Weblog covers all aspects of VoIP and Internet telephony.spectrum.ac.ieee. Meredith (1996). Stojanov. Presentation at the BT/PACCIT Conference.uk/interact/paper s/pdfs/Technology%20Mediated%20Comm unication/PACCIT_05. Brandon Hall Research . Robert (2005). S.voipreview. March 2005.com/ VoIP Review has listings and consumer reviews for over 180 Internet calling plans. M. Seven Myths about Voice over IP. Mobile distributed e-learning center.ca/fulltext/audiogfx/audio gfx. September.org/mar05/253 8 Fitzpatrick.pdf The quality of Internet phone calls is currently not as clear as with dial-up longdistance telephone.org/xpl/freeabs_all.org Bibliography Cherry.ieee. Project Report – funded by the National Literacy Secretariat.pdf Ottoson.msu.. Language Learning and Technology. http://www.js p?tp=&arnumber=1508764&isnumber=32 317 Godwin-Jones. but it is rapidly improving. Join the discussion at: http://voip.edu/vol9num3/pdf/emerging . I. http://ieeexplore. Steven (2005). Geraldine (2005). http://www.susx. Skype and Podcasting: Disruptive Technologies for Language Learning. http://www. 260 © 2006. checkpointelearning. healthcare workers in training can wear tiny earphones and microphones and cameras hidden in glasses as they move about a hospital. and delivering SCORM content to market-leading mobile devices and wearable computers.ices. where local expertise on training in a specific area is not available. http://news. The entire system. http://www.cs.p df http://www. In the same way that a Walkman allowed stereo components to be portable.edu/design/Ion.uk/ eXact Mobile is the first professional Mobile Learning and Wearable Training Content Management Solution for creating.uk/1/hi/business/460 1690. http://killer. Wearable computing pioneer Steve Mann at the University of Toronto has identified six informational flow paths associated with this technology (Mann.bbc. anytime. including batteries. Selected Examples In Europe. It is communicative to others Wearable computing is used by workers who need just-in-time information and training while they are on the job. managing.stm The Bristol Wearable Computing Project explores the potential of computer devices that are as unconsciously portable and personal as clothes or jewelry. http://wearables. and give advice in real time on how to handle a situation as it arises.ppt In January 2006. Supervisors at a remote location can see and listen to what they are doing. weighs less than three pounds. BBC News reported that Levi was manufacturing jeans with iPods already fitted into their pockets. the size of the computer and input and output components has been reduced.cmu. like a wristband or jewelry. This can extend professional training in to remote areas.hubuska. Giunti Labs is a leader in researching and developing “ambient” technologies.com/?aID=2157 ION is a Walkman-sized wearable computer that allows information to go anywhere. 1998): It is unmonopolizing of the user's attention It is unrestrictive to the user It is observable by the user It is controllable by the user It is attentive to the surrounding environment. ubiquitous computing Description A wearable computer is a small portable computer that is designed to be worn on the body during use.co.learnexact. For example.html A wearable computer is a small portable computer that is designed to be worn on the body during use. Their voice and gaze controlled wearable computing technology is used in industrial training situations.bris.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Wearable Computing Related terms Ambient computing.com/Docs/workshop_ hu/Cardinali_Towards_Ambient_Learning.ac. Wearable computers are usually either integrated into the user's clothing or are attached to the body through some other means. Do Not Reproduce 261 . training to do their jobs. http://www. including wearable computing.com/eXact_iTutor_ MoMo/eXactiTutor. thereby promoting weight loss and improved fitness. and Lupisella.cf m The Wearable Computing Laboratory at the University of Oregon has several projects on wearable computing applied to learning. and Levene.wearable.uk/wear-it Online Resources Professor Steve Mann of the University of Toronto is a leading scholar in the field of wearable computing. C. http://isd.sportbrain. http://www. or repairing complex machines.mit.70 481-0. especially for comercial airlines. training.org/index. Brandon Hall Research . 2004.toronto.cfm?name=tec hwatch_report_0305 Ejiofor.edu/wearables/mithr il/index.Wearable Computing The vu-man wearable computer was developed to improve the maintenance process on complex machines.html Wear-IT Project at the University of Birmingham is developing new applications of wearable computing technologies.uoregon.com/news/culture/0. 1.eee. M. Technology Review (Online).704 81-0.” including computers built into underwear.eyetap.edu/~mann/ 262 © 2006. http://www.gsfc.eecg.html The Wearable Computing site from Eyetap. Applying a Wearable Voice-Activated Computer to Instructional Applications in Clean Room Environments.html Garfinkel. Wearable Computing for the Commons. Mmoma (2006). MIThril is a next-generation wearable research platform developed at the MIT Media Lab. March 24.nasa.cmu. Wired News.eecg.org/index_graphical. Dec.shtml The Wearable Computing Laboratory at the ETH Zurich has many research projects.edu/ http://wearcam.html The design of “smart clothing. Evaluating the development of wearable devices.media. http://www.technologyreview. http://about.ac. Proceedings of the Knowledge Sharing and Collaborative Engineering Conference (KSCE 2004). is described by Mmoma Ejiofor in Wired News. especially in the area of wearable cameras.org is a rich source of references. http://www. the automotive industry.html http://www.com/news/culture/0. Simson (2004).ices.ethz.gov/Papers/DOC/Lupis ellaWVAC.ch/ Bibliography de Freitas.edu/design/VuMan. What you’ll wear in 10 years.wired. S.bham. 2006. http://www. like a wristband or jewelry. (2004). personal data assistants and the use of other mobile devices in further and higher education institutions.uk/index. M.aspx?id=14008&ch=infotech Graves.pdf Wearable computers are usually either integrated into the user's clothing or are attached to the body through some other means.wired. http://killer.toronto. JISC Technology and Standards Watch Report.ht ml SportBrain has a wearable device that tracks physical activity. http://www. http://www. (2003).cs.jisc. http://www. The goal of the MIThril project involves developing and prototyping new techniques of human-computer interaction for body-worn applications. See: http://genesis.ac.edu/research/wear ables/index. and other organizations involved in inspecting.com/read_art icle.com/Home/Home. http://www. March 8.org/icwckeynote. and Niedzviecki. Toronto: Anchor Books.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Wearable Computing Kharif. H. S. Wearable computers that you can slip into. Business Week Online. Steve (1998).businessweek. 2005.html Do Not Reproduce 263 . Wearable Computing as a Means of Personal Empowerment.ca/exec/obidos/ASIN/0 385658257/702-2331721-7033653 Mann. Fairfax. ICWC98.com/technology/c ontent/mar2005/tc2005038_5955_tc119. May 12-13. Keynote address for the First International Conference on Wearable Computing. http://www. http://wearcam. VA. (2002). htm Mann. http://www. Cyborg: digital destiny and human possibility in the age of the wearable computer. Olga (2005).amazon. When changes are made to a Web site. PDAs. (The development of Atom was motivated by perceived deficiencies in the RSS 2. Many blogs contain a Web feed button that allows users to subscribe to their content. photo collections. no spam) Improved client relations for marketers For learners and teachers. with all the potential for viruses and spam. Web feeds allow you to “subscribe” to a Web site that then automatically sends an alert and a short description to your computer when the Web site has been updated. The most common types of sites with Web feeds are news sources. enabling it to find the Web feed in the future. including cell phones. Web feeds can send content to many kinds of devices. Web feeds allow you to “subscribe” to a Web site that then automat-ically sends an alert and a short description to your computer when the Web site has been updated. and then “picked up” by multiple subscribers. Only those sites that have RSS or Atom feeds can be read by an aggregator. with all the potential for viruses and spam. and Atom is the second.0 format). Those sites usually have a small orange XML graphic ( ) that links to the feed. basic text format for quick review. and laptops. This method of content syndication allows users to poll a site that has a Web feed and see if there are any updates since they last visited.” as its content is changed by the author.” Aggregators connect with multiple Web feeds.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Web Feeds Related terms Atom. listings of the latest books. blogs. this method of finding out what is new is spam free. social bookmarking. and course offerings. job searches. To read content from a Web feed. Web feeds are an efficient way to keep abreast of a changing topic and to have the latest information available without going through the trouble of searching. Do Not Reproduce 264 . information about that change is sent to the desktop of everyone who subscribes to the “feed” for that Web site. The URL associated with the orange graphic is put into a user's Web feed aggregator. Because the content is entirely controlled by the person who owns/ manages the feed enabled site. Both RSS and Atom are written in XML. podcasts. Aggregators are programs that gather favorite Web feed enabled Web sites and present them in one. and electronics. Really Simple Syndication (RSS). CDs. MediaThink (2004) lists the following benefits of Web feeds (specifically RSS): Fast updating Less time “surfing” Avoids extraneous information on a company’s Web site No need to provide an e-mail address to receive information (therefore. feeds. The owner of the aggregator gets a short description of all Web sites with feeds that have changed. The content of the Web site that sends the notice is said to be “syndicated. The most common form of Web feed is RSS (“Rich Site Summary”). Instead of having items emailed to you. syndication Description Instead of having items e-mailed to you. TV guides. a user must have a Web feed reader or “aggregator. shtml .U.com tml 2.blogplanet.http://feedbeep.com/v2 BlogLines .com/ 3. Syndirella .attensa.com/ 5.feedburner.bloglet. Project D.feedzilla.pubsub.feedjavascript. PubSub .sharpreader.http://www.mozilla.http://www.rssreader. Sage .http://www. Feedster .http://www.net/ .com directory.downes. feedbeep .net/ http://www. RSS Bandit http://www.h http://www. Feed-Directory .com/myrsstoolbar.html http://www.rsscalendar.com/ BlogExpress 1.com/ 3. Fuzzy Duck http://yole.com 9. The most common form of Web feed is RSS (“Rich Site Summary”). Do Not Reproduce 265 . 6.rss-to.http://www.brightcove.newsisfree. Newsgator Aggie . RSS-to-Javascript .com/rss/ http://www.com/ http://www.com/ Brightcove .http://sage.com/ Awasu .com/thunderbird/ . NewsIsFree http://www.puremis.feedster.com/rss2exchange/ .protopage. OnFolio .com/ .fuzzyd. Feedtier .http://feedtier.2 7.php?id=2 cts/pulpfiction/ .http://www. FeedPublish http://www.rssreader.com/productBlogExpress.http://www.net/ My RSS Toolbar There are many Web feed aggregators. FeedScout 4.net/dl. Videora .learningfeeds. Gregarius .com/ 8.http://bitworking.com/ 6. Thunderbird .bytescout.com/ http://www.http://gregarius. and Atom is the second.feedforall.topix.rojo.hexamail.6.http://www.com Amphetadesk 8.awasu.onfolio.http://www.com/ 0.com/produ http://neosmart. RSSCalendar .com/ 9.bloglines.mozdev.co.http://www.feedreader. FeedForAll .rssbandit.com/ http://www.net/excel/soft/EaZyRss. Here is a list of 48: ml 7.com/ http://www.com/amphetadesk http://www.feedroll.htm http://www. Pluck .com/today/ http://www.http://www.http://www.http://www.http://www. Feedroll . RSS Orbit .ru/projects/syndirella/ http://www.com/feedscout.html http://www.org/Aggie.uk/rssreader/ 7.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Web Feeds Topix .org/ .com 4.org/ shtml . LearningFeeds 8. PulpFiction CompleteRSS http://freshlysqueezedsoftware.com 2.com/ .http://www.http://www.com/ Attensa .ht with its own features. Reader http://usablelabs. RSSReader http://www. RSS2Exchange http://www.videora. FeedBurner http://www. RSS Software .newsgator. EaZy RSS reader 5. FeedReader 1. SharpReader http://bytescout.ca/edurss02. Edu_RSS 0.pluck.com/ Selected Examples 5.com/ http://www.disobey.net/index. StepNewz .projectdu.com/ 0. Rojo .http://www.somee. Protopage Bloglet . each http://www.feedpublish. ca/files/RSS_Educ. The Personal RSS NewsReader: Project DU And RSS Publishing . Using RSS and Weblogs for e-Learning: an overview.doc An excellent visual and audio presentation on using RSS in education by Alan Levine. Robin Good Blog. Brian Lamb.php Online Resources Stephen Downes. senior research officer for the National Research Council of Canada. http://www. Bill (2003).com/pdf/2/051 903DEV-L. a blog by Alan Levine.teachinghacks.com/news/showS tory.ca/cgibin/wiki. Read his article written specifically for educators.wcc. 31.elearningguild. RSS could transform online communications.com/wpcontent/uploads/2006/01/RSS%20Ideas %20for%20Educators111. RSSify at Wytheville Community College currently offers the service for free. Oct.pl?TheFuss An online tutorial on Webfeeds by Amy Gahran entitled “What Are Webfeeds (RSS). Just follow the instructions to add the appropriate information to your blog template. a Web site that aggregates Web feeds from educational Web sites. and D’Arcy Norman.php?id=lists :thingsyoucandowithrss Bibliography Brandon. 2003. and Why Should You Care?” http://blog.pdf Tim Yang has a large list in Wiki format of things that can be done with RSS.maricopa.org/news/20 04/10/31/the_personal_rss_newsreader_ project. Aug. http://www. http://www. has been an early advocate and promoter of the use of Web feeds in e-learning.com/archives/200 3/10/18/what-are-webfeeds-rss-and-whyshould-you-care Quentin D’Sousa has published an electronic book on the variety of educational uses of Web feeds. May 19. Luigi (2004). http://www. eLearning Developers’ Journal.eschoolnews.com/gems/weblog ged/RSSFAQ2.htm David.hebig. http://timyang.redjupiter. including listings for various electronic devices.com/wiki/doku.org/blogs/archives/main /000877.downes.contentious. eSchool News. and D’Arcy Norman is available http://www.ubc.vccs.masternewmedia. 2004.htm Will Richardson provides RSS: A Quick Start Guide for Educators. Brian Lamb. http://www. see: http://www. http://www.dist. maintains a long list of RSS resources. Dan (2004).downes.cfm?ArticleID=5211 Do Not Reproduce 266 . 3.ca/edu_rss.edu/services/rssify/rs sify. To have a blog aggregated.edu/show/n mc1003/ The Fuss.elearning.mcli.pdf Canali De Rossi. http://www.lo. 2004. http://www.php.Web Feeds For a list of more aggregators.Possible Future Evolution.htm Stephen Downes has also set up Edu_RSS. http://careo. 1. 2003. The Shifted Librarian. 2006. Aug. Aug.com/wpcontent/uploads/2006/01/RSS%20Ideas% 20for%20Educators111.html MediaThink (2004). What Is a Wiki (and How to Use One for Your Projects). 13. http://www. Sept.html Do Not Reproduce 267 . 2005.com /pub/a/2002/12/18/dive-into-xml. (2003). 3.org/article/rss/ Kaplan-Leiserson.xml. http://technologysource.com/tech/news/200508-01-rss-research_x. Syndicating Learning Objects with RSS and Trackback. RSS Ideas for Educators. 2005. http://www. Presentation to the MERLOT International Conference. Jenny (2005). http://www.Web Feeds Downes. and Webb. July/August 2003.mediathink. Using RSS for data integration.htm Levine. 5-8. Lamb. RSS: the next killer app for education.org/2004/may2 004/0405_Trends. O’Reilly Network. B.org/2004/jun20 04/downes.mcli.edu/show/me rlot03/ Levine.html Samuel. June 2004. Learning Circuits. http://www. July 7. Anh (2005).learningcircuits. MediaThink White Paper.learningcircuits.teachinghacks. http://googlereader. Stephen (2004). http://www. March 23. June 18. A. Google Reader Blog. Why RSS and Folksonomies are becoming so big. 1. What are Syndication Feeds? O’Reilly eDoc. http://www.pdf Gannett.com/catalog/syndication feeds/index. RSS feeds college students’ diet for research. Eva (2004). Online paper. RSS: the next big thing online.com/pub/a/network/ 2006/07/07/what-is-a-wiki. and Norman. http://www. Shelly (2005).html Powers.com/200509 13/10-ways-rss-can-help-build-onlinecommunities-6 Stafford. T.html?CMP=ILCJ04X34597568&ATT=http://www. Otherwise Engaged. http://www. The Technology Source Archives.maricopa. Alexandra (2005). University of North Carolina. USA Today (online). BC.theshiftedlibrarian.html?page=1 Udell. (2006).com/article/05/03/2 3/13OPstrategic_1.ca/files/RSS_Educ.dist.com/archive s/2005/06/18/why_rss_and_folksonomie s_are_becoming_so_big. 2005.pdf Parparita. Aug. Namespaced extensions in feeds. Mihai (2006). 10 ways RSS can help build online communities. http://www..infoworld.htm Harrsch.downes. May 2004. http://www.com/rss/mediathin k_rss_white_paper. InfoWorld.alexandrasamuel. RSS: a learning technology.htm D’Sousa. Mary (2003).blogspot. 2006. Version 1. Learning Circuits. M. An Introduction to RSS for Educators.htm Downes. Online paper. Stephen (2002). Vancouver. Quentin (2006). 2005.oreilly. D. RSS: grassroots support leads to mass appeal. Jon (2005). http://www.oreillynet. http://www.com/2006/0 8/namespaced-extensions-in-feeds.usatoday. usemod.php UseModWiki is the software used to set up the first ever wiki. can be used by a team for joint writing. Selected Examples The best known wiki is Wikipedia. Wikis are great tools for online collaboration on any topic. entitled Emerging E-Learning: New Approaches to Delivering Engaging Online Learning Content (Brandon Hall Research. http://www. it is important to have several contributors.com/cgibin/wiki. and projects. http://wikipedia. wikis can be important tools for educational collaboration. approaches.h tml SourceWatch is a wiki that tracks political comments in the USA. anyone can read or add content to a wiki site. custom permissions. http://www. Do Not Reproduce 268 .php?titl e=SourceWatch Tiki for Education is a wiki being set up to develop shared knowledge on all aspects of education. Some fundamental principles include the following: Anyone can change anything. http://www. http://www. 4. anyone can read or add content to a wiki site. reviewed wikis as a separate online content format. 2005). time-less. Content is ego-less.net/features. 3.000 articles in English in Wikipedia. RSS. the online encyclopedia that has been built with tens of thousands of volunteer contributors. Single-user wiki: Allows a person to collect and edit his or her own thoughts using a Web-based environment.schtuff. and email notification. Tomkins (2005) identifies four different forms of educational wikis: 1. the software used to run Wikipedia.pl?UseModWiki Schtuff is a free wiki service that allows tagging. is available for other applications. Wikis use simplified hypertext mark-up. Wikis are fully editable Web sites.sourcewatch. Lab book wiki: For students to keep notes online. Knowledge base wiki: A place to collect all the knowledge within a group.wikipedia. 2.300.com/ For wikis to work. an image gallery. Anyone can add to it. See the progress at: http://edu.org/ Wiki Tools: MediaWiki.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Wiki Tools Related terms Collaboration tools. These can be shared or peer reviewed and changed by fellow students. Collaborative writing wiki: With a page locking system. Wikis are great tools for online collaboration on any topic.org/index. Now in this report I look at the tools available for developing wikis.org/tiki-index. There are now over 1. and never finished. social networking Description Wikis are fully editable Web sites.tikiwiki. The term wiki (derived from the Hawaiian word for “quick”) is applied to a diverse set of systems. My first report in this series.sourceforge. With some basic instructions. features. com/artpdf/GR12. A free trial is available.dicole. Zwiki and the Plone Wars Wiki approaches.com/ The term wiki (derived from the Hawaiian Online Resources word for “quick”) A huge source of links to wikis. an archivist with the British systems. http://www. Columbia Archives. His article.com/cgibin/mb. http://radio.com Not all uses of wikis in education work well. gives an online talk on how a wiki can change over time.socialtext.10. http://www.org/?item=wikiversitytime-to-vote The South African Association of Science and Technology Educators has developed a set of free online electronic textbooks using wiki technology. and as a PIM and Collaborative Content Tool.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Wiki Tools There are "wiki farms" (places where you can set up a wiki without needing your own server) such as SeedWiki.” Essentially. “Quickiwiki. of the University of British Columbia.” is projects.com/cgi/wiki?WikiEngines MeatballWiki is a community of active practitioners striving to teach each other how to organize people using online tools. Twiki.jot. using the example of the “Heavy Metal Umlaut” article in Wikipedia.” The most complete listing is at the following site: http://c2.shtml Brian Lamb.ca/~blamb/wiki radio/ James Farmer has a sample lesson plan using a Wiki. http://careo. http://weblog.wikibooks.infoworld.org/node/view/3794 Wikiversity is a project “to build an electronic institution of learning” based on the wiki model.com/ Jon Udell. features.ubc.com/ There are hundred of “wiki engines. http://www.seedwiki. Swiki. is provided by diverse set of David Mattison. maintains an extensive list of wiki sites.learningwiki.com/0120501/categ ories/wikis/2004/02/16. http://en.org/wiki/SA_NC_Saaste: Technology Elliott Masie has a LearningWiki devoted to supporting his work with the e-learning community and his annual conference.html Do Not Reproduce 269 .gilbane. http://www. http://www.infotoday. it is a platform for open collaborative software development.pdf Jotspot is an “application wiki.com/searcher/apr03 /mattison.usemod. See the account of one educator’s “brilliant failure” using wikis in his classroom. http://www. as well as is applied to a an analysis of how they work.elearning.pl?MeatballWiki Frank Gilbane has an article on the enterprise applications for blogs and wikis. http://kairosnews. http://flosse. a rich source of information on wikis. a columnist for Infoworld Magazine. See why it is different.com/udell/gems/u mlaut.html SocialText Wiki is designed for work groups in corporate environments. http://www.Weblogs. Teaching and learning online with wikis.ikiw. http://www.org:16080/dossiers/d ossier_imprimer. http://aronsson. and Zhou. Raitman. http://m. an Instructional Technologist for Sciences and Math at Brown University. N. W.edu/ir/library/pdf/EL I7004.zkm. Phantom authority. Proceedings of the 2004 ASCILITE Conference. http://whiplash. First Monday. R.com/wwwtools/m/25242. Perth.uk/eclipse/vendors/wikis . Anja (2004). http://www.html Augar. http://64.htm#Wikis Stewart Mader.com/ WWWTools for Education has an extensive list of resources for wikis in education.71. General Purpose Wiki Web site: experience from susning. Australia. http://www.nu’s first nine months in service. Towards Emancipatory Use of a Medium: Wikis.org/issues/issue8_12/c iffolilli EDUCAUSE (2005). Especially useful is the article “For Teachers New to Wikis. including a section on wiki tools.ca/documents/ITBL_stu dentwikis.se/wikipaper. Renée (2005). L.. July. 2. Dec.html Ciffolilli.htm The Learning Commons project at the University of Calgary has a brochure for faculty on “Supporting Student Collaboration through the use of Wikis. 8(12).au/conferences/per th04/procs/augar. Online paper.pdf Teresa Almeida d'Eça in Portugal has posted a list of various Web teaching tools. Nov.elearningcentre. (2004).fasfind. Andrea (2003).” http://writingwiki.org The e-Learning Centre in the UK maintains a long list of Wiki Tools.org/ Whiplash is a series of ten-minute screencasts on various wikis. http://www. 5-8. http://www. self–selective recruitment and retention of members in virtual communities: The case of Wikipedia. Paper presented at the ELPUB 2002 conference.pdf Do Not Reproduce 270 . Operation of a Large Scale.ucalgary.co. 7 Things you should know about…Wikis.” http://tlc. that she updates regularly.48. (2002). Profetic: dossiers pratiques. http://firstmonday.php3?id_rubrique=110 Glaser. Wiki pedagogy. including wikis.org has lots of resources on wikis. produces a blog devoted to the use of wikis in education.profetic.ascilite. International Journal of Information Ethics.pbwiki. cfm?x=0&rid=25242 Bibliography Aronsson.org.37/teresadeca/webheads /online-learning-environments.educause. Dec.de/ijie/ijie/no002/ijie _002_09_ebersbach. http://container.pdf Fountain.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Wiki Tools WritingWiki. 19.. M.oreillynet. Swiki. Brian (2004). David (2003). Ariadne. Why Wikis Work Not.00.uk/issue42/ Udell. Making the case for a wiki.com.ariadne. Blogs & Wikis: Technologies for Enterprise Applications? Gilbane Report. T. The wiki way.irrodl. Online article at: http://www.amazon.html Wood. David (2004). http://c2.4149.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Wiki Tools Kulisz. Cossarin.pl?UniversityWiki Schwartz. 12(10). Wiki Tools. M..pcmag.ac.com/searcher/apr03/ mattison. J. O’Reilly Network.infoworld.usemod.com/pub/a/network/ 2006/07/07/what-is-a-wiki.10. Searcher. Clark. Wide Open Spaces: wikis ready or not.edu/ir/library/pdf/ER M0452.com/udell/2004/ 10/19.com/gp/product/02017 1499X/103-24969408161425?v=glance&n=283155&s=books&v =glance Mattison. (2001). and Webb. Twiki. Lauren (2005).14 02872. Online article at PCMag. 2006. Issue 42. Online article. http://www. Jon (2004). The Wiki Way: Collaboration and Sharing on the Internet..Oct. and Rudolph. http://gilbane. Sept. Neil (2003). Emma (2005).infotoday. http://Weblog. Educause Review. http://www. Quickiwiki. 2005. (2006). http://www. (2004). http://www.educause. http://www.Wiki as a PIM and Collaborative Content Tool. Online article. January. L.com/cgibin/mb.pdf Leuf. Zwiki and the Plone Wars .shtml Rubenking.html Tomkin.com/artpdf/GR12.org/content/v5.1/technote _xxvii. Educational wikis: features and selection criteria.html Stafford. S. http://www. What is a Wiki (and How to Use One for Your Projects). W. 2004. April 2003.. April 2004.pdf Do Not Reproduce 271 .com/cgi/wiki?WhyWikiWorksNot Lamb. July 7. Addison-Wesley Professional http://www. Oct.asp Schmitt. UniversityWiki. 36-48.com/article2/0. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. Richard (2003). InfoWorld. Bo & Cunnin. adding them to the 52 technologies described in this report allows me to divide the e-learning technologies in this report into the following five groups: Developing technologies – Technologies at the earliest stages of experimentation and prototyping: Affective Computing Avatars Classroom Response Systems Data Mining Decision Support Software Gesture and Facial Recognition Technologies Haptics Mashups and Web Services Personal Learning Environments Smart Labels and Tags Telepresence Technologies Wearable Computing Ascending technologies – Technologies that have been recently turned into products and are enjoying increasing demand: Social Networking Tools Web Feeds Simulation Tools Social Bookmarking Personalization Semantic Web Mobile Technologies Wiki Tools Location Based Technologies Gaming Design and Development Tools Blogs Agents Robotics Peaking technologies – Technologies that are dominating the market at the current time and in the next year: Collaboration Tools Search Engines Artificial Intelligence Visualization Technologies The process of developing and deploying technologies (sometimes called the technology adoption cycle) is part of a larger operation – the knowledge life cycle. which. floppy disks. Because this report is about emerging elearning technologies.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Part III: Innovation in E-Learning – Where We Are Heading This research report demonstrates that the field of e-learning technologies is rapidly growing. Knowledge starts with new ideas and insights. After a product has been successfully launched. Inventions may or may not be turned into commercial products. may or may not be adopted by the significant population. there are then spinoffs and incremental changes until the product either becomes absorbed into the taken-for-granted landscape of everyday life or declines in use and disappears. These changes in available online technologies introduce new possibilities not even considered a few years ago. The process of developing and deploying technologies (sometimes called the technology adoption cycle) is part of a larger operation – the knowledge life cycle. and computer-based training (CBT) using a timesharing computer. I have not described declining e-learning technologies such as DVD-ROMs. with over 50 distinct tool sets available to developers of online learning and teaching systems. CD-ROMS. in turn. which can then lead to inventions. Do Not Reproduce 272 . However. Further. This is due. Not only has the software evolved to manage each individual’s learning needs and desires. change itself seems to be inevitable. Do Not Reproduce 273 . without clear guidelines on how to proceed. it is next to impossible to accurately predict patterns of change. many of the technologies in the developing phase will become products. and Taxonomies Natural Language Processing Peer-to-Peer Technologies Portals Presentation Tools Rapid E-Learning Tools Video and IPTV Virtual Reality VoIP and Telephony Declining technologies – Technologies that have significantly dropped out of the marketplace: CAI – Computer Assisted Instruction CBT – Computer Based Training CD-ROM DVD-ROM Floppy Disks In time. to the complex. ascend the curve. In any field. some will never leave the development stage. and decline. both in classrooms and online. in both formal and informal settings. to the complex. learners have gone from passively receiving content to doing activities that lead them in many different directions. it is next to impossible to accurately predict patterns of change. peak. professor) presenting materials from an approved curriculum to a group of learners (students) in a classroom. dynamic mix of factors and influences that cause a product to be a successful innovation or a failure. For a variety of reasons. There is a move away from a few “linear” teaching formats to a rich variety of “nonlinear” teaching strategies. Teaching in Western societies has generally been carried out by a teacher (instructor.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Innovation in e-Learning Maturing technologies – Technologies that have considerable history in the market and are now only subject to incremental changes: Animation Software Assessment Tools Audio and Podcasting Tools Authoring Tools Browsers Communications Tools Competency Tracking Software Content Management Systems Display Technologies E-Portfolio Tools Graphics Tools Learning Management Systems Learning Objects and Repositories Metadata. Some will die quickly. However. However. This has been made possible by dynamic databases and software that simply did not exist twenty years ago. dynamic mix of factors and influences that cause a product to be a successful innovation or a failure. The old models of teaching and learning simply do not work. We are living in a complex multi-channel world of information abundance. but the types of software have exploded in terms of variety and choice. in part. Ontologies. this approach is now rapidly changing. while others will last for decades. In any field. This has been accompanied by a move from instructor led teaching to learner controlled learning – again. mature. The trend is towards individualization in all learning activities and in the pace of learning. This is due. in part. or may never become commercially viable. But not all technologies will travel this road. change itself seems to be inevitable. the baby boomers. terrorism. Once we master the art of reading. Because of this. The last 35 years have also brought AIDS. the civil rights movement. and personal digital assistants. The experience of younger learners with television. the space race. Schooling is often about learning “facts” and not about learning about “life” or integrating all of one’s experiences into an illuminating and generative world view. The speed of change increases with each passing year. means that they actually think differently. born in the 1970s. generally went to work earlier. and a sexual revolution brought on by birth-control pills. the words on the page disappear as we enter a world of reflection and imagination. In contrast. Given the differences in the experiences and environments of the three generations described above. 1994). Brandon Hall Research . There does seem to be a distinct difference in how the under40-year-old generation learns compared with older adults. The pressure of networked digital communications technology to move learning from passive receptive modes of learning to active inquiring modes of learning opposes the tendency of formal schooling to convert “dynamic knowledge into static information” (Beaugrande. ecological disasters. Our early experiences orient us to ways of thinking and to learning interests later in life. The under-40 generation has been described as “digital natives. mobile phones. The resulting shift is a change from receptive learning to active learning (Raschke. experienced the growing gadgetry of the 1950s. Their children. is not surprising that each has its own interests and ways of learning. 2002. video games. mind-altering drugs. Part of what drives change is the early learning experiences of a younger generation of media-savvy workers who demand a different way of operating and learning in the workplace. 28). and the globalization of corporate capitalism. were the first generation to be raised with widespread access to personal computers. In North America. people now over 80 were raised in much simpler material conditions. electronic media tends to be on the surface. Wellwritten description can take us into a dream world far away from where we are sitting (Birkerts. because it resembles the media familiar to younger learners. The children of the baby boomers. television. The technology of e-learning. and computers. and were impacted by such experiences as the Depression and World War II. This rapidly changing world makes it necessary to obtain the ability to both unlearn and relearn throughout one's life.” Prensky (2001) describes the younger generation as operating at “twitch speed” because of its training on video games and the requirements of a high-speed world to produce at a faster and faster pace. Prensky suggests that “digital game-based learning” is most appropriate for the under-40 group. p. movie theaters. libraries. with a corresponding reduction in the amount of time spent reading. video games. the ability to read well is at the heart of a good education. 274 © 2006. 2003). global warming. For the older generation.Innovation in e-Learning Part of what drives change is the early learning experiences of a younger generation of media-savvy workers who demand a different way of operating and learning in the workplace. demands that they get actively involved in the learning experience. gaming consoles.” while those of us who are over 40 and have ventured into the computer world have been called “digital immigrants. Do Not Reproduce 275 . But they are usually disappointed. touch and taste. Then even more movement. designers of Sesame Street. it will be a giant collaborative workspace.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Innovation in e-Learning To keep our attention. and digital ink and electronic paper. It will also be the ultimate library of ideas. the entire Internet will reflect group intelligence of the human race. Witness the rise of the sophisticated models of “artificial life. For example. sex. Networked Computer Technology is now able to simulate complexity in a way that was never possible before in human history. much of the hype generated by e-learning providers is about the amazing results of “interactivity. until we become habituated.” Today we have multiple methods and an infrastructure to get there. But they own goals because of the flexibility of learn. that is all about to change. huge data wall displays. the learner. True interactivity is based on feedback loops.” But much of what passes for interactivity in e-learning is minimal compared to what it could be. as we finally realize the advantages of these new technologies. There is little of this level of interactivity in today's elearning content. We also learn by being challenged or questioned about our decisions. the multitude of new technologies and online content make it possible to take control of one’s own learning journey. Within the next five years. However. we will see the restructuring of education and training. wearable computers. creative products.are usually ing paths. you needed a guide to take a wagon train from the Eastern seaboard of North America to the “Wild West. technologies. and the mapping of everything. portfolios. or can be more bound up by the disap-pointed. With the addition of the Semantic Web or similar schemes. the under-40 generation has high expectations due to their experience with video and At the individual level. learners reflect on what is happening by seeing the results of their actions or decisions. the under-40 generation has high expectations due to their experience with video and computer games. networked computers will mirror a form of collective intelligence that is much more able than the problem-solving capabilities of any individual. Two hundred years ago. Guides are optional. surprise. and video games use quick animations and jump-cut editing to revoke instinctual "orienting responses" to movement and novelty. Generally.” the dynamic visualization of chaos and complexity at the sub-atomic and cosmic levels of phenomena. digitization of smell. Networked computer technology is emerging as a multi-sensory learning environment. With feedback. In approaching electronic educational media. which have also greatly increased the possibilities of surveillance and control. with such innovations as information visualization and auralization. in a back-and-forth exchange. Likewise. the computer. The problem is that we have not figured out what to do with that amount of power. shortly. interactivity in e-learning consists of turning pages by clicking hyperlinks. results in an action by the other participant. especially when compared with the interactivity of video games. It is already a place for massively multiple player games. and the modeling of complex systems like nuclear reactors or the human body. commercials. whereby the action of one participant. In the next wave. none of which involve needing a guide (although guided tours are still one option). the result of all this power and choice is that individual learners computer either can be potentially freer to follow their games. In approaching electronic educational media. or violence is needed to keep our attention. It works for a time. (2001). Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Gary (2006).Innovation in e-Learning Bibliography Christensen. May 2006. http://www.com 276 © 2006. http://www. San Francisco:Berrett-Koehler. Emerging e-Learning: innovative content. Marc. The Innovator’s Dilemma: when new technologies cause great firms to fail.com/MasteringDynamics-Innovation-JamesUtterback/dp/0875847404/sr=11/qid=1160624848/ref=pd_bbs_1/1048608784-5591139?ie=UTF8&s=books Woodill. http://www.operitel. Brandon Hall Research .amazon. Texas. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. James (1994). Paper presented at the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) International Conference and Exhibition. Clayton (1997). http://www. Get Back in the Box: innovation from the inside out. Digital Game-based Learning. New York: McGraw-Hill. Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation.amazon.com/Get-Back-BoxInnovationInside/dp/B000IU3E50/ref=sr_11_1/1048608784-5591139?ie=UTF8 Seidensticker.com/InnovatorsDilemma-Revolutionary-BusinessEssentials/dp/0060521996/sr=11/qid=1160624690/ref=sr_1_1/1048608784-5591139?ie=UTF8&s=books Prensky. technologies and services for the next 5 years. http://www. FutureHype: the myths of technology change. Dallas.com/Future-HypeMyths-TechnologyChange/dp/1576753700/ref=sr_11_1/10 4-8608784-5591139?ie=UTF8 Utterback.amazon.amazon. http://www. New York: Collins. Douglas (2005). Bob (2006).com/Digital-GameBased-Learning-MarcPrensky/dp/0071454004/sr=11/qid=1160624770/ref=pd_bbs_1/1048608784-5591139?ie=UTF8&s=books Rushkoff.amazon. +1 (415) 682-0688 http://www.net Q-Life Department of Informatics Umeå University SE-901 87 UMEÅ Sweden Tel: +46 90 786 6771 Fax: +46 90 786 6550 http://www.1 D-66123 Saarbrücken.ac.it Nielsen Norman Group 48105 Warm Springs Boulevard Fremont.umu. Den Dolech 2 P.mit.html Cognition and Affect Project c/o School of Computer Science The University of Birmingham Edgbaston. Italy Tel: +39/02 88129731 Fax: +39/02 88129752 http://www.html Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI) c/o Association for Computing Machinery 1 Astor Plaza.myself-proj. DFKI GmbH Forschungsbereich Sprachtechnologie Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3 / Building 43.uk/~axs/cogaff/ Geneva Emotion Research Group c/o Sylvie Staehli.se/~muse/ho me. Germany Tel: +49-681-302-5303 http://emotion-research. 1515 Broadway.O. Boulevard du Pont-d'Arve CH-1205 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41-22-379-9215 Fax: +41-22-379-9219 http://www.unige. Birmingham B15 2TT United Kingdom Tel: +44 121 414 3744 Fax: +44 121 414 4281 http://www. MIT Building E15 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge.org MYSELF Project c/o Massimo Balestra ACSE SPA. 5600 MB Eindhoven Tel: +31 (0)40 247 5175 Fax: +31 (0)40 247 5376 http://www.51.de/link/affective_portal .Emerging e-Learning Technologies Part IV: List of Companies and Organizations Affective Computing Affective Computing Group c/o The Media Laboratory. Marc Schröder.nngroup.ch/fapse/emotion Humaine Project c/o Dr. New York. New York 10036-5701 USA Tel: +1-212-869-7440 Toll free: +1-800-342-6626 http://sigchi. CA 94539-7498 USA Tel. Box 513.bartneck.bham.edu Affective Computing Portal Eindhoven University of Technology Department of Industrial Design Room HG 2.informatik.media. MA 02139-4307 USA Tel: (617) 253-5960 Fax: (617) 258-6264 http://affect.com/ Do Not Reproduce 277 .cs. Administrative Secretary Department of Psychology University of Geneva 40. 17th Floor. Via San Senatore 6/1 Milan. edu Extempo Systems.com IEEE Computer Society 1730 Massachusetts Avenue.Portugal Tel.edu/fil/ Multi Agent Bio-Robotic Lab (MABL) c/o Dr. L69 7ZF.com Do Not Reproduce 278 . Suite 206 Boulder. Manuel I. Washington. Bloomington.org/ Department of Computer Science c/o Professor Michael Wooldridge University of Liverpool Liverpool.webist.codebaby.isi. 3400 Hillview Avenue.net/ Auburn University Auburn.rit.computer. D.educause. IN 47406 USA Tel: (812) 856-1377 Fax: (812) 856-1995 http://www.jsp Indiana University School of Informatics c/o Filippo Menczer. N.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations WEBIST Av. UK http://www. P. Building 5. Ferat Sahin 79 Lomb Memorial Drive Rochester. NY 14623 USA Tel: (585) 475-2175 Fax: (585) 475-5845 http://www. UK Tel: (+44 151) 795 4272 Fax: (+44 151) 794 3715 http://www. 2910-595 Setúbal .html Agents Agentlink c/o Peter McBurney Department of Computer Science University of Liverpool Liverpool .auburn. Edmonton. Palo Alto.csc. CO 80301-2538 USA Tel: (303) 449-4430 Fax: (303) 440-0461 http://www.edu/~mabl/dr_sahin. Box 2124 Menlo Park.extempo. Inc. 1900 East Tenth St.ailive.liv. CA 90292 USA Tel: (310) 822-1511 Fax: (310) 823-6714 http://www.org/portal/site/ieeec s/index.edu/ Center for Advanced Research for Technology in Education (CARTE) c/o USC Information Sciences Institute 4676 Admiralty Way Suite 1001 Marina del Rey.indiana. 27A 2º esq.uk/~mjw/ Educause 4772 Walnut Street. CA 94026-2124 USA Tel: (650) 327-1106 Fax: (940) 234-6089 http://www.informatics.org/ AiLive Inc. L69 7ZF. DC 20036-1992 USA Tel: +1-202-371-0101 Fax: +1-202-728-0884 http://www. #1910.agentlink.: +351 265 520 184 Fax: +351 265 520 186 http://www. 10004-104 Avenue. CA 94304 USA http://www.W. O.ac.edu/isd/carte/ CodeBaby Corp. Alabama 36849 USA Tel: (334) 844-4000 http://www. AB T5J 0K1 Canada Tel: (780) 432-522 http://www. CA 95014 Tel: (408) 996-1010 http://www.com/en/ Animats 999 Woodland Avenue Menlo Park. Ontario P1H 2K6 Canada Tel: 1 (705) 789-5238 Fax: 1 (705) 789-7781 http://www. Ontario M5V 1E7 Canada http://www. Inc.animats.redwoodelearning.com Alchemy Mindworks P.O. One Park West Tewksbury. CA 94903 USA Tel: (415) 507-5000 Fax: (415) 507-5100 http://usa. 110 Cuba Mall.com/ Australian Society for Computers in Learning In Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) c/o Robyn Debbes. SD 57105 USA Tel: 1 (605) 339-4722 Fax: 1 (605) 335-1554 http://www.apple.au/index.com/ Character Animation Technologies Ltd.com/home. 111 McInnis Parkway San Rafael. Burlington.avid. Inc. 42nd Street Suite C Sioux Falls.animationfactory.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Redwood E-learning Systems 479A Wellington St. CA 94025 USA Tel: (650) 326-9109 http://www.asp Animation Software Adobe Systems Incorporated 345 Park Avenue San Jose.mindworkshop.O.com Ascension Technology Corporation P. Tennessee 37235 USA Tel: (615) 322-7311 http://teachableagents. Avid Technology Park.autodesk. Box 527.org/ Apple Computer. Huntsville.ascension-tech.com Teachable Agents Group c/o Vanderbilt University 2201 West End Avenue Nashville.com/ Do Not Reproduce 279 . Inc 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino. PO Box 24478. Box 5200. Secretariat. New Zealand Tel: +64 4 384 7316 Fax: +64 4 384 7328 http://www. Wellington.catoolkit.adobe.org. CEDIR University of Wollongong NSW 2522 Tel: (612) 4221-4895 Fax: (612) 4225-8312 http://www.com/ Avid Technology. CA 95110-2704 Tel: (408) 536-6000 Fax: (408) 537-6000 http://www.com/ Animation Factory c/o Jupiterimages 2000 W. VT 05402 USA Tel: (802) 893-6657 Fax: (802) 893-6659 http://www. W Toronto.php/Main _Page Autodesk. MA 01876 USA Tel: (800) 00-2843 http://www.ascilite. com/ Hegarty Spatial Thinking Lab c/o Department of Psychology University of California.org/home. Suite 108-414 San Antonio.com/pub/index. TX 78249 USA Tel: (210) 370-8000 Fax: (210) 370-8001 http://www. Art Graesser University of Memphis 202 Psychology Building Memphis . CA 93106-9660 USA Tel: (805) 893-2791 Fax: (805) 893-4303 http://www.aclweb. Walt Disney New Technology & New Media U.com/ SIGGRAPH c/o Mark Haley.com/index.html Ulead Systems 970 W.460.818. Santa Barbara.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations EI Technology Group.htm Macromedia.eitechnologygroup.massivesoftware.org Do Not Reproduce 280 .S.siggraph. Suite #480 Torrance. CA 94103 USA Tel: (415) 832-2000 Fax: (415) 832-2020 http://www.html Association for Computational Linguistics 3 Landmark Center East Stroudsburg. California 94025 USA Tel: (650) 328-3123 Fax: (650) 321-4457 http://www. TN 38152 USA http://www. 190th Street. Suite 100 Menlo Park.viewpoint. PA 18301 USA Tel: +1 (570) 476-8006 Fax: +1 (570) 476-0860 http://www.newtek. 33 Ewell Street Balmain NSW 2041 AUSTRALIA http://www. Texas 78258-7500 USA Tel: (210) 745-3104 Fax: (210) 579-1430 http://www. NY 10018 USA Tel: (212) 201-0800 Fax: (212) 201-0801 http://www. LLC 20770 Hwy 281 North. Tel: +1.macromedia.6450 http://www.edu/~hegarty/hega rtylab.org/ SWiSHzone. CA 90502 USA Tech Support: +1 (510) 979-7118 Fax: +1 (310) 512-6408 Artificial Intelligence American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 445 Burgess Drive.com Massive Software PO Box 5456 Auckland 1036 New Zealand Tel: (310) 837-7878 http://www.aaai.com/ NewTek.com Pty Ltd The Basement.php Viewpoint Corporation 498 7th Avenue Suite 1810 New York. San Antonio. 601 Townsend Street San Francisco.swishzone.autotutor. Inc.psych.ucsb.A.org AutoTutor c/o Dr. 5131 Beckwith Blvd. Inc. Alberta Canada T2P 5G3 Canada Tel: (403) 263-8649 Fax: (403) 261-4688 http://www.cs.htm Licef Research Centre Télé-Université. 100 Sherbrooke St.uquebec.licef.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Cognitive Science Society Department of Psychology. PA 15213-3891 Tel: (412) 268-8808 Fax: (412) 268-1266 http://ctat. Inc.ca/eng/ind ex. Quebec H2X 3P2 Canada Tel : (514) 843-2015 Fax : (514) 843-2151 http://www.edu European Distance and E-Learning Network Budapest University of Technology and Economics. 303 Twin Dolphin Drive Redwood City. H-1111 Budapest.htm Pittsburgh Advanced Computer Tutoring Project Human Computer Interaction Institute School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh.gemini.cs.com Do Not Reproduce 281 .eden-online.com/index.cmu.cs.php Gemini Performance Systems 2nd Floor 683 . University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia Tel: +61 2 9351 3423 Fax: +61 2 9351 3838 http://www. CA 94065 USA Tel: (650) 632-4388 Fax: ( 650) 632-4389 http://www.au/~netsys/researc h/current_computer_science_education_re search.pact. TX 78712 USA Tel: (512) 471-2030 Fax: (512) 471-3053 http://www.10th Street S. Stuart Building 235 Chicago. West Montreal. 5275 Sardis Road Murrysville.W.cmu.org/eden.iit. PA 15213-3891 Tel: (412) 268-8808 Fax: (412) 268-1266 http://pact. IL 60616 USA Tel: (312) 567-5150 Fax: (312) 567-5067 http://www.ke-corp.edu. Hungary Tel: + 36 1 463 1628 Fax:+ 36 1 463 1858 http://www.it.htm Knowledge Engineering Suite 600. University of Texas 1 University Station A8000 Austin.com Illinois Institute of Technology Computer Science Department 10 West 31st Street.edu Quantum Simulations.edu Intelligent Tutoring Systems Research School of Information Technologies Madsen Building F09.cognitivesciencesociety.org Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools Human Computer Interaction Institute School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh.usyd. 1. u. Calgary. PA 15668 USA Tel: (724) 733-8603 Fax: (724) 325-2062 http://quantumsimulations. Egry J.teluq. Calgary.ulster. of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2500 University Drive N. MA 01609-2280 USA Tel: (508) 831-5000 http://web.ac.ac.unisa. East Adelphi. Suite 1500 Montreal.cs. T2N 1N4 Canada Tel: (403) 220-5806 Fax: (403) 282-6855 http://www2.edu. VA 20151 USA Tel: (703) 437-4800 Fax: (703) 437-8003 http://www. Ireland Tel: +44 (0) 1232 368020 Fax: +44 (0) 1232 368206 http://www. Chantilly.uk/cticomp/CAA.au Virtuel Age International (Main Office) 75 Queen Street.ucalgary. Alberta. Co.scit.stottlerhenke. Suite K.edu Brainbench Employment Testing 14100 Parke Long Court.wlv.com Assessment Tools Assessment Resource Center University of Maryland University College 3501 University Blvd. of Wolverhampton Technology Centre Wulfruna Street.unimelb.html Do Not Reproduce 282 .cis.W. 94404 USA Tel: (650) 931-2700 Fax: (650) 931-2701 http://www.au Computer Based Assessment Project Univ.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Stottler Henke Associates 951 Mariner's Island Blvd.umuc.cshe.edu.wpi.com Centre for the Study of Higher Education The University of Melbourne VIC 3010 Australia Tel: +61 03 8344 4605 Fax: +61 03 8344 7576 http://www.uk/home. CA . Quebec H3C 2N6 Canada Tel: (514) 393-0880 Fax: (514) 393-0881 http://www. Maryland 20783 USA Tel: (800) 888-8682 http://www.edu/Research/trg University of Calgary c/o Behrouz Homayoun Far Dept. Newtownabbey.ca/People/far University of South Australia School of Computer and Information Science GPO Box 2471 Adelaide South Australia 5001 Australia Tel: +61 8 8302 6611 Fax: +61 8 8302 2466 http://www.com Tutor Research Group Worcester Polytechnic Institute 100 Institute Road Worcester. Antrim BT37 OQB N.virtuelage. Wolverhampton WV1 1SB UK Tel: +44 1902 321402 Fax: +44 1902 321478 http://cba.htm CTI Computing Faculty of Informatics University of Ulster at Jordanstown Shore Road..enel. Suite 360 San Mateo.brainbench. FL 32720 USA http://www. Suite 2300 New York.O.operitel. Johnson Street.unt. Boulder. Box 317 New Hartford.tcet.colorado. Box 305280 Denton.com Quintessential Careers DeLand. Suite 105 Princeton. Suite 753 Madison. NY 10018 USA Tel: +1 212 533 1775 Fax: +1 212 533 6041 http://www. Colorado 80309 USA Tel: (303) 492-1411 http://lsa.com Texas Center of Educational Technology P.ets. CT 06854 USA Tel: (800) 863-3950 http://www.pedagogue.com/redinq/html/index. CT 06057 USA Tel: (888) 541-4896 Outside the U. Suite 100.com/evaluator Testcraft c/o Ingenious Group LLC P. Suite 201 Peterborough.flaguide.O.questionmark. html Resource Management Services The Old Vicarage 10 Church Street Rickmansworth Herts WD3 1BS England Tel: +44 (0)1923 770077 http://nt.org Operitel Corporation 160 Charlotte Street.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Diploma c/o Horizon Wimba 520 8th Avenue. Ontario K9J 2T8 Canada Tel: (705) 745-6605 Fax: (705) 745-1248 http://www.org Latent Semantic Analysis @ UC Boulder University of Colorado.: (860) 738-2231 Fax: (860) 738-2241 http://www.ingeniousgroup.quintcareers.S.com Questionmark 535 Connecticut Avenue. Suite #282 Chicago IL 60618 USA Tel: (773) 769 3100 Fax: (773) 409 5470 http://www.horizonwimba.rmsuk. Norwalk.com Educational Testing Service (ETS) Rosedale Road Princeton.redinq.edu National Institute for Science Education University of Wisconsin-Madison 1025 W. WI 53706 USA Tel: (608) 263-9250 Fax: (608) 262-7428 http://www.com Red inQ c/o Hurix Systems Private Limited 4064 N Lincoln Ave.com Pedagogue Testing c/o Pedagogue Solutions 100 Thanet Circle.edu/home Do Not Reproduce 283 . NJ 08540-3674 USA Tel: (609) 921-7585 http://www. NJ 08541 USA Tel: (609) 921-9000 Fax: (609) 734-5410 http://www. TX 76203-5280 Tel: (940) 565-4433 http://www. K1G 4K1 Canada Tel: (613) 731-9443 Fax: (613) 731-9615 Products: Performance Analyzer http://www.adobe.automaticsync.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations University of Illinois’ Office of Instructional Resources c/o Kathy Duvall. PA 18940 Tel: (800) 322-0848 Fax: 215-579-8391 http://www.ht ml Vantage Learning 110 Terry Drive.com Automatic Synch Technologies Tel: (510) 582-3437 http://www.com/lipsync/ind ex. Ontario.com Bremmers Audio Design Vlamingstraat 71 2611 KS Delft The Netherlands http://www.cakewalk.com AudioLink. 29 Harley Street London W1G 9QR United Kingdom Fax: (44) 207 182 6722 http://www. Laurent Blvd. IL 61820 USA Tel: (217) 333-3490 http://www.html AVSMedia Online Media Technologies Ltd.vantagelearning.com Educational Podcast Network c/o David Warlick Raleigh.. Inc.org Audio and Podcasting Tools Adobe Systems Incorporated 345 Park Avenue San Jose.aspx BIAS.multitrackstudio.edu/dme/exams/ITQ. MC-528 505 East Armory Avenue Champaign.epnweb.audiolink. 50 Hunt St.html Do Not Reproduce 284 . NC 27609 USA Tel: (919) 571-3292 Fax: (919) 571-2760 http://www. CA 94952 USA Tel: 1 (707) 782-1866 Fax: 1 (707) 782-1874 http://www.com XStream Software. Watertown.bias-inc.com/home. Suite 100 Newtown. Inc 140 Keller Street Petaluma.com Cakewalk 268 Summer Street Boston.xstreamsoftware.uiuc.oir. MA 02210 USA Tel: (617) 423-9004 Fax: (617) 423-9007 http://www. CA 95110-2704 Tel: (408) 536-6000 Fax: (408) 537-6000 http://www.avsmedia. 2280 St. Measurement and Evaluation Room 247 Armory..com/AudioTools/ind ex. Suite 200 Ottawa. MA 02472 USA Tel: (617) 926-9007 http://www. Inc. MA 02453 USA Tel: (781) 370-8000 http://presentation.envision. Arundel Street..O.acroservices.com/ Do Not Reproduce 285 . Two University Office Park 51 Sawyer Road.htm Anark Corporate Headquarters 1434 Spruce Street.com Brainshark. Stewart Center West Lafayette IN 47906 USA Tel: (765) 496-7888 http://www.uk Envision Center Purdue University 128 Memorial Mall. CA 90245 USA Tel: (310) 374-7491 Fax: (310) 374-7391 http://www.apple. CA 95110-2704 Tel: (408) 536-6000 Fax: (408) 537-6000 http://www. Israel Tel: 972-4-993 0484 Fax: 972-4-983-1715 http://www. Grime and Associates. Waltham.adobe.com Banshee c/o McKinnon-Mulherin Inc.edu iTunes Apple Computer. Cooper Buildings. West Perrysburg.co. WI 53703 USA Tel: (608) 443-1600 Fax: (608) 443-1601 http://www.com/newAS/files/ products/acrotrain. CA 95014 Tel: (408) 996-1010 http://www.trainvision. CA 94709-2114 USA Tel: 1 (866) 522-7941 http://www.com Accordent Technologies 300 N. Suite 200 El Segundo.brainshark. 136 South Main Street.com/power point-presentations-index. S1 2NS UK http://www. Suite A300 Salt Lake City.sonicfoundry. Sheffield. CO 80302 Tel: (303) 545-2592 Fax: (303) 545-2575 http://www.Box 1116 Ramat Yishai 30095. San Jose.anark.A..mckinnonmulherin. Inc. Sheffield Technology Parks. OH 43551-3225 USA Tel: (419) 872-9999 http://www.e-learningcentre. Continental Blvd.purdue.asp Authoring Tools Adobe Systems Incorporated 345 Park Avenue. 1700 Martin Luther King Jr Way Berkeley.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations e-Learning Centre Learning Light Ltd.com AuthoLearn c/o TrainVision P.com Sonic Foundry 222 West Washington Avenue Madison.com/index. UT 84101 USA Tel: (801) 531-1631 http://www.bloki. Inc 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino. Inc.htm Bloki c/o Zapatec Inc.com AcroServices c/o L.accordent. 860 Sandalwood Road. Suite 200 Boulder. +44 (0)115 9061251 http://www. Inc.com/Index.Companies and Organizations Camstasia Studio c/o Lifeboat Distribution 1157 Shrewsbury Avenue Shrewsbury.com CourseGenie c/o Horizon Wimba 520 8th Avenue.com 286 © 2006.com Dynamic Power Trainer c/o Dynamic Media Straßganger Straße 287 8053 Graz.customcourse. UK Tel. 14000 NW 4th Street Sunrise. NG8 6PE.html Content Point c/o Atlantic Link Strelley Hall.dynamicpowertrainer.copycatsoftware. UT 84101 USA Tel: (801) 537-7800 Fax: (801) 537-7805 http://www.ciscolearning.allencomm. 200 South. NJ 07702-4321 USA Tel: (800) 847-7078 Fax: (732) 389-2066 http://www. FL 32225 USA Tel: (904) 998-9520 Fax: (904) 998-0221 http://www.bridge-pt.co. Austria http://www. Ste. Suite 2300 New York.com.org/Products/CLI _Virtuoso/Index.maxit. NY 10018 USA Tel: +1 (212) 533-1775 Fax: +1 (212) 533-6041 http://www. Brandon Hall Research .horizonwimba.com DazzlerMax c/o MaxIT Corporation 2771-29 Monument Road MS-355 Jacksonville. Nottingham.atlanticlink. AZ 85016 USA Tel: (602) 343-1500 Fax: (602) 343-1600 http://www.com Coursemaker Studio c/o Learn. FL 33325 USA Tel: (954) 233-4000 Fax: (954) 233-4001 http://www.learn.com CourseWare c/o Bridge Via Sangallo 32. +44 (0)115 9061375 Fax.com/ Designer’s Edge c/o Allen Communication Learning Services 175 W. 20100 Milan.p asp CLI Virtuoso Authoring System c/o Cisco Learning Institute 1661 East Camelback Road Suite 300 Phoenix.com Custom Learning Studio c/o MyKnowledgeMap Ltd 37a Micklegate York YO1 6JH UK Tel: +44 (0)1904 659465 Fax: +44 (0)1904 466081 http://www.htm CopyCat Tel: +44(0)845 4900 228 Fax: +44(0)870 900 9098 http://www. 100 Garden Level Salt Lake City.lifeboatdistribution. Italy http://www.uk/contentpoint. NH 03062 USA Tel: (603) 889-3784 Fax: (603) 595-7932 http://www.com E-Learning in a Box c/o KnowledgeXtensions.e-learningconsulting.O.eclipsys.edufolio.com Elicitus Content Publisher Harbinger Knowledge Products P. 500 Kenwood Avenue Delmar. Illinois 60202 USA Tel: (847) 475-4400 http://www.64.64. local 3 E-08028 Barcelona. 38-40. Spain Tel: +34 93 490. LLC 501 West Franklin Street. PA 17055 USA Tel: (717) 790-0400 Fax: (717) 790-0401 http://www. Suite 29A Nashua.ht ml e-Learning Consulting 1722 232 Avenue NE Sammamish. NC 27516 USA Tel: (919) 929-8400 Fax: (919) 883-5093 http://www.com ExpertAuthor.experiencebuilders. Suite 105 Chapel Hill.com Experience Builders LLC 836 Custer Avenue Evanston. New York 12054 USA Tel: (866) 532-7659) http://www. ExpressTrain c/o Knowledge Quest 301 Forest Avenue Laguna Beach.asp EasyProf Rambla Brasil.com Enterprise e-Learning Publishing System c/o Mohive.mohive. Utah 84043 USA Tel: (866) 231-5254 Fax: (360) 838-0828 http://www.com Firefly Publisher c/o KnowledgePlanet 5095 Ritter Road. CA 92651 USA Tel: (949) 376-8150 http://www. Box 9083 Grønland N-0133 Oslo Norway Tel: +47 22 44 94 50 Fax: +47 97 32 37 08 http://www.rapidintake. Suite 112 Mechanicsburg.knowledgeplanet.easyprof.com Edufolio c/o Terra Dotta. Box 2827 Redmond.com Do Not Reproduce 287 .10 Fax: +34 93 490.com/Solutions/Elearnin g. WA 98074 USA Tel: (425) 868-4841 http://www. 441 W Main St.eedo. FL 33487 USA Tel: (561) 322-4321 Fax: (561) 322-4320 http://www.com/products/forceten..elearninginabox.elicitus. Suite B Lehi.68 http://www. O. Inc.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations EasyAuthor c/o Eclipsys Corporation 1750 Clint Moore Road Boca Raton. P.com Flash Companion eLearning Studio Rapid Intake Inc. WA 98073 USA Tel: (425) 861-8400 http://www.com Eedo ForceTen 76 Northeastern Blvd .knowledgequest. Australia.elearningpowertools. Colfax Avenue Building 200.e2train.htm Knowledge Assembler c/o Generation21 Learning Systems 17301 W. IL 60118 USA Tel: (847) 836-1800 Fax: (847) 836-1818 http://www.intuition.instant-demo.ips-inc.com/ka. CT 06023 USA Tel: (860) 828-5650 Fax: (860) 828-3017 http://www. Berlin. Unanderra Wollongong. West Sussex.com Instant Demo c/o NetPlay Software Tamarind Drive.elementk.uk Impatica Inc..ilessons. GL7 1XD. Laurent Blvd. Inc.htm KnowledgeHub Authoring Services c/o 500 Canal View Boulevard Rochester..co. Cirencester. 111 Water St.com Kallidus Authoring System c/o e2train Limited 1st Floor. Brandon Hall Research . NY 14623 USA Tel: (585) 240-7500 Fax: (585) 240-7760 http://www.com/ Intuition Publisher IFSC House International Financial Services Centre Custom House Quay Dublin 1 Ireland Tel: +353 1 605 4300 Fax: +353 1 605 4301 http://www.Companies and Organizations iLessons c/o Counterpoint MTC Ltd Unit 2 Timberlaine Trading Est. CO 80401 USA Tel: (303) 233-2100 Fax: (303) 462-8849 http://www. 101/102 Cirencester Bus.com/products/product s_Author. East Dundee. Ontario K1G 3V4 Canada Tel: (613) 736-9982 Fax: (613) 736-9084 http://www.gen21. 1725 St. New York 12054 USA Tel: (866) 532-7659) Fax: (518) 689-3095 http://www.htm KBridge c/o KnowledgeXtensions. UK Tel: +44 (0)1903 538844 Fax: +44 (0)1903 536080 http://www..com/prod serv.com Intiva c/o Business Performance Technology 1224 Mill Street East. BN14 8ND.knowledgextensions. Fax: +61 2 4272 1338 http://www. Inc. Park Love Lane.impatica. Worthing. UK Main Tel: +44 (01285) 883900 Fax: +44 (01285)883901 http://www. Gloucestershire. shtml iPerform Course Builder Integrated Performance Systems. 500 Kenwood Avenue Delmar. NSW.com 288 © 2006. Suite 205 Ottawa.ie/software/publisher. Decoy Rd. Suite 225 Golden. net Do Not Reproduce 289 . BC V9A 3K5 Canada Tel: 1 (800) 616-5409 Fax: (250) 361-9362 http://www.com/ LEARNERLand c/o MEDIAmaker Ltd MEDIA HOUSE.html Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond.com Lecturnity c/o imc AG Altenkesseler Straße 17/ D3 66115 Saarbrücken Germany Tel: +49 681/ 94 76 .lersus. FRANCE Tel: +41 21 807 01 31 http://www.com podia Ltd 6th Floor.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations KnowledgePresenter GeoMetrix Data Systems 240 Bay Street Victoria. VA 24311 USA Tel: (276) 783-6991 http://www. L1R 3K7 Canada Tel: (416) 907-8618 http://nuvvo.microsoft. Beeston Nottingham UK NG9 2RS Tel: +44 (0)115 925 5440 http://www.teds.com/tbt/dac/index. ON.podia.com MindIQ Corporation 7742 Spalding Drive.de/content/enu/productn-solutions/authoring-system/ MindOnSite – Integral Coaching SA Soleil Levant 6 1170 Aubonne.knowledgepresenter. Warwick. Courtice.com Lectora c/o Travantis 311 Elm Street. Suite 200 Cincinnati. Padge Road.php Nuvvo c/o Savvica Inc. 46 10789 Berlin Deutschland Tel: +49 (30) 81298133 http://www.com/eLearning/EN /index.de Lersus easyContent c/o Delfi Software Lietzenburgerstr.digitalworkshop.com Learning Composer c/o TEDS Inc. GA 30092-4207 USA Tel: (770) 248-0442 Fax: (770) 248-1949 http://www. WA 98052-6399 USA Tel: (800) 642-7676 Fax: (425) 936-7329 www.learnerland.mindonsite.lecturnity.com Opus Pro c/o Digital Workshop The Innovation Centre Warwick Technology Park Gallows Hill. #205 Norcross.0 http://www. CV34 6UW UK Tel: +44 (0)870 120 2186 Fax: +44 (0)870 120 2187 http://www. 110 Fourth Ave. World Trade Centre Exchange Quay Manchester M5 3EJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 8707 80 26 36 Fax: +44 (0) 8707 80 26 37 http://www. OH 45202 USA Tel: (877) 929-0188 http://trivantis. 235 Mountain Empire Road Atkins.mindiq. screenwatch. Suite 150 Lindon.com Reusable Objects Richmond Forum Cnr. South Africa Tel: +27 11 482 7543 Fax: +27 11 482 8447 http://www. CA 95054 USA Tel: (408) 435-7000 Fax: (408) 496-4353 http://www.westcliffdata. NY 10001 USA Tel: 1 (800) 861-4880 http://www. 100 Garden Level Salt Lake City.webex. Laurent Blvd. Suite 200 Ottawa.co. Cedar Ave & Napier Road.com Respondus 17127 NE 83rd Ct. CA 94040 USA Tel: (650) 559-8990 Fax: (650) 559-5950 http://www.com RapidBuilder c/o XStream Software.allencomm. K1G 4K1 Canada Tel: (613) 731-9443 http://www.xstreamsoftware. Inc.com 290 © 2006. CA 95954 Tel: (530) 852-7070 x103 http://www.. 200 South.readygo. 150 Hamlet Court Road Westcliff-on-Sea. Essex SS0 7LN UK Tel: +44 (0)1702 436600 Fax: +44 (0)1702 434888 http://www. 150 Hamlet Court Road Westcliff-on-Sea. Inc.reusableobjects. Richmond. Utah 84042-1911 USA Tel: +1(801) 805-3600 http://www. UT 84101 USA Tel: (801) 537-7800 Fax: (801) 537-7805 http://www. 2280 St.westcliffdata.html Presenter c/o Articulate 244 5th Avenue Suite 2960 New York. Brandon Hall Research ..pointecast. WA 98052 USA Fax: (425) 881-3329 http://www. K1G 4K1 Canada Tel: (613) 731-9443 Fax: (613) 731-9615 http://www. Inc. 3rd Floor Magalia.co.com RapidGuide c/o XStream Software.Companies and Organizations PointeCast Publisher Professional 355 South 520 West. 2280 St.com SCOBuilder c/o Westcliff Data Services Ltd PC House.com Quest c/o Allen Communication Learning Services 175 W.xstreamsoftware.com ReadyGo! 1761 Pilgrim Avenue Mountain View. Ontario.uk/index. Suite 200 Ottawa. 3979 Freedom Circle Santa Clara. Essex SS0 7LN UK Tel: +44 (0)1702 436600 Fax: +44 (0)1702 434888 http://www.articulate. Redmond.com/services/webpresentation-svc. Ontario.respondus. Ste. Johannesburg.php? content=products/scobuilder ScreenWatch Producer 15191 Humbug Rd.php? content=products/scobuilder SCORMxt c/o Westcliff Data Services Ltd PC House.com Presentation Studio c/o WebEx Communications. Laurent Blvd.uk/index. 76133 Karlsruhe.uk Sensa e-Learning 4465 W.cxjsp?pos=ibtAuthori ng Thinkingcap Studio c/o Agile.com Do Not Reproduce 291 . NY 10038 Tel: (212) 353-0022 http://www. Suite 400 New York. CA 94043 USA Tel: +1 (650) 934-9500 Fax: +1 (650) 962-9411 http://www. 110 West C Street Suite 2200 San Diego. ON M5A 1J2 Canada Tel: 1 (416) 977-4675 Fax: 1 (416) 599-1441 http://www. Suite 200 Tampa.com SmartBuilder c/o Suddenly Smart 523 Encinitas Blvd.respondus.com/products/study mate. Redmond.com/coursegen.co.com Snap! Studio c/o Percepsys 4686 Rosebush Road Mississauga ON L5M5H3 Canada Tel: 1 (877) 719-4789 http://www.4259 Fax: (760) 635.com Trainersoft FunEducation. +49(0)721.syberworks.percepsys. 4.com Seminar Learning System Burleigh House.suddenlysmart.de/ibt/main/en/site/ time4you/ibt/en/start.5709 http://www. USA 29063-9688 USA Tel: (803) 749-8980 Fax: (803) 781-7149 http://www.sensalearning. CA 92101 USA http://www. Gandy Blvd. SC.seminar.com time4you GmbH communication & learning Maximilianstr.83 01 60 Fax +49(0)721.funeducation.shtml SyberWorks Competency Management Module Tel: (888) 642-7078 Fax: (781) 891-1994 http://www. Inc. 250 The Esplanade Toronto. Ste 202 Encinitas.hunterstone.info ToolBook 1808 North Shoreline Boulevard Mountain View. 15 Newmarket Road Cambridge CB5 8EG United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1223 312227 Fax: +44 (0)1223 310200 http://www.time4you.scribestudio. Germany Tel.htm StudyMate c/o Respondus 17127 NE 83rd Ct.toolbook. WA 98052 USA Fax: (425) 881-3329 http://www.thinkingcap.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations ScribeStudio 15 Maiden Lane.com Thesis c/o HunterStone 10628 C Broad River Rd Irmo.83 01 616 http://www. FL 33611 USA Tel: (813) 831-8181 Fax: (813) 831-8221 http://www. CA 92024 Tel: (800) 690. Suite 1550 San Jose. 11th Floor New York.vcom3d. 219 Tampa. Suite 260 Orlando.redwoodelearning.. 323 Newbury Street Boston.html Knowledge Environments. Birmingham. Inc. Tel: (413) 458-5611 http://www.com TelSim Software Learning Technology 0012 N. Edmonton. NY 10018 USA Tel: (212) 375-6290 http://www. #1910. 70 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3LX UK Tel: +44 (0) 141 582 0600 http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations TurboDemo c/o Bernard D&G.. Moseley.co.qarbon. Ontario M5V 1E7 Canada http://www. Inc. Massachusetts 02115 USA Tel: (617) 262-0202 http://www.com ViewletBuilder c/o Qarbon. FL 32817 USA Tel: (407) 737-7310 Fax: (407) 737-6821 http://www. 55 South Market St. Birnenweg 15 72766 Reutlingen Germany Tel: + 49 7121 1688-0 Fax: 212 937 5201 http://www..com Avatars CodeBaby Corp.oddcast. CA 95113 USA Tel: (408) 907-4800 Fax: (408) 907-4808 http://www.com Daden Chatbots 103 Oxford Rd.com DA Group The Lighthouse.com Oddcast 589 8th Ave.daden.codebaby.com XplanaWorkbook c/o Xplana.uk/chatbots. Dale Mabry Hwy. Ste. 10004-104 Avenue.com Redwood E-learning Systems 479A Wellington St.co.maxit.tmmy. B13 9SG. FL 33618 Tel: (813) 868-1661 Fax: (813) 908-3559 http://www.turbodemo. United Kingdom Tel: 0 (121) 247-3628 http://www. FL 32225 USA Tel: (904) 998-9520 Fax: (904) 998-0221 http://www.com Visual Course Builder c/o MaxIT Corporation 2771-29 Monument Road MS-355 Jacksonville.com Second Life Tel: (415) 243-9000 http://secondlife. W Toronto.knowledgeenvironments.uk Do Not Reproduce 292 .xplana.telsim..com Vcom 3d 3452 Lake Lynda Drive. AB T5J 0K1 Canada Tel: (780) 432-522 http://www. com Mozilla Corporation 1981 Landings Drive Building K Mountain View. Mazgaon.com GTCO CalComp.flock.wavemarket. Suite 100 Mountain View CA 94041.opera.htm Classroom Response Systems Active Learning Site c/o Dr. Suite 209 Moorestown.com OmniWeb Omni Development. CA 94608 USA http://www.com Blogpulse c/o Nielsen Buzzmetrics 56 West 22nd Street Third Floor New York.omnigroup. CO 80819 Tel: (719) 684-9261 http://www. 2707 NE Blakeley Street Seattle. USA http://www. TX 78701 USA Tel: (512) 457-5220 http://www. Suite 900 Austin. Inc.com Browsers Flock 100 View Street.gtcocalcomp.O.com/applications/o mniweb Opera Software ASA P. 5858 Horton Street Suite 250 Emeryville.blogburst. WA 98105-3118 USA Tel: (206) 523-4152 x0 Fax: (206) 523-5896 http://www. NJ 08057 USA Tel: (856) 787-9100 Fax: (856) 787-0707 http://www. 7125 Riverwood Drive Columbia. Charles Bonwell Active Learning Workshops.mozilla. Mumbai 10. INDIA.com CramerSweeney Instructional Design Moorestown Office Center 110 Marter Avenue..qelix. Inc. P. Box 2648 St Hanshaugen NO-0131 Oslo NORWAY Tel: +47 24 16 40 00 Fax: +47 24 16 40 0 http://www. 6th Flr.cramersweeney. CA 94043-0801 USA http://www. MD 21046 Tel: (410) 381-6688 Fax: (410) 290-9065 http://www. NY 10010 USA Tel: (646) 253-1900 http://blogpulse.com WaveMarket.com Qube c/o Qelix Technologies St.O..com/v2/index.com Do Not Reproduce 293 .Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Blogging BlogBurst c/o Pluck Corporation 720 Brazos St. Mary Apts. Inc. Tel: (022) 2371-2194 Fax: (022) 2372-9177 http://qube. Nesbit Rd. Box 407 Green Mountain Falls.active-learning-site. SW. Suite 103 Toronto.edu Backpack c/o 37 Signals 400 North May Street #301. Suite# 401.smartroom.com Collaboration Tools aveComm c/o Atinav 100 Franklin Square Drive. MA 01003-9305 USA Tel: (413) 545-9483 http://umperg. Canada M4Y 3G4 Tel: (416) 840-3476 http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Open Technologies Interactive 399 36th Street.umass. Jospeh Street.com BlueTie. Somerset.au/ELearning/A udienceResponseSystems/Home.com Smartroom Learning Solutions.08873 USA Tel: (732) 412-3000 Fax: (732) 412-2145 http://www.com Pearson Education Australia Tel: (02) 9454 2222 http://www.com/products/breeze/ Brevient Tel: 414. Suite 101E Falls Church. WA 98373 USA Tel: (253) 845-7738 http://www. Pleasant St.com Do Not Reproduce 294 . Chicago IL 60622 USA http://www.944.inteam. 4631 Dandelion Circle Marietta.aspx Qwizdom. Ian Beatty Lederle Graduate Tower B-416 University of Massachusetts 710 N.backpackit. GA 30067 USA Tel: (404) 419-6060 http://www.bluetie. 1050 Pittsford Victor Rd. Amherst. 601 Townsend Street San Francisco. Inc.qwizdom.batipi.com Batipi 11 St. VA 22042 Tel: (703) 766-4577 http://www. FL 32811 Tel: (407) 872-3333 Fax: (407) 872-3330 http://www.com Univeristy of Massachusetts Physics Education Research Group c/o Dr.brevient.com Bantu 8110 Gatehouse Rd. 12617 Meridian E. NJ . Inc. NY 14534 USA Tel: (800) 258-3843 http://www.optiontechnologies.bantu. Inc. Pittsford.com.adobe. Ontario.avecomm. Inc. CA 94103 USA Tel: (415) 832-2000 Fax: (415) 832-2020 http://www.com Breeze c/o Macromedia.com/ Blenks int bv Postbus 75310 1070 AH AMSTERDAM Tel: 0900-468 326 48 Fax: (+31) 84-7161430 http://www.pearsoned.0162 http://www. Orlando.physics. Puyallup. com/ Covenos 100 Enterprise Way Mod A-1 Scotts Valley. 6th Floor San Francisco. 232 http://www.collaborationloop. Suite 522.com Caucus Care 2630 Lillian Road Ann Arbor.communityzero.centraldesktop. 1192 East Draper Parkway. Suite 950 Portland.com Collaboration Loop CMP Media LLC.communiqueconferencing. Ontario Canada N1E 4P5 Fax: (519) 837-8017 http://www. OR 97201 USA Tel: (503) 224-7496 Fax: (503) 222-0185 http://www.com Comotiv Systems 111 SW Columbia St.courseforum. CA 95134 USA Tel: (408) 526-4000 http://www. Inc. 100 North Lake Avenue.com/centra-saba Central Desktop. CA 94107 USA Tel: (415) 905-2300 http://www.com CourseForum Technologies 67 King Street Guelph. CA 91101 Tel: (626) 593-7007 http://www.com 404 Fifth Avenue. UT 84020 USA Tel: (801) 303-2525 http://www. #205 Pasadena. VA 22102 USA Tel: (202) 266-0058 Fax: (703) 471-1621 http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Bridgepoint c/o TelNetZ.com Cisco Systems.com Communique 8280 Greensboro Dr.com Do Not Reproduce 295 . Florida 33309 USA Tel: (954) 267-3000 Fax: (954) 267-9319 http://www.com Community Zero c/o Ramius 294 Albert Street. 170 West Tasman Dr. 2400 Bridge Parkway Redwood Shores.html Citrix Systems.comotivsystems. 795 Folsom Street.com/en/US/products/sw/ ps5664/ps5669/index. Suite 630 McLean.brightidea.cisco. MI 48104 USA Fax: (734) 973-6915 http://care.com Centra c/o Saba. NY 10018 USA Tel: (212) 594-4500 http://www.caucus. CA 95066 Tel: +1 (831) 600-1400 Fax: +1 (831) 600-1405 http://www.citrix. CA 94065-1166 USA Tel: (650) 581-2500 Fax: (650) 581-2581 http://www.saba.telnetz. Ontario K1P 6E6 Canada Tel: 13-230-3808 ext.com Brightidea. Draper.convenos. Suite 600 Ottawa. San Jose. 851 West Cypress Creek Road Fort Lauderdale. Inc. Inc. 6th Floor New York. NJ 08648 USA Tel: (609) 844-0400 http://www.com Facilitate 4323 23rd Street San Francisco.forumone. Suite # 102 Mountain View CA 94041 USA Tel: (650) 210-3900 Fax: (650) 210-3901 http://www. Inc.com Flypaper c/o Marq Systems 1140 Whitemarsh Court San Jose.W.ezmeeting.engineering.com Engineering. MA 01810 USA Tel: (978) 474-4900 http://www.com LLP PO Box 325.facilitate. Inc. Sanibel FL.. NC 27516 USA Tel: (919) 929-8400 Fax: (919) 883-5093 http://www. MA 01748 USA Tel: (508) 435-1000 http://software.com eZmeeting Tel: (318) 449-9900 http://www. CA 94114 USA Tel: (805) 682-6939 http://www.com/ EPAM Systems Princeton Pike Corporate Center 989 Lenox Dr. 57th Street Gainesville. Ontario. 82 Pioneer Way. Suite 305 Lawrenceville. Canada L4Z 1V9 Tel: (905) 273-9991 Fax: (905) 273-6691 http://collaboration.flypaper.com Exact Software 300 Brickstone Square Andover. Brandon Hall Research .com 296 © 2006. LLC 501 West Franklin Street.digite. 1034 N. CA 95120 Tel: 1 (408) 333-9368 http://www.edufolio.digi-net. Florida 33309-6197 USA Tel: (954) 229-2622 Fax: (954) 337-0330 http://www.epam-pmc.com Digité. VA 22301 USA Tel: (703) 548-1855 Fax: (703) 995-4937 http://www.Companies and Organizations Digi-Net Technologies.com 40 Village Centre Place Mississauga. Lauderdale.com Elluminate USA 6301 NW 5th Way Suite 3600 Ft. Suite 105 Chapel Hill.com Forum One Communications 2200 Mount Vernon Avenue Alexandria. FL 32605 USA Tel: (352) 333-3042 Fax: (352) 333-1117 http://www.exactamerica.com eStudio c/o Same-Page. 33957 USA Tel: (239) 395-7655 http://www.emc.com EMC Corporation 176 South Street Hopkinton.same-page.com Edufolio c/o Terra Dotta.elluminate. Dana Point lCA 92629 USA Tel: (949) 697-. ON. NY 10018 USA Tel: +1 (212) 533-1775 Fax: +1 (212) 533-6041 http://www.gordano.net Groove Networks. Clevedon. MA 02476 USA Tel: (781) 646-8505 Fax: (781) 646-8508 http://www.groove.4517 http://www.hp. PO Box 340 5500 AH Veldhoven Tel: +31 (0) 40 258 21 60 Fax: +31 (0) 40 258 21 61 http://www.V. Suite 500 Markham. Inc.gotomeeting.com HP Virtual Classroom Tel: (919) 595-4243 http://education. El Camino Real.com GoToMeeting. 395 Encinitas. L3R 8T3 Canada Tel: (905) 940-2670 Fax: (905) 940-2688 http://www. avenue Jean Mermoz 34000 Montpellier.com Do Not Reproduce 297 .net Global School Net 132 N.net GroupSupport.com Horizon Wimba 520 8th Avenue. MA 02056 USA Tel: (508) 541-6781 http://www.genesys.com Grapevine Software 33532 Atlantic Ave.glance. Florida 33309 USA Tel: (954) 267-3000 Fax: (954) 267-9319 https://www.novell.com c/o Citrix Systems. 3100 Steeles Avenue East. MA 01915 Tel: (978) 720-2000 Fax: (978) 720-2001 http://www.grapevinesoftware.com Glance Networks. CA 92024 USA Tel: (760) 635-0001 Fax: (760) 635-0003 http://www. Inc.com Groupwise c/o Novell.com/products/groupwis e hotComm c/o 1stWorks Corporation 30 Noon Hill Avenue Norfolk.horizonwimba.globalschoolnet.hotcomm. Inc. 1167 Massachusetts Avenue Arlington.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Genesys Conferencing Immeuble L’Acropole 954-980.org Gordano 18 Kenn Road. North Somerset BS21 6EL UK Tel: +44 (0)1275 345100 Fax: +44 (0)1275 345132 http://www. 851 West Cypress Creek Road Fort Lauderdale. Ste.com B. Suite 2300 New York.groupsupport. 100 Cummings Center Suite 535Q Beverly. France Tel: +33 (0) 4 99 13 27 67 Fax: +33 (0) 4 99 13 27 50 http://www. ilinc.jdhtech.com Lotus QuickPlace c/o IBM 1133 Westchester Avenue White Plains. New York 10604 USA Tel: (800) 426-4968 http://www03. Maryland 20852 USA Tel: (301) 255-0018 http://www.com IntraLinks 1372 Broadway. VA 20170 USA Tel: (703) 964-8000 Fax: (703) 964-0160 http://www. MA 01772 USA Tel: (508) 787-1090 Fax: (508) 787-1097 http://www. AZ 85018 Tel: (602) 952-1200 Fax: (602) 952-0544 http://www.interwoven. #115 Rockville.com Linktivity 3760 North Commerce Drive.ibm.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations HyperOffice 6101 Executive Blvd.mspx Do Not Reproduce 298 . Suite 412 Cambridge.com JDH Technologies Suite 302 12388 Warwick Boulevard Newport News. 11th floor New York. 25 First Street. CA 94089 USA Tel: + 1 (408) 774-2000 Fax: +1 (408) 774-2002 http://www.com LiveMeeting c/o Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond. NY 10018 USA Tel: (212) 543-7700 Fax: (212) 543-7978 http://www.microsoft.com iLinc Communications 2999 N.hyperoffice. Inc.com Interwoven 803 11th Avenue.interwise.com/uc/livemeeting/ default. WA 98052-6399 USA Tel: (800) 642-7676 Fax: (425) 936-7329 http://www. Virginia 23606 USA Tel: (757) 873-4747 Fax: (757) 873-8484 http://www. AZ 85705 USA Tel: (520) 670-7100 Fax: (520) 670-7101 http://www. Suite 100 Tucson. 44th St.inquesttechnologies. Suite #150 Herndon.iceweb.ivocalize.intralinks.com/servers/eserver/iseries/quickp lace IceWeb 205 Van Buren St.com inQuest Technologies 144 Turnpike Road Southborough. Sunnyvale.com Interwise. Phoenix.linktivity.com ivocalize Tel: 206-388-3706 http://www. MA 02141 USA Tel: +1 (617) 475-2200 Fax: +1 (617) 621-3922 http://www. netspoke. 1289 N. Suite 300 Torrance.com Performance Solutions Technology PO Box 2157.mitre.com Mayetic 249 rue Saint-Martin 75003 – Paris.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations LiveOffice.meetingone. Harbor. Suite A-410 Chapel Hill.com Do Not Reproduce 299 .oracle. London W1B 4DA England Tel: +44 (0)870 760 5521 http://www.peoplecube. Corp 2780 Skypark Drive.parlano.mayeticvillage.com onProject.com Open Text Corporation 275 Frank Tompa Drive Waterloo. ON N2L 0A1 Canada Tel: (519) 888-7111 http://www.opmcreator..com OPM Creator Limited Mayfair House 14-18 Heddon Street Mayfair. CO 80202 USA Toll Free: 1-866-523-1137 http://www.com Netspoke 600 West Cummings Park.h tml Parlano 10 S. MA 02452 USA Tel: (781) 530-2600 http://www. 3 Wing Drive.com Oracle Collaboration Suite 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores. MA 01801 USA Tel: (781) 438-6611 http://www. NJ 07927 USA Tel: (973) 971-9970 http://www. Inc. Suite 1450 Chicago. NC 27514 USA Tel: (919) 360-7343 http://www. Suite 1401 Denver. Fordham Blvd. Suite 225 Cedar Knolls. WA 98362 USA Tel: (360) 460-3093 http://myworldchat.performancesolutionstech.liveoffice.onproject.org/tools.com MITRE 202 Burlington Road Bedford.htm MyWorldChat/Raissa Publishing PO Box 295 Port Angeles. Riverside Plaza.com Near-Time. Inc. MA 01730-1420 USA Tel: (781) 271-2000 http://collaboration. CA 90505 USA Tel: (800) 251-3863 http://www.com/collabsuite/index.com PeopleCube Corporate Headquarters 411 Waverley Oaks Road Waltham. Suite 6500 Woburn. CA 94065 USA Tel: (650) 506-0024 http://www.near-time.opentext. OR 97415 USA Tel: (877) 487-3001 http://www. France Tel : +33 1 46 22 07 00 http://www. IL 60606 USA Tel: (312) 655-8330 http://www.com MeetingOne 999 Eighteenth Street North Tower. CO 80634 USA Tel: (970) 336-5960 http://www. Ca 94941 USA Tel: (415) 383-7164 http://www.com ShareMethods Tel: 1 (877) 742-7366 http://www.com Projistics c/o Nagarro 226 Airport Parkway. First Main Road Gandhi Nagar.com ProjectDox c/o Informative Graphics Corporation 4835 E.com SpiderWeb Communications. 51.raindance. Inc. Suite 300 Fair Lawn.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Photon Infotech Inc.microsoft. CA 95110 USA Tel: (408) 436-6170 Fax: (408) 436-7508 http://www.seldensystems.cyber-grad.projectdox. VA 22043 Tel: (877) 751-2200 Fax: (877) 751-2200 http://www.O. Suite 440 San Jose. 3679 Concord Road.stalker. Arizona 85254 Tel: (602) 971-6061 Fax: (602) 971-1714 http://www.com project-open Ronda de Sant Antoní. 1175 58th Avenue.nagarro. Suite 210 Maynard. Box 3325 York. Suite 445 Scottsdale.Adyar Chennai. PA 17402 US Tel: (717) 757-2679 http://www. MA 01754 USA Tel: (978) 450-2200 http://www.com/content/default.com/windowsserver2 003/technologies/sharepoint/default. Inc. Suite 200 Greeley.com Selden Integrated Systems. Cactus Rd. Suite B.TamilNadu India – 600020 Tel: +91 44 – 39181110 http://www.sitescape. Ste 275 Mill Valley.mspx SiteScape 12 Clock Tower Place. P.com Q2Learning LLC 2686 Hillsman Street Falls Church. New No. 35. CO 80027 USA Tel: (303) 928-2400 http://www. WA 98052-6399 USA Tel: (800) 642-7676 http://www.project-open. 1o 2a E-08011 Barcelona Tel: +34 (933) 250-914 Fax: +34 (932) 890-729 http://www. Inc.com RADVISION Inc.sharemethods.radvision.q2learning. 1157 Century Drive Louisville.ht ml Do Not Reproduce 300 . 17-17 State Highway 208.com Raindance Communications. NJ 07410-2819 USA Tel: (201) 689-6300 http://www.com SharePoint c/o Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond.com Stalker Software c/o CommuniGate Systems 655 Redwood Hwy.photoninfotech. sumtotalsystems..usabilityfirst.com Vignette 1301 South MoPac Expressway. Germany Tel: +49 (0) 6151 13097-0 http://www.O. CA 94043 USA Tel: +1 (650) 934-9500 Fax: +1 (650) 962-9411 http://www.teamspace. FL 33306-1637 USA Tel: (954) 566-0992 http://www.com Usability First c/o Foraker Design 5277 Manhattan Circle Suite 210 Boulder. Kierland Blvd.txl Viack 14811 N.com Teamspace c/o 5 POINT AG Heidelberger Straße 55-61 64285 Darmstadt.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations SumTotal 1808 North Shoreline Boulevard Mountain View. CO 80303 USA Tel: (303) 449-0202 Fax: (303) 265-9286 http://www.teamware. Suite 810 Toronto. AZ 85254 Tel: (480) 735-5900 Fax: (480) 735-5901 http://www.vignette.com WebOffice c/o L & W InterLab 77 Finch Avenue East.wave3software.com Teamware P. Suite 950 Washington.viack.com Vodium 1629 K Street NW. Canada http://www.com/groupware/in dex.trichys. Suite 100 Austin.com Wave3 c/o wireless logix group 2755 E Oakland Park Blvd Fort Lauderdale.com Tacit 2100 Geng Road Palo Alto.vodium.com TeamDynamix Tel: (877) 752-6196 http://www. Ontario M2N 6H8.com Do Not Reproduce 301 . Box 135 FIN-00381 Helsinki.tacit. Quebec J8X 2K1 Canada Tel: +1 (819) 246-9007 http://www.net Tomoye 86 Promenade du Portage Gatineau.tomoye. Finland Tel: +358 (0)207 515 300 http://www.teamdynamix.com Trichys WorkZone 701 East Elm Street Conshohocken. CA 94303 USA Tel: (650) 251-2000 http://www.webofficepoint. TX 78746 USA Tel: (5 2) 741-4300 Fax: (512) 741-1537 http://www. Suite 100 Scottsdale. PA 19428 Tel: (610) 828-2877 http://www. DC 20006 USA Tel: (202) 223-1800 Fax: (202) 223-5890 http://www. Auckland NEW ZEALAND Tel: +64 (9) 915 5070 http://www.backpackit. Inc.com Writeboard c/o 37 Signals 400 North May Street #301.com Zoho Virtual Office c/o AdventNet. 130 St. CA 95054 USA Tel: (408) 435-7000 http://www. Inc.Box 2900 Alameda. 1684 Dell Avenue Campbell.com Xcolla c/o Axista Tel: (917) 438-7087 http://www.net WebEx Communications. Chicago IL 60622 USA http://www.au/learningplace/ Live Video Santa Cruz Networks.qld.santacruznetworks.com Do Not Reproduce 302 . USA Tel: (925) 924-9500 http://www. CA 94001 USA Tel: (415) 771-7099 http://www. Suite 1050 Vancouver.. P. Delaware 19899 USA Tel: +1 (302) 351-4649 http://www.gov. 5200 Franklin Dr.cpgvision. 3979 Freedom Circle Santa Clara. George St. Inc. M5S 1A5 Canada Tel: (416) 978-4360 http://www. CA 94588.atutor.webtrain.webcrossing.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Web Crossing.com WebAsyst PO Box 25331. Ontario. City East QLD 4002 Australia Tel: 61-7-3237-0111 http://education.webasyst.com Competency Tracking ATutor c/o Adaptive Technology Resource Centre J.O.com Communications Tools The Learning Place c/o Department of Education and the Arts PO Box 15033. Robarts Library.com Carr Performance Group Tel: (281) 798-3791 http://www. BC V6B 4M9 Canada Tel: (604) 408-0027 http://www.webex.zoho. 1100 Lovering Avenue Wilmington.ca AuthorIT Software Corporation PO Box 300-273 Albany 0752. First Floor University of Toronto. CA 95008 USA Tel: (408) 871-1713 http://www.axista. Inc. Toronto.author-it.P. Suite 115 Pleasanton.com WebTrain Communications 475 West Georgia Street. Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Desire2Learn Inc.com Oracle 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores.e-learningcentre. Suite C215 Houston.org SyberWorks Competency Management Module Tel: (888) 642-7078 Fax: (781) 891-1994 http://www. S1 2NS UK http://www. VA 22182 Tel: (703) 761-3700 Fax: (703) 761-1990 http://www.com e-Learning Centre Learning Light Ltd.com Plone Foundation 4617 Montrose Blvd. Sheffield. CA 94114 USA Tel: (805) 682-6939 http://www.hrsg. 77006 USA Tel: (302) 397-2132 http://plone. TX. Ontario K9J 2T8 Canada Tel: (866) 849-3630 Fax: (866) 279-1248 http://www.co.html Do Not Reproduce 303 . QC.com Data Mining Convera 1921 Gallows Road Suite 200 Vienna.bnhexpertsoft. Canada N2G 4Y9 Tel: (519) 772-0325 Fax: (519) 772-0324 http://www..uk HRSG 402-1355 Bank Street Ottawa. 72 Victoria Street South Suite 401.oracle. Arundel Street.ca LearnFlex c/o Operitel Corporation 160 Charlotte St.une. Laurent. Cooper Buildings. Kitchener-Waterloo Ontario. Suite 201 Peterborough. Canada H4R 2G7 Tel: (514) 745-4010 http://www.edu.desire2learn.kdnuggets. CA 94065 USA Tel: (650) 506-0024 http://www.facilitate.convera. 4000 Steinberg Street St. Ontario K1H 8K7 CANADA Tel: (613) 745-6605 Fax: (613) 745-4019 http://www.com Decision Support Software BNH Expert Software Inc. Sheffield Technology Parks.com GrassGro c/o Assoc. Prof.learnflex.syberworks.com Facilitate 4323 23rd Street San Francisco. Jim Scott Decision Support Systems Agronomy and Soil Science UNE NSW 2351 Australia http://www.com KDNuggets Tel: (617) 264-9914 Fax: (325) 204-7702 http://www.au/dss/grassgro/inde x. com Nuventive 3996 Mount Royal Blvd Allison Park.siliconlight.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Meetingworks 46 Village Way PMB 107 Port Ludlow. Catherines.com NTERA 100 Four Falls Corporate Center 1001 Conshohocken State Rd. Finland Tel: +358 (0) 20 7118 610 http://www.provisionentertainment. CA 95134-1506 USA Tel: (408) 240-4700 Fax: (408) 456-0708 http://www.com FolioTek c/o LANIT Consulting.co. CA 91311 USA Tel: (818) 775-1624 http://www. IN 46278 Tel: (317) 333-7300 http://www. West Conshohocken. Helsinki Tammasaarenkatu 1 00180 Helsinki.nuventive. La Grange Road.com/ LiveText 1 S. Suite 606.uk/ Display Technologies FogScreen Inc.ntera. ON L2T 3R5 Canada Tel: 1 (877) 252-2201 http://www.com Silicon Light Machines 3939 North First Street San Jose.chalkandwire.meetingworks.com IO2Technology 310 Shaw Road S. TF2 9NT UK Tel: +44 (0) 1952 288300 http://www.foliotek. MO 65202 USA Tel: 1 (888) 365-4639 http://www.com ProVision 9253 Eton Avenue Chatsworth.io2technology. Suite 100 Indianapolis.com ePortfolio Tools ANGEL Learning 7601 Interactive Way. PA 19428 USA Tel: (484) 534-2150 http://www.com Pebble Learning e-Innovation Centre University of Wolverhampton Shifnal Road.pebblepad. Inc.. Illinois 60525-2455 USA Tel: 1 (866) 548-3839 edu-solutions@livetext. San Francisco. Second Floor La Grange.fogscreen. CA 94080 USA Tel: (650) 583-5230 http://www.com Chalk and Wire 19 Leawood Avenue St. PA 15101-3518 USA Tel: (412) 487-8700 http://www. 5900-B North Tower Drive Columbia. Telford. 98365 USA Tel: (206) 467-1234 Fax: (206) 467-1238 http://www.angellearning. WA.com Do Not Reproduce 304 . com Advanced Visual Systems Inc. 12-20 296 40 Fuengirola Spain http://www. One Park West Tewksbury. NW Washington. Sunderland Tyne and Wear. MA 01876 USA Tel: (800) 800-2843 http://www.softimage.magnetargames. Clemente Diaz Ruiz Urb.C.microsoft.com Freescale Semiconductor Inc 6501 William Cannon Drive West Austin. 0445 La Jolla.com Microsoft XNA c/o Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond. 300 Fifth Avenue Waltham.seriousgames.com/solutions/game s/default..aspx Thinking Worlds Caspian Learning. MA 02451 USA Tel: (781) 890-4300 Fax: (781) 890-828 http://www. Dept.com Gesture and Facial Recognition Technologies Machine Perception Laboratory University of California. San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive.com Do Not Reproduce 305 . CA 95110-2704 Tel: (408) 536-6000 Fax: (408) 537-6000 http://www.com The Serious Games Initiative Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars 1300 Pennsylvania Ave.thinkingworlds.programmersheaven. St Peter's Gate Sunderland Science Park Charles Street.ucsd.com Magnetar Games 5775 Toronto Road PH4 Vancouver B. WA 98052-6399 USA Tel: (800) 642-7676 http://www.avs.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Gaming Design and Development Tools Clickteam France 69 rue Ampère 75017 Paris France Tel: +33 472 39 94 59 http://www. SR6 0AN UK http://www. Puebla Lucia local 7. CA 92093-0445 USA http://mplab.com/xna/ Programmers Heaven Synchron Data Av. Texas 78735 USA Tel: 1 (800) 521-6274 http://www.clickteam. Inc Avid Technology Park.adobe.freescale. V6T-1X4 Canada Tel: (604) 224-4620 http://www. DC 20004-3027 USA Tel: 1 (888) 286-3541 http://www.org Softimage Solutions c/o Avid Technology.edu Graphics Tools Adobe Systems Incorporated 345 Park Avenue San Jose. com/us/ ITEDO Software LLC SeaBreeze Plaza 111 Anza Boulevard.com Blender c/o Stichting Blender Foundation Frederiksstraat 12-2 1054 LC Amsterdam Netherlands http://www. Geneve-4 Switzerland http://haptex.handshakeinteractive. Suite 300 Burlingame.com IBM Corporation 1133 Westchester Avenue White Plains.. WA 98052-6399 USA Tel: (800) 642-7676 www.broderbund.com MIRALab Centre Universitaire d'Informatique 24 rue du General Dufour CH-1211.autodesk.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Autodesk.com SmartDraw.unige.corel. 100 Pine Street. CA 94903 USA Tel: (415) 507-5000 http://usa.mpb-technologies. CA 94111 Tel: (415) 659-2000 http://www. Suite 1900 San Francisco. New York 10604 USA Tel: (800) 426-4968 http://www.miralab. CA 92131 Tel: (858) 225-3300 http://www.forcedimension. Washington Street Denver. Tel: (514) 694-8751 http://www.tech-illustrator. Inc.microsoft. Ontario Canada N2L 5C6 Tel: (519) 747-3969 http://www. Switzerland Tel: +41 21 693-1911 http://www.com Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond. California 95131 USA Tel: +1 (408) 467-1900 http://www.org Broderbund c/o Riverdeep.com Corel Corporation 1600 Carling Avenue Ottawa.smartdraw. CO 80241-2400 USA Tel: (303) 452-4919 http://www.com Haptics Force Dimension PSE-C CH-1015 Lausanne. Ontario K1Z 8R7 Canada Tel: (800) 772-6735 http://www.ch MPB Technologies Inc.blender3d. Unit 9 Waterloo. Suite 300 San Diego.com Immersion 801 Fox Lane San Jose. CA 94010 USA Tel: (650) 558-3840 http://www.ca Do Not Reproduce 306 .immersion.ibm. Inc.com AUTO-TROL Technology Corporation 12500 N.itedo.com HandshakeVR 564 Weber Street North. 111 McInnis Parkway San Rafael.com 9909 Mira Mesa Blvd. WA 98683 USA Tel: (360) 896-9833 (Dial 4) http://www.com National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities National Institute of Building Sciences 1090 Vermont Ave.com E Ink Corporation 733 Concord Avenue Cambridge.allencomm. Italy Tel: +39 050 2217050 Fax: +39 050 2217051 http://www.sensegraphics. 2-56126 Pisa.piaggio.com Fujitsu Limited Shiodome City Center 1-5-2 Higashi-Shimbashi Minato-ku. MA 01801 Tel: +1 (781) 937-8315 Fax: +1 (781) 937-8325 http://www. Washington.edfacilities..sensable. 7677 Oakport Street. Ste. Inc.com Learning Management Systems and Virtual Learning Environments Allen Communication Learning Services 175 W.com Wacom Technology Corporation 1311 SE Cardinal Court Vancouver. UT 84101 USA Tel: (801) 537-7800 Fax: (801) 537-7805 http://www. 15 Constitution Way Woburn. D. 6505 Kaiser Drive Fremont.anotogroup.fujitsu. 100 Garden Level Salt Lake City.org/rl/interactive_w hiteboards. AB T3C 0M5 CANADA Tel: (403) 245-0333 http://www. 200 South.unipi.smarttech.cfm SMART Technologies Inc. NW Suite 700. Suite 300 Calgary. 1207 – 11 Avenue SW.se SensAble Technologies.com Do Not Reproduce 307 .C.it SenseGraphics AB Electrum Q.ccii. CA 94612 USA Tel: (510) 777-0071 http://www.logitech.eink. MA 02138 USA Tel: (617) 499-6000 http://www.com Interface Devices Anoto Inc. CA 94555 USA Tel: (510) 795-8500 http://www. 12th Floor Oakland. Università di Pisa Via Diotisalvi. 20005 USA Tel: (202) 289-7800 http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Robotics Group of the University of Pisa Facoltà di Ingegneria. Office Isafjordsgatan 22 C5 16440 Kista. Tokyo 105-7123 Japan Tel: 81-3-6252-2220 http://www.wacom.com Logitech Inc. SWEDEN Tel: +46-8 750 8070 http://www. 4600 Westown Parkway.ca element k c/o 500 Canal View Boulevard Rochester.intellinex.cornerstoneondemand.gen21.. Suite 301 West Des Moines.com IBM Workplace Collaborative Learning c/o IBM. Huntington Building.com Generation21 Learning Systems 17301 W.webraven. 1601 Cloverfield Blvd. OH 45202 USA Tel: (513) 929-0188 http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Cornerstone OnDemand. Inc. 1133 Westchester Avenue White Plains.trivantis. Inc.howtomaster. New York 10604 USA Tel: (800) 426-4968 http://www.com DOTS . Inc.Dynamic Online Training System WebRaven Pty Ltd Suite 404 303 Adelaide St Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia Tel: +61 7 3220 2229 http://www.netdimensions.ips-inc.com Ed Training Platform c/o Strategia 1010 de Serigny.com/redbooks. Suite #620 Santa Monica.com CourseMill LMS c/o Trivantis Corporation 311 Elm Street.ibm.geolearning.redbooks. 111 Water St. FL 32792 Tel: (407) 677-0300 http://www. 925 Euclid Avenue Cleveland.strategia. Siu On Centre 188 Lockhart Road Wan Chai. Inc. East Dundee. Hong Kong Tel: +852 2122 4500 http://www. Colfax Avenue Building 200.com Do Not Reproduce 308 . NY 14623 USA Tel: (585) 240-7500 http://www. Suite 225 Golden.n sf/RedpieceAbstracts/sg247254. Quebec. Winter Park. IL 60118 USA Tel: (847) 836-1800 http://www.elementk. 6947 University Blvd. CO 80401 Tel: (888) 601-1300 http://www.com Enterprise Knowledge Platform (EKP) c/o NetDimensions 10/F.com Intellinex LMS c/o Intellinex LLC. CA 90404 USA Tel: (310) 752-0200 http://www.com GeoMaestro GeoLearning. IA 50266 USA Tel: (515) 222-9903 http://www.com iPerform c/o Integrated Performance Systems. OH 44115-1476 USA Tel: (216) 685-6000 http://www. Suite 660 Longueuil. J4K 5G7 Canada Tel: (450) 679-8239 http://www. Suite 200 Cincinnati.html?Ope n InfoSource. learnsomething.com LearnerWeb MaxIT Corporation 2771-29 Monument Road MS-355 Jacksonville.com LearnFlex c/o Operitel Corporation 160 Charlotte St. IL 60563 USA Tel: (630) 357-3000 http://www. 1 West Front Street Red Bank. Inc.websoft.com Learn Enterprise LMS Compendium Corporation 10890 Nesbitt Avenue South Minneapolis. Ontario M5A 1V2 Canada Tel: (416) 364-5390 http://www.maxit. 100 Foxborough Blvd.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations intraLearn XE c/o IntraLearn Software Corporation 276 West Main Street Northboro. 4465 Brookfield Corporate Drive Suite 201.com Do Not Reproduce 309 .com LearnCenter c/o Learn. VA 20151 USA Tel:1 (703) 322-9565 Fax: 1 (703) 322-9568 http://www.isnewmedia. 1300 Iroquois Avenue Naperville. 2457 Care Drive Tallahassee. MA 02035 USA Tel: (508) 549-0970 Fax: (508) 549-0979 http://www.Suite 350 Toronto. Suite 260 Foxborough.compendiumcorp. FL 32225 USA Tel: (904) 998-9520 http://www. 550 Queen St. FL 33325 USA Tel: (954) 233-4000 http://www.learn.com LMSLive Wizdom Systems Inc. PA 17055 USA Tel: (717) 790-0400 http://www.meridianksi.com.knowledgeplanet.mgen. East .com Meridian KSI Knowledge Centre c/o Meridian Knowledge Solutions.com Isoph Blue c/o LearnSomething Inc. Ontario K9J 2T8 Canada Tel: (866) 849-3630 http://www. 14000 NW 4th Street Sunrise. MN 55437 Tel: (952) 881-1608 http://www.com On-Tracker LMS c/o Interactive Solutions New Media Inc. NJ 07701 Tel: (732) 212-1933 http://www.wizdom.learnflex. MA 01532 Tel: (508) 393-2277 http://www. Suite 112 Mechanicsburg.com KnowledgePlanet Enterprise Learning Suite c/o Knowledge Planet 5095 Ritter Road. Inc. Suite 201 Peterborough. FL 32308 USA Tel: (850) 385-7915 http://www.com mGen Enterprise mGen.com KnowledgeBridge Websoft Systems Inc.intralearn. Inc. Chantilly. PA 19073 USA Tel: +1 (610) 661-1000 http://www.saba.Companies and Organizations Oracle Learning 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores. Fifth Floor Montreal.outstart. Tel: (276) 783-6991 http://www.com TeraLearn LCMS c/o TeraLearn. CA 94065 USA Tel: (650) 506-0024 http://www.com TEDS Inc.com Saba Enterprise Learning Suite c/o Saba 2400 Bridge Parkway Redwood Shores. Suite 2200 Chicago.plateau. LTD 671 N. MO 63146 Tel: (314) 439-4700 http://www. CA 94105 USA Tel: (415) 951-7913 http://www. PO Box 100 Fair Oaks. Glebe Road.oracle.epx SSA Learning Management c/o SSA Global Technologies Inc.com/applications/people soft/hcm/ent/module/learning_mgmt.sap.technomedia.teds. Inc. Suite 1280 San Francisco.com/applications/huma n_resources/learning.syntrio. VA 22203-2110 USA Tel: (703) 292-0200 http://www.com Syntrio Enterprise LMS Syntrio 33 New Montgomery Street. 500 West Madison. West. IL 60661 USA Tel: (312) 258-6000 http://www.sselearn. 1808 North Shoreline Blvd Mountain View. Quebec H3A 3C8 Canada Tel: (514) 287-1561 http://www. Suite 700 Arlington.com.oracle. St.com TM SIGAL c/o Technomedia Training Inc.html Plateau Learning Management System Plateau Systems. 1001 De Maisonneuve Blvd.com/solutions/businesssuite/erp/hcm/learningsolution/index. 77 West Port Plaza Suite 500. CA 94065-1166 USA Tel: (650) 581-2500 http://www.teralearn. CA 94043 USA Tel: (650) 934-9500 http://www.com SSElearn Portal c/o SSE.com Do Not Reproduce 310 . CA 94065 USA Tel: (650) 506-0024 http://www. CA 95628 USA Tel: (916) 536-1279 http://www.htm SAP Learning Solution SAP America Inc 3999 West Chester Pike Newtown Square.ca Total LMS c/o SumTotal. Louis.com PeopleSoft Learning Management 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores.sumtotalsystems.ssaglobal.com/products/saba/learn ing/index.html Outstart Evolution c/o Outstart Studios 3 Bunhill Row London EC1Y 8YZ UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 7847 4087 http://www. com WBT TopClass LMS Horizon Technology Group plc 14 Joyce Way. Alberta T5J 3N9 Canada Tel: (780) 462-6365 http://www. Inc.com Tracker.com Training Partner c/o Geometrix Data Systems. CO 80301-9752 USA Tel: (303) 541-0231 http://www.com TRACCESS c/o TTG Systems Incorporated #2100.com WebMentor LMS Avilar Technologies.O. Victoria.jsp?pj=1 XStream RapidShare LMS XStream Software Inc.avilar. Laurent Blvd. Suite # 105 Columbia. Suite 200 Roslyn Heights.info/index.com Do Not Reproduce 311 . Box 9752 Boulder.xstreamsoftware. Suite 401A Lake Jackson.ttg-inc.Companies and Organizations Training Mine c/o Frontline Data Solutions. Inc.vuepoint. Texas 77058 USA Tel: (281) 480-7910 http://www. Colorado 80920 USA Tel: (719) 548-1110 http://www. 6760 Alexander Bell Drive. 17041 El Camino Real. Virginia 23236 USA Tel: (804) 320-1414 http://www. 11577 USA Tel: (888) 883-7646 http://www. 122 West Way. 10130-103 Street Edmonton.com Xtention Learning Management System c/o Xtention Inc. 563 Southlake Boulevard Richmond. K1G 4K1 Canada Tel: (613) 731-9443 http://www. Park West Business Park Nangor Road Dublin 12 Ireland Tel: + 353 (0)1 620 4900 http://www.risc-inc. 1619 Sumter Street Columbia .. SC 29201 USA Tel: (803) 732-3080 http://www. Ontario.gyrus.com Training Wizard MX/SST c/o Gyrus. 4 Expressway Plaza. 240 Bay Street. Inc.com Western Cooperative For Educational Telecommunications (WCET) P. MD 21046 USA Tel: (410) 290-0008 http://www.trainingpartner. 2280 St.xtention.net Virtual Training Assistant c/o RISC. Suite 101 Houston. Suite 200 Ottawa.edutools.vbtrain.wbtsystems. NY. Texas 77566 USA Tel: (979) 285-3650 http://www. Inc.com Vuepoint Learning System Vuepoint Corp.fldata.Net Platte Canyon Multimedia Software Corporation 8870 Edgefield Drive Colorado Springs. BC V9A 3K5 Canada Tel: (250) 361-9300 http://www. The University of Arizona 1515 East First Street Tucson. WI 53211 USA Tel: (414) 229-3757 http://www.goenc.cdlib.uwm.netera. Alberta T2N 1N4 Canada Tel: (403) 220-6778 http://edusource. CA 94612-2901 USA Tel: (510) 987-0425 http://www.org Digital Library of Information Science and Technology c/o School of Information Resources & Library Science.edu/Dept/CIE/AOP eduSource c/o Netera University of Calgary BI 530 2500 University Drive Calgary. 4th Floor Oakland.sir. OH 43212 USA Tel: (800) 471-1045 http://www. 1275 Kinnear Road Columbus. Arizona 85719 USA Tel: (520) 621-3565 http://dlist.Milwaukee 2441 East Hartford Avenue Garland Hall 138 Milwaukee.ca ENC Learning Inc.com Do Not Reproduce 312 .edu Center for International Education University of Wisconsin .arizona.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Learning Objects and Repositories California Digital Library University of California Office of the President 415 20th Street. British Columbia V8Z 7X8 Canada Tel: (250) 658-8238 Toll Free: (866) 479-7627 http://www.edu. UK Tel: +44 (0) 1438 747996 http://www. AZ 85250 USA http://www.merlot.edu/mix MERLOT CSU Long Beach 1250 Bellflower Boulevard Psy-100 Long Beach CA 90840-0901 USA Tel: (562) 985-2348 http://taste.O. Box 3000 Boulder.plos.4464 Markham Street Victoria. Houston. MS 44.clarklabs.mcli. Stevenage.llearn. MA 01610-1477 USA Tel: (508) 793-7526 http://www.org Do Not Reproduce 313 .org National Science Digital Library (NSDL) P. SG1 2JY. Norton Road.htm LRC project University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 Australia Tel: +61 2 9385 1000 http://www.org/eng/scientifiques. Sterling Court.dist.aspx?t abindex=0&tabid=1 LoLa Exchange c/o Wesleyan University Wesleyan Station Middletown.com Clark Labs Clark University 950 Main Street Worcester.thegateway. Montreal (Quebec) H2X 3P2 Canada Tel: (514) 843-2015 http://www.net LESTER c/o Lisa Spiro.lolaexchange. Hertfordshire.org LORNET Research Network TÉLUQ 100 Sherbrooke West.au:8010 Maricopa Center for Learning & Instruction Maricopa Community Colleges 2411 West 14th Street Tempe.O.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Gateway to 21st Century Skills Administered by the GEM Exchange c/o JES & Co. Fondren Library. 5151 East Broadway.cadcorp. Rice University.lrc3. CA 94107 USA Tel: (415) 624-1200 http://www.rice.org Location Based Technologies Cadcorp Ltd. Box 1892.edu/DesktopDefault.lornet.org Language Learning Environment and Resource Network (LLEARN) Suite 2301 . CT 06459 USA http://www. AZ. Suite 3100 San Francisco. P. ETRAC. 85711 USA Tel: (520) 881-3317 http://www.unsw.maricopa. Suite 1600 Tucson. TX 77005-1892USA Tel: (713) 348-2954 http://lester.org Public Library of Science 185 Berry Street. CO 80307 USA Tel: (303) 497-2940 http://nsdl. edu. Suite 100 Framingham. P.mapinfo.com Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Applications for Schools c/o Mr.org Metadata. MA 01701 USA Tel: (508) 626-8900 http://www. AL 35824 USA Tel: (256) 730-2000 http://www.com/gis4mt/index. Director 14083 Blackburn Ave White Rock BC.asp?path= 500.geocomm. Finland Tel: +358 9 191 51045 http://www. FL 32578 Tel: (850) 897-1002 http://www. Ontologies and Taxonomies Cancore Norm Friesen. Tino Johansson University of Helsinki.fi/english/page.com Museum of Vertebrate Zoology 3101 Valley Life Sciences Building University of California Berkeley.uk/guides Dublin Core Metadata Initiative OCLC Online Computer Library Center.cf m ESRI Suite 300.pangonetworks. V4B 2Z6 Canada Tel: (604) 535-6243 http://www. Ohio 43017-3395 USA Tel: (614) 764-6000 http://dublincore.ac. MN 55102 USA Tel: (651) 221-9423 http://www.org Do Not Reproduce 314 . Dept.com MapInfo One Global View Troy.O.cetis.esri. BOX 64 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2) FIN-00014 University of Helsinki. CA 94720-3160 USA http://mvz.5372.com Science Museum of Minnesota 120 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul. 6565 Frantz Road Dublin.O. Inc.eoscenter. of Geography.intergraph.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Earth Observation System University of Montana c/o Jeff Crews Tel: (406) 243 2644 http://www. Box 240000 Huntsville. MA 01923 USA Tel: (978) 777-4543 http://www. 1 Corporate Place 55 Ferncroft Road Danvers.30670 Intergraph Corporation P.cancore.edu PanGo Networks.smm.ca CETIS Metadata and Digital Repositories University of Bolton Deane Road Bolton .com GeoCommunity c/o Qlinks Media Group 1161 John Sims Pkwy E Niceville. NY 12180 USA Tel: (518) 285-6000 http://www. BL3 5AB UK http://metadata.berkeley. 959 Concord Street. ac.bham. TX 77098 USA Tel: (713) 333-1724 http://www.eee. 3000 Richmond Rive Houston.it Mobile Technologies HandLeR Project Education Technology Research Group Electronic. 18 I-38050 Povo-Trento. PMB #112 Lake Mary.advancedreality. PA. Electrical and Computer Engineering. University of Birmingham B15 2TT United Kingdom http://www.html ELSNET Trans 10.com Peer-to-Peer Technologies Advanced Reality Inc. FL 32746 USA Tel: 1 (407) 362-7783 Fax: 1 (407) 284-1265 http://www.lexxe. USA Tel: (215) 898-0464 http://www. Italy http://tcc.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations IMS 801 International Parkway 5th Floor.ldc.com MOBILearn c/o Dr.uk/handler/default . Suite 100 Menlo Park.elsnet.mobilearn. Oregon 97214 USA Tel: (503) 224-1630 Fax: (503) 231-8425 http://spotlight-mobile.com Linguistic Data Consortium 3600 Market Street Suite 810 Philadelphia.org/ Spotlight Mobile. Forum 100 SE 164 40 Kista Sweden http://www. 17 SE 3rd Avenue.upenn.stockholmchallenge.edu TCC Division Cognitive and Communication Technologies Via Sommarive. 3512 JK UTRECHT The Netherlands Tel: +31 30 253 6050 http://www. Giancarlo Bo GIUNTI Interactive Labs Tel: +39-0185-42123 http://www.org Natural Language Processing American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 445 Burgess Drive. Inc. Concord NSW 2137 Australia Tel: +61 2 8765 1108 http://www. California 94025 USA Tel: (650) 328-3123 http://www.se Knowledge Pulse Leopoldskronstraße 30 5020 Salzburg.org/aitopics/html/natlang .org Lexxe Pty Ltd PO Box 235.knowledgepulse. Austria http://www. 19104-2653.asp KLIV project c/o Stockholm Challenge DSV.com Do Not Reproduce 315 .aaai. Suite 501 Portland.itc.imsglobal. llearn.org/lockss/Home Overnet 45 W 21th St #6D New York. Director Tel: (650) 725-1134 http://www. Ann Arbor MI 48104 USA Tel: (734) 913-4250 http://p2p.overnet.net LOCKSS c/o Victoria Reich. Deane Rd. Whisman Road Mountain View. 10010 USA http://www.com Seti@Home SETI Institute 515 N.se Language Learning Environment and Resource Network (LLEARN) Suite 2301 . CA 94043 USA Tel: (650) 961-6633 http://www. 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara. Inc.sun.edu jxta c/o Sun Microsystems.net internet2.lockss. Suite 300. Brandon Hall Research . Bolton BL3 5AB UK Tel: 01204 903660 http://www.uk/members/ple Personalization Asian Art Museum 200 Larkin Street San Francisco. 947 Ilima Way Palo Alto. NY. Inc.com/software/jxta KLIV c/o Stockholm Challenge DSV.groove.stockholmchallenge.seti.4464 Markham Street Victoria.com MoveDigital.internet2.org 316 © 2006.Companies and Organizations Groove Networks. 100 Cummings Center Suite 535Q Beverly.cetis.asianart. MA 01915 Tel: (978) 720-2000 Fax: (978) 720-2001 http://www. Oleg Liber University of Bolton. Forum 100 SE 164 40 Kista Sweden Fax: +46 8 594 400 06 http://www.edu 1000 Oakbrook Drive. Inc. CA 95054 Tel: (650) 960-1300 http://www.movedigital. CA 94306 USA Tel: (650) 331-0244 Fax: (650) 384-0002 http://www.asp?c=ktJ2J9 MMIsE&b=179086 Personal Learning Environments CETIS c/o Prof. British Columbia V8Z 7X8 Canada Tel: (250) 658-8238 Toll Free: (866) 479-7627 http://www. CA 94102 USA Tel: (415) 581-3500 http://www.org/site/pp.ac. com Teachnology.trainingregistry. CA 94065-1166 USA Tel: (650) 581-2500 http://www.cyberu. Inc.elena-project.com SharePoint c/o Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond.ca ExecuTrain 2500 Northwinds Parkway. Quebec K1A 0M5 Canada Tel: 1 (819) 994-1200 http://www.O.rmv. Georgia 30004 USA Tel: (770) 667-7700 http://www. 1st Floor A . Box 1346 Ann Arbor. 2300 AE Leiden The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)71-5168800 http://www.virtualmuseum.proquest. 3333 http://www.info Element K 500 Canal View Boulevard Rochester. NY 14623 USA Tel: (585) 240-7500 http://www. Incorporated: Consulting Services County Route 93 Slate Hill. WA 98052-6399 USA Tel: (800) 642-7676 www.microsoft.worldwidelearn.com The Training Registry Tel: (919) 847-0331 http://www.com Elearningeuropa c/o Pau Education Muntaner 262.teach-nology.com World Wide Learn Suite 100. New York 10973 USA http://www.com Saba 2400 Bridge Parkway Redwood Shores. 2850 Ocean Park Boulevard. T2T 0B2 Canada Tel: (403) 802-6116 http://www.1150 Wien Tel: +43 1 495 04 42 31 http://www. Alberta.saba. 15-4-A Gatineau.nl Virtual Museum of Canada 15 Eddy Street.executrain.com Portals CyberU.elementk.com Do Not Reproduce 317 . CA 90405 USA Tel: (310) 752-0200 Fax: (310) 752-0199 http://www.org National Museum of Ethnology Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde Postbus 212.Centre for Social Innovation Linke Wienzeile 246.com ProQuest 789 E. 3º 08021 Barcelona.17th Avenue SW Calgary. Box 172 1039 . Suite 600 Alpharetta.Project Coordinator CSI .elearningeuropa. MI 48106-1346 USA Tel: 34 761-4700 ext.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations ELENA c/o Barbara Kieslinger . ES Tel: +34 93 367 04 00 http://www. Suite 225 Santa Monica. Eisenhower Parkway P. com/halo/index.mit.org Macromedia.com Do Not Reproduce 318 .com Centra c/o Saba 2400 Bridge Parkway Redwood Shores.apreso. Box 2827.elluminate.com 50 S.hp. MN 55402 USA Tel: 612. USA Tel: (650) 559-8990 Fax: (650) 559-5950 http://www.genesys.6526 http://www.com Raptivity P.articulate.html Rapid e-learning Tools Articulate 244 5th Avenue Suite 2960 New York. 3016 5th Ave. USA 48359 Tel: 248-371-0315 http://www.readygo.333.scate. T2A 6K4 Canada Tel: (403) 204-7896 http://www. Alberta. 601 Townsend Street San Francisco.com/presentatio ns/index.com Scate Technologies 40 Engelwood Dr.com Genesys Conferencing Tel: (303) 267-1059 http://www. Ninth St..com Presentations. Suite B Orion.jsp Virtual Classroom c/o Hewlett-Packard Company 3000 Hanover Street Palo Alto.saba. Minneapolis. CA 94103 USA Tel: (415) 832-2000 Fax: (415) 832-2020 http://www. CA 94040.macromedia.com iCampus Tel : (617) 253-5856 http://icampus. Inc. Michigan. O. 1761 Pilgrim Avenue Mountain View.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Presentation Tools Anystream Apreso Tel: (703) 450-7030 http://www.edu Liberty Science Center 251 Phillip Street Liberty State Park Jersey City. CA 94065-1166 USA Tel: (650) 581-2500 http://www. Redmond.presentations. WA 98073 USA Tel: (425) 861-8400 http://www.lsc. NE Calgary.com ReadyGo Inc.raptivity. NJ 07305 USA Tel: (201) 200-1000 http://www.com Elluminate Canada Suite 304. CA 94304-1185 USA Tel: (650) 857-1501 Fax: (650) 857-5518 http://www. NY 10001 Tel: 1 (800) 861-4880 www. atr. 100 Norman. Union St.euron. Henrik I Christensen.botball.com General Robotics Corporation 760 South Youngfield Court Lakewood. Inc. SE-100 44 Stockholm. Colorado 80228-2813 USA Tel: 1 (303) 988-5636 http://www.gov Robotics Academy The National Robotics Engineering Consortium Carnegie Mellon University.whmsi.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Robotics Active Robots Limited 10A New Rock Industrial Estate New Rock.nasa. Numerical Analysis and Computer Science.com Intelligent Robotics Laboratory 2-1 Yamada-oka Suita Osaka 565-0871 Japan Tel: +81-6-6879-4180 http://www.eng. CT 06355-1997 USA Tel: (860) 572-5955 Fax: (860) 572-5969 http://www. Tel: (+46) 8 790 6792 http://www.active-robots.com Do Not Reproduce 319 . Lindsey Bldg. OK 73069 USA Tel: (405) 579-4609 http://www. Pasadena.irc.ed. (WHMSI) PO Box 164 Woods Hole Massachusetts 02543 USA Tel: (508) 548-6665 Fax: (508) 540-1036 http://www. SWEDEN. D.generalrobotics. Centre for Autonmous Systems.edu Woods Hole Marine Systems.org Evolution Robotics. Ten 40th Street Pittsburgh. Kingston Tasmania 7050 Australia Tel: +61 3 6232 3209 http://www. Ste. Deputy Coordinator Tel: (650) 269-2787 http://robotics.ri. 130 W. Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan.org Euron c/o Prof.org NASA Robotics Alliance Project c/o Cassie Bowman.rec.jp Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration 55 Coogan Blvd Mystic.aad. Chilcompton.osaka-u.ac.au Botball c/o KISS Institute for Practical Robotics 1818 W.cmu.evolution. Radstock Somerset.gov.jp Australian Antarctic Division Channel Highway.ife.com ATR Intelligent Robotics and Communication Laboratories 2-2-2 Hikaridai Keihanna Science City Kyoto 619-0288 JAPAN Tel: +81-774-95-1405 http://www. BA3 4JE United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1761 239 267 http://www. CA 91103 USA Tel: (626) 229-3199 http://www.ams. Inc. PA 15201 USA Tel: (412) 681-7160 Fax: (412) 681-696 http://www-education. CA 91303 USA Tel: (888) 472-0604 http://tagjag.com/ Alexa Internet Presidio of San Francisco Building 37 P. WA 98004 USA Tel: (425) 201. Brandon Hall Research .com Gigablast Tel: (505) 797-3913 http://www.com IAC/InterActiveCorp 152 West 57th Street. 601 108th Avenue NE Suite 1200 Bellevue. QC G1P 4N3 Canada http://www.com Headquarters 555 12th Street.6100 http://www. NY 10019 USA Tel: (212) 314-7300 http://www.copernic. Scheideweg 39b 20253 Hamburg. CA 94607 Tel: (510) 985-7400 http://about.com 229 West 43rd Street New York.about. VA 20166 USA Tel: (703) 265-1000 http://dmoz.google.ask.convera.findlaw.com Ask.com excite. CA 94043 USA Tel: (650) 253-0000 http://www.be 6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd #210 Canoga Park.alexa. Germany Tel: 040-200 45 36 http://www.excite.com Copernic 360 Franquet Street. Inc. VA 22182 Tel: (703) 761-3700 http://www.Companies and Organizations Search Engines About.O. NY 10036 USA Tel: (212) 204-4000 http://www.net/ 320 © 2006.gigablast.com Gnod. MN 55123 USA Tel: (651) 687-7000 http://lawcrawler. Gnoosic c/o Marek Gibney.org/ Dogpile c/o InfoSpace.com FindLaw 610 Opperman Drive Eagan. Suite 500 Oakland. 42nd Floor New York.com dmoz AOL LLC 22000 AOL Way Dulles. Google. Google Book Store and Google Scholar) 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View.com Google (including Froogle. CA 94129-0141 Tel: (415) 561-6900 http://www.dogpile.com Exaclibur c/o Convera 1921 Gallows Road Suite 200 Vienna.gnod.com Gada. Suite 60 Quebec. Box 29141 San Francisco. info.com 150 North Michigan Avenue Suite 2800.com Lalisio GmbH Puschkinstraße 1 99084 Erfurt Germany http://www.kartoo. Chicago. Inc. Illinois 60601 USA Tel: (312) 624-7727 http://www. CA 94107 USA Tel: (415) 348-7000 http://search.org/citation.ixquick.intute. 831 3rd St #101 Santa Monica.koders.com/ KartOO Tel: +33 4 73 44 56 21 http://www.mooter.gov Ice Rocket Tel: (214) 658-7161 http://www.O.krugle. Box 1133 Washington. Manchester M13 9PL UK Tel: 0161 275 0620 http://www.com Metacrawler c/o InfoSpace. Suite 1200 Bellevue. New York 10036-5701 USA Tel: (212) 869-7440 http://portal.looksmart.com LitLinker c/o ACM. CA 90403 USA Tel: (800) 653-1423 http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Healthfinder P. 17th Floor New York. One Astor Plaza 1515 Broadway.uk Ixquick Tel: +31 23 5325888 http://www.com/ Do Not Reproduce 321 .healthfinder. West Chatswood NSW 1515 Australia Tel: +61 2 9325 5900 http://www.metacrawler.1057022 LookSmart. WA 98052-6399 USA Tel: (800) 642-7676 http://search.lexxe.icerocket.net Koders Inc.com Info. WA 98004 USA Tel: (425) 201-6100 http://www. 625 Second Street San Francisco. DC 20013-1133 http://www.com/ MSN Search One Microsoft Way Redmond. Concord NSW 2137 Australia Tel: +61 2 8765 1108 http://www.com Mooter Media Limited PO Box 5159.lalisio. 601 108th Avenue NE.com Intute MIMAS Manchester Computing The University of Manchester Oxford Road.com Krugle Tel: (650) 853-1986 http://www. Ltd.ac.msn.cfm?doid=1 056808.com Lexxe Pty Ltd PO Box 235.acm. Mary Apts. NY 10003.almaden. 23rd Oklahoma City.convera.W. Inc.netscape. NY 10027 Tel: (212) 854-3105 http://www. CA 94104 Tel: (415) 844-9000 http://www.com Proteus Project 715 Broadway. Suite 211 Palo Alto .edu/ PubSub Concepts.seekport.com QBIC c/o IBM 1133 Westchester Avenue White Plains.com Technorati 665 3rd Street. NY 10038 Tel: (212) 227-4101 http://www. New York 10604 USA Tel: (800) 426-4968 http://wwwqbic. CA 94303 USA Tel: (650) 354-1360 http://www. Mudd 500 West 120th Street New York. USA Tel: (212) 998-3497 http://nlp. Suite 390 Oakland CA 94612 USA Tel: (510) 451-4100 http://www. 23rd Floor San Francisco. Mumbai 10.com Qube c/o Qelix Technologies St. 2400 N. Inc.com RetrievalWare c/o Convera 1921 Gallows Road Suite 200 Vienna.com VisualSEEK Department of Electrical Engineering Columbia University 1312 S.searchking.qelix.ibm. Mazgaon.htm Do Not Reproduce 322 .Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Netscape AOL LLC.82152 Martinsried http://www. Inc.rawsugar. VA 20166 USA Tel: (703) 265-1000 http://www. 64 Fulton Street. 7th floor..edu/dvmm/resear chProjects/MultimediaIndexing/VisualSEEk /VisualSEEk. Suite 207 San Francisco. Oklahoma 73107 USA Tell: (405) 231-1911 http://www. 360 22nd Street.W.ee.columbia. INDIA. Inc. 22000 AOL Way Dulles.nyu. Nesbit Rd. An AOL Company 333 Bush Street. Seventh Floor New York. CA 94107 USA Tel: (415) 896-3000 http://www.pubsub.com SearchKing.htm Raw Sugar 1900 Embarcadero Road.pandora. 6th Flr.biz Truveo. Tel: (022) 2371-2194 http://qube.truveo. New York.com/v2/index.com Pandora Media.technorati.cs. VA 22182 Tel: (703) 761-3700 http://www.com Seekport Internet Technologies GmbH Fraunhoferstraße 17 D .. M5X 1C9 Canada Tel: (416) 516-0071 http://www.zoominfo.Centre for Social Innovation Linke Wienzeile 246. 1st Floor A .com Assima Ltd. 601 Townsend Street San Francisco.de Semantic Computing Research Group c/o Docent.com/tech/sema nticstk Personal Reader c/o Nicola Henze ISI . Inc.yahoo.Project Coordinator CSI .seco.net Biographix 1st Canadian Place 100 King Street West Toronto.experiencebuilders. Box 1558 New Canaan.com Experience Builders LLC 836 Custer Avenue Evanston.1150 Vienna Tel: +43 1 495 04 42 31 http://www. CT 0684 USA Tel: (203) 966-8572 http://www.macromedia.com Zoom Information Inc.alphaworks.AG Semantic Web Appelstrasse 4 30167 Germany Tel: +49-511-762-19716 http://www. Inc.O. New York 10604 USA Tel: (800) 426-4968 http://www. MA 02452 USA Tel: (781) 693-7500 http://www. CA 94103USA Tel: (415) 832-2000 http://www.com Semantic Web ELENA c/o Barbara Kieslinger .com Flash c/o Macromedia.fi Do Not Reproduce 323 .org IBM Integrated Ontology Development Toolkit 1133 Westchester Avenue White Plains. Yahoo http://www. Professor Tel: +358 9 451 3362 http://www.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Yahoo! Inc.ibm. 701 First Avenue Sunnyvale.biographix.personal-reader. CA 94103 USA Tel: (415) 832-2000 http://www.com Captivate c/o Macromedia. Illinois 60202 USA Tel: (847) 475-4400 http://www. CA 94089 USA Tel: (408) 349-3300 Products: Altavista. EC4M 7NG London.atghome.tkk. 601 Townsend Street San Francisco.elena-project. 10 Old Bailey.macromedia. United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)207 038 1702 http://www.assima. 307 Waverley Oaks Road Waltham.com Simulation Tools Access Technologies Group P. Ontario. com Knowledge Director Pte Ltd 88 Joo Chiat Road Levels 3 and 4 Singapore 427382 Main Line: +65 63444 765 / 63444 903 http://www.xstreamsoftware.com NexLearn. CA 92651 Tel: (949) 376-8150 http://www.stt-global.com/products Do Not Reproduce 324 . CA . Kansas 67202 USA Tel: (316) 265-2170 http://www.com Intermezzon Box 173 SE-402 26 G öteborg.bham.forio. 94404 USA Tel: +1 (650) 931-2700 http://www. The University of Birmingham Birmingham. GreenPark Reading.uk/research/projec ts/poplog/packages/simagent.com NOAA/ESRL 325 Broadway Boulder. CA 94107 USA Tel: (415) 440-7500 http://www.knowledgeplanet. Suite 300 Wichita. LLC 100 South Main Street.gov RapidBuilder c/o XStream Software.cs.ac.knowledgequest.html SimBionic c/o Stottler Henke 951 Mariner's Island Blvd. Suite 112 Mechanicsburg.com SimAgent TOOLKIT School of Computer Science. 2280 St. BC V9A 3K5 Canada Tel: (250) 361-9497 http://www.learning2005.knowledgepresenter.com Kaplan IT Learning 250 South Oak Way. Inc. Inc. K1G 4K1 Canada Tel: (613) 731-9443 http://www.nexlearn.knowledge-director.com MASIE Center. NY 12866 – USA Tel: (518) 350-2216 http://www.com Knowledge Planet 5095 Ritter Road. Laurent Blvd. Ontario.stottlerhenke. PA 17055 USA Tel: (717) 790-0400 http://www..com/learnland Muzzy Lane Software 44 Merrimac St.com KnowledgePresenter c/o GeoMetrix Data Systems 240 Bay Street Victoria. CO 80305-3328 USA Tel: (303) 497-5487 http://www.com/ Knowledge Quest 301 Forest Avenue Laguna Beach. Suite 360 San Mateo.muzzylane.noaa.fsl. Sweden Tel: +46 (0) 31-40 84 50 http://www. Berkshire RG2 6UG United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 118 921 2070 http://www.. England http://www. Suite 200 Ottawa. MA 01950 USA Tel: (978) 499-9099 http://www. PO Box 397 Saratoga Springs. Newburyport.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Forio Business Simulations 365 Brannan Street San Francisco. B15 2TT.intermezzon. Schaumburg.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations SimCorder c/o TEDS Inc. 101 Wolf Drive.com Softsim Outstart Studio. CA 94089 USA http://del. IN 47404 USA Tel: (812) 855-4810 http://vis. Inc. CA 94010-4212 USA Tel: (650) 599-0399 http://www. GA 30350 USA Tel : (678) 277-3231 http://www. Suite 224 Bloomington. Taschereau Ouest. 1821 Walden Office Square.com STT Trainer c/o Kaplan IT Learning 500 Northridge Road. Venlighedsvej 4 DK-2970 Hørsholm.qarbon.com/English/t6 essai.org Wizard Training Suite c/o Assima. Suite 400. 3 Bunhill Row London EC1Y 8YZ UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 7847 4087 http://www.com Stagecast Software. 55 South Market St.com Visual Course Builder c/o MaxIT Corporation 2771-29 Monument Road MS-355 Jacksonville.com Do Not Reproduce 325 . Suite 1550 San Jose.us Eventful c/o EVDB.iu. 1325 Howard Avenue #705 Burlingame.virtualcontrolroom. ASH Project Manager DELTA Danish Electronics. Suite A-207 Brossard.com Tactic! c/o EDU-PERFORMANCE CANADA 7900 Boul. Suite 125 San Diego.shtml?prim=lab_ov erview Social Bookmarking del.com Virtual Control Room c/o Jørgen Bøegh. Suite 240 Atlanta. J4X 1C2 Canada Tel: (450) 466-7275 http://www.html Viewlet Builder c/o Qarbon.edu/index.stt-global. IL 60173 USA Tel: (800) 608-5373 http://www.stagecast. Denmark Tel: +45 72 19 43 97 http://www. CA 95113 USA Tel: (408) 907-4800 http://www. 701 First Ave Sunnyvale.eduperformance.net Smart Labels and Tags Checkpoint Systems.maxit. Tel: (276) 783-6991 http://www. FL 32225 USA Tel: (904) 998-9520 http://www.icio.outstart..assima.checkpointsystems. California 92122 USA Tel: (858) 964-0697 http://eventful.us c/o Yahoo! Inc.com Visualization and Interactive Spaces Lab c/o Pervasive Technology Labs 501 N. Inc 9191 Towne Centre Drive. Québec. Light & Acoustics. Thorofare.teds. Inc. NJ 08086 Tel: (856) 848-1800 http://www.icio. Morton Street. com Network c/o The TechnoCentre. MA 02139 USA http://tabblo.classmates.analytictech. CA 94107 USA Tel: (415) 348-7000 http://www. 568 Howard Street San Francisco. Klapparstigur 28 IS-101 Reykjavik.net Tabblo 810 Memorial Dr Cambridge. 795 Folsom St.. CA 91362 USA Tel: (805) 529-9374 http://jots.com Zvents 2108 Sand Hill Rd.shadows.eu Rojo Networks. 2001 Lind Ave.netscape.Companies and Organizations FURL c/o LookSmart. Box 920089 Needham.com Netscape c/o AOL LLC 22000 AOL Way Dulles.nolia Tel: (415) 364-0070 http://ma. Inc.com Social Networking Tools Analytic Technologies P.com Friendster.gnolia.. CA 94105 USA http://www. SW.rojo. VA 20166 USA Tel: (703) 265-1000 http://www.friendster. CA 94107 USA Tel: (415) 848-2468 http://www. WA 98055 USA http://www. 625 Second Street San Francisco. MA 02492 USA Tel: +1 (781) 453-7372 http://www.. Puma Way Coventry CV1 2TT United Kingdom Tel: (+44) 024 7623 6891 http://www. Iceland Tel: +354 860 3800 http://www.spurl.furl.com/ mag.com Tagzania c/o CodeSyntax Azitaingo Industrialdea 3K E-20600 EIBAR Tel: (+34) 943 82 17 80 http://www.net Jots c/o VPOP Technologies. Suite 500 Renton. Inc. Inc.O. Brandon Hall Research . 94025 USA Tel: (650) 234-9629 http://www. TX 78701 USA Tel: (512) 457-5220 http://www. Ltd.networkltd. 1772J Avenida de los Arboles PMB #374 Thousand Oaks.tagzania.com Classmates Online. First Floor San Francisco.com 326 © 2006. CA.com Spurl ehf.zvents. Inc.com Shadows c/o Pluck Corporation 720 Brazos St. Suite 900 Austin. Menlo Park. percro.com BitTorrent 201 Mission Street.org Fakespace 11 E.com Jabber Software Foundation P. Box 1641 Denver.bittorrent. Inc. 655 High Street Palo Alto.com/halo/index.Italy Tel: +39 050 883 287 http://www. Cupertino.brightcove.socialtext.com Jabber Software Foundation P.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Social Software Alliance c/o Social Text.org Video DFILM 7095 Hollywood Blvd.O.fakespace.jabber. MA 02143 USA Tel: (617) 921-0185 http://www.spartasocialnetworks. Suite 44-193 Poughkeepsie .net Sparta Social Networks. Suite 900 San Francisco.com iTunes Apple Computer.com Halo c/o Hewlett-Packard Company 3000 Hanover Street Palo Alto. Suite 1001 Los Angeles. 34 56025 Pontedera (PI) .org Telepresence Technologies Advanced Network & Services 2600 South Road. CA 94105 USA http://www.jabber. California 94301 Tel: (650) 323-0800 http://www. CA 95014 Tel: (408) 996-1010 http://www. Box 1641 Denver.org PERCRO Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Via Rinaldo Piaggio. Church Street.O.hp. Iowa 50158-5011 USA Tel: (641) 754-4649 http://www.html Do Not Reproduce 327 . CA 94304-1185 USA Tel: (650) 857-1501 http://www.com Brightcove.net/ssa SocioSite c/o Albert Benschop Nieuwe Jonkerstraat 16 1011 CM Amsterdam. CO 80201-1641 USA http://www.sociosite.apple. Inc 1 Infinite Loop.dfilm. One Cambridge Center Cambridge.advanced. 4th Floor Marshalltown. Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 612120759 http://www. LLC 15 Skehan Street Somerville. MA 02142 USA Tel: (617) 500-4947 http://www. New York. CA 90028 USA http://www. CO 80201-1641 USA http://www. 12601 USA Tel: (845) 795-2090 http://www. navy. CA 92121 USA http://www. WA 98103 USA Sales Tel: (206) 545-7000 http://www. Bristol BS1 5UH Tel: 44 (0)117 915 8200 http://www.com Intuition 9.de Futurelab 1 Canons Road Harbourside.ch Virtual Reality and Education Laboratory College of Education. Irron Politechniou str GR-157 73 Zografou.htm Virtual Reality Activeworlds Inc. CA 95054-3014 USA Tel: (408) 207-4400 http://www.epfl.intuition-eunetwork.com XstreamEngine2 c/o Winnov L. Station 14 CH-1015 LAUSANNE. 34 56025 Pontedera (PI) .com/ Do Not Reproduce 328 .informationinplace.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations PERCRO Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Via Rinaldo Piaggio. MA 01950 USA Tel: (978) 499-0222 http://www.percro.ergonetz.P 3285 Scott Boulevard Santa Clara.coe. 95 Parker Street Newburyport.activeworlds. Inc.spider. IC ISIM VRLAB.ecu.xstreamengine.Italy Tel: +39 050 883 287 http://www.futurelab.com Human Performance Center (HPC) Spider Commanding Officer: CAPT Matt Peters 2025 Tartar Avenue Virginia Beach.org. IN 47404 USA Tel: (812) 856-4202 http://www. VA 23461-1924 https://www.hpc. Switzerland Tel: +41-21-693-5215 http://vrlab. Suite 206 Bloomington.mil Information in Place Indiana University Research Park 501 North Morton Street.veoh.org Veoh Networks. Suite 115 San Diego. 7220 Trade Street. Athens-Greece Tel: +30 210 7721663 http://www.com Erg Netz Institut für Arbeitsphysiologie an der Universität Dortmund (IfADo) Ardeystrasse 67. East Carolina University Tel: (252) 328-6621 http://vr.edu/vrel. D-44139 Dortmund Germany Tel: +49 (231) 1084-303 http://www.uk Visualization Technologies Accurender c/o Robert McNeel & Associates 3670 Woodland Park Ave N Seattle.net Virtual Reality Lab EPFL.accurender. com FeedTank 590 Grand St. AL 35824 Tel: (256) 730-2000 http://www.intergraph.ambientdevices.vista. Danvers.cs.com Do Not Reproduce 329 .V.idashboards.com DAZ3D 12637 South 265 West #300. Suite 3 Brooklyn.daz3d. Suite 100 Lindon.com HCIL/UMIACS University of Maryland A. Suite 280 Downers Grove. 1 Corporate Place 55 Ferncroft Road.com Golden Software. CA 92121 USA Tel: (866) 437-2171 http://www.ac.umd.bham.feedtank. Box 240000 Huntsville. 350 South 400 West. 1333 Butterfield Rd. Inc.mapinfo. IL 60515 USA Tel: (630) 971-5250 http://www. UT 84042 Tel: (801) 805-9400 http://www.advizorsolutions. OH 43221 USA Tel: (614) 488-8838 http://www. Draper. Suite 110 Troy.esri.com CSXcelsius 10509 Vista Sorrento Parkway. Inc.. MI 48098 USA Tel: (248) 952-0840 http://www. Birmingham B15 2TT Tel: +44 (0)121 414 5513 http://www.com/ Intergraph Corporation P. MD 20742 USA Tel: (301) 405-2769 http://www.edu/hcil/millionvis/ HP Visual and Spatial Technology Centre Metallurgy and Materials Building University of Birmingham Edgbaston.uk/ iDashboards 5750 New King Street. Troy.golden. Cambridge.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations ADVIZOR Solutions. Suite 317 San Diego. NY 12180 USA Tel: (518) 285-6000 http://www. NY 11211 USA Tel: (718) 384-2202 http://www.O. Inc.xcelsius.formz. UT 84020 USA Tel: 1 (801) 495-1777 http://www. Williams Building College Park.com/ MapInfo One Global View. MA 01923 USA Tel: (978) 777-4543 http://www.com CenterView c/o CORDA Technologies.com Formz 2011 Riverside Drive.corda.com ESRI Suite 300. Columbus. 809 14th Street. Golden. MA 02142 USA Tel: (617) 758-4129 http://www. Colorado 80401-1866 USA Tel: (303) 279-1021 http://www.com Ambient Devices One Broadway 14th Floor Kendall Square. RIDemo Brivibas 183.S. CA 90007 USA Tel: (888) 748-5967 http://www.com Ontopia AS Waldemar Thranes gate 98 N-0175 Oslo. Unit # 1 Mississauga. Inc.mccrackendesign. Tracy. NY 10016 USA Tel: (212) 532-9595 http://www.com Visible Human Project c/o Reference and Web Services National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda. Suite 3A New York.com Do Not Reproduce 330 .spotfire.visualthesaurus.com Top Tier Tel: (415) 225-5840 http://www. CA 94712 USA http://www.ontopia. CA 95378 USA Tel: (209) 832-7353 http://www.topozone. 3 East 28th St.html Visual Thesaurus c/o THINKMAP.com Topzone c/o Maps a la carte.vicodi.pixologic.com Spotfire. 155 Spring Street.microsoft.nih. Inc. 2nd Floor Poolesville. Canada Tel: (905) 672-9328 http://www. 73 Princeton Street.unifiedfield. Norway Tel: +47 23 23 30 80 http://www. 320 West 31st Street Los Angeles.gov/research/visible/vi sible_human. MD 20837 Tel: (301) 407-2200 http://www.visualanalytics.nlm.O. 212 Elm Street Somerville. U. Suite 305 North Chelmsford. Inc.net Pixologic.okino. Box 884. MD 20894 USA Tel: (301) 594-5983 http://www. 9th floor New York.com Music Animation Machine Post Office Box 13622 Berkeley. MA 01863 USA http://www. NY 10012 USA http://www. Ontario L4V 1T8.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Mapland c/o Software Illustrated P.com Okino Computer Graphics 3397 American Drive.com VIBE c/o Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond.musanim. 20010 Fisher Avenue. WA 98052-6399 USA Tel: (800) 642-7676 http://research. LV-1012 LATVIA Tel: +371-7-378155 http://www.com Unified Field.org Visual Analytics Inc. Inc. MA 02144 Tel: +1 (617) 702-1600 http://www.com Vicodi Edvins Snore. Riga.softill. skype. Suite 102 Mountain View. FL 34108 USA http://www.com FeedBurner World Headquarters 549 W Randolph. W1T 1AN United Kingdom http://www. 500 Macara Avenue Sunnyvale.com Feedreader / i-Systems Inc. OR 97204 USA Tel: (503) 973-6060 http://www.sportbrain.com Web Feeds Attensa.ethz.at Vizserver c/o Inxight Software. 2513 Charleston Road. CA 94085 USA Tel: (408) 738-6200 Fax: (408) 738-6203 http://www. 111 SW Fifth Avenue. Suite 100 Campbell. 6th Floor Chicago IL 60661 USA Tel: (312) 756-0022 http://www.feedforall. MA 02142 USA Tel: (617) 500-4947 http://www. One Cambridge Center Cambridge.feedburner.com Wearable Computing SportBrain Holdings Inc.com Wearable Cumputing Lab ETH Zentrum. 303 Potrero #40E Santa Cruz CA 95060 USA Tel: (877) 742-7786 http://feedbeep.com Brightcove. Donau-City-Strasse 1. California. Inc. A-1220 Vienna. Tallinn.bloglines.jajah.com VoIP and Telephony Skype Technologies 2 Stephen Street London. Inc. 869 97th Ave N. CA 95008 USA http://www.vrvis.feedreader. Austria Tel: +43(1)20501 30100 http://www. MA 02339 USA Tel: (781) 829-0500 http://www.com JAJAH Inc. ETZ H Electronics Lab. Valdeku 100. Suite 2260 Portland. Unit A2 Naples.wearable. 11211. Gloriastrasse 35 CH-8092 Zurich Fax: +41-1-632 12 10 http://www.com FeedForAll PO Box 296.com Bloglines 655 Technology Parkway.inxight.ch Do Not Reproduce 331 . Inc. Estonia http://www.brightcove.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations VRVis Research Center for Virtual Reality and Visualization.attensa. Hanover. 94043 USA http://www. Ltd.com FeedBeep c/o Santa Cruz Tech. FL 33701-431 USA Tel: (727) 231-0101 http://wikimediafoundation. CA 94107 Tel: (415) 848-2468 http://www..715135858 http://www. Pacific Business Centre #101 . South #358 St.1001 W. CA 94301 USA Tel: (650) 323-3225 http://www.com RSS Reader c/o Ykoon B.org JotSpot.rojo.com 332 © 2006.V. California 94301 USA Tel: +1 (650) 323-0800 http://www. Rue Guillaume-Tell 10. 167 Hamilton Ave. Seventh Floor New York... Broadway. BC V6H 4E4 Canada http://bytescout.mozilla. 3rd Floor Cambridge. 795 Folsom St.pluck.pubsub. 64 Fulton Street. Petersburg.com Rojo Networks.socialtext. MA 02142-1406 USA Tel: (617) 679-0909 http://www.feedzilla.com PubSub Concepts. WA 98052-6399 USA Tel: (800) 642-7676 http://research. CA 94043-0801 USA http://www.feedster.com StepNewz c/o Feedzilla.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Companies and Organizations Feedscoute c/o Bytescout.com Onfolio Four Cambridge Center.com Wiki Tools Wikimedia Foundation Inc. Inc. 2nd Floor Palo Alto. 200 2nd Ave. San Francisco. Brandon Hall Research .com Pluck Corporation 720 Brazos St.com Thunderlizard c/o Mozilla Corporation 1981 Landings Drive. Coldbrook Business Corp. Suite 605 San Francisco. 116 New Montgomery Street. Inc. P. Nederland Tel: +31. CA 94105 USA Tel: (415) 348-9119 http://www.rssreader.O Box 1909 CH-1211 Geneva. Suite 381 Vancouver.onfolio. Inc. Inc. Kruisstraat 2 2312 BH Leiden. NY 10038 USA Tel: (212) 227-4101 http://www.com Feedster.com Windows Live c/o Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond.com Socialtext 655 High Street Palo Alto. First Floor. Switzerland http://www. Suite 900 Austin.microsoft. TX 78701 USA Tel: (512) 457-5220 http://www. Building K Mountain View.jot. Emerging e-Learning Technologies 333 © 2006. Brandon Hall Research . 60. 3. 4. 80 Clickers. 101. 25. 5. 32. 175. 284. 28. 94. 114 cybercartography. 117 Assessment. 231. 21. 174. 3. 103 Complexity theory. 230. 91. 64. 163. 57. 88. 201. 235. 156. 29. 85. 91. 190. 161. 120. 86. 66 AJAX. 142. 49. 122. 64. 29. educational. 90. 25. 258 cognitive collage. 98. 33. 7. 78. 129. 205. 230. 76. 111. 235. 143. 107. 225. 277 Agents. 96. 110. 250. 66. 18. 93. 34. 179. 201. 82. 35. 184. 185. 184. 120. 216. 241. 31. 230 Competency Tracking. 74. 67. 221 Bayesian probability. 89. 69. 199 Brandon Hall Research. 85. 247. 177. 177. 55. 75. 220 Audio. 260. 18. 244. 129. 92. 185. 140. 138. 221. 162. 266. 63. 151. 64. 37. 105. 83. 202. 253 Data mining. 250 cognitive maps. 159. 143. 244. 150. 117. 160. 84. 118. 123. 243. 174. 46. 111. 24. 218. 56. 65. 46. 97. 125. 68. 25. 81. 250. 217. 138. 154. 9. 60. 83. 232. 251. 82. 257 Adaptive systems. 275 Collaboration. 255 Architectures. 97. 268 Communications Tools. 65. 40. 79. 61. 274 Communities of practice. 3. 91. 53. 279. 17. 218. 51. 266. 264. 230. 88. 188. 67. 82. 67. 109. 113. 161. 227. 162. 31. 246. 64. 28. 59. 80 Cognition. 47. 76. 269. 24. 245 Browsers. 268 Broadband. 184. 275 Computer based assessment. 184 Conversational learning. 251.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Index 3-D graphics. 115. 161. 183. 131. 20. Brandon Hall Research . 104. 266 Augmented reality. 236. 15. 154. 47. 95. 186. 118. 18. 142. 225. 250 Dashboards. 93. 204. 108. 255. 209. 242. 224. 148. 45. 48. 69. 54. 248. 51. 16. 268. 87. 67. 305 Advantages of e-learning. 88. 51. 46. 30. 252. 194. 209. 96. 269. 102. 242. 56. 94. 270 Boolean searches. 96. 14. 27. 59. 57. 242. 4. 125. 87. 32. 45. 73. 199. 201. 70 barcodes. 209. 34. 247. 246. 268. 224 Cell phones. 35. 78. 177. 156. 299 Collaborative writing wiki. 33. 90. 60 Avatars. 46. 138. 250. 121. 172. 61. 12. 45. 66. 246. 120. 55. 188. 28. 120. 39. 47. 67. 84. 37. 13. 228. 3. 246. 86. 86. 200. 165. 61. 52. 250 collaboration. 78. 2. 161. 62. 87. 106. 215. 275 Affective computing. 21. 29. 70. 61. 108. 114 Aircraft Industry CBT Committee (AICC). 254. 248 Authoring tools. 91. 176 assessment. 259. 85. 176. 289 Authorware. 28. 98. 77. 87. 296. 54. 95. 105. 244. 31. 17. 128. 255. 162. 259. 247. 202. 44. 76. 29. 89. 218. 26. 110 Adobe. 26. 285. 28. 217. 230. 174. 187. 231. 72. 25. 92. 77. 104. 156. 48. 264 Classroom response systems. 259. 105. 17. 32. 111. 83. 230 Artificial Intelligence. 22. 63. 111 Blogs. 261 Animation. 226. 26. 97. 36. 149. 168. 89. 161. 226. 155. 106. 33. 93. 19. 250. 155 Ambient computing. 60. 241. 146. 221. 69. 198. 266. 33. 43. 241. 61. 209 Air display. 156. 139. 22. 161 Cooperation. 45 Content management. 62. 25. 97. 226. 157. 217. 217. 26. 100. 173. 34. 199 334 © 2006. 97. 87. 116. 60. 19. 118. 101. 148. 164. 251. 129. 62. 80. 251. 132. 193 Facial recognition. 128. 62. 40. 43. 6. 23. 27. 138. 5. 255. 250. 242. 119. 167. 168. 220. 118. 102. 222 Innovation in e-Learning. 54. 17. 31 Emotional design. 205. 87. 30. 243. 83. 262 Hybrid systems. 138. 247. 151. 247. 29 e-Portfolios. 125. 82. 30. 134. 98. 151 Geographic Information System (GIS). 117. 217 Federated searches. 48. 192. 128. 60. 170. 59 Fuzzy Logic. 25. 188. 250 Graphics. 48. 113 Deep Web. 243. 21. 161. 28. 63. 10. 115. 167. 244. 93. 73. 245. 257. 43. 191. 203. 60 Displays. 132. 10. 155. 86. 5. 97. 2. 151. 133. 135. 176 Interface devices. 28. 158. 120. 72. 28. 192. 78. 90. 115. 216. 39. 241. 4. 206 Findability. 254 Gesture recogntion. 12. 60 dynamic displays. 45. 148. 250 Immersive environments. 106. 192. 65 Google. 152. 114. 12. 161. 126. 114. 114. 6. 61. 68.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Decision support systems. 250. 120. 21. 218. 198. 128. 62. 267 formative assessment. 31. 71. 35. 174. 24. 224. 26. 224. 135. 45. 34. 151 FireFox. 250. 246. 80. 70. 111. 250. 134 Healthcare applications. 156. 250. 132. 121. 209 Handwriting recognition. 242. 153. 33. 222. 125. 208. 171. 104. 84. 275 Director. 18. 252. 275. 258. 112. 261. 276 images. 3. 139. 253. 3. 210. 222. 211. 62. 45 Frameworks. 260 Dreamweaver. 91. 76. 201. 9. 273 Human-centered computing. 113. 305 Geocaching. 275 Distributed systems. 219. 115. 227. 19. 170. 241. 251. 94. 86. 77. 97. 139. 306 Individualization. 204. 237. 112. 10. 30. 25. 156. 189. 186. 92. 184. 242 Knowledge base wiki. 5. 77. 9. 145. 19. 33. 278 Infrared tags. 12. 121. 134. 246. 205. 252. 194. 88. 83. 217. 108. 256. 177. 115. 170. 236 e-Science. 273 Informal learning. 76 Flash. 65. 8. 98. 32. 99. 155. 215. 254. 65. 158 iPod. 199. 54. 151. 30. 15. 69. 119. 228. e-learning. 185. 117 Experiential learning. 122. 238 Intelligent tutoring. 221. 18. 56. 158. 59. 111 Extreme learning. 246. 96. 236. 233. 251. 31. 29. 111. 223. 109. 82. 104. 169. 34. 31. 5. 128. 174. 153. 114. 32. 254. 136. 134. 320 graphics. 135. 131. 159. 55. 32. 70. 76. 194. 211 evaluation. 15. 152. 110. 231. 200 Design. 61. 46. 13. 244 Games. 139. 250 e-Commerce. 145. 179. 250 Internet Protocol Television (IPTV). 91. 114. 15. 123. 104. 215 Expert systems. 314 Geographic Positioning System (GPS). 73. 273. 215. 160 Do Not Reproduce 335 . 3. 4. 134 Head mounted displays. 125. 135. 118. 24. 39. 257 FrontPage. 239. 84. 205 History. 193. 207. 268 Knowledge management. 72. 18. 155. 199. 126 GIF graphic format. 171. 134. 246. 255. 276 Instant messaging. 230. 44. 92. 33. 228. 3. 12. 196. 7. 12. 170. 28 Human-computer interaction (HCI). 78. 323 Folksonomies. 129. 217. 238. 24. 136. 34. 66. 7. 1. 262 Digital Ink and Paper. 120. 157 Hype in e-learning. 127. 287. 248. 202. 92. 199. 259. 257 Grid computing. 159. 154. 5. 145. 26. 17. 152. 160. 273 Interoperability. 155. 28. 267. 274. 203. 37. 122. 104. 92. 192. 215. 87. 64. 199 Informatics. 134 Haptics. 158. 311 Learning Management Systems. 224. 179. 103. 318 Location based tools. 120. 28. 298. 5. 36. 184. 7. 156. 235. 210. 187. 66. 163. 78. 154. 151. 242. 58. 64. 274. 66. 161 Podcasting. 194. 91. 270 Peer to peer technologies (P2P). 145. 255 Neural networks. 330. 32. 189. 92. 85. 227. 234. 104. 62. 162. 151. 24. 188. 175. 12. 135. 111. 59. 159. 275 Live Presentations and Webinars. 268 latent semantic analysis. 47. 222. 105. 85. 170. 107. 202. 111. 174. 147. 52. 205. 100. 10. 63. 140. 269 Radio frequency identification tags (RFID). 262. 32. 47. 54. 280. 260. 209. 222. 64. 161. 72. 190. 209 Microlearning. 65. 221. 12. 199. 117. 33. 273. 171. 3. 210 PowerPoint. 323 mapping. 146. 146. 158. 20. 178. 31. 121. 158. 104. 189. 241. 290. 241. 178. 204. 151. 31. 63. 145 Learning Objects. 5. 32. 6. 250 Mashups. 318 Do Not Reproduce 336 . 309. 134 Proximity tools. 145. 138. 99. 244. 198. 177. 243. 163. 230. 232. 210 Pervasive computing. 187. 183 Navigation. 306. 152. 31. 221. 165 Mobile computing. 221. 139. 17. 182. 86. 64. 5.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Lab book wiki. 157 Medical applications. 271. 104. 44. 101. 203. 147. 148. 238. 138. 142. 177. 162. 245. 197 Legacy materials. 311. 60. 250. 151. 159. 32 Metadata. 161. 155. 178. 100. 114. 7. 45. 90. 43. 254. 221 Project management. 109. 305. 273. 172. 165. 158. 224. 162. 321. 234. 59. 174. 106. 182. 254. 55. 33. 55. 159. 47 Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). 187. 101. 61. 147. 179. 152. 19. 82. 32. 179. 115. 160. 17. 261. 177. 120. 145 learning object repository. 184. 287. 223. 82. 163. 156. 192 Networks. 274. 227. 27. 300. 237. 80. 20. 112. 185. 158. 171. 135. 155. 192. 45. 95. 161. 6. 201. 65. 190. 160. 145. 192 Lecturing. 164. 227. 261 Macromedia. 192 Libraries. 93 Radio. 206 Microformats. 185. 97. 176 Personalization. 151. 73. 28. 83. 164. 5. 128. 59 Presentation tools. 62. 161. 55. 192. 123. 219. 5. 231. 24 Museums. 190. 332 Microworlds. 129. 181. 188. 312 learning object model. 308. 218 Metacognition. 73. 169 Learning Content Management Systems. 115. 84. 166. 159. 264 Personal learning environments (PLE). 193 Microsoft. 201. 186. 63. 193. 2. 211. 76. 175. 85. 59. 89. 284 Portals. 314 Meta-search engines. 189. 151. 57. 177. 233. 45. 221. 72. 177. 66. 42. 250 Pedagogy. 268 Personal digital assistants (PDAs). 209. 62. 145. 164. 60. 219. 189. 171. 146. 270. 318 Privacy. 315 Motion Graphics. 3. 196. 224. 6. 119. 184. 18. 139. 221 OWL – Web Ontology Language. 175. 159. 102. 47. 22. 138. 186. 244. 195. 27. 267. 110. 151 Quizzes. 193. 118. 171. 84. 89. 139. 230. 259. 179. 3. 79. 61. 65. 90. 244. 3. 221. 176. 187. 108. 60. 186. 294. 154. 230. 172. 193 Projectors. 86. 30. 241. 260. 273. 25. 177. 230. 131. 197. 152. 8. 65. 318. 61. 174. 209 pattern recognition. 79. 170. 166. 56. 6. 143. 136. 215. 13. 317. 246. 148. 218 M-learning. 125 Ontologies. 4. 161. 174. 40. 183. 82. 78. 142. 173. 254. 200. 209. 59. 195. 83. 52. 105. 64. 191. 5. 217. 247. 38. 91. 228 Optical tags. 104. 144. 141. 222. 54. 88. 144. 7. 141. 171. 105. 54. 162. 223 Rapid e-learning. 289. 55. 87. 194. 214 résumés. 267. 149. 15. 25 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). 145. 216. 86. 167. 156 sharable content objects. 231. 50. 12. 254. 121. 191 Do Not Reproduce 337 . 4. 274 Tests. 33. 114. 156. 241 Vodcasting. 242. 155. 57. 170. 151. 202. 10. 97. 206. 33. 250. 217. 205. 127. 154. 165. 12. 254 Taxonomies. 158. 219. 3. 227. 161. 159. 158. 195 Virtual learning environments. 84 Telephony. 198. 260 Telepresence. 10. 302. 63. 221 Social bookmarking. 218 Science. 241. 119. 224. 66. 180. 43. 224. 164. 332 Webcasting. 155 Tagging. 148. 190. 167. 216. 230. 146. 266. 122. 228. 55. 273. 49. 225. 156. 212. 97. 239. 109. 226. 230. 174. 4. 252. 187. 226. 265. 142. 10. 139. 61. 216. 193. 196. 52. 151. 150. 210. 167. 209. 221 self-evaluation. 155. 201. 243. 214. 27. 51. 187. 146. 202.Emerging e-Learning Technologies rapid learning. 244. 244. 6. 51. 236. 38. 244 summative assessment. 123 Service oriented architectures (SOA). 232 Speech recognition. 119. 190 Web feeds (Atom and RSS). 45. 221. 261 Usability. 151. 88. 224. 259. 221. 240. 226. 275 Translation. 246 Visualization. 228. 158. 226. 32. 241 Television. 100. 232. 225. 247 Video. 81. 62. 260. 259. 264 Social networking. 190. 187. 227. 18. 2. 255. 204. 179. 52. 233. 104. 187 Virtual classrooms. 62. 201. 231. 219. 203. 223. 199. 45. 106. 160. 137. 148. 45. 222. 218 Scenarios. 5. 213. 225. 158. 12. 275 Vlogs. 200. 2. 202. 209. 134. 45. 145. 128. 159. 73. 145 Screencasting. 97. 76. 147. 117. 69. 197. 76. 46. 16. 224. 120. 119. 189. 220. 241. 152. 26. 85. 46. 31. 319 Role-playing. 7. 120. 145 Repositories. 45 Symbology tags. 188. 227. 60. 171. 281 SCORM. 268. 174 Virtual reality. 45 Semantic Web. 158. 33. 33. 224 Team management. 125. 215. 268 Skypecasting. 226. 261. 212 reusable learning objects. 98. 187. 46. 65. 183. 134. 60. 60. 244 Tangible computing. 206. 263. 9. 246. 171. 160. 268 Tags. 196. 201. 331 Wearable computing. 222 Tag clouds. 117 Reusability. 203. 218. 242. 159. 241 Search engines. 252. 256. 199. 242. 113. 134. 143. 5. 9. 273. 226. 222. 241 virtual classroom. 5. 145 Robotics. 139. 138. 244 Tours (online). 152. 143. 221. 268 Social networking analysis (SNA). 211. 241. 241 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). 262. 331 Web conferencing. 157 Simulations. 238. 67. 215. 255 Single-user wiki. 255 Turing Test. 112. 59. 47. 261 Shockwave. 187 Smart labels and tags. 98. 47. 245. 8. 145. 228. 97. 251. 253. 237. 65. 327 Videocasting. 242 Security. 138. 123. 24. 275. 76. 48. 264. 63. 75. 62. 66. 69. 72. 120. 19. 3. 63. 238. 247. 147. 235 Resource Description Framework (RDF). 217. 251 Serious games. 145 Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM). 241. 192 Thin clients. 174. 176. 81. 28 Ubiquitous computing. 169. 196. 169 Streaming video. 7. 209. 5. 5. 208. 6. 115. 76 T-Learning. 215. 243. 62. 3. 90. 59 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). 134. 97. 86. 104. 116. 271. 136. 87. 84. 214 Do Not Reproduce 338 . 135. 184. 268. 233. 268. 267. 270 Wikis. 68. 157. 209. 232. 272. 82. 6. 59. 156. 307 Wikipedia. 276 Word. 269. Gary. 233. 80. 53.Emerging e-Learning Technologies Webinars. 10. 174. 187 Whiteboards. 103. 115. 168. 332 Woodill. 5. 1. 269. 256. 77. 114. 137. 106. 270. 266.
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