EMC Abstract

March 26, 2018 | Author: fountainshead | Category: Field Effect Transistor, Anode, Graphene, Transistor, Zinc Oxide



D: Electrical Devices* Invited paper SESSION D1: High-Speed and High-Performance Nitride HEMTs and Modeling Chair: Kevin Chen and Miroslav Micovic Monday Afternoon, August 26, 2013 Chesapeake 4-6 1:30 PM *Dl.01 Nano-Crystalline Diamond Coated AlGaN/GaN HEMT Pulsed I-V and RF Performance, David J. Meyer', Tatyana 1. Feygelson', Travis J. Anderson', Marko J. Tadjer,,2, Jason A. Roussos l , Brian P. Downeyl, D. S. Kab'jer 1 1 Bradford B. Patel, Mario G. Anconal, Steven C. I3inari 1 , Karl D. Hobart l and Charles R. Eddy!; INaval Research Laboratory, Washington, District of Columbia; 2Post doctoral Fellow, ASEE, Washington, District of Columbia. While often touted as being a superior choice for high power performance, GaN transistors also possess the lesser mentioned burden of having high power dissipation. When used in a non-switching mode of amplification (i.e. Class A, AB, B, etc.), limits on the efficiency of a GaN high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) result in large arnounts of power (several W /rrun) being dissipated in the form of resistive heating, typically localized to the depletion region near the drain-edge of the gate electrode. The formation of a hot spot in this high-electric field region of the device degrades electrical performance, but perhaps more importantly can increase susceptibility to long-terrn reliability degradation rnechanisrns. As a method for reducing the junction temperatures of AIGaN/GaN HEMTs during RF operation, we have explored the use of a high-thermal conductivity nano-crystalline diamond (NCD) coating. In split-wafer experiments, we have observed that 1.5 Mm gate-length HEMTs with a passivation layer of 0.4 rLIn NCD on 50 nrn silicon nitride (SiNx), fabricated with a "gate-after-diamond" process flow, electrically outperformed reference HEMTs with either 50 nm or 100 nm SiNx only. DC electrical characterbation revealed that the NCD-coated HEMTs had approxirnately 20% higher transconductance and a +2 V shift in threshold voltage (-1.4 V vs. -3.4 V), as compared to reference HEMTs. Small-signal characterization of NCD-coated devices determined that fr and f=ax were 6 and 23 GHz, respectively. Pulsed I-V and gate-lag measurements indicated that NCD-coated devices experience little to no dc-RF dispersion. Lastly, 4 GHz load-pull measurements showed that NCD-coated HEMTs exhibited roughly 1 W /mm higher RF output power density, compared to reference HEMTs, over a range of drain bias from 20 to 50 V. At VDS = 50 V in Class AB, the NCD-coated device had Pout = 5.8 W /mm with 9.6 dI3 gain and 28.8% power-added efficiency. 2:00 PM Dl.02 How the Fringing Capacitance Limits the RF Performance of High-Speed GaN HEMTs. Bo Song', Berardi Sensale-Rodriguez', Ronghua Wang l , Jia Guo l , Michael Schuette 2 , Andrew Ketterson 2 , Edward Dearn 2 , Paul Saunier 2 , Xiang Gao 3 , Shiping Guo 3 , Patrick Fay', Debdeep Jena' and Huili G. Xing'; 'Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana; 2 TriQuint Semiconductor, Richardson, Texas; 3IQE RF LLC, Somerset, New Jersey. GaN based enhancement-mode (E-mode) high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are attractive for high speed high power applications [1]. When the gate length is below 100 nm, the RC parasitic charging delay caused by source/drain resistances and gate fringing capacitance can account for a large fraction of the total delay [2]. The parasitic resistance issue has been addressed by employing barriers such as InAIN and InAIGaN[3] and regrown n+ GaN contacts[4]. In this paper, the impact of fringing capacitance on the high frequency perforrnance of T-gate recessed InAlN HEMTs with ft/fmax of 225/250 GHz [5] is investigated. The fringing capacitance accounts for more than 40% of the total gate capacitance, which limits the speed of ultra-scaled devices. Approaches to reduce this effect are also presented. Graded n+ InGaN/GaN regrown ohmic contacts are used and E-rnode operation is achieved by gate recess process. The gate length Lg is ~   nm, of which approximately 23 nm lies along on the bottom of the recess region, flanked by two triangular partially-recessed areas. The DC and small signal RF characteristics are reported in [5J. From delay time analyses, it was found that the parasitic delay tirne is 0.39 ps, which is rnore than 50% of the total delay time. Based on the ECP results in [5] and the equation: Tpar=(Cgs,ext+Cgd,ext)/ gm+Cgd (Rs+Rd)+(Cgs+ Cgd)(Rs+Rd)gds/gm (1) the dominant parasitic delay time is due to extrinsic fringing capacitances Cgs,ext/Cgd,ext. Sirnulation of Cgs,ext/Cgd,ext was performed in COMSOL based on the gate geometry measured from TEM and the 2DEG depletion from TCAD. Cgs,ext/Cgd,ext were estimated to be ~ 260/162 IF/mm, consistent with the extracted value of 238/161 fF/rnrn froIll rneasured s-parameters under the coldFET bias condition. Assuming Cgs,ext/Cgd,ext under the peak IT bias condition are the same (i.e. an underestimate of Cext since the 2DEG depletion extensions are smaller under the peak fT bias), the intrinsic capacitances are then estirnated by subtracting the sirnulated Cgs,ext/Cgd,ext froIll the ECP Cgs and Cgd values. Cgs,ext/Cgd,ext account for up to 40% of the total gate capacitance. The COMSOL simulation results suggest that Cgs,ext / Cgd,ext can be lowered to 231/150 IF/mm when the gate stern height increases to 200 nnl. Further reduction to rv 160/101 fF/ nun can be achieved if the dielectric surrounding the gate is removed (the SiON relative permittivity Er is assumed to be 5). Cgs,ext / Cgd,ext can be further reduced by removing the T -gate cap. This analysis suggests that maximbdng intrinsic gm is the key to further rninirnizing (Cgs,ext + Cgd,ext /grn). Therefore, it is important to seek approaches that enhance injection velocity in GaN HEMTs for further improvements in ft and fmax. [l]Y.Yue et al.IEEE EDL,33,988(2012). [2]B. Sensale-Rodriguez et at. SSE, 80, 67(2013). [3] R. Wang et at. IEEE EDL, 32, 1125 (2011). [4] J. Guo et at. IEEE EDL, 33,525 (2012). [5] I3.Song et at. IEEE DRC(2012) 2:15 PM DL03 65 nm T-gate SiN/lnAIN/AIN/GaN MIS-HEMTs with f t x V BK of 9 THz-V. Brian P. Downey', David J. Meyer', D. S. Kab'jer l , Thomas M. Marron 2 , David F. Storm l , Ming Pan 3 and Xiang Gao 3 ; lElectronics Science and Technology Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, District of Columbia; 2 Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Virginia; 3IQE RF, Somerset, New Jersey. Increasing the frequency perforrnance in III-N-based high-electron-mobility-transistors (HEMTs) requires both vertical and lateral scaling. While higher frequency performance is expected for aggressively-scaled devices, increased gate leakage current and prernature device breakdown that lirnit the ultirnate power potential of the technology are two potential areas of concern. In this study we use an ultra-thin (1 - 6 nm) silicon nitride (SiN) gate insulator, deposited by molecular-beam epitaxy at 575 0 C, to not only suppress gate leakage current, but also to induce a high electron sheet carrier density (nsH) in a rnetal-organic chernical vapor deposition grown InAIN/AIN/GaN heterostructure (InAIN/AIN = 2.3 nm/1 nm) with initially low nSH. Both nSH and sheet resistance were observed to scale with the SiN thickness indicating the presence of a positive fixed charge. MIS-HEMTs with gate lengths (L G ) down to 65 nm have been fabricated. For a SiN thickness of 3 nrn and Lc = 65 run, the gate leakage current was less than 100 nA/mm at V G = -10 V, breakdown voltage (VBK) was 82 V, extrinsic current gain cutoff frequency (ft ) was 118 GHz, and maximum frequency of oscillation was 208 GHz. The simultaneously high V BK and ft leads to an extrinsic Johnson figure of merit (f t xVBK) greater than 9 THz-V. 2:30 PM DL04 In - situ SiN x Gate Dielectric by MOCVD for Low-Leakage-Current Ultra-Thin-Barrier AIN/GaN MISHMETs on Si. Xing Lu, Jun Ma, Zhaojun Liu, Tongde Huang and Kei May Lau; Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong. AIN/GaN heterostructures with ultra-thin barrier offer high 2DEG concentration and good carrier confinement because of the relatively large bandgap of AIN and strong polarization effects [1]. However, low quality thin AIN and poor interfaces can lead to problems such as large leakage current and surface sensitivity lirniting the device performance and reliability. To date, several ex - situ deposited dielectrics such as CVD SiNx [2], ALD Al 20 3 [3] [4] and ALD Hf02 [5] have been explored as gate insulator. Limited work has been reported using In - situ SiNx on AIN/ GaN structure with successful suppression of gate leakage [6]. In this study, 7 nrn and 3 nrn In - situ SiNx were employed as gate dielectric for the ultra-thin-barrier (1.5 nm) AIN/GaN MISHEMTs on Si substrate. The In - situ SiN,T is very effective in suppressing the leakage current and protecting the AlN surface. The In - situ SiNx was deposited using silane and ammonia immediately after the AIN/GaN heterostructure growth in the MOCVD chamber at 1145°C. AFM and TEM observations of the sample with 7 nm In - situ SiN x showed a smooth surface morphology (RMS of 2.36 nm across a 5 Mm X 5 Mm scanned area) and good coverage. Circular-shaped MIS diodes with 200-Mm diameter and MISHEMTs with a 1Mm gate length were fabricated and characterized. Compared with the 3-nm barrier AIN/GaN schottky diodes in [3], the 7 nm and 3 nm In - situ SiNx has effectively reduced the reverse leakage current at -5 V bias by about 7 and 4 orders of rnagnitude, respectively. The leakage current density of the MIS diode with 7-nm In - situ SiN x was on the order of 10- 7 A/cm 2 , remarkably lower than that of the similar structures 240 using other dielectrics [2-5]. The trap density of the MIS structures was extracted to be 1.8xlO" 2 cm- 2 (D jdi .,) and 2.2x10" cm- 2 (D hy"') by investigating the frequency dispersion and hysteresis of the C- V curves, respectively [7]. According to the TLM measurement, the sheet resistances of the two sarnplcs were around 1300 O/sq (with 7 nm In - situ SiN x ) and 4200 O/sq (with 3 nm In - situ SiN x ), respectively, which were about one order lower than that of the 1.5-nm barrier AIN/GaN HEMT sample without surface passivation [4]. The improvement is due to reduced AIN relaxation, increased carrier concentration and surface protection effects of the In - situ SiNx layer. The fabricated MISHEMTs exhibited a peak transconductance of 248 rnS/mm and a maximum drain current density of 730 mA/mm. The gate pulsed I-V measurement showed negligible current degradation, indicating good surface passivation effect of the In - situ SiNx layer as well. In conclusion, In - situ SiNx deposited by MOCVD is a promising candidate as the gate dielectric for the ultra-thin barrier AIN/GaN MISHEMTs. [1] Y. Cao, et al., Int. Semiconductor Device Research Symp. 1, pp. 407-408, (2007). [2J M. Higashiwaki, et aI., IEEE Electron Device Lett., 27, 9, pp. 719-721, (2006). [3J Tongde Huang, eta!., IEEE Electron Device Lett., 33, 2, pp. 212-214, (2012). [4J Tongde Huang, et al., IEEE Electron Device Lett., 33, 8, pp. 1123-1125, (2012). [5J D. A. Deen, et al., Electron. Lett., 45, pp. 423-424, (2009). [6] E. Cho, et at., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 13 27, pp. 2079-2083, (2009). [7J M. Fagerlind, et aI., J. Appl. Phys., 108, pp. 014508-6, (2010). 2:45 PM Dl.05 A Novel High Performance AIGaN/GaN Based Enhancement-Mode Metal-Oxide-Semiconduetor High Electron Mobility Transistor. Raphael Brown, Abdullah Al-Khalidi, Douglas MacFarlane, Sanna Taking and Edward Wasige; School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdorn. This paper presents a new enhancement-mode (E-mode) Gallinm Nitride (GaN) based high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) employing an Aluminium Gallium Nitride (AIGaN) barrier. The AIGaN barrier layer of AI-content 25% is only 3nrn thick. The device employs 20nm of silicon dioxide (SiO_2) deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) as the gate dielectric, and relies on an induced two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) for operation. Simple gate wrap-around devices were fabricated and characterised. The devices dClnonstrated positive threshold voltages of +2V or higher, very Iowan-resistances of < 0.27 mO(cm)2 and very high drain currents of more than 620 mA/mm. A device employing 20 nm SiO_2 demonstrated a threshold voltage of +2 V, very low on-resistance of < 0.35 mO(cm)2 and very high maximum drain current of > 550 rnA/nnn, while a device ernploying 10 rnn SiO_2 demonstrated a threshold voltage of +3 V, very Iowan-resistance of < 0.27 mn(cm)2 and very high maximum drain current of> 620 mA/mm. The achieved results indicate that the proposed device technology is prornising for realising future power electronic devices. 3:30 PM *Dl.06 Technologies for III-N Heterogeneous Mixed-signal Electronics. Kevin Chen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Gallium nitride and its related group III-nitride (III-N) materials, especially in the form of heterostructures, are being established as the key materials for electronic devices that can deliver superior perforrnance than their Si or GaAs counterparts in rnission-critical applications such as high-frequency power amplifiers, high voltage power switches and rectifiers. Major research and development effort is being focused on III-N device technologies that can deliver high performance such as high power density at high frequencies, high breakdown voltage and low on-resistance. In practical applications, these high-performance devices need to be controlled and/or protected by peripheral analog/digital mixed-signal electronics to achieve system-level controllability, robustness and reliability. While the near-term solutions with quick design turn-around time would be based on separate rnixed-signal ICs using the rnainstrearn silicon technology, heterogeneous integration of the III-N mixed-signal functional blocks on III-N wafers would ultimately deliver system-on-chip solution that promise higher performance, improved reliability and rnore cornpact systerns [1, 2]. An irnportant benefit of III-N mixed-signal IC technology is that it allows us to take full advantage of III-N devices' high-temperature operating capability which can lead to significantly simplified cooling systems, but would be otherwise compromised if Si IC's are used. III-N heterostructures, enhanced by strong spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization, provide the most mature platform for implementing III-N electronic devices. In this paper, recent development in device technology will be presented to demonstrate that III-N heterostructures are capable of delivering a robust platform on which a wide range of peripheral devices (e.g. depletion-/enhance-rnode FETs, diodes and resistors, etc.) can be monolithically integrated with high-performance III-N devices. Device and circuit examples will be discussed to demonstrate the benefits provided by III-N mixed-signal electronics. [1] W. Chen, K. Y. Wong, and K. J. Chen, IEEE Electron Device Lett., 30, 430 (2009). [2J K. -Yo Wong, W. Chen, X. Liu, C. Zhou, and K. J. Chen, Phys. Sta. Sol. (b), 247, No.7, pp. 1732-1734, 2010. 4:00 PM Dl.07 MIT Virtual Source GaNFET - High Voltage (MVSG-HV) Model: A Physics Based Compact Model for HV-GaN HEMTs. Ujwal Radhakrishna", Tadahiro Imada 2 ,1, Tomas Palacios" and Dimitri Antoniadis 1 ; 1 Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts; 2Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Atsugi City, 10-1 Morinosato-Wakarniya, Japan. Introduction: GaN HEMTs are poised to take the lead in power conversion markets such as SMPS, DC-DC convertors, power ICs etc. [1]. To enable meaningful circuit design, it becomes necessary to have accurate physics-based cornpact device rnodels for this ernerging technology. Several GaN HEMT compact models are available in literature [2], but most of these models are not physics-based [3J-[4]. In this work, a physics-based model for HV-GaN HEMTs is proposed. The model is scalable and captures static and dynamic device behavior through self-consistent current and charge expressions. In addition, access regions, which play an important role in determining the blocking reverse voltage and device linearity, are modeled as implicit-gated transistors in series with the intrinsic transistor. The model requires a small number of parameters with straightforward physical rneanings. The new rnodel is validated against DC-IV and S-parameter measurements of industry devices. Intrinsic transistor: The MVSG-HV intrinsic transistor model extends a previous short-channel GaN FET model [5] that was based on quasi-ballistic transport to the drift-diffusion transport by considering the contribution of the drain-end charge in addition to the charge at the virtual-source by a suitably adapted formulation. Drain-end charge modulation by pinch-off and velocity saturation is achieved smoothly as function of gate length, and the resulting current has self-consistent linear- to saturation-region transition. Terrninal charges are self-consistently solved by ernploying current continuity and Ward-Dutton charge partitioning. The MVSG-HV model formulation resembles the EKV model [6] in the long-channel limit and the MIT- VS model [5] in the short-channel limit. Access region: The access regions are rnodeled as transistors sirnilar to the intrinsic device. The key difference is that there is no physical gate in these regions and an implicit-gate-overdrive (Vgi - Vti) is linked to the sheet resistance (Rsh) and mobility (/-,) as (Vgi -Vti) = 1/ (Rsh Cgi /-,). The implicit-gate capacitance (Cgi) which is a fitting parameter, is the only additional pararneter needed for rnodeling the access regions. This transistor model captures depletion of 2DEG in the source access region at the gate end and depletion in the drain access region at the drain end as transistor pinch-off. Pinch-off and velocity saturation in access regions is responsible for their non-linear behavior, which is the reason for device non-linearity [7J. Both potential and field continuity is ensured between different regions of the device using the quasi-2D Poisson solution, Results: The model is calibrated to experimental devices supplied by Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. The access region rnodel is tested by cornparison with ungated transrnission line rnethod structures (TLMs). The irnplicit-gated transistor model gives very good match to wide range of TLM lengths with the same set of parameters, The model scalability is tested by comparing with transistors of different gate-drain spacing (Lgd). In addition to DC rneasurernents, gate capacitance derived fronl S-parameter measurements show good match with the model results. Conclusions: In this work, a new physics-based compact model for GaN HEMTs is proposed, The model captures physics in different regions of the device and is able to replicate both static and dynamic behavior of experirnental devices. The rnodel is irnplernented in Verilog-A and is suitable for circuit simulations. References [1J U. K. Mishra et,al, Proc. of IEEE, 90(6): 1022-1031, Jun. 2002, [2] L, Dunleavy et. aI, Microwave Mag., IEEE, vol. 11, No.6, pp. 82-96, Oct. 2010. [3J 1. Angelov et.al, Proc. APM Conf., pp. 279-282, Dec. 2006. [4] W. R. Curtice ct. ai, IEEE-TMTT, vol. 33, pp. 1383-1393, Dec. 1985 [5J U. Radhakrishna et.al, IEDM, pp. 13.6.1-13.6.4, Dec. 2012, [6] M, Bucher et ai, LEG, EPFL, 1997, [7] K. Shinohara et. aI, IEDM, pp. 27.2.1-27.2.4, Dec. 2012. 4:15 PM Dl.08 Ultra-Low Leakage AIGaN/GaN Schottky Diodes Based on 3D Anode Structure. Elison Matioli, Bin Lu and Tomas Palacios; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Carnbridge, Massachusetts. The development of GaN Schottky-barrier diodes (SBDs) allows the combination of fast switching-speed of majority carrier devices, with the large breakdown field, high electron-mobility and capability of high ternperature operation of III-nitride serniconductors. These devices would enable higher efficiency power switches with much smaller si7,e compared to Silicon devices. Planar AIGaN/GaN SBDs 241 present large turn-on voltage and on-resistance, since electrons from the two-dimensional-elect ron-gas (2DEG) in the AIGaN/GaN hctcrostructurc nccd to ovcrCOInc thc AIGaN/GaN intcrfacc barricr and flow through the highly resistive AIGaN layer. The AIGaN barrier also limits the control of the Schottky anode over electrons in the 2DEG, resulting in large reverse leakage current. These are major limitations of conventional AIGaN/GaN-based SBDs for efficient powcr circuits. To addrcss thcsc problcIns, wc dcvclopcd a novel SI3D structure based on a three-dimensional (3D) nanopatterned anode. The patterned anode consisted of a series of periodically-spaced pillars aligned parallel to the electron flow. The pillars were defined by trcnchcs ctchcd in bctwccn thcIn, far dccpcr than thc AIGaN barricr. Thc purposc of thc pattcrncd anodc is twofold: iInprovc forward-bias characteristics and reduce reverse leakage current. In forward-bias, the pillar sidewalls form close-to-ideal GaN Schottky junctions directly to the 2DEG to improve turn-on characteristics. Thc Inain function of thc top barricr is to inducc a largc dcnsity of electrons with high mobility in the 2DEG. To reduce the leakage current in reverse bias, a section of the patterned anode, between the Schottky junction and the cathode, was covered with oxide to form a structured metal-oxide-semiconductor region. This structure provided an clcctrostatic barricr for elcctrons, offcring a bcttcr gcoInctry to deplete the electrons in the channel under reverse bias compared to conventional planar field-plate structures, which drastically reduced reverse leakage current. In this work, we demonstrate ultra-low leakage current AIGaN/GaN SBDs based on 3D anode contact. By optiInizing thc diIncnsions of thc pcriodic trcnchcs, wc dCInonstratc SBDs with 4 orders of magnitude lower reverse leakage current compared to planar devices, down to 260 pA/mm (260 nA/cm2), with a breakdown voltage of 130 V (oxide breakdown) for an anode-to-cathode distance of 1.5 Mm. These SBDs presented turn-on voltagc of 0.85 V, ON-resistance of 5.96 [lnlIn and ideality factor of 1.27. We also present the physics behind this device operation as well as the impact of its different parameters, such as the width of pillars and length of the electrostatic barrier. By structuring the anode contact, wc show that thc forward and rcvcrsc- bias charactcristics of SI3Ds can bc dccouplcd, allowing thcir scparatc optiInization, which offers a pathway for future low-leakage, fast-switching power SBDs. This work was partially funded by ONR PECASE program monitored by Dr. Paul Maki 4:30 PM Dl.09 Normally-off GaN MOS-HEMT with High Threshold Voltage, No Current Collapse and High-Temperature Stability. Yuhao Zhang, Min Sun, Sameer .1 . .1oglekar, Daniel Piedra, Tatsuya FujishiIna and TOInas Palacios; DcpartIncnt of Elcctrical Enginccring and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. AIGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) have great potcntial for thc ncxt gcncration of powcr elcctronics. Enhancement-mode (E-mode) metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) HEMTs with a threshold voltage (Vth) 3 V are highly desirable for fail-safe operation. Extensive studies have shown that fluorine plasma trcatIncnt is an cffcctivc Incthod to achicvc HEMTs with a V th rv IV [1], but very few reports have demonstrated fluorinated MOS-HEMTs with high V th, and no studies on their pulse behavior and thermal stability have been reported. In this work, we demonstrate E-mode fluorinated MOS-HEMTs with a V th higher than 3 V, no current collapse and long-term thermal stability at 250 "C. The MOS-HEMTs in our work have an integrated dual-gate structure [2]. The E-gate region was formed by CF 4 plasma at an ECR power of 150 Wand an RF power of 20 W for 150 s, which etched the GaN cap and top AIGaN. An Ab03 gate oxide with different thickness of 8, 15, 20 and 25 nIn was thcn dcpositcd by atoInic laycr dcposition. Aftcr gate deposition, the samples were annealed at 400 0 C for 5 min in N 2 ambient. The output characteristics of standard and fluorinated MOS-HEMTs demonstrated that the fluorine plasma treatment induces only a small degradation in the on-resistance and maximum currcnt. Thc transfcr charactcristics of fluorinatcd MOS-HEMTs reveal a V th higher than 3 V and a gate leakage level of 10- 7 mA/mm up to V9,=10 V. The V th of fluorinated MOS-HEMTs were found to increase with increasing oxide thickness. This is due to the cxistcncc of ncgativc fluoridc-induccd bulk chargc in thc oxidc, revealed by our modeling work. No current collapse was found under 500 ns pulsed current measurement of fluorinated MOS-HEMTs without any post-gate passivation. Moreover, a smaller V th hysteresis   V) was observed for fluorinated MOS capacitors compared with standard MaS capacitors (!"'V0.5 V) in thc capacitancc-voltagc measurements. This is probably due to the fluorine passivation of oxide/ AIGaN interface states and the fluoride-induced conduction bending that increases the barrier for electron trapping. High-temperature measurements reveal that the V th of fluorinated MOS-HEMTs is unchanged up to at least 250 ac. Moreover, the device V th is unchanged in continuous operation at 250 DC for 24 hours. In conclusion, E-mode fluorinated MOS-HEMTs were systematically studied. A high V th (>3 V) increasing with gate oxide thickness, a very small V th hysteresis, no current collapse and high-temperature stability (250°C) have been presented for fluorinatcd MOS-HEMTs. This work dCInonstratcs that fluorinc ions diffused into the gate oxide form a promising technique in fabricating high-performance E-mode MOS-HEMTs. We acknowledge the partial support of the DARPA MPC program and the MIT GaN Energy Initiative. [1] Y. Cai et aI., IEEE Electron. Device Lett. 26, 435 (2005). [2] 13. Lu et aI., IEEE Electron. Device Lett. 31, 990 (2010). 4:45 PM Dl.I0 GaN Varactors with Insulated Electrodes for Microwave Control ICs. Mikhail Gacvski 1 , Jianyu Dcng 1 , RCInis Gaska 1 , Michacl Shur 2 , Faisal Jahan 3 and Grigory SiInin 3 ; lScnsor Elcctronic Technology, Inc, Columbia, South Carolina; 2 The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York; 3University of South Carolina, ColuInbia, South Carolina. Capacitively coupled contacts (C3) varactors over III-Nitride have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in wide frequency range from 2 to 20 RF losses are below -ldB; RF isolation is better than -30 dI3. RF and high powcr charactcristics of varactor bascd switches can be further improved using higher bias voltages (>30V), however, this leads to substantial increase of leakage current through the Schottky electrodes. In the present work, C3 varactor with isolated electrodes was studied. The effect of thin isolation layer on varactor pcrforrnancc has bccn invcstigatcd. It was shown that electrode isolation leads to the several order of magnitude decreased leakage current as compared to Schottky electrodes. RF characteristics of devices with electrode dielectrics using Al203 and SiNx dielectric layers with various thicknesses are compared with Schottky type varactors. Thc studics show that C3 varactors fabricatcd using atoInic layer deposited Al203 films demonstrate superior RF characteristics. SESSION DPl: Poster Session: Electrical Devices Monday Evening, August 26, 2013 6:00 PM Potomac C/D & 1-6 DPl.Ol Linas Ardaravicius 1 , Oleg Kiprijanovic 1 , Juozapas Liberis 1 , Emilis Sermuksnis 1 , Arvydas Matulionis 1 , Romualdo A. Ferreyra 2 , Fan Zhang 2 , Vitaliy Avrutin 2 , UInit Ozgur 2 , HacEs Morkoc 2 and High-Field Drift Velocity in Camelback Channels For HFETs Kestutis Jarasiunas 3 ; lSemiconductor Physics Institute, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Vilnius, Lithuania; 2Electrical and COInputcr Enginccring, Virginia COInInonwcalth Univcrsity, Richmond, Virginia; 3Institute of Applied Research, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania. The effect of electron density on hot-electron transport in an, from the surface down, AlyGal-yN/ AIN/ AlxGal-xN/GaN camelback heterostructure [1] with vertically spread quasi two-dimensional electron density, is studied by use of nanosecond scale voltage pulses (2 ns). The camelback channel has been formed in nominally undoped layers of either alloy-containing AlxGal-xN/GaN or alloy-free GaN/ AIN/GaN structures separated from the barrier layer with the AIN spacer layer. The highest, among the reported values, electron drift velocity of   107 cm s:1 at 160 kV cm:l was measured in the alloy-containing camelback channel with a modest low-field electron mobility of 1070 cm2/(Vs) and an electron density of 0.8xl013 cm:2 [2]. Although the alloy scattering limits the low-field mobility in the alloy-containing camelback channel, the observed velocity exceeds that in a standard single GaN-channel AIN-spacer AIGaN-barrier heterostructure by % [3], indicating that the high-field transport is not affcctcd by thc alloy scattcring as cxpcctcd. This largc high-ficld drift vclocity obscrvcd for a particular elcctron dcnsity is consistent with the resonance ultrafast decay of hot phonons resolved in the vicinity of the LO-phonon-plasmon crossover [2]. The alloy-free GaN/AIN/GaN camelback channel is promising for iInprovcd low-field transport propcrtics. Whcn thc pristinc elcctron density exceeds the resonance value, the resonance can be tuned in with a variable negative bias applied to the gate of a heterostructure field effect transistor (HFET). The HFET with the pristine 2DEG density of 1.6xl013 cm:2 in the alloy-free GaN/AIN/GaN camelback channel demonstrates the optimal frequency performance at a relatively low gate bias of -1.75 V while single-channel HFETs typically require higher gate bias (-2.9 V at 1.65xl013 cm:2 [4]). Among other advantages, the ability to tune into the resonance with a lower gate bias is potentially useful for reduced gate leakage currents. 1. .1. H. Leach, M. Wu, H. Morkoc, .1. Liberis, E. Sermuksnis, M. Ramonas, and A. Matulionis, .1. Appl. Phys. 110, 2011 (2011). 2. L. ArdaraviCius, O. Kiprijanovic, J. Libcris, A. Matulionis, X. Li, F. Zhang, M. Wu, V. Avrutin, U. Ozgiir, and H. Morkoc, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 27, 122001 (2012). 3. L. Ardaravicius, M. Ramonas, O. Kiprijanovic, .1. Liberis, A. Matulionis, L. F. Eastman, .1. R. Shealy, x. Chen, and Y . .1. Sun, Phys. Status Solidi A, 202, 808 (2005).4. D. S. Lee, X. Gao, S. Guo, D. Kopp, P. Fay, and T. Palacios, IEEE 242 Electron Device Lett. 32, 1525 (2011). DPl.02 Tapered Field Plate Employing Photoresist Reflow and Etching Selectivity Control for AIGaN/GaN HFETs. Young-Hwan Choi, Bongmook Lee, Edward Van Brunt, Veena Misra and Alex Q. Huang; Electrical and Cornpntcr Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina. In GaN based HFETs, a field plate (FP) structure is commonly used to reduce the electric field concentration at the gate edge which results in large leakage current and low breakdown voltage. A FP which has an inclined shape is expected to effectively reduce the electric field [1-2]. However, the slant FP [1] has been limited by a FP length of about 0.3 ,"m and the tapered FP [2] fabricated by wet etching process were hindered by difficulty in etch rate control. In this paper, we propose a new tapered field plate fabricated using photoresist (PR) reflow and etching selectivity (ES) control. A new tapered field plate (FP) structure for attaining low leakage current and high breakdown voltage of AIGaN/GaN heterojuction field effect transistors (HFETs) is proposed and verified experimentally. A low tapered angle of about 10 degrees was achieved by the new process employing photoresist (PR) reflow during the hard bake and etching selectivity (ES) control during the dry etching process. AIGaN/GaN HFETs with a conventional steep FP, which has an angle of 70 degrees, were fabricated for the cOlnparison with proposed devices with the tapered FP. The leakage current of the proposed device is about 2 orders of magnitude less than that of the conventional device. The proposed device maintains its breakdown voltage (BV) level regardless of applied power, whereas the conventional device shows a shift of BV as the applied power increases. These cxpcrirncntal results indicate that the proposed tapered FP suppresses the electric field concentration at the gate edge successfully and is an effective approach to improve the blocking characteristics of GaN based devices. References: [1] Y. Dora, A, et.al, IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 27, no. 9, pp.713-715, September 2006. [2] Y. H. Choi, et.al, Material Science Forum, vol. 615-617, pp. 971-974, March 2009 DPl.03 Impact of Variation Silicon Nitride Passivation Thickness on AIGaN/AIN/GaN and GaN/AIGaN/GaN Device Performance. H. Jackson , ,2, J. Petrosky2, R. Hengehold 2 and Z. Fang 3 ; 1 Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio; 2Department of Engineering Physics, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio; 3Semiconductor Research Center, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. Silicon nitride passivation (Si 3 N4 ) on AIGaN GaN heterojunction devices can iInprove perforrnance by reducing electron traps at the surface. In this study, the effects of passivation layer thickness were investigated at various thicknesses (0, 20, 50 and 120 nanometers) on bare epilayer AIGaN GaN structures with either an AIN nucleation layer or a GaN cap. Hall systern Ineasurernents were used to observe changes in carrier concentration as a function silicon nitride thickness. Carrier scattering mechanisms are analyzed both with and without Si 3 N 4 • Capacitance voltage measurements were carried out to give information about the surface donor states and the Si3N4 charge at the interface. A monatomic decrease in saturation capacitance with increasing Si3N4 thickness was observed for the Si3 N4 /AIGaN/AIN/GaN structure. Gate current measurements were done to examine the effect of Si3 N4 on the gate leakage current and thus on device performance. DPl.04 Comparison of Thermoelectric Properties of GaN and ZnO Samples. Bahadir Kucukgok ' , Baozhu Wang 2 , Qinyue He ' , Andrew G. Melton ' , Na Lu 3 and Ian T. Ferguson ' ; 'Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223, USA, Charlotte, North Carolina; 2College of Information Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, 70 Yuhua East Rd., Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050018, China., Hebei, China; 3Department of Engineering Technology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223, USA, Charlotte, North Carolina. In this paper, room temperature thermoelectric properties (TE) of wide bandgap thin filrns, GaN and ZnO, grown by Metal Organic Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) arc studied. Bulk GaN is also incorporated with epitaxy films to make comparison. GaN and ZnO materials have superior electrical performance and chemical stability at high temperatures and are currently found in many commercial applications, such as, photovoltaic, TE generators, solid-state lighting, and gas sensors. Since there are not many semiconductor materials that can operate effectively at high temperatures, wide bandgap materials like GaN and ZnO would be promising offer for a traditional semiconductor solution for high temperatures thermoelectric power generation. In order to understand their TE properties, we systernatically cornpared and characterized GaN and ZnO thin filrns. The focus of this study is to investigate TE properties while varying doping concentrations. The common observed trends, a decrease in Seebeck coefficients with the increase of carrier concentration for epitaxial GaN, bulk GaN, and ZnO, was observed. This phenomenon is attributed to the inverse proportion between seebeck coefficient and carrier concentration in the Mott-Jones relation to simple transport models. The Seebeck coefficients of ZnO samples are found to be larger than those of epitaxial GaN and bulk GaN samples in the sirnilar carrier density. Power factor of ZnO and bulk GaN showed saIne trend whereas epitaxial GaN sarnple exhibited high power factor of4.72xl0-4 W/mK2. DPl.05 Modeling and Measurement of Gate Leakage Current in Metal/ AI 2 0 3 / GaN/ AIGaN/ GaN Capacitors. Shlomo Mehari I, E. Yalon ' , A. Gavrilov ' , D. Mistele ' , G. Bahir ' , M. Eizenberg 2 and D. Ritter ' ; 'Electrical Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel; 2 Materials Science and Engineering, Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. Insertion of a dielectric layer between the metal gate of the transistor and the semiconductor helps reduce gate current. Here, we calculate the expected gate current due to field ernission through the dielectric layer, and compare the results to experimental data for both nickel and titanium gate electrodes on an AI20 3 /HFET structure. The AIGaN/GaN HFET structure was grown by MOCVD on SiC substrate by IQE. The layer structure consisted of thin AIN nucleation layer followed by 1.8 rLIn unintentionally doped GaN, 1 nrn AIN and 15 nm Alo.25Gao.75N barrier and 3 nm thick GaN cap layer. The 20 nm thick Al 2 0 3 layer was deposited on the GaN surface by thermal atomic layer deposition (ALD) using tri-methyl-aluminum (TMA) and H20 as precursors. Gate electrodes were Ti/Au and Nil Au, and a Til Al Inetal stack served as the ohrnic contact. Previous attempts to calculate the gate leakage were based upon the Fowler Nordheim equation, which requires fitting of two parameters, and is suitable for metal insulator metal structures, but not for the cornplicated band diagraIn of the actual device. The questions we wish to answer are a. whether the leakage current is deterrnined by the field emisson through the AI 2 0 3 layer, or whether trap assisted tunneling dominates, and b. how the GaN cap layer, surface charges, and surface states affect the leakage current. An exact calculation should include tunneling froIll localized states in the GaN quanturn well that is formed between the dielectric layer and the AIGaN barrier, and tunneling from extended states above the quantum well. At this point, we have only considered extended states tunneling, and used the lower limit of integration, Ernin , in the Tsu-Esaki expression as a fitting pararneter [1]. Good fit to the rneasured data was obtained for Em;n values slightly lower than the AIGaN conduction band. The band diagram was obtained by simulation using ATLAS SILVACO software, assuming an ideal structure with fixed donor charge at the surface [2]. The surface fixed charge density was obtained by fitting the experiInental and sirnulated threshold voltage for accuInulation of the electrons in the 2DEG. Although more work is required to obtain an exact calculation of the tunneling current, we believe our results already indicate that gate leakage is only due to field emission through the Ah03 layer. [1] R. Tsu and L. Esaki, Appl. Phys. Lett., 22, 562 (1973). [2] J. P. Ibbetson, P. T. Fini, K. D. Ness, S. P. DenBaars, J. S. Speck, and U. K. Mishra Appl. Phys. Lett., 77, 250 (2000). DPl.06 Ohmic Conduction in Metal/Graphene/ AIGaN/GaN Structure. Pil Sung Park ' , Kongara M. Reddy 2, Digbijoy N. Nath ' , Zhichao Yang l , Nitin P. Padture 3 and Siddharth Rajanl,2; lElectrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; 2Material Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; 3School of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. We report a new method for making Ohmic contact to 2-D electron gas (2DEG) in AIGaN/GaN high electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) using Cr/Graphene layer. We find that while Cr or graphene separately behave as Schottky contact on AIGaN, rnetal (Cr)/graphene on AIGaN/GaN structure showed Ohmic behavior with a resistivity of 2 mn-cm2. Ohmic contacts to AIGaN/GaN heterostructures require highly tailored multi-layer metallization followed by a high temperature annealing process due to the large barrier height associated with the metal/AIGaN/GaN interface. Such Ohmic contacts limit reproducibility, reliability and scalability of GaN-based transistor devices. In addition, the high-temperature annealing steps preclude the use of some advanced fabrication approaches, such as gate-first, self-aligned processing. While Ohrnic contact re-growth and ion-irnplantation provide an alternative, these approaches also add to the complexity of the processing. Cr/graphene/AIGaN/GaN junction diodes were fabricated on an 243 AIO.28GaO.72N/GaN structure. Single layer graphene was synthesized on Cu foil using chemical-vapor-deposition (CVD) and transferred to an AIGaN/GaN wafer prior to the processing. Cr was deposited OIl top of the graphene to create a Cr/Graphene/AIGaN/GaN structure. For comparison, Cr/AIGaN/GaN diodes were also co-processed on the same wafer by removing graphene layer using 02 plasma. Cr / AIGaN/ GaN diodes had typical rectifying Schottky characteristics as expected. In the case of Cr/Graphene/AIGaN/GaN, the I-V characteristics were found to be Ohmic. The absence of a threshold voltage for current in forward- and reverse-bias conditions indicates that electrons can flow in either direction without being blocked by hctcrojunction or electrostatic barriers. The absence of electrostatic barrier can be explained through a zero field in the AIGaN due to surface Femi level pinning by the Cr/graphene. However, the height and thickness of the AIGaN barrier are expected to block both tunneling and thermionic emission. Weak temperature dependence observed in the range 77 to 300 K precludes thcrrnionic crnission or trap-assisted hopping as possible carrier-transport mechanisms, and the current density is higher than theoretical estimates of tunneling. We therefore propose that percolation transport through Ga-rich regions of the random AIGaN barrier is responsible for the Ohmic nature of this contact. This new usc of graphene offers a reliable method for making Ohmic contacts to AIGaN/GaN heterostructures, circumventing complex additional processing steps involving high temperatures. These results could have important implications for the fabrication and manufacturing of AIGaN/GaN-based microelectronic and optoelectronic devices/sensors of the future. We acknowledge support from NSF ECCS-0925529. DPl.07 Comparison of the Physical, Chemical, and Electrical Properties of ALD AI 2 0 3 on c- and m-Plane GaN. Darning Wei 1 , Tashfin Hossain 1 , Neeraj Nepa1 2 , Nelson Y. Garces 2 , Jennifer K. Hite 2 , Harry M. Meyer 3 , Charles R. Eddy 2 and James H. Edgar 1 ; lChemical Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas; 2Electronics Science and Technology Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington D.C., District of Colurnbia; 3Material Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. GaN is employed for power electronics because of its ability to operate at high ternperatures, high frequencies, and high power. For instance, when used in conjunction with AIGaN, high frequencies can be achieved in high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) by the carriers found in the spontaneously formed two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the AIGaN/GaN interface in the c-plane. These devices have a negative threshold voltage (norrnally-on transistor). For power applications, normally-off transistors are preferred for fail-safe operations and to minimize energy consumption. As such, m-plane AIGaN/GaN heterostructures are promising to make the E-mode (normally-off) transistors due to the lack of a high-density, polarization induced 2DEG , but the perforrnance of this Tn-plane heterostructure remains largely unexplored. Research is needed to optimize the device. This study compares the physical, chemical and electrical properties of Al 2 0 3 thin films deposited on gallium polar c- and nonpolar Tn-plane GaN substrates by atornic layer deposition (ALD). Correlations were sought between the filrn structure, composition, and electrical properties. The thickness of the films were 19.2nm on the Si witness sample determined by spectroscopic Ellipsometry. The gate dielectric was slightly aluminum-rich (Al:O=1:1.3) as rneasured froHI x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) depth profile, and the interface carbon concentration was lower for alumina deposited on c-plane GaN than that of on m-GaN. Similar surface morphology was observed, but a smoother surface was produced on the c-plane GaN as determined by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Circular capacitors (50-300 lun diameter) with Ni/Au (20/100 nm) metal contacts on top of the oxide were created by standard photolithography and e-beam evaporation methods to form metal oxide semiconductor capacitors (MOSCAPs). The alumina deposited on c-plane GaN showed less hysteresis (0.038V) than m-plane GaN (0.61V) in capacitance-voltage (CV) characteristics, which are consistent with the better quality of this dielectric as evidenced by negligible carbon contamination and smooth oxide surface. These results demonstrate the promising potential of ALD Ab03 on c-plane GaN, but further optimization of ALD is required to realize the best properties of A12 0 3 on Tn-plane. DPl.08 AIGaN/GaN-on-Si Rectifier with a Combined Anode of Recessed and Non-Recessed Schottky Contacts. Narncheol Jeon 1 , Hojin Ryu 1 , Woojin Choi 1 , Ho-Young Cha 2 and Kwang-Seok Seo l ; lDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; 2 School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. A novel AIGaN/GaN-on-Si rectifier with a combined anode of recessed and non-recessed Schottky contacts has been proposed to improve the forward characteristics without reverse breakdown voltage degradation. The epitaxial wafer structure used for experirnent consisted of a 4-nm un-doped-GaN capping layer, a 20-nm undoped-AIO.23GaO.77N barrier, a 1-nm AIN spacer, a 1.7-ltm undoped-GaN buffer, and an undoped GaN/AIN transition layers on an N-type Si (111) substrate. Ohmic contact was first formed by Si/Ti/ AI/Mo/Au (=5/20/80/35/50 mn) and mesa isolation was followed. Next, anode region was fully recessed under the 2DEG channel to define a recessed Schottky contact. An additional non-recessed Schottky metal was evaporated. Finally, a 200-nm-thick SiNx filrn was deposited at 250 0 C for surface passivation. The forward turn-on voltage of the non-recessed and recessed Schottky barrier diodes with an anode-to-cathode distance of 15 J.tm were 1.33 and 0.55 V defined at the current density of 10 mA/mm, respectively. In comparison with a non-recessed diode, forward current density of a recessed diode was increased frorn 38 rnA/rnrn to 225 rnA/rnrn at 1.5 V. Low turn-on voltage and high forward current in a recessed diode are due to the improved ideality factor and lowered Schottky barrier height. The ideality factors of 1.65 and 1.29 and Schottky barrier heights of 0.91 eV and 0.67 eV are extracted for non-recessed and recessed diodes. However, there arc sorne drawbacks in recessed diodes. First, the on-resistance of recessed diodes is higher than non-recessed diodes, because most of the currents are flowing through the interface between 2DEG and Schottky metal. Second, recessed diodes show large leakage current compared with non-recessed diodes. In this paper, we propose a Schottky barrier diode with a cornbined anode which has a benefit of low turn-on voltage and low leakage current without sacrificing the on-resistance. The turn-on voltage of a proposed diode was 0.54 V which is almost identical with a recessed diode. Forward current density of a proposed diode was increased frorn 502 rnA/Hnn to 615 rnA/rnrn at 3 V cornpared with a recessed diode. The specific on-resistance at 2.5 V of non-recessed, recessed, and proposed diodes were 1.8, 2.8, 1.9 mn-cm2, respectively. Because the electrons can also flow into the non-recessed Schottky regions in a proposed diode at the forward bias over the turn-on voltage of the non-recessed Schottky contact, specific on-resistance can be reduced. The typical anode leakage current at -100 V of non-recessed, recessed, and proposed diodes were 4.4, 39.2, and 5.5 ItA/mm, respectively. Reverse breakdown voltages of the diodes with non-recessed, recessed, and cornbined anode were 718, 802, 760 V, respectively. Capacitance at 0 V of non-recessed, recessed, and proposed diodes were 64, 3, and 14 pF/mm, respectively. DPl.09 Trap States in AIGaN/GaN Based PolFETs by C-V Characterizations. Fang YuLong, Feng Zhihong, Yin Jiayun, Sheng Baicheng, Wang Yuangang and Cai Shujun; Science and Technology on ASIC Laboratory, Hebei Semiconductor Research Institute, Shijiazhuang, China. As one of the main concerns in semiconductors, especially for the immature material system like III-nitrides and the heterostructures based, the trapping effects in AIGaN/GaN HFETs have been intensively studied. However, for the graded AIGaN/GaN PolFET herterostructures, the extensive research of trap behaviors is still lacking. This paper will focus on the evaluations of trap effects in PolFETs by the frequency dependent C- V measurements, and the results are compared with those from the AIGaN/GaN HFETs based on the abrupt junctions. The rnaterial structure of PolFET sarnple consists of a 2ltm unintentionally doped (UID) GaN, followed by a 70 nm channel from GaN graded to AIO.35GaO.65N. A conventional HFET material was also prepared for comparison, and the structure consists of a 20nm AIO.28GaO.72N layer on the same 2ltm UID GaN beneath as the PolFET sarnple. The parallel capacitance and conductance of the capacitors were measured as a function of frequency at different bias voltages, as in figure1. For the HFET sample, a peak value of the Dit, about 2.21E+12 cm-2eV-1, appears in the vicinity of the pinch-off voltage, while there is no obvious Dit peak in the PolFET across the graded layer, shown in figure2. For the HFET sample, a Dit peak in the AIGaN/GaN heterojunction mainly results from the fragile abrupt hetero-interface, while for the PoIFET, the abrupt heterostructure and fragile interface is absent, hence no obvious trap aggregation. The tirne constant of the trap state versus the bias voltage evaluated for these two samples is shown in figure3. Similarly with the trap behaviors in HFETs, the PolFET sample demonstrates an exponential Tit-bias dependency across the graded AIGaN layer, indicating interface characteristics. The result is that the tirne constants in PolFET decreased gradually frorn about 2.7E-4 s at bias of -12V to about 1.4E-5 s at -4V, and the gradient is about 3.2E-5 sV-1, while the change in HFET is much sharper, from about 9.95E-4 s at bias of -4.3V to about 2.4E-5 at -3.8V,with a gradient of 1.6E-3 sV-1. The gradual change of time constants versus the bias in PolFET partly reflects the sparseness of trap geornetry distributions, while the traps accumulation is particularly serious in the AIGaN/GaN abrupt junction interface of HFET. 244 DPl.I0 Characterization and Control of MOS Interface States in GaN-based MOS-HEMTs Using AI2 0 3 Gate Insulator. Yujin Hori 1 , Zenji Yatabe 1 and Tamotsli Hashizurne 1 ,2; lRCIQE, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan; 2JST-CREST, Tokyo, Japan. Ab03 is a promising gate insulator for GaN-based MOS-HEMTs. To obtain operational stability and reliability in MOS-HEMTs, a low electronic state density at the MOS interface is necessary. However, it is difficult to evaluate state densities at the oxide/semiconductor interface of the MOS-HEMTs having two or more interfaces. In this paper, we have characterized MOS interface states and electrical properties of AI2 0 3 /AIGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs. We started the fabrication process with the deposition of SiN as a surface protection layer. Ti/ AI/Ti/ Au source and drain electrodes were deposited on the AIGaN surface, followed by annealing at 800°C. After etching the SiN layer in a UHF solution, we applied an N2 0-radical trcatrncnt to the AIGaN surface. With this process, an AlGa-oxide layer with a thickness of 1 nm or less was formed on the AIGaN surface. A 10-nm-thick Al 2 0 3 gate insulator was then deposited by atomic layer deposition using H2 0 and trimethylaluminum as precursors. Finally, a gate electrode (Ni/ Au) was deposited. To evaluate the Ab 03/ AIGaN interface states, we applied two types of Capacitance- Voltage (C- V) methods: the photo-assisted C-V measurement for the near-midgap states and frequency dependent C- V characteristics in the frequency range from to for the shallow states. For the sample without the surface trcatrncnt, the photo-assisted C- V results showed relatively high-density interface states with a minimum density of 2 X 10 '2 cm- 2 eV- l around the midgap. In addition, the state density near the conduction-band edge was estimated to be 1 - 2 X 10 13 cm- 2 eV- l from the frequency-dispersion in C-V data. For the N 2 0-radical treated MOS-HEMTs, on the other hand, we confirrned the reduction of the interface states. This is probably due to the oxidation of the AIGaN surface. IDS - V GS measurements of the MOS-HEMTs were also performed. For the MOS-HEMT without the surface treatrnent, a pronounced decrease of transconductance was observed at high gate bias range. When the gate bias is positive, electron transfer from the AIGaN/GaN interface to the MOS interface occurs, resulting in the channel formation at the MOS interface. In this case. the relatively high-density MOS interface states caused the degradation of electron rnobility, leading to the decrease of transconductance. In comparison, the improvement of transfer characteristics of the N 2O-radical treated MOS-HEMT in the positive gate bias range is probably due to the reduction of MOS interface states as confirmed in C- V analysis. The results presented indicate that the N2 0-radical treatrnent seerns to be an effective process to reduce the MaS interface states and improve the electrical properties of Ab03/AIGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs. DPl.ll Sublllicron-Footprint Therlllal Oxidized Ti02 Based AIGaN/GaN MOSHEMT with Ultralow Leakage Current and High Cutoff Frequency. Di Meng ' , Shuxun Lin ' , Cheng P. Wen ' , Maojun Wang ' , Jinyan Wang ' , Yilong Hao ' , Yaohui Zhang 2 , Kei M. Lau 3 and Wengang Wu l ; lInstitute of Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing, China; 2Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, Chinese Acaderny of Sciences, Suzhou, China; 3Departrnent of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HKUST, Hong Kong, China. AIGaN/GaN metal oxide semiconductor high electron mobility transistors (MOSHEMT) with thick (>20 nm), high-K (Ti02), submicron-footprint (0.4 !Lm) gate dielectric are found to exhibit two orders of magnitude in lower gate leakage current 1 nA/mm up to +3 V applied gate bias), higher 1MAX (709 mA/mm), and higher drain breakdown voltage, compared with Schottky barrier (SB) HEMTs of the saIne geoInetry. The InaxiInurn extrinsic transconductance of both the MOSHEMTs, and the SBHEMTs with 2x80 !Lm gate fingers, is measured to be 149 mS/mm. Addition of the submicron-footprint gate oxide layer only results in a small reduction of the current gain cutoff frequency (21 vs. 25   derived from S-paraIneter test data) because of the high perrnittivity of the gate dielectric. This high performance submicron-footprint high-K Ti02 MOSHEMT is highly promising for microwave power amplifier applications in communication and radar systems. DPl.12 Selective Deposition of Dialllond in SiC Therlllal Vias for GaN Power HEMTs. Karl D. Hobart ' , Eugene A. Imhoff ' , Tatyana I. Feygelson ' , Marko .1. Tadjer 2 • l , Travis .1. Anderson ' . Joshua D. Caldwell 1 , Andrew D. Koehler ' , Bradford 13. Pate', S. Sandhu 3 , Vincent Gambin 3 , Gregory Lewis 3 , Ioulia Smorchkova 3 Mark Goorsky4 and Jeff McKay4; 'Naval Research Laboratory, ' Washington, District of Columbia; 2 American Society for Engineering Education, Washington, District of Colurnbia; 3Nort hrop GrurnInan Aerospace Systerns, Redondo Beach, California; 4University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. There is presently great interest in pushing the power limits of GaN HEMTs. The high current density and high voltage capability result in highly thermally-limited performance. High thermal conductivity diamond substrates have been considered as an approach to lift the power limits and many efforts are underway [e.g., 1, 2]. Other more scalable approaches have sought to integrate diamond on the topside and have shown reduced channel ternperature [3]. In this work we sought to develop a highly scalable backside diamond thermal via approach. The key advantage of diamond thermal vias is that the stress due to the large thermal expansion mismatch associated with diarnond and other serniconductors of interest can be rnanaged Inore effectively than for large area diaInond substrates. Specifically, we developed a selective diamond deposition process that largely eliminated wafer bow. The diamond thermal vias were integrated into GaN-on-SiC substrates by first etching backside vias through the SiC wafer. The wafer was coated with nanodiaInond particles and a rv 1 urn diamond nucleation layer was grown conformally on the wafer backside and in the vias by microwave plasma (MW) enhanced CVD at 750 C [4, 5]. With a series of hard mask depositions and CMP steps the planar diamond layer on the wafer backside was selectively reInoved leaving diaInond in the vias only. This reduced the bow from several hundred microns to less than 50 micrometers. A second thick diamond deposition also by MWCVD demonstrated the selective process was highly effective at confining the diamond growth to within the vias thereby eliminating additional wafer bow. No degradation of the GaN and associated 2DEG was observed as characteri:z;ed by non-contact Lehighton sheet resistance measurements. A highly scalable and selective backside diamond thermal via approach has been demonstrated. The process is compatible with GaN HEMT processes and brings the diamond therrnal via within close proxiInity to the channel region but also increases the total surface area of device substrate-diamond thermal contact without changing the substrate bow. Overall, the approach offers a strong reduction in operating temperatures and possibility for very high power operation. DPl.13 Dialllond-Coated High Density Vias for Silicon Substrate-Side Therlllal Managelllent of GaN HEMTs. Marko Tadjer ' , Karl Hobart 2 , Tatyana Feygelson 2 , Travis Anderson 2 , Andrew Koehler 2 , Loretta Shirey2, Bradford Pate 2 and Charles Eddy, J r. 2; 1 AInerican Society for Engineering Education, Washington, District of Columbia; 2Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, District of Columbia. Thermal concerns in III-Nitride power switches cannot be sufficiently rnitigated by high therrnal conductivity substrates due to the large thermal boundary resistance at the interface between the nitride thin film and the substrate. Efficient thermal management through the substrate in a GaN/Si or GaN/SiC HEMT requires several considerations. Recognbing that the thermal path is only needed in the iInInediate vicinity of the heat source in the device, we have approached the problem by developing a high density, high aspect ratio through-Si via (TSV) process and subsequently growing high thermal conductivity CVD nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) along the via sidewalls. In three dirnensions, a plasIna-assisted deposition/etch process can be Inodeled as a steady-state probleIn with a deposition/etch rate defined by the precursor diffusion rate in a lithographically-defined geometry. We utilized multi-step inductively-coupled plasma (ICP) and microwave plasma-enhanced CVD process optirnization to control TSV shape and the subsequent NCD sidewall coating profile. TSVs were etched in samples of (111) Si using a Si0 2 mask in a cryogenic Iep dry etch process (-100 aC, 100/5 seem SF6 /02 , 1000/9 W ICP/RIE, -56 V DC bias). The etch rate was highly dependent on via diameter (5-230 !Lm) and exposed Si area (from <5% to >95%). However, depth/diameter aspect ratios of up to 18 were routinely obtained with up to 1 hr etch time. Upon seeding with 5-25 nm diameter nanodiamond seed solution, NCD films with 2-3 pm thickness were grown by microwave plasma enhanced CVD at 750°C [4]. Hexagonally-packed circular TSVs helped rnaxiInize diarnond packing volurne and rninirnize diaInond growth time. Applied to thermal management of GaN-based transistors, the proposed method has the advantage of providing a substrate-side thermal management solution that avoids critical process steps such as blanket substrate removal. The proposed approach could potentially keep the substrate within bow specifications while also freeing the device side of the wafer for scaled processing. Acknowledgment - M.J.T. acknowledges support from the American Society for Engineering Education NRL Postdoctoral Fellowship prograIn. The authors are grateful to Dr. Eugene Irnhoff, Dr. Doewon Park, Mr. Milt Rebbert and the NSI cleanrooIn staff for processing support. Research at NRL was supported by the Office of Naval Research. [1] O. A. Williams, Diamond & Related Materials 20 (2011) 621-640. [2] .1. E. Butler and A. V. Sumant. Chem. Yap. Deposition 2008, 14, 145-160. [3] E. Bozorg-Grayeli et aI., Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 111907 (2013). [4] K. D. Hobart et aI., International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, Granada, Spain, 2012. 245 DPl.14 Fabrication of and Study on Multi-Gate-Finger AIGaN/GaN Power Devices with Si3N4 as Bridge. Defeng Lin , ,2, Xiaoliang Wang 1 ,2,3, Hongling Xiao 1 ,2, Chuli Feng 1 ,2, Cuimei Wang 1 ,2, Lijuan Jiang , ,2, Hong Chen ' ,2, Haibo Yin ' ,2 and He Kang , ,2; 'Key Lab of Semiconductor Materials Science, Institute of Semiconductors, Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; 2I3cijing Key Laboratory of Low DirIlcnsional Scrniconductor Materials and Devices, Beijing, China; 3 I SCAS-XJTU Joint Laboratory of Functional Materials and Devices for Informatics, Beijing, China. Power scrniconductor devices have been developed for high power switching operations in motor control, factory automation, power supplies, dc-de converters and other switching circuit systems. AIGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are prornising candidates for power electronics applications due to their potentials for fast-switching with low-loss, high breakdown voltage (BV), high operating temperature, good radiation hardness, etc. Recently, several hundred volt-AIGaN/GaN power-HEMTs have been reported, but the drain current of the devices is as small as several tens of rnilliarnpcrc. We report the fabrication of rnulti-fingcr power devices on the AIGaN/GaN hetero-epitaxial materials by employing insulating bridge structure using Si3N4 dielectric layer. The material structure was grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on c-plane (0001) sapphire substrate, and the Si3N4 films were deposited by Plasrna Enhanced Chcrnical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) as the surface passivation and insulator films of the bridge. The DC output characteristic of the power device was measured by the Agilent B2902A, and the maximum drain current is 1.42A when the gate voltage is OV, and the gate width of the device Wg= SOO/Lm, the finger index II = 50. The specific on-resistance of the device is 40.1 mn.cm2. With the gate width increasing, the gate reverse leakage of the multi-finger increases gradually. However, the current density of the multi-finger device does not increase with the gate width linearly. Other rncasurcrncnts arc under progress. DPl.15 AIGaN/GaN HEMTs with RF-Sputtered AIN Heat Sink. Abdullah Al-Khalidi ' , Douglas Macfarlane ' , James Grant ' , David Hutson 2 , Katherine Kirk 2 and Edward Wasigc\ lSchool of Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom; 2School of Engineering, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, United Kingdom. Gallium Nitride (GaN) based High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) have superior properties compared to other III-V devices as they exhibit higher sheet carrier concentrations and therefore higher current densities. They also exhibit higher breakdown voltages. This translates into a higher total output power as well as an irnprovcd efficiency. As a result of the higher total output power, self-heating is a major issue and can be observed by pulsing the device at the cold bias point (VDS =OV, VCs= OV). From pulsed measurements it was determined that a 2 X 200.uffi wide device exhibits a maximum current degradation of approxilnately 200lnA/lnln due to self-heating. FrOITl DC measurements, the current drops from 405mA/mm to 335mA/mm after one second of bias time due to self-heating. The sample/device surface temperature was determined using an infrared thermal imaging camera to be 2SoC without bias and 3SoC under high bias (VDS = +5V, IDS = 135mA). Clearly, techniques for improvcd thermal management are required to fully harness the potential of this material system. In this paper, we will report on the transistor performance after a blanket deposition of RF sputtered aluminium nitride (AIN) of three different thicknesses of 500nln, 1J-LIn and 3p,ln and show its effectiveness in reducing self-heating. DPl.16 8.1W/rnrn AIGaN/GaN HEMT Power Device with over 40% PAE for Ku-Band Application. TingTing Yuan, Xiaojuan Chen, Weijun Luo, Lei Pang and XinYu Liu; Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China. This paper report S.lW AIGaN/GaN HEMT 1mm-gate-width unit cell power device at Ku-band frequency. The fabricated device has a gate length of 0.2um with total gate width of 1mm, adopting gate-connected field-plate of 0.3um. At a drain voltage of 30V, pulsed saturated output power of 39.1dBm (S.l W) with linear gain of 10.SdB and peak PAE of 41.1% at 14GHz is obtaincd. This is the bcst output power performance of AIGaN/GaN HEMT 1mm-gatc-width unit cell power device for Ku-band application to the best of our knowledge. DPl.17 Increase in Breakdown Voltage of AIGaN/GaN HEMTs with a High-k Dielectric Layer. Hideyuki Hanawa and Kazushige Horio; Shibaura Institute of Technology, Saitama, Japan. It is well known that the introduction of filed plate enhances the breakdown voltage in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs [1]. This is because the electric field at the drain edge of the gate is reduced. However, the field plate increases the parasitic capacitance, leading to the degradation of high frequency performance. As another way to improve the breakdown voltage, the introduction of high-k passivation layer can be considered. Then, in this work, we have analy:tied I-V characteristics of AIGaN/GaN HEMTs as functions of relativc permittivity of the passivation layer ET and its thickness d, and found that the off-state breakdown voltage Vbr increases as nand d increase. We consider an AIGaN/GaN HEMT on a semi-insulating GaN buffcr layer [2]. The gate length LG and thc gatc-to-drain distance LGD arc typically 0.3 and 1.5 J-LIn, respectively. The thickness of passivation layer d is typically 0.1 /Lm. In a buffer layer, we consider a deep donor and a deep acceptor [3], and the deep-acceptor density is set to 1017 cm-3 [2]. First, we calculate ID-VD curves and IG-VD curves at VG = - 8 V, with Er as a parameter. As Er increases, the breakdown voltage, at which ID and IG increase suddenly, increases. This is because as Er increases, the electric field at the drain edge of the gate decreases. This occurs because in the insulator the applied voltage tends to drop uniformly in general, and hence when the insulator is attached to the semiconductor, the voltage drop along the semiconductor becomes smoother at the drain edge of the gate if the permittivity of the insulator is higher and the electric flux lines concentrate more in it. Vbr increases 40 V at n = 4.2 to 275 V at n = 20. Here, it should be noted that when fT 30, ID becolnes greater than 1InA/lnln before a sudden increase in ID, and IG is rather low. This is understood that for relatively short LGD, holes generated by impact ionization between gate and drain flow into the buffer layer and the conductivity modulation occurs, resulting in a very high buffer leakage current. Then, Vbr tends to saturate beyond Er = 30 in this case. However, Vbr should become higher when LGD becomes longer, because the high electric field region extends more toward the drain. Next, we calculate ID- VD curves and IG- VD curves as a parameter of the passivation layer thickness d when Er = 20. It is shown that Vbr increases as d increases because the electric field at the drain edge of the gate is weakened as d increases. Therefore, increasing d has the same effects as increasing Er. By the way, the high-k layer is used as a gate insulator in GaN-based MISHEMTs. For example, Hf02 (n 20), La203 (Er 27) and LaLu03 (n 2S) ctc. are studied [4]. [1] S. Karmalkar and U. K. Mishra, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 48, 1515 (2001). [2] H. Onodera and K. Horio, Semicond. Sci. Technol., 27, OS5016 (2012). [3] K. Horio et aI., J. Appl. Phys., 9S, 124502 (2005). [4] S. Yang et aI., IEEE Electron Device Lett., 33, 979 (2012). DPl.18 Sidewall Effects on Fin-Gate AIGaN/GaN MOS Channel-HEMT. Shinya Takashima ' ,2, Zhongda Li ' and T. P. Chow ' ; 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York; 2Fuji Electric Co., Ltd., Hino, Tokyo, Japan. AIGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) have been recently attracting great interests. AMOS channel-HEMT (MOSC-HEMT) combines GaN MOS-gated channel with HEMT, which gives the advantages of nonnally-off operation and low specific on-resistance. In MOSC-HEMT, the downscaling of MOS channel is necessary to improve the specific on-resistance due to the lower electron mobility of GaN MOS channel than that of the 2DEG in the HEMT channel. However, undesirable short channel effects appear with decreasing MOS channel length, which Inust be prevented. A fin-gate structure is one of the promising candidates to suppress short channel effects and to obtain high performance devices [1-3]. This paper presents the performance dependence on channel length, fin width, and temperature on MOSC-HEMTs with and without the fin-gate structure. Whereas in conventional MOSC-HEMT, the threshold voltage (Vth) decreases and the drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL) effects become more severe with decreasing channel length, in MOSC-HEMTs with fin-gate structure (Fin-MOSC-HEMTs), the threshold voltage remains nearly constant against channel length and DIBL effects arc suppressed. The channel sheet resistance and device transconductance for Fin-MOSC-HEMTs are superior to those of conventional MOSC-HEMTs, when they are normali:tied by effective gate width, indicating contribution from sidewalls to channel conduction. Though the short channel effects are suppressed by the fin-gate structure, the threshold voltage decreases from positive to negative value by adding a fin-gate onto long channel transistors. The threshold voltage also shows monotonic decrease with decreasing fin width. These results can be understood by considering the operation Inode of fin-gate sidewall channel, and the sidewalls of our fin structure work as depletion Inode channel. The telnperature dependence of threshold voltage shows clearly different behaviors between the MOSC-HEMT and the Fin-MOSC-HEMT. In the conventional MOSC-HEMT, the threshold voltage shows a complex telnperature dependence [4J By contrast, in the Fin-MOSC-HEMT, it is less temperature dependent and only decreases slightly. The small temperature dependence of threshold voltage can be explained by the 246 lack of polarization charge on fin-gate sidewalls [5]. This difference demonstrates that the Vth on Fin-MOSC-HEMT is not determined by the recessed MOS channel at the top of the fin but MOS channel OIl the sidewalls. In summary, we investigated the fin-gate structure and its sidewall effect on AIGaN/GaN MOSC-HEMTs. The results demonstrated sidewall-dominated characteristics on Fin-MOSC-HEMTs. [1] X. Huang et aI., IEDM Tech. Dig., 1999, Pl'. 67-70. [2] K. Ohi and T. Hashizurne, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 48 (2009) 081002. [3] B. Lu et aI., IEEE Electron Device Lett., 33 (2012) 360. [4] J. Zhang et aI., in Proc. Lester Eastman Conference on High Performance Devices, 2012. [5] K. Matocha et aI., Appl. Phys. Lett., 90 (2007) 123511. DPl.19 Simulated Thermionic Engine Performance Using III-Nitride, Negative Electron Affinity Collector. Joshua R. Smith, Sensors and Electron Devices, United States Arrny Research Laboratory, Adelphi, Maryland. Most attention to improving vacuum thermionic energy conversion device (TEC) technology has been on improving electron emission with little attention to collector optirnization. Many rnatcrials such as scandates, BaO, and cesiated materials already exhibit relatively high electron emission at moderate temperatures. An open problem with vacuum TEes is current self-limiting due to the negative space charge effect. This effect can limit the output power and efficiency of a TEC to an irnpractically low level. A TEC featuring a negative electron affinity (NEA) emitter material has been reported in the literature to theoretically mitigate the negative space chrage effect. In this present work, a model was developed to characterize the output characteristics of a TEC where the collector features NEA. Under certain conditions, III-nitride rnaterials such as GaN, AlGaN, and AIN can acquire a NEA. According to the model, there are certain conditions for which the space charge limitation can be reduced or eliminated. Devices featuring such nitride materials as the collector electrode are sirnulated and conditions for which the device achieves 20% efficiency and 1kW output power are calculated. The rnodel is based on the solution of the Vlaslov-Poisson system, which has been successfully used to model the space charge limited electron transport through a parallel-plate vacuum thermionic device in the past. The rnodel was irnplernented as a library in the python prograrnrning language and the numpy/scipy scientific programming stack. DP1.20 Effects of High Temperature Etching on GaN Using by CI2 PlaSllla. Hiroko Iguchi l , Ryosuke Kornetani 2 , Michael Liu 2 , Kenji Nakashirna l , Takahiro Kozawa l , Kenji Ishikawa 2 , Makoto Sekine 2 and Masaru Hori 2 . "Toyota Central R&D Labs Inc Nagakute Aichi Japan; Nanotechnology Reseach Nagoya Univ., ' Nagoya, Aichi, Japan. Galliurn nitride (GaN) related rnaterials are attracted attention for the application of high voltage and high power devices. Since a GaN is very stable chemically, dry etching processes are generally used to fabricate the device with mesa structures such as a recessed gate structure for norrnally-off operation. However the dry etching processes introduce inevitably darnages such as point defects, which degrade electrical properties. In previous reports, the thermal processes after the etching are effective to recover the degraded electrical properties [1]. Moreover, they reported that etch rates increased as ternperature for etching increased [2J. The radio frequency (RF) power is essential for etching, however high power would create inescapable damages. Therefore, we proposed the high temperature (HT) etching, which enabled us to achieve similar etch rates for at room temperature by reducing the RF power. Namely, the HT-etching rnay suppress the defects forrnation due to the in-situ restoration effect during etching processes and the low RF power. In this study, we have proven the effect of the HT-etching up to 600oC. The samples were prepared as follow. By using the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition system, a 2lLm-thick Si-doped GaN layer with a concentration of 2x1017 crn-3 on a 3J-un-thick unintentionally-doped GaN layer was deposited on sapphire substrates. These samples were etched in the C12. The etch pressure and the RF power were set to be 10Pa and 60W, respectively. After the etching at temperatures from 300 to 600oC, we observed the surface of the samples by atomic force rnicroscope. Hexagonal pits due to the defect selective etching were observed in the sample etched at 600oC. In contrast, few pits were observed in the samples etched at 5000C or less. To assess the formation of point defects, we photoluminescence (PL) properties of the sarnples. As the etch ternperature increased, the yellow lurninescence intensity (IYL) around 2.2eV in the PL spectra decreased. The IYL/IBL (band-edge luminescence intensity) ratios of the samples were 0.013 for 3000C and 0.008 for 500oC. This result indicate that the HT-etching suppress the formation of the Ga vacancies (VGa) related defects because VGa related defects are responsible for the IYL [3]. It's speculated that the damages recover partially during the HT-etching. At the high temperatures, the etch rates were 294nm/min for 3000C and 535nm/min for 600oC. Thus a similar etch rate for at the low temperature could provide with the lower RF power of 20W at 500oC. Its IYL/II3L ratio was the low value of 0.006. Consequently, we have revealed that the HT-etching enables to reduce the defects creation during etching on the effects of not only the in-situ restoration effect but also the lowering of the RF power. [1] X. A. Cao, et aI., Appl. Phys. Lett. 75 (1999) 2569. [2] R.J.Shul, et aI., Appl. Phys. Lett. 66 (1995) 1761 [3] M.A.Reshchikov, et aI., J. Appl. Phys. 97 (2005) 061301 DP1.21 Gallium Nitride MOS Capacitors with Low D i , for High Power Devices. Ahrned Chakroun, Jihane I3oughaleb, Abdelkader Souifi, Vincent Aime7., Hassan Maher, Richard Ares and Abdelatif Jaouad; Institute for Interdisciplinary Innovations in Technology (3IT), Laboratoire Nanotechnologies et Nanosystemes - UMI-LN2 3463 CNRS/UdeS/INSA Lyon/ECL/CPE lyon/UJF/3IT, 3000 Boulevard de l'Universite, Sherbrooke, JIK OA5, QC, CANADA, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. In this work, we report on the development of an effective GaN surface passivation process by optirnizing the surface chernical pre-treatment prior to the PECVD-SiO x deposition. It is demonstrated that the electronic properties of the GaN/SiOx interface are drastically affected by the surface preparation conditions. Among the used chemicals, we found that KOH/HCI leads to the best GaN/SiO x interface quality. MOS capacitors fabricated using this pre-treatment have shown a capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics, with an excellent surface potential modulation, small flat band voltage shift, low hysteresis, and no significant frequency dispersion. Using this passivation technique, a surface state density as low as 2 x 10 10 eV- l crn- 2 was achieved. Robustness and reproducibility of this passivation process was successfully demonstrated on GaN layers grown with different techniques and having different thickness and carrier concentration. A demonstration of the effectiveness of our GaN passivation process is actually on going on GaN MOS-HEMT transistors. DP1.22 Study on the Thermal and Optical Properties of Alternating-Current Light-Emitting Diodes Driven on Different Frequencies. Zhang Jihong", Lin Yue",2, Lu Yijun", Zhu Lihong l , Gao Yulin l and Chen Zhong l ; lXiamen University, Xiamen, China; 2Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou, Fujian, China. In this paper we rnainly focus on the effect of driving frequencies upon the thermal and optical properties of alternating current light-emitting diodes (AC-LEDs). By the simulation on the electrics equivalent circuit, the thermal impedance of the heat flow path in a typical LED is investigated in detail. An infrared (IR) thermography (Research-N2) served as the junction ternperature rnonitor and its results reveal that the junction temperature oscillation would be significantly mitigated by means of increasing the driving frequency. On 50   the frequency of the power supply in most of countries, the junction ternperature is suffering severe fluctuation, with its peak value up to 73.5°C, valley down to 55.2°C. However, with increasing frequency, the difference in temperature is diminishing, as is almost unique on 1000 Hz. These experimental results are well consistent with those gained from the circuit simulation. In addition to the therrnal properties, we investigated the spectrurn as well. The rnean electroluminescence (EL) spectra on those frequency points mentioned above are captured by a spectrometer (Ocean Optics). With increasing frequency, the intensity is increasing and the center of mass wavelength shows strong blue-shift initially then slight red-shift. Although the detailed rnechanisrns of these phenornena are rather complex, the blue-shift can be primarily attributed to the thermal effect and the red-shift mainly to the output power shift of the AC source on high frequency. In conclusion, it is better to power AC-LEDs by the sources with higher frequency, not only to eliminate the flicker effect, but also to rnitigate the harrn junction ternperature oscillation. DP1.23 Elimination of Gate Leakage in GaN HFET by Placing Spacers on Mesa Sidewall. Peng Liu", Chuncheng Xie 2 , Feng Zhang 2 , Jianguo Chen 2 and Dongmin Chen"; 1 School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Peking University, I3eijing, I3eijing, China; 2Founder Microelectronics International Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. In GaN HFET fabrication, the active region is cornrnonly forrned by etching a rnesa structure. However, this rnethod will result in gate leakage occurred on the points where the gate metal is contact with the 2DEG on the mesa sidewalls. The authors fabricate spacers on the mesa sidewalls by etching Si02, acting as an insulator between the gate rnetal and the 2DEG to elirninate gate leakage. The reported device in this paper is a metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) HFET, 247 where the gate insulator is a thin Si3N4 layer deposited by LPCVD. The spacer is formed by depositing a thick Si02 layer by PECVD and then etching cornplctcly the Si02 layer. The source, drain and gate electrodes are formed by sputtering metal films and then patterning by plasma etch. From the measurement, it is found that (1) the gate leakage is several nA at VGS=-15V, and (2) the gate leakage is independent of gate width, suggesting the good dielectric properties of LPCVD Si3N4 and effective elimination of gate leakage by the spacers. The other benefit of employing spacers is that, when patterning the source, drain and gate electrodes by plasma etch, the metal deposited on the bottom corner of spacer is more easily to be etched cornplctcly due to the spacer slope. Without spacers, the over etching tirHe should be longer due to the 90 degree included angle between mesa sidewall and the substrate plane, which will inevitably result in an over etching on the gate insulator in MIS structure, or AIGaN barrier in HEMT structure. Compared with the fabrication process of MIS gate structure reported in literatures, the technique introduced in this paper will decrease one photo mask, because the mask to define the gate insulator is not needed anymore. This will reduce the manufacturing cost. DP1.24 Effect of Dielectric Deposition and Annealing on AI203/AIGaN/GaN Interface States. Jiechen Wu and Dwight Streit; University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. We present here cxpcrirIlcntal results and analysis of post-deposition annealing effects on AI203/AIGaN/GaN metal/insulator / semiconductor heterostructures. Conventional AIGaN/GaN Schottky-gate high electron mobility transistors suffer from problems such as high gate leakage and current collapse. Due to the rnatcrial properties of high dielectric constant, large bandgap and high breakdown field, Al203 thin films grown by atomic layer deposition have been used as gate dielectric materials to suppress gate leakage and passivate surface states. The dielectric/semiconductor interface then bccolncs a critical issue since good gate control of the transistor depends OIl the interfacial properties. We have studied and characterized the A1203/ AIGaN interface and the post annealing effects on interface states to better understand the relative importance of these issues. In this work we fabricated metal/dielectric/AIGaN/ GaN MISH diodes and characterized the A1203/ AIGaN interface with different post-deposition annealing conditions. Ti/ AI/Ni/ Au (20/120/40/50 nm) metal stacks were evaporated and annealed at 800°C to form ohmic contacts. The AI203 layer was deposited by atomic layer deposition. Trimethylaluminum and water vapor were used as the Al and 0 sources for the Al203 films. The samples then underwent post deposition annealing at 400 DC, 500°C and 600 °c for 1 minute in nitrogen atmosphere, respectively. Ni/Au (20/50 nm) was used as gate contact on the dielectric layer. Non-annealing AI203/AIGaN/GaN structure was also fabricated for cornparison. Electrical characterization, including current-voltage (I-V) measurements, shows that the all MISH structure samples have superior suppression of gate leakage current compared to conventional schottky gate AIGaN/GaN structure. Capacitance-voltage characterization of the AI203/AIGaN/GaN structures are also reported with three stages of the voltage sweeping range. We compared the C-V characteristics of annealed samples and non-annealed samples. It showed that the annealed samples exhibit significant changes of threshold voltage, indicating a great reduction of fixed charges at A1203/ AIGaN interface. Multiple frequency C- V profile also suggested that the trap density of annealed samples are much lower than non-annealed samples. Temperature dependent C- V was performed to study deeper level states in annealed samples. C-V curves with negative shift were clearly observed and used to estimate the A1203/ AIGaN interface state density at upper bam!. DP1.25 Dependence of ALD-AI2 0 3/InAIN Interface Properties on Fabrication Process. Takuma Nakano, Masahito Chiba and Masarnichi Akazawa; RCIQE, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Recently, a marked progress of the cut-off frequency of InAIN/GaN HEMTs has been achieved by using a gate insulator. However, understanding and the control method of the insulator /InAIN interfaces have not been rnatured. Here, it is shown that the fabrication process affects the AI 2 0 3 /InAIN interface properties, even though the interface is formed by ALD. Three MOS diodes referred to as samples A-C, with the ALD-AJ,03 (18 nm)/n-Ino.17Alo.S3N (160 nm, n = 2 X 10" 8 cm-3) interfaces and the Ni/ Au circular electrodes in the center of the Ti/ AI/Ti/ Au annular ohmic contacts, were fabricated on sapphire substrates and cornpared. The Al 2 0 3 layer was fonned by ALD at 350°C using H 2 0 and TMA, while ohrnic contact annealing was performed at 850°C for 1min in nitrogen. For sample A, the AI2 0 3/InAIN interface was formed after capless-annealing for ohmic contacts. Right after capless-annealing, XPS results indicated a favorable change in the rnain cornponent of the native oxide fronl Al-O-H bonding to AI-O-Al bonding. However, an increase in the 0 Is intensity indicated a slight oxidation due to the contamination inside the furnace during annealing. The 1 MHz capacitance-voltage (C- V) curve exhibited a srnall capacitance change with the low break-down voltage. The capacitances were too small for evaluating the interface-state density (Dit ) because the corresponding surface Fermi level locations were deep inside the band gap. For sample B, at first, the AJ,03/InAIN interface was formed after removing the native oxide by the buffered hydrofluoric acid (BHF) treatrnent. Then ohrnic contact annealing was performed using the Al 2 0 3 layer as a cap layer. Though the MOS diode showed a small capacitance change in the C-V curve again, the capacitances were larger than those of sample A. D it was evaluated to be in the 10 13 crn- 2 eV- 1 range. It was highly likely that the polycrystalline state of the annealed Al 2 0 3 layer affected the electrical properties. For sample C, ohmic contact annealing using a SiN x cap layer and the subsequent BHF treatment were performed prior to the AJ,03/InAIN interface formation. This sample showed a rnuch irnproved C- V curve with a large capacitance change. D it was evaluated to be in the range of 10" to 10" 2 cm- 2 eV- 1 These results indicated that the ALD-AI 2 0 3 /InAIN interface should be formed carefully with the removal and prevention of the native oxide, despite the thermal and chemical stabilities of InAIN, and that the SiNx layer was suitable for the surface protection during ohrnic contact annealing. The origin of the interface states will be discussed. DP1.26 Reduction of Schottky Gate Leakage Current in AIGaN/GaN HEMTs Using an AIN Back-Barrier. Xin Kong, Ke Wei, Guoguo Liu, Sen Huang, Xinyu Liu and Jinhan Zhang; Microwave Devices and Integrated Circuits Department, Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Beiijing, China. Excellent power handling capabilities and high-frequency response have made AIGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) promising candidates for the next-generation RF/microwave power amplifiers. However, these devices still suffer from large reverse gate leakage currents, which result in the degradation of breakdown voltage, gate control capability and noise performance, as well as the reduction of device lifetime. A lot of efforts have been performed to overcome this problem, including optimizing the processing techniques, improving the material quality and adopting different gate insulators. In this work, a thin AIN filrn ('"'-'2 run) was intentionally inserted between the GaN channel and buffer layers to establish a high potential barrier therein. The selection of AIN instead of AIGaN or InGaN should be mainly attributed to its wider bandgap and maturer growth technology. The heterostructure with an AIN back-barrier presented cornparable electron sheet density, carrier mobility and sheet resistance to that in the reference structure according to the Hall measurements at room temperature. The standard submicrometer gate fabrication procedures were applied to both sarnples and the final rneasurernents were carried out focusing on a 0.16 X 75-l-un device. Taking the uniforrnity of wafer into account, the data of gate leakage current were obtained in devices from different regions. The gate leakage currents of the AIN back-barrier HEMTs were found to be reduced by about two orders of magnitude at Vg = -20 V relative to the standard HEMTs, and no notable decline in the DC current-voltage characteristics was observed. The gate leakage currents in AIGaN/GaN HEMTs have been considered to consist of two components, namely the vertical tunneling and lateral tunneling currents. The high potential barrier induced by the AIN layer could prevent the leakage electrons fronl injecting into the buffer, and thus effectively suppressed the vertical leakage component. It should be noted that the growth of AIN back-barrier should be highly cared, otherwise more dislocations and micropipes could be introduced and additional leakage pathways would be produced. DP1.27 AIGaN/GaN HEMT Based Liquid Sensor. Weijun Luo, Xiaojuan Chen, Lei Pang, Tingting Yuan and Xinyu Liu; Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Acaderny of Sciences, I3eijing, China. The characteristics of AIGaN/GaN HEMT liquid sensors are reported. The sensor consisted of a 1um gate length and 100um gate width are designed and fabricated by optical lithography process. Ni/Au and Ti/ AI/Ni/ Au metals are used as Schottky contact and Ohimc contact, respectively. The performances of the AIGaN/GaN HEMT sensors exposed to different polar liquids are investigated. Under Vgs=+lV Vds=10V, the maximum drain-source current Ids of the sensor are 58.073, 56.31 and 53.239mA in air, ethanol and acetone, respectively. The change of rnaxirnurn drain-source current DIds of the sensors are 1.763mA with a percentage of 3.04% in ethanol, while the corresponding value are 4.844mA 8.34% in acetone. The maximum transconductonce of the sensor is 150.285mS/[email protected] in air, 148.695mS/[email protected] in ethanol and 143.79mS/[email protected] in acetone. Cornpared with the value in air, the percentage of the maximum transconductance degradation are 1.06% in ethanol and 4.32% in acetone. Besides, the performances of the AIGaN/GaN HEMT sensors exposed to different concentration of acetone are also 248 tested. Analytical together with experiment data analysis are carried out to investigate the sensing mechanism of the AIGaN/GaN HEMT liquid sensors. When the sensors were exposed to the polar liquids, the molecules of the polar liquids interact with the surface states by their dipole moments. Then the surface potential of the AIGaN as well as the q,Beff can be changed, which results in the change of the I-V, transfer and transconductance characteristics of the AIGaN/GaN HEMT sensors. It is proved that the Inore polar and the higher concentration of the polar liquids, the more change of the electrical parameters of the sensors. The results reinforce the notion that AIGaN/GaN HEMT are very promising for a wide variety of sensor applications in horncland security, rncdical, cnvironlncntal rIlonitoring, food safety, etc. DP1.28 Improved High-Temperature Stability of 2DEG Channel in AIGaN/GaN Heterostructures by PEALD-Grown AIN Thin FilITl Passivation. Sen Huang!, Ke Wei!, Xinyu Liu I , Guoguo Liu I , Bo Shen 3 and Kevin J. Chen 2 ; 1 Department of Microwave Devices and Integrated Circuits, Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; 2Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China; 3School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, China. The high carrier density and high mobility of the 2DEG channel yield low ON-resistance in AIGaN/GaN power HEMTs. Especially, the 2DEG density can be adversely affected by the trapping/detrapping of the slow states on the polarized AIGaN barrier layer surface, leading to current collapse in GaN-based RF power amplifiers and power switches. To improve the stability of the 2DEG density, in addition to the commonly used SiNx passivation, a novel passivation concept was demonstrated recently using epitaxial AIN thin film grown by plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (ALD) (PEALD). The mechanism of this AIN passivation is to compensate the traps with positive polarization charges in AIN. Low dynamic ON-resistance, high breakdown voltage and low OFF-state leakage are attainable sirnultaneously. Since high junction/arnbient ternperatures are cornrnon for the operation of high-power devices/circuits, it is of great importance to investigate the thermal stability of the PEALD-AIN passivated AIGaN/GaN heterostructures. While the electron mobility naturally decreases with increasing temperature due to stronger phonon scattering, the 2DEG density's ternperature dependence is predominantly determined by the thermal stability of the surface. In this work, we report a comprehensive study on the stability of AIGaN/GaN-on-Si heterostructures passivated with PEALD-AIN at high temperatures (up to 500 oC), primarily by ternperature-dependent Hall effect rneasurernent. Cornpared to an un-passivated AIGaN/GaN sample, AIGaN/GaN heterostructure with a 4-nm PEALD-AIN passivation exhibits good 2DEG transport behavior and stability at moderately high temperature (e.g. 275 oC), even though the passivation layer is partially oxidized. However, serious oxidation of the 4-nrn AIN passivation layer and the AIN/GaN interface occurs as the temperature exceeds 400 oC, and leads to a reduction of 2.47 X 1012 cm-2 in the 2DEG density at room temperature. A modified AIN passivation structure with A1203/ AIN (10/4 mn) stack exhibits significantly enhanced 2DEG density and high-ternperature stability up to 500 oC. The irnproved therrnal stability is attributed to suppressed AIN/GaN interface oxidation as confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The 2DEG mobility for all the three samples, whether AIN or A1203/ AIN passivated, exhibits good irnrnunity to surface oxidation. DP1.29 Impact of Intrinsic Stress in Diamond Capping Layers on the Electrical Behavior of AIGaN/GaN HEMTs. Ashu Wang 1 , Marko .1. Tadjer 1 . 2 , Travis .1. Anderson 2 , Roland Baranyai 3 , James W. Porneroy3, Tatyana I. Feygelson 2 , Karl D. Hobart 2 , Bradford B. Pate 2 , Fernando Calle 1 and Martin Kuba1l 3 ; 1I SOM and Dpto. Ingenieria Electr6nica, ETSI Telecomunicaci6n, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; 2Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC, Maryland; 3Center for Device Thermography and Reliability (CDTR), University of I3ristol, I3ristol, United Kingdom. For films deposited at high temperatures, such as nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) used as a heat spreader capped on AIGaN/GaN HEMTs [1], a significant intrinsic stress will result from the large therrnal expansion coefficient rnisrnatch with the III-Nitride heterostructure. In order to analY7.e how this intrinsic stress in the capped NCD layer impacts on the device electrical behavior, we developed an electro-thermo-mechanical model [2] to couple the 2DEG density with the stress in the device. Based on this rnodel, finite elernent rnethod (COMSOL) was used as the nurnerical calculations, which were verified by the experimental data from Raman spectroscopy and I-V characterization. Assuming the surface potential was unchanged by the additional stress induced by the NCD cap, change of the AIGaN/GaN interfacial piezoelectric polarization charge mainly causes the 2DEG other than the AIGaN surface charge to compensate it, which presents a potential to improve the device performance by stress engineering. Integration of the 2DEG density frorn source to drain contact revealed a redistribution of sheet density with total sheet charge concentration remaining unchanged. Tensile stress from the NCD cap would lead to additional tensile stress and thus an increase in 2DEG density under the gate. As a result, additional compressive stress will develop and lead to decreased 2DEG in the regions between the gate and source as well as gate and drain contact. Using this verified model, extended simulations were performed for general cap layer. Combined with the reported results [3], tensile stress in the cap layer would improve the device electrical behavior, but aggravate the rnechanical degradation; conversely, cornpressive stress in the cap layer would rnitigate the rnechanical degradation, but reduce the electrical behavior. References: [1] M . .1. Tadjer, et aI., IEEE Electron Device Lett., 33, 23 (2012). [2] A. Wang et aI., IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, submitted (2013). [3] M. G. Ancona et aI., .1. Appl. Phys., Ill, 074504 (2012). DP1.30 Admittance Spectroscopy of Deep Donors in 200nm-Thick Ino.16Alo.84N/GaN and Partial Carrier Freeze-Out. Marcel A. pyl, Lorenzo Lugani l , Yoshitaka Taniyasu l ,2, Jean_Francois CarlinI and Nicolas Grandjean l ; Iphysics, EPFL, Lausanne, Swit7.erland; 2 NTT Basic Research Lab., NTT Corporation, Atsugi, Japan. Nominally-undoped 200 nm-thick Ino.16Alo.s4N/n+-GaN samples were grown by rnetal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. Thick InAIN layers are suitable as cladding layers -in lasers, wave-guides- and for capacitive characterization methods. Ni/Au Schottky diodes (area A) were characterized by temperature-dependent current-voltage in the 90-400 K range. Above 190 K, the forward current at bias <:: 1.2 V originates fronl tunneling, rnost likely defect-assisted. The saturation current J s (T), tunneling energy Eo and series resistance R s (T) were extracted. The capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements at a frequency f of 1 MHz were carried out in the same T -range. Fitting the ErEOA/C(V) curves -below 200 nrn- provides both the "usual" depletion width and a ternperature-dependent thickness which, in the high-frequency limit (i.e. w much larger than en(T), see below), is the sum of the Debye screening length and of the width of the intermediate region [1]. The measured capacitance C= is low for T<:: 200 K and weakly dependent on reverse bias, typical of carrier freeze-out. At higher T, a smoothed capacitance "step" occurs which shifts with the angular frequency w. Isothermal frequency-dispersion curves C=(w), conductance G=(w) and (G=/w)(w) were recorded in the range 210-320 K by sweeping f (5 x 10 3 Hz <:: f <:: 5 x 10 6 Hz). The Arrhenius plot e n /T 2 was deduced fronl the position W max at the peak of (G/w)(w) , where en(T) is the thermal emission rate of the involved level and G the corrected conductance for the effect of R s . The extraction of en (T) follows the analysis of admittance spectroscopy for a dominant deep donor level [2]. Assuming no therrnally-activated capture cross-section u, the energy depth of the deep donor D2 would be Ec-ED2= 0.29 eV and 0"2==6.2 x 10- 15 cm 2 . Its concentration N D2 is about 1.7 x 10 18 cm- 3 from C-V data on both sides of the "step" (NDnet rising from 9 x 10 17 to 2.6 x 10 18 cm- 3 , using Er =10 for Ino.16Alo.84N). A minor donor level Dl is observed below 150 K, with signature E c -ED1 = 0.13 eV and 0"1==3.5 x 10- 14 cm 2 . N D1 is more difficult to quantify, but significantly srnaller than N D2 according to the relative peak heights G(Tmax)' Finally, several evidences of partial carrier free7,e-out will be presented at the conference. We plan to extend our measurements above 400 K, to investigate thinner InAIN layers, nearly lattice-rnatched to GaN, and to clarify the origin of the observed donor levels. [1]. M.P. Verkhovodov et al. Semicond. Sci. Technol. 8, 1842 (1993). [2]. S. Duenas et al. .1. Appl. Phys. 69, 4300 (1991). DP1.31 Enhanced OFF-State Breakdown Voltage in AIGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si with Low-k Benzocyclobutane (BCB) Encapsulation. M . .1. Anand, Ng Geok lng, Subramaniam Arulkumaran, Kumud Ranjan, S. Vicknesh and Kian Siong Ang; School of EEE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore. AIGaN/GaN High-Electron-Mobility Transistor (HEMT) has emerged to be one of the most attractive device technologies for both high-power and high-frequency applications [1]. For rnonolithic integrated circuits, final encapsulation is required to provide protection for the entire circuit and thus enhance their reliability. Thick dielectric materials such as plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposited Si02, Si3N4, spin-on-glass (SaG), Benzocyclobutane (BCB), Polyirnide have been ernployed for encapsulation purpose [2,3]. However, high dielectric constant materials are not suitable for circuits operating at high frequency as the resulting high parasitic capacitances will degrade the device performance. Among the many types of encapulation materials, BCB offers several advantages such as (i) low dielectric constant ~ 2 . 6 5   which will results in lower 249 parasitic capacitance, (ii) high glass transition temperature (>3500C), (iii) very low moisture absorption and (iv) high degree of planarization [4]. Wang et al has reported I3CI3 that can be effectively used as a replacement for Si3N4 for surface passivation [5]. However, for Integrated Circuit (IC) fabrication, one typically uses a thin layer of dielectric layer such as Si3N4 and/or Si02 for device passivation follow by a thicker layer of encapsulation layer for final passivation and planarization. This is because Si3N4 and Si02 arc found to be very effective for device passivation [6J. However, one cannot just use a thick Si3N4 layer for passivation cum encapsulation as it will cause heavy stress to the AIGaN/GaN HEMTs [7]. To date, there are no reports OIl the irnpact of GaN HEMT pcrforrnancc llsing Si3N4 passivation plus nen encapsulation. In this work we report the influence of BCB encapsulation on Si3N4 passivated AIGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si substrate with two-fingers and multi-fingers. With reference to AIGaN/GaN HEMTs without BCB, no significant pcrforrnancc change has been observed in the nen encapsulated HEMTs. About an order of magnitude lower drain leakage current has been observed in BCB encapsulated AIGaN/GaN HEMTs. The devices with BCB exhibited 90% improvement in BVgd which is due to the decrease of the two terminal gate leakage current. Similar percentage of BVgd cnhanccrncnt has also been observed with the increase of gate-drain spacing (LGD). Table I shows the DC parameters (IDmax, gmmax, Vth), IT and fmax for the devices with and without BCB encapsulation. These results show that there is no significant impact of these DC and microwave parameters from the thick ncn cncapulation layer. No significant change has been observed in both two finger and multi-finger AIGaN/GaN HEMTs device performance which suggests that the BCB encapsulation does not damage the air-bridge structures of the multi-finger devices and it also does not introduce significant impact to its electrical perforrnance. In conclusion, ncn encapsulated AIGaN/GaN HEMTs exhibited enhanced BVgd without compromising the DC and microwave performances. Hence, BCB encapsulation is believed to be a viable solution to protect AIGaN/GaN HEMTs and its integrated circuits. 1) U. K. Mishra et aI., Proc. of the IEEE, 90 (2002) 1022. 2) R. F. Kopf et aI, J. Electron. Mater. 27 (1998) 954. 3) M. Sudow et aI., IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory, 56(2008) 1827. 4) Y. So et ai, 2004 Electron. Pack. Tech. Conf., (2004) 473. 5) W. Wang et ai, IEEE EDL 25, (2004) 763. 6) S. Arulkumaran et aI., APL 84 (2004) 613. 7) H. W. Van Zeij et aI., Proc. Int. Conf. Solid-State and Integ. Circuit Technol., (1998) 98. 8) S. Arulkumaran et aI., APL 88, (2006) 023502. DP1.32 Effects of Neutron and Electron Irradiation on Electrical Properties of GaN-based HEMT Structures A.Y. Polyakov 1 , Nikolay n Srnirnov l , Anatoliy V Govorkov l , Elena A Kozhukhova l , Stephen J Pearton 2 , Fan Ren 3 , Wayne J Johnson 4 , Wantae Lim 5 and Nikolay G Kolin 6 ; lInstitute of Rare Metals, Moscow, Russian Federation; 2Department Materials Science Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida; 3Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida; 4Kopin Corporation, Taunton Massachusetts' 5GaN Power Research Group Samsung LED, Korea,   of; 6Karpov Institute of' Physical Chemistry, Obninsk, Russian Federation. AIGaN/AIN/GaN, AIGaN/GaN, InAIN/GaN HEMT structures on sapphire and AIGaN/GaN HEMT structures on Si were irradiated at room temperature with fast reactor neutrons and 10 MeV electrons. Room temperature 2DEG concentration and mobility and room ternperature and low ternperature C- V characteristics were rneasured. It was found that the major effect was a decrease of mobility that occurred at much lower fluences for AIGaN/AIN/GaN structures with Al concentration in the barrier higher than 40 SESSION D2: Characterization of Nitride Electronic Devices Chair: Martin Kuball and David Meyer Tuesday Morning, August 27, 2013 Chesapeake 4-6 8:30 AM D2.01 On the Origin of Surface Trapping Effects in AIGaN/GaN HEMTs. Feng Gao and Tomas Palacios; EECS, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts. GaN-based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are very promising candidates for the next generation of high power and high frequency electronics. However, trapping effects have been one of the most important barriers in the development of the GaN semiconductor since its infant tirne. In recent years, significant research efforts have been focused on understanding and suppressing trapping effects in AIGaN/GaN HEMTs [1]. Many of these effects have been linked to surface traps and they have been mitigated by using passivation layers, such as silicon nitride [2]. The physical origin of these surface traps is however not clear yet. In this work, we propose that surface trapping effects in AIGaN/GaN HEMTs are mainly caused by water-related electron traps on the device surface. Both theoretical and experirnental evidence is provided. Firstly, we show that adsorbed water on the III-N surface cannot be fully removed by vacuum pumping at room temperature (RT). In fact, it is well known in Si02 surface chemistry that hydrogen-bonded water monolayers cannot be removed by just pumping in vacuum at RT. Thermal annealing in vacuurn above 200 0 C are needed [3]. We thus carry out in-situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis on the AIGaN surface before and after the vacuum annealing. The sample was initially by XPS at RT, then annealed at 300°C for an hour, cooled down to RT and subsequently analyzed by XPS again without breaking the vacuurn. The signature of the adsorbed water - hydroxyl group (OH-) is significantly reduced on the AIGaN surface after the vacuum annealing at 300 0 C. Secondly, we conduct in-situ pulsed I-V measurements on unpassivated AIGaN/GaN HEMTs annealed at different ternperatures in vacuurn to directly link the desorption process to the trapping transients, such as current collapse and dynamic on-resistance. By annealing in vacuum above 250°C and subsequent in-situ pulsed I-V measurements at RT, we find that the current collapse and the dynamic on-resistance of unpassivated AIGaN/GaN HEMTs arc significantly suppressed. Moreover, this behavior is reversible, which means that as soon as the AIGaN surface is exposed back to ambient air and re-adsorbs water molecules from moisture, the trapping transients come back to their initial levels. Thirdly, we show that the water molecules from ambient air can also be adsorbed on SiN passivation surface and cause trapping transients dependent on the thickness of the SiN layer. In addition, Teflon passivation, as a hydrophobic material, has been found to excellently suppress the trapping transients in AIGaN/GaN HEMTs [4]. Last but not least, to explain the nature of the water-related surface trapping effects, we also propose an clectrochernical rnodel to describe how the H20/H2 reduction-oxidation-reactions (redox) couple on the surface of AIGaN/GaN HEMTs in ambient air. In conclusion, water molecules in ambient air was identified as the origin of the surface trapping effects and we believe it plays a key role in the dynarnic on-resistance and drain current collapse of AIGaN/GaN HEMTs. Acknowledgement: This project has been partially supported by the Office of Naval Research (DRIFT MURI project, monitored by Dr. Paul Maki). We also thank Prof. Harry L. Tuller for his lab instrurnents and Prof. Carl V. Thornpson for his fruitful suggestions. [1] S. C. Binari, et aI., Proc. IEEE, vol. 90, no. 6, pp. 1048-1058, 2002. [2] B. M. Green, et aI., IEEE Electron Device Lett., vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 268-270, 2000. [3] L. T. Zhuravlev, Colloids Surf. A, vol. 173, no. 1-3, pp. 1-38,2000. [4] F. Gao, et aI., IEEE Electron Dev. Lett., vol. 33, no. 10, pp. 1378-1380, 2012. 8:45 AM D2.02 Spatially-Resolved Spectroscopic Measurements of Eo - 0.57 eV Buffer Traps in AIGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors. Drew Cardwell l , Anup Sasikurnar 2 , Aaron R. Arehart 2 , Stephen W. Kaun 3 , Jing Lu 3 , Jim S. Speck 3 , Stacia Keller 3 , Umesh K. Mishra 3 , Steven A. Ringel 2 and Jon P. Pelz 1 ; Iphysics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; 2Department of Electrical and Cornputer Engineering, The Ohio State University, Colurnbus, Ohio; 3Materials & Electrical and Computer Engineering Departments, University of California, Santa Barbara, California. GaN-based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) offer high frequency, high power perforrnance, but their perforrnance and reliability are still limited by electrically-active defects. Knowledge of the spatial distribution of specific traps and their impact on device performance is important for understanding degradation in AIGaN/GaN HEMTs. Recent macro-scale trap spectroscopy rneasurernents on Ga-face HEMTs grown by rnetalorganic chernical vapor deposition (MOCVD) have shown a trap with energy 0.57 eV below the conduction band (E,. - 0.57 eV), which causes knee-walkout in pulsed I-V measurements, correlates with RF-stress induced degradation, and is located in the drain access region [1]. Macro-scale trap spectroscopy techniques, which detect changes in transistor output characteristics, can be sensitive to all trapped charge near the two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) channel, making it difficult to distinguish between traps above the 2DEG (in the AIGaN barrier or at the surface) and traps below the 2DEG (in the GaN buffer). Previously, scanning Kelvin probe microscopy measurements of nm-scale surface potential transients (SPTs) have shown trapped electrons located above the 2DEG in the drain access region within several hundred nanometers of the gate edge [2, 3]. These rneasurernents, however, were not spectroscopic, and therefore could not identify particular traps or distinguish between different trap emission mechanisms. In this work, we perform simultaneous measurements of resistance transients (TITs) and SPTs as a function of temperature on a set of MOCVD AIGaN/GaN HEMTs. Surface potential transients were rneasured above the AIGaN barrier in the drain access region and off the edge of the AIGaN barrier over exposed GaN. By comparing RTs with SPTs, we find that the Eo - 0.57 eV traps are located in the GaN buffer and not in the AIGaN barrier or 250 at the surface in the drain access region. Additionally, measurements on devices with different distances, d, between the 2DEG channel and the Fe-doped layer of the GaN buffer show that the impact of the E, - 0.57 eV trap on RT amplitudes increases as d decreases, also suggesting that the E, - 0,57 eV trap is located in the buffer and is related to the incorporation of Fe, though its physical origin remains unclear and is a topic of further study. A comparison of measured RTs and sirnulations of the electric fields, suggest that filling of the E c - 0.57 eV trap occurs when leaked electrons, likely originating from the gate, can be forced down into the GaN buffer by vertical electric fields in the GaN buffer. [1] A.R. Arehart, A. Sasikumar et aI., Solid State Electronics, 80, 19 (2013). [2] G. Koley et aI., IEEE Trans. On Electron Dev., 50, 886 (2003). [3] D.W. Cardwell et aI., Appl. Phys. Lett, 100, 193507 (2012). Work supported by the ONR (P. Maki) including support from the Design-for-Reliability Initiative for Future Technologies (DRIFT) MURI. 9:00 AM D2.03 Interface Charge and Electron Transport in GaN-Based MIS-HEMTs. Ting-Hsiang Hung, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Digbijoy N. Nath, Pi! Sung Park and Siddharth Rajan; Electrical & Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, Colurnbus, Ohio. Metal-insulator-semiconductor high electron mobility transistors (MISHEMTs) based on the III-Nitride system can efficiently suppress gate leakage enabling lower gate-channel spacing for high frequency transistors, and low off-state leakage for power switching devices. Recent workl-3 revealed a high density of fixed charges of the order of 1 J-tC/cm2 at the interface of atomic layer deposited (ALD) dielectrics on GaN and AIN. The dielectric/semiconductor interface charges act as rernote irnpurity scattering center that can significantly lower the mobility of 2DEG4.. In this work, we investigate experimentally and theoretically, the effect of interfacial charges on transport by varying the charge density (through post-metallization anneal, PMA) and interface-2DEG distance. A commercially obtained HEMT (29 nm AlO.3GaO.7N/l nm AIN/GaN) grown on Si substrate (NTT Inc) was used in this study. To investigate the effect of interface-channel distance, the AlO.3GaO.7N layer was recessed to different thicknesses using ICP-RIE. 15nm ALD Al203 was deposited as gate dielectric, followed by a Ni/ Au/Ni gate. PMA was done under 5% H2 ambient froITI 400C to 500C. We rneasured drift rnobility using a cornbination of gated TLM and C- V measurements. In each case, the experimental mobility was compared to theoretical mobility, and remote impurity, phonon, surface roughness and dislocation scattering were considered. The mobility of non-recessed MISHEMT matched the theoretical prediction, with a mobility of 1600 cm2V-ls-l at low 2DEG density regime (2xl012 cm-2). For the 16 nm AIGaN cap layer MISHEMT, the mobility at low 2DEG density was lower than the unrecessed (30 nm cap) sample, and was found to be 1000 cm2V-ls-l which is due to rernote irnpurity. The rnobility drop in deeper recessed MISHEMT (13nrn, 6nrn and 5nrn AIGaN cap) is even rnore substantial (below 500 cm2V-ls-l) at low 2DEG density. This experimental results show the effect of remote impurity scattering is larger than we expected from the theory. After PMA, interface charges decrease, and as expected froITI theory the rnobility increases at low 2DEG density for all cases, and saturates at higher temperature PMA, which provides an evidence of the interface charges reduction. The positive direction of threshold voltage shift from C- V measurement with different PMA temperature also shows the interface charges decrease. In conclusion, we have shown experirnental evidence of the effect of dielectric/serniconductor interface charges on electron transport, and that these interface charges can be engineered by PMA. This study provides important information for high frequency and power devices based on dielectric/III-nitride semiconductor interfaces. (This work was funded by the ONR DEFINE MURI NOOOI4-10-1-0937) 1 M. Esposto, et aI., Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 133503 (2011) 2 J. Son, et aI., Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 102905 (2012). 3 S. Ganguly, et aI., Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 193504, (2011) 4 T.-H. Hung, et aI., Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 162104 (2011) 9:15 AM D2.04 Identification of a Mid-Gap State Driven Degradation Mechanism in Operational AIGaN/GaN HEMTs Using Constant Drain Current Deep Level Thermal and Optical Spectroscopies. Anup Sasikurnar 1 , Aaron R. Arehart l , Brian Poling 2 , Eric Heller 3 , Glen D. Via 4 and Steven A. Ringel 1 ; lElectrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; 2Wyle , Dayton, Ohio; 3Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; 4Sensors Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force I3ase, Ohio. Trap spectroscopy was performed on operational S-band HEMTs before and after RF accelerated life testing (ALT) and a RF output power (Pout) degradation mechanism was identified that is triggered by formation of mid-gap states   This aging mechanism is different from that identified in X-band HEMTs from previous studies where Pout degradation was linked primarily to formation of an Ec-0.57eV trap. Not only was the Ec-0.57eV unimportant in the degradation in these HEMTs, it was hardly detected pre-ALT possibly because of the low gate leakage Ie (10-8 A/mm). Trace quantities of the Ec-0.57 eV were however detected post-ALT when the gate leakage showed large increase   suggesting that high Ie (>10- 7 A/mm) may be required for its detection and participation in degradation. The trap characterization was performed using constant current deep level transient loptical spectroscopy (CID-DLTS/DLOS). The CID-DLTS methods rely on therrnal-stirnulation of electrons to probe levels within Ecrv1eV. The optical-stimulation based CID-DLOS uses sub-bandgap monochromatic light to probe levels in the rest of Ee. The CID-DLTS/DLOS is performed in two modes, namely: drain-controlled (probes drain-access traps) and gate-controlled (probes under-gate traps) rnodes. The HEMTs here were subjected to ALT with baseplate temperature Tbp=150°C, Pin=21dBm, quiescent V Ds=40V, f=3.5GHz until a Pout drop was observed at Tbp=60°C after h. No change in V T was observed post-ALT. The absence of VT-shift rules out forrnation of under-gate traps, and so gate-controlled mode results are not presented. A rv8% increase in static ON-resistance RON was observed post-ALT. Suspecting drain-access traps, drain-controlled CID-DLTS/DLOS was performed pre and post-ALT. Before stressing, the drain-controlled CID-DLTS revealed just one trap of energy Ec-0.75eV. What is striking is the absence of the Ec-0.57eV signature which has been widely detected by different groups in multiple X-band GaN HEMTs. Post-ALT, the Ec-0.57eV trap appears as a small shoulder while the Ec-0.75eV 6RD shows a slight increase. The appearance of the E c -0.57eV trap post-ALT correlates with a large increase in gate leakage (by   That said, this mild increase in the Ec-0.57eV cannot explain the IdB Pout drop. Suspecting deeper traps, drain-controlled CID-DLOS was performed and a significant increase in 6RD was observed especially from states between eV. The role of these rnid-gap levels is differentiated froITI the CID-DLTS-detected traps using lighted-IV measurements. Shining 1.2eV light had little effect on the RON suggesting that the Ec-0.57 and Ec-0.75eV traps were not significant in this HEMT. However shining 3eV light had a strong irnpact on the RON which recovered to the sarne low resistance case pre and post-ALT. This suggests that the rnid-gap trap formation is the most likely source of Pout degradation in these HEMTs. Details of the methods and full analysis will be presented. 9:30 AM D2.05 Improved Current Stability in Multi-Mesa-Channel AIGaN/GaN Transistors. Joel T. Asubar , ,2, Kota Ohi ' , Kenya Nishiguchi ' and Tamotsu Hashbume , ,2; 'RCIQE, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan; 2J ST -CREST, Tokyo, Japan. In spite of their promise, the widespread adoption of GaN-based transistors is still hampered by stability issues particularly by the well-known current collapse. In our laboratory, we have been using the device structure-based approach to circurnvent these stability issues. Using a top-down technique, we have been developing the multi-mesa-channel (MMC) AIGaN/GaN HEMT, which is fabricated in a way so that periodic parallel mesa-shaped channels separated by trenches would be the end product. In this work, a metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD)-grown AIGaN/GaN hetero-structure on sapphire substrate was used as the starting wafer. First, a Si02 mask was patterned on the AIGaN/GaN structure by electron beam lithography and wet etching. Reactive ion-beam etching (RIBE) was then carried out to form the periodic trench. After that, ohmic electrodes were formed by depositing Ti/Al/Ti/Au metal stack followed by rapid thermal annealing at 800°C for 1 min. Next, Ni/Au electrodes were deposited to form the Schottky gates. Finally, a 20 nm thick Al 2 0 3 was deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) as a passivation layer. The MMC device exhibited good subthreshold characteristics with a typical subthreshold swing of 76 rnVIdee and drain-induced barrier-lowering (DIBL) in the 10 mV/V range. The unique structure of the MMC HEMT facilitates channel modulation through the mesa-side walls. Calculations of the 2D potential distribution around the channel region revealed that decreasing W top strengthens the potential modulation through the undoped GaN layer. Because of this surrounding field effect, the gate has strong control over the channel potential, resulting into the reduced DIBL. We have also performed pulsed I-V measurements under two quiescent bias conditions, Q, = (VDS_ba,e, YeS_base) = (OV, OV) and Q2 = (VDS_ba'c, Ves_ba,c) = (20V, -6V) to investigate the dynamic behavior of the MMC device. The quiescent point Q2 was so chosen to induce current collapse on the devices. The planar device exhibited severe current dispersion between the two quiescent bias points Ql and Q2. In cornparison, the MMC device showed insignificant current reduction from Q1 to Q2' It is widely believed that current collapse is due to increase in access resistance as a result of surface charging induced by the bias stress. The MMC device appears to be insensitive to changes in access resistance induced by the bias stress and thus irnrnune to current collapse. On the basis of the above results, it is likely that the unique structure of the MMC device, particularly its 251 periodic mesa-shaped nano-channels, allows highly stable operation and immunity against current collapse. These properties make the MMC device an attractive prospect for low-loss high stability power applications. 9:45 AM D2,06 Direct Observation of the Relationship between Gate Edge Failure Sites and Threading Dislocations on AIGaN/GaN HEMTs. Miguel Montes Bajol, G. Naresh-Kumar 2 , Carol Trager-Cowan 2 , Michael J. Uren 1 and Martin Kuball 1 ; 1 Center for Device Thermography and Reliability (CDTR), H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Bristol, England, United Kingdom; 2DcpartrIlcnt of Physics, SUPA, University of Strathclydc, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdorn. The gate current (Ig) of AIGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) is known to degrade when the gate contact is reverse biased. Such a degradation of Ig correlates to the appearance of electroluminescence (EL) hot spots and the formation of pits on the semiconductor surface, indicating the location of the Ig leakage paths [1-4]. The presence of point defects [2] and threading dislocations (TDs) [5] in the semiconductor is thought to have an impact on this degradation, but no direct evidence for it has been provided so far. The relationship between TDs and failure sites in AIGaN/GaN HEMTs is studied here by correlating surface pits and TDs using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electron channelling contrast imaging (ECCI). The results highlight that some of the failure spots are related to TDs in the AIGaN/GaN HEMTs, drawing attention to the need to manage TDs impact on AIGaN/GaN HEMT reliability. AIGaN/GaN HEMTs grown on SiC, were stressed at Vgs = -15 V and Vds = 30-50 V. Stress resulted in the usual step-like increase of Ig and the associated emergence of EL spots near the gate edge. The associated surface pits were subsequently located with AFM after the chemical removal of the contacts and passivation. ECC images of the surface pits identified by AFM were then acquired. ECCI enables the identification of TDs, which are revealed as features with a distinct black-white (13- W) contrast whose orientation reflects the strain distribution due to the presence of a TD [6J. In particular, the 13-W direction of edge TDs either remains the same or rotate by 180 degrees on changing the channelling conditions due to the tensile-compressive strain distribution across the edge dislocation, enabling the use of ECCI to distinguish surface pits associated with TDs from surface pits without TDs underneath For a TD-associated stress pit, two contributions to the contrast are observed in the ECC image: that due to the strain distribution of the TD and the strain distribution/topography due to the pit itself. The behaviour of the 13-W contrast froul a nurnber of failure spots under different channelling conditions was analysed. It was found that some of the device failure spots behave consistently with the presence of an edge dislocation. These results highlight the importance of TDs on the reliability of AIGaN/GaN HEMTs. [1] R . .1. Trew et al. IEEE Microw. Mag. 10, 116 (2009) [2] M. Meneghini et al. Appl. Phys Lett. 100, 033505 (2012) [3] M. Montes Baja et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 033508 (2012) [4] J. Joh et al. Microelectron. Reliab. 51, 201 (2011) [5] M. Tapajna et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 223501 (2011) [6] G. Naresh-Kumar et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 135503 (2012) 10:30 AM D2.07 Distribution of Built-in Electric Field in AlGaN/GaN Transistor Heterostructures: The Role of Surface States. Marta Gladysiewicz 1 , Robert Kudrawiec l , Jan Misiewicz l , Grzegorz Cywinski 2 , Pawel Prystawko 2 and Czeslaw Skierbiszewski 2 ; lInstitute of Physics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland; 2Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland. Large piezoelectric and spontaneous polarization in hexagonal III-nitrides leads to very strong built-in electric field in AIGaN/GaN heterostructures when they are grown along the polar direction. It is well known that the electric field distribution in such heterostructures and the concentration of two dimensional electron gas depend on content and thickness of AIGaN layer. However, these quantities also depend on the boundary conditions [1] that is very often neglected. It means that the Schrodinger and Poisson equations have to be solved with the real boundary conditions for this material systems. Unfortunately such conditions not always are obvious and known, but they can be quite precisely deterInined if theoretical calculations are compared and matched with measurements of electric field in AIGaN/GaN heterostructures [1]. This field can be measured using electromodulation spectroscopy (electroreftectance or photoreflectance). In this work the electric field distribution was studied theoretically and experimentally for AIGaN/GaN heterostructures with various thickness of AIGaN layer, different thickness of GaN(cap) layer, with and without AIN layer, and different surface passivation by dielectric layers like SiN. The samples were grown by rnolecular beaIn epitaxy and Inetalorganic vapor phase epitaxy on c-plane sapphire substrates. Optical transitions related to absorption in GaN(cap) and AIGaN layer were clearly observed in electromodulation spectra. The built-in electric field in AIGaN layer was deterInined froIll the analysis of AIGaN-related Franz-Keldysh oscillation. In this experimental investigation it was clearly observed that the built-in electric field in AIGaN layer decreases with the increase of AIGaN layer thickness and increases with the increase in thickness of GaN(cap) layer. In addition, it was found that the incorporation of thin AIN layer (0.8-1.5nIn) into this heterostructure at the AIGaN/GaN interface very significantly reduces the built-in electric field in AIGaN layer. The founded changes in built-in electric field are in very good agreement with theoretical predictions obtained fronl solving Schrodinger and Poisson equations with the saUle surface boundary condition, i.e., the pinning of FerIni level ",0.5 eV below the conduction band. In addition, it was observed that surface passivation is able to change this condition very significantly. [1] M. Gladysiewicz et aI., Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 231902 (2011). 10:45 AM D2.08 Leakage-Current Reduction and Improved On-State Performance of Au-Free AlGaN/GaN-on-Si Schottky Diode by Embedding the Edge Terminations in the Anode Region. Jie Hu l ,2, Silvia Lenci l , Steve Stoffels l , Brice De Jaeger 1 , Guido Groeseneken 2 ,3 and Stefaan Decoutere 1 ; IpMST, imec, Heverlee, Belgium; 2 ESAT-MICAS, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium; 3DRE, imec, Heverlee, Belgium. AIGaN/GaN-on-Si Schottky diodes are attractive for high-power applications owing to the properties of fast-switching speed and large breakdown field strength. To achieve low static power losses for the diode, a low reverse current and low forward voltage drop are required, furtherInore the diodes should have a high breakdown voltage. Schottky junction terminations are known to suppress the leakage current[l], and Schottky diode recess was reported to reduce on-state voltage[2]. In this work we have optimized, simultaneously, the reverse leakage current and forward voltage drop of Au-free AIGaN/GaN Schottky I3arrier Diodes (SI3Ds) on Si by investigating the diode topology and different anode recess conditions. Au-free AIGaN/GaN SBDs have been processed on GaN-on-Si (8 inch) wafers with a metal stack of TiN/Ti/AI/Ti/TiN as the Schottky metal. We fabricated and cOInpared several diode topologies on the saIlle wafer, namely External Edge Termination-SI3Ds (EET-SI3Ds) with an edge termination located beside the Schottky contact at a distance LSDG, compact Gated Edge Termination-SBDs (GET-SBDs), and conventional SBDs. In the case that recess was applied, the 17 nm thick AIGaN barrier was recessed to 5 mn (using a I3C13 RIE process) in (part of) the anode region for both EET-SBD and GET-SBD architectures. We have found that, by reducing the dimension of LSDG, the leakage current in EET-SBD can be reduced, and more importantly a drop of four orders in magnitude (as compared to the conventional SBDs) can be achieved by eInbedding the edge termination inside the anode trench as in the GET-SBD architecture. The reduction can be achieved without adversely affecting the on-state characteristics. The forward voltage (i.e. at lAC =O.IA/mm) of the GET- SBD architecture can be significantly improved from 1.5 V to 1.2 V by recessing the anode, while at the saUle tiIne reducing the spread on the leakage current. For all diode topologies, a breakdown voltage over 600V was achieved for an LAC (spacing between Anode and Cathode) of 10 !"m. In conclusion, low forward voltage VF = 1.2 V and low leakage current ILeakage = 1 !"A/mm at VAC of -600 V for Au-free AIGaN/GaN SI3Ds have been achieved by embedding edge terminations in recessed anode trench. [1] Z. He, "Gated AIGaN/GaN heterojunction schottky device", United States Patent Application Publication, No. US 2011/0133251, (2011). [2] .I.-G. Lee, B.-R. Park, C.-H. Cho, K.-S. Sea, and H.-Y. Cha, "Low Turn-On Voltage AIGaN/GaN-on-Si Rectifier With Gated Ohmic Anode", IEEE Electron Device Lett. , vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 214-216, Feb. 2013. 11:00 AM D2.09 Plasma Treatments to Block Parasitic Isolation Leakage in InAI(Ga)N HEMTs. Ronghua Wang 1 , Guowang Li 1 , Oleg Laboutin 2 , Yu Ca0 2 , Wayne Johnson 2 , Debdeep Jena 1 and Huili G. Xing 1 ; lElectrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana; 2 IQE KC LLC, Taunton, Massachusetts. Device background leakage due to poor isolation can cause prernature breakdown and additional noise in transistors, which is detrimental for high-power and low-noise applications. In this work, we report a scheme employing F -containing plasma treatments to successfully block leakage paths induced during mesa etch. The InO.13AIO.83GaO.04N ~ 1   nm)/AIN (1 nm)/GaN HEMT structure was grown on SiC substrate by MOCVD. The measured 2DEG density after ohmic annealing slightly drops as a function of annealing temperature; while the buffer leakage current increases. The fact that devices with non-alloyed ohInics show Inore than three orders of Inagnitude lower leakage current suggests that the therInal process is most likely responsible for the parasitic isolation leakage current. Comparative studies of mesa-first and ohmic-first device processing 252 with alloyed ohmics were carried out to investigate the origin of the parasitic leakage current. It turns out that the mesa-first processing associated high buffer leakage current can be suppressed by either an additional CF4 plasma treatment following ohmic annealing or a fabrication sequence change to the ohmic-first processing. Experimental results suggest that the ohmic annealing generated defective surface plays a dominant role in parasitic conduction in the etched rncsa area under low field « 0.3 MVJerrI); dry etching induced defects, exacerbated by high temperature ohmic annealing, are responsible for the premature buffer breakdown, and the CF4 plasma treatment can effectively passivate the defective surface and improve the buffer breakdown filed to 0.5 MV/cm. 11:15 AM D2.IO Static and Transient Characteristics of GaN Power HFETs with Low-Conducting Coating. Mikhail Gaevski', Jianyu Deng', Alex Dobrinskyl, Rcrnis Gaska1, Michael Shllr 2 and Grigory Sirnin 3 ; ISensor Electronic Technology Inc., Columbia, South Carolina; 2Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,logy Inc., Troy, New York; 3University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina. A low-conducting layer (LCL) coating on the surface of III-N HFETs dramatically improves the electric field uniformity and increases the breakdown voltage. In this paper, we report on the results of the analytical model, 2D simulations, and experimental characterization of the power III-Nitride HFETs with different LCLs. Our results show that, in a static regime, the LCL over the gate-to-drain spacing enables a quasi-linear potential profile and, as a consequence, induces a quasi-uniform charge depletion in the 2D-channel. In a transient regime, the LCL and HFET channel separated by a barrier layer behave as a nonlinear resistive - capacitive translnission line. The characteristic impedance and propagation constant of this transmission line define the key characteristics of the switching mode of operation. The interface charges between the LCL and the barrier strongly affect the space charge distribution in the HFET channel and, therefore, the breakdown voltage and HFET switching characteristics. 11:30 AM D2.11 Investigation of Individual Leakage Current Path in n-GaN by Conductive-Atomic Force Microscope. BUInho Kiln l , Dae Young Moon 2 , Kisu .100 3 , Sung Hyun Park 4 , Sewoung Oh 4 , Gun-Do Lee 4 , Youngkuk Lee 5 , Yasushi Nanishi 2 ,6, Youngboo Moon l , Yongjo Park l and Euijoon Yoon l ,2,4; lEnergy Semiconductor Research Center, Advanced Institute of convergence Technology, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Republic of; 2W CU Hybrid Material Prograln, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; 3Department of Nano Science and Technology, Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Republic of; 4Departlnent of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; 5 Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Yuseong-gu, Daejon, Korea, Republic of; 6Department of Photonics, Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu, Japan. In recent years, GaN has been an important material for optical and electrical devices [1, 2]. It is well known that leakage current is still one of the critical factors limiting the performance and reliability of GaN-based light-emitting diodes and electrical devices. Brazel et al. [3] have observed threshold voltage decreased at threading dislocations with screw component (pure screw and mixed) in GaN grown by MOCVD. However Shiojima et al. [4] suggested that mixed dislocations did not affect I-V characteristics in Schottky contact between platinum and n-GaN grown by MOCVD. It was also reported that only pure screw dislocations arc responsible to reverse-bias leakage current in GaN grown by MBE [5, 6]. In previous reports, the origin of leakage current path was proposed. However, the precise electrical characterization of individual leakage current path has not been reported yet. In our study, we investigated leakage current paths in n-GaN by using conductive-atolnic force Inicroscope (C-AFM), focusing on conducting behavior of individual leakage current path in n-GaN. The experiments were performed on silicon doped n-GaN film   ~ 5xIOI8 cm-3, 3-um thick) on undoped GaN buffer layer (2-um thick) on c-plane sapphire grown by MOCVD. We confirmed that there were three kinds of leakage current path: large pit, pure screw dislocation, and step edge by using C-AFM. We measured local I-V curve to analyze the individual leakage characteristics. To investigate the origin of leakage current path, defect selective etching analysis and translnission electron Inicroscope (TEM) were perforrned. We confirmed that the large pits acting as conductive channel were open-core screw dislocation by using defect selective etching and TEM analysis. REFERENCES [1] H. Morkoc, Nitride Semiconductors and Devices (Springer, Heidelberg, 1999) [2] S. Nakamura and G. Fasol, The Blue Laser Diode (Springer, Berlin, 1997) [3] EG Brazel, MA Chin, and V. Narayanamurti, Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 2367 (1999) [4] JWP Hsu, MJ Manfra, RJ Molnar, B. Heying, and JS Speck, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 79 (2002) [5] BS Simpkins, ET Yu, P. Waltereit, and JS Speck, J. Appl. Phys. 94, 1448 (2003) [6] K. Shiojima, T. Suemitsu, and M. Ogura, Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 3636 (2001) 11:45 AM D2.I2 SysteITlatic DeterITlination of Interface States and Charge Trapping PhenoITlenon in AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT Gate Stacks. Derek W. Johnson', Iman Rezanezhad-Gatabi', Jung-Hwan WOOl, Kyoung-Keun Lee 2 ,1, Edwin L. Piner 2 and H. Rusty Harris l ; lElectrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas; 2Departlnent of Materials Science, Engineering, and Commerciali:z;ation, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas. A systelnatic analysis of charge trapping at interfaces in AIGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT devices is presented in this paper. In order to understand the charge trapping on such a complicated structure, differential understanding of interface state characterization is performed on Schottky-gated HEMT devices with no gate dielectric, and the result is correlated to the understanding of the saIne heterostructure with a high k dielectric inserted. For the Schottky-gated HEMT devices, successively thinned AIGaN using plasma etching is performed and the response of expected deep traps is examined. It is found that the surface etch-related defects do not significantly contribute to the conductance spectroscopy, and that 2DEG interaction with traps is very similar to a Nicollian-Brews model whereby the frequency-dependent capture/emission of charge from the 2DEG occurs in the AIGaN near the interface [1]. Next, this result is differentially correlated with the same heterostructure with Atomic Layer Deposited (ALD) Hf02 high-ti: dielectric. It is found that two distinct frequency-dependent conductance phenomena can be isolated, and these are attributed to (1) near-2DEG AIGaN/GaN interface trapping and (2) conduction-edge dielectric/ AIGaN charge traps. A modified Nicollian-Brews model is presented that completes the understanding of conductance spectroscopy deterrnination of interface states. Finally, the Hf02/ AIGaN traps are found to be persistent, with long capture time constant. Similar gate stacks integrated into an MOS-HEMT transistor with Au-free contact technology indicates that this Inajor charge trapping produces a shift in threshold voltage to enhancelnent Inode operation. This trapping and operational shift is similar in nature to recent reports on enhancement mode memory-like operation of GaN HEMTs [2,3]. Analysis of the Hf02 interaction with AIGaN shows a clear interface forrnation, consistent with literature [3], and that the interface has Ga-ON (Ga 1+) bonds that can trap charge. [4,5] [1] E. H. Nicollian and J. R. Brews, MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) Physics and Technology, Wiley Classics Library ed. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003. [2] D. W. Johnson, et aI., "Threshold Voltage Shift due to Charge Trapping in Dielectric-Gated AIGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors Examined in Au-Free Technology," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Submitted for Publication. [3] Lee, 13, et ai, Phys. Status Solidi C, 9: 868-870 (2012). [3] M. R. Coan, et aI., "Band offset measurements of the GaN/dielectric interfaces," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 112, 2012. [4] R. D. Long, et aI., "Temperature-dependent capacitance-voltage analysis of defects in Al203 gate dielectric stacks on GaN," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 101, 2012. [5] P. Kordos, et aI., "Trapping effects in Al203/ AlGaN/ GaN Inetal-oxide-selniconductor heterostructure field-effect transistor investigated by telnperature dependent conductance measurements," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 96, pp. 013505-013505-3, 2010. SESSION D3: Substrates and Epitaxial Integration for Nitride Electronic Devices Chair: Farid Medjdoub and Siddharth Rajan Tuesday Afternoon, August 27, 2013 Chesapeake 4-6 1:30 PM D3.0I AIGaN/GaN HEMTs Transferred froITl Sapphire Substrates to Copper Plates Using Layered BN as a Released Layer. Masanobu Hiroki, Kazuhide Kumakura, Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Tetsuya Akasaka, Hideki Yalnalnoto and Toshiki Makilnoto; NTT Basic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan. GaN-based HEMTs are attractive for high-power device applications. Layer structures of GaN-based devices are grown on various substrates because affordable substrates lattice-Inatched to GaN arc unavailable. Sapphire is widely used for the growth of high-quality nitride layers. However, the performance of HEMTs on a sapphire substrate is degraded by self-heating during their high-power operation owing to low thermal conductivity of the substrates. Transferring the HEMTs froln sapphire substrates to foreign substrates having higher therrnal conductivity may overcome this problem. Recently, we have developed a novel process for the release of GaN-based devices from the host substrate and demonstrated that a thusly transferred LED preserves its original perforrnance [1]. In the process, an extrelnely thin and cleavable BN layer is inserted between the substrate and thin-filrn 253 device. In this study, we mechanically transferred AIGaN/GaN HEMTs to a copper plate in a similar way to LEDs and investigated their dc characteristics. We grew Alo.36Gao.74N(20 nm)/GaN(1.5 !-tm)/AIN(300 nm)/BN layers on sapphire substrates by MOVPE. Hall-effect measurements yielded a sheet carrier density (N s) of 1.1 X 10 '3 cm-2 and an electron mobility of 700 cm 2 /Vs. First, we performed mesa isolation by ICP etching. Next, we formed annealed Ti/ AI/Ti/ Au source and drain electrodes and Ni/ Au gate electrodes with the length of 1.5 !-tm. The HEMTs were subsequently released froHI the sapphire substrates and indillln rnetal was electroplated OIl the backside. Finally, we bonded the HEMTs to copper plates by thermal fusion bonding. We measured the dc characteristics of the HEMTs before the release from the sapphire substrates and after the transfer to the copper plates. The transconductance was 80 InS/rurn, and good pinch-off characteristics were obtained. No degradation due to the mechanical transfer was observed in the I D- V DS and transfer characteristics. A negative threshold voltage shift of -1.5 V and an increase in drain current from 0.4 to 0.5 A/mm at V GS = 2 V for the transferred HEMT indicate an increase in N s. This increase of N s likely occurs because the epitaxial layer becomes strain-relaxed by the transfer. The GaN layer grown on a sapphire substrate is under in-plane compressive strain due to the difference in their thermal expansion coefficients. The in-plane lattice constant of the GaN layer rnight be restored to its inherent value after the transfer, leading to an increase in tensile strain in AIGaN. As a result, strain-induced piezoelectric polarization charge should increase at the AIGaN/GaN interface. In summary, the first successful operation of mechanically transferred AIGaN/GaN HEMTs indicates that our approach is prornising for further irIlproving the perforrnance of the GaN- based HEMTs towards high-power applications. [1] Y. Kobayashi eta!., Nature 484 (2012) 223. 1:45 PM D3.02 A1GaN/GaN HEMT Grown on Bulk AnlInonotherInal GaN Substrate. Piotr Kruszewski l ,2, Pawel Prystawko l ,2, Irmantas Kasalynas 3 , Jer:tiy Plesiewc:ti 2 , Robert Dwilinski 4 , Marcin Zajac 4 , Robert Kucharski 4 and Michal Leszczynski 1.2; 'Institute of High Pressure Physics, PAS, Warsaw, Poland; 2 TopGaN Sp. z 0.0., Warsaw, Poland; 3Center for Physical Science and Technology, Vilnius, Lithuania; 4Ammono S.A., Warsaw, Poland. In this study, we dernonstrate first working HEMT transistor of AIGaN/GaN structure grown on bulk p-type GaN   substrate obtained by ammonothermal method [1]. Such Ammono-GaN substrate is characterized by an ultra high purity and dislocation density as low as 10 4 cm-2 [2]. The AIGaN and GaN layers grown by MOVPE (Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy) method reproduce this low dislocation density ensuring simultaneously high uniformity and smoothness of AIGaN/GaN interface such essential for high electron mobility in the HEMT's channel. First, prior to HEMT device fabrication, the electron gas channel properties of such grown HEMT structure were exarnined by means of Hall effect studies. A temperature dependent measurements have clearly shown that no parallel conduction in analyzed HEMT structure exists. Two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) mobility obtained from Hall experiments was in range of 1500 cm 2 /Vs (300K) and 8000 cm 2 /Vs (77K) for electron concentration of 8xl0 '2 cm- 2 . The transistors were fabricated of as grown 2DEG AIGaN/GaN by dry rnesa etching. The test structures on the 1 inch p-type GaN wafer were processed using standard photolithography with the gate si'e of 10x50!-tm 2 . For such fabricated HEMT, normal DC transistor operation is observed with the pinch-off voltage of about -2.9V. Moreover, transistor performance normalization to 50/-Lm gate width provided the largest drain current up to 150rnA/rnrIl at Ucs=2V, and maximum extrinsic transconductance up to 50mS/mm at U Ds=6V and UGs=IV. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the PolHEMT Project under the Applied Research Programme of the National Centre for Research and DeveloprIlent, Contract no. PI3S1/A3/9/2012 and NANOTEC Project "Nanostructured materials and RF-MEMS RFIC/MMIC technologies for highly adaptive and reliable RF systems", Contract no. 288531. References: [1] R. Dwilinski et a!., J. Crystal Growth 310, 3911 (2008). [2] R. Kucharski et a!., Semic. Sci. Technology 27, 024007 (2012). 2:00 PM D3.03 High Electron Mobility Transistor Grown on Composite Si/Polycrystalline Diamond Substrates by MOCVD. Quanzhong Jiang l , Duncan W. Allsoppl, Chris R. Bowen l , Wang N. Wang l , Lugani Lorenzo 2 , Jean-francois Carlin 2 , Nicolas Grandjean 2 , Mohammed Alomari 3 , Erhard Kohn 3 , Lajos Toth 4 , Bela Pecz 4 , Rudolf Srnanek 5 , Alexander Satka 5 , Jaroslav Kovac 5 and Martin Kuban 6 : 'Electronic Engineering, University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom: 2EPFL, Inst. Quantum Electronics and Photonics, Lausanne, Switzerland; 3 Dept . of Electron Devices & Circuits, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany; 4Institute of Electronics and Photonics, FEI STU, Bratislava, Slovakia; 5Institute for Tech. Phys. And Mat. Sci. (MFA), MFA, Budapest, Hungary: 6School of Physics, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom. AIGaN/GaN and InAIN/GaN high-electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) may operate at a high source-drain current (Isd) and a high electric field for high-frequency and high-power applications and therefore, require an efficient dissipation of heat for a stable operation. So, integration of HEMTs on polycrystalline diamond, one of the best therrnal conductors, would be one of the best options. This paper reports properties of III-Nitride HEMTs grown on composite silicon/polycrystalline diamond (Si/PD) substrates and their thermal performance. The composite Si/PD substrates were formed by depositing by CVD a 60 ,un thick PD layer on the 3 lun thick Si(111) device layer of a custorIl silicon-on-insulator substrate, then selectively removing the Si handle. Compared with Si(111), composite Si/PD substrates are much stiffer at typical MOCVD growth temperatures   with the effect that after III-Nitride growth the substrate curvature is largely unaffected by cornpressive stresses generated in the GaN when grown on an AIN nucleation layer. As a result, the GaN layers on Si/PD substrates have been shown to have a smaller critical crack-free thickness compared to those grown on Si(111) substrates to present a challenge in growing a HEMT buffer layer of comparable quality to those grown for HEMTs on SiC or Si(I11) substrates. Owing to the presence of the thin Si layer, the technique used to generate compressive stress in the thin GaN buffer layers grown on composite Si/PD substrates was similar to that employed for growing thicker buffer layers on standard Si(111) substrates. The InAIN/GaN HEMTs grown on the Si/PD substrate have advantages over AIGaN/GaN hetero-junctions as an AIGaN layer would have to have a much higher tensile stress due to the lattice mismatch with GaN, in addition to the mismatch in the coefficient of thermal expansion of nitrides and diamond. A sheet resistance of 710 ohm/square were rIleasured froIll a hetero-structure consisting of InAlN (5nm) / AIN(lnm) /GaN(200nm) / AIN(60nm) /Si(3!-tm) /PD(60!-tm). Such a sheet resistance is higher than that of HEMTs grown on Si(111) substrates, probably as a result of the GaN buffer layer being insufficiently thick for a significant reduction in the dislocation density to have occurred. However, the HEMTs exhibited a saturated current density (IDSmax) of approximately 1 A/mm, and a pinch-off voltage of -4 V. Although the devices could be pinched off with no excessive gate leakage, the on/off ratio of the HEMTs was in the order of 10,000, which indicates a buffer leakage of rv5 Il,A/rnrn and a need to improve the quality of III-Nitride layers on Si/PD wafers. Despite a thermal resistance (measured by Raman thermography) broadly comparable to that of HEMTs-on-SiC, the devices are fully functional with scope for optimization of the composite Si/PD substrates to irnprove their heat extracting property. 2:15 PM D3,04 Wafer-Scale GaN HEMT Performance Enhancement by Epitaxial Transfer onto Diamond Jonathan Felbinger ' ; J. Blevins l , K. Chabak1, G. Jessen l , J. Gillespie l , R. Fitch l , A. Crespo', K. Sutherlin ' , B. Poling 3 , S. Tetlak 3 , R. Gilbert 3 , T. Cooper 3 , R. Baranyai 4 , J. W. Pomeroy" M. Kuban 4 , J. J. Maurer 2 , Avram Bar-Cohen 5 , Glen David Vial; 1 Air Force Research Laboratory, Dayton, Ohio; 2 Booz Allen Harnilton, Arlington, Virginia; 3 Wyle Labs, Dayton, Ohio; 4Bristol University, Bristol, United Kingdom; 5Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, Virginia. A wafer-scale cornparison of HEMTs fabricated on GaN/Si and HEMTs fabricated in parallel on epitaxial layers transferred from a sister wafer onto a diamond substrate will be presented. This work was performed at the Air Force Research Laboratory (Dayton, OH) in collaboration with the DARPA NJTT prograrIl. Diarnond offers the highest roorn-ternperature therrnal conductivity of any bulk rnaterial. In addition to its superior thermal properties, diamond offers good electrical resistivity, a relatively low dielectric constant, and a high degree of corrosion resistance and chemical inertness. Here, for the first tirne, we present electrical and therrnal data collected at the wafer scale demonstrating the improvement reali:z;ed by epitaxial transfer to a high-thermal-conductivity substrate. This advances previous demonstrations that have characterized the RF performance of GaN-on-diamond [1], the full-wafer transfer [2] and characterization [3] of GaN-on-diarnond, and a piece-scale electrical corIlparison between GaN-on-diamond and native GaN-on-Si [4]. The epitaxial layer design features a GaN cap, 20 nm AIGaN barrier, and !-tm GaN buffer and transition layers grown atop a Si substrate. During the epitaxial transfer process, the Si substrate is etched away, as are the highly-disordered nucleation layer and dislocation-rich transition layers. These layers serve as an impediment to efficient conductive spreading of heat from the channel "hot spot" through the backside of the substrate. Identical structures were fabricated using the AFRL 0.15 !-tm HEMT process. The submicron gates were formed by electron bearn lithography, the dose was cornpensated for the difference in material stack, and the mushroom-gate footprint was confirmed by FIB/SEM analysis to be nominally 0.15 !-tm. Contact resistance for the baseline and GaN-on-diamond devices were below 0.5 !1*mm and 254 sheet resistance was ......,425 n/sq, consistent with expectations. Overall, the low-field device performance is very comparable with a slight increase in the wafcr-scale avcrage of saturated drain current (froIn 0.70 A/mm to 0.81 A/mm) and transconductance (from 213mS/mm to 238 mS/mm) resulting from the epitaxial transfer process and consistent with the results reported in [4]. The thermally-induced mobility-mediated reduction in drain current as drain bias increases beyond the knee is strongly evident for thc devices on thc native Si substrate. Large-signal results measured using on-wafer load-pull indicate increased gain and PAE, consistent with lower operating temperature. On-wafer temperature measurements were made using IR and Inicro-RaInan techniques, both of which confirrn the decreased therrnal resistance resulting froITl cpitaxial transfer. [1] Q.E. Diduck et aI., 10.1049/eI.2009.1122 [2] D. Francis et aI., 10.1016/j.diamond.2009.08.017 [3] K.D. Chabak et aI., 10.1109/LED.2009.2036574 [4] J.G. Felbinger et aI., "AIGaN/GaN-on-Diamond HEMT Recent Progress", WOCSDICE, M6Jaga, Spain, pp. 22-24, 17-20 May 2009. 2:30 PM D3.05 Characteristics of Monolithically Integrated LEDjPower MOS Channel HEMT Pair in GaN with Selective Epi Removal Approach. Zhongda Li ' , John Waldron , ,2, Theeradetch Detchprohm ' , Christian Wet7,el ' , Robert F. Karlicek ' and Paul Chow ' ; 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York; 2Silicon Power Corporation, Clifton Park, New York. We report thc first deInonstration of Inonolithically intcgrated LEDs and power MOS Channel-HEMTs (MOSC-HEMTs) in GaN. High power GaN-based LEDs used in lighting applications requires dedicated electronic driver circuits for AC-DC power conversion, current sourcing, and dimming [1]. Monolithic integration of GaN-based LEDs and the high perforrnance GaN power switching transistors, such as MOSFETs, HEMTs, and MOSC-HEMTs can reduce the cost and the size of solid state lighting systems, improve system reliability, and serve as a technology platform for the development of light-emitting power ICs (LEPICs) in smart lighting applications [2]. The GaN LED and GaN MOSC-HEMT are monolithically integrated using the selective epi removal (SER) process approach [3]. The starting HEMT epitaxial material was obtained from a commercial vendor with customized epi layers on sapphire substratc, and LED epi was grown in-house on top of thc HEMT epi using metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE). The integrated LED and MOSC-HEMT structure was fabricated by first removing selected regions of the LED structure to expose the GaN HEMT epi structure using Cl based ICP-RIE. Subsequent fabrication processes of the LED and MOSC-HEMT were carried out with multiple shared steps. Finally the interconnecting metal layer connected the GaN LED cathode to the MOSC-HEMT drain forming a series configuration. The optical image of our fabricated monolithically integrated serially connected GaN LED/HEMT pair has bcen obtained. The output ID-VD charactcristics of the GaN MOSC-HEMT with channel length of 300 nm and channel width of 800 !-tm shows output current above 100 mA under a gate voltage of 16 V. The I-V and the light output intensity was measured on a single 800 l.tm square GaN LED. Then the monolithically integrated GaN LED/HEMT pairs in serially-connccted configuration have bcen tested. GaN LED emits bright blue light, when it is driven directly by the integrated GaN MOSC-HEMT. The LED current and the light output intensity was measured as a function of the supply voltage and the HEMT gate voltage, showing that the LED light output has been successfully modulated by the gate voltage of the MOSC-HEMT with good linearity. In summary, we have reported the first demonstration of monolithically integrated LEDs and power MOS Channel-HEMTs (MOSC-HEMTs) in GaN, showing a full gate voltage modulation of the light output power. This deInonstratcs cOInpatibility of group-III nitride LED and HEMT processes. Acknowledgment: This work was supported primarily by the Engineering Research Centers Program (ERC) of the National Science Foundation under NSF Cooperative Agreement No. EEC-0812056 and in part by New York State under NYSTAR contract C090145. This work was performed in part at the Cornell NanoScale Facility which is supported by NSF (Grant ECS-0335765). References: [1] H. Chiu et aI., IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 57, 735 (2010). [2] R.F. Karlicek, IEEE Photonics Soc. Summer Topical Meeting Series, Seattle, WA, 2012, p. 147. [3] .1. Waldron et aI., IWN'12, Sapporo, Japan, 2012. 2:45 PM D3.06 Diamond Raman Micro-Thermometer for Accurate Time-Resolved Device Surface Temperature Measurement on AIGaNjGaN HEMTs. Roland 13aranyai, James Pomeroy and Martin Kuball; University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom. Accurate channel temperature assessment is critically important for the evaluation of accelerated device lifetiInc testing of A1GaN/GaN HEMTs in both DC and pulsed applications. Raman thermography has previously been developed to enable the measurement of temperature in semiconductor devices, achieving a high spatial (0.5 !-tm) and temporal (ns) resolution. The peak channel temperature ncar the gate contact of a HEMT can be extrapolated froIII the measurement with the aid of calibrated thermal models. However, some device geometries prevent easy access to the semiconductor in some areas, e.g. field plates, unless the measurement can be performed through a transparent substrate, such as SiC, for unpackaged devices. We report on a novcl Inicro-RaInan thcrrnography bascd approach to overcome this restriction, by utili7:ing diamond particles as micro-thermometers for the measurement of surface temperatures, e.g. the gate contacts of a HEMT. We demonstrate that diamond Inicroparticles with a diaIneter of 1 Inicron or less can be used to Inonitor surface tCInperature via diaInond RaInan scattcring. DiaInond microparticles were dispersed on the AIGaN/GaN HEMT surface. The temporal evolution of device surface temperatures was measured in pulsed-operated ungated and gated (field plated) AIGaN/GaN HEMT dcvices using this technique. Surface teInperaturcs Ineasured on the ungated device using micro-particles were found to be in good agreement with conventional Raman temperature measurements of the underlying GaN - taking the temperature gradient in the GaN layer into account -, demonstrating the validity of the new thermal IncasureInent approach. Thc surfacc tCInperature data Ineasured via the diamond micro-thermometer on gate electrodes - close to the hottest region of the device - provide valuable additional information for peak channel temperature evaluation. 3:30 PM D3.07 Flash MOS-HFET Operational Stability for Power Converter Circuits. Casey Kirkpatrick, Bongmook Lee, Narayanan Ramanan and Veena Misra; Electrical Engineering, North Carolina State University, Ralcigh, North Carolina. The Flash MOS-HFET is a device structure designed to achieved enhancement mode operation for high threshold voltage (> 2V) insulated gate GaN MOS-HFET devices. The Flash MOS-HFET gate stack is designed siInilar to Flash IneInory dcvices with a thin tunneling dielectric followed by a charge storage layer, and then a thick control dielectric followed by a metal gate electrode. This approach has been demonstrated to achieve high VT e-mode operation for GaN MOS-HFET devices without degradation of device pcrforrnance (gIn, Inobility, etc. ) 1-3.While this approach is proInising for e-mode GaN devices, there is a key challenge with this device design. Due to threshold shift from stored charge, if significant charge is lost from the charge storage layer, the threshold voltage will shift in the negative direction. If too much charge is lost over time, the device will bc rendcred depletion Inode requiring another gate pulse to recharge the charge storage layer. This loss of charge over time has been reported under static conditions (VG=O, VD=O, VS=O) 1-3 and is accelerated at increased operation temperature. Previous Flash MOS-HFET reports provide paths to iInproveInent to rcducc or eliIninate charge loss over tiInc including increasing the thickness of the gate stack or optimization of dielectric materials and annealing temperature. While these methods can lead to improvement, it is important to consider the application of this novel device when considering threshold voltage stability. Flash MOS-HFET devices will be employed in power electronic circuits with a gate driver continuously applying pulses to control current flow. This gate driver pulse has potential to contribute small portions of charge to the charge storage layer during device operation. This work will characterize the thrcshold voltagc stability under several gate driver conditions and threshold voltage stability during operation in a boost converter circuit at temperatures up to 125°C. Zero charge loss is observed for the GaN Flash MOS-HFET device extrapolated for the lifetime of the device at temperatures up to 125 0 C during power converter operation. This is the first dCInonstration of zero charge loss over time in the GaN Flash MOS-HFET device structure at high temperatures, overcoming a key challenge. The GaN Flash MOS-HFET is thus demonstrated for high performance, high threshold voltage, low leakage enhancement mode operation without any Inodifications requircd to typical power convcrter circuit dcsign. References 1. B. Lee, C. Kirkpatrick, Y. Choi, X. Yang, A. Q. Huang and V. Misra, physica status solidi (c) (2012). 2. B. Lee, C. Kirkpatrick, X. Yang, S. Jayanti, R. Suri, .1. Roberts and V. Misra, 20.6. 1 (2010). 3. C. Kirkpatrick, 13. Lee, Y. H. Choi, A. Huang and V. Misra, physica status solidi (c) (2011). 3:45 PM D3.08 Evaluation of Low-Carrier Thick n-GaN Schottky Diodes on GaN Free-Standing Substrates. Kenji ShiojiIna 1 , Yuhei Kihara 1 , Toshichika Aoki 1 , Naoki Kaneda 2 ,1 and TOInoyoshi MishiIna 2 ; 1 Graduate School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Fukui, Fukui, Fukui, Japan; 2 Corporate Advanced Technology Group, Hitachi Cable Ltd., Tsuchiura, Ibaraki, Japan. 1. Introduction: The recent progrcss of free-standing GaN substrates [1], points to the development of vertical p-n junction [2] and Schottky diodes for power device applications [3]. A Schottky diode 255 has an advantage of lower turn-on voltage, however, it requires high-quality thick n-GaN layers with low carrier density. In the GaN crystal growth using rnetalorganic chernical vapor deposition (MOCVD), when the Si doping concentration is as low as around lxl016 cm-3, because of carrier compensation with unintentionally incorporated C atoms, the electron concentration is lower than the expected value from the Si doping level. Since C-incorporation is not avoidable in MOCYD growth, for better low-carrier layers, establishment of growth conditions taking account of the compensation is important. In addition, C atoms can form deep-level defects, which may induce the effect in device operation. In this paper, we fabricated and evaluated low-Si-doped thick GaN Schottky diodes on GaN substrates with varied C-doping concentrations. 2. Sample preparation: Two-I-'m-thick Si-doped (2x1018 cm-3) n-GaN films and 12 I-'m-thick 10w-Si-doped-GaN films were grown on GaN-bulk substrates using MOCVD. Si and C concentrations were varied in the range of 1.2-3.Sx1016 crn-3. TilAl ohrnic electrodes were formed on the rear surface, and Ni/Au Schottky contacts were formed on the front surface. 3. Electrical characteristics: In the I-V characteristics, the samples with Si "" C showed good linearity in the forward current, and Schottky barrier height and n-value were obtained to be 1.04-1.10 eV, and 1.01-1.03, respectively. The reverse currents were as low as 100 pA at -200 V. From the C-V carrier profiles, the net carrier concentration were controlled in the range between 0.72 and 1.9x1016 cm-3. It was confirmed that the Schottky characteristics were secured from the amount of Si and C doping levels in this experirnental condition. For the sarnples with Si < C, as expected, a large compensation resulted in a large series resistance in the I-V characteristics. 4. Defect characterization: Deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) measurements were conducted for the samples with Si "" C. Three peaks (E1, E3, E4 Ec-0.25, 0.60, 0.70 eV) were detected in the spectra. The trap concentrations are as srnall as below 2x1013 cm-3 for E1 and E4, 1.2x1014 cm-3 for E3. Larger peak intensities in E3 and E4 were obtained from Si-, and C-rich samples, respectively. 5. Conelusion: Low-Si-doped thick GaN Schottky diodes on GaN substrates were evaluated. Good Schottky characteristics were obtained at a net carrier concentration around 1x1016 crn-3, even though the amount of Si and C doping levels were different. DLTS measurements revealed three defect levels, but the concentrations were as small as below 1.2x1014 cm-3. References [1] T. Yoshida et ai, J. Cryst. Growth, 310, p. 5 (2008) [2] K. Nomoto et ai, p.s.s. (a), 208, p. 1535 (2011) [3] Y. Saitoh et ai, APEX, 3, 1'.081001 (2010) 4:00 PM D3.09 Interface State Characterization of AI 20 3 /AIGaN/GaN Structure with Inductively Coupled Plasllla Etched AIGaN Surfaces. Zenji Yatabe 1 , Yujin Hori 1 and Tamotsu Hashi7.:ume 1 ,2; I Research Center for Integrated Quantum Electronics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan; 2JST-CREST, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan. AIGaN/GaN-based HEMTs are promising for high-power switching devices. In order to reali7.:e a normally-off operation from the fail-safe viewpoint, a combination of recessed and insulated gates is often used in AIGaN/GaN HEMTs. It is known that plasma-assisted etching degrades the electrical properties of AIGaN surface. However, no work has been reported regarding the characterization of the insulator/AIGaN/GaN structures with an ICP etched AIGaN surface. In this study, we thus report the effects of the Cl2 -based ICP etched AIGaN surface on the interface properties of the Al,03/AIGaN/GaN structures. In particular, we focus on the interface state density distribution evaluated by a combination of rigorous C- V characteristics calculation and a photoassisted C- V technique. An undoped Alo.2Gao.8N/undoped GaN heterostructure with an AIGaN layer thickness of 34 nm was used in this work. The AIGaN surface was etched at RT by the ICP etching process using a CI 2 /BCI 3 gas mixture (25/5 seem). The ICP and bias powers were 300 and 5 W, respectively. The etching depth was 7 nm at an etching rate of 10 nm/min. An Al 2 0 3 film with nominal thickness of 20 nm was deposited on the AIGaN surface at 350°C using ALD system. Water vapor and TMA were used as a and Al sources, respectively. The calculation of C- V curve was carried out using a numerical solver of the Poisson equation based on the one-dimensional Gummel algorithm, taking into account the fixed charge at the AIGaN/GaN interface originating from spontaneous and piehoelectric polarihation as well as the charge in the electronic states at the Al,03/ AIGaN interface. For the calculation, a discrete and a U-shaped continuous interface state density distributions Dit(E) at the AI2 0 3/AIGaN interface were assumed. The experimental C- V curves showed two steps, peculiar to the MaS HEMT sarnple fabricated on the heterostructure with a 2DEG. The ICP-etched sarnple showed a gradual slope of the C- V curve, a high on-set voltage and an inflection point appearing in the forward bias range. These indicate the higher state densities at the Al,03/ICP-etched AIGaN interface. To fit the experirnental C- V curves with the calculated ones, a continuous and discrete interface state densities within the energy range Eo - 0.8 eV were assumed at the AI 2 0 3 /AIGaN interface. Assuming that the discrete level is at Eo - 0.1 eV and that the continuous interface states have densities ranging from 1 X 10 12 to 4 X 10 13 crn- 2 ey- 1 , we obtained good agreernent between the experimental and calculated C- V data. To evaluate the interface states near-midgap, we then applied the photoassisted C- V technique using a photon energy less than the bandgap of AIGaN. It was found that the near-midgap interface state density ranges from 3 to 8 X 10 12 crn- 2 ey- 1 . FrOIll the cornbination of rigorous calculation of C- V characteristics and the photoassisted C- V technique, for the first time, we have evaluated Di,(E) at the Al,03/ICP-etched AIGaN interface. SESSION DP2: Poster Session: Electrical Devices Tuesday Evening, August 27, 2013 6:00 PM Potomac C/D & 1-6 DP2.01 AIGaN/GaN Reverse Conducting HFET for Power Conversion. Jin Wei 1 ,2, Yao Yao 1 , Wei Zhang 1 , Meng Zhang 2 , Zhiyuan He ' , Bo Zhang 2 , Baijun Zhang ' and Yang Liu'; I Sun Vat-sen University, Guangzhou, China; 2University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China. An AIGaN/GaN reverse conducting HFET is proposed and verified for the first time, in which a Schottky diode is imbedded. Although silicon power MOSFET and RC-IGBT exploit their body diodes as a reverse conducting path [1, 2], so far, there have been no reports on GaN HFET with an inner diode. EPC Corporation suggests directly using the HFET itself as a "body diode" by driving VGD higher than threshold voltage [3]. This, however, results in a large turn-on voltage for the "body diode". In the proposed AIGaN/GaN RC-HFET, a Schottky contact (named S2 here) is placed between the gate and the drain, and electrically connected to the source. The heterostructure is grown on silicon substrate by MOCVD. The processing of RC-HFET is compatible with conventional HFET, with no extra mask required. The measurement shows that the inner Schottky diode of the AIGaN/GaN RC-HFET turns on at around 1.0 V while the "body diode" in the conventional HFET (of the same dimensions) at over 3.0 V. In the forward working conditions, the RC-HFET is working as a switch while the inner Schottky diode is reversely biased. Our experiment shows that the on-resistance of the AIGaN/GaN RC-HFET is barely changed cornpared to that of the conventional HFET. On the other hand, RC-HFET effectively reduces the saturation drain current by 46%, because the pinch off occurs at the edge of S2. This is beneficial for power conversion, since a lower saturation current increases the short circuit safety [1,4]. In conelusion, the proposed AIGaN/GaN RC-HFET provides a cost effective solution for power conversion. An efficient conducting path inside the device is achieved for the inductive load, thus avoiding the need to anti-parallel an external diode. References: [1] S. Linder, Power Semiconductors. Lausanne: EPFL Press, 2006. [2] H. Jiang, J. Wei, et aI., IEEE Electron Device Lett., vol. 33, no. 12, Pl'. 1684-1686, 2012. [3] A. Lidow, et aI., GaN Transistors for Efficient Power Conversion. El Segundo: Power Conversion Publications, 2012. [4] M. Mori, Y. Dchino, et al., IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 54, no. 8, Pl'. 2011-2016, 2007. DP2.02 Effect of Telllperature on Gate Leakage Current in AIGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors. Weiwei Chen 1 ,2, Ping Ma 1 ,2, I3in Hou 1 ,2, Jincheng Zhang 2 , Xiaohua Ma , ,2 and Yue Ha0 2 . 'School of Technical Physics Xidian University Xi'an, ShanXi,   h i n ~ 2Key Lab of Wide Bandgap'Semiconductor ., Materials and Devices, Xi'an, ShanXi, China. Many authors have observed the increase of gate leakage current with temperature in the AIGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) over a wide temperature range (from 110 K to 400 K). The increase of gate leakage current with the temperature is a clear disadvantage of devices operating at elevated ternperatures. S. Arulkumaran et al. [1] found that the temperature dependence of gate leakage current for AIGaN/GaN HEMTs have both negative and positive trends for temperature range 20-400 degree celsius, but the dependence of gate leakage current on temperature below 20 degree celsius was not investigated in this paper. In this letter, we report the effect of temperature on gate leakage current of AIGaN/GaN HEMT on sapphire measured for the temperature range of 85 K to 300 K. We found that gate leakage current decrease with temperature almost linearly from 85 K to 150 K, then decrease suddenly from 150 K to 200 K. Above 200 K, gate leakage current increase with ternperature almost linearly. This phenomenon was observed over a wide range of gate voltage (from -5 V to -20 V). It's assumed that deep acceptor initiated impact ionihation in the channel, rather than gate tunneling, is the dorninant leakage rnechanisrn at very low ternperature. This explains the decrease of gate current with the increase of ternperature 256 from 85 K to 200 K. The sudden decrease of leakage current from 150 K to 200 K suggests the disappearance of impact ionization phcnolncnon. Above 200 K, the direct tUIlIleling and trap assisted tunneling changes to the dominant leakage mechanism. Since direct tunneling current and trap assisted tunneling current both have a positive dependence on temperature, the increase of gate leakage current with temperature from 200 K to 300 K can be easily understood. [1J Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 3110, 2003 DP2.03 High Linearity AlGaN/GaN Graded Heterojunction Filed Effect Transistor. Fcng Zhihong, Fang YuLong, Yin Jiayun, Gu Guodong, Lv Yuanjie, Song Xubo, Han Tingting, Dun Shaobo and Cai Shujun; Science and Technology on ASIC Laboratory, Hebei Semiconductor Research Institute, Shijiazhuang, China. The large dynarnic range in the variable envelop of the rnodulation signals in the next generation wireless communication systems has put forward stricter requirements for the linearity of the GaN based devices. However, the narrow available transconductance range in the traditional GaN HFETs is the main obstacle for high linearity applications. To extend the available transconductance range, the research groups around the world have developed various methods, including the introduction of the field-plate, the modification of the source access resistance, and the introduction of double channel or the cornposite channel. Recently a new type GaN based HFETs, narned as polarization doping FETs (PolFETs), have attracted a lot of attention. The basic structures of PolFETs are the graded Al mole fraction AIGaN layers, the well-known two dimensional electron gas formed at the AIGaN/GaN interface in traditional HFETs would extend to a quasi-three-dirnensional electron slab across the graded AIGaN/GaN region in PoIFETs. The geometry extension of the carriers profiles provides the basis of wider and flat transconductance. The PolFET sample employed in this work was epitaxially grown by MOCVD on a 2 inch sapphire substrate. The material structure consists of a 2JLIn unintentionally doped (UID) GaN, a 60 rnn channel from GaN graded to AIO.35GaO.65N, approximately. The bulk three-dimensional dopants profile in PolFET was verified by the capacitance voltage measurements, as shown in figure 1 (b). There was an average charge of 1.2E+18 cm-3 calculated over about 60nm. The DC I-V characteristics of PolFET are plotted in Fig. 2. A peak transconductance about 92mS/mm was obtained and remained roughly flat. The notable flat and wide transconductance indicates the potential for high linearity devices. The on wafer small-signal S-parameters characterization were conducted on a the 1 X 40 J-Lm PolFETs at various DC bias points, i.e. VGS and VDS, and the frequencies mapping at different biases were graphed. Similar to what observed in DC transfer characteristics, it appears a flat frequency across large VGS and VDS ranges. The bias insensitive frequency characteristics spell the tolerance of undesirable input signal distortion in PoIFETs. At the optirnurn bias point, the cutoff frequency of 15.6 GH7, and maximum oscillation frequency of 43.6 GH7, were obtained. DP2.04 Trap Assisted Tunneling as Reverse Bias Conduction MechanisITl in Ni/InAlN/GaN Schottky Contacts. Loren7,o Lugani, Marcel A. Py, Jean-Francois Carlin and Grandjean Nicolas; Institute of Condensed Matter Physics, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. InAIN/GaN high electron mobility transistors, despite having reached extremely high cutoff frequencies in excess of 300 GHz," are still seriously affected by strong parasitic gate leakage currents which limit their breakdown voltage and power output. Here, we propose tunneling assisted by a deep trap2 as the conduction rnechanisrn responsible for reverse bias current in Ni/InAlN/GaN Schottky contacts. The heterostructures investigated here were grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy on sapphire and are composed of a 2 J1.HI GaN buffer, a 1 rnn AIN spacer and an InAIN barrier of variable thickness. The InAIN barrier thickness has been precisely determined by X-ray reflectivity measurements. Schottky diodes fabrication started with the deposition and annealing of the Ti/AI/Ni/ Au Ohmic metal stack and was completed by the deposition of the Ni/ Au Schottky contact. The relevant InAIN rnaterial pararneters, narnely the static dielectric constant ElnAlN and the polari7,ation charges O"InAlNjGaN, have been firstly determined from the dependence, respectively, of the heterostructure capacitance and pinch-off voltage on the InAlN barrier thickness. Values of 10.1 and 3.07x 10" 3 cm- 2 where obtained, respectively, for ElnAlN and O"InAlNjGaN' With these parameters, the capacitance-voltage curves of a set of InAIN/ GaN heterostructures could be modeled in order to extract the Schottky barrier <P B, which turned out to be 2.8 eV. Thanks to this set of parameters, the voltage-dependent electric field in the InAlN barrier could be calculated using a Schrodinger-Poisson solver 3 and used for current modeling. We simulated the reverse bias current-voltage characteristic of three heterostructures having a total (AIN + InAlN) barrier thicknesses of 3.3, 4.8 and 8.1 nm. Excellent agreement with the experimental results has been obtained with a trap assisted tunneling using a trap level located 1. 7 eV below the InAIN conduction band edge. More details concerning the current temperature dependence and other possible current paths will be provided during the conference. [IJ Y. Yue et a!., IEEEElectronDeviceLett. 33 988 (2012) [2J D. M. Sathaiya and S. Karmalkar, J.AppI.Phys. 99 093701 (2006) [3J nextnano 3 software, www.nextnano.de DP2.05 On the Bulk and Interface States Trapping PhenoITlena in the GaN-Based MaS Heterostructure Gate Dielectric. Milan Tapajna 1 , Michal Jurkovic 1 , Lukas Valik 1 , Stefan Hascik 1 , Dagrnar Gregusova 1 , Frank Brunner 2 , Enjung-Melanie Cho 2 , Oliver Hilt 2 , Eldad Bahat-TriedeI 2 , Joachim Wuerfl 2 and Jan Kuzmik 2 ; 1 Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; 2Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz Institut fur Hochstfrequenztechnik, Berlin, Gerrnany. The performance of GaN MOS-HFETs is still limited by the presence of traps related to the gate oxide, partly also due to lack of the effective characterization techniques. In particular, adoption of the conventional techniques for interface trap density (Dit) deterrnination usually neglects other parasitic effects that may effectively hamper the correct analysis, leading to e.g. unexpected oxide thickness dependent Dit distribution. Here, the trapping phenomena in GaN MOS-HFET structures with AI203 dielectric were deeply investigated using cornprehensive capacitance rneasurernents. The MOS-HFET structures with 10 and 20-nm-thick AI203 gate dielectrics were deposited by MOCVD at 600°C on GaN cap/AIO.24GaO.76N/GaN heterostructures. In contrast to Schottky barrier HFET structures, capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements of MOS-HFET structures showed positive Vth shift with increased base plate ternperature (Tb), accompanied with change of the C-V hysteresis from positive to negative. This suggests coexistence of two competitive trapping/detrapping processes related to the gate dielectric. To analyze this in rnore detail, we deterrnine Vth transients by rneasuring capacitance transients at the onset of the depletion after stepping the gate voltage (Vg) from 0 - 8 V (filling pulse, Vg,F) to   While Vth increased with time for Vg,F=O V, indicating dominant electron trapping in the dielectric bulk, it decreased for Vg,F=2-8 V, consistent with dorninant electron ernission froHI interface traps. To determine Dit distribution, Vth transients for Vg,F=O V were subtracted from those for positive Vg,F, and analyzed using isothermal DLTS concept. The trapping process in the dielectric was similar for 10 and 20-nm-thick Al203 indicating oxide traps to be located just a few nrn under the gate. The ternperature dependence of the trapping process was found to be consistent with thermionic field emission showing trap level located   eV above the metal Fermi level, corresponding to   eV in the oxide. The sheet density of the oxide traps (NT) was estimated to be in the range of crn-2. Additionally, to characterize interface traps with deeper activation energy, Vth transients were measured also upon the monochromatic light pulse exposure. Dit was then calculated from the difference between two adjacent Vth shifts. Typical U-shape Dit distributions ranging froHI 1013 - 1011 eV-1crn-2 was deterrnined, sirnilar for sarnples with both Al203 thicknesses. In surnrnary, a careful separation between the trapping process in the oxide bulk and the oxide/semiconductor interface traps emission allowed us to determine Dit distributions and quantify traps in the oxide. The trapping process in the oxide was found to be consistent with the thermionic field emission of electrons from the gate into traps located a few nm below the gate. Funding from EU FP7 project HipoSwitch (grant no. 287602) and Slovak projects APVV-0367-11 and APVV-104-10 is gratefully acknowledged. DP2.06 Surface TreatITlent Effects on Surface States of AlGaN and Interface States of AI203/AlGaN. Brianna S. Eller, Jialing Yang and Robert .T. Nemanich; Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Ternpe, Arizona. The disparate polarization at AlGaN/GaN heterostructures engenders a 2D electron gas (2DEG) that effectively reduces on-resistance and power loss, resulting in a high electron mobility ideal for high-frequency, high-ternperature, and high-voltage requirernents associated with HFETs and HEMTs. However, the concentration of the 2DEG is related to interface and surface states. Since GaN and AIGaN are characterized by a large spontaneous polarization, there is a large polarization bound surface charge (2.2x1013 and 3.2x1013 charges/crn2) that rnust be cornpensated. Cornpensation charge gives rise to a large concentration of surface states. Charge neutrality suggests a higher concentration of surface states may increase the 2DEG concentration and reduce the potential drop across the AlGaN layer. This ultirnately affects device reliability, increasing gate leakage current and current collapse. Understanding the states may thus prove crucial to reliable device performance. In this work, AIGaN samples 257 were cleaned with several wet chemicals that have been shown effective on GaN. The AIGaN samples were AIGaN/AIN/Si with 25% AI. Lincar intcrpolation gavc a band gap of 4.1 cV and thc doping density (1017 cm-3) determined the Fermi level ~ 0   1 eV below the conduction band minimum. The various surface treatments included sonication in acetone and methanol followed by DI water, HF, HCI, H202, NH40H, or (NH4)2S, and a final DI rinse. X-ray and ultraviolet photospectroscopy (XPS and UPS) were used to characterize the constituents and surface band bending. Results suggest that none of the wet chemicals were effective at removing carbon contamination, and only HF and HCI made significant reduced the oxygen covcrage. Thc band bending of AIGaN rernains stable after the various treatrncnts, giving ",0.3 eV upwards or rv3.1 x1013 nct positive surface charge/ cm2. After cleaning, remote plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition was used to deposit rv2 nm of amorphous A1203. XPS and UPS determined the valence band offset (VBO), giving 1.1-1.3 eV. This corresponds to a conduction band offset (CBO) of 1.3-1.1 eV. Similar studies were also conducted on GaN/AIN/AI203. On GaN, the surface treatments did impact oxygen-related states, though they were unable to reduce carbon contamination. The band bending was then determined to be ~ 0   2 eV upwards, which corresponds to '"'-'2.0x1013 net positive charge/crn2. Similar determination of the VBO and CBO gave of A1203/GaN 1.8 and 1.3 eV, respectively. In summary, wet chemical treatments did not typically affect the surface states and interface bonding at A1203/ AIGaN interfaces. Similar band bending on GaN and AIGaN suggcst the surface states increasc with the polarization charge and thus AI-content. Future work will continue to study the relationship between the AI-content and band bending. Furthermore, the similar CBO of A1203/GaN and AIGaN suggests the difference in band gap manifests at the VBO. Research is supported by ONR through DEFINE MURI. DP2.07 Comparison of AIGaN/GaN MISHEMT Powerbar Designs. Stevc Stoffels, Nicolo Ronchi, Rafael Venegas, Brice De Jacger, Denis Marcon and Stefaan Dccouterc; irncc, Leuven, Belgiurn. Conventional AIGaN/GaN powerbar designs, presented in literature, typically use a long gate finger layout. However, such long finger configurations can lcad to scveral issucs whcn uscd in rcal applications. First of all, the long gate fingers lead to an excessive gate resistance and limit the choice of metal stack which can be used as gate metallization, i.e. metals with a high sheet resistance would lead to very high values of the gate resistance. A second issue is the switching delay differencc between the beginning and thc cnd of these gate fingers. Due to the propagation delay of the electric signal, the active region at the end of such a finger will switch off at later time than the beginning, causing it to draw a large amount of current during switching and potentially leading to reliability issues. For this work we have dcsigncd, fabricated and evaluated thrce diffcrent AIGaN/GaN powerbar architectures. During the design phase we have developed analytical models to calculate the interconnect parameters such as gate resistance, access resistance and parasitic capacitances. The intcrconnects were rnodeled as a distributcd network of lurnped cornponcnts, which were subsequcntly sirnplified to get the interconnect parasitics between each of the terminals. The models were then applied to three different designs, with very different gate and interconnect topologies. The first design was the more conventional, long gate finger (LGF) design with a single activc island and long interdigitated fingers. To improve on the high gate resistance, we have investigated a second design with several active islands with shorter gate finger (SGF) and interconnects running in between the active islands. The final design has 3D interconnects (3DI) running in a stacked crossbar configuration on top of thc activc islands. The designs were fabricated in an 8 inch GaN-On-Si MISHEMT technology, with a barrier recess at the gate level to shift Vt towards more positive values. Wafers with and without gate recess were compared to evaluate the impact of the gate recess on the powcrbar characteristics. On cach wafer wc have perforrned a parametric analysis of 13 powerbars for each design. Powerbars with a total gate width of 18mm and 36mm were analyzed. Capacitance and impedance measurements were performed to evaluate the gate resistance and on-state capacitance. We found that the analytical rnodels gave for rnost dcsigns a good agreernent (error<15%) with thc measured values and could be used to identify contact resistance problems in the gate bus. Moreover, measurements showed that the SGF and 3DI designs exhibited gate resistances which were a factor 4 to 8 srnaller than the LGF design. The irnpact on thc on-state capacitance was rninirnal for the SGF dcsign and lirnitcd to a 15% increase for the 3DI design. The capacitance model gave an agreement of 10% with the measured capacitance values. Static parameters were also measured and the on-resistance, breakdown and threshold voltage werc cxtracted frorn these rneasurcrncnts. Thc SGF/3DI powerbar designs reached the design goal of reducing the gate resistance with a factor of 4 to 8 with respect to the long gate finger designs. The SGF design had no negative impact on the powerbar operation and exhibited figures of merit (FOM) for Ron/Cgs,on and VBD2/Ron,sp comparable to the LGF design. The 3DI design on the other hand only showed a slight irnpact on Ron/Cgs,on, but exhibitcd a reduced value for the FOM VBD2/Ron,sp due to vertical breakdown at the interconncct crossings. However, this was expected as no optirnization was performed on the inter-metal dielectrics (IMD) and will be addressed in future process iterations by a tailored process integration scheme with thicker IMD's. DP2.08 HVPE GaN Schottky Diodes. Randy P. Tompkins", Joshua R. Smith", Kevin W. Kirchner", Kenneth A. Jones", Jacob H. Leach 2 , Kevin Udwary2, Edward Preble 2 , Jeffrey Leathersich 3 , Puneet Suvarna 3 and Fatemeh (Shadi) Shahedipour-Sandvik 3 ; "US Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, Maryland; 2Kyrna Technologies, Raleigh, North Carolina; 3College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, University at Albany - State University of New York, Albany, New York. Properties of galliurn nitride (GaN) such as a high critical field rnake it a promising material for high power electronics. We have identified carbon in GaN as an impurity that increases the specific on-resistance, increases the turn-on voltage, and leads to premature breakdown of GaN power Schottky diodes [1]' where presumably C sitting on the N site acts as a deep level acceptor. To date, most device layers are grown by MOCVD where a direct source of C exists from the trimethlygallium source. An alternative to MOCVD growth of device layers is hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) where the Ga source is HCl reacting with liquid galliurn and thcre are no dircct sources of C. We have shown that diodes fabricated directly on freestanding HVPE substrates show breakdown voltages in excess of 900 V, but the high breakdown is at the cost of a large specific on-resistance stemming from the thick low-doped substrate. However, after subtracting thc contribution of the low-doped substrate to the series resistance, a figure of merit of ~ 250 MW/cm 2 was extracted [2]. The focus of this work is the growth of low-doped HVPE GaN films on doped freestanding HVPE substrates. In these devices the majority of the series resistance is across the film and not the substrate. The biggcst issue with growing epitaxial layers by HVPE is lowering the net carrier concentration of the film or drift layer. Carrier concentrations generally range 5 x 10 16 cm- 3 - 1 x 10 17 cm- 3 where the likely source of background doping in the drift layer is Si and a froHI HCl reacting with the quartz reactor. If onc can lower the unintcntional doping in the drift laycr to ::::::::: 10 16 crn-3 a theoretical breakdown voltage of 3000 V can be achieved. GaN power Schottky diodes generally fall well short of their theoretical maximum . breakdown voltage due to a large number of defects such as threading dislocations and point defects. This talk will focus on thc cffects of point defects and crystalline defects on the performance of GaN power Schottky diodes. Device results will be presented for vertical Schottky diodes fabricated on HVPE GaN films grown on HVPE GaN bulk substrates. If time permits, comparisons will be made to results of Schottky diodes fabricated on MOCVD GaN films grown on conductive HVPE GaN bulk substrates. [1] R.P. Tompkins et ai, J. Mater. Res., Vol. 26, No 23, p. 2895 - 2900 (2011). [2] R.P. Tompkins et ai, Solid State Electron., 79 p. 238-243 (2013). DP2.09 An Etch-Stop Barrier Structure for GaN Normally-Off High Electron Mobility Transistors. Min Sun",2, Bin Lu",2 and Tomas Palacios1,2; 1 Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Scicnce, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Carnbridge, Massachusetts; 2Microsystems Technology Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambirdge, Massachusetts. Gate recess by plasma etching is an important process technology for rnaking GaN norrnally-off transistors. There are two rnajor drawbacks in dry plasma etching: one is the plasma damage and the other is the device uniformity across the wafer [1]. In this work we report a new transistor barrier structure to address these problems. This structure consists of a 22 nrn GaN:Si cap layer with 6x 10 18 crn- 3 Si doping / 1.5 mn AlN / 3 mn Alo.15GaO.85N / 1.2 ,un i-GaN / 2.8 lun buffer / p-Si substrate. The 2DEG in this structure can be fully depleted by removing the n-doped GaN cap layer. High selectivity etch of GaN over AIN is achieved by using Fluorine based plasma due to the non-volatility of AIF 3 . To ensure uniforrnity, a 70-second-over-etch was used. A 10 nm Al 2 0 3 gate dielectric was deposited after UV m7,one and HCI cleaning. The sample was annealed in forming gas after the gate metallization. Averaging over 13 devices, the E-mode devices have a threshold voltage of 0.30±0.04 V in linear scale and a subthreshold slope of 62±1 mV/decade. The CV characteristics have low frequency dispersion between 1 kHz and 1 MHz and very small hysteresis ~ 10 mV) under bi-directional CV sweeps, which indicates very low interface trap density in the recessed gate region. The maximum effective electron mobility in the channel is 1131 crn 2 V- 1 s- 1 , as extracted froHI the IV and CV characteristics. This value is largely improved compared to other reported results on 258 normally-off GaN MISFETs. An additional advantage of the proposed structure is its compatibility with Au-free ohmic metallization. After rcrIloving the n-CaN cap layer in the drain and source region, a low R c value of 0.6 !lmm was obtained by annealing Ti/Al (20/100 nm) metal stacks at 560 0 C in N2. Smoother annealed metal surface and edge were observed on Au-free ohmic contacts. The above results show the great potential for this structure in mass production of high pcrforrnancc nonnally-off RF and power GaN transistors. Acknowledgements - This work was supported in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy ADEPT project and by GIGA project of the U.S. Department of Energy. References: [1] B. Lu, et aI, IEEE Electron Device Lett., 9 (2010) 900. DP2.10 Performance Improvement of NpN-GaN/InGaN/GaN Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors on Sapphire Substrates by Modified Doping Profile. Jeomoh Kim", TSllng-Ting Kao", Jae-Hyun Ryou",2, Theeradetch Detchprohm", Shyh-Chiang Shen" and Russell D. Dupuis"; "ECE, Georgia Institute and Technology, Atlanta, Georgia; 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of HOllston, HOllston, Texas. III-nitride power electronics offer IIl3UY advantages for operation under harsh environment such as high voltage, current density, and temperature. They also offer the potential for high frequency switching operations. In this study, we demonstrate improved device performance of NpN-GaN/InGaN/GaN heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) grown OIl sapphire substrates by In3niplllating doping profile in the Base-Emitter (B-E) junction. The device structures were grown in a Thomas Swan 6 X 2" metalorganic chemical vapor deposition reactor. The layer structure consists of a GaN:Si+ subcollector (0.85 pm, n=6x1018 cm-3), a GaN:Si collector (0.3 pm, n=l X 1017 cm-3), an InxGa1-xN:Si graded collector (x=0-+0.03, 30 nm, n=l X 1018 cm-3), an InO.03GaO.97N:Mg base (100 nm, p=l X 1018 cm-3), an InxGa1-xN:Si+ graded emitter (x=0.03-+0, 30 nm, n=l X 1018 cm-3), a GaN:Si++ emitter (100 nm, n=l X 1019 cm-3), and a GaN:Si++ contact layer (20 mn, n>2x1019 cm-3). The graded layers serve to reduce strain between the interfaces, rnitigatc V-defect formation, and to eliminate conduction band discontinuities, particularly at the base-emitter junction. The epitaxial structures on sapphire substrates were grown on a GaN buffer layer including a 20 llIll low tcrnpcraturc buffer layer for strained hctcrocpitaxy. For the sample A, doping profile was modified by controlling the molar flow rate of Cp2Mg which is the precursor of Mg dopant atoms. Sample B, which is typical NpN-GaN/InGaN/GaN HBT without doping profile manipulation, was also grown on sapphire substrate for a comparative study. After growth and rnatcrial characterization, the layers were fabricated into devices with emitter si'es of 20 X 20 pm2. The 20 X 20 pm2 device shows d.c. gain ((3) of 25 and 20 for Sample A and Sample B, respectively, at VBE = 10 V. The common-emitter I-V family curves of these devices demonstrate a collector current density (Jc) greater than 3 kA/cln2 for the sarnplc A. A significantly irnprovcd "knee voltage" by 2.0 V at Jc > 3 kA/cm2 was observed. The detailed experimental method and following enhanced device performance will be further discussed. DP2.11 Normally-Off InAlN/GaN MIS-HEMT Using Fluoride-Based Plasma Treatment. Shenglei Zhao, Peng Zhang, Junshuai Xue, Yi Wang, Jincheng Zhang, Xiaohua Ma and Yue Hao; Key Laboratory for Wide Band-Gap Scrniconductor Materials and Devices, Xidian University, Xi'an, China. Owing to the high 2DEG density induced by the uniquely strong spontaneous polarizmtion, the specific ON-resistance of the InAIN/GaN HEMTs is very low, indicating that the InAlN/GaN HEMTs are promising power electronic devices. However, the breakdown voltage in the InAIN/GaN HEMTs is limited due to the relatively large gate-leakage current as a result of the high dislocation density in the InAlN barrier layer. To reduce the gate leakage in HEMTs, the gate insulator layer was used, resulting in MIS-HEMT structures. Besides, normally-off devices are necessary because they can not only help simplify the complexity of the circuit but also reduce power consumption. Fluorine treatment technique was employed to the InAlN/GaN HEMTs to shift the threshold from negative to positive. In this work, we present normally-off AI203/InAlN/GaN MIS-HEMTs using fluoride-based plasma treatment. Using this method, the threshold voltage of AI203/InAlN/GaN MIS-HEMT can be shifted from -7.7 V to 1.2 V. For the MIS-HEMT treated with fluorine plasIna at 150 W for 150 s, the peak transconductance has only decreased from 175 mS/mm to 151 mS/mm. Compared with the conventional MIS-HEMTs, the gate-leakage current of the MIS-HEMTs treated with fluorine plasma was reduced by one order of magnitude. Therefore, the combination of gate dielectric and the fluorine treatInent technique can not only reduce the gate-leakage current but also enable the reali:z;ation of normally-off devices. DP2.12 Anomalous Resistance Gradient along Length of Individual n-type GaN Nanowires Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy. Paul Blanchard, Kris Bertness, Todd Harvey, Aric Sanders and Norman Sanford; Physical Measurement Laboratory, NIST, Boulder, Colorado. Accurately characterizing the transport properties of seIniconductor nanowires (NWs) is an essential step in developing and optimi:z;ing novel nano-scale devices. However, NW metrology remains a challenge, and new subtleties of NW behavior continue to emerge. In this work, we characterize an anoInalous resistance gradient along the lengths of individual GaN NWs through position-dependent I-V measurements. The NWs in this study were Si-doped (n-type) ~ 1   1 7 cln- 3 , grown by catalyst-free MDE under static growth conditions. NW lengths were between 15 and 20 pm, with diameters between 100 and 300 nm. Devices from individual NWs were fabricated by dispersing NWs onto an insulating substrate, then depositing contacts on top. In the first part of the experiInent, four ohInic contacts were placed on each individual NW. Resistances (R rn ) were measured between adjacent pairs of contacts, yielding three separate values of R= along the length of each NW. Based on the dimensions and resistance of each section of NW, Prna,T = R rn xAxs/LNW was calculated, where A xs is the physical cross-sectional area of the NW and L NW is the distance between the contacts. Because the surface depletion and contact resistance are unknown, Prnax represents an upper limit on the NW resistivity Ps in which the NW is assumed to have no surface depletion and negligible contact resistance. For uniforrnly-doped NWs, one would expect Prnax to be consistent along the length of the NW, perhaps with some random variation due to local surface contamination or contact area differences. On the contrary, we found that P=a.T correlated strongly with the position of the contacts along the NW length. More than 20 individual-NW 4-contact devices were tested fronl two separate Si-doped growth runs. On average, Pmax was a factor of 2 to 5 times higher for contacts near the NW tips compared to contacts closer to the NW roots. In the second part of the experiment, one ohmic contact was placed near the root of an individual NW, and 8 Pt contacts were placed successively along the length of the sanle NW by use of focused electron heaIn induced deposition (FEBID) in a SEM system. After each contact was placed, I-V was measured in-situ. R= agreed well with a model of a uniformly-doped NW for contacts located in the first few micrometers froIII the root, hut once again increased to a factor of lnore than 2 higher than predicted for contacts located closer to the NW tip. The mechanism behind the gradient in resistance along the length of the NWs is unclear. However, artifacts due to systematic differences in device fabrication or the measurement process between the NW root and NW tip have been ruled out. Despite the fact that conditions were constant during each NW growth, it is clear that either the bulk resistivity, the surface doping level, or the surface band bending is changing along the length of each NW. Explanations for this phenomenon are the subject of ongoing investigations. DP2.13 Investigations of CMOS-Compatible Non-Gold Ta/Si/Ti/Al/Ni/Ta Ohmic Contact for AlGaN/GaN HEMT on Si with Low Contact Resistance. Yang Li, Geok I. Ng, Subramaniam Arulkumaran, Chandra Mohan Manoj Kumar, Kian Siang Ang, Hong Wang, Gang Ye, Rene Hofstetter and Mulagumoottil Jesudas Anand; School of EEE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore. High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) based on AIGaN/GaN heterostructure exhibits great potential for high-power switching applications. Recently, GaN HEMTs on large size silicon substrates (8-inch) have been extensively explored in order to develop a high-voluIne low-cost Inanufacturing process using the existing 8-incl:l silicon CMOS facilities [1]. In order to process AlGaN/GaN HEMTs in Si fabrication line, CMOS-compatible non-gold ohmic contacts with low contact resistances are necessary [2,3]. So far, improved contact resistance of ~   5 !I.mm was achieved in un-doped AIGaN/GaN HEMTs by ohInic-recess process [2]. Recently, we have deInonstrated a CMOS-compatible non-gold (Ta/Si/Ti/ Al/Ni/Ta) ohmic contact with low contact resistance of 0.24 !I.mm [3]. In this study, we have systematically analyzed the ohmic contact formation by annealing at different teInperatures. The AlGaN/GaN HEMT structure and process details are presented elsewhere [3,4J. For this study, we used non-gold metal stack Ta/Si/Ti/Al/Ni/Ta (5/5/20/120/40/30 nm) and annealed at different temperatures (650degC to 850degC with the increment of 50degC for 30 s) in a N2 environment with a rapid therInal annealing (RTA) systeIn. The linear TLM patterns were used for the extraction of contact resistance (Rc) and specific contact resistivity (pc). The annealed samples exhibited smooth surface morphology with a RMS surface roughness of ~ 5 5 n m when compared with the conventional Ti/Al/Ni/Au ohmic contacts [4,5]. Smooth surface lnorphology and good edge definition is essential for deep sub-micron gate formation and good device reliability. Significant 259 reduction of Rc and pc has been observed with the increase of annealing temperature. The 850degC annealed sample exhibited average Rc value as low as 0.23±0.03 O.mm and pc of 1.01x10-6 O-cm2. This is the lowest Rc value ever reported using CMOS-compatible non-gold ohmic contacts for un-doped AIGaN/GaN HEMT structures on Si substrate. These values are almost equivalent to the conventional Ti/AI/Ni/ Au ohmic contacts for similar AIGaN/GaN HEMT structure [3,4J. For the 850degC annealed sample, the formed Ti-silicide is touches the GaN cap layer. However, only Ta is in contact with GaN cap layer for the sample annealed at 750degC. This has been confirmed by XRD, HRTEM and EDX analysis. From these results, we can conclude that the observation of low contact resistance in this non-gold ohrnic contact is due to the furrnation of titanium silicide alloy. 1) S. Arulkumaran et aI., JJAP 51, p.111001, (2012) 2) H-S. Lee, et aI., EDL.32, p.623, (2011) 3) S. Arulkumaran, et aI., APEX.6, p.016501, (2013) 4) S. Arulkumaran, et aI., APEX.4, p.084101, (2011) 5) J.W. Johnson, et aI., EDL.25, p.459, (2004) DP2.14 True Normally-Off AIGaN/GaN Trench MOSHFET Fabricated by Selective Area Growth. Yao Yao, Zhiyuan He, Fan Yang, Zhcn Shell, Jinchcng Zhang, Yiqiang Ni, Jin Li, Lei He, Zhisheng Wu, Baijun Zhang and Yang Liu; Sun Vat-sun University, Guangzhou, China. Normally-off GaN-based MOSHFET have attracted significant attention because they can realize low gate leakage and high positive threshold voltage, which are necessary for power switching applications. In this work, a true normally-off AIGaN/GaN trench MOSHFET was proposed. Trench gate structure was formed by selective area growth (SAG) technique. Si02 was used as regrowth IIl3Sk in gate channel region, and then two SAG layers containing a thick u-GaN (90nm) layer and a 25nm u-AIO.3GaO.7N layer were regrown to form high quality recess region. Room temperature Hall measurement of the regrown region showed a low sheet resistance of 2180/square, and the sinooth surface Inorphology with root lnean squares (RMS) of 0.319nln of the regrown recess region was observed by AFM. The device was fabricated after removing the Si02 mask pattern. A 30nm atomic layer deposition (ALD) AI203 dielectric layer was used to reduce the gate leakage and enhance the threshold voltage. A high threshold voltage (Vth) of 3.29V was achieved. In comparison with the result obtained by gate recessing method using ICP technique [1, 2], and a true normally-off operation was confirmed in our device from the subthreshold characteristics (the entire subthreshold region was located in the range of Vg > OV), which was attributed to the higher quality MaS interface in SAG schelne. The device also had a high on/off current ratio more than 7 orders of magnitude, which indicated a good controllability of channel by the MOSHFET. Combined with the low gate leakage current of about 10-5mA/mm, which was improved 2 orders of magnitude when cOlnpared to that of the conventional Schottky-gate HFET, suggested the good insulativity of ALD-AI203 gate dielectric in GaN MOSHFET. The maximum transconductance (gm_max) was 77mS/mm, maximum drain current density (Idmax) was 550mA/mm at Vg = 12V and Vds = 8V, and channel mobility ('Lch) was 113cln2/Vs at V g = 12V. The results Inentioned above indicated that the method of combining SAG and ALD-AI203 technique is a promising scheme to fabricate high performance normally-off AIGaN/GaN MOSHFETs for power switching applications. [lJ. Kambayashi, H., et aI., Solid-State Electronics, 2011. 56(1): p. 163-167. [2]. Huang, W., et al. ISPSD, 2008. p.295. DP2.15 Carrier Transport Mechanism of Low Resistance Til AllAu Ohmic Contacts to AIGaN/GaN Heterostructures. Seongjun Kim 1 , Eunjin .lung 1 , Munsik Oh l , Yunju Choi 2 and Hyunsoo Kim 1 ; ISchool of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering, Semiconductor Physics Research Center, Chonbuk National University, .Teonju, .leollabukdo, Korea, Republic of; 2Korea Basic Science Institute Suncheon Center, Suncheon, .leollanamdo, Korea, Republic of. An exact understanding of the carrier transport mechanism of low resistance Ohmic contact to AIGaN/GaN heterostructures is very ilnportant for fabrication of reliable heterostructure field-effect transistors (HFETs). Several groups have investigated this subject by employing current-voltage-temperature (I-V-T) measurements. It was shown that the tunneling of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) against the AIGaN barrier layer is the predominant Ohmic lnechanisln. Liu et al. applied the therrnionic field elnission (TFE) theory by developing the modified AIGaN barrier model involving two barriers in series. An anomalous temperature dependence on contact resistance was suggested to be associated with the presence of randomly distributed TiN contact inclusions (CIs), a so-called spike contact Inechanisln. Indeed, recent structural studies have revealed that the generation of TiN CIs dominated Ohmic formation in the Ti/ AI-based contact to AIGaN/GaN heterostructures. Based on these findings, our group developed a parallel network model consisting of a low-resistance component (TiN CIs) and a rest high-resistance region to better understand the carrier transport mechanism of Ti/AI/ Au Ohlnic contact to AlInN/GaN heterostructures. Using the parallel network model, the formation of Ohmic contact was due to tunneling of carriers through the thin barrier formed at the TiN-based CIs, where the barrier height was 0.45 eV and the carrier density was 9.0e18 cm-3. DP2.16 Detection of Pancreatic Cancer Biomarker (CA19-9) with Nitride-Based High Electron Mobility Transistor Biosensors. Wen-Ti Hsu l , Chia-Chang Tsai l , Shi-Ya Hsu l , Sheng-Hsiang Wang 1 , Hung- Yuan Wang ' , Kuang-Hung Cheng 2 , Shu-chen Hsieh 3 , Hay-Van Wang 4 , Kung-Kai Kuo 5 , Ying SunG and Li-Wei Tu l ; IDepartment of Physics and Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; 2Institute of Biolnedical Sciences, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; 3Department of Chemistry, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; 4Department of Biological Sciences, National Sun Vat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; 5Department of Surgery, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; 6 Dept . of Electrical, Computer & Biomedical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island. Semiconductor-material based field-effect transistors have been widely used in biosensor applications for the past two decades. Alnong theIn, the nitride-based high electron mobility transistors (nitride-HEMTs), such as AIGaN/GaN HEMTs, are good candidate for biological detection due to their high stability in reactive environment (chemical/physiological solutions), not easy to be damaged by static electricity, and silnple to be fabricated. Furtherrnore, AIGaN/GaN HEMT structure has a high mobility two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) formed in the junction between the AIGaN and the GaN. The conductance of the 2DEG conduction channel of HEMT can be easily modulated by the surface functionalbation/detection of biomolecules, for exalnple, the binding of antibody-antigen. In this work, AIGaN/GaN films grown on c-plane sapphire were used as the conduction channel of the nitride-HEMTs. The AIGaN/GaN-HEMTs were fabricated by photolithography process. The as-fabricated AIGaN/GaN-HEMTs were then used as biosensors to detect the biolnarker of pancreatic cancer, CA19-9. The results show that the CA19-9 proteins were successfully detected by nitride-HEMT with a detection limit of about 150 unit/mL. Further investigations will be discussed. DP2.17 Influence of Buffer Layer on Current Collapse in AIGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si Substrate. Wen-Chia Liao, Yan-Lun Chen and Yue-ming Hsin; National Central University, .Thongli, Taiwan. The detrapping behavior under current collapse test was studied in AIGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si substrate with different buffer layers. The epitaxial layers grown by MOCVD contain a buffer layer, a 100-nm GaN channel layer, a 1-nm AIN interlayer, and a 30-nm AIGaN barrier. Two different buffer layers in this study arc C-doped GaN layer (3900-nm) and undoped AIGaN/GaN (1000/2400-nm) combination. Devices with different buffer layers were fabricated in same process flow with ion-implantation isolation. The methodology of current collapse measurement is based on Prof. Jesus A. del Alamo's study. Firstly, a device is biased into a stress condition for 100 sec. After stress, device is biased into on-state and the drain current is recorded from 2 ms to 20 s. After biasing device in different stress, IDS- VDS curve and dyanmic RDS(on) under different relaxation time can be obtained. Two kinds of stress conditions (VGS = -10 V /VDS = 0 V and VGS = -10 V /VDS = 50 V) were tested. The experimental results under the stress test of VGS = -10 V and VDS = 0 V show devices have same detrapping behavior under low VDS stress. However, as the devices stressed under the condition of VGS = -10 V and VDS = 50 V, a detrapping tilne constant in Inillisecond level is only observed in device with C-doped GaN buffer layer. By comparing M. Faqir's result, the traps with millisecond relaxation time were inferred to be located in the GaN buffer layer. Therefore, more buffer traps are found in AIGaN/GaN HEMT with carbon doped buffer layer than device with undoped AIO.05GaO.95N/GaN buffer and cause current collapse as device stressing at high VDS. DP2.18 Effects of Oxygen Annealing on Electrical Characteristics of AIGaN/GaN HEMTs Grown on Si by MOCVD Alexander Y Polyakov 1 , Nikolay B Smirnov 1 , Min-Woo Ha 2 , Cheol-Koo Hahn 2 , Elena A K07,hukhova ' , Anatoliy V Govorkov ' , In-Hwan Lee 3 ; IInstitute of Rare Metals, Moscow, Russian Federation; 2Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Seongnam, Korea, Republic of; 3School of Advanced Materials Engineering and Research Center for Advanced Materials Developlnent, Chonbuk National University, .leonju, Korea, Republic of. 260 AIGaN/GaN HEMT structures grown by MOCVD on Si(lll) substrate were annealed at 8000C for 5 minutes in dry oxygen, with subsequent rcrnoval of oxide in buffered HF. Schottky diodes with diameters from 0.4 to 1.5 mrn and concentric ohmic contacts with the distance to the Schottky diode edge of 20 micron and 50 micron were prepared by photolithography on mesa diodes made by dry etching. Compared to control sample without oxygen treatment these samples showed runch lower leakage current of the Schottky diodes with virtually no dependence of the current density on the diode diameter or distance to the contact ring. The threshold voltage after oxygen treatment became slightly less negative, the interdevice insulation resistance increased after the trcatrncnt by about two orders of Inagnitlldc, with the activation energy of conductivity increasing frorrl 0.38 eV to 0.59 eV. PICTS spectra of the SI GaN substrate showed deep traps with energy 0.38 eV and 0.6 eV for control sample and 0.6 eV and 0.82 eV for the oxygen treated sample. In DLTS spectra of HEMTs a dorninant trap with ionization energy 0.6 cV was observed in both control and oxygen treated sample under conditions probing the AIGaN/GaN interface. These traps have parameters similar to the ones detected by PICTS in SI substrate. Annealing and HF etching also slightly increased the 2DEG mobility and concentration, with total sheet resistivity increase by about 1.5 tiInes. The observed phenomena are explained by oxidation, etching and HF passivation of the AIGaN surface, thus suppressing the dislocation related leakage, the surface Fermi level pinning in AIGaN, the dry etching damage and introducing deep acceptor centers at the AIGaN/GaN interface, which shift shift the threshold voltage to less negative value, as in other AIGaN/GaN HEMT structures. DP2.19 Characteristics of AIGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT on Si Substrate with A1203/HF02 Gate Dielectrics with NH3 and TMA Pre-Treahnent and Post-DeposItion Annealing. Yan-Lun Chen 1 , Wen-Chia Liao 1 ,2, Shih-En Yeh 1 , Chia-Wei Hsu 1 , Zheng-Xing Chen 1 and Yue-ming Hsin 1 ; lNational Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan; 2 Joint Research Center of NCU & Delta, Jhongli, Taiwan. AIGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs are attractive because of low gate leakage and enhanced gate voltage swing due to the gate oxide, but dielectric-AlGaN interface trap is a key issue to iInpact the performance of AIGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT. In this study, the epitaxial structure grown by MOCVD contain a 4000-nm buffer layer, a 300-nm GaN channel layer, a 1-nm AIN interlayer, and a 30-nm AIO.3GaO.7N barrier. To fabricate MOS-HEMT, high-k A1203/Hf02 (1/6 mn) gate dielectrics deposited by ALD were used with NH3 and TMA pre-treatments. The NH3 pre-treatment was carried out before loading into ALD chamber, and TMA (50 cycles) pre-treatment was performed before A1203/Hf02 deposition in the ALD chamber. After A1203/Hf02 deposition, devices with and without post-deposition annealing (in N2 ambient at 450C) were investigated and compared. Device (LG = 2 I-'m and LGD = LGS = 4 I-'m) fabricated with NH3 and TMA pre-treatments and post-deposition annealing shows reduced gate leakage current by three orders of magnitude at negative bias of 12 V and Ion/loff ratio of E8. A device with LGD = 20 lun shows specific on-resistance of 2.5 mOhm-cm2 and breakdown voltage of over 800 V. The measured C-V characteristics on devices with and without post-deposition annealing show two-step behavior in forward and reverse bias regions. The frequency dispersion in C- V characteristics at the onset of step (at positive VGS) is referred to the oxide/ AIGaN interface shallower state and can be used to estimate the effective interface state distribution (Dit). The frequency dispersion from 1 to lOOK Hz at the onset of step (VGS of 6 V) was Ineasured. For device with post-deposition annealing, Dit for interface states with ore between E-5 and E-4 s (0.40 < EC - ET < 0.46 eV) is 5.94 E12 cm-2, and the Dit for ore between E-4 and E-3 s (0.46 < EC - ET < 0.52 eV) is 5.11E12 cm-2. DP2.20 Selective Etching of p-GaN Layers for Nortnally-Off AIGaN/GaN HEMTs by Electrochetnlcal Process. Yusuke Kumazaki 1 , Naoki Azumaishi 1 , Hiroyuki Ueda 2 , Masakazu Kanechika 2 , HideInoto TOInita 3 , TaketoIno Sato 1 and TaInotsu Hashi7:ume 1 ,4; lResearch Center for Integrated Quantum Electronics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan; 2 T he Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories Inc., Nagakute, Aichi, Japan; 3Toyota Motor Corporation, Toyota, Aichi, Japan; 4CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Tokyo, Japan. A p-type GaN gate structure is often used for the normally-off AIGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs), in which the p-GaN layer in the access regions should be selectively removed. To achieve high stability and high perforrnance of the HEMT, a damage-free etching process with good controllability is required. In this study, we aimed to develop the selective etching process for p-GaN layers using an electrochemical reaction. We used the p-GaN/ AIGaN/GaN heterostrcuture grown on the Si substrate. An ohmic contact for current supply was fabricated on the p-GaN surface. Then, a Si02 film (100 nm) used as an etching mask was deposited on the p-GaN surface. An electrocheInical process was conducted using a standard cell with three electrodes: a Pt counter electrode (CE), a reference Ag/AgCI electrode (RE), and a p-GaN electrode as a working electrode (WE). The surface potential of the p-GaN, Vs, with respect to RE was precisely controlled by a potentiostat. The electrocheInical etching was carried out in the pH-controlled electrolyte consisting of tartaric acid under the dark condition. The reaction current curves obtained by applying the potential waveform clearly showed the rectifying behavior with the on-set potential of around 1.5 V. This result indicated that the corresponding potential barrier was initially forrned at the electrolyte/p-GaN interface. After two cycles of the electrochemical processes, the sample surface was investigated using an atomic force microscopy (AFM). The p-GaN surface was etched along the lines of the Si02 mask patterns. The analysis on the AFM line profile showed the etching depth of 57 nIn and the etching rate was roughly estimated as 30 nm/cycle for the applied potential waveform. The rms roughness of 2.0 nm was obtained in the range of 100 x 100 I-'m2, showing that the relatively smooth surface was obtained after the electrochemical etching. DP2.21 First Principles Study on the Conduction Band Electron States of GaAsN Alloys. Kei Sakamoto and Hiroyuki Yaguchi; Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, SaitaIna, Japan. GaAsN alloys have received much attention because they have a large band-gap bowing, i.e., a significant decrease in the band-gap energy caused by adding N into GaAs. This unique property of GaAsN alloys provides potential applications for high-perforrnance laser diodes and high-efficiency solar cells. The electron effective mass of GaAsN is investigated experimentally, for example, using electrorefiectance (ER), optically detected cyclotron resonance, and so on. Some studies showed that the effective Inass is heavier than that of GaAs while others showed lighter. Furtherrnore, SOIne reported that the effective mass decreases with increasing nitrogen concentration while others reported the opposite tendency. Thus, the effective mass of GaAsN has been controversial. In the present study, we have analy:tied the electronic states of the conduction band of GaAsN alloys based on the first-principles calculation. In order to study the nitrogen concentration dependence of the electron effective mass, we have used the supercell method, where a nitrogen atom is substituted for an arsenic atom in GaAs. First, the relaxation of atomic positions was perforrned by pseudo- potential density functional theory (DFT) program, and then we calculated the electronic structure of GaAsN alloys using full potential DFT program. The calculated effective mass of GaAso.992No.008 is about twice as heavy as that of GaAs. In addition, the effective mass is found to decrease with increasing nitrogen, although it is always heavier than that of GaAs. These results qualitatively support the experimental results based on ER. Our calculation suggests the discontinuity of the physical property from GaAs to GaAsN. In conclusion, we analyzed the conduction band electron states of GaAsN alloys based on the first-principles calculation and elucidated the nitrogen concentration dependence of the electron effective mass, which provides on important insight into the formation of the conduction band states of GaAsN alloys. DP2.22 Nitrogen Ion Itnplantation Isolation Technology for Nortnally-Off GaN MISFETs on p-GaN Substrate. Hayao Kasai, Hiroki Ogawa, Nishimura Tomoaki and Tohru Nakamura; Eelectrical Engineering, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan. Normally-off GaN devices are required for reali7:ing high operating voltage, low loss and single power supply switching devices. MISFETs fabricated on p-GaN layers are one of the promising candidates of normally-off devices. However, leakage current due to n-type inversion layers at the p-GaN surface and buffer layers between sapphire substrate and GaN epitaxial layer is the major challenge to fabricate the GaN MISFETs. We demonstrate nitrogen ion implanted isolation technology to prevent leakage current between adjacent devices fabricated on p-GaN layers on sapphire substrate. Leakage current between adjacent devices with ion implanted nitrogen isolation areas reduced five orders magnitude less than that without isolation layers. A 1 urn thick Mg-doped p-GaN layer was grown on a sapphire substrate by MOVPE. Silicon ions were implanted into source/drain regions at doses of 1 x 1015 /crn2 at an energy of 50 keV through a 30 nm thick SiNx film. The SiNx film was removed and a 40 nm thick SiNx film was deposited again, followed by activation annealing at 1200 oC for 2 min. Nitrogen ions were implanted into field regions to isolate adjacent devices at the dose of 3.5 x 1014 and 1 x 1015 /cm2 at energies of 30 and 80 keV and the both energies through the SiNx film. Source/drain ohmic contacts and a gate electrode were formed by depositing Ti/ Al (50/300 nm) layers. Finally, the sample was annealed at 550 oC for 1 min. A profile of the displacement gallium 261 atoms or damage layers generated by nitrogen ion implantation was taken by 1.5 MeV He ion Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy(RI3S) technology. The profile showed that the concentration of surface damages of the samples implanted at an energy of 80 keY was lower than that of 30 keY. DC characteristics of the fabricated GaN MISFET and leakage current between adjacent MISFETs were also measured. Maximum drain current of 10 mA/mm at Vg=10 V, rnaxirnlun transconductancc of 2.7 rnS/nun and threshold voltage of +1.5 V were obtained for 2 um gate MISFETs on p-GaN with carbon concentration of 7.2 x 1017 /cm3. Leakage current below 10-9 A at 10 V between adjacent devices having isolation areas fabricated at cncrgies of 30 and 80 keV was obtained. On the other hand, the lcakagc currcnt betwecn devices without isolation areas was about 10-4 A. We have demonstrated that the leakage current greatly reduced by using nitrogen ion implantation. Nitrogen ion implanted isolation technology will become essential for fabricating devices on p-GaN substrate. DP2.23 High Performance Normally-Off Self-Aligned Metal Gate GaN MISFETs on Free Standing GaN Substrates. Hiroki Ogawa 1 , Hayao Kasai 1 , Naoki Kaneda 3 , Tornonobu Tsuchiya 2 , Tornoyoshi Mishirna 3 and Tohru Nakarnura 1 ; IDept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng., Hosei University, Koganei, Japan; 2Central Research Lab., Hitachi Ltd., Kokubumji, Japan; 3Research & Development Lab., Hitachi Cable Ltd., Tsuchiura, Japan. Wc dernonstrate nonnally-off rnode Mo-gate ion-irnplanted GaN MISFETs in a GaN p-type epitaxial layer on free standing GaN substrate with high resistivity carbon doped layer. Since N vacancies act as donors in GaN[1] and since surface inversion layers due to surface damages in p-GaN layers cause leakage current, we fabricated isolation regions using nitrogcn ion irnplantation to prevent leakage current between adjacent devices at N vacant GaN surface. Fabricated MISFETs showed that the drain current was considerably higher than GaN MISFETs on sapphire substrates. Moreover the leakage current greatly rcduccd by using nitrogcn ion irnplantation. The starting rnatcrials arc MOCVD grown p-GaN with Mg conccntration of 5 x 1017 /cm3 on free standing GaN substrates with carbon concentration of 7.2 x 1017 /cm3, 2.2 x 1016 /cm3 and 1.1 x 1019 /cm3. A 30 nm thick SiNx gate dielectric film was deposited on p-GaN by sputtering. The rnetal gates werc fonncd by depositing Mo (200nrn). Si ions wcre implanted into source/drain regions at the dose of 1 x 1015 /cm2 at an energy of 50 keY through a SiNx layer, which were self-aligned to the Mo gate electrodes. The 50 nm thick Si02 was deposited by sputtering followed by activation annealing at 1100 oC for 2 min in N2 arnbicnt. After rernoving the Si02, N ions were irnplanted into field regions to isolate adjacent devices at the dose of 1 x 1015 at an energy of 150 keY through the SiNx layer. Source/drain ohmic contacts were formed by depositing Ti/ Al (30/200 nm) layers, followed by the thermal annealing at 550 oC for 1 min. The fabricated devices with rninirnurn gate length of 2 urn and a gate width of 50 lun were tested. DC characteristics of the fabricated GaN MISFET were measured. Maximum drain current of 98 mA/mm at Vg=10 V, maximum transconductance of 10 mS/mm and threshold voltage of +0.4 V were obtained on p-GaN with carbon conccntration of 7.2 x 1017 /crn3. The rnaxirnurn drain currcnt of MISFETs fabricated on p-GaN on free standing GaN substrates was much higher than that on sapphire substrates. When the distance and applied voltage between adjacent devices were 5 urn and 30 V, respectively, the leakage current for p-GaN on frce standing GaN substratc was below 10-10 A, which is much smaller than that of p-GaN on sapphire substrate. We have demonstrated normally-off GaN MISFETs on free standing GaN substrates with self-aligned structure. The positive threshold voltage and high drain current show the potentials and advantages of GaN MISFETs for high voltage, current applications. [1] H. Ishikawa et a!., J. App!. Phys. 81 (3), p. 1315 (1997) DP2.24 A New Gate Structure Overlapping Source for Low On-Resistance in AIGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs. Ogyun Seok, Woojin Ahn, Jeong-Soo Lee, Soo-Yeon Lee and Min-Koo Hani Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. Wc proposed and fabricatcd a new gate structure in the AIGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs for low on-resistance without any additional process step. Also, the effects of LGD and on the reduction ratio of Ron,sp was investigated. In the proposed devices, the TaN-gate overlapped the source with 15 nm-thick RF-sputtered Hf02 insulation while the conventional HEMT didn't includc the overlap region. We obtained a low specific on resistance (Ron,sp) of 2.28 m!lcm2 by using the proposed gate structure at LGD of 10 Mm while the conventional MOS-HEMT had 2.91 m!lcm2. GaN (3 nm)/ AIO.23GaO.77N (20 nm)/i-GaN (100 nm)/C-doped GaN (3.9 Mm) on Si substrate was used. The 3 l.LIn-Iong LGS and 3 l.LIn-long LG were used for the conventional MOS-HEMTs. Ti/Al/Ni/ Au (20/80/20/100 nm) and TaN (43 nm) were used for source/drain and gate, respectively. 15 nm-thick Hf02 gate insulator resulted in small VTH shift of 1.1 V due to high-k characteristics. High breakdown field of Hf02 gate insulator enables stablc on/off switching by sustaining positive and negative VGS. The maximum drain current at VGS of 2 V and 10 Mm-long LGD was increased from 332 to 420 mA/mm. The improvement in Ron,sp and drain current agrees well with the removed LDS (3 Mm) by the overlapping gate structure. The proposed gate structure with short LGD was rnore helpful to rcducc on-resistance becausc short LGD allowed showed large ~ L   S L   S value. The breakdown voltage and drain leakage current were not significantly altered by the overlapping gate structure because same LG and LGD were used as the conventional devicc. LG and LGD are key factors decide the breakdown voltagc. At LGD of 10 l.LIn, the conventional device and the proposed one had breakdown voltage of 1410 and 1460 V, respectively. Those values were not increased by much with LGD due to gate-substrate conduction and breakdown at the high drain-source voltage. For thc rcasons, we obtained highest figure of rnerit of 872 MWcm-2 in the proposed device with 10 Mm long-LGD. DP2.25 Simulation of Membrane Thickness Effect on Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor Sensitivity. Jaroslav Dzuba 1 , Gabriel Vanko 1 , Milan Dr:dk 2 , Vladimir Kutis 3 , Martin Vallo 1 , Ivan Ryger 1 and Tibor Lalinskyl; 1 Department of Microelectronics Structures, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; 2International Laser Centre, Bratislava, Slovakia; 3Department of Applied Mechanics and Mechatronics, Institute of Power and Applied Electrical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia. In previous work, AIGaN/GaN based circular high elcctron rnobility transistors (C-HEMTs) have been introduced and simulated as piezoelectric pressure sensors [1, 2]. They consist of a parallel plate piezoelectric capacitor with Schottky gate as a first electrode and the two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the role of the second electrode. Thc circular syrnrnetry of the 2DEG channel is fully compatible with the circular AIGaN/GaN membrane structure required for MEMS pressure sensor design. Operating range of the sensor presented in this work is strongly affected by two factors: (a) residual stress in thc rnernbrane and (b) rnernbrane thickncss. Due to cornplicated evolution of residual stress during hetcrostructure growth, it has to be experimentally determined. Resonant frequency method was used to determine the stress state of our MEMS membrane [3]. To obtain natural frequencies of the membrane, modal FEM simulation was also perfonncd. Results of rncasurernent were then cornpared with those of simulation and finally, residual tensile stress of 40 MPa was taken as an initial state of the membrane. In the following Ansys simulation, the model of a 4.2 Mm thick AIGaN/GaN membrane structure previously grown on 450 /-Lm thick Si substrate was created according to the real fabricated structures. In ordcr to find the optimal working window for pressure sensing, the overall membrane thickness in combination with remaining Si substrate was changed (4.2 Mm of AIGaN/GaN and 0-50 Mm of Si). 2-D model of circular membrane pressure sensor was then loaded by external differential pressure. The rnaxirnal possible loading (to prevcnt rnernbrane cracking [4]) decreases with decreasing membrane thickness. However, the sensor sensitivity increases due to enhanced maximal deflection. [1] T. Lalinsk-*acutey*-, M. Drzik, G. Yanko, M. Vallo, V. Kuti", J. Bruncko, -*ucarons*-. Hascik, J. Jakovcnko, M. Husak, Microelectronic Eng. 88 (2011), Pl'. 2424-2426. [2] J. Dwba, T. Lalinsk-*acutey*-, G. Yanko, M. Vallo, I. R-*acutey*-ger, V. Kuti", V. Knilovic, Proceedings of the 13th Mechatronics Forum Conference in Linz, Austria (2012), Pl'. 773-778. [3] M. Drzik, H. Loschncr, E. Haugcncder, W. Fallrnan, P. Hudak, I. W. Rangelow, Y. Sarov, T. Lalinsk-*acutey*-, J. Chlpik, Microelectronic Eng. 83 (2006), Pl'. 1036-1042. [4] edited by J. I. Pankove, T. D. Moustakas (Eds.), Semiconductors and Semimetals, Gallium Nitride (GaN) II, Vo!' 57, Academic, San Diego, 1991, p. 292-297. DP2.26 Mo-Based, Au-Free Process for AIGaN/GaN-on-Si Heterostructure Power FETs. Shinhyuk Choi, .lae-Gil Lee, Ho-Young Cha and Hyungtak Kirn; Elcctrical Engineering, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. Au-free AIGaN/GaN heterostructure field effect transistors (HFETs) on Si substrate have been fabricated using Mo- based metallization. A Si/Ti/ Al/Mo rnetal stack was investigated for ohrnic rnctallization where the thickness of each layer and annealing temperature were optimized to achieve low contact resistance and smooth surface morphology. In addition, a recess process was carried out prior to ohmic metalli:tiation to further optimi:tie the ohmic process. The optirnized rnetal stack and anncaling conditions wcre thc Si/Ti/AI/Mo of 5/40/60/50 nm and rapid thermal annealing in N2 ambient at 870 0 C for 60 sec, which resulted in a contact resistance of 0.76 !I-mm and a sheet resistance of 300 !I/sq. In comparison, an Au-based ohmic process, which was also optimi:tied, exhibited a 262 contact resistance of 0.36 n-mm and a sheet resistance of 293 n/sq. It should be noted that superior surface smoothness and edge acuity were achieved for the Au-free ohrnic process; a root ruean square surface roughness for Au-free and Au-based ohmic processes were 4.819 and 21.231 nm, respectively. The optimized Au-free process was employed to fabricate AIGaN/GaN-on-Si HFETs where a Ni/ Al/Mo (=20/110/30 nm) was utilized for gate and field plate metallization. Conventional Au-based AIGaN/GaN-on-Si HFETs were also fabricated for comparison. The source-to-gate distance, gate length, field plate length, and gate-to-drain distance were 3, 2, 1.5, and 10 /Lm, respectively. A maximum drain current density of 653 mA/mm was achieved for the Au-free device which was 94 % of that for the Au-based device. The extracted on-resistance for Au-free and Au-based devices were 1.169 and 0.944 mn-cm2, respectively. No noticeable difference was observed in breakdown characteristics. Both samples exhibited a breakdown voltage of 610 V. We have successfully developed an Au-free process for AIGaN/GaN HFETs and the prototype device exhibited excellent and comparable characteristics in comparison with conventional Au-based HFETs. Currently, long term reliability of both samples is under investigation. DP2.27 Evaluation of an InAIN/A1N/GaN HEMT with Ta-Based Ohmic Contacts and PECVD SiN Passivation. Anna Malmros 1 , Piero Gamarra 2 , Mattias Thorsell l , Marie-Antoinette di Forte-Poisson 2 , Cedric LacaIn 2 , Maurice TordjInan 2 , Raphael Aubry2, Herbert Zirath1 and Niklas Rorsman1; 1 Microtechnology and nanoscience (MC2), Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden; 2 3_5 Lab/Thales Research & Technology, Marcoussis, France. An InAIN/AIN/GaN HEMT with Au-free Ta-based ohmic contacts and a high-quality PECVD SiN passivation is reported. The MOVPE-grown heterostructure consisted of a 6 nm undoped nearly lattice matched InAIN layer and a 2nm thick AIN layer on top of a GaN buffer. We show that ohmic contacts to this heterostructure may be fabricated using a Ta/ Al/Ta metallization. Annealing at 550 0 C yielded a contact resistance of 0.64 Omm and a very smooth contact surface morphology. The HEMT had a gate width of 2 x 50 /Lm, a source - drain distance of 1 /Lm and a nominal gate length of 25 nm. The device perforrnance and the process were evaluated by perforrning DC-, pulsed IV-, and RF IneasureInent. Essential inforrnation on the impact of the passivation layer was obtained by comparing the results from the non-passivated and the passivated device. A notable result was the extremely low gate leakage prior to passivation. However, the gate leakage increased by several orders of Inagnitude after passivation, but was still reasonably low for a GaN HEMT « 1 mA/mm). On the contrary the channel current density increased by 62 % to 1240 mA/mm at zero gate bias, and the DC transconductance increased from 382 to 477 mS/mm after passivation. Results froIlI pulsed IV IneasureInents revealed that the surface was effectively passivated by the SiN. The current slump ratio increased from 69 to 91 % when performing pulsed measurements from a quiescent biasing of (Vgs, Vds) = (-10, 0) V to a pulse level of (Vgs, Vds) = (0, 10). Hence gate lag due to surface traps was efficiently suppressed. Extrinsic IT and fInax were 90 and 207 GHz, respectively, before passivation. fmax decreased considerably after passivation to 140 GHz, whereas IT remained unchanged. The drop in fmax is associated with the increase in output conductance after passivation. DP2.28 Photoelectrochemical Properties Depending on pH of Electrolyte. Hyojung Bae 1 , Akihiro Nakamura 2 , Kayo Koike 2 , Hyung-Jo Park 3 , Tak Jeong 3 , Hyo -Jong Lee 4 , Katsushi Fujii 2 and .lun -Seok Hal; lChonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; 2University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; 3Korea Photonics Technology Institute, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; 4 Dong-A University, Busan, Korea, Republic of. In this abstract, we report effect of electrolyte pH on photoelcctrochemical (PEC) properties of c-plane GaN grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). GaN has carrier concentration of 2.09E17 /cm3, thickness of 2E-6 m and mobility of 5.28E2cm2/Vs. In order to investigate effect of electrolyte pH, H2S04 (pH 0.2), Na2S04 (pH 6.3) and NaOH (pH 14.0) electrolytes were used. After C- V, cyclic voltaInInetry IneasureInent, we can evaluate flat-band potentials and photocurrent densities from dependence of electrolyte pH. The flat-band potential is important because it affect decision of turn-on voltage. It is generally recognized that the flat-band potential corresponds with Nernst equation, E =Eo - 0.059pH V vs. SHE. I3ut flat-band potential obtained under Na2S04 electrolyte was out of accordance with Nernst equation (Fig.1). It is might be due to other factors such as degree of ionization. Therefore, in this study, we can know that Na2S04 electrolyte not corresponds with Nernst equation and choice of electrolyte is iInportant. Fig.2 shows photocurrent densities as a function of the bias vs. the Pt coun-terelectrode (CE). Turn-on voltage obtained under Na2S04 electrolyte is larger than that under other electrolyte. It indicates there is some resistance at interface electrode with electrolyte and this resistance influences large turn-on voltage. Finally in this study, we can know that Na2S04 electrolyte not corresponds with Nernst equation and choice of electrolyte is important. DP2.29 Degradation of OFF-State Leakage Current in AIGaN/GaN HEMTs Induced by an ON-State Gate Overdrive. I3aikui Li, Kevin J. Chen, Qimeng Jiang, Shenghou Liu and Cheng Liu; HKUST, Kowloon, Hong Kong. In GaN RF/power electronic devices, lower OFF-state leakage current is always preferred. Besides energy dissipation consideration, the OFF-state leakage current also directly affects breakdown voltage and/or the device reliability. In this work, we studied the effect of ON-state gate overdrive on the transient OFF-state leakage current of AIGaN/GaN HEMTs. Ni/ Au is used for the Schottky gate electrode. Transient behaviors of OFF-state drain and gate leakage currents were recorded after an ON-state gate overdrive. The dependences on gate drive bias (from 2.3 to 3.0 V) and gate drive duration (from 0.01 to 10 s) were investigated. It was found that when the gate bias exceeded 2.5 V, the OFF-state drain leakage current (Ineasured after the gate bias was reduced to below the pinch-off) increased significantly while the change of gate leakage current was small. With a 3-V / 10-s ON-state overdrive to the gate, the OFF-state drain leakage current increased by three orders (from 10-6 to 10-3 mA/mm). It takes Inore than 20 s for the de-gradated drain leakage current to recover to its original level (in dark) which is dominated by the gate leakage. The recovery processes of the drain leakage current follows a stretched-exponential law. Electroluminescence with a corresponding GaN band-edge emission energy has been observed from a forward biased Ni/ Au-AIGaN/GaN Schottky diode. Photons emitted during the ON-state overdrive can pump electrons trapped at deep levels (donor-like or acceptor-like) in GaN buffer layer, lower the energy band in the buffer layer and subsequently leads to larger buffer leakage. This work indicates that gate overdrive protection is necessary to preserve low transient OFF-state drain leakage current and improve device reliability. DP2.30 Experimental and Theoretical Investigations into Sensitivity of Ungated Reference Electrode Free A1GaN/GaN-Based Ion Sensors. Anna Podolska l , Daniel Broxtermann 2 , .loerg Malindretos 2 , Gilberto Umana-Membreno 1 , Stacia Keller 3 , Umesh Mishra 3 , Agela Rizzi 2 , Brett Nener l and Gia Parish l ; lThe University of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia, Australia; 2IV. Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August Universitat Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany; 3Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, CA, Santa Barbara" California. Miniaturisable transistor-based sensors are of great interest for chip-based chemical and biological sensing. Such sensors must be robust and reliable to replace existing glass electrode pH and ion sensing. Realisation of reference electrode free measurements is extreInely iInportant to keep these devices sInall and on-chip. AIGaN/ GaN transistors have been investigated over the past decade as a chip-based sensor technology. However successful demonstrations of reference electrode free operation have been rare. Only recently have theoretical calculations for AIGaN/GaN HEMT parameters, such as carrier charge density and Inobility variation with gate voltage and/ or drain source voltage, been used in an attempt to explain the behavior of ungated AIGaN/GaN HEMT devices used in sensing [1]. Even less has been published regarding systematic investigations of reference electrode free operation, despite a few successful deInonstrations of pH sensing [2,3J. Also the Ineasure of sensitivity in the absence of a reference electrode has not been explored. The gain in IDS or VDS per unit pH is an excellent direct measure of sensitivity and is used in this work. Here we present an investigation into iInproved charge sensitivity of ungated reference electrode free AIGaN/GaN ion sensors based on experimental results and theoretical modelling. Our results indicate strong dependence of sensitivity on AIGaN/GaN barrier thickness and composition as well as strong sensitivity variation as a function of VG. These results are important for understanding and optiInisation of a reference electrode free measurement approach. References [1] S. Rabbaa et aI., J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 45(47), p. 475101, 2012. [2] A. B. Encabo et aI., Sens. Actuators, 13,142, pp 304-307, 2009. [3] T. Brazzini et aI., Sens. Actuators, 13, 176, pp. 704-707, 2013. DP2.31 Novel Dual-Channel AIN/GaN HEMT for Mitigation Of DC-RF Frequency Dispersion. David Deen1,2, Andrei Osinskyl and Ross Miller l ; 1 Agnitron Technology, Eden Praire, Minnesota; 2Electrical and COInputer Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. III-Nitride high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are becoming 263 increasingly prevalent in high voltage, high frequency switch-mode RF applications currently occupied by vacuum electronics. GaN based HEMTs possess the intrinsic rnatcrial properties and innovative heterostructure architecture possibilities to offer superior application-specific performance over conventional Si based technology, extending the capabilities of solid state devices to higher frequencies and voltages. Highly efficient GaN HEMT power arnplificrs have been dcrnonstratcd at low frequencies, but device performance is still limited by current collapse and DC-RF dispersion. In the off state, uncompensated surface charge collects near the gate contact. The long-lifetime states trap charge density which continues to partially deplete the channel after the device voltage is turned OIl, leading to a "gate lag" and poor depIction control at high frequencies. The current benchmark to decrease the effects of gate lag often decreases electron mobility from damage caused during the deposition of a passivating Si3N4 capping layer. We propose a novel patent-pending HEMT device design with a dual-2DEG channel to mitigate the gate lag which results from the build-up of surface charge density. The upper 2DEG serves to screen the electric potential of the surface charge from the primary, recessed gate-modulated 2DEG channel located below. Preliminary device simulations indicate that engineering 2DEG charge densities for low threshold voltages is possible through GaN and AlGaN layer thickness optimi7,ation. Novel GaN based dual-channel HEMT design is befitting for device topology that intrinsically maintains high mobility and thin device geometry, permitting increased breakdown voltage, higher frequency switching, and efficient power aInplification. This innovative HEMT design will enable high voltage/power switch-mode operation at frequencies extending beyond the K band into the millimeter wavelength, potentially replacing the vacuum tube technology currently used in millimeter wave radio communications and radar. DP2.32 Surface Potential Study of III-Nitrides Epilayers and Nanowires by Atomic Force Microscopy. Albert Min/, A. Cros'. N. Garro 1 , A. Urban 2 , J. Malindretos 2 , A. Ri:ti:i..j2, D. Cavalcoli 3 , A. Cavallini 3 , O. Tuna 4 , C. Giesen 4 and M. Heuken 4 ,5; lInstitut de Ciencia dels Materials, Universitat de Valf!ncia, Paterna, Valencia, Spain; 2IV. Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universtat Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany; 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy; 4 AIXTRON SE, Herzogenrath, GerrnanYi 5GaN Device Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany. The efficiency of the optical and electronic devices based on group-III nitrides is hindered by the difficulty in growing high quality epitaxial layers, due to the large lattice Inisrnatch and differences in therrnal expansion coefficients between them and the most commonly used substrates. As a result, highly strained epilayers are prone to relaxation by non-elastic processes, leading to the formation of structural defects such as threading dislocations (TDs) and misfit dislocations (MDs). Defects such as TDs arc of great debate in III-nitrides, as we still lack a general consensus on their electronic properties concerning their charge state, their role in leakage current and their effectiveness as non-radiative recombination centers. Other than planar-structures, nanowires (NWs) have a unique potential to act as piezoelectric sensors and show iInproved perforrnance as optoelectronic devices. Even though NWs should present a lower density of structural defects, new and recent results evidence defect formation, such as stacking faults. Owing to their nanometer si:tie of defects and NWs, it becoInes very difficult to study electrical and optical properties of individual NWs. Taking advantage of high precision of atomic force microscopy over nanometer scale and no requirement of complicated sample preparation, we have probed individual TDs, V-defects and MDs in a wide range of III-nitride layers, including GaN, InGaN and AlInN alloys in order to study their electrical properties. We have identified the charge state of the dislocations and their effect on the leakage current. This was done using a variety of scanning probe microscopy methods, such as Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM) and Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy (C-AFM), including Electron DeaIn Induced Current (EBIC) to measure the recombination strength of the defects. The same methods were also applied to GaN NWs (both self-assembled and selectively grown on Si and GaN/Sapphire substrate) with different polarities and si:ties. Their measured diameters varied from 10 nrIl to 400 nrn with the length of approxiInately 1 rLIn. TEM (including SEM) analysis suggests that these NWs contain stacking faults and cracks. Using KPFM measurements on individual NWs, we have distinguished the electrical properties of N-polar and Ga-polar GaN NWs and identified the presence of p-n junctions present in partially Si and Mg-doped NWs (i.e. in terrns of their work function). The same method was further extended to verify the charge state of the structural defects present in NWs. DP2.33 A Low Temperature GaN Spacer to Alleviate InAlN Degradation in High Temperature Growth Process. Jieqin Ding 1 ,2, Xiaoliang Wang 1 ,2,3, Honglin Xiao 1 ,2, Chun Feng 1 ,2, Cuimei Wang,,2 and Zhanguo Wang,,2; 'Key Lab of Semiconductor Materials Science, Institute of Semiconductors, Beijing, China; 2Deijing Key Laboratory of Low DiInensional SeIniconductor Materials and Devices, Institute of Semiconductors, Beijing, China; 3ISCAS-XJTU Joint Laboratory of Functional Materials and Devices for Informatics, Institute of Semiconductors, Beijing, China. During the past few years, significant progresses have been reported in the development of high performance nitride-based electronic devices, especially in high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs). Advanced device structures are being investigated for further performance irnprovernent. For sorIle structures, low teInperature to high teInperature (LT-to-HT) growth process are necessary due to the low growth temperature of InAl(Ga)N layer with respect to GaN or AI(Ga)N. A key issue is the degradation of InAIN quality during the high temperature growth process. Therefore, the growth temperature variation frorn LT-to-HT can rnake a significant irnpact on the whole structure quality. In this work, AIGaN/lnAIN/AIN/GaN HEMT structures were grown on c-face sapphire substrates by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. A low temperature GaN interlayer was deposited between the AIGaN and InAIN layer in order to reduce the risk of InAIN degradation. The structure revealed an average sheet resistance of 324.1 O/sq, with the resistance un-uniformity as low as 1.15%. The grown material structures were then processed to devices. For a single-cell HEMT device of 60 pm gate width, a maximum drain current density of 1031 mA/mm, an extrinsic transconductance of 170 rIlS/rIlrn were achieved. This experirnent contributes to alleviating the InAlN degradation in high temperature growth process. DP2.34 Trap States In InAIN/AIN/GaN-Based Double-Channel High Electron Mobility Transistors. Zhang Kai, Xue JunShuai, Mi MinHan, Zhang JinCheng, Ma XiaoHua and Hao Yue; Key Laboratory of Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices, School of Microelectronics, Xidian University, Xi'an, Shannxi, China. Recently, lattice-matched InAIN/GaN heterostructures have become a promising alternative to conventional AIGaN/GaN-based HEMTs. Nevertheless, an excess leakage current of Schottky contact has been discovered as the most significant limiting factor for the reali:tiation of its high power applications. Another possible constraint on power output is the unknown current collapse phenomenon probably related to surface/bulk defects in the system, as is unavoidably present in AIGaN/GaN HEMTs. For these reasons, the identification of trap states quantitatively in the InAIN-based devices is of great necessity to understand the irnpact of trap states on device perforrnance. In our previous work, lattice-matched InAIN/GaN double heterostructures were grown by pulsed metal organic chemical vapor deposition (PMOCVD) at Xidian University [1][2]. Here, we present a detailed analysis of trap states by frequency dependent conductance rIleasureInents in conjunction with photo-assisted C-V rIleasureInents. Up to ~   E   4 /cm2/eV of trap states was yielded to be present at the higher InAIN/AIN/GaN interface. We assume the substantial amount of shallow traps at the higher InAIN/ AIN/ GaN interface may partially be responsible for higher gate leakage current when compared to AlGaN barrier HEMTs. Nevertheless, the InAlN/ AIN/ GaN interface was uniform as confirmed by the excellent fitting results, demonstrating the validity of PMOCVD growth approach for InAIN/ AIN/GaN heterostructures. In contrast, density of interface traps at the lower InAIN/ AIN/ GaN interface showed nearly two orders of magnitude lower. This is believed to be the result of the introduction of novel LT-GaN interlayer, protecting InAIN barrier from the subsequent high temperature GaN growth and annealing process. Moreover, a low density of deep-level traps (1.79xl0Ell /ern2) located at the interface between LT-GaN and the bottom InAIN barrier was achieved by photo-assisted C- V analysis. The results presented suggested that further enhancement in electrical properties of single InAIN/ AIN/ GaN heterostructure can be realbed by adding passivation layer on InAIN barrier (such as LT-GaN). [1] J. S . Xue, J. C. Zhang, Y. W. Hou, H. Zhou, J. F. Zhang, and Y. Hao, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 013507 (2012). [2] J. S . Xue, J. C. Zhang, K. Zhang, Y. Zhao, L. X. Zhang, X. H. Ma, X. G. Li, F. N. Meng, and Y. Hao, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 114513 (2012). SESSION D4: Novel Nitride Electronic Devices and Concepts Chair: Yvon Cordier and Andrei Vescan Wednesday Morning, August 28, 2013 Chesapeake 4-6 8:30 AM D4.01 Demonstration of III-Nitride Tunnel-Injection Hot Electron Transfer Amplifiers (THETA). Digbijoy N. Nath, Zhichao Yang, Pil S. Park and Siddharth Rajan; The Ohio State University, ColuInbus, Ohio. 264 We report on the design and demonstration of the first III-Nitride tunnel-injected hot electron arnplificr transistor (THETA). Vertical devices are promising candidates for achieving high frequency operation due to the high transconductance and ability to engineer electron transport over very short distances. Unlike InP and SiGe HBT technologies, bipolar GaN devices are challenging due to poor hole properties. In this work, we dcrnonstratc tunnel injection vertical transistors based on III-nitrides with current transfer ratio >0.90. A THETA is based on tunnel-injecting electrons through an emitter barrier followed by ballistic transport to the collector through a thin basco A thin heavily doped base is desired to rninirnizc electron relaxation and base sheet resistance. Hot electrons which do not relax in the base travel ballistically and are collected by a reverse biased collector. Detailed calculations for the III-nitride THETA will be described to show that cutoff frequencies> 1 could be achieved by exploiting tUIlIleling injection and ballistic transport. The MBE-grown epitaxial stack consisted of 3.5 nm AIO.3GaO.7N emitter barrier, degenerately doped GaN base, a thin In.15Ga.85N induced electrostatic base-collector barrier with 7 nm UID GaN and A1GaN graded from 20% to GaN as confirmed with XRD scan. We find randorn alloys based OIl AIGaN do not provide base/collector current blocking and adopted an approach using a polari:z;ation engineered non-random alloy barrier with significantly lower leakage. A base thickness series of 21.5, 12.5, 9 and 7.5 nm will be presented. Ti/ Au/Ni emitter metallbation, Cl2-based ICP-RIE self-aligned base etch, AI/Ni/ Au/Ni base contact, collector Inesa etching and collector contact evaporation were done. The emitter area was 10 pm2 and base mesa area was 100 11m2. The base-emitter I-V showed no temperature dependence indicating tunnel injection. Emitter current densities 100 kA/cm2 were observed. The base-collector leakage was <10 A/cm2 at 1 V while the base-to-base I-V between two base pads of a device showed Ohmic behavior and low base sheet resistance. Devices exhibited clear output modulation (IC-VCE) in common emitter configuration with emitter grounded. output current IC was observed to increase as the input bias VI3E was increased. The GUlnInel plot showing collector current as a function of elnitter bias at zero base collector shows that large fraction of injected electrons travel ballistically to the collector. For the four THETA samples with base thicknesses 21.5 nm, 12.5 nm, 9 and 7.5 nm, the highest current transfer ratio, (e>, defined as IC/IE) of 0.05,0.10, 0.45 and >0.9 were observed which was found to follow an exponential dependence on base thickness as exp(-t/1.8 nm). This indicated that an increasing fraction of injected electrons travel ballistically as the base thickness is decreased. In conclusion, we show the design and demonstration of the first vertical tunneling based unipolar III-nitride devices with low leakage, high current gain, and ballistic transport with potential to terahertz electronics. This work is funded by Office of Naval Research under the DATE MURI project (Program manager: Dr. Paul Maki). 8:45 AM D4.02 Novel p-channel HFET Using Polarization-Induced Two-Dimensional Hole Gases at Metal-Polar GaNjAlInGaN Interfaces. Benjamin Reuters 1 ,3, Herwig Hahn 1 ,3, Alex Pooth 1 ,3, Bernd Hollaender 2 ,3, Michael Heuken,,4, Holger Kalisch',3 and Andrei Vescan 1 ,3; 1GaN Device Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, NRW, Gerrnany; 2 P GI9-IT, Forschungszentruln Julich GmbH, Julich, NRW, Germany; 3JARA-Fundamentals of Future Information Technologies, Julich, NRW, Germany; 4AIXTRON SE, Herzogenrath, NRW, Germany. Nitride-based heterostructure field effect transistors (HFET) utili7,ing a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) have been extensively studied for high-power and high-frequency applications. Less attention has been paid to p-channel devices using a two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) due to the difficulty in both realization and analysis. Reasons for that might be higher sheet resistances due to a low hole mobility and that ohmic contact behaviour is challenging. Here, the formation of 2DHG is presented and p-channel transistors are demonstrated. The carrier density in the 2DHG is adjusted by the polarbation difference between quaternary AlInGaN backbarriers and a GaN channel on top. By variation of the AlInGaN composition the threshold voltage can be shifted. With appropriate polarization-engineered heterostructures, depletion mode and enhancement mode p-channel transistors are for the first time. The layer stack grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) in an AIXTRON reactor consists of a semi-insulating A1N/GaN buffer layer on sapphire followed by a 35 nm thick AlInGaN backbarrier and a 3 nm thick unintentional doped GaN channel. At the GaN/ AlInGaN interface, a 2DHG can be accuInulated if the valence band is raised close enough towards the Ferrni level. This is achieved here by applying a weak acceptor-type doping with Mg in the uppermost 20 nm GaN. A concentration of about 1 X 10 16 cm- 3 ionized acceptors is sufficient to compensate for the typical n-type background doping in MOVPE-grown GaN. Further, a highly doped GaN:Mg++ layer on top is grown to facilitate ohmic contact formation. The doping levels are equal for all samples. It is shown that by changing of the GaN/ AlInGaN heterostructure, achieved by different AlInGaN compositions, the 2DHG density can be adjusted between very high values of 2.03 X 10 13 cln- 2 and low values of 6 X 1011 cln- 2 Record maximum mobilities for holes in GaN above 40 cm 2 /Vs (median 30 cm 2 /Vs) are observed for a moderate 2DHG density of 2.2 X 10'2 cm-2. Field effect transistors with 1 11m gate length were fabricated on these heterostructures. While samples with larger show depletion mode characteristics, the threshold voltage can be shifted to negative values for samples with low resulting in enhancement Inode behavior. This shift proves that a polarization-induced 2DHG is the conductive path in this heterostructure. While samples with large show maximum absolute drain currents in the range of 10- 2 A/mm, maximum drain currents are reduced for decreasing With a siInultaneous reduction in off-state current, still large on/off ratios up to 8 orders of Inagnitude are achieved for the enhancelnent Inode devices, demonstrating the great potential for low-power applications. 9:00 AM D4.03 High In-Content InGaN/GaN Junctions Grown by Plasma-Assisted MBE for Photovoltaic Applications. Sirona Valdue:z;a-Feli p 1, Marie Pierre Chauvat 2 , Louis Grenet 3 , Yi Wang 2 , Pierre Ruterana 2 and Eva Monroy'; 'INAC/SP2M/NPSC, CEA-Grenoble, Grenoble, France; 2CNRS-ENSICAEN-CEA-UCBN, CIMAP, Caen, France; 3LITEN, CEA-Grenoble, Grenoble, France. In this work, we report our latest developments on high-In-content InGaN/GaN junctions grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) for photovoltaic applications. The junctions are grown on various substrates: (a) directly on Si(l11) using a conductive nanowire-like (3D) InGaN buffer layer, (b) on Ga-polar GaN-on-sapphire templates, and (c) on strained-engineered Ga-polar GaN-on-Si(111) templates, which include thick A1N layers in the buffer structure. Smooth InGaN films (rms below 6 nm) with peak photoluminescence (PL) emission in the range of 445-670 nm (corresponding to 16-42% of In Inole fraction) are synthesized on the different substrates by changing the growth temperature   In particular, Ino.35Gao.65N layers with PL emission peaking at 595 nm show comparable FWHM nm) grown on both (a) and (b) substrates. Planar InGaN films grown directly on (a) substrates display hOInogeneous N polarity as verified by translnission electron microscopy (TEM) and chemical etching by KOH. Nitrogen polarity is desirable in solar cell designs containing In-rich nanostructures in the active region. It prevents the potential barrier that appears at the n - i interface due to the polarization discontinuity, and improves the carrier collection. Increasing the In composition from 26 to 42% leads to a higher density of stacking faults in the InGaN layers, which are partially relaxed on GaN, as determined by TEM and x-ray diffraction. Absorption experiments carried out in Ino.35Gao.65N on visible-transparent substrates (b) point out an absorption band edge at rv525 nm with an Urbach tail of 0.1 eV, leading to a Stokes shift of Moreover, an absorption tail at longer wavelengths (0.7-1 11m) is observed, probably related to defects or Mg levels within the band gap. Starting from n-InxGa'_.TN layers, we delnonstrate the synthesis of both N- and Ga-polar complete InGaN/GaN p - n junctions on the three substrates, where p-type Mg-doped GaN is grown under Ga-rich conditions and at low temperature to prevent the InGaN decomposition. First n-Ino.35Gao.65N/p-GaN solar cells prototypes have been fabricated on (b) substrates. The contacts consisted of a seInitransparent oxidi7,ed-Ni/ Au layer with a Ni/ Au grid (p-side) and Ti/ Al/Ni/ Au (n-side). The grid spacing was 150 11m, optimized by taking into account the diffusion length of the minority carriers in the p-region. Photovoltaic devices show rectifying current density vs voltage behaviour in the dark and under non-standardized illuInination. The 7,ero bias photoresponse of the thick nm) InGaN devices is red-shifted to nm (2.47 eV) indicating the photocurrent contribution of the InGaN layer, as correlated to the measured absorption edge. In the case of thin InGaN layers (rv230 Inn), no redshift is observed. However these devices show a spectral response in the 700 to 1000 nm wavelength range, consistent with the previously observed absorption tail. 9:15 AM D4.04 Beyond Intervalley Transfer: Damped Bloch Oscillation and Negative Differential Drift Velocity at Very High Fields in Wide Bandgap III-Nitride Materials. Douglas Yoder' and Sriraaman Sridharan 2 ; 1Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia; 2Global Foundries, Milpitas, California. We present evidence for a new mode of charge transport at very high fields in gallium nitride (GaN) and other wide bandgap materials. In conventional semiconductor materials, the collective (drift) velocity of an enseInble of electrons is sInall cOlnpared to the randolnly-oriented therrnal velocity of individual electrons, even at the highest attainable electric field strengths, except in the most extreme spatially non-local and temporally non-stationary situations. Even then, electrons may experience true quasi-ballistic motion only for a short time and over a 265 short distance due to rapid energy and momentum relaxation through interactions with various scattering mechanisms. Were it possible for a sustained electric field to act on electrons with strength sufficient for the rate of momentum and energy gain to substantially exceed the loss, Bragg scattering at the Brillouin zone boundaries would eventually reverse the velocities and trajectories of electrons, resulting in a lowering of the drift velocity of the ensemble. It is straightforward to dernonstrate the challenges of reaching this lirnit in any statistically significant way in the more common semiconductor materials, such as silicon and GaAs. With static dielectric breakdown field strengths in excess of 3 megavolts per centimeter, GaN and the related alloys can sustain electric fields large enough that the tirne required for an electron to traverse the Brillouin zone can approach and even fall below the characteristic scattering time for hot electrons. In this limit of very high electric field strength, we find that charge transport is characterbed by Bloch oscillation damped by momentum-randomizing collisions, and that, except on short tirne scales, the relative phases of electrons in the ensemble are uncorrelated. Moreover, it is the damping itself that is responsible for a finite ensemble drift velocity superimposed upon the oscillatory trajectories of individual electrons. In this presentation, we introduce an original theory based on entirely new solutions of the Boltzrnann transport equation to describe the phenomenon of damped Bloch oscillation. We also identify the ratio of the characteristic scattering time to the minimum time required for electrons to traverse the Brillouin zone (evaluated at the static breakdown field strength) as a material-dependent figure of merit for darnped Bloch oscillation, and dernonstrate its relationship to the damping present in our theoretical formulation. We further show that in the regime of damped Bloch oscillation, electron drift velocity is a monotonically decreasing function of electric field strength, giving rise to an intrinsic negative differential drift velocity - entirely unrelated to the (phonon-rnediated) process of intervalley transfer - which holds exciting potential for the of room-temperature millimeter-wave and terahertz sources. Analytic results are corroborated for GaN with full-band ensemble Monte Carlo sirnulation. 9:30 AM D4.05 Record High Current Density (776 kA/cm2) InGaN/GaN Resonant Tunneling Diodes Using Polarization Induced Barriers. Tyler A. Growden, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Siddharth Rajan and Paul Berger; Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. In this work, we report on polarization-engineered InGaN/GaN RTDs with room temperature negative differential resistance (NDR) and record peak tunneling current density of 776 kA/crn2 dernonstrated across the sample on numerous 4 J.tm diameter devices. Our designs use resonant tunneling barriers formed due to polarization dipoles in addition to heterostructure band offsets. RTDs in III-nitrides typically utilize GaN/ Al(Ga)N/GaN heterostructures with AIGaN barriers. However, achieving high current density with repeatability and no hysteresis has been a challenge. induced trapping often manifests with a false NDR, tunneling into traps, which shows hysteresis and erratic 1-V's under successive sweeps. Recent work on unipolar GaN/ AIGaN transport indicates percolation pathways in AIGaN barriers, which could possibly explain the "transparent" nature of the ternary AlGaN barrier [D. N. Nath et aI, http://arxiv.org/abs/1302.3942]. Here we show that using polarization engineered electrostatic barriers to overcome percolation effects can provide a pathway to repeatable roorn-ternperature RTDs. The epitaxial layers were grown via plasma assisted MBE on Ga-polar GaN (TDD 107 cm-2). The structure consisted of a 200 nm n-type GaN buffer layer followed by the In(0.03)GaN/ln(0.25)GaN/ln(0.05)GaN/ In(0.2)GaN/GaN (2.5/3.5/2.5/3.5/2.5 nm) active region, and 100 nm n-GaN contact layer. This stack allows for a srnaller, low cornposition, InGaN   first barrier with a slightly larger GaN second barrier. Ti/ Au metal stacks were used for top and bottom contacts. Circular mesas with diameter between 1-100 J.tm were fabricated, with crescent shaped bottorn contacts for enhanced accuracy and better current extraction. A specific contact resistivity of 3x10 2 5 O-cm2 was extracted using TLM test structures. NDR was observed at room temperature only in the smallest measured devices (diameter 4 !Lm). The onset of the NDR was consistently observed at V during the forward sweep. The value of the PVCR was consistently found to be around 1.1. The peak current density ranged between 501-776 kA/cm2 on all devices where NDR was observed. The NDR was usually visible for 5 sweeps at which point the device would break down. We believe that this is due to the high currents and high contact resistance. Future work will include an intensive study on the effects of varying the indium concentration in the wells. Additionally, we will be looking at how these devices behave at low temperatures. Our results on polarization engineering to achieve the highest current density nitride based tunneling devices with NDR suggest that alloy fluctuations are critical for unipolar vertical devices, and could enable various devices for optical and THz applications. Supported by ONR MURI project for III-Nitride Terahertz Electronics, program manager: Paul Maki 9:45 AM D4.06 Interface Analysis and Modeling of Normally-Off GaN MISFETs with an Etch-Stop-Barrier Structure. Bin Lu, Min Sun and Tomas Palacios; MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Recently, we have developed an etch-stop barrier structure, consisting of an n-GaN donor layer, an etch-stop AIN layer and a thin AlO.15GaO.85N barrier, which greatly improves the gate-recess uniformity and effective channel mobility in normally-off MISFETs [1]. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the capacitance-voltage (CV) characteristics of these devices through experirnents and sirnulations using the device sirnulator Nextnan03. By rnatching the simulated CV characteristics with the measured CV curves, the gate dielectric interface trap density was extracted with a peak density as low as 3.4xl011cm-2eV-l at around 2.2 eV below the conduction band edge of Al203 gate dielectric. This low interface trap density results in a steep subthreshold swing of 62±1 m V / dec with less than 10 m V hysteresis in the transfer characteristics of these normally-off MISFETs. From the simulation of the spatial distribution of the two-dimensional-electron-gas (2DEG) as a function of gate bias voltage (Vgs), it is found that for Vgs > 1.5 V channel electrons overcome the AIGaN barrier where they experience interface roughness scattering and alloy scattering. As a result, effective electron mobility decreases with increasing gate voltages. Furthermore, the measured Hall electron density tracks closely with the sirnulated electron density in the GaN channel layer which confirms the assumption that the Hall measurement does not probe the electrons injected into the AlGaN layer [1], which results in higher Hall mobility values than the effective mobility extracted from the CV measurement. For Vgs <:: 1.5 V with >90% of 2DEG in the GaN channel, the Hall rnobility is about 1.2 tirnes of the effective rnobility at Vgs = 1.5 V, which could be due to the Hall scattering factor estimated to be around 1.2 in reference [2]. The simulation also reports a positive compensation charge located at the A1203/ AIN interface which plays a rnajor role in affecting the device threshold voltage. The refined device rnodel presented in this work provides a good foundation for quantitative studies of GaN-based devices. Acknowledgements - This work was supported by the Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy ADEPT and GIGA projects of the U.S. Department of Energy and by the Office of Naval Research. References [1] B. Lu et aI., IEEE Electron Device Lett., 34, 369 (2013). [2] A. Asgari et aI., J. Appl. Phys., 110, 113713 (2011). 10:30 AM *D4.07 Novel Device Concepts in GaN Electronics. Urnesh K. Mishra, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California. During the past years, GaN based transistors have entered commercial rnarkets for high power and high frequency applications, and GaN based power switching devices outperform traditional counterparts. The vast majority of these devices are based on (Ga,Al)-polar (0001) (AI,Ga)N heterostructures, for which highly optimized fabrication procedures have been developed. When striving for operation frequencies beyond Ka-band, however, the perforrnance of existing devices rapidly degrades, requiring a re-design of the device structures. Attractive for very high frequency operation are in particular devices based on N-polar (AI,Ga,In)N grown on (000-1) GaN. Due to the opposite direction of the internal electric fields in N-polar heterostructures, the two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) is located on top of the (AI,Ga,In) gating layer, which now simultaneously serves as a back barrier leading to improved electron confinement. In addition, the 2DEG is contacted via the GaN channel, which in cornbination with re-grown ohrnic contacts enables extrernely low contact resistances, and values as low as 23 O-J.tm were demonstrated. Also advantageous in N-polar device structures is the flexibility in channel scaling required for devices with very short gate length. Recent advances in the design of N-polar GaN/(Al,Ga,In)N/GaN high electron mobility transistors allowed the demonstration of devices with 1.89 S/mm extrinsic transconductance, 4 A/mm drain current density, and 0.23 l2-mm on-resistance for N-polar GaN MIS-HEMTs with a 5.4-nm GaN channel and a novel InAlN/ AIGaN back barrier grown by MOCVD on a vicinal sapphire substrate. Additionally, an fT of 204 GHz using a 70-nm T-gate (14.3 GHz*!Lm fT*L9 product) and an fmax of 405 GHz using a 90-nm T -gate were obtained. Another example for an alternate transistor approach is the GaN based Hot Electron Transistor (HET), which operates by the injection of electrons over a first barrier (ernitter) into a thin transient region (base) before getting collected over a second barrier (collector). The ballistic carrier transport in these devices potentially allows for extremely high operation frequencies. While originally demonstrated in traditional compound semiconductors, group-III nitrides are particularly attractive for HET applications due to the large band off-sets and the strong internal electrical fields in (0001) and (000-1) (AI,Ga,In)N hetero-structures. III-Nitrides also have a large inter-valley separation (calculated to be 1.3-2.0 eV for 266 GaN), thus, higher injection energies can be used before the onset of inter-valley scattering. III-N HETs have been demonstrated recently in both Ga- and N-Polar configurations. The rnC3n free path of electrons in GaN as a function of energy was estimated using the RET as a spectroscopic tool, rising from 9 to 38 nrn when the injection energy was increased from 0.3 to 1.8 eV. The HET device characteristics will be discussed in detail at the conference. 11:00 AM D4.08 Thermally Robust RuOx Schottky Diode on III-Nitrides. Lwin Min Kyaw,,2, Aju A. Saju', Yi Liu', Milan K. Bera', Sarab P. Singh 1 , Sudhiranjan Tripathy 2 and Eng Fong CharI; lElcctrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 119260, Singapore, Singapore; 2 Analysis & Characterisation, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A 'STAR, Singapore 117602, Singapore, Singapore. InAlN/ GaN heterostructure based devices have gained much interest in high speed and high power applications owing to its wide bandgap, high two dimension electron gas (2DEG) density and good thermal stability. However, InAlN/GaN based Schottky diodes and high electron Inability transistors (HEMTs) llsing traditional Nil Au Schottky contact suffer from high reverse leakage current when annealed above 600 DC. This leakage current limits the flexibility of HEMT fabrication processes. As a consequence, only gate last process can be used to fabricate HEMTs where the gate Inetallization is perforrned after high ternperature annealing to forIlI ohrnic contact. Therefore, we aim to develop a thermally more robust Schottky contact. In this paper, we report investigations on RuOx Schottky diode on III-nitrides and demonstrate that RuOx Schottky contact is not only therrnally rnore robust than Nil Au contact, but also has a much lower reverse leakage current and higher Schottky barrier height (SBH). The substrates used were 4-inch n-GaN on Si (111) with a carrier concentration of 5.57x10'7 cm- 3 and InAIN/GaN on Si (111) with a sheet resistance of 513 O/sq purchased from NTT Corporation. The ohmic and schottky contacts used for the Schottky diodes are Ti/ Al/Ni/W and RuO.T (100 nm) respectively. Ni/ Au (30/80 nm) Schottky diode on InAINI GaN heterostructure was also fabricated as a reference for comparison. RuO x Schottky diodes on n-GaN/Si(l11) substrate were annealed in N 2 and vacuum from 400 to 800°C. When annealed in vacuum, the reverse leakage current of RuOx diode increases with increasing temperature. On the other hand, with N 2 annealing, the leakage rernains as low as that with no heat treatrnent, which is s:: 10- 4 Acm-2. In addition, SBH of RuO x diode increases with annealing temperature up to 700 DC when annealed in N 2 . Hence, N 2 is the preferred annealing ambient for RuOx Schottky contacts. RuOx and Ni/Au Schottky diodes on InAIN/GaN/Si(111) substrate were then annealed in N 2 frorn 400 to 800 GC. The reverse leakage current of Nil Au diode increases with annealing temperature above 600 DC while that of RuO x diode decreases with increasing annealing temperature. When annealed at 800 GC for 1 minute in N 2 , the reverse leakage current and of RuO x Schottky diode at -40 V is low at Acm- 2 , while that of Ni/Au Schottky diode has increased to 10- 1 ACln- 2 . The corresponding effective STIH of RuO x contact is 1.27 eV, which is rnuch higher than that of Nil Au contact at 0.86 eV. In conclusion, RuO x Schottky contact is thermally more robust than Nil Au contact, with a reverse leakage current remaining low at rv10- 5 Acm- 2 after annealing in N 2 at 800 GC, which is much lower than that of Ni/ Au contact (by 10 4 times). It also has a higher SBH (by   than Ni/Au contact. This enables the flexibility of device processing and the possibility to fabricate HEMT using self-aligned gate-first process. Furtherrnore, RuO x contact is Si-technology compatible. 11:15 AM D4.09 High Conductivity in Si-Doped GaN Wires. Pierre Tchoulfian 1 ,2, Fabrice Donatini 2 , Francois Levy1, Benoit Amstatt', Pierre Ferret' and Julien Pernot 2 ,3; 'CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France; 2Institut Neel, CNRS and Dniversite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France; 3Institut Dniversitaire de France, Paris, France. As in planar epitaxial case, a large carrier concentration is required in wire- based devices to decrease series resistance and to improve current injection schemes into the wires. Consequently, control of doping and understanding of electrical conduction are also essential to realize high performance wire-based devices. In this work, temperature-dependent resistivity measurements have been performed on single Si-doped GaN microwires grown by catalyst-free metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy [1]. A specific e-beam lithography setup has been used to connect nurnerous single rnicrowires in a single step electron bealn lithography using CL mapping. Low temperature cathodoluminescence (CL) reveals an asymmetric and broad near-band edge emission peaking at 3.57 eV with a full width at half maximum of 170 meV, in agreement with band-filling effect due to a high electron concentration (10 20 crn-3). Metal-like conduction is observed froln four-probe measurements without any temperature dependence between 10K and 300 K, indicating a carrier concentration well above the metal-non metal transition in GaN (N_MNM=1.6x10'8 cm-3). The resistivity measurements yield resistivity values as low as 0.37 mn.cm. The resistivity is found to be independent on the radius revealing that surface-related effects on conduction are negligible. In order to explain this unique conductivity behavior, it is necessary to estimate separately the carrier concentration and the mobility whose effects are combined in resistivity measurements. Coupled resistivity-therrnoelectric rneasurelnents were thus perforrned on the same region of single Si-doped GaN wires, resulting in the direct probing of high carrier concentrations (>10 2o cm_3). Additionally, a similar carrier concentration was inferred using the lower branch of the phonon-plasrnon coupling of rnicro-Rarnan experirnents on single wires. As a conclusion, a set of optical and electrical characterization techniques has been used to infer the doping properties of Si-doped GaN wires. All techniques give similar doping properties suggesting a higher dopant incorporation during wire growth as compared to conventional epitaxial planar case to explain the unique conductivity behavior. 11:30 AM D4.10 Novel Nitride Photoelectrode Based on Polarization Engineering for Water Splitting. Akihiro Nakalnura 1 , Katsushi Fujii 2 Masaka7,u Sugiyama' and Yoshiaki Nakano'· 'School of The of Tokyo, Tokyo, 2Global Solar+ Initiative, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Hydrogen generation by photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting is an attractive approach to storage the solar energy. GaN is chemically stable and can split water under ultraviolet illumination without an external bias. In addition, InGaN has the band gap in a wide range covering the visible light region. Therefore, III-Nitride semiconductors are promising materials as a photoelectrode. In the PEC reaction, n-type GaN is usually used due to its high crystal quality. However, the electrode stability is not enough because it works as a photoanode, i.e., a lot of holes exist at the surface and oxidize not only water but also GaN itself. A p-type GaN works as a photocathode, thus, few holes exist at its surface. The p-type GaN is, therefore, better in durability than an n-type one. However, a p-type GaN suffers from high resistivity due to the deep Mg acceptor level, which results in the Inuch poor I-V properties cornpared to that of the n-type. In this report, we propose a novel structure for the nitride photocathode which consists of only n-type materials. The samples were grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) on (0001) sapphires. A 1.4 pm n-type GaN conducting layer with a carrier concentration of 2 X 10 18 cm-3 was grown on the undoped GaN buffer layer, followed by a few-nm thick undoped AlN layer, and an undoped GaN light absorption layer of about 140 nrn thick. The measurements were performed in 0.5 M H 2 S0 4 solution with a platinum counter electrode, an Ag/ AgCI/NaCI reference electrode and a Xe lamp. A considerably large electric field generated by the polarbation charges at the both sides of the AlN layer forms a tunnel junction between the undoped GaN and the n-type GaN. The bias caused in the AIN layer depletes the entire undoped GaN layer. The direction of the electric field in the undoped GaN layer is opposite from that of a normal bulk n-type semiconductor. This polarization engineered structure is expected to work as a photocathode. The I-V rneasurelnents were perforrned under different light intensities. The novel structure without illumination showed a typical diode-like I-V characteristic of an n-type GaN except for the more negative threshold voltage. When the light was irradiated, a cathodic current was clearly observed at the voltage where no current was observed in the dark condition. Since the density of the cathodic current increased with the light intensity, the novel structure works as a photocathode. Time dependences of the photocurrent density with some external biases for the novel structure and the n-type GaN were measured for 200 Ininutes. Although the n-type GaN showed a higher anodic photocurrent density at the beginning, rapid degradation of the photocurrent was observed. On the other hand, the cathodic photocurrent of the novel structure kept almost constant during the 200 minutes measurement. The lifetime of the novel structure is much longer than the n-type GaN photoclectrode as we expected. 11:45 AM D4.11 p-Channel GaN/ AlinGaN Heterostructure Field Effect Transistor Operation at Elevated Temperatures. Herwig Hahn, nen Reuters, Alexander Pooth, Holger Kalisch and Andrei Vescan; GaN Device Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany. The focus of nitride-based device research has been laid on n-channel devices. Outstanding performance has been achieved for these devices which use a two-dirnensional electron gas (2DEG) for current transport. Low-power logic applications are currently limited to direct-coupled logic as for this type, well performing n-channel enhancement and depletion mode transistors are accessible. However, with the introduction of p-channel devices in which the current transport occurs rnainly due to a two-dirnensional hole gas (2DHG), nitride-based complementary logic becomes possible. With GaN 267 having a high bandgap of 3.4 eV, also complementary logic operation at high temperatures might be a possible application. So far, p-channel devices have been reported sparsely. Additionally, up to now, no investigations at elevated temperature have been carried out. Thus, in this contribution, p-channel heterostructure field effect transistors (HFETs) have been fabricated and characterised up to 175 DC. The layer stack was grown by MOVPE. On top of 300 nm AIN and 2 rLIn GaN, a 35 HIll thick AlInGaN backbarrier and a top GaN channel layer is grown. For the top GaN, the doping level of Mg is step-wise increased, to achieve both, high hole mobility (no doping at the AlInGaN/GaN interface) and well-performing ohmic contacts (very high doping level in the uppcrrnost CaN). Device processing included rncsa isolation and ohrnic and gate contact furrnation by Ni/Au and Mo/ Au metal stacks, respectively. Room-temperature I-V measurements show well-performing p-channel devices with on currents in the range of several mA/mm (at V ds = -10 V). By reducing -Vds-, both on-state and off-state currents arc decreased. At V ds = -0.1 V, an on/off ratio of nearly 108 is realised, while the subthreshold swing (SS) is as low as 72 mVIdee. Increasing operation temperature up to 175 0 C, we observe a systematic decrease of the on/off ratio while the SS is increasing continuously. Looking closer at the tClnpcratllrc dependence of the SS, we see that it incrcases as predicted by theory almost linearly up to 125 DC, at which it reaches 90 mV/dec. At this temperature, the on/off ratio is still impressively high at 6x10 6 , demonstrating proper device functionality. At higher temperatures (175 DC), we observe a significantly increased leakage current. Conscquently, on/off ratio is also degraded. Still, reasonablc device functionality is observed, which would be sufficient for the device to be used in complementary logic. The decrease in on-current with elevated operation temperature can be explained by a reduced hole mobility within the channel. The constant pinch-off voltage over the entirc ternperaturc range indicates a constant shect chargc (Ps). This also confirms that current flow is dominated by 2DHG conduction. The gate leakage current increases with temperature. Thermionic emission is certainly increasing here. Additional effects, such as a tcrnperature-dcpcndent Schottky barricr height or defect activation, are still to be investigated. 12:00 PM D4.12 GaN/ AIN Double Barrier N anowire Resonant Tunneling Schottky Diodes with Extremely High Peak Valley Current Ratio. Ye Shao l , A.T.M. G. Sarwar 2 , Santino D. Carnevale 2 , Roberto C. Myers l ,2 and Wu Lu l ,3; IDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; 2Departrnent of Materials Scicnce and Engincering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; 3Department of Nanobio Materials and Electronics, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of. Resonant tunneling devices (RTDs) have attracted rnany intercsts because of their extremely high switching speeds and potential applications in multi-logic circuits. Recently, III-nitride nanowires (NWs) have emerged as an alternative choice because the large surface-to-volume ratio and small cross sections allows NWs accornrnodate rnuch higher lattice rnisrnatch with an efficient elastic strain relaxation thereby inhibiting the formation of dislocations that are often found during the epitaxial growth of IIl-N thin film structures. Previously we have demonstrated GaN/ AIN double barrier RTDs with a maximum peak to valley current ratio of 5.09 and a rnaxirnurn rcsonant peak currcnt density of 10 A/crn 2 . Herc we show that PVCR can be further enhanced using a Ni/ Au Schottky metal contact at one end of the nanowire RTD. The Schottky barrier suppresses the thermionic emission current before the onset voltage of NDR to capture thc currcnt resulting fronl resonant tunneling. As a result, an extrcrncly high PVCR of 41 is dernonstrated. To our bcst knowledge, this is the highest PVCR value so far reported in AIN/GaN RTDs. 12:15 PM D4.13 Electrical Characterization of MoS2/GaN Heterojunctions Edwin W. Lee 1 , Masihhur R. Laskar 1 , Lu Ma 2 , Sriram Krishnamoothyl, Digbijoy N. Nath l , Pil Sung Park l , Yiying Wu 2 , Siddharth Rajan1; 1Departrnent of Electrical and Cornputcr Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; 2Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Transition rnetal dichalcogcnides (TMDCs) havc garnered increased attention as materials analogous to graphene in their 2D structure but exhibiting non-zero band gaps. Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is a layered semiconductor with band gaps ranging from 1.2 eV for bulk material to 1.8 eV for monlayer. It exhibits relatively high mobility and is an optically active rnaterial. The closc lattice rnatch betwcen MoS2 and GaN (0.9%) facilitates the exploration of new class of semiconductor devices based on heterostructures formed between 2D and 3D materials. We report on the first chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth of single crystal (0002)-oriented MoS2 on GaN and the initial characterization of the heterojunction formed by MoS2 and GaN. This growth is based on previously reported large area MoS2 on sapphire.1 I3y increasing thc CVD-growth ternpcrature of MoS2 fronl 500° C to 800 0 C, we improve the MoS2 structure from polycrystalline to single crystal. This is verified by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy. Clear peaks in Raman spectra verify the presence of large-area MoS2. We utilbe current-voltage (IV) and capacitance-voltage (CV) characteristics to gain insight into transport between MoS2 and GaN and their interfacial properties. Our results show that micromechanically exfoliated MoS2 obtained from bulk geological samples, unintentionally doped CVD-grown MoS2 (grown at both 500°C and 800 D C), and Nb-doped, p-type MoS2 produce rectifying hcterojunctions with GaN. Furtherrnore, unitcntionally doped and micromechnically exfoliated   heterojunctions exhibit this rectifying behavior with similar current magnitude and approximately 1000:1 ratios between forward and reverse bias current. CV rncasurernents perforrned on high ternperature MoS2/GaN show negligible hysteresis present in the forward and reverse sweep. This indicates the presence of a high quality heterointerface with low interface state density. The doping profile extracted from the CV measurement suggests depletion in the GaN and gives some prclirninary suggestion of a typc I band line up bctween MoS---,2 and GaN. This first report on heterojunctions between 2D layered materials could lead to enhanced functionality and performance of Ill-nitrides. E.L. and S.R. acknowledge funding from NSF NSEC (CANPD) program (EEC0914790) and NSF ECCS Grant ECCS-0925529. SESSION DP3: Poster Session: Electrical Devices Wednesday Afternoon, August 28, 2013 1:00 PM Potomac C/D & 1-6 DP3.01 MOVPE and Characteristics of AI(In)N/AIN/GaN HEMTs on Si(lll) and Si(OOl). Jonas Hennig, Armin Dadgar, Oliver Krurnrn, Hartrnut Wittc, Andreas Lesnik, Juergcn I3laesing and Alois Krost; Institute of Experimental Physics, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. AlInN/GaN HEMTs are nowadays in the focus of high power applications, because of thcir excellent properties like high carricr concentration, high electron mobility, and high breakdown field strength. Benefits of growing these structures on silicon substrates are a good thermal management as well as possible compatibility to CMOS technology in the case of Si(001). Furthermore, silicon reduces dcvice cost by the availability of largc diarnetcr wafer. Wc have grown AlInN/AIN/GaN HEMTs on Si(l11) and Si(001) by MOVPE and will present a comparative study of the growth process and the performance of the processed devices. In-situ growth monitoring was used for optimizing the process parameters. In order to get crack free sarnples, strcss rnanagernent is essential when growing GaN on Si, especially on Si(OOl). X-ray e/2e-scans as well as GaN(0002) w-scans and grazing incidence (GilD) GaN(lOIO) w-scans were performed on the grown structures. Furthermore, grazing incidence X-ray fluoresccnce (GIXRF) was used to analyze thc thickncss and Indiurn content of thc AIN spacer and thc AllnN barrier. The influcnce of the substrate and the AIN spacer as well as the AlInN layer on the performance of HEMT devices will be discussed. C-V and Hall-effect measurements in van der Pauw geometry were performed on the FET structures undcr consideration of a cornplex equivalcnt circuit and thc real contact geometry, respectively. For the structure grown on Si(OOl) we achieve a shcet carrier concentration of n = 2.7x10- 13 crn- 2 , an electron mobility I" = 521 cm 2 /Vs, and sheet resistivity Rs= 4410/sq. For Si(l11): n = 2 x10- 13 crn-2 , I' = 1200 crn 2 /Vs, Rs 2300jsq. The irnpact of the proccssing pararncters on the device performance like mesa etching with Cl/ Ar chemistry and Ohmic contact formation will be discussed as well. The HEMTs show a low threshold voltage of around -2V up to -2.5V which makes it easier to achieve cnhancernent rnode operation via a gate recess. Latest results on enhancement mode operation of the devices will be reported. DP3.02 Electrical Transport Behavior at the InNtGaN Heterostructures Interface. I3asanta Roul l , , Mahesh Kurnar 1 ,3, Mohana K. Rajpalke l , Thirumaleshwara N. Bhat l and S. B. Krupanidhi I; I Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Karnataka, India; 2Central Research Laboratory, Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India; 3Centre of Excellence in Information and Communication Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. In the last few years, InN and GaN have attracted considerable attention because of their applications such as high efficient solar-cells, light ernitting diodes, ficld effect transistors, high spced, and high frequency electronics deviccs, etc. Due to the enorrnous effort 268 put into improving the quality of InN epitaxial layers, heterostructure based devices have taken on much importance in semiconductor research cornrnunitics. The interfaces of the heterostructure arc important parts in the electronic and optoelectronic devices. One of the most interesting features of the interface is its Schottky barrier height (SBH), which is a measure of the mismatch of the energy levels for the majority carriers across the interface. The performances of the heterostructure based devices arc strongly dependent on the homogeneity of the interfaces. In this report, we fabricated InN/GaN Schottky junctions and extensively studied the temperature dependent electrical transport behavior. The Schottky barrier height (SBH) and the ideality factor were found to be tcrnpcraturc dependent. The tcrnpcraturc dependence of the barrier height indicates that the STIR is inhomogeneous in nature at the heterostructure interface. The higher value of the ideality factor and its temperature dependence suggest that the current transport is primarily dominated by thcrrnionic field crnission (TFE) other than thcrrnionic clnission (TE). DP3.03 Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of Nonpolar A-Plane InN / GaN Schottky Heterojunction. Mohana K. Rajpalke 1 , Thirurnaleshwara N. Bhat 1 , Basanta RouI 1 ,2, Mahesh Kurnar 1 ,3 and S. B. Krupanidhi 1; IMaterials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore Karnataka India· 2Central Research Laboratory Bharat 'Electronics' Limited,   Karnataka, India; 3Centre Excellence in Information and Communication Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. Nonpolar a-plane InN films were grown on r-plane sapphire substrate by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy with GaN underlayer. The growth of nonpolar a- plane orientation was confirmed by high resolution x-ray diffraction study. The RHEED patterns show the weak streaky lines for a-plane GaN confirrns the reasonable srnooth surface. Spotty nature of a-plane InN RHEED pattern indicating the 3D growth of nonpolar a-plane InN. The temperature dependent current transport properties of nonpolar a-plane InN/GaN heterostructure Schottky junction were investigated. The barrier height (1Jb) and ideally factor (TI) estimated from the thermionic emission model were found to be temperature dependent in nature. The conventional Richardson plot of the In (Is / T2) versus l/kT has two regions: the first region (150 - 300 K) and the second region (350 - 500 K). The values of Richardson constant (A*) obtained from this plot are found to be lower than the theoretical value of n-type GaN. The variation in the barrier heights was explained by a double Gaussian distribution with mean barrier height values ( ) of 1.17 and 0.69 eV with standard deviation ( ) of 0.17 and 0.09S V, respectively. The rnodified Richardson plot in the ternperature range of 350 - 500 K gives the Richardson constant which is close to the theoretical value of n-type GaN. Hence, the current mechanism is explained by Thermionic emission (TE) by assuming the Gaussian distribution of barrier height. At low temperature 150 - 300 K, the absence of ternperature dependent tunneling pararneters indicates the tunneling assisted current transport mechanism. DP3.04 Quantitative Characterization of Interface Traps in ALD-AI203/AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs by Conductance Measurelllent Technique. Jiejie Zhu 1 ,3, Xueyang Liao 2 ,3, Tong Yue 2 ,3 Xiaohua Ma 3 ,1 and Yue Ha0 3 ,2. lSchool of Technical Physics Xidian' University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, Chida; 2School of   Xidian University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China; 3State Key Discipline Laboratory of Wide Band Gap Serniconductor Technology, Xidian University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China. While AIGaN/GaN HEMTs are attractive candidates for high-power and high-frequency applications, there remain problems of large off-leakage currents and current collapse due to the high-density interface states. MIS-HEMT(or MOS-HEMT) structures have greatly suppressed off-leakage currents. However, the insulators were almost grown with ex-situ method, which may introduce some defects in process. In this paper, the interface states of ALD-AI203/AIGaN/GaN MOS-HEMTs were characterized quantitatively. Interface traps can be equivalent to parallelled capacitor Ctrap and conductor Gtrap, and capacitance RF dispersion will be caused in C-V test, as Fig.l illustrates. Extraction of Ctrap is very difficult, while accurate and reliable trap-related information can be obtained by conductance rneasurernent[1]. While biased at accumulation region, AIGaN/GaN interface traps levels in the band gap, shown in Fig.2(a), only AI203/AIGaN interface states respond to RF signals. Fig.3(a) gives the extracted Gsurf/w in accumulation region, and when wTsurf=1, Gsurf/w reaches the rnaxirnurn Csurf /2. Fig.3(b) shows that time constant of A1203/ AIGaN interface states decreases exponentially from 75.6/"s to 1.34/"s as gate voltage increases. This is because that Fermi level rises so that AC signal can detect more faster (and shallower) traps. With 2DEG channel cornpletely conductive in accurnulation region, the surface Ferrni level changes nearly linearly with gate voltage, and time constant changes exponentially with trap level, so it is also index-related to voltage. The revealed trap levels are between 0.324eV and 0.42geV, indicating that high-density deep interface states exist at A1203/ AIGaN interface, partially due to the easy formation of Ga-O bonds[2]. The traps density of A1203/ AIGaN interface changes slightly in   about two magnitudes smaller than that of Schottky/ AIGaN interface, which may be due to the low defect density and high uniforrnity of ALD-AI203. When biased near Vth, AIGaN/GaN interface states can respond to RF signals, so the traps information can be obtained after removing the contribution of A1203/ AIGaN interface states. It is seen from Fig.4(b) that MOS-HEMT has fast traps with tirne constant srnaller than 1.12/1:s at AIGaN/GaN interface, while HEMT device test results show that AIGaN/GaN interface state time constant is between 4.S9/"s and 51/"s. The interface state density of both devices are in orders of magnitude, but MOS-HEMT has much less slow(and deep) interface states, indicating that the oxide layer is effective to reduce deep level traps. The quasi-continuous trap level is between 0.27SeV and 0.32eV, and interface states density decreases with level increasing, indicating that there are more traps closer to Ec, which may be caused by lattice mismatch. Experimental results show that conductance rneasurernent rnethod is an effective way to analy and characterize surface and interface states in semiconductor device. DP3.05 Intrinsic Ferrolllagnetic Sellliconductor Rare-Earth Nitrides; Magnetic Properties of FET Structures and Superlattices. Joe Trodahl, Eva Anton, Franck Natali, Harry Warring, James McNulty and Ben Ruck; MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Wellington, New Zealand. In the recent years, GaN doped with rnagnetic irnpurities has been investigated for use in spintronic applications to extend device functionality of the group-III nitride family. In particular, transition metal and rare earth-doped GaN have shown suggestions of room ternperature ferrornagnetic behavior. However, although there has been progress over the last decade, there is still a lack of cornplete understanding of the ferromagnetic exchange interaction and there remain severe growth issues such as the segregation of secondary phases and the generation of defects when increasing the dopant concentration, both of which are still to be overcorne. Furtherrnore, in such systems the magnetic dopants act as electronic dopants, preventing independent control of the carrier concentration and the magnetism. These problems have motivated a search for intrinsic ferromagnetic semiconductors. The rare-earth nitrides (RENs) have prornise of being exactly such rnaterials that can be used to extend device functionality. Most of the fourteen RENs combine the properties of the ferromagnet and the semiconductor, an exceedingly rare combination. We have demonstrated they are epitaxy-compatible with group III-nitrides, so that with their optical bandgaps ranging frorn "-'0.7eV to rv1.8eV, a heterojunction involving the two semiconductors might have very attractive properties for multi-wavelength. We have recently reported that high quality heteroepitaxial GdN and SmN films can be grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaN or AIN ternplates. Magnetic rneasurernents on thern reveal strikingly unusual and cornplernentary rnagnetic properties. Thus, for example, GdN has a large magnetic moment while SmN orders ferromagnetically with nearly zero magnetic moment. Furthermore, the GdN-SmN pair has a huge contrast in their coercive fields, suggesting they can act as the building block of any rnernory devices. Here, we will present a full overview of the growth and applications of this exciting new class of nitrides. DP3.06 Impact of Drain-Induced Barrier Lowering (DIBL) Effect on Breakdown in AIGaN/GaN Lateral Field-Effect Rectifier. Wanjun Chen, Qi ZHou and .ling Zhang; University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, Sichuan, China. In our earlier works, a lateral field-effect rectifier (L-FER) that is cornpatible with the norrnally-off HEMT structure has been reported and its high perforrnances such as low turn-on voltage and low on-resistance have been proven. However, the physical mechanism of breakdown in L-FER is still ambiguous. At reverse state, a high electric field occurs at the end of Schottky contact. Thus, this parasitic fluorine-treated SBD rnay be a potential origin for device breakdown. There have been large amount of works devoted to understanding the F-treated SBDs. These results, however, does not successfully explain the relationships between the reverse currents and reverse bias voltages in L-FERs. In this work, we propose that the prirnary factor responsible for breakdown in L-FER is not the fluorine-treated SBD but rather than the GaN buffer layer. The buffer leakage current has the similar electrical behavior as a buried N-type MOS biased at weak inversion region, i.e., the subthreshold region. An analysis model for subthreshold region transmission is also proposed and the results are in good agreernent with the experirnental value. 269 DP3.07 Impact of the Surface Modification for the Ga- and N-face n-GaN Schottky-Type Diodes with Low Reverse-Bias Leakage Current. Tohru Honda, Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Naoyuki Sakai, Shihei Fujioka, Ryosuke Amiya and Yohei Sgiura; Graduate School of Engineering, Kogakuin University, Hachiohji, Tokyo, Japan. The surface rnodification is attracting luuch attention for the application to Schottky-type (ST) diodes with a low reverse-bias leakage (RBL) current. We have already proposed the Al facepack technique for the surface modification. In the case of Ga-face GaN, reduction in the RBL current was observed after the surface Inodificatioll. In this study, Schottky-type diodes were fabricated using the N-face GaN with the surface modification. The reduction in the RBL current was also observed from the N-face GaN-based Schottky diodes. The impact of Ga- and N-face after the surface modification was also discussed using the ARXPS of these surfaces w / 0 the surface modification. (000l)2H-GaN layers, whose electron concentration was 3x10l7 cm-3, grown by HVPE were used for the study. The surface modification was adopted to modify the surfaces of the layers for the formation of Schottky contacts. First, the layers were cleaned using buffered hydrogen fluoride (I3HF) to rClnovc their surface oxides. Next, an Al layer with a thickness of approximately 20 nm was deposited on the surface. The layers were then annealed in air at 750°C and the surface oxides were removed using BHF solution. This sequence was named the facepack technique. Au electrodes were used for the Schottky contacts. The diarnctcr of the circular Au electrode and the window diameter in the ohmic Al electrode were 300 ",m and 1 mm, respectively. In the case of N-face GaN, the reduction of reverse-bias leakage current in the ST diodes was drastically improved. This was also observed from that using a Ga-face GaN. The ARXPS spectra indicated that the 3IIlOllUt of the surface bending was changed by the surface modification. The band bending depends on the energy difference between the surface Fermi level and the bulk Fermi level in the GaN. These details will be presented in the conference. DP3.08 Evaluation of Radiated Emission of GaN-HEMT Switching Circuit. Toshihide Ide ' , Ryousaku Kaji ' , Mitsuaki Shimizu ' , Kenji Mizllt3ni 2 , Hiroaki Ucno 2 , Nobuyuki Otsuka 2 , TctSllZQ Ucda 2 and Tsuyoshi Tanaka 2 ; 1ADPERC, AIST, TSllkuba, Ibaraki, Japan; 2panasonic, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan. Recently, by employing AIGaN/GaN HEMTs, low-loss switching characteristics have been reported in switching COIlverter circuits. However, when these converters are operated at a switching frequency of above MH7., high-speed operation might cause considerable radiated emission from the GaN-HEMT switching circuits. In this study, the radiated emission from the GaN-HEMT switching converter is investigated by two-dirncnsional clcctrornagnetic-probe scanning The measured GaN switching converter is the half-bridge development board EPC9001 made by EPC Corporation. The supply voltage Vcc is 24V. The switching frequency and duty ratio is 50Ok to 2MHz, and 50%, respectively. The radiated emission of the board is measured by the whip antenna and the near-field probes in the anechoic charnber. The spectrum of the electromagnetic field spread in the chamber has the single peak at a frequency of 160 MHz. In addition, we performed the two-dimensional z-direction magnetic-field Hz scanning at a frequency of 160   in the altitude of 3mm from the GaN-HEMTs on the board. The spectrurn of the radiated ernission around GaN-HETMs agrees well with the spectrum of the spread electromagnetic field in the chamber. When Vcc is varied, this peak frequency is shifted. Therefore, we investigated the Vcc dependence of the peak frequency. When Vcc is varied frorn 0 to 24 V, the peak frequency is shifted from 110 to 160 MHz. This peak shift is thought to be due to the change of the capacitance of the depletion region in the GaN-HEMTs. Therefore, we calculate the resonant frequency between the output capacitance of the GaN-HEMTs and the parasitic inductance of the circuit wire Ls. The calculated results at Ls of 1.2 nH agree well with the experimental results. DP3.09 Output Capacity on GaN HEMTs in Correlation to Its Transistor Geometry and Sheet Resistance. Helrnut Jung l , Peter Abele l , Jan Gruenenpuett l , Michael Hosch l , Schauwecker Bernd" Herve Blanck ' , Thomas Roedle 2 and Michael Schaefer 3 ; 'United Monolithic Semiconductors GmbH, Ulm, Germany; 2 NXP Semiconductors, 6534 AE Nijmegen, Netherlands; 3CADwalk GmbH & Co, 89604 Allmendingen, Germany. AIGaN-GaN HEMTs are dedicated for high power applications in power bar designs especially for base station performance. Therefore, the process has to be in the sense of high output power density by sirnultaneously good and satisfying reliability. For process-tracing and its control during fabrication, so called PCM transistors are implemented across the whole wafer area. Lots of parameters are measured on these PCM transistors, such as breakdown voltage, current density, transconductance and also small-signal-RF- parameters, such as input- and output-capacitance and others. These rneasured results are irnrnensly irnportant for tracing and controlling the process flow. Especially for power applications a high output power is often a key request and power information just from PCM- measurements would be very helpful and appreciated. We found out that the gate-drain srnall-signal-capacitance, called output capacitance, Cout, is directly correlated to the RF-output power. In our case we could demonstrate that wafers with high Cout showed high Pout. Thus the expected output power can be directly estimated from the Cout-values rneasured on the PCM transistors on wafer. As a consequence, Cout has to be well understood in correlation to the epitaxy and process parameters, especially the impact of transistor geometry, such as gate sizes (foot and head) and field plate sizes. We investigated in detail experimentally and also by simulation Cout in correlation to such transistor pararneters. These investigations first revealed that Cout is very significantly correlated to the sheet resistance, Rsheet of the epitaxial layer measured in TLM structures with dimensions similar to the transistor structure. An increase of Rsheet results in a decrease of Cout. Since Cout relates to the effective charges in the channel. We could show that Cout is directly proportional to 1/Rsheet. Transistor RF-power becomes higher when Cout becomes higher. Therefore, the process has to be optimized in the sense of high Cout. Additionally this RF-output power evaluated from load pull measurements at 2 GHz were compared to Cout which shows also a very good correlation. Another irnportant pararneter influencing Cout on GaN-AIGaN HEMTs is the field plate (FP) si7,e. It is well known that FPs are reducing the maximum electrical fields on the critical regions between gate and drain. We in detail the impact of the FP size on the Cout-value and found an increasing Cout for larger FP-size. Further, the influence of the gate sizes (gate length and gate head si7,e) was analY7,ed. Larger gate heads and larger gate lengths leads to larger Cout, too. Finally, thicker Cap layer leads also to lower Cout-values as the relevant distance, d, from the Schottky contact to channel increases, in accordance with the sirnple capacitance rnodel. The rneasured Cout-values in correlation to the transistor geornetries were compared with simulated values and are in close agreement. DP3.10 Controlled Barrier Oxidation and 100 0 C ALD for Gate Insulation: A Way towards High-Performance Normally-off GaN HEMTs? Dagmar Gregusova ' , Michal Jurkovic ' , Stefan Hascik ' , Alena Seifertova ' , Michal Blaho ' , Milan Tapajna ' , Karol Frohlich l , Joff Durleyn 2 , Marianne Gerrnain 2 and Jan Kuzrnik l ; I Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; 2 Epi GaN NV, Hasselt, Belgium. There is an effort to develop normally-off HEMTs with a maximal drain current Idsmax, rninirnal on-resistance Ron, and a rnaxirnal threshold voltage V T. Oxidation of the gate area was reported to give the positive V T together with a reduced gate leakage Ies, however, with often severe (40 to 60 %) degradation of Id.<=ax and transconductance grn compared to a virgin device. Reason for the device degradation was not cornpletely clear. We used SiN (50 nm)/AIN (2 nm)/Alo.45GaNo.55N (3 nm)/GaN (150 nm)/ Alo.l8Gao.82N (2.3 ",m) grown by MOCVD on a 6 inch Si wafer. AIN cap is supposed to provide a polarbation doping at the HEMT access regions while it has to be oxidized in the gate opening to cancel AIN/AIGaN quantum well (QW). We tested thermal oxidation which was performed in an oxygen atmosphere at 750°C for up-to 6 min. Alternatively, a plasma oxidation was done at room temperature for up-to 12 min under a very low power. Using a coupled Poisson-Schrodinger solver, we calculated energy band diagrarns and corresponding channel sheet resistances Rsheet assluning two lirniting cases: with and without surface donors NDsurf at the AIOxN/AIGaN interface. Comparisons of calculated Rsheet to the measured values indicated a full compensation of any negative polarization charge at the AIO x N / AIGaN interface by N Dam.f in the case of thermal oxidation, while the negative charge seems to dominate in the case of low-power plasma oxidation. This was in line with the evolution of VT, which developed from - 1 V of the virgin device, to about 0 V for the thermally AIN, and reached 1 V in the case of plasrna oxidation. For the plasrna oxidized sarnple we found alrnost invariant grn of oxidation time, which was about 125 mS/mm for a 2 ",m gate length and 10 ",m source-drain distance. The virgin device showed higher g= of 140 mS/mm presumably due to vicinity of the un-oxidbed AIN/AIGaN QW. On the other hand g= 100 mS/mm of the therrnally oxidized sarnplc indicated degraded channel. We observed a more favorite Ies in the case of plasma oxidation, which was reduced by about five orders of magnitude in the reverse bias compared to a virgin device. Finally, on the plasma oxidized sample, we deposited 10-nm-thick AI, 0 3 at 100 0 C by ALD, so that the same resist rnask could be used thorough the processing. Additional oxide provided the positive Ves swing enabling Ids=ax = 0.48 A/mm. Despite substantial decrease of the gate capacitance, V T remained constant, or was even shifted further towards 2 V in some cases. Such 270 a VT evolution can be again explained by an uncompensated negative polarization charge at the plasma oxidized AIOxN/AIGaN interface. In conclusion we suggest that the controlled barrier oxidation and 100 DC ALD gate insulation can lead to a high-performance normally-off GaN HEMTs. Funding from EU FP7 project HipoSwitch (grant no. 287602) and Slovak projects APYY-0367-11 and APYY-104-10 is gratefully acknowledged. DP3.11 GaN-on-Si Wafers for HEMTs with High Power-Driving Capability. Chengyu Hu, Saad Murad, Atsushi Nishikawa, Lars Groh, Andrea Pinos, Weisin Tan, Ashay Chitnis and Stephan Lutgen; AZZURRO Semiconductors AG, Dresden, Germany. Ascribing to its low cost, GaN-on-Si technology is attracting more and more attention from the electrical power semiconductor industry. Now high-voltage GaN devices are rnainly in lateral configuration. For high power-driving capability, the gate width can be as long as 100 mm or even 1000 mm. Consequently, the requirements on wafer uniformity and defect density are much more demanding. High yield of large-perimeter devices is one of the key criteria for a high quality 150 lInn GaN-on-Si wafer for high voltage application. To address this point, we evaluate the device-si7,e dependent buffer leakage by measuring leakage current between isolated source and drain contacts. We demonstrate high lateral Ybr@l J.tA/mm of 965 Y to 826 Y for cornb test structure size up to 100 lInn. For a typical source-drain distance of 14 rtIn we achieved excellent yield (>80%) at lateral Ybr>600 Y@l J.tA/mm for 5 mm up to 100 mm devices. Based on AZZURRO GaN-on-Si buffer technology, AIGaN/GaN-HEMT structures with a typical thickness of 5-6 J.tm were grown by MOCYD on 150 lInn Si(lll) substrates. We investigated the effect of isolation depth on the lateral buffer breakdown to understand which layer of the epi-stacks has dominant effect on the lateral buffer breakdown. We found that the unintentionally doped GaN channel layer, which is directly sited under the AIGaN barrier layer, is the most critical layer for high lateral blocking capability. Furtherrnore, we found that the lateral breakdown field (Ebr) was strongly affected by the growth condition of the AIGaN/GaN-based buffer on the Si substrate. We will show the impact of buffer growth on the GaN channel layer quality and the corresponding lateral and vertical breakdown voltage for large test device structures with high power driving capability. DP3.12 Thermoelectric Study of Low Dimensional Thin Film GaN Semiconductors. Bahadir Kucukgok", Baozhu Wang 2 , Qinyue He", Andrew G. Melton", Na Lu 3 and Ian T. Ferguson"; "Department of Electrical and Cornputer Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223, USA, Charlotte, North Carolina; 2College of Information Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, 70 Yuhua East Rd., Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050018, China., Hebei, China; 3Departrnent of Engineering Technology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223, USA, Charlotte, North Carolina. Therrnoelectric rnaterials have renewed interest frolIl rnany researchers for last decay for both power generation and energy conservation (waste-heat harvesting). Research in the discovery of best thermoelectric materials (TE), such as, bulk materials, complex structures, and the recent low dimensional plays crucial task to achieve high efficiency TE rnaterials. The efficiency of a TE rnaterial is strongly determined by its dimensionless figure of merit, shown as ZT. Moreover, low dimensional structures offer a change to break the interrelationship between the thermal and electrical transport which gives great opportunity to obtain high efficiency devices. This prornising enhancernent in ZT in low dirnensional rnaterials are attributed to quantum-classical si7:e effect effects and increased interfaces between layers resulted in scatter phonons strongly. Therefore, in this study, the investigation of Seebeck and electrical properties of low dirnensional thin filrn GaN, superlattice (SL) and quanturn well (QW) were studied at roorn and high ternperatures. The Seebeck coefficient as a function of applied temperature measurements showed that Seebeck coefficient increased as the temperature increased which is in a good agreement with common high-performance bulk TE rnaterials. This Seebeck coefficient enhancernent due to vary temperature is most likely induced by the system size decreases and the density of state (DOS) is increased ultimately due to quantum confinement. At 600K, highest Seebeck coefficients, 503J.tYK-1 and 420J.tYK-1, were observed for GaN SL and GaN QW samples, respectively. Above 600K, sorne of SL and QW sarnples' Seebeck coefficient tended to decrease due to unstable voltage values and heat convection at 700K. Various Seebeck behaviors of QWs and SLs were observed by their different multilayer structure configurations. For comparison, n-type GaN thin film was also incorporated with low dirnensional Seebeck values and showed lower Seebeck coefficient. DP3.13 Noise Study of AIGaNjGaN FET Biosensors for High Sensitivity Biodetection. Yuji Wang 1 and Wu Lu 1 ,2; IDepartrnent of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; 2Department of Nanobio Materials and Electronics, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of. Over the past years, increasing attention has been drawn to AIGaN/GaN FETs for biosensing due to its unique material properties. To enhance the device sensitivity, optimization of surface functionalization chernistry and device configuration has been implemented. pM sensitivity of streptavidin protein detection in phosphate buffered saline has been demonstrated in an AIGaN/GaN bioFET biased at the sub-threshold regime with a control gatel.However, there has been argument on what is the optimal bias condition for bioFETs. In particular, sorne reports suggest that the optimal biasing condition for bioFETs is the bias that gives the maximum transconductance (Gm)2,3,while some other researchers believe that the optimal biasing condition is at the subthreshold regime l ,4. To determine the optimal biasing regime, here we present an evaluation of signal to intrinsic noise ratio (SNR) at different biasing conditions by employing low frequency noise measurements and extrinsic noise due to current deviation caused by variations of probing contact pressure,reference electrode position,and device stressing between rnultiple rneasurernents. Low frequency noise rneasurernents were perforrned at three different biasing regirnes: subthreshold regime,maxim Gm point, and saturation regime. The normalized current noise power amplitude (Sf /1 2 ) is the highest in the subthreshold regime. Intrinsic SNR=   Y) is introduced to evaluate the device perforrnance, where 8i is the square root of the integral of Sf over 1H7, bandwidth. is given by the change in the product of the surface potential and Gm. The values of SNR are 1.8x 10 5 y- l (subthreshold),7x 10 5 y- l (maxim Gm),and 1.3 X 10 5 y- l (saturation),respectively,in three regimes. SNR is maximized at the maxim Gm bias point, suggesting that biasing at this point likely leads to a maximum absolute current change due to specific binding, if only intrinsic SNR is considered. However, another non-negligible factor is the current deviation between multiple measurements under identical surface conditions, which is referred as extrinsic noise, distinguished from the intrinsic noise from low frequency noise measurements. The extrinsic noise is comparable to the intrinsic noise in the subthreshold regirne and it is several orders-of-magnitude higher than the intrinsic noise at the maxim Gm point or saturation regime, which significantly degrades the sensing ability in the linear and saturation regimes. For our devices, the subthreshold regime is the best sensing regime, considering the impact of both intrinsic and extrinsic noises. Under this biasing condition, 16 attomolar sensitivity (or 5 target molecules) has been demonstrated for protein detection. To our knowledge, this is the highest sensitivity ever reported on any field effect biosensors. 1. X.Wen et ai, App!. Phys. Lett., 99, 43701,2011 2. N.K.Rajan et ai, App!. Phys. Lett., 98, 264107,2011 3.Q.Guo et ai, App!. Phys. Lett. 101, 93704,2012 4.X.P.A.Gao et ai, Nano Lett. 10, 547-552,2010 DP3.14 Unusual Contact Properties of GraphenejAIGaNjAINjGaN Heterostructure. Haidong Zhang", Hyowook Kim 2 , Santhakumar Kannappan 2 , Ye Shao", Charles W. Tn 3 ,2 and Wu Lu",2; "Electrical & Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; 2Nanobio Materials and Electronics, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of; 3Electrical and Cornputer Engineering, University of California at San Diego, San Diego, California. Graphene is a promising material as electrodes in semiconductor electronic and optoelectronic devices. Here we report unusual electrical properties of rnetal contacts on rnonolayer graphene/ AIGaN/ AIN/GaN heterojunction field effect transistor structure. Mono to few layer graphene was first grown on Ni/Si02/Si substrate by chemical-vapor deposition, and then transferred onto MOCYD grown AIGaN/ AIN/GaN heterostructure on a SiC substrate. Hall rneasures show that the graphene layer has a rnobility 1770 cm2/Ys and a sheet resistivity of 497 n/-*bsquar*-. Ti/ Al/Ti/ Au ohmic contacts to AIGaN/AIN/GaN 2DEG were formed by rapid thermal annealing followed by non-annealed Ti/ Au contacts on graphene. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics show a near linear forward current 250 n) at forward bias with a small 0.2 Y) turn-on voltage. When the graphene contact is negatively biased, the device exhibits both rectifying -2.5 Y) and ohmic n at < -2.5 Y) behavior. A cross-over voltage is observed at both forward and reverse bias frolIl ternperature dependent rneasurernents, suggesting that the device behaves as a rectifying diode only in a small bias range. Under forward biases, the low flat voltage is attributed to the low local barrier of AIGaN to graphene due to local Ga rich (or Al less) regions in AIGaN. Under reverse biases, the graphene's Fermi level is shifted up, resulting a lower graphene work function hence a 271 smaller barrier according to the Schottky-Matt model, with increase of negative bias. We thus attribute this unique electronic property of graphcnc/nitridc scrniconductor hctcrojullctions to bias dependence of barrier height caused by the work function change of graphene as a function of bias. The results in this study provide a general understanding of metal/graphene contacts on III-nitride semicondllctors. DP3.15 High Mobility InAIN/AIN/GaN HEMTs Grown on 6 Inch Si Substrates. Po-Tsung Tu', Geng-Yen Lee',   Yeh 2 and .Jen-Inn Chyi,,2,3; 'Department of Electrical Engineering, National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan; 20ptical Sciences Center, National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan; 3Rcscarch Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. AlInN, a material lattice-matched to GaN, is very promising for high current, high transconductance, and high RF pcrforrnancc high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs). However, to grow high quality AlInN-based HEMT is challenging due to the large immiscibility and difference in thermal stability between AIN and InN, especially on silicon substrate. In this report, we will dClnonstratc, to the best of OUf knowledge, the highest electron mobility for AlInN-based HEMTs grown on 6-inch silicon substrates. The AlInN HEMT structure was grown by Aixtron close-coupled showerhead MOCVD system on a 6 inch Si (111) substrate. It consisted of a 1.25 /-Lm AIN/ AIGaN composite buffer layer followed by a 2.5 rLIn GaN undopcd buffer layer, an optirnizcd 1 HIll AIN spacer layer, a 13 nm InAIN barrier layer with 88% of Al content, and a 13 nm GaN cap layer. The structure exhibited a high electron mobility of 1670 cm 2 V-'s-' with a high sheet carrier concentration of 1.63xl0'3 cm- 2 simultaneously, which led to a low sheet resistance (Rsh) of 229 ahrn/sq as obtained by Hall rIlcasurcrncnts. Large MOS-HEMTs with Lc= 8 /-Lm, LDs= 26 /-Lm, and W c= 200 /-Lm were fabricated for in-depth investigations. Attributed to the high mobility and low Rsh of this structure, the InAIN/ AIN/GaN MOS-HEMTs exhibited a high rnaxirnurn drain current density (Id,max) of 810 rnA/rnrn under V GS of 3 V and V DS of 10 V, and a low Ron of 2.85 mohm-cm 2 . The devices had threshold voltage of -14.3 V with good pinch-off characteristics as indicated by a low drain leakage current of 10- 8 A/rnrn at the gate voltage of -20 V. Detailed device characteristics will be presented. DP3.16 Unipolar Vertical Transport Characteristics in III-Nitrides. Digbijoy N. Nath', Zhichao Yang', Pil S. Park', Chun Y. Lee 2 , Yuh R. Yu 2 and Siddharth Rajan 1 ; IThe Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; 2National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Unipolar III-nitride vertical devices exhibit unacceptably high leakage currents which has prevented successful dernonstration of several devices including resonant tunneling diodes, unipolar vertical transistors, and vertical field effect devices (CAVETs). In this work, we show that vertical transport in GaN/ AIGaN/GaN heterostructures is dominated by percolation-based transport due to random alloy fluctuations in the ternary AIGaN barrier. Potential barriers without random alloys were designed using digital alloy and binary barriers, and were found to eliminate percolation transport. To investigate the origin of vertical current, a series of n+GaN/30nm AIGaN/n+GaN structures were designed, where AIGaN composition was varied from 15-37%. Vertical currents were rneasured to be high (rv few kA/crn2 at 2 V) and independent of the AIGaN barrier composition. Current densities estimated using Fowler-Nordheim tunneling theory and 2D device simulations (Silvaco) were found to be several orders of magnitude lower than those measured. To understand the impact of dislocations, growths were perforrned on substrates with threading dislocations varying from 105 cm-2 to "",108 cm-2. The measured leakage was found to be independent of dislocation density. Sidewall leakage was also shown to not playa role. The current shows weak dependence on ternperature, elirninating trap-assisted or hopping transport as a rnechanisrn. Since vertical currents do not depend on heterojunction barrier height, dislocations, or sidewall leakage, we hypothesize percolation-based transport as the dominant transport mechanism. We propose that random alloy fluctuations in the ternary AIGaN provide GaN-to-GaN nano-island-rnediated percolative path for electron transport. Simulations were done using a 2D FEM drift-diffusion model of transport and incorporating statistical fluctuations in the AI-composition in AIO.2GaO.8N barrier1. The vertical current obtained from this simulation was found to be significantly high, whereas rernoving the fluctuation in Al-cornposition in the simulation led to negligible current densities. To reinforce the simulation results and test our hypothesis, barrier designs based on non-random alloys were pursued using two methods: digital alloys and   barriers. Digital AIO.3GaO.7N barriers formed by repeated 2 ML AIN/ 4 ML GaN were found to eliminate vertical leakage by up to 3 orders of magnitude, confirming the role of alloy fluctuations in vertical leakage. A second method based on polarization-engineered GaN barriers using a thin InGaN layer to provide polariZ'iation-induced dipole was tested, and was also found to reduce vertical leakage by sirnilar rnagnitude. Our dernonstration of the dominance of percolation transport in vertical AIGaN/GaN transport, and methods to eliminate this are expected to have profound impact on GaN vertical devices. [Acknowledgment: This work is funded by Office of Naval Research (Dr. Paul Maki), (DATE MURI project)][IJ Y.-R. Wu, R. Shivaraman, K.-C. Wang & .J. S. Speck, App. Phys. Let. 101, 2012. DP3.17 Low Ohmic Contact Resistance Re<O.l Omm for GaN HEMTs Using Au-Free Metallization and Low-Temperature Annealing. Zhihong Liu', Dirk Fahle 2 , Michael Heuken 3 , Geok Ing Ng 1 ,4 and Tomas Palacios1,5; lSingapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Singapore, Singapore; 2 RWTH Aachen University, Germany; 3AIXTRON SE, Germany; ·School of EEE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore; 5Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Recently the heterogeneous integration of GaN optoelectronic devices and transistors with Si CMOS digital integrated circuits has attracted rnore and rnore interests, as it would enable a new level of circuit design flexibility. Although some CMOS-compatible Au-free ohmic contacts have been reported by our group and others, however, there is still a lack of a CMOS-compatible low-annealing-temperature ohmic contact technology, which is required for the CMOS-first GaN-Si integration process. In this work we report a rnethod to realize very low contact resistance (Re<0.10mm) using Au-free metal schemes annealed at 500 DC through an n+-GaN/n-AIGaN/GaN structure. Fig.l shows the schematic of the n+-GaN/n-AIGaN/GaN structure and Fig. 2 draws its band diagram. The highly doped n+-GaN cap, together with the doped AIGaN barrier, pull down the conduction band and make the electrons easier to travel between the ohmic metal and 2DEG. The wafer was provided by AIXTRON, and the process includes BCI 3 /Cb plasma mesa etching followed by Ti/ Al (20/200 run) ohrnic rnetallization. Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show the Rc and specific contact resistivity PC rneasured by TLM after RTA at various temperatures for 1 m, and at 500 DC for different temperatures, respectively. At 500 DC for 1 m, the device obtained the lowest Re. Compared to the typical RMS value>100 nm for Ti/AI/Ni/ Au ohmic rnetal, the optirnized Ti/Al contact has a rnuch lower RMS of rv5 nIll. Fig. 5 shows the TLM results of the Ti/Al ohmic contact just after RTA and after the n+-GaN cap was removed. It can be seen that the contact resistance does not change much when the n+-GaN cap was removed. This shows the great potential for this low-temperature ohrnic contact technology to be applied into the GaN-Si integration. DP3.18 GaN-to-Si Vertical Conduction Mechanisms in AIGaN/GaN-on-Si Lateral Heterojunction FET Structures. Shu Yang, Qirneng Jiang, Daikui Li, Zhikai Tang and Kevin J. Chen; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong. GaN-based lateral power HEMTs and MIS-HEMTs implemented on cost-effective and large-si7:e GaN-on-Si platform are attractive for high-voltage power switches. For the mainstream AIGaN/GaN-on-Si heterostructures, the breakdown voltages are ultimately limited by GaN-to-Si vertical leakage. The forward and reverse GaN-to-Si breakdown rnechanisrns have been investigated in sarnples on a high resistivity Si substrate using high-voltage C- V measurement and on a low resistivity Si substrate using temperature-dependent 1- V measurement. When the GaN-Si diode is reverse-biased, the ohmic contact to the top of GaN layer furnishes a free-electron reservoir that provides electrons to fill/charge the buffer traps and eventually flow to Si substrate, whereas the electron injection mechanism with the GaN-Si diode forward-biased (which is more relevant to lateral power HEMTs that operate at large positive drain bias) is not well understood to date. This work investigates the charge accurnulation/ depletion at the GaNlSi interface on a low reBiBtivity p-type Si substrate under high-voltage operation, by conjunctly using the temperature-dependent high-voltage C- V, 1- V characterizations, and device simulation. The measured 1- V characteristics in an AIGaN/GaN-on-Si reveal a clear difference between the reverse and forward conductions. With an increasing forward voltage, 1D simulation results indicate a physical process in the following sequence: 1) ionization of acceptor traps and hole depletion in the GaN buffer; 2) depletion/weak-inversion of the p-type Si at the GaN/Si interface until the critical electrical field of Si (0.3 MV/crn) is reached; 3) impact ionization in Si that provides free electrons to be injected into GaN, which in turn, can fill up the donor traps in GaN. Temperature-dependent high-voltage C- V characteristics feature two falling edges that related to two turning points in the forward vertical conductions. The first one validates the occurrence of Si depletion which occurs prior to weak inversion and impact ionization. After the donor traps in GaN are filled up with electrons that are injected from 272 Si, the second falling edge appears, the onset of which is reduced at higher temperature because of the enhanced thermionic at the GaNlSi interface and electron capture process by the donor traps in GaN buffer. DP3.19 High Performance AlGaN/GaN-Based Schottky Barrier Diode with Very Low Reverse Recovery Charge at High Telllperature. Jae-Hoon Lee l , Jong-Kyu Yoa l , Heon-Bok Lee l , Myung-Sub .lung', Chanho Park', Hee-Sung Kang 2 and .lung-Hee Lee 2 ; 'Discrete Development, System LSI, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Yongin, Gyuuggi-Do, Korea, Republic of; 2School of Electronic Engineering & Computer Science, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Kyungpook, Korea, Republic of. Several groups have reported excellent high breakdown voltage pcrforrnancc frorn both lateral and rncsa-gcolnctry GaN and AIGaN SEDs. However, most of them suffered from very high on-resistance because of large series resistance caused by large distance between anode and cathode. To increase the on-current, vertical-type GaN SI3D fabricated on a bulk GaN wafer has been suggested. The device is, however, vulnerable because the current flow of the device is parallel to the direction of the dislocation propagation, which considerably lowers the breakdown voltage of the device than expected. In this work, we fabricated a Multi-finger lateral-type AIGaN/GaN Schottky barrier diode (SI3D) fabricated on the AIGaN/GaN heterostructure grown on sapphire substrate and also present the electrical properties of the SBD measured by varying temperature. To achieve high-power operation, a bonding pad over active (BPOA) structure was used with opt imbed anode-to-cathode distance. The I3POA allows the placernent of bonding pads over active layer without the addition of reinforcing layers, which offers a significant reduction in both the overall size of the die and the series resistance of pads. The multi-finger patterned large-area SBD with BPOA structure (BPOA-SBD) was fabricated. The size, the length of the anode periIneter, and the anode-to-cathode distance for both devices are 3000 etm X 3000 etm, 270 mm, and 20 etm, respectively. The turn-on voltage and forward current of the packaged BPOA-SBD at 1.5V is about 0.8 V and 4.5 A at room temperature, respectively. As increasing teInperature, the turn-on voltage of the I3POA-SI3D continually decreases due to the reduction of the band gap energy which is inversely proportional to the temperature. However, the slope of the current decreases as temperature increases in spite of the decreased turn-on voltage. This results from the fact that the electron Inobility for a rnajority carrier device decreases as ternperature increases but the increase in 2DEG density is not significant in this temperature range. The forward current of the BPOA-SBD at 1.5V is about 2.5 A at 200°C, which is 45% lower in magnitude compared to the value at room temperature. The leakage current of the I3POA-SI3D at a reverse voltage of - 600 V was 6 and 9.8 ILA at room temperature and 175 a C. The corresponding values of the Si-diode are 0.2 and 17 etA. Though the reverse leakage current of the BPOA-SBD at room temperature is higher than that of the Si-diode, but the current of the SBD at high temperature is much smaller than that of the Si-diode. The soft breakdown voltage of the I3POA-SI3D at leakage current of 250 etA was 747 and 767 V at room temperature and 175 ° C, respectively. The corresponding values of the Si-diode are 680 and 717 V due to avalanche breakdown. A typical reverse recovery wave form of the BPOA-SBD was measured at the forward current of IF = 4 A, the supply voltage of 400 V, and the di/dt of 200 A/liS at room temperature and 175 a C. The reverse recovery time (Trr) of the BPOA-SBD is 19.4 and 19.6 ns at room temperature and 175°C, much lower than the corresponding value of 26.6 and 116 ns for the Si diode due to the high electron velocity of the originated rnaterial, which is also cornparable to those obtained for srnall-area GaN-based SBDs reported elsewhere. The temperature variations of BPOA-SBD for the reverse recovery characteristics are much better than those of Si-diode. The reverse recovery charge (Qrr) of Si-diode increases from 51.7 nC at 25°C to 403 nC at 175 DC, which that of I3POA-SI3D increases from 19.7 nC at 25 0 C to 19.93 nC at 175 DC. These excellent device characteristics demonstrate that the AIGaN/ GaN SBD with BPOA structure has a great potential application to the high power electronics. DP3.20 AlN/GaN Heterostructure TFTs with Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition of Epitaxial AlN Thin Film. Cheng Liu', Shenghou Liu', Sen Huang,,2, Baikui Li' and Kevin.l. Chen'; 'Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Hong Kong; 2Department of Microwave Devices and Integrated Circuits, Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. AIN/ GaN heterostructure was realized by deposition of AIN thin fiIrn with low-therInal-budget (300°C) plasrna enhanced atoInic layer deposition (PEALD) on a semi-insulating GaN /sapphire-substrate template. The micro-structures, chemical composition distribution and electrical properties of the AIN/ GaN heterostructure were studied. The single-crystal epitaxial nature of ALD-AlN thin film on GaN was confirIned by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The first several monolayers ~ 3 n m   of the ALD-AlN layer features well-arranged atomic structure that follows the crystal pattern of the underlying hexagonal GaN buffer. The resultant crystalline hexagonal ALD-AIN fiIrn introduces a large binding energy of AI-N bond near the ALD-AlN/GaN interface, as confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The ALD-AIN/GaN interface is atomically-sharp without significant oxygen and carbon contamination. Owning to the spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization of hexagonal crystal ALD-AIN grown on GaN in our experirnent, a two-dirnensional electron gas (2DEG) channel is formed at ALD-AlN/GaN interface. The 2DEG density is extracted to be 1. 7 X 10'2/cm2 from the C- V characteristics of a MIS-diode with an Ab03/ALD-AlN/GaN structure. Srnall frequency dispersion (rv 3%) between 1 kHz and 100 kHz was obtained by the frequency dependent C- V measurement, suggesting low-density traps at the ALD-AIN/GaN interface. Finally, thin film transistors (TFTs) have been successfully fabricated with Al 2 0 3 gate dielectric grown in - situ with AlN thin film. No significant current crowding for the output perforInance was implicated at low V DS, despite the presence of large source/drain access resistance (Rs, R D ~ 150n-mm) as a result of the non-alloyed source/drain contacts (Ti/ Au). The proposed TFTs exhibit good gate control with a low sub-threshold slope of ~ 85 mV/dec and a low-field rnobility of rv 27 crn 2 /(V-s), which is one order of Inagnitude higher than that achieved in AIN/GaN heterostructures grown by magnetron sputtering. The enhanced performance is attributed to high-quality interface obtained at the ALD-AlN/GaN interface. DP3.21 Pulsed Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition of Ultrathin AlN/GaN Heterostructure Field-Effect Transistors Using Indium as Surfactant. JunShuai Xue, JinCheng Zhang and Yue Hao; Xidian University, Xi'an, China. Ultrathin all-binary AlN/ GaN heterostructures potentially offer the highest performance HEMTs in the III-V nitrides due to the added ease of vertical scaling for reducing short-channel effects. Many of the reported results are realized by rnolecular beaIn epitaxy (MBE), mainly because of its special capability to grow AlN barrier with high quality and sharp interface. However, MBE is not economically feasible and cannot satisfy the market requirement of mass-production like metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). In spite of the potential application advantages, MOCVD ernploys high growth temperature to achieve high quality AlN barrier, which is limited by the ability of reactor heating system and requires special heater and growth chamber designs. So, there have been few reports on the growth of AlN/GaN heterostructures by MOCVD. In our previous study, high quality nearly lattice-matched InAIN/GaN heterostructures have been successfully grown by pulsed-MOCVD (PMOCVD) based on series of optimization of growth parameters. Here, this abstract presents a study of growth and characterization of ultrathin AlN/GaN heterostructures grown by PMOCVD using indiurn as surfactant at high growth teInperature. By optirnization of growth temperature and thickness of AIN barrier layer, a high electron mobility of 1398 cm2/Vs and a sheet carrier density of 1.3x 1013 cm-2 are demonstrated for the AlN/GaN heterostructures with a barrier layer thickness of 4 nrn grown at a relatively low temperature of 830 oC. Furthermore, we fabricate AIN/GaN HEMTs on these heterostructures. A maximum drain current density of 305 mA/mm and a maximum transconductance of 95 mS/mm are demonstrated for the AlN/GaN HEMT with a gate geometry of (0.6x50) x2 lim2. Aggressive shortening of gate length by adopting advanced electron beam lithograph and reduction of Ohmic contact resistance by optimization of Ohmic contact metals and annealing conditions can be pursued and applied to the future device process to further improve the device characteristics. In light of the presented results, PMOCVD could be a viable technique for epitaxy of ultrathin AIN/GaN HEMT structures. DP3.22 Thermal Assessment of GaN on-Si HEMTs and Diodes with Different Cap Layers: GaN, in situ SiN, and in situ SiN/GaN. Sara Martin-Horcajol, Maria Fatima Romero Rojol, Zhan Gaol, Ashu Wang', Marko .l. Tadjer 2 , A. Koehler 2 , T. Anderson 2 and Fernando Calle'; 'Dep. Ingenieria Electr6nica (ETSIT Telecomunicaci6n), ISOM & Technical University of Madrid, Madrid, Madrid, Spain; 2Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, District of Columbia. Gallium nitride based high electron mobility transistors grown on Si substrate (GaN on Si HEMTs) are very attractive candidates for the next generation cost-effective power devices. A lot of efforts have already been done for the optimization of the epilayer quality and technology as well as the use of the in situ SiN cap layer, in order to 273 have robust devices under harsh conditions. Additionally, D. Marcon et al showed recently that in situ SiN cap layer is able to prevent Inatcrial degradation at high tcrnpcraturc, in contrast to CaN cap or without cap layer. However, the responsible mechanisms are partially unknown, and further studies are demanding. The thermal stability of A1GaN/GaN heterostructures (HS) using three different cap layer (GaN (3 nm), in situ SiN (3 nm), and in situ SiN (3 nm) on top of the GaN (3 nm) cap) has been systematically investigated. HEMT and test diodes have been fabricated simultaneously in the three HS, which are identical except for the cap layer. Both of the in situ SiN-based HS were found to reduce drastically the gate leakage current up to 4 orders of rnagnitudc, respect to the without-SiN devices. Interestingly, the gate lag was snprcsscd only in the case of SiN/AlGaN/GaN HEMTs and it correlates with the capacitance measurements. Double pulsed gate and drain voltages were used to discuss further the self-heating, drain-lag and gate lag in the different HS, as a function of the gcornctry and T froIn 25K to 550K DP3.23 First-Principles Calculations of Structural and Electronic Properties of GaN(OOOl)/Au Interface. and Stanislaw Krukowski,,2; 'Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Acadcrny of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland; 2Intcrdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Foland. The problem of gallium nitride's Ga-terminated (0001) coverage with bulk rnctals is still not well-represented in the literature. Although some theoretical models of GaN/ Au interface were described recently, they consider only zinc blende GaN with no built-in spontaneous   Le., no built-in electric field, Ga-terminated GaN(OOOI) surface, covered with Au atoms is studied by density functional calculations in slab-vacuurn rnodel, rarely used for metal-semiconductor interface simulations. System properties were studied in function of the electric field, Fermi level or equivalently, the doping of the semiconductor bulk. The configurations used are lxl and 2x2 slabs with vacuurn up to 30 A to cancel the effect of periodicity. Metallic part of the structure is deposited one by one on top of GaN slab and relaxed. The following structural and electronic parameters, customary used to describe metal-semiconductor interface, are calculated: structural parameters of Au phase imposed by GaN (hexagonal AI3AI3 for lxl slabs and body centered orthorhombic (bco) for 2x2 slabs) as compared to bcc Au phase, the most stable in ambient conditions, interlayer distances of fully relaxed Au bulk showing that bco Au phase is more relaxed, Schottky barrier height (SBH, V for p-type GaN), electric potential showing no irregularities in Au part, projected density of states across the structure confirming fast fade-out of metallic states (two layers) inside the semiconductor, band edges of the semiconductor part, band structure projected onto interface plane (r-K-M). The possibility of emergence of the localbed midgap states is discussed. The consequences of the obtained results are discussed, e.g., rnetallicity of the system (bandgap closure), linear dependence of SBH and energy levels on electric field. This work is considered as the step towards contact modelling on p-type GaN(OOOl) surface, especially Ni/Au contact scherne, which becornes a technological standard and yet lacks full control and full understanding. (The research supported by the EU, European Regional Development Fund, Grant Innovative Economy POIG.01.01.02-00-008/08, and Polish National Science Center, Grant No. 20l2/05/B/ST3/02516,) DP3.24 High Performance Normally-Off AlGaN/GaN MOSFET with Al2 0 3 High-k Dielectric Layer Using a Low Damage Recess Technique. Ye Wang', Maojun Wang', Bing Xie', Jinyan Wang', Yilong Hao', Wengang Wu', Bo Shen 2 and Kevin .1, Chen 3 ; 'the Institute of Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing, China; 2School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, China; 3Dept . of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China. A low darnage digital etching process using pre-oxidation and following oxide wet etching to recess the AIGaN barrier and achieve normally off operation for A1GaN/GaN MOSFET with Ab03 high-k gate dielectric is demonstrated. The wet etching process eliminates the large damages induced by plasma bombardment with chemical and physical interactions in conventional inductively coupled plasrna (ICP) etching process and atomic smooth surface morphology could be reserved. The fabricated recessed A1GaN/GaN MOSFET exhibited a completely enhancement-mode operation and excellent device perforrnances. The rnaxirnurn output current density is 528 rnA/nnn at 8 V gate bias with a threshold voltage of 1.68 V. The gate leakage current is below 10- 7 mA/mm when the gate bias is below 2 V and slowly increases to 3.5xlO- 4 rnA/rnrn when the gate bias is 7 V due to the accumulation of electrons in the GaN channel. The three terminal off-state breakdown voltage for the device with 3 Mm gate-drain distance is 182 V when the gate terminal is biased at 0 V, Such performance is benefiting from the good quality of the AI20 3 /GaN interface as indicated by high resolution transmission electron rnicroscopy, suggesting that the AIGaN barrier recess process based on wet etching is of low damage and could be an effective method to achieve normally-off operation for AlGaN/GaN FETs with high performance, DP3.25 Low Leakage Current AIGaN/GaN-on-Si HFETs Using Gallium Oxide Sacrificial Layer. Jae-Gil Lee', Sang-Woo Han', Bong-Ryeol Park', Kwang-Seok Se0 2 and Ho-Young Cha'; 'School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; 2 Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. A1GaN/GaN heterostructure FETs are suitable for high power switching applications due to high carrier density, high mobility, and high breakdown field. The leakage current plays an important role in power loss during off-state condition and thus great care should be taken of suppressing the leakage current. The surface of AlGaN/ GaN HFETs tends to be damaged during device fabrication, especially during high-temperature annealing. Though a prepassivation process can reduce the surface damage by protecting the surface during device processing, the high-temperature induced surface damage cannot be cornpletely prevented. In this study, we developed a new process employing a gallium oxide sacrificial layer to suppress the leakage current. The process sequence of A1GaN/GaN-on-Si HFETs was (a) mesa isolation, (b) ohmic contact formation and annealing at 830°C, (c) oxygen plasma treatment to form a GaOx sacrificial layer, (d) wet etch to rernove the sacrificial layer, and (e) gate forrnation. The epitaxial structure consisted of a 4-nm undoped-GaN layer, a 20-nm undoped-Alo,23Gao.77N barrier, a I-nm AIN spacer, a 1.7-Mm undoped-GaN buffer, and transition layers on an N-type Si(111) substrate. The thickness of the GaOx layer formed by the oxygen plasrna treatrnent was rv2 rnn. A reference sarnple without the oxygen plasma treatment was also fabricated for comparison. Since the epitaxial structure consisted of a 4-nm GaN top layer on top of A1GaN/GaN structure, it is expected to have a lower effective barrier height on the surface after rernoving the sacrificial layer. Nevertheless, insignificant change was observed in threshold voltage and drain current whereas the leakage current decreased dramatically by a few orders of magnitude (from 90 MA/mm to 360 nA/mm at 100 V). It was found that significant reduction in buffer leakage current were associated with the total leakage current reduction. Both sarnples exhibited similar breakdown voltages, i.e. 1018 V at LCD 20 Mm. In order to investigate the change in the surface condition, several samples with different treatments were prepared and examined using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Increase in carbon quantity and nitrogen vacancy was observed after high-ternperature ohrnic annealing, which seemed to be responsible for the high leakage current. After oxygen plasma treatment, the carbon quantity decreased while oxygen quantity increased. Ga 3d spectrum was shifted to higher binding energy compared to as-grown and ohmic annealed sarnples. However, when the GaO x sacrificial layer was removed by wet etch, the initial binding energy was recovered. It is suggested that the proposed process in this study can effectively suppress the leakage current and thus reduce the power loss during off-state, DP3.26 The Effect of Residual Impurities in the Epitaxial Layer on Fe-Doped GaN. Tetsuo Narita,,3, Hiroko Iguchi,,3, Tsutomu Uesugi 1 ,3, Tetsu Kachi 1 ,3 and Tarnotsu Hashizurne 2 ,3; lElectronic Devices Research Div., TOYOTA CENTRAL R&D LABS. INC., Nagakute, Aichi pref, Japan; 2RCIQE, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido pref., Japan; 3Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), CREST, Tokyo, Japan. GaN-based switching devices have recently attracted significant attention as core devices for in-vehicle inverters. GaN films prepared by hetero-epitaxial growth on various substrates such as a sapphire have the high density of dislocations. On the other hand, the high quality free-standing GaN substrates have been reported recently, and expected as device application requiring high reliability. We investigate the epitaxial growth process to effectively utilize a high resistivity (HR) GaN substrate for a lateral device. We prepared three sarnples grown by rnetalorganic chernical vapor deposition on Fe doped HR-GaN substrates provided by Hitachi Cable, Ltd. The layer structure of sample A is a HR-GaN, a 2 Mm thick unintentionally doped (UID) GaN, and a 25-nm-thick AIO.25GaO.75N layer. The Fe concentration and the dislocation density were 2.6e18 cm-3 and under 3e6crn-2, respectively. The structures of sarnple Band C arc carbon doped (CD) GaN layers, UID-GaN layers, and 25 nm thick AIO.25GaO.75N layers on HR-GaNs. The Carbon densities of UID- and CD-GaN layer were 2e16cm-3 and leI8cm-3, respectively. The thicknesses of CD-/UID-GaN were 0.05/1.95 Mm and 1.5/0.5 Mm for 274 sample Band C, respectively. In order to demonstrate the buffer leakage current, samples were processed as follows. Two electrodes with Ti/ Al/Ni (20/200/100 nm) were deposited and annealed at 650 DC. Then only 200-nm-depth of the gap between electrodes was etched by inductively coupled plasma. Finally, the etched surfaces were passivated by the polyimide to prevent the surface leakage current. The hall measurement showed the high mobility over 1700 crn2/Vs for all sarnplcs. The result of secondary ion rnass spectroscopy for sample A showed the upward diffusion of Fe atom and the spike-like Si at the interface between the epitaxial layer and the substrate due to the adhesion of contamination. The Fe concentration decreased exponentially with thickness of DID-CaN and was under 2c14 cm-3 in the upper 0.5 lun of UID-GaN. The UID-GaN contained Oxygen of 1e16 cm-3 and Si under 2e16 cm-3. The result of 1- V curve for sample A showed the large leakage current over 1mA/mm at 100V independent of the gap width. The leakage current of sample B was about 1/10 for sample A. The result of sample C showed the lowest leakage current of 76pA/mm at 100V and the breakdown voltage, which depended on the gap width, over 600V for the 10-J.'m gap width. We can think of two leakage pass; one is the pass through the spike-like Si, and the other is through UID-GaN due to residual irnpllritics. The leakage current of sarnplc 13 was luuch higher than that of sample C in spite of the compensation by Carbon for spike-like Si donors. If the epitaxial layer has the high density of the edge dislocations, low levels of carriers are trapped; and the material appears to be insulating. Our results indicate that residual impurities act as free carriers for the high quality UID-GaN because there is little compensation due to dislocations. DP3.27 Investigation of the Ti/ AI/ Pt/ Au and Ti/ Au Contact Materials on N-face Surfaces of Oxygen Doping GaN. Chia-Lung Tsai ' , Yi-Keng Fu ' , Hung-Tse Chen 2 , Chin-Hsueh Chou 2 and Rang Xuan 1 ; lElectronics and Optoelectronics Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan; 2LED Opto-electronic OU, Walsin Lihwa Corporation, Taoyu3n, Taiwan. Ti/ AI/ Pt/ Au and Ti/ Au ohmic contact materials on N-face surfaces of oxygen doped GaN (GaN:O) were investigated by measuring the specific contact resistivity (pc) with respect to annealing tcrnpcratnrc. Til Au contact showed good ohrnic property in contrast to Ti/ Al/ Pt/ Au contact on N-face surface of GaN:O. Based on the x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy results, we found that the formation of N-Al bonds with increase anneal treatment temperature and the increase of upward band bending near the N-face GaN:O surface rnight lead to an increase in the effective Schottky barrier high, resulting in an increase in the pc of N-face GaN:0. DP3.28 Interface Charge Characterization of AIGaN/GaN MOS Structures with High-Ii: Gate Insulator by Capacitance/Conductance Measurements. Roman Stoklas ' , Dagmar Gregusova1, Kristina Husekova 1 and Peter Kordos 2 ; I Optoelectronics, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia; 2Microclcctronics, Institute of Electronics & Photonics, University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia. AIGaN/GaN MOS structures that have a high-Ii: Al203 or Zr02 gate insulator were studied by capacitance rncasurcrncnt to evaluate their interface properties. The insulators with a thickness of ",,20 nm and dielectric constant of 9 (AI203) and 23 (Zr02) were deposited by CVD. Annealing of Zr02 was applied, as follows from our previous study on InAIN/GaN MOS structures [1]. The C-V characteristics were lneasured at various frequencies (lkHz-1MHz) and telnperatures (25 D C-200 D C). The data is presented using a parallel capacitance-conductance (C-G-V) model. The bias voltage was swept from a negative value to a value::;> 0 V and then in the opposite direction towards the starting negative bias. The characteristics revealed the channel depletion and barrier accumulation regions. The C- V characteristics in the depletion region yielded a negligible hysteresis for both A1203- and Zr02-structures. Threshold voltage Vth is commonly used to evaluate defect charges in GaN-based MOS structures. However, an increase in Vth with increased lnaxiinUIn value of the swept bias voltage Vmax was observed. The A1203- and Zr02-structures exhibited an increase Ll. Vth = 1.6 and 1.3 V, respectively, for Vmax changing from 0 V to 9 (7) V. This indicates a difference in the trapped charge of ~   X 1012 cm-2. The C- V characteristics in the acculnulation region show an increase of the capacitance with bias voltage, which is more pronounced for the AI203-structures. Steeper dC/dV indicates a lower density of interface states [2]. However, other effects need to be considered also, such as the spill-over (reduction of the effective barrier thickness due to charge redistribution) and vertical current leakage. Telnperature dependent C-G- V measurements show different behavior for the A1203- and Zr02-structures in the depletion and accumulation regions. While the Al203-structures exhibited a positive threshold voltage shift with temperature, the Zr02-structures showed a negative shift. This indicates different charges in the structures, i.e. the negative vs. positive. Additionally, the Al203-structures exhibited a negligible conductance increase in the accumulation region. However, a relatively high conductance, which increased with temperature, was found on the Zr02-structures. This can be explained considering a high density of fixed positive charge in the Zr02 insulator and vertical leakage current. The static I-V measurements support this assumption (trap assisted leakage). One should consider the band gap difference between Zr02 (5.8 eV) and AI203 ~ 7 eV) in comparison with that of AIGaN ~ 4 eV). The work has been supported by the Slovak Grant Agencies VEGA (Grant Nos. 2/0147/11 and 2/0105/13) and APVV (Grant Nos. 0301-10 and 0367-11). DP3.29 Optimization of Field Plate Structure for Enhancing Power Gain of GaN-Based HEMTs. Zhang Kai, Zhao ShengLei, Cao MengYi, Zhang JinCheng, Ma XiaoHua and Hao Vue; Key Laboratory of Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices, School of Microelectronics, Xidian University, Xi'an, Shannxi, China. Field plate (FP) structures have been experimentally and theoretically demonstrated to be effective in enhancement of the breakdown voltage and suppression of dc-RF dispersion in GaN based devices. However, few reports on FP design optilnization for ilnproving frequency perforrnance are available, despite the traditional source FP design has been frequently reported to induce an increse of 3dB in power gain [1]. In the article, influence of the dielectric thickness under the traditional source FP on the frequency characteristics is investigated for the first tilne. Moreover, a novel composite field plate structure is proposed as an improvement over the conventional FP techniques to enhance frequency performance in GaN-based HEMTs. The device design is performed using device simulator Silvaco "ATLAS". Parameters for frequency response silnulation are carefully extracted fronl in-house 100 Jun AIGaN/GaN HEMTs by using the standard small signal extraction method. 1.2 dB higher power gain at 10GHz is obtained once a source FP is placed on the second-layer 600nm-thickness SiN dielectric. Interestingly, when the SiN thickness t is reduced to zero, the maximum power gain (4.2 dB higher) is achieved in cOInparison to HEMTs without source FP. We, thus, develop a novel FP structure which is comprised of a dramatically shortened gate FP and a source-connected FP featuring the same photolithography mask as gate electrode. In the FP design, the distance between source FP and gate FP (Dis) is determined to significantly influence both breakdown characteristics and sInall single gain characteristics. It is found that a shorter Dis, a higher power gain. We believe that this improvement on gain can be attributed to the fact that the reduction in Cgd leads to better isolation between input and output ports, thereby greatly ilnproved the power gain. Besides, for the used device structure, with Dis= 0.25 Jun, the electric field distribution of source FP HEMTs closely resembles that of conventional T-gate FP HEMTs with the same effective FP length. This indicates that breakdown performance suffers no degradation. We believe that gain iInproveinent should be partially due to the minimi:z;ation of parasitic capacitance added by gate FP and partially due to shielding effect introduced by source FP. Therefore, the tradeoff characteristics between breakdown and frequency response could be achieved by using the proposed FP sturcture, which shows great potential for high frequency high power application. [1] Ando Y, Wakejima A, Okamoto Y, Nakayama T, Ota K, Yamanoguchi K, Murase Y, Kasahara K, Matsunaga K, Inoue T, Miyamoto H, and Miyamoto H 2005 IEDM Tech. Dig. 585. DP3.30 Magnetotransport Properties of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in High Equivalent Al Composition AIGaN/GaN Heterostructures Using AIN/GaN Superlattice as a Barrier. Ning Tang ' , Sidong Liu ' , Xuqiang Shen 2 , Junxi Duan 1 , Fangchao LuI, T. Ide 2 , M. Shilnizu 2 , Weikun Ge 1 ,3 and Bo Shen 1 ; IState Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructure and Mesoscopic Physics, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, China; 2 Advanced Power Electronics Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan; 3Departlnent of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Magnetotransport properties of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in high equivalent Al composition AIGaN/GaN heterostructures using AIN/ GaN superlattice as a barrier have been studied at low temperatures and high magnetic fields. Well resolved Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations were observed, indicating excellent quality of the quasi-AIGaN/GaN heterostructures. It is measured that the energy separation between the two subbands in the GaN triangular quantuln well can be as large as 180.5 lneV, depicting strong quantum confinement at the heterointerface. The strong quantum confinement results in a high 2DEG density of 2*10 13cm-2. 275 The persistent photoconductivity investigation also indicates that the superlattice barrier layer has a low density of impurities/defects. It is believed that the AIN/ GaN sllperlattice, instead of high Al composition alloy AIGaN layer, could greatly improve the device performance. DP3.31 Study of Wafer Curvature of AIGaN/GaN Electron Device Structure on 8-Inch-Diallleter Si Substrate Using Metal-Organic Chelllical Vapor Deposition \MOCVD). Akinori Ubukata", Yuya Yamaoka", Yoshiki Yano , Toshiya Tabuchi" and Koh Matsurnoto 2 ; ITaiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation, Tsukuba, Japan; 2 TN EMC Ltd., Tama, Japan. AIGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) on large diarnctcr silicon substrates arc very prolnising owing to the low cost. A lot of work has been devoted to irnprovc the pcrforrn3ncc of HEMTs grown on Si to widen its applications. However, it is important to realize devices using large-diameter substrates in a multiwafer reactor for mass production, since GaN epitaxial wafers with a large diameter enable us to realize large devices and they can soon be applied to conventional manufacture lines for GaAs or Si devices. Here, one of issues encountered in the growth on a large diameter silicon substrate is the control of wafer curvature during and after the growth run. Wafer curvature is determined by the thermal effect and the inelastic strain, which is caused not only by lattice rnisrnatch but also by other various factors such as growth conditions. In this study, we investigate the effect of wafer curvature on the growth parameters and dependence of structure. Device structure was grown on 8-inch Si (111) substrates in a multiwafer (6 x 8 inch) MOCVD system (Taiyo Nippon Sanso, UR26K). The epitaxial structure consists of an AIN nucleation layer, 240nm Ala.5Gao.5N, 2.4",m AIN/AIGaN strained layer superlattice (SLS), 650nm GaN, 1nm AIN and 25nm-thick nondoped Alo.25Gao.75N barrier. During the growth of the top AIGaN barrier, a mixture of N 2 and H 2 was used as a carrier gas. The curvature during the growth was Ineasured using a curvature rnonitor employing laser reflection, which was installed on the top lid of the reactor. The layer-by-layer wafer curvature was calculated using Stoney's model. It shows a good agreement with the obtained in-situ data. In cornparison to experirnental curvature with different structures, it is found that the degree of epitaxial inelastic strain in SLS is almost one order larger than that in other bulk layers, which is possibly the result from nucleation grain size, grain boundaries. The experimentally obtained magnitude of wafer bowing at room ternperature was approxirnately 30 p,rn for 3.7 Jun thick layer. No cracks were observed on the surface, and the sheet carrier density and Hall mobility were 1.0 x 10" 3 cm-2 and 1680 cm 2 /Vs, respectively. DP3.32 Effect of In-situ Relllote Plasllla Pretreatlllent on Device Characteristics of AIGaN/GaN MOSHFET with Hf02 Dielectrics for Power Device Ppplication. Bongmook Lee, Young-Hwan Choi, Jinwoo Kim, Alex Q. Huang and Veena Misra; Electrical and COlnputer Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina. High electron mobility transistors (HEMT) based on GaN/ AIGaN heterostructures are promising candidates for high-power and high frequency device applications due to its superior rnaterial properties. However, high gate leakage current and AC-DC dispersion in drain current should be overcome to achieve better performance. Incorporation of gate dielectric under the gate could suppress the high leakage current but the quality of dielectric or interface should be carefully optilnized in order to rninirnize VT instability, AC-DC dispersion, and early breakdown phenomenon. Therefore a thorough understanding of the interface between dielectric and AIGaN layer as well as a suitable surface treatment is critical for further enhancing device performance. In this work, the effect of in-situ remote plasma pre-treatrnent prior to the high-k Hf02 gate dielectric deposition on device electrical and off-state stress characteristics is studied on AIGaN/GaN power metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) HFETs. It was observed that both device subthreshold and gate leakage current characteristics are improved for the in-situ plasma treated sample. Moreover, slight reduction in on-resistance was also obtained with remote plasma treatment. It was also found that the remote plasma treatment greatly suppress the positive threshold voltage (VT) shift during DC off- stress (Vg = -6V while Vd changes from 20V to 100V) resulting that only O.2V shift in VT is observed with in-situ plaslna treated sarnple after lOOV drain bias stress whereas 1.2V shift in VT is obtained without plasma treated sample. Finally, the effectiveness of passivation of surface states by plasma treatment was analyzed with pulse measurements. The dynamic current response of AIGaN/GaN HEMT devices to gate voltage pulses (gate-lag) was characterized and the result suggests that in-situ remote plasma treated Hf02 provides more effective passivation compared to only Hf02 dielectric without remote plasma treatment. DP3.33 Barrier Layer Thickness Optilllization by Elilllinating Surface Mobile Holes in AIGaN/GaN Heterojunction. Di Meng", Cheng P. Wen l , Shuxun Lin l , Maojun Wang l , Yilong Hao l , Kei M. Lau 2 and Wengang Wu l ; IInstitute of Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing, China; 2Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HKUST, Hong Kong, China. In this article, based on polarization and energy band theory, we present a model describing the nature of     induced, positive/negative charge pairs in AIGaN/GaN heterojunction. We believe there are mobile holes on the top surface of AIGaN barrier layer when the thickness of the layer exceeds a certain value. The modcl was verified by a simple structure with only Ti/ AI/Ni/ Au alloy electrodes. It contained an outer alloy ring and an inner alloy circle on an isolated mesa. The outer electrode had larger contact area. The current between the two concentric electrodes was measured with one electrode grounded and the other applied a sweep voltage till saturation occurred. Direction dependency of the saturation currents between the two concentric, unequal size alloy electrodes was observed, implying that the simple concentric Ti/ AI/Ni/Au alloy electrodes structure is not a simple, passive circuit element. Then, a well-controlled etching process was introduced. Through this process, we can etch down the AIGaN barrier layer by approximately 2.4 Ji per cycle. The direction dependency of the saturation currents disappeared after nine cycles of etching treatment. Conventional semiconductor models find difficulty in explaining these phenomena. Yet if we take the above rnentioned surface rnobile hole into consideration, all results can be easily explained. In fact, the ohmic contacts for electrons (Ti/ AI/Ni/ Au alloy electrodes) are basically Schottky contacts for positive charges (surface mobile holes). As a result of the positive-negative polarization induced charge pairs nature of the polar serniconductor, the loss of any surface rnobile positive charges must be accompanied by the loss of equal number of negative channel electrons. Loss of surface mobile holes through a forward biased electrode will lead to lower saturation current density adjacent to that electrode, causing the saturation current flowing between two concentric, unequal size ohrnic contacts to becorne source electrode periphery, or direction dependent. And this direction dependency of the saturation currents will disappear when surface mobile holes are eliminated by reducing the barrier layer to (or less than) the optimum thickness. The Inethod of barrier layer thickness optirnization and this new model can provide guidance to AIGaN/GaN HFET epitaxial material growth and processing technologies. DP3.34 Process Design for Illlproved Dialllond-Capped GaN HEMT Devices. Travis Anderson, Andrew D. Koehler, Marko J. Tadjer, Karl D. Hobart, Tatyana 1. Feygelson, Jennifer K. Hite, Brad B. Pate, Francis .T. Kub and Charles R. Eddy; Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, District of Columbia. Diamond has been proposed as an integrated heat sink layer for gallium nitride (GaN) high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs), but has experienced limited success due to the harsh deposition conditions and lilnited salnple size. We have previously reported irnproved electrical perforrnance and a 20% reduction in self-heating with a "diamond-before-gate" approach, which simplifies process integration by depositing NCD on top of a thin passivation layer but before the thermally sensitive Schottky gate. A significant drawback to this approach is that the passivation layer acts as a therrnal insulator between the hottest part of the device and the heat spreading layer. In further experiments, we have addressed and optimi7:ed critical steps that affect the reliability of this process, focusing on the diamond nucleation and initial growth, diamond etching, and gate opening steps. Irnprovernents in these steps have enabled the direct deposition of diamond on the AIGaN/GaN surface, reduced both micromasking and plasma damage to the device, and developed a sacrificial gate process to improve scalability and yield. The stress and composition of each layer has proven critical to the reliability of the process. To better understand this effect, the ternperature dependence of the fiIrn stress and composition in the structure was investigated. The SiNx passivation/sacrificial layer is particularly prone to changes in the film properties as it is heated in the diamond growth process. As a more reliable solution, we have developed a sacrificial gate after diamond process, where the gate "recess" is forrned as a dielectric pillar before diamond growth, which is then realigned and removed prior to gate metal deposition. The benefits of such an optimized process include having diamond in contact with the hottest part of the device, no dalnage to the gate area, and irnproved electrical characteristics in addition to the established reduction in channel ternperature. DP3.35 Effects of Access Series Resistance and other Nonidealities on DLTS and Adlllittance Spectra of AIGaN/GaN HEMT Structures Alexander Y Polyakov", Nikolay B Smirnov", Stephen J Pearton 2 , In-Hwan Lee 3 , Fan Ren 5 , Cheol-Koo Hahn 5 , Wayne J 276 Johnson G , Wantae Lim 7 ; lInstitute of Rare Metals, Moscow, Russian Federation; 2Department Materials Science Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida; 3School of Advanced Materials Engineering and Research Center for Advanced Materials Development, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea, Republic of; 4Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida; 5Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Seongnarn, Korea, Republic of; 6Kopin Corporation, Taunton, Massachusetts; 7 GaN Power Research Group, Samsung LED, Suwon, Korea, Republic of. Knowledge of the spectra of deep traps in the buffer and at the interface of AIGaN/GaN HEMTs is essential for understanding device performance. In principle, these data can be obtained from DLTS and admittance spectra measurements with correctly chosen bias and pulse voltages. The standard problem with thin films DLTS rneasurernents on insulating substrate is in that case the series resistance that distorts the capacitance and can change the capacitance transient sign at IMH7: probing signal as in standard DLTS. The common way to circumvent this problem is to use concentric Schottky and ohmic contacts geometry with a short distance between the Schottky diode and ohrnic contact ring. However, when dealing with semi-insulating buffers one commonly observes that capacitance-frequency characteristics that roll-off at frequencies higher than 1 MHz at OV, when the 2DEG conduction is high, are shifted to much lower roll-off frequencies with increased reverse bias depleting the 2DEG. As a result the series resistance effects kick-in giving rise to hole-trap-like signal in DLTS. Decreasing the diode diameter and the Schottky-ohmic contact spacing helps, but has obvious limitations. We find that the best option is the multifinger HEMT arrangement in real transistors, but even here, at high ternperatures where the 2DEG rnobility decreases, quasi-hole traps signals are often observed. The other problem in AlGaN/GaN, AIGaN/AIN/GaN HEMTs is the presence of interfacial acceptor traps that can recharge under bias and after illumination and shift the C- V characteristic along the voltage axis. The pararneters of such traps can be deterrnined, under certain conditions, by so called reverse DLTS technique or by optical spectra measurements. Activation energies obtained in admittance spectra measured during heating up after illumination are shown to also be close to the energy of these traps. SESSION D5: Novel Electronic Concepts Chair: Shyh Chaing Shen and Douglas Yoder Wednesday Afternoon, August 28, 2013 Chesapeake 4-6 3:00 PM D5,01 Selective Acoustic Mode Emission from a GaN-Based Two-Dimensional Electron Gas. Lei Shao ' , Meng Zhang 2 , Animesh Banerjee 2 , Pallab K. Bhattacharya 2 and Kevin P. Pipe ' ,2; IMechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan; 2Electrical Engineering and COInputer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Topic: New Materials and New Device Concepts GaN-based semiconductors offer many advantages for high-speed and high-power devices. In addition to wide bandgap and high rnobility, GaN has a polari7:ed crystal structure owing to strong spontaneous and piezoelectric contributions that promote 2DEG formation at GaN-based interfaces. The modulation of carrier density in a GaN-based 2DEG offers a means for the generation and controlled eInission of acoustic energy through dynaInic screening of the pie7:oelectric field. Experimental evidence for this coupling has recently been measured in the form of coherent phonon generation [1] and surface acoustic wave (SAW) emission [2] from GaN-based HEMTs under typical operating conditions. 2DEGs offer several unique features for acoustic ernission cOInpared to traditional IDT-based SAW emitters. First, their buried two-dimensional geometry enables acoustic transduction to occur at a specifically defined depth, allowing one to engineer efficient coupling to specific Inodes which have strong intensity at that depth. Second, both the built-in pie7:oelectric field and dynamic carrier screening occur over very short «10 nanometer) distances and are uniformly oriented with respect to the crystal axes, enabling high-speed and high-efficiency transduction. Third, the ability to provide either traditional bulk piezoelectric transduction or 2DEG transduction depending whether the 2DEG is depleted or present provides the ability to selectively transduce different acoustic modes. In this work we provide a detailed study of acoustic transduction by 2DEG modulation in GaN-based materials. We use a reflective optical probe at near normal incidence to the 2DEG active region and detect acoustic ernission through the effect, providing a full picture of the emitted spectrum. We find four prominent emission peaks corresponding to Rayleigh (R), Love (L), and 1st and 2nd pseudo-bulk modes (PBl and PB2), which propagate with different polarizations and at different depths within the epitaxial layer structure. When the device is rnodulated near its bias point of maximum transconductance, maximum time variation of the 2DEG carrier density occurs, and Rand L modes (which are tightly confined to the surface) are strongly ernitted while PI31 and PB2 modes are weak. When the device DC bias is moved away from this point, the modulated voltage drop no longer primarily occurs in the 2DEG, and PBl and PB2 modes become strongly emitted while R and L modes weaken. We also find that n. and L modes shift to higher frequencies as pinch-off occurs and the 2DEG channel length shrinks. In conclusion, we find that a three-terminal 2DEG device is able to selectively turn on or off the emission of different acoustic modes based on applied bias conditions. This switchable source functionality is unique to the acoustic coupling provided by a GaN 2DEG. ISong et a!., APL 83, 1023 (2003) 2Shao et a!., APL 99, 243507 (2011) 3:15 PM D5.02 Ferromagnetism and Magneto-Transport in Gd-Doped AlN-GaN Two-Dimensional Electron Gases. Zihao Yang ' , Tholnas F. Kent 2 , Hyungyu Jin 3 , Jing Yang 2 and Roberto C. Myers l ,2; lDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; 2Department of Material Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; 3Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University, Colurnbus, Ohio. The III-Nitride family semiconductors are good host materials for the rare earth element gadolinium (Gd) because of its high solubility (dilute doping regime) and its capability of forming cubic GdN in wurtzite GaNIl] (heavy doping regime). Further, Gd 3 + contains 7 unpaired f-electron spins that open the possibility of engineering magnetism into Nitride semiconductors. In particular, in the ultra-dilute doping regiIne an anolnalous ferroInagnetic phase with a Curie temperature (Tc ) above room temperature has been reported by multiple groups, with the magnetism being thought to arise from crystallographic point or line defects. Here we examine the possibility of coupling between the anomalous ferromagnetic phase and conduction band electrons in GaN. To exaInine this, we present magneto-transport and magnetometry measurements on GaN and AIN two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) heterostructures doped with Gd. These structures are grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy on 6H-SiC, where a <I-doped layer of Gd (OML, 0.2ML, O.4ML and 2.4ML equivalent) is introduced at the expected position of the 2DEG (O.4nm from the GaN/AIN interface). The structural, magnetic and electrical properties are characterized by a variety of complementary methods: atomic force microscopy (AFM), high resolution X-ray diffractolnetry (XRD), superconducting quanturn interference device Inagnetolnetry (SQUID), and variable telnperature magneto-transport measurement. Doping with Gd (0.2ML and O.4ML) is observed to induce a ferromagnetic phase with TC above room temperature, with a preferred out of plane easy axis and a saturation Inagnetization that decreases with Gd doping, silnilar to earlier reports of anomalous ferromagnetism in bulk Gd:GaN. The lowest doped sample (0.2ML) is observed to exhibit a magnetic moment of   at 5K revealing that the Gd ions (7PB) cannot account for the magnetization. We will present detailed measurements and analysis of Inagneto-resistance and anolnalous Hall effect measurements revealing the coupling or lack of coupling between the defect-mediated ferromagnetic phases and the conduction band electrons in the interface 2DEG. The observed negative magnetoresistance in all samples suggests the presence of electron-electron interaction and weak localization at the AIN-GaN interface. [1] T.F. Kent et. a!., Appl. Phys. lett. 100, 152111 (2012) 3:30 PM D5.03 Lattice Location Experiments of Mg in GaN and AlN: Implanted Mg Occupies the Octahedral Site. Ligia M. Amorim l , Stefan Decoster 2 , Ulrich Wahl l , Lino M. Pereira l , Joao G. Correia 2 , Daniel Silva 2 ,3, Kristiaan Temst l and Andre Vantomme l ; lphysics and Astronomy, Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, Leuven, Flanders, Belgium; 2Instituto Tecnol6gico e Nuclear, Sacaveln, Portugal; 3Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal. Mg is the p-type dopant most commonly used in the group-III nitrides. However it only acts as an acceptor if it substitutes the cation, whereas in other sites it is inactive or might even result in self-cornpensation. So far, it has been difficult to investigate the possible lattice sites of Mg in the nitrides using, e.g. EXAFS or ion beam methods. We recently succeeded to perform Emission channeling[l] experiments where we implanted the short-lived isotope 27Mg (tl/2=9.5min) at a fluence of lOE11 atoms.cm:2 into GaN and AIN single-crystalline thin films using the ISOLDE-CERN facility. The beta particles emitted during the decay of the 27Mg were recorded with a 2D-detector[l] and by means of fitting their angular-dependent emission patterns using simulations for different sites, we were able to perform direct lattice location of Mg with a precision down to O.IA. Irnlnediately after ilnplantation, the rnajority of the Mg was found in the cation site both in GaN and AIN. Surprisingly, however, around 277 20% of Mg occupied the octahedral interstitial site. After annealing at 600C, the RT-implanted GaN octahedral fraction of Mg is reduced while the Ga substitutional fraction further increases. However, following implantation above 600C, the octahedral fraction of Mg was converted to substitutional in both materials. For AIN, a similar study was repeated, following the implantation of 10E15 26Mg.cm:2 (stable), in order to investigate the fluence range relevant when using Mg as an electrical dopant. This yielded essentially the saIne olltcornc. The temperature range where the lattice site changes of Mg occurred indicate an activation energy of 1.4-2.5eV for the migration of interstitial Mg. From these results, one can infer that the thermal trcatrncnt required to activate the p-type conduction of the Mg doped nitrides, which is cornrnonly associated with the rClnoval of H, also results in the re-incorporation of interstitial Mg in the cation sites. We can also determine from among the several Mg defects suggested by first principle calculations [2-4], which are consistent with the lattice sites in which Mg was derived frorn our data. Previous work on heavier group-II impurities lattice location in GaN and AIN found no evidences of interstitial Ca or Sr[5]. On the other hand light group-I impurities, Na and Li, were found in octahedral sites of GaN and AIN[6]. And first experiments regarding the lattice site of short-lived llI3e(14s) in GaN indicate that a large interstitial fraction is also found for this light group-II impurity. [1] U. Wahl et al. , Nucl. Instr. and Methods in Phys. Res. B 138 (1998) 744 [2] C. G. Van de Walle, and .l. Neugebauer, .l. Appl. Phys. 95 (2004) 3851 [3] C. G. Van de Walle, C. Stampfl, and J. Neugebauer, J. Crys. Growth 189 (1998) 505 [4] Y. Zhang, W. Liu, and H. Niu, Phys. Rev. 13 77 (2008) 035201 [5] B. De Vries et aI., J. Appl. Phys. 100 (2006) 023531 [6] C. Ronning et aI., Journal of Applied Physics 87, 2149 (2000) 3:45 PM D5.04 InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantmll Well Solar Cells Grown by MOVPE with Extended Spectral Response, Anna Mukhtarova", Sirona Valdueha-Felipl, Louis Grenet 2 , Christophe Durand 1 , Eva Monroy" and Joel Eymery"; 1 CEA-Grenoble, Grenoble, France; 2CEA-Liten, Grenoble, France. InGaN alloys have been proposed for photovoltaic applications [I] thanks to their high absorption coefficients and the possibility to tune their band gap in the whole solar spectrurn. In our previous work InO.llGaO.89N/GaN (1.3 IlIn / 7.8 nm) multiple quantum wells (MQWs) have been grown on sapphire substrate by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE). Solar cells consisting of a p-i-n structure with 30 QWs in the active region were fabricated and they revealed a rnaxirnurn external quanturn efficiency (EQE) equal to 38% at 380 nm, an open-circuit voltage Voc = 2.01 V and short-circuit current Jsc = 0.23 mA/cm2 under 1 sun of AM1.5G illumination, leading to a fill-factor FF = 55% and a conversion efficiency of 0.26% [2-3]. In this work we present the design optimbation of the InGaN active region in terrns of MQW nurnber, In-content and well thickness. When increasing the number of QWs to 40, the spectral response red-shifts to 410 nm, as confirmed by its photoluminescence emission wavelength corresponding to 13% of In composition. Additionally, decreasing the growth temperature leads to an enhanced In incorporation in the MQWs reaching 16% of In content in the quantum wells while keeping the structure biaxially strained on GaN. These photovoltaic devices show a spectral cutoff at 455 nm, together with a photocurrent tail in the green to red spectral region, consistent with the absorption observed in this wavelength range. The increase of In-content leads to a considerable irnprovernent of the J sc value (by more than a factor of 5) with a slightly decrease of Voc, resulting in a higher electrical power of the solar cell. Dark measurements exhibit a reduction of the leakage current by three orders of magnitude for devices with higher In-content and higher thicknesses of QWs, achieving 10-3 rnAjcrn2 after optirnizing the active region. In summary, we demonstrate an enhancement of the electrical performance of the devices with spectral response extending out to the green spectral range by the improvement of the InGaN active region design. [1] E. Matioli et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 021102 (2011). [2] A. Mukhtarova, et al. Phys. Stat. Sol. C, No. 10, 350 (2013). [3] S. Valdueza-Felip, et al. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 52 (2013) 4:00 PM D5.05 Pyroelectric Control of Rashba Spin-Split States in GaN/lnN/GaN Topological Insulator, Parijat Sengupta, Rajib Rahman, Yaohua Tan and Gerhard Klimeck; Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. Topological insulators (TI) are a new state of quanturn rnatter that possess metal-like surface states and behave as insulators in bulk. Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3 are some common examples of TIs. TI surface states are a manifestation of the strong spin-orbit coupling in these rnaterials. Strong spin-orbit coupling which leads to band inversion in bulk is the necessary requirement for creation of TI states. Apart from spin-orbit coupling, electric field and lattice strain can also be used to invert the band structure. 111-V nitrides in wurtzite phase possess a very strong internal electric field. This electric field due to intrinsic spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization (in strained nitrides) is sufficient to invert the band-ordering of a narrow-gap material such as wurtzite InN. In this work, it is dernonstrated that a TI state can exist when a thin-film of InN is sandwiched between GaN layers. The combined piezoelectric and spontaneous polarization field in InN inverts the band-ordering at the r point. For a certain quantum well thickness the inversion of bands happen at a threshold value of the polarization field. This suggests that tuning the internal polarization field can allow the control of band inversion. Since the creation of TI states requires inversion which in turn is polarization-dependent, this work investigates devices with varying internal fields. Internal fields are controlled by selecting a facet orientation of the quanturn well layer. It is irnportant to note that various orientations of the quanturn well layer will either reduce the spontaneous or polarization. The choice of the facet is therefore adopted by determining the dominant polarihation mechanism. Ab-initio calculations were perforrned to obtain the conduction band effective mass at r and the direct band-gap for bulk InN. These values were inserted in to an 8-band k.p Hamiltonian including strain and the internal polarization field. Lastly, the work utilizes the spin-polarized surface states of the GaN/lnN topological insulator. The surface states are degenerate at r. At a finite k-vector, the Rashba induced spin-splitting on the surface of this heterostructure is computed for the two spin states. The splitting under a first-order approximation is independent of k-vector and corresponds to the internal electric field's contribution to the Rashba coefficient 0:. Therefore, a pyro-electric control of spin-polarization coupled to a choice of facet orientation is accomplished. SESSION D6: GaN on Silicon Electronic Devices & Process Innovations Chair: Ronghua Wang and Tornas Palacios Thursday Morning, August 29, 2013 Chesapeake 4-6 8:30 AM D6.0! AlGaN/GaN-on-Si Heterojunction Field Effect Transistor with Embedded Fast Recovery Diode. Bong-Ryeol Park, .lung-Yean Lee and Ho-Young Cha; School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. AIGaN/GaN-based power devices have received great attention for use in high efficient power rnanagernent ICs, such as DC-DC converters and DC-AC inverters in various electronics. An important issue in use of AlGaN/GaN HFETs is how to manage the reverse current flow during off-state condition because no reverse recovery diode is integrated in conventional AIGaN/GaN HFETs. That is, an external diode needs to be connected in antiparallel with an AIGaN/GaN transistor to flow the fly-wheeling current. In this study, we present a novel AIGaN/GaN-on-Si switching transistor in which a Schottky barrier diode (SBD) is monolithically embedded. The normally-off transistor was implemented by a recessed AIGaN/GaN MOSHFET configuration. In order to integrate SI3D, a Schottky anode was inserted in the region between gate and drain, which was electrically connected to the source electrode. The thickness of the recessed AlGaN barrier layer under the gate region was 3 nm and a 30 run Si02 filrn was deposited as the gate oxide layer. A Si/Ti/ Al/Mo/Au metal stack was used for the ohmic metallization and a Ni/ Au metal scheme was used for both gate and Schottky anode contacts. The source-to-gate distance, gate length, and gate-to-drain distance were 3, 2, and 12 /-Lm, respectively, and the ernbedded anode contact length was 2 p,rn. The fabricated device worked as a normally-off switching transistor in forward transistor operation and as a diode in reverse operation. The gate threshold voltage was V in the transistor mode whereas the SBD turn-on voltage was 1.2 V in the reverse conduction mode with the gate voltage of 0 V. The rnaxirnurn drain current density in forward operation was   mA/mm with the gate voltage of 16 V. The extracted on-resistance was 2.66 mncm2. An off-state breakdown voltage of V was achieved for the anode- to-cathode distance of 8 /-Lm. The proposed device is very promising for use in high efficient rnonolithic converter and inverter ICs; elirninating the need for an external diode can dramatically reduce the chip si:z;e minimi:z;ing the parasitic inductance and thus can allow the fast switching operation. 8:45 AM D6.02 Synchrotron-Based X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Studies Of AIGaN and GaN Surface Oxide Chemistry, Matthew Myers"· 2 , Anna Podolska 3 ,2, Farah L. Khir 3 , Leopold Silberstein 3 , Tarun Sanders 3 , Brett D. Nener 3 , Murray V. Baker 2 and Giacinta Parish 3 ; lEarth Science and Resource Engineering, CSIRO, Bentley, Western Australia, Australia; 2School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia, Australia; 3School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, The University of Western Australi, Crawley, Western Australia, Australia. 278 AIGaN/GaN-based transistors are a potentially robust solution to Ininiatllriscd and reruate sensing of, for cxarnplc, ions and pH. Numerous reports on AIGaN/GaN HEMT-based pH sensors have shown a clear, linear dependence of ungated device response on solution pH, but are conflicting in terms of the proposed mechanism. However uncapped (no intentional oxide or GaN cap) AIGaN/GaN devices arc not pH-sensitive, but anion-selective. To accurately interpret sensor response, it is important that the surface chemistry of oxides of AIGaN and GaN (native or formed by thermal or plasma oxidation) with respect to various ions and varying pH is well understood. We have undertaken X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) rncasurClncnts at the Australian Synchrotron to explore differences in oxide for various cap layers and chemical exposure by identifying oxygen and impurity levels in the near surface. Synchrotron radiation significantly enhances the analytical sensitivity of XPS, critical for experirnents close to the detection lirnit (i.e., 1 atomic%). Firstly, AIGaN/GaN heterostructures were compared with two different compositions ( XAI = 0.15, 0.35) and three types of capping (GaN, SixNy , uncapped), with and without 1) exposure to KOH, NaCI, HCI and H 2S04 and 2) thermal annealing. The results show distinct differences in native oxide layer depending on capping and chemical exposure. The oxidation of the surface appears dependent upon Ga concentration, but independent of Al concentration. Additionally, the presence of Al at the surface serves to stabilise the surface oxide layer with respect to chemical etching. A second round of experirnents has recently been undertaken to COlnpare GaN and AIGaN/GaN wafers with different oxidation (native oxide, thermal, and sputtered GaxOy ) again with various chemical treatments. Analysis of the high volume of data is currently underway. We will present the combined results of both studies as a cornprehensive, novel study into surface chelnistry of AIGaN and GaN. 9:00 AM D6.03 AIGaN/GaN HEMTs on 3" Si (111) with Regrown Ohmic Contacts by RF-MBE. Satyaki Ganguly, Jai Verma, 130 Song, Huili (. Xing and Debdeep Jena; Electrical Engineering. University of Notre Darne, Notre Darne, Indiana. Large-area and low-cost Si wafers have proven attractive as substrates for GaN power electronics. Although the large lattice and thermal mismatch makes the epitaxy of III-Nitrides on Si substrates challenging, exciting device perforrnances have been reported recently where both iT and 1max exceeds 120GH7, with DC output current density To improve the device performance further with ultra-scaled device geometries, it is highly desirable to minimize contact resistance since it generally dorninates the total parasitic resistance. In this work we report the MI3E regrown ohlnic contacts with R, the best reported for metal polar HEMTs. The growth and device characterization of AIGaN HEMTs grown on Si (111) by RF-MBE is presented as follows. AIGaNHEMTsGrowthandCharacterization : The M13E growth of AIGaN HEMTs initiates with an AIN nucleation layer primarily to prevent the 'melt back etching' problem and also to reduce the thermally induced tensile stress to avoid cracking. The growth conditions of the metal-polar Alo.32Gao.6sN (20nm)/GaN (1.5/un)/ AIN (100nm)/Si (111) samples were properly optimized to ensure smooth 2D layer by layer growth with a ""0.6nm rms roughness over 2/lm x 2/lm AFM scans. All these HEMT structures were capped with a 2-nm thin GaN layer and also Al pre-deposition prior to the AIGaN growth was performed to enhance the 2DEG mobility. The Hall-effect measurements at RT showed /V.s, 2DEG charge density X 1O" 3 cm- 2 with The XRD scan along the (002) direction showed GaN FWHM value of 900 arcsec, one of the best reported for GaN grown by MBE on Si. HEMTsDeviceCharacteristics : The device fabrication process initiated with patterning of Si02 mask for n+ GaN ohmic regrowth by MBE. The pre-regrowth etch depth into the HEMT structure was ",,50 Inn, and regrown n+ GaN wasrv100 nrn with a Si doping level of X 10 20 em-3. Following regrowth the poly-GaN on top of Si0 2 was lifted off by BHF. Non-alloyed ohmic contact of Ti/ Au (20/100nm) was deposited. followed by mesa isolation using CIt based plasma etching. Finally Ni/ Au (40/100 rnn) gate metal stacks were deposited on this sarnple. FrOln the TLM patterns with HEMT channel and regrown contacts, R c rv 0.11 O.mm and R8hrv4800/sq were extracted. From the TLM patterns with regrown n+ GaN channel and contacts. and R", were obtained. The saturation drain current density of the HEMTs was rneasured to be 1.13A/mm at Vy,=2V for The Run was extracted to be 1.6 O.mm. The DC transfer characteristics   measurements resulted 9m.,xt= 225mS/mm and Vth = -4V for V d.,=4V. ION/OFF> 10 5 was also measured. These values are very much comparable with the current GaN HEMTs state of the art. With very low contact resistance achieved in this work coupled with thinner barrier and device scaling thus promises attractive DC and RF performances of GaN HEMTs on Si. 9:15 AM D6.04 Optimization of AIGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Heterostructures on Silicon for Low Cost Power Devices Operating at 40 GHz. Stephanie Rennesson"· 2 , Magdalena Chmielowska 1 , Sebastien Chenot 1 , Yvon Cordier 1 , Francois Lecourt 3 , Nicolas Defrance 3 , Marie Lesecq3, Virginie Hoel 3 , Etienne Okada 3 and Jean Claude De Jaeger 3 ; lCRHEA-CNRS, Valbonne, France; 2 p hysics, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Valbonne, France; 3IEMN, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. In this work, we describe the optimbations completed on AIGaN/GaN high electron rnobility transistor structures (HEMTs) on Silicon in order to establish an optimum for high frequency Ipower performances in transistors with 0.25 /lm gate length. The combination of such a low cost material system with gate sizes accessible to a large number of fabs and a recess-free process can enable the large scale deployrnent of high perforrnance RF circuits. With subrnicron gate length, it is necessary to improve the 2DEG confinement to limit short channel effects. For this purpose, the insertion of a thin AIN spacer at the barrierI channel interface is considered, as well as the growth of a DH-HEMT structure on a 1.5 lun thick AIGaN buffer layer with 5% Al content. Additionally, the distance d between the gate and the 2DEG has to be reduced in order to keep the aspect ratio Lg/d high enough (typically larger than 15). Such a ratio necessitates the reduction of the distance d below 17 nm for a transistor with a gate length Lg of 250 nIll. Then, we exarnine how to deal with a high sheet carrier density, an acceptable sheet resistance and a reduced barrier thickness. The structures are grown by ammonia source MBE on 2 in. Si(111) highly resistive substrates. They are composed with a GaN cap with thicknesses varying from 5 nm down to 0.5 nm, an AIGaN barrier layer (21 nrn, 18 rnn, 14 nrn and 10 nrn thick), 1 nrn of AIN spacer and the buffer layer. The Al content is kept below 30% in order to minimize the tensile stress in the barrier, as well as the risk of degradation during electrical stress. Similar crystal quality and mobility (2000 cm2/V.s) are achieved for different structures grown on a 1. 7 rLIn thick GaN buffer. A slight degradation of quality and mobility (>1700 cm2/V.s) but a noticeable increase of the buffer resistivity (by more than 2 orders of magnitude) is obtained with the AIGaN buffer layer. Thanks to the reduction of the cap layer thickness down to 0.5 rnn, the increase of the sheet resistance is lirnited to 453 Ohms/sq for a 10 rnn thick AIGaN barrier, while it is 337 Ohms/sq for a 14 nm barrier when grown on GaN buffer and 608 Ohms/sq on AIGaN. All these considerations as well as output characteristics behavior of 2 /lm gate length devices allow considering the formers as the rnost prornising. DC, RF, pulsed and large signal rneasurelnents have been achieved on 0.25 /lm gate devices. At 40 GH7, and VDS = 15 V, the 14 nm barrier devices produce an output power density of 1.5 W /mm, a power added efficiency of 10 % and a linear power gain of 5.5 dB. For the 10 nm barrier devices. we observed a slight decrease of the output power density (1.25 W /nlIn) mainly due to the larger sheet resistance and the resulting lower current density. This work is partly supported by the French national research agency under grant ANR blanc-2010 STARGAN, the pole of competitiveness PEGASE, the French MOD (Delegation Generale de l'Armement), RENATECH network and the French Nord-Pas de Calais area. 9:30 AM D6.05 Self-Aligned Gate-Last Enhancement- and Depletion-Mode AIN/GaN MOSHEMTs on Si with Enhanced RF Perforlllance. Tongde Huang, Jun Ma, Xing Lu, Zhaojun Liu and Kei May Lau; Hong Kong University of Sci&Tech, Hong Kong, Hong Kong. In this work, we demonstrate self-aligned AIN/GaN MOSHEMTs fabricated with a gate-last process and investigate the effects of post-gate annealing on threshold voltage (Vth). In comparison with previously reported transistors [1, 2], parasitic capacitances (Cgsext and Cgdext) were significantly reduced in this self-aligned architecture by inserting a SiNx supporting layer and sidewall between the gate metal and source/drain contact. The reduction of parasitic capacitances greatly improved the RF performance. Using the self-aligned gate-last process we developed for III-nitride devices, both enhancement- and depletion-mode (E/D-mode) AIN barrier MOSHEMTs were fabricated on a single chip with 6-nrn atolnic-Iayer deposited- (ALD) Al203 as gate dielectric. To reali7,e the E-mode MOSHEMTs, a post-gate annealing at 4000C was performed after gate metal (Ni/ Au) deposition, which pushed the Vth towards the positive directionto +0.2 V. Subsequently, D-rnode MOSHEMTs were fabricated with TilAu as gate electrode, resulting in a Vth around -2 V. The AIN/GaN heterostructure used in this study was similar to that described in [1, 2]. The E-mode transistor with a gate length of 210 nm shows current gain cutoff frequency (fT) of 39.6 GHz and rnaxirnurn oscillation frequency (flnax) reaching 39.8 GHz. The D-mode transistor with a gate length of 170 nm exhibits a IT/fmax of 26/30 GH7,. The Cgsext and Cgdext were significantly reduced by about one order of magnitude than that in [1, 2]. The relationship between the post-gate annealing and Vth was also analyzed. 279 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images showed no gate metal sinking by comparing the Al203 thickness before and after annealing. This was also confirrncd by the capacitance-voltage curves. The maximum capacitance (Cmax) didn't increase after the annealing. The shift of Vth is thought to be due to a reduction of positive fixed charge at the AI203/III-nitride interface. The Vth did not shift anymore with prolonged post-gate annealing time. [1] T. Huang, X. Zhu and K. M. Lan, Electron Device Letters, IEEE, vol. PP, pp. 1-3, 2012. [2] T. Huang, X. Zhu and K. M. Lau, in Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT), 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on, 2012, pp. 1-3. 9:45 AM D6.06 GaN Buffer Traps in GaN-on-Si Structure Studied by Thermally Stimulated Current and Back-Gating Measurements. Shu Yang 1 , Jianbiao Lu 2 , Sen Huang 1 , Chunhna Zhou', Baoling Huang 2 and Kevin J. Chen'; 'Electronic and Cornplltcr Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong; 2 Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong. In GaN-based power HEMTs/MIS-HEMTs implemented on cost-effective GaN-on-Si platforrn, breakdown voltage and current collapse are critical issues that need further improvement for high-voltage power switching applications. It is suggested both breakdown voltage and current collapse are associated with bulk traps in GaN buffer, in addition to the surface traps. As a desirable method to characterize the deep-level traps in high - re.'Jistivity sarnplcs, thermally stimulated current (TSC) measurements have been performed on high - resistivity GaN epilayers grown on sapphire with contact-pairs on the top surface. However, the bulk traps distribution is usually non-uniform through the GaN epilayers, making it necessary to pcrforrn TSC rncasurcrncnts using vertical structures. This work investigates the deep-level traps in GaN buffer, by combination of TSC and high-voltage back-gating measurements performed on an AIGaN/GaN-on-Si heterostructure with a lowresistivity Si substrate. The back-gating IncaSllrcrIlcnt was pcrforrncd with low drain bias and high substrate bias, to clirninatc the contribution froIn surface traps. The normali7,ed drain current I D first decreased, followed by a flat region, then decreased again. The decrease is attributed to the ionized acceptor traps (negatively-charged) in the GaN buffer that can partially deplete 2DEG, while the flat region is ascribed to the ionized donor traps (positively-charged) that can compensate the increasing negative V sub ' It is suggested that two acceptor traps and one donor trap dominate the back-gating characteristics. TSC measurement was conducted on a GaN-on-Si vertical structure, with the ohmic contact on GaN and [o'WTesistivity Si substrate serving as the electrode-pair. The GaN-on-Si was illuminated with white light at low temperature, to fill up/neutralize the traps; then the traps are thermally emptied when heating up the sample in the dark with various heating rates (3. The TSC peaks T ='s shifted to high positions with higher (3. The activation energies of traps Et's are extracted frorrl the Arrhenius plot of T Tn 4 / (3 1000/ T m' Combined with the back-gating results, E tl 0.538 eV and E'3 0.747 eV are most likely the activation energies of two acceptor-like traps which are correlated to carbon-induced trap and Ga vacancy, respectively; E t2 rv 0.651 eV is the activation energy of a donor trap that is correlated to point defects. 10:30 AM *D6.07 High-power III-N HFETS on Si Substrates for Millimeter Wave Applications. Farid Medjdoub, I.E.M.N - CNRS - CSAM, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. Recently, nitride HEMTs on Silicon have been identified as an attractive candidate for low-frequency power management applications such as solar power inverters (i.e. DC-to-AC conversion), compact and switched-mode power supplies, smart electric power distribution grids, where one attraction is the lower cost from using large-diameter silicon substrates (up to 8-inch/200mm at present). Significant industrial and acadernic developrnents are on-going worldwide to qualify galliurn nitride on silicon (GaN-on-Si) technology in a range of different voltage ratings, such as 30-600V for IT and consumer power management and 600-1200V for automotive and power-switching applications. Furthermore, reliable RF GaN-on-Si power transistors operating at drain bias as high as 48 V are now available in the L-band for the defense, communications, cable TV, and industrial and scientific markets. This reflects the importance and the interest of the GaN-on-Si platform. Millimeter wave applications could also benefit from the compatibility of RF GaN-on-Si HEMTs already available up to 8-inch with well-established Si-based technologies such as CMOS; which would allow to develop new chips with higher functionalities and breakthrough performances. Many challenges need to be overcome to make these types of devices operating in the K-band and beyond. Major issues are the self-heating under high bias due to the poor therrnal dissipation of the Si substrate and the RF losses resulting from a conductive layer at the epi/sub-interface between the GaN epitaxial structure and the Si substrate which is related to the Ga diffusion into the Si substrate. Recently, the improvement of the GaN-on-Si growth quality combined with the use of ultrathin AI-rich barrier layers in order to rnitigate the aspect ratio issues when using deep sub-micrometer gate length allowed the demonstration of high frequency performance above 100 GHz, high power density at 40 GHz and low noise in the Ka band. These results show that GaN-on-Si devices have an excellent potential for rnillirneter-wave applications, and will enable low-cost highly integrated circuits with unprecedented performance. 11:00 AM D6.08 Mobile-Ion Contamination and Its Impact on AIGaNjGaN MOSHEMTs. Omair I. Saadat and Tomas Palacios; EECS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts. Gate dielectrics in GaN-based rnaterial systerns have attracted rnuch attention as a mean of reducing gate leakage and increasing gate drive in GaN MOSHEMT structures. However, as of yet, contamination due to mobile ions such as K+ and Na+ have not been studied in these devices. Historically, mobile ion contamination in Si02/Si MOS devices had been identified as a key source of threshold voltage instability and eliminated by targeted cleaning and the use of contamination-free processing equipment [1]. In the Si industry, contamination levels were determined by carrying out bias temperature stress (BTS) measurements where mobile ions are drifted by applying a 1 MV/em bias at 200°C and looking at the resulting change in threshold voltage. This abstract presents the first study of the impact of mobile ion contamination in AIGaN/GaN based MOSHEMTs and discusses how to eliminate this contamination. AIGaN/GaN MOSHEMTs and GaN MOS capacitor structures with 20 rnn of Hf02 or 20 rnn of Ah 0 3 were processed. Two different samples of each kind were processed using either borosilicate or semiconductor grade quartz glassware. We performed BTS measurements on all samples under varying bias conditions. Ah03 is a diffusion barrier for rnobile ions [1] and thus rnobile ion rnovernent was not seen. In Hf02 based MOSHEMT structures, the negative shift of V t resulting from mobile ion drift was counterbalanced by electron injection into the dielectric/ AIGaN interface and the AIGaN layer [2] and thus the mobile ion concentration was underestimated to be 1xlQ12 cm- 2 . On the other hand, Hf0 2 /n-GaN structures are not as prone to electron trapping and thus the true mobile ion concentration of 1 X10 13 crn- 2 was rneasured. The arnount of fixed positive charge and the resulting threshold voltage are important metrics for benchmarking gate dielectrics in AIGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT structures [3]. Both parameters can be masked by mobile ion contamination. By changing the polarity of the applied bias during the TITS rneasurernent frorn positive bias to negative bias, it is possible to reverse the drift of mobile ions. Therefore, the measured carrier concentration present in Hf02 / AIGaN/GaN capacitor can range from 8.2x10'2 down to 5.1x10'2 cm- 2 depending on the BTS bias condition. Given that the bare AIGaN/GaN heterostructure has a carrier concentration of 6.5 X 10 12 cm-2, it is clear that the mobile ion contamination can mask whether Hf02 has positive or negative charge in this case. The use of borosilicate (pyrex) glassware during device fabrication is a key source of ion contamination, since it contains 4% Na20 by weight. Acidic and alkaline solutions used in pre-ALD cleans can leach sodium from borosilicate glass [4], [5]. By processing in clean quartz labware, the mobile ion levels were reduced from 1 X 10 13 cm- 2 down to below 1x10 11 cm- 2 , according to BTS measurements in n-GaN based MOS devices. Acknowledgements: This work has been partially funded by the ONR Navy DEFINE MURI program, monitored by Dr. Daniel Green. Fabrication was performed at the MIT MTL and Harvard CNS facilities. Structures were grown by Dr. R.. J. Molnar of MIT Lincoln Laboratories. [1] E.H Nicollian and J.R.. I3rews, MOS Physics and Technology, 2003 [2] C. Mizue et ai, .lap. .I App!. Phys, 50, 021001, 2011 [3] T-H. Hung, App!. Phys. Lett, 102, 072105, 2013 [4] H. K . .lang et ai, J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A, 18, 2563, 2000 [5] R.D. Long et aI, Appl Phys. Lett., 101, 241606, 2012 11:15 AM D6.09 Correlation of On- Wafer 400V Dynamic Behavior and Trap Characteristics of GaN-HEMTs. Tadahiro Imada', Daniel Piedra 2 , Toshihide Kikkawa1 and Tomas Palacios 2 ; 1 Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan; 2Massadlusetts Institute of Technology, Carnbridge, Massachusetts. GaN power transistors are expected to significantly reduce the losses of power electronics However, GaN based heterostructure device is also well known for large defect density which results in the dynarnic behavior degradation. In this paper, we report the first on-wafer measurements of the dynamic behavior of GaN-HEMT at 400 V with direct trap analysis. In addition, we also present a new approach to correlate the dynamic characteristics of GaN HEMTs with the rnaterials traps, by developing irnpedance transient characterization method to GaN Schottky barrier diode (SBD). With this scheme, the location where trapping phenomena happened can be estimated 280 laterally. Dynamic-on-state behavior was measured as below; voltage clamping circuit was used in order to obtain accurate on-state drain voltage of the device, preventing the saturation or inaccuracy of oscilloscope by drain voltage swing of 400V. Time constants of dynamic behavior of GaN-HEMT were extracted by Time-Constant Spectrum Method to after 400 V off-state stress. To characterbe traps, the impedance trap characterb'jation, including both capacitance and scrics conductance transicnts, was done using the comb type SBD in the same die as the AIGaN/GaN-HEMT. Conductance, in addition to capacitance, was used for characterize trapping phenomena. Because capacitance change by trapping is small when on-state was Ineasured duc to largc alnount of 2DEG. On thc contrary, conductance is proportional to carrier dcnsity even at on-state as seen in the equation, G=WjL*qa,u, where G is conductance, W is width, L is length and I-' is mobility of the device. q is the charge amount of electron. GaN HEMT without any passivation were fabricated on SiC substrates in MIT, of which gate width, gate-drain length and threshold voltage were 50 I-'m, 25 I-'m and -2.4 V respectively. After -5 V stress applied to Schottky electrode for 1ms to SBD, several DC biases were applied to Schottky electrode with probing C-V signal of 1 MHz while Ohmic electrode was groundcd. With different DC biascs, we can indicate where the traps are located, because lateral depletion behavior can be precisely monitored by comb-type SBD, which also can reduce frequency dispersion at 1MHz. Conductance transient measurement was used for characterizing SBD at 0 V (on-state), which indicates the trap characteristics of wholc device. Capacitance transient Incasurelnent was used for that with -2.2 V bias (on-region near threshold), which shows how trapped electrons behave near the gate. Access region trapping affects the transient property at -3 V (off-state). In precise dynamic behavior measurement after 400- Voff-state stress using our devclopcd on-wafer IneasurClncnt Inethod for GaN-HEMT, donor-like traps with 0.14 eV activation energy were found. Impedance transient method using SBD with several biases showed O.lSeV donor-like traps around the gate, 0.44 eV donor-like traps and 0.49 eV acceptor-like traps in access rcgion. Correlation of both Incasurelnents indicated that 0.18 eV donor-like traps arc identified as critical traps for dynamic behavior which are located adjacent to the gate, which is coincident with former literatures in this case. In this study, un-passivated device was used, but this method is proven to be useful to locate the trap position and activation cncrgy at thc saU1C tilne. 11:30 AM D6.10 Ron Collapse, Breakdown and Degradation of d-mode MI5-HEMTs Based on GaN on 5i Technology. Matteo Mcncghini 1 , Davide I3isi 1 , Denis Marcon 2 , Steve Stoffels 2 , Marlcen van Hove 2 , Tian-Li Wu 2 , Stefaan Decoutere 2 , Gaudenzio Meneghesso 1 and Enrico Zanoni 1 ; IDepartment of Information Engineering, University of Padova, Padova, Italy; 2 IMEC, Heverlee, Belgium. GaN-based MIS-HEMTs grown on silicon arc prolnising devices for application in the power conversion field, due to the following aspects: (i) the use of a silicon substrate allows to reduce fabrication costs, thanks to the availability of large area wafers; (ii) these devices have a vcry low gate leakage current, thanks to the usc of a dielectric layer under the gate; this allows to reduce power dissipation in off-state (thus increasing device efficiency), and to operate the devices with a large gate voltage swing. Despite the importance of MIS-HEMTs on silicon, very few data on the trapping and degradation mechanisms of these dcvices have becn published so far. Thc ailn of this paper is to present an extensive investigation of the trapping and degradation mechanisms of GaN-based MIS-HEMTs grown on a 150 mm silicon substrate. The results of trapping investigation indicate that: (i) the analy:tied devices may suffer from a dynamic Ron collapse and from a slight (dynalnic) variation in threshold voltage, as delnonstrated by pulsed ID- VD and ID- VG characteri7,ation; (ii) Ron collapse is due to the trapping of electrons in the gate-drain access region, as demonstrated by measurements carried out on samples with different gate-drain distances; (iii) Ron-transient investigation, carried out froIll thc Il'S to the 100 s tilne scalc, delnonstrate the existencc of one dominant deep level, with activation energy 1.03 ± 0.09 eV; (iv) this deep level is supposed to be located in the GaN or AIGaN epitaxial material (as discussed in the paper based on the comparison with previous literature reports), and to be responsible for both the dynalnic Ron decrease and for the slight Vth shift Ineasured during pulsed measurements. To evaluate the robustness of the devices, we carried out both current-mode (i.e. non-destructive) breakdown measurements and stress tests in the off-state. The results of breakdown invcstigation indicated that by biasing the devices in the off-state (with VG<Vth): (i) at moderate VDS levels drain current mostly originates from leakage current components; (ii) at moderate VDS levels, no significant bulk current is detected, indicating that the double heterostructure effectively confines the carriers in the channel region; (iii) with increasing VDS level, ID shows a sudden increase, which is related to two different mechanisms, namely short-channel effects (if VG is close to Vth), or gate-drain leakage (if VG is significantly lower than Vth, so that short channel effects are completely suppressed). Finally, off-state stress tests, carried out with thc step-stress strategy, delnonstrated that the devices have a very high robustness (with LGD=2 I-'m they can withstand an off-state voltage of 260 V without reaching the failure). Failure (which occurs for voltage levels higher than 260 V) consists in a rapid increase in leakage current, followed by a permanent degradation. EL and transicnt investigation indicatc that degradation occurs in proxilnity of the sharp edges of the drain (i.e. in a high electric field region), and that the dynamic RON collapse significantly increases after stress, possibly due to the increase in trap density. 11:45 AM D6.11 Enhancement in AIGaN/GaN HEMT Performance with AIN Passivation Layers Grown at 500°C by Atomic Layer Epitaxy. Andrew D. Koehler, Travis .T. Anderson, Neeraj Nepal, Marko .T. Tadjer, Karl D. Hobart, Charles R. Eddy and Francis .T. Kub; Power Electronics, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, District of Columbia. AIGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are appealing for high power, high frequency and high power switching applications, however trapped charge in the access region between the gate and drain, depleting the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), limits performance by increasing the dynamic on-resistance (RON,DYN). AIN passivation capping layers, 4 nm thick, formed by atolnic layer epitaxy (ALE) at tClnperatures up to 500°C arc implemented and qualified against standard plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) SiN x passivation. These passivation schemes were implemented on separate pieces of the same AIGaN/GaN-on-Si HEMT wafer, after gate metal deposition, and were charactcrized using DC and pulsed I-V Incasurelnents. Preparation of the surface for ALE growth consisted of ex situ UV-Ozone treatment for carbon contamination removal, followed by HCI and HF treatments and low damage in situ nitrogen and hydrogen plaslna pretrcatlnents for rClnoval of native surface oxidcs. AIN layers are grown on prepared AIGaN surfaces by ALE, using pulses of high purity trimethylaluminum (99.999%) and ultra high purity nitrogen plasma over a range of temperatures (300 to 500 °C) with a fixed pulse sequence. The AIN capping layer grown at 500 ° C is shown to ilnprove pcrforInance by providing the lowcst sheet resistance (Rsh), off-state leakage, and subthreshold slope, with no degradation in the Schottky gate. Pulsed I-V off-state stress was applied at a gate quiescent point (VG,Q) of -4 V and drain quiescent biases (VD,Q) up to 50 V (pulse width of 200 ns and pulse separation of 1 ms), while thc device is pulsed to obtain thc on-state transfcr characteristics. AIN passivation reduces degradation of RON,DYN during pulsed I-V off-state stress compared to PECVD SiN x by approximately 50%. The AIN passivated HEMTs exhibit lower off-state leakage current and higher breakdown voltage than SiNx passivated HEMTs. Overall, ALE AIN capping layers provide ilnproved perforInance cOlnpared to standard SiN x passivation. Higher growth temperature AIN films (500 DC) show benefit over lower temperature (300°C) AIN films. 281
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