Eltra encoders

March 29, 2018 | Author: Will Souza | Category: Signal (Electrical Engineering), Sine, Optics, Bearing (Mechanical), Trigonometric Functions



IndexIntroduction Incremental Encoders General index General Description EL30 E - H - I EH38 A - B - D EH - EL40 A - B - C - E EH - EL40 G - H - I EH - EL53 A - B EH - EL58 B - C - H - T EH - EL63 A - D - E EH - EL63 F - G - P EH - EL72 A - B Incremental Encoders EH - EL90 / 115 A - R Flameproof incremental encoders Incremental encoder for racks Metric wheels Incremental linear system Electronic hand wheel Incremental encoders with commutation phases (Hall type) EX80 A - D EC34 A RH - RM200 / 500 A - B - C ERA EV A - B EF36 K EL - EF - EW48 C - P EL - EF49 C - P EH - EF80 C - P Incremental encoders with through shaft Cable Exstension Position encoder Magnetic incremental linear sensor EH88 P EH120 P FE ETMA EBM Rotational Potentiometer Interface boards EPA - B EMB EMD Accessories Joints Installation and operation precautions Connections and output stages for incremental encoders 2 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 51 53 55 57 59 61 62 63 Other Products ND001GB0803A Edition 08-2003 ISO 9001:2000 INCREMENTAL ENCODER R GENERAL DESCRIPTION US C Functioning Principle The encoder is a rotational transducer to convert an angular movement into a series of electrical digital impulses. These generated impulses can be used to control angular or linear movements, if they are associated with a rack or endless screws. The electrical signals during rotation can be elaborated by numerical controls (CNC), programmable logic controls (PLC), control systems, etc. The main applications of these transducers are as follows: machine tools, working of the material, robots, retroaction systems on motors, measurament and control apparatus. In ELTRA’s encoders the angular movement trasduction is carried out on the photoelectric scanning principle. The reading system is based on the rotation of a radial graduated disc formed by opaque windows alternated with transparent ones. This system is all illuminated in perpendicular way by an infrared light source, so the light projects the disk image on the receivers surface, which are covered by a grating called collimator, having the same step as the disk. The receivers work trasducing the light variations occuring with the disk shifting, converting them into their correspondig electrical variations. Electrical signal raised to generate the squared impulses without any disturbances must be electronically processed. The reading system is always carried out in differential mode comparing two different signals nearly identical, but out of phase for 180 electrical degrees to increase the quality and the stability of the output signals. The reading is made on the two signals difference, eliminating the disturbances defined "shifted common way" because they are overlapped in an equal way on every type of wave. Photo emitter Optical disc Photo receivers Incremental encoders The incremental encoder gives usually two types of squared waves that are out of phase for 90 electrical degrees, which are usually called channel A and channel B. The reading of only a channel gives the information in relation to the speed of rotation, while through the acquisition of second channel the sense of the rotation is given on the basis of the states sequence produced by the two signals. A further signal called Z or zero channel is also available, which gives the position of absolute zero on the encoder shaft. This signal is a squared impulse with the phase and the width centered on A channel. B A Z 2 Example of incremental windows A, B and Z on the optical disc The incremental encoder precision depends from mechanical and electrical factors among which, the error in the grating division, the disc eccentricity, the bearings eccentricity, the error introduced by the reading electronics and the innacurancy of optic. The unit of measurement, to define the encoder precision is the electronical degree, which determines the division of the impulse generated by the encoder, inf act 360 electrical degrees correspond to the mechanical rotation of the shaft which is necessary to carry out a complete cycle. To know how many mechanical degrees corresponds to electric 360° you need to apply the following formula: Rotation sense- CLOCKWISE 360° 180°± 25° max 90°± 35° max Values expressed in electrical degrees A B Electrical 360°= Mechanic 360° n° pulse / turn The error of encoder division is given from the maximum shifting shown in electrical degrees, of two consecutive surges. This error exists in any encoder and is due to the above mentioned factors. Graphic representation of the A, B and Z incremental signals . For Eltra encoders this error is included in electrical +/- 25° Max. (in whatever condition declared) which corresponds to a shifting +/- 7% from the nominal value. Regarding the shifting between the two channels shifted by electrical 90° nominally, it differs by electrical +/-35° max, corresponding to more or less the +/- 10%. Z Incremental encoder with integrated commutation phases More than the above mentioned traditional encoders there are also other ones making part of the same incremental family, but which integrates other electrical output signals. This is the case of the incremental encoders with integrated commutation signals which are usually used as retroaction on a motor. These supplementary signals carry out the simulation function for the hall phases generally present in the commutation motors (brushless type); they are usually made with magnetic sensors. In ELTRA’s encoders these commutation signals are optically generated and they are present in the form of three square waves that are shifted by electrical 120°. These signals are needed to the convertor that will pilot the motor in order to generate the correct phase voltages or the currents to supply the rotation. These commutation impulses can be repeated many times within one mechanical rotation because they depend directly to the number of poles in the connected motor, so we have phases of commutation for motors of 4, 6, or more poles. 90° Rotation sense- CLOCKWISE INCREMENTAL SIGNALS A B Z U V W 120° 360° Values expressed in electrical degrees COMMUTATION PHASES Graphic representation of A, B and Z incremental signals with commutation U,V and W. A U B V Z W 3 Incremental Encoders from 1024 sin/turn an encoder more than 100. To ensure good motor piloting performance the encoder retroaction must be able to supply a high number of impulses especially when the velocity rotation is low. The error refered to encoder/turn depends. the use of analogue signals allows to limit drastically the above mentioned inconveniences and to simulate efficiently an encoder of high impulses.CLOCKWISE Values represented in electrical degrees SIN COS Z Graphic representation of the sin. This encoder is used when one wants to increase the dynamic performance in comparison to other traditional systems. The use of the traditional incremental encoder with high impulses becomes problematic from many points of view. On the other hand.Incremental Encoders Sinusoidal Encoder This encoder is part of the incremental family.000 imp/turn.+39 0444 436489 R. The band-width necessary for the reception of the signal is enough if it is little higher than 100 KHz.lin = 0. The zero signal is also analogue and presents a form that can assimilate a part of the sinusoid. 32 bis . obviously. The drawing below clarifies the typical configuration and the relative phase desplacement.. The max linearity error of one of these incremental sinusoid is 10%.Sarego (VI) . which we will call sine and cosine (2408 sin/turn MAX) and by the analogue zero signal that is centered between the two above mentioned channels. should easily surpass the MHz threshold. in this case. taking care of the quality of the bearings and the disc centering on the shaft.A. for example the calculation of the linearity error of an 2048 sin/turn will be: 360° 90° Rotation sense. This can be easily squared to supply an impulse of reference with a variable opening angle. it is also difficult transmitting and processing the digital signals when the motor rotates at high speeds (6000rpm). cos and Z sinusoidal signals.it E-mail:eltra@eltra. with the main difference that the output signals are not digital but analogue of sinusoidal form. the band-width necessary to the servomotor to treat the signal (for example an encoder of 10.it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice SV008GB0803A The error of the deviation of the angle measured in comparison to the real one is generally produced by the above mentioned factors and is maintained within 10’. The fundamental data to define the precision of this encoder are the linearity of the single sinusoid (of the 2048 on turn) and the maximum deviation of any angle rotation in comparison to the real mechanical position. This happens thanks to the interpolation method of the sine and cosine analogue signals for the calculation of the rotation angle. It is easy to obtain a high multiplication of the base sinusoids by getting .ITALY . . Other two sinusoidal signals are integrated with a period of 360 mechanical degrees (1sin/turn) that carry out the function of the commutation signals. to the number sin/turn of the encoder.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.eltra.Tel. It is mainly created to satisfy the need in the motorized field as sensor of retroaction for the motor.1x 360 x 60 x 60 2048 = 63” 90° 360° Graphic representation of the sin and cos commutation signals 4 Via Monticello di Fara.000 imp/turn). COS . in fact. Values represented in mechanical degrees SIN E. for example. The output signals from the encoder are formed by two sinusoids out of phase for 90 electrical degrees.The outputs with 1 imp/turn resolution are very useful as you can get the absolute angular position in the same way as a resolver. Max.EL30I from 1 to P = output cable ( standard length Type of flanges 0./turn max R. output frequency up to100 Khz . Resolutions N.Output cable.Resolutions up to 1000 imp/turn with zero -Different electronic configurations available with power supply up to 24 Vdc .Protection up to IP54 Ordering codes In case of particular Customer variant seperate with a full stop EL 30 E 50 Z EL = incremental 5 N 4 X 3 P A . eventual connector applied to the end of the cable .EL30H I = mod. XXX Particular Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 encoder XXX = A= axial 30 = body dimension E = mod.: For impulse availability contact directly our offices X= Zero impulse IP54 Protection S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse 5 8 ÷ 24 4 = ø4g6 6 = ø6g6 EL30E EL30H / 30I Shaft diameter Encoder power supply (Vdc) N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Electronic output configuration N. .5 m ) 3 = 3000 1000 imp.Different flanges available .M.Speed rotation up to 3000 rpm .P.EL30E H = mod.B.: For the optionals on the output configurations see the output incremental connections card 5 Incremental Encoders .B.ISO 9001:2000 EL30E / H / I R INCREMENTAL ENCODERS US C Incremental encoders Series of miniaturized encoders ø30 for application where the minimum size is required still maintainig excellent performance. Incremental Encoders EL30E Electronic Characteristics Resolution Power supply From 1 to 1000 impulses / turn 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc 22 ø15h7 30 3 10 Current consumption without load Max commutable current MAX 80 mA 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 100 KHz ø30 ø4g6 Electronic output configuration Max output frequency N°2 M3 Frequency calculation F= RPM x Resolution 60 EL30H ESA27 M18p1 6g 30 17 5 10 Mechanical Characteristics Shaft diameter (mm) ø4 g6 EL30E ø6 g6 EL30H / I IP54 .eltra. .A.+39 0444 436489 R.Standard ø6g6 Protection R.Sarego (VI) .ITALY .5 6g 30 17 5 10 Special plastic reinforced with glass fibre 0° ÷ +60°C ø6g6 Storage Temperature Weight -25° ÷ +70°C ø30 50 g 6 Via Monticello di Fara.it E-mail:[email protected] +39 0444 835335 http://www.it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN000GB0803A . 32 bis .Tel. Max Max shaft load Shock Vibrations Bearings life ø30 3000 continuous 5N (0.M.UNI 9002/5 ESA27 M20p1.5 Kp) axial 5N (0.P.5 Kp) radial 50 G for 11 msec 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 9 10 revolutions EL30I Bearings Shaft material Body material Container Material Operating Temperature n°2 bearings Stainless steel AISI303 Aluminium D11S . Resolutions up to 1024 imp/turn .EH38D P = output cable ( standard length Type of flanges 0.P.: For impulse availability contact directly our offices X= Zero impulse standard IP54 Protection S = without zero impulse Z = witht zero impulse 5 8 ÷ 24 6 = ø6 mm Shaft diameter Encoder power supply (Vdc) N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Electronic output configuration N.B.5 m ) 3 = 3000 from max R. eventual connector applied to the end of the cable .Output cable.M./turn Resolutions N.ISO 9001:2000 EH38A / B / D R C US INCREMENTAL ENCODERS EH SERIES Incremental encoder EH series Series of miniaturized encoders for general applications.Protection up to IP54 Ordering codes In case of particular Customer variant seperate with a full stop EH 38 A 500 Z EH = incremental 5 N 6 X 3 P R .Speed rotation up to 3000 rpm .Different flanges available .Max output frequency up to 100 Khz .B.EH38B D = mod. .EH38A B = mod. XXX Particular Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 encoder EH series XXX = R= radial 38 = body dimension A = mod.: For the optionals on the output configurations see the output incremental connections card 7 Incremental Encoders .Different electronic configurations available with power supply up to 24 Vdc . 40 to 1024 imp. 5 Kp) axial 5N (0.eltra.ITALY . Max Max shaft load Shock Vibrations Bearings life 3000 continous 5N (0.+39 0444 436489 R.P.46 h7 ø6 g6 Operating temperature Storage temperature Weight 0° ÷ +60°C 44 -25° ÷ +70°C 8 Via Monticello di Fara.5 Nº4 ø3.Tel.5 33 2. .A.5 33 2 4 10 Mechanical Characteristics Shaft diameter (mm) ø6 g6 ø6 g6 Protection IP54 .5 4 10 Square flange material Cover material Aluminium Special plastic reinforced with glass fibre ø17.Sarego (VI) . 32 bis .Incremental Encoders EH38A Electronic Characteristics Resolution Power supply Current consumption without load Max commutable current Electronic output configuration Max output frequency From 40 to 1024 impulses / turn 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc 50 mA bidirectional 100 mA bidirectional with zero 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 100 KHz Frequency calculation F= RPM x Resolution 60 EH38B 44 36.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modification without any prior notice IN001GB0803A 100 g .it E-mail:[email protected] ø20 h7 44 R.M.5 Kp) radial 50 G for 11 msec 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 9 10 revolutions EH38D Bearings Shaft material Body material n°2 ball bearings Stainless steel AISI303 Aluminium UNI 5076 38 32 Nº4 ø3. B.: LINE DRIVER available only with 5 Vdc or 8 ÷ 24 Vdc power supply Electronic output configuration N.: For the optionals on the output configurations see the output incremental connections card 9 Incremental Encoders .P.EH-EL40B C = mod.EH-EL40C E = mod. N.EH-EL40A B = mod. eventual connector applied to the end of the cable .5 m 3 = 3000 6 = 6000 Resolutions EH-EL40C / E EL40A / B R.Max output frequency up to 100 KHz for the EL series and up to 40KHz for the EH series . XXX Particular Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 XXX = R = radial A = axial 40 = body dimension A = mod.B.ISO 9001:2000 EH-EL40A / B / C / E R INCREMENTAL ENCODERS US C Incremental encoders Series of miniaturized encoders ø42 for general applications.EH-EL40E from 1 to 2000 imp. .Different flanges available ./turn EH series P = standard output cable Type of flanges 0.Output cable.Protection IP65 Ordering codes In case of particular Customer variant seperate with a full stop EL 40 A 500 Z 5/28 N 6 EL = incremental encoder EL series EH = incremental encoder EH series X 6 P R .Different electronic configurations available with power supply up to 28 Vdc for the EL series and up to 24 Vdc for the EH series .M.Resolutions up to 2000 imp/turn with zero for EL series and up to 400 imp/turn for the EH series.: For impulse availability contact directly our offices X= S= standard IP54 optional IP65 Protection S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse (only EL series) Zero Impulse 4 = ø 4 mm EH-EL40E 6 = ø 6 mm EH-EL40A / B / C N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER (only the EL series) Shaft diameter 5 ÷ 28 = power supply for the EL series Encoder power supply (Vdc) 5 / 8 ÷ 24 = power supply for the EH series N./turn EL series from 50 to 400 imp.Speed rotation up to 6000 rpm . .B. A.eltra.5 ø25.B.: LINE DRIVER only with 5 / 8÷24 Vdc power supply 80 mA 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 100 KHz ø6 g6 ø20h7 ø42 Max commutable current Electronic output configuration Max output frequency N°3 M3 x 120° F= RPM x Resolutions 60 Electronic Characteristics EH-EL40B 44 36.: LINE DRIVER only with 5 / 8÷24 Vdc power supply 50 mA bidiretional 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 40 KHz ø6 g6 ø42 F= RPM x Resolution 60 Nº4 ø3.it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN002GB0803A 24 Storage Temperature -25° ÷ +70°C .5 2 10 Resolutions Power supply Current consumption without load Max commutable current Electronic output configuration Max output frequency EH Series From 50 to 400 impulses / turn 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc N.5 Mechanical Characteristics EH-EL40C 38.46h7 ø6 g6 Shock Vibrations Bearings life ø42 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 9 10 revolutions N°4 M3 x 90° Bearings Shaft material n°2 ball bearings Stainless steel AISI303 EH-EL40E 39.P.Standard EH-EL40C / E IP65 .5 Kp) radial 50 G for 11 msec ø17. 32 bis .5 Kp) axial 5N (0.Incremental Encoders EH-EL40A 40.5 ø30 N°4 M3 x 90° 2 10 Electronic Characteristics Resolutions Power supply Current consumption without load EL Series From 1 to 2000 impulses / turn 5 ÷ 28 Vdc N.+39 0444 436489 R.it E-mail:[email protected] +39 0444 835335 http://www. Max Max shaft load Shaft diameter (mm) Protection ø4 g6 ø6 g6 EH-EL40E EH-EL40A / B / C IP54 .Optional EH-EL40A / B 3000 continuous EH-EL40C / E 6000 continuous EL40A / B 5N (0.ITALY .Sarego (VI) .B. .UNI 9002/5 Special plastic reinforced with glass fibre 22 0° ÷ +60°C ø15h7 ø4 g6 ø42 Weight 100 g Nº4 M3 10 Via Monticello di Fara.5 40.5 3 10 Body material Cover material Operating Temperature AluminiumD11S .4 4 10 R. : For impulse availability contact directly our offices X= Zero impulse standard IP54 Protection S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse (only EL series) 5 ÷ 28 = power supply EL series 5 / 8 ÷ 24 = power supply EH series 6 = ø 6 mm 6 = ø 6 mm Encoder power supply (Vdc) EH-EL40G EH-EL40H / I Hole diameter Shaft diameter N.P./turn EL series from 50 to 400 imp.: LINE DRIVER available only with 5 Vdc or 8 ÷ 24 Vdc power supply N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER (only the EL series) Electronic output configuration N.EH-EL40G H = mod.Resolutions up to 2000 imp/turn with zero for the EL series and up to 400 imp/turn for the EH series .B. XXX Special Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 XXX = R = radial A = axial 40 = body dimension G = mod.M.Different electronic configurations available with power supply up to 28 Vdc for the EL series and up to 24 Vdc for the EH series .EH-EL40I P = standard output cable Type of flanges 0.EH-EL40H I = mod./turn EH series Resolutions R.5 m 3 = 3000 from 1 to 2000 imp.B. N.B. eventual connector applied to the end of the cable .Output cable.Different flanges available . .: For the optionals on the output configurations see the output incremental connections card 11 Incremental Encoders . .Max output frequency up to 100 KHz for the EL series and up to 40KHz for the EH series .Speed rotation up to 3000 rpm .Protection up to IP54 Ordering Codes In case of particular Customer variant separate with a full stop EL 40 G 500 Z 5/28 N 6 EL = incremental encoder EL series EH = incremental encoder EH series X 3 P R .ISO 9001:2000 EH-EL40G / H / I R INCREMENTAL ENCODERS US C Incremental encoders Series of miniaturized encoders ø42 for generic applications. eltra.B.Incremental Encoders EH-EL40G Electronic Characteristics Resolutions Power Supply EL series from 1 to 2000 impules / turn 5 ÷ 28 Vdc N.: LINE DRIVER only 5 / 8÷24 Vdc configuration ø45 18 44 45 7. Max Max shaft load Shock ø6 g6 EH-EL40H / I ø42 ø6 h7 EH-EL40G IP54 .5 10 17 5 ø6 g6 F= RPM x Resolution 60 Mechanical Characteristics Shaft Diameter (mm) Hole diameter(mm) Protection R.M.5 Kp) axial 5N (0.3 M4 Current consumption without load Max output current Electronic output configuration Max output frequency 80 mA 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 100 KHz ø42 22 18 ø6 H7 F= RPM x Resolution 60 18 Electronic Characteristics EH series Resolutions Power Supply Current consumption without load Max commutable current Electronic output configuration Max output frequency from 50 to 400 impulses / turn 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc N.UNI 9002/5 ø42 Special plastic reinforced with glass fibre 0° ÷ +60°C -25° ÷ +70°C 150 g 12 Via Monticello di Fara.5 57.5 40.ITALY .: LINE DRIVER only with supply of 5 / 8÷24 Vdc 50 mA bidirectional 100 mA bidirectional with zero 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 40 KHz EH-EL40H 27 M18 x 1 57.B.it E-mail:eltra@eltra.+39 0444 436489 R.Sarego (VI) . .Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.Tel. 32 bis .5 40.5 10 17 5 ø6 g6 n°2 ball bearings Stainless steel AISI303 Body Material Cover material Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Weight Aluminium D11S .it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN003GB0803A .P.Standard 3000 continuous 5N (0.5 Kp) radial 50 G for 11 msec EH-EL40I Vibrations Bearings life Bearings Shaft material 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 9 10 revolutions 27 M20 x 1.A. XXX Special Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 XXX = R = radial A = axial 53 = body dimension A = mod.P.: For impulse availability contact directly our offices 6 = 6000 X= standard IP54 EH53 standard IP64 EL53 R.Protection up to IP64 Ordering codes In case of particular Customer variant separate with a full stop EL 53 A 1000 Z 5/28 N 6 EL = incremental encoder EL series EH = incremental encoder EH series X 6 M R .B.B./turn EH series N.Output : cable and connector .: LINE DRIVER available only with 5 Vdc or 8 ÷ 24 Vdc power supply 6 = ø 6 mm 8 = ø 8 mm 10 = ø 10 mm N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Shaft diameter Electronic output configuration N.Different flanges available .M.: For the optionals on the output configurations see the output incremental connections card 13 Incremental Encoders .Max output frequency up to 300 KHz for the EL series and up to 100KHz for the EH series.ISO 9001:2000 EH-EL53A / B R INCREMENTAL ENCODERS US C Incremental encoders A series of encoders for the direct assembly on motors.EH-EL53B P= Type of flanges standard output cable 0.Different electronic configurations available with power supply up to 28 Vdc for the EL series and up to 24 Vdc for the EH series . .EH-EL53A B = mod.5 m series EL53 M = connector MS3106E 16S-1S or 18-1S only EL53 J = connector JMSP 1607 F or 1610 F only El53 from 1 to 10000 imp. the incorporated elastic joint allows the compensation of radial and axial slack.5 m series EH53 standard output cable 1. S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse Zero Impulse Protection 5 ÷ 28 = power supply for the EL series Encoder power supply (Vdc) 5 / 8 ÷ 24 = power supply for the EH series N. .Speed rotation up to 6000 rpm .B./turn EL series Resolutions from 40 to 1024 imp.Resolutions up to 10000 imp/turn with zero for the EL series and up to 1024 imp/turn for the EH series . : LINE DRIVER only of power supply 5 / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc 80 mA 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 300 KHz Nº3 ø3.5 ø30 F= RPM x Resolution 60 20 1 Electronic Characteristics EH series Resolutions Power supply Current consumption without load Max commutable current From 40 to 1024 impulses /turn 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc N.eltra.2x120° 20 0. Max 33 STANDARD JOINTS G23A10 G23A8/10 G23A6/10 Shock Vibrations Bearings life 10 revolutions EH-EL53B Flange version Bearings n°2 ball bearings Shaft material Stainless steel AISI303 Nº3 ø3.5 17 7 1 50 mA bidirectional 100 mA bidirectrional with zero 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 100 KHz Electronic output configuration Max output frequency F= RPM x Resolution 60 ø23.P.A.2x120 48 41 Power supply 7 1 Current consumption without load Max output current Electronic output configuration Max output frequency ø46.Tel.2x120° 15 15 7 6 1 Body material Cover material Operating temperature Alluminium D11S .5 ø46.5 ø30 ø45 ø44 Storage temperature -25° ÷ +70°C EH53 : 150 g EL53 : 350 g Weight 1.5 52.: LINE DRIVER only of power supply 5 / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc STANDARD JOINTS G20A6 G23A6/8 G23A6/10 EL53A ø58 ø30 30 76.5h7 ø53.5 R.it E-mail:eltra@eltra.) Protection ø6 / 8 / 10 h7 EH53 : IP54 standard EL53 : IP64 standard 6000 continuous 50 G for 11 msec (with flexible disc) 20 G for 11 msec (with glass disc) 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 9 Nº3 ø3.M.+39 0444 436489 R.5h7 ø53.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www. 32 bis .5 ø20/ ø23.Sarego (VI) .5 Mechanical Characteristics Shaft diameter (mm.B. .ITALY .Incremental Encoders EH53A Electronic Characteristics EL series Resolutions From 1 to 10000 impulses / turn 5 ÷ 28 Vdc N.it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN004GB0803A .5H7 ø53.B.UNI 9002/5 Special plastic with glass fibre 0° ÷ +60°C ø46.5 5 14 Via Monticello di Fara. possibility of high radial and axial load on the shaft./turn EL series from 40 to 1024 imp.Protection up to IP66 Ordering codes In case of particular Customer variant separate with a full stop EL 58 B 1000 Z 5/28 P 6 EL = incremental encoder EL series EH = incremental encoder EH series X 6 M R . XXX Special Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 XXX = R = radial A = axial 58 = body dimension B = mod.Output : cable and connector .Different electronic configurations available with power supply up to 28 Vdc for the EL series and up to 24 Vdcfor the EH series ./turn EH series R.ISO 9001:2000 EH-EL58B / C / H / T R INCREMENTAL ENCODERS US C Incremental encoders Standard series of encoders ø58 for industrial environments with excellent mechanical resistance.P.B.Resolutions up to 10000 imp/turn with zero for the EL series and up to1024 imp/turn for the EH series .EH-EL58H T = mod.Speed rotation up to 6000 rpm .EH-EL58C H = mod.: LINE DRIVER available only with 5 Vdc or 8 ÷ 24 Vdc power supply Electronic output configuration 15 N. Resolutions N.B.EH-EL58B C = mod. .Different flanges available .EH-EL58T Type of flanges P = standard ouput cable 1.B.M.: For the optionals on the output configurations see the output incremental connections card Incremental Encoders .5 m M = connector MS3106E 16S-1S or 18-1S J = connector JMSP 1607 F or 1610 F 3 = 3000 with IP66 6 = 6000 X = standard IP54 S = optional IP66 Zero impulse from 1 to 10000 imp.:For impulse availabilty contact directly our offices Protection S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse 5 ÷ 28 = EL series power supply 5 / 8 ÷ 24 = EH series power supply Encoder power supply (Vdc) 6 = ø 6 mm EH-EL58B / 58H 8 = ø 8 mm EH-EL58B / 58H / 58T 10 = ø 10 mm EH-EL58B / 58C / 58H / 58T 12 = ø 12 mm EH-EL58T N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Shaft diameter N.Max output frequency up to 300 KHz for the EL series and up to 100KHz for the EH series .They can be assembled with flanges or servo fasteners. A.5 4 27 Protection IP54 .Tel. 32 bis .B.Standard Ip66 .Incremental Encoders EL-EH58B ø6 / 8 / 10g6 ø50h7 ø50 58 42 ø67.it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN005GB0803A . .P.: LINE DRIVER only 5 / 8÷24 Vdc power supply 59 4 10 Power supply Current consumption without load Max output current Electronic output configuration 80 mA 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 300 KHz 90° Nº3 M4 33 3 3 Max output frequency F= RPM x Resolutions Electronic Characteristics EH series EL-EH58C 58 48 30 Resolutions from 40 to 1024 imp / turn 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc N. Max Max shaft load 200N (20 Kp) axial 200N (20 Kp) radial 30° 30° Shock 50 G for 11 msec (with flexile disc) 20 G for 11 msec ( with glass disc) 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 9 90° Nº3 M5 33 Vibrations Bearings life Bearings Shaft material 10 revolutions n°2 Ball bearings EL-EH58T 58 ø40h7 2.Optional 6000 with IP54 3000 with Ip66 10N (1 Kp) axial 20N (2 Kp) radial with ø6 mm shaft ø6 / 8 / 10g6 ø50h7 R.B.ITALY .: LINE DRIVER only 5 / 8÷24 Vdc power supply 63 54 20 9 Power supply Current consumption without load 50 mA bidiretional 100 mA bidiretional with zero 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 100 KHz 30° 30° ø10g6 ø36f6 Max commutable current Electronic output configuration 90° Nº3 M3 33 Max output frequency F= RPM x Resolutions 60 Mechanical Characteristics Shaft diameter (mm) ø6 / 8 / 10 g6 ø10 g6 ø8 / 10 / 12 g6 EH-EL58B / 58H EH-EL 58C EH-EL 58T EL-EH58H 58 35 30 54.Sarego (VI) .3 30 30° 30 Electronic Characteristics EL series Resolutions from 1 to 10000 imp / turn 5 ÷ 28 Vdc N.eltra.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.+39 0444 436489 R.it E-mail:[email protected] 30 Stainless steel AISI303 91 51 40 30 ø8 / 10 / 12g6 20 5 Body material Cover material Operating temperature Storage temperature Aluminium UNI 5076 Special plastic reinforced with glass fibre 0° ÷ +60°C -25° ÷ +70°C 90° Weight 310 g 33 16 Via Monticello di Fara. Resolutions up to 10000 imp/turn with zero for the EL series and up to 1024 imp/turn for the EH series .EH-EL63A D = mod.5 m M = connector MS3106E 16S-1S or 18-1S J = connector JMSP 1607 F or 1610 F from 1 to 10000 imp.B./turn EH series N.Different flanges available .Max output frequency up to 300 KHz for the EL series and up to 100Khz for the EH series .Output : cable and connector . They can be assembled with flange or servo-fasteners .:For impulse availabilty contact directly our offices 3 = 3000 with IP66 6 = 6000 X= S= standard IP54 optional IP66 R. S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse 5 ÷ 28 = EL series power supply 5 / 8 ÷ 24 = EH series power supply Zero Impulse Protection Encoder power supply (Vdc) N. XXX Special Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 XXX = R = radial A = axial 63 = body dimension A = mod.B./turn EL series Resolutions from 40 to 1024 imp.EH-EL63E Type of flanges P = standard output cable 1.: LINE DRIVER available only with 5 Vdc or 8 ÷ 24 Vdc power supply 8 = ø 8 mm 9 = ø 9. possibility of high radial and axial load on the shaft.Different electronic configurations available with power supply up to 28 Vdc for the EL series and up to 24 Vdc for the EH series .M.P.Protection up to IP66 Ordering Codes In the case of particular Customer variant separate with a full stop EL 63 A 1000 Z 5/28 P 8 EL = incremental encoder EL series EH = incremental encoder EH series S 3 M R .B.52 mm (3/8”) 10 = ø 10 mm N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Shaft diameter Electronic output configuration 17 N.Speed rotation up to 6000 rpm .ISO 9001:2000 EH-EL63A / D / E R INCREMENTAL ENCODERS US C Incremental encoders Standard series of encoders ø63 for industrial environments with excellent mechanical resistance.: For the optionals on the output configurations see the output on incremental connections card Incremental Encoders .EH-EL63D E = mod. 7 ø63.it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN006GB0803A . 32 bis .ITALY .+39 0444 436489 R.A.5 ø47.75h7 ø58.75h7 63.M.5 R37 ø58 Max output frequency F= RPM x Resolution 60 30 57 6 20 Mechanical Characteristics Shaft diameter Protection R.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.5 52.Tel.52 / 10g6 ø31.Sarego (VI) . Max Shock Vibrations ø6 .52 / 10g6 ø31.: LINE DRIVER only 5 / 8÷24 Vdc power supply EH-EL63D 50 mA bidirectional 100 mA bidirectional with zero 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 100 KHz ø8 / 9.: LINE DRIVER only 5 / 8÷24 Vdc power supply ø8 / 9.5 Cover material Operating Temperature Special plastic reinforced with glass fibre 0° ÷ +60°C ø50h7 Storage Temperature Weight -25° ÷ +70°C 350 g 33 18 Via Monticello di Fara.B.ø10 g6 IP54 standard IP66 optional 6000 with IP54 3000 with IP66 50 G for 11 msec (with flexile disc) 20 G for 11 msec (with glass disc) 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 9 33 Bearings life 10 revolutions EH-EL63E Bearings n°2 ball bearings Shaft material Body material Stainless steel AISI303 Alluminium UNI 5076 30 R37 ø58 57 6 20 ø8 / 9.B.eltra.ø9.5 52.5 ø73.it E-mail:[email protected] 30 57 6 20 Current consumption without load Max output current Electronic output configuration Max output frequency 80 mA 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 300 KHz 30° 30° ø58 F= RPM x Resolutions 60 Nº3 M5 33 3 3 Electronic Characteristics EH series Resolutions Power supply Current consumption without load Max commutable current Electronic output configuration From 40 to 1024 imp / turn 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc N.52 (3/8”) . .4 Nº4 ø5.P.52 / 10g6 63.4 Nº4 ø5.Incremental Encoders EH-EL63A Electronic Characteristics EL series Resolution Power supply from 1 to 10000 imp / turn 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc N. ISO 9001:2000 EH-EL63F / G / P R INCREMENTAL ENCODERS US C Incremental encoders Standard series of encoders ø63 for industrial environments with excellent mechanical resistance.B.:only executable with output cable dfrom 1 to 10000 imp.Output : cable and connector .P.Different flanges available .Speed rotation up to 6000 Rpm .B.G Ordering Codes In case of particular Customer variant separate by a full stop EL 63 G B 1000 Z 5/28 N 8 EL = incremental encoder EL series EH = incremental encoder EH series X 3 M R . XXX Special Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 XXX = R = radial A = axial 63 = body dimension F = mod.: For the optionals on the output configurations see the output incremental connections card Incremental Encoders .EH-EL63G P = mod.5 m M = connector MS3106E 16S-1S or 18-1S J = connectorJMSP 1607 F or 1610 F N.B.EH-EL63P Type of flanges P = standard output cable 1. Protection S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse 5 ÷ 28 = EL series power supply 5 / 8 ÷ 24 = EH series power supply Zero impulse 8 = ø 8 mm 10 = ø 10 mm 12 = ø 12 mm 14 = ø 14 mm 15 = ø 15 mm Shaft diameter Encoder power supply (Vdc) N./turn EH63F/G series N.B.M./turn EL63 series Resolutions from 40 to 1024 imp. They can be assembled with flanges or servo fasteners.Different electronic configurations available with power supply up to 28 Vdc for the EL series and up to 24 Vdc for the EH series .B.Max output frequency up to 300 KHz for the EL series and up to 100 KHz for the EH series . -Resolutions up to 10000 imp/turn with zero for the EL series and up to1024 imp/turn for the EH series ./turn EL63F/Gseries from 1 to 2048 imp.: AVAILABLE ONLY WITH THE FOLLOWING EXECUTIONS B = encoder depressed with metal ring C = encoder depressed with back fixage (only for EL63P series) N.: For impulse availability contact directly our offices 3 = 3000 continuous X= S= standard IP54 IP66 for model G R.Protection up to IP66 for encoder mod.: LINE DRIVER only available with 5 Vdc or 8 ÷ 24 Vdc power supply N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Electronic output configuration 19 N.EH-EL63F G = mod. possibility of high radial and axial load on the shaft. 63PC Shock ø63.+39 0444 436489 R.63GB ø8/10/12/14/15H7 mod.5 .3 Electronic Characteristics EL series Resolutions Power supply Current consumption without load from 1 to 10000 impulses/turn for EL63F/G from 1 to 2048 impulses/turn for EL63P 5 ÷ 28 Vdc N.5 24 / 63G 14 61 7.3 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 100 KHz M4 Electronic output configuration 24.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.: LINE DRIVER only 5 / 8÷24 Vdc power supply 30 45° esa8 mod.it ELTRA reserves the right to carry out any modifications without prior notice IN007GB0803A .3 3 1 35 6 1 Vibrations 3 Bearings life Bearings 10 revolutions 24.ø15 H7 Standard IP54 IP66 for mod.Incremental Encoders EH-EL63F ø63.5 24 .it E-mail:[email protected] 50 45° ø8/10/12/14/15 H7 7.5 8.ITALY .M. 32 bis . Max ø8 .ø10 .Tel.5 ø19 Shaft Material Body Material Cover Material Stainless steel AISI303 ø12H7 Aluminium NI 5076 ø32 Special plastic reinforced with glass fibre 20 20 17 Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Weight 0° ÷ +60°C Peg ø8 Application example EL63PC 6 3 Washer Screw M5 -25° ÷ +70°C 350 g 20 Via Monticello di Fara.eltra.P.: LINE DRIVER only 5 / 8÷24 Vdc power supply 33 EH-EL63P ø63.5 54° ø8/10/12/14/15 H7 Max output current Electronic output configuration Max output frequency ø32 20 36 F= RPM x Resolutions 60 mod. .ø14 .Sarego (VI) .5 35 6 7.B.G 3000 continuous 50 G per 11 msec (with flexible disc) 20 G per 11 msec (with glass disc) 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 9 EH-EL63 GB / PC in excecution mod.A.63F 20 Electronic Characteristics EH series Resolutions Power supply Current consumption without load Max commutable current from 40 to 1024 impulses/turn for EH63F/G 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc N.63G 80 mA 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 300 KHz 3.ø12 .5 ø32 esa8 Max output frequency F= RPM x Resolutions 60 Mechanical Characteristics Shaft diameter (mm) Protection R.B.5 n°2 ball bearings ø17 ø14. /turns EL series Resolutions da 40 a 1024 imp.Speed rotation of up to 6000 rpm .: For the optionals on output configurations see the output incremental connections card 21 Incremental Encoders .EH-EL72B Fixing holes diameter P = standard output cable 1. .5 m M = connector MS3106E 16S-1S or 18-1S J = connector JMSP 1607 F or 1610 F 3 = 3000 with IP66 6 = 6000 X = standard IP54 S = optional IP66 6 = ø 6 mm 8 = ø 8 mm 10 = ø 10 mm N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Type of flanges R.M.Protection up to Ip66 Ordering codes In case of particular Customer variant seperate with a full stop EL 72 1 A 1000 Z 5/28 N 10 X 6 M R EL = incremental encoder EL series EH = incremental encoder EH series .B.: For impulse availability contact directly our offices Protection Shaft diameter S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse 5 ÷ 28 = EL series power supply 5 / 8 ÷ 24 = EH series power supply Zero impulse Encoder power supply (Vdc) Electronic output configuration N.Resolutions up to 10000 imp/turn with zero for the EL series and up to 1024 imp/turn for the EH series .EH-EL72A B = mod. Studied for the direct assembly on motors or tachimeter generators where the incorporeted elastic joint allows the compensation of radial and axial slack on the shaft of the motor.B.ISO 9001:2000 EH-EL72A / B R INCREMENTAL ENCODERS US C Incremental encoders Standard series for industrial environments with excellent mechanical resistance. possibility of high radial and axial load on the shaft.P. da 1 a 10000 imp.Max output frequency up to 300 KHz for the EL series and up to 100 Khz for the EH series . XXX Particular Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 XXX = R= A= radial axial 72 = body dimension 1 = ø 63.Different flanges available .Different electronic configurations available with power supply up to 28 Vdc for the EL series and up to 24 Vdc for the EH series .: LINE DRIVER available only with 5 Vdc or 8 ÷ 24 Vdc power supply N.5 mm 2 = ø 65 mm 3 = ø 57 mm 4 = ø 60 mm A = mod.Output : cable and connector .B./turn EH series N. They can be assembled with flanges or servo fasteners. it E-mail:[email protected]/ø65/ø57/ø60 max 40 53 85 27 5 3 Electronic Characteristics EL Series Resolution Power supply Current consumption without load Max output current Electronic output configuration Max output frequency From 1 to10000 impulses / turn 5 ÷ 28 Vdc N.it ELTRA reserves the right to carry out any modifications without prior notice IN008GB0803A 76 . 32 bis .: LINE DRIVER only with 5 / 8÷24 Vdc power supply 80 mA 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 300 KHz 45° ø58 ø25 ø50H7 33 25 F= RPM x Resolutions 60 Nº4 ø4.Sarego (VI) .B ø72 ø63. Max Shock Vibrations ø25 ø50H7 ø58 33 Bearings life Bearings 10 revolutions n°2 ball bearings “OR” N°4 ø4.5 Weight 400 g Precision elastic joints G25A6/10 G25A8/10 G25A10 Accessories N°6 FORI ø6.5x90° 90° 25 3 Mechanical Characteristics Shaft diameter (mm) ø6 / 8 / 10 h7 IP54 standard IP66 6000 continuous 3000 with IP66 50 G per 11 msec (with flexible disc) 20 G per 11 msec (with glass disc) 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 9 EH-EL72 mod.5/ø65/ø57/ø60 max 40 53 84 24 7 2 Power supply Current consumption without load Max commutable current 50 mA bidirectional 100 mA bidirectional with zero 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 100 KHz ø25 ø50h7 ø58 Electronic output configuration Max output frequency 33 F= RPM x Resolutions 60 N°4 ø4.eltra.B.UNI5076 Special plastic reinforced with glass fibre 0° ÷ +60°C Storage temperature -25° ÷ +70°C ø11j6 4 12.ITALY . .Incremental Encoders EH-EL72 mod.: LINE DRIVER only with 5 / 8÷24 Vdc power supply EH-EL72 mod.+39 0444 436489 R. A ø72 ø63.5 / ø65 max 40 53 92 34 5 3 Protection R.P.5x90° 90° 25 4 Electronic Characteristics EH Series Resolution From 40 to 1024 impulses / turn 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc N.B.5 A 60° ø85 ø52 22 Via Monticello di Fara. A IP66 version ø72 ø63.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.Tel.A.5x90° 90° 25 3 Shaft material Body material Cover material Operating Temperature Stainless steel AISI303 Application on tachimeter generator AVAILABLE TACHIMETER A) 20V-1000 turn/min B) 60V-1000 turn/min ø115 ø100 85 105 3 27 Aluminium . 90A Ordering codes In case of particular Customer variant seperate with a full stop EL 90 A 1000 Z 5/28 N 1000 Z 5/28 N 10 X 6 M R EL = incremental encoder EL series EH = incremental encoder EH series . the 115 model has the compatible attachment with tachimeter generator type REO-444.B. .EH-EL90R / 115R with centrifugal relays R = radial A = axial Type of flanges P = standard output cable 1. S = without zero impulse Z= with zero impulse Zero impulse Protection 5 ÷ 28 = EL series power supply 5 / 8 ÷ 24 = EH series power supply N./turn EL series Resolutions from 40 to 1024 imp.: TO Risoluzioni BE INDICATED ONLY IN THE MODELS OF DOUBLE ELECTRONICS (For further information contact our offices) 23 Incremental Encoders . XXX Particular Customer variants indicated by a progressive numberfrom 001 to 999 90 = body dimension 115 = body dimension A = mod.ISO 9001:2000 EH-EL90A-R / 115A-R R INCREMENTAL ENCODERS US C Incremental encoders Encoder series for grave environments with excellent mechanical resistance.Speed rotation up to 6000 rpm .Resolutions up to 10000 imp/turn with zero for EL series and up to 1024 imp/turn for the EH series .B:.Protection up to IP66 for mod. For impulse availability contact directly our offices R.B.M.EH-EL90A / 115A R = mod.52 mm (3/8”) 10 = ø 10 mm 11 = ø 11 mm Alimentazione encoder Electronic output configuration (Vdc) EH-EL90 EH-EL90 EH-EL90 / 115 EH-EL115 from 1 to 10000 imp.Max output frequency up to 300 KHz for the EL series and up to 100 KHz for the EH series .Output : cable and connector . The 90 model has the possibility of mechanical assembly using flanges or servo-fastener. 90A 8 = ø 8 mm 9 = ø 9.Different electronic configurations available with power supply up to 28 Vdc for EL series and up to 24 Vdc for EH series .: LINE DRIVER available only with 5 Vdc or 8 ÷ 24 Vdc power supply Shaft diameter N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Electronic output configuration Resolutions Encoder power supplyr (Vdc) Zero Impulse N.P.Different flanges available .: For the optionals on output configurations see the output incremental connections card N.B./turn EH series N.5 m M = connector MS3106E 16S-1S or 18-1S J = connector JMSP 1607 F or 1610 F 3 = 3000 with IP66 6 = 6000 X = standard IP54 S = optional IP66 for mod. it ELTRA reserves the right to carry out any modifications without prior notice IN009GB0803A ø10/11g6 .+39 0444 436489 R.M.P.5x60° Protection 90A/115A with double electronics 23 68.eltra.it E-mail:eltra@eltra.: LINE DRIVER sonly with power supply 5 / 8÷24 Vdc EH-EL115A ø115 ø100 ø85h7 max 23 71.5 Electronic Characteristics EL series Resolutions Power supply Current consumption without load Max output curren Electronic output configuration Max output frequency From 1 to 10000 impulses / turn 5 ÷ 28 Vdc N.B.5 max 35 ø90 60° Nº3 M6x120° N°3 M5x120° 3 2.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www. . 90A 6000 continuous 3000 with IP66 200 N ( 20 Kp ) axial 200 N ( 20Kp ) radial 50 G per 11 msec (with flexible disc) 20 G per 11 msec (with glass disc) 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 9 N°6 ø6.: LINE DRIVER only with power supply 5 / 8÷24 Vdc 80 mA 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 300 KHz 9.Sarego (VI) .5 58 6 3 115 90 85 Painted Aluminium 0° ÷ +60°C -25° ÷ +70°C Weight 750 g 24 Via Monticello di Fara.ITALY .Incremental Encoders EH-EL90A ø90 ø80 ø70 ø60 R50 ø8/(3/8")/10g6 ø40h7 ø82 max 23 78.5 6 3 27 Power supply Current consumption without load Max commutable current Electronic output configuration Max output frequency 50 mA bidirectional 100 mA bidirectional with zero 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel withLINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 100 KHz ø10/11g6 max 35 ø90 F= RPM x Resolution 60 Mechanical Characteristics Shaft diameter (mm) ø8 /ø9.5 62.5 6 R.5 64. Max Max shaft load Shock Vibrations esa15 Bearings Life Bearings 10 revolutions n°2 Ball bearings 120° Shaft material Body material Cover Material Operating temperature Storage temperature Stainless steel AISI303 Clearances 90R/115R for the application of the centrifugal relay 27 Aluminium-UNI 9002/5 45 8 62.5 62.52(3/8”) /ø 10g6 EH-EL90 ø10/ø11g6 EH-EL115 IP54 Standard IP66 Optional per mod.A. 32 bis .B.5 20 4.Tel.5 F= RPM x Resolution 60 Electronic Characteristics EH series Resolutions From 40 to 1024 impulses / turn 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc N. XXX Particular customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 EX = XXX = R= radial 80 = body dimension A = mod.B.B.Max output frequency up to 300 KHz .EX80A D = mod.EX80D from 1 to 10000 imp.: For impulse availability contact directly our offices Protection S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse 5 ÷ 28 = power supply Zero impulse 10 = ø 10 mm Encoder powers supply (Vdc) Shaft Diameter N. N.ISO 9001:2000 EX80A / D R FLAMEPROOF ENCODERS US C Flameproof encoders Flameproof encoders for applications within explosive and dangerous areas .Output cable .: LINE DRIVER available only with 5 Vdc or 8 ÷ 24 Vdc power supply N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Electronic output configuration N.M.P.Resolutions up to10000 imp/turn with zero .: For the optionals on output configurations see the output incremental connections card. 25 Incremental Encoders ./turn Type of Flanges P = standard output cable 1.Speed rotation up to 3000 rpm .Different flanges available .Different electronic configurations available with a power supply up to 28 Vdc .5 m G = threaded union ½” Gas 3 = 3000 X= Standard IP64 Resolutions R.B.Protection up to IP64 Ordering Codes In case of particular Customer variant seperate with a full stop EX 80 A 1000 Z 5/28 P 10 X 3 P R Flameproof encoder by EExd IIC T6 standard . 014 R.A.018 CESI certified number: EX-97.it E-mail:[email protected] ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN010GB0803A 32. .005) -0.025 10g6 -0.005 -0. Via Monticello di Fara.Tel. 32 bis .5 25.Incremental Encoders EX80A ø72 0 40h7-0. Max Shock Vibrations Max shaft load Bearings life 3000 continuous 50 G per 11 msec (with flexible disc) 20 G per 11 msec (with glass disc) 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 200 N (20 Kp) axial 200 N (20 Kp) radial 10 revolutions 9 EX80D 40h7 -0.014 n°3 M6X10 3 3 20 5 106 Electronic Characteristics Resolutions Power supply Current consumption without load Max output current Electronic output configuration Max output frequency From 1 to 10000 impulses / turn 5 ÷ 28 Vdc N.5 30° ø80 ø60 26. Electrical system which can operate in dangerous areas except for the mines where “grisou” gas is present.014 15 n°4 ø5.B.015 EExd IIC T6 ø105 EEx: Electrical system for explosive and dangerous areas.P.025 10g6-0.5 R45 (-0.: LINE DRIVER only with 5 / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc power supply 80 mA 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 300 KHz F= RPM x Resolution 60 Mechanical Characteristics Shaft Diameter (mm) ø10 g6 1/2" Gas C: T6: 26 Type of protection based on the special interstice designed to have the maximum security on the flameproof encoder (MESG) C= maximum security Maximum encoder surface temperature 85°C.D.+39 0444 436489 R.014 / EN 50.eltra.Sarego (VI) .005 -0.5 0 30° Bearings Shaft material Body Material Operating temnperature Storage Temperature Weight n°2 Ball bearings Stainless steel AISI303 AluminiumD11S .Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www. d: II: 80x80 65x65 Anti explosion box.ITALY . .UNI 9002/5 0° ÷ +60°C -25° ÷ +70°C 1200 g 3 7 106 Flameproof encoders at EExdIIC T6 standard EN 50.M. The encoder.Max output frequency up to 100 Khz .Output : cable and connector Ordering Codes In case of particular Customer variant seperate with a full stop EC34 A 100 Z EC34 = encoder for racks 5 N 10 M . .Resolutions up to 2000 imp/turn with zero .B.B. XXX XXX = Particular Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 A = mod.Different electronic configurations available with power supply up to 24 Vdc .: For the optionals on output configurations see the output incremental connections card 27 Incremental Encoders . This type of encoder was made to simplify the linear measurements instead of incremental linear system and to overcome the problematics of measurements over long distances.5m M = connector MS3106E 16S-1S or 18-1S J = connectorJMSP 1607 F or 1610 F from to imp. EC34A 1 2000 Type of flange P = standard cable length 1.: LINE DRIVER available only with 5 Vdc or 8÷24 Vdc power supply N./turn Resolutions N.B.ISO 9001:2000 EC34 R C US SERIES OF ENCODERS FOR RACKS Encoders for racks Encoders for racks with automatic recovery of slack.: For impulse availablity contact directly our offices 10 = ø 10 mm Shaft diameter S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse Zero Impulse 5 8 ÷ 24 Encoder power supply (Vdc) N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Electronic output configuration N. closed within a robust aluminium body is produced with a preload system which allows the automatic recovery of slack between pinion and rack. Tel.5 33 Mechanical Characteristics Shaft Diameter(mm) Protection ø10 g6 34 IP64 .Incremental Encoders EC34A 4.P.5 37.ITALY .5 60 33 Current consumption without load Max output current 10 *3 Electronic output configuration Max output frequency 12.423 Shaft Material Cover Material Material of rack and spur gear Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Weight Stainless steel AISI303 Oven painted aluminum with Epoxidic Powders Steel 1000 ø25 ø10H7 10 0° ÷ +60°C -25° ÷ +70°C 700 g 18 28 Via Monticello di Fara.5 36 85 9.it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN011GB0803A 8 .796 R. 32 bis .5 75 Electronic Characteristics Resolutions Power Supply From 1 to 2000 impulses / turn 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc N.it E-mail:eltra@eltra.: LINE DRIVER only with 5/ 8 ÷ 24 Vd cpower supply 50 mA bidirectional 100 mA bidirectional with zero 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channelLINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 100 KHz * 3mm total preload stroke 5.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.Sarego (VI) .5 80 38.+39 0444 436489 R.5 9.831 De= ø33.M.5 12.5 Frequency calculation F= RPM x Resolution 60 7.Standard Rack and Spur Gear Tooth to Tooth:p=2.5 / z=40 / m=0.5 12.5 65 88. Max Max shaft load Shock Vibrations Bearings Life 3000 continuous 200 N (20 Kp) axial 200 N (20 Kp) radial 50 G per 11 msec 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 9 10 revolutions 17 Bearings n°2 ball bearings Dp= ø31.B.eltra. .A. M. S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse X= S= 5 ÷ 28 = power supply RM500 series Encoder powers supply (Vdc) 5 / 8 ÷ 24 = power supply RH200 / 500 series N. entirely in aluminum.B.P. Ordering codes In case of particular Customer variant seperate with a full stop RH 200 A 500 Z 5 N 8 X 3 P R RH = support RH200 .B. The body.: For impulse availability contact directly our offices 3 = 3000 Zero impulse R./turn RH200 / 500 series N. of glass. where the linear movement read are required (eg.5 m for RH200 Type of wheel standard output cable 1.B.500 RM = support RM500 .RM500 Shaft diameter N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Electronic output configuration 29 N. These wheels were studied to have a very precise reading and a high resistance to the stress which is typical of these machines.5 m for RH-RM500 M = connector MS3106E 16S-1S or 18-1S J = connector JMSP 1607 F or 1610 F N. The external surface of the wheel can be in aluminium with crossed knurl or in special anti-oil and anti-slip rubber. is assembled using an oscillating arm which is pivoted on the axial compact autolubrificant box which assure a long period of operation without any maintenance. etc).: For the optionals on output configurations see the output incremental connection card Incremental Encoders . XXX Particular Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 XXX = R= A= radial axial 200 = wheel linear develop 200 mm 500 = wheel linear develop 500 mm A = smooth B = knurled C = rubberized P = standard output cable 0.B.RM500 Protection 8 = ø 8 mm 10 = ø 10 mm RH200 RH .: Connectors M and J are available only for the metric wheels series RH-RM500 from 1 to 10000 imp./turn RM500 series Resolutions from 40 to 1024 imp. continuous cutting machines of sheet metal. of textiles.: LINE DRIVER available only with 5 Vdc or 8 ÷ 24 Vdc power supply standard IP54 standard IP64 optional IP66 RH200 RH . of wood.The weight of the metric wheel maintains constantly the adherence with the material to be measured allowing the length and the speed to be read.ISO 9001:2000 R RH200A / B / C RH-RM500A / B / C Metric wheels series C US Metric wheels Eltra metric wheels were studied for the industrial application. 32 bis .B.500 120 155 Wheel weight 30 Via Monticello di Fara.M.66 95 50 ø53 F= RPM x Resolutions 60 Electronic Characteristics RH200 Series 47 67 20 Resolutions Power supply Consumption without load Max output current Electronic output configuration from 40 to 1024 impulses / turn 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc N.A.it E-mail:[email protected] .Incremental Encoders RH200 Electronic Characteristics RM500 Series Resolutions Power supply from 1 to 10000 impulses / turn 5 ÷ 28 Vdc N.eltra.200 800g per Sv.P.Tel.: LINE DRIVER only with 5 / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc power supply 60 40 ø30 46 10 ø10 Consumption without load Max output current Electronic output configuration Max output frequency 80 mA 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 300 KHz ø8g6 ø63.15 30° Protections R.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www. Max Shock ø58 IP54 standard for RH200 IP64 for RH-RM500 IP66 202 3000 continuous 50 G per 11 msec (with flexable disc) 20 G per 11 msec (with glass disc) 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 9 63 98 Vibrations Bearings life 10 revolutions N°2 ball bearings + n°2 ball bearings on the support for RM500 RM500 Bearings Shaft material Stainless steel AISI303 95 60 ø45 5 30 ø20 Body material Support material Wheel material Aluminium UNI5076 Aluminium UNI 9002/5 painted Aluminium UNI 9002/5 per Sv.+39 0444 436489 R.: LINE DRIVER only with 5 / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc power supply RH500 50 mA bidirectional 100 mA bidirectional with zero 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 100 KHz 95 60 ø45 5 30 ø20 Max output frequency F= RPM x Resolutions 60 Mechanical Characteristics 100 Shaft diameter (mm) ø8 g6 ø10 g6 RH200 RH .RM500 ø10g6 ø159.500 0° ÷ +60°C ø10g6 ø159.15 100 202 30° Operating temperature Storage temperature Weight of encoder + support ø58 -25° ÷ +70°C 250g RH200 1000g RM500 100g per Sv. .B.it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN012GB0803A .200 Aluminum UNI 3051 per Sv.Sarego (VI) . Resolution 0. left or right position .Output cable.B.Working stroke up to 500 mm .ISO 9001:2000 ER A R C US INCREMENTAL LINEAR SYSTEM SERIES Incremental Linear System Incremental linear system. eventual connector applied to the end of the cable .5 m from 100 to 500 = working stroke (mm) 6 = ø 6 mm N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Power supply (Vdc) Diameter assembling hole S = without zero index C = central zero index D = right zero index (system in close position) Z = left zero index (system in open position) 5 8 ÷ 24 Electronic output configuration N. .Available with or without zero in the central.: For the optionals on output configurations see the output incremental connections card 31 Incremental Encoders .2mm Ordering codes In case of particular Customer variant seperate with a full stop ER A 100 D ER = incremental linear system 5 N 6 P . XXX XXX = Particular Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 A = mod.Different electronic configurations a vailable with power supply up to 24 Vdc . ER A Type of fixing P = special cable gland type IPON IP67 standard cable legth 1. Tel. 32 bis .Incremental Encoders ERA Electronic Characteristics Line to line Resolution Power supply Current consumption without load 0.ITALY .- 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz Z 7 Shaft Material Stainless steel AISI303 Stroke+ 10 mm Cover Material Fixing Operating temperature Storage temperature Aluminium UNI 6362 painted ø10 n°2 rod heads with hole ø6 0° ÷ +60°C -25° ÷ +70°C 20 30 Weight From 400g to 1000g ø6 ø18 32 Via Monticello di Fara.Standard 60 m/min.2 mm 22 40 0.5 Right zero index -system in close pos.A.- D 7 20 Stroke + 64 mm Mechanical Characteristics Working stroke (mm) Protection Max traverse speed Shock Vibrations From 100 to 500 Central zero index C IP64 .+39 0444 436489 R.it E-mail:[email protected] mm 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc 50 mA bidirectional 100 mA bidirectional with zero 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER 30 6 Max output current Electronic output configuration 16. .Sarego (VI) .eltra. 50 G per 11 msec Left zero index -system in open pos.it ELTRA reserves the right to carry out any modifications without prior notice IN013GB0803A .Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www. EV A B = mod. . EV B from 1 to 10000 imp.5 m M = connector MS3106E 16S-1S or 18-1S J = connector JMSP 1607 F or 1610 F Resolutions N.Different electronic configurations available with power supply up to 28 Vdc .ISO 9001:2000 EV A / B R C US ELECTRONIC HAND WHEEL SERIES Electronic hand-wheel Series of electronic hand wheels studied for the positioning on the numerical control machines with manual drive.B.B.Various flanges available Ordering Codes In case of particular Customer variant seperate with a full stop EV A 100 Z EV = electronic hand wheels 5 L 10 M R .Output : cable and connector .Max output frequency up to 100 KHz .: LINE DRIVER available with 5 Vdc or 8 ÷24 Vdc power supply N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Electronic output configurations N.: For impulse availability contact directly our offices S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse 5 8 ÷ 28 Zero impulse 10 = ø 10 mm Encoder power supply (Vdc) Shaft diameter N.B.Resolutions up to10000 imp/turn with zero ./turn Type of flange A = axial R = radial P = standard cable length 1. XXX XXX = Particular Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 A = mod.: For the optionals on output configurations see the output incremental connections card 33 Incremental Encoders . B.5 2 24 40 16 Max output current Electronic output configuration Max output frequency 50 mA per channel 20 mA per channel with LINE DRIVER NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER Max 100 KHz 10 0 + 90 80 20 30 ø58 70 Frequency calculation F= RPM x resolution 60 HOLES ON THE MOUNTING PLATE ø56 Nº3 ø3.5 * 40 24 16 0° ÷ +60°C -25° ÷ +70°C 450 g .it E-mail:eltra@eltra.+39 0444 436489 R.eltra.: LINE DRIVER only with 5 / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc power supply 50 mA bidirectional 100 mA bidirectional with zero 110 90 30 63.Sarego (VI) .UNI 9002/5 Special plastic reinforced with glass fibre 30 63.Standard 100 50 G per 11 msec 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 9 ø11 Bearings Life 10 revolutions 30 Bearings Shaft Material Body Material Cover material Operating Temperature Storage temperature Weight 80 70 n°2 ball bearings Stainless steel AISI303 Aluminium D11S .5 33 EVB Mechanical Characteristic Shaft diameter (mm) Protection Mechanical lines per turn Shock Vibrations ø10 g6 IP64 .A.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www. .ITALY .Incremental Encoders EVA Electronic Characteristics Resolution Power supply Current consumption without load From 1 to 10000 impulses / turn 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 28 Vdc N.it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN014GB0803A 60 60 50 50 40 40 ø60 ø55 N°4 ø5. 32 bis .5 30 ø80 - 0 + 10 90 20 30 ø58 ø60 33 ø55 34 Via Monticello di Fara.Tel. the optic generation of "Hall effect phases”. they integrate more than a traditional incremental encoder.ISO 9001:2000 EF 36K R C US incremental encoder + commutation phases Encoder incrementali Linea Motori The encoders of the "36” series are applied in retroaction systems on AC servomotors. Storage temp.5° 15° ± 1. The main characteristics are: .P./turn) Source and Sink current Max output frequency from 1 to 1024 15 mA per channel with Line Driver 30 mA per channel with other electronics MAX 150KHz F= R. x Resolution 60 "EF” Electronic characteristics Caratteristiche Elettroniche "EL" Power supply Electronics for incremental phases Electronics for Hall effect phases Current consumption without load 5Vdc ± 5% LINE DRIVER LINE DRIVER/ NPN OPEN COLLECTOR 150 mA Mechanical Characteristics Hole diameter R.M.P.5° 20° ± 1.Wide range of resolutions available General electronic characteristics Resolution (imp. as it necessary to have only one predisposition for the retromotor .5° T 180° 120° 90° GREY VIOLET GREY/ PINK RED / BLUE WHITE / GREEN BROWN / GREEN 35 V W Incremental Encoders . Shock Vibrations Bearings Shaft material Body material Cover material Weight Protection Operating temp.Contained dimensions .Interchangeability with the Size 15.52 / ø10 H7 6000 MAX 50 G per 11 msec 5G 10 ÷ 500 Hz nº 2 ball bearings Stainless Steel Aluminium Aluminium 50 g Signal configurations IP40 -10° ÷ + 85°C -25° ÷ + 85°C Flange for fixage on the predisposed motors “Resolver” size 15 A INCREMENTAL SIGNALS Accessories B Z COLOUR RED Cable colour FUNCTION +Vdc 0 Volt A B Z A B Z U V W U EF U COMMUTATION PHASES BLACK GREEN YELLOW V W A B C D E F BLUE BROWN ORANGE WHITE T N° POLES 4 6 8 A/B/C/D/E/F 30° ± 1.M. ø8 / ø9. saving time and money.Easy mechanical assembly . without blocking them.5 Minimum distance encoder-flanges >0.5 1) Insert the flanges (A) on the motor.:Minimum distance encoder-flange >0.52/10 8.025) 3 0.52H7 mm 10 = ø10H7 mm Shaft hole diameter .M.5 N. 6) As final operation fix the servo fasteners (B).5mm !! HOW TO INSTALL THE ENCODER Accessories: Flange for the fixing on the motor 10 Pin ø4H7 ø36.5 = ø9. 4) Block it using the screw of the encoder on the motor axle. max X = protection Ip40 Electronic for phase commutation Incremental encoder resolution from 1 to 1024 imp.it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN015GB0803A 8 = ø8H7 mm 9. . 3) Insert the encoder on the motor shaft with the system of disallineament recuperation corresponding to the pegs (C).4 3.: For impulse availability contact directly our offices L = LINE DRIVER Electronics for EF mod. 15 ø34.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.it E-mail:eltra@eltra. S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse 5 = 5 Vdc Power supply For the optionals on the output configurations see the incremental output connections card.P.Incremental Encoder EF36 Disallignment recuperating system *HOLE SHAFT K B *ø8/9. 5) Turn for phasing. 36 Via Monticello di Fara.5 Predisposition “Resolver” size 15 version 01 Ordering code : FLG004 0.5 ø25 Ordering Code In the case of particular Customer variant separate by a full stop EF 36 K EF = incremental encoder + commutation phases 4 L 512 Z 5 L 8 X 3 PR ./turn N.B. XXX Special Customer variants indicated by XXX= number from 001 ato 999 36 = body dimension K = blind hole with hind fixing 4 = n° 4 poles 6 = n° 6 poles 8 = n° 8 poles C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR L = LINE DRIVER N°poles of the motor PR = standard radial output cable 0.1 15 360° 15 7 C ø37 Motor shaft insertion max14mm ø12 12 A 22 26.A.ITALY .Tel.25X45° 2.M. The minimum encoder-flange distance must be bigger than 0.5mm ø4h7 4.83 h7(0/-0.Sarego (VI) . 32 bis .5mm.3 m 3 = 3000 R.eltra. 7) Check that the system to recuperate the disallignment works correctly. 2) Tighten the appropriate servo fasteners (B).B. 6 = 6000 R.+39 0444 436489 R.P. 5° 4 20° ± 1. The signals transmission happens in a parallel way. Serie EW Special version of the EF series with a simplification in the wiring.wide range of resolutions available . Availability of various electronic output configurations Serie EF Optic generation of the “commutation phases” integrated to the base version.5° 6 15° ± 1. General electronic characteristics Resolutions (imp.P. x Resolution 60 "EL"electronic characteristics "EL" Power supply 5 Vdc / 8÷24 Vdc 5V 0V Phase1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 3 ENCODER POWER SUPPLY Electronics Available Current consumption without load NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER 100 mA per EL48 STATE FOR SINGLE OUTPUT "EF/EW" electronic characteristics Power supply Electronics for incremental phases Electronics for effect Hall phase Current consumption without load 5Vdc ± 5% 500ms ±50% 22ms ±50% phase 1: HIGH “HZ” IMPEDANCE PHASE phase2: COMMUTATION TRANSMISSION PHASES phase3: CONTINUOUS FUNCTIONING INCREMENTAL PHASES LINE DRIVER LINE DRIVER/ NPN OPEN COLLECTOR( only for EF ) 150 mA per EF/EW48 Signal configurations INCREMENTAL SIGNALS A B Z U Cable colour COLOUR RED BLACK GREEN YELLOW BLUE BROWN ORANGE FUNCTION +Vdc 0 Volt A B Z A B Z U V W U EL EF EW COMMUTATION PHASES V W A B C D E F WHITE GREY VIOLET T N° POLES A / B / C / D / E / F 30° ± 1.M. The main characteristics are : .ISO 9001:2000 EL/EF/EW48C-P Incremental Encoders + commutation phases R C US Encoder EL/EF/EW48 C-P series The encoders of the "48” series are applied in systems of retroaction on AC servomotors.contained dimensions ./turn) Source and Sink current Max output frequency From 1 to 2048 15 mA per channel with Line Driver 30 mA per channel with other electronics MAX 150KHz F= R. obtained through the sequential transmission of the incremental phases and those of commutation as in the graph below. more than a traditional incremental encoder. they integrate.high temperatures resistance .easy assembly Serie EL Base version with incremental encoder. the optic generation of “ Hall effect phases”.5° 8 T 180° 120° 90° GREY/ PINK RED/ BLUE WHITE/ GREEN BROWN/ GREEN 37 V W Incremental Encoders . Tel.it E-mail:[email protected] ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN016GB0803A 5 = 5 Vdc Power supply for EF / EW mod. ø6 / ø8H7 IP40 N°2 M3 6000 MAX ø48.5 N°2 M3 max 20 (mod.UNI9002/5 Special plastic reinforced with glass fibre -10° ÷ + 85°C 10° Cover material Operating temperature 10° Storage temperature Weight -25° ÷ + 85°C N°2 holes M3 100 g Maximum rotation for the zero phase = 20° Ordering code In case of particular Customer variant separate by a full stop EF 48 C EL = incremental encoder EF =incremental encoder + EW =incremental commutation phases encoder + commutation phases "LESS WIRED" version transmission phases with less wires 6 L 2000 Z 5 L 6 X 6 PR .P. max X = Protection IP40 6 8 = ø6 mm = ø8 mm Shaft hole diameter 48 = body dimension C = with blind hole P = with passing hole with frontal fixage TO BE INDICATED ONLY FOR EF / EW MODELS 4 = n° 4 poles 6 = n° 6 poles 8 = n° 8 poles L = LINE DRIVER N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Electronics for EF / EW mod.M. XXX Special Customer variants XXX = indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 PR = radial output cable (standard length 0.P. N° poles of the motor Electronics for EL mod./turn Incremental encoder resolutions N.B.5 28 2 5.C) 40 Bearings Shaft material Body material nº 2 ball bearings Brass OT58 UNI 5705-65 Aluminium D11S .: For the optionals on the output configurations see the incremental output connections card 2048 imp. C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR (not available for EW) Electronic for phases commutation L = LINE DRIVER from 1 to N.3 m ) 6 = 6000 R.A.Sarego (VI) .M. 32 bis .5 Mechanical Characteristics Hole diameter Protection R. .: For impulse availability contact directly our offices S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse 5 = 5 Vdc 8 ÷ 24= from 8 to 24 Vdc Power supply for EL mod.ITALY . C-P 40 ø18 ø6/8H7 35.eltra.B.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.+39 0444 436489 R. 38 Via Monticello di Fara. .5 Shock Vibrations 50 G per 11 msec 5G 10 ÷ 500 Hz 3.Incremental Encoders EL / EF / EW 48 mod. The main characteristics are : .Interchangeability with the Size 19 resolver.Contained dimensions . they integrate more than a traditional incremental encoder.5° T 180° 120° 90° Mechanical Characteristics Hole diameter R. A B YELLOW BLUE BROWN Z A B Z ORANGE WHITE IP40 -10° ÷ + 85°C -25° ÷ + 85°C 1) Set of 3 servo fasteners ordering code: 94080001 2) Flange for fixage on the predisposed motors “Resolver” size 19 version 01 and 14 (for dimensions see the back) GRAY VIOLET GRAY/ PINK U V W U 39 RED / BLUE WHITE / GREEN BROWN / GREEN Accessories V W Incremental Encoders . x Resolution 60 "EL" Electronic characteristics Power Supply 5 Vdc / 8÷24 Vdc Signal configurations INCREMENTAL SIGNALS Available Electronics Current consumption without load NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER 100 mA A B Z U "EF” Electronic characteristics Power supply Electronics for incremental phases 5Vdc ± 5% LINE DRIVER LINE DRIVER/ NPN OPEN COLLECTOR 150 mA COMMUTATION PHASES V W A B C D E F Electronics for Hall effect phases T N° POLES 4 6 8 Current consumption without load A/B/C/D/E/F 30° ± 1.M.Wide range of resolutions available Serie EL Base version with incremental encoder Availability of various electronic output configurations.5° 15° ± 1. Shock Vibrations ø6 / ø8 / ø10 / ø12/ø12.M. saving time and money.5° 20° ± 1. the optic generation of “ Hall effect phases”.P.Easy mechanical assembly . Serie EF Optic generation of the “commutation phases” integrated to the base version.7(1/2”) H7 6000 MAX 50 G per 11 msec 5G 10 ÷ 500 Hz nº 2 ball bearings Stainless Steel Aluminium Fe 100 g Cable colour COLOUR RED BLACK GREEN FUNCTION +Vdc 0 Volt EL EF Bearings Shaft material body material cover material Weight Protection Operating temp. The transmission of signals happens in a parallel way. as it is necessary to have only one predisposition for the retromotor . General electronic characteristics Resolution imp.ISO 9001:2000 EL / EF 49C-P EL incremental encoders / EF incremental encoders + commutation phases R C US Incremental encoders for motor The encoders of the "49”series are applied on systems of retroaction on AC servomotors. Storage temp.High temperatures resistance .P./turn Source and Sink current Max output frequency From 1 to 2048 15 mA per channel with Line Driver 30 mA per channel with other electronics MAX 150KHz F= R.Simplificati on of the wiring through the use of a connector kit . F Accessories: Flange for the fixing on the motors 20 R33. Power supply for the.B.3 m Optional: thickness of wired cable length1.B.5) ø14. Electronics for EF mod.2 max 12.A./turn N.5 ø4. The minimum encoder-flange distance must be bigger than 0.+39 0444 436489 R.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www. EF mod.03 ø52.5 3 ø50.M.7(1/2”)H7 mm N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER L = LINE DRIVER C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR L = LINE DRIVER Electronic for phase commutation Incremental encoder resolutions from 1 to 2048 imp.:Minimum distance encoder-flanges>0. max X = Protection IP40 6 = ø6H7 mm 8 = ø8H7 mm 10 = ø10H7 mm 12 = ø12H7 mm 12. XXX Special Customer variants indicated by XXX=number from 001 ato 999 49 = body dimension LR = radial output cable C = with blind hole P = with through hole N.7 0 -0.025 ø50h7 ø55 ø4 ø4 ø30 1.5 ø4.2 10 5 2.B.5 0 ø30 1.P.5mm 28 E 1 4 30 How to install the encoder 1) Insert the flanges (A) on the motor.:TO BE INDICATED ONLY FOR EF / EW MODELS 4 = n° 4 poles N° poles of the motor 6 = n° 6 poles 8 = n° 8 poles + thickness of cable with standard length 0.2 m with connector type M 19 poles 6 = 6000 R.7H7 C/P B 360° Disallignment recuperating system mod.2 20 R32(ø64) 10 5 2. 5 = 5 Vdc 5 = 5 Vdc 8 ÷ 24 = from 8 to 24 Vdc Power supply for the. 5) Turn for phasing 6) As final operation fix the servo fasteners (B).2 7.C ø6-8-10-12-12.Sarego (VI) .5 mod.5 3 Predisposition “Resolver” size 19 version 01 Ordering code : FLG000 Predisposition “Resolver” size 19 version 14 Ordering code : FLG001 Ordering Code In case of particular Customer variant separate by a full stop EF 49 C EL = incremental encoder EF = incremental encoder + commutatinon phases 6 L 2000 Z 5 L 8 X 6 LR .5 2.ITALY . Check that the system to recuperate the disallignment works correctly 7) Insert the connector (E) and position the plastic lid (F)corresponding to the holes and then screw them in.7 ø14. 3) Insert the encoder on the motor shaft with the system of disallineament recuperation corresponding to the pegs (C).5 m MA = radial output cable + thickness of cable with standard length 0.Tel. 4) Insert the washer posteriorly (D) and block it using the screw of the encoder on the motor axle.:For impulse availability contact directly our offices Shaft hole diameter Electronics for EL mod.5 ø15 N. 32 bis .P C D A 20 ø48. without blocking them. .eltra.25 (ø66.77h7 -0. 2) Tighten the appropriate servo fasteners (B).7 = ø12.it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN017GB0803A S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse . EL mod.Incremental Encoders EL/EF49 36.5mm.it E-mail:eltra@eltra. 40 For the optionals on the output configurations see the incremental output connections card Via Monticello di Fara. 5° 20° ± 1.wide range of resolutions available . Availability of various electronic output configurations Serie EF Optic generation of the “Hall phases” Integrates to the base version The transmission of signals happens in a parallel way. x Resolutions 60 Signal configurations A INCREMENTAL SIGNALS Max output frequency B Z U “EH”Electronic characteristics Caratteristiche Elettroniche "EL" Power supply Available Electronics Current consumption without load 5 / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc HALL EFFECT PHASES NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR / PUSH PULL / LINE DRIVER 100 mA V W A B C D E F “EF”Electronic characteristics Power supply Electronics for incremental phases Electronics for Hall effect phases Current consumption without load 5Vdc ± 5% T N° POLES A / B / C / D / E / F 4 6 8 30° ± 1.M.ISO 9001:2000 EH-EF80C / P / K R INCREMENTAL ENCODERS US C Incremental Encoders for Motors The encoders of the "80” series are applied in retroaction systems on AC servomotors. The main characteristics are: .5° 15° ± 1.Standard 3000 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 10 revolutions n°2 ball bearings Aluminium Special plastic reinforced with fibre glass -10° ÷ +85°C -25° ÷ +85°C 250 g 9 Vibrations Bearings life Bearings Shaft Material Cover Material Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Weight 41 V W Incremental Encoders .P. they integrate.high temperatures resistance . the optic generation of “Hall effect phases”.: In the case of. more than a traditional incremental encoder. General electronic characteristics Resolutions (imp. IP54 .contained dimensions .80Cmod EH / EF80C (mm) ø 14 / ø 15 max insertion motor shaft16 mm Protection R.M./turn) Source and Sink current from 200 to 2048 not electronically multiplied 15 mA per channel with Line Driver 40 mA per channel with other electronics 100 KHz F= R.B.easy assembly Serie EH Base version with incremental encoder.P.5° T 180° 120° 90° LINE DRIVER LINE DRIVER/ NPN OPEN COLLECTOR 200 mA Cable colour COLOUR RED BLACK GREEN YELLOW BLUE BROWN ORANGE WHITE GRAY VIOLET GRAY/ PINK RED / BLUE WHITE / GREEN BROWN / GREEN Mechanical Characteristics EF Through hole diameter EH/EF80P (mm) ø8 / ø10 / ø14 / 15H7 FUNCTION +Vdc 0 Volt A B Z A B Z U V W U EH Blind hole diameter ø8 FG6 / ø10 G6 N. 32 bis .5 25 M5 20 MOTOR N°2 M4 MAX 16 (mod.: TO BE INDICATED ONLY FOR EF / EW MODELS P = output cable standard length 0.B.+39 0444 436489 R.Screw nut D ( In the case of zero timing.M.To time the zero position rotate the encoder ( max 22° ) then fix nut D.Couple the encoder shaft with the motor shaft. XXX Special Customer variants indicated by a number from 001 to 999 XXX = R= radial 80 = Body dimension C = with blind hole P = with through hole K = blind hole with hind fixing N. don’t fix it) 4.Incremental Encoders EH-EF80C-P-K 7 27 ø4h7 7 27 ø4h7 ø80 32 180° 180° 48. ensuring that pin P is inserted in the Antirotating system 5.it E-mail:[email protected] (VI) .it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN018GB0803A S = without zero impulse Z = witht zero impulse ø8/10/14/15H7 53 .C) MOD.C) R D recuperation R in the relative encoder slot 3. 1.5 43.P.Fix the encoder shaft with the 2 M4 dowels 6./turn N° poles of the motor Electronic for Hall effect phases Shaft hole diameter Resolutions incremental encoder N.B.Insert the Antirotating System for slack P 11° 11° Ordering Codes In case of particular Customer variant separate by a full stop EF 80 P 6 L 2000 Z 5 L 8 X 3 P R EH = incremental encoder EH series EF = incremental encoder EF series + HALL effect phases .B.Tel.: For the optionals on the output configurations see the incremental output connections card N.B.Fix the antirotational pin.ITALY . 2. K MOTOR N°2 M4 MAX 16 (mod. Protection 4 = n° 4 poles 6 = n° 6 poles 8 = n° 8 poles C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR L = LINE DRIVER from 200 to 2048 imp.: For impulse availability contact directly our offices Electronics for EF mod Zero impulse Electronics output configuration 5= 5Vdc 5 / 8 ÷ 24= 5Vdc / da 8 a 24Vdc Power supply of EF model Encoder power supply N.A. .eltra.3 m 3 = 3000 X = standard IP54 8 = ø 8 mm for EH/EF80C 10 = ø 10 mm for EH/EF80C-EH/EF80P 14 = ø 14 mm for EH/EF80C-P 15 = ø 15 mm for EH/EF80C-P L = LINE DRIVER N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER R.: LINE DRIVER available only with 5 Vdc or 8 ÷ 24 Vdc power supply 42 Via Monticello di Fara.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www. /turn Resolutions max R.5 m ) 512 .M.: For available impulse contact directly our offices S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse 5 = 5 Vdc 8 ÷ 24 = from 8 to 24 Vdc X= Zero impulse standard IP54 Protection Encoder power supply(Vdc) 25 = ø25 mm 30 = ø30 mm 35 = ø35 mm 38 = ø38 mm P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Shaft hole diameter Electronics output configuration N.ISO 9001:2000 EH88P R INCREMENTAL ENCODERS US C Ordering codes In case of particular Customer variant separate by a full stop EH 88 P 500 Z EH = incremental encoder EH series 5 L 50 X 3 P R . N.: For the optionals on the output configurations see the output incremental connections card 43 Incremental Encoders . XXX Special Customer variants indicated by a number from 001 to 999 XXX = R= radial 88 = body dimension P = with through hole P = output cable 3 = 3000 ( standard length 0.P.B.1024 imp.B. 3 34. Max 3000 65 0.A. 32 bis .Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.25 -25° ÷ +70°C ø25/30 H7 0 ø40 +0.ITALY .8 Cover material Operating Temperature Storage Temperature 0° ÷ +60°C 7. .Incremental Encoders EH88 Electronic Characteristics Resolutions Power supply 512 .M.Sarego (VI) .Tel.025 Accessories L 20 L* 20 Available length L*= 30 mm L*= 60 mm L*= 90 mm Ordering code: SN5A30 Ordering code: SN5A60 Ordering code: SN5A90 44 Via Monticello di Fara.55 Bearings n°2 ball bearings Stainless steel AISI303 for ø35 and ø38 Aluminium D11S UNI9002/5 per ø25 e ø30 Aluminium Shaft material 27 15.it E-mail:[email protected].+39 0444 436489 R.it ELTRA reserves all the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN019GB0803A .021 Weight 350 g 7.1024 impulses / turn 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc 50 mA bidirectional 100 mA bidirectional with zero 50 mA for channel 20 mA for channel with LINE DRIVER LINE DRIVER / PUSH PULL RPM x Resolutions 60 15° N°3 M5 FOR FIXING Current consumption without load Max output current M5 Electronic output configuration Max output frequency Max 100 KHz F= ø88 35 Mechanical characteristics Shaft diameter (mm) ø25H7 ø30H7 ø35H7 ø38H7 IP54 standard 12 3 0° Protection R.45 ø35/38 H7 0 ø50 +0.eltra. B.5 m ) 1024 . N./turn Resolutions max R.: For the optionals on the output configurations see the output incremental connections card 45 Incremental Encoders .P.2048 imp.B.: For available impulse contact directly our offices S = without zero impulse Z = with zero impulse 5 = 5 Vdc 8 ÷ 24 = from 8 to 24 Vdc X= Zero impulse standard IP54 Protection Encoder power supply(Vdc) 40 = ø40 mm 50 = ø50 mm 60 = ø60mm P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Shaft hole diameter Electronics output configuration N.M.ISO 9001:2000 EH120P R INCREMENTAL ENCODERS US C Ordering codes In case of particular Customer variant separate by a full stop EH 120 P 500 Z EH = incremental encoder EH series 5 N 50 X 3 P R . XXX Special Customer variants indicated by a number from 001 to 999 XXX = R= radial 120 = body dimension P = with through hole P = output cable 3 = 3000 ( standard length 0. it ELTRA reserves all the right to make any modifications without prior notice IN020GB0803A .Sarego (VI) . Max Bearings IP54 standard 3000 50° 81 n°2 ball bearings Shaft material Cover material Aluminium D11S UNI9002/5 Aluminium 0.8 32.ITALY .it E-mail:[email protected] -25° ÷ +70°C 19. .Tel.M.eltra.45 ø60H7 ø75 +0. 32 bis .1 Weight 750 g 7.+39 0444 436489 R.Incremental Encoders EH120 Electronic Characteristics Resolutions Power supply 1024 .Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.A.P.75 Operating Temperature Storage Temperature 0° ÷ +60°C 40.025 0 7.030 0 VERSION FOR ø60 Accessori L 20 L* 20 Available length L*= 30 mm L*= 60 mm L*= 90 mm Ordering code: SN5A30 Ordering code: SN5A60 Ordering code: SN5A90 46 Via Monticello di Fara.2048 impulses / turn 5 Vdc / 8 ÷ 24 Vdc 50 mA bidirectional 100 mA bidirectional with zero 50 mA for channel 20 mA for channel with LINE DRIVER LINE DRIVER / PUSH PULL RPM x Resolutions 60 N°3 M5 FOR FIXING Current consumption without load Max output current Electronic output configuration Max output frequency Max 100 KHz F= ø120 Mechanical characteristics Shaft diameter (mm) ø40 / 50 / 60 H7 4 ø10 M5 Protection R.25 ø40/50 H7 ø65 +0. the ordering code will become : FEH30M300S8/24P6X6PR 2.encoder model EAM53B.FEH30M300S8/24P6X6PR Various products .ISO 9001:2000 R C US Cable Exstension Position Encoder FE Ordering code In the case of particular client variant separate by a full stop FE FE = cable exstension position encoder 2000 = stroke 2000 mm 5000 = stroke 5000 mm 8000 = stroke 8000 mm 2000 A . XXX XXX = Particular customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 Stroke A (standard) Type of cable attachment N.encoder model EL53B.: The encoder that gets applicated to the cable exstension position encoder should be ordered seperately.encoder model EH30M. The letter F should be placed before the standard ordering code. the ordering code will become : FEAM53B16/4096G8/28PPX6X3MER 47 Complete example of the ordering code: FE2000A .B. the ordering code will become : FEL53B1100S5/28P6X3MR 3. Example: 1. 5 30 N°4 M5x10 to block the decoiler 45 ø53 50 * Foro ø2.5 WORKING STROKE 8m + encoder lenght n°2 M6 nuts UNI 5587 48 * 82 M6 62 20 For incremental encoder models series EL and multiturn absolute encoders “EAM” see the dimensions.25 45 + encoder lenght n°2 M6 nuts UNI 5587 For incremental encoder models series EL and multiturn absolute encoders “EAM” see the dimensions. 20 45 ø53 50 .FE2000 60 25 50.5 M5 Various products Foro ø2.5 WORKING STROKE 2m 20 * * M6 25.5 30 N°4 M5x10 to block the Decoiler * Foro ø2. 53 FE5000 90 50 63 4.25 25.5 N°4 M5x10 to block the Decoiler 30 4. 82 M6 43 20 FE8000 90 50 82 4.5 ø53 25 WORKING STROKE 5m 20 + encoder lenght n°2 M6 nuts UNI 5587 * For incremental encoder models series EL and multiturn absolute encoders “EAM” see the dimensions. 5 36.FEL53B Application of incremental encoder at a high resolution or with a connector 76 30.5 41.5 86 MAX20 80 * encoder dimensions ø64 49 Various products * 33 MAX 40 58 .7 53 MAX40 encoder dimensions FEAM53B Application with multiturn absolute encoder 123 36.5 (+0.5) - 45 * encoder dimensions ø64 122.5 (+0.5) - 12. FE5000 1300 g -.4 mm 0. refer to the technical cards of the following models: EH30M see encoder EH38 EL53B see encoder EL53 EAM53B see encoder EAM58 50 Via Monticello di Fara. 32 bis .it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice PV000GB0803A .0.Sarego (VI) .Tel.: The resolutions split with output codes result being indipendent between resolutions and number of turn Weight N° Turns Turns 32 Turns 32 Turns 64 For other resolutions contact our offices directly N.it E-mail:[email protected] the characteristics of the encoders.for .1 mm Impulses 120 300 1200 Impulses 220 550 2200 Impulses 220 550 2200 Operating Temperature Storage Temperature 0° ÷ +60°C -25° ÷ +70°C 500g -.1 mm Impulses 120 300 1200 Impulses 220 550 2200 Impulses 220 550 2200 Protection IP54 standard For encoder protection see the concerning technical data-sheet 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz Aluminium Stainless steel Vibrations Cover material Wire material For other resolutions contact our offices directly Application with multiturn absolute encoder Various products Resolution turns 1 mm 0.B. .A.05% full-scale 50 m/min Application with incremental encoder Resolution 1 mm 0.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www. +/.B.4 mm 0.General resolution characteristics Model One turn of coil (mm) FE2000 120 Mechanical Characteristics FE8000 220 FE5000 220 Linearity Velocity Max.eltra.FE8000 N.FE2000 1100 g -.for .+39 0444 436489 R.ITALY .: For . 1 mm (0.Resolution: 0.Zero impulse every 2 mm Ordering codes for Magnetic incremental linear sensor In case of particular Customer variant separate with a full stop ETM A 1 Z 5 L S PR3 ETM = Eltra magnetic incremental linear sensor .1 mm (0.025 after 4 signal division) 2 = 0.01 mm after 4 signal division) .04 mm (0.ISO 9001:2000 ETMA R C US Magnetic incremental linear sensor ETMA1 Magnetic incremental linear sensor .Resolution: 0.04 mm (0.025 mm after 4 signal division) . XXX XXX = Particular Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 A = horizontal 1 = 0.Zero impulse every 5 mm ETMA2 Magnetic incremental linear sensor .01 after 4 signal division) Type head Resolution 3 = 3m (Standard) 6 = 6m 10 = 10m 20 = 20m Lenghts available Z = with zero impulse every 2mm with ETMA2 with zero impulse every 5mm with ETMA1 Zero impulse S = standard IP67 P = PUSH PULL L = LINE DRIVER Protection 5 = 5V 8 ÷ 24 = from 8V to 24V Sensor power supply (Vdc) Electronics 51 Various products . 025 after 4 signal division) for ETMA1 0.5 25 Various products 21 10 5.01 after 4 signal division) for ETMA2 +/.it E-mail:[email protected] (VI) .it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice PV004GB0803A 150g ø3.+39 0444 436489 R.5 ø4 .ETM 40 4 17 19 6.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.5° max 2 mm Electronic Characteristics Resolution Repeatability 0.A.ITALY .1.5° C < +/.5 Operating Temperature Storage Temperature 0° ÷ +60°C -25° ÷ +70°C Cable colour COLOUR RED BLACK GREEN YELLOW BLUE BROWN ORANGE WHITE FUNCTION +Vdc 0 Volt A B Z A B Z Max working distance Weight < 2 mm 52 Via Monticello di Fara.1 mm B < +/. .5 10.5° D < +/. 32 bis .04 mm (0.25 SENSOR POSITION Mechanical tolerances of the sensor A +/.eltra.STANDARD 50 G for 11 msec Electronic output configuration Power supply Zero impulse Max Velocity Max Frequency 10G 10 ÷ 2000 Hz 5 Vdc 8 ÷ 24 Vdc Container Material with zero every 5 mm for ETMA1 with zero every 2 mm for ETMA2 Aluminium Fixing 4 m/s 40 Khz n°2 hole ø3.025 mm LINE DRIVER / PUSH PULL Mechanical characteristics IP Protection Shock Vibrations IP67 .0.Tel.1 mm (0. 10 . Technical Characteristics Operating Temperature Accuracy at 20° C in mm Lenght expansion coefficient Bend radius 0° ÷ +60°C +/.: It is possible to have different lengths only to order.04mm 1 .B.025 + 0.B.5-32 mt 1.1mm 2 = magnetic strip for resolution 0. XXX XXX = Special Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 0001 to 999 10 .= Multiples of a metre EBM L = 0.02 x L) L= lenght magnetic tape in m 16 x 10 m (m x °C) -6 53 Minimum 150 mm Various products 10 .= separate with a hyphen Lenght magnetic tape (m) N.ISO 9001:2000 EBM R Magnetic Tape US C Ordering codes for magnetic tape Nel caso di variante particolare del In case of particular Customer variant separate with aun punto Cliente separare con full stop EBM A EBM = Eltra magnetic tape A = type of magnetic tape 1 = magnetic strip for resolution 0.8 N.(0. Generality As can be seen from the explicative drawing, the Eltra magnetic belt is composed essentially of three layers: 1 - A flexible magnetic belt made of plastic material. 2 - This is a magnetised steel belt with the characteristic of creating a shield against any external magnetic fields of a certain level; apart from this, as it is in contact (glued) to the upper plastic layer, it is essential for supplying the correct mechanical consistency to the magnetic belt. 3 - This last part of the belt is the least flexible part. It is in fact supplied separately (for transport and application reasons) and is glued to layer 1 by the user. This is a steel belt transparent to the magnetic flow, with the function of mechanically protecting the magnetic belt. 3 Various products 1 2 N.B.: To prevent damage from possible internal tensions in the magnetic belt, keep the band rolled up with the magnetic part facing outwards with a minimum internal diameter of 300 mm. Measures to adopt when applying the magnetic tape Pressure for fixing The magnetic belt is adhesive and it is therefore important that the contact with the surface to be glued is optimum for correct application. For this to take place, good pressure must be applied uniformly to guarantee perfect adhesion between the surfaces. Gluing temperature For the adhesive to adhere in an optimum way, it is preferable for the temperature of the material in which the magnetic belt is placed to be between 20° C and 37° C. Maximum adhesion is obtained after 72 hours at a temperature of 21° C. We recommend against applying the magnetic belt if the temperature of the gluing surface is lower than 10° C. Application materials For the magnetic belts to adhere correctly, they must be placed in dry, smooth and clean places. The surfaces should be cleaned with a solution of alcohol and water at 50% or heptane. In the case of materials such as brass, copper etc. the surface must be protected to prevent possible oxidisation. Chemical agents and the behaviour of the magnetic tape Chemicals, showing no or only a small effect Formic acid Cotton seed oil Formaldehyde 40% Glycerol 93°C N-hexane Iso-octane Linseed raw oil Lactic acid Mineral oil Soybean oil Chemicals, showing small to medium effect Acetone Acetylene Ammonia Gasoline Vapor Acetic acid 20% Kerosene Acetic acid 30%, glacial acid Isopropyl ether Oleic acid Sea water Stearic acid 70% Chemicals, showing strong effects Benzene Lacquer solvent Nitrobenzene Nitric acid 70% Red Nitric acid Nitric acid 37%, 93°C Turpentine Carbon tetrachloride Tetrahydrofuran Toluene Trichlorethylene Dimethylbenzene 54 Via Monticello di Fara, 32 bis - Sarego (VI) - ITALY - Tel.+39 0444 436489 R.A. - Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.eltra.it E-mail:[email protected] ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice PV005GB0803A ISO 9001:2000 R C US POTENTIOMETERS EP A / B Potentiometer EP series Encoders with output signal of potentiometric type. The potentiometer is in a robust cover and is supported by two bearings; it assures excellent life, speed and precision properties. Ordering codes EP A 103 / 10 P R . XXX EP = eltra potentiometer A = mod. EP A with shaft ø 10 B = mod. EP B with toothed shaft Type of shaft 502 / 1 = 5 Kohm / 1 turn (mod.A) 502 / 3 = 5 Kohm / 3 turn (mod.B) 103 / 1 = 10 Kohm / 1 turn (mod.A) Resistivity value per n° turns 103 / 3 = 10 Kohm / 3 turn (mod.B) 103 / 10 = 10 Kohm / 10 turn (mod.A) P = output cable (standard length 1.5m) A= R= axial radial In the case of particular Customer variant - seperate with a full stop XXX = Particular Customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 55 Various products EPA 15 General Characteristics Type of potentiometers available 5 Kohm / 1 turn (mod.A) 5 Kohm / 3 turn (mod.B) 10 Kohm / 1 turn (mod.A) 10 Kohm / 3 turn (mod.B) 10 Kohm / 10 turn (mod.A) ±5% ± 0.25 % model A : 2.0 watt model B : 1.0 watt 300.000 for model B 1.000.000 for model A 50G per 11msec 15G 10÷2000Hz ø10 g6 11 Tolerance Linearity 48 37 Power Rating (70°C) Number of maximum revolutions Various Products ø42 ø30 ø10g6 Shock Vibrations Shaft Diameter (mm) Shaft material Toothed shaft characteristics Stainless steel AISI303 Z = 12 / m = 1 / p = 3.1415 45° Toothed shaft materail Steel C45 Special plastic reinforced with glass fibre AluminiumUNI 9002/5 n°2 ball bearings 150g N°4 M3x90° Cover material Body material EPB 15 Bearings Weight 11 Colours and connections 37 1 RED 3 BLACK 48 ø42 ø30 2 GREEN Environmental Characteristics 45° Protection Operating Temperature IP54 Standard 0° ÷ +60° C N°4 M3x90° Storage temperature -25° ÷ +70° C ø12 ø14 z=12 m=1 p=3.1415 56 6 Via Monticello di Fara, 32 bis - Sarego (VI) - ITALY - Tel.+39 0444 436489 R.A. - Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.eltra.it E-mail:[email protected] ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice PV001GB0803A TOOTH CHARACTERISTICS .Vxn+Vx4) Vx4 Where: Vx1 = input voltage x1 Vx2.. I max= Current absorbed in maximum operating conditions (A) 0. An example can clarify the typical application of such a board: An encoder with 5Vdc line driver output must be linked at the same time to a control with the push-pull input of 24Vdc and to an instrument with line driver input at 5Vdc.5 1 90 90 77.Vxn = output voltage X2.. The board to be ordered will have this code : EMB5L8/24P5L where EMB5L indicates the input at 5Vdc line driver on the X1 connector. The main functions of the EMB are the splitting of the input signals and the adaptation of the output stages.ISO 9001:2000 EMB Signal splitting adapter R C US Electronic Characteristics Working voltage for INPUTS and OUTPUTS 5 Vdc / 8÷24 Vdc Current consumption without load 70 mA Max output current per channel 20 mA for LINE DRIVER 40 mA PUSH PULL Max input current per channel 10 mA Max operating frequency 100 Khz The EMB board This board is used when it is necessary to adapt the electronic characteristics of the encoder and controlling apparatus connected between them.5 90 2 3 max 90 90 4 57 Various products X1 X2 X3 X4 . for example. It is important that on the board there may be present a maximum of two different voltages and that the board must be supplied only by the X4 connector... For a board with a 5 Vdc npn and eight output line drivers at 5Vdc. It happens often.5 12.Xn Vx4 =Voltage of power supply of the card Operating temperature 0° ÷ +50°C Fixing on frame DIN 46277 / 3 (OMEGA) GUIDE DIN 46277 / 2 GUIDE Sizes Singular execution Multiple execution (max 4 modules / 8 out) 37.5 15.12 (Vx1+Vx2+. EMB5L8/24P5L indicates that the second output on the X3 connector has a 5Vdc line driver electronics. the ordering code becomes EMB5N5L5L5L5L5L5L5L5L. with a particular assembly of many boards situated on one a only support to reduce the wiring. The possibilities offered by the EMB are many so the different solutions are checked at the confirmation of the order (see back the ordering code where the various options of the board are described). In this case in the ordering code they will be specified all the outputs.. that you have an encoder with an output of 5 Vdc and a control that accepts data only from 24 Vdc or the case in which the encoder has the same voltage of the control by a different electronics. EMB5L8/24P Indicates that the first output on the X2 connector has a push-pull electronic and is supplied with voltages from 8 to 24 Vdc... with the higher voltage of those present on the board. The power supply of this board will be of 24 Vdc to link on the X4 connector. for example. It is possible moreover to obtain a maximum of eight outputs. it E-mail:[email protected] Ch..Working diagram and terminal board connection X1 0 Volt + V out only on X1 do not use X2/X3 X2 X3 X4 Various Products Ch.. 32 bis .ITALY .Z GROUND CONNECTION + Vdc + Vdc in Ch.A. XXX XXX = Particular Customer variant indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 5 8 ÷ 24 Out1 Power supply (Vdc )terminal board X2 N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE-DRIVER Electronic out1 terminal boardX2 58 Via Monticello di Fara.Sarego (VI) .A Ch...Tel.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www. CONTROL Examples of use ENCODER EMB AS INTERMEDIATE AMPLIFIER OF SIGNAL CONTROL X1 X2 X3 X4 >100m PNP 24Volt LD 5Volt X1 X2 X3 X4 >100m Ordering codes out2 in out1 optional output In case of particular Customer variant seperate with a full stop EMB 5 L 8/24 P 8/24 P EMB = Adapter signal splitter 5 8 ÷ 24 Input power supply (Vdc) terminal board X1 .A Ch.. EMB8/24R. .B SIGNAL out1 SIGNAL out2 SIGNAL in CARD SUPPLY + Vdc Wire insertion side Wire insertion side ENCODER CONTROL X1 / X2 / X3 Terminal board connection signals X4 Terminal board connection and power supply EMB ADAPTATION OF ELECTRONIC SIGNALS PROXIMITY / FOTOCELLULAR..+39 0444 436489 R.Z 0 Volt 0 Volt 0 Volt Ch..eltra.it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice PV002GB0803A N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE-DRIVER R = PNP N = NPN C = NPN OPEN COLLECTOR P = PUSH PULL L = LINE-DRIVER 5 8 ÷ 24 Electronics out2 terminal board X3 Electronic inputs terminal board X1 Power supply out2 (Vdc ) terminal board X3 . we choose the encoders to commute making sure that they have the same electronics output. must be included in the ones described in the ordering code. indicates that the inputs are set for linedriver encoder at 5 Vdc. instead. and 8/24P indicates that the outputs is with push-pull electronics and with a power supply from 8 to 24 Vdc. in a sequential mode. instead. We must realize a reading through an instrument of the three encoders (or other sensors with compatible characteristics). for example line-driver at 5 Vdc. The board must be supplied with the highest voltage of those requested: in this case 8/24 Vdc.5 77. The logic level “1” is obtained connecting to the abovementioned inputs a voltage included between +5 and +24 Vdc. The electronic typologies of the output and of the encoders to be connected.5 X5 X1 113 59 Various products X2 X3 X4 . Where 5L. The EMD board will provide. For the “0” level. to realize the commutation function of the connected encoders and to adapt the electronics of these with the one required from the instrument. the only condition posed. The EMD. is that the electronics of the encoders connected are the same.5 28 15. The combination of the logic levels present on in1 and in2 configurates the terminal board of output in 4 different mode described in the tabel on the following page. The EMD board accepts in input the signals coming from three encoders and supplies in output the signals of one of these electronically selected The selection happens suppling opportunely inputs in1 and in2. the voltage must be between 0 and +3 Vdc. supplies three clean contacts usually open that close themselves when the respective input is selected. The commutation of the encoder happens through a command of logic type at the inputs called in1 and in2 on the Xn terminal board.ISO 9001:2000 EMD R C US Encoder signal selector Electronic Characteristics Power supply 5 Vdc / 8÷24 Vdc Current consumption without load 150 mA Max output current per channel 20 mA per LINE DRIVER 40 mA PUSH PULL Max input current per channel 10 mA Max output frequency 100 Khz The EMD board This board is used when it is necessary to carry out a selection function between a maximum of three inputs. moreover. can acquire the data even with another electronics for example push-pull at 24 Vdc. Operating temperature 0° ÷ +40°C Logic input levels in1 AND in2 (Vdc) “0” = 5 ÷ 24 “1” = 0 ÷ 3 Vmax = 125 Vac / 60 Vdc Imax = 0. An example is needed to understand better the use of this board. in this case. according to the working diagram (see back side). The instrument.5A Vmin = 5 Vdc Imin = 1mA Clean contact characteristics Fix on frame GUIDA DIN 46277 / 3 (OMEGA) GUIDA DIN 46277 / 2 Overall dimension 37. The ordering code will be: EMD5L8/24P. A Ch. EMD 5 EMD = Signal selector encoder 5 8 ÷ 24 N = NPN R = PNP P = PUSH PULL L = LINE-DRIVER Input power supply of terminal boards X1 / X2 / X3 (Vdc) L 8/24 P .eltra. in order to the logics status present on in1 and in2 on the X5 terminal board 0 1 0 1 in2 0 0 1 1 X1 X2 X3 F1 F2 F3 - - - - - - Ordering code In Out In the case of particular client variant seperate by a full stop.Working diagram and terminal connections board Terminal board connections encoder input 1 / 2 / 3 X1 / X2 / X3 Wire insertion side ENCODER ENCODER ENCODER in1 Ch.+39 0444 436489 R.B Wire insertion side CONTROL Wire insertion side X5 Signal connections relè and encoder input X4 Connection and supply board and encoder output Table of logic status Logic status on X5 Encoder selected on X4 Contact selected on X5 in1 The table indicates the output status on the X4 connector and on the clean contacts on X5.Z in1 Ch.ITALY .Tel.A + Vdc 0 Volt L1 L2 L3 L1: INPUT 1 ABILITATION L2: INPUT 2 ABILITATION L3: INPUT 3 ABILITATION L4:BOARD SUPPLY X1 X5 X2 X3 L4 X4 0 Volt + Vdc F3 F1 F2 Ch.it E-mail:eltra@eltra. .B Various Products Ch.B Ch.it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice PV003GB0803A .Z in2 in3 Ch.Sarego (VI) .Z COM INPUT OF SELECTION ENCODER OUTPUT RELE’ SIGNAL out SELECTED ENCODER OUTPUT in BOARD SUPPLY Ch.Z Ch.A.A in2 Ch.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.A Ch.B Ch. XXX XXX = N = NPN P = PUSH PULL L = LINE-DRIVER Particular customer variants indicated by a progressive number from 001 to 999 OutX4 Electronics Electronics input of terminal board X1 / X2 / X3 5 8 ÷ 24 Out voltage terminal board X4 (Vdc) 60 Via Monticello di Fara. 32 bis . 25 Nm 0.: Do not indicate in the case of d1=d2 Construction data and characteristics Standard joints G 20 A 6 G 25 A 8 G 25 A 9 G 25 A 10 G 30 A 10 De ø20 ø25 ø25 ø25 ø25 20 25 25 25 30 L + 0.1 d1 = d2 ø6H7 ø8H7 + 0.52 (3/8”) 10 = ø 10 6=ø6 8=ø8 9 = ø 9.A. d2=10 mm. even if is present axial shafts. we suggest that the shafts be inserted on the joint respecting the distance “E”as shown in the above diagram.0.0. The internal drain permits the coupling with distance between the shafts from a minimum of 0.52 (3/8”) 10 = ø 10 ø hole“d1” ø hole“d2” N.0.015 0 NOTE: OUR TECHNICIAN IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL FOR ANY REQUEST FOR NO-STANDARD HOLES NOTE FOR THE INSTALLER: In order to assure the correct function.0.12 mm (See quota ‘F’).1 + 0. for example d1=8 mm.1 + 0.52H7 + 0 Aluminium ø10H7 ø10H7 + 0.1 . the rotational motion. They transmit perfectly. (type D11S A. -Capacity of supporting slight disadjustments of the shaft -Capacity of absorbing small axial shift of the shaft The ELTRA elastic joints have also a perfect balancing of the rotating body.012 0 + 0.1 + 0.4 Nm 0. disadjustments or dissallignments of the shafts.1 .B. Joint dimensions L De d1 d2 A B A 90º M E F E 61 Various products .4 Nm 0. on which there is a helicoidal groove.015 ø9. The main charachteristics are: -Torsional rigidity. moreover.015 0 A 6 7 7 7 8 B 8 11 11 11 14 M M3 M4 M4 M4 M4 E 7 8 8 8 9 F 6 9 9 9 12 Twisting moment 0.0.4 Nm Type of material 0.1 . G 25 A 6 / 8 G = elastic precision joint 16 20 25 30 Joint dimension (see table) A = shaft fixing with dowel 6=ø6 8=ø8 9 = ø 9. they have not critical points subject to breakage and are completely frictionless.015 0 + 0.1 + 0.2011) and are composed by a cylindrical body. In this case the identification code becomes G25 A 8/10 to place before the smallest hole diameter. these joints do not require any type of maintenance.ISO 9001:2000 R C US ELASTIC PRECISION JOINTS Ordering code Elastic joints The ELTRA elastic precision joints are essential elements for the transmission of the rotational motion to the encoder shaft.4 Nm 0. NOTE: The elastic joint can be supplied with different coupling diameters between them.5 mm to maximum of 6.1 .1 . The joints are in aluminium alloy. especially in the case of accentuated axial or radial movements. which are defined as an impulse generator and not as a safety device. Install the power supply and signal cables in such a way as to avoid capacitive or inductive interference that could cause the device to malfunction and far from power lines.l. Principal product warranty conditions Replacements or repairs whether under the warranty or at the customer's expense must be performed in the service department of Eltra S. Verify the ground connection of the device's body. or suspension of use.ITALY . 32 bis . verify the voltage range applicable to the device. at any rate. substances that are not compatible with the device's mechanical characteristics. www.eltra. Before sending material for repair. Make sure that the environment of use is free of corrosive agents (acids.A.ISO 9001:2000 R C US INSTALLATION AND OPERATION PRECAUTIONS Installation and operation precautions The encoder must be used with respect for its qualifications. We recommend that you absolutely avoid making mechanical or electrical modifications for safety reasons and because they will void the warranty. . The personnel assigned to assembling and installing the device must be qualified and follow the instructions in the technical manual. The wiring of the cables must be carried out in a POWER-OFF condition. etc. During the repair process in our service department. The personnel assigned to assembling and installing the device must be qualified and follow the instructions in the technical manual.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www. Before putting it into operation.it or requested from our office.r. in the event that it is not possible to provide for an additional external connection. Any malfunctions due to a failure to observe these usage and installation precautions will lead to the voiding of the warranty. 62 SV009GB0803A . Repairs will not extend the product warranty. Eltra S.Sarego (VI) . Make sure that the mechanical coupling of the encoder shaft is made with the appropriate elastic joints. the IP protection grade must be appropriate for the environment of use. In addition.Tel. protecting it from exceeding the stated technical specifications. Note: For additional information. will be authorized to remove all parts that the customer added to the product. or by explicitly authorized personnel.l.r. you must obtain an RGA number from our sales office.+39 0444 436489 R. we refer you to the Conditions of Sale that can be consulted on our web site. of the transducer.it E-mail:[email protected] ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice. We also exclude compensation for any type of damage or injury due to the use. Via Monticello di Fara.) or.eltra. It is circuitly similar to the logics of TTL type and for this reason is considered to be compatible to them. allowing to obtain output signals with different voltage.ISO 9001:2000 R OUTPUT CONFIGURATIONS AND CONNECTIONS INCREMENTAL ENCODERS C US NPN and NPN OPEN COLLECTOR Electronics It is composed of an only transistor of NPN type and of a resistor of pull-up configuration. NPN + Vdc D 4. even at high velocities. therefore. but sometimes higher. indifferently applicable also to receivers for npn or pnp electronics. by the frequency of impulses to be transmitted and by the increase of the load. the transistor collector from the tie of the encoder power supply. The PUSH PULL electronics is. in such way. for 0V commutations whether towards the positive or towards zero. When it is used correctly it shows low levels of saturations towards the 0 Vdc and practically null towards the positive. another transistor of a complimentary is D D inserted. in any case. which fixes the output voltage to that of power supply when the transistor is in the quiescent position. which is of pnp type and is constrained to the positive. favouring long connections and optimal data transmission. This solution increases the frequency performance. 63 .7K W D P Rext 0 Vdc PUSH-PULL electronics It is used to increase the performance with respect to +Vdc preceeding electronics. The main differences are in the transistor. between the output and the zero volt. the resistor.7K W D NPN open collector + Vdc P Rext Out NPN NPN Out 0 Vdc 0 Vdc PNP and PNP OPEN COLLECTOR electronics The most important considerations are the same carried out for the NPN electronics. The open collector variant is different for the lack of the pull-up resistor. freeing. Infact the major limitations of the npn NPN D or pnp electronics. so that the output is of low impedance. is of the pull-down type connected. The manner is influenced in proportional way by the increase of the cable length. thus the ideal application should keep these considerations in mind. PNP and PNP open collector + Vdc PNP Out 4. in comparison to the preceeding logics. can depend on the use of the resistor 22 W which presents a much higher impedance than a transistor in Out closing. The levels of signal saturation are contained. if present. To overcome these inconveniences in the push-pull PNP type elctronics. if crossed by a superior current to the one prearranged. The Eltra encoders can be equipped with these two levels of protection against short circuits. which can bring about a progressive delay in the components to be protected.54R 0 Vdc Protection for output stages Exist two different mode to protect an electronic circuit from short circuit: the first uses passive element (fuses.) and the other uses active parts (transistor. The component which carries out the protection is called PTC and is a resistor that. happens in a “differential” way. + Vdc D R + 5R 56 MC33074 5R R + Out R 56 MC33074 Out R 4. The use limitations of this protection are to be found in the speed of the intervention which is rather low. Passive protection The passive solution is the cheapest solution and is direct to cover accidental short circuits. increases its resitance to limit the increase of the current itself. effective for a limited number of short circuits and is available for the npn. non linear resistors. This protection is.). D The transmission and the reception of the data happens on Out two complementary channels.LINE DRIVER electronics It is used when the operative evironments is particularly + Vdc subjected to electrical disturbances or in presence of high distances between the encoder and the reception system. elevated disturbances. it is normally realized through a termination resistance of 120 Ohm connected in parallel between the complementary signals. which follows in every moment the temperature reached by the element to be protected.). It is only available for line-driver and push-pull electronics. which is the mass of the system. pnp and push-pull electronics. it is insensitive to common way disturbances. This characteristic allows at the protection to be very efficient and fast in the intervention on repetitive and permanent short circuits and it is specifically indicated for heavy use. to be balanced by the input resistance of the receiver that must have an equal load impedance. created on purpose. or rather from the differences of the voltages present on the complementary channels of trasmission and. Active protection The second solution is based on an integrated electronic circuit on the output stage.This electronics presents an impedance of typical line of about 120 Ohm. therefore. these interferences are known as “common way disturbances”. DIFFERENTIAL electronics type It is used in the sinusoidal line-driver analogic encoders where is necessary a transmission of a signal without disturbances. etc. Like to the line-driver electronics. further more power supplies up to 24 Vdc are available where the hard conditions of use need them (long cables. etc.This type of transmission is used in 5 Vdc systems and is also known as RS422 compatible. so the disturbances are L limited (the disturbances are caused to cables or adjacent Out apparatus). as their generation is refered to a common point. which happen with limited repetitions. etc. Thermal protection °C NPN D PTC +Vdc Out +°C PNP D D 0V + Vdc D Out Out 0 Vdc 64 . Another factor to consider is given to the fall of introduced voltage which increases at the increase of the load. therefore. The transmission 0 Vdc and reception in line-driver. for digital signals are generated two signals out of phase for 180 electrical degrees. instead. PULL PIN "M" MS 4102A 16S-1P FUNCTION PIN "J" JMR 1607 M 1 2 4 5 7 J CONNECTOR JMR 1607 M 3 6 0 Volt Out 1 (Ch. 3) Connection of the metallic connector casing to the ground through a ring fixed to the screw of the connector itself (fig. fig.1) fig.B) Out 3 (Ch.A ) Out 2 (Ch.A) Out 2 (Ch.1 fig.A ) Out 3 (Ch.2) .Z) Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A B C D E F G H I J CONNECTOR M MS 3102A 18-1P Blue Red Black brown J CONNECTOR JMR 1610 M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PANNEL SIDE orange White G F H A I B J C E D PRECAUTIONS AGAINST ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGES For a better protection of the electronics against the electrostatic discharges connect the metallic connector casing to the ground. 3 Connection to the ground of the continuity wire and of the connector casing (see fig.A) Out 2 (Ch.Connections and standard colours for INCREMENTAL encoders NPN / NPN OPEN COLLECTOR TTL COMPATIBLE 5 WAY CABLE COLOURS Black green PUSH . 2 65 Connection of the braded wire and of the casing of the connector to the ground (Fig.B) Out 3 (Ch.B ) Out 1 (Ch.A ) + Vdc Out 2 (Ch.B ) 0 Volt CASE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A B C D E F G CONNECTOR M MS4102A 16S-1P PANNEL SIDE F A E G B D C LINE-DRIVER WITH ZERO 8 way cable COLOURS Green yellow FUNCTION PIN "J" JMR 1610 M PIN "M" MS 3102A 18-1P Out 1 (Ch.Z) + Vdc + Vdc 0 Volt Out 1 (Ch.Z ) Out 2 (Ch.B ) + Vdc CASE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A B C D E F G CONNECTOR PANNEL SIDE Blue Yellow Red M MS4102A 16S-1P F A E G B D C LINE-DRIVER without ZERO 6 WAY CABLE COLOURS Green Yellow Brown Red Orange Black FUNCTION PIN "J" JMR 1607 M PIN "M" MS 4102A 16S-1P 1 2 4 5 7 J CONNECTOR JMR 1607 M 3 6 Out 1 (Ch. ITALY .it E-mail:eltra@eltra. 32 bis . .eltra.A.Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.it .Note 66 Via Monticello di Fara.+39 0444 436489 R.Sarego (VI) .Tel. Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www.it .+39 0444 436489 R.it E-mail:[email protected] 67 Via Monticello di Fara.A. 32 bis . .Sarego (VI) .Tel.ITALY .eltra. Tel.ITALY .Fax +39 0444 835335 http://www. SV010GB0803A .Sarego (VI) .it E-mail:[email protected] NEW ZELAND SOUTH AFRICA UNITED STATES POLAND CZECH REPUBLIC REPUBLIC OF SLOVAKIA SPAIN HUNGARY TAIWAN SWEDEN TURKEY 68 Via Monticello di Fara.+39 0444 436489 R.it ELTRA reserves the right to make any modifications without prior notice.eltra. 32 bis .A. .… in the world ARGENTINA AUSTRALIA BRAZIL CHILE CHINA HONG KONG INDIA ISRAEL MEXICO RUSSIA AUSTRIA BELGIUM BULGARIA FINLAND FRANCE GERMANY EGYPT GREECE ENGLAND .
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