Electrolytic Rust Removal

March 28, 2018 | Author: Juan Miguel Ortiz | Category: Rust, Sodium Hydroxide, Chemistry, Chemical Substances, Chemical Elements



ELECTROLYTIC RUST REMOVALA USEFUL AID FOR REHABBING HAND TOOLS Rusted Hand Plane BEFORE Electrolytic Rust Removal Rusted Hand Plane AFTER Electrolytic Rust Removal P O L A R I T Y I S C R I T I C A L ! The BLACK (negative) lead is connected to the part being cleaned The RED (positive) lead is connected to the rebar anode grid THE FOLDING RULE BLOG Kaboom MSDS MATERIALS LIST 1. Click here for a good discussion of why NOT to use stainless steel MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS 1. Glycolic Acid MSDS 3. brass brush 9. Washing Soda MSDS 2. Do this process in a well-ventilated area away from sparks or open flame 5. ½ inch x 18 inch rebar pins for anode grid 3. review the Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS) for the recommended products 2. 5 gal plastic bucket 2. DO NOT use stainless steel for the electrodes as the results produce a toxic solution containing hexavalent chromate. BoeShield T-9 BUCKET PREPARATION 1. wire nuts 5. Use common sense – if it doesn’t feel right don’t do it! 3. 9. Secure rebar with twisted wire 3. Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (sodium carbonate) 7. Before starting. Drill holes near edge for twisted wire loops 2. WD-40 11. 6 amp 6/12 volt battery charger 8. The gases generated are oxygen & hydrogen 4. copper wire 4. 3M grey abrasive pad 10. Wash any sprayed electrolytic solution off your skin with plenty of fresh water 8. The electrolyte solution is mildly alkaline and could irritate your skin and eyes 7.SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS 1. Wear gloves and safety goggles / glasses 6. large alligator clips 6. Despite some recommendations. Connect rebar anode grid with copper wire & wire nuts . Hexavalent chromate is a poisonous and hazardous material that requires special handling and disposal. or alternatively glycolic acid such as Kaboom Shower. rinse parts in fresh water and run them in the electrolytic solution for 15 minutes to neutralize the acid. Electrolysis Rust Removal 5.After electrolytic rust removal. Geoff’s Science Garage on YouTube Twisted wire and wire nut securing rebar to wall of 5-gal plastic bucket View inside bucket of rebar secured to bucket wall with twisted wire . use a brass brush and a 3M grey abrasive pad for final cleaning. Barry’s Woodworking – Rust Removal 4. Tub & Tile Cleaner. Instructables – Rust Removal 2. After completing the de-rusting and cleaning process treat all parts with BoeShield T-9 or alternatively WD-40. Electrolytic DeRusting 3. CLICKABLE ONLINE RESOURCES 1. After the acid bath. Residual stubborn stains are easily removed with a bath in a mild citric acid cleaner. Then rinse in plain water. View of rebar anode & copper cathode wires View of the plane iron & chipper hanging in electrolyte solution suspended by copper wire Refurbished plane iron and chipper compared to rusted plane body Close-up of rusted plane iron ready to be cleaned TheFoldingRule.blogspot.com .
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